View Full Version : The Forbidden Line - Taylor/E1Alpha [M]
10-31-2011, 02:27 AM
In a land far and unknown, the city of Evermore has been one of the biggest and most glorious cities the land had known. It was a human city, but once belonged to the elves, who have been almost completely vanquished. Although the city still uses the elegant structures of the elves, inside the city itself, the line between the poor and noble was very obvious. A quarter of the city was forced to hold almost 2/3 of the city’s population. Crime was regular in this area and guards were needed at all time. This quarter was known as the Pit.
The other quarters of the city reflected the city’s known honor, being beautifully decorated. Among these were the Trade Quarter, where merchants tried to sell their wares at prices that would make a king cringe. The Military quarter, the least beautiful of the three quarters, it was an imposing area, showing the might of the city’s army. And finally, the Royal Quarter, an area that was filled the housing and the noble and wealthy. It also held the Arcane Guild, where those capable of wielding magic could train and get all their needs met.
Although the Pit was a mess, it was much more dangerous outside the city’s walls, as various gangs of highwaymen, elven stragglers and even cultists of various fractious beliefs were roaming the countryside. Farmers would often be forced to flee their own homes and live in the Pit only because their farm had become more dangerous. Although the farmers requested more safety, only a few guardtowers and patrols were present to keep the plains safe.
The sun was shining brightly, but was unable to breach through the leaves of the dense forest. Instead, it threw multiple small rays of light through the leaves to illuminate the surface. Lieutenant Marcus was sitting atop his steed, covered in his bright white armor and his claymore slung over his shoulder. As his horse's hooves tapped onto the rocky surface of the path, he kept a close eye on his surroundings. The amount of bandits in the area had become dangerously high, and the local farmers and peasants were running out of luck to survive their raiding parties.
Marcus knew that no bandit with a set of working brains would attack a mounted knight in full plate armor, but nonetheless, he kept himself prepared.
As he neared the forest's exit, he knew that he was getting close to a couple of farms and cottages that had seen a large increase in bandit activity. He had to be sharp on his toes here.
10-31-2011, 02:39 AM
Layla had already been awake for several hours as she rose with the sun to work begin to clean the around her family's farmhouse before heading to the market to sell flowers. As she dipped the final dish into the bucket of water to give it a final rinse she glanced out the window to the bright sun which was beating in through the small pane of glass. Layla smiled to herself slightly as she despised the rainy days they had recently been plagued with. Rising to her feet she untied her apron and slipped it off, hanging it on a hook close by. The dress Layla wore hugged her torso snugly and fell to the ground loosely with little flower detail patterning the hem. She had made the simple dress by herself as she has since she was very young but the simplicity of the dress allowed her natural beauty to radiate. Layla turned to face her mother who had just set some bread on the table for the men of the house, times were tough and they required more energy so the women went without. "Have a lovely day" she said sweetly to her mother as she headed towards the door and then left before her mother could say anything of the sort back to her.
10-31-2011, 02:50 AM
Marcus yawned slightly, it had been a while since he had a decent night sleep. As his horse took him further towards the city, he looked around the farmlands, smiling satisfied. Men were working their fields hard, women were busy preparing food, the cattle was out in the grasslands and the masked bandits were sneaking about to look for a profit. "Wait a minute!" The knight quickly glanced aside. Nobody but an old farmer. He could have sworn he saw three shady looking men sneak behind the cottages. Frowning to himself, he continued onward, looking up as he approached the city gates, stopping at them as one of the guards approached. Marcus swiftly slid off of his horse.
"Greetings, sir!" Marcus took off his helmet, shaking his hair loose as he sighed. "Greetings. Anything suspicious seen yet?" The guard shook his head rapidly. "Nothing, sir. It seems like today will be a quiet one." The knight sighed, turning back to look at the farms. "I hope by our lord that you are right. These people do not deserve to suffer under those criminals." The guard nodded, before adding to that. "Just like those in the Pit, right?" His comment was met with firm glare. Everyone knew the rebels roaming about the pit lately, and everybody knew it was starting to get out of hand. Marcus enjoyed it the least that it was rubbed in his face. "The guard made a shaky salute, trying to find his words. "A-apologies! Sir!"
