View Full Version : Shattered Reality (Sirocco & Kris) [M]

01-01-2010, 11:46 PM
Detective Taka was not having a good day, or good week for that matter. It all started when he got his new partner, some greenhorn who fainted at the sight of a small cut, and was then placed on the crime scene investigator unit of the city’s police squadron. Then his new unit was called in to investigate a murder, in which his partner fainted once he saw the body, and landed on some of the evidence, destroying it and earning the two an ass-chewing by their chief. Now, here he was, driving to a new crime scene, at two in the morning, with his partner still trying to wake up.

“Hey boss, what did the investigators say when they called?” the partner yawned out, covering his mouth. Taka rolled his eyes, already annoyed at his partner for how slow he got up.

“Maybe if you’d been paying attention, I wouldn’t have to tell you.” He growled out, since his partner was there when the investigators who arrived at the scene called him to update him, “They said it was five people murdered in an alley, and we’d have to be there to see how they were killed.”

“Couldn’t they have told us over the phone?” the partner asked, wondering why the others didn’t say anything else. Taka blinked a couple of times, thinking of possible outcomes once they got there.

“All they said was we’d have to be there to believe it.” He finally answered, taking a turn and speeding off. The two didn’t say anything else till they saw a bunch of police cars and ambulances up ahead. Pulling over to the curb, Taka stopped the car and hopped out with his partner, putting on a coat while approaching one of the officers at the scene while his partner approached the alley, his face paling in the process.

“Sorry to call you here Taka. If it was a normal scene, I’d just call you while leaving the pussy out of it.” The officer greeted, one of many who felt sympathy for Taka due to his partner. Taka grinned lightly while waving at the officer.

“Thanks, but what do you mean by a ‘normal scene’?” Taka asked, a little confused at the remark. It was then he saw his partner run out of the alley and to the side, before kneeling down and vomiting, his eyes full of horror. Before Taka could yell at him, the officer placed his hand on Taka’s shoulder to stop him.

“In this case, your partner did just what about everyone else did. Come here and you’ll understand.” The officer said, motioning for Taka to follow him. Taka, for his part, was slightly confused and scared about what he was going to see. Following the officer, he knelt under some police tape and into the alley, noticing other officers from the unit whispering to one another, some whose faces were also pale, while others were comforting some who couldn’t turn around. Focusing his attention into the alley, Taka froze and could swear that someone had placed a solid piece of lead into his stomach. There, in the alley, were five bodies on the ground, obviously dead, but the worse part was the bodies were in such a state that identifying them would be almost next to impossible. One body looked like it was in an incinerator, all black and charred, but it was laying within a massive pool of blood. Another body was hung onto the wall of one of the buildings, a pipe impaling both its arms above its head while the skin looked like it was ripped off the body and thrown at its feet. A third body was the only one that was intact, minus the fact that the head was completely fried. The fourth and fifth were the worst of the bunch, with the two looking like someone had tried to tie the two into a knot and then melted the flesh together. Turning around, Taka stumbled out of the alley and sat on the ground, feeling himself wanting to throw up.

Nearby, a black limousine sat on the curb, the occupants watching the crime scene, one without an ounce of emotion on his face while the other looked slightly amused.

“You sure it’s wise to stay here?” the driver asked, his black hair tied into a ponytail that extended so far that it moved to the passenger’s seat while his storm-grey eyes gazed to the back. The passenger only smirked, his amethyst eyes glowing slightly while his purple hair gleamed in the street light.

“They’re focus is solely on the scene. They won’t notice us.” The passenger replied, focusing on the driver, “I thank you for your concern, but don’t worry too much dear friend.”

“So my question to you is why?” the driver asked, not one ounce of emotion appearing in his voice or face. The passenger only chuckled slightly before leaning on his right hand, an amused smirk on his face.

“The simple reason: I was bored.” The passenger replied, his eyes turning back to the mass of police, “As much as I want to continue watching this, I need to get some sleep for work, so let’s head back home.”

“As you wish.” The driver said, shifting the car into reverse and driving away, the two never looking back.


The city of Seiken was a metropolis popular for being a pivotal hub for numerous businesses of all kinds, ranging from agriculture to shipping. Here, many owners could come and get ideas on how to improve their business while keeping an eye on competition. Along with that, it also was home to many prestigious colleges whose studies focused on science and technology. It’s here, within the largest building in the city, that many business presidents come to try to build ties to others to improve their own, and where one company in particular is scheduled to meet with others whose businesses involve alternate energy sources.

“Where is that man?!” a fat businessman shouted, slamming his pudgy fist onto the table with seven other businessmen chuckling or shaking their heads.

“Calm down Mr. Jarek.” Another businessman said, his blond hair combed back while his green eyes shone with mirth at the other man’s outburst, “I do seem to recall that you yourself was late to a few business meetings as well.”

“That’s because I’m allowed to!” Jarek shouted back, a few strands of black hair falling over his face as he sat into his seat rather roughly, “Unlike this little punk, I actually own a respectable business.”

“A business that is plagued with investigations of bribery and other ‘questionable’ business practice.” Another man said, grinning at Jarek as he leaned back in his chair. Jarek turned to the man to shout at him, but the sound of the door opening silenced everyone in the room.

