View Full Version : [M] The Devouring [Kiall & Abyss]
09-07-2011, 04:47 AM
How ironic it was, that the night of another murder within the Findala family that this night terror struck. It had been so long since the terrors had gripped this girl within it's clutches but this night it had struck. Suddenly, swiftly leaving a restless fear behind. In the mind of a young woman.
Charity gasped, her breaths coming out in shallow pants. Her body was tangled in the thin sheets of her bed, but not in her mind. In her minds eyes, in her dream world something Evil and Sinister clutched at her, pulling her down deeper into darkness, cutting into her. Try as she might she could not force herself from this dreadful black abyss of nothingness, only making her tangle herself further. She was abruptly yanked from this terrible dream as a scream shattered the silence and she jolted awake. Her body was covered in a light sheen of sweat; Charity shivered and shakily untangled herself, brushing her strands of hair from her face.
Just then, nearly scaring her further, the door burst open and a maid stumbed in, shining a lantern in the darkness. "Ma'am!" She panted sobbing. "Oh ma'am!" Charity looked at the maid, then at the blood that stood out so deeply against the white apron. "It's alright." Charity nodded some. "I will phone the police." Ignoring her own inner warning bell and deep seated fear, she picked up the phone and dialed the police.
09-07-2011, 05:20 AM
The phone rang causing him to groan. Damnation he hated being always open, his office was also his home since he could no longer afford both, he slept in small bunk in the backroom of his office which had him within earshot of that damnable invention the telephone. “Calloway Detective Agency,” he rasped picking up the ear set. He nodded listening with one hand and pouring himself a glass of whiskey with the other. Some of his old contacts in the police force sometimes threw him bizarre murder cases, it was his only reliable method of income until he was able to build a solid reputation. “Thank you kindly Rick, I’ll see what I can do,” he said before gulping down his whiskey and hanging up the phone.
He washed his face to waken up more and put on his clothes, taking his hat and cane he walked out of his office building and headed into the cold morning air.
Glancing at the estate, he headed in, the only people right now were some fellows to secure the body no one would be arriving in force until later today. “Good evening madam” he said doffing his hat to a well dressed lady, “Are you the lady of the house?”
09-07-2011, 05:37 AM
Charity waited in the sitting room, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. Mostly to keep herself from trembling, the dream still fresh in her mind, and also the mental picture of her eldest brother more or less torn apart. She'd waited not long for men to come and secure the area, and she didn't mind; now she was standing before another man, a detective by the looks of it. Nodding solemnly to his question she stepped aside and led him further into the estate. "I am Charity Findala," she bowed slightly in respect to him. As you should, the nagging voice of her long since dead mother scolded inside her mind, Always respect then men, for they are higher than you are. You'd do good to remember that. "You're here to see my brother, I presume?" Charity's voice was soft, mellow, distant. Even her eyes revealed that she was not completely emotionally there; shut off, away from the world, detached. To be expected of someone who has lost so many family members right?
"Charity!" A voice wailed from inside the sitting room. "I'm scared.." The small voice belonged to Charity's yonger sister Abigale. The small child clutched at Charitys dress, turning her face into the fabric, sobbing, not quietly. "My apologies." Charity said, kneeling to soothe her sister before putting her off with a maid and turning back to the detective. "Would you like something to drink?"
09-07-2011, 05:52 AM
Gregory shook his head, “No thank you milady, though it is kind of you to offer,” he neer drank when he was working a case. Already his mind was working examining the young woman. The woman was distant she seemed on edge and frightened, and then there was the little one who had actually burst into tears, he recalled the file on the house apparently this was not their first murder, though no one was ever convicted. Did they perhaps know who the killer was?
That would explain the fear, but why cover it up..any further presumptions might alter his investigation so he stopped. “And yes if he is the head of the household, then yes milady I would,” he said, “I am not with the police I am a private detective, and was hoping to assist in the investigation, could you take me to him? I would very much like to examine the body, if he wishes to hire me I would also like to take the statement from whoever found the body and the one who called it in to the police if you would be so kind.”
09-07-2011, 06:10 AM
"Yes, of course." Charity nodded and gave a pointed look to the maid with her sister that said for the maid to calmly get Abigale back to sleep. Quietly. Then she started towards the stairs, gathering up her skirts as she ascended the steps. "His room is this way, Sir." She spoke softly, again. "Miss Bernice, one of our maids, discovered him. It was her scream that woke me," her voice shook slightly as she said that part, thankful that she was woken up, but not at the circumstances. "She got me immediately, and I phoned the police. Bernice is downstairs in the kitchen. I know the procedure so I had her change clothes and put aside her bloody ones in a bag. It is also in the kitchen."
She waked the rest of the way to her brothers room in silence. When she got there, the door was closed so no one walked in and her pale, slender hand hesitated over the knob, trembling. Charity took a breath, closed her eyes for a second then opened the door, turning her eyes away from the gruesome mess in the room. Blood was everywhere staining everything. His body was torn apart, the pieces spread across the room, the bed was a mess, and the curtains were half open, one of them nearly ripped from the rod holding them up. "I.. Is there anything else I can do for you?" Charity stuttered, turning away from the room.
09-07-2011, 11:08 PM
His face softened as Gregory saw how distraught the lady had been, The room had been ghastly, though he had seen it this bad before. The hardest part was always dealing with the family afterwards. Placing his hands on her shoulders, “I will take it from her milady, rest, have some tea, compose yourself and I will be back to ask you some questions momentarily,” he said softly trying to be reassuring before stepping into the room.
