View Full Version : (M)Your Victim and You or How to be a Serial Killer; The Gypsy Queen and nazguljcg

01-20-2010, 03:36 AM
Chapter One: Getting to Know Your Victim.

The first question you should always ask yourself isn’t so much who to kill, but why to kill them. Anyone can pick a random person on the street and bludgeon them to death. But it takes that special mind to get inside the head of their victim, to really get to know them. Selecting a victim should be a matter of preference as well as patience. Although you may want to go off like a seventeen year old on a prom date, be patient. Take the time to learn about your victim and savour the kill to come.


Stephanie sat at the counter in the Amsterdam Public Library, typing into a computer. She wore an outfit of dark colours. Her skirt came to her knees and she wore black nylons underneath. He blouse was buttoned to the top. It hung loosely on her as did the skirt. Although Stephanie had a nice figure, she never did anything to accentuate it. It all added to her anonymity She did nothing to draw attention to herself and kept to herself. It was one of the reasons, apart from the pay check, that she had accepted the job in Amsterdam. There were a lot of people, and it made it much easier for her to blend in.

Stephanie was working faster than normal today. Even though she was in charge, she had other thins to do and neede to finish her work as quickly as possible. She often left work early for various reasons, but today was special. Today was the fifteenth. And despite her normally being happy on the fifteenth, today she was irritated.

Stephanie glanced around as she worked away, typing information into the computer while taking calls on the headset she was wearing. She was still finding it hard to believe that not one woman with red hair had entered the busy place. It was why she was working faster. She needed to find the right person, and although it wasn’t her preferred method, if things didn’t change soon, she would have to take to the streets.

It was something that she had to do at times, and it made her life more difficult. When she found a customer in the library, she had access to their life at her fingertips. But to pick someone off the street took far more patience. It meant she would have to follow them more to learn about them. It was a necessary evil at times, but one which provided a greater risk of detection.

The Gypsy Queen
01-20-2010, 04:25 AM
Gwen was having a bad day.

She'd woken up on the bathroom floor, sticky, half dressed, and not in the same hotel she'd started out in. She'd found her shirt, smelling badly of vodka, and stumbled back to her own hotel room. There, her best friend was having a fight with her boyfriend, and Gwen had a splitting headache. Rather than endure ever head-splitting scream, she evacuated the hotel, wandering the cold streets of Amsterdam for about and hour before she stumbled on the library. Her Dutch was awful, so she was unable to figure out what it was called, but she wandered aimlessly in.

And she found blessed silence.

She wandered up and down the aisles, too restless to sit down and too tired and hurting to do anything more. After a few moments, she spotted a title in English that struck her as familiar. It read A Wrinkle in Time, and she could remember reading it in her fifth grade classroom. She remembered liking it, but didn't recall why. Pulling the book off the shelf, she made her way to the front desk, resolved to check it out. She hadn't read a book in ages, and she'd been living in Amsterdam long enough to be allowed to check books out.

She strode up to a dark haired woman wearing glasses and a headset at the front desk, and asked in English, " What do I need to do to check this out?"

01-20-2010, 04:53 AM
When you first find your victim, it is advisable to engage them in a little conversation. Keep it confined to small talk, and don’t reveal anything about yourself. Try to find out when possible what they’re interests are. Any information you can find out will be most useful. But don’t appear to be too eager.

Not looking up from the computer, Stephanie raised a hand, indicating that the woman should wait, while she finished with phone call she was currently attending to.

“Yes sir as I said, we do have paintings, but this is a library.” She paused for amount listening to the voice on the other end. “No sir, I’m sorry but that is in The Louvre.” Another pause and a look of irritation appeared on her face. “It’s in Paris sir. Thank you and have a good day.” Pressing the button on the headset, Stephanie looked up at the woman.

For a moment, Stephanie found herself unable to speak. The woman standing before her was beautiful and took Stephanie’s breath away. But the feeling was quickly replaced by a sensation of glee, as she had found what she was looking for. A woman with red hair. And better still, Stephanie would be able to find out everything she needed to know.

“Well I will need to see your library card, and if you don’t’ have one. I will need you to fill out a form and show a piece of ID.” Stephanie’s face was calm and her tone was professional. It reflected nothing of the thoughts within. Thoughts of darkness.

The Gypsy Queen
01-20-2010, 05:05 AM
Gwen hefted her designer purse onto the desk, fishing for her passport.

" I haven't had a library card in years." she said with a laugh and an open smile as she handed the blue booklet over to the librarian. The woman was pretty, and a very shallow side of Gwen wanted to show her the miracles of eyeliner and lipstick, as well as get her properly sized.

She took the form the librarian handed her and started filling in the information, struggling with the directions.

" I'm sorry, my Dutch is terrible..."

01-20-2010, 05:19 AM
Now if you have a job in which you deal with the public, this can provide many ways for you to gain information about your intended. Remember, the more you know, the less likely that something will fuck up later on.

“Oh a tourist.” Stephanie’s eyes lit up at the thought of this. What she did was dangerous. When people went missing, it usually meant investigation by the authorities. But she had a tourist, and provided she would be in town the right amount of time, things would go a lot smoother. Tourists had a habit of going missing in a large city, and the authorities tended to give up a little sooner. Looking at the passport, Stephanie retrieved another form and handed to her intended.

“We have forms in English as well Miss McArthur,” Stephanie said smiling, handing the form to Gwen. “In the address space just put the hotel and room number.” Stephanie paused for a moment she felt butterflies pounding against the inside of her stomach.

“I do need to ask, how long are you staying in Amsterdam for?”

The Gypsy Queen
01-20-2010, 08:43 AM
Gwen smiled warmly and openly, accepting the form.

" Thank you, I'd have been working on that thing for hours!" she breezed easily through the standard name/age/contact information, smiling happily, and only looking up at the librarian's question.

" Oh, well, I guess I pretty much live here... been here for like a year and don't plan on leaving any time soon." she said conversationally, signing the form and handing it back " Great city. Lots of history and lots of parties." she smiled with a wink.

01-20-2010, 09:10 AM
Now for those of you out there who choose people you find attractive, be careful. Sometimes attraction can get in the way of your objectivity. Remember, this is someone you want to kill, not fuck. Well maybe you want to fuck them but think with your head not with your privates. But I’m getting ahead of myself here. We will talk more of relationships in chapter five.

As Gwen smiled Stephanie found herself becoming a little more attracted to her. Maybe it was the smile. It might have been the wink. It may have even been the red hair which caught light and seemed to glisten. The red hair that would soon be in her collection. Stephanie thought Gwen was gorgeous. Taking the form from her, Stephanie entered the information into the computer. After a few moments, a printer came to life and ejected a small card. Handing it to Gwen, Stephanie’s hand was shaking a little and she quickly regained control. Reaching for a card reader she scanned the book and handed it back to Gwen.

“Well there you are Miss McArthur. The book is due back in fourteen days.” Stephanie still had her professional tone but was smiling. She was smiling because she just figured out a way to find more information. But she had to be careful. Stephanie didn’t want to get to familiar with Gwen.

“I know what you mean about this place. I’ve been here for a little over two years now. It took me a couple of months to get my routine down, but you adjust. And don’t get me started on the language. Took me two months before I could ask someone where the bathroom was without it sounding like a come on of some kind.” Stephanie continued smiling, but inside she was scolding herself. She was making small talk, none of which would yield her any useful information. She needed to get back on track

“So, is the book for a niece or nephew?”

The Gypsy Queen
01-21-2010, 05:29 AM
" Oh, no, no family in town. It's for me. I read it when I was a kid and I liked it, so I thought I'd read it again..." Gwen laughed at her own silliness. " Kinda weird, but I really think a night in reading would be a good idea." she continued, smiling.

She accepted the library card, still warm from the printer, and tucked it into her purse.

" Well, thanks a lot! I should have it back in a few days, I guess... I don't even know how fast I read anymore!" she laughed again, moving away from the counter with a wave.

What a nice lady...

01-21-2010, 06:33 AM
Once you have your victim, it’s time to get to work. Hopefully by this point, you have a good place to start. With any luck you may even know your victim's name and address. Regardless of the information you have acquired, at least you know who your intended is. If you still don’t know who your intended is, perhaps you should lower your standards. The most wonderful thing about being a victim, is that anyone can be one. Even you.
Stephanie watched as Gwen left the library. Turning back to the computer, she printed out Gwen’s information. She had everything she needed here. She knew where Gwen lived, and could proceed to learn everything she needed to know.

Taking the page form the printer, Stephanie folded it neatly and placed it in her pocket. Removing the headset, she picked up her bag, and left the library, heading for home. She needed to change and get her car. Stephanie had someone to follow.

The Gypsy Queen
01-21-2010, 06:56 AM
Gwen found that a book was a good companion.

It did all the talking, sure, but she wasn't bad at listening, it turned out. And it was gracious enough to allow her into it's world, away from the screaming of fighting couples, the drama of gossip, and the loud, annoying cacophony of revelry.

She read slowly, but liked the process, the linear progression of it. She liked feeling involved. She thought about it all the time, getting coffee, on the phone with her father, and even in the shower.

Ooh, but what will Meg do now?

She carried the book with her everywhere on her day to day routine, or supreme lack thereof. It was in her designer tote when she went for her brunch, which took place too late in the day to properly be called a brunch, where she sipped on a latte with double espresso, big sunglasses hiding her bloodshot eyes from the sun. It was with her while she went shopping with her fellow Europe bums, children of the rich with no ambitions and every intention of blowing their parents' money and drinking/smoking/snorting their life away.

She finished the book in only five days, and was too messed up to go back to the library for two more. finally, a week after she'd gotten it, she went back to the library, picked a few more books by the same author. She was almost giddy when she spotted the same librarian, working away at the front desk.

" Hi!" she chirped happily, setting her stack of books down on the desk, fishing for her wallet. " I'm back, and I want to check these out." she said, gesturing to the stack of books and handing over her card. " I forgot how much I like to read!" she prattled on. " It's great! You wanna go get some coffee here in a few? I know this great place."

For Gwen, it was a totally normal request. She'd done the same hundreds of times.

She had no idea.

01-21-2010, 07:17 AM
Chapter Two: The Routine

Everyone has a routine. You do. I do. Hell, even my cat does. Though in his case it involves a lot of sleeping and licking himself. My point is that we, and cats, are all creatures of habit. And nothing holds more true for the serial killer.

The routine of a serial killer, is difficult to master. You have to essentially lead two lives. You will have to go to work and do the things you normally do while engaging in the pleasure of preparing to take a life. And all the while you will have to keep your leisure activities a secret. Please note that if you are not keeping the fact that you are a serial killer secret, please stop reading now and commit suicide for you are truly too stupid to live.
Stephanie smiled as Gwen placed the books on the counter. Considering the things that she had learned, she was surprised that Gwen had finished the book so soon. Stephanie had been following Gwen for a week and the things she had seen, made her feel that she would be somehow be doing the world a favour by ridding the world of this spoiled girl, who Stephanie presumed to be quite vacuous. Stephanie had learned Gwen’s habits, which were erratic at best. She was a rich kid with a desire to party, something which was easily done, and none too rare in Amsterdam.

Scanning the books, Stephanie listened to Gwen prattle on about reading. Stephanie smiled. Actually she wanted to laugh. The books which Gwen had chosen were not what she would really refer to as reading. As she scanned the last book she jumped a little when Gwen invited her for coffee. She just couldn’t believe that Gwen would want to be seen in public with someone like her. Pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose, Stephanie nodded her head in agreement. She didn’t really want to go. Listening to Gwen prattle on about her nails and hair, or whatever inane subject she might choose, was really not on Stephanie’s list of things she would most like to do. But it would give her a chance to get to know a little more about her. And that Stephanie found her attractive didn’t hurt either.

“Sure. Coffee would be nice. Just let me get my bag and I can go.” Picking up her bag, Stephanie walked over to an assistant, to let him know she was leaving. The assistant nodded his head and Stephanie walked over to Gwen for their trip to Café de Jaren. Which unless Gwen had something else in mind, was where they would be heading.

As Stephanie walked over to Gwen, she started to feel a little nervous. Standing in front of Gwen, Stephanie gave an awkward smile.

"I'm ready to go. And by the way, my name's Stephanie." Stephanie started to fidget and was finding it difficult to look directly at Gwen. She wan't used to socailizing wiht people. Especially those she intended to kill.

The Gypsy Queen
01-22-2010, 05:08 PM
Gwen grabbed Stephanie's hand and shook it warmly, with a strong squeeze.

" It's great to meet you, Stephanie! You already know I'm Gwen McArthur." she said with a laugh.

Gwen prattled a bit about the book she'd read for the whole walk to the cafe. It felt good to talk to someone who had actually read the book, or even a book. Gwen wasn't feeling like she was any kind of adamant reader or anything, but most of the people she hung out with on a regular basis were grumpy about reading an email, never mind anything else. Stephanie provided a wonderful change of pace.

Cafe de Jaren was two story bar and cafe. It boasted a wide, modern dining area and made a mean mojito. Although it didn't sell joints, Gwen was enjoying talking with someone who actually had a brain too much to fry her own.

Gwen ordered a salad and a water, not wanting to look like either a glutton or a drunk in front of her new companion.

" You know, you have the prettiest eyes, and the glasses just look great with them. Just a little eyeshadow would make them pop." Gwen said conversationally, then quite nearly snorted her water. " Not that they don't look good now, and I'm not saying you should change... just... Oh, I never think before I speak." Gwen sighed, sipping her water.

For some reason, right then, she zoned in on the music. She barely remembered the song, and couldn't remember where she'd heard it, but it was impossible not to recognize the voice.

" Oh hey." she said with a grin. " Bob Marley. Go figure, huh? In Amsterdam of all places. What is this one? 'Is This Love?' Yeah, think so."

01-22-2010, 09:16 PM
One thing you have to be careful of when performing your routine, is how you choose to immerse yourself in the routine of your victim. Sure you will be following your victim. Breaking into their home. Rooting through their garbage. All the normal kind of stuff. But always remember, if you choose to immerse yourself in such a way that you will be socializing, be careful not to tell the truth about yourself. They may already know you in some way, but the less they know, the better.
As they walked to the café, Stephanie stayed silent and listened to Gwen go on about the book she had read. Stephanie really wasn’t paying attention as she was silently cursing herself for coming along. Never mind the fact that in Stephanie’s eyes, Gwen had the mind of a spoiled child, she also couldn’t believe that she was doing this with her intended.

It wasn’t the first time that Stephanie had seen one of her victims away form her work setting. She would often make a habit of running into them on the street. But all of those times it was made to seem circumstantial.

At the café, Gwen ordered a water and a salad while Stephanie ordered a café macchiato. She wasn’t really that hungry, but didn’t want to seem rude. It didn’t take long before Stephanie found herself feeling extremely uncomfortable. It wasn’t that Gwen was making her feel this way. Rather it was the eyes of the men in the café who were constantly staring at Gwen. Stephanie was starting to feel this was a bad idea as being in the company of Gwen was drawing unwanted attention. Attention which caused Stephanie to start fidgeting with her hair nervously.

Stephanie’s face turned a bright shade of red as Gwen started to tell her how pretty her eyes were. She didn’t like compliments and the uncomfortable feeling started to grow inside her. Gwen attempted an apology thinking that she had overstepped her bounds, But Stephanie just smiled at Gwen and nodded her head.

“It’s okay Gwen. I knew what you meant.” Gwen’s eyes lit up as song started playing over the speakers in the café. Stephanie wasn’t really listening as she was thinking of a way to get away form here as soon as possible. It was only when Gwen identified the song as “Is This Love” by Bob Marley, that Stephanie heard it and her hands started to shake.

The memories flooded back to her in waves. Memories of her father and of her sixteenth birthday. Memories of the smell of alcohol and her father forcing himself on her for what would be the first of many nights of pain for her.

Stephanie abruptly stood up, knocking over her coffee cup in the process. A look of distress was on her face and she was finding it hard to fight back the tears.

“I - I- I’m sorry.” Stephanie picked up her bag. “I have to go. Thank you for the coffee. I hope we can do it again sometime.” Not watching to see what Gwen would do, Stephanie started to quickly walk away from the table.

The Gypsy Queen
01-22-2010, 09:28 PM
Stephanie's sudden departure left Gwen blinking in surprise. She sat in her chair, still stunned, for a few seconds before slapping her hand to her forehead.

" Idiot." she muttered to herself. This was always happening. She was always opening her big mouth without thinking and saying something that offended the people around her.

She leapt to her feet, scrambling after Stephanie, bound and determined to apologize. The smaller woman was quick and she only caught up outside the cafe.

" Stephanie, wait!" she called, grabbing the librarian's elbow. " I'm sorry, I'm such an idiot! I didn't mean to upset you!"

