View Full Version : Angels in the Inferno [M] E1Alpha / wasagii
10-31-2011, 02:36 AM
Beyond the eyes and minds of the mortal living, a constant struggle lives between the forces of Heaven and Hell. The angels, descending from heaven’s Ninth sphere, Primum Mobile, have constantly sought to protect the heavenly Paradiso from Lucifer’s influence.
These battles however are not without toll, and the ascended who do not fall in the field, are forced to face the punishments the damned were to face. These punishments ranged from the most brutal rapes, to the bloodiest tortures, to the most painful deaths. While the demons from the Inferno that were defeated, are just beaten back to their pit, where they can lick their wounds and come back once more.
These losses could not continue, and thus, the angels of the Primum Mobile descended into the Inferno of hell, and in the first circle of hell, they clashed. This fighting has now gone on for nearly a millennium, but neither side is willing to show any side of losing.
It is the ultimate war of good and evil, fought out in the beast’s maw.
"Fight you wretches! These holy skirts will not get any further! Fight, damn you! Fight, or Lucifer shall unleash the worst of tortures upon you!"
The demons and devils screeched and roared in anger as they reached the first circle. They had been drawn from all sections of the Inferno, to fight the guardians of Paradiso. With hellish fire and holy lightning soaring across the battlefield, the ground was littered more and more with the blood of both the Ascended and the Damned.
Asmodion was thrown into the fray aswell, although he refused it at first, he thought that if he proved himself to Lucifer, he would be granted the devil's mercy, and his torture would perhaps finally end.
As soon as he got his bearings, he looked upon the first two angels that were bound to cast him back into the pits. "You will not throw me back into that torture!" He rushed towards the angels, spreading his own wings as the claws attached to his hands gushed with hellish fire, swinging them in an X-shape, not killing the angels, but causing them to flinch backwards.
This was going to be a long and bloody battle, he knew it. But atleast it was better than to suffer endless torture.
10-31-2011, 01:22 PM
The angels had the pre-emptive strike on the demons, this would be their triumph, they'd finally defeat Lucifer's army. They roared as they struck down at the first level of Hell, sending a barrage of attacks, a furious storm of lighting to crash down on the Damned. What they didn't count on however, was the length of the battle. It was apparent on both sides that the battle had begun to cause more strain and exertion than both forces intended to use. However, unfortunately for the Ascended, they weren't on their own grounds.
Alphard dashed into the masses with her spear in hand she swung it with a might that would surprise both demons and angels alike. It was rare to have a woman on the battlefield, let alone one with such physical prowess as her. As she swiped, the arc that it created cracked the air, and she used her abilities to create a wave of lightning, destroying nearby demons. She continued her attack and darted into a bunker where the demons had hidden, intent on hurling their poisonous blasts at her comrades.
10-31-2011, 01:36 PM
Asmodion roared out as he rushed through the battlefield, spreading his wings to leap up and bringing his flaming chain whip out, swinging the searing metal around him, which was soon to meet angelic bodies. As he land with a loud thud, he glared around through the chaos, spotting a rare sight: A female angel that joined the fight.
The only women he had seen were the ones that were stuck in his circle. But the realisation came quick enough: She had to die.
As he saw her enter the bunker his brethren were hiding in, he rushed after her, a devious grin on his face as his claws burst into flame. He could already smell the burning flesh of the poor angel. Her death would surely grant him favor with Lucifer, maybe enough to soften his torture. Rushing into the bunker, he would not care who he would strike, but he would just leap and claw at the first moving thing he'd find, be it demon or angel.
10-31-2011, 01:59 PM
Alphard's giant spear was useless in such a small contained space. She quickly got rid of it, she would get it later. It being in the hands of another demon didn't worry her. The double edged sword with both demonic and angelic weapons was that the holy magic used to make the angels could only be touched by angels, and that was the same with the demon's weapons. It would burn at their hands at an enemy touch, a pain that was practically unbearable - especially for such low level demons such as this.
Alphard quickly disposed of the demons that began their assault on her in the bunker. It seemed that they were terrible with melee fighting and had sought refuge in the bunker as a means for long range fighting and to defend themselves. They never stood a chance against her as she quickly performed a series of combinations with her lightning attacks and own skills in close combat fighting. She wasn't the greatest at it, but she was certainly better than the low level demons she was up against. But numbers did have somewhat of an advantage in this small space and she sensed a presence behind her, a demon she had kicked away had gotten back up and attempted to tackle her into the ground. But before he could make that move, he cried out with terror as a searing pain coursed through his body. Alphard grinned, initially thinking that help had arrived, but no. It was another demon. Quickly and without thought, Alphard pierced the last of the demons with her lightning and flung it's body towards her new enemy. "Die demon!" She cried out as she launched her attack.
