View Full Version : lark's character locker.

01-14-2012, 08:00 PM

Welcome to my Character locker, a little place where I can keep track of all sorts of characters and where you can to!

thanks for looking around ~
feel free to comment
note~ the Welcome sign is mine ~ used with a Photo I took.

Table of contents
Post 1 - Welcome
Post 2 - Personas
Post 3 - Favorite characters
Post 4 - Iconic Characters
Post 5 - Roleplay characters
Post 6 - Battle Characters
Post 7 - Story book Characters
Post 8 - Fan Characters
Post 9 - Unused Characters
Post 10 - Connections


Appearance: Includes form appearance.
Forms: Delete if they only have one ~



Powers: delete if they don't have any

Theme song(s): only use if I have any in mind.

Other info:

Personas ~

Reason for being:

Forms: if they have more then one


Other information:

RPs/Stories participated in and summery

01-14-2012, 08:03 PM
~ 5 Personas ~


P.K. Scrittor. - Papel Kirja Scrittor - Paper book writer - The dream guardian.

Race: This is difficult, put simply she is a dream guardian, A shape-shifter, a traveler, a dream, hopes and a part of me.
Reason for being: P.K. is my aspirations and dreams in the written world, a guardian and percipient in every one of my written works and the protector of dreams and creations.

Appearance: P.K.'s Appearance can Change and Morph on a whim. Anything you can dream up, she can be it. The only thing that never changes about her appearance is her depthless, dark blue eyes.

Forms: she can change her form to anything and everything. Though her eyes never chance.

Powers: The strengths of hope - P.K.'s powers gain strength when the waking world is full of hope, and diminish when the waking world is full of fear and doubt. She thrives on active and imaginative minds and and Kindness.

Dream steps - P.K. is capable Of travailing between dreams and stories and alternate realities of the same.

Formless - P.K. dose not have one true form, capable of taking whatever form she needs to blend in to the dreamscapes she treads. (thought her eyes never change.)

Summons - P.K. is capable of summoning things from dreams be it monster, weapon or person. Whatever you can dream, she can summon.

Remembrance - P.K. is capable of undoing damage and protecting and fighting against the forgotten, she is also capable of giving this ability to dreamers and dream figures temporarily.

Weapon of choice: Giant pencil

Funfacts: P.K. Scrittor is officially my Wordsmiths name. (pen name)
P.K. scrittor or Papel Kirja Scrittor means paper book writer in three different languages.

Other information: P.K. has one place where dreams and reality can cross and interact. It is a little inn known as the Painted dove. Here, the waking world can interact with the dreams they create.
She has a necklace That changes styles depending on her mood. ~ A gift from a friend.

RPs/Stories participated in and summerys

AJ Dots



01-15-2012, 10:12 PM
Favorite characters
These are Characters who have a very special place in my heart.

Lark Wolfwing (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=24980&page=2&p=3035042&viewfull=1#post3035042)
Velaire Hornshell (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=24980&page=2&p=3035033&viewfull=1#post3035033)

01-19-2012, 10:05 PM
Iconic Characters
These are characters who are well known or have been given an award.

Lark Wolfwing (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=24980&page=2&p=3035042&viewfull=1#post3035042)
Karrha Nameko (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=24980&page=2&p=3035031&viewfull=1#post3035031)
Velaire Hornshell (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=24980&page=2&p=3035033&viewfull=1#post3035033)

02-16-2012, 07:52 PM
Battle Characters

03-06-2012, 09:36 PM
Human Characters

Karrha Nameko (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=24980&page=2&p=3035031&viewfull=1#post3035031)
Shani alhema (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=24980&page=2&p=3035032&viewfull=1#post3035032)

Ansleigh Nightendale (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=24980&page=2&p=3037215&viewfull=1#post3037215)
Bellatrix (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=24980&page=2&p=3037217&viewfull=1#post3037217)

Kaia Vandrachen (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=24980&page=2&p=3037221&viewfull=1#post3037221)

Velaire Hornshell (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=24980&page=2&p=3035033&viewfull=1#post3035033)

06-11-2012, 06:57 PM
None-Human characters

Lark Wolfwing (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=24980&page=2&p=3035042&viewfull=1#post3035042)

07-17-2012, 06:55 PM
Beast Characters

Azure The Gliffin (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=24980&page=2&p=3037223&viewfull=1#post3037223)

07-17-2012, 07:05 PM
Sibiki Characters
Created baised upon already writte/animated/produced works. (books, movies, anime ETC)

07-17-2012, 07:08 PM

07-11-2019, 12:09 AM
~ Fantasy Character of the month 5/1/2017 for the 'Undying quest: the proving grounds ~

realms of war (https://role-player.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=384).
A story base RP and Persistent world.I was an active writer and player in this world.

Sadly Realms of war has gone down do to real life matters taking up to much time of our Great GM. but it well forever live on.
These Characters well be reserved for any RPS that we make created around the folklore and myth or RoW.

Name: Karrha Nameko

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Faction: Originally with Aeregos Defected to Scaravus.

Appearance: https://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk143/Voltriobix/bb296/Kharra_Seichepine-1.jpg

Weapons/Equipment: Karrha Always carries...
- Small medical kit consisting of strong threat, needle, bandage, knife, herbs and salvs.
- Flint and steel
- hunting knife, fighting knife, one or two throwing knifes.
- Dark wood long bow (She had it enchanted to be stronger and with stand direct attacks)
- quiver full of mixed tipped arrows. and a sling
- She goes absolutely no where with out her mothers locket around her neck and well hidden behind her clothing.
- Archers chaps and light studded leather.

