View Full Version : [R] Opposites Attract. {[Lerouge and Myself]}
01-09-2010, 01:43 AM
< .This Rp is Rated R for Language, Violence, Blood and sexual situations/references that may or may not happen. >
Mairu went to Charleston Academy in a small town just west of New York City. Charleston was a high priority college that could turn kids away just because of how they walked and talked, it was that exclusive. But it was also the best there was on the East Coast. The richest kids and those with the connections, if it was their family or close friends, were a part of C.A. The Campus was behind strong Iron gates that kept the outside world from those who chose to stay on campus, which was extremely expensive.
Mairu has parents in high places, they not only had money up to their ears but they are also a part of the school. Mairu's father is the assistant principle and her mother was the counselor to the students at C.A. Mairu wore the top of the line clothes, got straight A's and was the Captain of the Cheerleader Squad. She was the Good girl of the school who everyone either loved to death or despised completely. She had all the guys hanging from a finger and was the typical teenager, mostly.
Mairu wasnt selfish like her other friends were, she was selfless and did anything and everything for anyone who asked. She liked to do things away from her friends since all they usually did was just gossip, she wasnt the kind to gossip, ever. Mairu was the kindest girl ever. Everything she did on a daily basis was praised as if she were some kind of Goddess...except for one thing.
Takumi. He was one of her very greatest friends of all time, but he wasnt a popular kid like the rest of her friends. Takumi was the school's number one bad boy, his clothes, his attitude and what he did on his own time was qualified as unacceptable by her other friends. Even her parents disapproved of her speaking with him at all. They scolded her every time they saw her with him by telling her that she was not allowed to be around him and that he could ruin her chances of getting top of her class come the time her class graduated, which was next year. Mairu would pretend to obey her parents, but being in the opposite half of the house of her parents and them being on the lower level as well allowed her to get away with many things that they would crucify her for. Late at night she would leave her bay window open for Takumi to climb up the side of the house by the wooden slats that held lily vines that bloomed during the early morning. They would often sit up all night and talk about things that are going on in their lives and what they want to do once out of college. Many times he asks her why she stays with her parents even while being 20 years old. And her answer is always the same. The truth was, if she left her parent's house then she wouldnt be able to pay for Charleston anymore and would have to completely leave to find something much cheaper. And if she wanted to get anywhere in life she was sure Charleston was the only way to do it.
Mairu's friends never understand why she speaks with Takumi. He ditches class, does drugs and there is even a rumor going around that he is part of a dangerous gang. Mairu chooses to ignore it, its not like he was dragging her into his problems. Besides, the entire school's population of girls had a crush on him. Wanting what you cant have is the best way to describe it.
Mairu walked up to the main building with her warm coffee in hand, the chilled autumn wind making her shiver. She had forgot to grab her jacket from her car and so was walking in a simple white blouse. "Im not walking all the way back and then be late to History." She mumbled out as she started on the uphill path to the building, walking in and giving a shiver as she was greeted by warm air. Walking through the hallway she sees one of her friends walking towards her. "Hannah!" She called over as she trotted to her.
"Mairu!" She laughed as she embraced her friend and then turned to walk with her "So have you heard the rumors going around that supposedly you are sleeping with Chad so you can keep being squad leader?" Hannah laughed as she shook her head.
"Seriously? Chad?" She shook her head. "I wonder where THAT rumor came from."
"Probably Ashley. You know how she hates you for having the entire football team as your best friends." Hannah said as she adjusted her purse on her shoulder.
"But thats just it. They are friends and nothing more. I would never date a football player." Mairu laughed. "Oh Takumi is going to love this one."
Hannah looked at Mairu, her eyebrow risen and her lips twisted in disgust. "Takumi? That bad boy you always hang out with? He is bad news Mairu."
Mairu sighed "Takumi is a really great guy under that attitude of his. And he is brilliant! If he went to class he would surely kick me from the top. I dont under-"
"He is a classic bad boy. He is just into girls to get them in bed and then dramatically leave them to move on to the next. He once brought two girls out to a restaurant at the same time and they never knew about one another."
"Did you actually see this happen?"
"Well no but Im sure my source is credible."
"Hannah, Dont believe what you hear...only what you see." Mairu said as she turned down a hallway and quickly and stormed off. Hannah was always telling Mairu things like that since secretly Hannah had a huge crush on Takumi.
