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04-20-2012, 03:43 PM
Easy task it was. Get on the beds and dream.

It was so easy that no further explanation was needed to be given.

Sure, they had not much of a clear idea why someone would put all of his efforts to make their dreams come true, but the chance of meeting their hero they loved so much face to face was more than enough to make them join into this experiment.

Little did they know they were chosen carefully for this. Otaku, gamer, geek, whatever you may wish to call them, they were hardcore fans, the perfect vassals for this mission.

If only they knew how dangerous was the challenge they were about to face.

If only they knew they might not survive.

Alas, it was the only way, and they, so eager to fulfill their fantasies agreed without a second thought.

But now... Now it was the time... to meet their mind's creation...

04-20-2012, 03:54 PM
When Scarlet_Warrior awoke after performing her summoning, she was in extreme discomfort. The brace on her teeth was aching, the underwire of her bra had ridden up into an uncomfortable position under her large breasts, and she was desperate to pee. Suddenly, she remembered where she was. The whole thing hadn’t been a dream, then! Her problems were thrust from her mind – it was true. It was true! After a lifetime of reading and re-reading “Pride and Prejudice”, she was at last to meet her all-time favorite heroine. Years of being a bullied, reviled, computer-nerd had paid off at last!

But, first things first! She ripped the various wires from her skull, noting that the small computer on the table at the end of her bed read “Summoning Successful”. Then, she hurried towards a small door on the opposite side of the room to that which through she had entered, and which was marked “bathroom.”


Sy23 awoke to the sound of tinkling coming from somewhere in the room. He was somewhat sorry to wake up. As a lifelong insomniac, whenever he did manage to fall into slumber he liked to prolong the state as much as possible. Especially when he had been having a dream as interesting as the one he had just been having. And what was that strange tinkling sound? Had he dozed off near a waterfall, or-

Suddenly, he took in his surroundings. This was not his familiar bedroom at home, with the framed fairy-prints on the walls and the Katniss action-figure sitting on his bedside table. He was still in the dream – if dream it was!

Normally, getting Sy out of bed required an explosive device of some sort, or at least a bucket of cold water. But, for once in his life he jumped out of bed, ripping the attached wires from his skull impatiently. He looked around for coffee and cursed when his search was unsuccessful. Still, he mused, you can’t have everything. He lit a small cigar and wandered through the door into the main room.


It is a fact universally acknowledged that any romantic heroine summoned in her sleep to take part in a quest of significance must be in want both of a good Summoner and a certain amount of romantic intrigue to add frisson to the narrative.

These facts had taken root in Elizabeth’s brain as she stood demurely against the wall. To one side of her was a richly-dressed man, presumably a prince or some other scion of the aristocracy, a suitable match, but perhaps a girl should not put herself forward by setting her cap at such as he. On the other side stood a tall, well-built man dressed in some kind of one-piece suit, who was everything a lady might desire (had he but five thousand a year), though perhaps with certain rough edges about his personality, which it would be her matrimonial duty to correct. There also seemed to be a large lizard in the room, presumably someone's pet. Really, that was the provoking thing about travel abroad - customs did differ so! Anyway, it seemed a large enough party - handsome gentlemen, and attractive (if somewhat indecently clad) ladies everywhere...

Only one of her fellow Achievers – what quaint names people had to bear in this outre adventure – had taken the instructions to stand in a line against the wall and wait for their Summoner - as a general recommendation to be ignored rather than a strict command.

The girl in question – presumably some savage from the wilds of America, an Apache possibly – sat on the far side of the circular room, peering suspiciously about her with nervous gray eyes, while stringing an obviously home-made bow and singing a somewhat morbid song about two lovers meeting by a gallows. She was, obviously, in possession of a desire to be ignored, and Elizabeth was glad to oblige. Really, her behavior was enough to make one want to speak in italics!

In any event, there were now more interesting happenings to divert her. From the small (small? It was miniscule) intercourse she had thus far enjoyed with her fellow Achievers, it was obvious that summoners tended to be of the obverse gender to their achiever, for had not both the Prince and the Knave beside her both stated that their own were known to be from the gentler sex?

And now the door had slid open, and a thin, lithe man had wandered into the room, casually smoking a large cigar. This, presumably was “Scarlet_Warrior”. Elizabeth discreetly straightened her bodice and sucked at her lips in order to redden them. She snapped open her fan, curtsied to the newcomer, curtsied and said, in her most flirtatious voice:

“Sir, I am most gratified to make your acquaintance. Since there is none to present me, it seems I must take the vulgar, but excusable, step of presenting myself, la! Elizabeth Bennett at your service, Sir.”

The thin man bowed, and removed the cigar from his lips. He bowed slightly. “Miss Bennett. I have heard so much about you. The pleasure is all mine.” He took her pro-offered hand and kissed it gently, taking perhaps slightly longer than absolute propriety required, bringing a blush to Elizabeth’s cheeks which she was forced to hide with a hasty rearrangement of her fan.

“But I fear you are in error,” he continued. “You see – “

“Oh, la Sir. La, I say,” replied Elizabeth, folding her fan, tapping him playfully upon the hand, and unfurling it again. “I am known less for my misunderstandings than my perception. You must surely be the Scarlet-Warrior of whom – wha-a-a-!”

The last, somewhat unladylike word was a response to the fact that her fan had disappeared from her kid-gloved hand, accompanied by a whoosh of air. Said accessory reappeared skewered against the wall, held there by an arrow that was still quivering with the force of the impact. The Apache was walking towards them, a scowl on her thin face, her braid swinging angrily.

“Our lives are in danger, and you’re more interested in throwing yourself at my mentor than making plans. He should be out arranging sponsors for us, not wasting time trying to thrust off your distractions. But then, what can you expect?” She looked Elizabeth up and down. “Since you’re obviously from the Capitol!”

“Madam, you forget yourself!” Shrieked Elizabeth, angrily, rounding on the young girl. “I venture but rarely to the capital, save perhaps to buy new mittens or the occasional yard of muslin. Bath is much more fashionable! Still, what can one expect – from a savage from America?”

“America?” The girl tilted her head to her left. Her question seemed to be one of genuine puzzlement than a challenge. “I’m still slightly deaf in my left ear. Would you repeat that?”

Sy23 hastily stepped between the women, holding out his palms to each of them. “Ladies, please,” he said, smiling slightly to take the edge from his voice. “Miss Bennett, you are only half right. Miss Everdeen is not from America as such, but Panem.”

“Yes, that’s right,” the Apache confirmed. “The Seam, in District 12.”

“Miss Elizabeth Bennett," continued Sy23. "May I present Miss Katniss Everdeen, known sometimes as the Mockingjay. Katniss, Elizabeth Bennett.”

“Charmed, I’m sure,” said Elizabeth, the tone in her voice making it clear she was the exact opposite! She extended her kid-gloved hand limply. Katniss stared at it blankly.

“Named after the sagitara plant. How quaint,” continued Elizabeth, hastily turning her offer of a handshake into a dab at her hair. She turned to Sy. “But, Scarlet_Warrior, your ornithological knowledge must surely be lacking. A jay I have heard of, and a mocking bird as well. But a -?”

Just then her attention was diverted by the appearance of a rotund girl, who entered the room looking shyly about her. Her eyes lit up when they fell upon Elizabeth.

“Miss Bennett!” The girl said, in a high, nervous voice nonetheless tinged with excitement. “At last. I’ve been wanting to meet you for years!”

“And you might be -?”

“I’m Scarlet_Warrior,” she said. “Honestly, you’ve no idea what a thrill it is to meet you. I’ve been a fan of yours, like, forever!”

The expression on Elizabeth’s face caused Sy23 and Katniss to exchange glances, and immediately engage in a competition to see which one of them would burst into uncontrollable laughter first. The result was a tie

04-20-2012, 05:00 PM
P.K. opened her eyes for a moment staring at the ceiling far above her She frowned then rolled over closing her eyes again searching for the blanket with her hands to pull it up around her. Not finding it she frowned more and set up on a to narrow bed that she toppled off of. "ow..." she muttered then realized something. "oh" she said slowly while getting up and taking the wires off and away from her now moving brain. "I remember now" P.K. suddenly did a fist pump "this is going to be so cool!" she quickly made sure she looked at least presentable before making her way over to the bathroom for a quick stop.


Cassandra was quietly leaning against the wall listening to everything said but reacting to nothing as of yet. With her dark eyes closed she simply thought about who her summoner could possibly be. P.K. was the name she knew but that was all. She knew why and how she was here but she did not fully see how she could contribute. None the less she would do what she could as she always did. Opening her eye as peals of laughter caught her sudden interest she looked over at a small group. All from what she could tell three women one of which looked uncomfortable more or less and one man who was one of which the outburst had come from.

Cassandra's eyes narrowed a bit as she continued to watch the white of her pupils shining slightly in the light making a big contrast with her dark blue Iris. many people who had looked at her in the human world could not keep eye contact with her for more then one reason she would be mildly surprised if any one here did keep a staring contest with her. Her attention was taken else where when the door opened yet again admitting a young girl roughly around the same age as herself.

This new girl took one look around then headed strait for her by passing the other small group. "Cassandra?" she asked sounding slightly shy. She blinked "yes? and you must be P.K." The girl nodded trying hard not to smile to big. "Relax" Cassandra said worried the girl would put to much strain on herself trying to hold back what ever it was. A moment later she was sure she regretted saying that as the girl gave her a tight hug suddenly a lot more energetic.

"Your so cool Cassandra calm and everything ...wish I could be like that!" Cassandra carefully pried the girl off her "well you could..." she said slowly "but it would take a lot of time and you don't seem to much like the patient type" she said honestly. P.K. sighed "I know". "you remind me of Stephany" Cassandra said thoughtfully as she looked at the girl. As she had thought before she was mildly surprised that this girl was now staring into her eyes and not shrinking away. "your eyes are so cool" P.K. suddenly said smiling yet again. To say that least Cassandra was the slightest bit surprised at this new...world, place and time and all the people that were here.

It was going to take a bit of getting used to but Cassandra could cope and would cope as there was nothing else left to do. it was then that something struck her. "your hair is it always like that?" P.K. shook her head "no I dyed it like 2 to 3 years ago and it still hasn't come out" the same thought seemed to strike her after a moment "OMG!" she explained 'I just noticed we have almost the same coloring Except mines dark brown and blonde and yours is like a really pretty light blond with black highlights". Cassandra only nodded quietly not at all sure how to react to this girl.

04-20-2012, 06:18 PM

I wish they'd turn off that dam thing.... Ruined a decent enough dream to that confounded noise just to tell them I'm alive... I'm breathing you idiots turn it off..

Setsa rubbed her forehead to finger the electrode devices and pull them off one by one, following with the bp monitor on her finger, letting out a relieved sigh to the silence of the machine. Sitting up rubbing her right bicep where they gave her a shot to help her fall asleep for this summoning to occur. Least she got some sleep and didn't roll off the table, that was a big plus alright. Looking around there was no one in the room beside herself and the machine which kept flashing "100% Sucessfull," her sensitive hearing picked up what sounded like other voices a few rooms down and laughter. Curiousity getting the best of the woman, she smoothed down her blue, low neck, tank top. Fastened her black belt around her jean shorts and slipped on her sneakers; glad to have everything back on her person she pushed up her glasses and went to the common room using the noise as her guide. Seeing PK talking to who must have been her Achiever she hugged her friend from behind, giving the woman she was conversating with a polite smile to then move on and get her bearings.


Thor was pouring himself a very large cup of coffee, talking to no one in paticular that surely there must be some bigger mugs around here... A mead mug would suit well to contain the black liquid that quench his parched mouth after being sent here in a way that certianly wasn't the bi-frost. "So where is this Setsa at that I hear is my Summoner?? I must thank her for bringing me here before I made a fool of myself infront of Captain America cause I can't figure out that silent game you call Chess."

Chugging back the coffee with no pause as the hot liquid ran down the corners of his mouth he caught site of someone hugging another woman and grinned. Wiping his mouth with the back of his wrist, Thor approached the small group with long strides of his muscular body. "Good 'morrow ladies of the room.." gently taking his summoner's arm; "forgive me as I need to speak to Setsa here for only a moment." Flashing his great smile the two went to a corner to speak before more people he didn't know would come. "Setsa, though I am greatful for being down on Earth again... Whereever we are on this planet... I wish to know the reason for my presence, I see no soldiers at the doors or those you call "doctors" roaming about. Is this some sort of illusive trickery I don't know about?"

Setsa gave her head a shake "no trickery at all.... All of us here were asked to come so that these scientists may bring someone from our dreams into this present time as real as ever to help aid in a mission that none of us know much of anything about." She gave him a smile as her mind was still trying to believe what she was seeing... before her was the Norse God Thor from the movies she loved and legends she had read several times before for various reasons. Still, he was in fact here, mortal or not he had a the strength and God of a body... that was eye-candy enough for her. His trusty hammer was definetly an added bonus as well. "Well then, we shall wait for someone who does have then answers then before doing anything else if that satisfies the lady?" Bringing his summoner's hand to his lips, Thor gave it a gentleman's kiss. "Keep doing that now and then and I'll wait for answers no problem...." giggling some as she started to cheer up, her eyes a hazel mix of green and brown with many emotions going through her like in most others here. "Just don't get in any fights right now alright?"

Thor smiled releasing her hand "you have my word Setsa." Excusing himself to get more coffee as his body needed food to regain strength and that was the only thing he could find.

04-20-2012, 08:35 PM
Drakkon groaned, shaking his head as he rose up from his bed.. table.. thing. They had to drug him to sleep and the groggy effects didn't exactly wear off when he was transferred to.. well where ever he was. The room was bear save for whatever he was laying on. Table? Bed? Doctor's bed? Meh, too uneasy to tell or care. Then the weird machine that tells him complete success. "Ugh, now I remember.. well done people. I went from 'I can't sleep this is too exciting' down to 'Ugh why don't I wanna move.' Real nice work." He yelled out randomly. He didn't know if they could hear him or not, and he did eventually leave the room. Probably after a couple minutes or so to get the groggy feeling to subside.


Akshara was watching the big fellow with the large cup of coffee talk to the woman named Sesta, tilting her head she looked at his hammer. The hammer itself was probably half her size considering she was only three feet tall. Okay, maybe stretching the truth with the hammer thing. But it was probably just as big as her overall. And she didn't get the Achiever and Summoner thing at all, which is why she listened to the armored destroyer talk to the woman. (Yes she thinks Thor is a Destroyer.) Walking up to them she tugged slightly on the woman's cloths. "Excuse me, whats a summoner again?" She asked, tilting her head to the other side. She was a cute little thing with long dark hair, white vest with an orange long sleeve and dark leather pants. In her world, the vest and pants were called demon skin, a secondary skin of sorts that grows out of the first skin and shields the creature like any other armor. She also held light brown gloves and boots with two hilts sticking out of them. All in all she looked almost normal, save for her dark grey eyes. "And.. where are we? Is this one of those extra realms my Elder told me about?"

Her eyes landed on the hammer again. "Ohh! Are you a destroyer? Or a builder? I guess it can mean both.. the hammer that is.. but you look more like you destroy things.. why do you wear armor though? I thought destroyers preferred speed and strength over protection and caution?" She started talking faster when she stopped abruptly. "Are you an angel or demon destroyer? You don't have those sort of aura's around you.. are you both? Do you have wings if you are?" She tilted her head to the other side of her shoulders now. Trying to figure out what the god feels like, when it hit her. "Oh! You feel like one of those storm elements!"

04-20-2012, 08:47 PM
When Shy woke up, the first image that her eyes caught was the blurry whiteness of the ceiling. 'Wait a minute... this isn't my bed... where am I?' She wondered and after a few minutes of just laying there, everything came back to her. She was selected among many others as an Archiever to summon a fictional character of her, or better said others, imagination. Shy slowly sat up, rubbed her eyes and stretched like a cat. Looking around, she started searching for her glasses and upon finding them she put them on.

After reading in that weird machine that the summoning was succesful, she took off the electrodes that were conected to her forehead and her skull and walked towards the door where most sounds were coming from. But before turning the doorknob, she quickly checked herself. The brunette was very self-conscious with her appearance and after making sure that her jeans weren't low enough so someone could see her underwear, that her shirt was covering her in all the right places and that her bangs properly covered her forehead, she opened the door and entered the room.


Saya stood against one of the walls of the rooms where all the Summoned characters were in, her sword in her hands, and awaited for the person whom had summoned her. So far the only information she that had been given to her was that her summoner was a girl named Shy. 'Curious name' she thought and started to wonder what kind of person this Shy was.

Just as she began humming an special tune a door opened, from the door a skinny girl wearing glasses came out. As soon as the brunnete spotted Saya, she started to walk towards her and said in a low voice:

"Wow... I can't believe this is real..." She was so surprised that she took off her glasses, cleaned them with a side of her shirt and put them back on, "Yes! I knew I wasn't dreaming you're really here" She said excitedly smiling.

"Ahhh... I'm sorry, my name is Shy" she said shyly introducing herself, to which Saya smiled.

"Yes, I know who you are, you were the one that summoned me here, am I wrong?"

Shy nodded, "Um, yeah I was the one... Wow you're so pretty, it makes me jealous sometimes to think why I wasn't born like that" She admitted, "I could have had nice soft hair and unique colored eyes... but no, the side of the genetic pool I was in was full of thin bushy haired people and dull dark brown eyes... Big deal everyone has them!" The teenager ranted in the hopes of making a conversation of some sort.

"Don't think like that Shy, you have other good things I'm sure people is jealous off, like your skin tone for example, many girls would die to have a tan like that but you have it naturally" Saya replied reassuring the girl.

"You think so?" Saya nodded.

"Thanks" Shy simply answered.

"Now, do you now why are we here?" Saya asked.

Shy shrugged, "Truthfully I have no idea". Saya sighted.

"Hey, I don't mean to bother and is alright if you refuse, but can I take a look at your sword, Please?" The girl started giving her dog puppy eyes that Saya just couldn't say 'no' to, so she slowly unsheathed her sword and hold it close towards Shy.

"Cool..." the girl said ajusting her glasses and touched the intrinsic design of the sheath.

While Shy examined her sword, Saya thought when will their questions would be answered.

04-21-2012, 03:33 AM
A light sleeper, the mixture of sounds including people stirring as well as voices was well enough to make Flora wake up. Seeing as this was her natural alarm at home, the sound of her little siblings’ chatter, it made her instinctively get up and look to her left for a clock. When her bedside table seemed to be nowhere in sight, it helped her remember where exactly she was. Well, that and the fact that small electrodes were attached to her, restricting her from bolting upright immediately. Oh yes, this place . She carefully peeled off the electrodes to avoid that feeling like when you rip off a band-aid and the sticky patches tear off your skin.

With a stretch of her arms and a lazy yawn, she was ready to meet her hero. She let out a half mental laugh while she walked over to a mirror to freshen up a little, the craziness resulting from her fantasy becoming reality. She was so giddy in anticipation of meeting her storybook idol that it didn’t bother her as much as usual when she splashed icy water on her face. “Here goes nothing,” she murmurs as she pushes open the door to where Artemis hopefully is waiting.


Artemis adjusted his tie to line up perfectly with the center of his Armani suit. One of his favorite pairs, his cufflinks had his initials engraved on each little round of metal. Artemis wasn’t exactly very fond of waiting, but he decided to make this an exception. After all, he was supposed to be meeting someone important. He hardly knew anything, something that made him feel very uncomfortable seeing as he was accustomed to being in the know about everything. A few people entered the room where they quickly, and happily, met up with another person.

“I suppose this means I too will be meeting with someone rather soon, hmm Butler?” he commented, addressing his large manservant. Butler simply nodded his large, cleanly shaven head in agreement.


Flora burst into the room, her eyes scanning the crowd for a young, slim boy in a suit. To her great satisfaction, she found him standing beside a very tall buff guy, safe to assume he was Butler. She nearly fell to the ground in front of Artemis’s feet when she saw him, she felt was that honored to be in his presence.

“Pleasure to meet you, Artemis. I’m Flora,” she chokes out, her head bowed slightly. “Um, I’m your Summoner?”

Artemis frowned at her pathetic groveling. “Delighted.” He said curtly. “And please, do explain. What is a ‘summmoner’?” he asked, his expression blasé. Oh great, what have I gotten into this time? If this had anything to do with his illegal mixing with the magic world, this would not be the first time he would have to face the harsh repercussions.

Flora beamed at him despite his icy glare. She nearly started laughing when she saw his cold demeanor coming to life. "It really is you!" she squealed. This was sadly perhaps the happiest moment of her short life. "You don't understand what this means to me! To meet you, to be your Summoner-" She interrupts herself with a face palm. "Oh yes, I was supposed to be explaining Summoners and Achievers to you. That's you by the way, the Achiever." She begins to babble about their situation.

Artemis used his self control skills to resist strangling the idiot. Instead, he listened carefully to her rambling and tried to remain attentive to major details. He took mental notes for future use which was difficult because her speech patterns made it very challenging to understand her. She also kept correcting herself and then laughing it off, a further impediment to learning anything. So this is how it is going to go, isn't it? How unfortunate.

04-21-2012, 08:37 PM
Sleeping was he... dreams upon dreams filled his head about the super hero he always wanted. It was finally time to rise and shine... well... rise anyways because his bedhead looked like crap. He woke up with an xbox controller in his left hand and a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew in the other. He yawned and held his head thinking "wow... I'm never up this early... this sucks..."

When he rose up, he started to scratch his body all over and stretch out dropping the controller and his drink on the floor. The drink was empty so no messes were made... for once! With his eyes still shut and in "auto-pilot" mode, he started walking forward and ran into something big... and metal. He ignored it for a moment and went straight to the bathroom with nothing but his boxers which had tiny daisy's on them and started to use the restroom.
After the guy ran into the Master Chief, the Chief said "Wow, I'm alive and that's all you can do is run into me and then pee?" He said holding an assault rife in one hand and a frag grenade in the other. The Chief then looked at the grenade and back at the boy. He was thinking of an idea!!! He threw the grenade into the bathroom and it dropped in the toilet. The boy thought "I'm not doing that yet am I?" He then opened his eyes and then looked down to find a real active frag grenade down below him. The boy ran out of the bathroom and the grenade exploded... the toilet was terminated.

04-21-2012, 10:27 PM
Lithiora opened her eyes to find that the Summoning had in fact been successful. Super. Now she could meet the lovely Saya from the Blood+ series. She was the ultimate fighter, though later on in the series her attitude changed. Personally, Lith enjoyed the change. She had originally preferred Diva over Saya because Saya was so ludicrously whiny....

But now, now she would meet the great Saya. She rolled off the bed and went to leave the room, but before she could Saya barged right in...


Saya's eyes scanned the room, she had no idea what happened. Where was Haji? She hadn't been without him for some time now, so the lack of his presence had her flustered. She barged into the adjoining room and looked down at a short little chubby girl with purplish hair.

"Who are you? And what have you done with Haji?"

Her undertone was threatening. The chubby girls eyes widened, showing both fascination and fear. She obviously knew about Saya. Somehow...

The place was extremely unfamiliar to her. The chubby girl spoke, and it startled her. She had a sweet voice, almost melodic.

"I'm sorry... Haji wont be joining you... I am your Summoner..."

Saya cocked her head to the side. That made no sense to her.

"I have no time for this. Where is the exit?"

04-22-2012, 12:58 AM
A small moan escaped the lips of the girl, in her late teens. Her eyes fluttered open, only to meet a bright light, and close immediately. Nara tried to sit up, but felt several cords attached to her head. They held her down, and prevented her from sitting up completely. In a panic she reached up and tore the wires from her scalp. She grimaced as her whole head stung painfully. Nara groaned, and rubbed her head with on hand. She kept her eyes shut while they adjusted to being awake. Where was she..? An insistent beeping filled the room.

“Oh my, that is annoying… Where’s the off button?” She wondered aloud, stumbling blindly forward. She tripped on a mess of cords on the ground, and tumbled to the ground. Her eyes snapped open. She wondered if anyone had seen that… She dearly hoped not.
Blinking rapidly, Nara stood up, and scanned the room. Cords strung across the room in different places. She was direly confused. A flood of memories came back to her. She remembered being chosen to dream a fictional character to life. Suddenly her heart beat extra-fast. She ran a hand through her voluminous brown hair as she remembered the person who she had chosen. Jazen Knight… A silly smile found its way onto her face. Then it vanished. What if he thought she was annoying or something?

Nara scoffed at herself. “Me? Annoying?” She asked to empty air. “Impossible.” With confidence in her stride, she straightened her loose artist’s-wrap, and walked towards the door. Not looking where her feet were going, she tripped over more cords, and hit her head roughly against the wall. She groaned, and slowly got up onto her hands and knees. It was just like her to mess this up from the start. She thought with annoyance.


Jazen Knight waited patiently. He was unaware what the purpose of his summoning was. He really didn’t have time for this. But the idea of it intrigued him. Who was this ‘Nara’ who had supposedly dreamed him into being? It didn’t fully make sense to him, and he usually prided himself for being able to make sense of anything. His artificially generated intelligence was above the average of a normal human being. Then and again… Jazen was anything but human, thought he liked to believe he could fit into society. He was an android, one could say. Though he didn’t prefer the term.

He sighed, feeling his mechanical lungs open, and close. He didn’t even need oxygen. Not really. His ‘lungs’ were just there to simulate breathing, so he could pretend to be human. He wondered what it would be like to be human. Like this girl, Nara... Again he wondered when he would meet her. Often his only encounters with those who were truly human were when he had to deal with those in the ‘real world’. He wondered if she would be like them. Those who he had dealt with tended to be rather… Oh how would he put this delicately? Moronic? Not very bright? He hoped she wasn’t. Frankly, that would be annoying.

He blew some of his jett-black hair out of his eyes, and leaned back against the wall, folding his tan arms across his chest.
Suddenly a crash was heard from one of the many doors from which the summoners were filtering out of. He stood up straight, and got a gut feeling (Well, if he had a gut that is) that it was Nara. He walked quickly across the room, and opened the door, finding a girl splayed out across the floor. Her long brown hair was spread out around her on the floor. Her thin arms were twisted up underneath her. The sight would be comical had Jazen been the kind of person who would laugh at a girl falling. But he wasn’t that kind of person.

Nara looked up at him with deep, dark eyes. Most of the time, she would stand up before anyone ever had time to even consider helping her. She had learned that in a word where you fell, and no one caught you, you had to learn to either catch yourself, or get up. For the first time in her life someone gave her a hand up before she had time to stand on her own. It was a wonderful feeling. She smiled sweetly.

“Thanks.. Darn cords.” She glared down at the cords littering the room, and shook her head.

Jazen took a short moment to study her. He could tell something about her was different. He couldn’t put his finger on it. “Are.. Are you Nara?” He asked.

“Why yes.” The girl said brightly. “Wait, does that mean you’re..?” Her smile only grew. “Wow. This is incredible. You have no idea how much I’ve always wanted to meet you!” She exclaimed. “You’re Agent Jazen Knight.” She squealed happily. “Oh excuse me, I didn’t mean to squeal, I just go so excited… I can’t believe it’s you!”

“How do you know about me?” Jazen asked with curiosity.

“Well, you’re a character in a book aren’t you? I read about you.” Nara said simply.

“What do you mean..?” He asked, drawing his eyebrows together in confusion.

“I mean… you’re not real.” Nara said in a tiny voice. “I’m sorry, that sounded all wrong. I didn’t mean…”

“No it’s alright, I understand.” Jazen said, denying the hurt inside him. Not real… Great. Just another reason he wasn’t real. Not only was he made up of artificial… everything. But now he had never really existed in the first place. But what did that mean now? Nara was here. She was real. Right? So didn’t that mean he was real now too? “Does this mean I’m real now?” He asked, voicing his thoughts. He gestured to the place they were in.

“I, I think so.” Nara said quietly. “Well, you tell me. Are you real?”

“I, I think so.”

“Now you’re just copying me. Are you real or not? If you can hear what’s going on, tell what’s happening, think for yourself, and affect the things and people around you doesn’t that make you real?” She shrugged.

“I guess so…”

“Well figure it out silly!” Nara never thought it would be this easy to talk to him. She figured he would be all knowing, and smart, and stuff. Usually she never knew what she was saying when she said it. This made no sense. She mentally shrugged it off. Could she really complain?

“I’m real.” Jazen said firmly. Nara smiled.

“Good.” She personally had her doubts. What would happen when she had to leave? Would he cease reality? Was she even in reality? She shoved all of her crazy questions to the back of her mind, and forgot about them.

“Should we go meet the others?” Jazen asked her.

“Sure.” Nara nodded, feeling like a connection had already been made between them. She was glad. She had kinda expected to be the one who just didn’t quite fit in with the rest. Which wasn’t such a bad thing, if you had someone else who didn’t fit in too. Now she did.

Unable to believe what was going on around her, Nara and Jazen stepped back into the large meeting room with the others. She noticed a girl nearby asking for the exit. She wondered what the rush was. They had just gotten here!

04-22-2012, 02:49 AM
Eyes flicked open but all that was seen was darkness and what looked like wires hanging before his eyes but a bed of some kind was under the young man, memories began trickling back.
"Was I drunk last night? No I don't have money to get drunk so what's left? I'm in a dark room with wires attached to my head and computer that says Summon Successful. Oh right my good buddy Max is flesh and blood now kinda,sorta,almost, maybe. Guess I should go greet him and make sure no one gets shot." Sliding off the bed he pulled on his well worn shoes and checked to make sure his kit was all still on him before yanking the wires off and dodged around wires opening the door. Following the sounds of chatter and Frag Grenades he went to meet Mad Max of the Mojave.

Leaning at the end of wall stood Mad Max, Messiah of New Vegas and post apyoliptic White Knight. His Elite Riot gear helmet was at his feet with his well packed pack. All his weapons were loaded and in plain view of everyone in this freaky Big Mt. esqe room with people even stranger than the Think Tank. Most were kids by the looks of them and if he didn't have a good observant eye he'd have no clue if they were even dames or dudes. He had no clue who they were or where they were from so he let his old instincts take over and assess all of them trying to gauge skills, weaknesses, and if they were good or bad. He just hoped whoever this Siks was they weren't some kind of screaming tribal or deranged robot.

Following his eyes Siks found where he was to meet Max, stopping in the doorway he did what Max was doing watching everyone and trying to figure everything out. A lot of the Summoners he knew like Sets, Sy, and Lark he even knew some of the Achievers like Master Chief and Thor but everyone else was not so well known. He wanted to find Max before making nice with everyone else. Scanning the faces in the room he soon saw bright red hair, a goatee, and Eliot Riot Gear armor. Making a steady bee line to him he soon began analyzing Max as Max was analyzing Siks. The young Scot stopped a few feet away and nodded. Max nodded back then spoke seriously his rough and a little horse but still intelligent and civilized.
"I swear if you try and hug me I'm unloading my 10mm's mag into you." Siks nodded and answered just as serious.
"If you try to kiss my hand I will ram my knife handle deep into your eye. Siks." He offered Max his hand, the wastelander looked Siks up and down once more before shaking his hand.
"Mad Max, so mind telling me why were surrounded by gender ambiguous kids,a guy in power armour, a dude with a hammer, and a woman in a Pre-war dress?" Siks shrugged leaning against the wall with Max.
"As soon as I know I'll tell you." Siks says watching the right side of the room.
"Spectacular." Max says watching the left side.

04-22-2012, 10:36 AM
Alyson Claire opened her eyes ever so slowly. One of her most hated things to do was to wake up after such a tiring experience. She had half her eyes open as saw the plain white ceiling staring down at her. Everything seemed to go slowly around her as she kept her gaze on the white ceiling. She was exhausted. Summoning such a strong character was no joke. But she she would do anything just to meet her hero face to face. As she got up, She pushed her covers away and held her forehead. It was pounding. All that imagining took a lot out of her. but it was so worth it. For lifting her head she saw the one thing... person that she idolized so much. Shana was staring at her directly from opposite the room. Her hair was black and wearing her Misaki high school uniform with alastor hanging from her neck. She was observing her. And all Aly could do was just smile at her. Aly stood up and walked right infront of the hero that she admired so much.

"I can't believe this! You are actually here! Hi I'm Alyson Claire." She said in excitement.


The flame haired Burning eyed hunter shana was curious as to how she ever got here. But she kept her cool. She stared at the white walls of the room. It looked like a clinic in misaki city but with so much more... machinery. As she stood there just looking around being cautious and wary of her surroundings she noticed a dark haired girl laying down on a clinic like bed. It seemed she was awake because shana could see her eyes half open.
She then whispered to Alastor.

"Not a tomogara." She said to him making sure if that thing on the bed wasn't an opponent.

"Most definitely not" Alastor whispered back to her.

Shana stood then and watched as the girl sat on the bed with her hand on her forehead. Shana's eyes were so very curious. One minute she was in misaki high school and the next in this mysterious world of which she knew nothing about. She had to be on her guard. she didn't know what this world was capable of and so she had to be careful. She stood there opposite the girl. She didn't look dangerous at all. she looked like any other innocent little girl. She was taller than Shana that was no doubt.

As the girl approached Shana she kept her guard up. It may be just a trap.

"I can't believe this! You are actually here! Hi I'm Alyson Claire." The girl extended a hand to her. She seemed kind and friendly enough. She didn't seem at all like a Tomogara.

"Go on, Introduce yourself." Alastor told shana as a sign of politeness.

"I am The Fla-" Shana was cut off as the girl continued her sentence in such a fan girl manner.

"The Flame haired Burning eyed hunter Shana! i know who you are, I brought to here. Well technically no but in a sense yes I did bring you here." Aly then realized that she had been talking alot. "Forgive me, I am just so excited that you, my hero, in front of me right now!" She said jumping up and down in front of her hero. It was weird but Aly was so excited.

Shana found this a bit awkward. "What do you mean you brought me here?" Shana paused " What do you know about my where abounds right now?" she asked. Shana stood proud but not tall.

"You are in my world." Was all she could say. Aly didn't want to tell her that she was just fiction, someone who didn't really exist. She found or figured that Shana would be offended if she was to mention it.

"Strange, Very strange." Shana said.

"Now let's go! we have to meet the others!" Aly said gripping onto shana's hands and running to the meeting area.

04-22-2012, 12:54 PM
Now THAT was a dream and a half. Fighting side by side with the insane, ferocious electricity Bohrok known as Tahnok-Kal. Or Teekay, if your name was Elkay. Only Elkay really knew what said electricity Bohrok was like. Or even that Teekay was now a good 2 metres tall. And white. The original Tahnok-Kal would have been jealous. If it had emotions.

But Elkay had woken up now. The dream was over. And as conscious slowly came back to mind, Elkay remembered why she had fallen asleep in that horrible bed in the first place. The Achievers and the Summoners. Elkay was a Summoner. Bringing forth a powerful being from the depths of their imaginations. To do... Er... This was the part that confused Elkay.

"That confuses me too... Hang on..."

That voice in Elkay's head. That wasn't her voice. That was...

"Oh yeah. My Achiever..." Elkay's eyes were drawn to the bed opposite her, which seemed to be much lower down than before.

"Where in the Bahrag's name am I?" The large, white and silver, plastic-y looking creature sat up from its bed. Was it talking or speaking in Elkay's head. Elkay wasn't sure. Neither was the creature.

"Er..." Elkay didn't know what to say. She kinda hoped that Teekay would do the job for her.

"What on Threa is an Achiever? Phovos, you have a lot... Oh..." Teekay had only just noticed Elkay's presence. "You're... Human? And you're not called Phovos? You certainly wish you were called Phovos though..." Teekay was about to start throwing questions, something only telepaths can do, when Elkay butted in.

"Before we do anything or whatever, there's some bloke who will explain everything." Elkay slowly climbed out of bed, making sure that her night dress didn't get caught on anything, paused, trying to remember where the exit was, then left the room.

Teekay scratched his head, then followed.

04-22-2012, 01:07 PM
As Dan lays on the cold table, his eyes had been open for a few moments as others had previously detached their selves and made their way into another room. Thoughts filter through his mind, had he missed the part in the briefing that there would be such a number of other Summoners? Taking a moment to access the situation he begins to detach the electrodes offering a muffled laugh with thoughts of Frankenstein running through his mind. He rises up spinning around on the table sliding down as his feet touch upon the cold floor.

“They could at least have some fuzzy slippers or something” was whispered amusingly to himself.

As the unmistakable sound of detonating ordinance echoes’ through the area, instinct kicks in as he plants his right foot placing his left in the direction of the echo leaning forward into a firing position reaching for his side arm. He stands upright as no pistol belt, holster or side arm is present.

At that same moment, Ai Lin who was in search of the one who brought her into this place moves over to the table Dan has slid off moments earlier while sliding her Glock 29 back into the holster back of her waistband hopping onto the table offering an impressed smile toward Dan.

“I must admit that was an impressive reaction. Only problem, you seem to be missing a weapon” offered is a giggle. Tone turning friendly “Since you are one of the last in this room, I hope you are the one who called me here?”

Dan’s eyes were still fixed upon Ai Lin looking her over top to bottom, she was lovely in the movies but in person, even more so. Her bleach white clothes highlighted her tan complexion. Finally he offers “Yes I am, name’s Dan, though I hadn’t really expected so many other people here.” while holding his hand out.

Ai Lin offers a soft smile takes his hand, her tone remaining friendly “Ai Lin, however I assume you would already have known that.”
A somewhat playful grin comes across her lips “If you were not expecting so many people here, I think you will REALLY be in for a surprise when you see who … ummm … and what … is in the other room.”

Dan glances toward the door leading to the other room “Shall we then?” somewhat curious now at what he will see when heading into the other room.

Ai Lin slides off the table and moves to Dan’s side waiting for him to release hold of her hand which neither end up doing. As they start toward the door, she offers inquisitively “So what’s the sitch, why are we all gathered together?”

As they head into the other room and Dan surveys the others assembled responds slightly confused “I am beginning to ponder that myself, my understanding was I was going to meet you, wasn’t told that there would be so many other …. interesting … people here too. Getting a sneaky hunch that this is not going to by a typical meet and greet.”

Ai Lin leans into Dan giggling “No, you don’t say. Sorry … that was mean … after all I saw this … interesting group already.” She looks up to Dan “Well, since I assume you know about me, tell me about yourself Dan. By the way you reacted to the explosion, I assume you are not an office worker?”, a soft smile gracing her lips.

Dan tenses for a moment ‘Ummm …. yea …. that. This could be kinda interesting, I’m in the Army, Army Cop and all.”

Ai Lin moves closer wrapping her arm holding his leaning into him, her tone remaining upbeat and friendly “Yea, this could be interesting. I’m a bandit, you’re a soldier. Thanks for being honest. Are we going to be okay … my being a bandit isn’t going to be a complication, is it?”

For once, Dan is the one able to have a laugh at the situation. “Ai Lin, remember, I am the one who chose to meet you. Do you think we would be here if I had an issue, you only beat me to asking if we were going to be okay.”

Offering her own giggle back “Duh, point taken. Yea, we’re going to be okay.” Still leaning into him “Suppose the next thing is to find out why we all are here. I have to surmise also that this is not a meet and greet.”

04-22-2012, 06:47 PM
P.K. smiled as setsa gave her a hug which she returned as soon as she could. Cassandra also returned the node still very curies of all the people here but the one who took most her attention was the big man with the hammer there was some sort of...thing that surrounded him that reminded her of something. She would have to ask later as P.K. was moving off at a rapid pace leaving setsa behind to answer the questions of a ... child?

as they moved around the room Cassandra could see other people moving out and some going in none of these people she really recognized though some seemed familer in a way. She noticed that P.K. was heading towards some one who had just come out of the room and made a strait bee line for some man with bright red hair. the man P.K. was actually heading towards had brown hair with warn jeans and a all for the same color shirt.

Cassandra stopped hearing a faint explosion and blinked looking around quickly to see if anyone else had heard... it they had they were showing no singes of it. she wondered if she should be worried but soon found she had almost lost P.K. in the still growing crowed. She weaved around people careful not to bump into them or anything as she moved through around or passed them till she reached P.K. again just in time.

"siks!" P.k. came at the male's side looking like she was going to tackle him to the ground but surprisingly to Cassandra only gave him a friendly hug. "we did it!" she said obviously over excited and seemed almost to Cassandra like she was having a sugar rush... maybe she was it was hard to tell. "I didn't think it would work! you know I thought it was all a joke but its so real!"

Cassandra looked over at the red hared man "do any of us have any real idea why we are here?" she asked looking up at him her white pupils narrowed a bit in thought. She then looked back around the room while waiting for her answer picking out many people while others just seemed to blend in. I'm I one of thought who blend in? she thought suddenly she was not fond of drawing to much attention to herself but with her eyes some times that was hard to do if you actually ever saw them. A man from the line she had previously been in picked his way to a door and opened it. Another door opened admitting two girls out one of which a small chubby girl but Cassandra would never say so out loud.

"ALY!!!" Cassandra winced a bit as P.K. shouted to the girl and waved. "Ops sorry Cassandra forgot about your sensitive hearing" P.K. said apologetically. Cassandra waved it off. The girl seemed to know a few people here three she counted now but there would most likely be more later. Another girl left the room followed shortly by some... white creature?.

04-22-2012, 10:05 PM
Higurashi was probably having the best dream he had ever had. It included, zombies, alot of zombies. Though, really, he could never be entirely sure. Most of his dreams were fantastical at best, chaotic at their worst. As the dream faded into blackness, he frowned in his sleep. The dream was not supposed to end this soon. It had to have an ending. Trying to conjure up the images in his head again was futile. Sighing, he opened his eyes.

The brightness of the relatively spartan room made him flinch. Squinting, he waited until his eyes adjusted. Breathing through his nostrils, he sat up. The world had a certain bluriness to it. Looking around, it took him a moment to realize that he wasn't wearing his glasses. Looking back to the place his head was resting, he sighed. There were his glasses, slightly crushed by his body. Picking them up, he adjusted them, making sure they weren't damaged.

The room smelled.... like nothing. It didn't even have that sterile scent associated with hospitals. Somehow, that was funny. Laughing, he began to get out of bed, only to notice the wires still in his head. This brought a grimace to his face. He absolutely hated needles. Sewing, medical, or otherwise, they always hurt. He had to clinch his teeth as he pulled the wires out one by one, and an I.V. out of his arm. Damn, he really hated this. Why was he here again?

As he remembered, a grin came to his face. Surely he must be dreaming one of those very realistic dreams. Even if he was, he didn't care. He was going to meet a personal fiction hero of his. One thing that people forgot when they thought about heroes was that most of the good ones were human. Standing up, he stretched his arms above his head. Looking at the bed, he wondered how it was even possible to fall asleep on. Hell, he had fallen asleep on the sidewalk before, and that seemed preferable to that... table... thing.

It was then that he heard the sounded of a girl squealing in excitement. He thought he recognized the voice, but from where he had no idea. He picked his way over wires, and in typical teenager fashion managed to barely make it to the door without knocking something over. As he put his hand on the latch, he hoped that what he was thinking wasn't a reality.
__________________________________________________ ____________________

Lo and Behold, what he was thinking was exactly what was going on. Infront of him were a good portion of women, not all of them from his reality. This brought a grimace to his face. It wasn't that he hated women, he just had no idea what to say to them. His sphere of intrests rarely intersected with theirs. Hoping no one had noticed his grimace, he put on the best smile he could manage. It was then that he noticed something wrong.

Out of all of the people known as Summoners, he was alone. By now, they had all found their Achiever, even if one did blow up a toilet. He recognized a few faces, mainly Siksta, and a few fictional characters. But, his Achiever was not among any of their number looking around the entire room, the one person he really wanted to meet wasn't present. It made him feel ashamed. What had gone wrong? The machine had proclaimed sucess.... Sighing to himself, he walked over to a nondescript corner of the stark white room, only to find himself run into a person he hadn't noticed.

A face previously hidden behind a white cloak was turned in his direction. In a moment, Higurashi recognized it, from inumerable hours reading, and many dreams. The face, as the name suggested, was Gaunt. Warm but authoritative eyes stared into his. Perhaps most noticeable about the figure, for those familiar with him, was that he was missing his hat.

All Commissar's wore the hat of office, everyone knew that. But, despite that, Ibram Gaunt was missing his hat. Higurashi collected himself quickly, extending a hand. The Commissar nodded, and they shook each other's vice-like grip. When the man extended his hand, the traditional uniform was revealed beneath the cloak. The hat was even there, tucked under one arm. Higurashi blinked in suprise.

"Well," He finally said. "After everything I've heard... Your stealth is still formidable Commissar." Ibram nodded in return before responding. "You do well to react so quickly," the drawn face said with a smile. There was not much formality between the two of them. The commisar knew what the young man was, and clearly the young man knew what he was. Indeed, it paid well to listen to the other conversations throughout the room.

Higurashi then turned to the room, nodding at various people he was acquainted with when they happened to noticed him. Meanwhile, Gaunt donned his peaked cap, sending his cloak to hang behind him. If you weren't paying alot of attention, it would look like the man appeared from thin air. "I have to ask, how did you manage to camoflauge yourself so quickly?" Higurashi asked, turning his head back to Gaunt.

The Commissar thought for a moment, before explaining. "Its somewhat simple. Ever since the last campaign, my Regiment deemed it prudent to have our cloaks doublesided for different enviorments. I was fortunate that I happened to have on the winter and forest variant on when I was summoned." The youth smiled in return. "Ah, that makes sense," He said to himself.

Turning once again to to assembly at large, he wondered how his Achiever was going to fare if he had to compete with most of the heroes in the room. Well, having a bolt pistol and sword that could cut into power armor had to help. While he waited for whatever it was they were waiting for, Higurashi ambled over to Siksta and Mad Max. It occured to him that most of those present from his reality were children compared to his friend.

04-22-2012, 10:45 PM
Alika tossed and turned in her sleep every once in a while muttering something that was not able to be understood; dressed in jeans and a T-shirt from the night before. The screen in front of her said summoning successful however it was rare that the summoner stayed asleep this long. In fact most of them woke up from the shocks send to their brain to awaken them. No Alika simply ripped off the wires and curled back up in the bed undisturbed by the lack of warmth, or the noise that echoed through the building in fact the noise is what helped her sleep.

Next to her however was a small blonde five year old girl, dressed in light blue that matched her large eyes, and Mary Jane shoes. The girl carried with her a small stuffed octopus with a top hat, blinking a few times as she approached Alika’s resting place. This was her Achiever Bubbles normally they would wait for their summoners but Bubbles being a curious little kid set off to explore and find her achiever on her own. Besides Bubbles wanted someone nice not used to being alone or without her sisters she felt uncomfortable just standing waiting. The small blonde began to hover for a second floating up so she could get a good view of the Alika, “Wake up sleep head!” The girl said in a high pitched and childish voice, before nudging Alika with her hand.

At that Alika’s hand shot out to hit who ever dared to disturb her sleep, the blonde child dodged this attack with ease and grace. Alika opened her eyes confused by the fact her hand did not make contact with anything. “Come on! Please get up!” Bubbles said cheerfully much like any normal excited child. Alika opened her eyes sitting up groggily. She blinked a few times as she came face to face literally with her favorite child hood hero. Bubbles, at first Alika just assumed this part of her dream and rubbed her eyes thinking for a minute. After her brain had time to process this she remembered the happening of the other day. How she had been chosen for her imagination and basically obsession over cute things, after all she was mildly OCD.

Shaking her head as she looked at bubbles the adorable super powered child. “Im gonna eat chu!” She said after finally waking up some grabbing the girl from the air and hugging her like she was some sort of doll. This was how Alika acted towards most kids, she loved them, and thought they were the most epic thing ever created as strange as it may sound. Bubble giggled in response to the hug, and was placed on the bed as Alika got up in her small room. Looking around for a moment Alika changed clothes, making sure they were fresh and clean. Bubbles being sweet wanted to brush Alika’s hair and of course Alika let her, Bubbles making comments about how her hair was straight and pretty like her sister Blossom’s hair. The two finished getting ready laughing a bit before opening the door to the room and walking out joining the rest of the group in the main area.

“So what did I miss?” She said out loud not really talking to any one in particular. Bubbles who was floating actually looked down towards her summoner “I think a lot has happened, but I think everyone is getting together for something.” Bubbles was correct she knew something was going down and the town or city as it were needed her help in some way.

Jade Moriparty
04-22-2012, 10:53 PM
Girly Woman's eyes slowly fluttered open. She'd been having a rather naughty dream about Jayne and was therefore not particularly happy to wake up. However, unlike many of the others, she remembered where she was upon waking. She lay still and comfortable in the bed until an attendant came and safely disconnected her from the machine. She stood up carefully, stretching. She fixed her hair and her clothing. She must admit, she'd gotten dressed up for the occasion in one of her favorite party outfits: pleather leggings, a low-cut pink T-shirt with a sparkly butterfly design, and thick, tall, leather and wood wedges that could probably kill a person if used to hit said person over the head. She then grabbed her Chococat; Girly could never sleep without a stuffed animal! It seemed everyone else had awakened before her! Girly Woman tended to stay asleep for a long time once she finally fell asleep. She was actually fairly certain that she had some kind of sleeping disorder.

She walked out through the indicated door and into the room where she was to meet Jayne and the others. She looked around, feeling really overwhelmed. Girly Woman is a bit of a wimp and tends to get nervous easily! She grew even more nervous when she spotted Jayne. He was...REALLY big! She'd apparently been fantasizing about a smaller version of Jayne: under six feet. This Jayne was definitely over six feet tall and was as wide as two Girly Womans! He was, as ordered, carrying a handgun and had his rifle, "Vera".

Jayne had been hanging back, carefully taking in his surroundings. Most of the "achievers" were rather dangerous-looking; some weren't even human. What the f--- kind of people thought up these creatures?! Some of the women were quite attractive. Jayne was very curious about his own Summoner. Her name "Girly Woman" was very promising. He liked his women girly. Well, not in the pervy way. Anyway... He looked towards the door and spotted a small and frightened-looking woman clutching some kind of weird-looking toy. It had big creepy eyes that sort of stared...

Girly Woman took a deep breath and said to herself, "Fighting" while sort of pumping her fists. She had to approach Jayne; there was no getting around it! She walked slowly over to him. She'd clearly already caught his eye. D---, he got bigger the closer she got! Clutching her Chococat close to her, she finally stopped in front of Jayne. Blushing, she introduced herself to his feet, "I'm Girly Woman."

Jayne cocked his head and looked her up and down. He said, "I could have guessed that." Her top half was quite girly. However, her bottom half...was something else completely...Jayne had to hold back many urges! The poor girl was clearly terrified. She must be afraid of all these big men and f-ing crazy creatures. Jayne would show her that she was safe with him! He smiled down at her and said, "Don't worry, little Girly! I'll keep you safe from all these creatures!" He pulled Vera forward. Girly Woman made a cute and moderately silent squeal of fear. Why did she summon such a...such a...big man who seemed to be made entirely of testosterone and would get her pregnant just by looking at her?! Really, his sheer size was unexpected. His bicep was easily the size of her head...

04-23-2012, 01:47 AM
Aly waved back in excitement as she found P.K there. Now there was one less hard task to overcome. She approached P.K and someone who seemed to be her acheiver. she then glanced at Shana who she still held by the wrist. She had remained quiet but Aly thought that she was just getting used to the surroundings. As they approached P.K Aly smiled at her. "Hello P.K!" she said with her smile.

Aly stood beside her achiever as she talked. P.K's achiever was a tall pale blonde girl. She seemed like any normal person that was why she actually miss took her as a summoner before she heard P.K talk to her achiever.