10-31-2011, 02:27 PM
Asmodion growled menacingly, flinging the demon he just killed aside, before staring at the angel, grinning as he leaped over to her as she killed off the last demon, seeking to tackle her, taking out his searing chain already to subdue the poor thing and present it to Lucifer himself. His wings spread out as he roared. "You are mine, Ascended!"
But as he would tackle her, a massive tremble would appear, it would feel as if the surface they were on was being ripped from its place, and it actually was. A large demon was fighting an archangel just outside, and as the demon cleaved his axe into the ground, the cliff upon which the bunker was located broke off, tumbling down into what seemed an endless abyss. The screams and horrors of the various circles could be heard as the contruction rushed past them, before crashing down into an icey field, remaining still there, as the dust slowly settled.
Asmodion would have shaken around and beaten against multiple walls. There wasn't anything that didn't hurt. As he looked around the bunker, he felt sick, seeing the room he was in now turned around, and the exits were blocked off by thick ice or rubble. Trying to get his bearing, he groaned painfully, as it seemed one of his wings got out of joint. "Bloody..; fucking... hell..." Normally he'd laugh at the irony of that sentence, but right now, he had his mind on others things, suddenly realising that he wasn't only accompanied by dead demons, glancing around to try and find the angel.
10-31-2011, 11:05 PM
Alphard readied herself for the attack. This demon was on a different level to the small fries that she had dealt with so far. She stood her ground, never wavering despite the dangerous fighting prowess he possessed. She wouldn't admit it but it made her skin crawl. As he leapt, Alphard turned slightly to allow herself to swing a lightning attack his way in such a small and contained space.
The attack above them made them both pause. The sound of the lightning breaking the air was almost deafening and it wracked her body violently. Hellfire surrounded the bunker as she looked out, its dark poisonous flames licking through the cracks of the bunker. Suddenly there was a sound that Alphard knew both she and the demon did not want to hear. The crack of the cliff’s edge made her tense and before she knew it, they began to freefall into the abyss, crashing through the circles of hell.
It wasn’t pleasant. Like the demon, she was thrown around the room with every tumble. The bunker hit the side of Hell’s wall, making it screech and spark and causing the two of them to be violently shaken around. It seemed like it was going to last an eternity but the bunker finally crash landed. The force of the crash made the bunker cave in, the two of them were stuck there for a while, and it wouldn’t be easy to get out of the mess they got themselves in.
Alphard bit her lip, she was in a lot of pain. She had definitely twisted her leg, and her wings had suffered a lot of damage, it was painful for her to move. She turned to look around, hoping that the demon was dead, but alas, there he was, scratched and in a terribly looking condition. She was disappointed to see he was still alive, and both of them were trapped to the point they couldn’t get near each other to finish their enemy off.
11-01-2011, 11:42 AM
His eyes narrowed as he saw the angel, snarling as he tried to push himself up, but quickly collapsed again, it almost felt as if something were broken in his body. After trying to get up two more times, he gave up, letting himself just lie there on the rubble, lying opposite to the angel. Spitting out some blood to get the taste out of his mouth, he yelled out to her. "Great going, holy slut! Now look what your oh-so-shiny brethren have done!" His breath was cut short after his yelled, feeling a stinging pain in his chest.
In his head, he was looking at things from the bright side: Atleast he wasn't being tortured again, but then the realisation suddenly came. He looked around, seeing plenty amounts of ice blocking the way, his eyes widened. "Shit... Shit, shit, shit!" He cursed louder and louder, realising in what circle of hell they dropped. They fell down all to the way to the Ninth Circle. The circle of traitors, and the circle were Lucifer himself was imprisoned. For the first time in many years, he felt scared.
