View Full Version : Round 2 - E1Alpha vs Earth Weaver (J - Kris)

02-08-2012, 07:26 PM
Watch as the days go by....

Sun rises and disappears.

Moon appears bright and full, hanging pregnant above.

Sun rises yet again.

Moon is but half its size once the sun turns to leave.

Sun above high and mighty.

Moon is small, barely noticed with a small curve above the land.

Sun rises again.

No moon in the sky.

The angel descended, looking around at the sandy arena, where the terrible winds carry forth dust and mist.

Each moment the surrounding changes.

A day.

And then night.

And then day again!

Nothing is clear, and no walls preventing movements, but the sands, the winds, and the sudden changes of the light period surly will prove to be a terrible obstacles to the two adversaries.

"Blood elven... You have done well to come this far, I salute thy. Alas, your opponent shall proved to be more than worthy for you".

The angel grinned, "And you, Izuriel of the Unseelie... I shall take pleasure watching this. Do not disappoint me"

The angel flys above, her wings beating faster as she flees this crazy field.

"Let us start then", they heard her voice ringing with echoes that turned into soft whispers before they began to fight.


Welcome to the arena of Sand.

* I trust that you both will take notice of the fact that your ground is not stable and somewhat slippery too. You are free to use it for your advantage.

* The strong currents of winds will come and attack after each and every one of you had your 6th posts written. (I'll step in and write about it).

* The night and day changes after each of you had your third post posted.

* We start in day time.

At the toss of a coin, E1Alpha goes first.

02-08-2012, 10:16 PM
With her hood pulled up over her head, shielding her from sand that was swept up in the wind, Kaelahna's eyes rolled over the landscape, taking notice of its features as the angel was speaking. She turned her heel in the sand slightly, taking notice of its slippery condition, frowning slightly as this could prove to be against her favor.
As the angelic figure mentioned her by her race, she looked up at her, her stare being a cold yet apprehensive one, nodding towards the being, not wishing to comment on what she said, even though she would dearly feel like doing so.

As the winged being then motioned over to her opponent, her eyes narrowed as she scaned over the humanoid. She could catch the view of a strange object on his back, but she was unable to make out what exactly it was. As such, she would handle it like anything she doesn't know and trust: Stay far away from it.
She then eyed over the humanoid's garb, the appearance making her fear that she may be facing one with the ability to control druidic magic. She disliked this already, as magic opponents are much more tricky than regular ones.
Next, her eyes drop to the man's shoes, noticing the spurs and iron tips, formulating one possible weakness of her opponent already. Lastly, she would spot the handle of a blade appearing from behind his back, nodding to herself, but not worrying much about the weapon.

As the angel lifted herself into the sky once more, Kaelahna took a deep breath, moving her hands to her blade and mace, hooking them off of her belt and spinning both weapons in her hands once, the blade in her right hand and the mace in her left, before taking on a defensive position, raising her blade horizontally in front of her and holding her mace backward, in a position as if it was ready to strike. Her eyes shimmered and she felt her heart pumping faster. Once more, the pleasure of combat would be hers. And this time, she was in a desert, a more familiar habitat to her.
Smirking at her opponent, she licked her lips, before calling out over the desert winds. "Let's do this!"

She then turned her feet in a way to get a grip on the loose soil beneath her feet, rushing across the sand, feeling it slip beneath her feet, yet her charge seemed undisturbed by it, as she would approach the being in front of her and launch herself upwards using the speed she built with her charge, soaring down towards him, turning clockwide in mid-air, to try and land a first blow with the sharp edges of the dragon head decorating her mace, aiming generally for his upper body and head.

Earth Weaver
02-10-2012, 08:57 AM
The heavy white sun shone so bright Izuriel believed for a moment that it was actually close enough to be plucked out of the sky. The shifting between night and day would clearly be tiresome for any human, however, neither the fay nor the elf were unlucky enough to be so mundane. And the wind would prove to be little a feat for him to conquer as his wings were strong and the currents were his friend - provided a twister did not betray him. An angelic creature, the judge, hovered too high in the sky for he to see anything other than a blackish silhouette. He listened to the judge intently, smiling as its words sang out of her mouth. Regardless, the she would prove to be the least of his worries from this point forward.

