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05-06-2012, 10:15 PM
The OOC (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=28854)

May 10th, 2126: Utopia, 5:37 PM

"Miss Brandley," Cameron Goddard's spokesman sauntered over with an air of privilege. Sera rolled her eyes as she had been expecting an associate of Goddard's to show up to her summons, but this little man seemed unreal. "My name is Lien Stahl, and I come to express Mister Goddard's regrets that he was unable to attend this meeting. He is in ill health, but I assure you that I am his foremost advisor when it comes to Earth matters, and shall be as informative and open-minded as he," he dipped his head in a mocking show of courtesy. At this, Sera Brandley rose to her full height from behind her desk and stood to face Lien, standing an indomitable five inches taller than the reedy, short lackey, "It's still Captain Brandley to civilians. I've not retired quite yet. And furthermore, Stahl, I'm not going to swallow this crap tale that Cameron Goddard is too ill to attend. The man's internal structure is basically artificial, thanks to the medicinal advancements up here. The one time he was hit really hard with a fit of lung spasms, he still crawled out of his fortress to talk about a security leak regarding the loss of millions of his dollars." She calmed down, but noticed how Stahl flinched at her mention of Utopia being the "upper world". Most people had forgotten about Earth by now, and she knew he was making a mental note of that being a warning sign behind his beady little eyes. Sera lit herself a cigarette, rolling it around on the tip of her tongue between her lips very loosely, not sure what to say to the shell-shocked stooge before her.

"Captain Brandley," Stahl tried again, "I cannot help your skepticism, but I can assure you that Mister Goddard is incredibly interested in your plan to send part of his army to Earth, but he is wonders if you recall that these men are only under your command presently, and that they do still belong among his ranks. He also wishes to negotiate cost and functionality of the mission. You have made it clear that you're not after resources, so Mister Goddard is immensely curious as to what it is you seek. He finds this venture fascinating, I assure you."

Sera tossed her brown braid behind her shoulder and leaned over her desk, scowling at Lien, "Tell him that I have no intention of waiting for his approval. The mission launches in three weeks, and I will bring back what I'm looking for. Simple as that." Stahl paled, rending the brim of his felt hat with his long, twitching fingers. He had nothing further to say by the looks of him, and a strong enough gust of wind would be able to blow her right out of her office. She assumed that he wasn't used to dealing with any type of resistance. It would probably be just enough for him to waltz into another upstart's office and flash some green by Cameron's orders and the situation would resolve itself as the seditious felon folded. Unfortunately for him, Sera had money, and no real use or lust for it. She wanted something much more primal. Control.

"Good day to you then. I hope you get back to Mister Goddard posthaste with my complaint," Brandley dismissed him with a large smile, sitting back in her chair. She pressed her finger to the intercom once the heavy door slammed shut, followed by a neat click.

"Ren, any news about our funding?"

"You're not going to like the sound of this, but two of our major investors just dropped completely out."

She fidgeted a little. So, he was going to make me squirm even if I did accept. He's a louse, and a fool. He's not crippling me, he's just forcing me to be selective.

"The special ops team will just need to be smaller. Instead of twenty outfits, why not just send ten. I want two first-wave companies ready by the end of this week. The other eight will be deployed in whatever pattern we can get away with," Sera barked, raising her tone a little more than she intended. She crushed the cigarette into the otherwise pristine silver ashtray on her mess of a desk. It was clear she'd need to move quickly to stay ahead of Goddard's jaws, but she couldn't afford to trip and fall so soon.

"Oh, and Ren? Send a box of cigars to Cameron for me, with a note. No hard feelings. Splurge on them, make 'em fancy for me."

May 11th, 2126: Earth, 6:20 AM

As Julius opened his eyes, he wasn't exactly sure what he was seeing. The sun was casting a vibrant orange hue over the sandy expanse before him, and he couldn't hear anything. This frightened him at first, but as he looked around, he realized why that might be. There's nothing here. The area was littered with scraps of metal and the remnants of what appeared to be medical or scientific equipment. He felt really groggy, so he assumed he must have been out cold for awhile. Was this a hospital, then? Julius looked at the underside of his wrist and saw an 8 tattooed there. while he couldn't really remember anything, he assumed that hospitals didn't number their patients.