Shana observed her surroundings. no one seemed or felt like a Tomogara. What is this place? She thought. There were no torches either. This was a very strange place indeed. She saw different kinds of people that seemed enchanted and or different than the others that looked human.

She then spoke with her contractor. "What is this place Alastor?"

Alasstor himself did not no anything. His knowledge did not reach here. All her knew was of their anime. "I do not know, This is a different world. A place where The governance of flame hazes and crimson denizens do not exist apparently."

Shana was a bit shocked at what Alastor said. What a strange place this was. No Flame Hazes? No guze Tomogaras? No Crimson Denizes? This place was clearly not Misaki City.

As Shana and Aly stopped infront of two semi blonde ladies. one was only slightly taller than her and the other one towered her but she wasn't scared her confidence was overflowing. She believed in herself that she could do anything and that was one to of the things that made her powerful.

the smaller girl with blonde hair on the top and brownish hair at the bottom shana assumed to be named P.K as she was called by Aly. They seemed like normal girls but the girl standing beside P.K seemed like she was confused as Shana was.

"I am Flame haired Burning-eyed Hunter Shana and this is The Flame of Heaven Alastor." She said to The two women in front of them.

04-23-2012, 02:49 AM

The Norse god having been approached and bombarded with many innocent in most sense of the word, questions from a child not quite half his size. Kneeling down on one knee so that he was more to Akshara's height. "My father a long time ago told me that a weapon.." looking at his hammer as he curled it with a warm smile. "If wielded right, can be a weapon, protector, savior for some...and creation for a new beginning young one." Chuckling softly to reveal a soft grin, "no, I have changed my ways many winters ago from being a destroyer, to becoming a wiser..and better King for my people in Asgard. Of course...." Leaning in closer motioning with his fingers to meet him half way with a gleam in his eyes.

"Sometimes...when you have to battle for the right reasons...even I'm sure in your own home world" lowering his voice even more. "Its ok to enjoy the thrill of the fight."

With a hearty laugh and a wink to the small girl, Thor looked around again to see more strong, able men in various armory and weaponry have come to join in this mission of hidden intents.



Setsa, looking around, was glad to see many summoners she already knew well of fairly good. Others she had no idea of, but she loved making new friends long as they don't have a high irritating factor, so the more the merrier in her books. Eyeing some of the newcomers summoners and achievers, offering a smile when it seemed right. She jumped high when a loud bang was heard, scaring the crap out of her. Heart beating hard and fast she shook her head nodding to Thor that she was just fine.

"Ok I was awake before hand and still alive too!! Who the heck pulled that stunt HUH?!?!"

Setsa loved a good prank like anyone else, if not a little more. Rest to be sure that once the guilty was four she would get him or her back! A fast prank plotting mind was interrupted when she saw Siks standing with a man assuming to be his achiever. Smiling warmly she gave him a good wink before walking over, giving his rear a soft slap. "Well you stalking me again Siks? Its alright to say you missed me too much"

04-23-2012, 03:24 AM
Max and Siks were passing back and forth observations of everyone that entered the room. First was a chubby teenage girl who looked familiar to Siks but he couldn't totally place it she seemed quite nice and kinda cute too, Max's attention though was on the woman with hair redder than his she looked like some kind of New Vegas secretary albeit a little younger then was allowed in the Casinos he'd say Call Girl too but life has taught him to never assume.
"Hell Max that red head could be your daughter." Siks said chewing on a toothpick Max scoffed settling his plasma defender back on his hip after attaching the mods.
"How the fuck old do I look? Sister? Maybe. Daughter? No besides I think Red Lucy would've hunted me down and told me if we had a kid." Siks thought back over the game and nodded Max had definitely done Red Lucy especially since they were married and all now but that girl would be of the right age for when the first time they met but the young man left it at that.

As the next people joined them and upon seeing the white lizard made Max grab his carbine thinking this creature some kind of albino Deathclaw.
"Who in the hell imagines a Deathclaw and brings it to life!? If I can lock onto it's head before it sees me I should be able to drop it in one shot!" Seeing this as a very bad idea Siks stepped between Max and the creature.
[SPEECH 100/76] "Whoa, whoa, there lad calm down. That's no Deathclaw no one is that dumb besides I don't think we can kill the others." [SUCCEEDED] Max shoulders his weapon sighing then. "You're probably right besides I don't have my usual huge surplus of ammo. Just over 300 of each. For some reason I don't think I want to be stuck here with just Chance's Knife." Siks nodded, next to enter the Meeting room were two people arm in arm one he recognized to be Storm but once again he had no clue who the giggly girl was shaking his head the man rolled the toothpick around his lips.
"I really need to get more into media, I have no clue who most of these people are." Max nodded looking at the two as well the male seemed to be military of some kind not NCR but definitely military.
"Now you know how I felt for most of my travels. The woman's cute though, I'd like to catch her out in the Wastes." Siks laughed shaking his head.
"And after Red Lucy found out?" Max thought for a few seconds then said.
"Screw you." Both Siks and Max were surprised by what happened next out of the blue they heard the voice of a young girl and before they could look or react a cute little teenage girl jumped at Siks hugging him. He laughed wrapping his arms around the girl easily picking her up.
"Hey there Lark! And ay we did it. This is.." He was about to introduce Max but his hyperactive little pupil was too wild to pay attention as one of her other friends entered shaking his head he let the girls go and looked up seeing Hig walk in followed by some kind of badass officer.
"Hey there Hig, this is Mad Max who's your stoic friend here?" Max had been watching this all with the amused eyes of a cynic that still likes laughing. Apparently his Summoner was a cradle robber but he kept this thoughts to himself while Siks doesn't look like a killer Max wouldn't put it passed the man to really fight if pushed enough. Max looked up at the guy Siks was talking to but the Wastelander's eyes found and locked onto the military man behind this Hig. His hand went for his pistol this guy had to be NCR.

Ever since the second battle of Hoover Damn when he snatched the dam right out of the NCR's hands then sent them back to California with their tails between their legs he's been expecting them to send a hit squad out to hunt him down. Ignoring Siks's intro he looked the man dead in his eyes.
"If you're NCR come to kill me you better be ready for one hell of a fire fight." Siks practically jumped at Max making him let go of his weapon.
[SPEECH 100/95] Relax dude, really if you couldn't shoot the white lizard do you really think you could shoot a perfect stranger that hasn't appeared as a red tick on your Pip-Boy?" Max stayed his weapon again nodding.
[SUCCEEDED] "You're right Siks, my apologies big man. Ya see where I come from guys in military uniforms need to be watched. I'm Max."

Siks sighed happy that another crisis was averted but a familar voice and a well placed spank made him turn and wink at the woman he should've been watching for.
"How do we know you aren't stalking me dear Sets? Glad to see you decided to join us this is my friend Mad Max of New Vegas." He nodded to the red head who was still eyeing up Hig's military friend carefully.

04-23-2012, 03:28 AM
Akshara blinked, tilting her head the other way. "Your like the Elder... except you still enjoy fighting.." She commented. "You know he once said something similar.. something about the thrill of victory." Drakkon gave a soft laugh as he came up to them. "Despite the misery of war, with little to no exceptions, only the victory gives the mourners enough peace to move on. Every warrior has someone who cares for them.. and every single minded fool looking for glory deserves death." He quoted. Well how could he not. He CREATED her elder, and her world. Akshara blinked and turned around tilting her head. "Akshara, I share the same name as you. Well.. actually my first name is your last name. I'm your summoner... uhh sorry I forget are you six or seven right now Ak? For safety measures." Akshara blinked, tilting her head and peering at him. "Six.. how.. do you.. whats a summoner again?" She asked looking up at the woman whose side she hasn't left yet.

Drakkon blinked, he didn't exactly know either. League of Legends might have some reference to this.. maybe, Summoner wise at least. Course he expected more Urgot and Ashe but otherwise he recgonized a few people. Master Chief.. Jayne.. Thor was right in freaking front of him. Uhh plan B. He thought quickly remembering that Akshara was more confused then the rest of them. "To put bluntly I'm Dima's father." Drakkon stated. And practically the rest of everyone you know but we probably shouldn't go there just yet.. He decided. After all, considering she held two daggers in her boots and knowing for a fact her third was keeping that pony-tail up. Drakkon figured if they lived for about a month she'd start dabbling in explosives. Which is why he had to ask her age.. she was doubly dangerous with her brilliantly creative bombs.

"Oh! Hi!" Akshara exclaimed. Hugging her Summoner before turning back to Thor. "Oh! Yes! Whats your name Mr. Destroying Protector? I'm Akshara Smith Drakkon." Drakkon kept a hand on her shoulder. "Uhh, I'm just Drakkon." He said. Giving a nervous smile. A god.. I'm talking to a god. Next thing you know I'll be talking to Zues, Odin, and Ra all over a cup of coffee.

04-23-2012, 04:58 AM
"Why does everyone want to kill me or call me a freak?" Teekay sighed, feeling rather insulted. "Just because I'm not human?"

Elkay grabbed Teekay's hand. "Don't worry. People just don't understand Vahrga..."

"But I don't even look like one of these Deathclaws..." Teekay sighed again. "Oh, hey, I recognise that bloke. That's the God of Lightning, Thor..."

Elkay blinked. "Er, you recognise him? How?"

"Phov... Elkay, I've read comics, you know. Just because I'm not fond of the racism and species-ism that most humans throw at anything that isn't to their standards, don't mean I don't like comics. I must say, though, this place is really strange... That person over there seems to have fiery eyes and hair. And why is everything so white? Are we in..." Teekay shuddered. "... A lab?"

Elkay nodded. "But this is a good lab. Not a scary one where people are tortured."

"Oh good." Teekay sighed again, then turned to the guy who wanted to kill him, offering his hand. "I'm Tahnok-Kal, Teekay for short, nice to meet you."

04-23-2012, 12:34 PM
"It isn't fair. It isn't fair!" sniffed Scarlet-Warrior, over and over again to herself, as she crouched in the corner. "This must be a nightmare!"

It was certainly a disappointment. All her life - ever since she'd first brought "Pride and Prejudice" home from the library, and read it cover to cover under the sheets with a torch - and then, as through the years, she'd acquired her own Penguin copy of the work, followed by the hand-tooled, leather-bound version and the beautiful, illustrated annotated edition - she'd been in love with Elizabeth Bennett. She would have given her life to meet her, but had always thought it impossible, for, after all, how can one meet a character from fiction. And then, fate had given her a chance to do what she'd always thought was impossible - only to make the result as horrible as it could possibly be.

She'd met Elizabeth Bennett - and Elizabeth Bennett didn't like her!

More, she seemed to hold her in utter contempt. After Scarlet had introduced herself, Elizabeth Bennett had looked down her nose at her, as if she were a piece of Gorgonzola cheese, said "Charmed, I'm sure," in a voice that indicated she was anything but, and then had made an excuse and wandered off. She had attempted to follow the skinny, louche-looking guy whom the others had addressed as Sy23, and his achiever, a frail-looking girl with braided hair, and after a few efforts to get into their obviously private conversation (and, equally obviously, being rebuffed) was now circling round the room, sizing up the various males, fluttering her fan and looking demurely seductive.

"I wish this had never happened." groaned Scarlet-Warrior, wiping her eyes, only for more tears to fall. "I wish Jane Austen had never ever written that crappy book!"

* * * * *

I don't like the look of this," Katniss Everdeen whispered, fiddling nervously with the fastenings on her braid. "Sy, am I really expected to go into the Arena with this lot? More than half of them look like career tributes. And surely that giant lizard's a muttation! How did I ever get reaped for this? i can see what's going to happen - I'll end up hiding up a tree again, shaking with fear. It'll be the 74th all over again. And I can't rely on a handy tracker-jacker nest to get me out of trouble this time."

"Relax, Mockingjay, relax," laughed Sy23. "Don't you understand? You haven't got to fight any of them. They're all on your side. Yeah, even the lizard. And it's not a muta - erm, muttation, by the way. It's a Bohrok."

"Well, that's a relief, anyway," she replied. "Though I wouldn't have minded hearing the cannon go off for that revolting creature from the Capitol. The one who made fun of my name!" She took a sip of the paper cup of coffee Sy23 had brought her, and made a face. "Eugh. How do people drink this stuff. Haven't they got any chocolate? At least the Capitol fed us properly before the games!"

"I'll see what I can do about the chocolate," Sy23 replied, trying to maintain his patience. "But listen, Mockingjay, there's something you have to remember. These people come from all over the universe. There's a lot of diversity. They're all on your side - even Elizabeth Bennett. But the whole lot of us might have to depend on each other a lot during whatever happens next. What you have to do is not get everyone's back up. Making rude remarks about the others - including the Bohrok- won't help. Try to use a modicum of diplomacy, OK?"

""Diplomacy?" Katniss Everdeen replied, as if she not only couldn't practice the concept, but positively disapproved of it.

"Yes. Be nice. Be polite. Try and get on with the others, OK?"

She nodded, as if taking in a new concept. "It's been remarked I have all the charm of a dead slug," she admitted. "Yeah, I get it. I'll never get any sponsors, if I don't come across as worth a parachute or two. I'll take your advice, mentor. But if that Bennett thing steps out of line just once, I'll -"

She broke off, as what looked like a small child crossed her path. A small, blond, bubbly girl, trailed at a proud distance by the Summoner known as Alika Kamashi.

"Well, hello," said Katniss, bending down to put herself on the same height as the child. Amazingly, her voice had gone from a harsh, aggressive defensiveness to a gently, protective murmur. "I'm Katniss. What's your name? I've got a sister not much older than you at home." She reached out and fluffed at the small child's hair. "Don't be afraid at all these fierce people. You come to me if you're in trouble, and I'll protect you. I'll never let you down, Prim - urm, Rue - er - what was your name again?"

Well, at least she's found someone she likes, thought Sy23, relieved. He stretched out a hand to Alika Kamashi, offering a handshake. "Hi - the name's Sy23. Love your Achiever. And cool piercings!"

04-23-2012, 12:54 PM
P.K. Smiled "This is so cool!" she said to Aly then turned to Aly's achiever "its nice to meet!" She said just as excited Cassandra had staid back behind her Summoner yet again looking around. She felt some what crowded and was thinking of changing her form into something smaller. It be easier to keep up with P.K. "This is Cassandra" P.K. said suddenly smiling. The pail blond girl looked up at the other and nodded a greeting. "Again P.K. I ask do any of us realy know why we are here?" Cassandra finely said with a sigh. "I'm afraid not" The younger girl answered frowning a bit "Will find out soon enough I'm sure"

Cassandra nodded again turning to look at all the people in the room again while P.K. turned to her friend. "Aly now that I think about it didn't it seem kind of serious when they asked us?" P.K. asked sounding slightly worried "I mean if could all just be an experiment but I'm kinda fuzzy on what I remember" P.K.'s stomach growled loudly then and she gave a small chuckle "Lets eat first I'm sire your hungry to" Cassandra looked over them perking up a bit "I'm sure ever one is" she said slowly. "Great then come on!" P.K. grabbed Aly and Shana's hands then looked back "come to think of it I'm not sure where the food would be and I'm to short to see over anyone else"

Cassandra could not help a small smile "your average hight for a human P.K." "Doesn't make it any better" the young girl muttered. Cassandra shrugged "All as well I'm changing it well get harder to move in here despite how big it is the more people that come in and easier for me to keep up with you" P.K.'s eyes brightened at the thought she would get to see Cassandra transform right in front of her.

Ignoring the fact that there where so many there and eyes on her she closed her eyes and let her body shrink and shift midnight black fur rippling along her spine and then the rest of her body. two small rounded ears formed and a long snout as well as four small clawed paws. Cassandra was now an abnormally dark ferret. P.K. couldn't help but make the aww sound she looked so cute! "dose it hurt?" she asked quietly. Cassandra looked up with her dark eyes and white pupils "not really but it cane be unnerving some times to feel your bones shift" P.K. bent down picking the small ferret up "your so cute" "So I have been told" Cassandra asked "now are we hungry or not?"

Jade Moriparty
04-23-2012, 04:35 PM
Jayne looked around suspiciously, wondering what had made the small woman squee in fear. No one or nothing seemed to be threatening her. Everyone seemed pretty wrapped up with each other. In fact, every other Summoner seemed pretty close with his and her Achiever. Well, with the exception of a woman in a long dress walking around on her own. Did someone summon a hooker? She was dressed like some of the hookers he'd seen and she appeared to be walking around, looking for some business. Jayne grinned. He'd give her some business.

Meanwhile, Girly noticed a poor upset chubby girl. Everyone else seemed so thrilled to be together, yet this girl just swiped away a tear. Perhaps the reality of her fantasy had also been a bit harsh. Although, for Girly Woman, reality was scary. It looked like reality had hurt and abandoned this poor girl. At least Jayne hadn't abandoned her. She glanced over, only to find Jayne reshouldering Vera and shooting flirtatious glances towards...Girly followed his gaze...towards a woman in old-fashioned clothing. Girly Woman was pretty into Jane Austen, so her first thought was that this was a Jane Austen character. But...why would someone summon a character with no strength or special powers? And why would Jayne be so interested in such a...Girly's eyes went wide and she giggled. In one episode, there had been prostitutes who were dressed in a similar fashion, but more Western-style. The way the woman was walking around, all alone, omg. This was too funny. Jayne thinks she's a prostitute! Girly considered saying something, but decided to see how this played out.

However, Jayne turned away from the woman and back towards Girly Woman. Before he went picking up hookers, he should probably figure out exactly what was going on. Jayne always took care of business before he played. Girly was now feeling less intimidated because she had seen something funny. Girly knew, rationally, that Jayne was not a threat to her. Jayne said, "So...what exactly is going on here?" Girly Woman shrugged. She had a really bad memory and had already forgotten much of what had been told to her.

She again glanced at the morose-looking girl. Girly Woman wanted to maybe try to help her, but Girly Woman had had her kindness cruelly repelled in the past, and so she was hesitant to reach out to this girl. However, she decided to swallow her shyness. Hopefully the girl wouldn't be mean. Clutching her Chococat, she took a step towards the girl as the girl walked past her and said, "Are-are you okay?" Jayne turned to see who Girly Woman was talking to. Geez, the contrast between these two girls was like night and day. Jayne wasn't a particularly discerning man, but he also wasn't a jerk. He looked at Scarlet Warrior with mild curiosity, wondering who had had the audacity to make a woman cry.

04-24-2012, 12:11 AM
After a while, Flora ran out of things to explain and her natural socially-awkwardness seeped in. "Well, any questions for me Artemis? Can I call you that? Or would you prefer Mr. Fowl?" she asks eagerly. She smooths her braids down and then awaits his answer, all the while studying his every detail--not to be stalker-ish, but to be #1 fan-ish, not that it came across that way to Artemis.

"I can comprehend at a third-grade level," he murmurs dryly. Butler gives him a disapproving glance leading Artemis to put on a weak smile and offer a more polite response. "No, you have been very helpful. Your message was perfectly clear," he says, trying not to be sarcastic. Butler nods slightly; he knows that was sadly his best effort. Artemis wasn't quite one for phoniness.

"Oh, no problem! So....." Flora trails off. Conversation was far from her forte. "Um, want to talk to someone else?" Flora looked around to see that most Summoners had met with their Achievers and were now in the process of mingling with the others. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Flora often thought in expressions even when the didn't quite fit. In this case, she meant to copy everyone else obviously. "There are two girls over there who seem friendly, and a big guy for Butler to talk to."

Yes, because size determines compatibility. To avoid as much awkwardness as possible, he decided to give his consent. She seemed like she would be more comfortable around girls anyway. "Sure, and Artemis is fine, Laura was it?" he asks curiously. The girl's name had already slipped his mind. Dora? Cora? Whatever.

"Flora," she blurts quickly. She leads them to a girl in a flashy outfit that Flora could never pull off (Girly Woman) and a girl who could afford to lose a couple pounds(Scarlett Woman), not that she was terribly fat. "Hello, I'm Flora," she introduces herself brightly. She tried to ignore the hulking man nearby, but it's difficult. She felt uncomfortable enough with the freight train that was Butler near, having two monster men close was utterly nervewracking.

"And I, Artemis," Artemis says politely. In a quick glance, he looks over the other people nearby. "I'm assuming your the 'Achiever'?" he asks of the larger man(Jayne), putting air quotes around Achiever. He still was a bit shaken after absorbing the information from Flora. Was this a dream, a sick punishment, or had he gone nuts?

04-24-2012, 12:30 AM
Shay had a nerve-wracking headache. Oh god did it hurt. There was a catastrophic amount of noise coming from the hallway outside, even though the hallway certainly shouldn't be able to fit as many different voices as he was hearing. No, it must be coming from the end of the hallway. Hot damn, there were a lot of people there. Of course, when given the idea to meet your childhood hero, who wouldn't want to sign up to save the world? Or rather, a world that was no their own.

"Don't care about that fucking world," Shay muttered as he sat up. He groaned and clutched at the side of his head, yanking the wires that were attached to his skull. This better have worked.

And it did, because suddenly Shay felt a hand grab his throat and press him up against the wall, dragging the hospital bed along with them. Instead of fighting the man who'd just used inhuman strength to pin Shay and close his airways, the teenager narrowed his eyes and glared at his attacker. Taken aback, the vampire cocked his head and narrowed his eyes right back. We're going to get along just fine, Mr. Salvatore, Shay thought as the man released him.

Shay's legs were still on the hospital bed, yet his body was not as lucky and he crashed against the hard linoleum ground. Ah well, if he'd wanted someone more gentle, he could have chosen to summon Stefan. "Get up." Damon's voice was irritated, impatient, and mostly angry. Yep, just as he suspected. Shay had already planned out their whole little get-together. The younger boy just hoped Damon would refrain from sleeping with all of the summoned females out there until he could get it into the vampire's skull that this wasn't Mystic Falls anymore.

"You want to know where we are, right? Why you're not by poor Elena's side, fighting against some damn Originals with nasty tempers," Shay said as he stood up. Again, Damon's palms smacked against Shay's chest. Any harder and Shay knew he would have broken some ribs. The vampire forced the boy up against the wall, knocking his already aching head against stone. "Shit, let me down," Shay growled and pushed at Damon's hands. He could have been trying to push a boulder for Chrissake.

The veins under Damon's eyes had sprung outward as his skin darkened, fangs elongating as anger touched his eyes. He tilted his head to the side again, cocky smirk on his face at the fear in Shay's quivering body. "Don't piss yourself kid. It's demeaning," he said as he narrowed his eyes again.

"Coming someone who fucks other girls when he can't screw his brother's girl, alright," Shay retorted.

Alright. That was a bit of an idiotic move. Damon's fangs sharpened again and he went to dive into Shay's neck. Shay miraculously punched the vampire square in the jaw. Okay, it may not have hurt him in the least, but it certainly hadn't been expected. Damon cracked his neck as he moved his lower jaw back and forth, staring loathingly at Shay as he did so. "How do you know so much about me?" he breathed menacingly into Shay's ear.

"I summoned you," Shay said matter-of-factly.

Now it was Damon's turn to look confused. "Summoned?"

"Yeah. Don't question. Just come," Shay said and thought about it. "Don't question. Let me down. Then come."


"So there's this entire world that's dying out there and everyone's partying because they get to meet their childhood heroes?" Damon asked, summing up basically what Shay said. The two of them were standing against the wall of the main room, where dozens of other people were buzzing with excitement. They weren't the only two that weren't engaging with anyone. Shay didn't have a problem staying away from the other people. He snorted when he saw that Damon was eyeing a few of the mistresses.

"Lizzy Bennett's out of your league, Damon," Shay said when he followed the vampire's gaze down to the woman's ass.

"Like Emily Bennett?" Damon asked as he made a face. Emily hated him--fucking witch--and if this Lizzy person was related to the Bennett witches in any way, Damon would make it his policy to stay away from her. Or well, he could do just the opposite and make another foe. He just didn't want to get his ass whooped with some witchy voodoo or whatever. Not after Emily decided to freeze him in place in the sunlight and make his daylight ring cease to work. Hadn't that just been fun.

"Yeah, like Emily Bennett," Shay said. He hid his smirk well, though it got harder when he saw Damon immediately look away.

"So tell me again why the government decided to hire a bunch of teens to create a fucked up cast of people that are supposed to save an entire world?"

"Beats me," Shay said with a shrug.

Damon looked like he was about to say something, then paused and glanced sideways at Shay. "So Shay...why, of all people, would you pick me?" He looked Shay up and down. "Stefan's more for the whole 'I'm going to save the world' type thing."

Shay barked out a laugh. "You think Stefan would like me, Damon?"

Damon made another face. "Kid, I don't even like you."

04-24-2012, 12:39 PM
Aly followed P.K and Cassandra. Honestly she herself was confused. It was all very confusing for Aly as well. true enough Aly was a bit hungry. Summoning someone so powerful starved her. Aly was one girl who loved her sweets and so as they entered to the room where the food was kept Her eyes sparkled at the sweets layed down.

Aly was aware that alot of people were here and she was aware that it was only their achievers that were needed in this battle but she was still a bit curious at what their achievers were to actually face. She then looked at Shana whose eyes began to sparkle as well at the sight of sweets. She was like a little girl, but she had her tough side. She was so cute and awesome.

Shana couldn't believe her eyes as some wonderful smelling melon bread was layed on the table. One good thing that she found in this world was that they had melon bread. She looked at Aly as if asking permission to grab some melon bread and Aly nodded for she knew that Shana loved them. Aly was happy to see Shana so cute. Shana sat down on a table with a tray full of melon bread. Aly smiled at her.

Shana's thoughts then drifted to what was the real reason they were really here. Some of these people seemed unique and powerful and dangerous. She needed to be cautious but now she was just happy to find that melon bread existed even in this world. she was like a little girl as she bit the melon bread and her eyes sparkled.

It seems as though this time was set for rest and relaxation and seemed as though the heaviness of the real mission was to be revealed once everyone was stuffed.

04-24-2012, 01:49 PM
(note - this post comes from Kris and I acting as GMS)

As the various Summoners and Achievers gathered around the table, the large screen crackled into life, and the mysterious hooded figure appeared. A small bell sounded, causing every head to swivel towards the sound.

Greetings, one and all, the figure said. I see that everyone seems to have met their Summoner or Achiever, and we are pleased to see that you are all getting to know each other. The City apologizes for the rather spartan nature of the refreshments provided, but things have been very tough. This is the very best we can supply, at this time. Our city is in a sorry state -which is, after all, why you have been assembled.

Your quest is about to begin.

The image of an elongated, silver sphere appeared on the screen.

This, said the figure's voice, is the "Egg of Gecishi"... its origin, and history, need not concern us. Sufficient to say, it has fallen into the hands of those that would destroy the city from motives of venality or spite. The egg emits a radiation that changes all of those whom it touches. Its effects are unpredictable and random. It might change its victims to anything. A robot, an animal, an undead creature, sometimes even an evil thing that has no description. Once corrupted, the victim becomes a slave, subservient to the egg's will. There is no cure.

We have no idea where the egg is. Your job, as a team is to find and destroy it. Once this is achieved, its victims will be freed from the curse and return to their normal shape. When your quest has been completed, you will be returned to your own universes, with no memory of what has been. Should you perish in the attempt - as many of you will - well, in that case, you will still return to whence you came, but not before passing through a period of extreme mental and physical agony that will seem to last a lifetime.

Make no mistake, Summoners and Achievers, you arrive at a moment of crisis. Should you fail, not only will our city be destroyed, but the effects will grown and feed upon its victims, and spread. Eventually, every universe in the Multiverse will be affected. All of you are the first line of defense against the ultimate destruction of... of everything!

Now, a little housekeeping. Firstly, Achievers, please note that you must obey your respective Summoner at all times. Summoners - stacked upon the small tables next to the refreshments are a pile of small electrical tablets. Please take one each. These will be used to relay instructions and information. Guard this device with everything you have, including your lives. Its loss will mean your own destruction.

Outside these walls, chaos and evil reign. Evil armies, of previously innocent, law-abiding citizens, roam the streets and gardens, destroying all that stand in their way. These enemies might take any form. But they are never human - do not harm anything that resembles a normal human being, for they are innocent, and to do so will be to do the enemy's work.

Now, soon, the order to march will be given. The hopes of the city rest with you, together with our admiration and gratitude for embarking on this task. You will note that there is but one door out of this structure. This door is locked by a special device, of a type that is normally used in our culture. There is no key. If anyone attempts to destroy the lock by force, the power used will rebound and destroy whoever attempts it. Only guile and logic will open it.

Oh, and one more thing -

The hood looked in the direction of Elizabeth Bennett.

Miss Bennett, everyone seems to have their chosen weapon to hand except yourself. Where is your katana, may I ask?

"My what?" replied Elizabeth Bennett.

Your Katana. For slaying zombies.

"La, sir," replied Miss Bennett. "And what in heaven's name is a 'zombey?' And what, for that matter, is a 'kertanna?' "

A note of worry had crept into the figure's voice.

You are the Elizabeth Bennett of "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, aren't you?"

Scarlet_Warrior strode forward to the front of the group. There was an angry expression on her face. Meeting her favorite literary character might have been a disappointment, but she was not prepared to stand by and see her insulted. "Certainly not!" she growled. "This is Miss Elizabeth Bennett, of 'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen - not the rip-off character from that ridiculous mash-up by some hack that should never have been allowed within a hundred miles of a word-processor. Your instructions were quite specific.

Oh, shit on toast, moaned the hooded figure. A fine start that is!

04-24-2012, 03:19 PM
Akshara giggled, while Drakkon took one of the tablets. "No offense, but I think a rip-off character with a weapon is better then someone with no business in fighting a war.... actually I think for most of the time I shouldn't be talking right now." He thought the last bit aloud. Taking a short look at Akshara. His eyes widened before he chuckled. "Actually.. all things considered, even the three foot tall six year old with two knives in her boots is more helpful then that prune." He said rolling his eyes, not exactly fond of having some near useless character without a weapon helping them. Or more likely with his luck. Someone with good puzzle skills with a high chance of dieing before they even reach the puzzle. "At least give her a bloody pistol." He muttered. Akshara was busy looking up at all the men with weapons. Some looked like Destroyers as much as Thor, others seemed more to be Protectors, like the fully armored fellow with the strange gun. However, most looked like soldiers of the military. She found it odd that the woman appeared differently then them in these aspects.

She walked up to Elizabeth Bennett, tilting her head at the strange woman. Just as the man said she held no weapons. His grey eyes shift colors to match hers. And her voice mimiced her accent perfectly. "Miss, can you use magic if you don't have a weapon? I don't blame you if you don't have or know either or. My Elder says just because one tradition is common-place for some doesn't mean others won't find it revolting. Would you like to borrow a knife of mine till you find something more suitable?" She asked, tilting her head the other way. She smiled after that and her attention and mind went somewhere completely different. "Oh I simply adore your hair! It's very pretty!" She giggled. "I wish my hair was like that.."

04-25-2012, 04:13 AM
As the boy had the crap scared out of him, he went up to Master Chief with an angry expression and said "what the hell was that about!!! Out of all the things you could have done to get my attention you threw a freaking grenade?" He said flapping his arms around like a psycho.

The Chief started laughing along with Cortana. The Chief said "that's what you get for not appreciating me." He said as he put his hand on the boys hand. The boy got angry and kicked the Chief in his groin but failed... it was made of metal. The boy was hopping on one foot in agony. "Why in the hell do you have that armor again?" He yelled as he was rubbing his foot.

The Chief let out a sigh and scratched the back of his head. The AI Cortana said "well... I hope your happy. He seems enthusiastic. How about giving him a hug?" The Chief said "Don't get any funny ideas!!!" The Chief then threw some clothes at the boy expecting him to put them on. The boy put on his shorts and t-shirt, still pissed off at the Chief.

The Chief then said "Are you coming?" He said as he was fixing to walk out the door. The boy then screamed "I want my damn food first asshole!!!" The Chief went up to the boy, threw him out of the way, took his assault rife and unloaded a clip of ammo into the food. "I think your done now right?" The Chief said sarcastically. The boy nodded his head and they both walked through the door, while the boy was hopping trying to get his shoes on. He glanced around the room and said... "why in the hell do we have Thor... and Mad Max... and why do we care for the other characters I've never heard of?" The boy said with his head down and silently hoping no one would hear. The Chief said "Just play along."

04-25-2012, 05:20 AM
"Bloody Bahrag, what's with all the hate?" Teekay asked. "And I thought Bohrok were stuffy about other species..." Of course, Teekay wasn't saying this aloud. He'd quickly gathered that there was a lack of telepaths around and few of the people here knew how to close their minds.

"Sh, Teekay, this is important!" Elkay hissed, grabbing her small metal tablet device thing.

"I know, I know. I've dealt with inter-dimensional situations before. Remember that time on Nirvana?"

Elkay blinked.

"Huh. Sorry, I keep on thinking that you're Phovos. You're not. You're what she would have been if evil scientists hadn't stolen her as a baby. Just another human, but with a crazy imagination..." Teekay shook his head, before interrupting his own train of thought. "Oh hey, Master Chief is here. That's cool, I always wanted to play Halo..."

"Wait, so Phovos was in fact human?" Elkay asked. "You always had so many theories as to where she came from and you knew all along?"

"Of course I did. Now what about this silver egg? There ought to be someone here with telekinisis so we can move that thing and probably destroy it safely." Teekay's mind was racing ahead, one of the upsides of being a telepath.

"Slow down, Teekay!" Elkay exclaimed. "That's why we have all these people!"

"Yep. I'm sure they have their uses. Even the woman storming off over there. I'm pretty sure we could use her to seduce someone or something. Or as a meat shield..."

Elkay slapped Teekay's hand, but Teekay just smiled. His hard, metal-plastic skin was far superior to human flesh. "Why are you being so optimistic, Teekay?"

Teekay glanced around. "Well, to tell you the truth?" He suddenly switched from normal speech to telepathy. "I'm slightly scared. I don't fancy being mutated or killed here..."

04-25-2012, 02:45 PM
Elizabeth was confused and angry. She'd fallen asleep after the ball at the Montmorency-Dawsons', and woken in this strange reality, with the knowledge already installed in her head that she was to take part in some diverting quest. And yet, since arriving, she'd been pestered by some half-naked, overweight girl, obviously a servant, who was under the illusion that she was a fan (no, dear, she felt like saying - a fan is a thing you wave to cool yourself down, not a deluded servant-girl), she'd been politely but firmly rebuffed by the thin man with the interesting Antipodean accent, insulted by the sullen Apache that seemed to have attached herself to him (Honestly. Katniss! What sort of a name is that, even for a Redskin? And what was all this utter nonsense about pan-ham, or wherever it was?), criticized by that frightening looking live-painting for not possessing a device she had never heard of, for the purpose of killing something else of which she had never conceived), and either ignored, or looked at strangely by all of the eligible men present.

And then, at last, someone showed her kindness.

This peculiar girl who seemed to be able to metamorphose her appearance at will was not, perhaps, the companion Elizabeth might have chosen for herself, but a beggar cannot choose, as the wise proverb had always said. She was, frankly, grateful for a kind word. So she set herself to answer the enquiries as best she might.

Miss, can you use magic if you don't have a weapon?

"Magic? My dear, I possess certain accomplishments, if that's what you mean. I can sew, paint, sketch, sing and play the piano, the spinet and the pianoforte. I can embroider, read aloud in a clear, pleasing voice, and ride to hounds."

My Elder says just because one tradition is common-place for some doesn't mean others won't find it revolting

"Well, dear, that is most encouraging. One encounters all sorts throughout the empire, and a modicum of tolerance is no less than what one might expect of a gentleman. I trust though, your - er, your 'elder' - doesn't include tradesman in that! Some classes are, after all, quite outside the pale, do you not think?"

Would you like to borrow a knife of mine till you find something more suitable?

"Why, thank you for a most generous offer." Elizabeth indicated the buffet. "But, as you can see, cutlery has been provided. If you could possibly tell me where they've secreted the cruet, though, it would be much appreciated."

And then, just as everything was going so well, Elizabeth's new friend dropped her bombshell!

Oh I simply adore your hair! It's very pretty! I wish my hair was like that..

Bother! The same thing was happening that happened every time Elizabeth received an unexpected compliment. That confounded blush of hers had flared up! One minute her face was cool and serene, the next it was burning as if someone had lit a fire within her cheeks and forehead. There is nothing so embarrassing as to turn as red as a beetroot whenever one receives a casual compliment. Why, women who did such things were the very epitome of gaucherie! And the embarrassment of knowing that she was blushing, and that surely everyone in the room had noticed, caused the blush itself to redouble in intensity! She hastily lifted her second-best fan (a replacement for the one the Apache had ruined) to her face, muttering some self-deprecatory acknowledgement.


"OK, mentor, go through it again," said Katniss Everdeen, through a mouthful of cheese-bread - the only item in the buffet in which she had shown any interest, after asking for "Goosling" and lamb stew with plums, neither of which seemed to be on the menu. "Hey, this is good. Not as good as the Mellark Bakery makes, but pretty tasty."

"OK, Mockingjay," replied Sy23, heaping turkey and cranberry sauce onto a crusty roll. "The arrows in the center are ordinary arrows, for use in hunting, or close-in work. The ones on your right are tipped with high-explosives, packing more punch than the ammunition from most guns. And the ones on your left are incendiary devices, capable of setting entire buildings afire. Got that now?"

"But I've never used such arrows. If the Capitol found out I had such things, they'd turn me into an avox!"

"Well, at a later stage in your life, you'll get pretty damn used to them. You'll have a bow that talks to you, too, and Finnick Odair will - oops!" he hastily covered his mouth with his free hand. "Spoilers. Let's just say I felt you needed a bit more firepower than you had in the 74th, OK?"

* * * * *

Sitting moodily by herself, (Miss Bennett not even having appreciated her spirited defense of the hooded figure's criticism), Scarlet_Warrior sat moodily in a corner, fighting back tears. She was the first to notice that a previously blank section of the wall suddenly changed - a cut-out rectangle, obviously a door out of the chamber, had appeared from nowhere. And on it, in illuminated letters, was a sign.

Do not attempt to use force on this door - whoever tries will die.

There is but one way through - give an answer to this question. Think carefully before you essay an answer. Talk amongst yourselves, if you will. Here is your puzzle.

A spokesman for the group will make a statement.
If it is a true statement - everyone in the room will be asphyxiated with poison gas.
If it is a false statement - everyone in the room will be set ablaze and burned to a cinder.
Your answer must ensure that you stay alive.

04-25-2012, 05:48 PM
((Please message me if anything is wrong with my post and again I am sorry for not answering >.<))

Instead of introducing herself the blonde and bubbly child hid behind her achiever who despite being woken up and dressed was not fully awake and ready to deal with the world just yet. It was not that she meant to be rude and ignore the male who so kindly introduced himself it was just that the girl was not quite in the right mind to deal with people and in truth dealing with bubbles was its own handful.

Bubbles poked her achiever Alika hoping to get her to move and in fact did. Alika made her way towards food. Grabbing a bagel and spreading it with cream cheese, grabbing a blueberry muffin for bubbles. Who clapped excitedly, the two sat down at the table everyone gathered at, Alika almost looked as if she put up a small barrier for the world that did not include her achiever. The small bubbly blonde opened her mouth since Alika was so willing to feed the small girl. “I know you can eat on your own..” Alika said with a yawn before biting down on a piece of her bagel. Bubble chirped up and smiled “Of course I can its just fun when you feed me tehe” With a giggle at the end the duo continued there meal.

As the food made its way to Alika’s stomach she seemed to be getting more focused. In a matter of three minutes her food was gone proving how hungry she truly was. After her food had disappeared she continued to feed small bites of muffin to her achiever; who every once in a while sipped on a glass of milk that she had gotten herself. As Alika became more aware of her surroundings she looks about on the large screen came a hooded figure. They spoke of the objective they all had, the egg how it was effecting everyone around it. The only thing that ran through Alika’s mind was ‘If it affects others in such ways what is preventing us from the same fate?” it was a reasonable question. It was then quickly answered with the life long agony and then appearing from whence you came part of the man’s speech. Sufficed to say this worried Alika.

She listened intently as Bubbles finished off the last of her muffin, Alika then turned towards the male Sy23 who had approached her earlier, once the figure on the screen seemed to stop talking. “Sorry about earlier I was well, I am not a morning person okay, and bubbles is a bit shy.” Alika explained trying her best to offer a reasonable explanation for being so rude as to ignore another. Despite her punk appearance she was in truth a kind hearted individual.

Bubbles blinked a few times she too listened to the information but she didn’t quite understand “Alika why do we have to kill an egg what if its just a baby in there, I couldn’t hurt a baby” Bubbles eyes started to water and she looked as if she was about to cry. Alika in turn reacted quickly to the situation picking up the small child and holding her “Bubbles it okay, I don’t know what’s inside it but in truth it might not even be a baby in there okay? We just know we have to save the world from it or it will hurt everyone. I know you wouldn’t want that. And its hurting innocent people”

Bubble looked up at her summoner rubbing her own eyes before snuggling up to her “I don’t like it when people are hurt…being a powerpuff girl is hard” Alika nodded in agreement “Being a powerpuff girl is hard.”

It was then as Alika looked up she noticed a door, unfortunately for her Alika refused to use her glasses. The illuminated letters on the door were blurred but after squinting for a moment Alika could read them just barely. Out loud she read them ‘A spokesman for the group will make a statement. If it is a true statement - everyone in the room will be asphyxiated with poison gas. If it is a false statement - everyone in the room will be set ablaze and burned to a cinder. Your answer must ensure that you stay alive. This does not sound good….” Alika said her voice trailing off as the very first trial as a group was placed before them.

04-25-2012, 07:22 PM
P.K. and Cassandra listened intently to what was said by the man on the screen and then by the argument that insisted over the one women who did not appear to have a weapon. In truth Cassandra had none of her weapons on her either but this was not needed as she simply could chance into something that had natural weapons. However P.K. did not have any weapons and though she SEEMED capable of using something she was not sure the girl was... trained to. "P.K." Cassandra asked sitting up on her summoners shoulder "can you fight?" "If you mean throwing a punch then ya..." "anything else?" "well me and a friend used to stick fight and kick box" Cassandra nodded in thought. "At the very least you CAN defend yourself if you need to" P.K. nodded "Oh and I've been trained a bit by Siks" Cassandra thought back to the man P.K. had hugged earlier and nodded "he seems well off but I have yet to see his own skill till then he looks formidable and I'll keep it there" P.K. looked at Cassandra for a moment and shrugged "I'd say he's more..."

Waving her paw in dismissal "for now we well put every one in this room as formidable until other wise proven there are to many for me to anilize right now so I well do so as we go along" P.K. sighed and looked down at her tuna fish sandwich having lost her appetite a bit after hearing what this was all really about. Cassandra noticed fell back onto all fours "You must keep up your strength P.K. we cannot afford to loss anyone..." The girl did not answer but picked up her sandwich and took a bite. Cassandra nodded then hopped onto the table herself and picked up small carrot in her clawed paws and gnawed on it while she started to think. the door she couldn't make out the inscriptions now but she didn't let this get to her now... fist came to making sure she was at full strengths and then moving onto the bigger tasks.

04-25-2012, 10:27 PM
Shana's cute and happy face was replaced with determination and focus a the man in the screen spoke. It was clear what she had to do. But she then looked around, Everyone seemed able. As her gaze shifted to Aly she worried. This little girl looked like someone who couldn't defend herself. She didn't want a burden in her battle and if she is determined than she will learn but if not, She will be left behind.

Shana set down her melon bread on the plate. Her eyes shifted to Cassandra and P.K over hearing their conversation it was wise to ask whether Aly was versed in any combat skills. Her only worry was that if not. She looked at the black haired, petite girl. Shana breathed in deeply and regained her confidence.
"Yes?" Aly answered.
"Do you know anything about fighting?" Shana asked in a serious tone.
ALy noticed that they were having the same conversation as P.K and Cassandra just had. She figured that Shana just was worried and didn't want to have a burden on her. Aly looked at Shana and blushed a little.
"Umm, I-I" She paused.
Shana nodded assuming that she had none. Her only worry now was how was Aly gonna fend off?
"I am a brown belter in taekwondo." She blurted out. She was kind of embarrassed by it. Not a lot of people expect someone like her to have that high a rank in taekwondo.
Shana looked at her in awe. She was speechless and had nothing to say.
"I main question is what will fuel us in battle?" Aly asked shana. Aly Knew that the reason Shana fought Tomogaras were because it was her duty, she was a Flame Haze. But in this world, there were no tomogaras that Shana was assigned to fight.

Shana then looked at her half-eaten melon bread on the plate. What was she to fight for?
"YOu fight to get home," Alastor whispered to her.
Yes that was it. Shana would fight so that she would get back to Misaki City. That was what would fuel her. Her longing to get home would drive her to fight this battle that she was summoned to do. That was it!
Aly then put a hand on Shana's shoulder.
The overwhelming trust that Aly gave Shana was touching. That was another thing that Shana would fight for. Because she was given trust. The very reason why she was summoned was Aly believed that she could help right? And so with that. Shana scarfed down her melon bread.

04-26-2012, 12:39 PM

She felt hand reaching over the top of her head, fingers entangled into her raven hair, making trails and loosing up tied edges. The touch (and the pain of hairs been pulled in such manner) caused Gwen to wake up so abruptly that she almost hit her head with the one of the new woman that stood above her.

Short hair, impressive figure and a stern expression were her aura and Gwen couldn't help but seize the image of the woman with both envy and admiration.

"You are awake", smiled the woman, but only for a moment before her face returned to be beautiful and cold disappointment, "We thought we lost you".

"We...", said Gwen as she removed strips of hair from her face and once the reality became a strong factor around her she dug her head within her hands as huge headache took over her, "Ouch....", she moaned, "We?... what?.... where am I...?".

The woman didn't answer.

Took another moment, but it was all that was needed to recall of the latest events and why was she there.

"Wait... does it mean that?!", Gwen reached her hands to touch the woman but halted the last moment, realizing how rude this was. Instead, in mid-air, inches away from the skin, her hands marked the outline of the figure before her.

Everything about her was so real.

"We thought you were gone... and therefore you were removed from the room with the others that failed to produce their summoners".

"You mean... people can die?", Gwen looked terrified, "No one told me this!".

"You should read in between the lines", grinned the woman.

"I guess I should....", she said scanning up the woman once more, "You are Natalya... Wow.... looking so real it's rather amazing".

"Yes. Alas, time is a resource we have not. The elder was kind enough to remove you from the first task. I was hoping you will awake by that time too... otherwise you would have been killed like the rest of the hosts that lost connections with their summoners".

"Oh my".

"Indeed", Natalya nodded, "The team should be out by now, let us go meet with them".

04-26-2012, 02:04 PM
Drakkon glanced at the inscription, trying too, but not really discreetly take a cup of coffee as he did. I've seen something like this before. He thought as he took another sip. AGH, HOT, HOT! Biting his tongue only made it was and as he looked over to Akshara, he saw her talking to Elizabeth. The one WITHOUT the Katana. In truth he only knew the original Pride and Prejudice's name. Not the actual story or characters however. Shaking his head his mind wandered around as the coffee began to sink in. It's it's a false statement- Everyone in the will will be set ablaze and burned to a cinder. Pushing his glasses up he thought hard about it. It'd be more 'serious' sounding if it was burned a shunder not cut off head.. wait.. what!? His mind danced around some more before he remembered a book he had once read.

In the book there were three riddles, one for each person trying to cross a bridge. The first two were currently irrelevant the last was answered wrongly, thus the keeper made a new game. The one who failed had to choose his fate by saying a statement. What statement did he say.. head.. what was head. He had his head chopped off.. no it was the beginning of the book.. Now he poured his second cup of coffee, despite the heat he drunk it much faster. The other guard.. WRONG RIDDLE. Wait... waitwaitwait. He reviewed the second riddle before jumping up. "I got it!" He exclaimed, rushing up to the inscription not really letting anyone take the time to go from their heavy thinking of the riddle to his own actions. "We will be set ablaze and burn to a cinder!" He yelled out at it.

Akshara's eyes turned red and she spun around to look at her.. grandfather (Drakkon)? It was fairly confusing all the family stuff right now. What was more was that he yelled out at the strange inscription on the wall. "Oh!" She exclaimed before turning around. "Miss? What's a cruet?" She asked, though her eyes were blood red her accent remained the same. "And embroider?"

04-26-2012, 04:02 PM
"A cruet, dear?" repeated Elizabeth. Being her, she had totally failed to notice the appearance of the door (for she was too busy looking around for eligible men), and in truth was more concerned with wondering why the buffet table had no English mustard or horseradish sauce. "Why, it's... you know, condiments." Seeing the girl was still puzzled, she attempted to elucidate further. "Pepper and salt and mustard, in little pots, as it were. Embroidery? Heavens, what are they teaching you girls these days? It means stitching patterns on - oh, good heavens! Is that a door opening?"

* * * * * * *

"Ah, so that's the plan," moaned Scarlet_Warrior to herself, wiping away tears. By now, she was convinced this was some terrible nightmare. They were all about to be burned to a crisp or die of asphyxiation. The instructions on the door were quite clear. It was one or the other - no third alternative. It seemed unnecessarily cruel, though, to force them all to choose their own deaths! "I mean," she whispered under her breath "Like, it has to be one or the other, doesn't it?"

And then, a voice rang out!

We will be set ablaze and burn to a cinder!

Oh well, at least someone had chosen. Best to get it over with. And then, her eyes widened.

Of course! If they did burn to a cinder, that would make the statement true - in which case they would be asphyxiated - but that would make it false, so...

What a clever man, she thought. I'll have to get to know him better! If my blasted Achiever doesn't get to him first!

* * * * *

"No, Katniss, you will not shoot at the lock with an explosive arrow," groaned Sy23. "Didn't you hear? You'll die!"

"If you say so," sighed Katniss, reluctantly allowing the arrow to slide back into the quiver and lowering her bow. "Though, personally, I never found a problem yet that you can't solve with an arrow!"

"Be a good girl, and drink your wine, eh? With all the talent available here, I'm sure someone will - fuck a duck. What's that you're putting in it?"

"Honey," she replied, simply. "It's too bitter, otherwise."

"But that's an expensive - oh. never mind. Go for it. But no wiping your hands on the tablecloth, OK?"

"I do not wipe my hands on tablecloths," she replied, tartly, and then caught that he was sending her up. She smiled. "Unless there's someone I particularly want to annoy. Now, where's that precious-looking creature from the Capitol? That dress of hers would make an ideal-" she broke off as the Summoner called Alika approached, trailed by her achiever, the small, pretty girl.

Sorry about earlier I was well, I am not a morning person okay, and bubbles is a bit shy said Alika.

"No probs - I sympathize with that," laughed Sy23. "And my Achiever's a bit shy too - though you'd never know it about either of them, would you?" He indicated the two of them. Katniss was brushing Bubbles' hair, and singing her some kind of song. It was hard to tell if Bubbles was appreciating the attention, or politely tolerating it.

I don’t like it when people are hurt…being a powerpuff girl is hard

"I think that's the aim of this - stopping people being hurt." Sy23 told her, sympathetically. "Bubbles, I don't think there's a baby in the silver egg - I think it's something horrible, that hurts people, and we have to stop it." His voice rose in irritation. "Katniss, stop fussing with the poor girl." he turned to Alika, with an apologetic smile. "Sorry," he whispered. "My Mockingjay has to care for her young sister, and it's made her a bit overprotective sometimes. And then there was this girl that - "

He broke off, as Drakkon's voice rang out.

"Yay!" he said, simultaneously high-fiving Bubbles and Alika at once. "We've cracked it!"

Katniss touched her fingers to her lips, and extended three fingers in Drakkon's direction.


