View Full Version : [M] Zombie Apocolypse
Vampiress Angel
10-11-2011, 11:08 AM
(this will have blood guts and gore because it's a zombie roleplay. also swearing but no sexual content.)
Becca was in the passenger seat of the van looking for a new location to set up camp for the night. This was her life ever since the zombie breakout started and everyone was struggling to survive. The food rations were wearing thin and they were finding fewer and fewer survivors. A map was sprawled out on her lap so she could mark of spots where the looked for people. They had already looked at most of the small places and would be going towards the bigger places next. It was starting to get dark and they needed to find somewhere to sleep. It had been a long time since she had a goodnights rest and didn't have to wake up at every single sound. She had one gun to her name and she held that close knowing soon ammo would run out. They would have to rely on melee weapons and that could get dangerous since you need to get up close to one of zombies to hit them.
Albert drove on in silence, watching the road. It was long decided by him to just keep his eyes on the road. Zombies in all their stupidity could accidentally turn out to be cunning. Stepping in front of the road in the path of the truck. Whether or not they were deliberately sacrificing themselves so they could crush the engine and stop the van was something only he believed. Next to him he waited for Becca to pick a spot. He was getting tired, his eyes starting to droop, the intense heat, the severe lack of air conditioning, the fear of an attack was all getting to the old man and all he wanted to do was take a nap.
"I fucking hate the city." Terrance cried out dropping his desert eagle onto the back of the van. In the heat of the day along with the heat the weapon discharged the barrel had a knack of being the equivalent of holding molten lava. The fingerless gloves her wore didn't help. Beads of sweat lines his thinning features. He'd once been well built, muscular but long gaps without food and the only exercise opportunities available being shooting down the undead had left him a little more gaunt than he would have liked.
"It's barely a city. I doesn't even have a cinema. It has more than enough undead though. at least it has fuel." snarled his best friend Paul. Paul was he gym buddy when working out was their main hobby and not staying alive. Unlike Terrance Paul managed to keep allot more of his size.
All around them the dead lay at the base of their 18 wheeler petrol tanker. All of them gunned down by the four men at the top of the tanker, which had been very crudely modified with what looked from outside eyes to be a steel board. It gave the Truck a T shape. Upon that board was the groups entire lives, their supplies their, weapons and anything else they cold gleam from the cities in question.
At that moment they were parked right next to a petrol station. Each of them unwilling to jump down and connect the line to pull fuel from the stations. With all the ea bodies down there there was always the chance that one of those sick zombies was playing dead, waiting for an ankle to come within biting range.
It would only take a single bite. Nothing more.
Vampiress Angel
10-11-2011, 11:49 AM
Becca started to dropp herself as she thought about her brother wondering where he was at this moment. Was he even still alive she hoped so they were best of friends and she did not want to lose him to. "Right there." She said pointing to an old apartment building that looked like they could board up the windows and be safe. Albert was the man that controlled everything and he chose Becca as a second person in charge. She was smart and had watched a lot of zombie shows in the past. As they pulled into the parking lot of the hotel she got ready not knowing what they will find in the hotel. There were probably some zombies who had stopped to eat the people staying here. Normally people in a hotel would not turn on the television and find a zomboe apoclypse on the news.
Albert followed her finger's path and the van turned slowly. "Gawd," Albert grumbled at Becca's decision. He hated clearing out apartments. It was always a surprised exactly how many zombies could fill these shit holes. And by the looks of the apartment complex, this particular one was already a shit hole. There were seven levels to it. But moving up to the top-level would have been too stupid for words.
It was surprising to see hotels and apartments complexes of these sizes in such a small town. It made Albert wonder where exactly they were. He'd never been interested in the different states and cities of the US in his past life. He'd been more concerned with the international community, believing that his life was meant fo that and never once imagining himself, old and trapped in a cycle of death and survival. This was across the country from him which just as well might have been across the planet so the location told him nothing. His only guess was that this was some kind of mining community where the majority of residents didn't actually live there. It would have to do as an answer for now. There was grunt work to be done.
The frist thing he did was park his van in such a way that the rear of the van completely covered the front doors. Any zombies coming in the front would find 100, 000 pounds of steel blocking their path. The six other cars in the convoy parked next to him and Becca and waited for them to ensure the area was cleared.