01-22-2010, 09:42 PM
Now hopefully by this time, you have pretty much completed the basics of your routine and know that of your intended as well. Now you can figure out exactly how to get your intended into that sweetest of compromising positions.
Stephanie gave Gwen a look of remorse and her eyes started to glaze over as she was finding it increasingly more difficult to keep away the tears.

“It’s not you. I’m sorry. It’s just…” Stephanie paused for a moment and looked off into space as though searching for the right words.

“Let me make it up to you. I have tickets for Swan Lake on the twenty-ninth. I would love it if you could go.” Although Stephanie was distressed, she couldn’t help wondering if Gwen would know she meant the ballet or if she would think that Swan Lake was some new water park.

Although Stephanie did love the ballet, and Swan Lake was playing on the twenty-ninth, Stephanie had no intention of being there. The twenty-ninth of every month was a special day for her. And one that Gwen was going to be a big part of.

The Gypsy Queen
01-22-2010, 09:51 PM
Gwen reached for Stephanie's hands, generally stunned by the emotional reaction she'd witnessed. Stephanie's assertion did nothing to calm her, either, instead making her more upset. She couldn't even begin to understand what had upset her companion so much.

" Yeah, yeah sure." she said out of sheer reflex. She didn't even really register what she'd been invited to. " Here, let me give you my cell number, and you can call me. Like, if you need to talk or something." She pulled a receipt from her tote, scribbling her number on it and offering it to Stephanie.

She put on her biggest smiling, hoping to cheer her companion some.

01-22-2010, 10:10 PM
Chapter Three: Tools of the Trade

In every occupation, one uses certain tools to help them in their chosen trade. The serial killer also has certain things which they use to achieve their goal. Now this does not just refer to an item with which you may choose to kill your victim. Be it garrotte, gun, knife or spoon, this is not the only tool you will need to complete your task.

Now in general, most people may object to being chopped into little bits. As a result, you may wish to find someway to subdue them first. There are generally four accepted methods of achieving this goal:
Injected Drugs, Ingested Drugs, Chloroform, and Whacking Them Over The Head With A Blunt Instrument(WTOTHWABI).

In the case of heroin, injected drugs are relatively easy to find in today’s day and age. As such, some people have built up an immunity. So it would be wise to know if your intended is chasing the dragon before you try to dose him with heroin. It is also most likely that your victim will not be willing to inject themselves unless it is something to which they are already accustomed. It should also be noted that hard drugs can be quite expensive, and In the case of some, harder to acquire.

Ingested drugs are generally easy to acquire and relatively inexpensive; considering that anything you can buy over the counter is far more potent than most of the prescription drugs available on the market today. Although if you do have a prescription for sleeping pills, this can make things a little easier.

Chloroform is not as easy to find but can serve it’s purpose. If you choose to use this method it is suggested that you have a strength advantage. People will generally try to stop you from shoving a rag in their face and fight back. If your intended can over power you, it may mean an end to your career. The element of surprise is also handy to aid in the administering of chloroform.

WTOTHWABI is generally one of the easier and cheapest methods available for subduing your victim. Pretty well everyone owns some kind of blunt instrument and it isn’t that hard to whack someone over the head. It is recommended that you hit them from behind, and that you do not apply to much force, as it could kill them. Unless of course this is your preferred method of execution, in which case, whack away.
Stephanie arrived at the hotel where Gwen stayed to find her waiting out front. For some reason she had felt a little bad about the incident at the café. It was not her intention to make Gwen feel uncomfortable, and she had accepted the number and called her a few days later to make the arrangements. They had agreed to meet at six o’clock, and they would go for drinks before the show. As Gwen got into the car, Stephanie smiled unhappily.

“I have to apologise,” Stephanie’s face had a look of remorse. “I got halfway here before I realized I left the tickets at home. But the ballet doesn’t start for another two hours, so if you like, we could have a drink at my place before heading to theatre.” Gwen smiled at Stephanie and nodded her head.

Stephanie felt the butterflies pounding on the wall of her stomach as she made the drive to her house. It was a two story house and had something of a Victorian feel to it. She drove down the inclined driveway into the garage and the door closed automatically.

Stephanie led Gwen into the living room. Motioning for her to take a seat, Stephanie retreated into the kitchen. The living room was quite nice, and immaculately clean like the rest of the house. A three section cream coloured couch dominated the center of the room and had a large glass coffee table in the middle. The wall opposite the couch, had a fireplace with a large bookshelf built around it. Artwork adorned the walls and small statues were placed on tables.

On one wall was a large fish tank that had twenty fish swimming about inside of it. Stephanie liked her pets. She had gotten the piranha for one reason and one reason only. To aid in the disposal of her victims. A stereo was on the other wall and somehow completed the room considering the absence of a television. Opening the shuttered window which allowed one to look from the kitchen into the living room, Stephanie watched as her orange cat, jumped up onto the couch and started staring at Gwen.

“Don’t mind him. That’s POM.” Stephanie’s voice had a pleasant tone to it accompanied b the clinking of glasses.

“I hope shiraz is okay. It’s all I have at the moment.” Out of sight of Gwen, Stephanie opened a drawer and removed the small envelope she had prepared before leaving to pick up Gwen. She poured the powder into Gwen’s glass and then filled it with wine. She figured it would be about five minutes before Gwen felt the effects of the sleeping pills which were in her drink. Stephanie moved into the living room and handed her the glass. Sitting next to Gwen on the couch, she placed two coasters on the table and tried to make small talk.

“I hope the ballet’s okay. I prefer the opera myself, but Swan Lake is one of my favourite pieces of music. Though I’m not a big fan of Tchaikovsky, I think it is an amazing piece of music.” Stephanie sipped at her wine and smiled at Gwen

The Gypsy Queen
01-24-2010, 10:00 PM
" Your place is really nice." Gwen said as she sat. As Stephanie got the drinks, she tried to pet POM, who swatted and hissed at her. Gwen laughed a bit. " Yeah, cats never like me."

Gwen agreed with all of Stephanie's observations, accepting the drink with a smile and a nod. She sipped happily, making small talk and chit chat.

It had only been a few minutes when she noticed her eyelids becoming heavy. She blinked, laughingly kidding that she should get more sleep...

Then everything went black.

01-25-2010, 01:15 AM
Chapter Four: The Workspace and You

Now I know what you’re thinking. And yes, I am a little insane. But you are probably also thinking that the last chapter was a little short. Now although we only really focused on the tools one would use to subdue their victim. There are, in fact, many other tools a serial killer uses. But most of these tools will be used in the workspace.

Now basically the workspace is the place where you kill your intended. As a serial killer there are many choices available as to the where. It is most important that you choose a place that you are comfortable in. Not too mention a place that is private. Let’s face it, you don’t want someone showing up while you are in the process of dismembering your victim. I mean even though there are virtually an unlimited amount of places you could choose as your workspace, you want somewhere that is secluded in private. For example; a log cabin out in the woods would be an example of a good place to conduct your business. While the visitors dugout at Yankee Stadium during a double-header would not be the best idea.
It had taken a little time to get Gwen in the ten by ten room which was in the basement of Stephanie’s house. The floor was covered with plastic sheets and a table sat against one wall. On the table was a portable radio with a CD player, and on the floor was a large paper shopping bag

Stephanie stood in front of Gwen, who had her wrists and ankles duct taped to a metal chair which was bolted into the floor. A single light bulb hung from the ceiling and the light shone on the sleeping form of Gwen.

Stephanie held two items in her hands. In one hand, was a pair of scissors. The blades of which were about six inches long. Her other hand held a glass of cold water which she promptly threw into Gwen’s face, jarring her into consciousness. Stephanie stare at Gwen and smiled.

“Did you have a good sleep?” Stephanie giggled as she spoke and placed the glass on the table. She next pressed “Play” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2q-gWMAGjw) on the CD player and soft music started to fill the room.

The Gypsy Queen
01-26-2010, 01:50 AM
Gwen sputtered, coughing and blinking rapidly. Her first instinct was to move her hands to wipe the water from her face, and was surprised by the fact that she couldn't. She shook her head instead, flinging water all over the place.

The steady, soft beat of a snare and lilt of a flute filled her ears, and she could finally make out her surroundings. She was in a plain, small room, lit be a single bare bulb, and Stephanie stood in front of her, regarding her with an eerie smile.

" Wait, what's going on? Where am I?" Gwen struggled, looking down to find herself bound to a chair. She thrashed now, straining against the chair as her heart rate leaped into overdrive, her breath coming in panicked gasps.

Her eyes were wide as she watched Stephanie's growing smile, a sickening feeling of despair and disbelief twisting in her stomach.

01-26-2010, 02:22 AM
Stephanie’s hand flew up striking Gwen across the mouth causing her head to turn sideways. Stephanie yanked Gwen by the hair and leaned in to come face to face with her. A small trickle of blood appeared in the corner of Gwen’s mouth.

“Shhhhhh,” Stephanie brought a finger up to Gwen’s lips. “Listen to the music. It truly is my favourite piece. It’s called Bolero and was composed in nineteen twenty eight by Joseph-Maurice Ravel.” Stephanie released Gwen’s hair and moved around behind her. Taking an elastic form her pocket, she proceeded to tie Gwen’s hair in a ponytail.

“You know it’s actually quite funny, given how wonderful this piece is, that Ravel himself didn’t care for it. He considered it to be trivial and actually called it a piece for orchestra without music.” Stephanie had finished tying the ponytail and promptly yanked Gwen’s head back and stared into her eyes, smiling.

“What do you think of that Gwen?”

The Gypsy Queen
01-26-2010, 06:10 PM
The sharp pain of being slapped stunned Gwen into silence. No one had ever struck her before, not once in her life. It hurt a lot more than she would have expected.

She listened to Stephanie speak, barely registering the words as her wide eyes flitted around the room, struggling to recall what her self-defense teacher had been saying when her father had forced her to take those classes. Something about not panicking, staying calm and rational, and keeping her eyes open.

She still felt sick. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. She strained against the bonds again, a pathetic whimper escaping her lips when they didn't give an inch.

Her eyes shot to Stephanie's when her captor posed a question, mouth opened but no sound coming out. She wanted to beg and to plead, but she had a sinking, terrible feeling that the gleeful expression on Stephanie's face meant that the other woman would only enjoy it more.

01-26-2010, 06:37 PM
Now while you have your intended in that sweetest of compromising positions, it’s always important to stay focused. Even though you are no doubt enjoying yourself, it is always nice to share your thoughts with your intended. And always remember to clean as you go. No one likes a messy person. Keep your workspace neat and tidy, and your intended will respect you for it. And not to mention that if the police show up, a lack of DNA evidence will make it harder for them to pin anything on you.
“Nothing to say Gwen.” Claire’s voice was almost melodic as she brought the point of the scissors across Gwen’s throat. Moving around in front of her, Stephanie began to cut away the sleek black dress which Gwen was wearing. Removing the dress, Stephanie looked at the label before folding it up and dropping it into the shopping bag.

“It’s such a shame that designer labels just aren’t made for the wear and tear of normal life. You would think that someone with your kind of money would be a little more practical.” Stephanie moved the scissors down and cut away Gwen’s panties. Throwing them into the bag, she softly ran the scissors up Gwen’s body. Stephanie looked into Gwen’s eyes and smiled.

“I hope your comfortable. Oh and you may as well stop struggling. You are quite secure. And quite frankly we don’t want you to miss the music do we? And I don’t want you to worry Gwen. I promise that when the music ends, I will set you free.” The smile changed to one that was more malicious as Stephanie moved around behind Gwen and took hold of the ponytail.

“I really love classical music. It’s like poetry put to music.” Stephanie yanked Gwen’s head back again and stared into her eyes. “I love poetry as well. Especially William Blake.” Stephanie tilted Gwen’s head forward and placed the ponytail between the blades of the scissors and began to speak softly.

“The wild winds weep,
And the night is a-cold;
Come hither, Sleep,
And my griefs enfold! . . .
But lo! the morning peeps
Over the eastern steeps,
And the rustling beds of dawn
The earth do scorn.

Lo! to the vault
Of pavèd heaven,
With sorrow fraught,
My notes are driven:
They strike the ear of Night,
Make weak the eyes of Day;
They make mad the roaring winds,
And with the tempests play,

Like a fiend in a cloud,
With howling woe
After night I do crowd
And with night will go;
I turn my back to the east
From whence comforts have increased;
For light doth seize my brain
With frantic pain.”

As Stephanie finished the poem, she closed the scissors and cut off the ponytail.

The Gypsy Queen
01-26-2010, 06:54 PM
Gwen visibly twitched every time the scissors slid across her body. Tears had begun to stream down her face as she realized Stephanie was right - she wasn't breaking free. Her muscles twitched and jumped, and her breath came in panicked, shallow gasps, every cell in her body straining in an effort to keep living.

A strangled noise escaped her throat as Stephanie cut the ponytail, and Gwen's red hair fell in a jagged cut around her face.

" No, wait, you don't have to do this. I won't tell. Please, you know my dad has money, he'll pay you whatever you want! I'll do whatever you want! Just please don't kill me!" The words flew unbidden out of her mouth, an almost instinctive appeal to basic human aversion to killing another human. But even as she said them, she knew it was hopeless.

It became startlingly clear to Gwen. She was about to die. Stephanie was going to kill her, and although she couldn't think how, she imagined it would be bloody and probably slow and painful. Her body was shivering against the chill and in its own panicked struggle to survive, but her mind went somewhere else entirely.

She was calm.

She took several deep, steadying breaths, determined not to die sobbing like a child. Although, she noted sadly to herself, she was. She'd never grown up, never tasted the true delights of life. She just whittled her life away uselessly, and now it would all end here in a small dank room, naked and crying, at the hands of a killer.

She lifted her head as the music swelled, sensing that it would soon be over. Although she wasn't sobbing, she couldn't stop the tears.

Like a twisted, terrible flower blooming in her mind, she suddenly felt a kinship with Stephanie. It made sense. Gwen could somehow grasp the thought process that had led them both to this tiny room.

The music rose to a steady crescendo and Gwen breathed deeply.

" It's okay, Stephanie. I understand."

01-26-2010, 07:12 PM
Stephanie walked around in front of Gwen and punched her hard in the mouth. Gwen’s head twisted to the side and Stephanie took hold of her chin and jerked her head back. Stephanie’s smile had evaporated and was replaced by a look of rage.

“You understand nothing,” The words hissed form Stephanie’s lips. “And I don’t need your money. I have made my own way and don’t need help from daddy. I worked for everything I have and you are so spoiled that you can’t even take the time to deposit the cheques he sends you. Instead you leave them lying around your room as if to display them to your so called friends.” Stephanie let go of Gwen’s chin and wiped away a tear from Gwen’s face with her thumb. Licking the teardrop away, she moved back behind her and leaned over to whisper in her ear.

“You’re just like all the rest. You coast through life not caring for anyone and in the end you will turn your back on them and walk away.” Stephanie paused to exhale. When she continued to speak but her voice seemed to be wavering slightly.

“You walked away from me! You let it happen! You let him hurt me! And now you will never turn your back on me again!!” And as the sound of cymbals crashing echoed in the small room, Stephanie raised the scissors above her head.

The Gypsy Queen
01-28-2010, 02:34 AM
Stephanie might have scared Gwen, if Gwen hadn't felt so numb. She took the punch without a sound, barely noticing the throbbing pain as her jaw popped and began to swell.

What hurt worse were the words... although she didn't understand the latter part at all, she knew the first part was right. She hated that she had hurt Stephanie and, even though she understood she was going to die for it, she at least wanted Stephanie to know that it was okay.

" I'm sorry."

01-28-2010, 03:29 AM
The piece of music ended and Stephanie’s hand came down, the scissors skidding across the floor as she let go of them. Gwen’s words caused emotions to rage inside of her and Stephanie moved around to her front. Stephanie’s eyes raged with hatred though inside, her heart was breaking. No one had ever said that they were sorry before. Not even her mother.

“What did you fucking say to me!!” Stephanie screamed at Gwen and punched her across the her cheek. “You’re fucking sorry? Do you know what you did to me? Do you know how much you let him hurt me?” For a moment Stephanie saw her mother’s face instead of Gwen‘s. The sight sent her over the edge. Picking up the portable radio, she threw it at the wall, causing it to explode in a shower of metal and plastic.

“You fucking bitch!!!” Stephanie struck Gwen again, this time with the back of her hand. Letting out a scream that was a mix of rage and pain. Picking up the scissors, Stephanie walked through the door, which was to Gwen’s rear, and slammed it behind her. Locking it, she made her way upstairs and flipped the glass coffee table, shattering it on the floor. Throwing herself onto the couch, she buried her face in one of the throw pillows and started to cry.

The Gypsy Queen
01-28-2010, 07:52 AM
Gwen's head was spinning from all the blows as she sat in the silence left in Stephanie's wake. But the throbbing dizziness only served to remind her again and again of a startling fact... She was alive.

