View Full Version : A Master and His Maid (Skystareweaver + Shani) M

01-31-2010, 03:56 PM
A Master and His Maid. Rated M for mature contexts.

A master (male) is a rich man, he has practically everything a person or what ever species could want. Is some thing missing. He is a powerful, man. He being the wealthy he is has multipul servants/maids. He is cruel to them, they are low on a social level.
He is especially cruel and ruthless to the female servants some more than others. One maid (female) gets more punishment than the others. One day she is called in and the master doesn't seem well, he's not acting normally. The maid's thoughts were that she is in a lot of trouble. But there is no server punishment. What's happening to him is he sick, crazy?.......perhaphs in love.

Master: Demetir (Skystareweaver)

Maid/servant: Magenta (Shani)

01-31-2010, 05:03 PM
Six o'clock, Magenta's alarm went off. She hopped out of bed, and neatly threw on her work uniform. The master will be up witin the hour, she thought. Magenta often talks to herself when she's alone. It helps her to recompose her thoughts. Magenta finished lacing her boots with a slight heel, and headed for the door. Just before she left she realized she forgot her cap. She went back over to her small babydoll like bed and grabbed her work cap. She husled down te stairs being as quiet as possible. She passed a few other servants on the way to the kitchen.
Hearld was the head chef, "Morning Hearld, what's on the menu for todays breakfast?" She asked.
"I'm making one of his favorites, a ham, cheese, and mushroom omlette." replied Hearld.

"Hearld is the Master dinning alone or will he have company?" She asked.

He said,"I don't know Mags."

"Thanks Hearld," She smiled and headed off to get silverware, a placemat, a glass, and a handkercheif napkin. 6:50, He'll be down any minute she thought. She ran into the dinning room and set the head of the table, where he normally sits. Then stood by his chair waiting for him to enter.

01-31-2010, 11:32 PM
Dimitri stood before the large bathroom mirror, frowning heavily at his appearance. Something was . . .oh, yes. He leaned forward, and examined the earrings spread along his right ear. No, that would not do at all. He quickly rearranged them, exchanging the majority of the studs for small hoops inlaid with shining diamonds or rubies. He pulled away from the mirror with a nod and quickly decorated his fingers with gold rings, lightly combing his hair back. His dark bangs fell before his eyes as soon as the comb’s teeth let them go, and he gently brushed them out of the way with his hand.

The young man wore a fancier white shirt, the sleeves of which were loose and poufy, the fabric only tightening at his wrists. The neck was low and cut into a V, leaving room for the gold chain he wore around his throat. The outfit was completed with simpler black dress pants, into which the shirt was neatly and loosely tucked, and shining black shoes. Satisfied, Dimitri exited the bathroom and walked swiftly through his large, extravagant bedroom. He entered a long hallway and made his way down a flight of stairs and towards the dining room.

It was clear that Dimitri was of higher class just by looking at him. If his clothes and jewellery weren’t fancy enough, the way he held himself would make things clear. Dimitri walked with long, unwavering strides, his shoulders back slightly and his head held a little higher than usual. He was a tall man, and looked down at most people with what was usually a look of disdain and disapproval. This was the kind of look he gave the butler that opened the dining room door for him as he entered, and any other staff member he encountered along the way.

“What am I having today?” he asked Magenta, who stood near his seat.

02-05-2010, 03:51 AM
Magenta was standing straight as soon as the door opened. She watched out of the corner of her eye until he sat then she looked striaght. "This morning, your head chef has prepared a ham, cheese, and mushroom omlette. It's propably finished, I'll be right back with it." she stated as calmly as she possibly could without studdering. Arms at her sides she made her way into the kitchen. "Hearld is it ready?"

'Yes sweet pea it's on the counter. Don't forget the cart this time.' he stated.

"Thanks Hearld your a life saver. "She said placing the food and a bottle of wine. Magenta rolled the cart over to the masters area. She took off the lid and placed the meal in front of him. Then she took the cap off of the bottle and poured a half a glass for now. "Here you are sir." she was unsure if she should smile or not. The master seems happier when she looks miserable than happy, or was it opposite?

