View Full Version : Everglory: IC

09-04-2011, 05:23 PM
Twenty hours, forty seven minutes, and eight seconds prior.

Drake sighed, reviewing reports of in-field Oddities. A buzzing would be heard if any one had been in the office at the time. He responds to the buzz with a tired thought as he gets to David Icarus. Pressing a button on his desk his secretary greets him. "Yes sir?"

A few seconds passed by before he answered her. "I'd like the Hand to contact David Icarus. Oddity number forty-six, soon, about an important assignment that needs to be done." He states simply. "I take it we are finally moving ahead with the project sir?" His secretary asks. "For what it is worth, we are merely assessing the situation. Also tell the Hand I will send an email of the briefings for Mr Icarus."


The Hand chuckles as he opens communications with David Icarus.

"David, we have a new priority for you. Enter our underground facility in Greece and find Ares Delphi. Follow him until you are sure where his room is and than speak to the head of security. Tell him the Hand sent you and use the blaster on him. His parents have been notified. Questions are expected."

09-05-2011, 03:06 AM
The balcony of the building hung over a vast drop of hundreds of feet, vehicles flying through the air as humanity buzzed with anxiety. Earth was a busy place, and everyone acted like they needed to be everywhere at once within an hour. It was at the top of this balcony that Rory Marshall stood with his hands behind his back, sighing in sorrow at the fact that few people in this world can take a breather, relax, and enjoy a single moment, let alone a conversation face to face with only one person. The city lights reflected off of his completely bald head, and his muscled figure stood ominously near the railing. He had no contracts currently, so he could withdraw himself from the stereotype of humanity, working so hard that they almost become counterproductive. A cool breeze drifted across his face, feeling extremely comfortable with the hot sun countering its effects. Taking time to appreciate the life he had was a special thing for Rory. Once his meditation was finished, Rory walked back into his apartment and wait for his next contract.

09-05-2011, 03:11 AM
One of the Everglory agents of the city knocked on the apartment door.

09-05-2011, 03:15 AM
Rory, noticing the knock, opened the door. Noticing the Everglory agent, Rory let the person in and closed the door behind him, turning to the agent for the newest update.

09-05-2011, 03:31 AM
The agent sits down. "We have a problem. Your the closest Oddity we have, and probably one of the few who can complete this mission."

09-05-2011, 03:36 AM
Rory's eyes, the right one being red and bionic and the left one which was his actual blue eye, had a hardness to them that summed up years of thought and experience into two simple irises. However, behind those years in his eyes there was a certain honest softness that was mesmerizing and truthful. He stared the other man in the eyes and leaned over the table. "If you have a job for me, it will be done, completely and properly. What is the problem?"

09-05-2011, 03:48 AM
The agent sighs. "Kiaa have begun infiltrating the city. We need you to find and kill their leaders, and runner ups to slow them down so the current force can wipe them out during the confusion. Minimum casualties on our side."

09-05-2011, 03:55 AM
Rory bore a half grin, remembering memories with the Kiaa. "How many leaders and runner-ups do you know of? Depending on the amount, I may need a team. Taking them out one by one may cause too much commotion, higher security that I don't want to deal with, the usual." he replied. "Also, are the leaders in the city? or on the Kiaa side?"

09-05-2011, 04:06 AM
The agent shrugs. "Seven each. All are operating within the city limits. Outside forces are being smoked out by our shock troops. I suggest one or two to help but you are an Oddity."

09-05-2011, 04:11 AM
Rory put his hand on his chin and thought. Yes, he agreed in his mind with the man, I am an Oddity. Seven of them isn't too much to handle. If I could only get them all in the same place... "Is there any way to isolate them? Cut their comm units? Or even better, contain them together, within a few miles? Do you know where they are? Any info you have makes the job that much easier."

09-05-2011, 04:36 AM
The agent rolls his eyes. "I'm just a messenger. Your the elite damn Oddity. You figure it out. All I know is that there is a suspicion that they are working with a few bottom chain Everglory workers. Start there."

Everglory personal note one. Bottom chain employes are the common term for the mundane workers or citizens of the few and hidden cities. Examples are librarians, Teachers, factory workers, and police.

09-05-2011, 04:45 AM
What could they possibly want with the bottom chain... "Your message has been recieved. Tell them that I am starting right now." Rory replied firmly. Then, with a nod towards the door from Rory, both men left the apartment. Rory, after leaving the building, fancied a walk among the common folk. Switching on his perception filter, he walked unnoticed by all, just another shadow at the corner of their eyes.

09-05-2011, 06:05 AM
"Ok, Orders received and understood. Icarus out".He replied, now hailing a transport so that he could get to the transport that would take him to Greece. Luckily, one of the perks of living in an Everglory city was that it meant he could get to most places around the world very quickly."Greece, northern drop-point". He said to the transport driver, passing on some credits to pay the fair, allowing him to travel there

Later, Greece
After the trip ended, he stepped out of the transport, nodding once to the driver before walking off. There were specific drop points around each area of the globe that Everglory transports were allowed to stop and pick up passengers without fear of being discovered, specific ones had informants that David had picked up in his time. One of whom, he was going to use to find this 'Ares'.

09-05-2011, 06:53 AM
Rory examined each person as they passed by him. Nobody seemed that suspicious, until he noticed a man walking quickly, sweating like mad. Reaching out to the man in the streets, Rory grabbed his shirt and pulled him into an alleyway, barely noticed at all due to perception. It was only thirty seconds until the man spewed everything to Rory. He was a teacher who recently witnessed a group of Kiaa huddled in a close alleyway. They were huddled over a table, not seen by anyone unless they looked hard. Because the Kiaa are not known for subtlety, the teacher had heard one of them shout something, which caught his eye. He saw them and booked it. After gaining the necessary information from the teacher, Rory threw him back into the street and began a liesurely stroll down to the allyway that had the supposed Kiaa

09-05-2011, 06:52 PM
Two Skiaa hissed at him. As another hopped down behind him. "Give usss the data water sack!" One hissed. The way they were it appears they have yet to realize that Rory is anyone other than the man they were supposed to meet.

09-05-2011, 07:25 PM
Rory, playing this mistake to his advantage, bluffed. "I seem to have misplaced my data water sack," he said. "I'll gladly start looking for it in my pockets, but meanwhile you can explain to me why you need it. What is it for? This is all my employer asks. I'm a messenger, you see, and as soon as I have my information, I will give you the sack. That is all that my employer asks."

09-05-2011, 09:30 PM
The Kiaa hiss again, drawing their weapons. "Sspy! Tratior! Kill the water ssack!"

09-05-2011, 11:56 PM
Ahh, I am a fool. I'm the water sack. Rory thought to himself, chuckling in spite of himself. His right hand and forearm then slid apart, for they were just made out of a dozen interlocking metal plates. Within a second, Rory's lower arm had become a dark blue photon rifle. Lifting his arm in an arc, he shifted his foot so that his sides were facing the Kiaa with his rifle pointing at the Kiaa behind him. He knew the Kiaa's style, so he was ready for a fight. Taking a splitsecond to aim at the Kiaa, he fired.