Her heart was thudding wildly in her chest and she pulled lightly against her bonds, reminding herself they were there. She was still trapped in this tiny room, presumably with a now enraged psychopath just outside the door. But she was alive.

A strangled sob, half of horror and half of relief, escaped her throat, and she leaned her head forward as her whole body shook.

She was alive.

For now.

The cold realization crept up her spine, sinking into her stomach like a dead weight. Somehow, she'd unintentionally bought herself a few more precious minutes breathing. But it was just that. A few minutes. She had no idea what was going to happen next or how to get out of this.

All she could do was cry a little and thank God for a beating heart.

01-28-2010, 06:48 PM
Now in some cases, the workspace may double as living quarters should you be the type of person that likes to keep their victims alive and on hand for a time. If this is the case, it is important to make your intended feel comfortable. The more your intended feels like they are at home, the more grateful they will be in the end.
Morning had come, and Stephanie’s mood was not good to say the least. She had been unable to sleep most of the night. Mostly due to the fact that she had not completed her cycle. A part of her felt lost. She had called in sick for work, and taken the time to shower and get dressed. Donning a pair of tight black jeans and a tee-shirt, Stephanie tied her hair back, retrieved her gun and headed downstairs. She had no worries that Gwen would have escaped. Even on the off chance that she had managed to free herself from the duct tape. There would be no way for her to open the door. The lock and handle were on the outside. Stephanie gathered up a track suit and some towels and then made her way downstairs.

As Stephanie placed the items on a chair in the downstairs bathroom, her mind screamed at her. Not only had she not taken the life she craved, now she was keeping Gwen prisoner. There were just far too many things that could go wrong. Opening the door, Stephanie entered the room.

Stephanie walked over to Gwen and pulled away some of the duct tape. Gwen wasn’t yet free, but Stephanie had the utmost confidence that Gwen would now be able to get loose. Moving back over to the door, Stephanie raised the gun and pointed it at Gwen’s head.

“I’ve loosened the tape. You should be able to work yourself free.” Stephanie’s tone was devoid of emotion. “And please don’t try anything. I have a gun pointed at you and it would be a shame if I had to blow your brains all over the wall.”

The Gypsy Queen
01-29-2010, 02:54 AM
Gwen hadn't really slept. She dozed from time to time, but her uncomfortable position kept her from fully sleeping. She leaped awake when she heard Stephanie enter the room, sitting stiff and still in the chair. She listened while her captor fiddled with her bonds, and then nodded to show she understood what she was being told.

With muscles weak from being held in place all night, she finally tore free of the bonds on her hands, leaning slowly down to tear her legs free as well. Finally completely free, she stood slowly, legs wobbling unsteadily and hands in the air.

She dared not speak, but stood silent with her back to Stephanie, hands held up as she barely breathed for fear of enraging the other woman.

01-29-2010, 08:09 AM
How you treat your guest during their stay will affect the decisions you have to make. Remember, even if you are treating them like as if they were some king or queen like Marie Antoinette(and remember what happened to her), they will most likely want to get away instead of meeting their inevitable end. You have to make sure that there is nothing around that they could use as a weapon. Also it would be best to know where they are at all times. Having them out of your line of sight could spell disaster.

--Stephanie couldn’t help feeling a little aroused. Under different circumstances this would be like a dream come true for Stephanie. Using Gwen for some sexual role play. There was one major problem with this idea. Gwen was supposed to be dead. Stephanie’s hand started to shake and she backed a few feet out of the doorway.

It would be so much better to just put a bullet in Gwen’s pretty head now and be done with it. Problem was, that wasn’t what Stephanie needed to do. And given that now was the thirtieth of the month, she could longer do it. Of course, if Gwen gave her no other choice. She would do what had to be done.

The thought of using Gwen for her next victim occurred to Stephanie. But this in itself caused many problems. Not to mention that she couldn’t’ t possibly let Gwen go. Right now there were a lot of things wrong, and Stephanie needed time to think. But first she needed to focus.

“I went out to the hazel wood,
Because a fire was in my head,
And cut and peeled a hazel wand,
And hooked a berry to a thread;
And when white moths were on the wing,
And moth-like stars were flickering out,
I dropped the berry in a stream
And caught a little silver trout.”

There was nothing in this world that a little Yeats couldn’t make better. Although her hand was still shaking, Stephanie felt a little more at ease. Clearing her throat, she started to speak.

“Listen very closely, “Stephanie’s voice was calm. You are going to turn around and walk through the door. Once you are outside, turn left, and go into the bathroom. Have a shower if you like. There are towels and clothes for you on a chair. Once you are dressed we will go upstairs, have some breakfast And a little talk. If you try anything at all, I WILL shoot you. And don’t think you are going to climb out a window down here, for there aren’t any.” Stephanie paused and smiled.

“Now go. And be quick. And please put your hands down. Frankly, it’s a little embarrassing.”

The Gypsy Queen
01-29-2010, 06:21 PM
Gwen shivered at the cold, having almost forgotten she was naked. She obediently put her hands down and used them instead to cover her bare breasts, hugging herself for warmth. Her legs still quivering from the long night bound to the chair, she stumbled forward to follow Stephanie's directions.

Once in the bathroom, she quickly closed the door, but realized there was no lock. Not that it would have done her any good at all against a gun. She froze and stepped back from the door, watching it in horror, wondering if she'd done something wrong... When nothing happened for a few minutes, she let out a shaky breath.

She kept focused on the task at hand, cranking the shower water all the way on hot and clambering in. Then she stood in the shower, shivering and gasping at the steaming, nearly painful heat. Still shaking, she reached for a bottle of shampoo but knocked it over. As she bent to pick it up, her knees gave out on her, and she sank to the bottom of the tub. Finally, she started to sob.

She didn't understand why this was happening to her. She felt betrayed; she had trusted Stephanie. She felt stupid for falling for the trap. And now she felt utterly helpless. Stephanie had a gun. Stephanie would do whatever she damn well wanted.

But, she reminded herself, she had survived. Somehow. She was still alive. And as long as she was alive, there was hope. She had told people where she was going the night before. Her father being one of them, not to mention several of her friends. She had to keep up her hope that someone would report her missing. Somehow, it had to lead back to Stephanie.

Clambering back to her feet with a renewed resolve, Gwen quickly shampooed her hair and tried not to miss her own expensive products, or notice the lack of conditioner. A part of her now knew the cause of the lack of bounce in Stephanie's hair. She also washed herself down as best as she could. and she did miss a razor. Being nice and shaved would have done wonders for her emotional state.

She got out of the shower, feeling a bit better and forcefully not thinking about the psycho outside the bathroom door with a gun, and brushed her hair out and dressed in a track suit that had been provided with a sports bra and a pair of underwear. The sports bra was a bit tight, but everything else fit fine and she felt immensely better to be clothed.

One last inspection in the mirror and she took a deep breath, turning to the door to crack it open and peek out, waiting for her next instructions.

01-30-2010, 05:16 AM
Now if you will be having your guest for a prolonged stay, you may want to feed them. But try to remember, you are going to kill them. So there would be no point in wasting that filet mignon on them
Stephanie motioned for Gwen to move out of the bathroom. Once she had, Stephanie started to speak.

“Now you are going to walk up the stairs. You will stay no more than two feet in front of me at all times.” Stephanie was leering at Gwen. It would be so much easier to just kill her now. But Stephanie couldn’t do it…yet.

“Once you are at the top of the stairs, turn right and then take the first left into the kitchen Once their, sit at the far end of the table. And again, don’t try anything.” Claire motioned with gun again and the two climbed the stairs. Stephanie made sure that Gwen didn’t get too far ahead, especially when she was turning corners.

Once Gwen was seated at the table, Stephanie opened the fridge and removed a bowl of fruit. Placing it on the counter, she took out a carton of orange juice. Making two trips, Stephanie placed both the items on the table in front of Gwen. Making sure to keep the pistol trained on her. Once she had done so, Stephanie backed over to the chair at the other end, and sat down.

“Please eat,” Stephanie smiled. “I’m sure you must be hungry.” Stephanie continued to smile, but it was only for the sake of appearances. She felt like her world was crumbling and didn’t know what to do.

“Truth be told, I’m not sure why you’re alive. There were two things you said to me last night that gave me pause. At one point you said you understand. And at the end you said you were sorry. I am curious, what exactly do you understand?” Stephanie’s expression changed to one which was a little more psychotic.

“What could you possibly understand about me? The little daddy’s girl. Given everything she ever wanted. Never had to feel her father inside her.” Stephanie’s eyes became enraged.

“What the FUCK do you understand?”

The Gypsy Queen
01-30-2010, 05:24 AM
Gwen flinched visibly, wincing as she half expected to be hit again. Her fingers curled around the table, and she struggled to keep from crying or whimpering.

It was hard to think at all with a gun trained on her, never mind eat. She glanced up at Stephanie's enraged expression, then glanced back down, struggling to understand what her captor was saying... and struggling to understand what she had meant when she'd said those things.

" I... I don't understand... not really... I just... I understand why you'd want to kill me..." she managed to stutter out, but it sounded pathetic and useless in her own ears. She squeezed her eyes shut, fully expecting to die at any moment.

01-30-2010, 05:59 AM
So all in all, remember to keep your workspace safe and clean. Remember, a clean and safe environment makes for a happy victim. And a happy victim, no matter how you slice them(me? I use an axe) Is a dead victim.
“You understand why I would want to kill you?” Stephanie shook her head and a confused look appeared on her face. “You couldn’t possibly understand the why.“ Stephanie’s voice became monotone. “It was never about you. You were simply what I needed at you showed up on the right day. If you hadn’t come into the library on the fifteenth. We wouldn’t be here now.” Stephanie placed the gun on the table. When she spoke again her voice was till monotone with a sad feel to it.

“And what exactly were you sorry for?”

The Gypsy Queen
01-30-2010, 06:05 AM
Gwen didn't understand. She could never imagine killing someone she'd never met, someone she didn't hate. The only way she imagined she could ever kill someone was if she hated them that much.

She told herself that. She didn't know how much "that much" actually was.

" I... I..." she stuttered at the question. The answer was in her mind, but she was afraid to say it. " I'm sorry that you felt so bad you wanted to kill me." she finally blurted it out, raising her eyes to meet Stephanie's still awaiting the flash of light from the gun that would spell her doom, long before the sound even got to her ears.

01-30-2010, 06:53 AM
Chapter Five: The Hazards of Relationships.

Most people in today’s world have a relationship with someone. Be it socially, professionally or sexually. It is a safe assumption that everyone is in some kind of relationship. The serial killer is no exception to this. Apart form their victim, the serial killer knows other people as well. People they see at work, and family are the most likely of the two. But you have to remember, that being in a relationship means that you may be vulnerable. If you get too comfortable with people, you may start to open up to them in some way. Now I’m not suggesting thst you would come right out and say, “Hey mom and dad, I killed thirty two people last month.” Whcihc would be an amazing feat unto itself. But people who know you well may start to notice you acting differently or maybe see something in your eyes. So it is very important that you remain in control of your emotions.
Stephanie stared in disbelief at Gwen. Thoughts began to race through her mined. A single question amidst the rage and hatred. What was the real reason she had to kill? Was it cause she felt bad? The easiest way for her to answer this would have been to say yes. It was true that what her mother and father had made her feel bad. But there was to it than just that. There was the fact that she enjoyed it. She also needed to have everything just so to take a life. And now that plan was in ruins. But just for a moment, she wondered if Gwen truly did understand.

“And do you know what that feels like Gwen?” Stephanie’s voice was still monotone and her hand was shaking again. “To hurt that badly that you want to lash out at someone. To actually want to take a life. Have you ever been hurt by the people you love the most?” Stephanie could tell that Gwen was scared. The truth was, there weres till a lot of things that could go wrong. Not to mention that someone would eventually come looking for Gwen. But one thing at a time.

The Gypsy Queen
01-30-2010, 07:01 AM
Gwen shook her head slowly. She was still shaking lightly, lowering her eyes to stare at the fruit and orange juice, untouched before her.

The truth was, she'd never even really known either of her parents. Her mother had left while she was still in diapers, and the litany of nannies she'd had didn't give a rat's ass for her. They'd told her that her mother had been snorting crack and couldn't handle being a parent. Her father had never been around, and cared more for his business than the daughter he'd had mostly for show.

She'd partied away her childhood and had intended to do the same for the rest of her life, living happily off of her father's attempt to buy her love and pretending it worked.

" No." she lied. " I've never been hurt that badly."

01-30-2010, 07:43 AM
We will start off by delving a little deeper inot social relationships. Now these usually include family and friends. Though for a serial killer, this can also include your victim. As touched on in “The Routine”, social interaction can be a great way to get to know your victim. But be wary, It is a lot harder to take the life of your victim if they become your friend. And most likely going out and getting their head lopped off is not something your friends would consider a their idea of a good time. So be careful that you don‘t become too attached.

Stephanie picked up the gun and chambered a round. Her hand went steady and she brought the gun level with Gwen’s head.

“You know? “Stephanie’s tone was cold. “It’s actually too bad. I had thought, just for a moment, that maybe you understood something of what I am. Apparently I was wrong. Good bye Gwen.” Stephanie placed her finger on the trigger.

The Gypsy Queen
01-30-2010, 06:04 PM
When Stephanie leveled the gun at Gwen's head, her heart rate jumped and her breathing increased. It was a natural reaction, her body instinctively struggling to live. But Gwen herself stared stared steadily back. She knew she had to keep her hope up if she wanted to live, but she was sick of the constant threat of death already.

She didn't say anything, just met Stephanie's eyes and stared, waiting patiently for her pathetic, meaningless life to end.

01-30-2010, 06:27 PM
You also need to make sure that if you have friends and family, that they don’t find out about your extracurricular activities. Sure it’s great to go out to the bars and have a few drinks with friends. But always remember that talk of dismemberment and death will tend to put a lot of people off.
Stephanie was surprised, and a little impressed. She had expected Gwen to start crying and beg for her life. As it was, she showed a strength that Stephanie didn’t think possible. Still Stephanie was pissed. She felt that Gwen was lying to her. There was something Gwen was hiding. And she meant to find out what it was. Getting up from the table, Stephanie walked over to Gwen and pressed the gun inot her temple. Grabbing Gwen’s hair, she pulled her to her feet and moved her into the living room. She pushed Gwen, forcing her to move across the room. Coming to a stop in front of the fish tank.

“Fascinating fish the piranha.” Stephanie continued to speak in a monotone voice. “They tend to eat until there’s nothing left. They strip the bone of all flesh. Picking it clean.” Stephanie pushed hard on Gwen’s head, moving her face to just an inch over the water of the tank. The fish inside moved ot the surface of the water and seemed to be anticipating a meal to come. Stephanie held Gwen’s head there for a few moments before speaking again. And when she did, she was screaming.

“I’ve had enough you fucking little bitch! Do you want to die? DO YOU!?!?!? If you don’t start talking to me, I WILL shove your pretty little face into the tank!!”

The Gypsy Queen
01-30-2010, 06:53 PM
Gwen stared at the water, teeming with hungry, carnivorous fish, each one with a tiny, gaping jaw lined with tiny razor sharp teeth that would pick at her flesh, bit by bit, until there was nothing left.

Instinctively, she resisted, straining her muscles against Stephanie's hand. She gripped the edge of the fish tank in an effort to give herself leverage, and her legs were thrashing wildly.

It was one thing to get your brains blown out, she figured. You'd probably die instantly. No pain. It was a completely different thing to be eaten alive by twenty-some-odd fish.

" What do want me to say?!" she screamed, fighting desperately.

01-30-2010, 07:02 PM
It would also be safe to say that it would be unwise to take your friends to enjoy your pastime with you. Although, if they are into that kind of thing, it could make for many interesting nights to come. Let’s face it, the things you enjoy in life are always more fun when you have someone to share them with.
Stephanie had to brace herself as Gwen fought against her. She was surprised, and hadn’t been quite prepared for how strong Gwen actually was. Fortunately, Stephanie was stronger. She was running on adrenaline and started to smile at the thought of pushing Gwen into the tank. Still holding her by the hair, Stephanie leaned over and whispered in Gwen’s ear.

“Tell me about your pain.” Stephanie hissed the words and her tongue flicked out and brushed against Gwen’s ear. “Tell me what has caused the sadness behind your eyes.”

The Gypsy Queen
01-30-2010, 07:13 PM
Gwen didn't stop straining, and tried not to notice the involuntary shiver that ran through her body at Stephanie's almost intimate touch. It did also inspire a fiery hate within her that made her want to curse and scream at Stephanie; she didn't want her killer licking her ear.

" It's stupid! It's stupid, okay?!" she screamed, still straining as hard as she could away from the water. " My father is a giant prick and he never laid a finger on me cause I never saw him! The nannies he hired beat the shit out of me! Are you happy?! What more do you want?! So what if my mother left before I could even talk to her! So what?! It doesn't fucking matter!"