02-05-2010, 11:44 PM
“Hm.” Dimitri looked down at his plate, the slightest traces of a frown pulling at his lips as searched expectantly for some flaw or failure. These, he was always frustrated to discover, were more difficult to find in his Chef’s work. He hadn’t hired the man for nothing. He knew what he was doing, and Dimitri had rarely found good reason to yell or threaten him. Nose twitching as the mouth-watering scent made its way towards him, the man’s frown disappeared and was replaced with a look of disappointment. Everything seemed to be arranged perfectly. He had never liked the idea of wasting his time by measuring the distances between his plate and cutlery, an action some of his friends had taken to, and from his perspective, everything was going according to plan. Except . . .

Dimitri’s eyes narrowed as his eyes wandered towards the glass by his plate. Wine? With breakfast? Were his servants mad? His lip twitched slightly, but he otherwise made no obvious movement to deal with the upsetting matter. He lifted his fork and knife, carefully sliced a small bite out of the egg and ate it. It tasted as perfect as it could. There was nothing for him to complain about in that department. Giving a small cough, Dimitri dabbed at his lips with his napkin and motioned towards the wineglass. “What is that?” he asked, turning his eyes towards Magenta and allowing them to narrow dangerously.

02-06-2010, 01:11 AM
For now the master seemed pleased. She watch as he looked over his food. Was everything the way it should be? so far so good. Her breath was even and steady just standing still waiting for him to finish, need something, or make a fuss over something. Everything seems good so far, maybe I'll be in the clear.

I spoke too soon she thought looking at the glass. Seeing his eyes like that always frightened her. "Well Sir, you see that's a glass of your favorite wine, we had no more jucie or milk. Knowing that your not a fan of the bland taste of water I thought you would prefer wine." She stated as halfway through her breathing hastend. I'm in for it now. It was Maria who was supposed to go shopping but either she didn't go or hasn't returned.

02-06-2010, 05:55 PM
“And what on earth is going on in your head to make you think I would want wine first thing in the morning?” Dimitri hissed, still eyeing the girl. “Coffee? Perhaps. Tea? Perfectly acceptable, but wine!? How long have you worked for me?” His voice was starting to rise from a menacingly quiet tone to a frighteningly loud one. “We save the wine for late afternoon or evening. For guests. For special occasions or for when I ask for it. Take it away!” With that last yell, Dimitri’s hand flew through the air, slamming hard into the wine glass. It fell to the floor and shattered, spilling all across the tile flooring. “Clean that up and fetch me something worth drinking.” He growled, watching Magenta’s facial expression carefully.

02-08-2010, 01:49 AM
Magenta was silent at first, it was her first big mistake in a long time. "Sir we ran out of yesterday and there was bearly enough coffee for one cup." She tried to explain. "Over six years now sir." she became shaky as his voice transioned into a loud fightening one. "Yes, Master." She said taking a step forward to reach for the glass. Once his hand flew she thought it was to strike her, so she closed her eyes until she heard the shatter of the glass. She looked at him eyes wide with fear. She nodded her head yes, and ran in her heels to grab the sponge,the water bucket,and the broom and dust pan. While she was in the kitchen, Hearold walked over to her. "Sweet pea? What's the matter?" he asked sincerly. "I thought wrong Hearold. Could you brew what's left of the coffee, please." a few tears escaped her eyes and Hearold wiped them away and nodded.
She ran back out and got down on her knees to pick up the glass. "Your coffee will be ready shortly." She stated not looking at him. After the glass was gone she began scrubbing the floor with the sponge. Once finished she swept over to be sure there was no more glass. Then went into the kitchen to get the coffee. She saw Maria just coming in, "Where were you because of you I am in trouble." Maria didn't answer, so magenta shook her head and took the coffee out, Hearold put everything that's normally in it in. "Here you are, Sir."

02-08-2010, 09:58 PM
Dimitri waited impatiently for Magenta to return, taking small bites of his omlet until the meal had been devoured completely. He frowned at her when she returned with a small mug of coffee and gave a slight nod. He allowed his upper lip to curl slightly just before he spoke. "I will not tolerate mistakes, girl." he hissed. "Make sure you get things right." he took the mug and blew across it, watching whisps of steam curl through the air. He took a small sip and then stood, motioning at his plate. "Take these away, have a small dessert sent to the library and continue with your usual chores." he instructed, looking down at the girl with a frown. "Don't mess things up this time. Make sure the cook doesn't make any mistakes either."

