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03-03-2012, 05:47 AM
Foot steps echo and reverberated around the large tent. So much space for the thumps to bounce to. So many empty cages, needing to be filled. Luca, the master of this circus was a heartless demon. Unfortunately for the few scattered cages containing beings; the afore mentioned is not a metaphor. His one black eye scanned the room. At first glance the eye may have looked brown. Upon further inspection one would see the window into a soulless hell. So black that light seemed to be engulfed in the abyss never to be heard from again.

An evil smile took over his damaged face. The few caged being cowered. If only they had known when they signed up. They had seen an attractive man, blind in one eye with a passion for the animals he took care of.
When asked about the scar running through his face the Roma would laugh. “It was my first lion.” he would reminisce. “The master hadn’t fed him in a while and I had just been tossed in. Animals only kill is they are scared or hungry. He happened to be hungry.”

His a white baggy shirt hid the crime scene that was the rest of his body. The lion had damaged more than just his face. The milky white eye seemed to give humans a false sense of security as they signed on to be part of the roaming circus. The animals took their breath away and the beautiful beings lured them in. Poor sheep never even had a chance.

This circus was no ordinary circus just as the master was no ordinary man. This circus traveled from town to town in search of poor unfortunate souls. Souls that could not afford the pricey indulgences being sold by the catholic church in the year 1366. You see indulgences are expensive, buying eternal heaven is only for the rich. Buying eternal damnation only cost your soul.

That was what Luca did. He sold his soul some couple hundred years ago in exchange for the ability to talk to animals. As a child he had always loved them. His prostitute mother, of Roman blood, had been impregnated and had given her new born sun up to the circus tiger. Unbeknownst the young mother the tiger had recently had cubs. She had taken the little soft bundle of pink flesh and raised him as her own.

His skin had turned a startling bronze color as he aged. The sun would soak into his flesh and give him a stunning golden tint.

The tiger mother had groomed his hairless body and when he grew a mane of wavy black hair she groomed that as well. Luca would have lived with the tiger forever, but the ring master of that circus informed the small boy he had to earn his keep. So Luca did. He dressed as a typical gypsy, and tamed the lions, rode his tiger mother and was fearless with the horses.

Everything was going well for young Luca, until the ringmaster drove off without him. Animals were the only thing he had ever known. The circus had been his only family and now they had been torn away. Pulling his hair back into the same sloppy braid he wore now Luca went searching for another circus.

Only this one had not been so kind. The animals and people were skeletal, vile beings. Always hungry, searching for their next meal. This is where Luca had lost his sight in his right eye to a hungry lion. The lion had torn open his chest and sank its teeth into his shoulder before finally being killed by the master.

That Night Luca had been whipped as a lesson. He needed to learn how to treat animals and now the circus was down a lion. The leather whip tore into his flesh causing him to see white. It burned and incinerated his confidence as it peeled flesh from bone. Luca’s back was made to look as ugly as his face and his front.

Luca believed his was ugly. His body was damaged beyond repair. Once his clothing came off and his past was revealed humans shrunk away in horror. He had silver barbells in both of his nipples. An effort to draw attention away from the scars. Just as the silver hoops in his ear drew attention away from his blindness, and dented nose. Another accident for another day. He hated his ugliness almost as much as he hated being half blind and having his left arm be stiff. He had a small range of motion with the limb. The same horse related accident as his nose had caused him that weakness too. He was bitter because of his faults.

A bitter man is easily turned. Easily convinced to collect souls and steal powers.
That very night Lucifer himself had taken an interest in Luca. He made him an offer, an offer too good to be true. Without human parents Luca had never been given the wisdom to know that when an offer is too good to be true, it isn’t. So he signed away something he thought he would never miss… his soul.

Now Luca did the devils work. He entertained the morbid desires of the filth inhabiting the earth. He killed humans for sport. Those worth keeping he tricked into selling their souls. Signing the same contract in blood that he had all those years ago. When they signed and chose their power Luca received a duplicate. His mission was to collect souls. His aim was to become the new ring master of evil. He wanted to replace the devil who had taken his soul.
He was getting close too. Already Luca was growing demonic markings in his once beautiful golden flesh. Hell’s incantations adorned the lines in his hips where muscle sloped seductively into his sex. The incantations caressed his spine as well. Feeding him the bitter taste of evil with every neurological transmission.

Luca is an evil, bitter demon. He surveyed the fresh crop of humans. Mentally ticking off who would live and who would die. He picked who would sell their soul and who would be part of a morbid fantasy. A few stragglers were coming in, eager to sign on.

After all Luca was famous. His Imaginarium was known to be the best show on earth. Not for the faint of heart not for the pure, and sure as hell not for the poor. Luca toyed with the end of his wavy black braid. Secured by a strip of red leather. His feet were bare, and he had on only a simple white shirt and loose fitting Roma pants. He wanted the recruits to adore him. Love him and follow him blindly until they were already drowning in the hell he called Imaginarium.

03-04-2012, 12:44 AM
Finian shrugged his small pack higher on his shoulder and tried to ignore the empty ache in his belly, taking another sip of water from his flask. Thank God water was free. Nobody in this word would grudge him anything better. Townsfolk tended to give him dark looks, eying his fair features with suspicion, his gold-hued skin and exotic, oriental-touched looks with derision. An outcast, he was blamed for all manner of local ills, and chased off from place to place since the fire that destroyed his home circus. Word followed him that he had survived where others didn't, and barely marked for it at that.

If only they knew.

His curse had saved him. A curse given to him by the fortune-teller at his own home, for making a mistake and embarrassing her, they had laughed and teased and tormented their foundling mercilessly about his becoming a flighty fancy bird when so much as startled. That changed when their fire-juggler had accidentally set one of the horses alight and the fire had spread with the fleeing beast from tent to tent to stall, the oiled canvas becoming an instant fiery maze. He and others had leapt out of one tent to find themselves ringed by fire, choked by smoke, for they used their attractions to funnel towards the main event with the side-shows and freaks... but that same funnel was now closed by one fallen tent to trap all within. The only way out was up.

Finian had escaped with burnt feathers and nearly-charred lungs, leaving death for the sky with the sparks. Though his bird form was as large as he was, he was not capable of lifting another man with it--only light items--as he had many a pretty and brightly-colored plume and was not a bird species capable of powerful flight. So only he had escaped.

But now, cursed, outcast, unwanted... his only hope before starvation was another circus. All Fin ever wanted was to leap and swing and dance on the wires, as free as his avian self in the air. But he couldn't stay a bird, and there was nothing else he could do as a human. This circus was large, the ringmaster known to be injured but said to adore his beasts and his shows were known to be beyond anything imaginable. Perhaps... perhaps it was a hope, to sign on with him. Not that a foundling like Finian ever learned to do more than make his mark on paper, but hell, what other options did he have? And maybe, maybe, this circus would accept his curse as something useful, not shameful or contemptible, like those who had given it to him.

Someone showed him in to meet Luca, and he tightened his fingers on the strap of his meager pack. Fin owned very little, a blanket and change of clothes, some soap and a plain knife, and so he felt a bit nervous before this powerful figure. Something about him radiated the same slow energy one fond in the big cats, the same sharp observation despite that smile, the same acute attention despite the one blind eye.

"Ah, pardon my lord," he managed, smoke-marred voice husky and quiet. Marcus, the master who had take him in, had said calling others "my lord" was always a good way to treat others of position, noble or not, flattery and subservience being never wasted. He had not liked the man much and love had never been wasted on a foundling such as himself, but Marcus had known much about handling people in general. "I have heard you are hiring? I am an acrobat, a dancer on wire, rope, or trapeze."

03-04-2012, 05:18 AM
Luca’s good eye looked up at the raspy voice. A powerful urge flowing through his veins and a predatory growl dying in his chest. Isn’t he a pretty little thing? He thought to himself. A few animals called out their approval to the demon’s thoughts. I bet some of the fat Europeans would enjoy watching him flying. I have a costume that would fit. Just need to put some meat on him. I like that he calls me lord. Means he will be easy to train.
Luca smiled pleasantly. He assumed only the animals had heard his plans. “You look hungry.” He offered pleasantly. “One of the cooks is cooking stew and potatoes.” He wondered sadistically if the little thing was hungry. “It’s thick and hearty. Quite good.” He smiled as his good arm pushed the registry to the boy. Every human was a mere child to Luca, no matter their age. He had after all lived hundreds of years. “Food is only for the performers. Just add your name.”
Luca slid a feather to The small man.

Soft pale feet come into contact with the dirt. Bells jingled alerting Luca and the strange new man that they were no longer alone. Kia, a pale snake demon slithered up to her keeper. “Now master, you really should ask his name before you ask him to be one of us.”
Her startling blue eyes were framed by cascades of ebony hair. She wrapped herself possessively around Luca’s bad arm.

“What is your name little one?” Luca purred the weakened part of him coming out of the shadow. He insistently pushed the parchment again. The name didn’t matter all that mattered was the signature. Then if the soul was worth the effort then that would matter.

03-04-2012, 07:06 AM
"Finian, my lord--Fin for short," the young acrobat rasped, dipping his head subserviently. The mention of food and a hint of it wafting in made his stomach rumble hopefully. He was eager to have a taste, mouth salivating, having to swallow a couple times to keep from drooling. "It smells good, sir."

His hand reached for the pen, then paused and drew back. Though indeed he was desperate, not knowing how to forage, not practiced enough to thieve successfully, not big or strong enough to be of service to farmers and tradesmen, and having no other options for employment--could he truly trust these strangers? He wanted to know the exact terms he was getting into, at least. In his home group, he had heard of others who demanded sexual services to patrons of the circus troop or to their leaders as part of their obligations. While Finian wasn't a virgin with men or women (a bit of fumbling in the dark when some of the others got drunk was unavoidable, consensual or not), he had no desire to be sold out like a piece of meat to greasy merchants or crude farmers. Yet somehow he sensed some sort of... approval, or desire for Finian's services, from the ringmaster... Well, the occasional attention from the ringmaster he might endure, but that, Finian feared, was always a possibility in any place that would employ him--circus, sideshow, even a merchant or lord's employ as entertainment.

His hazel eyes widened at the serpentine girl who latched onto the ringmaster's arm possessively. Clearly she felt confident correcting the ringmaster, yet not enough to call him by name. A lover, perhaps? But an amazing, seductive sight to behold. Her blue eyes were piercing, yet predatory--enough to make his hackles rise and kill any desire that teased his lower half. She glided, slid, bent with the smooth agility and seductive lines of the snake she represented--and snakes and birds never got along. He was more a prey animal to her kind, and so he felt more wary than most virile young men around her.

"This is only to perform as an acrobat and dancer of heights, correct, my lord? I fear I am no competition for seductive beauty like the one beside you, and I am too bony and small to be of use to anyone's bed." Picking up the pen, he hesitated, wanting that confirmed.

03-04-2012, 04:56 PM
Luca pulled the parchment away, taking the promise of food along with it. “This is a registry, lists all the people who belong to my… family. I am not a trusting man and because of that I am able to protect what is mine. Other circuses have boney lions and shabby tigers. My cats are well fed and groomed.”

Kia bit her tongue. What Luca said was true. He cared little for the demons, less for the humans, but those damned animals were always fat and happy. Never struck or overworked. People would see them well looked after and because most beings viewed animals as the lowest priority they would assume Luca must treat humans like royalty.

Luca felt Kia stiffen. His bad arm wasn’t completely useless and he managed to shake her off. “Go get yourself some food my lovely. I need to talk with Finian here and send the rest of the line away. I have everything I could ever need from this town.”

Kia nodded glaring at Finian. She hated him already. The bells around her ankles died out before Luca continued. “Truth be told Finian I don’t need someone with your talents. I have room yes, but need?” He shook his head before looking over the list. “A circus is all about seduction. People are seduced by power, grace, sex. I seduce them with my power over animals. My ability to have a snarling lion sit like a trained lap dog. If you can not seduce the crowds with your grace and beauty, then you are of no use to me.”

He shrugged and placed the parchment back down. “I think we both agree I am a monstrous looking man. However I seduce the crowds and my bed is always warm. I want your signature to know that you plan to stay until dismissed. I’m not asking you to sell your body or your soul” He smiled at his own truthfulness. “I am asking for your loyalty when eating my food and sleeping in my accommodations.”

03-05-2012, 02:24 AM
Finian looked down at the parchment, unable to read a word, and considered what Luca said for a moment. The man was correct--he didn't need Fin nearly as much as Fin needed him. And he was right about the seduction of playing to your audience, using death-defying leaps and sensuous movements to leave watchers gasping at your defiance of gravity, the illusion of a human being truly flying without wings defying their concept of reality. You had to entice and impress, or you were not worth their attention--and thus not worth your food. It was only fair, he decided. Loyality to the one who fed him and offering the best performances his skills might provide...

The young acrobat was quite glad of Kia's departure. Her predatory gaze had made him uncomfortable and the look she gave as she was dismissed was downright hating,

Hazel eyes flicked up to consider the ringmaster's face, that blind eye and the other so very dark, the scar of a clawing by that useless eye testifying to his work with the large cats and the risk he took there... Yet he spoke lovingly of his cats, injury aside. He called himself monsterous, yet he was young and was probably considered handsome before those scars. He kept himself in better shape than most merchants and even the ringmaster of his home troop, that was certain. Well, if he put any of that effort into those he considered his "own", Finian decided becoming one of those was possibly a better life than anything he'd ever known.

"I don't bite the hand that feeds me, my lord. What you ask is fair trade, and that I give happily. I live to fly and dance on heights, to entice audiences to rethink that whole saying about God not giving us wings. I merely meant that my bedroom seductions would make a poor encore to that." Putting pen to ink, he made his mark on the paper where he'd been indicated. "I'm your man, my lord. If you don't mind, what should I call you?"

03-05-2012, 05:12 AM
Luca rolled up the parchment and rose from his chair. “You can call me master, or Luca if you are brave enough to call me by name.” His eye now looked the boy over more critically. His might be a soul worth selling. The blunt honesty was refreshing in the very least. He also didn’t understand why the boy thought he would not make a good bed warmer. He had no major blemish and a few nights of food would make him soft to touch.

Luca didn’t discriminate against gender. If he was in the mood he took what he wanted. Like a lion with a death grip around a females neck as they mated. Luca was the king of the circus. He had a duplicate of every power in the place and had in most cases mastered them beyond the person they were initially sold to. He briefly wondered what power Fin would choose if given the chance.

He pulled back the tent flap to reveal people sitting in cages eating out of their bowels. They were all new and looked at Finian with wide eyed curiosity.

“I don’t trust people Fin. People do stupid things. Cruel Evil and vile things. I never met an animal that killed for any reason other than being hungry or frightened. I have never had an animal steal from me and have never had one prove to be disloyal. You will earn your freedom as you earn my trust.”

Kia carried a large metal bowel steaming with beef and potato stew. “Until then pick a cage.” He Made a wide sweeping motion indicating all of the vacant spaces. They were large enough to crawl, turn around and lay flat in. “You can have your dinner once you have chosen and I really don’t have all night. Tomorrow we will see if you can earn your keep.” He laughed “You would be surprised how many people lie about their talents for a night of free food and a warm bed.” A few people shivered in guilt.

03-05-2012, 06:10 AM
Finian jerked back, surprised and confused by what he saw, almost ready to bolt at the sight, hazel eyes wide with fear. He felt a shiver start down his spine, the telltale tingle and sting of his transformation about to begin, and twined his hand in his pack's strap painfully to use that stronger pain to drive it away. Shaking slightly, knees feeling a little weak from fighting it off, he stared at Kia dazedly, then back at Luca uneasily.

But he had signed, and given his word. If this man had unorthodox ways to prove his people trustworthy, well, some local lords were crueler. A cage, though... it felt a little too close to his secret for him to feel anything but nervous about it. Would he end up confined to one his whole stay here, should his curse become known? Should he run now, while he had a chance? He could transform and fly off... but then the hunt would be on, and again he would be starving and likely dead soon after...

Clutching his meager pack close and setting his teeth, he gathered his courage and faced Luca boldly. Better to prove he had some strength than be a mere whimpering dog like the rest. "My lord, I have but one request..."

Looking upward, then around, he sought something a bit more suitable for himself than a floor-set cage. Preferably something with space to move within, so he could stretch now and then and do a better test-performance tomorrow. Though even a a small one at a height would be nice, so he could feel secure from the strangers in this troop, such as the snake-woman.

"Have you anything with a bit more room I might use the bars of to stretch with? Or a bit higher?"

A sudden thought hit him, and Fin glanced back the way they'd entered worriedly, looking for any sign of the moon's phase. He had lost track, and if tonight it was full...

Well, Finian's secret would be out.

03-05-2012, 06:37 AM
Luca chuckled “I am no lord little one.” He shook his head as a few other demons laughed. They all watched the skinny boy with interest. He was ballsy to even attempt to ask something of Luca. Didn’t he feel the evil? The people felt it, the demons felt it. The only ones unaffected were the animals.

Luca rested his chin in his hand. His eyebrows dove towards his nose as he thought. He didn’t have any animal that would enjoy height. He could offer him a horse stall since the horses were grazing. It would need to be cleaned. He could have a fire tamer clean it…
Luca had to admit he was impressed by the little things boldness.

“I have a shelf in my personal quarters.” He offered as he watched the hazel eyes drown in terror as they drifted to the nearly full moon. Strange, he thought to himself. “However you would need to be chained and I would fasten bells on you.”

He looked over at Kia, and laughed inwardly at her annoyance. “You are being rude, give Finian his food before you are denied yours.”

Kia thought about hurling the steaming bowel at Fin’s head. However her master had seemed to take a liking to him. Soon he would try to trick Finian into selling his soul and then what? He would be a part of the demonic family. She grudgingly handed Finian the bowel.

03-05-2012, 07:16 AM
"Master Luca, then." The others seemed to think his using titles amusing, but to Fin it was a means of staying on Luca's good side, respectful and subservient. The air was charged with a dark sort of energy, but the acrobat attributed that feeling to just the sight of people in cages, unaware of the true nature of those around him. His animal instincts were wary, but that was not unusual for a bird.

At least the moon wasn't full yet. He had some time to earn trust and be free. If he could get free before that night, or at least on that night, then he could hide somewhere as a bird and just let them assume he'd hid somewhere high to sleep instead. Little would they know how true that was. Hopefully they'd just think a large odd bird visited as well, and not try to catch him in that form.

The young acrobat considered the options offered him, and eyed the occupied cages a moment, thinking fast. The cages really looked uncomfortably confining. A shelf sounded small, but far less confining and with the freedom to move around and stretch. Being in Luca's quarters almost guaranteed his safety and warmth at night. The chain seemed a good precaution on the ringmaster's part, considering Luca's suspicions of anything human (which was something Fin could attest to from growing up in another troop--animals were usually nicer). The bells, though, seemed silly. But he could handle a little silliness until he proved his worth. Fin had been expecting to have his skills tested regardless, and it was simply common for strangers to be looked at with suspicion anywhere in this age.

Accepting the bowl suddenly thrust into his hands and trying not to spill it or drop his meager pack, Finian managed a hoarse, "Thank you," to Kia. No, she clearly hated him. Did she think he wanted her master's attention? For the moment all he wanted was safety, warmth, food, and shelter, and a place to show off his joy in dancing on the heights. The rest she could keep. To be a ringmaster's favorite was someone else's privilege--he had always been just the kicked dog found by the roadside, nothing more.

"The shelf will do, then, Master Luca," Fin agreed. He silently hoped he would be shown where it was soon, though--his legs ere still shaky and he wanted to sit to eat as soon as possible... before he fell or fainted. Either was possible pretty soon, he knew, in his current state. "I don't understand, though... why bells? Isn't chain enough?"

03-06-2012, 05:42 AM
“Least I won’t have to teach you manners.” He hissed before turning on her heal to retrieve another two bowels.
Luca smiled revealing his pointed canine teeth. Not too sharp that they looked inhuman, but enough to be noticed. “I like bells. Lets me know where you are how you move. I have… very good hearing and the echo of the bells helps me get to know you.” Kia’s bells sounded again and she handed a bowel to Luca. Luca ate a piece of beef and soon everyone was eating. “Come sit with me. I am curious about you and fresh company is always more interesting.”

Luca walked through the tent passing the other demons. Their eyes followed the fresh meat. Tallon, a fire demon, thought about reaching out to touch Finian. A warning growl from his master brought his hand back to his lap. Something was strange about the little human. Maybe he was a thief? Was he stupid enough to not feel the tension.

Tallon’s bells tinkled as he receded into the shadows. Everyone had bells.

Luca motioned to an empty chair and sat down his bowel of stew in his lap. The warmth from the stew moved through his core. It was a different warmth. One not even the fires of hell could rival. “So tell me about yourself Finian.” He purred letting his damaged side be hidden in shadow.

03-06-2012, 07:34 AM
Finian followed through the tent, eyeing the other "residents" uneasily, and jumped as one reached for him, stumbling aside as he was too worn out and hungry to have his usual grace when dodging anymore. His shaky legs finally brought him to a box nearby and he sat on it harder than he'd intended, almost spilling his stew. Taking a deep breath, he glanced around a moment, feeling very much like a bird among cats. Luca's sharper teeth didn't ease that notion. The impression he had of the ringmaster was rather like that of a lion among a pride, in charge and unquestionable, fierce and wild. He did indeed feel the tension, but he had no option, really. He was at his strength's end, with none to turn to for help or employment outside of this troop, and had set his feet to this path.

There was no going back now.

Taking a careful taste, Fin began to work on his bowl of stew slowly. Too much too soon was dangerous, he knew. Oh, he knew it too well from recent times and experiences! Letting the first few bites settle and ease his slight shaking, he considered what to tell them about himself.

"There... is not much to tell, Master Luca," he rasped. "As a child, I was found at a roadside by Marcus' troop, a time I hardly remember. When I was old enough to help set up the tents, they saw that I enjoy the heights and my climbing looked promising, so they trained me. Unfortunately... last year there was a fire, and few managed to escape with their lives, myself included. So I have wandered in hopes of another troop. Local people... do not want an acrobat, especially one of mixed lines... and I am not very helpful in their trades."

Tucking back into his stew, he watched Luca from under lowered eyelids, studying him thoughtfully. For all his words earlier, he truly didn't seem so monsterous in this light. Though Fin decided one thing was certain--the man was very much like a lion indeed. Too graceful and at ease with how he moved, too aware of his power and strength. It made Luca fascinating to watch... but then, so was a tiger from the safety of behind bars. With a faint shiver, he returned his attention to his meal.

The idea of curling up on a shelf sounded pretty good now. Height was his safety, his comfort. It beat staying with predators below. The looks being given him were unnerving, to say the least.

03-07-2012, 03:50 AM
Luca smiled “Well if you are as good as you say you are my other dancers will show you some things.” He spooned his food into his mouth. He watched Fin eat. Calculating his every movement. Something was off. He was shaky from lack of food perhaps. “You will get stronger the more food you eat. Try and drink all of the broth. Then eat the potatoes then the other stuff. It will be easiest on your stomach that way.” He was curious to see how well Fin would follow instruction.