The room stank that was no surprise, from what he could gather it had all happened in this room, who could have possibly snuck in here and done all this without anyone noticing? It was obvious he wasn’t going to get anything from the pieces of the body, this didn’t look like the work of a man with a knife, more like the savaging of a wild animal. He searched the room careful not to alter anything, he found clasped in the the man’s detached hand a piece of paper, pulling it out all he could read was “tick tock” and then some sort of strange symbol. Calmly he placed it back down and began rummaging through the drawers. He found a brooch, it was gold with blood red rubies covering it, as wealthy a family it was this would cost a fortune, a family heirloom perhaps? He was surprised to find that the brooch was in the shape of the symbol he had sawn etched on the paper..curious. Taking out the little notebook from his pocket he quickly traced the design, it wasn’t much of a lead, but it was something he thought satisfied as he exited the room.
Gregory sat down and stared at the young Fidala, “Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?” he asked, “Can you tell me what your brother was doing yesterday, was he excited? Angry? Did he mention anyone in particular?”
09-07-2011, 11:37 PM
Charity did not wander far from her brothers room, when a maid brought her a hot cup of tea with chamomile in it to calm her nerves, and in the few moments between the departure and return of the detective, she had comfortably settled back in her emotionally detached norm. The young woman took a small sip of her tea before leveling her gaze with the detectives. "I don't know what he was doing yesterday." She replied coolly. "However, if it is of any use, over the last few weeks he has become increasingly restless. He started muttering about-" she hesitated, then shook her head slightly deciding what he was muttering about wasn't that important. "He muttered to himself. Lowly, and he was searching. Tearing through the other closed off rooms. The rooms where the others died."
Taking another sip of tea, Charity turned her attention to the window and frowned. It was raining again. But when did it not? Charity hated the rain, it brought about a darkness when it was supposed to be light. The dark frightened Charity more than the thought of some serial killer out for her family. When the dark came, whether at night or otherwise, she felt like it was a living breathing thing trying to take away the light forever. Thinking about it made her shiver, and her grip tightened on her cup of tea.
09-08-2011, 12:31 AM
Gregory’s mind whirred, so he had been searching for something…could he have known that his killer was coming for him, and what exactly did Ms. Charity know? He had not missed her slip up, what exactly did she have to hide. There was a overwhelming sense of fear throughout the house, he saw it in her face, and the faces of the servants. HE had to admit as it began to darken from the storm clouds he felt a shiver down his spine, he was not superstitious, he had always considered himself a man of reason and science, but even he couldn’t deny there was something..wrong about the place. “Milady,” he said softly taking one of her hands in his, it was very untoward he knew but he was hoping a sense of comfort and empathy from him would help her open up, “I know you are frightened, but if there is anything you know…you must tell me,” he said leaning closer, “I will protect you, I swear it.”
09-08-2011, 12:56 AM
Chrity looked down at her hands, then back up at the detective. She knew he was being kind, and trying to soothe her fears somewhat, but she never really liked being touched. By anyone. Though she'd trained herself not to flinch or cringe when touched, she still felt awkward whenever someone touched her. Physical contact was too intimate a thing for her and it reminded her of the inky blackness that caressed her in her nightmares. "There's something you should know about this manor, Detective," She said slowly, carefully, "Don't even find yourself alone in the dark."
A shudder crept it's way up her spine again, and she to visibly force herself not to look around. The feeling of being watched had snuck up on her, and she noticed that the clouds were shutting out even the last bits of light trying to break through the clouds. A deep panic began rising in her chest, but she showed no outward signs of distress. Well, other than her trembling hands. "M.. Molly." Charity said, semi-urgently. The maid came into the room and began lighting the oil lanterns, and once finished in the room went through the other rooms doing the same. "Don't forget what I said." The young woman repeated. "Not in this house. Don't find yourself alone in the dark."
09-08-2011, 04:40 AM
Gregory sighed and rubbed his eyes, apparently he had been too forward judging by her frightened expression, what sort of basket case was he dealing with exactly? Regardless she was closing off to him, he wasn’t going to get anymore answers out of her, and why was she being so enigmatic with him? What exactly did she not want him to find out, “I see…Lady Findala, you said your maid found the body could I speak with her?”
09-09-2011, 03:31 AM
She knew The Look when she saw it, but she, in all honesty, didn't care. The detective would listen soon enough to her warning. If not now, well, eventually. Her brother didn't believe either, and look what had happened to him. Standing, setting her nearly untouched tea, now cold, on the small stand she nodded. "Of course." Charity nodded to Molly, who had materialized once again and stood by the door. "Fetch Bernice. Do not startle her, I bet she is frightened enough. Bring her here. The Detective would like to ask her questions." Without turning to the detective, the young woman headed towards the door herself, but stopped at the door, and glanced back at him over her shoulder, her eyes cold and flat. "My brother didn't listen to me either... now he's dead." With those final words she left to her room as Bernice wandered into the room. Her cheeks were wet, and if that wasn't an indication that she'd been crying, her bloodshot and puffy red eyes were. "S...Sir?" the woman nodded, trembling so badly, she looked as if she were standing in the middle of an earthquake.
Meanwhile, Charity went to her own room and collapsed on her bed face-down. She was tired. Exhausted, more like. No sleep in the past few days, and now her brothers murder? What else, she thought, what else can go wrong? Taking a deep steadying breathe to calm herself she didn't even realize she was falling asleep. Her eyes closed and her body felt like it was falling, fast, with nothing to stop her. The darkness appeared again, winding around her, pulling at her. A strange hissing sound reached her ears, and with the way it surrounded her she swore that the shadows were laughing at her. Shadows didn't laugh, did they? Tick Tock tick tock... another hissing laughter. Still falling Charity began tp panic. What was going on? A tendril of blackness snaked it's way towards her, pulling back as it neared her and she saw something. The void twisted and writhed in front of her; a face, no eyes peered at her, the tendril readying itself to strike. And then--
Charity sat up in bed drenched in sweat. She was screaming, the fear nearly overwhelming, blinding and disorienting her. She didn't know where she was, it was so dark. The panic made her chest clench and she gased for breathe, as another scream of pure terror tore from her throat.
