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02-25-2012, 03:29 PM
Route 22

The world had become a dangerous place.

Gone were the days where one could simply walk to the next town without fearing for their lives. No, every single day was a new challenge, making simple travel difficult.

Of course, there were reasons for this aside from the changed environment.

A lone Houndoom silently crept along Route 22, keeping its senses aware of all around it- it was necessary if one wished to survive in this wasteland. If you didn't pay close enough attention to your surroundings, you could miss your chance to obtain food...or you may become food yourself.

However, Houndoom was lucky this day. It picked up two scents in the air- one human, and one...it couldn't be. sure. It knew that the smell was a familiar one, but Houndoom could not place it. But there would be time to figure it out later. Houndoom dropped and pressed itself to the ground in an attempt to make itself as invisible as possible. The wasteland didn't offer much cover, but a skilled hunter didn't need it.

Houndoom kept its red, feral eyes trained on the direction the scent came from, and sure enough, a human eventually appeared on the horizon. Following the human was a dinosaur like creature with a flower around its neck- a type of Pokemon rarely seen nowadays. Houndoom's eyes narrowed. He guessed that at one point the Pokemon would have proven to be a difficult challenge, but not now- the environment would surely have weakened it. And the human appeared to be weak and frail- no challenge at all.

What could have easily passed as a grin grew across Houndoom's face as the two crept closer, a fierce, low growl creeping up from within its chest. It was beginning to lose patience with its prey. It didn't help when the two suddenly stopped for what appeared to be no reason. A foam had begun to build around the Houndoom's mouth, it's irises growing a dark red and its pupils slowly expanding. There would be no more waiting- Houndoom was hungry.

Withouth a second thought, Houndoom flung itself towards its prey.

Houndoom released a piercing howl into the empty night air, foam being flung off from its face as it ran. Its prey seemed to be unaware of its approach- This would be far too easy, food, they would be dead in food, must kill, food, it would tear them limb from kill-

Houmdoom felt several sharp objects that appeared to be leaves began to cut away at its body, but no matter- Houndoom was upon them, and its prey would soon be at its mercy. It would be best to take out the Pokemon first, as it seemed to be the one attacking and certainly posed the biggest threat. With another howl, Houndoom leaped into the air, ready to begin tearing into its opponent's flesh-

There was a loud BANG, and Houndoom felt something slam into its body. The powerful force sent Houndoom back to the ground. But this was merely an inconvenience- Houndoom attempted to rise again in order to continue his attack, but stopped when it felt a cold sensation in its chest. Suddenly growing light-headed, the Houndoom slowly craned its head back to look at the area were it had taken the blow and now felt this sensation. As its vision began to grow blurry, Houndoom noticed a small silver glint in its chest, blood surrounding it. Houndoom sniffed the air briefly and knew immediately that this wasn't his prey's blood- it was its own.

And with that realization, Houndoom lowered its head and died.


It had ended so quickly. Haru and Meganium had been careless- they hadn't been paying any attention to their surroundings. Had it not been stopped, the feral Houndoom would have killed them both, or at the very least, injured Meganium.

Thankfully, that hadn't happened.

"What in the flying hell are you doing, wandering around like that without a weapon?" asked a tall, bearded man who now held a smoking shotgun, "You have some kind of death wish, boy?"

Haru had to think before answering. Given all that had happened, maybe he did deserve death. But if he did, there would be no way for him to make up for what he had done.

"Bah, whatever," growled the man, "but look, its dangerous in these parts, especially at night. I'll take you to Viridian City for free if you'd like- only this once. If I didn't at least offer, I wouldn't be able to sleep."

Haru stayed silent for another moment before answering with an affirmative nod.

"We'd like that very much, sir-"

"WOAH, no, not sir. Doug. The name's Doug. Sir doesn't sit well with me, and neither does Mister. Long as you don't call me either of those, we're in business." the man said, then he frowned as his gaze turned to Meganium. "Also, boy, don't you have any other Pokemon aside from that Meganium? You know Grass types don't do well out here."

"No, I don't," Haru said with a shake of his head, "I don't feel like I need any other Pokemon."

Doug shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "Whatever, kid. We'd better get moving before more of those things show up," he said, pointing at the dead Houndoom with his gun. Haru nodded in response, and the group began to head towards Viridian City. As they went, Haru glanced back at the fallen Pokemon.

"I'm sorry," he said before turning away. Meganium gave his friend a sad glance before taking the rear of the group.

02-25-2012, 09:13 PM
Saffron City

Dusky was getting prepared for another day at the restaurant. She ditched her normal clothes for a tattered old waitress uniform. It was a simple black skirt and red top with a white apron she tied around her waist. In the small pocket on the front of the apron was her order book. She slipped on her belt and placed the four pokeballs on it, but not before letting out Growlithe.

"Morning, Growlithe," Dusky said, patting the pokemon gently on the head. Growlithe smiled softly at the affection and jumped on the small lumpy couch where Dusky spent many restless nights watching TV.

Dusky slipped on her boots and pulled back her hair into it's usual ponytail. Finally ready, she headed for the door, picking up the keys as she walked out of her small one-bedroom apartment. Growlithe trotted out behind her and she locked the door and padlock, sticking the key in the front pocket of her apron.

"Alright, time to go," she said, walking down the hall, humming softly. She knew Growlithe always liked listening to her voice, whether it was singing, humming, or just talking in general.

Dusky made her way to the lobby, with each step came a jingle from the dog tags around her neck. She waved the the manager, a man by the name of Robbie who was in his late fourties. He lost his entire family to the Change, his only companion being his Zigzagoon.

"Heading to work, Dusky?" Robbie called to her as she walked towards the door.

"Sure am, Robbie. I gotta pay the rent somehow," she replied.

"Just be careful; word has it there a few guys causing problems," he warned her. Dusky shrugged at this information.

"Nothing I can't handle," she assured him, pushing the glass door open. "I get off at six tonight, so I should be back around seven o'clock."

"Got it, see you then! Bye, Dusky, bye, Growlithe," Robbie waved to them as they stepped out into the daylight.

The morning air was crisp and cool, just like Dusky liked it. The rising sun promised a warm day, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. This is just was Dusky needed after last night. She had yet another nightmare. The streets around her were littered with garbage, but aside from that, Saffron City was spectacular! The remains of the buildings that were destroyed during the Change were long gone, and empty lots were scattered through out the city. The sound of children playing nearby was heard, though Dusky couldn't see where they were. Honestly, the city seemed to be getting back to normal after all these years.

Growlithe stuck close to Dusky, refusing to leave her side. After thirteen years, he was still protective of her. It only got worse after the Change when feral pokemon began to attack. Dusky could recall on more than one occasion where a feral pokemon had broken into their house in Violet City in search of food and Growlithe had been the one to save her.

Within moments, Dusky arrived at the restaurant called "The Snorlax Diner". It appeared to be a little beaten up, a few cracks here and there, and at night, when the sign was lit up, the letters 'R' and 'X' flickered continuously through the night; aside from those minor problems, the restaurant was perfect. She stepped through the glass door into the old restaurant where the owner, Sal, was just starting up the grill. At the sound of the bell which indicated there was a customer, she looked up.

"Oh, good mornin', Dusky," she said, smiling her toothless grin. Sal was an older woman, around seventy, with long silver hair she kept back in a braid. Her husband, James, was a few years older than her, and he was currently counting the money in the register. Like his wife, all his hair had turned silver, and he also had a toothless grin, which they both made up for by wearing denchers during work hours. They were the sweetest (and oldest) couple in Saffron City, and Dusky knew she was extremely lucky to be working for them.

"Good morning, Sal. Morning, James," Dusky smiled as Growlithe ran in and the door shut behind them.

"How are ya' feelin' this morning?" James asked. He seemed to always know when something was bothering Dusky.

"I, uh, just had another nightmare last night, that's all," said Dusky as she pulled the other pokeballs off her belt and let out Vulpix, Eevee, and Pichu.

"Well, hopefully today will get yer mind off it," said Sal. She and her husband both had a thick country drawl, and Dusky thought it added to their charm.

"I hope so," Dusky sighed as Pichu jumped onto her shoulder. "I don't think I can stand another restless night."

"Well, let's get you and yer pokemon some breakfast and we'll start going over today's specials," James said, pulling down a few plates. "Vincent better hurry up an' git here. I don' wanna wait."

Vincent was their grandson, who was a few years older than Dusky. He was extremely smart, and he lived with Sal and James. So, in return for letting him stay at their home, Vincent doubles as the cook for "The Snorlax Diner".

As if on cue, Vincent strolled in, his head held high. He had a head full of messy brown curls and dark eyes. His pokemon, a Pidgey, was perched on his shoulder.

"Hope I didn't miss anything," he said. Unlike his grandparents, Vincent didn't have a country drawl.

"You didn', but next time you better hurry up," said James. "Alright, now, let's get to work."

And so the day began.

02-25-2012, 11:11 PM
Route 39

Beryl let out a yawn as he sat against the inner walls of the cave he was currently occupying, softly petting his bellsprout who was cuddling up to his owner, in a manner of resting. Many thoughts were racing through his head; such as the status of other trainers, 'how many actually survived?' 'Why did I particularly survive?' 'How long can we stay in this cave before the inevitable occurs?' This same thought pattern ran through Beryls mind constantly, one thought leading to another, and another. This constant over-thinking was interrupted as soon as he heard his Onix move, immediately throwing his gaze to the entrance of the cave, where his Onix stood guard. It's giant tail covered the entrance in a way of defending what was precious to it, as Beryl rose to his feet, picking up his Bellsprout and placing it down by the Kakuna who also resided in this cave with them. Making his way to the entrance the morning light blinded him for a moment, before crawling over his Onix's tail to see what was going on. Onix had already rose up in a defensive position, now letting out a guttural roar towards the nearby road. Once able to see again, Beryl noticed a man pointing his gun toward him from the road which was nearly twenty feet away. "Eh.. what the.." Beryl muttered to himself before speaking up; "What do you think you're doing?! If you know what's good for you, you'll take a leave, before something happens to you!" He confidently yelled out toward the husky man. The bearded man took no heed whatsoever, yet did quite the opposite and let out a laugh toward Beryl.

Beryl merely narrowed his eyes at the man, taking a step back into the cave to avoid his gunfire. "Onix.. this might get--" he was caught off guard as he spoke to his Onix, watching it fall off of the mountain to the ground below, with a loud crash, breaking a tree in its path. A young Machop paired with a fierce Machoke landed infront of Beryl; it was clear that they must have double teamed his Onix when they both weren't looking. Beryl took another step back as the Machop approached. Machoke merely let off a Leer toward him, before perking up as he placed a revolver to Machop's forehead, as swiftly as he could. "How dare you! You're no better than that fat-ass, conniving trainer of yours, get out of my cave!" he threatened, noticing the Machoke take a few steps back without hesitation. The Machop was too scared to move currently, with a cold metal gun pressed against its head.
Beryl pulled his heeled foot back, before thrusting it into the gut of the Machop, sending it flying back into the Machoke, who caught it, and released another Leer toward him. "I .. Said.. get out.." He coldly repeated, wanting to take whatever this was turning into, away from his weak Bellsprout.

The Machoke slid down the mountainside with the Machop in arms, as their starving husky trainer approached them with a furious expression. "Useless! You're made for fighting, what's the hold up?" He demanded, aiming his gun toward the cave entrance. Nearby, Onix was recovering from the massive blow it took from both of the fighting pokemon, showing it's endurance as it slowly rose up once again with another guttural roar. The bearded man aimed his gun instinctively toward the massive rock snake, before pointing up at it. "Rocky! Take it out, NOW!" he ordered.
The Machoke obeyed his commands, leaving the Machop to rest as it approached the Onix, it's fists clenched tight.
Up at the cave entrance, Beryl had stepped out into the daylight once again, aiming his gun toward the bearded hiker. He reached into a pocket of his jacket with his free hand, pulling out a tiny pokeball, and pressed the middle to expand it, awakening the pokemon inside. He tossed it to the area below which caught the hikers attention, but before he could aim properly the flash from the pokeball was enough of a distraction for the Cloyster to dash toward him and clamp down onto his arm with a massive force. The man screamed out as his wrist was shattering, forcing him to release his gun.
The Onix threw a headbutt toward the Machoke, who in turn caught him, and delivered a jab to the Onix's skull in retaliation, as Beryl carefully slid his way down the side of the mountain, and approached the man whom now has a crippled arm thanks to a swift Cloyster. Beryl picked up the hikers gun, and pointed it toward the Machoke, while aiming his original gun toward the Machop. "Welcome to the land of kill or be killed.. you almost had me.. but now look where it's gotten you." He explained to the hiker who was now kneeling due to the pain. The Cloyster removed its clamp from the mans arm, and took a leap backwards, having limited movement outside of throwing itself around.
It took a lot of courage for Beryl to pull a trigger to a pokemon, but unfortunately he had no choice, and fired an empty gun toward the Machoke. It seems the Hiker was bluffing the whole time, and merely used this gun as an intimidation effect. This made Beryl furious, as he pistol whipped the hiker with his own useless gun, aiming his useful gun toward the hiker instead, before tossing the useless one to the ground.
"I can't chance that you wont come back with a smarter plan, I'm sorry.." He confessed, completely ignoring the constant begging by the hiker for his life, and pulled the trigger with a loud bang, ending the mans life.

Both the Machop and Machoke were completely startled, the Machoke releasing the Onix from it's grip to dash at Beryl in a rage. Beryl took a fist to the chest that sent him flying back, causing him to drop his gun as he fell. Mere seconds later a volley of Icicle spears attacked the Machoke, only a couple of them piercing into it's body. As the Machoke grasped his neck, attempting to remove the icicle spear, a large rock tail came thrashing from behind, and came in contact with the body of the Machoke, sending it flying in the opposite direction of the cave. Onix then let out a roar toward the Machop, who was gearing up to attack, whom quickly changed it's mind and fled the scene, not wanting to lose it's life. Beryl rose to his feet, picking up his gun and holstering it to his belt. "..Thank you guys.. that was.." he started to explain, letting out a sigh before continuing. "..pretty scary.." he finished as his Onix approached calmly, lowering it's head for it's owner to climb up onto. Beryl held out Cloysters pokeball, and returned it to its safe place before rising back up to the cave with the help of his Onix, who took his position at the cave entrance one Beryl was safe inside.

02-25-2012, 11:46 PM
Saffron City - The Snorlax Diner

Around noon was when the restaurant began to get busy. Mostly people who lived in the city stopped for lunch, happily catching up with Sal and James. A few teenagers ventured into "The Snorlax Diner", sharing the latest gossip with each other. Eevee, Vulpix, and Pichu were the center of attention; the little kids who came with their parents eagerly flocked the small pokemon, happy to see pokemon who weren't vicious. Growlithe also got attention from the little kids, but he stayed by Dusky's side the entire time. The other three pokemon were happily darting around the restaurant, visiting with the customers. Everyone was friendly, sharing smiles and jokes.

Tommy, a small six year-old boy with short blonde hair and big blue eyes eagerly ran up to Dusky as he and his mom entered the restaurant.

"Dusky! Dusky! Dusky!" he exclaimed, hugging Dusky tightly around the waist, which caused her to laugh. The couple she was waiting on smiled.

"Tommy," Dusky said, "I'm working right now."

"I know! But guess what!"

"Hold on a second," she warned him. She turned back to the couple. "So, have you decided what you want?"

"Oh, yes," smiled the woman. "I'll have the Tauros burger."

Dusky cringed a bit on the inside; the thought of eating pokemon greatly disturbed her, and she couldn't help but feel guilty when she ate meat. She would've become a vegitarian, but after the Change, there was barely any vegetables around. The grass pokemon greatly depleated, and she hadn't seen a single grass pokemon in years.

"How would you liked that cooked?" Dusky asked.

"Well done," said the woman, closing her menu and handing it to Dusky. She took it and looked to the man.

"And you, sir?"

"The same as my wife," he smiled while handing his menu to Dusky.

She scribbled their order down in her pad and, with Tommy still clinging to her waist, shuffled over to the kitchen and tore out the order and handed it to Vincent.

"Thanks!" said Vincent. He looked at Dusky and saw Tommy attached to her. "Hey, you know you have a kid hanging off you, right?"

"Yes, I'm very aware," she laughed. Tommy let go of Dusky, and she saw he was pratically jumping up and down. "Okay, okay, okay. What do you want to tell me?"

"My dad is coming home!" he exclaimed. "And he said he has a present for me!"

"Is that so?" Dusky asked, smiling. Tommy's father traveled all around the Kanto and Johto regions for long spands of time. The last time she saw him was five months ago. Tommy's mother usually worked over at the Pokemon Center, and Tommy spent a lot of time at the diner; he looked at Dusky like she was her older sister.

"Yeah! Isn't that exciting?" he asked eagerly.

"It sure is!" Dusky said.

"Hey! Waitress! I'm thirsty!" barked someone. Dusky looked up and saw her least favorite person in all of Saffron City; Daniel.

"Alright, Tommy, go back to your mom," said Dusky. Tommy happily obeyed, petting Growlithe before bouncing back over to his mother. Pichu ran past Dusky and into the kitchen, and Vulpix and Eevee followed him. Dusky knew Vincent was probably giving them lunch.

Slowly, Dusky made her way over to Daniel. Resentfully she said, "Welcome to the Snorlax Diner. How may I help you?"

"It's about time someone showed up!" he said, his voice loud and arrogant. Daniel was your typical jerk; rude, cocky, and very annoying. He seemed to greatly enjoy pestering Dusky on a daily basis, and he was getting quite good at it. "I think I'll have a soda pop, and I better get it quick. I don't like waiting."

Dusky just rolled her eyes and got him his soda pop. It was going to be a long day.

02-26-2012, 06:19 AM
Lavender Town

Shaun Dayme stared out from the window in his house, vaguely transfixed by the light of the sun that shone through the dirty glass. His left hand idle stroked the top of his Houndoom's head, whom was laid out beside Shaun's chair in a sort of passive defense as ferals stalked the town today. Mostly Ghost Pokemon coming down from the Tower, but a few were ferals brave, hungry or careless enough to come within the town limits. Sometimes they got bold enough to attack houses, usually only those on the edge of town though. Shaun had replaced that window quite a few times since last November.

A shadow fell across the window as a Fearow dove past the sun, snatching up a careless Rattata in its fearsome claws. Shaun shook his head slightly and got up, causing his Houndoom to lift its head and yawn slightly. It was do or die out here, the aged man thought. What had happened to this world? It wasn't the first time he had asked himself that question. Peering over towards the kitchen, he smirked slightly. "Still stokin' the fire, Mort?"

His 'nickname' for his Magmortor was not really a nickname so much as a shortened version of its Species name. It was a mouthful to say 'Magmortor' all the time, so he shortened it. The Pokemon in question turned his head slightly and nodded, the fire that illuminated the kitchen coming from a small pit in the center. It was much easier than using the ancient oven that the house had, and Shaun preferred to keep his campfire skills up to date as well. Of course, he was cheating at the moment by having Mort help, but it was better than nothing at all.

Walking over, Shaun deftly took his third Pokeball from his belt and tossed it, allowing Crobat to come out for a moment to stretch her wings. Though she would rather prefer staying out, she knew that she'd be unable to be much use after flying constantly for hours. With only two sets of wings and no legs, Crobats were unable to land and rest, which made their lives pretty interesting. Shaun's was fine to be allowed only her ball so long as she could come out often enough to eat, fight, and stretch her wings from time to time.

For now, Shaun was preparing soup made from the last Pokemon he had been forced to kill, a feral Pidgeotto. Though it didn't taste nearly as juicy as Farfetch'd or Fearow, it was still passable and only a bit more fat-ridden. He couldn't understand why, with how skinny the bird was. Shaking his head at the oddities that were Pokemon, he started spooning out servings of the soup for his Pokemon. None of them complained. They had at first, when he resorted to eating Pokemon again. Most people didn't before the Change. Now... Well. That's why they called it the Change, really...

02-26-2012, 03:06 PM
Lavender Town

Philip hadn't cried often, especially after the change. But this was one of those few time he did. He had just buried one of his friends, his Arron named Buck. His Mightyena kept watch nearby for any pokemon that might stray to close and think they were entitled to a free meal. Gengar was wandering from grave to grave, almost in thought himself. Philip kept Flygon in his pokeball most of the time for the change had affected him very badly, causing him to become part feral as well.

Philip sat there for a while before getting up to leave. Mightyena nuzzled Philips hand while Gengar returned. The three left the famous pokemon graveyard of Lavender Town and returned to where they had been staying. The rumors of Kanto having recovered where false, much to Philip chagrin. He used what little money he had left to buy a couple pokemon pellets to feed his pokemon and himself. He sat quietly while his pokemon ate pondering where he could find a job tomorrow. He heard that there might be a trainer or two left in the town. He decided he would go look for them tomorrow.

02-26-2012, 06:41 PM
Viridian City

She had been there for three nights now, and it would have been four if she hadn't gone to check out Pallet Town the day before. Pokemon from Victory Road were finding their way down to Viridan recently, so it was the least she could do to try to stop as many as she could - Pallet Town was in considerably less danger. Her routine had been the same as it always was when she was on a job - first, she would ask Espeon to use it's psychic powers to give a general 'reading' of the day. Considering how many variables there were, it was difficult to predict exact occurrences, but he could predict general trends. More specifically, he could predict how violent the day ahead would be on a scale of: "Nah, it's chill" to "Try not to soil yourself". Within a given margin of error, his predictions were generally solid, so Mina relied on them to prepare for the day. In the recent past, the trend had been quite stable, with a moderate level of danger and violence involved. The trend for today had been, unsurprisingly, moderate.

After this, Mina would eat whatever the townspeople had to offer her, and take a ride on Charizard to perform surveillance of the surrounding area from the sky. If she (or Charizard) could spot any trouble, they would warn the townspeople and prepare the defenses. If not, then she would go back anyway and try to make herself useful. She would do these surveillance every few hours or so. If there was any actual danger, which there had been plenty of in the last few days, she would station herself -more specifically, her Pokemon- on the front lines, where they could absorb the brunt of the offense. Thankfully, attacks typically consisted of single Pokemon instead of hordes, which made everything easier to handle. Today, the only dangerous Pokemon to approach had been a pair of scrawny Mightyenas, which had been taken care of easily enough.

Mina was currently on her fifth patrol of the day, flying above the wastes on her Charizard's back. This was her favourite part of her job - there was a sense of freedom which was incomparable. She surveyed the landscape, looking for anything moving or approaching Viridian. Everything seemed clear, until she noticed some figures coming in from the west.

"Char, do you see that?" Her Pokemon grunted in confirmation. Mina continuted, "Can you see what they are?" The Charizard growled lightly, signifying that she didn't think they were hostile. They flew a bit closer and noticed that it was people who were approaching, not hostile Pokemon. As curious as that was, it was unlikely to be a great threat, so Mina let Charizard know that they should head back to the City as nothing dangerous was apparently heading this way at present. As they landed, some of the kids gathered round to take yet another look at Charizard. Sure, seeing a domesticated Pokemon was somewhat rare nowadays, and Charizard didn't seem to mind, but the attention made Mina uncomfortable, so she tried her best to ignore them. Instead, she walked over to the Pokemon Center and slumped back against the wall, with Charizard laying down beside her. There was nothing that needed her immediate attention, so she figured she could relax.

02-28-2012, 01:13 PM
A drop of blood slowly made its way down Alexander’s cheek, the liquid trail obscured by the dirt and grime that it had to climb over as it fell, the earth so thick on him that it clung to the hunter like a second skin. Still, Alexander was used to it, both the blood and the dirt, it was only part of the trade, after all… You couldn’t really expect to go out into the wild these days for any length of time and not come out with at least a few scratches at the very least and Alex had been out there for FAR longer than merely a few days.

A customer had asked for a dozen noctowl pelts, for what reason, Alex had not asked. All that he knew was that the amount offered to him for this bounty was more than enough to keep his ammo pouch stuffed with every type of round he could need for a good many months. All the ammo in the world, however, didn’t make hunting those damned owls any easier. They were near impossible to spot in the daylight, hiding themselves within withered trees or amongst cliff faces, and at night they were nearly ghosts, striking from above without so much as a whisper of sound. The only real way to hunt them reliably was to sit in the treetops and watch a caterpie, hoping that the stupid little insect managed to get itself eaten. Needless to say, sitting and watching a caterpie was hardly an exciting way to spend a night, especially when you needed to worry about being put on the menu yourself.

It had taken just over two weeks, but eventually the hunt had drawn to a close, Alex heaving a large and noticeably bloody rucksack out of the woods, never wanting to eat noctowl again in his life. All that was left now was to turn his skins in and collect his reward, then he could take a shower, get himself cleaned up and get ready to head out again, ready to spend time in the wild NOT watching asinine little bugs squirm around all night.

The location of his buyer was a small clothing and housewares store near the centre of town, a decent enough place to get something that you needed, with a slightly deluded owner that continually pumped out rather ‘unique’ clothing designs, despite the complete impracticality of such things. Despite himself, however, Alexander couldn’t help but admit that if his kills wound up being turned into a noctowl cloak he would probably wind up being sorely tempted to buy it for the warmth and visual appeal alone. He’d have to check and see what was done with them the next time he was in town…

So wrapped up in his thoughts of what exactly would be done with the owls, Alex didn’t even notice the reactions of the rest of the townsfolk as he walked, not that he really cared, regardless. He’d seen it all before, the wide berth that they gave him, either due to his appearance or his parcel, the nervous looks that inevitably went to the large knife on his hip or the rifle slung over his shoulder. Even the ‘domesticated’ pokemon were generally either wary or openly hostile towards him, with most hissing or growling at him as he moved by, made uncomfortable from the scent of old blood that emanated from his clothing. He had tried to get rid of that, of course; it wasn’t good to have a smell that could be tracked or noticed by whatever he was stalking, but it had turned out to be far more trouble than it was worth, seemingly nearly buried into his very skin for how fast his new clothes acquired it.

With a tired shove, Alex made his way into the clothing store, dropping the package onto the counter with a sigh of relief. For birds, Noctowl were HEAVY! Yet another reason to hate the bloody things… He didn’t bother to speak to the owner of the establishment. They had worked together before, and she knew all too well that he would have nothing to say, good or bad, about the task that she had sent him on. So, she simply handed over a small bag, its size comfortable in Alex’s hand as he gave it a small bounce. He wasn’t really sure why, but it was a ritual that he always did upon receiving payment… Perhaps it was a callback to the old movies that he had seen on the TV growing up? In any case, the currency of the land was in bills, making the weight of the gesture sadly insubstantial. Turning and moving towards the door, Alexander uttered the only words that he would that day to the shopkeep. “You know how to contact me if you need something else.”

It was a good feeling to be done this particular job, and the only two things that occupied his mind upon leaving were, firstly, a nice hot shower and, secondly, what exactly he felt like going after next. Hunting when he was flush with cash was always more fun, as he could go after game that he wanted to track down, favouring the rare beasts that hid within the forests and caves of the land. He had spotted a shiny ponyta on this most recent trip, and the possibility of bringing it back was a tempting one indeed… Probably would fetch a decent price as well. Maybe this was one that he should bring back alive? People seemed to have a love for the discoloured version of animals that bordered on the fetishistic, and the horse was certainly small enough to fall prey to tranquilizers.

Unfortunately, Alex’s train of thought was rudely interrupted by the sudden appearance of an obstacle in his path, a rather large charizard blocking off most of the roadway in front of him. It was hardly the first time that he had seen the animal, its patrols above him having been a common sight for his time in Viridian City, but he still held an innate distrust for the massive dragon, not wanting to get within striking distance. Still… It was right outside of the inn, and that was really where he wanted to go right now. With a long suffering sigh, he settled himself against the wall of the pokemon centre, a few metres away from a black-haired woman that looked about the same age as he was. He didn’t bother to introduce himself, instead staring blankly at the wall in front of him, silently hoping that the charizard would move soon.

Marc Raehh
02-28-2012, 05:58 PM
Chris paced back and forth at the edge of Pallet Town, he looked back at it, remembering what it used to be with a foggy memory, perhaps it never was as amazing as he thought it would was, but he did remember legendary trainers of the past were born there, and he took a moment to reflect on how they were no longer around and how he was.

"Well, Romanov! Are you ready to head back to Viridian? There seems to be no work left here anyway," he called at his Tyranitar who was looking glumly at the Horizon towards where Cinnabar once stood proud in the ocean.

It merely looked at him and gave him a nod, then started to walk down route 1, leaving Chris to catch up with it, their time together brought them close, but even now there were some uncertainties between them, Chris always had the fear that his best friend would one day attack him, and Romanov had the fear that Chris would become insane and try to kill him. But for the most part they trusted each other, and they loved each other like family.

As they made their way to Viridian City they started to hear movement in the area, and suddenly three large Fearow burst into the sky, and attacked the duo of misfortunate travelers. Chris acted fast and retrieved his pistol, shooting one of the closest of the beasts, but only clipping it’s wing, so it tumbled to the ground, but quickly rose and started to glow with strange light.

Romanov quickly took down the biggest and slowest of the group with a powerful stone edge technique, hitting it swiftly over the head and cracking it’s weak skull open like an egg, then started towards the unharmed Fearow, roaring with a ferocity that was only seen in wild beasts. Meanwhile Chris noticed the clipped Fearow’s plot and started towards the beast, drawing his sword and lunging at it, but just as he struck the bird its stored energy was released, knocking Chris high into the air, and his sword into the distance.

He landed about 5 feet away from the bird, injured from the shockwave of the energy, and the Fearow drew close, proud of its victory, but just as it readied the final attack it was struck by Romanov’s sharp claws, nearly ripping off its entire head. Blood splashed into the air for a few moments before it ceased to bleed.

Chris pulled himself together and rose up to meet the eyes of his friend, and after a few moments of silence he hugged him. “I’m getting a little careless...” was all he could say before trailing off to silence.

After a few moments of standing there in silence, he released his hug and retrieved his blade, sheathed it, and continued to walk towards Viridian, when they got to the small town they walked towards the town Pokémon Centre, and collapsed against the wall, letting out a tired sigh, he didn’t break anything in that fight, but he was in a lot of pain. Romanov sat next to him and gave him a caring nudge, showing that he is concerned.

02-29-2012, 06:29 AM
Viridian City

Mina had been happily resting her head until her reverie was interrupted by the distinct scent of unwashed human. Charizard perked up as well and stared straight at the man who had just slumped down near them. Unusual - she didn't typically care. Mina glanced over subtly, noticed his general appearance, his lack of pokeballs, and his rifle, and concluded that he must be a hunter of some kind. Before the Change, this would have been nearly unthinkable, but now there were a foolhardy few who decided to make that their way of life. She had met a few on her travels, but most of them had had at least one Pokemon with them... This guy didn't seem to have any. She had to admit, she was intrigued. Besides, this guy seemed well seasoned. He had to be, else he would have died by now. She didn't bother introducing himself though - he didn't really seem like the social type.

It was then that some other guy sat down near her as well - this one with a full-fledged Tyranitar. Mina was suitably impressed - having a Tyranitar after the Change was no small feat -not to mention she had yet to evolve her own Pupitar, and she considered herself a relatively good trainer. She had once been attacked by a Tyranitar out near Mt. Silver, and it had been a really close call for her team, so she was, simply through instinct, slightly concerned. She just hoped it's trainer could keep it under control.

Charizard was apparently unconcerned with the huge rock-type Pokemon, still focused on the hunter. In any case, the wall of the Pokemon Center had apparently become the 'it-place' to hang out right now, which disconcerted Mina. She preferred being alone - or rather, alone when it came to people. And Charizard was acting weird, which made her feel even less at ease. She reached down to her belt and pulled up Charizard's pokeball.

"Alright girl, you should get some rest for now. We have some time before the next patrol, so best be prepared for when that comes around." Charizard stared at Mina, apparently disagreeing. Mina raised her eyebrow and tapped the pokeball with the index finger of her free hand. Charizard grunted, and was grudgingly withdrawn. Mina stood, and realized that her pokemon had apparently been in the way of... Well... Everything. Whoops. She looked over at the smelly man, who had probably been trying to get somewhere, and said, "Hey, sorry about that. I didn't realize she was taking up so much room." She flashed him a wide smile, as charming as she could muster. Then, smiling politely at the other guy, and the Tyranitar too, she started heading into the Pokemon Center before realizing they were both relatively bloodied. This gave her pause, and she glanced back at them - why where they covered in blood? Neither of them seemed to be bleeding, so it was likely they got involved in a relatively violent fight with some Pokemon before arriving at the City. Being able to keep their own against those sorts of threats, and having a Tyranitar, allowed her to classify them as good fighters - probably mercenaries. Good to know she wasn't the only one here, in case any fights broke out. Satisfied with this conclusion, she looked away and headed inside, the doors closing smoothly behind her.

She headed up to the counter and placed her three Pokeballs on it for Nurse Joy to take and heal. Funny, so much had changed, but Nurse Joy was seemingly still a constant. Good thing, too. That loss would probably have been too much to handle.

02-29-2012, 09:49 AM
Still Route 39

Deeper in the cave, Beryl sat beside the minuscule pool of water as his weak-bodied Bellsprout attempted to gain the nutrients from it, by standing in the middle of it, proving just how small the source of water really was. Onix was still endlessly guarding the cave entrance, accompanied by Cloyster who sat just inside the entrance, almost expecting to attack something as it glared out at the daylight covered areas.

Beryl had been merely fiddling with the zipper on his heeled ankle boot as he watched his Bellsprout slowly walk around in the pool. Before too long he dug into the bag that he gathered from his most recent attacker, pulling out a tin cup, and filled it with water from the pool. Bellsprout watched for no particular reason, as its owner rose up to his feet and made his way over to the Cloyster at the entrance. Beryl placed a hand on top of the Cloysters shell, and knelt down beside it, holding the water filled cup out infront of it's head for it to graciously sip from. It had let Beryl know it was finished with a quiet mutter, to which Beryl smiled at, taking a sip from what was left in the cup. He let out a sigh, taking note that the area was rather quiet today, turning to look at his Bellsprout.
"Are you guys hungry?" He asked toward Bellsprout and Kakuna who were deeper in the cave, to which they both seemed to answer 'yes' in their own way.
"What about you two?" He inquired further to his Cloyster and Onix. They both responded in the same manner as Bellsprout and Kakuna, just as Beryls tummy conveniently rumbled.
"Alright, we're going to Ekruteak again then, maybe they have more to offer this time. " he said with a chuckle before returning his Cloyster and Onix to their pokeballs.

Rising up he made his way over to his other pokemon, one of which wasn't technically his yet. He smiled kindly toward the Kakuna and placed a Great Ball on the ground infront of it. "I don't want you to do anything you don't want to, but.. I have to repeat that it would be a lot safer for you if.. ..If you actually belonged to me.. I could keep you by my side always." He offered, awaiting it's response.
After a few moments of Silence he nodded, taking back the ball. "That's alright too.. I wont abandon you." He confessed, before pocketing the ball, and picking up the Kakuna to hold with his left arm.
Glancing to Bellsprout he spoke up once more; "Do you think you would be alright in your ball?" he questioned. Feeling rather spunky today Bellsprout nodded, and stepped out of the pool, as Beryl reached into his pocket to remove his only Luxury Ball, and returned the Bellsprout to the inside of it, before pocketing it once more. He grabbed ahold of his supply bag which was nearly empty as usual, swinging it over his free shoulder before exiting the cave.

Beryl slid down the dirt hill that was located just outside the entrance, a feat that would be fairly difficult for a person in heeled boots, if it were not for Beryl's natural grace. He let out a sigh, giving the Kakuna a soft pat on the head before commenting; "Both the woods and the path are probably really dangerous.. but atleast--" he said, making his way to the main path of route 39 "--we can see what's coming at us from over here." he finished, cautiously making his way down route 39; entering route 38.

02-29-2012, 05:53 PM
Viridian City

A tyranitar. And a Charizard. Oh dear. Both of these were beasts that he typically wanted to be seeing from a few hundred meters and a few dozen rounds away, at the very least. Being sandwiched between both of them in a narrow street was something that every fibre of his being rebelled against, especially with exactly how often that damned charizard was glaring at him… He was just beginning to contemplate the most subtle way of climbing over one of the buildings to get out from between the two dragons without actually needing to pass either of them by when, thankfully, the smaller of the pair, seemingly controlled by the woman that he had been sitting next to in silence, returned her pet.

Trying to keep the relief off of his face, Alex took that as his own cue to rise up, giving just the slightest nod and grunt to Mina. “ ‘s not a problem.” That said, he wasted no time in breezing past her in the direction of the inn, hoping against hope that the tyranitar wouldn’t be following along after him. In any case, he was all too happy to throw a paltry amount of money down onto the counter and get his key from the innkeeper, picking up the clothes that he had left here last time to be cleaned and sighing inwardly at the degree of stains that still covered them. Still, they wouldn’t smell of sweat and human and that was really the end goal here…

Groaning slightly as he entered his room, Alex gently placed his rifle on the bed, cracking his back with a long stretch immediately afterwards. He was used to it, of course, but carrying the steady weight of the weapon for days on end still took its toll on human muscles… His clothes followed immediately after, a soiled bundle of near rags left in a neat pile on the corner of the bathroom counter. He’d stitch up all of the new rips later that night, then leave them here to be cleaned during the next time he was out in the wild. It was a fairly nice service, actually, and one of the main reasons why he’d been lingering around Viridian City for as long as he had been.

The shower that followed lasted for as long as the hot water did and left Alex feeling more human than he had for the weeks, sighing as he turned it off and stepped back out into his room, the rough fabric of his towel drying him off within a few moments. He still smelled of earth and dirt, the slight iron of blood, the gentle scent of moss and grass… But it was subtler now, less ‘unwashed’ and more earthen, the stink of his own exhaustion having been swept away by the water as it flowed over him. A few hours later, he walked out of the inn again a new man, rifle freshly cleaned and oiled, his old clothes left behind to be ready for his next visit. Better still, there didn’t seem to be any pokemon on the street bigger than a trained ratata... Shrugging to himself, Alex walked off. Might as well get some proper food while he was in a place where it could be cooked, right?

Marc Raehh
02-29-2012, 06:48 PM

Chris looked at his fellow mercenary as she passed by, and he could sense the fear coming from the man next to the centre and watched him leave with an almost need to get away from his Tyranitar, he thought he should be offended, but decided against it, deciding on going into the Pokemon center to get Romanov cleaned up and to see if he could use some of their water to clean his armor, or what was left of it. When he was pushed back by that Fearow's Sky Attack it cracked down the arm and he needed to repair it as soon as possible.

He rose up with a grunt, his side hurt, but he ignored the pain and entered the building, Romanov trailing behind him quietly and going with Nurse Joy as Chris left to wash off the blood of his latest foe and repair his armor with whatever he had left to use, it took him about an hour to take a small shower and complete the clean up of his armor, but when he returned he was greeted by his dear friend waiting for him.

"So, I guess we should go guard the town for a while huh?" he said, an almost happy tone in his voice.

The reason he was so quick to go back out there was because he didn't trust people much anymore, ever since he was little and left for dead at Mt. Silver he had this aura of distrust towards humans, almost a fear. But he learned to care for the citizens of the settlements, most of them were kind people that have protected him many times before.

Chris and Romanov left the tattered building and walked towards the Indigo Plateau, stopping right at the end of the route there, then he sat down and started to set up camp when the first group of Pokémon started to head towards Viridian, but to Chris's relief they scurried off at the sight of Romanov. They both shared a laugh at that, then continued to set up camp. When they were finished they both decided it was a good time to eat, Chris retrieved from his pack a can of dehydrated fruit, and Romanov grabbed a clump of soil and started to eat it. They both enjoyed their meal, and Chris thought to himself how he was so lucky to have had a Pokémon that eats rocks for nutrition.

About half way through the meal there was movement in the distance, and suddenly a pack of Growlithe, led by an Arcanine, pounced out and attacked, Romanov seemed to expect the attack and through his rather large share of rocks at the Arcanine with deadly accuracy, striking him in the eye and momentarily blinding him.

Chris was the next to attack, he climbed on top of his comrade and shot the Growlithe one by one using Romanov's rock body as a shield from the beast's fire attacks. This was a normal strategy between the two, since fire type Pokémon have had an exponential growth in the population they had to think of ways to protect each other, and this was the easiest way.

But the feral creatures also had a strategy, the Growlithe that managed to avoid the gunshots fired by Chris circled around the duo, and tried to flank Romanov with a group ember attack, successfully hitting Romanov, but rather than weakening him it merely enraged him, and he let loose an Earthquake attack.

The ground shook wildly and many of the Growlithe were buried alive, some fled for their lives, leaving the Alpha-male, Arcanine left. The air went silent, and all you could hear was the tired panting from Chris and Romanov, some sounds of confusion were starting to echo from Viridian City, and Chris knew they ha to defeat this Pokémon before any brave citizens decided to investigate.

There was a few moments of nothing, then both Pokémon charged at each other, Chris still clinging to Romanov's back. He could feel his friend's heartbeat grow faster with adrenaline, and he could feel the heat of the Arcanine's breath. He jumped off his friend's back and unsheathed his blade, charging towards the feral beast that threatened his partner's safety, his blade crashed into the neck of the distracted creatures neck, and it cut through the animal's spine, leaving it to flop against the ground, unable to move, Romanov gave it the mercy of death, crashing into it with a Stone Edge attack.

They looked at each other and nodded, Chris rummaged through his pack and retrieved a Full Restore, one of the last of it's kind in all of Kanto, and sprayed it on his Rock Pokemon's wounds, within a few moments Romanov felt much better and nudged him in thanks with a gentle growl coming from it's throat.

Chris worried about what happened in Viridian when Romanov let loose the Earthquake, because he knew that Tyranitars have the capability to move entire mountains, the attack wasn't nearly that powerful, but it could have damaged some of the buildings there.

03-01-2012, 12:10 AM
Viridian City

"Hey, kid!"

Haru jumped as Doug's voice finally pulled him out of his reverie. He hadn't noticed that they had finally arrived at Viridian City.

"You gonna be alright from here?" Doug asked.

"Uh...yeah. Thanks," Haru said, "I owe you-"

"No, you don't, Doug interrupted, "I told you I'd take you here for free. You just be sure to watch yourself out there," he said, and with a final wave, he turned and walked away.

Haru stared after Doug for awhile. That sort of kindness was not common these days. Most people tended to be more focused on themselves than others.

"Nice guy," Haru said as he turned to his Meganium. His partner, though a Grass Pokemon, was pretty resilient, and could handle long trips through the wastes. However, he was still a Grass type, and still needed frequent rests. Even now, although he tried to look otherwise, Haru could tell that Meganium was tired.

"Here, I'll take you to the Pokemon Center," Haru said, reaching inside his red jacket and pulling out a Pokeball. Meganium frowned at it- he didn't like being inside his Pokeball to begin with. But he was tired, and as such obediently withdrew inside it.

A frown once again crawled across Haru's face as he placed the ball back inside his jacket. As strong as Meganium was, he knew the environment was seriously hurting him. Ever since the Change, Haru had been prepared for the day that Meganium would suddenly succumb and die...

But these thoughts did little to help Meganium now. Without another thought, Haru proceeded towards the Pokemon Center.

It didn't take him long to reach the Center, and he immediately made his way to the counter. Nurse Joy was nowhere to be found, but that wasn't a problem for Haru- he could wait.

He was only steps away when the ground began to shake unexpectedly, causing him to trip. His head slammed into the counter, and as he did so he dropped Meganium's Pokeball.

The Pokeball suddenly burst open, and Meganium was by Haru's side, his own weakness forgotten and a concerned expression on his face- the blow had caused Haru to fall unconscious.

Amidst the panic, no one noticed a man in a long overcoat exit the Pokemon Center.


Route 2

The ground caused the charging Raticate to stumble, a screech of frustration escaping it. It's opponent, an Arcanine, seized this opportunity and, with a single leap, crossed the distance between them and had pinned down its enemy.

The Arcanine's Trainer, a tall blonde man also wearing a long black overcoat stood watching the battle, the shaking ground giving him even less pause than his partner. He silently watched the battle, not even bothering to give orders to Arcanine- he didn't need to.

He sighed as a sudden ringing sound filled the air, barely able to be heard over the two fighting Pokemon. He reached into his pocket and withdrew a PokeGear, opening it without even bothering to check the caller ID.

"What?" he asked, his voice a combination of boredom and irritation.

If the person on the other end noticed, they didn't let it show.

"Sir, we've found him."

This grabbed the man's attention. "You're sure?"

"Positive. He matches the description, and he appears to have no other Pokemon other than a Meganium."


"Viridian Pokemon Center, sir."

"Good. I'm currently on Route 2- I will be there shortly. Do what you can to keep him there." the man said, and then hung up before he could get a reply.

The man frowned, noticing that his Arcanine still had the Raticate pinned down.

"What are you waiting for, Arcanine? You know better than to play with your food...although you wont be able to eat it now."

The Raticate took no heed to the Trainer's words. It's red eyes were focused only on Arcanine...if only it could move it's head over so slightly-

Arcanine lunged before the Raticate could finish forming its plan.

A strong breeze blew through the area at that time, causing the man's overcoat to blow in the wind and briefly revealing a black uniform with a large red 'R' in the middle.

03-01-2012, 03:00 AM
Viridian City

After getting her Pokemon back, Mina had taken a seat on the bench nearest to the corner, released her Espeon so it could keep an eye out, and promptly fallen asleep. She needed to be refreshed for when the night patrols began. She had then been woken up by Espeon - too soon, in her opinion- but before she could ask why she was jolted fully awake by a tremor. Mina jumped up, her hand instinctively going to the pistol at her hip, as the room swayed and objects fell off shelves. Her experience with flying had given her an excellent sense of balance, so she didn't fall over. The same could not be said for others around her, though. The tremor had caught everyone off guard - apart from Espeon, apparently. She patted him affectionately on the head as a sign of gratitude. The next thing she noticed was the sudden appearance of a Meganium, standing protectively over a man who was sprawled unceremoniously on the floor.

Mina dashed over, but slowed to a halt once she saw how protective the Meganium was. She took a moment to appreciate the fact that this was an actual Meganium - a legitimate, fully evolved, non-Kanto grass-type, standing right in front of her- before holding up her hands to signify she didn't want to be aggressive, and said "Hold on, relax. I want to help him." The Meganium didn't budge, and barely even looked at her, its eyes were still fixed on the man who Mina assumed was its trainer. Fair enough - she was willing to bet her Pokemon would act the same way if she was in a similar situation. Nurse Joy was nowhere to be seen, however. Mina jumped over the counter and checked the back room. Stuff had fallen off the shelves, but the Nurse wasn't around. She had probably taken her dinner break or something - shitty timing at its best. Not to mention, who leaves a Pokemon Center unattended? What poor form.

Mina was torn - she really wanted to check what had caused the earthquake - it had to be a Pokemon, and if it was a threat and she didn't do something about it she would be failing at her job. Still, she couldn't just leave someone sprawled on the floor, that would just be unkind, what if he was hurt? She debated this with herself until she arrived at a suitable compromise.

She began to search through the back room, and she quickly found what she was looking for - an ice pack. She also grabbed some herbal medicine for good measure, since the Meganium had looked tired too. Mina exited the back room, and went back over to the unconscious man. Looking straight at the Meganium, she spoke, "Listen. You want to take care of him? That's fine. Here, here's an ice pack. He was hit on the head, right? This will stop the bruising. You can put this on his forehead if you'd rather do it yourself." She put the ice pack on the counter. "I found some heal powder back there as well. You can eat it if you want. I know, it tastes disgusting, but it's here if you want it." She placed the pouch on the counter, next to the ice pack, and undid the knot so the Meganium could get to it easily if it so chose. She began to turn away, before adding, "You might want to elevate his legs, too. It'll make him come-to faster."

Mina then turned to her Espeon. It was times like these she was especially thankful for having a psychic pokemon. Still, whenever she asked him to do a 'reading', the phrasing of the question always mattered more than anything, so she mulled it over before speaking. "Espeon - Does the cause of this earthquake warrant a patrol?" His fur bristled, the gem on his forehead glowed, and his tail twitched - No. Alright, that settled that. She had learnt some first-aid, including Pokemon first aid, on her travels, so even though she was anxious to make sure the City was alright, Mina decided that her services would be most useful if she stayed at the Center -at least until Nurse Joy came back. Then, she would leave. Just as she finished that thought, a kid came in through the doors, holding an injured Rattatta. She went back into the back room, and emerged holding more herbal medicine and bandages, and began taking care of the kid's pet.

03-01-2012, 05:03 AM
Lavender Town

Shaun stood slowly from his meal, washing the bowls in the cracked sink. As usual, there was little in the 'leftovers' department. The four of them managed to eat everything they could serve up on a regular basis. It satisfied him a little that they could say that they didn't waste much. So much had been wasted before the Change... Shaun chuckled bitterly. What was he thinking? Some small part of him felt that the world was a little better off after this Change... He shook his head in disgust. Though he wouldn't let go of the feeling, most of him disagreed with that part of him.

Turning back to his Pokemon, Shaun held out their pokeballs. "Alright guys... its time to move. I get the feeling that we're overstaying our welcome here..." Magmortor, Houndoom, and Crobat shook their heads, though, each turning towards the door with a determined look on their faces. He sighed. They had a right to walk beside him, but he felt much better if they weren't in danger... Nodding slightly, he returned the balls to his belt and grabbed his shotgun from the corner, as well as his rucksack. He opened the door and the group filed out, and he turned to lock the door. Even if something went in through the window, though, they wouldn't find anything of much value... just a few pots and pans that he didn't like taking with him...

Turning around to take in the view of the town, Shaun was greeted by the ominous Pokemon Tower looming over him. He shivered. Well... it was Thursday... Sighing, he beckoned his Pokemon and headed towards the Tower.

For the most part, the Gastly and Haunter of Pokemon Tower stayed away, though every so often one got ballsy enough for Houndoom to have to Roar them away. After a few times, they learned to leave well enough alone. On the second floor, Shaun paused by two graves on the far side of the level. Mightyena and Camerupt... Shaun sighed and swept some of the dust from the tombstones. He stilled missed his closest companions... Hearing a noise, Shaun looked behind him, realizing that Crobat was stifling a cry. She had fought beside them... Had been there when both Mightyena AND Camerupt had died...

"You still blame yourself, don't ya?" he asked his Crobat quietly. Starting in surprise, Crobat turned away, not wanting him to see her cry. She was usually more contained than this. Sighing, he stood and ushered his Pokemon away. There was no use in tears. Sparing her the shame of crying in public, he offered Crobat her pokeball, which she accepted and returned into. Wiping a single tear from his own cheek, Shaun exited the Tower without so much as tripping over a Channeler.

That done, Shaun decided to make his way through Route 7 towards Saffron City. Then he would head south towards Vermilion. For some reason, he was drawn towards the east. The quickest way there would be through the Diglett Tunnels, though he supposed that that in itself would be quite the ordeal... With any luck, Houndoom would be able to keep up his Roars so that they didn't have to spend too much time and ammo on the ferals.

However, luck hadn't really been their strong point as of late...

03-01-2012, 08:03 AM
Viridian City

Occam’s Razor, a hunting rifle and a healthy sense of paranoia were a very dangerous combination in the best of people, at the best of times. Alex was not the best of people, and the wake of an earthquake was certainly not the best of times. Even though the level of damage to the people, thankfully, appeared fairly minimal, there were more than a few smaller pokemon passed out and bleeding by the side of the road, bricks still raining from slowly dying buildings. The pokemon, it was hard for Alex to really care less about. The buildings were a different story… More than one looked as though it would need to be completely torn down before it would be safe to inhabit again, others looked ready to crumble under their own weight at any moment. In any case, it was obvious that there would be more than a few people sleeping out on the street tonight, at least if they valued their safety. It was a struggle to ignore these sights as he walked, deftly making his way through crashed bikes and bits of debris, a half crushed pidgey staining one of his shoes red as he passed it…

But, Alex knew that these were all small things. He didn’t have enough supplies to be a medic. He didn’t have enough skill to work on propping up a new shelter designed for the recently deplaced. He wasn’t loud enough or persuasive enough to organize the chaos into something productive. All that he knew was that Viridian was not a fault-line. There was no obvious reason for it to occur, except, perhaps, at the command of a pokemon. There was just one problem with that assessment, however… None of the wild pokemon that lurked in the woods that surrounded the city were strong enough to cause something like this. In fact, the only thing that he had seen recently that could have been the cause of this was a certain tyranitar... What were the odds that one of those shows up in town within the same day that an earthquake occurs?

Well, not really terrible, if Alex was being honest, but nobody had ever accused him of laziness, and he really didn’t have any other ideas at the moment. There was the possibility that it had caused this, either at the command of its trainer, or of its own free will. It would hardly be the first time that a powerful monster had snapped, after all. If it had, then it would be a danger to not only him, but the rest of the city as well. A grimace on his face, Alex hefted the rifle on his shoulder, heading over to the pokemon centre that he had seen the pair at earlier. Downside of having such a big pokemon was that it made you absurdly easy to track, the foot-claws of the beast scoring the concrete paths it walked deep enough for the hunter to follow despite the damage from the recent disaster.

There was just one thing that slowed him from moving out, a figure caught in the corner of his eye through the pokecenter door. The girl from earlier. The one with a charizard. As much as Alex hated to admit it to himself, a tyranitar would be difficult to take down with zero prep-time and nothing more than a rifle, especially if it turned out that the incident was intentional and he had to contend with the trainer as well. Swallowing his pride, he made his way into the centre, approaching the woman warily. “We both saw a tyranitar earlier today. Only thing that I can think of that might be able to cause something like this that might be around these parts. Probably nothing, but I want to be sure in case it feels like coming back or doing this again. A charizard would be helpful in making sure that things worked out well for this town, if you aren’t too busy saving the rats.”

03-02-2012, 01:29 AM
Saffron City

Dusky stood in her small aparment kitchen, stirring the stew she was making just beginning to boil on the stove. Growlithe was laying on the cracked tile floor, waiting for their dinner to be done. Eevee and Vulpix were curled up on the couch, sleeping peacefully, and Pichu perched himself on Dusky's shoulder, which is where he usually placed himself. Dusky cut up the bit of Tauros meat she had been able to afford and cooked it before dropping the small pieces into the stew. A few minutes passed and soon she was pulling out five bowls.

"Time to eat," she said to everyone, though Growlithe and Pichu already knew. She filled a bowl for each of her pokemon, feeding them first. Pichu was sitting on the counter, and, as usual, looked down at his stew with much distaste. Dusky scooped the rest of what little stew was left into her bowl and gave a hefty sigh as she saw Pichu. "You have to eat," she sighed.

He looked at her sadly. "Pi. . . ." He pointed to the only picture in her apartment - it was of her brother. A feeling of sadness began to flood through Dusky as she nodded, her throat tightening as tears built up in her eyes.

"Yeah, I miss him, too," she said, her voice cracking, "but that's no reason not to eat, so go on. Eat up. You need your strength. I don't want to lose you, too."

Pichu nodded at her words and slowly began to nibble on the meat. Dusky remembered how before the Change, she always saw Pichu sitting under the apple tree they grew in their back yard, snacking on apples whenever he pleased (he was a bit of a glutton when it came to apples), so after the Change, he had to grow used to eating meat. Even after twelve years, he still hadn't grown used to accustom to eating meat from pokemon; then again, neither had Dusky. The other three pokemon had had very little problems with the change of food, so they never showed any reluctance when it came to eating.

Dusky briefly glanced out the window onto the bare streets of Saffron City. Then a simple thought crossed her mind:


The thought of leaving the semi-safe walls of Saffron City had never entered her mind before, not after all the years she spent here. Why would it come to her so suddenly?

None the less, Dusky shook her head, dismissing the thought. She had no reason to leave. Well, not yet. So, after they all finished their food, she peered into the fridge, only to find it bare, not a scrap of food left. She sighed and brushed her hair back into a ponytail and slipped on her shoes. She had no work today, so she decided it would be a good time to head out and get some food. Dusky grabbed her draw-string bag and slipped it over her shoulder. Her pokemon were looking up from their empty bowls, wondering why their trainer was getting ready.

"Come on, we're going shopping," she smiled. The pokemon, aside from Growlithe, gave out a happy cheer. Shopping was one of the few things they got joy out of. Growlithe, however, thought it was dangerous. After all, he didn't trust anyone aside from Dusky, Pichu, Eevee, and Vulpix. But all the same, with Pichu and Eevee on her shoulders, Vulpix in her arms, and Growlithe by her side, Dusky left the apartment and headed towards the small (and only) shop in Saffron City that sold food.

It didn't take long to get to the shop. It was made of wood, and it had an old weathered sign leaning against the front of the shop that said in faded black letters: Market. Underneath it in the same faded black letters read: NO POKEMON ALLOWED!. Dusky paused to put all her pokemon away, even Growlithe, before stepping through the front door. The owner, an older, grumpy man with failing eye sight named Frank, sat behind the dusty counter and eyed Dusky as she stepped through the door.

"Hey, Frank," Dusky said before he could ask who it was.

"Oh, it's you, Dusky," grunted Frank. The man didn't like people, but if he did, Dusky would've been his favorite. "Come in for the usual?"

"Yes please," Dusky smiled, reaching into her bag for her money while Frank walked over to the freezer and pulled out some Tauros meat. "How much will it be?"

"The same as usual," he replied gruffly. Dusky enchanged the money for the meat and just as she was going to turn to leave, someone else walked in. She turned, briefly looking over her shoulder, figuring it was just someone else who came in for food. That is, until the person said:

"Do you have any pokemon?"

Usually, Dusky won't have thought twice about the questions, but the tone of the person's voice was different: demanding, rough, and very dangerous. She pulled her jacket down some to hide the pokeballs on her belt and turned around slowly. The person who walked in was a tall man with olive skin and jet black hair with dangerous grey eyes. He was tall and had a muscular build, making him look threatening. But what was the most alarming thing about him was the fact that Dusky was staring down the barrel of his gun.

"Uh, no, I don't," she replied, trying to keep her voice even and calm, "I'm terrified of pokemon."

"Give me your bag," he growled as he let his gun fall to his side.

Not wanting to give the man a reason to shoot her or Frank, Dusky quickly handed her bag open. The man snatched it away and dumped the contents out: her wallet, two empty pokeballs, and two pictures: one of her parents and the other of her brother and his Arcanine. The man took her wallet and threw her bag to her. It went over her head, so she reached for it, exposing the four pokeballs on her belt. The man laughed.

"So, you do have pokemon," he growled pointing his gun at her face. "Give 'em here."

Dusky felt suddenly couragous and boldly said, "No!"

"Well then," he muttered, "I guess I'll have to take them from you." He put his finger to the trigger and-


The shot rang clear in Dusky's ears and she watched as two holes suddenly appeared in the man's chest, blood pouring freely from them. He looked at his chest and then to Dusky, dropping his gun as he collapsed to the floor. He was dead. Dusky slowly looked behind her and saw Frank standing there with a pistol in his hand.

"Fr-Frank," she stammered. "I-I . . . thank you."

"Don't mention it," he shrugged. "Now, pick up that gun he dropped and take your meat. Go home."

Dusky nodded stiffly. "R-right. Again, thanks."

"Like I said, don't mention it," he repeated.

Dusky slowly bent down and picked up the gun, not sure what to do with it. She slowly released the man's grip on her wallet and put her belongings back in her bag, awkwardly holding the gun in her hand.

"Go ahead and let your pokemon out," Frank instructed. "Okay, go on and get home. Just be careful."

"I will," Dusky said, still short of breath.

She let out Growlithe and she slowly walked around the body. Growlithe growled at the man, but once he realized he was dead, he followed his trainer as they headed back. Dusky was still shaken. That had never happened to her before. But now she had a gun - she only hoped she wouldn't have to use it. Still, she would if there ever came a time.

03-02-2012, 05:37 AM
Route 38

Marching down the main path, Beryl was surprised that he hadn't dealt with any attackers. This was only a minor surprise as he's walked these roads many times since the change, though the danger never seemed to get any less fierce. Now no matter which path you chose to take on Route 38, there was always a bit of wilderness to stand in your way. He glanced upward to spot a Pidgeotto flying above the trees with a couple pidgey behind it, following it as if it were alpha. It was daytime, so perhaps hiding amongst the trees was a much better idea for now; and idea that Beryl did indeed take appropriate response to, leaping off of a tiny ledge that stood in the way. The minor thud and rustling of the thick grass he landed on was enough to draw attention to two Magnemite that seemed to be quite unaffected by the change.

Beryl's eyes widened as he stood perfectly still, holding the Kakuna that he merely called a friend, in his arms as he attempted to prove to the Magnemite that he was merely a statue of sorts. Magnemite were a strange type of pokemon to begin with, the brain patterns of wild ones were especially odd. One of the Magnemite slowly levitated it's way closer, inspecting the Kakuna with it's one eye, growing closer.. and closer..
"KAKUNA!" The pokemon couldn't help but call out in fear, spraying the Magnetmite with an intense amount of String shot, forcing it back onto a tree, where it was basically trapped to now. The jig was up as Beryl frowned, catching glimpse of a thundershock that was being launched in their direction. In an attempt to dodge Beryl leaped to the side, taking the bolt of tiny electricity to his left ankle, landing on his stomach with a thud as the Kakuna rolled out of his arms, into the grass; face down.

Wincing from the pain, Beryl couldn't seem to move his left leg at all, it was rather numb all the way up to his thigh. Luckily for him the Magnemite that attacked him was responding to it's friend who was now trapped against the tree. It hovered around it, as the two resonated between eachother in an attempt to communicate. Taking notice of this distraction Beryl crawled toward Kakuna, pulling it closer to whisper; "..Are you alright?..", merely getting a "Ku na" in return, before attempting to crawl to safety. Beryl followed the ledge that he leapt from, which stretched around making a corner for them to hide behind, as he sat with his back against the ledge, Kakuna in his lap.
He threw his head back against the wall, with his eyes closed in an attempt to brainstorm any scenarios that would get him and his pokemon to safety. He couldn't help coming to the conclusion of using his Onix as a means for escape and/or safety, but kept thinking of the downside; Onix may have a wondrous defense to most pokemon now, as Grass types and Water types rarely existed, but the fact remained that if he released it now, while they were in the middle of the wild, it would attract constant unwanted attention. He couldn't just sit here, and it was a matter of time before him and his Kakuna were discovered and made into lunch.

Beryl couldn't be more right, as a Pidgeotto landed atop the ledge where Beryl and Kakuna sat, staring down with a piercing look. Pebbles falling onto Beryls forehead caused him to open his eyes, as his head was tilted back, the first thing he saw was the bird, staring at the two with very hungry eyes. A few pidgey followed it's lead, landing either behind it [too stupid to know what it was doing], or beside it on the ledge, staring at the Kakuna. Beryl's eyes widened, as he very slowly reached for his pokeball in his pocket, not making any sudden movements to provoke the birds of prey. It seemed he had no choice but to completely rely on the plan that seemed to haunt his immediate thoughts, grasping the pokeball tightly. Without hesitation he fell to his side and whipped the pokeball at the Pidgeotto's head, causing it to stumble back as it was stunned momentarily. The pokeball opened to release the large rock snake that Beryl called a friend, as it's reaction was to let out a roar, causing the birds to fly for their lives, leaving a stunned alpha leader behind to gather itself after being beaned with a solid ball. "Onix.." Beryl called out, crawling onto his tail, after carefully placing the Kakuna in his backpack.
"I.. need you to bring me to Ekruteak, but we can't have wild pokemon following us, you'll have to deal with alot...I'm sorry." He expressed, hugging onto his pokemon. His Onix merely nodded, concentrating for a moment as it instinctively used Harden.

A grunt was head from above Beryl's head as the Pidgeotto slammed into the side of Onix's head in an attempt to take it down. It retaliated immediately with a headbutt, which missed entirely due to Pidgeotto's speed and evasion due to flying. Onix let out a roar as it was attacked again, this time clipping the wing of the bird using the horn-type feature on his head, causing the bird to drop to the ground. Onix raised it's tail, which Beryl was clinging onto, causing him to cling tightly with wide eyes. "O-onix!?" he called out, before the rock snake slammed it's tail onto the ground where Pidgeotto landed, forcing it into the dirt which most likely ended it's life, or severely crippled it. Beryl merely continued to cling, as he just went for quite the ride. "Th-that.. was.. insane.."
Before Beryl even had a chance to command Onix, it was attacked by a Magnemite that used a mere tackle. It seemed that it managed to free it's trapped companion as Onix was struck once again from a different angle by another Magnemite. The attacks didn't have much of an effect at all, merely leaving scratches of metal on it's large rock body.

"Onix! Hang in there.. show them what a tackle really looks like." He said with a smirk, hanging on for dear life knowing that he was about to be taken for a ride. The rock snake responded in kindness to Beryl's orders, giving the Magnemites a few headbutts, not having very much room to leap into a tackle attack. "Ugh.. keep it up~" Beryl offered in a reassuring manner as the steel, electric types continued to recover and attack, luckily they weren't targeting Beryl at all.
After a few blows the tiny magnet pokemon started to feel rather weak as they looked fairly scratched up. Onix on the other hand was doing perfectly fine, aside from a few scratches here or there that seemed to shine in the sunlight. The Magnemites were losing their metal coating as they grew weaker, proving just how tough The Change was on all pokemon. Onix shook it's head as if it had a headache, after the electric pokemon seemed to drop to the ground in a weakened state.
Beryl pet his Onix's hard snake like body as he spoke up; "Are.. you okay Onix?" he questioned, feeling as if he could stand once again. He slid off his pokemons tail, slowly limping his way around to the front and gestured for Onix to lower it's head. It obliged Beryl's gesture, leaning down for Beryl to embrace his Onix's head with a hug, closing it's eyes once again as the headache returned.
"I'm so sorry.. I.. sh-shouldn't have pushed you.." Beryl confessed, tears building up as he feared for his pokemon's health. The Onix let out a grumble, before the scratches on it's body started to glow even brighter in the sunlight.
"What's happening to you Onix?!" Beryl called out, his eyes widening as before too long his Onix's whole body was glowing. The boy took a few steps back to observe, nearly tripping on an unconscious Magnemite, watching his pokemon's body grow in size, and shape. Beryl fell to his knees out of sheer surprise, as the glow slowly faded, revealing a completely new form for his pokemon, in the shape of a Steelix.

03-02-2012, 06:25 PM
lost some where near lavender town

Meg leaned back on the tree with a heavy sigh "This week has been the worst ever" she huffed quietly to herself She thought she was on rout 7 or somewhere around there but she was to tired to think not having slept well in the last 3-4 days or so with all the attacks or just plain disasters as it was. the Dratini in her arms made a soft sort of mewling sound as it curled up tighter. Meg gazed down at it helplessly "I'm sorry" she said and carefully shifted her arms to hold it more comfortable against her chest. it let out a muffled halfhearted protest but settled back into her arms. No matter what she did the poor creature only seemed to get weaker last night she had staid up with Ev and watched over it trying to bring down its fever but nothing was working and she was running low on supply's.

Every one in Meg's small party was tired including silky who she almost never brought out to fight. But during this passed week she had to after Ru had fainted and nearly died. Ginger had gone into shock after braking hoof and thinking that Ru had died she had refused to budge it had taken every thing Meg had just to get her to eat. Evee and silky where the only two ever capable of fighting at the moment but they wouldn't last long if it came to another fight. Looking at Ev she debated with herself for a moment about getting a gun "Do you think it would be wise to get a gun?" she finely asked out loud to her old friend. Ev stared back at her as they seemed to have some sort of silent conversations Meg finely nodded "your right next town we will get one".

Meg pushed herself away from the tree and started on her path again she had to get to lavender town the last pokecenter had said they had no room and couldn't take care of any more Pokemon at the time lavender town was the closest place to go she just hopped they could help. Wryly Meg tried keeping an eye about her surroundings Ev doing the same looking for all the world like a small guard dog. Ev had a few scratches here and there at the moment but didn't seem overly hurt just more tired then he should have been. What caused the sudden change? she asked herself looking down the path. could it be that there is some higher power up there? maybe we are being punished? or maybe just being played with? the thought made her more then a bit angry what kind of sick twisted god would watch as we suffer down here scrapping what living we can from the waist land there is... Still Meg could not be sure but she was sure that no one had an explanation for what was happening to their world.

Ev stopped tensing even more if that was at all possible "what is i-" She didn't finish because Ev started shoving against her ankle wanting her to move and urgently. She shuffled a long where he guided her then quietly till she was safely behind a tree here Ev stopped at peered back out onto the path where they had just been moments later a large looking ursaring lumbered out from the opposite side of the path then began to sniff around. Meg held her breath carefully leaning back against the tree bringing one hand around and slowly putting it to Silky's pokeball if she needed to... she probably would but heavens knew none of them had the strengths to take on a full grown ursaring she quietly prayed that it would leave soon but it continued its search for what ever it may be looking for... or her.

03-03-2012, 02:30 AM
She was caught off-guard. Who was this guy? Then, Mina remembered - the pungent man. He wasn't pungent anymore, though. She listened to what he had to say, before replying, "I hadn't considered the cause of this in detail, but what you're saying makes sense. It most likely was the Tyranitar." Mina studied him - he certainly looked determined. It was unlikely that he would listen if she told him what her Espeon had said, but she did so anyway. "And you're right again, it's probably nothing. This Espeon here is mine, too. Psychic types are good at... Well... Generally knowing what's up." She smiled, trying to be convincing. "He doesn't think this is anything to be worried about, either. Be that as it may, while I am happy to take this Pokemon's word..." A pause, this man was obviously able to hunt down threatening Pokemon, apparently through his own skills and without using any Pokemon himself. Then, Mina remembered how Charizard had acted around him - and glancing down at Espeon, she noticed he was staring, too. She continued, "I'm not sure if you would."

Just then, Nurse Joy re-entered the Center with a few people following behind, sporting their own injuries, or holding injured Pokemon. Mina was relieved - she felt a sense of duty in staying and taking care of any injuries, but now that the Nurse was back there was apparently no need to do so. She glanced over at the person who was passed out on the floor - still no sign of them regaining consciousness. Still, now that Nurse Joy was back at the Center, there was no real need for her to stay.

Mina had taken note of the man's slightly condescending tone, but let it slide. "I'm curious to see what happened too, though. And now that she's back," she gestured at Nurse Joy, "it's not necessary for me to stay and... Take care of the rats." Another pause. "Sure, I'll go with you. Although, honestly, I'm not sure a fight will be necessary. Let's get going." She then realized that he had asked her this without introducing himself - then again, she hadn't introduced herself yet, either. "Oh -we should get this out of the way first. My name's Mina. What should I call you?" She extended her right hand out for a handshake. A slightly outdated gesture, perhaps, but it was a habit from her travelling days she kept and was apparently unable to let go.

03-03-2012, 05:31 AM
(wrong One sorry delete this post please sorry to bother the wrong chat)

03-03-2012, 08:18 PM
Haru awoke to find himself lying on the floor, Meganium lying at his feet- in fact, his legs were resting on Meganium He slowly reached up and lightly touched his forehead, finding an ice pack- he assumed Meganium had placed it on him, because there was no way Meganium would let anyone near Haru while he was injured.

There was a low, concerned cry, and Meganium finally moved to allow Haru to slowly rise, removing the ice pack as he went.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Haru said to Meganium. That wasn't entirely true- his head was still throbbing, but that wasn't a big deal.

"But what about you? You're supposed to be in your Pokeball?" Haru asked reproachfully.

Meganium simply frowned and stared at Haru.

"I guess I should've known better," Haru said with a sigh. If there was any chance of Haru being in danger, there was no way Meganium would stay in its Pokeball. However, Haru was curious as to how Meganium had obtained an ice pack, since Meganium certainly wouldn't leave Haru unattended. Haru also noticed that Meganium didn't look quite so pale, and it was then that he noticed an empty pouch laying nearby. The only possible explanation was that someone had given these to Meganium, but that in itself was odd- Meganium was not a very trusting Pokemon...

But that wasn't important right now. What was important was finding out what had caused that quake. Judging by its strength and how suddenly it had hit, it had to have been a Pokemon, which was worth checking out. If it did turn out to be a Pokemon, it had to be stopped.

"You think you're up for another fight?" Haru asked Meganium.

Meganium responded with a confident nod.

With that, the two headed towards the door of the Pokemon Center.

03-04-2012, 07:26 PM
Saffron City

Deron was walking down Route 8, his destination lying dead ahead of him. He kept his ears sharp to keep track of his enviroments, or atleast what was left of them. Although his head was aimed at the dry and dead surface he walked over, his eyes soared from left to right, until suddenly, ristling of dead plants echoed across the area. Deron stopped in his tracks and lifted his head up, the dog tag and shell piece hanging from his neck colliding, providing a slight clinging sound. His hands moved out of his pockets, pulling his jacket open as one hand rested on the knife locked onto his belt, the other running along the collection of pokéballs hanging from his belt, dropping his worn-out, black backpack that was hanging over one shoulder on the ground. "I know you're out there... Show yourself and face me like a man!" He called out into the wind, but no response came. Leaving his hands in place on the knife and his pokéballs, he continues forward, continiously shifting his gaze from left to right. Saffron City was right ahead, but whatever was following him wasn't going to let him get there unharmed.

Out of nowhere, it suddenly happened. Two Persians leaped out of hiding, one in front and one behind Deron, growling and hissing menacingly. They were obviously starving and craving a good meal. They circled around Deron as their prey, but Deron didn't even break a sweat, his eyes just coldly followed the two feline pokémon as they circled around him, as his fingertips traced along the pokéballs, picking out one specifically, pressing the button in its middle as it grew to full size, before dropping the ball next to himself, after which it flashed open, causing the two Persians to stumble back from suprise, as a rugged, but rather well-trained Magnemite hovered above Deron's shoulder. His cold eyes met those of the Persian in front of him as he swiftly drew his knife, spinning it in his hand. "Come at me, kitty..." The two Persian collected themselves and rushed forward, claws out as they were aiming mostly for Deron, who swiftly dove to the side, his Magnemite diving to the opposite side as the two Persians smashed into eachother headfirst, dropping onto the ground beneath them, dazed. Deron didn't even hesitate to call out his next words. "Magnemite. Thunder Wave!" The metallic pokémon gave off the metallic sound he always does, as sparks ignite between the ends of its magnets, before electricity surged through the pokémon, letting waves of electricity burst out, striking both Persians at once with it, as their nerve systems would paralyse almost completely. Deron walked over to the two, shaking his head, before raising his hand. "Magnemite. Enough." Magnemite obeyed his command without question, as Deron put away his blade and continued on to the city, the magnemite hovering by his side, as the two Persians were left helplessly, unable to move.

Once he finally stepped into the city, he let out a sigh of relief, taking out the same pokéball as earlier. "Magnemite. Return." And with those words, his Magnemite was returned into its ball, wherafter Deron would put the ball on his belt again, only to be startled by two sudden gunshots in the distance. Knowing it was a bad move, his body disobeyed his will as he started rushing towards the origin of the noises. As he rushed through the streets, he stopped at a crossroads, looking around as he didn't know where to go from there. That was, until he saw a girl come out of a small shop. He narrowed his eyes at her, spotting something that resembled a gun in her hands. Glaring, he reached for his gun as he stepped towards the girl on a rapid pace, before raising his gun, aiming it directly at the girl. "Alright, criminal! I don't know who you robbed or what you just stole. But a smoking gun tells me enough. So make a smart move by putting that gun down and surrendering yourself!" His other hand already had a pokéball gripped between three fingers, pressing the button as it would grow to full size, obviously being aware of the Growlithe that was accompanying her.

03-04-2012, 08:35 PM
Route 38 / Ekruteak City

Beryl could barely comprehend what he just witnessed, he knew of Onix's species having an evolution obviously from his time before The Change, when he would observe Jasmine and her own Steelix in combat. She was even an inspiration of his when he caught his Onix in the first place, but this seemed to happen a little fast for Beryl. He wasn't quite positive that he was ready for this, hoping his Steelix would continue to hold respect for him in these oncoming days.

"How.. ...How do you feel?" He questioned, stuck kneeling down on the grass, as his ankle wasn't back to being one-hundred percent after the thundershock it endured. His Steelix lowered his head down to the ground directly in front of its trainer, in a manner of proving it knew who was still alpha in this relationship. Beryl smiled, reaching out to pet the cold steel pokemon with his gloved hand and bare fingers.
"Now, how about that ride to Ekruteak?" Beryl inquired, tilting his head as he stared into Steelix's eyes.
The long iron snake pokemon lowered its head even more in a nod, turning to the side to make it easier for his trainer to climb onto. Beryl, once securing his backpack, grabbed ahold of the tiny horn-like feature on Steelix's skull, to use as assistance to climb up, and sat rather comfortably on the back of his head, hanging on.
"Let's try to stay as covert as we can, alright?" He offered, petting his Steelix on top of the skull before continuing to speak; "Even though I'm positive you could take down anything in our path~" Beryl offered in an attempt that would boost the ego of his newly evolved pokemon, gambling a bit as this could also lead them down a path of trouble if their relationship were to ever sour.

With a low growl, Steelix moved itself through the trees with ease, leaving less noise as it traveled along, than it would as an Onix, having less friction in this new form. Many of the wild pokemon in this area that witnessed this massive Iron snake traveling along would purposely avoid getting in its path, in fear of being erased from their own lives.
As the three [Kakuna is still hiding in his bag] emerged from the trees they discovered a new path that lead directly to Ekruteak, in fact Beryl could see the gate to the city from where they were. This good news put a smile on his face as he leaned over to relax on Steelix's skull, this was the first time in a looong time that Beryl had felt completely safe in the wild, which seemed to lift quite the burden off of his shoulders.
As they approached the gate their speed slowed down. Beryl leaned forward and pointed to one of the few benches in Johto that hasn't been destroyed by wild pokemon or humans looking for materials.
"Lets rest there for a while, now that we've arrived, alright Steelix?" Beryl commanded.
Complying, Steelix lowered its head as he drew closer to the bench, obviously those from Ekruteak who still lived near the gate of the town could see the Iron Snake from inside the actual town; including those who guarded the gate, though Beryl wasn't a stranger here, he'd been coming to this town for supplies among other things for weeks now. Beryl carefully; for the sake of his ankle, climbed down from his Steelix's neck, limping over a few feet to the bench, and removed his bag before sitting down onto the wooden seat. The immediate thing he did was open up his bag to remove Kakuna from the depths, wiping off a few dust and dirt particles that lingered inside the old bag. "And you're alright too? I'm sorry that you had to ride in there.." He confessed, while smiling down to the Kakuna that wasn't quite his own pokemon just yet.
Not a very verbal pokemon, Kakuna blinked upwards toward the male a few times, letting off as nice of an expression that a Kakuna could, that really only a person who was close to a pokemon could understand. Perhaps Beryl saw the gratitude in its eyes.

03-04-2012, 09:43 PM
Saffron City

Dusky was stunned as she watched the man approach her. What had she done? Why was he calling her a criminal? But at the mention of the gun in her hand, she realized why he had accused her of such a thing as stealing. The gun in he had pointed at showed her this was no joking matter, and her face paled. So, not wanting to get shot, she laid the gun on the ground. She wasn't much for weapons anyway (aside from her knife, anyway). Slowly, she returned her hands to her sides, fighting the urge to scream. Her heart was pounding, and Growlithe was growling lowly. He wouldn't attack unless Dusky commanded him to do so, and it was obvious he was waiting for her to say anything that sounded like a command for him to fight the man.

"I-I didn't st-steal anything," she stammered. She cursed herself mentally for stuttering but continued to explain. "I live here, and I was just out getting some meat for my pokemon and myself. When I was in the shop, some guy came in and tried to take my pokemon-"

As if on que, Pichu (who had a habit of breaking out of his pokeball at the worst times), just happened to burst out of his pokeball, cheering happily about who-knows-what.

"Pi! Pi! Pichu!" he sang, jumping up and down. Then he saw the man with the gun and quickly fell silent as he took cover behind Dusky's legs, whimpering in fear.

"Uh . . . sorry about that," she said quickly. "Anyway, as I was saying, he tried to take my pokemon, and that gun," she said, pointing to the gun that lay on the ground, "was his. I tried telling I didn't have any, but he saw my pokeballs and demanded I gave them to him. When I told him 'No', he was going to shoot me, but the store owner, Frank, shot him first and killed the man. Then Frank told me to take the meat I had come in to purchase and the man's gun and head home."

She drew in a deep breath, now shivering from fear. This had been the second time within maybe a few minutes that she had been held at gun point. Needless to say, it hadn't been a good day. Still, Dusky tried to steady herself and she looked the man dead on. As she looked at his eyes, she saw there was just a trace of sadness, and if it hadn't been for the fact he had his gun pointed at her face, she might've asked him what was bothering him. But Dusky knew this was no time to be courteous to a stranger who was trying to debate whether to shoot her or not. The growls coming from Growlithe were becoming more and more menacing by the second, and Pichu's whimpers were becoming more pitful with each one he made audible to those standing around him.

"I swear," she breathed. "You can go in there and ask Frank yourself." Her voice was smooth and even as she said this, and she could only hope he believed her. She wasn't ready to die.

03-04-2012, 10:58 PM
Saffron City

Deron narrowed his eyes even further, gripping the gun tightly as he listened to her, his eyes darting to the pichu as it popped out, before looking back at the girl, dropping his own pokéball now, as it would flash open and reveal a Kadabra, which seemed to be pretty worn himself, obviously requiring some rest soon. "Kadabra...Do you think this girl could be a criminal..." The pokémon glanced over to the three thoughtfully, stepping closer to them, holding his spoon up as he observes them closely, walking up until about a meter away from the three, before turning and shaking his head.

At that, Deron, nodded and lowered his gun, putting it away. "Hand her her gun again." Kadabra nodded, using his telekinesis to carefully let the gun levitate and hover to the girl, before Deron would call him back into his ball, speaking up in a serious but somewhat gentler tone. "My apologies for falsely accusing you... I just arrived in town and came over here because of the gunshots. But if my Kadabra believes you to be a honest girl, then so shall I." He'd then look down at the Pichu. "No need to be scared, little one." He'd then turn his attention to the girl again, eyeing her over. "Freezing up like that won't help you if you come to face someone less kind. You need to be a bit more self-assured." He then let out a sigh, obviously fairly exhausted himself as he looks around. "Can I perhaps ask you to point me in the direction of a pokémon center? My pokémon need some rest." His sorrow-filled eyes gazed down at the girl, most likely being a fair bit taller than her as he wasn't one of the shortest.

03-04-2012, 11:28 PM
Saffron City

Dusky let out a sigh of relief as the man lowered his gun and she took her gun in her hand. She was quite relieved he hadn't shot her (who wouldn't be?), but her heart was still racing. Growlithe was standing very rigid and protectively in front of Dusky, a few low growls still coming from him. Pichu was still shaking behind her, so she knelt down to pick him up in her free arm.

"You'll be just fine," she told the shivering pokemon. Pichu, clutched to her arm before quickly making his way to her shoulder, grasping onto the sleeve of her shirt. Growlithe had now ceased his growling but he still was looking at the man warily. Dusky turned to the man and nodded slightly.

"Thank you," she said, "you know, for not shooting me. I didn't mean to freeze up, but after being held at gun point twice in one day . . . well, that's never happened to me before," she explained, letting out a bitter laugh.

Growlithe was surprised to hear Dusky sound so calm as she spoke. Usually she would have been hysterical after something like that happened, but some how she was so . . . pulled together.

"There is a pokemon center nearby, and I can show you the way if you want," she offered. Dusky needed to stop by there anyway, to check on Nurse Joy and a few other things that went on there at the center.

"By the way, I'm Dusky," she said, offering him her hand to shake. His eyes seemed to fill with more sadness and sorrow the longer Dusky looked up into them, and she had to look away from him, as she began to feel sad just by gazing at them. It was obvious he had experienced some kind of pain, but what it was, she wasn't sure.

Her eyes fell to the dog tag around his neck, and she saw what appeared to be a piece of shell was strung on the chain next to it. She decided just took study the shell instead of looking into his eyes. Dusky wasn't sure how to react to all that sadness.

03-04-2012, 11:31 PM
Route 7

The trio of man and pokemon didn't meet many ferals, thankfully. Route 7 was rather barren nowadays, more so than most other areas... He didn't understand why. Some of the people in Cerulean thought that waste from Saffron had ruined the environment... Shaun didn't agree or disagree, but it seemed like a valid excuse. Anything to blame the mega city.

While lost in thought, Shaun almost walked right into an Ursaring, only Houndoom's sudden Roar alerting him to the intruder. However, the large bear did not flee, instead immediately using Hammer Arm at the offending dog Pokemon. Houndoom dodged easily, allowing Magmortor to spit a Lava Plume at the feral. Ursaring roared in pain as the Fire attack rushed over him, but it seemed to only infuriate it more. It began to Trash, aiming wildly at the two Pokemon that harassed it, both with Flamethrower when the other was being targeted. Eventually it went down, covered in Burns. Shaun moved up to the panting bear, then brained it with one shot from his shotgun. He sighed heavily afterwards. He never liked having to do that. He might allow small ferals, like Rattata or Pidgey, to live after fainting, but Ursaring were far too dangerous as ferals...

Shaun heard growling and turned to find that Houndoom was looking at a tree nearby, hair on end as smoke trickled from its nostrils. Teeth bared, he was growling rather loudly, though not attacking meant only one thing...

"Whoever's back there better come out before Houndoom decides to loose an Inferno on you," Shaun said calmly. He had no idea who was behind the tree, but most likely it was either someone waiting on the Ursaring to beat someone so he could steal the poor sap's stuff, or whatever that Ursaring had been hunting before Shaun had stumbled upon it. He was betting towards the latter, as if it had been the former, they would've hightailed it as soon as it was apparent that there was no way that lone Ursaring would have been able to beat him.

03-04-2012, 11:53 PM
Saffron City
Deron nodded, forcing out a slight smile as he brought his hand up to meet Dusky's holding it gently as he shook it. "Deron. And I would be glad to have you accompany me to the pokémon center." He smiled, nodding as he looked down at the Growlithe, smiling, before he'd follow Dusky if she were to head to the pokémon center.
The fact that she was looking at his dog tag would not go unnoticed to him, though, and he rapidly brought his hands up to pull his jacket together again, closing it up to hide the shell fragment.

While they would be walking, he'd try to spark yet another conversation, though. "A very bold Growlithe you have. It's not hard to tell that he would not hesitate to catch a bullet for you. Deem yourself lucky with a pokémon like that." The tone upon which he was talking her earlier when he still had her at gunpoint had almost completely vanished, and was replaced with a strong but kind voice. "Again, I'm sorry for startling you like that earlier. But lately you have so many thugs running around, you just can't be careful enough. But you'll need to learn to be able to handle situations like those much calmer, otherwise you're a sitting Psyduck for those who have bad intentions."

As the two would be walking through the streets, however, a small gang of about three men walked out of a nearby alley. They were dressed in rugged leather jackets and looked anything but friendly. The three men stopped in place as they saw Deron and Dusky walk, their eyes seeming to lock on the Pichu and Growlithe as they grinned to eachother, stepping forward to cross their paths, as one of the guys would speak up. "Well, well... Out for a romantic walk, are we? But for a romantic walk, there should be only two of you... So why don't you just hand over your pokémon..." The three grinned, pulling out knives, and the central one who spoke up also pulled out a gun, obviously being the leader of the bunch.

As Deron's eyes met the three that blocked their path, he pulled himself to a stop and laid a hand on Dusky's shoulder to make her stop in place aswell. He realised that these people would not let the two of them go without a fight, but he alone wouldn't be able to single-handed take on three, especially seeing as most of his pokémon needed rest.

03-05-2012, 12:45 AM
Saffron City

Dusky noticed Deron pulling his jacket together, and she felt a bit guilty, having a feeling that her studying the dog tag and shell bothered him a bit. While they walked, he complimented her Growlithe and she smiled a little. Even Growlithe, being a very protective pokémon and very wary of strangers, seemed to appreciate this compliment. And when Deron mentioned the fact that she needed to be calmer in situations like the one he had just put her in, she just nodded. He had reminded her a lot of her brother when he said that, as Dusky was picked on a lot when she was five. He told her she needed to be strong, not only for herself, but for her pokémon as well.

They continued walking, and Dusky knew the Pokémon Center should only be a block or two away. She was partly conscious of what was going on, but mostly she was lost in thought about her brother. It had been a while since she thought about him. . . .

A sudden hand on her shoulder brought her back to reality, snapping her out of her thoughts. She had been pulled to a halt by Deron. At first, she was a little bit confused at to why he had done that, but then she noticed the three men blocking their way, two armed with knives and the central one sporting a gun. Since she hadn’t been paying much attention, the only words she heard from the man holding the gun was ‘So why don't you just hand over your pokémon…’

Growlithe began growling again and was about to step forward, but Dusky stuck her leg out in front of him to keep him from moving.

You need to be strong, not only for yourself, but for your pokémon…

Her brother’s words echoed in her head, and Dusky, despite hating to have to deal with confrontation, forced herself to remain calm. With that being said, she swallowed back her fear and tightened the grip on her gun before letting out a forceful, “No.” This earned a bitter laugh from the three men, as they seemed to be highly amused that Dusky, a young girl (and seemingly helpless), was standing up to them.

“Oh, and do you really think you can stop us?” laughed the central man. His two friends, who would probably be hopelessly lost without their leader, laughed as well.

Dusky was taken back by their laughter, and she suddenly felt powerless and scared. Pichu was beginning to feel frightened as well, as he was so scared to the point where sparks were beginning to fly off his cheeks.