01-11-2010, 01:57 AM
Takumi was a classic bad boy, a street thug who hated everything and everyone except for himself. He was the roughest kid around and the biggest slacker that Charleston Academy had ever seen. It wasn't a new side of Takumi by any means, he had been this way since high school and the only reason he was even at this academy was Mairu. She was the only person that knew his actual intelligence, although she probably didn't expect to top her in the entrance exams. His acceptance was one of the most controversial of the academies' history, he was a known street thug and yet he was accepted because of the school's own rules.
"But... the acceptance rules say that the first and second highest scores on the acceptance exam were automatically accepted!" He remember Mairu arguing for him when his father had at first insisted he be turned down. Takumi always wondered why she would do that considering he beat her in the exam, but she was right and he was accepted. Best friends is what they were, and yet maybe something more. She was always by his side and he always by her, they were almost inseparable in thoughts even if Takumi would vanish randomly.
"Takumi you have to promise me you will come to school everyday." Takumi groaned as he walked down the street toward their university, he hated that he made that promise to her but she was always able to convince him. His hands were buried in his pockets as his head hung low, his black hair covering his eyes mostly. He was half-asleep as he walked, not surprising considering he was rarely sober when awake. His promise to himself was never do anything stronger than marijuana during the day, and that was a promise he kept. Although the sheer amount he took that morning was keeping his spirits up and his body awake.
Various gasps could be heard the moment he arrived at campus, whether it was from students or teachers it was easy to tell he wasn't popular. Yet something about the ways the girls treated him seemed strange, even though he was the one that they hated there hadn't been an evening where a girl hadn't already asked to be with him more. Most of the invitations are rather sincere, but then he got those that thought he was in it for the sex and came up to him with the worst lines ever.
"Hey Taku, wanna show me how bad you can be?" He heard snapping out of his daydream as a girl, freshman by the look of her, resting her hands on his shoulder and held her body against his. His green eyes examined her for a second, not the trace of a smile on his lips as he replied.
"Sorry got plans." He muttered before pulling away from her and walked past her, pulling out his cellphone as he did. His fingers flipped open the small device and with a few quick movements of his fingers he was typing a text to Mairu. Mind if I skip first period and take a nap? I'm really out of it..."
01-11-2010, 04:31 AM
Mairu stood at the door of Takumi's first period class, hers was right across the hallway and so she wouldnt be late. Looking to the clock she sighed as she leaned her head back against the wall, he was late. Takumi always met Mairu outside his class ten minutes before it, but here it was five minutes till and he was a no show. Come on Takumi. Dont tell me you went back on your promise... she thought as she looked down the hallways, frantically turning her head and hoping she would see him turn the corner any second.
Her pocket vibrated then. Mairu looked down and blinked a few times as she slid out her phone and read Takumi's message. A frown came to her lips as she sighed, texting back to him, Ill meet you in Lounge 2280 after class then. followed by a frowning face. Mairu slipped her phone back into her pocket, took a sip of her coffee and then walked into her classroom. The room instantly burst into noise as people greeted her. Mairu smiled and took her seat in the middle, all of her friends leaning in at once and looking at her as if she had some sort of secret she was hiding.
"What?" Mairu asked and the girls all giggled.
"So, tell us how it was!"
"Was he great in bed?
"He has to have some muscles under that uniform of his!"
Mairu rolled her eyes and rubbed her temples "Chad you guys? Seriously?" The girls all squealed and began to talk amongst themselves. "Ladies! Its not true! Chad and I are just friends, nothing more. Im not into him, he's not my type."
"Oh but that freak Takumi is?!" A guy laughed from the back of the classroom. The entire classroom erupted in gossip about Takumi, girls swooning secretly as they crushed his name into the dirt.
It made Mairu repulsed to hear how quick to judge everyone was. She just put in her headphones, turned her music on full blast, opened her book and worked. Ignoring the constant taps on her shoulder and bursts of laughing Mairu completed the section of the book with note taking and stood up from the class, popping her headphones out and looking at her immature classmates continue to talk about Takumi. Shaking her head she walked from her class, walking down the hallway as she did. "Stupid rumors." She groaned as she turned down the hallway and made her way towards the Lounge she had told Takumi she would meet him in.