Marcus shaked his head dismissingly, turned to the farmlands once more and looking across the far stretching lands.
10-31-2011, 03:05 AM
Layla continues down the steps of her small little farmhouse and down the dirt path the lead to it, she glance back at it for only a moment before heading towards the city. As Layla walked down the path towards the city gates constantly checking around her for those who would be greatly unwanted, the string of attacks by bandits had her family and friends scared and her walk to the city everyday was not a very safe one. Layla in her hands had two baskets of the most magnificent flowers which were grown in the garden beside the farmhouse and as she walked she continuously glanced down at them to admire their beauty. Layla always seemed to find the simplest things beautiful and worthy of her special attention, it shocked her when so many people in the market could resist the flowers sweet smell and vibrant colors. However, Layla was a good flower girl and usually managed to sell all the flowers she brought for the day, it seemed as though her blue eyes were able to draw in people to buy her flowers.
As Layla walked she began to drift into thoughts of a future which was absolute nonsense, she very well knew what would become of her life but she still allowed herself to dream sometimes. She walked, almost skipping, arms swinging with baskets in hand while her mind was off in another world. Layla had done this walk so many times she need not pay attention in order to know where she was going so instead she visualized herself in a stunning gown as she floated across the ballroom floor at a ball. Her pale pink and gold gown sweeping across the pristine marble floors as she was lead by a strong handsome man. Beautiful music and beautiful people is beautiful cloth all around her yet she is the centre of attention, all eyes are on hers yet her perfectly blue ones are locked on those of man escorting her. Then is dissolves it all dissolves around her till she is left back in her real world where she is no princess and no eyes are on her except those of 3 bandits.
10-31-2011, 03:20 AM
Marcus couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong. He kept on looking around across the farmlands. "I'm sure I wasn't dreaming... I saw those three men..." As his right eyebrow twitches slightly, he slides his helmet back on. "I will march along the farmlands on foot! THe sound of the horse might scare off any bandits and I want to be able to lock them away." The guard blinked, before nodding, calling for someone to tend to the horse as Marcus walked back along the way he came.
- - - - -
"Well, well... Look what we have here..." "Going somewhere, little girl?" The three men surrounded the flower girl, the smirks on their faces saying they didn't just want money.
They were all dressed in scraggy black and gray outfits. One of them was fairly tall with a high pitched voice. Another one was shorter, but wider built, his voice being a bulky, low one. The last one looked fairly muscled, obviously the leader of the bunch. "Such a poor little girl like you shouldn't be walking all alone... Why don't you come with us so we can keep you some company?" The tall one snickered, adding to that statement. "Oh yes, we know how to handle pretty girls like you very well."
After mocking and laughing at the girl some more, the muscled one reached up to grab her by her right upper arm, pulling a dagger out with his other hand. "Or perhaps she can show us what she's worth right here. So we know if she's worth to take along or if she should just kill her." The two henchmen laughed in a sadistic manner.
10-31-2011, 03:31 AM
Layla was face to face with 3 bandits, she cursed herself for allowing her mind to wander when she knew she should be extremely cautious. The three men were quite intimidating and were speaking to her in evil and condescending tones as the inched closer to her, surrounding her even more tightly. They told her how she shouldn't be alone and she did agree but the solution was not to go with them, she knew what would come of her if she did and she was petrified. Layla nodded slightly as the spoke to her for fear that attitude would only get her into more trouble at this point.
Then there as a painfully firm hand on her upper arm and she saw the perfect sunlight reflecting off a metal blade. The man had a dagger and he had her , that was when the threat of death was proposed, Layla knew she must escape but she was unsure of how to. "I shall give you whatever you wish sir" she said in a faint voice though she never intended on giving him remotely what he was asking her of.