02-08-2010, 10:22 PM
"I'm sorry master, it won't happen again." Her breath now steading,Magenta stated still scrubbing the floor. Really she was finished with the floor, but she didn't want to look at him. He frightens her when he is so angry. She looked over at him, "What kind of desert, do you have in mind sir?" She asked so she wouldn't make another mistake. She then stood steadying the supplies, she took hold of the dishes waiting for an answer before she went back in. Hearold has never made a mistake she thought, at least since I've known him. Was her final thought at the moment,besides the fact that this was her first real big mistake in 2 years.

02-09-2010, 12:20 AM
"I'm sure the cook will come up with something." Dimitri waved his hand vaguely, not even glancing at the girl as he stalked towards the doors out of the dining room. "Make it fast and make it good." he added, frowning at a butler who pulled the door open for him. Scoffing quietly to himself, Dimitri stepped out of the room, his shoes clacking quietly on the tile floor.

The man's steps fell silent as he stepped into a carpeted hall. He sipped at his coffee and stifled a yawn behind his free hand, moving down the corridor to the library. As no servant waited for him, he pushed the door open and crossed the threshold, casting his green eyes around with the traces of a smile. Dimitri had always loved the library, though his academic success had been kept high through his money and influence. This was one of his favorite parts of his inherited property. Tall bookshelves reached from the floor to the ceiling, each shelf filled with volumes of assorted colour, genre, age and value. Their quality, however, was very much alike.

Dimitri crossed the room to one of the shelves. He set his mug on a table nearby and reached out towards a book. He paused and drew his hand back, his mind changed. Climbing onto a nearby ladder, he climbed up a few of the rungs and grabbed hold of one of the volumes higher up. Cradling it to his chest, he climbed back down and seated himself in a large, plush, high-backed chair, gently opening the cover of his novel and begining to read.

02-09-2010, 12:53 AM
As soon as he left her sight she ran into the kitchen, with her hands full, "Hearold the master wants some sort of desert." She stated placing the dishes into the sink.
"Did he specify, Magenta?" he asked her.
"No, he didn't, but it has to be done fast, If not we could both be out of a job and I'll explain later." She stated out of breath. Magenta ran back out of the room into the dining area to grab the clean stuff. When she returned Hearold had a slice of cherry cheesecake. "Thanks Hearold your the best." She said kissing his cheek and walking out the door.
"Wait Magenta don't over work yourself now, you still have the whole day ahead of you." He said as though he was he father, he just really cares about her.
"Yes Hearold," she said from the other room. Magenta made her way down the hall to the library. She hesitated for a moment before opening the door. She then opened the door and walked through. She spotted him in one of the push high backed chairs. She walked over to him barely making a noise in her heels. "Here you are, Sir." she said placing the plate on a side table. Then she stood up straight, with her hands behind her back.

02-09-2010, 01:26 AM
Dimitri lifted a finger to tell the girl to wait and finished his paragraph before looking up from his book. He eyed the cake with a slightly arched eyebrow, but said nothing, allowing his gaze to slide towards Magenta. "That was fast." he noted, the closest thing to praise that was possible with him. He reached over the edge of the book and lifted at a silky ribbon sewn to the spine. Delacately, using his finger and thumb, Dimitri slid the ribbon between the pages of his novel to mark his place before setting the book to the side. He took a sip of his coffee first and then dragged the plate of cake towards him, giving it a taste as well.

As usual, Dimitri found himself unable to find a flaw. A slight smirk rose to his lips at the thought of hiring someone to make sure that man did something wrong, though he dismissed it. Nobody was perfect. The cook was bound to make a mistake eventually. He nodded and set his fork down, laying it across the plate beside his dessert. "Do you have anything that needs to be said?" he asked, turning back to Magenta. "No messages or anything before you go take care of other chores?"