“I’m terribly sorry about being late. I wanted to be sure I had everything needed for this meeting.” A male’s voice said before two men entered the room. The first man had long black hair that extended to his ankles while his storm-grey eyes stared at everyone, making most of the men, Jarek included, shiver uncontrollably. Standing at six foot, the man held the door open for the second man, who entered with a gentle smile on his face as his amethyst eyes gazed on everyone at the table, his waist length hair held in a ponytail by a strand of wire. Taking his seat at the end of the table, the man placed a series of papers in front of him before propping his arms onto the table, “Thank you for your patience.”

“You arrogant piece of…” Jarek started before being interrupted by the man at the other end of the table.

“I hope this won’t be a repeat performance, Mister…” the man started before holding his hand out.

“Reuo Shire, but please, call me Reuo.” The man replied, his posture relaxed while the other man left the room. The others nodded their head while Jarek glared at him before the man that had pointed out Jarek’s problems leaned forward.

“Very well Mr. Reuo. Now, you mentioned a new energy generator your company created that can never run out of energy?” the man asked, his skepticism obvious in his voice. Reuo nodded his head before snapping his fingers, turning to the door.

“My good man, your doubt is obvious, and well founded.” Reuo started, watching as the man from before bring in a small cylinder with multiple wires extruding from it while the core of the cylinder showing. Inside, four rods ran parallel to one another with twelve other rods attached to the main four, “Many have claimed it, but have failed or tried to scam others. I, however, brought a smaller version of the generator here to demonstrate my claims. I hope you all have brought a drained laptop of some kind, as I had asked.” Reuo said, nodding his head to the man as he gently placed it on the table.


“It seems that your demonstration did its purpose.” The man said, carrying a metal case while walking with Reuo at his side, with Reuo removing the small wire from his hair, letting it loose, the two walking in a large parking garage. The meeting had turned to his favor in a matter of minutes after the men from the meeting attached a laptop to the generator and it was activated. While describing the principles behind the new generator, Reuo took note of the looks of amazement and shock as they worked on their now charging laptops. He couldn’t help but chuckle as each one moved their focus from their laptops to the actual generator an hour into the meeting, taking in all the details while some were counting down the time it would take before the generator’s energy faded. At the end of it, which lasted ten hours with a lunch and dinner break, in which they all left the generator running with a representative watching the devise to ensure that it wasn’t a scam, everyone there had started to ask what deals Reuo would accept to get a larger generator within a major factory.

“Yes it did. I’m going to have to thank her for all she’s put into this. Also, ensure that the development team gets the bonus they were promised.” Reuo replied, removing the tie from his neck and undoing the first two buttons on his white shirt.

“She will be arriving tomorrow around one in the afternoon, give or take if the plane experiences delays.” The man said, earning a nod from Reuo. As the two approached a black limo, they didn’t notice seven men approach from behind, or how six of them held guns in their hands.

“Ensure she has a ride when she lands. Also, can you go and find Hikage for me? I need you two to complete a task for me.” Reuo said, earning a nod from the man.

“And for our problem?” the man asked, stopping with Reuo as the two turned around to face the men following them. Reuo crossed his arms as he saw Jarek behind six armed men.

“So you knew you were being followed.” Jarek said, grinning as his men aimed their guns at the two, “No matter. I’ll just kill you two here and have my men research that little generator of yours.” He said before snickering. Looking up, he noticed that Reuo was taking off his suit jacket while the other man gently placed the metal case onto the ground.

“Jin’ei, if you’ll be so kind…” Reuo said, folding his jacket over his left arm before picking up the metal case with the other. As he approached the limo, the man now identified as Jin’ei raised his right arm up at the group, his grey eyes glowing slightly, and chanted under his breath. Jarek’s expression turned from confusion to horror as his men, all at once, started to convulse before dropping to the ground, their bodies shriveling into skeletons.

“What the hell?!” Jarek shouted, taking a step back in fear as Jin’ei lowered his arm, the glow in his eyes fading while Reuo walked past him, cracking his neck while approaching Jarek.

“You know, I normally don’t take pleasure in killing a fat bastard like you,” Reuo started before gripping Jarek’s face and lifting him up into the air, “but I’ll make an exception for you.” He whispered before throwing Jarek into one of the many concrete pillars in the garage. Jarek let loose a shriek of pain as he impacted the floor, knowing that most of his ribs were broken from the contact, never noticing Reuo approach him until he stopped. Looking up, Jarek’s face contorted to a new level of fear as Reuo raised his right hand up before it was covered in a black energy. Reaching down, Reuo covered Jarek’s mouth with the hand, the energy entering Jarek’s body until all of it vanished. Nodding his head, Reuo removed his hand before walking up to Jin’ei, who turned and walked alongside him.

“You do realize that what you said was bullshit.” Jin’ei said, his eyes moving to Reuo who looked up at him before chuckling.