- User has affinity for Magic.
- Magically increased Agility and Accuracy.
- User can move Faster and more Agile.
- User has highly increased Accuracy.
- User can easily dodge melee attacks.

~ The Ability to heal with a touch, It dose take time for serious wounds and it will drain her if she uses it to patch something serious.
~ Knowledge of herbs.
~ Knowledge of Pressure points and where they are.
~ Natural with a bow.
~ Crafting wooden objects.
~ Fleet footed, Sturdy footing.
~ some flexibility and reaction time is quick.

Personality: Karrha sometimes can seem like a grumpy old lady, but for the most part she's quite calm and some times even cold if the time calls for it. But when she's healing she's either stern or gentle or both She has a healers commanding air around her so be sure to listen well if she tells you to sit because she's not afraid to make you sit. She will speak her mind prompted to or not she well be heard if she feels the need for it. In combat when and if she joins she's fierce and cold going for quick killing shots or maiming points but if she has a say in it you wont be getting away. When there is no danger Laid back and happy to be relaxing even if she is not the most cheery of people.

Background/History: Karrah dose not talk about her past in Aeregos much but what little is known is she left to get away from the war and the consistent injury and death she was expected to take care of as a healer. What little is unknown is that she left because there was nothing left holding her there, Parents and her siblings all killed in the war and her loyalty shattered to the Empress, She went to the only place she didn't say taking in joy at the losses of others, Scaravus. It took her a little time to get used to their ways but over the years she adapted quite well and was content when their leader had announced they needed to head to war to, The way she saw it they would have staid happily out of the war had their borders not be threatened by those who where. It took her some time but she promised that she would fight and fight for one reason, To aid in ending the war, Her purpose as a healer was to watch after those who came to her and giving herself a new one She openly expressed her dark opinion on the war but has ever to this day after picking up the bow fought beside Scaravus men and women.

To make her mother proud as she used her healing skills to tend to her people.
To get away from the blood shed and the constant death of men women and child.
To stop the war permanently.

Trivia: At one point Karrha held the highest loyalty to the Empress but that slowly diminished over time till she no longer holds any for the women.
Karrha thinks that all the fractions are selfish in one way or another, squabbling over land to see who can claim the most of it while they can't even take care of the lands they already have.
~ Karrha is now a Corporal

Long bow was broke in first battle ~ has purchased a new one and enchanted it.
With the new tablets in place ~ Added Runes.
While revamping ~ Added more background and other information.

Undying Quest: The Proving Grounds OOC (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=84696&p=2836789&viewfull=1#post2836789)/IC (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=84768&p=2838790&viewfull=1#post2838790)

Name: Karrha Nameko
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: https://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk143/Voltriobix/bb296/Kharra_Seichepine-1.jpg
Karrha's aged well over the years part of this is due to her extensive work with herbs and no lack of her own magical energies and Physical activities in her field of work. Namly that of an herbalist.

Personality: For the most part Kar is an open and honest women, she has a blunt manor and at times may even seem cold. She's not unkind or pron to hold grudges but she wont just trust or befriend anyone. When she's preforming the duties or a herbalist or healer she has a stern commanding air that demands close attention to what she's saying weather it be directions or warnings, and she's not afraid to make a patient sit down if they are being difacult. She's not afraid to speak her mind but tends to leave delicate materials and situations to her companion, Dezeroth, knowing well that her blunt and honest way isn't the best approach in every situation. When fighting she tends to take a colder approach, she prefers a quick death to a slow one and will do her best to give it.

- Karrah can't swing a sword for the life of her, or use any weapon for that matter beyond a bow.
- Kar, much like Dez, doesn't have the Physical strength necessary to take on a combatant simply with close combat prowesse.
- Despite her ability to heal wounds with a magical touch Karrha can do no more then stop her own bleeding with her own healing ability.
- Kar relies mostly on ranged combat, She has almost no skill in close combat.
- Because of Dezeroth's more limited magic Karr feels the need to put herself up front to allow Dezeroth plenty of room to cast his spells.

- Karrha has a magical ability passed down through her family line, The ability to aid the body in healing itself. All she really dose is help speed up the process at the expense of her own magical and physical energies. She cannot however preform this on herself and only has the ability to stabilize, or keep herself form bleeding out.

A gift from the Magistrate. -

- Her healing magic is doubled and potency, and she can furthermore sacrifice a significant portion of her energy to remove one curse, poison, disease or other negative magical effect on a target through touch.

Other Skills:
- Karr is well versed in herbs and their uses, she has a wide range of Knowledge of plants, both those that can aid the body and those that can hinder it.
- Karr is also well versed in the pressure points of the human body. She can attempt to use this in close combat situation but its usual used for her healer practice.
- Karr is a natural with a bow with a good chance of hitting any target she sets her sights on.
- Karr is also extremely sturdy footed in almost any terrain and nimble, which aids her in her ability to dodge.

