View Full Version : Traxton. "Insitution for the Gifted"

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03-27-2012, 10:32 PM
Muze called over the intercom, broadcasting to everyone in the dome, " Hello everyone. I want to welcome back and just well, welcome everyone to Traxton. Here at Traxton, we will do our best to make your stay here educational and very enjoyable. Everyone will receive their schedules and dorm rooms and all, in the hall way right before the faculty rooms. Students should report to their dorm rooms and get settled in before heading to their home class for a prep on everything that will be coming and what they are expected of." Muze coughed. "If there are any questions, you can contact me, or one of the staff." Muze shut off the intercom and smiled. A new year, a new start.
He fixed his tie and walked out of the office. He planned on giving all the new students, and returning ones, a nice hello and a conversation. Muze felt that meeting all the students at least once would be nice, especially in having the best possible experience here with everyone.

03-28-2012, 06:34 AM

Standing, I stretch my legs from the long car ride. I hate cars. They're too confined. I look up at the tall building in front of me. Breathing in deeply, I reach for my bags in the trunk and start to ascend the stairs. All too soon I reach the front desk, tell the lady my name, and walk towards Registration. I really hope this school isn't like the others. Grandfather told me it wasn't, but you never know until it happens to you, right? The last school I was in had too many bullies. The school before that had horrible food I would spit out, then return home starving to death. But, this school... it looks just plain intimidating. I sigh. I give the piece of paper with my information on it to the man at Registration and he hands me a key. Room 158. Here goes nothing.

03-28-2012, 08:54 PM

After I check in and receive my room key I walk up to my room. 164. I carry my bags up the stairs and find myself standing in an empty hallway in front of my door. I frown. I really don't want to sit my bags down. I sigh and struggle trying to get the key into the hole without dropping it. I fail. It clatters on the floor. I drop my bags and pick it up. This is going to be a long year, but at least I have my own room.

Once I have all of my bags unpacked and my bed made I sit back and pull out the book I'm currently reading. Or should I say rereading. Pride and Prejudice. I find it funny that my name is a guy's name as well.

03-29-2012, 03:40 AM

Setting down my bags, I decide to take a look around campus. I wonder if there's a garden... My mother loved gardens. She kept her own wonderfully kept, perfectly weeded, and always had flowers in it. Making it colorful with different plants and mixing the various aromas always drew me in. It's like that was her power: agriculture. But she was an Oracle. Never knowing when she would have a mental breakdown into the crazy world of predictions that would sometimes wear her out so much that she would sleep for a week. I guess having a garden kept her mind peaceful and busy, but never stressed. Hearing birds sing, smelling roses, and watching the sunrise, was a way of distancing herself from the reality of what and who she is. I sigh. I can't believe she's gone... As I reach the doors outside, I start to see a garden through the windows. I push open the door and walk down the steps, leading me into a garden that is beautiful, but nothing as ethereal as hers.

03-29-2012, 03:47 AM
I'm in desperate need of fresh air. I've been readin for hours now. I open my window up and climb onto the ledge and jump into the air and shift. The air's nicer than I thought it would be. The wind ruffles my feathers. I wonder who else is new here. I fly in the direction of the garden. I love nature especially when I'm apart of it.

03-29-2012, 04:06 AM
I look up and see the most spectacular bird ever. A Golden Eagle. I smile. My mother would have loved to see this.

03-29-2012, 04:13 AM
I fly down to a bench in the middle of the garden. I'm so lonely. I should have brought my book with me. I shift and lean against the back of the bench. It's empty around here. I haven't seen any students at all yet. I look up at the sky and see all of the puffy white clouds. If only my mother were still alive. I wouldn't be alone in this crazy world of shapeshifters.

03-29-2012, 04:24 AM

After finally finding my room, and unpacking my bags, I decide to wander around campus to explore. Being the constant quiet girl, and aware of everything, I notice every nook and cranny, and every little detail of the paintings. I smile to myself, but just a small smile. I rarely genuinely smile. I grew up in a very dysfunctional family, full of tragedy, strife, and anger.

We were all angels, pure with white wings. When my mother died, my father fell and took me, my sister, and my two brothers with him. While my sister and I retained our mother's calm-temper, our father and brothers became evil. They abused my sister and I, both physically and sexually. Last year, when my sister, Clarissa, was 17, she had a terrible accident. My brother, Michael, said that she tripped and fell down the long flight of stairs at home, cracking her head open on the bottom stair. My other brother, Gabriel, and my father stood by him, but I know the truth. I watched Michael grow angry when she refused him, and screamed when he took her by the hair and threw her down the stairs. I still cry every time I remember the image of her blood pooling around her head, and her eyes closing for the last time.

As soon as I got the chance, I escaped that hellhole. I came here, hoping for a better life. Now to figure out how to live around the teenage boys, without flinching each time one comes near me.

I realize that while those memories flit through my mind, I have walked out into the beautiful garden. I sit on the grass, and run my fingers through it. Never have I seen such a wonderful sight. I look up to see a tall boy, standing some feet away from me, and I grow still. Maybe he won't notice me.

03-29-2012, 04:30 AM
Suddenly, the eagle changes into a human. A shapeshifter! Grinning, I stand up and walk towards the girl. "Hi! Nice shift. I'm Josh," I say to her nicely.

03-29-2012, 04:34 AM
I blush and duck my head when a guy, Josh, makes it clear he saw me. "I...uh. Th..thanks," I stutter. "I'm D..Darcy, are you new here?" I stutter some more. What is wrong with me? Stuttering anytime someone I don't know talks to me.

03-29-2012, 04:38 AM
I smile. "Yeah, I'm new." I gesture to the bench. "May I?" I know she'll probably let me sit down anyway, buy my mother always told me to be a gentleman when around pretty girls. And she sure is pretty...

03-29-2012, 04:49 AM
"Yeah. It isn't m..my bench." I continue to stutter and look away. This is so embarassing. I see another girl sitting in the grass and give her a shy wave.

03-29-2012, 04:51 AM

I mentally smack myself. How in the hell did she see me? I know how to keep myself from being seen, even in the most open spaces. However much I don't like people though, I'm not just going to snub her. I inwardly sigh then wave my fingers at her, giving a tiny, fake smile.

03-29-2012, 04:55 AM
I slowly sit down, getting in a comfortable position with my arm across the back of the bench. She seems a bit uncomfortable, so I try to lighten the mood. "So, what exactly can you do other than shapeshift?"

03-29-2012, 05:00 AM
"I'm a telepath," I say and manage not to stutter. I look at him. "What are you?" I ask without stuttering once again. Good. Now I don't sound like an idiot. I could tell the girl in the grass didn't want to talk which is perfectly fine with me. I sit back against the bench and muster up all my strength to keep me from chewing my nails. I haven't in a long time so I don't want to start again.

03-29-2012, 05:05 AM

Thankfully, she doesn't say anything more to me. Apparently though I am good at hiding in the open, because the guy didn't even notice me. As much as I try to hide, not being noticed hurts a little. It feels in a way like being snubbed. I shrug it off. Sometimes not being noticed is better. For all I know he could be a psychopath like my family. I touch my neck, wincing as I run my fingers a long the scar on the side, where Gabriel had sliced my neck open with his pocket knife.

03-29-2012, 05:06 AM
"That's really cool," I smile. She seems to have calmed down a bit. Mission accomplished. "I'm a wizard. I have special powers of telepathy, manipulation over all elements, and my least favorite...foresight." I sigh. "I inherited that one from my mother."

03-29-2012, 05:10 AM
"My father was a mage, but naturally a telepath. I inherited that from him," I muster up the courage to smile at him. He's nice. "So what section are you in?" I ask him. Maybe we're in the same one. I didn't put my uniform on since we don't hace class today.

03-29-2012, 05:17 AM

I mentally wince. I really need to stop focusing on my family. They're in my past. This school is my future. Maybe I should walk over to those two, and try and make friends. It's better than sitting here "reminiscing". I roll my eyes at myself and rise to my feet. I quietly walk over to them, making sure to keep myself positioned to run if the guy turns out to be a jerk, and wave. "Hey, I'm Aaliyah." I mainly say this to the girl.

03-29-2012, 05:18 AM
"Oh, that's cool. My mother was an Oracle and my father a shapeshifter." I have to admit, she has the most beautiful smile. I pause, then say, "Grandera." I wonder if we're in the same... I hope so.

03-29-2012, 05:19 AM
"Hi, I'm Darcy," I smile at her. Josh has me calmed down enought that I'm not stuttering anymore. "I'm guessing you're new, too?" She's really pretty. I bet Josh likes her already. That makes me feel kind of jealous oddly enough. I'm being crazy. I turn to Josh. "Really? So am I. Guess we'll be matching in class.

03-29-2012, 05:24 AM

I nod and give her a tiny smile. "I'm a sophomore. What grade are you?" I push my bangs out of my eyes, and hope to God they aren't purple. They usually turn purple when I'm uncomfortable, and I'm definitely uncomfortable.

03-29-2012, 05:27 AM
"I'm a sophomore," I look at her. Her eyes are purple that's strange. I don't know what else to say so I look down again. Josh hasn't even acknowledged her standing here. I wonder why that is? He's probably just zoned out. Most guys are. I start tapping my foot. Stupid anxiety.

03-29-2012, 05:29 AM
I soon realize that Darcy is talking to someone. It seems that I was zoned out...again. "Hi," I say to the girl. Woah. Her eyes are purple. "Cool eyes."

03-29-2012, 05:30 AM

My hand twitches. I'm literally forcing myself not to pull my bangs over my eyes again. "They're purple aren't they?" I ask questioningly, mostly to Darcy. "Hey," I address the guy. "I'm Aaliyah."

03-29-2012, 05:34 AM
I just nod at her. I don't think she wants to be here. I don't. At least while she and Josh hit it off. I hate being the third wheel. Not that it happens often. I don't have very many friends back home. I sigh and pull my feet up under me. I hope they have a track team. My wings aren't the only part of me that needs excercise.

03-29-2012, 05:38 AM

I sigh and fight the urge to turn around and walk away, pack up my bags, go home, and let Michael beat me to death, as he did my sister. I absently rest my fingers on the scar on my neck. "So Darcy, what do you like to do?" Each time the guy shifts, I shift away from him.

03-29-2012, 05:40 AM
These two are being very quiet. Girls. Ok, this is getting a little bit too awkward for me. "Well, you two, I'm going to go to my room, now. Or maybe just walk around." I stand up. "See you later!" I wave to them as I walk away. Turing around, I shake my head. Girls.

03-29-2012, 05:44 AM

I kept help but let out a huge sigh of relief as he walks away. I didn't realize I had been so tense with him around. I glance at Darcy, but I don't think she noticed my sigh, thankfully.

03-29-2012, 05:52 AM
"I like running, flying, singing, and reading. What about you?" I ask her. I watch Josh walk away out of the corner of my eye. I guess I'll just talk to him later. I motion for Aaliyah to sit down.

03-29-2012, 05:56 AM
As I walk away, I start to frown. I knew that girl, Aaliyah, didn't want me near her. I am telepathic. But, I didn't want to intrude on her thoughts completely. I hate doing that. I really wish, though, that I could still talk to Darcy... wait. Maybe I can. Darcy? I send to her in my mind.