11-01-2011, 12:24 PM
Alphard couldn't help but wince when she saw the demon struggle to get up. He'd definitely broken something. She shuddered at the thought of attempting to move up, what that would do to her practically crushed wings. She shook her head at his failed attempts to get up. "You know you're only making it worse on yourself." She said to him coolly. Alphard glared when he yelled at her. Demons were disgusting beings with such foul tongues. She wondered why she deserved such a fate. She responded flatly. "Well, if I'm not mistaken, it was your 'oh-so-bright' brother that swung the axe that got us into this mess." She said. "If it was an angel, we would have exploded." Idiot. She thought. The angel attempted to move her fingers and limbs slightly to see how mobile she could get. Not very.
Alphard raised a brow when the demon started cursing. "What is it?" She asked, looking around. A part of her thought something terrible was going to come. But nothing was there, or at least nothing she could see. But the fear was on the demon's face, and the angel couldn't help but feel tense. If he was scared, then they were in for a whole lot of trouble. Injured, practically unarmed, they were sitting ducks.
11-01-2011, 12:32 PM
Asmodion glanced over to the angel, realising he was showing his fear, trying to hide it immediatly with a stern frown. "You wenches get sent down here without even knowing the slightest thing about this place, do you?" He scoffed annoyed. She was a mere girl, foolish and naïve. He gestured over to the ice that was blocking their entrance. "When you think of the Inferno, you think of fire and scorching heat, right? Then how do you explain ice?" He waited for her answer, disregarding it whatever it may be.
"There is only one place in the inferno where there is ice: The Ninth Circle, the circle of traitors. We are in Lucifer's own circle, you calf!" Once again, he had to gasp for air as he felt the same sting return to his chest, grasping his chest, before trying to push himself up a bit to be seated a bit comfortable, all the while thinking that if they could get out of this bunker, how on earth they would get out of the Ninth Circle alive.
11-01-2011, 10:53 PM
Alphard glanced around at the ice. He had a fair point. Before battle, the angels were fairly well prepared and trained to endure the fires of Hell. But it was cold here, dead. She'd never heard of such a place. It made her skin crawl. It was new territory for an angel, let alone one of her rank. "Well clearly, no angel has been down here before." She said. That was somewhat true, except for the Fallen. Though they weren't regarded as Ascended any more. She didn't need all too much time to think about this place. She knew it was by far the most dangerous place in Hell, judging by the look on the demon's face, and the eeriness of the place.
Alphard gulped slightly at the mention of the ninth circle. Lucifer. She heard the name, and she was taught to fear it. The ninth circle was definitely not somewhere she wanted to be in either. As no Ascended had ever been here, she only heard tales about the place, rumours, whispers and none of them would prepare her for the reality that it was. She frowned. "You're calling me a calf, you're the one irritating your wounds and yelling. Or our voices to be heard by no one but ourselves?" She asked coolly.
11-01-2011, 11:07 PM
Asmodion snarled, having to admit she was right, though he would not dare speak those words. Instead, he just looked around, sighing. "Right... Seeing as both of us are dead meat if we don't get out of here. I believe that me yelling at you won't help us at all."
He took a deep breath, as even talking hurt. He knew that whatever his wounds were, they could not kill him, only pain him forever, as you cannot die in the afterlife. The images came to him what the fallen demons and angels up top must be feeling. The pain of being cleaved in half, but the inability to die. A horrifying fate.
Asmodion surely would not let that happen. Like it or not, if he were to escape, he was going to need the angel's help. His face expressed an obvious fight with his own morals. "Okay... Listen... We have two options here... Option one is that we lay down here, suffering from the pain of our wounds, and risk being found by Lucifer or any others, be put through eternal torment.... Or..." He took another breath. "Option two is that we... Ugh, I can't believe I'm about to say this..." He took another breath, believing what he was about to suggest. "Or we try to get out of this mess together... Seeing as death is something we already faced, that's something we don't have to fear..."
11-01-2011, 11:42 PM
"Obviously." She muttered, smirking a little at the small victory she had against the demon. She continued to watch him, her eyes slowly making their way at viewing his entire body. The injuries he sustained would impede him from doing anything drastic. He couldn't kill her yet, and she knew that would probably be his intention. He was a demon after all. His word wasn't exactly the most trustworthy that she'd heard.
She saw the demon look deep in thought for a moment. He was planning something. Alphard felt tense. There was a strange look in his eyes, as if he was arguing with himself. It was somewhat amusing but this wasn't the right time to laugh. "I prefer the latter." She said, stiffening slightly at the idea of being found by Lucifer or other creatures thrust in this level of hell. "Though how do I know this isn't a ploy of yours to get me to heal you, and then you kill me the moment you're all well?" She said to him. Of course, Alphard had a way around this, she could heal him but only so he was mobile, his attack power wouldn't be impressive at all, but she didn't like the idea of doing a half-assed job when it came to healing.
