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01-20-2010, 12:19 AM
She played for hours, all through the night and well into the morning, having long forgotten the sting of her fingers. Her harp rang out until even the most scandalous of men had left to seek their beds. It was for her own protection, for if she were to slip away for just a moment to rest someone always followed but none would dare approach her before the Duke and Duchess. She was more a possession to them than person, with her strikingly odd looks and amazing talent they wouldn’t let anything happen to her just as they wouldn’t let anything happen to one of their prize paintings.
A small sigh of relief escaped as she stood stretching her aching muscles before curtsy low to the Duke and Duchess as they headed to their own chambers. Servants moved silently into the room and began removing all traces of last night’s events, Ember left them to it intent on retiring herself. Within minutes she was in her chamber and collapsing across her bed without bothering to change. She was asleep before her skirts settled.
The sun was just beginning to rise when she next awoke, her chest tight and heaving a cold sweat covering her body. She’d dreamt of war and brutal heartache, of fire and magic and dark shadows, the images were fading as most dreams did but she couldn’t seem to shake the feeling of absolute terror. Shivering, she slid from the bed and moved to light a fire in the already set hearth, muttering when the match wouldn’t light.
“Light” She snapped blinking when it suddenly flared to life. The logs caught quickly and the blaze dispelled the gloom from around her. She pushed to her feet, gasping when her footing slipped and she went tumbling forward. Her arms flung across her face, eyes squeezing shut as she braced for pain.
When she opened her eyes she was enveloped in darkness, the only light coming off the beautiful woman before her. Go to the City of Light. Others will be there. You must hurry, only you can defeat him. Before the stranger disappeared Ember saw the tears slip down her cheeks. Light returned to the world and Ember felt the feather light touch of grass on her cheek, she shifted into a sitting position and looked about.
It didn’t take her long to realize she was no longer in her homeland but a strange new place with the most gorgeous of weather. She pushed to her feet, pausing momentarily when she spotted a small bag with a spill of her things next to it. She thought it odd but gathered them up and hooked the drawstring bag to her belt. Remembering the odd woman’s words she turned towards the large city on the horizon, intent on heading their and finding out more about this place and the ‘City of Light.’
Falcon Red
01-20-2010, 05:42 AM
Chase walked over to an empty table out in the courtyard of this school, to enjoy his lunch. He attended a local public school. It was small, just a few hundred students attended, but it was a superior school. High test scores, well-behaved kids from upper middle class families living in the suburbs. Over all it was a nice environment to be in. Well until you meet the bullies.
Chase wasn't unpopular by a long shot. Most kids looked up to him for his money, a few others disliked him deeply for it, and even fewer knew him to be a good guy. He never flaunted his money, never showed any sign of superiority, he just came to school to get an education and make a few friends. Which he did.
A few kids approached Chase in his black blazer and red shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers. One was much taller than Chase. Broad shoulders, round stomach, arms crossed, silhouetted by the sun. Two more slightly smaller than him standing behind on either side of him. The broadshouldered leader stepped forward and snatched at Chase's sandwich. Chase pulled it back just in time still refusing to acknowledge the guys.
"What, rich boy to selfish to share?" The broadshouldered boy asked.
"Rich boy is hungry. Rich boy thinks Stilson needs to loose the weight anyway." Chase replied figuring it best just to play along.
Spitting on the ground the broadshouldered boy grabbed Chase by the jacket and pulled him up. "What did you say?"
"I said, that if that shirt were any tighter, your stomach would be hanging out halfway."
Stilson shoved Chase towards on of the smaller boys who pushed him back roughly. Chase stumbled between the two being pushed again suddenly by Stilson. Unable to predict his steps, he fell on his butt in the grass with a thud. He looked up into the sun at the bullies.
"Why don't you get up and fight? Rich boy!"
Feeling his temper right, he quickly went into breathing excersizes knowing full well he could take his advirsary and kick him to the curb. Breathing, he felt a gentl breeze flow around the birthmark under his ear. Opening his eyes a bit startled at the change in the single spot he looked up.
Eyes open again, he noticed a few changes. He no longer staired at Stilson and his cronies. No longer noticed any outdoor lunch tables. What he did notice was that he sat on a grassy incline, slight breeze seemingly to blow from all for points of the compass.
He closed his eyes again to see if he would wake up back home, but was instead, swallowed into darkness as his eyes rolled back into his head. A voice spoke to him. It seemed to come from him, yet he heard it like it was from someone next to him. It had one message. Go to the City of Light. Others will be there.
