View Full Version : Dark Days (Miyavi and I)

01-01-2010, 10:58 PM
Rated R for blood, gore and sexual situations (maybe).

The Heavens are a place of peace and eternal resting. So what happens when Paradise is ripped by war? Dark heavy storm clouds rolled in and humans looked up to the sky in terror. At the time none of them knew how long this "storm" would last.

It has been one-hundred and fifty years since the worldwide "storm" started. The clouds and rain have not been broken up the sun is a brief visitor seen only once a day if you're lucky. And still the Gods fight.

The war is over one God in particular. Loem God of Terror and War. Or perhaps the better way to put is the war was caused by Loem. He provoked a fight between two goddesses who were already bitter enemies and let others choose sides. The real reason why the two goddesses began to fight has been lost but both sides so hate each other that reconciliation is impossible.

In the midst of a fight Loem is thrown out of the Heavens. Because Paradise gives the Gods their powers the fall has weakened Loem immensely. His only aim is to return to Paradise and watch his masterpiece unfold. He never counted on liking being human.
Eternal Storm. That's what the roiling black mess that was continually above their heads was called. Little did they know that "Eternal Storm" was caused by Gods not nature.

On top of the clouds Loem God of Terror and War watched his masterpiece unfold. They were in the midst of a battle. The Goddess of Light and the God of Insanity clashed once more the resounding thud becoming thunder to human ears. Loem laughed how easy it was to hate. How easy it was to drive terror into the hearts of Gods.

The God of Insanity was flung backwards by the Goddess of Light. "Die," She whispered drawing lightning to her in a huge bundle. Too late Loem realized that the Goddess did not see him. Too late Loem realized that he too would be hit. For the Goddess flung the lightning in a blinding stroke frying the God and hitting Loem hard int he center of the chest sending him toppling backwards down, down into the world of humans.

Hours or minutes later Loem's eyes peeled open slowly. The hole in the clouds where he'd been thrown from was sealing up. Loem got to his feet and stared at himself. Human? What had happened to his grand feathers and lionlike features? What had happened to his beautiful body?

Gone were the six pairs of wings growing from his back. Gone was the golden fur and man that once covered him. And gone were the chilling black eyes that once created a halo around his head.

The fall had diminished him. He was...human. He moved to a nearby pool trying to see how bad it was. There were the distinctive dark eyes but there were only two not a myriad. His dark featheres had translated into dark hair about shoulder-length. He still wore the flowing black and red pants with the high-collared black and red shirt. But he was a human.

Oh, what had she done to him? What had she done to the body Loem had spent thousands of years to build specifically because it instilled fear. Tempermentally the god kicked at the water sending it splashing. She'd pay. The Goddess would pay.

There were a myriad of scars that the lightning strike had caused. Loem wethere he knew it or not was still intimidating if not terror-inducing. And the dark glare on his face did not help matters. "I want to go back" Loem growled his deep voice still much the same, but he was weakened and too tired to try and fly back. He was pleased at the least the gravelly, deep tones so characteristic of him were still there.

He made his way towards the city where people were. He would probably be out of place there in this outfit but Loem could not help it. He had no powers he could not even shift his clothes into something that would let him blend in.

As he entered the city, he attracted many stares as he had predicted. But Loem kept going there had to be at least one God visiting Earth seeing how the storm that the Gods were making affected the humans. He would be able to spot the glow. And the God that he found would be able to spot his glow human or no Gods still gave an aura of power visible only to other Gods.

01-02-2010, 12:25 AM

Aureli chose to have the life of a human a few hundred years before the war started in the Heavens. She knew something drastic was going to happen and that she wasnt going to be able to stop any of it. She wouldnt be of use to the Gods during the time of turmoil but she knew that the humans below would need her. She felt bad for abandoning the Gods, but they were absolutely foolish to fall for trickery of a certain God she disliked most of all. Loem.

Aureli was the Goddess of Peace and Understanding. So she made the Gods understand why she left the Heavens, even though they didnt listen to her. Aureli spends her life moving from town to town every lifetime so she wasnt found out. She took care of children, prayed for the sick and brought the dying peace of mind. Aureli is like a priestess to the people of the world, her face and words flowing all along the world as a beacon of light in the storm.

Aurelie now lives in a small town by the Coast, Coastal sunsets are her favorite to watch. The rain the Gods were creating no longer phased her when she was around the humans. She learned how to put on a smile and create a false sense of courage for the people around her.