Dusky knew that, if it came down to it, she could let out Vulpix, seeing as how she and Growlithe would definitely prove useful. She looked at Deron with a look that was obviously asking, What do we do?

03-05-2012, 01:10 AM
Saffron City

Deron stepped forward in front Dusky, glaring at the three men, the sorrow in his eyes almost completely gone, now replaced with anger. If there was one thing Deron hated, it was the altitude of low life trash like the thugs in front of him, reaching down for a pokéball from his belt, pulling it out as he spoke calmly. "How about you let her pokémon go, and you just take mine, hm? She's just a little girl, how could her pokémon be of any use to you." The way he talked made it seem as if he was actually serious about handing his pokémon in to them, as he stepped forward, pressed the central button to make the ball grow its real size, holding it out to the men. "Go on then. Take it."

The two men in the back looked confused, certainly not expecting someone to surrender his pokémon this willingly, but the one in the center merely snickered. "How brave... Too bad, though... We'll take both your pokémon, or someone's going to get hurt." At that, the two henchmen in the back snickered again, which was answered with a frown from Deron's side. "Okay. If you say so." He'd then just let the pokéball drop on the ground as he lept back, as it opened up in a large flash, once more recreating the small, floating pokémon: Magnemite. A mere instant after he called forth his pokémon, Deron called out. "Magnemite! Harden!" His magnemite would immediatly obey as he would glow dimly, his metallic layer growing stronger.

The middle thug simply laugh as he rose his gun at the Magnemite. "A little magnet is supposed to stop us?! Hah!" He'd then pull the trigger twice, as two loud bangs echoe through the air surrounding them, yet the bullets fired merely hit the ground near them, as they deflected off of Magnemite's reinforced metal layer. The thugs immediatly backed away as the Magnemite remained afloat without even a dent. Deron would follow up with a new command. "Alright... Now let's lift the weight of those weapons from those folks. Pull them in." Magnemite gave another humming sound resembling his name as the two magnets on either side would create a magnetic field, pulling in the gun and the knives, which stuck to magnemite's magnet ends.

Deron then turned to Dusky, smiling over to her. "Why not let Growlithe heat things up for our guests before they leave?" He smirked at her, hoping she realises what he is referring to as Magnemite flew back to them, the weapons still clinging to him. The sadness was again persistent in Deron's eyes, but it was more hidden now, which was obviously because his mind was dwelling on more important things now.

03-05-2012, 01:15 AM
Route 7

Meg was about ready to bring out Persian when she heard a roar she stiffened was she going to be set in the middle of a fight? she needed to get away... to late she could hear the fight take place right on the other side of the tree. She leaned back huddling against the and hopping it would not come her way hugging the sick pokemon in her arms tightly so tight in fact it squeaked weakly at her. "I'm sorry I'm sorry" she said quietly trying to keep it quite. Ev stood at her side stiff and fluffed up looking ready to jump out there any moment.

Ev needn't worry and neither should have Meg she heard a mans voice telling her to come out... and then the threat for what ever reason. This made her move not wanting to put herself in anymore danger then was needed. Ev Leaped out before she could move and stood facing who ever it was while Meg stumbled out from behind the tree. "goodness no need for that kinda threat" she mumbled eyeing the man wryly and his companions. Ev was sizing up the Houndoom despite his size She knew Ev would attack if it even looked like Houndoom or the man had any intention of hurting her. "Ev SIT!" she commanded in a low tone Ev gave her some look but reluctantly set down next to her.

The man was by far older then she was some where in his 40's maybe if not older but it was harder to tell now with everything going on. He was quite intimidating even with out his pokemon companions.

The Dratini chose then to start mewling pitifully in her arms begging for some relief from what ever sickness clung to it Meg looked down at it again and shifted it carefully before looking back at the man standing ready to run if she absolutely had to.

03-05-2012, 02:15 AM
Saffron City

Dusky watched, practically in awe, as Deron so calmly handled the situation. How she wished she could be as brave as he presented himself. He boldly offered them his pokemon, but she knew there was no way he would give them up so easily. She saw something flash in his eyes-for a moment, it was as if all the sadness had left them. Granted, what took sorrow's place was anger, and though it wasn't much better, it was a definite change.

Deron let out his Magnemite and he controlled it with such ease that Dusky felt envious of his command over his pokemon. It's not that her pokemon wouldn't listen to her, because they would, but she was stunned as to how brave and strong he responded to the situation. She could only hope she could eventually become that strong.

When he turned to her, suggesting that Growlithe "heat things up", Dusky knew exactly was he meant. So, she gave a strong nod and looked to Growlithe. "You ready, Growlithe?" He barked, showing Dusky he was more than ready. "Alright then, Growlithe! Let 'em have it! Flamethrower, let's go!"

Growlithe jumped forward, seeming happy that he was finally able to do something. He was going to show Dusky he was more than capable of protecting her (though she was well aware of that fact). Growlithe opened his mouth and let out a powerful flamethrower on the three men. The red, orange, and yellow flames engulfed the men and they let out terrible, horrific cries. This continued for mere seconds before Dusky shouted over the roar of Growlithe's flames, "Stop!" The puppy pokemon responded immediately by ceasing his attack.

Laying on the ground were the three men, burnt beyond recognition. Dusky wasn't quite sure whether they were alive or not, and if they weren't, that would make four dead people she's seen today.

The smell of burnt flesh reached her nostrils and she pulled her jacket over her nose, cringing at the terrible scent. "Come on, Deron," she said, walking around them, "I can't breath."

Growlithe stood there, watching Dusky step carefully around the three men laying on the ground before turning to Deron. Though he couldn't admit it to anyone (even if he wanted to), he appreciated the way Deron had stepped in front of Dusky. Growlithe was very protective of her, and she was pretty much his entire world. If anything ever happened to her . . . well, Growlithe couldn't even imagine what he would do.

03-05-2012, 01:10 PM
"You think you're up for another fight?" Haru asked Meganium.

Meganium responded with a confident nod.

With that, the two headed towards the door of the Pokemon Center, only to be blocked by the side of Alex’s rifle a moment later. There was a small, wan, smile on the man’s face as he looked down towards the pair, Mina standing at his back. “Much better to travel in a group, don’t you think? Besides, we’ve got a pretty good lead on where the pokemon that might have done this went.” Why he decided to stop the younger man, Alex wasn’t sure. Perhaps it was that letting him wander on his own without any clues felt rather needless cruel. Perhaps it was just that more firepower was never a bad thing. Perhaps it was that having a group bigger than just two meant that they could technically be a posse, and despite the presence of the pokemon, a posse going out to track down the wild beast appealed to Alex on a very primitive level. So much so that it was, in fact, hard to not let the flashbacks to the western shows of his childhood take over as he walked out of the centre, kneeling for just a moment, pointing to the tracks.

It didn’t occur to him until far later in the day that he had never even bothered to make sure that Haru had said yes…

From there, the walk out of town was fairly simple, even with the debris that covered the roads. Tyranitar tracks, once you knew what they were and what direction they indicated, were so obvious that it could be done with a minimal amount of effort. Before long, the trio was standing near the Indigo Plateau, the camp of the person they were looking for being all too obvious. “Well… That looks like as good a place to start as any.

Unslinging the rifle from over his shoulder, Alex gestured to a copse of trees off to the side. “As nice as it is to not have to work with… Pokemon, I’m not the type to do well in close quarters combat. I’ll get myself a perch over there and give you cover.” Reaching into his pocket, he pressed a clean handkerchief into Mina’s hand. “If you want me to shoot, drop it. If you want me to come down, wave it.”

He took a few steps towards his hiding place before turning back around and looking to the pair. “Of course, we could always just kill it now and worry about guilt after the fact, eh?” The expected reaction came a few seconds later, and Alex disappeared into the undergrowth.

03-05-2012, 04:03 PM
Saffron City

Deron smirked as he saw the girl's Growlithe rush into action, just looking over at the three getting roasted, before he'd nod at Dusky as she walked around the three. Once they were out of range from the burn smell, he planted his hand on her shoulder, as he'd speak up to her again in his kind tone. "Good job back there." He'd then look over to his Magnemite, who still had the weapons attached to him. "Hold on..." He'd let his Magnemite float over to him, pulling the knives and the gun off of him, stuffing them in the worn out backpack that hung over his shoulder, before pulling it back up, taking out Magnemite's pokéball again. "Spare your energy, Magnemite. Go rest." He'd then let the metallic pokémon enter his ball once more, latching the ball back onto his belt, nodding at Dusky to signal her he was ready to move on. "Let's get to the pokémon center fast. My pokémon are desperate for some medical attention." He'd then just continue onwards next to Dusky, keeping his gaze set on the road ahead of him.

The jump he made back when he released Magnemite has caused his jacket to once again hang open, revealing the dogtag and the shell-bit. His hands slid into the pockets of his jackets as his breaths were long and deep, obviously trying to find something to break the silence with.
When he came to Saffron City, he wasn't expecting to run into a girl like Dusky, even less than he was expecting to get mugged. Occasionally, he would throw a glance down at her, obviously taking in her features a bit further to get a more general idea of what kind of person she is.
Eventually, he cleared his throat as he would speak up, keeping his eyes locked onto the road ahead again. "So Dusky. You have a Pichu and a Growlithe? The Growlithe really seems like the bold type, while the Pichy seems more like the usual playful type. Any other pokémon you have...?" He was actually pretty interested to know what kind of pokémon she had, as the pokémon could tell a lot about the trainer.

Marc Raehh
03-05-2012, 06:50 PM
Chris shambled back to Viridian City, his armor was tattered and his skin was burnt, a sense of anger at himself for being unprepared pulsed through his body and he clenched his fist with disgust. But other than his fist opening and closing he looked relatively calm, but deep down he was worried. Worried for all the citizens of the town of Viridian, he knew that the hunters would suspect Romanov went wild, but in reality he was just protecting his trainer.

He could see people in the distance, and he could feel his Tyranitar tense up, it too knew that he was in danger, and it was worried that Chris would also be killed for what it has done. Chris sensed his friend's fear and retrieved his Pokéball, something he hasn't used in weeks.

He then continued down the route towards Viridian, trying to get there quickly but his legs didn't want to cooperate with him.

03-05-2012, 10:17 PM
After the conscription of Haru and his Meganium, Mina couldn't help but think they seemed like a proper gang now. She was unaccustomed to travelling with others, and while this had been a comparatively short journey, she concluded that it wasn't really that bad. Neither of her current companions had been particularly talkative, but that was fine by her. And now, a handkerchief? How old-fashioned. His last comment caught her off guard, but before she could reply he had already disappeared among the trees, so she just sighed loudly instead.

It seemed like the guy with the Tyranitar was actually walking towards them - simply due to its size, the Rock pokemon was difficult to miss. She wanted to avoid conflict, especially considering her Espeon had made it seem like this was nothing to be concerned about, but her paranoia won over, so she withdrew Espeon and released her Charizard. Tyranitars were very strong Pokemon - and part Dark, too. Espeon wouldn't really stand a chance. Charizard stretched out its wings, glanced at the Meganium, and turned to look at the two figures approaching them.

"Come on," she said to Haru, "let's just get this done." They walked over to the pair who was slowly making their way down the path -apparently back to Viridian. Mina kept her distance though, in case the Tyranitar was indeed hostile... Although if it were hostile, it would be unusual for its trainer to still be standing, let alone walking beside it.

"Hey!" she shouted, to get their attention. "I remember you - from Viridian. Did you, uh," how to phrase this delicately? "you were the ones to cause that right? The earthquake, I mean. Mind explaining yourselves?" As soon as she finished, she noticed that the man actually seemed to be in pretty bad shape, even sporting a few burn marks, and his clothes were quite ripped. The Tyranitar just looked extremely wary. Her first instinct was to offer help, but she disregarded that, as it would be best to make sure there was no imminent danger from either of them first.

03-06-2012, 02:21 AM
Saffron City

Dusky had her hands in her pockets, watching the street ahead of her. She was hoping (almost praying, if she had a religion) that they wouldn't run into anyone else. The Pokemon Center wasn't too far, but Dusky guessed a lot could happen in the short distance they had left to walk. When Deron asked her what other pokemon she had, she reached to her belt and pulled off the two other pokeballs that contained pokemon.

"Well, I have an Eevee and a Vulpix," she said, tossing the pokeballs into the air. With a flash, Eevee and Vulpix appeared from their pokeballs, looking happy to be free of the capsules.

Vulpix was a very happy (and somewhat ditzy) pokemon. When she saw Deron, she happily ran over to him, stumbling along the way, and began to cheer happily. "Vul! Vul! Pix!"

Eevee, however, was a very shy pokemon. Upon seeing Deron, she leapt up at Dusky, who was ready to catch the skiddish pokemon. Eevee took cover on Dusky's free shoulder, hiding herself underneath her trainer's long orange hair. Pichu watched Eevee curiously before turning his attention back to the sky, where he watched the clouds over head.

"Those are my pokemon," Dusky said with a shrug. "Growlithe and Vulpix were both gifts from my brother. He gave me Growlithe as my first pokemon, and then Vulpix as my second. Eevee and Pichu used to belong to him. He and his Arcanine disappeared after the Change. . . . All I found left of him were two pokeballs and his dog tags." As she spoke, Dusky grew more and more solemn. She rarely talked about her brother, as if the mention of him was taboo.

For the first few years after the Change, before Dusky left Eterna City, Dusky cried constantly through out the day, barely leaving her room. If it weren't for the fact that Growlithe went out and hunted down wild pokemon, Dusky probably would've starved to death. Growlithe had kept his trainer and the rest of her pokemon alive for all those years. . . .

Then, Dusky snapped out of her thoughts. She had been starring at Deron the entire time she spoke. Feeling extremely embarrassed for suddenly zoning out, Dusky looked away from Deron and saw the Pokemon Center laid out in front of them. It had a few cracks here and there, and sometimes the automatic doors would need to be pushed open, but this was one of the few buildings in the city that many of the citizens tried hard to keep open. After all, if it weren't for the Pokemon Center, where else would they take their sick and unhealthy pokemon?

She came to a slow stop. "Well, here we are," she smiled. "It's a little run down, but Nurse Joy should be able to take care of all your pokemon."

And with that, she walked into the building, her pokemon following her. She didn't mean to seem rude, but talking about her brother put her in a bit of a funk. Her bright grey eyes had dulled and her usual happy smile had reversed into a frown. Nurse Joy looked up from behind the desk when Dusky walked in.

"Nice to see you, Dusky," Nurse Joy smiled. "Did you come in to check on us?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah," Dusky nodded vaguley. "Well, that, and I met someone who needed to get here, so I showed him the way."

"You're always so helpful," Nurse Joy chimed.

Dusky forced a smile. "Thanks."

03-06-2012, 02:23 AM
Route 7

Shaun smirked and lowered the shotgun. Not a threat... Houndoom immediately ceased growling and moved back towards Shaun, licking its chops lazily. Magmortor busied himself by moving the dead Ursaring off the path, so that ferals wouldn't bother them over the free meal. Watching for a moment, Shaun shuddered at the thought. Better it than him, though...

"There's not much room for leeway in this new world we live in, kid. You best learn that quick before you get hurt by someone with much meaner intentions than me." Shaun peered down at the small brown Pokemon at her side, smirking a little more. "An Eevee, eh? Rare Pokemon, that one." It was about then that he heard the mewling of the Dritini. Concern pasting his face for a mere second, Shuan moved closer to the girl to look closer at the sick monster.

"Sounds painful... You know what's wrong with it? I probably have something in here..." As he spoke, Shaun knelt down and removed his pack from his back, ruffling through for his medicine pouch. Upon finding it, he removed it and opened it as well, waiting for the girl to tell him what she needed for the Pokemon he assumed was hers.

03-06-2012, 06:43 AM
Saffron City

Deron just listened to Dusky, keeping his gaze deadset ahead of him, until she mentioned the disappearance. At that point, his eyes turned to her once more, meeting her line of sight, but she seemed as if she was looking straight through Deron. He decided not to comment about it for the time being, even though that the disappearance of her brother reminded him of his own loss once more.
Luckily for him, his attention was diverted once more as they approached the pokémon center, sighing in relief to see it still functioning, although in lacking condition.

Once inside, he nodded over to Nurse Joy as a greeting when Dusky mentioned him, walking up to the desk and taking out his pokéballs. "We've been travelling from Celadon City to here, but the pokémon center at Celadon lost power while they were treating my pokémon. They're really worn out... Especially Magnemite." He would put the balls onto the desk, smiling over at Nurse Joy a bit awkward, before turning around to have a seat near the desk to wait for his pokémon to be healed up, inviting Dusky over to sit with him.

He'd remain quiet for about a minute or two, before suddenly speaking up. "I know how you feel... About your brother. Losing someone that close to you is a scar that never heals and can always start bleeding again." His eyes dropped towards the dogtag and shellpiece around his neck, before he'd lift them over his head, holding them in his hand. "The dogtag is merely a present an uncle gave to me. He was always fascinated by these things, no idea why." He smiled slightly as he mentioned that, but that smile vanished instantly when his eyes set on the shellpiece. "And this fragment..." He'd hold the fragment out to Dusky. "This is the only thing I have left of my best friend... And my first pokémon: Blastoise." His eyes would seem to become slightly watered, and it wasn't hard to see that he tried his best to hide his sadness.
After taking a moment to collect himself, he'd continue. "I'm from Pewter City, so it's only natural I was bound to be interested in something involving rock and stone. I found myself interested by prehistoric pokémon and wanted to capture one for my own. About twelve years ago, I travelled to Cinnabar Island with my Blastoise, Abra, Magnemite and Nidoran. I halted my journey and my gym battles especially for that. I heard that fossils of Omanytes and Kabutos were found at Cinnabar, and I saw it as my greatest chance to try and get one of them. I was already aware of what kind of pokémon they were, and knowing they were water pokémon, Blastoise and I dived down near the shores, where we found an underwater cave. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a living and breathing Kabuto there... Isolated from the outside world." By now, tears would be rolling down his cheeks, the memories of Blastoise seeming to cut open the scars of the loss once more.

After another minute, he pulled himself together and continued. "Blastoise and I caught that Kabuto and tried to make our way up to the sea surface again, when... it happened. The change, I mean." He'd close his eyes, actually picturing the last moments with his Blastoise before his eyes. "I was blinded, and felt being stung and slashes by all sides... At the time I didn't know what it was, but I believe it were Tentacool and Tentacruel who had gone berserk because of the change... After that... Everything went black for me..." He'd take another pause. "When I woke up... I was lying on the shores of Cinnabar Island... But my Blastoise was gone, safe for that shard, which was lodged into my hand... My abra managed to teleport my and the others to safety, but I've never seen Blastoise ever since..." He closed his eyes again, looking down at the ground. Even though it hurt to talk about it, it somehow felt good to have told someone about the experience.

03-06-2012, 02:38 PM
Meg grimaced at the man "I already know but that doesn't make thing any easier" she retorted back boldly. she watched from the corner of her eye as the larg bear pokemon was moved off the path she to shudderd trying not to think of what would have been the out come if this man had not come at this time. turning back to him then she didn't like the way he was smirking and Ev didn't ether he fluffed up his eyes flashing for a brief second. but then something changed faster then she could say 'I chose you' the man suddenly was less intimidating and more concerned. She took a involuntary step back as he moved closer.

She nodded at his statement that it sounded painful and then shook her head as he asked if she knew what was wrong with it. "I'm afraid not" she said quietly watching him ruffle threw his pack she slid down to a sitting position feeling her Fatigue catching up with her again. "I found it at least a week ago" she shook her head then slightly regretting it as it made her slightly dizzy she took a deep breath. "I've tried everything I can think of but nothing seems to be helping and I'm already out of most everything" Tho she stalked up well before she had left the last town she was already running low "The last center wouldn't take it saying they where to full so I headed to lavender town but I'm afraid that with all the attacks this week is knocked me off the route"

Ev seated himself next to her again after making a quick look around. he was less hostile now to the stranger now that Meg was talking to him but then again meg was almost to tired to care "I'm on the right path right?' she asked then anxiously looking up at the man from the sick Dritini.

03-06-2012, 10:23 PM
Saffron City

Dusky was struck silent. She hadn't expected to hear that from Deron. Granted, she knew people lost many things during the Change - friends, family, pokemon - but she didn't know Deron had. He didn't look as though he had lost someone dear to him. But it did explain why his eyes showed sorrow. He hadn't gotten over the loss of his best friend - Blastoise. Dusky had to pause and think about what she would do if she ever lost Growlithe. After a few moments, she realized she wouldn't be able to do anything. The small puppy pokemon was her best friend, her companion, and first pokemon.

She noticed a few tears rolling down Deron's face and she put her hand on his shoulder, trying her best to comfort him. Then she decided to tell him her story.

"I know that must've been hard for you," she told him. "When I lost my brother, I was only six. I can remember the day like it was yesterday," she said softly. "I was playing in the front yard with Growlithe and Vulpix, completely oblivious to the fact that there was any sign of danger. Then there was a light from Mt. Silver, and it was blinding. My brother and his Arcanine came running out of the house and ordered me to put Growlithe and Vulpix away, so I did. He was rushing me back to the house when he suddenly lifted me up and threw me into the house. It hurt a lot, but I knew he did it for some reason, not to cause me pain."

Dusky was choking a bit on her words as she tried to fight back the tears that threatened to spill. "So, I turned around and saw my brother and Arcanine rushing towards the door and then everything went white. I had to close my eyes. The next time I opened them, the light was gone and - well, you know how I found his things."

A single tear rolled down her cheek, but that's all she allowed to spill as she continued. "It might not have been so bad, losing my brother, if I had had my parents. But two years earlier, my mother and father were killed. . . . My mom's Ninetales went beserk and killed my parents - she burnt them to a crisp. For some reason, Ninetales hadn't bothered me. Either way, Ninetales went missing after that and my brother raised me. Me and him were really close, and he was the only family I had left. Losing him . . . it was sort of like losing a part of myself." She didn't like talking about it, but Deron had shared his story, so it only seemed fair if she shared her own. Besides, she had never told her own story to anyone.

She managed not to cry, and was thankful when Nurse Joy came over. It gave her an excuse to look away from Deron. She hated crying, at least in front of other people. Then the power in the Pokemon Center went out, leaving them in darkness, a little bit of light streaming in through the dirty windows of the Pokemon Center.

"Dusky," Nurse Joy started, "we need Pichu."

"What's going on?" Dusky asked as Nurse Joy turned on a flashlight.

"Well, it seems the generator's on the fritz again, so it looks like we need to borrow Pichu to help keep the equipment going so this man's pokemon can rest," Nurse Joy explained.

"You think you can handle that, Pichu?" Dusky asked the small yellow mouse pokemon.

"Pichu!" exclaimed Pichu, saluting to Dusky, which caused the two girls to laugh.

"Come here, Pichu," said Nurse Joy. Pichu jumped into Nurse Joy's open arms. "We're going to head into the Resting Wing. You two are welcomed to come," Nurse Joy said to Dusky and Deron.

Dusky followed Nurse Joy into the Resting Wing and watched as she put two little suction cup like things on Pichu's pinkish cheeks. Connected to the suction cups were wires that hooked up to a large generator.

"Now, all you have to do is use your electricity to power that generator, Pichu," said Nurse Joy.

"Er - Nurse Joy, Pichu isn't very good at controlling his electricity. He could hurt everyone, or worse - himself," Dusky said warily. Nurse Joy shook her head.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine," she assured Dusky. "Now, Pichu, let's get this fired up!"

Pichu nodded and squinted as he used Thunderbolt. It got the machine started, and the lights turned back on. Then the electricity coming from Pichu suddenly flew off him and hit Dusky's arm.

"Son of a -" she stopped herself from finishing the sentence and grasped her arm. The spark had ripped a hole in her jacket and shirt. Dusky had fallen to the ground when she was hit by the eletricty, due to the fact that she hadn't been expecting it. Pichu looked terrified that he hurt Dusky, but she shook her head. "I'm fine," she told him. "Just take it down a notch."

Pichu nodded and continued to power the generator, but with less juice. Dusky looked to Nurse Joy, obviously irritated.

"Told you someone could get hurt," she muttered. Growlithe nudged her and Dusky patted his head before looking to Deron. "Well, you're pokemon will be perfectly fine now," she smiled.

03-07-2012, 05:25 AM
Somewhere between Viridian City and Route 22

Haru wasn't sure what exactly made him agree to join the other two. In fact, he was sure that he actually hadn't agreed to anything. It was more like they sort of walked out of the Pokemon Center and he started walking in the same direction as them. It also occurred to him that he didn't even know their names yet.

It was odd, traveling with other people- people who were willing to travel with others for reasons other than money were rare these days. But upon further reflection, Haru was glad to have the help- sure, Meganium had a type advantage, but the truth was that Meganium wasn't as strong as he once was. Tyranitars were a force to be reckoned with, and even if by some miracle Meganium managed to down it, it was likely that Meganium would go with it without any help.

That was, of course, assuming it was hostile in the first place.

Haru gave the man a grave look at his suggestion. A long time ago, he would have openly admonished him for suggesting such a thing- taking a life was not something one toyed around with. Now, Haru knew that if one were to survive in this new world, one had to be willing to take a life. He and Meganium had had to do it several times before, though they took great pains to avoid doing so- great pains that, often, caused them literal pains.

"Come on, let's get this over with," the woman said as the man walked away. Haru nodded and followed her, Meganium tensing in case a fight broke out.

Haru decided to let her do the talking- what more was there to be said? After looking the Tyranitar and its Trainer over, he noticed that they appeared to be wounded, and didn't appear openly hostile. A quick glance at Meganium told him that he thought the same- Meganium was still braced for combat, but its' expression was more at ease, almost perplexed. However, the two of them had learned several times that things were not always as they seemed.

That thought made Haru turn his gaze towards Mount Silver, off in the distance. They had indeed learned that the hard way...

Haru shook his head. Now wasn't the time for those thoughts. He had to focus.


The blonde man had followed the group from Viridian- he had just managed to catch them as they had left the Pokemon Center. He stayed back far enough so as to not be noticed, then he followed them from a safe distance. They didn't go far-no, they had stopped on the road, the one with a gun taking cover. Soon after, a man with a Tyranitar- the blonde man found himself impressed, as keeping one of those beasts tame in this age was no small feat- appeared on the road with the other two.

It was at this time the man turned his attention to his true target- the young man with the Meganium. He wondered how they would manage if it came to a fight...

A small smirk grew across the man's face. Perhaps he would simply hang back and watch for a moment...


The smell of blood drew the two Houndoom closer to the road. They slowly stalked closer towards the smell, eyes focused dead ahead.

The lead Houndoom's head suddenly snapped up, it's body remaining still. It then continued to move closer to the smell, but with more speed and purpose in its movements.

Eventually it reached its goal- a dead Houndoom lay on the edge of the road. The Houndoom sniffed the fallen form, sorrow in its eyes. It then nudged the fallen Pokemon several times, a vain attempt at reviving its fallen mate.

The female Houndoom slowly rose its head into the air, rage growing in its eyes. Surely her mate's killer was still nearby- she would find the killer and make them pay dearly for what they had done.

The Houndoom released a loud, piercing howl into the air, an eerie sound that would send any smaller Pokemon and would cause any smart human who wasn't too close to go the other way. Slowly but surely, one, two, three, four, the number kept rising until a total of ten Houndoom stood by the edge of the road, awaiting their new pack leader's command. The female sniffed the dead Houndoom once more- she smelled faint traces of human and some sort of grass Pokemon on her mate, but she couldn't be sure- a strong smell of gunpowder had nearly eliminated any other scent. The female raised her head into the air once more, and found what she was looking for- two similar scents were nearby. With a bark, she took off running further down the road in the direction of the scent, the rest of the pack following her.

03-07-2012, 12:49 PM
Saffron City

Deron was just about to say something about Dusky's story, were it not for the sudden power outage. His eyes diverted over to Nurse Joy, blinking as he'd listen to the problem, before snickering as the little Pichu presented itself ready for duty.

Following right behind Dusky, he looked around. The pokémon center had a dark and gloomy look without power. It actually managed to send some shivers running down Deron's spine.
When they arrived in the room with the generator, he merely watched as Pichu was wired up and started powering the center's facilities.
When the sudden spark of lightning flashed out and struck Dusky, he rushed forward instinctively, leaning over to Dusky. "You okay...?" He then looked up at the Pichu again as it continued powering the center, pondering wether its control would be better were it to evolve into a Pikachu.
Shaking his head out of his own thoughts, he turned his attention to Dusky, smiling at what she said. "Yeah, I guess they-... Hang on!" He'd then look at Nurse Joy. "Nurse! If you would be able to revitalise my Magnemite first, he could help out Pichu. Perhaps even work as a lightning rod to keep Pichu's thunder from hurting anyone else." He smirked at his own idea, before looking down at Dusky, speaking up to her. "Magnemite is purely metallic pokémon, and can be back at full strength after just being powered up for a bit. The magnetic field around him can also make sure that none of Pichu's zaps hit us." He spoke as if he knew everything about pokémon, but then again, he knew his pokémon inside out.

He'd then look over to Nurse Joy again. "Once Magnemite is powered up, hook him up with Pichu aswell. The center will be running smoothly again in no time. I'll help Dusky tend to the wound in the meantime." He'd not even wait for a response from Joy as he'd try to take Dusky along to the main hall of the pokémon center, reaching below the counter to grab a first aid kit, taking out a bandage, together with some moist gel, which was used on both humans and pokémon to deal with burns. "This may sting a little..." He'd then rub some of the gel over the burn wound, before grabbing the bandage, wrapping the wound up carefully but tight.
Once that was done, he'd smile at Dusky. There was something about the girl he liked. Perhaps it was just the fact that she knew a loss similar to his.

03-07-2012, 01:55 PM
for you almost_blue!

~ Route 38

Cathy made her way quietly down the rode with Bolt close behind. every time she would stop to peer around he would paw the ground aggressively while eying every shadow and every tree. He was wry but also aggressive seemingly ready for a fight at any time. Again she moved off silently hand almost always poised at her back ready to grab her knife.

Cathy had a cold look of those who where trying not to show how much pain they where in while they where in a desperate situations. Cathy could not help it she simply could not cry if she wanted to not now and not here. Have to be strong she thought one hand brushing by T.Y's ball... her brothers first Pokemon loyal to her and him... now just to her. I miss you she thought stopping to look up at the sky Bolt snorted as at her impatiently as she stopped yet again.. She waved her hand slightly at him to tell him to calm down even knowing he probably would not.

With a sigh Cathy turned back to the rode before her and started down it again. luckily She had been lucky of late having not been stopped by a fight yet. After a while Cathy began to notice singes that some one or something had passed threw here as well. she stopped to study her surroundings again taking a moment to look around. crouching she looked at the ground for any tracks but didn't really see much other then the tracks a very large snake would leave... "Onix?" she murmured then shook her head as she got up again "Keep your eyes open bolt" she said quietly not that she needed to tell him that. She pulled out T.Y's ball and tossed it as it grew he appeared and looked Immediately alert for any singes of danger.

~ Ekruteak City

With this done she started walking again seeming relaxed but quite ready to spring into action if need be. it was not to long till she finely saw the city Ekruteak City and what she could only guess had forged its path to here... a steelix. "Interesting" she said quietly T.Y gave a small snort while Bolt continued to paw the ground eying the steelix. She turned and gave Bolt a almost withering look "WE are not here to start a fight calm down" with out waiting to see what the Pokemon thought of this she started down keeping an eye on the large Pokemon before her. Also noting there was a boy with it and he seemed to be holding another Pokemon. Cathy was to far to make it for now so she simply walked with Bolt just behind and T.Y beside her.

Marc Raehh
03-07-2012, 08:12 PM
Almost back at Viridian

Chris inched his way forward, he was cautious of his possible foes ahead of him. Did they think that he was hostile? Chris moved his hand to his hip, right over his katana, he wasn't threatening, but he wanted to be ready for an unexpected attack from fellow mercenaries. He noted several different ways around the curious people, but chose to push through, if there would be confrontation he could handle it, he was known as one of the most impressive of the mercenaries in eastern Kanto for a good reason, and it wasn't just his Tyranitar.

He walked up to the man and his Meganium, he greeted them with a nod, then went into his pack and retrieved a small canteen of water, drank from it to show it's not poisoned, then offered it to the grass Pokémon. It seemed tired from the heat, and he was almost completely sure it needed a drink. He then looked at the mercenaries, his eyes cold and narrow. "We were ambushed by a pack of Growlithe led by an Arcanine, if you wish to see the beast I left it's corpse just over by the Indigo Plateau's entrance. The earthquake was caused by Romanov, my Tyranitar as a tactic to eliminate several of the beasts, it worked to say the least, I apologize for the town. Were there any seriously injured?"

He waited for an answer, but he never let his guard down, while one hand was offering the drink, his other was still hovering above the sheath of his blade, a finger twitching every few moments in anticipation.

03-07-2012, 08:55 PM
Saffron City

Dusky flinched slightly as Deron dressed her wound. It hurt quite a bit, but it hadn't been the first time Pichu shocked her. She suddenly said, "'Pichu would be able to control his power a lot easier if he was a Pikachu. . . .' I know that's what Nurse Joy will say when she comes back out here." She sounded a bit bitter as she spoke. But then her voice softened. "I probably would've evolved Pichu by now, but something's keeping me from doing it. Sometimes he'll start to glow, and he's about to evolve, but then I just give him this everstone," she said, pulling the grey stone out of her pocket. "He holds it and doesn't evolve. The same with Eevee. I don't know what stops me from doing it - probably the fact that they belonged to my brother. I guess the thought of changing the pokemon he raised scared me. I don't know why, but I guess they're just some of the few ties I have left with him, and I don't want to sever those ties. . . . That sounds crazy, doesn't it?" she said with a bitter laugh.

Growlithe came trotting over to Dusky. Though he knew Deron wasn't going to harm her, Growlithe still didn't fully trust him. Then the doors to the Pokemon Center opened and Dusky looked up and saw Tommy and his mother walking in. When Tommy saw her, he released his mother's hand and came barreling over towards Dusky and Deron.

"Dusky! Dusky! Dusky!" the blonde cheered while hugging her. Dusky hugged him back with one arm.

"Tommy! Tommy! Tommy!" she mocked him playfully.

"Guess what!"


"My daddy is coming home today!" Tommy smiled happily. That's when the young boy noticed Deron next to Dusky. He looked at him, obviously confused. "Who are you?" Without waiting for a response he yelled, "YOU'RE DUSKY'S FRIEND, AREN'T YOU?"

Dusky flinched as Tommy yelled but laughed. "Yeah, he's my friend."

"Are you a pokemon trainer, too?" Tommy asked Deron anxiously. "Can I see your pokemon? How old are you? Where are you from? Do you have a Pidgeot?" The questions flowed from Tommy like a river until Dusky interupted.

"Tommy, why don't you go see if Nurse Joy needs any help?" she suggested. Tommy stopped asking Deron questions.

"You got it!"

And he was off.

Tommy's mother, who worked at the Pokemon Center, looked at Dusky. "Why are you here?" Dusky explained that Deron needed to rest his pokemon and that Nurse Joy was using Pichu to keep the lights on. Tommy's mother nodded and said, "Well, it shouldn't be too much longer before we get another generator, and hopefully that one won't die all the time."

Dusky laughed half-heartedly, her mind wandering elsewhere. "Hopefully."

03-08-2012, 05:03 AM
Route 7
"So you've already been to Saffron?" he asked quickly. He managed to dig up a Full Heal, one of the few he had left. He offered it to the girl. "If you've already tried it, don't bother wasting this, but just in case..." He waited for her to accept or decline, then withdrew his hand. Hopefully it would help the poor Pokemon, but without knowledge of what was affecting it, he had no way of helping it. The least he could do was offer the Potion he now held out to her, which would help no matter what condition it was in.

At her mention of Lavender Town's Center, he shook his head slightly. "Lavender's Pokemon Center has been down for a while, girl. All the feral Ghosts around the Tower drove most of the people away, and eventually even Nurse Joy had had enough. If Saffron didn't have anything, your best bet is either Viridian or Pewter. Fuschia's a lost cause what with the Safari Zone overruning the place, Cerulean is too isolated... Vermillion is a gamble, as it does get water traffic, so it could be out of stock as well. Celadon is also a gamble, as it IS a big city, but it's also home to some rough types..." He paused for a moment, thinking. "Then there's Johto, but that's a long ways off, through some rough patches. In any case, I am heading out west, towards Viridian... I plan on going the Tunnels, so if you want to come with me..."

Magmortor looked at him for a moment. He knew that this was odd, just as Shaun did. He rarely offered to form a group, even if it was just one person for now. Houndoom didn't comment, simply watched the surroundings. Shaun had weighed his options and, honestly, he was probably more concerned for the Dratini than for the girl. The rare Dragon types were priceless in this age, and with some effort, it could become a powerful ally... Dragonites weren't as prone to going feral like the other big powerhouse Pokemon, which made them invaluable to any Trainer.

Hopefully, though, he could also manage to keep this girl safe as well. While his brain knew that the Dratini was more important, he couldn't in his right mind just leave this girl to the will of the ferals. She was too young for that. "If not though, you can always keep heading your way," he said quietly. He pointed back towards the way he had come from. "Lavender's that way. Keep following the path with Magmortor prints. They're pretty distinguishable for about a mile." He stood slowly and waited on her answer.

03-08-2012, 01:59 PM
Meg nodded when he asked if she had been to Saffron tho when she had been there the Pokemon center had been full not to mention they where have a bit of trouble with power. She looked at the full heal she they hadn't had any when she was stalking up maybe it would do something for the poor thing. She took it and then gave it to the whimpering Pokemon it instantly stopped its mewling and relaxed seeming in less pain. Meg couldn't help a weak sigh of relief "I think that helped more then anything else I Tried but I don't think she's out of the boat yet" that what her father would always say when something got better but not 100%.

She listened as he told her that Lavender Town's Center had been down for a while. She gave a shake of her head and was silent as he named of the places she might have luck getting to not that she would last much longer in her state not to mention her companions. he then went and explained where he was going with a pause he then stated that if she wanted to come... Meg looked up at him and studied him for a moment not sure weather to believe what she heard or merely just brush it off as hope of her tired imagination but he looked serious. "That might be best" she coughed quietly staggering up "any longer and I know I can't last" she said she was not about to mention the condition of her Pokemon right now not yet she didn't fully trust him. After all that had been happening it was hard enough just excepting aid not knowing if there would be a Price for it later.

Still she could not refuse at the moment If Lavender town could not help her then she best move on to some where that can and the best way to do that was in a large and stronger group then what she had. so joining up with this man for the time being would not be a bad idea at least till her group could get its strength back. "Thank you..." she said finely Meg was exhausted but she knew she had to keep moving for now till they got some where safer till then she would push on she would survive this.

Ev perked up at her side and eyed the mans Pokemon not hostile this time just seeing who he had to work with now. Meg thought about taking Silky out for now but decided against it instantly. She was ready to follow and as soon as the man moved off she would to. Blinking some of her tiredness away she figured she might as well introduce herself "Um I'm meg..." she said a tad bit uncertain of what else to say "And this is Ev" she said glancing down at the Eevee.

03-09-2012, 12:15 AM
The female Houndoom let out a low, quick bark, and the entire pack stopped.

There were three humans ahead, as well as three Pokemon. One appeared to be a Tyranitar- Houndoom knew it could potentially be a problem. Another, a Charizard- Houndoom had seen it flying in the skies in this area a few times. The other was one that Houndoom didn't recognize by sight, but judging by the smell, it had to be the Grass Pokemon.

There was a small bark off to the side of the pack, and a small Houndour pup bounded towards one of the other Houndoom. The Houndoom growled, stopping the Houndour in its tracks. The Houndoom simply shook its head, then turned its focus back to the target. The Houndour whimpered, but it turned around and made its way over to the remains of a tree.

The female Houndoom growled, but it didn't take it's eyes off its prey for a moment- until one of the other members of the pack suddenly launched itself forward. A male, it had no intention of being led by a female, temporary or not. It would kill these humans and their Pokemon, then the female Houndoom, and secure its place as pack leader. Its glinting eyes slowly began to turn red as it charged forward, the female barking in its wake.

Now they had no choice- they had to charge, or else they would lose the element of surprise.

With a howl, the female Houndoom led its pack forward, towards their prey.


Haru hesitated when the mercenary offered Meganium water, but another glance at Meganium convinced Haru to trust the man. Meganium seemed to trust him, and Meganium hadn't really had a chance to recuperate before they set out again.

"We were ambushed by a pack of Growlithe led by an Arcanine," the mercenary explained as Haru took the canteen and poured water into Meganium's mouth, which Meganium seemed to appreciate. "If you wish to see the beast I left it's corpse just over by the Indigo Plateau's entrance. The earthquake was caused by Romanov, my Tyranitar as a tactic to eliminate several of the beasts, it worked to say the least, I apologize for the town. Were there any seriously injured?"

Haru's head throbbed at the word 'injured'.

"Not seriously, no," Haru said, handing the canteen back to the mercenary with a nod of thanks. As far as Haru knew, no one had been injured at all, save for him, and it wasn't serious. But then again, he didn't really get a chance to check out the city before leaving.

He started to say something else when a sound caught his ear, one that sounded faintly like howling- and then he saw it. A pack of Houndoom, at least nine, was heading straight at the group.

And he just managed to see the lone Houndoom as it got behind Chris, preparing to launch itself onto him..

"Meganium!" Haru said, his eyes widening.

Haru didn't have to say anything- Meganium was already moving. Meganium launched itself forward, catching the Houndoom mid-leap with a Body Slam.

The Houndoom was thrown backwards, yelping as it hit the ground. It attempted to get up, but found that it couldn't- it had been paralyzed.

"We've got company, guys!" Haru said. Haru found himself feeling confident about the encounter- ordinarily, he and Meganium probably would have ran.

But ordinarily, they were alone.

03-09-2012, 07:25 AM
Not guilty. Just as she had thought, just as Espeon had predicted. And attacked by fire types - that would explain the poor state of his clothes. Now she just had to let Alex know. Was it wave or drop for 'don't shoot'? Wave, definitely wave. As the man whose name she realized she didn't actually know answered, she unclenched her fist and waved the handkerchief Alex had given her, signaling that all was clear.

"Not seriously, no," he said, replying to the man's question about whether people had been injured.

Mina prepared to speak, to say that they were just out here to make sure nothing was really wrong, but before she could get any words out a bloodcurdling howl erupted around them, Charizard roared, and a medium-sized pack of Houndooms burst from the shrubs, heading straight at them. In the blink of an eye, the Meganium was behind her, slamming into a sneaky Houndoom which had tried to flank them. Nice!

"We've got company, guys!" Damn right they did!

"Alright, let's go!" Fire attacks wouldn't work with Houndooms, they would sometimes even be completely unaffected, and the flames might even spread to Viridian which would just be horrendous - so her typical strategy of razing everything to the ground with flames was out of the picture. Charizard knew this, and had already lunged at the charging Pokemon. It used Iron Tail, and knocked one back and into another, breaking the attacker's formation as the Pokemon dodged out of the dragon's way. Mina promptly released Pupitar, knowing it would at the very least give them a type advantage. Pupitar promptly used Dig, bursting out underneath a Houndoom near the back, knocking it out. "Charizard! Slash!", Mina cried out, and her Pokemon delivered, knocking another Houndoom back into the bushes with a critical hit. So far, so good. Mina then unholstered the pistol at her hip, to ensure that if any of the dogs broke through, she would be prepared.

03-09-2012, 04:37 PM
It always surprised Alex that, despite the shape of the word, people still clung to pokemon in the way that they did. The hunters, the mercenaries, the fighters, the guards… Nearly all of them still used the animals. In fact, Alex had yet to actually meet another person that fought without any, and he had lost count of exactly how many times people had expressed shock at the fact that he didn’t. In truth, it really wasn’t that hard. All that you needed was three very simple things, good aim, boundless patience and the willingness to cheat in every single way that the world presented, the moment that the opportunity became available. The first two could be learned. The last? Well, that was something that you needed to be born with. Alex felt that he had it in spades.

The problem with most was that they looked at things in far too simple a way, pokemon trainers especially. Everything was a battle to them. Pokemon and trainer facing off against an opponent. A contest of strength and speed. The very rare ones would use an underhanded tactic, a trap or a feint, a trick or a low blow, but even then, it was still a fight. It was still a contest. They didn’t seem to realize that the best place to be in a fight was as far away from your enemy as possible. A bullet in the back of the skull won the fight as decisively as any flashy move. If it didn’t, you aimed for the legs, the soft spots, you crippled the beast and took advantage of that fact. You harried it. You blinded it. You made sure that whenever it got to where you were, you were already a hundred yards away with a bead on it and a full magazine. There were no rules, no glory… You took every advantage possible. That was how you survived. That was how you wound up putting down something three times your size with the ability to breathe fire and break mountains.

It was this mentality that would help to explain why Alex did what he did, as the meeting was so abruptly broken up. The fact that the Tyranitar was ‘innocent’ was rather grating… If he had destroyed most of a town, even if in self-defence, he would have been strung up. But that was beside the point, for the moment. In truth, he had barely been watching the exchange… Something had caught his eye. A man. Not one of the impromptu little group that they had made up. Not moving to support the flashy idiot with the katana. Just… Watching. Blonde. Dressed dark. There was nothing good about watching like that. His finger tightened on the trigger. Surely a shot to the shin was justified?

Unfortunately, that was when the houndoom sprinted from its cover and all hell broke loose, the mysterious blond disappearing in the fray. Letting out a particularly colourful epithet under his breath, Alex shifted on the tree-branch that he perched on, bringing his aim back to the fight that now embroiled those that he had brought out here. A pack of any pokemon was not a good thing, houndooms being a particularly nasty variety. Normally, this was not the sort of situation that Alex would get involved in. But he had brought two of those people out here. His sense of morals wouldn’t let him just abandon them to their fates, not when they were brought about by his hand.

So, what was a sniper to do? The dogs were fast and slim, heads bobbing as they ran and lunged erratically. Taking a shot on one of them would have been a difficult thing, even if he didn’t have to worry about friendly fire. Much better to go for the flank, take the easier shot and let the powerhouse pokemon dispatch the wounded. Shots echoed out, a full clip fired in support as the rounds tore through the soft meat of the dog pokemons’ hindquarters. It was only after he had hastily jammed another clip into the rifle that he saw a godsend. A cheat. Three little houndours, staying back, away from the fight, well covered from the combat in front of them, but not from the unexpected sniper. They were still, it was an easy shot, and two of the trio fell as the percussive ‘crack’ of a rifle echoed across the plateau once again. The third, he left alive. If all of them were dead, there would be nothing left to lose. One child left meant that there was something that needed protection. Something to drag their attention away from the fight, to make them want to run, to distract them… Settling his sights back onto the main brawl, Alex could only hope that it worked.

Marc Raehh
03-09-2012, 06:31 PM
Chris took a step back and drew his katana, the air was hot and he was thankful that the Meganium worked fast and saved him but there was no time for thanking his knight in shining armor, not now. The entire area was a war zone within seconds, he couldn't count the amount of beasts there were, but there were many, the loud crack of sniper fire was in the distance but even then it hurt his sensitive ears. He chose not to let Romanov enter this fight, he was worried he would do more damage to the area then good.

The best way to fight these beasts was probably hand to hand, the village is already falling apart. Chris quickly sidestepped a lunging Houndoom, and with one quick elegant slash of his sword the beast was split in two. Following up after his first attack he spun, cutting a near bye Houndoom's snapping jaw clean off. The beast wailed in pain but didn't stop, fire erupted from it's permanently gaping mouth, an attempt to burn his enemy away. But Chris saw what was happening and rolled away, but when he did so he was hit by another one of the beasts will-o-wisp attack, burning his exposed left arm. Chris cried out in pain, but the burn didn't stop him from retaliating. He sliced the air under the Houndoom which made the fire Pokémon jump to avoid the attack, sadly, that put him in Chris's trap. He then had his blade follow the dog and with deadly precision pushed it through the animal's chest.

He panted with exertion, and pushed the dog off his blade. He scanned the area, his allies are at the moment doing a lot better than he was, none of them were injured and for the most part they were doing the greater part of the damage. He considered himself lucky that he wasn't alone when these animals ambushed, because if they did he knew he wouldn't be able to survive the encounter.

As he was looking at the battle unfolding before him he saw in the distance the spark of a rifle firing, Chris noted where the sniper was, but to his shock he also saw another figure, unable to discern what it was he shrugged it off, but it bothered him that somebody would witness this unfolding yet do nothing to help.

But his thoughts were cut off quickly as another Houndoom came from nowhere and tackled him, they rolled across the field, each exchanging hectic attacks, the dog snapping at Chris's throat and Chris trying to push the beast off. His katana was dropped when he was struck and had no way to draw his pistol.

Chris fought the beast with all that he had, but to his noted dismay he was losing, if he didn't do anything within a few moments he would be beaten down and killed, memories flowed into Chris's mind as he stared into the hungry eyes of the beast. But suddenly strength flowed into him, the thoughts of death evaporated into nothing and he bit the dog. Confusion, surprise and fear appeared in the dog's red eyes, so much so that it was almost comical to Chris, but he had no time to spare, within the confusion Chris moved his hand to his gun and quickly brought it to the left of of the Houndoom. Chris smiled a sadistic smile and pulled the trigger, the gun didn't make much noise, but the anguished yelp of the Houndoom did, which was followed by the soft noise of the dog going limp.

Chris pushed the beast off and sprinted towards the Katana, shouting a warning to the trainer with a Meganium "Watch out!" he then slid in front of the grass Pokémonm and attacked a Houndoom that was was about to release a powerful fire attack from a blind spot to the duo's focus. With a "FWIP!" noise the beast was dead, and Chris had sheathed his blade. He was tired, almost unable to fight anymore. Almost.

03-09-2012, 08:11 PM
Saffron City

Deron sighed as he listened to Dusky, and after patching up the wound, he'd place a hand on her shoulder. "Listen up, Dusky... I can understand fairly well you don't want to change the memories you have from your brother. But clinging to the past isn't going to help. The main thing is: Your brother won't be gone when Pichu evolves. He's still in your heart, and that's more important than any token you have left from him."

His attention was eventually diverted to the young boy that came in, smiling to himself as he just looked onto the kid growing evermore interested about Deron's pokémon. Once he ran off, he just silently listened to the two talk, smiling slightly, before he'd reach in his pocket, taking out a little device, which seemed like some sort of pocket computer. The little gadget was worn out, though, and seemed to be held together by almost nothing else but ducktape.

His attention completely sliding away from the conversation between the two women, he dialed in something, as an image of Mt. Moon before the change appeared, along with text about it. Deron narrowed his eyes as he scrolled down to read the text, seeming to be looking for something specific.

03-09-2012, 10:48 PM
Ekruteak City

Xatu squawked as it sat perched atop the roof of the Kimono Girl's dance hall. The building was slightly damaged, as any other building was, but seeing as the Kimono Girls were protecting it, no one dared steal from it. Garrett's sat, slumped against the wall of the building, but looked up at the noise to see his bird Pokemon intently staring in the direction of the Eastern gate. Garrett groaned, and hauled himself up and away from the wall, brushing off dust from the back of his jeans. He knew that Xatu had seen something.

Mismagius, who had been happily resting in the shadows cast by the eaves of the building, giggled and floated down next to him. Garrett smiled at his companion - today had been a long day. A team of Raticates had attacked from the South - by the end, the body count had been around 16. Unusual, seeing as Raticates preferred to attack in the middle of the night, or, if anything, alone, but it was likely they were desperate for food. Over the past two days, they had killed not one, but two, Tauroses, so the smell of cooking meat must have attracted them. The dead rats had then been taken into the town to be prepared for cooking... No one could afford to throw away perfectly edible food. The meat was tough and sinewy, but it was meat, after all, and it wasn't too bad once it had been made into jerky.

He walked over to the gate, Mismagius beside him. Seeing as he always tried to be helpful, Garrett knew it would be best to check what was going on. The gatekeepers were watching the road closely. As Garrett approached, he was nearly blinded by a flash of sunlight reflected off of something shiny. What the hell? He walked slightly past the gate, and noticed a girl approaching... With a Typhlosion?! And a... What even was that? Zebstrika?!? They weren't even native to Johto! This could be bad... But the girl seemed in control of them. Just as well. He pulled the rifle off his back and nodded gruffly at her - it was times like these that he was thankful for his height, which made him seem more intimidating. Further down the road he saw what had caused the reflection - a full-grown Steelix. Why were there so many strong Pokemon coming through here today? Well, it shouldn't be anything the Girls couldn't handle, if it came to it. He noticed the Steelix's trainer, and recognized him. That man often came by Ekruteak, and it was difficult not to notice someone with such a flamboyant dress style, but they had never properly exchanged words, let alone been introduced. He had never caused trouble, though, and had generally been respectful, so there wasn't any need to be alarmed. Garret nodded at him too, not really knowing if he saw -and not really caring, the man could sit out there for as long as he liked-, before turning to consider what he should do next. He would enjoy some more time to himself, without having to do anything.

03-10-2012, 05:09 PM
Saffron City

"I should probably go get to work," said Tommy's mother, walking into the back room. Dusky watched her leave and was about to say something to Deron when she noticed he was busy looking at something. So instead, she stood up and walked over to a chair, her three pokemon following her.

What a day..., Dusky thought, letting out a sigh. She hadn't plan on meeting anyone today, especially Deron, nor had she planned on being held at gun point three times. Eevee hopped on to Dusky's lap, demanding attention from her trainer. Dusky complied but soon put Eevee and Vulpix away. Nurse Joy was walking out with Pichu in her arms, and the power was still on - the generator was working again.

"Thank you for letting me steal Pichu for a few moments," said Nurse Joy, handing the small electric pokemon to Dusky.

"No problem," Dusky smiled. Pichu looked happy, but when he saw Dusky's bandaged arm, he frowned a little.

"Pi..." he murmured, poking Dusky's arm. She shrugged.

"It's no big deal," she assured him. "I can still move my arm. See?" She flexed her arm several times to show Pichu she was okay. He seemed to be a little comforted at this.

Nurse Joy turned to Deron and cleared her throat, hoping to get his attention. "You're pokemon will be healed shortly." And with that, she left.

Dusky looked over at Deron. "Er - want me to stay? You know, until your pokemon are healed?" Then she realized he probably didn't have a place to stay.

"If you want, once your pokemon are healed, you can come to my apartment. I have a pretty comfortable couch you could sleep on," she offered. "But if you'd rather not, I understand. I think the rooms here at the Pokemon Center are pretty cozy," she added quickly. Growlithe was standing by the door, wanting to leave, but he knew that wasn't going to happen any time soon, so he trotted back over to Dusky and laid down by her feet.

03-10-2012, 06:32 PM
Route 7

Shaun nodded at her consent to travel together, taking in her comment about her being unable to last much longer in stride. He read between the lines and figured that most likely, with the state of that Dratini being any guidance, her other Pokemon were just as bad off, maybe even worse. That was, of course, considering that all those Pokeballs at her waist were filled. Shaun kept his Pokeballs hidden in his vest, special little pockets stitched inside that housed them quite well. He liked it better that way, but some still stuck to tradition.

He waved off her thanks quietly. He wasn't there to be a savior, he was just doing what most others wouldn't, which is have a shred of honor and help someone else out for a change. He wouldn't be able to sleep well if he had just passed her by, especially with that sick Pokemon in her care. He still wished he hadn't thought about that. Why couldn't he just help her out of the pure goodness of his heart? Ulterior motives made him cringe, especially when they came from himself. In any case, he was helping her, that was that.

With Houndoom leading the way for using his Roar and Magmortor guarding the rear from flanking ferals, Shaun began to head out for Saffron again. He heard the girl speaking again, and listened as she introduced herself. "Meg, eh? I'm Shaun. And its nice to meet you, I suppose." He chuckled lightly, not knowing what else to say. "As well as you, Ev. I never made nicknames for my Pokemon..." He glanced back at Magmortor, who was passively pacing behind them, as if completely oblivious to the world.

"Though, I got my first Pokemon at a much older age than you. By then, the want for nicknames kind of passes you by. Anyway, that's Houndoom, and the big guy's Magmortor. I have taken to calling him Mort for short, if you wanna call that a nickname." He smirked slightly, then looked at the girl again. "You said you just found the Dratini? So I assume you didn't catch it?"

03-10-2012, 11:32 PM
Meg watched as he strode ahead waving off her thanks. Taking in his name she stored it in her tired mind so she would not forget later. Ev fluffed up again as the man spoke his name but looked a little like a pup who just found a new friend but Meg was not sure that was the case Ev just liked the fact that people used his nickname more then his given species name which was fine in all accounts for Meg. She then looked at both his own Pokemon as he introduced them "Mort" she said quietly "I would actually Ev is just the E and the V from Eevee" she said with a small shrug. "But I was little when my uncle gave him to me" she said quietly and then looked down at the sick Pokemon for a moment at the thought of her uncle. Tam was the only uncle that would ever visit. all the others had some excuses but she thought it was just because they never liked her father who put his faith to much on the sea.

Meg looked up as Shaun asked her a question and found him looking back at her. She shook her head "I could have with little trouble" she mumbled "It was laying next to a stream that was surprisingly not as bad as most other I've seen but it looked like it had gotten in a fight and maybe worse ganged up on" she shrugged "I couldn't just leave it ...Guess I got that from my dad" she shrugged again. She needed to write her mother she was probably hysterical by now over her daughter not writing her for over 2 weeks now. and her father she needed to know how her father was she hopped none of his Pokemon had been effected of later...please be okay.

03-11-2012, 01:19 PM
Route 38

Lily walked down Route 38, hoping to get to Ecruteak City soon. Normally she would just fly there with the help of Noctowl since he's such a large bird, but he was worn out from flying her from Cinawood City to Olivine City. That was only three days ago. So, she put Noctowl in his pokeball so he could rest and was now making her way towards Ecruteak City on foot. Feraligatr was out of his pokeball, walking by his trainer loyally. He was usually always out of his pokeball, because he was afraid that she was going to be attacked by feral pokemon. Ever since the incident with the Houndoom, he never left Lily out of his sight. The only time he was in his pokeball is when he grew tired of walking, and then Teddiursa would be let out. But Feraligatr was full of energy, so he wouldn't be leaving Lily's side for quite awhile.

It was late afternoon before they got hungry. Feraligatr found an area where he decided there wasn't much danger before allowing Lily to sit down. She pulled off her bag and pulled out a few things - food, bowls, and a couple of berries she managed to find. She let out everyone else: Hoppip, Teddiursa, and Noctowl. Teddiursa looked at Lily, surprised to be let out of his pokeball since Feraligatr was out, but when he saw the food, he knew why. He sat down on Lily's lap, eagerly awaiting his portion. Hoppip settled in next to Lily. For a grass pokemon in such an enviornment, Hoppip was doing exceptionally well, mostly thanks to Feraligatr. If he ever saw Hoppip was looking a bit weak or wilted, he'd use his water gun very lightly and 'water' her. Lily assumed it was a good advantage to have a water-type when you had a grass-type, especially after the changed.

Noctowl sat on Lily's other side, and she was glad to see he looked much more energized than he did the day before. Feraligatr took to sitting across from Lily, so he could watch for any pokemon trying to sneak up behind her.

Lily fixed Noctowl his food first, filling a bowl with Tauros meat and some berries. Feraligatr used water gun and added some water to the mixture, making a rather gross looking meal, but Noctowl didn't complain as he ate. Lily fixed the same thing for everyone else, except for Hoppip, who only wanted berries. There wasn't much left, but Lily knew that Hoppip got most of it's energy and food from the sun, being a grass type and all. So she settle in, eating her watery, meaty, and berry-ish mixture. It had a bit of everything they needed. After their lunch, Lily put everyone away, with the exception of Feraligatr and headed out again, unaware that the smell of their lunch would attract unwanted guests.

03-11-2012, 05:04 PM
Saffron City

Deron looked up from his gadget, putting it away as Nurse Joy spoke to him, nodding acknowledging as he smiled. "Thanks." He'd then turn to Dusky, snickering as he was about to refuse her offer to let him stay at her place. Although, he just realised he was actually looking forward to sleep in a place where not everyone can just come in and steal things out of his bag. He didn't mind her company either, and it's safer than sleeping in any place public, so why not.

Deron smiled at Dusky as he responded: "I think I would like that. Sleeping as a guest to someone kind is always more enjoyable than renting a room in the pokémon center." He'd glance over at the Growlithe as it came trotting back, snickering. "Not fond of the center, are you, Growlithe?" He would then turn his attention to Nurse Joy, as she came back with his pokémon. It didn't take long for them to get back up to full strength, as they were just tired and hardly even wounded. Taking his pokéballs back one by one, latching them onto his belt, he reached for his bag, pulling it onto his shoulder again. He'd then turn to Dusky again, smiling rather contently at her. "Shall we then? I think my pokémon would enjoy some time outside their balls... That is, if I am allowed to let them out over at your place."

03-11-2012, 05:45 PM
Saffron City

Dusky smiled when Deron accepted her invitation to stay, and nodded when he mentioned his pokemon would like some time out of their pokeballs. "Yeah, Robbie, the man who owns the apartment complex, is really nice. I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem with your pokemon out of their pokeballs." She told him. Growlithe looked at her, and it was obvious he wanted to leave. She laughed. "Lead the way, Growlithe."

Growlithe happily walked out of the Pokemon Center. Dusky waved good-bye to Tommy and his mom, along with Nurse Joy, and followed her pokemon, Pichu sitting happily on her shoulder.

"It shouldn't take very long to get to the apartment," she told Deron. "It's only about a five minutes walk." She then remembered Vulpix and Eevee were still in their pokeballs so she let them out so they could walk around and stretch their legs. Eevee to her usual place on Dusky's other shoulder and Vulpix trotted happily by Growlithe's side.

"Just a heads up," she said as they headed towards her apartment, "it's kinda small, but there will be enough room for both of us and our pokemon. Oh, and the neighbors are kind of . . . well, you'll see," she said to Deron.

03-11-2012, 07:31 PM
Saffron City

Deron smiled as he headed out, walking next to Dusky, taking out a pokéball of his own, letting his Magnemite out once more, as it buzzed happy, full of energy again. "Glad to see someone's happy again." He smirked as they walked the road, looking up at the sky. The sun was already fairly low, so that meant it was late afternoon or early evening. When it got dark outside, that was mostly when trouble started brewing. He shook his head as he had no need for those thoughts anyways.

He then turned his attention to Dusky again as she talked, while his Magnemite hovered near the Pichu on her shoulder, obviously attracted by the static electricity of the pokémon. Deron in the meantime asked curiously: "Neighbours are kinda...? Kinda what? Do I need to strap myself in bullet proof jackets?" He snickered at the joke, although he wasn't sure if it would be taken as funny. He'd eventually continue. "Well... The fact that it's small shouldn't matter much... My largest pokémon is Kadabra. For the rest I have Magnemite, Nidorino and my Kabuto. They should fit just fine."

03-11-2012, 07:46 PM
Beryl had been giving the Kakuna he had resting on his lap, a long soft pet down, continuing to remove the dirt and such that had built up throughout it's 'armor'. The cocoon pokemon had looked quite happy as it stared up at the man who wasn't quite his trainer yet, or atleast as happy as a Kakuna could look, when they're not giving off such an intimidating glare; one of the reasons Beryl loved Kakuna's to begin with. Finally glancing up at his Steelix, he had noticed that it was staring off toward the gate to Ekruteak with a defensive gaze. "Steelix.." He called out, looking quickly to see what he was staring at; finding a rather tall man standing at the gate, with a ghost pokemon at his side. He'd seen the man around the town many times, during his many visits to Ekruteak city, and had often checked him out from head to toe; fancying men who were taller than he was, but never pursued them; out of fear for his life, and a small fear of straight humans. Beryl kicked out his heel, tapping the underbelly of his Steelix, as he glanced upwards at him. "You've seen them before too.. I think by now if they were going to harm us, they'd have done it when you were an Onix still~" He continued to comment, nudging the large iron snake pokemon lightly until it removed it's defensive glare from the man with the Mismagius, now staring down at his trainer.

Beryl smiled softly up toward his newly evolved partner, reaching into his bag with a free hand while cradling the Kakuna in the other, to pull out Steelix's ball. Holding it out, he tilted his head a bit before speaking up; "This isn't a command, but you can take a rest now if you'd like." Beryl offered before continuing; "We're maybe twenty feet from the gate, I don't think anything's going to happen to us~" he continued to reassure, before Steelix eventually lowered its head, tapping the pokeball with his mouth, before his body was engulfed in a red aura, and returned to the tiny ball that lay in Beryls careful grasp. Out of instinct Beryl tapped the middle of the ball with his index finger, which would cause the ball to shrink, before he placed it gently into his coat pocket; the only one left with a button that sealed its contents from thieves.

As the Steelix was removed from Beryls immediate sight, he saw what the large iron snake was blocking; a woman making her way passed with a certain pokemon that he's never seen, or even heard of in his entire life. His eyes widened as the Zebra-like pokemon made its way by, keeping a continuous observation of its appearance and the way it moved, for curiosity sake.
Beryl gripped the Kakuna he held in his arms, and turned it manually to face the pair that walked by, so it could catch a glimpse of the rare pokemon as well. "Have.. you ever seen.. anything like that?" he questioned the Cocoon pokemon, barely taking notice to the trainer it was with, or even the large Typhlosion that seemed to posse itself with the two.
Kakuna merely stared aswell at the zebra pokemon, not feeling very intimidated as the trainer seemed to have a hold on her pokemon.
After a few moments Beryl shook off the stare, turning Kakuna back around on his lap to speak to "Well my friend~ are you ready to go into town? Here's hoping there's something new for us this time." He questioned, while checking his bag and pockets to make sure everything was fine and ready to move.

03-11-2012, 07:56 PM
Route 7

Ursaring tended to be formidable foes, and incredibly dangerous, especially these days. If one didn't know what they were doing, then they were as good as dead.

That was not the case with this man and his Pokemon. They expertly took the beast down, and the man mercilessly ended its life with a shot from his shotgun.

Unbeknownst to them, they were being watched. A man sat in a nearby tree, one that had somehow not lost all of its leaves-they were, however, all dead. The man had quickly gotten off the path when he heard the Ursaring approaching, patiently waiting so that he could get a clear shot at it. He had witnessed a young girl come through, then seek shelter as she, too, noticed the Ursaring. Soon, the beast came lumbering into the clearing, and the man took aim, ready to pull the trigger-

He never got the chance. A mercenary-looking man and his Magmortar appeared and quickly took the Ursaring down.

"Whoever's back there better come out before Houndoom decides to loose an Inferno on you," the man called. The mercenary tensed- surely he hadn't been spotted that easily?

Thankfully, he wasn't the one the mercenary was referring to. The girl from earlier came out from hiding- behind the very tree the mercenary sat in- and began speaking to the man. The mercenary took aim at the man's Houndoom, just in case he was wrong- he would at least take it out before having to jump out of the tree.

The mercenary also studied the man...he couldn't place it, but this man looked familiar to him somehow.

It hit him just as he began to walk away, the girl with him, talking about heading to Viridian City. He had seen him before, during a briefing for a mission he had taken on long ago...

The mercenary waited a few moments before jumping out of the tree, giving the time to get a safe distance away. The mercenary reached into his pocket, withdrawing a PokeGear. It looked like it would be awhile before he could return Saffron City, so he figured it would be best to let his employer know.

"Yeah?" came a rude voice on the other end.

"Let me speak with the Boss," the mercenary said.

"He's busy. Whatever it is, merc, you can tell me," the rude voice replied.

"Last I checked, you're not my employer," was the mercenaries quick response, "Now kindly shut up and let me talk to the Boss."

"Tch, it's all the same with you mercs, you think it's all about you...fine," said the voice, and then there was silence, the sound of a phone passing between hands, and then a gruff yet authoritative male voice said, "Hello?"

"It's me. Mission complete."

"Great," responded the man on the other end, sounding slightly impatient, "Now I have another job for you,"

The mercenary raised an eyebrow. That was fast.

"I'm listening," he said.

"They've found him," the man said, "In Viridian. All of our men are either busy here or they're scattered. The only free guys we've got are in Johto, and you're the only one free in Kanto. Our only choice is to send you."

The mercenary grinned. That was better than what he expected. Now he didn't need an excuse to follow the man to Viridian.

"Assuming you can keep the cash flowing, I'm on it," the mercenary said, then hung up before getting a response. He'd been an asset to that group for years, practically since The Change happened. There was no way they would let him go- he was too good at what he did. That didn't bother the mercenary at all- sure, the money may be obtained through questionable means, but so be it- in this day and age, money was money, and he would be using it to survive.

The mercenary silently began following the man, picking up his pace slightly. He would need to catch up for this plan to work.

03-11-2012, 08:27 PM
Saffron City

"Well, my neighbors are just . . . a little . . . off," she said slowly. "Who knows though, they may be off somewhere else tonight!"

I hope..., Dusky thought. She really didn't like her neighbors.

They arrived at her apartment complex and she pushed open the door that opened up to the lobby. Robbie was sitting there, playing with his Zigzagoon. When the door opened, he looked up and saw Dusky.

"Hey there, Dusky," he smiled. Then his eyes found Deron and he paused. "And you are . . .?"

"This is Deron," Dusky said. "He needs a place to sleep, so I offered him to sleep on my couch . . . are you okay with that?"

Robbie just shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me."

Dusky smiled and led the way to her apartment. She unlocked the door and pushed the door open, revealing the small apartment. It was very plain, with a small table with two chairs, a brown leather couch, small TV, a small kitchen, and two doors, one of which led to the bathroom and the other led to Dusky's room. On the small circular table was a picture - the only picture in the entire apartment. It was a picture of a young man in his mid-twenties with a huge Arcanine by his side, a small Pichu and Eevee on his shoulders. Around his neck were his dog tags, and in his arms was a small girl with bright orange hair with a small Growlithe and Vulpix sitting by the man's feet. Both the man and girl were smiling, looking as happy as possible.

"You can take a shower if you need to," said Dusky, walking into the apartment. "Are you hungry? I can make something to eat, if you want."

03-11-2012, 09:35 PM
Ekruteak City

Cathy quietly worked her way passed the boy sitting down as he put his Steelix away he was staring in her direction with wide eyes but on further inspection it was at bolt not her. She two pulled out her pokeball and looked down at T.Y who looked back at her. He went back into his ball quietly as she murmured a heartfelt thanks to him. she looked up at the gate to see a man standing in it. he looked intimidating with his height and he was probably a lot stronger then she by herself but even as he pulled out his Rifle she just stared at him with a almost glazed calm stare. Bolt eyed the man knowing full well what the rifle meant but Cathy quietly waved a hand at her Tens Pokemon and continued on.

Cathy placed a hand on bolts neck as they continued to walk leading him quietly. Cathy had never figured why the Pokemon was so loyal to her but she had not questioned it... questioning his loyalty now might make a rift between them and in this time she could not afford that. so she simply to the Pokemon loyalty with out question of why or how and treated it like her best friend.

As they drew nearer to the gates Cathy was contemplating where to go to try and find any information on her parents the a center would be the best place not to mention she could get some healing for whiny and stock of up supply and rest before heading out. She then started to wounder if her parents where even still alive and if her brothers death had been in vain Her eyes glazed over more at these thought she was trying very hard not to cry even if it did not seem that way on the out side. have to be strong... she thought again. Bolt had stopped and as odd as it was was giving her a concerned look. she patted his nose realizing she had stopped two for a moment and she quickly started off again afraid that if she stopped now she would not be able to take another step.

Quickly reaching the gate tho they had not been far when she had stopped she slowed to ask the man a simple but important question "Is your center running?" she asked. she had heard that some centers had shut down all together but could not see if this was true or not. she simply needed to know and if it was not she would make due like she always did when a problem came up... she was not going to let them get in her way she had a mission and she would find her parents.

03-11-2012, 09:55 PM
Route 38

While Lily made her way towards Ecruteak City, Feraligatr seemed to become very worried. He could smell other pokemon. Maybe one or two. . . . No, there was three. He couldn't tell what they were, but they smelled like normal-types. As Lily continued to walk, he grabbed his trainer and threw her to the ground.

"Feraligatr!" Lily gasped, shocked by his actions. Had he turned feral? Then she saw a powerful hyper beam attack shoot right over her and Feraligatr. She turned and saw three Ursarings staring - no, glaring at her. They were angry, but at what, she had no clue. Feraligatr stood up and sent one flying into a tree with a hydro pump. The other Ursarings, enraged at the damage inflicted upon their commrade, charged Feraligatr. "Don't you dare touch him!" Lily shouted, now extremely angry. She pulled out her gun and pulled the trigger.


Two bullets dug into one of the beasts chest. It slowed it's charge and then fell over, dead. It's only other standing commrade looked from it's fallen friend and then to Lily. If looks could kill, she'd have been six feet under. The Ursaring charged her, and she raised her pistol, but stopped when Feraligatr jumped in front of her. He was going to protect her.

Feraligatr got ready to attack, but Ursaring didn't care. It wanted to kill Lily, and Feraligatr wasn't going to stop him. It somehow managed to push Feraligatr over and lashed out at Lily. She put her arms in front of her face and cringed as she felt four large claws dig into her flesh. Then, there was a load grunt and Lily lowered her bloody arms and saw Feraligatr had tackled the beast to the ground and bit it, locking his massive jaws around the bear's neck. The Ursaring struggled for a few moments, but then came quite still. It was dead. Feraligatr stood, licking the blood off his lips. Lily looked to Feraligatr and nodded.

"Thanks for that," she said with a smile. She then flinched at the pain in her arms and looked at Feraligatr. "Would you mind getting my bandages out of my bag?" Her pokemon nodded and walked behind her, pulling out a roll of bandages.

Feraligatr used a gentle water gun to clean the large gashes on both of her arms and began to wrap them. A few minutes later, Lily had wrapped her wounds and Feraligatr had dragged the Ursaring bodies off the road after making sure the first one he took out was really dead. They decided to head off again, but this time with more pace. Lily needed to get her wounds properly dressed and taken care of.

03-11-2012, 10:50 PM
Route 7

Shaun sensed a bit of tension when she mentioned her uncle, and politely refrained from asking about him like he would've liked. Eevees were still pretty rare in his mind, though that had been before the Change... Now, with their obvious knack for adapting, they might likely flourish, but he couldn't really say. He would like to know where her uncle had gotten one...

In any case, that was beside the point. She said that indeed she had not caught it, which meant that either she planned on releasing it later, or letting it decide for itself once it was healthy again. Well, that was the usual mindset, she could be different. Who knew. In any case, she mentioned her father, which he couldn't stop himself from questioning.

"Your parents still alive?" He blurted, wishing he hadn't asked immediately afterward. In this world, it was quite easy to open up old wounds, and he'd rather not have her mourning while she was there because of bad memories of dead parents. Hopefully, though, he'd be lucky and they were still alive.

Also fortunate, though, was that he noticed that Magmortor had stopped moving. Thankful to take his attention away from the girl and her possible sob-story, he turned and saw that Magmortor was half-turned to look behind them, eyes fixed on the path behind him. He might as well have been a rock, so solid was his position. Smoke seeped from his nostrils for a moment, then he snorted in impatience.

"Mort, come on, there's nothing back there..." Shaun said calmly. The large Fire Pokemon huffed once more, then turned and began to follow them again. Shaun wondered for a moment. Magmortor rarely got spooked. Most likely, something was tailing them... He vaguely wondered if it was another Ursaring, but he dismissed that idea. It would have simply charged, especially after having found its dead friend moments before. He pondered for a moment as he listened to the girl.

03-11-2012, 11:15 PM
Meg blinked at Shaun "I'm not sure really" she admitted "After the change he left to find work the sea could no longer support us..." she stopped to for a moment as he looked back at mort. following his gaze she couldn't see anything Shaun said exactly what was on her mind but she noticed even Eevee was straining to find anything. He didn't seem to catch anything or just decided that Shaun was right. Jumping he made it to Meg Shoulder and rode there for a while while scanning around ears perked and alert.

Mag gave a small shrug again "Mom's probably freaking out since I haven't written her in over 2 weeks but she's they only one who well have any news on weather he's still alive or not" Meg grimaced a bit again praying quietly that he was okay.

Meg was suddenly distracted by the dratini wiggling in her arms and mewling again but not quite so weakly this time Meg was delighted that it seemed to be doing better. It Blinked up at her opening it mouth with a small mew so she figured it had to be hungry. "Ev" she said looking at her friend who only gave a excited nod before turning to her pack and opening it then pushed his head inside to pull out some pokefood she reached over and helped Ev open the back then taking out a peace and offered it to the baby Pokemon. it swallowed it down fast this made meg even more excited as it asked for more it had not eaten very much while in her care it seemed the full heal had done the trick.

All traces of a possible danger that he been in her mind since mort had stopped vanished she was now to bussy feeding the starving Dratini to pay attention to her surroundings it was a good thing for her that she was traveling with some one who was far more wiry then herself at the moment.

03-11-2012, 11:44 PM
Route 22

Enough of this. Mina hated it when battles went on for longer than they should have, and this had definitely out-lasted its welcome. There were still about 6 adult Houndooms left -then the guy with the katana sliced one open, never mind, make that 5, so Mina took it upon herself to finish them off. "Charizard- use Brick Break! Pupitar- Crunch!" Mina shouted out instructions to her pokemon. She knew from experience that Houndooms didn't have a strong defense, so a flurry of physical attacks should take them down. Charizard complied, and broke one pokemon's spine, while Pupitar nearly took another's head off. She heard shots being fired, and assumed it was Alex from his tree, but from where she was standing she couldn't see if anything had fallen. Some blood splattered- he was obviously trying to weaken them now. Good enough.

A Houndoom charged at her, it's back legs bleeding - shit, she had left her guard down. It charged at her, preparing to use Crunch, but she had her pistol ready and rapidly aimed and shot twice. The first one missed its mark, hitting the dog's front leg instead, but the second flew straight in between the dog's eyes, and it was dead before it hit the ground. Charizard roared, and Mina looked around. There were a few alive, but they had all clustered near where they had charged from, and apparently weren't as keen to attack anymore... And a Houndour? She hadn't even seen that one there before... They definitely didn't pose as big a threat, but there were two dead ones lying by their brother's feet. One Houndoom was sniffing at the bodies of the pups, while another one looked up at them and growled, obviously trying to be protective. Mina couldn't help but think this was somehow sad- or she would have, if they hadn't just been attacked. At least now the all seemed clustered in the same area and weren't running around anymore.

Ekruteak City

Garrett was caught off guard. His center? Oh, she must meant the Pokemon Center. The girl looked like she was about to cry, too. Not good. He wasn't good at dealing with crying girls. He just had to be helpful, that should do it.

"Um, yeah it is." A pause. Mismagius giggled. "You don't look like you're from here, miss. Let me show you where it is. Buildings look really similar here, if you don't know what to look for. Just... Follow me." Mismagius giggled again. It didn't help. He glanced back at the man on the bench - he had withdrawn his huge Pokemon, which was good. The gatekeepers seemed more at ease now that the girl had withdrawn some of her Pokemon, too. The less huge out and about Pokemon in town, the better, after all.

Garrett re-holstered his rifle. In all honesty, he had just taken it out to look more intimidating, but he didn't like walking around inside of town with it. He led the girl to the Center, not really making conversation. After the Change, there wasn't really much room for small-talk, since most questions brought about negative memories or emotions. Mismagius was enjoying herself, though - floating around the trio, and showing great interest in the Zebstrika He gestured at her to cut it out, and she complied, resigning herself to just floating beside him. Thankfully, the walk wasn't too long.

"Here it is. Nurse Joy should be in there. Hope you enjoy your stay in the City... Oh, and before I forget, you should take time to see our Dance Hall. It's one of the few things that hasn't actually changed. Not that much, anyway." He cracked a smile. The girl hadn't started crying. That was good.

03-12-2012, 03:59 PM
Route 22

Meganium managed to fend off a few of the Houndoom attackers, trying not to fatally wound any of them unless it became absolutely necessary- he and Haru hoped to be able to chase them off.

It became increasingly clear, however, that this would not be possible- despite Meganium responding to each attack with an equally brutal counter, the Houndoom continued their relentless assault, showing no signs of letting up...until a few gunshots rang through the air. This made the Pokemon stop attacking, bringing their attention back to the area they had charged from. One of the Houndooms barked, and it along it another Houndoom took off back to that point.

Haru watched as they formed a protective circle around what at first seemed to be a single small Houndour. Upon further examination, however, Haru noticed two other Houndour lying next to the standing Houndour...the only living Houndour. This thought sickened Haru- this is what the world had come too, killing children in order to win fights.

Haru was so busy watching the Houndoom that he very nearly lost his life.

Haru had been standing in front of the paralyzed Houndoom from before. The Pokemon had begun to feel the effects wearing off, and realized it was now able to move its head. Without another thought, it snapped its head up and unleashed a Flamethrower in Haru's direction.

Haru felt the sudden heat of the coming attack and just managed to throw himself to the ground in time to avoid being burnt to a crisp. He didn't see what happened next, but he certainly heard it. Meganium let out a cry- not one that a person would normally hear from a Meganium, but one of an enraged Meganium, one that would make anyone or anything get out of its way. The flames suddenly stopped, and it was immediately followed with a sickening CRUNCH!

Haru didn't dare look- he didn't want to see the Houndoom after Meganium had stomped its head into the ground, crushing its' skull- he could picture it well enough.

"Thanks..." Haru said to Meganium, looking around the battlefield. All of the Houndoom appeared to be dead, aside from the two now protecting the Houndour. He noticed that one was now staring at him, and that pretty much told Haru why they had attacked the group. Houndoom were predators, yes, and they wouldn't hesitate to eat one of their own- unless it was the pack leader, and its mate still lived. That would automatically send the pack off on a hunt for revenge. The Houndoom that he and Meganium had run into earlier had obviously been the pack leader, and its mate had caught their scent on the dead Pokemon's body. The attack seemed to be a bit sudden, though- Haru could only assume it was because one had disobeyed the female and charged ahead anyway, leading to...this.

Haru had a feeling he would have to fight it- it would keep coming after him until it died or it killed him and Meganium. However, that didn't happen- the other Houndoom suddenly barked, its attention now on some nearby trees- exactly where Alex was.

There wasn't time for any sort of warning before the two unleashed Flamethrowers at the trees, the remaining Houndour pup darting away in fear.

03-13-2012, 11:34 AM
Lavender Town.

"I told you, Trevor, same as I told ol'Bucky the Bulbasaur before he wandered off, you can leave whenever you want. I've lived on my own fine before. 'Though I love ya, you do what you want. Also, you're bothering my aim."

Sam whispered, his rifle zoomed in, gazing at several Fearows and Spearows hovering above them. The Pokecenter, what was left of it, was a perfectly good shelter, and since only a skilled lockpicker could open the door, it was safe from most other people too. But the hole in the roof meant that birds often settled there. No problem for Sam, that meant food, but it also meant that hungry Pokemon might also wander in, looking for a good ol' Fearow leg to chew on.

Trevor the Trapinch though was tired of sitting around. He didn't like Sam's guns or the fact that he didn't mind killing pokemon.

"Don't give me that look..." Sam squeezed the trigger and fired, killing the largest. The others flew away as the corpse fell to the ground. He picked it up and headed back to the other room, where his fire, made from an old oven, was slowly dying. Trevor gave him another odd look, as if to say "Why don't you get Caramel to light the fire?" but Sam ignored the insect.

Instead, he simply threw some bits of tattered cardboard onto the fire and gave it a blow. The fire quickly perked up, and he readied his meal. Trevor though wasn't happy.

"What's wrong with you? Are you upset about me killing pokemon? Because you don't have a problem when I kill dogs, rats and that sort of thing. And you certainly didn't have a problem back when I found you... Listen, mate. There is always someone who is gonna want someone dead. These days, you kill or you get a bullet to the brain. Or you get eaten by feral pokemon."

Trevor nodded. Sam had always been surprised about how much Trevor understood. He sighed, then pulled out a pokeball from his pocket. "You wanna come out, Darwin?"

The Dratini spun around on the ground, rather hungry. Sam had never realised that Dratinis ate meat, so it was a surprise the first time he saw Darwin, munching away on a dead Growlith. After setting up and starting his roast Fearow, Sam tutted and reached for his third full pokeball. "Caramel? How are you feeling today?"

Caramel flicked his tongue in and out, before gazing into the fire. He was due to evolve into a Charmeleon, and Sam was making sure he stayed as safe as possible. Sam had always seen himself as a loner, but the fact that he had these three pokemon... They were very cute. But not very strong. But since they had settled there in the pokecenter, things weren't so bad.

Sam grunted, thinking about the person who passed through lately, then turned his thoughts to Caramel, who had suddenly grown larger and darker, lying peacefully by the fire. He stroked his head and smiled.

03-14-2012, 03:50 PM
Saffron City

Deron shrugged as he followed Dusky into her apartment, looking around as he'd take in the details of her home when they entered it. He smiled slightly and turned to Dusky. "Cozy. Very cozy." His stomach would however growl in response to the question if he wanted to eat something, patting his own stomach. "Well... It's been since yesterday since I ate something... So some food could be nice, yes. Though, allow me to help. I don't want to feel like I'm being a burden." He'd reach for his pokéballs, letting out his other pokémon, Kadabra, Kabuto and Nidorino, who would stand in front of Deron in a neat line. His Magnemite would hover over to the three so that he wouldn't seem like the odd one out. "Enjoy some quality time, guys. You've earned it." He'd then follow Dusky into the kitchen. "Just tell me what to do and where to go, because I'm still horrible as a cook."

In the meantime, Deron's pokémon would already be seeing to their own needs. Kadabra would just settle himself down next to the door, sit down and close his eyes to relax and focus a bit, a dim psychic aura coming off of him. Kabuto would be curiously skittering around the room, going from one corner to another to check everything out. Magnemite would be hovering around Pichu again, still being attracted to the electric pokémon. Finally, Nidorino would head over to Growlithe, narrowing his eyes at the pokémon in a territorial way, muttering in a challenging way: "Ni... doo..." It would seem that he wanted to spar with Growlithe to test their strength.

03-14-2012, 09:00 PM
Saffron City

Dusky admired Deron's pokemon shortly before walking to the kitchen, Pichu on her shoulder. Eevee jumped off and she a Vulpix trotted over to the couch and jumped on it, each of them curling up on a cushion and falling asleep. Dusky looked at Deron when he asked what he could do.

"Er - I'm not used to people helping me," she said sheepishly. "Um . . . I have a few vegetables in the fridge. If you want, you could cut those up for me while I cut up the meat," she offered. She pulled out two knives and handed one to Deron. "Because, it's sharp," she joked, laughing lightly.

Growlithe, who was laying down, looked up at Nidorino, not very interested in sparring with anyone. He was extremely tired, and personally, he found it quite pointless. So, Growlithe pushed himself up to his feet and trotted into the kitchen, deciding to lay by Dusky. His trainer looked down at him and smiled, bending over to pet him.

"You're such a good boy, Growlithe," Dusky cooed. The puppy pokemon let out a growl of contempt and Dusky returned to cutting the meat into small chunks. She put the meat in a pan and began cooking it. She turned to Deron. "How are the vegetables coming along?"

Pichu jumped off Dusky's shoulder, running over to the TV and turning it on. A bit of static came on at first, but soon the picture was crystal clear. The movie Dusky had been watching earlier came on, showing a young girl and a Pikachu wandering through the forest was shown, and Pichu pressed his face against the screen, watching the Pikachu, wondering what it would be like if he ever evolved.


Route 38, almost to Ecruteak

Lily was relieved. She could finally see the gates to Ecruteak City, which was a relief. Feraligatr had grown very tired, and Lily paused to look at him.

"The gates are literally right there. You can rest," she assured him. Feraligatr nodded slowly. He was too tired to argue. If there was a feral pokemon attack, he knew he wouldn't be able to protect Lily. So, Lily put him in his pokeball and let out Teddiursa and Hoppip.

"Hoppip!" cheered the grass pokemon, glad to be out of her pokeball. Lily help the small pokemon in her arms while Teddiursa got on Lily's back, wrapping his arms around her neck and wresting his head on her shoulder.

"Teddi!" he cooed, rubbing his head against Lily's cheek. She laughed.

"I'm glad to see you guys, too," she smiled, walking down the road.

Sure enough, as they headed to the gate, there were no feral attacks. So, Lily walked into the city and headed straight for the Pokemon Center, Hoppip in her arms, and Teddiursa now walking by her side. The bandages on Lily's arms the covered the large wounds from the Ursaring were now drenched in blood. She navigated herself towards the Pokemon Center, and in no time, she was standing in front of the center. Standing in front of the doors were a boy and girl, and she quickly walked between the two of them.

"Excuse me," she said quickly, walking through the doors. She strode up to Nurse Joy and handed her Noctowl and Feraligatr's pokeballs. She put Teddiura in his pokeball and gave it to Nurse Joy, and she was about to do the same with Hoppip, but the small grass pokemon refused.

"Hop! Hoppip!" Hoppip exclaimed. She wanted to stay with Lily. Lily let out a hefty sigh.

"Please, Hoppip, don't do this. Just . . . please . . . get some rest," she said to the pokemon. Hoppip reluctantly allowed Lily to put her in her pokeball. Lily handed the pokeball to Nurse Joy. "Here you go."

"They'll be fixed up shortly," Nurse Joy smiled. Then she caught sight of Lily's arms. "Oh my! Are you okay?"