09-09-2011, 04:26 AM
Gregory raised an eyebrow at Charity, cryptic warnings about not being in the dark do not constitute a proper explanation of things young lady, he held his tongue though, after all he was hoping to get paid for this. This Beatrice seemed frightened too. Saying some calming words he led her to the living room and sat down pouring the frightened girl some tea. He waited for her to calm down, there was no point in asking her anything now while she was frightened. His head turned when he heard a loud scream, could the killer have come back so soon?! He bolted back towards the Lady charities room, grabbing a lantern as it was quite dark and kicked open her door. Something hissed and the darkness around the room didn’t seem to dissipate with the light of his lantern rather slither away. He stood there not sure what he saw as the girl breathed hard, though she seemed otherwise unharmed. “What the devil?” was all he could say.
09-09-2011, 04:40 AM
Charity heard the hissing and her voice caught in her throat, ceasing any screams she might or might not have voiced. Her wide pale green eyes showed more than just fear, it showed primal terror. Pure terror. Her skin had lost all color and she just sat on her bed, in shock panting, her complexion paler than the moon, making the dark circles under her eyes stand out more. She couldn't say anything, she was frozen in the dim light of the latern, her terrified gaze focused on the shadows that seemed to pulse in the corners of the room. Finally, after what seemed like ages of silence, a soft whimper escaped Charitys barely parted lips and she wrapped her arms around herself.
"Tick tock.... tick tock..." she murmured softly. Where had she heard that before? She didn't know. She couldn't think, she couldn't move, there were too many shadows around. She needed more light; a lot more light. Charity blinked a few times trying to come back, to focus on something real but the darkness, the eyes, the face in the void of nothing. it leered at her, it knew something, it wanted something. Fear began to wind through her again, and her heartbeat sped up, again. Her breaths came out in fast shallow gasps. She couldn't breathe. "Why is this happening?" She heard herself whisper, her voice craking near the end.
09-10-2011, 01:12 AM
The darkness which he had thought was gone came back stronger than ever, fighting against the light from his lantern. This is not how ordinary darkness reacts this was…unnatural. The massive darkness seemed to circle him, like wary predator, as if it was trying to build up its strength to conquer his puny lantern.
A deep roar reverberated through the room as Gregory stepped forward trying to draw it back, he felt something hard bump against his chest and reached into his coat pocket. He pulled out the strange brooch, hadn’t he left it at the crime scene. When he pulled it out it began to glow the darkness shrank from it and hissed in pain more fierce than the one from the lantern, he stepped forward causing it to shrink back revealing more and more of the young woman. Holding the brooch out he picked up the woman with one hand and handed for the door slamming it behind them. He carried the young lady over his shoulder to the living room placing her on the floor, “Wake up!” he cried shaking her shoulder trying to get her eyes to focus.
09-10-2011, 01:55 AM
Charity trembled, and shrank back from the darkness even though it's rage had not been directed at her. She could feel the hatred and anger it was blatently showing towards the detective, and it only made her more frightened. But, she still couldn't figure out how to get through the haze of fear which had clouded her mind and seemed to paralyze her body. Well, until she found herself on the floor of the living room begin shaken by the detective. Her eyes suddenly focused, and out of insticnt more that anything she slapped his hand away from her, trying to hide the revolted look on her face. Charity hated being touched, she was repulsed by it, and here he was some man whom she'd barely known shaking her, touching her. The fear that paralyzed her moments before began ebbing away, and her eyes narrowed, emotion fading from her gaze, going back to her normal state of passive indifference.
For a long moment she just stared at him, then looked behind his shoulder towards where her room was and she visibly shuddered. Charity could not find her voice, however, and her throat was far to sore for her to say much of anything but the look in her eyes almost said 'I told you so,'. It was only for a few seconds after that but alarm flooded her mind. Where was her sister? Her baby sister? The screams should have woken her up, not to mention the maids would have brought her directly to the living room hearing the noise, or at least sought to find Charity so Abigale could be calmed. The young woman leapt to her feet, "Where is Abigale?" She commanded ignoring the pain that talking caused her. "Where is my sister?!"
09-10-2011, 03:03 AM
Gregory scarcely felt the slap on his hand; he was just relieved that she wasn’t permanently catatonic, as he had feared. Things were obviously much more complicated than he had suspected, he said staring at her glare, he would never understand this woman one minute acting like a frightened child the next acting like a cold and aloof noblewoman, and why did she stare at him like he was supposed to glean ‘a horrific living darkness inhabits the house’ from her stupid warning of not being in the dark in this house? It was preposterous. He was taken aback when she leapt to her feet crying out for her sister.
Come to think of it, it had been rather quiet…where was everyone? “Calm yourself good lady,” he said picking himself up and taking the lanter, “Stay here in the living room, I will find your sister.” He said heading into the darkness of the hallway lantern swinging. He walked further in, hearing strange whispers as the house shook and convulsed seemingly alive, despite this though he didn’t sense the presence from before. Perhaps it could no longer see him? Or perhaps it was too busy. He paused when he saw a red light coming from one of the doors. He opened it startling the little girl inside, on the wall was the glowing symbol. “What are you doing little one?” he asked, “Circle square, criss cross, ignore their warnings of loss, prayers in the night sky, make the shape of a lidless eye,” the young girl said seemingly as an explanation. Gregory shuddered at the strange rhyme, “Come along, your sister is frightened out of her wits over you,” he said gesturing towards the door as he led them both back to the living space.
09-10-2011, 03:43 AM
Abigale giggles softly, shaking her head, grinning innocently up at the detective. "Charry doesn't get scared." She said matter of factly, skipping ahead of the man towards the living room. Just outside the door she looked back at him, "Don't forget, Mister!" She nodded. "Heed this warning, listen well, You hold back the gates of Hell. Our family don't go without a fight.Let us hope we last night."