10-31-2011, 03:38 AM
The man chuckled, looking at the other two men. "You hear that, guys? This wench called me 'sir'! She must think very high of us! Well, that means she can give us a royal treatment aswell." He grinned sickly at her, placing the tip of his dagger against the top of her dress, at the height of her collerbone, cutting through the fabric.
The other two men were noticably getting pumped up at the thoughts and images rushing through their minds.
Marcus saw a small group on the road in the distance, narrowing his eyes, he placed his hand onto the haft of his blade, slowly approaching the group of men. Until he could see the scene, girl being held tightly by one man, having a dagger pressed against her. In an instant, he rushed forward. "Let that girl go, you maniacs!" He pulled his sword and grasped it firmly with both hands, before swinging it horizontally at the two henchmen, cleaving their heads off in a single blow, as their corpses dropped down, showering in their own blood. His gaze would then slowly turn to the last bandit.
11-01-2011, 01:46 AM
Layla's entire body was shaking, she clenched her jaw in an attempt to control it but it was useless. The blade pressed against her delicate skin was being pushed against her with just enough force to almost draw blood. As the blade slid down her torso she inhaled sharply and when she heard the first rip of her dress she knew her fate had been set. There was no one around to save her and she saw no way of saving herself. Despite her resolution that she was doomed she looked into her attacker's eyes and pleaded with her own blue ones from them to simply leave her there.
Layla's gaze into the evil mans squinted little eyes was only broken by the sound of another man voice, she did not recognize it as one of the other bandits and once the words sunk in her thought was affirmed. All she could think of at this moment was that maybe she would be saved by some prince from her day dream, the one that had got her into all this trouble in the first place. Layla only clued into what had just happened when she looked down and saw blood splattered on her dress and then looked to see two heads laying on the path beside to corpses. All the while the blade pressed against her had not been pulled away even the slightest, the pressure remained the same. Layla stared at the final attacker with a look of triumph though it may be premature. She had simply inferred from the brutal attack of the others that whoever had saved her would manage to brutalize the final bandit to the same degree.
11-01-2011, 11:53 AM
The last bandit would look over to the knight slowly, his eyes widening. Without hesitation, he'd shove the girl away, pushing her to the ground as he'd make a run for it.
Marcus narrowed his eyes, stabbed his sword into the ground and reached for a crossbow that was slung around his back, raising it up and firing a bolt in the bandit's direction, cleanly hitting him in the spine, causing the bandit to fall forward, dead.
"Scumbags... Never know when to quit."
He then turned towards the girl, putting his crossbow away as he reached his hand out to her, lifting the lid of his helmet to look at her. "Let me help you, m'lady." He would smile warm and comfortingly, his eyes almost speaking words, in which case they would say 'You are safe now.'.
After the girl would stand up again, he'd look over her dress, noting the blood splatters on it, frowning. "My apologies about your dress. If you wish, I can provide you a new one in town." He would speak with a regal tone in his voice, obviously proud of his saviour task he just performed. He also realised though that a man of royal blood should not be so concerned with the dress of a peasant girl, but right now, nobody could see him anyways, and thus his status was safe.
11-02-2011, 01:09 AM
Layla let out a small cry of pain and fear as she was pushed to the ground by the remaining bandit and then began to take deep breaths as he ran away. She was safe now or so she hoped and she was trying to slow her heartbeat, somehow, she had been chosen to be saved and for that she silently thanked G-d. Layla watched as her savior finished off the final bandit with a perfect arrow shot from his bow and then nodded slightly when he made some vague statement referring to how some people don't know when to quit. Layla allowed him to help her up and then curtsied respectfully to the man who was obviously high ranking "Thank you kind sir" she said softly in a very innocent tone. He was handsome no doubt but Layla did not allow her mind to even wander there as she knew he would never see a simple peasant girl such as herself in that way. She simply focused on the fact that he seemed quite kind and trustworthy which she was very thankful for. Layla smiled sweetly at the nobleman and politely declined his offer to buy her a new dress despite the fact that the one she was currently wearing was her best and now ruined. It is was unexpected that a nobleman would stop to aid a peasant and even more than that offer to replace a ruined item of theirs, she found that this was very generous of the man but she still was quite skeptical of this act. "Thank you once again kind sir but I must be getting to the market to sell these flowers" she said gesturing to the baskets which was on the ground with the flowers still in it. She bent to pick up the baskets and then began to walk past the man and continue down the path.
