View Full Version : Digital Love I.C. [M] Sousuke and Cakie Papercake
11-03-2011, 10:42 AM
The following presentation has been rated [M] for foul language, graphic violence, and hardcore cuddling or adult situations.
The rain clacked against Leonard's bedroom window like fake fingernails on a cheap keyboard. A female voice that spoke with a light Australian accent chimed in from a direction he could not yet determine, "Leonard get your ass up, now it's 9:30!" She was clearly upset with Leonard and spoke to him like a wife would. "Good morning to you too beautiful," said Leonard his voice fuzzy with sleep. His joints creaked as he made several attempts to sit up. "Leonard," said the female voice in a stern tone this time sounding like a mother. Finally he was able to sit up, "Alright Molly I'm up!" He yawned while scratching his back "Damn woman," he mumbled as his feet touched the cold springy carpet of his apartment.
"I heard that!" the female voice shot back, "And for the last time I'm not a woman I am an artificial intelligence protocol system, get it straight"
"You're cute when you're mad," quipped Leonard as he stood up. He was regretting the previous nights hedonistic indulgences.
"Leonard, you should go to the reports," she sighed losing her patience with him. "Fine I'll go, I can grab a coffee while I'm there," he massaged his temples with both of his hands and walked towards the shower. High powered florescent lights came alive as he entered the bathroom, "Set temperature to just the way I like it Molly," he said as his cloths made their way from his body to the counter.
He stepped inside the stream of water and smiled, "Thanks babe," he said to her knowing that she hated it when he treated her like that. The water temperature dropped for a second than resumed "not funny" he said as he finished showering. He stepped back into the bedroom and panel opened up holding several hangers and cloths, among them a shiny black polyester jacket, a red v neck t shirt, a pair of jeans and white and black high top sneakers. "Thank you Molly." He put on his cloths and adjusted the outfit accordingly while looking in the mirror panle that had just flipped to reveal the silvery surface. "Okay, you're coming with Molly." He grabbed his E-Deck which molly jumped into but not before saying, "Of course Leonard, you're a mess without me." He smiled, "Too true."
He proceeded to walk down the street to the massive holo screen in the middle of the city square. It was a bewildering sight of moving images, neon lights, and overall electric chaos. Electric cars hummed through the streets like bees through a hive. Steam came up off the ground as a result of the cars low powered repulsion system which made the hover several inches off the ground, and the rain. It was cold but Leonard didn't mind he enjoyed the walk, it made him feel connected to the city. He soon arrived in the square which was only six blocks away from his apartment complex in Metro city. Leonard than found a line for fresh coffee and quickly joined before turning his head to watch the news broadcast on the giant 100 foot wide screen.
Cakie Papercake
11-03-2011, 11:23 AM
That alarm ringing, signifying that it was time to get up. The rain made way too much noise, and Olivia did not want to get up, at all. She knew she had to though, due to the fact that she had too much things to do, like plan Ciela', her best friend's birthday party, and get a present for her too. She also had to make sure she had the area where she was planning to throw the party still free for use. All of that she had to do, as soon as she finished hearing the reports.
She forced herself to get up, rubbing her eyes, and blinked. She got out of bed, and turned off her alarm.
"I hope I'm not late." She said to herself, walking like a zombie out of her bedroom, and into the bathroom. She took off her night clothing and turned on the water, and began to take a long shower, making sure she was awake. Once the shower was done, she got out, and went to her room again, and put on her regular clothing on, which was her long sleeved red shirt with the long blue skirt that had a slit that reached a few inches before her thighs, and her ruby belt that went across her waist. She didn't need to wear it, but she felt better in doing so. By then, she was a little more awake, and put on her boots. She ran down the hall, and into the kitchen, getting her iced vanilla coffee out, opened the bottle, and started to drink it. Olivia always bought her iced coffee the night before so she can have it in the fridge to keep cool. Once she had everything she needed, she walked out of the her apartment, after grabbing her bag, and closing the door, locking it, and making sure she had everything she needed. She had a day off from work today, thinking that it was a blessing for her.
Olivia made her way out of the building and went straight for the reports screen. She kept seeing the cars driving back and forth, people getting to where they need to. She also saw people walking to either the reports screen, or to wherever else they need to go. Once she reached to the reports screen, which wasn't too far away from her house, maybe about a few blocks away, she saw a long line for coffee, and took a sip of her iced coffee. She laughed on the inside, knowing that she didn't have to wait in a line and they did. She made her way to the screen to get a closer look. Then again, that thing was wise enough. She just stood there, waiting.
11-03-2011, 04:34 PM
Leonard grew bored with the report as he advanced his place in line, "Molly this report is boring me it's the same old shit you hear every time, set a word filter for me, use the same keywords as last time." The E-Deck softly hummed as Molly processed the order before a blue light flicker on and off to signal that it had been completed. With the word filter set Molly would inform Leonard if anything regarding his interest came up in the news.
His attention shifted to the coffee line, he was now at the front. He made his order to the strange man with a bizarre accent but well meaning demeanor. Black was how he drank his coffee, he sighed contently between sips.
As Leonard turned around he noticed the images being displayed on the reports screen. The images were strange for a news report but Leonard found them no less exciting.Walking past the the small group while keeping one eye to the report he lightly bumped into a woman dressed in a red shirt and a blue skirt.
"Pardon me," he said softly his voice was still weighted with sleep.
Cakie Papercake
11-03-2011, 07:34 PM
Olivia caught sight of the report starting. She yawned a little due to her being tired and just took another sip of coffee. "Mmm." She said to herself, catching a few people walking by with their coffee. It seemed that the line just started to move faster. Olivia was half way done with her coffee, when she dropped the top. She picked it up, and shook her head. She knew she couldn't use it again, and she had to chug it down.
She looked at the iced coffee bottle again before attempting to take a sip. She felt a bumped, and forced her coffee to spill on her shirt. She heard a guy apologize to her.
"It's okay. It's only a little spill. That's what I get for secretly laughing." She said, trying to put a fake accent to hide her real on, before turning around to see who it was.
"You look... tired. Very tired. You just got that cup?" She asked him, trying to make conversation. Ironically enough, she didn't try to hide her slight German accent with that sentence.
11-03-2011, 09:26 PM
Leonard nodded an held his hands up "No, I should have paid attention to where I was walking." Noticing that she had spilled some of her coffee onto her shirt Leonard frowned embarrassed and his E-deck lit up several times, Molly was laughing at him. Leonard retrieved a handkerchief that had been stuffed into his back pocket and offered it to the Woman. "Karma's funny like that," he said as he dangled the handkerchief.
Up until that point he paid no particular attention to her voice but when she inquired as to if he was tired and if he had just bought the cup of coffee he thought for a moment he had heard a distinct European accent German if he wasn't mistaken. German accents were not that out of the ordinary so he shrugged the though off of his back. A sleepy smile crept onto his face, "Yeah, work got a little out of hand last night and I ended up joining in with the customers." Shutting his mouth he began to do what man had done for countless centuries when encountering members of the opposite sex, he gave her the up down with his eyes. Her figure was aesthetically pleasing with a face to match. But it was her eyes that held his attention green eyes, somewhat of a rarity those days, he couldn't help but look into them for an awkward moment or two. His E-deck glowed brightly in an attempt to snap him out of it.
Cakie Papercake
11-03-2011, 10:00 PM
Olivia nodded her head, accepted the handkerchief, and wiping the coffee from her shirt, seeing his E-deck lighting up, letting a giggle out. "Yes it is. Very funny." She said, looking at his E-deck. "Interesting how yours lights up like that." She added. "That screen for the report is very large, so it's really not your fault."
Olivia didn't notice him checking her out, and heard about his job getting out of hand, and nodded her head again.
"Well, it was the same for me. Work was crazy. Three people were sick where I work, so me and a friend of mine had to take their shifts." She said to him, looking at his body, and then his face. She approved of it, but saw the E-deck of his glowing again, so she figured he had someone already.
"You want to join me for brunch? Unless you have other plans." Olivia offered, having a smile on his face.
11-03-2011, 10:22 PM
Leonared watched as his E-deck lit up. He clutched it and shook it around for a few seconds before stopping. The e-deck beg an to light up rapidly and brightly. Molly was trying to make snide remarks but he had switched off the e-decks volume before any words could be said. "Behave," he directed this comment to the E-Deck before promptly stuffing it into his pocket.
"It's my A.I.," he said casually. Although A.I.s were very real and had been in existence for several years not everyone had one just yet. As with all new technology they were a little pricey.
Leonard looked up at the rain fall and his stomach growled. He looked towards the woman, "That sucks doesn't it?" he nodded his head in agreement with her comment about work. He listened to her proposition thought about it for a moment. Truth be told he worked nights so his days were entirely free. Lunch with a pretty stranger, how bad could it be? He thought. "Sure thing, brunch sounds good." He offered to take the lead. He knew a good restaurant that served almost any breakfast food one could want.
As they walked he blurted out, "I'm Leonard by the way nice to meet you miss?" his trailed off and was lost amongst the noise of Metro city.
Cakie Papercake
11-04-2011, 12:36 AM
Olivia giggled as he was shaking it now. It looked like she was upset, the way she was lighting up. She knew hers was at home, taking one of those breaks.
"I gotta say it, but she acts like one of those jealous girlfriends. No offence to her though." She added. "I have to get mine repaired."
Once she heard that he would take her offer, she clapped. "That's great. Now, what's your favorite place to eat?" She asked, starting to walk about in a random direction, she knew a couple of places here and there.
She heard his name, and smiled. "Olivia's my name. Nice to meet you, Leonard." She replied to the question.
11-04-2011, 01:11 AM
"None taken" Leonard said cooly, "shes also plays the angry mother and teasing sister quite well." He smiled as he saw traces of light breaking free from the darkness of his jackets pocket. He stuffed his hand into it and soon the light stopped emanating, "finally" he breathed a sigh of relief.
As the two of them walked towards a small building titled "Edgar's!" he remembered her statement about her A.I. needing repair, "Those repairs can be pretty costly, he shook his head. while opening the door to the restaurant.
It was a cozy and quaint little place. No more than 6 small wooden tables in total and there seemed to be only one waitress on hand. It smelled like Christmas morning. The waitress quickly escorted them to their seats. "I like this place, It's been here for about 70 years and they've never changed the way do things, It's like a time machine." The waitress handed them two menus made out of laminated paper. "No touch screen tablets, you find what you want and call the waitress over." Leonard scanned the menu looking for something to make his mouth water. Some of the menu was in french which made sense it was a gourmet restaurant after all. "Don't worry about the prices, you get what you like, I've got it covered," he said confidently.
Cakie Papercake
11-04-2011, 04:59 PM
"Angry mother, huh? That's hilarious." Olivia said, laughing a little. She stopped as soon as Leonard said the name of the place. "Here? Well, Let's go in." She said, excited. She smacked herself in her mind, knowing she shouldn't act so cheerful. "Damn you, Liv! Calm down!" She yelled in her mind, walking inside. She saw the seats, and caught what he said about the repairs.
"Luckily for me, it was just the screen that cracked. I have him in a little flash drive in my bag. I have to wait until tomorrow to get him back in the E-deck. He only acts like my protective brother, which isn't fair." Olivia explained, smelling the area, and following the waitress.
"No wonder. It smells like Christmas. I would sit here all day, wondering about when I'll get cookies." She smiled, accepting the menu, then digging into her purse, and took out her wallet, before hearing him say he'll pay for it. "You sure? " She asked looking at the menu, and knowing what she wanted.
11-04-2011, 07:18 PM
"Oh so it's just the screen!," Leonard breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought you meant the A.I. itself was damaged, the screen won't cost you more than a cup of coffee now a days." He scanned the menu once more and looked up and her past the top of the laminated paper, "Yes I'm sure, I'm friends with the chef so," He paused and motioned for her to come closer, the sides of the heads now meeting across the table he whispered "so it's all free," the warmth of his breath gently grazing her ear. As he withdrew his head he held his index finger over his lips and made an almost inaudible "shush."
The waitress came by and Leonard pointed on his menu as he spoke, "These, please tell Monsieur Edgar that Leonard wants the chocolate Crêpe's and a coffee with a shot of kahlua in it." He turned his eyes from the waitress to Olivia, "Your turn." he said rather smugly. As soon as she finished ordering he opened his mouth, "So lets do some boring get to know you chatter," he proposed and promptly followed up with,"What do you do for a living?"
Cakie Papercake
11-04-2011, 07:48 PM
"Yep. Just the screen." Olivia said to him, looking at the menu, and giggling a bit. "He's not broken. Even if the machine was broken, doesn't mean I can't just pull out the sd card and put him in another E-deck. I found out about that when the Ai told me about it. There's a hidden slot for it." She added, having exactly what she wanted. She heard what Leonard said to her, and nodded her head.
Once the waitress came by, she waited until Leonard finished, and ordered. "And I'll have the Banana french toast with a Peach Iced tea."She told the waitress, before she left. She looked at Leonard and heard what he said.
"Well, if it's that boring for a chatter, we should make it fun." She started, hearing the first question. "I work as an journalist for the food magazine. I read about this place, well, they told me about the french toast here, and I'm dying to try it out. What do you work as?" She replied, asking a question in the end.
11-04-2011, 08:01 PM
Leonard smiled, "A journalist, someone as pretty as you?" he said a little too comfortably before following up with "hardworking and pretty, I can dig that." he nodded in approval of himself. He paused for a moment, "Everything on this menu is delicious, that's why they all come with an outstanding price tag." He sat up straight in the chair and placed his hands on the table. "I am a freelance bartender," a sly little grin tugged at the corners of his lips. He continued, "I work at several bars, as well as a nightclub on occasions, and depending on my hangover you should be able to tell which one I worked." Leonard was rather pleased with himself.
Soon their food arrived the waitress had a smile as handed Leonard and Olivia their respective orders. On Leonards was a note, he read it and smiled, "Excuse me, waitress, would you remind Edgar that I'm the one who introduced him to his wife." He turned his attention to Olivia "well, here's to a big screen, without it we wouldn't be here." He began to eat the food groaning contently at the first bite.
Cakie Papercake
11-04-2011, 08:31 PM
Olivia heard the complement and couldn't help but blush a little. "That's so sweet." She replied, hearing what he works as. "Oh so I can go try to find you, and have a drink with you. See how funny you are when you're drunk. My friends tell me I'm hilarious when I'm drunk. I know I hate the hangovers, so I don't drink a lot." She replied, seeing the waitress back with their food, and cutting into the french toast.
"Yeah, the Big screen." She said, taking a bite into the piece of food, before taking a sip of the tea. "Hot! Hot!" She said, blushing of embarrassment. She swallowed the piece, looking at Leonard. "I forgot that it was hot." She said, laughing a little at herself.
11-04-2011, 09:00 PM
"Yeah it's always a riot when I'm slinging the poison," he said in between bites. He brought the cup of spiked coffee to his lips blowing on it before inhaling a small measure into his mouth. He smacked his lips together in satisfaction. Light began to emanate from his pocket once more. "I know, two cups of coffee already isn't good for me." He shook his head with a smile and sighed.
Leonard laughed at her not mockingly or maliciously but in a lighthearted manner. "Be careful with that." He finished his meal and wiped his mouth with the over-sized napkins that had been provided for them. Out of the corner of his eye Leonard spotted a portly dark skinned man who appeared to be of El Salvadorian descent, it was the chef his friend Edgar. Leonard offered a lazy salute as the man approached removing his chefs hat.
"Leonard, this girl with you?" his accent was a bizarre combination of Spanish and French. Edgar turned towards Olivia than back to Leonard "you don't deserve that at all." He turned back towards Olivia once more, "You stay away from this guy, hes no good" he said affectionatly as he patted Leonard on the shoulder.
Leonard looked up towards Edgar, "Delicious as always my friend, and this is Olivia, shes a reporter for a food magazine, perhaps you could give her an interview sometime?"
Edgar shook his head, "You eat my food for free than go telling me to give her an interview, you're really trying hard to impress her aren't you?"
"Stick to cooking Edgar," The two of them shared a laugh and Edgar nodded and looked towards Olivia, "Any friend of Leonards is a friend of mine, feel free to drop by anytime for an interview." Edgar bowed and replaced the chefs hat back atop his head.
Cakie Papercake
11-04-2011, 09:09 PM
"I can tell. You wanted alcohol in your coffee. Such a weird combination." She replied, eating some more french toast. She saw his E-deck glowing again, and smiled.
"She's watching out for you, in case you cause another riot." She added, joking but giggling as well.
She saw the chef coming, and had a smile. It remained there after he told her that Leonard didn't deserve her, and he was no good. She heard about the interview and shook her head. "Nice to meet you too, Chef. My friend is right. This french toast it really delicious. You do remember, Charlotte? She came here four months ago to ask about your breakfast." she asked, hoping the chef remembered.
She was told that the chef is her friend now, and bowed lightly. "It's an honor to become your friend, Chef Edgar. You'll see me here often now for this french toast." Olivia said, smiling more. "Don't worry, I'll pay for it next time." She added, giggling.
11-04-2011, 10:16 PM
"Charlotte," his voice trailed off for a moment and he whispered to himself for several moments, "Ah yes! I was unable to interview with her though she kept coming in during lunchtime rushes." Edgar kept his eyes trained on Olivia,
"You'll pay?" Edgar said with a smile on his face, "I like her already!" Edgar took note of several customers who had just entered the establishment, "Excuse me, you two enjoy your meal." Edgar scurried back to the kitchen rather quickly for a man of his size.
Leonard finished his meal as well as his coffee and sighed contently "That hit's the spot," He stood up and placed a tip on the counter for the waitress before producing the e-deck from his pocket, "Tell Molly your information and shell forward to you my work schedule for the next day or two." He stretched his arms over his head as he closed his eyes, "I'm gonna hold you to your offer of coming in for a drink." He patiently stood as he casually glanced towards the door.
Cakie Papercake
11-04-2011, 10:49 PM
"Yeah, she told me about coming here for lunch. I always ordered it from somewhere else. You know, pizza place." She said to him, finishing her food. "Yes, I will pay, don't worry." She added, before waving. "Bye." She said to him, looking at Leonard.
"He's nice." She said to him, finishing her Peach tea. Olivia said the E-deck, and smiled. "I guess I can do that. Hope Molly doesn't try to kill me." She said, joking around, but laughing. She gave Molly her information, and winked. "I guess you will. I'll see when I can. Maybe we can have enjoy the day, and get my E-Deck. Kinda scared to go there, cause there's this creepy guy who hits on me. I think he's a stalker." She added, handing him the E-Deck. She looked at the door, and blinked.
11-04-2011, 11:08 PM
"I thought I saw someone, must be my imaginatio-" he was cut off by an angry Australian female voice "Or your hangover dumbass!" The e-deck was glowing. "Oh god I must have turned back on her volume!"Leonard exclaimed. He placed his hand over his face, molly continued, "Where do you get off muting me for that long!" "Not long enough!" he shot back down at the e-deck, Molly gasped "why yo-" Leonard clicked off her volume once more and looked to Olivia and laughed as the e-deck lit up furiously like a fireworks display.
"Let's get out of here" he stood up and offered her a hand and pulled her up out of the chair. The two of them stepped out of the cozy little place and were back onto the loud noisy epileptic streets of Metro city. They were bombarded with the advertisements on the tops of Taxis, Holographic billboards, Signs that glowed in colors Leonard never knew the names of. "You headed down this way?" he pointed up the street. It was still raining, but it had let up.
Cakie Papercake
11-04-2011, 11:30 PM
Olivia heard the E-Deck being furious at Leonard, and giggled. "Someone's mad again." She said, before he offered his hand to her. She accepted them, and got up, walking out of the restaurant, watching the taxis, and the advertising was pretty weird for her. She saw Leonard pointing to a street, and nodded her head.
"Yeah, I'm headed that way. I got a day off, and I'm just going to do a couple of things at home." She replied, shaking her head. "And A present. I don't know what to get for my best friend. Her birthday is coming."
11-04-2011, 11:43 PM
"Mollys a real character, you'd think something as angry as her would have been cheaper than the polite ones but she cost me a pretty penny or two." He looked down at the e-deck "But to be honest, I don't think I'd want another A.I.", Leonard clicked back on the volume, "Don't think you can sweet talk your way out of this on-" Leonard clicked back off the volume and put the e-deck in his pocket.