Anxiously Charity paced back and forth wringing her hands together waiting for the detective to return with her sister. When Abigale bounced into the room with a smile on her face, Charity wrapped the little girl in her arms, holding her close to her chest. "Don't be off on your own, young lady." She scolded, though her voice held love it. Her eyes did not reflect that emotion at all, however. Turning her attention to the woman that was supposed to be with Abigale, she frowned. "How could you leave her alone like this? Whatever did that to my brother could very well still be here and you let her wander on her own? How could you? She could have been taken too. We are the only two left in this damned family, and you.. you.." Charity sputtered angrily. How could someone leave this little girl to defend herself against.. well, the dark. No one could defent against it! "If I didn't like your company so much you'd be fired on the spot. As it were, you're a friend to me, so your actions are forgiven. Don't let it happen again." The woman Charity was speaking to nodded and bowed slightly, thanking her, with a sorry look on her face. The child had just vanished one second, and she'd looked, but she didn't tell that to Miss Charity. Oh, no. No one spoke out against her.
09-10-2011, 05:22 AM
Gregory stared hard at the little girl, she obviously knew a lot about what was going on, maybe even more than Lady Charity, she was certainly more helpful than her older sister he thought bemused, what was that rhyme she said? ‘heed this warning listen well, you hold back the gates of hell our family don’t go without a fight lets hope we can last the night,’ interesting… He cleared his throat bringing her attention back to him, “Well then milady, this has been an informative morning, however I must be off, I need to do some research.” He handed her his card, “Call me if there is anymore trouble,” he said reassuringly and started towards the door, “I would suggest… you not stay in this house, if you need a place to stay call me, I’ll be able to get you some rooms somewhere,” he didn’t know if that happened all the time, or if it was just for tonight but he didn’t feel comfortable leaving them here alone. But what choice did he have? The only way he was going to fight this thing is if he had knowledge of what it was. Breathing in the outside air he stepped out and headed back towards his office.
09-10-2011, 05:53 AM
"Oh... God." Lydia Black, criminal mastermind and thief, moaned as she literaly crawled into Detective Calloways office slash home. She didn't notice that he wasn't there, which was unusual, but she'd been out all night and was damn tired. Dragging herself into his spare back room she flopped face first onto the comfy matress and curled against the pillow, closing her icy blue eyes, letting sleep tug at her, and pull her into an abyss of peace and--
RING! No, she was going to ignore it, she was way to bloody tired for that kind of irritation. Besides Calloway would pick it up eventually and-- RING! RING! "Calloway!" She shouted, grogginess thick in her voice. "Pick up the damn phone!" Irritated she turned over and slammed the pillow over her head pressing it against her ear as to block out the noise of the phone. Not going to happen, though, as the harder she tried to ignore it, the louder it seemed to become.
"Fucking-A, Calloway!" She growled, throwing her legs over the side of the bed, standing up and making her way towards the phone. Reaching it before the next ring she snatched it off it's holster and hissed, "No one is bloody home. Get that through your thick damn skull if someone doesn't pick up the line the first damn time." Then, she promptly slammed the reciver down, and had half a mind to yank the cord from the wall, but refrained and went back to 'her room' to finally get some sleep.
09-10-2011, 06:14 AM
Gregory had gone to the market and picked up some things and was now turning the corner in the building where his office resided when he heard, Lydia scream at the telephone, he winced almost feeling the chance for a new client slipping away. She wasn’t really his daughter, but she was sending him to the poorhouse like a real flesh and blood one would. He sighed as he opened the door. He never knew where she went, but at least she was keeping out of trouble…at least she hadn’t brought any back home, nor had he heard anything worse than a few drunk and disorderly charges.
He sighed and took out the ham and wedge of cheese he brought home. He cut the meat into thin slices before cooking them over his small wooden stove, he then placed the meat and cheese onto some bread slices he still had in the cupboard, cutting the bread diagonally like she liked it, it frightened him that he now did this without thinking, before placing the plate on the desk by her door along with a glass of milk for when she woke up. Fixing himself a sandwich as well as a glass of whiskey he began looking over the Findala case files in silence. In light of the new discovery, perhaps he could glean some sort of pattern out of the darkness’s murders.
09-10-2011, 06:32 AM
Finally able to get some sleep, Lydia woke up on her own, with no bothersome telephone calls to interrupt her nap, around the middle of the afternoon. On the desk by the door to her room she found milk and a sandwhich, with the bread cut how she liked it, and she semi rejoiced and not having to make anything for herself. Grabbing the milk and food she searched, which wasn't long, until she found Calloway, and she sauntered up behind him peeking over his shoulder. "Thanks for the sammich. Yum." She took a bite, as she read over his shoulder. "Someone called, dunno who, don't really care, but is this a new case?" Lydia, ever curious, pulled up a chair next to his and read more about what seemed like some creepy story someone would get out of a book.
"Oh, some story then. I thought it was a case. Didn't think you were much of a fiction reader." Lydia finished her milk and sandwhich moving to wash them and put away the dishes, then hesitated. "Wait... Findala? I've heard that name before, and it ain't in no book." She went back over to Calloway. "They're that cursed family... don't tell me they expect you to figure out who did this? That entire line has been nearly wiped out. They must be stumped... police idiots." She muttered that last part rolling her eyes going back to the dishes.
