View Full Version : Atonement and Retribution

01-11-2010, 05:16 PM
(Still Accepting! Please go to Atonement and Retribution OOC (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=1952))

Evangeline was pursuing a halfblood. Or rather, her spirit was, she was using her Spirit walk ability to follow him, her body at a safer location. She'd like to pursue him in person, but there was no point in putting herself at risk when she had such little fighting ability. It really was safer to do it this way, in case she got found out.

It wasn't like she planned to battle him. Evangeline was just going to pursue him in the futile hopes that he might know others. Alright, so that was a lie. She found this new breed fascinating, sort of like how a child might find an ant interesting, right before they put them under the magnifying glass. Evangeline had never seen a Halfblood in Hades. They were a new breed entirely - maybe that was why they were hunting them down. Vampires don't like to change. Especially if this change makes them weaker.

Of course, she'd have to tell the other vampires about this one sooner or later. She couldn't just let him go walking about, the others would question her. Not only that, but he wasn't as interesting as he first appeared to be. Look there, he's fraternizing with humans.

Humans were quite interesting too, but they'd lost their appeal. There were a lot of those in Hades, mainly used as slave labor. Only the really evil one’s mind you. But then, they don't look so evil after they've been put in chains by demons and tortured. Really, it was kind of the purebloods when they use them as food. Evangeline shivered. The Hades outside of the vampire communities was pretty horrible. Especially as you went deeper into the seven layers. The Living world was much nicer, she preferred it out here.

Something was wrong. With her body - Something was happening over there. Evangeline focused on her body, feeling the not-too-familiar feeling of snapping back into her true form. She preferred to take her time to get back and re-enter it, but if she was under threat then.. well, she could be completely separated. Right now she felt really dizzy from the sudden re-entry. It was a surreal sensation.

A roar. Battle cries. The smell of intense magic filled the air, the scent of Demons and Humans and even the faintest whiff of Fae mixed in. There was blood about. Lots of blood. How did she end up in the midst of battle? Such violence everywhere! If she moved from her hideaway, surely she'd be killed?

But she had too. There was something fishy about this magic, if you removed the layers of the usual battle magic, the strengthening, the fire, there was no doubt that there was Old Magic there. The kind of stuff that causes Cataclysms. Evangeline waited for a slight lull, before running out of her hideaway. Well, walked swiftly. Royals aren't supposed to run, its underneath them.

She was just in time to see it. Above, a pure white ball of light was forming. To the West, a black mist as the demons pooled together their strength. A lightish green sparkling to the north revealed the Fae and their magic. The humans, a writhing mass of color, moving and writhing about. Their magic wasn't quite as controlled.

The Magic didn't do what anyone thought. It all pelted forward, as normal, before drifting upwards and combining in the air. It gave Evangeline a sense of nostalgia - was this the magic the Royals told tales of, the Old Magic at the beginning of the world? She could, for a moment, see reflected in that mass of pure energy the reflection of this world. It was ...awe-inspiring.

That’s when she got sucked in.

01-11-2010, 07:50 PM
Mikazuki was hunting. The smell of blood was overpowering. She was sure that she was being followed so she hadnt been able to feed for a while.

As she zoned in on the fight she smelt the magic. It was so strong she stopped in her tracks. what on earth was it? She looked up and saw the ball in the sky, it shuddered like a water balloon too full. What on earth is going on?!

01-11-2010, 07:56 PM
Mordecai pulled the cursed sword from a Fae's body, the blade shining bright crimson in the dim light of the surface. Two armored skeletons stepped up to either side of him, one wielding a pike and the other a pair of curved axes, Mordecai stood a few inches taller than both of them. His cloak swirled in the slight wind created by all of the magic about, the air stank of it and the putrid stink of the other races filled the air around him. Mordecai looked around himself, nearly everything on his outcrop of rock lay dead or dying and blood of all colors drenched the ground. Below he could see the forces of each race flowing back and forth in the valley, the clouds of black magic making him smile with malice for those it would soon effect.

He took a few steps forward and then dropped off the cliff, it wasn't very high.. perhaps thirty feet at the most, he hit the ground with a heavy thud, making a small depression where his knees and feet landed. The skeletons followed, completely unfazed by the landing. Mordecai watched as the clouds of magic gathered over each army, the Fae's disgusted him the most, closely followed by the unorganized mass of tangled colors produced by the humans. He stood proudly as the black cloud of magic moved to combat the others, then nearly fell over as they combined into one force that hovered over the battlefield. As he watched he felt a strange pulling at the back of his neck, then a force swept him off his feet and he flew towards the cloud knowing not what sick magic lay within.

01-11-2010, 08:53 PM
Death, what was it a being or merely a thing? Many people believe that Death did not even exist in this world, but the truth is that Death has always been around even when the earliest of demons walked the earth. Death has no feeling, no emotion, no sense of justice,or even a body. Death needs to make a body and fast, for there is something coming and it is to blame for it. For many beings will run, many will fight,and many will cower. Only one thing is for certain, they will all DIE!

01-11-2010, 10:02 PM
Dante stood in a tree, trying to find a scent. He put his goggles up onto his forehead. Aaron then started talking in his head, half laughing

"You let it get away, again."

"No I didn't, it's around here somewhere."

"If you say so."

Dante sighed and jumped out of the tree. "Fine, I lost it," he said out loud.

"You really need to get better at hunting, that's the second one this week."

"Shut up"

"Fine, I'll be quiet for now."

Looking around once more, he heard a sound, the screams and yells of battle all coming from the direction of his hut. He took off running on all fours and approached the battlefield. Hiding in the edge of the forest the battle unfolded in front of him. there were magic spells being hurled in all directions. Demons, Fae, and Humans, all fighting.

Dante shifted into his fallen form and walked out of the tree line, trying to find a way to get past all the fighting.

"Why don't you just go the long way around?" Aaron said with a worried tone.

"It'll take to long, the sun'll be down by then."

"This is too dangerous."

"Don't worry, I can hold my own."

"Yeah, well don't forget, if you die, so do I."

Dante took a few steps before a blinding light came up above him. "What the hell," he thought as he was being sucked in. He quickly threw himself onto the ground and grabbed the nearest grounded object he could find. Dante was only able to hold on for a few seconds before slipping and getting sucked up.

Both Dante and Aaron simultaneously thought, "Fuck"

01-12-2010, 08:04 AM
Somewhere not far from where the battle would be held, a woman was walking alone at a fast pace. She did not know of what was to happen, or what was happening around her, but nevertheless she was gaining the feeling of being watched. Her paranoia was starting to get to her, and she would constantly look at her surroundings hoping that she could shrug off the feeling once she knew there was nothing there. But even if she would constantly change where her sight was situated, it never freed her from the feeling. It wasn't long until she took notice of a dark figure somewhere behind her.

She was scared at first, but noticed that it was not moving at all. Seeing this, she started to take a few more steps forward but only to be replied by the sound of someone else's footsteps behind her. She was starting to be frantic, and decided to walk even faster. But each time she did the footsteps became closer and louder. She started to run at first, thinking that the figure was coming after her. She decided to look at the figure behind her once more, trying to see how much faster she must go in order to outrun the figure. Though the moment she set eyes on the walk behind her, the figure was gone and the sound of steps ceased. She finally stopped at this point, thinking that perhaps everything was her imagination.

After assuring this, she took a few steps forward without shifting her vision from the walk. But the moment she turned her head, she was greeted by a man whom she would bump into. The woman was losing her footing by that moment, though the man was kind enough to keep her from touching the ground by holding unto her arms gently. She looked up at this man, and he smiled at her kindly; she did the same to him to show her gratitude for keeping her up. She suddenly started to gaze into his eyes, and she was starting to lose herself because of the sight....

Before the woman knew it, there was an intense pain that overcame her torso. Slowly her head moved down, and quickly she saw a blade right through her body. "You should have seen this coming..." The man said as a smirk appeared on his face. "I must admit, you've got the face... And your scent is just so... Appealing... But let us see if your taste is worth the smell and your looks!" Using his free hand, he grabbed her by the face and pulled her closely, quickly making her attempts of making a sound unheard. "Don't worry... I'll be quick..." Lifting her face up, he opened his mouth widely, revealing his fangs, and impaled them into the skin of her neck, drinking to the amount of his desire.

By the time he finished, he pulled his blade out of what was left of the woman and threw her body aside. Looking at his blade covered with blood, he brought it close to his face. "Might as well finish off what's left of her till the last drop...." he thought to himself as he proceeded to lick the blood off his blade. He was satisfied.

By the time he left the corner where he took the life of his victim, he was about to proceed to his business. It wasn't long until something took his attention. He turned and dashed to a direction, wondering what exactly was creating an intense amount of the scent of blood. Before he knew it, he was watching a battle between different races take place, and an immense power was building up. He watched it intently, grinning at every death that had overcome the human beings. "Hahaha... By the time this is done, there will be more food for my brethren..."

The immense power that was building up on each side was suddenly growing at an extremely fast rate that it had to be released at the same time in the same direction. It wasn't long until each collided and started to rise into the air, sucking in different individuals into it. The vampire tried to keep his distance, but even from where he was standing it managed to take him in. "What.... What is this?!"

01-12-2010, 09:26 PM
"Trixibelle.” The deep, rumble filled voice caused a slow smile to form, only one person in the world (other than her parents who were no longer speaking to her) got away with calling the elf girl that. Her small pale head popped from behind a thick group of bushes and tilted back so she could look up, up, up at her one and only long standing friend.