11-01-2011, 11:58 PM
Asmodion chuckled lightly. "Kill you? How am I supposed to do that?" He held his chest again, taking in another sharp breath, before speaking calmly. "One, one who already died cannot be slain again, thus death cannot be attained in this realm. And two, even if I were to kill you. Nobody has ever made it out of this place, especially if you're alone. I may be a demon, but I still have a more or less functional head. I live, you live. I fall, you fall. Simple enough for an explanation?"
He smirked, feeling this as payback for the verbal victory she had earlier, actually lying back against the rubble as if he were comfortable. The cold was actually a nice change for him for these few seconds. He was used to scorching heat, he could cool down a bit, though he did not want to stay here forever.
11-02-2011, 02:29 AM
"There are ways." The angel said. "To make a creature cease to exist. I suppose 'killing' is the wrong term for it. Does 'wiping them off the face of the realm' sound better?" She asked him. She narrowed her eyes at the demon in front of her. "Very well then. But the moment we make it back to the first level, you and I are to nullify this...temporary alliance." Alphard grimaced at the thought of being on 'friendly terms' with a demon. It was practically heresy.
"Though how do you suppose we get out of the mess we're in at this point in time?" She asked the demon. "You cannot move, and neither can I really." She said. Every time she made an attempt to move, she would strain herself and pain would course through her body. It was more than just a little tickle, it would definitely, even with a disciplined mind be difficult to ignore. She sighed. "...I suppose we'll have to lay our cards on the table. Determine what powers we have and how we can use that to escape this makeshift coffin." She said.
11-02-2011, 10:23 AM
Asmodion nodded, looking at his claws and chainwhip. He didn't like the idea of becoming allied with an angel, but that was better than facing eternal torment at the hands of Lucifer.
"As you probably already figured... Healing is not among one of the things I am capable of... My skills are based purely on bringing pain upon others." He gestured to his claws and the chain hanging from his belt. "I do know my way around this place, as I've had plenty of time to study it and..." He swallowed once. "I come from one of the lower circles myself... The Eight..." He knew that this wouldn't make his alliance with the angel easier, but if he wanted her to trust him, he figured he had to be honest. Honest. Now that's a word he hasn't heard in a long time.
"But that's besides the point now. If you're capable of mending our wounds... Then treat your own, then tend to mine. The other way around and I may still end up having to get out of this mess alone." He knew he was taking an incredible risk with letting the angel tend to her own wounds first, but he also knew that a holy bean like her would never get out of the Ninth circle unless she had a demon to guide her way. "I doubt you will be able to fully heal our wings though. Not that flying out of here would be a good idea, as I'm fairly certain we'll-..." An ear deafening screech interrupted Asmodion, as he glanced up, narrowing his eyes. The flapping of wings and the anxious screeches of demons could be heard outside. "Gargoyles... I was wondering what was taking them so long..."
11-02-2011, 10:58 AM
She tensed once more when he spoke of which circle he belonged to. The demon was powerful, very much so, and to be from the eight circle of hell...if she remembered correctly that was where those who committed fraud went. That really didn't help at all. "Well geez, that makes me just jump at the idea of being allies with you." She said as she attempted to move a little, wincing at the pain. "I suppose you're just being honest though." She said. Alphard couldn't help but smile. The both of them seemed to have thought the same thing.
"Well, I only really have two powers, the use of lightning and basic healing. But since I'm a soldier, we cannot rely all too much on my healing abilities. My lightning though..." She said. At best she'd probably be able to fix her ankle, but her wings were far more complex. It would be better for her to just splint them and not use them at all. The screech ripped through the air suddenly, causing Alphard to grit her teeth. "Gargoyles!?" She cried out over the noise.
11-02-2011, 12:12 PM
Asmodion brought his finger over his lips immediatly, whispering over to the angel. "Be quiet! If those bastards find us before we're able to defend ourselves, we're done for!"
He'd then look around, before gritting his teeth as he'd try to pull himself over to the angel, keeping his pained groans hidden from the danger lurking outside.
