View Full Version : [M] Bound by Nature [AmbassadorFish & Clockwork]
09-29-2011, 11:40 PM
This RP is rated M until further notice.
A priestess, of the nature/dream goddess Eris, called out to her goddess to save her life. Although Eris takes pity on the girl and saves her life the mortals soul is now bound to the goddess trapped inside of a glowing necklace hanging around her neck. Eris's brothers, Azreal god of death and Deius god of Justice, have joined forces believing that as a superior race mortals should serve them. Azreal plotted, and eventually succeeded, in stripping Eris of her god-status and eliminating the only threat between him and world domination. Trapped in human form Eris and her bound servant struggle to survive while the world is being destroyed and mortals are being turned into vile undead creatures. Will they manage to restore Eris to her god form? Can they stop her brothers from destroying the mortal world? Will they become inseperable despite their soul bond? We shall see....
This is of course just an outline and we have full reign to change it to whatever suits our desires. I'll set up a character sheet for Eris soon :)
Ambassador Fish
09-29-2011, 11:55 PM
Name: Yain Farin
Age: 22
Appearance: Yain has a deep grey blue colored eyes; short lashes that seem transparent against her deep tan skin. Her lips are thin and and straight, almost having a stern strict tone to them. Very deceiving. She is short, standing at only a mere 5' 1". Her figure matches her height, she weighs a small 108 pounds. She never weighed much growing up, always the smaller shorter one of all her class. She wears a gown that crosses at her chest and hangs, long sleeved, an inch below her fingertips. A hood is attached to the back of the gown, she pulls it over her head when she goes to the temple to worship. Her hair hands down to her mid thigh, she keeps it all pulled back into one large braid where she twines ribbon in with it. The only hair in front of her face is the one long strand that hangs off to the right, laying gently over her shoulder.
Personality: Yain keeps to herself most of the time, she has a social awkwardness that she has been unable to cure ever since she was a young girl. Even though she is socially awkward, she has protective tendencies; when she develops a caring attitude towards somebody she does everything in her power to protect them. She also has a teaching manor to her, She likes correcting things ... correcting them quietly but still correcting.
Back Story: As a child Yain was under very strict rule from her parents, she followed what she was told to do to the key. It was how she was raised to live. She had to provide for herself, to some extent, starting at the age of five. She learned to cook and clean up after herself, do the wash using water she got from the lake, and maintain the house when neither of her parents were there. She attended a worship class with her parents every day of the week directly after her classes. Her classes she was expected to get above average grades, this was asked of her by her father. When she was only 13 years of age her parents died in an accident. Along with a large handful of other people as well. They were all aboard a train that was supposed to take them to a temple. Only a few hundred yards away from the temple the train slid off the tracks. Everyone was killed when the train went down the mountain, everyone except Yain. She woke up with blood on her head, with no idea why she had to be the one to survive. She climbed the mountain, and walked with no shoes on her feet until she reached the Temple. The temple where she would worship Eris. To this day she believes that because of the Goddess Eris she is alive today, because her faith is strong. From that day on she lived close to the temple by herself, training to be a Priestess of the Goddess Eris in her temple.
Sorry its not much! TT3TT
09-30-2011, 12:46 AM
Okay I'm so sorry for the wall of text, I got a little carried away with myself but I was having so much fun I couldn't stop!! :D
Name: Eris (Goddess of Nature/Dreams)
Age: Immortal, Appears 23
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has large Azure eyes with thick lashes, wheat colored hair that cascades down her back in curls ending just at the base of her spine. She wears a circlet of flowers and ivy that weave through her hair. Her skin is very fair with rosey cheeks and her full lips are a berry pink. She wears a sheer white dress that scoops over her proportional C cup breasts and reveals a bare back, the only adornment a silver clasp decorated with intricate knotwork fastening gathered fabric above the backs of her knees. A small white orb hangs around her neck imprisoned in a silver swirl and chain. She's typically barefoot, hating the institution of footwear, and stands at a meager 5'3".
