View Full Version : Sculpting of WoRPA the planet

09-18-2011, 04:35 PM
Here we discuss the terrain and formation of all that lies on the planet known as WoRPA.

With different genres, We will surely expect to see medieval, modern day, and futuristic structures placed around the surface. Anything special in mind that should be on WoRPA? Also we can't have the entire place covered in only buildings as we need area to run about and have epic battles in open fields.

Also, it would seem that having one planet would be enough for now since we can write whatever fitting story we need to give reason for the odd technical imbalances. We can always include other planets later on as well.


Our first order of business will be concerned around the single continent our story begins in! Other parts of the world will later be shown in the next chapters.

SO let the map building/sculpting commence! BTW , don't worry about any kingdoms just yet. We'll add the sweet details to the plain map later!

09-20-2011, 12:09 PM
I would like to have a big open plain right next to a ocean with a coast and also a mountainous area at north snowing constantly.We could also have a canyon somewhere in the planet networked with underground caverns and tunnels.A big lake in the middle of a continent would be good too and in the middle of the lake,there would a piece of land for a port town or mysterious ruins.Floating islands and a big desert/dune full of desert bandits encampment would also be perfect.

09-20-2011, 12:30 PM
I'd like to have an idea, of an type of location where super massive creatures live. Dinosaur types, dragon types and shit that's even bigger if possible.

09-21-2011, 01:39 AM
Both sound good. I would love a dinosaur/giant infested area (major Turok fan)!

As for the continent the first chapter will be based around, I feel if we are to have the 3 pure-genre major cities, then they should be an equal distance apart on the map via circular radius. As for the 3 smaller ones of mixed genres, they could be placed between those. That way it makes it convenient for transportation. As for the Player-controlled Kingdoms, they can be placed wherever. For the water, we could have the ocean and several major rivers running through. We could also have a large body of water in the middle...

09-21-2011, 08:48 PM
Let's just slap every kind of terrein possible into the areas that make the most sense and let the kingdoms be built around them.

09-24-2011, 04:27 AM
I agree and eventually everyone else will as well. If anyone wants to draw the continent, they are welcome to and we'll vote on who's is favored more...

09-29-2011, 07:54 PM
The continent will feature varying levels of terrain like mountains to valleys. The Area will contain rivers, a large lake in the center and a mix of forests and plains with it. The next chapter will reveal the next chosen terrain.