09-10-2011, 07:03 AM
“Watch your mouth young lady,” Gregory said not looking up from the case reports, nor was there any anger or true admonishment in his voice. He had been looking them over and had found little in light of the new information, one thing that sparked is interest was the fact that they seemed to progressing in gruesomeness and frequency, did that mean the darkness was getting stronger? He looked up from the files toward his blond haired blue eyed part time ward, and even more part time assistant. “Cursed is right, though I doubt you’ll believe any of the sordid details that transpired this morning.” He said reaching into his coat pocket feeling for the brooch, “You’ve still got contacts in the faux jewelry making business right? Anyone good enough to recognize something like this?” he asked placing the golden symbol brooch on the table for her to look at.
09-10-2011, 07:21 AM
Lydia rolled her eyes and dried her hands on a towel, moving back over to stand over the detective. "Oh, my." lydia purred leaning down to take a closer look at the brooch. "That is one fine piece you got there.. and you should know by now that I do," She grinned crookedly, mischeif glemaing in her eyes. "I could take that down to the shop now if you want and have it identified. Did that Findala family let you see it? Looks old.." Lydia leaned down to get a closer look at the brooch, her eyes narrowing. She'd been friends with some people in the faux jewlery making business for a long time and she'd seen some fake shit, but this.. she hummed running her fingers over it. "It looks authentic, but I can have 'em take a look at it." She straightened and tilted her head to the side, considering.
"D'you need any help by chance? I am quite bored today and have nothing going on. If you want to share some of those.. sordid details you mentioned you can have an extra special assistant help you out." She winked, her voice silky. The same tone she used to con people into doing what she wanted them to. Lydia didn't need to use that tone with him, she usually got to help out anyway but she thought it was fun to do so, so she did.
09-11-2011, 04:21 AM
Gregory chuckled and shook his head, he had no idea what she got out of these cases, or why she felt the need to try and coerce him into letting her when he usually did anyways, “First of all if you think I’m letting you take this alone you are insane,” he said holding up the glittering symbol, “Second I know it is authentic, I’m hoping one of your forger friends have seen enough real jewelry to tell me where this came from,” he said standing up.
He knew that whatever that symbol meant it was tied to the darkness and maybe if he could trace the origin of the symbol he could reveal something about the nature of the darkness. He smiled and ruffled her hair, she was rather short so it was easy to do and it irritated her which was why he did it anytime she tried to use that silly voice of hers, “Well as long as you’re going to be an extra special assistant I suppose you can come. I’ll tell you about the case while we walk,”
“So that’s the end of it,” he said as they walked through the dirty alley, “I know it’s too fantastical to be true, but nevertheless that’s what I experienced this morning,” he said looking at the ramshackle building, “now you’re sure this guy is good yes?” he said looking at Lydia.
09-11-2011, 04:37 AM
"Oi, oi, oi! Watch the hair!" Lydia snapped smacking his hands away from her head. Now she was going to have to fix it... Or not. As her hair was short all she had to do was run her fingers through it, and that's exactly what she did.
"You're kidding me!" Lydia said, eyes wide with curiosity and excitmenet. "The shadows hissed at you? Tried to attack you? Oh come on! No one is going to believe a bullshit story like that." Though as she said it, she knew it was true. Even if he could prove somehow that some weird darkness was going around murdering the Findala family why would it just stick to that line? There was a whole world of people the darkness could take a chomp out of. "Curiouser and curiouser~" she muttered, pondering. Lydia stopped thinking, however, and scowled at Calloway. "Of course I'm sure. I know these guys, they're good at what they do and even better at finding out about creepy, dusty old brooches. Trust me." She wiggled her eyebrows at him, and stuck out her tongue before opened the main door and sauntering inside, her posture morphing completely from laid back adopted daughter to skilled seductrice.
"Hey," she purred leaning over the counter, a grin sliding over her lips, her eyes half-lidded. "Can you do me a favor, please?" She pouted her lips slightly, charm pouring off of her in waves.
09-12-2011, 04:08 AM
A unkempt man looked up through thick goggles, “Lydia? I thought you was locked up! Still as saucy as ever I see,” The man said grinning from ear to ear. James Vivian specialized in the making of fake jewelry and had worked for many criminal organizations, from the petty nonsense Lydia did ripping off people, to make replacements for high profile artifacts, because of this most people just called him Jem, thought it was funny they did. Jem stood up and gave Lydia a leering smile, “A favor you say? I don’t still haven’t paid me off for the last favor I did, I might require somethin..extra,” he said looking her over, she wasn’t that type of girl, you could look but never touch, but Jem didn’t mind it was a game, and an old one at that, so he would let her tease and pout and whittle him down to a fairly reasonable price. He then noticed the older man behind him who was busy rubbing his eyes in embarrassment, “who’s the stiff?” he asked.
09-12-2011, 05:10 AM
Lydia's grin widened, and she winked licking her lips. "I'll tell ya the story, later... Maybe." She added straightening pushing her hair behind her ear. "It's not that interesting, but.." She glanced back behind her and rolled her eyes, "His name is Calloway, and he's my adopted Dad." She nodded, saying it with a little more affection than she had intended, but it was genuine. Before she could dwell on that thought, she continued her voice going completely serious, something she never was, unless it involved a new con. "We need you to look at something," She waved Calloway over gesturing to the brooch. "I need to know where it came from." She paused and tilted her head, "We're doing research for someone." Lydia wasn't exactly lying but she wasn't telling the whole truth either, something she wasn't good at anyway.
09-13-2011, 04:01 AM
Adoption? Ha ha! What new scheme are you up to now?” Jem said before taking a look at the brooch Gregory held. Taking it in his hands his eyes slowly grew wide, “Jesus Christ woman! Where did you get this!?” he cried holding up, “Those genuine blood red rubies they are! Just a tiny one smaller than my finger nail could cost a fortune! And look at these as big as my finger print they are! And you have a dozen of them!”
