View Full Version : Camp Moonside (rated T) (OC ALWAYS OPEN!)

11-02-2011, 09:34 PM
[ Sebastian ]

I sat down in my mom's car, excited about going to the camp. This would be a fun summer I thought to myself. And, even if isn't, my mom could pick me up. It wouldn't matter.

I stared at the picture on my phone. She had her arms wrapped around mine, and we were both smiling. I don't care about you anymore, get off my phone!

"What was that, honey?" My mom asked in the front seat.

Crap, did I say that out loud? "Nothing..." I answered.

Maybe I could find someone different here. A new girl. Pretty. Funny. Pah! Those never exist. Besides, who would date a guy without a car? A pretty pathetic girl...

11-02-2011, 09:44 PM
Vel sped her mountain bike down the street. A bag dangled on her arm. She thought to herself, Bag, check, clothes in bag, check, cellphone, check, ringtone on cellphone that adults can't hear, check, swimming suit, check, hairtie, check, money just in case, check She skid to a stop, "Something's not right. . .I got to be missing something."

Tapping her finger on the bike handle, it popped in her head. My locket! I left it on the grill outside She turned her bike around, soon to be speeding back home.

11-02-2011, 09:49 PM
[ Annell ]

I take a bus to the camp, because of course Janny wouldn't drive me. I stare at my bracelet and play with the beads, lost in thought.
Would I make any friends? Surely, I wouldn't meet a guy. Who'd go for me? Some dude
that's blind...plus, I ain't got the nerve to speak up. Pah! This was going to be HORRIBLE!
As the bus-driver stopped the bus, I slowly walked outside. "Here we go," I thought aloud.

11-02-2011, 09:58 PM
Vel arrived at the camp - this time with all the things she needed - and parked her bike. She took a glance around, "Basketball court? Lake? - This is gonna be fun. " She smiled a bit and looked at a paper in her hand. "Cabin 10 . ."

11-02-2011, 10:02 PM
Annell slowly walked to her cabin. "Cabin nine," She read aloud. "Let's hope for privacy so I can write," She was talking to herself. It was a bad habit that she just couldn't break.
She got inside to see no faces in the cabin. "Good, let's keep it that way." She grinned and zipped up her red and brown sweatshirt. She pulled a note-book out of her suitcase and began writing. But after a few moments, she decided to go outside to the camp and to explore!

11-02-2011, 10:07 PM
[ Sebastian ]

We finally arrived to the Camp. "Okay, honey, have fun!" My mom said as we both got out of the car. I walked around to the back of the car and opened the trunk. I grabbed my suitcase and my guitar and placed them down on the road.

"Now, do you have your phone?" "Yes ma'am." "And your charger?" "Yes ma'am, I do..." "Now, don't forget to call me every night!" "Yes ma'am" "I love you." "I love you too, mom."

I gave her a hug, and a kiss on the cheek. As she got back in the car, I waved her goodbye. "Finally, she's gone!"

I grabbed my guitar and suitcase and ran to the third cabin. As I walked in, I saw there was a desk at the far right side of the room next to two doors. There were two doors on the other side, too. Walking in farther, I saw there were two bunk beds on either side of the room and a small table on the corner with a small TV. A remote was placed on top of it.

Instead of heading straight for the remote, I headed for the bottom right-hand bed. I unpacked all technology (Thank God they had Wi-Fi), and placed my clothes in a closet. there was also a pantry on the other side, and an empty room the size of a closet. I placed my guitar there, and decided to head on outside.

11-02-2011, 10:10 PM
Annell sees Sebastian and grins. 'Wait, what am I thinking? He'd NEVER like me! I'm a foster kid!' Annell thinks. She pulls out her note-book and writes down his appearance. 'maybe it'd be good for a story' she thinks. She's still amazed by Sebastian.

11-02-2011, 10:20 PM
Vel had made it to her cabin - she pushed her bag under her bed and walked outside after slipping her samsung galaxy cellphone in her pocket.

She looked around, amazed by the nature of the place. She indetified the type of trees and plants her in head. She counted the birds that flew by.