01-30-2010, 07:24 PM
Stephanie had to admit to herself that she was a little envious of Gwen. Things may have turned out differently if Stephanie has never known her mother. Perhaps she could have lived a normal life. Still just inches away from Gwen’s ear, Stephanie spoke again.

“But don’t you see. It DOES matter. It is our pain that shapes us. Makes us what we are.” Stephanie let go of Gwen’s hair and backed away. Sitting down on the couch she was careful not to step on any of the glass from the once beautiful coffee table. Now a twisted heap of metal and glass on the floor. Somehow, Stephanie saw a little of herself in it. She was about to continue her line of questioning when she noticed Gwen’s purse on the couch.

“Gwen,” Stephanie’s voice was calm. “Please come and sit on the couch and empty out your purse. And do mind the broken glass. It would be a shame if you cut yourself.” Stephanie was staying calm. But inside she was cursing herself. Breaking form her routine was costing her. She had forgotten to do the things that she normally would. Including the disposal of Gwen’s personal effects.

“And while you do, please tell me of your mother.” Stephanie picked up a remote control off the table. Pushing a button, the fireplace came to life.

The Gypsy Queen
01-30-2010, 07:39 PM
The pressure on her head was gone, leaving Gwen panting, staring down at the piranhas. Slowly, she stood up and made her way away from the fish tank, still breathing erratically. Once again, she had survived somehow. But now she felt like a mouse a cat kept alive for its own amusement. The cat would keep attacking and she would never be able to predict when. The cat had all the cards and knew all the ways to escape. The cat was smarter, stronger, and faster.

She was, after all these years, still just a mouse in a big cat's game.

She tiptoed over the glass careful, her bare feet suspect to the shattered remains of the coffee table. She hopped over the last pile of shards to the couch, grabbing her purse and clutching it, watching Stephanie carefully. The familiar feel of her belongings lifted her spirits slightly.

She had always liked stories featuring mice as main characters. Mice had to be clever, because they weren't strong and fast. It was just too bad she wasn't particularly clever.

She obediently dumped the contents of her purse onto the couch, revealing make-up, her wallet with her credit cards and cash, her passport, and most importantly of all, her cell phone. Her hand shot out to grab it instinctively, but she froze halfway there, looking up at Stephanie in panic.

" My... my mother..." she stuttered, half out of an attempt to distract her captor. " I've only met her once... she's just... some drug addict. All skin and bones and hollowed out cheeks... She looked at me like I was dirt or scum or something. Said she wished I'd never been born." Gwen breathed deeply, amazed by how much the words stung, even after so many years of convincing herself it didn't matter. " Like I was the one who had done something wrong."

01-30-2010, 09:28 PM
Stephanie smiled as Gwen reached for the cell phone and stopped herself. She also felt good because of this. Stephanie was starting to become intrigued by Gwen and really didn’t want to kill her right now. It seemed that Gwen did have her pain. And the fact that it was in some ways similar to Stephanie’s made her feel a sort of kinship to her. Perhaps Gwen really did understand. Reaching over, Stephanie picked up the cell and threw it into the fire.

“And how did that make you feel Gwen? To know that your mother didn’t care for or love you. That she loathed you. What did you feel?” Stephanie’s tone had taken on some sadness as she thought of her own mother. The one who had allowed her father to rape her.

The Gypsy Queen
01-30-2010, 10:13 PM
Gwen watched the cell phone go into the fire, wincing as the fire popped and crackled and the smell of burning plastic filled the room. She turned back to Stephanie, confused. Why did Stephanie care? Why did it matter what she felt about her mother?

No one had ever cared before.

" Like I was dirt or scum. Like I didn't matter. Like I should be loathed. Like I'm worthless and undeserving... how awful do you have to be for your own mother to hate you?"

01-31-2010, 03:47 AM
It was a question which Stephanie had asked herself before. The feelings Gwen surprised were also things she had felt before. She had hated herself for years. Even when she went away to school, her feelings didn’t change. Her mother and father had hurt her dearly and she found it impossible to be in a relationship. At least for a while. But it was that relationship which would change her life forever.

“So instead of fighting you chose to succumb to your feelings?” Stephanie’s tone was calm. “Why? Didn‘t you ever think there could be something beyond the pain?”

The Gypsy Queen
01-31-2010, 04:00 AM
Gwen licked her lips, eying the orange juice still on the table. She was thirsty, mostly. Fear had made her mouth very dry.

She knew she was still in a cat and mouse game, but for the moment, Stephanie seemed to be wanting honest answers... she'd gotten upset when Gwen had lied. Not wanting a repeat of that outburst, Gwen decided to stick to being honest, and thought long and hard about her answer.

" I didn't fight it or accept it. I just... ran away, I guess. It's a lot easier to deal with childhood drama if you're drunk." She shrugged, still wary. " I never figured there was anything else but making it go away."

01-31-2010, 04:17 AM
Stephanie forced a smile. But deep down she was wrestling with her own pain. She had tried many things to make her own pain go away. Noting worked for her. All the alcohol and drugs couldn’t change what had happened to her, Not even immersing herself in her studies helped. The only time she felt free of the cruelty was after she took a life. Right now, the feelings of pain were overwhelming.

“I…I,” Stephanie’s voice was full of sadness. “And did it help? The drugs. The alcohol. Did they take away the feelings?” Stephanie was finding it hard to make eye contact with Gwen and was staring at the couch. More and more, she was feeling unsure about what was going to happen.

The Gypsy Queen
01-31-2010, 05:00 AM
Gwen blinked, surprised. The stark honesty in Stephanie's voice, the naked vulnerability, stunned her. She wanted to touch the woman, comfort her, try to understand what had caused all the pain in those dark eyes.

The gun reminded her that was a bad idea.

It also reminded her how much danger she was still in.

But the question still stopped her. She had to think about it. Had it helped? All the drugs and alcohol? Had she ever really outrun the bleak expression in her mother's eyes, that cold day in February five years ago? Had she ever really forgotten her father's casual dismissal as another distraction from his busy life?

" For a little while... it worked... when I was high or drunk, it didn't seem to matter much... and I didn't think about it... but the next morning... it was there, still. Waiting for me."

01-31-2010, 05:14 AM
Stephanie was listening to Gwen. Fact was he apin was becoming more and more unbearable. Even killing Gwen at this point wouldn’t be able to change how she felt. She knew all too well the feeling of “the next day”. How it was all made so much worse. But Stephanie had found an escape from the pain. And now it was too late to do it. Gwen was still alive and Stephanie’s whole world was falling to pieces. A single tear rolled down her cheek.

“And the world starts to crash down on you,” Stephanie appeared to be lost in some sad thought. “All the pain of the things done. All the sorrow. You know that you truly are worthless and you try to escape again. But how do you escape form the escape?” Stephanie wanted to break down and cry. But she couldn’t. Not now. Not while Gwen was sitting across from her. Looking back up at Gwen, Stephanie gave her a sad smile.

“What am I going to do with you?” Stephanie wasn’t really asking Gwen. Merely thinking aloud. But she was interested to hear Gwen’s opinion on the subject,

The Gypsy Queen
01-31-2010, 05:39 AM
Gwen didn't respond. It was the kind of question she imagined someone would ask about someone they loved who had been silly or something. The kind of thing a lover might say.

She didn't look at the gun any more, pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Everything Stephanie said was a familiar feeling to her... that empty, hollow, sick sensation of failure, helplessness.

It hadn't changed. The cage had changed, but the game was the same. Gwen was still trapped.

01-31-2010, 06:08 AM
Stephanie stared at Gwen. Even though she would have to make up her own mind what to do. Stephanie was a little disappointed that Gwen didn’t seem to have an opinion on the subject. Instead she just sat there like a scared little girl. Perhaps Gwen didn’t truly appreciate how lucky she was to be alive. Regardless, it didn’t change the sadness Stephanie felt.

“I made it go away,” Stephanie was monotone. “Gwen, please tell me what you think I should do. I really do want to hear your opinion.”

The Gypsy Queen
02-01-2010, 03:20 AM
Gwen hugged her knees closer to her chest, biting her lip. She wasn't sure how to react or what to say. She knew that if she said the wrong thing, she'd pay for it with her life. The obvious answer was that she wanted to be set free. But that was illogical for Stephanie. No matter how many promises she made, Stephanie would never believe her.

That said, she didn't want to die.

" I don't want to die. But I understand why you shouldn't let me live." She said.

02-01-2010, 03:35 AM
“But don’t you understand Gwen?’ Stephanie’s voice was calm. “You’re not supposed to be alive right now. And now I don’t know what to do.” Stephanie stared at Gwen. She knew that she should kill her and be done with it. But now it would serve nothing. Of course she could always let Gwen go. But then Stephanie would be forced to relocate. There wasn’t a chance in hell that Gwen wouldn’t go to the police.

“I…I…”Stephanie broke eye contact with Gwen and stared at the couch. “I need to think.” Which Stephanie started doing. For some reason her thought went back to Gwen’s cell phone. The way Gwen looked at it. She wanted to call for help. But now she couldn’t. And no one knew where she was or who she was with. Unless…

“Gwen,” Stephanie looked back up at Gwen. Rage was starting to show in her eyes. “By chance, did you tell anyone you were going to the ballet?”

The Gypsy Queen
02-02-2010, 04:49 AM
Gwen froze on the couch, eyes wide. She could tell by Stephanie's tone of voice that what she said next was crucial to her survival. For a fraction of a second, her thoughts kicked into overdrive, speeding ahead of her.

Her first instinct was to lie and say she'd not told anyone. She could say her friends would have made fun of her. it would prevent Stephanie from doing something drastic to cover her trail, like murder. It could also hopefully lull Stephanie into a false sense of security, making it that much easier for invesitgating authorities to find and save Gwen.

But Stephanie had known the last time she lied, and had nearly fed Gwen's nose to piranhas. An experience Gwen was not eager to repeat. There was no way to know how Stephanie would react if she knew that Gwen told her father and her best friend where she was going (largely out a silly need to look mature and cultured).

She decided to take a chance.

" No, I didn't." She actively tried not to blink or let her breathing rate increase. She liked CSI, and knew those were indicators of lies.

She wondered if Stephanie knew that.

02-02-2010, 05:03 AM
Stephanie stared into Gwen’s eyes. She didn’t see any of the tell tale signs of a lie as she did before. The idea that no one knew served to make her feel better and she smiled at Gwen. More importantly, Stephanie knew what she was going to do. Standing up, she pointed the gun at Gwen and motioned for her to get up.

“I am afraid,” Stephanie’s tone was casual. As if she were talking to a friend. “That I need to go out for a while. I have a couple of errands to run. So I need you to go in the room. I really can’t have you wandering about the house now can I?” Stephanie smirked slightly and didn’t wait for Gwen to answer.

“I want you to walk ahead of me down the stairs and enter the room. Once inside, move against the far wall and wit until I tell you to move.” She paused for a moment and her tone became harsher.

“Is that understood?”

The Gypsy Queen
02-02-2010, 05:30 AM
Gwen felt like maybe she was getting a bit too used to having a gun pointed at her. She stood obediently and made her way back to the dank basement, following instructions and walking to the far wall.

She was loathe to be back in that room, where she had accepted her own mortality... she knew, no matter what, she was never sitting in that chair again.

She stood facing the wall, trying not to be afraid, and praying that Stephanie wouldn't lock her down there.

02-02-2010, 05:35 AM
Stephanie closed the door and locked. Quickly, she moved to one of the cupboards and removed a roll of duct tape. Heading back to the door, she opened it and looked at Gwen, still standing against the wall.

“Okay Gwen. If you would be so kind as to have a seat…please.” Stephanie smiled and kept the gun aimed at the back of Gwen’s head. She thought that Gwen might not like being restrained again. But it would make Stephanie feel so much safer in the long run.

The Gypsy Queen
02-02-2010, 06:24 PM
Gwen balked at the order visibly. She would give anything to never have to sit in that chair again. Shaking her head slightly, she gave Stephanie a pleading look as she slowly inched towards the chair.

She hated that chair, utterly and totally.

02-02-2010, 08:48 PM
Stephanie watched as Gwen hesitantly moved towards the chair. She was shaking her head, and although Stephanie understood why Gwen didn’t want to sit in the chair. Stephanie didn’t care. She had things to do and needed to know where Gwen was while she was out.

Stephanie moved into the room and grabbed Gwen by the hair, pulling her into the chair. Once she was seated, Stephanie leaned in and whispered in her ear.

“Please don’t move,” Stephanie’s voice had something of a pleading tone to it. “I know you don’t want to be in this position again. But I give you my word that I will not restrain you in this way ever again.” Stephanie placed the gun against the back of Gwen’s neck. Using her teeth, she pulled some of the duct tape free and started to wrap it around Gwen’s ankles. She didn’t use very much. Just enough to get started. Once Stephanie had done both ankles, she did the same with Gwen’s hands. Again, it was just to get it started, but now that Gwen was in place, Stephanie could get her restrained properly.

It didn’t take long for Gwen to fully restrain Gwen. A part of her was thankful that Gwen was smart enough not to try something. Gwen could have no ideas of the demons in Stephanie’s head. Working their brand of pain. Searing it into her head. And the things they were screaming at her to do. Once Gwen was completely restrained, Stephanie stood in front of her and smiled.

“Now I won’t be long,” Stephanie’s tone was like a mother speaking to a small child. “Do behave yourself while I’m gone.” Stephanie leaned over and kissed Gwen on the cheek. She then exited the room, locked the door and turned off the light.

The Gypsy Queen
02-04-2010, 06:47 PM
Gwen sat in stunned silence as darkness descended on her. She sat still for a few long minutes, breathing hard as she waited for Stephanie to move far enough away from the room. She didn't know how long she waited, only that she could wait no more.

She threw herself against the duct tape that bound her, thrashing wildly with an enraged scream. The tape clung to her skin painfully and did not give but she still thrashed and writhed, desperate to get free of that awful chair.

She fought for the longest time before finally falling still. She was alone. In the dark. With only her thoughts.

She screamed again, still enraged. She didn't understand why this was happening to her. Why had Stephanie picked her at all? Why not someone else? And why wasn't she dead yet? Why did she have to continue to live through this torture?

She alternated between crying and screaming, stillness and struggle. She sobbed and clawed at her bonds. She didn't care if she had to stay locked up in the dark, she just wanted out of that chair.

Finally, exhausted from a sleepless night and constant terror, she fell asleep.

02-04-2010, 07:09 PM
A professional relationship usually refers to a business type setting. In any type of business there are clients you deal with. Now while you may engage them in a social setting, your relationship will still be mainly professional. Now over time, it may turn into a friendship, and that’s great if it does. In the case of the serial killer, it’s doubtful that your professional relationship with your victim will turn into a friendship. This comes from the difficulty of having a friendship with someone who is dead. Sure you could drag your dead friend out to the nightclub for an evening of drinks and dancing. I have no doubt that it would make for a cheap night. Not too mention that it would be far easier to get them back to your place for a nightcap. But usually it wouldn’t be the best idea to drag a corpse out on a date. Let’s face it, you would eventually get tired of having to carry them around. Not to mention that dead people are not usually the best of dancers.
Stephanie felt she had everything she needed for Gwen. It had taken some time to round up all the items. About six hours in fact. But at least she knew that Gwen wasn’t going to get herself into any trouble. Once she had arrived back at the house, she placed her bag on the counter and took an inventory of the things she had purchased. She had bought some bottles of water, some pre-packaged sandwiches, a pair of handcuffs, a package of disposable razors, green hospital scrubs, a lighter and five joints. Although all of these items were easy enough to acquire, Stephanie took her time in finding them. Even taking some time to stop at a café to have a coffee before returning home.

Stephanie put the sandwiches and water into the fridge before retrieving her gun form the counter. Putting four of the joints in a drawer, along with the handcuffs, she placed the fifth in her pocket and made her way downstairs, carrying the scrubs in her hand. Once she arrived at the door to the room, she paused for a moment. Stephanie couldn’t believe that she was doing this and tried to convince herself that she was doing the right thing. The war continued to rage in her head as Stephanie turned on the light and pushed the door open.

Stephanie started at the motionless form of Gwen, still bound ot the chair. It appeared that she had passed out. Stephanie stepped into the room and loosened the tape on one of Gwen’s hands. Placing the scrubs on Gwen’s lap, Stephanie placed a hand on her shoulder and started to shake her lightly.

“Wake up Gwen,” Stephanie’s tone was soothing. “I’ve loosened the tape. Get up and get changed. I will wait for you at the top of the stairs. I am most anxious to continue our conversation from before.” Stephanie stepped out of the room and double checked that everything was as it should be. All the cupboards were locked and there was nothing Gwen could use for a weapon. Climbing to the top of the stairs, she stood outside the basement door and waited.