“Yes Alarik?” She asked the picture of perfect innocence. The dark, shaggy haired male continued to stare down, face impassive as he waited. It didn’t take long for the young elf pulled a face and held out a slender arm. Alarik snagged her hand and swung her up upon his shoulder as the magic of the Fae gathered above them. Trix sighed pulling her bow from its place on her back and pointing it towards the shimmery green mass of magic.

“I’m going to be disgustingly weak, you know. And now we’re closer to the battle, nothing better happen to me.” She muttered, bracing her feet on the wide shoulder as Alarik nodded. She grunted and without bothering with an arrow, drew back the string of her bow. Her magic shimmered between her hands, before she released the string and sent it soaring towards the others. The world tipped and she lost her footing just as the ball of magic went flying off. Alarik shouted something she couldn’t make out as a curious wrenching sensation moved through her, then something tight locked around her ribs and everything went blissfully black.

01-12-2010, 10:00 PM
It was the strangest sensation. Not like flying, not like falling, more as if the world was bending around her, as if she was not moving at all. That was the magic manipulating the laws of reality, changing it to whatever it saw fit. It was obvious now that no side had true control over their magic anymore - and how could they, after it had all fused together?

Evangeline felt sick. The intense magic was affecting her, making her feel fatigued. She felt as if her own magical powers, though weak, were being sucked into the mass. She fought against the feeling, clinging to her pride as a Royal blooded Vampire. Evangeline vaguely registered the scents of other beings around her - had they been sucked in too? Was the magic affecting them in the same way? Were some going to die?

She was being pulled further and further in. Strange, there seemed to be something in the very centre. it was hard to tell from here. The closer she got, the more horrible she felt. Eventually, Evangeline blacked out completely.

Awakening, she found herself somewhere else completely. The sky above was a dark blue, a harvest moon low on the horizon, proving some light. It was nightime in some sort of forest, but she had never seen this species of tree before.

01-12-2010, 10:45 PM
"Are we dead?" Dante asked Aaron.

"No, though I don't know where we are."

Dante felt a tingling sensation in his wing. It was becoming hard to think, everything was slowing, down. "What's happeni-?" His eyes began to slowly close until he blacked out.

He soon awoke in a forest. Something about it wasn't right; it looked, different. Dante slowly stood up and dusted his clothes off. Nearby, there was something beginning to move.

Dante quickly ran behind a tree and looked out towards the sound. It was a woman, probably a vampire because of her wings. She was looking at her surroundings, confused. It seemed as if she was in the same predicament he was.

Dante reached for his bow and an arrow, taking them out as quietly as he could. Pulling the string back he walked out from cover. "This is probably going to be the stupidest thing I've done," he thought. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" he asked the woman. "Did you get sucked into that ball of magic like me?"

Dante noticed the tingling in his wing again "God, why is my wing still tingling?"He muttered. Turning to look at it he saw that it was different. It had grown a few feathers, black feathers. "What the hell," he said, still whispering.

"It seems that the magic accelerated your growth."

"Is that good or bad?"

"Um, mostly good. If you don't mind the feathers. Although I don't know why they're black. Must be the magic."


"Yeah, all the magic from the portal, thingy. You should pay attention to the person you're aiming at."

"Oh, crap." Dante focused on the woman in front of him again. "Yeah I know that was a little weird me just talking to myself. Pay no attention to it."

Wow, that's all you're going to say?

"Shut up."

01-12-2010, 10:58 PM
As Death was formed it took the form of a shadow, this was the form that it would not be noticed in. And as it was in it's world it noticed an anomaly in the universe. Death quickly went to go see what this anomaly was, for, it was not supposed to be here this quickly. As it floated through trees and brush, it quickly spotted two beings at a stand still. At this moment it just watched because Death always acts on time. And Death still has a secret that nobody knows not even the highest of lords, or even most Gods.

01-12-2010, 11:10 PM
Evangeline turned to face the wolfman, surprised but intrigued by his strange appearance. "Its rude to ask for some one's name before you introduce yourself, you know. Especially if you're pointing a weapon at them while doing so."

She slowly circled the wolfbred while he seemed distracted, while eyeing the weapon and weighing up her chances. It didn't look like he was going to fire, more that he was being careful that she wasn't hostile. Mind you, you could never be too careful. He appeared to be a wolfbred human, but she'd never seen any with wings before. Evangeline raised an eyebrow.

"My name's Evangeline Alora Ixendire. I didn't plan on coming here - that ball of magic sucked me in before I had a chance to escape." She looked about the forest, shaking her head slightly. "I don't think this place is anywhere near where we were before. I've never seen trees like theese." A faint smile touched her lips, "However, my flora and fauna knowledge isn't that great, I'm afraid." She paused, "I've never seen a creature like you before."

01-12-2010, 11:18 PM
The first thing to come back to Trix was feeling. Her muscles ached everywhere, the ground was hard and there was a heavy pressure on her chest. Then quickly, memory and her other senses came flooding back. Crimson eyes flew open as panic rose inside the small female. Everything was wrong!!! The trees and sounds, the sky, even the feel of the ground beneath her was wrong and she couldn’t move. Her heart pounded out a rapid beat as she struggled against the restraint, eyes shifting every which way in an attempt to find her adversary.

A low growl sounded and the world altered until she was standing straight and the band around her chest was gone. Instantly she leapt away, turning in the air and landing in a low crouch one hand reaching back for her bow as the other braced on the ground. At about the same moment she realized she had no weapon, it registered that Alarik was the being before her. Relief washed away the last traces of panic and adrenalin causing the elf to plop down on her backside, wearily.

“Good Lidi, you scared me.” She said, clamping down hard on a semi-hysterical laugh. The one thing she truly feared was imprisonment and the inability to do as she pleased. A soft shudder ran through her at the thought and she hopped to her feet to walk it off.

”The magic pulled us with it.” Alarik explained simply, when he was sure her feelings had run their course. He’d learned long ago she was a fickle creature and sometimes her emotions were fleeting, it was why she had so few other constants in her life. Trix turned around in thought, stopping briefly to watch the giant stand and retrieve his weapon and hers, before opening herself to the world around them. She heard the soft timber of voices in the distance meshing slightly with the sound of wildlife.

“Let’s go see!” With that statement she ran towards the giant, leaping nimbly onto his back and climbing up with the ease of much practice. She snagged her bow from his large hand before settling her bottom into the curve of his shoulder as was habit for the two when traveling. Alarik set out a leisurely pace in the direction indicated.

01-12-2010, 11:20 PM
Mordecai found himself falling through a night sky towards a forest. Also finding himself somehow drained of magic he couldn't stop himself.. or slow down at all. He plummeted through the first few layers of branches, then hit thicker ones, bouncing off of these with a lot of force. After about ten seconds of bouncing off branches Mordecai hit the ground with a resounding crunch and lay out on his back, quite relaxed... until a second later when his loose blade fell right beside his head, then he got up and sheathed it before looking around.

This was indeed an unfamiliar forest, strange trees and a night sky... wait, hadn't it just been late afternoon? Mordecai stepped forward, and stumbled until just then he hadn't realized just how sore his body was from the fall. He could feel the broken ribs, the bruises, the cracked wrist, the throbbing pain in his head. He thought he saw someone else standing not far away, a woman in a white robe looking as astonished by the sudden change in scenery as he felt. He sniffed the air, and she was a vampire... no bother, in this place it would probably be a good idea to make nice with the first person you found, plus the vampires and demons ha lived in the same place for hundreds of years.

Mordecai moved forward and sniffed again, a new scent... a combination? Angel and wolf... quite strange. He directed his words towards the woman only though since he didn't know where the other was. "Hey! Do you know where we are?" His voice was gravely, not the least because of the blood that had boiled up from his small internal wounds. He spat it out on the ground, it was black as always.

01-13-2010, 12:42 AM
Hex flew through the air, loving the feeling of the wind upon her wings and face. Hex flew over to a small lake and sat upon the riverbed, her feet in the water. She watched as the moon shone in the river. She decided it was time for mischevious, Hex flew into the city looking for some sleeping fellow.

Hex found a homeless guy sleeping on the street. She decided to have some fun. She entered his dream using dreamweave, an ability where she is able to enter anyone's dream. She saw the man dream of a small country town and a big yellow dog. She smiled evily as she set to her own personal fun.

01-13-2010, 01:09 AM
"Its rude to ask for some one's name before you introduce yourself, you know. Especially if you're pointing a weapon at them while doing so." the vampire slowly began circling around Dante while he was talking to Aaron.

"My name's Evangeline Alora Ixendire. I didn't plan on coming here - that ball of magic sucked me in before I had a chance to escape... I don't think this place is anywhere near where we were before. I've never seen trees like these. However, my flora and fauna knowledge isn't that great, I'm afraid." Pausing for a while she said, "I've never seen a creature like you before.""

"Well, my name is Dante Amherst." Dante paused and whispered, "So we're in the same predicament." He lowered his bow and raised his voice, "Yes, I know I may look different to you but it's a long story to how I got like this. Do you really want to hear it?"

"It's not that long."

Dante closed his eyes and, half growling, said, "Didn't I tell you to shut up."

Opening his eyes again he looked at the woman and was about to speak when someone shouted, "Hey, do you know where we are?" Dante began sniffing the air; his scent was, familiar.

"If you're wondering, that's a demon."

"Yeah, I noticed."

"And he probably noticed you too."

Dante glanced at the vampire and then yelled, "All I know is that we were sucked in by a ball of magic. We're in a totally different location." He then waited and listened.

spirits breath
01-13-2010, 01:22 AM
((I was VERY bored when writing this, it is long but well...have fun. Oh and don't expect me to write all this each post, I don't always have this much time on my hands.))