11-02-2011, 10:21 PM
Annell looks at Sebastian, then stares at the sky with the white clouds and the moon that shall sparkle that night. She saw the birds as they chirped, and the trees with the green leaves. And then, there was Sebastian.

11-02-2011, 10:23 PM
Finally found cabin #9 and waited inside to see who she would be bunking with.

11-02-2011, 10:24 PM
Annell walks away. She would say hi to Sebastian soon. Maybe. In the mean time, she finds Kate in her cabin. "Oh, hi." She says quietly. 'Dang it! No more writing time for me' she thought.

11-02-2011, 10:28 PM
[ Sebastian ]

The lake glinted, and beckoned me inside. But I wasn't wearing swimtrunks. I was wearing skinny jeans, but, not swimtrunks. Oh well.

I quickly took off my shirt in one swift movement. I moved back, and was about to jump in. I ran up, stopped, turned back, and did it again. I'm such a coward...

11-02-2011, 10:32 PM
Annell left the cabin in attempt to find Sebastian and say hi. But when she found him, she was scared and nervous to say anything. After all, she was shy. A little TOO shy. 'He's not gonna like a foster kid' she thought. She was positive with that. She slowly stared at the lake, hoping he'd say hi to her instead.

11-02-2011, 10:37 PM
"Oh, hi, are you in this cabin" she says exitedly.

11-02-2011, 10:40 PM
Walking around looking for some people

11-02-2011, 10:42 PM
[ Sebastian ]

About the fifth time I ran back, I saw Macknell pull up, with his entire set in the back of the pickup truck. I ran up to him and gave him a "brohug."

"You know you didn't have to bring all of that?" I said jokingingly as his dad came out and pulled out the backside.

"I know," Macknell said, pulling out the bass drum from the truck, "but I did anyway. Is there a rec room I could store this in?"

"Yeah, I think there is." I said in return.

I helped him get the rest of the set out of the truck. "I'll take the snare and hi-hat, I guess." I said politely, hoisting the two up.

[ Macknell ]

I grabbed both cymbals (Ride and crash), while my dad got the bass drum. "We'll get the toms later."

Since my dad was a drummer, he knew drum terminology well. He actually was a part of a band, too. He still tries to tell their album, but there have only been 286 buyers. Hey, 286 is better than none.

As I walked to the rec room, I laid my eyes on a beautiful maiden. I almost dropped the cymbals when I saw her; well, that, and I tripped over a rock, but we can go with the lovestruck-almost-falling-down thing, too.

"Hey, Sebastian, who is that?" I asked.

"That?" Sebastian said, looking at the girl sitting on the cabin steps. "I'm not sure. She's been eying me for a while now..."

"Huh..." I said, and thought of what we could do together.

11-02-2011, 10:47 PM
"Hi" she says smiling at sebastian.

11-02-2011, 10:48 PM
Blushes, scared of what they might do. 'What if they tease me? What if I totally mess up? What if they don't like me? Why do I have to be some stupid foster kid?' The thoughts were racing through her mind. 'Let's stay positive,' Annell thought. But it was hard to.

11-02-2011, 10:54 PM
[ Sebastian ]

"Hi." I said politely back to the girl. She looked about thirteen, and I joked with myself in my head about it. I carried the snare and hi-hat into the large rec room. It looked more like a gymnasium with carpeting. On the far side of the left wall, there was a door. Placing the qeuipment down, I opened it, and saw an empty room.

"This'll work!" I yelled back to them, even though they were already in. We set up his drums there, then we all went back to get his toms.

11-02-2011, 10:55 PM
"Whos that?" I say, then after saying it I feel I might be being to nosy.

11-02-2011, 10:56 PM
Vel nervously walked over to Annell Just say hi. . .or ask something. Not that hard to make friends She thought.

"Hi. . I'm Velialvia, but as confusing as that is. Just call me Vel. I'm in Cabin 10. . ." Vel tried to smile, but instead it was more of a I'm-not-good-at-making-friends sort of smile. The one that creeped people out.