- Small medical kit consisting of strong thread, needle, bandage and a knife.
- Herb pouch full of herbs, both for tending wounds and for spices.
- hunting knife, fighting knife, one or two throwing knifes and a knife for carving.
- Bow.
- quiver full of mixed tipped arrows. and a sling
- She goes absolutely no where with out her mothers locket around her neck and well hidden behind her clothing.
Karrha's dress is basically amorphous muscle combined with mana. The idea of it being a 'dress' is really just the basis of the premise. It's inherently capable of changing shape, due to its nature, and is a living thing, technically capable of sentience, though has yet to develop it. As such, it can activate any magic--good or bad--Designed to effect living things, though it's really more like a starfish than anything. In addition, it's capable of eating metals and minerals by absorbing them into its' "skin". It does this by enforcing its will upon an object primarily, so any person who opposes its will negates the effect(basically, it can't eat people's clothes and weapons out of their hands.) It can also temporarily form growths of unprocessed matter and shape them into whatever form it might need before eating it once more. Due to its ability to move on its own power, its first instinct is to lend its strength to whatever task the wearer is carrying out.

It's basically a shapeshifting garb that can eat metal and also be healed by Karrha.

Goal: Karrha's goal is to see Dezeroth's goal come true. To unite a world and cease needless slaughter and suffering for all sides.

History: Karrha was raised in the home land of milavia a vast land of mountains and green cliffs. Here she was raised by her mother and father in the sprawling green fields that clung to ledges of cliff and mountain around her city. Taught by her mother at a young age the impotence of plants, and which where good to eat, or use on wounds and which were poisonous and harmful to humans she came to love the idea of what mother did for a living. Though her father did insist that she learn the use the bow encase she was ever out alone and needed a weapon to hunt or the defend herself. Much like her father she was a natural but never found much opertunity to use it when she grew older, forging for herbs with her mother and learning the herbalist and healer ways.

As she grew older restlessness among other kingdomes grew and soon war. Her father was called away to help in the efforts... and never returned, not as wounded solider, nor as a body. This took a heavy toll on her mothers spirit and later it seemed her health. Quickly declining Karr was left to tend to the wounded and sick that came to them. The more she saw and heard the more she came to hate the idea of war, of fighting. In her mind there didn't seem to be a belief strong enough to warent this fighting between them, it all seemed selfish.

She grew to resent the people who spoke lightly about the war and the death tolls in them. and when her mother passed she found no reason to stay.
Nothing left to hold her here she left, heading to a place she'd heard had staid out of the war so far. It was vastly different from her home, where her's was high, cool and green this one was low, hot and golden. But once she was accepted it didn't take her more then a few years to establish herself and learn from other herbalist in the area about the vastly new plants and how to apply them.

She remind here in a long time, never forgetting about the war as other run away brought more and bitter news. But it seemed farther away for a time until their borders two were threatened. She hated idea of them being forced into everyone else's selfish war but understood that it was to defend their own borders. Once again she was found treating wounded and sick men and women who fought on the front lines. though it brought its own toll on her spirit she didn't budge from her duties. During this time a particular man brought her his wounded companion and watched over her work like no other. It led to many interesting conversations between them, about herblisem, their pasts (or mostly her's at the time...) It even brought up her skill with a bow, though she'd almost forgotten about it.

She was both surprised and hesitant when he requested her presence on his assignments. While she'd never truly been on the battlefield she'd seen the aftermaths of such a place. She however against her better judgment agreed thus finding herself in a three way battle between the Kroavus, Narians and the Serans. Though she remaind in the background as a supporter and on the spot healer she later find herself in a place the same but different with only the mage with her. during their battle she was able to find a bow and give the finishing blow to the massive Seran they fought.

Dezeroth was for a time left as a mortal man, to which she took it upon herself to watch over him encase his lack of magical abilities had any other side effects. However through the guardian of the Kroavus the mage was granted back his powers, though in a much more limited supply. When he wanted to join back into the fight the herbalist didn't hesitate further to join him on his quest to retrieve a general that had been kidnapped during another boarder war. Their mission ultimately failed after being split up by the enemy forces and picked off after being weakened.

07-11-2019, 12:25 AM
realms of war (https://role-player.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=384).
A story base RP and Persistent world.I was an active writer and player in this world.

Sadly Realms of war has gone down do to real life matters taking up to much time of our Great GM. but it well forever live on.
These Characters well be reserved for any RPS that we make created around the folklore and myth or RoW.

Name: Shani alhema

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Faction: She's from Leongarde but she dose not know that and serves Archeos.

Appearance: She's a tall Thin women with long red hair she keeps in a tight bun. She's well endowed and always seems to have a timid expression.

Weapons/Equipment: Shani Always carries...
- Golden staff (preferring blunt weapons over sharp, Seeming to have a painful feeling about them and refuses to touche one.) <-[had to have her staff repaired, fortunately a friend had found it but it had been pretty beaten]
- Small silver chain (Was found when she washed up on the river bank its important but she dose not know why.) <-- Currently not with her.
- Bandages (knowing only how to use them to stop the bleeding till real help comes.)
- Armor (in picture) Is surprisingly strong but light leaving her movements mostly free and her speed unhampered. <-[ She had to have her armor reforged While its not as good as her last set its still strong even while it hampers her a little bit in her movements and power.]

- Magically increased Strength.
- Magically increased Agility and Accuracy.
- Magically increased Endurance.
- User gains mental immunity.

~ Shani is a powerful runner, Can out run most people not on a horse.
~ Agile with quick steps and Free running stunts.
~ Quick thinking, Or quick to act on most orders.
~ powerful fighter.
~ she's extremely Proficient with Staffs of any kind, wielding them with as much precision as any one can with a sword.