Congratulations flashed the writing on the door. You have found the one sentence that means you will not die. It rose, like a drawbridge, with a slight humming sound.

The team moved out, those of them that possessed weapons of any kind leading the way, and the Summoners (plus Elizabeth) grouped behind them. Teekay brought up the rear - if anyone tried to sneak up behind them, thought Sy23, they'd be in for a nasty shock!

04-26-2012, 08:55 PM
*Before the door opened*

Max looked at Teekay's claw and avoiding the claws he shook it slowly.
"Name's Max sorry about earlier, I've seen a lot of crazy things in my life and I've learned to be wary of things." After meeting the Dea...Teekay Max was feeling even more out of his depths, he'd faced down mutated animals, giants bugs and Radscorpions from hell, Super-Mutants, Nightkin, Raiders, Gangs, violent ghouls and his fair share of robots but it was like back in Goodsprings after he survived a gun shot in the head. Totally lost in what to do or where to go and for the first time he felt a small hint of fear.

The stuff he's been through alone was hard and dangerous from the start, so how bad must the situation be if their "employers" needed this many individuals of such wide variety both in body and skill to fix it. And if his past enemies were any indication they'd be fighting a damn god now, one that spit fire and crap thunder oh joy. Upon hearing other Achivers question their Summoners skill Max figured it would be wise to know who he was under the power of or whatever.
"That begs a good question, what do you bring to this little debacle?" He asked Siks looking at the young man. After tossing the toothpick away he answered the Wastelander.
"I can shoot the usual small arms, I can do good melee fighting not so much unarmed unless I really have to. My best weapon is my mind though." Max nodded looking up as the screen began talking he laughed.
"Are you sure we aren't in some far out reach of Big Mt?" Siks laughed too shaking his head.
"I'm not even so sure myself now." When the subject of one of the group being totally unarmed and probably unskilled came up the young Scot nudged Max.
"Oye lad do we have a spare pistol in your bag? Maybe giving the lass something to shoot will at least make her useful if she can't be a spy." Max nodded opening his bag fishing around it'd contents he pulled out a Silenced 22. Pistol and a few mags of ammo.
"If you say so boss. I just hope she's a better spy." He says mimicking Raul's Spanish accent. Siks walked up to Ms. Bennett smiling.
[Lady Killer] A pretty lassie such as you should know how to defend herself from the scoundrels of the world. Here let me help you."

Luckily he was taller than Ms. Bennett otherwise this would be very awkward. He went behind the woman placing the pistol gently in her hand guiding her other hand to clasp the weapon firmly. With gentle movements he guides her arms up into a shooting stance. Moving closer he speaks closely.
"Now just look at the rear sight here." He points to the little black bridge on the end of the gun closest to them. "And line it up with the front sight here." He taps the little nob on the front of the gun. "Once your target is in the center of the two sights squeeze the trigger." Gripping her hand gently he made her finger pull the tigger and the gun's bolt slid forward. He smiled letting go of her arms stepping back taking the gun with him.

"It'll work best as a surprise attack so only use it if you have a clear shot to shoot without being seen. To load all you need to do is this." He pushed the mag into the handle of the gun then pulled the top back letting it snap forward loading a bullet.
"When not in use push this little button and it'll go on safe." He pushed the little black button and a red one popped out the other side. He handed her back the gun and mags still smiling.
"Push the red button, aim, and fire. See you later lassie." With that he winked at her returning to Max's side. The red headed man whistled bowing to Siks smiling.
"And I thought I was a charmer."

*As the door opened and the group moved out.*

Max and Siks were working the flanks of the party amazed at everything they saw. The Messiah had his Trail Carbone out and had loaned the Lil'Devil pistol to the young man for his protection. That was the last of Max's back-up weapons so everyone else would have make due and find their own weapons if they didn't have any. So far they were content with being guards for now.

04-26-2012, 10:02 PM
Artemis snorted as someone rushed to the door and proclaimed the correct answer. "It's about time! That riddle was so simple I suppose even that pig-tailed little girl (Bubbles) could solve it if she put some thought to it," he snarled in disgust. He would have answered it himself, but he decided this would be a nice opportunity to size up the intelligence of the group. Weed out who was smart, that is.

"Yeah, totally," Flora bluffed. "I knew it instantly." Actually, she did figure it out after a little while, but purely because she had heard a similar puzzle substituting "chop your head off" and something else she forgot for the burning or gas, not because of intellect. She secretly hoped another challenge would come soon so that she could prove herself to Artemis.

"Yes, of course you did," he said in an overly peppy tone that implied the opposite. When he saw her face fall in hurt, he received a glare from Butler. "Oh all right," he muttered. "So, Flora. How do you feel about this situation we seem to be caught in?” he asked as they headed out. They were sandwiched in the pack between one of the many robotic looking people as well as the peppy pig-tailed blonde.

“I’m so excited! I can’t wait to start this adventure! We can save the world for goodness sakes!” she exclaimed.

Artemis interrupted her with “Been there, done that.” She responded with a puzzled expression. “Oh yeah, this was before the Atlantis Complex right? Have your twin brothers been born yet?” Flora asked in reference to later books in the series.

If water had been in his mouth, Artemis might have done a spit take. “What are you talking about?” he snapped. “Enough of this rubbish. Let’s talk weaponry,” he tells her bluntly. “Now, Butler has me covered considering he has enough weapons on him to arm an entire regiment. One move by anyone towards me and they could be dead three times over.” Flora recoils in horror. “Oh no, you’ll be fine.” Regardless, she keeps her distance. All the better, Artemis thought, a smirk crossing his face. “Here, it’s a Ruger Mark 2. Do you know how to shoot a gun?” When she steps back farther and shakes her head frantically, he sighs and passes the gun back to Butler. “Back to the drawing board.”

“The drawing board? You mean making plans? I’ve thought of several!” Once Flora starts, she’s off. Artemis face palms as she starts on another babbling spree. Here we go again.

04-27-2012, 07:05 AM
"That wasn't fun in the slightest..." Teekay murmured as he let everyone move past, then covered the rear.

Elkay patted Teekay on the arm. "Don't worry, it's not so bad..."

"Yes it is... They've put the idiot at the back..." Teekay didn't seem to have much trust in himself. Elkay patted him again, then gave him a quick hug and tugged at his hand, getting Teekay to move a bit faster.

"Don't worry, we'll be okay. And it's not that you're going to be erased from the multiverse, right?" Elkay was doing her best to be optimistic. She was glad she brought her back-pack hand-bag instead of a normal one, since she could now carry stuff.

"Hey, Ph... Elkay... Sorry, can't help it..." Teekay started. "Er, do you think I'll need my axe?"

Elkay blinked. "Did you bring an axe? I didn't see you with one when you appeared..."

"Yeah, I keep it in my wristband. Kohrak's been working on shrinking weapons lately, and he gave me this prototype shrinking version of my normal axe." Teekay pointed at a small band underneath his hand-armour. "Only downside is that it's not as strong. Had to be made out of alouminio to keep the weight down... Speaking of which..." Teekay pulled two bands off his arm and handed them to Elkay. "I suppose, technically, these belongs to you..."

Elkay held them in her hand and scratched her head. "Er, what are they?"

Teekay grinned. Well, it was a grin to Teekay, but anyone else looking at him would have thought that he was snarling. "Phovos's axe and invis-watch."

"Invis watch? As in..."

"As in Invisibility Watch."

Elkay paused. "Kohrak's been playing Team Fortress 2, hasn't he?"

Teekay nodded, then picked Elkay up and carried her on his back. "Let's try not to get lost, shall we?"

04-27-2012, 01:38 PM
Elizabeth looked down at the strange device in her hand. The brawny man with the Antipodean accent (there seemed to be an awful lot of colonials about, she decided) had pressed it upon her as if it were a piece of exotic jewellery, and though it was somewhat forward of him, she was sure it had been well meant. She hadn't understood much of what he'd said, (truth to tell, she'd been too busy - and unsuccessfully - fighting her blush, which had threatened to set her face on fire when he'd began to manhandle her arms) but she gathered it was some kind of small pistol.

Well, he had been right, after all. A delicate lady of refinement, such as herself, needed protection amongst these freebooters and... and savages! And, after all, how difficult could such a thing be to use. Of course, it was somewhat unladylike to go toting guns around, like some lawless outlaw, but when in Rome...

Now just look at the rear sight here, and line it up with the front sight here. Once your target is in the center of the two sights squeeze the trigger.

Oh, what fun it could be if she were only allowed to shoot that dreadful Mohawk, or Apache, or whatever she was, the one who had been so rude to her before. Of course, one wouldn't - it would be most gauche - but one could, after all, ease one's soul by the pretense!

Her tongue protruding in concentration, she carefully drew a bead on the girl in question, and made a pretense of pulling the trigger! Oh such fun this -

"Good heavens!" she screamed, her exclamation drowned by the retort. The bang resounded in her delicate ears. The next second, she was flat on her back, her legs kicked up in the air at an undignified angle. The confounded thing had gone off!

She wasn't the only one, either. The savage, at whom she'd pretended to shoot - had, in fact, shot at - had thrown herself flat. Not that she need have bothered... the kick of the recoil had sent the bullet skywards, many feet over Katniss' head. And now, the dreadful girl had scrambled to her feet, an arrow notched, murder in her hard, gray eyes.

"I say, I am most dreadfully sorry," trilled Elizabeth. "You see, that nice Mr... urm, Max.. . have it to me and.. . I... " she suddenly realized that her crinoline had rucked up at a most immodest way, showing her petticoats and drawers to the world. Her face scarlet, she began rearranging herself.

"Katniss, not a word!" growled Sy23. "Put the arrow away, now!" he rounded on Elizabeth. "Miss Bennett, what the fuck-"

"i have no idea what a 'phuque' might be, young man," growled Elizabeth, tartly. "But I have no doubt it's something rude. Kindly moderate your language. It was an accident, that's all. In any case, she shot at me earlier! Why, I - "

"Hey," came a voice, from the rear. "Thor. And his achiever, the Setsa girl. They've vanished. They didn't get out!"

All eyes turned to the domed building in which they had assembled. The door was shut tight.

"I saw him drinking a coffee, he went back for a refill," said a voice from somewhere among the achievers. "The door must have shut while they were still in there!"

And then, before the astonished eyes of the team, the dome began to shrink. Within a few seconds, it as no larger than the hubcap of a car wheel.

"I doubt we'll see them again," said Scarlet-Warrior, sadly.

Katniss looked up into the sky, as if expecting to see Thor and Setsa's faces there. "Will a cannon go off?" she asked Sy23.

"Never mind that!" Shouted Scarlet_Warrior, pointing to the front of the group. "Worry about that!"

Up from cover had sprung an army. Something like sixty men, in two ranks, all dressed in bright red coats, white trousers and black shako-helmets. They looked just like an army from the Napoleonic wars, except for the dull, blank looks in their eyes. And the weapons - which, far from being antique muskets, looked like something out of an advanced science-fiction movie. One of them carried a bright yellow and blue flag, which proclaimed them the "15th Infantry"...

As the team watched, the front rank sank to a kneeling position, and leveled their weapons!

04-27-2012, 01:52 PM
P.K. listened as some out shouted the answer... "huh I never would have guessed" she said "I'm not to good when it comes to mind games" "Not many people are" Cassandra said softly finishing off another carrot. The two watched as the door started to open "well... it looks like we need to get a move on" Cassandra said watching ever one else begin to move. P.K. nodded standing up and letting Cassandra scamper up her arm and onto her shoulder.

As soon as P.K. stepped into the flow of people she was swept away quite quickly out side losing sight of Aly in the process. "great" "where all int eh same group were bound to see her again just keep close to the main group" Cassandra said eyes scanning their area around them now. Once Cassandra was satisfied with the amount of breathing room they had around them She jumped off P.K.'s shoulder.

She shifted as she leaped her form changing slowly. her tail became longer but only by a bit. Ger claw grew smaller and her paws rounder and larger. Her legs lengthened and strengthened as muscles rippled under the pitch black fur. Her body grew and her fur shortened as her head became wider and two large fangs curled from her upper lip. It only took a moment for her transformation to be complete. Cassandra quickly fell back to P.K. side ears twitching as she continued to scan their surroundings in alertness.

P.K. who had been watching fascinated sighed "its to bad dragons never really existed then you could turn into one of those two" "There are many who argue that they did but as I simply can not change into them that if proof that the gods never decided to create them" P.K. nodded "Other then that I can shift into any desired creature that has roamed ... My world" She said tipping her head slightly at P.K. not knowing if all the creatures she knew in her world would be here as well.

"Well.." P.K. said "Our worlds are... more or less the same So most animals you know well most likely be here to" Cassandra nodded never once taking her eyes off their surroundings. P.K. how ever was searching the people around her She then spotted Siks but just then there was a cry that sets and thor had not come out. P.K. spun around with Cassandra turning to look. P.K. watched the dome where was sets? she hadn't gotten out? thats what some one had said... P.K. looked around at all the faces quickly just to make sure but not seeing her friend as any one of them she quickly started to move out of the crowed and around trying to stifle a cry for her friend not believing that she was at all gone.

"P.K.!" Cassandra called after her but she heard some one else call something else and following the gazes of others she saw the line of men. "thats not good" she said ears flicking back for a moment. "DON"T JUST STAND THERE!" She snapped at some of the people just staring "they look human but their eyes..." unable to worry about P.K. right now... she was at the rear of the group anyways. She might as well give them something to shot at other then the people just standing there She looped off towards the now aiming group "don't attack what looks human... well they look human to me!" but their eyes... She made sure not to keep a strait path to avoid getting hit strait on by any bullets but their was no guaranty that she would not get hit anyways.

04-27-2012, 10:36 PM
"Wow Someone actually got it." Aly commented as She and Shana stood up and followed the crowd. Aly got separated from P.K. "Well that's just great." She looked around the crowd of people as she and Shana made their way out. She sighed as the crowd pushed to get out of the door. Aly was getting squished inside the dense crowd. She couldn't breath nor could she move. Just then, Shana spread her wings and flew above Aly and held her up and they flew out of the door and outside.

They flew at a low height. Shana's swings were like feathers on fire. They were magnificent. It was like she was a fire angel. The beautiful yellows then the oranges but it was really the warm red that dominated the color of her wings. And noticeably Shana's hair also morphed in Color. From her usual black hair it turned to red not just red, Burning red. It was as if her hair was on fire. She looked so beautiful and so amazing. Aly then looked at Alastor who was dangling from Shana's neck.

"She's amazing." Aly commented.
"She is the Flame hair Burning eyed hunter Shana." Alastor spoke with confidence in his voice.
Aly took notice of her eyes as well. Indeed they to changed Color from dull grew to burning. Flame of Heaven indeed. Aly chuckled as they touched down on the ground.

Shana stood there and closed her wings and deactivated her power. She reverted back to a normal girl. Who would have thought someone so normal looking could be such a powerful hero? Shana then spoke. "Was anyone still inside?"
Aly shrugged. She then over heard someone say that Sets and Siks were left inside. "We got to go back and help them!"
Shana wasn't paying attention.
Then alastor spoke "We have more pressing matters." He said.
Aly looked to where Shana's gaze was on.

Men in army suits emerged from no where and positioned themselves into shooting position. Shana clutched her fist. Aly then touched her hand.
"you cannot summon Fuzetsu here Shana." She looked around. "These people are not mystes' nor are they flame hazes and you are not up against Tomogaras." She paused. "If you cast Fuzetsu here even I will be frozen and if you hit me or anyone we will become torches." She was pleading with her. Shana nodded as she relaed a bit. The men hadn't attacked yet and so Shana kept herself in check.

04-28-2012, 07:22 AM
Teekay tutted as all the action appeared to be in front of them. Peering over everyone else, on top of Teekay's shoulders, Elkay could see a bunch of men in army uniforms. Black, red and white. Tasteful.

"I heard that..." Teekay grunted. "I used to be black, red and white..."

"You look lovely in white and blue now..." Elkay quickly replied. "But they all have guns. Looks like they are going to shoot us..."

"Well, why the fuck are we just watching them get in line ready to fire?" Teekay exclaimed. "We could have just charged through them while they were getting into positions. Heck, I could probably just eat them... Not that I like the taste of human meat, mind you. Probably the most horrible thing around, just after raptor-flesh."

"What's so bad about raptor-flesh?" Elkay asked.

"It's bloody poisonous." Teekay growled.

04-28-2012, 07:48 PM
Ai Lin and Dan had been simply taking in all the happenings as the group departed the original room. As the group ventured outside, Dan remained close to Ai Lin and both jumped when the sound of gunfire echoed through the air. Ai Lin immediately drew her Glock 29 from the holster located on her belt in the middle of her back. Dan was looking around for where the shot may have come from noticing the commotion offering “Seems an accidental discharge.” Ai Lin slips the pistol back in the holster, her tone playful “You think it would be bad manners if the accidental discharger received an intentional discharge?”

Lightly laughing “I think that would be a mood killer … especially if the girls name was Mood.”

As the Dome Building shrank they looked as one another almost in the same tone “Now that isn’t good.” Ai Lin inquires “You think that the shot attracted any attention?”

Now focusing upon the approaching Army, almost grinning Dan replies “Ummmm, yea, it seems so.”

They both crouch and move off to the right of the group before laying prone to the Army’s left flank. Ai Lin slips in a magazine of armor piercing rounds and trains her weapon on the standing troops attempting to determine which might be the commander “Any idea which one commands the troops?” in a low whisper.

Keeping his tone low “Can’t make out any ranks nor tell who is giving commands. Would be interesting to see if they are just investigating the shot that was fired.” his focus on the kneeling soldiers. “Would think numbers dictate you not firing unless we are certain they have hostile intentions.”

04-29-2012, 04:56 PM
"Oh fuck." Both Siks and Max say staring down the line of muzzles. Leveling their weapons they try gaging the groups chances.
"Are these guys NCR?" Max asks his voice filtered by the Elite Riot Gear Helmet and looking at the men wishing he'd brought one of his heavy guns or something with more knock-down and critical hit chance. The minigun or Red Glare would make quick work of these guys.
"They're a pre-war military group, quite distinguished if I remember correctly." Siks says also wishing Max had brought some bigger guns.
"Oh that's lovely, so we'll be massacred distinguishably." Max laughed sardonically.
"Maybe not Max try talking to them." The Wastelander turns his helmeted head to Siks and spoke.
"Why me?" Siks gave a slight smile using his hand to indicate Max's outfit.
"You look the most like a military man maybe they'd listen to you." Max glared through his goggles but sighed shouldering his rifle walking to the head of the group trying to remember how NCR officers addressed their troops. Twisting and removing his helmet he stared hard and fearlessly at the men and their weapons.
"Who's in charge of this goat-fuck! Where's your commander?" He shouts his eyes roving over the troop looking for an officer.

04-29-2012, 05:40 PM
"Uh-hu, Mockingjay" said Sy23, calmly, jerking Katniss back by the hem of her jacket. "Not risking you in this!"

She turned, ready to remonstrate, then calmly sheathed the explosive arrow she'd already had notched to her bow. "If you say so - though I'm not afraid of a few peacemakers. That is what they are, right? Just in prettier uniforms."

"I dunno," Sy admitted. He flipped her braid, playfully. "And I know you're not scared. Katniss Everdeen, joint victor of the 74th Hunger Games isn't frightened of anything."

Katniss blushed, and fiddled with the braid, as a displacement activity. "I get it - you want me to play it carefully, right. There was a girl like that in the games. Never learned her name. I always called her 'Foxface' "

"Yeah, I know." Sy looked at the chocolate-box soldiers. "I held you back for a reason, though. I don't know quite what those things are. Should we be shooting them, or what. You'll notice they're aiming their rifles, but not shooting. A real army doesn't line up, like a parade, then just look at their enemy."

"I'll have to take your word for that. I never heard of 'army' - maybe they -"

Who's in charge of this goat-fuck! Where's your commander rang out Max's voice.

"Goat fuck?" shrieked Katniss. "Well, if that guy ever visits the Seam, I'm not letting his near Lady! Urm, Lady's my sister's goat... "

* * * * * *

Elizabeth Bennett was fuming. It was bad enough making such a fool of herself with that stupid pistol, not to mention exposing her... her nether garments - in mixed company. But to have to be protected from that dreadful savage - and to have Sy speak to her as if she were a servant girl, being reprimanded for dropping a tureen - why, it was... it was insufferable!

There was only one way to wipe out the disgrace - summoning up her courage, she marched to the front of the group, standing next to the others who had taken it upon themselves to form an advanced guard, her pistol held before her in two trembling hands. She would show them she could be just as brave as anybody. Was she not English? And virtually an aristocrat, at that!

* * * * * *

The soldiers made no reply to Max's question. They continued, unmoving, their weapons leveled, their eyes as blank as before. But behind them, the air became disturbed. There was a swirling, as if a tiny hurricane had formed, and then the dancing lights resolved themselves into a pair of staring, bloodshot eyes.

"You ask for a leader?" came a deep, gravelly, disembodied voice. "They have no leader. What need of leaders have the changed? You may address your remarks or questions to me, meddler in affairs that do not concern you. Say your piece, and quickly - for it may be the last thing you say before you die."

04-30-2012, 02:53 PM
Akshara tilted her head, looking over at the men. "What are those? Are those guns?" She asked, Drakon nodded, looking about the area. Save for everyone's own little shadow Akshara had little to no way to maneuver around efficiently. Then the voice came, Drakkon cringed at the words changed. It's like Doctor Who and the cybermen.. except they had a leader. "Why is that lady up there? She said she couldn't fight.." Akshara asked, Drakkon sighed, before raising an eyebrow. Taking note of the position of the shadows in the room. He whispered to his beyond young achiever carefully. "Ak.. go inside Elizabeth's shadow and protect her for the moment.." He ordered. "But wh" "Quiet and just do it.. trust me.. and don't be seen." Grudgingly the young achiever did as she was told. Keeping her form out of sight of the savage gaze of the hurricane. When she finally reached Elizabeth's shadow her eyes turned to a dark grey as she quickly sunk into the shadow.

Drakkon shook his head at the advanced guard. Well mostly Elizabeth. If it was ANYONE else on the front line he may have been more assured. He wondered quickly why Thor went for more coffee and wished for the god of Thunder to teleport himself back. A nice flash of lightning in the middle of this army with the Hulk, Captain, Iron man, even ant man and Wasp would be perfect for this. We're not the avengers though.. He sighed, lowering himself to a crouch with his knees bent high, he place a hand between and a little in front of his feet. Here I stand.. helpless and left for dead.. I have no faith in our group.

04-30-2012, 07:12 PM
"Bloody Bahrag, don't tell me they're related to the infectious silver egg thing?" Teekay telepathically whispered to Elkay.

"Why are you asking me?" Elkay thought. "You're the telepath!"

"Need I remind you that I am indeed a shit telepath? I rate a meagre 5 on the Teelenous scale... That's only basic mind-reading, communication and suggestion. That's only just recognisable as telepathy!" Teekay replied, still using telepathy only. "And may I say, what is it with the damn death threats? These bad guys want originality, why don't they invite us out for coffee for a change?"

"Teekay, stop it... Chances are, they're reading your mind! No one knows what's going on here!" Elkay hissed.

"If they're reading my mind, it means they're reading your mind too."

04-30-2012, 09:24 PM
He was being poked by something, of that he was sure. It was annoying to say the least, and he had been sleeping so well, which really bugged him. He tried grabbing whatever it was, but the person who was doing it jumped back with an intake of breath.

“Oh, you’re alive. That’s good to know.” The voice said, making his head buzz some. He sighed, rubbing his eyes as he began to sit up wires pulling and popping off with a trade mark popping sound. Patting around, he looked for his glasses, cleaning them on his shirt when he finally got them. He had yet to open his eyes, but figured that it had been his niece who had poked him awake, which was annoying in itself.

“Of course I am awake Chy…. You’re not Chyla… Oh my god you’re Aang!” Keeper of the Inn said, sitting upright after finally opening his eyes. There, in the literal flesh, stood Aang, the avatar, from the blue arrow on his head down to the ever famous air staff. The memories rushed back as he finally remembered what was going on.

“Good good, I thought you were lost for good, your summoning was taking some time, longer than most.” Aang said, looking at the moniter which beeped success.

“Well of course. ADHD means my dreams are pretty distracted. And you can call me KoTi~” Koti said, smiling at the dude.

"WAIT!", there came a female voice from the other side. The two looked around to notice yet another couple of summoner and achiever. The girl that cried out halted as she rested her hands on her knees, catching up her breath. Her summoner, impressive looking woman narrowed her eyes with expression that could have otherwise said disappointment.

"Gwen, we have great mission to-", said the woman.

"I know Natalya, but please, I am hardly as though as you are!", the girl, whose name was Gwen uttered in between haste breathing. She slowly looked up to take notice of KoTI and Aang. She smiled, "So I am not the only late achiever".

"Would appear so", nodded Natalya, "Alas, we have no time for introduction. Let us make haste for-!"

A loud noise cut off Natalya from speaking further and the last only looked around to see the group storming out of the room within which they were previously at. The room then shrunk to unimaginable size and vanished.

Natalya narrowed her eyes and the set claws were already worn into her hands, flexing herself for battle position as a group of men dressed in red coats made their ways, "Magic", Natalya spitted with disgust.

Gwen caught up with her, "Maybe we should wait and-".

"Nonsense", barked Natalya, "We shall study them carefully and aim our moves, but should require action, we will storm ahead".

Gwen nodded.

KoTi was utterly lost as the room completely vanished and they now stood in front of a large army with a large banner reading 15th infantry. He looked around bewildered, wondering why things changed. He looked at Aang, who look just as confused.

"I agree with the lady, Gwen was it, that we should try and talk this through. Maybe we can settle this peacefully." Aang said, smiling nervously at the weapons on the girls arms.

"I don't think so" KoTi said, staring at the group as he rolled his shoulders. Most scenarios that he played out in his head like this meant the army was out for one thing, blood. They would come after theirs without halting and would be gladly willing to mow them down where they stood if they didn't fight back.

"So wish I had a weapon right about now." KoTi said, looking at Natalya's arm blade thingies, which seemed quite lethal and ready to rip and shred apart anything in their path.

"I know what you mean", said Gwen, "I feel utterly useless right now, by the way I'm Gwen and that woman is Natalya, the legendary woman assassin herself"

"Names KoTi, short for Keeper of the Inn, and this is Aang, the avatar, master of all four elements" KoTi said, smiling and waving at her. He offered his hand and hugged her tight, smiling at the same time.

To the embrace Gwen turned crimson as she shyly played with the edges of her shirt, but destiny was kind to her, for before long the attention was diverted from her to unknown voice that called to them.

You ask for a leader?" came a deep, gravelly, disembodied voice. "They have no leader. What need of leaders have the changed? You may address your remarks or questions to me, meddler in affairs that do not concern you. Say your piece, and quickly - for it may be the last thing you say before you die."

Gwen whimpered and flinched back, looking confused and scared but Natalya remained confident and stable, her iron claws sparkled briefly as she brought them before her, ready to charge should she be forced to.

The others seemed to studying the position they were in as well.

05-01-2012, 02:41 AM
Shy stood quiet and just watched the different actions developing in front of her. When an answer for the riddle was needed, she started thinking about it with no success. Her mind was totally blank, an action that happened often when she was nervous or overstimulated. But she didn't have to think anymore, since someone else shouted the answer.

When other people started to move through the now open door, Shy thought they should also move, "Come one Saya, let's see what happens now" The long haired girl nodded and with a 'Unn' she walked next to Shy.

But then Shy saw the weapons pointed in their directions and just froze, she had never in the life been threatened with a weapon before and now that it did happen she was like a statue, her mind had truly gone blank from fear. Saya stood next to her in a defensive stance, ready to attack or to defend if it was needed.

She loosened the hold of the sheath in the katana so she could easily take it out if she needed it. She moved slightly to be totally in front of Shy, if one of these men tried to shoot Saya she would bleed, but her wounds would quickly heal. If they attacked Shy, she would simply die, Saya had seen many people she cared about die and she just refused to let her Summoner suffer the same fate.

Shy slowly came back to her senses to find Saya in front of her. She gulped audibly and just made a mental prayer for God to help them out of this situation unharmed.

05-01-2012, 11:41 AM
The archaically dressed soldiers continued aiming their weapons, dead still, not a single one deviating by as much as a millimeter. Behind them, the dreadful eyes continued to stare. A silence reigned between the two camps, a silence that might have lasted five seconds by objective time, but seemed to linger for eternity. Max made no move to answer the taunt of the eyes, and the eyes seemed in no way inclined to add to what they'd said. The small group of achievers who had formed a kind of skirmish-line in front of the team stood stock still. It was as if both sides were waiting for instructions, like two opposing sporting teams waiting for a referee's signal.

"You know," whispered Scarlet_Warrior, to Elkay, beside whom she happened to be standing. "I don't think anything is going to happen. This is like a stalemate. The two sides facing off in a staring contest, like two prizefighters who won't come together in a clinch. This could go on for - "


And, all at once, the deadlock was broken. The front rank of the soldiers fired, all at exactly the same moment, with preternatural co-ordination. If anyone had suspected that these were normal human soldiers, there was no longer any excuse for that doubt. They had fired as one, and as one they pulled the ramrods from their belts, swabbed their weapons, pulled back the catches to reload.

There was a cry from among the ranks of the Achievers. A metallic clang. A howling, as if of some mighty beast in agony.

"Fucking hell," came a voice from among the achievers. "That's that Master-Chief thing. He's been hit."

And this voice was drowned by a scream. As Master-Chef fell, hitting the floor with a thump that shook the ground, and sent several of the team sprawling on all fours, Saya Otonashii, the katana-wielding warrior, also fell. She sprawled backwards, blood spurting from the trunk of her neck, collapsing across Master Chief's prone body. There were several scattered, explosive noises, as various of the Achievers opened up in returning, flinging themselves flat to minimize the targets they were presenting, most of them crawling, looking for cover. Two of the soldiers fell. There was no clutching at wounds, or cries of pain. They were standing, the shots hit, and they fell backwards as if poleaxed... and vanished.

Meanwhile, among the ranks of the Summoners, two gaps appeared. Gaps in the shape of Epostle and Lithoria.

The rear rank of soldiers continued to hold steady, their weapons aimed.

05-01-2012, 09:31 PM
With her weapon trained on the soldiers in the kneeling position offered Dan a soft “Don’t worry, I’ll give them the choice to…”

At that, the silence of the air is broken as smoke and flames erupt from the front rank of soldiers. Ai Lin doesn’t bother to survey the damage done by the firing troops, as they in unison remove their ram rods, she is contemplating her shots. The distance is too great for guaranteed kill head shots yet the troops are not taking cover which brings a smile to her lips. Thoughts of a shooting gallery at the local carnival drift through her mind as she softly whispers
“Let’s see if I can win us a Teddy Bear.”

Dan simply replies back, wishing he had a weapon so he could return fire too “Win a big one Ai Lin.”

As the ranks have not moved, she moves her aim left to right, each time she lines up center mass upon one soldier a shot is squeezed off while keeping her weapon moving on to the next soldier. Her expectation and aim being so if the troop she fires at is not wearing a high strength vest, the armor piercing round should tear through the main target and into the soldier in the second row as well.

Assuming she has the element of surprise that her position seems not to be known by the enemy, she moves her aim and shots in a combat target fire manor. After squeezing off her sixth shot, she rolls to her left so as to vacate her shooting position speculating the troops she is firing upon should be gaining information on where the shots are coming from by now. She keeps in a very low crouch as she makes fast relocation next to Dan who had already moved after her fifth shot.

As Ai Lin begins to reacquire her targets, Dan offers with a soft smile
“I do think you may have gotten me a Teddy Bear already, now get one for yourself too.”

05-02-2012, 04:18 AM
Max ducked, dived, dodged, dipped, and rolled around the bullets as he made his way back to his bag that he had left with Siks while he didn't have any bigger guns he did have some grenades stowed away in the deep pockets Siks was already unloading rounds into the tight ranks watching them drop with holes in some part of their heads or body. Thankfully Siks was lucky enough to find a rock to duck behind, Max soon scrambled in besides him and quickly twisted his helmet back in place.

"I fucking blame you for this!" Max shouted digging through his bag for the grenades he kept around. He usually had twelve Frag and Plamsa grenades at the ready but only six Pulse grenades since they only really worked against robots or Power Armor. But the first twenty-four should work well enough to clear up these soldiers stuffing them into his coat pockets he handed Siks his carbine which the young Scot was thankful for Lil' Devil was a good little weapon but he wanted something with better ranged accuracy and the Carbine's scope would serve that purpose well.

"Oh bite me, just chuck those damn grenades before they mow us all down!" Max growled tearing the pin from one frag and chucked it among the ranks near the middle. One explosion later a huge hole opened up in the 15th's ranks but the soldiers seemed unphrased not bothering to wonder why they didn't seem to care Max and Siks along with the other armed individuals in the group kept up a good defense more grenades were hurled and more holes opened up in the Infantry's ranks. With the limited amount of ammo Max had, Siks made sure to have every count for a kill. Both men hoped the soldiers would break ranks and leave soon.

05-02-2012, 04:42 AM
Just as Scarlet_Warrior started talking to Elkay, the inhuman soldier thingies started firing. Two Achievers had already fallen, one of them being the heavily armoured Master Chief, someone who no one expected to be killed by a couple of bullets.

In a single, swift movement, Teekay pulled Elkay off his back and wrapped his arm around her. And while glancing around, he quickly grabbed Scarlet_Warrior, protecting both of them. He wanted to get around in front of the other Summoners to cover them too, but on the narrow walkway, there was no way he could get through.

"That sound... A metallic clang, a howl that sounded like it came from an animal... For a moment there, I thought I'd been hit..."

Elkay pointed at the gap among the Summoner ranks. "Shut it, Teekay, some of us have disappeared! Either they were teleported to safety once their Achievers had died, or maybe those bullets teleported them to a hostile location! I mean, why would all those robot human things with perfect aim just kill TWO of us?"

"SSShhh!" Teekay hissed. "Don't give them any bloody ideas..."

05-02-2012, 07:08 PM
P.K. was almost oblivious to what was going on around her as she knelled down next to the place where the dome had been only moments before setsa was gone she couldn't believe it she had only just seen her earlier and she was already gone how could that happened so quickly?. P.K. was not used to this feeling of utter loss inside her she had never been so close to a friend that so suddenly slipped away... maybe she was alive some where safe? that gave her a small glimmer of hope and she tried feeding it to convince herself she would see her friend soon enough.

Cassandra watched as max strutted up and shouted at them as others gathered in a small line ready for what might happen next. Even the women who didn't seem how to hold the gun. Cassandra looked at every one then back up front as something appeared or... she was not sure what to make of it but it spoke or at least a voice came from it. Tensing as it continued on she crouched having that intense feeling of danger. Moments later they fired she laid back her ears at the loud cracks that happened all in unison.

A shot wized right by her ear making her step way quickly before leaping off at a run watching as others did the same. Since shots where being fired from both sides she figured close combat was out of the question. One she would get in the way second she would most likely get shot by the people on her side. From what she knew they could not afford to loss people yet they had. As that scram earlier had told her and the sudden vanishing of several people. People landed flat on the ground to avoid getting his Cassandra bounded up and over these people and to the far side where there happened to be a larger rock.

claws scraping the hard ground She slid in behind this only to find two others there as well one being max or the man that had gone up to shout at the row of men that had been there before. She also recognized the other as siks the man P.K. had spoken to before. Now that she remembered her summoner she was suddenly worried "Wheres P.K." she growled still in the large saber form as she crouched. she stuck her head out to look but quickly brought it back down to avoid getting head shot. She had a good idea of what happened is her summoner died but what of the other way around? same thing? she couldn't take the chance could she...

Having come back only enough to realize she was in some danger P.K. had thrown herself flat on the ground surveying her surroundings quickly to find a safer spot to stay out of range.

05-03-2012, 02:42 AM
Shana pushed Aly away as she transformed into her flame haze mode. Her burning eyes and hair lit up and She drew Nietono no Shana and readied herself. Shana sliced through the bullets being aware that they were coming from both sides. Shana knew that her melee attacks were going to be a disadvantage so she made her long ranged one. She swung her katana at the men and shooting out some fire balls it hit them. Shana needed to distract the men so that the other achievers could attack.

Shana spread her wings out and shot up into the sky. She then shot some fire balls to attract their attention. She flew around trying to avoid the bullets that were now swarming her. She was good at making distractions and now she waited for the achievers on the ground to take this opportunity to attack.

Grenade were flying and dropping at the men and it seemed as though it didn't work. Shana was getting frustrated. "Why won't you just die?!" Shana said as she flew in circles and swirls to avoid the gun bullets flying toward her.

Aly crouched to the nearest rock she could find. Apparently it was occupied by Siks and his apparent Achiever. They were hauling grenades at the men while Shana was up in the sky distracting them. Aly would have gotten to throwing grenades herself if only she knew how. She was shaking. She was afraid and didn't know what to do. She ducked as Siks and his achiever threw more grenades and the other summoners and achievers did what they can to kill off those men. "What are they immortal!?" Aly shouted as she peeked at the battle.

05-03-2012, 03:13 AM
Max shook his head leaving off the grenade throwing with 6 of each across the board. No sense in using them all up in the first fight. He was popping away with his Plasma Defender as Siks was still popping off Carbine rounds.
"No they're going down there's just so damn many of them you can't tell." He shouted answering the flying girl's comment. Siks nodded bringing down another solider and was about to comment when he saw Lark's Achiver but no Lark quickly looking around he found his little friend on the ground crawling to some place safe but there wasn't much the rock was big enough for her and the others that were there but that was the limit of it's protective size.
"Hey Max cover me I gotta go grab Lark before she gets shot!"
"Gotcha toss me the rifle." Siks quickly handed the weapon off and crawled to Lark as Max shot down more soldiers that looked like they would shoot Siks.

As quick as he could Siks grabbed the young girl's arm and pulled her close to his body back peddling to the rock protecting his little friend. Luckily neither of them were shot before he got back to the rock and pulling out Lil-Devil he went back to shooting down the enemy.

05-03-2012, 04:00 AM
Teekay pushed Elkay and Scarlet_Warrior and anyone else he could find behind whatever was currently bullet proof, then tidily teleported himself next to Max and Siks.

"Siks is like a really cool name..." Teekay grinned as he put his hand on the rock, sparks coming off the two-pronged shield attached to his wrist. "Max isn't a bad name either... Now, should I go for a lightning bolt or electric balls?"

Teekay peered at Max and Siks and realised that they were too busy shooting and firing grenades to care about what Teekay was thinking. So Teekay just tutted and started chucking balls of electricity over the rock, hoping they'd hit something. He'd been shot before, he didn't fancy being shot again.

Elkay on the other hand wasn't sure what to do. So she just watched and kept her head down like everyone else.

05-03-2012, 12:28 PM
The withering fire from the comic-opera soldiers continued. They were like automatons, the way each rank fired, then reloaded as one, while the other rank did exactly the same, but just a few seconds behind. It was totally different from anything any member of the team (even those that had fought in skirmishes) had experienced. Instead of the random fire that could normally be expected, there was a single volley, potentially devastating to anyone in its path, followed by a few seconds grace, during which time members of the team could hit back with everything they had. And then, another devastating sheet of fire from the soldiers.

"Hey, Sy!" screamed Scarlet_Warrior, from Teekay's protective embrace, glaring daggers at him. "So what's with your achiever, then? Beneath her flipping dignity to toss an arrow or two in the enemy's direction, is it? Or do you just keep her around for the Lawlz? Some of us are allowing our Achievers to do their jobs, in case you haven't noticed!"

"My views exactly," growled Katniss, flushing at the implied insult to her courage, but seeing Scarlet_Warrior's point. "Sy, I can put an arrow through a flying goose on the wing. Those eyes are a dream target. Just let me get out from behind, so I can get a clear shot, and - "

"You'll stay here, Mockingjay," Said Sy23, calmly, but in a voice that did not allow for contradiction. Katniss opened her mouth to protest, then shut it and pouted instead.

"Are they immortal?" came Alykun17's voice, above the general hubbub.

"Immortal? No. Look!" Replied a voice that was probably Elkay's - it was hard to be sure, exactly, among the noise and confusion of the battle.

Whoever had said it, their point was substantially correct. The various miscellany of death-dealing projectiles being delivered by the team were taking their toll. Soldier after soldier fell, their ranks becoming thinner. By now, any normal unit would have broken and fled, but the red-coated men just stayed put, as if they had never been taught the meaning either of fear or a sensible attitude to survival.

And then, just as the team might have felt they could relax, and celebrate that they were definitely winning the battle, things changed. From behind the ranks of the soldiers, came...

"Fuck a duck! What's that?" screamed Scarlet_Warrior.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, in the front rank, Elizabeth Bennett was thinking that she had not enjoyed herself so much since the Hunt Ball at the Ponsonby-Smythe's, last Michaelmas. She blazed off shot after shot, giving a ladylike screech of exultation every time one of the soldiers vanished, instantly assuming that it was her expertise that had done the damage. In fact, every one of her shots had passed harmlessly overhead, and noise had been her only contribution to the cause, but if anyone had noticed they were either too busy to point it out, or hadn't the heart.

And now, there were but a few of the soldiers remaining. Yes, they'd looked brave enough in their ranks, and rather pretty - but no heathen horde could stand against a true Englishwoman with steel in her soul and righteousness in her heart. Probably French, she decided.

And then, the game changed -

* * * * *

"I might have known it," sobbed Scarlet_Warrior, curled into a tight ball, rather like an oversized fetus. "Those stupid soldiers were just to soften us up. Now they've unleashed the big guns!"

"Precisely why I kept a reserve in hand," smiled Sy23. "OK, Mockingjay. Get an explosive-tip right in the middle of the woman that looks like a robot, then a flame-arrow in the eye of that big thing that - NO! STOP!"

Katniss Everdeen paused, her first arrow already notched. She looked around at Sy, her mouth open in surprise!

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" Sy23 screamed, as the last of the soldiers - and the evil eyes - vanished. "Listen - haven't any of you ever played Diablo? I know that girl with the firy swords and the funny knee-pads! It's Natalya. Hold fire!!!"

"And that silver thing!" added Scarlet_Warrior. "That's not from the enemy. Haven't any of you heard of 'Avatar, the Last Airbender?' That's Aang!"

"And that's Keeper of the Inn, just behind him!" laughed Sy23. "I'd know that beard anywhere! But who on earth - ?"

Just behind Natalya, a young, very attractive dark-haired girl scuttled, bent low, desperately trying to make herself as small a target as possible. She was peering around, as if to ascertain that the firing had stopped, and that it was safe to make her way towards the team. It was obvious that she was desperately trying to avoid notice, but that would have been difficult to achieve at the best of times. Her eyes alone - as old as time, as dark as night, eyes that virtually screamed out 'sex' in massive capitals ten miles high meant that whatever else this wonderful creature might achieve, anonymity was never going to be among her virtues.

All four of the newcomers - Aang, Natalya, Keeper of the Inn and the pretty girl - had their hands spread in passive "don't shoot" gestures. That at least two of them were humans - presumably they were two sets of Achievers and Summoners - was obvious. Every member of the team, save one, immediately ceased fire.

The one exception was Elizabeth. "What cowards," she thought. "Brave enough against those chocolate soldiers, but when something truly frightening comes along, they all scurry away and hide. Patently, it's up to someone with true gritand resolve to save the day, when no-one else dares!"

So thinking, she leveled her pistol at the pretty newcomer, heedless of the multiple shouts of "Miss Bennett, NO!" from behind her. Her delicate finger tightened on the trigger...

"Now, Mockingjay!" came Sy23's voice. Immediately, an arrow shot from the rear of the group, at a slight angle, Katniss having positioned herself precisely correctly in response to Sy's hastily whispered instructions. It was a conventional arrow, not one of the explosive or fiery ones, and it flew true and straight, as only the Mockingjay herself could have shot. At the very split second the before pistol fired, the arrow struck home, nicking Elizabeth's pinky-finger, causing her to scream aloud and drop the weapon.

The gun hit the ground, and there was an explosion as it went off, at a random angle, sparing the life of whatever newcomer might have been in the way of a properly aimed shot. The bullet rebounded against a wall to the left of the battlefield, and there was a puff of earth as it ricocheted against the ground.

"OW!" screamed Ai Lin, her hand flying to her side.

"Ai LIn! Are you OK?" Screamed Dan, concern in his voice, rushing towards her.

"Fine," Ai Lin replied. "It was just a ricochet. The bullet was already spent. Hitting the wall and the ground took all the pace out of it. It just hurt a bit, that's - "

But her speech was drowned by a gigantic peal of laughter, interleaved with a rude wolf-whistle from various elements of the team. Puzzled, Ai Lin followed their eyes downwards...

To where her pants, complete with the broken belt - that the bullet had still had just enough momentum to sever - lie forlornly crumpled around her ankles.

05-03-2012, 12:46 PM
The shotgun took them by a surprise.

Gwen screamed as her body landed frozen on her knees, her hands over her ears to prevent herself from hearing any other horrible noise, shutting tight her eyes as to not see any scary sight, and she hoped to stay like that for a while longer, but Natalya had other plans.

"Join them!", she barked to KoTI and his achiever as she dashed, sending one clawed hand to shield herself from any possible new attack while her other hand grabbed Gwen from her waist, picking her up in this wild dash for the locations of the others.

Gwen was dropped rather abruptly as Natalya caught her breath, KoTI and Aang catching up seconds later.

"What do you think you are doing?!", Natalya barked.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I was scared! I didn't know what to do...", Gwen sobbed softly.

"That's of no importance", Natalya cut off her words, aiming herself to attack again should she be needed to, however she did gave Elizabeth Bennett a dark scary gaze.

05-03-2012, 01:02 PM
Cassandra listened ears twitching as siks asked max to cover him. She followed his gaze and soon found P.K.. Watching tensely as the man went and grabbed her summoner her fur was almost on end by the time he got back with her.

P.K. had not expected to be grabbed and pulled back to safety but upon seeing the it was only siks she allowed herself to be brought back. "T-thanks siks..." Cassandra crawled over Keeping low so not to get shot while she came over to P.K. and siks "you stay close to me" she growled lowly "I can't protect you if your running off!" Cassandra shifted then back into her human form. P.K. how ever only looked down as siks went back to shooting She was still trying to convince herself setsa was not gone.

Cassandra watched the girl and sighed looking around quickly she could hear some one shouting to some one else... actually multiple shouts. Cassandra peeked out their safe place for the moment to see the one lady in fine dress aiming a gun and some new comers while ever one else was shouting now. an arrow wized by her while she let out a cry and dropped the gun Cassandra laid her ears back at the loud bang it let out and heard it bounce around a moment before some one else cried out.

Ears perked she could faintly make out the conversation but not what was going on she turned back to lark who was now watching max and siks do their work and the others hiding behind the rock as well.

05-03-2012, 06:35 PM
Akshara rose from Elizabeth's shadow after she saw the gun fly from her hand. Catching it as she did. "I think those are friendlies on account of everyone knowing a few of them." She asked, offering the pistol to Elizabeth as her feet popped out of the shadow. Her accent was gone, and her eyes were completely green. No whites, no pupils, just green. Tilting her head she looked at the new comers. "Besides.. that boy with the arrow on his head looks too goofy to be like those soldiers." She giggled before running up to meet them. Mostly to the boy with the arrow on his head. "Hi! I'm Akshara! I like your arrow! Oh!" She spun around quickly. "I think that Elizabeth lady tried to shoot at you. Sorry! I think she's new to fighting... well so am I per say but I listened to them!" She pointed to the summoners in general, not exactly sure who recognized them. "Someone knows at least someone!" She spoke quickly, mostly afraid that handing Elizabeth the gun again would make her try to shoot them again. The entire reason Akshara ran up to them actually.

Drakkon narrowed his eyes. "Aang from Avatar... a couple other people I know from watching TV and Netflix.. Oi.." He put his glasses up his head rubbed his eyes then pushed them back on. "My head hurts.. this is going to be the death of me I just know it.." He muttered, watching Ak start talking to Aang. He smiled a bit before looking around trying to listen to everyone's theories.

05-03-2012, 07:38 PM
"OW!" screamed Ai Lin, her hand flying to her side.

"Ai Lin! Are you OK?" Screamed Dan, concern in his voice, rushing towards her.

"Fine," Ai Lin replied. "It was just a ricochet. The bullet was already spent. Hitting the wall and the ground took all the pace out of it. It just hurt a bit, that's - "

But her speech was drowned by a gigantic peal of laughter, interleaved with a rude wolf-whistle from various elements of the team. Puzzled, Ai Lin followed their eyes downwards...

To where her pants, complete with the broken belt - that the bullet had still had just enough momentum to sever - lie forlornly crumpled around her ankles.

Scanning the field briefly for lingering threats, she handed Dan her Glock 29 before taking an animated bow to the crowd. Bashful and shy were not words which could be found on Ai Lin’s resume. Her tone playful
“Why thank you, next show will be at 11.”
With that out of the way, she slid her belt out from the loops of her pants after pulling her pants back around her waist. Removing the holster from the belt, she tossed it over to Dan along with the two magazine pouches, each pouch containing two 15 round clips. Her tone soft “Seeing that you are without, and my belt just died, thought you might want these.”
She goes on checking her second Glock in the shoulder holster under her left arm. Quickly she insists “…but I need you to clear the chamber and give me the mag currently loaded. Don’t want to be without my armor piercing rounds…” tossing him the mag of standard hollow points she changed out just before the shooting started.

Trying not to stare too long at her legs as she made a makeshift belt from a section of cord usually used to strangle people with, Dan makes quick sliding the holster onto his belt to his left, magazine pouches to his right all the while moving closer to Ai Lin “Thanks, and perhaps I should look at that wrist” while changing clips in his newly acquired weapon handing the armor piercing clip over to Ai Lin.

Offering a soft smile, she simply protests “That’s okay, it’s really sweet that you are concerned though. Really though, it’s nothing … but if you do want to be a dear, you can help me with one thing.” She finishes some minor adjustments before casting a rather cold gaze over toward Elizabeth. Her tone now sharp enough to cut through anything “… and will somebody please take the freaking weapon away from Wyatt Earp … or better yet, why don’t I…” as she starts toward her.

Quirking a brow, Dan simply mutters "definitely not good…” as he quickly tries to catch up with Ai Lin.

05-03-2012, 09:06 PM
With the battle over Siks and Max slumped against the rock wiping sweat and dirt from their faces holstering their weapons.
"I hope all the fighting isn't like that, I don't have enough ammo. Or energy." Siks nods patting Lark's head lightly.
"No worries lassie." He looks at her seeing some anguish in her eyes he hugged her gently before covering her body with his as another shot rang out in the silence. Looking up he saw Ms. Bennett had dropped the pistol and a ricochet occurred and knicked Storm's Achiever and it looked like she was going to shove the pistol where the sun don't shine. He looked at Max nodding to the confrontation
"Max I want to stay here and see what's up with Lark can you go defuse that?" Max nodded getting slowly up leaving his helmet by the rock moving toward the women.

"Hold up ladies hold up please. Infighting like this will do us no good." He says walking between Elizabeth and Ai Lin holding his hands up. "Relax everyone it's her first day with a gun and besides she's almost out of ammo now." He took the gun from the little girl and showed everyone it was safe. "We'll give her some more pointers on it."