“Yeah, I know.” Reuo answered, stopping while Jin’ei opened the limo door for him. Stepping in, Reuo grabbed his jacket and the metal case before looking back at Jarek, who was staring at him with some confusion. Bringing his left hand up, he pointed his thumb down before running his whole hand across his throat. Watching Jarek through the window as the door closed, Reuo’s grin turned malicious as Jarek let loose a howl of pain before clutching his stomach while Jin’ei entered the driver’s side of the limo. The two watched as Jarek’s stomach started to bulge and extend out while blood poured from his mouth, his shouts of pain turning to gurgles. After a minute of contorting and expanding, Jarek’s stomach exploded, sending his entrails and blood out onto the garage floor before his body ignited in black fire. Reuo turned and relaxed in his seat before glancing up at Jin’ei, “Let’s go home.” He said, watching as Jin’ei nodded his head before turning the limo on and driving away.

01-03-2010, 08:11 PM
Oddly enough the plain arrived a day earlier. No one could explain how rather then just accept the simple fact that their destination lied ahead of them. The young woman was half way busy fixing up her make up when a cabin attendant, a boy in his early 20's with spiky red hair, entered and was immediately taken in by her beauty. The other steward should have taken care of this cabin, but because of some personal errands the young boy was sent instead, cursing all the while, thinking to himself that he was just getting in with the hot passenger from the other section, not wanting to spend any time on some rich traveler.

And there she was, elegant and all woman, nothing could have been wrong with the way she looked or dressed, however despite the rude glares, the young woman didn't took her kit down even to look at the new comer.

"Yes?”, she asked, checking with the small mirror to make sure that she didn't miss any spot.

"We arrived sooner then we thought ma'am”, said the boy who almost forgot himself, “We..-!”

"Excellent”, said the woman closing the powder's case, and giving a quick look at the boy before getting up and wearing her small personal side bag. Once she was about to leave the room, she gave a small glance at the boy, as if finally realizing that he was in with her, and took out some cash, handing it over to him as she hurried outside leaving the boy opened mouth.

Alexis was never the kind to take that much attention on how she looked. She always made sure to look in her best since she represented her company, but at the same time she was very low profile about it. Up until recently she wouldn't consider going to so much trouble, but she did give it all to pump up Reuo's new project. Why was it?

She blushed while moving a gentle finger across strips of her hair that was only recently cut. She wondered if he would notice the change. How long has it been she traveled? Sure seems like a long while, even if he hadn't notice it at all.

All the passengers were heading down and Alexis made sure to reach for her cases as fast as she could, having no one on the plain to take care of them, but she did knew that men were supposed to pick her up along with her stuff. She worked so hard to get it all done, she didn't want to lose any of it now.

"Ma'am”, Alexis didn't need to turn around in order to know that a small gun was pointed at her, “You'll be coming with us”.

Alexis smiled, “I'm surprised, I expected an air attack, but here? In front of this crowd?”.

"I won't repeat myself”, said the man again.

"Fine, you want me to go? How about we settle this in a quiet place? I'll go peacefully, just make sure no one will get hurt”

"You are in no position to-!”, the man gasped and Alexis felt streams of liquid going on down her nape. She twisted her nose in disgust, “Damn, now you ruined my outfit”

More and more men appeared before her, all wearing black and armed. Without warning they started to shoot, but some kind of light appeared right before Alexis, which blocked all the bullets.

"I told you we should settle this else where....”, she said looking around at the gazes of the people around her, “Oh well, my attacks aren't called the 'silence death' for nothing”, Alexis raised her right hand swiftly to the air. All the men saw before dropping to the ground was a quick flash of light.

"Damn, Reuo, who did you piss off this time?”, she turned to look at the people lying dead on the ground, “I hate to do it........”, now scanning her ruined clothes and ruined look, Alexis looked more upset then angry, “And I really wanted to look good for....”


Claire watched the water splashing all over, before she herself fell to the cold street floor. She was bleeding and was barely able to move.

"What a pathetic way to use an high level spirit demon. And I was sure I was having a great summoner in my hands....”.

Claire watched the pair of legs getting closer to her before lifting her body up, and forcing her to gaze at the demon's face. Horns, red skin, long silver hair with somewhat humanic features about him, he looked almost handsome, but that guy just wanted to kill her so that surely lowered some points for him.

"I thought I'll have more to feed on then just this.... Oh well...”

Claire's gaze was very blurry but she could have noticed the fangs that grew in his mouth as he brought her neck closer to him, terror clearly in her eyes when she realized there was nothing she could have done against it.

"For crying out loud, I leave you alone for just 5 minutes and you go and get eaten?”.

A voice she recognized, but it couldn't have been him... She told him to stay home....

The demon seemed to take interest in the new comer as well, who knelt down and rubbed his hands across a small puddle, “I gather this is Aqua?”

"Move it, she is my prey”

"Sad isn't it?”, said the new comer, all the while moving closer, “I wish to do so, but she is my 'master', now be a good little Claire and undo my bound”

The demon looked from the young girl back at the human male before him, looking somewhat confused.

"Don't give me that look”, said the man, “Just to let you know, if you die, I will be free either way... Don't tell me you are that bothered by the bound.... How many do we have left? Let's see... Oh yes, I think we have 20 more to go... Next is 19... Wow, you sure can't handle things without me, huh?”