He recalled a lot of beeping and humming when he last woke up, and a certain greenish color, and a scream that may or may not have been his own. To be honest, everything was blurry except for his name (or at least, some name), and the sights he was just now taking in. Julius was about to stand up when he felt a sharp pain in his left leg.

There was a huge gash running the length of his knee to his ankle, and he was about to pass out again looking at it. Suddenly, he became acutely aware of what was happening. There was blood moving across the sand and into his wound. Startled, he shuffled backwards as fast as he could, but the blood gave chase. As he began to panic about the pain in his leg and the creepy sight before him, the blood stopped and fell back to the cracked earth. He raised an eyebrow.

"Was I a lab rat?" he asked himself jokingly. Focusing on the blood once again, he could make it return to his body, and actually heal himself. "This must have been a lab, then. And I must be a prototype tester for some sort of recuperative... thing," he concluded, now able to stand, but still shaking in the knees, now because of the fact that he could have possibly forgotten something so important in his life. Of course, there was no way he could truly prove it, but it was the only option that he could deal with right now. Limping over to some other pieces of metal, he hefted them aside to check for other survivors. There were some pods that looked as though they could fit humans in, but after tapping them with his knuckle, he realized he would have no clue how to check the occupants's vital signs anyway.

Julius stood and sighed, stretching out his back. The sun was almost done rising, and he had no idea which way to head to find a town, so he returned his attention to exploring the ruined structure.

05-08-2012, 01:47 AM

The sky; that was the first thing Hunter eyes saw when they opened. For just a while she laid there, staring up at the never ending abyss, enchanted. Her whole body hurt, especially her arm, but that all seemed very far away at that very moment; almost like she was in a dream. Then suddenly, the dream ended and she was called back to the real world.

Hunter tried to bring her hands to her head, but only her right one responded. Ignoring that fact, she used that one hand to grab her head. The pain the echoed though it was quickly getting worse and worse. Shutting her eyes, she let out a small whimper and that's when the memories started. The first was one where she was standing in front of a white building, a strange man holding her hand as he walked her in. That was the only clear one, the others were mushed together, and it ended with the image of her wrist, the haunting number 43 staring back at her.

It was all over in a matter of seconds, but those seconds felt like ages to Hunter. Her breath was now labored and the pain was making itself known. After resting for a second, she tired her left hand again. Still no response. Turning her head to the side, she found that a rather large piece of rubble had locked her hand under it. She turned and tried to move it with her right hand, but to no avail. Then one of her memories came back to her. Figuring it was worth a try, she focused on the rock. Seconds later it lifted away and freed her arm.

"Great, I really am some creepy lab experiment that can manipulate gravity. Just Great." She whisper to herself, but for some reason she couldn't keep a smile from forming on her face. Now that she was able to, she stood up and little pieces of rubble and dirt fell off her person. Dusting herself off, she looked around. Everything was in shambles, whatever had happened here, it had not been good.

While testing her left arm; she could not help but notice the number 43 inked on to her wrist. She stared at it in wonderment, when suddenly she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. She froze and watched as a person climbed through the rubble, almost as if looking for something. Slowly, she approached the figure. It was a boy. He had red hair and was pretty skinny for a someone who looked to be older. When she got close enough, she saw a red band and a black mark. Automatically recognized the black mark that stained his wrist, a number. Excitement coursed through her, someone like her.

Swiftly she took off after him, "Hey wait!" She called fanatically. The boy stopped and turned, surprised written on his face. Once she arrived to him, she stuck out her hand. "Hi, I'm Hunter." she greeted with a smile. "Sorry if I scared you."

Hope this is okay. :)

The Bartender
05-08-2012, 05:32 PM
Artemisia, that was all she remembered about herself, as well as a voice, saying;
"Destroy it, Artemisia! Destroy it!" Said a loud voice of a man inside her head. Then another voice,this time afemales;
"Doctor! The subject is behaving strange and its energy release is increasing. What should we do?"
"Seal the subject and freeze it for conservation and later tests. We can still use it after an examination." Answerd the male voice.