09-06-2011, 12:46 AM
The one behind him lunged forward with its sword, aiming to stab his left shoulder. The one he shot didn't have time to respond. It stumbled back before it fell. The third took its axe and lunged at him. Aiming to cut him in half with its own weapon, and dead allies weapon.

"Mechssack!" One hisses.

09-06-2011, 01:05 AM
Rory, expecting the lunge from the sword, knocked the blow aside with his rifle and punched the Kiaa's snout while throwing his rifle underneath the curve of the axe, stopping it in mid air above him as he kicked the Kiaa's chest, knocking it backwards.

09-06-2011, 01:20 AM
The one Kiaa falls to the ground unconscious. The remaining books it. Climbing up the wall of a building and entering a window at a rapid pace.

09-06-2011, 01:45 AM
Rory blasted the unconscious Kiaa with the rifle to kill it and subconsciously allowed the small metal plates to rearrange themselves around his arm as he sprinted toward the opposite wall, jumped, placed his foot on the wall and rebounded against the opposite wall, snagging the edge of the window with his hand. He quickly pulled himself through the window and chased after the Kiaa, which just ducked the corner.

09-06-2011, 01:54 AM
The Kiaa had left the room. Although the door was open and screams could be heard through the hall.

09-06-2011, 01:57 AM
Rory hesitated. This could get sticky. He switched on his cloaking and, just to be cautious, switched on his perception filter just incase he caused any physical disturbance to the environment. Unsheathing the rifle in his arm again, he slowly walked into the hall.

09-06-2011, 02:00 AM
There are lamps, people, papers, and various claw marks throughout the hall. Heading to the shortest route away from the cubical offices. One or two people were on the ground bleeding. Probably from attempting to stop the Kiaa.

09-06-2011, 02:05 AM
Rory looked at the people sadly. There was nothing that he could do, even though he wanted to help them. He had a mission, and nothing could stand in the way of it. He sprinted as fast as he could down the path of the Kiaa.

09-06-2011, 02:14 AM
The Kiaa looks at Rory as the elevator doors close at the end of the path of small destruction. The numbers above start going up. Which suggests that its heading up, but the loud noises inside the elevator doors suggest it may be climbing its way down the shaft.

09-06-2011, 02:17 AM
Rory, shutting off his cloaking because there is no need, but keeping on the perception to quiet his steps, punched the elevator doors with his cyborg fist, breaking the door and prying it open. Looking down the abyss at a lone Kiaa climbing down the shaft, Rory jumped, grabbing the cable with his cyborg arm and sliding down to the Kiaa's level.

09-06-2011, 02:23 AM
The Kiaa, drops itself down the shaft. Throwing one of it's blades up at Rory aiming to either impale his chest, or cut the cable. Either way might be enough to cause him to fall. Although if the cable cuts, the tension will cause the Elevator to come crashing down on both of them if they can not make it out in time.

09-06-2011, 02:39 AM
The blade flicked by Rory's eyes, severing the cable. The elevator, much higher above him, began to fall, as did he. Noticing this and the Kiaa falling, Rory pointed himself straight downward to gain speed. Catching up with the falling Kiaa, he grabbed the beast with his left arm, timed the doors passing by, and threw out a punch with his right cyborg arm. His impact punched his fist through the door, and had it not been for his right arm being cyborg, he would have lost his arm to the force of them being suddenly stopped by his makeshift break. With the elevator still falling, Rory pulled himself and the Kiaa up to the door. He smashed the door with the cyborg side of his head, and the door fell flat on the floor of the entrance to the elevator, startling many. As the elevator rushed by seconds later in the shaft, Rory pulled the Kiaa underneath him and punched his head several times, knocking the Kiaa unconscious. Several people on the level that Rory broke into stared in awe and horror.

09-06-2011, 03:05 AM
The Elevator crashes down on the floor. And people slowly began to get back to work. Not used to the work Oddity agents do. But used to the odd events that seem to happen when the occasional alien enters the city.

09-06-2011, 03:11 AM
Rory stood up, dusted off his fingers, then lifted the unconscious Kaii and went outside to an alleyway, where he bound the Kaii to a dumpster and waited for it to awake.

09-06-2011, 02:03 PM
The Kiaa slowly began to awaken. The one he knocked out before did so as well. Although in a different alleyway.

09-06-2011, 08:26 PM
Rory, who had completely forgotten about the Kiaa in the other alleyway, saw the Kiaa tied to the dumpster. "Don't even try to escape." Rory said. "That thing that is binding you is hyperfiber rope. It binds to its other side, tightening to the user's choice. I didn't cut off your circulation, but it is impossible to escape. That rope is virtually unbreakable. You wouldn't know about it. It's a human thing." He winked at the creature.

09-06-2011, 10:09 PM
The Kiaa hissed. "Sagnites gave you it water sack!" Which was all too true. Everglory did in fact get most of its advanced tech from various alien races. A few, are of there own make.

09-06-2011, 10:23 PM
Rory shrugged. "Makes no difference. You are here, and I am too. You know things that I don't. I have the very simple ability to hurt you. I am going to ask you a few questions, and you are going to answer them. Do you understand?"

09-06-2011, 11:18 PM
The Kiaa hisses. Cursing at him in its own language.

09-07-2011, 12:15 AM
The cyborg smacked it across the snout with his human hand. "None of that." he spat, smacking it backhand across its snout with the same hand.

09-07-2011, 12:38 AM
The Kiaa hissed. "I will tell you nothing!"

09-07-2011, 12:51 AM
Rory said nothing as he kicked the Kiaa's chin, punched its face with his cyborg fist, breaking several teeth. "That, my friend, is very debatable." he eventually replied, pounding his cyborg fist into the Kiaa's gut.

09-07-2011, 01:22 AM
The Kiaa coughed up purple blood. "Nothing!" It hissed once more.

09-07-2011, 01:34 AM
Rory sighed. He crouched down in front of the Kiaa. "I can either do two things right now. One, I can get an answer from you. Two, I can shame you to your race, and trust me, I will. I know things, you filthy Kiaa. I know how to take your honor away. You are an honorable race, are you not?"

09-07-2011, 01:35 AM
The Kiaa hisses at him. "Human honor means nothing to the Kiaa! We keep our secrets where you sell them for profit!"

09-07-2011, 01:40 AM
Rory stared at him. "Human honor may mean nothing, but I know of Kiaa honor. I have the perfect ability to humiliate you right in front of your own race. Don't doubt my abilities."

09-07-2011, 01:43 AM
The Kiaa hissed again. "Nothing of honor water sack! You beat upon innocents for answers!"

09-07-2011, 01:51 AM
Rory sighed on the inside, not making his partial defeat obvious. He had used many of his bluffs. He squatted down next to the Kiaa, grabbed his jaw with a firm grip, and turned the Kiaa's face so that he stared right into its eyes. The cyborg had an amazingly intimidating stare when he wanted to, and this was one of those times. "You are no innocent thing. You know of the information I would like. Tell me about the Kiaa intrusion into the city. Tell me about the leaders, where and who they are, and their runner ups as well. If you don't tell me this, I swear on my life I will let you starve to death. I will leave you here for your stomach to digest what you have left in there, and then begin to digest itself. I will shower you with crumbs and let the birds devour you, pluck out your eyes, chew off your lips, and tear out your toungue. No one will come for you and that is a promise. It is an incredibly painful death, and I will leave you to it. Make your choice."