Personality: Shani is quite and quite shy specially when talking to her superiors She may suggest something or even just state something and then continually apologize for speaking out of turn. seemingly uncertain of herself when alone or with others of higher rank she prefers to be alone if she can be, when she is she likes to stare off in the distance from any high points and more often then not her gaze is drawn to Leongarde for what reason she cannot say. as she may be shy by herself or with other in battle she's fierce and her movements are strong and sure she has the pride and loyalty of a lion but the gentleness and mercy of the light.

Background/History: Shani remembers very little before she came here, the most she can tell you ,should you ask, Is fear, screams and a cold dark thing enveloping her. The next thing the recalls if looking up at a bright blue sky with men standing over her, and then she was here, Trying to repay their kindness in the battle field, though she wonders about her past all the time.

What is unknown to her is that heritage starts in Leongarde with the nomads that once lived in the lionwoods, a Place now know as blood Vale, She had been very young when the forces of the dark descended on her home Wiping everything out Her home and family, She had been close to the river when the attack happened and was caught in the middle of gathering berries when she was chased away and to the edge of the great river that split the land, She feel in from a sudden slip and was lost to her pursuers and was carried across.

Goal: Try and find her memory as well as defend the people of the light with all she has.

Trivia: Nothing for now.

Staff was beat up had it repaired, its a bit heavier now and thicker.
Her necklace is currently not on her, who knows where.
Armor is begin repaired so she has to cop with something less then satisfactory for now.
With the new tablets in place ~ Added Runes.
While revamping ~ Added more background and other information.

07-11-2019, 12:38 AM
Winner of "Most Loveable character" award in the 2019 RPApril awards

The Rogue's Gallery OOC (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=92448&p=3007731&viewfull=1#post3007731)/IC (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=92535&p=3010569&viewfull=1#post3010569)

Name: Velaire Hornshell (Vel for short)
Age: 23
Gender: Female

Appearance: Vel stands at roughly 5 and a half feet, Her skin is pale, and in the right lighting a touch green. Dark brown eyes that seem hazy and dull, long and dull amber hair. Her face is full of faded freckles. Her facial features are soft but not round. She is lean and though she looks sickly she’s fit.
Vel has scars across her body from various encounters with enemies, she has a small tear in her left ear and a scar that runs across her left side from her belly button down her hip that is held closed by stitches and she’s missing her tongue.
Vel tends to be self conscious about her sickly appearance and so in public tends to cover herself with heavy clothing, gloves and a hood. But when among friends she wears a regular tunic and britches.

Race: Human (undead)
Role within the company: Front line fighter.

Racial Skills and Abilities ~

Stronger than you - Because of her undeath Vel’s before limited strength has increased to beyond that of a normal human being’s.

Sense - Vel’s sense of touch (Pain and pleasure) has dulled considerably.
-Her sense of smell is keener than a normal humans but by no means surpases that of an animal, or beastfolk.
-Her eyesight is about average with the added insight that she doesn't need to adjust to the darkness and she can see just as well in dim light as she can daylight.
-Her hearing is keener then a normal humans but by no means surpases that of an animal, or a beastfolk.
-Vel’s sense of taste has dulled considerably, which is why she likes her food heavy seasoned, spiced, flavored. (not to mention she’s missing most her tongue).

Slow metabolism - since her undeath, Vel’s body functions have slowed down she no longer needs to eat or drink regularly in order to function, but this also means her agining has slowed considerably as well as her ability to heal.

Undeath has its perks - So long as Vel has her body part in hand she can reattach it and with the aid of magic or a medic can keep it back on. She also has a resistance to diseases, illnesses and poisons though she is not completely immune.

Normal Skills and Abilities ~

Sewing - vel has become very good with a needle and thread, both on cloth and on flesh.

Linguist - if she had a tongue she could speak many of the languages that float around, due to her exposure of her family's large library of information and the endless hours she had in it, she can write and read in many languages. And with time she’s also learned to read lips.

Gardening - when not out doing work for others Vel finds some comfort in digging around in the dirt or in small pots and growing something And she seems to be quite good at it to. This also allows her to identify herbs, spices and poisonous plants out in the wilds.

Climbing - as a child she would climb sheer bookshelves, as an undead she likes to climb trees, cliffs and buildings.

Fighter - With the time she has spent in the seedy town of Balefire’s backstreets and despite her otherwise cushy upbringing Vel learned to fight and defend herself, quickly. not only by first hand experience but from watching others in combat. She learned to take cheap shots, find weaknesses in someone’s guard and adapt to weapons one could pick up on the streets. Though her preferred weapon is a two handed weapon she’s just as capable of using single handed weapons and improvised weapons.

Weapons: Two long knives (https://www.heavenlyswords.com/images/D/Twin_Indian_Fighting_Knives_TY0020.jpg), Two handed great axe (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/gameofthronesfanon/images/7/7f/Skullsplitter.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160908035111).

Armor: Vel tends to fight light so has adopted a leather armor vest with special emphasis on protecting her heart, spine, and neck.

Equipment: Sewing kit, water skin, bedroll, cloak, gloves, face mask, coin purse, books (just 1 at any given time), First aid kit, Chalk, Inkwell and quill, blank book.

Personality: Vel appears to be a very quiet and reserved Character, even with her friends. She doesn't talk much, or rather communicate via gestures and writing. She doesn't tend to talk about herself a lot.
In public she tends to try and draw the least amount of attention she can.
When alone with her companions she’s a little more relaxed but still tends to be more observant than participating. Rarely does she truly seem to get excited about something.
When fighting Vel seems to forget about not drawing attention to herself and tries to draw the enemies attention to herself and away from her companions, becoming the biggest nuisance or danger on the field to keep their focus on her.