"Alright kids, lets cross the street." She said as she grabbed two of the kids' hands and waiting for them to grab the hands of the others. "Everybody ready?" She asked as she then started to walk across the street, the kids giggling behind her as they got to the other side of the street in front of the daycare she was bringing them back to. "Alright kids...inside." She said as she looked up at the sky, a sudden clash of thunder made her jump slightly. She looked down at the kids and pushed them forward "Get inside!!" She yelled as lightning came leaping down from the skies. The lightning jumped to the street behind her, exploding and jumping into small bolts of electricity which eventually dissipated. She glared up at the sky and shook her head.

Going into the daycare she waited until all the kids were picked up and she locked up the building and stood on the sidewalk under her umbrella. She looked to the ground and noticed a silver shard gleaming at her. Kneeling down she grabbed it, picking it up. Instantly she was shocked, a scream coming from her as she dropped it back onto the ground where it exploded into electricity. Standing up she looked to her right suddenly and scowled "Why is he here?" She hissed under her breath as she witnessed Loam, not knowing it was him yet, walking towards her. Pulling her umbrella down she hid her face by her hair hoping he would just continue on.

01-02-2010, 01:21 AM
Loem made quite the spectacle of himself by glaring at anyone who looked at him oddly. He may not be as terrifying now but he'd be damned before he'd let anyone stare at him. The angry red marks from the lightning stood out a moment as his brows drew together.

That woman there. She gave the glow of an immortal. The huamsn with their weak eyes wouldn't see it. But he did. The only problem was that white hair and paleness was familiar. Goddess of Light? No she was more blond. Then the only Goddess left with such light hair. "You!"

He didn't wait until he had her attention. Aureli was what she had been called. She was the Goddess of Peace and Understanding. There had always been tension between them. As the God of War and Terror he didn't much have time for a woman who governed such "sissy" things as Peace and Understanding.

Who needed to be understanding? War could not be stopped by understanding. Peace could not stop the ice-cold tentacles of fear from wrapping around a human's heart.

Opposites in the Heavens could clash or attract such as the realtionship between the God of Life and the Sun and the Goddess of Death and the Moon. They had been in a happy relationship for thousands of years one of the few couples who did not stray. Or as in this case they could hate each other. Peace could not exist in war just as understanding could not exist in terror.

"You are called Aureli, yes?" The question was more of a demand and he sounded pissed. But then he always spoke that way. After that fall Loem wanted to hurt someone or try and get back his throne what would the legions of humans at war do without a God to pray to for victory? More importantly what about the hundred and fifty year war going on in Paradise? What kind of War would that be without a God of War? "I need help" It was still demanding but there had been a time when Loem would've slit his own throat before asking for help from Aureli.

01-02-2010, 02:26 AM
When Aureli's ears were greeted by his voice hollering "YOU!" She rolled her eyes and tightened her muscles. So he noticed her right away. But it wasnt until he actually said her name did she raise her umbrella and glare at him. He knew who she was but she couldnt quite make who he was just yet. When she studied him for a few more moments her temper flared and she swung her umbrella at him as she got into his face after asking for help. "You! You devil! You disgusting worm! Get away from me!" She snapped at him as she wove her hand in his face "You ruin everything! You cause pain and hate and death!! Get away from me you foul beast." She growled as she spun on her heel and began to storm away from him.

Need help? HE needed HER help? Who in the Heavens would ever think about playing such a cruel joke on her?! He, the God of War and Terror, wanted her help? Why in heavens name would she ever help him? He ruined her life in Paradise and will certainly ruin her life here.

Glaring back at him she stopped at the street corner, waiting for the traffic to cease so she could cross it. "Stupid Heathen." She snapped out loud.

01-02-2010, 03:52 AM
So he was recognizable. If only in a bad way. Of course it took some time. The distinctiveness to his appearance was gone thanks to the Fall courtesy of the Goddess of Light. Then she tried to attack him. Well, that wasn't good. She'd left the heavens voluntarily which meant she could help get him back.

He took off after her annoyed that he couldn't just take flight. She liked to scream did she? You'd think the Goddess of Hope and Understanding would be more...understanding. None to gently he grabbed her arm.

"Heathen? I need help" He growled. "You think I look HUMAN by choice? I spent years millenia on my appearance why would I give that up?" He demanded trying to get some sense through her head.