09-07-2011, 01:54 AM
The Kiaa glares into the cyborgs eyes. "I choose honor over human weakness."

09-07-2011, 02:03 AM
Rory spat at him. "You know nothing of honor." He pulled out more of the alien rope and bounded the Kiaa more effectively, gagging him as well. He started to walk out of the alleyway, listening to see if his deal would work.

09-07-2011, 02:05 AM
The Kiaa just sat there. Waiting to die. Or for the other Kiaa to come and save it. Whichever came first.

09-07-2011, 02:13 AM
Rory, who was almost out of the alleyway, stopped and looked straight down. It wasn't going to work. Damn the stubborness of the Kiaa. Unsheathing his photon rifle, Rory took aim at the Kiaa's head. "War is war, my friend." and he fired, killing the Kiaa. He went and retrieved his ropes, then threw the Kiaa body into the dumpster. Only one way to do this now, and that was to tail a Kiaa. But first he had to find one. Leaving the alleyway and turning on his perception filter so that he wasn't noticed, Rory entered the street, searching for a Kiaa.

09-07-2011, 11:50 AM
The Kiaa, are not in the streets. They despise humanity, more so Everglory. To tolerate any form of mass interaction such as walking the streets. Rarely even backstreets.

09-07-2011, 12:07 PM
Rory glanced down the alleyways, searching for uninterrupted meetings like the previous one. He could not find a single one. The underground seemed to be the only place for him to find one. Looking around, Rory lifted up the lid on the street to the sewer, climbed in, and closed the sewer lid, bathing him in darkness.

09-07-2011, 01:02 PM
There are defiantly Kiaa in the sewers. A large splash is heard way behind him. Another seems to be directly in front.

09-07-2011, 08:34 PM
Rory, hearing the splashes, froze in his spot, willing for the Kiaa to move so that he could sense their movements through feeling ripples in the water and sound.

09-07-2011, 10:16 PM
Three more splashed, yet no ripples. It appears the Kiaa are in a different section of the tunnel.

09-08-2011, 01:08 AM
He heard it, pulled out a flashlight, and shined it down the tunnel. He started to move down the tunnel, not caring about how much noise he made because his flashlight already made his presence obvious.

09-08-2011, 01:25 AM
Another splash as a Kiaa was rushing at him on the tunnel walls. Using it's tail to wield its sword.

09-08-2011, 01:32 AM
Rory heard the scurrying, turning around as he unsheathed his photon rifle. He aimed, locking on to its head. "Stop now, Kiaa, or your head will roll in the sewers."

09-08-2011, 01:52 PM
The Kiaa leaped across to the other side of the tunnel, then dashed to the ceiling. Two claw marks later it pounced on him.

09-08-2011, 08:16 PM
Rory rolled out of the way of its attack, continued through the roll to land on his feet, covered with sewage, aimed at its leg, and fired.

09-08-2011, 10:16 PM
The Kiaa falls into the sewer water. Dead. Three more start rushing at him. Two carrying broadswords, the other an axe. All filled with the electrical charge they are known well for.

Of course, these would short out all mechanical systems of the cyborg if they hit him, or fall into the sewer water.

09-08-2011, 10:19 PM
Rory turned to them, rifle charged and ready, aimed at their heads, but then turned and ran, noticing the electricity. He had to get out of the water, open a floodgate to release the water in here, anything to keep those weapons from electricuting him.

09-08-2011, 10:26 PM
Three more enter his path, swinging their blades at them.

Another three to four splashes ahead of him.

09-08-2011, 10:38 PM
Rory groaned. This was going to be a sticky situation. Quickly, he turned on his cloaking device, examined the Kiaa's positions, and dove into the water. Guided by the walls, Rory moved towards the Kiaa. Remembering their positions, Rory trusted to his memory and luck as he moved in between two Kiaa.....
Fortunately, it worked, and he kept swimming for as far as he could, then he surfaced, turned off his cloaking device, and ran.

09-08-2011, 11:14 PM
The kiaa hissed and splashed in anger. The sound could be heard throughout the city.

09-08-2011, 11:27 PM
Rory ran, feeling the walls, until he thought it was safe. He then turned on the light when he thought it was safe. He then trudged through the sewer, photon rifle ready to fire at anything that moves. He listened for the sound of Kiaa, and as he moved closer and closer to it, he turned out the light, trusting his hearing and touch to make his way there.

09-09-2011, 08:53 PM
There appears to be Kiaa covering the sewers like rats. One splashes behind Rory, attempting to attack him from behind.

09-09-2011, 10:59 PM
Rory swung his elbow around, slamming it into the Kiaa's face. Then he brought his arm back around the Kiaa's neck into a headlock. He pulled it to the ground as it struggled, tagged a tracking device the size of a dime on the inside of its thigh so that no one would notice, and the slammed the Kiaa's head into his knee, knocking it out. Then he crouched in hiding and waited for it to wake up.

09-10-2011, 05:48 PM
Another Kiaa, bigger, and wearing an odd looking suit charged at where Rory was. Looking at the Kiaa who was just knocked. Beside from that he simply stood there.

09-10-2011, 06:08 PM
Rory heard it and, muffling his steps, he went behind it, locked his arm around its throat and kicked the back of its knee, sending it to the ground with Rory on top of it

09-10-2011, 06:14 PM
The Kiaa hisses, throwing Rory off of it. Much stronger than the other Kiaa Rory fought. "It isss time for Humansss to die!" It hissed, lunging at him swinging its tail around its back as to keep him from going behind it again.

09-10-2011, 06:18 PM
Rory landed on the ground, turned on his flashlight, which he clipped on his shoulder, and unsheathed his rifle from his arm. As the beast lunged at him, Rory jumped at its legs, taking them out from under it. He made a leg lock around the Kiaa's leg and pulled it outwards, threatening to break it.

09-10-2011, 06:21 PM
The suit sends a strong electric shock throughout the Kiaa's body. Even shocking the water. The Kiaa of course, dies instantly.

09-10-2011, 06:37 PM
Rory felt pain, everywhere. It felt as if needles were being pushed into every part of his body. It wasn't a normal pain. It was odd. Next thing he knew, Rory couldn't move, and then his arm, chest, and right side of his head felt cold. His vision was quickly reduced, and then as he rebooted, he lapsed into unconsciousness.

09-10-2011, 10:35 PM
Kriklakh had been notified of the pesky human disturbing the Kiaa in the human waste system. He had been quick to take it upon himself to dispose of the human and was rather disappointed when he found a Kiaa tank using his suit's kamikaze mechanism. He wondered if his suit was set to automatic or voluntary; was the Kiaa's death an act of loyalty or one of cruelty?

Kirklakh's webbed feet splashed noisily, his claws raking hard cement as he moved towards the seemingly unconscious cyborg. Looking upon the half human thing the faintest of a smile traced its fingers across his face. A scaled arm went to haul the cyborg over his shoulder. Kriklakh departed, noisily making his way back to the Kiaa underground HQ.