Kreed had only a few more minuites left on duty, the time seeming to click down slower and slower as his heart paced a bit faster with a large crowd forming outside of the upper class vampires. "Ready for this one Mike? Now is your chance to prove that halfys aren't weak."

"Now is your chance to get rid of your wings like normal vampires."

Kreed show the pale man a small glare, smiling back to show his teeth. "Ever wonder how it would be had I bitten you?"

Mike gave a small laugh. "Yea, except all of them make me want to kill myself."

Kreed ducked quickly as a rock rained down at him. It clattered three times as it fell. "Would you like to do the honors, I would very much enjoy finding the one who feels like they are luckey."

Mike looked over at Kreed. "I got it Ansy." He looked up at the crowd, and breathed in deeply. "Put your weapns down. Those who do not shall be killed for assulting the royals. Those who leave will face no charges, and If I might add, be free of an injury at the least."

The crowd thinned slightly, four smaller folk turned and walked away. Fifteen remained with a few rocks and three armed with old soldier grade armor and swords. "Lets storm the place! There is only two of them... kill them!"

Mike and Kreed looked at eachother, and with a quick pat on the others shoulder, gave a nod to eachother and Mike pulled out his sword. "Best thing with a sword, you have the ability to cut off limbs... which will happen regardless, not our job to worry about what happens."

Kreed looked at the crowd. "Save big red, I would enjoy giving him a little mark if you would."

"So... save him for last so you can torture him again?"

"Wouldn't have it another way."

Kreed and Mike held steady, Kreed behind Mike as rocks were tossed as a first volly and in a feeble atempt to stun or kill the two. "Cover me. You know, the usual."
"Cover you, why don't you just stay a freking bat, it is called intimidation factor." Mike switched to a wider stance, using his sword to resist the backwards movement he faced.

The snapping of bones and compression of others was background noise to the yelling of the lessers comming towards them. "Kreed, hurry the hell up!"
A final crack, laid form to a five foot bat, only with a large crest of an insignea dyed in the edges of his wings. He spread his wings out, pulling in some strange force called magic inwards. This force made hold in his muscles and seemed to make him bulge more than usual. "Kreed, you have to figure out a quieter way to do that, kreeps me out and I deal with it every time I work with you."

Kreed tapped Mikes shoulder, letting him know he was ready. Mikes sword flicked in Kreeds view as a small amount of sparks danced in his eyes. Kreed jabbed forwards with his clawed wingm easily puncuring the defensless skin and muscle. He arched his back, and streatched to wound out as he looped around a bone. He ducked as he pulled away hard, splitting the mans thigh bone.

Mikes sword came down hard on the man, the pommel staggering him back onto the ground, no doubt he needed medical attention soon. Mike used his sheild in a wide u and swung his sword into the plate mail of the most heavily armored civillian there, and bounced off as it dented inwards. "Little help kreed."

Kreed lept into the air, and kicked off of Mikes right shoulder towards the armored man. Miukes sword dug into the arm of a small brunnete. Kreed used his leg claws, and gripped the mans shoulders, and bent down with his wing claws in the small gap and pulled up hard, straining against his grip. He squeezed onto the mans shoulders harder, claws denting the armor inwards as the top launced into the air. Kreed fell back into the crowd.

Mike turned his body in a half circle, stabbing backwards into the formerly armored mans chest. A loug screem was heard as the sword left its kiss in the mans chest. Mike pulled the sword out with a backwards mule kick. "Hold on, on my way."

He ran around the mans body, bashing at a few civilians chests on the way, leaving a loud "uff" behind him. The eight civillians left looked back, seeing hope of victory losing its hold. Two of them ran, not wanting to be killed, only doing this as promise of a few coins.

Kreed lept off his back, ducking into a low stance. and kicking forwards at two close partners, sending them back a few yards. He turned and lept at big red, biting his legs hard and pulled away.

He looked back at the others, threatening to leap again and possibly bite there bodies as well. All but two left, one being the wife of big red, and the man in red himself.

Mike came up behind the female, clubbing her hard with his swords pommel right on the back. "Good luck recovering from that!" He looked over at Kreed. "Oh gods, you can't be thinking of that, let alone now, can you?"

Kreed replied by climbing up to the mans neck and biting into his neck to puncture his artery.

Mike looked away in disgust. "You need help, you know that. As much as you are an asset to me, you can eat later." He moved over to Kreed and tried to pull him away, only to drag both figures a couple of inches. "I give up, you know what I am clocking us out, getting the next two guys out here. Grabbing a drink, and spending the night with my wife. See you some time away from now, and you are sated from wanting to get too into your job."
Mike turned and walked twards the next few guards to be stationed at the post. "Sorry about the mess. You missed the fun...oh I would stay away from Kreed if I were you. God he disgusts me right now."

01-13-2010, 01:24 AM
Mordecai reached their location, spotting Dante as he got closer. "Well, that's not a big help because i remember that myself..." He eyed the man's weapon and placed his left hand on the pommel of his own. "Before we continue i think it would be a good idea to agree not to kill each other... for the time being." After he finished speaking Mordecai turned his head and sat another mouthful of blood from under his hood, that fall had been worse than he thought.

01-13-2010, 02:13 AM
Leslie was at the bar she and her friends worked at that night. It was more of a club that just a bar. She was helping serve drinks that night. She did have a few drinks, but they didn't affect her much at all. Music filled the air, the place was packed, with manly humans. Leslie had to break up a good number of fights. She took one of the men in the fight to a back room. She mostly teased him, when he thought he was about to get lucky( they were fully dressed.) she bit his neck and began to drink. The man really injoyed it, afterward it just resulted in a hicky.
When her shift was over she took the long way to get home. As she walked she smelled a slight of blood spill.As she continued to walk she saw a few drops of blood on the sidewalk. She looked around a bit and found the source, there lay a beautiful woman, with a hole in her waist, and her was drained. "Poor soul, cut down so young." She said since it seemed that she was alone. Wait a minute this was done by a...a vampire, a full one no doubt. I better go before I suffer the same fate, or worse. she thought for she knew how others treated her and her kind. Leslie looked to the sky and saw something out of the ordinary. "What is that?" she questioned. She also smelt a stronger sent of death.
She quickened her pace trying to get home but to no avail she was taken by a force. She was in a different forest from the one back home. Leslie slowly awoke with mjnor scraches, bruses, and a headache. "Where am I?" she asked in a normal tone.

01-13-2010, 08:11 AM
Evangeline grinned, her curiosity getting the better of any wariness she had left. "Yes, I'd very much like to hear.. it.." Gradually quieting down as the deamon entered the scene. She observed him quietly too, taking in his appearance. Evangeline had never gotten used to the way deamons looked - some of them could look terryfying. That one appeared to be wounded - come to think of it, so did Dante, with his wings like that. Evangeline was getting impatient, what with all this violence. Violence was not what her clan dealted with, and therefore, it was below her.

"I agree. If we all kill each other now, we'd never find out where we were, how we got here, or how the wars back home went. I don't know much about you two, but you both look like you've taken a bit of a bashing." She spread her arms out, "I'll admit it, I'm not much of a fighter, especially in my current state - I don't know what happened, but after being sucked in by that magic, I've felt weakened. But I'm a Royal Vampire, and we are very, very good at healing ourselves."

Suddenly she frowned, looking about. A new scent in the air suggested there was a half-blood around somewhere. Evangeline couldn't pinpoint it, and that irked her somewhat. But then again, with no other royals about, she could get away with observing this one for a while. Her gaze drifted between the Wolfblood and the Deamon, her look calculating. Once again, a smile touched her lips. "You know, this could actually be quite interesting."

01-13-2010, 10:31 AM
It was odd... Everything was black, and he felt as though he was falling at an alarming speed. It was as though he was being thrust through the skies, and it wouldn't be long until he would collide with the ground. He knew very well if he clashed with the ground, although he would not die, he would definitely be going through an intense amount of pain, and it would perhaps take weeks to even months before he could move from his spot. But for some reason, this feeling went away in an instant, and when he opened his eyes to look at his surroundings, he was safely laying down flat on the ground.

What had happened? All he remember was watching a battle, then suddenly... Ah yes, that large amount of energies coming from each side collided with each other and everything was out of nowhere brought in by it's force. But where were they brought to? What was this place? Sitting up, he tried to identify the plants within his view. Truly enough, this was some kind of other world for he did not recognize any of the ones he was seeing. "Hmm... I have never seen any of these within the books I have read..."

He then started to hear something. It was quite muffled at first, but soon the sound became louder, and he was able to identify it as the sound of people having a chat. This made him aware he was not the only one alive in this place. He stood up and started to eavesdrop the conversation going on nearby in order to identify who these people were. It wasn't long until he discovered their races; One of them was a demon, another was half a fallen angel and wolf furrie specie. This sounded very odd to him. Finally, he also discovered the race of the voice which he could tell was the one of a woman. Despite the fact she did not take mention of what she was, the fact he bared the last name of the Ixendire was enough for him to know. "A Royal I see... Hmm... Why does a royal chat with beings of such races?"

01-13-2010, 05:32 PM
Mikazuki was falling through the air at a terrifying speed. but, she wasn't really paying attention. She was looking at the ground trying to figure out where she was. she didnt recognise the trees in the forest, scanning around she saw a small group of people in a clearing, she flipped around and spread her wings to slow her decent. she landed with a small thud. Standing up she looked around, nothing was the same. she wandered off in the direction of the people. when she was close enough to hear them without being seen she crouched behind some bushes, wtching the miss-matched group.
"My name's Evangeline Alora Ixendire..."
"crap another Royal blood" she muttered to herself. getting up to leave, she turned around to leave. Stepping on a twig as she did so. "damnit!"