After the angel disappeared into the shimmering sunlight, Izuriel took notice of his opponent. A tall armor clad woman with two incredible weapons; a blood red dragon-shaped mace and an enchanted sword. The fay flickered his wings and smiled in amusement as the blood elf showed off by spinning her weapons. From her red armor, mace, and the elegance of the sword, he could tell she had skills in fire magic, to what extent was a mystery. A swell of adrenaline rose in his chest as the woman took her stance of a professional fighter. Izuriel did the same by placing one foot in front of the other, left fist on his hip and right arm bent with his wrist held limp.

"Let's do this!" she yelled above the strong winds and grainy noise of the sand. And then she charged at him, kicking up a wake of dust behind her. At once Izuriel took off in her direction, taking a hot second to get used to the shifting sands and using his wings to balance himself. He almost met her halfway, almost. As she spun to bring her mace into his chest from above, he slammed his wings shut and dropped to a slide and slipped right under her. In the same instant that he cut through the sand, a thick yellow whip of static energy materialized out of the tips of his fingers. He slung the long electric whip upward in an attempt to entangle her feet as she soared over him. Izuriel would pull her to him by the ankles and use his free hand to shoot a strong blast of electricity knowing its attraction to the clanking metals under her leather armors at an attempt to harm her, literally, from head to toe.

02-10-2012, 04:39 PM
Kaelahna grinned as the fay approached her aswell, being suprised that someone would actually meet her head-on without any decent armor.
But her confidence betrayed her as she saw the fay using a trick she intended to use herself. As he slid in between her legs, she sought to launch herself away, but the loose soil beneath her feet gave away and made her lose her balance, toppling forward, bu,t rapidly placing her one foot ahead of her too keep standing.
Unfortunately, she felt her feet being pulled backwards as the magical whip latched onto the them, resulting in her falling forward with a yelp, though she managed to turn her body to land sideways onto the sand.

As she felt the fay keeping a tight grip on her ankles, she quickly tried to roll onto her back, instinctively flinging her draconic mace in the direction of the fay, letting it spin in its flight. Her eyes widened however as she saw the bolt of lightning he launched, but a smirk spread across her face as the bolt met her spinning mace. Seeing as lightning is an energy similar to heat and fire, the mace's flight strength and velocity would cause it to shatter the bolt without barely being pushed from its course. Even more so, thaks to the lightning bolt, the mace would have partially absorbed it and heated itself up with it.

As her mace would arrive at the fay, she would try to slash her enchanted blade through the line of the magical whip, hoping that her magical blade would be able to shatter it. If she were succesful, she'd roll sideways to make distance and push herself up onto her feet using the force from her rolling move, staying crouched down however as she gripped her blade tightly.

Earth Weaver
02-11-2012, 02:52 AM
She was so fast, her reflexes quicker than fire's lovely ribbons. A true masterpiece of strength and agility, this Blood Elf was. The icy blue bolt of lightening swirled up and around, forming a mesmerizing blast of curly electric shapes. It split into two pieces and dispersed into small glittering flecks as the face of the dragon absorbed the intense electricity. He closed his eyes tight and felt the energy whip zip back up into his hand with a jolt. All in this very instant he was able to muster the smallest of barriers over his face to slide the mace off of his face, however, he was left with one long gash from the mace's spike across one cheek. The fay screeched a noise which echoed for miles; a high pitched, blood curdling holler that ripped a swell of anguish in the hearts of those deceased in the sands below.

As the Blood Elf retreated, Izuriel doubled over restraining himself from cradling his face and balling his hands into fists and pulled his elbows back. He looked up panting heavily and raised the vibrant colored shells of his wings and slammed them open then shut rapidly. The sound from his shells made a sound that resembled femurs splitting in two. After a second he rose into the air, his shells taking their place and his rainbow wings fluttering rapidly. He looked down and smiled at the sand turning with the wind. He floated higher into the wind and fell into the churning currents while brandishing two energy whips, one blue, the other yellow-white. He seemed to make no effort floating through the air as the currents pushed him up and around, the whips swirling around wildly lashing at the ground making deep marks in the sand, tossing up the environment. Face bloody and flat, he encroached just within range of Kaelahna Sunwing, swinging his whips at her head, feet, sword, and piercing at her stomach even. Blue and white strips of color seemed to engulf her as he would flutter forward arms turning this way and that conducting the two whips which floated further from him. "I'lyaleom trennithe midahm ar!" he screamed in his native tongue while he continued to lash at the elf without remorse.