Lily quickly nodded. "We had a little run in with some feral Ursaring, but I'll be okay. Anyway, thank you very much. Those pokemon are my life."

Nurse Joy smiled and took the pokeballs into the back room. Lily walked over to a plush chair and sat down, sinking into it. She wanted to rest, close her eyes and drift off into sleep, but she knew that wasn't going to happen. Not yet anyway. She reached into her bag and pulled out the roll of bandages before slowly peeling off the blood-stained ones on her arms. The wounds were deep and still bleeding, but Lily just sighed and began wrapping them.

03-14-2012, 09:18 PM
Cathy followed the man in silence glad that he was not asking her questions because she did not quite trust herself to speak. Bolt eyed the other Pokemon even after the other man had waved it back. even with the short walk Cathy managed to compose herself before she had to look up as he spoke again. she nodded quietly at the invitation to go to the dance hall Dance Hall. "I may" she said quietly If I find the time". Bolt pawed the ground again and if things don't get out of hand she thought. many times she had been worried bolt might turn on her but the Zebra type Pokemon remained faithful and she could be very glad of this many times Bolt had saved her life.

"Thank you" she said then gave bolt a small nudge twords the center just then a girl passed them Bolt and cathy both watched her But bolt seemed more disturbed and she could see why the girl was still bleeding from a rather nasty wound on her arm. Cathy frowned and made her way in with bolt seeing Nurse Joy just vanish threw a door and gave a small sigh. patting bolt she figured she could wait a bit longer till she came back till then. she looked over at the girl who was re-doing her bandages.

She same over carefully making sure bolt was behind her so she was between the girl and him. "Would you like some help with that?' she asked as she neared the girl. Bolt gave a small snort But Cathy waved him back absently her eyes already taking in how bad the wound was. it was deep and still bleeding covering most of the wound making it harder to judge just HOW much more worse it could be "Ursaring?" she asked that was about all she could tell for right now but it was better treated now then later.

03-14-2012, 10:54 PM
Route 7/Saffron City

Shaun nodded slightly. He was glad she had SOMEONE left to go to, whereas he had no one left but his Pokemon. But then, even Crobat was little condolence when half the world was out for you. Wanted in Hoenn and Johto, suspicious in Unova... Kanto and Sinnoh were the only truly safe places it seemed. Yet, as the days went by, he was getting more and more scared of what may be lurking in the shadows of Kanto. Hell, even Sinnoh might not be safe anymore. The lack of the crime Teams was reassuring, but then... Who was to say that they were all gone?

Shaun was pulled from his thoughts by the mewling of the wounded Dratini. He smiled slightly, glad to see that its appetite was returning. Good thing, too. Shaun doubted even a Dragon could survive off of minimal sustenance for over two weeks. His job with the baby Pokemon was done, then. He would let the girl worry about it now, and focus on keeping the whole lot of them alive in this wasteland.

Thankfully, though, he caught a glimpse of a reassuring sight. The Saffron City gate, at the west end of Route 7. Saffron's famous Silph Co. was visible, too, glinting sunlight from the tip-top of its massive height. Shaun rarely felt glad about being within sight of a big city such as Saffron, but today, he was glad that they had made it. He tensed slightly when Houndoom let out another Roar, sending a curious Persian running for its life. Letting out his held breath, Shaun cursed himself for getting too jumpy. He figured that's just what the cites did to his nerves.

At the gate, he nodded to the Officer on duty. He didn't make eye contact long. He was still uncertain about his status as an outlaw, and didn't want to mess anything up by going on the lamb again. The man gave him no mind, though, simply speaking to them generally.

"Anything of notice going on out there?" the man asked dutifully. Shaun shook his head and grunted a vaguely negative answer. Trying not to waste any time, Shaun tried to remember where the Pokemon Center was as they entered the city. Unable to recall, he gestured for the girl to lead. "I don't remember where the Pokemon Center is," he admitted quietly.

03-14-2012, 11:18 PM
Meg was so preoccupy with the hungry baby the she never noticed coming into the city (not even noticing when houndoom Roared) until Shaun said something about not remembering where the center was. She looked up and took a quick look around "oh..." she said softly as the Dratini nosed her hand for some more food "Alright" she said then took the lead threw the streets. taking a deep breath she navigated her way around fairly well since it hadn't bee to long since she had last been here. Ev eventually dropped off her shoulder looking much more relaxed in these surroundings then he had out in the wild. Meg was eager to get the the center both for the Baby Pokemon's sake and her own companions sakes. She picked up her pace unknowingly till she could see the center.

Upon entering Meg immediately went to the counter pulling out her three other balls and set them on the counter "come on Ev" she said pulling out another ball. Ev looked at it in distaste "It's only for a bit" she promised. Ev twitched his ears but went in with a resentful look. she placed his ball on the counter to it was not long after that the Nurse came out and Meg handed over her balls and the small baby Pokemon with a great look of relief as they where taken back. and getting healed now with everything else out of the way Meg was tired... she was more then tired she needed sleep NOW.

Shaking her head meg made her way over to one of the chairs and set down heavily she didn't want to she wanted to be awake when Ev got back but she couldn't help it even forgetting to thank Shaun again for helping her get back here. she was completely dead to the world in the next moment fast asleep in the chairs. it some one walked over and set next to her she would not have noticed so deep in sleep at the moment. some much needed sleep.

03-15-2012, 12:48 AM
Ecruteak City

Lily jumped as the girl spoke to her and looked up. "Oh, er - it's all right, I'll manage by myself." She said. Her left arm was almost wrapped in new bandages, but her right arm was still in the old, blood-stained ones. The wounds looked nasty, but for some reason, Lily didn't feel much pain. She assumed she had just grown immune to these sorta things.

When the girl asked if it was an Ursaring who injured Lily, she nodded. "Three attacked me and my Feraligatr - we had just eaten, so I'm guessing it's the smell of the food that attracted them. My Feraligatr killed one, and I shot another - the remaining one got past my pokemon and got me," she said, holding up her bloody arms. "Then Feraligatr finished that one off."

Lily wasn't used to talking to people - the people she met were usually theives, after Hoppip and Feraligtr, though this came as no surprised to Lily - grass-type and water-type pokemon were extremely rare and hard to find ever since the Change took place.

"Sorry about my pokemon," Lily said. She had seen the girl come in right after Lily had given Nurse Joy her pokemon. "I was in a bit of a hurry. My Noctowl was tired - we flew to Cinnawood City, to see if there was anything there - not much, to say the least. Feraligatr was worn out from walking with me. My Teddiursa and Hoppip were some-what tired, but I figured it'd be best to rest them."

Lily then finished wrapping her left arm, and then began to unwrap her right one. "If you, um, don't want to look at this, I understand," she said, flinching slightly as the bandage got stuck to her arm - the dry blood was making it hard to remove. "I don't even like looking at this."

It was a bit disgusting, she had to admit, but she knew if she let the bandages sit on her wounds for too long, it would be a breeding ground for bacteria, which would lead to infection.

As she slowly unwrapped her arm, she tried to distract herself with some conversation. "I'm Lily, by the way. What's your name?" It wasn't taking her mind off the pain much, but it helped a bit.

03-15-2012, 01:51 AM
Route 38 / Ecruteak City

Beryl rose from his seat on the bench with the Kakuna in his arms, his ankle still slightly aching from the attack he endured in the forest on the way to Ecruteak City. He perked up at the sound of a swift flutter, fearing an attack by another pokemon. He clenched the Kakuna tighter before noticing the pair of Pidgey that were causing the flutter, and their lack of interest in the male as they merely flew by overhead.
He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, as he started to head toward the city, slightly limping as he attempted to hold his graceful stride. The path was slowly fading from dirt, to a light stone as the gate grew closer. This could be noticed by the sound of Beryls heeled ankle boots, echoing slightly throughout the area, causing one of the guards at the gate to eye the boy with a raised brow. As he approached, the other guard who was rather familiar with Beryl and his appearance in Ecruteak from time to time, held the door open for the obviously limping boy, as much as Beryl ventured to hide it. "Are you alright?" the man asked out of sheer courtesy. "I'm sure I'll live.. Thank you~" Beryl responded, meaning gratitude to both of the mans efforts of gallantry, as he passed through the gate into the town, letting his hood drop to reveal his lengthy blonde hair, with deep brown roots.

Beryl decided to take the northern routes of Ecruteak, as he wasn't exactly planning to head to the pokemon center, but instead wished to make his way to the local mart, in hopes of selling a few things he couldn't help but plunder from a hiker that attacked him earlier this week. As he stepped along the path, passing by a boarded up Burned Tower, he couldn't help but notice one of the Kimono girls heading his way. As they usually looked the same, aside from occasional differing hairstyles, it was an often occurance for anyone to mistake them for another sister. After the Change, Beryl had become aquaintences with the girls, having tea with them from time to time, as they appreciated the male for his attempts to look the way he wanted to look. As she approached the boy with a bit of a smile, she was the first to spark the conversation. "A good afternoon to you my dear~ Are you well?" she questioned with a soft tone, gesturing toward the boys limp before commenting on it. "A wounded limb will stay wounded longer, the more one uses it."
Beryl smiled in return, with a slight hint of pain in his eyes to one who knew the male, responding after a sigh of relief, feeling completely safe in the compounds of this city, a feeling that wasn't to common for one would frequently visited the current wild; which was much more wild these days; "To be honest.. Kuni--" Beryl said with a gamble, almost sure he was calling her by the right name. "-- I was kind of hoping to sit down with you, Vaporeon, and your sisters for some tea.. and rest a while." he confessed with a grin, before commenting further; "Bellsprout is most likely in need of some more herbs~"

Kuni let out a giggle, and bowed her head slightly. "Your hopes can be satisfied~ Were you heading there now?" she questioned, keeping her hands together in the front of her kimono, standing as proper as ever, the girls had an image to uphold. "I was planning on it, though first I think I should relieve myself from this heavy burden I've been hauling here.. I have some things I wish to sell." he explained, as a habit of his took over, causing his speech to gain a proper tone.
[The habit he's evoked with, is one that makes him mimic the manner of someone who's speaking to him; their demeanor becomes infectious to him, and he can't help but react that way back toward the person; if someone was to be purposely annoying toward him, he may just act that way back at them, showing them the same courtesy that they showed him.]
" Would you perhaps accompany me? and look after this Kakuna while I deal with these items?" he questioned toward the girl, a request he normally wouldn't burden someone with, but as Beryl was right about her being Kuni, he knew that she wouldn't mind at all. Kuni bowed once more respectfully, before holding out her arms to take the Kakuna from his care; "Of course I do not mind~" she swiftly responded.
Beryl then handed Kakuna over to the girl, before relieving his back from the stress of a heavy bag. He then gestured toward the mart, which could be seen as a few minutes away from their current position, and the two slowly made their way.

03-15-2012, 03:15 AM
Saffron City

Shaun followed the girl without question. After all, she had been here not too long ago... Doubtless she'd be able to find it. As an afterthought, Shaun returned Houndoom to his Pokeball. The poor hound needed some rest after all that. Magmortor usually preferred to stay out, more as a precaution than anything else. Shaun didn't mind. Better paranoid than dead, he figured.

It wasn't long before Shaun got lost in his thoughts. Though the walk was short, Shaun still managed to find the time to completely mull over what could've bothered Magmortor so much that the usually stoic Pokemon would lose its focus like that. Something or someone had been out there, Shaun decided... Just out of sight. He doubted even the most intelligent ferals would have done all that stalking just to let them slip out of sight in the city. Which meant it was most likely a human. He wondered about that. What lone human would... Well maybe that was it. Maybe it wasn't alone. Maybe it was one of those poacher groups, looking at her Dratini, Eevee, and his Magmortor as prize catches. Then, it could also be a raider group, simply looking for supplies... Or maybe Shaun was blowing this all out of proportion... Sighing, he figured the only real thing he needed to worry about was if the person or people entered Saffron behind them.

When trying to look back at the gate to see, Shaun realized that they had walked all the way to the Pokemon Center already; the gate was far out of sight. Cursing himself for lack of attention, Shuan entered the rather run-down building behind the girl.

Once inside, he picked out his own little corner and let his other two Pokemon out, watching as Meg gave hers over to the Nurse. As he did so, Joy caught his eye and tilted her head in a bit of confusion. Meg was walking her way over towards a chair near the corner when Nurse Joy approached him, already having put her Pokeballs away for healing.

"Excuse me, do you want me to take a look at them? If so, you'll want to put them in their Pokeballs first..." She studied him for a moment, knowing surely this wasn't the first time he'd been to a Pokemon Center... was it? He was certainly old enough to remember life before the Change... But Shaun shook his head.

"I prefer to take care of my own Pokemon... No offense, Nurse. Besides, you should prioritize Meg's Pokemon. From what I can tell, their wiped out." He gave a level look as he spoke, then returned to taking his knapsack from his back. He looked over and smirked slightly when he noticed that Meg had already passed out in one of the chairs. Chuckling slightly, Shaun stood up from his bag and looked over his Pokemon.

Magmortor was first, simply out of habit. The big fireball was almost a foot shorter than him, yet its sheer appearance made him seem almost as tall. First off, Shaun asked Mort to show him his claws. Magmortors shot their projectile attacks from the ends of their arms, which could switch between claws and barrels (as in a gun) at will. Shaun was always meticulous about Magmortor getting his claws messed up, as he had no idea if a cut would affect its ability to change its hands. Luckily, Mort had no damage to his arms, so Shaun moved on to make sure the rest of him was okay. His flames were hot as ever, though they didn't burn anything nearby. No fever or cold. Still healthy as ever. Finished with his overview, Shaun sprayed a Potion on a few of his cuts from earlier, but otherwise let him off.

Before turning to the others, Shaun moved over to the counter. Nurse Joy appeared after a second, holding an Igglybuff that was chewing on a teething ring. Apparently baby Pokemon had similar ways of growing up as humans did. Shaun gestured to the sleeping Meg as he spoke.

"You have a room for the poor girl? I can't just let her sleep on the chair." He muttered the last part, but Joy smiled and nodded, pointing down the hall.

"The third room is vacant. There aren't any keys, so the deadbolts are secure enough for a normal break-in. I wish we didn't have to worry about stuff like that, but these are dark times..." She said quietly, eyes moving to the ground as she spoke the last few words. Regaining her smile when the Igglybuff squealed out its name, she nodded slightly and returned to her duties. Shaun looked over to Magmortor then.

"You mind carrying her, bud?" Mort didn't object, simply walked over to the girl and, despite being roughly her size and only a 30 odd pounds heavier than her, picked her up gently and began walking to the door that Nurse Joy had indicated. Beyond a slight increase in temperature, Meg would likely not notice a thing. Shaun picked up his back and had Houndoom and Crobat follow, thanking Nurse Joy and opening the door for Mort.

The room was rather small, but it had a bed, dresser, table, chairs, microwave, mini-stove, mini-fridge, and a T.V. Not that many Centers provided cable anymore... It was down to the basics: News, Weather, and a few children's channels. Magmortor laid the girl on the bed and promptly moved to one of the chairs. Shaun laid his sack on the table and returned his focus to Houndoom.

The dog Pokemon had a few splits between its toes, which were usually cause by the excessive movement it did in battle. Potions stung, so Shaun used a cream that he had learned to make from an old lady back in Hoenn. It soothed the wounds and helped them meld, if not nearly as fast as a Potion then just as well. Shaun also noticed that his right horn was chipped, so he filed that down to a point again. Houndoom didn't like it that much, but even he admitted that he preferred a sharp horn to a chipped one.

Next was Crobat. She hadn't seen much action recently, so all he was worried about was her teeth and secondary wings. The secondaries ripped much easier than the primaries, and she was still a little reckless with them. Luckily, there was no damage today, so she got off with a Oran Berry. Berries were a rare treat, and Shaun's Berry pot had broken not even a month ago. Damn Pidgeot had got him hard enough to make him fall. The pot was shattered, and he lost the precious Sitrus Berries he had been growing. Sighing at the memory, He gave the last two Oran Berries to Houndoom and Magmortor as well, so they wouldn't feel left out.

With his care done, Crobat and Magmortor returned to their Pokeballs. Houndoom he left out, as it was his turn to keep watch that night. Even in civilized areas, hell, maybe even MORE so in civilized areas, they always had one of them keep watch. Shaun took a chair and leaned back in it, closing his eyes. His hand rested on his shotgun, which was lying on the table, muzzle towards the wall just in case. Houndoom took position right under him, lying out behind Shaun's feet. The dog Pokemon may have closed its eyes, but it was alert to everything as its master napped.

03-16-2012, 07:01 PM
Ekruteak City

He was pleased when the girl mentioned she would check out the Dance Hall. The Kimono Girls would surely appreciate more company. Garrett couldn't help but stare at the girl who walked between them, as she was bleeding rather heavily, but he knew Nurse Joy could take care of that better than anyone else, so he didn't worry. Sighing, he smiled up at Mismagius, who was hovering above his head. In the distance, he could hear the gates to the city being shut, as they always did when darkness fell. He likely wouldn't be on duty tonight considering how much he had already done earlier, and if anything happened Mismagius would doubtless let him know.

Garrett made his way over to the Dance Hall, where his Xatu was still on the roof. "Hoy, Xatu. Get down here, it's time for you to rest." The bird pokemon cocked its head - it obviously didn't want to go anywhere. It complied, though, and was withdrawn. Garrett then stepped into the Dance Hall, where light music was playing, and tea was being served copiously, as always. Zuki, who was closest to the door, nodded to him in greeting, her Umberon at her heels. Garrett smiled and nodded back, not speaking, he didn't want to divert their attention from any clients. Instead, he made his way to the corner of the room -his usual spot- and sat down. Sayo poured him some tea, which he gratefully took. He didn't want to do anything else today. Hopefully, nothing would attack tonight, so he could get some proper rest.

03-16-2012, 07:33 PM
Ekruteak City

Cathy nodded listening as the girl talked and explained about her pokemon "Don't worry about it I have to tend to bolt myself and Whiny and T.Y well be okay for a bit longer" she said. shaking her head as the girl said she didn't have to look she simply relied with a "I've seen worse" in a flat emotionless tone. she continued to watch observing closely and seeing the girl wince. "You might try putting some water on it to loosen the dry blood?" she suggested "And then work on cleaning it you never know what else they had their claws in" she pointed out softly. she then pulled off her small pack from her waist and ruffled threw it to get some wound cleaners and pull them out. she didn't have that many but enough for something like this.

"I insist that you let me help you" Cathy said setting her pack down while holding the stuff in her hands. "I can treat most anything" she gave a dry smile "There are some things you NEED to know if you work on a ranch" she carefully keeled down next to the girl and held out her hand for the girls arm so she could look at it closer.

Saffron City

Meg didn't even realize that the temperature had gone up when Mort picked her up or that it cooled down once she was placed in the bed She was so deep in that dreamless sleep that anything that happened now would most likely not wake her up till her body was ready that or she would need to be thoroughly shocked to come fully awake at any given time. May probably would not wake up for the rest of the day and possibly sleep threw the night unless something really happened that would wake her up. As it was Meg was dreaming at first it had been nothing but blackness but slowly light had flooded her vision and she found herself in a gold field of tall grass. upon looking around she realized that she was next to the ocean and it was full and blue sparkling in the sunlight as it moved and turned with a life of its own.

Turning around and around she noticed that farther way places looked so richly green and that the wind was blowing softly against her yet she felt hardly anything. she forgot about this tho when she spotted her father down on the shore. she instantly leaped into a sprint down the beach where she also realized she was wearing a long blue dress. she stopped to study it for a moment. It was a light shade of blue with a ribbon around the waist. it was pretty, not beautiful but pretty. she turned to looked at the beach again. her father was moving down the beach and for fear of losing sight of him around the bend she took off at a spring threw the field to reach the beach. once there she could that she was wearing sandals she didn't pay much attention to these she pulled them off and ran across the beach just as her father was turning on the bend of the beach.

In the waking world Meg was calm and almost had a smile on her face in the dreaming world she had caught up with her father and was now walking with him as they talked. she knew what he ways saying but for some reason she couldn't quite hear his voice. she blamed it on the noise of the waves but upon further observation she couldn't hear the waves ether. she turned to look at them sure enough they where lapping at the sand but there was now sound... nothing.

Once Ev was healed and he knew that he was he forced his way out of his ball and insisted on dragging the other balls to Meg where ever the girl may be. Nurse joy seemed a bit surprised but already knowing who's Pokemon it was directed the small brown creature to the door she followed it and opened the door even so slightly to let it in peeking in at the occupants inside she noticed that the man that had come in with the girl was maybe asleep but he looked on guard any how. "At least some people are" was all she said as the Eevee slipped into the room with the other three Pokeballs. then closed the door. Ev took the balls all on the belt and jumped onto the bed next to meg setting them down and set by her feeling rested again he didn't even lay down as he kept watch.

03-18-2012, 12:20 PM
Saffron City

Deron smiled as he took the knife, nodding acknowledging as he walked over to the fridge and picked out some vegetables, which he'd begin chopping up. When Growlithe came he glanced over to the pokémon, smiling at it. Once Dusky asked for the vegetables, turned his attention to the cutting again. "Coming along nicely." He'd be pondering over certain things while cutting, eventually speaking up. "Say Dusky... You said that you have always kept Pichu from evolving because he's your brother's pokémon, but wouldn't he want his pokémon to develop aswell?" He glanced over to her as he talked.

Magnemite would continue following Pichu about, sticking close to the pokémon, before looking at the TV as it was turned on, slowly hovering closer to it as the screen lit up. Eventually, he would move so close to it, that his magnetic field would cause disturbance on the TV, interrupting the movie with a fairly loud crackling noise.

Nidorino headed over to the kitchen after Growlithe, blinking, before walking away disappointed, heading back to the living room and laying down next to the couch upon which Vulpix and Eevee were.

Kadabra opened his eyes all of a sudden, walking over to a window and peering outside through it, as if he senses something, narrowing his eyes.

03-18-2012, 06:37 PM
Ecruteak City

Lily sighed as the girl once again offered to help. It's not that Lily didn't appreciate it, because she did, she just hated it when other people help her. She liked to do things for herself. Slowly she nodded, accepting the girl's offer.

"I did wash it out earlier, thanks to Feraligatr. He's always watching out for me," she told the girl.

With a finally tug, the bandage fell off completely, and the blood-stained bandage drifted slowly to the ground, landing in a crumpled pile. Lily held the new bandages in one hand, allowing the girl to clean the wound. Then, Nurse Joy walked out with Hoppip in her arms, flanked by Teddiursa, Feraligatr, and Noctowl. Lily completely forgot about her wounds and stood up, her bag falling to the ground.

"Here are your pokemon," Nurse Joy said with a smile as she handed Lily her four pokeballs. Lily put the empty capsules on her waist and took Hoppip in her arms.

"Hoppip! Hoppip!" the pink pokemon exclaimed happily. Lily smiled and hugged the small pokemon.

"I'm glad to see you, too, Hoppip," she laughed. Teddiursa ran up and hugged her leg tightly, almost causing Lily to fall over. Luckily, Feraligatr steadied her, and he scolded the small cub pokemon. Noctowl walked over to Lily, and she was happy to see he looked much more energized.

"Thank you very much, Nurse Joy," Lily said, a heavy weight having been lifted off her shoulders. She had been extremely worried about Noctowl and Feraligatr. Nurse Joy nodded and Lily turned to the girl. "I think she'll be able to take your pokemon now."

Lily sat down with Hoppip on her lap, and Teddiursa climbed up onto her lap as well. She returned Noctowl to his pokeball and was about to do the same with Feraligatr, but he laid down by Lily's feet, quickly falling asleep. She laughed softly at this, but decided to let him be.

Saffron City

Dusky nodded her head slowly when Deron asked her if her brother's pokemon would want to develope.

She then said, "I suppose you're right. . . . I know I would if I was in their shoes, but. . . . Everytime I think about them evolving, I can't help but wonder if that's what my brother would want. . . ." She took a deep breath. "Ryan. . . . That was my brother's name. . . . He never really pushed his pokemon to evolve. The only reason his Growlithe had evolved was because Ryan had a Fire Stone in his bag. He was saving it for an emergency, just in case his pokemon needed to evolve... Well, one day, while Ryan and Growlithe were practicing their shooting - my brother was in the military - my brother slid off a cliff and landed on a ledge about fifty feet down - he broke both his legs. He had taken off his pack before, and Growlithe wasn't sure what to do. So, he went into my brother's bag, found the Fire Stone and . . . he evolved. As an Arcanine., he was able to jump down, rescue my brother, and then get him to safety. . . . But Ryan never once evolved his pokemon purposely. That's why I'm so hesitant to do so with Pichu or Eevee. . . . What if that isn't was Ryan wanted?"

Then there was a loud crack from the television, and Dusky looked over and saw Magnemite had gotten close to it. She laughed softly and walked over, turning off the television. When Nidorino hopped onto the couch, he had frightened Eevee, who was very skiddish. Upon being frightened, Eevee leapt off the crouch and tried to jump on the table. She hadn't jumped far enough and accidentally ran into the table. The table rocked back and forth for a few moments before falling over, the picture on the table hitting the ground with it. There was the sound of glass shattering and Dusky let out a hefty sigh before walking over to the mess.

"Are you okay, Eevee?" she asked, picking the small pokemon up. Eevee was shaking because of the loud sounds that had been made. Dusky tried her best to soothe her as she picked up the table and then the picture. The picture itself was fine, but the glass protecting the image had shattered. She placed Eevee back on the couch and walked to the pantry, pulling out a broom and dust pan and began sweeping up the mess.

"At least no one was hurt," she said with a smile. Pichu hurried over to help Dusky. He was about to pick up some glass when he caught sight of the picture. He picked it up and showed Dusky.

"Pi. . . . Chu. . . ." he said sadly, pointing to the smiling picture of Ryan. It wasn't uncommon for Pichu to become sad when he saw the picture of Ryan. Dusky nodded slowly.

"I miss him too, Pichu, you know that," she said as she finished picking up the glass. She threw away fromt shards and put the broom and dust pan up before picking up Pichu. "Come on, Pichu, let's finish cooking."

Pichu held onto the picture as he sat on the counter, watching Dusky cook. He occassionly gazed at the picture, but would then go back to watching Dusky.

Vulpix watched Kadabra walking over to the window and she jumped off the couch and trotted over to him, wondering what he was looking at. She pressed her paws against the window and looked through it. What did he see?

03-18-2012, 07:02 PM
Ekruteak City

Cathy listened quietly to the girl as she worked on cleaning her wound she had finished this when the girl jumped up. this caused Cathy to jump up to and Bolt to back away suddenly at Cathy's sudden movement. She let out a sigh when she saw why and crossed her arms quietly but she had a small smile that didn't completely reach her eyes. She nodded when she said that Nurse Joy would be able to take her Pokemon. she unhooked her two balls and handed them to her.

Nurse Joy joy looked at Bolt "What about this one?" "I'll take care of him myself" Cathy said quietly she was glad she didn't argue and just went to take care of whiny and T.Y.

Cathy turned back to the girl and took the clean bandage. "Now we should finish that up before you do much else" She said just a bit chidingly and realized she sounded like her grandfather she then became silent again kneeling back down. even with the joyful little sight before her with the girl with all her small Pokemon unwrapping the bandage a bit she made she she she had thoroughly cleaned the wound before wrapping it all the while being most careful not to disturb the small grass Pokemon in the girls lap.

Bolt was surprisingly silent watching closely as Cathy worked he was also surprisingly calm at the moment and not making sounds of impatiens he seemed generally interested.

"There" Cathy said quietly pushing herself up 'That should do it... it wasn't as bad as it looked you should heal just fine" she then looked back at Bolt patting his nose and then started to go over him herself. looking at each hoof then his flank main and anything else that came to mind. she ruffled threw her pack for some small lotion that her grandfather had given her just for bolt. she still had plenty and on what ever scratches or cuts and what not he had she rubbed this over them before begin satisfied. now all she needed to to was wait for T.Y and whiny.

03-21-2012, 05:53 AM
Saffron City

Deron sighed, putting a hand on Dusky's shoulder as she spoke, putting down the kitchen knife. "Listen... When a pokémon begins to evolve, that doesn't necessarily mean they are being forced to... Giving a fire stone to a Growlithe forces it to evolve, yes... But if Pichu begins to evolve, it is completely on its own. It won't be forced, nor will it be sad or angry about it. Evolving is like growing up for pokémon... Just consider it, would you have enjoyed to remain a child all the time? Or wouldn't you want to become an adult as you are now?"

His attention soon turned to the other room as he the crack from the television. It didn't take him any guesses to know what happened, sighing as he spotted Magnemite hovering near the TV. "Magnemite. Be a bit more careful." The metallic pokémon looked over, before hovering away from the TV, going over to hover idly.

Nidorino blinked confused at the Eevee as she fled off, before shrugging and laying his head down to get some rest.ng a

As the glass shattered, Kabuto scurried over to the scene, looking at the mess that was made, noticing a single frament that fell a bit further that Dusky didn't swipe up, picking it up with his front claws, carefully scurrying over to Dusky as he'd hold the single fragment, as if saying he wants to help. Deron smiled at this fact, before looking over at Nidorino. "Dusky... Take my Nidorino for example. I caught him as a Nidoran. When he evolved, I was really happy, but if he is to evolve into a Nidoking, I will have to get him a moon stone. Thing is, when I get one, I will leave the choice up to Nidorino wether he wants to evolve or not. I don't think it is our right to decide wether our pokémon should evolve or not." He smiled over at Dusky as he followed her back into the kitchen.

Kadabra did not even glance over to Vulpix as he peered down onto the streets. There was just a small group of thugs standing there, seeming to be talking about things. It did seem as if they were up to no good. Kadabra just gazed at the group, narrowing his eyes. "...da... bra.."

03-23-2012, 12:52 AM
Ecruteak City

Lily smiled as the girl finished wrapping her wound and then nodded to show she appreciated what she had done and said, "Thanks a lot. I usually can take better care of my wounds, but I guess I was still a little shaken up from the attack; those damn Ursaring came out of no where."

With her bandages freshly wrapped, Lily put Teddiursa and Hoppip on the ground, returning them, and then patted Feraligatr on the head. The sudden feeling of a hand on his head caused Feraligatr to jolt awake. He relaxed though when he saw it was just Lily, and he smiled softly. Lily looked at the girl who had helped her.

"I think I'm going to go head down to the Dance Hall. . . . If you want, I can wait for your pokemon to be healed and we can go down there together?" she offered, a strange thing for her to do. But after all, the girl had helped her when she was in need of some medical attention, and Lily wanted to show her appreciation. "I'm Lily, by the way," she informed the girl, hoping to recieve the girl's name in return.

Feraligtr stared at the girl cautiously, not sure if he should trust her. Granted, Lily seemed to be friendly towards the stranger, which was a big surprise to him, so he relaxed slightly. The girl didn't seem to be threatening, after all. Though the pokemon next to her made him slightly edgey. It appeared to a zebra-like pokemon, though he hadn't seen any pokemon like it before. It seemed to be very strong and also very protective of the strange girl, which Feraligatr didn't like. He edged closer to his trainer, his seven-foot-seven frame towering over his trainer's five-foot-eight body structure.

Saffron City

Dusky didn't comment on what Deron said, as she figured it was pretty obvious he was right. She had been holding back Pichu for twelve years, because she was afraid of . . . of what? That Pichu would become stronger as a Pikachu? There was nothing to be afraid of. She had decided right then and there that the next Pichu was ready to evolve, she'd let him.

When Kabuto handed Dusky the piece of glass, she smiled and patted the small pokemon gently before saying, "Thank you very much."

She carefully took the glass from him and tossed it into the trash can before looking at the vegetables.

"That's perfect," she told Deron, taking the chopped up vegetables and adding them to the pot the stew was cooking in. Dusky added a few spices and then a meat, along with some cream to thicken the stew, and soon the apartment was filled with a pleasent aroma.

"It shouldn't be too much longer," she told Deron. "If you anything, just let me know."

She walked over to the TV and turned it back on, pressing play on the DVD player, the movie starting where it had left off before it was frozen by Magnemite. She carefully patted Nidorino on the head, hoping the small pokemon was okay with her touching him. Eevee crawled onto Dusky's lap, curling into a tight ball, glad to be close to her trainer.

Vulpix spotted the group of thugs and tapped Kadabra with her paws. "Vul!" She exclaimed urgently before running over to Dusky and tugging on her trainers shoe lace.

Dusky peered down at the small fox-like pokemon and sighed. "What is it, Vulpix?"

"Vul! Vulpix!" she growled, irritated that her trainer wasn't alarmed by her actions. She gave a strong tug on Dusky's shoe lace again, recieving another sigh from her trainer.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming," muttered Dusky, holding Eevee in her arms as she stood to her feet.

Vulpix, pleased her trainer was following her, led Dusky to the window. Slightly annoyed, Dusky glanced out the window.

"What is-"

She paused when she saw the group of thugs. They were up to no good, that much was obvious.

Dusky turned slightly towards Deron, keeping her eyes on the men down below. "Deron. . . . Come over here and check this out," she said softly.

03-23-2012, 06:44 AM
Deron smiled at Dusky when she commented about the cut vegetables, before he'd head over to his Kabuto, holding his hand out to let it crawl up his arm and onto his shoulder. He'd then check on Magnemite, who was just hovering about with his eye closed.

Nidorino's large ears perked up as Dusky sat next to him, blinking at her, before being patted on the head, lightly raising his lip a split second, before just resting his head down calmly, deciding to let the girl pat him for now. He peered over to Eevee as she jumped on Dusky's lap, before glancing over at the TV.

Kadabra glanced over at Vulpix as her paws tapped onto him, before he'd watch her run off, turning his attention to the thugs again after a few seconds.

As Vulpix started tugging on Dusky, both Nidorino and Deron peered over curiously, before Deron would walk over with Dusky as she called him over. "What is it...?" He then spotted the group of thugs, who seemed oblivious to them watching. Deron turned his attention Kadabra. "Kadabra. Any idea what they are planning?" The psychic pokémon looked up at his trainer, before holding out his hand. "Kada..." Deron nodded firmly as he closed his eyes and grabbed Kadabra's hand, as the voices of the scene downstairs would course through his head: "... shouldn't be too hard at all. Atleast if you don't forget the plan. We break in, kill the trainer, kill any pokémon and then just start looting. You don't loot until you're sure everyone is dead. Understood?"

Deron eventually let go of Kadabra's hand, as Kadabra would nod and walk over to the front, sitting down behind it and closing his eyes, continuing to rest. Deron frowned as he looked at the Kabuto on his shoulder, before looking at Dusky. "Lock your front door. If you know anyone specific living in these blocks, warn them. Tell them to shut their place down tight. These guys are looters, and that means they won't care for your life a single bit." He'd then turn to Nidorino and Magnemite, looking at them. "If they get inside, my pokémon and I can handle them, if that happens, hide." He'd then look over to Dusky. Deron knew that only his pokémon would put him at rest, but he wouldn't want to risk Dusky and her much younger pokémon getting hurt, he'd then glance over to Kabuto again. "Also. If they get inside, I want you to keep Kabuto with you and keep him safe. Kadabra, Nidorino and Magnemite can fight, but Kabuto is too small as of yet." He'd then glance outside again. The thugs were gone. They most likely still had some time. Trash like that doesn't strike the lights are out.

03-25-2012, 02:13 PM
Saffron City

Dusky, though still a bit confused, went to lock her door as Deron had instructed, Eevee still in her arms. Honestly, she was a bit scared, though she wouldn't admit it to him. Just as she placed her fingers on the deadbolt, she froze and turned to Deron. "I'm going to go warn Robbie — maybe a few neighbors."

Eevee hopped up onto Dusky's shoulder, giving her trainer the use of her arms. She picked up the small pistol she had received from the man who held her at gun point earlier that day and put her hand on the doorknob. She looked to Growlithe, who was laying on the ground, watching her carefully, as if waiting for the words he knew would come. Dusky opened her mouth and said, "Come on, Growlithe, I don't think you'll let me go alone."

As the puppy pokemon picked himself up off the floor, Pichu jumped of the counter top, letting the picture of Ryan and Dusky float to the ground. He ran right up to Dusky and leapt onto her shoulder, smiling. Growlithe sat down by Dusky's feet, waiting to leave.

"Oh, you're coming?" Dusky said, sounding surprised. She had expected Pichu to stay in the apartment. Pichu nodded and looked down to see Vulpix had also join Growlithe at her feet, which also caused her to smile. "Alright . . . you all can go. . . ."

I'm not really sure if that's a good idea though. . . ., Dusky thought to herself as she looked by at Deron and said, "I should be back in about ten - fifteen minutes at most. If not . . . well, let's hope I'm back before time's up."

And with that, she turned and opened the door, letting Vulpix and Growlithe out of the room before following them, letting the door swing shut behind them.

Dusky carefully made her way down the hall, her finger ready on the trigger. She wasn't sure how much time they had, and she just wanted to be ready - you never knew when danger would strike, especially with the way things were lately.

Within five minutes, Dusky had made it to the lobby, where Robbie was snoozing behind the counter, his loyal Zigzagoon sleeping peacefully at his feet. She glanced out the dirty glass doors and couldn't see any sign of the thugs, so she walked into the lobby, Growlithe and Vulpix trailing behind her. Eevee dug her claws into Dusky's shoulder out of fear, and Pichu was gripping her hair, sparks flying off his cheeks. Vulpix was sticking close to Dusky, so close that her trainer would occasionally trip over her. Growlithe was about a foot behind Dusky, walking so slow and menacingly that it was like he was prowling for his next victim.

Dusky walked up to Robbie and shook him awake. He jumped, startled from being awoken from his sleep and the fact that Dusky had a gun in her hand.

"D-Dusky?! What are you doing?!" Robbie stammered, Zigzagoon jumping to his feet and growling at Dusky in a feeble attempt to protect his trainer. Growlithe, angered by Zigzagoon threatening Dusky, leapt in front of Dusky, his usually light brown eyes having darkened to a foreboding black.

"Robbie, I'm not going to hurt you — the gun is for protection," Dusky explained with a sigh. "Look, Deron and I were in my apartment and—"

"Deron is the boy you brought in with you earlier, right?" Robbie said. Dusky sighed and nodded.

"Yes, he's the boy I brought in earlier, but that's not the point. Anyway, Deron and I were in my apartment and saw a group of thugs outside the building. Deron said they were looters, and I guess that’s bad. I just wanted to warn you.”

Robbie nodded and Dusky glanced at the clock on the wall. She had only been gone seven minutes, so she had been good to her word. Just as she was about to start walking down the hallway back to her apartment, she remembered Tommy and his mother — possibly his dad. They only lived ten minutes away from the apartment complex — if she ran, she could make it to their house and back in the same amount of time.

Dusky ran towards the door, pushing Robbie out of the way.

“Dusky?! Where are you going?! I’m locking the doors!” Robbie shouted.

“I’ll be back soon!” Dusky called out to him over her shoulder. “If I’m not back in at least ten minutes, lock the door!”

And with that, she ran out of the building, Eevee and Pichu clinging to her jacket so they wouldn’t fall off. Growlithe and Vulpix were running at full speed, easily keeping up with Dusky as she pushed herself to make it to Tommy’s and back before Robbie locked the door.

Dusky prayed that no one saw her as she ran, especially those thugs, but she knew that someone would see her — she was making a lot of noise. Her dog tags were clinking loudly together, and her heavy leather boots were making a loud ‘thud’ noise each time her feet hit the ground.

Finally, she made it to their house and knocked frantically on the door, her breaths now nothing more than gasps for air. The door opened and Dusky was greeted by the sight of Tommy’s father.

“Hm? Dusky, right?” he asked as he peered down at her. Unable to speak just yet, Dusky nodded. “Well, what is it that you want?”

“I . . . want to . . . know . . . if Tommy . . . and his mother are home yet?” Dusky managed to say between her desperate gasps for air. The man nodded.

“Yes, they just got home, but —”

“Lock the door,” Dusky instructed. “Lock the door, grab a gun, if you have one, and hide — there are looters out and about, and I don’t know where they plan on visiting.”

As she spoke, she no longer felt the need to take a breathe as often, which was a good sign.

“Wh-why are you telling us this?” he stammered. Dusky shook her head.

“Tommy is like a brother to me. . . . I don’t want anything to happen to him — understood?” her voice was cold and even, but Tommy’s father nodded. Dusky let out a hefty sigh. “Alright then — I’ll be going.”

She turned and started running back towards the apartments. She hadn’t the slightest clue how long she had been, but she knew it had been over fifteen minutes since she left her apartment, which meant she didn’t have much time. She could only hope the doors weren’t locked. To make running easier, Dusky returned Eevee and Vulpix, who was beginning to grow weary from running. She tried to return Pichu, but he refused, and Dusky knew better than to try to get Growlithe to return to his pokéball. So, she just kept running, gun in hand, hoping not to run into anyone as she made her way back to the apartments.

03-27-2012, 02:43 AM
Saffron City

Shaun awoke suddenly when Ev came into the room. Though he appeared to have simply opened his eyes, his body was tense and ready to spring at a moments notice, Houndoom's head rising slowly to acknowledge the returning Pokemon. When Shaun saw who it was, he sighed and released his death grip on his shotgun, slowly sitting up in the chair he had been reclining in.

Meg was still asleep, it seemed, resting peacefully. Shaun stood slowly and cracked some of his joints, his body stiff from napping in the chair. Looking around, he realized it had barely been a few hours. The sun was just about to set completely, and Shaun was already rested. Sighing his annoyance, he moved over to his knapsack and pulled out a pack of artificial jerky. Better than Pokemon meat, but hardly as filling. Didn't matter. He tossed a strip to Houndoom and looked over at the girl again.

Ev was standing guard. The tiny Pokemon eyed him once before looking away. Shaun smirked slightly and chuckled.

"Houndoom, stay here, I'm gonna go for a walk..." Houndoom nodded slightly, though something told Shaun he wanted to protest. He was obedient, though, and stayed put. Shaun left his knapsack and just kept his shotgun with him, moving to the door with a last look at the dog Pokemon. He smiled slightly and shut the door, knowing that between the two of them, Meg was safe to sleep as long as she wanted.

Once outside, Shaun let Magmortor and Crobat out, both glad to be free of the technologically advanced capsules. Looking around, Shaun was curious as to what went on after dark in the big cities. He didn't doubt that he'd be using some of those shotgun pellets tonight, but he was hoping he wouldn't have to. With any luck, this really would be just a simple night stroll through the streets.

At first, it was. The city was eerily quiet at night, with no guards in sight to keep any would-be riff-raff off the streets. He doubted they could spare the men. Regardless, Shaun pitied anyone who would have to patrol the roads at night. Without a doubt the 'graveyard shift' would start filling graveyards... Assuming there WAS any semblance of crime in the city.... Which there was, according to what Shaun was seeing.

A group of men were huddled outside of a building. It looked to be an apartment of sorts, and the men were obviously up to no good. Magmortor seemed to get a little edgy, heat wafting off of him in waves.

"Calm yourself, Mort..." Shaun whispered lightly. They were hidden behind a parked car, about 50 yards from the group of men. For now, Shaun was going to watch them, see what they would do... Hopefully, if they tried anything fishy, he could get the jump on them and put a stop to it.

03-27-2012, 03:39 AM
Route 22

Alex had very little time to react before his hiding place went up in flames. He had just enough time to fire a shot at one of the Houndooms, which by a sheer stroke of luck, hit the Houndoom's head, killing it instantly.

Soon after, he leaped out of the tree- only not as gracefully as he probably could have. He had intended to land on the ground, then take aim and shoot the remaining Houndoom, but instead, he slipped and fell backwards upon landing, falling backwards and hitting his head on a nearby large rock, knocking him unconscious.

Meganium managed to get close enough to the remaining Houndoom that it could unleash a wave of Stun Spore in its direction. The effect was instantaneous- the flames ceased immediately, and the Houndoom was left wide open for an attack- an opportunity Meganium ceased without hesitation.

While this was going on, Haru was making his way towards the direction Alex had fallen- he would likely be injured and need help. However, he never made it.

Meganium had knocked the remaining Houndoom over with a Body Slam and was about to finish it when a the sound of a bullet being fired rang through the air.

The bullet whizzed past Haru, barely missing him. The Houndoom was unable to let out a yelp or any other cry of pain due to its paralysis as the bullet buried itself into its chest, ending its life.

An odd sound filled the air then, one not expected after such a fierce fight- applause.

Haru turned to find a blonde man wearing a black overcoat walking towards them, slowly clapping and nodding. Another man wearing a similar outfit wasn't far behind him, bent down to one knee and carrying a now smoking rifle.

"Nice, very nice," he said, his voice ringing out through the clearing. His voice was very clear, and one of obvious authority of some sort, "You are all very skilled Trainers. Not many could have handled a pack of Houndoom like that." He then stopped walking and sighed.

"Although...I truly wish there were better ways of handling Pokemon these days," he said. The man then turned his gaze towards Haru. "Don't you agree...Haru?"

Haru felt his heart skip a beat. How did this man know his name?

"We've been looking for you for a very long time, you see," the man said, walking closer towards Haru, "almost 12 years in fact. You see-"

A loud cry suddenly filled the air, causing Haru to turn around. Meganium was charging in his direction, its gaze focused on the blonde man.

Haru didn't even notice the Pokeball being thrown, or the large Arcanine that came bounding from it, until it had collided with Meganium. Both Pokemon stumbled backwards, reeling from the attack. Arcanine then lowered itself onto the ground, in preparation to pounce for another attack.

"I suggest you put your Meganium inside its Pokeball, Haru," the man said, "before my Arcanine is forced to tear it apart- a process I somehow doubt it will enjoy, seeing as its part Poison, but I assure you, he wont hesitate to attack."

Haru stared at the man, then glanced at his Arcanine, who was waiting for any sign that Meganium might attack. He then risked a glance at Mina-

"Oh, don't even," the man scoffed, "That man over there is one of our best marksmen. If she makes so much as a move to do anything, I'm afraid we'll have to gun her and her Pokemon down." He then turned to face Mina. "I suggest you put your Pokemon away as well," he said, "My men tend to be a bit...jumpy."

It was then that Haru noticed two large...they looked like tanks, but that couldn't be right- coming over the horizon. He also noticed that the other man now had his rifle trained directly on Mina.

"Meganium," Haru called.

Meganium looked up at Haru in shock. Was Haru actually telling him to back off? The answer came quickly, as Haru wasted no time in pulling out a Pokeball and pointing it at Meganium. Meganium glared at the man briefly, which caused Arcanine to growl yet another warning.

"Meganium," Haru said, this time with much more authority in his voice.

Meganium let out a sound similar to a sigh, then lowered its head. A red light shot out from the Pokeball, enveloped Meganium, and then Meganium was gone.

"Wonderful!" the blonde man said, "Now then. I hope you don't mind coming with me for awhile. You see, our team requires your assistance, Haru, and from what we've gathered, we may just have a common goal. Miss, I'm afraid you'll have to come with us, too. Who knows, perhaps you'll want to help as well- I know our team could certainly use more people like you," he said, the last bit directed towards Mina.

It was at this time that the tank-looking things came into view- they were actually very large jeeps. Eventually, they made it into the clearing and came to a stop, two fully-equipped men in black outfits leaping out of them.

Haru glanced around the area in search of the man with the Tyranitar. He didn't see them, so he hoped they had gotten out of the way, perhaps gone to help the man with the gun.

Haru thought for a moment as two of the men scanned the area, another man pointed his gun at Mina, and the other came and whispered things to the blonde man. It was clear these people knew about him. However, had they truly intended to harm him- or anyone else in the group, for that matter- they would have done so already. Despite that, though, Haru somehow had a feeling that neither he nor Mina had a choice in the matter, and it would be prudent for them to play along with these mysterious people...for now.

"Alright," Haru said with a nod, tossing a glance at Mina as he did so. He hoped she was following the same train of thought as he was.

"Excellent!" The blonde man boomed as the other man he was speaking to ran off, "Now then, if you'll both just hop into the jeeps here..."

03-27-2012, 01:10 PM
Ecruteak City

Cathy looked over at the girl "Cathy" she said turning back to bolt and checking him over once again who shifted as the Feraligatr moved as well. If Cathy didn't know better she would think both where sizing the other up for what ever might come later. "Stop that" she said seriously to bolt "we cannot afford another fight" she said patting his neck then turning back to the girl once more.

"The Dance Hall huh?" she thought about this. the other man had also said she should come see it well since she was here she might as well but first she needed to see. "Ya okay" she said quietly "I have to find something out here first" went on "It shouldn't take long" she turned starting to head for the desk just as Nurse Joy was coming back out. Cathy thankfully took the balls back then immediately let whiny and T.Y back out. T.Y stretched while whiny excitedly pranced around for a moment glad to finely be out of her ball again before Nosing cathy with a greeting.

Cathy pat her friends nose absently as she fished two pictures out of her back pocket and showed them to Nurse Joy and asked if she had any information on the two. unfortunately she did not making Cathy sigh yet again. Whiny looked at Cathy a bit sadly As did T.Y and Bolt tho He only let it show for a moment before tossing his head and nosing her. Cathy nodded to her Pokemon patting them then making her way back over to lily.

"If your ready then I am to" she said as she reached the girl Whiny got excited again seeing new people and pranced around Feraligatr and lily more curies about the blue gatr Pokemon then the human. T.Y gave a sort of respectful greeting to the opposite element.

Saffron City

Ev watched Shaun then went to a window to watch from there ever now and then glancing back at meg who was still sleeping fitfully. this he was glad of since she had not slept much after they had left here the first time. he crawled back down to the bed after a while and settled down beside her keeping eyes as well as ears open. he wasn't tens but he was watchful.

03-28-2012, 12:24 AM
Ekruteak City

Ekruteak had always been, for the most part, somewhat peaceful. Sure, there was the occasional feral Pokemon attack, but the city was well guarded and those tended to not be a problem. Those who were faithful might say that it was thanks to Ho-oh's divine protection that they had managed to stay relatively safe all this time. Most, however, had given up their faith since The Change- after all, how could any divine entity- Pokemon or otherwise- allow such a terrible thing to happen?

Regardless, this peace was about to be disturbed.

A man wearing a black cloak ran through the shadows of the city, trying his best to keep out of sight. Every so often, he would look over his shoulder to check to see if he was being followed. They were following him, and he had to be cautious- they were incredibly serious, and he couldn't afford to take any chances.

Right now, he was focused on getting out of the city and losing whichever one of them that was pursuing him. He thought about the layout of the city. His first thought was to take the path to the Bell Tower and escape through there, but he had a feeling that they would be watching that path, along with the other exits to the city.

It was then that he caught sight of a building- the Dance Hall. A wicked grin grew across the man's face as an idea came to him. Surely they wouldn't cause trouble there- not only was the Dance Hall essentially neutral ground, but it was also full of innocents- innocents that they wouldn't want to risk hurting. It was perfect.

Without another thought, the man darted towards the Dance Hall and, as casually as he could, entered the building.

Saffron City

Night was falling onto the world. This meant that most people would now be returning to their homes, or whatever they used as one, anyway. Most people would be happy that they had survived yet another day in this cruel world, although Saffron had managed quite well since The Change- not at first- oh no, there were many thugs who attempted to take advantage of the situation, but eventually, that stopped being a problem.

That didn't mean that there wasn't the occasional idiot here and there who thought he could do whatever they pleased.

The mercenary chuckled as he noticed a group of thugs, strutting about as if they owned the place. These fools truly didn't know what they were getting in to.

The mercenary had followed the man- Shaun, he believed his name was- here. He decided to stay relatively close by, but it was then that he had spotted the thugs. Not long after they went by, Shaun came walking out of the Pokemon Center. The mercenary ducked into a nearby alley, keeping out of Shaun's sight. The mercenary watched him for awhile- it seemed that Shaun was headed in the direction the thugs had gone.

"Hmm...this ought to be interesting," the mercenary mused. He then pulled out his PokeGear, glancing at the clock.

"I wonder how long it will take them to act..."

03-28-2012, 01:35 AM
What was going on anymore? Everything was happening so quickly. They had been fighting for what may well have been their lives, and now this? Alexander was sprawled somewhere, the Tyranitar man with the sword -and his Tyranitar- had somehow gotten away as well. Good for them, really. She had been scanning the area around her, pistol in hand, but her attention was called back as Charizard roared, and as one of the authoritative blonde man's statements was directed at her.

"Oh, don't even, that man over there is one of our best marksmen. If she makes so much as a move to do anything, I'm afraid we'll have to gun her and her Pokemon down. I suggest you put your Pokemon away as well, my men tend to be a bit...jumpy."

Shit, they really had all their bases covered. Mina holstered her pistol, which seemed rather pathetic compared to the larger, more expensive guns these men were carrying. Her eyes were locked on the man pointing the gun at her head. Charizard had, thankfully, remained silent -well, as silent as a large, snorting dragon could be- but it's pose and glare clearly showed it was ready to dissociate some heads from their respective bodies. She held up her hand to it, a gesture signifying it should stand down, before grudgingly withdrawing her pokemon. She patted her Pupitar on the head before withdrawing him, too.

"Now then. I hope you don't mind coming with me for awhile. You see, our team requires your assistance, Haru, and from what we've gathered, we may just have a common goal. Miss, I'm afraid you'll have to come with us, too. Who knows, perhaps you'll want to help as well- I know our team could certainly use more people like you."

So, Haru was this guy's name? They had never gotten around to introducing themselves to each other. Better late than never, although she wasn't too fond of the idea of being dragged along with these strangers for no reason other than being at the wrong place at the wrong time... Or, perhaps, at the right place? This could be a valuable opportunity... one way or another - not that she was jumping at the opportunity to join this thuggish 'team'. And 'common goal'? She wasn't too sure what to think of that, but didn't seem like something she was eager to be a part of. She couldn't help but wonder why this guy was of such interest to them, however.

Then, Haru spoke, consenting to their plans. She glanced at him, frowning, momentarily taking her eyes off one of the guns which was pointed at her head. Their eyes met for a moment, and she understood. It was either this, or get gunned down on the spot. She nodded slightly, before walking steadily towards the cars. As she stood next to Haru, she considered telling him her name, a semi-formal introduction of sorts, but then considered how the armed men would react to them muttering to each other, and decided against it. It didn't really matter at this point, anyway. She hopped in one of the jeeps, keeping her face straight to avoid revealing her feelings -mostly anger, with a hint of frustration, as she hated being rendered helpless- then rapidly slid over to the other seat, just in case Haru would be allowed to sit in the same jeep as her. Even though she didn't know him, Mina would have preferred sitting next to him than being in a car of heavily armed strangers.

03-28-2012, 06:18 PM
Saffron City

Deron blinked as Dusky rushed out, who didn't even give him a chance to object. He sighed as he saw her run off. "Be careful." He then turned to his pokémon, as Nidorino and Magnemite were just looking at him, while Kabuto was huddled up on his shoulder and Kadabra making himself comfortable next to the front door.
They just stared at eachother for a minute, before Magnemite hovered over to the window, peering outside. The sky was darkening not only by the coming of night, but also by dark clouds looming above. Seems like tonight was a good night for a storm. If only the water that came down was useful, most of the time, it was infected with the same toxic substance that infected most of the other remaining water... the substance that took away Deron's Blastoise.
He phased out, reliving the memories of his Blastoise in his head, looking down at the shell fragment hanging from his neck, until he got snapped back to reality by Magnemite. "Miiite!" Deron headed over to the window, blinking as he saw Dusky running out on her own. His eyes widened as he gritted his teeth. "Is she insane?!" He knew that if he were to run down the stairs, he wouldn't be able to catch up to her, so instead, he opened up a window. "Magnemite! Follow her! Stay high in the sky and out of viewing range. If she gets in trouble, help her! Make sure she's alright!" The metallic pokémon nodded firmly, before floating out through the window, soaring off through the air above the city, keeping his eye locked on Dusky.

Deron then closed the window and reached for his gun, checking if it was loaded. "Nidorino. Kadabra. Make sure you're ready for anything. We might get some company if we're not careful." Nidorino didn't have to be told twice, as he was always enjoying a good fight. He instantly jumped down the couch and started patrolling through the apartment, while Kadabra remained in his position, eyes closed as his focus seemed to be elsewhere.

- - -

The group of thugs were just outside an apartment block only a few doors away from Dusky's apartment block. The night had fallen by now, and that was their cover to roam free. They were merely smoking some self-made cigarettes, and the stench from them pierced one's nose easily. They were dressed in scraggy leather jackets and second-hand jeans, obviously trying to impose themselves as some tough biker gang. One of them spoke to the others. "What time is it...?" "Do I look like I got a watch, you nitwit?! We sold all the watches we had last time to get some smokes and drinks." Some more, mostly incoherent, bickering continued, before what could be distinguished as their leader stepped in between them. "Enough, or I'm putting a slug in both your heads. Remember why we're here. That girl that ran out will be back soon, and that will be our ticket into the apartment block." The others snickered to eachother. "And what do we with the girl?" The leader smirked. "Whatever you want..." Almost immediatly, a very obscene discussion erupted.

All of them dropped quiet however as a rumbling thunder crack combined with a lightning bolt lit up the dark, night sky. Soon followed by a wave of rain washing over the city. The water didn't look like your usual blue, but had some more black-greenish tints in it, showing that you didn't want to use this as a drinking water by far. Further, the rain wasn't all that dangerous, but the thugs' attention was diverted to the side as they could hear someone running closer. They knew enough, as they would have expected it to be Dusky returning to her apartment. The thugs pulled out their weapons, mostly knives, expect for three of them that carried a handgun. They would walk out into the street as they would aim their weapons towards the source of the sound, expecting it to be Dusky, although their vision wasn't very clear yet because of the sudden, heavy rainfall. "Alright, little brat! If you value your life and that of your pokémon, you'll do what we say!" Their leader called out into the rain.

03-29-2012, 01:57 AM
Saffron City

Dusky’s feet were pounding hard against the pavement. When it began raining, she pulled up the hood on her jacket, mystified by the discoloration of the rain — how strange it appeared. She looked over to Growlithe, a fire type, and saw he wasn’t handling the rain well. Though she knew how tough he was, a pokémon, no matter how strong, couldn’t handle weaknesses perfectly. She pulled his pokéball off her belt and tried to get him to return, but when the red beam stretched out of the capsule, he dodged it, growling lowly at his trainer. Something wasn’t right, it was obvious to Growlithe, but Dusky didn’t seem to have the slightest clue.

Pichu hid himself under Dusky’s hair under the hood of her jacket, staying protected from the strange rain. He was scared of storms, and the thunder and lightning was worrying him. So much, in fact, that sparks were flying rapidly off his cheeks as he clutched onto her shirt collar like his life depended on it.

"Alright, little brat! If you value your life and that of your pokémon, you'll do what we say!"

Dusky paused as she heard the voice fill the air, even over the sound of the pouring rain, lightning, and thunder. The grip on the pistol in her right hand tightened as she froze in her place. Squinting through the rain, she could make out a group of men — she was sure it was the thugs. She muttered a few choice words under her breath — so much for getting back safely. Deron was going to be irritated she got in trouble — if she made it back to him.

Growlithe crouched lowly, the loud growl ripping from his throat, the low glow from the powerful flamethrower attack he was getting prepared giving his mouth a threatening illumination. As if in response to Growlithe’s power, the broken Fire Stone in Dusky’s jacket pocket warmed up a bit — the stone was a gift from Ryan when she was young. It was so she could evolve Growlithe if she ever needed to.

“Growlithe . . . You have better eyesight than me — do you see them, too?” Dusky asked him, making sure she was correct.

Growlithe’s eyes narrowed into slits as he slowly prowled protectively in front of his trainers. His eyesight easily cut through the cascading rain to the group in front of them — these sure weren’t any little kids. Some were armed with guns, but a knife was the weapon of choice for a few.

Growlithe nodded in his trainer’s and a few more profanities escaped her lips.

Pichu felt the uneasiness coming from Dusky and he timidly peeked out from behind the shield of his trainer’s hair and peered out in front of them. He squinted and saw the thugs. Being so surprised at the amount of weapons facing them, he tumbled off her shoulder and fell flat on his face.

“Pichu!” Dusky squeaked. The electric mouse pokémon stood up quickly and looked up at his trainer. She was nervous. He glanced to Growlithe and was surprised to see that on his face, despite the amount of hatred put on to mask it, Pichu could see Growlithe was worried — Growlithe was scared.

This hit Pichu hard — Growlithe was the strongest pokémon he knew, and he was scared?

Dusky hadn’t realized how long she had been quiet. The thug — probably the leader — called out again.

“Oy! Did you hear me the first time?”

Dusky gripped the gun tighter, her knuckles now white, and stepped in front of Pichu and Growlithe, slowly raising her right hand.

“You won’t lay a damn finger on them!” she called back to them over the rain as lighting flashed and thunder boomed in the sky, venom practically dripping from the words she spoke.

Pichu glanced up at Dusky in awe — the nervousness seemed to have left Dusky. It appeared she was going to give her life — for them. Very slowly, Dusky turned her head to Pichu and Growlithe, keeping her eyes on the large group of thugs.

“Pichu . . . Jump up and grab Vulpix and Eevee’s pokéball. . . . You four run back to the apartment. Get Deron and then leave. Understood?”

Growlithe opened his mouth to protest but stopped when he saw Dusky’s face. It was cold and mean — she wasn’t in any mood to argue. Pichu peered up at their trainer — he hadn’t seen this side of her before. She was so protective, so caring — and this filled Pichu with joy.

That’s when he started to glow brightly, cutting through the rain and darkness of the city. Dusky gasped.

“Pichu. . . ?”

She was about to reach for the Everstone in her pocket when she remembered the conversation she had Deron had moments before.

She let her hand fall to her side.

Ecruteak City

Feralitgatr wasn’t very comfortable with so many new pokémon around, so he stood much closer to Lily than usual. Lily nodded to Cathy.

“I’m ready,” she said with what appeared to be a soft smile.

She slowly headed towards the door, Feraligatr walking closely behind her. As they headed to the Dance Hall, she looked over at Cathy.

“So . . . What brings you to Ecruteak City? If you don’t mind me asking,” she added the last part quickly. Ever since the Change, some people were very difficult — she could never tell if someone was going to flip out on her or not when she asked that question. So far though, Cathy seemed to be a pretty chill girl.

Lily absentmindedly pulled a pokéball off her belt and tossed it in the air — there was a red flash and there, standing on the ground, was Hoppip. Lily quickly picked up the small pokémon, and just in time, too — a breeze started up, and Lily was well aware that it was strong enough that it would’ve blown Hoppip away. It had actually happened on more than one occasion — Noctowl was a real life-saver when it came to those situations.

03-29-2012, 05:07 AM
The thugs burst into laughter as the Pichu fell face-first onto the wet soil. "Pathetic!" The leader's eyes turned to the Growlithe however, as he aimed his gun at the pokémon. "I wouldn't try that, mutt! You're a fire pokémon in the rain... And a bullet will kill you as fast as any other living being..." He grinned. "Now then... Brave little brat... We'll consider sparing you and your pokémon, if you'll be so kind to let us in your apartment block..." The leader's tone was a sadistic one, obviously not planning on letting her and her pokémon live.

As the girl was trying to defend her pokémon, they all turned their guns towards her again, before the bright light from the Pichu interrupted them. "What the...?!" Suprised they all looked down at the small pokémon.

Magnemite, who was hovering above Dusky as ordered by Deron saw what happened, and was the alarmed by the flash of light, before soaring down as fast as he could, already hardening himself once more as he knew humans more than well enough.

The thugs blinked, before their leader yelled. "It's evolving! Kill it!" They rapidly turned their guns towards the glowing pokémon and pulled the triggers as their metal slugs exited their guns. But the bullets soon struck a solid metal coating, diverting off course as Magnemite had rushed down in front of Pichu to protect the pokémon while evolving. The leader took a step back, before he quickly raised his gun at Dusky, in an attempt to now pull the trigger to finish off the trainer before she could order her pokémon to act. "You're dead now, you hear me!"

- - -

Up in Dusky's apartment, Deron was just sitting on the couch, frowning as Dusky should have been back by now. The rain obscured the view from the window, so he couldn't see wether she was arriving or not.

The banging noises of guns ringing filled the air, however as he rushed over to the window, noticing a glowing light through the rain, his eyes widening. "Dusky..." He'd toss Kabuto in the couch, as the small bounced about, before looking curiously over at his trainer, who pulled out a pokéball and called Nidorino back. "Let's go, Nidorino! Party time! Kadabra. Stay with Kabuto!" The psychic pokémon nodded as his trainer rushed out the door and started sprinting down the staircase. He wasn't going to be able to arrive on time, but he might aswell try.

03-29-2012, 05:35 PM
Ecruteak City

Cathy simply followed with T.Y and bolt sticking close to her side Whiny prancing around the small party but being careful not to step on any smaller Pokemon that might be around her. Her Pokemon seemed happy enough to be out of the wild and in a 'safer' place but even here they remained on guard. Cathy watched watched Lily bring the small grass Pokemon out again and quickly pick it up the question the girl had asked her earlier not reaching her ears quite yet. the pushed her hair back tho it was useless she simply ignored it after words.

Cathy was pulled from her own thoughts as she finely recognized the question that had been posed and left hanging in the air. she wondered how long she had been silent. She reached back and pulled out the two old and faded pictures of her parents again looking down at them for a second before holding them out for the girl as she looked on ahead. "I'm looking for these two" she said. she didn't bother mentioning they where her parents she didn't want sympathy right now she just wanted answers....

once Lily had gotten a good look Cathy slipped them back into her back pocket T.Y watching her as she did so he let out a small sigh at the slightly glazed look of his trainer. he looked looked at bolt who only shook his head with a snort. Cathy hadn't smiled much since her brothers death this worried T.Y who had never seen her so even during the time she had broken her leg after attempting to ride bolt for the first time. that had not turned out well and Cathy ended up staying inside for the most of 2 weeks.

04-01-2012, 02:16 AM
Ekruteak City

Garrett had been comfortably sipping his tea, watching Mismagius float around in the rafters on the ceiling, when the bells tied above the door tinkled softly signalling someone had entered. His gaze shifted lazily towards the door, but he became more alert as he noticed exactly who had walked in. Garrett sat up straighter, attempting to get a better look at the man. He had an average face, nothing really special, but the way he was acting was... Slightly off. Garret couldn't really figure out what bothered him about this man specifically. As kimono girl Naoko approached the stranger with her Flareon trailing behind, the man almost seemed to flinch, as if expecting confrontation. He really seemed on edge, Garrett could see that much - and apparently, Naoko could as well, as she directed him to one of the most central and comfortable seats of the dance hall, probably thinking it would put him at ease.

With that, the man's back was now facing Garrett, so he could no longer see the man's face. This made it more difficult to read his body language, but Garrett had lost interest anyway. Thisis guy had probably been robbed on the way over, or attacked by some pokemon -it wasn't the first time he had seen someone enter the dance hall in a negative state of mind. Still, the Girls always made an effort to attend to their customers. It was with this thought in mind that Miki came by and re-filled his tea cup. Surely, someone with sketchy intentions wouldn't choose the Dance Hall as a target, not with the proprietors being well-known skilled trainers. Garrett sat back, relaxed again, as he pushed his suspicions away.

04-01-2012, 11:41 PM
Ekruteak City

Having finally finished his business in Ekruteaks mart, Beryl had sold off most of the useless items that he's stockpiled over the past couple of weeks. He turned the corner, smiling toward Kuni, who was still holding onto the Kakuna that refuses to be captured for personal reasons.
Beryl held up his bag, letting it drop slightly, before lifting it once again, showing just how light the leather bag really was now. "This feels much better..And now I have some money finally~" Beryl commented as he approached the Kimono girl, throwing his bag over his shoulder. Kuni smiled in return as she rose up from the grass, glancing to Beryl as he spoke, but couldn't help but get distracted with how many bodies were entering the Dance Hall, which wasn't very far from where they were standing.
"Perhaps we should bring your Bellsprout for that special care you wanted~" she commented, changing the subject quite swiftly, as she was getting worried for her sisters; in the sense that, they may need her for a dance, and she's not there.
"You took the words out of my mouth, Kuni~" Beryl responded, casually retrieving 'his' Kakuna from her arms.

The pair merely chatted between themselves as Kuni gestured, and lead the way toward the Dance hall, down the street. As they approached, Kuni made her way to the rear of the building, opening a door that is usually locked, its usage meant only for the Kimono Girls.
"Come, Beryl~ No sense making a scene by entering the hall on the other side of where we need to be~" she gestured, as she entered through the door, being greeted by another sister. Beryl happily followed, he had always loved special treatment/attention, including the little and meaningless ones, so he couldn't help but smile brightly. He closed the wall-looking-door behind him, and made his way to a cushion at a tiny table, with; as per usual, a tea set placed neatly across it. Beryl had been in this room many times in the past when he would stop by for tea, having many things personally in common with a few of the Kimono girls. With both his bag and the Kakuna placed neatly beside him, he got straight to business by pulling Bellsprouts pokeball from the only zipped pocket on his fur-trimmed jacket.
"So.." Beryl begun to speak, in a proper lower tone, being that there was a stage and possibly many civilians just on the other side of the wall. "My Bellsprout doesn't seem very much better.. but he hasn't gotten worse~" he continued to explain toward Kuni specifically, greeting the other girls whenever they took notice of him. Kuni bowed her head "I'm quite positive that if you keep up these visits, your Bellsprout may eventually be allowed to be vigorous~" she explained, smiling as she watched Beryl expand his pokeball.
Beryl smiled as he was finally reassured after so many weeks of worry, that his Bellsprout should finally return to normal, so long as it gets appropriate nutrients, which may get expensive. "Thank goodness~ I can't thank you ladies enough~" Beryl commented, before speaking up in a more casual tone; "Come out now, Bellsprout." he commanded, as the said pokemon appeared on the floor next to Kuni.

04-02-2012, 01:46 PM
Ecruteak City

Lily glanced at the photo and she saw a bit of resemblance between the girl and the man and woman in the picture. She almost asked the Cathy if they were her parents or some kind of family relatives, but she knew that ever since the Change, sometimes family was a touchy subject. It was for her.

The two kept walking with their pokemon and they eventually made it to the Dance Hall. Lily had visited a couple times while traveling throughout the Johto region, and it was always a nice place to stop and enjoy some tea. It was one of the few places that Feraligatr allowed himself to relax, which Lily thought was a good thing for him. Hoppip recognized the Dance Hall immediately and began cheering happily.

"Hoppip! Hoppip! Hoppip!" she repeated over and over again as they stepped into the Dance Hall. Dusky sat down with Feraligatr close behind her and looked around the Dance Hall, trying to see who was there. She saw the man she pushed passed earlier while going into the Pokemon Center, and she was hit with a twinge of guilt, as she began feeling back for being to rude earlier. She shook the thoughts out of her head and peered around at the others sitting in the Dance Hall and saw a man wearing a black cloak. He looked a bit tense, but that was nothing out of the ordinary nowadays, what, with the world now full of robbers, thieves, and feral pokemon.

Lily settled in on the cushion, getting a bit more comfortable, and she noticed Feraligatr had already laid down behind her and began sleeping. This wasn't uncommon for him to do this in the Dance Hall, because he seemed to think that, with the world as chaotic as it was, no one would dare disturb the pleasent enviornment of the Dance Hall. Lily couldn't help but share the exact same thought as him as she allowed herself to put her defenses down and finally relax for the first time in a while.

Hoppip was sitting on Lily's lap, watching as one of the Kimono Girls brought over some tea for Lily and placed it on the table. This girl had an Umbreon following her, and Lily recalled her name her Tamao, as she was the only one of the Kimono Girl's she knew by name. She didn't visit the Dance Hall often enough to learn all the girls' names.

"Good evening, Tamao," Lily said cheerfully. "Hello, Umbreon."

Tamao smiled softly at Lily while giving her some tea. "Hello, Lily. I haven't seen you around here in a while. Has everything been okay?"

"Yes, they've been perfect," she said, reaching out for the tea. Tamao caught sight of Lily's bandaged arms and gazed expectantly over at Lily, who smiled sheepishly and said, "Me and Feraligatr were attacked by some Ursaring today, and I just got some scratches."

Tamao knew Lily well enough to know that when Lily said she got 'some scratches,' it usually meant she was pretty badly injured. Still, Tamao just shook her head and said, "Well, those scratches may not seem bad to you, but there's some blood seeping through those bandages."

Lily put the tea down gently on the small table and glanced at her arms. Sure enough, blood was beginning to seep through the bandages Cathy had been so nice to apply. Lily muttered something under her breath and then smiled lightly. "Well, that's nothing to worry about," she assured Tamao. "I'll be perfectly fine."

Tamao nodded and left, Umbreon flanking her. Lily then decided that all of her pokemon should enjoy being out of their pokeballs, and, after making sure there were too many people in the Dance Hall (there wasn't), she let out Noctowl and Teddiursa. Noctowl seemed to be relieved when he took in his surroundings, pleased to see that they were in the Dance Hall. Teddiursa happily climbed onto Lily's lap and huddled close to Hoppip, wanting to share Lily's attention. Feraligatr heard the silent noise of Teddiursa and Noctowl and he rasied his large head off the floor and gazed over at them.

Lily laughed lightly at Feraligatr and patted him on the head, which he enjoyed, and she went back to silently sipping her tea, her four pokemon huddled closely behind her. For the first time in a very long time, Lily was actually relaxing. She forgot about her scars. She forgot about her wounds from the Ursaring. And, for a moment, she forgot about her brother. But only for a moment.

04-02-2012, 04:09 PM
Ecruteak City

Cathy followed silently with her three Pokemon Bolt flanking her side with Whiny prancing off here and there to see her new surroundings. The younger horse like Pokemon had never been in a city at least not out side her ball. Cathy let her Pokemon wounder so long as she could see them she was okay with them exploring. T.Y. staid close following his trainer from behind just a few steps. She was slow to enter the dance hall looking around the outside first before slipping threw the door with her three.

upon looking around she saw a few people this didn't faze her in the least no people at all was when you started worrying. she found lily just as some lady was walking away. She quietly came over also noting that the man who had shown her to the center was here. "so this is the dance hall" she murmured sitting down and looking around. she completely ignored the man that seemed to be tens most people where that way now a days she didn't think it at all odd for the time being.

Whiny was wondering around again a little less prance but just as curies. T.Y. settled down next to her eyes half closed relaxed but still watchful. Bolt seemed to feel that he could relax to and thus folded his legs and laid down off to the side all the while watching whiny. he might not like the company to much but he watched out for the other two fire types just as much as he did cathy. Glad that Bolt seemed to be settled Cathy leaned back and closed her eyes trying to rest just a little bit before the argue to move on made her get up and leave.

for the most part the small whispers and chatter Cathy listened to was far off and distant, calm but distant. it was cool making it easier to relax letting her some what tired body relax for even a smallest time. Letting out a small sight she opened her eyes again but remained where she was not moving until T.Y. shifted and looked down at her. she stared back up at him for a short time before closing her eyes again as T.Y. settled back down.

04-03-2012, 12:29 AM
Saffron City

Everything was happening much too fast for Shaun's taste. Firstly, someone was coming up the street behind him, towards the thugs. Then, to top things off, it began to storm out of nowhere. Magmortor had been keeping his flames down so that it wouldn't tip off the thugs, but now the poor Fire Pokemon was completely drenched. In response, he upped his temperature, which made the gunk water evaporate off of him as soon as it touched him, but still did not help his flames. Crobat shrugged off the water with a grimace.

The thugs responded to the girl faster than Shaun wished. They were up and ready within moments, three guns aimed at the girl as far as his good eyes could see. Shaun stood and moved further into the street, around the parked car. The thugs and girl were on the sidewalk, so there attention wasn't near him, if they could see well in the rain to begin with. He sure as hell couldn't. He gestured for Crobat to watch the girl, having Magmortor stay close.

Then, the Pichu was evolving. Shaun blinked, then realized that shit was about to go down. Shots were fired before his mind could think properly, but he realized that none got to their target, instead hitting metal... Was that a Magnemite? Then he saw another man with a gun.

The man made Dusky nervous, but not as nervous as she had been when the gun shots went off. Thankfully, Magnemite had saved Pichu and — Dusky paused. Magnemite? She took a second glance at the pokemon in front of Pichu, just to make sure she wasn't going crazy. She wasn't. Magnemite was standing — er — floating beside her. There was no mistaking it. She made a mental note to thank Deron for sending Magnemite to her.

But she shook her head, now getting back to the matter at hand. Though she was partly anxious to watch Pichu evolve, having never seen a pokemon evolve before, she had a gun pointed at her. Again.

"Growlithe," she whispered softly, "take care of them." She glared sharply at the leader and shouted. "Go ahead! Pull the trigger!"

She braced herself for it, but continued to stare at the man — she wanted to make sure he saw her die. Dusky watched as the man put his finger on the trigger and began to pull on it.

Then a voice rang out over the storm.

"Crobat, Protect the girl!!" Shaun yelled as his Pokemon swooped in at ridiculous speeds, stopping directly in front of Dusky and using Protect, stopping the bullet from the leader dead in its tracks.

The sound of the gunshot rang in Dusky's ears — how had she heard it over the storm? But now she had not only one savior, but two — Magnemite and this Crobat. She looked at the bat pokemon in front of her that had stopped the bullet, a look of awe on her face.

"Th-thank you," she stammered. Then came a cry of joy from two pokemon — one was Growlithe, but the other was different. It was familiar, yet, it sounded foreign. That's when she remembered Pichu had evolved.

Dusky looked down behind her and saw not a tiny Pichu, but a medium sized Pikachu, standing there with sparking cheeks, looking up at Dusky with huge, amazed eyes.

"Pichu — I-I mean, Pikachu," she smiled.

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed, leaping into her arms. Growlithe, tired from the rain and the stress, collapsed next to Dusky, which quickly pulled her out of her happy moment.

"Growlithe!" she exclaimed. Growlithe was out cold and she knelt next to him, concerned. She needed to either get to her apartment or to the Pokemon Center fast, but with these thugs, she didn't have a chance of getting to either places — at least alive.

"Magmortor, Smokescreen..." He said quieter, so only his pokemon would hear. As the Fire pokemon shot off the attack towards the thugs, Shaun quickly moved over to Dusky's side. "Go, get out of here, we'll distract them!"

Dusky gazed up at Shaun, who stood beside her, and, despite the voice inside her head screaming "RUN!" she shook her head and stood up.

"No, let me help!" she said firmly. Pikachu jumped down on the ground, electricty flying from his cheeks.

"Pika!" he exclaimed in a tone that made it obvious he wanted to help.

"We can battle," she told Shaun, her voice cool an even. "Thanks, by the way." She added quickly. She figured that the Crobat belonged to him, seeing as he seemed to be the only decent trainer out in the terrible storm besides herself. She looked to Magnemite and patted him on the head.

Magnemite buzzed slightly as he nodded towards Dusky, now turning his attention to the thugs again.

"Thank you," she smiled to the metallic pokemon. He had saved Pichu — er — Pikachu, after all.

The thugs snarled, before four of them reached for something on their belt. "Alright... You want to fight...? Let's fight then..." The smokescreen combined with the dark rain limited their sight almost nohing, but a familiar sound would come forth from them: The sound of a pokéball growing to its regular size. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48S_q42YQkw&feature=relmfu) It happened four times in a row, as the thugs backed off to create some distance, before three of them threw their pokéballs onto the wet soil, which opened up in a bright flash. In turn, a Sneasel, Gligar and Hitmonlee appeared on the scene, glaring over at their trainers' opponents. The leader of the gang snickered, being the one holding the fourth and last pokéball. "Give up... You two are going to go down! Go, Gengar!" The last pokéball flew out, landing in front of the other three pokémon, before flashing open as a Gengar would now stand before them aswell.

At the same time, however, Deron smashed the door of the apartment block open, standing outside now as he rushed over to Dusky's side. "Dusky! Can't leave you alone for a second, can I?" He smirked, before he turned to face the thugs and their pokémon. "More lambs for the slaughter... This'll be fun." The leader spoke up, grinning. Deron smirked in return, nodding. "Indeed..." He'd toss the pokéball he had been holding in his hand, landing it on the ground. "Go Nidorino!" His Nidorino would proudly appear, grinning as he had been anxious for a fight. Deron turned his attention to Dusky and the unfamiliar guy. "Return your fire pokémon. Save their strength as much as possible." He had taken note of the Growlithe on the ground and the Magmortar.

The thugs chuckled, before the first orders flew out. "Gligar! Blow that smokescreen away!" The winged pokémon responded instantly as he would flap his wings to blow the smoke away. "Gliiii!" Now only the rain was obscuring the view between the thugs and the trainers. The next orders were soon to follow: "Sneasel, rush in there and give them some Fury Swipes!" The Sneasel rushed forward at amazing speed, heading for the first pokémon in sight, which would be Magnemite. "Hitmonlee! Up and down! Drop kick them from the sky!" The fighting pokémon leaped up in the air, yelling out. "Hitmooon...!" It would sommersault forward in the air, before crashing down towards the group, seeming to aim mainly for the Pikachu down on the ground. "Leeee!" "Gligar! Go for that annoying bat! Lash him out of the air with a Guillotine!" The Gligar rushed forward, trying to go for Crobat as its pincers would glow faintly, before try to soar past him and slash him across his body. The leader made him Gengar hang back and do nothing yet, enjoying to watch his gang do all the work for him.

Dusky returned Growlithe like Deron had instructed and saw that the Hitmonlee was aiming for Pikachu. "Pikachu! Let's go! Use thunder bolt!"

Dusky had no idea what Pikachu would battle like now that he was evolved; she assumed he'd be able to control his power a lot better now, but she could be wrong. Though it appeared she wasn't. Pikachu let out a powerful thunder bolt on the Hitmonlee, momentarily stunning it and it fell to the ground mid-attack. But it shook off the attack as if it was nothing, stood up, and glared at Pikachu.

"Alright, that didn't work much, did it?" Dusky muttered. "Pikachu, use agility and get up close!"

Pikachu nodded, and Dusky realized she could be making a rookie mistake — sending Pikachu into close range of a fighting type. But she needed to make sure she took care of this damn Hitmonlee.

Pikachu used agility and was running towards Hitmonlee, who was readying anothing attack. The Hitmonlee's trainer shouted, "That's right, Hitmonlee! Smash that little rat! Use low kick!"

"Pikachu! Dodge it!" ordered Dusky. To her surprise, Pikachu actually did — he managed to dodge the attack with ease. Obviously the Hitmonlee and its trainer were surprised, too, because they looked shocked.

"Okay, try it again!" the thug yelled.

"Pikachu, keep it up!" Dusky shouted. Then she noticed the Sneasel was running at Magnemite and she pulled a pokeball off her belt. She looked to Deron. "Let me handle this Sneasel! Call back Magnemite!" She was feeling a lot more confident now that she wasn't alone; she had two other trainers on her side. "Eevee! Go!"

The small brown pokemon appeared, a little bit dazed by the cold rain. Eevee looked around, surprised by all weapons and pokemon around. Then she noticed the Sneasel and let out a pitiful cry.

"Eevee! I won't let it hurt you, I promise!" Dusky shouted to her, glancing quickly at Pikachu to make sure he was okay — he was. In fact, it looked like Pikachu was tiring Hitmonlee out! "Okay, Eevee, use shadow ball!"

Eevee didn't look like she wanted to, but she trusted her trainer, so she formed a shadow ball and sent it straight at Sneasel. It hit the pokemon and knocked it back, but that's all it appeared to do. The Sneasel got right back up and charged Eevee, now angered.

"I forgot! Ghost type moves aren't effective against dark types!" Dusky growled. "Alright . . . Eevee, use take down!"

Upon seeing the confidence her trainer was showing, Eevee seemed to forget her usual personality in which she was so weak and frail. She was confident in her trainer's choice. So, she looked straight at Sneasel and charged it. Sneasel lashed out at Eevee with its sharp claws, scratching Eevee on the face, but Eevee kept charging and made contact with Sneasel's stomach, sending it barreling backwards at least ten feet. But the battle was far from over, as the Sneasel stood back up on its feet, a bit shocked that Eevee had managed to lay a hit on it.

Dusky was feeling very good. Eevee had gotten a good hit on Sneasel, and when she looked over at Pikachu, she saw that Hitmonlee was slowing down — he getting tired! However, Pikachu seemed to be full of energy — it looked like Deron was right about Pichu needing to evolve.

One of the thugs yelled out, angered, though: "Sneasel! Ice punch! Now!" The sneasel responded rapidly as it rushed forward, it's right hand glowing with an icy aura as it would try to smash the Eevee back with the cold fist. Hitmonlee was tired, but that made the thug that was his trainer resort to something else: "Hitmonlee! Focus Energy!" The Hitmonlee closed its eyes as it was seeming to focus all of his strength and sharpen his senses. Eventually, the Hitmonlee would open his eyes again, as he seemed to be fueled again for the fight. "Rolling Kick! Now!" The hitmonlee then lept forward, as he would turn into a spin, with one of his legs stretching out, trying to hit the Pikachu with a wild whirling kick, using the last of his energy.

Eevee slid backwards and collided with Dusky's legs, her body cold and rigid from the ice punch. Her trainer gasped and knelt down to her. "Eevee, I-I'm sorry! I didn't protect you..." Eevee saw her trainer pull out a pokeball, and she easily recognized it as her own. This angered Eevee — her trainer had given up on Eevee before she had given up on herself. Eevee jumped to her feet and stepped away from Dusky.

"Eevee! Eve!" Eevee growled lowing, staring at Dusky with fierce determination, something Dusky had never seen inside her pokemon before. It became clear to the young trainer that her pokemon wanted to battle this out.

"You sure you want to do this, Eevee?" Dusky asked. It was no surprise that Eevee nodded, reassuring her trainer that she was possitive in her choice. Dusky gave Eevee a firm nod. "Well then, if you're sure, then by all means, let's continue."

Eevee smiled and turned around, filled with this new power of reassurance. Sneasel was glaring sharply at Eevee, a small smirk on its face.

"Eevee, give that Sneasel a taste of your sand attack!" Dusky exclaimed.

Eevee began pawing at the ground, but instead of flinging mud at Sneasel's face, she was flinging mud at it. Still, it temporarily blinded the pokemon, but that enraged the Sneasel's trainer, who yelled, "Just kill that damn pest, Sneasel! Use fury swipes and finish it!" Sneasel, upon hearing orders from its trainer, shook its head, riding itself of most of the mud, and charged Eevee, its razor sharp claws ready to slice Eevee into pieces.

Dusky, however, wasn't going to let that happen. "Eevee use dig!"

Eevee began digging, and stood she had a small hole into which she slipped into, concealing herself. Sneasel ran up to the hole and tried to go in after Eevee, but soon realized that Eevee had made the hole big enough for only her to slip into. Irritated, Sneasel paced grumpily around the hole, waiting for Eevee to come out. Dusky smiled, glad to know Eevee was safe — now she could focus on Pikachu.

Shaun was busy with a Gligar, now. Heeding the other man's words, Shaun returned Magmortor, though the Pokemon was rather irritated that he had to go back. He felt that he could still help, and Shaun knew he could, but he couldn't waste all of the poor things energy during this storm. Crobat could handle herself well enough, anyway.

The Guillotine was already a lost cause, as Crobat easily dodged out of the way. Her species was one of the fastest Pokemon outside of the Legendaries, and she was no slacker in that regard.

"Air Slash," Shaun commanded, only just loud enough for his Pokemon to hear. It was a technique he had made use of very often, not announcing his tactics to his opponents. More often than not it paid off, such as now. Gligar had no idea what hit him when Crobat sent a shock wave of sky-splitting wind at him. Gligar spiraled and hit the ground hard, its trainer yelling at it to get back up.

"Quick, Gligar, Poison Sting!" The Gligar responded, but Crobat was already using Steel Wing. Using its secondary wings to keep it on track, Crobat used its metal fore-wings to block the attack, then swooped in for the strike. Gligar went down, Fainted.

The thug leader smirked as the Gligar went down, before looking over at his Gengar. "Gengar. Go. Hypnosis." The Gengar grinned as he lept forward in front of the crobat, his eyes glowing as he would send out hypnotic waves, aimed straight for Crobat, to try and make the bat pokémon doze off to sleep.

Deron, however, wasn't in the mood for something like that: "Nidorino! Go! Poison Sting!" The Nidorino rushed forward, its poisonous horn glinting as he would smash into Gengar, who, although unaffected by the poison, had his hypnosis interrupted. "Gengar! Shadow claw!" The gengar jumped forward again, before slashing Nidorino with a dark scratch, sending him flinching back, although he was still standing.

Shaun smiled slightly as his Crobat was protected from the Hypnosis by the Nidorino's timely interruption. The attack still got partially through, and he noticed his Pokemon getting slightly sluggish in her movements.

"Hang in there, girl, and help that Nidorino! Air Slash!" Crobat managed to focus for a moment and swipe its wings forward at blinding speed, creating the shockwave of air that rushed towards the Ghost Pokemon.

Now, however, Shaun knew that Crobat wasn't in shape to fight. He returned his delirious friend and sent Magmortor back into the fray. Though it was still raining, Magmortor began to pump out massive amounts of heat which evaporated the water before it even hit him. It gave him a rather intimidating look.

"Magmortor, Smokescreen!" Shaun said out loud, then, quieter, "Follow up with Flamethrower." The rain might be a weak point here, but Shaun was confident in his Pokemon's power. The Leader would never expect him to directly attack with a Fire attack in this downpour, and that MIGHT just be the edge he needed. It was risky, as the attack might not do much anyway, but it was worth a shot while Crobat recovered.

