View Full Version : Animus: Of Gods and Virtue...
02-10-2010, 10:33 AM
At first they called us heroes for what we did for them. For what we accomplished in their name. We were their saviors, their messiahs in a way. Like gods, we walked the world and made it right. Made it whole. Made it safe to leave one's home without the fear of being harmed in any way. We did all of that and more for the sake of the mundane: humans.
But many things bite the hand that feeds them.
Humans are no different.
At first, we disappeared one by one quietly, inconspicuous where even the highest among the system could not detect a thing. Though it probably went on longer than we believed, it only came out in the open later how much the charges hated their guardians. Within a year of that cruel truth (and a no longer secretive but public execution of one of our kind), the humans demanded retribution. Justice.
Simply put, they wanted a war.
My people, sadly enough, could not give them that for three reasons. One: we are bound by word and honor (which we place in the highest regard, only shadowed by our love of kin ties) to never lay a hand on those we sought to protect. Two: We were few in numbers, as we later discovered. The third, however, was probably the most troublesome... and the deadliest.
We are weak against a certain stone. Moon rocks. Moonstones. Jewels worn in the human custom of beauty and vanity. A single touch could render us powerless or worse dead.
Though we have done many great things, we are all still mortal; we still question. Why we were brought into this world, I do not know. To save those who would just kill us in the end? To change with the times to survive, only to find out not even that will help? To think about who you are, why you are there and realize... you are nothing special; you are but another pawn in an endless game of chess? To discover that even you, the hero of the time, the savior of the people, can die like the rest... and be remembered as an abomination? Yes, we still question.
...Is there even a God?
At the moment, I don't think so. At the moment, I really don't care.
I just want to live. Quietly, with my family, with my friends. Away from this battle.
We're still mortal. We can die, just like you. In an alley. On a battlefield. Old age. Murdered. Suicide. We're still mortal. I'm still mortal.
...And I don't want to die.
Think Steampunk.
In this world, there are people with power. Power beyond human comprehension. Where they come from, no one knows. Why they are here, no one knows. Who they are, no one knows. All that is known, and was known, was that these people tentatively called Virtues brought a sense of peace among the chaos of every day life. They guided the world into an age of prosperity with the gifts given by the gods. That was it. Nothing more.
Of course, peace could only last so long.
Soon, people, dark of heart and consumed by the monster known as Jealousy and Greed, took it upon themselves to outlaw the people who tried so hard to give them what they so desperately needed in life. Safety. Warmth. Honor. None of which were enough for humans. And so, it ended with a war for justice. A more... eloquent... way of slaughtering the Virtues in their own beds.
Now, the world is consumed in a growing tragedy of violence and prejudice. By the hour, new industrial advancement and state-of-the-art steam technology, mixed with a new power source (moonstones) help in the growing call for arms. Virtues, or what is left of them, are hunted down killed or enslaved depending on the person doing it have gone into hiding in fear. Still honor bound, they dare not resist humans in an act of defense lest it make them defy and break the codes they have tied themselves to... and still believe in with all their hearts.
In the mountains, far north where no man of good sense would venture, lay a network of villages. There, Virtues have come together to form a community where everyone knows everyone, and they do not have to live in constant fear of being found. There, they teach their young kindred the way of the Virtue their oaths and their honor, and live in harmony with one another. There, their abilities gods blessed or gods cursed have an effect on their every day lives. A grand healer who can mend broken bones and near fatal wounds with a touch. A blacksmith who can make the fire of the forge burn fiercely. A child who looks on the world with futures that could happen. Futures that should happen. Futures that would happen.
And a girl, passed the age of adulthood, who can change the weather around a whole mountain range so that no one... not even the hardiest of soldiers... can breach the haven made only for their people.
This haven, the villages, were a whisper of hope among the Virtues of the world.
Called Animus.
But as said... peace could only last so long.
02-10-2010, 10:33 AM
Okay, so~
You have a war. You have humans. You have Virtues.
For the most part, this thread will take place in Animus so the majority of you folks will be playing a Virtue! They come in all shapes and sizes, and all sorts of powers in between. A lot have the same power, just different variations of the sort. Within the small villages, everyone knows everyone. It's a compact society made only for their kind, and though they have disagreements at times they are all kin-tied, which just means in some shape or form, they're one big, big, big family. Interwoven family connections through blood or marriage, it's safe to say that no one will EVER be alone among the Virtues. That's what they are known for. Family. They may get testy with each other or butt heads, but when push comes to shove, they will always have your back no matter what the cost.