03-29-2012, 05:56 AM

I hesitate, but sit down anyway. I'm still poised to run, at any threat. "I love to sing, and play the violin, flute, and piano. I also love to draw and dance sometimes," I say smiling slightly. "And while I got all the genteel interests out, here's my non lady-like interest. I like to fight, and take risks. I really do. I love hand-to-hand combat." I happen to hear Josh's thought about me and I grimace inwardly. What he doesn't realize is that I'm telepathic too. Don't take it personally. I don't trust guys in general. Funny thing that I get along with them better than girls though.

03-29-2012, 06:01 AM
I pause when I hear Aaliyah. It's okay. I don't mind. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.

03-29-2012, 06:03 AM

I sigh inwardly. I realize I do that a lot, but I can't change my habits so easily. It's not just you. It's all guys. It's actually everyone in general, including girls. Eventually, if you want to try a friendship with me and you keep pressing, I'll probably open up to you as to why. If you don't figure it out first.

03-29-2012, 06:04 AM
Did I just hear Josh? That's impossible. I'm only telepathic in Eagle form. I guess I can try and reply. If it doesn't work I'm going to feel like an idiot. Josh?

03-29-2012, 06:06 AM
I frown. I do want to be your friend, but if you don't wish to tell me your past, you don't have to. It's okay.

I smile when I hear Darcy. Hey, Darcy.

03-29-2012, 06:12 AM
I smile. You scared me. I didn't know I was telepathic in human form. So do you need something? I look at Aaliyah she seems to be communicating with someone, too.

03-29-2012, 06:14 AM
I laugh. Just wanted to say hi... How do I say this without being weird? I really didn't want to leave, but Aaliyah seemed a little uncomfortable with me around. That's good, right? I've never been good with girls...

03-29-2012, 06:18 AM
I smile. "Hey, Aaliyah. I think I'm going to fly for a while. I'll talk to you later." I shift and fly into the air. Where are you, Josh? I'm flying right now. I swoop into the air and let the wind currents do most of my work. I just soar along with it.

03-29-2012, 06:21 AM
As I walk into my room, I hear Darcy. Smiling, I send back, My room.

03-29-2012, 06:24 AM
I fly into my bedroom window that I left open and shidt back into my human form. That was a good flight. The air's not extremely polluted and the breeze feels amazing. What's your room number? I ask him as I comb my hair and pull it out of my face.

03-29-2012, 06:48 AM
Oh, no. I look around. My room's a mess! Clothing all over the floor, a messy bed, opened books. 158, I send quickly, whilst cleaning up the mess. I pick up my books and set them on my dresser. My hands work on fixing the bed; and then, last but not least, my clothes. Sighing, I reach towards a pile, then pause. Wait, I could use magic to do this. I grin as I lift my hands, summoning my powers.

03-29-2012, 11:54 AM
I smile we're just eight rooms away from each other. [I]Can I come down there?[/] I sit down on my bed and wait for hisreply. I don't want to barge in on him. That'd be rude. I wonder what Aaliuah is doing. I kind of just left before she could say anything. Oh well, she didn't seem to like us that much. Which is odd because we were acting pretty harmless.

03-29-2012, 08:36 PM
Warning, Josh, you may have to push at me to become friends. Although a part of me is open, I've lived the way I have much too long to just let you in, without a second thought. I tell him regrettably. I sigh when Darcy flies away. I really wish she had stayed, because in truth I actually liked her. "That's what you get for being open to people," I mutter to myself as I stand up and walk over to a really pretty cherry blossom tree. I clamber up the trunk and perch on one of the branches. A little bud has just blossomed right above my head. It's so pretty.

03-29-2012, 09:35 PM

I tug the hem of my starched and ironed skirt in anticipation of what this school has to offer. I've prepared for this day for a few months, packing, planning, my usual OCD stress. When I finally reach the front of the line, I graciously accept my schedule and room key. So far, so good, if you consider freaking out on the inside good. I haul my Burberry suitcase through the halls on the way to my room, noting bathrooms, classrooms, and any place of importance that I see. I try to clear my head and remember all the great things about this place, how much better it will be than it was back home. I'll be with people who won't treat me like a freak, for one. The place is huge and offers exceptional education for two. The food is supposedly tasty, for three. I make it on my list all the way to 14 before I reach my room. The moment of truth. The room's not bad; in fact, it's cozy and functional. I set my suitcase by a bed carefully, and then I lock my dorm up and head for a tour of the Institution.

Leon G
03-29-2012, 09:50 PM
I lazily make my way through the halls, looking for people that are lost. I'm wearing a "My name is...Hayden" sticker on my gray polo. I've volunteered to help new students around, give them tours, answer questions, things like that. I guess it's in my heavenly nature to want to do good. It's my last year at Traxton and I want to make it count. I wave at some familiar faces, giving each one of them a smile. Ah, it's nice to be back.

Leon G
03-29-2012, 09:50 PM
I lazily make my way through the halls, looking for people that are lost. I'm wearing a "My name is...Hayden" sticker on my gray polo. I've volunteered to help new students around, give them tours, answer questions, things like that. I guess it's in my heavenly nature to want to do good. It's my last year at Traxton and I want to make it count. I wave at some familiar faces, giving each one of them a smile. Ah, it's nice to be back.

03-29-2012, 09:58 PM

On my way, I see a breathtaking guy in the hall, the kind that makes you do a double take. I nearly stumble because my eyes are so fixated on him. I snap my attention away before he notices my creepiness. He looks like an angle straight from the Sistine Chapel's ceiling. I muster up some courage and walk up to him. "Uh, hi Hayden, right? I'm Raquel, and I'm new here," I explain. "So, I was wondering..." My brain goes blank. "Um, uh, do they have a music room here?"

03-29-2012, 10:02 PM

After plucking on of the blossoms and sticking in behind my ear into my hair, I smile and quietly walk back to the school. I walk in just in time to overhear a girl ask about the music room. I try ignore the big guy near her and walk over. "The choir/music room? Yeah they do," I say with a small small. "It back that way. I was just heading over there, if you want to come with me," I tell her quietly.

Leon G
03-29-2012, 10:04 PM
I smile at the girl who addressed me. She's a nice looking Filipino, about 15 or 16. She's pretty petite and I'm guessing she's a freshman or sophomore.

"Yes, I'm Hayden," I say smiling. I grasp her soft, delicate hand in a firm shake. "Music room? Right this way." I start going in one direction, with her by my side. "So, help me out here, are you a sophomore?" Better to go with the older one. Wouldn't want to offend her. She's small so she might be mistaken to be younger than she actually is. Another girl here knows where the music room is.

"Hello," I say introducing myself, "I'm Hayden. We can all go to the music room. What are you girls's names?"

03-29-2012, 10:07 PM

I sigh as the guy, Hayden takes over and I walk slightly behind them, listening to them talk. "My name is Aaliyah," I say making sure they get that its pronounced Ah-lee-yah. I look down, my shyness overcoming me again. We turn into the music room. I stop and stare at the beautiful grand piano. It's amazing, and so pretty. I slowly walk over to it and brush my fingertips across the keys. I'm too afraid to even sit at it and play. I want to, oh so much, but I'm afraid that I would get it trouble for even touching such an amazing piece.

03-29-2012, 10:10 PM

I'm excited to already meet someone, but I disguise my eagerness. "Ok, that sounds like fun. I'm Raquel, by the way. And nice guess, I'm a sophomore. And you?" I wonder if either of them play an instrument. I like the piano a lot, but it's so mainstream. Just about everyone I know back home had been forced to take piano and voice, like I was. When he takes my hand, I feel a jolt flow through me. I distract myself by turning to the other girl. "Thanks for the help. I'm glad I met someone else who likes music," I say with a friendly smile. She looks really cool, what they would call a goth at my school. She looks at the piano, almost wistfully, so I ask, "Do you play?"

Leon G
03-29-2012, 10:17 PM
"Raquel. What a lovely name. I'm a senior, so if you two need anything, don't hesitate to ask." We get to the music room. "Well, this is it. I go in here quite a bit. I love music. And like all good little Angels, I play the harp along with other instruments. What about you guys?" I notice the girl with the streak touch the piano, giving it a longing look. "Do you play the piano?" I go over to the piano and sit on the bench. My fingers dance over the keys as I play Fur Elise. After a minute of playing, I switch over to something a little more modern.
"So you had a bad day, you take it one down, you sing a sad song just to turn it around," I sing softly, my fingers moving automatically over the ivory keys.

03-29-2012, 10:17 PM

I nod slowly, still taking in the beautiful sight. "I do, but I haven't played in a really long time," I say. Two years to be exact. When my father found out I was playing our mother's piano, he burned it. The memory brings tears to my eyes and I brush them away. I will not be seen as weak. Hayden sits at the piano and I instinctively move away. The sound of the notes draws me closer though so that I'm standing behind him off to the side. He sings beautifully. If I were brave enough I would sing along but I keep quiet, instead listening to the mesmerizing music.

03-29-2012, 10:27 PM

I smile at him; his energy is contagious. "I love the piano, that and singing. I'm not nearly as good as you though," I laugh as he perfectly plays Fur Elise,a classic. When he starts singing Bad Day, I hum along. I'm equally mesmerized as Aaliyah, but I'm a little less quiet. I stroll around the room and examine the other instruments and think back to the shiny ebony piano I have at home. I've spent a myriad of hours sitting at that little bench, whether playing for fun or practicing my fingers off. I laugh in spite of myself when I remember the time my friend and I wrote our own song and lyrics. "Thanks for the kind offer, Hayden. I'm sure I'll need all the help I can possibly get. And Aaliyah, that's a really pretty name. I'm sure that within no time, you'll be as good as you ever were."

Leon G
03-29-2012, 10:33 PM
"Then now's the perfect opportunity to start up again," I say, stopping my music. "I'm sure you're wonderful. I could teach you how to play if you've really forgotten."

There's something about this girl. She's had a dark past...Not only can I see a few physical scars, but I can sense some emotional ones, which are even worse. I look at her with kind eyes, letting her know she is cared for. Raquel joins me beside the piano.

"I could teach you too," I offer, "Though you probably don't need any help I'll admit, most of my musical talent comes from being an Angel. The other part come from the fact that this is a very nice piano," I joke. "Perhaps you'll teach me a thing or two. Of course, we could just play duets."

03-29-2012, 10:38 PM

I'm taken aback by the genuine kindness in his eyes, and I nod, thanking him with my eyes. I know my eyes are still purple though, mainly because I feel kind of out of it. I touch his shoulder lightly. "May I play?" I ask quietly gesturing towards the piano.

03-29-2012, 10:41 PM

I nod eagerly when he mentions duets. "Don't worry, I won't outshine you," I joke because there's no way I could compare to him. "Any song in particular you'd like to play?" My fingers dance across the keys as I warm up with a few scales, nothing fancy, "I'll probably be spending a lot of time here. Well, here and in my room studying. I'm something of a nerd," I laugh. "It's part of my OCD nature to crave good grades. But don't think I'm some person who dies inside when they don't get a perfect score. I just want to learn." Once this pours out of my mouth, I realize how dumb and geeky I sound. I stare down the piano and let my fingers go, playing whatever song I feel like.

03-29-2012, 10:43 PM

I sigh as Raquel begins to play and back off. I try to smile. "You play beautifully," I tell her.

Leon G
03-29-2012, 10:48 PM
"Of course, Aaliyah," I say scooting more towards Raquel so that there's room for all three of us on the piano. "Your eyes are lovely, by the way." They are. They're purple, which is quite unusual.