11-02-2011, 10:56 PM
Stares for a little bit...but it feels so...rude! 'I'm such an idiot! Ugh!' She thinks. 'They've probably seem me! I'm probably creeping them out! Even if it didn't, once they found out I was a foster kid, they'd freak!' The thoughts raced through her head.
"Oh, hi. I'm Annell." She said quietly. She was so shy...she hoped it wouldn't hurt Vel's feelings or anything.

11-02-2011, 11:00 PM
I feel so rude maybe he didn't hear me i hope he didn't. then she walks away in a hurry

11-02-2011, 11:05 PM
"Annell? Pretty name. Better than my name. . .by far." She fixed her ponytail to make it higher. Just twiddle with your hair and act casual. She thought. . .Yea. That'd be fine. Act casual, certainly good. Twiddling with hair may turn into a habit, but it's a way of dealing with being nervous.

11-02-2011, 11:08 PM
[ Macknell ]

The girl stayed on my mind all the way from the trip there to the trip back. She was beautiful, and pretty, and...God, I may love her!

Does love at first sight exist? I don't know.

I wanted to talk to her. I needed to talk to her. Maybe she'll hear me drumming, think I'm good, and talk to me. Yeah. Yeah.

[ Sebastian ]

I walked back over to Macknell's dad's truck and pulled his luggage out. "You gonna take that in for him?" His dad asked.

"Yes sir." I said, rolling the cart through the dirt and to the third cabin.

11-03-2011, 08:49 PM
"I thought your name was beautiful," She smiled a sweet-looking smile, and forgot so much about being shy. She liked this new-girl.
She tied her hair into a ponytail and sighed. "Well, I should probably get going to change. I'm going to the lake. You wanna meet me there?" She hoped the answer would be yes. She loved swimming-but swimming with somebody that could possibly be her first friend would be even better. But wait. Once she found out I was some stupid foster kid, she wouldn't be my friend. Oh gosh.

11-03-2011, 10:26 PM
[ Macknell ]

I sat down ath the set with two sticks in my hand. I played on the toms for a long time, until I finally broke out into a long, loud, and painful drum solo. It was one of the best I ever played, I just hope someone heard.

[ Sebastian ]

There goes Macknell again. Always playing around.

I smiled at the sound of the drums. I walked into the cabin and placed his luggage on the opposite bed. Maybe I could go swimming in a few minutes. That would be fun. Just swimming around for a while, relaxing in the water. Maybe some hot girl will be there. Maybe. Are there hot girls here? There was one, but I think I better give that one to Macknell.

11-03-2011, 11:02 PM
"Sure, I love swimming." Vel ran to her cabin, That swimming suit has to be somewhere in this bag! She searched through it and then found her swimming suit.

She slid it on. Her two-piece swimming suit was designed too look like it had oranges on it. She examined herself in mirrior. Other than the flubber on my stomach, I should be fine . . .

11-03-2011, 11:06 PM
[ Sebastian ]

I placed my swim trunks on, took off my shirt, and ran over to the rec room, where Macknell was still playing. "Hey man, I'm heading to the lake, you wanna come?"

"Nah, man, I'm trying to impress the chicks." Macknell said with a sly smile. Sweat glistened down his face.

"So, sitting in here will get you chicks?" I asked, laughing a bit at the thought.

"Exactly!" Macknell said. Before I could say anything else, he continued. Same old Macknell.

I walked over to the lake and sat down in the sun for a while, thinking. I closed my eyes and lay there. Macknell would be there soon.

11-04-2011, 11:11 PM
Annell went to her cabin and changed into a one-piece blue and brown swimsuit with a skirt at the bottom, and patiently waited for Vel to return. "Swimming, here we come!" Annell smiled. She was excited. This person could be her friend!

11-05-2011, 06:17 AM
[ Macknell ]

I plugged in my iPod and played along to a few Rush and Metallica songs. I enjoyed the double bass parts in there. Those complicated beats made me feel like I was making a whole lot of progress in my drumming. And, that will help out our band.

[ Sebastian ]

I wonder what skinny dipping is like. Just swimming around in a lake naked for a while, you know? No one would notice. Would they?

