View Full Version : Races of Ethanria

01-22-2012, 03:27 PM
Humans - Humans are very diverse. Best read up on the human kingdoms to get an idea how humans from certain kingdoms behave. Humans are also inately attuned to magic and therefore are quicker to learn and potentially stronger than other races aside from Immortals, Dragons, and some demons.

In Ethanria, the first humans were actually offsprings of Torocks and Elves, but that has been long since forgotten except by a few elder dragons.

Dwarves - Dwarves are much like humans, though some tend to be a bit more greedy and will sometimes take unnecessary risks for the chance of claimig treasure. They are also quick to anger but rarely resort to violence unless gravely insulted, threatened, or attacked, though they will give you an earful. Especially the women. Most dwarves are experts in building, blacksmithing, and mining as well as making Jewelry and other things.

Elves - Elves are very hard to anger and have a fundamental respect for all life. Though most are a little shorter than humans, they can see longer distances than most other races and are very light on their feet and masters of stealth. They are good at making bows, spears, and other woodworkings as well as leather armors.

Elves do not like to waste anything. They hunt only for food and use furs for blankets, armor, and other leatherworkings and use the bones to make weapons and tools. They only use wood from dead trees or that has fallen on the ground and hate seeing trees harmed.

Torocks - Torocks are tall, strong, brutish looking humanoids. If not for having hair covering their entire bodies, they would look like very large humans. Most torocks grow to around 12-15 feet tall and wiegh anywhere between 800-1200 pounds of pure muscle. Aside from the dragons, they are one of the eldest races of Ethanria. No one is quite sure rather them or elves have been here longer.

Though they talk slowly when speeking common, which makes them appear not very intelligent, they are extremely intelligent, even more so than the elves, and are inately attuned to nature and druidic magics. They are very hard to anger, but extremely and deceptively agile when it comes to combat. And though they usually walk very slowly, they can run as fast as a horse if the need for haste arises.

Orcs - Orcs, like humans, are very diverse. Some are rangers and warriors, though most are druids and work cloesly with elves. A few orc clans are brute savages or bloodthirsty Bandits, rather they are corrupted or not.

Much like the elves, orcs waste very little and use animal bones and furs to make weapon and armors and such. They are about the same hieght as humans but usually a bit more stocky and have green skin. They also have small tusks, but the friendly orc cultres usually keep them filed away as they view them as a sign of aggression.

Trolls - Trolls are the twisted offspring created by demonic magics and the forced breeding of Orcs and Torocks. They are as big and strong as Torocks, but lack all the hair and have the featurs of orcs. Though few have been caught as infants and raised to be good, most are crazed, bloodthirsty killing machines and not very smart. They are also often used for beasts of burden by the demonic forces when not in a battle.

The trolls of the Anthar Wastes are free of demonic control and corruption, and thus a bit more intelligent and crafty, but they are still rather slow and no less vicious.

Dragons - Dragons are the eldest race of Ethanria. Their hierarchy consist of a broodmother for each type of dragon but are ruled by one, the Dragon Godess, Broodmother Ethanraza, whos age is unknown possibly even to herself. She is the mother of all dragons and thus does not belong to a brood. She mostly stays in elven form but her true form is is almost translucent, of no color but every color at the same time. And though known only to herself and 7 others, she is one of the 8 immortals, the Immortal of Arcane.

Blue dragons are dragons of water, masters of water and frost magic. Red dragons are fire/energy. White dragons are light. Black Dragons are dark magic. Green dragons are nature/life magic. Brown dragons are Earth. Grey Dragons are wind.

Demons - Demons can come in all shapes and sizes. Some are able to disguise themselves as other races though some demons naturally look human or elven, those who are offspring from cross breeding. There are humans and elves who wield demonic powers, but they are not as strong. Not all demons are evil, but most of them are. It is a rare occurance, but one of the side affects of crossbreeding is that sometimes they can be born with a soul and thus are susceptible to being turned to fight for good.

The Eight Immortals - The Story of Ethanria is centered around the 8 Immortals. An immortal can be born of any sentient race except demons. An Immortal is a god of his/her element and has seemingly limitless power. Immortals can be killed, but only by a being or force much stronger.

The Demon Godess Deldranna is the only single being in this world capable of killing an immortal. The only other feasible way to kill an immortal is with the help of the entire Dragon Race Hierarchy. But Ethanraza would never allow that. So yeah, you'll never beat an immortal.

The 8 immortals and other named characters, such as the rulers of kingdoms, are not available as player characters. They are NPCs. The Immortals are masters at masking their auras and radiance, so when they are not actively channelling magic, they come off as ordinary people of their race. Only Elder Dragons and other immortals can sense an immortal.

There is one Immortal for each type of magic, black, nature/life, light/holy, earth, water/frost, fire/energy, arcane, and wind. The Immortal of Darkness is played by me, and the others are NPCs atm but if you show good RP skill and etiquette, you may be able to play one yourself if you choose to. An immortal could be anyone or anywhere. Some may hold a position of high station and nobility or even royalty, or be posing as common farmer or trade merchant. You'll never know until they reveal themselves to you.

Non-playable races

Burrow Worms - These are large creatures that burrow underground. Naturally they only feed on plants and minerals and small bugs, but in some areas, where the vegetation has been destroyed by corruption, some have resorted to eating anything that moves.

Cardons - These are large, eagle-like birds. They have about a 30-40 ft. wingspan when full grown and are the size of a young dragon. They are mostly vegetarians but will eat meat if hungry enough. Some people tame them and ride them in the air, but wild ones can be very vicious when they or their nests are threatened.