Finally, stepping back into his own consciousness, he realized he was still on the hill halfway down. City of light... He thought. How was he supposed to get there? He looked down and noticed a wispy white cantine on a sling. It was thick as if it were welded to a storage container. He picked it up feeling the weight. It was full. Water in the half with a spout, and bread compacted into the half that looked like solid tupperware.
Slinging it over his shoulder, Chase surveyed the landscape. He didn't see anything in the distance but mountains. He thought back on his history and made a decision. Civilization always moved west, as would he. He looked up into the sky at the sun to figure out which way. Deciding which way was east, he followed in the opposite direction, going straight downhill into the mountain range. How would he be able to navigate them?
01-20-2010, 11:12 AM
It was an ordinary day as always in an unknown jungle terrain island, and different animals were lurking about. Gorillas were making their nests, and their young-lings were roaming about gathering fruits to feast on. But although these gorillas were at peace, they were in fact being watched by someone who would soon start an uproar of chaos. Up within the trees, a boy holding unto a hand-made sling in one hand and a stone in the other was spying on them carefully. He was up to no good once again and started to swing his sling about. When he was ready, he released the stone, sending it flying straight toward a female gorilla.
As soon as the stone collided with her back, she started to freak out and move about erratically, making the other gorillas startled and follow her lead. The boy was laughing like crazy by this time, getting a kick at how they all reacted. Sad thing was, the leader of the gorillas was the mate of said female gorilla, and he wasn't very happy at what happened. And apparently, he managed to find himself right behind the boy's location...
Not far away from where the uproar happened, a lion wearing different ornaments was within a room, staring at the portrait of a woman. She closely resembled the boy in many ways, and the lion just shook his head at the memory of how she perished. "Such a lovely young woman. If only I was able to reach them both before the final strike was done. Would of perhaps been nice if he could actually interact between people of his kind..." He then turned his attention to a round glass window which showed the terrain from outside. "I do wonder... When will he be able to meet people of his kind? When will he also see the light to the truth? My Lord... When shall I reveal it to him?"
As soon as he thought of this, he suddenly heard the numerous voices of birds squawking in the distance as they lifted themselves off the island's trees. It wasn't long until he found out why they had done so, because there was a sudden earthquake that overcame his area. It was so powerful that the items within the room were shaking off their positions. Suddenly, the floor in front of the lion split into two, and the crack leaded itself towards the picture. The picture fell and revealed a rusty vault, something the lion had not seen in 13 years. Before he knew it, the door itself broke off, causing the earthquake to stop. When the lion took a closer look at the vault, seeing what was inside, he simply nodded to himself. "It is time."
The lion was now walking through the forest, and this time he had an odd shaped object resting on his back, and it was covered by a large cloth. He had been looking for the boy for quite a while now, and he could not tell where exactly he was or what he was up to at the moment. Then there was a shout, and the lion quickly knew who's it was. The problem was, he also knew it was a call for help. He started to pace much faster than he originally was and tried to follow where the source of the sound was. It was after a few seconds of running he discovered what had happened to him. "TEO!!" He called out, seeing that the boy was hiding under large rocks which acted as a barrier and were quickly being slammed on by the hands of the silver-backed gorilla. "Kaun! Help me!!!" Teo cried, knowing he would be crushed if the gorilla managed to break the barrier of rocks. Kaun was running as fast as he could trying to reach Teo before the Gorilla could get to him.
Tears were running down the boy's eyes by then, wishing there was someway he could save himself if ever there was no way Kaun can come in time. "If only... If only there was someway I could push these rocks back!!" It was then his anger built itself up to the point it was as if his wish became true. He had simply punched the rock in front of himself, and as if a miracle had happened, it flew backwards, bringing the gorilla along with it. Although the gorilla problem was away, the fact the formation of rocks were unstable was not. The rocks above and below him had started to crumble and disconnect from it's original formation because one of it's building blocks had been removed. They had slowly started to run backwards, giving off a landslide effect. Kaun had reached this area by this time, so both Teo and Kaun were caught in the landslide. Once again, Teo was wishing Kaun could get him out of this mess like before, but now that even he could do nothing, he just simply closed his eyes... "Someone... Please help us....."