Dusky saw Shaun let out his Magmortor and she wanted to help him out. She pulled the other two pokeballs off her belt and tossed them in the air, releasing Vulpix and Growlithe. Vulpix looked extremely healthy, but Growlithe was still looking a little sick, which made Dusky regret letting him out.

"Growlithe, you should return," she said, holding up his pokeball, but he shook his head. He saw Pikachu and Eevee battling, and he knew Vulpix was going to battle — he wasn't going to be left out.

Dusky looked Growlithe steadily and nodded. "I hope you know what you're doing, Growlithe," she warned him. "Vulpix, Growlithe, help Magmortor out! Use flamethrower on that Gengar!"

Vulpix responded with a normal level flamethrower, but Growlithe, wanting to prove to Dusky that he could battle, and also wanting to protect her like he always swore he would, gave it everything he had — he released a powerful flamethrower attack upon the Gengar. He wanted this battle over with now.

"Keep it up!" she encouraged the pokemon. She never realized how much fun it was to battle, especially when she felt like she could win.

Deron's attention turned to the spinning Hitmonlee, before he realised: The pokémon was soaked by the rain, and that rain would conduct electricity. He turned to Dusky: "Dusky! Combine Pikachu's attack with Magnemite's!" He then turned to the Magnemite: "Thunder Bolt on that Hitmonlee!" The metallic pokémon buzzed and sparked, as its electricity would react to the rain, before letting out a powerful electric charge onto the Hitmonlee as the pokémon was spinning, hoping Pikachu would join that attack.

"You heard him, Pikachu! Let's give Hitmonlee a good taste of your thunder bolt!" Dusky exclaimed.

Pikachu skidded to a halt behind Hitmonlee and used thunder bolt. The two electric attacks were extremely powerful, to the point that Hitmonlee stopped spinning and sat on the ground, taking in the pain. His trainer tried shouting orders to his pokemon, but his words were lost over the sound of the weather and battle — Hitmonlee was left stranded.

A few moments passed and the two pokemon ceased their attacks, leaving Hitmonlee on the ground, unconscious. The thug who owned the Hitmonlee had no choice to return his pokemon, which he did grudgingly. Pikachu was extremely pleased that one pokemon was taken out, and he gave Magnemite a friendly zap to show his thanks.

With Hitmonlee now taken care of, Pikachu was free to attack whomever he pleased, and he noticed Sneasel was still pacing around the hole, waiting for Eevee to come out. Pikachu looked at Dusky and patted her leg, trying to get her attention. Dusky looked down at Pikachu, who pointed to Sneasel and then himself, his cheeks sparking to show he was ready to battle.

"You want to help Eevee, huh?" Dusky asked. Pikachu nodded eagerly and Dusky smiled. "Well then, you go it! Pikachu, use thunder bolt on Sneasel!"

"What, your pokemon can't protect itself?!" snapped the thug who owned Sneasel, obviously irritated. "Hurry, Sneasel, freeze that pest before that rat gets you! Use ice beam on the rat!"

Growlithe, who had been helping Magmortor and Vulpix, heard the names the thug called his team mates and ceased his attack on Gengar, turning menacingly towards the man, his eyes darkening to black once more.

"Pikachu! Hurry!" Dusky exclaimed, not noticing Growlithe. Pikachu used thunder bolt, sending his attack at Sneasel, but was surprised Dusky is when a powerful flamethrower joined his attack. She jumped and saw Growlithe had ran to Pikachu's side and was now helping his friend protect Eevee.

"Growlithe!" she whispered. Growlithe nodded to her, signalling to her that her heard her, and continued to attack.

Sneasel was sent flying backwards into its trainer, not having the chance to attack Eevee, who was curled up in a ball at the bottom of the hole.

"Great job," Dusky said to Pikachu and Growlithe, "great team work! Keep it up over there, Vulpix! Eevee you can come on out!"

Dusky hadn't noticed, however, that Sneasel hadn't been knocked out by Pikachu and Growlithe's combined moves. So, when Sneasel stood up to his feet and his trainer whispered, "Use slash on the girl... Might as well kill one of these damn brats."

Sneasel nodded, grinning at the though of tearing its claws into Dusky's flesh. It quietly charged at Dusky, going unnoticed by Pikachu and Growlithe, who had turned to watch Magmortor and Vulpix battle Gengar. It ran past the hold Eevee had made, not caring about killing Eevee anymore. Though it would regret that in a few moments, for Eevee had heard what the man whispered to his Sneasel. Eevee waited patiently for Sneasel to run past the hole before lunging out of her hiding place. She sunk her teeth into Sneasel's neck, stopping the pokemon in its tracks.

Sneasel let out a cry of pain and thrashed around, trying to rid itself of Eevee, still charging at Dusky. However, its cry reached Dusky's ears and she turned and saw Eevee was latched onto Sneasel. At first she was shocked that Sneasel was still moving — she had though it fainted. But then she shook her head and smiled, happy to see Eevee was still battling it.

"Alright, Eevee! Let go and jump off!" she instructed. Eevee did as she was told and released the grip she had on Sneasel before pushing herself off the pokemon. Sneasel stumbled and turned back to Eevee, glaring sharply at her. It then charged Eevee, its claws ready.

"Not the pokemon!" bellowed the thug. "The girl! Kill the girl!"

Sneasel ignored its trainer and ran at Eevee, who quickly leapt out of the way and used shadow ball, knocking Sneasel to the ground.

"I said kill the girl!" shouted the thug angrily.

Still, Sneasel ignored the man and it went after Eevee with fury swipes. Eevee began backing up quickly, barely missing each attack. Eventually though, she slipped in a puddle, giving Sneasel the perfect moment to attack her. Just as Sneasel raised its claws to finish off Eevee for good, something unexpected happened: Dusky dove in front of Eevee and covered her, using her body as a shield to protect her pokemon. Sneasel lashed out at Dusky, slicing her down the side, but nothing more. Dusky flinched and held Eevee closer. Growlithe and Pikachu were so shocked — why hadn't she told them to attack? Vulpix was also surprise and she stopped attacking Gengar and was about to rush over to attack Sneasel, but stopped when she saw Growlithe.

Growlithe was staring at Sneasel with nothing but pure hatred — it had injured his trainer. Without second thought, Growlithe lunged at Sneasel, put himself in between the pokemon and his trainer, and released a powerful fireblast upon the pokemon. Sneasel was sent barreling backwards towards its trainer, and this time it stayed down — it was quite possibly dead.

Dusky slowly pushed herself into a sitting position, her side full of seering pain, and Eevee sat on the damp ground, shocked at what had just happened. Growlithe stared at her wounds, wondering how Dusky was still conscious. She had two fairly deep wounds in her left side.

Despite this, Dusky smiled down at Eevee. "Told you I wouldn't let it hurt you," she chuckled, flinched at the pain it caused her. Eevee, still staring at Dusky with huge eyes, leapt up into her trainer's arms. Dusky slowly got to her feet and patted Growlithe on the head. "You're a good boy, Growlithe." She placed Eevee on her shoulder, now covering her wounds with her arms — the pain was almost unbearable, but she didn't want the thugs to think she was weak — this battle was almost over. Once it was, she'd go get it fixed up, but until then, she's stick it out.

She peered over at Magmortor and Gengar, and it appeared to her that Gengar was about to faint, but she knew she could easily be wrong — the thugs, though they may be stupid, had surprisingly strong pokemon.

Three of the four pokémon were downed, but the last one made it obvious he was going to go down fast. He was fully struck by the combined fire attacks, but, although crippled onto one knee, he was still grinning. The thug leader was laughing. "Pathetic! Your attacks do nothing against my Gengar! Now! Get up in the air and unleash a barrage of shadow balls! Now!" The Gengar's eyes flashed open as he lept upwards, his body seeming to be hardly affected by the fiery attacks, only having drained some of his stamina. Once in the air, dark orbs could be seen forming in his hands as he would fling them down one by one, sending them at the group at high speed. "Gengengengar!" They wouldn't be given a break as Gengar landed, shortly after his attack, having a clear view of the entire group. "Gengar. Hypnosis. Send those idiots all to sleep." The ghost brought his hands together as hypnotic waves would once more radiate out, but this time in such a wide cone that it would be targetting all of them, both trainer and pokémon.

Deron, could feel his eyelids dropping shut slowly, as could Nidorino and Magnemite. He cursed in his head, they couldn't lose to this guy anymore.

However, Deron forgot about one of his pokémon, as a Kadabra would suddenly teleport in front of the group, creating a protective barrier which would block the hypnotic rays. Kadabra had been watching the fight from the apartment, and Kabuto was sitting on Kadabra's shoulder still. As Deron saw that, he got some new hope. The hypnosis being interrupted allowing him to regain his senses, before narrowing his eyes as he'd look at the Gengar. "Kadabra... Ngh... Psy Beam!" The psychic pokémon nodded, as the star on its forehead would glow, before he would launch a psychic ray at the Gengar, incapacitating him. He'd then look at the two he was fighting with. "If your pokémon are still able to fight, attack Gengar now while Kadabra has him pinned!"

Dusky, who was now bruised from the barrage of shadow balls and was still bleeding, along with a bit sleepy, looked at her pokemon. Eevee was fast asleep in her arms, so Dusky returned her to her pokeball, and looked at her other three pokemon. Growlithe appeared to be perfectly fine, anger still fresh in his blood, and both Pikachu and Vulpix were still standing, looking only a bit sleepy. It seemed like they were in a good condition to fight, so Dusky got ready to attack.

"Alright! Quickly! Growlithe, Vulpix, both of you use fireblast!" Dusky directed. The two fire pokemon nodded and they both let out powerful fire attack. She then turned to Pikachu, who seemed to be doing very well with this battle, though it was beginning to take its toll on him.

"Pikachu," Dusky started, "I know you're tired, and you've been doing a great job, you really have, but we just have to take out one more pokemon. Do you think you can do that? Because I need you to give it everything you got."

Pikachu turned and looked at his trainer. They stared at each other for a moment before Pikachu gave Dusky a firm nod. She smiled. "Glad to hear it. Well then, Pikachu, let's do this! Show them what you got! Thunder!"

Pikachu jumped into the air and was consumed by lighting that rained down from the sky. He directed this lightning towards Gengar, adding his power to the attack from the trio of Dusky's pokemon.

As she watched this, her mind was racing with different thoughts, like what type of pokemon Gengar was. Ghost and poison. Which meant Vulpix may be of some help to Kadabra!

"Alright, Vulpix, cease fire!" Dusky yelled. Vulpix, who was obviously confused, stopped attacking Gengar and gazed over at her trainer, wondering why she was ordered to stop attacking. "Vulpix, I want you to help Kadabra! Use extrasensory!"

Vulpix nodded, now realizing why her trainer had told her to stop attacking. Vulpix focused on Gengar and slowly closed her eyes. Vulpix's eye lids began glowing and she opened her mouth, releasing a multicolored beam that hit Gengar straight on. Dusky watched with joy when she saw this, as it caused Gengar to stumble some. While ghost type pokemon are strong against psychic types, poison is fairly weak against psychic pokemon, which was going to give them a bit of an advantage over Gengar.

So this was it, the last push. "Magmortor, get in as..." Shaun had to stifle a yawn in order to keep speaking. Damn that Gengar. "... close as... you can and use Lava Plume!" While his drowsy Pokemon carried out that order, Shaun sent out Crobat, who was now fit for battle again, if a little damaged from before. "Now Crobat, Steel Wing!" The Bat Pokemon dove in, its wings glowing as Magmortor shot his attack towards the Ghost Pokemon. With Vulpix using Extrasenory, Growlithe Fire Blast, and Pikachu Thunder, combined with Kadabra's Psybeam, there was no way this Pokemon could handle the combined assault.

The Gengar tried its best to resist the attacks, but eventually, it was blown away as the combined attacks overpowered the pokémon big-time. With Gengar out cold, the thug leader called his pokémon back and grabbed his gun. "Damn this! I'll just kill every one of you! Get 'em, boys!" ... His order was met with an awkward silence, as he turned around to look behind him. "Guys...?" Nobody was there, all that was left was the gang leader, who was visibly cursing in himself, before he merely dropped his pistol and ran like his life depended on it. "We'll be back! You can count on that!"

Nidorino growled out as he wanted to chase him, but Deron stepped forward and shook his head. "Let him run, Nidorino. He's not worth the effort." Deron then turned to Dusky and the newcomer. "Nice teamwork." He smiled slightly, before he nodded over to Kadabra, who vanished with the Kabuto still on his shoulder, teleporting away. Deron then followed up by recalling Nidorino and Magnemite into their pokéballs. "Call your pokémon back. They've earned their rest." He smiled down at Dusky's Pikachu, before smiling at Dusky herself. "And so you finally let Pichu evolve. It's for the best, trust me." He looked down at the small pokémon again. "No need to evolve him further into a Raichu unless he really wants it, but that's worries for later. For now, let's get dry."

He then turned to the new guy, smiling at him. "Impressive Magmortar and Crobat. I would say 'Feel free to join us', but it's not my apartment, so neither is it my choice."

Shaun returned his Pokemon, allowing them their rest and to get out of this horrid rain. To the man who apparently watched over the girl, Shaun simply shook his head. "I have my own ward to look after right now. She's asleep at the Pokemon Center with my Houndoom. Do you two plan on heading out somewhere? Me and her are on our way towards Vermillion, and then through the Diglett Tunnels. It'd be quite helpful to have more than just the two of us..." He looked at the girl, who was most likely the only one attached to the place, if it was her apartment.

Dusky was feeling a bit dizzy now, whether from the hypnosis or wound, she wasn't sure. Keeping her arm close to her side, Dusky looked to Shaun and said, "Well, I have a job here... I'll be honest, I wasn't planning on traveling, but then again, I've never had so much fun before." She said this while grinning. "I guess it's really up to my pokemon — if they want to go, then I have no objection to leaving." She looked down at three of her four pokemon, who were staring up at their trainer with big eyes. Was she serious?

"Well, what do you guys say? You want to travel?" she asked the three pokemon. Each of them smiled and nodded. It looked like they were ready to leave Saffron City behind. "Let me ask Eevee..." Dusky released Eevee, who was just waking up after falling asleep because of Gengar. She slowly knelt down, flinching at the burning pain in her left side. "Okay, Eevee, here's the deal: we can either travel with them," she said, pointing to Deron and Shaun, "and one other person, or we can stay here — it's up to you."

Eevee gazed up at her trainer and then to Deron and Shaun. The pokemon admitted to herself that battling like she did today was fun, and she would love to do it again, but she reminded herself that Saffron City had been her home for quite awhile. But then she took into account that her trainer was actually enjoying herself, something she rarely did.

Finally, Eevee nodded and Growlithe, Vulpix, and Pikachu all let out a happy cheer while Dusky slowly pushed herself up into a standing position. She looked to Shaun and Deron, smiling. "Well, there you have it — I guess we're traveling buddies." She then looked at her pokemon, who were now beginning to feel very tired, the excitement of the battle finally wearing off. "Come on, you guys — you've definitely earned your rest."

For once, none of her pokemon objected being put in their pokeballs, and Dusky placed their pokeballs back on her belt before risking a quick glance at the two cuts on her side — they didn't look too pretty, as they were still bleeding, which is probably why she was feeling so crappy. Despite this, she covered her wound and looked at Shaun and Deron. "Thanks a lot, you two. I'd probably be dead if it weren't for you guys," she said with a sheepish laugh.

Shaun raised a hand in deference. "You handled yourself wonderfully out there, kid, don't put all the glory on us," he said with a smirk, turning his gaze upward towards the rain. "Now, I think I'll let you two sleep on that answer, as it's far too late at night and I'm sure we all need our rest. If your answer is still yes come morning, then feel free to meet us at the Pokemon Center. I'd be forever grateful if you did. If not, then it was a fine time battling beside you." He raised a hand in goodbye and turned back towards the Center, leaving Dusky and Deron to their own devices again. Silently, Shaun hoped they meant what they said about coming along. With a group of four... Hell, anything was possible!

04-04-2012, 02:28 PM
Ecruteak City

Lily sipped her tea quietly, enjoying the relaxing atmosphere of the Dance Hall. Feraligatr, though at eased, glanced somewhat anxiously around the Dance Hall, half expecting someone to burst through the doors and start shooting. Noctowl was sitting behind his trainer, observing the cloaked man with his large eyes. The man appeared so tense, as if expecting something to happen. . . . Noctowl's attention was soon diverted to a Mismagius that was floating around the ceiling. Hoppip was snoozing happily in Lily's lap, curled up tightly against Teddiursa, who was laying with an arm around Hoppip, as he was very protective of the small pokemon.

Lily looked over at Cathy, smiling lightly at her. She was very tempted to ask about the people in the photo, but Lily didn't want Cathy to start crying or anything — she didn't handle crying people well. So she instead continued to sip her tea quietly, observing the room again. She looked down at her bandages and was a bit annoyed to see that more blood had seeped through. So, quite grudgingly, she slowly unwrapped her arms (this time with much more ease), and began to bandage them again.

Hoppip was woken up by her trainer's sudden movement, and she slowly lifted herself off Lily's lap, as she wanted to go explore the Dance Hall and meet new people. Teddiursa, upon seeing Hoppip was exploring, got up to go with her, as he didn't want her wandering off by herself. So both Hoppip and Teddiursa walked away from Lily, exploring the Dance Hall and the people and pokemon inside. The two wandered up to a man with his hair pulled back into a ponytail who appeared to be a bit unshaven, but the two pokemon smiled at him all the same and then wandered off again. They then made their way over to the cloak man who appeared on edge, and smiled. They could sense that he was uneasy for one reason or another, and they wanted him to feel relaxed, so they began talking to him.

"Hoppip!" she cooed cheerfully. Teddiursa smiled at the man, waving.

"Teddiursa!" he said with an adorable smile, hoping to get the man to grin.

"Hoppip? Teddiursa?"

It was Lily. She had spotted the two pokemon and she stood up, both her arms now freshly bandaged, and made her way over to them. She knelt down and picked up Teddiursa and Hoppip. "Come on, you two. I bandage my arms and you two feel the need to run off?" Teddiursa and Hoppip smiled and cuddled Lily, which caused her to laugh. "Alright, alright, just don't do it again." She looked at the man who they had been pestering and saw it was the cloaked man. "Er, sorry about that, I should've been paying more attention to them."

She straightened up and said, "Again, sorry if they were bothering you. These two don't know a stranger," she said with a soft laugh, hoping that a simple joke would help the man relax. She then headed back over to Noctowl and Feraligatr, who were watching Lily talk to the cloaked man. Feraligatr wasn't a big fan of strangers, much less strangers whom Lily interacted with.

04-04-2012, 02:28 PM
Saffron City

Dusky let out a hefty sigh and looked at Deron. "Well. . . . That was fun, wasn't it?" she said with a soft laugh. Then she sighed again. "Sorry I got myself into trouble, by the way. I guess it's something I'm prone to."

She glanced at the doors of the apartment complex and sighed yet again. "I think the stew is almost finished, and I really need to take a shower — this rain is disgusting. Besides, my pokemon are probably getting hungry."

Dusky was about to walk into the apartment complex before looked at Deron again. "Thanks for sending Magnemite to watch out for me — if it weren't for him, they would've kill Pichu — er — I mean Pikachu. If that had happened . . . well, I don't want to even think about it."

Now she was smiling again and she headed back into the lobby, her arm pinned to her side. She really wanted to go inside so she could clear this wound — who knew what was in the rain water? Dusky made it to her apartment and unlocked the door before stepping inside, greeted by the smell of the completed stew sitting on the stove. She smiled lightly and pushed the pot onto a cool burning, turning off the stove. She then looked at Kadabra and Kabuto and smiled, patting each pokemon lightly on the head.

"Thanks for the help out there, Kadabra," she said with a grin before going into her bedroom. She let out all her pokemon, and all of them looked extremely tired. Pikachu and Growlithe jumped onto her bed and quickly fell asleep, where as Vulpix and Eevee walked out into the living room and curled up close together on the couch before going to sleep.

Dusky left the door open to her apartment so Deron could get in, as she walked rather briskly to her apartment, leaving him behind unintentionally. She then stepped into the bathroom and began to take a hot shower. The water was turned red by her bloody wounds, but slowly the water began getting clearer and clearer, though the injuries on her left side were still killing her. Dusky could only hope she wouldn't need stitches.

04-04-2012, 08:14 PM
Saffron City

The mercenary had watched the battle from his spot in the alley. He kept his rifle at the ready- while he wasn't personally concerned with the group's safety, Shaun was far too valuable to lose, and should things go sour, he would have to step in.

Fortunately, though, he didn't need to. The group handled the battle well, and in the end the thugs ran away. The mercenary scoffed at this. This was the world we now live in- a world full of cowards who wont finish what they started. Fortunately, the mercenary knew they would get what they deserved.

Those thugs would be dead before dawn.


The thug leader continued running until he was a good distance away from where the battle took place. He tried not to think about the loss- the battle was getting too large scale, anyway. The cops would likely be there soon.

But then he remembered the rest of the gang. While they all had more Pokemon and could easily have continued fighting, they had left him to do so alone. He wasn't going to forgive them for that. He hadn't seen any sign of them while running, so he took out his PokeGear and dialed one of their numbers.

He was shocked when he heard another PokeGear ring nearby.

One of the other thugs slowly stepped out from behind a building, turning to face the leader.

The leader scowled at him, balling his hands up in to a fist and advancing towards him. "Where in the hell did you idiots go? We could-"

The thug suddenly reached out to the leader and then promptly fell to the ground, dead, a knife sticking out of his back.

The thug leader stopped talking, then slowly came closer to the dead man. The leader looked around and then noticed a pair of legs sticking out from behind the building the thug had come from. The leader cautiously crept closer until he was behind the building and gasped when he saw the rest of the gang lying dead. The leader slowly began to back up-

-and received a sharp blow to the head. The man fell over, dazed, then he eventually looked back at his assailant. Or assailants, as it turned out. One was a large, bald, and bulky man. The other was a woman, only slightly shorter than the man and had short black hair cut into a style reminiscent of military, and stood a bit farther back. The two had one thing in common- they both wore white.

"Good. You saved us the trouble of having to hunt you down," the man said, his voice low. He held a knife that was dripping blood in his right hand.

The thug leader's eyes widened as he saw the knife, and he slowly began to drag himself away, attempting to dial a number on his PokeGear and stand at the same time. "G-gotta call the cops-"

A boot caught the thug in the chest, sending him falling over to his side, PokeGear slipping out of his hands. Another boot instantly came down and crushed the PokeGear. The two laughed as the thug paled.

"The cops!" the man boomed, "Kid, do you wanna know a secret?"

The man then grabbed the thug by the collar of his shirt and hoisted him up into the air.

"We are the cops around here," the man said. It was then that the thug noticed something about their outfits- a single red 'R' in the center.

Realization flooded over the thug. "O-oh...Oh hell," the thug whimpered.

"Oh hell," the man mocked, then he dropped the knife and planted a firm right hook into the thug's face, sending him sprawling back onto the ground.

"I would tell you to remember this, kid" the man said, delivering another kick into the thug's chest, "I would tell you to remember what happens to those who decide to disturb the peace in this city. But you see," he paused, picking up the knife, "no one who screws up like this survive in Team Rocket's city."

The man kicked the whimpering thug, who was paralyzed in fear, yet again. Then, he hoisted the knife into the air and was about to bring it down onto the thug, but was stopped when someone grabbed his hand- the woman.

"Kelly," the man growled. He didn't like anyone interrupting him while he was doing his job.

"Wait, Ned," Kelly said, winking at the man. Ned lowered his arm then- he knew Kelly had a plan.

Kelly stepped closer to the thug, who was now drenched in sweat.

"Don't worry," Kelly said, a sweet smile on her face, "I wont let him kill you."

The thug relaxed then, relief flooding through him. He was safe, now- he wasn't going to die. He was so happy, in fact, that he didn't bother getting up yet.

This was a mistake.

He barely felt the Pokeball as it fell onto him. He only took notice of it when it suddenly popped open and an abnormally large Arbok was on top of him. The thug didn't move. He couldn't if he wanted to. He slowly looked up into the face of the snake, a scream just on his lips- a scream that would never escape his lips once he gazed into Arboks's paralyzing eyes.

"I never said I would let you live, though," Kelly said with an equally sweet grin.

She turned to speak with Ned as Arbok attacked.

"It seems as though so many people are forgetting about us these days," she said.

Ned nodded in agreement. "One would think they would get the message after 12 years," he said, "It's as if they don't appreciate what we're doing here for them."

It was Kelly's turn to nod. "I think it's about time the Boss does something about this before we're completely forgotten-what?" she said, noticing a grimace on Ned's face, "I thought you would want something done?"

"I would,, yes," Ned said, "But it's not that." Ned then spread his arms out, directing Kelly's attention to the dead bodies littered around the area.

"Why do we have to be the ones to clean up this mess?" Ned whined.

Kelly looked around, and then turned back towards Arbok. The thug had long since been dead, and Arbok sat on top of him, looking at him and the other thugs with anticipation- while Ned and Kelly only saw lowly dead thugs, Arbok saw a buffet.

"I think we have a solution to that problem," Kelly said with a grin.

04-12-2012, 10:40 AM
Deron smiled as Dusky let her pokémon choose wether they want to travel along with Shaun, laying his hands in his side, before he turned his attention to Shaun, smiling as he nodded. "I wouldn't mind that. Wasn't planning on staying here too long, and I don't look forward to travelling alone again."
As Shaun left, he turned back to Dusky, smiling at her as she spoke about him sending Magnemite after her. "I couldn't risk you going out on your own." He smiled, patting Dusky's head gently, before he'd follow her inside.

Once Dusky would enter the apartment, Kadabra would be waiting for them, with Kabuto now on its tail, before he'd head over to the living room, and put Kabuto on the couch, as he was apparently sleeping aswell. Kadabra then made his way over to the front door again, sitting down by it to take his regular place.

Deron entered shortly after Dusky, shutting the door to the apartment and locking it, before tossing out his other two pokémon. "Go ahead and rest." Magnemite hovered to a large cabinet in the living room and put itself down on it of it, closing its eye, while Nidorino went to lay down next to the couch, not wanting to scare the small pokémon off again.

Deron then walked into the kitchen, smiling at the stew as he took in the scent, before he'd look around as he'd hear water running now as in a shower. He turned out of the kitchen and walked over to the door where he heard the noise coming from, knocking on the door. "Dusky? How is that wound of yours?" He spoke up as loud as he could so that she could hear him over the noise of the water. "If you want, I can bandage that wound when you're done. I still have some bandages and anti-septic in my bag." He waited right outside the door, feeling slightly tempted to peek inside, but not wanting to get kicked out of the apartment, he stayed out of the room.

04-12-2012, 10:02 PM
Saffron City

Dusky jumped slightly when she heard Deron’s voice over the sound of running water. She briefly glanced at her wounds, slightly disgusted at the sight of them — they were very pretty, yet the water was running clearly again, which meant it wasn’t bleeding anymore.

She shut the water off and called out to Deron, “Th-thanks, but I have some bandages that I can use.”

She stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel firmly around herself, flinching slight at the pain it caused her. She walked over to the medicine cabinet and rummaged through it, looking for a few things she would need in order to tend to her wounds.

“Rubbing alcohol . . . bandages . . . antiseptic cream . . . .” she muttered to herself as she pulled the items she listed out of the cabinet.

When she had the things she needed, she opened the door, releasing the steam that had been building up in the bathroom as she took her shower. Dusky did her best not to meet Deron’s eyes as she said, “Erm — you and your pokemon and go ahead and start eating — I’m not really hungry, but I’ll be out in a few moments to get some food for my pokemon.”

She briskly walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a couple bowls and then reached into a drawr and retrieved a few spoons before turning back to Deron. Her face by this point was very red, as she kept on blushing — she was embarrassed about talking to him while in a towel, but she didn’t want the stew to get cold. So, despite being very embarrassed (and very red), Dusky said, “There’s everything you’ll need.”

She then hurried into her room and closed the door behind her. Growlithe and Pikachu were still fast asleep on the bed, and out in the living room, Vulpix and Eevee were resting on the couch.

Dusky removed her towel and began tending to the large cuts on her side — the rubbing alcohol burned like crazy when it came in contact with the bloody wounds (they were beginning to bleed a little bit again), but Dusky gritted her teeth and dealt with the pain. She then applied the cream before wrapping her wounds. When she finished tending to her wounds, she got dressed in a pain of sweat pants and an oversized t-shirt, and she was just about to leave her room when she remembered about Deron — he might not have a change of clothes, and she would feel terrible if he slept in wet clothes, so she grabbed a t-shirt and sweat pants before stepping out of her room.

“These are for you,” Dusky said to Deron while placing the shirt and pants on the counter. “They belonged to my brother — hopefully they fit.”

She went to the pot filled with stew (she had a feeling they would have leftovers to take with them when they left the next day) and filled four bowls with the food before calling out, “Eevee; Vulpix; Growlithe; Pikachu; Dinner!”

Despite the fact that they had all been asleep moments before, at the word ‘food’, all four of Dusky’s pokemon woke up and rushed over to their trainer. She placed their food in front of them on the ground, with the exception of Pikachu, who ate on the counter. Dusky smiled as she watched all the pokemon happily eat their food, with the exception of Pikachu, who picked at his stew, only eating the vegetables.

“Well, eat up, you guys — we have a big day ahead of us,” Dusky smiled.

Dusky then walked up to Deron and hugged him gently. “Thanks again. . . . You guys really saved my life out there,” she muttered.

She held the hug for a few more moments before letting go and smiling. “Well, I’ll see you in the morning — if you want to, you can throw your clothes in the washing machine so they’ll be clean for tomorrow.”

Dusky then remembered she hadn’t given Deron a blanket or even a pillow to use while he slept on the couch, so she shuffled into her room and then came back with a pillow and a thick blanket and laid them on the couch before saying, “There — just in case you get cold or something. Oh, and if you want, feel free to take a shower," she said with a laugh. "I’m going to bed — g’night.”

She then made her way to her room and laid down under the covers of her blanket that covered her bed. Her bedroom door was wide open so her pokemon could walk freely in and out of her room all night. Within five minutes of laying in bed, Dusky was sleeping soundly under the covers.

04-13-2012, 02:03 AM
Ekruteak City

An aging man stood just outside the Dance Hall, staring at it. No, not staring- analyzing. He took the building in, considering his options. He couldn't simply charge in after the target- he could easily flee upon seeing him. And while it was easily within the man's power to apprehend the target, that would simply draw too much attention.

It was a good thing, then, that direct confrontation wasn't his specialty.

The man took a Pokeball from his belt, and released a Gengar from within. The Gengar gazed at the building, seemingly sensing what his Trainer wanted him to do.

"Go after him, Gengar," the man said, "but try not to draw any attention."

The man hadn't finished speaking when the Gengar sank into the ground.


The man tried not to draw attention to himself in the Dance Hall, but it seemed that he was failing miserably. He felt the tension coming off the other patrons as soon as he took a seat. But that was fine with him. So long as they left him alone, there wouldn't be any trouble.

The stared at the tea one of the Kimono Girls had brought to him while trying to decide his next move. No one would pursue him in here, no. But he couldn't simply hide here forever. Eventually, he would have to leave, and then they would surely be upon him.

Perhaps he simply needed to relax. No one was coming after him while he was in here, after all. So, perhaps he would try drinking some of that tea. He had just reached for it when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye- a Gengar was suddenly right next to him.

He only had a second to react-the man just managed to leap to his feet and kick the small table he had been sitting at over before the Gengar used Hypnosis. It would go right through the Gengar, but it would still distract it long enough for the man to reach to his belt and throw four Pokeballs. Out of one appeared a Nidoking, the other three produced three Electrode. He knew he was caught, but he was determined not to be taken alive.

"Back of," the man growled, "Come any closer and these Electrode go boom. And in such a small building, I don't think I have to tell you how that will turn out. That goes for the rest of you, too!" the man said to the other patrons of the Dance Hall, "Anyone gets near me and we all die!"


Somewhere near Viridian

Haru was impressed by the interior of the jeeps. On the inside, they were more like a cross between a limo and a tank- spacious enough to allow for many passengers, but with a more tank-like interior.

They had allowed Haru and Mina to ride in the same vehicle. There was no concern about them attacking with their Pokemon- there were two armed guards riding across from them.

They rode in complete silence. Not a single word was spoken as they drove to wherever they were being taken. Haru found himself wondering who exactly these people were, as well, as well as how they knew about him. He glanced over at Mina, wondering what exactly they had planned for her. Haru felt bad for getting her caught up in this- the only reason she was here was because she happened to be with him. He wanted to apologize, but decided to do so later if given the chance- the silence was simply too...awkward for such a thing.

He sighed and then turned towards the window he was sitting next to. He watched as they passed by the usual- dead trees, sand, rocks, sand, an occasional passing wild Pokemon, and more sand. He turned his gaze towards the now setting sun. What time was it? He wasn't sure, but it was clearly getting late.

Eventually, Haru turned his attention back to 'nature'. He remembered a time when these trees were alive, when the land was covered in grass. It was hard to believe it had really been twelve years since then...

An expression of true pain crossed Haru's face at this time. He knew exactly why these people were after him. There was only one reason they would be.

They knew.

Suddenly, the jeep came to a stop. Haru looked up at the soldiers, but they didn't seem to concerned. Eventually, a radio up front came to life, and the vehicles began moving yet again.

It wasn't long before they began descending. Haru felt both curious and worried- where were they going that was underground? He wasn't even aware of any buildings in Viridian that had an underground level.

Except, maybe...

Eventually, they came back to level ground, but they were still underground. They continued driving for a little over a minute, then eventually came to a stop. As soon as the engine died, all but one of the soldiers stepped out of the jeep. The remaining soldier indicated for Haru and Mina to do the same.

Haru was shocked by what he saw when he got out of the jeep. It appeared as though they were in some sort of parking deck. There were cars all around, which, while not completely gone from the world and had never been of much use in the first place due to Pokemon, were still a bit of a rarity these days.

Haru noticed the blonde man walking towards them, but noticed he was speaking on a PokeGear. Eventually, the man got off the phone and turned his attention towards Haru and Mina.

"Welcome, guests," he said, his arms outstretched,"to Viridian Gym, home of Team Rocket."

The Viridian Gym comment didn't throw Haru off- no, he had a feeling that this was where they were going. But Team Rocket? They were supposed to have been destroyed years ago.

The man opened his mouth to say something else, but his PokeGear rang yet again. He sighed, then answered the call. "Yes?" the man said, impatience clear in his voice. The person on the other end said something, then the blonde man's face brightened. "Oh, really?" he said, "Fantastic! Hmm, hold on a moment-" the then turned his attention back to his two 'guests'. "I'm afraid our talk shall have to wait until morning," he said, "I hope you don't mind. My men shall escort you to your quarters- do make yourselves at home. Your dinner shall be brought to you shortly."

The man nodded towards two nearby soldiers, who each placed a hand on Haru and Mina's shoulders and led them away from the vehicles and down a nearby hall.

Haru glanced at Mina, hoping that she wouldn't do anything rash. At the moment, it seemed that the the best thing they could do was to cooperate and not cause trouble. He started to say something to her along those lines when they reached two rooms. The doors to each one opened up, and they half-pushed Haru and Mina into their own individual rooms.

Yes, rooms. Haru was shocked to find a comfortable-looking bed off in the corner, accompanied with a nightstand and lamp. He stepped forward into the room, the door closing behind him. He didn't bother to check it- he knew it would lock behind him. There wasn't much, aside from the bed and nightstand. There was another door nearby that Haru found led to a bathroom, complete with sink, toilet, and shower. And not the crappy prison kind, either- these seemed like something you might find in a small hotel somewhere.

Haru looked around the compartment, looking for some means of escape, but found nothing, not even an air vent. Eventually, Haru sighed and sat down on the bed. It would seem they would be here for awhile.

After a few minutes, the door opened and a soldier walked in with a tray of what Haru expected to be some sort of slop. This was not the case, however- Haru was greeted with the sight of assorted sandwiches instead. Not the standard fare for a prisoner, but not the best quality meal for a 'guest'. Haru was also shocked when he handed Haru a bag of Pokemon food. Where they seriously allowing them to release their Pokemon here? It would be so simple to use them to escape.

But then, there were likely armed soldiers all over the place, and they would probably be gunned down instantly if any escape attempt was made.

That also made Haru consider something as he released Meganium from his Pokeball- why would these people- Team Rocket- want to harm them i they were allowing them to release their Pokemon? Sure, they would be no problem to deal with, but why take the risk if they had any intention of harming them in the first place?

Meganium was wary of the food at first, he eventually gave in and ate, as did Haru with the sandwiches. They finished their food in silence, and it wasn't long before Meganium suddenly fell asleep. Haru also felt himself growing drowsy when it hit him- they put some sort of sleeping drug in the food. Haru slipped into unconsciousness as he cursed himself for being so foolish.

04-18-2012, 12:56 AM
The walk back was uneventful as far as Shaun was concerned. He kept an eye out for the thugs to return for the lone man, but he doubted that any of them would show, and his hunch turned out right. He got back to the Pokemon Center without so much as a pause to investigate a suspicious sound, which was fine by him. If they were all running scared, he wasn't about to be the one to chase them down. He was tired... Even after the nap and barely fighting himself, something had worn him out about that day.

Shaun knocked on the door to the room, carefully placing the beats to the knock so that Houndoom would know it was him. A short "Doom!" from the watchdog Pokemon let Shaun know it was okay to come in. Shaun opened the door, quickly assuming that the girl still was not awake. Keeping quiet, he moved into the room and nodded slightly to himself when he saw she was still sprawled on the bed. Sighing to himself, Shaun looked over at Houndoom and patted the Pokemon on his head.

"Nothing major? I wish I could say the same," Shaun said quietly. Houndoom gave him a questioning look, but the man shook his head. "Later. Just know we might have even more people with us in the morning. You get some sleep bud." He held out the dog's pokeball and Houndoom reluctantly returned. After making sure everything was still accounted for, (he didn't expect the girl or her pokemon to be thieves, but it was always nice to be safe) Shaun took his bag into the bathroom in the room, changing out of his sodden clothing and stepping into the small shower. The water was cold for a few moments before it could get hot, but Shaun didn't complain. He simply allowed the comparatively clean water wash over him, trying to repress the odd feeling he had about those thugs.

04-27-2012, 04:51 AM
Deron blinked as Dusky suddenly opened the door. His eyes darted down along her body as he noticed she was wearing nothing but a towel, subtly trying to divert his look, although his eyes weren't making that easy for him.

As she grabbed the bowls for him and his pokémon, he smiled, nodding silently as he would fill each of the bowls with stew, although his eyes followed Dusky's body again as she walked away again, until she was out of his viewing range. He then turned to the bowls again, filling three of them, grabbing a spoon for one of them. "Kadabra. Nidorino. Kabuto. Dinner." The three pokémon soon came to the kitchen as Deron put down the bowls for Kabuto and Nidorino, before handing Kadabra his bowl. All three would soon begin eating. He threw a glance outside the kitchen to check on Magnemite, who was just hovering about, while sleeping.

As he was filling a bowl for himself, he turned to Dusky again as she came in, smiling at the offer of clothing. "Thanks." He'd gesture over to the couch to tell Dusky that she can put the clothes there. Putting his bowl on the table, he was about to sit down and eat, when he suddenly felt the embrace of two arms around him, turning to see Dusky hugging him. Somewhat startled, he smiled lightly, moving his arms around Dusky in return, caressing her hair for a few seconds. "Don't worry about it... I wouldn't want anything to happen to you."
As she let go of the hug, Deron smiled down at her, before he'd sit down by the table to begin eating his stew as Dusky walked off again.

When she came back with a blanket and a pillow, Deron smiled at her, nodding to her as a thanks as he swallowed a bite of stew. "Thanks, Dusky." His eyes followed her movement again as she headed back to her bedroom, smiling at her. "Good night..."

Once the door to her room was closed, Deron finished his meal and sighed. For the first time in years, he hadn't thought about Blastoise for a good few hours, nor had he been feeling sad. Shaking his head, not in the mood for heavy thoughts, he stood up again, walking over to the washing machine Dusky mentioned, stripping down by it and throwing his clothes in it. He'd then look over to the shower, but shrugged. "Bleh... Too tired... I'll shower in the morning..." Deron then headed to the living room, putting on the clothes Dusky had prepared for him. He was surprised how well they fit and he couldn't help but wonder how much he looked like her brother.

He took the shirt off again, before he'd lie down on the couch, pulling the blanket over him as he just looked at the ceiling, before shaking his head as he closed his eyes and turned on his side, soon drifting off to sleep.

As soon as his pokémon were done eating, they would also find themselves a comfortable place in the apartment and doze off, safe for Magnemite, who was hovering around aimlessly while sleeping.

04-30-2012, 05:46 PM
Viridian City?

As she stepped out of the car, Mina was surprised to see so many cars in one place. They were all in relatively good condition, too, which meant these people had the money to maintain them... And then the blonde man spoke, and it made sense - Team Rocket. And she was now their prisoner! She was aware of the schemes they had tried to pull before The Change, and was rather surprised that they had survived this long as a group as they had always been thwarted somehow, and it made her angry to know they were still operating. She wanted to shout, fight back somehow - but their guns dissuaded her, and she had gathered from their conversation that they were really only after Haru, meaning she was relatively expendable. And she hadn't even been able to communicate with Haru at all since this began! She hated being uninformed. And though her Pokemon were strong, she knew they wouldn't be able to handle being shot at point-blank range.

As she thought, Mina was grabbed roughly by the shoulders and escorted down a hallway, and she saw that Haru was receiving the same treatment. She was then rather brusquely pushed into a room, a private room, across the hall of the one Haru was pushed into. She grunted slightly as she was pushed in, but managed to stay upright as the door closed loudly behind her. She could hear a lock clicking shut, and that was that. It wasn't too shabby, but she was still unsettled - all she knew was that this was Team Rocket she was dealing with, and no more. She began examining the walls, the door, everything, to see if she could find any structural weaknesses she could use later, and was slightly amused to find a small camera tucked into a corner. Before long, another soldier walked in carrying a tray of food, as well as Pokemon food. The soldier didn't speak, and placed the tray on a small table, then left.

Mina was wary, but found that she was hungrier than she had originally thought. She released her Pokemon, all three, being honestly glad to see them again, and they were suspicious of the food too. Mina looked at it - sandwiches. There didn't seem anything wrong with them, maybe she could just have one... Her hand, which had been reaching for one, snapped back, and Mina frowned. Then, she sighed, shaking her head. They might not be able to escape, but there was no way they were going to eat Rocket food, that would completely oppose everything she had learnt in her time as a mercenary. "Trust nothing," she muttered to herself, as she took a piece of the sandwich and placed it just where she had found the camera, blocking the lens. She smirked, and sat on the bed, her Pokemon around her. There was nothing to do but wait until the Rockets came back, and the blonde man decided to have his 'talk'.

05-06-2012, 12:18 AM
Route 41

Valdus looked out of the mast of the ship. Cianwood City was on the edge of the horizon, he'd be there soon. His only family he knew of lived there, before the change that is for all he knew they were dead. The town itself is still habited, many hunters found the ex-safari zone a good source of meat. He went to go below deck and check on his pokemon. They had been relaxing in the cabin Valdus was assigned. They had refused to go into there pokeballs, some shady figures were on the ship as well. As he walked into the cabin and saw Blaziken trying to pull Togepi out of a port hole. "You are so crazy Togepi! I leave for a minute, and you are jammed in a port hole." After saying this he returned Togepi to it pokeball, and then let him out again on the bed. "Now then will you behave Togepi?" Valdus asked wanting to go get them dinner from the ships mess hall. "toge toge-prrri!" the little creature said excitedly. "Blaziken can you make sure he does?" Valdus asked unsure of Togepi's ability to sit still. The giant of a Blaziken gave a curt nod. "Good, Cyndaquil, Charmeleon, you two come with me. I can't carry all of your food alone." the two pokemon walked out, and Valdus shut the door.

At the buffet he grabbed all the food he could carry, as did his pokemon, and began to walk back to his room. "Got enough food there bud?" said a man covered in an assotment of weapons. "I don't know I may have to come back for more." Valdus said with some sarcasim, only half joking. "Ha ha ha, funny. I don't care much for jokes though, and even less for low life theives. The captain told me there was a stowaway. You shouldn't be so obvious next time. I would say that if there was a next time for you." The man pulled out a revolver and pointed it at Valdus face. "Bye theif." The gun went off, and the room went so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

Valdus, picked up the man's gun off the floor. "That was not smart." Valdus emptied the revolver and dropped the gun before the man. "I am not the stowaway, here is my ticket." Valdus pulled his ticket out from the inside of his cloak, and showed the man his gold pass that allowed him unlimited acess to food. "I am sorry." the man said picking up his gun, and leaving red faced. Probably from both anger and embarsment. Valdus bent down and picked up the plates from the floor. He had cracked one of the plates when it landed on the ground. He was glad nothing but rolls had been on the plate. A waitress came over and helped him with the the food. "How... did... you..." she began to ask, but couldn't get it out. "I'll explain if you help me carry this food to my room." Valdus said, in a slightly irritated tone, putting the rolls on a new plate and handing it to her. "Y-yes sir." she said, grabbing a few more plates from the floor and following the man.

"Dinner time!" he said as he opened the door, to another hectic sceen. Togepi was on the cealing fan spinnig in circles and Blaziken was staring in shock trying to get the little thing down, Scizor was asleep in the corner, untill he heard food that is. Valdus turned the fan off, got Togepi down and spread the food over the coffe table. "Eat up." he said once they had all the food down on the table. Then he turned to the waitress. "Ok, take a seat and I'll explain." Valdus said, his voice was still very ruff. He hadn't enjoyed having a gun at his face. As the girl sat he began. "It was simple dropped the food at an angle to where it wouldn't shatter on the plush carpet, one did however. Anyway then I drew my sword and smashed the man's hand with the pommel of my sword. The gun went off, when it hit the floor." he slowly calmed as he went over the sceen again in his mind. The man had been aiming at his shoulder now that he thought about it. "I know that I saw it happen, I-I wanted to ask how did you learn that?" The waitress seemed a little afraid, and Valdus was just now realizing how cruel his tone had been. "Oh, sorry, adn I wasn't trying to be rude. I was just stressed. I learned those skills at Blackthorn City. Had to if I wanted to make it in this new world." His voice lightened and was more friendly now."Oh, my brother lives there!" She looked at the clock on the wall. "Oh! I have to get back to work. The caiptain wants the food packed up before we dock, and we are scheduald to arrive in thirty minutes." She got up and began to leave. "Please enjoy the rest of your trip." She then left.

Valdus stepped of onto the shore. Why did he always meet, people and make friends so easily. He never really tried to. He shrugged it off. If he met her again it would be cool, if not owell. He then began to walk to his cousins house. He hadn't seen Meg in a long time. "I hope she is doing ok." With that he walked off. "Blasiken go aheas to the adress and make sure there is at least a house still standing." With that his pokemon bound off as he strode after it at a brief trot. He wasn't trying to, he didn't want to be disapointed, but he was getting very excited. "I wonder if Eevee remembers me?" At the thought of that he came to a full run.

05-08-2012, 12:23 AM
Negi walked the route encoutering countless crazed pokemons. They were minor so Lucario and him could easily take them on. They walked and observed as they sqinted through the heavy fog that was covering the area. Negi's eyes weren't to good so he wore strong glasses to help his vision. He was on his way to the next town in search of the cause of this "Change."

As he walked towards the mist covered he heard grunting noises coming from ahead. He walked slowly and released ghastly to remove some of the mist, thus revealing a pack of crazed tauros. Their eyes glew red and all seven took a gaze upon Negi and ghastly. Negi quickly instructed ghastly,"Ghastly use confuse ray!" It caused two of them two become confused but the rest came in a stampede.

"Ghastly, use destiny bond!" Ghastly was able to use it right before he was takled into fainting, thus causing one of the tauros to faint. Then there were six. "Ghastly returned," Negi said as he returned ghastly to his respected pokeball."Now Bronzor its your turn!" Bronzor came out with a powerful gaze at the remaining Tauros. "Now, Bronzor use extrasensory!" Bronzor did as he was told and caused most of the tauros to flinch,but not enough to make them flee.

A Tauros began to takle and so did bronzor at full force. The impact was intense as both pokemons fainted."Return bronzor!" He returned bronzor and gesture lucario to fight. "Ready lucario?" Lucario nodded as he took a battle stand. "Now lucario, Use aura sphere!" Lucario with the aura sphere caused the tauros to flee from tiredness. "Well done Lucario!"

Negi began on his way as he stumbled upon the next town after the mist cleared. According to his pokedex he should have stumbled upon Ecruteak city. The city seemed to have undergone some battles but he needed somewhere to heal his pokemon so he continued strolling along as he kept his guard up with his lucario at side.

Melphina Micaela
05-08-2012, 10:28 PM
Cianwood City

The ferry arrived to Cianwood City without much trouble, thankfully. Save for a loud bang that had nearly made Adelle jump straight out of her skin; a gunshot perhaps? Damn things were always much too loud for her to bother carrying around and practice using. Shaking her head, Adelle continued to lay in her cabin bed and began tossing Marshtomp's pokeball above her head as though she hadn't a care in the world. They'd be arriving to Cianwood soon anyway so going out to see what the the cause of all the trouble was hardly seemed like anything worth putting time and effort into. Yes, Adelle was quite the lazy one.

As expected, the ferry landed quickly afterward without any more disturbances and so Adelle swiftly got up, packed away a few things she figured she'd need later, and walked onto shore. Almost immediately, a gust of sea wind hit her full on and caused her hood to fall back and mess up her hair. The air felt absolutely disgusting: warm and sticky... She grimaced. Adelle wasn't used to being in such humid places.

She kept moving forward without bothering to pick up her hood. It would only fall down again in a few minutes anyway what with the sea breeze and all. Such a bothersome place already. What was she doing here again? Before she could recall a reason, a gust of wind attacked her and caused one of her pokeballs to fall out of her pocket. The pokeball fell so that the pokemon hidden within was released, but the second Adelle laid eyes on it, she knew exactly which pokemon it would be. Her heart sank a few stories as she braced herself for impact.

"EEEEEEXXPPLLLLLOOOOUUUUDDD!!!" the loud noise pokemon bellowed. Of course it would be Exploud. It was just her rotten luck.

"EXPLOUD," Adelle screamed back at it, trying her best to make herself heard over his insanely loud voice. The only way she could get this pokemon to ever listen to her was to make herself even louder than it but doing that was almost next to impossible. Oh, God..., Adelle inwardly panicked as she noticed how several people were beginning to stare and even lay hands on their weapons. Please, Exploud... Behaive...!

"GET BACK INTO YOUR POKEBALL. RIGHT NOW!" she pleaded in as loud a voice as she could muster but the Pokemon only began to wail in what seemed like...sorrow? Adelle paused. Getting a good look at him now, she realized there was something off about Expload's screams for they'd usually be very cheery. And that was when she finally remembered her reason for taking the ferry to Cianwood City in the first place. Exploud's left leg was injured during a battle recently and so she had come here to get some medicine for him at the Pharmacy! Knowing exactly how to calm him now, Adelle prepared herself.

"Exploud! I promise I'll grab your medicine and make sure you get all healed up soon, but first you have to be quiet and get back inside your pokeball!" she said in between his wails. The pokemon sniffled and began to simmer down just as others were beginning to approach them. Nodding, Adelle took that as a sign of his understanding and so called him back into his pokeball. This time, the Exploud thankfully willingly obliged.

As soon as she managed to get Exploud into the pokeball, the observers held back and turned to their own businesses in quite the hurry. It seemed like there were bigger fish to fry today, by the looks of how hurried they were. While taking a moment to let the tranquility of silence sink in, Adelle wondered if what everyone was hurring towards was worth looking into herself.

05-09-2012, 06:46 PM
Ekruteak City

Everything happened so fast, Garrett barely had time to react. There was a Gengar out of nowhere, then a table being kicked down, and then suddenly, Electrodes -Electrodes everywhere. Someone screamed, Garret jumped up, and reached for his rifle, but stopped as the man shouted out his threats. If it wasn't for those exploding Pokemon, he would have gladly shot the man in the head, but the Electrodes would undoubtedly explode then, and he wasn't willing to risk the lives of the others. Instead, his hand made its way to his pocket, where his other Pokeballs were -not like his Pokemon would be of much use here, they weren't really strong fighters- while his eyes searched for Mismagius. Garrett found her, still floating in the rafters, watching the scene below.

Cathy had been happily dozing off, relaxed which was an almost odd feeling for her. T.Y. and Bolt had been settled down to Whiny had been prancing around again. She had also followed Lily just a few steps behind and peeped over her shoulder at the two smaller Pokemon. She had not even noticed the man until she had seen the Gengar seem to come out of no where. Startled by the sudden appearance and even more so by the reaction of the man who then shouted She backed up quickly bumping into another table and knocking it over. T.Y. and Bolt and Cathy all jerked from their own doze instantly and turned to the source of the commotion.

Lily jumped as the man shouted to those in the Dance Hall that he would blow the place up. She quickly returned all her pokemon to their pokeballs, except Feraligatr, who refused. He put himself in front of Lily, glaring at the suicidal man in the building. Feraligatr wanted nothing more than to attack him, but he knew that with those Electrode ready to explode, he would just be putting Lily and everyone else who was in the Dance Hall in more danger than they were already in. His trainer, however, was more concered for the safety of everyone else rather than her own life. There had to be some way they could talk this man out of blowing them and himself sky high - but how? She laid a hand gently on Feraligatr, who glanced over at his trainer, and she said, "Steady, Feraligatr - don't provoke him." Feraligatr nodded but didn't move away from Lily.

Pokemon were being withdrawn and released, everyone in the Hall was staring fearfully at the man. Garrett counted three Electrodes - they were the real problem, the Nidoking could be taken out normally. What could he do? Garret looked up at Mismagius, considering his options. She was speedy, which could be useful, but so were Electrodes... But, maybe, there was a way to avoid dealing with them completely... Mismagius surreptitiously floated next to him, and he whispered to her; "Use hypnosis on the man. Make sure it hits, and don't let yourself be seen. This is important!" His pokemon nodded and floated away, up to a more advantageous angle. He watched anxiously to see if this would work, or if this would be the reason the Dance Hall blew up.

Cathy slowly stood holding her hand out to keep Bolt from moving but she needn't have worried... he was stalk still Glaring Thunder bolts at the man. T.Y. was towering at his full height alert and tense but he was looking most at whiny who was planted on her rump after toppling over the table in her startle meant. Cathy looked over at Whiny as well the young fire Pokemon was trembling in fright as if she completely understood the threat the man had just thrown out at them. Cather turned her head to the man again either way She knew there was danger She didn't know what she COULD do but she was not sure if the man would actually keep his word or not. And if he didn't plan on it then they had nothing to lose if any of them did make a move.

Lily noticed the Mismagius floating in the rafters. Her eyes darted to the other trainer, who was watching the ghost pokemon anxiously. Was it his pokemon? If it was, she could only hope it was going to do something. Lowly, she whispered to Feraligatr, "I want you to cover that Mismagius - if that guy noticed it, make sure you distract him - but don't do anything rash that'll get us blown up. I think it may belong to that guy over there," she pointed to the anxious trainer, "and he could quite possibly have a plan. Got it?" Feraligatr was still for a long time, thinking his trainer's words over carefully. He didn't know the Mismagius floating above them, and therefore he didn't really care for it, but if Lily wanted him to protect it, then he would. So, Feraligatr gave a slight nod - it was practically unnoticeable. Lily smirked and said, "Good - now, careful. I want you to watch his every move. Even if he looks in its direction, you just need to move - not a lot, but enough to get his attention.

Mismagius drifted into action, blending into the shadows so she wasn't noticeable right above where the man was standing, the only aspect visible being her glowing red eyes. In order for hypnosis to work, the victim needed to lock eyes with the instigator, and it was really pure luck that the man looked up at that moment. Perhaps he noticed the red glow, but it didn't matter, that glance was all it took. The man staggered, fell on his knees, it had worked! His pokemon were facing away from him, facing the crowd instead, but they would notice soon. Shit, he hadn't thought what to do now, it's not like the pokemon couldn't act autonomously! Maybe, if he could just release Xatu and Miltank, they could all use Protect at the same time, Mismagius included -could that do it? It was worth a shot, not like the situation was going to improve. Garrett steeled himself - time to act! His Pokemon emerged with a flash of light, the Nidoking noticed and charged, but no time, it wasn't the main threat. "Go!" Garret shouted, "Go! Surround and Protect! Go!"

Cathy continued to watch carefully ready at any moment to command her Pokemon to jump into action. That time struck fast and she didn't have long As one of the men shouted out something about surround and protect "T.Y. get whiny!" she snapped quickly. Giving a veg nod the larger Pokemon moved quickly skidding in front of the younger fire Pokemon. "Bolt!" The stripped Pokemon leaped foreword next to her. She could use protect of try and knock those things out... at this point that probably was not the best idea. She ordered Bolt to protect he looked at her but complied. She now only hopped that lily could do the same.

Garrett’s pokemon rushed to circle the Electrodes, and prepared to use Protect. Lily saw the Nidoking charge at the other male trainer and looked to Feraligatr, who was standing protectively in front of her. She straightened up, excited to finally have a battle, and yelled, "Feraligatr! Stop that Nidoking! Hydropump!" Feraligatr listened - he quickly turned his head and shot out a powerful hydropump and sent the Nidoking crashing into the wall, dazing it for a few moments. Garrett was shocked, someone was helping him? He recovered quickly and pulled out his rifle. The Nidoking wasn’t knocked out for long, but it was long enough for Lily to let out her other three pokemon. Noctowl, Hoppip, and Teddiursa were confused when they saw the madness ensuing before them, but Lily knew they didn't have time - all the Electrode were getting ready to attack. "Noctowl! Use hypnosis, quick! Hoppip, no slacking this time, and I want you to use sleep powder! Teddiura, in case this doesn't work, use protect!" There was a certain bite in her voice that made her pokemon jump into action without hesitation - Lily knew what she was doing when it came to battling. Noctowl flew over the Electrode and used hyponsis, making the electric pokemon drowsy, and Hoppip, who had jumped onto Noctowl's back, used sleep powder, sealing the deal - the Electrode had no choice but to close their eyes and fall asleep, now posing no threat. Then Lily heard a loud familiar grunt and she looked over and watched as Feraligatr was tackled down by the Nidoking. She cried out, "Feraligatr!", but her other three pokemon jumped into action to help their comrade. Teddiursa, without any orders, attacked the Nidoking with a series of slash attacks until it had no choice but to stumble off of Feraligatr. Hoppip used stun spor, paralyzing the enemy pokemon, and Noctowl came at the pokemon with an aerial ace attack, knocking it to the ground. Feraligatr stood up, a decent gash on his arm from the Nidoking's horn, but he acted as if he was unphased. Lily knew he wanted to be the one to finish off the Nidoking, and so she said, "Feraligatr, you know what to do - hydropump, one more time!" Feraligatr wasted no time and used hydropump, sending the Feraligatr barreling into the wall, hopefully knocked out. Lily stood there, gazing at the after math of the quick yet insane moment of violence and then looked to Cathy and the unknown male trainer. "Are you two okay?" she asked the two of them.

Garett looked around in amazement. They had averted that crisis so easily? He looked around, the Gengar that had started this all was gone, probably slipped away in the commotion. The Nidoking started to rise. It hadn’t been knocked out yet, obviously. Without hesitation, Garrett aimed his rifle, and shot the Pokemon in the head. There was some splatter of blood, it wouldn’t be a threat anymore. He lowered his gun, and responded to the question. “Yup, fine. Thanks to your Pokemon’s help, that is. Thank you.” He shot the girl a smile, trying to be charming, before turning back to where the man and his pokemon were standing. He withdrew Miltank, secretly thankful that she hadn’t had to be involved, while issuing commands to his other Pokemon. “Mismagius, Xatu, use Dream Eater and Nightmare on all of them. Make sure they stay down.” Though they would probably have to be dealt with the same way as the Nidoking, he would prefer to do so outside of the Hall, and now that they were asleep it was feasible. “Sayo,” he addressed the nearest Kimono Girl, who still looked in a state of shock, “do you have any rope? Someone should tie this guy up.”

“Someone?” she replied, while visibly shaken, her voice was still calm, “will you not be the one to do this, Garrett?”

He smiled, not because there was anything really worth smiling at, but because he was trying to keep the situation calm. “Nope, sorry. That Gengar… Well, I don’t think it belonged to anyone here right now, but it was what set this guy off,” he gestured to the now-unconscious man on the floor, “I’d like to find out who it belonged to.” He stepped closer to her, and spoke more quietly, “Can you make sure everyone is alright in here? I mean, this guy didn’t blow the place up, sure, but… Well, you know…” He glanced up at his Pokemon, checking on their process of slowly draining the unconscious of their energy. Once they were finished, he would need to decide how to proceed.

Cathy nodded to lily then looked over at the other while Bolt pawed the ground a bit annoyed he had done nothing she patted him listening as the man talked to one of the women here she then recognized him as the man that had shown her to the center earlier. "I'll do it" she said quickly after Glancing at T.Y. to see that he was comforting Whiny. she looked back "I'll tie em up with nothing better then a regular old ranch knot and he wont be getting out any time soon" she just needed the rope she turned to her pack and started to ruffle though it then to see if she had some one her. Reaching the bottom she pulled out some white coiled rope then headed strait over to the man which bolt right behind her.

Lily, who had heard the male trainer say something about tracking down the Gengar's trainer, returned Teddiursa, Hoppip, and Noctowl. As she walked over to Feraligatr, her hands already digging through her bag, she looked over her shoulder at the unknown male trainer and said, "If you need any help tracking down that Gengar's trainer, let me know - I have a feeling Feraligatr is up for a battle," she laughed lightly at this while she pulled out a potion and a roll of bandages. Lily turned her attention back to her pokemon. "Careful, Feraligatr - this'll sting a bit," she warned her pokemon. Feraligatr nodded and braced himself as Lily sprayed the potion on his wound. He grimaced as the solution sunk into the wound, but he immediately felt the pain lessen and smiled. In turn, his trainer smiled and she wrapped the bandage around his arm and said, "There - good as new, right?" Feraligatr gave a firm nod and then looked at the male trainer whom he had been protecting earlier - there was something in Feraligatr's eye that made it known he wanted to help track down the Gengar's trainer. Lily looked at Cathy as she began tying up the man and then looked back to the other trainer, whose name she still didn't know, and said, "My name is Lily, by the way - nice thinking with your Mismagius earlier - we probably would've been blown away by now if it weren't for you and your pokemon."

Garrett nodded at the first girl who spoke, recognizing her for the same one he had met earlier. "Thanks, it's appreciated." Then, he turned back to Sayo, saying "Would it be okay if we stuck him in one of the storage rooms for now? We can withdraw his Pokemon, take care of them later." He glanced over at the man and his Pokemon. They looked thoroughly knocked out now. Garrett then turned to the other girl who was speaking, and shook hands cordially. "Lily, good meeting you. I'm Garrett. And yeah, well, it was the only thing I could think of at the time, I'm just thankful it actually worked."

By the time they actually exited the Hall, there was no trace of the Gengar, or the trainer. There was nothing to be done now but take care of the situation within the Dance Hall.


Outside, the man who had released the Gengar was still standing outside, waiting. Waiting. That seemed to be the only thing he could do these days, and this bugged him. The world needed a guiding hand, and yet...

Suddenly, sounds of combat came from the Dance Hall. The man tensed, getting ready to charge in- not only could he not afford to let any civilians die, he couldn't allow the target to be killed, either. However, before he could go in, the sounds of fighting stopped, and a frowning Gengar appeared.

"Is anyone hurt?" the man asked.

Gengar shook its head.

The man let out a sigh, a mixture of relief and frustration- even if the target was still alive, it would be difficult to get to him- he highly doubted that the civilians would just let him waltz in and take him. The only thing left was to wait until he was unguarded, and take him then.

The man looked over at Gengar, who was still frowning.

"Don't worry about it, Gengar," the man said with a smile, "We'll still make this work."

Gengar's frown didn't completely disappear, but it did let out its usual chuckling sound as the man recalled it. He then took one final glance at the Dance Hall, then sprinted away into the night, disappearing just as quietly as he had appeared.

05-09-2012, 10:48 PM
Cianwood City

Cray let out a long sigh as he allowed himself to sink into his chair, the only chair in the small shack near the entrance to the Safari Zone.

Today had been a truly brutal day. Maybe it was the weather, but the Pokemon had been even more vicious than usual. It hadn't been complete anarchy, but the men had been constantly moving through the Safari Zone, trying to settle the creatures down. A few even had to be killed, but they hadn't made it easy- several men had been seriously injured and would be down for a few days, and one had been gored and trampled by a rampaging Tauros, killing him. Which, of course, had meant extra paper work for Cray.

The Captain of the Safari Zone guards let out another sigh. In the end, they had to double their shifts and call in some men from the reserves to handle the madness. The Pokemon seemed to have calmed down considerably after sunset, but it was best to not take any chances.

Cray heard a roar off in the distance. This was a normal sound in the Safari Zone portion of the city, which was no inhabited solely by guards- the area had become far to dangerous for average citizens to live years ago. Cray cursed as he recalled the day the Change had occurred. It had been terrible- the Pokemon had gone absolutely mad, and quiet a few had escaped the Safari Zone. There were only half a dozen guards back in the day, the Captain and the Deputy and six others, including Cray, who had been there the longest of the six. They had occasionally dealt with a rampaging Pokemon, but never had they dealt with something of this magnitude. The Captain had been killed, along with two others that day. It had only been thanks to the leadership of Chuck, Cianwood's Gym Leader, that the guards managed to get the Pokemon under control, though some had managed to evade their grasp and would continue being a problem for months to come. However, Chuck disappeared not long after, and the Deputy-now-Captain killed himself about a year later- the Change and all it had brought had been too much for him. It had been then that Cray had taken over, and most of the men had volunteered as guards. The rest only came into the Safari Zone to hunt- there was very little contact with the outside world after the Change, so they had to find ways to get their own food.

Cray allowed himself to slowly drift off into the comforting embrace of sleep, the roars of the Pokemon fading as he slipped from consciousness.


Once night had fallen, the Pokemon seemingly calmed down. The guards maintained their vigil for quite awhile, only occasionally having to tranquilize a Pokemon- their usual work load during the day, for the most part. Around 2 in the morning, the guards finally began slacking off, believing the crisis over.

That was not quite the case, however.

In the center of the Safari Zone, a large Tyranitar was curled up, seemingly asleep. No one would be foolish enough to do such a thing, but were one to get up close and examine it, they would see that the beast was not asleep. Its' eyes were wide open, seeming to focus on a point off in the distance. No, this Tyranitar was not asleep.

It was plotting.


Johnny hated patrols. Especially night patrols. Ever since the Change, he found himself being unnerved by the darkness- he never knew what rabid Pokemon would be lurking in the darkness. It was the reason he had signed up for day shift. But thanks to today's incident, he had been put on night shift.


Johnny instantly turned, pointing his rifle in the direction of the noise, only to find a laughing ma around his age standing behind him.

"You suck," was Johnny's weak comeback, which only made the man laugh harder.

"Will you shut up?" Johnny hissed, "You'll wake something up."

"Oh please," the man said, "everything's dead as a doornail out here. What hasn't been tranquilized will likely be too tired to do anything."

Johnny simply scowled. "Yeah, well, shut up, regardless," he said, turning around to continue his patrol. Johnny also hated being paired up with idiots like this. He didn't even know the fool's name, and he didn't really care to.

Until he started screaming.

Johnny turned and was greeted by a horrific sight. A large group of Zubat and Golbat had descended upon the other guard, attacking him relentlessly and rendering the man unable to do anything.

Johnny stared for a moment, frozen. This was the first time something like this had happened while he had been on duty. Finally, his mind snapped back into reality, and he leaped into action. Johnny took a Smokeball from his belt and quickly began backing away so he could throw it from a safe distance- and tripped over a large rock.

But it wasn't a rock.

Cursing, Johnny attempted to stand, then glanced at the rock- only to be greeted by a pair of large, angry eyes.

The Tyranitar growled, then rose as quickly as its large body would allow. Johnny only had time to aim his rifle before the beast struck with a force that was enough to knock him through the air and sure break his neck. It then turned its attention onto the noisy group of Zubat and Golbat, along with the screaming man who had since fallen to the ground.

Tyranitar growled, then fired a Hyper Beam at the large pile of noise. There was an explosion, a mixture of a scream and a lot of high-pitched noises, then silence.

Tyranitar let out a roar, then turned and moved further into the Safari Zone, other Pokemon throughout the area awakening and beginning a chorus of enraged roars.


"Sir! Sir, wake up!"

Cray felt himself being shaken, and quickly awoke from his slumber.

"What the devil-?"

"Sir, it's the Pokemon!" said the guard, "They've-"

The man's reply was cut off when a Rhydon and two Ryhorn burst through the walls and into the small house.

"Aw hell," Cray cursed.


Viridian City, Rocket Base

Haru didn't wake up until he felt himself being shaken-rather roughly, he noticed. Perhaps whatever had been in that food had been a bit stronger than they had anticipated. Perhaps he was just being naive. Regardless, a man Haru figured was a Rocket grunt stood by his bed, finally having gotten him awake.

"The Boss wants to speak to you," he said, then turned and left.

Haru stared after the grunt. He wasn't being dragged out of bed and hauled off to meet with 'the Boss?' Unusual, but now wasn't the best time to let his guard down. Not after last night. He walked over to Meganium, who was still asleep. He seemed rather content, too, which was unusual- Meganium hadn't slept all that well since the Change. Rather than wake him up, Meganium simply pulled out his Pokeball and recalled the Grass Pokemon, then turned to follow the grunt out the door.

Once outside, Haru was greeted by the grunt that had woken him, and saw another at Mina's door. He assumed that these two would escort them both to see 'the Boss'.

05-10-2012, 11:19 PM
Viridian City

The door opened, and Mina awoke with a start -she had fallen asleep! Stupid! At least she was a light sleeper. She had fallen asleep on top of Charizard, with her other Pokemon laying around her - but they were awake now as well. A Rocket team member entered, the red 'R' highly visible on his shirt. His eyes went from where she was laying to the nearly untouched plate of food, and unopened bags of Pokemon food. He looked back, and Mina raised an eyebrow expectantly.

"The Boss'll speak to you now," he said, before turning, and added "no Pokemon" before leaving the room.

Well, fine. Only thing she could do at this point was cooperate. It was all rather... Civil, though. Probably trying to get her guard down -as if that was going to happen! Charizard grunted unhappily as it was withdrawn into its Pokeball, followed by Espeon and Pupitar. She stood, stretched, and walked out of the room. Outside was the grunt that had woken her, and she noticed Haru walking out also. She smiled faintly, -at least he was still here, too.


Ecruteak City

After failing to find the Gengar man, taking care of the aftermath meant Garrett had barely slept at all. He had carried the would-be bomber and deposited him in an empty room in the Dance Hall -not really anything more than a glorified storage cupboard- and worked on alerting the guardsmen about the situation. There had been more patrols, but nothing else had really happened. The worst part of the night had been eliminating the Electrodes - he had done it as quietly as he could, in the forest surrounding the city. He didn't particularly enjoy killing Pokemon, but there was no way he would let a man like that keep his Pokemon in this city, not after what he had tried to do.

At the insistence of the Kimono Girls, he had stayed the night in the Dance Hall, sleeping on the floor, in case anything else happened. That had been only for a few hours, as he had woken up at dawn -like always- to help with the early morning patrols.

He had since then gone home, a tiny building just south of the Bell Tower, to collapse on his couch and finally get some sleep- completely ignoring the fact that the sun had already risen. Garrett had left his Xatu on the roof of the Dance Hall (more as an alarm system than a security measure). While he was still anxious to make sure the City would stay safe, he was too tired to function properly.

05-11-2012, 03:26 AM
Saffron City

Dusky woke up around five o'clock the next morning - a shooting pain in her side had caused her to jolt awake. She grimaced as she looked up at her ceiling, planning her day - she had work, then some shopping, and - she was suddenly bombarded with the memories of the day before. Deron. Pichu evolving. The battle. The Sneasel attacking her. Her pokemon agreeing to leave. All the memories seemed so sureal - could she really trust the images? Just to make sure she hadn't dreamt the entire thing up, Dusky carefully sat up in bed and looked around. At the end of her bed, there was Growlithe, Eevee, Vulpix, and -

"Pikachu," she whispered in disbelief. It seemed as if all of yesterday really did happen. But she had to be sure - perhaps Pichu evolved while she was sleeping. So, Dusky slowly got out of her bed, flinching as she did so - it seemed as if she had been attacked by the Sneasel for real as well, which was also proof of the battle. But Dusky had to check if Deron was there - if he wasn't she would know for sure whether she dreamed up the entire thing or not.

And so, Dusky crept out of her room quietly and stepped into the living room. There, sleeping peacefully on the couch, was none other than Deron. The sight of this made Dusky smile - she was relieved to know that yesterday wasn't just a dream. It was a reality. She studied Deron's face for a moment - he seemed so charming while he slept, it put her at ease. Then she realized how weird she was acting and decided to begin getting ready for their trip.

She went to her room and pulled out her drawstring Pikachu bag. Slowly she began to pack the necessities - potions, pokeballs, first aid kit, and other supplies. When she finished packing, her bag was nice and light - it wasn't weighed down with unneeded items. With packing taken care of, Dusky walked into the bathroom, showered, redressed her wound, and got dressed. By the time she finished, a loud grumble from her stomach warned her that it was time to eat. And so, she wandered over to the fridge, pulled out everything that was in there, and began cooking - there was no point in letting the food sit and rot while she was gone.

As she began cooking a large amount of food, a wonderful aroma of different spices and herbs mingling in the air. Dusky set the table, which was barely big enough for two people, and laid the food out on the counter. Seeming pleased with the set up, she woke up her and Deron's pokemon and fixed them something to eat, aside from Magnemite though, who couldn't eat. As the pokemon happily ate their food, Dusky looked to the couch, where Deron still lay, sleeping soundly. In a way, she had a heavy heart as she woke him - it felt wrong to wake someone who looked so peacefully and at ease with the world. But she reminded herself of the promise they made to Shaun about meeting him in the morning, so she knelt down beside Deron and lightly shook him.

"Hey, Deron," she said softly, not wanting to startle him first thing in the morning. "Wake up. I made breakfast - sorry it's so early."

Ecruteak City

Lily sat in her bed in the room she had rented at the Pokemon Center and gazed longingly out the window that was letting in the light from the early morning sun. Flocks of Pidgey were just beginning to wake up while Hoothoot slowly when back into the darkness of the shadows, waiting for nightfall once more.

Since last night with the bomber at the Dance Hall, Lily felt restless - she hadn't gained a single wink of sleep that night, instead spending all her time watching the night sky through her window and studying her four pokemon as they slept - Feraligatr slept to the right of Lily's bed, occassionally kicking his legs or flailing his arms, even swinging his massive tail, in his sleep. Hoppip and Teddiursa slept at the top of Lily's bed right beside their trainer, and all throughout the night the two would make strange noises and different movements based off whatever they were dreaming of - sometimes Teddiursa made a cry as if suffering from a nightmare, but when Lily put a comforting hand on him, his whimpers would disapate. As for Noctowl, he slept to the right of Lily's bed, his head tucked under his wing - though Noctowl was a nocturnal pokemon, Lily noted as to how willingly and easily the pokemon adapted to being active during the day and resting during the night.

Lily looked around at her sleeping pokemon and sighed as her mind traveled back toward the night before. Garrett, the trainer whose Mismagius pretty much saved them all, had stuck the bomber in a old closet for safe keeping for the moment. She had wanted to stay and talk to him longer, but she wanted to find the Gengar's trainer. However, when she and her pokemon went looking, they found no Gengar or trainer, and, with heavy hearts, they had to return to the Dance Hall, only to find that Garrett had taken care of the crazy bomber and his pokemon - Lily shuddered at the thought of having to kill the poor Electrode. After finding that everything had been taken care of, Lily had said good night to the Kimono Girls, good night to Cathy, and good night to Garrett

She sighed once more and gazed out the window - she wished to be like one of the Pidgey currently flying by in its massive flock - she wanted to be surrounded by people, learning how to react with one another, be able to work as a team. Granted, she and her pokemon were a team, but a human companion would be nice. She thought of Cathy - though the two quite literally just met, maybe Lily could suggest the two travel together? She thought about extending the invitation to Garrett, but they had known each other for a lesser amount of time than she and Cathy.

Perhaps it'd just be better if I continue on my own?, Lily thought as she got out of bed. There was no point in wasting her time. And so, she stretched and got dressed before planning what to do with her day.

05-11-2012, 04:03 PM
Saffron City

Deron's pokémon all eagerly turned to their food, especially Nidorino and Kabuto, while Kadabra took his time just quietly eating. While they were eating, Magnemite continued around the pokémon, staying the closest to Pikachu most of all.

The images of Deron's dream faded, as he could hear a voice talk to him in the distance. His blacked out vision started gaining blurry colors, before the image began to sharpen as he opened up his eyes, having their sights lock onto the feminine eyes before him, quickly identifying them as Dusky's as a slight smile formed on his lips. "Now that... is a face I don't mind waking up to..." His eyes still seemed tired, as he inhaled deeply to suppress a yawn, closing his eyes again as he nuzzled into the pillow gently, before finally forcing to push himself up, smiling at Dusky, eyeing her over curiously to take in what her outfit was for today, before his eyes would lock onto her side. "How is that wound...?" His kind expression turned into a slightly worried one, which was underlined by the sad feeling that rested in his eyes.

05-11-2012, 11:45 PM
Cianwood City

Blaziken was at the adress, but as he aproached he heard a fimiliar sound. A Battle. He ran closer using agility, he saw the gaurds getting mobile. Blaziken wasted no time seeing what it was. He ran back to Valdus his master would want to help, considering his aunt owned one of the closest houses to the safari zone.


Valdus was not to far when he heard a Exploud screaming behind him. He considered seeing what was up, but decided against it. "I hope I don't regret not going to see what that was later." Valdus said as he contiued to his aunts. After a minute Valdus saw his Blaziken coming twoards him, a stern look on the pokemon's face. Blaziken ran over Valdus picked him up and began running back the way he had come. "Blaziken something bad?" Valdus said worried. Blaziken nodded using agility again. "Seems like we can't avoid trouble now a days. Can we buddy? Valdus asked, as Blaziken used high jump kick to clear a house. "I just hope we make it in time." Valdus said flashing back to the day of the change when his dad died.

05-12-2012, 04:40 AM

Negi,now tired from the last battle and holding two fainted pokemons, strolls around Eucruteak City in search of the convinient pokemon center. He observed the Bell tower that had a ledgend that he had forgotten about. He also noticed a Xatu on top of a strange building. He glared at it and it seemed to be on some sort of mission. I stood there in awe. "What's in there that its guarding?...a valuable treasure?...a person?...other pokemons?" he thought to himself as he walked towards it. Suddenly he felt a grunt from his loyal partner Lucario. Lucario stared into negi's eyes and negi knew what he meant. Negi began to move towards the Pokemon center where lucario too wanted a rest.

He entered the Pokemon center that seemed to be housing some other survivors as well. He walked to the kind lady that seemed like a nurse and handed her bronzor and ghastly's pokeballs. The healing machine had a special generator that seemed worn out but no question the electricity had been having problems ever since the incident. She handed them back then checked for lucario's wounds. She used a couple of sprays and bandages and gave him back to me. There was nothing major but they seemed okay so it was fine by him. "Thank you, very much..."

He looked around and believed that the others were still sleeping. So with nothing to do he sat in a chair ner the entrance where no one could miss his presence. Lucario simply leaned on the wall next to him and closed his eyes with his arm crossed. "You know lucario, these battles are getting a little bit tough. We might have to join forces with somebody beacuse right now, i do not see a chance of beating another group of Tauros or Trainers." He assure Lucario with a worried face. Lucario simply agreed with a grunt and never opened his eyes. Negi just sat there as the thoughts pondered around his head. "Where am I suppose to find others like that?..."

Green Lantern
05-13-2012, 02:15 AM
///Route 36 & 37; Eucruteak///

It was so hot. He couldn’t stand it. He was a heavy set man named Paulie. He had been driving with his associate. Well, he wasn’t the one driving. What were they doing? Paulie had so much trouble remembering. He didn’t think he was just walking in the desert? Did they just not plan to be in the heat? His thoughts were so jumbled. They hadn’t even been out that long though, had they? It was really hot.

The sweat popped off his body as his head snapped up. He began hobbling ahead of his partner. The excitement, it was strange how much the sight of water mattered now.


Even in his dazed state his friend thought Paulie’s spectacle was kind of outlandish. Paulie paid him no mind, he continued on. He continued running as best he could towards his salvation. He stood behind them, pulling out a small pocket knife. He didn’t remember why he even had the thing. What did he need a pocket knife for?... Other than this… His hand motion forward with the knife but was frozen by a loud voice.

“ I’M A CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!”

The shrill voice came from right in front of him, out of the sand almost. He jumped up, dropping his knife in fear and landing a step back. Unfortunately that singular step wasn’t enough to dodge what came next. It was a strong swinging fist from the voice, a Cacnea. It’s fist smashed against Paulie’s face, splurting blood on the sand. Paulie stumbled back. At first he tried to grip his face, but his hands were cut by the spikes left in his eye and cheek from Cacnea.

So all he could do for the moment was scream. His vision had blurred so much more now. It was as if the Cacnea used a poison. Or maybe it was the four inch spike in his eye, but that couldn’t affect the other could it? He had trouble following things; his attention only stayed focused because his survival instincts were kicking in. Live, that was what he needed to do. His associate was his ace! Paulie turned, face bloodied vision blurring, to see his partner face down in the sand with a large bullet wound in the back of his head. What happened?


And Cacnea’s punch busted through his spine. Paulie’s vision went black.
Several Hours Earlier….

A jeep drove down the dirt road. There were bags in the back and a number of passengers: a girl, a guy, and three pokemon. The road had been traveled a lot by those able since the change. It was a good way to make a living… Again, it was only if you were able. They were heading towards Eucruteak, somewhere in between route 36 and 37. After a while the jeep pulled off to the side of the road.
The girl hopped out, going around to the back of the jeep, grabbing a bag from out the back. She went back up to the driver’s seat. Her buddy had now taken residence there.

“Okay, so go with joules and set it up for us. I’ll have Biz force them to stop.”

The boy nodded, driving off. Their plan had started. Champ went and nestled in with some cacti. Bismarck went off, getting rid of all the other groups of them that were patched up within view of the road. It was just a matter of time.

Paulie’s car pulled up, slowing down for the jeep. Their heads poked out, checking on the man and his jeep. They were just being good Samaritans. This was their mistake. Rule one of living: Never be a good person. While they spoke to the stranger, a small tick creature that went by the name Joule snuck underneath and up into their car, destroying the brain of their vehicle. After a bit of talking, enough time for Joule to get back, the man waved goodbye and drove off.

Next was the waiting… It probably would have looked convoluted from a third party perspective. She couldn’t risk fighting them though. It was really hot. The kind of hot you make a tv episode about, and then parody six episodes and/or two seasons later, that was today. She took another drink of water.

~Lollipop lollipop, Oh lolli lolli lolli, Lollipop lollipop.....
Call my baby lollipop, Tell you why, His kiss is sweeter than an apple pie, And when he does his shaky rockin' dance, Man, I haven't got a chance….~

Time went on and then they were there. She sighed slightly at first. Then she fixed the spotter and repositioned herself with the scope.

“…. Lollipop lollipop... doo doo da doo doo… Just a little further you fat commi lookin homeboy lookin…”
Then the loud shout of Cacnea came out.

“ I’M A CHAMPION!!!!!”

~And there we go.~

The shot fired off. By the time she walked down there, the other guy was down. He wasn’t getting up… Obviously. She started going through their stuff, tossing them into a pouch of the bag. She began collecting her little squad as the jeep pulled back up.

“Good job Aik… You were always good at playing the victim.”

The pair road the rest of the way down Route 36 and 37. Once in town, they split, planning to meet back up later for food. Aik went to the pokemart. Ashara walked into the pokecenter, handing over her team for healing. She stayed there, petting her flarion while the rest were being healed.

((The first section is in the middle of the second section time wise. I hope that's okay and easily grasped! :) ))

05-14-2012, 12:36 AM

After tying up the suicidal boomer dude Cathy had dusted her hands and bidden the other good night before gathering up T.Y. and whiny and quickly retreating out of the tower. Here she set whiny down and made sure the young fire Pokemon was well off comforting her, looking her over for any hurts and calming the poor thing down. Once whiny seemed less shaky and more calm she led them all back to the center all the white wondering if she should stay out side for that night and some where she could get to places easy or just stay at the center. Finely she had decided the center.

Now Cathy set on the bed rolling a Pokeball from one hand to the other and back while she thought on the events of last night. What was that man after? the gangar? there had to be a sort of connection but what? Shaking her head she clicked the button making the ball larger and then letting T.Y. out she did the same for Bolt and whiny and then got up setting out food for them and herself before making sure that she had everything packed in a way she could reach it easily if it needed to be reached then. Satisfied she let herself relax on the bed for a few more moments before getting up cleaning up the dishes putting them away and heading out.

Walking down the hall she again pulled out her pictures of her mother and father with a frown. "I really should get a locket for this" she looked over to T.Y. who nodded in agreement while he to looked at the pictures. upon entering the main room she noted that there was a man sitting next to the entrance. She eyed him a minute T.Y. stopping beside her with a more calm look while bolt openly stared or glared which ever one it could be. Whiny however seemed to be over her shock of last night and back to her curies-as-a-cat self and upon spotting Lucario was immediately interested.

Cathy decided to let the young Pokemon be but she could see T.Y. visibly tens up as the younger pranced over curies as ever of the larger Pokemon. Cathy pretended not to notice but kept her eyes and ears out if whiny let so much as a whimper out she would set T.Y. and bolt on the man with out blinking. For now she turned to the counter and waited for the nurse to come out before speaking with her about what supply's she had that she could possibly take before she left.

T.Y. watched with narrowed eyes and a sort of Older brother air around him , as he watched whiny prance over to the pair coming ever closer. Bolt just sort of had a if anything happens your dead but I don't care for what reason look. neither made a move but both made no effort to hid their intent.

05-16-2012, 03:29 AM
Saffron City

Ev who was now again sound asleep curled up beside meg ,who was still totally out of the world, Twitched his ears and curled up tighter. His dreams where peaceful as the mood was for the moment in the room... Peaceful. He had woken when Shaun had come back in and watched him as he went about his business putting the larger dog away and finely entering the shower. At which point he rested his head on Megs side and drifted back to sleep.

Meg's dream was coming do a rather nice close now as her body prepared to wake up after a good long nights rest with no disturbance. However Ev had set her belt with her balls next to her and as she rolled over on of the buttons managed to get pressed making the ball grow and release its Pokemon it was holding right under neath her. It just happened to be silky. Meg ended up being pushed off the bed and hitting the floor with a thud. she groaned sitting up and rubbing the back of her head where she had smacked it against the floor. "gosh darn that hurt" she mumbled. Looking up at the bed she saw the large cat Pokemon staring back at her. She didn't look to happy. Sadly at first meg had thought she had gone feral as she was still waking up she jumped not realizing she had brought the Blanket with her and ended up falling back onto the floor. Persian set up giving a loud mew of laughter at her trainer. "ya ya laugh it up fur ball" she said propping her chin on one hand as she looked back at her partner. Ev peeked over the side of the bed at her looking slightly amused himself.

Shaun thought he heard a muffled thud outside over the sound of water from the shower head. Sighing, he wondered if his luck had finally ran out and Meg was getting mugged. Surprised at his lack of caring, Shaun quickly got out of the shower and wrapped a towel about himself, cracking open the door just so she could hear him.

"You alright out there?"

"Fine" Meg returned in a slightly annoyed tone as she struggled to untangle herself from the blankets she had some how gotten all tangled up in. "Just fine" she finely managed to get her legs free at which point she stood and tossed the blanket back on the bead. Rubbing her head she looked at Silky "nearly gave ma a heart attack furballl" Silky only seemed to shrug before going on to grooming herself.

"Well since your already out" Reaching over she plucked the last two balls and clicked the button. Ru and Ginger appeared looking so much better then she remembered. Ginger looked at Ru and Ru looked at Ginger. "See I told you he wasn't dead". she looked at the bathroom door then and picked her way over more away now she figured she should go out and send a letter to her mother before she died of a heart attack... That was a sad thought.

She knocked on the door "Hey Shaun I'm going to see if there's any PC's that work I need to send a letter to my mother before she has a heart attack" she didn't wait for a reply or even to see if he had heard her let along cared she just patted her Pokemon and headed out of the room with them following. Upon finding that there was in fact a working PC she was glad and a bit weak from the relief. She go strait to work on that mail while her Pokemon got acquainted.

Sighing as he exited the bathroom, Shaun wondered if the girl was getting homesick at all. His mind then immediately wandered to the two others who would be joining them soon... He still needed to speak to the girl about this, and hopefully she'd come back so that he could do so. Regardless, though, Shuan got busy getting dressed in clean, dry clothes. He had Pokemon to feed, not to mention himself.

05-17-2012, 04:39 PM
Goldenrod city

The sun was setting over the west coast of Johto, and it would have been beautiful if the waters that Goldenrod sidled up next to weren't polluted to a disgusting green colour. This Brendan saw briefly, until he raised the final plank of wood over the last visible strip of his window, plunging the room into darkness.