11-02-2011, 10:12 AM
Marcus nodded towards the girl, smiling kindly as he bowed his head to her. "I am going the same way as you, so I will accompany you until we reach the city gates." He did not even wait for the girl's permission as he sheated his blade on his back again and walked alongside the girl. There was something about her, he couldn't quite place his finger on it, but he felt the need to make sure she got to the city safely.
"May I know your name, m'lady?" The words were spoken before he realised it. His eyes glanced at the girl instantly, to see her reaction. Why did he ask for her name? He knew that he would have to act like she didn't exist once they were in range of the guards, or rumor would be spreading like wildfire. So why would he try to get to know her better. He didn't understand his action, but decided to just silently wait for the girl's reply.
11-03-2011, 02:39 AM
Layla was quite honestly in no position to refuse the man's offer and even if she attempted to she knew it would only get her into trouble. He was clearly of very high ranking and she was simply a peasant which means whatever he said she had to go with. The man had already demonstrated his strength and there was no combating that power. Layla walked with him slowly and silently until he broke the silence. "Layla" she answered softly, she did not ask his name, if he were to choose to do so he would offer it to her. She was unsure altogether why he even bothered to ask her name, she was well aware that it would hurt his status and reputation if he was seen walking into town with her. This meant that they would part before the city gates forever, in some strange way this upset Layla. She was somehow living out her dream of prince charming and it all must end, this man was perfect, strong, handsome and brave. He fit the profile so perfectly but Layla knew it would never come to be and that was just how things were.
11-03-2011, 09:01 AM
He nodded, smiling towards the girl. "A beautiful name." Once again, he cursed at himself on the inside. Not only was he trying to get to know her, but now he was complimenting her aswell.
He sighed, feeling the need to say his own name, but what if the girl decided to suddenly call him by his name in public? He'd be ruined. His family would see him as a disgrace for socialising with a mere peasant.
As they approached the gates in the distance, pulling the lid of his helmet down. "Well, m'lady... I wish you all the luck you deserve and may you sell all your flowers." He bowed his head slightly, before increasing his pace to create some distance between him and the girl. He didn't like it at all. He'd rather just continue talking to her. The girl looked so honest, yet beautiful, unlike all the noble women in their cocky dresses. No, Marcus found the simplicity of the peasant girl gorgeous, but never would he be allowed to tell her this.
As he reached the gates, he saluted at the guard. "Seems I was right. Three more bastards were attacking a peasant girl. They won't be able to tell their friends anymore." The guard nodded. "Good job, sir! Your horse has been brought to the royal stables." Marcus nodded, before heading off to the barracks. "Well. Let's get make a tour around the barracks, and then I should get out of this armor and head down to the market to see if there's anything worthy of notice."
The good thing about being a knight was that, although he was of noble blood, he was allowed to go to the market for ingredients for banquets or inspecting any suspicious activity.
11-04-2011, 03:29 AM
Layla was shocked when the man complimented her name, it was not commonplace for someone of his social standing to be so kind to someone of hers. There was only one exception of this social rule and that was if he was to take the peasant as his secret mistress. Layla was uninterested in such an arrangement though it usually was not a choice if the girl did not want to lose everything.
Then as they approached the gates the nobleman did exactly what she had previously expected him to do which was walk away from her. She paused on the path and watched as he saluted the guard at the gate and exchanged a few words with him before continuing on through the gates into the city.
In some way she was sad to see him go but she knew nothing would have ever happened, he was probably just bragging to the guard about how brave he had been in saving her. Layla couldn't remember if she had even thanked him and instantly felt bad, she was judging him so harshly when all he did was save her and then compliment her and treat her respectfully. She had to give him a lot of credit, it was a risk to his reputation to even walk with her that far yet he chose to. This fact made Layla smile to herself before continuing on down the same path the man had taken only moments before. As she passed through the city gates and on towards the market she smiled softly at the guard hoping he did not guess she was the one who had been rescued.