"Guns and tools out luv. We got killing and clearing to do." Albert said cutting across the center of the van to the rear doors with his weapons out. Waiting for Becca to kick the doors open so the shooting and hacking could get started. They rotated the charge, it had been his turn the last time, it was hers now.
Vampiress Angel
10-12-2011, 07:11 AM
At least the apartment would be good if they did clean it out but she knew that they would not be able to stay long. They tried it a few times and then the zombies only came in groups to attack them. She watched in the rearview mirror as the other two cars followed their path. They always put the back of the truck into the front doors which was a smart thing. Getting out she had her gun and a metal bat which did a lot of damage on it's own. It was hard for her to do close combat so she liked the gun better. She followed Albert around to the back where it was quite almost to quite. Maybe there were some survivors here it was big. "We should look at all the floors to see if anyone is alive in there." Yes that would take a long time to do to go through every single room but that is why they are on the move is to find humans. Maybe her brother would be here somewhere. Taking a deep breath she lifted her foot and slammed into the wooden door that opened immediately. She waited to see if any of the zombies came out towards them to attack the gun held at her face. The only way to kill a zombie she knew of was to shoot through their head or break their neck.
The moment the doors burst open there was a zombie attack, there were two of them right at the door. to make it worst they were of the running knid. they sprinted right at becca but Albert used muscles he'd long thorugh turned to dust and ducked low, moving right in front of Becca. the Zombie, once a woman flipped over Albert just as Albert stood up and fell on its back. The second came up right behind Albert and it's teeth sunk deep into his neck.
Ablert screamed and raised his gun, shooting the zombie in hte head, launching it off of him.
Vampiress Angel
10-12-2011, 07:29 AM
The two zombies caught her off guard but Albert had managed to move in front of her before she could react. "Albert?" She cried out when the zombie sunk his teeth into his neck she knew what was going to happen but fell to her knees. They had become friends during this whole trip and now her only true friend was gone maybe her brother was not alive. Yes the twins had watched zombie movies and played games but this was real life. If they took down Albert who didn't say they took down her brother?
Albert wasn't dead yet, he could feel the intense and fiery sting of the bite dig into his shoulder, spreading across his shoulder blades and across his back. It was happening and he could physically feel it.
The gun slipped from his fingers and his hands clenched into fists, trying to 'will' it away but it didn't work for a moment. If anything made it worse .
The zombie woman started to rise and Albert jumped up to his feet, feeling a sensation of strength nad fury he'd never felt before. "Run Becca! Run!" He lunged at the zombie just as it had lunged for Becca, she still sat immobile an easy target. Albert pulled the creature up and retreated into the building, dissapearing into shadow.
Vampiress Angel
10-12-2011, 07:41 AM
Becca was not going to leave Albert and she needed to make this a safe spot. "Albert?" She called out when they disappeared into the darkness of the building right now she would need another person to help her. Albert would not last long and she knew she would have to shoot him and kill him. Why did he have to get bitten and leave her all alone with three trucks full of survivors. Tears filled her eyes as she continued to put her gun towards the darkness expecting him to jump out at any moment. Could she shoot her friend in the head and actually kill him?
Brendan Avery was short for a fifteen year old but what he lost in hieght he made of for it with nothing else. He was short skinny and scrawny but the gun in his hand and his ense of ergency put him in front of the rest of the group. The leading pair were supposed to be clearing the building and that was the scream of a human, male, very much like the leader of the entire party. Fear held the other back but the same fear led him forwards.
It hadn't taken long at all for the fury to take over. Out ofthe darkness burst out the woman sprinting right at Becca and right behind, as if using the woman as a shield was Albert. Only it wasn't Albert any longer.
Vampiress Angel
10-12-2011, 07:55 AM
Albert was gone and she knew that by how he was running towards her. She lifted and aimed at the womans head and then lifted to aim at Albert. There were seconds before she could react and shoot him before he was able to reach her. Taking a deep breath she aimed and closed her eyes then pulled the trigger. The loud bang rang through her ears as she heard a second body collapse to the floor. That was it now she had no one but Brendan maybe was the one to help her next. She had to go and get him so she started sprinting to the car he was in. Opening the door wide she stepped up and looked around for him. "Brendan I need you. Everyone else stay in the car."