01-13-2010, 10:54 PM
The demon slowly stepped out of the shadows; eying Dante's weapon as he came out. "Well," Dante said while putting his bow away, "This is an unlikely team, if that's the correct word to use. So, what are we going to do, set up camp or look around," pausing, Dante looked around, there were new scents in the air.

"Looks like we have some company. What do you guys think, should we wait till the come out or call them out."

"I say we wait."

"I wasn't talking to you."

"You sure we can trust them?"

"No, but I don't really have much choice now."

01-14-2010, 12:03 AM
Mordecai sensed the others as well. "Well, i think its better to call them out... i like to know who i'm talking to." His body slowly relaxed into a more fluid position as his woulds began to heal, 'wounds caused by encounters with inanimate objects under no control' had been in his deal with Ripidus. His ribs cracked slightly as they were put back into place. He seemed to grip the air, then green flames covered two small patches on the ground. A few seconds later the patches grew to the width of a man and shot up into pillars, then lowered revealing a pair of skeleton warriors, both bearing pikestaffs. One had a symbol engraved on his forehead, and the other had the same symbol only flipped left to right, like a mirror. "Ahh, the twins. They make a nice presentable pair don't you think? Alright you two, give it up."

His last words were directed at the two that were watching them, one of them had stepped on a twig... rookie mistake. The other... he was harder, hiding in the brush or moving around. He was somewhere nearby though.

01-14-2010, 12:04 AM
Leslie heared vocies coming from one direction. Should I go and see what is going on?she thought. She had a feeling of doubt, but they may know where they are. She stood up and brushed herself off and began to walk. As she walked over she had a sence that there were purebloods around, but there were other creatures as well. She walked over to a tree not getting too close, just enough to make her preasence known.

((Sorry for the shortness))

01-14-2010, 01:10 AM
Hearing the rasp of voices Alarik came to a halt, waiting to see what Trix wanted to do. She pushed off his shoulder and caught the branch of a tree easily maneuvering herself atop it. With a quick hand signal informing Alarik to stay put and called on her magic to cast her being invisible. She muttered something foul about not being up to full strength and quickly made her way to the edge of the clearing by way of the tree tops. As she crouched low in the tree one of the creatures called out. Her brow furrowed as she examined the people of the clearing, knowing they couldn’t possibly be talking to her as she had only just arrived and was wrapped in invisibility magic.

She glanced at the two females instantly recognizing them as the same species, though they seemed polar opposites. The two reminded her much of the fairies of the Fae, all be it with a more… sinister air about them. She searched her memory for an encounter with one such as them but came up blank before remembering the words of a warrior… Vampire?

She shrugged and looked away, her eyes falling on the male farthest from her. It took her a moment to recognize him as a wolfbred, the ragged wing on his back throwing her off slightly. But there was no mistaking the odd features, after all humans of any sort were fair game to her Fae brethren.

The last stood below her and a little to the left with two skeleton beings next him. She stretched carefully along a branch to get a better look never before having seen such a creature. Lying there, she contemplated how wise it had been to leave Alarik behind, then tossed her head remembering he was really only a shout away and she was armed.

01-14-2010, 01:49 AM
((Sorry this took so long))

Jessamine sighed. Much bloodshed. She wove her way through the battlefield. Her only function was to take the injured back to the village for treatment. Or use her Charm and distract them from the pain long enough for them to die.

She certainly did not expect to be accosted by a man. He was bleeding heavily and growling at her in a way that suggested he was a wolf man. He jumped at her. Jessamine whipped around and hissed at him. Her fangs extended.

As a Serpantborn Jessamine was a magnificent specimen. Especially when she reared back to intimidate him. She was all white, even her eyes were a strange silver shade. Her pupils narrowed too look more snakelike. "Stay back you filthy dog"

There was one spot on her body that held color. A pretty yellow flower graced her pale tresses. It only served to emphasize her paleness. The wolf man growled. "Serpantborn, what do you out here on the field of battle?"

Jessamine stiffened. She was large for a serpantborn. And permanently stuck in this half-state. She had no shifting abilities. She was also bitter about both. Just as she was about the tell him off he turned and ran. Wha...?

Then Jessamine felt the pull of strong magic. She saw blackness and a long falling sensation. She twisted in the air desperately trying to right herself. Jessamine hit the forest floor with a resounding thud cracking a few tree branches in her fall.

She winced her pale face screwing up in pain. But she hadn't been hurt too badly...luckily. She was however lying belly up. Great. It would take ages to twist herself around in this mess. She heard the sound of voices and was instantly a little happier.

She twisted and thrashed making even more noise. Trying to draw attention to herself. "Hello? I seem to be stuck!" She called.

01-14-2010, 11:06 AM
Once the people in the group had found out about him and perhaps other people who had suddenly appeared or regained consciousness, the man just smirked and slowly started to walk towards them. But just before he could remove himself from his original spot to reveal himself, he had to make sure he knew who else he would be dealing with, so he took note of the people who would slowly reveal themselves as the same time as he did.

When he came out and showed himself, he simply looked at the existing group and immediately identified who owned which voice. He then looked at the others that had or have yet to reveal themselves. One of them he easily identified as a vampire, though it took him quite a few seconds before he was able to realize she was a royal as well. It quite amazed him that he was in the presence of two royals from different bloodlines. Then another came, though he quickly knew she was a mere half-blood even at first glance. Half-bloods... For some reason there was something about them he detested.

Just as he was intending to say something, there was a voice that did not come from the group, but it definitely not from afar. It sounded like a woman, but he could not identify what she was. He would have went towards her to take a look at her, but at the end that was all he would do and nothing else, so he might as well stay put and wait for someone to help her out. After all, he wasn't the kind of man who easily helps out people whom he had just met.

01-14-2010, 11:59 AM
As Death was just sitting there watching. He heard the demon yell out and summon 2 skeletons as this happened he shouted for the people that where hiding to get out of show themselves. Death decided to act and so it spoke loud and clearly it said "You are not supposed to be here you are still living get out now or I will act." But as Death said this, Deaths voice had no distinctive voice but many,and the sound came from everywhere not just one place.

01-14-2010, 07:16 PM
Mikazuki turned around slowly stepped out of the bushes. Annoyed she had made shuch a rookie mistake. She looked at the group definetly the weirdest group of people she had ever seen. She stood there glaring at them, waiting for someone to speak.

01-14-2010, 08:50 PM
Evangeline regarded each of the new individuals, her eyes lingering on the Royal blood as a slow smile spread across her face. She curtseyed to the other respectfully, though her eyes betrayed her childlike curiosity, and though she was seemingly being respectful, she never took her eyes off the other's face. "Greetings, friend! How unusual it is to run into another Royal Vampire. Especially one I've never met before." She straightened up, standing that little bit taller. The Vampire world was all about dominance, after all. This silent war of wills was common when Royals met - to the point where, others were disregarded for a time until an obvious hierachy was established.

Evangeline took a dainty step towards the Royal, taking another good look at her. She placed her hands behind her back and tilted her head slightly, in thought. "So why is it I have not have the pleasure of meeting you before?" Evangeline asked casually, though the implications behind it were not so casual. "You seem to be a Fallure, though it's funny, because you don't quite smell like one... I wonder why that is..." Evangeline trailed off, leaving the silent accusations hanging in the air.

01-14-2010, 09:03 PM
Mikazuki regarded the royal blood with distaste. A typical Royal blood. "I am Mikazuki Nakajima Fallure. who are you?" poking the woman hard.

01-14-2010, 09:23 PM
Evangeline jumped back, brushing off her arm where the Fallure had poked her. "Vampires do not greet each other with such violence. It is looked down upon." She threw her an intense stare, though it looked more calculating then annoyed or aggitated. "Evangeline Alora Ixendire. I would like to say it's a pleasure, but I don't know that for sure yet." she smiled, the only polite way of bearing one's teeth.

"You know I do recognize your name, actually. I recall someone under your name being banished.." she laughed, "Though I suppose the chances of me meeting some one like that is very slim. After all, it can't possible be you, could it?"

01-14-2010, 09:28 PM
Smirking at the reaction of a simple poke. "A poke is not what i call violence, just harmless fun. I'm only half Fallure so my father banished me because I'm filth to him." she finished darkly staring at Evangeline, putting her hands on her hips.

spirits breath
01-14-2010, 11:33 PM
Kreed backed away from big red, his maw dripping the the rich red elixiar of life that now was his own. An odd concept, even to a vampire, drink blood and get stronger, who would have guessed it was the form of sustinence in these lands. He pulled his legs back, looking down at the unconcious figure in disgust. He delivered a kick, only to be the one in any sot of pain as the metallic belt the man wore was definitly harder than his clawed food would ever be.

He turned around, looking around to see if he can find any other onlookers who would seek a cheap opportunity to attack in his most vaunerable time. He released the small enchantment in his muscles slowely in a vain attempt to prevent his body from collapsing from the newfound sense of gravity. As the weight dawned apaun him, he cringed down in pain as his bones started to break and expand when he expended too much magic at once.

His legs lengthened only a coule of inches, body streatching across a somewhat taller build. His arms no longer attached to the large bone at the upper part of his wings. He paused a little bit at he gasped for air in a mix of pain and fatigue. He resumed, his face snapping inwards as it seemed a bit more humanlike, except retained the light layer of fur over his body. Not as thick as it could be when he was trasnformed, but it did allow for a breaking up of the drying blood that matted his fur.

He looked down, scratching his chest, sending flakes of dried blood into the hard floor. "Gotta get this off before I end up adding my own blood to this." Kreed walked back towards town, turning back only to call out, "Sorry to spoil your fun, think we stopped them before they could play with you two!"