Also, mind you, Virtues are honor bound. It's part of their culture, in a way. Whatever their ancestors passed down, they look on with reverence. They cannot break the oaths that were set upon them since birth; the main one being: never to harm those you swore to protect, ever! Even at the cost of your own life. Guess who they swore to protect? Right, the people trying to kill them all off now and with what? Oh, the very thing that destroyed ancestors of the past. The ever mysterious moonstones, now being used in cities ripe with need to rid the world of the only threat to their power.
So where does that leave you? Well, you'll find out. ;]
There are limitations. You can be powerful... to a point but be mindful that you are a Virtue and know restraint. You can control the weather; you can see the future; you can even go ahead and read minds BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN ABUSE THE PRIVILEGE! Virtues are humble at heart; they do not feel the need to show off because they are mainly above that, or they remember well what they were taught to settle disputes not with the unrivaled match of power but with words or fists instead. These are people of wisdom. You can be childish, you can have outbursts of power, but REMEMBER, these people are trying to live in secret. They all know what each individual is capable of. If you, as an rp'er, cannot accept having to dull down the need to flaunt your abilities until a later time I advise you not to join; I rather not have to publicly scold you. This is going to be incredibly character driven, and probably boring at times. But I'm going to keep it that way.
That said, I am open to ideas within reason, and characters as a whole. Don't feel discouraged if I'm blunt in saying nuh or whatever; if you think you have a really awesome-sauce idea, I'm all ears (or in this case, eyes). What I do expect from all of you, however, is devotion to your characters and to the rp itself. Don't drop off the radar. I know life gets in the way, and I know for a fact this will go really slow (as thread leader, my rl job takes up most of my time now) but I hope for this to go somewhere. At least a little.
Rules are simple. Mind your post length. Telling you now: I LOVE DETAILS. Make it long, make it nice, make it worth something. I love a good read. It makes me happy on zeh inside~ x] If you can't come up with something long, don't worry. I won't lynch you. If you find it satisfactory enough, it's all you, bebehcakes. I'm just telling you a personal preference of mine. Just make sure it isn't just ONE paragraph in reply to someone's threefold. It's kinda disappointing to the one who just replied something awesome to something that has loads potential know what I mean? Don't make them sadface, please!
Spelling and Grammar. Yea, you know the drill.
Godmodding/Powerplaying. This is gonna get a bit... iffy. Powers can be strong epic, even, but be mindful that you are not GOD you are flesh and blood and bone. You can die. Don't take control of anyone else's character without their permission, and don't give me lip if I tell you you're in the wrong. Because most likely, I won't get on your ass about it unless I have good reason.
02-10-2010, 10:33 AM
simple, simple.
appearance: (no anime pics, please!)
Make your prof pretty, make it epic; do what you need to do to make yourself feel awesome on the inside.
Animus Map (To come)
02-10-2010, 10:37 AM
Meridion (
Beth & Sebastian Leopold (
Jill the Ripper
Maria Amy Johnson (
Penelope Archer (
Enid Valieri (
Muchael Syn (
John Night (
Zeljko Halmir (
(to be updated)
Key NPCs of Animus
Lola: A child of mixed blood who can see the future as clearly as she can see the present. The could, shoulds, woulds of the world. Sweet of temperament and usually quiet. Has a tendency to cling onto her older half-sister, Rochelle.
Rochelle: A young woman of great integrity; she has the power of seeing the past through touch. She knows all and sees all a person has done. Everyone knows you cannot keep a secret from her. She just has that way about her.
Vereel: An elder of Animus the last of the great Arch Five who guided the people before the war. His power is purely elemental; known as the Sun Lord in honor of his ability. Fire.
Jill the Ripper
02-10-2010, 11:27 AM
Elemental; Able to manipulate the earth, such as dirt and rocks to form and re-form at will. Sebastian can build walls, carve dams, even - with great concentration - create pretty, glittering stones.
Lean and fit, Sebastian is brown-skinned from a life outside, helping with the crops and building. He has white teeth and a generous smile carved out with dimples and a nice, soft mouth. With fierce golden-brown eyes and sun-kissed hair, Sebastian burns like the light.
