View Full Version : THE IMP SHOW!!!
Welcome! Welcome to the Imp show where I, your host: Imp, will be your possible source for night time entertainment! Here, I toss some awful jokes about, interview a single member of this site, and then post a song to end the show with. PLEASE direct your attention to the spoiler below first.
THE ONLY MEMBERS ALLOWED TO POST IN THIS THREAD are myself and the one(s) being interviewed. Leave your comments to be rep or pm the member. I'd like to keep this place free of spam.
IF YOU WISH TO BE INTERVIEWED then please PM me at anytime and I'll respond by placing your name on a list. First come, first serve but be warned I currently have a list of some members whom I'd like to get on the show first. OH and after some time, you can be on the show again if you wish.
SCHEDULING will be done via pm. We will agree on a set time to meet up and do the interview. The interview should last for only about 2 hours or less. This should be enough time. I will have these shows take place twice if not three times per week, all spaced apart to give me prep time for thinking up decent material. This will also let the audience send me questions or jokes to post to which I will give credit to.
POSTING is not to be too lengthy, try to keep it short. The interview is meant to flow so please be responsible and dedicate some time to it so I don't sit here for a half-hour waiting on a simple response. If this happens, then the show will end and your place on the list will be lost until you respond back via pm on what happened(accidents do happen). I promise you that I will dedicate 99% of my time to the interview for however long it lasts. I'd rather not interview your characters, just you! But if you can promise me a good time, then let's try it out.
NO drama/flaming/trolling allowed. You can be funny like make fun of everything and anything but do be respectful and take back anything said(write 'jk') so no issues start and my show gets shutdown. Also please abide by RPA rules!!!
AUDIENCE MEMBERS please remember you can't post in this thread but as said before, you can pm me questions to ask the next stated member or even offer jokes and music to which you will be credited for! I can't promise I will ask every joke I get but will pick ones I see fit and are not inane. I want questions that can benefit us all.
THOSE INTERVIEWED(scroll down to find the start of each)
AngelicAsylum (
Luthien (
Wattz (
Alice ( (2nd time (!!!/page14))
Ace (
Kris (
Bia (
POWERS rp debate! (!!!&p=887560#post887560)
Merry Gentry (
Setsa & Edynol (
Waving (
The Drinking Game with KOTI, Setsa, Edynol and Imp Feat. Siksta. (
Leoni Green & Wavering (Cry) (
Phoenix (
Maria Loco (Mr. Nice) and KOTI Feat. Edynol and Setsa (
Wulfe Feat. Setsa (
Zatory Master (
Storm (
CeruleanSin (Sinderella) Feat. Leoni Green (
Average Hero and CeruleanSin (Sinderella) (
Falcon Red (
Red Rocker (
V Feat. CeruleanSin (
TheTeeJaii Feat. Leoni Green (
Mary Sue (
Alice and Lamentable (
Lady Celeste (
SouldReaper (
SQJPure (
Gin (
G and Sinderella (
Siksta and SoulReaps, aided by Sin (
Kiki, aided by Sin (
Wobbles and Toon Yoshi (
MotMofApril: Naraness (
SO let's get started! As you all know, this is the first official start of the Imp Show! I've decided to place it here in the Q&A area for now until a better place is found for it.
For tonight's guest, we have the lovable AngelicAsylum! A featured song by The Echoing Green at the end and some horribly written jokes to start off with.
As many of us know and witnessed, the Super Bowl just passed this last weekend with the Giants being victorious! Now in the past years, Obama has had Super Bowl parties except for this one. Yeah, not this time apparently. When not explaining why, congress spoke up saying "For three years, he promised us that the chips and beer would come to us in these parties but they never came. So instead of dealing with Michelle's horrible cooking and Obama's false promises for the fourth year, we had enough of him and looked for another candidate to watch the game with. Don't tell him that though cause he'll blame it on us" Lol I'm sorry that's a horrible political joke.
In other news, a recent trailer was released for the upcoming Resident Evil 6. Yes, Capcom is rolling out another one. In the past, the white protagonist has had to kill Spanish people, then Africans, and now Chinese. Capcom said to even things out in the following game, the hero will be a mix between African and Chinese, and will have a heavy Spanish accent who's task is to kill none other than white Americans.
Before the mods kick the show into the recycle bin, let's start the interview and bring out AngelicAsylum!!!
Welcome and have a seat on one of the cheap lounge chairs!
02-08-2012, 01:30 AM
Hi there! I'll desperately try to ignore the smell, though I do wonder if you got these chairs out of the dumpster.
Hmm... well... that is for me to know and you to find out! SO! You are my first person to interview and so you get this cute little golden crown with the number one on it in purple! You must wear it... even if it is too small to fit on your head just wear it anyway.
SO tell the audience and mostly myself how you came to this site.
We'll start with that cause I didn't think on any good questions. I'll start thinking on it now...
02-08-2012, 01:38 AM
Um, well I don't really want to wear it but....alright. T_T
I came to RPA because Luth threatened bodily harm if I didn't. That was years ago, I'm thinking maybe three or so, and really it wasn't just a casual decision. I didn't start getting really active until a few months ago actually.
I see! Always fun to learn of our roots in RPA and the past.
So I understand you have a mentor thread here, yes? Now what goes on there? I'd look but I'm a bit lazy. -homer-
02-08-2012, 01:42 AM
It's a mentor thread for people who want to improve their writing! I do some proofreading but I try to stick to more general and in depth questions about character creation or plot, etc. ^_^
I think I should visit sometime.
For those of you interested, HERE ( is the link. Check it out cause she knows her stuff. trust me... she's my gf. >>
So any interesting RPs you are currently hosting or are in you'd like to tell the audience about?
02-08-2012, 01:50 AM
Vermillion is the one I'm GMing but it's been on hold for awhile thanks to life events. I'm also deeply in love with Athamar:Quests From Lorana! All of my RPs are linked in my sig set, and they're all really important to me. ^_^
Yeah I probably should have just pointed that out to the folks that the RPs are in your sig. XD
Ahem so yeah that's funny cause I'm also deeply in love with Athamar... and you! <3
Life always seems to intervene with things we do in life... Stupid life.
So what is Vermillion about? Horror/survival rp, yes?
02-08-2012, 01:56 AM
<3 <3 Yes, Vermillion is more than just a haunted mansion. It's definitely a survival game, and they WILL end up being hunted eventually. As you know. =P
Feel free to post more info about it. That is unless you are keeping it somewhat secret and want the readers to discover more. As long as I don't have to read seven paragraphs of crap on here, then I'm all good. XD
Now how did this idea come about? I remember Luthien brought about the first one and now this one appears to be under your control?
02-08-2012, 02:11 AM
All the rest is a secret! ^_~
Well, I know the idea was originally from a dream Luth had, like most of her RP ideas (thank god she has a vivid imagination!) and the three of us worked on it for some time. This time around I just simply tweaked it and made it darker, much the way I do everything. XD
Oh yeah that's right, I'm always part of these projects in soem way cause we three represent the Triforce.
And yes, everything you do is darker. Hell your icecream could be considered darker. All chocolate and simple. Mine has to be covered in sprinkles and have flavors such as cotton-candy and bubblegum. Can't deny I enjoy the hell out of it though.
Now you are also in a 1x1 rp with Wattz, yes? Hows that going? Now what do you like more, 1x1 or group based RPs?
02-08-2012, 02:24 AM
Chocolate is delicious. *stare*
I like both 1X1 and group rps for different reasons. 1X1 are a little less formal and easier to bounce ideas off of, but it's harder to really get a solid plot sometimes cause there's only two of us. Group rps are full of ideas and characters, but they can get hardcore unruly if there's too many players.
Yeah I hear ya there. Gangstas and playas are both pretty unruly when in groups. Often ends once the cops come.
But seriously, I agree.
So since you lean towards dark things, do you also favor gothic/punk/cybergoth/cyberpunk fashion more than the current mainstream look of anything relating more to light colored outfits and lighter footwear in-place of the awesome leather boots?
02-08-2012, 02:36 AM
I like to dress "funky punky" mixing that traditional gothy stuff with neons and cute things like bows. Like for example, I'm dying the tips of my hair hot pink!
That's hot... pink. Yeah I'm obviously into the same thing. My leather trenchcoat with the skull T under it should explain that besides my long 'rebellious' hair. But yeah I dig the different to a certain point. Not much into frilly dresses. Not suggesting I dress in them but maybe I should. Would I be a pretty woman? XD
I'll make this your final question for the night. How was it being on the show? =D Obviously this ain't Howard Stern or Conan but hey!
02-08-2012, 02:43 AM
You'd be a sexy bitch. B(
And it was fun! Thaaanks for having me!
Your welcome! Oh I'll be needing the crown back.
SO thanks for anyone who read the entire thing or just overall tuned in!
FOR THE NEXT SHOW, I'M PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT LUTHIEN WILL BE JOINING US!!!! That's right. One of my best online friends will be here Thursday night!
To close with the show, I present to you a song that Wattz had me fall in love with.
Imp, out!
WELCOME BACK! to another Imp Show!
Today I will interview Necel.. er.. Luthien! I'll get used to the change. One of my best online friends eva! A song by t.A.T.u at the end and some funny clips to start off with.
FIRSTLY ( a clip from the Conan O'Brien show. The vid depicts him going a 1864 baseball game and doing what he does best.
SECONDLY ( is part of a series I enjoy where three German 'Nihilists' take on various subjects. In this, they attempt stand-up!
ALRIGHT! The clock is ticking and I feel like crap from this cold.
Let's all welcome(except for those of you who can't post, HAHAHAHAHA) our fav... and only one we have here... LUTHIEN!!!
02-10-2012, 02:16 AM
*drops down from the trees*
Hiii :crazy:
Wow you're so special you managed to bring us to a fresh page! Thanks for that! XD
So let's get started! Now firstly, you and I are two of the oldest that have been following the Roleplay scene from Iwaku and RPA! By oldest I of course don't mean rl age cause I think old man Naz takes that.
But yeah along with Anne and some others like Razilin(however you spell that guy's name), how does it feel to be part of this crew?
I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to bring up that name but I don't care! XD
02-10-2012, 02:34 AM
To be honest, I didn't think I would go this far when it comes to roleplaying on forums. When we were on Iwaku, I thought that was going to be my little home until I grew older. I honestly thought that as I reached a certain age, I was going to be sick of roleplaying; and, well, that clearly didn't happen.
It's nice to see other Iwakuians travel to RPA and stay here until this very day. It feels special in a way… to know that we're not just a member, we're members that traveled from one forum to another!
I tried going back to my roots, but it's just not the same anymore. I'm already settled here and I love since day 1. :)
Let's be honest, they are a bunch of jerks over there now. The place sucks. GO RPA! There that she could keep me from getting banned. I noticed Keeper of the Inn was watching. I'll get you later, KOTI.
But yes I enjoy the progression through time as well with forums.
Uhm one of the big RPs you have now is Athamar! Which I as well as many others are in and greatly enjoy! How did you come to thinking up the theme for this fantasy RP? Or rather how did the idea come to you?
02-10-2012, 02:58 AM
Funny that you asked because my mom asked me the same question earlier today when I told her about the roleplay. XD
The idea came from a series of dreams I had, which I won't get into for spoiler reasons. Aside from weird dreams, the idea sparked from the games I played too (mainly Dragon Age). To be honest, I didn't want to make it into a roleplay and just push the idea aside. Kinda glad I didn't!
Yeah I think everyone that join is glad you didn't cause so far it's been pretty awesome!
Oh and here is the link to Athamar ( for any of you that are interested or even reading this. XD
So far you have a good variety of classes and races it seems. Two half-giants, a knight, a mage, priestess, a unicorn even, aaannd some rogues. People seem to love the rogue class. Course my half-giant doesn't care since he can just step on them if he needs to.
Anyway! How many RPs have started from your dreams? I know Athamar, Vermillion, and Euphoria which I recall you called me while I was at college once and told me of the dream. Which was really cool btw. I just have freaky zombie dreams.
But yeah are there any other RPs that have spawned from dreams?
Btw I plan on bringing Euphoria back for the 3rd time I think. It's too awesome to let go.
02-10-2012, 03:16 AM
If you plan to bring back Euphoria, it will be for the fourth time. But I leave it in your hands since I don't want to mess with that one any more. XD
Just those three so far! Most of the time when I do have epic dreams, I just ignore them. Bad habit of mine. XD My family says I can write tons of books with the dreams I constantly have! :lol:
Well that's awesome! And fine then, looks like I'm on my own with Euphoria. XD
So you're an adviser for the site it seems much like Auki and Cthulhu and probably another I've forgotten about but screw them for now until I know their name. XD
What is it like being an adviser? I understand you basically help guide the noob herd around the forum so they don't get terribly lost and also ease the amount of questions the higher-ups get?
Also are you granted any special abilities besides receiving noobish questions from noobs?
02-10-2012, 03:46 AM
Being an advisor is possibly the best promotion I've ever gotten. We don't have special abilities like the staff, we're just super members in a way! -grin- Newbies or current members come to us if they're confused about something or have questions relating to RPA. Because we get quite a handful of newbies joining everyday, it's hard for the staff to make sure each person is settled in comfortably. Advisors are there for that reason. :)
Well thank you RPA for that error! Most of all, thank you Luthien for being on the show!
It was fun and hope you enjoyed!
For next time I will be having a threeway with both Alice and Wattz! Planned for possibly Sunday but we'll see! And no I didn't mean it like that you sickos. -_-
On to the music!
I first saw t.A.T.u play on the Late-Night Conan O'Brien show. It was an awesome tune and yes the Russian girls are something of interest. =P
Here is t.A.T.u with All The Things She Said (
Enjoy for those who watch this. OH and as a favor, to let me know whoever is reading this then PLEASE send me some rep or a pm/vm! I'd very much appreciate it in knowing who is actually reading this. Also give me a any feedback via pm/vm like things I should add, questions to ask, or whatever.
Have a better night than myself! =D
Imp out!
02-10-2012, 04:08 AM
And thank you for interviewing me! It was a pleasure! :)
Looking forward to the next one! *frolics away*
Excellent! Goodnight everyone! And remember, send a comment to my profile or rep me with some possible advice! Thanks and later losers! =D
*closes down the place*
WELCOME to the Imp show. The place I get to tell horrible jokes and be a complete jerk but not to those I'm interviewing... cause I love you invterviewed peeps!
Ahem SO Tonight's show will feature WATTZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes the schedule in the post above is a lie much like the cake. =P
Also be having music by my fav rapper, Mos Def.
Let's start the show!
I'd like to apologize earlier, I missed Miss Spelling as one of the other Advisers.
Also, I suggest we all call Keeper of the Inn by the acronym: Koti!
To carry on, Deadliest wArrior is a show on Spike which has, in the last year, reached a 3rd season. For a finale in the third season, the show pitted a Vampire against a Zombie ( For anyone interested, check it out! It is rather unique.
One of my fav comedians would have to be Tom Green for his ability to make an ass out of himself. I love it and have tried to follow him during my Highschool years. Here, Tom Green is showing his skills off to a bunch of Soccer Hooligans. Enjoy! (
wait for it...
Btw for anyone wondering, in this episode of the Imp Show Wattz will be interviewing me while I interview her.. AT THE SAME TIME!!!
Welcome, Wattz!
02-11-2012, 05:29 AM
*crowd goes wild*
Hello hello, Imp! =D Thanks for having me!
How does it feel to be interviewed on your own show?
I'm honestly scared and had to empty my bladder before the show so I wouldn't pee myself when you asked me that question. XD jk
Honestly, I'm suuuper excited! Thanks for being on the show btw!
Let's start off by me throwing this question out there.
How does it feel being a mod of this site? I remember the day when you became it and you seemed overjoyed. Do you fear your friends are scared of you now and unable to speak their minds in fear of being executed by the higher-ups? I know I can't say anything against the tyrannical highers! *knock the mic on it's side* =O
02-11-2012, 05:47 AM
My only goal is to make ya'll cower in fear
It feels wonderful being a mod on RPA! I say this a lot, but RPA is the best RP site I've ever been involved in. I've made so many friends and have been involved in so many amazing RPs. I love having the opportunity to help out as a mod. I don't fear that my friends will be too afraid to speak their minds. I trust them to be honest with me just as much as I am honest with them.
(But now you shall see your doom, Imp.)
I ER- Yes!!
So, Imp! I've always been curious: how did you get around to finding RPA? You were on the original site, yes? I'd love to hear how you found out about this magical land once upon a time =D.
Excellent answer! I'm glad you enjoy being a mod and being on RPA!
For the question, Ah yes it all started on a site that Luthien, Anne, myself, and some others used to kill time on. It was known as... Iwaku! Well after some drama-bombs went boom, many of us... well those above, went on an exodus to find other places. I think I went back to fight in the Vietnam War. Sadly no one told me it was over.
WELL then Luth told me of RPA which seemed to be a neo-Iwaku and so I said 'screw it' and joined! At least I think that is how it went. Ever since then, I've been on and off a lot. XD But yeah that's about it.
A simple query, how did YOU get here? =O!!!
02-11-2012, 06:08 AM
You poor, lost veteran T____T.
I too used to be on Iwaku (ACF before Iwaku)! YEARS ago, I was on for a while and really enjoyed it, but unfortunately I didn't feel quite at home. The people were nice, but not very good at welcoming newcomers. It was about that time when I fizzled out of the RPing world and wasted my time with other such matters. Then one day I just got a mean hankerin' for some RPing again, so I went searching on google and wound up here! Took an instant liking to it. I've never been so attached to a forum!
So what kinds of RPs have you been involved in? Any personal favorites?
I've done almost everything out there. I even did an RP on Gaia Online once...
I LOVED my past pirate RPs but sadly they didn't get very far. For a current fav, I admit Athamar is awesome. Of course the reason it is awesome is cause I'm in it. >>
Angelic and myself have a 1x1 Watchmen RP where we switch around being Rorschach and Nite Owl. Fun stuff!
Also another one I enjoyed was Euphoria which I plan on bringing back.
I'd ask the same question to you but... blah!
SO! In athamar, among all the rogues and valiant 'intelligent' lifeforms everyone else seemed to play as, why did you choose to be Ualan: the slow timid giant?
02-11-2012, 06:32 AM
Well I wouldn't necessarily call Ualan slow, except maybe in her movement and inability to speak Common fluently. She's of average intelligence, but if she seems less so then I'm doing something right! XD
For one thing, I've always loved giants or large-sized characters, and I really wanted to balance the party out. I was also taking a linguistics class when making her character and I really wanted to explore the way language works even more, so I really wanted a character that had to overcome a language barrier. Now Ualan's become one of my favorite characters to play, and I've got huge plans for her and the giants (one of these days I'll need to ask you some questions about Tal'set XD).
Actually, yes! Please do tell us more about Tal'set! What was your inspiration for him?
The character design actually started from a game, Resident Evil 5, where you encountered these African-tribal half-giants with HUGE masks. I love that stuff so I had to 'assimilate' it into my collection of drawings. To alter it into a more favorable design, I gave my creation a large dragon skull-mask cause I love dragons. I kept the tribal feeling and limited him on a lot like why he has a large wooden shield and a unique spear(guan dao) instead of any good iron or steel based gear.
He also speaks little English since he comes from another region of the world which with that AND the stuff above gave me an ability to play someone completely different from anything I have ever done and he is easily my fav due to his uniqueness. OH and the name Tal'set is a character from the Turok comic/game series! I looooove anything native from across the world.
NOW for another question to you...
What is the general kind of character you play as in RPs and why? For example, I myself mostly play the smooth yet quite jerk who carries a shotgun and often is lookin' for a good time. Why? Cause I'm like that in real life, just without carrying my shotty around. XD
02-11-2012, 07:16 AM
Awesome stuff!
Well I find that I have a really hard time taking leaderly positions, or villainous ones. I have CHARACTERS for leaders and villains, but I don't RP with them often (there're some exceptions, but whatevs). I tend to play a hokey sidekick-type, a background character that is often bumbling. Unfortunately it doesn't make for much variety >_<. I'm trying really hard to break out of my shell by introducing some of my mentally stronger characters, but it's been proving quite difficult to play them among a group.
Hmm... so! Do you like to write your own personal stories? If so, what about?
I do actually! I've been working on several at once! XD
One is a comic book-like story based around several vigilantes. Another is a story made from the ashes of WoRPA(the world rp I started) where it will be a mix of stories. Many are in the first person. One of the stories is almost complete and will be on RPA shortly. At times I write random short stories. Some I have posted on Iwaku and one I posted on here for the Horror contest.
I honestly enjoy writing in first and second person perspective. I feel I can put more feeling into it rather than having some all knowing 3rd-person narrator explaining everything on a massive scale. Plus I like to write battlefield scenes and so the first two perspectives really help in giving the best experience from a soldier's eyes. Also short stories are a fav of mine as it is short and sweet and when joined together can make a large novel.
Also I can control everything that goes on cause I love control but I also love chaos. >>
WHAT have been some of your fav RPs on this forum and why? =D
02-11-2012, 07:46 AM
Oh gosh, I don't even know where to start, to be honest! SO MANY GOOD ONES!!
Well, I absolutely loved being in Mr. VVvinkartwist's Black. I've never been in an RP that actually FINISHED before, so that was a real treat, not to mention the characters were so wonderful and fun to interact with. There's also Neccy's Athamar, of course, such a bundle of character interaction and creativity, just ARARARAR so much fun! There's until Kingdom Comes, Cold Dreams, Whispers of the Past, Euphoria, Vermillion, Blood Red West, Swanheart Hill, Steam Trains and Bad Days, You're out of line X!!, Blood Red Sunrise, Hunted, A Single Step, 12/20/12, Exodus, OH GOD SO MANY HOW DO I EVEN BEGIN?! But all of them mainly for great justice and plot development XDDDD.
If you could achieve any goal or dream without consequence, what would it be?
Ya know, Alice asked me an epic question much like this one... well... it allowed me to answer with so much potential.
I would honestly do what none have yet to do and rule the world. I know many will look at me oddly for that answer but it is obvious the world doesn't get along well at all. I wish to change that. Since I suffer no consequence, I will spread ideals of equality across the world and ensure peace and better justice than what we are given now. There will be no poor, no suffering in the world. Countries will work together in advancing us more into space than before so we can stop fighting each other and instead fight some aliens! =D OH and the currency system will change too! But they won't be chocolate coins. T_T.
For yooouuu
Is there a famous person you admire? Perhaps a celebrity, leader, or conqueror? OH and before I forget... why? XD
02-11-2012, 08:30 AM
HOW DO I SHOT WEB?!?!?! Dude, I don't even know how to go about this XD. There are a lot of famous people I admire, many of which I'd get laughed at for saying so.
I'm gonna have to go with John Green as one of the more "acceptable" ones though. I won't lie, I am not a fan of his writing, or at least the books of his I've read so far. I'm not a fan of his brother, Hank, either, since I think he's a bit of a self-important jerk, but John Green is a very wonderful man that has some of the most inspiring things to say about life and the writing process. I'm hoping that when I give some of his other newer books a shot, they'll actually be good because I feel so ashamed, being a Nerdfighter and NOT liking them, because they all go, "OH LOOKING FOR ALASKA IS SUCH AN AWESOME BOOK LOL" no no it's not and neither is An Abundance of Katherines. I won't even lie, I couldn't even FINISH that last one.
SO! XD You're a funny guy! Can you tell me a joke that's guaranteed to make me laugh? THE PRESSURE IS ON!!!
Damn you! Now I'm feeling pressured AND I wet myself out of fear of being pressured! XD
lol kidding of course.
here is an apathetic knock knock joke you may have heard.
Knock Knock... -_-
Who's there? -_-
Something unexpected I can assure you. -_-
I tried! XD
So... damnit! I had a question for you but it's gone now.
What member do you dislike on here the most? XD JK don't answer cause I'll get shutdown! lol
ANY ideas for RPs you are thinking of making and presenting to RPA? Or any on the way? ... wanna help me with Euphoria? XD
02-11-2012, 08:47 AM
I've always wanted to make my very own RP, but for the moment I have no time and am completely uninspired as to what would make for an awesome RP T___T. On the other hand, I'd love to give you a hand with Euphoria! XD
Do you have a favorite author? If so, who and why?
I'd say Dan Abnett. Writer of both comics and novels(best known for his Warhammer novels).
After getting into the Warhammer 40k universe, I purchased my first book(I read one before by another author but it was boring) which was by Dan Abnett. After reading two other Warhammer novels by him, I'm in aw of his work because of the epic feeling he gives certain moments. Usually I'm pretty apathetic to stories I read and find some stuff amusing here and there but when I was blown away! Everything the characters did felt real as well and the plot was rich! Uhm... yeah he rocks my socks, prettymuch.
What is one thing you could change about the world if you were able to?
02-11-2012, 09:17 AM
Oh god another tough one x___x. I guess... well... I would really love it if life could be more of an adventure. Don't get me wrong, life is quite the adventure, and there are many ways to be an adventurous person! But sometimes it feels like it's not as welcomed or accepting to be a wanderer. Sometimes I just wish I could stand up and walk and walk and walk until one location leads me to the next, never leaving my friends and family behind, always finding ways to contact them, but never remaining rooted to the spot. I wish this could be so for everyone who's ever wanted to simply walk and never come back, perhaps to find a new life or to be more carefree.
If you could stand on a table and shout anything you wanted at the top of your lungs, what would it be?
OMG! I feel the same way with wanting to wander about! This modern age sucks balls!
I'd shout 'KHAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!' Mainly cause I enjoy Star Treka nd that was pretty funny when Robot Chicken poked at it.
Funniest thing I've ever said? =D I'm tired so yeah I'm shortening these questions by a lot. lol
02-11-2012, 09:36 AM
Funniest thing you've said... how do I even pinpoint? XD Well I think the 'Nam jokes are funny!
LAST QUESTION: Have you ever written poetry?
YES AND IT WAS HORRIBLE! I PROCEEDED TO WIPE MY ASS WITH THE FAIL IT WAS! Ahem Yeah I have written some but don't recall anything of it. lol
WELL that is it for our show tonight... or this morning now.
Thank you so much Wattz!
Next couple of guests coming up will be Alice, Ace(monday), and Kris... on some uncertain days coming soon!
NOW for the mos definite fav rapper of mine and soft-core techno band, Massive Attack feat. Mos Def - I Against I (!!!
Enjoy! oh and remember, leave me feedback via rep/pm/vm if you read the show! I like to know that someone is reading this so I don't lose heart and drop this like a careless mother drops a baby.
I'm sorry, that's horrible! XD
Until next time, Imp out!
WELCOME to a mid-day special of the IMP SHOW!!!!
Today we have Awesome Alice! or just Alice really but she's awesome and created Sparkle!!! I think.. we'll find out.
For today's entertainment we have the
The I'm a Stupid Cat song ( which honestly is hilarious and does speak truth about many cats. XD
There is a series on youtube called How to Annoy People ( which features the the Call of Duty games online with the host being a joker of sorts. Often he tempts other players in following his idea or simply displays inane humor. The end result is the other players get annoyed. ENJOY!
btw music from GWAR later!!!!!!!!
SO let's welcome Alice onto the show! Welcome!
02-12-2012, 09:58 PM
OH MY GOSH THIS IS SO AMAZING *hyperventilating* It's the IMP SHOW!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU. *bows* I'm Alice! And look, I brought my own sparkles!!!!!!
HELLO IMP! :alice:
Those are some awesome sparkles, I'll be honest! XD
Welcome to the Imp Show and it's awesome having you!
Now let's begin with Sparkle Chat on MSN. You are the creator of it, yes? Which btw I find it to be awesome, when I'm on of course. Always fun to chat with other RPA members and more!
But yeah how did you come up with the idea and why?
02-12-2012, 10:15 PM
It's awesome to be here, thanks for having me!
Yes, Sparkle Chat is definitely awesome, since I'm the creator. ;)
I created it as a little corner for me and my online buddies to be able to chat together. I looked at my MSN contacts list and realized that most of them were friends with each other, so... a group chat was the answer! It is in no way affiliated with RPA - it just turns out that most of my online friends are from here! We chat about random stuff and recent events, IRL or on RPA. We share RP ideas, help each other, share advice, whatever! At first it was just me, and like 2 or 3 other people. Then those people added their friends, their friends added their friends, and so on... And now we're a big happy Sparkle family of 22 members. :D
And growing, right? We shall dominate MSN and then RPA! *knocks over mic and resets it*
Now a question I often ask is how did you find RPA? Some of us are remnants from a past RP site where RPA left seeds while others found it on Google.
02-12-2012, 10:28 PM
HELL YEAH, we've already got a social group on here figuring out the domination plan making cookies for all the members. :aweme:
Ah yes, I've heard so much about the old site, but unfortunately, I hadn't found RPA as early as that. :( From what I remember, I was on a website called Roliana or whatever and did my RPing there. Then one day, I get a message from someone telling me to check this site out (RPA). I did and... voila! I found my home. <3
Ooo cookies! =D
I'm glad you are here on RPA!
SO I understand you(like many others here I'm sure including myself) like to read books.
All I know from past chats is you've read Fight Club, Hunger Games, and I'm sure many others!
What has been your most favorite book? Like out of all the ones you've read, which is your fav and of course... why? =D
02-12-2012, 10:53 PM
Aahhhh I hate this question. XD I mean, it's a wonderful question, but it's so difficult to answer.
Since I read so much, I try to keep lists of the books so when a question like THIS comes, I can just whip out the list and answer. XD But it doesn't work out.. I never remember to keep track of all of the titles I finish. From the top of my head, some of my favorites would be.. The Hunger Games OF COURSE by Suzanne Collins, The Roar by Emma Clayton, Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff, Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, etc.
And oh, a different kind of book called All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum.
I love them, because.. they're good. Each new book I read teaches me something new and every time I finish something good, I think about it. I just sit down and ponder. About life, about people, about human nature. If it makes me think, then it was amazing.
Ahh, I feel like I failed at this question. XD
That's awesome! Now it is my mission to write something for you to ponder from. =)
In what ways do the general amount of your characters differ from your real self? For instance, many of my characters share the same appearance with being lanky and blonde(something I need to get away from) but usually their skill set and mentality varies greatly from my own.
02-12-2012, 11:00 PM
Yayyy! I can't wait to check it out. -hurr-
This is actually funny, because YAB described all of my characters in two sentence not too long ago... "Stern, driven, openly hostile. Wants to be loved at the end," and it was just a guess... Then we started to go through all of my characters, trying to find one that DIDN'T fit the description and weren't very successful. XD Ace says that personality matches me sometimes IRL, too. It's not like I have some secret desire to be loved or whatever xD, but I'm really driven and I can be hostile. So that part of me is definitely in most of my characters. As for the appearance, they're always different. But they're all pretty! C: (because I'm pretty HAHAHAHAHA kiddinggggg)
LOL That's awesome! XD Love the last bit.
So how do you feel about vampires? There currently is a thread ( asking about how one would feel knowing vamps existed around them.
02-12-2012, 11:50 PM
I think vampires are the sexiest motherfuckers that ever existed. *stare*
LOL, on a serious note, if they were REAL real... then it would be scary, of course. People would be paranoid, whole new cultures and whatnot would begin, it would affect everything... So I'd rather they didn't exist, just for the sake of not messing things up.
How do I feel about vampires in BOOKS and stuff? I love them. They're so.. sexy and dangerous and what girl doesn't fall for that?
I'd have to ask Angelic and I'm sure she'd agree with you on the first and last part. I'm with you in the middle answer as I chose the option along with Pure to remove them from the world. XD
What is the theme you appreciate most in RPs? Like what genre do you hover over the most? I'm generally a sci-fi guy so in the past, most my RPs and the ones I joined were spacey. =P Oh and why do you like this genre so much?
I feel this question may help members in knowing more of what you like in roleplays. =)
02-13-2012, 12:09 AM
I'm.. not so sure. I get this question a lot, and my answer is different every time. :( Something that's common in all of my RPs is.. interaction and character-building. I'm interpersonal, I have to be around people. I like to expand my character and really find out who they are, and I like RPs which give me space to do that. I like exciting and creative settings with a not-too-strict plot. As in, there IS a plot, but it's not like every character is bound by chains to it.. there is room for creativity and improv. I like modern and futuristic stuff - sci fi. I like kingdoms with dragons and knights - fantasy. I like horror, mystery, everything!
You see, I'm kind of all over the place. RPs are like books... If it catches my interest, then I'm in.
The jack of all trades, eh? Well good! Once Euphoria is done, then I'll ask that you join us!
SO to test RPA members on their 'Badassery' I will ask you a set of small questions...
One prank you've pulled in public?
One prank you've pulled at school?
One prank you've pulled at home?
02-13-2012, 12:42 AM
Euphoriaaaa!!!!! I miss it.
Pranks.. *stare* As I told you, I've only done the cliche stuff... but here goes!
Public: A few friends and I went to the mall once, and this guy named Tyrell had his pants low.. pretending to be gangster and whatnot. And he knows I hate that. So.. I pantsed him. XD If he can show his boxers that much, I'm sure he doesn't mind pulling it down all the way, right? But he did... but it was funny!
School: I steal my friends' stuff a lot. Like, steal in one period, and after they've freaked out and got upset over it, I give it back the next period. C: They freak out so much, but it's funny in the end.
Home: At home, I only remember to prank on April Fools. I'll change the date/time, put some plastic spiders around the house, butter the floor, hide behind doors and scare them once they open the door.. you know, the usual. :) Once I made BOTH my brother and sister cry after the door-hiding trick. It was during the night after a horror movie... :aweme:
Love the last one the best! You made them cry. Points to you on that!
What was it you liked about Euphoria? =D
02-13-2012, 12:53 AM
Hahaha, thank you! I'm really good when it comes to shit like that. I never get startled if someone sneaks up on me (known as a freaking legend for that B) ), but I can sneak up on others and scare the hell out of them. The key is to be gentle..
Everything! I adore Neccy's RPs and the amount of effort she puts into them. Her intro threads are so much fun to read and to look at, and every RP is exciting. She makes it perfect. For Euphoria, I liked the danger factor a lot. Like, it's a fucked up world, you're never safe, bad stuff will happen to you. It gives room for you to think and to figure out who your character is.
Good good! I'll ensure a lot of danger is in there!
SO last question for the night...
Is there anything you did or still are writing? Like a book or novel? SOMETHING EPIC?!!?!?
02-13-2012, 01:14 AM
This was actually something I was working on a loooooong time ago and was planning on turning it into an RP, but never did. :/ This was supposed to be the intro (I had some help from friends):
Chase the Ace
Notorious arsonist and part-time robber Presto has just completed his biggest heist yet. Ella Lakes Casino, off the coast of Lake Ella was the hot-spot for this fire obsessed fiend.
Early yesterday morning, a security officer reports that he was merely “taking a doze” when he caught the scent of burning from the west wing of the casino. Upon further investigation he discovered nearly the whole wing was already consumed. Wasting no time the officer called 9-1-1 and helped evacuate the rest of the building.
Fire officers arrived shortly after, but by that time the fire was too far gone and citizens watched helplessly as their local casino was consumed. Our reporters asked the host why the fire wasn’t noticed earlier, and she claims the west wing was under renovation at the time, and no one should’ve been down there except for a handle of painters. Firemen found no evidence of fire victims, and it seems as if everyone is accounted for. Casino go-ers suffered only mild smoke inhalation and are being treated at the scene.
All that remains in the rubble of Ella Lakes Casino is 3 playing cards, Presto’s usual 2 Jacks, and an Ace of ****. Does the card mean something? Or is it just a lucky card that escaped the inferno? Further story at 10.
Presto, the long-lost villain is back in business, and the world wants him gone. The man’s a legend - he’s been running around on the loose ever since he began his crimes and has never been captured… which is about to change. You, among other 10 citizens, have been selected as a contestant in the competition of the century.
Capture Presto.
Gain a lifetime supply of fortune.
Except… it might be impossible.
Simon Llewellyn - or better known as his alias “Presto” - entered the world of infamy in his early ages. Little crimes such as pick-pocketing and stealing quickly transformed into major, could-get-into-prison-for-life felony. The cause of such actions is unknown to the public, as is most of Presto’s history. Maybe the FBI and CIA-type agencies have more information on the villain than the people, but if they do, why’s he still roaming around?
Llewellyn’s current interests include those of pyromania and other villain-type things. His targets revolve around big-shot cities, companies, airports. etc. The task is generally blowing up the former listed destinations. But, what makes Presto so different and perplexing is his motive. He would be much more manageable if his drive was something as simple as money and riches. Alas, Simon Llewellyn is not a man of simple actions.
The motive for his crimes is nothing.
Of course, that might be stretching it a bit. The motive might otherwise be explained as the pure joy to kill, destruct, blow up, steal, be bad. How the hell do you catch a villain like that? That’s something one of you will soon be finding out.
As I’ve said before, Presto is not a man of simple actions - which will explain the next few lines. He doesn’t just hit&run/let the investigators have an almost zero chance of finding him. He actually plays with them. More so, makes them look like fools.
After every destruction, the villain leaves a pair of poker cards behind, hidden in the midst of all the ash and remains.
All you have to do is capture Presto, really. The goal is that simple.
What matters is the process of achieving the goal.
A strong recommendation - work in pairs. You may, of course, choose to work alone, but that about narrows down your success rate to nearly zero percent. “The more the merrier” is actually very appropriate for the situation at hand. At least you have another brain, another back to support you. I doubt even the smartest of persons will be able to figure all this out alone.
Which, of course, brings me to the consequence - the opportunity cost, of working together.
Only one person can win.
Awesome sauce!
Well thank you for being on the show, Alice! It was fun and I understand next time you come on, you'll interview me! That'll be fun!
02-13-2012, 01:21 AM
Thank youuuuuuuuu for having me! Your questions were super good, and I had a really hard time answering them. XD You're really great at this! I adore the IMP SHOW and can't wait to read more. Thank you for creating it! And I can't wait to come back and interview you! *sparkles fade away*
YAY! That means a lot, honestly! Okay well until next time, be seeing you!
Alright to end our show, here is GWAR with Saddam a Go Go!!! (
I remember seeing this for the first time on Beavis and Butthead. Good times they were...
Coming later tonight is ACE!!!!!!! That's right, I lied to you, the people. Ace will be on tonight along with another set of funny crap and stuffs. Kris will also be coming to an interview near us.
BTW I'm giving rep to all those on the show aaannnd rep to anyone who gives me jokes, good songs, and other junk. Also I'm in need of a theme song. I will try to produce one myself with my oh so sexy voice but you are all welcome to assist, especially the ladies. ;) I may need a chorus. >>
See you all later!
Imp out!
WELCOME! I just did a show an hour ago but HEY! I'm rushing things to get people on here faster!
Tonight we have Mr. Suave or Ace as many come to know him. Some more silly crap I'll post and a fav song of mine from Emilie Autumn.
So some may have heard that a mother in China gave birth to a 15-pound baby. Well Chinese officials say it's so big, it can do the work of two babies. Yeah I took that from Conan O'Brien. XD
Anyone seen Batman: The Dark Knight? I hope so! Well there is a funny series on Youtube called 'How It Should Have Ended'. In this episode, it suggests how the Dark Knight should have ended with Superman included in it! (
Enough is enough soooo let's bring out ACE!!!!!!
Ace of Hearts™
02-13-2012, 02:36 AM
Hey Imp baby, glad to be on the show. How you doin?
Doin' GREAT! I'm honestly doin' okay! Just chillin' out and admiring the snowfall outside.
Glad to have you on the show!
So I'm sure everyone is wondering about that name(especially the ladies, right?) of yours! Can you start us off tonight by explaining why you chose the name?
Ace of Hearts™
02-13-2012, 02:45 AM
Ace of Hearts was honestly quite random. The whole dapper, suave ladies man thing fits, it does, but it formed around the name, the name didn't form around that.
Ohwell, I'm sure the ladies don't mind either way. ;)
So I understand you were given a haircut today! Lookin' cool, man!
How many different hairstyles have you gone through and which has been your fav so far?
I myself don't have much of a style. Either it's short, shaggy looking, or metalhead long.
Ace of Hearts™
02-13-2012, 02:51 AM
Meh, I usually just keep mine long, but I decided it was a change of pass. I usually get it cut every few months.
I'm thinking I should get a trim.. or just go for the cut cause my hair is pretty long...
What has been your favorite RP you've created and why?
I often like to ask these questions just so the masses can familiarize with your tastes and such.
Ace of Hearts™
02-13-2012, 03:05 AM
Ugh. I've created maybe 5 games, but only one picked up. Blood Red West. I'll have to go with that one.
I need to get around to checking that one out! I recall when it came out but was busy then...
The mass of RPA appears to love anime as it's in their sigs, what they draw, parody RPs they make. Are you into anime or anything at all from the Far East?
Ace of Hearts™
02-13-2012, 03:23 AM
Honestly, I have a pretty big disdain for most animes. I only like Detective Conan (Case Closed in English).
Yeah I'm into the DBZ saga and not much else...
Two part question!
What is a weapon you'd love to obtain in real life?
What weapon is your favorite when roleplaying?
Ace of Hearts™
02-13-2012, 03:29 AM
I really have no idea. I could be cliche and be all like "LOLZ MAN I'D GIT LEIK A KATANA BECUZ THOZ CULD LIEK CUT THRU LEIL STEEL."
I really would prolly just want like, a gun. A revolver of some kind.
as for in games?
It depends on the setting. Fantasy and shit would be bows/daggers. anything else?
a revolver of some kind.
I love me a good revolver. Had one when I lived in Florida. A 38 to be exact...
Besides more cowbell, what do you think RPA could use to help the site out a little more?
I remember one site I used to be on, the posts counted as points and so you could purchase little things to add to your profile. Not like Gaia though.
Ace of Hearts™
02-13-2012, 03:41 AM
Again, I could be cliche and be all "LEIK OMG RPA IS LEIK PERFECT THE WAY IT IS" Hm. Honestly, there is stuff that could be added, but I can't think of it. I like that idea of points. I guess we'll see in the new update.
One thing always up for debate are movies based on videogames. Like if they should be made or how terrible the movie was, blah blah blah.
For another multipart question...
What game do you feel deserves a movie?
What has been your fav game-based movie?
AND... worst game-based movie?
If you want, you can explain yourself for the answers. =)
Ace of Hearts™
02-13-2012, 04:16 AM
Hm. I guess for a game to be made into a movie...I'd say...Red Dead Redemption.
For best game-movie, let's say...Postal? I mean, it captured the off color humor and political incorrectness decently?
And worst? All the rest.
Good answers! XD
I gotta play Red Dead Redemption. T_T
For the last question of the night(I have paperwork to do before it's too late and I don't wanna get fined by the gov XD ) will beeeeeee... *drumroll*
What has been the best RP you've joined on this site so far?
So far out of those I've asked, seems Athamar is always brought up...
Ace of Hearts™
02-13-2012, 04:28 AM
I don't really like answering certain "Best X you've ever seen/played/heard" Because I haven't retired from roleplaying, you know? Next week I could join I game that I really like and that'd be the best.
But best game I've been in so far...? Honestly, just because I could play Gambit, POWERS.
Powers was fun and you being Gambit was honestly very enjoyable as he is a fav of mine!
WELL It was fun having the Ace of Hearts on the show! Glad you came, man! Have to get you back on the show again after I get out of Jail! XD
Ace of Hearts™
02-13-2012, 04:36 AM
Eh yo Imp Baby Glad I could be on. I hear next week you have Cloony coming on? See ya brah.
Yes! That's correct! the Cloonster...
Well goodnight, folks! I hear sirens in the distance!
Emilie Autumn's Manic Depression ( is currently my fav song of hers. Rather that, my fav instrumental song of her's! It sounds like a 16 bit Mega Man tune kinda...
Up next sometime this week will be Kris! =D
If you want to be on the show then please drop a message via pm/vm/rep and I'll talk with you further on it!
Till then, g'night!
Imp out!
*comes out with an axe and starts chopping at the side of the stage and then throws it aside* WOOOOO!!!!
Welcome to an early yet also late IMP SHOW! Today we have a member almost on the other side of the planet! and it's KRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
We'll make the intro quick!
As some may know there may just possibly be a Watchmen 2 on the way! The apocalypse is coming and Alan Moore is the four horsemen combined. Enjoy what time you have left, people.
For the Emperor 'Funny' ( is a comical clip I found on youtube where several space marines explain issues of their lazy Emperor and the sort. At the end, the Emperor wants tacos and so the space marines go to town!
Today's music will be... a tune from Sugar Ray!
ALRIGHT! SO let's bring out today's guest.......
Welcome to the show!
(Kris<3V) (Kris<3V) (Kris<3V) (Kris<3V) (Kris<3V)
I'm so glad to be here =D
Thank you for having me on your show =D
I was forced to actually...
lol jk! It is Great to have you on the show!
Let's get started then! Firstly, you live in Israel, it says in your profile. Now I'm assuming it's nice over there much like anywhere in the world. Sadly though with American news, all we US-folk see are the bad and the ugly and hardly the good.
Was is it like living there?
Plus I actually enjoy the Middle East region and would love to visit the place sometime!
Well you should totally come and visit =D
It's a beautiful country that I enjoy living in =D
I don't know how much I could go into details over a short interview answers, but I'll say that we've been doing our best to deal with what's around us and our everyday lives. The sad thing is that I know that some news about our land are not always accurate... But I better stop here and don't go much further into politics, but, yes, it's not always flowers and sunshine.
But truth be told I won't give up living in this country so easily if I was given the choice. =D
Stupid politics... can't even talk about them anymore! XD
Worst thing to bring up at your first date. "So how about them Republicans?"
Like many I've asked before on here... how did you find RPA?
Oh, I was here since the very beginning =D
Me and GZ goes way back =D
We both Started as members over a Fan-Forum for the game "Breath of fire" which is Called "Dragon-Tear.Net".
After some time GZ left and started Iwaku and I followed.
Then GZ started RPA and I followed too XD
Iwaku and the old RPA were not friendly and welcoming as RPA today, and that is why those that came with me from all the way back appreciate the change and how wonderful this place is.
I'm glad things have turned out the way they have and I'm glad I have found this place =D
Wow that's awesome! Luthien and myself are part of the crew as well! One big happy family!
So what kind of RPs do you favor the most and why?
This will help anyone reading, including myself =P, to know a bit more of what you like!
I've mostly been focusing around Fantasy or fantasy themes.
I think only recently I truly started to try new things, like more "real life" world playing experience and participating in games with other themes.
I guess because I always loved stories I was drawn more to the magical side aka the land of dragons and gods.
But truth be told, if the story is good, I'm in.
or if I've been forced I've been asked nicely to join.
Nice! Well Wattz and myself may have something unique you'll enjoy when we finish it!
Now for the harder questions...
Which RPA member do you hate the most?
lol don't answer that. XD
So on the new RPA, were you immediately given the ability to be a mod oooor did you earn it over time? I know Wattz earned hers not tooooo long ago.
I was a mod here before, I think I personally applied to it or asked to be... don't remember much, but I thought I could handle the job since I was a mod around other sites, even over Dragon-Tear.Net forums too and I thought I could handle it. But it turned out that the place was harder to control than I thought... and add to that that my English was still rusty at that time and well... I just didn't find myself back then within the staff.
However, some time later, when the place started to change and pick up I was so happy when Anne suggested to me to try again about some time ago :)
Awwww well that's nice.
One thing I'm sure many of us enjoy are some good pranks. Well! Have you ever pulled any or do you like to stay away from that stuff?
Not my cup of tea XD
I joined some stuff, but I don't realy enjoy it.
Awwww boo. Oh well it is better to stay out of trouble anyways. Don't look to me for that though, I'm a bad boy type of dude. >>
Not really... lol
So for the next RPA awards, don't you agree I should be the narrator of it? Or possibly just do all the voices?
I've been told by the ladies that I have a sexy voice. -guy-
Well not all of them said that but a good portion.... okay more like a small portion. XD
I haven't heard your voice yet.
But I think you should, by all means, GO FOR IT!!! =D
Yeah I'd play a clip for you but I've heard it's NSFW. My voice that is. -guy-
Tell the folks of your hobbies! What is it you like to do at home or out. I noticed you did some sketches for the Doodle thread!
I'll still love to see/hear it =D
And yes, you got me. I love to draw =D
I also like to read, sing and walk... I guess I like doing all the epic things you can do while listening to music XD
If only I could do that much... OH WAIT I can, and more. In my dreams that is. T_T
Next question!
Explain the perfect guy for you. how Roleplaying(in any kind) makes you feel. Does it allow to escape reality? Allows to build on creativity? makes you euphoric? How does it make you feel?
In a sense it's a challenge. Aside of the fact that role-playing is a game, there is the alluring side about it which allows you to not be yourself, or rather yet, be another version of what you think you could be or should be, and that factor alone can pull and draw out your deepest desires, ideas and feeling into it and at the same time challenge your mind to work better under the pressure of time limits and the surroundings limit that your are to face by the orders of the GM.
I think I've mostly been playing because I like stories but I have realized I couldn't always find the stories I felt like reading... So for me it's the option to "create" what I feel I want to read and see at a given time.
Deep, I like that.
Thanks for the wonderful answer!
We'll start closing down shop soon BUT we'll have some interesting questions first. This will be the first set.
Which do you like more and a single word to explain why.. or more if needed.
Superman or Batman?
Fly in the sky or breathe underwater?
Coffee or Tea?
Movies or Books?
Sweet or Spicy?
Dark or Light?
Cats or Dogs?
Calm or Energetic?
Superman or Batman?
1. Batman. I like smart guys. Plus, no matter how powerful superman is, the fact rich smartass human like Lex can bring him down kinda make me take some points off of him.
Fly in the sky or breathe underwater?
2. Tricky one. those two were always part of my dreams. But I'll go with flying.
Coffee or Tea?
3. Coffee
Movies or Books?
4. Books. Brain freedom.
Sweet or Spicy?
5. Again, tricky... But I'll go with spicy.
Dark or Light?
6. ................ Oh god, how do I even start to answer that. I really don't know XD
Cats or Dogs?
7. Dogs. I don't like cats much.
Calm or Energetic?
8. Depends on what is needed from me.
You have completed the first round.
Out of your RP characters do you like...
Guns or Blades?
Heavy armor or Light armor?
Smart or Stupid?
Beautiful or Average?
Extravert or Introvert?
Good or Bad?
Human or Any other race?
Guns or Blades?
1. Blades.
Heavy armor or Light armor?
2. Light armor
Smart or Stupid?
3. Smart
Beautiful or Average?
4. Beautiful.
Extravert or Introvert?
5. Extravert
Good or Bad?
6. I like villains.
Human or Any other race?
7. I like humans or humanoid type of characters.
Villains rock! Ahem.
Well thanks for being on the show and sadly we must depart from one another. =(
It was a grand time... and I told myself I wouldn't cry. T_T
Any last words? =D
It was so much fun =D
Thank you so much for giving me the stage and allowing me to speak up my mind =D
Was a pleasure and I'll be sure to continue and read it like I did until now!
(Kris<3V) (Kris<3V) (Kris<3V) (Kris<3V) (Kris<3V)
Kris has left the building =D
Well that was fun! I very much enjoyed that much like every other interview!
One of my fav music vids and songs... it was also featured on Beavis and Butthead, I give you Mean Machine by Sugar Ray! (
Up later tonight will be BIA!!!!!!!!!
And sometime later this week will be George Clooney! Thank Ace for kidnapping him.
Until next time, this is Imp saying
Good day and Xenu bless us all!
Imp out!
Tonight we have another great mod joining us, Bia! Now if only they were all this great! Ha! I'm just kidding! Hopefully this doesn't get cancelled...
In the meantime before she comes out,
Let's learn about all that Shit Girls Say (, which btw is a hilarious series where the male creator dresses as a female and does his thing. Thank you AngelicAsylum for this!
Ever felt like popping something(like household items or even your kids) into the microwave but not sure how it may react? Well a channel on youtube called Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This? ( may have your answer on that!
At the end, I'll feature a select song from Lonely Island. Thanks to AngelicAsylum for the suggestion!
NOW LET'S BRING OUT THE BIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome Bia to the Imp Show!
Hello Imp I'm so excited to be here!
Welcome aboard! Cool sig and av btw!
SO let's start off with a question I have yet to ask any others on the show before.
Do you have any RL friends that are also here on RPA with you?
I myself have a few...
Haha. I attempted once and she logged on, got frustrated that she couldn't see her own profile (even though I EXPLAINED to her that since I am on staff I could get her bumped to member status within 30 seconds) and never got on again >.> So. yeah no. Although I have met people on RPA that have become my irl friends.
That's always the best; making friends all over.
POWERS was a shock to the forum, you could say, as it brought ina lot of members to join in the battle over the comic-book universe! Did you ever join that?
I thought you did or maybe I'm thinking of another...
BTW there are rumors that another POWERS is in production. Seems mysterious and no one knows anything further of it! Do you plan on joining that too as it may be another great forum RP?
I did join POWERS the first time! I played Death from the DC comics.
There ARE rumors flying but I don't know if I'm going to have the time to rejoin. I'll have to just see when the time comes.
Stupid rumors flying around. So annoying. *swats at one*
Now you are the third mod I've had on the show! Honestly for me I enjoy having everyone, especially the almighty Mods of RPA. *gets down to bow for a little*
So can you tell the members what trials one must go through to become a mod?
Like do we have to drink goat's blood or sacrifice a baby to the great Admins int he sky?