The Gypsy Queen
02-05-2010, 05:37 PM
Gwen snapped awake.

She was scared, annoyed, angry, and tired. But she followed orders and changed into the scrubs after breaking free of the tape. She didn't care that the scrubs were a bit too big or that they were totally unflattering and made her look like she was dead. She was just glad to be out of the chair.

Finally changed, she walked slowly up the stairs, looking up to meet Stephanie's eyes.

She'd never hated anyone before but she was starting to.

02-05-2010, 05:46 PM
Stephanie smiled at Gwen and motioned for her to move into the kitchen. Once there Stephanie sat down in one of the chairs at the table, still pointing the gun at Gwen. Stephanie could tell that Gwen wasn’t happy. Mind you, Stephanie didn’t really expect her to be. But a part of her hoped that her “gifts” would make Gwen feel a little better

“There are bottles of water and sandwiches in the fridge. Help yourself.” Stephanie smiled and stared at Gwen. “Then have a seat and we can continue our talk. How does that sound?”

The Gypsy Queen
02-06-2010, 01:04 AM
Gwen didn't respond to Stephanie, glaring at her captor as she instead stalked over to the fridge, pulled out a bottle of water and a sandwich, and plopped into a chair at the table. She continued to stare at her keeper as she unwrapped the sandwich and started to munch on it slowly.

She didn't taste it or appreciate it. It was nothing but a means to stay alive. And she wanted to live, just to spite Stephanie.

02-06-2010, 01:44 AM
Stephanie watched Gwen eat the sandwich. She could tell that Gwen wasn’t happy with her. Stephanie didn’t blame her for this. If their situations were reversed, Stephanie was sure that her feelings would be the same. The way Gwen was looking at her caused the rage to rise in her. Stephanie wanted to talk. Gwen’s pain intrigued her. Especially the similarities to her own. Once Gwen had finished eating, Stephanie removed the lighter and the joint from her pocket and placed them on the table in front of Gwen.

“For you,” Stephanie smiled. “I just want to talk Gwen. I want to learn more about you. However, if you truly don’t want to talk. I could always restrain you in the room again.” Stephanie’s face lost all expression and she glared at Gwen. She just hoped that Gwen knew she was serious.

The Gypsy Queen
02-08-2010, 01:22 AM
Gwen picked up the joint and toyed with it. She wasn't sure what Stephanie's game was now, but she didn't trust it. She felt a bit better after the sandwich, and she did take a drink of water to wash it down. But she certainly wasn't going to let her guard down.

" Okay. Fine. What do you want to talk about?"

02-08-2010, 03:49 AM
Stephanie sat at the table and wrestled with her emotions. She could see that Gwen was angry. This was causing feelings of hostility in Stephanie and she started thinking that it may be time to feed her fish again. But on the other hand, she empathized with her. Of course her being attracted to Gwen had nothing to do with it. At least , that’s what she told herself.

“Listen Gwen,” Stephanie’s voice was calm. “I know you probably think that I hate you. But I don’t. I actually enjoyed that day in the café. It was really nice talking to you. In fact it intrigued me.” Stephanie paused for a moment and placed the gun on the table.

“You were real that day,” Stephanie smiled. “I just want you to be real for me. How about this? You tell me one real and truthful thing about yourself and how it affected you. And I will answer any question you may have about me. And I will answer truthfully. I have no reason to lie. Believe me, you’re not going anywhere.” Stephanie didn’t have friends. And in a lot of ways, she hoped she could be friends with Gwen. At least for a month.

The Gypsy Queen
02-08-2010, 11:36 PM
" Okay." Gwen agreed, putting the joint between her lips and lighting it. She took a long drag, held it, and then exhaled slowly. She was still angry, but she hoped the drug would take the edge off.

" When I was eight, my nanny locked me in the bathroom with a bucket of ammonia for ten minutes at a time... it was like slowly suffocating... again and again. When I told my dad, he told me to stop exaggerating."

Gwen held out the joint to Stephanie and glared at her.

" Why am I here?"

02-08-2010, 11:54 PM
No thank you Gwen,” Stephanie shook her hand at the joint. “I prefer to use my brain rather than fry it.” Stephanie smiled “When I’m in the mood for something like that I prefer a little more kick. I like to be alert.” Stephanie did dabble with cocaine from time to time. But the experience only came about twice a year. And at the moment she didn’t want to think about one of the days she chose to use.

Stephanie found herself intrigued by Gwen’s accounting of her pain. It sounded as though Gwen knew what it was to endure pain and suffering. The fact of this actually surprised Stephanie. Leaning back in her chair, Stephanie decided now to answer Gwen’s question.

“As for why you’re here,” Stephanie spoke casually. “I would think it is obvious. I can’t let you leave.” Stephanie didn’t feel the least bit bad for withholding information. Though she had not lied, she did leave out the fact that she intended to use Gwen for her next victim

The Gypsy Queen
02-10-2010, 01:23 AM
Gwen took the joint back but didn't toke from it again. Instead she kept her gaze on Stephanie's face, watching for any sign of weakness, any opening she could use. She was going to win this game, and she was going to survive, no matter what it took.

" That's not what I meant. Why did you want to kill me?"

02-10-2010, 05:08 AM
Stephanie watched Gwen intently and smiled as she held the joint in her hand. Stephanie hoped that her comment would make Gwen not want to smoke. Though from the look in Gwen’s eyes, she thought there might be more to it.

“Well Gwen,” Stephanie paused to take a breath. She had an answer. Only she wasn’t sure if Gwen would like it. “To put it simply you were in the right place at the right time. Had you not come into the library that day, we wouldn’t be here now.” Stephanie paused and looked at the gun on the table. The smile faded from her face as she thought of the other reason. And she wondered if Gwen could handle liking into the darkness.

“Have you ever hated someone so much that you see them in other people?” Stephanie’s voice sounded a little distant. “You hate the person so much that the slightest similarity fuels your rage and you direct your hate at the new person. A woman with red hair. Red hair like my mother.” Stephanie looked back up at Gwen, a hint of rage showing in her eyes. Stephanie wished things could be different. Gwen had no idea how difficult it was for her not to kill Gwen even now. But she doubted that Gwen could even begin to understand the reason she was still alive. Mostly because Stephanie didn’t really understand it herself.

“Are you satisfied now?”

The Gypsy Queen
02-11-2010, 06:50 PM
Gwen fought to keep her face blank, but the reality was she was outraged. She had been picked to die based solely on her hair color? She could have at least been picked because she was a useless strain on society or because she'd hurt Stephanie some how herself. But it was just because she shared the same hair color as some woman she'd never met.

Gwen took a small drag from the joint and let it out quickly. She didn't want to get too high. She had to stay clear-headed.

" Okay. Your turn. Ask a question."

02-11-2010, 07:45 PM
Stephanie’s smile faded as Gwen took a haul odd the joint. She hadn’t really wanted to ask questions. She had hoped that Gwen would just volunteer information. But she did have a question and figured that this was a good time.

“Okay Gwen,” Stephanie’s voice was cold. “You have proven to me that you have a brain in that head of yours. Why do you insist on destroying it? You could have been something wonderful. Instead you view the world through a haze of drugs and alcohol instead of trying to solve your problem and find a way to end your pain. You hide form your problem instead of doing anything to fix it. Why Gwen? Do you truly care that little for yourself?”

The Gypsy Queen
02-12-2010, 11:18 PM
Again Gwen struggled to keep her face clear of any emotion, although she wanted to rage at Stephanie. She took a few deep breaths before responding.

" What does it matter if I do fry my brain? There are plenty of smart people in the world. What could I add to it that hasn't already be added? I have no need to be special, no motivation. And for a few hours, I can get lost."

She kept her eyes on Stephanie, waiting for the inevitable rebuttal.

02-12-2010, 11:38 PM
Stephanie stared into Gwen’s eyes and listened intently. She suddenly found herself feeling quite sad an urge to cry actually came over her. The things she was hearing were unbelievable to her. All she could see was that Gwen had given up. And that made her think of the ways they were similar. It wouldn’t take much for them to have been the same. And perhaps they were. It was only the demons which were different.

Stephanie put her elbows on the table and placed her head in her hands. She was trying not cry but was finding it difficult. There was only one thing that she could say. And when Stephanie spoke the words, her voice echoed the sadness within her.

“I’m sorry.”

The Gypsy Queen
02-14-2010, 10:00 AM
Gwen blinked, alarmed by the sudden change in her captor's demeanor. Her first instinct was to apologize as well, to accept the blame on herself. But then the anger came back. And she remembered that she was the victim here. She was being held against her will.

This had to be a game of some kind. A ploy, or a plot to get some sick amusement.

" For what?" she asked cautiously, giving Stephanie a wary look.

02-15-2010, 01:20 AM
“I’m sorry,” Stephanie began, still staring at the table. “That you hated yourself enough to destroy your mind and body.” Stephanie’s voice sounded sad and she shed a tear. Her heart was full of sorrow and she felt an urge to hug Gwen. An urge she had to ignore.

“I’m sorry that you felt you were to weak to fight against your pain.,” Stephanie paused for a moment and looked directly into Gwen’s eyes. “You are so beautiful. And whether you see it or not, you are intelligent. That day in the café you surprised me. Until then I had thought of you as nothing more than an infantile daddy’s girl with no mind at all. I was wrong.” Stephanie stopped and exhaled before speaking again.

“I believe it’s….your turn.”

The Gypsy Queen
02-15-2010, 05:22 PM
Stephanie's answer only served to enrage Gwen further. Not only had she been dragged into this hell against her will but now her captor had the gall to say that Gwen's party lifestyle was the worse thing?

She wanted to scream and to accuse. Was killing people based entirely on their hair color any better? Killing was wrong! So what if Gwen preferred to drown her pain in a sea of alcohol and drugs? She wasn't hurting anyone but herself, and it was her life. She didn't deserve to die for it, not like this.

She didn't want Stephanie's pity or apology. It was sick, she thought, as sick and twisted as her captor was. Seven hours ago Gwen might have seen the things differently, but after so long in the dark in that chair she was not feeling gregarious. As it was, only the presence of the gun stopped Gwen punching the other woman in the face.

She took a very long drag on the joint, hoping to calm her churning emotions. She held it for what seemed like forever, before puffing her cheeks and exhaling. Then she asked the question that she hoped would sting her captor.

" Why am I still alive?"

02-16-2010, 12:20 AM
Stephanie didn’t look up when Gwen asked her question. She didn’t want to. She didn’t want to tell Gwen the truth about why she was still alive as Gwen would most likely not be fond of the idea of being kept prisoner for a month and then killed as Stephanie’s next victim. But it didn’t mean she had to lie. Just leave something out.

“You are alive,” Stephanie looked up and into Gwen’s eyes. When she did she felt the attraction to Gwen again. She wanted nothing more than to lay her on the table and ravage her. Kissing and licking every inch of Gwen’s gorgeous body. The image flashed in her mind and Stephanie felt wet. “Because of what you said. Many women have been in that chair. All have pleaded for their lives. None have ever told me they were sorry.” Stephanie brought a hand under the table and started rubbing herself lightly through her jeans. She shuddered slightly as a sensation of ecstasy ran through her body, and she hoped that Gwen didn’t notice.

“For some reason you seemed to think you deserved to die. You said you understood. Why is that Gwen? Why do you think you deserve to die?”

The Gypsy Queen
02-17-2010, 02:01 AM
Gwen noticed the thrill of pleasure coursing through Stephanie's body and it made her want to leap away in disgust. What kind of sick person do you have to be, she wondered, to enjoy talking about killing for someone? Someone begging for their life?

But she managed to keep still, watching Stephanie, fighting to keep her eyes steady and emotionless. She raged inside herself though. That she had ever said she was sorry tasted bitter on her tongue now... even if it had saved her life.

" I'm worthless." Gwen said coldly. " I barely had the motivation to get through high school. I'd have been lucky to be married to the son of one of my father's business partners. What do I have to offer the world? Another generation of spoiled brats, living off granddad's money?" she smiled but it was more like she was baring her teeth. " Hell. I'd kill me."

She took a drink of water, watching smoke waft off the joint.

" Why do you kill people?"

02-17-2010, 09:05 AM
Stephanie removed her hand from between her legs and got up from the table, taking the gun with her. She had been dreading this question and was hoping that Gwen wouldn’t ask. But now, the damage was done and she would have to deal with it. She would have to drudge up her pain, though she could give Gwen an opportunity to release her own. Taking a butcher knife from the drawer, she placed it on the table in front of Gwen before returning to her seat.

“Then if you’re that worthless, take your own life,” Stephanie looked directly at Gwen. Her emotionless face did not reflect the pain within. “As for your question, I kill to relieve my pain. Though somehow I don’t think that is the answer you are looking for.” Stephanie sighed and looked at the table once again. When she started speaking, her voice gave the impression that she was in pain

“When I was sixteen,” Stephanie began. “And you must understand I was born on a leap year so technically I was four. My father, who was really a nice man up till then,” Stephanie looked up at Gwen and looked as though she was trying to convince her of this. “He got really drunk and raped me. The wild winds weep, And the night is a-cold; Come hither, Sleep, And my griefs enfold! . . .” Stephanie shook her head as if trying to shake away the thoughts.

“My mother saw what was happening,” Stephanie was gritting her teeth and sounded angry. “And instead of trying to help, she turned her back and walked away. I could feel him inside me with that infernal song playing in the background. But lo! the morning peeps Over the eastern steeps, And the rustling beds of dawn The earth do scorn.” Stephanie shook her head again and brought her hands up over her ears.

“The whole time he raped me I recited poetry in my head. Trying to shut out the pain of my father inside me and the noise of the music. When I spoke to mother about it she claimed it was all my own fault. You see, because it was my sixteenth birthday, I had dressed up. Curled my hair and done my makeup. I can still hear my father telling me how beautiful I looked.” A tear rolled down Stephanie’s cheek and she promptly wiped it away. “Form that point on my father would rape me from time to time and I never dressed up again.”

“When I finally went away to school,” Stephanie’s voice had become calmer but her eyes showed a much deeper sadness. “The pain went away a little, so I, like you Gwen, turned to drugs and alcohol. I didn’t care very much about myself and just wanted the pain to end. I became withdrawn and until I turned twenty-three, never even attempted to have a boyfriend or even sex for that matter.” Stephanie took a sip of water before continuing.

“I eventually did start dating. He was a wonderful boy named Alexander Cooper.” A small smile appeared on Stephanie’s lips. “He treated me like I was a goddess despite my plain appearance. You see Gwen, since my father raping for the first time, I never tried to make myself look beautiful again. A part of me believed it was my fault.” The smile faded and the look in Stephanie’s eyes changed form sadness to one of malevolence.

“On Valentine’s Day,” Stephanie’s tone became almost diabolical. “He took me out for dinner. We had been dating for several months now and he had never pressed me for sex. I took him back to my dorm room and we played some music and danced. Things started to become more passionate and I started to think of my father. I asked Alex to stop, but he didn’t. I started to plead with him, just like I did with my father but he wouldn’t stop.” Stephanie started to speak faster now and her she seemed a little more maniacal.

“There was a letter opener on the small dresser beside the bed. Alexander was starting to undo my pants and I was crying. But he wouldn’t fucking stop.” Stephanie’s voice gained in intensity and she started to breathe heavy. Almost panting.

“I grabbed the letter opener form the bedside table” Stephanie was almost shouting now and she picked up the glass form the table. “And I plunged it into his neck. Stabbing him over and over again. His blood splashing on my face. And for the first fucking time in my miserable fucking pathetic life my pain was gone.” Stephanie threw the glass into the wall beside Gwen. She leaned over the table and held the gun in one hand, screaming at Gwen.

“What do you think of that Gwen!!!!!!”

The Gypsy Queen
02-19-2010, 07:15 AM
Gwen sat stunned. The joint fell from her fingers and burned on the floor. She hadn't even tried to avoid the glass that had flown past her head. All she could do was stare at Stephanie, wide-eyed.

She wanted to hate Stephanie. She wanted to loathe her. She wanted to be sickened by the way Stephanie viewed human life, the way she killed.

She did not want to understand Stephanie. She did not want to sympathize. And she certainly did not want to comfort her.

She felt ill.

She lurched off the chair, grabbing her stomach with one hand and covering her mouth with the other. She lurched for the sink, cutting her feet on the shatter glass, and vomited into it, ragged hair falling over her face as she did.

Panting, she wiped her mouth and looked up at Stephanie, eyes still wide. She didn't know what she felt or what to do. She didn't want to pity Stephanie, but what she'd heard was making it hard to hate her. And worse yet... she could understand what the killer had said.

" I don't want to die." she whispered.

02-19-2010, 08:07 AM
Stephanie winced as Gwen cut her feet on the glass. Her first instinct was to run to her and hold her close but she didn‘t move. She watched Gwen vomit and felt the urge to cry when Gwen said she didn’t want to die.