02-09-2010, 02:33 AM
She was still alittle distraught from her mistake earlier, but she stood as still as she could. She watched as he looked the cake over,looking for a flaw, I bet she thought, she didn't understand why he was always looking for failure. Magenta sighed slightly when he gave what was taught to be praise, less yes but that was normally one of the highests in the book. please don't let him hear ,scold, or hit me for that small out burst of realif. she thought. At times her master Demitir can be forgiving then other times, something not to talk about. She thensaw a smile apprear on his face, she normally doesn't see that unless he is faking, has family and quests over, or he really likes something.
"No sir nothing important has come up. No real messages besides junk. Oh wait, before Ronold left he said a man called wondering if you would host some sort of party, he didn't
give me the details. I belive it was something about work." she replied. I wonder does he remember Ronald? He was recently fired, oh well she pondered while waiting for him to anwser.

02-09-2010, 02:58 AM
Dimitri frowned again, his brows pulling together. "Who?" he demanded, trying to place the name with a face. Must be a servant, he told himself. He never payed attention to their names. They were just workers. "And I need a better description than 'a man'. I know too many." he huffed and folded his arms over his chest, pursing his lips slightly as he waited for the girl's response.

02-09-2010, 03:26 AM
"I don't know, who the man that called was, Master. Ron didn't tell me. You recently fired Ronald, remember?" She stated, she hates that she always has to relay bad news, or whatever because they were sick, or were fired because she would get the blame. "Master honestly I don't know much about this, though I know more than the others. That was all he had time to tell me. Suddenly her eyes grew wide as she realized her memory was a bit off. there's 2 mistakes in one day "Wait I have it written down, sir please forgive I read wrong, Ii struggle with certain peoples hand writting. His name was Victor and he invited you to," she stopped a moment "To grow a tree, wait I mean go to a party. Her also said to bring a date." Finally she finished reading the horrible hand writing, besides that she never really learned how to read but she reads better than most. Hearold helps her either late at night, early in the morning, or if they have some free time. Her helps her because she is like a daughter to him, and because one day she would like to be a respectible lady. But the only thought in her head was Don't hit
me please don't hit me.She looked at him her sad fridhtend eyes on him.

02-12-2010, 11:30 PM
Dimitri frowned and fidgeted impatiently in his seat. He watched the girl struggle with the message, tapping his fingers against the armrest of his chair. He rose as she spoke, starting to reach for her hand when something she said caught his attention.

“Victor!” Dimitri’s brows shot up and then lowered quickly. He swore softly, muttering about forgetting something and turning briskly to pace back and forth a few steps. He stopped walking after a few more moments of angry mumbles, quickly reaching for Magenta’s wrist in an iron grasp. “When was this?” he demanded fiercely, his eyes narrowing. “When did you get this message?”

02-13-2010, 05:30 AM
She watched his expressions when she was speaking and watched him even after. Magenta saw his hand starting to reach for her, she new better than to move out of the way, so she just stood there and began to shake. Her eyes closed expecting to be slapped, but than she reopened her eyes and noticed he stopped. Magenta watched as he paced back in forth. As soon as he grasped her arm she gasped with her eyes opened wide, "your hurting me," she mumbled. Looking up, she tried to remember when Ronold told her, he's been gone for three days she thought. "Umm... Two days go on Friday sir," she said breathing heavily, shaking, and her eyes were still wide blinking occasionaly. "Also, he also told me that it would be this coming weekend, on Saturday." she remembered out of shear terror.

02-21-2010, 05:47 PM
“So I have a week.” Dimitri hissed through his teeth with frustration, his grip never loosening on Magenta’s wrist. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” he demanded, glaring down at her. “I can’t bloodly well refuse, now! I’d already promised Victor I’d come, and she’s out of town so I can’t bring her as my date!” the man’s face contorted with frustration, his lip curled and brows pulled tightly together. Dimitri yanked on the girl’s wrist, his intent being to pull her closer. “Answer me.” He snarled. “Why did it take you two whole days to get this message to me? What if there was a deadline I had to make? You’re sure making a mess of things today!”

02-22-2010, 04:15 AM
Shaking her head she said, "yes, that's correct Sir." Her breathing became more heavy and staggered as he spoke and her hand began to change from pale, red, to purple. As she was pulled forward she nearly tripped and her eyes grew wider. You could tell that she was frightened, she was also holding back tears. She looked away for a minute until he snarled at her to answer him. "Ron would have told you himself, but he was fired when he tried to tell you. Everytie I went to tell you, you'd shoo me away. As I happen to do what I'm told I did. There was no dead line, Ronald told me that Victor was already expecting you to be there." she said trying to recmopose herself, while also not trying to sound disrespectfull. The worst thing he could really do would be to fire her and throw her out. She is afaid to get on his bad side, since she is afraid to end up on the street.