Or do we just apply when we feel confident we can help keep RPA clean of communism? ;)
Well actually there's no application involved. It was a complete surprise for me. I remember it was only like a month after I became Member of the Month...(which btw was amazing) I randomly got a PM from Merry asking if I would like to join staff. I, of course, was ecstatic and said yes. You do have to go through a small "trial period" to make sure you're well suited for the tasks, but other than that, all the staff members vote on who joins. Asking doesn't usually get you anywhere ~rofl~
A vote eh? I bet I'm never ont he poll. "Hmm, seems Imp somehow got on the list... we'll just toss his name to the side... for the 50th time." XD I'm jking of course.
SO, it says in your profile that you live in Tornado Alley! Must be fun times, eh? ;)
Living in Florida, I've had my fare share of terrible winds.
Can you tell us any stories about tornadoes that you've survived or ever encountered?
You never know...but I'm not going to be the one to reveal anything!
Tornado ALLEY. And yes, I live there XD I've never actually been in a tornado (though I would love to see one, from a large large DISTANCE) But I have had some close encounters. Last summer there was a very scary tornado warning in which I was stuck in the pottery room of my schools basement (yes I went to summer school, but not because I failed anything!) for 2 hours. It was very cramped and dull, but it was made better when my friend Nathan accidentally threw his ipod at me and I, being a good friend, refused to give it back to him and played his games the rest of the time.
There was also a HUGE tornado accident in Joplin last year and a youth group of mine went down there to help sort relief stuff like clothes and food. I posted some pictures but it was probably on the old Picture thread so here they are again if anyone's interested: _n.jpg n.jpg _n.jpg _n.jpg _n.jpg
The pictures are pretty bad but take my word for it. It's nothing like seeing it in real life. I can't even describe the impact it has on you. I saw houses torn from their foundation and flung 20 feet away. Toilets on roofs. And there was a even an exposed little girls room where a beaten up leotard was still valiantly clinging to it's hanger in the closet. We even got to hear a first hand account from a lady who was in a building that was completely leveled DURING the actual tornado. It was insane, I was totally crying. Definitely a big and changing experience in
my life.
One reason I'm glad I moved to NY...
To switch things up a little and try something new,
I'm going to give you a Rorschach test! =D
I'll number each and just respond with what you see. =) (oh and something besides "an ink blot...")
1 (
2 (
3 (
4 (
Oh fun! I'll resist the urge to pull a VeggieTales and think everything is a lip (
1. Okay this one is difficult to describe. I see two Dr. Seuss characters on the left and right sides. They're like floating on small hovercraft things. In the middle is a tall african queen/totem pole waving her arms. Around her are two knights from a chess game and in the front those are arrowheads.
2. this is just a huge evergreen tree that grew really awkwardly. Above it is a bat.
3. Well this is obviously two images reflected so I'm just going to tell one side and it will be the same. Pikachu is jumping, sonic is on the side. Then there is a bunch of other pokemon characters I can't name or see a big enough image of them to fully guess. It kind of looks like they're at a rock concert.
4.Okay this one I see also reflected, and the way I see it it's turned vertically when it should be horizontal XD. At the top is Batman and the sloth from Ice Age. The bottom is two penguins taking a running leap and attempting to fly.
I'm going to use that on others... muahaha!
What is something you think RPA could use in addition to what it already has? Like a modification of sorts...
Hmm, well as is known the new updates are coming ASAP and I believe they are going to be crazy awesome! Other than that though I believe the best thing for RPA would be to continue growing and getting active members. Cause really we're nothing without you guys. RPA would be a big pot of boring with only a handful of people.
That said, if anyone thinks they have a good idea that would help RPA, we do have a suggestion box you can post in and any of the staff always has an open ear to hear you out. We love getting feedback.
Anyway Imp, that's all the time I have for tonight. Thanks for the interview and have a lovely Valentine's Day!
Woot! Thanks Bia for taking time in doing the interview! Much appreciated and had fun!
Much like the Mods have a suggestion box, so do I! It is where you just pm/vm/rep me ideas you'd like to see in the show! Perhaps questions or vids. Perhaps your youtube vids or even artwork!
Well here is Like a Boss by Lonely Island! ( Thanks goes to AngelicAsylum for the suggestion.
BTW thanks to Bia for the sticking of this thread!
Goodnight and may Xenu bless us all!
Imp out!
*steps through the rubble that is the RPA AFTERMATH* Everything is a mess! My desk is covered under mounds of rubble thanks random collapsing. Wait! What's this? A HAND UNDER SOME RUBBLE?! Oh god a random member has been killed due to the Aftermath! This is a dark time for us all... oh well.
Welcome everyone to another exciting Imp Show!
So today I am greatly honored to have Alice back on the show FOR HER SECOND TIME! *siren goes off*
That's right! She's back and this time the tables have turned. Yes, she will be interviewing ME on MY thread! Hopefully she doesn't take over the place
Firstly let's lay down some funnies!
An awesome Super Bowl commercial featuring 2 large car collectors, Seinfeld and Jay Leno as they duke it out to add another car to the mix. Seinfeld lays on deal after deal toa guy for the car only to be beaten by Jay Leno in the end. (
A cute M&M commercial presented during the Super Bowl (
Music by Animals as Leaders after.
Welcome back on to the Imp show, Alice! Glad to have you back!
02-15-2012, 08:59 PM
Wooooo! I'm so happy to be back - and for the first time on the NEW RPA!
And ohhh, nono, you don't have to worry about me trying to take over. I'm not interested in that kinda stuff. :) *sends out cute evil bunnies to start evacuating the place to get it ready to be taken over*
So, Imp. We've gone through the much-anticipated update. Have you discovered any cool new tools and tricks? What's your favorite skin so far? How do you feel about the update overall?
Well the skin that I much appreciate and works well with my light-sensitive eyes is Hit the Road. Plus it looks cool with the various icons and of course race related theme.
As for any new tools? Not that I've noticed.
Overall I guess I wasn't really expecting anything too different from the regular format. Seems most everything is the same with the options we are given. Hmm.. perhaps I should look around a bit more. XD
02-15-2012, 09:14 PM
Perhaps you should! xD There's lots of new stuff - my favorite so far is the auto-save feature.
What's your favorite thing about RPA? You can interpret this in any way you want - you can go into RP details like genre, pick out a special section of RPA, talk about some things that happen here, etc.
OH yeah the Auto-save feature is nice. I noticed that earlier while posting in another thread.
Faaaaavorite thing about RPA. Hmmm...
I find the main importance of this site are the members. There are so many and everyone is unique in their own way. To me, that means a good possibility of making easy friends along the way. Already I would say I've made several on this site who are pretty cool and I know cool. ;)
It also means there could be some rather interesting RPs and threads out there. I feel this way cause if you think about it, some others on the site will have similar tastes in genres and the sort.
As for threads, I love Downtown but also General Discussion for the reason I can be inane. I really don't concern myself with politics even though sadly I enough about them and current news SO instead I like to go into the 'srs bsns' threads and try to crack some ridiculous jokes in hopes of getting a rise out of members.
02-15-2012, 09:36 PM
Aha! I'm proud to say I've encountered several of your 'srs bsns' jokes and had a good laugh. XD
Which is the best RP you've ever joined? What was it about? Which is your favorite character out of all of the ones you've created? Why?
Yay! Glad you enjoyed! =)
Good questions.. hmmm...
For best, I'd say there are a few.
Athamar: So far things have been enjoyable. Only issue is it has slowed a lot recently. Also one of my fav chars is in it as well as friends who joined it. Plus in this RP, I've been challenging myself in various ways.
Journey: A silly fantasy-esque rp that Angelic, Luth, Cthulhu, and myself are in. We all get to act in the most obnoxious of ways and also we rotate on picking a theme for the next chapter. I chose a wild west theme for one chapter which included bar fights, gambling natives, Islamic soldiers, and corrupt crusaders.
Euphoria was also another one which Wattz and myself are bringing back. I also miss my old Pirate RPs. XD
Fav character would be an indigenous half-giant named Tal'set. I took the design from a resident Evil 5 sub-boss called Giant Majini. I loved the African native design and so added some of my own preferences to it. The name comes from Native American protagonist in the Turok series. One thing I find unique about my meshed character is that he can hardly speak a word of English and also has some dated weapons. But he makes up for that being a skilled warrior who knows what to do in any battle scenario.
That is the only char I can think of that I really enjoy.
02-15-2012, 10:13 PM
Wonderful answer! =D
If you were given the chance to change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Hmmm... good question. I guess I'd change the ways of man. Enough with war and suffering! I want to see the world just completely change and become unified with everyone accepting one another. To have humanity embrace cooperation and equality and just build a better future for us all together! I'm sure modern war games may drop in sales but then we take out the enemy human faction and place an alien race bent on destroying us like Halo and other games! =D
But honestly, I'd like to see humanity change for the better.
02-15-2012, 10:29 PM
What art piece are you most proud of? If you are able to, can you show us? If not, can you describe it, and why it's your favorite?
Oh, man. A couple art pieces have won me awards. Let me see if I can fetch the images...
This one won me a $1000 scholarship! (
My first 'ultimate' pencil to graphic design piece. I love this one as I felt I stepped into a new world of creativity for myself. (
This one was another of my newer favs as I went for a cleaner look. (
Honestly I'm proud of most my work for the reason that it helped me advance in my skills. =)
02-15-2012, 11:08 PM
HOLY MOLY. Fucking A - I'm BEYOND impressed. Oh my gosh, I knew you were an amazing artist before, but this is just.. woah. You are really, really, really awesome, man. It's an amazing talent.
What are your other hobbies, besides being a kickass artist and roleplayer? Favorite sport?
I despise sports(almost all)... BUT when put into videogame format, they are acceptable. =)
For other hobbies...
Warhammer 40,000 has been one for a while. Sadly now not any places nearby actually still play it so I'm left with painting and selling them. So I guess Miniatures would be a better overall term cause I also like to create little things too.
Reading/researching about whatever is a usual of mine. I generally like to read up on historical topics that mainly pertain to countries/empires/leaders now forgotten and other stuff.
Videogames are a major! Recently I've fallen in love with Battlefield 3 and the ability for me to own the skies with my mobile AA. =)
I also love video-editing and have been working on several projects recently!
02-15-2012, 11:40 PM
Oooohhh! You're gonna have to share those video projects, sometime.
What is YOUR favorite book and why? Favorite band? Favorite comedian? Favorite artist? Favorite actor/actress? Favorite movie? Favorite electronic device? Favorite room in your house? Most favorite place to be in the whole world?
Fav Books, Gaunt's Ghosts, Jurassic Park, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, The Phantom Tollbooth
Fav Bands are Monolith Death Cult, GWAR, Devin Townsend, Cloudkicker, and many more! =D
Fav comedians would be Dave Chappelle, Jim Gaffigan, and the Wayans Bros.
Fav artist is Aiden Hughes... and some others that sadly I forget their names.
Fav actor: Daniel Day-Lewis and Sam Neil. Sadly I don't favor many actors or actresses...
Fav movie? Too many but Sasquatch Gang, Centurion, The Fall, Don't be a Menace to South Central..., Blade Runner, American History X, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, There will be Blood, No Country for Old Men.
Fav electronic device would be my Super Computer! Or as its called the MEANMACHINE
Fav room would be my bedroom where the magic happens!... like art and where my computer is.
Fav place to be in the world? In Angelic's arms in Hawaii! I wanna go back to Hawaii again...
02-16-2012, 03:04 AM
If you just HAD to choose one favorite movie, which movie would it be and why?
The Sasquatch Gang.
Reason is that the characters are all unique and well, let's say the nerd crowd will appreciate the film for what awesomeness it harnesses. What I appreciate about this comedy is that the plot is rich with a variety of humor as well as that the movie is told from various viewpoints and not just one. Also has a decent soundtrack...
02-16-2012, 03:14 AM
If you knew that the world would end in 6 months, what would you be doing for those months?
If I knew the world would end in six months, I'd spend that time with my gf as we travel around the US just having fun and meeting our fav RPA members besides doing other things like robbing banks and such. Oh and I'd attempt to burn down my crappy college. =)
02-16-2012, 03:26 AM
What do you think is the single best decision you've made in your life so far?
Not to kill myself.
I'm jk XD
Uhm honestly, I think it was quitting my recent job. If I hadn't then I honestly think I would have lost it. Now my mind isn't clouded anymore and I'm not as stressed out. I can actually enjoy my days instead of sleeping them away.
02-16-2012, 04:09 AM
Alright, last question for the day!
How do you solve a problem like Maria?
Well after reading the lyrics... I suggest she be drowned. =/
Thanks for being on the show, Alice! I had fun being interviewed! =D
02-16-2012, 04:23 AM
You had wonderful responses - I really enjoyed them. I'm honored to have been able to interview you! Thank you for having me! GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY!
Well that was fun!
Alright as promised, here is CAFO by Animals As Leaders! (
Goodnight and Xenu bless!
Imp out!
Hey losers and welcome! There is a special show I have for everyone tonight! I'd like to thank StormWolf and Wattz as this wouldn't be here without them.
What is it about, you ask? Well as you see before you is a rectangular table with one chair set near the middle and the other two on either side. All of this is being 'borrowed' from other Ask threads.
This assortment of furniture is made to loosely resemble the setup for a debate! A debate between two of POWERS' ( head faction leaders: Adrian Veidt of the Pro Darkness or 'Enlightened Ones' and Frank Castle with the Anti Darkness Alliance. Wattz will be the one asking questions pertaining to the evil Darkness that is slowly consuming the Earth as well as political and other worldly things.
NOTE this is the first interview featuring characters being interviewed!
So to speed things up, here is some awesome shit! Oooohhh I said shit on my show! =D
FIRSTLY a silly game called Robot Dinosaurs! Basically you choose from two different characters and fly about, saving the side-scrolling world with lasers! The ending is the best! ( ml)
Known as the World's Greatest Head Massage, are you ready to take on heavy amounts of cosmic energy and massaging hands?!?!?!? (
To end the fun, I present you with Prodigy's Girls tune. Dig it, ya lot! (
NOW LET US BEGIN!!!!!!!!! starting with Wattz!
02-27-2012, 04:56 AM
Welcome, welcome, to the public debate of the century! And what luck we have today, folks, to have two of the most powerful men in the world here to discuss with us our impending doom! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Frank Castle of the heroic, the brave, Anti-Darkness Alliance and Adrian Veidt of the ever-pompous-- I MEAN-- the ever glorious Enlightened Ones!
*aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh the crowd goes wiiiiilddd*
SO! First questions, to get us started! Mr. Frank, Mr. Veidt, tell us in your own words some of the goals you have for your syndicates. =D
02-27-2012, 05:06 AM
The Anti-Darkness Alliance is not a syndicate, first of all. We are a collection of like minded super heroes who are determined to fight the good fight. We have all seen the news - how the Darkness devoured one of the greatest exemplar heroes of our time, Superman.
The Anti-Darkness Alliance seeks no prophet from this, while each member have their own motives, but we want the Darkness gone. It is an entity that even Dr. Manhattan could not fully comprehend, and something like that should not and cannot be trifled with like a toy. We are children in this instance, and the Darkness is our daddies gun. We need to put it out of reach of the grabbing hands of the greedy and the power-hungry before we blow our own brains out.
I appreciate my, shall I say, counterpart's thoughts on the topic. We are both highly concerned with the coming Darkness that I'm sure every human notices as the days grow darker. It is common knowledge the enlightened Ones plan to also remove the Darkness but in other means. We see that absorbing the matter and researching it will not only help us understand the nature of Darkness but even discover new technologies that can support the world better than what we currently have.
We also aspire to achieve world peace and are currently trying to obtain that goal by 'assimilating' if you will, all past major villains into a collection of order. HYDRA has also used much of the firepower it harnesses to purge all terrorist activities including anarchistic and nihilistic created plans to sabotage the Device that will remove the Darkness once it is ready.
02-27-2012, 05:47 AM
Such noble causes, indeed! Mr. Castle, I applaud your stance on the issue. How are your people coping with the loss of Superman and Dr. Manhattan? Is there any hope of them coming back? Where do you think they could have gone off to? Do you think it gives an advantage to the Enlightened Ones?
And Mr. Veidt, your cause seems noble enough, but isn't there any question of the consequences behind wielding such power? And what is your stance on the disappearance of Superman and Dr. Manhattan?
02-27-2012, 06:04 AM
The loss of Superman and Dr. Manhattan is something the shook the world to its roots, something felt by your average joe down the street to great entities like Thor. It damages morale for all, but like any soldier knows, all of us are one bullet away from death. If our leaders die, we cannot be discouraged, especially with the enemy on our doorstep. Whether Superman and Manhattan were transported to another time and place or if they are indeed lost to us forever.
Whatever the case, as long as I lead the Anti-Darkness Alliance I will instill my vigil in them, the same conviction I have held in the years since thugs like HYDRA, Joker, and Bad Samaritan murdered my wife and two children. I have been called many things in my life, namely "a man with a heart so black he pisses oil", as reported by SHIELD. If you have a man like me defending our shores from the likes of HYDRA, then what can be said of those who are in league with them?
I have thwarted enough thugs, terrorists, and rapists in my days to know how they tick, whether they nest in a meth lab in Queens or an ivory tower in Manhattan. We are all humanoids of some degree on this little blue planet, and if we can bleed, we can be killed.
None, no consequences, I assure you. I have always been a humanitarian and even after my crime-fighting days, I have established Veidt Industries for that purpose. Also the Device reading the Darkness will been under tight security that I'm sure SHIELD will likely support and be able to assist in keeping watch over the project. I will ensure that the world has a hand in the creation of it. This power will only be used for the good of man. Power for all such as the poor and the masses who need it most! Never mind those of the wealthy minority who can afford twelve houses spanning the world while the mid to lower class can hardly take care of one.
Everyone has been a criminal for not fulfilling the utmost good they could when able or even can at this moment in time. I have in the past during my crime-fighting days. I regret I knew there wasn't enough being done and so I turned in my identity to find a larger way to help the many in need. Now look at Veidt Industries and all it has done for the world.
As for Superman and John(who being a close friend of mine), I have come to respect their accomplishments and all they have done. Superman was and still is a beacon of hope who will forever shine on in our hearts and minds. John helped in the operation of the Device and since then I have taken over his shift and continued his work. He will also be greatly missed. However... if the Darkness hasn't killed them, there may be hope in bringing them back to us once the Darkness has been completely eliminated from our solar system. We can only hope the Darkness did not carry them too far away.
02-27-2012, 07:01 AM
So it's clear that you both have very different goals in mind, but you both also seem quite concerned with the well-being of all. As a matter of public interest, we're all dying to know: would you ever let your differences get in the way of public safety? That is, would either of you be willing to put your differences aside if it meant preserving the safety of civilians?
02-27-2012, 07:27 AM
As long as Mr. Vedit employs the use of serial killers, robbers, anarchists, and psychopaths, I refuse to be assimilated by his sphere of influence. I am not saying I will endanger civilian lives for the sake of getting to our friend Mr. Vedit. If I wanted to do that, I would have already. The ranks of the Anti-Darkness Alliance is filled with individuals you call heroes. Look back at what the word hero means, and what the brave men and women working with me have done, not only for the great state of New York, but for the world as a whole.
I will not endanger civilian life and never will, not even the task forces sent to arrest, or even kill me in the past. While our focus at the Anti-Darkness Alliance is to avert any catastrophe or chaos that could be brought by the approaching Darkness, we are still a band of crime fighters, and will not forsake our duty to keep the streets safe from any and all criminals, in costume or otherwise.
I wouldn't mind putting aside any differences for the people we already support on a daily basis. True and obvious, at this current time, Frank and I are at odds over the decision of what to do with the Darkness. The nature of this conflict, however, also includes all of humanity as the world is split as thus, putting aside differences may mean the possible collapse of the world and the victory of Darkness as who knows if eitherside may collapse on itself.
I can honestly say I admire the choice SHIELD made by placing Frank as the head of their faction. I fear those inside may cause conflict with each other if his assertiveness wasn't present. After all, he does what every other vigilante should. Crime will never cease unless it is either turned or destroyed.
I can also admit that I may have doubts about my side being able to stand up for what is right like I or others can. Their nature is of another... rather, indifferent to that of one who seeks justice like Superman. But I have great faith in them that they can and will stand for humanity in the darkest of times.
02-27-2012, 08:17 AM
Mr. Castle, your hostility towards the Enlightened Ones is quite apparent, while Mr. Veidt seems to be quite civil about the matter. In fact, are either of your absolutely certain of the potential of the Darkness, or that it is even real? Who's to be sure it is either dangerous, docile, or powerful? This answer may very well help quell the doubts of our viewers, as many are skeptical or unwilling to trust masked or otherwise unmasked vigilantes and superheros.
02-27-2012, 08:36 AM
I am a shooter, not a scientist. I don't have a PHD or a degree from an university, but I have a closet full of medals from my tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have been trained to trust in my gut and to defer to specialists in their respective fields. Dr. Manhattan, who was arguably the most omnipotent mind on this planet, was disturbed enough by this...thing... this Darkness, that he broke his fabled neutrality and went to face it. Our other great scientific minds like Dr. Banner and Dr. Richards share the same consensus.
Granted, the Darkness holds great potential power, possibly absolute power, but look at what has happened to those who wield such power. Red Skull, Carnage, Victor Von Doom, Abomination and the list goes on... All of these individuals have held great power and look at what it did to them? Red Skull, the founder of HYDRA in World War II would have conquered the world if not for the heroic intervention and sacrifice of my childhood hero and mentor, Captain America. Carnage is one of the worst multiple killers whose kill count is up to par with mine. Victor Von Doom is a foreign dictator who has tried to invade and cripple the United States and her allies on more than one occasion.
This Darkness has been estimated to be more powerful than Galactus by leaps and bounds... there is not one person, living or dead, that I would trust with all of that power.
I understand Frank's concern with the power we would obtain from it and how those in the past with power have been lead away from the ideas of peace and betterment. I can assure all that once it is in the device, it will be taken to a safe zone occupied by a collective of great minds who will then harness what there is from the Darkness. It will be unobtainable by the wicked as they do not or rather should not have the ability to extract it.
Both factions agree on how hostile the Darkness is and can be. It has destroyed all man-made satellites surrounding Earth and as we have all seen on the news that it has taken Superman and John from us. We cannot allow it to get closer just to see what happens. It must be stopped before it touches ground. But recently we have knowledge that it is moving faster...
02-27-2012, 08:58 AM
Well this urgency certainly brings up some alarming questions. For instance, how on earth do either of you plan to stop the Darkness from landing, and is there anything we can do to anticipate its arrival should it land?
02-27-2012, 09:18 AM
Our greatest minds are behind the finalizing of the Devise. Benefactors like Anthony Stark, Oliver Queen, and Bruce Wayne are all pouring their funds in to the project. As was earlier stated, the Darkness is not fully understood yet, but that is exactly why the Anti-Darkness Alliance wants to stop the Darkness from touching the Earth all together. If the Darkness does, God forbid, shroud the world, we will fight to save as many as we can, to the last man, the last bullet, and the last breath. When our world is under attack, there is no option for retreat or negotiation, not against something that so far has proven to have a mindless appetite for destruction.
The Anti-Darkness Alliance will be at the helm of it all, most of us without pay or any want of anything past a world devoid of suffering. It is a fight I have lived and breathed and bled for the past several years. It is all I know, now. I, Frank Castle, died in Central Park with my family that day. From the ashes rose the Punisher, and whether the evil stems from an alcoholic wife-beater, a super-powered maniac, or a being from another world or dimension, if it commits and act of evil I will kill it. It is what I do, and what I will always do until the day I die.
My counterpart expressed enough of how I also feel. All I can add on my part is we hope the Device will fully work and also absorb the Darkness if not remove it from the atmosphere. If there could be other means in defeating the Darkness, then we would have taken that up earlier but sadly, we must rely upon the Device for our savior and those at the controls. That is all I really have to add.
02-27-2012, 09:27 AM
I thank you both for your time. Hopefully something will arrive to quell the fear of the masses, and hopefully you both will find a way to mend this questionable situation.
That's all the time we have for now, but perhaps our guests will come back another time to keep us all updated. This is Wattz, signing off!
Alrighty! Well that was exciting since this has been the first time I've done an interview in character!
I'd like to thank both Stormwolf and Wattz for helping me in this project. It was truly a joy!
Well everyone this is Imp saying... tacos rule.
Xenu bless and goodnight!
03-04-2012, 03:30 AM
Is it OK to use the AM radio after noon?
well look who has already decided to show! It's our very own Merry Gentry who in fact I will be interviewing tonight on the...
So yes. Another admin on the show. Why? Cause they PAY ME in cat food cause I'm there slave so there!
ALSO I am currently working on a cool intro vid for the Imp show BUT may also need a cool artistic looking 'Imp Show' image so I can post it here and on the vid! So get to making thema nd pm me the finished product! If I don't like it, then I'll f***in' kill you! >_<
Some may know that Egoraptor created his own version of the PSP Squirrels ( BUT for those who haven't then WATCH IT! Most hilarious thing ever... next to many other things.
BUY ME A PUG!!!! (
ALRIGHT, welcome the awesome Gentry! *plays Applause sound effect*
03-28-2012, 12:50 AM
*sits down on the recliner, laying back*
Wow.. nice place! Nice of you to have me!
What would you like to know? But please... call me Merry! *grins*
Alright Merry... IF THAT IS YOUR REAL NAME! *points finger*
Heh eh nevermind that. =)
SO the famed question I usually start out with is HOW did you discover RPlameA? =D
03-28-2012, 12:58 AM
Well, my amazing friend Ladie Luck dragged me to this place, kicking and screaming.... made me make an account, made me make an intro and then told me I would love it. I quickly forgot all about RPA. Till one day I got this message, from ? someone, asking me to join, something... :lalala: I remember this place, checked it out, started hanging out downtown, finally joined an RP, and have never looked back! I fell in love with the members, the staff, the site, all of it! I was so resistant to "Role-playing" but once I figured things out? I'm so glad I did! So Ladie Luck, the patron saint of Mobsters and lost dogs is completely to blame or congratulate for my being here!
That's awesome! XD Glad you're here!
Next question. I understand you work! I used to work once.. when I was alive. They don't let dead people work anymore. T_T SO tell us what you do!?
03-28-2012, 01:13 AM
Well, besides my amazing duties here, in my RL I'm a Business Analyst for my electric company. I help people save money on their electric bill. I help companies, large and small utilize the money the state sets aside for energy conservation programs. I help them with their energy saving projects, paperwork and rebates. I also do alot of reporting of numbers and data for the State, and sometimes work during storms in the damage assessment teams. Especially during a big event, like a hurricane or floods, I would be out in the field making sure people are safe around downed electric wires. In other words I am a complete and total Geek :) I tend to live in MS Excel.... and I wouldn't have it any other way! My job is sometimes stressful, but I know it's a good thing I do, helping people save money, and be safe! :hugg:
My hat's off to you for ensuring the safety of people AND helping them save money! Looks like I'll be needing you for when I take over the world. I'm more of a tactician in the military command sense so I'll need an electrician of sorts. =)
So what is it you like to do in your off time? I know looking at images of me is one thing but what else? Any hobbies? =D
03-28-2012, 01:26 AM
I do stalk you >.> sorry to say, but then who doesn't right? (sorry angelic -luv- )
In my spare time *laughs hysterically* when I do have some, I love to read! I'm a horror, fantasy, magic fan, and tend to read in bunches. So I'll crank through about 3 or 4 books in a stint. I also love to garden, when the weather permits. I live in the cold of the East Coast of the USA, so our garden time is limited to only a few months at a time. So I do what I can. Needless to say, I've got plants in every room of my house, and have been told that I have green thumbs. Weird saying I know, cause they look pretty normal colored to me ;) I'm an avid beach bum as well, and spend every second, regardless of the weather at the beach when I can. Warm or cold.. sand in my toes makes me happy! I've been to the beach during every season, even in a parka with gloves, it can make me smile =)
I used to go outside a LOT when I was young. Sadly I live up north now and well... I live out in the middle of nowhere. XD OH and Angelic was going to join us but sadly she is busy with a midterm. T_T
SO you are into magic, fantasy, and horror, eh? Do you also like those in RP form? =D
Tell us what kind of role-plays do you favor!
03-28-2012, 01:42 AM
Good Luck Angelic! I know you'll do great! :hugz:
I'm a sucker for Pirate RP's... love to say "arrrgggg" also anything involving Vampires. Long as they do not Sparkle. *stare* Yeah.. I read the sparkly ones, and have watched the movies... but... not my favorite. Give me Bram Stoker's Dracula, or Salem's Lot any day! (bite) I'm a freak for vamp's, what can I say?
I also love good who-dun-it mysteries, and horror rp's! I'm in a great Horror one now called
Midnight at Mirnon Manor ( right now. Along with a Demon RP, The Demon's Vows ( - both awesome fun, and complete fantasy/horror!
PIRATE RP!?!?!?!??!?!?!? I LURV THOSE 222222222222222!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanna make another but fear I don't have the time nor any good ideas. T_T
So have you ever hung out with any RPA members IRL? =O
03-28-2012, 01:58 AM
Yes I have. Ladie Luck is still my bestie and I see her often, and the infamous Gabriel Zero got a real life hug from yours truly, and was hugged back in return *dancer* quite awesome! There was also another member, that's not here any more, sadly. Ruby Red I think her name was... she's a RL friend too :)
Always neat to be face to face with online friends!
Alright so let us introduce something a little different! I will setup a list of questions requiring short answers! =D
WHICH IS FUNNIER?!?! (some may be a bit harsh or rather tasteless in humor)
Cat chasing a dog OR a dog chasing his tail?
A firetruck on fire OR a cement truck stuck in cement?
A loafer getting run over by a lawnmower just as a person asks for it OR a rock getting caught in it and flying into someone's window?
Someone jumping into an empty pool OR having the diving board break on them?
Homer Simpson OR Peter Griffon?
Slapstick comedy OR clever jokes?
A Bird managing to let loose his backload onto a bald man's head OR letting it loose on the front windshield right in front of the person driving the car?
03-28-2012, 02:38 AM
Cat chasing a dog OR a dog chasing his tail?
Cat chasing a dog! Or better yet Anne chasing Naz with a bat
A firetruck on fire OR a cement truck stuck in cement?
Cement Truck! Or Stealing the fire truck and soaking people randomly in the street with the hoses!
A loafer getting run over by a lawnmower just as a person asks for it OR a rock getting caught in it and flying into someone's window?
Rock in the window! Or cement mixer shooting hundreds of rocks out of the cylinder, like rapid fire, breaking LOTS of windows!
Someone jumping into an empty pool OR having the diving board break on them?
break that board or filling the pool with Green Jello and seeing if anyone notices when the board breaker jumps in
Homer Simpson OR Peter Griffon?
Peter! Stewie saying "mom, mom, mom, mummy, mummy, mum, mum... is my text ring tone
Slapstick comedy OR clever jokes?
Clever please - I love good knock knock jokes, don't get many of those though...
A Bird managing to let loose his backload onto a bald man's head OR letting it loose on the front windshield right in front of the person driving the car?
cover that bald head up! And does Anne know you're playing with one of her birds? what'd you feed him to get him to do THAT?
Haven't heard a knock knock joke in a while eh?
Well here is an nihilistic/apathetic knock knock joke
Knock knock.
Who's there.
Something unexpected, I can assure you. where I got it from. XD
WELL for the last question....
Relate an animal to each Admin.
I'm already assuming Anne gets the bird. XD
03-28-2012, 02:49 AM
The admins as Animals... hhmm...
Anne is a lovely Peacock, bright and colorful and proud
Mysteria is a Panda Bear, soft and cuddly and happy
Gabe is a Kangaroo, full of surprises, and bouncy with fun
Nazgul is a Blood Hound, warm and fuzzy and loyal
And now, I must be off. It's been a pleasure being part of your show!
*waves to the audience, blowing kisses*
I hope you don't mind, but I have presents for all the guests in your audience.
They all will receive a new car, just for being here today!
*looks around at all the empty seats*
Um... Imp... where'd they all go?
Now what am I going to do with 175 pink Lamborghini's?
*heads for the door*
Later dude... I've got stuff to return!
NO WAIT! Aww... there she goes. I would love to obtain atleast one vehicle. T_T
Ohwell! Thanks for being on the show!
Alright for anyone reading this, remember that I loooove ideas for funny videos to post and songs for the end of the show.
ALSO I NEED SOMEONE TO MAKE A NEAT GIF OF THE IMP SHOW BANNER... well. It isn't a banner but rather just golden text with an underline. SO SEND ME SOMETHING COOL!!!!!
Next time I plan to grab Cerulean Sin!!!!!!
One of my fav songs from the past that I always fall for. I give you OUR LADY PEACE with ONE MAN ARMY (
G'night, suckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH and remember! No posting here unless you are going to be in up and comming interview with me. =)
Tonight I had an interview with the Deviant Duo or uh Setsa and Edynol as you know them.
It was a blast and the first group conversation taken place on an IM. This was done on YIM btw.
This IMP SHOW has been brought to you by
Need I say more?
Setsa's Brownies
You'll do anything for them!... seriously O_O
Now for the random junk I add in to slowly kill you all over time with...
NSFW... I guess XD
Currently editing YIM names to RPA usernames
WARNING this contains innuendos and I myself MAY have used some sentence enhancers.
EITHER WAY this conversation is nothing out of the 'norm' that everyone sees on RPA ona daily basis.
OH and I posted this quickly so you'll just have to deal with reading it in this form BUT I promise you will enjoy it!
Imp: I'll write a worthy intro later
ladyreyana: Looking forward to it then, bring on the questions!
Imp: first question! always an obvious first is HOW did you discover RPA?
acbw123: Well I was surfing po....Umm...I'll say Google.
ladyreyana: Before my life changing RPA discovery I roleplayed here in yahoo chat and the inner pokes to expand and find something worth my skills got the better of me.
Imp: yeah I was actually going to make a joke about the same subject matter leading me to RPA as well lol
well excellent then! Onward
I'm sure everyone wonders...
ladyreyana: Google is the almighty internet guide...that loves to lead us where it chooses to
Imp: what is the deal with you two?
you seem to be all over each other
any love interest going on?
acbw123: We continually surprise each other, for one.
ladyreyana: And we have both dealt with the United States Military in our own ways...that always in the end messes people up to a certain degree...results may vary
acbw123: And Setsa is one of the best roleplay partners I';ve ever had. The best, actually.
Imp: ha! I hear ya, Setsa. We've all had our fair share with dealing with the brass -_- *thinks back to Vietnam*
acbw123: We both like the a lot of the same genres and love to plot in our RPs to make things exciting for everyone.
Imp: Oh yea, Ed? Hope you don't mind me calling you Ed for short. What is the first RP you two were in together?
ladyreyana: Awwww you are too! I'd honestly say we work together so well it improves both our roleplaying capabilities..Ethanria is the perfect example
acbw123: And Ethanria is the answer.
ladyreyana: Bonus for great minds!
acbw123: Cheers to that, darlin.
Imp: well that's neat to know!
: I'm happy to see the power of RPs in how they bring us together
ladyreyana: Cheers with no drink? I told you it was your turn to provide the liquor!
acbw123: I drank it all. Sorry.
Imp: could you spare some for me too? Nothing at my place, sadly...
: SO next question...
acbw123: Here I got some Jack.
Imp: Jack works!
ladyreyana: And I got coke!
acbw123: Chemistry.
Imp: ahem, uhm.... are you two planning on making any future RPs?
ladyreyana: -pours everyone a drink - Ok now we can answer
Imp: I'll just take the JAck XD
ladyreyana: -answer more question- insert correction
acbw123: Well not at the moment. Speaking for myself. Got my plate full for the time being.
ladyreyana: Same here, Ethanria and Wheel of Time take alot of work and we both are in other roleplays some both of us are in others not
Imp: I hear ya, Ed. Too many art contests I'm working on along with putting together a portfolio worthy for a good college... but enough about me...
cool cool
it is neat to have friends in RPs
makes things flow easier...
acbw123: Indeed it is.
acbw123: *Nods*
ladyreyana: Ofcourse! Without friends even if they do surprise you.. RPA wouldn't be as great as it is
Imp: That reminds me. How did you two survive the Server split? I was being tossed back and forth like a ... er anyway...
acbw123: Well Setsa was stuck on the good one while I was stuck on the bad one with missing posts. But Setsa, bless her heart, worked hard to get everything backed up just in case.
ladyreyana: Oddly enough when I got effected... Edy was on the Crayola server while I was on the April so I got the updates early on from him. Otherwise chatting on messenger with fellow friends from RPA and reading helped
Imp: brutal times for sure
ladyreyana: Something to put in a historical timeline that's for sure!
acbw123: Yeah. I Deem that as the Dark Age of RPA. Quote me on that.
Imp: Poor Kris and I were being randomly tossed around. Still don't understand the deal behind it...
ladyreyana: ditto
Imp: oh I totally will, Ed
Imp: how long was the server split for? It felt like years to me but I'm sure you two have a more accurate answer
ladyreyana: It was a planned test to see who were devoted followers of the RPA Gods and Goddesses....we love Merry...she loves to share with us
acbw123: Yeah unfortunately the whole ordeal has caused our Ethanria RP to slow down, but we're determined not to let it die.
acbw123: Who doesn't love Merry.
Imp: I honestly hate her....
she rocks
acbw123: She's the only one I let Setsa share me with.
Imp: damn!
: lucky bastard >> lol just messin...
ladyreyana: Yep and we have frequent coffee dates just to get some space...sharing takes work with the three of us
acbw123: Power of Spam baby.
Imp: But yeah I'm glad the admins did what they could to save RPA
acbw123: The admins are awesome.
ladyreyana: [merry and I have the coffee breaks]
acbw123: Um..wink.
ladyreyana: Yes they truly are, nothing would be as epic and wonderful with out EVERYONE of the admins
Imp: by 'coffee breaks' you mean something else perhaps?
: Alright before this becomes M rated, next question.
ladyreyana: Nah just wonderful coffee breaks and hugs
acbw123: Though that Ring Wraith in the yellow thong we could stand to see less of.
acbw123: XD
Imp: ha!
nice one...
ladyreyana: agreed....
acbw123: Joking Naz! We love ya buddy!
Imp: Next question is not as frequent as others buuut how did you two come up with your forum names?
ladyreyana: -makes mental note to give more offerings to the Naz statue -
Imp: I know there is a thread for the Behind the Names thing but I'm too lazy to go look
acbw123: I just thought mine up in my head.
acbw123: I like it, I own it.
Imp: nice!
acbw123: People say it sounds like a drug, but hey, am I not intoxicating?
acbw123: Setsa?
ladyreyana: One I don't think I've posted in that thread but I randomly worked with letters till it sounded like me... My avatars however I rotate for special occasion/variety as example the current has a stuffed rabbit for Easter...
Imp: I'm already getting a buzz...
ladyreyana: Again Merry and I share you...enough said
acbw123: You know it!
ladyreyana: darlin knowing you has it's blessings and curses...though I guess I could say the same thing about me
acbw123: I'm the guy you hate to love I guess.
Imp: Setsa, I believe that is Jessica Rabbit in your av yes? Nice find XD
ladyreyana: Bingo
ladyreyana: Yes it is and thanks! Devil in a woman's body
acbw123: The hell happened to Roger?
Imp: Just like me... er uh but I'm a dude >>
acbw123: He was caught playing pattycake with Betty Boop again wasn't he...
Imp: SO uhm. Any other hobbies besides wandering the land of RPA and writing?
ladyreyana: I hade his heart with fava But seriously I love a good slow cooked beef heart...mmmmmm
Imp I gotta try beef heart sometime >>
ladyreyana: -I had- correcting insert please
ladyreyana: What else is ther BUT that Imp? Come on now! and yes you should it takes like a very nice roast beef.
acbw123: I read a lot, I have a nice garden I like to keep up year round, blessing of living in Texas. I hang out with friends at the American Legion near by most weekends.
acbw123: And Spam.
Imp: of course spam!
acbw123: That's right.
Imp: what do you two currently do for work?
ladyreyana: On a serious note... I am very busy with my 3 year old girl and currently am planning a trip to see family in Arkansas in a few weeks. Though I must add I love to rock the baking in my kitchen
ladyreyana: thats a passion, along with working freelance as a massage therapist
ladyreyana: I read your mind and answered it...behold the power!
Imp: I've been honestly thinking about becoming a massage therapist...
: damn Setsa! Get out of my head! >_<
acbw123: I am a disabled veteran.
ladyreyana: You have to know the body inside and out to a "T" but it's very rewarding you just have to remember to take care of yourself first! Currently I only do it for family and friends and those that spread with work of my magical touch lol
ladyreyana: and I'm the wife of a 12 year veteran..there is the military about foreshadowing
Imp: nice!
: always nice to know the occupations of RPA members
acbw123: Or lack there of.
ladyreyana: Yes it is as we all have lives outside of RPA...regretably at times lol
ladyreyana: ...ok most times
acbw123: lol.
acbw123: I have no regrets. I am a very happy person.
ladyreyana: Same here I don't regret the past and look foward to the future Cheers! -drinks and refils glass-
acbw123: Cheers to that darlin.
Imp: yeah some folks just need to get out... I can't though. I'm a vampire. T_T ANYWAY any real-life friends that are on RPA? =D
acbw123: Nope.
ladyreyana: Besides Edy?? Most of my friends on RPA I try to get to know on a real life level but I haven't met anyone as of yet
acbw123: Well I concider a lot of fellow RPAers RL friends.
acbw123: Just none I have met in person.
Imp: I consider them as figments of my imagination T_T.. er uh. Yeah I'd love to see every RPA member in rl
acbw123: Me too.
ladyreyana: definitely!!!
acbw123: Except Kris. Heard she's an evil demon.
Imp: Reason why I'd like to meet her XD
fellow demons and all
acbw123: She's behind the RPA Dark Age ya know.
ladyreyana: Ohhhh I'm staying out of that one...we are all demons of roleplay...
Imp: I'll be honest. I was her minion in the act...
acbw123: I knew it.
ladyreyana: Mine just loves the leather and whip, yes she does on rare occasion appear
Imp nice addition there, Setsa XD
: So I'll try and get away from the boring RPA questions and get into tastes... aside from leather and beef hearts XD
ladyreyana: It's the truth
Imp: Firstly. Musical tastes! What are your fav genres, bands, all that junk?
ladyreyana: Oh if you must
acbw123: I mainly listen to Old Country and Rock and Metal from the 70-90's.
Imp Setsa, I'll have to keep you in mind when I decide to have a group chat for those favoring the 'darker' things lol
acbw123: I am a huge Weird Al fan.
Imp: Weird Al rocks
acbw123: *Shameless pop* Feel free to check out my thread in the Creative Writing section!
ladyreyana: I love rock, metal, country, the occasional hip-hop/R&b or whatever they call it now. I had a blast when I went to a Kid Rock concert in 2010 and Tracy Lawrence in Texas in 2009
acbw123: You'll love my Spam Song.
acbw123: I love Kid Rock.
ladyreyana: that should make me concerned Imp...and yet it doesn't... Edy you're coorupting me again aren't you?
acbw123: Picture with Sheryl Crow is one of my all times faves.
acbw123: Yes I am.
acbw123: See, I am like a drug.
Imp: Oh you two...
ladyreyana: I met Hulk Hogan and Brett Hart the WWE Wrestlers in person with pictures to get their autographs for their current books
Imp: I also gotta have a match game of sorts... You two will be invited as a team
ladyreyana: -current books they were doing a book tour for-
acbw123: I was at Wrestlemania 3.
acbw123: Never met any of them in person except Stone Cold and Mark Halloway(Undertaker) at a USO thing in Corpus.
ladyreyana: .....I...will...Killl...YOU!!! That is one of my lifetime goals to go to a Wrestlemania.... I have been to 2 PPVs so it works for now
ladyreyana: As for your game Imp...bring it
Imp: speaking of Kid Rock. Do you two know of Yelawolf? Kid Rock was featured ina song of his and I'll admit, Kid Rock made the vid excellent. Without him, I fear I would have discarded the song from my life.
acbw123: Back then WM tickets only cost like $85.
acbw123: lol.
acbw123: Have not heard that one yet.
ladyreyana: -cough- Old man darlin -cough...cough-
ladyreyana: Nor have I
Imp: So you two are obviously into the wrestling mix. I myself never was into it but am a fan of the some of wrestlers that have been in films.
Imp: Namely the Rock
ladyreyana: Yes as I have RPA posts that request my attention first
acbw123: Of course the Rock.
ladyreyana: I love what movies Stone Cold has done movie wise...and the Rock too yes
acbw123: I like the Rock, but as a wrestling fan I wish he never left.
Imp: RPA is nihil in comparison to the Imp Show! ... and yet the Imp Show would not exist without RPA so nvm...
ladyreyana: --and I said movie twice... Wow that was a good couple of drinks lol
acbw123: Heheheh.
ladyreyana: I think I may need a ride home....better to be safe than sorry right?
Imp: Alrighty then. Next question! favorite reading material? Are novels a usual choice or comics or what?
nonsense! Drinking and driving is quite entertaining!
ladyreyana: Wheel of Time series!! I am reading the first one and have the 2nd and 3rd on stand by... I will get through all 13 soon 14
Imp: the aftermath often destroys the fun tho so uh... on second thought...
acbw123: I turned her on to that.
acbw123: I'm good at turning her on.
ladyreyana: I do love Brad Meltzer who did that History Channel show thats name slips my mind.... Inner Circle book was really good as well as Book of Fate
ladyreyana: Yea I'll admit to that...but I'm not bowing to you Edy....
acbw123: I also like the Eragon series.
acbw123: And LotR of course.
Imp: This large interest in fantasy urges me to ask the next question... either of you play DnD? Maybe even LARPed?[/B]
ladyreyana: Seen the movies haven't read the books to read list is ever growing
Imp: I liked the LOTR books more than the movies I'll be honest
acbw123: Never Larped, but definitely played D&D,'
ladyreyana: DnD I've been curious about and no to the LARP but I have went to Anime Conventions 3 different times years ago in full costume
Imp: I wanna go toa Con T_T
: mainly a Star Trek one and dress as a Star Wars character...
acbw123: I love Star Trek.
Imp: as do I, my friend
acbw123: Picard is better than Kirk btw.
ladyreyana: so I get half points for that? lol It's alot of fun I'm actually watching Star Trek seasons right now
Imp: Totally agree with ya Ed!
ladyreyana: AGREED! I love Earl Grey tea
ladyreyana: Imp remind me not to meet you at a Star Wars convention..I'm NOT dressing as Princess Leia
ladyreyana: lol
acbw123: And speaking of Patric, I picked him for Professor X years before they even thought about making the X-Men movie.
acbw123: And Kelsey Grammer for Beast as well.
Imp: Patrick Stewart rocks...
ladyreyana: Well played.... Now stop getting into my Earl Grey mind reading, future predicting tea!
acbw123: Grammar? Grmmer? Whatever.
Imp: I think it is 'Gramfagjafsjgamer'
Imp: and Setsa, I'll be dressed as Leia so no worries XD
acbw123: That'll work. Fraiser.
ladyreyana: wow...well ok then Imp
Imp: tbh. I don't know who'd dress as at a Star Wars con...
Imp: and I'm just messin
acbw123: I'd go as myself with the Spam side of the Force and a butter knife.
acbw123: And perhapse a spork.
Imp: I'm certain I wouldn't look good ina dress =P
ladyreyana: Mental note: Don't visit Texas durring convention season
Imp: Next question!!!! ... who would you dress as for a Star Wars con?
: Ed has already put his cards on the bale
: so now onto Setsa lol
acbw123: Umm...*Points up*
Imp: table*
acbw123: lol.
Imp: Cause I'm sure is dying to know who'd she be =P
: mainly Ed
ladyreyana: Good question?? Amedala[insert correct spelling] would be nice...I have the length of hair for it considering it touches my rear.... No it's not hard to brush out
Imp: cheers to long hair!
acbw123: Yep!
ladyreyana: Not one of the very intricate dresses when she was in power mind you....thats alot of sewing..maybe one thats silky and flowing...
Imp: RPA needs to have a competition for which members have the longest, me thinks...
ladyreyana: Well I'm not cutting it so go for it
acbw123: lol.
Imp: yeah I'm not one to spend time on making costumes sooooo I'll just buy me a gray robe -gray jedi fan-
ladyreyana: I dont sew either so yea, and no offense but I don't trust you two picking a costume out for me
Imp: I'd worry about Ed as well lol
: don't worry about me cause I'll leave him to the decision making
ladyreyana: -refills drink glass-
ladyreyana: O.O and just what did I do to YOU to deserve that?!
acbw123: Yeah I put ya both in yellow spandex with orange pokadots with simbrerros on your heads.
ladyreyana: point made
acbw123: Sombrerros*
Imp: I knew he'd make an excellent choice!
ladyreyana: I beg to differ but to each their own...maybe with enough drink it'll look good
acbw123: Setsa would look in anything.
acbw123: Or nothing.
Imp: Next question! We'll finish this up soon... either of you enjoy video gaming?
ladyreyana: I'll drink to that!
Imp: I swear you two are something else lol
ladyreyana: I play Call of Duty M3 ...great stress reliever long as I'm not killed all the time otherwise no
acbw123: I use to play WoW, but not so much anymore.
ladyreyana: Awww you love us Imp! It's ok
Imp: you two are grand XD. Glad I asked you if you wanted someone else to join us!
ladyreyana: -it's ok to admit it-
acbw123: Thanks!
ladyreyana: Hey we're great Rpa stalking, plot building, Gm loving partners in crime1
Imp: I loved Black Ops but when Battlefield 3 arrived, I jumped to that and left the CoD series...
ladyreyana: !
acbw123: It's great to be on your show as well.
Imp: as for WoW. Never tried it. I was into Ragnarok cause it had a Gunslinger and I could make it look like me. =)
ladyreyana: I've had a blast here and would love to do it in a year or on a big "Imp Show" anniversary
ladyreyana: -year or so on- insert
Imp: Alright Ed, you just obtained more favor points! Setsa is now in second place XD
: on second thought, you both are tied...
acbw123: Spam +1?
ladyreyana: Thank you! I was going to say there that's messed up ...
ladyreyana: Leather and chains darlin +2
Imp: XD yeah I was slow to react to your post, Setsa
Imp: Next Question. Seems we have a LOT of anime fans. Either of you enjoy it?
ladyreyana: It's ok I love my friends therefore forgive you of course...but who's driving me home? I can't be drinking and driving..I have a perfect driving record...well except for one speeding ticket on base...MPs don't count
acbw123: The only Anime I ever got into was Avatar the Last Airbender....Oh crud! New series Legend of Korah has Started and I forgot about it!
ladyreyana: Yes I enjoy anime but haven't watched any recently...last season I watched was Avatar:Last Air Bender and Queens Blade
acbw123: Korra*
ladyreyana: HA!! I watched part today's episode!
acbw123: Frick! *Surfs the web*
Imp: I'll let Ed drive you...
: Heard of Avatar. I saw and enjoyed the movie but never got into the show... maybe I'll give it a second try
acbw123: Not Avatar with the blue people.
acbw123: Right?>
Imp: correct.
acbw123: Good.
Imp: I disliked that Avatar
acbw123: Was about to smack ya with a cod.
acbw123: *Smacks Imp woith a cod*
acbw123: That was a great movie!
acbw123: lol.\
Imp: I knew that was coming
acbw123: Heheh.
Imp: btw you will both be receiving rep for being on the show! I'll just uh... go find a random post of yours
acbw123: Awesome.
acbw123: I want more little gold bars on my rep thingy.
Imp: uh oh... Setsa went offline >>
acbw123: Yup.
acbw123: Happenns sometimes.
Imp: too much to drink and mistook the off button for the enter key...
acbw123: Rofl!
acbw123: That's my Setsa.
Imp: I'll give her time to get back on
: btw just gave you both the rep =)
acbw123: YAY!
acbw123: Love that stuff.
acbw123: There she is!
ladyreyana has joined the conference.
Imp: wb!
acbw123: WB!
ladyreyana: sledge hammers and threatening to throw laptop down the stairs always works
ladyreyana: thanks
acbw123: Hahahah.
ladyreyana: you can quote me on that too...remedy for internet crashes
Imp: nice. SO I'm stuck on what the next question will be. Perhaps we'll try a game. I'll give a word and you respond with that comes to mind. =)
Imp: that work?
acbw123: Sounds fun!
Imp: Good! Setsa's word doesn't count now
: lol jk
ladyreyana: yes
acbw123: And you could always ask me about Spam.
Imp: First word.... Spam
ladyreyana: Delicious
acbw123: Bacan spam, Spam and eggs, SpamLT.
ladyreyana: and valuable trading commodity
Imp: grand lol
acbw123: Indeed!
Imp: Second word! ......... Fantasy
acbw123: Ethanria.
acbw123: XD
acbw123: And Wheel of Time.
ladyreyana: Umm first thought is not yea Arch-druids and Immortals of Ethanria sounds good -checks to see if drink was laced-
Imp: nice lol
: Third... Kris
acbw123: \
acbw123: Sexy.
ladyreyana: Love the goddess admin!
Imp: lol i was expecting demon. Uhm... next word. Kittens
ladyreyana: Momo!!
acbw123: Momo!
ladyreyana: -does victory dance-
acbw123: That's my favorite little kitten from a litter my cat had a few weeks ago.
Imp: cute. Next... Brownies
acbw123: And of course I named him aft the flying lemur from Avatar: TLA.
acbw123: Chocolate.
ladyreyana: My home made brownies of bite I and control them! Still working on it before I build my male Harem
Imp: lol well I'll be sure to stay away from your brownies unlike Ed
: next.... SpongeBob
acbw123: She means a one man harem with just me. She'll have her hands full with just that. Pun not intended.
acbw123: Ren and Stimpy rip-off.
ladyreyana: Death to Spongebob
Imp: glad someone else noticed that, Ed
ladyreyana: I choose to pick my battles....
acbw123: Great mminds, us.
acbw123: I choose to pick my nose.
ladyreyana: I keep telling you Merry and I prefer you picking flowers for us!
acbw123: Yes mistress.