Brendan was out quickly and examined the situation from outisde the car. There was the leader of the group for months. Ablert had been like a father to everyone there. Everything about him made him a good leader and he deserved so much than what he'd recieved buthte sounds of gargling roars and heavy footsteps of the slower moving zombies filled his ears. Out his side he pulled out a small but powerful torch and strapped it to his gun.
"I'll go, I probably have more bullets than you anyway." Brendan said moving into the dark. There wasn't not allot to be seen. Outside of the torchlight the area was so dark.
The few survivors who'd managed to last before being killed had shut all the curtains and left the area in complete darkness. There was a roar right by his ear which caught him by complete surprise. He jumped backwards just as he was grabbed and screamed for Becca while his gun fired at two zombies his flash light caught, the range of the zombie holding him too close for him to reach in time.
Vampiress Angel
10-12-2011, 08:08 AM
Shaking her head she had to get her mind off Albert that just had died and now she was the leader of this group. She was very happy that Brendan had jumped up right away to help Becca and then walked down into the unsafe terriotry. Then moments later she heard him scream and turned around to see him being attacked again. Quickly she aimed at the head and shot him dead before he could get bitten. "Brendan please be careful now people are getting tired we need to clear this place out." Even Becca was getting tired she would normally drink some caffeine now but the group had none. The food was rationed and she could use that for energy but she couldn't.
Brendan's hands were shaking. He hadn't expected things to get so close but they had. He'd come way too close to being ripped limb from limb. this wasn't ht first time he'd been saved by Becca. It was most likely why he loved working with her and why he'd been th first one to move while the others stopped in fear. She' called to him first. He tried hard not to show how much pleasure he'd gotten out of that, the death of their leader had helped but now with her standing over her and helping him up the good feeling returned. It was a childish crush but it was all he had really. The clothes he wore were stolen of the dead, ever his socks, the gun a gift. There was little in this world that was actually his. Only his life and his crush.
"I'll be more carefull I promise. Come on, lets keep clearing out the area, find the stair way so the others can board it up." Brendan raised his gun and tore a hole into the skull of a slow-moving zombie that his flashlight caught. It was funny how good a person could get at killing.
Vampiress Angel
10-12-2011, 08:30 AM
Some zombies were slow and some were fast wanting flesh and blood which they hardly got anymore. They moved around back where the door was open and the body of Albert was on the ground. "Albert is dead." She said curlty showing almost no reaction to telling him that. Right now she had to survive and get these people to safety the fresh blood would attract more zombies. "I want to check every room and every floor for survivors there has to be some alive in here." She said while watching him kill another one of those undead creatures.
Brendan gaped, All of the rooms? there didn't have enough ammunition. They would never survive it! The words rang out in his mind but didn't translate well outside of his head. Instead they came out as. "Oh, well okay. Then I'll just get another clip, just in case." He headed outside once again and came back with his last ammoclip. There only ten bullets left in the spare and fifteen in the one he was using that was 12 cosidering he'd already shot three zombies. He picked up the old man's shotgun. "Lets go."
Vampiress Angel
10-12-2011, 08:58 AM
"Well right now we are going to board up this place to keep it safe then we will get everyone in. After that I want to go searching the rooms for survivors. Also I have a metal bat to help me." When they got inside she shut the door behind them so no zombies would get in if they did they would be able to hear it. She was glad that he managed to get back safe and sound but she was going to save him if need be.
They cleared the first level with relative ease wiht nothing comming out of the shadows before Brendan stopped at the base of the stairway. He cocked the shotgun and pocketed his pistol. "Are we sure we're up for this? We could just board up this stairway, make sure any and all zombies on the upper levels dont come down upon us at night? It's up to you."
Vampiress Angel
10-13-2011, 09:47 AM
"Well maybe we should board this up get the survivors in here for the night then go up." There must be some humans in here somewhere on the higher levels and she really wanted to go look. At least there were no other zombies on the bottom level but she had to make sure. She started heading towards the door to get the others.
(Sorry I have to go to bed now night.)
It was a good plan and Brendan liked it, to the point where he and Becca would be locked up behind the boards and be on their own. Yet in his heart the decision was being made without his rational mind having an option. Has his rational mind had the option it would have said no.
The group set up quickly. Using battery-powered tools to drill in and blast in the wooden boards they stored in their vans and trucks. There funny enough had never really been a shortage of wood all around, most of which they recycled or taken from hardware stores scattered around the country. Eventually the stairway was boarded.
