View Full Version : The Music of the Night (NonAngelicxStormWolf) OOC

12-31-2009, 11:12 PM
Overture (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ3UbHpc32A)

A student of musical theater is struggling to succeed. She has the talent, she has the beauty, and she has the voice, but she is just having such difficulty expressing her gift. Her nerves get the best of her, making her perform only a mere fraction of what she can, thus making her the bedrock for jokes and cruel reticule.

She feels a chill, feeling eyes watching her, looking at her face in the mirror....

Ok, Angelic, here is where you will make your character sheet. The bare necessities should do.

Appearance: Pic is preferable, anime is fine.
anything else you wish to add....

12-31-2009, 11:43 PM
Name: Unknown. Known only as The Phantom of the Opera or the Angel of Music.

Age: Unknown; rumored to be immortal, for he does not seem to have aged a day since his first appearance.

Appearance: Obviously the guy in black with the mask on half of his face...

Skills: Master of all things theatrical, musical, and artful. Seemingly a master the strange, for he can appear in mirrors, vanish in a gout of flames, hypnotize, seemingly fly, and control nuses with his mind.

Other: Possessive and overly protective. Envious of those who have lived a normal life. VERY self concious about his face, always keeping half of it hidden behind his trademark half-mask

12-31-2009, 11:45 PM
Perfect Storm perfect

Name: Elizabeth Ruthaford
Age: 23
Appearance: http://www.moviegowns.com/christinedressingactual.jpg

Personality: Fun, witty, passionate about life in general, works hard

History: Elizabeth has always how a passion for music, singing and playing the piano is what she loves to do. Yet she has a problem she gets stage fright relatively easily, especially after only a few minutes of performing. Her parents sent her to the music school in order to overcome that stage fright, and she does sorta.

12-31-2009, 11:50 PM
Very nice, my angel of music.... now, sing for me!

I'll get started on the in character right now!

12-31-2009, 11:54 PM
yay im so excited to RP this. Im such a huge fan of Phantom of the Opera. I love the movie, totally awesome.