“Then why are you killing yourself slowly?” Stephanie actually sounded sad. “Why do you torture yourself instead of putting an end to your pain?” Stephanie truly didn’t understand. Better to die now then go on endlessly in pain.

The Gypsy Queen
02-19-2010, 07:40 PM
It all seemed so stupid to Gwen now. All the drugs and booze and parties. All the little hobbies and adventures. It was all to distract herself, to get lost in something that wasn't her own life. Because when you couldn't remember what hotel you were living out of, you certainly could remember the abuses you'd suffered as a child.

But she wasn't going to admit that to Stephanie.

Though, she had nothing else to say.

" I don't know." she responded.

02-19-2010, 07:53 PM
Stephanie got up form the chair and opened one of the drawers in the counter. She kept the gun pointed at Gwen and put the pair of handcuffs on the counter in front of her.

“I am sorry Gwen,” Stephanie’s voice was full of remorse. “But I have to work in the morning, so I am afraid that you will have to go back in the room. I won’t tape you to the chair, but I will need you to handcuff yourself to it.” Stephanie backed away and exhaled.

“Feel free to take a couple of bottles of water from the fridge. And under the sink is a mop bucket, you might want to take it with you.” Stephanie motioned for Gwen to move and they went down to the basement. Once there, Stephanie had Gwen open the door and move inside the room.

“Now if you would be so kind as to handcuff yourself to the chair so I can pick up what’s left of the radio, I would appreciate it.” Stephanie smiled at Gwen. Though the truth was, she wasn’t the least bit happy right now. Not only was there the attraction she felt for Gwen, there was also her pain, which wouldn’t go away until she had fulfilled her dark need.

The Gypsy Queen
02-20-2010, 12:18 AM
Gwen limped along, following Stephanie's directions in a stunned silence. Her feet were bleeding and she couldn't really believe she was being taken back to that awful room.

She didn't entirely understand everything that was happening, and as Stephanie directed her down the stairs and told her to grab some toilet paper, it suddenly became more clear. She balked at the order to handcuff herself to the chair, but the presence of the gun made her do it.

At least, this time, Stephanie left the light on.

Alone in the room, Gwen sat on the floor in front of the chair. It kept her arm up at an odd angle but she was willing to do anything to stay out of the chair. She didn't drink any of the water, instead just staring at the wall and occasionally adjusting her position.

She tried not to think, and she tried to sleep.

She had nightmares about being chased by her old nanny, who was brandishing a pair of scissors.

02-20-2010, 12:21 AM
If one were to describe the anger which Stephanie was feeling at this moment, feral rage would fall short of the mark. Right now Stephanie had moved well beyond furious and was standing in the doorway of the room, leering at Gwen. Holding the gun and a roll of duct tape. The reasons Stephanie was pissed were easy enough to understand though. While at work, Stephanie had a visit from the police. It seemed that Gwen was missing and was last known to be going to the ballet with Stephanie. They had questioned her about what had happened the night they went to the ballet. Stephanie of course lied, and made up a story about an argument about her sexual preferences, and Gwen had left in a huff. Stephanie showed concern and answers all the questions. But she couldn’t be one hundred per cent sure that the police had bought her story. It meant that she was most likely going to be watched. It also meant Gwen had lied to her.

“Who did you fucking tell!!” Stephanie stormed into the room and kicked Gwen in the face. Gwen was still handcuffed to the chair and her head slammed into it. Stephanie fell on Gwen and began to pistol whip her in the head, screaming.

“You lied to me you cunt!!!” Stephanie assaulted the side of Gwen’s head, hitting her repeatedly. “Who did you fucking tell!!!” Stephanie stopped the assault and stared into Gwen’s eyes, waiting for an answer.

The Gypsy Queen
02-20-2010, 03:02 AM
Gwen barely had time to react before the first blow struck her, leaving her spitting blood out her mouth as her vision flooded with red. She felt the next blows through the haze and barely registered Stephanie's voice. But she knew what this was about.

Yet try as she might, she could not make herself speak.

The next thing she was aware of was pain. She drifted in and out of consciousness, and she didn't know how much time passed.

She had a fever, and that made her dream.

02-20-2010, 03:08 AM
Now you do always need to be careful if you should become intimate with someone. Most will likely respond negatively to the idea of fucking someone who kills people for pleasure. But sometimes, you may get lucky. If you can find someone who shares your interest in taking lives, it can make for some interesting dates. If you are one of these lucky people, always be sure that it is with someone you trust implicitly, for as they say, “loose lips sink ships.” Or in this case, can earn you a one way ticket to the gas chamber.

It had been two days since Stephanie had opened the door to the room in which Gwen was locked. She was still pissed, but also felt a little concerned for her prisoner. Gwen had been badly beaten before Stephanie taped her into the chair. Not to mention that she had not had any food or water. Stephanie knew that Gwen would be in rough shape.

Stephanie gagged at the smell which greeted her nostrils. Though she had expected it, she wasn’t truly prepared for it. But she was prepared to take care of Gwen. Stephanie had towels and a bathrobe for Gwen to wear. She turned o the light and knelt on the floor in front of Gwen. She appeared to be in a daze and Stephanie couldn’t actually be sure that Gwen was awake.

Taking a little time. Stephanie cleaned up Gwen as best she could and then removed the tape from her ankles and wrists. Stephanie wasn’t worried that Gwen would fight back at this point. And even if she found the strength, in her weakened state, she would be no match for Stephanie.

Once she had fished removing the tape, Stephanie stood and looked at Gwen. Stephanie’s face was cold and when she spoke, the words came devoid of emotion.

“I am going to remove the tape then help you upstairs. I have prepared a bath and a rather nice breakfast. So, let’s get you cleaned up.” Stephanie paused or a moment and sighed. “And please don’t try anything stupid.” And with that Stephanie ripped the tape form Gwen’s mouth.

The Gypsy Queen
02-20-2010, 03:30 AM
Gwen really didn't have the will to resist, even if she'd had the strength. She was afraid. The pain was consuming, engulfing, and she was afraid to be lost in it again. She let Stephanie pull her to her feet and nearly fell again, the cuts on her feet from days ago swollen and infected. She whimpered in agony as Stephanie helped her up the stairs to the bathroom.

There, she sat on the toilet and Stephanie helped her undress and got her into the tub. The hot water stung like a thousand knives on her numbed and bruised skin and she screamed as she was lowered into it.

She barely had the strength to support herself in the tub and kept blacking out from the pain... But Stephanie never let her slip under the water and was gentle with her bruises and sore muscles.

Gradually, the stinging stopped and the warm water and feel of hands washing her relaxed her aches and although it would be a long time before she was pain free, she felt better.

02-20-2010, 04:02 AM
Stephanie stayed silent the whole time Gwen was in the bath. Stephanie took time and care to clean all of Gwen’s wounds. She washed every inch of her. Normally this would have been an incredible turn-on for Stephanie, but she felt concerned, for two reasons. Gwen was in rough shape and Stephanie still wanted her alive. There was also the problem of Gwen’s “disappearance.” The police would most likely be back, and Stephanie needed to throw them off.

Once Stephanie had finished washing Gwen form head to toe, she helped her out of the tub. Stephanie took time to apply antibiotic cream and bandages to Gwen’s injuries. And taking special care in bandaging Gwen’s feet, which still had little bits of glass in them. Stephanie picked them out and cursed herself silently for not attending to them earlier. For some reason she thought Gwen was making a show of strength. A way to impress Stephanie. She dressed Gwen in a pair of black flannel pajamas and slippers, which were quite large and resembled bear feet.

Stephanie led Gwen into the kitchen. The table was set for breakfast. On each side of the table were large bowls of fruit and a plate with toast and jam sat in the center. Two large glasses of orange juice sat on either side and there was a pitcher set to one side of the table. On Gwen’s side there was the addition of three other items; a joint, a lighter and a box which held a cell phone.

Stephanie helped Gwen to sit down. She was so gentle with Gwen now. She felt bad for causing her pain. But still she felt it needed to be done. Gwen needed to know that Stephanie wasn’t fucking around. Stephanie moved to her side of the table and sat. She looked at Gwen and smiled lightly.

“Please eat,” Stephanie’s tone was calm yet concerned. “I know you must be hungry, and once you have eaten, I would like you to make a phone call.” Stephanie shifted her eyes to the joint and eyed it for a moment. A part of her was wondering if Gwen had learned anything. A part of her was hoping she hadn’t.

The Gypsy Queen
02-20-2010, 05:24 AM
Any doubts about Stephanie's intentions vanished the minute Gwen spotted the food. She tore after the juice first thing, downing a whole glass without taking a breath. She knew from years of drinking that if you drank too much when you were dehydrated you could get sick, and she stopped herself there in an effort to prevent that. She did however, hurriedly attack the toast and fruit, although she desperately craved meat of some kind.

She ate for a long while, purposely slowing herself to not make herself ill. She stopped before she was full to that end as well.

She spotted the joint and considered it. It would help with the pain that was left over, but it would also make her want to eat more, and she couldn't afford to be ill right now. She fingered the joint, considering, and watched Stephanie's face.

She hadn't forgotten why she'd been beaten and she wasn't keen to repeat the experience. She needed to keep Stephanie placated to stay alive.

Feeling thoroughly defeated, she picked up the box and started unwrapping the cheap phone, watching Stephanie.

" Who do you want me to call?" she asked, voice hoarse.

02-20-2010, 05:36 AM
Stephanie watched as Gwen played with the Joint between her fingers. There was no doubt that it would help to soothe her pain, but Stephanie had something else for that. Gwen had said that she wanted ot live. So let her prove it by not succumbing to killing herself. Stephanie quickly got up and retrieved a bottle of ibuprofen. Refilling Gwen’s glass with orange juice, she placed the pill bottle on the table and returned to her seat.

“Once your voice has retuned,” Stephanie smiled. “I would like you to call your father and tell him you are okay. You have been staying with friends and forgot to call. And please try to make it quick. Thirty seconds will be more than enough.” The length of the call was very important to Stephanie. She had assumed that Gwen had told her father. It was the only explanation for the police’s early arrival. And it was most likely that they would be tracing the call. But Stephanie was also curious if Gwen had told anyone else.

“And while we wait for your voice to sound better. I would like you to tell me who else you told about the ballet. And please don’t lie Gwen.”

The Gypsy Queen
02-20-2010, 05:50 AM
Gwen nodded to show she understood. She was in no hurry to lie again. As a matter of fact, she thought it might be in her best interest to be completely honest. She did not want to die and she did not want to be beaten again.

" I told my father and my best friend." she admitted, flinching lightly as though she expected to be struck. When no blow came, she reached for the pill bottle and opened it, taking two pills and placing them on her tongue before gulping more orange juice. She put the joint to the side and ignored it.

02-20-2010, 05:56 AM
Stephanie smiled as Gwen pushed the joint aside. Perhaps Gwen was learning something. But there was only one way to be sure.

“I don’t want to hurt you again,” Stephanie sounded sad. “Please don’t make me Gwen.” There was a part of Stephanie which wanted to beat Gwen into a bloody pulp at this moment; Stephanie was still mad for having been lied to. But there was also the part of her which was attracted to Gwen, and that part also felt sorry for her.

“So might I assume that you still want to live?” Stephanie tilted her head to the side and looked at Gwen curiously.

The Gypsy Queen
02-20-2010, 06:04 AM
Gwen nodded at Stephanie, and understood the meaning between the lines. She picked up the phone and turned it on, dialing her father's personal cell number.

She was quiet while she listened to it ring. It went to voicemail.

" Hi, Daddy. It's Gwen. Sorry I haven't called, I dropped my phone in the river, and I've been with a friend. Just wanted to check in. Love you, talk to you later!"

Shaking slightly from the effort to sound cheerful and carefree, she hung up and slid the phone across the counter to Stephanie, eyes on her captor, but head low and submissive.

02-20-2010, 06:20 AM
The next three days went on reasonably well. Stephanie cleaned up the house while allowing Gwen to lay on the couch. Stephanie played classical music for Gwen and did everything she could to nurse her back to health. Stephanie moved the mattress form her spare bedroom into the “guestroom” in the basement. Caring for Gwen made Stephanie feel good, and in some ways helped to kill the pain of not taking a life. Somehow things were just better.

The police had come to see Stephanie at her work and let her know that Gwen had contacted her father. Stephanie acted relieved and thanked them, all the while chuckling to herself.

By the third day, Gwen had regained much of her strength and Stephanie carried the gun again. For some reason she didn’t think that Gwen would try anything. But still, Stephanie wasn’t one to take chances. The two were sitting at the table and had just finished the breakfast which Stephanie had prepared. Eggs Benedict with a side of steamed asparagus. It was quite good, and Stephanie had even gone to the trouble of buying oranges and squeezing them herself to make the juice.

As they sat, Stephanie mulled over the dirty dishes on th table. For the most part she had been quiet. It was hard for her to talk to Gwen feeling as she did for what she put Gwen through. But now that a little time ahd passed, Stephanie felt more like talking.

“Are you happy Gwen?” Stephanie didn’t know why she had asked it. It just seemed like a good place to start. “I mean, have you ever been truly happy in your life?” Stephanie rephrased the question in an attempt to not appear stupid. She knew that Gwen couldn’t truly be happy right now.

The Gypsy Queen
02-20-2010, 06:42 AM
Gwen was reaching to clear the dishes when Stephanie spoke. Her captor had been very quiet over the past few days and the sudden question startled just because it broke the silence she'd become so accustomed to. She only realized what she'd be asked a moment later.

She had to stop and think about it, leaning over with Stephanie's plate and glass in her hand. She straightened her back and cocked her head thoughtfully, face still covered in greenish bruises.

" I don't know. What's being happy? I mean, I was happy when my school friends and I went to concerts or to Disney World or whatever. I was happy at Christmas. But it didn't really mean anything. Like, superficial, I guess?" she shrugged, and didn't ask why Stephanie had asked at all.

02-20-2010, 07:03 AM
Stephanie reached out and grabbed Gwen’s arm. It wasn’t hard, it was to stop her from clearing away the dishes. Even though Gwen was doing a lot better, Stephanie was still worried about her. As her hand touched Gwen’s arm, she slowly moved it to her wrist. Stephanie smiled as she ran her hand down Gwen’s smooth skin and removed the plate and the glass, placing them back on the table.

“You don’t have to,” Stephanie spoke softly. The words came as though she were saying them to a lover.

“But those times,” Stephanie’s tone became inquisitive. “Did it actually take away the pain, or was it just hiding it away? Like the drugs and alcohol. Which by the way, the joints are in the second drawer next to the stove if you should want one” It was because of Stephanie’s own pain that she was asking. There had to be another way to take away her pain. And while caring for Gwen provided much comfort, she still needed more. And of course there was always the possibility that Gwen didn’t want to live. Thus the reference to the drugs. She wondered if Gwen would still want to fry her brain after all that had happened. Hell, most would have gone completely mad by now. But Stephanie continued to be impressed by Gwen’s strength of will. Though as of yet she didn’t trust it.

There was always the chance that Gwen would try something sooner or later. And there were still too many variables in play. But some of those could be taken care of by phone calls. The occasional one to daddy would help. And of course a quick call to there best friends once in a while. It was like throwing bones to hungry dogs. And it was so easily done given Gwen’s love of the party life. If things continued to go well, Stephanie had no doubt that keeping Gwen until the twenty-ninth would be a relatively simple matter. Though she needed to keep her feelings in check otherwise it would be harder to go through with it when the time came.

The Gypsy Queen
02-22-2010, 04:40 AM
Gwen shrugged lightly to Stephanie. She didn't much care for the drugs in the drawer. If she was going to survive and escape, she needed a clear head.

" I don't know... I guess it was just hiding it... I mean, does pain ever really go away?"

Gwen watched Stephanie carefully. Her captor had been displaying a much more human side and it was unnerving. More and more Gwen tended to forget that she was a captive here, a victim.

But there was always the gun to remind her.

02-22-2010, 08:07 PM
“It can go away Gwen,” Stephanie’s voice sounded choked and she had tears in her eyes. “I made it go away. But now I am feeling it again. It’s been so long Gwen. So long since I felt this way and I truly don’t know if I can bear it.” Stephanie rested her head in her hands and started to sob.

“It’s like I can feel him inside me right now,” Stephanie shuddered noticeably. “His tongue licking my face. The pain of the first time he forced himself on me. I don’t know how to deal with all of this.” Stephanie looked up at Gwen and the tears were streaming down her face.

Stephanie wasn’t used to sharing her feelings with someone. And as the person she was opening up to was supposed to be dead, Stephanie found herself feeling quite alone.

The Gypsy Queen
02-23-2010, 04:28 AM
It was hard to think of Stephanie as a monster when she burst into tears.