They waved back, and looked at eachother.

I should hurry, the old hag is waiting for me...as usual. He increased his pace, going from a walk to only about a shady walk that wanted to get ahead of a crowd of people inconspicuously. He looked over his shoulder every so often, looking for anyone who would be after him. It would seem like he would have made a lot of good friends after killing some peoples best friends and parents.

The old hag was rabbling on again. Her body must have been as old as the first vampire ever spawned, yet she still lived. Her brain, who knew how it ran, by a mouse or worm? Again another mystery. She creeped him out every day, last time wanting to ask something personal of him. Kreed ran with the speed of a fea on meth after that and threw everything infront of his door to prevent her entry.

He rounded a corner into his houses entrance. He used his shoulder to dig into the side of the door, bashing it open with force. The thick wood expanded as the yeas went by, getting too big for the metal frame. He walked into his small house. single floor, few lamps as lighting, small circular rug of a brown color, and a fireplace made of brick. Then came his bathroom, all seeming to be a nice earthly mud color, and a copper shower/bath he owned.

He stepped in, using a small brush and pulled out several flakes. Turning the once clear water into a light oily and red speckled mixture into a small hole of a drain. He pulled out a few hairs, nothing big as that happened anyways. He stepped out when he was no longer able to spot the red flakes pouring off of him, turning the cold water off.

Kreed stepped out to his main room, fur matted down from being wet. He shook his body violently, several dripletts of water bounced off of him onto the floor. "Time to face the beast, I do not need her face too wake me up, I would have to sharpen a wooden table leg and divebomb it. Quick and immediate effects of death.

He walked out of his house, slamming the door behind him. As he rounded the corner to the old hags house, he saw her running to him. A horrible image of flab and her chest bouncing all over the place. now or never, once it is done you can leaver her. She ran up to Kreed, pulling him towards her. note to self, kill her He was led to her house, being pulled against his will to a place of no return known by anyone.

Her raspy voice called out to him. "Kreed, darlin. Would you be so kind to close this little hole that seems to have grown in my little lab? Thank you sweetie!"

Kreed pulled back to no avail, her bony fingers almost breaking his arm in two. "Not like I have a choice in this." He was pushed into her house, the smell of flowers and some unknown stench that must have been her but multiplied over the past few centuries.
"In there, go on." She ushered him forwards.

Kreed walked into a blank room, a swirling mist that seemed to have a small pull. Curiosity got a part of him, but the push against his back was enough for that small force to knock him into that very vortex thing.

He was falling, not too fast as his wings seemed to slow him down a little. He flapped hard, only serving to stop him from accelerating. As he went down, his body seemed to scrape against some tree yet all around him as if he was in a forest going through tree tops. He had two options, either fall harder than expected, or get a nice hold in his wings. His choice was simple, and that was to allow graity to work.

He felt the wind pick up, only for the next ten seconds as he felt a cold bed of water below him. So much for being dry. just isn't my day is it? He heard some cries for help, only behind him and a bit to the left. He walked slowely to the other side of the watery pathway and climbed out. He shook himself off lightly, as he tried to do so while jogging in a galloping sort of way as his body couldn't do two actions at once. He reached the source, a large white snake.

He edged closer, tilting his head in wonder. He looked around, this place was completely unknown to him with some strange flowers and who knows whats going about. "Calm down, I am here." He knew he could have easily sunk his jaws into, well anywhere of this creature and enjoy a second meal, yet he don't have the urge. He walked cautiously to her, half expecting a trap of some kind.

As her neared, the old saying of a parent calling a small animal out of hiding. "I am Kreed Ansaar, I can help you." Way to go dumbass! Worst line to say to something unknown. He went by her, he crouched down, and wrapped his arms and his wings around her mid torso, chest tail...body and pushed back dirt with his small claws. He felt her roll with him, and when she was about halfway over, he jumped over and pulled hard. He finished turning her, sitting back and panting lightly. "Can't say it is easy to move you. the small plates along you give no grip without me having to puncture them."

He stood up, walking in front of her and keeping distance to have some shot if the creature lunged. It would probobly have the ability to eat him and almost enjoy it.

01-15-2010, 03:54 AM
Leslie watched as the royals spoke. She also looked around her for she had never seen many of these creatures before. They were interesting, then suddently she heard the cry for help. She stood there and debated for a minute on weather to go or to stay. Her kind heart was too much to bear it had made the dission for her. Leslie then looked to each of them, none of them seemed to want to go and help the woman pleading. She turned and faced the direction the cry was coming from and took off. Sure she was fast but not as fast as a full vampire she senced tension from where she was the feeling began to fade as she ran. When she found the woman who made the pleas there was a man there as well. What was she? The man seemed to be another vampire or fallen angel of some sort. Keeping her distance, Leslie took a deep breathe and asked them, " is everything alright? I heard your plea." She stated then smiled, still keeping her distance and guard up.

01-15-2010, 02:31 PM
Ravener yawned and stretch before lazily looking about the small from with a definite lack of interest. Sliding his bare feet onto the floor, he got up and plunged his head into the icy sink of water and held it there for a long minute, before whipping back upright and spraying water about the room. Finger combing it he gathered the midnight blue strands back from his face and tied it back. Slipping his mother's pendant about his neck and pulling on his shirt, Ravener grabbed his sword and left the small room, bored with the entire hostel. Dropping the money needed for his stay on the counter, he left into the street and sensed....something. It was new, and intriguing. Moving towards where it seemed to be coming from, Ravener entered a small building, past a splintered door and crouched in front of the something. Cocking his head to one side, Ravener examined the misty rift, whirling and about unsheathing his sword with a cold ring and holding the point to the throat of the person behind him.

"What do you want?"
"Ah good, you are here to fix this thing! Its been bothering me all day and the last person I got just fell into it!"
"I know nothing about this, how did you make it."
The old hag cackled and lunged, the sword opening her neck wide open.
Ravener took a step back to avoid the gore and now corpse, only to watch in surprise as the old hag's flesh re-knitted as nothing had happened.
"You're a-"
Ravener's words were lost as the hag pushed him into the vortex and he was falling.

01-15-2010, 08:52 PM
"You are not supposed to be here you are still living get out now or I will act."

It seemed as if a multitude of voices spoke at once and Trix peered around, searching for the hidden beings. No one else had appeared to notice this cryptic warning and she slithered back intent on heading back to Alarik. Once far enough she lept to her feet and took of running, in her haste she nearly fell twice, wincing each time the foliage moved giving away her position.

“Did you hear it?” She asked, dropping her magic and flinging herself from the trees over Alarik’s shoulder. He simply nodded and plucked her up by the collar of her dress to fix her haphazard position. Not one to take any warning, cryptic or not, lightly, she contemplated their options, neat white teeth worrying her bottom lip. One gloved hand tunneled through her hair as her heel began tapping out an erratic beat on the giant’s chest.

01-16-2010, 02:05 AM
As the man watched, he noticed that the two Royals were talking and decided to listen to their conversation, not noticing the half-blood walk away. But as their conversation went on, his concentration was moved away by voices that echoed from everywhere. "You are not supposed to be here you are still living get out now or I will act." The man started to smirk at this. "Hmm... It looks like someone's either trying to warn us or perhaps even challenge us..."

He moved from his position and looked around, wondering where exactly the voice was coming from. "One thing is for sure though, if it was a warning, how can we exactly escape this place? The way we all came here was technically an accident, and I'm pretty sure it's going to take us a while to repeat it... And who knows, if we do, we might not actually bring ourselves back to our place." He then looked at the plants around them and brought his hand to his chin. "Hmm... Apparently that voice's statement made me wonder if there are any living beings that originate from this place... Perhaps if we gather all those who were brought here by the incident, we could go take a look around?"

01-16-2010, 04:32 AM
Ravener fell, somewhat surprised at the old hag, more surprised to be falling, but old instincts kicked in and his clothes smoothed to his skin and feathers patterned across it as his body shrank. With the ground rushing up painfully fast, Ravener spread his newly feathered wings and swooped up above the treetops, perching on a high branch to observe the new landscape with a Falcon's sharp vision.

01-16-2010, 03:30 PM
Evangeline frowned and shook her head, walking in circles around the Vampire, examining her with some distain.. "You're no Royal Vampire. You don't know our ways at all!" She looked sullen for a moment, but then the curious spark crept back into her eyes. "If you're only half Fallure, what else are you? You're no Ixendire, thats for sure. We're more..." she paused, rubbing the arm where she had been poked "delicate."

Her fascination with the other Royal had made her all but forget the others about her, as well as the predicament they were in. Evangeline looked mightily confused for a minute, looking from one creature to another trying to remember why such a large unsuaul collection of people had gathered. "Oh..." she murmured, snapping back to reality. "That would be an excellent idea! I say we seperate into smaller groups and each go in one direction. We should have someone who can fly in each one, if possible, to make the searching easier. We'll meet back here at sunrise;" she vaguely gestured to the harvest moon in the sky, which was slowly beginning to climb higher. "when we report our findings, of creatures or otherwise. that should give us plenty of time to find any others."

Evangeline regarded the royalblood, her face slowly breaking out in a triumphant grin. She put an arm around her sholders, a rare sight to see for any Royal Blood. Emotion and affection was not something they rated highly. "Mi..." she paused, already having forgotten her name, "Mizukaki Nikajuju of the Fallure Clan, I, Evangeline, have decided to take you under my wing, so to speak, and reintroduce you to the ways of the Royal Blood." She turned to face her, smiling, holding her at arms length. "I know I cannot interfere with the Fallure Clan's ways, but at least while we are stuck here in the middle of nowhere, I shall accept you as a fellow Royal and teach you all I can!" She beamed, obviously quite proud of herself.

