02-24-2010, 03:40 AM
About Hecate's Crossing:
Hecate's Crossing is on an island a few miles away from Greenland, but is owned by the U.S. There's a big school there, filled with dorms in the back, and then two large wings. The east wing and the west wing. The west wing is filled with black magick, whilst the east wing rivals the black magick with white magick. The east wing's classes happen during the day, and the west wing's classes happen during the night. They have several classes, History, Divination, Spell casting, Astral Projection, and Familiars is available for 1st and 2nd years. Hecate's Crossing accepts children between 9-19 years of age.
But something changed the way everyone lived on Earth. Witches and Humans and other species alike are trying to figure out how to fix it. A large asteroid slammed into the moon, pushing it away from Earth. This caused some advantages, but it took 25-40 year olds in some places. The United States, China, and Egypt are known to be the most affected.
Something else happened, everyone 30 and up disappeared, at 12:31 AM exactly, they disappeared. Children woke up, screaming, yelling for their parents. Now that the moon was farther, and the true adults gone, how was the world going to work?
1. No l33t or chat speak
2. Must be 10 sentences, or 2 simple paragraphs minimum
3. No mary-sues, gary-stues or any god-modding
4. Max. number of characters is 3
1. Why do you spell magic as magick?
Magic is how most people spell it, and we often see stage magic, tricks of the mind that man has learned and perfected after years of practice. You don't have to. It's just how I spell it personally.
2. What is a familiar?
Um, a guide of a sort that'll guide you through this life. The most common are trees, spirits, and animals. Most often a cat. Mine is a cat!
3. What is the Wheel of the Year?
It's also known as the Witch's Calendar. Here's how it goes:
Yule (Winter Solstice) approx. Dec. 21
Imbolc (Candlemass) February 1 (beginning at sundown)
Ostara (Spring Equinox) approx. March 21st
Beltane (May Day) April 30 (beginning at sundown)
Midsummer (Summer Solstice) approx. June 21st
Lughnasadh (Lammas) July 31 (beginning at sundown)
Mabon (Autumnal Equinox) approx. Sept. 21
Samhain (Halloween) October 31
4. Do I have to be a Wiccan to join?
What?! No! Of course not. Anyone can join, as long as they have the basic knowledge of magick.
5. Who is Hecate?
She is the Greek Goddess of witches and witchcraft, Persephone's partner in Haides's lair, something like that. Look her up for more accurate information! xD
6. Do I have to use third person?
No you don't have to, I just like to. Again, it's all about personal preference here.
7. Do I have to make 3 RP samples?
Nah, just 1 will work. I don't want to kill you!
Character sheet:
Age & Birthday: (Forget the year, just the month and day)
Race: (Witch/Wizard, Human, Shapeshifter, Vampire, Imp, Elf, Demon, Angel)
History: (opt.)
Appearance: (Pictures can be used)
Year: (1-10) Students only
Class: (Divination, History, Spell casting, Familiar, Astral Projection) Teachers only
Wing: (East or West)
Special Abilities: (If any)
RP sample:
My Characters
Name: Pandora Herminia Maxima
Age & Birthday: 14 Sept 21
Gender: Female
Race: Witch
Appearance: Hip length neon red hair, naturally grey-blue eyes but she changes the to yellow everyday. Always hides underneath a veil and a hooded gown, she wears black ballet slippers on her feet. Never ever shows her teeth when smiling. An impressive 5'8
Personaility: Quiet, loner, few friends, black aura usually floats about her, very rarely yellow embraces her, overly studious, and feels like she's looking at the world with the eyes of some other person. Has an odd sense of humor, and can't make good jokes, and never luaghs in public and hardly ever at home.
Likes: Strawberries, books, food, music, and raves
Dislikes: Girls, perfume, people in general
Year: 6
Wing: West
Special Abilities: Superb hearing, claireaudient to put it bluntly
RP sample: Herminia stood in the line, luckily she got in line between two boys. Perfect! She didn't have to put up with those stupid girls giggling and fussing over who's the hottest, not like she couldn't hear them though. "Just look at him!" "No him!" "Mmm, hottie." 'Arn't these girls a little too young to think like this?' she asked herself disgusted. In her hand was a book opened to some 100th page, it was titled "The witch's codex", and it was written by some dead guy.
"Is that any good?" She looked up into emerald green eyes, she was taken aback by how green they were! 'Is he wearing contacts?'
"Well, pretty good for some dead guy writing it! I might ask him a few questions later on." She grinned at her own lame, necromantic joke. The odd thing was, the boy luaghed. He. Luaghed. At something she said! This really blew her away.
"Hmmm. Or maybe we can go to my grandfather and see if he knows the guy," he replied after luaghing. Herminia allowed her smile to grow, barely.
Name: Leo Ursus
Age & Birthday: 27 June 20
Gender: Male
Race: Shapeshifter(Tiger)
Appearance: Mr. Ursus ( eyes though, lean, muscular. Tan. 6'3
Personaility: Flirty, funny, tries his best, wannabe awkward, musical
Likes: Teasing(FLIRTING) younger girls, guitar, A certain Ms.Teacher~, meat
Dislikes: Helping others unless he truly loves them, humans
Class: Familiar
Wing: West
Special Abilities: Agile, very fast and smooth in his human body.
Name: Antoipe Kramer
Age & Birthday: 17 October 21
Gender: Female
Race: Imp
Appearance: Miss Kramer ( But a more grey tint to her skin. She's also really short, 5'1~ >3> Don't let ze image fool ye!