Likes: Milk, her companions, books, children, the quiet places in nature, rain storms.
Dislikes: Crowds, holymen/paladins and priests, magic, her family, food that isn’t spiced/seasoned/flavored heavily enough, Fish.

Background: Velaire hornshell comes from a long line of sophisticated mages, claiming their power comes from the blood of a high elf ancestor from far in their families past. Every person in her family tree has been a mage, some stronger than others and some more well known but always magical.
And then there’s Vel. The first child in a long line of a magical lineage to posses no magic at all. Her parents were horrified that one of their children had missed out on their magical ‘birthright’.
They were determined to find out what went wrong, and determined to give vel the ‘birthright’ that should have been bestowed upon her at birth. They poured their resources and magic into every conceivable idea and test they could while Vel grew up, absolutely determined to unlock her magical potential that they knew she had.
Unfortunately for Vel this meant that from her childhood to her teenage years she didn’t live a normal life in any sense of the word. She grew up with her parents and siblings pitying her, assuring her they would change her to what she knew she wasn’t, and feeling unaccepted and isolated because of it. She grew to hate magic and her family.
Eventually she was allowed to go out, to her parents dismay. And she attended normal lessons, and participate in normal everyday things her family felt were demeaning to their statues. But she found meaning in it, and some semblance of peace.
It was on her nineteenth birthday that her brother claimed to have found the answer to her problemes, as much as she tried to protest he dragged her into their magical archives, and deep into the forbidden section, a place especially to guard magic, curses and spells that should never be open to the world… where he laid on her a spell, and unspeakable spell. One that promised power.
He was unable to finish the spell as it was beyond his level of understanding and fortitude. unable to finish the casting Vel was left in a horrifying state… not quite alive.. But not quite dead.
Horrified by the rapid changes that took place under the half cast spell Vel fled leaving her brother weeping on the floor. Her parents were just as horrified at the incident when they found out and they confined her to her rooms in an attempt to stall for time to find a way to reverse the curse. Days turned to months, months to years and vel’s appearance changed to the sickly looking women she looks like now.
It was clear that she longed to leave, she wanted nothing more to do with magic, magic had cursed her and she didn’t believe it could cure her… with her brother opening the way she fled her home and into the forest, continuing to flee until she had reached the sea cliffs. Where after pondering the few paths she had had she threw herself off into the sea.
The impact must have caused her to bite her tongue, losing almost half of it in the sea. She isn’t sure how long she drifted in the sea before washing up on the shores near the port of Balefire.
When she came around, it took her some time to adjust, but she quickly took to hiding herself and her lacking need for food gave her time to find ways she could earn money and gain skills and equipment to do so. Eventually she was able to get into a mercenary group.

Velaire quietly stepped through the door of the Rogue's Gallery and began to move along the wall to a secluded table near the back. Her hazy brown eyes roaming over the people that set at the chairs and tables, some giving her sideways glances but most not minding her at all. It wasn't strange to see the hooded women creeping around the mead hall to find a secluded spot for herself. It was generally quite here and not many bothered her when she took her seat and popped out a book and cracked it open.

Velaire hadn't been here long, maybe a month, maybe two. So far she'd only taken small jobs for herself not yet having the courage to join a larger party for a larger job. the small jobs were enough, at least for the moment, to support her and her minimal needs. She settled down in a chair and pulled her hood further over her face before looking down at her lap were the book rested. The dim lights in this corner didn't bother her hazy brown eyes as they scanned over the words. She carefully turned one of the pages with her gloved hand. she glanced up as the shuffling of feet drew near to the table, a small waitress waiting for her to say what she wanted.

Vel quietly dug out her inkwell and quill, slipping out a piece of parchment from her blank book and quietly wrote before handing the paper to the women who frowned for a moment before turning and heading away. Vel couldn't be sure if the women could even read, but she doubted even more the women would be able to read hand gestures. so she quietly sighed and settled in to wait for food... or no food.

07-11-2019, 01:26 AM
Name: Lark wolfwing
Gender: Female
Age: 19-20ish
Race: shape-shifter / changer
Form: Wolf, Dragon
Appearance: Human ~ Raven Black hair that falls down passed her shoulder blades, midnight blue eyes that have a slight dark fire and mystery, slight tanned skin, stands around 5 ft 10 in.
dragon ~ obsidian black scales, cream white underbelly and horns, dark blue eyes,
wolf ~ deep black fur dark blue eyes

Personality: Lark is kind and at first wiry if you are human. She's protective and can easily become aggressive if she feels she or her friends are in any danger. she is quite caring to those she knows and some times those she dose not. some times emotional when she thinks about her family.

History: lark was part of a very noble house of shape-shifters known as the wolfwings. cursed for begin direct descendents of Eloy the first shape-shifter they tend to stay away from fights. if there curse is activated (having a set amount of blood run over their tongue) they go into a blood rage and kill everything around them. During the war with the humans her house was destroyed and she had to flee with her little brother Garwin. Later finding a man who claimed to want to help them if she could do him a favor He later killed her little brother and she killed him.

She met Shawn some time before when they had a run in when lark was hunting and saved him from another small pack of hungry wolves. From then she followed him around until she finely reviled herself to him form then on they stuck together. Eventually she was reunited with old friend and after a while the shape-shifters and after traveling in a small group for a while Shawn and Lark finely married. Many things accrued during this time including lark getting kidnapped twice and having a baby girl unfortunately not Shawn's. It was conner's her (stalkers) meagerly in-love with her protagonist who keeps coming back.