Elemental; While her twin's power resides over the terra, Beth's resides over the flora. She can coax flowers and plants and trees to grow and flourish almost in any soil, convince roses to climb an entire house, entreat apples and pears to grow fat and large. Beth amuses herself in her tiny, brightly coloured garden, where flowers of all seasons grow, year round.
Like her brother, Beth sees alot of the outside and as such her skin is tanned, glowing. Her wide doe eyes are more honeyed than Sebastian's, with thicker lashes, sleepier, and her mouth, though just as soft is smaller, rosier, more impish. Her long hair - which, unlike her brother's has remained dark and inky - curls lazily. Plump and happy, it is rare for Beth to be out of sorts.
Both the Leopold twins work hard and cherish their family and village. The oldest in a family of four, their parents have been loving, grounding them with the ideals and morals all Virtues live by and both twins firmly believe in them.
As they are now twenty, Sebastian has started to build another house away from their family home, intending it for both he and his sister and the space that they - as their own adults - need.
02-10-2010, 12:38 PM
Jill~ muh lovely~ of course you're approved. ;D
This looks pretty interesting - I've been looking for a good roleplay to join C:
I'll try and get a character designed soon - Just need to think of a decent power for them to have x)
Aurelia Courville
02-10-2010, 02:48 PM
I'm to tired to think, but I wants a elementaly water based powah~
I'll get the sheet up in about... let's say 9 hours? -isbeingrealistic- I'll probably sleep longer than that, but that is my goal.
Jill the Ripper
02-10-2010, 04:10 PM
Thanks, Bell~
I'm excited for the thread. :3
02-10-2010, 04:55 PM
Maria Amy Johnson (
Maria’s power is connected to the manipulation of human emotions, specifically those of males. In a normal situation, the ability is limited but upon eye contact with the man, her power significantly increases. However, it is only with skin-to-skin contact that she is able to demonstrate the true potential of her ability. She is able to soothe anger or spark it, to varying degrees depending on her situation, subject her target to happiness or depression, amongst other feelings, depending on her desires. She cannot control thoughts nor motives, although a part of her wishes she could, but she has found that adjusting their emotions can often encourage men to choose the path she thinks best.
She is not foolish enough to abuse this power and mostly uses her ability as an aid to prevent needless conflict between males. There are those who suspect her and occasionally blame her for events out of her control but it does not bother her – Most individuals avoid confronting her face-to-face about such matters regardless. All in all, she accepts such muted cynicism as a foreseen burden that accompanies her power.
Maria was an only child most her life until recently, her baby brother entering the world just over a year ago. Although she loves her parents, she was never particularly close to either and is not bothered by the fact their attention has shifted from her. She spends a lot of time wandering the village or performing errands for her parents and dislikes staying indoors unnecessarily.
02-10-2010, 06:44 PM
I love the "incredibly character driven" part and it sounds interesting. I'll join.
02-10-2010, 09:35 PM
Woo. I have the day off from work, so I should get a few little things up in here.
Auki, approved~ me likies. ;D
Aurelia Courville
02-11-2010, 03:23 AM
...But she only ever answers to Nell.
Elemental; control over water. She can use the water in almost anything, including plant life, turn it into ice, and move it from one place to the other. It is even rumored that she can control the water in a persons body to control their movements. Of course you cant always believe what you hear.
[uno (][dos (]Dark blonde hair, pale-brown eyes and pale skin, even standing at 57 Nell is pretty ordinary in appearance.
Nells mother and eldest brother were killed before Animus, and that fact alone urged Nell and her father to go into hiding and eventual come to live in Animus. Somehow between all of that fiasco her father remarried and had a kid named Sedgwick.
Over the course of the years, Nell's eye sight grew worse, and now she is completely blind. They still don't know for sure how it happened, but it did. She 'sees' through the water in everything, it gives off different tints of colours (she hasn't always been blind, she knows what colours are) She can also tell who you are by your voice, since some people do tend to have the same colour 'aura' if you will.
Nell still lives with her father, stepmother and little Wick (who is now twelve).