An older woman in her thirties smiled weakly at both him and Becca at the base of the stairs. "Remember knock three fast three slow. Or just call out your names and we'll tear down this board in a second. We saw a basement, which will most likely have a power generator down below. WE'll see if we can't take the fuel from it if it's gas powered. Anyway, I wish you all luck."
Brendan nodded and sighed as Claire disappeared behind the board and the thing was drilled in. "Okay Becca, it's just you and me. "
Vampiress Angel
10-15-2011, 08:34 AM
When they got the things from the vans she started boarding up the staircase knowing they would use the elevator. The elevator can be stopped so that the zombies would not be able to get down there without pushing a button. From what she saw in the world zombies were not that cleaver and she knew that they wouldn't be able to figure it out. Soon the door was nice and solid so that nothing could get through and she was happy about that. "Branden I was thinking we could use the elevator. I know how to make it stop so that they can't get down." She heard what the lady said and smiled at her. Turning towards the back entrance she started boarding that one up so none got inside the hotel. Now that they were staying the night here she knew zombies would eventually get to this place.
Brendan watched the the way down to the others being drilled shut, quickly and silently. Inky blackness fell over the pair. It was enough to make him believe he was blind for a split second. A click of a switch and their flash lights turned on. Brendan attached his to the tip of his shotgun and stepped ahead in an attempt of being brave.
His movements were slow and careful as he made his way up the steps, listening in on every single sound that wasn't coming from him or from Becca. He stopped at the door leading to the passage of the first floor and dropped his gun. "I'm going open the door, Becs, Be ready."
Vampiress Angel
10-15-2011, 11:41 PM
Right now her being the leader had suddenly stopped she was very nervous about going upstairs with just one person. Branden had very little experience with fighting and she hoped he knew enough to keep them alive. She flicked her flashlight on and pointed it where her gun was pointed. "Just be careful and be read." Her hands were shaking as she nodded towards the door pointing her gun where their heads would be.
[tried to map out the layout of the room, hope that's okay]
Breathing slowly he swung the door open and almost immidiately retook hold of the shotgun. There was nothing there, only darkness and the sound of their own heavy breathing. This was something he had not expected to be doing when he woke up this morning and yet there he was alone with the Becca about to face of agaimst zombies in complete darkness. Somehow flashlights didn't seem like such a clever idea but at the same time walking in the dark with zombies lurking was an ever worse one.
The fear though wasn't lost on Becca she looked to be just as nervous as he was, he'd seen it in her eyes when he'd opened. But she was the leader. It didn't help ease him down at all, if anything her fear raised his own to the point where pissing himself in front of her eyes became something that could actually happen.
The move into the passage was a quicky but silent one with Brendon covering his flash light so it didn't show too much light but didn't serve to allow them to see the whole passage. Which was long and seemed to go on forever, he would have turned back had it not been for the floor map behind the door. By the looks of it the hotel had a only four long assed passages. Two passages that crossed down the middle of the level and two that ran down the sides of the building, giving what he pictured to be the shape of a '+' with a line over the top and bottom. They were on the furthest left side and had allot of walking to do if they were going to make it across.
The apartment door nearest to them was only a few meters away and Brendan was a little too scared to make the first move. The door was open, which made life easier but he was certain he could hear something outside of his own heart hammering against his chest and it was commign from that room. His eye looked to Becca's.
'Go first' he mouthed out. Too scared to make a sound.
Vampiress Angel
10-16-2011, 11:57 PM
(That's fine)
She realized that she was holding her breathing and let it out slowly she was expecting to be attacked right away. Slowly the two ascended the stairs hoping there was no one up here but survivors. Her fear meant she was on edge which saved her in a bunch of situations and her mind drifted back to Albert. When they were done up here she would have to dispose of the body somehow. The people downstairs had some weapons incase the zombies had found their way to them but she doubted it. When they read the map she tried to memorize it and flicked off her flashlight to save battery power. Right now she wanted as little light as possible. If there were zombies here they probably would have come running from the smell of fresh meat and blood.Nodding she pointed her gun and metal bat towards the open door. This was going to take a long time to search every room but they had to. Slowly she started walking towards the door hoping it was someone normal.
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