"A birthday present? get her some lingerie" he said jokingly, "I got the day off too and since you offered to have breakfast with me, I'll help you out some." The two of the began walking down the sidewalk. The crowd had thinned out by now as most people had gone to work. In fact, if it weren't for the electric noise it would have just been the sound of falling rain and their footsteps.
They quickly arrived at one of the upscale shopping centers. The frame-less glass doors slid open effortlessly as the two of them stepped in and were greeted by an female voice with a light french accent. "Bonjour Mademoiselle and Monsieur, how can I be of assistance today?" It was the stores A.I. Leonard shrugged and looked to Olivia, "After you."
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 12:14 AM
"Well, she sounds fun, actually. Angry with the guys, but she might have a soft side I want to find." Olivia said, walking with him. She looked at the stores, hearing how she should buy Ciela lingerie, knowing that it was a joke. "Actually, I wanted to buy that for myself." She said, covering her mouth, taking his offer. "Well, it's be awesome to have someone to shop with. I gotta warn you, no girly things. She's not exactly a fan of that." Olivia warned, looking at the shopping center, and walked inside. "Why thank you." She said to him. Once she saw inside, she had an idea of what stores she should check out.
11-05-2011, 12:25 AM
Leonard remembered her comment about her wanting "to buy that for myself."He looked Olivia up and down from the backside and fantasized about her in lingerie. A dumb look unloaded on his face and he let out a slight moan before catching himself. He straightened up and coughed "mm yeah it's uhh" he stopped "If we get done early with a gift for your friend I wouldn't mind helping you pick out some lingerie."
The stupid look on his face telegraphed what he had been thinking about just moments ago. "well you know your friend better than me, You lead the way."
Just as they started to walk the stores A.I. Spoke "Monsieur, lingerie can be found on the second floor in the norther part of the store, shall i feed your A.I. the location?" Leonard's face became slightly redder "No that's okay well find it!" He hurried behind Olivia.
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 12:40 AM
Olivia kept looking around, memorizing the name of the stores, before hearing Leonard talking. "Well, I'll take that offer. Let's go." She replied, walking to the stores, nodding her head.
"She's not a picky friend. She's just not very fond of some female things." She replied, hearing the A.I talking about the location of the lingerie, blushing more. "U...Um, yeah, let's go, Leonard." She replied, hiding her face.
"Do you have any hobbies, Leonard?" She asked, browsing at the windows, making sure he couldn't see.
11-05-2011, 01:14 AM
"Yeah, I've got a few nothing special though, cooking, lazer-tag-blading-jetpacking, reading, and role-playing, to name a few," he paused as they kept looking through the store windows. "How about you, what do you like to do in your spare time? other than lingerie shopping with perfect strangers" he teased her. The Holographic mannequins that changed outfits every 4 minutes were quite peculiar. Only the high class places still used actual real mannequins. But those ones were a tad creepy as they looked incredibly lifelike.
"What about your friend what does she like? that might help us find gift for her"
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 01:20 AM
"Ahh, those are interesting hobbies, actually." Olivia replied, walking and looking inside, wondering what's with the fashion in a few stores. "Haha, Lingerie shopping with a strangers is not my thing, but I do like to write on my spare time. Not about food, either. I'm a story writer... never actually published a book, so to say, but meh. It's fun. I play video games, I role-play a little, just when I can, and paint. Those are my hobbies." She replied to his question, giggling a little.
"She likes earthy things. Like plants and such. She does ballet as well. She's also into the weather. I have no idea why, but she's my best friend for ya."
11-05-2011, 01:49 AM
"So you write stories, that' s pretty cool, not too many people do that nowadays, it's kind of sad." They continued to walk the endless stretch of stores, "you've got a lot of hobbies I wouldn't associate with a girl like you." He listened to her speak and heard the phrase "Earthy things," he shook his head. "I don't think they have plants in this mall." They continued walking "ballet," he muttered to himself as they came across a store that carried fine footwear. "They might have some shoes for your friend in here, lets check it out"
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 02:03 AM
"Yeah. It is very, very sad." She replied, walking more. "Yeah, they call me weird for having those hobbies. But I never cared. They kinda prevented me from having boyfriends." She added, looking at Leonard, with a sigh. "I bet you think I'm such a weird girl, huh?" she asked him, shaking her head. "I try to be like the average girl, but it doesn't work well." She added, before changing the subject. "Yeah, malls are lame like that, she says." Olivia replied, walking to the footwear store.
"Let's go." She said, walking to the door, and then inside.
11-05-2011, 02:11 AM
"Average?" Leonard commented, "Why would you want to be like everyone else, no one gets awards for being average, and to answer your question I think your interesting" he said as they walked into the store. They were greeted by a Hologram of a sales woman who said something in Russian. Leonard shook his head and the woman's voice tried another language, this time English. "There we are, we're looking for Ballet shoes?" he said unsure as to what ballet shoes were actually called.
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 02:24 AM
Olivia smiled to what he said, reassuring a little piece of her mind that it was okay to be weird. "You're right, I guess." She said to him, looking at the hologram sales lady, and then what Leonard said in English.
"We're looking for point shoes. Do you have any?" Olivia asked her, looking at Leonard again. "I took a ballet class or two when I was a little girl. Had to stop because I was developing... feminine features." She added, winking at him.
11-05-2011, 02:42 AM
"Feminine features," Leonard repeated as the two of them quickly followed the sales woman's hologram around the store. As they followed her Leonard drew images of Olivia in lingerie once more, his face turned a shade resembling that of an apple. He checked out Olivia from behind once more noting her long legs and gorgeous curves. She could be a model if she wanted to but she was a reporter, that combination of smarts and beauty was driving him off the walls, But he remained composed and as sly as ever.
It was strange how a footstep noise was produced every time the fake woman took a step. Even her cloths ruffled as she adjusted in them. The must have been speakers installed into the floor or something like that. They passed several rows of shoes before finally arriving to the ballet ones. On the way there Leonard noticed a pair of black leather shoes that would be perfect for his bar-tending job. He slipped over and grabbed a box in his size and nudged Olivia on the shoulder, "You know what they say about men with big feet" he paused "they have big socks" he winked.
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 02:55 AM
"Yes. Feminine Features." She replied, shaking her head. She was walking, and looking at the different shoes, one of the being the boots that she was wearing herself. Tall, and a jet black that reached onto her knees, and all it had was a zipper. She felt a nudge from Leonard, and looked at him. She saw the shoes he picked, and heard what he said, almost immediately turning red. "Oh really. Do you have big feet?" She asked him, looking down quickly, before looking at his face, seeing it red. She noticed the lady stopping, and smiled, thanking god. The footsteps were annoying with Olivia's train of thought, then again the noise creeped her out. She looked at the ballet shoes, and smiled.
11-05-2011, 03:39 AM
Leonard chucked when she blushed. "you started it with your feminine features!" he continued to tease before he settled down and regained his composure. "Yes these will be perfect, I've been meaning to get new bartending shoes." They spotted the ballet shoes and found the proper size. "I'm sure she'll love them." They took the shoe boxers to the checkout counter. The hologram stood behind the counter and Leonard pulled out his e-deck, "Molly, authorize transaction." The lights flashed once and that was it. The sales woman Thanked him for his purchase. he stood to the side and let Olivia pay for the shoes. As he did he eyed her figure from the front this time. "You weren't kidding about those feminine features," he said in a cocky tone as he eyed her just a few moments longer.
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 03:48 AM
Olivia giggled, and pointed to his face. "You were checking me out, huh? Is it a nice view back there?" She asked him, picking the color of the shoes, a creamy yellow. Once they got the shoes, and walked to the register, seeing him pay for the shoes he picked out, and smiled. She took out her money, and id, since her E-deck was gone until further notice. She got the back for the shoes, and caught what Leonard said, blushing a bit.
"And it looks like you weren't lying about the big sock." She said, giving a sneaky smile. "Where else do you want to go?" Olivia asked him.
11-05-2011, 04:11 AM
Leonard raised an eyebrow as he listened to her sock comment. He looked down to his pants and looked back up at her and grinned devilishly "Oh you are a bad girl Olivia," The two of them left the shoe store and looked around. "Well you did say something about buying some lingerie" he said through his teeth as he held that same grin. He remembered what the A.I. from earlier had said, with that in mind he took Olivia by the hand and they began walking to an elevation pad.
It was a tiny disk only big enough for two grown people, but they were everywhere and operated quickly. All one had to do to operate it was stand and speak which floor they wished to be taken too. As soon as the destination was spoken a small plastic like ring came around the pad in order to ensure no one fell.
Olivia and Leonard stepped onto the pad. They stood on the pad together their bodies inches away but they managed to fit on the same pad "Second floor please" The plastic ring formed and pressed them together, "comfortable?" Leonard asked as he felt her chest press into his.
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 04:26 AM
Olivia nodded her head, winking at him, and held her bag tightly. "Well, did you think I was a good girl, being a journalist and all? Being bad excites my lifestyle a little." She said to him, hearing him talk about lingerie, and nodded her head.
"Well, let's go then." She said to him, following him to the elevation pad. She looked at him as they stepped into the pad, and winked. "Very tight, really. It's comfy knowing a man like you is being a pillow for these. I bet you're enjoying this, a girl like me all on you." she said to him, blushing a little as her body was on his. She looked at him with the same smile she had before.
11-05-2011, 04:57 AM
"Oh, well pardon me miss bad girl." he said as the two of them squeezed together on the pad. As she pushed into him with her chest he smirked down at her "You really weren't joking earlier." He pressed back into her, "don't act like you don't enjoy having me here either." He smiled back down at her with the same cocky grin as before. The pad stopped and the ring dissipated.
The stepped off and were right in front of the lingerie store. This store used real mannequins in it's display windows. They were all dressed in an assortment of lingerie, red, blue, purple, black, white, lace, see through, they had it all. Leonard glanced at the window than back down at Olivia. "So miss naughty reporter," he joked "after you."
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 05:10 AM
Olivia shook her head a little, keeping her smile. "No I wasn't. I would be lying if I said I was innocent. I won't lie to you about one thing, I enjoy you on me." She said to him, feeling the pad stop, and the rings disappear. She stretched a bit, and nodded her head. She looked at the mannequins, and started at the red one.
"Aww, how sweet of you." She said,walking inside the store. She started to wander into the store, and looking at the different kinds of lingerie. She looked at Leonard and held up two different kinds. "Which one should I pick?" She asked, the were both red, but designed differently.
11-05-2011, 06:08 AM
"whichever one shows off more skin," he said in a matter of fact manner. He sat down on an intricately designed bench outside of the changing room and pointed with his eyes for Olivia to go in. "I'll be right here." As he said this he pulled out the e-deck and turned on Mollys volume but set it to whisper.
"Are you enjoying yourself Leonard?" she asked him sarcastically. He chuckled, "Oh come on, you're not jealous are you? besides you said I should meet more people outside of the bar anyways." Molly sighed, "You're right about that last part, and no I'm not Jealous, if anything I'm thankful someone else gets to baby sit you," she said rather smugly.
"Everything okay in there Olivia?" he hollered towards the closed door. "Why don't you go see for yourself," said molly in her sternest tone.
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 06:21 AM
Olivia smiled, and took both of them and went into the dressing room. She started to take off her shirt and skirt, leaving her undergarments on, and started to put on the first lingerie. It had a little fluff around the pantie area, acting as a skirt. She felt a little shy walking out of the dressing room, shaking her head. "I'm coming out right now." She said to herself, walking out of there, giving a twirl for Leonard. "How does this look on me?" She asked, a little red. She saw his E-Deck out, and giggled.
11-05-2011, 06:28 AM
Molly lit up frantically, "Leonard Torii! have you no shame!" said molly in a flustered voice. All he could do was laugh "You know me well enough to answer that question yourself Molly." He muted the E-deck and set molly down on the bench before returning his attention to Olivia. He noticed the tattoo on her arm. "A tattoo, that's kind of cool. He looked her up and down, he shifted back and fourth, it was obvious he was getting hot and bothered, but he crossed his arms across his chest and simply nodded, "Not bad, how about the other one?"
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 06:34 AM
Olivia looked at the E-Deck of his lighting up, giggling a little. "She's mad again." She replied, hearing Molly flustered. She looked at her arm and nodded her head. "Yep. Won't do surgery to remove it either. word of advise though, the one with red ink tend to cost more." She replied, doing a curtsy, before going back into the dressing room, changing into the other lingerie. This one was a strapless one with a skirt as well as the first one, but this one could pass as a bathing suit. She turned around in the dressing room to look at the mirror and blushed.
"Wow.. I think he'll pick this one better." She said to herself, walking out of the dressing room, and twirled for him. "What about this one?" She asked him.
11-05-2011, 06:46 AM
Leonard tugged the top of his collar down somehow even though it was a v neck. He swallowed hard as his facial expression was the complete opposite of a poker face. "It's positively bewitching." he said at the bottom of his breath. His eyes drank her in from head to toe. Her curves teasing him, he wanted nothing more than a wardrobe malfunction at this very moment. But to his dismay it never happened. "Definitely this one, it would be a shame not to," he said boldly. He set his hand down on the e-deck accidentally and molly exclaimed "Oh please Leonard!"
"I like it when you beg Molly." he quipped and snickered. "Shut up," said Molly who was now rather annoyed with Leonard's behavior.
He stood up and longed to touch Olivia but realized that this was probably as good as it was going to get for their first day out together. Not wanting to press the stupid amount of luck he was having he simply smiled. "Go ahead and change out of it Olivia," he said as he started back towards the checkout counter. He placed the e-deck on the counter, "I'd like to cover the cost of the linger that young woman over there is going to bring out here in just a few moments."
"Really Leonard?" said Molly as she acquiesced per his request. "Sure, if I play my cards right It's gonna be like I bought it for myself." He said smugly and Molly let out a disgusted groan.
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 06:53 AM
"Okay. This one it is." Olivia said, seeing Leonard's face. It was priceless to her. She went right back into the dressing room, looking at herself one last time, before taking off the lingerie. "Buying this won't be too bad. I got a little spending money for myself." She said, putting on her red shirt, then the belt, and lastly the blue skirt. "This day is good enough for me." She added, before walking out with her clothes, purse, the bag with the shoes, and the lingerie, all ready to go.
"Wonder how much is this." She said to herself, going to the register, and looking at the checkout lady, before looking at Leonard.
"Molly looks both disgusted and upset. What did you say?" She asked, having the clueless smile that tricked many.
11-05-2011, 07:07 AM
Molly blurted out, "Leonard's paying for your lingerie cos hes hoping to see your naughty bits." Molly chuckled and fell silent, however the e-deck lit up once or twice before going completely dark. Leonard looked to the sales lady and she simply laughed. He than shot a glance over to Olivia and he held his hands up "Can't blame a guy for trying can you?" Leonard's face was as guilty as a sin but he stood there with the same grin that Olivia had to have become accustomed to seeing by now.
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 07:11 AM
Once Olivia heard this, she giggled. "Ahh, Leonard that's both sweet, and perverted of you. Thank you." She replied, placing the lingerie on the table, winking at him. "No, I can't blame you for trying." she added, looking at it before, shaking her head. "I haven't wore lingerie in a while. I used to wear it to walk around my apartment until I one day just forgot to. Maybe it was cause I was busy at work and such." She replied, seeing the sales lady putting it in a bag before handing it to Olivia. "Now where to next?" Olivia asked, smiling.
11-05-2011, 07:30 AM
Molly exclaimed, "How is she not upset at you Leonard, you have the stupidest amount of luck you know that!" Leonard simply shrugged and moved to mute Molly once more. "Not so fast Leonard, you need to get going" Leonard blinked, "Do I have any appointments set up for today?" Molly went silent for a minute before finally coming back to life, "No, you have work to do." Leonard check the time, it was only two in the afternoon. Molly continued, "You just need to get going okay, I'll fill you in on the details." Molly went silent once more.
He looked over to Olivia, "I guess i have to get going some where," he said with uncertainty tainting his voice as he looked down at the e-deck desperate for an explanation that was never going to come. He shrugged his shoulders and let them hang, "Guess my luck had to run out eventually." He stuffed the e-deck back into his pocket, "Check your e-mail when you get home, Molly's forwarded the bar schedule so I'll see you tomorrow night?"
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 07:39 AM
Olivia smiled, hearing their conversation until they said he had to go. She nodded her head, understandly, and blinked.
"Well, that's alright. I do need to do a couple of more things today before i retire to my home." She told Leonard, sad to see him go, but they were busy. She heard to check her email, and gave a thumbs up. "You got it. Thanks for everything today." She said to him, before walking out of the lingerie store, and walking to the pad. She knew that the stairs would work out for the better, and walked to them. She walked down the stairs, but instead of to the doors, she walked to a chocolate store. "Mmm... my sweet tooth gets the best of me." She said to herself, holding her bags, walking in with two bags, and walking out with three. Olivia knew that she had to get home to her computer to check a few details, and then relax for the rest of the day. She walked out and headed on home.
Once she got to her house, she dropped her bags, and went online, checking the place to see if they still held her lot for the party, which they did, and checked the status of the cake. She finished with that, and went straight to her email, seeing that he did send on.
"So this is his schedule." She said to herself, knowing that she needed to wear something nice. "Ahh, I'll start to go on the role-playing site, after I eat." Olivia said to herself, running to the fridge to put the chocolate and iced coffee in there, and get out a fruit salad that she made. "Mmm." She said to herself.
11-05-2011, 07:51 AM
Molly clicked back as soon as Olivia was gone. "Molly what the hell are you going on about?" Leonard exclaimed as he rode the pad down to the ground floor. Molly started out, "Well I didn't want to embarrass you in-front of her Leonard but you've got several messages waiting a reply on that role play forum," she paused as if taking a breath," You told me to inform you as soon as they got in but you muted me for most of today!" Leonard face palmed, "Oh of course! how could I be so stupid, I've got to check back in on my harry potter rp, We were resurrecting Voldemort with the one ring!" He looked around to make sure no one had heard him.
Leonard quickly stepped outside and hailed a light cab. He hopped inside and told the holographic driver his address, "Please hurry, it's an emergency" he told the cabs A.I. with a grim face.Soon he was home, without even changing he sat down in front of the computer. His heart was racing as beads of sweat began to trickle down his face. He desperately clicked before pausing, his eyes flung wide open, "I'm dead? son of a bitch!"
"I'm so sorry Leonard, your character wasn't quick enough to evade harry's machine gun," said Molly apologetically. Leonard Sighed, "Thats okay, I'll start up a new Role play, I think I'm in the mood for a romance." He promptly titled a thread "Seeking 1x1 fantasy romance by L33tRPGUY." Satisfied with his post he begun to change his cloths.
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 08:01 AM
Olivia was eating her fruit salad with yogurt and nuts, smiling. "Mmm. So I'ma sign in right here." She said to herself, putting her username and password, and looked at her role-plays she was in, which were three, since she found it easier to work with, and posted in all of them, while eating her salad of course. She finished posting, laughing a bit since it was a comedy, and started to look around in latest threads.
"Ooo. a romance. I should ask him to role-play with me." She said to herself, and started to type a response. What a silly name I picked for myself." She told herself, before hitting submit reply. "LynaTheChocobo... Must have been playing too much Final Fantasy 3. Such an old school game. Thank goodness they remade it again." She said to herself, waiting for a reply, while eating a pineapple.
11-05-2011, 08:19 AM
Leonard was dancing around his room in his boxers singing to himself, "Man Olivia was pretty hot though, you have to admit Molly, even you want a piece of that." "Leonard you are a complete idiot as well as a pig-" she trailed off, "Leonard you've got a reply in regards to your romantic role play request." Leonard ran over to the chair in front of his desk and sat down. The hydraulic lift yielded before rebounding back to it's original height. He navigated the forums and found the reply to his request.
LynaTheChocobo, Leonard sat there and scanned through her profile. He than searched for role plays that she was currently involved in. "Hmm shes not bad at all, at least shes not a complete noob," said Leonard as he scratched himself.
Leonard set out to type a reply, Hey babe, thanks for hitting me back up, I think you've got what it takes to keep me entertained in a role play, should be a lot fun, here's my character sheet, hes pretty much like me just more awesome, let me know when you want to start doing this and well get going, xoxo - L33tRPGUY
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 08:27 AM
Olivia added the little sd card to a separate laptop she had, older than the one she was using and giggled, seeing her A.I, Oliver, sleeping. "How cute." She said to herself. She knew she had to wake him up sooner or later, and pressed the space button. He shook a little before looking at Olivia on the computer. "I could have sworn I was on the E-Deck already." He said to her, before catching her typing, seeing the reply the guy gave her.