The demon tossed aside Claire and stormed for the man's direction. Wanting to just eat in peace wasn't an option while this guy was still talking. The demon sent massive strikes and the man was able to dodge them, “C'mon Claire, just undo the bound. Now it's personal. I can't let this third rate outdo me... CLAIRE!”

"I.... I release thee”

01-10-2010, 05:00 AM
As the limo rode down the street, Reuo lay back against the seat, his feet propped up on the metal case while his eyes were closed. Up front, Jin’ei continued to watch the road until a small red light illuminated on the dash. Reaching down near the shift stick, Jin’ei picked up a small phone and brought it to his ear, his eyes never leaving the road.

“Jin’ei here.” He answered, his voice monotone while turning down an intersection.

“Jin’ei. It’s me.” A feminine voice replied, using the same tone as he did. Blinking once, Jin’ei looked up into the rear-view mirror to glance at Reuo.

“How is your flight Alexia?” Jin’ei asked, catching Reuo’s attention as he looked up.

“It was fine. Is Reuo there?” she answered. Jin’ei caught the ‘was’ in the answer, and was noticing how there was not an ounce of emotion. Pressing a button near the light, Jin’ei placed the phone down before looking at Reuo through the mirror.

“Reuo, Alexia is on the phone.” He said, noticing Reuo now sitting in the seat, his face showing slight confusion as he picked up a phone near him. Placing it at his ear, Reuo lounged back in his seat before speaking.

“Alexia, how is your flight?” he asked, taking a friendlier tone than he used in businesses.

“I’m waiting at the airport. We landed a day earlier than expected.” She answered. Blinking a couple of times, Reuo signaled Jin’ei with his right hand before pulling the phone away from his ear.

“Jin’ei, head for the airport. Alexia is waiting for us.” He said before bringing his attention back to the phone, “We are on the way Alexia. Talk about good timing, we just got out of the business meeting an hour ago.” He said.

“Reuo, who did you piss off now?” Alexia asked, her voice void of emotion. Hearing her tone, Reuo shook his head smirking, knowing what was about to happen.

“My dear, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Reuo answered, readying himself for the verbal lashing.

“Reuo, I had a party of hit men waiting for me when I landed, had to obliterate them and destroy the evidence. Now. Who. Did. You. Piss. Off?” she said, a sliver of anger appearing in her voice at the end. Reuo cringed slightly before signaling Jin’ei to stop the limo.

‘Seems that I should’ve tortured that fat bastard instead of killing him like I did.’ Reuo thought before moving his attention back to the phone, “Alexia, the problem’s already taken care of. Besides, we should be celebrating right now! The generator that your department made impressed major CEOs of big businesses. We easily got funding for our major project!” Reuo shouted in joy. After a minute of silence, he heard a small click on the other end before the line went dead. Placing the phone back into its holder, he turned and looked at Jin’ei, who was staring back at him through the mirror, “My account’s going to get quite a hit, isn’t it?” he asked. Jin’ei shrugged his shoulders before staring back at the road.

“I’ll get us to the airport as fast as possible.” Jin’ei said, getting ready to start driving again, but stops when Reuo raised his hand.

“No. I’ll drive on up and pick her up. Hopefully I can ease her anger.” Reuo shook his head before glancing up at Jin’ei, “Seems Jarek had a good information network, in order to find out that Alexia is head of our R&R department.”

“I’ll do an investigation once we get back.” Jin’ei said, earning a nod from Reuo.

“Good. In the meantime, will you find Hikage and bring him here ASAP. I have a feeling I’ll need his expertise soon.” Reuo said. Seeing Jin’ei exit the limo, Reuo hopped out from the back before walking up to the driver side door, “Once you find him, head back to the mansion with him and start the investigation.”

“Will do.” Jin’ei answered, walking to the front of the limo before stopping and staring back at Reuo, “Good luck.” He said before vanishing into thin-air, leaving Reuo to shake his head and chuckle.

“I really can’t tell if he’s serious or joking.” He whispered before hopping behind the wheel and speeding off to the airport.


“So, the bastard decided to grope me in front of everyone, and that was when I had enough and ripped his damned balls off.” A female voice said, anger apparent in her voice. Inside an auto garage, a female sat in front of an old car, her blue hair tied in a ponytail while her blue eyes were narrowed at the other body lying underneath the car. Her black leather jacket crumpled over her as she crossed her arms and legs, waiting for the man to reply back.

“First off, I warned you dressing that provocatively would cause trouble for you.” The man said, reaching at his right side for something, “Where’s that damn torque wrench?” he asked. The girl looked around before finding said item and picking it up.

“Here you go.” She said as she laid it within the man’s hand.

“Ah, thanks.” The man said, pulling his arm back under the car before more sounds came from the car, “Anyway, second, WHY do you have a fascination with attempting to rip men’s balls off when they piss you off Cera? I know you can throw one hell of a hook when you’re angry.” The man continued, placing the wrench back on the ground.

“Cause their screams when it happens are quite funny.” She answered, grinning in a sadistic fashion before glancing at her watch, “Speaking of funny, can you guess what time it is?” she said, watching as the man’s body froze slightly.