Imp: Alright well it is almost time for me to get off and go hunt for blood... but I can wait. ANYWAY We shall change the game into choices. Just simply say which you like out of the two I list. This way we can see what you two may have similar likes in... I feel like I screwed that up somehow. ANYWAY
ladyreyana: -pats head and scratched behind his ear- Good boy
Imp: Firstly, DOG or CAT?
ladyreyana: dog
acbw123: Cat.
Imp: oooooo
: lol just teasin'
acbw123: Cats are quiet.
acbw123: Justice League!
Imp: hells yeah!
ladyreyana: Avengers!!! I already have Premier night tickets!
acbw123: *Thumps Setsa* Bad girl!
Imp: XD
ladyreyana: owww *rubs head* here have a brownie
acbw123: *Noms*
Imp: uh oh
ladyreyana: -grins-
ladyreyana: Go refil my drink
Imp: well there goes Ed...
ladyreyana: Give and take Imp ...give and take
Imp: Lone Wolf or Group
acbw123: *Hands Setsa an empty glass* I refilled it but got thirsty on my way back.
ladyreyana: Group is always more fun
acbw123: Group.
ladyreyana: fair enough
ladyreyana: -goes to refill glass herself-
acbw123: Chocolate!
ladyreyana: .....both?
Imp: both works XD
acbw123: Books.
ladyreyana: oh good I was worried there! -switches to water-
ladyreyana: Books
ladyreyana: lots of books
acbw123: Hunter.
Imp: same
: hunter all the way
ladyreyana: .....vampire hunter to kill all the sparlking ones
acbw123: Hate the sparkly ones...
acbw123: Love the movies, but come one...Sparkles? Really?
Imp: but underneath your cloak, I'll assume that secretly you are a vampiress, Setsa XD
ladyreyana: Hey how do you think I get all my glitter for the Birthday and welcome threads?
ladyreyana: ..really??... What makes you say that?
acbw123: Nice!
Imp: cause the way you wrote how you kill the sparkly ones lol
acbw123: lol.
Imp: I'm sure other vamps hate those
ladyreyana: Nope not a I said those thread posts take alot of glitter
acbw123: ^^
Imp: understood. RPA or REAL LIFE?
ladyreyana: RPA!! RPA!!! RPA!!!
acbw123: Ummm....Both.
ladyreyana: -thinks- Only if its to meet our fellow RPAers in real life
Imp: hmmm.... out of randomness... SETSA or ED
acbw123: Spam!
ladyreyana: Merry!!!
Imp: lol Merry
ladyreyana: Hey we both share her so she needs lovin too
acbw123: Yup!
acbw123: Melee!
ladyreyana: Melee!!
acbw123: Better for the inviroment.
ladyreyana: [ooc- I'm loving this Imp..LMAO non-stop!]]
Imp: ha! nice
and I'm glad Setsa
acbw123: (Me too!)
Imp: I aim to please
acbw123: That's what she said.
acbw123: Zing!
Imp: and unlike you two, no innuendo meant XD
ladyreyana: Too late.. BaZing-A!!
acbw123: Too bad. Already corrupted it.
Imp: I was expecting it anyways lol
Imp: something so simple looking to be corrupted by the likes of you two lol
ladyreyana: Got to love it...never a dull moment
acbw123: Hey you knew what you were getting into before you started this.
Imp: DARK SIDE or LIGHT SIDE or GRAY SIDE of the force?
ladyreyana: ....Light...
acbw123: Like I said earlier, the Spam side.
ladyreyana: ohhhh well said!
Imp: nice choice, Ed
acbw123: Thanks!
acbw123: Burger.
acbw123: Botta love the beef.
acbw123: Gotta*
ladyreyana: ....BRAUTWURST!!! No pun intended
Imp: heh
: hmmm
Imp: let me think..... hmmmmmmOH! PETER GRIFFIN or HOMER SIMPSON
acbw123: Peter!
ladyreyana: .... .... .... Peter if I must?
acbw123: She loves Peter. *Snickers*
acbw123: XD
ladyreyana: yea whts the third option on that one...
acbw123: Quagmire.
acbw123: Giggity.
ladyreyana: Oh I know!!! SPAM!!
acbw123: Win!
Imp: that works!
ladyreyana: Surprised by SPAM!!
acbw123: (Be sure include Spam as tonight's sponser)
ladyreyana: [Oh yes...and the Swords and Border Inn ]
acbw123: XD
acbw123: We should get that place back up.
Imp: and Setsa's brownies, yes?
ladyreyana: Yes we really should...with an Imp Show Friday nights or something what you say Imp?
acbw123: Of course.
ladyreyana: YES!!!
Imp: sounds good to me. ALRIGHT we shall end the show now as it is getting late. =)
acbw123: Well I enjoyed this a lot.
Imp: I'm glad you did!
ladyreyana: yes please....we have to do something like this again it was so much fun!!
Imp: I'm happy you both enjoyed!
acbw123: Thanks for having us!
Imp: You bopth have received rep AND I'll have this posted in the Imp thread in the next half hour
Imp: Thanks for joining in the Imp Show! It was a pleasure!
ladyreyana: Yes thank you so much!! Please send me the Link so I can add it to my siggy to help you out until your next show
acbw123: Pleasure was all Setsa's.
Imp: yeeaaa Ed got to that one quickly lol
ladyreyana: hey you loved the pleasure too
acbw123: You bet.
Imp: Alright you two! Any last words for the folks of RPA?
acbw123: Eat Spam!
ladyreyana: Yes! Wheel of Time and Ethanria needs much more posting love!
Oh!! and thank you Merry for when reads this for handling the both of us all this time
Imp: Sweetacular then! Night everyone!
Well that was fun!
REMEMBER if you want to comment on the show then reply to any of us three via PM or VM or even just rep us and reply that way(you'll have to rep Setsa and Ed on soem random forum post).
IF you wanna be on the show then send me a PM/VM!
Next time I hope to have Cerulean Sin on the show and also Waving... along with others XD
aaaannnddd thirdly
Tonight I interviewed the clever Waving! It was grand and I'm looking forward to another one! XD
Imp: Welcome to the Imp show, firstly! =D
Waving: Woo~
Imp: A typical question but always neat to know... HOW did you discover RPA? Was it by the means of friends? Internet? a sign from God?
Waving: Wellllllll~
Waving: Oh, what a story.
Imp: lol
Waving: On TW, which is a writing site, we did a lot of RPing there. One day, some other people on the site that didn't like it, started complaining. A huge fit happened. So, Leoni and I started looking for a new site to go to, and I literally just typed "Roleplaying Sites" in google and came across the love of my life-- Er. RPA.
Imp: Wow that is rather unique of a story! Nice to see somehting fresh!
Waving: Fresher than Frebreeze? Yeah.
Imp: So next question! I like to advertise RPs on my show. Care to tell of any you are in or ones you yourself have created/creating?
Waving: Weeeeeelllll~
I have the Waving Contracts out, as well as Traxton, but I am thinking of migrating one of my RPs that I created recently, to RPA. It's an Insane Asylum.
But of mine,
Imp: clever title for waving contracts if I may add
Waving: Waving Contracts is about a house of demons that take contracts made from desires, created by humans.
Ou, Thank you.
Imp: mind if I add a link to the RP for others to visit?
well.. for those who even watch this show
Waving: That would be lovely.
Imp: er read*
Waving: I'm pretty sure a lot of people do~
Imp: They better... or else the kitten dies =_=
Waving: ._. No please...
Imp: lol Onward! Next question! What kind of RPs do you prefer?
Waving: I think I could do anything.. I'm trying to think of my prefernces... I'll basically choose any roleplay. I love Fantasy RPs~
Wow, I sound so
Imp: it is all good! Fantasy always brings in the most fans
Waving: It does indeed~
Imp: So I'll try and lead these questions away from RPA. First beginning with... Do you have any RL friends who are on RPA?
Waving: Pft, no.
They have better things to do with their lives.
Or take mirror pictures.
Imp: curse you FB... curse you
Waving: Amen, Imp.
Imp: Next question! Have any hobbies?
Waving: I love photography.
I love my baby Cannon Rebel t3i.
Imp: oooo photography eh? Do you have an art thread I can link? =D
Waving: No.~ I actually don't.
I'll probably make one later, but currently I just take them, and print them.
Imp: cool cool!
Waving: Yessir~
Imp: I tried getting into photography...
Waving: I can guess how that turned out...
I mean, I'm sure you'd be great at it =D
Imp: well I found running into a photo gets you know where but a trip to the hospital...
Waving: Oh, god...
Imp: Still think drugs are cool, kids? Well they are. Er uh NEXT QUESTION
Waving: Support~
Imp: What is a typical day for you?
Waving: Typical Day.
School, Work, RPA, Writing, RPA, Sleep.
Although, I don't 'work' often, so just more RPA =D
Imp: nice! Wish mine was as easy as that. I have to hunt for souls day and night that will allow me to keep my youth AND work... along with RPA and minor sleep -_-
Waving: Oh my.
I can't see the youth part though...
Kidding, kidding.~
Imp: ooooo XD
Imp: Next one! What brought you into the world of writing?
Imp: was it through a drunken father who beat you often and thus having you write letters to the police to help you? or other means?
Imp: wish mine was the latter...
Waving: First grade, damn those teachers. We had to write a book, illistrated and written by us. We wrote stories and poems about holidays, and love for our /gag/ parents.
Imp: eeewwww parents
Imp: I haven't had to deal with them ever since I silenced 'em with my shotty...
Waving: Don't shriek like a little girl.
Oh god.
Imp: that is what I told my dad that night
Imp: XD
Waving: ._. You.
Imp: Alright so now we drift back into the world of RPA! =D Next question. Fav RP character of all time that you have created?
Waving: Does have to be from RPA RPs?
Imp: nope! any site or off
Waving: Sweeettttt~
I have two.
The first one is Spade, from the first time I posted Traxton on TW, I created the male character named Spade. He is a Mage. He was such a smart ass, and very sarcastic. /reminds me of myself~
Then the second I made after Spade left was Eden. He came from Japan and spoke a little English. He was a shape shifter. He was super kind hearted and sooo giving.
I loved those two so much<3~
Imp: nice! Any chance they will join RPA?
Waving: I've actually been thinking about it! The next time I join an RP, I will be using Spade. I know that much.
Imp: coooooool!
Imp: I may have an RP in mind for ya. But I'll inform ya later of it
Waving: Sounds good~
Imp: Sure we're all 'friends' on RPA but who are some of your closest? You spoke of Leoni earlier so I'll assume that is one?[/B]
Waving: Leoni is definitely my one and only closest person I talk to.
Waving: I have a short list of others I enjoy talking so as well.
Imp: Good! I enjoy seeing members so close
Waving: I'm sure you do >.>
Imp: I knew you'd corrupt it XD
Waving: Well,
I guess you know me well enough =D
Imp: but to be honest, I hate entering some forums all by myself. Tough to make friends on some sites, I'll tell ya!
Imp: We'll start to close things down now. Next question... how did you get your name?
Waving: Which? Cry or Waving?
You'll be disappointed for both.
Imp: I choose both
Waving: So, Waving is also my username for TW, and when I was making it, I literally had no idea what my username should be. I had no idea at all. So I have that little Chinese waving cat sitting with me on my desk, so I go for 'Waving_Cat', then, it says I can't do that...
So, I just type Waving, and that just became me.
As for Cry, I got that name from annoy family members that said I cry too much. I just became Cry ever since then.
Fun stories huh =D
Imp: nice XD I would have stabbed them for saying I cry too much >>
Waving: ._.
I'm Cry.
You aren't D:<
Imp: tru T_T
Waving: Heheh~
Imp: next question! what is your favorite place to go to on RPA? I myself dwell downtown like the derailing deviant dirtbag I'm defined as[/B]
Waving: Ohh, I agree with that.
I mean, going downtown.
I love the Forum Games.
Imp: same! very entertaining for when I have better things to do but would rather not... like taking my sister to the hospital when she's sick
Waving: You, my friend, are a great brother.
Good job.
But, I agree. I was doing them this morning. Looooove it~
Imp: Cool! I need to get back to that and spam the place... Next question! Ever wanted to KILL another member?!?!?!? Er don't answer that. What are your musical tastes? =D
Waving: Oh I just want to kill that Imp gu---
I mean
I love anything but country.
Imp: oh good!
Imp: I hate him too >>
Waving: No~
I don't hate him
He's on the people I love list? Yeah, that sounds like a good cover up.
Imp: XD
Waving: =D
Imp: Next question. About the Theme for the Imp Show thread, are there any themes you'd be interested in joining? =)
Waving: I was actually thinking about that!
: I'm gonna have Leoni and I do 'Know it all'.
: Leik, yew kno ett awl~
Imp: COOL! That makes two teams now! Two more teams(or more) and then I'll set a date for that one
Waving: That sounds awesome.
Imp: Now I just need a few more souls >>
Waving: ._. STOP IT YOU CREEP.
You need to get help Imp.
I shall be there, every step of the way.
Imp: XD
Waving: I promise.
Imp: I'll force Kris onto the Know it All show somehow since I can't take her soul
Imp: too late T_T
Waving: It's okay Imp D:
Kris, run!
Imp: lol
Imp: Well I'll give another question and then we'll close this down. Is that cool with you? =)
Waving: Of course!
Imp: HOW..... have you enjoyed being on the Imp Show?
Imp: AND how are you liking RPA?
Waving: I love the Imp Show, I enjoy it a lot. It's something different.
I don't like RPA.
What kind of question is that, Imp?
I love it.
Imp: XD
Waving: I'm slick huh? Oh yeayah.
Imp: yeah I tend to look towards different things and found an interview thread was needed. So one day I just...
Imp: well I can't say but the NEXT day I made the thread
Waving: WOW.
That's great.
Well, it keeps me entertained.
Good job.
Imp: plus I'm tryign to reach out to the 'lesser known' folks you could say and have them on the show.Hoping to Leoni Green on soemtime soon and others!
Imp: XD good!
Waving: So,
Imp: it makes my day to know people read it
Waving: You're saying Leoni is lesser?
: Kidding~
Imp: Actually...
Waving: O:
Imp: maybe I'll have you AND her on next time
Waving: I think that would be quite entertaining...
: We work so well together...
Imp: Good! XD
Waving: Hehe.
Imp: I'll message her about it
Waving: Do etttt~
Imp: cool then. Well that is it then. No more questions. ;_;
Imp: BUT
Imp: anything you'd like to say before we end it?
Waving: Imp, don't bring the water works again...
: No, I think that's all 8D
Imp: btw you will be getting rep for this... ontop of like... several other reps I owe you...
Waving: jesus,
: You're in debt.
Imp: I know. Tis hard being me -_-
Imp: Now let me dry my eyes and say goodnight!
Imp: It was fun!
Waving: /gives tissue.
It was indeed >8D
If you would liek to know more about Waving's RP then here is the link! (
For next time I'm hoping to still nab Cerulean Sin AND also have Leoni Green, Waving, and SpeckieBen altogether! WOOO!!!!
Alright folks. BEFORE I END DIS SHIT, just like to add that I am in need of a banner for the Imp Show. The current one(which is just text) sucks ballz, mkay? SO MAKE ME A NEW ONE! For more info then PM/VM me.
I LOVE feedback but in the form of either rep/VM/or PM. You want me to advertise something on here then let me know! Funny vids or cool songs you want on here then send them to me!
I'd like to give another thanks to Waving for being on the show and I owe you rep! XD
Alright everyone. Keep yours eyes to the skies! Oh and don't respond to this thread unless advised to do so by me.
Welcome to another IMP SHOW!!!
Tonight we had a drinking game going on with special guest Siksta!
Members already in it are KOTI, Setsa, Edynol, and me!!!!
Imp Show Advertisements:
Also RP Interest of the Night we have Affinity Calling (
This clip NSFW and contains some bad language aaannnddd not for the easily offended BUT makes fun of Duck Hunt (
WARNING some foul language... mostly on my part... okay I think all of it was on my part.
Read it if you can! Have fuuuuun!!!
OH and to mods and admins, I will edit out the email for my name unless that's okay >>
I honestly don't use it for anything other than YIM. >>
9:16:28 PM Yay quick intro, hi everyone!
9:16:36 PM
Edynol: Howdy!
9:16:41 PM
KOTI: hello from the crazy town
9:16:55 PM
Edynol: *Bangs head against the wall*
9:17:11 PM I am sadly without anything to drink but next time... next I will =_=
9:17:25 PM
KOTI: oh, we need a drinking song?
9:17:40 PM no but I am actually working on an Imp Show vid XD
9:17:43 PM
Edynol: SPAM! Weird Al.
9:17:45 PM
KOTI: sweet
9:17:55 PM you guys listen to waht you want! XD
9:18:06 PM SO FIRSTLY to break the ice. What is everyone drinking?
Conference Apr 24, 2012 9:24:22 PM
9:18:08 PM
9:18:10 PM
Edynol: Yep!
9:18:11 PM
KOTI: there is a drinking song
9:18:26 PM
KOTI: I take scotch on the rocks. like a sir (lol I wish)
9:18:38 PM
Edynol: JD!
9:18:52 PM I just drink the shit straight lol. Paint thinner doesnt affect me much lol
9:19:11 PM
Edynol: That would explain much, Imp.
9:19:16 PM
Edynol: XD
9:19:19 PM
KOTI: alright, and if I win, yall drink a whiskey dry
9:19:24 PM nice! Maybe I'll buy some vodka this week
9:19:37 PM whiskey dry is fine with me XD
9:19:44 PM
KOTI: wow, not even minutes in, and we should already be drunk
9:20:15 PM
Edynol: <---Already ahead of ya.
9:20:22 PM I don't even have to be drunk to be crazy...
9:20:33 PM
KOTI: mmmmm feet .... Setsa you have weird interests
9:20:59 PM
KOTI: i had a mikes, but seriously, I am already nuts
9:20:59 PM lol should that be the first question?
9:21:09 PM just a mikes?
9:21:18 PM just a single?
9:21:25 PM
KOTI: i am broke, thats all I can afford
9:22:07 PM
Edynol: Let's roll the dice.
9:22:19 PM gottem right here
9:22:27 PM
Edynol: ^ Quote Mat Cauthon - Wheel of Time.
9:22:29 PM oh and I'll just be sniffing paint for the time being
9:22:34 PM
KOTI: oh, if you put voices to this, I want to sound like the illegal son of Shaun Connery and George Clooney
9:22:55 PM being the master tactician that I am, Setsa, correct and already ahead of you
9:23:19 PM
Edynol: You wanna sound like Ben Aflek, Keep?
9:23:39 PM
KOTI: a sexy george clooney and shaun connery
9:23:56 PM
KOTI: i want to sound like morgan freeman
9:24:22 PM OKAY SO THIS IS IT. SETSA is 1, 2. KOTI is 3, 4. and Edy... you know! lol
Conference Apr 24, 2012 9:31:19 PM
9:24:40 PM
Edynol: 6 and 7?
9:24:48 PM I have like a shitload of tiny ass warhammer dice... never used them until now lol
9:24:48 PM
9:25:24 PM WAIT siksta may join
9:25:42 PM er lets continue on
9:26:02 PM damn straight, baby *cool voice*
9:26:10 PM er so okay firstly!
9:26:17 PM
KOTI: *ponders* .. me gusta
9:26:44 PM
KOTI: does it not mean me like?
9:27:15 PM
KOTI: waaay ahead of you, if I could
9:28:04 PM
9:28:11 PM
KOTI: where do you live again?
9:28:27 PM
Edynol: Yeah Alchoholics go to meetings. Setsa's just a drunk.
9:28:29 PM OKAY so firstly we shall do this. I'll roll the dice. YOU ALL GUESS WHO IT WILL BE
9:28:34 PM
Edynol: XD
9:28:51 PM
Edynol: Which is hpow often?
9:28:56 PM
9:28:57 PM If you are wrong, then you drink
9:29:01 PM
KOTI: I'm down for guessing
9:29:26 PM
Edynol: Star trek trivia?
9:29:33 PM if this turns out to be all of your lucky days then I'll make you also guess the number
9:29:43 PM Not yet , Edy XD
9:29:54 PM
Edynol: Darn.
9:30:10 PM SO REMEMBER! Setsa is 1 and 2. KOTI is 3 and 4. EDY is 5 and 6
9:30:26 PM
Edynol: I thought I was 6 and 7?
9:30:37 PM Guess the name that will appear and you dont drink. Guess wrong and slam it back
9:30:43 PM no 7 lol
9:30:52 PM
KOTI: dice of morality roll roll roll, get us drunker than an irish soul
9:31:17 PM OKAY first roll! Everyone guess before I do it
9:31:19 PM
Edynol: Should be opposite for me. ROfl!
Conference Apr 24, 2012 9:36:39 PM
9:31:21 PM
Edynol: XD
9:31:23 PM
KOTI: Setsa
9:31:48 PM i gotta write this down.. hold on
9:32:21 PM Edy who are you going for?
9:32:43 PM
Edynol: Spam!
9:32:46 PM
Edynol: Me?
9:32:52 PM okay himself then lol
9:33:15 PM alright rolling this bitch
9:33:27 PM rolled a koti!
9:33:35 PM
Edynol: Woot!
9:33:39 PM Setsa wins lol
9:33:55 PM
KOTI: dang *takes shot*
9:34:10 PM
KOTI: scotch makes me feel british
9:34:18 PM how about I roll two dice so you have to guess two names and thus two shots? or no?
9:34:19 PM
Edynol: Awwww! *Takes a drink* Do I have...*Takes a drink* to? *Takes another drink*
9:34:30 PM XD
9:34:47 PM dice is plural but you know what i mean
9:34:50 PM
KOTI: I say keep it to one, simply for 3 people, then add more as they go
9:34:56 PM kay keeping it one
9:35:14 PM NEXT ROLL! Guess the name!
9:35:22 PM
KOTI: Mr.Spam
9:35:29 PM
Edynol: Setsa!
9:36:07 PM ooooooo I rolled a Setsa!
9:36:11 PM Edy wins that one!
9:36:18 PM
Edynol: Owned! Hahahah!
9:36:18 PM I'm sure he'll still drink tho
9:36:20 PM
KOTI: cheers my good lady *takes shot*
9:36:21 PM XD
9:36:28 PM
Edynol: ^^'
9:36:39 PM drink up to your mistress XD
Conference Apr 24, 2012 9:41:16 PM
9:37:02 PM ALRIGHT NEXT ONE! Guesssssssssssssssssss
9:37:06 PM
Edynol: Me!
9:37:11 PM
KOTI: seriously, if you look up the meaning of drunk you'll find a pick of spammy
9:37:15 PM
KOTI: and I say Me
9:37:30 PM
Edynol: XD
9:37:49 PM
Edynol: Copy cats.
9:38:02 PM
KOTI: no, I am a copy keeper
9:38:02 PM damn! alright here we go
9:38:11 PM rolled another Koti
9:38:13 PM
Edynol: Hahah!
9:38:18 PM
Edynol: *Drinks*
9:38:20 PM
KOTI: yes, drink to the Innkeep yallz
9:38:46 PM heh
9:39:01 PM NEXT ROLL! Guessaadsjfhjdjasfjjdsfaghhfsag
9:39:08 PM
KOTI: seriously, I can't wait for this to get to vocal, cause it would be hilarious
9:39:11 PM
Edynol: Me again! Gotta land on me sometime.
9:39:17 PM
KOTI: and I bet Setsa
9:39:39 PM it will be one day, my friend.. be vocal that is
9:39:53 PM
KOTI: cmon baby, I need to keep this liver
9:39:54 PM rolled a glorious Setsa
9:39:58 PM
Edynol: Bah.
9:39:59 PM
9:40:04 PM XD
9:40:21 PM Always bet on... Setsa! yeah...
9:40:41 PM Alright my thirsty friends. Guess again now!
9:40:50 PM
KOTI: spammy
9:40:51 PM
Edynol: Me! Darn it!
9:41:07 PM lol rollin down the street wit dis die
9:41:16 PM
KOTI: bite me
Conference Apr 24, 2012 9:45:58 PM
9:41:17 PM rolled an Edy!
9:41:21 PM
Edynol: WOOT!
9:41:35 PM Setsa isa lone in this
9:41:37 PM
KOTI: *insert machine laughter here*
9:42:26 PM okay here we go!
9:42:34 PM
Edynol: Cootie....I mean Koti.
9:42:35 PM Declare the name!
9:42:44 PM
KOTI: mmm. same here. KoTi~
9:42:54 PM damn!
9:42:58 PM alright here we go
9:43:10 PM FUCK YOU ALL! I rolled a koti
9:43:15 PM
Edynol: HAH!
9:43:23 PM
KOTI: no one copy me anymore
9:43:28 PM Okay next one!!!
9:43:33 PM
Edynol: You coppied me!
9:43:35 PM
KOTI: cause Im gonna be the DD of this party
9:43:59 PM
Edynol: Pfft we posted at the same time and I typed more.
9:44:00 PM
Edynol: lol.
9:44:07 PM lol
9:44:17 PM Alright lets see some names for the next roll
9:44:29 PM
KOTI: KoTi~ again
9:44:30 PM
Edynol: Me!
9:44:49 PM k here we go
9:44:52 PM
KOTI: I said no copy me
9:44:58 PM rolled an Edy
9:45:07 PM
Edynol: Whewt!
9:45:15 PM
KOTI: *takes shot* thats three for me. Edy and I are tied
9:45:38 PM
KOTI: yet, the light weights are the one getting drunk
9:45:49 PM lol
9:45:58 PM Lets switch this up
Conference Apr 24, 2012 9:50:24 PM
9:46:03 PM how bout pick the number?
9:46:10 PM
Edynol: I've been drinking for four hours now. Wait...Six.
9:46:17 PM
KOTI: I agree
9:46:25 PM
KOTI: better shot of getting drunk
9:46:30 PM
Edynol: 3
9:46:33 PM
9:46:57 PM k here we go
9:47:06 PM 6!
9:47:14 PM
Edynol: lol.
9:47:19 PM drink up bitches
9:47:30 PM
KOTI: raises glass* to my dwindling health and drowning liver *takes shot*
9:47:33 PM
Edynol: Don't have to tell me once.
9:48:12 PM alrighty
9:48:14 PM guess again
9:48:18 PM
9:48:19 PM
Edynol: 5
9:48:23 PM try your luck to stay alive!
9:48:34 PM 2.....
9:48:38 PM
KOTI: didn't you guess that last time eddy?
9:48:44 PM
Edynol: Setsa finally won one!
9:48:49 PM
KOTI: *takes shot* I'm still alive
9:48:59 PM
Edynol: I guess 3 last time ya ligth weight.
9:49:08 PM
9:49:17 PM
KOTI: I gut the bluud of the irish in meh boyo
9:49:25 PM
Edynol: So do I.
9:49:47 PM
KOTI: do ye got the beerd to prove it ya sober goat
9:49:50 PM I've got the blood of someone on m,y teeth.. er anyway! Guess your number!
9:49:58 PM
9:50:07 PM
Edynol: 4
9:50:24 PM
Edynol: So di I.
Conference Apr 24, 2012 9:55:42 PM
9:50:28 PM
Edynol: Do*
9:50:33 PM OMG!!!! 6!!!!
9:50:40 PM
Edynol: lol.
9:50:46 PM
KOTI: damn *takes shot* 5 i think
9:50:53 PM *throws random object at Setsa* You were supposed to lose! XD
9:50:53 PM
Edynol: Foul! Back to names!
9:51:26 PM if you want back to names then say so. I have Edy's vote lol
9:51:31 PM
KOTI: bah, bring on thee numbers
9:51:31 PM okay
9:51:42 PM
Edynol: Doesn't feel anything
9:51:44 PM next round! Guess up!
9:51:49 PM
9:51:50 PM
Edynol: 6
9:52:15 PM ....
9:52:18 PM 3
9:52:22 PM
Edynol: lol.
9:52:22 PM WTF?!?!?!?
9:52:28 PM I even rerolled it XD
9:52:44 PM
KOTI: *takes shot* 7 *headdesk*
9:52:52 PM
Edynol: lol.
9:53:04 PM well you were ahead so I didnt see it any harm
9:53:11 PM
Edynol: brb. Need tyo refuel.
9:53:13 PM er are
9:53:16 PM k!
9:53:42 PM will do lol
9:54:08 PM
KOTI: always dear
9:54:28 PM
KOTI: yup
9:54:34 PM
KOTI: I'll make you red as a tomato
9:55:15 PM I'll set you on fiya!... so its best to stay away from me
9:55:42 PM
KOTI: mmm, I can definitly turn on the spice, for you setsa... i wish to stake that I am a fire breathig dragon for the record
Conference Apr 24, 2012 10:00:02 PM
9:55:59 PM
Edynol: Back.
9:56:04 PM wb!
9:56:21 PM
Edynol: Thanks!
9:56:24 PM are we ready friends?
9:56:29 PM
KOTI: always
9:56:31 PM
Edynol: Yep!
9:56:37 PM Guess up!
9:56:41 PM
Edynol: 2
9:56:42 PM
9:57:04 PM LOL damn
9:57:09 PM okay here we go
9:57:16 PM ...................
9:57:19 PM
KOTI: -Challenge Accepted_
9:57:20 PM Setsa... leave
9:57:21 PM
Edynol: Keep?
9:57:25 PM XD
9:57:28 PM rolled a 4
9:57:50 PM
KOTI: setsa, stop looking over Imps shoulder *takes shot* 8
9:58:05 PM
KOTI: imp, this is going on RPA, right?
9:58:22 PM that it is my good Koti
9:58:32 PM
KOTI: .... I am somehow okay with this
9:58:40 PM good XD
9:58:54 PM Setsa knows the way of the Imp show
9:59:04 PM Alright shall we try some trivia?
9:59:09 PM
Edynol: Is Koti typing?
9:59:23 PM
Edynol: I can't see him anymore/.
9:59:26 PM
KOTI: sure and .... what have you and setsa been doing behind the sceens?
9:59:43 PM What is somehting we all know of? ... how about LOTR?
9:59:49 PM lord of the rings..
10:00:02 PM
Edynol: Can yall see me typing?
Conference Apr 24, 2012 10:04:05 PM
10:00:14 PM nope
10:00:18 PM
KOTI: pokemons! .....
10:00:25 PM I cant even see my hands after all this paint I've been huffing
10:00:37 PM
KOTI: ah god, I can't even see edy
10:00:41 PM
Edynol: Where did Koti go?
10:00:50 PM hmm... alright this may prove difficult lol
10:01:05 PM how about batman?
10:01:15 PM everyone and anyone a batman fan?
10:01:28 PM OH and lets keep the drinking going too!
10:01:31 PM
KOTI: nananananananananananananananananaaa! BATMAN
10:01:32 PM pick a number!
10:01:40 PM setsa has to start drinking
10:01:41 PM
10:01:55 PM
Edynol: I'm not big on comic books guys.
10:02:14 PM well not the comic but the movies. is that good?
10:02:17 PM
Edynol: I need to relog.
10:02:18 PM
KOTI: and honestly, I can't see what Edy is typing
10:02:28 PM lol okay relog
10:02:41 PM wb?
10:02:53 PM
KOTI: alright
10:03:10 PM GOD DAMHNIT!fndsafdua I rolled a 5
10:03:19 PM this is why we are switching the game! XD
10:03:35 PM
KOTI: *takes drink* I say we save this part, and open up another chat, to refresh it
10:03:51 PM alrighty
10:03:57 PM everyone leave lol
10:04:05 PM
KOTI: otayz
Imp: Setsa with 4
Imp: watch her win again
Setsa: can I get lap dance if I do?
Imp: sure why not?
Imp: ut from who? I'll roll the dice for that one lol
Imp: but*
Edynol: Okay questions.
Setsa: yay!! and ok
KoTi~: 6
KoTi~: Oh did I mention, this place comes with a dice roller?
Imp: firstly we roll and then if setsa wins we roll to see who gives her a lapdance
Imp: niiice
KoTi~: see
KoTi~ rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Setsa: YES!!!!
KoTi~: curse you chtzy
Edynol: How ya do that?
Imp: magic
Imp rolled a die. The die showed: 2
Setsa: roll roll!I guess am out this time
Imp: type / roll die
Edynol rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Imp: but without spaces
Imp: cool
KoTi~: well *takes shot* 9 for me
KoTi~ rolled a die with 9001 sides. The die showed: 5922
Setsa: drink guys and lets roll to see whos the dancer
KoTi~: frak, no luck. I once spent an entire day here rolling that dice to get 9001
Imp: okay so I'll roll the dice then
Imp: Lets start this up! XD
Edynol: Lets mix question up. LOTR, Batman, WWE.
Imp: everyone picka number
Imp: and I'll roll
Setsa: -sits in chair-
Imp: We'll do that too!
KoTi~: 5
Edynol: 3
Setsa: yea edy no skimping out on a lap dance
Setsa: imp you pick number too
Imp: and I'll picka number too i guess...
Imp rolled a die. The die showed: 3
Edynol: YAY!
Imp: t doesnt count
Imp: my bad
Setsa: dam
KoTi~: why not?
Setsa: tease
Edynol: That counts.
Imp: I didnt say the number XD
Setsa: say it then !!
Imp: counts this round lol
Imp: second round!
Imp: 2
Edynol: 5
KoTi~: splitting hairs, I WANNA BECOME STONE DRUNK
Setsa: koti new number!!
KoTi~: 6
Imp rolled a die. The die showed: 1
Imp: I was closest lol
Imp: lets roll again
Imp: keep your numbers
Imp rolled a die. The die showed: 3
Imp rolled a die. The die showed: 3
Setsa: -waiting is the hardest part-
Imp rolled a die. The die showed: 2
Imp: ....
Edynol: Setsa didn't choose a number.
Setsa: Nvm -pats lap-
Setsa: I'm the reciev-e
KoTi~: wait, is this for the lap dance, or the drink?
Imp: lap dance lol
Imp: i know things got mixed up so yeah
Setsa: Immmmmp
Imp: Alright Questions about Dark Knight, WWE, and LOTR
Imp: ... I'll give you the lapdance later
Imp: lol
Imp: not when the guys are around >>
Setsa: I'm holding you too that in my castle
Imp: FIRST QUESTION! Get the shots ready!
Setsa: ok q's
Setsa: i got 6 ready
Imp: This is about Batman Dark Knight
Imp: the one with the new joker =P
Edynol: No clue.
Edynol: *Drinks*
Imp: lol
Setsa: Harvy!!
KoTi~: HArvey dendt
Edynol: I knew that!
Imp: nice nice...
Imp: NOW ONTO WWE and then lotr and backa round again
Setsa: -flexes drinking muscles-
KoTi~: *pulls out scotch bottle*
Imp: IN THE*
Setsa: The Rock!
Edynol: Rock!
KoTi~: rock
Imp: lol koti
Edynol: Pfft.
Imp: OKAY now getting harder
Setsa: is it first correct anser doesnt drink?
Edynol: Nah.
Setsa: ...I cant spell....
Imp: yeah lets do that
Imp: spelling doesnt count
Setsa: YAY!!!
Imp: aslogn as I can comprehend
Setsa: I know tht but sign of my alchohol
Setsa: -giggles-
KoTi~: shaweet
Setsa: sweet for me getting drunk or LOTR question?
Edynol: 9
Setsa: ...5
Edynol: 3
Setsa: no two guessin!
KoTi~: 9
Imp: yeah no two guessin lol
Setsa: wait...was 5 for men?
Imp: but he would have gotten it. it is 3
Edynol: 9 was for mean.
Setsa: -drinks shot 8!!-
KoTi~: *shot 9*
Edynol: Bob?
Setsa: ...... ..... ....crao I cant remember!!!
Imp: first answer wins
Imp: Koti?
Setsa: crap crap crap!
Edynol: No googling!
Setsa: christian bale?
Setsa: no....
KoTi~: *takes shot*
Edynol: lol.
KoTi~: I do not know
Imp: Setsa got it
Setsa: OMFG!!!
Imp: lol
Edynol: She googled! Cheater!
Imp: drink up, men
Setsa: NO I swear on my life I didn't
Imp: first answer either way ;)
Setsa: I dont do that cause I want to drink
Edynol: Pft.
KoTi~: *takes shot*
Setsa: take your shot edy
Edynol: Done took 7
KoTi~: *pulls up bottle*
Edynol: Takewr
Edynol: TAker
Edynol: As in undertaker.
Setsa: undertaker!!
Imp: yep!
Setsa: Nooooo!!
Imp: Edy gets it cause he's so drunk lol
KoTi~: *takes shot*
Setsa: -takes shot 9-
Imp: oh wait he got it all
Edynol: I know him personally so it's cheating sorta.
Setsa: yea i knew what he said
Imp: that cool >>
Setsa: shush or I will cover your mouth
Setsa: you suck
Edynol: Doom!`
Edynol: Mount doom
Setsa: Mount...mount....doom!!
Imp: edy got it!
Edynol: :D
Imp: drink up everyone else ^^
KoTi~: I draweth a blank, good sire
Setsa: crap no way I thought that was wrong...frick!!
KoTi~: *takes shot*
Setsa: -takes shot 10-
KoTi~: I am up to ..12 now?
Edynol: *Tajes shot anyway
Setsa: yes
Edynol: Takes*]
Imp: thats right Setsa. Drink up. *laughs maniacally*
Setsa: I did
Setsa: my lap dancing man :D
Imp: yes yes XD
Edynol: *Surprises Setsa*
Setsa: Whoot!!!
Edynol: *Drinks*
KoTi~: yesh ... spinning room
Edynol: Can we add a 4th catagory?
Imp: yes
Setsa: OK Heath Ledger
Edynol: Jack Nickolson!
KoTi~: *facepalm*
Imp: Setsa wins cause this is abotu Dark Knight
Imp: what 4th do you want?
KoTi~: *drinks* 13
Setsa: muah ha ha!!! Drink drink drink!!1
Edynol: Pffft.
Imp: drink up to your mistress!
Edynol: I already drank cause I knew I'd get it wrong.
Setsa: RPA questions!!
Edynol: Nah.
Setsa: yea about people not about threads
Imp: yeah abotu members only
Edynol: I only know like 10 people.
Imp: threads would be even too much for my tiny brain
Setsa: Who loves surprises...EDY!!
Imp: Well lets try this one out real quick
Edynol: Okay.
Setsa: Merry Gentry!
Setsa: wait...yes??
Setsa: I know I saw her sigg today who is it
Edynol: Gabriel?
Imp: nnnnnnnnope
Imp: KOTI!!!!!
Imp: t in here
KoTi~: I am here
Imp: get*
Imp: which admin has the name of a pirate?
Imp: real pirate that is*
Setsa: .....Anne Bonny?
Imp: Setsa got it
Edynol: Already guessed.
Edynol: lol.
KoTi~: yup, anne is the pirate
Setsa: -laughs- Dont be made at me Merry hun when you read loves you long time!
Setsa: furever and eva!
Edynol: lol.
Setsa: said first right answer...
Imp: ALRIGHT SO uh... WWE question now
KoTi~: that sounds implicit. And I would like to go on the record that I love all members on RPA
Setsa: k
Edynol: I love Spam.
Setsa: I love you you love me on big happy sharing afmily
Setsa: fam..ily
KoTi~: so, you love fake meat and bad internet scams?
Edynol: *Smacks Keeper with a dead whale*
Setsa: ......I am going to be attacked by the Nazi grammar memebers....
KoTi~: where the hell did you get a friggin whale?
Imp: name the winner of the November 20, 2011 WWE champion!
KoTi~: John Cinna
Setsa: O.O....
KoTi~: wait, was that right?
Edynol: Ummm...there were a few.
Setsa: ..Big Show?
Edynol: CM punk.
Setsa: yea which fight
Imp: okay well one has the name similar to a thug
Imp: Drink the sweet nector you two losers!
Edynol: Survivor series.
Setsa: dammit!! -Drinks 11th hot-
Setsa: s..h..o..t!!!
KoTi~: damn, seriously, John Cinna is the only one I know.. other than the rock
KoTi~: *shot* 14
Edynol: lol.
Edynol: What about Stone Cold?
Imp: now h... LOTR question
Imp: stone cold can suck my 9 inch!
Setsa: IMP!!!
Edynol: *Smacks Imp with a decapitated hippo*
Setsa: OH orlando bloom!
KoTi~: Orlando Bloom
Edynol: Gah!
Imp: my 9 inch knife of course
Setsa: -laughs so hard falls on floor-
Edynol: I call fould. Imp Distracted me.
Imp: Setsa got it...
KoTi~: edy are you trying to say something
Imp: with my 9 inch
Setsa: drink it up hunny darlin
KoTi~: *shot*
KoTi~: I am going to wake up yellow as the sun tomorrow
Setsa: what number are you on??? I may be winning wiht less shots
KoTi~: i got 15
Setsa: i have 11...edy?
Edynol: I drink even when I'm right. So who the hell knows?
Imp: Setsa is winning... just forgot by how much
Setsa: YES!!! 5 more questions then bed for me
Imp: the paint fumes are getting to me
Imp: sounds good!
KoTi~: same here
Edynol: Pfft.
Siks joined the chat 32 minutes ago
Edynol: Siks!
Setsa: Siks!!!
Siks: Hey look figured it out
KoTi~: DeadPool!!!
Imp: welcome siks!
Setsa: 5 questions before winner is announced..I shall win!!!
Edynol: I'm like 6 ahead of you.
Siks: Late to the game late o win XD
Setsa: yea but i winnins
KoTi~: im the most drunk O_O
Imp: This RPA question is for whoever! This past member was known as Mosaic but changed his name toa tentacle mouth covered abomination that is sweeping the webs by storm with its weird godly appearance
Siks: Chtulu?
Imp: siks got it
Siks: So I drink?
Imp: nice
KoTi~: damn
Setsa: fricken idea...
Edynol: No.
Imp: Drink up everyone else!
Setsa: -takes 12 shot-
KoTi~: no, everyone else does *shot*
Edynol: *Drinks*
KoTi~: 16
Setsa: I'm having trouble remembering my number or shots-
Edynol: Light weight.
Edynol: lol.
Setsa: shut it or I spank you!!!!
Imp: Next is uh... BATMAN Dark Knight!!!
Setsa: k
Edynol: Go ahead darlin.
Edynol: China.
Setsa: -sits on Siks lap so not spanked by Edy-
Siks: Japan?
Imp: yep!
Setsa: tibet!!
Imp: Edy
Imp: right?
Edynol: YAY!
Imp: wait.. *double checks*
Siks: *hugs a drunk Sets*
Setsa: *hugs back happily*
KoTi~: actually, she is the least drunk
Imp: yep correct enough for me!
Siks: Drunk enough to be called drunk
Setsa: lol I'm plenty drunk with 12 shots and 2 beers down me
Imp: NEXT IS WWE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KoTi~: *double shot* 18
Setsa: -drinks 13th shot-
Siks: So I have to be wrong to drink?
Setsa: mmhmm
Edynol: Yes.
KoTi~: yes
Setsa: I am so going to be teased tomorrow...for this...omg and I want to do this again? -wiggles in Siks lap-
Imp: Relating to uncooked meat, this WWE shows us a bit more that the typical championship.. i think?
Setsa: wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle YEAH!
Siks: Raw?
Setsa: Raw!
Siks: *lets sets wiggle
Edynol: Raw
Imp: siks got it
Setsa: -drinks 14th shot-
KoTi~: *drinks*
Edynol: I didn't understand the question.
KoTi~: 19
Setsa: uncooked meat term for it is raw
Imp: i know, i suck
Imp: but onwards!
Edynol: Yeah but the championship bull threw me off.
Setsa: 3 more qustions!!
Imp: Sauron is shown in his 'human' form how many times in the trilogy?
Setsa: ..-throws speel checkin air- i give up
KoTi~: 3
Setsa: wtf?....4?
Edynol: 2, actually.
Siks: 2?
Imp: nope
Imp: this doesnt include the cut script ideas
Siks: 1?
Imp: siks got it
Setsa: .....5?
KoTi~: 0
Imp: would have been two if Jackson did waht he wanted
Edynol: Oh crap.
KoTi~: damn *shot* 20!
Siks: But ii was wrong once don't i DRINK?
Setsa: -arrgh!!!- takes 15th shot-
Edynol: I missed the question. I was guessing how many question were left.
Setsa: first right answer with these ones
Imp: Nope! First right answer wins =)
Imp: lol sorry edy
Siks: OK looks like I'll be driving tonight
Setsa: that song is stuck in my head....-wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle YEAH!-
Setsa: -hands Siks my keys- please do no way im driving
Edynol: It's 5 wiggles, not 4.
Siks: *hides Set's keys
KoTi~: I'mma just crash on the floor here
Setsa: fine! -wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle - in Siks lap -YEAH!!-
Imp: wait wait.. gotta recheck this. sorry
Siks: *Is squite fine with the wiggles*
Setsa: -laughs- I bet....good luck getting me to walk out of here..i went to refill my drinks i had to wal and...weeeeee
Setsa: walk
Edynol: Setsa's been wiggling in everyone's laps tonight.
KoTi~: WAttz?
Setsa: ... ..... no idea
Imp: dont wiggle in my lap >>
Siks: likewise
Imp: okay a hint
Imp: he plays bagpipes
Edynol: Lost
Imp: the member does
Edynol: Lost Mistress
Setsa: no fricken idea..and I dont think I can walk well so lucky you Imp?
Edynol: Bia?
KoTi~: I swear I know this
Siks: Storm?
Imp: oh you know it Setsa XD
Setsa: no he said he
Edynol: Kris.
Setsa: .....Imposter?
Setsa: Stormwolf?
Setsa: no...
Imp: nope. He is also master of space and time
Setsa: but thats siks in mystics rp!
Edynol: Merry
Setsa: and he deadpool
Imp: okay this instead, he has some angel in his sig and a clown face on his av
Setsa: HE
KoTi~: ClockWork Tower?
Siks: lol just souns not space and time
Setsa: housemaster!!!
Imp: starts with an H
Siks: Hig?
Setsa: space dragon
Imp: tis housemaster!
Siks: Yeah but just because he's from space
Imp: and Koti knew it
Imp: lol
KoTi~: *shot* 21, hey, I reached my age
Siks: *drinks first shot*
Imp: 2 more questions afte this?
KoTi~: i thought it was batman time?
Imp: after*
Setsa: 2 more questions left...i taste victory
Imp: batman after then lol
KoTi~: so WWE and batman ...... So many people are gonna kill me tomorrow
Setsa: weee!!! bouncing in my chair is fun!! -bouncy bouncy boouncy!!! -kisses the siks-
Imp: This cold badass is bald... That is all i got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edynol: Asutin
Siks: Stone Cold Steve Austin
Imp: EDY!!!!
Setsa: stone cold
Imp: aslong as it is comprehensible
Siks: *kisses Set's back*
Imp: so Edy wins
Edynol: *Smacks Koti*
KoTi~: frak *drink* 22
Imp: woah hey now guys XD
Siks: *drinks second shot*
Edynol: lol.
Imp: derobe eachother elsewhere
Setsa: drinks 16- yay a kiss!! I LOVE kisses!!
Setsa: no derobing...jus l lovin the kisses -kisses all on cheek-
KoTi~: *dances*
Siks: Don't worry Imp we know where to go.
Setsa: I am going to hate reading this and all the VMs in the ext few days
Setsa: SIKS!!!
Edynol: Butoler guy
Imp: and not my place!
Setsa: what...what?!
Edynol: Alfred
KoTi~: Batmans head atturney
Imp: i want an exact name
Setsa: chief?
KoTi~: and head of wayne enterprise
Imp: either first or last
Edynol: Pennyworth
Setsa: NO!!! guy with the trial and error of technology in wayne enterprise
Siks: The guy that gave him the weapons
Siks: And the batmobile
Edynol: Bamtan's but;ler is alfred.
Imp: his lastname is that of an animal
Imp: look it up if you want
Setsa: hawk?
Imp: First right answer wins ;)
KoTi~: Freeman?
Edynol: He played alfred pennyworth.
Imp: Nope! Freeman played another guy
KoTi~: *smacks Edynol with dead whale*
Siks: No alred was white in that movie
Imp: Caine played Alfred
Imp: But this foxxy tech smart dude iss...
Setsa: Licius Fox!!
Imp: need a first or last name
Imp: YES
KoTi~: well, he is a fox, but really
Imp: Setsa wins
Imp: One last question
Setsa: drink drink drink drink!!!
KoTi~: *drink* 23 *face door*
Edynol: Bah.
Edynol: He should've been the butler.
Imp: give me a topic
Setsa: i had to look it up- but IMP gave us permission
Edynol: Wheel of Time.
Imp: that i did!
Setsa: hmmmm......hmmmm......avengers?
Imp: i knwo nothing of it... another RPA question it is then lol
Edynol: No more comic bull.
Imp: Avengers would work!!!!
KoTi~: next should be weapons
Imp: No
Setsa: laughs at edy
Edynol: I know nothing of avengers.\
Setsa: okok I'mscrewed then
Setsa: me either i just threw it out
Siks: *keps Sets from falling off lap(
Setsa: -weee thanks!-
Edynol: Bastrd sword.
Setsa: Thor's hamme!!!
KoTi~: The great axe
Siks: Milonir?
Setsa: hammer
Imp: great axe works lol
Imp: Koti wins
KoTi~: yes! drink to da king!
Setsa: whoa....good job....
Imp: bearded axe is also acceptable
Siks: Oh this was real world Vikings?
Imp: yep yep! I'll state that next time
Setsa: -drinsk number 17- I love colors ...colors in sky I love I sam i am
Siks: *drinks*
Edynol: *Always drinking*
KoTi~: green eggs and ham
Edynol: Spam!
Imp: well that was soemhting else! XD
Imp: had fun
Setsa: spam is me for my is sam am!
Imp: even tho i had nothing on my end to drink lol
Edynol: I won right?
Setsa: Who did win???
KoTi~: agreed.... I wonder what this would be like with real drunk people
Setsa: I am glad I am not driving..dont need a setsa funeral
Imp: actually Setsa still won by just a few
Imp: Mainly cause the damn dice roller
Edynol: Nah I answer a lot more.
Setsa: YES!!!-jumps up but falls back in lap- ok..not good idea
Imp: but Edy would have won this I think with Koti behind
Edynol: She was like 5 behind before the dice roll thing.
Edynol: :(
Setsa: dice darlin////the dtuff you were thinking i cheated
Siks: *holds Sets in place* Ok you stay here lass
KoTi~: so I hit da middle?
Imp: yep!
Edynol: lol.
Setsa: Hey I vote we do this again.... no matter who plays and how many or who doesnt this is a reoccuring game
Imp: Next time, I'll list the topics so everyone can research before hand lol
KoTi~: that almost makes sense setsa
Imp: i know right? lol
Edynol: Heheheh.
KoTi~: make sure to save this room then
Edynol: Everyone read wheel of time.
Siks: lol so it's all over?
Edynol: Yeah.
Setsa: shut it I warned you that this will get interesting with me
Edynol: I need to pee. brb.
Setsa: I am edy I am
Imp: i need to pee too but will save this before hand
KoTi~: well, night everyone. I am gonna have to work this off
Setsa: -pours water into a glass-
Imp: Well how about we end this and for anyone who wants any last words then message me them
Imp: how dare you, Setsa
Imp: lol water trick
Siks: I'll have to catch up on the drinking*
Imp: Alright saving this and above. Another else then I'll add in if you want
Setsa: yes and my message: I am sorry for anyone who got offended cause I drunk I sexy and I love it
Setsa: umm...put that in nice sober setsa words first please IMP
Setsa: water..fountain....mmmm
Setsa: dribble driubble dribble
Imp: alright saved and I'm leaving to drain the lizard
Edynol: Back.
Imp: brb
Siks: I'll finish off all the alchohol
Setsa: see you all guys later I had a blast again!! love ya all -goes to siks car and waits as am good drunk and dont drive
Imp: lol nice going Siks
Imp: taken her home
Imp: Alright I'm leaving this. Night guys!
Siks: *akes Sets home
Edynol: Night yall.
WOOOOOWWWWW that was long!
Hope you enjoyed!
G'night yall! OH AND DONT DRIVE AND DRINK... or uh Drink and drive for that matter!
ACTUALLY drive AND drink cause by the time you get home THEN you should be buzzing and all that...
A d-d-d-d-d-double interview!!!!
First interview is with the artistic Nemesis.
The second is with both Waving(Cry) AAANNNDDDD Leoni Green!
"It's right here at the spawn... dawg"
Nemesis: ...
Imp: Welcome aboard, Nemesis!
Nemesis: Artistic? *Smiles* Okay... hello RPA. I almost been around a year. Wait has it been that long?
Imp: Seems so! Crazy how time flies aye?
Nemesis: Yes indeed
Nemesis: Yes indeed
Imp: SO! First question...
Nemesis: *Smiles* Ready.
Nemesis: *Smiles* Ready.
Imp: The display name that online folks choose always has a neat history. Mind telling us how you came up with Nemesis?
Nemesis: LOL... Sure.
Nemesis: It began when I was on ATZ message boards & I was call The Final Survivor there.
Nemesis: Basically, I had friends & a few people who were less than friendly there, so I decided the Greek goddess, or is it Roman?
Imp: Greek =)
Imp: Well, sounds appropriate. I'd do the same! XD
Nemesis: Thank you. Anyways... she would serve as a new moniker for me at this new site. A place where I would spoil my friends with favor, love, & adoration of their hard written works & artistic efforts, as well as admonish my scorn, distaste, & ire towards those who would choose to oppose me as foe.