Mairu was then stopped by a large body, looking up to see one of the new football players. He was an exchange student from Overland and he was the only football player that she didnt like. "Excuse me Micheal. Im sort of walking here..." She said as she tried to pass him from the other side. He grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back, his arm over her shoulders as he leaned in close to her.
"Hey there good looking. So I heard about you through some rumors in the football team. I hear you give it all to anyone who asks." He said as he leaned her against the wall and leaned down to her.
"Excuse me?!" She shouted as she tried to push him off of her. "Im still a virgin thank you very much."
"Oh come on. Being the captain of the cheer squad you have to be loose." He said as he kissed the side of her lips sloppily as she turned her head away.
"Get off of me!" She screamed as she began to hit him.
"Stop playing so hard to get. Lets just go to the locker room and enjoy the showers together." He chuckled as he grabbed her arm and ran his other hand along her chest "Ill even give you the royal Micheal treatment..." He pushed her against the wall and began to move his hips against her as he stuck out his tongue and laughed.
Mairu screamed and shook her head as she tried to move away from him. "Get off of me you pig!"
01-11-2010, 06:05 AM
Takumi stood staring at his phone as he watched the New Message light blink, his exhaustion was getting to him as he read through the message expecting to get a threat of some kind. He blinked and rubbed his eyes after reading her reply at first, made sure he was reading it right. "S.she's ok with it?" He muttered to himself as be slipped the phone into his pocket and stood there thinking to himself. After a moment he shook his head cursing slightly he began walking toward the class that he was supposed to have. "Why the hell does she always have to play these stupid reverse psychology games me with... can't she just say 'Loser get your ass to class now' or something." He muttered to himself as he began walking toward the classroom. The walk there took him about 15 minutes and he regretted going since he already missed half of it, yet there was was opening the door.
"Ah Mr. Takumi, what an honor of you to treat us with your presence without your owner." He heard as he walked into the room and looked up at their teacher, one of the snobbiest they had. The rivalry between Takumi and this teacher had been going on since the day of the entrance exam, to this guy he was nothing more than a punk that deserved to be kicked into jail. "Did you finally have your fill of that girl?"
Takumi's eyes burned with annoyance as the entire class filled with uncontrollable laughter at him. First he wanted to just hit the teacher, but he turned toward where Mairu sat and found her seat empty. He scared at the chair confused, it wasn't like her to just skip class unless something happened to her. "You know it's lucky Takumi, now that you took care of her you can continue cheating your way to the top of my class instead of being locked up. We all know you deserve it..." He teacher continued as Takumi turned toward him, his hands turned into fists.
"Where is she?" He demanded from the teacher, who simply laughed and shrugged before turning away explaining how she stormed off.
"You should get into your seat Taku..." He said but before the sentence was over, he had already turned out of the room and was jogging down the hall. Where the hell would she be? he thought to himself as he began walking toward the lounges where she was supposed to meet him. It was odd considering how little Takumi cared about things, right now he was filled with concern over where she was.
That's when he heard the scream coming from down one of the hallways, his pace picked up to a sprint as his shoulders relaxed and let the backpack fall from him. He turned the corner and saw Mairu being held down by one of the newer football players, Micheal. His blood boiled and before either he or Micheal knew it he had pulled the boy off of Mairu and connected his fist with the boy's nose. Micheal screamed out in pain as he stumbled back, one hand covering his bleeding nose the other in a fist as he glared at Takumi through tearing eyes. "The fuck do you think you're doing?" He screamed at Takumi, who without thinking ran toward Michael and connected a hard jab into the boys gut. He felt his breathe leave his chest, as he fell forward onto his knees rolled into a ball and wept in pain.
"Don't you dare ever lay a hand on Mairu." He screamed down at Micheal as he stared down at him, his entire body shaking in anger as he did. As he turned to Mairu he smiled gently... "Are you ok?" he questioned as he walked over to her and rested his hands on her shoulder protectively holding her against him. "Boy... I think you're dad is going to give me hell for this..." He muttered with a whisper as his eyes examined her to make sure she wasn't harmed.
01-11-2010, 10:45 PM
When she felt Micheal's large body ripped off of her she looked up, tears rolling down her cheeks as she watched Takumi nail him right in the face. Wrapping her arms around herself, feeling absolutely violated. Mairu didnt notice their teacher round the corner, watch Takumi hit Micheal in the stomach and then leave back down the hall. Mairu jumped slightly as Takumi screamed down at the brute, her body shaking as he turned around and smiled to her. When he came to her and put his hands on her shoulders she let out a slight cry as she jumped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, her head on his shoulder as she sobbed. "Takumi..." she cried as she hung onto him. "I was so afraid...He just came out of nowhere and wouldnt let me go and he kept touching me..." Mairu shook her head "Thank you Takumi....I dont know what would have happened if you didnt come."