Evangleine turned to the rest of the group. "Me and Mikikiki here shall take the North." she declared, not even asking for Mikazuki's response. "Its best to have another person with us, in case some one is injured. Anyone wish to join us?"

01-16-2010, 04:34 PM
More and more people seemed to be coming from everywhere. They now had a pretty good sized group of many different races, all in the same predicament. Dante looked around again, "You know, something doesn't feel right about this place."

"You can't tell me you didn't hear that voice, saying that the living shouldn't be here?"

"Yeah, I did. I just didn't say anything about it."

Dante scratched his head, there was someone else around here, but who? Turning back towards the group he heard Evangeline say something about splitting up "Me and Mikikiki here shall take the North. Its best to have another person with us, in case some one is injured. Anyone wish to join us?"

Seeing no one else take the offer Dante stepped forward. "Um, I guess I'll go."

"You with two vampires, and royals at that. Boy that's smart." Aaron said mockingly. "If they decide to turn on you you'll be ripped to shreds."

"Too late now."

"One bad decision after another, that's what got us here in the first place."

"At least we're still alive."

"Not for long."

01-16-2010, 06:13 PM
Evangeline looked at the Wolfbred with renewed curiousity, her face lighting up. "Oh good! you never did explain about your one sided conversations, you can tell me while we travel. Lets go then." She began setting off northwards, examining the two others. Another grin spred across her face. I think this predicament is actually quite exciting. I would never have met theese two had the day continued as it was. Much more exciting then that half-blood..

01-16-2010, 07:24 PM
When Death heard what the royal was planning it got impatient on waiting, but before it acted it got over-struck with curiosity! Now this is unusual for death to be curious for it had no feelings or emotions. But it decided to show itself to see how they would react but it decided to take the shape of a male human for this was the simplest of forms and the least threatening for they are at the bottom of the food-chain. It even gave itself a life-force so they would not suspect anything. It formed in a tree by the group, now being human it will certainly get there attention for this is food for demons and some vampires.

01-16-2010, 07:30 PM
Evangeline frowned. "I smell human, but I swear there wasn't one a minute ago." She looked about, searching for the source, only to find it coming from a nearby tree. Evangeline regarded the human with curiousity, wondering how she had missed him beforehand. Mind you, she had not been concerntrating earlier when she had been talking with the Royal.

Evangeline regarded the human with distain. "How long have you been there?"

01-16-2010, 07:37 PM
Death was surprised that they actually talked to him instead of sneaking behind him. But in all of Deaths preparations he forgot to pick a voice for his body, so he just climbed down the tree and walked out into the open so everyone could see him. He only stared at his feet for he did not want to make eye contact with anyone, Death had to think of a the correct expression for fear, for he had never experienced before.

01-16-2010, 07:55 PM
Evangeline frowned at the human, confused. She usually didn't talk to humans - except the ones who took her interest- but this one hadn't even answered her, and that was disrespectful. Could it even talk? Evangeline had never seen a human that couldn't, but they apparently did exist.

01-16-2010, 08:09 PM
She was sure she'd never get of her back and she lacked the leverage to turn herself over. She pushed weakly with her arm trying to roll herself over after a minute gave up. She continued yelling.

That is until a man happened along. Well he talked like a man. Walked like one too but he was like a little dragon-dog. At least that's how Jessamine thought he looked. It wasn't unusual to see man-like creatures that looked more animal than human. She tried to connect him to some kind of creature she knew and came up blank. She'd only ever seen humans. Humans mixed with Furres to be exact.

Jessamine offered a stiff thank you to Kreed after he got her up. It was difficult to get off one's back when you were as large as she and lacked legs. She followed him slithering but not going to eat him.

"Those plates are called scales. I am serpantborn" She said as if that should explain everything. "I am called Jessamine Snay'eth" She added the many "s's" in her name sounding like more thanks to her "accent".

01-16-2010, 09:25 PM
Mikazuki was shocked. this Royal just assumed that she wanted to become everything she despised. "My mother was the last of the Lelus." she growled at Evangeline. "And the last think I want to do is act like a Royal, it's bad enough im a Royal by blood." Poking her other arm. the a new scent appeared, human. Only now did she realise how hungry she was, she hadnt had any blood for days. But there was something strange about this man, although she couldnt quite put her finger on it. She started to creep around the clearing to get behind the man to attack.

01-16-2010, 09:35 PM
Evangeline's eyes widened, as she turned to look at the Royal who she had found so interesting - sort of like a new project. "A Lelus?" she murmured, thinking they had all but gone extinct. And yet... here was some one who had thier name, aliving and kicking. or rather, undead and kicking. Or rather, undead and poking.
"I wish you would stop doing that! That is an example of bad conduct by a Royal. If you learn how to act like a Royal, you could be re-accepted into the clans. In fact, with Lelus heritage, us Ixendires and Chamonbroods would probably see you very highly!"

01-16-2010, 09:43 PM
Mikazuki stopped circling the clearing and started her straight in the eye. "Look my father doesnt want me and i dont want to be re-accepted. I've lived out in the forests for most of my life. Although I supose a spoilt girl like yourself wouldn't understand."

01-16-2010, 09:57 PM
Evangeline's mouth twitched. "Spoilt?"

She stood dead still for a time, glaring daggers at the other Royal. It was obvious she didn't agree with the term. "Listen here, girly. The last thing any Royal Blood is is spoilt." she took a step closer, her hands clenched in tight fists, obviously trying to control her emotion of angry. "You might think its an easy job, being banished as you are. Well your wrong. We are at the top of the hierachy, so to speak, and have to make sure Vampries of all kinds know their place. The Vampire Wars were devastating - the numbers of the Royal Vampires dropped significantly, as did the Dragons and the Celestials. A war on that scale can never happen again - purging the halfs is alright since it's low class, but something like that could be devestating. We have to make sure it doesn't happen.."

She took another step forward, her anger ebbing slightly as she spoke. "You, even if you're banished, should know that Royal beings have no freedom. We can't show affection, we can't show any emotion. You, being banished, can experience anything you want. You can be happy, you can be sad, you can find companion's in other races. We can't."

Her anger had died now, and she just looked at the other Royal in pity. "You should also know that we're going extinct. Thats why there are so many halfs now - theres no strong bloodlines left. Thats why the Royals are killing them. They're afraid."

"We're all going to die out soon. Arranged marriages, trying to keep the blood alive... its not going to work. Look at you. You're the only one of your kind in all the worlds - Hades, the human lands, and most likely here too. So I'm sorry you think I'm spoilt, but I'm just trying to enjoy myself before I die out."

01-16-2010, 10:03 PM
A small smile crept over Mikazuki's face "like you said im one of a kind, i think more likly to die out before you." walking over and poking her again. I'm sorry if you dont like it but i just dont want to go back, i hated every minute of it anyway. And Being banished isn't a walk in the park either, I constantly have people after me, I'm wanted for not being a full Fallure. And on that note, I havent eaten for days do you mind if i feed on the human over there?" walking over to him as she did.

01-16-2010, 10:18 PM
Evangeline sighed, "Why do you insist on assaulting me?" she asked, rubbing her arm. "Very well, in the end it is your choice whether you return or not, but..." she paused, allowing her smile to creep back. "After calling me spoilt, I'm still not giving up on turning you into someone who has some manners, rather then a barbarian who insists on causing grievious harm to my arm." She wrinkled her nose in distain as Mikazuki approached the human, to eat. "no no no no... this is all wrong.." she murmured, more to herself then anyone else. Evangeline turned around, unable to watch. "Royals don't eat humans! and they certainly don't lure prey like that!" Surely, this royal was going to drive her inane before she managed to teach her "manners".

01-16-2010, 10:19 PM
“No wonder the Fae find it so easy to trick and catch you miserable creatures. You’re loud, obnoxious and fight over things when you should be heeding warnings. It’s any wonder they aren’t bored mindless by you.” Trix snapped, standing tall on Alarik’s left shoulder, hands on her hip. The two had walked up, after Trixibelle had decided it was safer in numbers as long as they didn’t trust anyone. Alarik moved rather stealthily for a creature of his size but the bushes still rattled as he came fully into the clearing. Now out in the open, she was able to get a better look at them all and survey the few newcomers.

“Don’t kill the human.” Her eyes narrowed on the vampire crepping across the feild. Alarik stood tall and imposing, large sword still by his side, he’d throw his luck with a normal human over the other strangers anyday.

01-16-2010, 10:23 PM
Death still couldn't find the right emotion so he just had a blank expression on his face. He turned to face the banished royal and stared this time staring into her eyes like he was reading her mind, or rather, looking into her soul. "What are you doing here." He said with a paranoid expression. "Why have you came to this realm? This is not your place to wander, so have caution, this is a place where nothing could conquer. Listen, you hear that? That is the sweet sound of silence. You have entered a realm where time takes all, and life does not exist."

01-17-2010, 08:55 AM
By now, the man was rolling his eyes at the two royals, thinking that those two were most likely going to get into a huge fight sooner or later if they kept talking about their royal blood. He was starting to wonder why they couldn't bring him into the picture since he was a pureblood who was somewhat related to the Chamonbrood after all, but of course that was his ego getting to him. Then the scent of human filled his senses and he immediately turned to the man who Evangeline revealed. He was starting to bare his teeth for a moment until he forcefully shut it tight, trying to control himself and his urges. "Come on, you already had a meal before coming here..."