When the master’s bowel was cleaned and his dish taken the demons retreated to their sleeping chambers. Magic afforded them to travel lightly and when they settled the demons slept in comfort. “I’ll show you to my chambers.” He growled.

Luca walked by the fed pets. Most had curled up and were snoring softly. If they only knew what tomorrow would bring. Some would become marked for live sacrifice. He wondered if he would have to mark Fin as one of the ones to be killed. People were really the evil ones. They got off on the pain of others. They could hide behind the fact that they thought the killings were fake, but in the end they got what they paid for.

Luca’s master would be pleased with all the souls he was tainting. The devil admired Luca’s ability to breath evil into the world. Little did the devil realize by helping Luca he was grooming his replacement.

03-07-2012, 05:52 AM
Finian flashed Luca a grateful, if small, smile, then set to his meal as instructed, using his spoon to hold the contents back as he sipped the broth from the lip. It was as good advice as any, and hinted that the man meant to take care of his "own" as he claimed. By the time he got to the meat, though, the thin young acrobat was full enough that his appetite waned and his belly felt a bit distended. He handed his bowl over for cleaning as well with an apologetic look to the one who collected it for leaving anything behind. But he had no wish to push until he was sick.

Obediently, he followed Luca towards the man's personal chambers, wondering if it was a wagon or a tent attached to the rest somehow, like back in his old troop. A tent's open space would be nicer, he thought, but anywhere high would do, and the higher the better. On the bright side, it seemed everyone was settling to rest, from those in the cages to those who were already part of this troop. The stares were less hostile and more simply briefly curious.

"Master..." Fin started as they walked, "if you don't mind my asking... Since you want all wearing bells, might I choose mine?"

Fortune favored the bold. And you got nothing if you didn't ask.

03-08-2012, 02:05 AM
Luca paused his hand on the fold of his personal tent. Being a demon, with endless magic at his disposal allowed the troop to live comfortably no matter how brief a stay. He thought about Fin’s request. Usually he selected bells of different sizes in order to alert him to who it was making the noise. He didn’t need sound to know who was where but the added melody was soothing.

“I pick bells based on what it is about you that inspires me.” He stated flatly. Still in thought Luca pulled back the flap. The scent of warm amber and lavender swirled with vinilla and jasmine as it leaked out of the ring master’s sleeping tent. The floor was draped with scarves in varying shades of red. The large bed looked as if it was carved from a solid piece of iron. The mattress was massive and fluffy. Draped in a red blanket. There were a few golden inscense burners on wooden furniture as well as a golden bird cage.

The shelf was made to be eye level with the person laying in the high bed and was decorated with an assortment of bells, ribbon, and leather. Luca pushed all of them into a basket. “Usually only me de-troops wear the bells. Impress me enough to be in my family and I’ll let you pick.” Luca smiled, a genuine smile that even touched his black lifeless eye.

He found himself hoping Fin would be part of his family. He liked him. He was ballsy and didn’t seem to have anything to hide. Unlike Luca who was hiding everything. He turned his back and conjured a loose fitting pair of black pants and two plain ankle bracelets. Each band had three simple bells all of the same size. “Magic” he laughed handing them over. “I’ll keep my back turned while you change.” He offered walking over to one of the dressors and selecting some of his larger coats for Fin to use as a blanket. He would give him one of his pillows…

Not even demons got his things. There really must be something special about this one. Maybe he could be a bed warmer. He would pick a very good power to share with Luca. Maybe this power would be all he needed to over throw Satan.

Luca striped revealing the tattoos and scars if Fin happened to be watching. It was clear as he worked that his side was not functioning properly. It took him almost three times as long to get undressed and then dressed. He lifted the coats for Finian from the top of the dresser and grabbed one of the pillows off his bed. “Pillow and you can use my coats as a blanket.” He offered turning away quickly. He didn’t want to be asked about his kindness. It wasn’t kindness, just a means to an end. He nodded to himself. That was it, just a way to reward the boy for being brave and to make his selling your soul sale pitch more convincing.

03-08-2012, 04:52 AM
Finian hesitated at entering, looking about with awe at the many expensive fabrics, the solid metal and wood furnishings, gold items (including a sizable empty birdcage), even the exotic scents of the incense. He carefully trod on the scarf-coated floor as he stepped inside, not wanting to move wrong and maybe rip one of those beautiful cloths by accident. The bed was massive, and he flushed slightly at the thought that he may want to have other accommodations if Luca intended to have company at night. The shelf had maybe a bit too good of a view if anything was going on, after all.

That slight blush deepened as the ringmaster offered him a change of pants and belled ankle bracelets. Luca had even cleared space for him to sleep. It was very generous of the man to go to such lengths, and the acrobat bobbed in a bit of a bow as he accepted them, awkward with the strange gesture of respect (bowing wasn't normal when you never were good enough to meet anyone worth bowing to) and this kindness. But he wasn't about to turn it away.

"Thank you, Master Luca," he rasped, smiling hesitantly.

When the leonine man turned, he swiftly set to stripping down, abandoning shirt and travel-stained pants to the ground to slide into the new pants. Folding his legs under himself with the boneless ease of a dancer, he set to strapping on the ankle bracelets. When he finished, he stayed there, hands on his knees, about to grasp his discarded clothes and stuff them into his pack, and stopped.

Fin watched Luca strip, then change, unable to help the hint of a flush remaining on his cheeks during those few minutes of observation. The scars caught his eyes, and he turned his head away slightly, respectfully shifting his gaze at his pack instead, knowing from how the man moved that they had left deep damage. Nobody took pride in being limited by injuries. Luca was clearly not allowing them to bind him, though they did slow him in some ways. Had they not existed, he would have been intimidating: combining his leonine air to a powerful golden form, some strange marks that looked like writing on his hips and spine only adding to his sense of mystery and magic.

On hearing Luca grab something else, Fin looked up again, and guiltily wrenched his attention off his new boss to the task at hand, hoping his observations had not been caught. Swiftly the acrobat stuffed his things into his pack before bounding to his feet with the smooth glide of a bird and the energetic liveliness of a child. Again he dipped a bit as he accepted the pillow and coats, hazel eyes wide at this loan.

"Ah, thank you, Master Luca," he returned again emphatically, the words almost broken by his damaged voice's efforts. When he pushed too hard, at times his sentences ended up almost cracking and creaking, much like someone with laryngitis.

Turning to the shelf, he considered it a moment, figuring out how he would arrange things for the night. There was no room for both himself and his pack, so he left his pack on the floor of the tent under it. Setting the pillow up and draping one cloth on the wood, Fin set one palm on the shelf and neatly hopped up on it, his ankle-bells ringing. Smiling slightly at the noise, he wrapped up in the other coats, quite glad for how Luca was bigger than him.

"I hope not to disturb you, though I may be a bit restless at night... Do you want me up early to demonstrate my abilities?" he asked.

Not knowing the moon very well, Fin felt a bit nervous as to what the next evening might bring. On the night of the full moon, once darkness fell, he would be a bird--something bigger than a peacock, yet just as flamboyantly colored in long feathers of iridescent blue and teal and black, something a cross between that and a bird of paradise. When he had been traveling, people sought to catch his bird self, impressed by his exotic beauty and intending to sell him to either shows or wealthy men. There had been a few close calls from nets and sacks... enough that to see them again aimed at him, he knew his bird-self would panic. Finian was afraid he might cause tents to be damaged at the very lest, or at worst anger Luca to the point of either driving him out to starve or throwing him to the local clergymen for burning as a tainted creature.

03-08-2012, 05:49 AM
They were so he wouldn’t run. He trusted Fin not to run but this was the procedure. He kept the others caged and Finian was already receiving an odd amount of preferential treatment. He thought about offering Fin his bed but the boy had said he wouldn’t be good company in that sense.
Luca assumed that to be an excuse meaning he didn’t want to. Since when did the wants of humans matter to demons? Especially powerful demons. Luca should have just taken what he wanted. It had been such a long time since he had felt this prickling heat run through his body. Why not just take what he wanted like every other time? Why did he suddenly want to protect the small male. If Fin needed protecting against anything it would be Luca. He was the most likely candidate to rip Fin apart.

Humans often thought since Luca was disabled and slow to move that he feared new comers. He would be an easy human target. He was slow to move and respond. Luca didn’t fear that Fin would hurt him. Hell he would have been rather amused if the small starved man had tried. Luca hovered for a moment, close to Fin’s resting body. He wanted this heat to go away. The urge to force Fin into his own bed was nearly overwhelming. He managed to fight it off. Darkness and evil crackling just beneath his surface. Fin was flirting with danger by sleeping so near the master.
He looked so fragile, Luca felt the insane urge to scent him. Like a big cat would rub it’s glands against its territory. “Night” he growled crawling into bed. Luca pulled a rope and the large fire at the back of the room was exterminated.

His one black eye glowed in the dark, like an animal’s eye. The white eye stood out against the darkness.
Luca wiggled around before settling on his stomach. His sleeping stance foreshadowed his personality. he slept like he was on top of the world. He had a need to be in control of things. He wasn’t afraid of exposing his back. He was confident. Luca just watched Fin breath for a little while. Eventually he closed his eyes. The room was filled with the sound of his light purring. It was clearly not a snore, or a growl. Just a happy contentedness of a sleeping beast. He dreamt of nothing, just slept. The scent of Finian touching deep inside of him.

03-08-2012, 06:04 AM
Finian mentally shrugged, and decided if Luca wanted him up, he'd wake him. Curled up in the coats on the shelf, an ankle chained, the acrobat sighed in quiet contentment, snug as a bug in a rug. Warmth, food, shelter, and the work he enjoyed... He could ask for nothing more at this time. Though, unbidden, an image of Luca's back view came to mind. Pushing it aside, Fin closed weary eyes, dismissing any such thoughts as foolish.

The scent of the incense was soothing, emanating from the coats around him and the pillow beneath. He thought he felt the air stir, and distantly his dozing mind heard Luca murmur something... felt a heavy presence near, almost predatory yet oddly kind of protective... and somehow he found that soothing enough to slip into true deep sleep.

03-08-2012, 04:18 PM
Luca woke up fairly early the next morning. He was a light sleeper and the sound of early chirping birds had him alert before the sun was even completely in the sky.

No one else was awake and that was how Luca liked his morning. He got out of bed and walked to the tents containing the animals. Their accommodations much more spacious and clean than the new humans. With the exception of Fin of course. He let the horse out to graze in the commons. The other animals were set free and knew not to kill each other or tangle with the demons. Animals hated evil and they tended to stay away from the monsters. Luca in their minds was one of them. A large white lioness bumped her body against Luca’s legs nearly causing him to fall to the ground. “Morning Tila” he purred.

“Morning Luca, we heard you had some new humans. One demon seems particularly upset about the human you have taken a liking too.”
Luca smiled at the lion running his hands through her fur. “There is something strange about him. He doesn’t show much if any fear of me. He actually asked me to choose his bells and if he could not sleep in a cage.”

The lioness snorted “You always did admire bravery. Although in the humans case I am assuming it is stupidity.”

Luca looked a little deflated. He knew only the animals could understand what Tila was saying but he valued their opinions. “Come meet him. I think I am missing something anyway. Maybe he means to rob me blind or harm my family.”

Tail growled “I hope you are not referring to the two legged monsters when you say family Luca.”

Luca shook his head like a small child “No, we both know they use me, and I them. You are my family Tila, the cats the horses, the snakes.”
The lioness stretched out “Alright, take me to your new play thing. I’ll let you know if I think you should keep it.”

Luca looked happier than Tila had seen him in years. She wasn’t the Tiger who had raised him but Tila considered himself the closest thing Luca had to a mother. He was close to all of the animals, but the cats really adored him.

Tila followed Luca into the tent spotting the human instantly. Had she not been so hungry she may have missed the scent of bird. Luca didn’t need to know that. Tila put her two massive paws up on the shelf nudging fin in the process. Luca watched intently.

Tila’s hot predatory breath ruffled Fin’s hair and she growled softly. Luca knew Tila would wake him and he was curious to see what he would make of the big cat. “He won’t become on of your monsters easily Luca.” Tila huffed using her massive head to smell him. She didn’t smell a drop of evil. Hell he reminded her of Luca, dark, but not evil. Tila and the other animals would never see Luca for the demon he was. He was taking already evil souls and giving them the final choice. He just happened to gain things when they chose evil. The key word being chose, they chose evil on their own free will. Knowingly and willingly sold their soul for magic. It was a well known secret amongst the animals that Luca still had his soul. They would just never tell him that. “Keep him.” She whispered staring intently at the small male waiting for him to wake.

03-09-2012, 04:31 AM
Fin smelled the sour odor of fetid meat as hot breath blew against his hair from behind, and froze stiffly... especially on hearing the wood creak beneath him, the quiet sounds of a curious large cat dangerously close... Very very slowly and cautiously, he turned his head to glance out of the corner of his eyes--

--only to start and cringe against the back of the shelf, hazel eyes wide and heart racing. He was scared, but not fully terrified, too frozen by bird instincts for the fear to allow itself to full manifestation in his blood. A small part of the back of his mind jabbered that the cat was so close that it was too late to escape, that if it intended to eat him there was nothing he could do, that it only needed to open those jaws and move two inches and he was dead. The rest was icily fascinated, shaking with the eager excitement of being so near death--even a bit aroused by this almost helpless danger.

The excitement was strongest, and daringly he raised a hand very slowly for Tila to sniff, his gaze flicking to Luca...

The ringmaster was up and clearly had been for some time according to his clothes, which made Finian blush with embarrassment and shame at still being in "bed". He should be up and stretching in preparation for showing off his skills and grace! He should not have slept so deeply, not with his avian instincts, yet... something about this room, or Luca's scent on the clothes, or even the incense lulled him into such an unusual sense of safety... One that the cat's proximity was eroding. But seeing Luca there resolved him to be more daring, and even pushing himself slowly into sitting up, feet dangling off the shelf... though he kept Luca's coats around him as if it were armor.

03-09-2012, 04:44 AM
Tila huffed air into Fin’s face. Luca smiled as the large cat returned to his side. “With bravery like that you could be a tamer. Fin, meet Tila. Tila this is Fin.”
The lioness looked up as Luca “Yes, I can see why you like him.”
Luca blushed, but said nothing. He didn’t want to give his secret up just yet. He averted his gaze. Fin looked so perfect wrapped in his things. “You are the first acrobat up. Would you like to stretch and get a head start while I let the others out of their cages?” He offered. “I doubt they well be as brave with Tila as you are.”
Tila sat staring at Fin. She licked her lips in jest “I’ll keep your new toy safe.” She purred.
“Actually I think she wants to watch. I usually let the animals roam free. You understand them not liking cages. Animals just can’t tell you they hate them like people can.”
Luca disappeared leaving Tila and Fin in the room. The lioness smiled internally. She was curious to see what had the man she considered a baby brother so excited.

03-09-2012, 05:25 AM
Oh, yes, Finian agreed silently, gaze flicking to the golden cage across the tent. He knew about cages... Back home, when his curse was in effect the others had caged him for display, still making money off him. It had been a miserable experience, with people poking sticks at him, throwing stuff at him, all to make him flutter pretty wings and tail. At times the others scared him on purpose so he would be on display to amaze some wealthy patron The result was that he didn't want to change into a bird with others around--they always sought to catch and hurt or cage him.

The lioness backed off, and he watched Luca head out of the tent, fear fading. Somehow, the man kept these creatures under control? He let them roam, so... perhaps so. Fin wasn't sure if it was magic or divine gift or animal magnetism, or what, but he wondered when Luca had gotten hurt if he trusted these deadly animals so much... and how. He only hoped that this was no illusion.

Hesitantly at first, then with a bit more confidence when Tila did nothing to him, Fin slid off the shelf to his feet and carefully folded the coats aside onto where he'd slept. Then he slowly began to stretch himself out. Arms, and legs, then twisting and bending his back and sides... working his way from basic stretches to elegant twists and bending himself in half backwards to grasp an ankle. Feeling better, he smiled at the lioness, and tested a few poses on a toetip, glancing down at his bound ankle.

"I suppose he'll be back to free me, if he wants a show," he told Tila quietly, voice worse than before as he hadn't has so much as a drop of water yet.

03-09-2012, 06:09 AM
Tila roared and Luca appeared almost instantly.
“Plan on freeing your little toy?” She taunted him.
“Yes” Luca spoke out loud taking the key from around his neck. “The others are stretching in the highflying tent. Kia is going to help me choose which of you to sign on.” he leaned down and unlocked the chain. His rough hands massaged Finian’s ankle for all of ten seconds until he realized what he was doing. “Wanted to make sure you hadn’t damaged it.”
Luca turned and made his way to the tent where Fin was to show his talents. There was a high strung wire, swings on both ends. A few scarves hung from the ceiling and in the center a single pole. There were a few filthy humans stretching nervously. The cringed as Tila walked in. One woman looked like she might die just form seeing Luca.
Tila swatted at one growling. Her claws were in and she had meant no harm. Poor mortal fainted. “Well I just made your job easier.”
Luca ignored his friend. Kia’s bells could be heard echoing in the tent as she walked. Tiny bells giving off a shrill noise with each step. She snaked an arm around Luca’s thick waist. “Who did you want to see first master? No one seems very promising.” She glared at Fin as she made her disgust known.

03-09-2012, 07:17 AM
Finian jumped when Tila roared, almost losing his balance in his surprise. But when Luca appeared, he wondered at it, suddenly considering that the two might have some means of communication beyond what normal men could have.

The mention of Kia being involved in deciding who to keep made his spine run ice cold, heart sinking to his feet. The cold woman hated him on sight, perhaps even considered him a rival for Luca's attention. There was no way she would allow him to join them. How could he succeed when it was already decided? There was a faint hope that others might help influence otherwise in the troop if his best was considered worthy... but it would have to be the best performance ever seen by them. That would test his skills to the maximum.

As he mused this over, he felt hands on his ankle, and blushed on seeing Luca there, so oddly... fascinated with rubbing his reddened skin and the tendons beneath. It felt good, almost kind of... electrifying... Breath caught in his throat, Fin stared at the man's dark hair, that long braid down his back... and jumped a little when the ringmaster released him and straightened.

"Ah... thank you, Master Luca," he breathed softly, wondering if... perhaps Kia's hatred had some theory behind it after all. Maybe the man did like him? Fin had to admit he wasn't exactly adverse to the idea, but it seemed a bit overwhelming, just the very thought that the power behind this circus might actually desire a thin and ragged acrobat like him. The man could hardly want to bruise himself on sinewy bones like his when he had soft, plush women available instead, right? "I'm... fine."

Led to the main tent, Fin looked about at the arrangements with a slow smile. Oh, he knew such very well. Wires to do cartwheels and handstands on, swings to fly and do twirling leaps between, scarves to climb and flutter like his avian wings, a pole to twirl around and climb or slide on... A glance at the competition made him fee a bit more confidence. Some were to scared or intimidated by Kia and Luca (and likely the lioness) to perform decently, others to perform at all, and who was brave enough to do a good job didn't look as limber as he was.

Kia asked for the first performer and gave Fin a glare. In return, the young man straightened and lifted his head with proud challenge. He would be damned if he let her cow him like the others. And regardless what she would say after, he intended to prove even to her that he had some seriously good skill in the air.

"I'll go," he rasped, volunteering. "Either I will impress you, or you will have my waste of time over with. But I think this will be worth your while..."

03-13-2012, 03:05 PM
Tila nudged herself between Kia and Luca. How she hated that demon.
Luca didn’t notice, his good eye was fixed on Fin. “You can pick anything.” he offered. Luca made a sweeping gesture to the room. “We don’t have any safety measures in place.” He wanted to tell Fin to be careful. As long as Fin didn’t die, Luca had already made up his mind to keep him. If he was terrible then he would give the lion taming spot to Fin. Tila seemed to enjoy the slender beauty and he was certain the other animals would as well.

Kia knew all too well where Luca’s line of sight was. “I doubt he’ll be any good.” She growled.

Luca smirked humans and demons, so damn predictable. So easily governed by petty selfish desire. “Doesn’t matter. He just has to not kill himself. He‘s got balls, I was thinking about retiring from taming and his fragile good looks would make a nice replacement.”

“Luca we both know Kia is pissed because you want the pretty boy in your bed.” A large male lion padded in from the open flap of the tent. “Bout damn time too.” He continued before taking a seat next to his mate.

Tila licked the side of her mate’s face “Leave him alone Thor. He has to figure it out on his own.” She scolded quietly. Tila didn’t want Luca to hear. Clearly she didn’t need to whisper. He was too transfixed watching Fin.

“Careful master, people might doubt the sadist in you. Besides I thought your preferred sex was female.” Kia narrowed her eyes. Damn kid was screwing up her plan to be a pair with the new king of darkness.

Kia’s comment managed to wrangle Luca’s attention away from Fin. “I am not enamored with him. I just enjoy his gall. As for my sadistic nature don’t flirt with it, Kia. You won’t enjoy being on the receiving end.”

The she-demon bowed her head in submission.

Satisfied Luca returned his gaze to Fin.

Tila groaned to Thor. “Stupid bitch. He was so damn happy this morning.”

Thor nuzzled into his lioness “Don’t worry love, Luca still has a soul. He’ll realize sooner or later that he is not as bound and evil as he thinks. I think this guy will bring that out sooner or later. One comment from Kia won’t destroy that so easily.”

Luca knew he couldn’t have Fin. Even if he could the soulless were incapable of feelings and he wouldn’t want that to be Fin’s life. He would get him to sell his soul just like all the others. Fin would be selfish and greedy and trade sanctuary for power. They all did.

Despite all that Luca couldn’t help the light coming to his face as his Fin approached. “Kia, you can be the one to tell him.” His gaze roamed over Fin. While his thoughts laughed so much for not being sadistic.

“In” Kia huffed. “Anyone else plan to try out? Or would you like to be lion food now?” She growled. A few others got up and moved to the various sections of the tent.

Luca nodded his head at Tila, “Mind sitting with them?” He asked. Luca was irrationally proud. Fin had been wonderful. He was brave and graceful. He took chances and did things even Luca in his glory days would have thought twice about. He was perfect.

03-14-2012, 06:00 AM
Fin had scrambled up with the ease of a monkey to the top, and the trapezes. There, he'd swung and jumped and twirled with the expertise of one used to laughing at gravity, only making a mistake once--he caught with one hand instead of two, yet he casually made it seem that such was his intention. An expert showman of the heights never made their moves seem anything less, and he was practiced at covering for mistakes.

A few leaps and twirls between trapezes, and he tested the high-wire, that being another of his favorites. Arcing up from the toss of a trapeze, he caught the wire, set feet on it to either side of his hands, and easily swung up. There, he did handstands and leaps, tumbles and jumps, like an energetic bird clowning around. He had been this light and lively on the wire and trapeze before his cursing, really--up here, he felt safe and free, and enjoyed showing off just how easy he could move so high off the ground. It was more his home than the world below.

After showing off to the point of beginning to tire, he slid down to the ground and landed with a bit of a flourish, panting and grinning. He walked over, and beamed triumphantly as Kia reluctantly accepted him. From Luca's expression, he was certain he did the man proud, and he felt a bit of a flush touch his cheeks as he moved to sit nearby. He eyed the large lion by Tila cautiously a moment, then shifted his gaze to the others making their demonstrations.