02-11-2012, 11:12 AM
Kaelahna's face cringed as the fay's screech spread over the sandy plains upon which they were fighting. Even though the sound was earshattering, it was one she enjoyed, for it was the proof that her attack had struck him.
She smirked over at the fay, before she noticed the object on his back opening up, revealing what appeared to be the wings of a beetle. She didn't like this one bit. Fighting a magic user on the ground was hard enough, fighting one in mid-air would prove a tough challenge for her.

Her eyes darted around the area, spotting her mace once more, before glancing back at the fay, noticing two more whips like the one he caught her with earlier. She wasn't to give him the satisfaction of grasping her with them again.
Almost instantly, she started rushing for her mace, feeling the loose soil slip beneath her feet, but as the whiplashes were coming for her, she'd use the slippery soil to slide and slip in a zig-zagging way, letting the whips blast sand upwards with every strike. She was almost at her mace, and she leaped forward to try and grasp it, but too late did she realise that she exposed herself at that point, as one of the whips strikes onto her back in mid-air, sending jolts of pure energy running through her nerves. Yelping in pain, she dropped down besides her mace, groaning pained.

She'd try to push herself up as fast as possible, yet the shock from the whiplash kept her muscles cramped for a bit. She knew that the fay would probably not stop his relentless assault, and rose her blade in front of her, grabbing her mace and crossing it along the blade, hoping that her weapons' fiery enchantments would be able to protect her long enough to recover from the whip's strike.

Earth Weaver
02-14-2012, 04:41 PM
Glee's lifting feeling coursed through his body as he felt the whips connect with her body. He pointed his toes and kicked his feet in excitement. His spurs spinning as his energy seem to bloom inside of him. Curls of electricity clashed and zinged into each other with loud buzzing noises as they singed her leather armor where they struck her back; Izuriel had slammed her into the sand when she made a nose dive for her weapon. Sands flew up around her and shifted away into the wind. Lifting his intense whips high above his head, he flipped forward and they curled down on her weapons as she held them up defensively in a cross. Several times he would withdraw the whips of lightening to strike her again like giant bee stings, however he had little luck. Kaelahna's sword conducted too much electricity for him to strike her body from this angle. Izuriel withdrew his curly dagger from the its loose sheath on its back. The sheath was black with curvy, flowery outlines and the blade turned up and down with jagged edges along one side. It, too, was also adorned with the same Unseelie flower designs in black. Smiling as he held the dagger's blade on the percussion side. Though he was physically weaker than most, and not capable of overpowering someone with brute strength, speed was in his nature. He circled up and disappeared into the sunlight to formulate a plan.

The arena was hot and stretched on for an undefinable distance. Peach colored sand dunes rose and dove into the horizon; it was quite literally an endless ocean of miserable terrain and unbelievable drought. The sun was moving fast, now diving down to the horizon as night would soon approach and the warm loving sands would turn cold and cruel. The western sky was fading from blue and diving into pink, orange, and the start of the most magnificent royal purples as the first vivid stars of the night rose on the lip of the world. He touched cheek spattered with his toxic green blood, wiping it off and flicking it away. Layers of color beveled the sky like its own misty landscape. Izuriel could feel the cool sting of the stars breaking through the virgin atmosphere, like little seeds of life waiting to burst through the earth, and then he had it.

He fluttered down with the dagger in one hand and the other drawn back in a claw by his side. When he came closer, he shot a whip out of his hand at her, a long strip of blue light cut through the wind with a static filling the air. Lightening zipped back in his hand quickly after his single sting attempt. The Unseelie Fairy stopped just short of her and his dagger floated out of his hands and swirled wildly as his fingers conducted its deadly dance. Still hovering, he kicked at her randomly - or so it seemed. Izuriel's legs blurred while he seemed to flail around, his loaded spurs zipped as his heels flew the the air. His formation was quite advanced for the Unseelie fighting style. He would alternate kicking up and sideways at her then try to drive his spiked heel into her sides or the nook of her neck and shoulder. Chinks in her armor were his targets; her vulnerable ears were what he attempted to expose as well as the tender looking spaces in her neck and her inner thighs. The dagger weaved in and out of his limbs, stabbing and twisting while his left hand remained free. A sparkling blue shield encircled his left forearm, moving to cover his body when the dagger slashed through the air and exposed his vitals.