11-04-2011, 10:21 AM
The guard nodded his head towards the girl as a greeting, accompanied with a smile. It was obvious that they did enjoy laying eyes on a pretty girl, but they kept themselves from saying anything.
The market was bustling with merchants who were trying to set up their stand before the big crowd arrived. One of them would have bags of salted meat with him, aswell a dog that was a bit too close to the meat for comfort. Naturally, the dog grasped a piece of the meat, the looking behind him, spotting this. "Why you little mutt! Give that here!" He'd rush after the dog, though was out of breath fast, deciding to let him run and return to his stall.
The dog would almost run into the flower girl, but stopping in time, just sitting in front of her while looking up at her, a salty piece of meat trapped between his jaws.
Meanwhile, Marcus arrived at the barracks, sighing as he removed his armor and got into more noble clothing. A finaly tailored shirt and vest, along with a pair of trousers and finely crafted boots, all of this accompanied with a smaller blade hanging from his waist. He didn't like taking his greatsword out in public, so he kept this one, only for show.
When he was done, he smiled, turning arounf and making his tour around the barracks to make everything was as it should. His tour duties included most of all bringing lazy guards to attention. Eventually, he'd head outside, being pleased with the barracks as he'd walk through the street. He looked up at the sun. It had become noon, the market would soon be bustling with people.
Noddinh to himself, Daniel decided to go there aswell. Not just to look for the usual thieves, though. There was another reason he felt he had to go there, but he just couldn't put his finger on it.
11-11-2011, 03:41 AM
Layla made her way down the path towards the market, her mind still stuck on the charming man who had saved her. Before long Layla was surrounded by tons of people bartering and buying and selling and she felt at home. She walked toward her usual spot right in the middle of the line between the area which sold fabrics and beautiful clothing and the area which sold the freshest fruits and vegetables, the entire area was filled with the most vibrant colors imaginable and Layla just took it all in.
Layla smiled at passersby and offered them very politely to buy her flowers, she had found from experience that by the time the shopper reached this area they were sick of the pushy salesmen and her politeness was refreshing. Layla also found that she attracted several men who were drawn to her by her beauty and were willing to pay top dollar for anything she was selling. Today she seemed to be somewhat unsuccessful, maybe it was because of the people. More likely it was because her mind was elsewhere and she was completely living in her own fantasy world where her and this man could be together.
11-11-2011, 12:14 PM
As Marcus stepped down the cobblestone paths, people before slightly before, to which he would do the same. The streets became crowdier and crowdier until he finally reached the marketplace itself. If it wasn't for his status, he would have to push and shove and his way through there, though he didn't feel like it was his usual walk along the market. He kept on looking around himself to try and spot someone, although he didn't even know who and why.
As he stepped along the market, he would keep his eye on all the stalls. Fruit of all color and sizes. He smiled to himself. The market would be the one time that the problems that fair the land would be gone. But as he turned his view, he spotted a familiar looking flower girl. Without even realising, his feet were turning to the girl's direction. "Pardon me, milady. But could I get a couple of roses from you?" He smiled, not even knowing why he needed the roses, but he just wanted to buy them from the sweet looking girl.
11-12-2011, 02:08 AM
Layla continued on pushing her flowers on the passersby as the market grew busier and busier. It seemed today as though it was busier than ever yet she didn't seem to mind the huge crowds closing in on her, it seemed as though her mind had her somewhere else. It had her in a completely different realm yet she still was able to work in this world and be physically present. She had never had this light airy feeling before yet she felt very calm in this state, it was almost as if she knew something big would happen today and was just waiting for it to hit her.
Layla looked up as the voice of a strong man broke her from her thoughts, and there he was although he didn't seem to recognize her. "Of course sir" she said softly as she picked out her best two roses. They were a flawless deep red color with dark green stems, they were perfect "have a lady to whom you plan to give these roses sir?" she asked him softly because for some reason she was very curious about this mans life. She almost felt as if she would be jealous if the response was yes, she wanted him to be hers despite the fact that she knew this was impossible. "I beg your pardon for asking such a personal question" she corrected herself quickly before she could get herself into a worse position.