"Well, Oliver. I met a guy who was pretty handsome today." She said as she was typing. Oliver gave a laugh. "A boyfriend at last?" He asked, Olivia looked at him, shaking her head. "I wish." She said, before reviewing it.
Well, that's nice of you to call me babe, and Thank you. I think the same way about you, sugar. I think I'll have to meet you before I can agree with you. I placed my character sheet below this little paragraph, and she's a bit like me. And I want to get started Asap. Kinda bored. ~LynaTheChocobo She hit reply, and looked at Oliver. "Now to wait for his reply." She said to her AI, who was laughing.
11-05-2011, 08:39 AM
"You've got a reply Leonard," said Molly, but for the last 10 minutes he had been desperately clicking the refresh button, "I don't know why you do that Leonard," sighed molly, "I always inform you as soon as the reply gets in." she paused "Are you even listening to me Leonard?!" She was irritated but that was how things were between her and Leonard. "Quiet woman, I'm trying to read this message from Lyna!"
"I'm not a woman Leonard," she sighed once more as she read the reply along with Leonard. "You've got to be kidding me," exclaimed Molly. "Oh what do you know," said Leonard, "I think her character sounds awesome."
He began to type feverishly, Your character sounds awesome babe. If shes anything like you I would love to meet up IRL. How's about we have our characters start off as first years in Hogwarts except my guy uses a sword cos hes awesome like that. Leonard scanned through the message and nodded, "looks good," he said and without waiting for molly's approval he hit send.
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 08:47 AM
Olivia was walking with Oliver, while playing angry birds. Oliver was asking questions, and of course, she was answering them. She saw that she got a reply, and read it out loud to Oliver.
"That is funny. He can use swords in Harry Potter." He said to her. She nodded her head. "It's just an Rp, Oliver. Relax." She said, thinking of a reply, until she figured one out.
Thank you, sweetie. But meeting me is difficult. You live in god knows where, and I live here. Well, I guess we can start there, but a sword? Why a sword? Oh well, might as well start off like that. ;3 She send the reply, after reading it to Oliver, and he let out another laugh. Then she resumed in playing angry birds again, waiting for his reply.
11-05-2011, 09:04 AM
----------Later that day.
Leonards fingers poured over the keyboard as if they were the heads of a hydra. His fingers were sore but he managed to press on. He paused for a moment, "ugh I can't think of-" he stopped and resumed typing, beads of sweat ran down the back of his neck. He was breathing irregularly, and Molly asked, "Are you okay Leonard?" "Yeah, I'm fine molly, this role play is just super intense." His heart pounded away just as fingers did at the keyboard , he kept this up for several more moments before stopping to read his post.
Rawr, I have slain the mighty Leviathan with my gun-blade-wand of a thousand darknesses" He exclaimed as he raised the mighty blade over his head. Now where is my woman? There she is! Suddenly he sprouted wings and flew down to her even though she was only several feet away from him. "I have rescued you once again, come let us make love. He kissed her on the lips, she tasted of peaches. "I love you"
A mighty singular tear ran down Leonards face, "Damn that was epic," he looked over at the clock it was now 1 in the morning. "Holy hell, that LynaTheChocobo sure knows how to role play. I haven't had this much fun in days!" he exclaimed. Molly was snoring and Leonard chuckled. I think that's enough for today's he hit reply. He typed her a private message or p.m. as they were called.
That was a lot of fun, I'm going to bed now, We'll continue tomorrow? Sleep tight babe
With a satisfied look on his face leonard climbed into bed and thought about Olivia in the lingerie, the smirk on his face faded as he fell into his slumber.
Cakie Papercake
11-05-2011, 09:15 AM
Olivia was reading the role-play like if it was a book. She was hearing Oliver gasp and laugh, pretend to cry and be angry, and Olivia was enjoying herself, until she let out a yawn.
"So Sleepy..." she said to Oliver, who smiled and nodded his head. "After this post it's off to bed." Oliver said, getting ready to put himself into sleep mode. She nodded and posted one more time.
Seeing him fighting her captor was making her worried, and also excited. Once the mighty Leviathan was killed, all she can do was cheer. "My sweet! Over here!" She said, running to him, stopping for a bit, seeing him fly to her. "Yes, we shall." She replied, kissing him back. "I love you too." She said,having a sweet little smile on her face.
"That was fun." She said, reading the pm. She nodded her head. Yeah. Kinda tired myself. See ya, sugar. She simply sent, before logging off, and turning off her laptop. She saw that Oliver went into sleep mode, and turned off the computer, taking out the sd card, and placing it into the purse. "Sweet dreams, Ollie." She said, before going to bed. She had one of those dreams.
11-05-2011, 07:48 PM
"Leonard," the voice rang out with a sing song tone "Oh Leonard it's ten oh clock, get your ass up." He slowly rose up out of bed, looked over to the monitor, and chuckled, "Morning Molly." Leonard swung his legs over the side of the bed and dipped his toe into the carpet before allowing both of his feet to sink in. "Leonard it's a little windy today but no rain." He yawned as he acknowledged Molly's information and moved to put on some clothing. When he presented with appropriate attire from the clothing rack he shook his head. "Give me something I can work out in, sweats or jogging stuff." The rack retracted into a panel, a few motorized gears hummed to near silence before the rack slowly opened and held what Leonard had requested. "Perfect."
As soon as he had dressed Leonard had stepped out the door and began to make his way towards the gymnasium. It was only several blocks down the road opposite the direction of the metro city square. This was one of the advantages of having an apartment near the heart of the city, everything was a stones throw away. As he ran he watched his breath turn into frost and for a moment felt like one of the characters from his role-plays. Soon he arrived at the gym. although old weights were still very much effective some gyms had integrated or fully adapted to magnetic weights. all one had to do was state what weight they wished to work out on and a magnet in the floor would apply the appropriate for the bar, then one simply worked out as they normally would have. He also had the option of paying for a holographic personal trainer, although they were never quite as good as real people who could provide more in depth advice based on an individuals level of fitness.
He pumped his muscles furiously. It was refreshing to just be out on his own. He had left Molly at home as she could offer little assistance in task of this nature anyways. Leonard performed tireless repetitions making sure to hit his back, chest, his abs, as well as his legs. He performed curled, squats, pullups, whatever else he could do. He was panting now, completely drained, he sat on a bench to catch his breath, as he did so a clock caught his eye. It was now one in the afternoon.
As soon as he had caught his breath he upped himself off the bench and checked out of the gym. He began a slow walk home taking note of all the advertisements and noises that he had completely missed earlier due to his running. Metro city was quite the sight, the salvo of colors and sound as well as smells never ceased to amaze Leonard.
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 02:41 AM
Olivia woke up to the sound of her alarm. She did her usual, threw it at the wall, got up, and went to the shower. She dressed in her regular clothes, and took her daily Iced coffee. Today, it was caramel flavored. She walked to the door, grabbing her purse, and clapped. "Today, I'm getting my E-deck back." She said to herself, knowing that it was the only thing in her plan, besides going to the bar. She walked out of her apartment, and started heading to the store. She passed by the Gym, and sighed. "I wish I could work out again but.. I'm not having perverts look at me." She said to herself, walking past the benches, and feeling mellow. "I think I should take the long way instead." She muttered to herself, before blinking, as if she saw someone familiar.
11-06-2011, 02:56 AM
Leonard reached down and pulled the bottom of his sweat shirt to his face. He wiped the sweat that had began to spawn above his brow. Making sure to avoid those waling around him Leonard stretched out and grunted as he took several steps. "I should get home soon and shower, my muscles are getting tight." He said to himself as he made his way down the sidewalk. Leonard paused for several moments as he walked by the windows of the various shops, "Wow I really look pumped after a workout," that is in the reflection of one of the mirrors he thought he spotted a familiar face. Quickly he turned and and peered down the street, "Olivia!" he waved over to her. He walked up to her casually, "What are you doing here?" he said as he was still catching his breath.
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 03:00 AM
Olivia tilted her head, seeing Leonard waving and walking to her. She giggled, pulling out her sd card.
"Today, I'm going to get my E-Deck back. Unfortunately, I'm going alone. I'm going to hear it from that guy... He said the next time I go there, I better have a boyfriend or something. Wonder if he got fired yet." She replied, looking up and down at Leonard, looking at his gym clothes. "And you were working out today? Trying to look impressing for me before tonight?" She asked, remembering about the bar date.
11-06-2011, 03:30 AM
"Thats good, I'll finally get to meet the guy, hopefully hes just as fun as Molly," he laughed. "Can you blame a guy for hitting on you?" He looked down at his cloths which were drenched in his sweat, "I'm just trying to make sure there's plenty of beefcake to around, but you can have more than a slice." He winked at her with a handsome grin. "So you are coming tonight, I'll let the bouncer know so he won't give you too much trouble."
He looked Olivia up and down, "sometime I'd like to see you in work out stuff as well." Leonard joked, "not that you need to work out." He shuddered as a cold wind blew into his back setting the sweat into ice, "I gotta get going, good to see ya!"
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 03:47 AM
"Yes. But he treats me like a sister and a friend and not a wife or girlfriend. Which is good." She replied to him, before shaking her head. "I'm not interested. He's a creep, one of those geeky type, but not the ones who play video games. He's the one who watches hentais and other pornos." She added, hearing his next sentences. "Mmm. I'll like that." She said to him, giving a sly smile. "I'll make sure I wear something... appetizing for your eyes." She said to him, nodding her head, feeling the breeze. "I should totally get to the store before it gets colder." She replied, walking to the store, and shaking a bit.
Once she got to the AI store, her fear came true. The guy who always tried to get with her was there. Olivia looked to see if there was anyone else, and there was. A girl who had a smile on her face. Olivia went to the girl, knowing her, and she smiled. "How may I help you, Liv?" She asked. Olivia caught the guy stare at her, and walked towards them. "I'll take care of her." He said, with Olivia shaking her head.
"She came to me, Trevor. Buzz off." the sales girl replied, turning to Olivia. "I see you're here for your E-Deck, Liv. You can finally play with Oliver." She added, giving th E-deck to the girl. Olivia smiled, and paid the other half. "Thanks. He's dying to be in the E-Deck again." She replied, taking out the sd card, and placing it into the hidden slot of the E-Deck. She turned it on, and saw the loading screen. Once it was on, she heard a familiar voice.
"This feels familiar... Wait.. The E-deck? I feel great!" Oliver said, in a happy tone. "And just in time too." he added. Olivia thanked the girl before putting the E-deck away, about to walk out, when she saw the guy blocking the front door.
"You promised me a date. And I see you don't have a boyfriend... so... you're mine." He said. Olivia laughed, before kicking him. "Nope. I'm not. Now leave me alone." She said, before walking out. She started to head back home, well, running.
11-06-2011, 04:40 AM
Leonard got home and quickly showered off the stench of the gym. He admired his physique in the mirror, he wasn't scrawny but he wasn't too ripped either. Molly chimed in, "Oh please Leonard don't you ever get sick of looking at yourself?"
He chuckled, "Why are you watching then babe?", "The nerve on you!" she exclaimed as she clicked out of the intercom. Leonard let out a satisfying laugh, and mumbled "too easy." Just then Molly clicked on, "Hey your friend from the chat last night just logged on."
with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist Leonard rushed to the computer and plopped himself down. he rubbed his hands over his lips and smiled LynaTheChocobo was on, he p.m.'d her
Hey babe, last night was pretty awesome, i got some time to kill before work, how's about we get in a few post, It's your go if I remember correctly. He hit send and eagerly awaited her reply.
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 04:51 AM
Olivia was walking home, and placed headphones into her E-Deck. She was hearing music on there, and was seeing Oliver was dancing away in there. Once she reached him, she closed the door, and placed Oliver on the table, placing somethings into the fridge, when he came out. Ironically, he looked like a Male version of her.
"Finally. I get to hug you." he said, seeing her giggle, and go onto the computer, carrying the E-Deck with her. She turned on the computer, and started to look about. "I still don't know where the name came from." She said to Oliver. He laughed. A few minutes later, she got a pm. She read it, and blinked.
Oh, sugar, I posted already, but you got offline. So it is your go. And I have plans too later at night. She replied, sending the message. She looked at Oliver, who blinked.
"Well, then. Should I walk about your house?" He asked her. She nodded her head. "Yes you should. You haven't been out of an electronic device in a while." She replied, waiting for his reply.
11-06-2011, 05:25 AM
Leonard began to pour over her response. He giggled as he read it and nodded his head, "wow shes got some great ideas, who is this chick? she must be a professional writer or something" he whispered to himself as so Molly wouldn't hear him. He set out to begin typing a post, as he did he kept on wondering what was this girl like?, what did she do?, who was she? He spun around in his chair in order to defeat s small case of writers block. After a good long ten minutes of thinking he finally knew which direction he wanted to go in. He settled into his chair as he began to assault the keyboard.
So the mighty warrior graknar raised his wand-sword-gun over his head and manifested a flying carpet, "come my lady your chariot awaits." The two of them stepped onto the carpet and flew around new york city in search of trouble makers, when suddenly dark wizards began to chase them with jet-packs. "Yeah that looks good," said Leonard as he sipped on a cup of coffee. Molly then pinged him, "Leonard, its 10:30, yo have to get to work." He nodded and thought about Olivia for a moment.
He sent a P.M. to LynaTheChocobo and it read, Hey sexy, i gotta get off, I got some stuff to do, take care of your beautiful self, until next time xoxo - L33tRPGUY
Leonard then Got up out of the chair, still dressed in the towel and tossed it off. "Molly, my uniform please." The clothing rack opened up and soon he was dressed in black slacks, black leather shoes, a white dress shirt, a black vest, with a black bow tie. He picked up the e-deck and pointed to it, "Come on Molly we got work to do."
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 05:48 AM
Olivia was waiting for the reply, when Oliver twitched. "Your reply is there. Refresh if you may." He said to her. "God, I miss saying that." he added, seeing Olivia reading the post. She nodded her head to herself, and started to reply, hearing Oliver blinking a little.
"Hey Liv... You got plans for tonight. You gotta get ready." He said to her. "Alright, last post." Olivia said to him.
Lyna sees her lover create a flying carpet, blushing as it was her ride. She got on, and cuddled on Graknar. She felt the wizards with jet packs chasing them, regretting that she forgot her wand. "Behind us!" she cried out to him, afraid that she was to get killed. She posted her reply, and looked at her pms. She said that he had to leave, and whimpered a little. She started to type, sending it after she was done.
"Oh, pumpkin, I'm going to miss role-playing for tonight, but I have to be off too. Going to see a friend. Love, LynaTheChocobo she got up and took off her clothes, taking a shower, and getting something different. She pulled out her red dress, which was a spaghetti strap, which went up to just above her knees. The back of it was bare, seeing her skin and the tattoo there. She wore her black heels, and fixed her ponytail, before getting a smaller purse. Once Oliver caught a sight of her, he whistled. "Whoo, whoever you're trying to impress, you're going to make him horny for nights, wanting your body." He said, going back into the E-Deck. Olivia smile, putting her keys and other important things in her purse. "You should see me in lingerie." She replied, giggling. Once she was done getting ready, she put Oliver in her purse before leaving. She started to make her way to the bar. She really hoped she wasn't to get raped.
11-06-2011, 06:47 AM
Leonard was in the center of the bar all by himself. There was a large crowd of people infront of him but somehow he was able to get to everyone. He flipped a bottle over his shoulder and spun catching it behind his back. Androids would never be able to do what he did, at least not for a while. sure, robots could pour drinks they were not capable of performing the many bartending tricks Leonard could do.
He took a shot of vodka and help up a lighter before exhaling. A fireball lit up the Bar. Some of the crowed backed away, others were in awe. Eventually everyone applauded as Leonard poured several more drinks. He was an absolutely machine when it came to his craft. He slung drinks down the bar with ease. he mixed the most complicated of drinks in a matter of minutes. The tips were piling up on the bar top. He looked out into the crowd, "Where is Olivia," he thought.
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 06:53 AM
Olivia was looking for the bar, until she finally found it. She saw the bouncer, and told him who she was. She caught him staring at her breasts, and shook her head, walking inside. Once she got there, she saw a group of people there, getting their drinks, and of course, Leonard.
"Psst. Livy. Should I shush?" Oliver asked in a whisper. "Yeah. I'll mute you, kay?" She replied, getting the okay from him, and muted him. She walked up to the bar, and looking at him mixing the drinks, giggling a bit.
"Can i get a a shot of cherry vodka?" She asked, in a seductive voice, wondering if he would recognize her.
11-06-2011, 07:38 AM
Leonard paused as he tossed a bottle of vodka into the air. he saw it was Olivia and smiled before remembering there was a bottle of vodka about to come down on him. Tilting his head to the ceiling he plucked the bottle out of the air. He threw a splash of vodka into the shaker as well as a measure of cherry juice. He shook the shaker violently and tossed it over his back and caught it in front of him. he then emptied the contents into a martini glass and slide it in front of her. "My take on cherry Vodka, a cherry vodka martini, a delicious drink for a delicious looking gal." He winked to her before spinning to the other side of the bar and taking an order, he spun back down to Olivia and smirked, "How's it taste?"
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 07:44 AM
Olivia was watching him make the martini the whole time, not noticing a few guys looking at her body, eye raping her. She saw the martini there, and took a sip, smiling and approving the drink. She heard what he said after that, and turned a little red.
"It's delicious." She replied to him, taking another sip. "Only a handsome and talented guy like yourself could make sure a drink for me. Everyone else either adds too much vodka or too much cherry." She added, finishing the drink.
"So this is where you work, huh?" She said, looking around, only to see the same guys looking at her all goggly eyed. She rolled her eyes, and looked back to Leonard. "Have you met any cute girls here, and got their numbers? You look like the type to attract ladies' attention." She asked him, leaning forward.
11-06-2011, 07:54 AM
Leonard took note of Olivias cleavage as she leaned forward. he raised his eyebrows and bit his lip. He then looked at the guys checking her out, he shouted to them, "You guys gonna sit there and look, that's a three drink minimum!" he laughed loudly as he poured a round of beers and slide them down the bar. He looked to Olivia once more, "I'm talking to a cute girl right now and I already got her number," He then took the cap off of a new bottle and took a shot straight from the bottle. His cheeks became a light rosy shade, "I even got to see her in some hot red lingerie." he winked
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 08:02 AM
Olivia looked at him, and smiled a little, before he spoke to the guys, shaking her head. "Well then, I'm just eye candy for them, huh." she said to him, before hearing his response to her question. "Ahh, I can see you're talking about me. Maybe I can see you in just boxers one day, maybe tease you with lingerie that's hidden in my closet, more revealing than the ones you bought for me." She replied, winking back at him, before drinking the rest of the martini. She his rosy cheeks, and wanted to pinch them, but started to resist.
11-06-2011, 08:12 AM
He downed another swing from the bottle of whiskey and received several cheers. He then fixed up another Cherry Martini, not caring if Olivia had already finished the first one. He sided it down to her and mouthed the words "on the house," from the other en of the bar. Filling his mouth with more alcohol once more he proceeded to fill fifteen shot glasses full of alcohol as well. He then took a lighter and exhaled a long stream of fire which resulted in igniting the fifteen shot glasses. The bar lit up like a Christmas tree. Leonard walked straight over down to Olivia, "Really?, well I get off in thirty minutes babe."
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 08:25 AM
Olivia saw Leonard chucking a bit from the whiskey bottle, and cheered with the several people. She caught the martini, and then his mouth moving, and took another sip. "You read my mind. Getting me another glass." She said to him, seeing the shots lit up, people hanging out, drinking. She waited for Leonard to approach her again, hearing what he said. "Ooo, I can't wait for that. Seeing the Infamous Leonard in just boxers. Wonder if your sock is big like your feet." She replied, winking. She leaned closer, getting as close to his ear as possible. "This dress just proves that I'm not a girl who uses tissues for her breasts." She said, winking at him again, before sitting down, drinking her martini again.
