View Full Version : 1x1 Ideas
09-30-2011, 10:59 PM
So, I've been thinking for the past couple weeks, and I've had quite a few ideas in mind for roleplays. Some of them being,
-Bounty hunters
~Bounty hunter x bounty hunter
~Bounty hunter x target
-Some others
~Cop x criminal
~Vampire x Vampire hunter
~Zombie apocalypse
*These don't have to have romance in them, but I think some slightly romantic scenes in an RP make it more interesting. If we do romance though, I prefer a hetero paring.
I'm up to other ideas you may have too, but I've been dying for a really good action RP, preferably a shoot-em'-up. I would prefer if it was a modern or futuristic setting, even if it is like a futuristic place in a run-down condition.
I would like it if the person I do this with has good grammar and spelling. Heck, even throw some words at me I might not know!
Depending on how much time I have to post and how much is on my mind, I can do anywhere from 1 paragraph to 10 decently sized paragraphs. I am normally on every day.
I am used to playing female, given I am one and therefore would know what to do for a female character naturally, but if necessary I can play male and do my best at it.
Most of these characters would need to be pretty tough, but then again it's your character and that's what makes roleplaying fun, to have them be unique.
I can answer any replies here, or you could also PM me if you want. :)
Sounds interesting. Bounty hunter vs target sounds fun. I can play either gender if needed, although, I do work often and may have to post every other day.
09-30-2011, 11:08 PM
Awesome, PM me and we can work out details.
Jade Moriparty
10-01-2011, 04:10 AM
I have a great vampire chara! He's old, carefree in a scary way, and incredibly hedonistic! However, I don't RP romance.
10-01-2011, 05:23 AM
We don't have to make it a romance. In fact, I hadn't really wanted to make the vampire RP a romantic one anyway :) Hm...until you upgrade to member status we won't be able to PM each other, but we can work around that.
Jade Moriparty
10-01-2011, 07:12 AM
Yay! Finally, someone who doesn't require romance! I'm so happy! I'm sorry that I can't PM just yet. I've been posting and such. I guess that means we'll have to discuss everything here for now. What sort of plot did you have in mind for the vampire RP?
10-01-2011, 08:26 AM
I really had only had a setting in mind. A run-down town mainly inhabited by low-lives and vampires. The town has a very eerie feeling to it, with a yellow haze hanging overhead. I was thinking maybe vampires have nearly become acceptable in society, but there could be a certain gang of vampires that have been causing a lot of trouble for the town and other towns around it, and a hunter has been sent in to exterminate them. Of course you're welcome to say your ideas or add anything in particular.
Jade Moriparty
10-01-2011, 07:28 PM
Why a yellow haze? Why not fog, smog, or factory pollution? My vampire chara is perfect for that set up! He is definitely the type who would put together a gang of bad vampires and cause trouble. So, in this RP, people know that vampires exist, but they fear and loathe vampires?
10-01-2011, 07:49 PM
I guess smog or factory pollution would be a better description than a yellow haze (: And yes, vampires exist in certain places and people know, but they group them together on same level as thieves, drug dealers and prostitutes. So pretty much people see them as scum. What do you think about this?
Jade Moriparty
10-01-2011, 08:30 PM
I like it! I imagine the vampires are none-too-thrilled at this treatment, given that their, for the most part, longer lifespan makes them much wiser than humans, not to mention their superior physical abilities! I'm surprised that the trouble-making vampires are limited to that one town!
We definitely need to agree on vampire lore. I'm actually not well-versed in vampire lore. It's a long story how I came to build a vampire chara even though I'm not that into vampires, lol. Anyway, so I kind of have my own lore that I cobbled together that I think makes an RP with vampires more interesting. The stereotypical crosses, garlic, and wooden stakes have no effect on vampires. We can have some comical situations in which people think these things will work! :) Silver slows them down. They can only be killed by being burnt to ashes. I like Anne Rice's account of turning a vampire: a human is turned by a vampire intentionally. The vampire drains the human and then the human drinks from the vampire. A vampire simply feeding off of a human will not cause a human to turn into a vampire. Otherwise, the world would be FULL of vampires, given the long history of vampires! Vampires do not produce vampire babies. That always just struck me as strange. Again, if vampires could reproduce, then world would be FULL of vampires, given the long history of vampires!