01-03-2010, 01:13 AM
Aureli tried to force her arm away from his tight grip, her umbrella falling onto the ground and rolling in a circle. She pushed her hand against his chest and dug her nails into him, trying to push him away from her. "Look Loem, I dont know what happened and why exactly you are down here but it serves you right!" She snapped at him as she pulled on her arm again "Now you can feel what these humans feel everyday because of your terror and wars." Aurelie said as she finally struggled free from his grip "Whatever help you seek, count me out. I would never help you." Grabbing her umbrella she shook out the small puddle gathered inside of it. 'Stupid devil caused my umbrella to get soaked.' She thought as she pulled over her head and turned down the street, walking away from him.

01-03-2010, 01:45 AM
Loem didn't quit now it was just an affront to his pride. How could she continually turn him down? And he was the God of War and Terror what was he supposed to spread? Pretty yellow flowers and happiness? He didn't control what element had been given to him. In fact it had been forced on him. Loem had been born from the blood of a Fallen Hero and the terror of his Goddess mother. The combination had reacted leaving Loem.

He wasn't going to deny that he made good use of his powers. No the clouds overhead proved that he was judicious with both. Terror begets war, war begets terror. They grew by themselves nurturing in a viscious cycle. It wasn't his fault he'd been born the way he had. His "mother" Goddess of the Heavens didn't even blame him for that though she seemed to find a way to blame him for everything else.

And now this was just humiliating. Leaving him. Refusing him. Twice to boot. He might just as well go after her now! Besides Loem dismissed others they did not dismiss him. And lord if those claws of hers didn't hurt when she hit the newly aquired red scars. His brows drew together puckering the red scar on his face.

Of course it took several more minutes before he'd recovered his pride enough to follow. Thunder rocked the skies and rain began to pour down harder. Loem looked up perturbed. He was missing it! He didn't even know what was happening to cause this! This was his masterpiece and he was missing it because he could ascend himself.

He didn't grab Aureli again but he called after her. "It wouldn't hurt to get in touch with what you govern, Aureli." He hoped that injured pride would come into effect but it was more likely she'd walk away. His chances of finding another God were becoming slimmer by the minute.

01-03-2010, 02:23 AM
Aureli spun around and placed two fingers onto Loem's forehead in a swift strike, if he were weak enough it would knock him out cold once her fingers released him. "I am the Goddess of Peace and Understanding, I am putting myself a peace by getting away from you. You just simply dont understand anything that is going on or any of the absolute turmoil you have brought upon this world." Leaning in closer she glared at him "Your pride is absolutely ridiculous. A few years as a powerless human will do you well." She growled as she tapped on his forehead and then spun around on her heel, but didnt walk away. She hesitated for a moment and looked back at him, sighing she glanced back at him. "Its getting dark, and I cant just let you walk around shirtless and throwing your fit all night. And your wounds look infected." Aurelie said as she waved him to follow her "Come on..."

01-03-2010, 02:38 AM
Oh, so now she was being chivalrous. The blow she had dealt him sent him reeling but he wasn't quite weak enough to completely faint. Damn, her. No Damn both of them. The Goddess before him and the one who had gotten him here. Women were annoyances especially because they were so certain that they were right all the time.

At least it had worked...sort of. Aureli would no be manipulated though. Most of the others in Paradise were not even aware of when he picked at their weakness and manipulated them into a fight. Certainly the Goddess of Love and Beauty had realized he was egging her on. The Goddess of Hate and Anger had not realized it either. And it had been simple. Not even really a challenge to convince one that she was in danger from the other.

He gave her a pissed glare aware that he probably looked more like a child throwing a tantrum. "Being hit by lightning will do that to a person" He growled. But he'd won...sort of. For now.

And he didn't need to qualify his win further. Now he wanted, rest anger had kept him from feeling the extent of his wounds. Stupid lightning no the Goddess who had wielded it was stupid she should've checked the area of her target. They'd been allies. Well, Loem had not really taken sides he preferred to watch it play out. However God or not the wounds were infected and he needed help healing especially since he was human now. So he followed almost sedately for him he did still "throw a tantrum" as Aureli had put it.