"Gallade," he called, "could you get the lights?"
There was a click, and the room was lit up with white light, so Brendan could see what he was doing. What he was doing was boarding up his windows, should anyone feel the need to infiltrate his house on the third floor of the apartment building that lay nestled between the Department store and the bike shop via the windows. Taking a nail and placing it near the end of the plank, he pulled the hammer out of his pocket with his free hand and began rapping away at the nail. He followed suit with the other end of the plank, before he decided his work was complete.

He stepped back to admire his handiwork: all five windows he had boarded up, and the door was double-deadlocked. The main reason for this was not only that feral Pokemon roamed the streets at night, but very violent people who wanted money, either to treat themselves or their Pokemon, it didn't matter. Brendan was considerably wealthy, at least, he was before his main source of income was cut dead by the Change. He had retained quite a large sum of money, which was all well and good when you want to live in relative comfort, but other people wanted that money. A lot. His expensive clothing style of black and scarlet was like a giant neon sign that read "I'm a rich nob who needs quite a robbing."

Of course, he had not been successfully robbed because he had four exceptionally strong Pokemon: Scizor, Kabutops, Gallade and Gardevoir. Gardevoir was away in his PC box, Gallade was there with him in the living room, Scizor was keeping watch by the front door and Kabutops was swimming happily in the bathtub, a luxury he didn't often get to enjoy since the Change rendered all nearby bodies of water poisonous, and clean water was very hard to come by.

Goldenrod wasn't in as fine a state as its sister city, Saffron. The magnet train station had long been taken over by thugs, so no trains departed or arrived. Thankfully, the services had terminated at Saffron, so the thugs couldn't commandeer the mag-lev vehicle and infiltrate Saffron. The underground tunnel was absolute hell and served as a headquarters for the thugs. The Department store had long since sold all of its useful items; even the ones that could only be earned in lucky draws. All that remained in there were some mail envelopes, since they didn't serve much of a useful purpose.

The Pokemon centre was a shelter for Pokemon who were either sick or without a home, and services inside were stretched thin. So thin, that if they arrived on a sandwich it would essentially be bread. The radio tower held up because it was locked shut during the night, and during the day Buena would offer messages of encouragement and updates on the state of the other cities and towns in Johto to the people of Goldenrod.

It was one of these messages that came through the radio at the far side of the room that caught Brendan's attention:

"This is Buena, giving the final report of the day. Ecruteak's Dance Hall was close to being destroyed by a multitude of Electrodes belonging to a man who was supposedly attacked by a Gengar. The threat was contained, however questions still remain as to why that man had so many destructive Pokemon prepared to detonate and why this Gengar attacked him. We will give an updated report tomorrow, but for now, I wish you good evening, and let it stay good. This song goes out to all you survivors out there, because we've all got Heartaches By The Number."

Brendan looked back at Gallade, who appeared to have completely comprehended to meaning of the report. Scizor stuck his head around the corner, too.

"You know," suggested Brendan, "we should be seeing more of the region, instead of sitting around here. There isn't anything else to do, and the longer we stick around the more desperate the people will get."

His Pokemon didn't reply, and that was natural considering that they couldn't speak English, although they did look at each other and nod. The room was silent but for the faint sound of a splash from the bathroom, and the radio, which had started to play the final song for the day.

...And heartache number two was when you came back again,
you came back but never meant to stay...

"It's settled, then. We'll head out now, before it gets too dark."

With that, he turned off the radio, sending the room into silence. He walked down the hall to the bathroom, taking a black Pokeball with a red band and intricate red lines decorating both halves out of his pocket. As he stepped onto the white tiled floor, Kabutops rose out of the tub, the water trickling noisily off his brown, armoured body.

"We'll be leaving soon," explained Brendan, holding up his unique ball, "so get ready before we do." Kabutops responded by submerging himself again, which to anyone would have looked like an act of defiance, but really he was being quite obedient. The water level dropped by about five centimetres as Kabutops sucked in as much fluid as his body could hold, a remarkable feat considering the size of the bathtub. He stood up again, and Brendan pressed the black button on the Pokeball, and it opened, engulfing the Pokemon in a deep black aura interlaced with thin, red lines. The aura vanished, and so did the Pokemon, so Brendan stowed the ball in his jacket pocket and left the bathroom.

"You too." He said, holding up two more of the sinister-looking balls. With twin auras, Gallade and Scizor retreated into their Pokeballs, which Brendan then placed in his jacket pockets. He checked the sheath strapped to his left shoulder, underneath his jacket, ensuring that the hunting knife was still there. He picked up his trilby hat, placed it on his head, turned off the lights and walked out the door, locking it behind him.

The evening air had a slight chill, but Brendan didn't mind. He walked to the Pokemon centre at a leisurely pace, keeping an eye out for thugs who thought they would brave the daytime. He reached the door and stepped inside. The air was sickly warm and the sight was not pleasant: ill and injured Pokemon were lined up against the walls and crowded the floor, their owners doing nothing but cooing them and reassuring them that the nurses would be able to treat them.

That is, the one nurse. Her name was Claire, she was seventeen years old and she had just taken up the job as a nurse, having proved more than capable of treating Pokemon. Unfortunately, the device she was supposed to be using to rest and heal Pokemon was broken. Vital repairs were necessary, and expensive. The sheer number of patients she had to care for did not bring out the best in her abilities. She was stumbling between unwell Pokemon and their useless owners, trying to treat as many as she could before another cry of pain sounded from the other side of the room. She spotted Brendan, and a frown appeared on her flustered face. A frown appeared on many people's faces, because it wasn't generally accepted for someone as wealthy as Brendan to set foot in such a place. They disliked Brendan because he managed to keep his life intact during the change, as if his wealth had ensured his survival.

And maybe they were right. His house was sturdy and high up enough to avoid most Pokemon and thug attacks, and he had enough money to buy a little more than his fair share of the remaining supplies in the Department store. He could even afford clean water. It wasn't fair that money was the determining factor in people's survivals.

"What are you doing here, Brendan?" Claire demanded, still trying to treat a stubborn Sneasel.

"I just wanted to use the PC for half a minute," he defended, "I'm not here to ask any favours."

"Well good, because I'm all out of those, and you still owe me some from last time, remember?"

"Yes, I do," Brendan replied calmly, reaching into his top-right pocket, "so here you go."

Claire hadn't been looking when he said that last part, so when she looked up to see what he held in his outstretched hand (as curiosity dictated), she gasped. He was offering a sizeable quantity of money.

She rose to her feet and gingerly accepted the money, her mouth opening and closing like a Magikarp's. When she finally forced out some words, they were in a hushed tone.
"How- how much..?" she stammered, "How much is this?"

"It's four-hundred and fifty dollars, Claire." Her jaw dropped. "Do what you want with it, but I suggest you use it to hire some help or a repairman for that contraption over there. You're killing yourself."

The people close enough to see and hear the conversation all began jeering at Brendan, most claiming that he was a conceited bastard who only wanted to improve his image by the donation. Claire on the other hand looked like she could kiss him then and there, which made sense because that's exactly what she did. In a second she had her arms around him, pleasantly pressing her warm lips onto his, though only for a moment. The people within earshot of their previous conversation kindly shut their mouths, while people further away began shouting phrases at Brendan that were mostly along the lines of "You disgusting boy, soliciting that girl!"

Claire let go and stepped back, and for the first time that night, a smile lit up her face, and her blonde hair seemed to grow brighter.

"You want to use the PC, now?" she beamed.

Brendan gauged the distance between himself and the computer, and the sheer number of people blocking his path. He then replied: "Actually, I won't stick around. I'll get Gardevoir out of the one at Ecruteak."

Claire's face darkened. "You're going to leave Goldenrod? How are you going to make it all the way to Ecruteak without being mauled?"

"Well, I'll have to go north of course, that's the only way, and I'll stick to the main roads. I'll also have The Boys with me."

"Ah, yes, your little troupe." Claire sounded concerned, and with good reason. Sure, before the Change any strong Pokemon could escort at trainer through Routes 35, 36 and 37, but post Change, it would take a lot more than that.
"Listen," she insisted, suddenly grim, "stay safe, OK? Make sure you come back, or send a letter through the PC, or something."

"Oh, dear Claire," Brendan chuckled, "seconds ago you didn't want me here, now you don't want me to leave."

"Just be safe, OK?" There was worry on her face, although it was quickly painted over with a bright blush.

"Don't fret over me," assured Brendan, stepping towards the door, "you just try to get by with that money. I'll see you soon."
Claire raised a hand in farewell, but by then, Brendan had backed out of the Pokemon centre.

05-17-2012, 06:22 PM
Viridian City

The grunts led Haru and Mina through the base- something Haru found odd at first. Ordinarily, an organization as secretive as Team Rocket wouldn't let just anyone see the inside of their base. However, once Haru thought about it, it was quite simple- if they made any attempt at escape, it would be nothing for the Rockets to gun them down. Sure, Haru and Mina had their Pokemon, but even with them, they would eventually overwhelm them.

In short, they didn't have a choice in the matter.

The grunts led them through several corridors, and finally into an elevator. The door opened just as they reached it, revealing another guard standing within. These guys really weren't taking any chances, it seemed. Haru and Mina were nudged into the elevator, followed by their escorts. The one who had woke Haru pulled a card of some sort out of his pocket and inserted it into a slot just above the many buttons that adorned the keypad- it would seem that the base was bigger than Haru had imagined.

The door closed, and Haru heard some sort of mechanical sound, and then felt the slow descent of the lift as it took them wherever it was going. As expected, it was a silent trip- not a single word was spoken or sound made the entire time. Eventually, the doors opened, and Haru and Mina were ushered out of the elevator. Haru had been expecting another walk through various corridors, but that was not the case. Instead, they were now standing in a small room that held nothing a but a circular desk. Seated around it were five men, the blonde man sitting in the center.

"Ah, god, you're finally here," the man said, "Come, why don't you both have a seat?"

"I think I'm comfortable standing, thanks," Haru said. He had played along with them so far, but they also needed to know that they would not be having complete control over him.

The air in the room grew tense for a moment, and Haru felt sure that they were all about to attack. This did not happen, however. In fact, the blonde man simply chuckled in response.

"Very well. But do feel free to take a seat should you feel the need," he said.

"Now, then, I'm sure you have plenty of questions as to why I had you both brought here...or at least, I'm sure that you do," the man said, looking at Mina as he said the last bit, "I'm fairly certainly that Haru knows exactly why he is here. But I believe that this will be much smoother if I let you ask whatever questions you may have. So..."

Haru simply stayed silent, lowering his head slightly. He DID know why they had brought him here. He was surprised that they hadn't tracked him down long ago.

"As I expected," the man said, an almost wolfish grin growing across the man's face. He then glanced at Mina. "What about you? I'm sure you have all sorts of questions. Ask, and I shall answer them as best as I can."


Cianwood City

Things were not going well.

The young man who had come to wake Cray up hadn't lasted long once the Rhyhorns and Rhydon burst into his house. Cray had no choice but to leave his body there and the Pokemon then turned their attention on Cray, who hadn't wasted any time getting away after they had taken the guard out- there had been no saving him, and there wasn't much room for fighting inside the house.

Outside, however...was absolute chaos.

Cray had made it to the backdoor of his home and escaped through there, and was greeted with complete anarchy. Feral Pokemon everywhere, people either fleeing, fighting, or barking orders. Dead bodies were scattered all throughout the area- a few were Pokemon, but most, unfortunately, were human. It was twelve years ago all over again.

Cray's attention was torn from all of this when there was a roar and a loud noise behind him. Cray whipped around to find that the Rhydon had indeed come after him. The damned thing hadn't even bothered with the backdoor- it had burst right through the wall, followed closely by the other two Rhyhorn.

Cray swore loudly- it would cost so much to have the place repaired. Assuming he survived, of course- then he would have other problems.

Cray had left all his weapons inside, though against Rock types like these, they would be of little use. Thankfully, though, he had his Pokemon with him. Cray backed away slowly, taking all four from his belt and tossing them into the air. As they opened, the Rhydon and Rhyhorns roared, charging at Cray. However, Rhydon was intercepted by a Nidoqueen, and the Rhydon were slowed by a Poliwrath's Hydro Pump, the other Exeggutor's Egg Bomb.

"Keep it up, guys!" Cray encouraged his Pokemon, then turned to his fourth Pokemon- Fearow, who had been hovering behind him.

"You know what to do," Cray said with a nod, and with a piercing cry, Fearow flew away, in the direction of the main part of the city.

Cray then turned back to the problem at hand- the creatures that had wrecked his house and killed one of his guards. The Rhydons didn't look like they would be much an issue, but that Rhyhorn could be problematic. And even then, there was still the problem of the other Pokemon running through the city...

Cray shook his head. No sense thinking negatively, not yet. He just hoped that Fearow would be able to get to the other guards in the city- assuming there was still a city in the first place. Cray was certain that several Pokemon would have made their way into the main city. At least, he just hoped it was several, and not a horde.

"Dammit, stop thinking like that," Cray growled, then proceeded barking orders to his Pokemon. The sooner he took care of these, the better.

Plus, they had all but destroyed his house. And he couldn't very well let them get away with that.

Ekruteak City

The bomber did not so much as stir until morning. He noticed that he was in a very small, dark room- seemingly a storage room. The man couldn't help but scoff- this was the best they could do? Well, that was fine. Escape would be that much easier.

He listened for a moment for any sounds of activity outside. Once he was sure that there was no one there, he began fidgeting- he had to give credit to whoever had tied him up, they had made sure he wouldn't be going anywhere. But they had forgotten one thing- he still had Pokemon, and he saw that his two remaining Pokemon were, in fact, still there. He didn't worry about the others- they were likely dead, and he couldn't care less. What were they, after all, but simple tools to be used in order to accomplish his mission?

After several attempts, he realized that he would be unable to reach his Pokeballs. But that wouldn't be much of an issue.

"Sneasel," he hissed, but there was no response.

"Sneasel!" he hissed yet again, getting irritated. It worked that time- one of his Pokeballs burst open, and a small black Pokemon appeared by his side.

"Cut these damned ropes," the man ordered," and the Sneasel responded immediately, cutting the rope with a single swift cut. Finally free, the man slowly stood, moving around as much as he could within the small room, attempting to regain circulation while listening for any movement outside. Once he felt reasonably mobile and was sure that no one was around, the man opened the door, and then gave the Snesel a light shove with his foot- better it go first than him. The Sneasel glared back at the man, but quickly looked away- it would do no good for his "Trainer" to see that. Eventually, the man exited the room, looked around, then nodded at the Sneasel.

"Let's go," he ordered, then he turned and made for the exit.

Surprisingly, he ran into absolutely no one on his way out. He would have thought this suspicious, but these were the people who thought putting him in some closet would be a good idea.

Once he got outside, it was a different story.

Leaning against the building directly across from the Dance Hall was the man who had been pursuing him. Almost instantly, a Gengar appeared in front of his pursuer, who then glided directly at the man.

"Sneasel!" the man barked, and the Sneasel hesitated. It would be so easy to let the Gengar get to the man, but he thought better of it- it would be likely that the Gengar would then turn on Sneasel by proxy, which would not be good. So with no other choice, Sneasel launched a Shadow Ball at the Gengar, which hit its' mark. There was an explosion, and Gengar flew back towards its trainer.

The man and his Sneasel didn't pause to look at the results of the attack. They had already begun running away.

Gengars' trainer quickly ran over to it, Pokeball in hand. While he could simply heal it, such supplies were scarce nowadays, so he wanted to avoid using them as much as possible.

"Good job, Gengar. You deserve a rest," the man said. Gengar only gave a grunt as it went back into its Pokeball.

That done, the man then stood and began pursuing his target. He had to catch him before he caused anymore trouble- that explosion had probably alerted the whole town, too, which made his job that much harder.

05-18-2012, 01:48 AM
Saffron City

Dusky smiled as Deron woke up, and when he asked about her wound, she just shrugged and said, "Well, it's doing better than yesterday, that's for sure, but it still hurts a bit. Thanks for asking. Now hurry up and get off the couch, lazy. I made breakfast," she said this last part in a teasingly manner before walking over to the tiny table she had set for the both of them.

"I don't know what type of food you like," she started, "so I just sorta made a large variety; just dig in and eat whatever you want."

As she began eating, Growlithe finished up his breakfast and trotted over to Dusky, sitting loyally by his trainer. He rubbed against her legs gently before laying down in front of her feet under the table. Dusky picked at a piece of toast, her appetite gone - the excitement of leaving and going on an adventure had driven all needs and wants of food away, and now she couldn't think of anything but traveling. Trying to distract her thoughts and trick her body into being hungry once more, she spoke to Deron.

"So, how'd you sleep last night? Were those pajamas a good fit?" she asked him while she forced herself to take a bite out of the toast she had been picking at. It sure did feel good to eat something, especially after she skipped out on dinner the previous night. She sighed heavily and massaged her temples warily - on top of all the battles yesterday, not to mention the wound she had recieved, Dusky hadn't slept entirely well last night - memories of her brother haunted her dreams, in turn presenting her with a restless night filled with memories she had tried to tuck away into the darkest corner of her mind.

Dusky's stomach suddenly growled, signifying to her that it'd be best if she continued eating, and so she lightly shook her head and took another bite out of the toast. Eevee walked up to her trainer and jumped onto Dusky's lap, curling up in a tight little ball and cuddling extremely close to her. Pikachu finished eating, aside from a piece of toast, which he offered to Magnemite, who was floating close to him (Pikachu isn't aware Magnemite can't eat). Then Vulpix finished eating, so she decided to join Growlithe under the table and curled up next to his warm body, getting some more sleep before they departed.

Ecruteak City

Lily returned all her pokemon except for Hoppip and Feraligatr. She picked up her bag, slung it over her shoulder, and stepped out of her room, Hoppip in her arms and Feraligatr following closely behind her. She stepped out into the lobby of the Pokemon Center, and there she spotted Cathy and an unknown boy. She slowly approached the two, wearing the best smile she could muster - she didn't mind Cathy's company, but she wasn't a morning person, so seeming pleasant this early proved to be a great challenge for Lily. The unknown boy had a strage pokemon with him - Lily had never seen any like the one in front of her. Feraligatr was extremely interested in the pokemon as well, and Lily was just about to asked the boy what kind of pokemon it was when she heard an explosion.

"Oh come on," she groaned out loud with an exasperated sigh. She looke at Cathy and said, "It seems like there's never a dull moment here, huh?" And with that, she returned both Hoppip and Feraligatr, grabbed a pokeball off her belt, and ran out of the center.

When Lily was outside, she tossed the pokeball into the air and shouted, "Noctowl, come on out!"

The large owl-like pokemon appeared, well rested and full of energy. Lily got onto his back, which was an easy load for him to carry, and commanded, "Let's get up in the air! I want an airial view of this city!"

That was all she had to say - Noctowl took off into the air with great speed, and within moments, Lily was looking down at Ecruteak City from high in the air. Lily's eyes scanned the ground, looking for any sign as to what may have caused the explosion - there didn't appear to be any damage. Maybe it had been nothing -

Lily then spotted two men running down the streets. She patted Noctowl lightly on the back, and with unspoken orders, Noctowl flew down lower, giving his trainer a better look.

Below her were two men, one chasing the other. The one being chased after was the suicide bomber from last night in the Dance Hall, and he now had a Sneasel with him. Lily's eyes widened and she thought, How in the world did he get out? However, she didn't have time to wonder about how he managed to escape.

"Noctowl, fly low enough for me to jump off, but don't land - I want you watching from above. Obviously he has more pokemon, and he may have a flying-type with him. If he does, don't let him get away," she instructed lowly. The pokemon nodded and he hovered lower to the groundm about ten feet or so, and Lily jumped off, landing in front of the bomer and his pursuer.

Noctowl flew off, gaining altitude quickly, and soon he was barely visible. Lily pulled off two pokeballs and released Teddiursa and Feraligatr so they were on either side of the man. Unless the bomber had a pokemon who dug underground, it seemed like he was trapped with Lily, her pokemon, and his pursuer on all sides.

"It looks like you're stuck," Lily said harshly. "So why don't you tell us how in the world you got out of your storage closet and why you're running from that guy?" She said this while pointing to the man behind him. She definitely wasn't liking the fact that the bomber decided to cause havoc so early in the morning, but right now it wasn't important to dwell on her lack of sleep.

05-18-2012, 10:33 PM
(outside safari zone and on the edge of Cinawood)

Valdus and Blaziken arrived at his aunts just in time to see a herd of tauros stampeeding into town a hundred yards down the street. "Oh crap!" Valdus said as Blaziken put him down. He reached for the rest of his team. "Guys I need your help!" he said as they all fell out infront of him, kneeling as they were acustomed to. Togepi use double team and Scizor agility. We need to get any other feral pokemon to come twoards us. Everyone else onleash the heat." Without a second thought Togepi and his dopelgangers went to herd a group of miltank twoards Valdus, whil Scizor ran twoards a group of Beedrill smacking them over twoards the Tauros causing them to fight, Finnaly Cyndaquill, Charmeleon, and Blaziken, unleashed there flame throwers, causing nasty burns on every pokemon there. Scizor, and Charmeleon, come with me were going to the front lines of this crap. As for the rest of you don't let anymore pokemon into town. Got that? There should be a group of gaurds soon, when they show up come find me.

As Valdus ran with Scizor (Charmeleon was in his pokeball) he began to see dead bodies in the open field ahead where most the battle raged. "Shit! This is bad, looks like most of the gaurd is dead, the ones on duty at least." Scizor nodded agrement to Valdus and then turned to knock a Sudowood out with a Karate chop. "Glad you knw fihting type attacks caus there are some Rhyhorns, and... Damn it! Even a Rhydon, attacking someone over there. Help him out!" Valdus said as Scizor obeyed, sneaking up on the Rhydon with stealth and speed hitting him with a karatge chop to the head. Meanwhile Charmeleon came out and began using metal claw on the two Rhyhorn. Thats right keep it up you two.

After a minute the wild pokemon were down and Valdus ran up to the man. "Are you ok, or rather good to fight?" Valdus asked. "I'm fine." Cray responded. "Good now can you tell me where to find the caiptain of the gaurd? I want to know where he needs me most." Valdus asked, as he saw Blaziken coming from behind him carrying Togepi and Cyndaquil. 'Thank goodness.' Valdus thought to himself. "I am the caiptain, and where I could use you the most would be at the front lines. Listen carefully I need you to go take out a bridge connecting the Safari zone to here. If we take that out, then only flying pokemon will be able to come thruogh and-" "Gotcha." Valdus cut him off, and began running twoards the bridge, after returning all but Blaziken. "Now you go back to the edge of the town, your men who were off duty just showed up." Before the captain could respond Valdus was picked up by Blaziken, and they rushed off.

Valdus came to the edge of the safari zone and had Blaziken put him down. "The bridge isn't far in, but we need to get there without causing a rucuss. From the noise I hear around hear there is a feral pokemon brawl, and we don't want to wind up in the middle of that." Blaziken nodded and they crept into the woods. Valdus stopped him at a Leppa berry bush. It was picked clean except for one berry. "Here eat this, it'll help." he said giving the berry to his tiered pokemon. They soon found the chasm that the bridge spanned, but apparently had not gone far enough, so they continued along the edge, twoards the sound of fighting.

"Damn it!" Valdus said in a hushed voice as they caught sight of the bridge, there were pokemon rushing twoards it on the other side, fear in their eyes. "Guys we gotta get this thing down, NOW!" he said as he released everyone. They all had heard the plan and were fully aware of what Valdus wanted. Blaziken, Charmeleon, and Cyndaquill unleashed a torent of flame twoards the bridge, while Togepi, and Scizor began smashing it with mega kick, and metal claw. Valdus ran past his pokemon onto the bridge, he would have to hold back the pokemon till the bridge was ready for that final hit. "Don't worry about me guys! Bring this thing down faster if you want me out of harms way!" He drew his swords, and a wide swing at a Houndoom, that was running at him, he stopped at the last moment, and kicked it in the side though. The pokemon flew off the edge of the bridge. Valdus had seen the Houndour coming up behind the Houndoom, but didn't recover in time to stop it from bitting him. "Ughn!" he said as it bit down. He smashed his pommel into its small head killing it.

He felt confident, untill he saw something really scared him, a Tyranitar was coming twoards him. He ran off the bridge and twoards twoards his pokemon. "Now, Now blow it NOW!" He screamed as he got off the bridge. He slammed on the ground as three fireblast hit the bridge taking it down. It wasn't enough though, Tyranitar was about to use a hyperbeam. "Togepi use protect!" Valdus screamed at the last second. Togepi did, but the hyperbeam hit the ground not Valdus and his group. Causing debri to fly everywhere. Valdus was hit with a large stone and knocked out. Blaziken picked him, Togepi, and Cyndaquil up and ran a bealine for the pokemon center.

05-19-2012, 06:02 PM
Saffron City

Deron smiled at Dusky, before pushing himself up to follow her to the kitchen. Once there, he smiled at his pokémon as they were enjoying their meal, scratching Nidorino over his head as he settled down on a chair and reached for a piece of toast, taking a big bite out of it, obviously fairly hungry.
Soon distracted by Dusky's question, though, he turned his eyes onto her, unconsciously taking in her appearance and somewhat savoring the sight, before he focused on answering her. "They were just fine, yes. Thanks again for letting me stay over." He smiled at her, though the smile faded as it wasn't hard for him to notice that something was bothering her. "You don't seem to have slept all that well, though. Is it the wound that's acting up? Or is there something else on your mind?" He cramped the other half of the toast in his mouth, chewed a bit, before swallowing, soon planting his elbows on the table as he leaned forward, looking at Dusky as he was hoping for an answer.

Kadabra in the meantime just watched the two curiously, wondering deep down if he saw before him the possibility for his trainer's mourning for Blastoise to be completely eradicated.

Unlike Kadabra, however, his pokémon weren't bothering with this too much as Nidorino proceded to patrol through the apartment once his breakfast was done, followed closely by Kabuto, who tried to show off proud and strong by mirroring Nidorino's behaviour.

Magnemite curiously looked at the piece of toast, his eye showing nothing but confusion as he obviously has no idea what to do with it. He just looked at it for a few seconds, before he would continue hovering around idly.

05-20-2012, 02:06 PM
Goldenrod City

Brendan stepped out into the chilly evening air, and noticed that the doors and windows of the various buildings in Goldenrod were locked shut for the night. Even as he took this in, the door to the Pokemon Centre behind him clicked as Claire locked it. He glanced at the sun, and his jaw dropped. It wouldn't be long before it disappeared behind the horizon, so he really needed to get a move on before feral Pokemon began to wander into the city.

A faint humming caught his attention, coming from the southern end of Route 34. Squinting to get a good look, Brendan realised that it may have been far too late. Hovering under the eve of the Ilex forest gate, where a door was supposed to be, was an angry swarm of feral Beedrills.

Brendan turned on his heel and high-tailed it up the street, and the Pokemon gave chase, pouring out of the gateway to that dark forest and gaining ground at a phenomenal rate. He put as much energy as he could into pushing the ground between himself and the poisonous insects with his feet, driven by the will to get to safety, and the only door that wasn't supposed to be locked was that of the northern gate of Goldenrod city.

As he passed under the suspended magnet train track, he dared a backward glance. The Beedrills were swarming through the southern archway and into the city, and several other Pokemon had joined the stampede: Oddishes and Parases from Ilex forest and Drowzees and Rattatas from the dead grass along Route 34. He knew that he wouldn't be able to open the door to the gate and shut himself inside in time, even though he was upon the final street intersection of the city, just a dozen metres from the gate. To his left was the entrance to the underground tunnel, to the right was the gym. He needed his Pokemon to hold off the swarm, so reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled out two Night balls and pressed the buttons.


Gallade and Kabutops appeared by his side, hit the ground running, and listened carefully as Brendan babbled quick commands to them:
"Gallade, I need you to use psycho cut on the Beedrills. Try to hold them off for as long as you can. Kabutops, use stone edge against anything that gets in front of those Beedrills. When I call out, get inside the gate and I'll shut the door."

His Pokemon nodded in response and turned around at the same time to face the onslaught. Gallade was the first to attack, using a technique he was taught shortly after learning to use psycho cut. He lifted his foot up to his opposite knee, raised his bladed arms to that they were parallel to each other, and performed a pirouette. A powerful pirouette.

Around and around he spun on his foot, keeping his head focused on a point in front of him to prevent dizziness, and each time one of his bladed arms passed in front of the swarm, a purple crescent of psychic energy arced outwards, lacerating several bees. At this point, Gallade resembled a lethal spinning top.

Although this did not slow the feral Pokemon by much, so Kabutops was soon required to attack. Just as an infestation of Rattatas jumped in front of the flailing bees, he stepped forward (avoiding Gallade's attacks), dug one of his sickle-like claws into the paved street and flung a multitude of sharp rocks up at them. Most of them hit their mark under their chins, and the rats fell to the ground, dead and bleeding. Kabutops took a step back and repeated the process.

While this was happening, Brendan was busy trying to push the door to the gate open, but it too was locked. He started ramming his shoulder against the door when a strong hand gripped his neck and pulled him away.

Brendan was confronted by the fearsome face of a Goldenrod thug. His lips had been pierced in several places, and a tattoo of a growling Gyarados curled over the right side of his face. He held his free hand up, which was adorned with a set of brass knuckles.

"Looks like someone stayed up past their bedtime," he snarled, "didn't he? Well, naughty children need to be punished, so I'm going to take you to see-"

He didn't get to finish that sentence, because while he talked Brendan pulled the hunting knife out of its sheath and sliced upwards across the the thug's chest. The man released him and staggered back, blood soaking his torn shirt, but Brendan didn't see that because he was focused on pulling out his last Night ball and pressing the button. Scizor towered before the thug, and of his own accord, kicked the fellon hard in the chest. He tumbled backwards as a result of the power of the blow.

"Scizor!" cried Brendan, "I need to you break down the door, quickly!"
The mantis responded without hesitation, and proceeded to deliver a steel-shattering punch to the door's lock. It broke free instantly, and the door opened wide. Brendan rushed in and called back: "It's open! Get in, now!"

Kabutops and Gallade, who were making a valiant effort to keep the swarm at bay, ceased their efforts and bolted back towards their trainer. As soon as they were inside, Brendan pushed the door closed, but a booted foot appeared between it and the frame. The furious face of the thug poked in through the gap, and an arm reached forward and grabbed Brendan by the wrist.
"Oh, no, you're coming with me, you little brat! You and all your Pokemon will be-"

He didn't get to finish that sentence either, because the swarm he so stupidly ignored had just caught up. The man let roared and let go of Brendan, pulling his arm out of the doorway. He wheeled around desperately, revealing a Beedrill perched on his back with all three of its poisonous stings embedded into his spine and shoulder blades.

Other ferals latched onto his various body parts and dragged him to the ground. Brendan shoved his boot out through the door, pushed it shut and pressed his back to it, just as the unfortunate criminal started screaming.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" The sound became more muffled as time went on, probably because the number of poisonous Beedrills crowding over his body was rapidly increasing. Then, there was a guttural choking sound, and the screaming stopped, but the furious buzzing didn't, and Brendan could only sit with his back pressed to the door as the sound of tearing flesh became louder.

He looked to all three of his loyal Pokemon, and they all looked back.

"Thank you..." he breathed gratefully, his heart racing.

Melphina Micaela
05-20-2012, 08:39 PM
Cianwood City

Adelle sighed, staring at Exploud's pokeball as she made her way further toward where she thought the Pharmacy would be. The more she moved away from the main part of the city, however, the more frantic the people around her seemed to be. People weren't paying attention to where they were going and bumped into her so many times that she eventually had to stop and keep her temper in check. Okay, something's definitely not right here..., Adelle thought, putting away Exploud's pokeball only to retrieve and release Marshtomp instead.

The young Pokemon gave a small yawn after being released and stretched itself fully before turning to face its master. Adelle, meanwhile, grabbed someone off the street and asked her what was wrong. The woman, her face contorted into an expression of fear and desperation, at first would not cooperate until Adelle became frustrated and flashed a dagger at her neck. Oh, how the words began to flow then. Once she had gotten as much information as she had wanted, the trainer released the woman and turned to her Pokemon again.

It stared at her rather blankly, seemingly ignoring the chaos going on about it. Just as Adelle was about to explain the situation to him though, a loud crash sounded off not far from where they were standing causing Adelle to jump and Marshtomp to snap into reality. They both turned just in time to catch a stampede of pokemon crash through homes and send swarms of people running in every which direction. Running out of the way of the incoming traffic, Adelle motioned for Marshtomp to follow her but it instead grabbed her hand and began leading her away to safety.

Adelle grunted as they stopped further out of the city. She was thankful that Marshtomp had taken her to safety, but it really needed to learn to obey her directions a little more. She would have been just fine on her own. Pushing that small qualm aside, Adelle turned as something on the ground caught her eye. The second she saw what it was, her voice caught in her throat. "M...Mar...," was all she could sound out as her Pokemon followed suit and turned around to face the seemingly endless pile of bodies scattered throughout the area. Adelle had learned from the lady that the situation was bad, but how did it ever get to being this bad?

Swallowing down her dread, Adelle averted her eyes and motioned for Marshtomp to let her go. Doing as it was told this time, the Marshtomp obliged and then began to sniff at the bodies, seemingly looking for any body that might still be alive. After a moment of silence, Adelle followed suit. Pokemon and humans were scattered about and the more they searched the more hopeless the entire situation seemed. Just as they were about to give up, a blast of fire went off somewhere further out of the city. That's right..., Adelle thought as she watched the smoke rise steadily into the sky, We're near the Safari Zone...

05-22-2012, 05:30 AM
Neji watched as some of the Travelers began to appear from their rooms and made their way to the main floor. Neji was still sitting at the entrance with his trustful lucario at his side with his arms crossed. His attention was caught by a female who’s pokemon found Lucario to be interesting. The female stood at the main counter looking back to keep a look out for her beloved companion. Her typhlosion gazed upon lucario as Zebstrika did too.

“Here, have this.” Neji took out a small poke snack and handed it to the small Zebstrika. Then put out a small hand full for the rest.
Lucario just gave a small grunt and continued watching and observing these pokemon who seem to have a diffrent life style than his.

“Cheer up, Lucario, there are not enemies.” He assured his trusty companion.
Neji stood up and began walkimg towards the counter where the brown haired girl was awaiting her supplies if any. The female wore an interesting attire that really brought out a fighter view. Her hair was short and she wore a white-bluish color clothing on her. Neji approached her.

“Hello there, are those your pokemons over there?” Neji asked smiling and pointing at the pokemon who were around Lucario. “My name is Neji by the way, I’m from Blackthorne city.” He added as he stared into the female’s eye through his glasses.

“Hmph…” Lucario grunted again as he watched the smaller pokemon. Specially as he watched ponyta. Lucario, with an act of kindness, reached out to the small ponyta keeping in mind that Typhosion was watching with its careful eyes at Lucario. Lucario kneeled down as he pet ponyta around its head.

Neji chuckled a bit as he watched Lucario act that way and waited for the female’s response to his simple conversation starting questions.

05-22-2012, 01:10 PM
Eucruteak City ~

Cathy looked back as Lily came in but returned her focus back to the counter at least till she heard the explosion looking over to the door quickly she frowned and nodded in agreement with lily. Part of her thought she should go with lily but she decided that lilly and who ever else might be there would be more then enough. She sighed leaning back on the counter "bolt" The stripped Pokemon looked her away and away from Whiny "go an check it out BUT don't kill any one unless necessary" She said eying her Pokemon. It just tossed its head to say whatever before quickly heading for the door. "he's going to get into trouble I should have sent T.Y." she mumbled.

Again she looked up as the man from the corner came over and asked if those where her Pokemon "yes Whiny and T.Y. are mine" she said "and Bolt just went out the door" she leaned on the counter looking back. Ponyta had taken a bit of the snack but not much. "Cathy from Bark Town" she said simply. She looked back once more tensing for a slight moment as she saw Lucario go to pet whiny but then remembered that she hardly knew a stranger. Lucky for Lucario anyways he was not burned but even if Whiny did know a stranger it would not be her burning them it would be T.Y.

Ponyta didn't refuse the pat but enjoyed it all the more. T.Y. after observing a while longer and noting that there was little danger here simply relaxed and set back. "lucky for your friend Whiny knows no stranger other wise he would have been burned not only by her but T.Y." she said looking back to the counter as the nurse came out wit a few things she had asked for thanking her kindly she took them and stored them in her pack. Once that was taken care of she pulled out her own food as well as some for Whiny. T.Y. always ate a sandwich with her and Bolt never took anything from her to eat and always ended up finding something himself.

Bolt found lilly not actuly hard to do but he trotted up taking in everything his main sparking a bit as he strode up and stopped some feet between thought already surrounding the man. he Pawed the ground ready to take care of the human right there by himself. Still he kept in mind what Cathy had said and as much as he hated it he staid back for now.

05-24-2012, 01:50 PM
Route 35, National Park

A warm light settled on Brendan's face, and he woke up with a jolt, fearing that the Beedrills had found a way into the gate. That was certainly not the case, because there was no buzzing whatsoever. In fact, they must have left a long time ago, because the light spilling into the gate was coming from the windows on the right side of the building, which was the eastern side. It was morning.

His Pokemon were still dozing though, sitting slumped against the walls and the far door. Even though they were fierce specimens, Brendan couldn't help but think that they looked cute like that. But that was a though for another time. He hoisted himself from his sitting position by the door to Goldenrod, and stretched his back. It clicked in several places, and the noise was enough to wake up his Pokemon. Scizor darted to his feet with a cry, which in turn woke up Gallade and Kabutops.

"Calm down," Brendan reassured, "we're safe. I must have dozed off after that thug got what was coming to him. Speaking of which..."

He opened the door to Goldenrod a little, and the cold, fresh morning air sent shivers down his spine. People were yet to emerge from their bungalows, and the Pokemon swarm was definitely gone. He looked at the ground. Scattered about the paved street closest to the gate were a few raw looking bones, some metal lip rings and a set of brass knuckles. He was without sympathy, so he closed the door.

"Well, that's one less criminal in Goldenrod. I say we've done our bit, so let's get moving to Ecruteak."
His Pokemon looked at each other and nodded in agreement, and they all walked the short distance to the other door of the gate. Brendan opened it slowly, and peered through to see what was outside.

It was barren and dusty, as was most land in Johto after the Change. Brendan was nine years old when the Change happened, and he could still remember what Route 35 looked like. What he saw was not the Route 35 he used to know. The path was just dry sand, and the raised platforms where grass had once grown were just more sand pits. The pond halfway up the route had shrunk to a dismal, polluted puddle. Worst of all, the thick trees that flanked the path were withered and dead. The place looked like a graveyard, but it was a graveyard they had to get through.

"OK, it's a long run to the end of Route 35," Brendan thought out loud, "and there won't be as many wild Pokemon because the trees are dead. A fair few of them will still be sleeping anyway, so I think we'll be fine this time around."

He pulled out two of the Night balls and withdrew Gallade and Kabutops, leaving Scizor with him.
"OK. One... two... three!" He pulled the door all the way open and started running with Scizor up the sandy path. His black jacket, skinny jeans and trilby hat all soaked in the morning sun quickly, so he began to feel toasty right away. He bolted straight towards the gate at the northern end on the street, passing close to the puddle that used to be a pleasant pond so long ago. Scizor had no trouble keeping up with him, in fact, Brendan had a hard time keeping up with Scizor.

They had almost made it to the gate when a multitude of shrieks sounded from his right. Sparing a glance, Brendan saw a small group of male Nidorans charge out of the dead trees and make a bee line for him.
"Hold them off while I check the door!" he called out to Scizor, who immediately responded by breaking away from Brendan and confronting the poisonous Pokemon. They all darted over to his legs and tried jabbing him with their poisonous stings, but to very little effect. Scizor's rebuttal was quite savage; he leaned forward and began pounding the Nidorans into the dirt with powerful punches from his claws. Several darted away while the rest were completely flattened.

With the wild Pokemon vanquished, Brendan could patiently try the door, which opened with ease. He stepped into the gateway between Route 35, the National Park and the Pokeathlon dome, and held the door open for Scizor. He closed it after him.

Both inside, they looked at their surroundings, and then at each other, with a powerful sense of nostalgia. This is where Brendan had first caught Scizor so very long ago, as a Scyther in the bug-catching contest. Still looking around, Brendan's eyes fell on something he had forgotten was there, in that room: a PC.
Stepping over to it, he pushed the power button, and the computer began to whir as it slowly flickered to life. It still had access to the mail and box network. Smiling, Brendan accessed his personal box, and was surprised to see a letter was there, waiting for him, from his cousin over in Sinnoh. It read:

Dear Brendan,
thanks again for sending your Meganium over to Pastoria city. Just like you said, his breath has been able to revive the crops down at the community produce centre. We're growing enough to make a surplus! We still need him, along with all the other Meganiums we've borrowed, so we can't send him back until we can get a fresh supply of water other than this dismal swamp, but he'll be kept real safe, don't you worry. We've also been taking care of your Weavile. She's still a little bit sick, but she's eating again. She never leaves your Meganium's side, except for when she's riding on his back or sleeping. We'll also keep her at the community centre with Meganium.

Best regards, your cousin.

Brendan smiled to himself, partly from the good news and partly from hearing from his cousin, who was so suspicious of the mail system he never gave his name in the letters he sent. What worried Brendan most was that didn't know when or if he would see his two other Pokemon again.

He exited the mail system and accessed his box. There was one Pokemon in it, as usual, his Gardevoir. He withdrew her from the box, stashing her Night ball straight into his pocket. The trip to Ecruteak still had some length to it and he didn't want to be ill-prepared. He shut down the computer and looked back at Scizor.

"It looks like we're going through the park, aren't we?" Brendan said, walking over to the desk near the doorway. Scizor gave an excited buzz of his wings as Brendan started looking through all of the shelves behind the desk. The top three shelves were bare, with the exception of a wad of dust, but the fourth and final shelf played host to something that made Brendan very excited: two Sport balls, shiny and intact.

Without a second thought he grabbed them off the low shelf and checked for any Pokemon inside. They were both empty, but they were in working condition. Brendan showed them to Scizor.

"Remember these?" he asked, "They must have been left here and forgotten after the change, but no one bothered to take them until now."
Almost laughing at the good fortune behind finding two, free, working Pokeballs, he stowed them into his left jacket pocket, after transferring the Night balls into the one on the right. He then walked around the desk to the door and cautiously opened it.

The National park was as dead as anywhere else in the surrounding forest. The two grass semicircles in the middle of the park were dry and brown, and the fountain in between them had become clogged with twelve years worth of grime and water no longer flowed from its pinnacle. Other than that, it was bare. Brendan stepped out with Scizor and walked across the empty park. Nothing moved but them, and the only sounds in the entire place were their footsteps and the faint rush of air across the tops of the trees. They even saw the exact spot where Brendan once battled Scizor into submission before catching him and not winning first place. They passed into the gate that led to Route 36 with nothing but the powerful memories on their minds.

Green Lantern
05-24-2012, 02:19 PM
Eucruteak City

The pair woke up, prepping their bags. That night before they had a nice dinner, made of fast food from some struggling local restaurant. This was followed by sleeping in a hotel. "Li Li..... My hair's all messed up."

"Ashara, I'm only responding to tell you I don't really care." He chuckled a little, enjoying his own joke as he climbed out of his bed. "What time is it?" He went, fixing some coffee. Oh, delicious delicious coffee. Ali's was the best.

Ashara slid the window open. Seeing this, Eve hopped near her, shooting up a flame. Ashara inhaled, pausing for a moment before letting smoke out. "I fucking hate the desert." She continued smoking as she packed her bag.

After a bit the group finally made it downstairs. Ali began checking off people in the room. While they had a calm demeanor, he was silently searching for threats. Fat guy, fat lady... How do people somehow stay fat nowadays?... Meh.... Let's see, girl with pokemon, two boys with pokemon, lucario, old lad- holy shit a lucario, really? That's not very common. May need to keep an eye on him.

He leaned over to Ashara as they walked up to the desk. " Possible class PL threat... Be careful, you don't usually see those around unless they're feral or owned by a heavy hitter." Ashara nodded, trying to quiet down. She hated his habit of explaining things to her she already knew. They approached the desk.

05-28-2012, 11:28 PM
Viridian City

She was ushered into an elevator, and then into some sort of board room -smaller than Mina expected it to be. Mina recognized the blonde man, who invited them to sit down. To her surprise, her companion refused. She, on the other hand, sat, choosing a chair facing the middle of the table, deciding it would be better to play their game than remain obtuse. They might be here for a while, anyway. Mina was surprised to have the option to ask questions, though her face remained stoic and unchanging. She wasn't about to squander the opportunity... Though she doubted she would get the whole truth.

"Alright, so - let's not waste any time, then. You all seem to know why he's here," she jerked her head back slightly to signal she was referring to Haru, "but I don't, how about you fill me in? And if it's him you're interested in, why go through the trouble of keeping me here too?" The blonde man was clearly the spokesman, so she kept eye contact with him. She paused, before asking her final question -"what is it exactly you're trying to do?"

Ekruteak City

Garrett woke with a start - Xatu had flown in through an open window, and had squawked loudly in his face. As far as alarms went, bird Pokemon were a pretty good choice. He rubbed his face and sat up, and it took a few seconds for him to realize that if Xatu was here, that means he had flown off the roof of the Dance Hall... Which meant something bad had happened. Garrett shot up immediately, swung his rifle on his back, and followed Xatu out of his house. The bird Pokemon flew towards the Dance Hall, then stopped suddenly and landed on the ground, staring into space. Garrett was slightly out of breath, so he took the chance to rest a bit, and ask "what... Is it Xatu?" between breaths. The Pokemon stood silent, before squawking once more and flying into the air again. Garrett followed, running again, and saw Xatu land on a building - Garrett was focused on following his Pokemon, so focused that when he turned a corner he didn't see the man running past, and ended up barreling into him. Garrett was knocked down, but the man only stumbled before running past him and into another street.

"Urgh, what was all that about?" Garrett grumbled as he picked himself up. He scanned the rooftops, but he couldn't see his Xatu anymore, and couldn't see where the running man had gone - Garrett suspected that he had something to do with what had disturbed his Pokemon. Garrett resigned himself to skulking around the streets to see if he could find what his Pokemon woke him up about.

06-10-2012, 11:51 AM
Route 36, Route 37

Brendan and Scizor stepped out of the gate and into Route 36. The heat from the wind was like a slap to the face, but nonetheless they continued their journey up the long, barren road. They passed what looked like the remains of an apricorn tree, long dead and dried out. It would make suitable firewood, Brendan noted, but in the heat of the sun and with Scizor to defend him a fire was not needed.

Minutes passed by, and the sun rose higher into the eastern sky. After another five minutes ticked by, the duo came upon a rather disturbing sight: two corpses. One had been shot, the other had a host of barbs protruding from his face. They had been robbed clean, indicating that they were the victims of a heartless murderer and thief. There was nothing Brendan could do.

The soft sand was hard to walk in, and Brendan knew that it would get right into his shoes. The heat from the sun was unbearable, so he shrugged off his jacket and let Scizor hold onto it for a while. The withered trees cast odd shadows upon each other, but nothing leaped out at them.

At last they came to the intersection between Route 36 and 37. Turning left, they entered the tight path among the dead trees and made their way north. There was no wind on Route 37, only an odd presence. Brendan and Scizor kept moving towards Ecruteak.

At last, the town came into sight, past some trees. To their right branched a different path, separated from theirs by a row of trees. Just as Brendan broke into a jog, the presence showed itself. It came in the form of a skulk of Vulpixes, a massive crowd of foxes almost fifty strong. They dashed out of the trees and blocked the path to Ecruteak. By his own accord, Scizor sent an air-warping punch at the skulk, but the foxes dodged the attack and sent little geysers of fire at his pincer. He recoiled.

"This way!" Brendan called, running into the path on the right. He reached for his Night balls, but realised that they were still in his jacket pocket, which Scizor still carried in his other pincer. He was left patting at his red, button-up shirt, but at least he was free to run without fear of dropping the balls.

The path went on for some distance, and Scizor caught up with Brendan before long. Brendan thought he'd be home free when he caught a glimpse of Ecruteak from the path, but his heart sank when he saw that the way was blocked by a tall ledge of sharp rocks.
"Come here!" he called to Scizor, and once the mantis was close enough, he pulled two Night balls from the pocket of his jacket. He didn't care which Pokemon they were, just pushed the buttons and let them out. Coincidentally, they were Gallade and Kabutops again. The skulk was close on their heels.

"Kabutops, I want you to use aqua jet on those Vulpixes! Gallade, help him, and Scizor, you help me get up that ledge!"
Kabutops responded with chorus of his shrill cry and turned to face the sea of foxes. He took a breath, and a soft gurgling could be heard as his lungs reached their capacity. Then, he jutted he body forward with one sharp movement, and, instantly, a high-pressure jet of water erupted from his mouth. More specifically, the bath water Brendan had him drink before they left their home. One moment there was nothing, the next it was there. There was no transition. The jet swept over the Vulpixes, some of them were lifted off their feet.

Gallade attacked shortly afterwards with a focus blast. He put his hands to his temples and closed his eyes, until a bright orange ball of psychic energy charged forward from his forehead and landed amongst the skulk. The ground in the centre of the crowd exploded in a geyser of wet soil, slaying some of the Vulpixes.

While they battled the swarm on their own again, Scizor jumped half way up the ledge with some assistance from his wings. Reaching down to Brendan, who was once again wearing his jacket, he pulled his trainer up onto a foothold on the craggy surface.

Kabutops sent another jet of water roaring at the foxes, and Gallade beheaded a few with several night slashes. More poured into the closed space, and threatened to smother trainer and Pokemon both.

Scizor jumped a little higher up and pulled Brendan a little further towards the top. By then the trainer decided that his Pokemon's efforts were sufficient.
"Come back!" he called, while more Vulpixes swarmed into the clearing. Gallade gave one last psycho cut before turning tail with Kabutops and dashing back to the ledge. Kabutops leaped straight onto the rocks and began clawing his way up on all fours, but Gallade had trouble climbing further than a few feet.

Seeing this, Brendan reached down with Gallade's Night ball, and withdrew him just as the skulk closed in and slammed into the wall. He climbed back up, and with Scizor and Kabutops by his side, he walked the final few steps into Ecruteak city.

06-10-2012, 05:44 PM
Saffron City

When Deron asked if something was bothering her, she lightly shook her head - she didn't want to bother him with her small problems. "It was nothing," she told him. "I was just thinking about things - my brother mostly. It kept me up all night - but I'll be fine."

Dusky glanced at the clock and realized how late it was getting. Glancing down at her plate, she realized she had subconsciously eaten the rest of her breakfast. She looked across the table at Deron, smiling lightly, and said, "Well, I'm done. We should probably get going soon if we want to catch Shaun in time - I think I'll head down to the lobby and give Robbie the keys to my apartment - if and when I return, I may be interested in living here again."

Dusky headed to her room after cleaning her dishes and picked up her bag, slipping it on over her shoulders. She went back to the kitchen and packed up the remains of breakfast and packed it in her bag - to her surprise, her bag was still light enough to carry around. She returned Eevee and Vulpix and motioned to Growlithe and Pikachu to follow her. As she headed for the door, she turned to Deron and said, "I'll be waiting for you in the lobby - just do whatever you need to do, there's no rush. I'm sure Robbie and I can find something to talk about. When you leave though, just lock the door behind you." She tossed him a spare key. "Use that to lock the deadbolt once you're outside the apartment."

She walked out of the apartment with Growlithe walking happily by her side and Pikachu perched on her shoulder. She made it to the lobby in a matter of minutes and looked at Robbie, who seemed surprised to see Dusky up so early.

"What did you get up so early for?" Robbie asked as Dusky neared the counter. He looked surprised when she placed the keys on the smooth surface of the counter in front of him. "Why are you turning in your keys?"

"I'm leaving with Deron, Shaun, and another girl today," Dusky told Robbie. "Deron should be here in a few moments - I figure that I might as well give you the keys to my apartment. Oh, and if you don't mind, could you call Sal and James and let them know? I don't have time to swing by the diner and tell them."

"Sure thing, Dusky," said Robbie, smiling lightly. "I just can't believe it - you've lived here for so long, and now some guy comes around and you leave everything just like that."

Dusky shook her head. "It's not because of Deron, Robbie," she told him. "I mean, Deron's really nice and everything, but he's not the reason I'm leaving - I've been contemplating it for a while now - leaving that is. I mean, I've been here so long that this town has lost its sense of adventure. But outside of the town, I want to see the rest of the world - I didn't get to see much of Kanto when I moved here. I pretty much found Saffron and I feel in love. That was it. But know I finally have the chance to leave, and it won't be with just my pokemon - I'll have three other people with me. Deron was just the final push I needed to get my feet going, I suppose."

By this point, Dusky was smiling. She was truly excited about leaving. Robbie could sense this, and he smiled and said, "Well, good luck to ya', kid. I know you'll do fine. And if you ever decide you want to come back and live here, your apartment will be waiting for you in the exact shape you left it in."

Dusky smiled lightly at Robbie - he always knew what to say to make her smile. "Thanks, Robbie - hopefully I'll see you again, whether I'm just passing through or I'm here to stay."

06-10-2012, 07:40 PM
Valdus came to once they were on the edge of the woods. He had a spliting head ache, and blood was pouring over his face from the top of his head where he had been hit. "Togepi, Cyndaquil, Charmeleon, all of you retun." He said as he pulled out their pokeballs. Blaziken picked up his pace now rushing into town. Once they got behind the line of people and pokemon defending the city Blaziken slowed. "No," Valdus said, "Take me to my Aunt's. Then you and the others return to help out. You've all fought for years, you can make a huge diffrence. Togepi will stay with me and protect me ok." Valdus knew Blaziken would obey, but not happily.

When they got to his aunt's Valdus stood up leaning o the door frame. Blaziken, take this, He handed him anothe Leppa berry to restore his PP. You haven't taken any damdge yet so you should be fine. Share that with the others and keep the ferals back ok?" Valdus released the rest of his pokemon after this. "Togepi, you stay with me, everyone else go they need your help." Valdus knocked on the door once they had left. No response, he knocked again and woman peeked out the curtain at him. She was startled when she saw him and huridly shut the blind. 'No don't... leave.' he thought.

She opened the door then and hugged him. "Valdus! What happened why are you here? We thought you were... Oh no time for that come in now." She helped Valdus to the couch. Valdus passed out again as he lay down. He was very injured and he couldn't stand the pain. So he passed out. Togepi however began to... "Explain" what was going on. He acted out all the answers to her questions. However she just thought he was dancing or something because she just gave ohs and ahs as he wiglled around. She hadn't even noticed that her personal PC had just recieved mail.

06-17-2012, 06:26 PM
Ekruteak City

Garrett, failing to find whatever had disturbed his Pokemon, had wandered away from the center of the city and towards the southern side. The fact that Xatu had been the one to wake him up made him feel like it had something to do with the Dance Hall incident of the previous night, and that thought disquieted him further. As if to make up for his failure, he walked towards the city gates to make sure everything was going alright, stopping to chat with one of the guardsmen. Apparently, nothing out of the ordinary had been happening outside, but they had spotted some roving gangs of Pokemon in the distance - nothing had tried to attack the city, though.

As if on a cue, someone on the watchtower shouted out, something about a fight breaking out nearby. This was common enough, but apparently there was someone out there too! It was over quickly, though - the guardsmen were still deliberating on whether they should send people out to help when a figure- or rather three figures- appeared in the distance and walked through the gates. This guy's Pokemon looked strong which would explain why he didn't die out there. Though Garrett was slightly on edge - too many strong Pokemon in one city could be dangerous - it wouldn't do to refuse entry to someone who might need help. He quickly glanced around and spotted his Mismagius, skulking in the shadows of the gate, and slightly adjusted the rifle on his back.

As the man approached, Garrett spoke. "Welcome to Ekruteak." He glanced at the Pokemon by the man's side, they certainly looked strong. "You were the one fighting out there, right? Do you need to get healed?"

06-19-2012, 01:23 AM
Ekruteak City

Neji smiled, "Nice to meet you,Cathy. I see your from the other side of the region huh?" he asked trying to remember where Bark town was. "And yes, Lucario might have been burned, but he's strong enough to withstand some fire." He turned and looked at Lucario, then back at Cathy. "What brings you to these parts?"

Cathy was quiet for a moment, then reached back into her pocket, pulled out the pictures of her parents and tossed them on the counter while she unwrapped a sandwich "Looking for them." she turned and leaned back against the counter, watching their Pokemon while she took a bite. T.Y. mosied over after a moment and she offered him half the sandwich.

Neji looked at the pictures with curiosity. "Those are your parents, I'm assuming?" He looked at the female and male whom Cathy strongly reassembled. "You look a lot like your mother, but you also have a strong touch of your father." He tried to remember his parents, but only a small blur appeared in his head. He had been travelling for a while now so the image of them had faded a bit.

Cathy nodded at his question and quietly listened to what he said about her looking like them. She sighed, taking another bite and swallowing as T.Y. set back and nibbled on his own part of the sandwich. "They vanished while they where on an expedition," she said "me and my brother are out to find them." she lost her appetite and ended up handing the rest of her sandwich to T.Y. She then reached over and took the pictures back, not even looking at them as she slid them back into her pocket.

Neji noticed and then said with a sad tone,"I'm sorry about that." He looked outside the door. "Well, I'm on a journey to uncover some mysteries. This world could use some answers, you know? Where you headed next?" he asked hoping he could accompany her on her journey.

"Nope," she answered with a sigh she made sure everything was packed "I don't normally travel with a group other than my companions you see but your welcome to tag along if you must." She pulled on her bag "Whiny," she called softly, making the younger Pokemon look over at her from her new friend "we should find Bolt and head out." she said quietly "Unless something delays us I want to be out of here by lunch."

He looked at her. "I see, well, if its okay with you, I will tag along. I need to travel around as much as possible. And it can be quite dangerous out there. My partner is the only one that can hold out a long amount of time in my party." He looked at Lucario. "Lucario, get used to their aura. We'll be tagging along for a while." He walked over to the main door, checking the area.

Cathy nodded though curies as to why he HAD to travel around she didn't know, if she should ask. She followed after him with T.Y. and Whiny prancing around Lucario as they went. She looked out and around "I wonder where the trouble was at... that's where Bolt would be." She sighed it could be anywhere. She didn't use this to often but before leaving the ranch she had taken a whistle her grandfather had created to bring the Ponytas and Rapidashes. She knew at least it would get Bolt's attention... and Whiny's. she pulled it out and gave one sharp blow. It was high pitch and only a few pokemon could hear it themselves. Whiny instantly shot over and started to nose her. Cathy pushing her away a bit, dug into her pocket and pulled out some of the snack and fed it to her. She just hoped bolt heard.

Lucario looked up as the female's Pokemon rushed to her. Lucario just gave a small grunt and turned to face Neji. "Don't worry, it's only until we can find some answers." he assured him then faced her across the room. "Whenever you are ready." He then sat back down in the position he was before her Pokemon came.

"Okay, okay." she pushed Whiny away one last time and handed her another treat. This satisfied the little one and she happily trotted back over to Lucario with T.Y., giving a shake of his head. Cathy nodded to Neji and crossed her arms to wait.

Bolt had indeed heard, and reluctant as he was to leave to still not existent battle that had come to a stand still, he did. Trotting back to the center he soon pushed through the door to give Cathy a somewhat annoyed look which she ignored. "All ready to go," she said, T.Y. standing up next to her. She started out the door, Neji already saying he would follow but it was up to him and Cathy had nothing to say about it.

Neji watched her go out the door, and without a word he followed along with Lucario at his side. They walked outside, and there was already a weird feeling in the air. Lucario noticed it and so did Neji, but he kept his mouth silenced and followed the female.

Cathy was used to odd feelings in the air, even dangerous feelings, and just tended to keep them in mind or ignore them, and right now she simply kept it in mind while keeping an eye out. T.Y. perked and became alert despite being behind large city walls and Bolt trotting along beside her seeming somewhat relaxed and without a care of what might jump out at them. For the most part few people were out on the streets, making it quiet as she headed for the gates.

He followed her to the gates. "Here we go, out to another town. It's time we finally got moving right along." he thought to himself as he looked back and saw that the owl Pokemon was gone from its spot.

Weaving through the streets and trying hard to remember which way she was going was almost hard to do but eventually the gates came into sight and she almost sighed when she saw Garrett and some one else. She had a feeling this was going to hold them up.

Neji looked up at the two ahead of them and knew a new story was going to be presented to him. From across the distance between them, he could hear the unknown adolescent talking:

"If by me, you mean them," he said, gesturing at his Pokemon, "then yes, I did the fighting. We just came up from Goldenrod, and it wasn't a short walk. We also saw two people on the way up. They were dead, one of them was shot, the other was riddled with barbs."

Scizor looked about himself, and noticed Neji and Cathy approaching, and gave an agitated buzz of his wings. Brendan followed his gaze and saw them as well.
"Well, it looks like we've got an entire welcoming party." He looked back to Garret. "Yeah, they could use a good rest. They've been fighting swarms since Goldenrod."

"It's good you had a good team with you, then," Garrett replied, "the Pokemon out there have been acting more aggressive than normal recently- just be glad you weren't travelling at night, they're even worse then. Let show you to the Center so you can get healed up. Uh, and I'm Garrett, by the way." Just as he was finished speaking, he noticed Cathy and an unknown man walk up to them, as if meaning to exit the city. With their appearance, his Mismagius showed up too, deciding to float around Cathy's horse Pokemon, studying them playfully.

"I remember you - Cathy, right? I don't know if I ever thanked you for your help last night... Well, thank you. It was really... Uh... helpful." He smirked "Crazy stuff, huh?" Then, he noticed that they were on their way out, and he couldn't help but frown slightly. "You're leaving? So soon? Ah, but you just got here! You haven't even seen the Towers yet! Don't tell me that bomber put you off..." He sobered himself slightly, then continued, "but, uh, don't let me get in your way, obviously. Though if you don't mind me saying so, it would be best if you set out at dawn, give you more daylight to travel by." He cleared his throat awkwardly, mentally noting that he should be less meddlesome.

06-19-2012, 01:57 PM
Deron smiled at Dusky as she left the apartment, nodding towards her as he munched down the last bite of his breakfast, before quickly scrubbing his plates clean. He then looked around the apartment, thinking if he should do anything else.
Shrugging to himself, he grabbed the blanket and pillow on the couch he slept on, and folded them up, stacking them neatly on the couch, slipping his shoes on, before placing his index finger and thumb between his lips and letting out a whistle. His pokémon were soon to rush towards, who smiled at seeing the entire bunch gathered, returning all of them to their pokéballs, safe for Kabuto. "You've been in there enough for a while." Reaching down to Kabuto, he let the fosile pokémon crawl up onto his arm, while locking the other balls onto his belt, reaching for his bag aswell now, lifting it over his shoulder as he made his way outside, pulling the door in the lock.

Once he then arrived downstairs, he smiled at Dusky and Robby. "I'm ready. Shall we, Dusky?" He motioned to the door, smiling as he walked towards it and set one foot outside, while holding the door open for Dusky, before he would continue on their way to the pokémon center and Shaun.

During the walk there, Kabuto was often switching which of Deron's shoulders he would rest on, always wanting to see something else around them.

06-19-2012, 04:30 PM
Saffron City

Meg sighed after scanning over a few of the messages sent by her mother all asking why she had not sent her yet asking if she was alright... she should could just see her mother crying her eyes out now. Again she sighed making a new message not bothering to go through all her mail knowing it would just be the same thing over and over. Setting to work on a letter that would let her mother know she was alive and well as one could be in this time with out explaining all the details of her situation. once done with that she pulled herself off the computer after sending the message and logging herself out.

Standing and stretching she looked over to her Pokemon and smiled a bit relaxing and knowing that every one was well now... for now.... a moment later nurse joy came out holding a small bundle it wriggled and dritine peeked out at her. "how is it?" She asked quietly. "much better" Came the reply with a smile "What do you plan on doing with it?". Meg thought about this "I don't think I can stand the thought of leaving it alone specially not in this world... maybe it would be best for me to take care of it..." Nurse joy nodded and offered the small bundle to her "I'll prepare some medicine for you to take along" Meg nodded holding the dritini as she had the last week and made her way over to her Pokemon.

They where 'chatting' and thought she could not understand them she could feel the care and warmth that came from their moods. she was glad ginger was well and happy same with ru and her other companions. "well Ev" Meg said slowly "I'm hungry and we might as find something to eat if we can... I wounder where Shaun is" she asked out loud not expecting any kind of an answer.

06-23-2012, 12:03 AM
Exiting the room with a steaming bowl of soup in his hand, Shaun shouldered his knapsack and motioned to Houndoom to lead the way. He smirked when he heard Meg asking where he was.

"Talking to the sky, are we?" he said with a chuckle, handing the bowl of vegetable soup to her, spoon already in. "Eat up. I got a story for ya, sleepyhead." Smirking, he brought a mug of coffee to his lips and drank before seating himself in a chair in the lobby. He wasn't sure why he wanted to talk out here, but he did. He relayed the story of the thugs outside the apartments, how he helped another girl and a man out and how they seemed to be wanting to go away from the city as well.

"I figure with a bigger group, we'd be even safer. Not to mention they're going the same way, so we might as well." He shrugged to himself and waited for the girl's input. Hopefully she'd accept the deal and they could be off. If she resisted it though... Things could get hairy. And Shaun didn't like hairy.

06-26-2012, 07:57 AM
Saffron City

Dusky smiled lightly as Deron came into view. She waved good-bye to Robbie and his Zigzagoon before walking out of the lobby, leaving behind her home. Pikachu was sitting excitedly on her shoulder, as he couldn't wait to start his new journey. Growlithe, however, was feeling more apprehensive than his electric-comrade, as he was obviously feeling rather uncomfortable leaving the safety and regularity of their life-style here in Saffron City. Dusky could sense Growlithe reluctance to leave, and something tugged at her heart, and she realized a part of her didn't want to leave either, but her adventurous side was much bolder than her hesitant side, and so she was following that side rather than the other. She also felt much safer knowing she'd be traveling with strong trainers, and a friend like Deron.

As they approached the Pokemon Center, Pikachu switching from shoulder to shoulder in anticipation and Growlithe watching the streets, much more alert than usual, Dusky said, "Did Shaun mention his friend's name yesterday, Deron?"

She wasn't sure, but she didn't recall him stating his friend's name. However, he may have and she didn't remember, which wouldn't be surprising considering the state she was in after the battle. The two reached the Pokemon Center and Pikachu bounded inside, no longer able to conceal his happiness. Dusky sighed softly, a slight smile on her face, as she and Growlithe followed after him,

07-04-2012, 06:50 AM
Ecruteak City

"Yeah," Brendan said to Cathy, "you'll really want to travel during the day. I don't know how bad the rest of Johto has it, but when the sun sets in Goldenrod, a massive swarm of feral Pokemon charges out of Ilex forest and into the city. I almost got killed by one... but..."

He trailed off. Cathy's Ponyta had trotted forward and was busy sniffing at the pocket of his jacket, where Gardevoir and Gallade lay dormant in their Night balls. Before Brendan could pat her on the head, she opened her mouth and bit down on his jacket. Brendan tried to pull her mouth open, but it was a little difficult when her head was on fire.

Cathy grimaced at Garrett and nodded in agreement to the crazy part, and then looked at the other boy. "You may be right," she said flatly "but I have my own business that needs attention..." She did not mean to be rude but this was meagrely important to her and the sooner she finished the better.

"Hey! Stop, no! Get off! Get off my jacket, it's expensive!"

"Whiny!" Cathy called in a commanding tone but it was too late: Scizor had already moved over, intent on pulling or pushing Whiny away. Whiny caught the movement as sudden as it was, and it spooked her just like last night. She let go of the jacket, stumbling back on her haunches. T.Y., being on edge already, had bolted even before Whiny had moved, slamming into Scizor and burning the the mantis's shoulder. Cathy made a move but Kabutops made it before her, and far more aggressively. T.Y. did not seem intimidated but more infuriated; the flames around his neck high and hot. He let out a low growl of his own. Bolt would have quickly jumped into the fray if Cathy had not stopped him, telling him to stay using a tone she hardly used.

"Enough!" Brendan yelled, grabbing Kabutops by the shoulder and Scizor by the arm. "We don't need to fight," he told his Pokemon, who didn't make eye contact, "life is hard enough outside of Goldenrod already. We can't afford for it to get any harder."

A moment of silence passed, during which neither of Brendan's Pokemon moved. The tranquillity was broken by a voice somewhere near the east of Ecruteak.

"...so why don't you tell us how in the world you got out of your storage closet and why you're running from that guy?"

Everybody's heads turned to face the source of the voice. It came from a stern looking girl who was flanked by a Teddiursa and a Feraligatr. She demanded the information from a man, but he couldn't be recognised behind another. Whoever he was, he was surrounded. Some curious, some suspicious, everyone at the gate started walking towards the commotion. After a while, the man's face came into sight.
Cathy was a bit surprised that he had escaped from her knot work, making her a bit aggravated at him. She pulled out a ball and with a gentle touch put Whiny back inside, leaving T.Y. and Bolt out for a fight. She didn't need Whiny getting spooked again.
Garrett frowned, visibly frustrated. “You. Got out, eh? I guess it’s my fault for not frisking you.” Mismagius floated up out of the shadows where she had been hiding and hovered beside Garrett. He unholstered his rifle, and held it loosely in his arms. This must have been what his Xatu was warning him about earlier.
Brendan had heard of a bomber through the radio in his home shortly before he departed for Ecruteak. Was this related, or was it something different entirely? Either way, he reached into his pocket and drew out his two remaining Night balls. With twin auras of black and red, Gardevoir and Gallade appeared alongside him. He just wished he had his Meganium and Weavile as well, but they were all the way in Sinnoh.
Lily was relieved when four other people showed up - two were the trainers from last night - Garrett and Cathy. The other two were unknown to her. But either way, they were present, and hopefully they'd help her. Teddiursa and Feraligatr also seemed a bit more confident upon seeing that they had plenty of backup.
Neji stood, but did not take out all of his Pokemon. With the gaze that Lucario gave out to the man, it felt like all of Neji's Pokemon's were there with him.

Garrett, Cathy, Neji, Brendan and all of their Pokemon surrounded the group that had already formed, forming a wide circle around the bomber that Lily, her Pokemon and the man with the Gengar stepped back to join. It was all eyes on the nameless bomber.

Damn it, the man thought, glaring at his captors, I could be gone by now if that stupid girl had kept her nose out of my business! I need to get out of here.

He looked down at his Sneasel. If he could get it to cause a big enough distraction, he would have a window of opportunity to escape. Sure, it would only take a second for every other Pokemon to attack the Sneasel, but he wasn't concerned. Better it than him.

But which one should I attack? I've got one shot before everything goes apeshit. I need to pick one target, one that will get hurt the most.

His gaze fell on the girl's Teddiursa. Around him, everybody was silent. They were waiting for an explanation.


He leaned over and whispered to his Pokemon. "Sneasel, use focus blast on the-"

"You can not be serious." A voice cut him off. Garrett couldn’t help but laugh dryly, and his Mismagius giggled as well. He pointed his gun square at the trainer, “Do you really want to try that?”
Lily was glaring sharply at the man - what was he thinking? Sending a Pokemon against such a large group of people? There was no doubt that he wasn't a fit trainer. Her attention was drawn to Noctowl, who had been observing the scene from above. He landed in front of Teddiursa in a protective manner - he had sensed the man's intense focus on his comrade and was determined not to let anything happen to him.

Cathy was silent and mentally prepared a command for T.Y., should anything go down. Bolt would jump in of his own accord, and even then both of them knew how to work with other Pokemon. She was not too worried about them injuring the others.

Brendan stepped out from between Gardevoir and Kabutops.

"What the hell are you doing? You're surrounded. You're done. Are you seriously considering pitting one Sneasel against everyone here? That's just cruel."

Lily spoke up. "This man tried to blow up the dance hall, and now he's escaped from the room we tied him up in!"

Again Cathy was silent for a moment as the others voiced their opinions. She reached back, tugging on the rope and knife on her back, readying it for a quick pull out if she needed it but she remained quiet, her eyes on the man in a cold way.

"No," the man who was pursuing the bomber interjected, "I need to take his-"
Brendan cut him off. "And what happens after your Pokemon gets pounded into the dirt? That's a vain sacrifice."

The bomber figured that if he was still going to escape, now would be the only chance he'd get.

"Sneasel! Use focus blast, already!"

"Hypnosis." Brendan flatly said to his Gardevoir, without taking his eyes off the man. She clicked her fingers, drawing the Sneasel's attention. The moment he looked up into her eyes, he dropped to his knees and fell asleep.

The bomber looked around at the group of trainers with their Pokemon, cursing himself mentally. He was cornered, with no means of escape. Lily stepped towards him. "You're finished. It's best you just give up now," she told him.

The bomber, however, was still going to try to escape. As he began to reach for a Pokeball on his belt, his final Pokemon, Lily pulled off Hoppip's Pokeball and released the small grass-type. "Hoppip! Quickly! Use stun spore!" Hoppip nodded and did as she was told, showering the bomber in the paralyzing powder. He hadn't even managed to pull out the Pokeball before going rigid and falling over. Lily pulled out some rope and tied him up, making sure to use some of the most difficult knots she could make, just in case he tried to escape again.

"Good job, Hoppip," she said to the small Pokemon, returning Hoppip back to her Pokeball. She motioned for Feraligatr to watch the prisoner, and he did. She then returned Noctowl, and was going to return Teddiursa, but stopped when he shook his head, showing he wasn't ready to rest.

"You're coming with me." Brendan said to the snoozing Sneasel. He reached down and picked him up, pulling him into a loose hug, so that the Sneasel's head rested on Brendan's shoulder, the same way he would hold his own Sneasel, before the Change.

Lily looked at the boy who picked the Sneasel. She felt something like pity for the small dark-type Pokemon. "Excuse me," she said, running over to him while Feraligatr kept a watchful eye on the bomber to make sure he wouldn't escape, "but what are you planning on doing with the Pokemon?" Before the boy could ask her why she wanted to know, Lily went on to say, "I know you'll probably think I'm crazy, and that's fine, but I don't want to see it get hurt. . . Do you think there's any possible way you could let me. . . Well, look after it?" Lily knew he would probably think she's insane for wanting to look after a Sneasel that belonged to such an evil man, but Lily strongly believed that it wasn't the Pokemon that was evil, just the trainer. Teddiursa, who was standing by Lily's feet, was hugging his trainer's legs - he was wondering why she would dare even consider taking the Pokemon under her care.

Neji stepped in. "That is one of my strongest beliefs. The Pokemon is only negative if the trainer feeds it negative. With someone positive the Pokemon should be positive as well." Lucario nodded in agreement.

“Someone should take care of it,” Garrett interjected, “with some proper care I think that Sneasel there should be fine.” He knew that if no one took it, he would have to put it down, and he’d had enough of doing that already. This sparked a thought - Garrett quickly jumped over to where the man was being dragged and reached into the guy’s coat, taking the Pokeball. He quickly patted him down, just to make sure he didn’t have any more Pokemon hidden around. Finding nothing, Garrett stood, holding the foreign Pokeball in his hand. He pocketed it, making a mental note to find out what was in there later.
While the bomber was dragged to his holding cell by Feraligatr, the man with the Gengar slipped away. The target was no longer in possession of what he was after. He would come back for it later.

"Actually," Brendan said, turning to face Lily, Garret and Neji, "I'd like to take care of him myself." He took note of Lily's surprised expression.
The Sneasel stirred restlessly, clenching his eyes and frowning as he slept in Brendan's arms.
"Besides," he added, "I've already cared for a Sneasel, but she became very sick just a couple of months ago, and I had to send her to Sinnoh to recover. I know how to look after this one."

07-05-2012, 12:52 AM
Ecruteak City

Lily looked at Brendan, smiling. "Good. I'd rather it be taken care of someone with experience with the pokemon. Besides, anything is better than it being put down." Lily bent down and picked up Teddiursa, "My name is Lily, by the way." She looked over and saw Feraligatr watching her, the bomber slung over his shoulder, waiting for Lily to follow him. "I better follow Feraligatr."

As she walked towards Feraligatr, Teddiursa still in her arms, she waved to Garrett and Cathy. "Nice to see you two again," she said before following after Feraligatr. They walked towards Dance Hall, which wasn't that far away, and Feraligatr threw the man rather roughly into the cell. Lily placed Teddiursa on the ground and checked the knots in the ropes she used, making sure they were tied tightly and correctly. Then she picked Teddiursa back up and looked at Feraligatr, who was watching the man's paralyzed body. Despite being paralyzed, the man's eyes could still move. He was glaring sharply at Lily, and there was no doubt in Lily's mind that if he had his way, she would be six feet under right now. However, she only glared at him before saying, "You brought this upon yourself." She then shut the cell and locked it before looking to Feraligatr and nodding.

"Let's go," she said while walking out. Feraligatr followed after her and she left the Dance Hall, Teddiursa clinging tightly to his trainer. She looked up at the sky, feeling much more awake than she did moments before.

07-05-2012, 01:39 PM
Ecruteak City

"It's nice to meet you, Lily," Brendan said, extending his right hand while he maintained his embrace with the dozing Sneasel with his left, "my name is Brendan. I should also learn your names," he added, addressing Garret and Negi, "if I'm going to be staying here for any length of time."

His Gallade, Scizor, Gardevoir and Kabutops all returned to his side. Gardevoir and Gallade were deeply interested in the Sneasel, while Kabutops and Scizor kept an eye on Cathy and her Pokemon.

Cianwood City, Safari Zone

The Rhydon, after taking a karate chop from Valdus' Scizor, finally went down as Cray's Nidoqueen threw three hard uppercuts to its chin and blasted it away with a hyper beam. The Rhyhorns dropped to their knees from the combined efforts of Charmeleon's metal claw attacks and Cray's Poliwrath's hydro pump.

Closer to the Safari zone, however, things were different. The enraged Tyranitar was absolutely fuming at the intervention of Valdus' Pokemon. It was trapped inside the Safari Zone, isolated by the sheer drop to the cold waters below. In its fury it razed everything at its feet, including the other feral Pokemon that had crowded at the end of the former bridge, with a particularly intense hyper beam.

Then, something intersting occurred: the tamed Pokemon who had foiled its plan of escape had returned. Now, it thought, they would not get away. It lifted its leg as high as it would go and stamped on the ground, causing a host of sharp rocks to fly out in every direction from his foot, but substantially more stones were directed at Valdus' Pokemon. It did not notice, however, the effect its attack had on the ground beneath it: the face of the cliff it stood upon had acquired a large crack.

07-05-2012, 02:23 PM
Ecruteak City

Cathy watched a moment before putting her rope back up It seemed lily had it plenty under control and there had been no need for her. She Looked at bolt then T.Y. who where both watching Brendan and his Pokemon back Bolt with a more subtle glare just challenging one of them to fight him. T.Y. with a calmer air but still some what angry. "knock it off you two" Cathy hissed "no one meant to hurt Whiny understand?" Cathy said looking at T.Y. how only bowed his head a bit "and Whiny should have known better then to go sniffing around other trainers pockets" T.Y. nodded Relaxing a bit more. Cathy then turned to Bolt "don't you go trying to start another fight Bolt We don't have the time or the energy to do so we should save it for when we need it" Bolt only snorted.

Shaking her head she looked at the sky and sighed "we've wasted a lot of time here and I doubt there just going to let us leave now..." she cursed quietly then crossed her arms watching the others for a moment. Pulling out her second pokeball she quietly put T.Y. back in for a rest then patted Bolt and started back for the Center needing to think a bit more. She'd been out here how long now? and still no sign of her parents still nothing to show for her bothers death and she was still out here looking. She sighed "Grandpa... I hope your okay cuz you may be all that I have left" she said quietly.

07-05-2012, 09:09 PM
Neji~ Ecruteak

Neji looked around. "I guess I can't be helped." He reached into his poke pouch, and took out two pokeballs. "Come out and say 'Hi' to the other Pokemon." With that he released the excited Bronzor and the intimidating Ghastly. They both looked not recognizing anyone. They went and strolled around to meet the other pokemons. Ghastly, worried about his looks, tried to put on a smile, but it only made him scarier and brought attention to himself. Bronzor, just began sprinting about trying to make a new friend.

Neji's attention was taken by a man who was introducing himself. "my name is Brendan. I should also learn your names," He said addressing Neji and Garret. Neji shook his hand. "The name is Neji, from Blackthorn. Nice to meet you." Neji Extended his hand to Garret hoping he had heard his intro as well. Lucario stood behind me, analyzing everyone who passed by. He had to get accustomed to their Aura to be able to destinguish them from the rest.

07-07-2012, 03:17 AM
Ekruteak City

“Hopefully he’ll stay down this time. At least he’s out of Pokemon now.” Garrett said to no one in particular. He turned to Cathy and spoke, “Cathy, that’s your name? I’m not going to stop you from leaving, but it is probably for the best if you stay, at least ‘till dawn. I know the Kimono Girls are still wanting to thank you for your help the other night, you might as well take them up on that, get some free drinks and hospitality. Hopefully no one will come in and bomb us this time,” he finished, a poor attempt at a joke.

He then turned to Neji, hearing his introduction. “From Blackthorne? That’s almost a world away. Welcome to Ekruteak. I’m Garrett. From Ekruteak.” He shook Neji’s hand. Mismagius was circling his Ghastly, giggling as usual. Garrett didn’t stop her, it had been a while since she had interacted positively with another ghost type.

“It’s almost dinner time. Seeing as you two are leaving tomorrow,” he nodded to Cathy and Neji, “you just arrived,” he nodded to Brendan, “and you all just helped in re-capturing an escaped threat, I’d reckon they’d welcome all of you with open arms. You should head over to the Dance Hall. I’ll go over and tell them you’re coming.” With a grin, Garrett turned, before turning around again, not smiling this time. “I mean, you don’t have to, I didn’t mean to sound like I was forcing you or anything… Uh, I’ll just go.” He did so.

As he walked away from the gate and towards the Hall, with Mismagius floating behind him, he thought he heard a strange noise. Squawking? But, kind of strangled-sounding. And, a man… Cursing? Shit, the thought dawned on him, it must be his Xatu! Garrett ran frantically towards the noise, unholstering his rifle once again. Mismagius picked up on his change of mood and had stopped giggling. The sounds led him to an alley just behind the Dance Hall, where he saw his Xatu laying on the ground bleeding rather profusely, a Gengar charging up what seemed to be a dark-type move behind it, and a man, the cursing man, holding a bunched-up cloth to his left eye, which seemed to be bleeding.

Garrett, in panic, fired a shot at the Gengar – naturally it passed straight through the Ghost type, but at least it failed to charge its attack. However, in passing through the ghost type, it hit the man standing behind in the leg. He cried out in pain and cursed some more.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Garrett shouted, enraged. Xatu was in pretty bad shape. “Get the hell away from my Pokemon!” The man on the ground grunted, propped himself against a wall, and stood.

“Don’t blame this on me, that damn bird flew down and damn nearly pecked my eye out, you need to keep better control of your god-damn monsters.” The man glanced up, glanced away, and looked at Garrett again, as if doing a double-take. He looked around the alley. They were alone, just the man with his gun and his ghost. The man who had taken the Pokeball off his original quarry.

“You! – That ball you took off the man who tried to bomb your Hall. Hand it over, and we don’t have to fight.”

“’Don’t have to fight’!? You nearly killed my pokemon and you expect me to want a peaceful resolution to this?” Garrett retorted. Besides, if he wanted the ball, it was obviously valuable, and there was no way Garrett would do anything to help this man.

The man paused, seeming like he was making a decision. “Suit yourself.” As if that had been a command, the Gengar launched into action, firing some sort of orb straight at Garrett.

Garrett jumped out of the way before a Shadow Orb made impact. It grazed his leg, but crashed into some garbage behind him. “What the fuck!” Garrett shouted. He didn’t normally swear, but really, what the fuck? “Mismagius use Payback NOW!” The move connected, sending the Gengar back, doing quite a bit of damage. “Shadow sneak!” Garrett shouted out – two hits in a row, not bad. The Gengar was clearly powerful though, it wasn’t daunted. It clawed at Mismagius, which hit, and then directed a second Shadow Claw at Garrett – which also connected. Garrett cried out, his arm and chest were bleeding. Mismagius attacked again, keeping the Gengar off Garrett, but she obviously needed help too. In desperation, Garrett released his other Pokemon, a Miltank. So what if it was two-against-one? This obviously wasn’t fair to begin with. “Zen Headbutt! GO!” Miltank complied, ramming into the Gengar. Garrett used the distraction to move his Xatu away from the fight. He noticed the other man reaching into his pocket, ready to release another Pokemon.

“NO!” Garrett shouted “Miltank, body slam him NOW!” The Pokemon’s body landed with mighty force on the man, knocking him clean out. The buildings around them reverberated slightly. “Mismagius, just finish the ghost off!” The pokemon charged up a Shadow Ball, which hit the already weakened Gengar. She used Shadow Sneak once more, sealing the deal. The Gengar fell to the ground, knocked out like its trainer.

Garrett looked around him. The alley was a mess, with garbage thrown everywhere, some bullet holes on the walls, as well as blood staining the general area. He slumped against a wall. “Miltank, just… Milk Drink, everyone, especially Xatu.” Hopefully that would keep the bird alive. What a disaster.

07-07-2012, 07:24 AM
"Shoot, it's almost dinner time already?" Brendan looked at the sky and then at his watch. It wasn't an impressive device, but the back light was pretty bright, so he could use it like a small torch when he was in the dark. He had been travelling longer than he thought, but either way, he knew that he should be eating soon. With a smile at Lily, he started walking towards the Dance Theatre. He hadn't even taken two steps before the Sneasel woke up. And it was freaking out.

It felt like the Pokemon was having a seizure, the way it moved in Brendan's grasp. The last thing it remembered was the thought of several other Pokemon attacking it when it was surrounded with its trainer. The only thing stopping the Sneasel's claws from raking Brendan's neck was the thickness of his jacket, and even then the adolescent could feel just how sharp they were. Brendan maintained a firm grip on the Pokemon before it realised that it wasn't being attacked and stopped struggling, but it still didn't know where it was.

Brendan turned to spare Lily a glance. "Here we go," he said, placing the shivering Pokemon on the ground. His other Pokemon gathered behind him, but he signalled them to back away. He then used a tactic that made sense on paper, but he was yet to find out if it actually worked in practise: he sat down.

He just sat on the ground in front of the Sneasel, his legs crossed and his hands on his knees. The idea was to make the Pokemon feel less intimidated by sinking down to his level and waiting patiently. At first, it seemed to work; the Sneasel stopped shuddering and looked around curiously, but when he caught sight of nearly everyone who had surrounded him, he bolted away.

"Ah, damn it." Brendan said disappointedly. "Gallade, could you try to catch him?"
The humanoid Pokemon nodded and gave chase. With legs longer than the Sneasel was tall, he quickly caught up, but the frightened Pokemon kept struggling. He scratched at Gallade and let off a dark pulse, and Brendan could feel it as he caught up himself. The idea of biting someone's nose off invaded his mind, but it quickly faded away; the attack wasn't that strong. Gallade was closer and blinked dizzily as the sudden thought disturbed him, before giving chase again. Brendan always thought that Gallade became a little faster whenever something caught him off guard, and it showed as the blade Pokemon scooped up the Sneasel and brought him back to Brendan.

"Thank you." Brendan said as he accepted the frightened creature. He could only think of one other tactic to get the Sneasel to calm down: he pulled it into a hug and started cooing to it.

"Shh, shhh," he whispered, turning slowly from side to side, "you're safe now. I'm not going to hurt you. Nobody is."

Brendan's face went red at the thought of someone seeing him do this, but he smiled when the Sneasel hugged his neck tightly. A gunshot caused both to tighten their grip.

"Aw, hell." Brendan said flatly. Not good timing, in his opinion. He pulled the lright side of his jacket over the Sneasel and held it there, and started running to the scene along with his Pokemon. It didn't take very long for them to come to the opening of an alleyway, but it took a few good seconds to figure out just what it was they were looking at.

Garret, having just promised to report to the Kimono Girls, was slumped at the base of a wall, his chest and arm both bleeding. His Mismagius hovered nearby. A Miltank was tending to a blood-soaked Xatu in a very odd fashion, and at the opposite end of the alley, an aged man and a Gengar lay still on the ground.

Brendan was only seventeen. His expectations were greatly challenged. Garret looked like he was in his early thirties and carried two guns, as far as Brendan could count, so the idea that he was involved in more dangerous stuff was pretty obvious, but to what end? Sure, Brendan had witnessed more than his fair share of violence in Goldenrod, but Garret only left for a minute. While Brendan was cradling and reassuring a frightened creature, Garret was off shooting things and almost getting mauled.

Gardevoir rushed over to the Xatu, while Gallade accompanied Scizor to inspect the Gengar. Kabutops stalked over to the unconscious man on his own.

"I'll be right back." Brendan said to Garret, before he dashed away. On his way to the main street where Cathy, Neji and Lily were gathered, he remembered hearing on the radio that the bomber was attacked by a Gengar. He also recognised the man from the confrontation with the bomber himself.

At last he rounded a corner and came upon the three trainers. "Guys! Garret's hurt, and I think his Pokemon are too."