Personaility: Demanding, short-tempered, easily angered, loud,
Likes: Singing, people who obey her, her little brother
Dislikes: Her older sister, people who ignore her orders
Year: 9
Wing: East
Hecate's Crossing is on an island a few miles away from Greenland, but is owned by the U.S. There's a big school there, filled with dorms in the back, and then two large wings. The east wing and the west wing. The west wing is filled with black magick, whilst the east wing rivals the black magick with white magick. The east wing's classes happen during the day, and the west wing's classes happen during the night. They have several classes, History, Divination, Spell casting, Astral Projection, and Familiars is available for 1st and 2nd years. Hecate's Crossing accepts children between 9-19 years of age.
But something changed the way everyone lived on Earth. Witches and Humans and other species alike are trying to figure out how to fix it. A large asteroid slammed into the moon, pushing it away from Earth. This caused some advantages, but it took 25-40 year olds in some places. The United States, China, and Egypt are known to be the most affected.
Something else happened, everyone 30 and up disappeared, at 12:31 AM exactly, they disappeared. Children woke up, screaming, yelling for their parents. Now that the moon was farther, and the true adults gone, how was the world going to work?
1. No l33t or chat speak
2. Must be 10 sentences, or 2 simple paragraphs minimum
3. No mary-sues, gary-stues or any god-modding
4. Max. number of characters is 3
1. Why do you spell magic as magick?
Magic is how most people spell it, and we often see stage magic, tricks of the mind that man has learned and perfected after years of practice. You don't have to. It's just how I spell it personally.
2. What is a familiar?
Um, a guide of a sort that'll guide you through this life. The most common are trees, spirits, and animals. Most often a cat. Mine is a cat!
3. What is the Wheel of the Year?
It's also known as the Witch's Calendar. Here's how it goes:
Yule (Winter Solstice) approx. Dec. 21
Imbolc (Candlemass) February 1 (beginning at sundown)
Ostara (Spring Equinox) approx. March 21st
Beltane (May Day) April 30 (beginning at sundown)
Midsummer (Summer Solstice) approx. June 21st
Lughnasadh (Lammas) July 31 (beginning at sundown)
Mabon (Autumnal Equinox) approx. Sept. 21
Samhain (Halloween) October 31
4. Do I have to be a Wiccan to join?
What?! No! Of course not. Anyone can join, as long as they have the basic knowledge of magick.
5. Who is Hecate?
She is the Greek Goddess of witches and witchcraft, Persephone's partner in Haides's lair, something like that. Look her up for more accurate information! xD
6. Do I have to use third person?
No you don't have to, I just like to. Again, it's all about personal preference here.
7. Do I have to make 3 RP samples?
Nah, just 1 will work. I don't want to kill you!
Character sheet:
Age & Birthday: (Forget the year, just the month and day)
Race: (Witch/Wizard, Human, Shapeshifter, Vampire, Imp, Elf, Demon, Angel)
History: (opt.)
Appearance: (Pictures can be used)
Year: (1-10) Students only
Class: (Divination, History, Spell casting, Familiar, Astral Projection) Teachers only
Wing: (East or West)
Special Abilities: (If any)
RP sample:
My Characters
Name: Pandora Herminia Maxima
Age & Birthday: 14 Sept 21
Gender: Female
Race: Witch
Appearance: Hip length neon red hair, naturally grey-blue eyes but she changes the to yellow everyday. Always hides underneath a veil and a hooded gown, she wears black ballet slippers on her feet. Never ever shows her teeth when smiling. An impressive 5'8
Personaility: Quiet, loner, few friends, black aura usually floats about her, very rarely yellow embraces her, overly studious, and feels like she's looking at the world with the eyes of some other person. Has an odd sense of humor, and can't make good jokes, and never luaghs in public and hardly ever at home.
Likes: Strawberries, books, food, music, and raves
Dislikes: Girls, perfume, people in general
Year: 6
Wing: West
Special Abilities: Superb hearing, claireaudient to put it bluntly
RP sample: Herminia stood in the line, luckily she got in line between two boys. Perfect! She didn't have to put up with those stupid girls giggling and fussing over who's the hottest, not like she couldn't hear them though. "Just look at him!" "No him!" "Mmm, hottie." 'Arn't these girls a little too young to think like this?' she asked herself disgusted. In her hand was a book opened to some 100th page, it was titled "The witch's codex", and it was written by some dead guy.
"Is that any good?" She looked up into emerald green eyes, she was taken aback by how green they were! 'Is he wearing contacts?'
"Well, pretty good for some dead guy writing it! I might ask him a few questions later on." She grinned at her own lame, necromantic joke. The odd thing was, the boy luaghed. He. Luaghed. At something she said! This really blew her away.
"Hmmm. Or maybe we can go to my grandfather and see if he knows the guy," he replied after luaghing. Herminia allowed her smile to grow, barely.
Name: Leo Ursus
Age & Birthday: 27 June 20
Gender: Male
Race: Shapeshifter(Tiger)
Appearance: Mr. Ursus ( eyes though, lean, muscular. Tan. 6'3
Personaility: Flirty, funny, tries his best, wannabe awkward, musical
Likes: Teasing(FLIRTING) younger girls, guitar, A certain Ms.Teacher~, meat
Dislikes: Helping others unless he truly loves them, humans
Class: Familiar
Wing: West
Special Abilities: Agile, very fast and smooth in his human body.
Name: Antoipe Kramer
Age & Birthday: 17 October 21
Gender: Female
Race: Imp
Appearance: Miss Kramer ( But a more grey tint to her skin. She's also really short, 5'1~ >3> Don't let ze image fool ye!
Personaility: Demanding, short-tempered, easily angered, loud,
Likes: Singing, people who obey her, her little brother
Dislikes: Her older sister, people who ignore her orders
Year: 9
Wing: East