09-10-2011, 10:54 PM
Rory saw a dark green screen on the right side of his sight and a blurry, dark image on the other side of his vision. Code started to appear in jumbles, and then the dark green screen turned black, and then it merged with the left side of his vision to form a whole picture. Rory tried to move, but his arms were bound to his ankles. He was sitting with his back to a corner of the room, his arms between his legs. Shaking his head vigorously, his vision cleared up and he saw a sharp image. He was in a lit room with nothing in it, black shining walls imposing on either side. There was a tiny circle at the top of the doorway for ventilation, and the door was sealed shut. He perked his head up and tried to pull himself out of his bindings, smiling as he worked. He was in the stronghold, perfect. As he worked, though, the door opened, and as a Kiaa stepped through, the door closed shut behind him, locking.

09-11-2011, 02:36 PM
The Kiaa assigned to Rory's cell was stout, but shorter then most. He took a few confident steps in Rory's direction, ignoring or being un-cognizant of the ropes lying like dead snakes at Rory's ankles. Once the Kiaa was within arm's reach of Rory, he spoke. A fluent English, mayhap translated, streamlined out of his grotesque mouth.

"You are half-human. Was it a mistake?"

The Kiaa's scarred hands folded upon each other behind him, and he smiled. Sharp teeth bent in unnatural ways and scaly lips strained on tight green skin; it was obvious smiling wasn't natural among the Kiaa.

09-11-2011, 10:02 PM
"It was from a contract I had. Didn't turn out too well, shredded my arm and my eye. I decided to use it to my advantage, so they changed half of my head, chest, and all of my arm. It is very convenient." he replied, smiling back at the Kiaa. He stood up to the Kiaa, arms still bound but his legs very free.

09-12-2011, 01:21 AM

The smile's atrociousness had not diminished, and the Kiaa kept his position as the cyborg stood. The room was dimly lit by a unseen source, successfully enacting eeriness in the small, black room.

"What is your part in this? What connects you to Everglory?"

The Kiaa's shoulders rolled, cracking. The sound bounded noisily in the room, creating a ghostly sound.

09-12-2011, 01:31 AM
"Ahh, my Kiaa friend, why would I tell you this? You give me no motive, therefore, I feel no need to tell you." He smiled at the Kiaa again, unintimidated by the beast of the underground.

09-12-2011, 02:53 AM
"Can not half-humans feel pain as well?"

The Kiaa's voice came out calm and confident. As if already aware of Rory's response the Kiaa had unsheathed a intricate barbed metal blade from his hidden arsenal. The rough sound of scales on rock echoed throughout the cell; the Kiaa was wagging it's tail.

09-12-2011, 03:14 AM
Suddenly, a sharp metal clang zipped from the vent. A thick cloud of smoke surrounded the room. Then an explosion came from above, most likely a directional explosive. A shrouded figure dived from the vent, kicked the Kiaa back, grabbed Rory, and threw him away. As the smoke diminished, the man gave the Kiaa a challenging gaze and flung out a serrated whip pulsing with electricity(Obviously poorly made.). "What were you trying to do?" He said in a bold emotionless statement. He laughed and had a confident attitude. All that's left now is a response.

09-12-2011, 07:43 PM
The Kiaa had been pushed backwards only slightly. The scaled creature lowered its head, a serrated 6-inch dagger firmly grasped in its right hand; a blade made for using fear as an incentive. Dull sound waves pounded in his ears. He had registered misbegotten confidence among this human's words.

The Kiaa regained its cool composure, straightening itself, the dagger still clutched in its clawed hand.

"I was trying to kiss him, silly."

The words were silently hissed at the human with a chilling malevolence. Soon after his words the Kiaa charged unprecedentedly, jabbing his deadly dagger for a fatal heart-hit. His feet were not on the ground as he streamlined, dagger splayed out, towards his new-found opponent; he had made a leap.

09-12-2011, 08:30 PM
However, as soon as the Kiaa was in the air, the front of a gun came out of nowhere and smashed the Kiaa in the face, sending it to the opposite corner of the room. Rory stood there, both of his hands free, but his right forearm was the photon rifle. "Don't you realize that ropes don't work when your arm transformers?" He grinned at the man. "You know, I could've taken care of it myself. It just has a tiny blade."

09-12-2011, 08:45 PM
Thirty-three minutes and forty-six seconds prior to Rory's capture.

The Hand sends a message to Wolb Souffle

Dear Mr. Souffle. Due to a previous engagement an Oddity we have been trying to contact requires our message delivered in person. Be that as may. We entrust you to this project because you are the closest, and highest field-op we have. Not. As I cannot stress this enough. Because you are deemed for promotion. However, if you do prove an asset depending on the situation. We will begin considering this however. Now, here is the message: The Hand sees fit that you are requested to attend a higher priority mission: Now, with that over. The place and time you are requested is attached to this message. Do not fail us.

09-13-2011, 02:48 AM
Bluish black blood seeped out of a gash cutting from the fore of the Kiaa's nose to his forehead. The Kiaa forced itself on its feet unsteadily, its tail aiding it. He reared his scaled head towards the two humans, a dark pupil stared numbly at them; the other eye was drowned in blood. The Kiaa's legs wobbled as he attempted to stand straight, or straighter.

The Kiaa's mouth opened, and he spoke.

"Your lords are as cruel as ours. They sent you on a suicide mission. Do you not see?"

The Kiaa out-splayed his hands as if to embrace a bear, his one pupil enlarged itself, giving him an appearance of insanity. His knees wobbled unsteadily, threatening to buckle.


His chest exploded with deep breaths and long exhales as he spoke. And yet he had took the extra strain to spit the word "Everglory" out disgustingly.

The Kiaa had, astonishingly, kept his pose although he lowered his arms and allowed the straightness of his stance to slacken. Now the green creature simply seemed as if he was a hopeless, exhausted, cornered rodent --- with a knife.

09-13-2011, 03:40 AM
"What do you mean suicide mission?! The last thing this company would do is something as dreadful as that! In fact, I don't think we would do it even IF it was the last thing!"

*Wolb grit his teeth hard enough to feel a sharp pain*

"Yes we DID put a tracker on him, but do you really think it was for THAT?! But enough of my jibber jabber... Your kind sickens me, so any further talk about your kind will probably make my stomach explode... So let this be a warning, next time you see your leader or any high ranking officer of your kind... They can taste the metal covering the lead that will pierce their thick skulls!"

09-13-2011, 08:36 PM
Rory looked at the man after he said that they put a tracker on him. Was I really sent on a suicide mission? He thought to himself. Shaking it out of his head, Rory walked over to the Kiaa and punched its head again, knocking it out but not killing it. He walked out of the room with the man, closed the door behind them, and locked it.

09-13-2011, 10:34 PM
The room they entered was a Kiaa armory. Outfitted with the latest of Kiaa weaponry. There are some very vague blueprints of a mech suit. Which, by Rory or Wolb's knowledge of human engineering. Is not possible with these plans. Granted however, the Kiaa who was probably writing them came back into the room and saw them.