Imp: You just earned some Impoints for that, my friend!
Imp: NEXT QUESTIOn, unless you still have more
Nemesis: No please... lets continue forward *winks*
Imp: ugh phone.. hold on
Imp: sorry. Mr. Obama... ugh
Imp: needs me to save him later.. ANYWAY
Imp: YOU bring to RPA a sort of unique art style
Nemesis joined the chat 93 minutes ago
Imp: YOU bring to RPA a sort of unique art style...
Imp: tho many are unique in their own way, yours proves to be original ina sense
Nemesis: I do? Hmmm... Thank you for that. I just doodle here & there
Imp: ah, we doodlers need more respect XD
Imp: Mine telling us how long you ahve been drawing for?
Nemesis: LOL... you are no mere doodler LOL
Nemesis: I would say I been at it since about 3 or 4 years old.
Imp: ugh Mind* not mine
Nemesis: I really got into it when Filmation's Masters of the Universe line launched
Imp: oh? I honestly got a feeling from it on soem of your work
Imp: that's funny...
Nemesis: But I did stop my hardcore practice at about 2001 after a class in college. You really see old style He-Man in my works? Cool!
Imp: I do, honestly XD
Imp: and why did you slow down?
Nemesis: It recently that I began again.
Nemesis: My slow down was due to some very bad life choices about addiction, partying, & the company I kept. All of which is totally changed & I am getting my old fires & passions back
Imp: I'm happy to be speaking toa fellow artist here! A first, really.
Imp: oh good!
Imp: glad to hear!
Imp: I've been tryign to keep my fires going. Throwing old art in it as well as hobos... does the job
Imp: Alrighty, Next Question
Nemesis: yeah... but I am so behind the times now LOL. Hobos will keep the fires stoked though LOL
Nemesis: Ready
Imp: SOME artists I know can only really create art at certain times of the day/season. Was just discussing this with an artist friend of mine earlier today.
Imp: Do you have sucha clock of creativity?
Imp: I myself really only create good work in the early hours of 12am to 4am.. primarily 2am is the best
Nemesis: No. I am creatively awake & able to produce at all times & any time. My poor body doesnt want to keep up
Imp: I guess also on rare occasions with some good music, I can create some good work
Imp: What helps to influence your art?
Imp: Music? Atmosphere? Other?
Nemesis: music is also a strong factor in influence. But I absorb influence from atmosphere, cinema, anime, books & writings from literature.
Imp: nice!
Imp: for me, I can look at a weird droplet of paint and grow an idea from it or even certain words just click in my head and then I have some brilliant idea... that I have to write down or I'll forget
Imp: I feel this interview will be more about art than writing sooo just icnase, let us add some literature into the mix.
Imp: ANY favorite novels? Anything that you draw ideas upon?
Nemesis: JRR Tolkien, RA Salvatore, & actually the writing of my peers... like in RPA & ATZ
Imp: ah nice! Any particular RPA members or too many to list?
Imp: that you gather ideas from*
nemesis joined the chat 68 minutes ago
nemesis: I apologize for the crash there.
Imp: no problem!
Imp: To your previous question - Any particular RPA members or too many to list?
Imp: er answer.. not question
nemesis: I get inspiration from quite a few members. But I been following Until Kingdom Comes & I enjoy alot of the talented writers there
Imp: nice! I'm sure they will appreciate that
nemesis: There was also a few RPs that began & seemed promising but fizzled out. Good writers there too.
Imp: Tho an obvious one that comes to all... how did you find RPA?
Imp: probably mine T_T
Imp: XD jk
Imp: kinda
nemesis: LOL, well. RPA found me. As I said. With issues at ATZ & my frustration at an all time high, BlueMoon decided to clue me in on RPA, her other little site of interest!
nemesis: Been having a grand time here since then & I cant say I have had any major issues yet.
Imp: Well glad to hear!
nemesis: By the way... if you all didnt know, BlueMoon is a fantastic writer. I love all her written works, so fans of the Imp Show need to also keep an eye on her. She is a must have on any RP experience!
Imp: Good! I'll be sure to link her name and inform her she is being watched!
nemesis: Yes sir?
Imp: What is your fav thing to draw exactly? Like froma certain genre? maybe character or soemhting else?
nemesis: Well, I love women... always fun to draw. & not just average ladies... but heroic & villainous types that shape, move, or lead a storyline. I think my phases of art leaned towards all different interests in my life. From barbaric, to the knightly fantasy, modern apocalyptic, & science fiction. But all my art almost always leans towards myself being an action junkie! LOL
nemesis: I love action, thrillers, horror, & the macabre. It is just so intense a rush
Imp: agreed
Imp: same here ,actually
Imp: any particular messages you put in some work?
Imp: for example...
Imp: I like to include a good amount of women in my warzone drawings as well as have a variety of races present
Imp: mainly showing equality and the sort
nemesis: I have done romance scenes, & some funny illustrations. Some very sexual scenes, & also about as grim as they come in art. My writing also reflects my same interests & until I joined forum RPs I actually didnt know I could write something worth readiing. The messages I always have a very similar to your own. Equality, a variety of races, & both sexes present... but also I never shy away from the darker tone I also send out... that intense, gritty reality.
nemesis: RPA has very high standards & wont allow all my writing to be published & I wouldnt want to push that limit either
Imp: oh same! I have an abundance of drak art stashed away some where
Imp: yeah same...
Imp: would be nice tho to have the option of presenting it =)
nemesis: But I deal with the hardcore realities of life also in my RPs across table tops & creative writings that are just brutal. But there is always hope, somewhere
nemesis: it would be wouldnt it?
nemesis: it would be wouldnt it?
Imp: totally! And agreed. There is hope somewhere
Imp: NEXT QUESTION. Are there any visual artists that you are inspired by?
nemesis: But then RPA would have issues as I read already before. & A ban hammer across my melon is not on my agendas of accomplishments for RPA. Unless we get a trophy for it LOL
nemesis: yes there are.
Imp: Cool! Mind informing us of who and how they did so?
Imp: I'm assumign you are already writing such
nemesis: Luis Royo is about is powerful an illustrator in oil & acrylic as I know of. My lists of artists include so many people from my father, my good friends, comics, Disney, anime, Don Bluth, Chuck Jones, Tex Avery, geez... my Deviant Art account has over 300 people I am watching because their art blows my mind. I just cant list everyone. But all artists who illustrate should remember to be humble & work with all others in their respective field too. Dont ever think your way is the best way or dare to say someone else's style is not art!
nemesis: Most of all I keep an eye on my RPA friends here as well in there art threads. I so love viewing all the works present.
nemesis: & Again BlueMoon is also artistic as well & damned good.
Imp: Good! and agreed about DA. A lot of cool stuff on there! O_O
Imp: We'll doa few more questions before the show ends. =)
nemesis: Thats what I enjoy best about the majority of RPA members & our friendly guides with all their colors. They are versed in the martial arts... meaning able to present many styles of self expressions
nemesis: absolutely Imp. I am glad to answer them
Imp: agreed, my humble friend!
Imp: NEXT QUESTION. Any current RPs that you have made or part of?
nemesis: I am a proud, but lazy sometimes, co creator of Birch Run. Its a 1 on 1 RP for now. Maybe one day BlueMoon & I can get together an idea on making it a mass RP for all of RPA. I also have a few creative endeavors with Heson Shadowbane about a post world after the Zombie Apocalypse & we were working out a fantasy/sci fi adventure is a steam-punk like setting, though a lot more grimey & all LOL
nemesis: As RPs go I have a few secret concepts I am keeping under wraps as well. More to be announce LOL
Imp: well good! I'm sure many who read this will be intrigued! Zombies you say? that brings me to my next question...
Imp: Do you have a fav horror movie?
nemesis: Hmmm, I actually do not have a favorite horror movie. I have taken away much inspiration from many however. I do tend to like the fictional boogie men though. Realistic ones are just too realistic for me sometimes. I already live here in reality, I like to escape sometimes & point a finger at an authentic looking bad guy & not my neighbor for once.
Imp: lol I hear ya.
Imp: DO you have a fav villain?
nemesis: Nope. Depending on the media... I follow along in the land of make believe. Though, if I did have to choose... I would say Gouki/Akuma.
nemesis: Also Shao Kahn from the Mortal Kombat Conquest series.
Imp: I know I have a vast amount which would take too long for me to list. T_T
Imp: DO you have any interesting hobbies?
nemesis: the actor Jeffery Meeks did a spot on job with the portrayal of Kahn, & the costume design was just awesome
nemesis: Well my hobbies outside of RPing, writing, & artistic ventures in a 2d plane, are also metal working, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, wood works, & hopefully sculpting soon.
Imp: fellow MK fan eh? I'm glad Shao won in the end. XD
nemesis: I used to be a tradesman for a living... until I took an arrow to the... But yeah. Now I do those things as a hobby. Hell I even made a nightmare glove like what Freddy Krueger uses. Well actually, I made three testing my templates out
Imp: and yes he did a terrific job if not the best
nemesis: Hell yes. Shao Kahn did in fact make Raiden bow to him. I so wished that series had a better budget for effects though LOL
Imp: agreed
Imp: Praise Shao Kahn! Ahem... ever going to show RPA your 3d works?
nemesis: Sure I could. LOL. lots of tables I made & mantles (finished carpentry). The gloves... perhaps. I would like to make 2 more to see if my welding has improved yet LOL
Imp: I myself would be interested in seeing it and I'm sre the rest of RPA would too
nemesis: Ohhh & yes I am a gamer too. I always forget about that. Barely time anymore I guess. I am sure I will find a way to post those gloves & wood works up... somehow
Imp: Are you into the MK games as well?
Imp: besides just the movies and shows?
nemesis: Sure have been. I did pretty good on the latest one. Almost finished the challenge tower
Imp: I wanna play the new one T_T
nemesis: 3 Shao Kahns beat my cop guy every time so I took a break LOL
nemesis: the newest one is THE best! Just my opinion though
Imp: Cop guy? You mean Stryker or can you 'Kreat a fighter' in this game?
nemesis: Who doesnt like ninjas, babes, warriors, & thugs fighting it out for souls & free will. Yes Stryker. I am pretty bad with remembering him
nemesis: No creating a custom fighter in this one
nemesis: the story is fairly good too
nemesis: But Shao Kahn still looks like a gladiator... hate that!
Imp: Stryker is awesome. I myself am a fan of Hotaru mainly due to the fact that he seeks order and will have it by any means.
nemesis: I dont think Hotaru made the cut in this game... i mught be wrong though LOL
Imp: nah he sadly isn't int he new one. But Kenshi is! My second fav...
Imp: in the new one*
Imp: I honestly wish they would make an MK game based around Shao Kahn and his conquests. Like either you play as him or his minions
nemesis: That does sound good... But I think our gaming nerddom is showing all over this interview LMMFAO
Imp: tis all part of the above question ;)
Imp: and there is always 'rambling' in my interviews so no worries!
Imp: but I am becomign very tired after a long day and fear I must close the show down for now.
nemesis: LOL, I am enjoying the ride sir
Imp: Any last words?
nemesis: I too have work soon.
nemesis: yes
nemesis: RPAer, please be kind to yourselves, family, friends, & each other. Always read the ICs thoroughly & askk the other players questions about posts before you post yourself if understanding is an issue. & remember to watch the IMP show, coming to you prerecorded, but never rehearsed!
Imp: My hat's off to you sir! It was wonderful having you!
Imp: and thanks for those last words!
nemesis: Thanks for allowing me to be apart of the greatness you do!
Imp: Alright, well this is night! Goodbye everyone!
nemesis: Goodnight RPA!
BTW a link to BlueMoon ( Friend her! =D
Imp: Where I, your sleep deprived host, Imp, welcomes you and stuff
Imp: I welcome two awesome peeps which I've noticed really build up fame rather quickly with only being on the forum for ... a couple months now?
Leoni: Since the end of March ^.^
Imp: COOL!
Cry: oh hi.
Imp: hiiiiii O_O
Cry waves.
Imp: When was it that you two met eachother?
Leoni: On TW, when Cry first joined
Leoni: What an interesting meet it was...
Cry: She stalked my VM's.
Imp: Oh?
Leoni: I did. I did stalk her VM's,
Imp: XD
Leoni: I wanted her dead. I hated her when I first met her
Cry: ....
Imp: did you plant a bomb in one?
Imp: she was pretty bad eh?
Cry: Me?
Cry: I'm horrible.
Leoni: You see, me and my friend made a really intricate role -play on TW. It was about a school for Magical people. Then Cry comes out of nowhere with a roleplay about a school for magical people. Both our RPs had "Institution" in the title
Leoni: And me and the friend you made it were flipping s- tables all day about it. I was going to troll her RP, I was so pissed
Imp: Cry was obviously jealous of your idea and and went to piss you off /Dr. Phil
Leoni: But then I don't know why, but I tried to be her friend
Leoni: Wait.
Leoni: I know why.
Leoni: Because of Elle and Ette!
Imp: biggest mistake ever? Cry! Tell us what you thought of the horrible Leoni! XD
Cry: I had made mine before though, but I never posted it anywhere, then seeing hers, I posted mine.
Leoni: I had a character on a RP who was very high maintenance, annoying, snob girl. Her name was Elle. And Cry made her a best friend, her char, Ette
Cry: No I made Chune .
Imp: D'awww
Imp: ...
Cry: Chune was ELle's best friend.
Leoni: Right, right.
Cry: Then Elle met Ette, and Ette made fun of her being a vampire because she thought she eat tampons.
Cry: ate*
Leoni: Then Elle got kidnapped, or held hostage or whatever, fell in love with Ette a werewolf and they all lived happily ever after
Cry: OK.
Imp: XD
Imp: a vamp eating tampons... must draw that...
Cry: I thought Leoni hated me, and I also thought she was a girl. I swear I thought she was going to ruin my rp and I wanted to kill myself ;~;
Leoni: I am a girl, though. lol
Cry: Lemme see if I can find where we made fun of Elle for that....
Leoni: NO CRY! That's when our RP
Leoni: 'ing sucked
Imp: Leoni, yur a gurl? =/
Cry: LOL It sucked so bad, but those moments were so funny.
Leoni: Why do people think I'm a guy?! O_O
Imp: I'm just messin. XD
Imp: I know you were a girl from the start
Leoni: I am very feminine.
Imp: knew*
Cry: Because yewsew fem leik gae guy.
Cry: Gaym
Imp: Nice, Cry
Imp: Alright! Next question!!!!!
Cry: Still looking...
Leoni: Through Cry
Imp: look on your own time cause I ain't paying you to look
Cry: You ain't paying me in general.
Leoni sneezes
Cry gives my love a tissue.
Imp: and Cry, how did you discover RPA?
Cry: :')
Imp: awwww
Cry: Google.
Imp: *vomits*
Imp: God told me of it... praise the lord and stuff
Cry kills Imp and takes the Imp out of the Imp Show, turning it into the Waving show.
Imp: NEXT QUESTION!!!!! Are you two ever gonna meet in RL?!
Leoni softly accepts gentle tissue smiling softly. Softly and gentlycleans up rancid vomit while smiling gently
Leoni: Heck to the yeah. ROAD TRIP
Cry: Duuhhh.
Leoni: We're eloping.
Imp: nice, nice
Leoni: And adopting 8 Asian babies. Plus my youngest sister.
Cry softly smiles while gently softly wiping a gentle tear softly rolling down my soft cheeks.
Imp: well congrats to you two! XD
Cry: IVY<3333333333333333333333333333333333333
Leoni: lulz. Ivy officially loves you Cry :)
I hop off the table and plop onto the couch. "Should we feed her a tampon?" I turn to Becca. "Becca, do you have a fresh tampon?" I laugh, but at the same time I was being serious. I wanted to torture them."
" Diskette--
"Man, you came at the wrong time, Elle!" I shook my head. "I'm sure we could find old ones? Where's the old trash?" I look over my shoulders as if garbage bags would be literally sitting right behind me."
Imp: damn!
Cry: Yeah ._. that's all of them.
Imp: WELL!!!!
Cry: We were really mean to Elle ;~; Diskette is sorry, Elle.
Imp: onward shall we
Cry: We shall.
Imp: Care to inform the public of what similarities you two share? =)
Cry: Hmmmmm.
Leoni: We are nothing alike
Leoni: I don't know the child
Leoni is kidding
Cry yawns.
Imp: you two keep talking. I'm going to look for the pic of SandQueen's abs and repost them as my own...
Cry: Well, you're a great host...
Imp: you two are very informative ;)
Cry: We both have the same humor.
Cry: I always leik always make her laugh.
Cry: She digs ma sarcasms.
Imp: like always? nice
Leoni: SandQueen has abs of steel
Imp: SO fav genres for you two?
Leoni: What's a genre?
Cry: I will do anything.
Cry: Oh leoni...
Leoni: Ha, Cry you shoulda seen the look on your face!
Leoni: Like the time I said Flora was upset with you
Leoni: Lollllllllll. Only I can make her cry
Leoni enjoys free snacks
Cry: I'm a cry baby.
Leoni: You're like Ivy. Ivy is a cry baby. I will now call her Cry/
Cry: Lulz.
Cry: Or leik the time you tried saying goodnight yo me D;
Imp: BUT
Imp: LEoni! Inform us as tot he meaning of yours!
Imp: to the*
Cry: Leoni
Cry: She's a tranny.
Cry: Her real name was Leo.
Cry: Nao iz Leoni.
Imp: >>
Leoni: Welll, actually...
Cry: Leoni is my beautiful lady :')
Leoni: I love mice. Little white mice. I discovered my love for them in Biology when my evil science teacher would feed the snake mice
Leoni: I wanted two mice. Two males. Leo and Daniel
Leoni: But my parents were all "NO." My mom is very anti-pets.
Cry: :')
Leoni: Uh, and Leoni is the female form of Leo. Plus, it's my 2nd younget's sister's friend's name, which I like very much. That name and Yolonda.
Imp: did you kill your parents so you can has cute mice? =3
Leoni: Having Parents > Having a mouse
Waving joined the chat 58 minutes ago
Waving: Yuh da impawstah.
Imp: oh this is a treat!
Cry: *logging off the computer nao*
Leoni: What the heck?
Imp: going to her ipod
Imp: me thinks
Waving: Okay. *on my iPod*
Imp: welcome!
Imp: how many siblings do you both have?
Waving: Leoni "what the heck?" lol.
Waving: An older sister.
Leoni: I have 5 sisters
Waving: I can name most of her sisters.
Leoni: And an unofficial twin sister. (A friend at my school who looks just like me. People and teachers get us confused most of the time)
Leoni: I've never told you the name of my oldest sister, Cry
Waving: I said MOST.
Imp: I killed my twin while in the womb... but anyway...
Leoni: I don't tell you much about- whut.
Leoni: Imp is Cain?
Leoni: Or was it Abel?
Imp: either way I cain be abel to... /fail
Waving: I have a friend named Able. He smokes weed. He looks Chinese, but he's Mexican.
Imp: weed is so cool
Imp: I wish I was that cool!
Leoni: I have the eyes of an Asian according to everyone
Waving: You do.
Leoni: Flora has big eyes
Leoni: My oldest sister kinds has my eyes
Leoni: *kinda
Imp: I have the facial structure of a Scandinavian many say...
Imp: and the body of a pole.... AHEM! That is a lot of siblings!
Imp: fun times eh?
Leoni: No.
Leoni: Lol, kidding. We have our moments
Leoni: My mom's brother has 8 kids. 5 boys, 3 girls
Leoni: All my Aunts and Uncles have a lot of kids
Leoni: I love my cousins. All 3294241802084 of them
Imp: niiiice O_O
Imp: NEXT QUESTION!!!! How are you liking RPA so far?
Leoni: Waving, you can take this one.
Waving: It's Bice.
Waving: Bitchy but nice
Waving: Kidding.
Waving: It's lovely swell. I love it.
Leoni: I love the people
Leoni: Even if they think 3 paragraphs is NBD
Imp: I do too but it smells at times
Imp: like dead noob...
Imp: anyone else notice?
Waving: That's your pits, Imp.
Leoni: I read that as boob, lol.
Imp: but i have no arms T_T
Imp: lol boob....
Waving: Then it's your anus.
Leoni: In class today, I couldn't stop laughing because my teacher said "duty"
Leoni: doo-die
Leoni: Lol, it still cracks me up
Imp: Wow Leoni....
Imp: yeah I'd crack up too XD
Waving: .
Leoni: I always laugh throughout my Accounting class. I'm pretty sure my teacher hates me now...
Imp: I've got some big duty to take care of...
Leoni dies laughing
Leoni: when I say, lol, I actually lol
Imp: oh good XD
Imp: same
Imp: NEXT QUESTION!!! Do either of you enjoy any novels? maybe somehting to share with us?
Imp: ... duty free...
Leoni: Ew, books.
Leoni: Lol, Imp
Waving: I love reading.
Leoni: I love books~ Every kind of book~
Leoni: I just want to read them all, but I can't
Leoni: Can't read every book
Waving: I'm working on a book called "Idle Wild". I can't remember who wrote it.
Imp: Yeah he's soemhting else isn't he?
Imp: Idle Wild eh? ... that intrigues me...
Waving: Yeah.
Imp: NEXT QUESTION Your fav thing about Storm?
Imp: I think the coolest thing is that uh... uhmm... uhhhhhhhhhhh.... *drools*
Imp: his name is Storm =_=
Waving coughs.
Leoni: He is SO friendly
Leoni: When I first came here I felt so welcomed by him :)
Leoni: And all that glitter! You have to love him! <3
Imp: yeah he is WAY too friendly >>
Imp: soemhting that is nice to see on RPA XD
Leoni: #TeamStorm
Imp: he wins the Imp award for this month!
Imp: Waving got it last month
Imp: sent it by mail
Imp: snail mail!
Leoni: >.>
Imp: NEXT QUESTION!!! Favorite area of RPA?
Imp: and Leoni got it the month before then...
Leoni: WOO
Imp: I myself am a downtown destroya!
Leoni pokes Cry
Imp: Where is Waving? T_T
Waving: What?
Imp: I axed you a question! =(
Imp: do you has fav part of RPA? =3
Waving: Oh, i like the forum games.
Imp: area*
Imp: SAME! =D
Imp: so much fun...
Imp: omg it is almost 12 T_T
Leoni: Downtown FO SHO
Waving: 10:57.
Leoni: 4 minutes until *gulp* midnight
Leoni: I'm still freaked during midnight
Leoni: Thank you, BFG
Imp: why?
Imp: XD
Waving: 10:58.
Leoni: 1. That hour is as freepy as cuck.
Leoni: 2. I have a fear of my 3rd floor when it's dark
Leoni: 3. I am afraid of looking into the mirror, killers in my house, the devil coming to get me, and a clown being in my room
Imp: O_O
Leoni: So I basically hide under my covers and pray for forgiveness, hoping I will see tomorrow.
Imp: that is a lot to be scared off *hugs his shotty*
Imp: XD
Waving: 11:00.
Leoni: RPA's gonna think I'm a paranoid parrot. Pretty accurate.
Imp: NEXT QUESTION!!! Are either of you scared of anything?
Imp: besides what Leoni just spoke of
Waving: I'm a hemophobic.
Leoni: I hate traveling because I always think "Plane crash, plane crash, plane crash"
Imp: lol I just found a pic I posted of a girl, pretending it was me and peeps fell for it... fools
Leoni: The pokemon one?
Waving: 11:02.
Imp: and I love blood! Multiply Storm's love for glitter by... a billiona dn you get my love for blood O_O
Leoni mutters to self "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned....
Leoni: I hate, hate, hate needles
Imp: nah it was the... wait.. some blonde girl at a cosplay
Leoni: My dad has had to hold me down ._.
Leoni: at 14.
Leoni coughs
Imp: I fear..... nothing O_O
Imp: so I stick to everythign
Leoni: Really?
Imp: well honestly, nothing really scares me
Imp: I'll walk out into the woods at night with no prob
Leoni: Can we switch mindsets?
Waving: My hair is soft.
Imp: can I touch your hair?
Waving: I guess.
Imp: I'ma martial artist so let us see how far they get =_=
Imp: jk
Imp: my hair is also soft O_O
Imp: we need a hair thread for peeps to just post pics of their hair...
Leoni: My hair is... definitely not soft, ha
Leoni: what were we talking about again?
Imp: a gypsy woman blessed my hair with incredible softness
Imp: FEARS I believe
Leoni: Really? :D
Leoni: That's so cool!
Imp: her name... was Waving
Waving: My name is Cry. Or that's what I go by.
Leoni: I don't really watch TV
Imp: but.. it says .... *confused* T_T
Waving: Any type of Towing show. Like 'Lizard Lick Towing' etc.
Imp: yeah i dont either anymore... TV is for losers. INTERNET ALL THE WAY! and other stuff
Leoni: I can't watch America's most wanted...I just can't
Imp: Lizard Lick Towing? XD
Imp: I was on it once T_T
Waving: Yeah.
Imp: they beat me...
Leoni: I literally, can't sleep for months. It freaks the heck outta me
Leoni: I always think "I'M NEXT."
Imp: same T_T
Waving: Not me.
Imp: lol I'm sooo checking out Lizard Lick Towing
Imp: Cause Waving is cool like that
Imp: er Cry
Waving: Thank you.
Waving changed name to Cry
Imp: no, thank YOU!
Cry: Uh ok.
Cry: Thank you.
Imp: for changign your name =P
Imp: No!!! Thank you! *hands thank you cake*
Cry smashes the cake in Imp's face.
Imp: T__________T
Imp: i r sads
Imp: FINAL QUESTION cus i gotta go to bedz yo
Cry: I'm sorry.
Imp: either of you have any neat hobbies?! =D
Imp: I know Cry was workign on some paper crafts
Cry: I do photography.
Imp: u better be, Cry ... u better be =_=
Cry: I kick box too?
Imp: yeah reason 1 of 15 I will never mug you >>
Leoni: I train child soilders
Imp: XD
Leoni: jusssst kiddding
Leoni: I do color guard
Cry: What are the other 14 reasons?
Leoni: and I love cooking and baking
Cry: I love LONINI. Does that count?
Leoni: I know how to knit and sew
Imp: wouldn't you like to know, miss 'I'd liek to know!'
Cry: I make stuffed animals
Cry: I make stuffed animals
Leoni: I stuff people
Leoni: wait. no.
Leoni: that's awkwardf=.
Imp: no that is what i do =P
Leoni: I meant like taxidermy
Leoni: I thought you were a fudge packer?
Imp: I was also a mercenary for sometime as well
Imp: it is flippin' hot in the middle east...
Imp: I tell ya hwut
Leoni: wuz u rlly?
Cry: Okay
Imp: no im honestly just a starving artist who lies about his job occupations
Leoni: lul "starving artist"
Cry: My armpits smell leik Tacos and plants.
Cry: I love Lonini.
Leoni: I love Cru
Leoni: ;)
Imp: i like tacos... but dislike plants... hmmm
Imp: no one loves me tho.. and I keep it that way =_=
Leoni: :(
Leoni: meet Ivy
Leoni: She'll love you
Imp: XD
Cry: Guess. Who still had the screen shot of Imp giving me a little love.
Cry: NO.
Imp: uhmmmm... u?
Imp: I gotta prepare for this Boxxy thing still too...
Cry: I'm dozing.
Imp: then I shall gather either love or hate and non inbetween
Leoni: BOXXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Imp: yeah same kinda
Cry: Time to go to bed.
Imp: agreed!
Imp: ALRIGHT! any last words before the show goes?
Cry: Thank you for having me again, Immpypoo<3
Cry: Thank you for having me and my lovely woman on the show :') <3
Leoni: I aint yo woman
Cry: Pft. Fine.
Imp: XD
Leoni: I belong to Spade
Cry: K, Goodnight.
Imp: lol awesome, you too and glad tyo have you on!
Imp: Night!!!!!!
Cry: Cries out.
Imp: Imp out!
Leoni: Save the trees! I'm out
Leoni: do I get out of here? *navigates away slowly*
SATURDAY at 8pm EST will be a random chat session for anyone who wishes to join in. More info in the Theme thread..
Remember, no posting in here unless given permission by me...
Created by phenomenal Phoenix ( Thank you very much for this!
A night or two ago, I interviewed the pleasant Phoenix.
Well YouTube might! Yes that is correct. Type in the show/movie you want in the YouTube search bar and after submitting the title, LOOK for the Filter button which is above the list of videos.
Click it and look for the 'longer than 20 minutes' filter option.
HOPEFULLY your show/vid will have been uploaded completely on YouTube!
Or you could type in 'part 1','prt1'...
Impster: Tonight I welcome the fiery Phoenix!
PhoenixKirai: Hello hello hello.
Impster: So firstly, how did you find RPA?
Impster: or did it find you?
PhoenixKirai: Well it all started years ago. I was on a site called Gaiaonline. <.<; Anyway, one day I got a message from someone named 'Autumn Leafs' or Autumn Leaves. One of the two. And it was promoting a site called Roleplay Adventures. I was getting entirely bored where I was so I checked it out. Been there ever since.
Impster: I haven't signed onto Gaia in some great time....
Impster: interesting!
Impster: Next question
Impster: why is it that you chose Phoenix for your username? Was this a recent change? Perhaps you had a different one before on Gaia?
PhoenixKirai: Well Phoenix to me, means a lot of things. It's a rebirth of who I used to be mostly. Kill my old self and be born anew. On Gaia I've had a few names. started as inuyasha then was bow 2 the phoenix and it should still be Phoenix Kirai.
Impster: Deep! I like
Impster: Next question!
Impster: On RPA, are you currently a GM of any RPs or any neat RPs you are ina dn wish to represent?
Impster: I could advertise it on here
PhoenixKirai: No, not currently. I am however the owner of the zombie apocalypse group. It's kinda dead though. And for RPs I am in the second deathmatch hosted by Childish Gambino aka Pure. I've been fiddling aroind with ideas for RPs, but haven't actually acted on getting them to RPA.
Impster: Ah yes, I'm in that zombie group. I'll be sure to post in there. Just was busy at the time. Preparing for an art contest and all.
Impster: Next question!
Impster: Fav hobbies?
PhoenixKirai: Mostly I like to play sports. I play some football, hockey, and I fight with friends. By fight I mean MMA style, we follow the rules that they do on UFC and all that. Also I enjoy metal working. Making chainmail if you will. Looking to get some scalemail sets though, that will be interesting.
Impster: how unique! Have you taken pics of any of your work on RPA?
PhoenixKirai: No, I haven't. Nothing has been completed yet, I'm running low on chains and I'm using a kings knot with my work. Kings knot is bulletproof. It's a double of chains from standard chainmail. Maybe I will take some pictures of what I have done so far soon though.
Impster: that would be cool! I have several other friends who do similar work. Very neat
Impster: Next question!
Impster: Do you have a favorite novel? Maybe a series you are into?
PhoenixKirai: I have a few actually. The Giver series by Louis Lowry is amazing. One of the only books I read in school that I loved. A book I read called Neverwhere is another great book. It's a kind of twisted Alice In Wonderland type thing. And I started reading the Hunger Games books. So far, I've only read the first, but I've been meaning to get the others.
Impster: I enjoyed The Giver quite a bit
PhoenixKirai: It's amazing right?
Impster: it very much is! Never found an interest in reading Hunger Games buuut I will have to checkout this Neverwhere. Sounds intriguing!
Impster: So Next Question! We'll doa few more and then sadly I must retreat from this and go shopping. T_T
PhoenixKirai: It's okay. Maybe you'll see me on a later show.
Impster: Perhaps I will ;)
Impster: Do you listen to music or play TV/movie in the background while writing posts? What helps you get into the writing mood?
PhoenixKirai: Oh of course. I almost always have music playing when I am writing up posts. Music is such an important part of my life and in my writing.
Impster: Glad to hear. Any particular type of music? Artist/song?
PhoenixKirai: It all depends on what I am writing. But it's mostly rock. from soft alternative to heavy death metal. It all depends on my writing and my mood.
PhoenixKirai: The only type of music I don't really listen to is country.
Impster: seems most everyone on the board isn't into country.
Impster: Onward to the next question!
Impster: What is your current RL occupation?
PhoenixKirai: Currently.. I'm unemployed. I would be in school now, but financial aid for what I want to do is hard to come by and it's terribly hard to find any colleges around here anyway for what I want to do. I think the nearest would either be in NYC or in upstate NY.
Impster: upstate is where I'm located! =D
Impster: times are hard... and so are locations. That is for sure
PhoenixKirai: Maybe I can room with you if I get accepted toa college near you.
Impster: perhaps unless I'm already dorming myself. Thinking of continuing my edumacation and allz. Unless I find that beign the starving artist thing works for me...
Impster: Alrighty, sadly, the last question!
Impster: Have you met any RPA members in RL?
Impster: I've met a few...
Impster: hopefully more in the future
PhoenixKirai: A few people that have joined in the past before refferals are my real life friends. And same with the two refferals I do have. Real life friends. Other than that, sadly I have no. I have however played Black Ops with WTTR and I text a few members of RPA. I hope to meet people in the future, get together, get a drink or something. Would be fun.
Impster: If I had an Xbox, I would so play Black Ops with you and WTTR. Also, I as well text a variety of members on RPA. Rather fun...
Impster: WELL sadly that is all the time I have for tonight. =(
Impster: It was fun, Phoenix!
Impster: any last words?
PhoenixKirai: It twas. And last words? hmm... I'm terrible when put on the spot for words of wisdom. hmm. Just know that I'm not going anywhere and will remain on RPA til the end. Oh and I'll be seeing you again. Maybe on one of your themed game nights. Or if you do another drinking night. That seemed fun.
Impster: it did! This weekend, as you saw and replied to, will be a random chat. So feel free to join!
Impster: Well thanks for those words and goodnight! We shall speak again ont he boards!
Impster: Night!
PhoenixKirai: I will. Goodnight.
Well until next time, keep your buttholes tight!
OH and Knowledge is power, do as you wish with it in life.
Banner made my Phoenix
WELCOME TO ANOTHER IMP SHOW! I had a threesome/foursome earlier with Koti, Mr. Nice, and Setsa/Edy!
THE PRETENTIOUS GAME] ( Thank you Leoni for this!
Maria Loco - Mr. Nice
with additional support from
Maria Loco: a.k.a Maria Loco
Koti~: that is my job. And hello to RPA, you crazy rapscallions
Maria Loco: its wonderful to be here Imp
Koti~: Same here Master Imp, great to be aboard
Imp: crazy doesn't even begin to describe RPA... And it better be, you two... it better be =_=
Imp: an obvious question of mine, how did you two find RPA?
Imp: Jesus told me about it one day when we were walking in the woods together...
Koti~: I found it once through Daniel, who is no longer on this site, then refound it through V when in complete lack of Role-playing
Koti~: the voices in my head were getting to quiet for my taste
Maria Loco: I was banned from another forum for creating multiple accounts and generally being a douche. I discovered it when I got a message from Nazgul while on the other forum
Imp: I hear ya... wait! shhh... they are calling me
Imp: HA!
Imp: That's awesome
Koti~: agreed
Maria Loco: silly Nazgul, violating the rules in other peoples forums
Imp: you win points for that, my friend!
Koti~: That is certainly one way to find a site
Maria Loco: Blunt is my middle name
Koti~: I thought it was Bunnie?
Imp: I don't have a middle name...
Imp: ANYWAY! onto the next question!
Maria Loco: Bunnie is dead
Maria Loco: ...
Imp: NEXT QUESTION BEING... who wants Setsa to join us?!
Maria Loco: I do! the more the merrier
Imp: I'm sure she has far better questions than what I have...
Koti~: Agreed
Maria Loco: she?! mind blown
Imp: yes my friend.
Koti~: yes, there is such a thing as girls on the internet, and they are awesome
Imp: too true
Imp: I myself am one....
Imp: on certain days on RPA
Koti~: rule 32
Maria Loco: i was going to be a girl on the internet for halloween one year
Koti~: I have too many genders
Maria Loco: Mathematical!
Imp: She said she'll join us shortly =)
Maria Loco: CONTINUE!
Koti~: Let me get the whiskey. I have a question for Maria
Imp: as in we will have a female in our midst so behave!
Koti~: How did you come up with your name Maria Loco?
Maria Loco: shoot
Setsa joined the chat 71 minutes ago
Imp: Welcome aboard!
Koti~: How did you come up with Maria loco?
Koti~: Welcome goof ^^
Imp: Setsa will help me with interviewing you two. =)
Setsa: Hey gewd goof -hugs to all-
Maria Loco: Dunno the names just come to me in the night like a sexy on my 15th name
Imp: like a sexy intruder. Sexcellent!
Setsa: Multiple personality? that would explain it :P
Maria Loco: No.
Maria Loco: believe it would most definitely not
Setsa: eh -shrugs- was a shot in the dark -sits in empty seat with scotch-
Koti~: It makes as much sense as why I like the color blurple
Imp: ONWARD TO ANOTHER QUESTION! Then I'll take turns with Setsa if she be down wit dat
Koti~: Im chill with it
Setsa: .....sure why not...I got my mind working, maybe...probably
Maria Loco: derp
Imp: What brought you two into the world of writing? What exactly inspired you to get into it?
Maria Loco: boobs
Maria Loco: not really
Imp: darn...
Koti~: Me? I just wanted to write, Started about 4th grade where we had a creative writing asignment. I enjoyed it a lot. Along with all the reading I did, I really got into the written arts, so I wanted to try writing
Imp: Sounds logical, Captain
Maria Loco: it was sheer boredom with the rest of the internet...there are only so many times I can watch Lemon Party before it gets weird.
Imp: grand!
Imp: haha nice...
Koti~: Lemon Party will never be weird
Imp: much like child prostitution, my 'rents forced me into it
Setsa: Question: Since joining RPA and posting..... Do you feel it has made you into a better writer? If so How?
Maria Loco: god no
Imp: I told you that she would craft a better question...
Setsa: -grins with blushin cheeks-
Koti~: I think so. Hell, I used to think that one liners were a god response (Shudders). though here, it feels weird to be below 300 words for me
Maria Loco: I'm a much worse person than i was before....i've just learned to be less subtle about it
Maria Loco: ....oh wait
Maria Loco: you mean writer?
Maria Loco: he...i didn't read that part
Setsa: yes Writer was in a form of a question hun
Maria Loco: ....
Imp: >____>
Koti~: yes ... I'm not going to ask what you thought before
Maria Loco: yes i am a better writer
Imp: grand!
Maria Loco: grand!
Imp: yur face is grand >>
Koti~: grandioso
Maria Loco: indeed
Imp: Know any RPA members in RL?
Imp: like any friends you have on RPA or even met any?
Koti~: I WISH T_T. No on lives in michigan nearby
Maria Loco: nope
Imp: aww poo...
Setsa: Next Question:
Imp: I've met several and hopefully more in the future...
Maria Loco: nope
Maria Loco: ...wait no finish the question
Setsa: Is there a forum, or style of RP [general, sci fi, fantasy, battle arena, etc...] That you have as of yet, NOT explored/posted in? Whats the reason why?
Koti~: SciFi
Koti~: I am just not good with it
Imp: I'm only in it for the space chicks...
Imp: er... forget that
Maria Loco: Political heavy Character development
Koti~: NEVAH!!!
Maria Loco: i never got enough support for those types of RP's
Setsa: brb
Maria Loco: it always makes me sad when they never get off the ground
Imp: I hear ya there bro
Maria Loco: *single tear*
Imp: same...
Imp: do you need comfort?
Imp: I'm here for you...
Imp: Next question then. What tools help you in shaping your posts? For example; do you listen to music while writing?
Koti~: Two Steps from hell, it works wonders
Setsa joined the chat 52 minutes ago
Imp: wb, Setsa!
Koti~: Welcome Back
Setsa: Thanks!
Maria Loco: yes, I cannot write for Jask, my character in UKC without listening to some M83 or Depeche Mode
Koti~: I can see that
Koti~: brb, cleaning time))
Koti~: go on without me
Setsa: Next Question! [roger goof]
Setsa: Alchoholic or Non-alchoholic......what drink do you think best represents the real you!
Maria Loco: when he kills a bunch of people (mostly children) im listening to the robot unicorn song
Maria Loco: Warm Sake hands down
Imp: another good question. May as well call it the Setsa Show XD
Setsa: Nah I'm just the lovely assistant with some brains ;) A deadly duo in a woman lol
Maria Loco: agreed
Setsa: Warm Sake huh? Care to elaborate as to why?
Setsa: you have peaked my curiousity...
Imp: What drink does Koti like? The world may never know O_O
Setsa: One day day
Imp: WELL ONWARD, we'll bug him later about it...
Maria Loco: Warm Sake is the only drink I can hold back continuously
Setsa Scribbles down a note on pad to ask Keeper later
Imp: This question goes to everyone!... When you were young, what was it you wanted to be later in life?
Maria Loco: The same thing i want to be now.
Imp: I wanted to be Jesus... only to find that I am him already. T_T
Setsa: Zoologist actually...then in Highschool when I took College Level Genetics, that profession came to mind
Setsa: Wow that sounds Nerdy..hmmmm A hot game show assistant!...but more of a script than Vanna White lol
Imp: Oh Koti... how we miss thee
Maria Loco: I played a game of goldeneye, and it inspired me to be a game designer
Koti~: speak, and he shall appear. does this mean I am the devil?
Imp: sadly yes
Imp: care to answer our newly added questions? =)
Maria Loco: >____>
Setsa: Yes cause I got the next one in mind so please answer the previous two Keep
Koti~: I wanted to be an author, then desided for game designer
Koti~: and for drink. Monster, cause I go all over the wall
Setsa: I love the Monster...Imported is best
Setsa: Ok! Next Question!
Maria Loco: hurry up Imp!
Imp: Actually it is Setsa's turn >>
Imp: BUT since you so kindly asked....
Imp: nah I'll wait for her.
Koti~: you tease
Setsa: For Everyone: Look around your bedroom and/or place of residence----> Do you have any action figures? or Anime models/figureines or such of the sort? What is it, how did you aquire it, and where is it ?
Koti~: I have a dragon!! I got it from my girlfriend and it sits on my right stereo speaker. To protect the noise!
Imp: *looks at the mass of bladed weapons only to notice the pile of uncompleted Warhammer 40K models he plans to sell on Ebay*
Maria Loco: I have no action figures
Imp: he doesn't need one
Koti~: kk
Koti~: that I can see
Imp: Alrighty then. Next Q!
Setsa: In my house I have think up to 15 or more dragons all over... I love them and think they are the Silent Guardians of everything and anything ......Some from Germany when my husband was stationed there...ok scratch that, most received as gifts from family or from local areas where we were once stationed
Setsa: Imp...I share the bladed collection....but they are mine!! No Keep MINE Too!!
Koti~: DRAGONS!!!!
Imp: OH I also have many pewter figures. Uhm. Mostly fantasy themed...
Maria Loco: look guys how long is this interview?
Imp: Skeletons, warriors,... skeleton warriors...
Imp: AS LONG AS WE WANT IT TO BE! NOW SHUT UP! Usually an hour or more. =)
Imp: OKAY THEN! Next Q... This goes to everyone: Hobbies, anyone?
Koti~: Video games, reading, writing, listening to music, sleeping (it seriously is becoming a hobby as to how little I get now)
Setsa: Does Fencing [the sport] count?? Otherwise reading, running, RPA...I believe I've answered this before
Imp: ha! I'm the same with sleeping, Koti
Imp: What is this fencing? Jumping over fences? lol jk. That is actually awesome O_O
Koti~ left the chat 29 minutes ago
Imp: I think my BO chased him away
Koti~: I would love to learn fencing, its like fancy sword play
Setsa: I love it so much! Alas I must two guys asking me to get ready for the movies...[hubby and his battle no kinkyness in this!] Imp has a few of my questions so have fun guys!
Imp: heh... she's totally having a kinky time.
Imp: JK XD
Koti~: totally
Imp: Sadly I think we have lost connection with Mr. Nice...
Imp: We shall have to continue his bit later...
Koti~: Alrighty then
Imp: Edy will now be joining us shortly =)
Koti~: sweet
Imp: We'll do like four more questions and then end it. =)
Koti~: alright
Imp: If you were an Avenger which one and why?
Imp: This is totally my question and NOT Setsa's.... okay she did think it up cause I can't think of anything better. XD
Koti~: Iron Man! Cause even without the suit, I would be a play boy billionaire, and have a high tech lab to screw around in
Imp: haha yeah he is pretty kickass
Koti~: have you seen the movie?
Imp: Sadly not yet...
Imp: u?
Koti~: I have ^^ it was so awesome!
Edynol joined the chat 16 minutes ago
Imp: You bastard! Nah that's cool. I gotta see it sometime...
Imp: Edy! welcome!
Koti~: Hello Edy. SPAM!
Edynol: Yo!
Edynol: SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!
Imp: Okay so I'll just ask three more questions then unless Edy has one to toss into the mix.
Edynol: So you have gold in your nose? Can I pick it?
Edynol: Do*
Imp: No! It is my gold and thus only I can pick it!
Koti~ joined the chat 14 minutes ago
Edynol: *Smacks imp with a gutted Rhino*
Koti~: what?
Imp: Fav sport?
Edynol: Pro Wrestling.
Koti~: Marching band! (And I know it doesn't count, but it should)
Imp: seems like we have many sports fans on RPA =)
Imp: agreed, Koti. It should count...
Imp: my fav... not sure of SO NEXT QUESTION!!!
Imp: We all love comics... well most of us... some of us... do either of you have a favorite comic character?
Imp: Batman is almost always at the top of the list...
Edynol: Wolverine.
Koti~: DeadPool. that guy will F stuff up for the hell of it. And Richard, cause he loves to kill
Edynol: How wood could a woodchuck chuck if Imp got morning wood?
Edynol: Enough for a toothpick
Edynol: lol.
Imp: excellent answers XD
Edynol: :P
Imp: both of you should checkout Wolverine vs Hulk or Hulk vs Wolverine... anyway
Imp: features DeadPool in it
Koti~: sweet
Imp: wait for it....
Koti~: dary?
Edynol: What does the color grey taste like?
Imp: If you could, list some really supportive friends from RPA and how they have helped you!
Imp: uhmm... list up to 3 maybe or less
Koti~: Kris, Anne, and SQJPURE
Imp: any reason why? =)
Edynol: Stesa because she is really nice, Imp cause he makes me laugh, and Merry cause cause she's such a sweetheart.
Koti~: Simple, Kris is awesome to talk to, Anne is supporting and helpful and SQJPURE is a crazy person to talk to, which makes me laugh a lot
Imp: All good reasons XD
Imp: Well then I guess we will end it here!
Imp: Any last words?
Edynol: Eat Spam.
Koti~: Be crazy
Imp: Nice XD
Imp: Well thanks Koti for being on!
Imp: Thank you Edy for joining us!
Edynol: Anytime. :)
Imp: Sadly Setsa and Mr. Nice were busy
Koti~: Always people, always
Imp: Well then Goodnight everyone!
Thank you for reading and now GTFO!
05-16-2012, 05:39 PM
This thread has been moved to "Its Madness in Here" forum :)
Banner made my Phoenix
YUP you got it... another Imp Show but no lesser than before I assure you! I have a great show tonight cccuuuaaaasssseeeeee I interviewed Wulfe! Before we get into details, I gotta throw some crap at ya!
Setsa and myself interviewd the wiley Wulfe!
Imp: And of course my wonderful helper... *drumroll* Setsa!
The Wulfe: That's Mr. Wulfe, sir.
Setsa: Lol awwww what can I say? I love this show
Setsa: :d
Imp: Grand to both of you! Mr. Wulfe, it is!
The Wulfe: Thanks for having me, Imp.
Imp: SOOOO since I sadly am kidna busy finishign up soemthing atm, if Setsa doesn't mind, I'd like her to breakout the first few questions.
Imp: Setsa, mind starting the interview?
Setsa: Oh sure why not lol
Setsa: Question:
Setsa: What brought you first to RPA and what have you enjoyed the most since youve joined?
Imp: Thank you so much! ^^ brb
The Wulfe: Honestly, it was google. I hadn't done roleplaying like that ever before, and decided to give it a try.
The Wulfe: What have I enjoyed the most? Wow... I really enjoy making characters and watching them grow alongside other people's characters.
Setsa: Wonderful!
Setsa: Im so glad to hear such as I came the same way
The Wulfe: I'm bringing in new members soon, though! I have a few very close people I'm shepherding into the site within the next month, so I'm really excited for that.
Setsa: Excellent! I can't wait to meet them!
Setsa: Question:
Setsa: You mentioned in a thread that your father is a chef yes? Are you going to follow in his footsteps or are you going to take a seperate path?
The Wulfe: Not exactly. My father is a cook, actually. I don't plan on following in his footsteps per se, but I absolutely love to cook, and I do it rather often. I don't think I could do it as a job, however I do plan on doing it at home. I can't really say what the future holds for me, but I do know that being on the radio is a lot of fun, and that's what I've been doing for now.
The Wulfe: Welcome back, Host. :)
Imp: I can't cook at all XD
Imp: I leave my gf to that unless I'm sure of myself
The Wulfe: I have to cook for my girl all the time. :p
Setsa: I love to cook its a passion of mine but only at home
Setsa: Bison meatloaf tonight....mmmmmm
The Wulfe: I heard about that. Sooo jealous. I'm probably gonna have Hamburger Helper. College all day today, and radio show in less than 2 hours, means I have not enough time to make something real.
Imp: Thank you so much Setsa for saving my behind XD
Setsa: It's what I'm here for :)
Imp: You've informed me and I'm certain you have told other members too about a radio station you host! Care to tell us more on the history of this?
Imp: she saved my ass from the RPA IRS
The Wulfe: Hmmm....
Setsa: Lol
The Wulfe: The history?
Imp: yeah like how you acquired it and how things are going
The Wulfe: Ahh. It's through my college. Their selection of music was suck, so I asked for a show it!
Setsa: Yes I'd love to know about such
The Wulfe: Things are going great! we're on weekly, and I love doing it.
Imp: That's awesome!
Imp: I've always had an interest in becoming a radio DJ...
The Wulfe: Really? Why aren't you?
Setsa: Ask and you shall receive...literally
Imp: also wish RPA would loan me the money for a tru RPA rad. station.... but instead I'm using dixie cups attatched toa string...
Imp: eh the illustration side got the better of me so I pursued that course instead
The Wulfe: Illustration?
Imp: mhm! I hope to becoema famous illustrator some day. So I've been taking Fine Arts classes to better my chances
The Wulfe: Do you like Dahli?
Setsa: Yes
le Wilde Party Crasher joined the chat 30 minutes ago
Imp: Salvador is cool with me. His work is very unique
The Wulfe: That's pretty cool.
Imp: Though I honestly haven't drawn much of any inspiration from him as I have from others...
The Wulfe: Like whom?
le Wilde Party Crasher awk walks out after not making any significant impact on the Imp show
Setsa: .....what the....
Imp: Frank Frazetta, Aidan Hughes, Chris Cooper
Imp: aaannnd some others but sadly I can't recall their names too well
Imp: Welcome, Crasher.
Imp: oh wait.. he left
Imp: nvm
Imp: ALSO the Warhammer painters have also influenced my work
The Wulfe: Ooh!
Imp: He turned the tables on me, Setsa!
Imp: haven't been asked this many questions since they found the dead girl in my trunk! huh? huh?! *nudges Setsa*
Imp: Honestly I love being asked questions...
Setsa: Lol true
Imp: Seems most of everyone on RPA LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES to read. I enjoy reading as well. How about yourself? Any fav. books?
The Wulfe: Yes! Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club!!!
The Wulfe: Such a twist..
Imp: Oooo nice. True!
Setsa: For me recently it's been Brad Meltzer.....who had that show in history channel and wrote the inner circle....and Wheel of Time series
The Wulfe: I've heard good things about those...
Imp: Same! Haven't read the books themselves but thru Wikia, I've been doing my research
Setsa: Wheel of time? There is a rp off of it in persistent worlds...and my siggy lol I love it! Starting book 2of13 soon 14 tomorrow
Imp: Yeah check it out! It needs members, from what I understand. =)
Setsa: Yesh
Imp: know any RPA members in RL?!
Imp: or wanted to?
The Wulfe: Not yet, actually...
The Wulfe: Always wanted to.
The Wulfe: I will within the month!
Setsa: day I will!
Setsa: ....who?
The Wulfe: My girlfriend!
Imp: I myself want to partake in Setsa's many meals and be on your radio. I could do imitations...
Imp: does your gf have an RPA account?! >>
Setsa: Lol come on over!
The Wulfe: Maybe we could do a co-op thing, Imp.
The Wulfe: She will have an RPA account!
Imp: Wanna see my imitation of Setsa?
The Wulfe: Yes!
Setsa: .....idk?
Imp: "HI I'm Setsa! Tonight I'm making another fabolous meal! ^^"
Imp: there
Imp: minus the typo...
The Wulfe: Wonderful!
Imp: lol yeah that was fail and before Setsa kills me for whatever reason... NEXT QUESTION
Setsa: Lolol
Imp: Well while I write up the next question. Setsa, you wanna try and imitate me?
The Wulfe: I got about ten minutes, guys. Just sayin.
Imp: RPA has many multi-talented members. I understand you yourself cook and well I'm assumign also write as you have done well in your Wild West RP. Talented in any other areas?
Imp: yeah np, just about done =)
Imp: then I'm heading to bed cause I'm tired. T_T
Imp: ALSO to speed things up... mind informign the people of RPA on how exactly to checkout your radio show?
Imp: That way I can copy pasta it into the thread
Setsa: Imp- come to the Imp show! Be riddled with fabulous questions then partake in my forum games!.....wait...first let me finish this art project!