Gwen was not good at dealing with crying people under normal circumstances. She'd never been sure how to react to sudden bursts of emotion from others. Even a sudden outburst of affection from her friends left her confused and flabbergasted.

She stood in the middle of the dining area, watching Stephanie, shifting nervously and awkwardly from one foot to the other. Finally, she sat down in the chair next to Stephanie and patted the other woman's hand.

She wasn't sure why.

02-23-2010, 04:36 AM
The moment Gwen’s hand touched hers, Stephanie wrapped her arms around Gwen and buried her face in Gwen’s shoulder. The pain she was in was almost unbearable, and though she thought that Gwen hated her, Stephanie needed a shoulder to cry on. She kept her face buried in Gwen’s shoulder for a few minutes until the tears subsided.

When she pulled away, Stephanie looked into Gwen’s eyes for a moment before leaning in and pressing her lips against Gwen’s. She wanted to keep them there, but instead pulled back rather quickly. Releasing Gwen, she turned her head away and blushed.

“I’m sorry.”

The Gypsy Queen
02-23-2010, 07:12 AM
Gwen blinked as Stephanie wept on her shoulder, feeling stunned and out of place. She was growing more uncomfortable by the minute. She reached to awkwardly pat Stephanie on the back and froze, spotting the gun unattended on the table.

Gwen tried to keep from lunging for it on instinct, tried to keep her muscles from tensing and her heart rated from hitching a few dozen beats. If she could get that gun she could escape, get help, get the hell away from here.

She ignored that tiny little part of her that thought leaving Stephanie like this was a bad idea.

And then Stephanie kissed her.

Gwen's brain ground to a halt when Stephanie's lips met hers. She wasn't able to react, and all thoughts of the gun flew out of her head.

She'd been kissed before, and she was no virgin. But sex had never been on the forefront of her mind and she'd never even thought of kissing another girl.

She was now.

She didn't respond, simply stood still and stared, wide-eyed, as Stephanie pulled away and apologized.

" It's... um... okay..." Gwen muttered, glancing away, the gun completely forgotten.

And the strangest part to Gwen was that she was not disgusted or put off. A small part of her had liked it. But she wasn't supposed to like Stephanie. She was supposed to hate Stephanie. She wanted to escape.

And then Gwen mentally kicked herself for missing her chance to grab the gun.

02-23-2010, 07:28 AM
Stephanie turned back and looked at Gwen, She felt relieved that Gwen wasn’t angry. A part of her also felt relieved that Gwen had not decide to go for the gun. Though in some ways, Stephanie wished she had. Gwen could have killed Stephanie and put her out of her misery and then it would all be over. Perhaps that would have been better. But the fact that Gwen didn’t go for the gun spoke volumes to Stephanie and she thought that there may be a chance for them to be friends, at least for a while.

“It’s just…. I find you so attractive,” Stephanie blushed again and stared into Gwen’s eyes. The next words that Stephanie spoke, and the action which accompanied them, actually surprised Stephanie.

“I promise I won’t hurt you anymore Gwen,” Stephanie picked up the gun and removed the ammunition form it. Getting up from the table, she moved to a drawer and put the clip away. She placed the gun in a different drawer, removing the bullet form the chamber before she did so.

The Gypsy Queen
02-25-2010, 12:50 AM
Gwen still stood by the table, stunned by Stephanie's actions. A part of her wanted to bolt for the door. Yet another part of her wanted to just to reassure Stephanie that everything was going to be okay. And then there was the rational part of her that kept her still and quiet, tumbling over this new turn of events in her head. That part told her to play it cool, and make her escape at night.

Her stomach twisted in fear and anxiety. What would she do when she was free? Just go back to her life? No, she should report Stephanie. Stephanie would kill more people, maybe come after her again.

For some reason that thought made her feel just a little guilty.

" Thank you." she said a few seconds too late.

02-25-2010, 01:22 AM
“You are welcome,” Stephanie looked at Gwen, her face still showing a great deal of sadness. But a thought had entered her head. She couldn’t help wonder if Gwen was just pretending to be nice. It was in her eyes. But she also seemed to be having some sort of genuine feeling for Stephanie. But it gave Stephanie an idea.

“I know you aren’t really happy here Gwen,” Stephanie looked sad and remorseful. “How could you be with someone like me? Leave if you want to. I…I…don’t care anymore.” Of course there was no way in hell that Stephanie would let Gwen leave. She wasn’t stupid. But she wanted to see what Gwen’s reaction would be. A part of Stephanie felt like Gwen might be toying with her. Of course Stephanie's general hatred of herself at this moment didn't help either She didn't beleive that anyone could really like her or care.

The Gypsy Queen
02-26-2010, 04:40 AM
Gwen was no idiot and she knew a trap when she saw one. In spite of whatever easy ritual the two women had slipped into, she knew that if she tried to leave now Stephanie would stop her and probably kill her. She was beginning to understand her captor and no matter how much she sympathized, she could not let that rule her. She had to survive.

She didn't answer Stephanie, choosing instead to sink into a chair at the table, watching the other woman carefully. She hoped this would be a sufficient answer.

She also hoped that Stephanie would sleep soundly when night came.

02-26-2010, 05:32 AM
Stephanie’s face became expressionless when Gwen sat back down. She really didn’t know what to make of it. Other than the fact that Gwen did indeed have a brain; something Stephanie had learned over the past few days. Of course Gwen wanted to leave, but she was smart enough to not try to do so now.

“Gwen, tell me the truth,” Stephanie’s voice was monotone. “Do you really want to stay?” Despite the pain and constant self loathing at this point. Not to mention the attraction she held for Gwen. Stephanie could still see the bigger picture. It was a nice thought that Gwen might have wanted to stay of her own free will; something she wouldn’t want to do if she knew Stephanie’s true intentions for her. But the fact remained, Stephanie had tried to kill Gwen. And that was something that Gwen would never forget. But it still left one other question should Gwen say she wanted to stay. One which Stephanie had to ask.

“And why?”

The Gypsy Queen
02-26-2010, 08:08 PM
Gwen bit her lip, mind racing to come up with some response. If she answered honestly, she might be beaten and/or killed. If she lied, she might be beaten and/or killed. She didn't believe for a second the Stephanie wouldn't harm her.

Her heart thudded painfully in her chest, reminding her that she was alive and wanted to stay that way.

" I want to live." Gwen said quietly, giving Stephanie a plaintive look. " Would you really let me leave?"

02-26-2010, 08:25 PM
Stephanie looked at Gwen and smiled. It was a smile mixed with anger and Stephanie was grinding her teeth.

“I think you already know the answer to that question,” Stephanie hissed the words. “And I can’t help but notice that you evaded mine. DO you want to be here?” Stephanie raised her voice slightly. She was starting to get rather pissed off, feeling like Gwen was playing with her. But Gwen needed to remember that Stephanie was the predator, and Gwen was just the fly caught in her web. A fly that could become a meal at anytime.

The Gypsy Queen
02-28-2010, 09:39 PM
" Of course I want to leave." Gwen answered automatically, wincing as the words left her mouth. Stephanie was clearly becoming agitated and the bruises from her last beating were still only barely fading into green.

Her muscles were coiling and she was instinctively preparing to try and run. It would take Stephanie some time to get the gun back but that didn't mean much. There was a whole kitchen full of nice sharp knives available.

Gwen lowered her head submissively, waiting for Stephanie's response.

03-01-2010, 01:57 AM
“Thank you Gwen,” The look of anger faded form Stephanie’s face. “I want you to be truthful Gwen. To be honest, I didn’t think you wanted to stay. But I do have to admit that it is nice to have someone to talk to.” It was something that Stephanie didn’t get to do often. Let’s face it, it’s hard to have when friends when you kill people for pleasure. Stephanie knew that most people couldn’t understand. Still it was nice ot be able to talk to someone about it. Especially when that person would eventually be permanently silenced.

“I would like to ask one thing though,” Stephanie’s expression became one of curiosity. “Why haven’t you tried to escape? I mean, really Gwen. I am pretty sure you could overpower me. Not to mention that there have been several times over the past few days that I was technically unarmed. So why haven’t you tried?”

The curiosity came from Stephanie noticing that lately, Gwen seemed to be exhibiting less and less emotion. As if she were detaching form the world. In a lot of ways right now, Gwen reminded Stephanie of herself. The coldness and lack of emotion was something she knew all too well. It was a part of her life and wasn’t something she was used to seeing in others.

The Gypsy Queen
03-02-2010, 01:28 AM
Gwen gnawed on her lip hard, heart thudding in her chest. She hadn't tried to escape because she remembered her beating very clearly and feared a repeat. She wanted Stephanie appeased because an appeased Stephanie was one who would eventually make a mistake. And she certainly wasn't going to bolt for the door when Stephanie was watching.

And probably most importantly, she'd only just begun to be able to walk again.

" I don't know." she said to Stephanie, keeping her head low and submissive.

03-03-2010, 06:41 AM
Stephanie stared at Gwen, listening to the tone of her voice. There was nothing in it to indicate a lie, but she couldn’t help but not fully believe Gwen. Certainly a person who feared for their life would at least take the risk of trying to escape. Especially when that person could most likely overpower their captor. But for now, Stephanie would let the matter lie.

She also couldn’t help but notice the submissive stance which Gwen had taken. It made her wonder what Gwen’s real opinion of her was. This was not the same defiant girl from a few days ago. This was not the same Gwen

“Do I frighten you Gwen?” Stephanie’s tone was cool but she had a smile on her face. Fear was a powerful weapon, and one she liked to utilize. Fear would help to keep Gwen in line.

The Gypsy Queen
03-04-2010, 03:47 AM
Gwen cringed a little and struggled to keep it to herself. She wasn't sure how to answer that question. And as always, Stephanie was impossible to predict. She'd gone from a depressive fit to kissing Gwen to what now appeared to be a power trip.

Gwen struggled with whether or not to tell the truth. If she lied, she was sure Stephanie would be able to tell. If she answered with another question, Stephanie might get mad, as she often did when Gwen got evasive. Stephanie seemed to want Gwen to be afraid of her, and Gwen was eager to avoid another beating, so she decided to give the other woman what she wanted.

" Yes."

03-05-2010, 07:17 AM
Stephanie smiled when she heard the word. This was definitely a good thing. It meant there wasn’t much chance of Gwen trying to escape, and this knowledge made Stephanie feel more secure. Taking her purse from the back of the chair, Stephanie removed a pack of gum and popped a piece into her mouth. Afterwards, she placed the gum on the table and slid it across to Gwen.

“Help yourself,” Stephanie sat and stared at Gwen while she chewed. Stephanie thought that maybe it was time for a reward of sorts for her captive. Perhaps she could retrieve some of Gwen’s clothes for her. Gwen had been good for the last few days after all. And perhaps a nice gesture from Stephanie would make her feel more relaxed.

The Gypsy Queen
03-08-2010, 02:22 AM
Gwen impulsively picked up the gum and popped a piece into her mouth, mostly just for the distraction the small action afforded her, eyes flicking to the clock. She wasn't sure when she'd be locked up today and wanted to enjoy her freedom while she had it.

And that was when she froze, gum half chewed on her tongue, as an idea occurred to her. She didn't waste another millisecond, chewing her gum fiercely now, watching Stephanie with forced calmness.

She prayed Stephanie wouldn't notice.

03-10-2010, 05:45 AM
Stephanie didn’t really pay much attention to Gwen as she took the gum. At the moment her attention was on the clock on the wall. It was starting to get late and Stephanie needed to work in the morning. She would have preferred to call in sick, but she needed to get some time in. Having a “guest” was costly, and being that tomorrow was payday, she needed to get some groceries. As well she wanted to stop by Gwen’s apartment and retrieve some clothing for her.

“Gwen,” Stephanie spoke coolly, still staring at the clock. “ As much as I do enjoy talking to you, I need ot sleep.” Stephanie got up and moved over to the drawer. Opening it, she took out the gun and reloaded it.

“Get whatever you want form the fridge and then we will take you downstairs.” Stephanie held the gun at her side and smiled at Gwen. Somehow holding the gun made Stephanie feel a little safer. If Gwen was going to try anything, it would most likely be on the walk downstairs. Right now, Stephanie was thinking of the gun much in the way one might think of a condom. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

The Gypsy Queen
03-11-2010, 02:31 AM
Gwen tried to to let her anticipation show as she made her way to the fridge, grabbing some fruit and left over sandwiches and a few bottles of water. She fought to keep her breath coming slow and even, and struggled to convince herself that this was just another night being locked in that dank basement that smelled faintly of blood and death.

Because if she believed it, she wouldn't show that it was a lie.

She walked ahead of Stephanie down the stairs, still all too aware of the gun in Stephanie's hands. She'd never believed she'd seen the last of it... Stephanie was on too much of a power trip to let it go.

As she approached the door, gripping the gum tightly between her teeth and cheek, she began to falter, looking desperately for something to distract Stephanie. She had only seconds before the other woman would know something was up.

03-12-2010, 05:15 AM
Stephanie followed behind Gwen, keeping the gun trained on her. As she walked through the basement, her foot hit against the side of a bucket. One which she had recently cleaned after Gwen had been using it. The bucket tipped over and rolled under the counter.

“Shit,” Stephanie knelt down, keeping her gaze and the gun on Gwen. “Move into the door way and don’t move.”

Once Gwen had done so, Stephanie reached under the counter to retrieve the bucket.

The Gypsy Queen
03-15-2010, 08:11 PM
Gwen moved as smoothly and casually as she could, taking the gum from her mouth and sliding it into the door jam as she turned to put the sandwiches and water bottles on the table. She listened to the bucket being put back into place as she did, fighting to calm her beating heart.

" So when will you be home tomorrow? And can I have a watch or something? It makes things more bearable." she asked conversationally.

03-15-2010, 11:17 PM
Stephanie stood up with the bucket and placed it on the countertop. She looked at Gwen with a smile on her face.

“I’m sure something can be arranged,” Stephanie would have to add it to the list of things she intended to get from Gwen’s apartment. “And I finish work around four o’clock, but I do have an errand to run. I will try not to be too late. Now if you please Gwen.” Stephanie motioned for Gwen to move into the small room.

Stephanie had to admit that right now she was happier than she had been in a long time. She still felt remorse for the knowledge that she would eventually kill Gwen. But still, it was nice to have her around in the meantime.

She was also happy because, despite the fact that Gwen truly didn’t want to be here, she had done nothing to try to escape. It was something that warranted a reward. And Stepahine meant to give her one.

“Good night Gwen,” Stephanie closed the door and locked it, before making her way upstairs to bed.

The Gypsy Queen
03-16-2010, 09:47 PM
Gwen's first instinct was to check the door immediately but she restrained her self by sitting on the mattress and staring at it. With no means of telling time, the next few hours were going to be agonizing. It was hell just waiting a few minutes to make sure Stephanie was completely up the stairs and out of ear shot so she could check to make sure her gum had jammed the lock.

When she was sure it had, a weight lifted off her chest and she felt light as a feather. She jumped around the basement for a few minutes, happy as could be. It took her a long time to settle down.

She ate the sandwiches and drank the water, mostly to give herself something to do. She wanted to wait several hours to be sure Stephanie was totally asleep before she made her attempt to escape. She could imagine nothing worse than encountering Stephanie midway through...

She didn't think she'd survive that encounter.

Several hours ticked by a slowly as possible and Gwen finally felt it was safe to try. As safe as it could be, anyway. With the patience of a saint, she slowly turned the knob on the door and pulled it open, making every effort to be silent. She then crept across the floor and up the stairs, keeping close to the wall to avoid any squeaks.

Finally, she paused to take a few slow, quiet breaths at the top of the stairs, peering around the dark kitchen and living room area. She took a few moments to plot her course to the door... she didn't want to risk bumping into to anything.

She started to walk, creeping slowly around the furniture. The metal remains of the coffee table blocked the most direct path to the door, so she had to go around the couch. As she crept, she heard a rumble outside and immediately recognized it as thunder. Of course, on the night she was going to escape, it would storm. She paused to compose herself, reminding herself that she had to try or she would surely die, and kept going. She was nearly around the couch when there was a flash of lightning, flooding the room with light.

And a pair of eyes was staring at her.

Covering her mouth to stop the shriek before it started, she stumbled backwards fearfully, aware all too late that it was the cat, POM, perched on a shelf. She struggled to regain her balance and turned, to see another pair eyes.

Those horrid fish.

Heart in her throat she stumbled back again, into an end table. She heard, rather than saw, the lamp fall and crash to the floor in the most deafening shatter she'd ever heard.

She stood there, frozen, aware that she probably wouldn't survive the next few minutes.

03-17-2010, 08:45 PM
Stephanie awoke with a start. The crashing noise had jarred her immediately into consciousness. Her first thought was that someone had broken into her house. It was the only logical explanation due to the fact that there was no way Gwen could have gotten out of the room.