Once he was close enough to the angel, he'd whisper to her again. "Gargoyles are like the vultures of the Inferno. They would already enjoy finding a demon out of its place, but imagine what they'll do to an angel?" He gave the angel some time to let the thought sink in, before looking around. "Heal yourself... Just the vital parts, so we can atleast defend ourselves. Then try to heal me and we'll get out of here once these gargoyles are gone."
The gargoyles outside could be heard landing on top of the bunker, clawing at it to find whatever feasts are inside. Their growling and screeching seeming worse than the cries of a million children being tortured to death.
11-02-2011, 02:03 PM
Alphard didn't need to be told twice. It must be serious if he was willing to withstand the pain and get close enough to her. She quickly began to tend to her wounds as fast as she could, like he said, healing only the most vital of parts. She was battered and bruised, but thankfully her armor had done it's job. Pain coursed through her body as she moved to attempt to heal her leg. Alphard bit her lip as she began to heal it. The pain as she stretched was ripping at her, and not only that, but her ears felt like they were going to explode from the screeches of the gargoyles.
The mental preparation wasn't near enough as she stretched towards the demon. Her wings were broken in a number of places. Parts of it stuck out randomly from being crushed by the debris of the bunker, dripping with blood. Alphard almost bit her tongue in pain. With a shaky hand she took the demon's hand and her healing magic began to pulsate through him, course through as she began to heal as much as she could in such a short space of time. More shrapnel from the bunker began to fall as the gargoyles began to break through, their cries louder and more painful than ever before.
11-02-2011, 02:22 PM
Asmodion just gazed at her as she was healing herself, keeping his ears sharp for the gargoyles. As she then grabbed his hand, Asmodion was startled for a moment, but tightened the grasp on her hand lightly as he felt the healing magic course through his veins. He would his power return to him, moving his other hand to reach for his chainwhip, which slowly but surely began to ignite. "Cover yourself..." He whispered to her, before the gaygoyles would break through the rubble, the horrifying gaze of one of them staring into the bunker.
Asmodion was quick to react, though. As soon as his eyes locked on those of the gargoyle, he pushed himself up and swung his chainwhip forward, the sharp end of it piercing through the gargoyle's skull.
Almost immediatly he pulled his chainwhip back, growling menacingly, letting go of his whip and threw himself over the angel to protect her. His whip would swing berserking at the inside of the bunker, flinging rubble and fire at all sides, taking down the gargoyles and the bunker itself. The pained screeches of the gargoyles echoed over the icey plain as they were ripped to bloody shreds by the burning metal and stone.
After less than a minute, it was over. Asmodion looked up slowly, his body locked around the angel's as a shield. "They're gone." He'd then push himself up, spotting the rubble that had the angel's wings trapped. "Hold still." He'd grasp his chainwhip and latch it to his belt, before igniting his claws in fire and began chopping away the rubble, freeing the angel's wings.
11-02-2011, 03:34 PM
Alphard sat up. She couldn't do much without her spear, which she saw on the other side of the bunker underneath some pieces of the cliff that fell with them. But she'd still put up a fight if need be, and go down kicking and screaming. The gargoyles finally had broken in and begun to head to their prey.
However, they didn't get close. As soon as they entered the bunker, they were destroyed by the chain whip of the demon. Instinctively, and without thinking there was a demon on top of her she curled up and clutched onto him, tensing as the bunker began to collapse, taking the gargoyles with it.
Alphard coughed as dust invaded her system. Quickly, she let go of the demon, almost pushing him away. That had been the closest she had ever been near one, and she hoped the closest she'd have to be with one that was her temporary ally. The angel watched as the demon grabbed his chain whip once more. He began to chop away the rubble, and bit by bit she felt the force on her wings diminish. They were still throbbing with pain, but at least now she wasn't feeling strained or crushed.
"...Thanks." Alphard said as slowly, the angel got up, her once beautiful and majestic wings now limp, crushed and mangled. But at that point in time she didn't care. Looking around she tried to find something, anything that'd be of good use for her to create a splint for her wings. She grabbed a few pieces of wood that had previously been used to support the building, but that wasn't needed now that it was practically blown to pieces. Alphard slowly began to create a splint. "How are your wounds?" She asked him.
11-02-2011, 04:03 PM
Asmodion waved his hand dismissingly. "I'll be fine. My right wing is out of joint... But..." He'd reach back for his wing and yank on it, yelling out in pain as the bone could be heard slipping into joint. "Ngh... There... All good. Though it'll take some time before I'll be able to properly fly again."