Their teacher had rushed back to his room, dialing the front office and calling for security to go pick up Takumi Yume from the upper west wing next to Lounge 2280, reporting him for jumping a student and beating him. The security grabbed their badges and took off towards them.
01-12-2010, 01:14 AM
Takumi's eyes widened at first as she moved against his, is arms hanging in the air around her before finally wrapping around her back gently. His green eyes closed as he pulled her to him trying to show her he would always protect her. "Mairu you know I will always be there fo..." He began before finally catching himself and clearing his throat in a way to pretend like he wasn't saying anything. A chuckle escaped her slightly mostly muffled by his shirt before she pulled back and looked up at him. Her blue eyes stared up into his, slight tears running down her cheeks as a small smile appeared on her lips.
"Really Takumi?" She whispered up at him as he stared at her quietly, his eyes wide as he gulped slightly. It felt like one of those old school movie scenes, where the two lovers are supposed to admit their feelings for each other and kiss. He could almost feel a pressure on the back of his head pushing him closer to her. However, this pressure caused him to cry out as a grip met his hair and pulled him out of her reach. Takumi's body stumbled backwards before being pushed forward, his body forced against the wall by one of the school security guards and the other holding down his arms. He glared at them in rage, fidgeting slightly trying to break free of their grasp.
"Let go of me asshole!" He roared trying to push himself away from the wall yet failing and only managing a weak struggle. "I didn't do anything!" Yet they weren't convinced as they held his wrists behind him and began walking down the hall. The windows of the classrooms were filled with excited faces of students who had given up their studies to watch him being walked directly into the assistant principals office. The door open and he was shoved inside as he stumbled and grabbed onto the back of the chairs in front of the desk to keep him from falling.
"Seisho..." Takumi muttered as he stood up and looked at the man standing behind the desk in front of him. The face was familiar as was the expression of pure hatred, two hard blue eyes glaring at Takumi as if he was fighting the urge to strangle him.
"That's Mr. Hitomi to you Takumi!" He roared as his arms slammed down into the desk in front of him. "You are in so much trouble today..." he continued after a slight "what else is new" from Takumi, he seemed as though he was going to hit Takumi. "Suspended 1 month, all 0's given on every assignment... let's see how easy it is to kick out out of the school when you get an F on every final."
"Look jackass, I didn't do anything expect help your daughter." He snapped back his hands held in front of him as fists. "Why don't you ask that dumb football player why I hit him... or better yet ask your daughter!"
01-12-2010, 02:23 AM
Mairu nearly screamed as Takumi was yanked away from her embrace. She put her hands to her face as he was slammed against the wall by the security officer. "Let him go Jack!" She screamed, getting a look from the man holding him against the wall. "You big brute! Let him go! I cant believe you!" She threw her words at him as she followed them pushing Takumi down the hallways, ignoring the faces watching and the gossip hatching.
As Takumi was pushed into her father's office she was stopped by the security officers. "Let me go! I have a right to be in there!" She shouted as she tried to push through the large men. They simply picked her up and set her down in the closest chair.
"If your father wants you in there, he will call." Jack said as he glared down at Mairu, crossing his arms and talking to the other security guard.
Mairu watched him and waited, pushing against the chair and pushing through the wooden double doors, just in time to hear Takumi speak about asking the football player, and then telling her dad to ask her. Looking to Takumi she looked at her father and walked forward. "Dad, please you have to listen to me." She said as she placed her hands onto his desk "I was on my way to the lounge and that pig Micheal stopped me in the hall..." She stopped and looked down "Takumi saved me dad."
"Saved you from what?" He asked, crossing his arms. When she didnt answer he tapped his fingers on his arms "Look Mairu, if you dont tell me everything Takumi will be suspended and he will surely be thro-"
"Micheal was going to rape me!" Mairu yelled as she tightened her fists and dropped her head low as she started to sob again. The office behind them grew silent as persons listened. "He stopped me in the hall, called me loose, felt me up and was about to drag me away to the locker rooms...If Takumi hadnt of pulled him off of me..." She stopped and put her hands to her face as she cried.