I laugh at Raquel, "Have faith, dear. Your warmups sound good. So, tell me, what are you? Wizard? Witch? OCD'ers usually fall into that category. And smart people. I'm assuming you're in Grandera?"

Leon G
03-29-2012, 10:49 PM
"Of course, Aaliyah," I say scooting more towards Raquel so that there's room for all three of us on the piano. "Your eyes are lovely, by the way." They are. They're purple, which is quite unusual.

I laugh at Raquel, "Have faith, dear. Your warmups sound good. So, tell me, what are you? Wizard? Witch? OCD'ers usually fall into that category. And smart people. I'm assuming you're in Grandera?"

03-29-2012, 10:52 PM

This time when he comments on my eyes, I lean my elbow on the piano and smack my forehead. "Don't get used to them. Next they'll be gray or green," I say dryly. I lean over and glance at Raquel. "Could I play something really quick? I want to see if I remember it."

03-29-2012, 10:55 PM

"Absolutely!" I tell her with a nod. I lift my fingers and rest them on my legs. "I'd love to here you play." I turn to Hayden. "Man, you're good at guessing," I laugh. "I'm a faerie, so pretty close to a witch or wizard. And, yup, I decided to go with Grandera. Is it any good? Which one are you in?" My hand drums out a rhythm on my leg, unbeknownst to me. Just a little habit of mine to always keep moving, whether it's just my little toe shaking up and down.

03-29-2012, 10:59 PM

I block out the sound of Raquel and Hayden's conversation and touch the keys. I begin to play River Flows in You by Yiruma, one of my most favorite songs to play of all time. All I hear are the notes of the song, and all I feel are the keys under my fingers.

Leon G
03-29-2012, 11:10 PM
I hold up a finger for Raquel to hold on a minute. Aaliyah is really good. And that's something, because I hear a lot of good music.

"Holding you,holding you,it's in you River flows in you,
Cheoncheonhi deo cheoncheonhi nae mamsoge gangeun heuleugo,
Holding you,holding you,it's in you River flows in you,
Gidarim geu gidarim ggeuteneun naega isseulgga," I sing along to her music. I'm familiar with the song she's playing. I close my eyes and smile.

03-29-2012, 11:13 PM

The music is very pretty and smooth. It's elegant and makes me feel like I'm somewhere else. I stop my trail of babble to admire her music. (P.S. that song really is pretty! So far, I've listened to it four times) "And you said you weren't good," I whisper. I smile and close my eyes, the notes transport me away, away to a beautiful, tranquil river.

03-29-2012, 11:15 PM

Hayden's voice breaks through my concentration. He's singing the song, and I smile. I continue to play until I have played the final note. When I do, I open my eyes and brush away the tears that are rolling down my cheeks. It's been so long. Clarissa taught me that song. I realize that for once in the past two years, I'm smiling genuinely.

Leon G
03-29-2012, 11:24 PM
Tears roll down Aaliyah's cheeks. She's happy. There's some sadness underneath, from what I don't know, but she's happy.

"Well," I joke, "Look's like I'm never playing the piano again. I'll just embarrass myself." I get up on move over to the harp, plucking a few strings. "Now this, the classics, are more my specialty. I can play the lyre like Apollo."

Leon G
03-29-2012, 11:24 PM
Tears roll down Aaliyah's cheeks. She's happy. There's some sadness underneath, from what I don't know, but she's happy.

"Well," I joke, "Look's like I'm never playing the piano again. I'll just embarrass myself." I get up on move over to the harp, plucking a few strings. "Now this, the classics, are more my specialty. I can play the lyre like Apollo."

03-29-2012, 11:30 PM

I duck my head in embarrassment at his compliment then laugh lightly, and wipe the rest of the tears away. Wow what happened to me in less than like 5 minutes? "That you can keep. I can't play that at all. Play something for me," I say smiling.

03-29-2012, 11:30 PM

"Oh, you like the Greek Gods? Or you just know the basics?" I for one, have been a Greek nerd since I read Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief. "Now, what can I play?" I wonder aloud as I walk around the room. Aaliyah's got the piano covered, definitely, and Hayden has the harp. I sing a few notes and decide to be the vocals of our little group jam. I wonder why Aaliyah's crying. I decide it would be better not to ask. Instead, I compliment her skill.

03-29-2012, 11:33 PM

As much as I want to sing as well, I decide to save that for another time. I turn to Raquel and thank her. "You have a pretty voice," I tell her.

Leon G
03-29-2012, 11:40 PM
"Do I know about Greek gods? Dear, I could write a book on mythology. It would probably be several thousand pages long," I smile. Nice to know we have something in common. "Well, I was just about to leave. If you need to get me my number is 678-999-8212. See you girl around." I take my leave, smiling. What nice girls. Raquel is friendly, charming and funny. I can tell we're going to be good friends. As for Aaliyah...there was something to her. Something more than what met the eyes. I wanted her to open up to me. I wanted to know more about her. Maybe it was my nature. Maybe I'm being nosy. Regardless, I hope we become friends, too.

03-29-2012, 11:46 PM

"Alright, see you later," I call as I jot down his number. I sing along to Aaliyah's playing for a little while, but later I wave good bye and go up to my room. I start to unpack a few things from my beloved suitcase. I notice the other bed and wonder if I'll get a roommate sometime soon. Either way works for me, really. Once I'm roughly unpacked, I pull out a book, The Hunger Pains, and start to read until either an announcement, a meal, or I get bored.

03-29-2012, 11:50 PM
Josh doesn't answer so I decide to go to the music room. I put my saxophone in the instrument storage room earlier and would like to practice. My guitar is in my room. I like playing it when I become overwhelmed. My saxophone is more to satisfy my thirst for Jazz. I love Jazz music. It's relaxing. I walk through the doors and see Aaliyah. "Hey, Aaliyah. Sorry about taking off earlier," I say to her and smile. I hope we can be friends.

03-30-2012, 12:35 AM

I jump at the sound of someone's voice, and stop playing immediately. I turn cautiously to see Darcy in the doorway. "Oh, hi," I say quietly, my shyness returning. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure Josh enjoyed your company," I tell her, then regret it, realizing that it could come off sarcastically. "Sorry. I didn't mean it that way."

03-30-2012, 12:50 AM
I smile. "I ended up not talking to him. We're probably gonna talk later though. So what are you up to?" I ask curiously. "I just came to play my saxophone, but if I'm bothering you I can leave."

03-30-2012, 12:54 AM

"Just refreshing my memory of my days at the piano," I tell her quietly. I shake my head. "Go ahead and play. I've been in here for two hours now."

03-30-2012, 01:01 AM
"Okay, thanks." I walk into the storage room and pull my saxophone off the shelf then I carry it back out to the main room and sit it down on a chair with a stand in front of it. I take out my reed and stick it in my mouth and put my neck-strap on. It takes me about another minute to finish putting it together and get my music. I'm going to play Take The "A" Train by Billy Strayhorn.

03-30-2012, 01:08 AM

I watch her actions with interest. I can play flute so I know some of what she's doing, but I've never heard sax before. I wait for her to begin.

03-30-2012, 01:14 AM
I play through a few scales and tune before starting. I love the Alto Sax part on this song so it's almost perfect that I play alto sax. I feel a bit self concious with Aaliyah watching me, but am soon over it. Music has always brought me out of my shell.

03-30-2012, 01:17 AM

I finish up the book, considering I was almost done anyway. I decide to text Hayden. I pick up my phone, and then.....I shove it into my pocket. I sigh and walk until I find my target, a grand library. "Oh my," I whisper to myself. The shelves reach to the ceiling another story up, toppling with rows upon rows of books. It's glorious to a book fanatic, or even to someone who only moderately likes books, I'm sure. I walk around the huge book collection in awe, and finally grab a book or two. I take a seat, open up the City Of Bones, reconsider my previous actions, and finally text Hayden because I have a question. Hey Hayden, where do we get library cards? Sorry to be a bother :P In the meantime, I delve into the story in this building where you can almost feel the neurological energy.

03-30-2012, 01:23 AM

I listen to her play, and smile. She's really good, and I wish I knew how to play sax. I love the sound of it. I begin to think about Hayden and how easily he pulled me out of my shell. I still don't know how that happened. Then I remember something. He mentioned that he was an angel. That would explain his gentleness. I decide to text him. Hey, Hayden. It's Aaliyah. The shy girl with the streak. Yeah that's me. I just wanted to see what you were up to. I close my phone. Gosh I sound so stupid.

03-30-2012, 01:24 AM

I listen to her play, and smile. She's really good, and I wish I knew how to play sax. I love the sound of it. I begin to think about Hayden and how easily he pulled me out of my shell. I still don't know how that happened. Then I remember something. He mentioned that he was an angel. That would explain his gentleness. I decide to text him. Hey, Hayden. It's Aaliyah. The shy girl with the streak. Yeah that's me. I just wanted to see what you were up to. I close my phone. Gosh I sound so stupid.

Leon G
03-30-2012, 01:35 AM
I'm patrolling the schools, helping students out the best I can. I check my watch; it's Lunch time. I feel my phone buzz and I see I've gotten a text message. Two actually. I respond to unidentified first.

Hey student. Library cards should be found in your new student package made just for you! Don't know where it is? Check your dorm desk! :) Traxton always has a special lunch on the first day of school. We also have a special dinner. Lunch will start in about 15 minutes! See you there! By the way, I don't have your number. Who is this?

I hit send and respond to the second text I get, Aaliyah's.

Hey Ali. Nice to hear from you :) Traxton always has a special lunch on the first day of school. We also have a special dinner. Lunch is in about 15 minutes. You can sit with me if you want, but you don’t have to. See you there!

I smile as I hit send and head towards the cafeteria. I decide to linger outside the cafeteria doors. I get the usual giggles from new freshmen girls and glares from Demons. I just smile at everyone. It's hard to get me mad. I get sad, but not really mad.

Leon G
03-30-2012, 01:35 AM
I'm patrolling the schools, helping students out the best I can. I check my watch; it's Lunch time. I feel my phone buzz and I see I've gotten a text message. Two actually. I respond to unidentified first.

Hey student. Library cards should be found in your new student package made just for you! Don't know where it is? Check your dorm desk! :) Traxton always has a special lunch on the first day of school. We also have a special dinner. Lunch will start in about 15 minutes! See you there! By the way, I don't have your number. Who is this?

I hit send and respond to the second text I get, Aaliyah's.

Hey Ali. Nice to hear from you :) Traxton always has a special lunch on the first day of school. We also have a special dinner. Lunch is in about 15 minutes. You can sit with me if you want, but you don’t have to. See you there!

I smile as I hit send and head towards the cafeteria. I decide to linger outside the cafeteria doors. I get the usual giggles from new freshmen girls and glares from Demons. I just smile at everyone. It's hard to get me mad. I get sad, but not really mad.

03-30-2012, 01:36 AM
I finish playing and look at her. "What do you think?" I ask with a shy smile. I'm always shy when I'm done playing a song.

03-30-2012, 01:45 AM

I face palm at my faux pas. Lol, this is Raquel. Excuse my stupidity. I'm heading over to the cafeteria, and thank for the help :D! I collect my books, check them out, and then drop them off at my desk where the rest of that convenient package lies. "How thoughtful," I comment. I touch up my make-up, run a brush through my hair, and then walk casually over to the cafeteria. I notice Hayden at the doors, like an angel guarding the gates to Heaven. I snort at my dumb analogy, and then walk up to him. "Hey, thanks for answering my questions. It's really nice of you to assist the new kids," I tell him. "Oh, by the way, that was me who asked you about the library cards. And those packages are so thoughtful! I feel so welcomed," I say and then smile.