He then continued looking around. In the ice they were standing on, the faces of damned could be seen sticking out. Immediatly, Asmodion let out a sigh of relief. "We aren't as close to Lucifer as I feared. This is the second section of the Ninth Circle." He'd point out to the faces that were sticking out of the ice, gasping for air.
Asmodion gazed carefully at his surroundings, looking up at the ledge that looked down into the Ninth Circle, on which giants were chained into place. "If we wish to get up to the Eight Circle, we need to get up there. I doubt they'll have a handy set of stairs here." He then turned to the angel, the fury in his eyes earlier seeming completely gone. Something happened to him to beat that fury back. "Think you'll be able to make it through this cold?"
11-03-2011, 01:19 AM
"Well looks like we're both handicapped in that way. Not that it'd do much." She said as she looked up from the chasm of hell they were in. Flying had many advantages, but it also had many disadvantages. Especially in a place like this. She could imagine there'd be many things to try to impede them on their journey, and many creatures that relished the thought of hunting a being with wings, ripping them to shreds, hearing their screams of pain as they plummeted down and crashed into the earth. She didn't understand why, but she knew of these sorts of creatures, who enjoyed bringing pain to their prey before devouring them in the most grotesque manner possible.
She smiled a little. "Of course. I may be an angel but I'm also a warrior. I'll admit it is cold, but it's not something that'll put me in all too much trouble." She said confidently. "However..." Alphard slid off her larger pieces of armor, frost had begun to appear on it. As she took it off, she revealed that there was a second armor underneath hers. It had stopped a majority of the cuts and gashes that she could have sustained during the fall. "It'll be better if I stick to just this one layer of armor." She said as she walked over to where she could sense her spear. After a few zaps of lightning, she destroyed the rubble that crushed it and pulled it out. "Let's go." She said.
11-03-2011, 01:26 AM
Asmodion nodded, before walking onward, heading for what he believed was right way, which was any way that did not lead to Lucifer.
He would be mindful of his steps, trying to avoid the various faces that poked up from the ice like fungi. Their cries and pleas would fill his head instantly, sighing annoyed.
"And here I thought that my torture was bad enough already..."
He glanced over at the angel, eyeing her up and down once more, this time actually looking at her figure. "You never told me your name." He then looked ahead of himself again, looking up at the giants that rested on the ledge above them. As they approached the icy cliffs, he looked around to try and find a way up.
Spotting nothing that could be used as staircase or ladder, he walked up to the cliffside and felt the texture of it, before nodding to himself and turning to the angel. "Do you trust me enough to hold on to me as I scale this wall?" He gestured over to his hand mounted claws, who would ignite for a few seconds, as he awaited the angel's answer.
11-03-2011, 01:59 AM
It was difficult to ignore the cries of the faces in the ice. She couldn't look away, if she did she may step on one, but at the same time she wanted to. Their pained faces made Alphard very uneasy. "You're tortured?" She asked, curious. "My name's Alphard. Suppose we can't keep calling each other demon, angel, Damned and Ascended, so what's yours?" She asked him, ignoring the way he looked at her.
Alphard looked around as well. At this point in time, she hated to admit it but she wouldn't really be much help. It was uncharted territory for an angel like herself, and she didn't have many skills the demon would need besides her healing abilities. She glanced over at the demon, eyeing his hands. "...Well, there's not really anything else I can do now can I?" She said as she walked over to him. "Alright goes nothing. How do you suppose we go about this? I don't exactly want to hold onto you and irritate any wounds you may have."
11-03-2011, 08:46 AM
He nodded, looking over his shoulder at the angel. "All who are sentenced to the Inferno will suffer endless torment which stands befitting for their crimes." He sighed, shaking his head to get the images of his torture out of his head. "My name is Asmodion." His answer was short, but he didn't know what else needed to be said.
As the angel approached him, he scoffed at her comment on his wounds. "I have been cut apart so many times. I'll survive this just fine." He would lower himself through his knees to allow Alphard to climb onto his back, waiting until she had a good grip on him. "When you're ready. We'll get going." He looked up at the steep cliff. If they fell, they'd be sitting ducks for the next wave of gargoyles, who most likely soon to arrive. He would have to climb fast if he wanted to avoid them.