If they were out of Luca's control, he could hardly outrun such, anyway. So he would trust them not to bother him, and for Luca's rule over them to be absolute, if oddly casual.

As he watched, Fin asked quietly, "Does this mean the shelf is mine again tonight?" Idly, he wondered about the moon... but he had a feeling from the faint tingle in his spine that tonight it was likely his change may occur. "Is the show tomorrow, then?"

He could only hope so. And that Luca might allow him to wander a bit this evening... He could always then claim he slept among the rigging like a sailor for comfort.

03-15-2012, 03:08 AM
Luca’s left arm reached out and awkwardly ruffled Fin’s hair. It took some effort to have the limb obey and what was even more shocking was that Luca had touched another in an endearing way. “Yes, the shelf is yours.” Tila and Thor walked over to Fin. “You have a few days while I sort out who lives and who is fed to the lions.” He laughed.

Tila wrapped her mouth around Fin’s arm. “She’ll take you to the dressing room. Pick out some things for yourself and if you would like your own bells. That’s Thor.” He motioned to the male lion that was now pushing Fin along with Tila’s pushing.

Clearly his friends had taken a liking to Fin. He wouldn’t admit that the feeling was mutual. “I’ll be back in a few hours.” He assured Fin. “We’ll have lunch and then you are free to do whatever you want until dinner.” Luca held Fin’s gaze for a moment, before Tila urged him on.

“Come on pretty little thing. Lets get you some pretty colors.” Tila growled in her throat knowing only Luca could hear her.

03-15-2012, 05:21 AM
"Th-thank you...?"

Fin almost jerked his hand back when the lioness closed her mouth on his forearm, fear welling up at the touch of teeth through his threadbare shirt. Yet the male bumped him from behind, and they seemed to be... encouraging... him to come with them. It was like something out of a fairytale! Eyes wide, the young acrobat nervously glanced towards Luca, but he didn't dare resist when those teeth so easily could tighten through flesh into bone! To have lions obeying your direction like this was unheard-of! Yet their odd obedience to the Ringmaster helped his fear to ebb a good bit--clearly Luca had control, somehow.

Still awed, Finian let them lead him to the costume-room. There, again he almost stopped, transfixed by the bright colors and silky cloth and glittering beads. Casting his gaze about, the young man turned slowly... Luckily the lions had released him there, or he would have hurt himself by moving in their grip! So many costumes...

It took hours for him to sort around through them, looking for something close to his own size, of colors that would show off nicely in the heights and themes that he could base performances on. Blues and greens he preferred, many with short "wings" from elbow to hip or trailing scarves and ribbons anywhere but on his arms. Some had glittering bits of metal or beads sewn on, others ribbons and scarves to flutter and trail, a few had "scales" made of bright color cloth pieces to make exotic patterns, all to catch the eye. Gathering a few over an arm that he thought to start with and build a couple routines with, he remembered the lions, and shivered slightly, looking around for them uneasily.

The danger of such powerful, fast predators still unnerved him. Trust could hold emotions in check only to a point.

03-15-2012, 05:51 AM
Thor fell asleep quickly. His large golden head resting on his paws. Tila watched Fin with unyielding interest. She yawned at some of the dull options and roared loudly when Finian had settled on some things.

By that point a few other humans had entered the tent. Fin had been one of two acrobats. The others were caged and awaiting execution.

Luca pulled back the tent flap. “When everyone is finished come to lunch. You can start practicing after if need be. If not the rest of the day is yours.” As if on cue the mated lions stood. The other humans watched Finian with loathing. Had it not been for the two lion bodyguards Fin would have been fed to the wolves. “Come to me Fin, I want you at my table.” Luca ordered before turning from the tent and heading to dinner.

Dinner was potatoes and some pan fried chicken. The ones selected were given good helpings. The ones back in cages were given scraps. “If you don’t stop showing compassion to him you will put him in danger.” Tila scolded taking a piece of chicken from a new person’s plate.

03-15-2012, 07:10 AM
Fin blushed as he nearly bumped into the other new acrobat, a young girl with short-cropped black hair and brown eyes. She eyed him viciously and stomped for a different part of the room to find herself a few things. Others filed in to grab different things, and several also gave him dark looks, puzzling the lithe young man at first until he realized they were watching the lions, too. Then it struck him...

The lions were a kind of mark of favor. They were not following anyone else, after all--in fact, no animal was. The glares and side-glances said it all, though: they hated that he, a newcomer and no-name, had favor and protection from their very leader. When Luca himself entered and addressed them, he found himself blushing slightly, embarrassed by this attentive treatment. The resentment all around was almost palpable, and he wondered that Luca seemed unaware of it. On being summoned to the master's table, he grew a bit more scarlet and studied his feet uneasily, catching in the corner of his eyes a glimpse of the girl acrobat shooting him daggers with her eyes.

"Yes, Master Luca."

Still, a command was a command. Surely the others could see that? Yet Fin knew he would have to watch his back. They would not try outright harm or sabotage his performances, lest Luca learn of it and be furious, but that didn't mean he would not be treated unkindly--like scorpions in his boots if left unattended, and stealing his soap, dirtying his regular clothing, and other small things.

Sitting at Luca's table, Finian eyed the others who joined them uneasily. One was clearly a massive strong-man, so muscular as to make an ox look weak, and who had been the cook doling out the food. Another was the head clown and stagemaster, whose underlings served to set up for the events of others, a short and silent middle-aged woman who seemed good at blending in and out of the shadows (Lydia the vanishing one?). A few others joined them who Fin couldn't define, including Kia. He tried to avoid meeting their eyes. It seemed wisest to just focus on his food. It was good, after all, and he had plenty to eat, filling his once-empty tummy to the maximum. Gods, but that was a good feeling again!

"No need to fret, pet," the strong-man murmured under his breath to Kia when Luca seemed to not be looking. "He won't likely last long... Who wants to bruise themselves on a skinny chicken? Especially with long, luscious legs to squeeze him instead? If that one survives, anyway. Until then, I can keep your bed warm, I'm sure..."

Fin felt his blood run chill at that faint, sly whisper, knowing it wasn't meant for his ears. Would they risk Luca's wrath and try killing him?! Maybe he should be more careful here...

Eyeing his now-clean bowl, he glanced over where the ones in cages savored their scraps. Something about them made him feel uneasy. "What is to become of them?" he asked the table, curious yet not sure he wanted to know the answer.

03-15-2012, 06:04 PM
Lydia leaned forward. He face framed by almost white hair. Lightly tinted with a rose blush. “It all depends on their choices.” She whispered. “If they are willing to sell their so…”

“Shut up!” Kia roared from the end of the table making even the ox jump. How dare Lydia give away Luca’s secrets. She smiled getting up and sitting next to Finian. “Didn’t you ever wonder why you never see Luca feed the animals?” She whispered running her hands along his body. “We eat so well and yet the animals are fat. Uncommon for people such as ourselves.”

Kia grabbed his manhood and applied pressure. “Think about it. Why give up our food when we have more just sitting in cages?” Kia kissed Fin’s neck and left him be as Luca slid into his seat across from Fin. He looked a little put out and kept his face down.

Luca was a smart man. He knew he shouldn’t openly favor Fin. Hell he couldn’t even reason out why he favored Fin. Luca looked around at the table noticing everyone was watching him. “What?” He growled.

Lydia giggled “Kia was just talking about what you feed the animals.”

Kia silenced the unstable woman with an icey glare.

“What did you tell him?” Luca pressed.

Kia smiled innocently “I just mentioned that sometimes the lions make meals out of the left overs that’s all.”

Tila growled and licked her lips “How bout I make a meal out of you, snake bitch.”

Kia of course could not hear Tila but the stare spoke volumes.

Luca’s gaze turned to Fin. He didn’t know what to tell him. “I’ll be in my quarters” he announced. It was meant for everyone but his eye never left Finian. He hoped his favored acrobat would have the good sense to join him when he was finished. He would certainly have to chained after that little revelation.

Kia waited until the master was out of sight. “You let Luca know you aren’t interested. I have given up to much to lose him to a worthless piece of trash like you. If he beds you before me, I’ll personally make sure you are lion food.” Kia’s tongue flicked as the table was cleared leaving Finian to his thoughts.

03-16-2012, 05:21 AM
At first Fin wondered what Lydia was talking about, but the Kia came over to him and took his attention. Danger sent an electric thrill through his nerves--oh, he knew full well she disliked him, so her caresses had all the more impact. He could feel his body reacting with interest, arousing as likely she intended, and his face flushed in embarrassment... and a guilty shame, for Finian didn't like to admit how excited this was making him. Shifting a bit uncomfortably and suddenly glad these borrowed pants were a bit big on him, the young acrobat kept his arms at his sides, however, not allowing himself to touch her back. He didn't dare, not knowing what the repercussions might be.

Fin jumped when she grabbed his groin roughly--that not-exactly-gentle pressure didn't help his current state and he felt his face grow hotter. No doubt she felt how she was effecting him! And he didn't want her to know that he actually liked being roughly teased.

Her words took a minute to sink in, and by then Luca had joined them and Kia was sliding off his lap. Leftovers... He stared at his bowl, then couldn't help a glance towards the caged people. It took a lot of meat to feed the cats... And many of them were people not likely to be missed, pretty much outcast... The sudden chill at that thought that ran up his spine helped him get over his arousal to a fair extent, better than winter's ice.

Fin didn't dare look at Luca directly. Gods, what had he just signed on with? He was still wondering when Kia made her final threat. Staring after her, he considered just cutting his losses and running, or if they might let him leave at any point in the future... or if death was the only way out now...

Who would be worse, Kia... or Luca?

But Luca had left quickly, and his look had been a command. Uncomfortably, Fin sat a bit longer, musing his fate. It gave him time to will his arousal to settle back down, though he couldn't eradicate Kia's effect. With his adrenaline up, it refused to leave him entirely, much as he wished it would. Luca was as dangerous and had shown signs of interest, too... so thoughts of being in his tent were not helping.

Stiffly, the acrobat rose from his seat and headed for Luca's quarters, not sure what he was walking to... He was sure he wanted to avoid the Ringmaster's attentions tonight definitely, due to his change. If he could press for Luca to consider Kia, though, perhaps he might live longer here. He had no doubt she meant her threat. But if Luca chose him... to say no was likely worse even if he felt turned off by the man (which was certainly not the case, he knew). Caught between a rock and a hard place, Fin glanced back at Tila and sighed.

It was easier as a bird. Animals had straightforward lives.

03-19-2012, 02:29 AM
Tila yawned with disinterest. “I wish I could talk to you. Kia wouldn’t dare touch you if Luca expressed interest. He can be… protective.” the lioness rubbed against Fin’s legs before walking out of the tent to join her mate.

Luca waited in his tent, pacing back and forth. Why was he showing so much favor to the acrobat? He wasn’t a demon, which meant he had done nothing to better Luca’s quality of living. If what he was could be considered living. Fin wasn’t attractive like the demons. He was attractive in a more fragile way. Luca smiled, he wasn’t fragile. Fin was so brave it was exhilarating.

Not to mention Luca trusted the animals judgment. Tila adored him. She hated all of the demons, some more than others. Still, she seemed to almost mother Fin. Luca looked up at the full moon. He didn’t need to decide anything tonight. He couldn’t care about Fin, so it had to be some sort of infatuation. One that would pass and then he could damn Fin just like he had all of the other performers.

03-19-2012, 03:44 AM
Fin smiled at the lioness as she rubbed against his leg, still a bit nervous about her. Maybe her favor would help him. It seemed even the regular ones in this circus didn't try to get on the lions' bad side. So perhaps he was safe. In any case, he could always bed above them, and likely be safer there than anywhere else.

If Luca let him, that was.

With a sigh, Fin started over to Luca's tent again, uneasy yet a bit excited by the danger yet. Gods, why did he enjoy it? Why wasn't he normal, and trying to avoid it? Hopefully the man would not find out, or he would certainly only add to the danger of his acts. At times, it was dangerous enough up there, but it was certain to become more so if Kia thought to act at any time, even without other additions.

Moving the tent flap aside, Fin entered Luca's tent, only to glance back--and pale. The moon... It was definitely full, and the sun was nearly down...

Seeing Luca, he cleared his throat uneasily. "Pardon, Master... If you might give me my chain for the night, I think I should set to adjusting my costumes for practicing tomorrow..."

With luck, the man might be bored with the idea and let him be, and he could use his pack and the costumes to make it seem he curled up on the shelf early. As a bird... well, he might have to hide outside, in the main tent, perhaps? At least there he could find heights.

And he might finally learn the truth of this place. Nobody would think of guarding their words or actions before a mere bird or animal.

03-19-2012, 04:27 AM
Luca looked at Fin for a moment as if he didn’t know who he was. Then he shook his head and blinked. “Yes” He finally said. Luca moved on auto pilot. He quickly chained Fin the same place as the night before. “I’m going for a walk.” Luca announced. “If you need anything just shout.” He smiled at Fin and then blushed like an idiot.

Why was he blushing? He could rip the slender acrobat apart with his bare hands. He could hold him face down in the dirt with ease. He could… Luca knew his mind was going places it shouldn’t He ducked out of the tent not bothering to stay around for anything else.

Luca headed to the animal quarters. A large Frisian stallion whinnied to him. “You look stressed” Impression snorted.

Luca grinned scratching the large animal’s withers in a gesture of friendship. “Confused.”

“About?” Imp as Luca called him pressed.

“I hired a new acrobat. I can’t help but have all sorts of inappropriate thoughts about him. Sometimes I think I want to eat him in cat form and just listen to him scream and then another part of me reminds me I could only kill him once. I could mount him for a life time.”

The horse snickered “You always did enjoy the struggling of your prey. Why shouldn’t the sentiment be shared when looking for a mate.” The horse bumped Luca’s hand.

“I’m a demon, a soulless demon. I can’t have a mate. I can’t care about another being. I am going to try and sell his soul. Besides, he would never understand how much I love you guys.” Luca didn’t seem to catch that he was capable of loving animals.

03-19-2012, 05:40 AM
Finian stared after Luca, surprised by his flushed face. Whatever had he done to the man? Though that smile... Something about it had kind of made Fin's day. He just... wanted to make Luca smile like that again, just for himself... and blush like a kid caught red-handed again...

Feeling the tingle along his spine grow, Fin immediately broke off those thoughts and dove for the clothes he'd brought and his pack. Balling them up, he set them on the shelf and whipped out his blanket and the borrowed coats, using them and the pillow to make it seem like a body was under the coats and blanket. He paced a bit uneasily as he felt the pain flare along his spine, and looked for somewhere he could hide his current clothes...

The shift struck like a blow to the gut. With a breathless gasp, Fin crumpled to the floor, feeling his spine stretch and change, leg bones twist and claw, arms and hands curl and writhe, feathers bursting through skin... Flopping forward on the floor, he escaped his clothing and squacked roughly, flapping on the ground in pain.

Fin was a large bird, a bit smaller than his human self yet with long and soft trailing plumage on wings and tail, much like a cross between a peacock and a bird-of-paradise. Black feathers were short on his head and neck and chest, turning into iridescent blue on back and wings and tail, trailing into black and turquoise eyelets on the tail and a bit of blue-tip on the crest on his head. The wings turned into turquoise at the tips as well.

Swiftly, once he got his breath back and the pain faded, Fin kicked his rumpled clothes under Luca's bed, and grabbed the chain in his talons along with the bells. He fluttered up and deposited them in the bundle on the shelf, and settled back on the floor with a sigh to preen some of his feathers straight.

Sudden noise drew his attention to the door flap, as someone banged on it a moment, then started to peel it up, calling, "Master...?"

Gods, if they saw his bundle, and himself...! Fin couldn't allow that. He dashed out between the man's legs, fluttering wildly to draw attention away.... and got far more than he bargained for!

"Hey, look! It must be Luca's! Grab it before it gets away!!!" the same fellow hollered.

Pandamonium broke out. Fin didn't know which way to go. He fled on foot to the right, but others emerged from there. He fled left, but more waved and jumped in his way, frightening him to turn back. He tried to take to the air, but a blast of fire before him made him shriek and drop back down out of fear. He tried a second time, but someone flung things into his path and he veered into the canvas tent's cloth. Clawing and beating at it in terror, the bird tried to find a way to rip through, but it was smooth and he couldn't get any purchase.

<No--NO! Let me OUT! They're going to catch me, kill me!!! Out--OUT! Please!!!>

With another shriek, he dropped back down, not being a strong flier. Hands swung at him, many with claws, and people--no, these were not people! These were monsters! Claws, tails, dark wings of a leathery sort--where were the people he had seen working here earlier?! Whoever these monsters were, they were all trying to grab him, flinging blankets and such in his path in an effort to entangle, reaching with sharp-clawed hands to grab. Frightened to the point of panic, Fin ducked between legs and slid under clawed hands, uttering fearful, hoarse cries.

<Help! Help! Leave me alone! Don't kill me, oh please, I just want to be left alone! No--don't touch me! Please just leave me alone!!! Let me out!!!> he screamed mentally, occassionally fluttering up over heads and grabbing hands, yet always forced to come back down and run again...

03-20-2012, 12:58 AM
Luca’s head jerked to look out the flap of the tent. His regulars were making quite a ruckus. That was when he heard it. In his head, an animal calling for help.
The animal was not one of his, yet the voice was familiar. Long confident strides brought Luca to the front of the tent just in time to see a large bird running along the ground. Demons close on his heals.
“Leave it alone!” Luca roared. He was furious, no being should ever frighten an animal. Especially not one so helpless as this.
The demons froze and skidded in the mud.
Luca’s eyes glowed. His mind spoke out to the bird “Calm down pretty, I won’t hurt you” he cooed.
Luca held out his hands, his neck exposed to the bird and his body lowered. Luca had never talked to a bird before, but something about this one called to him. He didn’t know what body language to display but Luca tried to look less threatening. “Come to me” he commanded softly taking a step forward.

03-20-2012, 02:53 AM
Fin jumped, terrified at that bellow that echoed in the tent like a furious lion, leaping into the air blindly. He slammed into the side of a cage, hitting the bars and flapping wildly against them a moment. Tiring, he slid back to the ground, panting desperately, eyes wild as he turned to face his pursuers, long tail whipping behind him against the cage itself.

He saw the others stay back, Luca coming forward, staying low and less threatening. Luca... spoke to him. But how? It wasn't with his voice--it rang in his head. But the sincerity made Fin pause, stopped him from fleeing further for the moment. He reached towards Fin...

<I'm scared! You'll kill me--or they will!> he reasoned uneasily, still panting with beak open. He wanted to trust him, wanted the help and shelter the man offered, the kindness and understanding that voice suggested... <Or cage me! Others always did! I can't--I can't! I won't last long there! And then they... they will come...> The bird trembled at the thought of the priests, and fire...

Finian didn't want to die, not that way anyway. But the hands of the priests, fire, demons... what was worse? What choices did he have?

03-20-2012, 03:17 AM
Luca stopped moving. He didn’t want to scare the poor thing “No cages, no chains. I trust animals, and I hope they grow to trust me.”
Kia cooed “Come here pretty birdy” She was trying to be helpful, to look good for Luca.
“Go back!” The ring master commanded.
Kia stomped her foot but returned amongst the demons.
“Come here pretty, I won’t hurt you. My animals are well fed and well looked after. I love them, something I never show the demons. I know I look scary to you, but you can trust me.” Luca continued on talking to the bird. He didn’t dare move. Animals could sense evil and as far as Luca was concerned he was the most evil a person could be. His animals learned to get over his darkness. He showed them love and compassion. “Just come to me, I’ll give you some water and a safe place to stay. You can come and go as you please and I’ll always protect you.” Luca offered in his thoughts. The demons started going back to their tents. Watching the master have a staring contest with the strange bird was very dull.

03-20-2012, 03:45 AM
Fin cringed away from Kia, dancing a bit to the side with a flutter to evade her and making a hoarse coughing sound out of fear. He relaxed again when Luca sent her off, fluffing in his fathers uneasily. But Luca was low-voiced, soft-spoken, offering protection and care...

A hesitant step, then another--and he ran into Luca's arms, huddling against the man's body and hiding his head against Luca's arm, clawed feet clinging to his shirt like a tree. He tried to hide against the man's larger body, away from the dangers all around and the eyes of those creatures, those demons. Even if it would be only for a minute, he wanted to feel safe. Though he had no idea how the man would react when he realized the bird was Fin--and considering his regard for people, Fin feared the worst. But, maybe he would be kind, even then. At least on behalf of his animal side? <When... when I am not an animal... Will you kill me then? I just... I just want it to be fast, unexpected--merciful...> he admitted, trembling.

03-20-2012, 03:55 AM
Luca stroked the bird as it rested against his body. It was nice to know that even now he could coax an animal to him. He cherished the ability to talk to animals more than any other power. The power was useless and passive but Luca had assumed he sold his soul for it. He would never take that trade back.

Luca’s eyebrows dove towards his nose. That voice, he knew that voice. “No, when you are not an animal you still have the soul of an animal. If you didn’t I couldn’t hear you.” Luca assumed that to be true. To the best of his knowledge it was and unless proven otherwise Luca would always believe it. “I will always protect you. What is your name pretty one, so that I may stop calling you by your beauty.”

03-20-2012, 04:16 AM
The bird trembled all the more, cowering against Luca as much as he could. He couldn't help making fearful little broken sounds from his beak, his damaged voice unable to handle the stress and make anything that sounded right, yet unable to whimper or cry like he could as a person. He was afraid to know what Luca would do to him when he realized the truth. But he couldn't lie with this style of talking to him. And better to know now than later...

<I'm not an animal, though... I'm... I'm human. I was cursed... I'm....... Fin,> he admitted softly.

Every breath was filled with fear on that admission. Luca would be angry. Luca would hate him for being both. Luca would give him to the priests or villagers to be burned at the stake or stoned for being cursed.

<Please if... if you're going to give me to the priests or townsfolk... just wring my neck? I... I don't want to die in fire! Just... fast...>

03-20-2012, 04:27 AM
Luca froze for a moment, then he stroked him. This time speaking out loud “This can be out little secret Fin, nothing has changed.”
Luca thought he knew that voice. He was now purring like a cat. It was so clear now why Luca had been drawn to Finian. He was an animal and Luca took care of animals. Cursed or not Fin seemed to have a good soul. “Come back to our tent.” he offered releasing Fin and moving toward the tent. He kept close to Fin just incase someone tried to touch him. “I want to hear more about this curse.” Luca laughed “And please stop asking me to kill you. I don’t need to eat you and I do not fear you. Therefore I have no reason to kill you.”

03-20-2012, 05:10 AM
The bird kept close to Luca's legs, almost close enough to trip him with long trailing feathers of his tail. He was too nervous, too fearful still to be any further away. Yet... Luca seemed even pleased. That was reassuring, at least. That and how he promised protection still. If anyone could do it, clearly he could! He made the demons move back, go away... he controlled the dangerous beasts... he had done the impossible so far...