Suddenly, two beings came out of the blue, and what they were quite surprised him. It was quite hard for him to imagine such a dark giant working with a bright elf such as the one on his shoulder. Now she was telling the royal coming close to the human to not eat him, and it soon made the pureblood take a closer look at this man. Finally, this man spoke. "What are you doing here. Why have you came to this realm? This is not your place to wander, so have caution, this is a place where nothing could conquer. Listen, you hear that? That is the sweet sound of silence. You have entered a realm where time takes all, and life does not exist."

The vampire simply laughed hearing this. "I believe this man has something to do with the one who gave us the warning. Sure, he doesn't entirely sound like the voices, but definitely there's something off about him and the way he talks that just makes me think about them." Taking some quick steps toward this man, he held him from the shoulder and looked at his face. "Tell us. Who are you and what gives you the right to say that to us?" He had a serious expression on face by now as he continued his last statement. "Do you even originate from this place?"

spirits breath
01-17-2010, 04:19 PM
Kreed backed away lust a little more as she seemed to move towards her in such an odd manner of motion. "Jessamine Snay'eth it is? Names Kreed Ansaar. I don't beleive I have ever met a, whats is called...serpent being is is?"

He walked slowely, unsure if she could keep up. Part of him wondered why he should be with him, her, mix perhaps...he decided on Jessamine to be a female based on the softer voice. He could easily get away from her, assuming he makes the fisrt move, yet he felt he needed to stay as she would have an idea on what some of the plants and misselanious things were. That would be the way to go, look to the side and who knows a large plant beast woulkd eat him.

"I can't help but wonder a couple things. Your scales, why are they white? Never in my lifetime have I seen some sort of creature with scales like the moon. Course you may also be wondering about me as well."

Kreed turned and stopped, facing the seemingly graceful being who followed him. "Ever hear of Chamonbrood? Pretty much I am like a... well you can probobly guess something to do with a bat. Then add in a bit of vampire and there you have it." He paused feeling he would have to say this. "And no, I will not be drinking your blood. I know better than to be making more enemies than needed, and well face it, if I bit you you can simply use the rest of you to simply strangle me to death. You have my word that I won't try and drink blood from you."

His eyes went big as he realized he shouldn't of put the whole vampire thing in his introduction, but surely it would have came out soon enough. What else would be said when a beast is brought back, with him hunched over it to enjoy a good meal?

He turned around walking at a normal pace again into the forest. A few noises were heard, well a lot of noises moreso, some yelling and what may be a inevitable battle. "Want to see what the commotion is about? That or wait till it all cools over." He slowed his pace, feeling a hunch of his mentality to simply rush in and at least kill one thing. Yet he also didn't want to end a potential guides companionship. He felt that she is the reason he hasn't yet been attacked, possibly a test subject to wait until something happened to her and who knows that she would have some soldiers creeping around just to strike at her command.

01-17-2010, 04:29 PM
Death looks at the man who was talking to him. Now Death could not reveal himself as Death for he made up a name and a quick backstory to tell."My name is Gregory I was brought here a long time ago and ever since then I have roamed this land and killed anything that posed a threat. In this land nothing is alive look around and see for yourself."

01-17-2010, 05:06 PM
Ravener glided down to the ground next to the one who just called itself Gregory. Changing to his human form he tilted his head and fixed him with a piercing glare.
"So if you've killed everything in this land, why is it that you haven't killed us, or are we no longer alive?"

01-17-2010, 07:27 PM
The human fixed her with a piercing stare that went straight through her very soul. It shook her up somewhat. There was no way that man was human, or anything she had ever come across in her life.

01-17-2010, 08:09 PM
"Will you all quit bickering?" Mordecai spoke over everyone else. He could sense the human's connection with this place, he did not act like a human, he was not scared, he was not psychotic, and he was not telling the whole truth. "You, there." He pointed an extremely sharp claw at 'Gregory' "It has been said that nothing is alive in this place, but you are for sure. I see it in the pulsing veins of your neck. But i do not see it in your eyes, they are oddly blank. A human's eyes tell their story, yours tell no story." He lowered his hand. "You want us to leave, but we know not how; we did not come here with any purpose bu that of fate itself, and we will leave when we are able." The man had a vaguely familiar aura about him, something Mordecai might have seen once before, when he was close to dying after he used his powers to the extent of his contracts with the gods.

01-17-2010, 08:42 PM
"No I did not kill everything." said Gregory in an irritated voice."They where all dead when I got here But they where up and walking, there beings with no life force, so therefore there dead but not, Understand?" He steps back in the woods and starts to walk away. "I am leaving for now but I assure you, we will meet again I'm sure of it." Then at that note he goes behind a tree where no one can see him and turns into a shadow again. And his life force is gone.

01-17-2010, 09:40 PM
As the human walked away the shock subsided, he walked behind a tree and sudenly the scent of human disappeared. "what in Hades is he?"

01-17-2010, 11:21 PM
A small shudder slid over Trix as she listened to the others converse with the human, who was not human. She shifted, a hand tunneling into Alarik’s dark hair as if to anchor herself to him. After watching the man leave she turned back to the others a cheeky smile on her face as she answered the dark vampire.

“Weird. Weird, creepy and cryptic. A Herald of Doom perhaps.” Her smile widened as if in response to some private joke and she lifted her free hand to smother a giggle. But even as her face danced with merriment her mind worked at the puzzle of their predicament.

01-18-2010, 11:00 AM
By now the vampire was giving off a strange look on his face. What the man replied to him was something that caught him off guard. "Brought here a long time ago? But how?" Then Mordecai spoke out towards him, and the vampire nodded to show he was agreeing with what he was saying. But now this 'Gregory' was replying to a recent newcomer, and yet it sounded as if he was making a witty reply which came from the top of his head. The vampire quickly shook his head and knew there was clearly something fishy with this man, and for some odd reason he had a feeling he had come across this man many times before. But before he could even ask even more questions from this man, he disappeared, saying that they will meet each other again soon. "...Odd...Why is it that I don't want that to ever happen?"

01-19-2010, 02:18 AM
Ravener settled into a crouch and looked about the small gathering of creatures. They don't seem all that hostile, but still, everyone is on edge.
"My name is Ravener. May I inquire into the the names of each person in this lovely bunch."

01-19-2010, 02:58 AM
"Serpantborn. And we're even I've never met a Chamonbrood" She didn't comment on the vampirism bit. She just moved back to his question about her scales.

She looked visibly proud. "No one has the same color scales as I" She said. Then she cast a silver and pink eye over him. "Bat you say? I don't believe I've met a vampire who didn't look human" She was jumping around on his comments better than trying to focus on keeping a reasonable pace. How slow did he think she was?

Jessamine got around rather well she'd had a tail her whole life. And much like a side-winder she kind of skipped sideways though her body never left the ground. It was the fastest way of moving even if it did mean she had to focus on going the direction she wanted.

Finally, he sped up. Then slowed down. Jessamine became frustrated. At least until she heard his reasoning. It was then she heard the voices from earlier. "They do seem to really be going at it"

01-19-2010, 04:06 AM
Leslie relized that the other two creatures didn't notice her. The woman seems alright, I have never heard of a serpantborn before. she thought to herself. She then turned around, for her main corncern was to see if the person calling for help was alright. Leslie then noticed she had become lost. which way did I come from? she wonderd. "Lets go this way." She said aloud for speaking to herself helps her think.

spirits breath
01-20-2010, 01:38 AM
Kreed moved forwards a little bit more. "Being a Chamonbrood is more. Well it is different than most other vampires. I can't say all vampires get along. Thats where I get my job to defent the royals and purebloods. It has a few benefits. Can't deny the fact I look different, many years of battling civilians who were angry. Seems to be a parallel of myself. I can transform entirely into a bat, yet I sure wont be able to communicate with you at all. That is usually my form when I battle. I am a bit faster, better senses, and it works well with enchancing my strength. But after isn't so great. It hurts to transform, and I end up exhausted as a result. Which then I usually feed for a while, and that tides me over for a while."

He looked back at her movement, it seemed different. He wanted to comment on it, but figured it was like the same for her. "So do you ever you know... hunt? It seems like whatever you kill would have it far worse than they would with me. You crush them and have them feeling their entire body collapsing and the pain... That would be a time to try and kill yourself."

Kreed turned over a little. "This is one of the tmies where you have to check what is going on. I have no idea were I am, and I wouldn't mind getting familiar with where I will eventually have to sleep without knowing anyone. no offence, but we just met and well a giant serpent born isn't a great sight to have looking at you when I wake up." He pushed a leafy branch aside as he ducked under it. "This place is like a forest, a really big forest. Can't see how you can enjoy a grouping or a clan in here, when you turn and walk five steps and you can hit a tree, or go twenty and find a river. I don't do wet."

The voices were louder, he looked at the small barrier between him and them. into the heat, for better or worse. Lets hope they don't have a twitchy weapon. He pushed past the foilage into the small opening. He made his voice deeper, trying to give it a greater sense of power behind it. "Hello there. Kreed Ansaar. What is with this dispute, I can hear it from who knows how far away I was dropped in here. About the edge of the river where it shallows out a little." He gave a standing bow, his wing and arm down behind his back.

01-20-2010, 04:05 PM
Evangeline's eyebrow rose at the approach of a Chamonbrood. She looked about the ever-growing circle of individuals, seeming quite content. "If what that strange human said is correct, we may just be the only people in this place." She paused, in thought. "You know, this might actually be a good oppurtunity. What we have here is a completely untapped resource. As for undead beings..." she laughed, "just look around and you can see quite a collection of them already forming."

"I don't know much about any of you, and there are some of you I should be against... but as Mordecai," she inclined her head respectfully towards the deamon, "suggested earlier, I think co-operation may be more beneficial then fighting, for now." Evangleine said this without realizing how much of a hypocrite she was acting.