Everything was pitch black. Teo had thought his eyes were closed, but after making sure his eyes were open, he knew something was fishy. "What in pete's sake just happened?" It was not long until he took notice of Kaun laying down on the pitch black background and he ran towards him to check if he was alright. "Kaun.... Are you alright?" Kaun then looked up at Teo and slowly nodded his head in response. "I think... The proper question to ask if we are alright..." "Kaun... Is this heaven?" Kaun simply grinned at his comment, but sooner or later his grin diminished when he took notice of a shining lady behind Teo. Teo soon took notice as well, and a big smile appeared on his face. "Hey... She looks like me and all those other people I saw in those books... Kaun, maybe she saved us! Why don't we go ask her what happe-" Before he could even finish his sentence, the woman talked. Go to the city of Light... "Wait... What?" Others will be there... You are the only ones who can stop him... "Huh?" He then saw tears roll down her face, and it quickly made him feel sad since the first person he ever saw look similar to him had a face showing sorrow. "Who is she? Why is she... crying?" She disappeared suddenly, making light overcome everything.
Now, they knew their eyes were completely open as they saw skies above them. Once Teo stood up and looked around, he knew for sure he was no longer on his island. "What is this place Kaun?" As Kaun then followed and looked around as well, he suddenly gasped and blinked a few times. "I don't believe it... I know this place... Or at least it's familiar enough for me..." Teo took a good look at Kaun. "What do you mean?" Looking back at Teo, Kaun paused for a while until he spoke once again. "I recognize this place.... Not entirely, but there's something about it that makes it familiar... Oh, that reminds me... I was supposed to give this to you a while back, Teo..." He then pulled off the cloth on him and revealed a giant boomerang. "This is supposedly yours..." Teo looked at it oddly. "How can that be mine?! It's huge! I don't think I can even-" His eyes widened. "Carry it..." He was holding unto it upwards, and it felt extremely light for some odd reason. "Like I said... It's yours Teo." A large grin appeared on his face. "Well... Alright then..." Saying this, he jumped unto Kaun's back. "Well then, I believe you know the way to this city of Light since you recognize this place?" Kaun chuckled at this. "My memory is quite rusty... But I think I can find the way..." Just before he started to run off into the distance, he gave off a long majestic roar, signifying the start of their adventure....
"Maybe... If I go to this City... I can find the person who hurt her...
Maybe it can stop her from crying..."
01-21-2010, 07:21 AM
"Yes, Mrs. Blatt, I know what I'm doing!!" Lux shouted. "Crazy old bat." He muttered to himself, shaking his head. He had been up here all day trying to fix this lady's roof (and doing a damn good job if he did say so himself) and all she could say was "Don't break anything, Coulomb" and "make sure it won't leak, Coulomb." If she didn't stop complaining he had half a mind to chuck his hammer at her.
After pounding the last nail in, he wiped sweat from his forehead and set his hammer down. Stretching his back, Lux looked up just in time to see one of the new hover cars fly past right over his head. He ducked, startled. Damn things always flying too low.
"Hey Mrs. Blatt, I'm done." he shouted down to her.
"About time." She shouted back.
Lux rolled his eyes and made his way to the ladder. He was leaning over to grab hold of it when another hover car blew past, this one even lower than the first. Lux's arms pinwheeled as he teetered over the edge of the roof, and then he was falling, face stretched in horror. As the ground rushed towards him he shut his eyes tight.
After what seemed like an eternity he opened them again and saw nothing except the shimmering figure of a woman. As his eyes began to adjust, she spoke to him.
"Go to the City of Light. Others will be there."
"Go to the what now? What do you-
"You must hurry, only you can defeat him."
"No lady, seriously, I don't know what you-"
And before he could finish, she was gone and Lux was lying on his back in the middle of a field. He stood up and looked around. Somehow he had the revolver that was under his bed at home, strapped to his hip and there was a satchel full of supplies laying a few feet away. He slung the satchel over his shoulders and looked around. Nothing for miles except wilderness. What the hell happened? Maybe he could find a town and figure out where he was. Lux took a final look around and took off in search of civilization.
The Imposter
01-21-2010, 06:42 PM
Lights flashed and people danced, the speakers pulsated in a rhythmic lure, putting all in the room into a hypnotic trance of dancing. She stood to the side encased slightly by the turn tables, and unable to freely move because of the cord connecting the headphones to the table. Her hands moved so quickly it seemed as if they acted on their own accord. Changing tempos and scratching to create the enticing beat that ruptured from the speakers. After some time she stopped to take a break. The throng of people in the penthouse clapped and cheered for her. She smiled and gave a small wave then set down the headphones and made her way to the patio.