01-03-2010, 03:05 AM
"Well you shouldnt have been playing by the lightning." She chuckled to herself, it amused her that he was acting like a child so she treated him as such. There was more thunder followed by lightning, this caused her to glare up at the sky again; shaking her head as she considered all who fought in that silly feud ridiculous. Looking along both ways of the street she crossed it and quickly made her way down a road and up to the front door of a fairly nice house. Aureli unlocked the door and entered the dark house, flipping on a lamp that rested on the floor beside the front door. Turning she glared at him slightly and then waved him in. "Just stand here on the carpet, Ill get get a towel." She said as she shook her umbrella outside and then hung it on a hook on the wall. taking off her raincoat she hung it up, her white dress she had been wearing completely dry compared to her hair and legs.

Running down the stairs that lead from the entryway she walked into the bathroom right infront of her and grabbed two large towels, one red and the other blue. Turning off the light she walked back up to Loem and tossed him the Red towel. "Dry off and then come upstairs into the kitchen." She said as she turned to walk up the stairs from the entry way, getting up the stairs and then turning to the right, walking through the open living room and turning left into the kitchen. Turning the light on in the room she unfolded the towel and dried her white hair, tossing her head back once it was just barely damp and tossing the towel over the back of a chair.

01-03-2010, 04:05 AM
Play near lightning? She was treating him as a child. Loem was no child. He was a God. Well a FALLEN God but a God nonetheless. He still followed. She offered a sort of haven if only for a while. He followed her instructions robotically too. Exhaustion was slowly creeping into him.

He rubbed himself dry with the red towel. This drew attention to his red scars. Damnit! He threw the towel but it didn't make a satisfying sound so he picked it back up and put it around his neck.

Then he made his way up the stairs following the sounds to the kitchen. Aureli had just dried off. His unnerving black eyes roamed the kitchen. "You've done well for yourself" He commented betraying his exhaustion through the compliment.

01-03-2010, 04:32 AM
Aureli's head jerked up when she heard his voice, forcing a smile. She watched him as he looked around the kitchen with his dark eyes, her own eyes narrowing at his compliment to her. "Its nice, and its close to the city. But its not the kind of house a single person would prefer." She said as she walked to the sink, kneeling down and grabbing the first aid kit from under it.

"Four bedrooms and two floors isnt what I would usually pick..."Aureli said as she brought it to the table she set it down and opened it, pulling out a clear bottle, a brown bottle, a few packages of gauze and some white wrapping. She closed the kit and set it on the floor as she looked at Loem, hesitation struck as she looked at him again, her anger rising as she thought about the usual him. Why in the heavens was she helping him? Aureli shook her head slightly and spoke, "Come here, sit up on the table so I dont have to lean down." She said as she cleared him a spot to sit.

01-04-2010, 02:13 AM
No it wasn't. He didn't know why she bought but did it matter? Did she expect children to start running around? If so who by? Or did she just like space? To many questions. They chased each other around and around inside his head.

He sat silently. He caught her opalescent-hued eyes with his own dark ones. "Go ahead" he said impatiently a sliver of the normal Loem peeking through.

01-04-2010, 03:39 AM
Aureli glared at him as he told her to go ahead, who did he think she was? His personal nurse? Biting her tongue Aureli opened the brown bottle and set it down to the right side of Loem, opening a package of gauze and separating the pads. Grabbing one she put it over the top of the brown bottle and tipped it over, letting the gauze soak up the peroxide. "This is going to hurt, alot. Dont squirm." Aureli said firmly as she grabbed Loem by the left shoulder and pressed the gauze into the wound on the right side of his chest, pushing the soaked gauze all along the wound, moving to the one on his right shoulder and then down to the one across his stomach. Once the Gauze was full of blood and gunk she got a fresh one, soaked it and continued to clean out his wounds one by one.

Finishing she sealed the bottle and grabbed the white bottle, unscrewing the cap and soaking the gauze again. "This is going to sting and will probably keep stinging for a good few minutes before your body decides to go numb. Dont scratch at them after I patch them up or you will cause them to bleed." Aureli said as she dabbed the gauze onto his wounds, holding his shoulder to make sure he didnt jerk. After finishing with them she placed fresh gauze on his wounds and wrapped them with the white bandages, tying them at the ends. "There." She said as she threw away the soiled gauze pads and placed everything back into her First Aid kit, putting it back under the sink.