Soft chirring noises escaped his throat, uneasy but hopeful as he followed Luca back to the tent. He still cringed and ducked at odd noises, like a demon dropping dirty metal bowls into a wooden tub for scrubbing, or a cage door slamming. But Luca's presence was his shield against those, making him feel better. Luca couldn't lie with that mind-talk.

<I was younger... I spilled tar when helping fix the rigging, and... it fell on the clairvoyant, the fortune-teller. She was mad, as they laughed at her, so she cursed me to "be the beast I would naturally be within"... And I became this. They...> He paused, cowering slightly. <They thought it was funny, and made me useful like this. I was a fancy bird for people to poke when changed, and told to do tricks. People... wanted to buy me, or pluck me... Then there was the fire, and we were all trapped, but I could fly--I managed to get high enough to get over the flames, but I couldn't breathe... I thought I would die in the woods after that. I don't know how I managed to stay a bird until my lungs were better...>

He had awakened finally from illness, thin and cold and naked, and gone to salvage from the burnt remains of the circus... But his voice had been damaged horribly, his skin burnt in a couple places on his body, and he'd been coughing black stuff up for months after.

03-20-2012, 08:45 PM
Luca nodded in understanding. He pulled back the canvas flap, holding it open for Finian. “Well the clairvoyant should have had the forward sense to see she was doing you a favor. You have now cheated death twice.” Luca walked in to the room and stretched. He felt more stiff than usual. Had Kia not pissed him off so royally he would probably have her rubbing the tension out of his muscles right now.

Luca looked at the shelf noticing the bundle. “I’m trusting you not to run. If I chain you by your bird form your human self will be choked.” He reasoned aloud. You can sleep anywhere in the circus you want. If any demon so much as threatens you then call me by name in your thoughts. I’ll hear you, no matter what I will come.”

Luca began the laborious task of undressing. His shoulder seemed as though it would rather work against him instead of for him. Finally his flowy button down dropped to the ground. Luca managed to squirm out of his pants and finally was under the blankets. He was rested on his side.

His good eye pressed into the pillow, leaving Luca in almost complete darkness. He could see shadows, tiny flickers of light. “I guess I should explain my new look.” Luca spoke softly. He had no idea he still looked the same. Unlike the demons Luca didn’t look terrifying. His true self showing. A man, un inhibited by injury. He looked like his former 25 year old self. His face was not marred and a soft doe brown eye looked out at Fin. “None of the other animals will tell me what I look like to them. I can talk to the animals, which I am sure you have guessed. When I was younger my mother put me in a circus cage with a tiger. I never knew my human mother, but the tiger raised me like one of her own. I nursed like my brothers and sister. She groomed me like them, I even growled like them. I read their body language since we did not share a tongue. Eventually the master noticed a boy in with the tiger. He is the reason for the scars on my back. You already know the lion story so I won’t bore you with it again.”

Luca rolled onto his back, his chest was smooth and muscular. “I sold my soul so I could hear them. Not just them but all animals. That is why I can hear you and you can hear me. Only in thought of course, but the bond is there. I love animals. Animals are good and pure. Humans are evil. I like to pretend my demon form has red and black skin. Like I have these huge bat like wings and black ram horns. Maybe I even have cloved feet. Tila insists I never find out what I look like. I guess I am so evil and ugly… she must not want to hurt me with how bad it is. I’ve seen my human so my demon must be really terrible.” Luca laughed. “I won’t hurt you Fin, no matter how bad I look. I sold my soul but I only deceive those who are evil. I know it doesn’t mean much since I am already damned but… I just can’t do that to a good soul.”

Luca shifted in the mass of blankets “Night Fin” He purred before starting to allow himself to sleep

03-21-2012, 05:09 AM
Finian had listened with rapt attention to Luca describe his past, staring, a bit stunned to learn that that was how Luca was able to communicate with him. He had been wondering about that! But... he sold his soul? Yet he didn't look like the demons. Was he a demon? He simply looked like... himself. in fact, strangely more like himself than usual, not marred in the least. Had he been able to, Fin would have blushed at his rather... lower view than normal... of the man's physique. Oh, he was anything but ugly! Why didn't his beloved cats tell him, though?

Confused, Fin hunkered down against the floor, legs folding neatly beneath him so his feathers kept them warm. He wasn't sure he should say anything if the cats refused to. But Luca had implied that he himself had a good soul. A good soul, though? He'd stolen, he'd lied, blasphemed a-plenty, swore, drank, cavorted with both sexes... he even liked risky situations, danger and his own helplessness, in a sexual way! And how could any cursed creature be good?

<I... have no where else to go,> Fin admitted quietly to the sleeping man. <And... you... don't look ugly at all...>

Uncertain what to do with himself, the bird peered around the room... and set its gaze on the clothes Luca had just discarded on the floor. Fin didn't want to disturb his own handiwork, lest someone walk in while they were both resting. Grabbing the flowy button-down in his beak, he fluttered onto a chair and wriggled under it. There, he curled up with his head under a wing, just enjoying the odd sense of protection that garment offered. Luca's personal scent... was oddly comfortable.

Fin dozed off, wondering what this meant for him. Safe, yet not... Allured, yet warned off... Only time would tell. And he had no choice but to see it through.

03-22-2012, 12:57 AM
Luca dreamt of Fin. He dreamed of taking him roughly between the sheets of his bed. The frail panting bird suddenly turned into a man. Exposed and frightened.

Like any other Male who had just woken from a steamy sex dream, Luca had a noticeable tent. He looked at the shelf and wondered where Fin was. His eye scanned the room and rested in Fin’s sleeping form. He smiled and stretched his body out like a lion waking from a nap. Bird and human form Finian was stunning.

Luca got out of his warm cocoon and moved to put on clothing. He hadn’t really thought about being attracted to Fin, he just blocked everyone out. Luca had trust issues with people. If Fin hadn’t been an animal at heart, he would have never trusted him. He wouldn’t have looked twice. Finian was an animal, he was good inside.

Luca felt guilty about that. Finian was good inside, which meant he shouldn’t get entangled with a demon.

03-22-2012, 04:18 AM
Fin groaned in his sleep, writhing painfully as he shifted back into his human body with the coming of dawn. Even out cold, it hurt, his dreams screaming of fire and pain as his feathered tail retracted, his wings shrank and turned into clawing hands, twisting in the chair as he finished becoming his true self again. Then he sighed quietly in his sleep, relaxing again, still curled inward in the fetal position with his head and shoulders against the crook of the arm of the chair. Luca's button-down had shifted over him until it barely offered any modesty, but he was naked still beneath that, more so without his feathers anymore.

The young acrobat shivered a bit, feeling a slight chill being mostly exposed like this. But the cooler air shifted his dreams to something about facing Luca, the fire held at bay by his new protector... but Luca was naked. And perfect... Strong and fierce, feral yet protective... Licking his lips, he felt a bit of a thrill fill in his veins and squirmed slightly at the resulting arousal, making a quiet groan.

03-22-2012, 04:19 AM
(Sorry, double post again.)

03-22-2012, 04:49 AM
Luca looked over at his acrobat. Yes, he was already considering Finian his. The white shirt was somewhat transparent in this lighting, not to mention it was slipping from the lithe body.

That was a sight. Luca felt his pants become uncomfortably tight. He growled deep in his throat. It’s fully within your rights to have him pleasure you in bed Luca reasoned to himself. He would feel so good beneath me, smaller and quivering. Luca’s eye dilated swallowing the nearly black iris whole.

He moved confidently over to Fin and slipped his shirt off of the acrobat. Luca gently scooped the small body in his arms and cradled him to his bed. Resting Fin down Luca’s hand ghosted over his groin. He suddenly pulled back his hand and just gazed longingly. “Not like this” he whispered. Luca covered Fin, enveloping him in the warmth he had just left.

The master needed to sort through the humans. See who would be let go, who wanted to sell their soul and which of those souls had any value.

Kia walked by Luca’s tent “Master?” she questioned a smile in her voice. Her face contorted seeing the acrobat in her master’s bed. She slithered into the room and perched like a harpy on the edge of the bed. “So, you are fucking the master then?” She snarled not to quietly.

03-22-2012, 05:36 AM
Fin stirred sluggishly on being picked up and moved, felt the faintest brush of a caress and groaned, squirming, seeking more. His eyes flickered open slowly as warmth covered him, heavy against his back and side. Luca's scent surrounded him, but then, he was wrapped in the man's coats, right...?

No, not just that--he was in the man's bed.

The acrobat's eyes widened, and he tensed up immediately, confused. Kia's abrupt question shot his gaze to her, and Fin jumped, bucking against Luca's blankets as he was startled by her arrival and rough, accusing tone.

"I--ah--what?!" His rough voice was scratchy and breathy at best, the sounds barely understandable in his hasty reply, throat dry.

His eyes flicked to Luca's blankets, and he couldn't help blushing as his body reacted to his new awareness of being naked and at the man's mercy... and it took a minute to recall having curled up the chair instead. How had he ended up here?

“So, you are fucking the master then?” she snarled not too quietly.

"I would hardly dare," he grated back at her boldly, defiantly, glaring at the demoness--oh, he was starting to recall now her true form! But in his opinion, who Luca chose was their Master's choice, and if she dared defy the man, well, regardless what happened to Fin she would get what was coming to her. He was likely to be tormented by her regardless, being what she was, so what difference did her opinion make anymore? He would rather... have Luca make it truth anyway... Though, on realizing that, he felt an excited shiver run through his spine. "Clearly he covers others!" he corrected her. "And no, he hasn't. Last I know, I was there." He pointed at his shelf. "Beyond that, you can ask him."

The brazen words were for her, yet they emphasized Luca's dominance over them all. But the blush lingered. He knew that thrill of new danger was only making his body's longing for Luca's body worse...

03-23-2012, 03:27 AM
Kia laid down next to Fin. “Luca can fuck whoever he wants, as long as he picks me to be his queen.” Kia ripped the blanket off of him. Clicking her tongue in disappointment. “So… small Finian.” She chuckled “I mean you could almost pass for female.”
Kia shrugged, before crawling into Fin’s lap “No you listen to me. If the master comes onto you just say no. Simple. I won’t kill you and he won’t screw you. You will be safe.” Kia brushed her lips across Fin’s her tongue flickered out.

Tila trotted beside Luca “You smell like him. Poor dear made quite an uproar last night. All the cats were talking about it. Not to mention the demon’s. Kia thinks you like him… for once her and I agree on something.”

Luca shook his head “I don’t, he is just fragile. Also he is good at what he does so he is worth protecting.”

“Well… since you aren’t admitting to having feelings for him then I suppose I shouldn’t tell you that the harpy is in there with him now.” Tila laugh quietly to herself as Luca took off towards the tent. “Don’t like him my ass!”

03-23-2012, 04:01 AM
Insulted, Finian had at least some pride in his manhood. He shoved Kia away angrily, with surprising strength for one so very thin (but not a surprise considering how much strength such acrobatics demanded of him), getting to his feet and starting to look for his clothes.

"In that case, what difference does it make? I'm hardly going to be chosen to be his 'queen' if I'm not a girl, am I? Or if I'm so... inadequate as you claim," he flung back as he pulled on his pants with rough tugs, willing his arousal to tame down. His anger was certainly helping to cool his desire at this moment--and her snake-demon presence. He hadn't forgotten seeing her demon-self. It was not what he'd call alluring! "Like you said, at best he'll just want the occasional fuck like a stallion on a reedy pony... just to get some relief."

A thought struck Fin, and he frowned at Kia. Why was she demanding this so much? Was it perhaps because of her own inadequacies? After all, she'd clearly been here a while.

"Do you threaten everyone who joins? Is that because you can't get Luca's attention from others, men or women? Maybe you should focus less on bony ponies like me and more on your own lack of allure!" he added defiantly, crossing his arms over his chest.

Luca had promised to keep him safe. Yet the man's control over the demons was enough that Fin felt confident in standing up for himself. Even she would have to limit her actions lest she stir the man's ire. On top of it... he was human. He knew full well that humans had tricks against such, like using salt, running water, blessed water, special candles and ward-charms. Maybe he could pick up something to keep her at bay in the nearest village. Some had been tried against him, too, after all, cursed as he was.

03-25-2012, 02:41 PM
Kia’s hands balled into fists, her eyes turned to slits and tiny tearing sounds signified scaly spines going through her back. Her snake for was elegant and beautiful, her demon was terrifying. A hiss building in her throat. Kai’s demon looked like a skeletal serpent with limbs. Rotting from all the years she had stolen. Her face took on a boney look and scales covered the areas not yet touched by decay.

“Kia!” Luca snarled from the door. He was too quick of wit to be fooled into thinking Kia was planning to let Finian live. He wasn’t sure what his little bird had done to piss her off so much. “What are you doing in my quarters, with my things, uninvited.” Luca demanded.

Kia froze, her face had been almost fully changed to that of a scaly rotting demon. Her back to Luca, she knew he couldn’t see much of how she had changed. Kia went back into her human form. “I’m sorry master I was coming to congrad-”

“Get out” Luca cut her off.

Kia nodded and fled the tent. She would kill Finian one of these days, Luca couldn’t be beside him forever.

Luca walked up to Fin, his heart rate returning to normal. He inspected him like a mother hawk. Smelling her young, making certain they were still hers. Luca smelled Kia on him. He growled softly. For some reason that scent on Fin made him feel something. “She touched you” He stated.

The master had the intense undeniable urge to purge Finian of that scent, replacing it with his own. His body flexed and heat radiated from him. Encircling his powerful thighs and flooding his abdomen. All Traveling down to his heated organ.

Luca stopped in front of Finian. Was he protective of him and the scent angered him because another had gotten too close? Or was he attached to him and hurt because the scent alluded to an attraction that was no mutual. Luca doubted Finian would find him attractive, Fin could have anyone he wanted. He was beautiful, brave, and graceful. Perfect. He was slender and had the most alluring eyes framed by exotic dark hair. “Did you welcome her touch?” He asked softly.

Luca felt a foreign feeling consume him. Fear, Luca had never feared anything. Now, a boy draped in gold skin and with the grace of a swan had him terrified. Since becoming a full grown man at 15 Luca had been to intimidating to be denied anything. He was terrified that winning streak might end with Fin’s next words.

03-26-2012, 12:49 AM
For all his earlier bravado, Fin couldn't help it--he paled at the horror of what Kia was becoming before his eyes, in broad daylight, his eyes wide in fear. He felt his spine tingle and backed a step, breath caught, knowing his own change was likely any moment... that he would have to fly and kick for his very life against this monster. How did one kill such beings? Gods, he wished he knew! He could only be ready to dodge once he changed, and hope it would be startling enough that he could escape.

Luca's bellow made the acrobat freeze and finally dare breathe again. As she was sent off, Fin tried to focus on just his own breathing to calm down, not daring to face the man directly until he had control of both the change and himself again. It wasn't until Luca's feet passed his down-set gaze that he realized the man was circling him.

“She touched you” he stated.

Startled, Fin looked up at the ringmaster, surprised the man had found that out. Blushing in a mixture of shame and embarrassment, he let his gaze fall back to the floor. Gods... Luca would likely easily find out that he found a certain amount of danger arousing, delicious even. What on earth would he think of Fin then? It was one thing to be a freak that turned into a bird, but a whole other to be turned on by what made him become that bird!

“Did you welcome her touch?” he asked softly.

For a moment, Fin didn't know how to answer the man, nauseated at the thought of being forced to sleep with.... that! How was he to explain this? Making a face, he admitted, "No... For all she seems happy toying with me, she is truly more of a snake than a bird like me would survive." He felt his face grow hotter, and reluctantly added, "She's probably noticed... some danger tends to... excite me. I'm sorry--it's a freakish thing. I don't... want... to react to her like this."

He had no doubts she would toy with him like this every chance she got, knowing he had no means to retaliate. Or, considering her becoming that revolting as her true self in her anger, that she wouldn't try to keep her word and kill him.

03-26-2012, 01:18 AM
Luca exhaled, the tension seceding his body. It wasn’t entirely the answer that he had wanted but at the very least Fin wasn’t interested in Kia. Luca didn’t expect Fin to say something like oh no Luca I want you and only you. However being told that Finian found danger arousing was amusing to say the least. Luca knew himself to be dangerous.

He smirked smelling a lingering scent of excitement. He had missed it in his fury over Kia being near Fin. Heated with lust Luca stepped closer. He didn‘t enjoy Finian not feeling comfortable. The shyness and shame was undeniable appealing, but Luca wanted Fin to feel safe with him. He wanted him to know that… Luca didn‘t even know what it was he wanted the curse male to know. He just hoped whatever it was Fin knew it. Luca tilted Fin‘s face to his own. Their lips exhaling into swirls in the distance between them. Making love in the air as their scents tangled. “That is alright, we all are aroused by something or other. I happen to enjoy power struggles, and slender male acrobats that turn into birds.”

Luca’s body was pressed into Fin’s. Knives danced across Luca’s heart. This was wrong of him to do. It was against everything he believed in. Finian was good and Luca thought he was a soulless demon. He released Fin and stepped back “However much I enjoy rough, I don’t take what isn’t given willingly. I’ll protect you Fin, from Kia and myself.”

03-26-2012, 02:59 AM
Having Luca there, so very close, with Kia's threat lingering in his mind, Fin couldn't help reacting further. Luca's admission drew his gaze up in a startled and guilty look. The openness, the honesty, the confidence he offered at that moment almost took Fin's breath away. His scent, so very near, his breath filling every one Fin himself took, was alluring. His words themselves made Fin's heart ache.

Why did Luca care for him? He had been so kind to him as a bird... now, he was being so to him as a man. And to find Fin, of all creatures, alluring physically? He was small, more sinew and bone than meat or padding such as interested most people. He hadn't lied to Luca--anyone who tried sleeping with him would find them both battered in the morning.

Then Luca moved closer, pressing against him, and Fin couldn't help the faint shudder that rolled through his body, the heat of that body stirring matching fire in his lower half. He could feel evidence of Luca's interest against his hip, and bit his lip to avoid groaning.

He released Fin and stepped back. “However much I enjoy rough, I don’t take what isn’t given willingly. I’ll protect you Fin, from Kia and myself.”

Torn, Fin fought the urge to follow that retreat. He was already causing strife here, trouble Luca likely wouldn't appreciate later on. Yet... he was drawn to the man, wanted to give in, the memory of Luca's protection and cajoling when he was a bird fresh in his mind. That was certainly the real Luca, what the animals saw. Anything but one of these monsters... though he claimed otherwise. What would a relationship with that man be like? Fin wanted to find out...

"I... I'd be bringing you trouble if I said yes," he grated out reluctantly, grimacing, angry with Fate for making the best thing in his life tainted with yet more trouble and difficulty. "Me, a newcomer, your favorite? She won't be the last to want my guts for rigging. Protecting me, you might only end up giving them more fodder, and factions starting to break things apart..."

Shaking his head unhappily, Fin ran a hand through his hair, rough-combing it with the gesture. "I've... seen the real you, Luca. You don't need to protect me from you. I would... I would be willing, to be yours, but... I don't want to make your life misery and destroy your whole circus. It's... It's probably better if you don't protect me. At least not as a man."

That last was a concession to them both that Fin couldn't turn away. As a bird, he feared the most. Men, monsters, the only one he was safe and comfortable with was Luca.

"They don't know I'm a bird... but at least I could be your bird," he decided sadly.

It was the only way he could think of to be Luca's without causing the man more trouble than Fin was worth... though it made his chest hurt to do this.

03-26-2012, 04:16 AM
Luca nodded “You don’t need to spare my feelings Fin, I know I am a far cry from the ideal bed partner.” He tried his best to mask the disappointment. An excuse was an excuse. The pretty sugar coating speech did little to lessen the sting of rejection.

“I wasn’t expecting you to feel the same Fin, I’m just being honest with you. As for anyone wanting to hurt you, as a man or as a bird, they would be foolish. Learn to call me in your thoughts and both forms will be protected from harm. I can’t be beside you always but if you call me I can be there when it counts.” Luca offered a small smile to show there were no hard feelings.

A loud clanging sound claimed his attention. “Breakfast” He sighed. Luca’s stomach usually growled at the promise of food, now he just felt empty.

03-26-2012, 05:32 AM
Fin felt his shoulders sag, depressed but not knowing what else to do. Perhaps it was better to spare Luca from dealing with the chaos and possible bloodshed, the backbiting and wild outbursts, the anger... all of which could turn too easily to resentment and hatred, dooming any relationship to failure. Better to have a strong and lasting friendship than a love that was going sour, rotted from without by jealous and vicious (poisonous) mouths.

What Luca told him about calling with his thoughts, trying to think as his bird self if he wanted to reach Luca... that was reassuring at least. It kept an intimate connection between them, something Fin was surprised by how much he wanted. Had he been his bird self, he would have gladly just run over to huddle against Luca again, to take solace in his presence and physical contact--but the bird had no repercussions for how it acted. Nobody cared about the odd bird out, not even other birds. Unfortunately, others cared what he, Fin the man, did and said. Which sucked.

But he could offer no other consolation to Luca, though the man seemed... sad. Tearing his gaze away before it could break his heart, Fin offered the only thing he could.

"You are not a monster like they are, Luca. What I saw... was more handsome than... than I deserve," he admitted quietly, voice rough with regret, turning to finish dressing. He couldn't meet the man's eyes.

03-26-2012, 06:04 AM
Luca didn’t understand what Fin meant. Did he really think so little of himself? Wordless Luca walked from the tent to the dinning tent. He seemed to float there. Why had he admitted his desires? He probably scared the poor little guy off.

Kia fidgeted uncomfortably. She noticed Luca walk in. He looked more enraged than usual. The master had sadistic tendencies, it was a well known fact. She did not want to be on the receiving end of that. “Master?” She asked softly, flinching before Luca even said a word.

Luca turned his head so his eye with sight could focus on Kia “We aren’t together Kia. Fin and I, however I’m not yours either. Go near him without damn good reason and I will collect your life as payment.”

Kia shivered. Well at least Luca hadn’t had Fin yet. Which only meant one thing, he had been turned down. Conniving as she was Kia dipped her head in shame. “I’m sorry master. I had your best interest at heart. One can never tell when they are being used. It was stupid of me to think you would allow that.”

Luca froze, Fin wasn’t using him. “I would know Kia, I’m only half blind.” He laughed hoping to lessen the tension. Luca heaped meat onto his plate. The blue moon was only weeks away. He could feel it in his bones. He didn’t need to be uncertain of anything with this time of year coming. The blue moon only happened once a year. It lasted a week and then everything was normal. “We’ll need to move town soon once we find out who take the sales pitch. Offer to everyone you think willing.”

Kia smiled seemingly at her master’s joke. The real reason was at the uncertainty that flickered across his battered face. Luckily for her he didn’t see the desire in Fin’s eyes, no matter how he had denied it. He also didn’t see the snake in the grass smiling at him between mouthfuls of bread.

03-26-2012, 08:09 AM
Fin finished dressing and went to join the others for a meal, taking a smaller portion only to be startled as the quiet strongman added an extra scoop to his bowl. Looking up, the young acrobat stared at him in confusion, eyes wide, his shoulders tense and ready for ridicule or jealous glares.