I got up for a second and double-checked if anyone was around. I hate to say I was a little excited about this, but it didn't matter. No one would notice, and I could just say I did it. I jumped into the lake, and did what had to be done underwater. The trunks came to the top, and I just sat there for a while.

This doesn't feel any different...

11-05-2011, 01:55 PM
Annell thought for a moment. She would go to the lake. In the meantime, she shall go swimming. When she got to the lake, she saw swim trunks at the top.
"Umm...Anyone in there?" It was gross to the thought!

11-05-2011, 02:32 PM
[ Sebastian ]

Stay calm...stay calm...

I came up from under the water, and saw the girl Macknell wanted to date. "Oh, hi. Sorry...I...er...well, I don't really know how to explain this..." I stuttered.

[ Macknell ]

I got up from my set and grabbed a pair of swim trunks from the cabin. I changed quickly, and ran to the lake. I know Sebastian was probably just sitting around waiting for me with some stupid grin on his-

What...the...heck...? "Sebastian, man! Put on some pants!" I yelled over, with a smile on my face.

11-06-2011, 01:18 PM
Laughed, thinking it was some sort of joke. Seriously? Ph! She saw Macknell and her eyes lit up, a sparkle here and there.
"Oh, hi!" She grinned at him. "Is this your...brother or something?" She gazed at him for a split second.

11-06-2011, 03:21 PM
[ Macknell ]

"Nah, we're just good freinds." I said. She looked amazing in that swimsuit. Wow...

[ Sebastian ]

I pulled my swim trunks back on and walked out of the water. "Sorry about that." I said, walking up to Macknell and the other girl. I wonder what Macknell was thinking of right now. Probably some perverted thoughts about any kind of woman.

11-07-2011, 10:06 PM
Grinned at Macknell and Sebastian. She had no idea what their thoughts were, but she sure knew that they were both pretty cute. But then again-they'd probably get scared and run away if she told them her little secret. Little?

11-08-2011, 10:07 PM
[ Macknell ]

"Do you think we could get the band here sometime?" I asked. Maybe we could throw a concert, or something. I mean, we did do twenty cover songs, and we wrote ten of our own, so there is a possibility about it.

Maybe this girl will be able to go...

[ Sebastian ]

"Uh...maybe, maybe not. It's not too far for them or their equipment...I could call Jackson and Nose sometime later I guess." I said. Macknell was a genius! I had no clue how good of a thinker he was!

Maybe we could throw a concert! Maybe ther'll be some girls...

11-08-2011, 10:14 PM
Walking up to Annell "Hi"

11-08-2011, 10:54 PM
Grinned at the guys. A concert would be REALLY fun. She sees Kate. "Oh, hi!" she smiles at the little kid. A middle-schooler, probably.
She was amazed at everything. She wasn't even all that shy anymore. She had "friends" or at least one, which was Vel. She was excited! She hoped she wouldn't have to tell them about being a foster freak.
She dipped her toes into the water, about to jump in.

11-08-2011, 11:07 PM
[ Macknell ]

"Well, I'm going to jump in now!" I yelled, running into the half-cold ice water.

[ Sebastian ]

I joined Macknell, thinking about the concert and the womwn. Hopefully older than that small gitl. Like, three years or so...

[ OOC : Sorry bout short post ]

11-09-2011, 09:50 PM
She splashed into the water, and shivered. "Sheesh! Lake water, i tell yah!" She giggled and swam around, splishing and splashing here and there. She loved it!
She grinned. Two guys, her soon-to-be friend, her younger room-mate, the concert-She loved it-loved it all!
"Anyway I can stay here forever?" She said quietly. After saying that, she hoped nobody would hear. For she would have to tell them "her secret".

11-15-2011, 11:35 PM
Is there anybody still here????

12-19-2011, 02:41 AM
Sierra slammed the car door and yelled at her ignorant brother. "Thanks to you I am late!" She ran to the camp entrance hoping she could slip in.

12-19-2011, 02:43 AM
Oh... wow I didn't know there were cute guys here! She thought to herself