View Full Version : Infiltration (Hell Knight and Blue_Tornado) (M)

01-29-2010, 08:45 AM
“Alright Johnson who do we have?”

“Sir, we got Cyrus Jones and Geniveve Adams ready to move at once. They’re on a helicopter heading towards the polar ice cap as we speak. That was where the satellites’ signal was located.”

“Let’s hope they find that satellite.”

“Yes sir, but what if they get captured?”

“Well, once they land, they’re on their own, even if they’re captured. They won’t be getting any help from us in any possible way.”

“Yes sir.”

Somewhere in the Polar Ice Cap,

A helicopter flies in a valley; Cyrus watched the snow blowing by the helicopters’ window. “Sir, we’ll be reaching the drop zone in 15 minutes.” Cyrus nods his head in confirmation. Relaxed in his seat, chewing bubble gum, he moves his hand to neck to move the collar of his shirt. “God this is itchy.” He says quietly. He looks at his rifle and made sure that he had extra clips in his belt pocket.

He looks at the gunner, “Having a hard time through the snow?” The gunner laughs, “Always do.” Both laughing, “Say don’t you have thermal vision?” The gunner nods and gives him a vision goggles, “These are the best, and comfortable than the standard issue ones. “ Cyrus takes the goggles; he puts on a thick cap, and places the goggles over the cap and above his eyes. “How do I look?” Then he laughs.

Checking his equipment quickly to make sure he as everything he needs for this mission. He looks over to the gunner, “Do we need this much for this mission?” the gunner looks at his bag, “Command wants to make sure you have everything you need for this mission, all I know is we’re suppose to drop you off.” Cyrus looks inside his bag, move things around. “We don’t need this much if we’re going on this kind a mission, it’s a quick in and out. As long we don’t trip any wires or alarms if anything.” He gives a sigh and puts his hand on his forehead. “Damn those idiots, I wish I could go back and choke them with this rope I don’t even need.” The gunner laughs, then he looks through the window. “Hey it’s real cold out there, you sure that’s all you want to wear?”

“I’ve survived in ice cold water for 30 minutes, and I didn’t need this jacket.” The gunner shakes his head wondering if this guy was just plain crazy or making stuff up. “Don’t believe me?” Cyrus asked with a curious look on his face. Cyrus pulls up his leg pants, and pulls down his sock, there revealed the proof of his story, his skin was black. “It goes down all the way down to my toe.” Pulls the sock back up and rolls the leg pants down, then moves back in his seat and looks at the surprised look on the gunner’s face.

Seating himself back in his seat, he looks out the window. ‘You sure you’re coming home?’ His mother asked her husband, ‘Of course I’ll be coming home, I wouldn’t miss my boy’s 5th birthday.’ Cyrus could still see his father’s smile before he left for work. His mothers sigh was very sincere, ‘Well alright, but be safe, I heard there is a harsh blizzard coming.’ The father gives the wife a kiss, ‘Don’t worry I’ll be home.’ And then his father leaves through the door. When he opened, Angela, the baby sitter just arrived, ‘Hey Mr. Jones.’ His father tipped his hat, ‘Angela.’

‘Hello Mrs. Jones.’ She said with a smile, ‘Angela thank goodness you’re here, listen, I’m off to the store so I should be back before 5, I have to pick up the birthday boys’ cake.’ They both chuckle, ‘I can’t believe it though, he was only 3 and now he’s growing to be a big boy.’ Cyrus was playing with his toys on the floor, ignoring Angela and his mother. ‘Well I’ll see you then.’ Angela follows her to the door, ‘see ya, Mrs. Jones.’ and closes the door behind her. ‘Well CJ want to play a game?’ she asked, Cyrus gets up and runs, trying to find a place to hide, Angela begins counting.

Hours went by and it was 7, Angela wondered where Mr. and Mrs. Jones were, ‘I’m sure they’ll be coming back soon CJ.’ Cyrus was in his bed, trying to sleep while Angela was looking out the window, still waiting. Then Angela saw a police car approaching and parked on the drive way. Angela felt something was odd, when she went downstairs to open the door. Cyrus got out of the bed and followed her. Angela got down stairs and Cyrus stands at the stair case, the baby sitter opens the door and the cops asked if Cyrus was still here. She said yes, and then the police told her about Mr. Jones was killed in a car wreck, and Mrs. Jones was found dead in a alley way, with her purse, and jewelry missing. Angela fell on her knees and the cops took little Cyrus into custody and into a foster home care. The only time he heard from Angela was at the burial of his dead parents, and never heard from her again.