Imp: LOL that is me...
Imp: BUT all the contests are over now so I'm a free man once again!
The Wulfe: Other areas? I am a super genius, play video games, and I like doing stuff...
Imp: "I'd love to save your family from the raging fire in your home buuuuut ART PROJECT!"
Imp: Super Genius? Damn I thought I killed all of them...
The Wulfe: If you go to, and click on the listen now tab, it will stream through iTunes! It's on every Thursday from 10PM-Midnight PST!
Imp: Thanks for that
The Wulfe: There are also contests on the show to win free stuff.
Imp: also thanks for being on the show!
The Wulfe: Didn't kill me!
Imp: Woah >>
The Wulfe: Thanks for havin me, Imp!
Imp: win FREE stuff?
Imp: reminds me of the time I won that free car... or did I steal it? eh? eh? *nudges Setsa for comedic relief*
The Wulfe: lol
Imp: Well i guess we'll close this down for now!
Imp: any last words?
Setsa: Yea guard your keys and I may have to check the station out one time.,
The Wulfe: Uhm... Live long and prosper, my fellow RPA'ERS!
Imp: lol nice one to both of you! XD
The Wulfe: Hopefully you do, Setsa, I think you'll find it surprisingly delicious.
The Wulfe: Thanks to you, too, Impah!
Imp: We will let you go as you please!
Setsa: Hmmmm interesting and yes goodnight rpa!
The Wulfe: Alright, goodbye everyone!
To checkout his radical radio show, THEN BELOW THIS
If you go to (, and click on the listen now tab, it will stream through iTunes! It's on every Thursday from 10PM-Midnight PST! YOU COULD EVEN HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN FREE PRIZES!!!
If anyone doesn't have iTunes or too lazy to download it then checkout VLC media player (!
I'm currently listening to Tenacious D on it!!!
To partake on the Imp show then just VM/PM/Rep me! =D
We'll pick a time and get going with it!
Now prepare for more junk in the trunk; randomness and interviews!
SADLY I didn't realize the restrictions on Chatzy(the place commonly used for interviews) and so I couldn't extract all of my interview with Cerulean Sin and Siksta. HOWEVER I do have Zatory Master on here!
This is a nod to the 4th of July which is today.
turn up the volume on this one!
Imp: Welcome to another Imp Show. Tonight I bring on the Z-man as I am now callign him.. or Z-Master. Which do you prefer?
Zatory-Master: Z-Man has a spark to it, that one no contest
Imp: Sweet then, Z-Man. Alright so as for every member that comes on this show, I must ask the most common question of all...
Imp: WHAT brought you to RPA? Friend perhaps? Google? What exactly?
Zatory-Master: Well my friend, I had to much time in my hands and youtube's design completely messed up the RP spirit that many had. RPing through texts was also bothering me a bit. I searched on google and got this other site that was too much work.,so I decided to search again until I came across RPA
Imp: Oh excellent! Yeah it took me soem time too till getting comfortable with an RP site.
Imp: Which bring me to my next question...
Imp: HOW are you liking it here?
Zatory-Master: Actually is very nice here! I get to develop some writing and typing skills! Hahaha
Imp: win win situation right there! Expanding more itno RP itself, here is another question I soemtimes ask the members...
Zatory-Master: Go for it
Imp: WHAT inspires you to write? Perhaps music, movies, novels, what?
Zatory-Master: That's a tough one...Let me see. Well, my love for anime got me this far but really inspire's me, is being able to write stories with other people from around the glove. Movies and such just give me the ideas of what to share with others, get what I'm saying?
Imp: Oh I do and tis the same for me at times. Always neat to shape ideas with other members to really create soemthing grand.
Zatory-Master: Exactly!
Imp: SO, Z-man, I believe the most iconic feature about you is that dancing GIF in your sig. Everyone draws to it like bugs to a lamp.
Imp: WHERE did you get it from and why do you seem to enjoy it so much as do many others?
Imp: Hell, I know I get stuck staring at if once in a while! XD
Zatory-Master: Somehow I knew you were gonna bring that up,Impster. Well the dancing GIF is a character from an anime that not many know. It's called Zatch Bell. The character is an italian superstar. He dances,sings, and performs in movies. His name is Parco Folgore. His GIF is actually from his "Hit" song. -Hey Hey let's dance all day- Because of U.S TV problems they had to change the lyrics a bit. It's actually translated to -Chi Chi Oppai- which means "Grope Grope Breast" He is famous with the ladies for many reasons XD. Well I found him on google and Decided to place him on my Sig. Everyone seemed to be distracted by it so I kept it. And it also inspired me to greet newbies with diffrent GIFs. I am the GIF master of RPA!
Zatory-Master: That was a mouth full XD
Imp: That you are the master of GIFs, Z-Man. I doubt anyone could get tired of it tbh!
Imp: and I love the original lyrics btw. XD
Imp: ONWARD. Now we'll move away from the RP world and get to learn more about yourself
Zatory-Master: His songs is my ringtone! Haha
Zatory-Master: Okay
Imp: DO YOU have any hobbies? I'll assume writing is one as it seems to be with every RPA member including myself.
Zatory-Master: Yes I Do, I try mostly anything, from writing stories to drawings, but my real hobbie is exploring the vast world of Music. Tha's my main dream, To become a musician. I sit at my house with my trombone and make up all sorts of melodies and ballads. I can never get tired of it. What about you? Do your hobbies tie in with your dreams, Impster?
Imp: Much like my child at the shopping mart, I almost forgot about this. XD Perfect timing though.
Zatory-Master: Haha XD
Imp: Dreams of world domination? Sadly, I wish. However, I do love to draw as much as possible but that has slowed recently due to work. I also enjoy writing and lately have been working on several projects. Some are story ideas with illustrations and others just unique RP ideas. Other than that, I also enjoy music but I have no talent in it so I instead look for it on youtube and other palces. I'm also a heavy drinkER I MEAN gamer!
Zatory-Master: XD hahaha well World Domination did sound nice. All you need is your own team of Helpers.
Imp: Yeah sadly, most are away at college busy 'learning' as they said. Well anyway! XD
Imp: So tell us more of this trombone you play. Do you ahve any uploads on youtube of you playing?
Imp: That way perhaps the peeps on RPA can help support your page. Unless you already posted it and I missed it completely then I'm sorry XD
Zatory-Master: Well I have 4 trombones at home. A beginner, another for Jazz, a bass to play lower and a marching bass. I'm actually the only bass player of my school. Also in the top band out of four. Big accomplishment. I did upload something but I took it off because my sound hadn't sprouted at the time. Now I'm gonna upload some with small groups and performing famous songs from the radio and videogames. Never gets old!
Imp: Oh excellent! I may have to write some songs down to see if you can try them out for me. Most are from the good old days of gaming. lol
Zatory-Master: Haha like I haven't tried that XD
Imp: Alrighty, so let's get back into the RP world...
Zatory-Master: Let's go!
Imp: NEXT QUESTION, are you currently working on some RPs you wish to hatch int he recent future? Perhaps some that you can hint to the members?
Zatory-Master: Hmm, I already had three successful RPs, in which two made RP of the week. So yes, I'm actually thinking of another RP that will be RP of the week in the future! Don't want to give to much away, but It will invovle a Spiritual Realm, in which the world will start to intertwine within.
Imp: Well I am a fan of realm-jumping so you have me interested in it already... plus you seem to be master of RPs as well
Imp: Due to my fear of what Chatzy will cut off, I'll dish out three more questions and then we will end it unless you have soem questions of your own. =)
Zatory-Master: Well there's always somebody better than me in everything XD which reminds me. May I ask you a question?
Zatory-Master: It's a strange question...
Imp: HAVE you ever imagined for what it would be like to have your RPs become movies? If so then which ones and perhaps any certain key actors you would like to be in it?
Imp: Yes you may ask!
Zatory-Master: Okay, I'll answer you first. XD First off, That would be freaking awsome. All of the Role players here must agree with me! I would like my School from Beyond RP in a movie. There's something about cities in the sky that makes me believe in magic. Oh! And a great actor for my movie would be Johnny Depp. The guy's a ledgend for the Pirates of the Carribean.
Imp: Hmmm... I'll have to ask that question more often then! Oh and feel free to ask away. =)
Zatory-Master: Okay okay, What the heck did you make my sister drink last night?!....Just kidding, just Kidding. The real question is, What is your main Motto in life? Hmmm?
Imp: Live free or Die Hard... no wait, that's a movie title UHMMMM My motto is...
Zatory-Master: That's a good one though XD
Imp: Live life as you wish as it is yours and yours alone. ~ Nothing really to it. I'm pretty free-spirited and like to see folks live the way they want to and not be bothered by society. Though I guess this motto isn't too good for murders and criminals. XD
Zatory-Master: Haha probably not XD Mine is "Nothing is Impossible" Yeah its also simple but it takes will power to make this motto a reality. It also helps with RP ideas. =]
Imp: I'm sure I'll think of a better one tomorrow since that seemed a bit anti-climactic I'm sure. lol
Imp: True that, Z-man!
Zatory-Master: You know it!
Imp: Alright well, here comes soemthing unusual that ... acutally this is most likely the first time I've asked this...
Zatory-Master: Serve it!
Imp: Have you amde any characters that share some similarity with yourself? If so, what do they share?
Zatory-Master: Hmm...Satory was my ever first character, not on RPA but in other stories. And what he and most of my character's have that symbolizes me, is There sense of Adventure. To get out of the Normal routine and travel the world for adventure and mysteries. That's what I like to put on those CSs at times. And since you don't ask that to often, Do you do that with some of your character's too? too!
Imp: Oh I totally do! Many of them vary. Since I tend to have an inane sense of humor at times, I add that in with certain characters. Soemitmes only my looks go into them as I enjoy drawing my characters a lot. I'm sure no one could picture this, but I can be quite cold and calculating certain RL things so I like to add that in as well for my more devious and cunning characters as well as the underdog type.
Zatory-Master: Nice,Impster. Very Nice XD
Imp: Well, actually one trait that most of my characters share with me is being laid-back. Often the strongest thing shared. And thanks lol
Zatory-Master: Laid-back? 100% Agree!
Imp: Another question I hardly ask is, well... ina variety of RPs, many of our characters use offensive and defensive weapons. Some are either melee, ballistic, or even the mind. IF YOU COULD, inform the readers and myself of your most favorite weapon.
Zatory-Master: Oh man, THE QUESTION OF THE CENTURY!!! Let's see...
Imp: I'll answer this questiona s well.
Imp: OH and you are given the option for 3 fav weapons, btw
Zatory-Master: Well, Out of all those RPs I've been in, as they can be seen on my Sig spoiler, My favorite weapon would have to be, Six sharp Lances that I can Freely control around me. You can use then as a shield, attack around you completly, and even ride them like an Airboard. XD pretty Epic! But if no magic is allowed then a scythe would be my next choice. Those things can be pretty fun. The third would be lightning gloves. Where of course, I have vomplete control over lightning itself. Wow that's awsome now that I think about it.How about you impster? Bazooka? XD
Imp: lol no actually I myself enjoy the scythe BUT lately a certain weapon knon as the Guan Dao has taken my heart as several of my characters use it for defensive measure mainly. I became attracted to this weapon due to Mortal Kombat having a small version known as the naginata.
Zatory-Master: Wow, Mortal Combat...Dang haven't seen those in the Arcades. But they are in the game systems. How those the Guan Dao look like?
Imp: Well it looks like a spear but with a curved sword-ish blade at the tip. These were often quite tall if stood upright next to the user. They basically helped keep attackers at a distance since you could swing it about. I think I'm correct in this but the Chinese developed it whiel the smaller Naginata was developed by the Japanese.
Zatory-Master: Well, You know your History! XD Yeah, but that sounds awsome for someone who might travel around.
Imp: As for another, the Chronosceptor or simply the Nuke Gun is another that hasn't been used often but in soem past sci-fi RPs. Basically it charges up, and when ready, fires out a dazzling display of what appeares as blue plasma orbs that are 'collapsing on eachother' you could say and then explode which creates a nuclear explosion about half the size of a tactical nuke. So whatever the target was, is now ... well not even dust. XD This idea came from a Turok game btw. Pretty neat sicne there are vids on how it fires.
Imp: btw I love the lances idea. Inspires me to draw soemhting similar to that >>
Zatory-Master: Sweet! But Im guessing is more of a long-range thing right? Yeah, I draw lances all the time with diffrent designs like crystals and such.
Imp: Oh yes. Totally long range. The farther, the better for obvious reasons. XD. The RPs it was in required such heavy duty weapons. However, it could also be a close quarters melee weapon as it was similar to a giant mace.
Imp: WELL, sadly this is the end of the show. As awesome as it is talkign to the Z-man, we shall have to continue in the forums some other time as I need sleep for the coming day. =(
Imp: BUT
Imp: before we go. Care to give RPA any last words?
Zatory-Master: Yes yes...*Clears throat*
Zatory-Master: Imp, I must say, This was an amazing interview and to the Viewers, Imp has more spirit than a monkey eating ice cream, wearing an afro, barfing rainbows, while riding a 6-legged unicorn. This was awsome and Hopefully will be back in the future!!! ♫Zatory-Master♫
Imp: D'awww why thank you for that! XD. Quite epic if I must say!
Imp: Well then, Goodnight everyone!
Well that was just wonderful now wasn't it?[/Bob Ross]
Before I end the show, here is the tune of the day... for today. =P
Yay for vampiric Jesus!
This video(not song) is NSFW
That's all folks!
Later, skater!
NOTICE:There is to be no comments posted in this thread unless allowed by myself or being moved by mods/admins. If you wish to be on the show or part of its silly games then please VM/PM/Rep me your wish.
Yes, back by popular demand(not really), the Imp Show returns(cause I'm back from vacation)!
With that, if you wish to be interviewed then VM/PM me and we'll work out a time! DON'T POST HERE
Who to expect on coming shows?
Thanks goes out to Phoenix for this!
And you jerks thought I died and went to Hell... well you were correct in that. T_T
THE IMP SHOW RETURNS and today I managed to finally interview the very well known, polite, and funny: Storm!
But before we jump on that...
Alrighty so recently I noticed Nazgul dropped from admin status to Member status! That's right, he lost his purple candy shell. What caused this? Hell if I know but I wanna interview him anyway...
Thanks to Leoni, I notice Kris has taken the Admin position!
With the recent explosion of noobs joining the site, we have only certain members to blame as they bring along family and friends. Since no one minds, I'll be inviting my Gma(grandmother) and cousins to the site as well as my cat (
Madness section seems to be returning from a slow period. Don't neglect the ability to be completely random and join in on the fun! Just don't drop the soap or you will be rrrrranyway, watch your ass... or you will be raped... with spam...
There, I said it. And you thought I wouldn't. =_=
The pic thread needs more pics and less spam. Agree? THEN GO POST SOME PICS OF YOURSELF!!!
Members are finding it difficult to rep others and yet Storm still manages to get rep around aside from saying he was unable to do so sometimes. The plausible cause for this? His damn evil(but also cute) squirrels that are hacking the system with their tiny fingers and brains, making Storm becoming an exalted RPA member for his generosity with repping. While I praise his clever mind and that of his smaller minions. Though it isn't the size of the brain that counts... but the surface area. Or how you use it but I'm not speaking about *censored* here. If you wanna see *censored* then look at some porn...
Cerulean Sin HATES, yes HATES adorable little pugs ( from other members also disliking them). With that, I have declared a cold war on her. Correct! You, the reader, will be the one to send something Pug(pics or vids) related to her VMs(show me that you have done it). Doing so will award you rep from myself in some means.
Also I see she brought her sister onto RPA. Touche, Sin. Touche...
As some members may have noticed, the mischievous Imp is playing himself off as Adam Demamp ( from Workaholics (
A moron playing a moron? You decide, RPA!
Anyway, have anything to report for the news section? PM/VM/ Rep me what it is and I'll include it int eh next one. Only one article per member, please.
I was finally able to sit down with the infamous Storm for an interview.
We spoke of the good
I had a blast as a Mod
...and of the bad
You never got herpes? I got that in my tour in Iraq. The woman with the adam's apple said she was clean.
The room was created 12:43
Imp joined the chat 12:48
Storm joined the chat 12:49
Imp: Welcome to Chaztzy! 12:49
Imp: chatzy* 12:49
Storm: A Press Agent Squirrel wanders on in. 12:49
Imp: XD yes yes 12:50
Storm: “Are there peanut butter cookies?” 12:50
Storm: Pay no attention to the squirrel, he’s always trying to get more peanut butter cookies. 12:50
Imp: okay so quickly, here are the boring rules that really have no effect in here but still good to know... 12:50
Imp: understood lol 12:50
Imp: RPA rules apply, you can ask me questions if you wish, don't wish to answer anyhting then let me know and I'll remove it and ask another, dont want something read on the final draft of the interview then let me know 12:52
Imp: uh, that's basically iy 12:52
Imp: it* 12:52
Imp: damn typos... 12:52
Imp: sadly I couldn't nab anyone else since they all seem busy atm 12:52
Storm: There are no typos, you must have a keyboard like mine where the keys move [big grin] 12:53
Imp: THANK YOU! I keep tellign everyone this but they don't believe me =_= 12:54
Imp: Alright so, sent a message to Sin buuuut no reply so it'll just be us two. 12:55
Imp: any questions before we begin? 12:55
Storm: Actually yes.... 12:55
Storm: What is the atomic weight of cal... ummm ... on the interview ... oops, my bad, nm [big grin] 12:56
Imp: lol alrighty then. Here 12:56
Imp: we 12:56
Imp: go 12:56
Imp: The Imp Show returns and today(the earliers interview I've done btw) I have Storm! 12:57
Imp: Finally, I have you on here! 12:57
Imp: Welcome, Storm, to the Imp Show! 12:57
Storm: *looks around* Where's Storm, I have been tring to avoid him for the longeeeeuuummm, wait that's me. Thank you for having me Sir Imp. 12:58
Imp: So, to start things off... what brought you into the RolePlaying world? 12:59
Storm: Started off way back in the days of dial up BBS game playing. Eventually when subscribed to internet service started to explore some of the MSN Community Chat games. When MSN went to pay service for communities, was in some of the various chat RPs. When those started dying off, started looking at Google for role play sites. So Google can be blamed for my being here – please direct the appropriate hate mail to Google [big grin] 13:04
Storm: Or a shorter answer to what brought me to RP - My keyboard [big grin] 13:05
Imp: That I will! I've got a lot to send there way... 13:05
Imp: Harhar XD 13:05
Imp: Next question! Many RPA members know you as the king of squirrels as you often incorporate them into your posts. What is your attraction to them? 13:07
Imp: Besides them being incredibly cute and neat to watch 13:07
Storm: Oddly enough, none. Think the whole Squirrel thing started when I was thinking of interesting ways to greet people. Back in earlier greetings I use to mention that the new person may have thought they dozed off during signup. That secretly Staff used the time they were asleep to implant GPS devices in them. Then had a brain bubble to add that now if you ever try to leave, I will send out the trained attack squirrels to come to your home and steal all your remote controls. It just grew from there as I started getting all the stray squirrels joining my Squirrel Army. 13:11
Imp: Now we knw your secret! ...damn GPS. I knew my brain was itchy for a couple days... 13:13
Storm: Wait, that was suppose to be a Sek-Kret tho [big grin] 13:13
Imp: XD Next question! You were a mod once(and Nazgul was an admin once), how was that experience? Having to help further plant GPS chips into member's brains and all. 13:15
Storm: I had a blast as a Mod. In all honesty, I don’t think anything has changed (other than don’t have the tools I did as a Mod). Though not on as often as I use to be due to that Ebil Real Life, I still like to wander through RPA spreading terror and discontent. Still waiting to win the lottery so I can change my Job Title to Full Time RPer. As far as the GPS, no need to phear, they are never used for bad (quick – Squirrel – track mor peanut butter cookies), make sure you don’t read in the parentheses. 13:20
Storm: Had mentioned to others, it doesn't matter in my name is displayed as Green, Silver, Metalic Gold or my fave - Squirrel Brown, I will always do what ever I can to terrorize RPA 13:22
Imp: Most excellent, Storm. XD 13:23
Imp: As for another Q. Have you pondered about changing your name to Blitz? Afterall, you are quick to the party er I mean point. I think you should change it and so does RPA. 13:24
Imp: In fact, Leoni, Anne, and several others including Alice all said you should change your name to Blitz. They didn't write it on the site but uh told me over the phone... 13:24
Storm: I have way too much history as Storm, user name means more than 5 letters strung together, don't think will ever change it 13:25
Imp: Well, may those of RPA and myself call you blitz? Anne would appreciate it since she told me... over the phone... 13:27
Imp: like Alice and others 13:27
Storm: Sure, I will respond to Blitz, just won't change Storm, kind of a story behind the user name [big grin] 13:28
Imp: OH well please inform my giddy self of the history behind the name *camera zooms in on Imp* STOOORRRMMMM 13:32
Storm: Be a moment in word ... wait ... I am going to type with no typos ... whew, that was close, might have revealed my secret of typing and pasting from Word. Glad I didn't reveal that. The Storm Name story to follow. Disclosure, sometimes people do a oh my gosh on it. 13:34
Storm: When I was in a medieval MSN Community and Chat, there were a couple members who were as close as sisters. Even back then was an older member of the Community. One’s screen name was Dens Baby, came to us and personality was soft spoken and kinda shy. The Community adopted her as … well .. the Den’s Baby. Her friend was more outspoken and street wise, screen name Storm Queen. They were night and day opposite but also neighbors so the girls were close as sisters. They also lived in my home town (though never met them) and I became like their online Daddy. Their families were also close, single father of one, single mom for the other. The father received an assignment overseas and the parents married. The girls were hyper beyond anything since they now were ‘real sisters’ and were going over seas. A couple months after they went over seas, the mother emailed one of the Community Admins letting her know that the girls passed away over night due to carbon monoxide in the room they were staying. My first use of Storm was actually Shadow Of Storms eventually shortening it to Storm, have kept if ever since. 13:43
Imp: Woah, this must be deep! 13:43
Imp: Woah! That was deep! 13:45
Imp: I always enjoying learning where members get their names from. 13:46
Imp: Alrighty then. Next Q. 13:46
Storm: Many of my characters in stories are a mix of people I know, don't think I have ever created a random character name. 13:47
Imp: Same here, actually! All of my character names reflect them in some way. 13:48
Imp: Next Q, I just killed a bee, how do you feel? 13:48
Imp: er scratch that 13:49
Storm: Better than the Bee [big grin] 13:49
Imp: Favorite RP genre? 13:49
Imp: As for myself, I like anything that draws the ladies in [wink] *is actually in more roleplays with guys than girls* 13:53
Storm: I think I stay more with limited fantasy or more action based role plays. Not so much into SciFi which is Odd since I was in a Star Wars based chat RP for around 10 years. Needless to say, liberties were taken with Canon aspects and true Star Wars fans would often have a cow. Think am interested in role plays that I can keep people guessing at what my character will be doing. Is there a genre called complex? … lol 13:54
Imp: yes I think it is called... oh wait, we don't have a section for that XD 13:56
Imp: T_T 13:56
Imp: Next question! Any RPA members you have known the longest? Like ones you've RPed with long before? 13:58
Storm: Last November when I got home (AKA: RPA), I don't think anyone from my Chat RPs was here. There was about a 1 or 2 year gap between my last chat RP and when I happened upon RPA. I have emailed a few I still have email addys for (PC died and didn't have a backup of my contacts) so don't think there is anyone (that I'm aware of) from my Pre RPA days here. 14:02
Imp: awww that sucks... 14:03
Imp: had the same crap happen... 14:04
Imp: Alright! a couple more questions and then we'll end this! 14:04
Storm: Shoot (only if your aim is off ... or you aim at the Squirrel with the highest pay .. need to somehow control payroll) 14:05
Imp: Next Q, if you had a million dollars, what would you honestly do with it? 14:05
Imp: My Gma always told me I should give it to the poor(I am poor), so I simply responded by telling her off. 14:06
Storm: Buy a Condo in Seoul Korea (or put down a downpayment on the Condo). With my wife being Korean, we will eventually get a place in Korea so we can go back and forth when hit that retirement thing. 14:07
Imp: oooo nice decision. Very caring. =) 14:08
Imp: I have no one soooo I'd spend it on my self. Likely waste it on drugs and bling I'll be the richest ODer... 14:09
Storm: Be very careful, just when you are not looking, you will be hit with the 'Where have you been all my life' Gal. 14:10
Storm: Or you can just by a Million Dollard in peanut butter cookies so my Squirrels will have unlimited resources [big grin] 14:11
Storm: (I knew I should have Word Typed that one ... wait, the keys moved ... good save) 14:11
Imp: hmmm... tru about the former. I'll be sure to buy lots of lime and a good shovel and property to dig holes in 14:12
Imp: To finish this off(unless you have any questions), what is your most fav. character you have created in your time of RPing? 14:13
Storm: I think in all my Role Playing would be a character Melanie Storm. Started the character our sugar sweet and lovable as anything. As her history continued, there were actually typists that would not bring their good guys in the chat room when I had Melanie in. I would rarely kill another character since I never found the need unless it advanced a story. The character was the sweetest however one of the most ruthless at the same time. I think for RPA, I am having a good time playing Su Lin Mok in Whispers of the Past. Again, playing the character as being sweet, kind however has a side you don’t want to see, she can be a kick arse gal if needed. Think I like to play strong women who are nice but has that ‘you don’t want to see my bad side’ personality. 14:22
Storm: And I do have a question for the Host of the Imp Show. 14:22
Storm: Why is your name not Green yet? [big grin] 14:22
Imp: A question? FOR ME?! =D *all giddy like a schoolgirl* No wait, nvm that... 14:24
Imp: y? I'll tell you why... herpes. Er honestly, I'm better as a member thana mod. Though I enjoy the site greatly and have had mod experience elsewhere, I'd rather just not have to worry about managing the site. 14:25
Imp: plus I'm busy as it is... 14:25
Imp: though an invite would be cool from the Admins.. even if I'd turn it down anyway XD 14:25
Storm: Be careful, if you ever do turn down an invite, remember the GPS, my Squirrels are always looking for remores and peanut butter cookies to steal. Yea, I know, I am resorting to threats [big grin] 14:27
Storm: *remotes* Darn moving keys 14:27
Imp: Yeah, damn those moving keys. If only I could buy a keyboard that doesn't have such an ability! 14:28
Imp: Well, I'm glad to have finally gotten you on the show! I verymuch enjoyed it and hope you did as well. Perhaps, we shall meet again =_= 14:28
Imp: on RPA! =D 14:28
Storm: What do you mean but, I get my keyboards from AWOL RPA members, you see, remotes are not the only thing they steal. 14:29
Imp: I also have a TV that changes itself... always goes to the damn adult channels and cranks the volume to 100 14:29
Storm: I appreciate a chance to be onthe totally awesome Imp Show. Look for a Rep to invade your status soon ... muh ha ha *cough* ha ha*wheeze* ha ha *sputter* hahhhech, queue the ebil lafftur sound trak! 14:30
Imp: lol XD... expect the same >=( 14:31
Imp: OH 14:31
Imp: any last words? 14:31
Imp: er uh 14:32
Imp: words of wisdom 14:32
Storm: Wow, am I going to be shot, I knew I should have checked out the appearance fees firsssssssummmm, oh, parting words, nm 14:32
Storm: Words of wisdom, don't eat yellow snow ... 14:33
Imp: always good to know! 14:33
Storm: More useful words, tune into the Imp Show [big grin] 14:33
Imp: I'm sure many members have made that mistake before... *looks dramatically off to the side* 14:33
Imp: DAMN STRAIGHT THEY BETTER DO SO! Onlt like... 5 people read it! XD 14:34
Imp: well thanks again =) 14:34
Imp: and this is Imp, saying good night and stuff. 14:34
Storm: There you go with the typo again, you are missing all the zeros on the 50,000 people that read the Imp Show
Storm is certainly one of the nicest members on RPA and I hope he stays that way.
Remember! If you wanna be interviewed or be part of an event (, then PM/VM/Rep me and we'll work something out!
DON'T POST IN HEREunless told to do so otherwise unless you are staff.
Later, skater!
TONGIHT IS ANOTHER SPECIAL NIGHT!... no not like the other ones... okay still as special but ina different way. Jesus! Jesus isn't inJUST STOP!
REMEMBER THIS?! I miss the old days...
Orlando Jones is so awesome, I wish I was him. =P
This week's best words of wisdom go to Average Hero.
"You can solve every problem in the world by shooting it, or fucking it."
This week's 'Funniest thing Storm said' iissss
"Don't shoot or I'll move!" (
Imp: with i your host imp 23:08
Imp: i havbe been drinking heavily to drwon my problems with alcholo and invite ou to do the same! 23:09
Imp: ahem. Let me gather myself 23:09
CeruleanSin: oh shit. 23:09
CeruleanSin: should be paying attention. 23:09
CeruleanSin: There should also be an I at the beginning of that. 23:10
CeruleanSin: r_r 23:10
Leon[i]: Oh Ceru<3 23:10
CeruleanSin: Leebeee.<3 23:10
Imp: Leoni will be my crutch(?) in this as I've been .. oh wait I explained that already. Leonia nd I are here to interview the lovely Cerulean Sin! 23:10
Leon[i]: Nicknames [big grin] 23:10
CeruleanSin: ;D 23:10
Leon[i]: Crutch lololololol XD 23:10
Leon[i]: I'm dying over here XD 23:10
CeruleanSin: D; I feel like I'mma be gangbanged all up on. D: 23:11
Imp: yes this is the adult rated version I suppose 23:11
Imp: I'm still here.. kinda 23:11
Imp: Imp is being drowned in beer and vodka as I go on... 23:11
CeruleanSin: Mm, vodka. 23:11
Leon[i]: Beer is so bitter 23:12
Leon[i]: Why do peeps like it? 23:12
Imp: vodka roxorz my boxrz.. right? idk,. Leoni is here to carry me along XD 23:12
Imp: cause it makes for a good chaser as I told Koti [wink] 23:12
Leon[i]: XD 23:12
CeruleanSin: I 'unno. I like my whiskey. 23:12
CeruleanSin: Beer is just bleh. 23:12
Leon[i]: I'm from TN. JACK DANIELS 23:12
Imp: C.Sin likes her whiskey! 23:12
CeruleanSin: Chasers are for pussies>_> 23:12
Leon[i]: Kidding, never had JD 23:13
Leon[i]: [surprised] 23:13
Imp: here, I am not my sober self but I will try my best to make sense 23:13
CeruleanSin: Scurry Leebee is scurred. 23:13
Imp: right now my fingers are flying on the keyboard as I cant catch up to them much liek the the wiley coyote can't chatc upt hte iothe roadrunner 23:14
Imp: did that make sence? eh well fuck it! 23:14
Imp: I've been drinking heavily and tonight we'll have fun... 23:14
CeruleanSin: Perrfecct sense. ;x 23:14
Leon[i]: Lul. Sew much lul. 23:14
Imp: SO FIRSTLUY, I'll ask the question.. C.Sin, where did you get your name from? 23:14
CeruleanSin: My mother, VioletVirtue. 23:16
Imp: also I just noticed I have a character named C. Section who has the same initials as you... iin Siksta's awesome RP called the Russianfs... no.. the Ruffians! check it out! 23:16
CeruleanSin: >_> 23:16
CeruleanSin: I was supposed to take part in that.. I'm such a procrastinator! D:< 23:16
Imp: VioletVirtue eh? aww how sweet much like yourself 23:16
Leon[i]: No, it's the Russians silly Imp! 23:16
Leon[i]: I know those lazy feels bro >.> 23:17
Imp: XD The Russians, yes yes. I wish... tho the city is not named so who knows? =O 23:17
CeruleanSin: Sweet? A Sin? Hmm, flattery will get you everywhere, sir. 23:17
Imp: XD 23:18
CeruleanSin: ._. Those lazy feels always take hold of me. 23:18
Imp: same, especially during college.... 23:18
Imp: what brought U to RPA? 23:19
Leon[i]: Aubrey brought her! 23:19
Leon[i] sneezes 23:19
CeruleanSin: Lol. 23:20
CeruleanSin: Actually, an old gal pal back in 2009 forced me onto RPA one day. 23:20
Imp: just as I said, Leoni will escort me XD 23:20
Imp: oooohhh 23:21
Imp: is this old pal still on? =O 23:21
CeruleanSin: Nooo. 23:21
Imp: *totatlyy didnt forget this was still going on*( *lied* 23:21
Imp: aww boo. 23:21
CeruleanSin: Yeah, but her and I don't get along anyways! 23:22
Imp: yeah some friends of mine left the site. Now all I have is Sin, Siksta, Leoni, Meshu and.. oh they are mostly still here 23:22
Imp: oh? Hmm.. we wont get into that. *signals to Leoni to kill said person* 23:22
CeruleanSin: That Siks mang 23:22
Leon[i]: Female friendships, am I right? =.= 23:22
CeruleanSin: Always leaving me for xbox! 23:22
Leon[i]: Omg, me and Imp are....friends?! :'D 23:22
Imp: damn sexbox er i mean xbox,.... 23:23
CeruleanSin: Yes, Leebee. You are right. xD 23:23
Imp: i guess so.. >> 23:23
Imp: XD ys 23:23
Leon[i]: Imp y u make me make weird laugh snort sounds D: 23:23
Imp: idk XD tis in my nature 23:23
Leon[i]: dem puns. 23:23
Imp: hmmm next question fornm my awesome slef... 23:24
Imp: self* whatever 23:24
Leon[i]: Dibs on next question 23:24
CeruleanSin: ;x. 23:24
Leon[i]: Sin do you still work at Sabarros? 23:24
Imp: what else do you liek besides reading and writing? 23:25
CeruleanSin: I do. ;-;. 23:25
Leon[i]: That pizza is soooo yummm 23:25
Imp: i want pizza 23:25
Leon[i]: But so 'spensive 23:25
CeruleanSin: That pizza is soooo yuuuuck 23:25
Imp: XD 23:25
CeruleanSin: >_> 23:25
Imp: oh Sin 23:25
Leon[i]: Girl you better hmu wit sum pizza. For serious. 23:25
Leon[i]: like i aint even playin 23:25
CeruleanSin: fer srs I will. all day 'errday. 23:25
Leon[i]: that pizza tha shizzz 23:26
Leon[i]: XD 23:26
CeruleanSin: I don't like pizza>_> 23:26
Leon[i]: Boo 23:26
CeruleanSin: ALSO, Imp, I liketo sleep. 23:26
CeruleanSin: Sleep is my lover. 23:26
Leon[i]: Imp probs passed out XD 23:26
CeruleanSin: Probably. 23:27
Imp: XD when Leoni ain't playin'. She ain't playin' >=( 23:27
Leon[i]: XD XD XD 23:27
Imp: Sleep is your lover no more! 23:27
Imp: so what else do you enjoy besieds literature? 23:27
CeruleanSin: D; sleeping. and bonfires. and cute boys named Adam.>_> 23:28
CeruleanSin: And Sinning. 23:28
CeruleanSin: can't forget that. 23:28
Leon[i]: I mean he was Adam, I think I was Eve But my vision ends with the apple on the tree 23:28
Leon[i]: Nicki song lul 23:28
CeruleanSin: xd. 23:29
CeruleanSin: She makes me giggle. 23:29
Imp: XD my name is Steve... no it isnt... 23:29
Leon[i]: next question! 23:29
Imp: screw Adam! He's outta the picture now! 23:29
Leon[i]: Nicki makes me lul too. so cray cray 23:29
Imp: Next question.. uhmmm... favorite types of RPs? 23:29
CeruleanSin: Horrorrrrr.<3333333 23:30
Leon[i]: Imp thats a terrible- oh nvm ._. 23:30
Imp: Miki Minaj rocks... and is fine in my opinion [wink] 23:30
CeruleanSin: How old ar eyou going to be? 23:30
CeruleanSin: We need to party. 23:30
CeruleanSin: Have a party. On RPA. 23:30
CeruleanSin: In honor. 23:30
Leon[i]: lul yes XD 23:30
CeruleanSin: I shall bring da' boooooze. 23:30
Imp: we need a party for Leoni! 23:30
Leon[i]: MY BDAY IS 9/11 23:30
CeruleanSin: ;o 23:30
Leon[i]: sadly-ish 23:30
Imp: 9/11 times a thousand! 23:30
CeruleanSin: that's slightly depressing. 23:31
CeruleanSin: ;[ 23:31
Leon[i]: I knooowww 23:31
Imp: points to whoever gets that 23:31
CeruleanSin: BUT easy to remember@! 23:31
Leon[i]: ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!! 23:31
Leon[i]: Up to 11th grade, peeps be like OMG YUR BDAY IS TODAY? DAT AWFUL 23:31
Imp: and Horror rocks!@ gld you joined the Resident Evil RP! 23:31
Leon[i]: I MISSED IT 23:32
Imp: lool damn peeps not appreciating your Bday came first and not that incidient 23:32
Leon[i]: Actually I love Sweden 23:32
Imp: damn Swedne 23:32
Leon[i]: What incident? 23:32
Imp: remind me to nuke it 23:32
Imp: 9/11 >> 23:32
Leon[i]: Not Gin! 23:32
Imp: oh yeah 23:32
CeruleanSin: Gin?!;o 23:32
Leon[i]: Hey 9/11 is my bday! 23:33
Imp: well he should move out of the way in time. ^^ 23:33
Leon[i]: Gin is the def'n of the word attractive 23:33
Leon[i]: Right next to Stryker 23:33
Leon[i]: Annnd Ace of Hearts 23:33
CeruleanSin: What about that Stryker?;x 23:33
Leon[i]: aaaaaand Gilgameshu 23:33
CeruleanSin: He'sss mightyyy finnnne. 23:33
Leon[i]: I knooooow 23:33
Imp: I'm still stripping aren't I? T_T 23:33
Leon[i]: It's like Dayuuuum 23:33
Imp: tripping* 23:33
CeruleanSin: ./slow 23:33
CeruleanSin: I wish my laptop screen were brail. 23:33
CeruleanSin: D; 23:34
CeruleanSin: I'd be feelin' that up all day. 23:34
Leon[i]: Imp your hair is a sexy river of wheat XD 23:34
Leon[i]: golden wheat 23:34
Imp: XD 23:34
CeruleanSin: I already told you I planned to scalp you, Impie. 23:34
Leon[i]: Ceruuuu XD<3 23:34
CeruleanSin: <333 23:34
Imp: atleast I get some support here from Leoni! 23:34
Imp: oh tru 23:34
Imp: Sin earns points as well 23:34
Imp: crew dem lads, I have the hair and that is all that matter! >_< 23:35
Imp: matters* 23:35
CeruleanSin: screw*;x 23:35
CeruleanSin: I got'chu. 23:35
Imp: XD 23:35
Imp: okay so next question... 23:36
Imp: aaannnnddd i cant think of any' 23:36
Imp: uhhhh 23:36
Imp: favorite beverage? (could be anything) 23:36
CeruleanSin: >.> SO IMP, Who is YOUR RPA crush?;o 23:36
Imp: we'll get bnack onto RPing questions shortly after I regain myself 23:37
CeruleanSin: Mtn. Dew. 23:37
CeruleanSin: All. The. Way. 23:37
Imp: my narcissitic self <3 23:37
CeruleanSin: That's fitting. 23:37
CeruleanSin: We should have a wedding! 23:37
Leon[i]: Dude Ru makes the best sets evah 23:37
Imp: wait... the U wasnt supposed to be in there 23:37
Leon[i]: XD 23:37
CeruleanSin: Yes, she does. <3 I love muh Ruru. 23:38
Imp: now this interview has to be NSFW 23:38
Leon[i]: Really? 23:38
Leon[i]: edit it maybe? 23:38
Imp: no XD 23:38
Imp: yes edit 23:38
Leon[i]: Ruuuuuuuuuuuuu <333333333333 23:38
Imp: thank Xenu for editing 23:38
Imp: and Ru does rock from waht I've seen even if I havent spoekn to her much 23:38
CeruleanSin: You know what else rocks? 23:39
Imp: WHUT?! 23:39
Imp: and honestly as for a crush... i have none T_T 23:39
CeruleanSin: The 2012 RPA Awards! 23:39
Leon[i]: CICRULAR LOGIC 23:39
CeruleanSin: AUBREY DOES ROCK. 23:40
Leon[i]: Imp wuvs V 23:40
CeruleanSin: Who does Leebee ruv? 23:40
Imp: XD the RPA wards where I am most credited for being the weirdes t foirst impression XD 23:40
CeruleanSin: You do give off an odd first impression.. 23:40
Imp: I aint gonna be no V wuvver XD 23:40
Imp: I do ... 23:40
Imp: which i enjoy 23:41
CeruleanSin: Got all 'dem noobz scurred. 23:41
Imp: I honestly love being crass and inane 23:41
Leon[i]: I wuv....... 23:41
CeruleanSin: job well done. 23:41
Imp: tis my thang 23:41
Leon[i]: Gilgameshu's adorbs face. 23:41
Leon[i]: So. 23:41
Leon[i]: freaking. 23:41
Leon[i]: adorbs. 23:41
Imp: yeah i havent seen that suckas face yet 23:41
CeruleanSin: ;o 23:41
CeruleanSin: I want to french braid his hair. 23:42
Imp: I'll have to ask dat sucka for a face pic before I let him post in Biohazard again 23:42
Leon[i]: I want to braid Imp 23:42
Leon[i]: 's hair 23:42
Imp: I'm not suggesting anything.... just saying XD 23:42
Imp: =3 23:42
Imp: muh hairs? ^^ 23:42
Imp: My hair rocks but i warn you it oddly wraps aroudn shit 23:42
Imp: no joke O_o 23:42
Imp: it tangled with my ex's hair 23:43
CeruleanSin: 'cept uh, ya know, male. 23:43
Imp: I AM A MAN! A MANLY NMNA!!!fkdamfjknhadgjnfagjfa 23:43
Imp: damn typoes 23:43
Imp: typos 23:43
Leon[i]: Imp show has made me delay mah GM post like 30 min XD 23:43
Imp: screw that *kicks above posts to the side* 23:43
CeruleanSin: He's delayed my sleep.;[ 23:43
Imp: WOOT I win! 23:44
Imp: wait 23:44
Imp: yeah no typos there O_O 23:44
Imp: well if ya want, we can end this earlu XD 23:44
CeruleanSin: I 'unno about earlu. 23:44
Imp: more so a random interview than anything else 23:44
Imp: more inane based thatn properly structured 23:44
CeruleanSin: you gave into peer pressure! 23:45
CeruleanSin: How could you!? 23:45
Imp: i did unknowingly! TT 23:45
Imp: I'm usually rebellious and outgoing! =O 23:45
Leon[i]: Unda pressa 23:45
Leon[i]: Gettin' down on me 23:45
Leon[i]: Something something something 23:46
Imp: SO next question! 23:46
Imp: before things get too radical 23:46
Imp: any fav RPers you enjoying RPing with? 23:46
Imp: i have soem pizza in the fridge brb 23:46
Leon[i]: Do want. 23:47
Imp: if i can get up without falling down 23:47
CeruleanSin: ewww. 23:47
Leon[i]: Imp don't hurt youself XD 23:47
Imp: i made it safely backa n the Q stull stands 23:48
Imp: still stands* 23:48
Imp: so answer it, Sin! >=( 23:48
Imp: say me and you'll get off Scott free 23:48
Imp: is that the saying ? idk atm XD 23:48
Imp: and nvm pizza. Pizza shall never be spoken of while in the presence of the glorious Sin! 23:49
Imp: so SHHHHH or I'll fuckin kill u! >=( 23:49
CeruleanSin: I loveeee roleplaying with Circular Logic (Who changed his name today and now I am utterly lost and confused.;- [wink] , La Di Da, Ru, Impie, Anastasia, err... 23:49
Imp: but Not Leoni cus she kewl 23:49
CeruleanSin: DAMN WINKY FACE 23:49
CeruleanSin: D:< 23:49
CeruleanSin: There's dozens more. 23:49
CeruleanSin: like Gil, 23:50
Imp: who the hell is Impie? sounds liek a jerk. I wouldn't RP with him if it were the end of the world >> 23:50
CeruleanSin: It's this one dude, 23:50
Imp: *Imp is still here* 23:50
CeruleanSin: I MEAN 23:50
CeruleanSin: HE LOVE OF MY LIFE 23:50
CeruleanSin: SHAW 23:50
CeruleanSin: Pshaw* 23:50
CeruleanSin: .> 23:50
Imp: is the microwave done heating mah shit up? I can't hear it over the sound of how awesome I is! >=( 23:51
Imp: XD 23:51
CeruleanSin: I 'unno. Get'cho lazy arse up and check it. 23:51
Imp: T_T fone 23:51
Imp: fine* 23:51
Imp: Leoni, if u could aska Q 23:51
CeruleanSin: I swear drunk i'm not officer 23:51
Imp: XD 23:52
Imp: "what seems to be the Officer, problem? " 23:52
Imp: good thin I dont drinve anymore 23:52
Imp: and the pizza was done! O_O 23:52
CeruleanSin: D:< 23:52
CeruleanSin: I CAN'T. 23:52
CeruleanSin: stupid ass cattle fences. 23:52
CeruleanSin: and the crashing of my car 23:53
CeruleanSin: not 23:53
CeruleanSin: >:| 23:53
Leon[i]: Ceru, North or South? 23:53
CeruleanSin: what should be in there. >_> 23:53
CeruleanSin: uh.. 23:53
CeruleanSin: North 23:53
Imp: North 23:53
Imp: not in Nashville territory 23:53
Imp: Sadly... since I VISITED THE SUPPOSED ARAEAfsgafaskjgjnfsah 23:54
Imp: augh 23:54
CeruleanSin: rawrg? 23:54
Imp: im too drink to eat pizza propery 23:54
Leon[i]: Wait. 23:54
Leon[i]: WAIT. 23:54
Imp: whut? =O 23:54
Leon[i]: Imp you was in Nashville? 23:54
Leon[i]: WHY DIDN'T YOU TELLLL ME? 23:55
Imp: well on the outskirts with a HS freiend... 23:55
Imp: was going to until I ealrned how far they lived away from Nashville =( 23:55
Imp: damn typos 23:55
Imp: i blame the typis for anything i say 23:55
Imp: like "Imp is freakin' awesome" and such' 23:56
Imp: i would have but I'd have to take a bus to et there T_T 23:56
CeruleanSin: you can spell awesome but not get.;x 23:56
Imp: XD shut up Sin! 23:57
Imp: I'm ina drunken state and thus a cripple T_T 23:57
CeruleanSin: ;x 23:57
CeruleanSin: You know what else cripples you? 23:57
Imp: d'aww sin so cute *huggles* 23:57
Imp: whut? =( 23:57
CeruleanSin: a foot that has fallen asleep.; 23:57
Imp: hold on folks... we're expercignnging shit! 0:00
CeruleanSin joined the chat 0:00
Imp: ohhhhh =( 0:00
CeruleanSin: shit has been experienced. 0:00
Imp: here we o 0:00
Imp: wait wait i got it, Leoni! 0:00
Imp: there we go* 0:00
Imp: Yay! I gots it *ish stuped* 0:00
CeruleanSin: o.o; 0:01
Imp: where is LKeoni? =( 0:01
Imp: XD KLeoni 0:01
CeruleanSin: D: i unno 0:01
CeruleanSin: leebee 0:01
CeruleanSin: come back to meee. 0:01
Imp: ugh forget it 0:01
Imp: Keaoni* 0:01
Imp: i like Keoni XD 0:01
Imp: rescue* 0:02
CeruleanSin: Keoni Kiwi 0:02
Leon[i]: NEW USERNAME 0:02
Leon[i]: KEONI 0:02
Imp: ugh im a mess 0:02
Imp: XD 0:02
Leon[i]: Kwaii 0:02
Leon[i]: Was making faces at myself in my webcam C: 0:02
CeruleanSin: XD 0:02
Imp: next question for both of youy. What interested you into the RPing world? O_O 0:02
CeruleanSin: I do that too! 0:02
Imp: if only my webcam could work, I'ld be makign money off my sexynesss... scratch that.. fucgliness... 0:03
Imp: fuglineness* 0:03
CeruleanSin: >;/ 0:03
CeruleanSin: Shut your face 0:03
Imp: yessum T_T 0:03
Leon[i]: I used to RP with Flora when I was a youngin' 0:03
Leon[i]: cept we didnt know it was RPing 0:04
CeruleanSin: Now say something nice about yourself. 0:04
Imp: d'awww Leoni as a widdle one alogn with Sin. 0:04
Leon[i]: we controled Winx Club characters. Ahh those were the days 0:04
Imp: Ugh I'm old 0:04
Imp: 24 to be exact 0:04
CeruleanSin: Wern't those the like.. witches cartoon show thing? 0:04
Leon[i]: we rp'd on oir DSes 0:04
CeruleanSin: Or is that something else.. 0:04
Leon[i]: Yes XD 0:04
Imp: XD 0:04
CeruleanSin: OHOKAY 0:05
Leon[i]: We didn't even like it that much 0:05
Leon[i]: We made fun of all the characters XD 0:05
Imp: and soemthing nice avout myself? uhmm... I'm caring? =3 0:05
Leon[i]: Imp. Is. Awesome. 0:05
Imp: Leoni scores soem more points XD 0:05
CeruleanSin: How old are you now, Leoni? 0:05
Leon[i]: Awesome old guy 0:05
Leon[i]: OOooooo, guessss 0:05
Leon[i]: Hint: I'm in 11th grade 0:05
CeruleanSin: >_> I'm terrible at these g- 0:05
CeruleanSin: WUT 0:05
CeruleanSin: SO YOUNG 0:05
Imp: 24 being oold. Ugh T_T. I'm about tto die soon... *takes out cane* 0:05
CeruleanSin: D:< 0:06
CeruleanSin: ._. 0:06
CeruleanSin: I feel so old now. 0:06
Leon[i]: Peeps in Sweden thought I was like 20 0:06
Leon[i]: I was like heh heh...yeah 0:06
CeruleanSin: D 0:06
Imp: yur like 16, jah? 0:06
CeruleanSin: xD* 0:06
CeruleanSin: That's like Alice! 0:06
CeruleanSin: I thought she was older than what she is 0:06
Imp: jah is cooler is than yah 0:06
CeruleanSin: and when she told me how old she was, my fucking jaw dropped. 0:06
CeruleanSin: ;_; 0:06
Imp: how old are uSin? or did I not never notice? XD 0:07
Leon[i]: I thought Alice was like 20 0:07
CeruleanSin: I would say seventeen not sixteen, Imp. She's a Junior 0:07
Leon[i]: How old is she? 0:07
Imp: i keep to myself on RPA too muich T_T 0:07
CeruleanSin: ._. 0:07
CeruleanSin: I think 16 0:07
Imp: I gotta be more of a socialist and speak out to the peeps 0:07
CeruleanSin: Either 16 or 17 0:07
Leon[i]: Heh I'm actually 8 C: 0:07
CeruleanSin: I'm pretty sure 16 tghough 0:07
Leon[i]: Lul kidding 0:07
CeruleanSin: I'm 21. 0:08
CeruleanSin: >< 0:08
CeruleanSin: 22 in jan. 0:08
Imp: im dru so u gotta help me out here... heavulufv bshafbjdahsfhsdjaghfa 0:08
Imp: UGH 0:08
CeruleanSin: .. 0:08
Imp: start fresh 0:08
Leon[i]: XD XD XD 0:08
Imp: 22 in JAN!?!?!?!?! 0:08
Imp: blah! 0:08
CeruleanSin: THERE IS NO WAY YOU ARE 15! 0:08
Leon[i]: Imma grade skipper 0:08
Imp: im too old... 0:08
CeruleanSin: DO NOT LIE TO ME, MISSY. 0:08
Imp: 24. Blah 0:08
Imp: wish i was still 21 0:08
Leon[i]: I knooooow 0:08
Imp: fun times 0:08