The man was built to make an ox envious, all bulging muscles and raw power towering over almost everyone else present. But he was quiet and stone-faced, small dark eyes intelligent and observing.

"I... I can't eat so much," Fin protested, hoping it wasn't some excuse to have him punished for later.

"Try," the giant stated firmly, looking the thin acrobat over. "You're too thin." His eyes flicked to Luca, talking to Kia, then back to the bowl. "I rule the kitchen. I say you eat."

Uncertainly, Fin followed the man's gaze and felt his shoulders sink at Luca's laugh and Kia's smile. He eyed his food disspiritedly, his appetite gone. It seemed like even more in the bowl than before. But... this was for the best, right? He was here to put on shows, and nothing else. His whole life was but being the entertainment of others. Beyond that... he was nothing, just a stray dog off the roadside.

Depressed, he sighed and turned to go find somewhere to sit.

"The Master likes you, not her," the big man rumbled softly, startling Fin again. "You should trust him. Nobody else."

Stunned, Fin stumbled a pace, glancing back at the strongman, but the fellow was busy with the pots suddenly and acted as if he wasn't even aware of Fin's presence. Confused, the acrobat found himself a barrel and hopped onto it, perching on it with feet dangling to eat.

Somehow, his appetite had returned.

03-26-2012, 07:41 PM
Luca tensed at Fin’s new friend. Kia notice and turned her head in time to see Finian eating a larger portion that the other new comers. He needed it more, it was true and there was more than enough for everyone to eat their fill. Still Fin wouldn’t know that. He would assumed to take little “See master, using.”

Kia knew Luca would argue, the seeds of doubt had been planted. If Luca could reason aloud that he didn’t believe then Kia’s work would be more difficult. “I already talked to the humans master.”

Luca’s gaze drifted from Fin to Kia. He didn’t want to believe her, she couldn’t be right about Fin. If he was using him he wasn’t doing it to hurt him. Animals only cared about survival. He couldn’t mean anything malicious by it. “How many?” He asked not really wanting to hear the numbers. With the growing population the desire for power, wealth, and sex exploded.

“Three master.” Kia whispered. She looked dismayed although the number had been much larger than what she told Luca. He needed to see that all people were willing to sell their soul. It was he only hope at getting him. Even though in her mind they shared that demonic bond. Luca would be powerful enough to take over all evil. Which in turn would give Kia that power. Eventually she could just kill Luca and take his place.

“Let all but the five worst go.” Luca shook his head resting it in his hands. People should be warned about the demonic circus. They should be warned and learn to mend their ways.”

Kia tilted her head “Master… we have never let them go before.”

Luca glared “Challenge me openly Kia, or obey what I said. We don’t need any more talent, and we have more than enough to sacrifice. Hopefully we fattened some of them up and they will be grateful for the second chance.”

Kia nodded, gulping down the rest of her meal before she left to do as Luca had asked.

Tila joined Luca, resting her head in his lap. “You feel it too Luca?” she asked, her voice a gentle whisper. “I’ll look after Fin for you during the Blue moon.”

Luca shook his head “He doesn’t want me giving him special treatment.”

“You have never entertained requests before Luca, why start now?” Tila teased lightly.

“I don’t know, something about him. He makes me want to be… better.” Luca smiled down at the lioness and rubbed her shoulders. “I know I can’t be better, I made the sacrifice willingly.”

“You regret what you did all those years ago?” Tila asked a faint purr moving through her.

“No, of course not. I could never regret that.” Luca bit his lip “You know he said my demon, the part of me that you see was attractive.” Luca laughed.

Tila tried not to tense too bad. “He must either fear you or care an awful lot to spare your feelings. Seeing as he demands things I expect the later.” Tila looked at Fin uneasily. She needed to keep him away from Luca until the blue moon. It was mean to have to do so, but the survival of the animals depended on it. Tila curse her own selfishness in her private thoughts. Something she had learned over the years to do.

03-27-2012, 03:32 AM
Ivan the strongman (his chosen power was to keep his strength, though the price was that if he wanted t be strong as an ox, he would have to be subservient as one to someone else--always) glanced over at Kia, sharp dark eyes narrowing. Her muttering to Luca over there couldn't be good for their troop. He found her enticing--but he also thought her foolish in her greed for power. Luca was not one to be underestimated, and never one to be crossed or deceived. She was getting close to that with her reaction to this puny human line-dancer.

He had to admit, he kind of liked the little man's pluck in facing off against Kia and making her this upset. And if the little thing made Luca happy, what did it matter? In fact, Ivan thought that was a good thing--a content leader kept things running smoothly and would be lenient when lessers such as himself got into trouble. So he considered firmly helping the little guy get Luca's attention again. And decided to steer the two into slamming into each other soon. Better if the Master was riding his pet's ass than whipping at their own.

Ivan started cleaning up without a word. He would catch Luca later to report on their captives... and sow his seeds then. He wasn't much of one for talking usually, but a few small words did more at the right time than the greatest lectures ever recited.


Fin finished his meal, though he had to make himself finish those last bites and his stomach felt pretty well distended. A glance towards the big cook made him consider this a smart idea. Pissing that man off was probably a stupid idea, if he wanted to eat at all. Luca was the ruler, but cooks still had influence over vital things. And better to be on the guy's good side so that if Kia kept her word, he still wasn't deprived of anything essential... while he survived her efforts, anyway. It beat being poisoned, food poisoned, or starved.

He wasn't sure what Kia was telling Luca, and she didn't seem pleased... but that was fine. So long as she left him alone. She'd gotten what she wanted, didn't she? he thought bitterly. Luca didn't think he was interested now. He'd look at other rides... and probably save himself some bruises. But part of Fin still wanted...

Hazel eyes watched Luca laughing and petting the lioness as others petted a housecat. He... wanted to make Luca smile like that, Fin realized painfully.

The thought made the acrobat feel depressed, though he tried consoling himself by reminding himself silently, at least they were still friends. He slid down from his barrel and handed the empty bowl back with quiet thanks, then turned to go deal with his costumes, still resting in Luca's tent. The strongman's words echoed in the back of his mind...

03-27-2012, 03:59 AM
After a long day of advertising and organizing the show was finally set up for tomorrow. Three days of showing two to pack, and then a week and two days of traveling. The demons would assume Luca teleported or something. Something twisted in him. He had planned to just let Fin take care of himself for the blue week.

Luca’s mind was still spinning. This time of year was never easy. He walked into the lions tent sitting in a dark corner to think. Fin said not to give him special treatment but Luca couldn’t help it. He felt the need to look after him. Fin was just so small and fragile. Luca enjoyed his gal, but he knew other demons wouldn’t.
Tila noticed Luca walk in and sit in the corner. Just like when he was a cub. “I’ll be back love” Tila licked Thor’s head and meandered over to Luca. She sat next to him. Luca actually looked small. It wasn’t a welcomed sight. He leaned against Tila. His fingers knotting in her soft white fur. Tila bathed his head like he was her cub.

A tear slid down Luca‘s cheek. He was so afraid for Fin, so hurt by Fin. Why did rejection hurt this much? “Take care of him Tila. He doesn’t have many friends here.”

Tila yawned, “Of course. You could always tell him about it?” Tila offered softly. Her own guilt raced through her veins. She was happy. She had Thor, Luca was too damaged to even look for a friend let alone a lover. The fates had given him Finian and Luca had fallen. She could see it, and now he was being denied the only person he ever truly wanted. All because of who and what he thought he was.

Luca shook his head “Yeah, that would go over well. I’m not only a demon, but I’m a curse demon with a flare for sadism and a twisted sense of morals.” Luca got up, leaving Tila to go rest beside her mate Thor.

03-27-2012, 07:36 AM
Finian had organized his new routines with the other acrobat girl, the two taking on the challenge of several high and wild tosses and catches only a pairing could accomplish together, and performances that complimented each other. She didn't like him but grudgingly accepted him for lack of other options, unable to deny his talent. She needed his help--she bore an old wrist injury from an accident and often muttered how she wished she couldn't get hurt, or if she had to be, that it'd always heal perfect again so she could keep performing. She took pride in her skill, but to was enough that Fin gathered her resentment towards him stemmed more from jealousy than anything personal. Her name was Jany.

As evening fell, Fin collected something belatedly to eat from Ivan, who only gave him a look to remind him yet again of the large mans last words. He flushed guiltily, but said nothing in return, silently finishing his stew in the cooking tent while Jany asked the man questions ad received mere grunts for answers on rare occasions. She seemed to like him. Then again, Fin had to admit, he kind of liked the big man as well--Ivan had the quiet, solid confidence of a brick wall at your back and demanded little, though he was firm as stone, too, when he did seek anything, even things as small as Jany to move out of his way.

Fed and ready for bed, Fin headed for Luca's tent again, focusing on one thing at a time, only he next few days. He had no idea how they might be traveling, or who he'd have to ride with. Right now, though, his biggest concern was if Luca would keep him near... or make him sleep elsewhere, now that his hopes had been dashed. He hoped Luca would still let Fin at least remain by his side.


Ivan frowned. Luca hadn't eaten, and he had just finished reheating the man's meal. Grabbing it, he glared at one of the smaller demons who helped him, a signal they should watch over the kitchen as if their life depended on it while he was out. With that, he started to look for the Master. Well, there was only one place the man loved...

He headed for the lions.

03-28-2012, 03:34 AM
Luca made it half way to the tent door. He felt a icey chill encircle his spine. Fin didn’t want him. He would have to build Finian a shelf with the lions. Unless maybe he wanted to stay with Ivan. Either way, Luca didn’t want to be forced to see Fin just then.

Luca walked to the back of the tent and sat down in the dirt. He pulled his knees to his chest. No easy feat considering how stiff his body was. He damaged arm barely cooperated long enough to hold the demon. No one had ever held Luca in a human sense. This lack of love from his own kind caused him to hold himself. He rocked himself to sleep, tucked himself in and now as an adult kept himself warm at night.

Luca felt Ivan enter. It was a blow to his ego. Enraged he stood up. Fully intending to become the territorial master that he was. How dare Ivan show interest in Fin. He face softened, Ivan had brought food since Luca had missed dinner. It was so thoughtful. He didn’t have the heart to confront him now. “What are you doing in here Ivan?” He asked gently.

03-28-2012, 06:15 AM
Ivan grunted and held out the bowl, letting that explain itself. He always saved the best for his master, like a good trained pet beast should. The choice cuts, the marrow-bones, the tenderest potatoes and vegetables, the most perfect of the fruit, the freshest and most savory breads. His cost was to serve. He did so without an opinion on the cost--it had to be paid, so why formulate one? Just like you had to breathe, eat, sleep, and piss to live. Nobody whined about those...

Handing the food over, Ivan crossed his arms over his chest and waited, intending to watch his Master eat. Luca should not deprive himself. But the Master looked unhappy. And considering Kia's jealousy against that puny human, and Luca's favortism of the human, well, Ivan could put one and one together.

"You like the runt," the big man rumbled gruffly. "Make the runt like you; tame him like a skittish horse," he suggested simply. "I just feed--make runt plump for Master to ride."


Fin gathered his stuff together, and sat on the shelf idly, swinging his ankle-bells. He still hadn't chosen any new ones, just kept what Luca had given him that first time, though the man had offered to let him choose. Reverently, he cradled the coats that had been his bed in his hands and lap, enjoying the scent they gave off, admiring their texture, thinking of Luca wearing them and announcing the events. Pleasant thoughts of what he might see, himself. Yet also just enjoying what time he had left in contact with them, and the connection they still made to Luca. His fingers traced the patterns on them slowly...

04-02-2012, 02:49 AM
Luca stirred the stew, letting the mouthwatering scent tease his nostrils. He spooned some up to his lips and spit it back into the bowel. Accompanied but a light hearted chuckle. Luca knew Ivan to be a man of few words. His colorful horse metaphor had therefore been much more entertaining.

Despite himself Luca flushed with joy. His face overrun by an unyielding smile. Was it really that obvious? “Thank you for the soup. Yes, I do like the.. Runt as you call him. He doesn’t like me, or else he doesn’t trust me. I appreciate you fattening him up. Poor little thing needs some meat on those bones.” Luca’s eyes looked far off as he thought of his bird.

Luca cleaned his bowel with Ivan’s eyes searching his soul. “Please don’t let anyone know. I told Fin I liked him and rejection isn’t something someone like me should put up with.” Luca handed the now empty bowel back and made his wat to his tent.

Finian was there, his beautiful slender ankles swinging, the bells making soft music. Luca closed his eyes basking in the scent and feel of Fin. He smiled watching Fin through his good eye. He was playing with the master’s coats. The thought of Fin enjoying his clothing and being swallowed by his scent pleased the master.

He soon felt guilty watching “You don’t have to stay in here if you don’t want to.” Luca said softly. “If you wanted to share a bed with Ivan or something or maybe have me build you something.” Luca’s face was cast in stone. He looked down at Fin’s ankles before regaining eye contact. “I would really like if you stayed. I would say begging is beneath me but if I thought it would help.” Luca attempted to smiled at his own joke. Failing miserably. Truthfully he wanted to order Fin to his bed so that the master could mount him and have his way with the slender male. He settled for Fin staying in the same room.

04-02-2012, 08:29 AM
Fin started in surprise when Luca addressed him. He hadn't realized how mesmerised he'd become when fingering the cloth in his hands and flushed guiltily at being caught doing so, his hand jerking back and quickly occupying itself by trying to fold them neatly instead.

The mention of joining Ivan in bed made Fin blanch at the very idea. "Gods... no, not him," he protested urgently. "He'd crush me in the night if he so much as rolled over, and if he tried anything else he'd rip me and break me to pieces! No..." Blushing a bit, he eyed the clothes in his hands, and admitted shyly, "You don't have to beg... I... I actually like my shelf here. I don't want to be in the way, though, if you want... company... sometime in the night. But hey, you can always tell me to go elsewhere for a bit if you're having a guest."

Ivan's words rang in his head again, and he wondered if Luca knew Kia wanted him. Probably. But surely the man had previous lovers, right? What happened to them? Had she killed them, too? At least she wasn't aware of Fin's secret, but he was still afarid of what might happen if he gave a relationship with Luca a chance. She could probably rip Luca's circus to pieces, knowing it as well as she did and being pretty much his right-hand helper. He'd be ruining Luca's life by daring even a single night, then. He didn't want to do that to the man...

"I'm sorry if this is kind of personal, but... what happened to your other lovers? Did they... Did the other demons kill them?" He glanced up at Luca and smiled reassuringly. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to--I was--I was just curious. I mean, you said you like me, and I like you, but I just--" He bit his lip and stopped himself from betraying the truth, caught in the other's powerful gaze, one eye or not. Instead he looked down and swung his bells again. "I don't know. Anyway, I'll just... stay here for now, if you'll still let me. I just... like being nearby."

He blushed again, thinking of when Luca had held him in his bird form, and cursed himself for not knowing what else to say and having such a rough, hoarce voice.


Ivan smiled as he returned to the cooking tent and started cleaning up with his helpers and preparing for the morning. Luca had listened. The boy would listen eventually, too. This would work well, if he could now make Kia leave things alone... He would have to think on that. Maybe give her something to occupy her attention. Maybe make one of the new captive toys catch her attention?

04-02-2012, 05:37 PM
Luca’s eyes blazed a little at Fin’s suggestion of Company. “The only company I would want between my bed sheets is currently sitting on a shelf fondling my over coats.” It was forward, but that was how Luca was. He was brave and stubborn. Fin hadn’t really seen the aggressor in Luca.

Luca had treaded lightly around the acrobat for fear of scaring him off. Now he was starting to become a little more comfortable. Not to mention the week of blue moon was coming. He hoped Fin would be trusting, or else gullible enough to believe the lies.

Luca laughed at the question “I’ve never had lovers Fin. I’m not exactly the type of person that people want to build a relationship with. I am unattractive and nomadic. Those who have slept with me regretted it in the morning or else were hoping to gain favor by offering their flesh. I’ve never been denied, being as powerful as I am, well except for you.”

Luca walked over to his dresser undoing his coat and letting it fall to the ground. His bare back flexed knowing Fin could see the pattern of his weaker days. “As for what became of them” he continued fumbling with his pants “Most left. Some I showed the door and yes a few were killed. I can’t have people ruing the circus. We would lose spectators which means my family would go hungry. Kia killed a few of them. Then she realized it was just sex to me and their death wasn’t worth her trouble.”

Luca shrugged crawling into his bed, uninhibited by clothing. “She sees you as a threat because she wants me to take over the evil underworld. She assumes that if I do that she will be my second in command. She’ll likely kill me after sometime.” Luca closed his eyes. “I have to leave for a week while we are on the road. Most of the people won’t notice I am gone, but seeing as you sleep in my quarters. While we are on the road I will have a guest stay in here. She will protect you. If something goes wrong… call me. I’ll find a way to make it back to you.” Luca just hoped Fin would stay. He couldn’t make him stay, but he hoped.

04-03-2012, 08:58 AM
Luca's blatant admission of lusting after Fin and his mention of not being denied before made the acrobat's spine tingle and his face flush. To be desired like that had almost a primal rush to it that thrilled his nerves. Yet the man had also admitted he would not allow anyone he mated to ruin his circus. And that sent a chill to drive that exciting tingle away.

So Luca knew Kia's plans. He knew--yet he didn't care? Why? And his family--the cats seemed more Luca's family than anything else here. The circus was just for them? Or Luca sought to make them happy with this, even selling his soul and allowing demons to do their atrocities if just to keep his animals happy? Fin listened quietly, eyes wide as he tried to absorb it all, wrap his mind around what Luca was telling him with such odd openness. Why was he telling him all this?

"So long as this guest isn't Kia or like her... all right, it might be rather nice. I'm not sure she needs to protect me, though, when I become a bird when in bad trouble... I... rather like my shelf, so I'm glad you'll let me stay," Fin offered roughly, wanting to give Luca something, even as he couldn't help watching the man's broad back and shoulders as he slid into bed. "I'm sorry about your coats; I can clean them and give them back, if you want. I have a blanket of my own."

Reaching with a foot, he snagged his pack with his toes and brought it up to his shelf to pull out the threadbare and singed cloth. Reverently he set Luca's coats aside and rolled up in it. Gods, but he wanted to give in, to surrender to Luca's warmth and those delicious-scented sheets. The man's honesty, his concern, his plans to help Fin, it all made him trust the man as much as his bird-self had earlier. Kia's warning beat in the back of his mind, though, and he wondered if he would be just another sex-pet, expendable if Kia's anger caused trouble amid the circus like had made Luca have previous ones killed. But maybe he was a little more useful to the man than that, being a bird, a creature of slightly more value to Luca than a man? He didn't want to die... And that was some way to stay useful even if he was displeasing to Luca. At least he would be a well-cared-for bird in his hands, and maybe Luca could make the change stick if he disliked Fin as a man or found him troublesome... or boring and useless in bed.

Hesitantly, Fin dared to ask quietly, rough voice a harsh whisper, "If... if one wanted to accept your desire... be in your bed... How would you want them to show it, prove themselves to you?"

04-03-2012, 06:48 PM
“If one did they should remain under my over coats.” Luca teased. “I like covering you in my scent. So unless that scrap has some sentimental value I suggest you get rid of it.” Luca inhaled deeply his chest rising. “The guest is nothing like Kia. If I had more of an interest in my task of turning people into demons I wouldn’t have need for Kia. She is evil all the way through to her core. I know her intentions, I know she wants you dead. As I have already stated Fin, I can’t see out of one eye. I am far from blind. I’m supposed to be evil.”

Luca swallowed “I just, I can’t bring myself to be like her. Your acrobat friend for example. She would sell her soul for the ability to self heal. She isn’t evil, just desperate. Kia would have her condemned, I would rather let her learn to appreciate her short comings. I could have asked for my looks back, my youth, even sight or motility. I am not a rich demon, or even a flawless one. I sold my soul to know love. It was only after it was gone that I realized a demon could never been in love.” He snorted at the sadistic irony of it all.

“I lust after you Fin, I won’t deny that. I could grow to love you on some level. Your bird half at least. But I can never be a lover.” Luca hadn’t bothered to chain Fin once again. He trusted him.

Luca woke as the demons made the circus ready to move. They had planned to perform in this town but the manager wanted them out. Luca made himself scarce for a few days, Tila keeping close to his side. Thor, Tila’s mate kept Kia away from Fin when he was not with Ivan. Lydia had made friends with the other acrobat and planned to keep Kia from her as well.

At the end of the week the blue moon rose high in the sky. A pale woman with beauty that put Kia to shame laid in Luca’s bed. Her skin was pale, almost silver and seemed to glow. Her eyes were large blue cat eyes spaced symmetrically on her face. White hair hung down her back and she was cloaked in a white robe. Tide with a silver rope around her slender waist. Thor curled up beside her. Luca and Tila were both no where to be found.

“Morning Fin” The female purred. She gracefully made her way to his shelf running her fingers through his hair. If Finian was perceptive he would feel a sense of familiarity about the guest. “Luca sends his love. He had to leave without saying good bye. You and I have the whole week together.”

04-04-2012, 08:39 AM
Finian had wrapped up in Luca's coats before dawn, content to have that offered to him, though he was still wary of accepting Luca's offer. Much as he wanted to bed the other man, to know that golden body in intimate ways and touch sleek skin, maybe find a way to make the man smile again, what Luca had said about not having lovers, only bedmates, made him take his time thinking this over. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do, or what he wanted, period, for himself.

The next few days were a rush, repacking his things plus the new items he and Jany needed for their acts, their costumes and props, helping tear down the rigging and even the tents. Much of his time was up on heights, perched while dealing with ropes and lines to free canvas and poles or string up pulleys for loading cages and larger items to the wagons. When he was down, Thor's formidable presence was usually within sight, or Ivan was directing his efforts to help with preparing for travel. Finally, only the sleeping quarters remained. Yet amid the bustle and hurry, Fin had taken solace in the fact that though he saw little of Luca during that time, he always slept near the man, on his shelf, sharing the same tent...

The young acrobat woke with a start under Luca's robes, feeling someone petting his hair softly, a familiar scent nearby--and turned on the shelf only for his eyes to widen in astonishment. A pale lady in a white robe, long hair framing her face, beautiful as a goddess and graceful as nothing in this world. His mouth opened in awe for a moment, about to ask if she was some sort of angel--when he noted her blue catlike eyes. Behind her, Thor lay on the bed.

Drawing back in surprise, Fin sat up. "It... can't be... Tila?" Yet, the eyes, the hair, the skin, her grace, Thor's presence in the bed... it made sense. Luca's magical skills certainly could not be denied! "Luca--left? Where? Why?"

Blushing a bit, he dipped his head apologetically. "Pardon--that's rude of me. I'm glad to have you as a roommate, madam. I just... I'm surprised." He felt an odd pang of... loss, actually. Luca had warned him he would be gone a week, but Fin had been hoping for some kind of goodbye. It kind of hurt not to have a chance to even wish him well. "I... suppose he would want to hurry if just to catch up with us after a week on the roads. Though I had hoped to at least wish him well..."