‘You sure you’re coming home?’ Cyrus was scarred about of that memory. Hearing the sounds of the chopper, the gunner shows him 5 fingers, “Five minutes.” He says, Cyrus sits up right and checks his rifle, loads it up and hangs the strap around him. Taking deep breaths for a final moment, he kept some certain things to himself, and not letting one emotional expression being shown. He could feel the helicopter descended, has it already been five minutes? Time goes by quickly for Cyrus, gripping his rifle, he looks up to the gunner, the pilot says, “20 seconds.” He gives a grin, ‘Man, these guys know their timing.’ His thoughts thinking to himself, he counted.

He could feel the helicopter landing on the ground, then the doors opened, Cyrus quickly throws his bag and himself off the chopper, the moment he was out, he grabbed his bag and ran towards a couple of trees, his uniform blended with the surroundings. The chopper then takes off, he looks at his partner, “You better keep up, I don’t like dragging bodies.” Zipping up his jacket as he finishes his sentence, he grabs his bags and walks away.

01-30-2010, 02:00 AM
Geniveve sat on the chopper holding Chief tightly. He sat calmly under her hands, he didn't know what was with all the tension, they go on helicopters all the time. It was unusually cold though. Geniveve realized this too and slipped a reinforced padded coat over his fur. She rubbed his head and tightened the jacket around her shoulders, she didn't get how the other guy could stand it.

When the helicopter landed she hopped off with Chief after Cyrus. "You better keep up, I don't like dragging bodies." Well then... she told herself someones friendly she clicked to Chief who followed along after her obediently. When she caught up to him she casually walked in front of him so Chief could be in front, and sniff out any traps, or clues to the satellite.

01-30-2010, 02:39 AM
Cyrus heard the crackling snow underneath his feet, his could see his breath as he inhaled and exhaled out air. He watches the woman and her dog head up in front of him, he scoffs and looks at the other way. He looks at the white snow, he could barely see the trees. "Are you familiar with this terrain?" he asked Geniveve

Then he looks around again. "Last time I've been in the snow was 5 years ago, I forgot how cold it could be." Then he looks at her dog. "Does he have a name?"

01-30-2010, 06:32 PM
Geniveve looks forward as she answers his first question, "Well I've never been here technically, but we've practiced in all types of weather and terrain" she says carefully.

When he asks what Chief's name is she pauses to pat him "This is Chief, the greatest dog I know" She smiles, mostly to herself and continues walking.

01-30-2010, 10:06 PM
Cyrus, throws his bag on the ground and looks up at the sky, by the looks of the color of the clouds, it was going to be dark soon. "We better find shelter, the temperature here drops faster than a rock from a 50 story building." He laughs to himself, "Well find the Satellite tomorrow, depending on the storm."

He takes a look a around, hoping to find a cave or dug'd burrow. Then he spots something, something very dark, it appeared to be a cave. His grabs his rifle and shoulder's his weapon. He looks back at her, and nods his way to the direction of where the cave was, "Come on." But then he notices something, he looks back at her, "You don't have a rifle?" He asked with a query look on his face.

01-31-2010, 09:55 PM
Geniveve gave a curious look at his strange figure of speech but shrugged it off and hurried up next to him. Chief looked him up and down and sniffed at his pants a little before looking back down to the ground, it seemed he approved.

She held her free hand out to her side in a apologetic gesture, "I have a pistol, a knife and of course Chief. And besides, if I'm holding the leash I couldn't very well hold a rifle"

01-31-2010, 11:01 PM
Cyrus scoffs at her equipment, "Now a pistol would be helpful in a close combat situation, and a dog is good enough to keep your enemy from firing his weapon at you. And bringing a knife to gun fight will make things worse, or in other terms, surrender." He unslings a rifle from his left should and held a AK-47 with a grenade launcher and hands it to Geniveve.

"Better be safe than sorry I alway say, I have a pistol and M-16 rifle, all I need is one, so here." Giving her the rifle, Cyrus picks up his bag and walks inside the cave, he find it very soothing to be in a cave, let alone being cold outside. "Oy, I hope you are more prepared than what you have." He gives a quiet laugh, "We need to build a fire, but I don't see any dry wood out there, do you?"

02-01-2010, 09:45 PM
Geniveve takes the gun and slings it over her shoulder as Chief pulls her excitedly into the cave, he was as glad to be out of the cold as she was. She bends down to unclip his leash and Chief runs outside to relieve himself before running back in, panting happily. she pats him and takes out his foldable food and water bowl. She pours a some water from her canteen in and gives him a package of horse meat. While he eats Geniveve pulls out an old and tattered Bible. "I don't use this anymore, we can use it for firewood" She tosses it to Cyrus, hoping he won't pursue it, she really wasn't in the mood to discuss God.