05-03-2012, 11:07 PM
As one of her comrades fell, Shana swooped down beside them. Her feet touched the dusty ground as she saw Aly there behind the rock with someone else and Lark. "We need to get her out of this. She needs rest and attention." Shana pointed out walking toward them. She didn't know these people but since she was teamed up with them she has to do what she can to help them. She knelt down beside the body. Shana's arm was hit but it wasn't severe. There was bleeding yes but Shana didn't mind. She was used to these kinds of hurt.

Aly saw Lark and huddled a little closer to her. She then whispered "Are you alright?" She was worried of her friend after all. Another man has kept her in his arms protecting her. Aly figured that she was. Just then she heard screams and looked to that direction. She was caught off guard. She then saw shana in the scene and she calmed down. Looking back at the tall man that protected her friend she asked him as nicely as she could. Aly had used a gun before, a real one. she started off with just Airsoft guns but as she grew older her father's guns were something she played with. Her father was a police officer and he had a registered gun. One day he brought Aly to his facility and made her shoot that gun. She couldn't blame the ladies that that happened to them since Aly herself, where first fired a gun grew scared and weak.
She asked the tall man who protected Lark.
"You you have a gun?" She said looking at their stash of grenades.

05-04-2012, 04:45 AM
"Huh..." Teekay grunted as Elkay rushed out of her hiding place and stood by his side. "That was... Random... So you guys are with us? I guess so, otherwise the enemy didn't buy enough uniforms to cover everyone..."

Elkay smiled and simply waved at the new-comers. She wasn't really sure who the newcomers were either. She didn't watch much TV and often created her own characters.

"Yeah, you did a good job of that..." Teekay snickered. "Out of ALL the people from that little mind of yours, you picked me..." He turned his attention to everyone else. "So, anyone here got any clue what's going on? Because right now, we've walked into two traps and lost three people. Okay, we just gained two people, but nonetheless..."

"Wow, you used nonetheless in a sentence..." Elkay nudged Teekay's side.

"Meh... Anyway, we ought to think of some sort of plan or something. You know, so we don't end up fucking up in a major way. I might not give two shits about my own well-being, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let some silver egg seep out of this place and back home, where it can infect the ones I love..."

05-04-2012, 01:35 PM
Elizabeth found the whole situation provoking in the extreme. Why was everyone looking at her so angrily? Good heavens, if it hadn't been for her accurate shooting, the whole band might have been totally overrun by those dreadful soldiers. And then, at the end of the battle, when she'd had the last of the invaders in her sights, and was about to administer the coup-de-grace, that traitorous Mohawk, or whatever she was, had shot at her - again - and quite made her miss her aim. Really, the ridiculous savage should have made up her mind which team she was on. And now, rather than congratulate her as a hero, people were positively staring at her, as if she'd committed some dreadful social faux-pas, like breaking wind in church, or wearing last year's bonnet. And the young Chinese girl or whatever she was, had dropped her breeches. It was bad enough her wearing mens' clothes in the first place, but to deliberately expose herself like that in mixed company - just who was this harlot? Not to mention that the hussy in question was marching towards her with a look that did not bode well...

And then, thank heaven, that nice Mr Max appeared. Oh, what a gentleman. Rather handsome, too, in his rough, colonial way. Not that she, Elizabeth Bennett of the home counties, was frightened of some mere coolie. Of course not. Why, it was simply the exultation of battle that was causing her hand to shake so inconveniently, and not the murderous look in the girl's eyes, at all!

* * * * *

"Gwen. Pretty name. It suits you - you being so pretty, I mean."

Sy23 held the young girl tightly. To do him justice, this was partly his protective streak. It must have been pretty scary, he realized, to have to run the gauntlet of all that fire from both sides. All right for the Achievers, maybe, and for a hard case like Keeper... but this young, naive girl could hardly have been used to such alarums and excursions.

However, for the truth is always beautiful, it must also be said that at least part of his concern was that the young, raven-haired girl was pretty in the extreme. She'd have been attractive under any circumstances, but now, trembling in fear, blushing in humiliation about having made such a fool of herself, and endearingly flustered, and with tears beginning to well at her sexy, dark eyes... Sy would have had to have been made of stone to resist her. And, one particular part of his anatomy excepted, there was little about him at the moment that resembled anything so hard.

So he continued to soothe the girl, stroking her hair, and murmuring endearments.

* * * * *

It's not fair. It's just not fair! Moaned Scarlet_Warrior to herself. I've met my all-time heroine, and she's treated me like something the cat dragged in. And I've gone through the scariest time imaginable. People kept shooting at me. And I'm lonely, and I'm frightened, and I'm crying, and I'm upset, and no-one even cares. Just look at that skinny Aussie guy. Hugging that girl like he was about to eat her up. Huh! I bet if she wasn't so pretty, he'd look the other way, soon enough. And I was so scared I think I've wet myself - this damn bladder of mine - and my fucking bra's too tight and keeps riding up on me and driving me crazy, and everyone else has got someone to care about them and support them except me. I wish I'd never had this stupid dream, or whatever it is! I do!

There was only one thing for it, now. A bloody good cry! She dropped her head, to hide her tears. As if the stain on her jeans wasn't humiliating enough, now she was going to bawl in front of all these bad-ass heroes and heroines.

And dropping her head made her saw the small flat gold tablet on the ground, About the size and thickness of a credit card, and engraved upon it a small device - a drawing of the hooded figure that had first outlined the mission on the screen. Together with some engraved words.

She stooped, and picked it up.

* * * * *

If my mother was here, she'd know exactly what to do, thought Katniss Everdeen. She'd seen men and women brought to their small house in the Seam hanging to life by a thread, and walk out whole. The rest of the time, her mother existed in a dream-like state, helpless and useless. But give her someone sick or injured, who needed urgent treatment, and she exploded into clinical efficiency. A few herbs, a needle and thread, some snow...

Well, I'll have to do the best I can, she thought, wandering among the few spindly trees that dotted the mysterious cluster of round buildings. Some of the leaves looked like those she knew from back home, but she also knew that looking like another plant didn't necessarily mean having similar properties. She had a particular memory of a certain clump of berries, that her co-tribute in the 74th had thought perfectly safe for eating, and which had in fact been nightlock, a deadly poisonous fruit. Mind you, she'd turned them to her advantage in the end, but that wasn't the point.

She put the leaves in her mouth, chewed them to a pulp, and walking over to Ai Lin, smeared the disgusting mess on the small wound on the girl's side. She took a small square of cleaning-rag from her quiver, and placed it in the oriental girl's hand. "It'll hurt for a few minutes," she said, simply, "While it draws out the poison. Hold this over it, until it dries. And don't wash it off for an hour or so."

Without waiting for thanks, she made her way back to where she had last seen her Mentor. For some reason, she always felt better when she was by his side. It was a part of her own nature that she recognized. She was always drawn to people who treated her with consideration. Sy23 was by no mans as handsome and muscular as Gale, or as softly caring as Peeta, but there was something - something -

She stopped short, and her jaw dropped. A fierce rage came into her eyes. There was Sy - her mentor - in the arms of that frail-looking woman who'd run towards the group after the battle. She didn't know quite why she felt so angry, even betrayed, but there was no way she could deny it. Her hand flew to the quiver of arrows, and she had to force herself to restrain it.

"Are there any more instructions for me, mentor?" she asked, the venom in her voice resembling that of a tracker-jacker. "Or shall I go and leave you in peace."

Gwen's eyes widened in fear, as well they might.

"Mockingjay, where were you?" asked Sy23, blandly. "This is Gwen. She - "

"Hey! Hey! Look at this!" Broke in Scarlet_Warrior's shrill voice, as she ran towards them in her usual clumsy, waddling manner, waving the small gold card. "See what this says...

For the next stage of your quest - Head due North-east, and seek - the portal of the spelling bees!

What on earth can that mean?"

05-04-2012, 02:12 PM
Cassandra crouched still till she was absolutely sure that the fight had stopped for the time being. Looking over at her Summoner she let out a sigh she felt bad for the girl but she was not entirely sure what she seemed to distraught about. She had run off shortly after some one had setsa and Thor had not come out... thor was the one That she had been planing to ask if he was some sort of god but it looked like he was gone. Setsa must have been the girl that Gave P.K. a hug shortly after they had met.

Cassandra blinked after a moment "Lark" she questioned suddenly looking at siks. She had heard him say it before but didn't even think about it that was what he was calling P.K. though now she was some what confused.

P.K. Winced slightly as another shot went off but it was a bit of a slow reaction as Siks covered her in a more or less protective way. She heard something about defusing something and Siks asking if Max could take care of it. That must be his achiever she had been to hyper earlier to really stay in one place. she looked up at Cassandra as she questioned Siks about the name She nodded at her Achiever "Its another name I go by often I have several". Cassandra narrowed her eyes "Alright..." Looking back "I'll leave her to you then" she said to siks she noticed then Aly huddling up next to lark before getting up. Cassandra was not very good at comforting some one even if she tried she might only make things worse by trying to add her comments or help. The best she could do right now we try and Keep a fight from braking out.

P.K. watched Cassandra go before looking at siks "what?" She looked at Aly and nodded mutely to her friend before looking back at siks.

The dark eyed Shape shifter quickly joined Max but was distracted by another girl waving a golden card Cassandra watched eyes following the card for a moment then went back to miss Bennett and the other lady as Max said he would give her more pointers after showing that the gun no longer of any use while it was empty. "hope that settles it but by the looks of it we might need restraining" She said calmly She looked at the four new ones that had joined them studying them for a moment as well. she deeply wished her hyper friend was here now.

05-05-2012, 05:38 PM
Siks nodded to Aly handing her Lil'Devil he could borrow the Weathered 10mm Pistol from Max.
"Ay it's a high caliber and has a little kick to it but as long as ye dun't shoot with your eyes closed you'll be fine." He hugged Lark gently watching her Achiever walk off.
"I dun't know lassie but how are you you look troubled."

Max pocketed the pistol after loading the last mag into it. He turned to Ms. Bennett nodding he wasn't sure how well she was shooting but no reason to kill her confidence now.
"You were doing good Ms. Bennett just remember aim for the middle of the chest and you'll get a hit also when everyone around you is saying stop shooting do so, because I might not be around to stop you from getting lynched next time." He jerked his thumb back at Ai Lin before hearing Witch shout something about a card and waddle over to some romeo and dame on the ground. "Hey Romeo ya wanna ease up on trying to get laid and help round up our group we need to get moving." Turning to the rest of the group he shouts feeling like someone might as well try and lead the group or at least get them moving.
"Take account of yourselves and shout out any injuries folks! No need to play tough guy or girl!"

05-05-2012, 06:29 PM
As Mockingjay made her way over toward Sy, Ai Lin followed due to the obstruction between her fist and Elizabeth’s face. Dan followed slightly to the rear.

"Are there any more instructions for me, mentor, or shall I go and leave you in peace?"

Ai Lin in a soft whisper “Their not worth it hun, by the way, thanks, hand is already feeling better. Name’s Ai Lin, this is my … what are these people who called us anyway, but his name is…”

"Hey! Hey! Look at this! See what this says...
For the next stage of your quest - Head due North-east, and seek - the portal of the spelling bees!
What on earth can that mean?"

Dan offers “…Name’s Dan by the way, and would think that means that we are heading North East and based off what we have run into already … I presume we are not going to bump into a group of kids with exceptional spelling skills.”

Ai Lin cracks a smile still looking to Mockingjay “He does seem to make sense.”

As the man who prevented Elizabeth from requiring dental work starts barking out orders, Ai Lin looks down to the two on the ground “You two booking a room or heading out with us?”

05-05-2012, 09:40 PM
Shana walked to Aly and patted her on the head. She then turned to what seemed to be an achiever hugging Lark for protection. Alastor just had to crack one.
"Aly, I suggest you move a little farther from them, You are ruining the moment." Alastor spoke. Shana giggled. Aly then moved slightly away. She knew it wasn't time for any of that nonsense Aly needed comfort in this time. She was very nervous holding the 10mm pistol in her hands. This was an all out war warfare. It was dangerous and yet Aly wanted to do what she could do to help. She didn't want to be a damsel in distress anymore. Her days of needed help and just hiding in one corner was over. She wanted to fend for herself like Shana does, She wanted to stand up on her own feet, occasionally she would need help and she knew that but when it was a situation she knew she could help with she would rather be in the front line rather than at the back with all the other damsel in distress' She wanted to be the one saving damsel in distress'.

Shana looked at Cassandra who was standing next to her. "Alright, Any plan?" She looked at the girl. Shana knew that she couldn't handle this on her own. These weapons were not the ones designed for a flame haze to withstand. The people here need to attack all at once. She looked around their side of the field. A lot of Summoners were huddled behind walls and some were being brought to a safer spot. Then her burning eyes hovered to the other side. There were still alot of soldiers but Shana could see that they have lessened from before. This gave her hope. She then looked back to Aly who held the pistol in her hands. Then to the Achiever protecting Lark. She nodded at him. Shana then spoke to Aly. "You can do it, Remember you have your friends to protect here." She said gesturing to Lark. Aly nodded. With then Shana and Cassandra did what they can to stop the rain of bullets.

Aly looked at Lark then at Max. "I'll help protect Lark." She whispered to herself but it wasn't that much of a whisper. Holding the LilDevil pistol in her hands. Left hand over right, her back on the rock, She breathed in deeply as she swung her body the left and shot the pistol aimed at the other side. She quickly recoiled back behind the rock with her back still on the rock. She never felt so alive. Shooting the ear drum breaking pistol was fun, she felt exhilarated. She looked at Max and then at Lark and then she swung her body once more to the left and shot 3 shots at the soldiers. This was war now.

05-07-2012, 08:17 AM
As she ran towards the group, Scarlet_Warrior felt her feet strike something, and was sent sprawling. "What the - ?" she screamed. "Who the fuck left that lying about?"

She scrambled to her feet, looking back at the obstruction that had tripped her over. "Oh shit!" she screamed, her hand flying to her mouth. "That's - it's - "

"Her name's Flora," came Sy23's voice, tonelessly. "Or, rather, it was! Seems she copped a hit, too. We seem to be losing personnel fast! That means Artemis Fowl's gone, too. Pity - he was pretty cool."

Katniss' head swung round, to regard the dead body of Flora. Her jealousy about her mentor and Gwen forgotten, she walked over to the body, tears beginning to well in her dark eyes. "I am sick," she said, softly, "Of seeing people die! Especially people named after flowers"

She knelt, and began gathering flowers, arranging them around the body, singing a lullaby-like song:

Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open, the sun will -

But before she could complete the ceremony, there was a sudden loud retort, as if a rush of air were escaping from a sealed can. Flora's body vanished. One second it was there, the next, there were simply a few flowers, lying pathetically on the ground. A puzzled look on her face, Katniss turned her eyes towards the sky, touched three of her fingers to her lips, and extended them, tip outwards, to where she assumed a camera might be.

"That was the best I could do," she said, barely audibly, returning to where Sy23 stood with Gwen. She accepted the embrace of the two of them, her eyes openly weeping. Any anger she might have felt at Gwen distracting her mentor was forgotten... at least, temporarily. Sy23 winked at Ai Lin and Dan, and held his arms open, inviting them to join the group hug. Right now, this team needed all the unity it could get.

* * * * *

"I might not be around to stop you from getting lynched next time." Max said to Elizabeth Bennett, who simpered, her blush rising as it always did whenever she was addressed by the handsome antipodean adventurer.

"I thank you for a most diverting instruction," she replied, her fan flying to her crimson face. "La, sir, seems that either I must do my level best to avoid such a fate," she giggled, "or you, sir, should stay close in case I fail?"

Overhearing Elizabeth's rather pathetic attempts at flirting, and guessing at Max's discomfort, Scarlet-Warrior, for once in her life, decided to do something sensible. She walked up behind her Achiever, touched her lightly on the shoulder and said "Well, Elizabeth, since you're in this team for your intelligence rather than your fighting prowess" (this accompanied by a wink in Max's direction) "perhaps you might put your fertile mind to our latest clue." She handed the gold card to Elizabeth. "Any ideas on that?"

05-07-2012, 11:45 AM
"What's a spelling bee?" Teekay asked.

Elkay shook her head. "Well, it's either a bee that can spell, whether that is casting spells or spelling words correctly, or it's that strange American contest where little kids are forced to learn the spelling of thousands of words and then get asked how to spell them in front of loads of scary adults... Oh shit..."

They'd lost another one. Flora. Poor thing had barely had a chance to move.

"See what I mean about making a plan? We're dropping like newly-created Krana here!" Teekay exclaimed.

"Flies. We say 'dropping like flies' here..."

"Whatever." Teekay was getting antsy. "What do spelling bees have to do with this then?"

05-10-2012, 08:03 AM
Sy's summoner was not the only one to feel anger at him. Natalya stood there, feeling rather upset...

Very upset.

She rested her hands on her hips and coughed to clear her throat. It wasn't because she felt any desire for Sy to hug her too, but rather she found herself being envious of someone who was so carelessly hugging her achiever, just like that, when Gwen was HERS.

Feeling the eyes on them, Gwen blushed deeply and gathered a safe distance from Sy, breaking their embrace before trying to solve the riddle again.

For the next stage of your quest - Head due North-east, and seek - the portal of the spelling bees!

This time Natalya grinned, "It sure reminds of that time me and my comrades were off to save the elder Deckard Cain, per the request of the rogues of "the sightless eyes" order", the assassin nodded softly, "Tristram, the city at which he was found at was blocked by evil magic and the only way to reach it was by magical portal", she smiled softly, "Sometimes the only way to advance is by trusting the unknown... I say we enter the portal and be on our best guard"

Gwen heard the conversation between Elkay and Teekay and to Teekay's last question: "What do spelling bees have to do with this then?"

"Well... maybe it has more meaning than we think, I mean it could have something to do with words and- GAH-!", Gwen fell hard upon her face, her legs coming into contact with a cold metal. As she turned around and set down, rubbing her nose, she spotted Natalya who was already kneeling beside some tablet like stone, with writing upon it.

"Nice finding, sweetie", Natalya said with seductive bells like voice and Gwen turned crimson instantly, "It's... not...that I... I just tripped on it... I didn't... found it....".

Natalya was petting Gwen's hair to silence her worried mind while scanning the tablet, "It's all right sweetie you did fine-...-OH!", she smiled, "It's a map! Let's go, I know where the portal is".


It took them some time to reach the portal's location and by then everyone got to know each other and recover their wounds from the recent battle.

Then they halted beside the entrance of a thick stone wall. There was a huge door there blocking them from moving onward and alongside the door was a large beehive. From the hive, a swarm of bees emerged and together, by joining as one they form a message in the air by hovering which said:

Greetings. We are the spelling bees. If you wish to pass this lock, you must pass our spelling test

"That sure answers our question about 'spelling bees', now, doesn't it?", Gwen laughed.

The bees cleared their previous message and joined together again to reform the next note:

Anyone who wishes to open the doors must say aloud the correct spelling of the word we ask you to spell:

Again they swarmed and reformed to spell out:

This city was the capital of the eastern Roman Empire, the Latin and Ottoman Empires. It was founded in AD330 by Constantine I, after whom it was named. It was beseiged on numerous occasions and taken only in 1204 by the army of the 4th Crusade in 1261 by and in 1453 by the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II. It contains the church of Hagia Sophia, and the Golden gate. Its modern name is Istanbul. However, for much of its history it went by its original name. Spell it.

05-10-2012, 01:53 PM
"Why, that's easy," laughed Elizabeth. "Honestly, do they teach the rest of you nothing in your schools, these days? Surely everyone knows that the Emperor Constantine founded the city of Constantinople!" She waked up to the portal with swinging stride, confident that after her success, her lamentable failure with the firearm might be quite forgotten.

She stood, arrogant, and sure of success.

"C," she began. "O-N-S-T-A-N-T-I-N-O-P-L-E. There, now. Let's - AAAAGGGGH!"


said the single word formed by the bees. Immediately, moving far faster than real bees ever could, they swarmed around Elizabeth's feet, and shot skywards - the air-current thus created sending Elizabeth's dress flying upwards. Elizabeth screamed, conscious of gales of mocking laughter, (and Mockingjay laughter, come to that - Katniss had not had such a good giggle in ages!) as she desperately tried to hold her skirts and petticoats in place, to no avail. By the time the bees had returned to the portal, she was already slinking to the rear of the group, her face a bright crimson. Why, that was twice she'd shown her - her unmentionables - to the whole group!

Scarlet_Warrior stood dumbfounded. Spelling had never been her strong point... but she had seen her Achiever humiliated, and knew it was her job to get things right. Desperately, she racked her brains, trying to remember. Of course. That was it. The bees obviously meant the original Greek spelling.

"K," she began. "O-N-S- AAAGH!"


This time, the bees formed themselves into a flying, insectoid wedge. They directed themselves at Scarlet_Warrior, sending her flying backwards - and falling, with a splash, into what looked like a horse-trough filled to the brim with stagnant, slime-choked water. Scarlet came up, red-faced and spluttering, he rhands on her ample hips.

"That is not funny!" she wailed. Most of the group appeared to disagree.

Come on,

the bees spelled out.

Surely there's someone among you who can spell!

05-10-2012, 02:25 PM
As the group traveled together bubbles and Alika seemed to be getting a lot rather well. They almost seemed like kindred sprits in a way despite the major difference in their outward appearance. Despite looking like a punk and being a generally sarcastic and grumpy teenager Alika was in fact a kid at heart. She often loved cartoons, talking and playing with kids, even coloring, or singing and dancing as if no one was watching. It was one of the reason people found her different she didn’t give a crap what other thought as long as she was enjoying herself. With bubbles, despite the difficulties of the tasks presented before them it was enjoyable.

The duo walked hand in hand singing the power puff theme song together. Why did they do this simply because they could theme music was a must when you had accomplished something as Bubbles so gleefully explained to the group members who seemed displeased with it. Eventually the singing stopped along the way however the little duo continued to chat and talk about anything and everything from bunnies to the sky and everything in between. This was not to say Alika did not enjoy conversation that was more age appropriate its just that children were always willing to talk and had very interesting view; never afraid to say what they want or anything of that nature.

The group after much walking finally arrived to the portal. The large stone wall preventing them from simply going around; a large door stood right next to an enormous bee hive. “I hate bees….” Alika said simply as she watched them move. The bees almost disturbed her with their intelligence the ability to spell out words with their own bodies.

Bubbled gasped as she watched it was so strange and in a way she found them kind of cute “Why would you hate these bees I bet they can make pretty pictures!” She said towards her achiever.

Alika however sighed speaking up “I don’t know if I am allergic and I don’t want to find out,” after her response the bee’s began to present a new challenge to the group. ‘This is why evil bees who know things are bad’ Alika thought not truly wanting to get any closer to the door way then she already was.

Anyone who wishes to open the doors must say aloud the correct spelling of the word we ask you to spell:

Again they swarmed and reformed to spell out:

This city was the capital of the eastern Roman Empire, the Latin and Ottoman Empires. It was founded in AD330 by Constantine I, after whom it was named. It was beseiged on numerous occasions and taken only in 1204 by the army of the 4th Crusade in 1261 by and in 1453 by the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II. It contains the church of Hagia Sophia, and the Golden gate. Its modern name is Istanbul. However, for much of its history it went by its original name. Spell it.

Bubbles blinked a few times, her and her sister Blossom studied things like this. Although blossom was much more advanced then her sibling, bubbles could retain knowledge very well. Most of the time she just tried to be cute focusing her energy one such small things as she deemed them important; however with the facts the bee’s presented it reminded the small blonde of something she and her sister had read.

“Istanbul was once Constantinople! Before that it was New Rome” She said towards the bee’s her blonde pig tails moving for a second with a turn of her head as she looked up at her achiever. The blonde then began to spell out the lettering of the city “N-E-W R-O-M-E” bubbles said her hands behind her back, swaying back and forth on the balls of her feet.

The bee’s swarmed for a moment and then the message appeared and read out.

Sorry you are wrong

The bee’s then moved around buzzing and twisting before flying towards the small girl. In turn bubbles flew into the air avoiding the bee's wrath for now. Once the be settled again the presented the riddle once more.

With this bubbles looked distraught, as she floated back down to the earth. Her eyes began to water and her lips began to pout. “B-But…” With that tears began to fall from the easily upset little girl.

Alika picked up the blonde holding and cradling her within her own arms. Her eyes continued to examine the riddle itself. Almost glaring at the bee’s for making the child cry despite it not being their fault in the first place, they were not even rude. Upon further examination Alika noticed the small phrase that indicated the answer. It was in fact a rather sarcastic and cruel thing to do to braniacs, almost a way of being a troll. However it was something Alika had pulled on her friends before. “Its okay Bubbles these bees are just butt-heads. They are mean and grumpy so don’t worry about them.” Alika cooed into the girl’s ear comforting her.

“But but the city’s name was New rome” Bubbles said in between tears as she smothered her face into the shirt of her achiever.

“Yes, it is bubbles. Your very very smart for knowing that but the meanie bee’s are being sarcastic in a way and don’t want anything that requires knowledge.” Alika said comforting the girl.

Bubbles did seem to cheer up a tad after being complimented, sniffling a bit as she dried her large eyes. “But if that’s not the answer what is?”

Alika kissed the small child on the forehead, and then placed her down on the ground. “The answer is it. I-T.” Alika said in a confident manner.

Bubbles glared at the bees, still pouting “You tricked me!” She called out pointing at them as the bees began to reform. The swarm shifted and changed as once more it spelled out new words.

Correct it is the answer you may now pass. We will not harm any who step foot through these doors

With that the door seemed to almost unlock, opening wide enough that everyone could step through. The bees returned their large and enormous hive that was located by the framework of the door itself. As the door opened the group could once more move forward. This was all because Alika and her friends were often sarcastic towards one another, this strange bond referenced this joke on several occasions so she was in fact familiar with it. Despite this it did take her a minute of looking over the wording to be sure, when the joke is played upon yourself it is never as easy.

05-10-2012, 05:49 PM
(Co-op from P.K. and Siks)

Lark looked back down as he mentioned that she looked troubled.
"Setsa didn't make it out" She pointed out quietly, she heard Aly say something but didn't quite make it out because of the other noise on the other side of the rock. She looked back up yet again and straight into the eyes of her friend.
"Do you think she's dead?" She asked but her voice barely carried as it cracked slightly. She didn't want Setsa to be lost... She wanted to believe Setsa was somewhere else, safe and that she would soon see her friend again after or during this mission.

Cassandra looked over Shana and shook her head.
"My guess is we go to the spelling bees?" She said upon hearing what others where talking about. She winced slightly as Max yelled, she was close to him and it made her ears ring. Rubbing them she mumbled something along the lines of "not so loud" but realized that they were all in an open space and yelling was preferable to get everyone's attention. However she didn't hear any one really answer.

Siks nodded hugging his little friend more he had noticed Sets and Thor were gone but he never cast any dice by it, he doubted they'd actually die in real life if they died here.
"Of course lass, we'll see her again somethin' tells me dyin' here is like waking up from a dream for both Summoner and Achiever. Dinnea worry, now come let's rejoin the group I think we're about to go to a Spelling Bee or to some bees that spell not sure actually." Putting Lark down on her own two feet Siks stood and looked around assessing their numbers. He shouts to Max who had fallen into he role as leader once more.
"Oy Max we lost a handful o' people but nae real injuries from what I can see aside from the ricochet wound that is."

Max nodded to Ms. Bennett wondering if Red would shoot this dame before him or after for flirting with him.
"No I need to either lead this rabble from the front or back, besides a clever lady such as yourself should be able to figure out the simple run down of shooting." He hands her back the gun then looks at Cassandra laughing.
"If we come across Bees that spell, I'm gonna have to send word back to Big MT to see if they can make such things."

P.K. nodded slowly, taking comfort in Siks's words and held onto the hope that she would very likely see her friend again hopefully soon. Standing next to Siks she looked around noting some of the missing people. It was sad but they still had something to do. P.K. took a deep breath then moved over to her Achiever.

The dark eyed changer tipped her head to the larger man.
"Oh?" She glanced over at P.K. came over, looking a lot better. She was glad Siks was at least able to do that even if she could not. She took her gaze back to Max.
"I have a feeling that we will find out soon enough if we follow the others." She said crossing her arms.

Siks nodded to Max, they were the last ones on the field of battle so they quickly caught up to the others falling in step near the end of the group.
"So Max how do ye like being the leader of a group once more?" Siks asked as they walked along with Lark and Cassandra between them.
Max laughed looking around him.
"I don't know that I'm the actual leader just the one guy with a loud enough voice and a desire to get out of this alive."
Siks nodded before smacking his head for forgetting.
"Oy can ye loan me the 10mm? I gave Lil'Devil to Aly up there."
Max nodded handing the heavy pistol over sighing.
"Jeez I'll be down to my fucking knife and spiked knuckles soon if my guns keep getting used to arm our herd." Siks laughed stuffing the pistol into the hammer loop on his jeans after he made sure it was on safety.

P.K looked over at Max remembering that Siks had tried to tell her about him but she had been a little too hyped up to stay in one place.
"So he's your achiever?" She finely asked. "I'm sorry I was too excited earlier to say hi but I'm P.K." She looked over to Max. "Or you could just call me Lark like Siks does" She gave a little smile but it wasn't anything big or bright.

Cassandra watched as they passed over the guns.
"So many people depend on theses little things" She murmured studying it till Siks put it away.
"A knife or a bladed weapon would be nice at this point but I don't have any of mine with me." She mused over this quietly. "I hope nothing big pops up, claws will only go so far" She stopped looking on ahead hearing someone start to spell.
Peeking around she noted that they where indeed bees, at this she turned to Max.
"Looks like someone beat you to it." She said before she turned hearing a splash and grimaced at the poor girl who had been dunked in the putrid water. Without another thought she slipped out from between P.K. and Max and made her way over to the girl to help her out.

Max nodded to Lark giving her a smile even though it was hidden under his masked helmet.
"Hello Lark, as I'm sure you've guessed I'm Max." As the group stopped Siks and Max looked over everyone else's heads seeing what the little bugs spelt out. Siks was never good with riddles and Max was too smart to answer after watching what the wrong answer got you. He's fought Cazadors before and while these little bees didn't seem nearly as violent or dangerous he knew better thne to temp the wrath of flying insects, that is unless he needed some extra caps then he went Cazador hunting because the poison glands and eggs are valuable enough to warrant the risk.

After three unsuccessful tries a girl with brown hair and piercings spoke up. Max and Siks both laughed a little at the annoyance of riddles.
"Fuckin IT really?" Max said shaking his head.
Siks nodded sighing. "I hate those kinds of riddles. Let's go folks that traffic's rolling on again." With the doors Max, Siks, and Lark moved through the door with Cassandra following after helping Witch out of the nasty water.

05-10-2012, 06:37 PM
Drakkon scratched his head, thoroughly confused. His specialties laid in fictional knowledge and creation... as long as it was in writing. Akshara as usual was hardly paying attention, and asking questions to the older achievers. This time she was next to someone named Max. This may be amusing, he looks like some war obsessed nut.. or a paranoid conspiracy obsessed nut. Same thing in a nutshell. Drakkon thought. What Ak needs is a good melee brawl.. or stealth mission. Either way I think it'd stop her from trying to annoy everyone.. He sighed following behind the group. Barely listening to Ak.

"Hello! Is that a mask? Oh wait no wrong question sorry!" Akshara spoke a little too fast and tripped over her own words. Taking a deep breath she tried again. "Why do you have so many mundane firearms sir? Did you fight in any wars?" It was a silly question, but as Akshara only carried her knives because her guardian kept slipping them into her boots, she found it odd that someone willingly carried any amount of guns. So far she's seen this man produce at least two, and hinted that he had a few more left. At least to what she gathered that is. Looking around she spoke again before he could answer. "Also.. whats going on? I'm a bit confused. Where are we going? Or are we blindly walking towards something murderous creatures want us to go?"

05-11-2012, 01:49 AM
Dan and Ai Lin came to a stop as the group arrived at a portal; Ai Lin took a curious gaze upon the Bees as they formed the riddle before them. Running the puzzle through her head, she was close to approaching the Bees when Elizabeth offered an answer.

As the bees swarmed around Elizabeth, Ai Lin couldn’t help but to have a good laugh at that stuck up woman’s misfortune. As Elizabeth retreated toward rear of the group, she couldn’t resist following her, while the others continued attempting a resolution, she approached Elizabeth offering in a sarcastic tone “Such a fine display of grace and elegance.” now assign an overly animated fanning of her own face with her hand “Gracious, Mama and Papa must be so proud of their young lady now.”

Dan approaches moving next to Ai Lin, his tone civil “Are you okay Miss?” as Ai Lin rolls her eyes. A smirk comes across her lips
“High Society … pfft”

The door to the portal unlocks and opens far enough for entry. Dan looks toward the opening “Well, shall we?”

05-11-2012, 04:31 AM
Teekay and Elkay had been a bit slow on catching up, so that before either of them could make a suggestion (although Elkay was rather hesitant, she didn't like bees), someone else already answered. Their answer made Teekay giggle quite a bit. Although, despite being a giggle to Teekay, it sounded like gurgling to everyone else.

"I-T... That's awesome... You all completely missed that..." Teekay was still snickering as everyone grunted and continued into the portal. This caused Teekay to pause. "Er... Wait. I've just realised, I've been pretty useless so far..."

Elkay tapped Teekay's back, since she couldn't reach his shoulders. "Don't be silly. You're fine. Now shut up and get your arse into that portal."

05-11-2012, 12:13 PM
There was only one thing Elizabeth could have said, at that point. So she said it three times.

"Hrmph!" She said. And then "Hrmph!" And, for good measure, "Hrmph!!" The last had two exclamation marks, so fervent were her emotions. She might have said it a fourth time, too, save that further lamentations occurred to her instead.

"Young lady," she said, her hands on her hips, glaring at Ai Lin. The stress on the second word made it obvious that Elizabeth considered her anything but! "Young lady, I am not, I confess, aware of what passes for polite society in Outer Mongolia or Manchuria, or whatever heathen oriental backwater you call your home, but in civilized nations, laughing at another's misfortune is considered neither the epitome of grace or politeness. And furthermore - "

"Yes, she's right, I think," came a familiar voice, offering unexpected support. Dan, Ai Lin and Elizabeth spun around, to see Katniss Everdeen standing there, her bow slung lazily. "In civilized nations, people don't laugh when another person inadvertently flashes their pantyloons, or whatever they're called."

"Why, thank you, Mockingbird," Elizabeth almost whispered, quite taken aback, and hoping she'd got the Apache's name correct. "Do you see, you ridiculous looking creature? This poor girl comes from an even less advantaged background than your own - Pancake, or something, wasn't it, Mockingbird - yet at least she makes an effort to learn decorum and charm from her betters!"

"No, no-one would laugh in a civilized society," continued Katniss, winking at Ai Lin. "I mean, what civilized person would find anything funny about a stuck-up mutt-woman having her skirts flung up above her over-lacquered hair, and giving the whole group a nice look at her filly pink underdrawers, and her wrinkly old stockings, making her look like a total idiot." She was almost helpless with laughter now, part of it a hysterical reaction to Flora's death and disappearance, but some of it at least was genuine amusement. Katniss had not had too much to laugh about in her life to date, and rarely missed the opportunity on the rare occasion it came her way. "Makes me glad I'm not from a civilized place, in fact- back in District 12, we'd be wetting ourselves! We'd be - "

She would have liked to say more, but her stomach was beginning to hurt from laughing so much. Dan's placatory expression, and Ai Lin's encouragement - not to mention Elizabeth's shocked look - were only making her worse.

"I beg your pardon!" spat Elizabeth. "For your information, my stockings are of the finest quality, and they are not wrinkled!" She swallowed, and went even redder. "A-Are they?"

She looked past Katniss, to where Sy23 stood, alongside Scarlet_Warrior. Sy gave a small discreet nod, in response to her pleading look of questioning, while the dripping Scarlet had the grace to look embarrassed on behalf of her achiever.

"Oh, la," trilled Elizabeth, desperately trying to make light of the situation. "I know the game here. You're just trying to wreck my poise and confidence. I mean, my skirt only flew up for but a second - none of you could possibly have seen my - my... my small-clothes. Why, I bet you just heard about it, and didn't see a thing! I'll wager - "

"Lavender-colored knickers, two lines of lace at the lower-legs, gathered at the knee - the left leg ridden up about three inches," trotted out Sy23, who was something of an expert at such things. "Off-white silk stockings, with pink frilled garters, the left stocking bunched at the knee, the right sagging around the calf. One cream petticoat, small lace trim, one bright pink petticoat, with - "

"All right, all right!" screamed Elizabeth, nearly sobbing in mortification. "All I can say is, a gentleman wouldn't have looked, that's all."

"Fair point," laughed Katniss, exchanging an amused glance with Sy. "My mentor is no gentleman."

"And that, Miss Everdeen, is the first sensible thing I ever heard you say since this whole affair started!" spat Scarlet_Warrior, through clenched teeth, her brace flashing angrily. She rounded on Sy, her fists clenched. "How dare you! How dare you make light of another's misfortune. It wasn't my Achiever's fault that she suffered a slight... issue with her skirt. And how dare you laugh, when I ended up in that horse trough?" She poked him in the chest, snarling, causing Katniss to reach for the small hunting - knife strapped to her belt, until a casual hand from Sy restrained her.

"You might think it's funny that poor Elizabeth accidentally revealed her - "

"Yeah, I do, actually," grinned Sy. "Not as funny as you going ass over tit into that trough, through."

"Why, you - you - " screamed Scarlet_Warrior, stamping her feet. "I've a good mind to - "

"And I'll tell you something else," laughed Sy. He leaned forward, and whispered something rapidly in Scarlet's ear. She continued to scowl for a moment, then seemed to be considering something. Nodded vaguely. Said "hmmmm," in a mildly affirmative manner.

"Yes, that is a fair point," she said, mildly. "Well, it looks as if our little band is moving off." She took Elizabeth's arm. "Come, Achiever. We don't want to be left behind. Dan? Ai Lin? Sy? Mockingjay? Shall we sally forth?"

* * * * *

"Just what did you say to her?" Katniss whispered in Sy's ear, as they brought up the rear, dropping a few paces behind the others.

"Just pointed out," said Sy, sotto-voce, " that the whole team - including you and I - were in a bit of a state, losing so many people. That morale had plunged pretty low - until Elizabeth and Scarlet gave us all something to laugh about. So they've done more for the quest than the rest of us put together!"

Katniss beamed. "Hey, that's clever!" she said, admiringly. "I wish I understood politics!"

"I also reminded Scarlet that now she was totally soaked," continued Sy "No-one could see the wet patch on her pants where she wet herself in fear earlier!"

Katniss shook her head in admiration, her braid flying. The team moved through the portal, into the passage beyond...

* * * * *

...Which was an environment guaranteed to give anyone claustrophobia. A narrow corridor, cut through the natural rock, jagged and overbearing. Just high enough for Teekay to move through with his breath held in and Max to walk with a stoop - and of equivalent wideness. Nasty, green slime coated the walls, and the whole way was lit with a mysterious and sickly amber light, from some unknown source. The team were forced to proceed, single-file, led by Alika holding tightly to Bubble's hand.

"I don't like this," emerged from the group, repeated in various pitches and voices.

05-12-2012, 02:48 AM
The little teasing session with Ms. Bennett was far from a morale booster for Siks and Max, they've seen the effects insults can do to someone and even in the name of fun it lessens group integrity. The insulted either takes it to heart and pulls back putting their all into a survival situation which is exactly what this is, or they try and prove everyone wrong and get themselves or others killed. Max was about to come to the woman's aid when he heard a little girl's voice down by his feet. Looking down he sees the little girl with knives in her boots.
"Because where I come from if you're not armed you're dead. Either from some giant lizard's claws or by the bullet from a crook's gun." Looking up from the little girl he followed Siks and the rest of the group as they entered a dark slimey corridor.

"Wow guess we found the sewers of wherever the hell this place is." Siks said hunching a little already hearing his bad back begin to protest. Max nodded turning on his pip-boy light so at least he and those behind him could see the ground.
"Let's just this place doesm't have ferel ghouls and rats bigger than most of our group. If there is I'm foreseeing close quarters combat."
Sikks nodded pulling his 8 inch pocket knife out clicking the blade in place. "Ay if guns start going off we'll all be blind and choking on smoke in no time."
Max nodded back first slipping Love & Hate onto his knuckles then pulls Chance's Knife out gripping it lightly in his right hand. He was now ready for anything but he had one lastvthing to do.
Speaking loud enough for everyone to hear he said. "Ok folks being in these tights quarters, It a rather common sense thing for those of us that have seen combat but for everyone else DO NOT shoot off any bullets, arrows or loud and explosive superpowers or you'll kill as many of us as the enemy."

05-12-2012, 11:55 AM
Elkay tugged on Teekay's arm occasionally, partially to see if he was okay, partially for her own safety. She didn't want to be on her own minus her Achiever. Actually, she didn't want to be alone at all. Luckily, Teekay was grunting and groaning. As they walked down the narrow path, Elkay would occasionally hear Teekay curse as he banged yet another limb against the walls. It must have been very annoying for him.

"You know wha...OW!" Teekay started, before bashing his arm on the wall again. "I hope something doesn't get us from behind... I'm gonna have trouble turning around in here..."

Elkay groaned. "You could walk on 4 legs, you know..."

"But then everyone starts treating me like a dumb animal!" Teekay protested.

05-12-2012, 09:33 PM
Despite the fact she didn't like Elizabeth's attitude much, Gwen thought that whoever laughed at her misfortune was very cruel. It was not nice.

"Natalya", Gwen whispered, "I'm scared, I can barely see anything and like the others said we are so tight we can barely escape should anything happen to us..."

"Don't worry", Natalya said and wrapped her arms around Gwen's stomach, while leaning in at her, "I'm here to protect you sweety", she whispered at her ear, resting her chin at her left shoulder.

Gwen blushed terribly. Did Natalya really needed to get that close to say that.

"Y-eah...", Gwen swallowed, "So... like... amm...", she tried to change the subject, "I wonder what will happen next, huh?", she giggled nervously.

"LOOK OUT!", Natalya cried, grabbing Gwen tightly and pulling her away from the trap-arrow that went straight at Girly Woman and hit her, killing her and making her and her achiever vanish from the place.

Gwen panted, "Oh my!", She then blushed, "Amm... Natalya.... you can... let go... ammm....", she said, feeling the hands of the assassin fondling her breasts.

"Oh! of course sweetie!", Natalya chuckled and Gwen tried her best to keep a bit of a distance, glad the cave was so dark to hide her crimson cheeks.

05-12-2012, 10:31 PM
Aang and KoTi~ had remained quiet through the most part, choosing to think alone while the others muddled about on their own. KoTi~ had been asking Aang discreetly what he had been doing after the tea house, and Aang had been doing his best to keep up with the questions, but even he had been lost in the tidal wave of questions. Once things had gotten more hectic, both KoTi and Aang had become silent, neither one having personally dealt with death first hand and saddened by the loss.

“Look out!” Natalya shouted, causing both of them to look up. KoTi~ pulled Aang down to the ground out of the path of the arrow, the only way to really go in the extremely cramp hallway. Aang looked in shock as another one of theirs vanished on the spot, the trap arrow taking them out. KoTi~ looked up in slight shock, wondering where they had gone.

“Its waay to crowded in here!” Aang finally shouted, staring at the walls and pressing his hands against them. They seemed to be made of natural rock, yet the slime was out of place. Disregarding that, he pulled his arms back, faced the left wall, and hit twice, each time pushing the wall out enough for two people to stand side by side a but uncomfortably

“Sorry, I was just getting really annoyed of being so close together, it made it hard to breath” Aang said, rubbing the back of his head while looking at the others with a sheepish grin

“The avatar people, powerful bender in the avatar world …. Still only 12” KoTi~ mumbled to himself, standing up and trying his best to brush off the slime that had accumulated from dropping to the ground.

05-15-2012, 02:40 AM
As the group was instructed to Sally forth, Ai Lin couldn’t help but to offer a smile as they started toward the opening. As the group started within single file, Dan stepped in front of Ai Lin offering “Sorry, this time it’s not Ladies first.”

As they proceed further within the dimly illuminated confines of the cave, the suggestion that firearms not be used brought new smiles to Dan and Ai Lin’s lips – Ai Lin already having a throwing star in hand.

As the warning “LOOK OUT” echoed back, it was not necessary to see what was happening. The distinct sound of arrow striking flesh told more than any visual impression could. As Achiever and Summoner vanished from sight, Ai Lin whispered “Having second thoughts on taking lead Dan?”

Without a moment’s hesitation he simply whispered back “Nope, none at all.”. It simply was in his nature to offer protection to those around even though in this case, Ai Lin was more than capable of handling anything before them. Ai Lin was somewhat impressed being she was normally the one fending for herself. She slides a dagger from her boot reaching forward touching Dan’s hand first to ensure he did not react defensively “You might want this, you can give it back after we get out of this cramped place.”

Taking the dagger, continues forward cautiously wondering what other little tribulations they may face.

05-15-2012, 04:14 AM
"Are we there yet?" Elkay asked, as Teekay cursed again, having bashed his head on the ceiling. "Feels like we have been walking for ages. Obviously, we haven't, but I'm kinda dreading that we're trapped in some endless puzzle..."

"You mean like those infinite tunnels in the Minecraft Farlands pre 1.8 Beta?" Teekay giggled. "They're fun to explore. And a heck of a lot bigger than this little tunnel."

"You know WAY too much about Minecraft, Teekay..." Elkay sighed.

"Spent so many hours playing it...

05-15-2012, 06:51 AM
"I can't. I can't - I just can't..."

"Come on, Katniss. You have to..."

All Sy23's entreaties were doing no good. His achiever, right now, looked little like the winner of the 74th Hunger Games, ultimate survivor, and all round bad-ass, who, later in her story was to go on and lead a revolution that was to free the known world. Right now, she was a frightened, shaking, helpless girl, curled up into a fetus-like ball, sobbing.

"I can't, Mentor. I just... not a passage like this. Not right deep down into the earth. I'm a forest g-g-girl. Let me just die here, and vanish. I -" Anything else she might have said was lost in further sobbing. Even Sy, with persuasive powers that could have got the knickers off a statue, was helpless in the face of this determination.

"What the fuck is wrong with your achiever?" spat out Scarlet_Warrior, fixing Sy with a baleful glare. "This is no time for a meltdown! We've just lost another hero, up ahead - a trap arrow. Right when she's be useful, she's nowhere to be found. PMS is it?"

Her father - killed in a mining accident Sy mouthed to Scarlet, who nodded slightly apologetically, and vanished, pushing her way through the crowd.

"I'm sorry, Sy," moaned Katniss, tears streaming down her face. "I tried. I did. I'd take on a whole army of peacekeepers for you, fight my way through a Quarter-Quell of Careers... but this... I... "

"Shhh. Shhhh," Sy caressed Katniss' hair gently. "Not your fault, Mockingjay. I know what happened to your dad. Not your - and what the fuck do you want?"

SY groaned, as Elizabeth Bennett pushed her way towards the back of the line, not without severe (and somewhat undignified) manoeuvrings and shuffling. Come to gloat, obviously. Anger on behalf of his Achiever made him want to forget any idea of chivalry, and let fly with a spray of words that would make the English heroine cringe. He held his peace with difficulty, concentrating on attempting to bring what peace her could to Katniss.

"La, Sir," whispered Elizabeth, gently. "Get out of the way, do! This is ladies business." Sy would normally have stood his ground, but the expression on her face threw him momentarily, and he found himself obeying before he could gather himself. His jaw dropped as Elizabeth knelt down, (not forgetting to rearrange her skirts for the prettiest drape, for, after all, this was Elizabeth), and began to speak softly into Katniss ear.

"Shh, Mockingbird. Never mind what he says. And don't mind this silly old tunnel."

Katniss looked up, forgetting to cry, surprised at the sympathy shown by her former enemy.

"It's not a mine, my dear. Nothing can happen here. Just a silly old tunnel. There's not even any rats - though if there were, you'd shoot them through the eye, I'm sure." She embraced the Panemian girl, rocking her gently. "And I'm sure it won't be this cramped much longer. It'll widen out soon, and turn upwards. You'll see. You can do this. I know you can do this. Because I know, you're the bravest girl in this whole team. So you can, you can, Mockingbird." She continued to hold her, gently soothing her panic, brushing away her tears with a lavender-scented handkerchief. "Now, I'm scared, too. But I'm going on. Are you going to be too frightened to go on, when I'm not. Are you going to let me beat you? Me? La, you silly girl,imagine what people will say!"

Katniss looked at Elizabeth, a questioning look in her dark eyes.

"It's true," persisted Elizabeth.

"No," growled Katniss. "No. No! I'm not..." she gritted her teeth, stood up, jerked her braid tight. Glared at Sy, Scarlet and Elizabeth in turn. "Well? what's everyone standing around here for? Honestly, I stop to fish a stone out of my boot, and you all come to a halt. What, are you scared to go on without me, or something?" She pushed her way angrily past the three. "Come on. The others are getting too far ahead. This is not time to stop for a picnic."

"La, girl such unseemly haste," trilled Elizabeth, picking up her skirts to follow her. "And what's wrong with picnics? Don't you have them in Pancakia, or wherever it is you hail from?"

"Ah, go eat a handful of nightlock," came back Katniss' husky voice, from a few yards ahead.

Scarlet turned to Sy and winked. "It's a girl thing," she whispered. "You wouldn't understand." She pulled a piece of chocolate from the depths of the pocket of her sodden jeans, noted with satisfaction that the silver paper in which it was wrapped meant it had survived her recent dousing, broke it in half, and offered the slightly smaller portion to Sy.

"Thanks," he said, clearly. Both realized that his expression of gratitude did not refer to the chocolate. They exchanged mutual smiles, and followed Elizabeth and Katniss, who had just vanished around a bend ahead.

* * * * * *

Up at the head of the group, Elizabeth's prediction was proving correct. After the arrow-trap, ten minutes of steady forwards, downwards progress brought them to a wide cavern, lit by the same mysterious ambient glow that had persisted since they'd entered the tunnel.

"Thank heaven for that," came a voice from somewhere among the group. "I was starting to get birth-trauma!"

"So where do we go from here?" asked Gwen.

"And why do I feel so sleeeeeepy?" said Bubbles, a puzzled expression on her face.

"Sleepy, La?" came Elizabeth's annoying voice, as she insinuated herself to the front of the group. "Sorry, am I late? Had to consult with that Mockingbird girl about something - goodness, it is stuffy in this chamber, isn't it? Can we open a wind... " Her eyes began to droop.


Scarlet and Sy were the last to enter the chamber. To be greeted with a mystifying and somewhat scary sight - the entire expedition, curled up higgledy-pickledy on the floor of the chamber, snoring in various keys, tones and degrees of volume.

"What the - ?" screamed Scarlet. "This is no time for an afternoon nap. We've got to - "

"Shit!" moaned Sy. "Some sort of underground gas, obviously. Hold your nose, before it's too - "

But it was already too late. Scarlet pitched forward, cannoning into him, her weight almost knocking him to the ground. Her eyes were already shut in a deep sleep.

Sy lowered her gently. He gritted his teeth. The whole freaking team had gone off to shut-eye. Somehow, he knew, as a certified insomniac, the hopes of the whole mission rested with him. He had to stay awake and alert. He had to!

He sat down, his back against the wall of the chamber, to conserve his strength and give himself the maximum chance of staying awake, breathing as shallowly as he could, to avoid taking in any more of the narcotic fumes than he had to.

Now, I have to think of a plan, he thought. No worries. Can do. I'll just shut my eyes, a few seconds, that'll help me think... help me... I'll... just a second or two, no more... I can open them any time I...

Within ten seconds, his snores were making a vital contribution to the orchestra...