02-23-2010, 02:19 AM
The man huffed angrily and dropped the girl’s wrist, having noted from the edge of his vision that the colour was extremely unnatural. He took a few small paces back, rolling an earring between his thumb and finger, his expression contemplative. “I won’t take any more lies from you.” He said after a pause, pointing accusingly at Magenta. “Lies, mistakes, failures . . . nothing. Do your job and do it right.” Dimitri let his hand drop, and returned to his chair, guiding a bite of his dessert into his mouth. “Go on. Shoo.” He waved his hand in her direction after he swallowed, and reached for his book.
Dimitri flipped lightly through the pages, skimming over paragraphs he had read over and over again in the past. A slight smile touched his lips as brief memories flashed through his mind, though the soft expression disappeared when he was reminded of more pressing matters. “Where am I going to find a girl to bring with me?” he muttered to himself, glancing away from the book’s pages for a moment. “I could always just pay . . .” he shook his head. When he was younger he would have done that, but it had been a brief phase he had slipped into. Dimitri was beyond paying pretty women to accompany him to parties. His eyes flickered briefly towards the door and a slight frown creased his mouth.

02-23-2010, 03:15 AM
As soon as he let go of her wrist she pulled it into her chest. She stood as straight as she could, despite her shaking like a leaf. She was about to speak out of tone to defend herself, but thought better of it and remained siclent. Her eyes widened once again when he blamed everything on her, even though half of it wasn't her fault. She watched him intently, and as he shooed her away she stood for a moment, then turned and quickly exited the room. She ran straight to the kitchen, knowing Hearold would be there.
"Sweet Pea, what's wrong?" he asked as she came running through the doors with tears in her eyes.
Running over to him once she heared his voice and imbracing him in a hug. He has always been her father figure. "Strike two," she stated plainly. "Remember Ron's message for the master? He was fired before he could tell, so I had to. He cut off the blood flow to my wrist." She said through her falling tears.
They just stood there, Magenta stayed in his arms and he comforted her, moving her hair out of her face. Petting her hair to calm her down.

02-25-2010, 04:32 AM
"Alright." Dimitri muttered to himself. "I have contacts, I could always . . . no." he shook his head. "And I won't take some random girl from a bar either." again, he found his eyes wandering towards the door of the library, and his frown deepened. He quickly stuffed a bite of cheesecake into his mouth and leaned back in his chair. "No. I can't." he murmured aloud, answering his thoughts. "They're servants. No better than dogs."

And yet . . .

02-25-2010, 05:26 AM
"Magenta, my little strawberry, look at me, everything will be alright. He'll cool down and hopefully forget most of it, you've been here for lord knows how long. It'll be alright." Hearold stated trying to get her and keep her calm down. Magenta nodded wiping way her tears with one of her cleaning rags. "There, there, everything is alright." he said. Magenta unclung herself to him. "Thank you, Hearold." she said with a slight smile on her face. Then she made sure that she was presentable for if the master was to see her again today, for whatever reason. Hearold poured her a glass of water for her throat was now dry. "Now, go make sure that you other chores have been done properly, so you don't get yelled at again." He stated with a slight grin upon his face. Magenta left the glass and went to finish what ever chores were left for her to do. Why am I making so many mistakes, today? She wondered for it was not like her to make so many of them in on day. With that thought she began to dust different objects.

03-02-2010, 03:13 AM
The day passed with excruciating slowness for Dimitri. He had very little to do, and what had to be done was paperwork, something he did not enjoy. He struggled to get comfortable or really relax as his mind shifted restlessly over his dilemma. He was torn between what really was a magnificent idea in his opinion, and everything he had believed in growing up. He found himself returning to the library often, and was eventually able to lose himself in a good book.

Dimitri slid a bookmark between the pages of his novel and set it down on the small table beside him, casting his eyes about the room. He sighed and, finally making up his mind, stood. The man crossed the room to a small panel set by the door, pressing the button that would allow him to speak through the intercom. Now . . . what was that girl’s name again? It was a colour, wasn’t it? Violet? Pink?