“Ummmm, is this one of those stupid jokes?” he replied. The girl giggled slightly before standing up, crossing her arms while leaning her hips to the left slightly.

“I’ll give you a hint: it involves meeting your professor.” She said, her smile widening as a string of curses left the man.

“Fuck! Why didn’t you tell me sooner Cera?!” the man shouted while rolling out from under the car, his blue hair waving in the air as he stood up while his eyes, the left eye blue while the right one red, showed panic and frustration. His white, sleeveless shirt had multiple oil stains on it while his blue jeans had spots of dirt and oil over them.

“Cause I just checked my watch.” Cera answer, watching as the man ran to a nearby room, throwing his shirt off in the process before entering. Hearing the water run, Cera let loose another chuckle while another door opened.

“You do know he’s going to be pissed with ya when he finds out you tricked him.” A rough voice said, getting Cera’s attention. Turning to the source, she saw a man walk up to her. Standing at six feet, the man greeted the girl with a huge smile under his black beard, his forehead gleaming with sweat while his white shirt covered his muscular body like a second skin.

“Well, as his sis, I got to watch out for him, ya know?” she answered giggling while the man laughed out loud.

“I guess yer right little one!” he shouted, his laughter starting up once again as more curses and things being thrown echoed from the room. Watching the door slam open, Cera and the man watched as the other one ran out of the garage, his hair now in a ponytail while wearing clean blue jeans and a black, long-sleeve shirt. In his right hand was a backpack while his left had a black motorcycle helmet. Watching him run to a silver motorcycle, Cera cupped her hands to her mouth before shouting.

“Don’t kill yourself getting there!” she said, watching as the man placed his helmet on before peeling out of the parking lot. Letting loose a small sigh, she started to walk off, waking at the man before hopping in a red car and leaving the garage herself.

‘Well, time to check on the gang.’ She thought as she drove off.

After ten minutes of speeding down the road and running a few red lights, the man skidded to a stop in a parking lot outside of a huge college campus, students walking past him chatting or talking on cell phones. Grabbing the keys, the man dashed towards the campus, removing his helmet in the process.

‘Shit! I’m not going to hear the end of this from the professor.’ He thought as he made his way to the classroom, sweat pouring down his face. Reaching a set of double doors, he slams them open to the classroom, panting as he tried to catch his breath.

“Sorry….I’m late.” He panted out, his hands on his knees as he took deep breaths in.

“What are you talking about Kurisu?” an elderly man asked, confusion in his voice. Looking up, the man noticed that the only person in the classroom was an old man, his hair combed back despite the bald spot forming in the center, his glasses hanging on his nose as he faced the huge chalkboard, “In fact, this is the first time I’ve seen you this early to class.” He finished before facing the board and proceeded to write on it some more, “It’s a nice change of pace.”

“Wha?” Kurisu whispered before remembering who told him the time. Letting his head face the ground, he could feel the agitation build in his chest, along with the fatigue.

‘Damn you Cera…’


‘Oh shit, shit, SHIT! She’s got that look on her face!’ Reuo thought as he stood in front of the limo. As he pulled to the front of the airport, he saw Alexia standing in front of it, her eyes closed while her hair looked like it was just recently washed. Beside her was her suitcase along with a small trash bag that was tied off. Stopping the limo, he had stepped out in front of the limo when she opened her eyes and stared at him.

“I’m surprised you’re driving. Where’s Jin’ei?” she asked, her voice neutral as Reuo walked up to her.

“He’s running an….errand for me.” He answered as he picked up her suitcase and the bag. Taking it to the limo, Reuo opened the back door and placed the luggage into the limo while Alexia stepped into the passenger side of the limo. Walking around and stepping into the driver side, Reuo turned on the limo and drove away from the airport, hiding his nervousness.

“Answer my question.” Alexia said after a moment of silence. Releasing a sigh, Reuo’s face turned serious as he focused on the road.

“I assure you it wasn’t my fault this time. One of the clients didn’t like how our corporation stole the spotlight. I guess he had his men do some investigation and found out about you. As for our end, he confronted both myself and Jin’ei as we approached the limo.” Reuo answered, glancing over to Alexia, who took a thinking pose, “I’m having Jin’ei get a hold of Hikage and then they’ll do an investigation on where our leak came from.”

“What about the ‘Site’? Did it get compromised?” she asked, looking over at Reuo, who shook his head.

“I’m not sure. That’s why we’re heading to the mansion now. Despite having Jin’ei do an investigation, I have my suspicions on who the leader is.” Reuo answered again, looking over at Alexia before letting loose a small smirk, “Should’ve tortured the bastard.” He said, earning a small, confused look from Alexia. Taking his right hand, Reuo brushed a few strands of hair behind Alexia’s left ear, “Bet it was a styled nice before your rude welcome.”

“T…thank you Reuo.” Alexia said, blushing very lightly before looking at the road. The two continued down the road in silence before Alexia glanced over at Reuo, “You’re still not getting out of not telling me sooner.” She said, smirking at the flinch Reuo gave.