Her father looked at Takumi and then rounded his desk to take his sobbing daughter into his arms. He rocked her back and forth a little and then looked up at Takumi. "Is this true Mr. Yume?" When Takumi nodded Seisho sighed "One week suspension for the fight." He said plainly.
Mairu pushed away from him, looking up at him "What? But dad he was only defending me!"
"He beat up another student. A week suspension is the least punishment I can allow by the rules of the school board and the principle himself." He shrugged and then rounded his desk again, sitting down and marking down onto a pink slip about the week suspension.
"But Dad!"
"No buts!" He rose his voice, looking to Takumi "A week suspension for the fight...." He sighed and then rubbed his head "But an excused permit on all assignments and tests...for protecting my daughter." He said as he waved his hand "You are dismissed Takumi, you have fifteen minutes to leave property, security will take you form the building" He said as he waved in the security officers, they took a hold of Takumi's arms and pulled him from the office. Her father went back to writing on the paper. "Mairu, here is a note to your mother, I want you to go talk to her."
Mairu blinked at him "About what?"
"You must be traumatized about this whole experience. I think you should talk to her and make sure you are okay."
Mairu teared up and tightened her fists "When are you two going to stop acting like my teachers and start acting like parents?!" She shouted as she shook her head "Ill talk to mom at home, when she ISNT getting paid for analyzing me." Mairu stormed out of her father's office, pushing through the doors and going through the halls. She was almost instantly greeted by her 'friends'.
"So what did Takumi do to you?"
"How did you guys get caught?"
"You had sex with Takumi?!"
The voices all mumbled together all at once.
"I heard Micheal pulled that gross pervert off of you when he was trying to rape you!"
Mairu grabbed her head and just let out a scream, the crowd going silent. Mairu glared at them "MICHEAL tried to rape me NOT Takumi. Takumi pulled that pig off of me! Thats all!" She yelled as she pushed past them. They all followed her, some of them dwindling as Mairu stormed out to her car. Getting into it she locked her doors, started her car and pulled out, making the crowd scream as they ran out of her way. Mairu sped through the parking lot and started on her way home, tears rolling down her face as she gripped the steering wheel tightly.
01-12-2010, 09:49 PM
Takumi turned to looked back at Mairu when she began speaking, he wanted to go over to her and comfort her. His mind told him to walk behind her and wrap his arms around her till she stopped crying, he hated seeing her cry. His head turned away as her father walked over to her, his eyes staring at the wall as his teeth grinding together in frustration.
"Is this true Mr. Yume?" he heard her father say and at once his mind filled with a list of smart comments he could make, but instead all he could manage was a nod. He hated being blamed for everything, this was the reason he stopped being Mr. goody two-shoes and just started being himself... or at least what everyone thinks I should be. His green eyes turned to Mairu and a smile came across his lips, the one person that had never let him down was always there saving his ass. A small chuckled escaped as he buried his hands into his pocket and turned toward her father, watching him contemplate the situation. "One week suspension for the fight."
Takumi's eyes widened in shock as he stared at her father, his jaw dropping as the words "What the hell?" formed only to be silenced by her father again. "But an excused permit on all assignments and tests...for protecting my daughter." With that he relaxed again, he could keep his promise to Mairu this way and he didn't have to come to school. He chuckled and grabbed the pink paper from him and nodded.
"Sounds like a deal old man." He muttered before turning toward Mairu and giving her a wink. "See ya soon." With that he turned and walked out of the room only to be met by the two security guards again. At first he thought they were going to force him to leave, but something was different about the two. They were smiling at him and one of the two even clapped softly muttering, "Good job Takumi!" as he walked by them. A sense of accomplishment filled his chest as he walked through the now crowded hallways. The classes had ended already and he could feel every pair of eyes in the entire area staring at him, muttering a bit more loudly than they probably should have.
"Oh look, he must be waiting for the police to come after raping her."
"Mr. Pride and Accomplished, I wonder how many girls he had fucked today."
"Thank god Micheal was there to save her, poor guy got pretty beat up though."
"Really? Even when I help someone they always think it's me!" He muttered to himself with a sigh before once again he felt a force push him to the wall. His eyes had been staring at the ground but were now looking up at a few members of the football team, each of which were a foot above him in height and managed to lift him off the ground by the hem of his shirt. "What do you idiots want?"