Stephanie opened the drawer on the bedside table and grabbed the gun. Chambering a round, she quickly moved to the door of the bedroom and turned on the hall light. She moved cautiously into the hallway, keeping the gun raised in front of her.

The Gypsy Queen
03-17-2010, 09:49 PM
The hall light clicked on upstairs and Gwen sucked in a hard breath. She could either try to hide or run. Stephanie had the gun so fight was no an option. She listened to Stephanie take a step down the hall and the decision snapped in her head.

Gwen turned tail and hauled ass for the door, scrambling over the couch and knocking the other end table out of her way as she did.

03-17-2010, 10:16 PM
Stephanie raced down the stairs to the living room, turning on the lights as she went. She saw Gwen scrambling to her feet and heading towards the basement door.

“Little bitch!!” Stephanie screeched the words. “Come here!!” Stephanie chased after Gwen and caught up to her just as she reached the top of the stairs. She slammed into Gwen with her shoulder and sent her tumbling down the stairs.

The Gypsy Queen
03-18-2010, 03:53 AM
Gwen felt as though she'd been stuffed into a dryer on the tumble cycle. She didn't really feel any pain, and she didn't have time to think about it. She landing on her side at the base of the stairs, where she rolled unsteadily to her hands and knees. She looked up in time to see Stephanie rushing down the stairs, eyes alight in rage, and wasted no more time.

She stumbled to her feet with a fearful moan and made a dash for the basement room, hoping to somehow lock herself in. She got into the room and threw her weight into heaving the door shut, whimpering in fear as Stephanie sprinted at her.

03-18-2010, 04:12 AM
Stephanie stopped running once Gwen had closed the door. The rage was welling up inside her. But there was really no way she would be able to force the door open. Gwen was no doubt holding it shut, and with her increased adrenaline, Stephanie didn’t stand a chance. Looking around, Stephanie smiled as she came up with a better idea.

Stephanie walked over to one of the cupboards and unlocked it.. Everything was so neatly organized and Stephanie grabbed the cordless drill that was inside. She took a moment to put a longer drill bit on it, and then walked over to the door.

“You really should open the door Gwen,” Stephanie’s voice was raised and her eyes were wild. “Do you really think that this is a good idea. It is just a door after all. I mean, think about it Gwen, I can find you behind that door.” Stephanie fired up the drill and jammed it into the upper part of the door near the hinges and pushed it all the way through.

“No….you wouldn’t be there.” Stephanie giggled malevolently and pulled the drill out of the hole.

“How about here,” Stephanie guessed that Gwen would be low and near the door handle. She thrust the drill into the door about three quarters of the way up.

The Gypsy Queen
03-19-2010, 05:57 PM
Gwen shrieked as the drill came through inches from her side and lunged away from the door, keeping her only her hands against it. Her eyes flashed around the room and landed on the work table. If she could shove it in front of the door she might have a chance... but there was no way she could reach it without letting the door go.

She screamed again as the drill came through again and again in different spots and she kept moving her hands nervously.

" Stop it! Oh my god, stop it!" she screamed through the door. " I'm sorry, just stop it, please!"

03-19-2010, 06:06 PM
“Open the fucking door!!” Stephanie screeched the words and pushed the drill bit through the door again. It came through the other side, right between Gwen’s hands.

“Seriously Gwen!! I’m not fucking around here!!” Stephanie continued to scream at the door and started to pound on it. The rage flowed through her and right now, Stephanie’s only thought was to kill Gwen; which she would do if the door didn’t open. Regardless, Stephanie was going to show Gwen a new definition of pain.

The Gypsy Queen
03-19-2010, 08:16 PM
"Alright!" Gwen screamed, shaking. " Get the fuck away from the door and put down the drill, and I'll open it!"

She had no idea what Stephanie would do. She would probably be beaten. She would would probably be killed this time.

" I'll do whatever you want." she whimpered, terrified.

03-19-2010, 08:52 PM
“Give me a moment to think about that,” Stephanie smiled and started to tap on the door. She moved her hand around listening to the hollow sound of the wood. She kept her hand moving, tapping until she heard a duller sound.

“Gwen?,” Stephanie sneered the words. “I’ve thought about your request. Here’s my answer.” Stephanie drilled through the door at the spot where she heard the dull thud. The spot where one of Gwen’s hands were.

The Gypsy Queen
03-22-2010, 04:06 AM
Gwen shrieked in agony, darting away from the door and clutching her hand to her. She stumbled over the chair and fell onto the mattress across the room from her door, screaming as blood poured down her arm, dripping onto her thighs and on the mattress.

Panic seized her chest as her eyes shot to the door. She had only seconds, before Stephanie came through with the drill. But instead of fearful, she became angry, eyes on the bleeding hole in her palm. It hadn't gone all the way through but it was bleeding a lot.

" You bitch! You hateful, crazy bitch!" she screamed, thrashing in anger.

03-23-2010, 11:45 PM
Stephanie pushed the door open and glared at Gwen. She wasn’t happy about the things Gwen had said. Crazy? Perhaps. A bitch? Definitely. But hateful? Stephanie couldn’t understand how Gwen could say this to her. Slowly, she began to walk towards Gwen.

“Hateful am I?” Stephanie’s voice was raised. “I have treated you well have I not?” Stephanie inched closer and her voce started to take on more of a maniacal tone as she moved closer to Gwen.

“No Gwen,” Stephanie hissed. “I think I have been quite accommodating. I have fed you and have let you come out of this room against my own better judgement. I trusted you Gwen, and you betrayed that trust.” Stephanie held the drill in her hand and stood over Gwen.

“I’m sorry Gwen, but you brought this on yourself.”

The Gypsy Queen
04-02-2010, 04:31 PM
Gwen lunged off the bed, desperate to scramble away from Stephanie and from the drill. Stephanie, however, was too quick and caught her by her clothes hauling her backward onto the bed. Finding herself on her back, Gwen screamed and struggled to curl into a ball to protect herself, thrashing desperately at the sound of drill whirring to life.

Red clouded her vision as she felt the drill bit digging in her upper arm, as she shrieked in mindless agony. She redoubled her efforts to escape, kicking and thrashing wildly in an effort to push Stephanie away and stop the pain. But the the drill bit just dug deeper into her flesh.

" Stop it! Stop it!" she screamed, but Stephanie didn't seem to hear her, continuing on her psychotic fit. The drill bit dug into her shoulder now, screaming against her flesh as white hot pain shot down her back.

Finally she managed the land a kick against Stephanie's stomach, shoving the other woman back. She immediately struggled to her knees, trying to scramble away as adrenaline numbed the crippling agony in her arm and back and blood poured from her torn skin and muscle. Stephanie was back all too quickly though, lifting the drill above her head and smashing it down, handle first, against the side of Gwen head, once, twice, and third time.

Gwen felt herself fall, but stopped feeling anything else after that.

04-04-2010, 07:15 PM
As Gwen fell unconscious, Stephanie stopped her onslaught. It took her a few moments to calm down, and when she had, she looked at Gwen laying motionless on the floor. Stephanie was still angered for what Gwen had done. Stephanie had tried to be accommodating. She had even gone so far as to trust Gwen, and Gwen had chosen to betray that trust.

Stephanie walked out of the room and put the drill away. Opening one of the cupboards, she removed a roll of duct tape and went back into the room. She lifted Gwen form the floor and placed her in the chair. It took some time for Stephanie to get Gwen secured to the chair. Her body was limp and he kept falling over. Once Stephanie had finished, she put a strip of tape over Gwen’s mouth and then left the room to put the tape away.

Heading to the bathroom, Stephanie retrieved a first aid kit and returned to the room. Once she had placed the kit on the table, she went to the door and started to examine the handle and lock. She needed to figure out what mistake she had made. Needed to know how Gwen managed to get out of the room. Her investigation of the handle revealed nothing, but on closer inspection, she found the gum which Gwen had placed in the door latch. She took a moment to dig the gum out of the hole and walked over to Gwen, placing it on her nose. Stephanie then moved to the wall and sat down on the floor, holding her knees in her arms, waiting for Gwen to wake up.

Stephanie figured it would be some time until Gwen regained consciousness. It was going to be a long night. And given that Stephanie was currently debating whether Gwen was going to live for another day, she doubted that she would be heading into work.

The Gypsy Queen
04-10-2010, 09:49 PM
Gwen dreamed of going to the zoo as a child. She'd always loved watching the slow moving herbivore animals. Her favorite had always been the deer, and Bambi was her favorite movie. But her father had always loved the predators. He showed her a wolf exhibit that had pictures of a wolf pack taking down a doe. Gwen had cried so hard her father had to take her home, and he scolded her the whole way.

" There's no place for weakness in the world." he told her in his growling voice. " The strong dominate the weak."

Gwen woke up.

Her mouth was dry and tasted like blood. She tried to move, but her efforts were rewarded with terrible pain and the realization that she was taped in the chair again. She struggled briefly, ignoring the pain from her arm and shoulder, before giving up.

She could see Stephanie, who appeared to have dozed off on the mattress. She glared at her captor.

"The strong dominate the weak." her father's voice echoed in her mind.

She was weak. She had always been weak. She wasn't particularly smart or strong. She hadn't even managed to walk out a door. She bit her lip, unsure of what to do.

04-15-2010, 05:11 AM
Stephanie woke up. She wasn’t sure how long she had been asleep for and she raised her head up to glare at Gwen. Stephanie’s eye burned what hatred. How dare this little bitch try and betray her. Stephanie had been most hospitable, despite a few bumps in the road before. But she had treated Gwen more like a friend than a prisoner for the last few days.

“Fuckin bitch,” Stephanie hissed at Gwen and pushed herself to her feet, picking up the drill as she rose. She walked slowly over to Gwen, occasionally firing up the drill. Stephanie was grinning and the look in her eyes was nothing short of evil.

“You must want me to hurt you,” Stephanie’s tone was dark. As if any trace of humanity had been taken away, not that there was whole lot to begin with. But it was Gwen’s fault.

“You brought this on yourself,” Stephanie’s hand came up and struck Gwen across the jaw. “Maybe I should keep you here in the dark for a week with no food or water.” Stephanie paused for a moment and straddled Gwen in the chair, sitting on her lap. Stephanie ripped the tape from Gwen’s mouth and leered at her.

“Or maybe I should just kill you now,” Stephanie turned on the drill and brought it up to Gwen’s face, holding it just under her nose.

“What do you think Gwen?”

The Gypsy Queen
04-29-2010, 01:45 AM
It was clear to Gwen now.

She wasn't going to survive this. She'd never had a chance.

It was her fault. For being stupid and slow. She was weak. Stephanie was strong. The strong dominated the weak. That was how the world worked. That was how it had always worked, and that was how it would always work.

She didn't respond to Stephanie, bowing her head submissively instead. She fully expected to die. The image of her own body filled her head, not full and healthy and strong as it was now, but emaciated, bloated, discolored... decaying. Her eyes, sunken and colorless, cheeks gaunt and hollow, lips broken and bloodless and frozen in a silent scream of agony, caught forever in that moment of death.

She almost felt relieved. As though a great weight was lifting off her shoulders. It would be over soon. And although it would not be quick or painless, she was sure, she wasn't afraid. She almost relished the coming agony.

Her mouth watered at the thought.

05-04-2010, 12:09 AM
“Say something bitch!” Stephanie pulled the drill away from Gwen’s face and dropped it to the floor. Grabbing Gwen around the throat, she squeezed hard, staring into her eyes.

“I treated you well,” Stephanie looked disgusted. “I fed you and took care of you. And now,” Stephanie punched Gwen in the jaw. “I have to damage that pretty,” Stephanie struck Gwen a second time, “face of yours. I didn’t want to do this Gwen. But you‘re giving me little choice.” Stephanie was breathing heavily and leering at Gwen. She really didn’t want to hurt Gwen, but the rage burned inside her and very little of the human part of Stephanie was left; not that there was much to begin with. Still, Stephanie felt betrayed and humiliated.

“I thought you were different,” Stephanie’s tone calmed and her grip loosened. “But look at you there,” Stephanie spit in Gwen’s face. “So resolved to die. You don’t even care about yourself.” Stephanie spit in Gwen’s face.

“You’re pathetic!”

The Gypsy Queen
06-20-2010, 08:35 PM
Gwen had no retort to the anger on Stephanie's face. In her mind, she had already died and was only waiting for her body to catch up. She was ready to speed it along, to go to meet her doom on her own terms. Her body and mind hurt, and she was sick of the pain.

" Why should I?" she asked blithely, barely aware she was answering Stephanie's accusation in an effort to hasten her death and end her torture. Her face was wet with Stephanie's spit but she barely registered it. " Why should I care? I was never going to leave this place alive. Why should I care what happens to me? My father will be too busy to attend my funeral. My mother probably will never know and never care. My friends will never miss me. You've been getting ready to kill me since the first day we met. No one will grieve me, so why should I take up any more space?" she paused and closed her eyes. " Just get it over with already. Get your kick off killing me and at least I'll have had some use."

07-02-2010, 10:14 PM
Stephanie glared at Gwen, the rage fading from her eyes. She now stared at her captive with more a look of sympathy and understanding. Stephanie knew how Gwen felt at this moment, having been there once herself. But she had fought. She found that sweet escape from her pain. And was that so wrong? Or had Stephanie become what Gwen actually thought she was. A monster.

Stephanie smiled a little as she thought about that and what it meant. The truth in the end was that if she was a monster, at least she was a happy monster. It wasn’t her choice to be raped by her father. It wasn’t like she asked for it. But of course, the whole thing had changed her…into Gwen.

Into the beautiful creature which sat in front of Stephanie right now, ready to die. The smile faded though as she realized that Gwen was no longer so beautiful due to the abuse that Stephanie had doled out. Gwen deserved better than this, she deserved to have a happy life. Not the pile of shit which passed for it. This is what Stephanie was, and she wondered now, is this what Gwen would remain. Turning, Stephanie walked over to the wall, and sat down.

“No.” It was all Stephanie said, and came as a whisper.

The Gypsy Queen
07-04-2010, 02:25 AM
The word was a whisper on Gwen's ears, as far from a voice as any noise could be. At first she didn't believe she'd heard it and stayed still, awaiting the blow that would end her life.

But it never came.

When she opened her eyes, Stephanie was sitting near the wall. Her eyes grew wide and she began to struggle against her bonds.

" No. You can't do this." she groaned. " You can't keep bringing me to the edge and then leaving me. Just kill me and get it over with!" she cried, writhing in the chair. " Just do it!" she screamed, tears blurring her vision.

07-04-2010, 02:35 AM
“Why should I?” Stephanie hissed, leering up at Gwen. “Nothing I could do to you worse be worse than letting you live.” Stephanie didn’t see a person anymore, Gwen had become much less than that. It did make her feel a small amount of sympathy, but Stephanie hated what she felt because she was able to fight passed becoming what Gwen was. So why couldn’t Gwen?

Despite everything that Stephanie had learned about Gwen in the past days, she still couldn’t believe that it had reduced her to this. Gwen so weak and frail and always had the potential to more than what she was. Sitting in the chair, screaming for Stephanie to kill her. To Stephanie’s ears, it almost sound like snivelling. But it was due to her newfound view of Gwen.

“Coward,” the word cam low and monotone, as if Stephanie had lost all sense of emotion.

The Gypsy Queen
07-04-2010, 02:47 AM
Gwen roared her anger at Stephanie, thrashing to be unbound.

" Me?! I'm the coward! Look in the mirror, bitch!" she screamed, teeth bared and muscles straining. " How the fuck dare you?! How dare you call me a coward?! Like killing people is facing your pain! You're a fucking murderer because you can't deal with what your father did to you! You were going to kill me! And I'm the coward?!" Gwen screamed again, an inarticulate roar of rage. " Show some goddamn mercy and kill me know before I have to listen to any more of your self-righteous preachy bullshit!"

07-04-2010, 02:55 AM
Stephanie got up slowly and walked over to Gwen. She eyed her curiously for a moment, half smiling, half glaring at her captive. Perhaps she was right. Perhaps killing people wasn’t really facing her pain. Maybe, just maybe, Stephanie truly did choose a coward’s way out. But at least she enjoyed what she did, and for a while her pain would go away. So at least for that, it was worth it.

Stephanie moved around in behind Gwen, and loosened the tape slightly. Moving quickly, she picked up the drill and removed the bit. Dropping the bit to the floor, she walked to the door.

“Then die,” Stephanie hissed, keeping her back to Gwen. “But not by my hand.” Stephanie left the room and closed the door, locking it behind her. Of course it wasn’t like Stephanie could go back to bed and get some sleep, which she deserved after the trying time Gwen gave her. Instead, she would sit on the stairs and make sure that Gwen didn’t get out again. And given the fact that the door had some damaged to it, and Gwen had the drill bit, she could possibly get out again.