01-25-2010, 11:10 AM
It was already 20 minutes later when the short girl entered the class room. She dug her gaze at the ground feeling the stares from all over the classroom. The professor hardly looked at her before he said, “This will be the last time you will be late, Claire. Next time I'll ask you not to even bother to come in”

Claire rushed into the class, blushing from both running so fast and the embarrassing position she was in. The elder professor considered this as an insult, “Did I made myself clear?!”, his voice was a bit louder.

Claire turned around, but couldn't look him in the eyes. She nodded and quickly took her sit. The eyes that so eagerly scanned her removed themselves to once again take interest in the actual subject and Claire took a bit of time before taking out her notebook. She then searched her beg for some pens, and once she was set, she also took out a small crossword puzzle that was clearly ripped from the morning newspaper and started to mark in the words. Since she set so far away in class, there was no way for the professor to see. To be honest she didn't need to be in full concentration in order to catch up with the class, since the professor had a bad habit of repeating himself, and this was better then just doodling some sketches in her notebook.


Someone was hissing her name and Claire quickly looked up from the small paper at girl sitting not so far from her. Claire smiled and waved at her friend.

"Where were you?”

Claire lowered her head in order to hide the fact that she was talking during class, “I missed the bus....”, she whispered, “Woke up late again....”

"Claire, this is the 10th time already, both you and the weirdo over there totally make a recored”.

Claire looked up and tried to find the object of their conversation, 'Sleeping again?', she thought to herself noticing the azure haired boy lying all over his desk, his notes and books used as pillows.

"I actually thought you two were planning this or something”, said the girl, whispering of course.

Claire made sure the professor looked away again before she lowered her voice and said, “Why is that?!”

"Well, both of you always arriving, more or less, about the same time. Both of you looking half asleep. Since it's the first class in the morning some people said that you two might have been going out at night or something”

Claire's eyes widen up, “huh?”, she said, “What's wrong with going out at nights”

"Claire, I meant going out TOGETHER!”

Claire gasped and she quickly made sure that no one heard her.

"Somethings wrong, Claire?”, asked the professor.

'Damn', so maybe she was a bit loud, "No, no nothing, I thought I saw some kind of a bug”.

The class laughed and Claire blushed once more, as she once again earned the unwanted attention of the class and the unwanted rage from her teacher. Once everything settled down again Claire moved herself closer to the girl, “I don't even know him! Why would you say something like that?!”

The girl shrugged. She gave another look at the sleeping young man before smirking, “God, when he is like that nothing can awaken him, huh?”.


It was lunch time now, and Claire found herself yet again eating a little bit more then she should. She noticed a change in her daily feeding ever since the deal with Aqua, but since the late sealing of Jadon, she was too sleepy and too hungry, unable to fully understand why. This only increased when she was in state of THAT time of the month.

"Claire, I don't want to be so rude, but should you eat that much?”, the girl from before asked.

"I can't help it, Wendy... I'm just hungry...”

"How about eating vegetables? You know perfectly well that the need to eat is only in your mind. Maybe you just need to chew something up... So if you eat stuff like vegetables, it should work you know...”

Claire set down beside one of the cafeteria's benches and Wendy soon followed, taking out a sandwich she made at home. Healthy one, that contained cheese and red peppers.

"I gained weight, didn't I?”, sadness took over her as she looked at the food she bought and then with a swift movement she tossed it all to the trash.

"What are you doing?!”, Wendy asked.

"I promise myself to start changing my eating, starting today”, Claire said, a victory smile all over her face.

"You aware that we study till 20:00 today, right?”



Alexis smiled. No matter how long she was away, things were still the same. There was no way to get out of the bloody cycle that she was in, but she knew all about it from before joining the team, so she had nothing to complain about now. Moreover she wanted to stay by the idiot's side.

Idiot... Well of course... Couldn't he notice any change?...

Alexis walked a few steps behind, thinking to herself that maybe it was a bit too soon. She had just arrived after all and they have tons of stuff to take care of now...

She should just wait... As she always did...


"You called for me?”, the young boy entered the dark room and bowed his head. When he noticed a nod from the shadowy figure before him, he allow himself to walk a few more steps ahead.

The figure pressed something and a screen appeared, the event of the late night in it. A guy with grayish skin turning into a monster, killing another fiend that was about to finish off a young girl.

"That... girl again?”, asked the boy.

"You have your mission, Shiro de Gwyneirade. You will observe, but will have free control over the situation. Eliminate the spiritual bound if needed”

"I can use... THAT?”

"Why so surprised? You've used it so many times before...”

Shiro looked up at the image of the girl again.

"Sympathy is out of the question. Enemies comes in all shapes and sizes. You don't want me to tell this to HIM about how you acted just now, would you?”

Shiro nodded, “Of course not”

"Good. We are already up on our hands with the gangs' new activities. We can't spare much more on the late petty incidents”


"Very good, you may leave”

01-28-2010, 04:08 AM
‘Seriously, this has to be out of some old mafia movie this world has.’ Jin’ei thought to himself as he stared at the building in front of him. It took him an hour after teleporting away from Reuo to pinpoint his target, but now that he did, a small part of him wondered why he put up with the person he was assigned to find. In front of him was an old warehouse that was used to house shipments or vehicles at one point in the past, but now was eroding with the passage of time; walls cracked, metal rusting, and all the windows shattered. Popping his neck lightly, Jin’ei approached a small door and placed his hand on the knob, stopping slightly as voiced erupted from inside.