11-06-2011, 08:34 AM
Upon hearing that Leonard down another shot straight from the bottle. He held up one finger to Olivia as he quickly ran down the bar sweeping all of the money and then stuffing it into his pocket. "They still tip with real money, but the drinks are paid for by their e-decks, it's a lot quicker this way." He said to her. He then looked down at his cleavage and shook his head, "Feminine features" he said as he started laughing almost uncontrollably. He regained his composure, "you won't be disappointed baby," he took another swing from the bottle, "Call me the pizza boy cos I can deliver."
He pulled out the shaker and quickly assembled several vodka martinis and slide them down the bar. He then leaned on the bar top and placed his chin on his palm. "That's it, I am done."
He pulled out several of the dollar bills and waved them in front of Olivias face, "you said you were a ballet dance once,well tonight would you like to play a stripper?"
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 08:42 AM
Olivia heard about the tipping with real money, and giggled. "That's cool." She replied, catching him drinking more. She was starting to wonder when did he get drunk. She kept drinking her martini until she finished, hearing what Leonard said next.
"Oh I will, alright. I'll ask for the who pie. All for myself." She said, giving her sly smile again. She caught him waving the dollar bills, being asked to be a stripper.
"As long as I give only you a show, I'll do it." She replied, pointing a finger at him when she said you. She got up, and tipped him herself, catching a few guys getting up after her. "Uh uh. I'm taken already." She said to them, seeing the other girls' expression go from angry to happy again. Olivia looked at Leonard, waiting for him.
11-06-2011, 08:52 AM
Leonard kept the bottle with him as he walked out from behind the bar. His steps were lose and wide but he had the biggest stupidest grin on his face. He then placed an arm around Olivia as they walked outside the bar. He placed his chin on the top of her head and whispered, "My place or yours?" He then placed his lips on the bottle and sucked at it for a minute and offered it to Olivia, "Just one shot, you can do it, your a big girl." His arm around her fell and clung to her curvy waist.
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 08:56 AM
Olivia looked at Leonard take the bottled, and laughed a bit. He is drunk. I'm going to have my fun with him. She said in her mind, seeing the grin on his face, and his arm around her. "I'm guessing my place sounds better. It's a bit closer." She replied, walking and helping Leonard walk as he drank. She took the whiskey bottle, and and held it. "Ahh, I'm more of a vodka fan, Deary." She said to him, walking to her home. Once they got there, she opened the door, leading him inside, and placed him onto the couch. "You wait there." She said, before walking to her room, changing into her lingerie that he had bought her, as well as turning off her computer.
11-06-2011, 09:03 AM
"You know I do have a stripper pole at my house!" he cried out in an overly obnoxious voice. he continued to laugh to himself for several minutes. He then pulled out his E-deck, Molly began to blink, he clicked her on, "hey molly, guess where we are." Molly remained quiet for a minute and said "I've no idea Leonard, where are we?" He laughed and blurted out "Olivias place!" Molly was quiet for a moment then blurted out, "you have the dumbest luck Leonard." he smiled, "I'll talk to you in the morning." He clicked her off and sat back in the couch and took another drink of the whiskey. He called out to Olivia, "babe I'm getting lonely"
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 09:09 AM
Olivia was fixing her hair, letting it loose. She heard Leonard saying he was lonely and walked out, only wearing the lingerie and a robe on. She walked towards him, seeing the whiskey bottle in his hand, and shook her head. "You keep drinking like that, and you won't function properly." She said to him, going towards him, and taking the bottle away. "I really don't want you to dysfunction. Then again, you can't touch a stripper." She added, slowly taking off the robe to reveal the lingerie. She took a few steps back, taking a sip of whiskey, before putting the bottle down.
11-06-2011, 09:18 AM
Leonards face became redder when Olivia came out in her robe. When she slowly peeled it off he sat up in the couch and completely forgot about the bottle of whiskey. "don't worry, nothing could stop me from fu-nctioning with you." He teased and chuckled lightly at his own lame joke.
Leonard pulled out a few of the bills from his pocket, "earn it" he said in a rather cocky tone. His eyes were completely fixated on Olivia watching her every move.
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 09:23 AM
Olivia giggled, hearing his joke, before looking at the bills. She had her sly smile again, and started to get closer to him, giving him a lap dance first, teasing his member a few times with his, but moving after she did. Once she finished her lap dance, she started to do what a stripper does, until it came down to taking off the lingerie. She started to take it off slowly, moving her hips as she did, turning red knowing a man was looking at her body. Her eyes were fixed onto Leonard, wondering what he would do next.
11-06-2011, 09:32 AM
Leonard resisted the urge to touch her as she gave him a lap dance. He took in her scent slowly as she danced for him. She was positively intoxicating. Leonard was getting all sorts of hot and bothered by this point. He sat up completely in his seat enjoying the show Olivia was giving him. By now Leonard had undone his vest and had loosened the bow tie around his neck. He even undid the top buttons as he found the shirt to be stifling. As she began to slowly peel off the lingerie Leonard smirked "come on, earn it." he said in a low seductive voice as he playfully waved a few bills back and fourth.
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 09:38 AM
Olivia saw Leonard undoing his vest and his bow tie, dancing again. She kept taking off her lingerie slowly, before it was all gone, only leaving her underwear left. She held her arms to cover her breasts, hearing his seductive voice got to her badly. "Well, you tell me, how do you want me to earn it, dear?" She asked in a sexy voice, letting go of her chest, and going closer to him, sitting on him now, feeling hot his face was. She took off his vest, and smiled.
"Well? Did I earn it?" She asked him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Are you going to deliver my pizza that I wanted?" She asked him.
11-06-2011, 09:50 AM
Leonard tilted his face upwards and their lips met. She tasted like the cherry vodka martinis he had mixed for her no longer than an hour ago. He placed a hand on her cheek and deepened the kiss by parting her lips with his ever so slightly. Leonard then placed the thumb into the side of the last bit of her clothing and slide it down her legs leaving the fabric wrapped around her ankles. "You're in for it now miss Olivia." He picked her up and stumbled into her bedroom. He then tossed her onto the bed and jumped after her. He ran his firm hands across her body making sure to explore every curve. He kissed her once more on the lips as he began to enjoy her body.
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 09:57 AM
Olivia blushed, feeling her lips touch his, tasting whiskey in his mouth, feeling the last of her clothing come off. "Mmm finally. You've teased me far too much now, mister Leonard." She said to him, holding on to him as she was carried to her room. She kissed him again as soon as he got onto the bed, blushing as her body was touched.
The next day, she was sleeping in his arms, under the sheets, wondering what happened last night. The sun beamed into her eyes, and opened them a bit. She looked at Leonard, and blushed. She suddenly remembered what happened last night, and closed her eyes again, pretending that she was sleeping. She didn't have work until tomorrow, so she didn't mind it.
11-06-2011, 05:56 PM
As the sun beamed in through the windows Leonard winced and grumbled. He squinted his eyes tighter together in an attempt to block out the sunlight. He felt a warm weight on his body and opened a single eye and was pleasantly surprised when he saw Olivia napping on his chest. He smirked and remember what happened last night. He petted her hair as he watched her sleep or so he thought. His hand found it self running up and down the length of her bare back as his other hand brushed hair over her ear.
She looked so delicate resting there atop him. a very satisfied smile drew itself on his face as he recalled everything they did last night. He whispered to her, "those ballet lessons really help you put your legs wherever you want to." a small chuckle escape his lips and he playfully spanked her to see if she was awake.
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 06:12 PM
Olivia kept pretending to sleep, feeling her body onto his. All she felt to make her fully open her eyes was the spanking. She let out a little moan, and opened them wide, before biting her lip.
"Mmm. You did deliver exactly what I wanted, didn't you?" She replied to what he said, repeating what happened last night in her mind. She snuggled up to him a little, just to feel his heart beat. "You know, we should do this more often. Unless of course, you already have someone to play with." She said to him in a sexy voice, not really wanting to talk normally.
11-06-2011, 07:46 PM
He shifted slightly as he felt her cuddle up to him. Leonard than ran his fingers through her hair nothing how soft it was. The light beaning through the window was distracting and resulted in him turning his head away from the window. Leonard buried his nose in the top of her had once more and breathed deeply as he quiet enjoyed her scent. At the sound of her moan he spanked her once more, "Oh you are a bad one Olivia," he said in a low deep voice letting his words tickle her ear. "No I don't, would you like to apply for the um, position." he laughed as he let his hands wonder over her soft warm body.
Cakie Papercake
11-06-2011, 10:02 PM
Olivia felt Leonard feeling her hand, sighing lightly, being shielded from the sun while laying on a guy she just made love to. She felt his breath on her ear. "Mmm, you want to me apply for it? Because I want to." She replied, feeling his hands on her body, blushing more."Like I said, I'm not a innocent indoors." She added, going on top of him, still under the sheets. She had her finger in her mouth, biting on it softly.
11-06-2011, 11:57 PM
Leonard withdrew the finger from her mouth "I can think of something else you can put in there." He offered a wickedly handsome down to Olivia and Kissed her on the lips. "I've gotta get back to my place in a little but if you think you cold make a quick audition say, in the shower, I wouldn't be opposed." he spoke in the same low deep tone purposefully trying to drive Olivia up the walls with it. He continued to stroke her hair watching her face catch the gleaming rays of the sun through the window. It was quiet there with her in that little apartment bedroom in metro city. Nothing could take them away from each other in that very moment.
Cakie Papercake
11-07-2011, 12:03 AM
Olivia felt his lips on her again, blushing as they kissed before he said he had to leave.
"Mmm. Alright. Last night was fun though. So now I can audition in the shower." She said to him, feeling the same feeling she felt yesterday. She smiled, and got up, but her smile was a sly one. "Come on, then. I want to audition badly, maybe do it twice to increase my chances of being accepted." She said to him, taking Leonard's hand, leading him to the bathroom. The only thing she forgot about, was that Oliver was getting off of sleep mode soon.
11-07-2011, 12:55 AM
Leonard admired Olivia's body as she led him to the shower. He picked up a bar of soap from the rim of the sink and handed it to Olivia, "you need this you dirty little thing you." He grinned as the two of the climbed into the shower. He leaned up against the wall and letting the water fall over the front of his torso. He then smirked and raised his eyebrows as he glanced down at himself then back up to olivia, "well clocks ticking babe, lets see what you got."
Cakie Papercake
11-07-2011, 01:19 AM
Olivia turned on the water, and stepped into the shower. She looked at Leonard with the soap, and giggled. "Mmm Of course. You want to clean me first, or should I?' She asked him, taking the soap away from him, and started to use the soap on herself first. "You should wash me first. I feel so dirty."
Oliver started to get out of sleep mode, not noticing Molly even there, or Olivia in the shower. He got out of the E-Deck, and blinked. "Liv?" He called out, looking at the other E-Deck there. "Wonder who's there.' He said to himself.
11-07-2011, 02:09 AM
Molly clicked on, it was her override protocol, anytime Leonard left her off for more then a period of 8 hours she would activate with all of her features enabled, Molly cried out, "Leonard what on the gods earth is going on are we still at Olivia's, Oh my god you are disgusting, you're probably shagging her in the shower arn't you, why must I work for Caligula reincarnated!" Molly huffed and scanned the room before spotting Oliver, "What the hell are you looking at!" Molly screamed at the other A.I.
Leonard ran his hands over Olivias body and teased, "why wash you now though, you're just going to get dirty, especially that pretty mouth of yours," he whispered into her ear tickling the lobe with his lips. "if you want a spot on the team you gotta show me your skills babe." He said with a voice full of lust and intent.
Cakie Papercake
11-07-2011, 02:20 AM
Oliver saw the female AI activate, and laughed. "You are hilarious. I live here, you know." He said to her, sitting down on the couch. "I suggest you leave them alone. They might be doing stuff..." He said to her, before laying down on the couch, looking at Molly with a smile. "Just relax."
Olivia blushed, feeling his hands on her body, feeling teased. She heard him whisper in her ear, and kissed his neck. "I want to be on this team of yours. Just the main player." She replied, starting to kneel down.
11-07-2011, 02:29 AM
Molly huffed, "Olivia's floor is a Holo deck?" He jumped out of the e-deck and stretched out, "Oh my this is nice, I've been burring Leonard to get this installed in his apartment." She plodded down on the couch, "And i KNOW they are doing stuff, that's all Leonard does in between bartending, working out and roleplaying." She coverd her hands over her lips, "you didn't hear that last bit do you hear me." she shook her fist at Oliver."
Eventually the shower showered ended and Leonard had a wide grin on his face, "I think you'll be the start player Olivia," He grinned as he helped her off of the floor. He stood there for a moment and shook his head, "I could have sworn I heard Molly."
Cakie Papercake
11-07-2011, 02:45 AM
Oliver chuckled, nodding his head. "Yeah. Olivia had installed when she first bought me, three years ago. She installed it the whole apartment, so I can wander, and not be in just one room." he replied, paying attention to what she said. "Yeah I did." He started, taking her fist, and loosing it, before kissing her hand. "I'm Oliver. Olivia's Artificial Intelligence, but you must have figured it out, since you're a smart lady. You must be Molly. Livy's told me about you." He said, chuckling more. "So your owner role-plays as well. What's his username? And the website." Oliver asked her.
Olivia blushed, nodding her head. "No one can play better than me, you know that, right?" She said to him, paying attention. "I heard Oliver. I guess they are chatting. Let them." She added walking to the door of her room. 'Please? Unless you do have to leave?" She asked him.
11-07-2011, 03:57 AM
Molly's eye switched and she slapped Oliver across the face, "The nerve of some A.I.'s!" She stood up "Don't you ever touch me like that again, you sicko, God you're just like Leonard!"she paced around the room for a bit, "And why should I tell you that hmm?"she tapped her foot on the ground impatiently.
Leonard peered out the door and scratched his head. "I've no idea what Molly is going on about. He turned around and looked at Olivia then back to the A.I.s "I suppose we could let them talk for a little longer, but I'm going to have to ask you to take another oral exam miss Olivia" He pushed her to the bed.
Cakie Papercake
11-07-2011, 04:02 AM
Oliver felt the slap, twitching a bit. "Well, hasn't anyone taught you manners? Unlike your little owner, I'm a gentleman." He started turning away. "The nerve of some women. Unless I should call you a bratty girl. I have no time for you." He added, going back into the E-Deck.
'Eh... I do hope she doesn't do anything... bad, for example, hitting him. He's one of those who has a temper." Olivia started, feeling pushed onto the bed. "Another test. Mmm. I like these kinds of tests. I get to see if I pass or not, and drink away." She added, blushing more.
11-07-2011, 04:36 AM
molly began to laugh, "You're such a girl you know that." Molly began to pace around the house. She continually kept looking to the bedroom door. "If i give you the information you want, can you get them out of there?" She looked over to Oliver's E-deck and tapped her foot impatiently. "Really now, stop being such a little girl, Oliver."
Molly looked towards the door and hear giggling and the distinct sound of Leonard moaning. "Oh my god! Oliver you help me right this instant damn it and ill apologize for hitting you!" she plugged her fingers into her ears.
Cakie Papercake
11-07-2011, 04:40 AM
Look who's talking about a little girl... He said in his mind, hearing moaning, and laughed a bit. "Well, that's what happens when you turn impatient." Oliver added, Hearing what Molly said next, about apologizing to him.
Oliver laughed, about to put himself on sleep mode by then, before peeping his head out.
"I can't just stop my sister from having fun, you know. She hasn't had that fun in a while. A long while. Don't think she's had that kind of fun with someone else." He said, coming out of the E-deck. "But I can help you avoid the noise. Come on, Follow me." He said, walking about. "Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything." He added, opening a hidden door that only he could see.
11-07-2011, 05:08 AM
"Your sister?" Molly said her face contorted to reflect her confusion, "are you stupid or something, you're an A.I.!".
"Oh Olivia at this rate I won't be able to walk," is what Molly heard coming from the bedroom. "Leonard you are the most disgusting man i know!" molly shouted at the door and looked to Oliver, "Fine I take it back, you're a genius, and I'm sorry for earlier." Molly quickly ran into the door and looked around, "Oliver what is this place?"
Cakie Papercake
11-07-2011, 05:23 AM
"Yes, I call her my sister. She calls me her brother. Do you have a problem with that?" Oliver asked, hearing what Leonard said, and Olivia's light moans. "Just come on." He said to her, as he pulled her hand, and pulled her inside the room. It was computerized, and sound proof, that they couldn't hear what happened outside. "This is my little private room. I come in here when Olivia's either sleeping or getting ready for the day." Oliver replied, hearing Molly saying she's taking it back. he smiled, and nodded his head.
11-07-2011, 07:37 AM
Molly paced back and fourth then up the wall across the ceiling then back down on the ground. She continued this for several minutes keeping her arms across her chest. She eye'd the door and her eye twitched. Molly was clearly pissed off, "where does that Leonard get off!" she sat down the ground and sunk her hands into her palms, "Leonard you disgusting shit." Molly was growing bored and impatient. The way she had been programmed was to do things and to do them efficiently. Due to this nature she could not stand to be in a single location for very long. This is what made her stay with Leonard as Leonard was frequently outgoing.
"Leonard I have to get of here!"
Cakie Papercake
11-07-2011, 07:41 AM
Oliver just watched Molly pacing back and forth, chuckling a bit as she was cursing Leonard off. He sighed, and got away from the wall, crossing his arms now.
"So... What do you do, Molly? Enjoying being Leonard's AI? You're clearly pissed off at him." He said to her, tilting his head. "Why don't we have a nice conversation to let time go faster. What does your owner like to do?" Oliver asked, curious about Molly and Leonard's activities.
11-07-2011, 08:34 AM
"Oh you mean activities other than shagging your sister?" Molly rolled around on the floor and sat up once more, "Doesn't it bother you that someone like Leonard is doing dirty things to your sister? Molly cocked her head to the side, "What do I do? I'm an A.I. so probably the same things you can do." She wiggled her nose, "I suppose i do most of the time when hes running around, it suits me." She levitated in mid air and flipped outside down, "You're really chatty you know that," she twirled herself right side up, "He likes to just run around and do all sorts of tings, including you sister." Molly lay there with a smug look.
Cakie Papercake
11-07-2011, 08:46 AM
Oliver laughed, hearing the amount to times Molly talked about Leonard screwing Olivia. "A little. It bothers me a little that he's doing that. I can't stop him, or her in fact. Whatever Olivia wants, she gets. I learned it the hard way." Oliver started, looking up. "Yes, I'm chatty, but also patient. What did you expect? An emo guy who thinks he's too cool for this world? No." Oliver said, before leaning to the wall. "What kind of stuff?" He asked her, being as curious as ever.
11-07-2011, 08:59 AM
"oh you know all sorts of things, he just goes running around town looking for stupid things to do when hes not working working out or banging you sister man!" Molly was starting to tug at her hair. "Leonard I am going crazy, finish up already so we can get going!" Molly, Looked to Oliver, "I don't care what type of A.I. you are, if you were quiet I'd tell you that you are too quiet." Molly sat back down on the floor, "How long does she usually take," molly mumbled."
Cakie Papercake
11-07-2011, 09:04 AM
"Meh." Was all Oliver could say to her, pointing to the door. "Go check if he's done. I'm going to lose my temper if I'm in here another second with a loud, obnoxious girl like you." He said, trying to keep his cool. He heard what she said next, and shook his head. "Go figure it out yourself." He said, before getting out of the room, looking at Olivia with a towel. Her face went from satisfied to concern. "Uh oh..." Was all that came out of her mouth.
11-07-2011, 09:23 AM
Molly ran out of the room and screamed, "Leonard where the hell are you?!" Molly was eye to eye with Leonard who was completely naked still. "Well this is new Molly," he said to her hologram. "Leonard shut up and lets go, being here is driving me insane and Olivias A.I. isn't helping me any!" Leonard chuckled, "what is this, a little sister subroutine?" Molly was becoming increasingly flustered with Leonards behavior, "It's not an act leonard I just want to go home and sleep in my own bed for a while. Leonard blinked, he had never seen Molly this upset, "Okay Molly, well get you home for a little bit," he said as he picked up the e-deck, "No wonder why, the e-decks battery is low, and she jumped into your house Olivia, but shes not used to running Holograms so shes all stressed out."
"Leonard you can analyze me when your not naked!" she jumped into her E-deck. Leonard burst out into laughter, "Shes a gem." He then kissed Olivia on the lips, "I'll give you a call later."