He pulled the thing in close studying it, “it’s old...that’s for sure, real old, you couldn’t get gem stones like these otherwise, made in Africa definitely, I’d bet South Africa if I was a betting man…though sorry, I don’t recognize the symbol,” he said putting it away, “But! I might be able to put you in contact with someone who does, his names Simon works at this address,” he said writing it down on a piece of paper, Gregory recognized it, the location was a small bookstore, “he’s into all that old religious symbolism crap, he’s the only one I can think that’d recognize that,” he said handing over the paper, befoe winking at Lydia, “Take care luv, don’t be a stranger eh?”
They both walked through the streets heading towards the bookstore. Gregory looked at Lydia smiling wryly before ruffling her hair and pulling her into a sort of one armed hug, “that’s the first time you ever called me dad you know,” he said teasingly.
09-13-2011, 06:09 AM
Lydia cocked her head a bit, letting the strands of her hair fall into her face. She knew that the brooch was old, but had no idea it was worth so much! The temptation to steal it and sell it, but she had to force that urge back. She'd learned that she didn't have to do that anymore, but it was hard to do something she grew up doing. It got a little easier every day, but it was still pretty damn hard. "Thank you, Jem, baby~" Lydia winked, with the promise of returning later to reminise.
Walking down the road with Calloway, Lydia grinned widely, lightly nudging him with her shoulder. "Oh, ew, parental affection~" She laughed, but her cheeks flushed slightly. She wasn't used to affection, or teasing like this so it brought up a weird feeling, that she more often than not pushed away. Not this time, she embraced it, and noticed that it felt good. "It's not like you denied it, which means that you loooove me!" She teased him right back as they walked up to the book store.
09-13-2011, 06:52 AM
Gregory laughed, “you think I’d let you eat me out of house and home if I didn’t? you must be my daughter cause that’s the only explanation I can think of why I haven’t kicked you out yet!” he said chuckling, befoe looking back at her a smile on his face, “But being serious for you I am…very proud of you, for what you’ve accomplished, what you’re becoming. You’re growing into a fine young lady you know, one I’m proud to consider my own flesh and blood,” he said kissing her forehead. He had told the others he had adopted her to make her seem more sympathetic, but really it was out of pity, she had reminded him so much of himself, young and angry, lashing out against the world, she had been used by people, just as she used people. He had thought if he could make one life better change the ways of one person his time on the force would be worth it, so he had adopted her fully expecting her to betray him and leave him, but she didn’t, whether it was his own meddling or her own tenacity she had changed for the better.
He let go of her shoulder as they entered the bookstore, though something was wrong. The lights were out and there were sounds of a struggle. Gregory pulled out his pistol and leaned against the door, “Lydia, I need you to sneak around back, stay out of sight and wait for an opening,” he whispered watching her turn the corner. He took a deep breath and burst through the door pistol held high. A bookish scrawny man was being held by an ugly looking thug, the mans eyes were wild and held a sharp knife to the man’s throat. “You…see, but you can’t see! We will be whole!” the man babbled clutching the knife against the terrified mans throat. “Sir put the knife down! And walk away!” just like that he was back to being a constable, trying to hold off a hostage killing until reinforcements arrived, he hoped Lydia would get here quick.
09-13-2011, 07:30 AM
Lydia rolled her eyes. She did not eat him outof house and home, he was just exaggerating. She was going to tell him as such when they arrived at the book store and she was ordered to go around the back. Silently she nodded and ran out back slipping in the door, which looked like someone tossed it to the side like it weighed nothing. "Creepy.." She muttered slipping inside, weaving her way through to the front. She stopped short seeing Calloway with his gun out and a psycho with a knife holding the nice, and terrified book keeper.
While the thugs attention was on Calloway, Lydia moved silently towards him. "Hey, psycho!" She called, right next to him. When he turned to look at her her fist collided with his jaw and he dropped the book keeper in shock. "Ow, shit!" Lydia hissed holding her hand, bouncing on her the balls of her feet. "Son of a fucking bitch!" The book keeper bolted towards Calloway, but now the thugs attention was on her, a glare on his face and a bruise forming on his cheek. "You have one hard face, dude." She remarked staring at her split knuckles.
09-14-2011, 05:37 AM
Gregory ignored the bookkeeper that had rushed behind him, his focus squarely upon the thug now brandishing a knife at his adopted daughter. “Stand down now sir! Or I will shoot!” he yelled, the thug smiled his eyes wild and made a move towards her, he fired his pistol and watched as the man spin from the force of the impact the knife flying out of his grasp and toppling to the ground. Gregory breathed a sigh of relief lowering his pistol.
However the man was not done, he rushed to his feet and grabbed Lydia by the throat hauling her small body up into the air seemingly unaffected by the bullet wound. Gregory rushed trying to pull him off of her, however no matter how much he punched and kicked and pulled the man would not budge and Gregory watched in horror as his Lydia thrashed in the air, he would’ve shot the man but for fear of hitting Lydia. Panic gripping him as he watched Lydia’s struggles getting weaker he noticed the knife on the ground, picking it up he stabbed the man in the back in one swift movement. The man screamed a loud and powerful scream that shouldn’t come from human lungs and dropped the girl before grabbing Gregory and hurling him against one of the bookcases, he came down hard on top of it and groaned.
09-14-2011, 05:51 AM
I can't breathe! Lydia thought, panicked. His hands were huge and her airways were getting crushed! Terror sliced through her, as her vision kept getting slimmer and slimmer, bright white dots dancing in and out of her vision. She was going to die... the thought barely entered her mind when she was released. Coughing and gasping for air, Lydia collapsed to the ground holding her throat. Unintentional tears rolled down her cheeks. Her throat hurt, and her heart pounded so loudly in her chest she thought if it beat any harder it'd beat right out of her chest. How did she get...? Calloway. The thug tossed her father away into a book case, and her eyes widened. Oh, hell no.