Jill the Ripper
02-11-2010, 04:48 AM
Woo. I have the day off from work, so I should get a few little things up in here.
anyways, again, incredibly excited, i hopes more peoples join because i like reading the profiles. :3
02-11-2010, 05:41 AM
Do forgive the plain, spartan character sheet.
name: Enid Valieri
age: 23
power: Inspiration - Enid's power is very subtle and indiscriminately pervasive; she is able to empower those around her (within an undefined area of effect, though in general one must be able to see and hear her) to act at their full potential. This usually manifests as greater clarity, insight, concentration and ease of ability when in her presence. Enid is unaffected by her own power and is unable to cease or hamper its effect: as such, everyone who enters her area of influence become their best. Due to its nature, Enid's power is not fully understood by others, nor is it recognized as others can attribute the effects of her powers to different sources.
appearance: Enid stands at average height with a slight frame with subtle curves. She has a milky pale complexion due to spending most of her time indoors. Her eyes are a deep blue, though her spectacles obscure them from immediate view. She has wavy, dark brown shoulder-length hair with a parted fringe. Her normal dress is decidedly too mature-looking for her, giving her a generally frumpy appearance. She isn't used to being spoken to, so she may seem shy or distant or first, avoiding eye contact, but as she becomes more accustomed she gives off a bright, grateful aura.
bio: Enid was born to an archivist father and a mother who was a seamstress. From a young age, Enid was a bright and very curious child who always wanted to be a help to others. However, her shy and quiet personality proved to be a very difficult obstacle to overcome, compounded by a fear of being shunned. This attitude remained with her well into adolescence, affording her very few friends.
She found solace and escape in books, being a fixture at the library and archives where her father worked. She really didn't begin to come out of her shell until she decided to become a page and then a clerk, slowly learning to trust others and to develop her self-confidence. Believing it to be the only way she could further grow socially, Enid started living alone when she turned 19.
As she spends much of her time surrounded by books and reference materials, she is widely knowledgable and does her best to help people search for answers.
Jill the Ripper
02-11-2010, 05:55 AM
All these manipulative powers... you better believe the twins will stay far, far away from y'all.
02-11-2010, 06:43 AM
I am interested. I will try to get a profile done ASAP, but school comes first.
Aurelia Courville
02-11-2010, 03:06 PM
All these manipulative powers... you better believe the twins will stay far, far away from y'all.
I think... i don't remember if i saw the Village or not. I think it was one of those movies that i really wanted to see after the preview but forgot to actually see it. ah well. that is what the internet is for~
Hopefully by the time this thread starts I will have found it *cough*online*cough*
and by finding it online, i mean respectfully renting it from a movie store and not illegally. Pft, what kind of girl do you think I am? -slinksaway-
02-11-2010, 04:57 PM
anyways, again, incredibly excited, i hopes more peoples join because i like reading the profiles. :3
Sigh. I know, bebehcakes. I'm bad. D': I ended up going out and not coming back. >.<
But now I AM back!
But here is something I must add which I forgot earlier.
Especially about Animus: 'twas created about five - ten years ago (which is about how long the war is so far). I'm mainly going for ten though. Long enough for humans to really go on the hunt and short enough for Animus to feel safe - at least, for now.
So, that said, Iris - approved.
Sneaky - change that little bit on being born in Animus and you're approved.
Creating muh characters now~ (doubleposting coming, oh noes)
02-11-2010, 06:27 PM
Too many women.
02-11-2010, 06:27 PM
Meridion “Meri”
twenty and seven
[x] ( [x] (
Seasons; as it is, Meridion's power is... hard to understand - mysterious as the person. The full extent of what she can do is always up in the air, as she wears a small moonstone choker around her neck (which subdues any additional power that she doesn't need, all the while slowly poisoning her body. After all, no Virtue is immune to the touch of a moonstone, no matter how strong). Because of this, Meri sleeps often and makes weekly trips to the healer.
What can be said of her though, is even with the moonstone on, she can surround the mountains with a storm of the ages while leaving Animus in the eye of it with clear skies and warmth despite the altitude. She also knows the seasons like the back of her hand, as her own body temperature drops below or rises above normal temperature when each one comes around. From feverish to icy (and all in-between), one can expect that this Virtue would be odd to hug at times.
Nine years ago, a girl stumbled through the gates of Animus without a name or a family – and only a moonstone choker on her person. Near death, or so it seemed, the few refugees who made their home there at the time tried to cut the band from her throat, but even then – even wounded, the girl stopped them. Puzzled, the few Virtues there took her to the healer; however, because of the moonstone, the healer could only do so much for her.
This girl was none other than Meridion; tentatively named that by the Arch residing in Animus. She gave no hint to where she came from – though it was only assumed that it was worse than most – and only wished to stay, adding that she could help keep them safe. There was much gossip about the girl – according to people at the time – and doubt, soon proven wrong by a storm that did not even touch the village homes but spread outwards over the perimeter.