02-14-2012, 10:05 PM
The day switches to a night with a waning moon.

02-15-2012, 12:11 PM
As she blocked the multiple whiplashes with the help of her enchanted weapons, she blinked as the area surrounding them rapidly changed. Their shadows were already changing angles fast because of the increased speed at which the sun moved, but now, those shadows vanished as the sun hid beneath the horizon, turning the hot, arid plains, into a cold and freezing desert. Her eyes had a hard time time adjusting as they had followed her opponent up into the sky, being blinded by the sun at first, before looking up into the dark of night.

She had to think fast, for her opponent would most likely not grant her the luxury to do otherwise. Looking around, she narrowed her eyes, before coming to the realisation that she had yet to use one of the greatest advantages of the desert: The sand.
Whispering something to her weapons, they glow in a fiery effect, lighting up the area around her in a warm glow like from a campfire. Her eyes were locked on her opponent as the flames started swirling around her weapons rapidly, creating a heated wind around them.

Then, she saw him descend, she didn't know what his plan was, but being aware of his whips, she would not take any chances, grinning. At the second she recognised the whip of pure energy emerging, she lept forward and spun around clockwise, lashing out with her blade, not towards the whip, but towards the sandy ground beneath them. As she did this, a fiery blast ignited from her blade, blasting down into the sand, creating a vivid explosion of sand, which resulting in a thick and intense dust cloud to emerge. Kaelahna's fireproof garb saved her any damage from the explosion, but having realised what speed the fay was descending at, she was fairly sure he would let himself be caught in the cloud.
To further her plan, she throw her burning weapons aside, for their glow would be the only thing visible through the dust cloud. She rolled forward to create some distance and pulled out her rifle, infusing it with magic to have it reach its full size. She'd keep on rushing through the sand, masked by the sound of her burning weapons dropping on the sand, until she managed to dive out of the cloud, landing on her knee, turning and bringing the now loaded rifle up to her eye, peering around for the slightest clue of movement.

Earth Weaver
02-16-2012, 06:24 AM
The sand was thick and suffocating, cold and unforgiving. His skin felt a sudden jolt as the pregnant moon leaped into the sky, revealing all the stars to hang heavenly. A dash of comets here and there releasing their powerful plasma-esque aurora upon the Unseelie Fairy. Izuriel felt his feet and weapon connect with nothing, just like he'd fallen into the earth. All that that was apparent was a magical red glow on the ground. Fluttering he muttered; "stupid.". Masses of sand still swirled around him. His body, hair, skin, clothing and dagger faded colors to the white gray around him. The Fairy mixed in with the sand flying through the air. In a second he was blown away and completely in the atmosphere just moments before the sand settled.

The grains of sand that were his body, dagger, and even clothes, found their way into the depths of the dunes. His physical self was now the cold sand and it was apart of him. He shed his body, though it seemed to disappear or follow his soul instead. Down he went using the glow of the Blood Elf's sword as a guide back to the sky until it finally blipped out of sight. The sand grew colder and harder to swim, like thick murky waters. Finally, he found what he was looking for: dirt. Though, he couldn't swim into the dirt, he could most certainly touch it. Trying to merge into dirt, well, he'd simply lose himself. The task of nature-swimming itself is daunting. But, alas, he could touch new materials.

And so he did.

A cold grasp wrapped around his hand as he reached from the edge of the sands into the rich soil and soon, it too was apart of him. A fist full of dirt clenched in his fists, he turned to swim away. The dirt melting into his arm as he kicked off of the wall of mud. It took him one long minute before he finally lurched out of the sand. As he approached, the sand churned clockwise into a deep swirling vortex. A quicksand that grabbed its victims by the foot and wouldn't release hold. That is, until he finally sped out of the center. Panting and arming himself with his dagger as he immediately slowed and turned left and right for the sword and the Blood Elf it belonged to.