Shrugging, Fin smiled at her hesitantly. He could feel the phase of the moon to some textent, and was actually happy to be on the road. Something about this time made his spine tingle, yet he didn't have his change. He wasn't sure what that meant, though. For all he knew, he had feathers down his back during that time. Truth be told, he didn't want to look lest that might be true.

04-04-2012, 03:30 PM
“You are a perceptive little one. I didn’t think you would know me. Luca had faith.” Tila smiled warmly down at Fin. “Gods I have waited a long time to talk to you. There is so much going on here. Fate, does some funny things.” Tila noticed Fin looked a little upset. Then the meaning of his words hit her. “Oh dear, you miss him don’t you? He didn’t abandon you…” Tila bit her bottom lip. “He’s still here, watching over you. I suppose it didn’t occur to him to say goodbye since in his mind he wasn’t really leaving.”

Tila looked to the mouth of the tent. “Fate brought you here Finian.” She smiled softly “See, Luca doesn’t know what or who he is. I can’t tell him, no one can. If he is told then he can’t figure it out on his own. That means he won’t except his role on earth and the balance will not be kept.”

She inhaled softly. “I accepted what I was only after meeting Thor. I didn’t think the way other lions did. As Luca is always saying animals only kill if they are scared or hungry. Yet I was alright with killing out of spite, killing in war. It is a dark thought something no true animal would ever think. Make no mistake a lion is my true form. I just have strong human ties. The reverse of which is true for your Luca.”

Thor stirred distracting Tila for a moment. His large body stretched and hoped off the bed. “We have to pack the sleeping tents.” Tila wrinkled her nose. “Leave it for the demons. I am going to attempt to lead you to water. So get dressed, we only have a week together after all and now that you know me I am sure you have questions but first I have one of my own.”

Tila turned her back to Fin, allowing him some privacy “Let me start off by telling you about demons. Oh and dear, wear something of Luca’s it will make him happy to see you miss him like I said you would.” Tila smirked a little “Now then, animals always see what is really there. Kia looks beautiful to you, but we both can agree her demon is rather revolting. All demons are ugly in the eyes of an animal. Evil, is ugly. Demons are also incapable of laughter, true happy laughter. They might laugh at another’s pain or cackle because something went their way but happiness is lost on them. Lastly a demon is incapable of love. Not just being in love, but love of any kind.”

Tila turned back around looking Fin over. “Demons Fin, do exist. You have seen them. You have also seen magic. You understand there is a difference. What you are I are is magic. Kia is demonic. If you ever question who belongs to which spectrum look with your bird eyes. Really look at the beings in this little micro world that Luca and I have created. Really it should be common knowledge what demonic is but you would be surprised how many beings don’t know the difference.”

Long dainty fingers extended to Fin “So seeing that is all I can tell you outright you now are permitted to ask me questions. However there are listening ears at this circus and those beings can’t hear what I am willing to tell you.” She looked at her hand suggestively. She so hoped she hadn’t been wrong, that Fin really was here because of fate.

Luca watched Fin and Tila with curiosity. When looking at the demons, Luca saw what he wanted to see. Half blind to their true natures. He didn’t understand why Tila was telling Fin what a demon was. The poor bird was surrounded by demons. He growled softly as Tila lead Fin away. Luca couldn’t follow. Someone was bound to notice him in this state. Which meant they would ask questions. They might not respect his authority. He might accidentally unleash evil into the world

04-05-2012, 02:15 AM
Dressing swiftly, Finian listened to what Tila was saying, nodding now and then. He agreed that he'd noticed the demons being kind of obvious to his bird eyes. Humans were no worse scary, though, to him. Both breeds could be equally cruel. But demons could not love. That was telling. Did Tila mean that Luca had to realize on his own that he wasn't a demon, only magical, by learning he could love? Luca had said he could love Fin's bird self. Was Fin the only one who could help Luca figure this out?

"I don't know about... Fate..." he admitted ruefully. "But you said you can't tell Luca... that he has to figure it out himself, or the balance is lost. What balance?"

She suggested he wear something of Luca's to show he missed the man. But what? Fin didn't dare wear one of the man's coats or others might think it presumptuous of him. Instead, he picked up one of the silk scarves from the floor and wrapped it around one of the belled ankle bracelets. Hopefully Kia wouldn't notice and leave him alone, and other demons wouldn't think twice about it.

As he followed her out, he wondered to himself why Thor hadn't changed with her. And Luca... if he was magic, in a sense Tila's opposite, did he become a lion, or tiger? But where did he go, if that was the case? That had been Thor in there... right? Fin glanced back over his shoulder at Luca's tent curiously, second guessing himself. But he didn't know how to tell any lion from another yet.

So Fin dared to ask, "That... was Thor, right?"

Knowing he could help Luca... it finally helped him decide. Finian would take the risk. He would accept Luca and see what happened.

04-05-2012, 03:03 AM
Tila looked over at Fin “My my, snake bitch really doesn’t give you enough credit. Yes that was Thor but you are thinking along the right path. Luca balances me. I am mostly lion, mostly white, and in Luca’s way of thinking animals are pure and good humans are evil. So if I represent good, light, and peace…” She trailed off. “Being the once to balance the world with evil isn’t an easy task. You must constantly be surrounded by evil, reining it in. Evil can’t take over and so the dark one would need to be the judge and gate keeper. Good won’t attack evil, so some evil must exist to rein in the good and keep balance. However someone needs to rein in the demons.” Tila walked Fin to a pool knowing they had a few hours before the caravans left. “Pity we only have a week. Although you are figuring out in minutes what has taken Luca centuries.”

She shook her head. “He really cares about you Fin. I saw it the first day you came. It was nice to see him smile for a change. You both have had hard lives, and you are both stronger because of it. Anyone with half a brain who was around him for more than a week would notice he wasn’t evil. Why Kia thinks he is inline the inherit the throne his beyond me. If it wouldn’t destroy the balance Luca would kill her. I know it is a lot to swallow but you really need to be careful around her and the other demons.”

Luca paced in his sleeping quarters. Since Fin had come into his life Luca had never not be close. He couldn’t feel Fin’s presence and it was driving him crazy. He had seen the scarf and it had made him purr with joy. He knew Finian was with Tila and safe. Still he felt anxious about the distance.

Large black paws rested on Fin’s shelf as Luca searched for the scrap of singed cough. He missed that fire tainted raspy voice. That slender body, so fragile as it curled up on a shelf. He missed the spark and determined bravery of the young acrobat. Every time Fin was brave Luca beamed like a proud parent. His Fin, standing up to Kia, unafraid by Lydia and Ivan. He even trusted the cats.

Fin had enough self respect to tell Luca no, to refuse being just a sex toy. It made Luca want him that much more. He wanted to hold him and protect him. His body craved Fin more powerfully than his cells desired air. He didn’t think he could love Fin, but this was as close to that feeling as he could ever hope to get. Truth be told Luca adored Fin. Having him out of sight only solidified him in mind.

04-05-2012, 05:49 AM
"So... what if he let Kia take over, or better yet just send her to try taking on the Devil himself. She wants that power so much, why not let them destroy themselves by trying? Though... that balance thing, that's why Luca's got to stay in charge, right? But why does she have to stay? Isn't there... I don't know, a nicer demon? Though I suppose that's too much to hope for."

Fin sighed as they reached the pool. He wasn't sure why she wanted to bring him there. Water was okay, but he really couldn't swim. And he was fine taking a bath in a barrel-tub like many of the others. It was safer for someone his size, anyway. River crossings were what scared him.

"I know to be careful around her and them. She would gladly kill me, merely for his attention. Easy enough to do me harm here, I know. A small error alone can cripple me, even unintentionally, and then what? If I can't justify my place in the circus, Luca would have to do something about it... But if he has to act to keep discipline, that means the end for me. He says he cares for me, but if he has to choose... he has to choose to keep the balance, doesn't he?" he asked sadly. "Thing is... I won't live very long. Even if she's not after me, some day I might be just a bit too slow and get hurt or die... many acrobats end that way, and only a few live to train others. Even then, one day I'll be gone and he'll still keep going... So I don't see why Kia's so eager to kill me. I'm only a leaf passing in his life."

04-05-2012, 06:04 AM
“Kia might try that path, if she thought she was strong enough which she knows she isn’t. Luca doesn’t know he isn’t evil so becoming the devil as you put it is still possible to him. He may not know he keeps the balance but he can’t justify getting rid of Kia. It is just instinct to keep her around.”

Tila ran her fingers through Fin’s hair. “You really think the gods would give you to Luca only to rip you away with mortality?” She shook her head. “My dear boy, you were doing so well. Thor and I have been together for about a hundred years now. He chose me, won my heart and showed me who I was inside. In return he was gifted eternity for me. Although I can assure you some days he considers that a curse.”

A horn sounded and Tila rose to her feet. “I miss the quiet during travel days. Please remember to keep this secret.” Tila lead Fin back to camp and to Luca’s wagon. It was impossibly large on the inside, still looking like his bedroom. A dark shadow sprawled over a good portion of it. Luca was tucked into the corner, hiding in the darkness. He didn’t want Fin to see him like this. Fin seeing his demon was bad enough. Seeing him as a lion would be impossible to swallow.

Not to mention Luca looked nothing like a normal lion. His eyes were the same. One blind and one sighted. His scars showed as grey streaks splitting his face in two. Luca was covered in black fur and his massive head was adorned with a black mane.

04-05-2012, 08:01 AM
Fin followed Tila, smiling a bit as she tousled his hair. She seemed much like a big sister, almost... not exactly a mother, yet not too different from one. He wondered if she had ever had cubs.

He couldn't agree with her, however. In his experience, Fate was a cruel tormenter, offering hope and snatching it away in the last second. What was there to extend his own life? His curse only dealt with his inner nature, not his lifespan. He was only glad not to have ended up with a bird's lifespan of a few years! The gods were cruel. Why should they be kind only now, for love? Was that really enough to change things?

The horn brought them back. Fin entered Luca's wagon and with a sigh settled into a chair. Feeling watched he looked at the corner of the room, the dark end at the farthest end of the wagon, and saw a single eye gleaming back at him. Luca's eye, however. The acrobat recalled Fin when he saw him as a bird, two eyes and unmarked, and wondered if this meant Luca was injured like his human self. He felt a pang in his heart for Luca's situation. That had to be hard, being an injured cat as well.

Standing, Fin moved with the gentle swaying of the wagon to carefully approach and offer his hand for sniffing. Ivan was leading the circus to the new place and hooked them all in a line in groups, Luca's wagon with the cages of the cats. He was avoiding the worst bumps, which made it nicer. Unless something came up, Fin and others stayed in the wagons until a halt was to be called--or so he'd been told. So that gave him some time to spend alone with Luca... Luca as a cat, however. He could only see that gleaming eye and a faint hint of a shape, though--even as a bird his night-sight wasn't that good.

"It's your wagon," he pointed out. "There is no point in hiding when I've seen you true already. Besides, you said you won't hurt me. I don't see why I should stop believing that now. We may as well both be as comfortable as we can, as this will be a long ride... or so Ivan warned me about the ride, anyway. No stops until nightfall."

04-05-2012, 04:17 PM
Luca stepped hesitantly from the shadow. He sniffed at Fin’s ankle and purred in appreciation. He looked up at his bird. “I wish you could still hear me in your thoughts.” He whispered softly.

The light reflected off of Luca’s black fur as the cart jolted. Luca rubbed his massive head against Fin’s thin body. It was upsetting that they only ever really touched when one of them was an animal. He rubbed the side of his face against Fin his lip pulling back revealing the scent glands.

He rubbed his scent all over Fin, pressing into him. “God I missed you. Don’t you dare leave me like that again.” He laughed inside knowing he could demand things like this. There was a possibility that Fin could hear him but Luca honestly hadn’t considered that.

In his cat form Luca had a slight limp due to his shoulder. He was still powerful, but the damage stayed with him. He didn’t have a demonic form and the only ones to see Luca in his prime were the animals. Luca was almost twice the size of Thor, who was by no means a small cat. Luca was just huge.

He gently grabbed Fin’s waistband and attempted to drag him to his bed. He planned to sleep with Fin during his entire lion week. He craved that contact. Luca longed to feel Fin’s graceful fingers on his body, even if it was under the pretense of petting a lion’s fur.

04-06-2012, 06:22 AM
Fin couldn't help but laugh as Luca bumped him and rubbed against him like an ordinary cat. He was massive! Limping or not, he almost knocked Fin over by just rubbing, not even trying. It seemed almost playful, a side of Luca he hadn't seen before, and brought a smile to the acrobat's face. He reached out and rubbed at the lion's ears, his head, traced fingers in that black mane.

Maybe being a cat made Luca feel more free with him, less inhibited? Maybe these were just cat instincts to mark and dominate? Hopefully it wasn't an urge to maul or kill... or mate. Gods, a cat like this trying to mate with scrawny him, he'd be torn to shreds by those claws almost the moment it grabbed him, and dead for sure if it bit him. But Luca seemed in control of his feline self, so Fin relaxed.

When Luca closed teeth on his belt and tugged him towards the bed, Fin chuckled roughly but complied. "You're pretty insistent that you ant to get me in there with you. But only as long as you behave yourself like this, all right? Just watch those claws. I'm just a puny human and scratch easy," he dared to tease. "Though considering the ruts we're going over, I have to agree--the bed looks really nice. I'd probably fall off my shelf and hurt myself at this rate."

Stretching out on the bed, the acrobat sighed. This was a luxury he doubted he could enjoy for long. If the price was regularly rubbing a huge lion's ears, it was small compared to enjoying this softness. And he had to admit, he felt reassured with Luca right beside him. He hadn't considered how much he might miss him until he'd thought Luca had left without saying goodbye. But how long could he lay here peacefully? The other demons thought Luca had teleported or something, Luca said, so... if they knew Fin was in here alone... No, he had to be wrong--none of them would dare violate Luca's sanctuary, pet human or not.

04-07-2012, 12:47 AM
In response to the claws Luca kneaded his bedding. He would keeps them in check. When Fin was a little bulkier, next year when he changed he hoped Fin would wrestle with him. The cart lurched again jostling the lion’s body so that it more completely covered that of the acrobat.

Luca knew the only one who should enter his quarters would be Ivan. He knew about Tila and Thor. He also knew Luca changed and was the only one trusted with bringing food. In all honesty Fin latching onto the only person Luca considered trustworthy.

Ivan would lock Luca in his cart so that the others would not mess with the lion, Thor, or Tila. He brought Luca food and water. Kia was in charge of how things were run. She had the authority but it was Ivan that he trusted. Luca purred, twitching his ears. Fin touching him had to be the best thing Luca would ever experience. It meant more to him than any sexual release.

His sandpaper tongue flicked out and bathed Finian’s hair. Anything to let others know Fin was his. “When we get to the next town… Please be careful on those ropes. I can’t lose you Fin.” Luca rested his heavy head on Fin’s stomach. Content to sleep there.

Some hours later the caravan halted. Luca knew that in an hour or so his alone time with Fin would be interrupted and Ivan would bring them food.

04-07-2012, 08:32 AM
Laughing as he was almost crushed by the huge lion's weight, Fin continued scratching and rubbing Luca's mane and ears with more enthusiasm. "You're just wanting someone to rub your back, don't you?" he teased, laughing the more as his hair was "combed" by the lion, though his laughs sounded harsh and torn due to his damaged voice. "You don't need a lover. You need a masseuse!"

His own hands were calloused and marked by rope burns from his work. He wondered that Luca enjoyed his caresses, and was snuggling up to him like a trained house-cat would, instead of being aloof and looking for softer hands. When that large head ended up on his stomach, the acrobat chuckled and continued to knead soft black fur with his hands obligingly. Well, he would enjoy this as long as he could. Something was bound to interrupt--or someone. But he focused on just running his hands through that fur, letting all else drift aside from his mind, much as when he concentrated on his act...

Ivan knocked, then opened the door, peeing his big head in with a slight frown. He ignored Fin's start and the small man's jumpiness, eyed Luca a moment, then nodded and rumbled, "Food." The strongman set their bowls on the floor of the wagon by the door, then turned to go. Pausing, he added--perhaps for Fin's benefit--"Locking up now."

Then the big man left, and the key could be heard turning in the lock.

Fin, backed against the headboard nervously, stared at the door, confused. "He's... locking us in..? But... what... why?" Drawing his knees up to his chest, he wrapped his arms around them uneasily, eyes flicking to the door, seeking windows, measuring their surroundings. It felt closed in now. Confining. He could feel a tingle along his spine, his bird self recalling too many hours of fear in close confines. Usually he'd ridden on top with the drivers when his old troop traveled, and slept in a wagon with windows and a dozen other people, the door never locked. But he felt trapped now, and that wasn't a good feeling. He didn't want to change into a bird right now, uncertain how Luca might react when in a cat's form--and it was a painful process. Most of his time as a bird before this was in fear and confinement due to his former troop, and that was never something to look forward to--so as a result, he didn't enjoy changing much at all.

04-07-2012, 08:40 PM
Luca realized Fin was a little freaked out. He roared softly. More like a deep exhale of air. He hadn’t thought about what being locked in would mean to Fin. Luca had been raised in a tiger’s cage after all. Fin also didn’t know that when everyone else was sleeping they could roam the grounds.

Nature called, even for demons. In an armless state Luca couldn’t fathom how to sooth Fin. He pressed his massive head under Fin’s limbs trying to encourage him to unclench. “Please calm down my little one. I can’t imagine your change is a pleasant one. I won’t hurt you and by no means do I intend to be caged.” Luca knew Fin couldn’t hear him.

He just hoped that by saying these things in his head Fin would some how sense his calm and his protectiveness. “I promise you Fin, please remember I promised you, I would always keep you safe.” Luca did his best two wrap his body around Fin’s small frame. He purred gently unsure if that would comfort the acrobat.

His large rough tongue licked at Fin’s toes and fingers. Alternating between carpals and tarsals. Tasting the grime of the day didn’t bother Luca. He was too interested in getting Fin to calm down. Not to mention under all of that dirt was the sweet taste of his little bird.

04-08-2012, 05:07 AM
Feeling Luca nudging under his arms and start licking his fingers, Fin let go of his knees and dug his hands into the soft fur of the lion's mane. With that large body trying to wrap around him--and almost crushing him--the acrobat snuggled against it, burying his face against the fur by his hands, closing his eyes. It was easier to ignore being cooped up like this if he had Luca to hold on to. So he concentrated on Luca's scent, his weight, his rumbling vibrating purr, the abrasive touch of rough tongue on his feet, the fur in his hands...

"I... admit, I don't like being caged," he murmured into Luca's fur roughly, shivering at the thought. "Every time I've been caged or locked up, it was as a bird, terrified. Half those times I'd been scared so I would be a bird. Sometimes I was an important attraction, I guess. They didn't bother telling me, though. But I'd be stuck there, alone and scared and watching people come by... Some would toss rocks at me to make me flutter more, others poke with sticks... I've had dirty water thrown on me, piss buckets thrown my way... and every sneer and jeer and insult imaginable. People would pull my wing and tail feathers right out if they could reach them--and that hurts, damn it! I've had rich or noble patrons mutter about wanting to make me into a hat or stuffed on their walls, or just hunt me for the fun of it... No... cages were always hell."

He squeezed Luca tightly, just wanting the reassurance of someone else with him. After a moment, he blushed and lifted his head, grimacing. Fin was embarrassed to think he might be half suffocating the lion in his urgency for comfort. Luca wasn't some child's stuffed toy, after all. He was a living, breathing person who might not like having his airway cut off.

"Sorry. I don't mean to hurt you," he apologized belatedly.

The blue moon week passed happily... *Fade To Black.*

04-12-2012, 04:33 AM
*Fade Back In*

Fin cleaned himself up with a bath and dressed, exhausted and a little sore in spots, but otherwise mellow with happiness. Luca had show him wonderful things, things he'd never known about himself or having a lover before. He'd never felt so lucky as now. He had Luca now, someone who cared, who he could please as well, who taught him pleasures he'd never imagined.

To say he wasn't worried, though, wasn't true. Fin wasn't sure how most of the circus would react to him being Luca's lover. Kia, he knew, would be furious. Yet Luca ruled here. Surely she'd behave? He could only hope. How he, a human, might survive the anger of demons otherwise, he wasn't sure. But he would seek out a few warding charms, just in case they wanted to cause him harm and mischief. There would probably be some in the next village.

Cleaned, dressed, Fin sat on the bedside and pulled on his thin-soled shoes. Luca had said he'd be back. So he would wait...

04-12-2012, 04:07 PM
Waking up in the early hours of the morning beside a beautiful man had to be the best thing Luca had ever done. He made a promise to Fin to keep him safe, and to always make him happy if it could be helped. This morning had been the first time Luca had ever given, instead of just receiving. He had wanted to stay with Fin all day, just exploring every inch of him. He knew they needed to set up, and put on a show. With out a purpose his demons would be restless. Restless demons tended to cause mayhem.

Fin had asked Luca for a glass of water, and like a good master Luca had cleaned, gotten dressed and promised to return with what his little bird needed.

Luca walked through the circus, those with a more heightened sense of smell looked at him as though he was a different master entirely. Luca had been cruel, heartless, and cold. They had all seen if not felt the darkness of his core. He seemed different now and his overbearing alpha scent seemed to be stronger and… different. As if Luca had literally laced himself with Fin.

Kia was furious. She had scented Luca all over that pathetic acrobat. She had warned the flighty little twit. Now something different had to be done. She along with the rest of the circus couldn’t touch Fin. The humans wouldn’t understand, the damned would be too fearful, and the gifted were on Fin’s side. Kia would have to take Luca down if she wanted the throne. That of course would be a lot more difficult than bedding him and slitting his throat in his sleep.

Unaware of Kia’s rage Luca filled a large pewter goblet with water and walked proudly back to his tent. He knew they would all have something to talk about now. He would have to make it damn clear that Fin wasn’t a one time thing. Luca ruled him, and intended to love him as well. Fin belonged to the ring master and willingly Luca belonged to Fin. They were a pair.

04-13-2012, 05:15 AM
Fin swung his feet at the side of Luca's rumpled bed. He'd done what he could to straighten things, but he wasn't used to having an actual bed with sheets and such. Usually he'd had a few worn blankets and a pile of hay or somesuch. Extra linens, or even clothes, was a luxury he wasn't sure how to handle. He could launder a few small things, but he had no idea what to do with sheets, either. They were cared for more often, weren't they? Cleaned more often?

Should he clean them?

Looking up as Luca returned, he brightened cheerfully and accepted the water with a nod of thanks. Even though Luca had admitted to liking the sound of his damaged voice, Fin avoided using it a fair bit out of habit. It tasted good, though, and eased some of that dry roughness he felt. At least he might sound marginally better now, if just to his own ears.

"So what's today's plan?" he asked the ringmaster. He didn't know how their protocals went in this circus after a move.

04-14-2012, 04:01 AM
Luca leaned in and kissed Fin’s forehead. “Setting up for tomorrow nights show. We need to go into town and recruit customers. Also, to make sure everyone knows you are MINE” He growled low in his throat. Luca’s fingers entangled playfully in Fin’s soft hair.