From that day forward, her abilities or her past have never been questioned. As Animus grows, so does the storm.
Now, she lives with Rochelle and her baby sister; she'd never been happier.
Don't need your commentary, dear.
02-11-2010, 06:49 PM
On another note (with doubleposting badness):
Waiting for maybe... three more people? Ish.
Jill the Ripper
02-11-2010, 07:09 PM
We need more male characters, otherwise Sebastian will be a very lonely boy indeed. D:
02-11-2010, 07:20 PM
aye, we do.
In any case. Jill made us a banner~
02-11-2010, 08:31 PM
If Auki didn't intimidate me and I hadn't already promised to join another RP, I would be 100% on this.
02-11-2010, 11:22 PM
Name: Michael Syn
Age: 19
Power: Mikes power....well it's not exactly a power, but Mike ever since he was little had a fascination with gadgets. This ability isn't limited to anything though, he would create gadgets that would better the whole town, or make explosives just to see how they worked. People just started to assume that he had an excellent power of intellect.
Appearance: Mike has short black hair with earrings in both of his ears. His eyes are brown and his face looks young. His body is athletic standing at 5"10, with long runners legs. He will generally be seen around the village just wearing a t-shirt and jeans.
Bio: Mike didn't really have an interesting childhood in his eyes. He never got to meet his parents since when he was little they left the village, but never came back. So for the most part the village took care of him until he was old enough to care for himself.
Mike always had a strange fascination for gadgets and technology in general. He would always be in his house (which he calls the lab) and creates anything that would randomly come into his mind. Sometimes he'd spend days testing, and creating new projects.
If Mike wasn't in his lab he was trying to waste time, or find something to do while he took a break from his work. So he normally just enjoyed a good jog or to play chess against others in the village.
02-12-2010, 05:16 AM
Too many women.i question your authenticity as a man.
to make this relevant: cool thread and stuff. yeah.
02-12-2010, 07:14 AM
name: John Night
age: 25
power: He has the power of an elemental. He has control over all aspects of water. From the tinniest dew drop to the blood that runes through any living creature. He is also able to manipulate Ice, as well as steam in many different ways. If he wishes he would be able to stop the flow of water in anything, that including the blood of humans.
bio: He came to Animus as a refugee, from his home village. He was seriously wounded. He had barely made it to Animus, when his vision began to bluer. As soon as he entered the gate he passed out from the pain of his injuries. He had been able to keep himself from bleeding out wile he was consciousness, but the minuet he passed out the bleeding was profuse. The members of the village that greeted him at the gate took him to the healer.
As soon as he regained himself he was summoned to the Arch. There he told his story of his village. He was the only survivor, and that he had lost his family in the raid. He now lives in Animus, and hopes that what befell his village never befalls this one.
02-12-2010, 07:51 PM
Here's mine:
Name: Zeljko Halmir
Age: 29
Power: He can remove pain from anyone and transfer it to himself. He can't heal though, but he can remove both physical and physichological pain. The closer he is to the other person, the more pain he can remove, and faster. He can gradually make the pain disappear from himself once he's taken it, but it takes some time. Due to the nature of his power, he's been forced to get used to pain, and he can withstand a huge amount of pain, but sometimes he won't be able to remove all of it. Since he was a teenager, he's known he can transfer pain to another person, but he's never tried it.
Appearance: Dark hair and blue eyes, he usually wears black clothes.
Bio: Zeljko arrived to Animus with his older brother and his sister-in-law, with whom he lives. They haven't told a lot about their former lives. Zeljko is the most mysterious of the three of them, and he usually meditates alone so he can improve his power and resist more pain. Strangers would think Zeljko is unfriendly, but his neighbours in Animus have got used to his presence, and they know they can rely on him if needed. He avoids company when he's eliminating pain, but when he's not, he's easy-goind and nice. Zeljko's power can be seen as a curse because it makes him suffer too much pain, but as long as he can withstand it, he won't stop using it, specially to help people to deal with psychological pain.
02-13-2010, 02:06 AM
Yamimoon, Peacekeeper and Kaldra - approved.
Also, Peacekeeper... Richard Armitage IS a god. XD
Now, I'll be adding one more character to the fray and we'll begin this here IC~ :D Should be up at least BY tomorrow if I'm not double shifting.