She wiped the perspiration from her forehead and she stepped outside. She always enjoyed playing at parties like this. The warm California air swept up her hair gently and she looked out over the grounds. Even the people two stories below seemed to be enjoying their surroundings. The lights lit up the small resort and left nothing to the imagination. People danced, drank, swam, and chatted. Sheila however found herself alone, there were people inside but still she felt by herself. A wave of depression flooded her mind as she looked down at the ground below. Would your father be proud? The thought came quickly startling her, she turned behind to see if perhaps it wasn’t her own thought but the voice another. She shook her head at the thought and then turned back to the crowd inside to see someone else making their way out to the patio. She opened the door and then stopped when she caught eyes with Sheila.
“Oh, sorry I didn’t think anyone else would be out here. I just need to clear my head a little.”
Sheila chuckled to herself, seeing the parallel between her and the stranger. She turned back to the landscape that overshadowed the horizon.
“Feel free.”
The two just stood beside each other thinking things through themselves. Sheila closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The sudden thought of the ocean entering her mind, she remembered the times her father took her out and told her stories about him and mom. She missed that. Her body leaned forward ever so slowly and her mind began to race. What happened to the ledge?! Where is the ground?! What’s going on?! She felt herself turn and reach out trying to grab something, anything. She didn’t feel like she was falling though. It was strange she felt like she was nowhere at all.
Her ears strained to a distant sound. It was a voice, almost a whisper, calling out to Sheila. Go to the City of Light. What did it mean? Before she could process anything she hit a hard surface with a thud. A moan escaped her as she opened her eyes to see the sun shining through a large tree. The cloudless sky left little to observe. Sheila rolled to her stomach and slowly picked herself up. She was standing in the middle of some field with this tree.
“What the heck?! Am I dreaming? This doesn’t feel like a dream.”
The words echoed in the forefront of her mind once more. The City of Light sounded so kiddish. What kinda dream is this? Unsure which way to go she quickly shimmied up the tree to see her surroundings.
01-22-2010, 02:03 AM
Sitting on a fallen tree in the forest Moa soon found himself hungry. So he got out his pouch wich was almost empty "I really need to get more food" As he was saying this he reached for his gourd shook it once but when he heard no sound at all he was struck with disapointment "What! no water!this day can't get any worse." But hearing a noise to his left he immedietly went into observation mode and started to survey the land. Okay if there is a guy there I can slip through those trees. Yes! and I can also catch him off guard with that branch it looks weak.... but as he was thinking of ideas a bright light flashed right before him "ahhh! where did that come from. Oh well whatever it was, it's gone now. Now I can rest." He started to sit down again when he just fell.." Oww! who moved my tree!" He yelled at what seemed to be no one. But as he was looking around he noticed everything has changed."Well, I'm not in Japan anymore."
01-22-2010, 11:02 PM
Nancy Belle sat alone in the study, small black book in one hand and pen in the other. The fire crackled cheerfully away in the old brick fireplace, marmozet happily dozing on her shoulder. She was trying to sketch her favourite flowers from memory, putting in intricate details, labeling the different parts of the plants that her brother had taught her. He was upstairs working, and her parents were once again out traveling, so very far away. She glanced to the picture of them both over the fire. They both looked so stiff, she didn't like it at all.
Nancy sighed. She looked up and watched the darkness through a crack in the curtains. It was too dark to see outside, but the pitter patter of drizzle could be heard if one listened closely. She was happy she was indoors, out of the cold windy rain, and she wished for better weather. The days had been dull, dull, dull. Grey clouds and rain, all day and night long. It was a wonder the place was not underwater!
Shivering, Nancy carefully stood, placing the sleeping Marmozet on the armchair amoung the cushoins. He didn't wake, and she ventured towards the fireplace, catching her skirts and kneeling in front of the fire. She warmed her hands, being careful not to catch her sleeves. Sighing she lay back. Nancy was a bit tired, but she didn't feel like heading off to bed. She would like some company, but there was simply no one to talk to in this old, creaking house.
Nancy looked towards the door, before carefully lying down in front of the cheerful flames. She rested her head on her arm, watching the colours dance about. It was oddly soothing, in a sort of hypnotic way. Gradually, she felt as if she was drifting off.
Darkness. No, not true darkness - a beautiful woman stood in front of her, emitting a warm glow.But yet... she looked so sad. "Go to the city of light. Others will be there. You must hurry."
Nancy wanted to speak, to comfort her. But by the time she had gotten her words out, the figure had already dissapeared. "Please... Don't cry..." she uttered to the empty space in front of her.