01-04-2010, 05:05 AM
Loem frowned as she attacked him with First Aid things. It did hurt she hadn't lied but he was drifting now. His mind was starting to slow and shut down. So the pain was distant. At least until she hit him with whatever was in the white bottle. Still he remained silent. Pain was meant to be withstood. He nodded at Aureli stoically. That seemed to be his thanks. If the Light Goddess were to show up now Loem might not notice. Anger had kept him going for a while and now weariness he should have felt earlier flooded him. The floating sensation away from the stinging pain lulled him. And with the distant thought that he really shouldn't fall asleep in the kitchen Loem drifted into a blissful slumber.

01-04-2010, 05:29 AM
Aureli washed her hands in the sink, watching as the soap twirled down the drain. Drying her hands off she looked through the pantry "Are you hungry Loem? I could make us so-" She looked over at him and noticed he had nodded off. Aureli chuckled and shook her head "I remember the first day being a mortal..." She spoke aloud to herself, "So tired I was."
Aureli walked over to him and grabbed his arm, being careful of his bandages, and pulled it over her shoulder. "Come on Loem. You can rest in the Living room." Aurelie said as she shook him slightly, making him wake up at least a bit as she pulled him from the table and walked him to the living room, laying him down on the large couch in front of the large bay window. "Sleep as long as you want Loem, I wont rush you out of here." She said as she grabbed a large hand sewn quilt from the back of the couch, laying it over him and standing back up. Aureli smiled down at him, and then frowned; shaking her head and walking away from him into the kitchen where she fixed herself some hot tea with honey. Aureli took a sip before standing at the back door and watching the rain ruin her flowerbed. With a sigh she sipped her tea.

01-05-2010, 01:43 AM
Loem was roused slightly. He took a bit of his weight sleepily off Aureli lettting her lead him. They made it too the couch and then he started to sleep once more. At first it was peaceful. But then as always the nightmare came. It was always the day of his birth. It was the only dream Loem ever had. It happened so often he didn't even consider it a nightmare anymore. Though many would.

Terror rooted in the Goddess's breast. Her son was dead. She could see the blood spreading. It was him. That God who had done it. The one she'd jsut furiously killed with a be-spelled arrow. Her son's blood mingled with the dead God's then crept slowly towards her a slim finger of blood reaching for her. She was so numb she could only watch. As it reached her the blood began to boil. Heat rose off it in waves and slowly a form took shape. That of a lion that stood on two legs. It had a pair of angel's black wings and fur as golden as the sun. And a magnificent mane.

The Goddess stared at it aware of her mistake now. Her son was dead. And this...this terrible beast that had been created from the God and her son's blood and her own terror. It was the replacement. No God could die and not have a replacement. This was nature's way of balancing that. She stared at it. Hating it. Wanting it to go back where it had come from. But she had to name it. It was the new God. "You are Loem God of War and Terror" And in that name she revealed her hate. For it meant One of Blood.

In sleep Loem's face twitched and he rolled over. These the only visible signs of his disturbed sleep.

01-05-2010, 01:56 AM
Aureli finished her tea, fixing herself another cup before walking from the kitchen and turning off the lights. She caught Loem's face as he turned over on the couch. With a sigh she walked over to him, placing her hand upon his forehead, a blue light glowing dimly around her hand as she closed her eyes. Aureli attempted to put his mind at ease, she was the Goddess of Peace after all. "Dont toss and turn so much..." She whispered to him as she then took her hand away "You'll rip your wounds."

Aureli turned and switched off the lamp in the living room, walking down both flights of stairs and into the bathroom where she switched on the light, staring at her filthy hair with a frown. Closing the door she turned on the hot water in the shower and climbed in, washing her hair and body and then dressing in a red night dress she kept hanging on the back of the door. Rubbing her eyes she walked into her living room with her tea and sat on the couch, turning on the lamp and reading a book silently; occasionally sipping on her tea.

01-05-2010, 02:42 AM
Loem didn't hear Aureli's words but he managed to go into a deep dreamless sleep.He didn't know how long he remained in that state. But when he pried his dark eyes open the sun had already begun it's climb into the sky. It must be around late morning for that was when the cloud cover was the least heavy. Many Gods and Goddesses did not fight in the morning because they fought through the night.

Now, where was he again? Eventually he remembered a little bit of last night and he frowned angrily. Aureli. Stubborn woman. But he was up now. Weakness to have let exhaustion overcome him that easily. Weakness to have even thought what he had last night. As if he might've liked Aureli.