03-30-2012, 01:57 AM

"It was amazing, Darcy," I say smiling at her. I glance at the text message and am taken aback by the nickname. Clarissa used to call me Ali. It makes me happy for some reason when Hayden calls me that. I glance at Darcy. "Hey I'll catch you later. I'm hungry and am meeting up with a friend for lunch." I smile at her then head over to the cafeteria. I wonder if it was okay to call Hayden my friend. I then spot him and Raquel and I walk over to them. "Hey Hayden, thanks for the invite. I think I will sit with you," I say smiling. "As long as you actually don't mind." I smile at Raquel. "Heya."

03-30-2012, 02:02 AM
I decide to walk over to Josh's room and see if he wants to eat lunch with me. I'm probably going to sound like an idiot, but I don't care. I put my stuff up and walk out of the building then shift. I fly back to the dorms ans turn back into my human self. I walk inside to his room and knock on the door nervously.

Leon G
03-30-2012, 02:06 AM
"You're welcome, Raquel. Like I said, don't be afraid to ask for anything," I say, shrugging it off. Aaliyah comes up to us and I give her a kind smile.

"Hey Ali. Of course you can sit with me. That goes for you, too Raquel. I love the back to school banquet. They really go all out. You might even see Muze," I tell them, leading them inside. A bunch of strapping young men, all kind looking, wave me over. Other Angels. "I hope you don't mind sitting with other Angels. We don't bite. Honest," I say laughing. Angels can't lie.

03-30-2012, 02:11 AM

I wave at Aaliyah. "Nice to see you again," I say. "Um, sure, why not? If they're all nice as you, I don't see a problem," I tell him. I'm secretly excited for the back to school banquet. I had imagined something out of Harry Potter when I read my student letter. Hopefully, this won't disappoint. I join Hayden and Aaliyah and follow them to wherever they choose to sit. I'm just trying to take in everything, all so different from my home. I wonder...no,no I shove those thoughts out of my mind and paste on a bright smile and study the other angels. Wow, is all I can think to say. They're just as perfect as Hayden looks. It's almost stunning, like literally dizzying me.

03-30-2012, 02:13 AM

I wince because I heard his thought about angels not being able to lie. Fallen angels sure can. I sigh, then look over to the guys who were waving for Hayden to come over. They are really big. They have angelic faces but that doesn't mean anything. So does Michael. I back up quickly. "Um, No. Actually I think-I think I'll just sit over there," I say gesturing to an empty table. Before they can say anything I turn around and rush over to the table sliding in. I fold my arms and lay them on the table, laying my head on them. I try to calm my breathing, and catch a glimpse of my eyes in the reflective table top. They're dark blue, because I'm so scared. A part of me knew they wouldn't do anything, but they were huge. They scared me...I bite my lip. Why can't I be normal?

03-30-2012, 02:13 AM
I walk into the banquet in uniform and head over to one of the tables with a few people. "Is this seat taken?" I ask gesturing to the open seat.

Leon G
03-30-2012, 02:19 AM
Oh, no! We Angels are naturally built strong, but really, we're harmless. I saw fear in Aaliyah's eyes when she looked at our table. I stand up to comfort her and tell her not to worry, but another guy has already confronted her. I sit back down and keep an eye on her.

"Poor girl," I say, sadly to myself. Then I brighten up, "Raquel, this is David, Gabe, Trevor and Saul. They're all seniors, but we're harmless. Guys, this is my friend Raquel. She's very sweet, so be nice. She's also new." Ha! As if they would be rude. They all smile at Raquel, greeting her.

"So, Rocky," Saul says, "You excited to be here? This lunch is always awesome."

03-30-2012, 02:25 AM

I feel like this a dream. I'm surrounded by a bunch of hot guys, seniors, who all are as kind as can be. It's almost too good to be true... No, I'm not going there. It's overwhelming, to tell the truth. I can understand why Aaliyah left, although maybe she had other reasons...I hear a melodic voice and refocus on reality. It's Hayden, and then Saul. I smile at Hayden for the sweet introduction, and then at Saul. Geez, it's like I can't keep the smile off my face today. "Yeah, I'm actually really excited. I've been awaiting this day for quite awhile," I smile,"and everything about this place is so perfect. It's almost unreal," I laugh. Don't get used to it. a voice rings in the back of my head, but I ignore it. "So, what's the food like? I'm guessing 6 star gourmet?" I joke.

03-30-2012, 02:25 AM

Oh come on! I look up to see another guy, and wince again. "No, you can take it. I was just leaving," I tell him. "Sorry," I mumble then walk out of the cafeteria. Better to be alone to not be able to eat because of fear. I sigh. I hate you, Dad, Michael, and Gabriel. I hope you know that. I hate it. I really do. I want to be around Hayden and Raquel, but fear keeps me from being able to. If I go back over there I will freeze up. I stop and clench my fists. I bite my lip. I will not let my past take over my future. I turn around and walk hesitantly over to Hayden and Raquel. There is an empty seat next to Hayden at the edge so I slide into there. I hope to God that he doesn't notice my eyes have changed. "Sorry," I mumble. I can't seem to relax so I just keep quiet, and hope the tension ebbs away soon.

Leon G
03-30-2012, 02:32 AM
"The food's great, but I don't think it's gonna be the tastiest thing on the menu," Saul says with a wink. Saul has always been a flirt. Back home, he would chase the girl's halos all day. Female Angels never leave Heaven. They just...don't.

"Obvious flirting is obvious," Trevor grins, rolling his eyes.

Aaliyah slips in beside me. "Hey," I say smiling at her. My smile flickers for a second when I see her eyes are dark blue. "Guys, meet Aaliyah. Ali, this is David, Gabe, Trevor and Saul. Obviously all Angels."

"Though the way Saul flirts, he's bound to fall anytime," David grins.

"Silence," Saul says in a commanding voice, the same one we use to make prophecies. "Thou shall not mock Saul. Your wings shall be ripped and you shall be a cursed, Fallen forever!" he booms. . He breaks his serious face with a grin, "I'm just playing."

03-30-2012, 02:34 AM

I freeze when they start talking about fallen angels, and I clench my fists under the table. Now I know I won't be able to tell Hayden what I am. He'll stop talking to me for sure. I just nod at them, but keep quiet.

03-30-2012, 02:38 AM

My head... that hurt! I hate foresight. Why I was the one to inherit it, I have no idea. It seems I had a vision... I usually don't remember them, but this wasn't a kind of prophecy. I think it was something that had already happened. I shake my head. I'll remember it later. I hear a knock at the door. Standing up, I walk over to it, opening it. Mentally slapping myself for not replying to her earlier, I quickly say, "Darcy! I'm so sorry I didn't reply to your message!"

03-30-2012, 02:40 AM

Aaliyah seems upset. I'm really bad when it comes to cheering people up, so I don't know what to do. Instead, I laugh at the guys. "I'm glad I met you all. Too bad you're seniors. You won't be here next year," I say, jokingly glum. "I guess that means we'll just have to have a lot of fun this year." I try to think of a way to get Aaliyah into the conversation. "So, what section are you guys all in? I'm in Grandera," I grin.

03-30-2012, 02:44 AM
"It's okay. I went to the music room. I practiced my saxophone and talked to Aaliyah. What have you been up to?" I smile shyly and lean against the door frame. He looks stressed. About what, I'm not sure. I don't read minds unless I absolutely have to.

03-30-2012, 02:45 AM

"I haven't decided yet," I say quietly. "Muze may put me in Honduria, or Grandera." I want to slap myself when I say Honduria. Hayden and Raquel probably won't like me anymore after that.

03-30-2012, 02:47 AM
I start to relax a little at hearing her forgiveness. "That's cool," I smile gently. "Oh, uhm, nothing really..." Should I tell her? Yeah, why not? "I think I had a vision."

Leon G
03-30-2012, 02:48 AM
I tighten my jaw when they start taking about Fallen Angels.

"Too soon?" Saul asks, all joking aside.

I look away and shrug, "A little. I'll be fine."

"I'm in Honduria with King Saul of here," Gabe says, slapping Saul's back, "We play a mean game of Rugby."

"Grandera," Trevor says, "I'm a nerd. I'm proud." He grins, "What about you?"

I stay quiet and look around the cafeteria, no longer in a joking manner. "I, uh, need-" before I can make up an excuse, bile rises in my throat, and tongue feels as if it's on fire. I choke, cough and sputter for a minute.

"Don't try and lie, Hayden," Gabe says, looking at me with concern.

"I need some time," I say getting up to leave. I give Raquel and Aaliyah a small smile, "I'll be back. Excuse me." I exit the cafeteria and sit outside on a bench. Why did they have to bring out the Fallen? I rest my head in my hands.

03-30-2012, 02:50 AM

I glance after Hayden. He had a problem with the fallen angel jokes too. I excuse myself quietly and follow him. I catch sight of him sitting on a bench, and I crouch in front of him. "Hayden?" I say quietly. "What happened?"

03-30-2012, 02:51 AM
"Really? Are you okay?" I ask with concern. I've heard how painful having visions can be. "Oh yeah. I came up here to ask if you wanted to go the back to school banquet with me. Besides Aaliyah you're my only friend, I guess you could say."

03-30-2012, 02:57 AM

"I'm fine," I smile. "Sure, I'd love to go." I try not to laugh at her obvious embarrassment over our friendship. She's so cute. "Yes, Darcy, we are most definitely friends."

03-30-2012, 03:00 AM
"Okay, cool," I look down at my feet when I feel my cheeks flush from embarassment. "I guess we should go before we're late." I don't want to get there late because people stare at you when you come in late.

Leon G
03-30-2012, 03:04 AM
I look at her. She's got me. I look at her. "I had a friend- a best friend. She was a Fallen Angel. Her name was Raven. Us being friends was an uproar. My friends didn't say anything to my face, but I knew they disapproved. Me and Raven didn't see the big deal? Why did we have to be enemies? We got a lot of heckling from mostly Fallen Angels, but we ignored them. Then one day-" my voice breaks, "Raven has problems. I always knew that. She was a cutter. She told me it was the only way she could cope. I would heal her cuts, and be so sad. It hurt. And one day- one really bad day, after she felt like the whole world was against us... she cut her wrists and..." I look down and say the next part quietly, "Died. That was last year."

03-30-2012, 03:04 AM
"What time do we have to be there?"

03-30-2012, 03:10 AM
"I'm not sure, but everyone was headed that way." I glance up at him. He's so sweet. And cute.

03-30-2012, 03:12 AM
Smiling at her, I say, "Well, we can start heading that way, if you'd like?"

03-30-2012, 03:16 AM
"Okay," I say and head down the hall. He catches up with me and I smile at him. "So we're in the same grade and the same section. That's awesome," I say quietly. I feel like I want to fly for a minute so I shift once we walk out the dorr. Sorry, I really wanted to fly. I'll be down in just a minute. I do a few loops and drift through the air.