Then he saw her with a gleaming rifle, loaded and ready to fire. He wondered if it used real bullets or was magical. Slamming his wings shut as the sand flattened below him, he found his feet to the ground again.
"Well, well, well." His accent was airy and his voice sounded almost choked but clear too. "Little lady got herself a nice fancy gun," He raised his palms up holding the blade loosely. "I don't suppose y'd be willing to settle this like a couple of, dare we say... Mortals?" He grinned, "They do have a much more civilized way of going about things, hm? After all, I'm sure close-quarters combat is what you're just all about." Sighing, he crossed his armed hand in front of him and rested his head on his free hand. He looked almost bored but tired as if he'd been running. "Besides, I can be quite fun once you get to know me. I mean," he paused, "who doesn't like fairies? Would you do it for me? Laert Elwìne?" His native words for Blood Elf, though it's considered a slur in any Unseelie Fairy's mind.

02-16-2012, 06:51 PM
Kaelahna kept her stature solid and unmoving, her line of sight lined up perfectly with her gun as she could hear the sand and dirt move and churn as the sand started to settle, being relieved she didn't stay in the dustcloud and that she left her sword behind as a distraction. Her breath was quiet, but increased in speed, adrenaline rushing through her veins as she was still not aware of her opponent's true potential.
As the dust finally laid to rest and the fay appeared in her sights, she kept her gun aimed at him, her finger ready on the trigger, but she held back her fire, smirking as his words flew across the sand and ringed in her ears.
After a second of silence, she responded, attempting to mask her rapid breathing as much as possible, speaking in a somewhat flattery, yet taunting tone.

"Such a laugh... It almost sounds tempting. But I've learned that one who relies mainly on magic can not fight fair. It merely proves that they are cowards, who need additional abilities to save their own, worthless butts. I dislike your kind, and any other magically based kind, including even my own. I am a warrior. If you say you want to fight me like a true warrior. Refrain from your magic and fight me like you have some guts!" Her voice rose as she was speaking, yet her body barely even moved. "Prove to me you have guts. Prove to me you don't need pitiful magic to defeat me. Or get out of my sights!"

At that last line, she pulled the trigger, which resulted in her magical rifle to launch an engraved bullet by magical propulsion, letting it cut through the air at soaring speed. The bullet however, didn't seem to be aimed for the fay's head, as its course dropped slightly, the magic around it pulsing stronger as the bullet neared the elf, before it exploded into a viscious and blinding flash right in front of the fay.
As the bullet was fired, Kaelahna kept her gaze down to not be blinded by her own shot, her gun reforming to its compact size, wherafter she slung it onto her belt once more, rushing across the sandy surface to grasp her mace and blade once more, dropping back into a kneeled position, bringing her weapons up in a defensive manner, crossing them in front of her as she turned to face the fay to assess what damage her shot did.

She would not give him a chance to retaliate however, as she would charge forward again if the shot would have succesfully incapacitated the fay for just a few seconds. Running as fast as she can without slipping across the loose sand, she leapt up to gaze down at the fay, before flying down towards him, moving her body in a counter clockwise spinning motion, attempting to hit him with her mace at first to break his guard, before following up with a rapid slash from her blade to try and abuse the opening her first attack would have made if it struck.

02-18-2012, 04:56 PM
=Heads up=

Earth Weaver has been granted an extension until monday.