11-12-2011, 11:27 AM
The man smiled as he took the roses, handing the girl a few gold coins, before blinking at the question, snickering. "Well. As a matter of fact, I do have someone I have to give them to." He'd then tap his chin, before smirking. "In fact I think I would like a flower girl to come by, with a dozen of these roses to surprise this girl. Could you come by the royal park this evening, before dusk? I will let the guards know to let you in." He smiled at her, not really waiting for an answer as he moved on, holding the two roses between his index finger and his thumb.
As he would reach the barracks, he would head to his room, put the roses in a nicely decorated and then just sit on a chair, looking out the window, waiting until dusk arrives.
11-13-2011, 02:05 AM
Layla did not understand the man's request though she would bend to his will and therefore she would be arriving at the royal park just before dusk. Layla sighed, she truly did want the man's answer to be no but maybe in someway this was better, she would be able to see him again. Layla finished her day of selling flowers just as dusk was approaching, she had saved one of her baskets with a dozen roses for the man. Layla made her way slowly towards the royal gardens and he had instructed her to and before long she was at the grand gates which marked the entrance. Layla smiled softly at the guards as they let he in without question and she made her way deeper into the beautiful gardens. The light was just leaving the petals of the flowers which surrounded her and their color was turning dark and moody but still as stunning and when the sunlight kissed them.
11-13-2011, 10:26 AM
As Dusk approached, Marcus lifted himself out of his chair and walked through the halls of the barracks, before heading out to the royal gardens, the guards saluting him as he passed. He simply replied to them with a nod. As he walked along the decorated, cobblestone paths, he headed for a small bench not too far from the Royal Park's entrance, but just enough to be out of sight from any guards. There, he would wait as the sun slipped behind the horizon, smiling as he saw the flower girl walk into the park. "Ah, wonderful. There are my flowers." He smiled at her as he stood up from the bench again as she approached. It was noticable that there wasn't any other woman with him.
11-14-2011, 03:38 AM
Layla curtsied slightly towards the man and smiled softly "where is your beautiful lady?" she asked him softly. She looked up at him with her bright blue eyes but then she broke her gaze and looked around the garden. Layla found it slightly suspicious that he had come alone to meet her but perhaps his lady was late or he planned to take the flowers up to her inside and the garden just served as a meeting point. Either way Layla was in no position to question this noble man who stood before her in the beautiful garden with the fading light.
11-14-2011, 06:19 AM
Marcus smiled as the girl curtsied before him, bowing slightly himself. What was he doing? He couldn't get the question out of his head and he had no idea how and why he got to this point, but without hesitation, he smiled at her question. "Why she is here. Don't you see her?" He'd give her a moment to answer, before taking over to a small pond. "Look. There she is." Following those words, he'd point at the reflection of the girl in the water, smiling at her. He still didn't know why he was doing this, but seeing as there was nobody in the royal park but them, there was no need to worry for him. The royal park was mostly there for decoration. Only a few select noblemen used it for secret meetings or dates.
11-14-2011, 07:57 AM
Layla looked at him with a confused expression until he brought her over to the pond, she then stared at her reflection "what do you mean sir" she said then paused before continuing "how?" she finished and looked up at him with her bright blue eyes. She couldn't understand why a man like him, who could have any girl he wanted was interested in her. She looked back down at her reflection, all she saw as a tired looking girl who had seen many days of work and was no where near beautiful. Layla's gaze moved to the man's reflection, he was so handsome and perfect and looked as if he had lived such a charmed life, his past to blatantly contrasted her own she simply did not understand his interest in her.