03-30-2012, 03:25 AM

She is so beautiful as an Eagle. I smile at her as she twists and turns in the air, catching the wind on her wings. The sunlight glints off her feathers, making them shine. Flying must be the most amazing feeling ever. Never having to look back, always moving forwards. Being able to think without distractions. I've always wanted to fly, but I can only do so much as a wizard. Sighing, I cross my hands behind my back and continue to stare on at her in wonder.

03-30-2012, 03:26 AM

I look down. I don't know how many times I've wanted to do that exact thing. I didn't because of Clarissa. This year I actually thought about it, but decided that it wasn't worth it. I just wanted to escape my family and I have. I'm not going to do that. I look back up at him, tears glistening in my eyes. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and that she did as well. I understand the loss of someone close to you," I say quietly. "My sister was pushed down a long flight of stairs by a horrible man. She hit her head on the bottom step. I still remember the blood pooling around her head. That was the moment she stopped breathing." I hold back a sob, and I touch his hand. I'm not going to tell him the full story yet, but it feels good to open up a little. After knowing how Hayden looks upon fallen angels I feel confident enough to tell him. "Hayden, I'm a fallen angel. I didn't tell you before, because I was afraid you'd hate me, when you were my only friend."

03-30-2012, 03:26 AM

03-30-2012, 03:32 AM
I fly back down and shift right before my feet touch the ground. "Sorry 'bout that. I guess we should go." I smile at him not feeling as shy as before. When people see that part of me I'm not shy when they see this part of me. I poke his arm. "We both have nature on our side. You with elements and me with animals. Especially birds. They respect me." I don't talk about Alyssa. He'd probably think I'm some type of a freak.

Leon G
03-30-2012, 03:51 AM
I'm being bold, but I pull Aaliyah into a hug. "It's going to take more than being a Fallen Angel to scare me off," I say, smiling. "I'm sorry about your sister. That sounds horrendous." The poor thing. I run my fingers through her hair. "Angels don't hate. And we don't lie either. I care about you Aaliyah. And I want to be your friend. You seem like a nice girl." With a dark past. Hopefully, I'll be able to reach out to her.

03-30-2012, 04:05 AM

I laugh. "You really have a way with words, you know." A green tree is in front of us, with flowers growing on it's branches. "Wanna see something cool?" I walk towards one of the flowers, and gesture to her to come closer. "My mother had a garden. I would play in it all the time. Especially near the flowers." I hold a flower in my hand, and with my magic, I start to change it's color from purple, to green, to blue... all through the spectrum. Then I change the flower completely. From a tree-flower to a rose. Then to a daisy, then back to it's original form.

03-30-2012, 04:05 AM

I laugh. "You really have a way with words, you know." A green tree is in front of us, with flowers growing on it's branches. "Wanna see something cool?" I walk towards one of the flowers, and gesture to her to come closer. "My mother had a garden. I would play in it all the time. Especially near the flowers." I hold a flower in my hand, and with my magic, I start to change it's color from purple, to green, to blue... all through the spectrum. Then I change the flower completely. From a tree-flower to a rose. Then to a daisy, then back to it's original form.

03-30-2012, 04:12 AM
I gasp. "That's amazingly beautiful," I say as I walk over to him. "When I was younger my mother and I would go flyimg. It was a time I could cherish. We'd soar through the air side by side. Not worrying about anything back home. Myfatheer always wished he could come with us. He couldn't so he'd stay behind and work on some new project." I smile at the memory of my parents. I don't cry anymoe because I know they are in a better place.

03-30-2012, 04:13 AM

At first I flinch back when he touches me, but gradually relax. He's harmless, I can tell that much. "Thank you, Hayden," I whisper. I can tell he wants to know more, but I don't know if I want to tell him that much yet. I pull back and wipe tears from my eyes. "I promise I'm not normally this emotional," I say, with a small smile. "Also I'm sorry for reacting the way I did, when I saw your friends," I saw looking away. Way to be an open book, Ali.

03-30-2012, 04:19 AM

Letting go of the flower, I smile at her. "What kind of bird is your mother?"

03-30-2012, 04:24 AM
"My mother was a golden eagle like I am. Usually my family members are eagles or phoenix's on my mom's side. On my dad's side they're all mages. My father's main attributes were telepathy and hypnosis." I sigh and stare at the flowers. I inherited telepathy, but as far as I can tell no hypnosis.

03-30-2012, 04:27 AM

I frown. "Your mother was...? What happened?" I mentally note to ask her later about the phoenix's in her family... Something tells me that my vision earlier had something to do with a phoenix.

03-30-2012, 04:32 AM
"She and my father were both killed when I was twelve," I sigh and look at him. I'm not really feeling all that hungry anymore.

03-30-2012, 04:34 AM

"I'm so sorry, Darcy..." I step closer to her, noting her sadness. Taking a leap of faith, I hug her. I can't stand seeing people in pain. She reminds me of my younger sister right after Mom died...

03-30-2012, 04:38 AM
"It's okay, Josh," I whisper. It really is. I miss them like crazy, but they aren't in anymore pain. I'm not going to cry, but I hug him back anyway. I'm greatful thaf he's symapthetic and actually cares.

03-30-2012, 04:42 AM

Slowly, I start to run my hands up and down her back in comfort. Going through losing one parent is enough; let alone losing two. And even though my father is a drunk, it feels like I lost him all the same. I'm glad I can relate to someone. Having Darcy as a friend is the best thing that has happened to me since...since I ran away from that hell of a home. It's freedom.

03-30-2012, 04:47 AM
I feel myself stiffen up when he rubs my back. It's not that it's uncomfortable, but I'm not used to people comforting me this way. I pull away from his arms and sit down against the base of the tree. "I'm not that hungry amymore," I mumble.

03-30-2012, 05:01 AM

Great going, Josh. Now you scared her. I run my fingers through my hair. Think, boy, Think! "Yeah, me neither," I say. The tree's shadow perfectly covers her figure, I note. Her hair seems darker then it usually is; and her eyes more mesmerizing. I sigh inwardly. Seeing a girl after all my time on the run is not good. In the sense of being a guy, and all. Plus, she's so beautiful... only making my self-control even more harder to contain. "Do you want to do something else instead?"

03-30-2012, 12:01 PM
I gaze up at him. "Like what?" I ask him curiously. I've onlu been to the garden, the music room, and the library so I don't really know where anything is. It's noce having him for a friend. The way he rushed to comfort me makes it seem like he understands my situation, and that he cares about my feelings. Most people at my old school mocked me and ignored me. I'm really happy that I got to come here.

03-30-2012, 04:10 PM

I think for a second. What would a girl do... Ah ha! "Do you want to go to the library? I have a few things I need to pick up."

03-30-2012, 09:39 PM
A smile spreads across my face. "I love the library. It's my favorite indoor place along with the music room. I went there earlier, but didn't check anything out. Do you like reading?" I ask him entusiastically. Did he read ny mind or something?

03-30-2012, 09:50 PM

I look at the sky and see that night has fallen. Hayden seems to have fallen asleep on the bench. I sigh and look around. I feel really awkward, but I take his keys out of his pocket and look at the number. Odd, his room is like 3 doors down from mine. I look up and see where my room is and I count the windows across, till I find his. I make sure no one's watching and I take off my jacket, and spread my wings. I look at them out of the corner of my eyes, and see that they haven't changed a bit. They are almost the color of my hair, which is jet black. I shake my head and push that thought away. I pick Hayden up and fly us up to his balcony. I fold my wings and place him in his room. There are pictures of him, and another girl who I am guessing to be Raven. I smile. She's really very pretty.

I realize that if I continue to linger, he might wake up and see me in his room. Then he probably would stop talking to me. I shake my head and slip out into the hall and into my room. I close the door behind me and drop my jacket on the bed. I ignore my big wings, and pick up a frame from my desk. It's a picture of me and Clarissa. I sink to the floor, and fold my legs under me, my wings wrapping around me. I drop my head. Soon the glass is spotted with tears.

03-30-2012, 09:50 PM

I mentally pat myself on the back. Score! "Yes. I love reading," I grin at her. "I wanted to see if they had any books on magic... I thought it would be interesting to look at. What do you like to read?" Seeing her happy is contagious.

03-30-2012, 09:55 PM
"Pretty much anything, but I especially love classics. Jane Austen is probably my favirite author of all time. I've read all of her books several times. I also like Shakespeare's plays. I love A Midsummer Night's Dream! What do you like reading?" I ask him as I stand up.

03-30-2012, 10:01 PM

Wow. She's an avid reader, it seems. "Um... Not too much. I really loved reading Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind. But, other than that, I mainly stick to books of magic and history. I know... I'm boring."

03-30-2012, 10:07 PM
"I like history, and some magic books. I guess I like fiction more..." I trail off as we head to the library. "Have you been in here before?" I ask when we walk into the massive library. Just the smell of the old books makes me feel at home. The home I haven't had since I was twelve. Four years.

03-30-2012, 10:31 PM

I look around the library, noting the feel of the old books hiding in the nooks. Everytime I walk into a library I can sense the knowledge emanating from the pages within. I don't know why... It's probably because of my powers. Glancing at her, I say, "No. This is my first time." And by looking at the expanse of this place, it definitely won't be my last.

03-30-2012, 10:31 PM

I walk down the halls, my books up to my chest. My head is pounding, screaming for an asprin. When was the last time I had one? I need to go find the nurse.

03-30-2012, 10:38 PM
I smile at hin as he takes it all in. "I came here earlier. Amazing, isn't it?" I walk over to my reserved cubicle and pick up a book I sat here the first time I came in. "The Lord of the Rings trilogy is great," I think aloud as I thumb through The Fellowship of the Ring.

03-30-2012, 10:41 PM

My eyes cast towards her. Her thumbs meticulously go through the pages. Her eyes look back and forth, reading the words. She looks so peaceful, yet there must be mountains of thoughts going through her head.

03-30-2012, 10:45 PM

I walk into the library to set my books down. I see a guy and a girl. I walk over to them, "Hey." I say, softly.

03-30-2012, 10:48 PM

I turn to see a girl with very beautiful, long auburn hair. "Hey," I say, smiling.

03-30-2012, 10:49 PM

I smile back, "What are you guys reading?" I ask, softly, looking up at them.

03-30-2012, 10:51 PM

"The Lord of the Rings." I smile at her. She has very pretty green eyes. "What's your name? Are you new here?"

03-30-2012, 10:55 PM

I smile, "Azalea." I whisper, "I love that book!" I say, with a bright smile on my face, looking down at the book.

03-30-2012, 10:57 PM

"I'm Josh." I grin at her obvious approval of the book.

03-30-2012, 11:01 PM

"Nice to meet you, Josh." I look to the girl, "And you are?"

03-30-2012, 11:03 PM
I look up. I guess I was really zoned out. Josh and another girl, Azalea I think, are talking. I smile at her. She's way prettier than me. Josh has seemed to notice. "Hey, I'm Darcy. Sorry, I was kinda zoned out books have that effect on me. Especially these." I tap on the three stacked books.

Leon G
03-30-2012, 11:08 PM
/disregard this post

03-30-2012, 11:08 PM

I smile at Azalea, "Are you new here?"

03-30-2012, 11:10 PM
I smile at Josh, "Yea." I sit in a chair, pushing my hair back over my shoulder, still smiling at him. Then I look down to a book, there are so many, I don't know where to start.

03-30-2012, 11:14 PM

When she pushed her hair back, the air seemed to carry it towards me, allowing her scent to fill my nostrils. Vanilla. I inhale deeply. Wow, that's amazing. "So, Azalea," I lean towards her. "What section are you in?"