10-01-2011, 08:59 PM
Ahh, Anne Rice. Now I wish I owned Interview With a Vampire so I could watch it again. I'm glad that your idea of vampires is unique, in that they don't follow the stereotypical vampire traits, yet they aren't all Twilight-esque (I never did like that movie). And silver slowing them down will fit perfectly, since my vampire hunter will be using firearms as weapons.
And of course, your vampire gang may go wherever they please, I just thought it would make a nice setting for the beginning of the RP if it started in a dark, eerie place. I also like the idea of vampires not reproducing or unintentionally turning humans into their own kind. I want your opinion on this-in the society of vampires, would you want an upper-class and a lower-class? For example, the vampires that have been around on earth for a long time are more respected than those that have recently been changed? You mentioned your character is older, which would make him a powerful high-class leader for the gang.
Jade Moriparty
10-01-2011, 09:10 PM
Thank you, I'm glad that you like my vampire ideas! Twilight...yeah...not so much! I actually haven't seen it, but I've heard enough about it to know not to see it, lol!
Yes, I definitely think that the older vampires should be considered more respectful than the younger vampires. My chara would be one of the oldest vampires in the world. Therefore, more difficult to kill and therefore more fun for your vampire assassin! :) Do you just want the trouble-making to be isolated to that one group? Are the rest of the vampires attempting to assimilate? What I'm getting at here, is, would my high-class vampire causing trouble be largely frowned-upon by the rest of the high-class vampires? If so, I'm imagining him as leading a group of younger vampires and hating the other "stodgy" older vampires.
10-01-2011, 09:25 PM
I see it that in this world, many of the older vampires are pacifists after coexisting with humans for so long, and the younger ones don't have the knowledge or experience to agree with them. Your idea of your character disliking the other elder vampires and leading younger vampires would really fit well with this. And yes, your character being hard to kill will create a lot of fun for the story and give my assassin a very challenging goal.
Jade Moriparty
10-01-2011, 10:31 PM
Awesome! I prefer the idea of him leading a group of younger vampires and working against the other older vampires. I have a few ideas, but I won't give them away now, tee-hee-hee! :)
10-01-2011, 10:43 PM
Awesome, then! :)
Oh, and where exactly do you want the story to take place? City, State/Province? I was thinking maybe on the outskirts of Chicago, Illinois.
Jade Moriparty
10-01-2011, 10:51 PM
I don't have a preference, since it's in some random bad town. *giggles* I know absolutely nothing about Chicago! I'm good to go, as long as the charas never actually go into Chicago, lol. I know nothing about Detroit, either, but maybe it would be cooler to do it near a city hit hard by the economic downturn?
10-01-2011, 11:01 PM
Detroit would be great also, especially since it's one of the top polluted cities in the U.S. It would definitely add to the smoggy atmosphere. We could do it there, instead!
I'm going to work on my character, since I'm recycling one of my old ones and modernizing her a bit. I'll post it in the Out of Character forum when I'm done. Oh, and if you do character sheets at all, do you prefer them to be detailed or some basic info and then the rest to be told in the RP?
Jade Moriparty
10-01-2011, 11:15 PM
My personal preference is for a somewhat brief bio but then a detailed personality. If I don't write that all out in the chara sheet, then I'll forget things! However, you do whatever works best for you! :)
I'll post my chara as soon as you post yours! Yay, we're off to Detroit! Wait, should I be happy about that?
10-01-2011, 11:59 PM
Aaaand of course, after we finish all that you got upgraded to member status. (:
And I'm definitely gonna get into the character sheet, because I'm the exact same way. And we'll see if going to Detroit is a good thing or not!
Jade Moriparty
10-02-2011, 01:05 AM
*giggles* I know! It happened just after I told someone else that I couldn't get PMs! However, I think it was doing all of that that helped me to get to member status, so yay!!! Thank you! :) :) I will start editing my chara. I only need to make a few minor changes, since I was using him in a modern-day RP.
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