"How dare you beat up Micheal just for your own sick amusement, there goes our star forward!" One roared at him as a few others joined along in the insults. Takumi smiled as his hands rolled into fists again looking up at the three.
"Wow and I thought idiots was being mean, but I feel like I've insulted actual idiots in the world now." His eyes saw the punch coming and his instincts told him what to do, his free hand reached up and grabbed at the wrist of the boy. He was about to kick up with his knee before he heard a familiar voice from the security guards again. "Let him go!" They roared as they ran over pulling the boy from Takumi. "Get out of here Takumi, just let it go." One warned as he smiled, patting his shoulder gently.
Takumi nodded and turned out of the front door and took a deep breathe of air, it was nice being free. He smiled as he reached behind his ear under his long hair, and removed a joint he had kept just for this moment. He put the end of the cigarette type piece between his lips, and shuffled through his pockets for a lighter. It took him a second to light up the end due to the wind, but with the first drag he felt loads better. His body loosened and his eyes drooped slightly as he began walking toward Mairu's house, stopping every few seconds to take an extra long puff.
It was lucky Mairu lived rather close to the school, it only took him about 25 minutes before he managed to arrive at the familiar building. His eye scanned the house and the one thing he always noticed first was that it was huge, it seemed like a small mansion both on the outside and inside. He loved this house, it had been in his life ever since he met Mairu and it was clear what he was supposed to do. With one final puff, he dropped the small piece of paper that remained, and walked toward a cross patterened wooden wall that rested on the side of the house. He always assumed this was for roses, but he never did see any plants on this wall all it seemed to be there for was him. With a few swift movements he climbed himself up it until he reached a portion that was aligned with the roof. Carefully he jumped onto it and walked toward the nearest window, the one window that he knew would never be locked. Mairu's Room. He smiled as he opened the window and climbed inside and walked over to her bed and collapses onto it, closed his eyes and waited for her.
01-22-2010, 01:08 AM
Mairu drove home the back way, her speeding hidden from main road cops. By the time she got home she just sat in her car for a few minutes with her car off and her head on her arms on the steering wheel. For a few moments she was absolutely still, but then her shoulders began to bob as she began to cry. Her cry changed quickly into a sob as she continued to think about what had happened. Mairu's body cringed as she thought of what could have happened if Takumi didnt come along when he did.
Mairu was suddenly scared into an upright seated position by a crackle of thunder, looking out her windshield as rain began to pour down and lightning flashed. Sighing slightly she grabbed her keys and climbed out of her car, being almost instantly drenched by the downpour. Letting out a slight scream she locked her car and ran up the walkway to her house, almost falling on her way. Mairu got to her front door and nearly dove in after unlocking it. Closing the door and leaning against it she sighed, listening to the rumbles outside. Walking across the wooden floor she slowly made her way up the stairs and turned to the right up another smaller set of stairs to go into her part of the home, which was all carpet. Mairu rubbed her eye as she walked through the hallway and into her room. Her eyes widened as she saw Takumi on her bed. Smiling slightly she walked towards her bed and teared up again. Takumi was her knight in shining black armor, and he always would be. "Hey..." She said softly as she watched him.
03-13-2010, 11:38 PM
Takumi laid on the soft mattress with his face buried against the white fabric of the pillow and closed his eyes. He loved laying in Mairu's bed and there had been quite a few times that she had woken up to find him curled up at the foot of her bed asleep. His eyes closed and took a deep breathe in and could almost feel her laying next to him just from the scent of her remaining on the blanket. Normally Takumi hated the perfume most girls wore but with Mairu it was familiar and in a way comforting. It was like a second home to him and it was his favorite place in the world to be.
Takumi's fingers clinged to the blanket and he heard the slamming of the downstairs door, she must be home. He waited quietly and stared at the bedroom door not going downstairs to meet her, he knew better than to leave her room after the time it was her mother and not her. Instead he waited and stared at the door quietly, holding his breathe as he waited for the doorknob to turn. As the door swung open he smiled at the sight of her, she was always so beautiful even when she was crying and covered in rain. He didn't move at first and the look in her eyes said more than any words the two of them could share, he could almost hear her.
"Taku! What are doing on my sheets with your shoes on?" Was the first thing he heard in the back of his mind but for once he didn't care. He sat up and swung his legs over the bed so he could stand up with his body almost pressing against her. "Hey yourself..." He muttered before wrapping his arms around her waist and hugging him to her.