11-14-2011, 04:29 PM
The man smiled, but he had no idea what to say. He did this in a rush, and he didn't realise what he had been doing until now, but there was something about the girl. He looked down at her reflection, gazing at her eyes, who even in the water looked so beautiful. He felt like he could keep on watching them. Eventually, he had to answer the girl's question, taking in some air, before answering. "A girl with a beauty as is yours deserves some credit from time to time. I decided it was time for you to get that credit." He turned to her now, smiling down at her. "You are very precious. I am glad I was there to keep those men at bay. For letting such a gorgeous appearance get ruined by some rats like them would truly be a waste." He raised his hand to run his fingertip along her cheekbone gently, before looking over to the water in front of him. "My name is Marcus DeVontures." He blinked, realising too late what he said, but there was little he could do to correct his error.
11-15-2011, 02:30 AM
Layla looked up at the man "sir I beg your pardon but I do not understand, you could have any lady in the entire village yet you see me as beautiful?" she said softly before continuing "I mean, there are women who spend their entire lives striving to be beautiful, they have servants, and beautiful dresses and... I have nothing" she finished. Layla truly did not understand this man's choice but after this she resolved not to argue the point further. Layla was broke from her thoughts when the man gave her his name, she pause for a moment in shock... it was so unexpected. "My name is Layla Broud" she said softly, she was unsure of what else to say after he had given her his name so she simply looked at him with a simple look of shock on her face.
11-15-2011, 05:54 AM
Marcus sighed as he looked down into the water, smiling gently as he listened to her doubts before he introduced himself. Once he heard her name, he turned his gaze towards her again. "I didn't understand either. All I know, is that your simplicity, your honesty and your gorgeous eyes all have something more than all of these noble brats who want nothing more than marry a nobleman simply for his riches." He'd smile at her, feeling much more self assured after he gave her that explanation. "I have been with a few women, and I have learned that they know nothing of beauty, only of masking their own selves. When I laid eyes upon you, there was something entirely different. I cannot name it, but you are just so much more than any woman of noble blood I have ever seen." His hand would have moved over to her shoulder as he said this, his eyes almost locked onto her.
11-18-2011, 02:42 AM
"Thank you sir... I mean Marcus" she paused after saying his name as she was sure it was not generally accepted for someone of her class to address him in that way but she was unsure of how he would react. All the things he had said about her were beautiful but she was scared that they were not true, Layla so desperately wanted to believe every word that passed through his perfect lips but it was so difficult for her. The world she had grown up in did not work this way, it was harsh and fairy tales didn't exist. Layla looked into Marcus's eyes as he placed his hand gently on her shoulder and she bit her lower lip nervously.
11-18-2011, 06:03 AM
Marcus smiled as he turned his gaze up to the night sky. It was filled by various, bright stars and a beautiful half moon. "I have always been hoping for a beautiful woman to appear before me. I wish I had first seen you under better circumstances, but still, here you are." He looked down at her again, moving the hand from her shoulder to her cheek. "I would like to ask you if there is anything you wish for. Gold for you family? A new dress?" He smiled at her, although he was not sure at all how to charm a peasant girl. He knew how to deal with the royal girls, but what did a peasant girl like? He didn't know at all, and those doubts reflect in his eyes.
11-19-2011, 02:46 AM
Layla smiled softly as Marcus spoke, and her heart fluttered when his hand touched her cheek, there were little sparks flying between his fingers and her soft skin. "I want for nothing from you Marcus" this was true, as much as her family could use gold, they were content in their current lives and she would never wish to be indebted to him. She stared into his eyes and he seemed so unsure of what he should say to her and this made her giggle. Layla just looked up at him giggling and she was unsure exactly why other than the fact that she found it so odd that he should be lost for words over her.
11-19-2011, 09:31 AM
He smiled as she giggled, his thumb making light, circular motions on her cheek. "Is something funny?" He smiled, his hand running down from her cheek, over her shoulder, down her arm as he took her hand, caressing it gently in his grip. Her giggles made her even cuter than she already was. Marcus wanted to tell her so badly how he would want her to accompany him home and spend the night with him, but she was such a sweet girl, she wouldn't want to leave her family alone for even one night in these times. Without really realising, he would bring her hand up to his lips, kissing it gently, her eyes glancing over to her to see her expression.
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