“Magenta, come to the library.” He spoke into the little microphone and released his finger from the button, returning to his seat.

03-02-2010, 04:48 AM
As soon as Magenta heard her name, she stopped what she was doing. Then quickly running over to the broom closet struggling to put the items away. Hearold called over to her, "Magenta, hurry up now you don't want him to be angry."

Magenta nodded, "I'm trying, but the things ain't coroparating."

"First things first, it's not "ain't" it's are not. Two leave it there I'll take care of it." He corrected her and invouraged her to go on.

"Thanks Hearold I owe you one." She said with a smile then quickly turned and headed off to the library. It had only been about five minutes since she was called. Though she husled down the hallways in heels, you would swear she was bare foot since she never made much of a noise in them. Magenta came to the library's door and took a deep breath. She then took the handle and opened the door. With her head held high she walked over to his stand and said, "You wanted to see me, Master."

03-04-2010, 02:37 AM
Dimitri waited, tapping his foot in time to the clock. After a minute or two he began to frown, his tapping becoming faster and more impatient. He stood and began to pace restlessly, quickly becoming tired of waiting. Finally the girl opened the door and entered, causing him to roll his eyes. “Took you long enough.” He huffed, scooping a small pile of books under one arm and motioning to an empty tea cup on the table. “Grab that and follow me.” He instructed, brushing past her and out into the hall.

He walked swiftly down the hall without turning to see if Magenta was following. Within moments he came to his destination and pushed the door open, revealing his paper-strewn office with a sigh. Ever since his father’s death he’d been spending vast amounts of time in the room, sorting through wills and financial papers he would much rather forget about. Dumping the books onto the top of a largely growing pile of novels on his desk, Dimitri took a seat in the chair facing the door and waited for Magenta to enter.

03-04-2010, 03:40 AM
"I'm sorry, sir," she stated she didn't mean to take so long. See stood watching him grab the books, as soon as he ordered her to take the tea cup, she did and followed him down the hall. He was walking faster than normal, and in her heels it was a bit hard to keep up. She hesitated before going into his office, this was one room she never went in, ever. She walked in and stood in front of the desk, tea cup still in her hand. She looked around briefly then looked back at him.

03-08-2010, 02:50 AM
Dimitri shifted uncomfortably, still uncertain about his plan and not entirely willing to admit what it was. He rolled his shoulders and sighed, watching as the girl looked around curiously. "Alright," he started, keeping his voice level. "Listen closely, because if you screw this up you'll be out of my house faster than you can say 'sorry', got it?" he kept his stern gaze trained on her, a slight frown pulling on his lips.

"Due to some . . . unfortunate circumstances I will be completely date-less for the party at Victor's place. You will, therefore, accompany in the stead of my usual partner, understand? You have to behave yourself. I can't have you acting all surprised by Victor's wealth or the way you will be treated. Don't talk much and under no circumstances can it be revealed that you work for me."

03-08-2010, 04:04 AM
A second chance, you can't blow this. She thought before she spoke, "I understand. Sir." Magenta couldn't really make out what his gaze meant, normally she could but there were too many emotions. "Me? Master are you sure about this? What about Marie, she's not as culmzy as I am." She stated more in shock, that was a lot of presure on her. Just go with it, it's your fault for most of this mess now don't arrue with him. she thought as though she was speaking to herself. "I understand, no sir, I will not state nor show that I work for you. One question what will I wear?" was her final statement.

03-08-2010, 04:07 AM
"I did not call Marie to my office." Dimitri responded with a slight eye roll. "Don't question my actions, I know what I'm doing." I hope. he added mentally, crossing his arms over his chest. He waited a moment, listening to the servant's question with a second roll of his eyes and the traces of a smile playing at his lips. "Girls and their dresses. Don't worry, I will provide something." he waved his hand vaguely. "What size do you usually wear?"

03-08-2010, 04:21 AM
"I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to afend." she stated looking down and then back up. Is that a.......a smile? Maybe but it will begone shortly. She thought as she looked and listened to him. She nodded to his reponse to not worry.Hmm, I wonder, does he always roll his eyes? Oh well She thought she wasn't always looking into his eyes, she normally looks past him, due to fear. "I usually wear mediums. Sir."