03-14-2010, 12:01 AM
As Takumi hugged her to him she blinked a few times as she looked up at him "Im...all wet." She said quietly as she then placed her head onto his chest, dropping her purse and keys onto the ground as she brought her hands close into her. Resting them against his chest she held onto his jacket and pulled herself to him as she began to tremble in his arms. Again...she was crying. Keeping her face hidden in his chest she just stood there crying, her whines and gasps for air the only sounds in the house other than the loud crackles of thunder coming from outside. She didnt mind crying on Takumi, because she knew that he wouldnt ever judge her or make her feel as if she werent ever able to open up to him. When Takumi was at her house, his sensitive and caring side came out of his hard and dangerous outer shell. Mairu was the only one who saw this side of Takumi.
Mairu cried on Takumi for a good few minutes, finally calming down and wiping her cheeks somewhat dry with her wet sleeves as she started to breathe evenly again and only slightly trembled. But most of the trembles were now shivers that her soaked clothing was causing. "I am sort of glad that you decided not to go to your class Taku...I cant even imagine what would have happened..." Mairu said as she shivered, looking up to him again, her eyes slightly red. "Thank you, again. Im just sorry my father still suspended you. He is just trying to keep his supremacy over you." Mairu chuckled slightly as she pushed her wet hair behind her ears.
03-19-2010, 06:59 PM
Takumi's grip on her held firm as his head leaned forward so that he could rest his lips against the top of her head. The strands of her hair were wet and they clung to his face but he didn't care, the only thing that mattered was that she was safe. There had been endless conversations between the two about being separated, it was a daily theme in their lives and each day was just another day that he could not come home. "I'm sorry I took so long to protect you..." he muttered to her and couldn't help but giggle, it was a line he had said to her and so many others before. His life didn't usually give him a second change to help someone so he was more than grateful for the luck he had with Mairu. "But I think I wasn't too bad on time though..." he added playfully as he rocked her back and forth trying to comfort her as she cried.
He gave a sigh of relief as she started to calm and pulled away from him, his hands slide to her waist and held her gently. Her body was shivering and he could see it and the first thought he had was that he had to get her out of those wet clothes, but he could imagine how that would end. "Takumi! You Perv!" followed by a swift slap to the face. Instead he smiled as she spoke and even gave a gentle chuckle. "You know I probably would have slept through those days anyway, so it's probably not a big deal." He said before taking a few steps away from her and into her bathroom and grabbed a towel off the shelf before returning to her and draped it around her shoulders. "You need to get changed before you get sick and your mom does something worst to me for making you leave campus..."
03-21-2010, 10:17 PM
Mairu nodded to him as she gripped the towel around herself tighter. She was sure that if she didnt end up changing she would get sick and then would end up in bed for the next few days atleast. Smiling she stood on her tip toes and kissed Takumi's chin and then turned towards her large walk in closet. Opening it and turning the light on she chose a pair of black and green checkerboard pajama pants and a black tank top as well as unmentionables. Glancing back at Takumi she closet her closet door most of the way and dropped the towel onto the ground before pulling off her wet shirt and tossing it into her hamper. As she removed her socks and shoes she unbuttoned her pants, nearly having to peel the wet denim from her legs. Mairu pulled her pants from one leg and then tried for the other and tumbled backwards into the wall, making a short scream. Rubbing her head Mairu chuckled "Im alright. Just a little clumsy." She hoped that Takumi wasnt going to try and rush to her aid, since she was only in her unmentionables.
Jumping up she tossed her pants into the hamper as she then removed her wet unmentionables and quickly replaced them with green dry ones. Pulling her pajama pants up to her hips she tied the drawstring tightly since her pants were large for her and then pulled on her black tank top which came down just 2 inches higher than where her pants rested. Looking at herself in the mirror on her door she ran her hands through her wet hair, grabbing the towel from before and flipping her head upside down as she twisted the towel around her hair and then stood so the towel remained on her head. "There..." She happily smiled to herself as she pushed open the door and turned off the light, glancing at Takumi and having a light pink rush to her cheeks. Smiling to him she walked to her bed and climbed atop of it, sitting cross legged and placing her hands onto her knees. "You can take off your Jacket Takumi." She said as she arched an eyebrow "Your shoes too Taku."
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