11-03-2011, 03:22 PM
Alphard grimaced at the thought, feeling pity for the demon. They didn't really know that much about their enemies, only that they had to keep them back from breaking through the gates of Heaven and inflicting their poison in the other realms. She had never known that they lived through all the torture, in fact, she thought they they merely inflicted it. Alphard decided to not ask anything else about the demon. It seemed to bring up some bad memories.
"Alright then." She said as she slipped her arms around his neck and got on his back, holding onto him tightly. She couldn't help but be amused by what was happening. First she became his ally, and now she was holding onto him. There wasn't intimacy or affection, but it was still quite strange for the two of them she imaged. A part of her was glad she had taken off some armor, she was a small angel, but she didn't want to slow down the demon too much, or be too much of a burden for him.
11-03-2011, 04:15 PM
Asmodion nodded towards the angel, before igniting his claws into fire, as he slowly but surely began his climb, slamming his burning claws into the half frozen rocks, pulling him and the angel up. The climb noticably drained his stamina rapidly, but Alphard could probably feel the demon's heart rushing through his chest, pumping adrenaline through his veins as he was pushing himself to not stop.
When they were about halfway, Asmodion hung still for a moment, taking some seconds as he regained his breath, panting in between words as he spoke. "You... You alright... back there?" He glanced over his shoulder at the angel. After he had been giving his reply, he'd proceed his climb, as the side become less and less covered in ice, the edge coming in sight as they were getting closer to the top of the cliff.
11-04-2011, 02:36 AM
She felt the temperature of his body rise as he started the climb. He was obviously exerting a lot of energy as he pulled the two of them up from the chasm. As Alphard held on tightly, she could feel his heart beating at a rapid pace. A wave of guilt washed over the angel, helpless as she hung onto the demon, unable to do anything to ease the load. As she hung, Alphard couldn't help but notice how inefficient the climb was. They were only half way and he was already out of breath and quickly running out of energy.
"I'm alright, though really I should be asking you." She said, her voice full of concern. Alphard looked up, they were getting close to the top. "When we reach the top, I'll heal you a bit more. I should have regained a fair bit more energy once we reach the top. She glanced over at the demon, his face awfully close to her. It was evident that the climb was taking its toll on him. "...Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked him. She had to offer at least.
11-04-2011, 10:10 AM
"I'm fine. Been through worse." He'd nod as the angel asked if she could help. "Just don't let go." As he continued, the edge of the cliff came closer and closer, the last few meters seeming to be the hardest, seeming as if he had to pull double the weight he had to pull up when he started. But finally, his right hand grasped onto the edge, pulling himself up as his left hand grasped onto the edge aswell. He would try to pull both of them up over the edge, but felt that that wasn't going to work as he was exhausted. "Ngh... Climb... Climb over the edge! And pull.. pull me up!" He would talk in between panting, trying to pull himself up enough so that Alphard could climb onto the ledge safely.
01-04-2012, 08:14 AM
"I can imagine..." Alphard mumbled as she held onto him tightly as the demon climbed up the cliff. She could feel his breathing tire, this really was taking a lot of energy out of him. Nearing the top of cliff she heard crumbling, the cliff they were climbing was starting to give way!
Quickly, Alphard began to scramble up, ignoring the sound of rock giving way beneath them. She didn't need to be told twice given the situation. The angel began to clamber over Asmodion and reach the cliff's edge safely. Quickly she turned and took hold of him, using all the strength she could muster to pull him up.
01-04-2012, 10:43 AM
Asmodion grasped the angel's wrist to make sure they had a tight grip of eachother, letting her pull him up, using his own feet to push himself up the cliffside, before managing to lift his upper body onto the cliff, pulling his hands away from the angel to push himself up further, sighing as he looks down at the abyss they just came from, before looking towards the angel, eyeing her over, silently letting his eyes enjoy the sight a moment, but mainly to check if she was doing alright.
He would then proceed with looking around, the massive bodies of giants surrounding them, their lower body stuck in the stone surface they were now standing up. When Asmodion spotted a small cave, he gestured over to it. "This is only the beginning of our climb, so we'd best get some rest now. We're safer here than down there, so let's make good use of that." He'd then head over to the cave, looking around inside it. It wasn't very spacey, but it would keep them out of sight from any other demons. The cold from the abyss they just left wasn't even noticable anymore, as the very rock felt warm once more. Snapping his fingers, Asmodion would create a small fire, using some dried wood to make a small fire to have some light in the cave. He'd then turn to the angel again. "You holding up?"
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