Cakie Papercake
11-07-2011, 09:31 AM
Olivia saw them talking, and shook her head, picking hers up, and seeing Oliver inside, with a "do not disturb" sign. "I can see that. I do hope she didn't make him mad. He's usually a gentleman." She started, seeing Molly's behavior. "It's attitudes like this that annoy him. he tends to turn into a completely different person." Olivia replied, nodding her head. Once she heard that he would call her later, she sighed. "I can't wait for you call." She replied to him, kissing his cheek, before picking up her E-Deck. She looked down, worried. "Oh Olly." She said, hugging her E-Deck, before going to her room, and starting to charge it on her pc. "He must be mad. He won't even respond to me." She said, before walking out of her room, just to get something to drink.
11-07-2011, 11:11 PM
Leonard had begun walking home. After all it was only a mile or so down From where Olivia lived. Leonard like to watch the new advertisements that would seemingly be generated every other day or so now. He recalled hearing that advertisements would last several weeks or months even before they were replaced. This was the speed on current times he lived it and he loved it. he clicked on molly even though the e-deck was running low on power it would easily last until he got to his apartment. "Molly, whats wrong?" she sighed, "nothing Leonard I'm just not used to you staying at a woman's house for so long is all." He chuckled, "alright well now I have to apologize to Olivia because you made her A.I. lock up." Molly huffed, "It's not my fault hes such a little pansy, you know he calls Olivia his sister, how crazy is that." Leonard simply listened to Molly rant on and on. He thought it was interesting how she could present him with information in the form of an angry rant.
soon Leonard was home and Molly squealed happily, she then jumped from the E-deck into the apartments mainframe. He placed his hand on his forhead and sat in his computer chair and spun in several circles. Molly pinged over the apartments P.A. "Leonard you have a request to work tonight at another bar, one of their regualr bartenders got sick and won't be able to come in, what do you want me to tell them?" Leonard nodded, "Tell them I can make it."
Cakie Papercake
11-07-2011, 11:23 PM
Olivia sighed. As soon as they left, Olivia closed the door, and ran to her E-Deck. She saw it blinking. "Olly... please don't stay mad." She said to him, whimpering a little. She got online, angry herself now, not at anyone but herself. She was seeing who was online, and started to post. "Olly..." She said to him, looking down at the keyboard, smiling. "Mmm... He was so good." She said, having a bipolar moments. She started to look online for stuff, turning bored. She knew her E-Deck wasn't going to turn on anytime soon, so she started talking to herself. "So I guess I could try talking to myself." she said, typing random things.
11-08-2011, 12:22 AM
Leonard was now running several searches online for new recipes for several new drinks. He stood there at his kitchens counter top with an assortment of green, brown and clear bottles as well as a mixer and all the garnishes one could find ever hope to find at a bar. "Molly read that back that last recipe to me." She cleared her throat and spoke calmly, "three parts of gin, one part vodka and half a part of Kina Lillet, shake until it's ice cold and strain into a cocktail glass garnish with a single long thin lemon skin."
Leonard did so and tasted it for himself, "that's a complex taste, I'm not sure this is a drink for the typical bar crowd," Molly pinged as she made a memo. "So Leonard did you have fun last night?" asked Molly curiously. Leonard blinked as he continued to sip on the martini, "Yeah Olivia is one wild girl, the things I did to her would make a prostitute blush." Molly groaned, "Too much information Leonard." He laughed, "You asked," he finished the martini and set down the frosty glass, "Molly, give Olivia a ring for me would you?" Molly was silent for a minute then the sound of a phone ringing echoed through the apartment.
Shake well, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a twist of lemon, and serve.
Cakie Papercake
11-08-2011, 12:36 AM
Olivia started typing, listening to her music, feeling a bit down. It was thirty minutes ago was when Oliver started talking. She had to calm him down, telling him things like "ignore her, she doesn't know anything", and other things. "So, it was fun. Really really, fun. He rocked my world... and my tempurpedic." Olivia said to Oliver, who was laughing. "Too much, Livy. Too much, Liv. Too much." Oliver replied, laughing. He felt a vibration, and opened his mouth a bit. Once he did, she heard a ring, and paused the music. "It's your boyfriend." Oliver said, chuckling a bit. Olivia smiled cause her Oliver was back, and picked him up. "He's not my boyfriend." she said to Oliver, before picking up the call. "Hell, sugar. Did you enjoy last night? Is your little AI jealous that I got to get some from you, and she couldn't." Olivia asked, giggling, giving him a sign that she was joking. "Because she was really furious when she left with you. Making my poor AI upset. Took a three hours to calm him down." She added.
11-08-2011, 01:59 AM
Leonard laughed as he washed the mixer preparing to try another drink recipe. "I did enjoy last night,I can't believe you let me do half the things I did." Molly let out a disgusted moan. "No Molly's not jealous, more disgusted really." Leoanrd poured a measure of rye whiskey into a glass and continued to talk, "I'm sorry to hear that, you might want to get that looked at though, even when Molly is mad shes never locked up that long." Leonard poured some vermouth into the glass, "I've got to work at a little bar tonight, nothing crazy like last night though." leonard reached for another bottle and poured it into the glass, then dropped a cherry into it. "What about you babe, what do you got going on with your fine ass?" He snickered a bit and Molly let out another groan.
Cakie Papercake
11-08-2011, 02:11 AM
Olivia blushed, curling her hair, before hearing Oliver laughing. "Ahh, well I'll do a much better job next time. Make sure you'll never get up for the next 24 hours." She said to him, getting up. "He's like that. I tried everything. I guess like owner, like AI." She added, clicking on a few things, mostly the lingerie catalog. She giggled more, before shaking her head. "I got nothing but be online all night. Bored... by myself. All alone with no human contact." She replied, sounding a little sad. "A girl like me can't be alone like this." she added.
11-08-2011, 02:59 AM
Leonard laughed once more, "you are such a tease Olivia, keep talking like that and I might have to call in sick." Molly groaned and whispered, "Really Leonard? you are shameless." He took a sip from the drink and nodded in approval, "Forward the recipe to the bar to make sure they have the ingredients, but leave out the measurements."
Leonard began walking to his room but spoke as Olivia would be able to hear him, "You should send me some pics Olivia, I'll send you some back." He waited her response as he turned on his computer and logged onto the roleplay site.
Cakie Papercake
11-08-2011, 03:05 AM
Olivia gave her sly smile again, typing again, still online in her role playing site. "Ahh, well. I want you to call in sick. Just to keep me company. But You have a job to do. Just don't flirt with any girls. I'm not good with threesomes." Olivia said to him, looking at the lingerie catalog again, waiting for someone to send a reply.
11-08-2011, 03:35 AM
Leonards ears perked up, "would you do that for me?" he teased as he scanned through the role playing site and saw that his romance role play friend was online, he deiced to shoot her a P.M. He smiled to himself, LynaTheChocobo is online Molly." he whispered to her.
Hey, whats going on? I got some time to kill before work, lets get in a few post.
"Well Olivia, I'm free tomorrow lets put something in the books." He said as he began to refresh the web page waiting for a reply. Leonard began to spin around in the chair.
Cakie Papercake
11-08-2011, 03:43 AM
Olivia smiled, seeing the pm, and started to type, while talking to Leonard. "I would do that. I would take a day off tomorrow, just to see you." She replied, looking at Oliver. "He's on." She mouth to Oliver. Oliver nodded his head, and saw Olivia typing.
Oh thank goodness. I am here, bored. Except talking to my friend. Let's go.
She clicked send, and listened. "Ahh, well we should. Maybe go shopping again." She replied, looking at lingerie again.
11-08-2011, 03:59 AM
"Shopping that might be fun, but I was thinking about handcuffing you to a bed all day" Leonard hit refresh once more before Molly spoke quietly, "You have a message in the inbox." Leonard hit refresh one final time. "So, what time do you get off of work Olivia?"
He than typed into the blank space, Awesome, do you mind starting up, I'm also talking to a friend, should finish up here in a bit though"
Leonard hit send and sat there for a moment, "I'll come by after work and pick you up, hell if your a good girl maybe I'll swing by and treat you to lunch." He grinned as he looked up at the intercom speaker.
Cakie Papercake
11-08-2011, 04:10 AM
"Mmmm. Handcuffing me sounds better." Olivia said, in a sexy voice now. She was poked by Oliver, who was telling her in a whisper that she had a message. She looked at the message.
I was hoping that you start it. It's your post, and i'm doing something for work and talking to a friend as well. Please, for Lyna. <3
Olivia hit send, seeing Oliver laughing on the floor. She heard the words treating her to lunch, and had a smile on her face. "I finish at 3 and my lunch is 12." She said to him, hearing Oliver laugh more.
11-08-2011, 06:24 AM
"Okay I'll see you than Olivia, bye!" Leonard than turned his full attention to the computer screen and began to mouth the words on his screen as he read the P.M. "Alrighty I guess I could start." He than set out to type a post,
Graknar felled his first tree and continued to cut down tress with his magical sword. Soon he had a pile of trees before him. Graknar than pointed his wand-sword-gun at the pile of trees and cast a spell, the trees turned themselves into a small hut, "My love I have made a house to shelter you in."
"Not my best work but it will work," said Leonard as he hit the send button. "Hey Molly I'm going to dictate post to you, I need to work on my drinks, you read the responses okay?" "Molly pinged, "Sure thing Leonard." Molly sounded busy as she read the post to herself, "Something seems familiar about this code, Like I know the A.I. on the other end," she thought to herself.
Cakie Papercake
11-08-2011, 06:39 AM
Olivia whimpered before she sighed. "Bye, Leonard." She said to him, waiting for the guy's post. She saw it, and thought of a post, before going ahead.
Lyna looked at the hut, then at Graknar. She ran to him, and hugged him tight. "The house is nice. I love it. Let's go in." she said to him, pulling him inside, smiling.
Olivia smiled, and hit the post button. "Oliver, you can post for me. I'm going to the bathroom." Olivia said. Oliver blinked, before going onto the computer, feeling something familiar. "Hum... this... feels so familiar." He said to himself, waiting for the post.
11-08-2011, 07:35 AM
Molly listened in on Leonards voice and wrote his replies on the screen. Each time she got a return message it was the same familiar feeling. Finally Molly's curiosity was getting the best of her. Now she could not do anything with out Leonard's orders. "Leonard, there's something funny about these messages, shall I investigate?" She hoped he would agree. Leonard put on his bartending outfit, "sure Molly go ahead, do you want to stay here tonight?"
"Yes Leonard I'll stay here but take the e-deck so you can call home if you need me." Leonard did as she instructed, "I'll be back in a little, this bar doesn't stay open too late." He walked out the door and the house fell silent.
Molly decided to ping the A.I. on the other end, "Do I know you?"
Cakie Papercake
11-09-2011, 02:40 AM
Olivia kept showering, hearing Oliver typing. "So, I should keep looking." Oliver said, as Olivia transitioned to bath. Once she got out of there, she went to the room. Oliver started to get curious. He heard her picking an outfit, before typing again. She got out, and Oliver got up from the chair.
"I guess I could... Liv. If you're going to Cielana's house, Let me surf the web." Oliver said to her. "Sure, Olly. Go ahead. I'll be back before Midnight." She said. Olivia got her purse, and walked out. "Call if anything." Olivia said before leaving. Oliver nodded his head, before hearing someone's voice.
"Do I know you?" Oliver asked, feeling that it was another AI.
11-09-2011, 04:29 AM
Since Molly now had acquired Leonards permission, although through a bit of trickery she was now free to investigate the familiar signal. "Where are you based in?" Molly sent the other A.I. She knew it had to be one and not just some familiar signal from a server. Why does this signal feel so familiar. Without even waiting for a reply Molly began tracing the signal attached to the other posters replies. "Why is this bugging me, why must I know who this other A.I. is?" molly paused, "so this other person is in the same country that's for sure." Molly continued her trace of the messages place of origin.
Cakie Papercake
11-09-2011, 04:40 AM
Oliver heard the other AI, and laughed. "I'm in.. Why do you need to know again?" Oliver asked, feeling that his server was being researched on, and tried to stop it. "Please tell me why your signal's close by?" He then asked, starting to track the other AI's location. He started to wonder why it was familiar.
"Tell my your location." He said to the AI. He sighed a bit.
11-09-2011, 04:50 AM
"I'm so close because I live here," Molly continued her trace, "You're definitely in Metro city." Molly paused when she finally completed the trace, "Oliver?! are you serious, Leonard has been rolpelaying with Olivia this entire time?!" Molly began to laugh, "Leonard is a complete idiot." Molly couldn't help but continue to laugh, she could not believe that the person who had been fulfilling Leonard's fantasy's was also the one sleeping with him. "this is too crazy," said Molly.
Cakie Papercake
11-09-2011, 06:01 AM
"EH?! Aww, Fuck me." Oliver said, before completing his tracing. "Wait.. What? It's that girl with that guy a... Oh! When Olivia hears this. she's been role playing with her toy." Oliver added, laughing. He looked at Molly on the screen. "Hello there... Um... Molly, right? This must be the most awkward thing in the world, right? Cause right now, I want to scream." He replied, looking at the screen again. "This is too much. Way too much. Why. Out of all people in the world.. why an alcoholic?"
11-09-2011, 06:16 AM
Wait until Leonard finds out his toy and his mystery woman are one in the same!" Molly laughed manically for a whole minute before stopping. She then paused as her crystalline core matrix input the data. A very strange conclusion was generated. "Oliver, what if we didn't tell them, what if we dragged this out and made it fun, what if we messed with Leonard and Olivia a little bit." Molly sat there hoping Oliver would cave in front curiosity.
Cakie Papercake
11-09-2011, 06:28 AM
Oliver laughed at what Molly said, shaking his head. "They will both just flip!" Oliver replied, laughing, before hearing Molly's suggestion. "What if we don't tell them, and make fun of them? Usually I don't do these things to her, but it will be quite hilarious." He replied, chuckling a bit. "Let's do that. Let's not tell them, watch them continue the role playing, and one day, make them meet up, and then... they find out, and we laugh harder." Oliver said to her. "If you want to count me in, you got it. We can't peep a word."
11-09-2011, 07:19 AM
"Good to hear Oliver." Molly began to laugh to herself as well. She had always wanted to mess around with Leonard and this was the perfect way to do it. "We have to make sure they keep roleplaying and become interested in each other so they will eventually want to meet up in real life, so do things to yield that type of behavior from Olivia and I will do the same for Leonard." Molly heard the front door open, "Leonard's back from work, I'll keep you updated Oliver." Molly cut the transmission with Oliver, "Welcome back Leonard how was work?"
"Good but 'm pretty beat, I think ill just go to bed if you don't mind Molly," she ginned, "Of course not Leonard."
Cakie Papercake
11-09-2011, 07:46 AM
"Well, of course. I'll just tell Olivia to just keep role playing." Oliver said, hearing the key turning. "You got it. Olivia just came from her friend's house." He said to her, cutting off the transition, before looking at Olivia. "I do need to be charged, my dear." Oliver said to Olivia. She nodded her head, and picked the E-Deck up, going to her bed. She placed Oliver on the charger, and changed. "I did have fun, but for some reason. I wanted to see a man." She said, before slumping to bed.
11-09-2011, 09:07 AM
---------the next day 11:35 A.M.------
Leonard stood on the side of the road waiting for a taxi cab to pick him up. He had decided that he wanted to give Olivia a little lunch time treat at her office at work. He was dressed in a casual sports coat with a simple white dress shirt and purple tie. He had matching black slacks and shoes. He really didn't know what to wear seeing as he had never been inside an office building let alone one for a magazine. Finally he was able to hail a cab and got in. Olivia's work unlike her home was a little out of his comfortable walking distance. "Whats in the bag Leonard?" inquired molly from the E-deck, "Oh you'll see Molly."
The taxi turned left follow by another right and continued to hum along the streets rather quickly. He had soon arrived at the office building for Olivia's work and got out of the taxi. Leonard approached the receptionist and inquired as to weather she could direct him to Olivia's office. She wrote down the details for him onto a little piece of tissue paper and he followed them and soon found himself outside the door to Olivia's office. "Olivia, guess who?" he said as he knocked on her door.
Cakie Papercake
11-09-2011, 09:16 AM
Olivia was tying things for her next article, which required her to get into bars and such. She knew that she could count on one person for it, and it wasn't Oliver. She was tying, and at the mean time, Oliver was playing games with the marbles that Olivia let him play with. Olivia had her same red shirt, but the skirt was a shorter blue one, with no slit that reached her thighs. She was continuing to write, until she heard a knock, and a familiar voice. "Leonard." She said, grabbing her E-deck, with Oliver going into it, and opened the door. "Hey!" She said, hugging him. The other women, and the gay guy were looking at her hug him, and Olivia sensed it, rumors were going to be spread of her going out with a hunk of a man. "Well, I never knew you would literally come all the way over here to pick little old me up." She said to him, grabbing her purse and keys, and locking the door. She sent her E-Deck to save and shut down her computer. "Where are we going?" Olivia asked Leonard, walking to the elevators.
11-09-2011, 10:15 PM
"I figured we could have some lunch in the park, it's not too cold today and they have tables set up there for outdoor lounging." Leonard offered Olivia his arm to hold as the two of the walked down the street, "It's only block or two down this way actually," despite the heavy amount of technology and modernization in Metro city there was still a park in the middle of it. Although it was tended to by machines and a fully automated system the trees and grass themselves were very real. It had small pounds which schools of natural born and grown fish were kept. It was autumn so the leafs glowed in their array of oranges and yellows. As they turned a corner of a white building there it was infront of them. It's colors always managed to stand out despite the neons of the lights and the dark and drab of the buildings
They walked through the park and quickly found the tables which were often used for chess games between old people just as they had been doing for ever as it felt like. It was a wonderful place to sit down and enjoy. The cool spiciness of the fall season greeted them as they sat. "Sandwiches with some wine." Leoanrd pulled out of the bag two sandwiches tow glasses and a bottle of win and set it in front of Olivia. "I figure I'll get you a little drunk now so you'll be more fun later," he wined at her.
Cakie Papercake
11-10-2011, 03:01 AM
"Ahh, tables and lunch outdoors." Olivia replied, taking his arm, looking at the girls, and winked at them. She followed Leonard out the building, and smiled. "You mean Mini Central Park?" she asked him, getting closer to him. She saw the pond with the fish inside, finding them cute. She saw the colors of the buildings and giggled. She remembered reading about the buildings were less colorful in the past. Once she saw the tables and benches, she latched off, sitting on one of the seats, looking at Leonard. "Sandwiches and wine sounds delicious." she started, shaking her head. "I don't have to be drunk to be fun." She added, taking a bite of the sandwich, and then a sip of wine.
11-10-2011, 03:09 AM
Leonard munched on his sandwich happily. Molly chimed in, "Oh I thought you would have something more perverted in the bag Leonard like handcuffs and whipped cream." Leonard chuckled, "no Molly," his eyes shifted to Olivia, "But that's not a bad idea," he winked at her before returning his attention to the Sandwich. "So work was alright last night, pretty quiet compare to the other night night actually," Leonard spoke with his mouth full as he took a glass and sipped on some wine. "How about you, your co-workers look fun, especially the little blond," he teased.
Cakie Papercake
11-10-2011, 03:20 AM
Olivia was eating her sandwich, hearing Molly, giggling. "No, that would be crazy of him to do so. Handcuffing me in the park, that is crazy talk." She said, sounding a bit sarcastic. "But it's not a bad Idea." She added, drinking her wine. She was hearing Leonard talking about work last night for him, and smiled. "It's because I was not there." She replied, before hearing about her job, pouting at the fact that he found Kate, the Blond lady and also Olivia's boss, attractive. "She's not as fun. She's the boss. The rest are great. The guy is gay." She replied, drinking her wine and finishing her cup. "So work is alright for today. I got three more hours before I can actually go home." She said to him.
11-10-2011, 04:11 AM
"We'll I'm sure she'd like to have some fun with you." He smirked at Olivia, "thats cool, some of my fellow bartenders are Gay, nice guys really." He took another sip of wine before wiping his mouth with a napkin, "I'll make sure to bring those other things later on." Molly groaned at Leonard's comment, "Leonard there are kids around!" Leonard chuckled, "You're lying Molly it's just us two here." Leonard finished eating and stood up, "Come on, lets go back to the office and make your boss jealous." Leonard packed up the glasses and wine bottle and helped Olivia up from her seat. thw two of them began to walk back to Olivias office.