With its reptilian eyes it looked at them, and the alarm button. Taking a few moments before it rushed to the button and tried to press it. The speed of it however, if Rory could hit it with his photon, would cause it to slam into the button and give it a 4 to five chance of setting it off.

09-13-2011, 10:38 PM
Rory snapped his arm up, locked on with deadly percision, considered the forces, and fired at the Kiaa's back

09-13-2011, 10:44 PM
Obviously, the alarm goes off, though instead of simply lots of noise. The very room goes into lock down, save for the air vents. Which produce a toxic gas by Kiaa standards. Rory would, as a cybernetic. Be mostly immune save for a few coughs.

Wolb however, will begin to feel numb, and start having short and frequent coughing fits. This may be assumed to become worse the longer one remains in the gas, although clearly something is keeping it to this room, otherwise it is a serious flaw on the Kiaa's part. The Air vent, appears to be big enough to fit a person, however logically they may collapse with any 'extra weight.'.

09-13-2011, 10:52 PM
Rory ran over to the table and grabbed the blueprints. He pointed to the air vent with his photon rifle and looked the other man with a questioning look on his face

09-14-2011, 12:49 AM
Scaled feet treaded white-tiled floor as Kiaa ran to the armory's doors; they had not come to kill the foes, rather watch them suffer in the gaseous poison. Kriklakh had decided against this, and taken the only exit to the armory he knew of. Soon he was in a large hallway (8 by 8 feet) squared off with evenly placed metal plates. A fan blew, shielded by a metal grate, behind Kriklakh. The air from the fan traveling through the air ducts, allowing for adequate AC without wasting the electricity which was oh-so-precious underground.

Kriklakh waited, armed with two scimitars and a thick suit, a demon at his core and a patient mass of armored green muscle on the surface. The poison was not here due to the fan, and the only exit would be behind Kriklakh where the extension of air ducts connected to the surface was. The air ducts behind Kriklakh were old, unused, ones that the Kiaa had added upon in order to support their underground society.

09-14-2011, 11:20 PM
*Wolb took a few seconds to think.*

With the poison gas spreading it just became difficult. Wolb nodded and understood what he was saying. Wolb decided to go first since, he hopped in the vent and started crawling through. He struggled to crawl through with all the poison and the vents being small. He wasn't sure what Rory was going to do now, so he just continued to crawl and hoped for the best.

09-14-2011, 11:51 PM
Rory made sure that the man was through the air vent, then continued to scan the room for possible exits. He saw a door leading out in lockdown with a sheet of metal locked over it. Running over to it with blueprints in his pocket, Rory tapped the metal lightly with his cyrbernetic hand. It let out a muffled ping, but that was all he needed. He stepped back a little bit, reared back his arm, and the punched the metal sheet as hard as he could at its edge, leaving a large dent and a small gap that showed a tiny part of the door that would be his way down. Grinning in triumph and giving a small cough, Rory reared back and prepared to hit it again.

09-15-2011, 02:29 AM
As Wolb continued to crawl his visions blurred. He was starting to get woozy, at that moment he debated whether or not to use his gas mask. It didn't have much use left on it and can fail in minutes, but at this point he didn't have a choice. He put on the gas mask and continued to crawl. The metal was cold to the touch which also made it more difficult. But it wouldn't be much longer until it was over. He could feel himself getting closer.

09-15-2011, 12:10 PM
Rory finally landed a final punch on the thick sheet of metal, giving him a gap big enough to put his fingers in. He hooked them on the edge of the metal and pulled toward him with all of his strength. The metal started to bend, then with a screeching and straining noise from the metal, half of the metal lockdown gate broke off, revealing the door to get out. Rory grinned, punched the handle of the door with his cyborg hand (the fake skin was breaking off at the fist), breaking it, and kicked open the door with his photon rifle armed and ready to take the first headshot.

09-15-2011, 08:34 PM
As Wolb was reaching the end of the vent he readied a flashbang, when he reached the end he tightly grasped it with his left hand. He pulled the pin and threw it in without even thinking. He jumped out immediately after and saw the dreadful Kiaa standing there. He pulled out his whip ready for whatever may come.

09-15-2011, 10:02 PM
Siak Hais seia! A Kiaa hissed over the loud speakers. Small mechanized lizards began rushing Rory, just as twp Kiaa Tanks came down either side of the hall. Swords exorbitant with electric pluses.

Wolb, had fallen into what appears to be the 'Mess Hall' for Kiaa. Luckily it was near empty save for a janitor. Which, as the most common happening in the base. Looked at him and ran to hit the alarm, although the janitor was literally right next to him.

09-15-2011, 10:39 PM
Rory fired his photon rifle at one mech lizard, kicked the other one away, and then ran up to the Tanks. He dodged to the side of the first one's overhand swipe, moved around to its back, and used it as a human shield against the other one.

09-15-2011, 11:03 PM
The tank that Rory went behind, and failed to think about his meat shield plan through. Slammed him against the wall with its tail.

09-16-2011, 02:17 AM
Rory hit the wall hard, but he landed on his feet. Shaking his head clear and crouching, he braced one foot against the wall and dove foreward, grabbing one of the Kiaa around the neck with his arms. Keeping clear of the tail this time, he hooked a leg around the Kiaa's knee and moved his weight foreward, crashing the Kiaa to the ground with him on top of it. Punching the Kiaa's hand against the ground with his cyborg arm, he disarmed it from its sword.

09-16-2011, 04:13 AM
Wolb wrapped his whip around the janitor and threw it away, passing out from the cuts and shocks. Wolb took off his gas mask and put it away and then the tracker went off. The very same tracker on Rory. Wolb rushed out of the mess hall and tried to a way out not worrying about Rory, seeing as how he can handle himself. Wolb chuckled a little bit, gave a view coughs and shortly after threw up. Wolb wiped his mouth with his sleeve and continued the search.

09-17-2011, 04:27 AM
Three of the small robotic lizards leap at Rory, the second Tank with no concern for its friend. Shoulder slammed Rory as he disarmed it. A small shock moving through its suit and into him as it did this. Not enough to kill the Kiaa but to damage Rory's systems once more.

Wolb would stumble upon what appear to be a hanger. Planes shaped like missiles, and two mechs which appear more advanced then the ones in the blueprints, yet unlike the Kiaa's model these have ranged weaponry.

The Hanger is empty save for this, as the Kiaa have begun to rush towards Rory's position. In one of the mechs would appear to be a key to the ignition if Wolb checks them.

09-17-2011, 02:41 PM
Rory slammed into the wall once again, paralyzed for a few seconds. He sustained a few minor bites from the robotic Kiaa, and as soon as he was back up he swatted each one off and smashed their skulls with his boot. Rory was sick and tired of this now. He aimed and fired for a headshot on the Tank that was on its feet, and then leapt on the Tank he was wrestling before, punching into its armor and ripping out wires everywhere in order to stem the flow of electricity. If he successfully did this, the armor would go inactive and the Kiaa would have a very hard time moving around in the very heavy machinery.