Imp: like when I drank so much I passed out before th ball dropped for new ywaears 0:09
Leon[i]: Luckily I'm 5' 8'' plus my glasses make me look older muhahaha 0:09
Imp: next qyuestion.... 0:10
Leon[i]: I get called poptarts giirl XD 0:10
CeruleanSin: I'm allergic to poptarts.. 0:10
Imp: tho Leonia nd I know touryhdfusahfjdhajf your secret XD 0:11
Leon[i]: Imp people on RPA must contunue to blindly think I'm twentysomthing 0:11
Imp: im known as... wait... im not known as anuything T_T 0:11
CeruleanSin: x; 0:11
Leon[i]: HUSH IMP 0:11
Imp: XD 0:11
CeruleanSin: ;o 0:11
Imp: ugh brb, you gils placyekfjsajfdagsaj u girls play nice and ask questions. brb 0:12
CeruleanSin: >_> 0:12
CeruleanSin: what's he think we're gonna do? 0:12
Leon[i]: You want us to play? 0:12
Leon[i]: Nice? 0:12
CeruleanSin: Have pillow fights and pull eachothers hair? 0:12
Leon[i]: Two females? 0:12
CeruleanSin: I'm mor einto the twat punting 0:13
Leon[i]: -snips off your ponytail- 0:13
Leon[i]: XD 0:13
CeruleanSin: ;O\ 0:13
Leon[i]: I want your eyes 0:13
CeruleanSin: BULLSHIT YOU SO DID NOT! 0:13
CeruleanSin: You can have them, midear. 0:13
Leon[i]: I like your persuasion 0:13
Leon[i]: If ya know what I mean -wink wink nudge nudge- 0:13
CeruleanSin: Oh? 0:13
CeruleanSin: xD 0:13
Leon[i]: YES<3 You can have my black/brown eyes 0:14
CeruleanSin: ;]. Alright. 0:14
Leon[i]: Ans the almond shape they come in XD 0:14
CeruleanSin: We'll do a tradsies. 0:14
Leon[i]: Yus. 0:14
CeruleanSin: xD Mine are so freaking large 0:14
CeruleanSin: ;-; 0:14
CeruleanSin: like I look like an alien at times. 0:14
Leon[i]: SO JELLY 0:14
CeruleanSin: ._. 0:14
Imp: iu like Sin's eyes >=( 0:14
Leon[i]: Big eyes are beautiful D: 0:14
Imp: mine are so small... 0:14
Imp: i* not u. fuck u 0:15
CeruleanSin: D;< 0:15
CeruleanSin: FUCK YOU TOO 0:15
Leon[i]: Whoa what's Imp doing at our slumberparty? 0:15
CeruleanSin: mean. 0:15
CeruleanSin: meaniehead. 0:15
Imp: big eyes are butiful. tis the truth' 0:15
CeruleanSin: i unno. BOYS HAVE COOTIES 0:15
CeruleanSin: GETOUT 0:15
Leon[i]: EWWW 0:15
Imp: XD 0:15
Imp: this is my show! XD 0:15
CeruleanSin: D:< We took over! 0:15
Leon[i]: Did you know that boys and girls have different parts? 0:16
Leon[i]: Legit did not know that until 6th grade... 0:16
Imp: but yes sin does has some fab eyes., Mine are all small... Loi'm like Doug Funny from from Doug the Cartoon 0:16
CeruleanSin: It is now known as the Leebee and Sin Slumberparty. 0:16
Leon[i]: Small eyes -highfive- 0:16
CeruleanSin: His lastname was funny? 0:16
Imp: Yes. Doug Funny 0:17
Leon[i]: While Sin is sleeping I'll take out her eyes with a spoon C: 0:17
Imp: XD 0:17
Imp: Score to Leoni 0:17
Leon[i]: 10 POINTS TO LEONIDOR 0:17
Imp: but yes I have boring hazel/green eyes, Sin has these brilliant blue eyes... wish I hads thenfdsfdsagf Wish i had the,m 0:18
CeruleanSin: I some dude 0:18
CeruleanSin: hreaten to to do that to me 0:18
CeruleanSin: cause he hated me 0:18
CeruleanSin: not because he wanted them 0:18
Imp: I would kill him =_= 0:18
CeruleanSin: I had* Threaten* 0:19
CeruleanSin: Idk why this chat hates me. 0:19
Imp: tho id kill anyoen who threatened my friends even if i havent killed anyone... expect thatr one dude 0:19
Imp: XD poor ol' Sin 0:19
Leon[i]: o_O 0:19
Imp: + 0:19
Leon[i]: Poor Ceru</3 0:19
Leon[i]: Ceru my boo y'all 0:20
Leon[i]: for serious. 0:20
Imp: Poor Ceru deals with too muc bcrap 0:20
Leon[i]: since she works at dat pizza place 0:20
Imp: we should massacre her friends! >_< 0:20
CeruleanSin: xD 0:20
Imp: await dont listen to me 0:20
CeruleanSin: I got the hookup. 0:20
Leon[i]: and peeps be all like "I DIDNT ORDER NO SAUCE ON MAH PIZZA" 0:21
CeruleanSin: D; 0:21
Imp: fuckin pizza is the shit! 0:21
Imp: especially when high O_O 0:21
CeruleanSin: ._. naked ass in my face 0:21
Leon[i]: weeeeeeeeeeeed 0:21
CeruleanSin: fucking whore from MSN adding me thinking I'm male 0:21
CeruleanSin: I HAVE A VAGINA 0:21
CeruleanSin: weed<3 0:21
Imp: WEEEEEED 0:21
Imp: XD 0:21
Leon[i]: ing out gardens is fun. Heh heh... 0:21
Imp: fuck MSN! 0:21
Leon[i]: lul 0:21
Leon[i]: Netherlands wololol 0:22
CeruleanSin: >.> 0:22
Imp: tho i visit there cause Alice and Wattz an others 0:22
Leon[i]: Soooooo Imp show redow lates? 0:22
Imp: i has Skype now =3 0:22
CeruleanSin: Hellizabeth 0:22
CeruleanSin: Add it. 0:22
Leon[i]: YOU BETTA ADD ME 0:22
CeruleanSin: asshat. 0:22
Leon[i]: GOING ON RIGHT NOW 0:22
Imp: i added u already >=( 0:22
CeruleanSin: ohyeah 0:22
CeruleanSin: you did 0:22
CeruleanSin: WELL 0:22
Leon[i]: Oh. awkward. lol 0:22
Imp: and i have no cam hooked up atm 0:22
CeruleanSin: you too, leebee 0:22
CeruleanSin: youaddittoo 0:22
CeruleanSin: you're just not an asshat 0:23
CeruleanSin: ;o 0:23
CeruleanSin: stryker is on yim 0:23
Imp: im an asshat? T_)T 0:23
Leon[i]: Oh wait, no new contact requestes =.= 0:23
Imp: lolz thats my hair in the way' 0:23
Leon[i]: Sinful Irish yo 0:24
Leon[i]: How. Old. Is. Alice. 0:24
CeruleanSin: I think 16 0:24
Leon[i]: [surprised] 0:24
Leon[i]: You're kidding 0:24
Imp: mhm! 16 0:24
Imp: im on skype, bitxhes!!!! 0:24
Imp: wait damn typos 0:24
Leon[i]: Imp y u no add me? -_- 0:25
Imp: totaly x rated now that Sin sais Whore XD 0:25
Leon[i]: Hey Pure's online 0:25
Imp: was yur nam,e? =O 0:25
Leon[i]: good_apple_k 0:25
Imp: i gpot noe one online other than Sin T_T 0:25
Leon[i]: we've been over this XD 0:25
Imp: and Leoni 0:25
Leon[i]: Cuz Cry is bad_appl_k 0:25
Imp: i miss Cry! TT 0:26
Imp: she was cool; 0:26
Leon[i]: Arail, Pure, and Phoenix are also online 0:26
Leon[i]: and Miss Devil 0:26
Imp: i hgave none of those! 0:26
Imp: ima loner thicja n thin 0:26
Imp: and only add thge ladies... but not for the perverted rerasons you think XD 0:26
Imp: even ho i just stated perverefdhsafjhdsajghfahsghfa scre it 0:26
Leon[i]: Imp. Add. Me. 0:27
CeruleanSin: Arail and I talked for the first time today. 0:27
Imp: Leoni, what is your name on ther? =O 0:27
Leon[i]: on Skype or RPA? 0:27
CeruleanSin: ;x 0:27
Imp: skype! 0:27
CeruleanSin: Remember, he's drunk. 0:27
Leon[i]: GOOD FCKING APPLE, KAY?! 0:27
CeruleanSin: Imp. 0:28
Leon[i]: good_apple_k 0:28
CeruleanSin: Her name is: good_apple_k 0:28
CeruleanSin: On skype. 0:28
CeruleanSin: Add that. 0:28
Leon[i]: I forgot XD 0:28
Imp: I'll add tour nom >=( 0:28
Imp: your mom* 0:28
Leon[i]: No I meant did CeruBear talk to Arail on Skype or RPA? 0:29
Imp: oh 0:29
Imp: awww CeruyBear XD 0:29
Imp: i gotta get my cam so peeps can seem my alien-looking self O_O 0:29
CeruleanSin: Ooh 0:30
CeruleanSin: RPA 0:30
Imp: *is contatnly updateing his wordpad incase Chatzy decides to be a dick 0:30
Imp: * 0:30
Imp: Sin wont talk to me on RPA =_= 0:31
Imp: unlike kind Leoni! 0:31
Imp: wait... 0:31
Leon[i]: XD 0:31
Leon[i]: 16 days until I'm 16! 0:32
Leon[i]: I need to make a thread/ 0:32
Leon[i]: But where? 0:32
Imp: iooio9i0 0:32
Imp: thats nmy head talking 0:32
Imp: uhhhhhhhh idk =( 0:32
Imp: brb 0:32
Imp: screw it 0:33
CeruleanSin: .. 0:33
Imp: any last words?>!!?? 0:40
Leon[i]: Wait, this was the Imp Show? 0:40
Imp: im gonna b feeling this in the mronin 0:40
CeruleanSin: xD 0:40
Leon[i]: I regret everything =.= 0:40
Imp: it was XD 0:40
CeruleanSin: lmao 0:40
Leon[i]: Lulz I have school tomorrow 0:40
Imp: *passes out on the hair* 0:40
Leon[i]: Better do 3 days worth of HW in 4 hours 0:40
Imp: chari* 0:40
CeruleanSin: We can do a new one when he isn't drunk and we're all prepared or wutevs if he doesn't have enough or regrets it in th emorning 0:41
Imp: have fun and enjoy the wrath oif Imp =D 0:41
CeruleanSin: <33 NIGHT GUIEZ. Imp i'll see you on yim in a few 0:41
Imp: that you shall Sin T_T 0:41
Imp: im in toruble.,... 0:41
Imp: NIGHT!!!! 0:41
Leon[i]: Night~ 0:41
Imp: Welcome to the show, you two! 1:14
Sin: D; He's gonna outshine me! 1:14
Sin: er, outsin me!D: 1:14
Average Hero (God): There's no doubt in that, but don't worry you can tag along 1:15
Average Hero (God): [big grin] 1:15
Sin: Tchhh, Sin doesn't tag along! I make my own way. >;\ 1:15
Imp: Not as long as my blonde hair-that-flows-like-a-river-of-sexy-wheat has to say anything about it 1:15
Sin: Butt, Thank you Imp, for having us. ;3 1:15
Sin: ;3. I like Setsa's hair. Her hair is prettyy. 1:16
Average Hero (God): Yeah thanks Imp. [smile] imma play the calm and collected jerk today 1:16
Sin: I want to french braid it.. 1:16
Imp: Yes I'm glad you wild two are finally on! 1:16
Average Hero (God): I shaved all mah hair 1:16
Sin: Wild? Me? Yes. Him? More like ADHD. 1:16
Average Hero (God): I'm glad your on too Imp 1:16
Sin: Point made. 1:16
Sin: ;x 1:16
Average Hero (God): Ya know its just been so long, so I've talked to you. 1:16
Imp: Of course I'm on! Or it'd be 'THE SHOW' without Imp =/ 1:17
Sin: That doesn't even make sense>_> 1:17
Sin: I luhh me some Impie. :3. 1:17
Average Hero (God): All of the things I say make sense. 1:17
Imp: So are we ready for the first question? 1:17
Sin: Yes! Bring it on! 1:17
Average Hero (God): Go for it Imp I'll take ALL OF THE QUESTIONS 1:17
Sin: You're going down, Aubrey! 1:18
Average Hero (God): Pft. 1:18
Average Hero (God): Challenge Accepted. 1:18
Imp: YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE QUESTIONS! Okay so here it goes 1:18
Sin: Test your might! 1:18
Average Hero (God): Eye of the Tiger 1:18
Imp: An obvious one as I ask it in most my 'shows'. WHAT brought you to RPA? 1:18
Sin: Mortalll kombatt. >_> 'k anyways. ;Clears throat. - 1:18
Imp: the magical land of RPA* 1:18
Sin: I was forced onto RPA. 1:19
Sin: AGAINST MY WILL, at that time. 1:19
Average Hero (God): I used to be on Gaia....and yeah. RPA was just better. 1:19
Average Hero (God): I came for the rps, I stayed for the Sin 1:19
Imp: Heh. I was on Gaia once. I'd rather not discuss what occured to me on there O_O;; 1:19
Sin: D'awhh. You schmoozer. 1:20
Imp: Everyone stays for the sin... OH That Sin... yeah I guess [wink] 1:20
Sin: o_o did they do horrible, horrible things to you, Impie?! 1:20
Imp: yes yes... now before the truth is revealed, onto another lame question! =D 1:20
Sin: TCH. D:< Avoiding my questions! 1:21
Imp: It is a bit 'touchy' [wink] So best not answered. Besides, I trolled the place later on 1:21
Average Hero (God): I always troll all of the places. 1:21
Sin: Ahh. I gotchu'. 1:21
Sin: trolllololz. 1:22
Average Hero (God): I leave a wake of chaos in my stead! 1:22
Average Hero (God): That and a couple of bodies 1:22
Sin: More like a wake of blasphemy. 1:22
Average Hero (God): I wish we had a physical clip. I'd show you the wake. 1:22
Imp: MANY RPA MEMBERS ENJOY ONLY A HANDFUL OF GENRES AND TYPES OF RPs. What do you look for in an RP and what is your fav genre(s)? 1:22
Average Hero (God): Any rp is great if done right. I like all of the genres personally. My only favorite thing about them is character development. 1:23
Imp: I'd beat you with that physical clip. I will randomly say... 1:23
Sin: I look for anything with a challenge and for those that I've written with before. It's always nice to join in on an RP when you know a few the members within it. Otherwise, it can be a bit overwhelming, at least for me. 1:23
Sin: a few of I tend to stick to Horror, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Mature, etc. 1:24
Average Hero (God): Mostly I stick to whatever Ceru and La Di Da are in though, otherwise I just make my own. 1:24
Imp: Heh. Siks and myself tend to generate RPs here and there as well as Luthien and myself used to as well such as various Pirate RPs. 1:25
Sin: PIRATES! 1:25
Sin: yeah 1:25
Imp: Yeah >> 1:25
Sin: xD 1:25
Imp: Next question? =) 1:25
Average Hero (God): I like blowing stuff up and epic battles that defy physics. 1:25
Average Hero (God): I'm ready for all of the questions. 1:26
Sin: Love me some Scottish Siks. <33 1:26
Sin: I miss him, though. 1:26
Average Hero (God): Texans are best. 1:26
Sin: No, Aubrey. Your everything is not bigger, just because you live there. 1:26
Average Hero (God): You're right. 1:27
Sin: and by everything, I mean your 'everything'. 1:27
Average Hero (God): I know I know. They said I had a big heart. 1:27
Average Hero (God): Once. 1:27
Sin: ;Cough. - 1:27
Average Hero (God): You're just jealous. 1:27
Imp: Rogues like me is where it's at. [wink] 1:27
Sin: QUESTION, QUESTION, Who has the question!? 1:28
Sin: Yes, Imp.;] 1:28
Sin: ;Wiggles her brows. - 1:28
Average Hero (God): -lazily sighs- 1:28
Imp: DO YOU LOOK FOR INSPIRATION TO HELP YOU WRITE? Such as reading other stories or listening to music? 1:28
Imp: Don't be jelly that I've wandered the world. Just gotta make a living somewhere. Ohio may be next [wink] 1:28
Average Hero (God): Nope, when I write something I pretty much find on line to hook the rest, if it doesn't work I start over. 1:29
Average Hero (God): I traveled the world too. Blew up alot of it. 1:29
Sin: I always look for inspiration. I reread some of the posts I've made before, listen to music, read a novel or two. 1:29
Sin: I actually have playlists set for certain RP's and characters. 1:29
Sin: I also get inspiration from other members' posts. 1:30
Average Hero (God): IT sometimes takes her a novel or two's worth of time to post too.. 1:30
Imp: Huh. So uh... no one else murders people for inspiration? >> Alright then! Moving on... 1:30
Average Hero (God): Bazinga. 1:30
Sin: I feed off of their writing, which is why it's hard for me to do 1v1's. 1:30
Average Hero (God): I rip of the mask of nature and stare into the face of god to write my posts. 1:30
Imp: Hey now Average! >=( ... more llike 3 or 4 novels XD 1:31
Sin: There isn't as vibrant techniques and styles when I just stick to one other person and I have a harder time completing or finishing something. 1:31
Sin: HEY 1:31
Sin: mkay. 1:31
Sin: shut your faces. 1:31
Sin: >;\ 1:31
Average Hero (God): I was being nice [smile] 1:31
Sin: I'll sick Leebee on you both. 1:31
Imp: You rip of the mask... well I'll be sure to fix up everyone's writing XD 1:31
Average Hero (God): I guess I could be a bit more harsh on her though. Its definitely 3 to 4 ;0 1:31
Sin: suck it. I work for a living. >;\ 1:32
Imp: Leoni? mer and her are tight now. Don't make me turn her on you =_= 1:32
Sin: thank you very much, sir. 1:32
Sin: ;] she loves me more! 1:32
Average Hero (God): -doesn't know people on moderately anti-social- 1:32
Sin: What are you talking about? 1:33
Sin: 're a social freakin' butterfly. 1:33
Sin: you're* 1:33
Imp: I was too... until an arrow hit me in the *shot* 1:33
Average Hero (God): That IS A LIE 1:33
Sin: PIE IS A LIE. 1:33
Sin: Ooh, I has cheesecake in my fridge. 1:33
Imp: No.... the cake is T_T 1:33
Sin: Strawberry.. cheescake. 1:33
Average Hero (God): I have an empty fridge. 1:33
Average Hero (God): Aubrey is poor.. 1:33
Average Hero (God): again. 1:33
Average Hero (God): -.- 1:33
Imp: I hate you, Sin... I honestly do =____= 1:34
Sin: o.o 1:34
Sin: ;Stares at, tears swelling within cerulean hues. - 1:34
Sin: You.. you hate me?! 1:34
Imp: Oh there is that C word again... *hugs* I was kidding... sorta *wants that cheesecake* 1:35
Average Hero (God): Hey...majority of RPA hates me so shush the both of you. 1:35
Sin: I'm pretty sure that they don't, Aubrey. 1:35
Sin: You're just paranoid. 1:36
Imp: I'm paranoid... abotu how awesome I may just be... 1:36
Average Hero (God): I'm actually not as awesome as I liek to think... [big grin] 1:36
Average Hero (God): NO IMP THERE ISN'T 1:36
Sin: Aubrey. 1:37
Sin: Apparently he doesn't count me. -.- 1:37
Imp: I myself know several members. I woulda met Leoni but things didn't work out when I went to TN. Also, when I take a trip to DC, I am hunting Alice down! >=( 1:37
Average Hero (God): I know you on skype o.o 1:37
Average Hero (God): I wasn't aware that counted. 1:37
Average Hero (God): OK so RESDESIGNING MY ANSWER 1:37
Imp: Nope it doesnt XD 1:38
Sin: TCH. 1:38
Sin: asshats. 1:38
Average Hero (God): See? 1:38
Sin: I know my sister. 1:38
Sin: that's about it. 1:38
Average Hero (God): oh wait.. 1:38
Average Hero (God): my wife just joined rpa -.- 1:38
Imp: I know my sis... oh wait. I'm an only child 1:38
Average Hero (God): SO...yes 1:38
Average Hero (God): yes I do 1:38
Imp: LOL woooaaah 1:38
Average Hero (God): I GOT SHOT IN THE HEAD 1:38
Average Hero (God): I DONT REMEMBER THINGS WELL 1:38
Sin: >;\ 1:38
Average Hero (God): -.- 1:38
Sin: She's your wife. 1:38
Sin: You are terrible. 1:39
Average Hero (God): I know 1:39
Sin: Absolutely terrible. 1:39
Imp: I'd never forget about my partner XD 1:39
Sin: My sister being: Discordia. 1:39
Average Hero (God): -.- 1:39
Sin: like that? Discord and Sin. ;3. 1:39
Average Hero (God): My wife is Atlas. 1:39
Imp: ALRIGHT! Before my house is blown up by Aub, Let us continue 1:39
Sin: I'm surprised you remembered her username, Aubrey. 1:40
Imp: oh Sin. Lulz... 1:40
Sin: considering you FORGOT her. 1:40
Average Hero (God): I've got my finger on two buttons. 1:40
Sin: I've got mine on my call button to Ainsley. 1:40
Average Hero (God): grrr -.- 1:40
Sin: You just tempt me! 1:40
Average Hero (God): You have officially been tempted. 1:40
Sin: You have officially been sniped. 1:41
Average Hero (God): You couldn't hit me if you tried. 1:41
Sin: You can't tempt Sin. 1:41
Sin: It tempts you.;\ 1:41
Sin: ;]* not ;\ 1:41
Average Hero (God): I tempt Sin and Virtue everyday. Remember I've God. 1:41
Imp: lol 1:41
Imp: yes well 1:41
Sin: You have god? 1:41
Average Hero (God): I'm* 1:41
Sin: YAY. I'm so happy for you.;3 1:42
Imp: and I'm an apathetic nihilist so have fun dealign with me when the world comes to an end =P 1:42
Imp: *points to question above* Any takers? First one to answer gets to kiss me., *eyes Aub* 1:42
Average Hero (God): No worries. I'm an apathetic narcassist with trust issues [smile] dealign with myself is gun 1:43
Average Hero (God): fun* 1:43
Imp: ...*ina disgusting manner* >> 1:43
Average Hero (God): o.o woah. 1:43
Average Hero (God): thats three people propsitioning me today. 1:43
Average Hero (God): ANYWAY 1:43
Imp: *hopes Sin answers first* >> 1:43
Imp: *should have never suggested such a prize* 1:44
Imp: I hate everything so I have no favs. XD 1:44
Average Hero (God): My hobbies generally focus on keeping my sharpshooting skills solid for the zombie apocalypse. Secondly I listen to a lot of music, mostly things I can sing too. Like I said I'm fairly anti social and aside from Ainsley I'm alone quite a bit so drawing, writing, and bgames are pretty common 1:45
Sin: Movies: Fight Club, Bridesmaids, Aladdin, From Pair with Love, (and a bunch of others, I can only think of those atm.) Music: Slipknot, Deftones, Metallica, AWOLNATION, APC, Muse<3. (And others, etc.etc.) Hobbies: Reading and writing, of course! Hemp jewelry making, crocheting, talking, YES. TALKING. Sleeping, etc. etc. 1:45
Sin: I also like to paint when I have the time. 1:45
Sin: Paris* 1:45
Average Hero (God): Oh...I also like parkour, or however the fuck you spell it. 1:46
Imp: Aladdin kicks ass... 1:46
Sin: ;3 mhmm. 1:46
Sin: I have the soundtrack on my phone for work. 1:46
Average Hero (God): I don't watch tv. -.- 1:46
Imp: I just call it getting somewhere with too much effort. *goes to find the Tosh.0 episode* 1:46
Sin: along with hundreds of other disney songs. 1:46
Sin: I need to rinse this out of my hair. 1:47
Sin: pronto, it's been on far too long. 1:47
Average Hero (God): IMP you should ask personal questions [smile] those are funnnn 1:48
Imp: k then break for me as well. brb 1:48
Imp: That I shall 1:48
Average Hero (God): And they yell at me for video games -sigh- XD 1:48
Imp: back 1:55
Average Hero (God): never left 1:56
Imp: i noticed. Good! The only faithful one to the show currently here XD 1:56
Average Hero (God): That and my fridge is in reach distance [big grin] 1:57
Imp: Now we just play the waiting game with Sin. 1:57
Average Hero (God): Thats pretty normal XD 1:57
Imp: i know right? She's always gotta work so late and everything 1:58
Average Hero (God): I know 1:59
Imp: *cries on Av's shoulder* 1:59
Average Hero (God): It sucks mainly cause I always miss talking to her [frown] 1:59
Imp: I could care less if I chat with her or not.[/lie] 1:59
Average Hero (God): XD I liek talking to her 2:00
Imp: We shouldn't divulge into reasons as to why... she may get ideas. >> ... like we care XD 2:01
Average Hero (God): True this. 2:01
Average Hero (God): Let its be our secret 2:02
Average Hero (God): (has been up for 3 days) 2:02
Average Hero (God): XD lucky you having her number and all 2:04
Average Hero (God): hmmm i just realize i do have a favorite song 2:04
Sin: i have cheesecake. 2:08
Imp: there she is 2:08
Imp: my Sin senses were tingling 2:09
Imp: don't ask 2:09
Average Hero (God): o.o 2:09
Sin: ;4 2:10
Imp: As Bane would say if he were with us 'Let the gamesh begin!' 2:10
Imp: NEXT Q 4 U!!!! 2:10
Sin: the hell kinda face is ;4?! 2:10
Imp: yur face 2:10
Imp: that's what kind 2:10
Imp: yeah I went there 2:10
Imp: no but I do XD 2:10
Sin: ;[ 2:10
Average Hero (God): mine looks like a damn beryy 2:10
Imp: Mine looks liek it has its own intentions... 2:11
Sin: Imps nose is up to no good. 2:11
Sin: ;Shakes head. - 2:11
Average Hero (God): ITS UP TO NOSE GOOD 2:11
Average Hero (God): bazinga 2:11
Sin: everytime I see bazinga 2:12
Imp: I nearly died of a heart attack from laughing so much! 2:12
Sin: i think of bobo the clown 2:12
Sin: and I get scared>< 2:12
Imp: no i didn't *thinks on a Q* 2:12
Average Hero (God): You can hide behind me 2:12
Imp: FEAR 2:12
Average Hero (God): the last clown that tried to scare me got hit 2:12
Average Hero (God): I dont actually have any 2:12
Average Hero (God): Hard as that might be to believe 2:13
Imp: huh...same... only when I'm in love do I then fear... 2:13
Average Hero (God): If I'm truelly in love I have nothing to fear, especially if i trust her 2:13
Sin: I am absolutely petrified of large bodies of water and heights. I think I suffocated in a past life or something, because I just start hyperventilating whenever I get put into a situation where I'm up high, near water or whatever. 2:14
Imp: what about losing her to death? XD 2:14
Imp: or mobsters? [wink] 2:14
Sin: imma marry a mobster. 2:14
Average Hero (God): Death strays away from me. 2:14
Sin: I'mma be a mob wife. 2:14
Average Hero (God): and I'm more classy than a mobster 2:14
Average Hero (God): as well as related to Al Capone 2:15
Imp: Wow. Sin... never adding you to the list of friends who are going ona cruise with me. AVergae, wanna join me? 2:15
Average Hero (God): XD suree 2:15
Sin: ;[ i look better in a bathing suit! 2:15
Average Hero (God): She does. 2:15
Imp: oh no doubt about that 2:15
Average Hero (God): Trust me -.- 2:15
Average Hero (God): I have WAY to many scars 2:15
Sin: ._. i should go on said cruise. 2:15
Sin: I'll stay in the cabin 2:15
Sin: away from the deck 2:16
Sin: ;cringes. - 2:16
Imp: alright then 2:16
Sin: S'cool, Aubrey. I'll remember that. 2:16
Average Hero (God): o.o remember what? 2:17
Imp: scars 2:17
Average Hero (God): I meant actual...physical scars o.o 2:17
Imp: yeah I'm sure she knows XD 2:18
Sin: Rocky is getting lippy with me. -.- 2:18
Average Hero (God): OH CERU I GOT A DOG 2:18
Average Hero (God): sorry back to Imp's thing 2:18
Imp: You live with Rocky Balboa? 2:18
Average Hero (God): o.o 2:18
Imp: That's fuckin cool 2:19
Sin: Why yes, Imp. 2:19
Imp: anyway 2:19
Sin: I do. 2:19
Sin: And let me tell you. 2:19
Sin: He is a little bitch. -.- 2:19
Sin: What kind of dog, Aubrey? 2:19
Average Hero (God): Not sure. 2:19
Average Hero (God): He's like 3rd gen mutt 2:20
Imp: THE WORLD IS FALLING INTO COMPLETE CHAOS! What do you intend to do at this time? 2:20
Average Hero (God): so I can't tell really 2:20
Sin: I intend to throw a party. 2:20
Average Hero (God): Live by the logic that "With every person I kill my odds of survival increase" 2:20
Sin: and go out 2:20
Sin: and shoots 'errone. 2:20
Imp: Av knows the way to survival 2:20
Average Hero (God): Average is born to survive. 2:21
Imp: well that's average 2:21
Imp: XD 2:21
Average Hero (God): XD 2:21
Imp: I tried... 2:21
Average Hero (God): They call me Average Hero for a reason 2:21
Average Hero (God): Marine Corp 2:21
Imp: or past ones are wlecome too 2:22
Average Hero (God): Average Hero- Marine Corp 2:22
Average Hero (God): Circular Logic- I'm a hypocrite 2:22
Sin: On RPA I've only ever used CeruleanSin and I got it from Laurell K. Hamilton's novel Cerulean Sins. 2:23
Sin: It was catchy. I liked blue. And obvs. I'm a sinner. 2:23
Imp: - the mischievous sprite I so am familiar with. I'm sure everyone was expecting that answer XD 2:24
Average Hero (God): Not really sure if the background for Average Hero is appropriate XD 2:24
Sin: Now.. Madouchea..>_> That'sa different story. JK. DELETE THIS OUT. IT'S FOR OUR PERSONAL LULZ. 2:25
Imp: no? lol WELL here comes another Q 2:25
Imp: will do 2:25
Imp: thanks for hinting us to something of your past XD 2:26
Imp: NEXT Q 2:26
Imp: and Av, don't say Sin for I will smack you if you do lol 2:27
Average Hero (God): ... 2:27
Average Hero (God): had to backspace. 2:27
Average Hero (God): XD 2:27
Average Hero (God): Wrath. 2:28
Average Hero (God): That is the honest truth. I'm headstrong, and willing to take things to a point where I feel it ends permanently. My anger after a point is damn near uncontrollable. And if someones life is ever in danger, I won't think twice. 2:29
Imp: Pride for me. Come now, Sin! Tell us yours! 2:29
Average Hero (God): Imp lets take a bet 2:29
Average Hero (God): before she tell us 2:29
Imp: Lust for her 2:30
Imp: wait.. see what I did there? [wink] 2:30
Average Hero (God): so by bet rules i have to take a different one 2:30
Average Hero (God): XD 2:30
Average Hero (God): Envy 2:30
Average Hero (God): XD I'm on board with pride 2:31
Average Hero (God): as well 2:31
Sin: I was making a chimichanga. 2:32
Imp: right. Well, I'm gonna stab her if she doesn't get posting... 2:32
Imp: oh 2:32
Imp: *hides knife* hi! 2:32
Sin: so currently I suppose it's gluttony. 2:33
Sin: I'm consuming a lot of food that I don't honestly need, atm. 2:33
Sin: But, 2:33
Sin: overall: 2:33
Imp: *drumroll* 2:33
Sin: I have a little of everything, to be honest. I can't honestly say which one I think I could be. 2:34
Average Hero (God): I can see that. 2:34
Sin: or that I lean more towards. 2:34
Sin: 'cause I have a short temper. 2:34
Sin: I get envious over things that I want, that others may have. 2:34
Average Hero (God): Sin= not as wrathful as meh [big grin] 2:34
Sin: I lust for those I shouldn't. 2:34
Imp: heh 2:34
Sin: I'm very vain at times. 2:34
Sin: I'm currently shoving my face full of food 'cause I'm cool like that. 2:35
Average Hero (God): XD 2:35
Sin: I'm very greedy with my things, what is mine is mine. I don't share well with others. 2:36
Imp: well my hat is off to you, Sin! 2:36
Imp: oh? that makes me sad now XD 2:36
Imp: Alright, how much longer will everyone be up for? 2:36
Average Hero (God): I dont sleep 2:36
Imp: not an official Imp Show question, mind you 2:36
Sin: And, I often tend to slack on certain things. so there is sloth. 2:36
Imp: copy that. Av doesn't sleep 2:36
Sin: I'll be up for about 15 more minutes. 2:37
Imp: Sin just lost points. The correct answer is "As long as you need me for Impie!" 2:37
Sin: Sin also works tomorrow. 2:38
Sin: And if Impie wants her to post up in Biohazard, he'll let her sleep the time she needs to functionally put together a masterpiece. 2:39
Imp: Well then I will ask 1 more Q and if you two wish, feel free to ask one 2:39
Imp: Oooooooooohhhhohohohoh Sin XD 2:39
Average Hero (God): Better make a good one 2:39
Imp: OUCH 2:39
Average Hero (God): [big grin] 2:39
Sin: ;3. 2:39
Sin: just sayin'. 2:40
Imp: mhm =_= 2:40
Sin: You know I adore you, silly. 2:40
Average Hero (God): -doesn't need to sleep to dish out the badass posts- 2:40
Sin: <3 2:40
Imp: Yeah yeah the heart and all that *stuffs in pocket* Okay here I go... 2:41
Sin: I have a chimichanga! 2:43
Average Hero (God): WELl 2:43
Sin: chimichimi-changaa 2:43
Average Hero (God): I have lasanga 2:43
Imp: and I hate you cause of that! 2:43
Imp: carrying on 2:43
Sin: ;Stuffs piping hot chimichanga into Imp's mouf. - 2:44
Imp: that not only hurt my mouth... but also my soul XD 2:45
Sin: That's my input. 2:46
Imp: Damn ,Sin XD 2:46
Sin: More.. sin.. 2:46
Imp: truly noted lol 2:46
Average Hero (God): NEWBS POSTING OOC CRAP IN MY IC 2:46
Average Hero (God): -.- 2:46
Sin: More Inane adventures! 2:46
Sin: ;D 2:46
Imp: Well Sin just earned herself some points there lol 2:47
Sin: ;3 2:47
Sin: I'm biased. 2:47
Sin: One of my besties writes it and I'm involved with it! 2:47
Average Hero (God): More rps that were out of the ordinary. 2:47
Imp: anything else? I myself would love to have some more customization. Like being able ti purchase pointless gear with rep we've earned and such... just to have a badass facade 2:47
Imp: One of your besties? Tell me where he lives and I'll nuke it =_= 2:48
Sin: !D:<!no. 2:48
Average Hero (God): o.o 2:48
Sin: Imp 2:49
Average Hero (God): -takes imp's nuke privelages- 2:49
Imp: So if you two want, feel free to post a question now. If not, then I shalkl prepare to close the show down =) 2:49
Sin: Did you know that Aubrey can pinch really hard with his toes? 2:49
Average Hero (God): ... 2:49
Imp: I did know that... just like several seconds ago since you posted it then 2:49
Sin: ;x 2:49
Sin: Now he's angry with me. 2:49
Average Hero (God): -has no comeback- 2:49
Average Hero (God): Aubrey is currently mellow to be angry 2:50
Sin: oh. 2:50
Sin: that didn't last long. 2:50
Sin: dammit. 2:50
Sin: I has question! 2:50
Imp: You two are something else, honestly. lol 2:50
Average Hero (God): SHUT UP SIN 2:50
Average Hero (God): NO QUESTIONS FOR YOU 2:51
Average Hero (God): NONE 2:51
Average Hero (God): AT ALL 2:51
Average Hero (God): Jerk face 2:51
Sin: SUCK IT, SUTTON. 2:51
Average Hero (God): IM TRYING 2:51
Sin: Tch. 2:51
Average Hero (God): BUT YOU'RE ALL 2:51
Average Hero (God): SHINEEEEEEEEE 2:51
Average Hero (God): and stuff 2:51
Average Hero (God): ya know 2:51
Average Hero (God): for a dark person 2:51
Imp: Alright then, no questions? I guess all I ask any words of wisdom you two may have for our readers(liike... 5 people read this show?)? 2:51
Average Hero (God): you sure are 2:51
Average Hero (God): BRIGHT AS HOLY FUCK 2:51
Sin: ;Holds one hand over his mouth and the other over his hands on his keyboard. - Shhhhhhh. 2:52
Sin: I. HAS. QUESTION!. 2:52
Sin: >:\ 2:52
Imp: =_____= riiiiiiggghhhhttttt 2:52
Average Hero (God): WHAT 2:52
Sin: Impie, who is yer crush on RPA?;o 2:52
Sin: You cannot pass go, you may not collect two-hundred dollars. You. Must. Answer. 2:53
Imp: Go to your damn thread and look! It is collecting dust, Sin! XD 2:53
Average Hero (God): Oh and my words of wisdom are very very simple 2:52
Average Hero (God): You can solve every problem in the world by shooting it, or fucking it. 2:53
Imp: Well for one, It'd be you. Play your cards right and maybe it'll stay like that =P 2:54
Imp: XD 2:54
Imp: no 2:54
Imp: wait 2:54
Imp: I did 2:54
Imp: kinda 2:54
Imp: idk 2:54
Sin: .. 2:54
Sin: That does NOT tell me who it is. 2:54
Sin: Not at all. 2:54
Sin: I'll share mine, if you share yours.;] 2:54
Average Hero (God): -wanders off- 2:54
Imp: *grabs Av* 2:54
Sin: Aubrey. 2:54
Imp: WAIT 2:54
Average Hero (God): WHAT 2:55
Sin: Outside of Ainsley, who is your crush on RPA? 2:55
Sin: Sam? 2:55
Average Hero (God): o.o 2:55
Imp: I love your words of wisdom, bro 2:55
Average Hero (God): Uh.... 2:55
Imp: I said my crush above =_= but will repeat it. I has crush on you! =P 2:55
Average Hero (God): know what kind of a loaded question that is? 2:55
Imp: loaded full of BS 2:55
Imp: you can't trust her as far as you can throw her... 2:56
Sin: Chicken Shit! 2:56
Imp: CS then 2:56
Average Hero (God): Loaded full of a buckshot in my back 2:56
Imp: back to BS 2:56
Sin: Imp<3 2:56
Average Hero (God): -shakes head- 2:56
Imp: d'awwww XD 2:56
Average Hero (God): I'm trapped in an emotional orgy 2:56
Average Hero (God): -slinks away- 2:57
Imp: WELL, Av will receive an award for best words of wisdom EVER on the Imp show 2:57
Average Hero (God): XD thank ya Imp 2:57
Sin: D:< 2:57
Sin: outshinner. 2:57
Sin: >;\ 2:57
Imp: and Sin gets... well she knows =P 2:57
Sin: kiss ass. 2:57
Sin: D:< 2:57
Sin: >.> 2:57
Imp: that heart thing... <3... there 2:57
Sin: I do know. I'm excited. ;3 2:58
Sin: [big grin] DDD 2:58
Sin: ;DDDD 2:58
Sin: That made me a happy sin. <3 2:58
Imp: Good XD 2:58
Imp: ALRIGHTY THEN! Say bye! 2:58
Imp: cause the the place is closing down soon! 2:58
Imp: I'd like to thank you both for being on here 2:58
Sin: Closingggg timeeee. 2:59
Average Hero (God): Welcome. 2:59
Sin: You don't have to go home, but you can't. stay. here. 2:59
Imp: this will be posted tomorrow sometime 2:59
Sin: Tata, RPA.<33 It's been a pleasure Imp, per usual. 2:59
Average Hero (God): -glares- 2:59
Sin: that word always looks so funny 2:59
Imp: I'll fix that along with all the typos lol 2:59
Imp: >> 3:00
Imp: GOODNIGHT FOLKS! *show ends*
Well that was something else, wasn't it? XD
Some tunage for the night
Well, this is Imp saying,
WARNING: The use of Communism and its affiliates in this post has no reflection on the members interviewed today nor myself. It is only for comedic effect.
I welkome all to a RED night!
THAT'S RIGHT! The two members who were interviewed today both kontain the word RED and you know what that means!
So take out your Kalashnikov and some vodka and raise the roof with them kause we hittin' it like the KGB hits traitors (; hard!
...oh and don't forget to use a 'K' instead of a 'C' and if that don't work... don't use the word! =P
Not only do we have Falkon Red(MOTM ( but also Red Rokker!
So enjoy, komrade!
THE USSR RETURNS!... or never left. >>
Get Linux, Komrade! (
If the ladies are joining, then so am I! (
Imp: WELCOME to a special edition of the Imp Show as it is the first ever MOTM edition! I'd like to welcome September's MOTM, Falcon Red. Welcome to the show!
Falcon Red: Glad to be here, mate
Imp: Good to hear. Alright, so firstly I'll ask the most typical question of all...
Imp: I myself was brought into it through Myspace
Falcon Red: Back when Gaia was a big thing, I got bored of the point and click style games and was looking for something new, began exploring a bit, and found out about the roleplaying community on there
Imp: neat! I as well was once on Gaia. Interesting times...
Imp: on to the next Q...
Falcon Red: Definately an experience...
Imp: Is it exciting? I've never been one so I don't know lol
Imp: I have no clue what happens. Do they PM you before hand or surprise you with it?
Falcon Red: It's a great honor. I had no idea that it was coming, no expectations, but when it hit, and was presented by the lovely Anne Bonny, I was beside myself. It's something to feed the ego, that's for sure
Imp: Heh. I hear ya there, man.
Falcon Red: I woke up with a text from Mysti telling me to get online. I got on, and saw a VM stating that I was this months MOTM and gave me a link to the section
Imp: oh okay! Do you think the MOTM should be given any special abilities or do you think recognition for a month is enough?
Falcon Red: Recognition is certainly enough, maybe a bit too much. It's already hard enough not to amplify the fact that I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread =]
Imp: That's what I like to hear!
Imp: Next Q
Falcon Red: For sure, it's hard to contain this much 'awesome' any how
Imp: Okay so I didn't get a chance to look back through the entire MOTM post but you are currently or were in the military?
Falcon Red: Currently am in service
Imp: Nice. Marines?
Falcon Red: Of course, go big or go home right?
Imp: mhm! Plus I noticed Semper Fi was written int eh thread so that gave me a major hint. lol
Imp: How long have you been in service now?
Falcon Red: Two years this December
Imp: Ah nice. We have several other members as well who are currently or have served, if I'm correct. I sense a Military edition of the Imp Show comign soon...
Falcon Red: We do, some good people too, I can assure you.
Imp: Which reminds me for my next Q
Falcon Red: And don't worry, the Marines will overtake that edition too [wink]
Imp: yeah I'm curious to see if all the members are in the Marines.
Imp: DO YOU have any RL friends who are on RPA?
Imp: OR better yet, have you met any RPA members in RL?
Falcon Red: I have personally met Anne Bonny and Mysteria, as well as also went to high school with one member. I feel terrible for not remembering his username, but I call him Chol. He's the one that kept me in sports my first years of highschool
Imp: Neat! Must be awesome to meet an Admin in RL. Are the rumors true that they glow in the dark and are covered in sparkles in the daylight?
Falcon Red: Definately true, Anne Bonny is actually pink in real life. Not like the type of pink you'd see on a normal person, vibrant "tickle me pink" pink, and Mysti can fly!
Imp: I wish I could fly...
Falcon Red: Me too...
Imp: But yeah, I gotta get out there and meet more members. Have met several already but Alice, Wattz, and Sin are currently on my list... then onwards from there!
Imp: Next Q: Is there anything that helps inspire you to write aside from your imagination? Do you listen to music at all or read literature to assist you?
Falcon Red: A good group to meet for sure. Sin is definately a major sweetheart, Alice is quite lovely to talk to, and Wattz and I don't talk very much, though I do know she is quite an amazing person
Imp: Yeah I usually bug them via texting so I'd like to save them a lengthy phone bill and bug them in person. [wink]
Falcon Red: I just want to poke them and be on my way. Much like Potter Puppet Pals style
Imp: I used to do that in my younger years. Became too hard cause I couldn't just love 'ema nd leave 'em ina night... er uh back to the Q at hand!
Imp: Is there anything that helps inspire you to write aside from your imagination? Do you listen to music at all or read literature to assist you?
Falcon Red: Movies help, though I find them to be a distraction as well at times. Comic books, looking into comic book super heroes. Fantasty novels, and certain music videos. If a music video is creative and done well, it inspires me on some level. I have had characters based on a few thirty seconds to mars songs
Imp: Oh really? I've also found my characters being influenced from music vids as well. If only I could remember which ones...
Imp: WELL, we'll start wrappign this up. Just a few more questions and you'll be free. [wink]
Falcon Red: Yes, these manacles are really starting to chaffe...
Imp: CARE TO TELL RPA about yourself? Your personality perhaps, some likes and dislikes?
Falcon Red: I'm just a man, I put my pants on one leg at a time. But when I do that, I go out and become MOTM. But seriously. I try to remain as selfless as possible. my family and friends come before myself as often as I can. I have a short fuse to some of the most ridiculous things, but am patient when people need me to be the most. I'm all about second chances, and seeing the good in people even when they can't see it in themselves. I put up an arrogant front, but when all is said and done, it's really all about y'all. I've made mistakes, and will continue to do so, only to hopefully grow and become a strong person for the people that need me to be
Imp: I'm sure RPA will appreciate this info once the Imp Show has been posted. [smile]
Imp: I should ask that question more often >>
Falcon Red: haha questions are like keys, they don't always fit in the lock
Imp: Yeah and I've experienced a lot with this show. [wink]
Imp: WHAT is it you enjoy most about RPA?
Falcon Red: Who was your favorite to interview?
Falcon Red: The community, the fact that, though I don't get around as much as I once did, I can look in and see how close people come together. How they're all so willing to help eachother out. We have our dramas and we have our insecurities, but in the end we have eachother and that's most important
Imp: That, my friend, is honestly impossible for me to answer at this time. I've had a lot of good ones and each had their own unique quality... I'll have to get back with you on the A!
Imp: Agreed!
Falcon Red: No rush to the matter at all, especially since you have many more members to go as well
Imp: millions if not billions! *is told how many members have actually joined the site* ... er uh... I do have many more to go!
Falcon Red: not at all, just one or two..... per hour.....
Imp: Last and final question from myself: IF THERE IS ONE THING YOU COULD CHANGE ABOUT RPA or add to it, what would it be?
Falcon Red: Not a thing. I've never been too good in that area. The Admins do an amazing job of adding great ideas, and taking away wasted space on their own. I personally don't have anything to add in myself
Imp: Much appreciated to hear then! I honestly can't think of any additions or changes that could be applied to RPA so with that, it is doing fine the in its current state.
Imp: WELL unless you have anymore questions, then I guess this is the end of the show for now!
Falcon Red: Thanks for having me on, mate
Imp: No problem! Very much enjoyed it and I'll keep you posted on the Military edition. [wink]
Imp: OH uhm, any words of wisdom for the readers?
Falcon Red: I'll be on the lookout
Falcon Red: Keep a smile on your face, because no matter how bad things get, they will always turn out for the better
Imp: True to that!
Imp: Well it has been fun, Falcon Red!
Falcon Red: Thank you for having me here, I enjoyed myself
Imp: Until next time, this is Imp saying to don't drink and read! You never know where that will take you. TTYL
Imp: WELCOME to another Imp Show! Tonight, I welcome the one and only Red Rocker! Welcome to the show, Red!
Red Rocker: nice to be here
Red Rocker: for the second time
Imp: Yeah I believe the other time we had internet issues.
Red Rocker: yep it was traumatic
Imp: SO, FIRST QUESTION! Typical question from me buuuut WHAT brought you to RPA?
Red Rocker: A mysterious vortex of sexually repressed balloons
Imp: Funny... same here. >>
Red Rocker: you too?
Red Rocker: weird
Imp: That it is. That it is...
Imp: SO Next Q
Red Rocker: yay!
Imp: I honestly believe you are the only member(that I know) who has changed their name the most. HOW MANY TIMES have you changed it? Do you know?
Red Rocker: just a sec phone...
Red Rocker: okay...hmm
Red Rocker: oh
Red Rocker: well Red Rocker is my 19th name for far
Red Rocker: going for twenty
Imp: Nice!
Imp: How often do you change your name? I'm sure you'll notify RPA each time. [wink]
Red Rocker: well actually now that i think about it...technically speaking i think its around 23 changes but those extra ones don't count since they were either last minute changes or typos
Red Rocker: yeah i notify Anne bonny each time...have too...she handles name changes for me
Red Rocker: oh and i change it once a month
Imp: Heh. So she's on-call then? [wink]
Red Rocker: yeah...hands and knees..... heh heh heh
Red Rocker: every get the feeling that you may get murdered all of a sudden?
Red Rocker: i just felt it
Red Rocker: weird
Imp: uh oh. Probably Siksta is nearby. >>
Imp: So onto another Question which I'm sure many want to know.
Imp: WHO gave you the name Red Rocker?
Red Rocker: A picture I found on deviant art.
Imp: Onto another Q!
Imp: What other hobbies do you have aside from writing?
Red Rocker: I sell organ on the black market and sometimes i do donuts in my car
Imp: Very unique!
Imp: I think Siksta also dabbles int he black market. Do you see him much?
Red Rocker: you know those giant musical instruments in churches?
Red Rocker: sometimes i've seen him around the weapons but not so much around the fleshy stuff
Imp: hmmmm I'll keep my eye on him then. >>
Imp: You said earlier that you were watching Doctor Who, any other shows you may enjoy?
Imp: I believe that many members enjoy that show including myself. Though I've only seen a couple episodes.
Red Rocker: Sometimes when im having a paricularly nice fun day i'll balance it out by watching keeping up with the kardashians
Red Rocker: the rage gets my adrenaline pumping
Imp: Ha! XD Nice
Imp: SO HOW MANY YEARS have you been RPing?
Red Rocker: 2
Imp: Just 2 years? And what brought you into the world of roleplaying? Those balloons that brought you to RPA as well?
Red Rocker: pure luck and an interest in manga'
Imp: Ah I see!
Imp: We'll start closing things up then witha few more questions unless you have any.
Imp: HAVE you read the Inane Adventures in the writing section?
Red Rocker: not really
Imp: NO?!?!?!?!
Imp: that's cool.
Imp: I've been tryign to bring various RPA members into the mix aannnddddd....
Red Rocker: really? i'll go check it out
Imp: Well, with you changing your name every so often, you would make for a perfect undercover agent in the story!
Red Rocker: yes...
Imp: Mind if I uh... add you in then to the story? >>
Imp: For anyone reading this(after I've posted it) you can find the link to the Inane Adventures in my sig!
Imp: Housemaster, Nazgul and many others will be included! =D
Red Rocker: no i do not mind at all
Imp: Sweet then!
Imp: NEXT QUESTION to get back into the vibe of the Imp Show...
Imp: IF the world was overrun by zombies, what would you do?
Imp: A simple question but feel free to write as much as you wish in answering it.
Red Rocker: I'd spend a good hour or two making myself look good before setting out and killing as many of the rotting bastards as i possibly could before seeting up a base of operations and rebiulding society
Red Rocker: i'd also be ruthless killing anybody who gets in the way. we're here to survive people, not discuss our feelings and debate
Imp: Exactly! Kill 'em and be done with it.
Red Rocker: Douche1:"Oh no i've been bit"
Red Rocker: Douche2:""Oh no!"
Red Rocker: Me: *pulls out shotgun*
Red Rocker: Douche2: "No stop this is bad"
Red Rocker: Me: *shoots both*
Imp: I would do the same. [wink]
Imp: IS there anything you would like to add to or change on RPA?
Red Rocker: I'd make myself a mod.
Imp: XD
Imp: Excellent answer.
Imp: Anything else to add to that?
Imp: Although, why not go big and be an Admin? [wink]
Red Rocker: There is no need.
Imp: A minion it is then. Course I'd try and take over RPA asap as an Admin so yeah I wouldn't be the wisest choice. [wink]
Imp: Alrigh then! That will be it for tonight! I'd like to thank you for joining!
Imp: ONE last thing
Imp: Any wise words for the readers?
Red Rocker: Minions are great no one notices the minions, the minions have numbers and its lonely at the top. Be a minion.
Imp: I suggest readers heed his words!
Imp: Well then thanks again for being on the show! It was a pleasure!
Red Rocker: it was pleasurable
Imp: Good! XD *show ends*
With that out of the way, now for some tunes, komrade!
Do svidanya!!!
Oh and do remember...
ONLY I, STAFF, or MEMBERS(ALLOWED BY ME) can post in here. Thanks! =)
Welcome to another exciting Imp Show!
Was hoping to have this up the other night but the one who had me handcuffed to the bed just wouldn't let me go... Uhhhh ANYWAY
TONIGHT, I give you interviews featuring TwistedV(who I may start calling TV) and also TJ!!!
So I was thinking of starting my first blog here on RPA! It will be a blog about another blog... or a blog about how I ramble on about how I just created a blog. Still not sure...
So the rat at the bottom of the page tells me 47 peeps have read this but there is like one billion members on this site(Don't go look at the count).
This is bad if I hope to get anywhere with this crude talk show filled with nonsense and text-based interviews simply copied and pasted from chatrooms. Yeah, timestamps don't concern anyone and yet make up about 1/3 of the interview's text...
Hmmm.... a new idea just sprung to mind! Instead of using those crummy 'RPA' slogan shirts we give for site donations, how about the following ideas?
"I went on the Imp Show and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt."
"Team Imp" or "Team TwistedV" or both and have two stick figures fighting. One with long blonde hair and the other with medium length blonde hair.
"Imp 'interviewed' me last night."
"I support Yellow Thongs" and have a yellow thong under it with the letter N faded behind it all.
Beware the Squirrels" and have a squirrel with a monocle and curly mustache.
"Siksta was here." and have blood, gunshots, and cuts all over the shirt
"I <3 newbs" or "I hate newbs" (newbs are new, noobs are just... noobs)
"Survivor of the Server Switch" and show one living stick figure surrounded by bodies and destroyed computer monitors and broken keyboards.
"Never Forget" a shirt displaying two servers and an arrow going from one and pointing to another, symbolizing the tragic week where chaos ensued over the server switch and members were lost in space and time.
"Ace of Hearts" Self explanatory
"I was attacked by Anne's birds" and have a silhouette of some poor soul running and swatting at birds attacking him/her.
Ripping People Apart" and have a stick figure doing just that! =D
Time for the interviews!!!!fdsjafasgnfjasgnjansdj gnf gsh
WELCOME TO ANOTHER IMP SHOW! This time we have the Global Mod, TwistedV!!!!
[1:47:26 AM] Imp: And at my side, the lovable Sin!
[1:47:31 AM] Imp: Welcome, V!