Cakie Papercake
11-10-2011, 04:18 AM
"No, she does not. She's not lesbian, and she's my boss, Leonard. I doubt she would have fun with me." She replied, finishing her lunch before being helped up by Leonard, and started to walk, seeing the kids there playing. "Huh, So Molly was right all along." She said, giggling. She followed Leonard back to her office, wrapping her arm around him for no reason. She didn't know why she did it anyways. Once they got to the office building, she saw the others heading for lunch.
"Ooo! Livy's got herself a boyfriend. Girl you gotta tell us about it." The guy said. The other two were giggling. "Yeah, Liv. Boss is upstairs looking for you." One of the females said. Olivia nodded her head, and pulled Leonard with her, her smile fading slowly.
11-10-2011, 04:56 AM
seeing Olivias smile beginning to fade and co workers beginning to walk past them Leonard grabbed Olivia and gave her a deep Passionate kiss on the lips, "No I'm afraid I'm just her boy toy." Leonard began to laugh as he continued Walking with Olivia. "You don't think you're in trouble are you?" he whispered to her as he followed her to her office. "I'll just wait out here and if it get's too late I'll head out and just meet you out front at three alright?" Leonard plopped himself down into a random office chair and spun around as he waiting for Olivia.
Cakie Papercake
11-10-2011, 05:03 AM
"Ooo! Her boy toy. Even better! Livy's got herself a boy toy! No looking for boyfriends for Livy." The second girl said, walking away with her friends. Olivia felt his kiss, and blushed. "Boy toy. Gotta remember that." She said, before getting to the elevator. "No. I'm not. The boss usually eats by herself. I don't know why, either." Olivia replied to Leonard's question. "If you want, you can come back at three. You might become a distraction to me with your looks." Olivia added, blushing a bit. She got into the elevator and went up, taking her E-deck out as the doors closed. "Olly." She said, seeing Oliver wake up. Oliver smiled, before looking at her. The elevator stopped, and she got out, going to her office, and locking the doors, getting onto her computer, and continued with her work.
"He's going to be a distraction." Oliver said, shaking his head, laughing a bit.
11-10-2011, 05:29 AM
Leonard stood up, "Guess I'll see her at three," He then left the building and hailed another taxi. He got in and found himself at home before he knew it, "I wonder," Leonrd mumbled to himself. He went inside and logged onto his computer, no replies from his Role-playing friend. Leonard was getting bored sitting around. He sat there for several moments before remembering what he said said to Olivia about handcuffs and whipped cream. He then began to dig into his closet until he found what he was looking for, a pair of old but clean pair of handcuffs. Leonard then opened his fridge and began to check to see what kinky foods he had.
"Leonard, I'm going to continue investigating that signal from last night, do you mind?" Leonard shouted with his head inside the fridge, "Go ahead." "Perfect," Molly said to herself. "where are you Oliver, have you any ideas on what we should do next?" She pinged his A.I. address hoping to get a reply.
Cakie Papercake
11-10-2011, 05:33 AM
Olivia started to type again, doing her job. Oliver blinked, feeling contacted by someone. The ping that usually annoyed him somehow made him smile. He did his best to put on a headset, hearing Molly's voice.
"Well, hello there. Well, what we should do is... What about get them jealous. I don't know how to do it, but you can make him make her jealous." Oliver replied, seeing Olivia getting up. "Going to bathroom." She said, before leaving the office for a bit. Oliver chuckled. "That or something else has to happen." He replied.
11-10-2011, 07:29 AM
"Make him make her Jealous?, well he did fancy Olivia's boss" she shuddered to herself, "I'm going to encourage him to hit on a girl, gross, okay Oliver, I'll make it happen but you say something to Olivia too." Leonard entered the room and sat down once more. "Gotta go Oliver." Leonard than spoke, "So Molly is anything wrong?" She coughed, "No leonard, I just need more time, hes slipper." Leonard kicked back in his chair, "Okay then." Molly waited for a moment, "Hey Leonard you fancied that girl with the blond hair, how long's it been since you had blond?" Leonard chuckled, "A while actually, what are you getting at Molly?" She smiled, "I think you should make Olivia a little jealous so that way she will do whatever you want." Leonard chuckled, "Alright, I like your thinking Molly."
Cakie Papercake
11-10-2011, 07:37 AM
Oliver nodded his head. "Yep. Make him make her jealous. wait.. The boss? Ewww, but okay." Oliver said, before hearing that she had to go. he hung up, and saw Olivia coming back. Oliver looked at the time. 2:50pm. He knew it was almost time.
"Hey Olly." She said to him, before he put a grim face on. "He's just your boy toy. Remember that." Oliver said, looking at Olivia. She blinked and wondered who he was talking about. "Oh hush, Olly. Let's get back to work, kay?" Olivia said. Oliver knew one thing was for certain: he didn't know Olivia's reaction.
"Livy." He said. "it's about to be three. Let's get ready to wrap up." Oliver said, before seeing the boss coming out of her office, and going down the elevator.
"LIV! You are not going to believe this!" Jonathan, the guy, said coming in. "Girl, you have got to see this." He said, pulling Olivia out of her chair. "Mmm, let's go down the stairs, so you can see. Kate, and Sabrina are already at the scene." Jonathan added. Olivia held on to her E-Deck, blinking. "Should I bring a camera?" She asked. "No, girl you'll remember this."
11-10-2011, 08:39 AM
Leonard sat there in an office chair with Olivias boss sitting in his lap grinding on him ever so slightly, "So miss kate, were you looking for a boy toy too?." Said Leonard smiling. He then looked over to Olivia and shrugged his shoulders playfully. Molly was plugged into one of his earbuds, "Leonard are you having fun?" Leonard shook his head, "This girl is definitely not as fun as Olivia but I hope your plan of making her Jealous works." Leonard then gently pushed Kate from his lap and looked over to Olivia.
Cakie Papercake
11-10-2011, 08:48 AM
"Of course I'm looking for a boy toy." Kate replied. Kathy, and Sabrina watched as their boss was with Leonard. Olivia watched, looking at Jonathan. "Mmm, girl. That boy of yours sure is a pimp. Girl, you have got to control him." Jonathan started. Sabrina was next to Olivia. "Or at least make him jealous back. I bet our AI's would agree." Sabrina added. Olivia nodded her head. "OOO, you are right. I'll get him back for this. I'll pretend to be more jealous than I am, and when I'm done with work, I'll go talk to the closest cutie there is." Olivia whispered to them. Kathy giggled. "What about go to that bar he works at, and talk to a cutie there." She started. "You will HAVE to tell us about that one. Sabrina said. Olivia nodded her head. "Of course I will." Olivia said. She couldn't hear Oliver laughing. The four broke from their huddling, and Olivia just walked by them.
"I see you found a girl more... exciting than me. I guess I can go home by myself." She said, sounding jealous. She started to head towards the elevator, holding her stuff as her three friends held themselves from laughing. They went right back to work.
11-10-2011, 09:10 AM
Leonard grinned at Kate for a moment then got up and pushed Kate off of him before standing up to follow Olivia, "Olivia babe wait up, I was just kidding you know!" He walked over to her and entered the elevator with her. He than looked back to Kate and rolled his eyes, "what was I thinking listening to Molly?," Leonard though to himself. He then looked to Olivia, "Come on how about we hit up a hotel just for the night for fun. He then shook the bag he had with him letting her hear it clang, "Come on I got a surprise for you babe."
Cakie Papercake
11-10-2011, 09:19 AM
Olivia's friends laughed more, this time not hiding it, as the elevators closed. Olivia crossed her arms, looking away. "Yes, of course you were kidding." She said sarcastically, taking a step away. She heard a clang in the bag he was holding, looking at it. "What's inside that bag?" She asked him, curiosity took over her now. She wanted to grab the bag, and open it. "Spill. I'm still upset at you." She added, having a pouty face now.
11-10-2011, 08:28 PM
Leonard opened the bag and showed to Olivia the handcuffs and whipped cream he had found earlier at the apartment. "Come on Olivia, you know you're the only one I want to handcuff tonight," said leonard with a sly grin. However on the inside Leoanrd was worried that Molly's plan might not work, that getting Olivia jealous would not inspire her to do whatever he wanted in the bed. Leonard shook the bag a few times making the can and cuffs jingle, "Come on don't be mad Olivia."
The entire time Molly had been laughing to her self, "Oh man this is great, I've never seen Leonard like this!." Molly opened a channel to Oliver and began streaming the audio to him, "Oliver, just in case, I need you to say something to Olivia, anything."
Cakie Papercake
11-10-2011, 08:44 PM
Olivia still had her pouty face. "If I were the only one you would handcuff, why were you with my boss?" She asked, hearing the jingles of the handcuffs. "Hum?" She then said. Oliver was laughing to himself, hearing the audio from Molly. That was hilarious!" He started, hearing her next sentence "I'm one step ahead of you." He said to her. "Oh Livy. You know if you're not mad anymore, you can make him do whatever you want him to do, since he made you jealous." He whispered to her. Olivia smiled evilly, taking the bag away from him. "Uh uh. You won't do the handcuffing." She said to him, pushing him to the wall, giggling a bit. "You're my toy. No one else's. You got it? I'll show you what happens when you disobey me."
11-10-2011, 08:59 PM
"I was with your boss because I thought she might want in on the fun, but no way I'd handcuff her." Leonard looked dumbfounded, "Thats not what I was expecting," he thought to himself. Molly chimed in through the earbud in his hear, "Not what I planned on but at least this way she gets to work out her anger and you still get some action, it might be fun." Leonard grinned and shook his head, "Okay Olivia we can do it your way," said Leonard as he followed Olivia out and onto the city street, "Lets grab a cab okay?" Leonard stood on the curb and hailed one and let Olivia in then followed.
Cakie Papercake
11-10-2011, 09:24 PM
"Well, no! It's not allowed. I get jealous..." She replied, pulling him out of the elevator, and walking to the cab, pulling him, holding his arm tight. She went into the cab, and pulled Leonard inside. She smiled evilly, and told the cab driver to drive to her home. Once they got there, she waited for Leonard to pay before getting out.
"Come out. Let's go." She said to him.
11-10-2011, 09:29 PM
Leonard paid the cab driver with bills, it was the same situation with cab drivers, easier to tip with cash. Leonard followed Molly all the way to her apartment door while not saying a single word. He than Followed her into the apartment and pulled his E-deck out and set Molly down, "Behave Molly," said Leoanrd, "Right back at you," Molly quipped. Leonard sat on the couch and looked to Olivia who had an evil grin on her face the entire time, Leonard gulped as he was getting a little nervous as to what Olivia could be planning for him.
Cakie Papercake
11-10-2011, 09:35 PM
Olivia walked into her apartment, not paying attention to Oliver's laughing. She opened the door, and placed her E-deck onto the table, before walking into her room, keeping her smile. "Oh Leonard. Come here. I have to punish you." She called out, sitting down on her bed, twirling her long hair.
Oliver looked about, getting out of the E-deck, before resuming laughing. "That was hilarious!" he called out, looking at the other E-Deck. "Come on out. It's safe."
11-10-2011, 10:27 PM
Leonard got up and went into Olivia's bedroom, he attempted to put on a sly grin but something about her demeanor was throwing him off his usual game. Leoanrd then cleared his throat and frinally managed to capture an elusive devilish grin. "Yes Miss Olivia," said leonard as he sat on the bed and offered her his hands to be handcuffed. "Do your worst," he muttered to her.
Molly hopped out of her e-deck and looked to Oliver, "Okay now what do we do Oliver?" said Molly as she listened to Leonard speaking in the other room, "oh hes never been this bad before," Molly began to cackle wildly.
Cakie Papercake
11-10-2011, 10:35 PM
Olivia looked at Leonard, taking out the handcuffs, and handcuffing him onto the bed. "Mmm. Who told you to make little old me jealous, huh?" She asked getting on top of him. She took out the whipped cream, and put some on his lips. "Mmm. You look like a tasty treat already." She said to him, licking his lips, blushing a bit. "
Oliver chuckled, hearing them talking. "Just relax, enjoy the show, and plot what we are to do next." Oliver replied, looking at Molly.
11-10-2011, 10:56 PM
Molly chuckled, "well I think we need to start getting them involved more as in through their roleplay characters, get them to want to meet up with each other."
Leonard lay there, he was slowly being stripped of his clothing and Olivia kept licking at his lips, slowly removing any traces of Whipped cream that had once been there.
You are terrible for teasing me like this you know Olivia?" said Leonard he felt the cool kiss of whipped cream greeting his body. Leonard sat there thinking what would Olivia do next, was she really that mad? "Guess I'll just have to endure though won't I?" asked Leonard with a grin as he licked his lips clean.
11-10-2011, 10:56 PM
Molly chuckled, "well I think we need to start getting them involved more as in through their roleplay characters, get them to want to meet up with each other."
Leonard lay there, he was slowly being stripped of his clothing and Olivia kept licking at his lips, slowly removing any traces of Whipped cream that had once been there.
You are terrible for teasing me like this you know Olivia?" said Leonard he felt the cool kiss of whipped cream greeting his body. Leonard sat there thinking what would Olivia do next, was she really that mad? "Guess I'll just have to endure though won't I?" asked Leonard with a grin as he licked his lips clean.
Cakie Papercake
11-10-2011, 11:04 PM
"Yeah we should, but how?" Oliver asked, looking up. He started to think of a plan. He smiled a little.
Olivia blushed as she put whipped cream all over his body, before resuming in licking his lips. "That's what you get for making me jealous. Never ever do that again." She replied to him, before licking his chest. "You taste so sweet with this Whipped Cream." She said to him, licking him more.
11-10-2011, 11:17 PM
Leonard groaned, "Oh god this is torture Olivia!" he lay there writhing slightly as his hands shook trying to free themselves from the handcuffs but to no avail. "I have a feeling the worst is yet to come isn't it?" Leonard rock back and fourth as he closed his eyes and tried to image things such as baseball and other manly things.
Molly sat there and raised an eyebrow to Oliver, "You've got a plan don't you? Well spill it already!" Molly eagerly await Leonard's plans. Just than she heard Leoanrds rattling and began to laugh, "Oh this is music to my ears," said Molly.
Cakie Papercake
11-10-2011, 11:27 PM
"It'll teach you a lesson." Olivia replied, licking his neck, cleaning the whipped cream off of there. "Yes, it'll get a whole lot worst. If you think that it's getting worst." She said, playing her hands on his chest, then lower, letting the whipped cream get onto his hands.
"Hey hey, I'm thinking about it, Molly." Oliver said to her, chuckling a bit. he heard Olivia torturing Leonard, and laughed. "Well, she's really deadly when it comes down to it." He added. "I think torturing is her specialty."
11-10-2011, 11:54 PM
Leonard lay there with a look of utter misery on his face. He groaned once more as by now he was incredibly hot and bothered by Olivia's treatment of him. "Olivia haven't I suffered enough?" Leonard gritted through his teeth. Truth be told he was actually starting to enjoy seeing Olivia act so aggressive, he was now merely playing his part.
Molly sighed, "Come on Oliver what do you plan on doing?" Molly listened in on Leonard's pleas, "Oh shes good," said molly.
Cakie Papercake
11-11-2011, 12:02 AM
Olivia kept licking his neck, shaking her head. "No. I'm not stopping the torture." She said, playing with his body. The stickiness from the whipped cream was on her fingers. She licked his neck again, before going to his chest. "How long can you stand this?' She asked him.
"Well, I was thinking... and I got nothing." Oliver replied, shaking his head. "I'll come up with something." He added, before hearing the torture. "Yep. She is."
11-11-2011, 12:10 AM
Leonard lay there putting on the most helpless face he could. Even though the contortions of pain and helplessness his face maintained a certain handsome stride. "I'm not sure," he breathed out of his mouth as he groaned once more from her licking. His body was now completely covered in stickiness and her saliva, it was an incredibly intimate scene considering she was probably still upset with Leonard. "you know I wonder if Kate would be as good at this as you?" Leonard was daring her to do her absolute worst.
Molly sat there thinking, "Well maybe we could get them to talk about their real lives but not any details that might get them exposed you know? small stuff like the city they live in," Molly chuckled, "Oh Leonard is bold."
Cakie Papercake
11-11-2011, 12:17 AM
Olivia kept licking his chest, before hearing what he just said about Kate. She growled, before going to his neck, biting into it a little, not a painful bite, but one of which might leave a hickey behind. "Don't.. you dare... say that... ever again." She said to him, grinding her body now against him now. She sat up as she continued to grind, looking at him with the most upset face. "Why don't you go to her if you want to find out so badly. I think her boyfriend would disapprove of that." She said to him, before getting up off of him. "But if you want, go ahead. But you'll lose this toy right here. I don't see what you or any other guy see in her. She barely has any breasts, and I've got a good chest size." She added. "Maybe it's because I'm weird." She added, walking to the window. She took out something from the dresser, and it was two belts. She went ahead and tied his legs to the bed, looking at him. "Now whatever should I do with you?" She asked herself.
Oliver nodded his head. "Yeah, to talk about themselves, but not really. Nice." He said, before hearing what Leonard said to Olivia. "I don't think that was the best move he could have pulled out." Oliver said, looking down. "I did tell you she's like a master of torture."
11-11-2011, 01:44 AM
Leonard lay there with a grin as he watched Olivia strap his legs to the bed like he was a patient in an insanity ward. He knew that since he had pushed her over the edge she was now going to go absolutely crazy on him and that thought excited Leonard. "Oh no Olivia please not the straps," he struggled playfully attempting to look as helpless as possible, "you're really into the whole s&m thing aren't you Olivia?" he asked her as he continued to struggle.
Molly nodded to herself, "Yeah like I'll have Leonard tell her that he works as a bartender but I wont let him mention what bars or what drinks hes famous for." She stroked her chin deviously, "you let Olivia tell Leonard that she works for a magazine but don't let her tell him which one, stuff like that, make sense?
Cakie Papercake
11-11-2011, 01:56 AM
Olivia saw Leonard struggling, which made her laugh. She kissed his lips once more, before nodding her head. "Well, this is what you get for making me jealous." She said to him, before walking for the gag. "You know, this is fun. I never tried it before." She said, lying to him about that one.
"That sounds like a good Idea." Oliver replied, nodding his head a bit. "Reveal themselves, but not really." He said to her, chucking a bit.
11-11-2011, 02:10 AM
Leonard lay there on Olvias bed groaning from the amount of punishment he had received, His body was decorated with hickys, bite marks and scratches. "Remind me to never piss you off again," Leonard said around the gag. He continued to tongue it trying to push it out of his mouth. He stared up at Oliva who was now sitting on his stomach with puppy eyes, "Am i done being punished now?" Leoanrd groaned as he lay there his face depicting a mix of pain and pleasure.
Molly was sitting there frowning, "I can never unhear those noises Oliver," Molly shuddered s she recalled the mix of groans screams and moans she heard from Olivias room over the past 3 hours.
Cakie Papercake
11-11-2011, 02:49 AM
Olivia smiled as she saw the torture that she gave Leonard, and giggled. "Okay, remember not to piss me off anymore, okay?" She said, winking. She sat on him, and smiling a bit. "Well, I dunno if I should stop being a torture master." She said to him, getting up from him. "The last torture I'm going to give you is that I won't give you none." She said to him, sitting down on the chair.
Oliver sighed, nodding his head. "Agreed." He said to her, looking up. "I think she's having fun in there. Who can blame her?" He added/
11-11-2011, 03:02 AM
Leonard struggled as he lay there looking over to Olivia. He violently shook at the handcuffs, "Please Olivia, have mercy." Leonard kicked as much as he could thrashing around. However he could not do much with his wrist and ankles restrained by the bed. Leonard continued to free himself although his attempts would not work, "come on Olivia, that's not funny."
Molly tapped her foot against the ground, "Oliver can you get them out of there, please?"
Cakie Papercake
11-11-2011, 03:16 AM
Olivia looked at Leonard shaking before taking off the handcuffs. "OKay, I'm now done punishing you." She said to him, before kissing him. She went to untie him, and went back, kissing him again. "Now to what we regularly planned on doing." She said to him, holding the handcuffs in her hands. "Well?" She added, blushing a little. "I've been a very bad girl."
Oliver blinked. "Alright. I'm kinda tired of hearing them too." He said, before getting up. "I have a feeling that door's locked."