09-17-2011, 03:09 PM
Rather then go into the Kiaa's suit Rory's fist simply slammed into it. The force which should have entered the Kiaa's body actually damaged his fist rather then hurt the Kiaa. Who laughed in a series of hisses. "Everglory, Tank, Ssuit. Water ssack. A punch won't hurt it!" It stated before giving Rory its own fist to the gut.

Lore Note.
Before Everglory even knew who the Kiaa were the Alien Race 'Xenlion' sold blueprints for the W.V mark I to the Kiaa council. The W.V mark I suit, is one of the strongest advantages the Kiaa ever received. Capable of taking several photon hits to the chest much like a suit of plate armor to arrows it allows their near unmatched speed to reach their foes.

A decade later Everglory's second highest leadership. 'The Hand' invested considerable amounts of funds into a copy of the blueprints from the Xenlion. And to this day, only the higher W.V marks match or surpass the protection the modern day suit of armor gives.

09-17-2011, 03:23 PM
Rory was knocked over as the tank stood up. His cyborg arm, which had lost most of the skin at this point, was merely made up of sheets of metal on the inside of the skin. He changed it into his photon rifle, charged it with energy from his own cyborg insides, and fired at the Tank with a massive charged photon beam. Afterwards, he collapsed to one knee, exhausted, yet already regaining his energy.

09-17-2011, 07:28 PM
Wolb searched around for the blueprints, knowing there was a good change they would be here than anywhere else. As he walked around he noticed a room, "Good to check there first." he said. As he walked around the room he noticed some blueprints, the blueprints for the ranged mechs. "Damnit..." he muttered to himself. "However they got these, it can't be good." He said in his head. He bolted back into the actual armory to start his search for Rory.

09-20-2011, 01:19 AM
As wolb turns a corner in the series of hallways. He bumps into a Kiaa wearing what appears to be a crest on its armor. Two Kiaa Tanks are behind it in what is clearly a 'Body guard' job. "You hunt me water ssack? Ssiak, the third ranking captain of our effortss here?" It chuckles. "We will make short work of you." It hisses as it lifts a sledge hammer. "Lai, Juain. Get the metal water ssack." It chuckles as it moves to slam Wolb's head against the wall.

The two Tank Kiaa step forward, Wolb and Rory both being in the same hallway. Two paces in they charge at him.

09-20-2011, 01:27 AM
Rory, who was fully charged again, stood up and turned around, seeing the man who helped him break out. "Why hello my good friend! How nice it is to see you again!" Rory joked. As the Kiaa charged at them, Rory wound back with his cyborg arm and landed a massive punch on the snout of one of the Tanks, turning on one leg to land a roundhouse kick on the back of the other Tank's knee.

09-20-2011, 01:32 AM
The first Tank stumbled back holding its snout. As their heads are the only thing not covered by the suit. The other Tank took as much pain as the one Rory tried to punch earlier, although instead of talking it simple sent a kick of its own at Rory.

09-20-2011, 01:35 AM
Rory caught the foot, feeling it slightly in his abdomen, and hooked his other leg around the Tank's only standing leg, knocking it to the ground. Stomping on its chest, Rory pointed down and fired straight at its head

09-24-2011, 10:50 AM
At this point Wolb felt useless, so he shot up and slung out his whip. His eyes blew up with raging passion. He didn't want Rory to have all of the fun! He whipped at the Kiaa and knew things were going to get outrageously fun! (But dangerous... He doesn't care though!)

09-24-2011, 07:11 PM
The whip wraps around the Kiaa, who laughs. "Do you Honesstly believe this will do anything water ssack?" Not knowing that Wolb's whip could electrocute it at any moment.

The Tank Rory had punching in the snout lunged at him aiming to thrust its sword into his chest.

09-24-2011, 07:14 PM
Rory dodged to the side, then grabbed the Kiaa's arm and pulled as hard as he could, dislocating the Kiaa's arm from its socket

09-24-2011, 09:25 PM
The Tank's suit sent a surge of electricity at Rory. Although the Kiaa's arm was moved into an akward position it still kept on. Kneeing him in the chest then slamming down onto his back with its fist.

09-24-2011, 11:10 PM
Wolb smirked, look at the kiaa, said "Why you laughin'?", and hit the button sending electricity through the Kiaa's suit.

09-25-2011, 02:58 AM
The Kiaa's eyes widen as a dagger hidden underneath it's clothes exploded in a small pop. Right where his lung was, and as it blew through part of his body he fell to his knees gasping for air.

However the Kiaa fighting Rory kept hitting him as the shock undoubtedly set his cybernetics in a reboot.

09-25-2011, 04:00 AM
Wolb pulled out his pistol after not using it for a long time. He pointed it at the Kiaa's head pissed at what it has done to Rory despite the fact he knows he is probably fine. Wolb was never really fond of anyone like family to somebody like Rory getting hurt. So he squeezed the trigger.

09-25-2011, 04:11 PM
Rory was still paralyzed as the Kiaa pummled him, but as soon as he rebooted, the Kiaa's head splattered with blood, a small hole appearing in its head. Rory pushed off the Tank's body and stood up, wiping blood off of him. He looked at the man who had rescued him from his cell, who was standing with his pistol.

"My dearest thanks, friend." Rory said, holding out a hand. "My name is Rory, I don't think we were properly introduced." he grinned, standing over the bodies of the two Tanks and the runner-up.

09-25-2011, 07:57 PM
More of the little lizard-bots came up the hall. Punching on Wolf from behind. Several more came in through the air vents, and the opposing direction.

09-25-2011, 11:32 PM
"I grow tired of being in this place!" He threw down a smoke bomb and filled the whole room with smoke. He grabbed Rory and started to make a run for it. He got into 1 of the mechs and pulled Rory into it.

09-26-2011, 08:27 PM
Indents in the metal walls appeared, taking the shapes of burly fists. Kriklakh beat against the sturdy substance, bending it like a breadmaker would dough. Ripples in the metal shed weak light into the dark vents Kriklakh was inside. A twisted slurring accompanied Kriklakh's voice as he spoke, his voice coming from the narrow rips in the wall.

"Dissssarm that mech."

The small lizard-bots were perfect instruments of technological destruction; piercing systems and destroying substances made of iron were their specialties.

Kriklakh's webbed fingers resounded on the metal walls as he crawled on the outside walls of the room, his position not being given away by the sound resounding, seemingly randomly, throughout the room.

09-26-2011, 08:32 PM
EDIT: Post Deleted

09-27-2011, 03:08 AM
The mech would be more or less crowded as it was made for one person. The controls, are odd as it appears to be voice activated or touch activated. A language neither Rory nor Wolb would understand speaks to them.

A Tank and what the Kiaa call a 'Blade Master.' Steps into the hanger flanked by several 'grunt' Kiaa. Lizard robots enter the hanger as this happens. "Ssurrender water ssackss! You are hopelesssly outmatched!"

09-27-2011, 08:19 PM
Rory, who was very crammed into the mech with the man (especially considering Rory's large stature), kicked the hatch open again.

"You clear the way, take out that massive tank. I will take care of the little guys from behind you." Rory said. "Learn how to use this thing quickly." He hopped out of the mech, closed the hatch behind him, and aimed his photon rifle at the first of the many lizard robots. He quickly began to fire at them in quick succession.