[1:47:38 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: Howdy Imp
[1:47:54 AM] Imp: Hi! =D
[1:48:03 AM] Imp: I'm just gonna stare at you for a bit
[1:48:12 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: Afternoon to you as well Sin :)
[1:48:21 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: stare all you want
[1:49:21 AM] Imp: Okay now that enough time has passed, time for some Qs 4 u!
[1:49:31 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: alrighty then!
[1:49:56 AM] Imp: FIRSTLY! What/who brought you to RPA and why is it remain a faithful member to this day?
[1:51:44 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: Originally my friend Danijel brought me to RPA; back on the former site but I didn't last long sadly and vanished from the internet for a year.
[1:52:47 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: Then after a long time I started talking to another friend on MSN and we both joined RPA, sadly I haven't spoken to her much for some time.
[1:53:12 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: Knew them both from another forum beforehand
[1:54:02 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: and as for why I'm still about? .... I'm not sure, never been at a forum this long. Made a lot of close friends, and haven't ever felt like leaving
[1:54:13 AM] Imp: DANIJEL! He also feel from RPA for a bit as he recently made his return. And as for you, you sure did make a triumphant return with being a Global Mod and all now. Congrats on that!
[1:54:34 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: THanks!
[1:54:46 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: Yeah, Dani and his damn studies getting in the way!
[1:55:40 AM] Imp: I heard becomming a Global Mod requires great discipline. Can you tell us the secrets of how one becomes a Global Mod? =O
[1:56:49 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: ... xD well... no... I have no idea myself, just something that happened. Loving the forum a lot helps.
[1:57:23 AM] Imp: hmmm... in what way can I 'love' the forum?
[1:57:32 AM] Imp: Actually... don't answer that
[1:57:36 AM] Imp: NEXT SRS Q
[1:57:40 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: only creepy ways...
[1:57:42 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: oh
[1:57:44 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: yeah
[1:57:47 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: next question
[1:58:22 AM] Imp: How did you get into roleplaying and at what age?
[1:59:03 AM] Sinful: >.>
[1:59:16 AM] Sinful: Did I read the name Danijel?!
[2:00:05 AM] Imp: Oh good! Sin is with us and yes you did! ^^
[2:00:13 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: It was on the first forum I was ever a part of, a Final Fantasy based forum. I'd never done anything like it before, and saw people discussing it in the Shoutbox so I decided to give it a shot
[2:00:19 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: 17 at the time
[2:00:27 AM] Sinful: Mm, that Danijel. ;3. I'm so happy that he's returned to us.
[2:00:37 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: That is where I met Danijel actually
[2:01:02 AM] Imp: Very neat!
[2:01:21 AM] Sinful: Heyyy, V, hook a sister upp! ;Wiggles her brows. -
[2:01:44 AM] Imp: I was dragged onto some Resident evil RP site by a friend on Myspace... I think I also was 17 at the time or maybe younger. Memory is not on my side at this time.
[2:01:45 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: Will do!
[2:01:59 AM] Sinful: I started when I was 12.
[2:02:01 AM] Sinful: >_>
[2:02:02 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: Too many drunken nights Imp?
[2:02:19 AM] Imp: or the cocaine... take your pick. ;)
[2:02:29 AM] Imp: Next Question! =)
[2:02:31 AM] Sinful: I love the cocaine, I love the cocainee.
[2:02:46 AM] Imp: She loves the cocaine!
[2:02:50 AM] Imp: How about you, V?
[2:02:55 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: V doesn't
[2:02:59 AM] Imp: Good!
[2:03:03 AM] Imp: stay away from it
[2:03:19 AM] Imp: Don't be like *begins to point to self but points to Sin instead*
[2:03:25 AM] Sinful: ;o!
[2:03:30 AM] Sinful: Hypocrite!
[2:03:46 AM] Imp: at least I stopped scaling the snowcaps!
[2:03:47 AM] Sinful: That's it! You're sleeping in the dog house tonight, boy.
[2:04:46 AM] Imp: Right, well... as I gather my things, Here is another Q for the Vster. What is the reason for the cactus you are so affiliated with?
[2:05:01 AM] Imp: An attraction to them? Was it cause of cactuar?
[2:05:08 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: blame to members of RPA!
[2:05:26 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: My avatar image is of Rose Thorns!
[2:05:38 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: nothing to do with a cactus
[2:05:38 AM] Sinful: Can we change the obsession to uh.. whales?
[2:05:48 AM] Sinful: Whales are so much cuter then a cactus.
[2:06:00 AM] Sinful: also, they don't prick you.
[2:06:06 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: .... Kris called my face whale-like yesterday :/
[2:06:16 AM] Imp: Oh that Kris...
[2:06:22 AM] Sinful: D; I bet it was a term of endearment!
[2:06:28 AM] Sinful: Is that how that's spelled?
[2:06:32 AM] Imp: With Kris? heh
[2:06:45 AM] Sinful: Whales are cute, maybe she thinks you're cute! ;oo
[2:06:48 AM] Sinful: Huhh!? huhhh?
[2:07:00 AM] Imp: Kris rocks honestly either way. ^^
[2:07:12 AM] Sinful: Mm, Love me some Kris<3
[2:07:16 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: xD
[2:07:35 AM] Imp: Next Q
[2:07:43 AM] Imp: Maybe Sin would like to take this one?
[2:08:22 AM] Sinful: When was the last time you read a book and which was it?
[2:08:59 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: I was reading within the last 4 hours.... Steven Erikson's Deadhouse Gates
[2:09:40 AM] Imp: Oooo care to tell us of what it entails?
[2:10:47 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: apparently an uprising against an empire in a desert land.... finding it a touch hard to follow. Read the first book a year ago, and this one has mostly new characters set in a different location
[2:11:26 AM] Sinful: Hmm, interesting.
[2:11:51 AM] Imp: Hmmm... any similarities to Dune? >>
[2:12:06 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: this one doesn't have the character 'Whiskey Jack' who.... I like because of the name
[2:12:21 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: not really.... more fantasy Imp
[2:12:25 AM] Sinful: Mm, whiskey.
[2:12:44 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: pretty much
[2:13:50 AM] Imp: Next Q then! You were included in Chapter 3 of Inane Adventures. Care to tell us your thoughts on how you were portrayed?
[2:14:10 AM] Imp: and anything you wish to be modified or added?
[2:14:18 AM] Sinful: And speaking of!
[2:14:21 AM] Sinful: Imp, Chapter!
[2:14:28 AM] Sinful: Kris would be so proud of me. ;x
[2:14:51 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: Bizarrely and inaccurately at all times, but, makes up for it be being very funny.
[2:15:05 AM] Imp: Kris can go die. =_= ... kidding of course! But I stated my reason for the inability to post tonight. Sorry to all. =(
[2:15:16 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: Imp said he was gonna write it backwards
[2:15:25 AM] Sinful: ..
[2:15:40 AM] Imp: You mean you aren't bald and have a luscious head of hair almost similar to mine?
[2:15:49 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: yeah
[2:16:01 AM] Sinful: You boys and your hair.
[2:18:04 AM] Imp: Yes I blame my idiotic self for such lousy ideas of grandeur for having hair so fine such as mine. ;)
[2:18:16 AM] Imp: ONWARD! TO GLORY! er.. another Q
[2:18:22 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: just too lasy to get mine cut
[2:18:26 AM] Imp: Care to tell us of your hobbies?
[2:18:27 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: and it looks cooler
[2:18:38 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: lazy*
[2:19:39 AM] Imp: That oddly reminds me, I need to shave
[2:20:02 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: erm.... hobbies.... nothing terrible exiticing, reading, writing, video games, music... slacking
[2:20:08 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: Shave your legs?
[2:20:45 AM] Imp: Yeah most the hair on my body is located on my head... I'm not a very hairy person.
[2:21:41 AM] Sinful: What kinds of video games do you play?
[2:22:10 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: .... well.... Minecraft... where I dig... holes
[2:22:26 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: and RPG games, Final Fantasy
[2:22:39 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: and any cool games I can get on PSVita
[2:22:49 AM] Imp: Hmmm Fav FF game?
[2:22:54 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: 8!
[2:23:19 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: Imp can you make me some more tea?
[2:23:23 AM] Imp: Yay for gunblades
[2:24:31 AM] Imp: Sure! I have black dragon pearl, Golden Monkey, Silver Needle, basic green tea, uhmm... and more!
[2:24:50 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: ... you have weird tea
[2:25:06 AM] Imp: That is how much I love tea
[2:25:17 AM] Imp: I've tried so much of it O_O
[2:25:24 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: xD
[2:25:54 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: don't you just have regular Black tea that you can make horribly for me?
[2:25:55 AM] Imp: got all the tools too for it lol
[2:26:03 AM] Imp: I do have that as well!
[2:26:11 AM] Imp: Sin will make it for you
[2:26:22 AM] Imp: She's nice like that *nudges Sin*
[2:26:34 AM] Sinful: Mmf.
[2:26:42 AM] Sinful: Blacktea?
[2:26:46 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: yeah
[2:26:51 AM] Sinful: Alright.
[2:26:52 AM] Imp: >>
[2:27:04 AM] Imp: Honey? Sugar? anything?
[2:27:13 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: Horrible milky
[2:27:22 AM] Imp: gotcha
[2:27:23 AM] Sinful: Ick.
[2:27:29 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: xD
[2:27:30 AM] Sinful: You are not a proper tea drinker.
[2:27:47 AM] Sinful: I shall overlook it this once.
[2:28:03 AM] Sinful: ;Goes off to make horrible milky tea. -
[2:28:12 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: hurray!
[2:28:24 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: now we can talk about Sin
[2:28:34 AM] Imp: that we can!
[2:28:36 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: what do you like about her, Imp?
[2:29:59 AM] Imp: She's fun to talk to and makes cheesecake so I've heard.
[2:30:02 AM] Imp: You?
[2:30:55 AM] Imp: OH and uh, anyone who can make a mean cheesecake wins my heart =P
[2:32:03 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: that she may have desires to kill you.... er... haven't spoken to her much, but she can be pretty direct about things which is nice
[2:32:13 AM] Imp: I believe I shall watch a movie as we query one another!
[2:32:45 AM] Imp: direct about killing me? Yes I've been waiting for someone to finally do me in. Most everyone has failed thus far
[2:32:59 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: yeah
[2:33:02 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: her schemes
[2:33:03 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: are
[2:33:10 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: simple
[2:33:11 AM] Imp: simple unlike mine?! >=(
[2:33:33 AM] Imp: NEXT Q! after Sin finishes
[2:33:56 AM] Sinful: ;Returns, placing a tea kettle before both V and Imp. -
[2:34:03 AM] Sinful: There, you each get your own.
[2:35:03 AM] Imp: >> *is immune to poison and happily pours a cup of warm toxin*
[2:35:13 AM] Imp: SO, know any RPA members in RL?
[2:35:18 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: *is not immune and dies*
[2:35:21 AM] Imp: or met any once?
[2:35:43 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: I half met KKoD once...
[2:36:28 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: he was in my town, but, we were uncertain if we were actually the right people.... so that was a failure
[2:36:38 AM] Imp: Sin gets to ask the next Q! =)
[2:36:40 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: but no
[2:36:48 AM] Imp: if she wants
[2:36:57 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: I imagine if my friends were on RPA, they would be massive trolls xD
[2:38:13 AM] Imp: lol partially agreed. Many fo my friends would troll while the others would sign up for a day and then... never come back
[2:39:28 AM] Imp: Well, I'll continue with the questions *looks around for Sin*
[2:39:51 AM] Imp: Do you look for inspiration when writing posts and if so, where from?
[2:40:08 AM] Imp: I ask because some people i used to know would just write a post out of nothing...
[2:40:12 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: honestly.... no where
[2:40:23 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: I just sit there, and write
[2:40:37 AM] Imp: nice!
[2:40:42 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: or as I like to refer to it, 'Babble'
[2:41:41 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: most of my RP posts are written quickly. But the ones I struggle with can take hours
[2:41:55 AM] Imp: uh oh!
[2:42:06 AM] Imp: yeah same timing for me. Depends on how I feel usually
[2:42:43 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: yeah same
[2:42:43 AM] Sinful: zzz.
[2:42:54 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: Not allowed to sleep Ceru!
[2:43:30 AM] Imp: I shot her with a tranq...
[2:43:51 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: .... .... you just want to talk more about her, don't you?
[2:43:58 AM] Imp: so now we can discuss more matter relating to her
[2:44:08 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: .... thought so
[2:44:26 AM] Imp: precisely!
[2:44:47 AM] Imp: but honestly, how much longer do you wish to keep with this interview? We can end it when youw ant. =)
[2:45:50 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: yeah probably should finish up.... I have a lot of things to procrastinate about and then not do
[2:46:02 AM] Imp: same here!
[2:46:28 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: well it has been fun
[2:46:50 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: maybe I can help you corner some helpless fool another time, and beat some questions out of them
[2:46:54 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: nicely
[2:46:56 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: of course
[2:47:03 AM] Imp: Of course, good sir!
[2:47:14 AM] Imp: Well then, this is it! One last Q
[2:47:29 AM] Imp: and words of wisdom for the RPA folk?
[2:48:03 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: Don't ask me for wisdom, there are many wiser folk then I around RPA.
[2:49:08 AM] Imp: Thank you again for being on!
[2:49:13 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: no problem
[2:49:27 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: talk to you again soon
[2:49:31 AM] Imp: yep!
[2:49:37 AM] The great cactus beard eleven toes!: you as well sleeping Sin
Imp: WELCOME EVERYONE TO ANOTHER IMP SHOW! Today, Leoni and myself are goign to interview the amazing Teej! Welcome TJ!
TheTeeJaii: Thank you Imp!! Kinda Honoured to be here if I'm totally Honest!
Imp: I'm glad to hear!
Imp: Now where is that crazy Leoni?
TheTeeJaii: Who knows? LEONI! GET BACK HERE!
Leoni: Here! =D
Imp: *awaits for Leoni to pull some silly joke on the Imp Show*
Imp: There she is!
TheTeeJaii: <.< We can Use Smilies? YAY!
Imp: What do you have for us today, Leoni? =O
TheTeeJaii: I mean... *serious TeeJaii is Serious* Sorry, Carry on
Leoni: I have fake vomit...buuut it's not fake >>
TheTeeJaii: so...Vomit?
Imp: Omg that's right. T_T
Imp: So sorry...
Leoni: Teej do you have a supa awesome accent?
TheTeeJaii: Well, I have a BRITISH Accent, Does that count as Awesome? It's of Typical English Royalty, A little less class and a dash of Camp? Haha =)
TheTeeJaii: Think David Tennant?
TheTeeJaii: *In Doctor who, Not Scottish
Leoni: Yes that's def awesome =D
Leoni: lol fail *<3
Imp: Doc. Who is aweosme...
TheTeeJaii: well, Thanks, I guess =] I have a thread of me singing, and my accent shines through *Flush* whoops
Imp: I have a question for the fab Leoni. LEONI! Can you do an English accent? I know there are several but have you ever tried?
Imp: And accents rock btw. Meant to add that earlier...
Leoni: Roflcopter, I can only try
TheTeeJaii: I know Extraordinaire can do a fairly good English Accent, In one of her Vlogs she said "Thomas!" In an English Accent for me =D
Leoni: I've actually tried to sound like Teej when I was reading his posts
TheTeeJaii: Oh My God, Really?
Leoni: Indeed, then I wonder why do I talk to myself T.T
TheTeeJaii: The only way to gain intelligent conversation?
TheTeeJaii: That's what I tell myself anyway...
Leoni: XD
Leoni: British accents make people sound smarter
Imp: agreed! Aside from their vocabulary generally being wider than ours XD
TheTeeJaii: Trust me, There's an accent typically associated with Essex (Where I come from) and that does NOT sound even remotely intelligent...
TheTeeJaii: And I'm proud to say I do not Don such an accent
Imp: I gotta lay on some accents and see what peeps think. I love doing a Russian accent the most!
Imp: Congrats to that then, Teej!
Imp: SO next Q 4 u!
TheTeeJaii: Most people call some of these people "Chavs" I prefer the terms "Commoners" or even "Peasants" :]
TheTeeJaii: Okay1
TheTeeJaii: -Okay!
Imp: Have you ever travelled to another country? If so then which one(s)?
TheTeeJaii: ahah! well...When I was about 9 I went to Florida...The Second Day I managed to get lost in the Magic Kingdom during their massive fireworks display? They had to close the entire park until they found me...whoops...
TheTeeJaii: then, I went to Turkey, and that was fab. Saw Lizzards with brown bodies and ELECTRIC BLUE TAILS
TheTeeJaii: also, I went to Mallorca and that was awesome...except for the Rooster which kept waking us up...
TheTeeJaii: I've taken a Day-Trip to France as well
TheTeeJaii: I spent a weekend in Germany....
Imp: I wanna visit Turkey... I used to live in Florida for a bit so yeah I'll take a journey to Turkey any day!
TheTeeJaii: I took a cruise around the Mediterranean during August of this year. I went to Sardinia, Mallorca, Majorca, Rome, Pompeii and...somewhere else...
TheTeeJaii: Turkey is beautiful!
Leoni: Damn you Europeans traveling all over the place T.T
Leoni: 'muricans stay in
Imp: Oh I hear it is!
Imp: lol oh Leoni.... so true T_T
Leoni: I've always wanted to go to Rome
TheTeeJaii: Haha ;] But America is HUGE, Like, England is so tiny! we have to escape sometimes =D the weather is always grey and rainy...well, Saying that, It never stays the same, One day it'll be freezing, the next you'll be sweating like a pig in a slaughterhouse.
Imp: And I'd love to take a trip around the Mediterranean!
TheTeeJaii: It was an amazing holiday. Best i've ever had
Imp: True. America is quite massive... why, the largest country in the world once we take over some more plac-*show is closed down*
Imp: Ahem... XD
TheTeeJaii: .0.
Leoni: Yeah cuz Wyoming is so much better than Essex >>
TheTeeJaii: It probably Is....Someone was shot near my local shop about a 2 minute walk from my house...
TheTeeJaii: that was pleasant
TheTeeJaii: seriously though, google "Essex Girl Stereotype" and see why I facepalm most of my life because the Stereotype is so accurate.
Leoni: :O
Imp: lol living in and near Rochester(where I'm close to) is fun. Primarily on the news since there is a shooting here almost every day. XD
Imp: Rochester, NY of course*
Leoni: ROFL XD Sounds like Jersey
TheTeeJaii: I did get confused there, Imp =D
Imp: yeah I caught myself there lol
Leoni: I am becoming an Essex girl!
Imp: btw, looking at the Essex flag right now. Pretty neat with the three Saxon swords! *loves flags with weapons on them*
TheTeeJaii: Oh Yah, We rock =]
TheTeeJaii: Yeah, Sorry!
Imp: np! My bad lol
TheTeeJaii: Wow, That's a good question!
Imp: brb, Leoni shall take over for a bit =)
Leoni: Woo, next question!
Leoni: How did you choose your username?
Leoni: Is it supposed to be like a T....Shirt?
Leoni: Yeah, I dunno
TheTeeJaii: Back in 2009, My friend (then known as "TheAngel" said I had a good writing style, and suggested RPA, So I Joined and loved it! But due to certain circumstances such as Mega computer failings, and school and other such lark, I fell away from it. I was known as TAIKAMIA1 i think, Then Tykeo, Then MentallyUnstable, Then FlamingDestiny. Then I took ANOTHER Break, because all My Role-Plays died, and I was too shy to join more. I then returned and named myself theteejaii....left again, and returned, renamed TheTeeJaii and now I'm Known by RPA much better, and hopefully will get my first Star soon=D
Imp: Sounds like an epic struggle you went through! Glad you returned to us!
TheTeeJaii: And Let's see... My name is Thomas James Murphy. My mum used to call me TJ as a kid (Thomas-James) And I decided to use that. I thought "how do I make this more name-like?" Then came up with TeeJay. How do I make it more Original? "TeeJai" hmm..almost...."TeeJaii" Great! and I'm fairly unique...or weird, whatever.. "TheTeeJaii" Complete =D
TheTeeJaii: Thanks, I don
TheTeeJaii: -I don't intend to leave now that I am becoming more confident with you all! I've made quite a quick integration in the RPA community!
TheTeeJaii: I love everyone here so much! you're all so NICE!!!
Leoni: NO.
Imp: Yeah honestly you turned from newb into like... famous almost overnight! I love seeing that out of those who join RPA
Imp: lol the Leoni Complex.
Imp: I want an Imp Complex...
TheTeeJaii: I wouldn't say I'm Famous!! People like SQJPURE, Siksta, and you two are Famous...
TheTeeJaii: I'm just Leoni's Co-GM X3
Leoni: Psh, I ain't famous!
Leoni: I've only been here since the end of March XD
TheTeeJaii: Dude! everyone knows you, Leoni! Look how many awards you are up for!!
Imp: idk about that! A lot of new members suddenly charged in and with you being a recent addition and on more than Pure and Siksta, you made your mark. ;)
TheTeeJaii: So loved, So amazing, So Inspiring
Leoni: It makes nada sense
Leoni: Didnt even know I was nominated for that
TheTeeJaii: You and Sunlight- were my inspiration to get more known on RPA, had I not met you, I would be nothing, So yeah, Love you <3
TheTeeJaii: Wow, Really?
TheTeeJaii: I blame Gelda.
TheTeeJaii: but I Digress.
Leoni: And I got like 2nd (Kris 1st ofc) on best or most dedicated GM =D
Leoni: Always Blame Gelda.
Imp: To be honest, I haven't even looked through every single awards thread.
TheTeeJaii: Leoni and I drew for Nicest Member! How Did I match up with YOU for that??
Leoni: Would you say your RP characters are like you?
TheTeeJaii: yes, Sorry Imp! D:
Imp: No joke, I once watched Leoni scalp a thug who attempted to rob her. Iiiiiiiii don't want to witness that ever again. >>
Imp: especially with it being at the zoo
TheTeeJaii: Is that My Question? I'd say Shayne from West-Hills Is absolutely, 100% me. Like, Everything about him (Except he is SMOKIN' Hot) Is me...That's why I love playing him so much, I can really go deep into his Psyche and develop him =] but most other characters are fairly unique...Kinda..
TheTeeJaii: Leoni, Wow. Scary
Leoni: XD
Leoni: And awwwwwwww, Teej! :D
Imp: Good to know!
Imp: Note to self, ask that question more often...
Imp: Er... Leoni's question...
TheTeeJaii: =]
Leoni: =D
TheTeeJaii: That was a Fab question
Imp: I'm hungry atm... I want cheesecake but Sin ain't aroudn to make me one =_=... anyone here make cheesecake? >>
TheTeeJaii: I can make Rainbow Cakes?
TheTeeJaii: Have you seen 'em in the Picture thread v3? So Gay, So brilliant
Imp: THIS QUESTION GOES TO ALL OF US! What is your faaaaav dessert(s)?
Leoni: Dang Imp, you expect me to chose one?
TheTeeJaii: ICE CREAM.
Leoni: Guys are jerks =.=
TheTeeJaii: With Chocolate sauce and Chocolate Buttons
Leoni: Buuuuuuuuut I like 'em anyways
Imp: Am I a jerk? =(
TheTeeJaii: Nah, I don't mind =D Unless it seems pointless XD
Imp: What about Teej?
TheTeeJaii: Wait, I'm a guy too!
Leoni: Teej is a sweetheart<3
TheTeeJaii: I think I actually Blushed!
Imp: no? =D
Leoni: Imp you the shizz
TheTeeJaii: I love Imp<3
Leoni: forreal
Imp: AHEM sorry 'bout that
Imp: for real real and not for play play? XD
Leoni: XD Oh Imp cray cray
Imp: Hmmm... Next Q 4 uuuuuu
TheTeeJaii: Imp...Re-read that aloud...For....Play.
Imp: Pass to Leoni!
TheTeeJaii: *facepalm*
TheTeeJaii: ;]
Leoni: Lul randomly making raps cuz I listen to too much Nicki
Imp: Teej be a funneh one! XD
TheTeeJaii: X3 Oh stop it, You!
Imp: Nicki rocks
Imp: how old is she? >>
Imp: does she need someone to comfort her before and after every show? >>
Leoni: XD XD XD
Leoni: Imppppp XD you craaaaaaaaaay
TheTeeJaii: *knows nothing of Nicki Minaj*
Leoni: WHAT
Leoni: WHAT
Leoni: AT
TheTeeJaii: Imp! Help me! She's Turning Scary! I don't Like Scary Leon!
Imp: Well for one thing, she's got a nice bodNEXT QUESTION: ARE there any RPA members you know in RL?
Leoni: Nice is an understatement
Leoni: Me and Teej are BFFs IRL
Leoni: J/K
TheTeeJaii: Uhm, I know VikkiSarah1995 and Swingin'Pirate (TheAngel i mentioned earlier) And I know DeathOfKorzan lives very close to me...
Leoni: :O
Imp: @Leoni: yur face is an understatement =_= *pouty*
Imp: Yeah okay she's smokin' hot. =P AND nice, TJ! A good amount of members there
Imp: *will keep his eyes out for the listed friends*
TheTeeJaii: haha =] Thanks
TheTeeJaii: I have links to 1x1's in my Signature with Vikki and Swingin' =D
Imp: Oh cool!
Imp: I haven't done a 1x1 in sooo long
TheTeeJaii: =]
Imp: Ask Leoni. She sadly knows my sex lif-NEXT QUESTION!!!!
TheTeeJaii: I like 1x1's - it's more relaxed, and less pressure =] although, with Group RP's like West Hills, I really feel we have a little family there
TheTeeJaii: Ew.
Imp: Tru to that! Both have positives
Imp: I did a watchmen 1x1 aaannndddd some others I'm trying to recall
TheTeeJaii: haha - so next question? *So Into this now!*
Leoni: XD
Imp: Yeah Leoni has one for ya! ;)
TheTeeJaii: well played ;]
Leoni: What do you do for fun? Besides going to wild parties and GETTIN' WASSSTEDDD
Imp: and feel free to ask anything if you have a Q on you
TheTeeJaii: TEA SCONES TOP HATS AND MONOCLES! [[needed more Britishness]]
Imp: Leoni knows how to partay!
Imp: I love tea and scones!
Leoni: XD
TheTeeJaii: Well, for Fun, I like playing guitar a LOT! but I also tend to jsut go out with my friends, anything at all, as long as we're together is SO MUCH that cheesy? I don't even care, I love my friends, I'd be nothing without them.
TheTeeJaii: Maybe it's things like that which make people think I'm nice...
Leoni: Awwww :]
Leoni: Next Question:
Leoni: Should I eat a lemon cupcake, chocolate cupcake, leftover birthday cake, or none before I throw up again?
Imp: Sadly my friends live pretty far from me. One of my besties lives in Rochester(the city by me! Not you!) which is a drive...
TheTeeJaii: If you're going to throw up ANYWAY, I'd sugge- what flavour birthday cake?
Imp: Nihil
Imp: I'll go for whatever the Teej says
Imp: Carrying on! XD
TheTeeJaii: yay!
Imp: Any special someone in your life?
Imp: Leoni has one!
Imp: She should force him to join RPA >>
Leoni: Strawberry birthday cake
Imp: so we can all be "AWWWWWW"
TheTeeJaii: By Someone Special, Do you mean someone I like or someone who I am with? =D
Imp: both work. Whichever one is filled
Imp: like or with
Imp: crush or partnership
Leoni: He is apparently incapable of signing up for a website without me over his shoulder
Imp: lol
Imp: Leoni and her giant muscles of death and destruction
Imp: She named her biceps those
Leoni: XD
Leoni: I obv wear the pants of steel in the relationship
Imp: that u do!
TheTeeJaii: I recently developed feelings for a guy at school... he was upset, but I don't know him well at all, so I just sent him a message saying I was there for him. He told me that he was sitting there in tears and that you wouldn't think he could get upset because he acts like an idiot outwardly, but is sensitive inwardly, which is so much like myself. I prefer to help than be helped =] So yeah, I then realised he's super nice (and super hot) and I like him...I'm a little bit pathetic that way, haha....Did I mention he was straight? Damn.
Leoni: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwww
TheTeeJaii: But it's all good, I'm still chugging on with my life =D
Leoni: Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej =D
TheTeeJaii: I can top that, but that's a story for another day ;]
Leoni: Once when I was little, a boy wouldn't be my "boyfriend" so I punched his as hard I as could. Got in so much trouble T.T
Imp: Awwww that is sweet!
TheTeeJaii: Wow...That...Leon....I can't even...Wut??
Imp: and yeah Teej, I'm the say way. I also prefer to help more than being helped...
TheTeeJaii: The worst thing I did to someone who rejected me was...well...Cry at them XD
TheTeeJaii: I Can't stand people trying to help me...I don't wanna put my feelings onto others, So I have developed a "Mask" I put on to ensure nobody knows anything is wrong. it works. Every time.
Leoni: I make them cry...because I am an evil person XD
Imp: I don't need help... *cold loner*
Leoni: I will never forget how much troubs I got in. Like...damn XD
TheTeeJaii: Plus I want to be a it helps to get experience ;]
Imp: Yeah I come off as a major jerk at times but when ina relationship I'm all cute and s***
Imp: LOL Leoni...
Leoni: I know that feel bro -.-
TheTeeJaii: I haven't had a relationship in 3 years...
TheTeeJaii: Loner X3
Leoni: Normally me on twin day: "This s--t stupid" Today on twin day "OMG Ben we're so cute as twins!<33"
Imp: yeah been like... 4 months for me... >>
Leoni: Don't do it Teej!
Leoni: Your manliness will drop by the second!
TheTeeJaii: I have NO Manliness - you HAVE met me, right?
TheTeeJaii: Ben? Benjamin? Benson? Benedict?
Leoni: Aww shit XD
Leoni: I mean...shizz
TheTeeJaii: It's probably good the guy I like is straight...He's also called Tom... haha - Tom and Tom...wouldn't work XD
Leoni: XD It's be like Taylor and Taylor!
Leoni: Swift and Whatshisname
TheTeeJaii: Lautner
TheTeeJaii: I mean...
TheTeeJaii: That Guy from that Vampire film...
Imp: yeah idk sadly T_T
TheTeeJaii: Unless Leon Wants too...she's scary
Leoni: Yeah I want to! XD
TheTeeJaii: Maybe later...;]
Imp: lol uh oh!
Leoni: Lol, one or two rants of Leoni in West Hills and everybody thinks I'm a monster XD
TheTeeJaii: You're not a Monster...
Imp: Yeah I will never mess with Leoni!
TheTeeJaii: Think Jekyll and Hyde...
Imp: Nor Sin cause she has my number and could some how track me down O_o
Imp: and Kris... she'd gut me if I pissed her off too
Leoni: XD
Imp: Next Q! Greatest Strength?
TheTeeJaii: Oh, well, That's a bad question to ask someone with an Inferiority complex, But I'd say my greatest strength is my ability to help others, I mean, I can be kind and funny most of the time, but then I can become super serious whenever I need to help someone, It's my thing, and why I wanna become a Counselor
Imp: Greatest Weakness?
TheTeeJaii: Just One? Okay, well, My greatest weakness is probably my self-esteem. I hate myself, like, everything about me, Compliments are rejected and often get offensive as I tend not to believe them, and think the other person is lying to make me feel better about myself. of course, this can also lead to me being overly grateful when someone commends me and means it. ((a relatable example to everyone here is Rep, i often thank people who rep me, or If they compliment/commend me on a thread, I rep them with a comment like "You're WAY too kind!"
Imp: Favourite food?
TheTeeJaii: Chocolate. Yes. Chocolate, Nothing with it, Don't go wasting valuable chocolate space with nuts and shit, Just plain chocolate.
Imp: Is there anything you feel RPA could include to make it more enjoyable? (a chatbox, games or live IM chatting like on Facebook,...?)
TheTeeJaii: Okay, I'd say an IM System would be more useful than a chat-box, Purely because it's more private, and you can easily sent messages to people about RP's or just chat without hogging PM space, and Threads, A chatbox would have everyone see what youre saying, and may not include them.
Also, IM's save having to go through settings and stuff so it's a lot quicker!!
Imp: Well then it has been fun and now we must sadly end the Imp Show... G'night everyone! =D
TheTeeJaii: haha =D Bubaiii!!!!
Leoni: Bye Imp!
TheTeeJaii: Thank's for having me X3
Imp: Any time! *lights go out* my power bill...
Well wasn't that a jolly dual interview for a night's segment? =)
Alright, well... that's it. GET OUT!!!
btw, if you wanna be in the Imp Show, contact me via VM/PM/Reputation(cause no postin' in here).
Later, skater!
Welcome to another fab Imp Show!
This time we have Mary Sue with us and Alice was by my side the entire time... cause I couldn't make it too far without her. XP
This is the last and final Global Mod on the Imp Show! Woot!
Mimes RULE! (
Oh, Obama! (
Thanks goes to Lamentable, The Imposter, and Alice for the stuffies!
[3:48:09 PM] Imp: WELCOME TO ANOTHER IMP SHOW! Yes, another one. Deal with it! >=(
Today, I have Alice at my side as we interview Miss PErfect aka Mary Sue! Welcome, Mary!
[3:48:33 PM] Susan: Hi there! :)
[3:49:43 PM] Alice: I am at his side!!!
[3:49:52 PM] Alice: Hello RPA
[3:50:06 PM] Imp: You are the third Global Mod to be on the show! Are there anymore besides TwistedV now? (since Kris is now an Admin)
[3:50:57 PM] Susan: Not right now. Unless they're planning on replacing me! I accidentally chipped one of the nose's on Anne's statue army... O_O
[3:51:21 PM] Imp: uh oh! >>
[3:51:36 PM] Imp: ALRIGHT! Now to start off the official questions! XD
[3:51:53 PM] Imp: As everyone is asked, WHAT brought you to RPA?!
[3:52:48 PM] Susan: Wttr brought me here actually. Almost four years ago. I was looking for a creative escape and not finding it on Gaia. But one day he PMed me there and said I should come here. I haven't left!
[3:52:50 PM] Alice: What do you like most about being a global mod?
[3:53:21 PM] Imp: And for that is why WTTR is awesome
[3:53:28 PM] Susan: Yes he is. ^^
[3:57:30 PM] Susan: [3:52 PM] Alice: <What do you like most about being a global mod?I enjoy that I am more around the site, instead of focusing on one area.
And I really like the color blue. XD
[3:59:55 PM] Imp: Damn you blue people! Btw, the Global Mods are for sure the most unique mainly due to the there being only a few of you. Obviously a lot of basic mods must die before ascending into being a GM eh?
[4:00:57 PM] Imp: Er die in training
[4:01:09 PM] Susan: Oh, I don't know what you're talking about. ;)
[4:02:13 PM] Imp: *notices laser making its way to my forehead* Er uh. Yeah! Nvm! ^^
[4:02:18 PM] Imp: Next Q 4 U
[4:02:41 PM] Alice: O_O
[4:02:42 PM] Susan: Fire away!
[4:02:46 PM] Susan: Oh wait...
[4:02:55 PM] Susan: Imp, you should duck!
[4:03:46 PM] Imp: *doj* alright. So! Are there any RPA members you know in RL?! =O
[4:04:09 PM] Alice: MUSE
[4:04:15 PM] Susan: There are a couple. Muse, obviously
[4:04:16 PM] Susan: XD
[4:04:21 PM] Susan: Thanks Alice.
[4:04:25 PM] Alice: <3!!! XD
[4:04:41 PM] Imp: yeah you told me of him. *takes out sniper rifle*
[4:04:42 PM] Alice: I mean of course I did not answer for the question was directed at you
[4:04:47 PM] Susan: But Cleo and I have been friends for years way before even coming to RPA.
[4:04:57 PM] Imp: neat, neat!
[4:05:15 PM] Susan: We haven't met face to face yet, but we talk on the phone a lot. And she's coming for my birthday this year,
[4:05:28 PM] Susan: Or she better be....
[4:05:52 PM] Alice: Aww! When's your birthday?
[4:06:21 PM] Susan: It's the 30th of December, the day before New Year's eve, XD
[4:06:30 PM] Imp: Woah!
[4:06:38 PM] Susan: I literally live the whole year before I age a year.
[4:07:06 PM] Alice: Omg xD What are the pros and cons of having your bday that time?
[4:07:11 PM] Imp: Yeah I'm speechless on trying to think up a good response. XD
[4:08:03 PM] Susan: The Pro is that it's always when I'm off of school, so I can always enjoy it. And SOMETIMES, I get extra presents.
[4:08:31 PM] Imp: Lucky =_=
[4:08:46 PM] Susan: The cons are that I've only had two birthday parties because everyone travels, and most of my presents are given to me on Christmas.
[4:10:34 PM] Susan: But it's alright. :)
[4:12:13 PM] Imp: at least you have a Bday! Imagine all those poor folk who don't have a Bday in many poor countries across the world. T_T... wait. That ain't right. >>
[4:12:14 PM] Imp: NEXT Q
[4:12:27 PM] Susan: *wipes eyes*
[4:13:41 PM] Imp: HOW is the weather in your area? This goes to Alice as well
[4:14:17 PM] Susan: Bright and sunny today. Yet the sun was already low at 3. It's gonna be a long winter. ^^
[4:15:19 PM] Imp: Winter! UUGGGHHHH
[4:15:55 PM] Imp: Yeah it is rainy and cold here. Yay for living in the north...
[4:17:17 PM] Alice: It really depends.
[4:17:34 PM] Alice: We have hot summers and cold winters. It rains a lot
[4:17:47 PM] Susan: Oh. Poor dears! I'll think of you tomorrow while I'm tanning. ;)
[4:17:59 PM | Edited 4:18:14 PM] Imp: Perfect time to do my crying is when it rains. ^^
[4:18:20 PM] Imp: or in a shower
[4:18:31 PM] Alice: I guess the major theme of our weather is that it's humid
[4:18:45 PM] Imp: SO, Alice, have any good questions for Mary? I'm suddenly unable to think up any!
[4:18:59 PM] Susan: Good to know! I'm so uninteresting! XD
[4:20:28 PM] Imp: That you are! Wait no! I have one. I understand you are goign to college. What are you majoring in? =D
[4:20:51 PM] Alice: MARY I'm so jelly of you. It's freezing right now and you're tanning...:(
[4:20:59 PM] Susan: That's a good question! When I figure it out I'll get back to you!
[4:21:03 PM] Susan: I mean...
[4:21:33 PM] Susan: I'm currently an English Major and Spanish minor. But I plan on switching next semester to a Theater Major and English Minor.
[4:22:06 PM] Alice: I follow your blog! Didn't you say you found a passion for theatre costume and prop making?
[4:22:27 PM | Edited 4:23:13 PM] Imp: I can't follow blogs. Hell I can't even follow a piece of string. T_T
[4:22:35 PM] Susan: Poor Imp...
[4:23:15 PM] Alice: I follow so many people...
[4:23:17 PM] Susan: But yes, Alice. I have. I absolutely love my job in the theater department and I feel as if I am talented and special when I'm there. Plus everyone in the department tells me too.
[4:23:29 PM] Imp: I meant can't instead of don't XD That probably came off as mean
[4:23:38 PM] Susan: Lol
[4:24:28 PM] Alice: I FOLLOW follow people..
[4:24:36 PM] Alice: Like...FOLLOOOOW FOLLOW follow....
[4:24:46 PM] Susan: Like a creep.
[4:24:54 PM] Alice: DO THE CREEP
[4:25:04 PM] Susan: Haaaaa!
[4:25:47 PM] Imp: XD the theater department is neat!
[4:26:07 PM] Alice: I have a sekrit passion for acting
[4:26:10 PM] Alice: I MEAN
[4:26:13 PM] Susan: Yes it is! Being and working backstage is super fun.
[4:26:13 PM] Alice: Ssshhhhhhh
[4:26:18 PM] Susan: lol
[4:26:54 PM] Alice: I've never worked backstage but I guess it would be!
[4:27:07 PM] Alice: You're the secret force
[4:27:10 PM] Alice: Like MODS
[4:27:16 PM] Alice: Acting behind the scenes
[4:27:17 PM] Imp: I'm actually thinking of going back to my community college and trying acting as I also love to act
[4:27:28 PM] Alice: OooOOOoooOohhHhhh
[4:27:47 PM] Susan: I don't recall asking you, Imp...
[4:27:49 PM] Susan: >_.
[4:28:04 PM] Alice: Burn
[4:28:29 PM] Alice: Wait WOAH
[4:28:31 PM] Alice: BURN
[4:28:49 PM] Alice: xD
[4:29:05 PM] Imp: T____T
[4:29:31 PM] Alice: He's crying
[4:29:33 PM] Susan: You know I'm kidding...
[4:29:37 PM] Susan: Mostly...
[4:29:39 PM] Alice: Look what you've done
[4:29:56 PM] Alice: *cue the song Look What You've dine*
[4:30:02 PM] Alice: DONE*
[4:30:28 PM] Imp: lol I knooooow *Imp generates the puppy dog eyes*
[4:30:43 PM] Susan: *melts*
[4:30:50 PM] Alice: *song is playing in the background*
[4:31:26 PM] Imp: Alright, well, next Question then! XD
[4:31:44 PM] Alice: This has so far been a very interesting chat xD
[4:32:00 PM] Imp: btw, Mary, if you want to ask us anything, feel free to do so!
[4:32:07 PM] Susan: I'm thinking.
[4:32:10 PM] Imp: and I agree with Alice. XD
[4:32:41 PM] Imp: Back to RPA, What is your favorite section of RPA and what brings you there?
[4:33:05 PM] Susan: Eh heheheh. Favorite section. That's a good one.
[4:33:48 PM] Alice: Obvy Downtown because of Ali-
[4:33:52 PM] Susan: I am in the blogs a lot. But it's mostly a left over habit from modding there.
[4:34:13 PM] Susan: I don't really have one section I visit or post in more than others.
[4:34:41 PM] Alice: Yes! You are a butterfly all over the place :D
[4:34:48 PM | Edited 4:35:34 PM] Imp: Ah I see! You're one of those equalist peeps >____>
[4:35:28 PM] Susan: Yes. There are no Bender allowed on RPA!!! >_>
[4:35:38 PM] Susan: *benders
[4:37:27 PM] Imp: XD Good to know
[4:37:37 PM] Susan: ^_^
[4:37:53 PM] Imp: My fav place is wherever I can hide from the Admins... oh wait! There is no place! Nvm .T_T
[4:38:04 PM] Susan: *giggles*
[4:40:00 PM] Imp: So having just jumped into a question pertaining to RPA, we're gonna jump away and go back into RL, kinda. So this Muse guy is yo BF right? How logn have you two been together? =O
[4:41:08 PM] Susan: .....2 and a half Years? I hope he doesn't read this. It's so hard to remember! XD
[4:41:44 PM] Alice: TSSSKKK
[4:41:46 PM] Imp: lol
[4:42:03 PM] Alice: *sends convo to muse*
[4:42:11 PM] Susan: I really am the one in the relationship who's bad with dates.
[4:42:35 PM] Susan: He never has to worry about me yelling at him for forgetting our Anniversary, because I'm always the one who forgets. XD
[4:43:29 PM] Imp: XD Oh relationships
[4:43:34 PM] Imp: fun times
[4:43:45 PM] Susan: Something like that. XD
[4:44:04 PM] Imp: Yeah I was spot on usually but later I started to forget O_o
[4:44:13 PM] Imp: like opposite effect many I know have
[4:44:20 PM] Imp: damn growing old
[4:44:49 PM] Alice: I feel your pain
[4:44:50 PM] Susan: I know. Don't want to think about that!
[4:44:55 PM] Alice: Dem grey hairs
[4:45:00 PM] Alice: Where's my cant
[4:45:02 PM] Alice: Cane*
[4:45:25 PM] Imp: my back is going out and I wanna play shuffleboard...
[4:45:30 PM] Alice: Is that a couch or a turd
[4:45:41 PM] Alice: They're all brown -_______-
[4:45:56 PM] Susan: I have the desire to collect cats...
[4:47:17 PM] Alice: CAAAAAAAAAATS
[4:47:40 PM] Imp: Kitties! ^^ I remember their names better than the names of my grandkids...
[4:48:04 PM] Imp: on the topic of relationships and growing old, ALICE! are you with anyone?! =O
[4:48:15 PM] Susan: Oh yes! Tell us
[4:49:44 PM] Imp: uh oh
[4:50:02 PM] Susan: She died of a heart attack
[4:50:30 PM] Imp: from laughing too much. We'll miss you Alice
[4:50:47 PM] Susan: Indeed. T__T
[4:52:13 PM] Alice: You know me too well
[4:52:51 PM] Alice: I'm helping my sister make Mac and cheese xD sorry! But regarding your W
[4:52:56 PM] Alice: Your Q*
[4:53:18 PM] Alice: Nope, I'm a single pringle
[4:53:45 PM] Susan: Omg thats the cutest saying ever! <3
[4:53:57 PM] Imp: lol love that term!
[4:54:21 PM] Alice: Me tooooooo hurr
[4:54:32 PM] Imp: I'm taking it >>
[4:54:37 PM] Alice: But I'm not really looking for a relationship...
[4:54:42 PM] Imp: *uses it for facebook status*
[4:54:46 PM] Alice: Hahahha
[4:54:47 PM] Imp: good!
[4:54:56 PM] Imp: screw them! er... you know
[4:55:08 PM] Alice: YEAH!
[4:55:18 PM] Susan: TOTALLY!
[4:55:36 PM] Alice: All those cute couples being so happy and cheerful and lovable SCREW THEM
[4:55:43 PM] Imp: Alright well I guuueeeessss a few questions more UNLESS some genius ones come to mind. XD
[4:56:02 PM] Susan: What are you currently painting, Imp? ^^
[4:56:11 PM] Imp: yeah grrrr at cute couples! Who needs to be with anyone! *cold*... to hell with them >>
[4:56:33 PM] Imp: OH weeellllll long story short *goes intoa long story*
[4:58:16 PM] Imp: I'm painting illustrations for a story I'm workign on which will find itself on rPA in my writing section. ^^
[5:00:30 PM] Imp: The painting is of a squad of soldiers readying to enter a massive city. The sky is grey and filled with a variety of aircraft flying over, heaidng to the city.
[5:01:13 PM] Imp: symbols on the ships and those on the squad below will have different insignias so you can tell they aren't friends. Other than that, it is still under heavuly development.
[5:01:53 PM] Susan: Sounds impressive!
[5:03:59 PM] Imp: Ugh pardon the silence. My father just called me. OKAY BACK WITH THE SHOW
[5:04:30 PM] Imp: thanks! The neat thing abotu this story is it is second person perspective AND the readers can vote on where the squad goes in the story =D
[5:04:54 PM] Susan: Like a "choose your own adventure!"
[5:04:54 PM] Imp: enough abotut hat tho, tell us of what your most fav prop is that you had to make in Theater!
[5:05:06 PM] Susan: Oh. That's easy.
[5:05:14 PM] Susan: I made a Phonograph. :)
[5:05:50 PM] Imp: Nice! XD
[5:05:52 PM] Susan: Using a premade wire cone that we bent into the shap we needed and some giant card stock paper.
[5:06:00 PM] Susan: Then some sealant and paint
[5:06:15 PM] Susan: It's MASSIVE and is being used in one of the plays this month. :)
[5:07:00 PM] Imp: congrats on havign your work displayed! ^^
[5:07:13 PM] Imp: Mine is displayed... in my mind O_O
[5:07:31 PM] Susan: Lol. You gotta get it out there! How else are people going to enjoy it?
[5:09:13 PM] Imp: yeah I honestly try. Making some neat and disturbing 3d sculptures ^^
[5:09:19 PM] Imp: ALICE!
[5:09:42 PM] Imp: Let's see what Alice wants to be when she grows up! =D
[5:09:57 PM] Susan: *looks at Alice*
[5:10:08 PM] Susan: *unblinkingly*
[5:11:18 PM] Alice: I'm going into law
[5:11:25 PM] Alice: Harvard obvy
[5:11:28 PM] Susan: Good luck! My record is 20 seconds!!
[5:11:44 PM] Susan: I mean, that's cool. XD
[5:12:21 PM] Alice: Haha that a challenge
[5:12:27 PM] Alice: I don't think you wanna go there
[5:12:39 PM] Imp: LAW! Are you to become the next Judge Dredd?
[5:12:44 PM] Alice: *prepares eyes*
[5:13:46 PM] Alice: It's all in the future. I don't know what exactly I'm going to be doing. Lawyer politician judge
[5:14:04 PM] Susan: *puts in eyedrops and stretches*
[5:14:04 PM] Alice: I always say lawyer cause its the easy way out of answering
[5:14:55 PM] Imp: I'm gonna be a warlord of soem African country and will be known as the Ivory menace ^^
[5:15:05 PM] Imp: cause I have no better ideas
[5:15:36 PM] Susan: *falls out of chair with laughter*
[5:16:33 PM] Alice: *chandelier shakes*
[5:16:34 PM] Susan: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
[5:16:46 PM] Alice: *falling...slowly....*
[5:17:03 PM] Imp: Aw crap! RPA insurance will have me behind bars after that one...
[5:17:14 PM | Edited 5:19:21 PM] Susan: *falling*
[5:17:15 PM] Imp: *just watches*
[5:17:37 PM] Alice: *dying*
[5:17:52 PM] Alice: WE STI HAV TIME
[5:18:01 PM] Susan: LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR....
[5:18:08 PM] Alice: ATATE FARM JS THERE
[5:18:13 PM] Alice: FUCK
[5:18:18 PM] Alice: STATE FARM
[5:18:20 PM] Alice: IS
[5:18:26 PM] Alice: *splatters*
[5:18:29 PM] Imp: there with
[5:18:37 PM] Susan: A MATTRESS!
[5:18:50 PM | Edited 5:19:22 PM] Imp: *mattress apears otnop of Alice's corpse*
[5:18:51 PM] Imp: damn...
[5:18:56 PM] Susan: *is somehow saved before Alice*
[5:19:03 PM] Alice: *dead*
[5:19:40 PM] Imp: *revives Alice* Next question as we get to the end. >>
[5:19:58 PM] Susan: I can't hear you from up there!!!
[5:20:04 PM] Susan: XD
[5:20:32 PM] Imp: Do you two agree that RPA needs a musical OR just certain members signign along to a song like I Will Survive?
[5:20:37 PM] Imp: !!!!!
[5:20:40 PM] Imp: there XD
[5:20:54 PM] Susan: I THINK THAT'D BE SUPER FUN!!!!
[5:21:31 PM] Susan: But I don't think Naz would do the editing! XD
[5:21:37 PM] Imp: I will ^^
[5:21:56 PM] Imp: I have a bunch of sound/video editing tools =D
[5:22:04 PM] Susan: Awesome!
[5:22:11 PM] Alice: If I could sing
[5:22:20 PM] Alice: *cries*
[5:22:29 PM] Susan: I know. I can't sing either!
[5:22:32 PM] Susan: XD
[5:23:05 PM] Imp: I'd still be willing to give it a try ^^
[5:23:18 PM] Imp: just don't want my face to be shown while I sing =_=
[5:23:23 PM] Susan: If there's a bunch of us it would sound better. XD
[5:23:32 PM] Alice: ^
[5:23:37 PM] Alice: Maybe
[5:24:19 PM] Susan: SO there's you're answer folks! A nice, solid, maybe! XD
[5:24:50 PM] Alice: I know I know I try *bows*
[5:24:59 PM] Alice: Here all week
[5:25:07 PM] Alice: Except Monday to Friday
[5:25:19 PM] Alice: And except Weekends
[5:25:19 PM] Susan: Then that's only the weekend... XD
[5:25:26 PM] Susan: Nevermind. xd
[5:25:57 PM] Imp: this entire chat is full of lulz. Quite awesome!
[5:26:20 PM] Imp: ALRIGHT, I guess I'll ask my final Qfor both of u
[5:27:25 PM] Alice: "this entire chat is full of lulz. Quite awesome!"
Did you expect any less with Mary AND Alice AND Imp in the same chat? ;)
[5:27:38 PM] Imp: SHOULD RPA make cool plush toys of its members? =O Like an Imp plush with long hair and trench and ... you get the idea
[5:28:01 PM] Susan: OMG! YES! I WANT A MARY DOLL!
[5:28:07 PM | Edited 5:29:00 PM] Susan: NO....AN ALICE DOLL!
[5:28:16 PM] Imp: true, we three are the triforce of hilarity ;)
[5:28:17 PM] Susan: OMG, I'D HAVE TO COLLECT THEM ALL!!!
[5:28:42 PM] Susan: :D You promised me there would be cake.
[5:29:09 PM] Alice: GOTTA CATCH EM ALL
[5:29:11 PM] Imp: the cake? it was a lie =_=
[5:29:26 PM] Imp: even though you can apparently glitch and find it >>
[5:29:35 PM] Susan: lol
[5:29:39 PM] Imp: but not on here so don't break this! XD
[5:29:58 PM] Susan: Aw ok... *puts the portal gun away*
[5:31:07 PM] Imp: now how to earn enough munnies and manufacture these awesome plush dolls >>
[5:31:30 PM] Imp: we should only start out with five for the first round >>
[5:31:39 PM] Imp: Alice, Mary Sue, Imp, uhhhhhhh
[5:31:48 PM] Susan: Anne
[5:31:55 PM] Imp: Right! Anne
[5:31:59 PM] Imp: and uhmmm....
[5:32:04 PM] Alice: Another Alice xDdD
[5:32:11 PM] Alice: I mean
[5:32:22 PM] Alice: Naz
[5:32:23 PM] Imp: Another Al-WAIT
[5:32:27 PM] Alice: Yeah XD
[5:32:29 PM] Imp: Naz it is!