“Why don’t we just shoot this freak and leave?!” a rough voice shouted, anger apparent.

“Awww, but why do you want to shoot me? Ain’t I pretty enough?” a soft, feminine voice asked innocently.

“Stop acting like a damned woman!” another man shouted in anger and disgust. Releasing a small sigh, Jin’ei opened the door and stepped in, alerting everyone in the warehouse of his presence. Looking up, Jin’ei couldn’t help the barely noticeable twitch in his left eye at the sight that greeted him.

‘I hate it when I’m right.’ He thought, showing a small, but rare amount of agitation. In front of him were four men, all dressed in tuxedos with one wearing a black hat while the other three held small revolvers in their hand. In the middle was a fifth person, their face very feminine while the eyes held a child-like innocence, their outfit consisting of a white, button up shirt with a collar that wrapped around their neck, dark grey pants that was held up by a brown belt, and brown business shoes. Their hair, even in the dim lights, shone like gold with a long, braided ponytail hanging down to his waist. Said person was also sitting in a metal chair with their hands and feet tied to the frame, preventing them from moving.

“Who the hell…” one man started, only to be interrupted by the fifth person.

“Jin’ei!” the person shouted in joy, “What brings you all the way out here?”

“What did you do Hikage?” Jin’ei asked, his voice void of all emotion, which made the men shiver slightly.

“I didn’t do anything.” Hikage answered, their face taking a hurt expression.

“Bullshit! You kissed our boss!” the man wearing the hat shouted in anger, earning a confused look from Hikage.

“From my standpoint, he forced himself on me without making sure I was a guy.” Hikage said, his face turning from innocence to seductive in a split second, “I can’t help it that I was born this beautiful.”

“As….enlightening as this conversation is Hikage, you don’t have time to play anymore.” Jin’ei said, earning confused looks from everyone, “Reuo requests your presence.” He finished, seeing some of the men get a look of recognition while Hikage blinked a few times before sighing.

“Ah, guess I can’t keep him waiting then. I’m going to assume that you’ll brief me then on the situation?” He asked, his voice taking a slightly deeper tone, but carried the same weight as Jin’ei’s. Seeing the nod from Jin’ei, Hikage looked at the four men that surrounded him and gave a gentle smile, “I’m sorry boys, but I have to leave.”

“And what makes you think we’ll let you?!” the man in the hat shouted, pointing his revolver at Hikage’s head.

“This.” Was all Hikage said before standing up, the ropes that bounded his hands ripping like tissue, before reaching down and tearing the ropes off his legs with the same ease. Looking up, Hikage’s eyes gained a more crazed look while the smile remained innocent looking, giving him a horrifying image to the four. Seeing the man in the hat aim his gun at him, Hikage pointed his finger at him, his smile turning to a grin as beams of light erupted from the man’s eyes and mouth before his head exploded, sending brain matter and blood all over the floor. The three men looked in horror before one of them felt a soft, gentle hand over the front of his mouth. Looking to where the hand connected, his eyes widened in shock at seeing Hikage there, staring behind him with a small smile.

‘How can he move that…’ he started to think, before darkness quickly took over.

The faces of the last two men contorted in fear as they watched Hikage pull the man’s head backwards, the sounds of bones breaking and flesh ripping echoing through the warehouse. Standing back up, Hikage looked at the two men from over his right shoulder as the man’s body fell to the ground, revealing that he was holding onto the head with part of the spinal cord still attached. The two took a step back to run, but felt a strong grip hold them before their bodies started to spasm and contort while their lives drained from them.

“No fair, they were my kills.” Hikage said, his voice going back to being innocent and feminine as Jin’ei let go of the two men, their bodies completely mummified.

“I told you, you don’t have time to play.” Jin’ei said, looking back up at Hikage without an ounce of emotion, “There was an attempt on Reuo’s life a few hours ago.”

“If it was just these humans, then I don’t see the problem. You know as well as I do he can take care of those without an issue.” Hikage answered, pulling his ponytail so it rested over his shoulder.

“True, but he still wants an investigation done. From what I heard also, there may have been an attempt on Alexia’s life as well, and we both know that Reuo keeps a tight lid on how important she is to his operations.” Jin’ei said, watching as a look of shock appeared on Hikage’s face.

“Someone tried to hurt sis?!” Hikage shouted before grabbing Jin’ei’s arm and started to pull him towards the door, “Get your ass moving! We got to hurry!”

Jin’ei closed his eyes before pulling his hand away from Hikage’s grip and placing it on his head. Within a second, the two vanished, leaving four dead bodies for the rats to feed on.