(sorry for the shortness)

03-08-2010, 11:20 PM
((No problem, my last one was short too.))

Dimitri nodded slightly, shifting his position to clasp his hands together. "That is all for now. I'll have a dress fetched for you and make sure you look presentable for the outing. You are not to speak of this to any of the others who work here, understand? In fact, speak of this to no one. As far as we're conserned we never had the conversation." His eyes narrowed slightly, and a frown replaced his smile, showing her how serious he was about what he had said. "That is all. You may go." he motioned to the door and shuffled through some of the papers on his desk with a heavy sigh.

03-09-2010, 04:21 AM
"Yes, Sir. I understand completely." She said. Though she was unhappy with that order because she told everything to at least one person, mainly Hearold. Still holding the tea cup she nodded and walked out of the room closing the door behind her. She went straight to the kitchen to wash the cup and saucer. As she washed the dishes her mind wondered, Finally I will be able to put Hearold's teachings to the test. he was working with her on her pose, grace, eligance, and other things that were more lady like then they are servant girl matterials. He also has been working on her manners at dinners, and normal occasions.How am I supposed to keep this from him. She thought, she had never kept anything from Hearold before. Speaking of Hearold, where is he, bathroom maybe. As soon as she was finished, she went back to finish up the last bit of chores she had.

03-10-2010, 11:56 PM
Dimitri continued to look through his papers once the door closed behind the servant girl. He was fed up with having to deal with accounts, finances and wills. He had never imagined that being rich came with so much work! Couldn't his father have written a simple will, dividing things among a select few? Of course not. The man had to go and write some complicated text that needed to be deciphered before he could figure out what was to go to whom. Dimitri had, of course, inherited most of the money, the house, the lands and everything around it, but many of the names in the document were new to him.

He frowned at the list of people, vaguely recognizing some of the names as people who had occasionally visited the manor. Sighing, he sifted through a phone book and began making calls.

03-11-2010, 02:14 AM
Once Magenta finished her chores, it was rather late. She put away everything and while avoiding everyone went up to her room. She quickly shut the door behind her, thankful to be in her room. Magenta walked over to her bed and sat upon it, What will I do? What will I say? What will I wear? Why me? these questions ran through her head as she took off her high heel boots, washing up, brushing her teeth and hair, and getting ready for bed since in all technicallity her actual shift was over. She curled up and layed on her small bed, thinking, and relaxing. Finally after awhile she fell asleep.

03-11-2010, 10:36 PM
Dimitri spoke with every person on the list that he was able to contact. He left many messages and was hoping that those people would call him back. Once he finally set the phone down for the last time, he looked through the stack of papers on his desk, discarding whatever he needn’t keep. When the man finally looked up from his desk and rubbed his tired, aching eyes, he was surprised to see how dark it was outside the windows. Sighing, he glanced at the clock, startled by the late hour. He was definitely going to be sleeping in the next morning.

Stifling a jaw-shattering yawn behind one hand, Dimitri grabbed one of the novels on his desk and stood from his seat. He padded out the door and down the hall a ways, approaching his large, elegant bedroom. He stepped inside and tossed the book onto his huge canopy bed, closing and locking the door behind him as he changed into his nightclothes and washed up. Minutes dripped by slowly, and every time a moment passed, he wished he was asleep. His eyes were drooping heavily when he finally slid under the covers of his bed, setting his novel on the small table beside it. He snatched up the remote from the table and used it to turn off the lights before returning it to its place and resting his head on his pillow. He was asleep within milliseconds.

03-15-2010, 02:14 AM
Magenta awoke as the sun was rising. For her, her rutine never really changes. She gets up, puts on her uniform, and her boots, then brushes her hair and goes down stairs to start her chores. Always the same, never anything new. Except for the small fact that she must keep the masters and her conversation, was to be kept a secret though most of them heard her name being called into his office. "Morning Hearold." she said as she entered the kitchen.
"Morning, So what happens?" he asked.

"Will what Hearold?" she asked playing dumb.

"What did the Master want?" he asked straight forward.