Artemisias head felt like it would explode and suddenly a loud crack and a sound of shattering ice and metal as the container holding her inside she had been sealed broke into pieces.
Artemisia gasped for air first time in many years and it was extremely painful. The young woman let an incredibly loud scream. Artemisiacoughed blood but stayed in consciousness.
Artemisia crawled toward a broken closet, hoping there were somekind of clothes in it.

05-10-2012, 10:51 PM
Sam opened her eyes slowly Shifting as something dug into her side. She rolled over but found she could only get onto her side. Frowning she worked on focusing her eyes which where hazy and out of focus. Blinking rapidly for several minutes she was finely able to make out part of her surroundings though a sort of tunnel vision that gradually grew wider till she could make out everything. It seemed that she was under a peace of large mettle that was leaning against something that looked like it had once been a wall? The space she was in was quite small she realized and rolled back into her stomach.

Taking another good careful look she assured herself that it was stable enough that she could move the mettle and slip out. This she tried and failed... It was to heavy OR she was to weak. To be frank with herself she felt... starved? with a slight buzzing in her head that was starting to fad slowly. What was she doing where anyways? what was this place? "I can't remember" she said out loud frowning to herself. Well if she could not move the mettle out of her way she would have to crawl out. Pushing herself up to her elbows and next her hands she started to drag herself out when she found that her leg was stuck.

Upon looking back she noted that there was large chunks of rubble piled around it haphazardly. Studying it closely she also saw that if she moved the rocks just right she could free her foot with little trouble she also noted then, as she slipped back to try and reach it, that she space got narrower as she got farther back making it impossible for her to reach it. This again made her wounder what exactly she was doing here AND what had happened here. She glanced around again but figured she would get no answer in her current place thus she had to find a way out of this mess. Bringing her to the next question... how?

"Hello?" she called softly then grimaced a bit slipping back as far as she could to the opening just in front of her "Hello!?" she called louder. There was light quite a bit of yellow-ish light so it had to be the sun. It looked like she was in some kind of ruin from what she could see not far off from where she was currently was corner of gray-ish stone. Squinting she tried to drag herself farther up but her foot was caught to fast. "HELLO?" she called again "is any one else out there?" Here she set silently waiting a reply.

05-11-2012, 12:09 AM

"Hunter, hey," he smiled back, rubbing the back of his head, "My name's Julius. I feel really stupid asking this, but do you have any clue where we are? I must have hit my head pretty hard or something." Scanning the area again, he realized that there was almost no sign of any other life, and he couldn't help thinking of who else may have perished in what looked like a massive explosion. Suddenly, he shuddered at the thought, and he decided to file that idea away, completely unsure why he couldn't even approach the topic.

He turned his head around, reacting to a noise echoing over the sands. "Did you hear that?" he asked the other girl, and he noticed that she too had a number on her wrist. This time, the voice was much clearer, "HELLO?" Julius bounced on the balls of his feet, gesturing to Hunter, "Come on, we have to go find her!"


She coughed lightly into the back of her hand. The morning sun made her squint as she looked out the window at her father working the sparse crop. Valentin was going to be making a speech today, Mallory recalled, and she made her way over to the radio where he grandma was still asleep in her rocking chair. Kissing her on the forehead, Mallory picked up a backpack and left through the back door. She had been trekking into the desert for a few minutes, then soon a few hours each day, hoping to see more of the world each time. It was a silly goal, sure, but who knew when she'd stumble upon something of interest.

But I have to be back by six, she hummed to herself, That's when Sir Damosk comes on. Checking the watch she had strapped on her wrist, she noticed with a sigh that it had stopped. She tossed it to the sand in frustration, but decided to keep on with her new daily ritual.

05-12-2012, 03:02 AM

"Come on, we have to go find her!" Julies yelled and then sprinted off. With no hesitation, Huntar sprinted off after him. After crawling over some rubble, she caught up with him. They were running north of where they had started. She was about to ask where this person was when another "HELLO?" echoed throughout the barren landscape.

It was a matter of seconds after that last hello that they found the person. It was a her. Julies was the first to get over the initial shock of finding someone else. He knelt down next to her, "It's okay. We'll get you out of this." He said to her while sending her a smile.