“Will that old bastard shut his mouth about me sleeping?! I’m passing the damn class, with an ‘A’ for god’s sake!” Kurisu shouted to himself as he headed to his next class. The past five minutes had consisted of him getting lectured by his math teacher for sleeping, which then ended up with Kurisu telling the professor where he could shove the lecture. Walking down the hallway, he took a few deep breaths before stopping, “Okay, I can’t let it get to me. I’m already going to have Cera on my ass for the argument, so I can’t go to the next class angry.” He whispered, only for his eyes to widen as he remembered what his next class was, “Awww shit, it’s Archaeology, isn’t it? Fuck……..” he said. He always hated the class, but had to take it to at least knock out the credit hours he needed to graduate. As he shook his head, he noticed someone approaching him from behind, and from the shadow that appeared, was definitely male. Straightening his back, Kurisu turned around and saw another guy behind him. Standing slightly taller than himself, the man’s eyes glared at Kurisu while approaching him, his fists tightening while Kurisu maintained a relaxed pose.

“Kurisu?” the man asked, his voice slightly rough.

“I am. And you are?” Kurisu replied, watching the man’s fists tightened even more while preparing himself to retaliate.

“The man who’s going to beat the hell out of you!” the man shouted before rearing back and throwing a right punch at Kurisu. Hopping back to avoid the blow, Kurisu stared at the man for a minute before a small grin appeared on his face.

“Ah, trying to ‘make your bones’, huh?” he said before charging at the man and throwing a jab just below the man’s ribs, knocking the wind out of the guy before throwing a strong punch into the man’s jaw, sending him to the ground, “Here’s a lesson for ya: better learn just who you are messing with before starting something.” Kurisu said before turning and walking away. After a couple of minutes of walking, Kurisu reached the doors to the class room and opened them. Looking around, he noticed that he was early to class again, but that there was a girl there as well, her black hair gleaming slightly in the light while her eyes, equally as black, skimmed over her book and notes.

‘Wait, isn’t she in my math class as well?’ he thought, trying to think of who was in his class from his times when he was awake, before shaking his head, ‘Eh, doesn’t matter.’ He thought again before walking up to a seat in the back and placing his books on the table. Deciding that the class wasn’t worth his effort, he laid his head on his books and slowly dosed off.


“Now, do you understand what I’m asking?” Reuo asked, his face taking a serious look as he stared at one of the maids who worked within his mansion.

“I understand Lord Reuo, but why me?” the maid asked, her face showing confusion and fear.

“It’s because you’re always helping Alexia out, so you know her measurements and what she likes.” Reuo answered before handing the maid a small card, “Get her the best, but don’t say anything to her. Leave as soon as you’re ready.” He finished, earning a small bow from the maid before leaving. Turning around, Reuo approached a huge oak desk before sitting in the leather seat behind it, turning it to face the window. Outside was a huge lawn that showed how much care was put into maintaining it with a driveway running through it, the road lined with grown oak trees. His mansion was built with a European flair to it, standing over two stories high and large enough to house 300 people. The location was also something that really appealed to Reuo, being away from the busy city, which allowed him time to rest and relax. Letting loose a sigh, Reuo thought back to when him and Alexia arrived, and at how she went to her room to unpack while he took the garbage bag so the outfit could be disposed of. He never mentioned to anyone but Hikage and Jin’ei, but there was something about Alexia that appealed to him, and not in the way that other beautiful women did. With other women, there was the lust, but that was it. When it came to Alexia, the lust and want were there, but they were overshadowed by another emotion that prevented any of those emotions from acting. Sure, he flirted and teased her, after all, some of her reactions were his favorite, but if it came down to it, he would always try to keep her happy. Blinking slightly, Reuo shook his head before turning around to see said woman approach him, her outfit consisting of a pair of black dress pants and a white, sleeveless shirt that was tucked in.
‘Can’t believe she calls that outfit her ‘relaxation’ clothes.’ He thought, smiling as she sat in the chair in front of the desk, a small smile on her face.

“Feels nice being back, huh?” he asked, well aware of her answer and her disinterest flying out to help with his business.

“Yes.” She answered before her smile faded and took a more professional look, “So what’s the next steps dealing with the ‘Site’?” she asked, showing her concern about the subject.

‘Every right to be worried. You’re the one who discovered it, and that led to the generator project.’ Reuo thought, giving her a small smile.

“For now, we’ll wait until Jin’ei and Hikage get back with their results.” Reuo answered before leaning back, “I want to nip this problem fast before continuing with exploration.”

“Fair enough.” Alexia answered before holding her hand out, “Now, time for the payment.” She said, watching as Reuo’s head leaned to the side before a smile appeared on his face.

“Sorry my dear, but I don’t have my credit card on me.” He answered, watching as Alexia’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Do I have to check your pockets?” she asked, her voice showing a slight hint of aggravation in it. Knowing that the only pockets he had was his pants pockets, Reuo’s smile turned to a grin as he relaxed more into his chair.

“Alexia, I didn’t know you wanted to grope me so badly. If that’s all you wanted to do, all you had to do was ask.” He replied, enjoying the small blush that appeared on her face, “All kidding aside, I handed my card to Jin’ei before I picked you up. You know that Hikage will want to grab his favorite food before coming back.” He said, watching as Alexia got out of the chair and walked out of the study, the blush never fading. As the door shut, Reuo released the breath he was unconsciously holding.

‘Hopefully she believed that. I really don’t want her getting a hold of my card. I hope the gift I sent for pleases her, for my account’s sake.’ He thought before picking a pen up and started to work on some paperwork at the desk.