05-15-2012, 01:17 PM
P.K. staid close to Siks and max not liking the look of the goo on the walls "do you think it poisons?" she asked looking at siks and Cassandra. Cassandra shrugged "I don't think so but better to be safe" she said. P.K. nodded as she walked but then stopped as she realized the walls moved "eh?" both she and Cass looked back and the air bender "cool" P.K. let off another smile. Siks words where sinking in and despite some one having died not long after she believed that they where alright some where else.

Cassandra sighed and flicked off some of the goo that had fallen from the walls and ceiling "its not deadly" she said slightly annoyed as P.K. helped her wipe some of it off. "Theres not much room even after that" Cassandra stated quietly looking at the cave walls and open spaces. "In that case something smaller is called for" Cass shifted for the third time that day into a small night furred rat that quickly climbed into P.K.'s shoulder. "huh just like my dad but his pet rat was white" Cass made no reply to this.

Still walking down the way after witnessing the episode with mockingbird and Elizabeth P.K. had whispered something to Cassandra about her mother watching that movie over and over again and then had gone silent for a few moments as the way narrowed slightly and then widened out.

It took Cassandra a moment but the air was kinda funky going in. "P.K.! max!" If Cassandra had seen this coming she would have remained in a bigger form it would have taken less time but in such a small form with such a rapid heart bet she was out almost as soon as those words came out. P.K. quickly caught Cassandra as she slipped off her shoulder in a small furry heap. "I don't.... think... thats good" P.K. said blinking her eyes as she tried to stay awake "gosh why am I so tired?" The shot little blond was trying her best to shake herself awake. This is normally what happened if she staid up late or did some sort of all nighter which has only ever happened once in her small history.

It took considerably longer but P.K. eventually keeled over out cold with Cassandra curled in a fluffy black ball beside her.

05-15-2012, 07:38 PM
Max and Siks were beginning to get cramped in these tunnels. The slime didn't bother them as much they expected tons of nasty things on this freaky journey through wherever the hell they are but the tunnels they could've done without Siks's back was indeed beginning to smart something fierce and he was worried he'd need to take a rest soon and Max just felt uneasy in tight tunnels he didn't know. He'd been attacked by tons of Feral Ghouls, rats, raiders, Ghost People and robots in such places before and you never get used to those kinds of shocks.

Thankfully they reached a cavern with a strange all around light but before the pair could stop and thank whoever was in charge of this world for the relief the group began dropping into a lotus eater like slumber the small members dropped first like Cassandra and Bubbles but soon everyone else was dropping off.

"What the hell is this the Sierra Madre? Don't worry Siks the gas mask in this helmet will keep me awake I'll find away to stop this." He said quickly scanning around the area looking for the source but Siks didn't hear him he was deep asleep and slumped against a rock with one hand locked on the handle of his gun and the other on his knife. But what Max hadn't noticed was his helmet wasn't properly sealed and the gas soon trickled into the helmet in small doses. He was kneeling trying hard to stay awake he saw Elizabeth, Mockingjay, Scarlet and Sy enter and all of them soon dropping into a troubled sleep the man growled trying to get to his feet and seal his helmet to cut off the gas but it was too late his head dropped onto his knee with the Trail Carbine leaning against his leg where he tried to use it as a crutch.

05-16-2012, 08:57 PM
Dan and Ai Lin continued with a slow and cautious pace being diligent not to stumble upon the uneven terrain they were negotiating through. As Dan finally emerges from the narrow confines into the wider cavern; he proceeds with due caution casting his eyes about the ceiling and corners for potential traps.

As Ai Lin follows within the cavern, Dan’s vision is already blurring as he turns toward Ai Lin and staggers forward. Years of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical training already has a warning screaming through his mind while gasping out “Gas…” before stumbling to his knees. Immediately the warning registers to Ai Lin who grasps Dan by the shirt to drag him clear of the toxic cavern however the fumes work too quickly as she crumples to the ground next to him. She nudges close to him whispering her final words “Thanks … for … trying…” before the world of unconsciousness drapes over the couple like a cold blanket.

05-17-2012, 07:26 AM
"AH! Finally!" both Teekay and Elkay silently cheered as the tunnel opened up into a cavern.

"Oh, wait..." Teekay paused.

"What?" Elkay asked, wondering why everyone was falling asleep around them, and wondering how they'd ended up in the middle when they'd been at the back the whole time, doing very little.

"I know that smell..." Teekay reluctantly sniffed the air. "Some sort of sleeping gas. Can't quite work out which one though..."

"How do you know it's a sleeping gas?" Elkay yawned.

Teekay pointed at everyone who had fallen asleep. "They're all snoozing away. Also, when you've been sedated, knocked out and tranquillised fifty times more often than the number of times you've been in a romantic relationship, you start to learn about these things. And the trouble with gases is that you can't really avoid them..."

He expected Elkay to be amazed at his little fun fact, but Elkay was already curled up into a ball, dreaming away. And then the sleeping gas hit him. Teekay hit the deck like a tonne of bricks.

05-18-2012, 12:07 PM
So, it was all a dream, after all, was Scarlet_Warrior's first thought, as her eyes flickered open. Too many cheese and onion flavored crisps, too many computer games, too many re-readings of "Pride and Prejudice"... a strange dream, in which all sorts of heroes had featured, not to mention some strange nerds into the bargain, and all kinds of death and destruction. And here she was, back in the mundane world, waking up under sheets that were tucked in too tightly, for she could hardly move. In fact, she couldn't move at all...

And then her eyes opened fully, followed by her mouth, as she took in the situation. And a piercing scream escaped her lips!

She was hanging by what seemed to be a flexible metal hawser-cable, which, above her, stretched for miles, to a ceiling far above, the hawser's end lost in a terribly misty gloom. Though metallic, the cable seemed to have a slimy quality, as if it had been oiled. And not just hanging - the cable seemed to have many branches, that had entwined her body, in a vice-like grip that prevented her struggling. All around the vast underground cavern, the other, surviving members of the team were similarly trussed - most of them alive, a few dried-out husks, as if their blood and essence had been sucked out. As she watched, the remains of one of the husks vanished into thin air. And it hadn't even been that which had made her scream...

It was what was scurrying towards her, making its way along a strand of the cable, strung between the two sides of the cavern!

* * * * *

"Good heavens," murmured Elizabeth, drowsily. "What is that dreadful caterwauling? I must have fallen asleep in my corset, for I feel so constricted. And what a strange dream, all about men in cloaks, and fat girls, and heroic men, and soldiers, and over-emotional redskins. La, I must have indulged too heavily at the Featherstone-Haughs' supper dance, for - "

And then, she too let out a scream that rivaled Scarlet's in pitch and volume!

* * * * * *

Gwen did not scream. This did not argue a higher degree of bravery or sang-froid on her part, so much as the fact that her deep sobs, as she cried her frightened heart out, left her little energy for any other form of creative expression. "Oh, h-h-h-how did I get into this?" she wailed, shaking so much that the cables that held her hanging rigidly rattled and clattered. "Oh, Natalya, save me!"

"I would if I could," came her Achiever's voice, shouted from across the cavern. "Unfortunately, circumstances prevent me doing little more than - hanging around!" She was telling the truth, for, like everyone else, she was helplessly tied up in the cables.

Gwen was crying like a child, her body wracked with fear. And then, suddenly, she felt her left hand gripped. She drew in breath sharply, and then realized that whoever - or whatever - was squeezing her hand obviously meant her no harm, meant it sympathetically rather than otherwise. Cautiously, she jerked her head to the left, narrowly avoiding a graze on the cheek from part of the cable... to see Sy23, smiling sympathetically at her in the gloom.

"Don't worry, beautiful one," he whispered. "We'll get out of this."

He was glad that only general platitudes were required, for the details to back up his reassuring statement - specifically, how the fuck getting out of the situation was to be achieved - were conspicuously absent. Having been awoken by the stereophonic screams of Scarlet and Elizabeth, he'd swiftly taken in the situation, putting aside his normal waking ritual - (five minutes of wondering if it were worth waking up, ten of existential dread, a smoke and maybe fifty off the wrist) for a less exigent time.

It wasn't good. Every surviving member of the team (for at least two of those that had passed the Spelling-Bee Portal were now sucked, dry husks) was bound hand and foot in the steel cables, hanging helplessly, part of a smorgasbord for the... the thing... that even now was moving across the chamber towards Scarlet.

Ironically, the strange, octopoid thing had not even bothered to strip them of their weapons. Sy wasn't sure if that was good news or bad. The good news was that if just one of the team could get free, the tables might yet be turned. The bad - that obviously their captive felt so confident, it hadn't even bothered to render them unable to fight back.

I don't like being a fly, he thought!

* * * * * * *

Across the cavern, Katniss' dark eyes, honed by years of hunting in gloomy forests, peered through the gloom. If only she could free her hands and get in a single shot - just one, through one of the six baleful eyes of that evil Muttation that was even now bearing down on the fat girl - then the horrible thing would have breathed its last. Breathed? Perhaps that was not quite the word, for the evil thing had nothing organic about it save its shape. It might have looked like a spider, with its vast swollen body, long spindly legs and slavering mouth, but there the similarity ended. This was no creature of flesh and bone - every inch of it was metallic, the clanking joints, the vast stack, sticking up from the round body, that billowed black smoke, the steam hissing from between its joints. Even in the Arena, she'd never seen anything like this. In fact she doubted even the Capitol would countenance anything so revolting.

She peered across the cavern, seeking her Mentor... an, there he was. In no better state than her. And then her eyes narrowed dangerously, as she saw him holding hands with that pathetic, weak little dark thing that had run to their protection after the encounter with the soldiers! Again, her hands twitched to reach her bow, though this time she'd have to choose long and hard before selecting a target!

05-18-2012, 01:30 PM
Cassandra had shifted back to her human form while asleep this some times happened if she managed to sleep while in a different form which was never really often... In fact she had not done it since she was a child in training and half of her expected to be called for it. What met her ears however was two piercing screams one right after the other Eyes open now as she quickly scanned the room or bottomless pit which ever one it could be she took in the positions of each team member frowning at this P.K. was no where near her. Upon looking up her frown got deeper a giant mettle spider... thing. "there are very few things as large and as mixed as this" she said now looking down as the web cords that bound her.

They where thick mettle cables with a spider webs like stickiness at least thats how she thought of it. "Interesting" seeing as how every one was as tangled up as she was there where a few options that came to mind await their fate and see if good came of it or get moving and figure a way out. She didn't think she could struggle out of something this strong even if she shifted to something bigger the possibility her strangling herself high "In that case something smaller well have to do" anything small could get out of this so long as it did not change shape with her. Pressing her lips together in quick thought she shifted quickly into a small black mouse and latched into a side digging small claws into the rough surface and between threads.

P.K. opened her eye slowly having heard the screams but slow to wake she tried to stretch but found that she could in fact not move. trying to get used to the gloom she could only make out a bit but that was quite enough for her. More frightened then she could remember being she tried the squirm out of the bindings around her to now avail.

Looking around again she tried to find Cass but with the same luck in this gloom she could not make out faces. "I hope we get out of this one..." she said quietly looking up and watching the shadowy creature above them get ever closer.

Cassandra Finely reached a point where she could leap to another cord measuring carefully because if she missed she plummeted to death more then likely taking P.K. with her and maybe the only hope this large group had. she took a flying leap latching into the next cord, with out even shaking it, Before quickly making her way down to the one it was holding. An older women it seemed. "huh" studying the cord to find any weakness she might be able to chew through she spoke "listen and listen good we might only have enough time to do this but I'm going to need your help and fast" she said coming closer to a spot that looked as good as any "That things coming down at us and if I'm not wrong it seems to have killed a few of us already so once I get you free I'll distract it and you get the other Achievers or any one who can help free" despite the situation Cassandras voice was low and calm as she started the chew on the cords.

"Sounds good to me Suger", Natalya hissed. She didn't like the fact these metallic webs were highlighting her giant breasts so much, for it was too damn tight. Otherwise it could have been somewhat even... pleasureable.

Once out and free she jumped over one of the webs and dashed for the other side, freeing each and every achiever with a swift cut, using her strong weapon claws.

She halted just when she reached Katniss, bowing next to her and lifting up her chin softly, while leaning in her face closer to her cheek, "Gonna free ya now pretty one", she whispered into her ear, "and if you have time later... We can talk more", she kissed her softly near the lobe, cutting her free.

Natalya looked around at Cassandra who was busy getting the spider's attentions, "All achievers are free, now let's get this bastard down!", she cried to her.

Cass looked down at Natalya as she heard her giving a sharp nod "Take care of it!" she called back "Lets see if we can get inside..." It was some sort of machine right? something in side had to shut it down or damage it to a point.

(co-op by Kris and P.k. )

05-18-2012, 02:33 PM
Drakkon sighed, and started wiggling his hands as he had done plenty of times to escape rope, only this wasn't rope.. and instead of his little brother making a bad knot there was spider webs. His glasses had fallen somewhere, and he couldn't see or recognize 99.9% of the people after five feet. Okay.. spiders.. spiders... crap.. Drakkon's breathing slowed and he barely moved or made a sound. Just sort of hung there. He couldn't see Ak, and forgetting what had happened to the others he worried for the young girls safety. Trembling, he squinted around trying to see everyone, not daring to call out to them however.

Akshara, on the other hand was found trying to cut her hands free with a skinny knife whose sheath seemed to be keeping her pony tail up. Of course she was cut free just as she started all things considered. Standing on one of the giant cords that felt more like a walkway she looked up at the spider. "One of Syin's angels..." She whispered her eyes wide open. Stepping back she paused, a quick glance around told her that there were still people who needed to be freed. Then there was the spider angel thing up there to deal with. The others seemed to be attacking it, but if the webs break during the fighting, for how easy had they done so when she was freed?

Darting over all the cords she managed to reach one of the summoners. (P.K.) Without a word she drew her skinny knife and started to cut the summoner free quickly. Not as fast as the other one but fast enough to allow the summoner to prepare to fall. Akshara continued to do this for a bit. Managing to free Elizabeth, Scarlet_Warrior, Elkay, and Storm. All while the other Achievers were attempting to slay the spider angel. Deciding it was best to help them down the web just in case Ak gave up her efforts to release the rest.. at least for now. And focused more on keeping them from falling to their deaths.

05-18-2012, 03:16 PM
Right now, Katniss Everdeen truly was "the girl on fire"... at least, as far as her face was concerned. Being called "pretty one" - and by a woman, at that - had caught her totally by surprise. And as if that wasn't bad enough - the woman had actually kissed her! Suddenly, she felt a great sympathy for Elizabeth Bennett, who seemed afflicted with an uncontrollable urge to blush up in similar situations. She was grateful for the darkness, for the more she tried to fight down the heat in her cheeks and forehead, the worse it got!

But there was some good news as well as bad - for, all around her, the metallic webs were proving to be not as strong as she'd imagined. Cassandra and her Summoner, PK, were already free, Akshara had sawed through her own bonds, Elkay and Storm now seemed to be clear, as were Scarlet and that ridiculous mutt Elizabeth, not that she cared about her either way. Looking across the vast cavern, she saw that Sy and Gwen were still bound, which was good and bad in equal measure. Bad, since it was Sy. Good, since it was that pathetic, sniffling little thing that her mentor seemed to have this ridiculous urge to protect and cherish. Anyone would think the silly little mutt was his sister, she moaned to herself.

But now she had other things to think about - for now, her limbs were free, and apart from a slight stiffness in them (and a very embarrassing tingle on her ear, thanks to that pretty woman with the humungous breasts, that any of the guys back in District 12 would have slavered over, she had to admit) she was whole and in one piece. Instinctively, she reached for an explosive-tipped arrow, already picking her spot in the steam-powered spider's vast carapace. She notched it, and then allowed the string to loosen. The revolting thing was already beset by a number of her allies, and to shoot now would be to risk hitting them. Instead, showing a political awareness normally foreign to her nature, she slid the arrow back into her quiver and reached for a fire-arrow instead. Taking careful aim, she shot it across the cavern, desperately hiding her smile as it embedded itself in the cavern wall, half an inch above the gripped hands of Sy and Gwen. Both jerked their hands away instinctively as the head of the projectile burst into flame.

"I'm sorry, Mentor," Katniss shouted across the cavern. "I thought I'd shot an explosive one. I was trying to shoot through your bonds. Keep still, and I'll - "

"No, Mockingjay," Sy replied, hastily, his voice near to cracking with the strain of it all. "Don't waste them. Akshara'll get to us soon enough. You get back to your kissing."

Katniss' blush came back with a vengeance, along with a sinking of her heart. That damn kiss was likely to drive Sy straight into the arms of her soppy rival! Oh well, she'd have to explain later - along with a non-too-subtle warning to Gwen about what happened to girls who sniffed around the boyf - urm, Mentor - of the victor of the 74th Hunger Games!

* * * * * * *

"Well, about time, too!" pouted Elizabeth Bennett, rubbing her wrists. Certainly it was most obliging of Ashtray, or whatever her name was, to swing around releasing them all, but did the silly girl have no idea of precedent? Was she not Elizabeth Bennett, a scion of one of the best families in the home counties? Surely she should have been set free first! And, for that matter, could not that bizarrely dressed girl with the massive... er... (she began blushing even as she thought the word)... er... chest... have attended to her needs, rather than wasting time with that over-emotional Mohawk, Mockingbird, or whatever her silly name was? Not to mention that - that obscene... why, the... the overdeveloped girl had actually kissed Mockingbird. A thing that should rightly happen only between a man and a woman, and within the sanctity of wedlock at that! Why, if her wrists hadn't been so sore, she could positively have fainted!

* * * * * *

In fact, blushing seemed to have become very much in vogue in the cavern. As well as Elizabeth and Katniss, two more foreheads and sets of cheeks seemed to have become ablaze, though for entirely different reasons. In Gwen's case, it was the having her hand held, and the fact that it had been noticed. She was sure that the arrow that had (literally) come between them was no accident.

Scarlet was living up to her name for an entirely different reason. When the gigantic steampunk spider had singled her out for its next meal, she had not faced the probability of her playing a starring role on its menu with the equanimity she might have. In short, her damn bladder had let her down again, and her jeans, which had only just dried out from the dousing in the horse-trough were now soaking wet again!

As for Sy, he was never one to fail to take advantage of a situation. As soon as his hands were freed, he felt obliged to hold Gwen steady, to make Akshara's job of cutting her bonds a little easier. And if his hands strayed slightly, into places where perhaps they should not decently have gone, it must be said in his defense that he had most recently gone through a terrifying ordeal, and that it might be possible to excuse him his almost subconscious affirmation that in death we are in the midst of life!

05-19-2012, 09:56 AM
Elkay prodded her Achiever's side, but the stupid Vahrga was still asleep. Looking around, having been cut down by someone else's achiever, she felt rather annoyed that both her and Teekay had been pretty much of no help what so ever. It was annoying. Pathetic. They'd have been better off staying at home and watching a film. Well, Elkay would have been. She didn't really know what Teekay really did in his spare time.

If anything, she would have been better off bringing Phovos along. A nigh-immortal reptilian warrior who was shot seventy times and not only survived, but killed all the people who tried to shoot her. Or what about Eddy, who was a powerful telepath and telekinetic and could teleport through dimensions? Heck, even Engineer and Medic would have been better choices.

That last thought made Elkay pause and remember where she was. She then saw Scarlet. Then she noticed that giant spider that looked like it was going to eat Scarlet. It was then that Elkay decided to do something really crazy, and rush over to Scarlet in the hopes of pulling her away from the SteamPunk Spider's jaws.

05-20-2012, 03:31 AM
“Car 22 in pursuit, North on Division Road passing 42nd Avenue, suspect vehicle a Black…” when suddenly Dan’s dream state is jarred by the piercing screams within the chamber. As he stirs to assess the situation, the realization that he has metallic binds about his body sets in. Casting a gaze throughout; stops on the mechanical monstrosity descending upon one of the group. Further he takes notice of those hollow shells whom have already been drained. Struggling to move his hand toward the back of his belt where the borrowed Glock is holstered, the cabling rattles some causing him to look upward half expecting to take sight of another one of those beasts. As his webbing is severed through, he swings up allowing himself to drop to the ground in a crouch.

As Dan lands next to her, Ai Lin offers a soft smile “Morning sleepy head. Sorry I don’t have any coffee made, but I do have a load of armor piercing ready to go.”, her weapon trained at the mechanical spider type thing a short distance off.

As he draws his Glock remains focused on the other Achievers in attack mode against the beast while offering “Suppose we can conserve rounds if the others are taking care of spidy”
Which draws a light hearted “Figured so, somehow I think we will have plenty of opportunity for a firefight later. No need throwing valuable rounds at that thing just as a matter of principle.”

Moving closer to Ai Lin “Have you been awake long enough to see how many more we lost?”
“No, I’ve been more watchful of spidy in case it has more friends and to stay close by you till you woke from your nap.”

They scan the area for anymore spider type things before keeping in a low crouch making their way toward where the others not in battle with the spider seemed to be most assembled.

05-21-2012, 01:12 PM
P.K. looked up as she watched Cass flint around the spider on large wings scouting it over and trying to find a way in. "Be careful" she said to Cass not that she could hear her from way down here. looking around she started across the threads to storm and his Achiever not able to see any one else she knew near by. "you really think there is more?" she asked just catching that part of the conversation.

Cassandra scanned once more... she was sure she could get in at this one point she just had to reach it. pulling back once more she folded up her black wings and feel back down to the others addressing the one she had helped out earlier "I'm going to find a way in... if I can shut it down from the inside or damage it... maybe even find a control pannle" she said thoughtfully "keep it distracted and keep every one alive" he said eyes sharpening with that she spread her wings once more and lifted into the air soaring back up into the shadows.

Watching and waiting she took a little time for timing before swooping back down shifting back into her human self and tumbling into the back of the thing. here she would get a grip as best she could and look for that opening before making her way to it shifting into a mouse and scittring in to explore.

05-22-2012, 11:30 AM
Alika and bubbles being the leaders’ of the group were the first to feel the wrath of the sleeping gas. Alika, who was already easily succumbed to sleep due to her own restless nights began to feel woozy her eyelids growing heavy. The small and energetic blonde seemed to realize something was wrong as they continued. “Alika are you okay?” She said flying up and hovering next to the girl.

Alika simply nodded in response not even to the large area in which the gas pooled but already getting effected. Bubbles bit her lip for a moment before urging her achiever forward as if moving on would make this strange feeling stop the sense that something bad was going to happen.

Within a minute of walking Alika had indeed fallen asleep her body going limp, and before her achiever hit the ground bubble caught her “wake up Alika! Wake up!!” bubbles shouted. The tiny blonde carefully placed her achiever on the ground as she too began to feel the gas start to make her sleepy. Calling back to the others she tried to warn them flying around as if it would help her to stay awake “Don’t come here its bad!!” She called out but to no avail her voice was growing weak as the gas was taking effect. Though the power puff lasted long enough to watch as other stood horrified to find their leader passed out in the dirt bubbles was already hovering close to the ground “You shouldn’t have followed…” she said weakly before dropping the few inches to the ground her breathing slowed and she too was asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Bubbles was once more the first of the duo to awaken finding herself bound and trapped by steel cables. In truth this was not much for a power puff girl seeing as how it took a lot more then steel cables to usually bring one down seeing as how they had super strength. However the thing that caught her attention was the giant mechanical spider, almost in one instant bubbles was free from the chain squealing and screaming at the sight of such and awful and icky creature. It was her own adrenaline that made her burst forth from the chains without a second thought, she flew high up in the area they were trapped in nearly reaching the ceiling before she calmed down enough to stop her squeals.

Bubbles ear piercing screams was what awoke Alika as she suddenly jerked awake. She looked around in a panic as she tried to locate her summoner. Of course the first thing she noticed was the fact the group was now in battle with some spider monster of sorts. “Awwww fuck.” She said cursing out loud as she scanned for bubbles knowing full well the child would have been upset by the creature.

“Bubbles!!! We need you!” Alika called out to the girl shouting knowing that the blonde could hear her voice. “You don’t have to fight it just help get us down. You’re our only hope” the words of encouragement that Alika gave echoed through the child’s mind. While Alika was trying to get the child to come back she watched as a few of her teammates attacked the spider. Trying desperately to either shut it down or distract it long enough to have the others escape safe and sound.

Bubbles hovered down to the point that she now seemed to float in front of her summoner, tears in the corner of her eyes as she broke the chains that held Alika. Grabbing her and then carefully putting her down on the ground a good distance away from the spider. Bubbles then continued on to the others who were trapped by chains freeing them in a similar fashion.

05-22-2012, 12:44 PM
Good heavens, thought Elizabeth. How strong that child is! Really, the small girl looked as if she couldn't have lifted a feather, yet she seemed able to carry fully grown adults, even Max, and lower them gently to the floor of the cavern. Only the massive dinosaur seemed beyond her confidence, and he was so large that he was able to jump the remaining few feet to the ground without mishap.

"Well, thank you very much," cooed Elizabeth, sincerely for once. She had, she noted with satisfaction, been one of the first to be carried down to safety. Which was quite right and proper, of course, as befitted her breeding. And also ensured that none of the gentlemen present had been able to peek up her skirts - not that she had any mysteries remaining there, after past embarrassing incidents during this affair.

"Certainly beats climbing," agreed Katniss, peering sideways, and watching Gwen's facial expression and direction of glance very carefully. If the soppy girl had been looking longingly upwards to where Sy was still chained, Katniss didn't know if she'd have been able to refrain from striding up to her and telling her a few home truths about the etiquette of flirting with another girl's mentor. Luckily for the unity of the group, Gwen was still too busy shaking in fear to think about anyone else.

"What are they trying to achieve with that dreadful thing?" asked Scarlet_Warrior, grateful for the darkness at the bottom of the cavern, which hid the stain on her jeans from her latest fear-driven accident.

"I heard that Cass girl say she was trying to get inside it," Elizabeth told her. "Though quite why, I am at a loss to fathom."

"Horrible mutt!" spat out Katniss.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Not you," Katniss replied, though the idea of calling Elizabeth such a thing amused her. She pointed upwards at the spider. "That!"

All around them, Bubbles was lowering more and more people to the ground of the cavern. Sy was one of the last to reach safe-ground, and after courteously thanking Bubbles, made his way through the press of people, to where Scarlet, Katniss and Elizabeth stood.

"Seems our numbers are shrinking all the time," he said, tonelessly. "And it isn't over, yet. That spider - " he broke off, seeing Katniss' expression. "Hey, what's wrong, Mockingjay."

"Nothing," she replied, softly. A word which, when repeated by a female, translates as Absolutely everything, and it's all your fault, you ^%$%^$!

"La, I think little Mockingbird is a tiny bit jealous," trilled Elizabeth, with her usual lack of diplomacy. "Seeing you hold little Gwen's hand up there. Could there be a possible romance budding between two of this group's Summoners, think you?"

"Damn you Elizabeth!" growled Katniss, rounding on her. "Will you shut up!"

"Why, Mockingbird, you're blushing," giggled Elizabeth.

"Am not!" spat out Katniss. "It's just - saying silly things like that - " she recovered herself. "I mean, well, there might be people stupid enough to think it's true, not that it is." She turned to Sy. "My mentor can hold whoever's hand he likes. It was obvious the silly little thing was too terrified to get through the ordeal without breaking down. He was just being chivalrous, that's all. And it's Mockingjay. Get it? J-A-Y."

She stood next to Sy, and whispered gently in his ear. "It's all right, mentor. I know she's pretty."

"Not as pretty as you," replied Sy, equally softly. "Just more needy, at the time."

Katniss' blush redoubled in intensity.

Up above, the battle raged. The spider was thrashing its limbs, with much clanking and whirring and puffing of steam. The various Achievers circled, darting forward and retreating, desperately trying to distract it, so that Cass could perform her dangerous gambit.

05-22-2012, 05:45 PM
(Co-op with Siks and Lark)

The sounds of three high-pitched screams woke both Max and Siks their heads swimming from being upside down in what felt like metal webbing Max spoke first.

"How in the hell do I keep getting caught in knock-out gas traps?" Siks groaned shaking his head looking around at the gloom seeing nothing much but squirming shapes and hearing lots of voices bouncing around the cave walls.

"Max, do you have anything that'll get through this webbing?" Since they were sharing the same binding he felt Max shake his head.

"No if I had my Gehenna or Arc Welder I might've been able to cut them but no such luck." They two men were concentrated on trying to swell the wires enough for them to slip out when they felt the wire being cut and suddenly they were scrabbling for some strains to hold onto to so they wouldn't fall to their deaths luckily they didn't have to wait long, the super-powered little blond girl carried them to the cave floor. As he drew nearer Max's night vision brought on by his helmet kicked on and he saw Lark's Achiever change into a mouse and borrow her way into the robot spider he was sure was stolen from the Big MT research facility. Suddenly an idea kicked on the light bulb in Max's head. Rushing to his bag that had been left at the cavern entrance. Digging into the bottom he pulled out two Pulse Grenades, they were pretty useless against flesh and bone unless that flesh and bone were in power armor but they were also a robot's worst enemy.

"Siks keep everyone away from the bot, I got a plan." Siks nodded in the dark and Max ran to the bot jumping onto it's back shouting hoping Cass hears him.
"Cass, make a path I'm gonna chuck two pulse grenades into the bot!"

Cassandra's ears twitched at being called Cass its what her friend would always call her but it took her a moment to realize that it was Max.
"Oh?" She squeaked quickly scurrying back up the small hole she had found and peeked out to see Max close by but not exactly. "Its hard enough to chew throw metal!" She said thinking quickly she dug her claws in as it shifted. "Keep this hole in sight." She said slipping back in, her tail vanishing a moment later. Down this small passage only big enough for a snake or mouse to fit in she followed it quickly, if there was anything in the way she worked on pushing it out of the way. At one point that did not work in her small size and in some frustration she had shifted to something bigger. Hurting herself but making the passage wider there she found where she wanted to be but was pressed for time. There was nothing in the way and on the way back she did the same shifting in some spots until she made it back to the small entrance.

While Cass was digging her way through the bot Max was working on making the small hole big enough to the grenades to fit through and roll freely. It was a lot of smashing and ripping at the weakened metal at one point he even took out the plasma defender shooting a shot at the hole melting it a little. All the time holding onto a joint on the spider's back like a rodeo star using his free hand to do all the work, eventually though the hole was big enough and it was good since he was really losing feeling in his fingers. He saw a little nose poke out of the bigger hole, he grunted shouting to the little mouse girl.
"Quick climb into my left coat pocket, I'll plant the grenades!" Using his free hand he dug around in his right pocket and soon his fingers grasped the smooth metal surface of the explosives using his thumb to push the igniting button of each he shoved and rolled the pair into the hole listening to them clunk and clatter down the path Cass made.

Cass did as she was told and made her way to his pocket though it hurt a lot more trying to climb up the fabric especially after busing herself in fact more than a little of the metal had been sharp and small cuts bled out into her dark fur not that you could see it but she could feel it drying and stiffening her fur. Once inside her peeked her head out to listen as well.
"That better go down I'm sure I made it more than big enough." She said in her small voice that held quite a bit of flatness in it at that moment. "Shouldn't we get off?" She asked.

Max nodded looking for a soft place to land.
"Was just waiting on you mousy." Knowing they only had a small handful of seconds Max got into a couch on the spider's back and leaped high and forward back toward the group, he quickly turned on his right side as to protect Cass of getting smashed and landed heavily on the rocky floor sliding a few feet before smashing shoulder first into a boulder hearing it snap and pop he knew he dislocated it but that would be for later.
"EVERYBODY DOWN!" He shouted covering Cass's head with his hand. Siks needed no other warning grabbing Lark he dove behind another large rock and hugged her close to him as the spider was torn apart from the inside by two huge crackling green domes that sent robot bits all over the cave.

05-22-2012, 07:03 PM
Drakkon just sort of hung there still. As far as he gathered he was in a dark corner, hanging upside down, and if his glasses laying somewhere on the bottom of the cavern wasn't enough. His vision was obscured by the webbing. Above him he heard fighting, below faint chatter. Out of everyone here, I bet I'm the only one not out in the open.. He thought bitterly still keeping his breathing down and movements slow or nonexistent. Or they think I'm dead. Out the corner of his eye he saw several spider-like creatures skitter about, trampling each other and heading towards him. Completely abandoning his possum trick he started screaming. "FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK" Struggling he started swinging around, and on top of that, plus the blood flowing to his head he felt sick.

Akshara plopped down next to him, tilting her head at him. "OH. Granddad!.. or... wait would you be my Granddad if Dima apted.. adapted.. adopted that's it! If Dima Adopted me?" She asked, not really paying attention to the swarm of spiders behind her. Drakkon just groaned in response. Finally noticing Akshara turned to the spiders that were around her size. "Awwwh! The Angel has babies!" She cooed, as she took her daggers. "Can I keep one granddad?" Drakkon groaned again, but this time tried to form a response. "As long as they don't kill us I don't care... " He told her, of course she only heard the I don't care part. Lunging forward the tiny girl used her longest knife to cut the webbing in a way that made the spiders path fall short. A dozen or so fell to their deaths during such.

After leaping around, drawing the remaining swarms attention she continued to cut the web until bits started falling under the unorganized attacks. Only four were left on the web, while all but a few down below were killed at the end of their descent. "Only one right?" Ak asked giggling. Drakkon, in no condition to answer remained silent. Shrugging Akshara gripped her knives tightly as the spiders lunged at her. Doing a short front flip she used her weight to press her knives into a single spider. As she landed she spun around and threw her knives into the second and third, killing them both. Her eyes changed to a forest green as the last one turned around to face her. In blind determination it lunged at her again, until it stopped abruptly, standing about three feet tall and drooling venom it was no more then four inches from her face.

Tilting her head all the way to her right Akshara's pupil-less eyes glowed softly. Extending her hand gently the spider cringed as she touched it's leg. Slowly she stepped around to it's side and climbed onto it's back. Leaning in close she whispered softly. "Can you carry me and my friend down please?" Almost against it's will it did so. Climbing onto Drakkon's wrapped up body and fiddling with the web string that supported him. Slipping off Akshara held onto her imprisoned summoner and waved goodbye as the spider lowered them both down to the cavern below. "Shame on you Grandpa! Hiding like that, no one spotted you when we were getting everyone down!" Akshara complained, pouting a bit.

When they were approaching the bottom Akshara waved at the group, some if not most of whom were staring at them.

05-22-2012, 07:55 PM
As Siks announced that a plan was in the works, Dan and Ai Lin continues to more focus upon the rather massive thing above. As the beast was mounted, Ai Lin in a cute tone whispered “Ride em Cowboy.”

As it became apparent what was happening, Dan holstered his weapon and moved quickly toward Ai Lin who had already holstered her pistol. As Max shouted out the warning “GET DOWN”, Dan had already set one foot behind Ai Lin and swept her feet from under her grabbing her shoulders as she fell toward the ground. Dan kept hold ensuring she landed softly followed by his covering her with his body as they had a rock pile to minimize the blast. As he lay a top her, a smile formed across his lips as he gazed into her eyes offering a simple “Hello You.”

As the blast echoed through the cavern and parts of the spider rained down around, she looked back up at him offering a soft smile and an uncharacteristic soft tone “Well, you certainly know how to sweep a girl off her feet.” As the ringing in their ears slowly subsides, she manages her arms from under Dan and reaches up softly touching his lips “But I’ll have you know I don’t kiss on the first date” with a wink.

Keeping his gaze softly into her eyes, he leans in with his lips mere centimeters from her ear softly whispering “That’s good to know, and here I was ready to go all out and take you to McDonalds” before resting his hands on the cavern floor pushing himself up back into a crouch offering her his hand.

She reaches out taking his hand while Dan helps her to her feet. She leans in offering a soft kiss on his cheek whispering “And I was so hoping for somewhere as elegant as McDonalds” in a slight giggle. She starts toward the rest of the group, tone soft “Well, looks like there is plenty of spider to go around.”

05-24-2012, 09:51 AM
Elkay sat in the corner, feeling rather ignored by everyone else. Her attempt to actually be of any use to anyone had been completely pointless as it turned out Scarlet was fine and had magically beamed into safety or something like that. Some sort of inconsistency with time and space or something. If Teekay hadn't pulled her away, she'd be dead instead of Scarlet. No one even vaguely appreciated that Elkay existed. Then again, it occurred to Elkay that she had no idea how she got down from the web above. Another inconsistency. Too many of them.

Unbeknownst to Elkay, Teekay was having similar thoughts. Every time he'd gone to attack whatever enemy was currently trying to kill them, he'd fire a few bolts of electricity and then be unable to do much else since everyone was too busy showing off their fancy moves. The last thing Teekay wanted was to electrocute a friend, so he'd always end up stepping back and letting everyone else deal with it. At least he had one useful ability, his ability to teleport to a random location should he become intoxicated by a gas. Problem was, it often made him pass out. It was probably a good thing he'd grabbed Elkay before he teleported.

05-24-2012, 10:19 AM
Scarlet didn't really feel up to the job of trying to make Elizabeth behave - and quit trying to get a raise out of Katniss - right at that moment. She felt physically sick after her ordeal, useless to the team (for neither she nor her achiever had done anything but make things worse), and had seen so many people die that what little fun she might have found in the adventure was evaporating even more. In any case, when you are an overweight girl, with spectacles, a bad skin condition, braces on your teeth and an embarrassing wet patch on your jeans, away from the crowd was really the place to be. Leaving Elizabeth and Katniss sniping at each other, and Sy looking amusedly on, she wandered into the shadows.

In fact, the word "shadows" was probably something of a misnomer. So dim was the cavern, that the patches of light were in something of a minority. Now that her eyes had had so long to adjust, and by peering forward carefully, she managed to negotiate a path towards the perimeter of the cavern, only just managing to avoid a writhing pair of humans that resolved themselves into Ai Lin and Dan who, presumably, were getting to know each other.

As she took in their activities, a further wave of depression swept over her. It seemed everyone in the universe except her had someone! Her real life was one of lonliness and anguish - even on line, as soon as the stage came for swapping photos, the person with whom she had formerly been getting along with fabulously would mysteriously vanish and block all forms of communication with her. Shit, she couldn't get laid in an all-male prison. Tears were forming in her eyes, misting up her spectacles.

I mean, it isn't my fault I'm a bit overweight, and have a skin problem, and short sight, and bladder issues, and- oof!

Too busy brooding to watch where she had been going, she'd bumped into someone again. Damn it, she was such a klutz!

"Sorry," she said, in her usual apologetic manner. "I guess I - "

But when she saw who it was she'd cannoned into, her face relaxed into an expression of sympathy. It was the pretty but shy girl whom she'd heard people call "Elkay' - the one who'd summoned that rather cool-looking dinosaur. Though, she mused, it was obviously a lot more intelligent than the dinosaurs of pre-history, for it (or he, she wasn't quite sure) had had the sense to keep out of the way of the struggle with the spider, rather than roar in and cause harm to anyone around him.

And Elkay looked as depressed as she was.

"Never mind," she said, showing the unselfishness that was one of her finest qualities - along with enough sensitivity to guess what was on the other girl's mind. "I know your Achiever hasn't been able to contribute much, yet, but I'm sure there's still a long way to go. Hey, mine's a total pest who's done nothing but harm. Trust me, girl, I'm as depressed as you are," She rummaged in her pocket, pulled out a bag of Bassett's famous liquorice allsorts, one of Britain's finest culinary contributions to the world. She offered the bag to Elkay, hesitantly. "The round ones with the coconut are really very nice... "

* * * * * *

"I'm trying, mentor, I really am," groaned Katniss, fussing with her braid. "I know she helped me back there when - when I thought I wouldn't be able to handle coming down here - and I know it's not her fault she was brought here by mistake, and hasn't got any proper powers to contribute." She looked up to check Cass' progress with the hideous muttation above - when in the arena (and what was this situation, after all, but a kind of arena) you could not afford to take your focus away from potential trouble. "And I know she's a delicate soul, and.. Mentor, I'm really trying to be nice to her, but.. . if only she didn't keep deliberately getting my name wrong, and calling me an... er... Er-pash - ee, or Mo-horke, or whatever."

"Yeah, well, maybe with Elizabeth, you can't be said to be entirely to blame," admitted Sy. "But what about Gwen? Honestly, Katniss, the way you keep scowling at that girl... "

"Yeah, well, if you don't know why that is - " she began, then bit her words off. "Mentor, I know I'm a sullen, bad-tempered girl from the Seam, without any of the social graces they have in the Capitol - and other places. I haven't had time to learn... erm, etty-kitt, or whatever... but I do know the value of alliances. I do. I'll try harder. For you!"

"No, Mockingjay," admonished Sy. "Not for me. For the team."

"Yeah. The team. All right."

"Try saying something nice to them both, next chance you get. There's nothing helps a person's confidence than praise from someone they think doesn't like them. And who knows - your life, or all our lives, might depend on one of those girls - or their Achievers - before this thing's over. Just say something nice, even if it's not true. Think of it as a.. . a game, yeah?"

"A game?" Katniss shewed the idea over. "Yes, I think I can do that. After all, there are worse games to play!"

05-24-2012, 10:55 AM
Elkay's eyes lit up a bit as Scarlet bumped into her. "Eh, you say that Elizabeth is a pain in the ass (and she is) but she's done something..."

"I'm a Bohrok! Not a dinosaur!" Teekay rudely interrupted before teleporting off in a puff of smoke, something he hadn't done in a while. "I don't even look like a bloody Bohrok... Phovos is the dinosaur..." he swore under his breath.

"... Anyway..." Elkay hesitated and looked at the sweets. Her eyes scanned the bag for the pink-est sweet, and she innocently took it, thanking Scarlet. After eating it, Elkay rummaged around in her old, trusty, black backpack-handbag and pulled out a packet of Smarties, offering them to Scarlet. "I just had an evil idea. We ought to put Elizabeth on Teekay's back. They'd make a great distraction for something..."

Their small conversation was interrupted by the occasional explosion or flying bit of metal spider.

05-24-2012, 02:44 PM
once the clatter of falling Debris settled Cassandra puled her small claws loss of the pocket cloth and started to nose her way of the pocket to find Max's hand over her head as well. She gave a little sigh nosing her way under his hand at least to her shoulders at that point she got stuck. "I think we are clear" she squeaked To max. She could just shift Back into what ever form she felt like right there but figured that might turn out a bit awkward. Besides she was kinda of reluctant to do so as her wounds in this form would very well crack open and bleed again of coarse in any other bigger from they might only be scratches

Cass also had heard the large pop after Max's landing but had not thought about it till now "Are you alright?" she asked after a moment her small whiskers twitching white pupils narrowing searching for what ever might have caused that sound.

P.K. huddled close to siks not that she had much of a choice he was hugging her to tightly for her to squirm away even if she had wanted to. She looked out passed siks and the rock to see what ever she could not much but enough. "I thinks its done" she said quietly. "um we should see if max and cass are okay... I would guess they are still alive since we're still here..." P.K. was also wondering if any one else and who had died is any one. I wounder if we'll all make it through this... She thought waiting for Siks to let go of her so she could get up and do just as she said.

05-26-2012, 04:06 PM
Gwen reached fingers into her black hair, sending mischievous rebellious edges behind her ear, and fixing her shirt that grow to be a bit tighter because of all the sweat her body produce from fear. Natalya herself couldn't help but gaze at the woman's upper torso, whose curvy lines of chest and ribs became visible and tempting. It didn't help that Gwen's breasts peeked from the V's line of the neck.

"Are you all right?", Natalya asked once she realized the girl was a bit disturbed.

"Yeah... just... somewhat fearful... I thought we will die for sure...".

The action with the grenade was brilliant and Gwen nodded with a smile at Max and Cassandra, also bowing to Sy for his attention... although.... He didn't have to reach his hands THAT far when he held her... Did he?

"So we shall advance", stated Natalya, looking at the metal's pieces that once were the spider, hanging around across the cavern, "But I do wish to have some answers... it's been a while since we got ourselves a clear guidance and that person in the screen hadn't appear for a while now too..."

Gwen agreed with a soft node, "I think he knows more than he is saying... But we can't know for sure until we reach the place we need to get to"

05-27-2012, 03:20 PM
Etiquette demanded that when offered a bag of sweets, one should take only one. Scarlet-Warrior, was well aware of the rule, but her addiction to sweet things proved stronger than her politeness, and before she knew what she was doing, she'd grabbed a handful of Smarties and thrust them into her mouth. She wiced, as the explosion echoed in the cavern, and hastily dodged a piece of falling metal. "Eli'b'th on Teejay's back. Founds l'ke a good ifea," she mumbled through a mouthful of multicolored sugar. She swallowed. "Might keep her out of trouble. Hope it won't hamper Teejay... urm, Teejay, sorry... too much though. Seems like he might be a useful, powerful person - urm - dinosaur... it is dinosaur, isn't it?"

"Bohrok," replied Elkay, admiringly - just how could one human get that many Smarties in their mouth at one time? It certainly explained Scarlet's erupting acne. "He's a Bohrok."

"Sorry... Bohrok. Male. Got that. Listen, can you tell me more about him. It's - like, the Achievers all seem to have arrived knowing exactly what they're supposed to be doing. But us Summoners - it's as if we're second-class citizens or something." She held up the metal tablet. "There things haven't turned on once since we started. Just where are we supposed to be going, and what - "

And, just then, there was a single beep from the devices held in Scarlet and Elkay's hands - and the two tablets lit into life.

* * * * * *

Sy thrust up an appreciative thumb at Max and Cass - Any success was one he'd grasp eagerly at this point, for given the number of deaths they'd so far encountered, his natural pessimistic nature was beginning to reassert itself. Could it be that they were doomed to fail? Certainly, they hadn't done all that well thus far. Who knew how far the silver egg might be... could they find it before they were all wiped out? He acknowledged Gwen's bow with an upraised hand, and managed to tear his eyes away from the "v" of her clinging blouse, but perhaps too late, for he (and she) received another scowl from Katniss as she passed him walking in the direction of Elizabeth.

* * * * * *

"Elizabeth?" Katniss asked, approaching the Regency maiden. "Can we talk?"

"Why, Mockingbird, of course we can, la!" replied Elizabeth. "There may be just the slightest of echoes, which will certainly not assist clarity, given the rather enclosed nature of our surroundings, but neither of us appears to have been struck mute. It appears a somewhat strange question, though, since we already are talking. I strongly suspect in fact, that what you meant to say was 'may we talk?' "

"Er, yes," replied Katniss, having understood at least a third of what Elizabeth was wittering about. "Anyway, I wanted to thank you for - for helping me back there, when I was - you know, not myself."

"Why, Mockingbird, any time," trilled Elizabeth. "After all, is it not the mark of a lady to assist those less fortunate than themselves?"

Katniss chewed over Elizabeth's words carefully. She'd understood at least enough to realize that while insulting, the rudeness came from a genuine ignorance rather than deliberate viciousness. Elizabeth was simply unable to comprehend that any world other than Regency England might possibly exist, and even her recent experiences had obviously done little to change that world-view. It was not an attitude unfamiliar to her - an image of Effie Trinkett, back in her own world, swum before her eyes, and she had to force down a giggle.

"Yes, well... thing is Elizabeth - "

"Miss Bennett,"


"When addressing a lady, it is the surname that should be used. Let that be your first lesson - I take it that is what you wished to request of me, yes? Some pointers to knock off your rough edges?'

Katniss' jaw dropped open. Did this effete idiot really think she was approaching her asking for etiquette lessons? The arrogance! Back where Katniss came from, etiquette ranked somewhere between hair-ribbons and rainbows in terms of usefulness! Constant starvation and repression tended to have that effect. It was only by severe effort that she managed not to immediately slap the stupid woman around her pale face.

And yet - her mentor had given her an order.

"Oh, I see," she responded, as if pretending the information was the most fascinating she'd ever heard. "So I should call you 'Miss Bennett," and you should call me 'Miss Everdeen?' Well, that's - "

"No, dear, no. A lady can't go around calling the lower orders 'miss that' or 'mr the other,' now, can they? My dear, society would simply collapse. Natural authority must be maintained. Why, let standards slip and before long, they'll be men in shirtsleeves on Sundays, and bright colored bonnets worn before Whitsuntide. It just wouldn't do, my dear. And how an Apache came by a good Cornish surname like Everdeen, I can't begin to fathom!"

"Are you sure you're not from the Capitol?" came out of Katniss' mouth, before she could control it.

"No dear, Hampshire. I thought I said. Still, given that English is not your mother tongue, I suppose I should not criticize."

"Well, anyway," Katniss went on. "I think you might have the wrong idea about me, Eliz - erm, Miss Bennett. You see, for one thing, I'm not an 'Apat-chee', or whatever it is you seem to think. My mentor's explained that those people are the native inhabitants of America in your time and - well, this is difficult to explain. You see, I'm of the same race as you, as far as I know,and - "

"B-But.. the braid. The bow and arrow. Surely - "

"No, Miss Bennett." Refraining from kicking the stupid woman's backside was proving almost as difficult as winning the 74th Hunger Games, but Katniss persisted. "You see, I come from many hundreds of years in your future... "

"Really?" Elizabeth clapped her gloved hands together in glee. "How fascinating. Tell me, my dear - what colors are they wearing for spring in your time? Is muslin still the favored fabric, or did taffeta make the long suspected comeback? Is Madeira still the wine favored of gentlemen, or has Tokay supplanted it. And gloves, now? Kid, or - "

"Miss Bennett," sighed Katniss. "In my time, in the districts at least, gloves and hats are the very least of our worries." She'd have liked to continue. Liked to have told Elizabeth about the series of catastrophes and wars that had destroyed the relatively comfortable world known to Miss Bennett and many generations after - about the rise of Panem, and the Capitol, the disastrous rebellion of the districts, about the punishment that followed. But what would have been the point? What indeed. She glanced back at her mentor, who was standing a stone's throw away, just out of earshot. At least he was alone, and not groping that pathetic Gwen creature. He looked up from the flat electronic tablet he was examining, and gave her an encouraging smile, and she forced herself to continue. But what could she say? Just what did she have in common with this woman?

And then, inspiration took her...

" - but in the Capitol, now, that's different. Oh, you should see the parties there, Miss Bennett." Sketchily, and trying not to show her distaste, she began describing some of the more excessive ensembles she'd encountered on her one short trip to the center of power. The elaborate make-up, the changes of skin color, architecturally designed hairstyles, jewels inserted in teeth and body, the fashions... "... and this dress, as soon as Peeta and I stepped onto the chariot it... it burst into flames, Miss Bennett. Flames!"

"Flames?" Elizabeth clapped her hands again. "My dear Mockingbird. How exciting! But was it not perhaps just a little frightening?"

"Scary as a rogue snake. Cinna told me it would be safe, but - I nearly wet myself. Anyway, for the Victory Party, I wore - "

"Elizabeth," Sy came towards them, studying the metal tablet in his hand. "Where's your Summoner? She needs to see this, I think, if she hasn't already. Katniss, get ready to move - and keep your bow handy. Listen... "

"We have tracked you at last. Communications are difficult when you are so far underground. Watch out for the rogue spider-bot, that we strongly suspect lurks in the passages beneath...

"Yeah, well telling us that before we ended up like a BDSM convention might have helped. Anyway...

"There is but one way back to the open air. Up through the steps of Otimevis. Which lead to the Literal Wood. The way forward for you lies through the Literal Wood. Best of luck."

"Literal wood?" Elizabeth exchanged a glance with Katniss. "What on earth can that mean?"

"Sounds as if things might be looking up," Katniss replied. "If it's a wood - that means 'forest,' right - then I can hunt in it!"