07-07-2012, 07:24 AM
Frigging glitch post.

07-07-2012, 02:06 PM
Cathy stopped looking back at Garrett as he spoke nodding at her name and listening She sighed "no one owes me any thanks any one else would have done the same" She said "And we've waited to much time for me to leave now T.Y. and whiny are tired every one needs rest" she said She looked over at Brendan stopping again to watch as he dealt with the Sneasel. And at the trouble and the end out come with him hugging it she did something she didn't do to often anymore She smiled a bit patting Bolt Again and headed away once more.

She had only just gotten away when she heard the gun shot causing her to stop yet again and look around alertly Bolt tossed his head before turning back to the clearing causing her to follow. Brendan Came in from another direction and she grimaced at what he said Garrett hurt... more trouble already. "Right lets see how bad" She said as she took off down the way Brendan had just come.

Skidding to a halt in front of the alleyway Brendan Pokemon where already there doing what they could. She tisked as she only just recognized the gangar but not the man farther back but she could only assume they where together. Reaching back she puled her rope loss picking her way in and over to the unconscious older man. Pulling out T.Y.'s Ball she let him out once more "See what you can do to help" she instructed him as he looked around nodding. T.Y. might be tired but in a situation like this he would do what he must. While T.Y. went over to Garrett to see what he could do Cathy looked at Kabutops and then the man looking him over seeing the blood on him and in what places she only shook her head before searching him She was not about to make the same mistake she had with the last man. pulling out any spare balls or objects that she thought could be of any use of escape she stored in her bag for now She then tried him up with better knots then what she had done for the bomber.

"better not get out of that one any time soon" she muttered getting off of him as she finished making her way over to Garrett "T.Y. can carry you to the dance hall or the center which ever you might think be best" she said kneeling down "Or I can wrap you up now".

07-08-2012, 09:20 PM
Saffron City

Meg quickly looked over before taking the bowl in one hand the other holding the dritini that was still cuddling up to her. "Uh..." she was not sure how to respond "Thanks" She followed him and then seated herself to listen to his 'story'. Listening, eating, and holding a dritini that some times stole your food just before it reached your mouth was not the easiest thing to do but she some how managed.

Listening and taking in all the details , now that she was awake and well rested it was much easier to focus despite the distraction in her lap, She quickly took another bite. "sounds good to me" she said "being in a bigger group is always better at these times" Thugs huh? that was another thing to watch out for. She frowned people used to be nicer at least that what a lot of other said but she could not be sure since well since she had still been a bit young when the change really happened and not to mention had not been away from home till that day. She hopped her mother got her letter and hadn't had a heart attack...

Meg jerked back a bit as something hot spilled into her lap "Hey now!" She said seeing the small dritini had tried stealing her whole bowl of soup. Not only was she covered in soup now but so was the small creature. Her other Pokemon looked over and Silky was the first one to get up. Padding over she picked up the Dritini and set it down between her paws before starting to clean it off. "oh well good some one's getting a bath..." she said. She stood up with a sigh and looked down at herself Ev jumping into her shoulder while Ru and ginger set back not sure what to do.

"Well looks Like I need a shower now" she said slightly annoyed but it was true... actuly she probably needed one anyways She sighed Well she had had at least half of the bowl so there was not that much to clean up. She grabbed a few napkins and cleaned up what ever was not on her Floor, chair and table. Her bangs hiding her Gray blue eyes like they mostly always did.

Shaun smirked slightly and chuckled lightly as he watched the pokemon spill the food he had made on its new Trainer. It was quite lively now, which was a good sign, with an appetite to boot, apparently.

"Looks like your little friend is feeling better," he said quietly, watching as she began to clean up. He would've offered to clean it while she went to change, but she beat him to the punch. Shaun waited until she was finished, then tossed her the door key. "Make it quick, cause it looks like our company is here." He gestured towards the door, where the two from the night before were entering. Waving to them, Shaun wondered if Meg would disappear into the room, or at least greet them first.

"Ya" she said a bit of relief in her voice she stood again and almost missed catching the Key's luckily Ev was still in her shoulder and snatched them up before they could fly off or hit her. She caught the Key as he dropped them into her palm then looked over to the door "aww crap I look like a mess" She said looking over at the dritini who seemed to be trying to get away from silky and her mother like attitude suddenly but with no appertain luck. "I'll be back in a moment" she said lightly pushing Ev off her shoulder and heading back to the room. It should only take her a moment to change.

Slipping into the room she went over to the bed and pulled up her small bag ruffling through it for a pair of clean pants... she might as well pull out a shirt to. doing so she quickly made her way over to the bathroom and slipped in. "Five minutes" she said to herself taking a look at the bath room and nodded "go" she turned on the shower then slipped out of her cloths and then strait into the water which was still warm thankfully. In four minutes she had herself cleaned off and by the fifth she was out and drying off. "and mom say's I take to long" she said amused she quickly changed into her clean cloths wrapping up her dirty ones and stashing them in her bag until she could do something with them. with that she put her bag on and headed back out feeling better. Now she only needed to convince Ev to take a bath.

07-09-2012, 02:37 AM
Ecruteak City

The Gengar stirred, squinting its eyes so that it could peek at its surroundings. The last thing it remembered was being beaten out of consciousness by another ghost. But now, lying on its back, it could see two new Pokemon; a Gallade and a Scizor. It remembered its orders for if its trainer was overpowered.

In a sudden movement, it opened its eyes to the fullest. The two Pokemon looming over him both noticed the movement, but that was what it wanted. They maintained eye contact as the Gengar hypnotised them, before their eyes rolled back and they fell asleep. They fell to their knees and collapsed before the ghost, and it would have run away if it wasn't so weak. Using dream eater on both Pokemon, the Gengar restored its energy, which it immediately used to spring to its feet and leap at its trainer.

The red and white ball was gone from his belt, and the Gengar saw a girl deposit it into her bag. It changed its course and grappled onto the bag, and before the girl could react, it yanked it from her and ran away, rooting through its contents while it dashed further into the city.

07-10-2012, 06:32 AM
Outskirts Ecruteak City

Neji followed as the gang went to Garret's aid. Neji leaving bronzor and ghastly behind went ahead with Lucario. He was following the group until something caught his eye. He stopped and looked in that direction. It was a mysterious man in black. He followed him withought letting anyone else know. The man began running, and so did Neji. Lucario quickly followed behind. The man suddenly turned and ran towards Neji.

"I see." Neji announced. In the next second, they were both engaged in a fierce sword battle. They were both equally match as they came to realize that while each of their attacks were blocked and repelled. They kept fighting until the other man took out a small device and threw it at Neji. Neji not knowing what it was, stood there waiting. The Device quickly opened causing a gas yo form along with a cage of some sort. Neji,without time to counter, was caught in the gas along with the net.

Lucario jumped back and waited for the smoke to clear. When that happened the man was already fleeing with Neji's body. Lucario uses his quickspeed to catch up with the man,but the man was surprisingly quick and was able to take out his Salamance, and escape using fly. Lucario jumped from the tops of the trees but could not reach him. Lucario threw a massive aura blast that managed to hit one of the Salamance's wings, but it quickly recovered and flew out to the mountains.

The last thing Lucario saw was the backwards letter R on the man's cloak. Lucario knew he could find him no problem because of the aura,but he couldn't go alone. They probably wanted Lucario for themselves since he was rare. With that in mind Lucario began dashing back to the city to get some help. The team was probably the same from the man they tied up earlier, so another purpose for capturing Neji was to get back at the team.

Back at the Dance Hall
Almost everyone was there. Ghastly played around as he noticed that there was another one of his types around,plus the night was starting to begin and that's when he was at his strongest. Bronzer looked around. He was a bit hungry so his purpose was to find some food. The moment Neji got captured, they both sensed it. Neji had such a strong bond with them that It made them possible to sense Neji in danger. Bronzor and Ghastly quickly found each other and began to cry.

Their weeping should of brought some attention, because it was quite loud. They stayed there hoping some one would listen to them.

Lucario at Ecruteak
Lucario hurried as he picked up the weeping of his comrades. He rushed in the village towards the entrance of the Dance hall. He opened it with force and began pointing in Neji's direction. Grunting and trying to send the message with his worried eyes.

07-10-2012, 10:32 PM
Saffron City

Three men worked inside a dimly lit apartment, a block or two north of the Pokemon Center, a few houses down from where the Silph Co. building used to be. The windows were shut and shuttered, and the only sources of light were a few bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling, and some desk lamps. The only furniture to speak of in the main room are tables and desks, covered in paper, files, makeshift scientific equipment, and test tubes. One man took off his safety goggles, rolled up the sleeves of his stained and threadbare lab coat and groaned.

“Could we please open a window? This rainwater stinks, it’s making me feel nauseous.”

“No, idiot,” replied a second, whose lab coat was in a much sorrier state, not even fit to be described as 'white' any more, “if we open the window people could see us, we’re not exactly in the penthouse suite.”

“Oh come on Syrio, The curtains are shut.”

“Stop complaining.” Silence, then, “Have you finished making the concentrate?”


“Refined the solvates already?”

“Yeah. It’s all sludgy now. And really smelly, maybe that’s why I’m so nauseous.”

The third scientist spoke up, “Hm? Why didn’t you say so? Give it here, Ron, I’m ready to run the tests.”

There was some silence, ruffling papers and a few test tubes clinking together. The scientist named Ron handed over the test tube. More silence, as they each worked on their own experiments, before some minutes passed, and a quiet beeping noise made it clear that the test was done.

The third scientists scoffed. “Ron you are an idiot,” he frowned at the measurements, “this is the Grimer poison not the rainwater distillation. Thanks for wasting my time, can you give me the real test tube now?” He sighed, visibly frustrated.

“Uh,” the man known as Ron spoke up again, addressing the third scientist. “James, that is the rainwater distillation.” There was silence as they all looked up from their work, and at one another. “Are you saying the toxins in the water have the same chemical composition as… Grimer poison?”

The first scientist, Syrio, laughed. It startled the other two, none of them had laughed in a long while. “It makes sense doesn’t it? We didn’t see this before but it makes sense! Perfect sense! The toxins in the water is Grimer poison!” The others started laughing too, though they didn’t really understand exactly what was funny.

Something beeping overhead cut the laughter short. The atmosphere in the room quickly changed from confused merriment to anxious worry.

“Um,” the scientist called James said, “that’s the intruder alarm, isn’t it? No one’s come up into these dilapidated apartments since we’ve been here, could it just be squatters?”

“Squatters stay on the first floor,” replied Ron. “This is something else.”

Without a word, they all rushed around collecting papers and vials, stuffing things in pockets or old grocery bags. The alarm continued, but was soon overshadowed by something pounding at the door.
The scientists didn’t falter, they only gathered their things. They had planned for this. The pounding continued, followed by a sweet, feminine voice.

“Scientists! We know you’re in there. We’re really interested in finding out what you’re doing! Could you let us in so we can see?”

No one in the apartment replied, they silently looked at each other instead. Syrio, the oldest, motioned for them to inch towards the window. They were only on the third floor, jumping wouldn’t do any permanent damage, and they were close enough to the Pokemon Center to get help. This idea was cut short as a fist, belonging to what was apparently a Machoke, exploded through the glass and ripped the shutters from the wall. The buff Pokemon burst through the open window, followed by a man wearing a black shirt, emblazoned with a red “R”.

“No!” Syrio shouted, and made a mad dash for the window on the other side of the room. He barrelled through it at full force, crashing to the glass and plummeting towards the ground. He rolled as he landed, making sure he suffered no damage. The other scientists followed suit, though none landed as gracefully as Syrio.

“Quickly! Let’s get to the Center!” he shouted, already running.

“Ah- my leg, hold on!” Ron replied, but he didn’t slow down either, he couldn't afford to. Behind them, the Rocket man had jumped too, as had the Machoke. From the front door of the building, a woman ran at them as well, followed by a massive Arbok.

“Wait!” she cried out, “we just want to talk, really!”

They rounded a corner, the Pokemon Center was in sight. They were almost there, only a few more meters, when Ron –who was running-limping at a slower pace- was caught in the face by the Machoke’s punch. He tumbled to the floor with a yell, while the Rockets ran behind their Pokemon. The man pulled out a gun from his waistband and shot in the air twice, and once more at the scientists. It hit Syrio in the leg, making him fall face first onto the floor.

“Whoo!” the man exclaimed as he walked towards them. “For shut-ins you guys are pretty fast! Kelly, aren’t they fast?” the last statement was directed at the woman behind him.

“Not fast enough, apparently!” she was visibly out of breath though. “Rude too, is that how you treat your guests? I guess you don’t have many guests. In any case, we’ll have to break your legs so you don’t try running like that again.”

James was the only one left uninjured by the time he made it to the Pokemon Centre. He barrelled through the door, babbling nonsensically. He stopped, took a deep breath, and started again:
"Team Rocket is in Saffron! Somebody, please help! They're just outside, and they've hurt two of my friends, just please, somebody help!"

Ecruteak City

As the Gengar ran off with Cathy's bag, it found what it was looking for. It pulled out the small, red and white ball and tossed the bag away, spilling the contents. It had what it was looking for, now it just needed to find some Pokemon.

Gardevoir did what little she could in the way of healing Garret's Xatu. She thought to use healing wish, but she didn't know if the bird was so badly hurt that trying to heal it would completely drain her energy, or even risk killing her. That didn't matter, however, because at that moment, the Xatu died. Gardevoir closed her eyes and stood up.

Kabutops gave chase to the Gengar as it ran off with Cathy's bag, but despite his longer legs, the Gengar was faster. He rounded a corner and saw it running off with what looked like one of he standard Pokeballs. He gave a shrill cry and charged the ghost. Grinning, the Gengar wheeled around and let loose with a focus blast. The glowing, orange ball of energy sailed straight through the air and struck Kabutops right in the chest, exploding with the contact. He was sent tumbling backwards, only to collide with the wall of another house, cracking the brickwork.

Brendan ran back to where Garret lay, just in time to see Gardevoir pick up the dead Xatu and shake her head. An explosion shattered the afternoon.
"Stay with Garret." he told the psychic Pokemon. As Brendan ran off to the source of the noise, Gardevoir stepped over to Garret, and crouched down, showing him the Xatu.

Brendan came to the other end of the alley. "Ah, shit!"
Gallade and Scizor were both knocked out cold. The Sneasel still clung to his neck, so both hands were free to take out two Night balls and press the buttons. Two black vortexes interlaced with red erupted from them, and the two Pokemon disappeared into them. He pocket the balls and set off again, this time to see Kabutops ram backwards into a wall and collapse. At the end of the street, chuckling malevolently and holding a Pokeball, was the Gengar.

The Gengar needed several Pokemon to be present for the weapon to take full effect. There were plenty at the alley, but he was in no position to use the weapon back then. The Kabutops was a single threat, but now there was a human, with the runaway's Sneasel clinging to his neck. If he used the weapon on the Sneasel, it would likely hurt the human, but there needed to be more. There also needed to be no loose ends. It chuckled and began charging at Brendan.

High above Route 44

The Salamence flew not a degree off dead east. Its rider and trainer, a Rocket agent with only half a moustache and a burn mark where the other half should have been, had been given orders to alleviate the situation at Ecruteak. It was supposed to be a quiet mission, but the man they had sent couldn't keep it under wraps for half a bloody second. So he had been sent to sort things out, but circling overhead revealed that the target had been taken back indoors, and their man was tied up tight. He was always pathetic.

So the only thing he could have done was thin out the numbers so that the man they did send could finish the job. He had planned on taking at least three hostages, but a Lucario — a damn real, living, breathing, tamed Lucario — stopped him. It was way too powerful for him to land and collect more, but the Rocket man had seemed to have taken its trainer. That would be useful.

07-11-2012, 12:13 AM
Saffron City

As Deron and Dusky arrived at the pokémon center, Deron looked around the main hall, before looking at Dusky. "Weren't we supposed to meet Shaun here?" He then turned to look around then. He didn't know if he would even recognise the man, as he only saw him in the dark of a nightly storm.
Eventually, Deron sighed as he walked over to a bench. "I don't think he's here yet... So we might aswell wait for a bit." As he sat down, Kabuto crawled down onto Deron's lap, to which Deron would respond with a smile and pat the prehistoric pokémon on its shell, before shifting his gaze to Dusky again. "Not too tense about leaving your home?" He smiled as he asked the question, the sadness that was glooming around him seeming to have partially lifted during his time with Dusky.

After a few minutes, though, the entire pokémon center would be alarmed by a couple of gunshots in the distance, soon followed by a man that barged inside. Deron's attention fixated on him as he heard his yell, his eyes widening. "Rocket? Here?" He quickly lifted up Kabuto and put him on Dusky's lap. "Keep Kabuto with you and try to find Shaun and his friend! I'll see what those pests want." He reached for two of his pokéballs as he rushed outside, glancing around to see if there was any trace of Team Rocket, already letting one of his pokéballs grow to full size.

07-11-2012, 01:34 AM
Ecruteak City

Cathy looked over "hey!" she jumped up "Bolt, T.Y." She could not help it but she dashed after the Gangar she found her back and some of the stuff scattered grimacing she decided to come back for it later. meeting up with Brendan there Bolt and T.Y. coming up behind her just as the gangar charged. Cathy was not really familer with Ghost type Pokemon but she was not about to let that thing just attack with out doing something. "Bolt! Electroweb" she grimaced hopping she would be effective what she had now. Hopefully that would slow the gangar down a bit. All she knew is if she attacked the thing it would be no use so she didn't reach back for her knife as Bolt launched his attack. "T.Y. Protect!" the large typhlosion moved in front of her and Brendan.She didn't like the way that Pokemon moved of looked so smug. "I have a bad feeling about this" she called to Brendan "A very bad feeling...."

07-11-2012, 04:58 AM
Ecruteak City

The Gengar snickered as more Pokemon showed up, because it meant that using the weapon would affect them and the trilobite Pokemon, Kabutops. Its grin faded a little as another human appeared and ordered one of the Pokemon to attack. A web of crackling electricity flared out from Zebstrika's mouth and ensnared the ghost, electrocuting it, but being almost immaterial, it did not stay bound and it wasn't very much hurt.

Things were becoming a problem. These humans and their Pokemon would surely overpower for the Gengar. It decided that the Pokemon present — the vicious, powerful specimens that they are — would be enough to finish off the rest of the humans. It would be perfect: a fire type, an electric type and a rock and water type could cover and compliment each other. It pressed the button on the Pokeball.

It did not change size or release any Pokemon. Instead, the red and white halves flashed brightly, as the ball beeped. It did it again, flashing and beeping at the same time. Again, but sooner, and before long, it became obvious that it was no Pokeball at all, but some sort of bomb.

It held onto the bomb, waiting for it to progress further in the countdown — cooking it — before it wound its arm up and lobbed the ball high in the air, over the Typhlosion, arcing down towards Brendan and Cathy. It was almost among them, when a fist sized rock zoomed overhead and knocked it out of the air. The ball shaped grenade flew a few metres through the air before, with a loud PAFF!, it opened wide like a Pokeball, and a cloud of green vapours burst out. A northerly wind carried the sickly cloud away, over the city walls, and into the wilderness beyond.

The Gengar shot a nasty look to the source of the stone, the Kabutops who, in a last-ditch effort to avert any danger to his trainer, launched a rock at the gas bomb and now lay slumped against the wall of the building he had been hurled against.

The weapon was gone, its purpose not even fulfilled, and now the humans and the Pokemon had an advantage. Even now, one of the humans, dressed in black and red, was rushing over to the giant trilobite. He was protected by the Pokemon, but he was overconfident with his security. The Gengar could still get him.

It grinned again, the corners of its mouth reaching frightening new heights, and leaped forward, straight towards, and through the Typhlosion, and dashed after Brendan on the other side.

Brendan had second thoughts about running to Kabutops' aid, but he had them while he was running. He was halfway to his Pokemon when the Gengar caught up with him. It grabbed him by the ankle and tripped him, and his trilby hat bounced away as he hit the ground. It dragged him close and jumped onto his chest. Brendan tried to push it off, but it kicked his arms away with impunity, and he met a similarly ineffective result as he pulled out his hunting knife and tried to drive it into the ghost: the blade went right through it.

It chuckled, showing all of its teeth as it laughed at the human's attempt to dislodge it. It charged up a shadow ball — just a circle of black that seemed to draw light away from objects in the same way a ball of light would illuminate them — and launched it at the human's head.

The black sphere forced Brendan's head to snap back and strike the ground at speed. Dazed and bruised, he didn't see the ensuing shadow claw coming until three streaks of black with red middles raked across his face. He was left with three, large gashes across his face that started to bleed immediately. He didn't even yell; he didn't have the energy for that.

The Gengar pulled back for another shadow claw — this one to the human's eyes. Its hand glowed black, it giggled, and drove it forward. It had almost made contact when a dark blur shot out from Brendan's chest and connected with the Gengar. Both tumbled backwards, and when they came to a halt, the Gengar was underneath, and on top, was the Sneasel.

The dark Pokemon cried out before unleashing two shadow claws of his own. They raked across the Gengar's chest, causing tiny explosions as they connected. The ghost got both feet under its opponent and kicked him off.

Sneasel hit the ground and tumbled backwards onto his feet, one set of claws raking the ground to keep him steadfast. He took a deep breath and launched a gust of super-chilled air at the Gengar, but it avoided the blast by becoming momentarily immaterial; the air passed through it. It gave a half-grin and, with a second's hesitation, sent a focus blast flying through the air at the little black Pokemon.

Sneasel launched a focus blast of his own. The two orange, translucent energy balls met in mid air, detonating with the impact. The force of the explosion sent the Gengar onto its back, and as it got back onto its feet, Sneasel leapt through the clearing smoke and grappled onto it.

The Gengar was frowning now, the corners of its mouth dropping to its waist. It grabbed Sneasel and tried to pull him off, but his claws were buried in its temples, and as they were dragged across its face, he used shadow claw to tear even deeper. It pulled Sneasel off and threw him away, before trying a new tactic: it sunk into the ground.

Sneasel looked about himself trying to find the Gengar. He turned around, looking left and right, waiting for it to pop out of the ground somewhere. Unseen but heard, the Gengar chuckled loudly. The sound didn't seem to come from any direction.

Kabutops, who looked on with bleary eyes, saw the Gengar sink underground. That was something they hardly ever did, because it made them vulnerable to ground-based attacks. He lifted a leg and stamped down on the ground once; twice; three times. Each time, a tremor — like a small earthquake — shook the ground. After the third time, the Gengar shot out of the ground as if it was spring-loaded, right behind Sneasel. It fell unceremoniously to the paved ground, as Sneasel turned around on his feet and shadow punched the Pokemon in the stomach.

It rolled over on its rotund body and got back onto its feet. There was still some fight left in it. It charged up a shadow ball and threw it at its rival, snarling. Sneasel charged up his own and caught the Gengar's — absorbing it and adding it to his own — before, with a cry, he hurled it overarm back at the ghost.

The black ball of nothing landed square in the Gengar's mouth, and the explosion was horrendous. The round, purple Pokemon was hurled back by ten whole metres, across the open plaza, before it collided roughly with the ground and rolled for a further five.

It got up, slowly, by pushing itself up with its hands. It swayed on its feet, hardly able to stay upright, before its eyes opened wide, as if shocked. It looked down at its stomach. From the four gashes across its stomach, where Sneasel had slashed him with shadow claws, a bright, yellow light shone through. It glowed almost blindingly from the cuts across its stomach, as well as from the four cuts in its temples. The Gengar started to swell, as if it was being inflated with the light. It grew to twice its size, before it cried out — revealing that the bright light shone out through its mouth as well — and exploded violently. It was no more.

A rush of air assaulted Brendan and Cathy, as well as their Pokemon. Brendan's Gardevoir rushed to the scene, having left Garret after she felt Brendan receiving an injury, and knelt by his side. She prepared to use healing wish.
"No, Gardevoir..." Brendan wheezed, "I'll be OK with it... just-" he didn't finish. He didn't need to, because Gardevoir chose to ignore his words and healed the deep gashes with psychic energy. As they closed completely, she fell out of consciousness and slumped over Brendan, who then withdrew her into her Night ball. He got up as the black vortex disappeared, and withdrew Kabutops as well. Only Sneasel remained.

He was exhausted from the fight; he was sitting on the ground with one hand behind him to prop himself up. He looked up as Brendan approached him, stooped down and picked him up. He held the Sneasel out in front of himself. "Thank you."

Sneasel smiled, still looking tired, which Brendan caught on to. Transferring the Pokemon to one hand, he pulled one of the empty Sport balls from his pocket. Sneasel didn't struggle as a yellow flare engulfed him and he was withdrawn into the Pokeball.

Route 47, Cianwood City

Valdus' Pokemon fought the raging Tyranitar with desperation. It had sent three more waves of sharp rocks flying at them and they couldn't take much more of a beating. That was, until they noticed the maze of cracks on the face of the cliff on top of which the Tyranitar stood. Quickly, Blaziken sent a focus blast flying at the cliff face, while signalling for the others to fall back.

The orange energy ball caused the fragile stone to shatter completely, and the Tyranitar could to nothing but wave its small arms around for balance as the very ground beneath its feet started to slide forward and down. it roared and belched a hyper beam at the fleeing Pokemon, but its mouth had already fallen past the opposite ledge and the beam just struck stone.

It howled as it toppled off the cliff and plummeted to the jagged rocks of the dried out waterfall below. There was a sickening CRACK, and the howling stopped. A lot of feral Pokemon went silent as well.

Cianwood city was in complete panic. Feral flying Pokemon littered the air and swooped down on the citizens below. A loud siren blared, signalling an evacuation. Four steam ferries were being packed with refugees, and as Valdus' aunt appeared by her door to leave, Valdus' Pokemon returned to take him to he ferries. Already, three had left, packed full with frightened people and Pokemon.
Adelle was swept along with the stampede, only to arrive on the last of the boats. She withdrew Swampert to make room for all the other refugees, and she had to block her ears as they all screamed as one.

Scizor picked Valdus up and ran to the ferry, Togepi, Blaziken, and Charmeleon in tow. The steamer began to move slowly away, and still Valdus' Pokemon ran with their trainer. A call behind them caught their attention, in part, and Blaziken turned to see Cray running up to the ferry on his own. His Pokemon were in their balls, on his belt.
"Wait!" he cried, as a feral Fearow descended from the sky and tried to jab him with its beak. It was met with a cold bullet from his rifle.

The ground heaved., windows shattered, and a sky-shaking howl bellowed across the sea-side town. Cray turned to see — to his own horror — a Tyranitar, striding over the dead trees on the southern shore, covered in gashes from the fall to the jagged rocks below Route 47.

It leaned back, opened it mouth wide, and the savage, unearthly hyper-beam struck the town. The monster exalted, scaring the birds that circled its head. Cray was almost to the ferry, while Valdus' Pokemon had already leapt aboard. Togepi was motioning for the captain to slow the ship.

The Tyranitar razed the town, lumbering over to the ferry, where it spotted Cray. He jumped into the water, and hid, until forced up to breath. He expected nothing but death, but a volley of focus blasts, hyper-beams, energy balls, flash cannons, thunderbolts and hydro pumps from the Pokemon on board the ferry assaulted the Tyranitar. With a roar, it fell to the ground, crushing the gym and bringing several other buildings down with the tremor. The pause was enough for Cray to swim the rest of the way to the ferry and climb aboard with the assistance of Valdus' Blaziken.

By the time the Tyranitar looked back up, the steamer had reached the misty horizon, and the living population of Cianwood City was safe.

07-12-2012, 03:36 AM
Cathy and T.Y. where both shocked when the ghost just slipped through them and after Brendan. "Dang it!" Cathy didn't have time to do much it was all done for her. That ball.. and the smoke?... she hate to think what that would have done...

She headed for Brendan but by the time she got to him it was already over "Goodness kid your going to get yourself kid!" she said sharply. She was more worried about watching him die then she would like to admit "Okay when ever your with me don't do that again" She looked at her two Pokemon then back to the kid in front of her he looked alright but by golly... so many strange things.

"Go to the center" she said sharply "I'll pick up Garret... T.Y. you go with him" she just knew there was going to be an argument and she didn't feel like getting in it So as if it had already started she responded to what she could only guess most people would say. "Ya ya I know your capable of taking yourself but I'm not going to take anymore chances... three attacks in two days and more sure to come" she said now turning away from him "And I well not stand here watching as people recklessly throw away their lives" she said going quiet for a moment "If I have a say in it no one else is going to die today" she said harshly "Not with out a good tussle" She shook her head "Bolt with me" she started to head back to find her bag. "She had been less then effective in this battle and it was ticking her off... that she was so useless now she could not afford to not be prepared.

T.Y. watched sort of confused but then he shook his head understanding his trainers harshness and insisting but he was not entirely sure if he should go through with that. he looked at Brendan questioningly sing Cathy had already walked off.

07-21-2012, 04:06 AM
Meg had almost reached her previous spot with Shaun when someone burst in asking for help and saying team rocket was outside. "What?" She only hesitated for a moment and even though fighting was not Meg's strong point she was willing to if she had no other choice. "Shaun," she looked over at the man for a quick moment then at her Pokemon "Ev! Silky come on!" Ev jumped into her shoulder while Silky jumped up over the small Dratini. "Ginger: watch the little one. Ru: come on." she said quickly, and moved quickly for the door through which a man and woman had entered from but she was quickly slipping passed them. It didn't occur to her those could be the people that Shaun was talking about.

Shaun, in the meantime, had already pushed his way out the door, Houndoom and Magmortor leaving their Pokeballs as soon as there was a hint of trouble. He saw Dusky and Deron arrive, but he missed greeting them as the word of Team Rocket appearing kind of overrode the need for formalities. Meg was behind him, it seemed; she'd have to meet the two on the battlefield, it seemed. Luckily, Shaun still had his shotgun, so this wouldn't be that one-sided of a fight.

Deron was ahead of Shaun, and he hadn't seen Dusky moving toward the entrance yet, so he assumed the girl was staying in the Pokemon Center. He didn't know if she'd stay there though. Catching sight of the ones the scientist-looking man had mentioned, Shaun came to a halt with his Pokemon flanking him to either side.

Meg stopped next or maybe a little bit behind she didn't pay too much attention to where she was standing. Her eyes were rather on the two men cowering in front of the two figures with a red R on the front. Ev let out a small growl While Silky's tail lashed and she stretched eyeing the scene before her Ru stood on Meg's other side. Meg also noticed that one of the other men had moved out as well the one that had come in with the girl, she wondered if they were the ones Shaun had been talking about again. She pulled herself back quickly to the present. She was not used to make the first move but someone had to get those people away from the men. "Silky fury swipe, Ev helping hand" If the two didn't already know that they were there, then they would soon. She also had to keep in mind their Pokemon where much bigger so she would have to rely more of speed then strength but she had little doubt her two could manage such.

Kelly was already pulling out another Pokeball in retaliation to Meg's antics. The ground heaved away from her feet as a Graveller landed with a resounding thud. "Rollout, Graveller, and block that attack!"
The boulder rammed all four of his hands into the road before him, and without any sort of effort or struggle, rolled forward. His grip on the stone road held up valiantly as he rolled all the way over, outright pulling the slab of stone out of the ground. As he reached a full reflex, he slammed the slab down onto the road in front of Meg's Persian, blocking the attacks and sending a massive cloud of dirt billowing into the air. With the offence negated, it retaliated by continuing its roll, crushing the slab and rolling over the debris, looming over Silky.

"Goddammit, girl, we could at least try and talk them down, first," Shaun swore as Houndoom moved to intercept the Rockets' Pokemon, who were already retaliating to Meg's Pokemon.

"Doubtful," Ned replied, overhearing Shaun's statement, "you could have tried not getting involved, though!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a Pokeball-released an abnormally muscular Mightyena. It immediately sprang into action, aiming a powerful Crunch attack at Shaun's approaching Houndoom.

Meg gritted her teeth deciding not to waist her breath on shaun since the other man had said pretty much what she wanted other then the getting involved part. "Silky move!" she commanded. He command where not as smooth as Deron's. The Feline dashed to the side out of the way of the large rock monster.

Newton's second law of motion states that force is equal to mass times velocity. Graveller's frightening acceleration along with his ground breaking mass ensured that nothing stopped it. It was an irresistible force.

Deron glanced behind him as he came to the realisation he wasn't the only one that ran out to help the scientists, smirking as he now recognised Shaun, but he decided to himself he'd leave the pleasantries for later as they had bigger worries in front of them. "Magnemite! Go!" He flung the already grown Pokéball into the battlefield, as the metallic pokémon came out in a blinding flash, buzzing angry as he gazed down at the Team Rocket members. Deron knew he heard gunshots earlier, and he disliked that advantage. "Thunder wave on those crooks! Blow up any ammunition they got!" Magnemite didn't take long to answer, hovering high above the field as sparks on both of his magnets ignited into a thundering bolt coming down towards the criminals, hoping to paralyze them and disable their firearms.

The weak electrical wave met its match in the cloud of dirt that was still hanging over the heads of Ned and Kelly, leaving them fully mobile and armed. Even if it had reached their weapons, the current wasn't enough to warrant a significant resistance across the gun powder. It would need to be something stronger.

"Nice call, Kelly!" Ned shouted out enthusiastically, referring to the dust cloud which had shielded them. He calmly pulled out his gun once more – he didn’t really think it’d be necessary, their Pokemon could easily handle everyone here. "Now Machoke,” Ned shouted, “punch that magnet, knock it out!" The fighting-type Pokemon launched straight out from the dust cloud, aiming what would doubtless be a super-effective move straight at the Magnemite's face.

While calling out Magnemite's command however, Deron threw his second Pokéball, out of which a Kadabra appeared. "Kadabra. Teleport. Bring those men to safety."
Deron's commands came out in one fluid motion, obviously being in almost perfect sync with his Pokémon.

Oh, no you don't.

The wise Pokémon responded with a firm nod as his eyes glowed a bright white, before he vanished from sight, appeared between the two scientists, and laying a hand on each to try and teleport them out of the battle scene to make sure they would not get harmed.

"Abrok! Don't let them get away!"

The overgrown cobra lashed out at Kadabra, faster than anyone there could have tracked. Its poisonous fangs latched onto his tail, and as he and the scientists warped into a singularity, so did the Abrok.

07-21-2012, 12:17 PM
Deron's Magnemite was unable to move away as the Machoke's fist met its face, letting out a pained buzz as the steel pokémon hurdled through the air. "Magnemite! Hold on!" But before Deron could bring out an order for Magnemite, he heard pained cries from the Kadabra as the Arbok's jaws locked onto its tail. He had teleported the four of them in front of the pokémon center, meaning that Arbok and Kadabra were now behind Deron and the others.

Deron pained his mind to rapidly try and think of something, before calling out commands. "Magnemite! Harden! Kadabra! Confusion! Show that serpent not to mess with you!" Magnemite restored his equilibrium in mid-air, his single eye now locking on the Machoke as he would glow brightly, solidifying his steel shell rapidly, working away the dent he had received from the Machoke.

Kadabra in the meantime glanced behind him at the Arbok, as his eyes would now begin to glow purple. "Kaa... daaa... braa..." He went on repeating the same thing as he tried to lock his eyes onto the Arbok's, and sent the snake's mind into a revolting state to atleast make him let go of his tail. Kadadra felt his statue weakened, however, as he was poisoned, but the toughened pokémon would not show any sign of weakness, focusing solely on getting the Arbok off of him.

07-22-2012, 02:37 AM
Ecruteak City

Brendan looked on at Cathy as she walked away, leaving him alone with her Typhlosion. He looked at the giant fire mouse. "It wasn't that reckless, was it?" He didn't answer.
"Fair enough," Brendan said, before reaching down to pick up his hunting knife and his trilby hat, sliding the former into its sheath under his jacket and popping the latter onto his head. Taking his hand down, he brushed against his face. It was wet with blood.
"Damn it…" Brendan swore, wiping the blood off his face and onto a nearby wall, before starting off towards the Pokemon Centre with T.Y. in tow. But before he went too far, he doubled back and picked up the open gas grenade where Kabutops had knocked it. It looked just like any Pokeball, but turning it over in his hands he spotted a small, red letter printed on the white underside. It was a capital 'R'.

Team Rocket came to mind, but Brendan dismissed it. They were disbanded years ago, how could this possibly be related to them? Perhaps it was a salvaged weapon, or just a ploy to instil fear. He closed it and put it in his jacket pocket, the same one in which he kept Sneasel and the other Sport ball.

Brendan and T.Y. resumed their short trek to the Pokemon Centre, which thankfully passed without incident. It was warm inside, and well lit; an improvement on the situation outside. They stepped up to the main counter and, since the nurse was absent, knocked on it. A few seconds passed and nurse Joy rounded a doorway behind the counter, focusing on something in her hands, so she didn't see Brendan.

She looked up. "Hi, welcome to the Pokem- OH MY GOD!"
"Your face is covered in blood!"
"Oh yeah, that."

Joy took a good ten seconds to catch her breath, during which Brendan just stood quietly at the counter. "Is it that bad?" he said, after a while.
Joy shook her head, her breathing resuming a normal pace. "Sort of. It's smeared all over your face. What happened?"
"I was attacked by a Gengar." Brendan said, a little too proud of the event.
"Personally, I'm not surprised. Just last night this maniac bomber threatened to blow up the Dance Hall because he was attacked by a Gengar."

Brendan thought about this, remembering what he knew about the Gengar, the man who was with it when he found it knocked out in the alley, the bomber, and his Sneasel who saved Brendan. So far, he knew that the Gengar attacked the bomber, who then escaped. He was being pursued by the aged man who was with the Gengar. Brendan took the bomber's Sneasel, and then the Gengar attacked Garret instead, this time with the other man nearby. He assumed that the ghost-that-was-no-more belonged to the man, but since his views had been challenged so very much that day, he decided to keep an open mind.

"Well, enough about that," Joy went on, "I suppose if you were attacked by a Pokemon then your own must be tuckered out. Should I rest your Typhlosion?"
"My what?"
"That is your Typhlosion, right?"
Brendan looked back at T.Y. "Oh, no he's not mine, he's just escorting me here, but I suppose he should rest as well." He took the empty Sport ball from his pocket and, without considering the repercussions or the Pokemon's brief reaction, withdrew T.Y. into it. He placed the quivering ball and all his other balls onto the counter, garnering an odd look from the nurse.

"If that's not your Pokemon then… oh forget it. I'm more interested in these." She held up one of Brendan's Night balls: black with a red stripe and black button, with thin, intricate red lines patterning both halves.
"I got those before the Change," Brendan explained. "just a little luxury for my Pokemon."
"So these are Luxury balls, then?"
"Sort of. Apparently they're a mix between a Luxury ball and a Dusk ball, just with a custom pattern."
"Well someone's got some cash to spare," Nurse Joy noted, taking the Pokeballs to the healing machine set against the wall behind her, "I suppose that explains your fancy… clothes…"

She trailed off, staring at Brendan's apparel: black skinny jeans, black conies with red flanks, a red button-up shirt, a black cargo jacket and a black trilby hat with a red band. They were probably the worst clothes to be wearing under the heat of the wasteland that was Johto, what with their thick, dark materials that absorbed and retained heat.

"… Is everything alright?" Brendan asked cautiously.
"Is your name 'Brendan' by any chance?"
"Yeah, how did you know?"
"I have a message for you from Claire, the nurse at Goldenrod."

Shit! Brendan thought, I forgot to send Claire a message!
Joy held up a folded piece of paper — the object she was focusing on earlier — and handed it to Brendan.
"Would you like a wet cloth while the Pokemon are healed?"
"Yes please." Brendan said, unfolding the paper. Joy disappeared through the doorway through whence she came. The note was hand-written, but it looked like it had been faxed. The message read:

Dear Joy,
I know someone called Brendan who's heading up to Ecruteak all by himself. If you see him, can you give him this message? You can't miss him. He wears black and red clothes with a matching hat. He said he'd go to the Centre to take a Gardevoir out of his PC box, so you should spot him when he does.

xo, Claire

I'd like to hear back from you as soon as you get this. It's been a day already, at time of writing, and even though the road to Ecruteak is dangerous, it's still not a day's journey. I'd feel really guilty if you died out there because I didn't stop you from leaving. Nobody's found anything of you in Goldenrod, so I at least know last night's swarm didn't kill you.

I'd like to thank you, again, for donating to the Centre. It was more than enough to have the healing machine here fixed, with enough leftovers to get the people here to make a whole lot of medical supplies. The place isn't a crowded cluster-fuck anymore, which is really good because it means I don't have to have migraines all day long, plus I get to write this letter in one sitting.

PLEASE write back, or I won't be able to sleep tonight.
xxx, Claire

Brendan folded up the paper and deposited it into his top-left jacket pocket as nurse Joy came back with a wet face washer. Brendan took it with thanks and wiped his face and hands down, grateful that she had used warm water, before folding it up so that the blood was on the inside. Joy took it and tossed it into the back room again, just as the machine finished resting Brendan's — and Cathy's — Pokemon. She gave them back to Brendan, who then released the disgruntled T.Y. and put them all back in his pockets.

"Will there be anything else?" she asked.
"Can I use the PC?" Brendan inquired.
"Sure." Joy reached over to the computer and pressed the power button, starting up the machine. Brendan stepped over to it and accessed his account. He started typing up a message to send to Claire, grateful that there was at least one person from Goldenrod who missed him. For security, he let Sneasel out of his new ball, hoping to gauge just how much of an influence the bomber had on him.

Saffron City

Kelly knew that the Magnemite would be a massive problem if it could get a shot at Ned and her; the dust cloud was settling.
"Graveller, use mud sport!"
The rolling boulder simply stuck his longer pair of arms out in front of himself and arrested his movement immediately. It then pushed off the ground and rolled backwards, spitting a fountain of mud into the air like a sprinkler. It settled on almost everything, insulating them from the magnet's electrical attacks.

The Abrok meanwhile was fighting of its own accord. Its massive body coiled and writhed as Kadabra's psychic attacks sent intermittent flashes of white searing through its mind, making it flinch and bite down a little harder with each attack. Kadabra cottoned onto this and stopped assaulting the Abrok's mind, and it responded by letting go of the psychic Pokemon's tail.

It would not let him escape, however. The moment its teeth left Kadabra's yellow tail, it coiled its massive, overgrown body once, twice, three times around its prey, rearing back its terrifying head and flaring its hood, which bore an equally frightening face. Its tail, at the other end of the coil around Kadabra, was slumped over the two injured scientists, negating their escape. It was so thick — almost as thick as a tree trunk — that Ron and Syrio just couldn't move. Ron had copped a punch in the face from Ned's Machoke while Syrio was shot in the leg. They weren't doing well.

From the other side of the battle, Kelly saw her Abrok trap the Kadabra.
"Abrok!" she screamed over the distance, "Swallow that Pokemon!"
It was a horrible tactic, eating another Pokemon to win a fight, but who's Abrok was it?
The giant cobra gave a raspy snarl before lashing out at Kadabra. It locked its jaws over him, and with impeccable strength, threw him up into the air. As he fell back down towards the Abrok, it dislocated its bottom jaw and opened wide.

07-22-2012, 06:43 AM
Saffron City

There was a blur of movement as Deron's Kadabra was whisked from danger. Shaun's Crobat had had enough rest to return to peak state and was ready for action once again, her first order of business to aid the poor Psychic Pokemon before it could be devoured. Crobat banked and, dodging any retaliation move the Rocket's might have, returned to its Trainer with its cargo.

"Good work, girl," Shaun said, then directed his Houndoom away from the Mightyena. The hound looked rather powerful, but Shaun's Houndoom had an edge: range. "Flamethrower, keep him off of you!" The Spitfire Pokemon let loose a torrent of fire on the Mightyena, then backed off as Shaun had a different plan for the two Fire types.

"Now, Houndoom use Inferno, Magmortor use Lava Plume! Focus down that Arbok, but be careful of those scientists!"

Magmortor and Houndoom, in sync as they had been trained to be, reared back and in unison unleashed a torrent of searing flame, focusing on the serpent's massive head and hood. While that was going on, Shaun whispered to his Crobat to sneak in a Steel Wing while the Poison-type was distracted. She nodded and let out a screech as her body hardened and she sped towards her opponent, ready to dish out a major wound to the thing that would dare eat another Pokemon.

Meanwhile, Shaun turned to Deron and asked, "Is your Kadabra okay? If so, have him help out Meg. My team has the big ones." With that said, he returned his attention to the fight. "Houndoom, return focus to the Mightyena! Magmortor, get in there with a Smokescreen! Cover Crobat's escape!" The commands were quiet, his tactic of not revealing his moves still in play.

07-23-2012, 01:46 PM
Meg quickly looked at the battle to see where she could be of some use. Grimacing she decided Seeing what actions Shaun was taking she quickly gave an order to silky "Fury swipes on the Mightyena Give shaun some room" She didn't exactly shout it picking up on the idea Shaun was already using. The feline quickly cut off the large Mightyena from shaun's houndoom sending a Vally of swipes at the large hounds face.

"Ru get in there and help her with a crush claw!" Meg said quickly. As Ru rushed out to help Silky Meg quickly glanced at Ev who was tens wanting to help as well. "Hold Ev" she said darkly looking over at the rocket trainers. One had a gun but it would be a risky move trying to get it from him "Ev... Lets see if we can get the gone away with out being shot..." she said darkly "Covet".

07-23-2012, 10:52 PM
Deron snarled as he watched his Kadabra being tossed up, fairly surprised as that wasn't really a feather-weight pokémon, but it didn't matter. He made his choice and pulled out his pokéball. "Kadabra! Return!" He called out as the red beam from the ball met his pokémon, calling him back into his pokéball.

Noticing Shaun's pokémon rushing for the Arbok, he turned his attention to his Magnemite again, who was hovering backwards at the mud flying up at it. There was no escaping it, though. He tried his best to make the mud miss his magnets, but the rest of his body still got hit, disabling Magnemite's electric attacks. Deron snarled, before calling out to his pokémon. "We don't need electric attacks to beat them! Harden once more Magnemite!" The pokémon responded with a buzz as he glew brighter again, hardening his metal carapace even further.

While Deron put away his psychic pokémon's ball, he took out another, holding it ready, but not throwing it yet.

07-25-2012, 04:57 AM
Ecruteak City

His Xatu had died, it was in the Gardevoir’s arms. He took his Pokemon from the her. Garrett had dealt with loss before – friends, people he cared for- but never Pokemon. Wasn’t it a Trainer’s responsibility to take care of their Pokemon? He couldn’t help but feel this had been somehow his fault. He wonder what happened to the Gengar - the owner of the Ghost type had been dragged inside the Hall by some townspeople nearby, off to an empty room and out of the way. Good riddance, really, but the ghost, to his knowledge, had gotten away. The Gardevoir suddenly rushed off, and Garrett was somewhat grateful for the privacy. He shed a few tears, couldn’t really helped himself, but was glad no one else was around. Wiping them off, he motioned over to a Kimono girl – Naoto- asking for a satchel. He figured that perhaps, if he had been carrying potions, any sort of curative items, Xatu could have lived, and he didn’t want to be caught in those circumstances again. Naoto brought him one, it was a traditional-looking red embroidered bag, meant to be worn off one shoulder. It was fancier than what he wanted, but it would do. He propped himself against a wall and gradually stood. He would have to cremate his bird Pokemon later. His wounds were still fresh, but not oozing anymore.

Cathy had quietly picked up her discarded bag, making sure she had everything before standing. The only real damage was the small glass picture she had kept wrapped up all this time. It had been tossed out and broken. Sighing she took the pieces and re-warped it; she would get her brother's picture fixed... when she could. Slipping her bag back on she headed back to the alleyway she had left Garrett. She found him up... with his Pokemon. She sighed softly knowing it was dead. Coming over she gave him a hand to make sure he was steady on his feet. "Take it easy" She said softly- far less snappy then she had been with Brendan earlier. Bolt was close behind, surprisingly he seemed respectfully silent at the sight of the dead companion of the man.

"...Yes." Garrett replied, after a pause. "...Thank you. For now, and for earlier. I need to put him somewhere, away from crowds." He picked up the Pokemon and cradled it in his undamaged arm, using his other one to support his weight on the wall. He found an empty room in the Hall and placed the Pokemon there, covering it with what was probably a tablecloth. It would have to do for now, as unfitting as it was. He found a broom in the hallway and removed the end of it, creating a make-shift walking stick. His legs weren't hurt, but it would be easier. He hobbled back to Cathy. "Is everyone else alright? Does anyone need help?"

Cathy watched him silently. Was it hard losing a companion? As hard as losing family? She wondered but she didn't want to find out. She looked up as he asked her a question and slowly shook her head "Brendan had a run in with the Gengar, but T.Y. is taking him to the Center, where you should be" she said gently She came to his side to help support him more, even with the make shift walking stick. "I assure you from everything I've gathered every one else is fine" she said. She resisted saying 'for now', she was hitting an upward spiral with these people, holding her tongue, neglecting to make one of her depressing statements. Why that was, she couldn't say. "I can wrap you up now or we can go straight to the Center." She said quietly.

The Gengar? It was still around? He grunted in annoyance. Part of him hoped it had died, though he knew that wasn't an entirely honourable thought. "There's no need for that, but thanks. I'm pretty sure I've stopped bleeding. We should just get moving for now... As long as it's not too fast, I can't really do that right now." The last statement was meant to be jovial, a joke, something to lighten the mood. Garrett hoped it didn't sound like he was wallowing or asking for pity, though most of his jokes fell flat, so it wouldn't surprise him if it came off as sincere.

Cathy shook her head, making no reply for the most part. Move to where? Center, she decided, she could vaguely remember where she stood in the city. "Okay Center then, I don't care what you all say; you need people looking over those wounds and if it's not me, someone more professional" she said. She patted Bolt, who was again by her side after having gone ahead and checked some of the intersection. He was very quiet which somehow worried Cathy. Frowning she looked to make sure he was not injured, but she didn't see anything.

Garrett laughed, then coughed. His chest was probably in a sorrier condition than he thought. "Don't worry about me, I'll heal. I fell through three floors in the Burnt Tower once. This is nothing," he said, trying to lighten the mood. "But going to the Center isn't a bad idea. Let's get going." They walked, pretty slowly, out the door and through the streets. Thankfully, Garrett's wounds didn't re-open. Mismagius was nowhere to be found - she was probably outside the walls of the city, casting curses. It's what those Pokemon did, after all. His Miltank was safely inside a Pokeball, inside his new bag, next to that other one he had filched from the Hall Bomber. They came to the Center and stepped in, finding Brendan and Cathy's Typhlosion inside as well.

Cathy was not in a 'lightened' in mood since the fight, so she remained quiet as she stayed close to Garrett to make sure he did not fall over or something. As slow a pace as it was she didn't mind; it gave her time to think. However once they finally reached the center she was glad enough to find Brendan with a cleaner face; the blood seemingly stopped for the most part. She let out her sigh, waving to T.Y. who made his way over to her, still looking at bit bewildered, although Cathy could not figure out why, but all the same he seemed... better? Shaking her head she looked around once more - where was Neji?

"Garrett!" Nurse Joy cried out, she had obviously seen his blood-stained shirt. "Oh, what happened? Are you alright?"

"Doing fine, thanks, Nurse," he replied casually - he didn't really feel the need to go into it. "Though, if you have any more bandages, I'd appreciate them."

"Just what is going on today? Two bloodied young men arrive at my door - is there something I should be worried about?" She sat him down on a bench and started redressing the gashes on his arm. The disinfectant stung more than he cared to admit.

"No! No, don't worry, it's taken care of." Was it? He wasn't even completely sure. Still, there was no point in worrying her. At that moment, he looked over and noticed Brendan at the PC. Was that... Blood on him?! "Brendan!" Garrett cried out, a Sneasel at his feet jumping at the sudden noise. "Are you alright? What happened to you?"

Even though he was well aware of Garret's presence, Brendan was still a little startled as he called out to him. Not as much as Sneasel was, though. He turned from the PC, having sent his message to Claire, to reply to Garret, and was a little surprised to see Cathy there with him. T.Y. had already gone back to her.

Brendan could tell that Garret's wounds were also the work of the Gengar; it didn't take a genius. At first, he thought it was something to joke about — something they had in common — but Garret had flat-out lost a Pokemon to his encounter. Brendan had gained one. Garret was slashed twice by the Gengar and still bore the proof. Brendan was hurt once and all he had to show for it was a bloodstain that would probably wash out. They were by no stretch of the phrase on the same boat. If anything, they were separated by a field of rakes. Brendan had to respond carefully.

"I got attacked by the Gengar," he said, "after it knocked out three of my Pokemon. It slashed at my face, but then this one," he emphasised, picking up Sneasel and holding him out towards Garret, "saved me. I'd had him for only five minutes and he's already jumping to my defence."

Sneasel was smiling proudly. Brendan noted that he responded well to praise, probably something related to his previous owner. He remembered that he shouldn't be boasting his fortune to someone who could really have used it, and so got back to the topic, setting Sneasel down again.

"The Gengar is dead, I think. I don't know if you can kill ghosts. It blew up after Sneasel fought it, but I didn't get a good look. Cathy's filled you in on this, hasn't she? She was there when it happened."

He thought he had finished his story, when he remembered something very important. He reached into his right jacket pocket and pulled out all three red and white Pokeballs. He sorted through them. Sport ball, Sport ball, here we go.

He put the Sport balls back in his pocket and held up the false ball, so that Garret could see the capital 'R' on the underside.

"The Gengar tried to throw this at us," he explained seriously, looking at Cathy, "and I think it's a kind of poison gas grenade. When it opened, this green cloud burst out of it, but the wind carried it away."

He thought for a moment, before asking Garret: "You took that bomber's other Pokemon, right? Is it another one of these?"

Garrett thought for a moment - he was still puzzled by the fact that the Gengar had thrown gas at them- then, actually comprehending what had been said, realization dawned. "That! I have it here." He rummaged in his new bag and pulled it out. "I don't actually know what's in here, but..." he glanced at his surroundings, there weren't that many people here. He was indeed curious, but releasing it inside could be a bad idea. His bandages were re-dressed, so he stood and didn't wobble this time. "Let's see what's in here... Outside. If it's something aggressive I'd rather have space to manoeuvre." Though he doubted he'd personally be of much use if that was the case. Garrett exited the building, took a few steps and looked back to see if the others were following. With that, the foreign Pokeball enlarged, and Garrett pressed the button. In a flash of red light, a Pokemon was standing in front of them - a Meganium?!

It stood there, placid, observing it's surroundings.

Brendan couldn't believe it, for two reasons. For one, most grass Pokemon began to die out after the Change, and yet there was a perfectly healthy Meganium standing right in front of him. His other reason was that apart from Scizor, Kabutops, Gardevoir and Gallade, his original team also included a Weavile and a Meganium, both of whom he had to send away. Short of an evolution, this bomber had the missing part of his team, even if the Sneasel was also of the opposite sex of his Weavile.

"Okay, this is nuts." Brendan said, shaking his head. "Absolutely nuts. How can this guy have a Meganium? He pits one Pokemon against, like, a dozen others — plus one gun — and yet he can keep a grass Pokemon alive?!"

Garrett shook his head - he had no idea, either.

Brendan looked down at Sneasel. He was looking at the Meganium as if they knew each other — which made sense, because they would have — but he didn't advance. Brendan looked back up at Garret.

"Not to mention that Gengar. It attacked this guy and he tried to blow up the Dance Hall. Why? Then it attacked us, after we took the bomber's Pokemon, and..." He trailed off. He had no idea that the Gengar could simply have been after the bomber's Pokemon. It seemed to fit, but he had to make sure.

"Did the Gengar belong to that old man?" he asked.

"Uh," Garret thought for a moment, "you mean the one who attacked? Yeah, it did, actually... And!" He had realized something else, "when I fought him he did make it clear he was after this Pokeball - so this Pokemon, I suppose. But... Why? I suppose Meganiums are pretty rare nowadays, could it be he wanted it for the money?"

"I wouldn't be surprised," Brendan said, "they can make plants healthy with their breath. I mean, I used to have one, but I sent it away to work in a food produce. They grow crops there, healthy ones. Maybe this guy was trying to start his own."

He realised that he didn't have to guess.

"You know what? Let's ask him. He's not going anywhere and frankly, I think he's got a lot to answer for."

"Food production? I guess that'd be lucrative, too..." Garrett replied, "but you're right, we should just ask - nothing to lose in that."

Shortly afterwards, Garret, Cathy, Lily and Brendan found themselves back inside the Dance Hall - in one of the private stage rooms, in fact. Most other rooms were taken at this point, and it was the only one that could accommodate so many people for such an interrogation. In the centre of the room, the Bomber sat tied to a chair, looking across nervously at the man tied up next to him: the man who owned the Gengar, though he was in a sorrier state. One eye was still crusty with blood as no one had bothered to clean him up, and he seemed to flit between consciousness and unconsciousness. Garrett looked around, unsure where to begin.

Brendan looked around the quiet room. Everyone he met by the entrance to Ecruteak was there, apart from the man named Neji. Where was he? He hadn't seen him since Garret was attacked. All he saw of him since then was his Pokemon. Sneasel was hiding behind Brendan's legs, under a chair.

07-26-2012, 02:19 AM
Cathy remained silent as the two in front of her discussed what they where figuring out She simply took it in and thought it over herself T.Y. was eying the Meganium curiously and a bit surprised. Cathy herself was surprised but she didn't show it. She had not seen many grass types since the change and fewer and fewer still. and the fake ball? yes she remembered that gas pretty well she had not know what to expect but now that she thought about the worst that could have happened she shivered.

She found herself following the two after they had decided to 'talk' to the men they had captured. Integrate was more like it but what ever they wanted to call it so long as they got answers. Soon enough they found themselves in one of the dace hall rooms. The older man seemed to be in the worst condition but she honestly felt no pity for him looking towards the other she could see his nerviness. Bolt stood to the side of the room watching the two with some hostile while T.Y. stood at her side relaxed but giving both men a heated glare.

"There are some things we want to know and you will answer any questions directed to you" Cathy finely said. No one else was speaking up Some one might as well brake the silence. "I Cannot speak for the others but I for one well not tolerate it if you refuse to cooperate" She said seriously her eyes narrowing. Her knife was in quick reach and openly in sight of them purposelessly so. She slowly crossed her arms over her chest and watched them with with a cold air around her.

07-29-2012, 04:12 PM
In Ecruteak City

The girl spoke. Riley remembered her, she was there when he tried to blow up the Hall. It’d seemed like such a good idea – now, here he was, tied up again, without any Pokemon. He glanced around – some of the people who had stopped his attempted bombing was were there, along with some he didn’t recognize. Or care about, really. Wait- was that his Sneasel?! He glanced beside him, at other man in the chair next to him – was that Greg Oh crap, Greg?!? Then, a girl spoke – about cooperation, and questionings. He glanced at her, then at her knife, then back at Greg. He swallowed. He had to get away from him.

“No – there’s no need to get… violent. Um,” he glanced at Gregory – jeez, why’d he have to be here, too?! “You have no idea about what's going on. You need to let me go! Ah - what – what do you want to know?”

He shot the Sneasel a look, as if to say 'What are you waiting for?'


Meanwhile, in Saffron...

"These trainers are being really annoying," Ned stated to Kelly, "I mean, couldn't they just mind their own business? So meddlesome! It's as if they want all their Pokemon to be killed." He glanced over, the Magnemite was hardening off to the side, in front of him, a Houndoom was charging his Mightyena, who was attacked by a Persian not long after. His Pokemon's face was all scratched up, but it didn't seem to be suffering any permanent damage. Then, he looked down - an Eevee was some feet away, approaching him slowly, looking innocent and cute. "Well, isn't that precious?" He said, as he began firing at near point-blank range.

"Machoke, ignore the lightbulb and go for that Houndoom- Seismic Throw! Mightyena, Payback! Kill that cat!"

He didn't like being surrounded. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a third Pokeball, clicked the button,- an Electabuzz popped out. He deliberated for a moment - Eevee or Magnemite? Then he figured, why not both? "Electabuzz, use screech!" He couldn't even plug his ears, he was still firing at he Eevee. Kelly would be mad, but she'd get over it.


Meanwhile, in Viridian...

"What exactly are you planning to do?"

Mina's quesion hung in the air, unanswered. The blonde rocket man smirked- obviously, he'd been hoping she would ask. "I'm glad you asked," there it was, "I'm your host, It's only right I answer my guest's questions."

"Cut the act. We're not your 'guests', and you're not our friend," she spat out. One of the guards hit her in the head with the butt of his gun.

"So rude! Why, I-" he was interrupted, his phone was ringing. He smiled back at them, as if excusing himself, while focusing on the voice at the end of the line. "I'm busy, what is it?" Pause, "A Lucario, really? Do you have it?" Pause. "Ecruteak?! All the way out there?! You're the most incompetent grunt I've ever had the displeasure of having to deal with." Pause. "Hm, right. Over here?" Another pause. The voice on the other end yammered on. "I see. I understand. Well, have him sent here with the other guests, it would be useful to have them all in one place." He hung up the phone. "Before any questions get answered, you'll have to stay in eager anticipation for a moment more. There's another joining us."

That third 'guest' came soon enough. He didn't look like much, in Mina's opinion. Wore green, had a sword, wore glasses - whatever. He did look like he'd had a rough journey to get here, though. She was curious as to why he'd been brought here, but didn't really care that much.

"Now, where were we?" the blonde man said, breaking the silence. "Oh yes, 'what exactly are we planning to do.' Well, that's simple enough. Essentially, all we're doing is reversing the Change."

07-30-2012, 01:41 AM
Saffron City

Kelly called back to Ned: "It's truly sad, Ned. They look strong too! Such a waste."
Loud gunshots got her attention, and she looked over to see Ned shooting at an Eevee. She pulled her gun out and fired as well.

The Abrok snarled as a whirling torrent of flame engulfed its head, its scales blistering and blackening as the fire roared about its hood. It tried to lash out and bite the source of the fire, but recoiled as a blob of lava splattered against its face. It cried out.

It tried to escape — better leave than die — when something hard hit it. A steel-hard Crobat wing smacked into the back of its head and sent it to the ground. There was a loud crack as the former met the latter, although nobody could be sure which one had made the sound. A black cloud of smoke appeared.

It had to go. Under the cover of the smokescreen, it began to coil and writhe. Its scales became pale where they weren't burned, and where they were, they began to peel off. The coiling snake buffeted the two scientists on top of whom it lay, before — with a triumphant hiss — it slipped out of the burned skin and slithered further into the city. Its new layer of skin was weak and sensitive. Ron and Syrio were left with a scorched Abrok skin draped over them like a blanket.

Kelly had fired three shots when Ned's Electabuzz screeched. The ear-splitting noise tore at her eardrums, causing her to pull both hands up to her head to block the noise.
"Damnit, Ned!" she yelled over the ringing in her ears, "For the hundredth time: give me a heads up!"
She looked up to see her Abrok fleeing away from the Pokemon Centre, leaving the scientists alone.
"Damn coward," she mumbled, "can't depend on a damn snake! Graveller! Crush that Magmortar!"

The boulder Pokemon, having done nothing in the way of fighting since the beginning of the battle, took two lumbering steps towards the spitfire Pokemon and fell into a roll, gaining speed as it trundled across the distance between them.

07-30-2012, 03:51 AM
Saffron City

Shaun decided now was the time to act, while the smokescreen still covered the area where the scientists were. Cocking his shotgun, Shaun charged into the smoke, Magmortor right behind him. Used to the thickness of the air that Mort's smoke was from his days as a Magma soldier, Shaun had no problem breathing as he searched the darkness for the scientists. What he DID find troubling was the Electabuzz's Screech, which he found himself barely able to resist.

However, Shaun continued to search for the scientists. He found them under what appeared to be the Arbok's skin. Tossing it aside, Shaun helped the two scientists up on their feet when he heard the woman Rocket command her Graveler to attack.

"Mort," he said quietly, though loud enough for the Pokemon to hear him over the Screeh. "Give it a taste of your Focus Blast. Wait until I give the signal." Turning, he half-led, half-dragged the scientists out of the screen of smoke and turned immediately to find his Crobat.

"Intercept that Graveler, Crobat!" He told it, not able to keep his voice down for that one. Crobat nodded and, unable to use its sonic detection to find the Graveler considering the Electabuzz's Screech, had to guess where the Graveler would be after having seen it enter the smoke. Streaking into the dark cloud, Crobat put up a Protect around herself and, amazingly, stopped the Graveler cold in its tracks.

"Now, Magmortor!" Shaun yelled, giving the Pokemon its cue as it appeared beside the Graveler, arm cannon aimed at the Rock-type. The Focus Blast could be seen glowing in the depths of Magmortor's arm, and it was suddenly released into Graveler's face as soon as Shaun gave the word.

Now Shaun returned his attention to his Houndoom, who was busy trying to stay away from that Machoke's grasp. Shaun had missed the command, so he could only assume the Fighting-type was trying a Toss or Throw move.

"Houndoom, give him a taste of your Roar!" Hearing its Trainer's call, Houndoom stood its ground and Roared furiously at the Machoke, an intimidating look coming across its face as if it prepared to face down God himself.

07-30-2012, 05:06 AM
Saffron City

Deron brought his hands up to his ears most instantly as the ear-deafening screech erupted, snarling as he held the new pokéball firmly in his hand. He tried to think rapidly about what to do, looking up at his Magnemite, who seemed to have hardly any trouble with the screeching noise, just merely having some trouble trying to keep his focus on.

Paining his head, Deron thought, rapidly taking in what was happening around him, before an idea popping into his head. "Magnemite! You don't need your electricity! Use your Gyro Ball on that Electabuzz! Go!"
The Magnemite re-established his focus as he looked down at the Electabuzz, before the hardened, steel pokémon came soaring down. During flight, he would begin making a rolling motion in the air, faster and faster, with his magnets on the side keeping him afloat as the rapidly spinning pokémon would rush down to try and strike the Electabuzz in the chest hard with its hardened, spinning, bolt studded body.

As he had commanded his Magnemite, he flung another pokéball forward, where his Nidorino would pop out from. "Nidorino! Take down that Machoke while he's distracted!" The purple pokémon landed with a firm thud on the ground, before rushing straight towards Machoke from the side, hopefully being distracted enough by the Houndoom as he would try to brutally smash his full weight into the fighting pokémon to knock him down.

Deron tried to gather his bearings at the moment, glancing around him to try and spot what else was going on, but keeping most of his attention focused on his pokémon.

08-01-2012, 08:00 AM
Neji had been taken to a base where he would be kept until the capturing of his Lucario. Ghastly and Bronzor ran around franticly since their connection with Neji had been temporarily broken apart. They stayed closed together and moved around the room to pick up Neji's scent. Of course, they failed. This caused him to go into a bigger panic. Lucario stepped in and held each one in his hands. He looked straight into their eyes and gave them a nod. This assured them that everything was going to be alright.

Lucario looked at the men tied in the middle of the room. Lucario had a feeling they might now where Neji is being kept. Lucario gave them a long stare until he figured out that a human must speak with them. The situation was tricky but it had to be done. He searched around the room for a person he was more aquainted with than the rest. He picked up the aura of the girl Neji met earlier at the pokemon center. He walked over to her and kneeled in front of her. This meant, he wished a favor of her,and of course, it was to save Neji.

One situation after another, capturing and recapturing. Lucario witnessed them all there in Ecruteak City. Cathy had a cold air around her and Lucario could feel it. She was the only one who Neji could trust the most between everyone else. Cath looked like she was ready to kill, but Lucario stood in her way. The other two pokemon also began to whine around her. The others might of noticed their behaviors too, and might of tied it in with the question of "where is the owner of those pokemons, Neji?"

08-02-2012, 11:10 PM
Saffron City

Ev jumped from side to side making sure to never be in the same place more then twice and for more then a second. However the screeched stopped him for a moment as he was closer then others he crouched for an instant pawing at his ears until one of the gun shots grazed his haunches making him jump with a loud yip that was pretty much lost in the screeching.

Meg clamped her hands over her ears wincing as the sound issued through her hands She gritted her teeth this was nothing like the roaring waves but it still make her head spin. Shaking her head back and forth for a moment she glanced around at her Pokemon. Persian Skidded across the ground after behind hit luckily for her she refused to die at the paws of a K-9 pushing herself up with a growl Sandslash rush passed with his crush claw while Silky pulled herself together.

Meg glanced over to Ev to see that he had a large scratch across him rump hampering his movements slightly as he dashed around "Ev double team!" She called wincing at her own voice. " Silky! double hit!" Now thinking about it she might have needed Ginger but she had not wanted to bring the dratini out.

08-03-2012, 12:25 AM
Ecruteak City

Cathy's eyes darkened more then what they already had been "get violent?" she asked quietly "I think many people could have told you the same thing yesterday" she growled darkly. She was about to respond to that fact no they didn't know what was going on that was why theses two where getting questioned in the first place! but Lucario moved in front of her and seemed to be asking for something she blinked slowly relaxing herself and pulling her hand away from her knife to cross them tightly over her chest again. Looking at the other two Pokemon and then around the room for Neji but again she was not seeing him at all. This worried her enough said.

"Has any one seen Neji" she asked more to the others then to the two men in front of her though her gaze rested on them for a few seconds before coming back to Lucario and the other two. "What help do you need from me?" she asked not sure what answer she would get it Neji was in trouble... she would not simply brush it off even if she did not know him much he had requested to travel with her... She sighed softly to herself. Beside her T.Y. shifted ready to move if Cathy said so.

08-05-2012, 11:26 AM
"AHH!!" Marcel yelped as the deafening shriek invaded his ears. He turned, but could see no sign of where the sound was coming from. He slowly released his hands at a pace that allowed him to slowly get a grip on the sound without bursting his eardrums. He reached to his belt and took a single pokéball from the belt, and threw it to the floor. The ball opened, and a white glow shaped itself into the shape of his Staryu. "C'Mon!" He said to his pokémon, running towards where the sound was loudest.
"Hi-Ya!" The Staryu said in response, flying in the air after him.

Marcel reached an area where several people were fighting. He onlooked from behind a tree as to what was happening. Several pokémon were on the scene, almost too many to count. He would be outnumbered if he tried to help. "Lay low, Staryu..." He said, looking on curiously.

((Sorry if this reply makes no sense, I'm trying to find a way to join the RP =] ))

08-06-2012, 02:11 AM
Viridian City – Rocket Base

The blonde man paused, obviously for dramatic effect. Not that any effect needed to be added, the statement was dramatic enough. Mina was surprised, but was further surprised when she glanced behind her to where Haru was standing and found that he was not – in fact, he looked rather… anxious. It was odd, but the blonde man spoke again before she could put much thought into it.

“Ah, well, perhaps that was an exaggeration. Retrospectively, reverse isn’t quite the correct word to use… perhaps mitigate. We're mitigating the effects of the Change. Or at least, two of them. I suppose I should explain further.” He paused, smoothed out his tie, and then continued. “Are you aware that a Meganium's breath has the ability to revive plant life? What we are doing is using this useful inherent skill to… benefit others.

"The Change poisoned the earth, so that plants could no longer grow healthily. When plants die out, what happens to the herbivores? And then the carnivores? They all die out. Using this Pokemons’ ability, we’ll be able to bring life back to our region – to all regions! Not just food for the plant-eaters but for us as well as medicine, building materials, fresh air, fuel, and just about everything else society needs to survive. In time, it’ll be like this Change never happened. Naturally, this information is more for your benefit,” he nodded to Mina and Neji, “as Haru is well aware of this. I am truly glad to see you again, Haru, and your Meganium, too.”

Neji shook his head, they were messing with the natural balance of nature, Something man should not mess around with. He couldn't do anything at the moment, their plan was unstable, because surely, their solution could have been reached with another method that didn't involve this change.

This revelation was unexpected. To Mina, their plan did actually seem like a pretty decent thing to do. She didn’t really know what to make of his statements to Haru, though, so she ignored them. Regardless of that, she still wasn’t completely trusting. This was Team Rocket - nothing they did was noble. There had to be a catch.

“Moreover,” the blonde man continued, “we’re also trying to find a way to domesticate these Meganiums, followed by the rest of the Pokemon, so that they become incapable of returning to their primal instincts and turning feral, like so many have already."

Mina glanced back. Haru looked even more uncomfortable now. What was his deal?

"We were making progress with a 'cure' for this mental condition. In fact, we had successfully developed one — a naturally occurring substance in Meganium blood that keeps them docile. We simply located a specific, rare variant of this substance and used it as the foundations of a sort of anti-virus that is compatible with all Pokemon, not just those grass dinosaurs. There was only one problem. The Chikorita host went missing before we could produce a finalised cure. We spent a very long time looking for it, and we were very angry when we heard tales of a lone trainer who happened to find a Chikorita and wouldn't let us look at it." He shot an angry glare at Haru.

"But, we are reasonable people, so we decided to let go. Just this once. We started the process all over again, and it was a little easier once we knew what worked and what didn't with the first one. We were close to recreating the enzymes in another Meganium, almost ready to heal the world, when SOMEBODY STOLE IT!!"

He slammed his fist down on the table with those last words, causing everybody else in the room to flinch. He remained in that position, his breathing ragged and laboured, before one of the four other members of Team Rocket reached into his jacket and pulled out what looked like an inhaler. He handed it to the blonde haired man, who accepted it and turned away to take a long puff from the mouthpiece. He put it into his pocket and turned back to the trainers.

"So we started looking for the first Meganium again, but we also tracked the thief to Ecruteak city, all the way in Johto, and sent someone after him. Twice he failed to retrieve the Meganium, the old coot, so we sent someone who we thought would be a little more effective doing the job. It turns out we were wrong, because he came back with you," he pointed at Neji, "and only you. No Pokemon, no cure, no thief, just a trainer with a sword, which should have been taken away!"

Neji squinted his eyes at the man, but made no movement or sounds. His connection with Lucario was far greater than anything they might have with their experimental Pokemons. Now he knew part of their plan, and now, all he had to do was to have patience.

As if on cue, the man with half a moustache — who had been standing by the elevator door since he had brought Neji in — stepped forward and removed the weapon. Neji was not happy, with his sword being taken away, but since he was in no position to fight, he let it go for now. The blonde man went on, as calmly as he could.

“So you see,” blondie clearly wasn’t done yet, “even though Team Rocket hasn’t had the best reputation in the past, we’re really doing what’s best for everyone now. What, you think our plans were unaffected by the Change? No, no, it affected everyone. And now, we’re finding a way to make sure things go back to the way they were – hm, let me correct myself. We’re finding a way to make things even better than they were before.” He smiled. It was charming, but it seemed like it had been rehearsed many times before in front of a mirror. He spread his hands in front of him. “And, there you are. I hope you found that answer suitable.”

08-06-2012, 02:11 AM
Ecruteak City

"You can start with your name." Brendan said flatly.

"My name is Riley," the bomber babbled, a little too quickly to seem casual.

"So, Riley," Garrett began, the anger in his voice was easy to detect, "How about you tell us why you tried to blow this place and everyone inside it sky-high?"

“What?” Riley said, “Yesterday, You mean? I had reasons for that; if this guy hadn’t been chasing me that would never have happened!” He jerked his head over at Gregory, his chair rocking from the movement. “Look, let me… explain.” He took a deep breath, obviously trying to prepare himself. “Okay… So, I’m a member of Team Rocket. Was, a member. Was. I left, ran away, because of what they were doing.” He glanced around the room, just to make sure no one was pointing a gun in his face or about to kill him. “You guys took my last Pokemon — a Meganium, right? Well, that’s why I ran away. It just… wasn’t right. I’ll explain.

“So, these Pokemon, the Meganiums. They can bring plants back to full health, right? Well, once the Execs got wind of that, they had an idea. This was after The Change, right when everything started going to shit. They started breeding them –dozens! Hundreds, probably, ever since the Change happened, and they’re still doing it now. And not all of them were tame, right? The offspring, I mean. They didn’t work. They were too vicious, affected by the Change, or died because of poisoning. The ones that didn't die, they kept — even if they were feral. The one I took, she was good, though… They must have an army of them by now, but most of them have gone feral. Once Team Rocket can change that, they’re going to sell them to the highest bidder, and when the whole world’s your market you can bet the sellers will be swimming in cash! Who’s going to turn down the chance to have actual plants again, after all?”

"So you were using them for plants." Brendan said. "I knew it."

Riley paused and looked at Brendan, then took another breath, as if gathering his thoughts. Before anyone else could speak, he continued.

“That’s not all though. They’re doing even more to them. Meganiums are… docile, by nature. So apart from breeding them to get some who aren’t feral that they can sell, they’re also using them to turn other Pokemon back to normal. Extracting some sort of… cure from them. It makes the Pokemon calmer, not as violent, you know. Like how it was before.” He shook his head. “But, not all of the Meganiums can produce it. It's a genetic trait, and it only becomes active once the Pokemon has fully matured. There were so many failed experiments…

"They successfully developed a cure in one of the Meganiums." He went on. "They were going to use it to cure all of the others so that they could sell them. But then it disappeared. Stolen, lost, or just misplaced, it was gone. They couldn't find it, so they tried to make another one. They had almost finished rebuilding the cure in this one Meganium, but by that point I'd had it with standing around and watching on. I took it, along with a whole bunch of other Pokemon to keep myself safe, because I knew they'd come after me: a Nidoking, three Electrodes, and that Sneasel.

With those words he leaned his head to the side to give a look to Sneasel again, but Brendan stepped to the same side and obscured his view.
"You know, Riley," Brendan started in a matter-of-fact tone, "if your Pokemon are going to protect you then it needs to be a two-way dynamic. You need to keep them safe so that they can do the same for you. Sure, use them to fight, but trying to blow up a building that all of your Pokemon are inside of does not count as good dynamic. Pitting one Pokemon against a dozen others, give or take, plus one gun, does not count as good dynamic."

"If I destroyed the Dance Hall with me and my Pokemon in it," Riley defended, "Team Rocket wouldn't be able to get them back. It would set their plans back by months."

"Instead of, say, giving this miracle cure to the rest of the world so that they could use it?" Brendan suggested redundantly, "That would set back Team Rocket's plans for good, if those are their plans."

"No," Riley denied, "it wouldn't have. They would have kidnapped any other competitor's Pokemon. You know that's what they would do. Besides, they had other Meganiums waiting in line to be the next host should one disappear, but I’m not the only one who rescued one of them. A couple of others went missing, too, before – and the very first one, where the cure pretty much came from had long since disappeared. Never found. Though now that I think about it, I heard rumours that it was still alive, and that they were tracking it down. Still, can you imagine the amount of money Team Rocket will make once their done? They’ll hold the entire world in the palm of their hands… And the extent of the testing and experimentation that these Pokemon went through for that to happen, so many were just filed away in a tiny glass box until they could be cured and sold.

"That’s why I left, money be damned. And like I said before, the one I took – she was good! She has most of the cure in her bloodstream, but it's molecular structure is incomplete. It will keep her sane, but only her — it can't be transferred like a vaccine, but it's almost complete. So, they sent him,” he jerked his head at Gregory again, “to get her back, and kill me too, I think. That’s why I did it — the bombing I mean.

“And I don’t know about any Nejis. If he’s missing, he’s probably dead.” He sat back in his chair – not that he could really lean forward since he was tied down, after all. Gregory, next to him, still wasn’t quite conscious.

"Well I'd still like to hear another side of this story," Brendan said, his eyebrows equally low and flat, "so why don't we wake this old guy up and get it out of him."

"On it," Garrett replied, he took a few steps over to the older man and spoke again, "hey, hey you, wake up." Nothing, Garrett slapped him lightly, the man made a kind of gurgling noise but didn't stir. Garrett slapped him harder, twice. He would normally have felt bad about slapping an older man in the face, but he could easily make an exception in this case. The man's eyes fluttered open.

"Did you have a good nap?" Garrett asked, un-holstering his rifle and pointed it at his face. "How about you introduce yourself?"

"How about you go fuck yourself?" the other man spat, mocking Garrett's intonation and tone.

"The only thing stopping me from blowing your head off here and now is the possibility that you might cooperate." Garrett replied. "What's your name and why did you come here in the first place?" He pushed the gun against the man's face.

"F-fuh- Greg, name's Greg." Garrett looked at Riley, who nodded. That was his real name then, not a fake. Greg continued, "I came here for that scumbag, to get back what he stole," he shot a glance at Riley. "That's all. Once you all got involved is when it got ugly, I just wanted to get a single, damn Pokemon back."

08-06-2012, 02:13 AM
Saffron City

Magmortar's focus blast struck the Graveler on the side, causing a small explosion and sending the poor boulder spinning wildly off to the side, curving away from Shaun's Pokemon. It rammed into the wall of one of the buildings that flanked the street, opposite Marcel's hiding spot, and sent a puff of dust into the air. Once it settled everybody could see that the Graveler had a massive crack running diagonally across its face. It moaned in pain and couldn't move.

Kelly was pissed. Abrok had fucked off and now Graveler was down for the count. It wasn't going to fight any more, but it was in a perfect position for something else.

"Graveler!" she cried out, "Use explosion!"
It was a quick command, but the injured Pokemon could hear it and understood it. The unfortunate Graveler was in a lot of pain, and it would only be a matter of time before it was attacked again. Detonating, it thought, would be a sweet release from pain and an escape from further possible attacks. It took a breath and made up its mind. It closed its eyes and, after only two short seconds after it was ordered to, blew up.

The explosion shook the streets, throwing every person and Pokemon who stood on them to fall over. Eighty-five kilograms of long, stone shards shot out in almost every direction, although those who stood farther away were safer. The sound of that sudden release of energy was enough to temporarily deafen everyone gathered there in the streets. On top of that, a mushroom cloud of smoke, dirt and dust filled the air in the streets. The peace of Saffron city had finally been compromised.

Kelly scrambled back onto her feet as fast as she could before anyone took advantage of her inability to hear. She looked back down the street to see if the explosion had caught anybody. She couldn't see or hear anyone, but training had taught her to expect the worst every time, so that she was either right or pleasantly surprised. When the dust began to settle, she found out that she was right. In fact, there was someone new, hiding behind a tree that had three stone shards sticking out of the trunk. This one had a Staryu.

Fuck this, she thought, there's too many of them.
She turned to Ned, who was probably a little angry that Kelly had refrained from giving him a heads up, and signalled for him to withdraw his Pokemon and retreat: it was a simple gesture, she held out her open palm and clenched it into a fist with the thumb sticking out in the opposite direction of the fight. Ned nodded, and understood, though he was scowling - a screech had nothing on an explosion, and he didn't even get time to complain! As he began to round his Pokemon up, Kelly brought out her last one. She pressed the button on the Pokeball and threw it out in front of her. With a red flash, the large Pokemon appeared in front of her.

"Cover us, runt!" she yelled, but only the Pokemon could hear her. To her, everything was silent, and her voice was just a muffled trumpet.

Ned picked himself up quickly and withdrew all his Pokemon. It was simple enough, two had been knocked down from attacks, and Mightyena had been knocked down by the explosion. "Useless," he muttered to himself, but didn't put much thought into it as he spun around and ran, gun still in his hand. Damned meddlers, why couldn't people just mind their own business?

Kelly gripped her gun and ran away after Ned. They rounded a corner and were gone. In their place, they left a single Pokemon — a Blastoise — and it was a sorry looking creature.
The poisonous rain had taken its toll on the water Pokemon, and it showed in the creature's appearance. Its skin was stretched and pale, it face drooped with exhaustion, and it was slouched over. But still it tried to fight. It took a deep breath, stepped forward and fired two powerful blasts of water from its cannons, flooding the entire street with a wall of fresh, cold whitewash. Well, it tried to.

The cannon on the right spurted a stream of muddy water at one side of the street, reaching a peak of ankle height before receding. The one on the left gurgled and spat flecks of mud before releasing a more consistent spray that condensed the dust in the air and caused it to settle quickly.

It's payload dealt, the Blastoise passed out fell forwards onto its chest, revealing another reason for its weakness: it shell bore three cracks that formed a triangle. The corners reached the outer perimeter of its shell, and each point was missing a small fragment. Obviously this had put the Blastoise through immeasurable pain, even when it wasn't training, and had weakened it. Kelly had no intention of keeping the weak creature.

08-06-2012, 05:54 AM
Saffron City

Shaun only had a moment to react with a grunted, "Protect!" before the sound of two tons of T.N.T.*** met his eardrums. The shockwave was bad enough, but the shards of rock were enough to give him the necessary amount of pause to throw himself to the ground. Crobat had heard her command and reacted in time, but Magmortor and Houndoom had no such move to help them, and thus were subject to the full brunt of the assault.

Magmortor was closer to the Graveler when it had Exploded. In fact, he was the closest thing besides Crobat, who was Protecting herself. Two shards struck the great Fire Pokemon in the gut, causing it to double over in pain. There would be no permanent damage, Shaun judged, but it looked painful nonetheless.

Houndoom was luckier. He was knocked down by the shockwave and was down when the shards passed over him, only then allowing himself to get back to his feet. No one could hear, though, and that caused the Pokemon to determine the necessary move to to return to Shaun's side. Shaun, who was just getting back to his feet, nodded to his Spitfire Pokemon, then moved to the aid of his Magmortor and Crobat.

Crobat, while still receiving the concussive shock of the Explosion, had escaped harm in the form of stone shards, and thus felt fit enough to return to the sky and attempt to find the Rockets, whom Shaun had just noticed were missing from the field. Made sense... What he also noticed was a rather pathetic looking Blastoise...

Returning Mort to his ball for a much needed rest, Shaun began to move towards the Water Pokemon. He noticed the others were getting to their feet as well, and thus assumed he was left to deal with this poor thing. His hearing was clearing, as well, which was a blessing. The Blastoise, having completed its rather weak excuse for an attack, fell to its belly and lay there. At first, Shaun thought it dead, but the Pokemon breathed, barely. Houndoom snarled and started to move forward, but Shaun kept the hound back with a quick word.

"This poor thing... No, Houndoom, its no threat..." He said quietly, cocking his shotgun. The Blastoise stirred and peered at him, wondering what that noise was.

Shaun shook his head. "Sleep well. Your misery is over," he said, as he lowered the muzzle of the shotgun towards the Pokemon's head, finger on the trigger.

***I have NO idea how much is necessary for that amount of hearing damage, so I'm going to do a wild guess here xD Hopefully no one nitpicks here, but if anyone DOES know, feel free to correct me lol

08-06-2012, 12:48 PM
The explosion. The horrible, Destructive eruption of rock and dust threw Marcel to the floor. The Staryu made a noise that sounded like he latter half of "Hi-Yah!" before it fell to the floor beside it's master. The sound was unbearable, a high pitched ringing was all Marcel could make out for a good few, unidentifiable number of seconds. the fear that he would be permanently deafened caused a tiny twinge of pain in his heart, but as he lay there, he began to hear shuffling. perhaps this was just a symptom of his hearing leaving, but no..It was the sound of Staryu shuffling beside him.
"Staryu!" He said, forcing himself onto his knees and palms, and coughing out a gravvely mouthful of dirt and rock. He felt his throat burning in pain, but that would have to wait, his hearing, and Staryu were his main priority right now. He turned to face it. he saw that there was no true damage other than a tiny shard of Rock embedded in the left arm. "Hold on, Stary-" Marcel began, but then he faintly heard the sound of gurgling, and then a loud thud as if something had fallen over. He raised his head to see a very sickly looking Blastoise laying on the floor, with a cracked shell. "Poor bugger.." Marcel said, turning to his own pokémon.
"Hey, Staryu, Don't" He stopped to cough up more rubble. "Don't move, okay?" He said, as he leant over and wrapped his fingers around the shard of rock in the pokémon's back. He yanked it out, hard. Staryu goraned, and twitched it's arms and legs. "Y'okay, Buddy?"
Staryu shuffled so that it was standing up, facing him. Marcel took this as a yes. "Brilliant" he smiled, then sat up. the sickly tree he was hiding behind had three large chunks of rock jammed in the trunk. he made a *phew* noise as he smiled, that could have been him. He turned to the Blastoise as he heard the sound of a voice. he saw a Dog approaching the turtle. No, not a Dog.. a Houndoom Pokémon. Marcel tried to stand. He now realised that he was covered in filthy water, and was cold. He saw the Houndooms trainer approach the Beast and hold a Gun out to the beasts head. Staryu shudered, and moved behind Marcel. "Poor Bugger." He said, loud enough to be heard by the other man. He approached slowly, with his hands up, showing he meant no harm.

08-06-2012, 04:30 PM
Saffron City

Deron blinked as he heard the command. He knew what was coming. "Dammit! Nidori-..!" He couldn't finish his command as a deafening explosion occured, blasting Deron off of his feet, bringing up his arms and legs to shield himself, feeling fragments of rock and stone strike him, but managing to avoid any major wounds as he laid curled up on the ground, shielding himself, and especially his ears, to avoid damage to his hearing. He has experienced explosions before, and so he knew what to expect.

Magnemite was blasted backwards aswell, interupting his attack as he tumbled towards a wall, crashing into it. It left Magnemite dazed, but luckily, his hardened state had safeguarded him from damage.

Nidorino was lucky, though. The blast threw him off of his feet, with rock and stone shards slashing at him, before he tumbled over the ground, rolling his own weight pulled him to a stop. With that single explosion, the vivid pokémon groaned pained, laying on the ground as it couldn't bring up the strength to move yet.