While he talked to her, Hunter inspected the situation. The girl's foot was caught under a larger piece of rubble. It looked painful and she was kind of surprised that the girl was not showing any signs of pain. At some point Julius had reached over and tried to pick the rock up, but it was took heavy for him. Hunter placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look at her. "I got it." She said.

Looking away from him and at the rock, she focused on it. Something then surged through her veins, some kind of power and she unleashed it on the rock. The rock automatically left the ground and was floating. Julius didn't even wait, he moved the girl away right after the rock left the ground. With a "thud", Hunter dropped the rock back on the ground. She felt a little dizzy, but ignored it.

"You okay?" She asked the girl, concern lacing her words.

05-12-2012, 12:18 PM
Sam looked up as shadows feel in front of her there stood two others a boy and a girl not much older then herself at least from what she could tell. As the boy knelled down saying that they would get her out she only nodded. She looked back at the large peace of rock and then watched in shock as it lifted from the ground She was then dragged quickly away from it right before it dropped to the ground with a thud. She stared at it for a long moment longer before looking back at the girl who asked if she was alright.

"I-i think so" she answered with awe she was sure it had been the girl who had moved that large rubble. "Thank you" She said then looked down at her ankle it had a impression of where the rubble had been pressing on it it was slightly red and irritated but seemed to be to be okay not that she could really feel it she realized. Not to worry the two more then they already where she simply repeated that she was okay while struggling to her feet.

Doing said action was harder then she expected as she had realized before she could not feel parts of her limbs and body making it extremely difficult to stand in which case she simply plopped down onto the ground again rubbing parts of her body that where numb trying to get blood flow back into them, if that was of coarse the problem. "I... can't feel my limbs" she admitted after a moment.

The Bartender
05-12-2012, 02:11 PM
Artemisia had managed to crawl to the demolished closet and without thinking she reached for it like crabbed by invisible hands, it broke itno pieces. Directly after that, Artemisia had another flashback; This time she saw a girl sitting in a whitee room, she was wearing a hospital shirt and she jeld her head while mumbling something that Artemisia couldn't understand. Then two men in white clothes came in to the room and started to talk with tue girl;
"Artemisia, the next practice unit is starting. You must come." The other said as the.other walkwd behind the girl.
"No, please. no more." The girl cried but the oteer man behind her pressed needle into her neck and something blueish liquid entered her body. The girl tried to struggle a bit more but then she went all quiet and moveless. The first scientists took her by hand and walked her. out of the room...
The vision disappeared and Artemisia was back in the ruins. The girl coughed more blood and held her head as she screamed again, now even more painfully. Artemisia almost fainted but tried to stay awake and crabbed the scraps of a coat that had been in the closet.

05-15-2012, 01:43 AM
Hard ground. That's what Taya felt underneath her hands and face. She opened her eyes and looked at a bright orange sun. It hurt her eyes. After a few moments of gathering energy, she pulled herself up to a kneeling position and looked over the ruins that lay around her.

A cough shook her and she covered her mouth. That's when she noticed the red band glaring at her on her wrist and the number. 42. "Wha-"

An image of a raged dog blared in her mind, the noises it mind seemingly right beside her. It made her jump back onto her haunches and scream. Another image invaded after that of water rushing over her and she was unable to pull herself to the surface.

Her heart raced as panic flooded her system. "No, no, no!" she screamed. Her breathing became ragged as she pulled her knees to her chest and buried her head between them, trying to drown out the images that sprang to mind. "No! No! No! No!"

05-15-2012, 12:40 PM
Noah number 7

Noah lay in the dirt; the orange tint to it gave huge contrast to his own complexion. The sun high in the sky beat down upon his body as if the harsh rays were trying to extinguish the male from the earth. It was this direct sunlight that seemed to awaken him; as it warmed his skin. Brilliant blue eyes fluttered open as Noah previewed the scene, sitting up slightly.

His reason for awakening was a mix of the hot sun and the voice of a women yelling ‘HELLO’. Noah blinked a few times as he stood from the ground. He stood for a moment examining himself, the sun continued to rise the temperature going with it. On his wrist was the number seven this caused him to raise a brow in confusion “Maybe I am lucky” he said chuckling a bit.