"I think I shall take this oppurtunity to explore a bit. That strange human's words were a bit intriguing, no?"

01-20-2010, 07:41 PM
Jessamine listened expanding her knowledge of vampires. And storing most of it away for later. Niceness wasn't something that came naturally to her. Indeed, it didn't come naturally to most serpantborn. But if she stayed in this persona it was easier to manipulate people around her.

His next question gave her pause. "My diet is different from that of a pure human. I have to hunt" Only she hadn't thought about using her size as an advantage. Insteresting, that was an apt observation. "I've never thought about using my size, it's actually quite normal to me."

All that was left between them and the voices was a little bush and a few trees. Jessamine didn't bother trying to go around the bush she simply pushed straight through it. There were certainly many people, although she'd have to say that a few of them looked much to pale to be human. She wasn't an expert though.

Her eyes swept over the gathering as they seemed to...well ignore Kreed for lack of a better word. She couldn't say they didn't notice him. "I gather we've interrupted?" Jessamine said with a pleasantry she didn't feel.

01-20-2010, 09:53 PM
Mikazuki looked around the miss-matched group. "Well if I remember correctly, we were going to spilt up and have a look around."

spirits breath
01-21-2010, 11:38 PM
Kreed looked back at Jessamine and thought a little bit, he tried to conceal a wonderous look as he began to speak. "Surprising that you haven't thought of that. I would figure that you could simply get on whatever you have to hunt, and wrap yourself around it a few times, completely ensnare the creature and simply tighten your grip more and more. Then well you can guess what would happen after a certain amount of tightening up the coil."

Kreed walked forwards slowely, eyeing a few of new figures. He instantly tried to gain some assertive role, his job back where he once was lead to that sense of needing dominance, a respected or at least feared him a little. "Cooperation will aid in survival, definitly with that. The human, well who is to say there aren't beings out there as we speak that are magically listening to us, even waiting for us to just avert our gaze, even sleep, or break apart, all just to grab one of us and torture us for the fun of it."

He walked a few meters back and forth. "What good will a argument do for an of us. The last time an argument happened, about three or four men died, few had broken limbs, and one had a unnatural happening to him which I would rather save for another day. The point is, is that an argument over...well an argument in general when we just met up is worthless. We all need someone to work with, you can never fight alone, you need someone watching your back, and you to watch theres."

Kreed stopped talking, walking in an at ease position, one arm holding the other behind his back. He calmed himself down, speaking more at ease than he just was. "Take Jessamine and myself. We just met up, and she was in a position that I easily could have stabbed her with a blade if I had one. Yet I didn't. I knew that I could get myself into a better position if I was with someone else. Keeps you company and it offers a sense of protection as we were able to learn more about eachother in the process."

He moved his body over to a tree by Jessamine and leaned against the tree, his chest rose and fell slowely as he closed his eyes, listening to what was aorund him. His eyes opened again, and his eyes washed over the small crowd.

((by the way, I am going to be busy just about all day and night tomarrow and I will be busy just about all day saturday as well, so if you need an immediate response from me...well I let you all know ahead of time.))

01-21-2010, 11:59 PM
Dante had said nothing during and after the mysterious man came. Each of his hairs were all standing upright and he was emitting a low growl. The man had an air about him, something Dante quite didn't like, and his smell, It was, peculiar. "Who do you think that was," Dante asked Aaron.

I don't know who the man was but he reeked of death. It seemed unnatural, almost as if he consisted of it, nevermind. That definitely can't be it.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes, just forget what I said."

There were now even more people in their peculiar group. It looked like they were deciding on the next course of action before two more people came out of the forest, one of them was a seemed like a serpent, kind of like Dante, except he was a wolf. He stood there staring at her, another half animal, It was the first time he'd seen another one.

The creature next to her began talking about cooperation, and he was right.

01-28-2010, 08:25 PM
Evangeline sighed, feeling slightly claustrophobic - despite them being in open air, there was certainly alot of them all in one place. Evangeline gave a dainty jump, before using her wings to fly up, just above the treetops.

There was certainly forest, stretching out in all directions - and the river, as the man had said - but she could see a clearing towards the North. Intrigued, Evangeline headed off that way.

01-28-2010, 08:34 PM
Mikazuki saw Evangeline jump up and start to fly off. 'Hmm, I wonder where shes going." Spreading her wings and taking off in quick persuit.

01-31-2010, 04:02 PM
Trix watched the two vampires fly off to the north and sighed, momentarily contemplating what it would be like to have wings. Then she snickered and rolled her eyes before lightly patting Alarik’s head, as if he were a rather large pet.

“I think I’ll go south and see what exciting things lay there.” She smiled absently at the group as Alarik turned and headed in the direction indicated. As an afterthought she looked back at the group and with a lofty wave of her hand, said,

“You’re welcome to join me of course… or follow the vampires, north.”

01-31-2010, 04:02 PM
Trix watched the two vampires fly off to the north and sighed, momentarily contemplating what it would be like to have wings. Then she snickered and rolled her eyes before lightly patting Alarik’s head, as if he were a rather large pet.

“I think I’ll go south and see what exciting things lay there.” She smiled absently at the group as Alarik turned and headed in the direction indicated. As an afterthought she looked back at the group and with a lofty wave of her hand, said,

“You’re welcome to join me of course… or follow the vampires, north.”

spirits breath
01-31-2010, 05:41 PM
Kreed looked up at the smaller builded female. He looked at the other vampires in the sky, then back at the female. He pushed off the tree and croutched down expanding his wings a little bit. He flapped down hard a few times gainging only a few inches of altitude. He pushed himself forwards a few wingbeats. He stopped flapping. "No sense in joining them, rather stay wher eI can serve some purpose. Who knows, get it bright enough and they all come down to hide. Yet with you I can at least make use of my abilities."

He walked over by her, his nose dipping inwards as he breathed in hard a few times through his nose. He moved hynoticly towards Trix. "And if I might add, you smell a bit more... well you smell cleaner than the others who just left. But they have a keener sense of smell than I so who knows?"

Kreed backed away from Trix, giving her some space as he almost sensed that she wasn't to fond of having a vampire close to her. "So, what rumors have there been of vampyrum? Senseless killers who will slaughter villages for a meal, shadows of the night? surely there has to be some around here." He kneeled down, taking a leaf from a tree he bit into it. He spat it out, scraping his tounge across his teeth a few times. The foul taste still lingering with him. This place is going to have me killed in a matter of days. No food in sight, except for a few small animals. He looked over to Jessamine, gave a toothy smile, and then looked up at the direction of the others. He wondered if he made the right choice on the matter.

02-07-2010, 02:46 AM
Trixibelle watched the male fly some before moving to join her. He was odd, not that she minded after all, she lived in the forest for the most part and saw odd things all the time. A smile flirted at her lips as he informed her she didn’t smell then moved back to return her space to her. She watched and listened quietly before responding.

“I know little of vampires, but that some of the Fae fear them.” Now that she thought about it Trix realized she knew very little about any of the races really. Most creatures seemed so stupid to her, being so easily tricked by her brethren, she had little to do with others. She continued to watch the male as he bit into a leaf, her face twisted into one of disgust, even as Alarik shuddered once with suppressed laughter.

“Why would you eat such a thing? It could be poisonous for all you know.” She muttered something foul then motioned for Alarik to carry on southward as she shifted to sit on his shoulder once more.

02-10-2010, 09:31 PM
A dull roar to the west suggested that, despite what the strange man had said earlier, they were not the only creatures in this magical land. Evangeline didn't recognize the noise as a creature of the human land - or as a creature from hell, either. Intrigued, she turned, to see the other pureblood had followed her.

"Why Hello there." she greeted the other vampire, her eyebrow raising. She pointed westwards, to where the trees of the forest were slowly being felled - which was quite a feat, considering how tall they were. What was more worrying, they were going down at an alarming rate. "What, do you suppose, is big and strong enough to do that?" she asked the vampire, another faint smile touching her lips.

02-10-2010, 09:33 PM
"How should I know. I'm as new to this place as you are." Glaring at her.

spirits breath
02-12-2010, 12:24 AM
Kreed looked up at the large being that the Fae now rested apaun. "I can see how the fae would fear such beings as I am, I for one would be scared too if I saw a four foot bat lift me into the air. I am yet to see myself when I transform, just makes you wonder a little." He walked, his feet digging into the ground below him, he walked with the two beings.

He looked back at the tree behind him. He wondered how it would have been poisenous. "It may have been able to kill me, doesn't look like it, but who knows? Least I have a fea here, you fae seem to have a natural affinity to nature. May be quick to solid trust, but you have to have allies where you can get them. Wish my pal Mike was here. We were always good at combat together, knew how eachother faught, what we can do and can't do. It was nice."

He walked briskly, keeping up with the giant as they headed southward deeper into the forest. "You know where we are headed?"

02-25-2010, 12:19 PM
Death watching like a newborn that was just born slowly started to get closer and closer in following the strange group and at the moment very board so it called out " I can run but not walk. Wherever I go, thought follows close behind. What am I? Answer this correctly then I should answer yours."

03-01-2010, 10:35 AM
The earth shuddered as the monsterous beast continued through the forest. Evangeline tilted her head, curious to find out what it was. She flew up higher, high enough to see over the tops of the trees to the creature. Her eyebrow raised in surprise - a six-headed hydra was making it's way through the forest; and it certainly did not look happy.

"Where do you suppose that came from?" she asked, turning to the other vampire.

03-01-2010, 10:39 AM
Mikazuki shot up in the air to join the other vampire, deliberatly straight into her.
"Again how should I know. All i know is I've never come across one of those before."