10-02-2011, 12:04 AM
"Damnit... Damnit. Damnit! Damnit!!! DAMNIT!!!!"

"When I say I grow tired of this place you better believe I mean it!!!"

Wolb shouted and ordered the mech to shoot. He readied the laser and aimed it at the tank and shot. The laser gleamed like the Northern Lights.

10-19-2011, 10:03 PM
Rather then strike the tank. The mech missed and a different Kiaa was ripped apart. As Wolb did not have the actual knowledge or instinct of how to efficiently control the mech. The moment it fired the top part of the mech began to spin around.

"Error! Error! Records note that this is users first time in suit. Tutorial required. Engaging lock down." A masculine voice inside the mech spoke. In plain English no less. "Hello! Would you like to start the tutorial? Practice targets have been placed in training room for such purposes."

On a screen in front of his eyes it showed three types of Kiaa. An alien language in black listed the blade master, though the rest was simply red. "Take note that in the original culture. Black text and red text are reversed. Where Black means highly dangerous. Would you like a translation?"

10-25-2011, 09:28 PM
"Yes I would love a translation and YES I would LOVE to start the tutorial!" Wolb Shouted.

Wolb tried not to damage the mech but showed his impatience/frustration through tight fists and locked teeth. Wolb calmed himself and checked all the screens to familiarize himself with his surroundings, even though he can't read it.

10-26-2011, 10:21 PM
Rory, noticing several Kiaa robots rushing towards him with soldiers rushing at him as well, ran towards the wall. Blasting away some of the small robots in his way, he planted a foot on the wall while still running foreward. After taking a couple steps on the wall wile shooting several other robots, he pushed off of it with incredible force at a Kiaa soldier rushing at him. He took the soldier to the ground, put his gun underneath the Kiaa's chin, and fired. Rolling off of the body and squatting in place, he planted his hand on the ground and kicked with both of his feet at another Kiaa rushing at him, which flew backwards and hit a wall. Rory landed his feet back down and stood up. Another Kiaa, which swung its sword at Rory, met only air as Rory bobbed under its arm. He put one hand on its head and one under its chin and twisted, breaking the third Kiaa's neck. Blasting away a few more robots, he kicked the second recovering Kiaa that he kicked against a wall under the chin, knocking the Kiaa's head against the wall, killing it. One more Kiaa rushed at him, but Rory struck it in the sternum, knocking it back, and then cupped his hands slightly and slammed them against both of his ears, breaking the Kiaa's eardrums. Swinging his foot to the side, he smashed the skull of an incoming robot and fired at another. All of this happened in about fifteen seconds.

10-29-2011, 04:07 AM
Kriklakh had come with the large group of Kiaa. He had planned on little or next to none resistance. It seems as if he was wrong, and how glad he was that he was wrong. Kriklakh dragged his claws through the metal walls impatiently, pushing aside those of his kind that blocked his way to Rory. As the human flashed and flipped in swift movements to counter his many opponents Kriklakh dawned his scimitars and rolled his massive shoulder blades, cracking them.

Kriklakh moved forward, the ground below him trembling as with fear in response to every footstep, his scimitars close behind. Two jagged lines accompanied the earthquakes of Kriklakh's footsteps where his scimitars were dragged along the floor. It was daunting, the ease at which the scimitars cut through the rough metal.

10-29-2011, 04:31 PM
Rory turned around to the Kiaa with the two scimitars that was standing behind him. Although Rory had a large stature, the Kiaa was bigger than he was. Doesn't mean anything, Rory thought. Doesn't mean shit.

He saw the large scimitars dangling from the Kiaa's arms and quickly assessed the situation. The robot Kiaa were diminished, but still there, and several more Kiaa soldiers were there as well. Wolb was still working on the mech, facing the tanks. It was Rory versus this Kiaa.

10-30-2011, 03:07 PM
Kriklakh halted but 3 yards in front of Rory. There was a pause in which the Kiaa, his massive white armor gleaming, raised his blades. The scimitars silently uprooted themselves from the ground, blinding light reflecting off the thin sides. With a movement contradicting his size's speed he had reached out, his scimitar rushing towards Rory in what was a sweeping blow.

10-30-2011, 11:18 PM
"Translation: Black Text: Kiaa soldier, ground trooper class. Agile and swift. Red Text: Kiaa blade master and Kiaa Noble guards. No known traits for the blade master. Noble guards. Fast, heavy, and power blow. Recommend terminating Noble guards."

Tutorial one. Aiming. Human translation: Place three fingers on target. Call for weapon type and move necessary token onto target. For advanced targeting options. Call more weapon types. For a list of weapon types. Ask nicely."

As the mech voice begins to get sarcastic a few of the Kiaa move away from Rory and focus on the mech. Most stop and watch the two begin their battle. Knowing better then to get in the way of their champion. Around ten or so are left not including the Tanks and Blade master. Three were moving to attack the mech.

"Notice. Suit under attack. Suggesting arm sweep.

Tutorial. To spin the arms and upper body. Call for movement action. Detail the movement for full safety measures."

11-01-2011, 10:52 PM
Rory ducked, but instead of ducking away from the blade, he ducked towards it. He went under the massive Kiaa's arm, ducking and turning his back against the Kiaa's side, and then continuing to turn under its arm until he was at its back, where he continued his turn and swept his robotic arm up in an attempted hit to the back of the Kiaa's head, using his momentum from turning his body to put even more force and speed into his already powerful backhand. While his arm swept, it transformed into the rifle, baring solid metal against the Kiaa's head.

11-03-2011, 02:50 AM
Kriklakh bended his bulk forward, the metal of Rory's weapon slid smoothly across the scales adorning his back. Kriklakh's left leg heaved itself off the ground, bending at the knee, moving forward into the giant Kiaa's chest in preparation for a kick as the Kiaa's body bent towards the knee; Kriklakh was simultaneously preparing for a blow and dodging one. The Kiaa stood in his bent position, supporting his bulk with but one leg now, with his three-toed foot splayed inches from Rory's face, the top of his knee pressing into his chest armor, and his arms, with their metal blades, stretched outwards maintaining what only a statue could rival in stillness and balance.

Only the warning of rolling green muscles, tendons commanding armies of laced cells, was given before the massive leg of Kriklakh pushed itself outwards, towards Rory, in what seemed a dancer's pose and what was a fatal kick.

It was a laughable thing, really, seeing a Kiaa, especially one as big as Kriklakh, to bend and pose at such angles. However, spiced with a decisive fierceness and what one could only label Death these movements were anything but humorous.

11-03-2011, 11:30 PM
Rory, who saw the kick in the last moment, bent backwards to avoid the blow, bobbed to the right, hooked his left arm around the Kiaa's leg, and attempted to hook his right leg around the Kiaa's support leg, aiming for a move that would take the Kiaa to the ground, using the Kiaa's gravity and Rory's weight against it.

11-05-2011, 07:51 PM
Kriklakh, after having missed, planted his left leg into the ground so as to support him. He then stabbed for Rory behind his right leg.