03-30-2012, 11:18 PM
I feel kind of awkward standing here while Josh is being somewhat seduced by Azalea so I walk back over to my cubicle with my books and sit down. I watch them curiously. I bet he really likes her which kind of makes me feel jealous.

03-30-2012, 11:18 PM
I smile, "Grandera, you?" I flip through the pages of the book, carefully running my fingers through my hair, to push it behind my ear, as it keeps trying to fall into my face.

03-30-2012, 11:22 PM

I grin. "As am I." The scent of her becomes stronger with each strand of hair that falls. My mind becomes blank, only thinking of her. "Do you have a nickname? Azalea seems pretty long...but it is still beautiful." I smile at her.

03-30-2012, 11:23 PM

"Really?" I say, excited, "That's awesome!" I bite my lip, "Well, a couple of my friends call me Lea."

03-30-2012, 11:24 PM

She's so beautiful. "Lea...that's pretty."

03-30-2012, 11:25 PM
I smile up into his eyes, "Thank you." I whisper, before I let my emerald eyes fall back down to the pages of the book.

03-30-2012, 11:26 PM

I sigh inwardly. Wow... I need to make conversation. "So, what is your power?"

03-30-2012, 11:30 PM
I look up from the book, my eyes focusing on his, "Shapeshift." I say, softly.

03-30-2012, 11:33 PM
I check out my books and walk back to my room feeling abandoned by my closest friend. I sort of want to cry. I was starting to like him more than a friend. Oh well, I guess I'm always going to be a lone ranger. I sigh and rrudge up the stels to my room. A tear runs down my cheek.

Leon G
03-30-2012, 11:35 PM
I stir awake, to find myself in my own room. Strange, I don't remember going here. I wipe the sleep out of my eyes and yawn. Refreshing nap, really. I stand up and unfurl my wings, giving them a good stretch. I run a hand through my golden curls as I try to remember what I was doing before. The lunch! I hope Raquel didn't think I left her on intent.

Hey Raquel. This is Hayden, as you know. I didn't mean to throw you to the wolves that are my friends! I just dozed off :P Sorry about that!

I hit send and leave my dorm, humming to myself. "There are Angels, in your angles..." I sing, browsing the halls. I wonder if Aaliyah went back to the lunch table or somewhere else. Falling asleep was truly embarrassing. I need to get more sleep.

03-30-2012, 11:36 PM

Suddenly, I get a feeling of sadness. What the hell? I shake my head, getting out of my trance, while looking at Lea. Then I look around, Where's Darcy? I look up to Lea, "Do you know where Darcy went?"

03-30-2012, 11:38 PM

I shake my head, "You should probably go look for her. She wasn't looking to good when she got up." I say, biting my lip.

03-30-2012, 11:41 PM

I nod. "I will. Talk to you later, Lea!" I stand up quickly, accidentally knocking some books off the table. Screw it. I leave the building as fast as I can. Darcy? Where are you? I send to her. Please be okay...

03-30-2012, 11:42 PM

There he goes. I gingerly pick up the books that fell and hold them up to my chest as I walk to the check out. I sigh, as the librarian checks out all my books for me. Now for the nurse.

03-30-2012, 11:46 PM

I slip out into the hall after showering and changing. I stretch, trying to get my muscles to stop aching from my sleep on the floor. When I woke up, Clarissa's face was smiling towards me. I shake my head and slide my hands into the pockets of my hoodie, and start walking down the hall. Catching sight of of Hayden, I speed up and fall into step beside him. "Morning, Hayden," I say, smiling up at him.

Leon G
03-30-2012, 11:52 PM
I smile down on Aaliyah. It's nice to see her smiling. And not a sad smile either, but a genuine one. When I first saw her, she seemed so much like a lost child...it make me so upset. She still seems a little guarded, but I'm glad she's opening up.

"Good morning Miss Ali. Did you have a peaceful rest last night?" I ask, cheerfully, leading her to the cafeteria. The smell of bacon and sausage fills the air. I spot pancakes, waffles and such at the rather long line.

03-30-2012, 11:59 PM
I walk towards my dorm room with a sigh. Sitting on the bed with my books. I lay on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. The aspirin wasn't working, as usual.

03-31-2012, 12:01 AM

I glance at him out of the corner of my eye, and quickly lie. "I had a nice sleep," I say. "What about you?" I'm not ready to tell him about the nightmares, because then I'd have to tell him the whole story.

03-31-2012, 12:03 AM
I'm in my room. I stare up at the ceiling, my arms crossed and resting on my chest. Stupid Darcy. I let a long sigh.

03-31-2012, 12:11 AM

When I hear her, I start to walk quickly to her room. When I reach her door, I knock loudly. "Darcy?"

03-31-2012, 12:23 AM
I get off my bed and open the door. "Yes?" I go back over and sit down.

03-31-2012, 12:26 AM

I run through the door. "Darcy! I'm so sorry." I wrap her up in my arms, not caring whether or not she minds. I hurt her. I know I did... I can sense it. I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to... I send to her.

03-31-2012, 12:30 AM
I hug him back. What do you mean you can since my feelings? I accidently read his mind. I burry my face in his chest.

03-31-2012, 12:33 AM

My arms instinctively tighten around her. I don't know.... I guess because I'm a telepath, too. And I'm sorry I hurt you...

03-31-2012, 12:36 AM
It's okay. I'm not mad at you. I don't think I could ever be mad at you. Lea's a beautiful girl. I don't blame you for wanting to talk to her more than me. I sigh and rest my chin on his shoulder.

03-31-2012, 12:43 AM

Oh. I'm such an idiot. Darcy... I pull back, placing both of my hands on her cheeks. I whisper, "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I was talking to Lea because I was trying to be friendly. Then something happened, but that's besides the point. I was with you in the library. Not her. I'm sorry for being a jerk." I loosen my hands, letting them fall until they reach hers. Gently, I grab her hands, intertwining our fingers. "Forgive me?"

03-31-2012, 12:45 AM
I blush at what he says and duck my head. "Of course," I say while looking at our intertwined fingers. A shy smile spreads across my face.

03-31-2012, 12:46 AM

I relax, then follow her gaze to our hands. I let go embarrassed. "I'm sorry...again." I chuckle unsteadily.

03-31-2012, 12:48 AM
"S'okay," I mutter. I feel my cheeks flush again. I don't know what to say now.

03-31-2012, 12:51 AM

I interrupt my reading to see I text from Hayden. Oh don't worry about it! Your friends are really sweet, and I understand if you were tired :) I text back. The banquet was everything I thought it would be and more, even though it seemed to have passed by in a blur. I wonder what Ali's up to... Hey Ali, it's Raquel. What are you doing? I drum my fingers on my bed while I read, hoping to hear that little ping that signifies a new text.

03-31-2012, 12:51 AM

I can sense her awkwardness as well as my own. "Well, it's late. And I didn't eat dinner. I'm going to go see if I can find something to snack on..." Then a thought crosses my mind. "Wanna come with?"

Leon G
03-31-2012, 12:53 AM
Awesome. I'm in the breakfast line if you want to join.
"That's great. I usually sleep well and sometimes have visions of grandeur," I say. I pile on eggs, bacon and pancakes. A also snag a bowl of oatmeal.

03-31-2012, 12:56 AM

Hey, Raquel. Nothing much. How about you? I let out a sigh of relief, but feel bad for lying to him. "That's good, I think." I say wrinkling my nose, as I grab some food.

03-31-2012, 12:59 AM
"Sure," I say and smile at him. I slide my hand in his and we walk out the door. "Gotta scrounge for food," I laugh playfully.

03-31-2012, 01:01 AM

Sounds good. See you soon. Well, time to officially start my day. I straighten my uniform, brush my hair, the same morning routine. Just I'm about to walk out the door, I get a text from Aaliyah. Oh, I'm going to eat breakfast now. Do you want to join? Hey, what do you like to go by, by the way. Ali, Lea, Aaliyah. I don't want to annoy you by calling you something you don't like o-Oguy After that, I walk to the cafeteria and see Hayden with a plate stacked to the heavens. "Hey Hayden," I say. I grab a plate and get bacon, french toast, and some fresh berries. Oh, and a glass of milk to top it off.

03-31-2012, 01:02 AM

I laugh with her, noting our locked hands. I secretly smile, gently squeezing her hand. "Hmm...where should we look first?" I gasp playfully. "Do you think they have a kitchen?"

03-31-2012, 01:04 AM
I get up from my bed and start to walk down the hall. I need to meet people. I feel like such a loner.

03-31-2012, 01:04 AM

I step out from behind Hayden. "Well at least now I don't have to attempt to answer your text," I joke to Raquel. "Ali, Aaliyah, Li-li, Yali, or Al is fine," I say happily.

Leon G
03-31-2012, 01:19 AM
occ: double post -.-

03-31-2012, 01:19 AM
As I walk down the hall, my mind races with thoughts. Thoughts of everything that had happened before I had come here. It was different being in a school with kids my age. It was all I had ever really wanted, but my parents would never have it. They didn't trust schools. I sigh, then they died, and I was forced into a school. A boarding school were I could be cared for, my magic trained. I just wanted my parents back, but I didn't see that happening. No magic in the world could bring them back.

Leon G
03-31-2012, 01:21 AM
"Hey Raquel," I smile. I head over to any empty table. I see my group of Angel buddies and Saul gives me a questioning look. I send him a shrug. I'm not mad. I just think a little time a apart is good after the Fallen Angels incident. I turn back to the table, digging into my feast.

"Angels eat a lot," I explain, "All that flying needs fuel. Luckily, the food is excellent here." I pick up a strip of bacon and put it in my mouth, enjoying the salty pork. "Mmm...heavenly."

03-31-2012, 01:25 AM
I decide to walk into the cafeteria. Maybe food will help take my mind off my thoughts. The aroma of food fills my nostrils and I take it in. I get in line and look at all the students sitting at the table eating. I bite my lip, I had never been around kids my age until now, and I was thrown in to live with them. This was going to be a rough transition.

03-31-2012, 01:27 AM

I poke him. "I see what you did there," I laugh. "And Aaliyah, you're lucky you have such a cool name and variety of nicknames. For Raquel, all I can think of is Rocky," I say flatly. "But hey, I still like my name." I pick up my fork and knife and carefully cut a square of French toast. "Mmm," I sigh as I taste the delicious sugary goodness. "You have a good excuse for eating. I just like tasty food," I admit. With that, I try a piece with fruit on my fork too. "I can get used to this," I joke.

03-31-2012, 01:30 AM
I get some french toast and a couple breakfast sausages. I find an empty table and sit down with my food. I look at it and taking in a breath, take a bite. It doesn't taste anything like my mom's food. What I'd do to have one more day with them...to tell them that I loved that and how sorry I was for everything I did to hurt them. I miss them so much. I sigh, food wasn't helping very much either.

Leon G
03-31-2012, 01:36 AM
"Yeah..." I say, gazing at a girl who's sitting all by herself. She seems lonely.

The thing about being an Angel is we always want good. We have very soft and kind hearts, so when we see a sad situation, we're going to do something. I frown, "Be right back." I stand up and go over to her table, joining her.

"Hi there," I smile, "I'm Hayden. A senior. I couldn't help but notice you're sitting alone. Care to join me and my friends?" This girl has really lovely green eyes.