Lark lived happily with Shawn for many years after her had managed to save the shape-shifters and bring them to a new home. She was going to have another baby when she was attacked by a shadow brother killing both her and the baby and leaving Shawn heart broken and with June her daughter.

and much else that I shall not put in here for fear of spoiling the story even more.

Funfacts: lark gets drunk really easy. she also has a tendency to get hurt a lot more as well
Weapons:human~ steel claws, wolf~ teeth, claws, dragon~ teeth, fire, claws, tail.
Powers: a small amount of magic but nothing more then lighting a small fire.
Theme song(s): nothing as of right now.

Other info:Lark was made when I first started RPing, Me and a friend started Rping over RS (runescape) and developed our characters from there. Lark is my first ever RP Oc and one of my favorite ones.

Lark is a shape-shifter who can turn into a black dragon and a black wolf. In the world she lives in she is rare and hunters would not harm her but capture her. Hunters are human's how have trained to fight and capture shape-shifters and use them. After the first war the human kingdom's were pretty soar about losing and some magic users came up with a spell to enchant chains. the chain would become black and they would have to use a spell to link it to another one. one would be a collar for the changer's to wear and the other a bracelet for the hunters to wear. the hunter can command the changer to change when ever he wants her/him to and the changer has no say in it tho they can fight against it there is nothing they can do.[/LEFT]

08-04-2019, 07:59 PM
Valkyries: Occult Warfare OOC (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=92652&p=3013980&viewfull=1#post3013980)/IC (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=92676&p=3014846#post3014846)

Name: Ansleigh Nightendale

Alias/Callsign: Bookworm

Gender: Female

Race/Species: Human

Age: 19 though she looks more 17

Concept: Ansleigh is a young girl who just discovered her ability to not only see the dead but interact with other Ethreil things. She’s not only trying to come to terms with these powers but also the idea that one of her closest friends is no longer in this world Physically and that she has had to abandon her family for their safety and her’s. She honestly just wants to be normal and is trying to settle into her role of not being ‘normal’.

Appearance: Ansleigh is not a tall girl for her age, standing around 5’4”. Her straight dirty blond hair curls slightly at the ends where it falls to her mid back. Ansleigh Posses Heterochromia eyes, her left behind a dark forest green her right being a gray. Her skin is fair though she does bare the scars from the aftermath of a car accident across her torso, Right shoulder and a faint scar just above her right eye.

Personality: Ansleigh is first and foremost a bit of an introvert. She is quite, though not shy about voicing her opinions or complaints and not reserved. She’s a hard worker and Honest. Usually she’s self motivated but after the accident has found it harder at times to be so. She doesn't withhold her emotions, so it's never hard to tell what she’s feeling. She loves to learn new things (mostly through books though) and likes having a small circle of friends she can trust.

Powers, Traits, and Abilities:
The power of research - Ansleigh likes knowledge and she likes learning new things. If some piece of information has to be found, she’ll find it given the right resources.

Note and sketch taker - Ansleigh goes nowhere without a blank book and pen, no where. You never know when you might need to take down notes or draw a quick sketch for memory later.

Cooking - Ansleigh dad is a professional chef and as such she’s picked up a few things from him as she grew up. It all came in handy when she was going to Collage and had to cook for herself.

Ethriel sight - Ansleigh can see spirits, or other entities that dwell beyond the ‘veil’ She can see and speak to these spirits and even physically interact with them. She can see residual spirits as well as spirits that have refused to move on.

Ethreil food - For spirits that want to manifest Ansleigh is a good source of energy to draw from.

Through sight - Ansleigh has the ability to see through the eyes of an object that has been in the presence of a highly emotional exchange such as Murder, rape, torture, kidnapping and so on. So long as she touches it she can see the residual memory the item witnessed or was a part of.

Standard Loadout: pistol Glock 45, A charm bracelet it is several small clear crystal spheres and one Amethyst Sphere, Blank notebook and pen.

Background: Ansleigh lived in a family of 4, her mother, her father, her brother and her. It was a relatively normal coexistence in the middle of salt lake city up until her brother turned 16 and left the house abruptly. They never heard or saw from him again. From there her mother stressed daily about his whereabouts and about their only daughters safety till it it brought on her gray hairs early and by the time she herself had turned 16 her mother had bed ridden herself with sickness. Ansleigh there for lived rather sheltered until her father made a move to a rural part of Florida. Ansleigh managed to make the move well but her mother did not and hardly left the house. With time she made friends and eventually met a guy she really liked and who really liked her.
When she turned 18 she and her now boyfriend went on a road trip to visits the beach, they were supposed to meet some friends there but unfortunately they never made it to the radavo point.
Carder’s car was found flipped and still running in a ditch not 10 miles from their meeting place. Carder had died, seemingly upon impact and Ansleigh was left hanging in the passenger seat, the front of the car crumbled around her legs and torso, the seat belt cutting into her shoulder and a bleeding wound above her eye. She can’t remember what caused them to crash or who found them she only remembers waking on the hospital and seeing Carder worriedly hovering over her along with her father.
With time she realized that Carder had indeed passed on and with shock she realized that she could see his spirit and eventually those of others. Spirits who realized that she could see and hear them would constantly pester her, strange things happened around her like items moving on their own, the air dropping in temperature and even once Carder scared another man that had been trying to flirt with her. From there people began to avoid her, but only the living people.
The situation was becoming desperate enough that her father started to make call to local priests, Ministers and ‘experts’. Eventually the Valkyrie’s heard and came to take her under their care, much to her families dismay.