He didn't it wasn't possible when she was the anti-thesis of him in all possible ways. Where had she gone? Sleeping still or had that just been him knocked out on the couch. He'd slept like a rock. Well he had after he'd had the dream. It didn't even both him anymore. Just a memory he'd come to terms with a long while ago.

01-05-2010, 03:16 AM
Aureli had finished her tea and her book, the thunder and lightning keeping her mind at constant worry of the people who had no roof over their heads. Sighing Aureli set down her book and took her empty tea cup upstairs, setting it in the sink and washing it. Aureli glanced over at Loem asleep on the couch and walked over towards him, looking down at him as she just watched him sleep. He looked much more peaceful when his eyes were closed and his face wasnt twisted into a scowl. Pushing some hair from his face she caught herself smiling and took her hand back and walked away from him back into the kitchen. Pouring herself a glass of ice water she sat at the table and sipped at it as she watched out the back door, the lightning causing her to jump every now and again. She just wished that it would stop already. Laying her head down Aureli fell into a light sleep as the night finally rolled away and the storm calmed down. The sun rose from the back door and shone through the room, Aureli shifting her head into her arms, still asleep on the kitchen table. She didnt notice at all Loem stirring and waking up.

01-05-2010, 03:29 AM
Loem got up and walked around her hosue looking for Aureli. The least she could do was... He found her in the kitchen fast asleep. She wasn't so bad sleeping. At least when she was alseep she couldn't harp. A smile twitched at his lips. The table couldn't be too comfortable.

He started to breate himself for his choice but still he picked Aureli up and took her to her room. Which took some searching, then put a blanket over her. Then he frowned at himself. That had been stupid and sentimental. Who cared if the kitchen table was hard? Not him. Then why did you do it? A little voice nudged at him.

He went back to her living room and sat on the couch watching the clouds. What was going on up there? The sky would shortly darken. It always did. He found himself wondering when. It was kind of nice to see the sun from the ground.

Something about that woman must be getting to him. He never had these thoughts. And he never tucked anyone into bed lovingly. Lovingly? Gods, where had that word come from? Loem didn't love. Well not people. But the emotions of fear and hate. Yes he loved evoking those. That was the only thing he'd do lovingly.

01-05-2010, 04:44 AM
Aureli blinked herself awake just before Loem walked from her room after tucking her in, rolling over she fell asleep again for about an hour before waking up completely. Rolling out of her bed slowly she made her bed and then went to her closet, grabbing a light purple dress and changing into her clean clothing, tying the black ribbon around her waist that attached to the dress. Going into her bathroom she brushed her hair out and washed her face, finally looking decent again. Looking at herself in the mirror she suddenly looked up, She had just remembered Loem was in the house. Looking at the stairs she remembered how he had brought her to her own bed.

Going up the stairs she found him and smiled to him slightly, trying to dig for something to say so she didnt look dumb. "How are you feeling Loem?" She blurted out as she then internally smacked herself in the face "Maybe after breakfast I can check your wounds, and make sure they are alright."

01-07-2010, 07:27 PM
Loem had just been thinking enjoying the silence. He'd never actually heard the sound of silence. It was new. And...peaceful.

Then Aureli woke up. "I'm fine. How about you?" He asked unsure where that came from. So he amended it. "You fell asleep at the table. Must've forgotten your brain" Okay so maybe he'd made the situation worse by needling her. But it was meant to be a joke.

Didn't sound like it. What did he care? He never liked Aureli to begin with and now he was guilty of nothing. He'd said similar things to her over the years. THings that indicated he didn't like her anymore than she liked him.

01-08-2010, 10:12 PM
Aureli walked to the kitchen with a small smile on her face "Well I guess I feel asleep up here when I came to check on you. Its not like I meant to..." She chuckled as she went to the fridge, her smile turning into a sneer. What? A chuckle? He had just been rude to her and she just chuckled? Shaking her head she grabbed the Eggs, the Bread and the milk from the fridge and placed it on the counter. "I hope French toast is alright." She said as she mixed the eggs, milk and some cinnamon into a glass bowl and then replaced the ingredients into the friends. Placing a skillet onto the stove she turned the burner on and waited, looking back over to Loem. "Thank you for bringing me to my bed. Im sure I would have woken up with a horrible crick in my neck if you hadnt." Turning back around to the stove she mentally beat herself up again, taking out six pieces of bread she dipped four into the batter and placed them onto the hot skillet, the smell of cinnamon filling the house quickly.