03-31-2012, 01:49 AM

I open my mouth to say something to Hayden, then close it when he walks away. I drop my head and lay it on the table. My head has started to pound really hard, probably an after effect of the nightmares that kept me awake. "It's okay, Queli," I mumble to Raquel. "I'll probably be able to think up some good names for you, Raki," I continue to mumble.

03-31-2012, 02:03 AM

"Thanks for the creativity," I tell her. I smile when she says Queli and Raki. "I kind of like those. They sound tribal-ish, you know?" My brow creases when I notice that she's rested her head on the table. "What's the matter? Didn't get enough sleep?" I ask. I kind of likes the cyrochambers. It's unlike anything I've ever experienced before, but they are an efficient way to get sleep. "Speaking of sleep, do you have a roomate yet?" I babble. I notice that lately I've been feeling really cheery and rambling all the time.

03-31-2012, 02:06 AM
I smile, "I'd like to, I don't really know anyone. I'm Azalea." I say gently, and under my breath. Was this how I was supposed to reply? I didn't know how to talk to people my age. I get up from my seat and smile at him, as I start to walk to the other table.

Leon G
03-31-2012, 02:21 AM
I smile as she follows me to the table. If I can help at least one person a day, I'm happy. I take a seat by Ali.
"Guys, this is Azalea," I say gesturing towards her. "These are my friends Raquel and Aaliyah." I give Azalea another smile. I do that a lot. It seems like I'm always smiling. "You have a nice name. And I've always had a thing for for green eyes." Green eyes are so unusual. I mean, people have blue-hazel eyes that they claim to be green, but an emerald green eyes like hers are hard to find.

03-31-2012, 02:28 AM
I smile and wave at the girls as I sit in the seat, "It's nice to meet you guys."

I say, softly as I twiddle my hair with my finger. I smile at Hayden, "Thank you," I say, smiling, "I've never been told that before." The only people I had really ever talked to were my parents, they were so set on their opinion that the world was evil, but it wasn't really, was it? Everyone here seemed so nice, I was sure that I was going to have an amazing time here.

03-31-2012, 02:28 AM

I wave weakly at the new girl. I didn't catch her name, because my head is pounding so hard. I touch my head, but my hands are hot, and they don't help. I shake my head at Raquel, then regret it. The room starts spinning. "Excuse me," I say shakily, and slowly stand up, holding my head. I walk down to the nurses office, leaning against the wall for support. I feel like if I step away from the wall, I'm not going to be standing anymore.

03-31-2012, 05:06 AM
I don't know. "Probably, they have to have somewhere to cook." I say and smile at him.

03-31-2012, 01:55 PM

My heart skips a beat when she smiles at me. They better have a kitchen... I lift my hand to her. "Shall we?"

03-31-2012, 04:23 PM
The table goes silent as I fiddle with my food. I look up at the faces, all which seem concentrated on their own thing. I look up at the ceiling wondering how to break the silence, but realizing that I'm inexperienced at starting a conversation and don't know what to say. I wish that I had had some prior experience with people my age, I felt so awkward and out of place. The one girl that get's up looks like she needs some help, so even though I don't know what I'm going to do, I get up and follow her.

"Hey." I say, in a near whisper as I catch up to her, "Are you alright?" Her pained expression makes me want to do something, but what I could do, I had no idea.

03-31-2012, 05:30 PM

"Of course, where do we start?" I ask him with a laugh. I'm really happy with him. He's really caring and sweet and cute. I wonder what he meant by having a vision about a phoenix. Could it have been Alyssa? I sigh as we head into the kitchen. I want to play my guitar and saxophone for him sometime. I'm not sure if I want him to hear my singing though.

04-01-2012, 05:10 PM

Well, this an awkward situation. I could go follow Yali and Lea to see if she's okay, or I could stay here and eat my yummy breakfast. Does she really need two people helping her? I don't want to smother her, so I send her a text instead. Hey Aaliyah, what happened? Do you want Hayden or I to come help you, or do you have it covered? If you aren't well, I'd be happy to assist however I can :) All I can do in the meantime is wait, so I dig into my French toast while it's still warm. I wonder what Hayden will do...

Leon G
04-01-2012, 05:17 PM
I stand up to chase after Aaliyah. After all, healing is my specialty and I dream of becoming a doctor. Plus, I've only known Ali for a few days, but I really care about her. And I think it's more than my Angel instinct. I get up the same time Azalea gets up, but Azalea goes after her faster than me.
"I guess she'll be alright," I say uncertainly, sitting back down. Raquel is texting but she digs into her breakfast pretty soon after. "You don't think she needs our help, do you? She does have Azalea with her...." I wonder what Azalea is. I know some witches have healing powers, but not all do. I'm not good at guessing what people are. I thought Ali was a shape-shifter and Raquel was a witch. I sigh and take a long drink of orange juice.

04-01-2012, 05:23 PM

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Unless she wants a drink or is feeling warm, my talents aren't of much help," I admit, sullen. Sometimes, like now, I wish my powers were more extensive. "I just texted her asking if she needs any more help. Hopefully she'll respond, but she might not depending on how sick she is. Maybe you should go check on her, considering you're an angel. I mean, just your presence will probably be uplifting to her," I suggest. I think back to what happened. Li-li had set her head on the table and looked pretty upset. Then she walked off, kind of unsteady if I recall correctly. "But on the other hand, maybe she just got a headache, or her stomach hurts."

04-01-2012, 08:25 PM

I'm almost to the nurses office when the girl runs up behind me. The pain in my head is unbearable, and I feel as if something, or someone is stabbing me. My chest hurts and I can barely breathe. I can't say anything to the girl, so I just look towards the nurses. Only a few more steps. The hallway stretches in front of me so 10 steps looks to be 100. Suddenly it feels as if a big weight is dropped onto my head, and everything goes black. I feel myself hit the floor and then am conscious of no more. Did you really think you'd be able to escape me, Aaliyah?


A girl looks to be having some issues. I step out of my office just in time to see her drop to the floor. I rush over, and feel her pulse. Her heart is racing, and her skin is burning to the touch. I can barely stand the heat. I, as a witch, cannot do much for her. If I am right this is beyond my capabilities. I peel back her eyelids to see her eyes darting back and forth, as if she's seeing something. She has begun to shake, so I instruct a girl that's standing by to hold her head, while I rush back to my office.

"Hayden, to the nurse's office, please. And hurry!" I call over the intercom. Hayden is a very high angel and should be able to help. I believe something is attacking this girl. I rush back to her, with a wet wash cloth, and lay it on her forehead. "Poor dear," I say as I try to hold her steady.

04-01-2012, 08:26 PM
X double post sorry.

04-01-2012, 08:57 PM

As we start to wander down the hall, I realize that I am finally perfectly happy. I've never been truly happy since Mom died. My father left us - mentally, that is. And that was the beginning of a new, unwanted life. I am so thankful for my Grandfather; for him sending me here. My eyes turn to Darcy, and my lips turn up unconciously. I am so thankful for her. The way she makes me feel...is just, amazing. Simply amazing. I listen to the rythymic pattern of our feet lightly hitting the floor. In perfect sync... My fingers involuntarily find hers. "Thank you, Darcy," I whisper as I lift her hand, lightly placing a kiss on her knuckles. The eyes given to me from my mother meet her oh-so-beautiful dark brown irises. "Thank you for being my friend."

04-01-2012, 09:02 PM
I smile at him gently. "Thanks for being my friend, Josh." After we finish eating we walk out to the garden where we met and sit on the bench where we met. I watch students walking around, but I mainly watch Josh. My hand still in his feels perfectly alligned with his. I lean my head on his shoulder and smile warmly when he kisses my hand again. I haven't felt this happy in such a long time I forgot how good it felt.

04-01-2012, 09:18 PM
The girl collapses and I don't know what to do. I wish that I could help, but I was only a shapeshifter, and my magic wasn't nearly strong enough, not to mention undeveloped. I bite my lip and watch as the nurse calls for the boy that I had met earlier. Being attacked by dark forces brought my parents to mind. They always said that they were protecting me, protecting me from my grandfather. They said that if he ever got a hold of me, that he would forever take a hold of my spirit and drag it to hell with him. Mom had said that they had ruined his plans for her, and that because of that, he swore that he was going to fulfill them through me. They went into hiding, trying to protect me, but I was forever afraid after the day I found them dead. I remember picking up the note left by their bodies. It only had four words written on it: I will find you.

04-01-2012, 09:25 PM

I close my eyes, basking in the richness of smells coming from the garden. Yet, when I think I'm smelling the sweetest scent of roses I soon realize that it's Darcy. I can only smell her... Sense her. What is going on with me? All of a sudden I feel this way, and I don't know why. And I don't want to stop it, either. It feels right. I sigh inwardly. What am I going to do? I don't want to fight these feelings, but I may have to if she doesn't feel the same... Lifting my arm, I place it across her shoulders. Perfect fit. I can't help but smile. Life has a funny way of doing things. I turn to look at her. "You know I always will be," I say. A peice of hair falls onto her face, calling me to fix it. As I gently place it behind her ear with my fingers, I look deep into her eyes, and send telepathically, I promise.

04-01-2012, 09:31 PM

I want to cry from happiness right now. I promise I will always be here for you. I don't tell him how strongly I feel towards him. If he doesn't feel the same it could ruin our friendship. I snuggle into his side and sigh happily. I hear thunder rumbling in the distance and start to feel scared. I don't like storms.

04-01-2012, 09:45 PM

My heart explodes. My feelings burn with a raging fire, wanting to escape and scorch everything. More than anything in the world do I wish to unleash them. They have to be known. Darcy must know that I think I might be in l-...No. I can't. We're just friends. But, I want more. Why can't I have more? I sigh. Life isn't fair. My Grandfather was right. You can't always get everything, even the things you most desire. But, I don't just desire or want her... I need her. As not just a friend, but as everything. I stare into her eyes, seeing so many emotions; friendship, happiness, and feelings that I can't quite decipher. I wonder what she's thinking right now... Are they good thoughts? I hope.

Thunder booms in the distance. "Looks like a storm is coming." Dark clouds slowly start to form above campus. I hate storms... they're so gloomy.

04-01-2012, 09:51 PM

"We should go inside," I say quietly. I don't ever tell people how scared I am of storms. They'd think I'm childish. I stand up quickly when I hear it getting closer and rain start to sprinkle down from the clouds. I lean against his side as we walk to his room. I gaze at him as he opens the door to his room. i walk in and see the cryochamber pushed into the corner. His bed is where the cryochamber was.

04-01-2012, 09:53 PM

Darcy is acting strange. "What's going on? Are you okay?" I push the door closed. Then turn around, seeing her staring at my bed.

04-01-2012, 09:57 PM
"Nothing everything looks different," I glance down at my feet. I just want to crawl under the bed and hide when that storm hits. I glance at him and sit down in the floor by his desk. I lean against the table leg and shut my eyes tight. "I hate storms," I whisper my voice almost barely audible.

04-01-2012, 10:02 PM

My eyes widen. Yet again, she surprises me. There seems to be an endless list of things we either have in common, or things that are complementary. I shake my head, smiling. She's so cute, sitting there with eyes shut tight in fear of the storm. I slowly kneel down in front of her. "Darcy?" What are you so afraid of?

04-01-2012, 10:07 PM

Losing another person I love to the thing that I feel most comfortable in. Nature. I keep my eyes shut tight and pull my knees to my chest. I can't lose him like I lost my parents. Tears streak down my cheeks, but I don't care if he sees me this way. "I can't lose you, too." I whisper.