Jill the Ripper
02-13-2010, 02:57 AM
Poor Bella, you work so hard. D:
02-14-2010, 05:16 AM
so sorry, so sorry! snow totally blue out our transformer. everyone lost power~ D':
02-15-2010, 03:46 PM
You can never pradict the weather!!
Aurelia Courville
02-15-2010, 04:58 PM
I can. :3
02-16-2010, 07:01 AM
she "pradicts" shit with epic skills.
02-22-2010, 04:23 AM
I'm a bad, bad person.
Sorry. Writing up the IC now. D:
Are you still taking members? *tilts head*
02-22-2010, 05:57 AM
Of course. ;D
EDIT: on another note, ic ( is up. we're starting with a festival for marriage~ and all that lovely stuff.
this is the time to introduce your character, let us get to know him or her and pretty much start all the building of relationships, bonds, linkage - etc. please read - thoroughly - don't skim. i'll know it if you do. okay?
Jill the Ripper
02-22-2010, 06:10 AM
fuck yeah, writing now.
she was going to go watch the wrestling match between some Earth Virtue.
completely taking advantage of that, btw.
02-22-2010, 06:31 AM
aye, aye!
Ah, wonderful! And particular types or genders you might be seeking over others at this point?
02-22-2010, 06:36 AM
Either gender is fine, darlin'. As to types, it's pretty no holds barred with this thread. Whatever the imagination brings. ;]
Surprise me with your awesomeness. :D
Aurelia Courville
02-22-2010, 06:43 AM
fuuuuuuuck. more shit to not write for. Thanks a lot lani =_=
and, pft, i'm totes skimming. It's already in my schedule~
Jill the Ripper
02-22-2010, 03:54 PM
also, note:
i had someone call out to sebastian at the end of my post. it was left open for anyone to be, so go ahead and use it if you wanna~ :3
Jill, I kind of took advantage of that if you don't mind? C:
If there's anything you want me to edit though, just tell meh.
02-22-2010, 07:36 PM
I'll posting as soon as I can. Auki, you actually gave my character a reason to use his power. ;)
02-22-2010, 07:47 PM
I will post as soon as I can. I have to go to work!!
Glad I could help, Peace? xD
I can't wait to see everyone's posts C:
02-22-2010, 08:31 PM
I LOVE the posts so far. Jill, Auki = <3
You go girls~
And Sebastian shows you don't have to be all big and grr to be awesome. Woot.
In any case, the first three days of Animus - as I said - will mainly be character introduction where y'all settle the bonds of everyone and stuff. By the third night, I'll be putting up another character (a young man) from zeh outside world. By then, we should have all your characters settled and take it all from there. Okay?
Jill the Ripper
02-22-2010, 10:27 PM
loved the post, auki. :> especially maria. <3
and loooool, bell. ily~
Aurelia Courville
02-23-2010, 04:27 AM
I..... am changing my character. and still havent read the ic. But I had a stroke of genious last night with the help of jilly. So, uh... yeah. I'll get on that.
EDIT: sheet fixed. (it's just a minor detail, but there she blows~)
Aw damn, I was going to have my character lose her vision throughout the story but no matter - Just need to edit my IC post slightly. Your way is more interesting regardless :3
Although what happens if there is heavy rain/fog? Does her 'water vision' get affected? x)
Regardless, the idea is awesome
Aurelia Courville
02-23-2010, 09:01 AM
aww, i'm sorry :(
I've just always wanted to play a blind girl for some reason, and jill told me to play this one blind instead of joinig another role play D:
And I never thought about that... umm... people give off brighter colours cause their souls are made of water... but during fog and rain it would be blurrier? idk, i'll come up with a more artistic reason when it comes along lol.
02-23-2010, 08:00 PM
I just finished my first post, you can read it now. Hope you like it. ;) I think we're having a great way to introduce characters, and we'll get a very beautiful story.
02-27-2010, 03:10 AM
Hey guys! Don't forget to add a mature rating in the main thread title and a mature warning in the first post! Thank you!
Are we waiting for others to reply before we do a second round of posting?~
02-27-2010, 03:29 PM
IMO, I guess we can post again, someone else's first post will fit for sure since we'll still be celebrating the wedding.
Also, just forgot to say, if you want to interact with Zeljko feel free to do it.
Well, I can't post again unless Jill gets round to it so...I'll wait patiently I guess... .___.
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