11-05-2011, 10:19 PM
Rory, seeing the stab, dodged to the side, and rolled over the Kiaa's back, planting his gun against the Kiaa's gut and firing. However, the Kiaa was armored, so it didn't do much, maybe burning its skin a little bit. As soon as he did that, the lights began to flash.

Compound destruction in.... 30 minutes, a deep male AI voice said.

Damn them, Rory thought. They must've set off an alarm. He jumped backwards, ran to the man in the mech, and knocked on it.

"We've gotta get out, blow a hole in the wall!"

11-10-2011, 10:02 PM
Kriklakh had not let Rory escape so easily. He chased, and when Rory jumped onto the capsule carrying the pilot of the stolen mech he hurled himself at Rory, a ripple running through his scaled legs as he launched himself skyward, bulldozing into him. As they fell Kriklakh sheathed his left blade and embedded the other in what was the hip of the mech, allowing gravity to carry him downwards while the blade sliced through a complicated compaction of wires and metal.

He snapped his jaws at Rory, and kept snapping, in midair, ensuring that any unwanted interceptions were not to be made unless Rory wanted to die. His left arm attempted to hook around Rory's back and crush him into the impregnable armor covering the Kiaa's body while bringing him within reach of Kriklakh's jaws; a deathtrap, if ever a suitable name could be found.

11-10-2011, 10:14 PM
Wolb grit his teeth and jumped out of the mech and started a charge at the kiaa. He then proceeded to throwing a flashbang onto the ground and telling Rory to close his eyes. Wolb jumped, closed his eyes midair, and opened them after the explosion. Then he grabbed the Kiaa's neck, kneed him in the stomach, and stomped on the tail.

PS: He's wearing steel toed boots. :P

11-11-2011, 04:18 AM
After the explosion, which Rory prepped himself for, althought it still sent a hideous ringing into his ears. The Kiaa continued to snap at Rory blindly. Rory growled, punching the Kiaa's snout with his metal fist, almost missing because he was discombobulated. As the alarms blared and the rest of the Kiaa soldiers evacuated the facility, Rory and Wolb were still battling the Kiaa.

"Get back in that mech and blow a hole, dammit!" Rory yelled at the man as he shook himself to his senses. The mech was still lying on the ground, damaged but operable. As the Kiaa confronted Rory again, Rory brought up a very powerful kick to the Kiaa's chest by thrusting his arms backwards.

11-11-2011, 10:08 PM
Wolb quickly jumped into the mech and situated himself into the seat. He got the mech to stand up and turn to the wall, he got the mech to fire a shot at the wall. Seeing the mech in the condition it's in, the blasts most likely won't work at it's full potential. But nonetheless, it is something that is going to have to dealt with.

11-11-2011, 10:51 PM
The Mech kept turning after the shot. Until it was spinning wildly. Although with this the Kiaa trying to rip apart its wires were being carelessly tossed about now. The mech itself started to yell in its alien voice at Wolb.

Three Kiaa rushed at Rory from behind while he was preoccupied with the others. Two more from his front did the same. With one on each side coming as well. Aiming to at least damage his photon cannon arm.

However despite this, there was only small scorch marks against the wall. During Wolb's attempt at piloting the alien mech. As well as his lack of piloting skills in the first place. He switched the weapon to pulse bullets.

((OOC P.S: Haha Bio... There's a reason I'm saying your doing THIS badly. The Mech suit is A: An Alien Design. B: Touch screen and sound activated. While Wolb is A: Not even qualified to pilot a plane. B: Kind of not trying to understand it to begin with.

I would have put this in the ooc thread but seeing as before you hopped in I mentioned this fact a few times. While you apparently got it to work for you in your posts. So here it is. Respond in the OOC.))

11-15-2011, 12:18 AM
Rory, hearing the three Kiaa from behind and feeling exhaustion settle in, sighed deeply, dropped to the ground, and swung his leg around, knocking down the three Kiaa behind him. The two Kiaa in front of him were about to swing their weapons at him when he twirled around on one foot, gaining momentum, and then when he was facing them again he jumped with the foot he had on the ground and landed a tornado kick on both of their skulls, quite possibly giving them concussions.

He checked his photon rifle, seeing that he had three shots left. The mech and the massive Kiaa were to his right, while the other end of the large hall was to his left, which had the exit and was full of Kiaa. The base was still in countdown for self destruct, about 5 minutes into it. He knew that if he didn't take care of the Kiaa soon, they would overwhelm them. Hoping that the man in the mech could get extremely lucky and blow up a wall by accident, Rory took a risk. Charging his photon rifle with his last three shots, he aimed at conjunction of metal beams near the roof on his left with the exit and Kiaa, and fired, attempting to collapse the ceiling between them and the rest of the Kiaa. Before he could see the result though, he collapsed, one side of his vision blurry, the other side (mechanical eye) bursting with static and spurting computer gibberish. He started to breath heavily, and waited on the ground as he started to recover.

11-22-2011, 09:07 PM
The roof gave a grunt, as if expressing its disapproval, before an audible crack dragged many Kiaaian eyes towards the now-dilapidated ceiling. Worry crawled into the slim slits of the Kiaa's eyes before a deep tremor rang through the ground. Kriklakh had stomped and the index finger of his right hand unfurled itself in a delicate, but undoubtedly malevolent, manner, aiming itself towards Rory; a portentous promise of the bloodiest kind. The other Kiaa bellowed and charged, running under the cracked ceiling as they closed the distance between themselves and Rory.

A few other Kiaa, including Kriklakh, had stayed behind to fight Wolb. The majority of them were tanks. Kriklakh unsheathed his blades and loosed a wild roar.

12-06-2011, 02:55 AM
In the Kiaa's language, centered around hissing and snarling. One of the overseers begins to bark orders.

"All persona, fall back into the lower chambers! The plan worked, with this facility the water-sack city will crumble at the detonation. Fall back into the lower chambers!

Most of the Kiaa fled. The few that were under Kriklakh's command stayed behind awaiting orders. The top of the ceiling began to lose support on the left side. If the explosion doesn't kill them that part of the ceiling will.

Ten minutes left until detonation.

"Kriklakh! Fall back, leave the water sacks in the sewer maze. We are moving on to the next target. Unless our scouts return with information that will require your bloodlust." The admiral of the Kiaa transport fleet barked in the intercom in his ear.

12-10-2011, 04:23 PM
Rory, kneeling on the ground, tried to stand up, but failed due to lack of energy. He closed his eyes, shook his head, and opened them. His biological eye quickly sharpened its vision, and the mechanical eye went black, showed a few lines of computer code, and then restored vision to itself. His vision was finally back. He tried standing up again, this time successful. He slowly walked his way towards Wolb and the large Kiaa, feeling his body recharge from the massive blast.

12-14-2011, 02:56 AM
Kriklakh found himself loathe to leave, and being commanded to do so made the situation no better. Unsurprisingly, the cyborg stood up after some strain on his part and returned to his comrade's side. Kriklakh would of loved to chop that human's head off, wipe the blood off his blade and crush the head beneath his webbed foot. Yes, Kriklakh would retreat, but he would have his redress in blood.

Kriklakh snarled at the pair before yelling in his guttural voice, almost indistinguishable from a growl, "RETREAT!"