"Yeah, well, if it's that easy," replied Sy. wryly, "It'll be a first!"

05-27-2012, 04:10 PM
Drakkon groaned as he opened his eyes. Akshara was sitting crossed-legged next to him, playing with his hair. "I keep forgetting how quick you are." He muttered as he sat up. Akshara giggled and offered his glasses, of course as luck would have it they were beyond a little crooked. "I think one of the spiders.. or people.. stepped or landed on them." She said, Drakkon shook his head and put them on anyway. Immediately the right side fell to his mouth. "Well.. guess I'm going to stay near sighted for awhile." He sighed, getting completely up. "Tell me when to duck." Akshara giggled, and bounced up. "Okay!"

After three seconds her eyes changed color and her head tilted. "Hey.. Granddad? Why don't you fight?" Drakkon gulped a bit, in all honesty he hoped Akshara would ignore it. He literally said the first thing that came to mind. "Syin... she, took my powers as part of a tribute.. Kelzan saved me before she let her children actually eat me." He replied. Thank you asshole spider that hung me upside down.. Akshara frowned and looked over at the destroyed webs. "Was the angel after you then?" Drakkon nodded, and kept walking. You idiot, now she's going to be ten times worse when she finds out." Sighing he looked for a distraction, when he saw Bubbles from the powerpuff girls he almost slapped his forehead. Tha's way to convenient not to take advantage of.

Motioning to the other superpowered six year old he smiled. "Oi, Ak, why don't you introduce yourself to her. I think she's your age." Akshara blinked and turned her attention over to bubbles. The only six year old in an entire story series with a majority of beings over at least a hundred. The sight of another six year old both stunned and peaked the little girl's attention. Without a ward to her summoner she wandered off to speak with her. Shaking his head Drakkon turned to Katniss, Sy and Elizabeth who were discussing what his least favorite voice had shared. He barely heard it but the name of their next destination was obvious. The literal wood.

"Or it's literally a giant mass of wood.. hence the title 'Literal wood.' And let's be honest I don't wanna fight giant termites." He muttered as he approached. At most to be what he was before all this started. A simple observer.

"HI!" Akshara called as she neared the other girl. (Bubbles) She smiled as her eyes changed color to match Bubbles, not only that, pupils formed instantly as they had with Elizabeth making it appear as though she had them all along. Stopping abruptly she blinked, it was odd. Speaking to someone her own age, or at least near it. Tilting her head her mind ran for something to talk about, but it escaped her. Instead she just introduced herself. "I'm Akshara." She smiled again, unsure of herself as she was when speaking to adults and the like.

05-27-2012, 05:08 PM
Siks let go of Lark and quickly moved to Max's side looking the man over smiling.
"Always the ragdoll hero eh boyo? What ever happened to your adamantium skeleton?" Max laughed mockingly sitting up watching his right arm hang dead by his side.
"Joints will still pop out if hit hard enough asshat. Help me up." Siks smirked crouching by the Messiah's left side hooking the man's arm around his shoulders lifting up slowly. Max groaned and clenched his teeth feeling like he's getting too old for this shit. "I have a Doctor's Bag in my pack it'll fix me up quickly." Siks helped a slightly limping Max over to his bag which was left exactly where it was when they first fell into this trap setting max back on the ground Siks picked through the bag's contents pulling out bits of food and drink, some magazines, other healing implements and two sets of both woman and men's clothes before he finally found the Doctor's Bag.

"Why the fuck do ye have two sets of both men and women's clothes in here?" The young Scot asked opening the bag and beginning to fix Max's arm.
"Some raiders I gunned down had them and I was on my way to sell them in Novac since the wandering merchant I sold the weapons and armor to ran out of caps when I was pulled into this fucking world. Hey if anyone wants a change of clothes I have some I took off some dead people I made sure to shoot them in the head so no blood got on the clothes." He laughed as Siks using the Bag popped his shoulder back into place giving him a shot of Stimpack to ease the pain.
"There ye go lad, good thing to I think we have our next clue. Something about Literal Woods. Wonder what that means." Max scoffed repacking his bag before swinging it onto his shoulders looking around to see who had died in this most recent skirmish.
"I'm giving up on trying to figure out these clues. This place makes my head numb I'm just gonna shoot what looks like it needs shooting." He sighed walking toward the head of the group turning his night vision on again so he can see where the road goes Siks followed suit pulling the pistol out to make sure it didn't get damaged.
"Shall we move on folks? afore the spiderbot's extended family finds us?" Siks said putting the weapon back in his pocket looking around at everyone.

05-27-2012, 07:02 PM
P.K. made her way to Cass who had slipped at Max was helped up. She shifted back slowly but even then the small cuts grew slightly, only by a bit ti fight her form, and cracked open beginning to bleed again. "ugh" She looked at herself covered in bits of blood and other stuff. "I think you need to clean out your pockets" She said simply dusting herself up being careful to get stuff out of small cuts. P.K. was next to her in seconds "wow you cut yourself a lot" P.K. said eyes a bit wide "we need something to covers those!" "I'll be okay" cass said putting a hand on P.K.'s shoulder before she could run off. "Their small and they'll stop bleeding quickly".

P.K. took a deep breath and nodded she had to remember Cass could take care of herself and their was no way she could replace Cass's best friend. With this she shrugged and turned to watch siks and Max. "cass you should change" P.K. suggested after seeing the cloths. "you got blood all over them and their all messed up". Cass glanced at herself and sighed "These should last me at least another encounter as this is going. "That reminds me" P.K. said thoughtfully "its almost like Pathfinder" she shrugged "random encounters and stuff only we don't get loot or EX for winning and theirs no way to resurrect fallen comrades if they die...."

Cass was looking at her sum miner curiously "Pathfinder?" "ya its a table top RP" P.K. answered quickly with a smile. P.K. looked thoughtful then "to bad I can't bring two people" she said after a moment "Or I could have brought my tefling rouge she might have been somewhat helpful thought she's like lawful evil..." Cass coughed "tefling?" "half find or demon sorta thing" P.K. continued to think so far this was kinda like that game she new but ...real and their was no leveling up or getting special bonuses. but maybe she could apply some of what she knew about Pathfinder to what they where going throw now.

"HEY!" P.K. said coming up with something "guys! we need a sorta of game plan and.. class separation here" she said she needed every one's attention so dashed on to the center. "listen this might help" she was excitedly "we need some class's here like who's buff fighters and who are more stealthy and stuff" she said "spell casters or people who can use some sort of magic!" she said getting really excited now. "we have the front people or the really good fighters and buff people and then the more roguish or stealth like people in the middle and back while the squishy's" she coughed a bit "pardon magic users are in the middle" she said. "If we need some one to scout ahead to another room or something we send the stealth people to check it out for us while the front people who are better at fighting are in the rear and back". it was possible it would work but it was the little strategy she could think of right now.

05-28-2012, 10:50 AM
Elkay grinned as Scarlet ate the smarties with a giant grin. The mood had certainly cheered up a bit. Their tablets were glowing and beeping and stuff.

"That's got to be a good sign, right?" Elkay asked. "So, towards a wood? A literal wood? Huh. Weird."

"I wish I knew where we were..." Teekay teleported back into view. "Then I could just teleport the lot of us out of here..." He then fell onto all fours. "Elkay, you and your friend want a lift? Least I can do for being such a useless waste of space."

05-28-2012, 12:09 PM
Katniss winced as she applied the chewed-up herb to the most serious of Cass' wounds. Despite her sometimes forbidding nature, she was a sympathetic person. Others' wounds always seemed more painful than her own. And she was fast running out of the small supply of medicinal herbs she'd managed to gather outside the dome.

"Best I can do, with what I have," she said, tying the hanky she'd borrowed from Sy in a tight knot. "If I had some green snow, or herbs from back home, I could do a better job. I don't dare take a chance of the plants I've seen here - don't recognize them. Still, I doubt any of your injuries are infected... might slow you down for a short time, is all." She looked up at PK, who was expounding an idea that seemed to make excellent tactical sense. "So the really 'buff' Achievers - I guess that means the strongest fighters - go at the front to form a kind of spearhead, right? And they protect the ones that have been chosen for their stealth, or intelligence, or... " She gave a meaningful glance over at Elizabeth "...or that no-one can fathom why they've been chosen at all."

"Urm, but what if - " began Sy, as Scarlet approached with Teekay and Elkay.

"Personally, I'm all for the idea," put in Scarlet. "Like, who knows what might be coming at us in this Literal Wood place? I heard someone mention giant insects, maybe? Or it might be nasty trees, like Old Man Willow in 'Lord of the Rings'... anything really."

"Yeah, that's true," said Sy, softly. "But suppose - "

"La, I vote for it too," added Elizabeth. "Where I come from, it's ladies first - but it appears we have a different situation here. A woman of my breeding is not cut out for leading a charge. So undignified. I'm far better suited to directing operations from a position of strategic control, as it were."

"Or at least, keeping out of the way," muttered Katniss, under her breath. And then, aloud, "I suppose it's as good a plan as any. Put the Career Pack up front." She shouldered her bow. "I'm for it. Anything gets in my way better be damn good at dodging arrows... but if anyone needs medical attention at the back, someone call me, right?"

"No need, Mockingjay," said Sy, emphatically. "You do your harm from a distance... you're back with the softies, I'm afraid."

"What?" Katniss stood with her hands on her hips. "Mentor, with all respect, let me remind you, I'm a victor..."

"Of the 74th games," Sy finished for her. "And you won those by keeping out of trouble, avoiding conflict, and doing your damage from a safe distance. You didn't do that well when Clove got you cornered, I recall..."

"She took me by surprise," spat out Katniss. "Anyway, I - "

"Rear rank, Katniss!"

"Y-Yes, mentor," Katniss replied, grumbling under her breath.

"But anyway, this plan," Sy went on. "I can see the merit in it. If anyone attacks us, our best fighters are all up front, like a sort of spearhead. But - "

"All the best fighters save one," mumbled Katniss.

Elizabeth went over and cupped her hands to Katniss ear. "Might I remind you, Mockingbird, that as a Summoner, your mentor will be in the rear rank - as will the Gwen creature you appear to so despise. It will, at least, give them a chance to get to know each other better, if you see what I mean."

"That's got nothing to do with anything," snapped Katniss, blushing furiously. "I... anyway, mentor, if you order me to stay in the rear, the rear it shall be." She tightened her braid angrily, and pretended to find something fascinating in the opposite wall of the cavern, attempting to hide her crimson cheeks.

"But the thing about this plan is -" Sy continued.

"Now, do we know the actual location of this Literal Wood place?" Scarlet continued. "Elkay's Dinos - urm, Bohrok - friend has had a marvelous idea. If someone actually knows where we're going, he can teleport us there... isn't that right, Teekay? And once we get there, we can adopt Pk's idea and form up into ranks... "

"But... " continued Sy. But no-one would listen. Everyone was too busy making enthusiastic noises about being teleported rather than having to walk or climb.

But what if someone attacks us from behind was the phrase he left unsaid.

* * * * * *

Meanwhile, Scarlet had wandered away from the small group, and had approached Max. He was one of the most recognizable heroes among the group - she'd watched all of the movies at least twice. "Urm, excuse me, Mr Mad M - , erm, Mr Max..." she said, in a small voice. "D-Did I overhear you had a female outfit in your pack. Only... " She glanced down at the dried stain on her jeans. "I - if you could spare a pair of pants or a skirt, I'd really appreciate... " she could feel her cheeks flaming. "That is, if it's OK?"

05-29-2012, 05:25 PM
Siks stopped looking back at thier group after Lark's remark about creating balanced ranks. Jolly good idea but their actual group was lop-sided in skillsets maybe four of the Achievers could be considered front-liners, Max, Teekay, that lass with the huge rack, and the six year old Powerpuff. Everyone else was more Support or stealth unless Cass transformed into some kind of rhino that spits lasers. And in terms of Summoners only himself and Storm were really able to be fighters. The young Scot was seeing more a diamond formation for them going frontliners, range fighters, everyone else then range fighters and a rear guard. He was rolling over the ideas in his head as he made his way over to Max who was talking with the chubby girl.

Max stopped hearing Lark chirp up with an idea about working in ranks and was about to voice his ideas on it when he heard a voice nearby. Spinning he looked down at the large girl that was Ms. Bennett's summoner and she was asking for one of the sets of clothes he nodded looking at her from behind his mask.
"No problem anything to lessen the amount of stuff I have to carry. Luckily for you one of the raiders I killed was a big'n no offense." He slipped his bag off his shoulder and shifted through it's contents he pulled out a black sleeveless dress that would fit Scarlet and handed it to her. "There you go, you can go over there by those rocks and change and I'd recommend emptying your bladder now cause unless you want to wear a man's clothes next that's the last of my woman's clothes. Now please excuse me I need to command the troops again." He laughed throwing the bag back over his shoulders and climbed up to a rock that would give him a good view of the group.

Siks waited for Max to be done with Scarlet then joined him on the rock to voice his own ideas to the Waste-lander.
"Oi Max, Lark has a good idea but our numbers are lop-sided we have more Stealth and to put it nicely non-combatants than we do front-liners. Only four Achievers can be front-liners and Storm and myself are the only Summoners I think that can actually fight I could be wrong but that's how I see it." Max nodded seeing the exact same thing he sighed talking quietly to Siks.
"I see the same thing dude any ideas on formation?" Siks thought for a few seconds then answered.
"You and Teekay in the front since you two are actually our two best suited fighters for front-liners and have Bubbles and the well-endowed lass acting as rear guard. Then the Hunger girl and Storm's Achiever acting as second line support fire for the front and back then Cass and the little knife girl acting in the same second line as the other two but working as melee combatants for anything that might get passed the first two lines and protect those of us in the middle. Then have Storm and I working like last line of defense for the Summoners and not so combat useful Achievers." Max listened intently to Siks's suggestion and it was pretty much what the big man had pictured.

"Perfect idea ok I'll give the word." He removed his helmet and cleared his throat loudly to get everyone's attention. "Good idea Lark but I say we get into these ranks now while we have a respite from being attacked. The idea Siks and I have for this is a diamond formation going front-liners, second line support fire, inner guard, all non-combatants, rear inner guard, rear support fire, and a rear guard so we don't get mauled like Geckos dropped into a Deathclaw nest. If anyone has any better suggestion than this I'm open to it but the ranks we have in mind are as followed." He clears his throat again pointing to those he was talking about as he rattled off the names. "First will be myself and Teekay since we're basically tanks, supporting us I see ninja girl (Ai Lin) and Cass and don't worry Cass you can just kill anything that gets passed the front you don't have to shoot, front Inner guard will be Storm. Now for rear guard I'd like Busty Bethany(Natalya) and Bubbles watching our backs, supporting them will be the Mockingjay girl and little knife girl( Akshara) and I'd like you to work like Cass kiddo and kill anything that gets passed the rear guard, and Siks will be the rear Inner Guard. Everyone else you'll be in the center of the formation hopefully not getting killed. Once again if anyone has a better idea on anything now is the time to say it." He sighed taking a breath waiting for any objection.

05-30-2012, 12:25 PM
Scarlet emerged from the conversation with Max grateful, but crimson-faced. To be reminded that she needed a dress suitable for a "big 'un" was bad enough. His automatic assumption that she was likely to wet herself again at some point just piled on extra mortification. As soon as she was behind the outcrop of rock Max had indicated, she struggled her way into the dress, which was loose around the breast area, and too tight around the stomach. She tugged futilely at the zipper, unable to move it past the line of her voluminous, Bridget-Jones style panties. Honestly, was anything at all going to go right, in this horrible situation?

* * * * *

Sy23 listened to Siks' plan for the formation of the team with relief. At least someone appeared to know what they were doing. The problem, he saw, was exactly as Siks had stated. While most of the Achievers (with the possible exception of Elizabeth) were of undoubted use to the team, or, at least, would be at some point, many of them had been chosen for skills other than that of actual hand-to-hand fighting. They were like a defeated nineteenth-century army, in which most of the fighting troops had been killed off, but still burdened with a separate army of camp-followers and noncombatants! Efficient as Siks' plan was, all the tactical skill in the world couldn't overcome the amount of dead wood in the party. It also seemed somewhat unfair to Max and Teekay, who would be forced to do a disproportionate amount of work - though presumably Elkay could speak up if she thought that, and Max seemed quite happy to go along with the plan. He turned to Katniss to give her her instructions, but despite her total lack of military experience she had worked out for herself exactly where Siks wanted her, and was already moving to her position.

He sauntered to the middle of the group as it assembled, checking all around the cavern for threats. The team had been caught unaware once, by the gas - who knew what else might lurk in wait?

"La, Mister Sigh," came a familiar trill from just behind him. "It appears that fate has thrown us together, as fate so often has a way of doing." Physically unable to press her suit with Max due to her position in the line-up, it appeared she'd reassigned her matchmaker strategy towards himself. She'd bitten her lips to redden them, adjusted her corsets to push up her breasts to maximum advantage, and was fluttering her fan in a way that, in her own time and background would have been coquettish in the extreme, but to a man of Sy's time merely looked humerously theatrical. He'd have preferred Gwen to have latched onto him if anyone, but she seemed busy looking longingly at Natalya as if the secret of the universe was written on the busty girl's chest. Sy took a long look himself, just to check if it was.

"I think, you know, I might be persuaded to consider forgiving you for your earlier rude remark about my - my intimate garments," Miss Bennett continued. "I might, given your obvious contrition, be persuaded to allow you to take my arm for the rest of the march. So - ?" She fluttered her lashes, and gave him what she assumed to be a ravishing smile. "Are you contrite, Mr Sigh?"

"Er, no," Sy stammered, hastily. "Not contrite at all... I... Miss Bennett, I don't deserve the privilege of escorting a lady such as yourself." And then, fishing hastily for a change of subject "I don't see your Summoner. Is she here?"

"She sidled off behind a rock, over there somewhere," Elizabeth returned, off-handedly. "Anyway, about this arrangement. Please, I'm happy enough to forgive you, this once, if - "

"Thank you, Miss Bennett, for a most generous offer," Sy replied. "I - er - I can see the party is about to move off. I - urm - I need to have a quick word with my Achiever, if you'll excuse me."

"Of course," Elizabeth replied, playing with her hair. "I'll see you soon."

Not if I see you first, thought Sy, grimly, hurrying off in his bouncy, jaunty walk. For fuck's sake, Mockingjay, he whispered in Katniss' ear as he passed her, If that horrible woman starts stalking me, do your thing with the arrow, OK?

Katniss nodded, smiling. She might not have been the most politically aware girl that had ever been born, but she knew the advantage of misunderstanding orders. Perhaps, by "that woman" her mentor had meant Elizabeth Bennett. But he hadn't expressly stated that. She might, she mused, choose to interpret his statement as referring to that soppy Gwen creature. In which case, discharging his order would be a pleasure akin to eating a freshly-cooked gooseling, or bringing down an eagle on the wing with a single shot through the eye. And things rarely got much better than that!

While Sy had used his question to Elizabeth about Scarlet as a means to extricate himself from an awkward situation, it had not been the only item on his agenda. He had, quite genuinely, noticed Scarlet_Warrior's absence. She was, unfortunately, not the sort of girl that people usually noticed, and he knew how she'd feel if she were to get left behind. The other Summoners could count on their achievers to look after them, but all Scarlet had was Elizabeth - he didn't feel he needed to add any more to that.

He moved towards the pile of rocks. He could hear a grunting and muttered curses coming from behind the outcrop, and stopped, tensing himself. Was there some other peril here, that was picking off the outlying members of the party. Should he call for back-up? He sneaked up, peering around the rock, and then nearly collapsed in laughter.

"Is everything all right, Miss Scarlet?" he asked, watching the plump girl gyrate and wriggle as if attempting to bring about a one-woman disco revival. She looked up, her eyes closing in embarrassment.

"M-M-My zip," she said, in a small voice, yanking ineffectually at something behind her. "I can't - it won't - I... " Even in the darkness, he could see how crimson her face was. "This really is terribly embarrassing, but would y-you mind, er, doing me up at the back. It s-seems to be stuck."

Hurriedly, he moved to comply, wishing it had been Gwen (or, for that matter, Katniss, Natalya or Ai Lin) that had needed his ministrations. There was something about a girl, helplessly begging for assistance of this type that never failed to stir his loins. Sympathetically, he began a conversation about the fight with the spider, taking her attention from yet another mortifying situation. They rejoined the party just as it was moving off, and Sy noticed with relief that even Katniss' jealousy wasn't roused by his present company!

* * * * * *

There was only one entrance to the cavern, so no decision as regards the route was necessary. Picking their way through spider-debris and spent ammunition, Max and Teekay led the team towards it. Carefully avoiding Elizabeth, and having, to his disappointment, no need to avoid Gwen, Sy fell in beside Dan and began a discussion about where the quest might lead them next. The term "Literal wood" sounded far from ominous, but he wasn't the slightest bit fooled.

Finding their way to the surface, however, presented no problem. All that was required was to always choose the path that led upwards. Half an hour later, word filtered back that the advance guard of the party had broken surface, and reached the outskirts of a thick mass of trees.

05-30-2012, 04:48 PM
Ai Lin who had always kept a little more cautious view of Elizabeth, mostly as she thought this woman would more than likely end up killing a member of the group with accidental weapon discharge before ever killing anything that they might encounter. She grins as she watches Elizabeth parades around Sy as though he were her escort to some fancy to do. As Dan was engaged with Siks discussing tactical operations, she couldn’t help but to move toward Elizabeth. Her tone sultry and her jesters suggestive

“Excuse me Miss Bennett, but I couldn’t help to notice you are without a … companion.” Ai Lin offers her arm “I would be happy to be your companion,a woman of your up bringing I trust would be discrete when we venture into dark passages and take womanly liberties…” offering a wink before laughing and heading back toward where Siks and Dan are finishing their conversation offering a nod toward Elizabeth, her tone a playful giggle “Do you guys think we would make a cute couple? I think she is just so fine…” tapping her shoulder holster “…as a range target. My, did I say that out loud?”

Dan just grins “You know, you just might be taken off her guest list, and to think, you will miss sipping tea in fine porcelain cups raising your pinky while snubbing the little people below you.” Dan turns his attention back to Siks as Sy approaches discussing the Quest further.

As Max begins tasking people to their formation locations, Ai Lin’s nose cringes as he announces her, under her breath “It’s Ai Lin …. RoboJerk”. Dan couldn’t help but to chuckle a bit
“Well, at least he didn’t address you as Ms Bennett’s thang.”
Which gets a reply of “She only could wish for so much.”

Before parting taking up her position, she offers with a smile “Say guys, I have a simply wonderful tactical plan. Why not just send Miss Bennett up ahead, that way if we encounter anything, she could educate them on proper etiquette to the point the resistance simply kill their selves.” before moving into position loading a clip of armor piercing rounds.

Dan inquires briefly to Max, more wishful thinking “Suppose you don’t have any additional might vision goggles, would you?”

As the group moved upwards through the caverns, Dan remained focused for any threat that might spring out, Glock at the ready, thumb on the safety ready to release it and open fire at a moments notice. As they reach the surface, he quickly scans the tree mass offering “Wonder what crappy dappy stuff awaits us hidden in those trees?”

05-30-2012, 06:17 PM
P.K. was glad her plan was taken the way it was and with max's improvement she was sure that it would do the group some good. she would quietly take her place with the others but she felt a bit indignant that she was placed as a basically no help but she knew what they had been up against so far was far beyond her.

Cass however seemed more content with her position. upon being told she could just kill anything that happened to brake passed the two in front of her she nodded crossing her arms scratching off small bits of dry blood from her cloths and skin other then that all her small cuts had stopped bleeding she just looked like she had rolled around in a thorn bush.

both girls taking their position. that half and hour seemed to go by rather quietly other then those in the middle talking to themselves and other but as for Cass she remained quite till they broke the surface. she heard some comments but didn't make out all of them as she gazed around the forest wondering what random encounter awaited them here. Max and the large white thing where just in front of her with her was Ai Lin who looked much older then herself but Cass was not sure in which race age she would want to compare. Dark blue eyes roving around slowly searching every shadow and place that might hide some sort of danger Cass could not help but comment "at least we are out side now I think I'll fair much better in the trees then in an underground rock..."

P.K. was in the middle of every one else and with a sigh she gave up trying to look around since she was shorter then a lot of people there she couldn't see much and pushing her way to the outer part may be a very bad idea. She with she could push her way back to be with siks or close enough to talk to him.

06-03-2012, 08:45 PM
They followed the formation, close together, side by side and yet Gwen still couldn't shake off the feeling that something terribly wrong was going to happen one way or another.

Natalya looked rather bored, walking and sharping her claws at the same time, just waiting for the right opponent to stab.

Gwen wished she was more confident like the rest of the guys and girls around, but it felt like that no matter how much she tried to calm herself down, things have just taken a turn for the worst.

At the end they reached something that might have been the place they should have headed to...


"The Literal wood", Gwen took a deep breath and inhaled, feeling her skin growing goosebumps all over it.

Natalya stopped tending to her weapons all at once, looking alerted and nervous. It was hard not to notice she saw something most of them couldn't see, "Magic at work here!", announced the assassin, clapping her hands together, equipping claws on both of her hands.

"Well... that's some shocking news!", Gwen said with bitter irony, stating what was obvious to her without Natalya's remark, however, the moment the words left her lips the ground started to move under their feet.

"How about that!", Natalya's eyes widen, "I never saw this coming!".

A huge beast just formed out of nowhere, blowing fire at them and burning down the ground. Gwen's location was missed by inches, "I can't believe we lose ground like that...".

The ground opened wide and Gwen nearly fell, gripping Sy and by mistake almost tearing off his shirt as she tried not to fall before the Assassin saved her, just as the ground closed itself again.

"Sorry! sorry! sorry! sorry!", Gwen kept apologizing to Sy, blushing terribly as she did so, while Natalya's lips curved into a smile.

"This is heaven!", The assassin said.

Everyone watches as the forest switched into a mirage of a paradise, beautiful clouds and never-ending sky before the forest returned to its original form.

"Amazing!", Gwen's mouth dropped down, "How is it possible?"

"Simple", stated the assassin, "Literal wood... I think... it just shape our words into reality... but... very literally... ", Natalya looked around, "So you better be careful, and watch what leaves your mouth-!".

A gold coin fell out of the assassin lips as she talked.

Gwen giggled softly.

06-04-2012, 11:56 AM
Elizabeth had been blushing solidly for the last ten minutes, her face a beacon of light in the darkness. Ever since that cheeky Ai Lin had approached her with her - her most obscene proposition. "Womanly liberties" indeed. How dare she?

Effete and over-civilized Elizabeth may have been, but socially naive she was not. She was aware of certain revolting and unnatural activities performed among the Greeks and Romans of classical antiquity, and even had a sketchy idea of what such actions might comprise. Sketchy she may have been concerning actual detail, but the general idea... well, she'd read Sophocles and Juvenal, not to mention Sappho of Lesbos. Why, the last name had even given her name to such... such goings on!

The irony was (unfortunately for Elizabeth), that Ai Lin had actually failed in her main strategic aim. The Asian girl's plan, Elizabeth well knew, was to insult, disconcert and thoroughly shock her. Trading on Elizabeth's (assumed) revulsion concerning girl-on-girl activities, the aim had been to fluster and discommode her. Well, she'd succeeded there, all right - but for thoroughly the wrong reason.

The problem was, Elizabeth was forced to admit to herself, that she hadn't altogether found the suggestion as altogether repulsive as a refined lady should have. Not to put to find a point upon it, the idea of Ai Lin and herself exploring dark passages together, and taking the womanly liberties mentioned (and how Elizabeth's well-corseted nipples hardened at the implications of that phrase) were not - not altogether - entirely unwelcome. The very thought of Ai Lin's well-shaped lips around her nipples, of caressing the Asian girl's vagina, of the two of them locked, naked, in a passionate embrace, of sharing honey-tasting kisses, of...

A small moan escaped Elizabeth's well-bred lips, and she realized, with a start, that many members of the team were staring at her, open-mouthed. With a sharp intake of breath, she followed their gaze, to discover that she had, unconsciously, been fondling her own breast. Her face burned with mortification as she hastily dropped her hand, bit her lip in confusion and then, recovering, continued to stride forward with a what-are-you-looking-at expression on her face. It was extremely uncomfortable, for the crotch of her cambric pantaloons was slightly moist, but with true British grit and determination she ignored this minor distraction, and desperately tore her gaze from the tightly-clad buttocks of the Oriental Warrior.

* * * * * * *

Suppose you don’t have any additional might vision goggles, would you?

When Dan's remark floated back towards her, Katniss scurried forward from the rearguard. "As a matter of fact, I have," she said, slipping off her pack and rummaging in it. The item in question had caused her extreme confusion during the 74th Games - she'd snared a pair at the Cornucopia in the initial (and bloodthirsty) frantic dash for equipment, thought they had been sunglasses, and spent a painful half hour bumping into trees before abandoning them as useless, until poor little Rue had explained their correct purpose. She tossed them towards Dan, glad to be rid of them. As she returned to her position, she drew alongside Sy.

"Any idea what this 'Literal Wood' might consist of, Mentor?" she asked. "District 7 back home produces lumbar of all types, but I've never heard of- " she broke off, as a large dragon-like beast materialized from nowhere, shooting a jet of flame that caused Gwen to jump back, her face stark white. Quicker than the eye could follow, Katniss' bow was unleashed and an explosive arrow nicked, but before she could let fly the beast had vanished. Katniss giggled, despite herself, pleased to see the soppy, man-eating creature made a fool of. But before she could remark upon the turn of events, a huge fissure appeared in the ground. Gwen dived again, this time towards Sy, grabbing a large handful of his shirt.

Instinctively, Katniss' hand was raised to slap the stupid girl in the face. How dare she fling herself at my.. my mentor? went through her head. It was only Gwen's cringing, red-faced apology and Sy's stern look that strayed the District 12 girl's hand! And then, before anyone could say anything more, the scene turned, just for a few seconds into a scene from a medieval painter's idea of paradise = complete with harp-wielding angels, fluffy white clouds and a background of a celestial choir.

"Fuck a duck!" hissed Sy. "What's - ?"

The scene resolved itself back into a forest - but with the addition of a single factor. A large, human-sized duck stood, shaking it's rear tail-feathers enticingly, winking back at Sy and making inviting clucking noises, before vanishing as suddenly as ity had appeared.

So you better be careful, and watch what leaves your mouth said Natalya - and, as she did so, out popped a gold coin.

"Ah, I think I get it," nodded Sy. "There's your answer Mock - er, Miss Everdeen." He was careful not to call her either "Mockingjay", which would have turned her into the Panemian bird, or "Katniss", which might have caused her to metamorphose into the plant of the same name. "This is the 'Literal wood' - it's magic, all right. It grants your spoken wishes instantly - but it has no idea of metaphor or simile. It takes everything literally."

"So -therefore-we-must-all-be-very-careful-to-watch-what-we-say," enunciated Katniss, very carefully, picking up the implications immediately.

"Shit, yeah!" added Scarlet, coming up behind them. "If we - ooof!" She was spent sprawling, as Sy's flying dropkick hit her - and where she had been standing a split second before, a huge pile of dung splattered, dropping from out of the sky. "Thanks Sy - for dropping me on my ass in a good cause!"

And Scarlet felt herself rising upwards - looking down, she saw herself seated on a mangy, placid-looking donkey!

06-04-2012, 09:27 PM
Drakkon slapped his forehead, putting his hand over Akshara's mouth quickly. "Akshara, keep that duck tape on your mouth." He stated as he removed his hand. Akshara's mouth was banded together with duck tape. Not exactly subtle but worth it. He thought as he pictured what would happen if Akshara started talking in here. Granted the twenty hundred people from his stories would probably help... maybe. Or kill them all and leave, that was always a possibility. Getting off-topic.. you have shit popping in randomly now are you a hopeful author or an ADHD applicant?...... Both. Choosing his words carefully he ran them by in his head several times. "Everyone but me, act like your mute for the next two minutes so we don't get any more of these weird happenings." He spoke loud and clear so that the literal woods magic would take hold. "NONE of you are to speak here, the smallest mistake could cost us. Unless you absolutely have too, and thought a good long time.. about it." He spoke slowly this time, making sure meanings as well as intentions are clear as crystal. "Elizabeth, keep that muzzle on and not speak at all in here. That would be wonderful." He added as an after thought. "We don't need you ranting over how your ego is hurt or you don't like someone else's lifestyle. Some of them couldn't help it, and I swear to these tree's I will tie you up and leave you behind if you don't start helping instead of deluding yourself thinking your the most important." He didn't know how long the muzzle would stay on.. but hopefully, as long as he added details to his sentences the literal woods wouldn't have as many unintended consequences for him talking.

06-11-2012, 05:26 PM
Elkay gazed in awe at the huge trees that stretched into the distance. Shr had seen forests but nothing like what was laid out in front of her. Trees, trees and more trees. Only problem was that they were magical.

“So if I say I want a packet of smarties, will I get them? Or does this just apply to figures of speech or something? Because I really want more chocolate right now...“

As Elkay spoke, a bar of chocolate failed to appear in her hands. This didn‘t amuse her. Teekay didn‘t seem impress either. He didn‘t like being the heavy hitter. Compared to other Vahrga, he was a light~weight. Really light weight. 2.5 or even 3 metres was tiny for a Vahrga.

“Meh, I have seen better...“ Teekay finally grunted, choosing his words carefully in case these trees reacted to his telepathic messages. “I once visited a temple which would create whatever you thought of.“ Teekay decided not to mention the part where the temple‘s creations would try to kill you.

“Maybe we should get moving?“ Elkay asked, wanting smarties.

06-13-2012, 02:35 PM
"Indeed we should", stated Natalya and urged the others to move onward.

They walked for a long distance, trying their best to keep the silence, but it was hard to do so. Occasional scene of falling stars, explosions, shrinking and food appearing out of the blue occurred once in a while, including some members of the group changing to something else whenever someone opened his/her mouth to say something.

They started to hush each other and loud "shuss" along with fingers placed upon the lips to indicate of welcoming golden silence was heard between themselves as they tried their best not to say something that will make them temporary change into something else, or having un-wanted events to happen.

"You suppose something is causing it?", asked Gwen walking side by side next to her summoned assassin.

"I suppose... If it's magic at hands... there gotta be a mage to make it... I hope it's not a Vizjerei... Those are vicious bunch....".

They walked some further distance before they heard a singing voice, female one, sweet as honey.

Few giggling woman appeared around them, dancing and sending flowers at their direction. They started to move around the males of the group, tossing flowers and kissing them on both cheeks. (For some reason they did the same to Natalya and Elizabeth.)

After dancing freely like they did, they stopped to sing a song:

"Our next riddle is one yet to miss...
For to pass onward, there is someone you need to kiss.
Choose a champion or two, to fulfill the task
But the face you won't see until she remove the mask..."

The women then pointed at a girl who seemed to be sobbing in the corner.

Gwen couldn't help but wonder why is the small child crying.

Anyway, they said to choose someone to move forward and kiss the girl who seemed rather cute-...

The girl stopped crying all at once and removed her mask just to show a deformed ugly face.

"Cludia is the youngest", said one of the beautiful dancing girls, "She tried to make up new words and annoyed the spelling bees... they ended up stinging her all over...", another woman cried, "Cludia is powerful... she is the one creating this forest... if someone could ease her heart with a kiss to let her know that she is still loved, I'm sure the forest will disappear along with her sadness".

06-13-2012, 09:28 PM
Dan and Ai Lin continue moving along with the group taking in with amusement the various apparitions and transformations along the way all the while being very careful not to say a word.

As they hear giggling, they move at a slightly slower pace unsnapping their holsters. As the giggling women approach dispensing flowers toward the group, Dan slips a dagger in the palm of his hand should one of these women morph into something different. As one of the women moves close to kiss him on the cheek, Dan simply leans his head back stepping back not allowing the kiss. With the other magical acts seen and observing how fast things could turn from harmlessly innocent to deadly in a hear beat, he was not going to be the one consumed if these cute women turned out to be some form of beast. He glanced toward Ai Lin who already had her Glock out of the holster and holding to down to her side keeping it as concealed as possible.

As the women eventually stopped and went into song
"Our next riddle is one yet to miss...
For to pass onward, there is someone you need to kiss.
Choose a champion or two, to fulfill the task
But the face you won't see until she remove the mask..."

Dan simply grinned already with an idea in mind as the women continued as the deformed girl removes her mask

"Cludia is the youngest. She tried to make up new words and annoyed the spelling bees... they ended up stinging her all over...
Cludia is powerful... she is the one creating this forest... if someone could ease her heart with a kiss to let her know that she is still loved, I'm sure the forest will disappear along with her sadness".

Ai Lin seemed to know what Dan had in mind as she offers him “Be very careful how you phrase this!”

As Dan steps forward offering “I know that there shall be a dashing young Prince on a gallant steed who shall ride in, kiss yon fair maiden and warm the lasses heart.”

About that time, the sound of horse hoofs are heard through the woods as a majestic bleach white steed appears riding up toward the group. Mounted is a handsome Prince looking man wearing Royal Finery. As the Prince rides up, he gracefully dismounts and draws his sword ordering in a manly tone “Back away for I have come to rescue the dear damsel in need” making his way directly toward Cludia.

Dan smiles offering Ai Lin “See, that one certainly was easy.”

The dashing Prince approaches Cludia extending his sword toward the girl ordering in a threatening tone “Tell me withered and foul hag, where do you keep my fair maiden! Be careful of your vile words which you next speak for they may be your last. Now beast, tell me what you have done with the sweet damsel I shall rescue!”

Cludia started to cry as the image of the handsome man faded away alone with this horse.

"That sure didn't went well", hinted Gwen with a soft cough.

Ai Lin pulls the hammer back on her Glock rolling her eyes “What were you saying about being easy?”

"Not easy at all", stated Natalya, petting the cheeks of the woman that kissed her and winking lustfully, "I still think we need a chosen someone to kiss the girl... or it won't work".

06-14-2012, 11:27 PM
((P.K. and Alika co-post))

Cassandra was not to happy about being silenced with simply words but she listened and took in what was going in eyes and ears taking in what information she could. Even as the spell or what ever was holding her mouth faded she decided it be best to remain quite. the group moved again but not for long soon dancing women presented themselves kissing the men and even... shaking her head she turned her attention to the women once more as they gave their riddle. as one of of the men stepped foreword and presented his words to bring about a scene of a knight on a horse and then came the words of insult. Still she remained silent as words could be very fetal here for a split second.

P.K. felt so bad for the girl and even more so after storms little ... she was not sure what to call it. Anyhow She could not help but feel a bit repealed by the girls appearance but she felt horrible for even thinking things of the like. She was not at all sure what to do... if she went up she was supposed to kiss her and that would just be awkward so she hesitated more then she intended to.

Alika shook her head in disappointment as the prince charming gag failed. In truth she almost expected such a thing. “Anything that is from the forest will not work…” She said with a sigh. ‘Wasn’t that much obvious to the group?’ She though looking over at bubbles who tilted her head a bit almost examining the girl. Alika was not exactly sure what was going through the young girls mind but just as she was about to ask her little companion made her voice known once more.

“This place is as magic as a flowery meadow!” The little girl said as the surrounding changed. The previous scene before them morphed into something of a hilly plane; the sun over head and just a bit of fluffy pillowy clouds moving across the sky. Everywhere you looked you saw a rainbow of colors and flowers of all kinds, from daisies to the most vibrant of wild flowers. Not even a spot of the hills was barren. Bubbles being the cherry little girl she was simply giggle before hovering over the flowers picking some and leaving other.

“Why is she picking flowers at a time like this?” Alika said with an eyebrow raised, being careful of the words she chose so she would not harm her little achiever. The blonde continued to frolic as if no one else was around. Meanwhile Alika turned towards P.K. and tried to spark up some sort of plan about the matter. “So what do you suppose we do? I just want to help her but....well ya know..” She whispered keeping an eye on the crying women.

P.K. turned to Alika as she spoke "well I guess so" she responded slowly She watched the others Achiever slightly confused as to what the small girl was doing. "I wounder if..." she started then stopped wondering if what she might start to say might do something. "if she's got a plan of her own?" Cass finished looking back her dark blue eyes narrowing as she studied the bubbles. P.K. nodded in agreement "She may have but until proven other wise mayhaps we come up with a... another one in case?" P.K. nodded again "any ideas?" she looked to Alika again "or should we just randomly push one of the guy's foreword?"

Bubbles continued to pick flowers and soon her hands were starting to fill with a colorful arrangement. It almost looked like if she picked a few more the small girl would topple over due to lack of vision. As Bubbles floated back down to the earth she sat in the flowers lacing some together into a string. The only visible sign of the small girl was her blond hair popping up just past the flowers length. If Alika has not been watching the girl it would have caused a small panic attack as to where she went.

“Maybe she does have a plan….” Alika said in agreement as she watched the small girl. Her gaze once more returning to the disfigured women who seemed to be one of the more hideous beings she has seen thus far. When Pk asked about Alika having any ideas she merely shrugged. “I honestly don’t know, but having one of the guys do it by force may not be the best plan. It could end about as well as the other one.” She said referring to the price charming ordeal. While it was simply bee stings and they would fade with time she was almost certain the girl would not accept that for an answer. “Maybe we could comfort her?” Alika suggested merely throwing ideas out there.

P.K. didn't even hesitate to agree "but how is the question" she said quietly "it supposed to be a kiss right? or did they say it HAD to be a kiss?" "if someone could ease her heart with a kiss to let her know that she is still loved" Cassandra said quietly quoting what the women had said. "I would guess so" P.K. frowned "thats awkward...""we don't know what will work" cass pointed out "it may be worth a try..." Cass glanced over at Bubbles once more to see her braiding the flowers and again her eyes narrowed thoughtfully "in fact... I don't think I've seen many girls make a flower crown for themselves your little achiever may be a few steps ahead of us"

Bubbles was in fact making a crown of flowers, she even made a small bracelet that despite probably not being able to fit the women was cute. The extra flowers that were picked were simply put into a small bouquet as bubbles hummed to herself being happy and cheerful as she always was when she was able to play with cute things.

Alika in truth was so busy with the conversation she barely noticed what bubbles was doing. However once Cass pointed her achiever out, explaining what on earth she was doing. It all seemed to make sense. It all seemed to click, Bubbles was not scared because this girl in a way was like her sister, Bunny. “I guess she is….I should have known” Alika said as she watched her achiever finish up.

Bubbles then began to hover in the air once more, making her way over towards the crying women. The women looked up and Bubbles with an angelic childish smile placed the crown on her head and handed the women the bouquet. Bubbles herself was wearing the unfitting bracelet “You don’t need to cry, people are just mean and judgy” She said kissing the lady on her forehead like she would if she was playing mommy.

“If your worried about the stings they will go away in a day or two. But being pretty is only skin deep, what matters is how you really are on the inside. The professor he isn’t that handsome, but he is a really good dad so I don’t care. All that matters is how you act, because I am not scared from some silly bee stings. I’m sure that your fun and nice, you are just going through a bad day” Bubbles finally gasped for air, in truth she spoke a bit quickly it was like she wanted to fit everything into one so the women couldn’t get mad at her. As Bubble breathed she smiled at the women before floating down to the ground and hugging her.

Alika was amazed at her five year old achiever’s little speech. It was true that she didn’t have that large a vocabulary, unlike her sibling Blossom. However it was still a wonderful speech with a true meaning behind it. “I suppose she really did have a plan…I suppose we should never misjudge a kid” Alika said awkwardly as she awaited to see what on earth would be the women’s response.

P.K. nodded in agreement to what Alika said but in other words remained silent as she watched smiling at the little girl. gosh she wished some times she could be like that. Cass simply gave a little smile slightly out of her character but it was there "being a child is a wonderful thing when you have the option to have one" Cass said quietly "it does some good to know how to sympathize with others I'm glad some one could" Again P.K. nodded in agreement.

06-16-2012, 09:06 AM
Teekay prodded Elkay, unsure what was going on. "Why is everyone calling the little girl ugly? I think she looks adorable..."

Elkay blinked. She wasn't sure how to answer Teekay's question. Then it occurred to her. Most humans Teekay had met before being dragged here were either a. male or b. trying to torture and kill him in the most vile ways possible. It was increasingly likely that Teekay had never seen a young girl before coming here. Wanting to test this idea, Elkay pointed at the dancing women who were swarming around the men.

"Erm, Teekay, what do you think of the dancing women?"

Teekay put one of his long, silver claws on his chin, then put his arm back down and released the larger, silver spikes that came out of his wrists. "I think they're ugly. Especially on the inside. How dare they call the little girl ugly!"

Elkay smiled. "Well, I'm glad that the non-human monster here has a heart..."

"We all ought to have hearts..." Teekay interrupted. "You humans always go on and say 'Beauty is only on the inside' but when it comes to reality, you all deny it. When you come from a species where beauty doesn't really exist, you... I really appreciate it... And there is nothing more beautiful than a little girl's heart..."

"Will you kiss her?" Elkay asked.

"Of course!" Teekay replied. "As long as we stick to human kisses. Kisses have an entirely different meaning to Bohrok... Not that it matters though..." Teekay sighed. "Bubbles has already beaten me to it. I guess I'll just stand here looking ugly..."

06-19-2012, 05:21 PM
With her heart warmed up by the kind attitude and the nice words of bubbles and Teekay, Cludia stopped crying and with a soft sound of blowing wind the forest ceases to exists, disappearing with all the girls, not before they thanked the group for making Cludia smile again.

Natalya still winked at one of them and Gwen couldn't stop thinking of Elizabeth former behavior. She smiled as she realized she could help Elizabeth to actually go with her feelings for women and slowly approached her, "You know", Gwen walked beside Elizabeth, careful to not being too close to Katniss for she suspected the woman may not like her much. She whispered to Elizabeth, "I think Natalya is into women too... Maybe you two can try... you know...", Gwen blushed, "Forgive me if I am too forward".

It kinda felt like a bad idea all of a sudden and Gwen rushed to the back of the group, blushing for interfering with another people matters.

They walked some more distance drawing closer to another closed gate. A sickly and frail looking woman set beside a wooden table not far from it, playing some sort of card game with herself while smoking.

"Yeah? What'cha ya want?", she asked, her mouth somewhat closed to keep the cigar between her lips.

"We wish to pass", Natalya declared.

The woman slowly got up, only to show that not only hear health seemed in bad shape but her cloths as well, as she appeared to be wearing poor rags. As she approached them she seemed to be having trouble holding herself or even walking.

She scanned them before she set down beside the table again, pointing at the chair before her table and cleaning some ashes from the cigar.

"Fine!", the woman spitted, "Beat me up in arms-wrestling and I'll let you pass". She waited for one of them to sit at the chair before her.

"Easy enough!", proclaimed Sy as he quickly set near the table. It appeared that the thought of touching this ill woman's hand didn't seem like the best of ideas, but the job had to be done.

As she draw her hand closer to his and fold it over his he could feel her bones, that much she was skinny.

"Master, you sure you can do it?", Katniss asked looking unsure as Natalya grinned softly.

"Piece a cake!", Sy laughed.

That laughter however turned quickly into moans of pain as the woman slammed his hand down with almost no problem what so ever.

"WELL FUCK A DUCK!", Sy said, the pain in his hand terrible.

"Okay, next!", the ill woman said aloud, clearly not amused and rather annoyed.

"Looks like we gonna be needing more force against that one", Natalya smirked, "I had the feelings things were not going to be that easy around here".

"Then why didn't you say something?", Sy asked, somewhat with anger.

"Oh I wanted to see you blush a bit, sugar", she winked, "I can't let sweet little Gwen be the only one to blush around you..", she smiled.

Katniss throw a killing gaze at Gwen.

"So... We may need more power against her...", Gwen tried to avoid eye-contact with Katniss, "Who wants to try next?", she asked.

06-19-2012, 07:14 PM
Drakkon shook his head as Sy had tried to arm wrestle the woman. Akshara giggled, shaking her head. "She reminds me of Fidda." Raising an eyebrow Drakkon looked over at her. "Fidda uses mind powers to make it seem like she's stronger Ak.." Akshara grinned looking up at him. "And? Isn't that what the woman is using?" Drakkon shrugged, looking back at the woman then at the group. "Whoever wants to say their the strongest of the group go right on up.." He started shaking his head. "... unless anyone else thinks there's a catch here." He added after a pause. Akshara began whistling and started playing with grass. "Why are there sooo many problems? We can't walk an hour without one." She complained, playing with a couple bugs that were following her for ten minutes. "Does the universe hate us?"

06-21-2012, 03:59 AM
Sy massaged his arm. When Max strode forward to take up her challenge, Sy waved him back. "I don't think it'll be that easy, mate. Just an idea I have."

Max glared at him. "You just don't want me t beat her when you can't - "

"On the contrary," spat out Sy. "I'm a million percent happy for you to beat her - and keep us all alive. But - " he looked around. "I can't say anything concrete, being where we are, but... " he mouthed the word "disguise"...

"Disguise?" Said Elizabeth, finally breaking her silence. Then suddenly clapping he rmanicured hand to her mouth.

"Can I shoot her, mentor?" asked Katniss, whose solution towards obstacles tended to be somewhat inevitable.

"No, Mockingjay. Yes, Elizabeth." Sy turned to Scarlet. "Have you picked up what I'm thinking?"

Scarlet looked blank. No help there. Sy cursed inwardly. Normally, he wuold simply have voiced his suspicions out loud - but here, in the Literal Wood... no way!

Hopefully, everyone else would work it out - eventually...

06-22-2012, 09:40 AM
The arm-wrestling woman appeared to be incredibly strong. She's nearly tore Sy's arm out of its socket in his attempt to beat her. And seeing Sy in pain had put everyone off challenging her.

"Hey, Teekay?" Elkay prodded her Achiever, who was starting to regret his very existence.

Teekay grunted, not really listening. "You'd think that a short walk to a city wouldn't be this fucking complicated... Even being trapped in a lab and being experimented on isn't as tedious as this..."

"Teekay?" Elkay asked again. "You there? You're talking to yourself again..."

"What? Oh, er..." Teekay blinked. "Oh yeah, what were you saying?"

Elkay tutted. "I haven't said anything yet. I was going to suggest that you arm-wrestle that woman at the gate..."

Teekay blinked again. "We have to arm-wrestle her to pass that big gate? Bloody Bahrag, I thought Bohrok were weird. You humans are fucking crazy."

"Will you do it?" Elkay ignored Teekay's moans.

"Fine, as long as I get to use my telepathy too. That's clearly what she's doing. Making herself look weak and pathetic and an easy target..." Teekay grunted then trotted over to the woman and her table. After trying to work out how to sit down on the rather small chair without breaking it or getting his tail caught, he rested his left arm on the table.

The woman stared at Teekay, then placed her left arm on the table too. Teekay wasn't sure how wrap his two clawed fingers around her five, but they finally managed to sort it out.

"Ready?" Teekay asked politely. The woman just grunted.

No one was sure what to expect. But they certainly didn't expect to see no movement what so ever. Both hands just rested there, completely upright, not even twitching or shaking. Neither Teekay nor the woman seemed to be giving either way. But the expressions on the woman's face were not good.

Teekay used his right arm to scratch his head. "Huh, interesting. You're really concentrating quite hard, aren't you, woman?"

The woman didn't reply.

"It's quite easy when your opponent hasn't got telepathy..." Teekay actually smiled. That was probably the first smile he'd done since he arrived here. "But when you're faced with someone who has a well-defended mind, it's a lot harder, isn't it?" The smile on Teekay's face grew larger.

Suddenly, the woman's hand hit the table. She scowled menacingly.

