View Full Version : Side Quests

09-18-2011, 07:17 PM
Side quests are fun. BUT too many are lame...

I feel that a certain amount of side quests should be allowed like perhaps two. One could be based around Discovery of treasure or items while the other is more of a Kill/Capture which adds to the search and destroy aspect. There can also be quests that are restricted to only certain classes at rare occasions.

Is two enough? Should they be based more around what is going on in the Main Quest?

Note: Castle wars and domination over territory between groups is not a side-quest but merely there for fun and to add more of the mass battle part. However, a mythical castle could be setup for capture which houses some NPC king inside.

09-20-2011, 09:51 AM
we HAVE to do some dungeon crawling in a Stygian tomb, just as a tip of the hat to REH. We could fight mummies, zombies, and loot all kinds of valuable and magical treasures.

And I think side-quests would not be too much of a problem if they still tied in to the main plot in some way, shape, or form. Like if we all explore that Stygian Tomb and we have a mage with Forbidden Lore as a skill, he/she can read the hieroglyphics and decipher and ancient Stygian Prophesy that predicting whatever the antagonizing force of the main plot is. Perhaps it gives clues as to how to stop it.

09-20-2011, 12:01 PM
We could have some side arcs connected or related to the main plot in some way.Personally,I don't see the point of having side quest if it does not involve character development or connected to the main arc in some way.

09-21-2011, 01:31 AM
Robert E. Howard rocks! Ahem...

Both are correct in that the side quests MUST attach to the Main Quest.

A tomb is a total must have. It works perfectly with Deadmind's idea with the Underwrold and Netherworld adding to the conflict against the mortals. This way, the goal could be the treasure and also spying on the Underworld which hold a critical element in possibly ending the demonic war. Or maybe not...

As for another quest, I feel it should relate to the above ground or creating an alliance between the kingdoms and other players. Which could mainly concern the Void army.

09-29-2011, 08:22 PM
END RESULT - This can be argued

SIDE QUEST 1 - Thar's Gold In Them Thar Hells
This quest features a vault of treasure located in the Underworld. There are several caves that lead to the area but the forces of the dead and demons litter these passageways. Obtaining the treasure will be later decided.

SIDE QUEST 2 - Battle For Control Of The Underworld
This quest features the ability to join either the Underworld leader or Netherworld Leader to topple the other. The Underworld leader only seeks to stop the Netherworld leader's plan to control the Underworld and eventually the planet.
Victory conditions are: If either one lives or both are destroyed. The award is up to the players who win and GMs.