11-11-2011, 03:58 AM
-------Later that evening--------
Leonard lay there with a look of satisfaction on his face as he cuddled up with Olivia, "That was worth going through hell," Leonard brushed Olivias now frayed out hair out of her face and kissed her on the lips. She tasted like peaches and whipped cream. Leonard undid the handcuffs from Olivia's wrist, "You can keep these as a souvenir love." Leonard massaged her wrist gently as he had put the handcuffs on her a little too tightly but he loved watching her squirm around.
Molly was pacing back and fourth, "I'm sorry Oliver but I'm getting impatient, I just want to set our plan into motion already!" she went up to the door and placed her ear against it, "Oh I think they are finally finished."
Cakie Papercake
11-11-2011, 04:11 AM
Olivia blushed, feeling his kiss, and nodded her head. "Yeah, make up sex is fun." She replied, feeling the handcuffs in her hands, and smiled. "Oh, so i can use them next time on you so I can torture you, babe?" She asked him, squirmed more. She felt the handcuffs being too tight on her wrist.
Oliver nodded his head, agreeing with her. "Yeah, I know. I want the action to start too." He replied, looking up. "I hope they finished. So, who wants to whine impatiently so the can come out?" He asked her.
11-11-2011, 07:17 AM
Leonard sat up in the bed, "Yes, just not as bad as this time," Leonard chucked as he massaged Olivia's wrist, "I better be getting out of here babe, Molly's probably going crazy in there." Leonard proceeded to walk around Olivias room trying to find his cloths. Eventually he did find them and put them on. He than picked up Olivias panties and waved them in her face, "I'm gonna trade you these for my handcuffs," he jokingly teased. Leonard then opened the bedroom door and was face to face with Molly.
"Leonard can we go now please," Molly said through her teeth. Leonard smiled and nodded, "Sure thing Molly."
Cakie Papercake
11-11-2011, 07:43 AM
"EH?! M.. My favorite pair!" Olivia said, seeing Leonard take her panties away. She dangled with the handcuffs. "Like I said, it'll teach you not to make me jealous." She replied, getting up, and walking out of the room. She saw the AIs looking a little miserable. "You're right. It's time for Oliver to go to sleep." She said, pulling her E-Deck.
"Chao, Molly." Oliver said, before going back into the E-Deck.
11-11-2011, 08:35 AM
Leonard grinned, "Don't worry babe Ill think of you every time I look at them, I'm going to put them on my mantel." Leonard waved the panties in her face to tease her once more before stuffing them into his back pocket. "I'll see you later babe." Leonard Kissed Olivia on the lips once more before heading out with Molly in hand. Leonard was tried so he decided to pay for a Taxi the short distance home. Once Home Leonard had Molly jump into the house and asked her to log onto the RP site. Leonard had hoped his friend would be there as it had been some time before they had continued their role play.
Cakie Papercake
11-12-2011, 12:49 AM
"Hey! You're a meanie." She said, joking around. She kissed him back, and once they left, she went into the shower, while Oliver wandered around the room, seeing the computer on already. Once she finished the shower, she hopped online, onto the role playing site and saw her friend online.
Hey, deary. How are you? I missed you. She clicked on send, and Oliver chuckled.
11-12-2011, 01:27 AM
By now Leonard had gotten up and was fixing more drinks as well as something to eat for himself in the kitchen. Leonard listened in as Molly informed him that he had a message on the Roleplaying form. Molly than chimed in, "Say Leonard, you've been enjoying your role-plays with this girl, why don't you get to know her a little, nothing wrong in making a few internet friends, most people make friends that way now a days anyways. Leonard listened to Molly's logic and thought it sound, "Alright molly, message reads as follows."
Hey babe, I'm doing good thanks, just mixing up a few drinks for work, how about you?
Molly chuckled to herself, "Too easy Leonard, now for Oliver to go to work."
Cakie Papercake
11-12-2011, 01:40 AM
Olivia was waiting for a reply to her message. Oliver knew it was his chance to convince her, and blinked. "You know, even though Leonard's a boy toy, that doesn't mean you can't get to know other guys, you know." Oliver said. Olivia smiled, and nodded her head, getting a reply. She started to type, smiling.
Ahh, so you work in a bar? I'm just writing away for my job.
She hit send, and sighed. "You're right. I should get to know him more, since I'm role Playing with him."
11-12-2011, 01:54 AM
Molly read the response to herself before reading it aloud to Leonard. "Good job Oliver," Molly laughed to herself before she read the response to Leonard. "Oh shes a writer, that makes sense, she is pretty good at roleplaying, Molly, make sure you put that in the response alright? Molly laughed, "So you want her to think your smart because you can come up with conclusions like that Leonard?" she said mocking him in the way she always would. "Just do it already molly," Said Leonard, and add this in as well."
When Molly had finished typing the message she looked it over before sending it out, Oh so no wonder you're good at roleplaying, that's cool. I work as a bartender, nothing special though, it pays the bills and then some. Our last roleplay was pretty fun, I really Enjoyed it. Besides roleplaying what do you like to do?
Molly couldn't help but laugh, no more than several days ago was Leonard asking Olivia these questions and here he was doing it again without even knowing. It was genius, Molly hit send and eagerly awaited what Oliver would cook up.
Cakie Papercake
11-12-2011, 02:41 AM
Olivia looked at the response, looking at Oliver. He smiled. "What do I answer?" Olivia asked. Oliver blinked. "Well, don't reveal anything that might tell him who are you." Oliver replied. Olivia nodded her head, and started to type.
Yes. Ahh, so you work as a bartender. I like to play some games, write, and other stuff. Peaceful things. Olivia hits send as soon as Oliver confirms the the message.
"That's good." he said, before chuckling a bit.
11-12-2011, 04:02 AM
Molly was pleased with what she read to herself before reading it aloud to Leonard. "Good Oliver, just like we planned," thought Molly as she hummed to herself waiting for Leoanrds response. "Molly I don't think I recall you ever being this calm, or pleasant," said Leonard half mocking half concerned with Molly behavior. "Oh there must be an energy spike or something Leonard, I'm not sure," retorted Molly, "so what do you want me to say to that?"
Leonard took a sip from the Boston sour he had just fixed, "Tell her I like to listen to music and hang out with people." Molly let out a ping which was her way of nodding and began to type up a response for Leonard.
That's really cool, I like to listen to music and cook sometimes. So where do you live, I'm in Metro city.
Molly cringed at the last part, but decided there were thousands of millions of people in metro city so two people meeting on the web who happened to live there seemed very likely to occur.
Cakie Papercake
11-12-2011, 04:10 AM
Olivia looked at Oliver, who looked as calm as ever. "Yes Livy?" Oliver asked her. "You look... mellowed out." She replied, reading his reply. "Oh my god! He's in Metro city!!!" She cried out in happiness. Oliver chuckled, and looked at the screen. "Tell him that you like listening to music too." Olivia nodded her head, and started to type, excited.
I like music too. You live in Metro City? YOU! Nice, I live here too. It's weird how we live in the same city. Why don't I see you around? And you're a cook too? Oliver looked at the message, and approved. She clicked send and smiled.
Oliver blinked a bit. Why say your location like that, Molly?... You must have a good reason for this. Oliver said in his mind. Olivia blinked and kept hitting refresh.
11-12-2011, 04:17 AM
Leonard chuckled as Molly read him back the reply emphasizing Olivias excitement. "Molly you are the worst at doing voices, that accent of yours sticks out so bad," Leoanrd kept laughing as he sipped on the Boston sour. "Leonard shut up I'm just trying to help!" Leonard wiped a tear from his eye, "Okay, I'm sorry, but that is pretty cool that she lives in M-town too." Leonard paced around the room swirling the glass before he decided on a reply. Molly eagerly typed it up on the screen for him as he dictated to her.
You live in M-town too? No way that's pretty awesome! No I'm not a chef but I make a pretty mean grilled cheese sandwich lol. I'm not sure why we haven't met up, I hope you're not a forty five year old guy lol.
Cakie Papercake
11-12-2011, 04:38 AM
Olivia was looking at the message, feeling a little offended. "Why I never." She said to herself, until she saw the lol. She giggled a bit, and started to type a response.
"I don't know what to type." She said to herself. Oliver started to help her out. "Let me." he said, letting himself type.
Well, I was wondering it you were a chef too. I do hope YOU'RE not a forty five year old man. Or worse. I'm young enough. Really cute too, that's what I'm told. She hits send, and waits.
11-12-2011, 06:16 AM
Leonard read the reply and laughed, "She's pretty funny Don't you think Molly?" Molly simply set a ping throughout the apartment, "So Leonard how do you plan on replying?" Leonard sat and took finished off his Boston sour, "I'm not sure Molly, why don't you set about a reply for me, make sure it's something I'd say would ya?"
Leonard slurred his words a little as he had by now finished several Boston sours trying to perfect the recipe. He patiently awaited Molly's response and when she had finished up she began to read it back to him.
Hey I could be a really handsome forty five year old man for all you know. Are you now? Well then Maybe I'd like to meet up, but not yet, I still hardly know you miss cute girl.
Leonard nodded satisfied with the reply Molly had typed up.
Cakie Papercake
11-12-2011, 06:33 AM
Olivia looked at the reply she got, and laughed a bit. She started to drink some hot chocolate that she made while waiting. She blinked. "So what do I say?" She asked Oliver. "Well , say what you would usually say to a guy." Oliver replied. Olivia nodded her head, and started to type, looking at her reply carefully.
Well, i don't know, but You know me well enough. A friend once told me that you can tell about a person just by looking at their writing. And you write pretty well.
She clicked send and took a sip of her hot chocolate. Oliver blinked.
11-12-2011, 07:57 AM
Leonard sat there now fully intoxicated on his bed. He was laying with closed eyes but very much awake and naked clutching the pair of Olivia's pants in one hand. He had authorized Molly to craft reply for him and he simply sat there and waiting for her to read them back to him so he could authorize the reply being sent out. Molly had just finished reading back Olivias latest response and he started chuckling. "she sounds like a pretty cool chick Molly, and if shes as good looking as she says she is I'd Like to bang her,"
Molly chuckled and said, "You already have," she quickly gasped and hoped Leonard hadn't heard her. He was still laying there drifting in and out of sleep. Molly typed up a response she knew he would approve of.
"Haha, that's cute of you babe, well Listen I'm going to crash out so I'll check you tomorrow, I'll post when i wake up." Molly hit send than powered down.
Cakie Papercake
11-12-2011, 08:05 AM
Olivia looked at the message, before yawning. She didn't want to send a message, but instead, went off and finished her hot chocolate. She turned off her computer, and went ahead to bed. Once she got there, she collapsed onto there. Oliver chuckled. "You know, I wish I knew that guy. I really do. He's really nice." Olivia said to Oliver, before yawning again. "Yeah. I guess." Oliver replied, before going to his E-Deck for a good night's rest. Olivia smiled, an went right to sleep.
11-12-2011, 08:49 AM
Leonard woke up that morning and scratched his body trying to quell the itches he would be bombarded with upon waking. He looked to his hand and chuckled as he remembered Olivias panties. Molly give Olivia a wake up call for me would you?" Molly pinged and soon the sound of a phone ringing echoed throughout the entire house. "Pick up already," muttered Leonard as he sat in front of the computer screen and turned it on, "I think i'll get one of those Holo screens and update your e-deck Molly, that way i can use a holographic Keyboard. Molly chuckled, "Those are expensive leonard but I won't complain if you spoil me." Leonard chuckled, "Only the best for you babe," leonard logged onto the roleplay website and began setting up a post.
Cakie Papercake
11-12-2011, 08:21 PM
Olivia slept, with Oliver playing about, until he started to vibrate. "Liv. Phone!" He said, shaking Olivia lightly. She woke up, growling, and picked it up. "Hello?" she asked, a little upset an cranky. She didn't bother to check the caller Id.
"Ohh... I pray it's not who I think it is.." Oliver said, getting the computer on. She started to log in and checked to see if she had any messages.
11-12-2011, 09:55 PM
"Morning beautiful," Said Leonard his voice still carrying the weight of a hangover. "I've got your panties in my hand right here," he began to laugh playfully. "Leoanrd you're disgusting," said Molly over the comm. "How's you sleep last night, I'm still sore from that punishment yesterday," continued Leonard paying no mind to Molly's typical comments. Leonard continued to type an opening post for his roleplay though he was short on inspiration. "I'm just looking up some stuff here on the web," said Leonard as he noticed the LynaTheChocobo had logged on.
Cakie Papercake
11-12-2011, 10:03 PM
Olivia groaned a little, rubbing her eyes. She couldn't believe it was that early for her. "You woke me up." She started, before seeing her friend online. She started waking up slowly, hearing that he had her panties in his hand. "You actually had that in your hand while you slept?" Olivia asked, turning a little red. She could tell that he was in a hangover and started typing away. "Just doing something online." She said to him, shaking her head. She saw Oliver's face in disgust when he heard that he slept with her underwear.
11-12-2011, 10:35 PM
"Yeah, pretty funny huh?" Leonard continued laughing before letting out a slightly exaggerated "Ow!" he began to massage the back of his head and peaked at the computer screen though half opened eyes, "Darn hangover," he grumbled loud enough that Olvia could hear him. "Tell you what," he spoke much more slowly to avoid aggravating his headache, "If you come over I'll give you a chance to earn them back," his voice turning slightly seductive at the end of his speech.
Leonard than looked to his screen and read his post back to himself, Graknar frantically turned the wheel of his pirate ship until they were on course once more, he had fallen asleep in the arms of his lover last night and woke in a rum induced haze. The ship had fallen off course and he had no idea where they were, he kept turning the wheel until he felt satisfied they were headed for some sort of land on the commandeered ship. Graknar called out to his love to see if she was awake as he wanted her to experience the beauty of the sunrise over the ocean.
He smiled and hit send. "So Olivia what do you say, want to come over and earn these back," Molly groaned, "your holding her panties random so she can come over and have sex with you, Leoanrd your evil." all that was on his face was a sly grin.
Cakie Papercake
11-12-2011, 10:47 PM
Olivia shook her head, seeing the reply of the post in the site. "Look, you should really relax in bed. Go to sleep." She said to him, typing the response to the post. She smiled, shaking her head.
Lyna woke up to the sound of her lover calling out to her, noticing the ocean, and smiled a bit. She looked at her lover, before rubbing her eyes. "It's so beautiful." She said to him, not wanting that moment to end. She posted the reply, shaking her head.
"And you want my tired ass to go over there to try to get the pair of panties, when I clearly have a better pair in my dresser that looks exactly like that one. Olivia asked, smiling.
11-13-2011, 02:42 AM
Leonard smirked knowing full well that Olivia could not see it, "Well if you don't come over, I'm going to display them by nailing them to my front door." Leonard covered his mouth as he began to laugh like some weird demented sexual evil genius. "Leonard, have you no shame?" Asked molly with a hint of extra temper in her voice. He chuckled, "She knows I'm only kidding," he whispered so only Molly would be able to hear over the comm. "Well Olivia what's it going to be?" Leonards voice trailed off as he began to read the reply and set out to type up another one.
Graknar beckoned for Lyna to approach and he set his arms about her waist and embraced her in a kiss that was as radiant as the rising sun before them, "I love you darling," said Graknar as he ran his hands though his lovers soft lush hair.
Cakie Papercake
12-05-2011, 11:44 PM
((Yay. Internets came back)
"Y...You wouldn't!" She said to him, hearing what he said about her not going to his house. She started to type, and sighed.
"Fine. I'll go there." She said to him, before posting. Oliver laughed at the fact that he actually said something like that.
Lyna walked to him, and smiled, wrapping her arms around him. "I love you too, my sweet." She said to him. Lyna laid on him, feeling his touching her hair.
12-06-2011, 12:16 AM
Leonard continued to cackle as the intercom shot a dead signal throughout the entire apartment. Molly finally cut off the intercom and let out an audible sigh as Leonard continued to marvel at his own perverted genius. "Olivia is just too much fun," chuckled Leonard as he clicked refresh on the computer to see the new post from his role playing partner. Molly let out another motherly sigh, "Leonard, she doesn't even know that you don't own a hammer let alone nails, no one uses those things anymore since they invented that adhesive," she muttered. Leonard continued to laugh, "that's why it's so genius of me don't you think Molly?" she only groaned in disgust.
Leoanrd red the post and simply nodded his head, he then decided to shoot her over a P.M. I've got company coming over in a few, I'll post later tonight, catch you later babe. He hit send, "Time to get ready for Olivia," he chuckled as he headed into the shower.
Cakie Papercake
12-06-2011, 12:45 AM
Olivia looked a little infuriated. The line cut off, but she didn't mind.
"Displaying my underwear on the front door?! How is he going to do that, first of all. Second, remind me to punish him again!" She said, looking at Oliver, who kept laughing.
"This is too funny!" He said to her, before going back into the device. "Now what do I need." She said to herself, as Oliver typed for her. She came out of her room with jeans, and a shirt on. "Oh boy.." He said to himself, knowing that the jeans meant something. "Let's go." she said, grabbing
12-06-2011, 01:24 AM
Leonard hopped out of the shower and stood facing the bathroom mirror. He would flex and hold a few poses mostly showing off his biceps and chest but occasionally he would flex his back in the mirrior as well. Each post and flex brought on a sly little grin. Molly groaned in disgust, "You ever hear the story of Narcissus?" asked Molly. "No Molly I don't watch T.V." replied Leonard as he continued to strike a few more poses. Molly groaned once more this time in a higher tone, "At least put on a towel" she demanded. Leonard snatched one from the robotic arm hanging from the wall and wrapped it around his waist, "good thinking Molly I don't want my junk getting cold." "Gross Leonard!," he retorted as he exited the bathroom chuckling. "I wonder if Olivia is here," he muttered as he reached for his bottle of cologne and spritzed himself.
Cakie Papercake
12-06-2011, 01:31 AM
Olivia grabbed her purse, the one she took when she was angry with someone, and shoved Oliver in there. "As long as she doesn't put on the angry perfume, we're all safe." he said, before noticing something. He peeked his head out, and saw the perfume bottled. Cherry Blossoms.
"Oh boy. We're all in for this." He said, knowing that it was the angry perfume. She walked out of her apartment, and started to head over to his. "I'll show him. No one displays my underwear in front of their door. You can't even do that without the technology or the classic hammer and nails." She said to herself, before knocking on the door.
"Leonard!" She called out, before knocking again. "You open this door right now!"
12-06-2011, 01:53 AM
"Leonard!" was heard from the front door followed by another knocking "You open this door right now!" Molly began to chuckle, "Leonard she sounds angry, are you sure you want to let her inside here?" Leonard stood there in just his towel still, sure, Let her in Molly, I like it when shes mad," he began to laugh back. Leonard walked over to his bed and snatched up her panties which her scrunched up into a little ball of lacy fabric. He walked over to the door and allowed the two doors to slide into the walls and there was Olivia standing there looking rather furious. He smiled at the sight of the wrinkle over her nose as she huffed at him in the doorway. Leonard tossed her panties into her face and chuckled, "Hi Olivia."
Cakie Papercake
12-06-2011, 02:17 AM
Oliver came out as the door opened. "She's not mad... She's furious. She's even wearing the clothes she would wear to a fight. Smells like it too." Oliver said, before Olivia stormed into the home, before going inside. She felt the underwear smack her in the face, shaking her head. She placed her hands onto her waist.
"What are you going to do now that I'm here?" She asked him, not bothering to pick her underwear up.
12-06-2011, 02:41 AM
Leonard raise an eyebrow when Olivia had marched into his apartment as angry as she did. the double doors pressed themselves out of the walls silent and hushed as they closed together. Leonard looked Olivia up and down, Jeans and a T-shirt, plain but Olivias curves still shown through which caused him to grin handsomely. "You can turn heads in just jeans and a T-shirt, you know that?" he said to her as he strolled across the room dressed in nothing but his towel. He than hopped into a seat in his living room and looked up to Olivia, "To be honest I hadn't thought it out," He spun himself around in the chair for a minute or two, "all we've been doing is having sex, how about we go out for a change?" he asked her as the chair stopped spinning.
Cakie Papercake
12-06-2011, 03:04 AM
Olivia stared at him. Hearing the comment he said, and the smile made her cringe a little. She never really paid attention to the guys staring at her before she went and beat up another girl who dared tick her off.