"Tell you what..." Teekay leaned back on his actually-very-small chair. "You want to try out of three? Or do you want to keep your embarrassment at a minimum?"

06-28-2012, 03:32 PM
Siks and Max let Bubbles kiss the girl and allow them to pass on through this fucked up land where Murphy's Law was the Law of the land anything that could possibly go wrong did and the little group continued dropping like flies. They were wondering how many of them would still be here at the end of this screwy little quest they were on everyone they lost was a loss of an asset and a friend. They needed all the help they could get the bullets won't last forever and most of them were just humans with human bones and human skin.

Max had been focusing on his plans as the De Facto leader of the band making plans for camping for the night, finding food and good normal water that doesn't hide some sea monster. Siks was thinking along the same lines but he wasn't as capable a leader as Max so he was fine with being Advisor for now. Continuing along on their merry little way they came to the next gate and the raggedy arm wrestling woman. Siks had to suppress his laughter at Sy being so handily beaten but Max's jump to upstage Sy made him sigh.

Max was already to try his hand at beating this woman that seems to have taken too much Jet and not enough Fixer. But he stopped knowing how deceiving looks can be and taking the warning of the others to heart he stepped back and crossed his arms.
"I smell a Nightkin here." He didn't actually smell a Nightkin but it was a phrase he picked up in Jacobstown, meaning there's more here then what can be seen. And he was right becasue as soon as the group's telepath and rsident giant lizard thing sat down and beat the woman with ease. Max laughed clapping his hands.
"Damn good job Teekay."

06-28-2012, 06:26 PM
The elder woman gave bitter smile as she looked at Elkay, "This can't be! Let's try again!".

Gwen smiled as she looked at Teekay. He seemed so sure that it was amazing that a challenge was fitting right into his hands.

She couldn't help but join with Max's clapping.

"Tell me, Elkay", Gwen asked his summoner, "How does 'telepathy' fit into this? How does this woman uses this 'telepathy' into her favor?"

She continued watching as she asked that, hoping to see how Teekay was further going to handle this.

06-29-2012, 11:18 AM
Teekay was grinning rather menacingly. He wasn't doing it intentionally though. "Again, madam?" He smiled.

The woman grunted, placing her arm on the table. Teekay's arm joined hers, and once again, their arms didn't move an inch.

"You're trying harder this time..." Teekay's smile had faded slightly, but as the woman's arm started to wobble, it reappeared.

"How does this telepathy work?" Gwen asked Elkay. Elkay wasn't very sure, but explained the best she could. "It's something to do with extra-sensory perception. From what Teekay told me once, anyone who has telepathy can basically trick other senses into, er, sensing or, er, not sensing something else..."

Elkay gulped slightly, unsure of her answer, when suddenly the woman's arm hit the table again. Teekay's grin leaped off his face. "There we go, 2-0. I'd suggest maybe you wanting to try again, but out of three, well, maths is against you..."

Teekay shook his arm and wandered over to Elkay, who he put on his shoulders. "Nice explanation by the way! All it is is basically tricking the senses. A bit like magic..."

"Can we pass now please?" Elkay asked the woman.

07-01-2012, 02:32 PM
Akshara blinked, her ear twitching as she heard Teekay say something about magic. One of her beetle friends was crawling on her cheek as she tilted her head. A seemingly soundless whisper escaped her lips, as the tiny swarm of beetles disappeared in the folds of her cloths. Drakkon, raised an eyebrow as he glanced over at her. The iris of her eyes darkened and expanded, while her pupils, if none knew better, blended in with the rest of her eyes. "Akshara, are you okay?" Drakkon asked, at once snapping her out of the trance. "Huh? Of course, why?" Taking a deep breath Drakkon shook his head. "Nothing. Tell your new friends to go home, it looks like we're leaving soon." He responded. Rolling her eyes she whispered softly at one of the beetles that had poked its head out of her sleeve. "Time to go Tyke, tell your brother I said hi." Drakkon blinked, peering down at the girl. "Ak you can't speak to insects.. you only know English." Akshara stuck her tongue out at him. "Can too." Chuckling Drakkon raised his hands in a surrender type motion. "Alright, alright you win Ak."

07-01-2012, 03:04 PM
P.K. and Cass watched from the side lines as Teekay bet the women twice. P.K. smiled "good job" she said not knowing if she would be heard though. Cass happened to be looking around at the rest of the grope when she spotted Akshara and blinked at the small dots that darted off under her coat. Curiously she perked up to hear what was said by her summoner and chuckled softly to herself while she heard. she looked back around at the other group how odd and interesting many of these people were to her Teekay was something she would never even have thought of seeing ever and Max well he seemed normal enough but from the way he spoke and held himself his world was strange in any way. Curies she was she had to hold back the small temptation to ask more knowing only of her world and what she was seeing here.

07-07-2012, 03:45 PM
"Thanks, P.K.!" Teekay smiled, glad to have been of some use for a change. "Anyone got any ideas as to where we go after this gate? I think we're all getting sick of walking..."

07-09-2012, 10:40 AM
The old woman gave up, not before breaking the table in two with one swift movement, groaning and cursing under her breath.

she got up and a portal opened up before them, into which she stepped inside without saying another word.

"I guess we should... follow?", Gwen said and stepped inside, marking the others to continue into the portal.


They found themselves in a rather gloomy place. It was night and the bunch decided to just stay put and camp, maybe using the time to get to know each other better.

"I'm Gwen", said the girl with the black hair proudly, her eyes watching the flickering fire.

Natalya was on the watch not far from there, but the fact the assassins wasn't at ease didn't make Gwen reconsider and get up from there. She really enjoyed the fact they finally had the time to rest a bit and talk.

"So... maybe we can... get to know each other a bit... tell me your aims, goals... are you happy that you were able to meet those you have summoned?"

07-09-2012, 04:27 PM
Siks was glad to be stopping for the night or whatever time it was here his back was beginning to knot up again and he needed to sit or lay down for a bit. But he knew they had to get the camp cleared away and secure and gather firewood. Max, being the most experienced in wilderness survival took charge organizing Work details, setting up the watch and assigning people to relieve other after an hour or so. He was planning to forego sleep for now making some black coffee to keep him going throughout the night. The young Scot knew it'd take force to pull Max down to sleep and he really didn't feel like being that force right now.

Settling down across the fire from Kris he began a quick maintenance of the 10mm Max had loaned him.
"My aims an' goals are tae get out o' this place alive. An' ay Ah'm glad to have met the product of my own version of a White Knight." He completes the maintenance of the pistol laying it across his lap after making sure the safety is on.

07-09-2012, 06:05 PM
P.K. quietly followed the other after that she was starting to feel tired but she pulled herself up and despite anything else she worked on helping around camp until she was satisfied that she had done at least a part of the work then she found Siks and set down next to him. Dog tired she laid back and closed her eyes not caring that she was laying on bear ground. She just wanted to close her eyes even just for a little bit. "My goal for now is the same.. survive and get home and then back to my writing and dreaming..."

Cassandra watched P.K. lay down and she quietly set at the outscerts of the camp planning to stay awake for a while if not all night. She felt restless and unwilling to relax to long so many strange things had happened of late she probably end up going forgoing sleep like Max seemed to be aiming for. Sitting back with one leg up propping her arm on it and leaning back on her other one she gazed out.

07-09-2012, 09:57 PM
As the group entered through the portal and into the gloomy new environment, Dan and Ai Lin took a seat close to the fire once it was going well.

"I'm Gwen"

A playful smile forms across Ai Lin’s lips as she leans into Dan whispering intending for his ears “Now that is useless information”

"So... maybe we can... get to know each other a bit... tell me your aims, goals... are you happy that you were able to meet those you have summoned?"

Letting out a sigh as he takes Ai Lin’s hand, decides it is about time the whole group knew one another too. “Name’s Dan. My aim …. Hopefully it’s accurate..” offered with a light hearted smile “…my aim, suppose right now is to know more of just what the freak we are doing here. Not to big on the whole cryptic puzzle stuff, wish someone simply tells us where to go, what to do, provide us with the resources to get things done. As far as if I am happy to meet Ai Lin ….” offering her a wink “…suppose the expression duh applies here.” As he looks out into the farthest reaches his vision allows, tone grows more serious

“My main goal is to get through this crap and not be the next to vanish from sight like others have.”

07-11-2012, 10:44 AM
A huge wave of relief surged through Sy as they entered the portal. He examined his hand. A few seconds after the arm-wrestle, it had been a withered claw. Now it was back to its normal appearance. This meant his theory was correct. He cursed himself that he hadn't instantly suggested that Teekay be the one to take the old woman on at her... game.

If game it was.

"You'd have thought that... that beldame... might have given us her name, at least!" mumbled Elizabeth, heavily italicizing many of the words in her sentence, as was her wont.

"I snapped a pic with my phone cam, like you asked, Sy" put in Scarlet. "But... "

"You should have let me deal with her, mentor," added Katniss, angrily. "Just one arrow..."

"Oh yes, Mockingbird?" trilled Elizabeth. "You think you're strong enough to beat her?"

"No, she isn't." replied Sy. "Nor is Max. Or a world weightlifting champion. Nor any human... "

"But that can't be right. Teekay beat her, - " put in Elkay.

"Any human, I said." laughed Sy. "Show them that pic, Scarlet."

"I can't. It's kind of weird. It... ' she examined her phone. "See? How the fuck did she do that?"

Elizabeth, Scarlet, Sy and Elkay clustered around the phone.

"See?" continued Scarlet. "It's just a pic of my finger - same nail vanish as I'm wearing now - but see, with most of the skin gone. Bits of bone showing through... and my phone's in the pic, all old and rusted... "

"Yeah, well, it proves my theory was right," laughed Sy. "I'm just glad I didn't have to fuck her!"

"Excuse me!" snapped Elizabeth. "Such language!"

"But I don't get it," persisted Scarlet. "How can snapping her make my finger go all corrupted and zombie-like? Yuk!" She fiddled with the controls of the phone, erasing the snap.

"Yes, all she was was a woman who had got all old and wrinkly," added Katniss.

"Wrong Mockingjay." said Sy. "Not a 'woman who had got all old and wrinkly.' Not a woman at all. She was what you might call - an anthropological personification."

"A what?"

"You mean like Death being portrayed as a skeleton holding a scythe," asked Scarlet. "That sort of thing?"

"Exactly." Sy lit a cigar with trembling fingers. "I tell you, I'm pretty relieved her influence doesn't extend outside her domain."

"But what was she?" asked Katniss.

"Not a woman afflicted with old age," Sy puffed on the cigar. "After she beat me, the hand I'd wrestled with was the mitt of a guy about a hundred years old. Whereas the rest of me was my normal handsome self. Yeah, yeah, self praise... anyway, that's what gave me the clue. Now, think about this, people. We were in the Literal Wood, where strange things happen. Literal things. And think about humans - some of use anti-wrinkle cream, make up, special healthy diets, exercise regimes... all in an attempt to stave off old age. But unless you want to cash in your chips early, it never works, right? You can swill mineral water, bathe in bath oil, cover your face in anti-ageing goo... sixty years later, you're still a withered, ugly old fart or fartette. Yes?"

"Such cheerful conversation!" snapped Elizabeth, wondering exactly what a 'fartette' might be, and finally working it out by context.

"All humans wrestle with old age," concluded Sy. "And none of them ever beat it. Old age always wins in the end. We weren't being challenged by an old woman... but by old age herself." He turned to Katniss. "Got an arrow in that quiver can shoot old age, Mockingjay? In short guys and girls... " he gave a thankful wave to Teekay "Just be glad plastic is forever!"

07-12-2012, 03:34 PM
Drakkon sighed, listening to everyone talk. "I'm Drakkon.. in theory. I guess my aim is to get through this. Not much more around that, just reach the end." He told them. Looking over at Akshara he smiled. "Pretty proud to have the cutest child assassin in the world by my side." He chuckled. Akshara tilted her head, playing with the syllables in assassin. Obviously saying a word or two that shouldn't necessarily be coming out of her mouth. Rolling his eyes Drakkon looked up at the moon. "What's an ass-ass-in Granddad?" Akshara asked. Without helping himself Drakkon snickered a little before he answered her. "One of the couple things our family is really good at Ak." Akshara blinked, tilting her head she asked another question; "What else are we good at?" Drakkon sighed. Looking into the fire a little. "Spell-weaving and fighting mostly I suppose." Akshara tilted her head the other way this time. "Sounds specific.." Drakkon nodded slowly, taking a sort of breath he looked over at Akshara and smiled. "Well, it's not entirely by choice Ak. We all feel the need to protect each other, and that fuels our power where anger and rage fuels others. So we fight for each other, rather then the sport of it." Akshara furrowed her brows as she thought this over. Looking up at the moon now.

"Not like the Kraxfenix then.." Drakkon chuckled, watching the moon with her. "Not entirely, I think they hold a stronger sense of loyalty and unity then us to be honest. They're an old clan, and their people have long lives. Most of their commanders would sooner sacrifice themselves then see soldiers die.. and when that happens those soldiers in turn aid the commander's... I guess you could say family." Akshara made a soft noise as her eyes began to close. "I think it's time for you to go to bed Ak." Drakkon chuckled. Akshara shook her head. "No its not. It's still light out." Drakkon gave her a dull stare. "That's the campfire, Ak." Akshara smiled shaking her head. "No it's not silly.. the sun is up. See!" She pointed up at the moon, still smiling. "That's the moon. It gives off lunar light, rather then solar." Akshara frowned. "Does not... whats solar?"

Drakkon gave a win, as he patted Akshara's shoulder. "You'll learn later. Right now it's off to bed." Pouting Akshara grudgingly slipped a little a ways from the light of the campfire and curled up into a ball as she drifted off to sleep. Leaving Drakkon to sit by the campfire with the rest of the group.

07-15-2012, 12:31 AM
Max was seated on a stump over looking the trails that lead to and from the groups little camp. Being outside under the stars was nothing new for the Wastelander. He's slept outside more than he's slept inside and he couldn't remember the last time he had a good deep night's sleep. Out in the Mojave you couldn't afford going into a deep sleep, because the second you did your ass was Raider bait or a Feral Ghoul would find you and make you his midnight snack. You always had to be on guard even getting to a settlement like Novac or Goodsprings there was no way to be totally sure you'd wake up the next morning. It was a tough place to live it was the frontier of the NCR even after Max freed it from the greedy military power during the second battle of Hoover Dam, they were still a heavy presence in the Mojave. He even let them keep their embassy on the Strip though now they act more like reinforcements for the Securitrons and patrol the rest of New Vegas like Freeside and North Vegas.

He was sure it would bite him in the ass later on down the road but he had friends in the NCR mostly among the lower ranks and he didn't feel right just tossing them out on their ears because General Oliver and President Kimball were greedy. The soldiers on leave were still allowed on the Strip and they were even allowed to keep their bases operating. But they were bears without teeth or claws now when within New Vegas territory, no weapons not even a knife. It took some getting used to but the Mojave was resilient as were her children they'd adapt and survive.

Time passed as Max reminisced about getting home and back to Red, the Thorn would be getting into it's busiest season and she'd be even more stressed than usual, and a hot stressed red headed woman during the day means a very happy red headed man at night. As he let his mind wonder he began maintenance on all the weapons he got back from those he loaned them out to every item but the 10mm were present Siks still had that one but he had the Plasma Defender, the Silenced 22, Lil Devil, his Carbine, Chance's Knife, his spiked knuckles Love & Hate and the grenades. Luckily aside from being really low on ammo they all seemed in good enough working order he really hoped they'd find some kind of store or ammo cache soon. He was down to 10 .22LR rounds, 50 .44 Magnum rounds, 30 12.7mm rounds, 25 Energy Cells, 6 Frags, 6 Plasma, and 10 Pulse Grenades. All and all it was a pathetic situation by his standards, he wouldn't last a day in the wasteland with this amount of ammo and he had a feeling the same would go for this place. With everything in working order he placed the weapons in their various holsters around his body and pockets. He looked down at the others gathered around the fire, some already looked like they were sleeping, it was understandable they all had a very long day and it was likely the next day would be the same. The big man should really try and sleep himself he wouldn't be able to lead this rabble half dead, but he really couldn't just leave them on their own and hope the guard shifts he set up would be followed properly. Most of their band hadn't even seen a gun let alone used one before today and he didn't want to wake up and find out that this place actually has Deathclaws and one was crouched over him ready to rip his body apart. No he had to stay awake as long as he could, good thing he grabbed the packs of Coyote tobacco chew from his bag to keep him awake. It was like a kick in the teeth every time the bits of dried plant moved in his mouth but it kept him awake.

Siks listened to everyone else introduce themselves and it seemed everyone wanted the same thing... get the hell out of here and back home without dying. He was leaning against Max's bag as Lark came by and laid down besides him unphased by the cold ground. But he couldn't let his little friend lay on the ground with no blanket. Reaching into Max's bag he pulled out an old clean blanket and wrapped it around his young pupil.

07-15-2012, 03:02 PM
Everyone was slowly getting to sleep or discussing their goals and stuff. Elkay felt rather lame when she realised that her goals weren‘t particularly impressive. Teekay was still wrestling with the idea of winning a game against oldness itself. Eventually, his organic plastic would melt away but the idea was still bothering him.

07-19-2012, 01:17 PM
As the group settled into their newest dark and gloomy location camp was soon made. Most sat around the fire talking and discussing; sharing small tid-bits of information that up till now was left to mystery. After all with so many trials, who had time to talk about such non-sense? Alika sat in the glow of the fire, hugging her knees as she listened to everyone. Each taking their turns, the warmth of the flame penetrating her skin as it soon came to her. Bubbles had actually been sitting next to her leaning against the older girl for comfort. The whole feel of their new environment was not one she would be able to rest well in.

As it seemed to be her turn to speak Alika wrapped one arm around bubbles giving her a comforting squeeze. “I’m Alika incase some of you missed my name and this wonderful tired ball of sunshine cuddled next to me is Bubbles.” She said with a small smile, gazing into the fire. It popped and crackled as if it would burst to life and start some sort of attack. This entire notion was brought on by Alika’s over reactive imagination but with the day their group had endured, couldn’t that too be possible? With a soft sigh she once more began to speak

“As for my goal…I figured this was my chance to actually accomplish something.” A half hearted laugh escaped her lips as more words proceeded to pour from them. “You see most of my life I have just well glided through. Sure, I have friends, a caring family, decent grades, but I haven’t even finished high school yet. I mean with these circumstances. Where you could be killed helping fight this thing or killed from simply ignoring it, why not try right? Actually accomplish something and stop ignoring the world around you for your own self centered little wonderland...” With those last words her speech went quite. Bubbles simply looked up at her with tired eyes.

In response Alika picked her up and walked a little ways from the fire. She stopped and sat down to lean against the trunk of a dead tree. The glow of the fire still touched her skin, but no longer did its intense warm penetrate her. “You can sleep with me bubbles, or maybe you can talk to the other little girl. Which would you prefer?” Alika asked the small power puff in a quite and hushed voice. The group around the fire continued to speak, there discussions audible. Bubbles seemed to mull over both ideas, after all she was used to sleeping with her sisters. She then gave a small kiss on the cheek to her summoner only to float over towards the other child.

Bubbles then looked at the other little girls sleeping form before curling up next to her. Not so close that they touched but by the same token the two would know another was there and for Bubbles that was a comforting feeling. Closing her big blue eyes she tired to sleep for now despite so many things missing to make this comfortable. Alika on the other hand got up for a second. As she walked over towards the girls, pulling her black and white stripped hoodie off as she went. It was a light jacket just enough to protect against a breeze if there was any. Once she reached them she placed it gently over the two children before walking back to her spot. Again she leaned against the dead tree, its branches outstretched towards the sky in some sort of agony. It was there that Alika let her heavy eyelids fall, of course that didn’t mean she wouldn’t be listening. At least until she truly fell asleep.

07-19-2012, 02:42 PM
"That was good," came a voice from behind Alika. "A good thing to do."

Looking up and opening her eyes, Alike saw that it was the archer-girl, Katniss, Sy23's Achiever.

"I really think the greatest thing you can do is look after a child," she continued, staring into the distance. "See, where I come from - they don't treat children very well. At least - those in control don't. There was a girl I tried to protect once, and - " she stared into the distance. "No, I won't talk of that." She suddenly smiled, her teeth white in the gloom, nudged Alika and pointed to a shadowy figure that glided past them. "Hey, look. A certain someone's about to make a fool of themselves again!"

* * * * *

"Urm, Miss Ai Lin," said Elizabeth, hesitantly. "I... I wonder if we might talk." Even in the dark her face was glowing a bright crimson. "I've - erm - I've thought about the most piquant suggestion that you made earlier and... I... look, I must stress, it isn't the sort of thing I usually do... in the Home Counties, such... such goings on are not even discussed in the politest of society... but... well, you see, we aren't at home, are we?" She tugged and fussed at her dress. "The fact is, Miss Ai Lin... I... well, we're both far from home, and lonely, and... well, I really don't see any harm in discussing the matter further... "

* * * * *

"So all in all, this whole affair's caused me nothing but humiliation," finished Scarlet_Warrior, rummaging in her pack for the last liquorice allsort. "It's OK for you. Your Achiever's a bad-ass mega-heroine, part of a multi-million dollar franchise, who's already proved her worth. Honestly, Elizabeth's such a disappointment to me." She sighed. "I wish she would do something useful, like your Katniss. Instead of just mess everything up, and insult everyone, and act like a snob."

"Hey, don't be too hard on her," said Sy, warming his hands at the fire. "After all, Katniss is an action character. Elizabeth's claim to fame is her wit and charm. It isn't your fault you got the wrong Elizabeth Bennett. I reckon given the situation, you handled it very well. And as for franchises, your girl's not entirely unknown. 'Pride and Prejudice' is still a mega best-seller after all these years, and look at the movies. Put my mockingjay in a social situation, and she'd be as lost as Elizabeth is here. Horses for courses."

"Thanks," said Scarlet, smiling gratefully. "It's just - you know, being the nerd that I am... I kind of always fantasized that if I was ever in a situation like this, it's be so fantastic, and now it's happened... it's a bit hard to be the fat, spotty girl with the weak bladder... the comic relief... "

Her lip began to quiver.

"Yeah, though I guess being so pretty offsets that a bit," replied Sy, deliberately casually. "I mean, you know, with your sexy eyes and stuff. I mean, you're not really fat, are you. Just, urm... big-boned." He hastily corrected himself "I mean, erm... like Junoesque, you know."

"Thank you," replied Scarlet, confused, not knowing whether to take offense at the phrase "big boned", and whether or not "Junoesque" was a compliment or not. "Erm, Sy... "


"You and Katniss. Are you an... an item? Or shouldn't I... ?"

Sy looked into the distance gathering his thoughts.

"She's a character from fiction. Who will go back into non-existence when this thing's over - or before, if either of us puts a foot wrong. And even if I could get into her universe, her future's none too bright. She ends up an invalid, on charge of regicide, and with a nervous breakdown to boot. Not to mention that she's destined for the local baker! So what do you think?"

"Hmm, yeah, I see..."

"I wish we were, though," Sy added, dashing Scarlet's slim hopes.

07-19-2012, 03:19 PM
Drakkon sighed, sitting down a bit a ways from Akshara, who was either now asleep, or listening to the bugs chatter away. He smiled as he noticed the hoodie laid on top of them. Looking up over the sky he leaned back a little. Thinking of some people back home, of Akshara, even of what might lay ahead. Akshara's protected against the horrors of night.. traditionally speaking, that's my gift to her isn't it? He thought as he considered the night. I don't care if you can smell like a bloodhound, or see in pitch black. My favorite little kid will always be beyond your senses at night. He assured himself as he laid down. His eyes closing, slowly as he watched the stars. Figuring if Akshara was awake she would be as well at this point.

Yawning he forces his eyes to shut as he began to drift off to sleep. No doubt at this time he may wake up in the middle of the night and not fall asleep again, but in the very least he'll get a few hours.

07-19-2012, 03:41 PM
P.K. was already drifting off when Siks laid the blankets over her. Half asleep as she was she ended up snuggling under it more. but after that she was pretty much out and normal a heavy sleeper she was not all that disturbed by the motions of others. Living next to train tracks was not the idea place but she slept through every train that came through almost every five minutes. Fast asleep now she went into a dream she would most likely forget in the morning.

Cassandra Kept her gaze around the dark now thinking about back home or at least what she considered home for now. having set there since P.K. set down over at the fire with no stir from beyond she got up restless and needing to move around least she doze. She stuff to the out skirts of the camp watching as the others talked or laid themselves on the ground to rest. She was tired and a bit bruised from the earlier 'battle', if you could call it that, with that large mettle spider. not long after her attempt at wondering and staying close to the camp she found Max sitting on a stump looking some what alert and chewing on something with a strong scent. "Well your not to hard to find" she commented shoving her hands into pockets and walking up beside him to look over the area.

07-20-2012, 12:15 AM
Siks made sure Lark was all covered before rubbing his eyes pulling the old coffee pot off the fire and poured himself a cup he hated coffee in his world and the black coffee from Zion was only a few steps above ashphalt but it would keep him awake for his watch shift that would be starting soon. He looked at the steaming black brew with dismay and slogged it down ignoring the almost overpowering urge to spit it out and swallowed. The shit burned all the way down his throat and he was sure it had melted a hole in his stomach and he'd be dead by the morning. Shaking his head he stood being careful to not wake Lark and moved to start his watch shift.
"There's black coffee in that pot for whoever wants it Max set all12 of the cups he has out after he washed them help yourselves but be wary this shite is strong and will prolly burn a hole through you. With that the young Scot took his pistol and cup of tar and began patrolling the camp.

Max heard Cass's approach his senses were all on fire and alive, it was like he was back home out hunting for Nightstalkers so he could gets some caps in his pockets. His helmet was on the ground next to him so he could spit out the juices from the chewing tobacco. He was very thankful his low light vision was damn good outside and it helped that the moon was so big and bright. He spit a glob of tobacco into the grass and spoke to Cass keeping his eyes scanning the camp.
"Haha I guess not, kinda hard to hide when you have blazing red hair and are dressed in Pre-War riot armour. So just can't sleep Cass?" He asked spitting out another gob of tobacco.

07-24-2012, 04:28 PM
As Alika looked up at the achiever she smiled, Katniss was one of the achievers both her and bubbles did not mind. Already the women had been kind to her little achiever, brushing her hair and talking to the kid when they were first awaking. “Of course, I love kids. It’s probably why my achiever is one.” Alika said with a small smile, looking up at Katniss.

Katniss then continued to talk her words all indicating some sort of pain. It seemed like she was almost about to pill out parts of her life that were meant for a trusted person but then just as suddenly as she started Katniss stopped. No longer wanting to talk on the subject, ‘Must have been painful..” Alika thought to herself. Katniss was now smiling in a way that seemed to almost light up the night giving her a quick nudge; pointing over towards Elizabeth.

The little scene that played out was in truth amusing and Alika couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. This type of thing seemed the most like home to her. It was almost like watching a romantic comedy and she couldn’t help but enjoy it before looking over at Katniss. “Sometimes sarcasm is a necessary trait.” She said nudging Katniss back.

When things were happening like this. The small amounts of drama, friendly nudges, even laughter it almost seemed like things were back to normal dispute the terrain they were in. Alika then focused back on her little achiever who rolled over to cuddle up to the other young girl. It was adorable in a way and strangely even though Alika knew full well she was not Bubbles mom she almost felt like it.

Thinking it might be a good idea to talk Alika patted the piece of ground next to her moving over so if Katniss chose to sit she could lean against the tree as well. “Kat, if you don’t mind me calling you that. How do you think they chose us?” The question itself was vague and could be interpreted many ways. However it meant to Alika how the summoners chose their achievers. How were the summoners even picked, most of them were fairly normal people.

07-24-2012, 05:24 PM
As Elizabeth comes close, Ai Lin forms a sly smile

"Urm, Miss Ai Lin,I... I wonder if we might talk."

Taking notice of Elizabeth’s blushed appearance, Ai Lin nudges Dan softly with her elbow

"I've - erm - I've thought about the most piquant suggestion that you made earlier and... I... look, I must stress, it isn't the sort of thing I usually do... in the Home Counties, such... such goings on are not even discussed in the politest of society... but... well, you see, we aren't at home, are we?"

As Elizabeth tugs and fusses with her dress, Ai Lin takes special effort to run her fingers through her jet black hair focusing her chocolate brown eyes upon her.

"The fact is, Miss Ai Lin... I... well, we're both far from home, and lonely, and... well, I really don't see any harm in discussing the matter further... "

Offering Dan another nudge and flashing him a playful smile, she stands and starts toward Elizabeth, puts on her softest and seductive tone she could use to keep from breaking out in laughter

“Yes Miss Elizabeth, there will be no harm in discussing these … feelings further … the feeling of me softly and tenderly touching you in a way that only another woman could do…” Ai Lin slowly wets her lips with her tongue while gazing into Elizabeth’s eyes “…the glow of the night fire sparkles in your eyes, but alas, the complications of you taking me home to meet your parents might cause you embarrassment.”

Ai Lin had considered convincing Elizabeth that she should go down to a small lake she has seen, disrobe and wait for her. Had this land not been so unpredictable she would have followed thought however with the potential danger all around, she decides best against it. She simply leans toward her so as to let her own cheek softly touch upon Elizabeth’s while softly whispering so her warm breath would be on Elizabeth’s ear

“Miss Elizabeth, we shall find time, in the waiting time, do keep thinking of our time when we can finally be women together” before touching her lips quickly to the lobe of Elizabeth’s ear then backing away. She softly whispers “I must return to the one that summoned me before he grows suspicious of us.”

Ai Lin turns and heads slowly back toward Dan making sure to give the appearance of the reluctant parting lover. As she sits back next to Dan, smile on her face
“Perhaps the girl will think more of me and less on guns she has no business touching”

With a grin, Dan simply offers “Are you going to invite me to the wedding”
Ai Lin playfully hits his arm “You are the worst”

07-25-2012, 11:31 AM
Elizabeth walked back to her own part of the camp treading on air. Her cheeks were flushed, her heart was beating fast, and her nipples were so erect they were barely short of painful. Good heavens, it was like a scene from one of Sappho's most uninhibited verses. Romantic, and yet also - somehow - forbidden. And in its very forbiddenness - if that were a word - there was a form of innocence. Ai Lin loved her. Loved her. Well, she hadn't said exactly that - they had discussed, after all, the love that dare not even whisper its name - but there was, without doubt, promise for the future. When we can finally be women together. Ah, such a provocative, inspiring, wonderful line. Despite the lightness and airiness of her walk, there was, too, a small touch of discomfort. For the crotch of Elizabeth's pantaloons was slightly, and embarrassingly, damp.

* * * * *

"Boyfriend? Never." said Scarlet_Warrior, wistfully. "Oh yes, I've tried. I'm fine cybering in a chat room. I'm witty, confident and in control. It's when we get to meet in meatspace that my problems start." Her voice became small, yet with a hard edge. "I guess it's understandable. Fat, acne-prone, clumsy girls with unreliable bladders, for some reason, seem to be a drug on the love-market." She gazed into Sy's eyes, desperately hoping against hope that he'd contradict her self-description. "Perhaps, someday, I'll find a guy that likes me for me. That respects my intelligence, my imagination, my kindness. That wants more that just massive, firm breasts, and long legs, and perfect teeth and a flawless complexion. Until then - I suppose I'm stuck with being the kind of girl that carries a picture of a carrot around in her wallet."

* * * * *

"Kat? Hmm." Katniss considered the sound of the name. "Alika, if you don't mind, I'd sooner you didn't. Too much like 'cat', and I loathe the things. My sister has one - an ungrateful, mangy beast that deigns to notice me only if I feed him stolen entrails from the hunt. I sometimes take comfort from imagining his fur lining a pair of hunting gloves. And can you imagine the stupid name she gave him? 'Buttercup' - ever hear such a ridiculous name?" She brightened. "My best friend back home, Gale, calls me 'Catnip', and I'd much sooner that. It's another plant, like my real name.

"How did they choose us? Well... " Katniss stared into the distance. "Well, it certainly wasn't by lottery, as they do in the Games. No-one actually explained it to me. I just went to sleep, one night, in Victors' Village, after a long day's hunting, and the next thing I knew I was here. And it seemed the knowledge was already in my mind. That we had a job to do, and that when that job was done, we'd be returned to exactly where we were snatched from. And that I was to do exactly as my mentor - urm, my 'Summoner' - told me. I was so grateful that I didn't have to fight everyone around me to the last survivor - and that this mentor, at least, isn't addicted to liquor - that I just went along with it." She paused, fiddling with her braid. "I think the secret lies with our Summoners, actually. From somewhere in my mind, I get the feeling that they're the real secret behind all this. That the worlds that Bubbles and and Elizabeth and the other Achievers come from are somehow stories in this world, and that particularly imaginative people, like you and my mentor, can call us up. It's a very scary concept, and trust me, when you've had Clove threaten to cut your lips off and faced muttations that have the eyes of your best friend, you become very hard to scare."

She indicated the quiver of arrows that she'd removed and laid down beside herself for comfort.

"As for these things, I never saw the like. My mentor started to say something about me owning such weapons in the future, and said something about a bow that sings. Then he hastily shut his mouth as if he'd said too much. I didn't dare enquire further."

07-25-2012, 03:54 PM
Cass chuckled softly "Not what I meant but true enough" she said quietly Her white pupil enlarged in the night and catching the moonlight as her eyes roved around the landscape before her. "Sleep is an option But I'm to restless to do so" She said "Some strange things have happened even for me and that may or may not be saying much" Cassandra slowly stretched with a few pops up her spine as they adjusted. "I hope tomorrow well be less active then to day was" she admitted "But I've learned never to trust in hope Specially in situations like this more then likely we will need to make our own hope" She sighed and silently slid down into a sitting position. "Its times like this I wish my partner was here with her annoying, easily excited comments"

07-26-2012, 04:17 PM
Max chuckled lightly at Cass's cynicism spitting out another gob of tobacco juice.
"I feel you should always have hope in the world around you but never forget that somethings you have to dig deep inside for." He stretched his long legs out in front of him still scanning the area spotting Siks doing his patrol around the camp. "I don't know what tomorrow may bring, in the Wasteland you learn real quick to plan your life by the day. Pack the amount ammo, food, and water you may need to survive and go. No itinerary no calling ahead for reservations planning multiple days ahead is a luxury reserved for those with enough caps to hide away or call for help if things get bad. The Three Families, the NCR, and formally the Legion to name a few, but one thing I do know is that all of us even Miss. Bennett and Scarlet will fight tooth and nail to keep as many of us alive as we can." He nodded sagely staring off into the night.

So far everything was surprisingly and eerily calm around the camp and out of the immediate glow of the fire light. The young Scot didn't even hear the chirp of a cricket or hoot of an owl, it was like the group was the only life in like fifty miles or so, normally Siks would be enjoying the silence and maybe jot down some lines of a poem or come up with a clever philosophical quip but the silence was total and almost unnerving. And Siks wasn't unnerved easily unless he was letting it happen, taking a breath he shook his head and continued patrolling keeping his head on a swivel.

07-27-2012, 03:32 PM
Gwen considered all that she heard from her comrades, their hopes, dreams, wishes. More or less the same things that brought her this far. When half of them were fast asleep she got up, noticing the absent of some of them as she looked at the small fire and the darkness around it.

She realized some of them maybe just wanted to be alone...

She set down, hugging her legs closer to her body as she wondered if her decision to be here was the right one.

Strange, she wanted comfort, but thought it was better to let people rest and be alone in their thoughts. Even Natalya seemed to be asleep. Poor woman, she was always on watch, it was only matter of time until the lack of sleep caught up with her body. Even assassins needed rest, so it seemed.

Gwen got up and started to walk a bit of a distance away from the group. They had long day tomorrow, and it might have been good idea to try and rest too, but she found herself unable too... She felt uneasy...

So far, all these challenges... none seemed to make any sense to her, or lead to whatever they were supposed to be getting to in order to reach the damn egg. Something was wrong... She could almost smell it.

With another sigh, she lied down and closed her eyes, resting until morning.


Next day Gwen felt... that something was wrong...

Opening her brown big eyes she couldn't help but gaze at her hands... and notice... how... small they were...

She screamed.

The rest were woken by her and everyone took notice of the change in their body. For some reason everyone had reverted into their child form...

Aside of Bubbles and Akshara... That... just grew into their teens.

07-27-2012, 06:02 PM
Drakkon yawned, feeling rather comfortable he continued to lay down. Or, lean back rather. It took him a few moments to realize he wasn't really laying down, and a few more to realize that there was a soft hand stroking his head. His ears moved as he heard someone hum a very familiar song. (Once upon a December (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qktFsWuHzxE)) Opening his eyes the first thing he noticed was that while he wasn't exactly sitting up straight, he defiantly wasn't at the same height as he should have been. Looking at his hands, he realized they were also smaller. "Good morning uncle." A familiar, yet not so familiar, voice whispered in his ear. It was soft, and caring, if not a little innocent by Drakkon's standards. Turning his head a little he found an older version of Akshara's face smiling down at him. Whoa... talk about a timey whimey. Drakkon thought as he put two and two together. "Did you grow up?" He asked. Akshara giggled a little. "Yeah I think so, and you shrunk a little." Drakkon began to blush as he finally realized that she was embracing him. Giggling again she kissed the top of his head. Oh yeah.. as Drakkon's get older their parental instincts kick in. Even around fifteen they're very family-oriented, and protective of one another. With rare exceptions... He thought as she began humming again. "This feels kinda backwards.. how did this happen?" Drakkon asked.

Akshara stopped humming, tilting her head a bit. "Not sure, I woke up early and was like this. And yes it is, but you didn't look comfortable so I decided to help." She giggled. Then her face fell serious and she tilted her head the other way. "Your not actually my uncle are you?" She asked. Drakkon began to shiver, then blush a little more when Akshara held him closer because of it. "I-uh.. well..erm.." Before Drakkon could have found words, but now he felt nervous and scared. Especially considered how he knew how Akshara was when her emotions overwhelmed her. She kissed the top of his head again. Making Drakkon more confused and nervous. "It's alright, I won't hurt you silly. Your eyes give it away though." She started stroking Drakkon's head again. She's still as cuddly as she always is to her family.. Drakkon told himself. Calming him down somewhat. "Erm.. I.. created your family.. and worlds." He told her, very timid and scared. Smiling Akshara rested her head on his. "I figured, everyone else came from fiction after all. I think I remember Mist giving me the first hunger games." This confused Drakkon more then it did clear things up. Right.. since I created a lot of her childhood already, the aging thing could have also given her a few memories of it.

Looking around Drakkon noticed everyone else held similar issues as him, save Bubbles who grew up like Akshara. Although he didn't exactly blush when he figured out that they could see him. Though it finally hit him that the same traits he had when he was around six were here now. Which meant, he wasn't as anti-social nor socially timid as he was supposed to be. In fact his intelligence and memories were the only things that had remained the same. "Lets go see whats up." Akshara giggled. Helping him up and holding his hand as she led him closer to the group. She defiantly has the same deal as me, where her traits around fifteen took over with this growth... also means she's obsessed with custom made hand-grenades now. Drakkon thought. While he didn't exactly want to come across as a scaredy-cat, he also didn't want to move far from Akshara's side now. Especially if whatever did this to them just wanted easier prey.

"So.. did anyone happen to see something last night that might have done this to us?" Akshara asked as they were closer to the group. Tightening her grip on her summoners hand as she thought of the possibility that some of these people.. Teekay, and Mad max especially, might be more aggressive in this state.

07-27-2012, 06:49 PM
After his patrol Siks woke up Sy to do his hour then settled himself down by Lark to sleep throughout the night. As he slept he had very interesting dream he was a child again out camping in the woods with his father and sister it was in the fall but still kinda warm out. He had a little stuffed Buffalo and he was wrapped up in a Jurassic Park sleeping bag. It was an enjoyable and quiet evening the young lad slept deeply and fully that night. But as he awoke he was back in the weird world with his friends and their Achievers, only something was different than yesterday. He felt smaller, less hairy, weaker. At first he thought it was just being real tired from yesterday but sitting up he saw that everything seemed sharper, brighter, more magical. Looking down at himself he was in fact a kid again the pistol even seemed to shrink so it would fit in his newly small hands.
He let out a higher pitched sigh luckily it wasn't chipmunk high he's had a deeper voice for a few years before puberty.
"This some bullshit, Ah've already gone through this nonsense." Looking around he saw that everyone else was now a kid well aside from the two kids Bubbles and Akshara were now evenly proportioned teenage girls, he couldn't see Teekay but he did wonder if the plastic dino was now a plastic lizard or even an egg at this point. Getting up he dusted himself off and went to check on everyone else. He heard Drakkon and Akshara talking walking over shouldering the pistol like a rifle he still held the same wise and knowing look he had as an adult only now his eyes glistened with child like wonder again back before the world turned him into a Loner he stood before them looking every inch a child solider.
"Well looks like this place isnae dune with us yet huh mates?"

The night was mostly uneventful for the watch and Max, the Wastelander managed to stay awake throughout the night with a combination of Chewing tobacco, Black Coffee and moving around when he felt sleepy. Right around dawn though he felt strange, like everything seemed to grow around him and his body shrunk at first he put it up to just being tired and his mind playing tricks on him but as dawn's light cast it's ray over the little group he saw something was indeed wrong. Everyone but Bubbles and Akshara were kids again including himself. This was all new to him he doesn't remember his childhood or even what he looked like as a kid.

Rushing as fast as his little legs could carry him to a nearby creek he looked into the still water and saw himself for the first time. He had high cheekbones like he has as an adult only they were rosy with life and surprisingly all all his scars were still present. He smiled looking at his little teeth he was one roughish looking kid and he couldn't help but laugh his voice higher in pitch and depth and it held a joy he couldn't remember ever having felt before the joy of childhood even dressed like a small mercenary as he was with tobacco stains on his teeth and lips. Dunking his head in to the water he drank deeply cleaning the strong plant from his teeth making them look nice and white. He looked more at his face it was still tanned and freckled from when he was an adult but it was smooth of his signature goatee and jaded eyes they were bright green like fresh Granny smith apples and held the promise of big things ahead. Of course it was helped by the knowledge he would be able to single-handedly save the Mojave Wasteland one day. He ran back up the hill laughing like he'd never laughed before nudging Cass with a huge smile on his face.
"Hey Cass-Cass we're kids again!"

07-27-2012, 07:44 PM
Cass had fallen asleep some time that night apparently though she couldn't not say way the shifting in her body did not seem to have any effect on her until she woke with Max's nudging. She growled a little then set up rubbing her eyes and looking at her small hands they where... well small was all she could think of looking at the rest of herself she sighed gently "Yes kids again I see..." Cassandra was smaller then most children at this age as she pushed herself up she was at least a few inches shorter then max. She sighed again "Back to the runt stage this is going to be interesting." she rubbed her eyes again knowing full well they would no longer be dark blue with a bright white pupil. Being smaller meant she was weaker and had less control of her body and temperament Despite being with drawn most of her childhood Cass watched as max enjoyed his youth as if the first time and smiled softly. A sweet smile that hole heartedly reached her eyes.

P.K. rolled over and set up noting immediately that she was... smaller then she normally was. She grimaced a bit but pushed herself up noting her chubby frog legs. Making her way over to the gathering group she plopped down next to siks as she listened her hair was short and sort of light blond red with slightly bigger blue eyes. "I know that a lot of grown ups say some times they wish they where younger.... but this is ridicules..." She said her voice was still pretty much the same at least to her ears. She thought a moment but had nothing else to say as of now. For now she continued to study her small hands and body it felt weird to not have things that were.... there before.

08-01-2012, 07:44 AM
A strange cacophony of swear words echoed through Elkay's mind as she realised that she was suddenly 10 years old again. The age at which she learned to swim. The age that she ended up with diabetes. The age at which her imagination had started to create its own range of characters. The old days, where each character was a simple, dinosaur-like species based off Robot Wars. Panicattackosaurs, Chaosodonts and, worst of all, the Razor Raptors, from which later, much more developed characters like Phovos and Thanatos evolved from. But most importantly, the age of ten was when Elkay discovered Bionicle, and, in particular, the Bohrok, who would later play a major role within her imagination.

Elkay paused. If she'd suddenly become younger, that meant everyone had become younger. And that meant...

"Oh. My. Bahrag."

Where was Teekay? Elkay's eyes frantically searched the place for the familiar Vahrga, before realising that he wasn't a Vahrga at all any more.

"Guys..." Teekay was sat by the fire, cautiously but happily drinking coffee. "Guys, I am so happy right now..."

"Erm, why's that, Teekay?" Elkay approached with caution.

Teekay leaped into the air. "I'M A BOHROK (http://images.wikia.com/bionicle/images/f/f9/Tahnok-Kal.jpg) AGAIN! I'm a normal, 1m-tall, electricity-controlling, properly-telepathic, no-longer-hindered-by-dumb-claws Bohrok again!"

08-02-2012, 04:13 AM
"I do not like this!" squeaked five year old Sy. Reflexively, he thrust a cigar into his mouth, lit it, and nearly coughed himself into insensibility. "I don't wanna be a brat. I don't wanna have to go to bed at seven o'clock an' not be allowed to watch porn movies, an'..."

"You think you got it bad, bwuvva?" sobbed Scarlet_Warrior. She looked down contritely at her stained diaper. "Even when I was grown up I got a weak bladder. And now I... " she howled dismally. "I peed meself again!"

An exquisitely formed female child dressed in a flowing smock toddled out of the group and approached Scarlet.

"What is this nonsense?!" she spat, waving her arms in a meltdown tantrum that possessed apocolyptic intensity. "For your information, I am Elizabeth Bennett, of the Home Counties, of good family and repute. I have been turned - without my consent, mark you - into a child! Reverse this. Cause it to desist! Mentor, your duty consists of no less!"

"Right. That's it," came a piping voice from just behind her. "I am sick and tired of your whining. Back in the seam, even kids have to go down the mines. And go in the draw for the Hunger Games at twelve! This is it - sorry Mister Sy, I know you said I must'n't shoot at her and all, but... "

"Katniss, NO!" Screamed Sy, toddling towards her. "You can't - "

Too late. There was the twang of a bowspring. Scarlet_Warrior screamed.

"She's shot Miss Ewizabef!"

* * * * * *

"Well, honestly," piped the Bennett Child. "The indignity."

"I fink it was even more, er, undigggini-flying for Katniss," giggled Scarlet, waddling in the legs-apart position adopted by a child with a full diaper.

"Get it off!" screamed Child-Elizabeth. "Nasty fing!"

Obligingly, Sy pulled with all of his five year old strength at the stick protruding from Elizabeth's back - which was held there with a powerful sucker, as befitted an arrow fired from child-Katniss' toy bow!

08-02-2012, 05:11 PM
Akshara sighed, shaking her head as she watched the slightly hysteric group of children. Though looking at the toy bow she blinked. Moving her left hand she gripped the knife keeping her pony-tail up. It felt real, but she was still nervous about it. It was her last knife since she lost both of her other ones in the spider cave. Maybe I should have brought one of those spider fangs.. she thought. Though obviously too late to act on the idea. Regardless she slide the knife out of her Pony-tail and touched the blade. The blade itself was narrow, which was why it was easy to conceal, otherwise it was as sharp as ever. Sighing with relief she slide the knife back down and frowned at the arguing group. "We'll kill each other before we fix this at this rate won't we?" Akshara muttered. Though she didn't pull Drakkon behind her, as Katniss's bow was only a mere toy. However, Drakkon was already timid about going closer, which showed.

"Can you not shoot at her, until we know what happened to us please?" Akshara yelled at Katniss. Turning to the rest of the group she sighed. "Check your weapons, mine didn't turn into a toy but yours might." She told them. Although she knew a few of them didn't need, or have something to fight with.

08-02-2012, 07:55 PM
Siks had to hold a small hand over his mouth to keep from falling over laughing at the riotous scene of Katniss shooting a little Ms. Bennett with a toy bow with a suction cup replacing the arrow head.
"Och, that was perfectly timed fer a good laugh." The little Scot laughed keeping the pistol on his shoulders. But Akshara had a point looking down at the pistol it felt and looked real despite be smaller then it was, nothing was plastic or cheap metal he pulled the mag out and the bullets looked real loading it back in. Siks aimed the muzzle down range into the trees and fired. It barked like a real gun and kicked like one too moving closer he saw that the bullet bore a hole into the tree he was shooting at. The boy nodded sticking it into the hammer loop of his pants.
"Well my weapon's real."

Max was so over joyed at being a kid he barely registered the others as he walked down the hill with the rest of the group. He was amazed at how small his body was now while still taller than the other kids but at least two and half feet shorter than he was in his adult form. He still felt the same strength-wise and all but lighter he wasn't sure he'd ever get used to it but he'd enjoy every second of it nonetheless. He arrived at the group as Sy was trying to yank the arrow off Ms. Bennett's back.
"Here let me try Sy." Walking up he used his fingernail to wedge under the suction cup and popped it off handing it back to Katniss. He nodded to the now fully grown and curvy Akshara joining Siks he handed the other boy the 22 and Lil devil to also test them out while Max tested the carbine and Plasma Defender. In unison the boys inspected the weapons, their mags and fired them, Max was relieved holstering the weapons again.
"Thank goodness there are no toy weapons in the Wasteland so it kinda makes sense mine would still be real. He also checked Love & Hate and Chances Knife but they didn't shrink and were still the adult size which was curious maybe because he had left them in his bag and his bag hadn't changed size it was about as tall as him and probably weighed as much.
"Well this puts a damper on things, who wants to carry my bag?" He asked looking around at everyone he wasn't going to leave his bag in this place they might still need the stuff has has in it. He noticed Akshara was down to one knife and it held her hair up an idea came to him. Chance's Knife was too big for him now as were the Spike Knuckles maybe the two girls can use them. Slipping the spikey knuckles into his pocket he walked the knife over to Akshara handing it to her.
"Here ya go it's two big for me now and you look like you could use another weapons just remember this is more a fighting knife than a throwing one. Plus there's only one in my world and that's it, so if you have to throw it please retrieve it." Next he looked around for Bubbles.
"Hey Bubbles would you use Spiked Knuckles?" He shouted in case she was out of eye sight.

08-10-2012, 01:35 PM
Cass pushed her smaller self off the stump she had been sitting on and gracefully slipped down to the others. "I may be able to." she said looking at the now huge bag and sighed wistfully. "I don't know it depends if I still have control over my shifting or not." Her eyes where still abnormally dark blue but her pupils where now like any one else and, That was because Her alignment had not yet been decided at this time of age. Still...

Taking a small breath she willed herself to shift. Her form wavered for a moment, As if it was unsure of what to do shrinking at first and then enlarging until finely it started to grow and take form. Moments later an large baby Elephant stood in front of the group and then set back with a thump. "I don't know how long I can hold this form." She mumbled. Unlike most Elephants you see Cass was pure black not gray... Also the fluctuation in her form had caused a dizzy side effect making it hard to breath for an instant but it was gone in a few moments.

P.K. pushed herself up as Cass came down then tried to change. Frowning as the form tried to make up its mind she gave a small smile when Cass finely was in a full form. Giving her a small pat on the leg or knee where ever she could reach. She realized just how short she was... shorter then she had started out... Sighing P.K. looked over to see that earlier , and she had missed it how?, Kitness had gotten her toy bow stuff back. "Wow I think I'm just as spacy now as I was then..." she said thoughtfully.

"well thats not going to do me any good!" P.K. said after a moment "I think we should start heading off now..." she said to the others wither she was heard or not she didn't know. "Maybe what ever happened to us will wear off as we leave this area? unless it happens to be some sort of baby pin or something you know... in that case we might need chuckys ingenious plans to get out."