RP Sample: Ansleigh leaned heavily into her hand. Her eyelids drooping as she stared down at the words which she could no longer read through the blurry tears of sleep. Her eyes had completely shut when she heard her name being called. Her head slipped from her hand and her head slammed into the desk before she set up right.

“Ansleigh, you should go to bed.” Carder murmured as he hovered near her side. “I don’t want to.” She mumbled rubbing at her forehead before she looked back down to the page she was on and then to the bracelet around her wrist and then finely to the clock. It was late but she didn’t want to sleep now. If she did she might just wake up with another nightmare. “You should at least try.” Carder returned.

Ansleigh shook her head before pushing away from the desk and standing. She stretched long and slow letting out a soft yawn before she trudged to the door. She didn’t know who was awake and she didn’t much care. She did need sleep if she was going to focus on any training tomorrow. Maybe if there was any tea in the Kitchen. Opening the door and closing it, Carder simply floated through and followed after her with a worried frown. “I’ll try to sleep.” she assured the spirit of her boyfriend. “Just… after I get something to drink.”

08-04-2019, 08:04 PM
Valkyries: Occult Warfare OOC (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=92652&p=3013980&viewfull=1#post3013980)/IC (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=92676&p=3014846#post3014846)

Name: Bella

Alias/Callsign: Trix

Gender: Female

Race/Species: Human Druid

Age: 13

Concept: Bella is a young girl who is adapting to a somewhat civilized life while retaining some of her feral quirks, but with in the ranks of the Valkyrie’s training to hone her existing abilities and developing abilities.

Appearance: Bella stands at a small stature of 3 and ¾ feet tall, though usually she is crouching or posed on all fours. She’s got short brown hair and heavily sun freckled skin and two bright green eyes, she has a variety of small scars that litter her body but most notably on her hands and feet.

Personality: Bella is usually a pretty happy child, filled with curiosity and little sense of preservation or fear, most things are a game or a simple matter of life or death. She’s rather desensitized to blood and gore and is willing to investigate anything and everything that moves, or doesn't. She’s got a limited attention span and is a bit of a mischief maker.

Powers, Traits, and Abilities:
Sticky fingers - being a curious, self indulgent little wild thing anything that takes her interest she is likely to sneak away. Keys, pennies, stray articles of clothing or more important items.

Little Imp - Being the little mischief maker she is Bella is extremely good at being a distraction and causing trouble for people, most often for those trying to cause trouble for her family, though occasionally for her family.

Parkour and freerunning - Bella is extremely agile, steady on her feet and flexible as such she’s quite capable of leaping over large gaps, bouncing off walls and climbing the side of buildings, trees and cliffs.

Beast influencer - Bella is capable of influencing creatures around her, her influence is most notably effective on small animals but gradually her influence has increased to larger animals and seemingly not so normal creatures.

Fauna influencer - Bella is capable of influencing the plant life around her, though her influence here seems to be considerably less than on the beasts. Mild movements such as vines or roots raising to trip people of scratch or tangle in hair.

Mimic - Bella can Mimic the abilities of creatures she’s had contact with before. Such as Echo location of a bat, the sense of smell of a blood hound or the dark vision of night creatures. But she has to have had some time spent with said creature.

Shifting - Bella is capable of shifting into animals, though right now she is only capable of doing small shifts, such as claws and fangs.

Standard Loadout: The only time Bella will have a weapon is when she’s snagged it from one of her companions.

Background: Bella was around 10 when she was found in the wooded lands somewhere in California. Her skin was seemingly a dark brown and caked in mud, long tangled hair covered her small body and she growled like a wild beast. She was found feasting on a carcase with a couple of fox kits who didn’t seem to mind her presence but didn’t treat her as a siblings either. The kits retreated into their barrow leaving the feral child curiously observing the strangers that interrupted her meal.
First attempts to catch her failed, and while she didn’t seem afraid so didn’t hiss or growl, she did seem to tempt them and tease them like she was having fun with the idea of these strangers chasing her around.
Eventually with a little coaxing They managed to get her close enough that they could catch her. At first she was resistant but with a bit of food and a few interesting items to keep her bussy she was taken under the Valkeries care, she cleaned up rather nicely but most of her ratty hair had to go.
There was no hint to if she was abandoned in the woods or was the remnant of a people long lost. Surprising for being feral so long she adapted quickly to a more civilized living, though she has not fully lost her feral quirks and is a slow learner when it comes to language.
The only one Bella listens to 100% is Mamma Sigrid, she even likes to tempt fate messing with Creed and will hide behind Claude with stolen goods and or goodies. Sometimes she may present these stolen goods, or scavenged goodies to her family as a 'gift'.

RP Sample: Bella’s eyes narrowed and widened as she watched the little red dot travel over the floor. She was laying on the floor, mimicking the movements of a cat as closely as a human body could. The suppressed giggles and laughters of the spectators made her cock her head but her eyes didn’t move from the hovring red dot.

Like a flash she leaped forward slamming her hand onto the ground only for the dot to zoom away on the opposite direction and like a cat she dashed after it trying to catch it in her hands but it always seemed to elude her grasp. She red dot suddenly vanished and she spun around for a moment trying to figure out where it could have possibly gone.