Struggling to her feet, the girl spotted her adoptive fathers pistol lying only feet away from the thug. It must have fallen when Calloway was tossed halfway across the room. A familiar rage spread through Lydia, and she couldn't stop it. She'd only felt this rage when she was younger and in a lot of trouble. Someone almost ended up in intensive care the last time she was like this. But she couldn't help it! That thug hurt her father! Snatching the pistol, Lydia clocked the thug in the temple, a glare twisting her normally perfect features into a dangerously dark expression. "Don't touch my fucking Father, you sick fuck!" She then put the muzzle to the guys face ad pulled the trigger three times.
It only took a second after that, but Lydia gaped open mouthed and tumbled back the pistol held tightly in her now shaking hands. The thug fell back, a weird dark tendril of mist swirling around his fallen, lifeless body, before dissipating with a hiss. "O-oh... oh my God..!"
09-14-2011, 06:33 AM
Gregory was struggling to get up when he heard the loud bang of his pistol going off. His eyes widened and he looked up fearing the worst, he saw the man toppled to the floor a strange black wisps coming out his mouth blood pulling from the bullet in his head Lydia was sitting down hands gripped around his pistol face covered in blood and mout opened in shock. Gregory groaned and stumbled to his feet and lurched his way over to Lydia before kneeling down placing a hand on her shoulder. He took a handkerchief from his coat and slowly almost tenderly began wiping the blood from her face before pulling her into a tight hug.”You did the right thing, you saved my life, I love daughter” he whispered rocking her back and forth, he knew what she was going through, he remembered the first time he had to kill a man... it was something you never really forgot.
He heard the bookkeeper walk in, and look nervously about. Gregory looked at him letting go of his adopted daughter, “I…I don’t, who was that man?” the bookkeeper asked. “I have a theory…” Gregory began, “But first I want to get some air with her,” he said placing a hand on her shoulder and leading her towards the door, “Call the police tell them what happened…then I want to ask you a few questions,” The bookkeeper nodded reaching for the phone as Gregory gently lead Lydia outside.
09-14-2011, 06:46 AM
By the time they got outside into the fresh air, Lydia was sobbing, holding her face in her hands. She'd never meant to kill anyone, he'd just.. that bastard tried to kill her and her father, she had no choice. "I.. I'm sorry!" She hiccupped, tears running down her cheeks. "He... he was..." She couldn't form an intelligent sentance, and instead decided to cling onto Calloway like he was her life support. "Daddy.." she whimpered into his chest, truely feeling for once in her life that she was sorry. Lydia didn't want to have to be taken away from the one person who actually seemed to care about her. And now she'd gone and killed a guy. She was going to be put away for sure!
"I don't... don't let them take me.." she cried, trembling so badly she could barely keep herself upright. The image of that mans wide-eyed gaze was forever imprinted in her mind, and she didn't think she could make it in prison with an image like that behind her eye lids. She didn't know if she could live with herself even now, but... if she hadCalloway, her Father, maybe he could make it better. At least a little bit.
09-14-2011, 11:02 PM
“sssh, hush now, you did everything right, understand?” Gregory whispered holding Lydia in his arms as she sobbed, This was a self defense case clear cut as it got, however Lydia did have a past and there was a slim chance that would complicate things. “Reacting in defense of another holds the same meaning as reacting in defense of yourself meaning that what I did was not a crime you understand? I shot that man I killed him to protect you,” he explained hoping she would catch her meaning. He pulled out another handkerchief and began dabbing at her eyes, “now dry your tears my daughter, everything’s going to be alright, don’t worry,” he reassured kissing the top of her head.
“So Rick after my assistant attacked the man allowing the bookkeeper to escape, that is when I ordered the man to drop his weapon, he failed to comply and made a threatening move towards my assistant, I unloaded twice shooting him once in the chest, and again in the head.” Rick nodded writing down his statement they were both inside the building sitting down on one of the tables, several officers were examining the body while Lydia sat on a bench outside, Gregory’s story matched with the bookkeepers. “Alright Gregory, I doubt you’ll even have to go to court for this, the bookkeeper backs up your story and you’re sure your…assistant will as well?” Gregory nodded and smiled, the bookkeeper hadn’t actually been in the room when Lydia fired, all he had heard were two loud bangs it was a simple matter to change the story.
“What I don’t get,” Rick continued, “is why you were even there in the first place?” Rick asked. “I was following a possible lead on the Findala murder case, I believe the bookkeeper has some insight on how the bodies become so mangled,” it was mostly true, it just barred out any of the supernatural aspects, Rick raised an eyebrow at him “any concrete evidence?” Gregory shook his head, “No just a hunch” Rick nodded understanding, “alright let us know if you get anything concrete,” Gregory nodded “of course.” Rick closed his notebook and stood up, “Alright we’re done here, I’ll call ya if I need anything from you.” Gregory headed outside and sat beside Lydia putting his arm around her pulling her in close, “Everything’s fine now, just like said,” he reassured smiling, “you did the right thing, you know that don’t you? You saved my life, don’t punish yourself for doing the right thing…the only thing you could do really.”
09-14-2011, 11:59 PM
Lydia couldn't stop trembling, no matter how hard she tried. She understood and accepted that Calloway was taking the heat for her, found it extremely hard to believe since no one ever did that for her, but she couldn't stop shaking. The look in that mans eyes, it wasn't right. No, Lydia was not hung up on killing that man; since Calloway explained it to her - that she had to do it in order to have saved his life - she accepted that mans death as easily as she would have accepted the fact that the sun wasn't shining. It was easy. But his eyes.. that's what was bothering her more. There was an unfathomable darkness in his eyes, and it wasn't just that he had abnormally dark eyes. The darkness moved, and shifted behind his lids. She saw it! She knew it was there.. and then that mist that hissed and surrounded his body. It was unnatural.