His body ached, head hurt, and clothes partially torn. Bits of debris scattered about the area, dried blood on his forehead. ‘Was there an explosion?’ He thought blinking a few times as he realized the sun was beginning to burn his sensitive skin. As his thoughts continued to drift, debating why he was stranded out here; a haze of what appeared to be black smoke started to exude from around him. The haze seemed to linger around Noah whose thoughts were broken when he no longer felt direct sunlight.

The haze seemed to swirl and move almost as if it was alive. This movement disturbed him it was almost as if the swirling haze would eventually consume him as it wrapped its way around Noah. Shaking his head Noah tried to dismiss the darkness that made his own skin crawl, seconds later however it was gone. Almost as if it never existed in the first place.

In the distance he could hear a commotion going on, a thud echoing through the barren wasteland that Noah had awoken in. With that Noah walked in the general direction of the noise the commotion, the voices if you will. It was not too soon until he saw a group of others, two males and two females. ‘So I am not alone out here’ he thought calmly as he watched them for a moment.

One of the males helped move large rocks from off the female. It seemed that she was previously crushed though how it happened was the question that bothered Noah. Noah himself was not sure how he should approach but just as he was about to walk over towards the group in the distance a scream was heard. The high pitched scream rang in his ears as if it was something he used to hear a lot.

Lilith (Lily) number 54
Lilith awoke to a shrill ringing in her ears; it was only enhanced by the metal she was encased in. Almost instantly her hands rose up to cover her ears as she tried to remember what happened. The last thing she remembered was fire, explosions, an electronic voice saying something along the lines of ‘critical failure’. In the commotion she was dashing through the halls, perhaps being chased. In the last seconds before being knocked out she could feel emanate danger, she had been near the back up power core of the facility. Not being able to get out of harms way she curled up in a ball.

In truth she did not use her power to encase herself in metal but rather repulse the metal enough that it would not harm her. When the shrapnel of the explosion headed towards her it stopped at the electro magnetic repulsion barrio she had formed. Hitting it along with other items, they all smashed together forming a large cocoon around the girl. Most of the shrapnel was in fact metal itself as the wood has burned or been blow into such small bits it was no longer recognizable.

Inside the mostly metal ball Lilith heard a small break in the scream. It gave her enough time to try and push her way through the metal. As she tried to push the metal aside amazingly enough the metal itself began to move easily almost bending to her will. Opening a hole large enough for her to escape from the small pod. Upon escaping the container she made for herself, Lilith took in her surroundings.

The buildings foundation was still there, parts of the walls still intact, debris scattered about it looked like she was indeed right next to the source of the critical melt down. It was all obvious something internal had combusted. Lilith looked fairly fine, she looked like she had been heavily sunburn her skin red hot to the touch. This was due to the heat that happened in the instance, though she was not burnt badly it was enough in such a short time to cause almost second degree burns. Parts of her body would in fact blister but for now they were sore and ached.

Lilith’s silvery blue hair was pulled into pig tails as per her norm; she did not like her hair in her face. The girl looked about before walking around the ruins of the facility. It did not take her too long to find the source of the screams once they started again. A girl lay on the ground clutching the scraps of a coat, blood dribbling from her mouth. ‘Consumption?’ Lilith thought at first glance think of the horrible decease that once plagued the earth. Though upon further inspection the girl showed no further signs of the decease but rather signs of fatigue, and poor cryogenetic defrost.

“Miss…?” Lilith said trying to get the obviously disturbed girls attention. Though normally any sane person would not want to pester the disturbed young women but Lilly on the other hand was someone who loved being social. Since this person was the first and seemed to be one of the only around she was confronted. “Are you okay?” She said concern in her voice as she knelt down beside the girl, touching a gentle and soothing hand to the other female back in attempts to comfort her.

The Bartender
05-18-2012, 05:53 PM
“Miss…? Are you okay?”
Said a female voice. The noice made Artemisia flinch because of fear as well as anger. She didn't wan't others to see her so weak and helpless. Her anger rose even higher as the woman touched her, this was something she could not stand at all. Only one's who had even touched her were scientists or as they had called "doctors" and every time they had touched her it had caused pain to her.
"No... don't touch me..." She whispered quietly and tried to pull her legs together in order to look smaller.
"Please... I... I don't do anything false... just don't hurt me..." She whispered as few tears appeared into her eyes...