“Come have breakfast with me, then you me and Tila will go into town. Humans seem to enjoy seeing variety. Usually I bring Kia since men want to watch her move.” Luca shrugged. He offered a hand out to Fin wanting to help him off of their bed and bring him to the mess hall. Luca wanted everyone to know Fin belonged to him.

04-14-2012, 07:45 AM
Fin flushed warmly at Luca's possessive growl, feeling a tingle of excitement at that tone. But now wasn't the time for what that tingle suggested. Much as he wanted to roll with Luca again, here and now, the man was right in that there were things to be done. Being displayed as Luca's lover made him uneasy, though--he wasn't one for being a show unless it was high above his audience, safely away from reach of anything but their eyes.

"I should go help get the tents up, then," he pointed out as Luca drew him to his feet. "I'm not much of a showpiece like Kia, though... You'd drum up more business with her than me. And I'm safe enough on the heights until you're back."

To tell the truth, he was torn. Many towns where word of his circus had spread looked at him as a ill omen for surviving the fire, a scapegoat best run out of their midst before trouble struck, or his bad luck spread. On the other hand, he wanted to get some anti-demon charms to ward Kia off if he could. He hoped not to do the latter in front of Luca, though, or the man might be offended. After all, Luca thought he himself was a demon. Fin could always sneak into town later, though, between shows maybe.

04-14-2012, 11:04 PM
Luca chuckled softly “I personally think you are more beautiful than she could ever hope to be. However we really don’t need the money.” Luca laced his finger’s with Fin’s. “I won’t make you do anything, but I would feel safer with you in sight.”

Luca lead Fin towards the area where the demons and now trusted uncaged humans were gathering. Ivan was preparing breakfast and some of the demons were already pouring ale down their throats. Those who noticed stared intently at Luca’s stiff arm, which lead down to his hand. The hand with which he was leading Fin to his table. A few, the non-demonic mythic beings smiled. Even some of the demons were excited that Luca had something else to take his attention out on.

Not to mention he was back, and trailing him was the familiar white lioness. “I’ll be right back with food.” He whispered, making a small show of kissing Fin. He indicated that Fin should sit in the bench. Tila sat down right in front of the bird. Her knowing eyes smiling inwardly. “You wreak of Luca’s scent.” She purred “Can you hear me yet Fin?” She asked curio use as to weather or not they had shared a mating bond. Sex was sex, mating was different. Judging by how Luca was acting Tila assumed Fin could hear. If he could that meant soon enough they would need to prepare to fulfill the prophecy.

04-15-2012, 04:24 AM
Fin turned red in embarrassment at the compliment, and scuffed a foot on the ground uncomfortably. People never praised him for being more than a good acrobat or a good and tight ride after a rare encounter in a dark corner. Yet he carefully squeezed the man's bad hand in reassurance that he actually kind of liked it.

"Well, if it won't be a bother, then... all right, I'll go," the smaller man agreed hoarsely. "I don't want to be in the way of you doing what you normally do. I'm sure the others'll be happier if I don't either."

Besides, then he might find those charms so he could get them later.

As they joined the others for food, he blushed a bit and couldn't meet anyone's eyes. He wasn't comfortable with Luca being obvious about their relationship. It wasn't because Luca was showing him off to them, but because he didn't know what to do, how to react, how to act with this kind of change. He'd never had a lover before. He didn't want others to get jealous or think he was trying to influence Luca in any way just for his own gain. Kia was already convinced--he didn't need the rest of the circus after his throat, too. It'd be dangerous, but it'd also cause Luca likely no end of grief. As he'd said, he didn't want to cause an uproar or inconvenience Luca. The man was too kind even before this.

The kiss was nice and distracting, and he watched Luca go with a small smile lingering on his lips. He almost didn't notice Tila until she was next to him, then started and blushed hotly, eyes going wide as he turned to stare at her in astonishment as she spoke to him mentally.

<You... You talk like this? I thought--I thought only Luca could!> he stammered back, mental voice almost as rough as his vocal one from lack of experience. <Um... Yes, we... uh... he...> He could only send her a brief image of what'd happened. <Does this mean I can talk to all of you like this, the demons, too?>


Ivan eyed Luca as he filled bowls for them. He smiled slightly, mouth quirking. Yes, he'd noted the possessive grip on the acrobat boy.

"Good," he rumbled, handing the food over. He didn't need to hear anything. He knew.

04-15-2012, 04:47 AM
Tila purred “You have all of Luca’s powers once he mated you. The two of you became two halves of the same whole.”
Thor roared softly. “Well I’ll be damned boy, I didn’t think you would actually let Luca in.” Thor nudged Tila along before she became a bother. “You are the master of the demons too, just like Tila and I are the master’s of the saints and angels.” Thor replied over his shoulder. He didn’t want Luca to hear them talking to Fin. The master wasn’t stupid and he was bound to find out sooner or later.

Kia noticed the way Fin reacted to the lions now. Sharing that secret bond that Luca had with them. The little acrobat had to go. He was messing up her plans. He had already tainted Luca. Now she needed to follow through with the plan to kill him much sooner. Unless she could get Fin out of the picture. Kia slithered off into town.

Luca sat down next to Fin. “I’m sorry for all the staring. I’ve never had a lover before and I think they are all just curious. No one is mad though. Except for Kia…” Luca laughed. He didn’t take Kia as a threat. Ivan’s gruff word had brightened his day and Luca started to spoon porridge into his mouth.

“Eat love” Luca commanded with a slight growl. He wanted Fin to keep growing stronger. His bird was beautiful as he was now, but the master knew he wasn’t healthy. Luca paused now and then to stroke Fin reassuringly. Some of the non-demonics smiled at Fin knowingly. They had heard the growls earlier that morning.

04-15-2012, 05:44 AM
Nodding obediently, Fin didn't need to be told twice. He was hungry! He spooned up his share of stew quickly, eagerly, and was surprised that this time he could actually finish it a lot easier than before. Maybe that... activity... had burned up more energy or something, and left him a bigger appetite. He didn't mind. He needed the stamina to keep up with Luca now, after all.

Now and then he glanced towards where the lions had gone, thoughtful. What had they meant about masters of angels or demons? And... Luca's powers? Would that mean he'd turn into a lion, too, on top of being a bird? The thought alarmed him. What other powers did Luca have? He might have to ask the man when they were next alone.

His eyes caught Ivan's gaze, and he saw the strongman smile slightly at them and nod. Blushing, he turned his attention to mopping his bowl with a bit of bread. "I... I don't think I'd mind the staring so much if I knew what to do. I never was... well... important to anyone before. Or a lover. I mean--am I supposed to announce anything or act a certain way? Though Kia--she's scary. I don't think you should underestimate her... She's sneaky, too."

04-17-2012, 01:45 AM
Luca smiled wrapping an arm around Fin. “I can handle her.” He in all honesty didn’t think Kia was foolish. Only a foolish person would provoke a fight in wich they were so unevenly matched. Tila had assumed Fin had all of Luca’s powers, but that was still undetermined. After all Luca didn’t even know Fin and Tila could speak now. Thor had inherited Tila’s charms slowly. There was still a few he had yet to obtain, and he couldn’t turn human like she could.

Tila, unlike Fin and Luca could turn into a human or lion at will. She chose to stay as a lion to be with her mate. She also chose that to be her dominate form since Luca had yet to realize he wasn’t a demon. Things were so messy.

“As for what you need to do, just relax. No one expects you to act any differently, just be confident in who you are.” With that Luca finished his breakfast and kissed Fin’s cheek. He knew he should probably refrain from being so physical right up front, but Luca couldn’t help it. He had never felt like this before and now he wanted to have the one he desired.

04-17-2012, 04:36 AM
Fin blushed yet again and dipped his head, squeezing Luca's hand. He didn't know whether he should try kissing Luca back or what, and settled for just leaning against him firmly. A faint shiver ran through him at the thought of just how far Luca might be willing to go in public. Would he stop with mere kisses? Yet from the looks some of the demons and others were giving them, they seemed to like the idea of a show, of Luca showing his dominance over his new mate. And... he actually found this stimulating, exciting, being petted and kissed yet being uncertain about everyone watching.

To encourage Luca further, he tried to be subtle about reaching over a bit and squeezing the man's knee with his free hand, flashing him a shy smile.

"I... guess I can learn to be confident," he admitted quietly, "as I learn what... what lovers do. I don't know much about enticing anyone. I don't want to embarrass you, either, though."

04-18-2012, 02:35 AM
Luca stiffened feeling Fin’s hand on his knee. He arched his eyebrow in surprise. “You entice me plenty pretty. Venture higher.” He suggested, knowing the heat was now encircling his thigh and radiating through his tight pants. He pressed his body into Fin nipping the bottom portion of his ear.
He inhaled sharply “Now to think of unappealing things so we can go…” Luca couldn’t help but to envision Kia and his excitement deflated.

Most of the circus seemed to be at peace with the new permanent addition. Kia was seething. Here eyes glowed with rage. A plan already in mind for how to get rid of Fin. It would only take a few seconds. Just get him away from his protective Luca for a few minutes…

“Ready love?” Luca rose and offered a hand to Fin. The sooner they went into town, the sooner they could get back which meant that he could show everyone exactly who Fin belonged to.

04-18-2012, 04:12 AM
Fin's cheeks colored ever so slightly, and he slid his hand a bit higher on Luca's leg with a mischievous smirk even as the other nipped his ear. But Luca suggested they calm down and get going, so with a sigh he withdrew his hand and straightened in his seat. It wasn't hard to cool off with the demons around. He had only to summon an image of them in their true forms, as he'd seen as a bird, and Kia especially in her rotting visage... The acrobat shivered at the thought.

When Luca stood, Fin nodded and joined him, grabbing that offered hand firmly with his calloused one. "Ready," he agreed hoarsely.

Catching a glimpse of Kia, he withheld a flinch. She looked positively furious, enough so to make him pale a bit. Luca might feel confident about handling her, but without charms to ward her off, he wasn't. Where Luca had faith in her reason winning past her rage, Fin had no such confidence that her strong emotions and firm plans wouldn't demand she act in some manner. And whatever it was, he was certain she'd be absolutely evil and cruel.

04-19-2012, 03:42 AM
Luca pulled Fin under his muscular good arm. He didn’t know where town was, but for whatever reason Luca seemed to be drawn to pockets of evil. This in his experience usually meant a town was near by. Trusting his instincts Luca started to head North. He enjoyed feeling Fin’s warmth against his side. Fin was his heart, and Luca was the ribcage protecting him. His thumb hooked into the brim of Fin’s trousers. The wooded area turned out to be a very pathetic boundary. The clearing where the circus had set up camp turned out to be almost within eyesight of the little town. There was a long line of shops, some selling food, others clothing. The everyday towns people stared at the odd couple.

Tila had tagged along behind them. Lion’s often warranted respect and demanded attention. A white lion with blue eyes was always a startling commodity. “Where do you guys want to go first? Remember as many people as we can talk to the better.”

Tila whispered softly in Fin’s mind which was now open to here. “Suggest we split. He won’t let you out of his sight otherwise and I’ll go with you for protection. That way you can get what it is you need.” Unlike Luca, Tila didn’t underestimate Kia. She knew the demon was one of the worst in Luca’s pack. Even Tila’s strongest angel didn’t seem to compare. If Fin knew what charms to get he should do so while Kia was supposed to be safely back at the camp.

04-19-2012, 06:59 AM
Fin chuckled roughly as he bumped against Luca's good side with the man's strong arm across is shoulders. It actually made him feel kind of protected, like this. He could feel the warmth of Luca' body through their clothes, feel his breathing, smell his personal scent. It felt intimate, in a way. Yet Luca was clearly confident and in good spirits, eager to get things done, and that good humor rubbed onto him as well. He could feel a lightness to his feet despite his concerns.

"We can split up, and meet up again here? Maybe we can draw more people that way? With Tila with me, I don't need to say much--she'll draw the attention for me," the acrobat suggested swiftly. "Then we can go back the sooner."

Fin silently agreed to her plan. He wanted to get those demon-warding charms as soon as possible. He had an idea where to go: the town's herbalist or cleric. They usually had what he wanted and needed, and he could keep one charm on himself, like his belt-pouch or shoes, another with his things if he needed a spare or something to protect Luca with.

04-20-2012, 04:33 AM
Luca stopped mid stride to look Fin over. He had seemed so concerned back at the camp with underestimating Kia, and now he wanted to go off on his own? Something wasn’t adding up. Secretly Luca wondered if maybe Fin knew someone in town and was planning on meeting up with them. His own insecurities seeping heavily into his mind.

“Relax, you know that is not true. Beside, Fin knows we talk and he knows damn well I would tell. I’ll protect him from the harpy.” Tila eyed Luca, daring him to argue.

Reluctantly Luca started to agree. “I guess we could, go different ways.” He released Fin, trying to think of a good reason for them not to split. If Fin was taking Tila he doubted any harm would come to his little bird. People had the tendency to give a lioness a good amount of walking space. Luca also knew he could take care of himself so it wasn’t like he needed Tila. “Alright, I wish you were coming with me but if you want to split up. Meet me at the clock tower when the sun starts to set.”

Tila gave a soft huff in agreement and head butted Fin before either lover changed his mind. She knew Luca wasn’t happy with the idea. He knew the circus didn’t actually need the business but there was not a single reason to not allow Fin to have a goal like he did with all the other performers.

Tila waited until Luca had walked a little bit away. She could feel him mentally not letting go of Fin. “He worries about you.” She whispered to Fin.

04-20-2012, 06:35 AM
<I worry about us both,> Fin admitted. <I need to do this, though. It'll make us safer.>

Fin smiled as he watched his lover walk off, waving after him, then turned to lead the way to the herbalist's stall. It wasn't hard to find. The place smelled of wonderful plants, mint and sage and flowers. It had jars and bottles and satchels and charms. A sleepy old woman sat behind the counter.

Walking up to her stall, the acrobat called to the townsfolk, "Come see the circus, the animals and acts!" His rough broken voice didn't carry far, though, but it made people look twice and smile on seeing Tila.

The old lady woke with a start and mutter when he rapped on her counter with his knuckles. "Mmmm, eh... what?" she muttered, squinting at him with rheumy eyes. "Yes, son? What do you want?"

Fin smiled politely. "Charms, mother. Got anything to ward off evil, keep demons away?"

"Mmm..." The elderly lady reached over under the counter and rummaged around, looking by feel, obviously. "What do you need it for?" she asked curiously. "You're a strapping young lad. No fear in most of you youngin's."

"I... go dangerous places where it's dark and odd things can roam. We travel a lot, mother. Who knows what lurks by the road, or if we end up crossing old graves?" he lied, shrugging. "I want to be safe, my girl, too. What with a babe on the way..."

The herbalist perked up at that, grinning to show ugly gaps in her teeth. "Ah, I have a handful of good ones, then, strong. Rowan-wood blessed by a priest, carved into a protecting star, tied with a sprig of sage and comfrey, good for your girl. A birch heaven's-fire pendant with turquoise bead in the middle, good for the child. Obsidian spider with sliver feet the old shaman magicked for biting evil before he passed on five years ago... Or maybe you'd like the evil-eye bead to ward off ill, though it's plainer but that is old, old magic. I've also three neck-bags of evil-warding herbs and stones. Those might do better for the child once it comes as they smell nice and last so long as you don't get them wet."

Fin rummaged in his pockets and put out what little money he had scrounged from his old troop's campsite and his travels, setting that out. "I'll take all of it, mother... just in case."

Shrugging, she handed them over. Fin put the fire-emblem and evil-eye around his own neck, and tucked the rest into his belt-pouch for safekeeping. You couldn't try too many ways to protect yourself, after all. He only hoped Luca wouldn't think anything of them, though he hoped they really worked. Only one way to find out though...

Looking at Tila by his side, he shrugged. <What do you think?> he asked her.

04-22-2012, 04:20 AM
Tila purred “I think you might want to inform Luca that you got him pregnant.” She teased.

An elderly lady, with startling blue eyes emerged from the back of the store. “You are looking for charms and such?” She asked is a seductive hiss. Despite being thin and elderly there was something eerily seductive with how she moved. He eyes rested on the white cat.

Tila’s hackles rose in response to the new sales lady, beside the now oddly still woman. The lioness blinked and relaxed. “She might have stronger things in the back. I want to look up front.” Tila informed Fin. Without giving Fin a chance to respond Tila left the acrobats side. She was riddled with confusion the moment he was no longer in sight. He mind felt empty and she wondered where Luca was. Why was she in this store?

The elderly woman held out an almost white hand “Come with me little bird. I have some powerful crystals to protect you and your lover.” She encouraged. The lady pulled back the scarf curtains, and alluring fruity smell saturating the room. The candlelight in the store became inadequate as the outside world darkened.

Those big blue eyes shone, almost hypnotic. “Come on little bird.” She hissed softly once more.

Luca suddenly felt strange. He turned around to face where he knew Fin had gone only to see Tila walking up the street alone. Alarm flooded his body. “Where is Fin!” He demanded making Tila jump. For a moment her clouded eyes looked at Luca, then as if waking from a deep nap everything became clear. “The charm shop.” Tile whispered. Her heart rate was up and she could feel the sheer terror radiating off Luca. How had she been convinced to just leave Fin alone with that old woman.

04-22-2012, 07:57 AM
Fin had been surprised this other woman had overheard his purchases and was offering more of the same. At first he considered refusing, yet did he dare leave any opportunity for defense to be turned away? He would have to figure out some kind of payment in return as he had virtually nothing left to his pouch--it had been meager to start with.

Besides, something about her voice drew him, enticing and mesmerizing despite her odd and oddly-familiar eyes. Before he knew it, his feet were slowly bringing him where she led. Tila had said she'd be up front... but he barely heard it, too intent on this strange elderly lady calling to him. His bird instincts whistled uneasily, but they were not enough to break that allure...

Until she repeated again and again calling him "little bird". It took his sluggish mind a moment to process that--and finally heed the warnings his other instincts were screaming, blinking and staggering back a step, frowning in confusion. Why did she call him that--only Luca and the others at the circus called him that! And these strange and powerful smells--but then the world went dark before he could wonder about their purpose...

As darkness descended on him, Fin cried out in terror, finally realizing who he faced, <Luca!!!>

04-23-2012, 05:35 AM
A large flash of white struck out from the corner of the backroom. A solid white female reticulated python, with blue eyes. The serpent moved too face for any human or animal to escape its deadly jaws. In about half the time it took the human heart to beat, Kia had rapped three thick coils around Fin.

If Fin knew anything about snakes he would know Kia’s weak point washer tail, he would also know that if he could manage to chew through the beast he would have the chance to live another day. However like any constricting species, Kia tightened her grasp each time Fin too a breath. “Foolish little bird.” She hissed. “You should have left Luca when you had the Chance.”

Luca and Tila went charging in the direction of the shop. Luca’s feet moved faster than his racing heart. He was snarling profain things at Kia. If she dared harm a hair on his Fin’s perfect head Luca would slaughter her without mercy.

The snake’s head turned towards the door, knowing Luca would be here all too soon. If she could just make Fin pass out and then swallow him, Kia could escape with the bird. She of course intended to kill and eat him, but if she managed to make him pass out then she would swallow him live. She of course in her careless haste would think he was dead and when Fin woke up and struggled Kia would be forced to regurgitate.

Everything was happening quickly which only increased the chance that Kia would do some thing foolish.

“FIN!” Luca shouted. His lungs felt like they might burst. As a demon he could have teleported to the shop. The only problem was Luca could only appear where he had been before. Fin and Tila had gone alone and separated the trio. Something Luca was now regretting immensely.

04-23-2012, 08:16 AM
Fin groaned in pain, even as he was being crushed by her--his fear had brought on the change. Feathers suddenly sprouted in Kia's mouth, jabbing into her throat, and the body within her grip writhed and twisted violently. His arms shortened and made space at his sides to regain some breath, his soft and long feathers adding cushion, though his clothes helped confine him still. His lungs still burned for air despite that brief aid, and he ached from the pressure encompassing him. He was not a large man, so three coils was a lot to hold him--and with his arms pinned to his sides he had no hope of yanking her tail or using it to uncoil her from around him.

But with the change complete, he had no need to use his arms.

Sharp beak pecked at her face, her eyes, instinctively; clawed feet drew up to kick and tear at whatever they could reach. Maybe if he stabbed hard enough with his beak, she might let go. If he lasted that long. His lungs felt like he was breathing fire again, his ribs aching horribly, and darkness crept further in over his eyes, his ears ringing. Yet he did he best he could, mentally calling out to Luca in his fear and panic.

But his call was weakening, too, fading like he was. <Luca...!>

04-24-2012, 04:12 AM
Kia hissed feeling talons cutting into her body. The blood was running down and marring her white scaly hide. Snakes are equipped to deal with a certain amount of prey damage and the struggling allowed Kia to tighten her hold. Her head dodging the beak he was quick though and nearly blinded her when he missed her eye. “Stupid little shit” She hissed feeling Luca close. Just a few moments longer and Kia might just outlast the struggling animal.

The serpent was bloody from the struggle and exhausted. The moment he stopped moving she would swallow him and slither away. Luca was getting too close for comfort. Had Kia not placed shielding charms around the shop.

Frantic, and drenched in sweat Luca looked around wildly. He felt like Fin was fading. “Where is it Tila?” He growled. He could feel Kia and snarled a command to let Fin go. He wondered if he still had a hold over Kia. How had he lost control so fast. He was startled by how much power he felt coming from Kia in an unknown location.

04-24-2012, 06:13 AM
The large bird stopped struggling. His head ached, his eyes burned and felt they might pop out, his ears rang, his lungs roared with pain. He had no energy left, he breath crushed out of him. Too weak now, he went limp, helpless in the snake's grip. Surely this was the end.

Luca hadn't come. Fin was going to die alone in some hideous snake-monster's mouth. He felt sad, scared, hurt inside. So much for those charms, too. A waste of time and effort. But it was Luca's broken promise that lingered in his mind...

Even as his thoughts faded into darkness, Fin's mind slipping off towards unconsciousness.

04-24-2012, 06:27 AM
Kia didn’t have time to pay attention to heart rate, or breathing. Fin had stopped struggling, and Luca was fighting through her charms. The real shop keeper would be waking soon and Kia needed to escape. Kia’s jaw unhinged to accommodate Fin’s shoulders. One she got his shoulders down the rest would be easy.

Swallowing the feathers was not a pleasant sensation.
“Fin!” Luca called “Kia if you hurt him,” He snarled through the cloud of charms.
Kai slowly worked Fin down she could digest him later, for now all she needed to do was escape. Furious that she had made an enemy of Luca. She was supposed to discretely get rid of the little bird. Once he was gone Luca would have come crawling back. Kia slithered through an almost vortex like thing and curled up in a warm damp section of a cave intending to digest the foul bird.

Luca ripped through the wooden door in a panic. Fin was no where in sight. He tore the room apart, looking under tables and throwing the shelves around. He could still feel Fin, which lead Luca to assume Fin was alive. No matter how wrong that assumption was, it gave him hope. “I have to find him Tila.”

Tila nodded “The circus will survive your absence. Ivan has a good handle on things. Thor and I will stay behind.”

Luca nodded, reaching out to Fin in his mind. “Hang on my love, please hang on.”