"Oh that, he just spoke to me about my mistakes that kept occuring yesterday, and he's going to give me another chance, since I've been here forever, practically." She smiled when she was finished telling him her clever lie. "What's for breakfast?" she asked.

"Since he is still alseep let's work a bit. It is not what's, it is what is, and it's too late for breakfast, So I'm making tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwitches for lunch." He stated, still helping her with her speech. "Alright then Hearold, maybe we can work a bit later since I have to take care of the table, and other things." She said
smiling as she grabbed the utensils and headed to the table.

03-18-2010, 08:28 PM
Dimitri slept in much longer than he would have liked. When his eyes flickered open, sunlight streamed through his translucent blinds, and the clock on his nightstand declared that it was nearing noon. Groaning softly to himself, he closed his eyes and ran a hand through his hair with a yawn. He lay still for a few lazy moments before forcing himself to roll out of bed and get ready. He took his time, eyelids heavy, but was ready for the day fairly quickly.

Dressing himself in a comfortable brand-name t-shirt and jeans, Dimitri mussed up his hair with his fingers to get the purposely messy look he preferred. He yawned, not for the first time, and finally made his way towards the bedroom door. He hesitated when his hand was at the knob, and then turned back around. The man grabbed his novel from his bedside table and moved back to the door, sliding out into the hall.

03-23-2010, 08:51 PM
Once out of Hearold's sight she hasened her pace. It's always hard not to tell Hearold things, but that's what the Master wants. Magenta placed the flatware in there proper places. Then she swept and mopped the floor. She then returned to the kitchen, to put her cleaning supplies away, and to check on lunch since it was too late for breakfast. She put on a pot of coffee. She popped her head out to see if the Master was out there and he wasn't. The coffee was just about finished, Magenta grabbed a cup from the cabinet. She then retrived a plate and a bowl. Just as she put it down everything was finished, the food and the coffee. She put in milk and two lumps of sugar. Harold already had everything on the tray for her to bring to the table. "Thank you, vary much, Harold" she said. "Magenta don't forget it's not vary it's very." he said reminding her. She nodded as she put the tray on the cart and walked out into the dinning room. Then she placed the food on to the table, moved the cart to the side, and stood in her normal spot.

03-23-2010, 10:25 PM
Dimitri took his time as he meandered through his home and towards where he knew a meal of some sort would be waiting for him. Stifling a yawn behind his hand, he hesitated by his office and entered, quickly depositing his book on the desk situated in the centre of the room. Deciding that he would come back later, he returned to the hall and continued along it, starting down the staircase.

Within a few minutes, he was pushing the doors to the dining room open and crossing the threshold. He breathed in, tasting the air, and approached his usual spot. As usual, the food smelled and looked delicious. And as usual, Dimitri was finding it difficult to locate a flaw. He nodded slightly at Magenta, which was strange for him. He never really acknowledged his servants unless he wanted something, or was scolding them. The man seated himself and lifted his coffee mug to his lips, blowing across the surface.

03-30-2010, 12:59 PM
As he entered, Magenta just stood there and watched him as normal. This morning something didn't seem right. After Dimitri sat and looked away, a sudden fear entered Magenta. Her eyes opened wide with fear and confusion. What was that about? He's never done that before. He can't want anything yet, and I haven't done anything wrong so far. Anyway that is not the signs for either thing, What did this one mean. She thought. Her eyes were back to normal, except she was staring off into space thinking. Fortunately she was still cohearent in these trances. She snapped back to reality. Looking at him she said, "Good afternoon, Sir."

04-15-2010, 01:41 AM
Dimitri gave a quiet "Harrumph" and sipped his drink, lightly setting the mug back into its place. "Afternoon for sure." he said aloud, mostly to himself. "I should've woken up earlier." The young man eyed his meal again and lifted his fork and knife, starting to eat. "Have there been any calls for me? Anything unusal that I need to know about?" without looking up from his food, Dimitri directed these questions towards Magenta with a casual and almost bored air.

04-16-2010, 12:01 AM
Magenta just stood there listening to him speak. "No, Sir, Not yet the day is still young though Sir." She stated not moving from her place. She watched him as he looked over his meal. "You also have no meetings today either, Master. You have the day off." she said with a slight smile, she was semi happy that for once there wasn't really anything he had to do. Those things rarely happen.