02-01-2010, 11:36 PM
Cyrus stares at the bible for a moment, then he scoffs, "Well I don't suppose your a believer?" he asks her, then he rips out a couple of pages from the book and places the paper in a middle of a circled rocks. Digging in his pocket he found some matches, before he lit the paper, he looked around once more.

In the dark, he saw several sticks, it appeared that someone was here before they arrived, he walks over and grabs the sticks and places them back at the camp fire, then he lights the ripped paper. Soon the fire grew larger and larger, the fire lit up the dark cave. "Thats one happy dog you got." he says cheerfully.

Cyrus pulls out another piece of paper out of his pocket, it was a map of the terrain. "Command gave me this before we left the ship, its shows the location of where our satellite is, but only one problem." he gives a quiet chuckle, "I can barely read maps."

02-02-2010, 09:44 PM
Geniveve shrugged at his question and continued pulling out supplies, a flashlight, more dog food, and a first aid kit.

In the meantime Chief was hopping around the fire like he was doing a Native American rain dance. Geniveve laughed at Cyrus's statement and said "No kidding, everyone says he's the most optimistic guy on the base"

After a few minutes of hopping Chief sighed in contentment and sprawled out next to the fire. Geniveve chuckled and rubbed his belly for a moment before looking over at Cyrus, "A map eh? Let me see" She reaches for it and looks it over before digging through her bag once again, and pulling out a compass, she studied the map for a few seconds before declaring, "I think we go thatta way" she said pointing, "I'm not going to pretend I'm an expert but my brother was a boy scout" she said shrugging.

02-03-2010, 02:21 AM
Cyrus chuckles after watching Chief dancing and being jittery, "Well I never had a pet before, I'm always on my own." He digs in his bag and takes a apple, and a Scorpion tactical knife, "Hey, the base said be prepared, and I'm prepared." He laughs and knifes a slice from the apple.

"Past some mountains and hills eh? no problem, but we have to be-careful around enemy sentries."

02-03-2010, 09:36 PM
Geniveve runs her hands through her hair .She smiled at Cyrus and said, "Just no oranges, the smell is so strong and lasts so long it stuff's up his nose for days" She digs in her bag and pulls out a brush and begins brushing Chief slowly, he sighs happily as Geniveve grooms him and when she's done she sticks the brush in the bag and lays down, using Chief's belly as a pillow, Chief is used to this and doesn't even flinch, they've spent many a night in this position. "Don't worry about the enemy's camps, Chief will smell any unfamiliar scents long before they smell us. We just have to make sure we pay attention to his signals." She pets Chief absentmindedly and stares at the flickering shadows the fire makes on the cave walls.

02-10-2010, 12:26 AM
Listening to the fire crackling, Cyrus was peeling an apple, eating the skins and eating the apple layer by layer. Then he remembers, he looks into his jacket pocket and pulls out a Snickers, "You know." he tosses the chocolate bar to Geniveve, "Eating sugar is actually healthy, it helps you through the winter's cold, and keeps your body active for quite some time."

After finishing his apple, he sits there for a moment, then closes his eyes and allowed himself to sleep, with the rifle next to his side, he should have no problem having his rifle ready to fire.

02-10-2010, 09:52 PM
Geniveve caught the bar easily and looked at it before slowly opening it. Chief smelled the chocolate and jumped up, causing Geniveve's head to hit the ground. "ooww" she said annoyed and pushed Chief's nose away before taking a bite of the Snickers. Chief continued trying to eat the chocolate and Geniveve continued pushing him away until only half the bar was left. She stuck the rest in the bag for the morning and told Chief to lay back down, which he did after giving her a hurt look. And Geniveve lay back down on his stomach.

02-13-2010, 12:12 AM
Sleeping through the entire night, Cyrus wakes up in the morning cold, seeing his breath in the air, and the smoke of the camp fire heat showed as well, getting up slowly, he raised his arms and stretched, yawning. Getting up slowly, he takes a look outside, when he stepped out of the cave, something was moving in the woods. He watches closely, soon, he saw a large white bear walking around, "A polar bear." he says quietly, then he takes a knee, watching the large beast.

Watching the beast for quite some time, the bear left and continues to wonder in the woods. Cyrus takes a look at his watch, but while examining the time, he notices something. Yesterday was a blizzard storm, but today, it was all clear, this sort of angered him, "Damn, I was really hoping that it would be foggy today." Then he looks back, "We won't see any snipers if we walk through a shiny day." He walks back to his bag, and digs around.

02-13-2010, 12:52 AM
Geniveve yawned and rolled over, Chief flexed underneath her. After a few moments she opened her eyes and stretched. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, Chief rolled over and popped up, totally awake and peppy. He ran outside to pee and Geniveve pulled on her shoes quickly, then she noticed Cyrus walk in "Make no comment about my hair" she said, since her hair was sticking out in odd ways. She pulled a brush out of her bag and had expertly fixed it within 20 seconds. "There, Good morning" She said cheerfully. By that time Chief was back inside and lapping up water that Geniveve layed out for him, "So how's it looking out there?" she asked as she pulled on all her coats and furs.