“Alright, that’s enough of that.” a voice cut off hushed amusement as the men and women and entities took up an at the ready stance. Bella turned her bright green eyes falling on the little laser pen in one of the men’s hands. And while they were all facing the orcs direction she slipped over and snagged it from the man’s grip. "Hey!" He gasped reaching for the child but she evaded his grabbing hands much like the red dot had evaded her's and took up a position behind the Orc to investigate her newly acquired toy more closely.

08-04-2019, 08:22 PM
Lion Heart OOC (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=92914&p=3018229&viewfull=1#post3018229)/IC (https://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=92946&p=3019835&viewfull=1#post3019835)

Name: Kaia Vandrachen
Species: Half breed Human/Avian beast folk.
Age: 22

History: Kaia Vandrachen was born to Brennus and Nyrah Vandreachen the year after her father took up his vigil to the young prince. She grew up observing her fathers constant loyalty and vigilance in his duty to the young man instilling in her a sense of loyalty, Justice and a desire to be as strong and vigilant as her father before her. Even so, Kaia turned out to be a free and daring spirit. She shirked no opertunity to gain her fathers approval, even if it sometimes landed her into trouble, her sense of Justice drove her to stand up for those less fortunate and against those who used their influence wrongly. She trained hard and studied diligently while still making time for her free spirit needs. She took diversity into stride and always seemed to wear a jovial smile, rarely found without it even when enemies of her family tried to tare them down or those mocked her half blood statues. When she reached the appropriate age she Left home to follow in her fathers footsteps and join in the imperial military school in Sira-Se, her father's birthplace.

With in the Academy Kaia's Trials didn't end there. Her fathers legacy which was the pride of the school made high expectations for her which tested her spirit and smile as she put all her study and training to the test. Kaia never came in as the first as the top of her study or the best in her class but each time she proved that she was fluent in combat and had a level head even in the face of danger making her invaluable to those who did lead as she was dependable in any situation and would carry out orders in rapid succession to ensure success.

Kaia has been away from home up until now and with the kings coming of age to leave she wishes to return home, not only to surprise her parents but to enter into the festival herself.

Appearance: Kaia has a soft heart shaped face with two dark brown eyes framed by pale orange locks as soft as downy feathers, dancing and playing in the wind as far down as her mid back. Her skin is sun kissed and her lilith body is well toned but lightly endowed. A pair of wings rest upon her back, closely resembling those of a barn owl. Around her neck and shoulders is a mantle of soft Orange feathers speckled with gray.

If there is one thing she inherited from her father its her sense of style while Kaia likes pretty things She tends to dress simple, wearing something more elegant when the occasion calls for it but otherwise she can be seen in her leather armor and a cloak. The only Jewelry she freely wears is a woven wrist band with a single stone bead.

Weapon and Armor Preference: Kaia tends to wear extremely light armor if any at all opting for studded leather vest and skirt specially fitted to accommodate her wings. Knee high steel toed boots and a pair of leather fingerless gloves.

Kaia's weapons of choice are a simple halberd and short sword.

Veteran Status Application: no.

08-04-2019, 08:36 PM
Name: Azure
Gender: Female
Age: human years she around 9 Beast years she's around 11
Race: gliffen
Appearance:Gliffines are small creatures about half the size of a full grown chiwawa and are some what of a mix between a cat, bird and mouse. With a small cat like head that is slightly wedged they have large eyes that can vary in colors from blue to gold. They have small cat/mouse like body's the fur ranges colors drastically from normal grays, browns, blacks and whites to light blues ,greens and so on. This also includes the feathers on there head crests and wings, They have long rat/mouse like tails. They can also have markings defining them from one another in versus shades of color. They have small cat like front paws and bird feet with sharp talons for the back feet.

Azure has light gray eyes with blue fur/feathers with white tips and a white underbelly.

Personality: Gliffens are Naturally sweet and loving creatures That love to flit around though the trees with out a worry. But like every other creature they have predators that stalk them and their young. They are very protective of there little ones and well wait on a small sickly one for days till it gets better or dies. Gliffines also live in small flocks or groups normally made up of several family members. Gliffnes are very loyal to their family groups or if may haps an owner or care taker. once you have earned the friendship of a Gliffen it well remain loyal to you for the rest of your god given life span. Gliffens also LOVE sweets the best way to befriend one is with a sweet treat. Curies like any cat they can often get into trouble when they are young older ones chide them on being more careful but it never seems to help. If a Gliffen does go off for long periods of time they always come back even if just to visit there family and see the new fledglings.

History: Azure does not really have a story other then a typical Gliffen life but she is a thousand times more curies then most this gets her into trouble Azure likes to venture into human towns city's and scout out sweet treats for herself she get's a long with people rather well as well she should tho Gliffens are some times know and small rats humans and Gliffens have lived side by side for a while. There are probably many story's for Azure and maybe more to come..

Funfacts: Azure loves beer its hard to keep her away from the stuff. She is also very cuddly. My friend also came up with this thing ~ "if you grab a gliffens tail of make it angry it well claw your eyes out and feed it to their young" this of coarse is only a myth but it tends to do the trick.
Weapons: claws, talons, fangs,
Theme song(s): nothing in mind.
Other info: Azure was inspired while I was role playing with a friend of mine she also became an inside joke as she is always hyper and loves sweets so much we often had to lock them in a volt but she got them one way or another. She is only of my most favoret animal characters that I have ever made I plan on using her more in the future.