[5:32:54 PM] Imp: Alrighty well this needs to be made into a thread...
[5:32:58 PM | Edited 5:33:11 PM] Susan: I can picture RPA making their Christmas lists already!
[5:33:01 PM] Susan: XD
[5:33:25 PM] Imp: and later, we'll make accessories for them! =D
[5:33:32 PM] Susan: YES @_____@
[5:33:42 PM] Alice: Imp you HAVE to post part of this convo into the thread you're making for it
[5:33:43 PM] Imp: like a shotgun and a Noob Target for Imp! =D
[5:33:53 PM] Imp: will do! XD
[5:33:56 PM] Susan: Mary's Nuke Launcher!
[5:34:24 PM] Imp: course! cause what else is Mary affiliated with aside from nuking things!
[5:34:34 PM] Susan: Tea...
[5:34:35 PM] Susan: XD
[5:34:52 PM] Imp: there we go!
[5:35:20 PM] Imp: Naz will just be some.... well he'll look like a NAzgul from LOTR even if I have seen his face before XP
[5:35:31 PM] Susan: XD
[5:37:13 PM] Imp: Okay well that will end today's Imp Show unless either of you have anymore questions to add. ^^
[5:37:22 PM] Susan: Nope!
[5:37:46 PM] Imp: AND before we go out, Mary, do you have any words of wisdom for RPA and the guests it? ^^
[5:38:26 PM] Susan: Oh...well....maybe just three..... *camera zooms in for close up * THEY ARE COMING...
[5:38:38 PM] Susan: XD
[5:38:44 PM] Susan: Just kidding!
[5:39:22 PM] Susan: I don't know what kind of words of wisdom to say. XD
[5:39:51 PM] Alice: Keep your eyes open........
[5:40:00 PM] Alice: *suspicious music*
[5:40:02 PM] Imp: yeah which is why I keep silent cause I'll just make a fool of myself. XD
[5:40:06 PM] Alice: *smoke*
[5:40:17 PM] Alice: *fading*
[5:40:55 PM | Edited 5:41:08 PM] Imp: *scuries away behind the fading smoke*
[5:41:10 PM] Susan: *looks around....suddenly alone*
[5:41:44 PM] Imp: Alright well, that ends it then for this Imp Show! I'd like to tank Mary for coming onto the show as well as Alice for joining us! ^^
[5:43:02 PM] Alice: WHY WOULD YOU TANK US
[5:43:06 PM] Alice: MARY RUUUUUUUUN
[5:44:03 PM | Edited 5:44:22 PM] Imp: *giant tank comes downa nd starts chasing after Mary and Alice*
[5:45:31 PM] Imp: Well G'night folks! =D *Alice and Mary run back and forth in the backstage witht eh tank following*
Well wasn't that just fab?!
No? Well screw you!
BTW, if anyone reading this has any good solid RPA-based questions they'd like me to ask members then VM/PM me them! =D
Well, friends, it looks like that's it!
btw, if you wanna be in the Imp Show, contact me via VM/PM/Reputation(cause no postin' in here).
Later, skater!
You know what day it is?
Yes, I know the exact date, you buffoon! But the daaaaay...
It's Halloween!
So, tonight I share with you an interview with a ghoulish member known as Lamentable along with the infamous Alice.
WAIT! DON'T GO! You'll enjoy it, I promise! Also, I have a plethora of vids and images for you to see~!
First off we start our trick or treat with a humorous story about a drunk man meeting a very fashionable lady at a bar one Halloween night. He thinks he's got his treat on for the night until he finds out what is under that dress! Talk about getting tricked! BOIOIOIOING!!!
What do you call a disease caused by the forum staff?
Too many sexy witch ( images out there to post soooo we'll move onwards!
TALK ABOUT GETTING TRICK AND TREATED! ( Too bad no one died. THAT would have been hilarious! Nothing like clutching that handful of twix you so greedily took as you suffer a heart attack! LULZ
Ever have a zilf ( moment? If you've played Dead Island (, then I'm sure you have, you sicko!
Bliss = Alice
Anakin = Lamentable
Imp: Welcome to another Imp Show with I as your horrible host and aided by the wonderful Alice! Tonight, we interview Lamentable! Hello, you two!
Anakin: Sup
Anakin: mah homie
Bliss: The wonderful Alice wouldn't have stood there with her jaw open, motionless as Frank was being murdered.
Anakin: mah home fry
Bliss: So yes.
Bliss: I am wonderful.
Bliss: Thank you. HEY ANNIE
[1:19:59 AM] Anakin: eyyyyy
[1:20:37 AM] Bliss: Hey Imp xD
[1:20:52 AM] Imp: Alright. ^^ So let's begin with the first question! What brought you into the world of roleplaying?
[1:24:04 AM] Anakin: Well, I'm a writer and an anime fan. One day I came upon a website called Chatango and saw that many members of the site did this thing called "roleplaying" and I was like "hey it's like an interactive story" so, I tried it, got some tips from other people, anndd...then I was officially knighted 'roleplayer' AND THAT IS HOW THE MAGIC BEGAN, FRIENDS.
[1:25:09 AM] Bliss: Well we are happy you got dat magic
[1:25:21 AM] Anakin: (btw...lots of people i met did anime roleplay...yeah...thats why i mentioned anime...)
[1:26:25 AM] Bliss: What kinds of RPs were you in before joining RPA?
[1:27:47 AM] Anakin: Hell I don't know, most of them were para, and they were just between my character and whatever other character wanted to roleplay with me. We just kind of invented the scene as we went along.
[1:28:09 AM] Anakin: But then again, I guess that's how a lot of roleplay ends up.
[1:28:44 AM] Bliss: Ooohhh. Do you have plans to join any RPs on RPA yet?
[1:28:55 AM] Bliss: And how are you liking the site?
[1:29:53 AM] Anakin: Noooope. Don't have the time as of now. Also, roleplaying can get very tedious for me...I;d rather just write my own stories. But ya know, it can still be fun at the right times.
[1:30:13 AM] Anakin: and I'm still trying to get the site figured out, but it's okay so far,
[1:32:57 AM] Imp: There is a lot to RPA. That is for sure. ^^
[1:33:25 AM] Anakin: Indeed.
[1:34:26 AM] Imp: So tell us about other things you like to do on the web. Any games you play? I recall Walking Dead is one of them.
[1:35:01 AM] Anakin: Hold on Hillshire farm add is yelling at me to cook a turkey, please hold.
[1:35:13 AM] Anakin: OKAY.
[1:36:25 AM] Bliss: Hahaha
[1:36:44 AM] Bliss: You know, you can post some of your stories on RPA in the Creative Writing section :D
[1:36:53 AM] Bliss: And share your magic talentttt
[1:37:53 AM] Anakin: Yeah, I play the PC Walking Dead Game. I've played LoL, TF2, Dungeon Defenders...minecraft. That's really it though, I don't exactly have the money to pay for a lot of games. I like to play the regular games like checkers, backgammon...OOO AND MY COMPUTER HAS MONOPOLY. Haha yeah, classic games can still be entertaining :D
[1:38:16 AM] Anakin: and I know I can, I just choose not to. I'm not too keen about posting my stuff on the web.
[1:38:52 AM] Imp: I love the classic monopoly game! Whenever there was a family gathering, we used to all play it. Oh the memories...
[1:39:36 AM] Anakin: My family and I used to play The Game of Life
[1:39:41 AM] Anakin: used to be my favorite c:
[1:39:45 AM] Bliss: of the many world wonders Alice has never experienced .
[1:39:55 AM] Bliss: Sshhhh I know I'm weird
[1:40:49 AM] Bliss: Who hasn't played Monopoly, right? You could put that in like a dictionary. "One who hasn't played Monopoly"
[1:41:11 AM] Bliss: What's the Game of Life about?
[1:41:17 AM] Anakin: Life
[1:41:17 AM] Imp: Risk is the game I never got to fully experience. When I'd get the board out and set it up for us to play, my mom and dad always got into an argument and it often ended with the cops being called.
[1:41:19 AM] Anakin: :DD
[1:41:20 AM] Imp: jk XD
[1:41:57 AM] Imp: Now, I understand you are Egyptian or part of? Were you born there or what? Care to explain?
[1:43:37 AM] Anakin: The majority of my background is egyptian yes. There is a bit of greek though from my mom's side as well. Both my parents were born there, however, my siblings and I are first generation to be born in America.
[1:45:27 AM] Imp: Oooo interesting! =)
[1:45:45 AM] Anakin: XD
[1:46:07 AM] Bliss: Damn you cool mixes
[1:46:14 AM] Bliss: Hahaha
[1:46:19 AM] Bliss: How many siblings do you have?
[1:46:32 AM] Anakin: 2
[1:47:13 AM] Imp: do you partake in mediterranean food a lot? I love the stuff! Though maybe that isn't the correct term I used. >>
[1:48:31 AM] Anakin: Yep!
[1:48:42 AM] Anakin: My mom cooks it more than she does middle eastern food XD
[1:49:16 AM | Edited 1:50:06 AM] Imp: I gotta visit sometime! O_O
[1:49:52 AM] Anakin: :P
[1:50:45 AM] Imp: So how long have you known Alice for? >>
[1:51:09 AM] Anakin: hmmm
[1:51:17 AM] Anakin: I think we met when I was 14 and she was 13?
[1:51:25 AM] Anakin: so like...3 years now
[1:51:31 AM] Imp: oh wow!
[1:52:04 AM] Anakin: Mhm! ^^
[1:53:03 AM] Bliss: We been twins forever dude
[1:53:17 AM] Imp: DEWD. ahem. Neat ^^
[1:53:17 AM] Bliss: And mm middle eastern food will literally blow your socks off
[1:53:47 AM] Anakin: YA MAN
[1:54:03 AM] Bliss: She met me at my worst and still tolerates me....WHAT A SAINT
[1:54:16 AM] Bliss: I was such a freaky little early teen
[1:54:28 AM | Edited 1:54:39 AM] Imp: Hmmm... so did you finish watching the Punisher, Alice? ;)
[1:54:51 AM] Bliss: STILL AM
[1:55:16 AM] Bliss: I love you guys so much that I pause it sometimes to be active in this interview
[1:55:21 AM] Bliss: Be honored you horrible host
[1:55:48 AM] Bliss: Triple alliteration!! And jk you're not horrible D: the opening post said so!!
[1:56:09 AM] Imp: no problem XD
[1:56:09 AM] Imp: Well, with literature, what is your favorite genre?
[1:58:55 AM] Anakin: I like Fiction. XD A lot of Sci-fi and mystery books...but i also love cheesy love stories :P
[2:00:28 AM] Imp: cheesy love stories. I've always wanted to write one... but my ideas get stolen. Like Twilight. =_=
[2:00:39 AM] Imp: I wish XD
[2:01:44 AM] Imp: I love sci-fi for the fact that the possibilities are endless!
[2:02:18 AM] Anakin: exactly c:
[2:03:01 AM] Bliss: I'm a fellow scifi lover as well (worry)
[2:03:08 AM] Bliss: :D*
[2:03:15 AM] Imp: We'll start finishign up this interview with Fav-based questions!
[2:03:26 AM] Imp: awww, Alice! Part of the crew =)
[2:03:50 AM | Edited 2:03:57 AM] Imp: FIRSTLY! WHAT is your favorite movie(s)?
[2:04:27 AM] Bliss: And favorite bands?!
[2:06:09 AM] Anakin: Dazed and Confused, The Breakfast Club, Wristcutters....
[2:06:15 AM] Anakin: I guess those are my top 3
[2:06:19 AM] Anakin: i watch a lot of movies though XD
[2:06:23 AM] Anakin: hard to pick favorites
[2:08:04 AM] Anakin: and i don't really think I have a favorite band...i listen to lots of different artists. I do really love Red Hot Chili Peppers as well as Queen, those are two bands I could listen to during any kind of mood
[2:09:36 AM] Imp: The Breakfast Club? Awesome XD
[2:09:49 AM] Imp: Are you dressing up for Halloween this year? and if so, as what?
[2:10:48 AM] Anakin: not really. Halloween is on a Wednesday so there's school and there's supposed to be a hurricane coming along...I may just go to school wearing my beetlejuice inspired outfit
[2:11:07 AM] Anakin: not exactly a "costume" but close enough
[2:11:40 AM] Imp: Still neat. Especially being Beetlejuice-inspired. ;)
[2:11:50 AM] Imp: Favorite foods?
[2:11:52 AM] Anakin: totally XD
[2:12:19 AM] Anakin: uhh...pad thai <.< also, sushi. and edamame o.o
[2:14:11 AM] Imp: oooo sushi? Yes please!
[2:14:24 AM] Imp: Do you watch any sports? If so then which is your fav?
[2:16:16 AM] Anakin: Naaahhh. Not reaallyy...I'm not a very sporty person. I do, however, love Roller Derby and going to the bouts (bouts=games), and I would really like to join a team when I'm old enough for it ^^
[2:18:08 AM] Imp: I never was into sports much either except fictional ones. >>
[2:18:43 AM] Imp: Well, I guess we are nearly finished with this interview!
[2:18:56 AM] Bliss: ...*sits in sporty corner*
[2:19:00 AM] Imp: There's Alice!
[2:19:05 AM] Bliss: *alone*
[2:19:19 AM] Imp: I and/or Alice will ask you one final epic question!
[2:19:28 AM] Bliss: Oh shit my phone is about to die
[2:19:43 AM] Bliss: WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU HAVE 2%?!!!
[2:20:15 AM] Bliss: ./ epic question xD
[2:20:31 AM] Bliss: Umumumum
[2:22:18 AM] Imp: IF a zombie outbreak occured and you were forced to elave, where would you go and what would you take with you?
[2:22:52 AM] Anakin: FAAAHHKK, zombies scare the shiz out if me >.< but idk. I'd probably die.
[2:22:54 AM] Anakin: BUT
[2:27:35 AM] Anakin: i mean, idk, i couldnt go far because there's not much means of travel besides car but even that would be hard. I'd probably go to an obscure town and stay in a sturdy building. But first I'd find people to go with. But tbh, I'd try to make it to colorado to make sure my boyfriend was okay and alive <.< cuz I'm that person. But. I'd WANT to take my cat...that might not go over well though sooo...i'd take a picture of my family, my baby blanket...and yeah
[2:28:02 AM] Anakin: also, clean underwear, cuz i'd probably piss myself from there being a zombie apocalypse
[2:28:47 AM] Imp: XD change of underwear would be wise.
[2:29:15 AM] Imp: WELL I guess that is it for the interview! ^^
[2:29:21 AM] Anakin: woooot
[2:29:41 AM] Imp: Alice said she had a great time as she texted me just recently due to her phone now being charged.
[2:29:55 AM] Anakin: lol thats good ^^
[2:30:23 AM] Imp: OH any words of wisdom for the readers(probably 5) out there? =O
[2:30:44 AM] Anakin: Don't eat the yellow snow.
[2:31:24 AM] Imp: I suggest all should heed your words. XD
[2:31:43 AM] Imp: Not all of us learned that until experiencing it. T_T
[2:32:03 AM] Imp: with that, I say G'NIGHT EVERYONE and thanks Alice and Annie for being ont eh show! =)
[2:32:13 AM] Imp: I hope you enjoyed yourself.
[2:32:35 AM] Anakin: Yessir c: no prob!
*the lights suddenly go out*
I need to get more newbs on this show... wait. Would that make my ratings go up? hmmm...
Well, I hope you enjoyed AND DIE TONIGHT!!!
Er, sorry. Where are my medsDEATH TO ALL!
AHEM, thanks for reading have a splendid day/night/whatever!
Remember, no posting in here(unless certified peoples such as staffers and blahblahblah)
BUT if you wish to be included on the Imp Show or one of the many themes we hardly ever do, PM/VM me and we'll get things rollin'!
Welcome to the
Welcome, friends! For this Imp Show, I'm producing a much cleaner and direct edition. The following interviews contain writing, RPA, and other beneficial questions instead of ones such as asking about favorite color and the elementary sort. ;)
No, there isn't a problem with those but I would like feedback from fans about the current setup.(PM/VM ME!)
WELL, as I'm sure you've come to read some interviews. Victory is yours for I have recently interviewed both SoulReaper and MOTM Lady Celeste. I hope you do enjoy as I'm certain you'll learn some interesting things about them that perhaps you never knew before.
In the month of October, you have been awarded the title of Member of the Month! How does this make you feel being awarded such an honor? Also, any advice for others to possibly achieve such a grand title?
Quite frankly, I wasn't ever expecting to be named Member of the Month, so I was very surprised and excited when I found out about it. I also feel very humbled for it, and very thankful to the RPA community for such an honor, especially to Bia for submitting the nomination.
As for advice, the best that I can say is to just be as involved in the RPA community as you can be without compromising your real life, and to enjoy yourself. After that, building reputation and everything else should come naturally.
A common question often asked by myself, but how did you come to find RPA and how are you liking it here?
It was a stroke of pure luck that first led me to RPA. Once upon a time, the website I mostly RP'ed on was a small site called Ammonia Zero, and it was there that I first came up with my RP Chakra Twilight, then named "Beyond the Chakra Gate". Unfortunately, some of Ammonia Zero's most active members disappeared after a few years, and the site eventually died, but not before one of my friends on there told me about RPA. I, in turn, told another Ammonia Zero member (Yamimoon on RPA), and together we decided to move to RPA and remake Chakra Twilight here under its current name. The rest is history.
I've enjoyed my time on RPA very much. Everyone here is very friendly and fun to RP with or even simply to chat with. Being a graduate student, I don't always have as much time to RP as I'd like, but the RPA community has always been very understanding and flexible with my sometimes hectic schedule, which I am especially grateful for.
Do you RP on any other sites and if so, how well do they stack up against RPA?
These days, not so much, but I have RP'ed on other websites in the past: Neopets, Gaia, Ammonia Zero, and one other site known as The Calling that has since died out. Neopets was the first, but there was little opportunity to host or join an RP with much of a plot, except for 1x1's or private RP's on occasion. Ammonia Zero and The Calling were both good while they lasted, but the latter had a very specific site-wide plot that made it rather difficult to be involved on a regular basis, and the former died shortly after most of its major members vanished. I still visit Gaia on occasion, but not as often on these days because sustaining a long-term RP there outside of a guild has proven difficult.
Do you have any current roleplays you have created? If so and if you could be so kind, tell us what inspired you to create them?
Yes I do. My RP's still running to this day, including those due to be rebooted, include the following:
-- Chakra Twilight: ( Years ago, I stumbled upon an online game called "Aridor Slave Rescue" in which players could "rescue" characters from various movies and shows (Star Wars, Xena: Warrior Princess, Charmed, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, etc.) from slavery on a planet called Aridor. The concept was intriguing at first, but after playing for a while I discovered that, in addition to being overly sexualized in more ways than one, the game does not allow you to simply set a slave free; instead, you have to make the slave in question your indentured servant, and the way this servitude was portrayed in-game (especially by some of the players) was essentially slavery under a different name. I quit playing ASR mainly because of this, but this experience laid out the groundwork for creating The Nation (which was originally named "Aridor" after the ASR game), and the rest of the storyline was created from there.
-- Power Rangers: Shaolin Force: ( The original spark for this one came in a dream involving a team of Power Rangers, in which the Yellow Ranger was arguing with the others for some unspecified reason and eventually stormed off on her own, before calming down with help from the Zordon figure and returning, only to find that the others were gone. One interest check and a few polls later, this RP was born.
Teen Titans: The Quiet Resurgence: ( This originally began as a 1x1 with an old friend when we were kids, where we played two aspiring heroes who heard of the Titans' kidnapping, for which Aqualad had been framed, and then joined him in an investigation to save the Titans. This RP has fleshed out a great deal compared to the original, but the basic concept is more or less the same.
The Powerpuff Girls: Enter the Puff Cadets: ( I don't know where exactly I got this idea from, but it came to me once while I was eating out. A few hours later, I posted an interest check, and it was an instant success.
Broken Hearts and Silver Hands: ( This was basically a remake of an RP by Kamikazikid8 called "All Across Avalon" that died long before its time. From there, much of the plot was fleshed out with help from posters in the interest check.
Inspiration can be drawn from nearly any and everything. What inspires you and also, what helps spark your creativity in writing?
I take my inspiration from just about everything, from dreams to past experiences to self-critiques. More often than not, though, I find a great deal of inspiration from taking very basic, cliche plot elements and character archetypes, and brainstorming ways to flesh them out and make them more original.
This interview just so happens to fall on Halloween day. Out of all the costumes you've worn through the years, which one(s) would have to be your favorite and why?
I tend more toward a medieval queen/princess/lady costumes and styles. Not only do these almost always look the best on me, but one particular dress that I have allows for a bit more versatility depending on the accessories.
Lady Celeste is a unique name for sure. How did you come to bear such a heavenly name?
Originally it came from a superhero character I made named "Lady Luna", but as time went on I felt like the name should be a bit less specific, while still maintaining the space theme as much as possible, so I went through a few more versions of it and finally landed on "Lady Celeste".
Do you have any favorite authors and/or books? If so then please share with us of those and possibly why? ...if you wish to go into detail.
I don't read a lot of popular books, but rather I tend to lean toward theme-based short story collections (mysteries, vampire stories, witch stories, etc.) from lesser-known authors. Anne Rice and J.K. Rowling are two of my favorite popular authors to date, and recently I've been looking into the work of Daniel Silva, particularly his spy novels.
Lastly, is there anything you feel RPA could use that other sites feature? Possibly spendable currency like in Gaia?
I don't really feel as though RPA is missing anything, but spendable currency would certainly be interesting, perhaps for purchasing avatars or avatar customizations on the site, or possibly new customizations for one's profile.
Imp: Welcome to the IMP SHOW! A... yeah you know how it all works. ANYWAY! Tonight, I have SoulReaper or as I like to call him 'SoulReaps' for short. Welcome to the show!
Hey everyone!
Imp: SO we'll start off with the basic of all Qs on this show,...
Imp: WHAT brought you to RPA and why do you remain a member?
In April a friend of mine wanted to make a story, and he had a few of his friends in on it. He asked me about the story, and I was involved. He showed us the site in our Creative Writing class, and I stayed active out of the group. Cuz I love it here.
Imp: oh wow! So RPA was presented to a class? Good advertising, there!
Sure was. Then they all disappeared...
Imp: Just like the Mayans. Hmmm =_=
Imp: WELL to the next Q we go
There might have been a knife involved...
Imp: What inspired you to become a writer?
A few years ago, I ended up writing a story for my class, and while the kids where bored out of their minds, the teacher liked it, and had me write another story for a topic I cant remember.
Since then, I've written speeches that I've presented, and some stories, and that inspired me greatly.
Imp: Well that's great! Sort of self inspiration.
Imp: going on there*
Thank you!
Imp: Well onto something RPA related...
Imp: WHAT area of RPA do you frequent the most and why?
I'd have to say Mature or fantasy.
I love writing fantasy, and my writing stye is very... strong and vulgar, I guess?
I still use Markus for nearly all my characters too...
Imp: Oh? So Markus has been around a lot, eh? Yeah you aren't alone. Many of my characters all look alike. Different skillsets and positions inthe story but same appearance mostly. =/
Exactly! Right now he's a survivor in Walking Dead, a Time Blade, a Freelance medieval warrior, and a minecraft pixel.
Imp: WHAT is it about Fantasy you enjoy most? Many are split between Fantasy and Sci-Fi since both are perfect for new ideas and far fetched ones as well.
The fact that I can do so much with so little. Fantasy has deeper meanings than it has in front of you. You can make a pretty flower into a weapon with a magic spell, or a sword a spoon!
Imp: Exactly why I enjoy that and Sci-Fi for their possibilities.
Sci fi is the creepy part of fantasy. That's why its awesome!
Imp: As you said earlier that Markus is a character you use a lot, WHERE did the idea for him come from? Was it from a movie, book, random idea, what exactly? Also, does he represent a part of you like relating in some way?
I wanted to make a character that could easily beat the hell out of someone when he wanted to. But I also wanted to make him kind, and emotional. He came from an idea that sprung up from the Sea of Awesomeness and Creativity.
And I like to think he symbolizes my willpower, and inner strength. What he doesn't resemble, is my height. I'm 5'3, he's 6'8
For anyone who doesn't know, Markus is a character I first made in one of Imp's RP's
Imp: Nice! I like to see members put themselves into the character. Shows they like to get deep into the story with them and their emotions.
Posers GTFO!!
Imp: Exactly!
Imp: onto another Q
Imp: Many artists(writers included) gather inspiration and creative sparks from music, TV, other stories, and more. Do you listen to music or do anything specific to gather inspiration for posts/stories?
Music Videos, traits from TV show characters,(for any How I Met Your Mother Fans, Barney Stinson primarily), and Movie Characters.
Imp: How I Met Your Mother, awesome. XD
Please tell me you watch that!
Imp: For the next couple Qs, we'll step away from writing and get more into your life. Any hobbies?
Imp: Oh I do when I can
Reading, writing, TV, Movies, Hanging out, XBox, Ipod, interwebbing, Youtube watching.
Beautiful Monster, I dont miiiiiind, And I need her, beautiful monster, ohohohohohho!!
Imp: Glad you said Xbox cause I was just going to ask what video games you enjoy playing the most. Care to tell us what and also any other consoles you play on?
Mainly Call Of Duty(BLACK OPS 2!!!!) some minecraft. I really only play XBox. Once in a bluemoon PS3
Imp: Black Ops 2!?!?!??! I loved the first one. Do you feel all the fans of the first will enjoy the sequel once they get their hands on it?
If they don't, we begin the crusades!
Imp: yeah I'll be excited to play as Mason against since I saw him in the trailer some time ago. Does the story relate to Modern Warfare or no?
I dont thinks so. If it does, then America was really freijin efficient at rebuilding.
And this time, you play as Mason's son!
Imp: Cause his old ass couldn't keep up like the youngin', I see. XD
Imp: WELL Onto something different...
Imp: What RPs have you made on RPA? Are there any and if so, care to tell us a little about it?
Imp: Also, do you ever plan on making any?
I have made a few RP's, and all went down the drain within two pages of the IC.
The best thought out one was the one I made with the idea my Novel revolves around. That didn't even get to the IC.
My latest one is a 1X1 with BurningSun, and I hope this one lives.
Imp: Oh? What is your Novel and BurningSun about?
My novel is post apocalyptic, where Heaven And Hell have made Earth their battlefield. There is only about 5% of the human population left, and Hell needs to eliminate the entire human population, and once that is done, they can storm Heaven, and Lucifer can himself kill God. Mind you God cant do anything to help besides command his legions.
The only hope is a group of Six chosen Humans. They aren't special in anyway, other than the fact that they are to either save or fail the human race.
Five of the six are together, and they need to find the sixth.
BurningSun and my RP is described here Don't want to write that out
Imp: haha understandable. Thanks for the link! As for you Novel, sounds like it'd make for a great movie as well!
Imp: Well, a few more Qs and then we'll sadly depart for tonight. =(
Thank you!
Can i hold you captive instead?
Imp: Get in line. ;)
*Cuts to the front* How about now?
Imp: Ha! SO an uncommon question for those who venture onto my show buuuut What has made you into the person you are now?
Well, Im only 15, but my adult friends consider me extremely adult like, but in my 15 years, many experiences, like having to choose who to live with, mom or dad, have left me with a sense of responsibility and politeness. With my stepmom, who I don't get along well with in my life, I grew a hatred that I had no catalyst for, so for a few years, I was a very angry child. Then I got my catalyst:writing. And now, RPA has inadvertently done me a great service by giving me a place where I can be accepted and have amazing friends.
Imp: Well I'm glad we have helped in your life!
And I'm glad for that!
Imp: IS there anything you would like to see added onto RPA? For example, Gaia has sprites, shops to buys things. Some sites also have games on the forum.
RPA merchandise? That'd be interesting. But I like stuff as it is.
Imp: buy a scythe called the SoulReaper ;)
Imp: WELL! For the final question of the interview... Anny words of wisdom for the readers?
A-Dont eat the yellow snow
C-Dont ever let anyone tell you no. Unless its drugs. Dot do those.
SoulReaper: I want a scythe called SoulRepaer now...
Imp: Wise words from a wise man. ;)
SoulReaper: thank you.
Imp: A is one many should heed for sure
Imp: Well, sadly that is all the time we have for this interview BUT it was fun finally getting you on here!
SoulReaper: Thanks for having me!
Imp: *the two are now shuffled off the stage to make room for Nazgul's new thong dance*
I hope you enjoyed the read! As The Imposter says in his time of leave; Later days!
I guess I'll just close up shop now-OH WAIT! I have some interviews to post in here! Well gosh, golly!
Stay tuned for more impeccable interviews!
...don't ask.
03-18-2013, 12:46 AM
its da 7 o clock IMP show haHA
If only it was... or maybe... it is >_>
I need to get things rocking again.
BTW!!!! the public may now post in here but do NOT SPAM THIS PLACE.
srsly, be respectful to everyone.
Excited for more Imp Show
Whoa, this thing is still going on??
08-28-2013, 06:44 PM
It is??? YES!!!
Just gotta edit a 'recent' Interview or two that I have!
Imp, you need to get that contest "Do You Know RPA?" up someday....
I need to update the list of coming interviews...
There's coming interviews? =D
12-24-2013, 04:41 PM
More, more? :D
About time you bring it back dude!
There are many people that I want to see being featured there!!!
Like that bit of herpes you thought you were rid of, I'm back to pester you some more!
Yes. I, Impicus James Bradwin, have returned to you with a load of interviews!
Actually, I've only completed one.
some crap I like to share that I see on RPA.
AS some of you know, that singing contest Let's Go Caroling is still present on the damn main page. I feel a Valentine's Day contest should be happening right now to cover that wretched holiday thread up.
Besides, Half Christmas ( isn't until June 25th.
Well, out of the pile of fetid songs THIS ( one definitely caught my eye and my ear respectively. A simply brilliant tune while also making me regret listening to it.
Only Lucifer.
I hadn't a clue that a thread ( like this was amassing an army to possibly lynch or more logically, spam my PM full of dick pics and demanding I bring back the show.
Next time, V! NEXT TIME!
Ending the inane segment, Word (
Fix or F*** it!(meaning 'to hell with it then, I must be wrong and so F*** it')
1. Average Hero made a recent return to RPA. Glad to have another person I know among the amassing newbs.
However, it doesn't help the One Man Army that his thread title is in opposition of the damn thread! (
It should be withOUT as it then goes along with "Chaos incoming in" and we all know that Chaos = Madness. DAMN YOU! ...I'm glad you're back, Bro! You're the Hero of my heart.
2. Only way to fix this is to remove it. I'll leave it for Administered Removal. (
3. Rules, Staff and Important Stuff? It should say Guidelines, Colored People and Stuff.
Imp: And welcome back to a long awaited Imp Show Interview! It seems I have everyone at my throat for stalling. I'm thankful that nobody knows where I live and so I'm safe from being lynched... and banning me on RPA would be a bit too extreme and counter-productive.
This has actually been a logn awaited interview for me as well, Welcome Pure!
Pure: Hey there's Imp it's an honour to finally be a part of your show man.
Imp: Yes, it has been too long! Honestly.
This is something I ask nearly everyone and a bit cliche...
HOW LONG have you been on RPA for?
RPA 1.0 or 2.0 or whatever.
Pure: Rpa was one year old when I joined so I always just minus one year from RPA's age if RPA is six years old then I've been there for five ^^.
Imp: Excellent! Another RPA veteran among us.
I don't know if you've noticed but we sure have had an influx of newbians as of late as well as some old notable members departing.
I remember for years where it was quite stagnant and there wasn't much newb activity and members like Anne and other folks still kept a strong presence on RPA
Is it just me?
Pure: It depends on your definition of stagnant. The way I see it is like this. The RPA I know flows very much like a tide. There are periods of time where RPA rises in number and activity and drops in number and activity but if you watch the way I like to watch you'lll see that the numbers, though constantly rising, are actually always consistant.
But like the tide though the size and flow is the same the waters themselves are never the same.
Veterans and and newbies are rarely the same when it comes to activity throughout.
If that makes any sense.
Anyway that flow of veterans constantly coming and going, newbies becoming veterans before they themselves going before coming back. Is one of the most beautiful things on RPA. (RPA veterans ALWAYS, ALWAYS come back, even if they don't stay. It's what makes RPA unique)
Imp: It does make sense. Very deep and something for the inquisitive mind to see the inner workings of the ever-flowing RPA community.
And yes on the last part. Especially since Gabriel Zero I believe was on in the last two years or so after having left for a long time. Neat to see the old return to us from time and time again.
Next Question:...
One thing I really enjoy about RPA is the mix of culture. Being obviously online, RPA can be found by anyone in any country (maybe not North Korea). While I think the majority of members are from the United States of America, we of course have folks from elsewhere. We have some unique locations as well. Kris is from Isreal, and you yourself are from South Africa.
Being that I have never been to South Africa, though I am intrigued by all of Africa, mind telling us what is it like there?
Any hotspot locations aside from your place that we can visit?
When going to USA, people mostly just point to New York City or somewhere in Florida or even California as the only locations to visit.
Though, every state, like every country has something unique to it....
except Kansas of USA >_>
Pure: LOL! Actually I'm totally scared of Florida. I don't to be talking one lovely night and find someone chasing me and "Standing his ground" until I'm dead. XD
Well the absolute best place to be in South Africa, especially if you don't know anyone is Cape Town. It's the perfect location. There's two types of ocean! And you can totally feel the difference between the cold Atlantic and the warm Mediterranean. A monkey could break into your house! you could go to Cape point and literally stand with one leg in one ocean and another leg in another.
If you do know someone then the options explode to the more low down and ghetto places.
And believe it or not even though it's prolly safer to live in the gaza strip(thought I'd bring back that Kris reference) than it is to stay in Gugulethu(where my parents grew up) that is the most enjoyable place in the world. People are open and happy to see you, there's a richness of culture and just life. And Cape Town is the part of the country where the Xhosa people life, like me! (I'm Xhosa I don't live in cape town anymore) Xhosa is the language with the clicking.
Ps in South Africa(I'm sure you'll have to use Bee to confirm) but Hotspot totally takes a different meaning.
when you said hot spot I thought you meant crime spot xD
Like all the crimes happen there.
Imp: heh. Nah. But speaking of such hot spots, I live in the city of Rochester which has a high crime rate and is a small city. It could seriously use a Batman or anyone what with the gang activity and drugs.
Thanks for sharing that!
Next Q 4 U
I've noticed that several members of RPA are really trying to get out there with their writing... and make some money of course. You and I are doing the same.
Care to inform us of your workings and is there a link we can use to check this stuff out?
I'd also like to add that I love any location full of warm and happy folks. Rarely have I ever been to any. lol
Pure: Now works do you mean methods?
Imp: anything and everything. Really, I mean your writings. From what I recall, you are on a site featuring some of your short stories. A site that I have yet to join... or maybe I did but forgot.
Pure: Oh!!!!
Okay now I get it
I have been on a lot of solo writing sites.
Booksie was one of the first until I finally gave up on it
But the one that's good for you especially if you are a hard working writer is Inkpop.
Or figment.
which is the new name.
Absolutely great site, a great place if you are willing to read and get read. As the people use their reads and comments as currency there and barter and trade for them, so long as you're honest then you're bound to get honest opinions.
Pure's writings. (
Right now I'm trying to reedit Jin's war.
Which is the second book I'll be trying to self publish when I finally stop editing it, well third, I always forget about the poetry book.
Imp: yeah, I really need to jump on that sometime soon.
that's the poetry book.
Hey you got to man.
Writing a book and trying to see if any one you don't know is willing to spend money on it is an insane experience.
Very scary, massive risk for almost no reward.
Imp: agreed. I think about that all the time when I see that you can self publish your work for people to purchase on the iPhone and such.
Well, I have a few more Qs for you and then we'll end the interview. =)
Pure: that's too bad!
Imp: Another typical question I give is:
DO YOU have any neat projects on RPA goign on? Didn't you start a fight club? Oh wait, I forgot that we don't speak of it...
Pure: Right now, I'm not actually on RPA, I haven't been on RPA in months. Literally.
But having said that, you know me. I have amassive amount of projects on the mind.
I still have my SMUT.
Which when I return I will be advertising like a mad man.
I'm still determined to make it a self running RPA machine.
But mostly I'm just working on selling the new book I jus completed.
It's actuallly based on one of my RPA projects which I'm having a tricky time mastering.
Cover Art (
Bludgeon Ball.
A RPA game unlike anything RPA has ever seen.
It's funny but with me I don't think RPA is a single 'thing' everything you do within RPA is RPA. So I'm always out there trying to do something huge for RPA.
I don't I'll ever be awesome enough to be a mod but that doesn't mean I can't do something awesome for RPA right? XD
Imp: Exactly!
Pure: When I go I wanna leave something bigger than badges behind.
Imp: I like that idea and feel the same as well.
Pure: You already do amazing with the Imp show man.
Imp: aww thanks. XD
I try.
Pure: I wish you'd stop.
kidding XD
Oh yeah and don't of course forget the voice acting projects. When I get my internet right. I will get those going again!
Imp: Awesome! One thing I enjoyed was having those voice sessions.
Onto another Q
As you said earlier with how one of your writings is based on a project on RPA, have you do similar things in the past like using an RP to garner ideas to use in your writing? I know I have and still do. I'll actually be brining one of my story ideas to RPA soon enough to see what others can add to it.
Pure: Yeah. Totally. RPA is a great great place for you to test ouot your ideas.
But it's not just a testing pool either.
RPA is also a type of motivation as the people of RPA are so varied you can get a world of different motivations as you work with people and discover what you as a writer can do
Imp: exactly why I like it so much. People from all over can really bring in new perspectives on your material. I've had several RPs 'transcend' thanks to the motivationa nd opinions from others.
Onto another Q!
While I'm sure there are really quite a lot of memorable moments on RPA that we've all had and too many to list. Want to give us one or two you enjoyed over most of the others?
Pure: The battle of RPA was one of myy favorite events. It had mods but wasn't at all mod driven. It was emotionally charged and extremely fun. There were a lot of us and our energy was so contagious that we people who were a part of it drew others we didn't even know in and made new long time friends and enemies lol.
The event that comes second would be my first deathmatch and my second and even my third death match.
This is one of the few SQJProductions to ever actually work.
Again it wasn't mod driven, it had energy and an emotional charge as people didn't want to lose and wanted to win acting on their own WITHOUT the GM pushing at all.
that defines a game
You can convince people to think for themselves and trying and think out the box for solutions and all in all make the game their own then as a GM you are the true winner. There is no better feeling in the world.
The first event didn't stay long in the minds of people but the Death match is three years strong and will go into the fourth year soon enough'
Imp: Agreed with that. Definitely a unique period in RPA's history that brought many together and still does.
Pure: Oh yeah, winning the Rumble was good too ^^
Imp: I remember as the first time I killed another member. A grand moment!
Pure: hahaha
I'm so glad I managed too create a memory. that really is what it's all about for me.
It's why I call myself the pure one XD
Well sort of XD
Imp: Same here. In the crime-ridden city that I live in, I want to use the arts and more to maaayyybbbeee possibly make a change for the better. You can't change the world but you can make a dent! Don't ask me how I plan on doing this as I'm still working out the details.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Pure: Because I wanted to choke it
Imp: I'm going to start doing this in all of my interviews and post them all together so we can see how diverse the answers will be.
Brilliant. lol
Pure: (that answer defines me gross but amusing.)
Imp: This will be the last Question. The Final Boss to tackle.
...wait for it...
Pure: That's wht I tell my Gf every time.
Imp: Zing!
Haha smooth. ;)
YOUR FAVORITE RP character and why. We can go indepth as much as we want with this one as
I'll add in some things as well.
Pure: That's an insanely tough one.
I guess if I'm going for depth in a character that I got to explore it would be Vincent Vimes from a RP Lady luck created years ago. We're talking like four years.
It was a vampire RP, if anyone knows me you know I hate the concept of vampires so I was a werewolf police chief who pretty much had the city rigged in my favour for years before Lady luck and Merry G's characters, including others who were RP members long lost, like Alin and damn forgot the name who were vampires were trying to make their livings fighting my werewolves and make money for themselves.
It was one of my first times making a RP character that worked.
I was essentially a RP killer when I first started role playing.
It's not that my posts were annoying one liners they were huge indepth posts in which I went over the characters actions and thoughts behind them(I believe everything we do, we do for a reason even f we dont know what that reason is and as a writer you prolly fucking should know what that reason is)
Any way he was a proud and honest man who also wasn't smart enough to know that there are somethings you have to let go in order to be a police cheif.
So her had this line of morality but it wasn't erfect either and he wasn't afraid of cheating.
He was also semi vein as he put a lot of effort into being as fit as possible.
But not as much as he should have into his appance while at the same time being obsessed with the way things were done.... long as they were done HIS way.
Imp: Funny, I would have taken the same route as you did in that RP. Never was a fan of Vampires and even in a story I'm working on now, I make note of how most of the vampire-esque creatures have been purged from the universe since there is no way to really live with them.
Love your response btw! Were there any other option as for races to play? I assume maybe human but humans tend to be fodder in those RPs unless they are doing the hunting.
Pure: Yeah, exactly. I had a side character who was human and a reporterwho pretty muchh spent the entire rp "lucky to be alive"
Imp: poor soul XD
In any RP pertaining to vampires, I always enjoy playing/ reading the role of one who si opposed to them and also has authority over the city/country/world the RP is based in. Damn blood suckers.
Well, that is it for this interview!
before I end the session, let's have a happy ending! Any questions for me or even words of wisdom to share?
Pure: Words of wisdom!
Buy my book when it comes out.
Bludgeon Ball: Genesis
Keep and eye out for me, i'll be tryingg too do everyhitng in my power to make things interesting.
Imp: Noted, my friend!
It has been fun and sadly things must come to an end.
Wasn't that great?! I know, I didn't take much time in organizing that interview but OHWELL!
Speaking of Pure, I'll end it on this note:
Thanks for reading and
EDIT: Remember, you can comment! =)
Yay, I love the Imp Show!!!
01-29-2014, 03:51 PM
Nice interview!
But my thread will never be removed!!
@Kris & Bia:
I know. I just thought I'd give you some more exposure. ;)
01-30-2014, 01:29 AM
bout F'in time you arrived... V has been in a constant state of PANIC :aaa: Panic I say!
It wasn't that bad. Well once we deleted all the evidence...
And good it's back! XD
Another Imp Show including an interview with Gin and a ton of crap you likely don't concern yourself with.
Credit goes to Oddysen
and this
Check this out!
You are a door
NFL Dubz thx to Old Gregg (
Cyber Electron Base - RP by Kitakami (
Critique it HARD
Cartel's Artsy Fartsy Shizzlewizzle [Critique Welcome!] (
WITH RAINDROP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Imp: Seeing as I'll write a larger introduction for this episode of The Imp Show, I'll just get to the point and welcome GIN aka RAINDROP!!! Welcome to this text-based interview with only ten viewers! =D
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Woooh!
Why thank you Imp, I am glad to be here and dude, seeing as how much I love ya this will probably please me more than it will please you. ;D
Imp: I... I am speechless. ;) Save it for later tongiht.
Actually, we should expand on our brotherly connection. Where V and I are similar in the sense of hair and such (mainly made apparent by Sin), you and I are connected through a creative sense and have built ona lot of ideas! One of which is the ImpGinAlex fusion! (Alex is a friend of Ru for those of you who don't know)
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Indeed Imp, thus be true. :)
So, waddya have in store for me tonight?
Imp: Just a load of complaints on life and the terrors of it that wrought us into these things known as Gina nd Imp.
Really, I'll save that for another time as I'll instead ask you some questions about RPA and life...the possitive aspect of it.
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Sounds good Imp, so start unloading the Q and I will bring ya the A/A's. :P
Imp: Excellent! First Q for U
A lot inspires us all in life. Nearly everything if not EVERYTHING can be taken as a muse.
WHAT inspires your writing?
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Well, that is kind of a hard question, but I think I'll try and keep it as short as possible.
Well, actually the shortest answer would be Fantasy stuff, but honestly alot of my writing comes as a reflection of my heart or how I am currently feeling and even though my grammar and formula sometimes suck (I know it does so don't try to convince me other wise cuz it is cool.) xD I try my best to give away a bit of my soul into the things I create whenever I write stuff down, such as things from Gin's Abyss, my poetry thread or the stories in the RPs I join or create etc etc.
A bit unsertain but does that cover it as a reply?
Imp: That it does! I should also ask about any outside sources like Halo. I know that you are an avid Halo fan. Any writings inspired from material like Halo or any anime?
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Well of course, I like flashy sword stuff and strong turning points thanks to anime.
But what Halo has done for me is quite a bit more.
It is to me about independence and sci fi religion, a heavy depth and deep space feeling which covers up alot for me when I write sci fi posts and inspires me for stuff to the Project you and I among a few others are working on. (Dunno if it is okey but yeah), you know the "Impverse" thing.
Imp: Like what a Vegas stripper will do for me that my sexy friend won't.... I kid of course.
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Haha yes indeed Imp. :P
Imp: Yes! the legendary yet not so legendary Impverse!
To which I thank many for helping me. You, Tune, Oddysen and more!
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: If ya ask me it is F***ing beyond legendary, it is Epic. :P
Imp: If there is one thing I love is a multiplex of genres, side stories and other stuffs that I like to bring into my stories. This is where not only my mind(obviously) comes into play but also fellow writers.
While Star Wars is unique for it has, Star Trek's political stance and exploration into the omniverse was and is uber exciting and I try to use that. The Fifth Element also brought a lot to my imagination; having sex with it and thus beget the omniverse I'm slowly building with help.
Oh, and Halo helped as well! Heh. I still remember the first time it came out....
Next Question!
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Yuz
Imp: HAVE you ever written your own RP and posted it on RPA? I'll be honest, I'm tryign to recall any. =/
If you haven't ever, then why?
And if you have, then tell us!
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Ahahaha, oh Imp my friend, I got a whole portfolio of RPs. xD
I have posted them on RPA but not everyone of them attracted a special Audience so to say
Imp: I must have been high and or drunk when these RPs were on RPA....
Or maybe Hell. No connection down there. Ya know, people say Internet Trolls are the Devil but really that is untrue since there is no internet connection there. I know and Lucifers bitches about it constantly.
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: but a few went pretty well for a short time like most RPs do. :P
Most likely Imp, see now however I've been kind of OFF from RPA lately due to, well you know why so as of late my creative side has been down prioritized, but whatever really, relevant to the question at hand, I especially proud of The Silver Lake Saga and Umbra Oddyssey, even if they were short lived, they were awesome. :D
Hahah Yeah, my friend at Tech support get calls from him every now and then where as he bitches about the screen being black and such, you know, he is so old that he barely knows what to use the keyboard for :P
Imp: Agreed about those RPs that passed quickly, like the first night of sex with an ex gf that is now just a memory, they still sit on our minds and have us push onward to evolving future attempts on relationships.... and RPs of course. >_>
and Damn Lucifer....
on a side note, I have a character for an RP AND Rune Reprisal named Lucif R.
Yeah, okay. Side not gone.
bringing in another Question!
How many name changes have you had? It went from Gin to Raindrop. Was it something before Gin even?
Pardon my ignorance as a supposed 'friend' of yours. XD
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Nah it is cool and even if you DO know we want everyone else to get a feel of my ways aight. xD
So either way, nah actually Raindrop was my first name CHANGE.
So before that I was always Gin and always had been
Imp: I see!
what brought that to be a name?
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: I'd rather not specify seeing as it wanders into the darkness quite a bit but lets just shortly say I had the need to change for my own sake, couldn't stand being THAT Gin anymore and so with the name change I also erased my blog.
Kind of personal reasons but of course I can share thus much atleast. :P
Imp: Well, thanks for sharing!
I'll be honest, I like it in comparison to like xXxdeathstalker93 or something cliche like that I see on the internet. XD
Moving on...
A bit random but tell us
and why?!
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Beer!!
More specificly, Stout :D
Any kind I just love it!
As for food.
Where do I start?
And like any Swedish guy of course I love our important national dish, Taco. (Lol, it is like an internal joke for Swedes as we know it is not our national dish but Tacos is so big over here and will probably always be.) :P
Imp: Tacos are so amazing that I would assassinate the greatest leader in the world for a lifetime supply of tacos... if promised by God or some higher power.
With that crass comment aside,
I will make a group of answers from those I interview.
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Because THY Chicken-Cross is almighty? :D
I'll just satisfy with that stupid answer aight? :P
Imp: Anything goes. ;)
Next Q~~~~!!!!
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Yeah? :P
Imp: One thing I like to touch upon is:
Give us one of your FAV RP characters
Your FAV Fictional character(from games, books, whatever)
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Actually I'll have to go back to the beginning of my time on RPA to bring him forth.
Concerning RP that is. :P
Well, he never had a "Profile" so to say but was a Detective called Mikeal Kovenas
(A name I have used before but this version of him I love the most :P)
A man investigating weird murders and such on top men, "Men and Women in -meat-suits"
This taking place in a New York 50's kind of city, detective style like the classics we all love.
Where as he meets an odd woman with, seemingly inhuman powers, a reaper of sorts.
Shortly the cold attitude of the Detective got fascinated with the woman and time on time would they meet up without knowing each other or what they did
anyway that said, this detective character is whom I loved most.
And my Fav Character in general, well, it is probably Neku from the Nintendo DS game called The World Ends With You, or TWEWY for short.
Sorry for the TL:DR answer :P
Imp: No worries! All good in the Imp hood!
I'll be honest, I have a hard time listing my favorite fictional character BUT I do know my RP Character of choice.
BUT! Moving on...
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Yuz
Imp: As I have asked both Pure and Kris of their interesting locations, I'd like to hear about Sweden! Mabye give us a little about where you live and any hotspot locations for fun aside from your house?
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Well, Sweden aight!
We got snow. (Done)
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Just kidding
Imp: XD
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: I live in a small town called Hudiksvall which is located kind of in the middle of Sweden along the East Coast (Neighboring Finland a bit by a few sea miles)
And it is a good little town with great people (and bad xD) Where as the English pub The Bell would be my favorite hotspot seeing as we don't got much else to offer except as you said my house and myself. :D
The pub is where I go and get myself a glass of "London Black Cab" my personal favorite stout and enjoy the rest of my day whenever I am done with work. :)
Besides that, Sweden has alot to offer when it comes to cultural experience as we are so multi cultured we have almost forgot our own culture of ravaging and plundering lands :P
Imp: Miss those days
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Our nature is rich and our Small country is filled with shy men and women.
^ me too Imp, me too :P
Anything else ya wanna know?
Imp: Hmmm.... debating.
And Why?
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Axe and Shield bashing. :D
If neither I'd chose a Spear so that when I die I could offer it to the Valkyries and pray to Odin the Valkyries would take me into their harem of strong women :D
Imp: Axe as well. Mmmmm! Love a good axe! Also, can't say no to the harem..
OKAY! Well, I shall end the show with
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: YAY
Imp: Like an angel, you have transcended on RPA from Gin to Raindrop. Does this mean we will expect some awesome writing like Blogs or RPs in the near future?
If so, can you give us a hint?
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Sadly I don't think so, well maybe an RP or two, but currently a lot of writing is iced and even my participation in RPs are suffering due to my current situation.
But would I ever start something up I'd let ya in on an exclusive about.
I do have thoughts but nothing concrete to put into this interview, which is of course unfortunate.
Currently my work with the social psychiatry takes prioritation.
About blogging, I don't think I can ever fall back into it, but would I however, I dare say will be spec'd with controversial subjects and at times questionable titles about religion, politics and all the boring stuff that people hate. xD
I learned one thing during my blogging at RP as Gin, people don't like controversial views about religion and politics, they don't care as much as many think and that I once loved to think they did.
That said, not to claim people don't care like that but I figure a lot of people are dealing with their share of stuff and such, thus calling out about ones own issues on RPAs blog is pretty counterproductive, at least that is my experience.
Imp: I agree. That is how blogs seem to run. I have a hard time takign the blog system as serious as others or even including some deep and controversial things.
Rather, I just post inane crap with misleading titles. I definately don't hold anything for the inquisitive mind like you and others do. XD
WELL! That is it for the Imp Show.
before we end it completely, any last questions or words of wisdom?
Michel/Arc/Raindrop: Of course, when do you expect to be able to share to full content of Rune Reprisal to RPA? Got any wish date for it?
Words of wisdom that I can share is something of my guiding quote in life.
"There is no good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
Quoted William Shakespeare himself.
Imp: Hmmm.... well, I'll likely not have a trailer for it until a couple months from now since I'd like the presentation to be animated as Rune Reprisal will be. Good question as I don't have an exact date. =/
Imp: and a wonderful quote!
I shall end the show with my own.
"The problem with internet quotes is that you cant always depend on their accuracy" -Abraham Lincoln, 1864
Wasn't that beautiful? Almost as beautiful as when worlds collide! ( :oi:
[lol that planet got fucking owned like a bitch! and yes, it wasn't a link to When Worlds Collide by Powerman 5000 ( because that would be stupid of me as I would never post such a link.]
Can't wait for the next one ^__^
01-31-2014, 01:40 PM
Hot stuff right there :D
02-02-2014, 04:43 AM
Whoa the Imp show is still going? Whoo!
Imp succumbed to an angry mob, we got it back!
Pretty accurate.
Let's leave aside the torture that occurred in Kris' Keep of Secrets. >_>
Eventually to come:
Will Imp ever interview..... Imp!?!
02-03-2014, 07:11 AM
02-03-2014, 09:06 AM
Perhaps even IMPerceivable! (
02-10-2014, 11:45 PM
Sorry, but there's an RPA tumblr?!?
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