Lydia was a practical girl. Grew up thinking that if you wanted something you had to either work for it, or take it. Lydia was a taker, not a worker. Everything had value and a price. Do this for that, and such. There's no such things as Ghosts, and Ghoulies. Nothing goes "bump" in the night. She wanted to scream bullshit and pop whoever said that in the face. Obviously there was something out there, a darkness.. and even though she was super freaked out she'd be damned if she was going to sit in a police station and tremble like a little bitch just because she shot and killed a man. She was Lydia Elizabeth Black, dammit. Turning to look at Calloway, Lydia's face was grim, but serious. "I know.. we have to stop this thing.. we just... we have to. I can't do that again.. face down that thing. I don't think I could do it again.. which is why. It's why it has to end." And that was the grim reality of it. Lydia was not going to be able to face the dark on her own. Not ever again.
At the Findala Manor the darkness seethed, and pusled angrily. Some humans wanted to take it down? As if. There was another murder that night. This one more horrific than the last. Not only because her body was unrecognizable, but because it was a child. A little girl. Dead.
09-16-2011, 05:20 AM
I know…you don’t have to come with me, you can go home, rest I’ll take care of it,” Gregory said pulling her into a tight hug, before pulling back and reaching into his pocket, “here are a couple of pounds, go get yourself something to eat or drink…I’m going to go talk to the bookkeeper.” He kissed her forehead before walking off heading towards the bookstore. The bookkeeper Sam was rubbing his eyes trying to make sense of everything when he saw Gregory come in, “Ah! Detective, thank you for saving my life I never got a chance to say it…” Gregory nodded and pulled out the brooch, “What do you make of this symbol,” The Bookkeeper Sam studied “hmm interesting, I think I might have seen this before, come with me then..” he said heading further into the bookstore motioning for Gregory to follow.
(I phoned it in a little, sorry i'm really tired though xD)
09-18-2011, 10:49 PM
Lydia nodded some and muttered a soft 'be careful' to him as he left, then she went down to the nearest bar and plopped onto the stool. She tossed the money on the bar and ordered a beer. "You look like shit, Lyd." The bartender remarked with a giant grin on his face. "Yeah, I had a rouch day, man. I can look like shit if I want to." She replied, narrowing her eyes, nearly downing her beer in the first drink. "Keep 'em coming. I need to forget a lot of things today."
Charity sat cradeling what was left of her little sister, tears rolling down her expressionless face. Her eyes were fixed onto the wall, where the blood had managed to miss. It was the only clean spot in the room, and she couldn't force her gaze away. "My Abby.. oh Abigale." Charity sobbed. The police that had arrived after the frantic call were unable to seperate Charity from her sisters mangled remains. "She was just a baby!" She cried, "She did nothing wrong. Why did it have to be Abby?!"
09-19-2011, 03:56 AM
Gregory walked purposefully towards the mansion of the Findala’s, the time at the bookstore had been most informative. They only had a little time to stop it now once the last member of the family was dead the thing would awaken fully. Seeing one of the maids he gestured towards her, “Miss? Detective Calloway, is the mistress of the house still here?” he had heard of what had happened to the youngest member of the family and very much doubted Charity wanted to see him, but he had to meet with her.
(also -hurr-)
09-19-2011, 04:05 AM
The maid looked tired and upset, but nodded. "She is upstairs in Abigales room, Sir. They can not get her to release the remains of the child. I'm not sure if she up to seeing anyone at the moment." The woan said truthfully but led him up the stairs anyway to Abbys room. Charity still sat in the same place she had been for hours. This time she was openly sobbing, an expression of grief on her normally blank face, and though no one could seem to see it, the darkness in the corners of the room pulsed, writhing in the agony radiating from the young woman. "Why..?" She choked. "Why my Abby?" Abigale had been the youngest, and Charity had been praying that she lived through the curse. She was too innocent to have to witness all the death that corrupted and warped the other members of the family. But it was that innocence that the darkness picked and now Charity was by herself. All alone, the last in the Findala line.
( XD Ahahahahah.. the face.. >_> )
09-21-2011, 12:53 AM
Gregory nodded and headed into the room, he saw her the woman Charity from before she was cradling the remains of Abigail. He crouched on the balls of his feet across from her, “I can’t imagine what you’re going through, no words of comfort could ever be sufficient,” he said matter of factly standing back up. The room was getting darker though he knew it wasn’t from the lack of sunshine. Using the still wet blood he traced the symbol on the wall though he also added several dots along it similar to the rubies on the brooch.
The symbol began to glow, it shined even brighter than it had for the girl now that it was complete. There was a great rumble and a roar reverberated in the room, and then it stopped…The room seemed to grow brighter, brighter than even the rest of the house and the pervading sense of dread was now gone. Gregory nodded satisfied, he had killed the thing’s hold in this room alone, he would need to find the source to stop it. “No more games Charity,” he said not looking back, “it’s time we talk a little about your family’s sordid past!”
09-21-2011, 04:37 AM
Charity vaugely heard the detective, but she saw the darkness vanish, and the room brighten. A soft whimper escaped her lips, as she raised her eyes to him. Why had he not come sooner? If he had her sister might have been saved! But one could not go back in time, and the young woman had to accept that fact that yet another death occured in her family and she was finally left by herself. "What.. what d'you want to know?" She choked wiping the wetness from her cheeks, smearing blood across her face. The girl was completely soaked in blood. Her arms, legs, dress.. everything.
Finally, she released her sisters mangled body, laying it gently on the ground, and she stood up, her dress weighted down by the mass amount of blood that had completely ruined it. "Do you know how to stop this? Can you... can you stop it?" She whispered, her lip trembling. Her hard shell of emotionlessness had cracked and shattered at the death of her baby sister, and now she was just a scared, vulnerabe young woman with no family.
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