Personality: Eris is a woman of careful planning. Although she can fall victim to tornados of emotion she is typically very level headed and composed. She holds etiquette in high regard and expects anyone she encounters to feel the same. As the only daughter of her siblings, and creator of nature, she demands respect. There is quite a fun-loving and free spirited side of Eris that she doesn't allow to be seen by many as she views that part of her character as weak. Eris is a fair and balanced ruler and has much empathy for those she is responsible for.
Earthspawn- These are elemental creations which lay dormant until such a time as they are called upon or needed. They retain some intelligence but not much and are sometimes animated and used as a manifestation of the earths emotion. These types include Dryads, giant tree creatures, Golems, giant humanoid looking compilations of stone and rock typically as large as a mountain, and Will-O-Wisps, which are seen as small circles of light and air which travel through the forests. These are scouts of the earth who are linked to the lifestream. All that they see in their travels is known by the lifestream and it is due to their discoveries that other Earthspawn are animated to a purpose.
Djinn- These are race of beings created from pure magic. They reside in fantastic temples and are lovers of luxury. They see themselves as better than humans or even other magical beings and are fierce warriors. They live for celebration and are seemingly unaffected by the concept of morality. They are slaves to their feelings making them emotionally unstable. Djinns are known to use magicks relating to air, illusion, and mind control.
Fairies- This magical race of humanoids reside in the forests of the Overworld and their cities are often hidden by magic. They are divided into four sects each are said to guard over a magical treasure given by the goddess. The entrances to their cities vary from a certain tree to a circle of mushrooms and each are fiercely guarded. Dusk and Dawn are special times for the fairies and are often celebrated with festivals. Although fairies use magic to keep themselves hidden they are still mortal. They remain young looking until their death and therefore it is very difficult to tell the age of a fairy.
Druids- These devout priests of Eris are trained to become one with the nature they worship. They can master their inner nature and become a specific animal unique to each person. They can speak with the most ancient trees, watch thunderstorms from atop the clouds, and call upon their goddess and the earth to entangle their foes or smite their enemies. They project an outward calm but can harbor a raging storm of fury and a sharp intellect.
The World:
Patrea- The land of the fay shadowed in dream magic and only accessible by secret portals through the aether. Patrea is filled with forests that many fantastical creatures call home. The moonshade is a forest of silver trees that brush the sky. It is filled with hidden grottos and mystical pools of sparkling water. Although many creatures prefer to blend their living with the land some, such as the elves, prefer to build grand cities of crystal and other materials that show off their skill as craftsmen. At the epicenter of Patrea is the world-tree, roughly the size of a city at it's base, which is said to be the birthplace of Eris and the connector of worlds. It is a very holy place to the residents of Patrea and is central to their religious beliefs.
Evereska- The mortal world. All nature within Evereska was created by Eris, forests, oceans, and mountains. Eris feared that the inhabitants of Evereska would be unable to properly care for her creations so she gave sentience to her trees and mountains but put them into a deep sleep only to be awakened by the lifestream when will-o-wisps sense danger.
The Underworld- Created by Azrael, it is a frozen wasteland and eternal prison. Dieus passes judgement on souls and decides who is sent here.
Again, so sorry for all that reading but I hope you like it.
Ambassador Fish
09-30-2011, 09:18 PM
Sounds great! It's not too much! It undermines my character. Hahaha. I got her posted though. d:
09-30-2011, 10:39 PM
I don't see why they can't fit together. I like her :)
10-01-2011, 12:02 AM
If you want I'll setup the IC and we can just jump right in.
Ambassador Fish
10-01-2011, 12:59 AM
Alright go ahead and set up the IC! C:
10-01-2011, 01:37 AM
Here it is:
Again, long post. I just wanted to give a good first setting, don't feel obligated to match that length haha!
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