View Full Version : History of WoRPA

09-18-2011, 07:47 PM
Okay sure we could write a looooong drawn out story for this but to hell with that!

At this time I am forcing this idea on all:

The story behind WoRPA begins in rich and vast planet of all things imaginable. A conflict arose between members of the planet and Gods (Mods, harhar) that plunged the word into a world war. The Council of Gods put in place a barrier around the planet to stop anyone from escaping, even their soul was bound to Worpa. It was decided that the only way for the war to end would be if only one group who shared the same ideals conquered all others and became victorious.

However, the conflict stretched to the council of Gods and thus they split in half. One half became the Gods of Light, while the others became the Gods of Darkness.
The Dark Gods had decided that those who served under them would be granted an infinite amount of lives but the cost was to spawn back in one of the many levels of Hell which lied deep inside WoRPA. Hell acted as a honeycomb which had caves that made it to the surface as well as underground tombs that would transport one onto the surface. It would take a worthy fight to escape Hell but the Dark Gods saw that those who could escape, were worthy enough to fight on and destroy the side of Light and whoever else stood in the path.

The Gods of Light took the same idea but instead of Hell, the person's body would remain dead while their spirit could wander about like a ghost to help their friends as well as communicate.

Those who ignored both gods would have a harder time managing. Either they could fight their way through hell or wait to be resurrected while their spirit wanders. They would also be able to help their friends but were completely invisible and couldn't speak at all. They could use inanimate objects, but they could not use them to greatly wound others.

Onward the war carried until now, a prophecy said that things would change by this time...

Yeah that is all I have for now. Any ideas/ suggestions? I love the idea for Hell and those of Light, but not sure what to do with neutral...

09-21-2011, 08:07 PM
Wells it looks like something mixed with Conan and Atlantis and Dante's Inferno, and WoW, and Everquest. Should be hefty fun if we can get it all into a streamline story and motivation.

09-29-2011, 08:02 PM
END RESULT - For this chapter
The History is allowed to be modified through time as it is only crucial during some chapters and quests. Those parts will remain solid while other parts can be slightly altered.