It took her several moments to realize she wasn't in the study. The warm sun kissed her skin and the grass swayed lazily in the pleasant breeze. Nancy brushed a tear that was forming, scolding herself for being so easily influenced by other people's emotions. "Nancy Belle, you don't even know the woman." she told herself, though she couldn't explain the strange familiarity she had felt towards her. Shaking her head, Nancy stood up, still clutching her book. "Others will be there..." she repeated to herself, a soft smile touching her lips. Gathering her skirts, she slowly descended down the hillside, heading to this City of Light.
01-23-2010, 06:50 AM
The sun was high in the sky by the time Ember reached the city. It was similar to some of the towns she’d been too before, though grander and cleaner, with a much friendlier atmosphere. The streets were lined with houses and shops and everyone seemed to being doing something, though no one seemed to busy not to stop and talk to a friend or neighbor. It was such a happy and welcoming place that the young red head found herself genuinely smiling and waving back to the strangers.
She found it odd that poverty didn’t seem to be a problem here and there was no obvious separations of class. It was such a different world from the one she’d been in just hours ago that she stopped walking to study the people more closely, finally noticing that they weren’t even all human. Before her stood a verity of races she’d only ever heard of in tales or songs. She had not ever believed such creatures as elves or - what was that... a goblin? - existed. Her move to move closer to the creatures was cut off by a wide set of silk clad shoulders.
“My sincerest apologies Lady Flame, for not meeting you. We only just received word of your arrival when you entered our great City of Light. I have deployed men to seek out the others at once and guide them to the temple.” He bowed low from the waist sending his dark spill of hair falling over his shoulder and revealing slightly pointed ears. He stood straight once more and Embers eyes fell on the odd sun tattoo on his left cheek before his words registered.
“Lady Flame? I think you have me mistaken for someone else, but perhaps you can help…” Her words were cut off as the strange man inclined his head regally.
“Forgive me Lady Flame, but there could be no mistaking the daughter of Phyre. If you follow me I’m sure our Goddess Velika will explain all.” As he said the goddesses name he brushed his fingers over the tattoo, then bowed to her again and began walking the opposite way she’d come from. She followed hesitantly, a bit startled when to more men with the same yellow silk uniform and sun tattoo fell into step behind her.
As they walked Ember forgot about the novelty of the city and began picking at his words. Daughter of Phyre… what could that mean. Her mind raced with so many questions she almost ran into her escort’s back when he stopped before large intricate gates. Her gaze moved over the odd symbols woven into the golden gates, starting at the left was water and plants, then one slashed diagonally with blood, next to the seam the light symbol stood larger than the others. Continuing right was a symbol so vandalized Ember wouldn’t have been able to make it out if she wanted to, then air, earth and fire.
Curious she undid the collar button of her dress and traced the ever familiar pattern of her birthmark, simultaneously running a hand over the identical mark on the gate. She gasped pulling her hand away as it heated and flared a brilliant red for all to see.
01-27-2010, 08:44 PM
As Moa was walking in a northerly direction he noticed a shadow following him. He instantly took off running strait to his destination. The he took his Okoru and jamed it into the ground to propel him into a nearby tree. As the figure that was following Moa started to run in the direction he was going toward. So he was following me. Mabe I should confront him. No I will hunt the prey, or mabe just mabe I should just head off. Nahhh I would never find anything out then, I think I'll just follow him now. As Moa was following this stalker he noticed that he was not human or anything relatively human for that matter. Immediately old legends from Japan started to roll around in his head.What if its that creature that eats goat. No wait a demon, or it could be the town defect. Moa just watched fascinated untill it stopped. "What is it doing now" Moa said quietly to himself.
01-31-2010, 05:07 AM
Luke rolled over and fell out of the tree he had been sleeping in landing flat on his back, "ohhh!" he groaned, then stood up slowly cracking his joints as he did "is it day?" he yawned, "oh when did that happen?" he asked cracking his neck, then shook his head, "way to go Luke, your talking to yourself!".
He turned and glanced around at the area, all he saw was the sea in the distance, rolling hills stretching out around him and a grey smudge off in the distance, "hmmm civilization?" he brushed off the leaves, dirt and grass he'd gotten on himself from the fall and straightened his jacket, and started toward the grey smudge he was guessing meant a city.
it had been nearly 3 days, Luke thought, since he had woken up on the shore, and he had spent all that time just wandering the hills, and the shore hoping to find survivors of the ship, but after 3 days he had found no one, and so now that he'd found signs of life and had realized that his lone efforts proved pointless, "my survival only proves i'm tough enough to have survived" he thought out loud, he decided he should find someone who could tell him where he was, and if anyone else had found survivors.