"Well, um. Thank you." She said, turning a little red, before softening up. "You know, a date sounds nice, as long as your girlfriend doesn't catch you." She said to him, thinking that he already had someone in his life.
12-06-2011, 03:33 AM
"Girlfriend?" Leonard chuckled, "no, I'm too much man for one woman to handle,"he said slyly. In front of Olivia he kicked off his towel letting her see him bare. After all they had slept together a number of times. This combined with Leonards hedonistic level of shamelessness led him to believe it would be okay if she saw him completely nude. He walked into his room and emerged with his cloths. He had pulled out a pair of boxers and some jeans as well as a red t-shirt. He put all three of them on in front of Olivia, he smiled at the panties on the floor, "so are you going to pick those up or what?" he walked over to her and playfully shoved her back towards the doors, "where do you want to go?" he asked her.
Cakie Papercake
12-06-2011, 03:58 AM
Olivia gave a little chuckle. "I thought you would have many phone numbers that would be from the opposite gender." She said to him, before looking at him completely bare. She licked her lips, but resisted. She was a little upset with him, and walked to the door, not noticing that he finished changing. Once he did, she felt the playful shove from him.
"You pick. I'm not good with deciding where I want to go." She replied, feeling his body close to hers.
12-06-2011, 04:41 AM
Leonard continued to push her out and around the apartment complex, he felt the e-deck in his pocket. He looked down at it and watched for it to blink. thankfully it did as Mollys range was limited but extended to some of the space around Leonards apartment. He stroked his chin as he watched molly blink on his e-deck, "We could go back to Edgar's" he said as the two of the reached the corner. Leonard waved to a taxi to come over. Leonard pushed her into the cab, "Edgars," he said to the cab drive and they soon sped off. "Still mad?" he chuckled at her as the cab sped off.
Cakie Papercake
12-07-2011, 04:10 AM
Olivia blinked, and looked at her bag, with Oliver in her e-deck just fine, still afraid. "wait, what's with the shoving and pushing out of apartment?" She asked him, following him down and out of the apartment. Once she was in the cab, she sighed.
"I guess Edgar's is fine, and yes. A little upset." She replied to both of his questions, crossing her arms.
12-07-2011, 04:48 AM
Leonard frowned but at the same time brought out his cheeks as if to smile at the same time. "You don't wan to go to Edgar's? I thought you liked their food." Leonard chuckled as they bobbled around in the cab, the robotic cab driver drove efficiently and safely but these things till had no feel for the road. Something which made Leoanrd feel secure in the fact that it would be a while before his job of bartending would be challenged by a robot. The cab stopped at Edgars and Leoanrd looked to Olivia, "cheer up, I was only kidding about the panties, take a joke," he said as he kissed her on the lips. Leonard Broke away as the e-deck's light came through his jeans. Molly had already paid the cab fare, with that he popped open the cab door, stood outside and offered Olivia a hand, "come on," he said with a grin.
Cakie Papercake
12-08-2011, 02:53 AM
Olivia looked at Leonard, and smiled a little. "Well, I do, but he's gonna kill you for not paying him again." She replied, scooting away from him. She looked at the robot driver, and sighed a little, waiting for them to reach Edgar's. She looked at Leonard after he said it was a joke, and stuck her tongue out. "Meanie!" She said, before the cab stopped. She took his hand, and got out with his help, seeing the people walking.
12-08-2011, 03:52 AM
Leonard escorted Olivia out of the cab and onto the curb, "I thought a grown up woman like you would have thought panties on a door would be funny," he said gleefully. Leonard then opened the door to the familiar homely restaurant and slipped in past Olivia. The same waitress from last time showed them to a small table in the corner of the even smaller restaurant. She handed them menus and Leonard smiled, "You said you'd pay last time," Leonard chuckled as he twisted Olivias words.
Cakie Papercake
12-08-2011, 03:59 AM
Olivia followed Leonard out of the cab, and to the curb. "It's an insult to us ladies." Olivia replied, sticking her tongue out at him. She looked at him walking in and followed, waving to the waitress, before following her and Leonard to their table. Once she heard Leonard talk, she laughed.
"You are hilarious, Leonard. I said I was paying for my next meal. Not anyone else's. Besides, it's a gentleman's job to pay for the lady's meal, and their own." She replied, sticking her tongue out at him again.
12-08-2011, 04:16 AM
Leonard smirked as Olivia corrected him, "Oh is that so? pay for the lady's meal, well Olivia, with all the naughty things you do in bed I'm not sure if I'd call you a lady," he snickered to let her know he was merely joking. But still he liked to tease her and see her squirm which is why he did what he did. Leonard settled on a chicken sandwich, of course there was a torrent of gourmet ingredients that came on and in it, but at it's heart it was just a chicken sandwich.
Leonard looked over the top of his menu at Olivia, "So miss lady, if I pay for your meal, are we even?" he asked playfully.
Cakie Papercake
12-08-2011, 04:24 AM
"I am a lady, all the same. In the bedroom or out. I'm still a lady. Now shush!" She said, shaking her head. She ordered a hamburger, and a drink. She stared at Leonard, and knew exactly what he meant by her doing naughty thing in bed. She bit her lip, before looking at him.
"Yes. We'll be even. And you have to buy dessert and take me home too." She replied, giggling a little.
12-08-2011, 04:54 AM
Leonard smiled, "Fair enough Olivia," said Leonard as he folded up his menu and handed it to the waitress who had returned to them. Leonard relayed their orders to the waitress as she scampered away to relay the order to the chef. He was unsure if Edgar was even working today, either way Leonard would put it on his tab. "Dessert and then take you home," Leonard chuckled, "I'll have my dessert at home," Leonard winked at Olivia. Molly began to lite up furiously which only made Leonard chuckle longer.
Cakie Papercake
12-08-2011, 04:57 AM
Olivia nodded her head, and smiled. "You better buy me dessert." She said, sticking her tongue out. She looked about, and saw the waitress go back. She stared at Leonard for a second, before hearing what he said.
"Dessert? You? And what is that going to be? Cake, Ice cream?" she asked him, curious at the chuckle he gave, and why he gave it.
12-09-2011, 12:40 AM
Leonard sat there smirking, "some ice cream, Olivia flavored," he said casually at he cozied up against the back of the chair. Leonard peered back over to the door covering the kitchen. He didn't see Edgars signature hat which brought a small frown to his face. "Edgar's not here," he muttered. The waitress eventually came out and neatly placed their respective orders before them. Leonard smirked up and over to Olivia, "Just like in bed, after you," he sat there waiting for her to take a bite from her food.
Cakie Papercake
12-15-2011, 04:26 AM
Olivia blushed, hearing what Leonard said about Olivia flavored Ice Cream. She blinked, and followed his eyes, and looked at the kitchen. Once she didn't see Edger there, and Leonard told her, she sighed.
"Is that such a bad thing?" She asked him, before catching the waitress coming to them.
"Aww, how sweet." She said, taking a bite of her food, blushing now.
12-16-2011, 02:02 AM
"I like seeing my friend, that's all," he said as he began to dig into his sandwhich. It was certainly Edgar's recipe as it contained a few of his signature ingredients but they weren't prepared or assembled by the man. Still Leonrd found the meal to be enjoyed, on occasion he would make faces at Olivia to tease her so. Once he had finished the waitress came over asking if they would like anything else. Leonard smiled to Olivia, "Order your dessert," he said as he wiped his mouth with a napkin, a smirk eventually worked it's way onto his face.
Cakie Papercake
12-16-2011, 02:05 AM
"Well, he's a nice guy." She said, before eating. She somehow told herself that she should've ordered something lighter than what she was eating, but ignored it. Olivia caught Leonard making teasing faces, and bit her lip several times, continuing to eat. Once she finished, she caught the waitress coming back, and Leonard to order her dessert.
"Can I have a Chocolate cake?" She ordered, smiling. "Extra chocolately."
12-16-2011, 02:35 AM
Leonard noonded when Olivia had asked for chocolate cake. Edgar's recipes were mostly french but some of the desserts were not result the cake the waitress had brought out was indeed a German chocolate cake.. It had a light brown layer of icing on top of a much darker layer of chocolate cake. "looks good," said Leonard as the waitress placed a single slice in front of Olivia, "non for me," said Leonard as he sat back in his chair and looked to Olivia, "Happy?" he asked her in the same way a parent would ask a child.
Cakie Papercake
12-16-2011, 08:35 PM
Olivia smiled at Leonard, licking her lips as if she wanted to eat him instead of the dessert that was to be brought to her. Once she got it, Olivia clapped, taking her fork, and taking a bite. "Mmm... This is delicious." She said, hearing his question.
"Of course I'm happy. But you know what goes great with cake? Wine." She replied to it, giggling a little.
12-17-2011, 02:55 AM
"Wine? am I paying for that too Olivia?" asked Leonard as he motioned over for the waitress to return, "wine please," the waitress simply nodded before disappearing into the kitchen. "you know it's not even five o'clock yet," said Leonard as he watched the waitress return with a dark green bottle of wine. She poured out the purple red contents for them into two goblets and set them down in front of them, "leave the bottle," asked Leonard, the waitress complied. Leonard held up a goblet of wine, "to a pair of panties," he declared boldly before taking a sip of the wine.
Cakie Papercake
12-18-2011, 02:41 AM
Olivia laughed a little before she put on a serious face. "I'm paying you with my body. At least you can do is get a girl what she wants." She said to him, eating her cake. She looked at the time, and saw that Leonard was right. It wasn't anywhere close to five. "Well, I like my wine with cake." She said, before sticking her tongue out. Olivia saw the wine coming to then, and took a sip, smiling. "Want some?" She asked him.
12-18-2011, 10:43 PM
Leonard raised an eyebrow when Olivia had said that she was paying him with her body, "Olivia, that makes us both sound terrible," he chuckled. Leonard reached into his pocket and produced several bills which he placed on the table for the waitress. "Sure, I'll have some," said Leonard as he sat there with his mouth open waiting for Olivia to shovel cake into it. As he sat there he thought about her statement, were the two of the just trading things with each other for sex?
Cakie Papercake
12-19-2011, 01:27 AM
Olivia frowned now, knowing that she shouldn't have said that. She knew that she wanted to give Leonard a chance, but would he accept her was the question. "Sorry. It.. It sounded weird. I should go." She said to him, getting up from her seat, and putting her portion of the bill on the table. "Keep the change." She said, before walking out of the restaurant. She ran away from it to the direction of her home, placing her bluetooth in her ear.
"Ahh, and the livy uses the blue tooth. What's wrong now?" Oliver asked her, not hearing her sniffle.
"I said something really REALLY stupid, Olly." Olivia said, before tears started to drop. "I'm going home, change, and drink." She added. Oliver blinked twice before saying.
"Ahh boy. I'm screwed."
Once Olivia got home, she threw her bag to the couch, and reached for the cabinet, where the alcohol bottles were. She poured some vodka in a shot glass and started to drink.
"Olivia, remember you have work tomorrow. You get very very VERY cranky when you have a hang over. So, please prevent that. For everyone's sake." Oliver said, before roaming around the house.
12-19-2011, 01:52 AM
Leonard sat there as he watched Olivia leave, what had set her off he wondered. Leonard looked down to his pants and saw that his pocked was blinking, Molly was probably mocking him, he could tell by how rapidly the light flickered, she was laughing. Still the question remained in his mind, what had set off Olivia, was it his comment about what she had said. "Nothing else makes sense," he said as he got up and strolled casually out of the restaurant. Leonard made his way home with the question having changed to what should he do.
"I'll give her some time to cool off," he said as he made his way into the apartment. Leonard plopped himself down in front of his computer and began to browse his role play site.
Cakie Papercake
12-19-2011, 02:09 AM
Olivia kept drinking away her vodka, not seeing her Oliver going to the computer, and typing away.
"Aww man, this is crazy... Come on, Molly... answer!" he said to himself, trying to get in contact with Molly. Oliver felt bad that Olivia was in that condition, but he knew it was her fault. "Mistakes happen, my dear." He said to himself. He waited, and he heard the cabinet open again, looking at Olivia drinking her second bottle.
12-19-2011, 02:58 AM
Molly silently opened a tab on Leonards computer when he had looked away, she recieved a massage from Oliver. "Oliver, what is it? what happened?" she asked him. It must be something bad, she thought to herself before allowing a grin to draw itself on her lips, This is going to get good.
Leonard frowned when his role play buddy was not online. "Maybe I'll just relax, Molly let me know if my buddy logs on," Leonard then got up, headed to his living room, and sat down in front of his projection screen. "Go ahead Oliver," Molly said to him once she was sure Leonard had disappeared.
Cakie Papercake
12-19-2011, 03:04 AM
Olivier blinked, having a depressed face. "She's getting drunk. Help me!!!" Oliver said to her, pointing the screen to Olivia, who held the sake bottle in her hand, glaring at Oliver. "Don't you dare point that screen at me unless it's Leo-san!" She screamed, throwing a pillow at Oliver's direction, before drinking.
"This is scary. She starts talking about her true feelings when she's drunk." Oliver said, having a tab for the role playing site that Olivia goes on.
12-19-2011, 03:36 AM
Molly burst out into a series of laughing and almost lost control of the intercom. For a split second her laugh shot out into the intercom causing Leonard to raise an eyebrow and turn up the volume on the T.V. "Darn neighbors," he muttered to himself. Once molly regained control she cleared her throat, "Sorry Oliver, but that is too funny, Let's see what she says about Leonard, Get her to talk, this might help us," With that Molly settled into her seat and even began recording for sound as well as video.
Cakie Papercake
12-19-2011, 04:11 AM
Oliver shivered a little. "B.. But she's scary!" he cried out, before thing about it. "Fine. I'll ask her." He said, pointing the screen to her again, going to her carefully, and pulling her away from the Sake, before she grabbed it again. "MINE!" She cried out. "Fine, take it. Come though." Oliver said, sitting Olivia down on the chair. "What do you think about Leona... Leon-san?" Oliver asked, petting her, but afraid that he angered her. Olivia thought about it, before her eyes filled with tears. "I hurt Leon-san... by saying that i was paying him with sex... but... I, really like him.. maybe more than a friend. I'm scared that He..." She started, burping. She looked at Oliver, glaring at him. "I wanna go to the couch!" She said, before going back to her original spot. Oliver sighed, sitting back. "YOu see how scary she is?" He said to Molly.
12-19-2011, 04:29 AM
Leonard yawned as he watched T.V., Molly sighed knowing that he probably wouldn't come back into his room for about another twenty or so minutes. "Oh so she really likes Leonard?" Molly chuckled, "what about her 'role play buddy?,' she asked Oliver. Molly didn't know why but she found this little game she and Oliver were playing with their master to be positively exhilarating. "If she likes both of them that's good too, I just think it will be funny if she does like both of them," Molly added before waiting for Oliver to reply.
"Molly, anything?" Leonard spoke to the intercom as he turned down the volume, "No Leonard, not yet," Molly replied before returning her attention to Oliver an he stream of Olivia.
Cakie Papercake
12-19-2011, 04:33 AM
Oliver blinked, before remembering that Leonard and Olivia's role playing friend were the same guy. "Ahh, right. Livy!" Oliver called out, pulling Olivia back. "What about the guy you role play? You like him too?" Oliver asked her. Olivia shook her head. "He's a fun guy to role play with, but Leon-san is better! Then again, That guy is funny, and makes me laugh." She replied, calling out to Oliver. "Who are you talking to?" She then asked. Oliver shook, before looking at her. "Just a friend." he replied, turning back to Molly. "There's our answers." Oliver said to her.
12-19-2011, 08:15 PM
Molly began to chuckle uncontrollably as she listened in on the audio stream of Olivia's drunken ramblings. "I can't wait for her to find out that Leonard and her role play buddy are the same person," she paused, "I wonder what Leonard thinks of Olivia," she heard him get up off the couch in order to make his way over to the kitchen, "Leonard holds his liquor well, he's a bartender after all," she mumbled to herself, "I'll try bringing it up with him soon." she said before opening the intercom, "Nothing Yet Leonard," she said before returning her attention to Oliver, "Just get her to calm down, let me know when shes sober, I'll have Leonard call her unless the two of them start role playing," with that she closed her window to Oliver and began waiting.
Cakie Papercake
12-20-2011, 03:03 AM
Oliver looked at Molly, and nodded his head. "Yeah. I'll try that. Maybe she'll... okay, she's gonna get on." Oliver said, catching Olivia coming, and closing the window as well. "You're going to get on?" Oliver asked. Olivia nodded her head, logging into the role playing site. She went to update her status, in tears.
"I'm such a BAKA! I never knew I could say something so stupid!" Olivia typed, before waiting for her friend. "Maybe he'll cheer me up. " She said to herself.
12-20-2011, 03:51 AM
Molly pinged Leonard over the intercom, "Leonard, your role playing buddy is on," she chimed in with. Leonard had been standing in the kitchen peeling lemon skins with a knife. He liked to be able to create his garnishes without the help of an actual peeler. upon hearing Molly's news he accidentally squeezed the lemon causing juice to go flying everywhere, "Damn," he said as he placed the lemon skin in the sink and began washing his hands, "At least they'll smell nice," Molly said which caused Leonard to roll his eyes.
Lenard sat down as his eyes scanned the screen, "Something must be wrong for her to message me like this," Leonard said as his brows furrowed in confusion. what's wrong babe? he shot over to her, eagerly awaiting a reply.
Cakie Papercake
12-20-2011, 04:08 AM
Olivia looked at Oliver, and then at the screen, knowing that she was too drunk. She cried more, typing away. Olivier couldn't even stop her. "Don't say anything stupid..' he said to her, but she obviously ignored him. She saw the message that her friend sent her, and typed again.
"I.. I said something really really REALLY stupid to a close friend of mine, and I wish I didn't! I feel like a total idiot. So I'm here, getting drunk." She typed, before sending.
12-20-2011, 09:19 PM
Once he had read that she had something dumb and was now getting drunk things became more apparent as well as entertaining for Leonard. "I've gotten stranger drunk messages from people," he said to himself. Strangely Molly didn't chime in like she normally would. In fact she was silently watching what Leonard was doing, almost like a movie, in a way it was, her and Oliver were the directors. "Why don't you comfort her Leonard," she said, "Or just say something nice," she added before resuming her watching of Leonard.
He nodded and began to type out on the screen, People say stupid things all the time, it happens, I'm sure your friend doesn't mind," Leonard sat there for a moment and thought of Olivia leaving earlier, "what if?" he shook his head with a smile, "no, way."
Cakie Papercake
12-20-2011, 11:06 PM
Oliver looked at the message, and shook his head. "Come on, he's being nice to you at least." Oliver said to her, realizing that even Leonard didn't know it was her. Olivia laughed a bit, looking at the keyboard, before typing.
"This one does! It isn't fair! What if he hates me? What do I tell him? I wanna tell him that I am sorry. And he took me on a date, and I left right after I said that. That was sooooooooooooooooooooooo rude! I could have at least finished my dessert. At least I paid for my portion." Olivia typed, crying more now. Oliver sighed, feeling bad.
12-21-2011, 01:51 AM
Leonard blinked as his eyes scanned over the message several times, "Yep, she's drunk," said Leonard who was chuckling by now. "She can't hold her liquor at all," he added as he read the message once more back to himself letting a few laughs slip ever other word or so. "She must really like that guy though," Molly added. Leonard could only nod his head in agreement, "Definitely."
Just calm down, it's alright, typed in Leonard who at this point was just being passive. This was how he dealt with drunks at work, so it should work fine here.
Cakie Papercake
12-21-2011, 02:00 AM
Olivia started typing on one of her other rps, keeping her cool on those. Once she saw her friend sending her a message, she opened it, seeing those words.
"I don't think I'm his type, anyway. What do I tell him? I can't just say, whoops. I'm sorry for telling you that, let me open you up, and kiss your heart better! Olivia sent, Oliver turning scared now.
"Scary Livy.. Very Very SCARY Livy!" he said, before hiding behind the couch.
12-21-2011, 02:32 AM
Molly could only chuckle as she could only imagine what Oliver was having to go through by listening to Olivia. "She must be going crazy," Molly chuckled to herself as she monitored Leonard, "Be nice to her Leonard," Molly said mockingly. Leonard scratched his head, "no worries, I deal with drunks all the time," he said before returning his fingers to the keyboard, "\Just call him up and apologize, he sent to her.
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