04-24-2012, 06:39 AM
Unfortunately for Kia, Fin becoming fully unconscious was actually a bad thing. She managed to swallow him, get him into her gullet, but he was still breathing, if faintly, and still alive. However, on becoming completely unconscious finally, Fin... changed back.

Wings elongated and sprouted fingers, feathers receded into flesh again, feet grew in size (though his short boots were lost where he'd been swallowed). Unfortunately for Kia... this change happened inside her.

04-24-2012, 02:02 PM
Kia felt something contort inside of her. Her undigested prey was moving. She felt things pressing into her organs, threatening to tear at the sides of her organs. In a panic the large snake writhed shaking her head as her body squeezed the food item out. She hissed in a blind rage furious that the assumed dead bird had changed back within her.

Kia’s tongue licked out, she was attempting to catch her breath after having to hold it to regurgitate Fin. The serpent turned to leave. Fin could rot in this cave for all she cared. Kia needed to build her army to over throw first Luca and then command the underworld.

04-25-2012, 07:14 AM
Finian's breathing steadied slowly, wheezing softly finally against the dirt of the cavern floor. His clothes were torn, his hair bleached in streaks and his skin abraded by Kia's stomach acids, a shoulder bloody from being bitten. Sprawled, he stirred slightly as he recovered, struggling back to consciousness. It was still not easy to breathe, his lungs compromised before this by the fire's damage and now more so by bruised ribs. Yet his eyes cracked open on the darkness of the space around him. A shaking and rose to touch his face with his good hand, as if to prove to himself he was still alive.

He was.

<Luca...?> It was a weak call. Disoriented, in the dark, but just glad to still be alive, he flopped on the ground, reaching out again, shifting his legs, instinctively just trying to get away from here to help of some kind by crawling. <Luca... Kia... she... Hurts to breathe...>

04-27-2012, 05:49 AM
Luca felt his little lover in his head. Weak, and far away. ‘Fin my love. Where are you, please let me know you are safe. I’m coming.’ He felt as though his body was being torn apart.

Luca turned to Tila “He’s alive. I don’t know where Kia is but I felt him.”

Tila dipped her head “Luca, I need to tell you something.” She whispered.

Luca cut her off “It can wait, I have to find him.” Luca closed his eyes and disappeared. He went in the direction that he felt Fin pulling him. Holding his breath and hoping he could make it in one jump. Without knowing where to go Luca had to resort to the more tiresome method of jumping. Meaning he would speed through the air, but could only do segments at a time. It was much faster than anything else, but still had its faults.

04-27-2012, 06:09 AM
Fin bumped into something in the dark, dry and rough. A seeking hand felt out the rock wall of the cave, and he dragged himself to press against it. By getting his legs and body crammed into the corner like this, he felt safer, his back against something solid in the pitch dark. His ragged clothes were muddy from the floor of the cave, and he felt raw in places--breathing was still not easy but at least it was clear air reaching his lungs.

<I... I don't know. A cave...? I... I think I'm okay... mostly... Kia... Watch out for Kia... She wants to rule...> he warned, wondering where she had gone. <She tried to... I don't know where she is right now...!>

Shivering against the rock, he tried to focus on his senses, try and figure out whatever he could of his surroundings to help Luca find him. He couldn't find his own way out, not with his own vision. It was dark and dangerous in caves, too easy to fall down a hole and end up worse. And he wasn't sure Kia was gone. Was this a trap?

04-29-2012, 03:53 AM
Luca shivered. He just hoped Kia was gone. He would need to find her and destroy her for touching Fin. “I’m coming love.” Luca whispered. He pushed again and leapt closer to Fin. He needed his bird back. His sweet beautiful little bird. He swore he would never let him go again. Kia could rule, if she managed to live.

Kia slithered through the grass, her throat felt sore. At least Fin would die soon, or decay if he was already dead. Kia’s forked tongue flicked out, searching for evil. She would have the throne in the underworld, one way or another.

“I’m so sorry Fin, Try and get somewhere safe. I’m coming.” He continued. Luca hoped Fin would still trust him. He should have known better than to allow Finian out of his sight. He assumed Kia wouldn’t do something with Tila there. Actually he clearly had drastically underestimated her. He assumed she wouldn’t make any real plays for the seat of power other than to flirt with him and talk badly about Fin.

04-29-2012, 06:20 AM
Fin huddled against the cold rock wall, trying to ball up, shivering and aching. He could hear his own harsh breathing, the drip of water nearby, but nothing else. The silence was unnerving. Where was he? How far down, how far away? Would Luca ever find him?

<I'm... I'm as safe as I can be, I think... I can't tell anything about this place... So dark...> In fact, between the pitch-black darkness and silence and his impaired breathing, he was exhausted, weak... and sleepy. The darkness played on his avian instincts to rest. <It's not your fault,> he assured his lover. <She's just... pure evil... and you aren't...>

05-02-2012, 03:16 AM
Luca tilted his head, he wasn’t? He wasn’t dangerous? Luca surged one more time exhausted he tumbled into the cave. His tongue lolled out of his mouth and his body was heated with exertion as he panted. “Fin? Fin, baby come here if you can hear me. God Fin I’m so sorry.”

Luca tried to will his body to move, to no avail. “please Fin love.” Luca sounded desperate. He needed to see his little lover was alright.

05-02-2012, 03:41 AM
Fin jumped on hearing a voice in the darkness, almost cracking his head against the rock he huddled against. He tried to figure out where it was coming from, but it wasn't helping that he couldn't see anything. He didn't know what way to turn, as it echoed in the cave, and he had no idea of the layout.

"I... I'm here," he croaked as loud as he could, voice harsh and faint, rasping roughly. "Where are you...? Luca--I can't see in this dark..."

Luca sounded exhausted. How did he get here? And silently, at that. But despite his wondering, Finian didn't really care. He was just so glad his lover had come. It beat being stuck here alone, trapped, lost, weak and hurting from Kia's squeeze and the burns from her guts... possibly to die like this. Nothing sounded so good as Luca's voice right now, not to his ears.

05-03-2012, 06:08 AM
Luca, having an intense sense of smell, and a good recognition for the smell of his mate uses the rest of his energy to army crawl to Fin. Luca wraps his massive body around the tiny male. If he could make it happen, he would fuse Fin within him. He would rip Kia apart when he saw her again.

“My beautiful love. I am so sorry.” He whispers. Luca’s chest is straining to move up and down. “I had to use most of my power stores to get here and I don’t think we can go back that way.” Luca kisses Fin’s forehead.

05-03-2012, 06:21 AM
Fin wrapped his arms around Luca with a gasp of relief, tears escaping his eyes. He couldn't help it-the tears just came, and wouldn't stop. He was scared, cold, wet and muddy, raw in places and aching deeply in others, his very breath short and burning, lost in pitch blackness with no idea to his surroundings or if he could get out of them at all. Luca's body, his presence was a lifeline to a drowning man, and he clung tightly to him.

"Luca..." he rasped. "Luca... Luca..." He found himself repeating his over's name like a mantra. "Just... stay with me like this a bit... I'm not sure I can see much here, even a a bird. It's so dark... If you're depleted... maybe after we rest some, we can try going... getting out... something." Fin fought a yawn, his ribs spiking with pain at the big intake of breath. "Kia--Kia won't be coming back, will she?" he asked uneasily.

05-03-2012, 02:27 PM
It felt so good to have Fin back in his arms. He was alive, in one piece. “If she does then we underestimated her intelligence. I’m so sorry love, I really didn’t think she would do something like this. I knew damn well she wanted to, but I didn’t think she would take that gamble with her own life.” Luca fought back a growl, just her name left a vile taste in his mouth. How dare she take Fin, Luca would make her suffer.

Being a cat, and a demon Luca could see in the dark. It was just the outlines of things but depending on how deep into the cave they were getting out shouldn’t be too troublesome. He doubted Kia had slithered too far in. “I’ll be fine after a nap. I had to jump here based off of your essence. I’m only supposed to do that to get back and forth from hell and it is only supposed to take two jumps. I took a rapid series of them to get here, on one plane.” Luca explained as the reason for his exhaustion. He smirked almost missing hell, at least it was warm.

“I can’t jump with you though, it would take entirely too long and isn’t worth the effort. So you might be stuck hiking and camping with me for a few weeks. I don’t think Tila or Ivan would allow them to pack up the circus without me.” Luca combed his finger’s through Fin’s hair, feeling it matted down. His lips brushed against Fin’s breathing heat into him. “What did she do to you?” He asked, more so because he was upset at the physical condition of lover.

05-04-2012, 06:24 AM
Fin just tightened his grip on Luca's clothes and body, not wanting to let go despite how tired he was. He pressed closely to his lover as if wanting to wear him like a second skin. He sought that warmth, that safety that company and love. Luca was here. That was what mattered. But Fin wasn't going to let anything separate them right now.

He tried to remember just how it had happened. It was been so fast, and he'd been muddle-headed that it was a bit of a blur. The acrobat's sleepy mind struggled to sort through disjointed images.

"I... I saw a woman, she said she had something I could use... Keep demons like Kia away. I wanted something I could use to keep her at bay, a ward or charm, so... I came into--into... I don't know where. It smelled odd, and I felt light, dizzy..." Fin frowned, and freed his left hand to touch his own other shoulder. "I got hit--here--and then the snake was all around me, squeezing, crushing... I couldn't breathe, and I got scared--changed--struggled and pecked--but I still couldn't breathe... I... I woke up here..."

His hand touched his face where skin was burned by Kia's stomach acids, tenderly exploring where his hair had been bleached by the same because those places ached, too.

"I... think I'm burned somehow. I don't know how. But I don't care. I just... I just wanted to see you again. If it takes us time to get back, well... I don't care. You're here, and that's what I want." He twined fingers in Luca's hair and arched up for a kiss, just wanting proof that this was real.

05-10-2012, 02:31 PM
Luca felt Fin press more firmly into his own body. Clearly they were both exhausted. Fin smelled terrible and Luca knew he couldn’t smell much better. Once they were both standing he would find them some water. He was just tired and he hoped his lover was not injured too badly.

Guilt surged to the surface as Fin talked about demons. He wouldn’t remind Fin now that the charms he had been seeking would also have kept him at bay. Fin’s movement to reach his lips flushed those guilty thoughts from his mind and he responded. His warm tongue massaging the surface of Fin’s burned lips. He tasted Kia on him and a growl caused his body to vibrate. He had the intense urge to strip Fin, and lick him clean. Luca was gentle though. He didn’t know where the damage had been done and he didn’t know if Kia would return. In his mind it would be stupid for Kia to go there and attempt to turn his circus against him.

“Her stomach acid burned you.” He whispered into the dark. Despite being weak Luca knew Fin needed to be cleaned now. His muscles were sore as he willed himself to get up. His power growing “I love you Fin, I’m going to carry you to water. There has to be some near by.” stooping down Luca cradled the fragile body in his arms. Carrying the extra weight wasn’t easy. “If you can, love, wrap your arms around my neck.”

Luca inhaled the cave air and listened carefully to his echoing footfalls, which let him know which way was out. He carried Fin into the fresh cool night air. His ears soon picked up the sound of running water.

05-11-2012, 04:40 AM
Fin obeyed, wrapping his arms around Luca's neck and hugging him as closely as he could. He could feel Luca shaking from the strain of carrying him, hear his harsh breathing from being tired himself, smell the salty musky tang of his sweat. Guilt touched the acrobat's heart as he realized how worn out Luca was, how great a toll the hunt for him had taken of his lover.

The fresh air, cool and gentle, was refreshing and renewing, pleasant against exposed skin where his clothes had torn, like soothing balm to his breathing. Stars sparked the darkness, misty clouds lit by them above. Hints of shadows formed trees and terrain around them. Fin coughed a sigh of relief--he could see again! They were out of the cave!

"I... I think I can walk some. I can see somewhat now. We can help each other," he suggested, wanting to lessen Luca's burden. "If you can lead us... You don't have to carry me there."

05-11-2012, 03:25 PM
Luca set Fin down gently. He offered his arm just incase Fin needed to stabilize himself. “I wasn’t sure how badly you were hurt. I’m just exhausted, it isn’t any trouble to carry you.” He looked Fin over now, noticing the raw patches. He could faintly hear running water and decided that would be the best direction to go in.

“This way. Tell me if it is too much on you.” Cool mud squished between Luca’s toes, but his strength was returning. Being with his lover was making his power grow greatly and that meant he recovered faster. Something about being near Fin gave him a more grounded sense of balance. A few moments later a small creek came into view. It was about waist deep at the middle and no more than eight feet wide. Still the water wasn’t overly cold, and it was calm which was what Luca had been most concerned with.

Luca removed his clothing, feeling more comfortable without it anyway. There was something oddly natural about not being terribly constricted by his typical tight leather pants. He was changing. The moon reflected off of the barely moving water surface and both lights danced along Luca’s scars and the smooth parts. The scars on his back even seemed less deep and had Luca paid attention he would have realized his sight was returning as well as his hearing. Being with Fin seemed to be healing more than his heart.

Once fully naked, he waded out a little and offered his arms to Fin. His skin prickling with a slight chill. “I don’t want you fighting the current.” He stated, indicating he would bathe Fin.

05-12-2012, 09:27 AM
Fin needed to lean on Luca some as they walked. In part because he was still weak and easily breathless after being crushed. But also because he couldn't see so well in the dark and relied on touch and Luca's guidance to find their way to the water. He could hear it and see the darker shadows of trees, the glimmer of the water ahead, but fallen branches tripped him up and uneven terrain made him stumble.

The acrobat leaned against a tree trunk as Luca stripped, just watching. He had to admire his lover's body in this light, where it gleamed and glowed in the starlight. Luca seemed to move easier, even his bad arm, and his scars seemed less noticeable. After a moment of ogling and simply savoring what was his to touch and be touched by, Fin set to pulling off his own clothes. They were bleached in places, ragged and tattered in others, slimy and smelly everywhere. He wasn't sure how salvageable they were, which was saying something when he'd worn rags before. His body didn't feel like it was in much better state than his clothes, so he was eager to get into the water.

Carefully he felt his way to the water's edge, then stepped slowly into the stream to join him, to enter those waiting arms. "I can kneel here and splash it on myself easy enough," Fin pointed out, savoring the soothing coolness of the water on his acid burns. "If you're near, though, I can lean against you if I get tired or the current's a bit much. It doesn't look too bad."

His sides ached from struggling to breathe and being crushed, but at least Fin was slowly getting his breath back, and not quite as winded as when he was in the cave. Or was his link to Luca and their connection effecting his own health in beneficial ways as well?

05-13-2012, 03:36 AM
Luca smiled “Maybe I was using the current as an excuse to hold you again, without the barrier of clothing.” He can’t help himself for thinking of his lover now that they are both safe and together. “I missed you love.” Luca lifts Fin to his feet and pulls him in closer letting the water wash over both of them. “I’m never letting you out of my sight.” He kissed Fin on his lips. He purred deep in his throat. Wrapping his arms tightly around Fin careful not to squeeze him. “Our little vacation, trying to get back. Hell I don’t even know if we should go back.” He smiled kissing the tip of Fin’s nose.

05-13-2012, 08:01 AM
Fin smiled back and savored that soft kiss, smiling to himself at Luca's purr. He loved that sound. The water was gentle on his injuries and though he longed for soap at least it would get rid of the worst of the mess from Kia. Yet he enjoyed being in his mate's embrace, cuddling close despite the sting n his raw patches.

"I missed you, too," he admitted once his mouth was free again. He rested his head against Luca's chest, amused by how much taller his lover was. "You don't need excuses to get me naked. Just give my clothes a tug and help me out of them. I don't mind, and I don't care what others think." He blushed warmly, looking at the water swirling around them shyly at adding, "Just being with you is exciting..."

Lifting his head, Finian gave his lover's jaw and throat a couple kisses, smiling. If they'd both been in better shape, he'd have suggested they make use of this moment of private time, enjoy warming up in the water with a little activity. As it was, he guessed Luca was tired, and he himself was still raw in patches. What would they do, though? He needed new clothes, and they both needed supplies for the journey. He had no money on himself, and they had... a week's worth of travel ahead? He had no idea how to forage other than maybe peck some seeds in bird-form. It was an option, but hadn't been enough to let him maintain his weight before this. Maybe people would feed him just for the thrill of seeing such an odd bird. But what about Luca? How would he eat--hunt?

"We should. I don't know how to survive without work. I tried, but... I don't know anything about farming, or foraging, or hunting. I wasn't very useful as a hiree when I traveled through villages. They want skilled labor or someone strong, not small and thin and agile like me." He sighed. "You'd have better luck, but it's not much of a life, wandering without a purpose. I like doing acrobatics... and you shouldn't forget about the cats, either." His eyes widened in concern as he just realized something. "If Kia's in charge... would she hurt them?"

05-13-2012, 05:04 PM
“Ah, my little bird can’t get enough of me.” He Teased running his hands along Fin’s back. Despite being exhausted his lower half quickly warmed to the idea of Fin being in his arms, naked and willing.

“Kia won’t be in charge, they won’t follow her.” he reassured Fin. Thought truthfully he had touched on something Luca had been afraid of. Kia would destroy everything Luca loved, just like she had attempted to do with Fin. He pulled his lover closer. The water moving between them doing nothing to cool him off. “I’m just glad you are safe. Tila will keep the cats safe and you and I will make do love.”

He combed Fin’s hair back looking down into his eyes. He was so relieved he wasn’t more severely injured. “I know what plants are safe to eat and I’m a pretty skilled hunter. Not to mention despite my arm I look pretty strong so I can more than likely find some side jobs to get you some clothing.”

Luca smirked groping Fin’s rounded ass, lifting him so Fin could wrap his legs around his waist if he so chose. “You need some new clothes. I would much rather you stay naked but heaven help the man who looks.” He brushed his lips against Fin’s. “I’ll take care of you Fin.” He whispered tracing Fin’s lower lip with his tongue.

05-14-2012, 04:37 AM
Fin squirmed under Luca's caressing of his back, acutely aware of his lover's proximity, his scent, his every touch, the sound of his breathing, the warmth of his body where they touched in the cool water. Feeling more comfortable with the water soothing his burns and the danger past, Luca's playfulness was arousing Fin as well.

It was reassuring to know Luca was good at hunting and foraging, and that he might be hired by people as they traveled. But Fin didn't want to be a burden. He didn't want to be utterly dependent on his mate, not pulling his share of the weight. Silently he resolved to find ways to be useful on the way back to the circus.

"Maybe you could teach me about the plants and hunting," he decided firmly. "I don't want to be useless, and if I can't get work, that way I can at least add to our food."

Large hands fondled his rear and scooped him up, pressing their bodies closer together. Fin gripped Luca's shoulders with his hands to keep his balance, groaning at the pleasant increase in pressure against certain areas of his body. He hooked one leg around Luca's hip, and arched up to kiss at Luca's jaw hungrily.

"Don't start anything you don't intend to continue," he growled with mischievous amusement, rough voice cracking.

05-14-2012, 05:30 AM
“I finish everything I start.” Luca kisses Fin slowly, his fingers tangling in Fin’s hair. His warm tongue bathes Fin’s lips as it seeks entrance to the confines of his mouth. His hands explore Fin’s body as though they had never met before and Luca posses an almost teenager like enthusiasm as he nervously fondles Fin’s sensitive regions. Luca kissed Fin again still teasing him, wanting to hear those erotic little noises. “Trust me love, you are far from useless. You keep me happy, and make me feel loved. Not to mention you satisfy me.” He smirked and then lifted Fin a little higher on his body so they could be a little more intimate… *fade to black*

05-26-2012, 03:42 AM
*Fade in*

Luca’s night was consumed with thoughts of protecting his small lover. He wanted to keep him safe and protected from the eyes of the others. He needed to keep him safe. It was this urge to keep Fin safe that caused black fur to ruffle in the sunlight.

The large black lion arched his back and let out a soft roar. Quite pleased with himself Luca purred loudly nudging his naked lover with head speaking in his mind. “come on love, I have some clothes for you to wear.” Luca looked over at the pile of his clothing that he had shed the night before to be with Fin. “We can go into town and get some things. You’re a lion tamer now I think that should get us somewhere while we try to find the way home.”

Luca’s large sandpaper tongue bathed the top of Fin’s head as he growled softly, puffing warm air over Fin’s body.

05-27-2012, 07:10 AM
Fin groaned quietly as he woke, and murmured in wry amusement and mild irritation as that rough tongue swiped at a blond spot that was still tender, though no longer so burned-looking. In fact, his Wounds had healed up fairly nicely, though he had darker patches on his skin where the acid-burns had marked him and the hair on his head in such places had become blond for now, other areas having wild bleached streaks and almost camoflaging them if nobody looked too closely. He smiled at his lover and petted the lion's head affectionately.

"Let me up, then, before you wash me raw again. I'll take a bath and put them on, and then we can go. You're a bit bigger than me, so I'll have to roll the sleeves and pants, though." He didn't mind laying his lover's keeper. Luca could return the favor at another village as they traveled, after all--as the owner of a large and pretty well-trained bird. He gave the lion a firm hug, then got to his feet. "Bath first, though, or I'll smell like... well, I really don't want to guess the conclusions the villagers might come to, or they'd stone us."

A quick dunk in the water with handfuls of fresh clover to rub clean with, and he came back out to wipe doen with a few of his own that had been cleaned. As rags, they were still useful. So he put Luca's things on, adjusting as best he can with strips of his own rags to keep them from sliding off. Then with a smile he rubbed a bit of clover on Luca's head.

"Think we should adorn you with clover or flowers? It might make them a bit more accepting of the idea that you're domesticated," he chuckled roughly. A growl from his stomach interrupted and he sighed. "My stomach can wait until we get there; garland or no, it won't take long."

05-31-2012, 05:19 AM
Luca huffed at the idea of being made to look more… pretty and cuddly. Still, he knew he needed to look a little less intimidating so with his powerful teeth he grabbed a flower and set it at Fin’s feet purring beyond his control. The deep rubling tingling in this throat.

Luca looked at the sky and pushed his large head into Fin wanting him to hurry and get clean. They had a lot of ground to cover and Luca would rather teach Kia a lesson sooner than later. He roared softly and walked to the water’s edge using his tongue like a spoon to pull the cool liquid into his mouth.

05-31-2012, 08:27 AM
Fin gathered together a load of clover and flowers, making a bundle of them with the stem of one. He knew enough about weaving garlands and wreathes. It didn't take much skill. He'd done it on the road to help make wreathes of herbs for drying. Clean, dressed, he followed Luca's example and took a last long drink, then grabbed the flowers and accompanied the lion towards the village nearby, likely the first of many.

And wove the garland for Luca as he walked. <Well, we'd best come up with some tricks you can do in the village. And later some for me, as a bird. That way we both know what to perform on cue. It'll while away the time as we walk, too...> he told his lover.

Ahead lay adventure and the unknown, a trek back to what was likely a fight against a clever and cruel adversary. But Fin smiled as he looked at the lion by his side. He had his lover, his companion, his mate. With Luca, regardless the ending of the trek ahead, it was worth every minute. They would rise and fall together, partners in all ways.

And he wouldn't have it any other way.