04-01-2012, 10:15 PM

Wait, wait, wait, wait... "Love?" I must be losing my mind. Did she just say... "You love me?" If there is a God in Heaven, please let me be right!

04-01-2012, 10:19 PM
"Yes," I whsiper and open my eyes. He's looking at me weird. I feel like an idiot. Why did I tell him that? I look down at the floor. My cheeks are flushed. "I shouldn't have told you. I can leave," I say quickly and walk to the door, but he pins his arms on he either side of me so I can't move. My heart starts beating faster.

04-01-2012, 10:34 PM
No. "Don't go." My mind starts a tornado of thoughts, going around and around and around... She loves me! But, should I do something about it? Well, I'm given the chance... So I should. Yet, what if it's the wrong thing to do? What if all she's feeling, all I'm feeling, is a lie? Just a result of this storm? Rain does make me emotional. Oh, goodness... She looks at me with her dark brown pools, willing them to look into my soul. I can't have these irrational doubts. What I feel IS true. How can it not be? Ever since I arrived at this "school for the gifted", instead of feeling like a gift, I've recieved a gift. Darcy. The most beautiful, down-to-earth, friendly, amazing, girl I've ever laid eyes upon. I can't lose her... She means too much to me, already.

Leaning towards her, centimeters from her face, I whisper harshly, "You are not leaving. Ever. Got it?" Then, as I allow my hand to finally make it's journey to rest upon her cheek, I soften my voice, "I love you, too. Always."

04-01-2012, 10:57 PM
I blush and smile up at him. "I won't," I whisper. I wrap my arms aroun his neck and gaze into his eyes. Those handsome green eyes. I pull him to me and bury my face in his neck, crying happily.

04-01-2012, 11:23 PM

I tighten my arms around her. I will never let you go, you here me? This has got to be the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. Finally, I've found my reason to be happy. And, who would've known the reason was at a school I didn't want to go to? If I hadn't listened to my grandfather about coming here, I would've never been in this situation. But, if it came to that, I sincerely hope that fate would've brought us together someday... I shouldn't worry about that, though. We're here now. And in this moment, I will hold forever in repeat, never tiring of the way she feels in my arms, or the how her head fits perfectly at the base of my neck; and even the breaths leaving us, how peaceful they sound.

I am happy. Nothing to it, really. Just plain rainbows-and-butterflies happy.

Leon G
04-01-2012, 11:50 PM
I send Raquel an apologetic smile. "Sorry. I'm called the Nurse's office when there's something serious. Since Angels can heal and all that. We can catch up later!" I call out as I take off running toward's the nurse. I had a very bad feeling this had something to do with Aaliyah. I burst into the office to see her on the floor with the nurse.
"I got it," I say, taking Aaliyah from the nurse. I nearly drop her as soon as my skin touches hers. She's almost glowing with dark magic. "I think something is possessing her. Attacking her from the outside. I'm going to try and go in. See what I can do." Aaliyah's eyes are closed. The easiest way to get in is eye contact. You can also do it by blood and ahem sex ahem, but a kiss will suffice. "Forgive me," I say before I press my lips to her soft ones. I focus on going inside her mind. Ali can you hear me? It's Hayden. I'm hear to help you.

04-01-2012, 11:52 PM
I pull away far enough to gaze ibto his eyes. We breath heavily and smile. I run my fingers through his blonde hair. I do. I stand up on my tiptoes abd lean closer to him. Our lips almost touch. I desperately want him to kiss me. "Kiss me," I whisper quietly.

04-01-2012, 11:55 PM

I smile happily, closing the space between without a second thought. I kiss her slowly, so as not to push her. My hand runs through her hair, and the other pulls her closer. I can get used to this.

ooc:gotta go!

04-01-2012, 11:58 PM

I'm sitting in a very dark place. Chains are holding my wrists and I can't move farther than where I am. The metal is chafing at my skin, and I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on them. Tears fall from my eyes. I'm so scared. I don't know what it is. I've seen red eyes, burning into my soul. My heart races each time I feel something scratch at the surface of my soul. Suddenly I hear Hayden's voice. Hayden! I call out. I'm here. I'm so scared!

Leon G
04-02-2012, 12:06 AM
I brace my sword. It's a special one, given to me by The Almighty One. I can only use it when battling inside minds though. I unfurl my wings and fly towards the cries, my sword letting off a dim glow. I hear the rattle of chains and fly towards the sound. Ali, I'm coming. Don't worry. I find her, looking absolutely terrified, chained to a wall. I'm nervous. Not about the demons, I've dealt with plenty even though I'm more of a medical behind the scenes guy. I'm scared for Ali, that something this strong would want to hurt her. I wonder if this has anything to do with her scars. It probably does.
"Don't worry Ali. I'm here," I say soothingly. I use my sword to break the chains and bring her into my arms. "Ali.." I say. It's all I can say. Call me emotional.

04-02-2012, 12:07 AM
I kiss him gently and run my fingers through is hair. I pull away just enough to catch my breath before kissing him again. I hear thunder crash and my grip on him tightens. I will not lose him. I can't. I'll lose a large part of myself. Tears run down my cheeks and I smile against his lips. "I love you so much," I whisper when I pull away. Rain begins to pound on the roof so he scoops me into his arms and carries me to his bed. He carefully lays me down on the end of the bed and leans over me and kisses me again.

04-02-2012, 12:17 AM

As soon as Hayden breaks the chains, and releases me from my bindings, I throw myself into his arms. That's just as well because he brings me into his arms as well. I sob into his shoulder. "Hayden, what's happening?" I whisper, my voice trembling. I'm shaking beyond compare and I can't stop. I truly have no idea what is going on, besides that it could have to do with my nightmares. They were horrible last night, worse than usual. I clutch tightly to Hayden's shirt, partially out of fear and partially to see if it will help me stop shaking. "I'm so scared," I whisper, my tears staining his shirt.

Leon G
04-02-2012, 12:33 AM
I need to be strong for the both of us. She seems so...vulnerable. I just want to protect her so badly. "Shhh, shhh, it's okay Ali. Everything's going to be okay. I won't let them hurt you," I say, rubbing her back. I pull her closer to me, laying her head against my chest and sigh. "I don't know all the details, but someone is attacking you." I wonder who attacked her and why. They aren't in plain sight, but I can feel their presence. "Do you know who bought you here? Is anyone out to get you?"

04-02-2012, 12:42 AM

I wince. I guess it's time to tell him. "My father and my brothers were angered when I left home," I say, barely above a whisper. "They don't have their punching bag anymore. Or their sex toy," I say bitterly, my voice cold, but still trembling. My heart beats faster, partially with the fear of Hayden walking away. I can't lose him. He's my only way out of this hellhole. Besides, I'm starting to really trust him, and really like him. He seems to be a good friend. I wrap my arms around his waist, holding him tightly, afraid to let go.

Leon G
04-02-2012, 12:57 AM
"Oh Ali.." I say, not knowing the words to say, "That's horrible." It just breaks my heart to know she's had to go through so much. And I start to feel an emotion I'm not familiar with, anger. Why? Is it at Ali? No. Her father. And brothers. Yes, that's who it was at. I wanted to just-No. Think heavenly thoughts. You don't want to fall, Hayden. "I'm so sorry." I hold her close, "Let's get out of here." I wonder how she will feel when she regains consciousness and finds me on top of her, kissing her. Will it bring bad memories? I just hope she can trust me.

04-02-2012, 01:02 AM

I slip out of the nurse's room area where I saw Hayden and Aaliyah lip locked. I wonder if it was CPR, or something just went down that I didn't get the chance to see. Anyhow, I walk up to the music room and hammer out a song on the piano. It doesn't bother me to see them like that, does it? I push these thoughts out of my mind and focus on hitting all the notes and remembering exactly how the song goes. Music has always been a good outlet for me to let out my inner stress.

04-02-2012, 01:07 AM

I nod. "Okay," I whisper. "Hayden? I'm sorry you had to come save me," I tell him quietly. I really don't mean to be a burden, especially to someone I'm growing close to. Once I get out of this frightening place, I will regain my confident exterior and be alright. I hear his inner thought, and through it all, I giggle softly. "How are we going to get out of here?" I ask. I feel a looming, evil presence near us, and I just want to leave.

Leon G
04-02-2012, 01:20 AM
"Don't sweat it," I grin. "It's no problem. Now, I'm going to see if we can escape the easy way. Your father and brothers are coming out and attacking us, so that's somewhat good. Hold onto me and we can both just keep on flying up until we break unconsciousness. If it works, we'll both be back in the Nurse's office." If it doesn't... No. It has to work. I grip Aaliyah around the waist, and spread my snow white wings wide.

04-02-2012, 01:26 AM

I nod, but instead of just holding tightly to him, which I also do, I spread my own large wings. Yep you got it; they are dark. I catch a glance of them next to Hayden's and wince. They are a contradiction of his. His are so pure and light, while mine are dark and tainted. I shake my head, and push those thought away for another time. "I know we can do it," I say as I hold tightly to him.

Leon G
04-02-2012, 02:01 AM
I hold her tight, and start to fly up. Her wings remind me so much of Raven, I look away. My memories of her are fond though, and I smile, sadly. No time to reminisce on the past. I focus on flapping in time with Ali, our wings brushing against each other every so often. We fly closer and closer to light until we break through. I'm no longer inside of Ali's head, with her, but on top of her on the clinic floor. I quickly move my lips away from hers.
"Ali," I say, a bit out of breath, "We're back. Are you alright?"

04-02-2012, 02:07 AM

I gasp for breath, a little shocked that Hayden was kissing me. "Y-yeah. I'm okay. N-no worse for the w-wear," I chatter. Now that the intense heat has gone down, I'm freezing! I shiver, and sit up, wrapping my arms around myself. "W-were you just k-k-kissing me?" I ask curiously.


I breathe a sigh of relief as I see the the young girl is okay. I smile at Hayden. "Thank you," I mouth at him, then bustle around her, checking all of her vital signs and getting her a blanket. "Sweetie, I'm glad you're okay. Would you like to get off the floor?" I try to help her up but she slumps back down. She looks up at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry," she says quietly. "My legs feel weak."

I shake my head and cluck my tongue sympathetically.

Leon G
04-02-2012, 02:12 AM
I want to say of course not, but bile rises in my throat. Oh, to be able to lie... Others don't know how lucky they are.
"Yes," I admit, "I was. But to bring you back," I add quickly. I turn a shade of pink, embarrassed. I don't usually become embarrassed. Funny. I turn to the nurse and wiggle my fingers, "Does she need any healing?" Better. Focus on something you know. Medicine. I was uncertain with Ali. I definitely liked her, she reminded me of Raven. But did I love her?

04-02-2012, 03:20 AM

That would explain the thump-thump my heart is making. Or it could just be my near-death experience. Or both. I lie down on the floor, and sigh. Why must life be complicated? My eyes snap open. I just remembered. I have to tell Hayden the whole story now. I groan in frustration, and close my eyes again.


I raise my eyebrow at Hayden. It's been a while since Raven died. He seems flustered by Aaliyah. I shake my head. "Well, I believe we should get her off the floor first," I say chuckling. She looks quite comfortable though. That is until she groans. I shake my head again and gesture to her. "She also has a lump in the head where she fell but that's about it."