Earth Weaver
02-20-2012, 06:32 AM
He smelled the tinge of smoke when the colorful bullet spiraled through the air. Jumping back as the bullet landed in the ground sand curled up in a spiral flash. After the immediate silence of the bullet landing, he turned to his side to see Kaelahna charging and leaping into the air again to strike him. He readied himself with his right arm over his left and strong shields formed around them. They glowed or shimmered strangely fast in the moonlight. As she came down with her mace, Izuriel turned sideways to catch the dragon's cheek and it slid down his left spinning shield. He braced himself for the sword with his right arm turned upward to cross with the blade. It slammed into his arm and forced his shield like thick rubber into his arm. The shield burnt his skin and grunt escaped him. Pressing against the pain, he forced the shield out and protruded another downward to prevent an attack from the mace below. For a moment, they were in a stalemate, locked into each other; two shields protecting from two weapons. The same two weapons aching to attack the source behind their enemy's defenses.
"Flashing lights, growing toys and glittering swords are magic too, da'ling." he scoffed and looked up at her, towering over him. "Oh well," He smiled an eerie, white grin, "after all, without the glimmering eyes and the gross ears, you're a perfect, meaty human." He cackled and kicked off with his back leg and jolted up in the air but landed on his toes a few feet from her. He launched forward, drew his dagger while his nicked hand pulled a clod of plain muddy dirt from a pocket on the breast of his shirt.
"I'l irt hramal t'y Riyema," he whispered, there is always life in Earth. Between his fingers a bright orange glow escaped, tiny squirming vines wrapped around his knuckles and small spikes leaped from the splits in his fingers. A strange noise emitted from his hand and soon disappeared while he hid the ball of light behind him. He sent his black dagger through the air, its flight was skewed by his control and eventually found itself aimed at her chin.

02-20-2012, 10:41 AM
Kaelahna snarled menacingly, her eyes burning with lust, a lust for battle, something that was very uncommon to elves, but it was inside her, very clearly. As the sounds of her weapons grinding against the enchanted shields filled the air, his words echoed in her ears, but she payed no heed to them, safe for one sentence. Being called something even close to a human ignited a burning fury inside her, her lust now replaced with rage. She no longer wanted to just win this match, no, she wanted to utterly destroy the pesky little fay for the insult. The words repeated themselves inside her head as she was forced to take a step back when the fay launched himself off. Her teasing and flirty voice was gone now as she yelled out in spite and anger: "You will regret the day you were born for that, you insolent bug!"

She gripped her weapons tighter, as they ignited into fire once more, this time however, the fire was burning furiously, like an uncontrollable inferno, directly channeling her emotions. She saw her opponent pulled out a dagger as he charged forward towards her. Her eyes locked onto her opponent's, as she noticed him grabbing something from the pocket on his chest, yet she was not aware what it was.
She just held herself ready, before she dropped herself backwards, having the thrown blade soar through the air above her now, before using the force of her drop to roll over backwards, landing on her knees, staring up at her opponent, yet her eyes glide over to the sky momentarily, smirking as a plan formulated in her head. For now, she just crossed her weapons in front of her and played defensive.

Earth Weaver
02-22-2012, 05:42 AM
She flipped and landed in a defensive position just as the dagger passed over her. Izuriel riveted his control and the dagger fell far yards behind his opponent. He kicked sand up when he stopped dead in his tracks, staring at her several yards away. His skin started to change to a vivid forest green just as the sun started to yawn, but only barely. Day was about to find itself again and his body felt the edge of the moon's energy breaking. Soon I'll have sunlight and be out of these silly colors, he thought, Those weapons, so tricky, if only they weren't so big. Lists of spells and charms began to run through his mind he could cast, that is, if he was allowed the special materials, but he proved to be too magical for too many weapons. He went through his allowed abilities in the arena.

He shook his head and smiled, I am the forest, and I will destroy fire. He felt the ancient energy he was drawing from the old dirt now. The muddy hunk of earth was very easily thousands of years old and very, very full of life for Izuriel to sap. He was quiet, still shifting between hues in the dark twilight and listening to the sand fall around him.

"I can see what you're planning, and it won' work," he scoffed, "You're silly. Acting like you have a plan. . . We both know that doesn't mean you can execute it. At least, not if it's given to you like it is now." He brandished a white whip in his right hand with his left still bent behind his back. "Now, silly mortal, thing, I may seem like a bug to you," he laughed as he played with the whip, stinging at her but never too close. It curled in a large arch over his head towards the dark sky as he lifted his arm. "But my world is far more endless than yours. Believe me, you will never understand what it truly means to be far from human."