Once everything was safe, Deron grunted as he pushed himself up. "Ngh...Damn..." He then looked around, spotting Magnemite and Nidorino, quickly rushing over to the latter. "Are you alright, buddy?" The Nidorino forced out a grin. He was tough, Deron knew that. He pulled out his pokéballs, calling both his pokémon in. "Rest you two..." Once they were inside, he groaned as he pushed himself up to his feet, turning his attention to the new pokémon, his eyes widening at the sight. "No..."
He reached for the shell fragment hanging around his neck, before his eyes turned to Shaun, looking him prepare to finish off the blastoise.

Seeing this, he rushed forward towards Shaun, stumbling halfway through. "Shaun! Don't!" He grunted, dropping to his knee, looking down. He had an ugly gash across his right leg. Snarling to himself, he pushed himself up once again, slowly making his way over to Shaun. "Don't... Don't kill it."
Any sign of Deron being the hardened soul he tried to appear to be was gone, stumbling over to the blastoise, dropping down besides its head as he laid its hand on the top of its skull. "He... reminds me..." He didn't finish his sentence, tears forming in his eyes as he looked down at the pokémon, before looking at its shell. He noticed various pieces of shell were missing, and with that, his attention turned to the shell fragment around his neck.
Thoughts rushed through his mind. This couldn't possibly be him. This couldn't be the Blastoise he raised as his first pokémon. This Blastoise was in such bad shape, he couldn't tell the difference for sure.
Instead, Deron forced himself up, snapping the cord holding the shell piece up as he stumbled around the blastoise, over to the fractures on his shell, looking at them, before looking at the fragment in his hand.

He seemed conflicted, he was hoping that he had found his best friend again after having lost him for so long, but on the other hand, he hoped this wasn't him, he hoped that his friend was dead, just to know he didn't had to go through the torture of Team Rocket. He held back his tears as much as he could, but the sight of this Blastoise just spurred him so much. Silently, he'd whisper. "Blastoise... Is it... you?"

08-06-2012, 06:15 PM
Meg had been thrown to the ground and a bit more causing her to be a few feet from where she had previously started. One arm scraped up from being thrown across the ground the other embedded with small shards of rock. she mound and rolled over her good arm,if it could be called good, held her other as she started to try and get up coughing and hacking at the dust that filled her mouth but she could hear nothing even if she could feel it going though her body. She noted that she was pretty wet now and at any other point would have sighed from shear fact that... she had taken a shower this morning but it was not just any other time... pushing herself up to stand she shook slightly more from the shock she was in then injury though blood was starting to well out of the gashes.

"EV! RU!" she coughed a bit before calling out for silky though she still could not hear her voice. it was like the time a roaring wave came up and all you could hear was the roar of the wind but... she really could not hear anything... Looking around she could see Ev had been knocked down and was out cold the large gash on his haunches staining the fur around it. Ru seemed to be alright for the most part though he seemed staggered he had been protected mostly by the hard spine like stuff on his back. Silky was still up but she had a scrape on her shoulder and she was now limping heavily.

Coughing to clear her throat she tried to wet it then with her own saliva so she could spit out the remaining mud before looking around for the others. A retched looking Blastoise lay on the ground Where Shaun stood over it with his shotgun pointed to it though it was hard to hear what he said. She realized that slowly, ever so slowly she was able to hear... muffled sounds but not exactly where they where coming from or how far away. She shook her head her full hearing might come back in a bit but for now she had to rely on something else. looking back over to Shaun and the Blastoise she was not sure what to do the thing looked so sick... but its not like she wanted it dead. She could either convince Shaun to not kill it and she could take it into her care or some one else could. Or she could let him put it out of its pain.

She Stumbled over t Ev and gently picked the small Eevee up While Silky limped after her with Ru close beside her. After making sure Ev was well alive she started over to shaun still not sure what choice she should make. She Stumbled a bit her legs scratched up almost as bad as her arm but she managed to make it half way to Shaun before the other man that had been fighting with him shouted something he scrambled over despite the wounds he hand and she could see.... tears in his eyes. she came over slowly taking her steps one at a time until she was standing next to shaun She watched in silence for a long moment before pulling out Two pokeballs and returning Silky and Ru but continued to hold Ev close to her. to be honest they all needed some treating now.

08-06-2012, 10:15 PM
Marcel watched as the boy rushed over, asking the gun-wielder, apparently named "Shaun" Not to shoot. He was confused, surely it would be kindest to allow the pokémon to expire, to prevent further pain to the poor beast. it was then that he noticed the Blastoise shell fragment around the boys neck. Could this really be a significant Blastoise to this boys history?
"Return, Staryu, you could do with the rest" He said, drawing Staryu back into the ball with a stream of red light. he sighed, and looked back to the boy with the broken shell.
Broken Shell.
"SHIT!" he said, more vocally than he intended. he dropped to the floor beside the others and pulled the zip across his bag. He fumbled about for a bit before he managed to pull out a maroon towel-like blanket. inside the blanket, as Marcel slowly unfolded it was a fully-intact Poké-Egg. Marcel let out a grateful sigh and stroked the shell of the egg carefully. "Thank goodness!" He smiled, as he carefully re-wrapped up the egg,a nd tucked it neatly into his back, before turning back tot he Blastoise.
"Is...Is it going to be okay?" He asked, mainly to the guy who was kneeling beside the Beast.

08-07-2012, 04:42 AM
Saffron City

"Shaun! Don't!" came Deron's voice, and Shaun lowered the shotgun, turning in surprise. Stepping aside, the older man watched as the seemingly implacable Deron nearly broke down at the sight of this Pokemon. It wasn't simply the Pokemon's state alone, Shaun realized. Something about the Pokemon itself, perhaps its condition alongside it, triggered this...

Shaun had no idea, but instead of making things awkward for the man, he instead turned his attention to the scientists they had been going out of their way to save. Returning to their side, Shaun looked each of them over for any wounds that would make things hard for them to move or be moved.

"You two okay?" he asked, Houndoom coming over to check on them as well. Crobat returned then as well, shaking her head. She had lost the Rockets. Shaun nodded and returned the bat. She had earned her rest, too.

08-07-2012, 02:00 PM
Saffron City

The Blastiose peered up at Deron from under a half-closed eyelid. He was in a daze — utterly exhausted — and couldn't even recognise the man he knew so very long ago. Ever since his shell was cracked and he washed up on the shore of the Seafoam islands, he had endured a constant pain. Not a searing agony — at least after the first few days — but an ache, like a toothache, but spread all over his back. He couldn't move without inflicting massive amounts of pain upon his back, and it was only after two days of lying on the shore when two people he didn't know appeared and put him inside a Pokeball. A quick catch.

While he had become used to the ache, it was still twelve years since he last slept comfortably, so the days wore on with exhaustion. He couldn't even defend himself by tucking into his shell because it hurt so much. He could only weather any hit that was thrown at him. Kelly had attempted to fix the Pokemon's shell on separate occasions, but not to any lasting effect.

As Deron looked over his long lost friend, he could see patterns on the creature's pale skin, thick lines that criss-crossed all over his body. They were scars he still bore from the Change, and they looked just like Tentacool sting scars.

Still the Blastoise couldn't move. He was too tired to do anything other than breathe and roll his one open eye back and forth to try and look at the trainers around him. He just didn't recognise any of them.

"He... reminds me..." The voice echoed in Blastoise's head, prodding at something that had long since been pushed back. It was familiar, it was something he remembered hearing, something good from before the pain...

"Blastoise... Is it... you?"


The realisation hit like a thunderclap.

08-07-2012, 03:21 PM
Marcel hoisted the bag up over his shoulder and rested it on his back. He safely clipped his Staryu onto his belt, and checked to make sure that Bulbasaur was still by his side. Both Pokéballs were present. this is an act Marcel did often, just as you would check your pocket to make sure your phone hadnt gone missing.
Marcel turned back to the other two trainers. The new arrival of a Golbat almost startled him, but he felt relief as it returned to it's pokéball.
He checked his body for any further damage. other than a small collection of scratches, and no doubt future bruising, he was okay. He then shifted his focus back to the Blastoise. He saw the longing in both Trainer and Beast's eyes as they stared to eachother. He watched silently as the events took place

((Sorry, Kinda stuck for what to reply with..))

08-07-2012, 04:44 PM
Saffron City

Deron merely gazed down at the weakened pokémon, before he slid the shell fragment from his neck over one of the cracks in the Blastoise's shell, his eyes widening. It was a perfect fit.
All over his body, he discovered the old scars coming from the lacerations of Tentacool and Tentacruel tentacles. His tears streamed down his face as he leaned over to lock his arms around the Blastoise's head gently.

"Blastoise... You survived... I thought I had lost you forever."

The water pokémon would try to respond to his trainer's reactions, but he was just too weakened to do so, he just merely let his eyes slide shut, breathing deeply as he let the old memories return. The memories of Deron tending to him, training him, fighting alongside him.

The memory of their last moments together also erupted. How they were swimming for their lives, and how Blastoise tried to shield Deron from the merciless and crazed Tentacool, before using the last of his strength to blast Deron to safety with his own water cannons, as he was being dragged down by the gone nuts pokémon.

Soon, Deron sat up on his knees again, before reaching for his belt, pulling an old, worn pokéball. Blastoise's former pokéball. "It's not the most luxerous comfort... But I'm not letting you slip away again. You're gonna be fine, Blastoise. I promise." He then gently pressed the button of the pokéball on Blastoise's skull, letting his disappear into his former home. He had to do it, because the pokémon was too big and heavy to carry like.

Grunting, Deron pushed himself up, holding the pokéball like his life depended on it. He looked over at the only person he knew here. "Shaun!" He stumbled over to them, his tears drying up on his cheeks. The gash on his leg was pretty nasty, disallowing him to hardly support himself as he stumbled over to the party, dropping to a knee once more as he looked over at the guys, before looking down at the pokéball again.

08-07-2012, 05:21 PM
Saffron City

Meg continued to watch she could feel tears coming to her own eyes as she heard what the man said wiping them away was a pain but they left dirty tracks down her cheeks which only smeared more as she rubbed them away. She realized that Shaun had moved over to the scientists. As Deron called out and moved over to the group Meg quickly followed with her own injuries. Cradling Ev in one arm she came over to Help the man up after he fell once more gosh the scratches littering her body hurt but she pushed this away they had far worse matters to attend to. "We all need to be looked at now." she said wincing a bit "and more so our Pokemon heavens knows some of them are probably worse off then us..."

Her Pokemon she could say would be alright less hurt then some of the bigger ones who had taken on more of the fight but they had still been though a lot Silky was probably the worst off of the three. Ev was simply knocked out by the blast and had a heck of a cut on his haunches but he would be alright. "I-i'll go warn the nurse." She mumbled her hearing was coming back now ...faster and glad of it. She made her legs move quickly back to the center. pushing the door open with her body she stumbled in "we got injured people out side!" she called knowing she looked a mess but would rather get care to the others out side first. Ginger having seen her entrance came over worriedly nosing her trainer but Meg gently pushed her away insisting that she was fine but even the gentles push from the large giraffe Pokemon was to much for Meg and she staggered to the side and then feel right back into a sit wincing yet again Ginger started to prance around her and meg could only guess she was trying to apologize for knocking her over.

08-08-2012, 05:53 PM
Marcel nodded at the girl. he knew Staryu was injured, it's arm must be in horrible pain, and Bulbasaur was still unconscious from their last battle. "Hey, where is the nearest Pokémon centre?" Marcel asked, trying to engage a conversation with these new people. perhaps he could form some form of alliance, and then he would be far safer than alone, and God knows he wasnt safe alone.

but then He felt unsure about the current situation, on one hand, they had fought off one side of a battle, and they had retreated off, leaving nothing but a bunch of half-deafened trainers and a sickly Blastoise, but then, how could he know that these were the 'good' guys, or that they were in the right? he knew nothing of this history, and yet he felt more drawn to these people than the others. "My Staryu got injured in that blast, and I have a Bulbasaur who is still unconscious from a battle a couple of days ago. DO you guys mind if I tag along with you, even just for a while?" he asked, hoping not to be cast aside like a stray Meowth

08-10-2012, 12:44 AM
Ecruteak City

Lucario answered Cathy with a grunt, and walked outside hoping she would know to follow him. He walked and sat down on the floor. With some force, he drew out what he could. He drew a stick figure in a cage. It represented Neji being captured. He stopped and looked at Cathy to see if she understood his drawn scene.

Cathy closed her eyes as the man said that he was probably dead "Did I ask if he was dead? no! I asked if any one had seen him that mean's corps or living body!" she growled T.Y. shifted threateningly beside her but both remained exactly where they where as Garrett woke the other man crossing her arms she listened but found nothing that really interested her. Turning her gaze as Lucario left she glanced at T.Y and quickly followed Bolt quickly following them out. Both Bolt and T.Y. peered over her shoulder at what Lucario had drawn looking at each other in confusion for a moment then back as Cathy was silent. After a moment she shook her head indicating that she really did not understand. It had to do with Neji but for all her worth it looked like a stick figure in a cage... was neji trapped some where?

Lucario let out a sigh. He knew it might be harder than expected since he couldn't speak the human language. He looked around then called on Bronzor with a loud roar. The scared Bronzor came out and looked at Lucario with soft eyes. Lucario drew another man and a vehicle with wheels, then pointed to the picture and spoke to the Bronzor. Bronzor responded back and began using his psychic problems. The drawins popped out of the ground, and began moving. Bronzor was animating them. It showed the stick figure fighting with the other figure, then getting captured and taken away in the vehicle. Lucario then looked at Cathy for understandment yet again.

Cathy blinked back her surprised and forced her mind to work instead of simply watch what was happening before her. "Neji was... taken to some where after or during our fight?" she asked "When?" she asked again looking back at Lucario "When was he taken and how?" she asked knowing that it was.. probably going to be in a picture again.

Lucario began drawin a clock type drawing. With the shadow it displayed the time when Cathy and the others were out fighting. So she would know that it happened while she was out. Then he drew the "R" of team rocket on a shirt like drawing to tell her it was team rocket who took him.

Bolt and T.Y. shifted and looked at each other they understood. Caty went silent for a moment her eyes slowly darkning angry but not as much as she had been earlier she was far more worried. "They are still around..." she murmured she had heard rumors and more but this... she could now simply push this away as simply a wrong state they WERE still around. Spinning on her heels she moved back to the room Even if she could go after Neji even she had to admit there was no way she could take them on alone but... if the others would not come then she would do what she could...alone.

"Neji's been taken by the rockets...." Cathy said darkly as soon as she entered into the door looking at the other two "I'm going after him..."

Neji's trustful pokemon followed Cathy into the room where the others were. When she said she was going after Neji herself, Lucario put a hand infront of her. He pointed to the others and then connected his hands, showing them that this had to be a team effort and not a solo mission.

Cathy took a small breath and in a gentle gestures patted his paw aside showing that she understood. It was not very often but Cathy had a soft and... some what pleading look her tone was soft as she spoke "I already know I can't take them alone..." Bolt and T.Y. almost stumbled back by shear shock of the softness but it changed almost as quickly as it had come. "...But if I have to then I will..." She said the edge returning to her voice once more "So will we finish this up and be off? or Am I on my own?"

Lucario,Bronzor and Ghastly looked at the others. And waited.

(co-op between P.K. and Zatory-Master)

08-10-2012, 03:09 AM
Saffron City

“Hah – yes, I- I think so,” the Syrio replied. His was bleeding heavily but he was just thankful to be breathing at this point. A few feet away, Ron lay sprawled out- he was in a considerably sorrier state. “I can’t thank you enough for your help. I don’t know, and would rather not consider, what would have happened if they’d caught us.” He propped himself up with his arm, looking around for James.

As if on cue, James exited the Center -he'd obviously been hiding there while the battle took place. He rushed over to where his friends lay. “Syrio! I’m so glad you’re alive,” he turned to the other one, “Ron! Come on, wake up! Uh, this looks bad. I’m going to take him to the Nurse." He glanced around at the devastated area. "Looks like she’ll have a lot to do for now…” With that, he delicately half-carried his friend into back into the Center where he could get treatment.

“I’m not sure why they were after us in the first place,” Syrio went on to the intimidating gruff man before him, “I think we just dug too deep… Found out too much. Never thought they’d actually find us, though.” He began trying to stand, obviously much weaker than he thought he was.

08-10-2012, 03:11 AM
Ecruteak City

Garrett was oblivious to what was going on behind him between Cathy and Neji’s Pokemon, intently focused on Greg, anger clouding his face and thoughts. “It was a simple mission, you’re right, but you’re too useless to even do that, huh? You failed pretty spectacularly.”

Once Cathy spoke, though, his attention shifted. Neji? Captured by Team Rocket? Was there anything they didn’t ruin?!

“Wait, Cathy, hold on,” Garrett began, his gun still firmly on Greg’s face, “don’t be impulsive. We don’t even know where we’d be going.” He flashed a smile and put special emphasis on the word ‘we’. As much as he liked Ecruteak, and as hesitant as he was to leave, there was no way he couldn’t. Not now. He turned back to Greg, “why don’t you tell us where we should be headed?”

“What the fuck are you-“ Greg began, but was cut off by Brendan.

"OK Riley," Brendan said contemplatively, "you're telling the truth about stealing the Pokemon, and this guy chasing you down for it, but what about the rest of your story? Can this guy back it up, too?"

"Back what up?" Greg spat, obviously oblivious to the gun at his face "What's he told you?!"

"Riley's just told us that Team Rocket is breeding Meganiums to bring back plant life so that they can blackmail the world, as well as something about a cure. Is this-?"

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Greg bellowed at Riley, "Telling people about this?!"

"I'll take that as a yes," Brendan said, "so it goes without saying that you're a part of Team Rocket?"

"Yes," Greg mumbled angrily "how does that fucking matter?"

"Well, I thought they disbanded years ago, after some charade with the radio tower in Goldenrod."

"Well what the fuck does it look like, kid?" he growled, "Obviously, we're a little bit more tenacious than that!"

Greg leaned back in his chair, but like Riley, he wasn't really leaning forward in the first place. He just seemed to relax, not really resisting the bonds like he was when he spoke. He didn't even look that angry. It seemed odd to Brendan, but he didn't really get to think about it.

"See?" Riley said, "I was telling the truth! You can trust me."

"Trust is a big step," Brendan said, "but I believe what you've told us so far. The two of you still have a lot to answer for, particularly you." He looked at Greg with that last word, indicating that he was talking about him. He expected some change in expression, or at least a half-hearted 'fuck off', but Greg just looked right back. Brendan remembered a few days ago he was trying to recall the word for people who acted like that, but it kept escaping him. Calm, tranquil, peaceful, smug... None of them seemed to fit.

"So you believe that I'm an ex-rocket, then," Riley reasoned, "and that I'm not a part of them any more."

Brendan sighed. "Sure, I suppose that makes sense; Greg's pretty much confirmed it."

"So... can I have my Pokemon ba-"

"No," Brendan interjected, "you cannot. I believed you the first time you said you were a part of Team Rocket; you treat your Pokemon like it. I'm keeping the Sneasel. Don't get complacent just because we believe you."

Complacent! Brendan thought, with a deep satisfaction, That's the word! Greg's being complacent...
He was drawn out of his thoughts by something touching his leg. Sneasel had one paw on his lower leg and was looking straight back up into Brendan's eyes. He seemed confused, and a little upset. On one hand, Riley had been his trainer for some time and had kept him alive thus far, but on the other hand he had tried to send him up against everyone else's Pokemon and had to be saved by Brendan.
Brendan picked Sneasel up and set him on the chair next to him.

"How touchy." Riley mumbled flatly.

"Well spotted." Mumbled Brendan in the same fashion.

Greg was almost smiling now. It wasn't very obvious, but one can tell always when another is about to smile. It's in the eyes; they start to squint, pulling the mouth up just a little bit. Brendan racked his brain for reasons Greg might be complacent, while trying to look like he wasn't concerned. All he knew about Greg was that he was a part of Team Rocket, he was after Riley, and he owned the Gengar that attacked everyone short of Lily and Neji.

But then he remembered that Greg had been knocked out. He didn't know about what happened to that Gengar of his. Brendan brought it up.

"That Gengar was definitely yours, wasn't it?" He already knew, he just wanted to lead the conversation into the subject. Greg's eyes weren't smiling any more.

"Yes" he said slowly, "it is."

"Well if you're waiting for it to come and bust you out, you're going to be sitting there until you die. It's not coming back."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Greg spat, "Where is it?"

"It's not anywhere," Brendan said, "because it's dead."

Greg's forehead creased like a concertina as his eyebrows curved upwards with the expression of sheer panic that painted his face. Riley's face lit up like a kid at Christmas.

"Wh- what do you mean it's 'dead'?" Greg stuttered, "It's a ghost, it can't die!"

"Don't ask me," Brendan said, shrugging one shoulder, "it blew up. Boom. Sneasel here did it."

Riley turned to face Greg as much as his bonds would allow. "Ha!" he barked. "In your face!"
Greg looked really upset now, and it pained Brendan to admit that he felt sorry for the old man. He couldn't bare the sight of sad old men. Slowly, Greg began to speak, but he was choking up.

"He... he was the only Pokemon I ever raised. Even before I joined Team Rocket he was my only Pokemon. I didn't even bother with any that Team Rocket stole or bred…”

“Sorry for your loss,” Garrett replied, he wanted to add ‘not really’, but felt that would be immature, and this guy did seem genuinely saddened. “You’ve stirred a lot of shit in this town. If you cooperate, though, I’ll let you live.” He paused a bit to let the words sink in. “So, where’s the base.” It wasn’t a question, more of a command.

Too bad Greg was too busy crying to reply. “Enough, enough – fuck, I was only doing this for money. I… I think I’m done…”

Garret was surprised, found himself lowering the gun. “Done? What do you mean done?”

Greg didn’t reply, though, instead burying his head into his chest, then… chewing at his collar. “Uh,” Garrett began, but he jerked back once Greg’s mouth began foaming, and his eyes rolled backwards into his head.

"Shit!" Brendan hissed.

“What? What is this?! What’s he done?!”

Riley didn’t seem that bothered by the spectacle. “Cyanide pill, I think. Most Rockets have them to prevent interrogations, standard procedure, you know. I think it’s funny how most agents actually take them.”

“This isn’t funny at all!” Garrett retorted, brandishing his gun.

“Relax! Look – it’s Viridian! Viridian’s where the base is. I guess that’s where they’ve taken your friend too. If you want to do anything about it, you need to get down there.”

08-10-2012, 03:34 AM
Saffron City

Shaun nodded to the scientists, making a few comments about how it was no problem, the least they could do, his mind elsewhere. These Rockets were powerful... Much too powerful than they should be. Even if these two were Admins, they were much stronger than anyone he had ever met. They could have taken down Maxxie, he wagered. It had been a long time since he had thought about Team Magma. Then the scientist mentioned something.

"Found out about what?" Shaun demanded, putting his shotgun into the holster on his back. It was basically like a quiver, strapped to his back and made to fit the shotgun. It slung over his back and made carrying the weapon considerably easier. Then he heard his name called and turned to find Deron trying to make his way over, though having a rough time about it.

"You can tell me on the way to the Pokemon Center, actually. Or maybe once we get everyone cleaned up. But its the least you can do to repay us," Shaun said, moving over to Deron, to whom he said: "Its alright, I gotcha." Kneeling, Shaun got the other man's arm around his shoulder and slowly stood up, realizing someone else was talking. Someone he didn't know.

Turning to the new face, Shaun looked the younger man over once. "Do you guys mind if I tag along with you, even just for a while?" he was asking, looking quite pathetic as he did so. Something in the back of Shaun's mind told him that this group was getting ridiculous, but he could hardly turn the kid away.

"Come on, then. We'll help ya out. What's your name, kid?" he asked, walking with Deron as he listened to the three individuals he had gotten himself tangled with.

08-10-2012, 01:48 PM
Marcel turned to the man. He felt a sense of dismissal coming from him, but he decided not to pay attention, he needed to do what was best for the health of both him and his pokémon. "My name's Marcel" he said simply, forcing himself not to stutter on the lump that had gathered in his throat. "I wasn't sure what to do, that blast had damaged both me and my Staryu and..." he stopped. He was rambling now, which was not a good thing for this situation. "Thank you" was all he said after that, approaching him, and standing with both him, the boy with the Blastoise and the Scientists.

08-11-2012, 01:50 AM
Saffron city

He walked down the dark alleyway, flanked on either side by his two pokemon, Gardevoir, and Gallade. He had known them since they were babies, and they were cloase as any beings could be. The man, Johnny, had in his hand a bloody sack, the remains of his latest job. In h=the appointed meeting spot, stands a man holing a briefcase. Johnny stops, and addresses the man. "Mister Green?" "And I assume you are Mister Red." "Yes, I am Red." "So, you have completed what I asked?" "Yes." He tosses the bag. "His pokemon are in there too. I contemplated dropping the balls off a cliff, but I decided they would do better with the owner." The man known as Green looks in the bag. "My payment, Mister green?" "You know, I don't think so." "Excuse me?" Several thugs come into view, walking out of doors. They are holding weapons. "I see, that is how it is going to be, then." Without him even giving a vocal comman, Gallade's blades extend up the two thugs behind them's groin, and then retract, making them fall to their knees, and then with a single spinning swipe, and cuts open the two thugs' throats, which spurt blood as they clutch the cuts and collapse dead. His Gardevoir thrusts her hands forward, and she is surrounded by a red aura as the other two thugs' heads are ripped clean off, spines included. The two pokemon then glare at mister green as Gardevoir drops the heads. "You were saying, Mister Green?" Johnny says. Mister green is at a loss for words as Johnny levels his gun with Mister Green's forehead and pulls the trigger, blowing his brains out. He searches the bodies, and finds the briefcsae is empty, but with the Rolexes he retrieved from the bodies, he still makes quite a profit. He, along with his pokemon, then leave the scene. As he was leaving, he felt the ground shake as an explosion went off. As a reflex, the three took cover, but, upon realizing that it was across town, they became relaxed and got up. He looks up and notices the dust cloud. "Whatever that was, I'm glad we were nowhere near it."

After the ordeal in the alley, he heads to a cafe. He orders himself a coffee, and gets poffins for his pokemon, and they eat them happily. He sits down, and activates his pokenav, to check his messages and calls, as well as deleting someone from his contacts. Mister green is dead so there is no reason to take up a slot, and he never really liked him anyway. too full of himself and disrespectful. The only reason he didn't kill him before is because he was employed by him. Shame really, they could have done more business, but he had been a fool, and tried crossing Johnny. You never cross Johnny if you want to live.

08-13-2012, 04:47 PM
Marcel began to make his way to the Pokémon Centre. Here, he found various mixtures of people all gathering in their own groups. Marcel made his way to the front desk. "Hello?" He asked.
"Yes, Sir?" Nurse Joy said to him. She looked so much like the rest of her cousins it was unreal.
"Uh, Hi, I have Pokémon that need treatment, badly." He said. The woman nodded, her pink curls bouncing slightly.
"Very well, Let me have the pokéballs" she said. Marcel unclipped Bulbasaur and Staryu, and handed them over. The woman thanked him, and placed the balls in two of the six available slots in the machine. The machine made a few notes, and the balls glowed a faint colour. The woman took them, and then handed them back over. Marcel thanked her with a warm grin, and left the desk, standing closer tot he door, holding both Pokémon in his hand. "I'm glad you're okay" he smiled.

((Sorry, I had to go with the Games way of healing, I'm not too sure how Pokémon Centres work, so If I have to edit, no problem =] ))

08-13-2012, 05:31 PM

Shaun entered the Pokemon Center with Deron on his shoulder and Syrio and Marcel following. As Shaun went to seat Deron on a nearby chair, he watched as Mercel went to go heal his pokemon and the scientist went over to his two colleagues. As Deron got comfortable, Shaun waved Nurse Joy over.

"Nurse Joy, if you will....?" Shaun said as the Nurse finished up with Marcel's pokemon and hurried over to the two men. As she knelt and began to question Deron about what was hurt and such, Shaun rose and quickly scanned the room. Marcel was moving towards the door, he could wait a moment. Meg was checking on her pokemon, it seemed, and the scientists were huddled in a group by their third's gurney. Shaun marched over to them.

"I'm gonna need some answers," Shaun stated as he came up to the three. The one laid out on the gurney didn't look too good, but he'd make it... Shaun wasn't worried about that right now, though. "If Team Rocket is going to come back for you, then we need to know that. If there's something you know about them that will help us, we need to know that. Anything else you know, we need to know that, just after those other two points."

Shaun sat down and motioned for them to be seated, then caught the attention of the three others in the room: Deron, Meg and Marcel. He motioned them over, waiting for Deron to be helped and able to move on his own.

"Now. If you please?" Shaun said, allowing the scientists to begin speaking.

08-13-2012, 06:05 PM
Marcel noticed the gesture made towards him from Shaun. He pushed off from the wall of the Pokécentre, and approached the Scientists, and Shaun, then stopped, and turned to Deron. "uh, Would you like some help?" Marcel asked him, Offering out his hand with a gentle smile. he didnt fully understand what the scientists were here for, all he knew was that Shaun was against them for some reason, and Marcel knew not to let them get at his Egg.

08-13-2012, 06:19 PM
Deron grunted as Shaun helped him into his chair, nodding over to him as he pulled himself up straight, looking over at nurse Joy. He gestured down to the gash on his leg, to which the nurse promptly nodded as she grab some anticeptic and bandages.
Applying the anticeptic had Deron grunting from the stinging pain, tensing his muscles, before nodding over to the nurse as she finished applying the bandages, giving her a silent thanks, before grabbing her arm as she was about to leave. "My pokémon need help too..." He then handed all of his pokéballs, gesturing to Blastoise's.
"Please... Help him... He's a Blastoise that is nearly dead... You must... save him." He stared right at nurse Joy, who nodded softly towards Deron, before taking his pokémon away.

Deron sighed, turning to his Kabuto that he left in the center. The kabuto was much smaller than its usual kind, being just small enough to sit on Deron's shoulder, which is where the Kabuto soon climbed up. Smiling at his pokémon, Deron pushed himself up, still limping, but atleast he could muster enough strength to support on the leg.

Walking over to the group now as Shaun beckoned him over, he let himself drop into a chair. He furthermore held quiet, just looking at Shaun, before looking at the scientists.

08-13-2012, 06:41 PM
"So That's a no, Then..." Marcel said to hismelf as the boy walked past him. he sighed, and checked to make sure his Pokémon were still on his belt. I told you he did this a lot. He approached Shaun, Deron, meg and the Scientists, Sitting in a chair next to Shaun, And anticipating an explanation of some kind to be given to him, even indirectly, things he could just pick up on as they spoke. Marcel had heard the term "Rocket" thrown around, and he logically connected it to Team Rocket. He kept a hand on his belt, one finger on Bulbasaur's Ball, and one on Staryu's. He still had one Pokéball, and one Blue Great ball, which he had been given as a gift from a trainer he had defeated, and had no money. These balls were in his bag, with the Egg, and The Balls containing pokémon were in their minimal state, the size of a ping-pong ball on his belt.

08-13-2012, 09:54 PM
Meg sighed after resting a bit and making sure her Pokemon had been attended to, she was not all the worried about herself. Looking over at shaun as he beckoned for her and the others to come. She was going to be sore but other then that, at least to her, she was only bruised and scratched she would be, Alright.

Holding the small dritini in her arms with ginger following close behind the others in their balls being seen to now. She quietly sank into a chair Ginger taking a place next to this chair and looking over the three men that every ones attention was on. Looking over the others with her Meg sighed softly and looked back at the three scientists and waited for the questions and answers to begin.

08-13-2012, 11:48 PM
Saffron City

Had – had he said that out loud? Syrio’s eyes widened in slight surprise. Before he had to deal with it, the gruff guy had already gone on to help someone else. Syrio stood up, swayed, and made his way to the Center. He wasn’t sure why he felt weak, the only real damage had been that snake lying on top of him, but that had been temporary… this was likely due to shock. He spotted his companions and quickly went over to them, checking how they were. It looked bad, but it would be fine. Syrio started as he was addressed by the gruff man from before, then cleared his throat.

“Yes. Ah, let me start from the beginning, I think that would be best. Outside, you asked what we were doing, correct? I suppose the simple way to answer your question would be to say we were probing too deeply into the event which happened twelve years ago – or how it’s more colloquially called, ‘The Change’. My companions and I found some compelling data which strongly suggests Grimers were a major causal factor of what killed off the flora in this region, and possibly other regions, too. The rainwater – it had compounds which were exactly the same as Grimer poison! The Change likely drove them mad, as it did to many other species, which caused them to over-produce toxins which then seeped into… well, everything.

“And, ah, now that I think about it… I think I know why they were after us… My companions and I, we all used to work for Silph Co. We developed a lot of gadgets and devices back when the Company was still up. Became quite notorious for disrupting Team Rocket’s plans, especially when they tried to out-do us with their technology… They cleaned us out, I’m sure you heard? I’m referring to Silph… Some weeks after the Change, James, Ron and I arrived at the Company after hiding out and everything was gone… People, data… everything.

“I can see how they tracked us down now, actually, how did I not notice it before? Some of the chemicals we needed for experiments have become quite difficult to obtain, so we had to acquire them through… unsavoury means… And of course, all black markets have a link to Team Rocket, one way or another, I realize that now, too late. Foolish mistake, very foolish. They probably thought we were creating something new which could do them harm like back then. Well, no matter.

“Forgive my tangent, where was I? Ah, right. Grimers. Well, that’s what we found. We were going to do more research into that, too, as well as investigating the atmospheric changes. From comparing pre and post-Change atmospheric records, our climate has become 76% more arid – were you aware of that? It’s unbelievable. As anyone can see just from looking at the landscape this has had an effect on most ecosystems – less rain leading to less water causing a chain of negative effects. We were going to investigate that next but, well, I don’t think we should go back to our lab for a while. Hah! Even if Team Rocket does clean out our research they’ll be disappointed all we were doing was experimenting with rainwater. As soon as Ron and James recover, I think we’ll leave this place. Hide out somewhere safer. Forgive me if I don’t go into specifics, you never know who might be listening.”

“Hold on,” James piped up behind Syrio, “you guys want to help against Team Rocket? I don’t think they’ll come after us, not if we lay low- even lower than before… They’ve had the city in their grips for a long time now, but they aren’t usually as obvious about it as they were just then, outside. If you really want to help, I heard a rumour recently which could be useful.

“You guys know the Magnet Train station here? The one that links to Goldenrod? The Rockets have been working to fix the track and actually managed to get the train functional again! No doubt they’ll use the link with Johto nefariously… And they don’t need to get any stronger than they already are! So, if you really want to help us out, and by ‘us’ I don’t just mean us here, I mean Saffron as a whole, you can go free the station. No one in the city is strong enough to do that, but you guys just stood up to them and won, you might have a chance!”

“That’s true,” Syrio added, “if they lose the Station they will lose a lot of their influence here. We don’t need your protection from them, but we could certainly use your help against them.” He looked around at the group of people gathered in front of him. “Will you do it? We know the city well, we can help you plan an attack. The best time to strike would be noon, I think. That's when they have the least men stationed.”

08-14-2012, 12:11 AM
Marcel listened to the Scientists intently. They spoke of the Change as if it were fascinating, and not sickening, of Team Rocket almost with a sense of respect for their power. it made Marcel Sick. He listened as they began blaming Grimers for the Changes in Flora. It made sense, they were renowned for dangerous chemicals, Marcel had studied them, but how could they be so destructive? Surely the Eco-System would have wiped them out, if they had been creating too many Toxins, but there again, Scientists knew best.

Then the talk of the Station. Marcel hardly knew about it, but to severe a link between Rocket and Johto...That would be an excellent move. He thought to himself, now realising that with his Pokémon healed, he no longer needed to tag along with these guys, And they certainly wouldnt wanna keep such an inexperienced Kid on their side, especially one armed with a Bulbasaur who won't evolve, A Staryu and an unhatched egg, would they? Yet, he had to try to help. Rocket deserved no better than what they inflict on others. Marcel Hated them. He cleared his throat, and with a Confidence that came form somewhere he couldn't identify, Marcel spoke up. "I will help free the Station." he spoke with confidence, still, not sure where from "I'm not the best fighter, but I can't be any hinderance, and Staryu and Bulbasaur could do with the fight"

08-16-2012, 01:22 AM
Ecruteak city
Connor was walking around Ecruteak city, where he had just landed with his Charizard. He had never been here, hell he thought he had never really left the Kanto region. The flash had changed that, in the past 12 years he had learned that the world really wasnt as small as he had thought or as people had said. Now though he tried to avoid staying in one place to long. Not out of fear of being attacked by humans or pokemon, he just couldnt stand the hate he as a trainer was shown now, or that most people feared not only his but most if not all pokemon.

He didnt let that stop him from having most of them out, his hitmonlee, hitmonchan and Machamp were always at his side unless they were flying, his Charizard tended to stay in his ball unless they were out in the country and he had room to move. Here in Ecruteak though there really wasnt the room so he was in his ball on Connors chest. Outside of of the music hall Connor heard some commotion within, not usually one to just walk into a building something told him that he needed to check this out. When he walked in he he did not see anyone but could still hear voices from further inside.

Always the cautious one he put his hand onto the hilt of his sword and coughed before calling out, "Is there anyone here, I do not mean you any harm."

08-16-2012, 01:48 AM
Saffron City

Shaun listened patiently, curious as to how they had gotten all this information. They were scientists, obviously, but there was so much that had to go into this kind of research... where had they found the resources? It didn't add up to him, but then... he wasn't one to trust easily. Sure, he had picked up a bunch of youngsters in the span of two days, a group of three or four others, none at the same time and all very interesting in and of themselves...

He had no idea how that had all happened, but he knew that this was different. He didn't trust the scientists. There was something they knew... And they weren't sharing. Maybe it would come back to bite him in the ass.... and he had no idea if it would or not.

Looking back at the others, he had no idea if they were thinking the same. However, a different scientist began to speak, talking about how they could help undermine Team Rocket. Shaun leaned forward this time, all ears for this kind of info. The Magnet Station... Of course. The quickest way to and from Johto.... But it had been out of use since the Change, mostly because the people who ran it fled. While Saffron had stayed out of most of harm's way during the Change, Goldenrod was... another story, so he had heard.

It was interesting, to say the least. The scientists even offered to help guide them and inform them of the best time to attack. Shaun nodded thoughtfully, considering their options. Then he realized he was trying to play leader. That wasn't his thing, despite how he had treated the others when demanding answers from the scientists. He was the eldest, that simply entitled him to some form of... He couldn't find a word that wouldn't imply leadership. He didn't like it. Not since Team Magma...

Turning to the others, he smirked as the Marcel kid announced he would help attack the Magnet Station. All the help they could get would help, he supposed...

"If you want, you can come. I'll go ahead and warn you though... Team Rocket doesn't play around. If you're clumsy, or you hesitate, they will kill you, or even your Pokemon. They don't play. And I don't need anyone here going through that sense of... loss..." Shaun paused for a moment, looking down. Then he returned his gaze to the others, continuing.

"What about you two?" he asked, looking at Meg and Deron. "We need to be in this together, or else we can't do it. We have no idea how well this place is defended... So we need all the help we can get."

With that said, Shaun considered going around town to recruit other hopeful trainers... It might make all the difference if other Saffron citizens stood up to Team Rocket as well... In any case, he waited for his friends' answers first.

08-16-2012, 02:51 PM
Saffron City

Above Saffron City, more dark rain clouds hid the sky behind their swirling bodies, sending the region into a premature dusk. Behind them, the sun was setting; the day was drawing to a close.

"So you will help free the station?" James babbled. "That's fantastic!"
"Like I said," Syrio added, "the best time to take the station would be around noon, tomorrow; it's too late for today."

Deron felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning, he saw the nurse had returned, and she was offering his Pokeballs back; all of them but Blastoise's. She whispered to him.
"Your Blastoise is in a terrible condition; the machine can only do so much. The cracks in his shell have obviously been left for too long to be healed, and it needs to be intact to protect him properly and stop causing him pain. The only way to mend the shell is to attach braces to keep the parts together. That should help him, but you'll definitely need to help with it."

Outside the Pokemon Centre, down the street where one side of the fight had started, an air-shaking crash pervaded the still-young silence, mingled with the deafening sound of shattering glass.

"It would seem they have found the rest of our research," James pointed out flatly, "and erased it."

Route 22

Alex's eyes flickered open, and then squeezed shut when a throbbing pain from the back of his head seared through his mind. It felt like his brain had grown two sizes and it was trying to squeeze through a hole in his skull. He let the pain throb, and once he had a bearing on it, sat up slowly.

A fire burned in front of him. Remembering the Houndoom attack, he jolted backwards, but a hand gripped his forearm. Taking a second to actually look at the fire, he could see that it was organised; a camp fire. Looking down at the hand on his arm and along the arm attached to it, he eventually beheld Chris. The trainer's other hand was holding a thin stick with a bit of meat at the end, hovering over the fire.

"It's about time you woke up," he said, pulling Alex into a more comfortable sitting position, "I thought you had a concussion."

"What happened...?" groaned to hunter.

"You fell out of your tree and hit your head on a rock. The Houndooms ran off, and this guy appeared. He was talking about how he was looking for Haru, and then he took both him and Mina away in a couple of some kind of truck." He handed Alex the now cooked morsel of meat.

"What about you?" he said, muffled behind the chunk of meat. Looking past the fire, he saw the carcase of one of the Houndoom fatalities. This one's head had been crushed.

"I hid when your tree went up in smoke," Chris said, taking one of his hunting knives and slicing a rectangle of flesh out of the Houndoom's rump, "and waited for everyone else to leave. They didn't really care about us, so that meant they didn't come looking for us."
He pushed the tip of the knife through the bit of meat, cutting a hole to poke the end of the stick through. He held it over the fire.

Alex looked around himself. Outside the radius of light that the fire had blessed them with, the world was dark. Stars were appearing.
"How long ago was that?" Alex asked. "A few hours? Can't have been much longer."

A small smile appeared of Chris's face. "Way more than that. You've been unconscious for a whole day."

"That explains why I'm so hungry." ate Alex, finishing the last of the ration.

"Help yourself to the Houndoom," Chris said, "and tomorrow we can track down Mina and Haru."
Alex froze. "Come again?"

"I said; tomorrow we can track down Mina and Haru. You will, won't you?"

Alex was silent for a time. Sure, he had conscripted Haru to help find out the cause of the earthquake, and that meant that him being kidnapped was probably his fault. On the other hand, Mina and Haru had been taken away in trucks. Trucks. Who had trucks in this day and age? Serious people. With resources.

"I'd love to," Alex lied, "but-"

"That's great." Chris interjected, not even interested in Alex's reasons for avoiding the task. "We'll leave tomorrow morning. Help yourself to all the dead dog you want."

08-16-2012, 04:09 PM
Meg listened intently then set back as they started to talk about the station. almost immediately the new boy volunteered When shaun spoke she sighed 'I've done this much." she said more or less referring to the current battle. "Might as well go all the way. I'm in." She said simply. It was a good thing though they where not doing it so soon she still ached and her head hurt something awful. And her Pokemon well... She looked over to Deron as the nurse handed him his Pokeballs back and spoke to him. She could only assume that it was about the Blastoises.

She sighed again She waited for her own for a while longer, They would be okay she knew that much but they may still be a bit tired. Ginger nosed her gently and she patted the giraffes neck. Soon enough Meg had her Pokemon back as well and she quietly put her belt on before returning Ginger to her own. With this she looked at the dritini that looked back at her "I still need to name you." she said simply but the small creature only stared back at her leaving Meg to think of suggestions. "Ditty I'll call you ditty." She said finely She dug out another Pokeball and held it out but 'ditty' did not seem at all interested in it so Meg left it be for now.

08-16-2012, 06:34 PM
"Great" Marcel said with a plain, expressionless face. "Where do we stay the night?" He asked, this time, addressing anyone willing to answer. he needed rest, and he knew he couldnt stay outside again tonight, not with the Egg, he had to keep it warm. "Is there anywhere around here with a Bed? I haven't slept in a bed for almost a week" he said with a slight shrug of his shoulders, his fingers returning to the pokéballs on his belt, and ensuring his Pokémon were safe.

08-18-2012, 12:22 AM
Ecruteak City

A moment of silence passed after Gregory finally stopped breathing. It was broken, however, by Brendan.
"Well... shit. My bad. That was really... my bad." He sighed, and reached into his pocket. "Still needed to ask him about this..."
He pulled out the grenade Pokeball that the Gengar had thrown at him and Cathy.
"But maybe you can tell us about it, Riley."

He held it out for Riley to see, but he just shook his head.

"It's just a Pokeball," the ex-Rocket said tentatively, "isn't it?"
"No, it's not." Brendan said, as he turned the ball over in his hands to show him the capital 'R' on the underside. Riley was silent for a while, but then he shook his head again.

"You really don't know what this is?" asked Brendan, his eyebrows raised.
"I really don't;" affirmed Riley, "how’d you get it?"
"The Gengar threw it at me and Cathy," Brendan said, gesturing at the woman with the same hand that held the ball, "before it opened and let out some green cloud. Do you know what the cloud was, then?"

"How and why would I know about some cloud?" Riley retorted, "I don't know about the ball so I don't know what's in it."

"Are you sure?"Brendan pressed, "Because we're taking your word for it, and the other side of the story just... died. You'd best not be lying, because I have other Pokemon besides Sneasel here."

The alleged suicide bomber struggled in his seat, trying to press forward, with an unhappy frown on his face. "Yes..." he mumbled, "I'm sure."

Cathy grimaced at both of them, but mostly at said 'supposed' Pokeball that Brendan was now waiving in her direction, it made her slightly uneasy. She then turned to Garrett as he spoke.

“Viridian,” Garrett echoed the word. It was a whole world away. “Alright. Thank you.” He felt hesitant to let Riley go, even if he had been helpful to them. He turned to his soon-to-be travelling companions. “That’s where we’re headed, I guess.” He sighed. What an exhaustingly long day. Unbidden, Mismagius floated in; she was probably done mourning for now. “I have no idea how to get there. You guys have travelled more extensively than me, do you have any ideas?”

Lucario, Bronzor, and Ghastly watched the humans extract the information needed. It seemed Viridian was the next place to go.

"I'll be right back." Brendan said, picking up Sneasel and dashing out of the room. He was indeed right back, only this time he was carrying the map of the Kanto and Johto regions that was usually on display on the wall of the Pokemon Centre. To avoid more tension from Riley he had put the Pokemon back into his new Sport ball. He pulled four chairs together to make a bench-like surface and laid the map down. He ran a finger along the roads that led to Viridian city.

"There are... three ways to get into Viridian: the south from Pallet town, the north from Pewter city, and the west from the entrance to Victory road. It looks like the only way to Viridian from here is... suicide."
Garrett frowned – a suicide joke when a man had literally just committed suicide in front of them? Poor taste! He let it go.
Brendan sighed, and then continued: "We'd have to get all the way down to New Bark Town, up along Route twenty-six, and then along Route twenty-two. That's just too long to walk."

"What about the Diglett's cave?" Cathy said. She stood, her arms crossed, having not taken a seat but rather standing behind the chair. "I've heard it could be an alternative, though I've never used it..." She said hesitantly.

Lucario had a bad feeling about the cave. He didn't want to go through it but he didn't have much choice.

Brendan moved his attention to the ends of Diglett's cave.
"The other end comes out in Vermilion," he said, "so we could get to Vermilion and take the shortcut from there."

"That’s all the way in Kanto though, isn’t it?" Garret asked. "We need to find a way to get out of Johto first before we even start thinking of that."

Brendan was quiet for a moment. He was thinking about what he knew about the sea-side town, which wasn't much. But there was something he did remember.
"There's a ship in Olivine that sails to Vermilion and back, maybe we could... wait, no it doesn't; it stopped. Damn.

"Hmm… Didn’t Goldenrod have a link with Kanto?" suggested Garret. "That train, is that still working? We could take that over there if it is; it would probably save us days, if not weeks, of travel.”

"It does," Brendan said tentatively, "but the train services terminated at Saffron a long time ago. I don't know if it even works, let alone if we can actually use it."
He looked at the map again. The rail track was represented by a thin line that started in Goldenrod and curved up ever so slightly to end at Saffron. A thought occurred.
"Mind you, we could probably just walk along the track."

"Are you serious?!" Riley blurted out.

"Yeah, I am. It's still walking, but it's just a straight path across to Kanto. There isn't anything on the track, so it's probably the most direct route there. But it's also possible that we can see if the train is working and have it sent over by someone in Saffron. I suppose this means we're going down to Goldenrod?"

“I guess so, yeah." Garrett said, then paused. "Let’s meet outside the Center tomorrow morning. Before dawn, how does 6 AM sound? Early, I know, but it’s the best time to set out according to what I’ve heard from travellers. There should be beds at the Center where you can get some rest.”

Lucario spoke to the Pokemon that belonged to Neji. Telling them the plan in a way they would understand. Then taking them to a corner where they can rest till morning.

Cathy could only agree showing so with a nod and nothing else.

From the main room of the Dance Hall, doors to other private rooms opened, their occupants sticking their heads out to see just who it was who didn't mean them any harm, besides practically everyone else present. As such, they all gave this clearly new arrival weird looks, before losing interest and retreating into their dwellings for the evening. In the ensuing silence, the muffled sounds of Brendan and Garret discussing ways to get to Goldenrod escaped from under the door to the private room.

08-18-2012, 09:22 AM
Connor laughed to himself at the wierd looks he had recieved by the occupants of the dance hall, he still couldnt get over that aspect of the change, he doubted that he ever would. Through the silence he could hear voices from one of the rooms that had not opened to see who was out here calling out. He looked around him one more time making sure to take in where and how he could escape if he needed to. With the practiced ease of any martial artist he and his pokemon approached the door, still unable to shake the feeling this is where he was supposed to be.
He took one last breath to calm his nerves and slowly let it out. He looked at all three of his pokemon, his training partners and more importantly his friends and smiled before holding up three fingers. Counting down to one he knocked on the door and hoped for the best.

08-18-2012, 04:27 PM
Ecruteak City

"Sounds good..." Brendan yawned, picking up the map. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to buy something to eat; I last ate yesterday evening. I also need to take my Pokemon out to hunt; they'd be pretty hungry too."

"He likes Pidgey eggs," Riley called out, sounding hopeful, as Brendan stood up from his kneeling position. He was referring to Sneasel, of course.

"I know," Brendan said, folding the map over his arm, "they all do."
He started for the door, which wasn't very far away; the room was the size of a lounge room. He turned the handle just as someone knocked on it. He shot a look back to Garret, Lily and Cathy; nobody could see this taking place. He opened the door, but not enough for whomever it was knocking to see inside, and slipped out. He walked past the man, opting not to look at him but rather look down and hide his face with the rim of his trilby hat.
"This room's taken." he said, and stepped out of the front door.

The air was cold, and more than a few stars had appeared in the sky. He ducked into the Pokemon Centre to drop off the map, and then he went back outside to find some place he could buy food. As if to get him to hurry up, Brendan's stomach growled furiously. It worked, and he broke into a jog. For a while he wandered the city, before a promising looking neon sign for a food store came into view. Inside, it was crowded and dim, but there was room enough for him to let Gardevoir and Gallade out to pick some food for themselves. Brendan picked a sandwich and a bottle of what the shopkeeper claimed to be filtered water, but he didn't care. Chances are it was better than the bottled water at Goldenrod and people drank that without dying. Gardevoir chose a packet of crackers and cheese, which were apparently full of calcium, and Gallade chose a kind of protein bar. Brendan bought him two of the bars because they were small, before paying for the sandwich, water and crackers and cheese. They then sat down at a table in the store and ate their food quickly.

Then it was time for Kabutops, Scizor and Sneasel to get some dinner. Brendan set out for the southern entrance to the city with his psychic Pokemon by his side. He came to the entrance and walked straight out of the city. To the people keeping watch he said: "I'm not going far out." He came up to a nearby cluster of trees and let out his three remaining Pokemon. The whole gang was out.

"Scizor, Kabutops, you know the drill," he said, "but let's see how you hunt, Sneasel."
The little black Pokemon looked up at the trees. Roosting in their nest for the night were two Pidgeys. The fact that there was two of them indicated that they were probably sitting on eggs. He jumped onto the dried-out trunk and latched onto it with his claws. He began climbing the tree. As he ascended, he began to grip smaller branches that wobbled from the forces he exerted on them. The Pidgeys began to stir.

By the time he reached their nest, the tree was shaking, compared to its original state of profound stillness. The Pidgeys woke up and took off, revealing that they were in fact not sitting on any eggs. Sneasel shot shards of ice at them, but they had flown too far away.

"Come down, Sneasel." Brendan commanded. The little black Pokemon didn't really have a reason for staying in the tree, and was soon on the ground again.
"I know that Sneasels hunt in pairs;" he said, "one to keep the birds occupied and one to take the eggs. We don't have another Sneasel here, but that doesn't mean you have to hunt alone."
Sneasel so far didn't look like he felt like he was being lectured, so Brendan went on.
"While you're with me, you'll have four other Pokemon to help you out. This team stays alive because it works like one: a team. Now try again, but this time, Kabutops will help you."

Sneasel picked out another tree with a nest and made his way over to it, the trilobite following him. As he started climbing up the trunk, Kabutops climbed up the other side, his sickles digging into the bark. Every now and again, they would stop to let the tree stop wobbling (usually by Kabutops's gesture), so that they would not wake up the birds that slept high up in the branches. Eventually, they made it to the nest. Kabutops refrained from progressing any further at Sneasel's gesture, while the dark Pokemon got his feet onto a nearby branch. At first he was quiet, but then he cried out and reared his claws over his head. The Pidgeys woke with a start and took off from their nest. They had barely flown a foot when Kabutops lashed out from his hiding spot beneath their nest, skewering them with his sickles. They died instantly.

They both descended — Kabutops with both dead birds and Sneasel carrying three small eggs.
"That's how I expect you to cooperate with the others," Brendan said, "but other than that, good job."
Sneasel smiled as they all made their way back into the city.

08-19-2012, 12:21 AM
Deron was half-heartedly listening to the conversation going on, his mind constantly trailing off to his pokémon. More specifically, to Blastoise.
When he felt the tap on his shoulder, deron glanced over his shoulder, before looking down at his pokéballs, taking them as he put them away, looking up at the nurse once more. Before he could say anything, she spoke to him about how to save Blastoise. Gazing at her, he let her explanation sink in, before nodding slowly. He knew this was the only way for Blastoise to be saved. Putting Kabuto back into his pokéball, he pushed himself up, grunting as he tried not to support on his wounded leg. "Tell me what you need me to do. I'll do anything if it can help Blastoise."

He glanced over his shoulder at the others. He had been listening partly, and knew they weren't going to try and fight Team Rocket. Turning his attention to Shaun, he frowned as he spoke up. "Shaun. If you are going to go through with their plan to assault the station, count me in. I will make Team Rocket pay for the torture they put Blastoise through."
He snarled softly, waiting for Shaun's answer, before he'd turn to the nurse again, awaiting her instructions.

08-19-2012, 03:47 AM
Connor really wasnt sure how to take the man that had slipped out of the room, but he let him go for now. Instead he slipped off to the side to watch the room, to see if anyone else came and left. HE couldnt quite shake the feelingthis is where he needed to be. though one of the rooms occupants had left, he knew there were others in there, if need be he would stay there all night and day.

He knew though that they could slip past him so he picked up his one pokeball that still had a pokemon in it and let charizard out and said "if they go out a back door or window roar to let me know and we will be there as quick as we can"

08-19-2012, 06:54 PM
Cathy watched Brendan nodding back after hearing the knock. Crossing her arms she waited a moment then looked at Garrett "are we ready to follow?" she asked referring to Brendan and his idea of food then rest. She didn't bother to mention Pokemon however, though he more then likely was thinking it. She did not want to had salt to the wound already there. T.Y. settled back on his haunches for a moment as thing went silent. Bolt snorted then with out being invited headed for the door, shouldering it open.

Cathy sighed. "I best take mine and find some food." she said dryly watching Bolt for a moment before wishing Garrett well and following the large zebra out. Bolt had stopped a few feet in front of the door well aware of some one there hidden or not he simply glared pawing the ground in front of him quite ready and willing for a fight. Cathy followed shortly after crossing her arms not even bothering to try or attempt to disguise the fact that she had just come out of the room. She glanced in the direction Bolt was glaring. T.Y. stuck his head out of the room.

"Do you have a reasons for skulking?" Cathy asked coldly Both her Pokemon taking positions beside her waiting for reactions, wither it be hostile or not Bolt simply glared just daring them to try anything. T.Y. however simply stood calmer this time then he had been but wry after the fight they had recently had.

08-19-2012, 07:11 PM
Connor stepped from the shadows and said "Its not reall skullking if your dont mind being caught. Im Connor," He said before noticing her pokemons stances as if on cue his three stepped from the shadows as well. "I'm not here for a fight, I just heard a disurbance from in here and something told me to come here, even after you friend left." He stepped forward and held out his hands both showing he meant no harm and to signal his pokemon to stand back unless there was a problem. With one hand still raised he undid the sheath that held his sword to his back, and put it on the ground between him and Cathy.

Raising his hands once again he said "I would just like to help. Like I said Im Connor from Pallet town, these are my Pokemon, Hitmonlee, HitmonChan and Machamp. I also have my Charizard circeling the building incase you all tried to find a way your way out or to get past me."

08-20-2012, 02:47 AM
Saffron City

Shaun nodded slowly as Deron and Meg put their thoughts in as well. They would help. Deron had a more personal reason... At the moment, the Shaun was unsure if it would help or hinder the younger man... Only time would tell.

For the moment, the scientists said that they should stay put, to wait until the right time to strike. While the former Magma member could respect that plan, he had to do something while they waited. And the first thing that came to mind was something that the scientists had unknowingly given him...

"So, if you really want to help us out, and by ‘us’ I don’t just mean us here, I mean Saffron as a whole, you can go free the station. No one in the city is strong enough to do that, but you guys just stood up to them and won, you might have a chance!” one of the scientists had said. Shaun believed it was the one who had rushed into the Center in the first place, but that didn't really matter now. Though Shaun and his allies might be the strongest here, that didn't mean that there weren't other Trainers in the city....

And more Trainers meant a better chance at survival and victory. Shaun disliked being the leader, but it seemed no one else would stand up to the occasion...

"Well that decides it, I guess..." Shaun said quietly, meaning the choice to attack the Magnet Station. With all four of them, it would be significantly easier than any two or, God forbid, one of them. But it would still be a challenge, he knew that...

"Only..." he continued, standing up to look at the others. "I feel like this doesn't have to be all there is." He moved over to the local map that hung on the wall of the Center, taking it down and bringing it to a table near the center of the room.

"Is there any chance that you three know where any other Trainers are hiding out in the city? If not, I assume you might know where people go most often, perhaps a bar or some such thing?" he asked, gazing at the scientists again. He also included Deron in that gaze, figuring that the man had been here longer than he had, or perhaps lived here in Saffron. Any clue could help.

08-20-2012, 02:56 AM
Viridian City

There was an abrupt silence as the man finished speaking. Mina didn’t know what to say, she hadn’t been expecting this at all.

"So, you found us," Haru said, finally breaking the silence, "What now? You hold us until we cooperate? Tell me, do you think for a moment that I would have gone through all the trouble of keeping Meganium away from you if I believed what you were doing was truly good? Because let's be honest here- you're Team Rocket. Your...'organization' doesn't exactly have a good track record."

The man whose sword was taken away sat in silence, trying to capture key words that would help later on against team Rocket.

“I don’t think you get it, Haru. You have absolutely no power here. Absolutely none. And your opinions of us, as hurtful as they are, are absolutely worthless to me. You already had your chance, and blew it! Too bad. Try anything and you’ll be gunned down, our Meganium tranquilized and taken back where it belongs. Though you did a fine job of raising it, that much you have my personal gratitude for. The reason we don’t kill you now,” he nodded to Mina and Neji, “is because we hope you’ll choose to join our cause. The reason we haven’t killed you, Haru, is because we know your Meganium would be terribly sad, and we wouldn’t want it to make it sad... Let me put it this way – you’re being held here until you see reason, our reason, which you no doubt will – you’re all intelligent, rational people, aren’t you?”

“Hold on,” Mina began, “where exactly does ‘your Meganium’ belong, then? Here in this base?”

The blonde man’s smiled, the same rehearsed smile as before, but his PokeNav rang before he could speak- he raised a finger to mean signify it would only be a minute of his time. As a voice began speaking, the man’s slightly disinterested expression changed to one of frustration, then to anger.

Neji studied the personality of the boss as he spoke through his device. This would help if they were in a situation where they would have to face him.

“You WHAT?!” The shout echoed across the room. “How could you be so incredibly stupid?! Do you have any idea what consequences your actions could have!? How could you let them get away?!” He gestured angrily, a dismissive motion, and quickly the prisoners were forced to stand — except Haru, who had been standing from the start. But before they were escorted out of the room, the blonde man gestured to one of the other four members of Team Rocket seated at the table. He stood up, picking a small, black rectangular case and setting it on the table. He opened it, revealing some sort of needle: it looked like a pair of pliers, but instead of two prongs used for gripping and snipping pieces of metal, a short glass phial with a pointed end occupied the head of the tool above the handles. The body of the tool was black and rectangular, and housed the more complicated technology. He picked up the needle and gestured to Haru. "The Meganium, please."

Haru considered the situation for a moment. The blonde man had been right about one thing- Haru was not in control here. Haru's only choice was to submit to Team Rocket.

"I'm...sorry," he said, as he released Meganium from his Pokeball.

However, Haru was not the least bit sorry for what happened next. He knew Meganium well enough to know what it would do the moment he released it. He hadn't ordered it, and Meganium was far too valuable to Team Rocket for them to do any serious harm to it. Therefore, there was very little they could do when Meganium flung all two-hundred plus pounds of its' weight in the form of a Body Slam towards the approaching man as the Pokeball opened.

No sooner had the grass type been let out of his Pokeball, the man with the strange tool sidestepped the blow and gripped the Pokemon by the base of the neck with vice-like strength. He jabbed the pointed end of the phial into its neck, just under the petals that encircled it. He squeezed the handles, and there was a sharp hiss as a pressure device inside the black box body sucked a sample of Meganium's blood into the phial, filling it quickly. He removed the needle and replaced the tool into its case.

"Meganium, stop," Haru ordered before Meganium could continue with it's rampage.

"You're right- I am intelligent and rational, and I do indeed see reason," Haru said, completely calm. "I can see that you really want this Meganium. But there is a small problem- Meganium is highly attached to me. In fact, it will fight to the death for me. Sure, you can take him by force, but he's not going to let just anyone handle him. You'll need to use all the sedatives at your disposal to effectively contain him, but the effects of the sedatives will likely make him completely useless to you, and that's assuming you don't end up having to kill him- because I can promise he'll do his best to kill you if you don't.

"So, no matter how much I dislike it, I suppose I can be reasonable enough and cooperate with you. But if I do, Meganium will stay with me and you will let me handle whatever it is you plan to do to him. I can't guarantee the safety of anyone else who tries it, and I don't think Meganium will go willingly with anyone else."

Meganium now took a protective stance beside Haru, glaring and growling in the direction of the Rockets in front of them. Haru stood there, completely still while awaiting a response. This could still go badly for the two of them- the Rockets could still knock out or kill him and take Meganium. But if they did, what Haru said was true- Meganium would fight, and a large amount of sedatives would likely only do more harm than good.

Fortuntately for Haru, the blonde man was still on the phone, though not oblivious to the event which had just taken place. His brow was still furrowed, he lowered the PokeNav and spoke sharply. "I knew you could be reasonable. As long as you do cooperate, I think this may be the beginning of a wonderful partnership, granted you keep this up. We have what we need for now, withdraw it and we'll be sure to speak later." He picked up the phone, but threw one last comment at the man with the Meganium before turning his full attention back to the call. "Sedatives are the easiest way to make sure you and your Pokemon cooperate, but we have other methods. Granted you keep being reasonable, we won't have to resort to those methods, Hm?" He looked away and began speaking into the phone again.

Mina, Haru and Neji were then escorted away, back the way they came, the man’s frustrated shouts audible until the doors closed. No one spoke. The three were put back in their cells, Haru’s and Nejis were next to each other’s, while Mina’s was across the hall from Haru’s. Judging by the number of rooms in the hallway, they were obviously equipped to host many ‘guests’. Each room was the same - disarmingly comfortable, but not quite homely.

The three were put back in their cells. Neji began to plot. Their plan was set back because they failed to grab Meganium. Their plan can be achieved quickly, but if delayed it may take months. From the conversation he had, it seemed that another mishap had happened where ever the other call was coming from. It also revealed that they were trying to capture others but they managed to escape. He closed his eyes and went through everything again.

08-20-2012, 04:52 PM
Marcel watched as Shaun spoke about finding new trainers. The entire thing seemed dangerous, and an extra Pair of hands and pokéballs couldn't hurt at all. In this time, even one extra pokémon is helpful. "I agree" Marcel said, nodding towards the man with the map. "Scouting for new trainers to help us would be a good idea, the more pokémon on our side, the more chance we have of defeating team rocket, and freeing the station" he explained, taking a stroke of Bulbasaur's Pokéball. he thought it odd that the Pokémon was yet to evolve, surely it wasnt long now... They had been together since Marcel was Ten years old, But then, bulbasaur hadn't been needed in battle too often until the Change, so maybe he was still only as strong as the starter Pokémon it was made for.
Then his finger travelled to Staryu. Even though the friendship with bulbasaur was more deep-rooted, The Staryu was the only Pokémon Marcel had ever caught, and so he had a special sense of protection and admiration over it, for they had also become good friends, especially when you consider that Staryu had originally tried to kill both he and Marcel.
And finally, the Egg. Marcel thought about what Pokémon could be living inside such a thing, One prised from the dead hands of a Rocket. The egg symbolised rebellion to Marcel, and part of him thought that he had earned his place in this world by stealing from a Rocket, that he had something of there's, so he had at least one point against them in the games they seem to be playing.
"So." He finally said after a moments pause. "Where to recruit?"

08-24-2012, 02:33 AM
Saffron City

Abel watched the battle between Shaun's group and, much to Abel's surprise, two members of Team Rocket from his hiding place in the alley, silently fuming as he did so. He had fallen asleep on the job, only waking up when the sounds of battle reached him. In his defense, Abel hadn't slept more than a few hours in the last few days, but that was no excuse. Falling asleep like that could get one killed in this world.

Abel briefly deliberated on killing the Rocket members. This sort of carelessness was something that could endanger the entire organization. Abel could care less about Team Rocket itself. What he did care about was the money they paid him. They had been a steady source of income for him for years, and losing that was not an idea Abel liked entertaining. He had just resolved to pull the trigger when the Screech came, throwing him off just enough that firing now would likely end in a miss, not to mention give away his position. Thankfully, the attack ended, but Abel didn't get much of a chance to take aim again before he had to run for his life. Being so close to an Exploding Graveler was not very healthy.

Abel managed to make it through the alley just as the explosion occurred. The shockwave sent Abel flying through the air, and he landed particularly hard. Abel lay still for a moment, checking to see if anything was broken. He was able to move everything, but he was incredibly sore. He'd be feeling this for the next week or so.

Abel stood- slowly- and sighed. So much for Team Rocket's secrecy. He hoped for those two fool's sake that the boss was in a forgiving mood today. Then he remembered why he had been in the alley to begin with. Rifle still in hand, he rushed down the alley once again, preparing to fire if needed. If the others had been killed in that explosion, then fine, but if Shaun had been injured, he would be open to attack. And if the Rockets took advantage of that...well, it may be better that Abel kill them, given their actions.

He was pleased to see that no one had been hurt. The to Rocket members were nowhere to be seen- probably ran off. Abel watched as Shaun was stopped from killing a Blastoise who apparently belonged to one of the others, and then entered the Pokemon Center after a brief conversation.

Abel sighed once more, lowering his rifle. This job was turning out to be a lot more trouble than he thought it would be. He stared in the direction of the Pokemon Center for a few minutes, taking in the situation. Shaun and his group had just fought with two members of Team Rocket. He knew that Team Rocket would work quickly to cover this whole thing up, and they would be more than willing to kill Shaun and his group to do it. Abel could try to stop them, but it was likely they would simply kill him as well, just for associating with the group.

So the only thing to do was to get them out of the city as quickly as possible. Perhaps Team Rocket would cool their heads eventually and not want them dead...and if they didn't, maybe they would pay Abel more to do the killing for them.

Yet there wasn't much Abel could do at the moment. He couldn't simply waltz into the Pokemon Center and usher the group away so soon after that fight- it would look far to suspicious. Staying where he was wasn't wise, either- soon people would be here to gawk at the site of the explosion, and an armed man casually sitting so close to such a place would be a bit...odd. Abel decided to relocate for the time being, taking his leave just as he heard the murmuring of a gathering crowd that would inevitably be ran off by the authorities...who happened to be controlled by the very people who caused it.

A few hours later of lurking around in as many dark corners as he could so as to stay out of sight, Abel decided that it should be safe to enter the Pokemon Center. And the sooner the better- Abel heard yet another explosion off in the distance. He would need to move fast.

Abel eventually came to the Pokemon Center, and as he entered, he considered trying to look exhausted. He soon realized that wasn't necessary, though, as he probably already looked the part from his lack of sleep, so acting wasn't really required.

"So, where to recruit?" Abel heard someone say as he entered. He turned to see a young boy standing amongst the group he had been watching for some time now. Great, another person to worry about- or not worry about, depending on how things went.

"Recruit?" Abel asked, his voice full of curiosity as he raised an eyebrow, "Need help with something?"


Viridian City, Rocket HQ

Haru sighed as the door closed behind him. He leaned against the wall, then slowly slid down it, eventually coming to a sitting position.

He had just agreed to help Team Rocket with their crazy plan. After all this time trying to keep away from them, they finally managed to catch him. He hadn't had much of a choice- it had literally been help them or die. Meganium was the only thing keeping him alive at this point.

But at least he was alive. That meant he could possibly escape at some point, taking Meganium with him.

He took Meganium's Pokeball from his belt, looking at it. Finally, he tossed the ball, releasing Meganium.

"Sorry pal, but your gonna have to trust me on this one," Haru said.

Meganium nodded in response. He was willing to trust Haru with his life- in fact, that was exactly what he was doing. Things seemed bad right now, but he had faith that Haru would be able to get them out of it.

Haru sat a moment longer, then stood, recalling Meganium as he did so.

"Guess we'll be here for awhile..." he said.

08-24-2012, 07:08 AM
Azalea Town

Reckless and his group of Pokemon stuck out like a sore thumb. It wasn't often you saw a guy crawl around, sniffing the ground alongside his dog pokemon, let alone while wearing poke-parts or with a Fearow and Haunter by his side as well. As he reached the edge of Azalea, he took a moment to look up and sniff the air before howling, causing his Mightyena, Fang, his Houndoom, Talon, and the small Poochyena pup, Stain, to all howl with him in unison. Willow the Fearow immediately flew down closer to her trainer as he finally stood on two legs like a normal person, holding out his arm for Willow to land on as he moved his Duskull mask out of his face. Underneath was his mummified form, only his red eye baring itself.

Reckless's Haunter, Fear, turned to a onlooker with a creepy grin, sticking his tongue out and pulling down an eyelid in a childish gesture. The growl Fear let out only made this once innocent move slightly terrifying, terrifying enough to turn the onlooker away wide-eyed. Fear laughed, then latched itself onto it's Alphas unoccupied shoulder to hear what he had to say.

Through the bandages, Reckless breathed in deeply, managing to inhale some of the air surrounding him. "Well, my friends," He began in a tone that heavily implied he held a cocky smirk, "I think it's time to go Job Hunting." Reckless patted the Misdreavus pearls on his belt, hoping to complete his belt by receiving only a couple more pearls. After eying his belt a bit and taking another look around town, Reckless outstretched both arms, forcing Fear and Willow off of him, and shouting, "Stations!"

With a piercing screech, Willow took to the skies once more, surveying the area and looking around for any potential danger that she could undoubtedly dispose of quickly. Fear giggled slightly before proceeding to invade any privacy that may have been retained by the remaining civilians, and started to survey the land his own way...looking around in people's homes and businesses that is. It was only the dogs who stayed behind alongside Reckless, and by the looks of it that was probably a smart move.

"Hey!" someone yelled from behind him. "Look, you can't just come in here and act like you own the place, bud!" the man yelled at him some more, a determined look on his face and a couple of angry Heracross standing to either side of him to make his point more poignant.

In response, Reckless merely turned around to face this man. Noticing the Heracross, Reckless merely stared, noticing that they were slowly taking steps forward and probably making plans to headbutt Talon and Fang, leaving the vulnerable Stain and Reckless behind. Reckless chuckled, stopping the Heracross. He then turned up to face the trainer and said, "What's wrong with my entrance?"

The trainer clenched his teeth. "You're a freak, and freaks tend to bring us trouble."

"I beg to differ," Reckless held out his arms for emphasis, "I think freaks bring business...angry pokemon, however..." He crouched down and set a gloved hand on each of the evolved dogs' heads, letting their large fangs and intimidating snarls do the talking for him.

The Heracross held their ground and a tense staring match was held for a short while before the man simply glared and said, "We just don't want any trouble, ok?" The owner turned around, his pokemon following suit, and the trio found their way back to a small house with a wife and kid waiting at the door. The door closed behind him, and Feng perked her ears as the click of the door locking made it way to her ears.

Fang and Talon immediately stopped growling, turning to Reckless for sign of what to do now. Reckless merely pet both of their heads simultaneously before picking up Stain and holding the pup like a baby in his arms. At this, Fear found it best to stick by its Alpha, and hovered over to Reckless's side, tacking onto his left shoulder once more. As Reckless scratched Stain's belly, he looked around the town once more, then shouted, "Does anyone around here have any Misdreavus pearls, and perhaps some work for me to do?"

08-24-2012, 02:44 PM
Saffron City

Meg listened to what was said once more remaining silent while Ditty settled in her arms looking at those that set around her. "Well if your going out." she said sighing softly "I hope you don't mind if I stay here..." she said simply looking down at her arms that she still had not really done anything with they looked awful. She glanced over at the other new kid as he spoke up She could only shake her head at the question though. "I'm going to go clean up... again." she said with another sigh and turned just as some one else spoke.

Turning fully to this new person she remained where she was Ditty shifting in her arms to get a better look at him. She turned her head to look at Shuan in question about this man not that they knew each other but still... Her arms stung a bit reminding her that she should clean them and get them treated so with another sigh she moved past the new face and off to get herself seen to.

Ecruteak City

Cathy's gaze remained steady and cold though she had not been tens she relaxed a bit more a small command passing from her lips T.Y. Set back once more But bolt continued his every present dare and glare. "Oh?" She asked her voice low "circeling the building encase we try and leave it?" She asked her tone less then friendly. Her knife remained at her waist and in full view but there was not even the suggestion of movement for it. "That dose not simply sound like just wanting to help." she pointed out Dryly "Thats sounds more like trying to keep us from escaping should their be a threat."

"Pardon my rudeness..." she said in a voice clearly meaning she did not trust him in the slightest. "But If there is a move made between me or my companions you will be burnt to a crisp." She grimaced a bit as her stomach begged for something to fill it. "And I must leave it at that." She said dully Cathy was anything but friendly at the moment. Some one in her supposed 'group' had been taken right under her nose and now he was who knows where and they were waiting till the next morning to grab him... some one was going to be hurt by the end of this mission and it was sure as heck not going to be her companions.

after that last two encounters with random people who tried to kill them one way or another, and then one killed himself she actuly felt a small pity for the poor man but that was past by minutes and could no longer be brought back. She turned with out another word and started to make her way down the hall if the boy followed... well that was up to him not that she invited it. Tossing her ball out she let Whiny out Who started prancing around the group in excitement

08-24-2012, 03:49 PM
Saffron City

Joy had never actually repaired a shell as large as Blastoise's, but she knew the theory behind it.
"We need to drill the braces onto its shell. It's a tough job because something needs to hold the shell pieces together while we drill the braces on so that they keep it in the right position. We have the materials in the back room, if you will follow me."

Syrio thought for a moment about Shaun's proposal, but he didn't look too positive.
"I really have no idea where to find a collection of people like that; trainers are very rare nowadays. But I do know that people tend to congregate at The Snorlax Diner. That restaurant is not far from here, and all sorts of people go in and out."

It was at that point that Abel came through the door, bringing a cold outdoor breeze in with him. With darkness behind him, light on his face, leather armour on his body and a rifle in his hands, he looked like the Deus ex Machina they needed. Lightning flashed in the dark sky behind him, transforming him momentarily into a silhouette.

"... and one of those people is right here." Syrio said.

Ecruteak City

Brendan wandered around the town, just taking the time to look at it after everything that had happened since his arrival. His Pokemon were well fed. Sneasel had just downed the last of the eggs, and he had taken Scizor and Kabutops to a quiet corner of the town to eat the Pidgeys, which they shared. Kabutops split them open from neck to navel with his sickle-like claws and drained them of their body fluids. He also ate a bit of the muscle as well. Scizor got the rest of them, barring the feathers, feet and beaks.

After they ate, he decided to have The Boys practise their martial arts. Being alone in his penthouse apartment for three years would have passed slowly if he and his Pokemon weren't in proper shape, so he had them trained in martial arts and performed exercises of his own to keep fit. They practised different styles unique to their appendages (which all had some sort of sharp weapon on them): Kabutops practised something similar to Mantis Form Kung Fu, Scizor's style was about trapping and pinching as well and punching and kicking, and Gallade's was based of arm and elbow movements as well as kicking forms. He had them spar with each other, with Sneasel and Gardevoir watching, before they practised their Swords Dance kata. The kata was an impressive display of fighting prowess, even more so when it was performed in perfect unison. Brendan thought the best part was when The Boys performed a perfect spinning heel kick, followed by a leg sweep on the same leg, a side kick and hammer fist. The last of those was the most interesting because they all had different arm structures: Gallade had hands, Scizor had big red pincers and Kabutops had sickles.

The night was cool, despite the heat of the post-Change world, and Brendan felt it through his jacket. In fact, he even felt the need to pull it together over his chest to keep out a cold breeze. He was free to wander, but he knew that he'd best be renting a bed at the centre. Something in the sky caught his eye.

"... What the hell..." A Charizard was circling the Dance hall. Why was a Charizard circling the Dance hall? He remembered that Neji had been taken away somehow. Obviously he had been flown out, and a Charizard fit the bill. There was also that man knocking on the door. What if he was another Rocket, come to collect the Meganium? He decided not to wait and find out. Maybe he'd get to be a hero.

Gallade never did well against flying types, and Scizor was weak to fire, but Kabutops could cover for them both. That's why his team was so well balanced: if one had a weakness, another could defend against that weakness.
"Everybody," he addressed his Pokemon as they finished up the kata for the third time, "I think we might be going up against that."

They gathered around him hesitantly. Living in Goldenrod, they had only ever fought feral Pokemon and thugs; this was a completely different kettle of fish.
"Kabutops, if it gets close, I want you to use aqua jet on its wings; douse it and stop it from flying. Gardevoir, you back him up with hypnosis; Scizor, you keep her covered so she can focus; and Gallade, you can have at it with stone edge if it gets on the ground."

They all looked at each other, thinking about what their trainer had said and getting to know the dynamic he had just described. It was basically Gallade covering Scizor covering Gardevoir covering Kabutops.

"And Sneasel, you can watch and see how they fight."
The little black Pokemon was disappointed, and boy did he show it. He could at least express it around Brendan, rather than with Riley. He really wanted to fight, too; he loved fighting other Pokemon. Brendan, however, ignored it. He'd gauge how team Rocket taught him to fight later on, but right now it would be best if the others set an example.

"Alright, let's go."

He was back in time to hear Cathy talking to the same man who had knocked on the door earlier. Or at least, Brendan assumed that was the same one.
"Oh? Circling the building in case we try and leave it? That does not simply sound like just wanting to help. That sounds more like trying to keep us from escaping. Sounds like a threat."

So it is his dragon, Brendan thought, and he's got it keeping guard. If this guy's another Rocket, we'll have him tied up as well.

"Pardon my rudeness, but if your Pokemon make so much as a funny look at me or my companions you will be burnt to a crisp. I must leave it at that."

Brendan held the door open for her as she walked out. "There's a food store just up the road," he said, "it has a big neon sign."

Then it was his turn to speak to this man. First and only thing he noticed about him was that he had three fighting type Pokemon with him. That threw off the dynamic he set out for his Pokemon completely. To stop them from breaking Kabutops with their own attacks, Gallade, Gardevoir and Scizor would have to hold off the fighting types so that the trilobite could hold off the Charizard so that it wouldn't hurt Scizor and Gallade. It was a delicate way of fighting, because if one went down, the other would follow.
Brendan shook off the burden of the risky plan and addressed the man with the clearest voice he could muster in the confrontation.
"I might ask just what you're doing here, of all places, watching us, and making sure we don't escape when I'm pretty sure we don't even know who you are. So maybe you'd like to start with that."

Azalea Town

The residents of the isolated town all gave this strange man unsavoury looks. Nobody was eager to help, since he had made such a negative impression on everyone around him. A more direct question would need to be asked.

08-24-2012, 08:23 PM
Azalea Town

Awkward silence, and a long one at that. "Tsk," Reckless spat, "This place doesn't work like Hoenn at all." He turned to look at his confused dogs, bringing Fear with him. He took a moment to think about his next move before finally looking to Fear. "Did you find a place to rest while scouting?" Fear merely nodded and pointed. The Haunter was pointing him in the direction of a PokeCentre not too far past the entrance. Reckless's eyebrow raised for a moment in confusion. Usually Fear pointed him towards an empty house or somewhere where a job was waiting with payment in shelter and food. Eventually Reckless nodded once with a sigh, not liking the idea of using unnatural methods of healing his pokemon, but understanding the point Fear was trying to make.

Reckless scratched behind Fear's "ear" [well, where Reckless assumed it to be] kindly, to which Fear merely nuzzled up to and enjoyed. "I understand, you're tired after all that battling and swimming over here to Johto. Well in that case you, Stain, and Talon go over there to rest. Take this with you," Reckless set down Stain, then took off a small piece of his bandages from in his messenger bag. "You'll need it," he finished, then removed his glove, put his finger through the bandages on his face, and bit it. When he took his finger out it was bleeding a little bit, and Reckless used this blood as a pen. We need healing he wrote in the blood, then handed the bandage to Fear as he proceeded to put his glove back on. Fear nodded once in thanks, then proceeded to head towards the PokeCentre with the Houndoom and Poochyena following.

After this, Reckless turned up to face the skies, cupping his hands over his hidden mouth and screeching to the sky. It was distinct and didn't sound exactly like his Fearow's cry, but it was definitely impressive to say the least. If he'd screeched like that before entering the town, the townsfolk might have even mistaken him for a feral pokemon. It was realistic enough to get Willow to come down and perch on his outstretched arm.

It was almost a humorous sight with such a huge bird just chilling out on a puny human, but when one took the bird's massive claws and dangerous reputation into account, the humor was gone, and respect was probably the next thing to come into an onlookers mind...that or fear. Probably the latter.

"Willow, find some action and lead our pack to it. Bring Fang just in case things get iffy." The Fearow didn't even nod, she simply picked up her four-legged friend by the shoulders and flung the Mightyena into the air. As if they were doing a circus act that had been practiced countless times, Fang did a few backflips before landing on Willow's back flawlessly, despite the fact that Willow had already taken to the skies. Then the two were off, and the moment they were out of sight, Reckless took it upon himself to make sure Nurse Joy was treating his pokemon with extreme care...otherwise he might need to take care of her.

Ilex Forest

Willow and Fang had undoubtedly looked like the strangest duo in the sky, but they felt otherwise. This sort of thing was natural in their eyes, having done it countless times before whenever the Pack arrived in a few city or town back in Hoenn. It was even how they traveled over the remaining polluted waters on the way to Johto in the first place, and that was a bumpy ride.

Willow screeched fairly quietly as she took a sudden left turn, allowing a speeding Pidgeot fly right past them. Fang glared at the bird before raising her left paw and barking once, as if to say "Watch where you're going!" or "You're not the only one in the skies, you know!" Willow decided they were flying a little too close to the trees and made her way up a little more to prevent a head-on collision with another Pidgeot or, worse, a fellow Fearow. Right about then the duo made their way closer and closer to Route 34, being mostly through the forest faster due to the difference in height they were at as well as Willow's amazing speed. As they reached the forest's edge, Fang suddenly started barking and carefully but uncomfortably shifted her body so that she was completely turned around and riding Willow backwards. She growled, then barked once more, which, if nothing else, informed Willow that the two were being followed.

The Pidgeot from earlier clearly had some road-rage as it proceeded to attempt to peck Fang on the head. Fang used a quick swipe of her paw to deflect the attack, then used bite on the exposed face of the bird of prey following them. Fang didn't want to get swept off of Willow however and settled for a small nip at the eye, which left a nasty scar and some blood running down the Pidgeot's closed eyelid. The bird must have been desperate, however, as it reared up it's claws in an attempt to fling Fang off of Willow's back. Fang then barked, telling Willow to look back, to which Willow did and then screeched as a signal to Fang. Abruptly, Willow turned and dodged the attack, then screeched again and started making her way towards the end of Route 34 in a zig-zag pattern that clearly threw the half blind Pidgeot off balance. Fang then barked a couple times before leaping into the air at the Pidgeot, biting at the exposed neck and clawing at the left wing.

Willow knew what to do, and pulled her wings in tight to her body, making herself like a projectile and heading towards the ground faster than Fang and the flailing Pidgeot. Before even hitting the top of the trees, Willow released her wings once to get air, then drew them close again as she zoomed forward to grab only Fang and not the dying Pidgeot. As Willow stretched her wings once more, flapping them swiftly and sending star-like projectiles from within her feathers down at the Pidgeot, the Pidgeot cried out angrily and desperately to the duo, falling within the brush of the trees with nothing more than a sickening thud and the instant end to it's cries. Willow then took high to the skies again, heading down Route 34 once more, Fang making herself comfortable on her companion's back and examining the skies for any more enemies whist Willow studied the ground below.

Azalea Town

Reckless entered the Pokemon Center as if it was new to him, like he'd never seen one from the inside before. He narrowed his eye and looked around the room carefully and suspiciously. "I haven't been in one of these since before the Change..." He mumbled to himself, then suddenly was tackled playfully by Fear and Stain. With a bright smile he hugged the Haunter as it licked him in greeting, then reached down to pick up the Poochyena wagging it's tail at his feet. "You guys sure seem happy!" He said with a chuckle.

"They sure are!" Nurse Joy said as she walked up to Reckless as if he were as normal of a trainer as that one guy with the baseball cap and the Pikachu, whatever his name was. She smiled brightly, Talon to the left of her. "I'm not sure why, but your Houndoom won't stop following me." With a giggle she pat the dog's head kindly and gently. "If I was more naive I'd think he'd taken a liking to me, but it seems more like he's protecting his friends than that." She removed her hand and extended it to Reckless.

Reckless merely stared at the hand as if he had no idea what to do with it, then looked up at the Nurse in the eyes to signify that he wasn't going to take it.

"Oh dear, where are my manners? I'm Nurse Joy, but you can just call me Joy if you like. Who are you?" She smiled brightly and took her hand back in without even a blink or question about the odd behavior.

"Reckless." He replied, staring at the woman. "Why are yo-"

Before he could question her she extended her hand again, only it was palm up and it looked like it was less in greeting and more like she wanted him to give her something. "May I see your hand?"

"...why...?" He asked simply.

"Your note, it was in blood. I was concerned that perhaps you too were injured, and I just want to help if so." Her face grew soft. "With all those bandages, you must be in terrible shape. Are you ok?" Again she withdrew her hand, not wanting to seem rude.

Again, Reckless started up his question but this time he finished it. "Why are you being so nice?" He tilted his head and narrowed his eye. "You're not trying to get a free favor, are you? Cuz I don't work for free."

She shook her head and put a hand to her cheek. "Dear no, no, of course not! I wouldn't dare exploit someone like that!" She shook her head, shocked at the accusation. "I'm simply doing my job. We don't get many guests, is all...nice ones I mean." She shook her head, referencing the feral pokemon.

Reckless set down Stain, then held up his arm, raising it and pointing it towards his right. Fear, Stain, and Talon took that as a sign to go, walking away and leaving his Alpha to talk with Joy alone.

He set his arm down turning to face his pokemon. Talon sat down like a statue as Stain jumped up and down, nipping at his ears and wagging his tail. Fear circled around the two, Talon simply observing like a stern father when Stain turned to nip at Fear playfully instead. Reckless turned back to Joy, who was still observing their antics. "I understand that this is news to you, seeing as I'm far better known in Hoenn than Johto, but I've had my share of issues during the change, as have they." Nurse Joy faced Reckless again. "Those pokemon over there are my brethren, feral or no. Do not speak of them as if they are unwelcome guests because of what they are, or I will live up to my name." He narrowed his eye at her, pulling his Duskull mask over his already masked face, which only made his eye color seem all the more proper. His eye practically glowed in the darkness of the eye socket, just like that of the pokemon he stole it from. He then crossed his arms, awaiting a reply.

She blinked a couple times, intrigued by the nature of this boy. "I understand, it won't happen again, with you or any pokemon." Nurse Joy nodded and smiled, crossing a finger in an X over her chest. She then turned around and pointed at the many benches around the PokeCentre. "You can all stay the night here if you'd like. You're welcome to anytime. Just make yourself at home here, ok? Meanwhile, I'll check my PC to see if I have any mail concerning jobs you might want to do." Nurse Joy smiled and held up a finger, to look cute if nothing else. "You were the one who yelled about a job out there, right?"