08-10-2012, 08:38 PM
Alika was just beginning to wake up as the sun poured all around, not to mention that people were being awfully noisy. She tossed and turned half asleep turning desperately to continue her dreaming. She pushed her hair of her face as she laid there, however immediately something was off. Normally her hair would get caught on her multiple cartilage piercings, so Alika merely sat up feeling her ear to see if she had lost them during the night. There was nothing there and with a yawn she stood up looking on the ground for her metallic bits.

Once her eyes were actually open and she was up and standing her awareness was increased. The long slender shapely legs she once had were now gone, she was short now too close to the ground. On top of that she couldn’t see properly. Her hands went to her face in a panic, feeling no metallic ornaments her eyes widened “No.” In truth it was almost like Alika was in her own small world as she looked down to discover her chest and hips were more like a child again. Small hands flew up into the air as the little Alika panicked.

She looked like a completely different person. Her once proportionate womanly body now replaced with a gangly child. Her ears stuck out like there were too big for her head. The chestnut brown hair was about lighter and hand bangs that extended to her ears due to frequent self done haircut adventures. On top of that as the young girl talked and panicked her buck teeth stuck out like a sore thumb with the huge gap between the already big teeth.

Alika herself was now trying desperately to free herself of the evil jeans that trapped her long childlike legs. In a second she felt a tap on her shoulder and there stood bubbles holding the jacket from last night (Which remained the same size) and a small pair of glasses. “I think these are yours” She said in a kind and caring voice. The sweet and ever caring power puff slipped the jacket on over Alika zipping it up before helping her get the pants off. Somehow her tiny shit also managed to be ridden of so in truth she had managed to turn her favorite hoodie into a dress of sorts.

Bubbles then put the glasses on Alika’s small face all of a sudden the world was ten time more clear and she could get a better view of the achiever she had come to love. Bubbles now seemed to be well endowed. Her blonde locks were simply allowed to fall down loose, it seemed they even had a natural curl to them. However the girl was still for the most part a kid at heart.

Alika crossed her arms over her chest in a fit of childlike rage upset by the fact she had already gone through this special hell once. “I don’t wanna be wittle again!” She said in her six year old squeaky voice. Bubbles merely picked up the little girl hugging and holding her in some attempt to comfort the stressed child.

08-17-2012, 03:37 PM
Akshara smiled and nodded at the young version of the weapon-man that seemed to own more weapons then pockets. "Thanks, I'll rip a throat or two out for you if something comes to that." She giggled. Sliding it into her boot. Looking over she giggled at how Alika and Bubbles were doing. Sighing, she peered around their campsite. Hoping to catch a glimpse of something watching them, and by something she was looking for whatever had done this to them. Not that she was personally complaining, but a certain few of the children were much better suited for fighting in their adult forms.

Drakkon blinked, watching everyone around him as they dealt with their child forms. While he wasn't exactly as old as many of them before, he was technically on equal grounds with them now. This change of perspective made him feel a little dizzy, that and the fact that he had just woken up didn't help. "I want coffee.." he complained, to no one in particular.

08-17-2012, 10:20 PM
Max nodded to the life-sized Akshara putting the spiked knuckles back into his bag since it seemed Bubbles didn't want them right now. He listened to Lark's suggestion and Drakkon's complaint about coffee. The little Wastelander shook his head walking to to the now cold pot of coffee and dropped out the congealed tar that was the coffee watching in jiggle like jell-o.
"No go on the coffee, even if it wasn't jelly right now. The Black Coffee from my home is strong for adults it'll prolly make all our hearts explode if we drink it as kids and teens." He kicked the wriggling mass slowly killing the grass before stashing the pot in his bag. He thought on little Lark's suggestion to get moving and decided even as a 12 year old he was still the leader for the most part.

Standing on a log he cleared his throat and spoke as loudly and clearly as he could without squeaking.
"Lark brings up a good point, we should get moving but we also should clean up and find some food. I don't know about all of you but I'm hungry. Now there's a stream just down that hill, anyone that knows how to make a fishing line from a branch should do so and try and catch some fish. I'll be hunting some birds or maybe small animals anyone who thinks they can help me are welcome to do so. Everyone else try to clean yourselves up and take inventory of what's happened to us so far." With that he picked up the little Carbine and went off to stalk some game if there is any. Siks, who had been quietly watching everyone joined Max in the hunting knowing he wasn't much good at fishing.

08-24-2012, 06:38 AM
It was interesting, Sy reflected, that while all of the former adults of the group had turned into children, with ther appropriate stature and voices, they still maintained their former adult memories and knowledge. Watching the tiny, child-Katniss expertly pull fish from the lake using nothing but a piece of string and a bent pin, and then just as expertly gut and clean them brought this home to him. Himself, he had no idea how to fish, but then his childhood, spent in the slums of the London borough of Croydon SW16 had not lent itself to fishing, birdnesting and other healthy pursuits beloved of ther writers of childrens' books.

He had, however, performed experiments of his own design. By careful crawling along the floor, he had contrived to look up the now adult Bubble's dress - and the purple thong panty he discovered showed that the Powderpuff-Woman's (as he supposed he should now think of her) underwear was certainly matching the adult status of her new body. This, of course, did litle to confirm Sy's theory that he had retained all of his adult drives, since, he well remembered, he had been looking up ladies' dresses at five the first time around, though of course now he had more idea of why!

He had been amused by Max still retaining leadership of the band. In his now sqeauky voice, the former Road Warrior had sounded exactly like a blackboard monitor from his schooldays, the most sensible and muture kid being given the position of reponsibility and taking to it like a donkey to strawberries. But what he'd said had made sense.

What Max - or anyone else - had so far failed to do, though, was to ask questions.

The right questions, anyway.

"Does anyone know why?" he asked Akshara, who happened to be standing next to him. He turned to Cass, who was accepting a pile of scaled fish from Katniss. "Cass, what do you think? PK?"

The problem was obvious. If an enemy had set out to prevent them completing the quest, turning them into children was the obvious ploy. Any other curse - anything from immobility to some scary, monstrous adversary - would still have left them with their strengths, and, more importantly, the motivation, to solve the problem. Immobile people want to move around. Captured people want to escape. Threatened people want to escape or defeat the threat. But children - they don't mind being children at all. It doesn't occur to them to wonder why they are children, or how to escape the condition. They just get on with being what they are - natural Taoists free from the existential dread of the post-pubescent.

This was not to say that it was an idyllic existence. Sure, they didn't have to fret about bills and mortgages and jobs. But the hairy monster that lurked in the cupboard, the fact that you couldn't crayon between the lines, the witch that just might be hiding behind the curtains waiting till your mom switched off the light, the yellow ankle-socks that your parents made you wear, which caused your schoolmates to tease you unmercifully - to children, these problems loomed just as large as global warming, that mysterious knocking sound from your motor-bike engine or thinking your wife might be having an affair did to adults.

He looked across at Katniss. And then, in some worlds - like hers - children didn't even get the advantages that come from childhood. Signing up for Tesserae at 12, living in fear that your name might be alled at the reaping, that was no life.

* * * * * *

"I demand" said Elizabeth loudly. "To be directed to the British Consul. "Demand, I say. I have been turned into a child. Mechanical arachnids and zombie soldiers are one thing, but this... I won't have it. I won't have it, I say. I will brook no delay. SOmeone direct me to the embassy immediately, or - "

Her attention span was directed by Scarlet_Warrior, who toddled by rolling a large hoop.

"I wanna go on that!" Elizabeth screamed.

"No. S'MINE!" retorted Scarlet.

"I want!"


"Well, there's not much to go with the fish," piped Katniss to Sy. "I did find a plant that's a bit like broccolli. But it's kind of slimy. More like snot, really."

"Hmm, better tell them it's snot."

"Why, mentor."

"You'll never get kids to eat broccolli."

08-24-2012, 11:24 AM
Elkay had been very quiet since her age reduction thingy. Teekay had been equally quiet, but that was because Teekay was too busy remembering how awesome it was to be a Bohrok rather than a Vahrga.

Teekay's childhood had been completely ruined at the age of 22, when he abruptly turned into a Vahrga and was basically kicked out of his nest. Considering that Bohrok spend 90% of their childhood working, and 90% of their adulthood (Vahrgokronos for males, Bahragakronos) trying to mate, and then dying several months later, if they were Vahrga, or spending the rest of their lives giving birth if they're Bahrag. For a while, Teekay actually held the Bohrok record for the youngest Vahrga in existence. And Teekay had hated every second of being a Vahrga. Actually, 'hated' wasn't strong enough a word. Not in the combined lexicons of English, Greek or the Bohrok's hybrid language of Vellikina, was there a word strong enough to describe how much Teekay loathed being a Vahrga. In fact, not all of the Panvok languages had enough words to describe Teekay's loathing. In comparison, Teekay's age-reversal seemed like a dream come true.

After that very long paragraph, Elkay realised that they were lagging behind the rest of the group. Not that anyone had really noticed. Elkay wondered if people really noticed that there wasn't a giant, 2.5m tall monster following them any more. Actually, right now, Teekay was rolling along the ground as a small, plastic, 1m-ish ball. It must have been quite dizzifying. Was that a word? Eh, never mind.

Then something occurred to Elkay. Wasn't turning everyone into children a bad idea? Having watched way too much TV when she was younger, Elkay knew full well that children never seem to give up. Just look at the Home Alone films. Or Spy Kids. Or that ZOOM! film. Whoever was trying to stop them wasn't doing a very good at doing so.

"Erm, gais?" Elkay shouted, realising that her voice was now super squeaky. "If this was done by a bad guy, wouldn't he just go and kill us? Why would he bother to turn us into kids?"

08-27-2012, 01:46 PM
Akshara shrugged. "No one answered when I asked." She glanced around the field, watching the little guys running around. Then Elkay asked a question Akshara had to think over.
"Demoralize.. diversion... not close enough to do harmful damage.. Better taste... amusement... less chance of the hunter being the prey..." Drakkon started going on. Akshara looked at Sy, shrugging. "I'm guessing that for whatever reason the transformation is still going, it's just taking off years from common sense now." Drakkon interrupted, blinking a little. "Draining everything and putting it somewhere else.. and not knowing that the little children would have the opposite affects?" He asked.
"You don't read many stories like this where little kids follow the adults into certain death.... and are allowed to follow them."

Akshara shrugged, then looked around the field. "If we want to fix things we'll have to leave.. but something tells me if whatever did this to kill us isn't about to rush at us now.. it'll wait until we leave the field."

08-27-2012, 07:11 PM
Max and Siks went a hunting and can back with a 6 rabbits. They returned around the time Aka spoke a worry Max had been rolling around in his head.
"I don't really know what this was all done for, if it was meant to weaken us they shouldn't have made the only one with super powers a teenager or allowed most of us to keep our weapons real and working. Most of us may be shorter and weaker but that doesn't lessen all the knowledge we still have from when we were older. I think if anything flip-flopping our ages like this is meant to slow us down or let us get distracted by childhood whims again like little Bennett and Scarlet fighting over a hoop. For all we know it's just some weird magic associated with this field and as soon as we leave we'll all go back to normal." He said as he walked up and dropped his rabbits down by the fire, Siks followed behind and tossed his down by Max's.
"Ay, I think if we were going tae die it would've happened while we slept and eay tae kill." Max crouched down and began skinning the rabbits with Sik's pocket knife, while the little Scot built up the fire again. "Either way we shouldnae leave until we've eaten we'll need all the strength we can get fer this day." He said picking through Max's bag for some cooking tools.

08-27-2012, 08:42 PM
"I think there is a reason", said baby Natalya at last to the remarks of the "why" and "how". She too looked absolutely adorable with her clad armor that was shrunk along with her sizes to fit a chibby looking version of the assassin along with her tiny claws,"I think they didn't counted the fact that some of us are kids already, and that they were turned into adults, but it kinda makes sense to me".

"Please say more!", Gwen requested.

However the assassin seemed to be more enjoying playing with the mud than answering the question.

Annoyed by the fact she was playing rather than talking, Gwen moved closer to her, her hands on her hips, trying to know more. The assassin stopped only to grin at the sight of her summoner, who, aside of losing some more height, looked exactly like her older version, only... well... a bit younger. (and that was amusing to know how little this tiny woman have grown over the years).

"Ya think?", Gwen looked puzzled, "Why is that?"

"Think of it like this, if they had the power to just kill us they would have done it sooner... I think that aside of the mental tool on us being switches with the ages, there is more to it".


"Yes. Children are an easy prey. And not just because they are shorter or less developed".

"Then why?", Gwen questioned.

"Easy... Their minds work over time. Their terror is the greatest tool against them... I mean just think of all the things you were scared of when you were a child...".

"Like the Bogeyman? Or the monster under the bed?"

Natalya nodded, "Exactly. We are still in the Literal Wood, so obviously our thoughts will create our greatest enemy...", Natalya started to clap her hands as she left her game of "playing with mud" in order to try and chase off butterflies.

"Natalya!", Gwen yelled, trying to call her back and finish the story. But as she tried to go after the assassin she found that something was pulling her legs.

Looking down she noticed there was nothing there. Gwen screamed as she fell.

"What is it?!", Natalya and the others looked alarmed.

"S-something... creepy just grabbed my leg...".

"But... there is nothing here-", before the assassin could finish her words she was sent flying few inches away, her face growing red with anger and embarrassment as she reached her hands to protect her chest (which was rather big, even for a little girl her age), "Curses! Whatever it is, not only did he kicked me, but he just.... grabbed... my...", she gritted her teeth, "There is something here!".

"I KNOW THERE IS!", Gwen yelled, "That was what I was trying to-!".

Gwen fell again, her dress was pulled above her, leaving no place to imagine how her underpants looked like.

"How do we stop this attacking perverted invisible freak?!", she screeched.

08-27-2012, 09:18 PM
The moment tary distraction of seeing Gwen's underthings broke the second Max heard her scream whipping out his Plasma Defender he scanned the area for the slightest hint of movement. He'd hunted Nightkin for years in the Wasteland and it had taught him how to fight the invisible look for the air shimmering with movement or looking at the grass moving without something to move them. He found three and as quickly as he saw them he blasted them into a bright green pile of goo. One was creeping up behind Aka, the other was going after Bubbles, the third was tricky because it was near Kris he had to get it away form her or risk her getting burned by the goo. He growled grabbing what he assumed to be the creature's neck and hurled it with all his still formidable strength it didn't weigh much he gathered that as he threw it with one arm and shot it mid-air.

Not wasting a second after Max killed the creature's Siks helped Kris up so she could put her clothes back in place. Everyone regroup around the fire girls in the middle! Now people! And look at the ground if the grass moves weird then the creatures are near!" As Siks got everyone focused Max pulled his helmet on and scanned for more of this sick creatures.

08-27-2012, 10:10 PM
P.K. looked over as her name was called in a question and shook her head "I don't know." She admitted to the question directed to her while Cassandra simply didn't pay attention to it going about her task. She was not bound to talk much now and shape shifting was going to be a problem... she was now puzzling over this. How was she going to get this to work? In order to be of to much use she needed to shift and if she could not shift properly? turn into a mouse when I need to turn into a lion. She sighed forlornly at this thought.

Glancing up she only heard part of max's small speech and sighed. Just then her stomach growled and she could not help but let out a little forlorn sigh out again while she laid down on her stomach wishing it to stop talking.

"I'm hungry two Cass." P.K. said crouching down and patting the other girl on the back. "Why did we have to be turned into little kids?!?" Cassandra said suddenly in a fit of rage. "I'm useless at this age absolutely useless and I don't even have my alignment anymore!" Here Cass began to Cry as startling as it was to P.K. at the sudden out burst of the once so calm girl she knew. "What if it changes?!" Cassandra moaned quietly tears continuing down her cheeks. "I don't want to have night deep pupils and be hunted all the time like the demons and others.."

"Shhh..." P.K. said quietly trying to comfort the child though she was one herself. "It wont change." She promised. "You always a good person Cassandra." Cass only shook her head. However both perked up at a scream. Upon looking over the could see both Gwen and Natalya having trouble. "Oh dear..." P.K. said not at all sure what to do.

Cassandra tried wiping her tears away and pushing herself up. "W-hats happening?" she asked not helping the sniffling still left to get over her gaze narrowed as she tried to search for the problem but could not see to find it. "There is nothing..." she stopped seeing Gwen's dress go up. "Oh my..." P.K. said softly searching around herself but nothing could be seen. P.K. rushed over to see what she could to swiping the air to see if she connected with anything. Turning and ducking to avoid being shot she nodded to what max said. Looking around she growled pouncing on one and batting it away her body seemed to be trying to make up its mind between a bird and a horse for a second before it shifted into a snake that vanished into the grass.

P.K. shook her head and started to pear around spotting some but... not at all sure what to do since she had no weapon.

08-30-2012, 09:58 PM
Having waken to an odd sensation, Dan looked over toward where Ai Lin was sleeping. He blinks a couple times taking notice of the child sleeping where Ai Lin once had. His squeaky voice ordered “He kid, where is…” causing him to pause. What the heck in going on with his voice. The young Ai Lin stirs slowly opening her eyes looking toward the annoying kid that woke her.

“Hey Dan, what’s up with this ki….. what the ….” as she looks at her own small hands.

Dan and Ai Lin look about the area realizing that yet another interesting circumstance has presented it self. Ai Lin giggles as Elizabeth is throwing a tantrum. All she can seem to offer Elizabeth
“Wanna play tag? We will have Danny be it first!”

Dan immediately protests “But I don’t want to be it first!”

Slightly oblivious to things going on, Dan and Ai Lin have a slight argument over who will be it first till it is overheard that something was grabbing at people. A second survival nature kicks in as they both hearing the rustling of the ground in close proximity to where they sit however do not see anything. As instinct dictates, they both draw their hand guns and level the weapons in the direction of the noise. With no one in their field of fire, they both discharge their weapons.

Bracing for the weapons recoil, Dan is the first to react as a stream of water exits the squirt gun he is holding “Fuck me to tears!”

Ai Lin who is about to react watching a stream of water flow from her squirt gun however gasps “Oh, you potty mouth, I’m telling… wait, what am I saying?”

Looking at the squirt gun, Dan offers a pouty lip “Where is my gun, I want it back!” now more distracted that something was taken from him opposed to the danger lurking about.

Ai Lin retorts in a hissy tone “So, it’s all about someone taking the boys gun. You don’t care that someone took my gun too, do you!” her lips quivering.

“But I do care about someone taking your gun too. If I find mine first, you can have it, okay?”

Ai Lin wipes her eyes looking to Dan “Pinky promise?”

“Yes, pinky promise”

Ai Lin scoots closer to Dan “Do you think Ewisibif stole our guns?”

Looking about as others are moving about as some concept is regained, they both look at each other followed by looking for anything close by that could be used as a weapon.

09-01-2012, 09:23 AM
"Teekay!" Elkay saw the invisible force lifting up the other girls' skirts. "Teekay! Save me from the rude invisible thing!" She rushed behind her Achiever, who didn't seem to notice. Elkay cried and smacked Teekay's head, bashing her hand on his plastic head. "C'MON!"

No response. All Elkay's smack had done was knock Teekay over. It seemed as though Teekay was asleep. Fairly annoyed, Elkay left her achiever's side and headed over to Gwen and the other girls, pausing to pick up her bag. "That's why I don't like skirts..." Elkay sniffed. "Are you okay?"

Suddenly, Elkay could feel invisible hands near her trousers. Like a shot, she sat down on the grass so whatever it was couldn't pull her trousers down.

09-02-2012, 07:50 PM
The weird, perverted, and unseen sensation seemed to be decreasing as more and more invisible "hands" stopped touching and lifting up the girls' skirts (much thanks to the intense of the men fighting and the girls comeback of punches and kicks).


Looking around they noticed a new comer; a young boy was held up in the air, by what they thought to be... the invisible hands.... or more to say their attackers... With him, another one, a fox like person, was captured too.

"Who are you?!", mini Natalya shouted as she raised her mini looking claws, willing to attack what she couldn't see.

"My name is TJ Murphy, I'm a summoner just like you guys, and this is Fox McCloud", he said, looking at his Achiever and trying to point at him with his nose since his hands were... well...caught in some unseen form.

"Is that so?", Gwen asked surprised, "But.. how can it be so?".

It was indeed weird that another summoner was appearing out of the blue now.

"Yeah, I'm sorry... I woke up very late... but that weird guy in black robes allowed me to join you still. But of course, by the time I tried to follow, you were already far away. In the end the weird guy from before just got me here, but... as you can see... they kinda caught me...", TJ tried to laugh it off, but it failed when he realized the others were more busy looking worried than actually thinking this situation to be funny.

TJ coughed softly.

"Let's attack!", suggested Sy32, "After all, Max got them and we can just shoot them again and-!"

"No, it's useless", said TJ slowly, "The guy in the black robes told me that here, in the 'Literal Woods', you need more than just power to beat your enemies... They'll just keep coming no matter how many you think you killed off".

"What should we do?", asked Gwen, looking at Sy32, trying to think of some solution.

"Ain't that simple?", child Katniss spat as she raised her bow toy to the air, "Just kill what we can and-!"

"No Katniss", frowned Sy32 at her silly remark, "Didn't you hear him? that won't do".

"What can we do then?", asked Gwen.

"Well... He said that you can summon up things by thinking it will be helpful to you.... Aside of that... I'm not so sure...", TJ said, still tied in mid air, looking even less sure than before and somewhat even defeated.

"That's just wonderful!", barked Scarlet_Warrior, "How can we fight them if we can't see them clearly!".

"THAT'S IT!", exhaled Sy32, "That's the answer!".

"What is exactly the answer?", asked Scarlet_Warrior again, looking annoyed.

Sy32 closed his eyes and reached out his hands forward, "I summon, a crystal ball!". The moment he uttered his request, a small round, sphere like crystal ball appeared within his hands. Reaching it up, the ball shone brightly as all the group were briefly shown the "things" that pester them, and soon after they saw them burning by the power of the light and disappearing with screaming.

Once they were gone, the crystal in Sy's hands disappear as well and TJ and his achiever, Fox McCloud were free.

"How did you know this was the answer?", asked Gwen, for the first time admiring Sy32 in a way a woman would. His wisdom was clear to all now.

"Simple!", child Sy32 bragged, "We couldn't see them. So we needed something to make them clear. You know the line Crystal Clear".

"So the answer was a 'Crystal'", smiled Katniss, "How smart of you master", she moved closer to him, shooting dark gaze at Gwen, not letting her near her master if she could afford it.

"La", uttered child Elizabeth, "If that is so, I demand to be restored to my full size and age!".

"Well", Natalya giggled, "We just need to figure what is the item. Consider the fact we are in our childish forms....", she laughed, "Well at least most of us".

09-02-2012, 08:14 PM
TJ Dusted himself down, and made sure that his clothes were neat, his body covered, and that he still had all his Limbs. He Did, That was definitely a good thing.
"Excuse me," He asked, looking to those who previously spoke. He saw that the majority of the people here were of a young age, children, He thought it weird, he was young, but not that young. He managed to see that there were connections between people, so he was able to see who was Summoner and Achiever, even if he couldn't quite tell which was which in all cases. "But, What item are you on about?" he asked, trying to find a way of being involved, and helping the others, His English Accent Strong with his Dialect.

Fox Landed expertly, On his feet and with a gentle grunt. He stood, and took his Staff (In it's telescopic form) and extended it, holding it by his side in a defensive manner. It was throbbing with a magical energy he felt safe with. He knew he was not where he should be, Kept thinking that Dinosaur planet was in danger, but he had to remember that he was safe, and so was his life back home, he would return when this was all over.
"Yeah, We Want to Help" he said, Approaching them, but staying close to TJ, his Tail behind him was still, and his ears Twitched at each sound.

((Sorry if that's a bit short, I'll Do better when I get into it =] ))

09-02-2012, 08:32 PM
P.K. was very confused and her small mind could not take everything in at once even though she still retained her aged intelligence. "I dare say that was clever." she said smiling at Sy32 for a moment before turning back to though. "So wait you where back there? woke up late um I guess there where others." She was hesitate to ask because she had already had this talk with siks but still. "Did you... did any one else come with you?" she asked softly. She did dearly miss setsa and could only hope she had come along but as it looked... She sighed already expecting what the answer would be.

P.K. squirmed and started to giggle as something made its way up her pat leg and through her shirt to her shoulder. seconded later a small head popped out before curling around the girls neck and hanging loosely there. "I mussst agree." The snake hissed softly head bobbing as she looked at the others cassandra's small tongue flickered out for a moment. "How musssst we correct thissss problem?" she said slightly annoyed by the continuing sound and snake like talk but again back at this age she had not been able to talk in animal form so she had still retained that if not mastered it. Both P.K. and cass listened as an item was mentioned shortly after the crystal ball had taken effect. "Makes seance." P.K. said. However neither Cass not P.K. could fathom what that item was. Cassandra turned her head to the two new comers her tongue flickering out at them as she spoke "Sssssome Item that will return ussss to our adult formsss"

P.K. gently patted Cassandra hopping she would not get upset again but for now young shape-shifter seemed to be calm. "It might be hard to believable but we didn't all come here as little kids!" P.K. piped quietly.

09-03-2012, 08:50 AM
"Crystal... Clear... Oh, I get it!" Elkay smiled, glad that the invisible hands were gone. "So, your name is TJ? Cool..." She looked at the newcomer with a smile. "And you got that Fox McCloud person as your achiever! He's well cooler than my lame achiever, who's still asleep!"

Elkay kicked Teekay's side, but simply bashed her foot. Teekay rolled over, still asleep.

"Gah! I wish you'd actually do something!" Elkay kicked him again, but more gently this time. "Stoopid stoopid! But wait..." She paused. "Are you saying that we need a crystal to get back to normal? And I didn't know that Cassandra could turn into a snake..." Elkay tutted and kicked her own achiever yet again.

09-03-2012, 11:18 PM
Siks was never any good at riddles but as he stood there watching the pedobaers vanish amd Max going about making sire everyone was ok a lightnig bolt hit him. They're in the Literal Woods still and all words are made real and they needed something that would make them adults again once he was sure about what to say he spoke clearly and loudly. " Och we could really use our adulthoods well all of us but Bubbles and Aka they need their childhoods. And just like that everyone recieved a black hood with Scarlet A's on them Aka and Bubbles both got light blue hoods with pink C' s on them. He laughed feeling him and his clothes return to thier normal shapes and sizes. Once the change was complete he pulled the hood off and felt to make sure everything was as it should be.
"Ha ha it worked!"

Max felt the hood appearing on his head and before he could register why he had a hood on he shot up and out and soon he was back to the wonderful world of hormones and facial hair. Pulling the hood off he streatched smiling a bit feeling good to be back in the body that lived through more hell than most people. Hegazed around as the others change.

09-10-2012, 09:53 AM
"Aw..." Teekay sulked as Elkay forced him to wear his hood. "I wanted to stay as a Bohrok..."

"So, shall we get going?" Elkay asked.

09-10-2012, 12:28 PM
P.K. felt herself grow again and smiled. "Well thats grand!" Cass had grown as well. Her tongue flickered out as she lopped around P.K.'s shoulders now an almost fully grown black python. "I can only agree." The snaked said seeming to smile she then turned her head having heard the comment that some one didn't know she could change into a snake. "I can change into any animal that legitimately exists one the planet which I reside on." "Or has existed" P.K. added to which the large snake nodded.

"I suddenly like my high." P.K. said suddenly looking at all 5ft and 3-4 inches of herself. "But I still wish I was a wee bit taller." She smiled how ever As cassandra slithered down to the ground once more and shifted back to her human form to take in and make sure everything that was as it should be. "I'm glad Stephany was not here for this scenario" P.K. chuckled at her friend.

09-10-2012, 10:07 PM
TJ smiled as the others grew fromt heir child-like state into their adult forms. he watched as they grew, aged and matured before his eyes. "right.. "He said with a smile

"What do we do now?" Fox asked simply, looking around "Any ideas?"

09-11-2012, 03:52 AM
"on the whole" said Elizabeth, and then screamed as Sy grabbed her shoulder, and jerked her sharply back from a deep hole that appeared in front of her, "I mean, by and large-" she looked around anxiously, but nothing large or bi appeared - it seemed the "literalness" of the wood had its limits - "By and large, I think I prefer being an adult. But we're no closer to solving this than when we started. I mean - given we were helpless children, up against powerful, evil things - shouldn't we be dead?"

It was the most sensible speech Elizabeth had made since the adventure started - not to mention the one with the least italics - and even Katniss found herself nodding sagely. Since she'd been wearing sensible hunting clothes, the invisible pervert had not been able to get much joy out of molesting her, and her childhood had been as challenging as her adulthood, so she was probably the least affected by recent events. "Mentor, Miss Scarlet_Warrior, everyone - I have an idea," she said.

"I'm all - " Scarlet Warrior began, and guiltily clapped her hand over her mouth. The phrase "I'm all ears" was not a wise one in this place. "I'm keen to hear it," she substituted.

"Go ahead, Mockingjay" added Sy.

""Well, remember, this isn't the first dangerous 'game' I've been in," Katniss spoke quickly, as if trying to get her suspicions out before she lost her thread of thought. "The Hunger Games were like this. They could have just killed us in the first hour, but they played with us. Because people were watching - no fun in everyone dying. They tried holding it in sub zero temperatures one time, every tribute died of the cold, and the gamemakers nearly got lynched. So..." She took a breath. "Anyway, what I'm saying is - maybe this isn't a war, or a quest. It's a game!"

"With set rules. Hmmm," Scarlet mused. "A test?"

Sy stared into the distance looking pensive.

09-14-2012, 11:43 AM
"Aw, and I thought I'd been dragged out of my reality, from my brother's birthday party, to save the universe or something, not to play some sort of game!" Teekay grunted. "And it's a pretty bloody awful game too. For all us dumb fools know, this is just a giant maze that we're trapped in, while that evil silver egg thing takes over the universe!"

"I'd forgotten about that..." Elkay sighed under her breath as she tried tugged on Teekay's arm in a futile attempt to calm him down.

"For all we know, this could have just been a giant set up! The people who brought us here may be the evil people in the first place! We all blindly trust the people in white coats and go where they tell us and we are no closer to accomplishing anything! It's insanity!"

"Actually, I think that's your insanity talking..." Elkay whispered.

Teekay growled. "I may well be mentally unwell, but what we're doing is past mental sickness, it's pure bloody chaos! I don't even know if this threat is real, or if some human's just made it up as an excuse to use the bloody imagination creature character creation device thingies!" He paused for breath, then rolled his eyes. "Surely I'm not the only one who feels like this? Or is this pure craziness a human trait?"

09-16-2012, 07:45 PM
Once they all used the hoods and changed to their current self the last quest has began at last (without them knowing it of course).

Before them the mysterious hooded figure appeared.

They tried to protest, scream, ask questions but he just silenced them all with a wave of his right hand and marked them with his head and with the words of "Follow me" to do as he requested.

They walked for what seemed to be a hour, leaving the woods and other creatures they met behind. It was rather peculiar because they seemed to be walking for so long and yet they did not feel tired at all.

At the end they reached an underground cave, where they could see tips of water sliding down from the edges and the sound of waves hitting rocks around them. The cave was cold and wet.

"The Egg of Gecishi is here", said the hooded figure.

"Here?", Natalya looked unimpressed, "But I thought you said it has been taken".

"You should go and get it!", said the man again.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!", burst Gwen, "What's going on? I thought you said you have no idea where the egg is? and aren't we supposed to rescue it from the evil?", she looked surprised.

"That's what you are about to do. You were slow and were delayed all this way, but my spies were able to track it! However, we still need your help for we cannot get any closer to the egg... However, there is a very limited time. They are trying to take the power from it. Unless you run for it and beat the bad guys, we are all doomed".

"Where is the egg?", asked Natalya.

"As you can see, there are three tunnels here, two are leading to a dead end or some underground river, but the middle road shall take you to where you need to go", the man said, "Follow it and be weary. The evil demons will try to persuade you to abandon your quest, do not listen to them and follow onward to where the egg is".

With that the man disappeared.


The group started to move for the middle tunnel. Still worried. Still unsure.

Something seemed to be very suspicious and odd, but what else could they have done?

Along the road they noticed a person lying beside one of the cavern walls.

"Are you well?", Gwen asked as she moved by his side. He looked old and weak.

"So... thirsty...", said the man weakly as he reached out his hand for the group, "Water... please... Give me... water".

Gwen looked around at Natalya, "We must help him!".

Natalya just narrowed her eyes, "This must be the demon the man spoke of. If we go back and get water for him from one of the tunnels, we shall skip a precious time. We need to continue onward".

"We can't just leave him like that!", said Gwen.

"But what if he is lying?... We may be lost forever just because of a good deed...".

Looking at the group the two questioned their decision.

Would they go back and help the guy, or would they continue onward?

09-16-2012, 07:58 PM
"The Egg is here?" TJ asked Fox, he simply shrugged and looked around. listening tot he instructions given, regarding tunnels and demons.
"Figures..." He huffed, Demons would be here, just after they had been grappled by invisible hands, He would now have to face demons with Everyone a stranger bar TJ.
"Let's go then" TJ smiled, walking with those ahead of him.

"I say we move on!" Fox said in his overaggerated American accent. "If he is a Demon, he can find his own water." He said, looking down at him, withdrawing his Staff, and pointing at him. "And If he isn't, Well, We pay for our sins later." he said, and looked over the man. he looked genuinely ill, but then, This is rife with the most powerful demons, surely they will have picked up some acting skills.
"Fox..." TJ said, kneeling by the Figure, looking him over. he looked human as far as he could tell. he felt the danger, so he edged backwards a little, Fox holding his staff beside TJ's shoulder to defend him should he need to.
"Excuse me..." he said, nerves knotting in the pit of his stomach. "can you tell me your name?" he asked, looking at the figure and where his face was.

"This Guy's really bad..." TJ finally concluded after there was no response. "Guys, I think we should help him, The worst that could happen is that we lose some time, and carry on with a clean conscience..." He said, standing, not trying to think of anythign worse that could happen.
"I dunno, Teej..." Fox started, scratching his head with the staff.
"Come on, We have to try, What if it were you?" He asked. Fox sighed.
"Fine." he shrugged. "We'll help."

09-16-2012, 08:24 PM
Cass shook her head looking down farther. "I must agree with the fox." she said calmly crossing her arms over her now full chest (though not particularly busty) "We have been given a task and as suspicious as it is we have all worked this hard to get here to finish it." P.K. was silent watching as TJ asked the 'man' his name. "Cass cant you tell?" She asked looking at her summon who only shook her head. "My guess demons are different here then in my world the best way to tell is to look at their eyes if there anything like ours." P.K. nodded Feeling slightly sick.

Cass looked over at TJ as he made up his mind to help. She sighed and shook her head. "I'm going on." she said simply and resolutely. P.K. however was still hesitant "I-its like the good Samaritan..." she mumbled. "I-i don't know!" If she left him she would just be like the preast that past the man on the side of the rode saying he was doing it for something else of more importance. But if she took him and helped him then she may become lost? or or she would not be able to get back to the others in time to help. Was he a demon? or was he human? the short girl seemed stuck.

Cass tugged at her summoner gently. "We must be going... if he's going to take care of the man you have nothing more to worry of..." P.K. hesitated then nodded before letting herself be gently pulled off by her summoner.

09-16-2012, 08:51 PM
Drakkon grabbed Akshara's hand who almost immediately went to help the man. "Remember the Mimic Akshara?" He asked, glaring at the man. Akshara blinked slowly, then her pupils eyes darkened black. "Yes... I do." She said, losing her innocent voice as the memory came to her. The Mimic took the guise of a poor boy who was being attacked by dogs. Akshara saved it, only to be taken. The Mimic's hospitality mixed with Akshara's disease destroyed it's nest and endangered several other hostages, he family managed to calm her down, yet the poor girl was more vulnerable to her disease now.

"We're not helping because we believe we can do greater deeds. Even if the man isn't lying what's the point of saving his life if the bad guys get to use the egg? He'll either be killed then or enslaved. No, better to keep going." Drakkon exclaimed to the rest of the group. He and Akshara began moving forward without them. Akshara's disease is starting to spill back into her body.. great. He thought as he sneaked a glance at the young girl. She'll either stab us all, or lash out at our enemies.. either way... He thought bitterly.

09-16-2012, 09:55 PM
As the group proceeds down the middle tunnel, both Ai Lin and Dan kept their hands upon their holsters while scanning the dimly illuminated tunnel for anything which may appear hostile. As they approached the person laying along the side, their attention for a brief moment focused upon the exchange between Gwen and the man.

"Are you well?"

"So... thirsty...Water... please... Give me... water".

"We must help him!".

"This must be the demon the man spoke of. If we go back and get water for him from one of the tunnels, we shall skip a precious time. We need to continue onward".

"We can't just leave him like that!"

"But what if he is lying?... We may be lost forever just because of a good deed..."

As they looked to the remaining members for an opinion, seemingly in one voice, both Dan and Ai Lin chimed in at the same time

“Leave him”

With that, Ai Lin offered a soft smile as Dan continued

“The only clear direction we have is to obtain this egg, and we have been advised of potential distractions.” Looking sharply toward the man in the corner “Good day Mr. Distraction.”

Finally looks briefly toward the group as a whole, certainly it was not his command, if it were, he would not even offer the next and simply continue on offering the man rations if they had any to spare

“I do not suspect that all here would be required to recover this egg, if any would volunteer separate from the main group to fetch the man water, speak now, otherwise we need to continue onward.”

Dan and Ai Lin await to see if there would be any wishing to separate from the main group, both Dan and Ai Lin are ready to continue leaving the man where he is.

09-17-2012, 05:57 AM
"Here," said Scarlet, bending down and holding out a water bottle. "If that's all you need - "

"No good. No good." croaked the sick man, barely able to speak. "Madam, you don't understand. It isn't just ordinary water I need." He pointed to a well, a few yards away. It looked an ordinary enough well, save that what looked like electric blue lightning crackled around it. "The water in that well has been blessed by a white witch. It will cure this disease from which I suffer, and end the pain. I've been searching for it for years - and now, in sight of it, I am too weak to continue. If you will fetch me water, then - "

Sy looked at the well, the electricity crackling around it.

"Looks like a trap to me," he growled. "And a none too subtle one, at that!"

Scarlet nodded in agreement. "Still, if anyone wants to try it, it's none of my business."

The man groaned. "No, you still don't understand. It's not as simple as that. Listen." He beckoned her closer, and mumbled and croaked into her ear. The others could not hear, and Scarlet was forced to translate for the rest of the team, who had gathered around.

"He says he doesn't want to die with a lie on his lips," she said. "The well is enchanted, as he says. Anyone who gives him succor - or who even says he should be given help - can move no further from this point. The quest is over for them." The man mumbled some more. "All the rewards of the quest will be forfeited by anyone who helps him."

"So whoever gives him water misses out on the completing the quest?" asked Elizabeth. "What nonsense!"

"That's what he says," sighed Scarlet, then bent again as the man beckoned her. "Even if that person isn't actually the one who brings him water, even if they don't speak against helping him, they're considered complicit. Vote to help him, and you're out. I guess it comes down to intentions." She squared her shoulders. "I've seen this kind of thing in computer games. The enemy can't frighten or kill the heroes, so they try a clever trap - appealing to their compassion instead. Me, I vote we go on. We've come too far, and gone through too much to fall for this kind of dodge. Agreed, all?"

The being in the hood coughed. "If you don't decide soon, it will be too late," he said, sternly.

"You know," said Sy, darkly. "If it had been just water, I'd have said help him out. But this crap about enchanted wells and such. Seems a bit too pat, to me. I say our choice is clear. This trap's an insult to our collective intelligence. Even Elizabeth's!" he turned to Katniss. "Come on, Mockingjay. Let's - "

He swallowed his words. Katniss was crouched in a fetal ball, sobbing loudly, her whole body shaking.

"Katniss, what - ?"

Katniss struggled to get her words out.

"I trusted you!" she screamed. "You were my mentor, and I trusted you. I knew you were foul-mouthed, and cynical, and a lecher. But I really thought - I thought underneath - y-you were a man of compassion." She stood up, and threw down her bow. "Didn't you see what I did in the games? I gave Rue a funeral, even though it put myself in danger. I made the sign to her district, though it meant the Capitol might have killed me. I refused to kill Peeta, though it would have meant I won the games. You're supposed to be my mentor, damn you. And you're worse than the capitol. You don't understand one simple fact. You ignore what's right, you ignore your own values - then they've won! You're no better than them. They've beaten you, as surely as if they'd killed you. Worse, even. 'cos you won't even die as yourself."

"I take it your decision's to break with with your mentor then," said Elizabeth, smugly. "Goodness, you could have said as much, without all that backwoods philosophy, la?"

Katniss turned tearful eyes on her.

"No, damn you. This is my mentor. I go with him. Much as it tears my heart open, he's my mentor." She picked up her bow, gave the man - or demon - one last apologetic, guilty glance, and strode forward.

And then Sy's voice broke the silence.

"Mockingjay! Wait."

She turned.

"Katniss, I'm your mentor, and I demand respect from you."

Katniss scowled.

"And that means," continued Sy. "That you don't interrupt when I'm speaking. Now, if you've finished with the dramatics, I'll continue with what I was saying."

"I thought he'd finished." giggled Elizabeth. "This is a man who loves the sound of his own voice, la!"

"As I was saying," continued Sy, looking darkly at Elizabeth. "This trap's an insult to our collective intelligence. So our choice is clear. It's obvious really. If our enemy are powerful enough to set traps like this, then they'd come up with a much better one. One that would encourage us to choose to help him and forfeit the quest. Not one that would have most of us saying 'pull the other one' and ignore it. I say it's probably real. And even if it wasn't - " he grinned. "My little Mockingjay looks so ugly when she cries. So I'm with helping this poor man."

Katniss smiled through her tears. "Mentor. Y-You were compassionate all along. I..." she flung herself at him, hugging him, raining kisses upon his lean face.

"Yeah, 'course I was" lied Sy, who in fact had been shamed by Katniss' speech, though he'd never admit it. "Urm, you don't have to stop, Mockingjay. A few more kisses wouldn't hurt."

"For fuck's sake, get a room, you two." spat out Scarlet. She turned to Elizabeth. "And from what you've said, your choice is pretty clear, too. You move on, right, and get the rewards due to you."

"Urm, not precisely," said Elizabeth, adjusting her bonnet.

"What do you mean, 'not precisely.' " she spat.

"What I mean, dear, is that I won't move on," trilled Elizabeth. She pointed to Katniss and Sy, still locked in their embrace. "For one thing, we need water anyway... to throw over those two! Honestly, it's disgusting. Why, I wouldn't kiss Mr Dar - urm - " she blushed crimson. "I mean, I wouldn't kiss even my future husband in such a way, in public! It's disgusting. But anyway - what the Apache said was, in essence, correct. Compassion isn't a cloak, that you can don when convenient, and shrug off when the weather changes. Why, it's a... a principle. Either you are a compassionate person, or you aren't. And I am Elizabeth Bennett of the Home Counties. Why, I couldn't look the vicar in the face, if I put personal gain before helping the unfortunate. If this means I fail the quest, so be it."

Scarlet hung her head.

"You have a point," she mumbled. "Seems that this quest is about more than winning. It's about learning, too." She gave a grim smile. "OK, I'm changing my vote. I say that silver egg can look after itself. Let's fetch water." She glanced at Sy and Katniss. 'And Sy, will you put that girl down?! You don't know where she's been!"

09-18-2012, 02:18 AM
Siks and Max stared long and hard at the sickly man begging for magic water in a cursed well. the choice was before them help the man and lose the point of this whole stupid quest that was probably a trap from the start or ignore the man and probably walk into the trap waiting to kill them at the end. Stuck between a Nightstalker and a Cazador neither option screamed good ending it was just a matter of which would be the least painful. The two men stepped aside and spoke quietly to each other.
"What are ye thinking mate?" Siks asked Max the Wastelander watched the little scene going on between Sy, Katniss, Scarlet, and Elizabeth.
"Well helping someone out is never a bad thing but when helping that person leads you to getting shot at and killed. And this is one of those times if ever there was one, I say just put a bullet in his head and move on but I have a feeling that won't end well for us. So...roll on and leave him and whoever wants to help him behind?" Siks sighed nodding to the bigger man.
"Ay." He turned to the others and spoke sadly but determinately.
"Max and I are moving on we've come this far and even though we're pretty sure going after this egg is just as bad an idea as getting the water. We aren't leaving a job half done. The needs of the one must sometimes be sacrificed for the needs of the many. Get this egg save this land." He adjusted the pistol and walked into the cave followed closely by Max.

09-21-2012, 07:56 PM
Teekay was getting frustrated. “You really want to end up stuck forever in thr same way that man is? Stupid! You want to sacrifice yourself, do it later!“

“Why are you being so harsh, Teekay?“ Elkay snapped angrily. “ All you do is complain!“

“And why do you think that is?“ Teekay‘s anger was far more powerful than Elkay‘s. “I HATE humans! They have done nothing good to me. They TORTURED ME FOR 5 YEARS JUST BECAUSE I WASN‘T HUMAN. Don‘t give me that ‘we are not all that bad‘ rubbish because you are. Let‘s get this damn egg so I can go home to people who care about my existence! Help the damn cursed man on your way back like anyone with half a brain would!“

09-24-2012, 03:52 PM
Alika and little Miss Bubbles followed the group into the central cavern. Both wide eyed and ready for whatever ‘demons’ would come there way. Bubbles ready for the more literal term being more then willing to beat the bad guys to a pulp. Alika on the other hand with her more matured wit ready for those who would temp them mentally. So between the little due they were set for the most part ready to face the final challenges and return the world to normal with the destruction of the egg. As the group continued the obstacle presented before them was one of the more unusual.

The man begged for water, claiming to be plagued from sickness. How the magical water of the well could heal any illness due to the white witches blessing. Alika after all she had gone through did not care to help the man no matter how much he begged and her reasoning behind it was simple. Bubbles however stopped her childlike heart ached for the man and wanted to help. The small power puff tugged on Alika’s porcelain colored arm pouting “But Ally! We need to help him he hurts! Its our job” She said tears starting to well up in the young girls eyes.

“Well…Bubbles….let me put is this way” She said calmly deducing the situation at hand. “This type of thing does not normally happen in our world. It is the product of the egg that we must destroy.” The blonde child merely tilted her head confused by the deduction tears that had fallen temporarily stopped. Alika then continued “Even if this man is suffering now….in theory many others have the same issue right this moment. It’s all because of the egg messing with out world and changing it. If that’s the case if we destroy the egg his suffering will end and so will many others. Everything will go back to normal and you can be with you sisters again.” The speech itself made sense everything that was not normal for their world had been caused by the egg, in theory with the egg gone it would either revert the world back to normal or stop it from changing further.

This theory seemed to somewhat reach the child Bubbles who responded with a confused look and questioning tone. “So, if we beat up the egg……it will make everything better and help more people. It’s the main bad guy? Like when Mojo JoJo wants to do all these little things but he is behind it” Alika chuckled a bit and nodded “Exactly what I mean, take care of the main baddy and it fixes the rest.” She said while thinking to herself ‘well normally fixes the rest’ not willing to say that out loud to the little girl. After the conversation despite wanting to help the man on Bubbles part it was better to take care of the main problem to destroy the main issue and not get distracted.

09-30-2012, 07:20 PM
"I don't trust any of this", said Natalya, "I'm heading ahead to where the egg is".

Those that chose to follow the route of the egg started to advance with Natalya when Gwen blocked their paths.

"Rethink this guys, please".

"No, you think, Gwen. Just remember what happened whenever we tried to help someone in this place! We got into trouble time and time again", she shook her head, "There is no way we will help this guy and die because of him".

"But we got into troubles because this whole game was against us to begin with. I don't like this. We can't be making the right or wrong choice here, because I don't believe there is something we can regard to as right or wrong!", Gwen moved forward, "Lose everything by saving a soul, or ignoring one soul to save everything. None of these choices can ever be right or wrong", she then started to yell, "But you know what? Can any of us feel good with ourselves if we abandon this old man?"

Everyone gazed down, somewhat ashamed.

"Good", Gwen smiled, "Let us help him...".

Everyone started to move backward when the old man suddenly turned into the man with the black cape with a wave of flash and sounds.

The hooded figure appeared before them.

"You?!", asked Gwen.

He just smiled.

"I see... now...", she smiled, "I... I remember... I remember... everything...".

The screen that appeared before them at the start of this quest appeared again, within it memories of their previous world.

Then the Screen showed them the news channel:

Voices of screams, begging for help.

A piece of newsletter flashed before their eyes. It is an image of a newspaper, the California Chronicle, within it the news that the T.V screen like just stated.

Tragic plane crash takes multiple lives.

A freak accident caused tragic loss of life when a Pan Am jet developed an engine fault, over Sacramento late yesterday evening. According to the radio communications log, the pilot was intending to fly onto LAX, the normal practice in such circumstances, when a freak storm developed, throwing off all navigation instruments. The pilot was unable to control the plane after it was struck by lightning. By a magnificent feat, he managed to bring the plane down, in a field just outside the airport, without any damage to surrounding property or people. However, the pilot and many of the passengers were still killed in the resulting impact.

"The pilot was magnificent" said a spokesperson for Pan Am. "By rights everyone should have been killed. He managed to save quite a few lives by his skill. It was a genuine freak succession of events, and no-one can be blamed. I wish to assure the public that every effort is taken to ensure that our flights are totally safe, and Pan Am has an enviable safety record. Sometimes, things just happen beyond anyone's control.

The flight was heading for Los Angeles for the annual "Serendepity" Fiction / Cosplay convention, where fans of many famous novels, comics, TV shows and movies meet to discuss their favourite characters, often dressing like them, and where awards are given for those who have, according to popular vote, contributed the most towards fan activity in their chosen franchise.

A number of passengers are still on life support, and the conditions of all of the following have been described as "critical".

Claire Calypso Grogan (also known as "Scarlet_Warrior"), Sy32, Elkay Tromou, Gwen Assa, P.K., Drakkon, Dan Nichols, Siks, Alika Kamashi, TJ Murphy, Setsa, Kendric Oka, Lithiora, Cassandra Lee Cross, XxXEpostleXxX, Nara Kathela, Flora, Girly Woman, Shay Lykan, Shy Orchid, Higurashi, Alyson Claire, Keeper of the Inn.

"It's a tragedy," said Mary Jane Fannister, organizer of the convention. "Some of the greatest names in fandom are now hovering between life and death. Our thoughts are with their families. Obviously, the convention has been canvelled, but the awards will still be given out, posthumously if necessary."

"It's all blurry to me... I can feel the memories... but I don't remember it wholly", Gwen looked at the man.

The hooded figured moved closer, "There was never a quest to save the city to begin with. There was a plane crash on the way to a fan convention and all of you summoners were on that plane!", he chuckled and added, "Your souls were cast into a limbo between life and death, but your love and admiration for your heroes was the anchor to this chamber of the afterlife. The quest was really a test to see who is worthy to be allowed to go back to his/her body and wake up".

Everyone looked amazed and surprised.

"Those that died on the quest also died in real life. Those that survived... Well... We have a surprise for you..."

"And who are you?!", asked Gwen.

"Who... indeed...?", he laughed.

And everything faded before an answer was given.



Back in their own world, everyone woke up safe and alive.

With additional beautiful gift as their achievers in flesh by their side, as real people.

How would their life turn to be from now on?

Well.. that's just another story to be told in another time.