He swung his vine covered arm around as if it were heavy and the whip followed his free hand. The whip was short and wide at first and appeared quite hard, like a stinger. As he spun faster, the whip extended but still straight. Using Kaelahna's bright, burning weapons; his momentum increased and a thick twister of sand lifted around him. Izuriel fluttered and twisted the sand up around him with his wings and their casings fluttering loudly. Then he stopped. A large, cold, solid, icy blast emitted from the center of the cloud of sand towards Kaelahna. He stood with one knee on the ground and his vine covered hand was now enormous with crawling green vines and purple leafs. Izuriel held it like a loaded canon using his free hand that had shot the bolt of ice.

The plants that engulfed his arm formed into a large indigo orchid with a large fire-cracker pink spike in the heart instead of stalks of pollen. The petals were jagged and the large leafs that spurted out the sides with it were spiked and hung heavy as they swayed in the wind. He'd lost Kaelahna when he unleashed the blast, but she wouldn't be hard to find. After all, there was nothing in the arena but the two of them.

02-22-2012, 09:25 AM
The silence was intimidating, the kind of which you expect just before the arrival of a great storm. And whoever that could feel it, was sure to know it draw near...

The mystical night was replaced with a sun burning day, without any clouds to ease the terrible heat, the rays of light strong and bright, a perfect terrible omen, a herald to announce the coming of great waves of winds which were filled with sands and haze.

And with these strong raging currents the battle continued, the sand dancing in the air, filling their surroundings and making it further difficult to fight...

02-22-2012, 09:42 PM
Kaelahna felt the pressure. The battle was raging afull, and she was going to have to step it up if she wanted any chance to beat down her opponent. As the rays of sun appeared at the horizon, their heat turning the arena into a sauna within seconds and the vicious winds came forth, blowing up sand and dust alike, ravaging across the battlefield, Kaelahna held her focus. She has been in worse situations. She had faced worse enviroments. She was intent not to back down to this opponent, as she had done to nobody. She would fight, or she would fall.
She heard her opponent moving, speaking, his voice reached her ears, even though it was no longer a pure sound through the interference of the winds that plagued their battleground.
The heat of the sun seemed to not affect Kaelahna all that much, as she was used to unbearable heat from her times in the arid lands she dwelled during her own exile.
Her weapons however, seemed to benefit from the heat. The fiery spirits inside them relishing into the heat.

Through the raging winds, she could notice an irregular movement of sand. It did not take her long to realise this was her opponent, preparing himself for another strike, as his words echoed in her head over and over again, she stood up, forcing herself to stand up to the viscious winds, yet staying slightly crouched to provide herself with the support to remain standing. She called out over the winds, not knowing wether her voice would reach her opponent's ears. "Atleast I have the courage of looking my opponent in the eye would striking at him. Atleast I do not cower behind spells. You may be superior over me with your foul tricks and spells, but I shall not let you disgrace my honor!"
With those words, she rushed forward through the winds, feeling them beat into her, aswell as the sand, yet she was determined not to surrender. She would see this through, no matter the cost.

The change in color in the storm was noticable, and she rapidly identified the projectile heading for her. A solid chunk of ice, soared right at her. Her first instincts told her to dodge, but her body disobeyed. During her charge, she prepared her feet to grip onto the loose soil, before she launched herself upwards, seeing the icey chunk move below her. For a split second, she phased out in mid-air, not even realising what was happening, before she gritted her teeth and prepared herself.
With the cover of the raging storm, she planted her boots down on the ice and launched herself straight up so that she would not slip on it. Launching herself upwards even further, the heat that had gathering in her weapons earlier came forth. Facing the twister of sand and dust in front of her, she could lock onto the colors of the fay, that differed him from the sand: The green of the forest.

Without hesitation, she forced her body to turn rapidly, draconic roars echoing from her mace, and her cries sounded over it. "Buuurn!" Right at those words, a ball of blazing heat launched forth from the mace, the fiery projectile cutting through the storm, hoping its velocity would be enough to either blast right through the twister, or to get caught in it and spread out through the twisted sand, which would cause it to create a reaction with the sand, and form a prison of thick glass from heating up the sand.

Earth Weaver
02-23-2012, 03:47 PM
Izuriel sinks into the sand, vines and all, to withdraw from the match.

02-28-2012, 10:50 AM
Earth Weaver the time for you to post has passed.

E1Alpha wins this battle.

Your next battle with Empress of Fire will be set soon enough.