02-04-2010, 12:16 AM
He woke up, slightly groggy and disoriented. His back hurt slightly and his eyes stinged as he opened them to the light now shining in the sky. "Uhhhh, what time is it? Why is my bed so hard?" Damian rose his arm and jabbed the ground with his elbow. "WHAT THE!!! Grah! This isn't my bed! That really hurt. That was my funny bone! Wait...I'm outside, and this clearly isn't a ed of any sort. I'm in an alley. Well that's just great. I could've sworn I fell asleep in a bed last night. Maybe the kicked me out again. Oh well." At that, Damian got up, brushed himself off and stretched.
Wiping the sleep from his eyes and walking into the bustling market place, many creatures passing by that Damian had only heard of. Trolls, giving off an odour so foul no one try passing by it. Goblins, short and shifty looking. Elves with their pointy ears, and occasionally a bow slung across their back. The more Damian gazed, the more at home he felt. He wasn't so different anymore. Although, from what he could see he was the only angel. Sighing, he checked for his bow and swords, finding he had both he moved out into the market.
"Time for breakfast!" He walked along the stands, grabbing an apple here and a loaf or bread there, and a small brick of cheese. He found a place to sit for a while, ate his bread and cheese, and layed down and watched the clouds drift by. He drifted off again. He opened his eyes, to find almost complete darkness except for a woman who seemed to radiate light. Find them. Only you and the others can beat him, you must find the one who shares your emblem, you already have yours. She pointed at his wrist, and the charm on his bracelet shone red as if it were an actual flame. As he turned back to face her, she started fading and tears started flowing down her face.
He awoke again, back where he was when he had awoken earlier. He got up, looked around and stretched. As he looked, he noticed a young girl being led to large gates by a soldier. The girl looked familiar, very familiar actually. She reminded him of... "Ember? But it can't be her. Why would she be here?" Damian got up and started walking towards her, slowly at first but now into more of a jog. The closer he got, the more positive he was it was her. The soldier started opening the gates, and she started undoing her collar and tracing her birthmark. It looked srangely like his one charm.... "Ember!" She started turning as he called her name and then he full out tackled her. He was now still running with her in his arms, spinning in circles in complete delight. "Oh my god! I haven't seen you in forever. How have been my dear? I've missed you so dearly!"
02-22-2010, 01:27 PM
Ember’s squeal of fright changed to a sound of delight as she realized just whose arms had banded around her. She laughed throwing her own around his neck and holding him close before she pushed him back and struggled free to get a better look at him. She cradled his face in her hands for a moment, drinking in the look of him.
“I’m glad I’m not alone anymore.” She murmured softly, having a duel meaning behind her words. Then her smile was back and she was hugging him close once more.
“Yes it has been forever, I’ve been great. How have you been? Do you know where we are? What we are doing here?” She fired questions one after another as the two friends stood in front of the sealed gates of the golden temple.
03-02-2010, 10:10 PM
As Moa starred at this creature he realized it was a reptillian type creature. Wow what is with this place I've never seen anything like this. Moa then jumped out of the tree and landed right behind the creature. "Howdy" Moa said in a scary tone. The creature jumped at the sound of the thump and it turned quickly with the word then it said "Howdy-y-y-y?" The creature said kinda scarred. "I am new to this place think you can show me around." Moa said in a lower but still intimidating tone. "Sh-sh-shure" The scared creature said. "Great lead the way I want to see the local village if I may". "Oh ok." Then the creature walked off and Moa followed.
03-07-2010, 05:50 PM
"I'm beginning to think this area is uninhabited..." Luke said out loud after over 4 hours of walking, he leapt to the top of a tree, "...and that city or what ever the heck it is doesn't seem to be getting any closer" he finished, growling in frustration, which was answered by his stomach, "hmmm food would be a good idea" he inhaled deeply and scanned the landscape from up in his tree.
"wait a minute what is that..." Luke exhaled, then inhaled through his nose as deeply as he could, " far away, probably coming in my relative direction...but something else..." he inhaled again, dropped from the tree and inhaled again walking toward the scent "...a reptile...a big one!..coming from the same direction as the human scent!!".
Luke went into a run darting toward his discovery, "I may not be a soldier anymore but I'll be damned if i let someone fight a war alone" he growled, running along the ground, jumping into a tree then started leaping from tree top to tree top, not even paying attention to the noise he was making, simply bee-lining toward what he perceived as trouble, and maybe a chance to find a survivor.
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