02-14-2010, 10:53 PM
Sighs with no excitement, he looks back at Geniveve, "It's clear, its not suppose to be clear, yesterday it was foggy, but I was hoping for a winter storm to come in today, so that way we can sneak around, we would have been ghost in the storm, and made it easier for us to find that satellite."

He sits down, finds a water bottle in his bag, and takes a drink. Then sets it down on the ground, "We might have to be careful around here, snipers can blend in with this surrounding, but we don't be careful, we might get killed out there."

02-15-2010, 12:15 AM
Geniveve grabbed Chief's leash and clipped it on to his collar, She kneeled down so she was eye level to Chief and said "Okay, you need to be extra good today and watch out for snipers okay?" she patted his head and stood up, "okay, we're all set" she grabbed her bag and slung it on her shoulder, she poked her head out of the cave, and looked around before walking out cautiously.

02-15-2010, 12:39 AM
Putting on his bag and looks back at the dog, "I highly doubt that a dog is capable of spotting snipers." he says, grabbing his rifle and puts the strap over his shoulder. "I seen snipers take out dogs before, it wasn't pretty." Cyrus then leaves the cave.

02-15-2010, 10:13 PM
Geniveve rolled her eyes and didn't respond I appreciate the vote of confidence Cyrus she thought as she followed after him. and besides, it's not spotting, its smelling

03-06-2010, 11:48 PM
Cyrus pulls out a small compass, he studies it. He remembered where the satellite was at first, but then the climate changed a bit, he couldn't figure out where to go first. Looking back of him, he stares at Geniveve and her dog. Takes a deep breath. "I forgot where the damn satellite is." he says aloud.

03-07-2010, 12:57 AM
Geniveve was silent for a moment, contemplating what to say. She rubbed Chief's head absent-mindedly for a moment then said "Well, guess we'll just have to pick a direction and start walking" She looked around her for a second "I choose that way" She pointed and started walking. Chief kept close to her side, sniffing the air.

03-07-2010, 01:12 AM
"Well if your choosing where the polar bear went, I'm going this way." he points at a different direction.

(Sorry for the short post lol)

03-07-2010, 01:21 AM
Geniveve looked back at him exasperated "Always got to be difficult don't you?" she mumbled, but she turned around anyway and followed him, pulling Chief along with her. He gave her a confused look but followed her anyway.

03-07-2010, 01:29 AM
Cyrus shrugs his shoulders, "I always tried to make it easy." he laughs as he shoulders his weapon and headed to the direction he pointed. Cyrus puts on a pair of shades to block the sun from glaring into his eyes.

03-07-2010, 02:05 AM
Geniveve rolled her eyes and didn't say anything, it was useless to argue with men. She brushed some stray hair from her eyes and followed after him lazily.

((sorry for the short post))

03-07-2010, 02:11 AM
Cyrus chuckles as he walks, "I can tell you want to argue about this, but I'll give you a shot." he says while still walking. "I don't mind putting up a good fight, so give your best." He says while picking up a snow and forming it into a ball.

03-07-2010, 02:25 AM
Geniveve smirked and said "Alright, here's my argument. One, Me and Chief both think that is the right way. Two, didn't you say yourself that you were useless with directions and maps? How do you expect me to think you know which way were supposed to be going? Three, If your only reason for choosing this direction is the polar bear I think that's dumb, cause I don't know about you, but I would like to see a polar bear, and I don't really think it's going to bother us, besides, we have guns"

03-07-2010, 02:50 AM
Cyrus turns around with glaring eyes, "And four, I don't like shooting animals." Then he turns back to where he was going. "And besides, I think this might be the right direction." He scratches his chin for a moment, "I think."

03-07-2010, 03:02 AM
"Well neither do I" Geniveve said, offended that he would think so "But if we don't bother it, I can't imagine why it would bother us." Chief looked up at Cyrus defiantly, as if to back Geniveve up "Well, I'm glad you are so confident" she said sarcastically and adjusted the strap around her shoulder.

03-07-2010, 03:24 AM
Cyrus scratch the back of his head, "well unless you have a better suggestion, do please say so." he says quietly to himself.

Cyrus looks at his rifle for a moment, he places the switch to safety.

03-07-2010, 03:27 AM
Geniveve pretended she didn't hear him and took the opportunity to dig in her bag for a moment, "Hey look, that Snickers is still here!" she said triumphantly and proceeded to finish it off as she walked.