Reckless nodded, then clicked a few times to his Pokemon, who all came to him the instant he did. Again, Reckless picked up Stain, and Nurse Joy and him started to walk towards the counter, conversing as they did so.

"You said you were from Hoenn, right?" Nurse Joy asked kindly, beginning their idle talk.

08-25-2012, 12:17 AM
Ecruteak City

Garrett rubbed his face and sighed. Long fucking day. He pulled out the knife on his belt, cut the ropes tying Riley “Don’t make me regret that, alright?” He went on to cut the corpse free, laying it down on the floor.

Riley rubbed his wrists, his ankles, then stood. “Don’t worry. I’ll stay out of sight for a while. I would leave, but I don’t really want to brave the wasteland without any Pokemon, you know?”

“Yeah. If you really want something you could work here in Ecruteak. The guardsmen are always looking for new volunteers.” He paused, then added, “they’ll kill you if you pull something like this again, though.” Maybe a bit over-the-top, but Garrett was done with dealing with people’s shit today. “Just tell them you know me – name’s Garrett, in case you missed it. They should get you sorted out.” He didn’t really care if Riley took his advice, the only thing on his mind was dealing with his Pokemon’s corpse in the other room, and then dealing with this one here.

Almost as if on cue, there was a commotion at the door. He hadn’t even noticed Cathy or Brendan leaving, but there was suddenly a whole gang of Pokemon at the door, and he caught some words being exchanged, and Brendan asking a question. He stepped to the door, peered around, taller than the rest of the people gathered there. He realized he still held the knife in his hand. A nasty frown settled on his face as he took in the scene. Another Rocket? Another threat?! Why was there a sword plunged into the floor?!

“Circling the building?!” his voice swelled, he was almost shouting now, he hadn’t felt this angry in ages. It was as if this stranger had set off all the latent anger which had built up over the previous day. “Are you trying to threaten me?! Put your Pokemon away this fucking instant! If you don’t want trouble, put them away. I’m surprised the Kimono Girls didn’t tell you to do that the second you walked in, we’re in Ecruteak, not the wilds.” All he wanted was to go to sleep but it seemed like that was impossible for now. He rubbed his face again, about to apologize for being rude, decided against it. Too much had gone on today for him to worry about courtesy. He looked over at Brendan. “You can interrogate him if you want, I have things I need to take care of before we set out,” he turned back to the stranger, “try anything and it’ll be a fatal mistake. Just who do you think you are!?” He pushed his way past, not caring if someone tried to throw a punch, if a Pokemon tried to slice at him. He knew Mismagius would protect him – fighting types couldn’t touch ghosts, after all. “I’ll see you in the morning!” He shouted back at Brendan, and at Cathy, who was further down the hall.

“Naoko!” he shouted as he walked- found her, cleared his throat and lowered his voice to a normal level. He explained the situation, particularly the part about a corpse in one of the rooms. She shrugged demurely, saying how it wasn’t the first time there’d been a corpse in here. Before heading back down the hallway where he’d come from, she handed him a feather, explaining how the Kimono Girls had taken care of his Xatu for him in the proper manner, but had kept a feather as a keepsake for him. Garrett smiled sadly, took it, his anger suddenly gone. He kept walking, headed for home – he had a feeling that tomorrow would be a long day as well.

08-25-2012, 01:33 AM
Saffron City

Shaun nodded to Meg, acknowledging that she had been heard and let her go get tended to. The poor girl had been through a lot that day, no need to put her through more. The new kid was anxious to help, so Shaun allowed it, seeing as Deron would be occupied with his Blastoise. He didn't begrudge the man, only wished that the distraction wasn't there at that moment.

If it put the man at ease, though, he would allow it. Shaun didn't want to think about what he'd have to do if the Water Pokemon turned out to hinder instead of help...

Listening to the scientist, Shaun noted where he indicated on the map and memorized it's juxtaposition to the Pokemon Center. He was right, it wasn't too far... It was then that the door opened and someone spoke.

"Recruit? Need help with something?" the voice of a man said, the thunder and lightning accompanying his entrance casting a rather ominous hue on him. Shaun immediately felt something off about this man. Though nothing seemed wrong about him appearance-wise, there was something in those eyes that Shaun didn't like. It was only a feeling, very very vague feeling at that, but Shaun didn't like it.

"I think I've picked up enough strangers without introductions for one night," Shaun said dryly, turning away from the map to face the man. "Who are you?" He noted the man's rifle. It had range on his shotgun, but Shaun couldn't make an accurate assumption on the stranger's skill with it. There was also nothing indicating he had Pokemon, which might be a plus for Shaun, should it come down to fighting...

08-25-2012, 07:31 AM
Route 34

Willow realized that they were probably past the brunt of the issue and decided to give Fang a chance to scout out more than feral pokemon. She took a gentle dive down and landed somewhere in the middle of Route 34, looking towards the forest and keeping an eye out for Fang's sake. Fang hopped off Willow's back, sniffed at the floor a little and made her way closer to the edge of the pathway. It wasn't long later that she caught the scent of other trainers and perked up her ears to hear if they were nearby. Hearing something very faintly in the distance, she turned and barked at Willow a few times. Willow waddled closer, making a quick screechy Erreh noise in the back of her throat in reply, then the two walked side by side, both watching one another's back and for any signs of another settlement, somewhere their Alpha could find work, could find pay, could find food for the Pack.

Azalea Town

"What brought you to Johto, then?" Nurse Joy asked after some idle talk about Hoenn.

Reckless was leaning over the counter as Joy did a few things on her computer. He was watching the PC screen as if it was some amazing new invention that he'd never seen before, and this was probably true what with the way he and his pokemon acted before the Change. As numbers and letters were entered and deleted all over the place, pictures flashing and moving across the screen, and many more wondrous things, Reckless simply stared, answering with two words. "Something new."

Joy stopped working for a moment, suddenly far more interested in hearing his reply. "What do you mean?" She asked sweetly, turning and facing him.

"I don't want to talk about it, but I don't want to leave your question unanswered either, so I'll make this quick." Reckless moved his mask out of his face so that he could speak to her more clearly, so that he could avoid any more questions regarding repeating himself and/or being unheard.

"Alright." Nurse Joy too leaned on the counter, resting her elbows on it, and then her head in her palms.

He pointed at himself. "The Change changed more than just the world, Joy. It changed me too. It helped me realize myself, find my place, and helped me turn myself around." Reckless put his hand down, resting it on the counter again. "I'm not the fool I was before. I'm Reckless, I'm..." he paused, not knowing if he was saying too much or not.

Nurse Joy merely stared into his eyes, her eyes flickering between each eye since she couldn't look at them both at the same time. She was highly intrigued and extremely curious, Reckless could see that much, but she also didn't want to push him into saying something it wasn't even her business to know in the first place. So silent it was for a brief moment before finally Reckless spoke up again.

"I'm me." He settled on, not telling the whole story...not that he was in the first place, but still.

Joy smiled widely, knowing that he was keeping something from her but she didn't really mind. She reached out a hand to touch him momentarily, but then withdrew it, knowing his actions from before when she wanted a handshake and to heal him. Reckless merely let out a quick, "Heh..." then moved some hair from her eyes. "I don't bite...in fact I can't, what with these bandages in the way." He smiled underneath his bandages, knowing that the emotion would show through his his one visible eye. Reckless then turned to his pokemon, walking over to them and rounding them up.

"What a nice boy," Nurse Joy smiled and spoke to herself as she watched Reckless playing with his Houndoom so sweetly. Reckless rolled around on the floor with the dog, the dog playfully nipping and pawing at his Alpha. Eventually Stain wanted in on the fun and joined into the fray, leaping up and imitating his elder, Talon, but in a far more hyperactive way. Joy giggled at the two, enjoying just observing for a moment.

Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder, then another on her other one, then felt something lick the back of her neck. A shiver went down her spine and she couldn't help but scream.

Route 34

Willow and Fang had been walking for what felt like forever to them. It couldn't have been more than ten or fifteen minutes, but comparing the speed of walking to that of flying made it seem just so long. Willow sighed, to with Fang noticed and turned to face the bird in understanding. Fang made a very high pitched quick and quiet bark, and Willow replied with a soft chirp. Memories of the long trip over the disgusting, polluted ocean came to their minds, and Fang whined, looking at Willow's wings with worry. Fang nuzzled Willow's wing a little bit and Willow just chirped again, only this time seeming more insistent, or frustrated, almost as if to say "I'm fine, leave me alone." Fang then turned back to the road and tried to see if a town or city was anywhere closer, but just couldn't see anything on the horizon. A Fearow's eyes were probably much better than a Mightyena's, though, so Fang turned to her friend to see if Willow showed any signs of seeing something. Seeing nothing, Fang then turned back to the path ahead of them, sniffing the air for any signs of feral pokemon and perking her ears at the sounds of the city they headed for.

It took at least another five minutes before Willow finally perked her head up and make a low Craww! sound at the sight of the city. A couple minutes later, after jogging to keep up with the strangely fast paced waddle of her companion, Fang too could see the city and wagged her tail in joy at the find. Their Alpha would be pleased by this information alone, so it was time to head back. Willow screeched, both as a signal that the job was done and for Fang to know it was time to take flight again, and then grabbed Fang by the shoulders to begin their well-practiced landing and flying move.

Azalea Town

"Fear, what the hell are you doing!?" Reckless shouted at one of his pokemon. Putting two and two together, Nurse Joy realized that it was the Haunter that was missing from his small group as he played with his pokemon, and breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that's what was behind her. Shivering and shaking her head to remove the creepy thoughts that first came to her mind, she felt the hands of the pokemon let go of her shoulders, and saw the Haunter as it hovered over the counter to its trainer, looking quite guilty as it did so. "Fear, we are her guests for the night. The least you could do is be nice to her."

With a hand to her heart and a shaken-up smile, Joy shook her head. "Oh really no worries. It was all meant to be in fun, I'm sure." Fear nodded a couple times, a large smile plastering itself on the Haunter's face. Reckless wasn't totally amused, and kept his serious stare and arms crossed for a couple moments before sighing and saying it was all ok, warning against doing something similar later. "Next time, I'll be prepared," Nurse Joy said confidently, giving a determined smirk to the Haunter as she rolled up one of her sleeves and flexed her small muscles in an attempt to show off. Fear merely pointed and laughed at the gesture, then smiled widely, waved, and turned to go play with its Pack again. Nurse Joy giggled and turned to Reckless. "You don't have to be so tense around me, you know." She bumped into Reckless playfully. "We're all friends here."

Reckless's eye widened and he turned to face Joy. He quickly turned his gaze to the floor and twiddled his fingers while he kicked his foot at the floor lightly. "Gee," he started, "I've...never had a human friend before...not after the Change anyway." You could practically see him blushing beneath the bandages.

Joy giggled, "Nonsense! You seem like such a great guy! There's gotta be someone back in Hoenn who thinks so too, right?"

He sunk down a little bit, taking a moment before admitting, "Well, no. Nobody... After the Change, I..." He closed his eye tightly, "I was pretty much abandoned by all but my Pack."

"Your...pack?" Joy tilted her head in confusion.

Reckless turned to Joy. "You call them a party, I call them a Pack. Party implies that the good times eventually end. Pack implies a bond like none other, like family."

Joy smiled a wide smile, "You know, I've never thought of it like that before." She giggled, "I think I like Pack more than party myself, actually."

"You do?" Reckless questioned in a bit of shock. "Most people back in Hoenn said that it was stupid, that I was acting like a freak." He turned back to his pokemon. "I'm not gonna lie to ya, Joy, if it wasn't for my line of work, I'd probably have had no human contact since the Change. I'd be more of an anti-social dweeb than I was as a PokeManic."

Joy giggled, "You were a PokeManic?" She looked him over. "Well you know, that actually makes sense now." She smiled, not even commenting about the fact that his accessories were made of real pokemon. She hardly seemed to notice, actually. "To be totally honest with you, I actually have an old Bellossum costume in the back of the shop." She blushed lightly. "I hardly ever wore it but when I did, oh did the children love to play as if they too were pokemon." She giggled, "Those were the highlights of my life, really."

"Like they were pokemon?" Reckless brightened, getting excited.

She nodded, "Like they were-"

"FERAL POKEMOOOOON!!!" a towns-person shouted from outside the Center. The Pack all perked up at the noise, curious about what was going on, and Reckless sprang into action.

As he ran towards the doorway he cockily said, "Now THAT sounds like a job offer!" He ran through the door leaving it open, and his Pokemon and Nurse Joy quickly followed suit. Reckless ran up to one of the few people who dared to come outside. The man was pretty tall, kinda burly, and was the only one who had a weapon of any sort. Currently, this man was aiming his gun towards the skies, specifically a large rifle with an aiming device of some sort attached to the top of it. It seemed the man hadn't found what to aim at exactly, but he was certainly finding it. "What's the issue?" Reckless asked quickly.

The man didn't bother to look at Reckless or make judgement based on anything but the guy's voice. Assuming it was just some regular Joe, the man decided replying wouldn't hurt, and even if the guy wasn't normal, keeping him updated on current events wasn't something that would kill the town. "Apparently one of our guys went to survey the area and saw the strangest duo of pokemon coming just straight at him from the sky!" The man said, causing Reckless's eye to widen. "He said, uh... a Pooch of some sort and a Fearow." Reckless was about to say something about it, about how they were his pokemon and they were far from feral, when the man smirked suddenly. "Got 'em!"

"Wait, no, no! Don't shoot!" Reckless tackled the man as the loud crack and crackle of gunfire sounded through the air, and the gun began to smoke.

08-25-2012, 03:07 PM
"Recruit? Need help with something?" A man said, no sooner after Marcel had asked where to recruit other trainers. Marcel turned in his seat to see the man, rifle in hand, standing nearby. Marcel felt the intimidation ebbing from him, and, once again, felt his hand travel to his Pokéballs in defence. Shaun turned from where he was standing, and mumbled something under his breath, something about picking up strangers. Marcel felt a little annoyed, but he understood. Shaun turned to see the boy standing there, and asked his name.

Marcel was beginning to wonder what exactly he was getting himself into. He was sitting here, Two First-Level pokémon and an egg, and he planned to take on the infamous Team Rocket by freeing a station to allow the Links between here and another place to open up, no doubt full of Rocket members and more fighting. Marcel was worried that he would fall at this hurdle, but he would fight on. For himself, For Saffron. For Good.

08-28-2012, 06:40 AM
Sorry about the double post!

08-28-2012, 06:46 AM
Azalea Town

"What have you done!?" Reckless yelled, pulling the man up directly to his face by his shirt. "I swear to you now, if you even so much as grazed one of Willow's feathers, I'll have your head!" The man was panicking, his eyes wide open in nothing but fear, and his arms held up in surrender. His rifle had fallen from his grasp the moment that Reckless had hit him to the floor. Reckless then stood, taking the gunman with him, dragging him along painfully by his shirt.

"Reckless, what are you doing!?" Joy shouted, running up behind him and taking his hand to stop him.

With a growl rising in the back of his throat, he turned around, "OUT OF MY WAY." He yelled, then softened ever so slightly when he realized who it was. "Look, either go back to the center, or make yourself useful and help me find where Willow and Fang landed." His voice was still stern, and hard as a rock, but at least this time around it sounded more...human.

Nurse Joy merely looked down at the man Reckless was dragging, helping him get to his feet so that he could at least not be choked while he was brought along. She then looked up at Reckless and nodded once, a determined look in her eyes. "Let's go."

"Fear, Talon, let's move." The Haunter and Houndoom didn't skip a beat; Fear hovered over to his Alpha, Talon staying behind to pick up the Poochyena pup, Stain, by the scruff and jog a bit to catch up with the rest of the group as they made their way down the path and to the forest.

Ilex Forest

"Um...Reckless...what kind of pokemon are Willow and Fang...so I know what to look for." Joy was slightly terrified at this point to even talk to Reckless. She didn't want him lashing out at her, so she tried to be simple with her question, and was quite timid as she asked. It was surprising she didn't stammer, actually.

Reckless didn't even bother to turn and regard her. "Fang is a Mightyena, the mother to Stain, Talon's mate, and my first pokemon. Willow is a Fearow, Fang's best friend, and the first pokemon I caught using standard methods."

Joy waited a moment before deciding that semi-distracting Reckless from the problem at hand would be a good way to release some of the tension hanging thick in the air. "What...what do you mean by standard methods?"

Reckless gripped tighter on the shirt of the gunman he was dragging, who was trying to use this as an opportunity to leave. "I mean without attacking the pokemon myself." The gunman went absolutely stiff at this, now knowing just how strong the man dragging him was on his own, and Joy simply gasped, covering her mouth.

Then silence.

It was quiet for a long time. The seconds passed by like minutes, and minutes like hours. Nobody called out the names of the pokemon for fear of being attacked by ferals, but silence lingered since ferals weren't even attacking. It took a long while before any sounds were heard aside feet hitting dirt in an uneven rythm. Underneath the obviously angry sounds of a fight occurring, the sound of a pained bird snaked their way into Reckless's ear.

Reckless hardly took any time to react before he decided to throw the man in his arms toward the sound of fighting. Joy next to ran out to retrieve him when Reckless put an arm in front of her. "Not yet." With a pained expression the woman looked up at Reckless, then back into the brush. Almost a second later, the gunman was running out, hands over his head, screaming "A crazy Pidgeot! Dying! Angry!" He ran back home in a state of panic, wanting nothing more than to get out of that forest while he could, and as far away from the psycho that was Reckless while he did it. Reckless merely narrowed his eye, crouched down, then ran on all fours for a short while before leaping in the air and tackling the man mid-run.

"You're not going anywhere until you find my pokemon, and I know that they're safe, got it!?" Reckless grabbed the man again, not bothering to let him reply as Reckless picked him him up and back on his feet, dragging him by his neck this time.

"Aaaaaaahhh!" Zubat flew out of the trees at the sound of Nurse Joy as she screamed and ran off the path and away from a few feral Beedrill straight into the forest brush. Letting go of the gunman's neck, Reckless reached out to the woman.

"Nurse Joy!" The gunman yelled the moment he could breathe, but the nurse was out of earshot by now. Him and Reckless bounded off in her direction, using her screams as guidance.

Reckless was running on all fours, then leaping in the air in an attempt to catch the beedrill the same way he caught the gunman. Fear and Talon [with Stain still dangling by the scruff in Talon's jaws] were hardly even straining to keep up like the gunman was. Stain continuously barked, trying to divert the attention of the beedrills and managed to catch the attention of one. Two, however, continued to fly after Nurse Joy. "Talon, protect Stain!" Reckless shouted, to which the Houndoom slid to a stop and set down the Poochyena at his feet. With a low growl that slowly turned into a bark, the Houndoom proceeded to both protect his pup and divert the attention of at least one pokemon from his Alpha.

Reckless continued running, knowing that Talon could handle himself, and then turned to Fear. Getting up on merely two legs, but not tripping up or slowing down in the least, he started to shout orders. "Give me a boost, Fear, then use Shadow Ball! Aim for me!" He yelled over the sound of buzzing wings and the crunch of leaves and twigs below their feet.

Fear merely nodded as the gunman reached out, trying to reason with the madman. "Are you crazy!? You'll be injured - how is that helping any-" too late. Reckless jumped up straight on his haunter's small clawed hands. Fear's eyes were already beginning to glow with energy, and his claws were proceeding to give off a dark hue. The Haunter merely used this too his advantage as he pushed Reckless high into the air, then opened his mouth menacingly to exhale the shadowic sphere into existence. Reckless used this boost to get high into the air, before curling up into the fetal position, and launching himself like a bullet at the beedrill. At the last minute, Reckless opened up as suddenly as a parachute, fanning out his arms and legs to confuse the beedrill, then grabbed onto the beedrill's neck. Before the beedrill had time to panic or do any damage, Reckless had turned the two of them so that they were spinning slightly in the air. At the exact moment that the beedrill was positioned as a shield to Reckless, Fear launched a shadow ball the size of himself directly at the two, hitting the beedrill square in the head, sending it to the shadow realm.

...wrong anime.

Everything came to a hault - the beedrill chasing Nurse Joy, Joy after realizing she wasn't being pursued, the gunman in morbid fascination, Fear in rest after releasing such a power, and Reckless in landing. After a long while of merely sitting there doing nothing, someone finally decided it was time to break the silence. "Amazing..." the gunman whispered to himself, but this being the only sound made it sound far louder, just like silence makes the ticking of a clock far more prominent. "What...what an incredible feat." As if everything moved in slow motion, Reckless finally landed carefully on his feet, letting go of the headless body long before his feet even touched the floor. Moments after Reckless had landed as gracefully as a feather, the thud of the decapitated beedrill body hitting the floor echoed throughout the forest, a pool of blood building around the exposed neck just begging feral pokemon to come and get their free food. The moment the beedrill's companion heard this, it did nothing more than give a panicked look at Reckless - who's back was faced towards the beedrill and eyes were closed at this point in sheer confidence - and stopped dead in it's tracks. It was as if the move had paralyzed the beedrill in fear.

"...C-can a human even do that...!?" the gunman asked himself quietly, staring at Reckless's unmoving form, then looking at the shivering beedrill. "...Can a human...paralyze...a pokemon...!?"


Talon lunged at the beedrill quickly, going for the throat. The beedrill flew back slightly, just barely dodging the blow. As the shadows of the two battling pokemon stretched in the dusk, they fell over the form of Stain, who was barking at the ongoing battle in order to root for Talon. The pup's barks didn't even falter the attention of the two who were immersed in battle, focused entirely on going for the kill, but they certainly helped the protective father (http://www.serebii.net/attackdex-dp/protect.shtml) gain an edge. The beedrill continuously released a flurry of furious strikes (http://www.serebii.net/attackdex-dp/furyattack.shtml) with it's sharp drill like hands, which either missed entirely because of the Houndoom's incredible evasiveness, or might as well have missed because of the impossible-to-damage outer ribcage that protected Talon's torso. Talon merely let out barks of laughter at every miss the beedrill made, stirring up a world of nasty mental trouble (http://www.serebii.net/attackdex-dp/nastyplot.shtml) against the beedrill in question.

Every time the beedrill missed, the Houndoom would simply bark or growl quickly in mocking. The beedrill grew tired of being toyed like this and kept trying, harder and harder to attack, moving faster or aiming for new areas of the body. Nothing seemed to work except the ribcage, and even then it was more like a hit and a miss all in one! The feral beedrill finally admitted to itself that this wasn't working, and decided on a different tactic that fit the situation perfectly... Fueled by frustration at not landing a hit and irritation at Stain's constant barking, the beedrill closed it's eyes and focused (http://www.serebii.net/attackdex-dp/focusenergy.shtml) before it lifted it's stinger hands, spinning them as they glowed red with passionate rage (http://www.serebii.net/attackdex-dp/rage.shtml).

Unfortunately for the beedrill, this was exactly what Talon was looking for. Curling up his lip in a successful smirk-like growl, Talon's teeth began glow and his saliva turned into a thickening magma. The growl in his throat gave off a distinct gargling noise as the magma began to come up from within, heating up the Houndoom's entire mouth to prepare for it's next move (http://www.serebii.net/attackdex-dp/firefang.shtml). As the beedrill was blinded by anger, it decided to turn on the poochyena pup, if for nothing more than to put an end to it's incessant yapping. Talon was ready for something like this, however, and the moment the beedrill reared up, it's shadow consuming the now whining Stain, Talon struck, opening it's mouth and going in for the kill, clamping it's jaws down on the beedrill's neck, snapping it in two. As the Houndoom let go of the body, the magmaliva build-up from the attack burned into the bug pokemon's chest (http://www.serebii.net/attackdex-dp/ember.shtml), melting the exoskeleton and finishing the job of making sure the beedrill didn't follow the dogs on their search for their Pack.


"Finish him." Reckless uttered seriously, the rose colored sky and fire-y atmosphere of dusk only setting the dark mood further.

Nurse Joy merely shivered, holding her hands above her eyes to cover them, and the gunman merely turned to the side as the Haunter proceeded to kill the beedrill however it may. They didn't bother to find out how, but judging by the smell of burning beedrill, it was safe to say Haunter chose one of the slower and more painful methods of death (http://www.serebii.net/attackdex-dp/will-o-wisp.shtml).

Silence went by as Reckless merely turned around and nodded once at Fear in thanks. He then proceeded to walk once more, still searching for his poor pokemon. No questions were asked, no looks were exchanged, but Nurse Joy and the gunman decided that given the place they were in...the danger they were in...it was safest to stay by Reckless's side, at least until they could get back to the safety of the reclusive and nearly abandoned Azalea Town.

It wasn't long into this walk that a long howl went through the forest, and another smaller howl followed. "Stain and Talon!" Reckless said, his eyes widening. He then stopped, cupping one hand around his mouth and howling back. The moment he finished his howl, their howl started up again, and off Reckless ran in the direction of the sound. "Come on, hurry!" Reckless yelled to the slower gunman and nurse that followed with great difficulty. The howls grew closer and closer until finally Reckless realized they were getting farther away. Turning around and paying close attention to his sides, he realized that he'd just passed his friends, who were sitting by the passed out forms of a Mightyena and a Fearow. "Oh no..." Reckless uttered, which instantly ended the howls. He ran up to his Pack's side, Fear following behind with a look stricken by grief. The gunman's eyes widened in fear as he realized what his bullet had hit - the Fearow's leg was completely lopped off, and a small pool of blood was building below her. Nurse Joy ran up, checking to make sure that the Fearow wasn't dead. With a sigh of relief she turned with a light smile in Reckless's direction, but the smile faded quickly as she explained the situation. "The shock and pain was probably enough to cause Willow to fall straight out of the sky. The impact on the ground must have caused her to go unconscious, but it's hard to be sure." There were scars all over her body from when Willow fell through the branches of the trees, though Fang had none. "It looks as if your Fearow was protecting your Mightyena. She took most of the damage after getting hit. She could die of blood loss if she doesn't get immediate medical attention."

"And Fang?" Reckless asked eagerly. Nurse Joy merely shrugged, to which Reckless immediately turned towards his Houndoom.

The Houndoom let out a series of short and quick barks and whines, ending with a light growl. It was as if the Houndoom was speaking, and Reckless's intense listening seemed to confirm that was the case. The Houndoom finished by acting out a quick battle, using his body to pantomime what had happened. First the Houndoom leaped into the air, acting like it was biting something and shaking it around, then it played the part of the other Pokemon, closing one eye to signify that it was indeed his mate, Fang, and simply standing there breathing hard. Then he raised a paw in defense, and quickly fell to the ground similar to the position that Fang was in. Talon then turned to regard his Alpha, finishing it off with a small growl, as was stated earlier.

"I see." Reckless turned to face Joy and the gunman. "Fang's fall was caught by Willow when they fell, so she didn't feint in the fall. The blow had still taken a toll on her, however, so she wasn't able to do much except stay by Willow's side and hope for the best. She feinted after protecting Fang from various feral pokemon attacks, drawn in by the blood." Reckless looked around to make sure no more pokemon were coming. "It seems that Talon was right when he mentioned the beedrill before..."

"You speak pokemon too...? God, Tony was right - you are a freak!" The gunman glared at Reckless, not even caring that Reckless was what was keeping him alive at the moment.

Reckless glared right back. "No, unfortunately I don't speak pokemon. I just play charades better than you, obviously." Reckless stood, taking a few steps towards the gunman before grabbing him in a choke-hold and holding him up at least a foot off the ground. "Which I wouldn't have to do if you didn't SHOOT MY DAMN POKEMON!!!" Nurse Joy ran up and grabbed Reckless's arm, begging him to let go of the gunman.

"Please, please just drop him! Please don't hurt him! He didn't kill Willow! She's still alive, she just needs to see a doctor!" The Nurse went into hysterics, which was enough to get Reckless to let go of the gunman.

The gunman took his chances out in the wild, rubbing the bruises on his neck, breathing the air graciously, and running for his life towards Azalea...towards anywhere that was away from Reckless.

"Thank you..." Nurse Joy felt tears trickle down her cheeks. "Oh my god...oh my god..." She started to repeat, as she fell into the grasp of Reckless's protective arms.

"Shh..." Reckless pet her hair kindly, resting his head on top of hers as she cried. "Look it'll be ok. We'll head back to the PokeCentre, get some bandages, and you can fix Willow up, ok? Everything will be fine." She continued to cry into his arms harder. "And..." He added, "...and I'll never talk to that guy again, ok? I won't lay a finger on him. He nearly killed my pokemon so I just returned the favor. I don't need to hurt him anymore. It's ok, ok?"

She shook her head and pushed him off. "No," She sobbed, rubbing the tears from her eyes to no avail as more fell. "No it's n-n-not that." She kept sobbing as she explained, "Ted's a selfish jerk anyway, and Willow's not dead... it's just..." She choked up on the words themselves, the tears building up more in her eyes as they grew big in sorrow. "I...I'm new to Azalea myself, and I've only done simple work on pokemon before. I don't know how to do the procedure that Willow needs. She's bleeding to death, and I can't do anything to help her..." She cried harder, covering her face in her palms. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." she said, falling to her knees.

Reckless closed his eyes and breathed, thinking hard about what to do with his situation. He turned to look at Willow, then reached into his messenger bag. "I have enough bandages to at least help stop the bleeding from being so profuse..." Reckless muttered, pulling out a roll of bandages and handing them to Nurse Joy. The nurse merely nodded once before getting straight to work as Reckless formulated a plan. After a couple minutes of thinking, Reckless turned to his Haunter, who was sitting by Willow's side in worry. "Fear." The call of his Alpha got Fear's attention quickly. "Talon, wake up Fang." Reckless began. "Fear, as soon as Talon can get Fang awake, I want you to use Skill Swap, then order her to use Endure." Fear nodded once and went to Fang's side as Talon proceeded to nudge her in attempt to wake her up. While they kept busy and Stain watched in worried waiting, Reckless went to Willow's side. When Nurse Joy finished bandaging up the pokemon, he picked up the poor Bird and held it carefully in his arms.

Nurse Joy took notice of this, staring in disbelief at her own thoughts. The Fearow seemed so small this way...and with the bridal position she seemed almost...almost human. Joy shook her head to disband the thoughts, then turned to the Mightyena.

"Can you stand?" Reckless asked, and Fang nodded once, barely able to get the energy for that. Slowly and carefully getting up, using her mate as support as she took a few limping steps forward. Reckless then asked, "Did you find the next town?" Fang nodded again, using her head to point towards the path, ready to lead her pack there.

Nurse Joy quickly ran up so she was close to them again, walking by Reckless's side. "Why aren't you using your pokeballs?" She asked. "Wouldn't it be better for them to rest in there?"

Reckless turned away from Joy. "If you were injured and needed tending to, would you rather be picked up and cared in the protective arms of a friend, or would you rather be forced to sit in the compounds of a small, cramped living quarters?" Nurse Joy merely gave him a look of guilty shame at the question, understanding it completely all of a sudden. He made his way on the path again, following his trusted companion to slowly, but surely, bring them somewhere they could seek refuge, using the minimal time where the blood of the previous three beedrill would attract wild pokemon in attempt to get out of Ilex Forest without unnecessary trouble.

Route 34

After long walk filled with limping, bleeding, and silence, Joy stopped walking with Reckless. In fact, she stopped walking altogether. "Wait."

"Ugh, I have a sick pokemon that needs immediate medical attention, Joy! What in the name of Lugia and Mewtwo and all that is legendary is so important that you have to stop me right now!?"

She clenched her fists lightly, staring at the ground. "I can't go with you."

Reckless's eye opened widely. "Why not?" He asked.

"I'm needed back in Azalea. I'm the only one there who can take care of the sick pokemon and people alike." She turned to face Reckless in the eye. "I can't go with you." She repeated for emphasis.

He was blank and unreadable. His emotions couldn't be told through his one eye alone, and Joy couldn't tell if he was mad or soft until he spoke. "I thought you were my friend." He uttered, then turned around, following his limping friend carefully as she led the way.

Joy watched him go for a long moment, debating her decisions for a long while before finally agreeing with herself, turning around, and taking her only chance to get back home without being ambushed at every corner. She couldn't help but walk slowly, however, to gather her thoughts and leave room for her to decide to follow him again.


Reckless entered the Pokemon Center desperately, hating everything about this place, but knowing that it was his only chance right now. He walked up to the counter, keeping pace with his limping friend. He cleared his throat to get the attention of the nurse, then cautiously set Willow down on the counter. He then turned towards Talon and Fang, motioning with his head for the two to go around the counter and see the nurse. Reckless took the tired and sleeping Poochyena pup out of Talon's loving jaws, holding the pup against his chest. Fear merely tapped Reckless's shoulder and pointed at a comfortable looking, open bench, floating over there to rest itself.

Reckless nodded at the exhausted pokemon, then turned around to see to one more thing - the Raltz on the counter. "Make sure the nurse is good to my pokemon." He said, since he had avoided anything and everything, even eye contact, that could potentially re-start the same issue he'd had with Joy. He knew he could trust pokemon far more than humans at this point, and didn't intend on repeating mistakes. Without checking to see if the Raltz had any sort of reply, Reckless turned back to Fear again and made his way to the bench to lie down and rest for a moment as well, setting the curled up form of Stain on his chest. Before Reckless's eyelids grew heavy and tired of staring at the ceiling, he had one last comment about his situation.

"It's times like these when I wish Willow knew Roost..."

08-28-2012, 02:38 PM
Goldenrod City

The Ralts did nothing — it didn't even look at the bleeding Fearow that was set down beside it. The little psychic Pokemon just knelt there on the counter, holding still but definitely aware of itself. The reddened sky of dusk faded into night, as could be seen through the flat, wide windows high up on the centre's walls and through the glass-panel door. Unseen, however, but heard, came the forewarning of what the night entailed — a swarm.

It started off as a faint buzzing, and it may have been mistaken for a humming fluorescent light bulb, but as time went on it became louder and more persistent. Eventually, the eerie echo began to make the ground vibrate as the source of the noise got closer. Not before long, the furious buzzing had drowned out most other sounds, and through the door and windows one could see shadows darting through the night air. Light from inside the centre illuminated some of the shadows; most of them were black and yellow in colour.

At first it seemed to Reckless that the Ralts may have been the only living thing that was in the centre before him, but that soon changed. Evidently, the nurse was in the back room when Reckless arrived, and as she darted out into the main foyer one could tell she was in a hurry.
"Shit!" she hissed, running to the front door, not even noticing Reckless and his Pokemon. As she reached it, she twisted the lock right around, ending the rotation with a click. Apparently the disturbance at the door attracted the attention of some of the feral Pokemon rushing into the city, since no sooner had the nurse stepped back from the door it was assaulted by the tail stings of several Beedrills. Thankfully, the glass was strong enough to deflect the attacks, but the nurse wasn't taking any chances — she pulled a retractable metal screen out of the wall and over the glass door, locking it in place on the other side. Finally, she pulled a black sheet from a pile of other such cloths by the wall and draped it over the door frame.

Claire did this every day without error, but this time she was distracted by a letter she received from... an acquaintance earlier that evening. If the swarm had opted to break straight into the rectangle of light that was the front door of the centre, there would have been no stopping them. Thankfully, they did not and the centre was safe, but as the young nurse turned around she thought she may have been wrong.
"HOLY SHIT!" she yelled, her eyes darting from the Fearow on the counter, the Haunter, the Poochyena, the human-shaped husk of Pokemon parts, and back again. After a few long seconds of panting, she realised that they were not feral like she had thought.

08-29-2012, 02:21 AM
Goldenrod - The PokeCentre

Reckless had ignored anything that didn't relate to himself, his pack, or his thoughts all the way up until a consistent buzzing and a female voice screaming "HOLY SHIT!" rang through the room.

"What, what, what!?" Reckless sat up instantly, only catching Stain's small and falling form by force of habit. Stain awoke with a start, whining loudly in fear until he realized he was safe in his Alpha's arms. Reckless looked around the room with the speed and attentiveness of a startled wolf. He let his head jerk between the forms of his Willow, then Fang and Talon, then Fear, Stain, the Raltz on the counter...a woman? Why the hell was she by the door...? Reckless looked at the door behind her, listening to the loud swarming of buzzing through the walls and feeling the vibrations underneath him become less fuzzy as he fully awoke. Fear took the small Poochyena in its ghostly hands, rocking the pup back and forth to help calm it down while the Alpha assessed the situation.

Reckless looked up at the woman more attentively. I suppose there's no way around it - human contact is necessary in this world... Reckless sighed, standing up and moving his Duskull mask so that it was more comfortably adjusted away from his face. "What's going on?" Reckless shouted above the loud buzzing. Not only was the buzzing making conversation difficult, but so was the sounds of pokemon running into buildings as they passed by, not thinking about their path before slamming head first into the bricks, concrete, and steel that made up Goldenrod. Raising his voice even more for his next question, just to be sure he wouldn't have to repeat himself, he loudly inquired, "I'm supposing that now is a bad time to ask for you to fix up my pokemon, huh?" Reckless was not excited for the confirmation that was undoubtedly coming next, but he figured he'd ask on the off chance he was wrong.

08-29-2012, 02:29 AM
((Potato said to wrap it up...So, If this post is messed up, feel free to ignore it, or control Marcel to make up for it!))

The events of the day had taken Marcel. he had lost nothing, yet he felt like he was missing something. he now realised that he had just lost his freedom, and was now tied down and bound to defeating Team Rocket with others as opposed to going freelance. he changed into his sleeping clothes, and placed his pokémon into a protective blanket, the Egg on a bedside table in his Inn room. he looked at the pokéballs resting, facing him, and at the blanket containing the Egg. he wondered what pokémon would be born from such a beautiful egg, and whether it would be affected by the change or not.

he fell asleep that night with uneasy dreams, he dreamt of his Bulbasaur fighting against him, and he dreamt of his Staryu falling in battle. He didnt wake up with a start as in most horror movies, he just lay there and took the dreams pain, and stayed there until morning.

08-29-2012, 10:35 PM
Saffron City

"I think I've picked up enough strangers without introductions for one night. Who are you?" Shaun asked.

"My name is Abel," Abel responded without the least bit of hesitation. He had nothing to fear from using his real name, unless one of the group happened to be a member of Team Rocket, which he doubted. Even if they did know him, well...Abel had his ways of making things work in his favor.

Abel continued on before anyone else could ask any other questions. "As I'm sure you can tell by looking at me, I'm a mercenary. I normally charge for my services, but assuming the cause is good enough, I might just be willing to forget about that," he said, then he began looking around the room...or at least, that's what he appeared to be doing. In truth, he was analyzing the group one by one. A boy, a few scientists, and he remembered a girl leaving the room not long after he entered. He also recalled another man with them, but Abel didn't see him around.

"Hmm...it would seem that Nurse Joy isn't here at the moment," Abel said with a sigh, "I had been hoping to get a room for the night. Ah well, that's not a problem." Abel then focused directly on the group.

"Whatever it is you're planning, I do suggest you get more help. Should you wish to take me up on my offer, I'll be at the Snorlax Diner tomorrow morning." And then without another word or waiting for any sort of response, Abel turned and left the Pokemon Center.

09-02-2012, 02:44 PM
Saffron City

James and Syrio stared after Abel as he left, both at loss for words. What could be said? Team Rocket had just revealed its presence in the once-peaceful Saffron City and he had just volunteered to assist in assaulting a train station under their control. When they turned back, they saw that others had heard all they wanted to for the night and had left for bed. They decided to do the same; they got up and headed for the second floor of the building for one of the available rooms, but as they did, James whispered to Syrio:
"Why did you tell them about the dried-out atmosphere?"
"It's just an interesting fact, James, and we had a number to go with it."
"No, it most certainly did not a fact." James retorted. "How could the air be arid and still support precipitation?"
"You saw the test results yourself, James." Syrio chided.
"We took them on a hot day. One hot day, Syrio. That isn't sufficient field data!"

They bickered like this until they found a room to share and closed the door, and even then their voices could still be heard from under the door.

Back on the ground floor, nurse Joy was lowering a long, narrow, curved piece of metal onto Deron's Blastoise's shell. Two others were near at hand. The Pokemon itself was unconscious, under the spell of anaesthesia. Beside Joy lay a corded drill and several bolts and drill bits.
"I need you to hold this top fragment up to the one just next to it," she said, "so that the crack lines right up. We'll only get one shot at this."
As Deron held the fragment in place, Joy attached a thick drill bit to the power tool and began to work away at the shell through a hole in the metal brace. She did it slowly so as not to crack the shell even more, but rather dig out enough shell matter so that the bolts could fit inside. When she finished, she moved over to the triangle-shaped piece of the shell in the centre.

Around the triangle were three outer pieces: one at the top and two at the sides near the rear. The metal braces would reach from one outer piece to another, essentially forming a triangle opposite to the triangle of cracks in the shell and keeping all of the pieces together.

When she finished drilling a hole in the centre fragment, she moved onto the lower-right outer piece, still drilling through the holes in the brace to keep them lined up. Finally, when that was done, she had Deron hold the pieces together as she drilled a bolt into each piece where she had made a hole. One down, two to go.

Goldenrod City

"No..." Claire said, still taking in Reckless's apparel. "No, we can do it now..." Chances were he couldn't hear her.
As she walked back to the counter, she took a closer look at the Fearow. It was missing a leg and the stump was wrapped in blood-soaked bandages. She walked around the counter and, noticing two large, dark shapes that she quickly recognised as a Houndoom and Mightyena, flinched.

"I will need you to put your... Pokemon into their balls so that I can rest them on the machine. This bird will need some serious work, though."

The machine had recently been repaired, thanks to the money Brendan had given her a day ago for that very purpose. As a result, she could spend her time at work actually treating Pokemon that were legitimately injured and not just hurt. She had been able to hone her skills at operating on Pokemon, so even though she was still an apprentice she could at least stitch up a fair-sized gash. There were other things in the handbook to read up on, but she knew enough to help this bird.

"This Fearow will need a blood drip and some serious stitches. I'll need you to help out with that, mister...?"

09-02-2012, 09:42 PM
Saffron City

Shaun frowned at the man, staying silent as the man basically talked to himself and invited himself along with their little foray. Well, that wasn't entirely fair or true... He simply offered his services. Ironically, he'd be staying in the Snorlax Cafe, which is where Shaun intended to take the scientists advice and scout out, though with the onset of darkness becoming apparent, he acquiesced to the others and decided that sleep would be better for him.

"Well..." he started, turning to the others. Only, the others were either asleep, going to sleep, going with Nurse Joy in an effort to help his Pokemon, or, in the scientists case, bickering at one another. Sighing slightly, Shaun decided he'd be better off just keeping to himself on this one and returned to the room he had rented from Nurse Joy.

Meg was already preparing for bed, leaving Shaun to simply feed his Pokemon and call it a night. Using the leftovers of the stew he had prepared that morning, Shaun made quick work of it, allowing Magmortor out to keep watch for the night, though with the Center full of Trainers, he doubted even Team Rocket would try anything drastic...

Sitting back into his chair from before, Shaun drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

09-02-2012, 10:05 PM
Saffron City

Deron felt nauseous by the sight of seeing his Blastoise undergo such an operation. Following Nurse Joy's instructions to the letter, he held the fragments as still he could while the Nurse drilled the holes needed to keep them in place. His breathing was so silent, it almost seemed as if he wasn't breathing. He felt his heart beating in his throat, his eyes locked on Blastoise's shell.

In between the drilling, during a moment which he thought he couldn't disturb Joy's work by speaking, he started in a somewhat startled voice. "What about him being sick...? With hardly any clean water, is it possible to get him up and running again in due time?" While asking that, he was thinking back about where he travelled, trying to remember if there was any place with fresh, clean water, but nothing came to mind. Sighing, he focused back at the task at hand, holding the shell fragments and metal braces in place for the Nurse to drill them in their position.

During it all, Deron forced away any pain from his leg, aswell as any feeling of being tired. It was obvious his eyes were getting a bit droopy, especially after both the physical and mental challenges he had just gone through.
However, even when the operation was going to be done, Deron had no intention to go to sleep. In his head, he vowed to stay by Blastoise's side the entire night.

09-03-2012, 12:32 AM

Following the nurse, he got close to the counter, worriedly staring at his poor Willow with tired eyes and an hunched over posture that was only still standing because of his sheer will. "I will need you to put your... Pokemon into their balls so that--"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Reckless didn't even listen to the rest of her sentence before reacting. "You will use Potions, Full Heals - ANYTHING - but I will not put them in those damn torture devices!" He began to growl at the woman despite sleep looming over him and the buzzing outside began to sound eerily like a Jigglypuff's song, begging him to just go to bed and let the woman do her job.

"This bird will need some serious work, though."

He snapped out of his anger, and with frustration looked down at his legless friend. He didn't know what to do. He was too tired to argue, but he wouldn't do anything that clashed with his viewpoints just because he was a little tired. He looked up at the woman behind the counter, using the counter to balance himself.

Her voice began to sound like screams underwater, muffled behind walls of Styrofoam. He couldn't hear her as she asked for his help in healing Willow, and his eyesight was slowly getting fuzzier and fuzzier.

"Listen here, lady," His eyelids hung heavy for a moment, nodding off even as speaking, and his words began to slur together in a drunken exhaustion that college students and hard workers alike can relate to. "I will...I will not put them in their pokeballs. You will...will do your job, but it won't be through a...a....A machine!" He rubbed the tired from his eyes, if only to finish his sentence. "Or any other sickeningly 'humane' way of supposed healing...and I swear, if..." He nodded off again and opened his eyes quickly with a start. "I swear, if I...if I wake up..." His eyes closed. "Please, just help...help her..."

Fear was immediately behind his Alpha to catch him when he fell. The Haunter looked up at the nurse with a smile and apologetic eyes. With that, Fear turned to Talon as if to ask for help. Talon merely nodded, helping Fang lie down before quickly making his way over to his alpha's legs, and helping Fear bring Reckless back to the couch. As his body got closer to Stain's resting place, Stain got up and jumped down to the floor. Being only half awake, Stain yipped his frustrations about being unable to sleep peacefully at his two elders before getting back up and onto his Alpha's chest to rest peacefully.

Fear then floated over to to back door, waiting there for a moment and looking at the nurse for approval before entering [regardless of her response] and grabbing a few random healing supplies and heading out again. The Haunter seemed extremely smart for a pokemon, and without permission, started helping Fang begin the healing process. Fear dropped the supplies at Fang's feet, looking at the labels as if it knew how to read, and trying to distinguish what the best supplies were.

It wasn't long later that Fear had done all possible for the hurt Mightyena, and was quickly moving over the the nurse, tapping on her shoulder to get her attention, then pointing at Willow, then itself. Fear would do anything the woman asked, so long as it was for the betterment of Willow, and focused whole-heartedly on the task at hand. Despite the complete concentration, occasionally Fear would pear up at the nurse, watching as the nurse worked on Willow's leg to make sure the woman was doing everything in a way its Alpha would approve of. Ultimately, however, the Haunter was merely playing its role as the Pack's Healer and Guardian, and healing as best as it could.

Meanwhile, Talon had decided that he'd play guard dog and decided to sleep nearest his Alpha facing the doorway. After a long time of staring at the door, he decided to sit down to make himself more comfortable. From there sitting turned into lying down, and lying down turned into resting his eyes, until finally he fell asleep, knowing that the only thing preventing him from being guilty about it was the fact that Fear was still awake and watching over everything.

09-04-2012, 10:15 PM
Olivine City

"N-no...No!" Devon bolted straght up, pushing his covers off and scaring Watt, who was sleeping at his feet. He placed a hand over his right eye quickly, "Damn...Why do I keep having nightmares about that day?" He looked at his night stand and picked up a cracked picture frame, which had an old tattered photo in it of Devon with his team and sighed. Worried about his master, Watt curled up in his lap and looked up at him. Devon quickly placed the picture frame back down and rubbed the worried pokemon's head, "Don't worry, buddy. I'm ok, just a nightmare" He flashed a half-hearted smile. Watt gave him a questioning look, but then let out a yawn. "It's ok, go back to bed." Devon picked him up and set him on his pillow, "I think I've had enough sleep." He said as he climbed out of his bed and rubbed his left eye.

After splashing his face a couple of times with water from the sink, Devon looked at himself in the mirror, Ugh...I look like hell. He thought as he yawned, Must be the lack of sleep...Damn nightmare... He sighed. I can't take this any more...If I don't get out of this city, I'm going to go crazy... He dried off his face and headed back to his room. "Time to wake up, guys." He said as he got his coat on and placed his hat on his head and sat on the bed, "I got something to tell you guys." His Murkrow, Turtledove, flew over and landed on his hat and Watt climbed onto his lap, "We're leaving. Today." His two pokemon looked at him questioningly, "I know, I know, but...There are just too many memories here. I can barely sleep anymore." He sighed. Watt climbed up onto his shoulder and licked his cheek, attempting to comfort him. Devon chuckled, "Thanks, Watt. Well...I guess we'd better get ready, huh?" He said as he stood up with Watt latched onto his shoulder.

After collecting all of his supplies and tossing them all into his backpack, he went over to the picture frame and took the photo out of it. After staring at it for a moment, he slid it into a pocket on the inside of his coat. "Alright...Did we forget anything?" He looked at Watt, then up at Turtledove, both of which shook their heads, "Then I guess we're ready to go." He opened the door and stepped outside.

Devon adjusted his hat to shield his eyes from the sunlight as he made his way to the eastern gate leading to Route 38. He looked up slightly, "Hrrm...It's already past noon...That's inconvenient." He grumbled. When he reached the gate, he quietly pushed it open and slid his way through , trying not to attract any attention from the ferals or the people. He carefully closed it back and turned toward the path, "Turtledove." He looked up at his Murkrow, pointed up, and drew a circle in the air. Nodding, she took off and flew around high in the air, keeping watch for any ferals. Devon started walk down the path, but stopped and looked over at a makeshift grave marker. "See you, guys...I promise I'll come back to visit someday." He mumbled quietly as he looked down at the ground, it wasn't until Watt spoke up that he shook it off, "Heh...Sorry, got a little sentimental. C'mon, lets go." He turned back to the path and started walking.

Somewhere just off Route 38

After hours of walking, sneaking, and avoiding feral pokemon, Devon sat down on a dead tree root and Turtledove landed on his head to get some rest and check his map. "I don't get it...I went east, I should have hit Ecruteak by now..." He scratched his head, confused. Watt nudged him and pointed at a spot on the map with his nose, "Lux!" He looked back at Devon, "You mean we're here?...We're north of Ecruteak?" He rubbed his forehead, annoyed, "Ok...So we head south!" He pointed dramatically, but Watt nudged him and motioned in the opposite direction, "Err...Right...South!" He changed direction quickly as Watt and Turtledove shook their heads.

By the time they got near the city, the sun had already gone down, making it difficult to see. Watt listened carefully to their surroundings, making sure that no ferals were sneaking around in the darkness. High above, Turtledove was circling, making sure that nothing attacked from the air. Suddenly, she flew down and landed on Devon's hat and cawed, motioning toward the next hill with her wing. "Hmm?...The town is up ahead? Finally..." He sighed in relief, but the relief was short lived when she continued cawing, "Eh? Something's wrong? Are they under attack by ferals?" He looked up at Turtledove, who shrugged in response. Devon rushed up the hill, almost shaking Watt off his shoulder by accident, and stopped when he got to the top of the hill. "What...IS that?" He said as he squinted, straining his left eye to see. There seemed to be a bright, orange light circling over the city, which appeared to be a fire of some kind. "I don't like it...We're going to investigate." His pokemon nodded in agreement.

Ecruteak City

As Devon neared the gates of the city, the guards barely paid attention to him, they were far too worried about the Charizard circling high above the city to even notice a random traveler. Once through the gates, he looked up at his Murkrow, "Ok Turtledove, that Charizard appears to be circling something near the center of the city. That means it's probably trained, otherwise, it would have attacked by now. It's probably protecting something or someone, so getting to close could be...Dangerous..." She nodded understandingly, "That's where you come in..." He smiled at her when she reacted to his remark, "Calm down...I just want you too...Erm...Distract it. Just go up there and sand-attack it to get it's attention, then fly it around for a bit. When you feel it's gotten too dangerous, use Double-Team to lead it away and get back to me, got it?" He said, and Turtledove saluted and took off, "Oh, and be careful!" He yelled after her.

Once he saw the Charizard fly after Turtledove, Devon made his way to the Dance Hall, where he saw a small group of people arguing with a man in black. Slowly he approached them and waved slightly when they noticed him, "Hello there! I couldn't help but notice the big lizard circling what I assume to be this building, and I was wondering if anyone was in trouble here..." He looked around at the group and waited for an answer.

09-07-2012, 03:37 PM
Ecruteak City

“Circling the building?!” Garret growled. “Are you trying to threaten me?! Put your Pokemon away this fucking instant!"
Brendan was reminded of time he spent in school with other kids from Goldenrod, way before the Change. He must have been four at the time. He was reminded of how a teacher would yell at another student because they insulted him, and all he had to do was watch smugly as the grown-ups punished the people he disliked. Only now, the stranger was the child and Garret was the furious teacher.

"If you don’t want trouble, put them away. I’m surprised the Kimono Girls didn’t tell you to do that the second you walked in, we’re in Ecruteak, not the wilds.”

It was all Brendan could to keep himself from laughing. His lips were pressed inwards into a bizarre smile as he held in bouts of hysteric chuckling.

“You can interrogate him if you want," Garret said, "I have things I need to take care of before we set out,” he turned back to the stranger, “try anything and it’ll be a fatal mistake. Just who do you think you are!?” He pushed his way past. “I’ll see you in the morning!”

No sooner did Garret leave did another man arrive. Brendan heard the door open behind him, and he turned to see a tall man with long, oily, black hair. He gave a curt wave when Brendan looked at him.
"Hello there! I couldn't help but notice the big lizard circling what I assume to be this building, and I was wondering if anyone was in trouble here..."

Then it was back to Brendan. He couldn't even speak without cracking up, and since this stranger with the fighting type Pokemon had received such a mouthful from Garret, he figured he didn't really need to say anything to him. What would the stranger find if he went into the room? Brendan, Garret and Cathy had left. There was hardly an interrogation any more. Even then, as he calmed himself down, Lily and Riley slipped out of the room and went separate ways: Lily went to her room in the Dance Hall and Riley went outside to meet the town guards.

Not a good idea.

No sooner had the ex-Rocket member walked a few steps from the door did a tremendous roar shake the air.
"Uh, yeah," Brendan said as he wheeled around, humour gone, "someone's in trouble."

Riley sent his gaze up to the heavens as a shadow grew over him. A look of terror painted over his face as he turned tail and fled, and it was fortunate that he did because the circle of paved street on which he previously stood soon became the landing pad for a two-hundred pound Charizard. The circle of stone sank into the ground and sent up a plume of dust as the orange dragon collided with it. A Murkrow darted out of the dust cloud.

Riley was sent to the ground and tried scrambling desperately away, but he was in easy reach for the Charizard. It brought its clawed hand back in preparation of attacking Riley.

"Kabutops!" Brendan urged.

The trilobite bolted past the oily-haired man, out the front door and slammed his foot down on the ground, causing a tall, sharp stalagmite to eject out of the ground. It struck the fire-type on the side, disturbing its attack.

Brendan shot an angry glare at Connor, regardless of what Pokemon he had, and followed his own water Pokemon out the door.

"Now use slash!" he called out. He looked around for Riley. He was hiding behind the wall of a nearby house. Kabutops launched himself off the ground at the Charizard's right wing, holding out his silver, sickle-like claws. The dragon twisted its body around and dodged the cutting blow; an indicator that it was trained to be able to move. It followed through and smacked Kabutops with its tail while he was still in the air, sending the trilobite hurtling away. The threat gone, the Charizard focussed on the trainer. It brought back its head and opened its mouth, where a glowing ball of fire swelled into existence. Before Brendan could jump out of the way, it thrusted its head forward to torch the young man.

Gardevoir was already between them before the Charizard could spew its flaming payload, her skirt billowing about her legs. She threw her arms up in front of herself above her head, and the next thing Brendan saw was the dragon being flung backwards through the air as his loyal Garvdevoir exerted the full extent of her psychokinetic power in his defence.

Gallade, who had followed Brendan out the door with the rest of his Pokemon, detected something. It was an intention. It was subtle, because he was not looking for it, but he knew better than anyone else that he was about to be attacked.

He put his left foot behind his right and pivoted on both to the left. As he approached a hundred and eighty degrees, he lifted his left leg up and flicked it out at chest height, catching the right leg of the Hitmonlee as it tried to land a body kick on him.

Gallade stamped his foot back down and sank into a more defensive stance. Connor's Hitmonlee didn't even lower its leg, but rather kept it up and lashed out with it in another body kick. Gallade knew how to catch kicks, and so held his forearms up to his left, parallel to each other, with the left arm pointing down.

The Hitmonlee's extendible leg SMACKED against Gallade's arms, and he immediately responded by twisting his downward-pointing left arm up and under the leg, thus trapping it. He stepped forward and lifted his right leg up and threw a kick at the Hitmonlee's midsection. It connected and sent the Pokemon to the ground, for the time being.

The rest of Brendan's Pokemon had cottoned on by that point. Kabutops gave a shrill cry and he charged back into the fray, water dripping down the front of his body. He launched himself at the dragon and, with his silver claws held up defensively, latched onto the right wing. The wet claws tore into the membrane.
The Charizard bellowed its pain and engulfed Kabutops in a whirling torrent of flame. However, given the nature of Kabutop's typing and his wet body, he was unharmed as the flames dissipated. In response, he shot the remaining bathwater in his stomach into the dragon's mouth as a high-velocity stream, dousing it.

Gardevoir, exhausted from her sudden exertion, swayed on her feet before Brendan caught her and backed away from the fight, whispering words of thanks and encouragement. Sneasel, who had been hiding around his feet since the fight broke out, called out and pointed back at Connor's Pokemon. The Hitmonchan was seeking them out, and its fists were raised.

Gardevoir raised her head to see what was going on and put a foot behind herself to stand up. Brendan let go of her to see what she would do, but as she closed her eyes and focussed he saw something else approaching.
"Use future sight!" he whispered. Without turning back she nodded, and she resumed her focus. Hitmonchan was almost upon them when Scizor jumped in from Brendan's right and threw a vacuum wave punch with his pincer.

The fighting type Pokemon caught the punch on the face and staggered back as the ensuing vacuum warped the air around it. Without skipping a beat it threw a flaming punch at Scizor, who was a little too slow to deflect the hit. The punch landed square on his abdomen, and the twisting motion it applied to the punch sent Scizor staggering. He was left with a burn.

But by then, Gardevoir's future sight took effect. The Hitmonchan's eyes crammed shut as a pulsing wave of psychic energy flooded its mind. It never saw Scizor return and wheel around, smacking it with both pairs of wings. The Pokemon fell to the ground, dazed and hurt.

Kabutops brought another granite stalagmite shooting out of the ground at the Charizard, and this one caught the fire-breathing Pokemon under the left arm. Anticipating the attack, Kabutops dodged the dragon's right arm as it came swinging upwards to catch the water-type. He was climbing all over its back, using stone edge where he could without being thrown off. When the Charizard held remotely still, he used rock slide, summoning a multitude of rocks that crashed down on his opponent's head. It roared again and, sick of his presence, used its left wing to throw Kabutops off.

The Machamp was the only one of Connor's Pokemon not involved in the fight. By Connor's command it approached Hitmonlee, who was trapped under Gallade's foot, and tried to assist it by attacking Gallade. With only so much space to move without stepping off his own rival, Gallade was not in the best position to defend himself. The first of three punches landed on his face, the second and third connected with his chest and sent him sprawling on the ground, leaving Hitmonlee free to get up. They both approached the kneeling psychic Pokemon, who could only get one attack out before Hitmonlee kicked him in the gut: a psycho cut at Machamp.

The purple crescent blade of psychic energy cut clean through the muscle of the Machamp's fourth arm and the superpower Pokemon retreated a little. Hitmonlee sent Gallade to the ground with another kick to the gut. It pulled back for a third, but Scizor was already leaping over Gallade at it, launching a kick to its chest. It staggered back but remained upright, leaving Scizor the room to land and throw a dozen bullet punches at it. His massive, red pincers pummelled the Pokemon's chest, and while it wavered on its feet, he clamped down on its arms and gave it an iron headbutt.

Gardevoir rushed to Gallade's side, helped him up and linked arms with him. With her support, he got back onto his feet, but being kicked twice in the gut by a Pokemon with extremely powerful legs left him bent over. They looked into each other's beautiful pink irises, sharing a quiet moment before Brendan interrupted them:

"The Machamp is coming back!"

He was right. The four armed superpower Pokemon was charging back to engage once again, only with one arm behind its back to protect it. It went in to hit Gardevoir with Payback, but Gallade detected the move and fired a weak Psywave at the Machamp's head, disrupting the attack. He stepped in front of her.

No sooner did the pink and purple tendril strike the opponent's head did it lash out with Revenge. It was too fast for Gallade to detect and he copped it in the gut, causing him to double over even further. He threw his hands up to save himself from the ensuing karate chop, but then things really started to go bad. The punches and chops came in an an incredible rate; a crosschop led the assault, breaking Gallade's defences and leaving him open to a barrage of bullet punches thrown with all three active arms. It spun around and delivered a low kick to Gallade's legs, tripping him over.

As Gallade fell to the ground, clutching his abdomen, there was nothing in the way of the Machamp getting to Gardevoir. And vice versa.

She sent two Psywaves from her hands snaking through the air at her opponent. They coiled wide around the fighting type before homing in on its head and striking its temples. They pressed into the head, their hot energy burning away at his mind, before the Machamp leapt forward and punched Gardevoir with a shadowy hand. She too was sent to the ground.

Scizor was on the scene immediately. He jumped onto the Machamp's back and clamped down on its wounded arm. The many-armed fighting type wailed in pain and staggered back, waving its three remaining arms behind him at the mantis, trying to get him to let go of the fourth.

Brendan rushed to his psychic Pokemon's sides. Gallade was really bent over as he lay there on the ground. The trainer pulled out a Night ball from his pocket, but a green hand stopped him. Gardevoir pushed herself back onto her feet, wobbling a bit, but getting most of the way up. She held out her hand, and Gallade took it. Slowly, but surely, she pulled him back onto his feet too, but he couldn't stand up straight. They looked right into each other's pink eyes again, they linked their right and left arm and held hands; together, if not independent.

Scizor was doing all he could to keep himself on top of the Machamp. It didn't take much more than an extra squeeze to keep the grey mountain of muscles from reaching him, but it wasn't a stupid creature. It turned away from the wall of the Dance Hall and ran backwards, slamming Scizor against it. The Pokemon took a few steps forward and slammed him into it again. And again.

Gallade and Gardevoir stood side-by-side, their arms linked for support and their hands joined for a mental connection. Their other hands were at their temples, and their eyes were closed. They focussed as one, pooling their half-spent energies together into something whole. Then, in unison, they opened their glowing eyes and attacked.

The Machamp thought its brain had exploded as a blinding, searing psychic attack blasted straight through it, pervading into the deepest corners. There was no safe place for memories — training with Connor and his uncle, with Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan and Charizard. Every memory was washed over by the collective power of Brendan's psychic Pokemon. The mental pain drowned out all physical sensation, as Scizor could tell by the way it loosened its grip. He slipped out from between Machamp and the wall.

Connor's Machamp wasn't really moving. Its eyes were wide open and a stream of saliva leaked from its mouth, but it just stood there; its brain couldn't communicate with its body. Finally, Gardevoir and Gallade ceased the attack. The Machamp swayed a bit, before it toppled over and fell to the ground like the psychics did not too long ago at its hands.

The Charizard was looking for Riley. It could smell him. The house. Behind the wall. Riley saw its shadow looming across the ground next to him, and he ran around the other side of the house to keep hiding. He was met by the snarling face of the dragon. He yelped as he turned around to run, but the Charizard snatched him up in its clawed hand.

"Help!" he shouted out as his captor stomped back around the house. Brendan looked up at the tremendous creature, wondering just what he could actually do to help. Where was Kabutops? There wasn't anything he could do to help Riley, but there was someone who could save him yet.

Sneasel cried out as he dashed towards the dragon. It turned around, the ground shaking with every step, to behold its challenger: a tiny, black Pokemon that lived in cold climates. It towered over Sneasel, casting a shadow over him and the ground all around him. Brendan could only look on in shock. The prospect of Sneasel dying made his stomach go cold. Earlier that evening, Sneasel entertained the notion of letting Gregory's Gengar get to Riley. It's strange how quickly one can be influenced, if only by the right person.

The Charizard lifted a leg up over Sneasel — since its mouth was doused by Kabutops and it couldn't breath fire — and brought it down. The dark Pokemon darted to the right, easily avoiding the attack, and exhaled a gust of super-chilled air at the dragon's underside. Sharp ice flakes formed from the scarce moisture in the air and cut away at the Charizard's skin. It roared in pain, clenching Riley tighter.

"Ngh! Sneasel!" he wheezed, trying to worm his way out of the monster's grasp. Sneasel looked up at his former trainer, but noticed something on the roof of the house.

The Charizard brought its foot up and slammed it down again, but this time Sneasel bolted straight underneath Riley's captor. It turned around, looking down at the ground for the annoying little pest. It didn't see Kabutops on the adjacent rooftop. He jumped from his vantage point and, this time, latched onto the Charizard's head.

It dropped Riley immediately and reached up to its head. Its hands were met with Kabutops' silver blades as they slashed frantically. He clambered over the dragon's head, making sure to press down on its eyes to keep them shut and to swipe at its hands when they got close. He dropped down onto its neck and held the sharp edges of his blades against its throat.


Brendan, Riley, Sneasel, Gallade, Gardevoir, Scizor, Kabutops and Charizard all stopped and stared at Connor. He was running out of the Dance Hall towards Brendan with one arm raised up in a simple gesture.

"Stop! You win! Just don't do any more and I'll go, alright?"

Brendan was sceptical at first, but there was the whole issue about his Pokemon incapacitating all but one of this man's. He was also angry that this random, possessive stranger had let his Pokemon cause so much damage before deciding to end the fight. He even had half a mind to order Kabutops to slit the dragon's throat, but he wasn't that kind of person.

"Fine." he said flatly. Flat as a tack. "Take your Pokemon back this time and leave. Go to the centre."

Kabutops climbed down from Charizard's back as Connor withdrew the dragon into its Pokeball, soon followed by the unconscious fighting types. Brendan did the same for his psychic Pokemon, and watched as Connor went into the Pokemon centre.

"Thank you."

Brendan turned around to see Riley, unhurt but a little flustered. Sneasel was at his side but ran over to Brendan.

"Thanks for helping me out," the ex-rocket said, "I- I really didn't think anyone was going to try to stop that guy's Charizard."

"It's fine," Brendan said, "but you've also got these two to thank." He pointed at Sneasel and at Kabutops.
"Er, thank you." he said to the Pokemon, a little weakly, but then he straightened up and spoke to Brendan in a more confident tone.
"Look, you can take care of Sneasel. Before today he wouldn't have come to rescue me from a Charizard, and that's something I can really benefit from in the future. So you keep him, and I'll stay here and join the guard."

Brendan relaxed a little. At least that wasn't a problem any more.
"Thank you." he said, and he said it with conviction. "Now, I really need some sleep."
"Me too. I'll see you later on?"

Goldenrod City

Claire pulled her head back from Reckless's repulsive growling, frowning and furrowing her eyebrows. Yelling she was familiar with; people always wanted to be heard and there were always people who wanted 'old fashioned' treatment for their little angels. But growling just made Reckless look like a fool. No matter how one dresses or conducts oneself, one is always human.

She just stared all through his little rant, a subtle look of annoyance on her face. Who was he to tell her how to do a job he required of her? 'Machine… humane… supposed… swear…' She didn't care. It was late and the swarm usually prevented late night customers. She felt a little better when he fell asleep because it meant that he wouldn't be breathing down her neck when she treated his Pokemon, and she would, because that was her job, and there were no other trained medical personnel in Goldenrod that she knew of.

The man's Haunter caught him and backed away with him, looking almost like he was sorry for the way his trainer had acted. Claire was impressed by the way the other Pokemon helped reckless back onto the couch, it was the closest thing she'd ever seen to co-operation on the part of a customer's Pokemon. She was further impressed when the Haunter floated past her and retrieved a few handfuls of healing supplies. His intelligence seemed to be limited to that however, as he appeared to be having trouble reading the labels. But it's not like that was surprising; most Pokemon couldn't even recognise text.

"That's an ice heal," she said, just as Fear was about to use the red coloured spray liquid on Fang, "and that's an antidote. Hold on."
She rounded the counter and knelt down beside the ghost. "You just need a few potions and some rest," she told the Mightyena, before turning her attention back to Fear, "so take a few of those blue-ish bottles and spray it onto her leg." She could easily tell Fang's sex from a distance. It was something with the shape of the fur around the snout.

Fear took up one of the potions in his detached hand and sprayed whatever chemicals were inside at Fang's wounded leg. There was a slight stinging sensation on her part, but when it faded away and she looked back at her leg, she was relieved to see that it had already started to seal up the wound with a thin film of liquid. She was treated.

Fear tapped Claire on the shoulder and gestured at Willow, and then at himself. There was a hint of hopefulness in his open-mouthed smile, so Claire took it as an offer to help. She pulled a pair of latex gloves from the box under the counter and carefully picked up the Fearow. They were big birds, but the young nurse just made sure that she focussed on supporting Willow's injury as a first priority. She set her down softly on the sterilised, stainless steel operating table. She started unraveling the blood-soaked bandages.

"Okay, let's see what we've got here- oh."
Ted couldn't have shot a worse spot on Willow's leg: right through the knee. The femur was shattered like barrel of a gun that had exploded like a banana, and half of the thigh muscle was missing, leaving the bone irreversibly exposed. She reckoned that she'd need to saw off that part of the bone, but the feeling made her sick.

The Ralts moved for the first time that night. He turned around to face the door to the room Claire and Fear had taken Willow, and he jumped to the floor. He landed awkwardly, falling over, but he got back up and shuffled his way into the back room. He motioned for someone to pick him up, and that someone was Fear — Claire was too busy focussing on the bird on the operating table.

Fear lifted Ralts onto the steel table-top and left him to do what it was he set out to do. It put its tiny white hands on Willow's breast and closed its round, pink eyes. Claire was unfamiliar with the battle move Pain Split or its applications, but she learned one right then and there as Willow's leg healed a little and Ralts' acquired a dark bruise. That was the first thing he had done since Claire found him the night before.

"Ralts!" she blurted out, snatching the Pokemon up with one hand and pulling out his Pokeball with the other. She withdrew him without a second thought and went back into the front room to put the ball onto the healing Machine. She caught sight of Reckless before she did and paused, thinking of his ideas of using the machine, but shrugged the notion off. She would adopt Reckless's beliefs the day she saw a Pokemon come off that machine in worse condition as when they went onto it. The chance of that happening needed a diet because it was fat.

She returned to Willow with an expectedly healthy Ralts, but when she actually took a look at the shattered stump that was her leg, she was amazed at how much neater it was. The muscles looked trimmed rather than torn, and the rough edges of her bones were now smooth and flat. The bleeding had stopped considerably, too. She looked down at the Ralts in her arms.
I can't believe I'm about to do this… she thought as she set Ralts back down on the steel operating table. Again, he put his hands on Willow's breast and closed his eyes. This time, Claire focussed intently on Willow's leg as Ralts took away some more of the damage and pain. The bone smoothed itself over as if it was polished and the muscles assumed a more rounded shape. Again, she took him to be healed, but that was the last time she would let him take the Fearow's pain. Twice was enough. She let him watch from a wheeled tray she brought over.

"Okay," she said to the Haunter, "you hold the muscles up like… this, and I'll get some strips."
Fear did as he was told and held the base of Willow's thigh tight around the bone, closing the open space that had been created between them. Claire returned with a handful of strips of what looked like clear, green plastic, each an inch long and half an inch wide.
"When I say, let go of her muscles so I can put these in and laser them, and then hold them back again. Okay?"
Fear nodded.
Fear released the loose muscles, opening up a space between them and the smoothed bone. Claire inserted a few of the strips into the gap, making sure that they didn't overlap. She then took a small red laser from the assortment of tools on the wheeled bench next to her and pointed it at the strips. She held onto it with both hands to keep it steady, and then she turned it on. She waved the bright red dot over the strips, and they began to melt immediately. She quickly covered the strips so that they all melted a little.
"Hold it together now."
Fear clenched the muscles again, closing over the melted strips. He kept holding it there while Claire took a roll of fresh, white bandages. She slowly pulled out several feathers from around Willow's thigh before wrapping the base up with the white linen. Fear let go as she got to the area that he held onto, and the bandages held the muscles in place as she began winding her way back down to the base again. She cut the end and clipped it to the bandaged leg, before she let out a sigh of relief; done. Her gloves were tainted with blood near the fingertips, so she pulled them off and tossed them into the bin. She took Willow into a warmed room where other injured Pokemon slept and draped a blanket over her. On the way out she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. A bit of blood had managed to get into her yellow blonde hair, but she didn't care. That was it for the night, she was going to bed.

Saffron City

Nurse Joy thought about Deron's question while she drilled the first hole for the next brace.
"In my opinion, he needs to be 'rinsed out'. He needs to find some source of untainted water and rinse his entire system out with it. Poisons in the rain, lakes and the ocean have mixed with dirt and have clogged up some parts of his hydrosystem. That's what causes a lot of sicknesses in water type Pokemon."

She started on the other hole.

"Luckily, Saffron City actually has clean water. We boil it and let the steam condense in another water tank. Maybe, tomorrow, you can take him to a faucet and rinse him out there."

They drilled the second brace onto Blastoise's shell. It was already holding together tight. They started on the holes for the final brace.

"But you'd better be careful. People might think you're wasting water, and there are loads of people who get really picky about how the resources are used. But when you do get him cleaned out, he'll be almost as healthy as before. Obviously there's been a degenerative effect of the poisons on his immune system, but if he keeps cycling clean water, that will go away too."

They drilled the brace on. The triangle of braces were opposite to the triangle of cracks on his shell, forming a six-pointed star. However, the cracks were very slim. The shell no longer looked like it was split open but rather just cracked. It was once again whole.

"There you go!" Joy said, true to her name. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go to bed. There's a heated room you can take your Pokemon for the night if you want. Just be careful because there are a lot more sick and injured Pokemon in there too."

((The day has ended. Any posts from now on are to be made bearing in mind that it is now morning of the next day))

09-07-2012, 04:30 PM
Rising from his bed, Marcel looked immediately over to look at his Pokémon. Two balls and an Egg. he smiled, grateful for the safety of his friends. He had to help the others free the Station today, He smiled as he thought about what the adventure may lead too, and progressed to get ready to meet the others.

BRushing his teeth, washing, and pulling on new clothes took all of twenty minutes as he returned to stuff his items into his bag, and gently placed the blanket-wrapped egg inside. He smiled, and left, clipping his Pokémon back onto his belt. He left the Inn room and handed over the required money, before heading off to the Pokémon Centre to meet the others.

he was unsure when he arrived if this was the best idea, but surely, the Boy with the Blastoise would want to stay here with it, so this was the safest bet of meeting someone. he sat in a chair, and pulled out his phone, no signal, of course, but he had to see. he felt to see if his Pokémon were still by his side a few times more, and then relaxed a little, waiting for the others to begin their challenge.

09-08-2012, 02:26 AM
Ecruteak City

Cathy was up early feeding T.Y, Whiny and letting bolt out to feed himself. arms crossed she watched at he grazed while Whiny took tidbits here and there. T.Y. was settled next to her comfortably on the ground as they watched. She had heard the battle last night but had come to late to be of help cursing herself again for that. She only shook her head however, Brendan had taken care of it just fine.

Sighing to herself she peered at where the sun was rising. She would have to head off to meet the others soon. Oh joy. "Whiny, Bolt!" She called finely noting the guards watching them closely, She ignored them as she turned and began to head back inside the gates to the place that she and her travel companions where to meat to day. Her stumach complained but she hushed it with a will, She was starving but she didn't feel like eating.... though she had packed something for when she did for now it just sat in her pack.

As usual Whiny seemed prancey as she skipped lively around the group in an endless circle. The small fire pony was curies about everything they passed even if she had already investigated it but not once did she stray far from the group and Cathy could not blame her after all that had happened...

Saffron City

Meg had another night of decent sleep but she had still tossed and turned a bit unable to find a comfortable position with her arms ragged from the fight and though she had cleaned them up they where still bruised and scratch up pretty bad. Sighing softly she set up after a moment and stretched, Or attempted to she winced mid stretch and gave up there. Ev stretched on the pillow the scratch on his rump having been taken care of earlier, He yawned and looked at Meg blinking the sleepiness out of his eyes then looked at Shaun and his Pokemon to see if they where awake if not then Meg would do her best not to wake them.

Shaun still slept in the chair he had caught z's in before, but Magmortor still stood watch, leaning against the wall next to the table with his head bobbing only slightly as he napped to. Only, as soon as there was movement from Meg's bed, the fire-type's eyes shot open and fixed themselves on Meg and Ev, its expression softening ever so slightly when it realized it was just them. Peering over at the window for an estimated time, Mort nudged his Trainer lightly.

"Whosat...?" Shaun muttered as he regained consciousness. "Oh. Morning already?" he grumbled as he began to stretch.

Didn't quite try hard enough Meg thought frowning. She had not meant to wake them but it was to late now. "Is it?" she asked looking over to the window to see that it was indeed or at least getting there slowly. Getting out of the bed she attempted another stretch and then thought better of it, Letting her arms fall back to her sides she looked at Shaun "Sleep well?" she asked quietly.

Nodding slightly, Shaun got up slowly and twisted back and forth, cracking his spine and neck in a few places. "No better than normal, but that's usual for me, now," he replied grimly. Pressing the buttons on each of his pokeballs, Crobat and Houndoom joined the group with collective yawns, the dog Pokemon stretching as well. With that done, Shaun moved over to the gas stove and turned it on.

"... You sure you still want to do this, Meg?" he asked quietly, obviously referring to the assault on the Magnet station.

Meg gave a small moan "I've got this far." she said quietly taking her belt and strapping it on "Though I have been of little help to anyone and I might as well do something about that now." She sighed "If its because of yesterday and the way I look forget it I'm fine there worse you can do to yourself when you live next to sea cliffs." Moving back over to the bed she picked up a stirring Ditty who yawned and gazed around tiredly at all the blurry movement as meg picked it up in her arms. She quietly brought out her own Pokemon as well, Silky set down and began to wash herself while Ginger and Ru Started to wake themselves up.

He stayed quiet for a moment, boiling the water that would make them soup once he began to add the vegetables and broth. That was the usual meal, sadly, though he could hardly complain. After a moment's pause, he finally sighed as well.

"I don't want any one of you to lose a Pokemon to these thugs... if I thought I could do it alone, I would, spare you the chance of losing a friend... But sadly, I must admit the danger here and allow you to come along..." he turned to her as she released her Pokemon, looking at them all in turn.

"Keep them safe..." he said after a long pause, then turned back to the cooking. After a moment he had the soup ready and he handed a bowl to Meg. The rest he portioned out for the Pokemon, having to resort to some old bowls that were in the cabinets to give each an individual one.

Meg looked at her own Pokemon as he spoke. "Even if you could I wouldn't count me out then to." she said taking the bowl quietly and looking at it for a moment before taking a bit of it. Silky looked at hers for a moment and then gave shaun a really look before Ru tapped her on the nose and gave her a chastising look Other then that there where no complaints. Ru and Ginger shared as they always had taking comfort in one another Meg could only take half of what she had before placing the bowl on the floor and letting Ditty and Ev at it. "Don't be picky silky." Meg said to her friend sternly "His cookings a lot better then mine..." The large feline sniffed softly at her trainer and nosed the bowl away. "Your so spoiled..."

"It's fine, Mort didn't like my food at first either," Shuan said with a smirk, watching the large Fire Pokemon down his bowl in a few slurps. He was always careful to give the large Pokemon a little more than the others, without making any of them feel slighted about their portion size. It was all about managing their feelings, making sure everyone felt important... He wondered if that's how a family was like.

"I'm going to check on the others..." Shaun said then, getting up without warning. Houndoom lapped up the rest of his and took his place by Shaun's side, while Mort handed the finished bowl to Shaun and returned to his pokeball. Crobat was still sipping at hers, opting to stay with Meg and her Pokemon for a while. Nodding, Shaun went to grab his shotgun just in case.

Meg sighed but could find nothing to say as Silky curled up quietly closing her eyes for a small snooz until they would get moving. "I guess I'm not really needed." she said after he mentioned that he was going to check on the others. "I'll clean up and be out in a moment." she said finely picking up the bowl Ditty and Ev had been eating out of then taking Ru and ginger's empty bowls.

(Co-op with J and P.K.)

09-08-2012, 02:51 AM
Ecruteak City

Devon looked around the room at all the people, but he was paid little attention as most of the group split off and left. He tilted his head, the situation still unknown to him. But suddenly, his confusion was turned to panic when a sudden roar came from outside, causing everyone to run out to see what was going on. When he went out and saw the Charizard, he looked around, worried.
"Turtledove?!" He called out to his missing Murkrow, then suddenly she landed on his head and leaned over to look him in the eye and cawed curiously, Both he and Watt sighed in relief. "Oh thank goodness. When I saw that Charizard come back all of a sudden, I thought something happened to you...I guess he's better trained than we thought, huh?" He smiled up at her as Watt started pawing his cheek so he would turn to him.
"Yes, Watt?" He looked over at the worried pokemon, who motioned towards the massive pokemon battle that was taking place. "It's not our battle...If we got involved, we might end up attacking the wrong people." He shrugged, "Besides, it makes for a good show." He mused as they all watched the fight.

Once the battle was finished and the man in black was sent running toward the Pokemon Center and the two other men were left talking. Devon looked up at Turtledove and smiled, "That brought back memoires, eh girl?" He chuckled as she nodded down at him, "Those were good times...Back when we could battle without battling for our lives...I wish you could have grown up in those times, Watt." He looked over at his Luxio and smiled sadly at him.
"So anyways, maybe now we can get some answe-" He stopped as he noticed that he was all alone, the two men that were left had already gone and left him all alone. "Well...That's...Unfortunate. Well what are we going to do for tonight?" He looked at his pokemon. Turtledove shrugged at him, but Watt motioned towards the Dance Hall. "Stay in there?..." Devon thought about it for a second, "Hmm...I guess we have no other choice." He shrugged as he walked back inside and sat down next to the door. Watt climbed down his shoulder and laid in his lap as Devon removed his jacket and placed it on top of Watt as a blanket, and Turtledove flew up and landed high in the rafters to watch over the two of them as they slept.

The next morning

Devon slowly opened his eyes at the sound of Turtledove cawing, trying to wake him. He stretched out as he yawned loudly and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, "G'morning, fellas..." He said sleepily as he rubbed Watt's head, waking the little pokemon from its peaceful slumber. After a few moments of quiet, Devon slowly stood up and slid on his jacket before picking up and holding Watt in his arms. Watt yawned as he nestled himself closer to his master, still sleepy. Devon chuckled quietly as Turtledove landed on his head, but his mirth was interrupted by the sound of his empty stomach. "Rrgh...All the excitement last night made me forget how hungry I am..." He grumbled before looking up at his Murkrow, "Shall we go look for something to eat?" She nodded down at him in response. Devon slowly opened the door, being very careful not to wake his now-sleeping Luxio.

09-09-2012, 11:50 PM

Reckless slowly opened his eyes, looking around the room feeling slightly disgruntled and confused. He looked down on his chest, finding that the Poochyena pup was no longer there, and decided it was safe to sit up. Twisting his body so that he could crack his back, proceeding to twist his neck and crack it too, and standing as he cracked his knuckles as well. He walked over to the counter, looking behind it, hoping to see Fang and Willow comfortably resting there...they weren't. With a confused, "Huh..." Reckless turned around and looked around the empty room, finally taking in the sound of silence. "The irritating things outside are gone at least..." He muttered to himself, looking at the empty room over and over again, as if to check if the coast was clear, then quietly making his way to the back room. He sniffed the air around him, smelling all the strange chemicals, the sterile environment, latex, and machinery. He didn't like the smell of this new world, but he closed his eyes and took a few more steps forward until finally his weak human nose picked up on the scent of blood. Opening his eyes and immediately facing the direction he assumed the smell from, he walked towards the room, feeling the heat gather all around him. Finally he found his way to the resting room, and peeked in to see not only Willow and Fang, but Talon, Stain, and Fear as well. Willow was still weak, but doing far better and communicating with her pack with happiness in her eyes. Stain was being hyper as ever, jumping up and down to Willow's table, yipping happily before running in circles and starting over. The rest were just sitting or lying down, Talon and Fang close together, and Fear close to Willow's head.

Reckless looked at his pack with both worry and happiness in his eyes. Fang was well, and Willow would recover fast...despite the damage done. Reckless entered the room, drawing the attention of his friends, and gave them a quick and light howl of joy. Stain instantly was by his alpha's side, jumping up and resting his forepaws on Reckless's knees, panting happily and giving a small poochyena bark. Reckless knelt down and pet the pup on the head, waving at Fear who waved back, then nodded to Talon and Fang, both of which who nodded in return. After greeting everyone else, Reckless once again stood, walking over to Willow with the worry of a father welling up in his eyes, and giving her body the once-over. Stopping on her foot, he stared for a long while, feeling tears well up in his eyes. "Oh Willow..." He uttered, then turned to face her in the eye. "I thought coming to Johto would be good for us..." He looked back at her leg. "This...this is my fault..." He let a tear fall, closing his eyes and feeling sorry for himself and his dear pokemon.

Willow lifted her head, quietly cawing at her Alpha as she caught his tear on her beak, flicking it away. Fear's expression went dim, falling into a sympathetic sadness, as the dog family kept the oblivious pup occupied, giving their Alpha some time. Fear put a reassuring hand to Willow's shoulder, patting it a couple times in attempt to comfort Reckless.

"You guys are right. I shouldn't wallow in self-pity; that does nothing for us." Reckless rubbed his eye dry, then looked to Willow's bandages. "Fear replaced them this morning, huh?" Willow shook her head and turned to Fear. Reckless turned to his Haunter as it then began to mime communication. Fear started by pointing at Willow's leg, then made wave motions. After that it crossed its hands and made and X with it's fingers, to which Reckless nodded. "Blood didn't flow?" Fear smiled and nodded a few times, to which Reckless's eyebrow raised and showed a happy surprise. "She's gonna heal even faster than I thought!" Reckless chuckled happily and pet Willow's ruffled shoulder feathers. "It's just a matter of teaching you how to land after you heal."

There was a moment of peace in the healing room before Reckless and his pack heard steps from behind them, turning around and facing the entry. Talon was intent as he stared at the entrance, Fang holding Stain back with a paw over Stain's tail behind the concerned father. Willow lifted her head, curious as well, and Fear merely turned as Reckless did, staying latched onto his Alpha's shoulder the whole time. "Someone there?" Reckless asked, hoping he was wrong to be concerned and that it was merely the nurse, as he suspected.

09-11-2012, 03:29 AM
Saffron City

Closing the door behind him with Houndoom leading the way, Shaun walked into the Center lobby, looking around for the others. No one seemed to be up yet, so he moved to sit on one of the chairs and calmly scratched behind Houndoom's ears while he waited for the others. And thus he used this time to ponder.

The man from last night was to be at the Snorlax Diner... Just as well, since that was where the scientists had directed him for any other Trainers that might help. Though he had his doubts about the man, he wasn't about to pass up his help, which if Shaun was any judge of deadliness, that man ranked pretty damn high on his list.

That said, there was also the problem of how they were going to go about this... None of them knew the layout of the station, he would bet, and their only plan was to try and hit them when their guard was weakest, around lunchtime. He imagined the Rocket members lounging around eating sandwiches when their little group burst in and started going all rebellion on them. Shaun chuckled aloud at that, getting an odd look from Houndoom, who promptly huffed and went back to enjoying the ear-scratching.

With that done... What? Use the station and go to Johto? That might not have been the best idea... He was wanted for murder in Johto... Though it was possible they had forgotten about him by then. He could only hope.

Sighing, Shaun slowly rose and began to ask himself if he should go scout out the Station before the others woke. If they weren't up within the hour, he might just do that, or at least go to the diner on his own... He'd let Meg know, of course... As he debated that, he continued to wait, taking a rag out of his pocket to clean his gun in the meantime.

09-11-2012, 04:45 AM
Ecruteak City

Garrett stood outside the Pokemon Center, leaning against the wall, arms crossed, waiting, the feather he'd been given last night hanging from a new necklace. The sun was already staining the sky. Where were they? He sighed, considering the possibility that he'd been stood up. Unlikely, but possible. Last night had been an emotional blur, he'd barely slept at all - but he felt better. He thought he heard some Pokemon roars in the night, but he wasn't sure if he'd just dreamt them. The change of scene... It would do him some good, he thought - it wouldn't be bad, at least. He'd packed his bag before just before -simple things like a few spare shirts and underwear, spare food, extra ammunition, Miltank milk, and three sticks of dynamite he'd scrounged up from behind a box in his house. He wasn't even sure if they would still light but there was no point in leaving them there, ignored. He'd stuffed a matchbox in his bag, too, though if Cathy showed up he could just light stuff off her Ponyta...

He adjusted his stance, the rifle was beginning to dig at his back. He glanced at his watch - the others would officially be late soon. The route he'd mentally calculated meant they'd likely take a few hours to get to Goldenrod, if everything went according to plan - which he really hoped it would. He began tapping his index finger impatiently. He disliked waiting around when he could be moving.