05-21-2012, 01:06 AM

"I can't feel my body." The girl admitted.

For just a second, Julius and Hunter looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Maybe she could pick up the girl like the rock, but something told her that would not end well for her. She was already feeling unwell before she lifted the rock, but afterwards it took a lot for her not to pass out. Her thinking on that is the fact that I can't even remember the last time I'd eaten.

"I can pick her up and carry her on my back." Julius offered while looking between the girl and Hunter. Almost like he was wait for one of them to say something.

"If you sure." She stated while looking straight at him. He nodded and keeled down. Walking over to the girl, Hunter helped pick her up and put her on his back. Standing up, he adjusted her. "What's your name?" she asked gently.

"Sam." She murmured.

"Well Sam, if anything starts to hurt, tell us." Hunter instructed her. All she got was a nod in response. Automatically, they started to walk in a random direction. It wasn't long before came upon another person.

"Stay here Julius." Hunter said as she started to walk toward the person, therefore leaving no room for arguing. Plus, he had to stay and protect Sam if he needed to.

05-22-2012, 08:47 PM

Concerned, he bent down to try to manipulate the girl's joints to make sure that they weren't broken, but he stopped. To be honest, he had no idea if he even knew how to properly do so, and he decided against hurting the girl any further. "Hey, you've been through a lot," he admitted, crossing his arms, "It took me awhile to get back on my feet as well." He began to rock on the balls of his feet until he realized that the girls were looking at him, expectantly. "I can pick her up and carry her on my back," he finally offered, reaching out to the stranger before him. What, am I always this obliging? he asked himself. It was frustrating not knowing anything, and the lightheaded feeling couldn't be for no reason. There was something missing besides his memory, and he couldn't place his finger on it. But there's no using worrying these two about it. I guess I'm pretty strong, so it'll be no problem carrying her.

Hunter helped put the girl onto her back and she made sure she could hang on, as he did his best to support her. He caught that her name was Sam, and he quietly asked, "Hey, Sam, are you just as lost as Hunter and me?" He watched as his companion approached another person and asked him to stay behind. He furrowed his brow, but turned behind him to smile at Sam, "Hunter already mentioned my name, but I'm Julius. Nice to meet you."

05-22-2012, 09:02 PM
Sam listened to the two as they helped her into the boys back she felt really useless now "thank you" she said as they started off. here she started to think to herself what where they all doing here in the ruins of some... place? she might have asked but the boy got to a question first "just as lost?" she asked thinking "I don't remember much..." she said "and what flashes or images I have don't make since" she said frowning. "But I guess that means that neither of you know where we are or why?" she watched as the girl moved off to another person "how many are there?" she asked out loud but did not expect an answer to that.

"Yes sam is what I remember but... I think it was longer..." she said "Julius is a nice name" she commented quietly. She could feel some of the life coming back into her legs and she debated on wither she should or should not ask to be put down. "so the other girl's name is hunter? I don't know.. but it sounds like an odd name for a girl" she said softly "not to be mean or anything..." she added. After a moment she decided it best to be put down and said as much to Julius.

05-23-2012, 11:18 PM
Taya pulled her hands away from her face as the images receded. What the hell was that? she questioned. Her mouth was dry and she felt dried tear tracks on her face. With a final hic, she wiped at her face and swallowed to try to generate moisture inside her mouth. Her tongue felt rough on the roof of her mouth and she was dying to get out of the sunlight.

Voices in the distance forced her to push herself onto her feet and egde forward. She crossed her arms across her chest and advanced through the rubble. "H- He- Hello? I- is someone there?"

05-24-2012, 01:02 AM

As I approached the person, I heard her- which I found out from the voice- call out, "H- He- Hello? I- is someone there?"

I then realized that this girl was facing away from me. Even though her back was to me, I could see the messy blonde hair that had been cut in to layers. I stood there for a second, debating on how to approach her. Nodding to myself, I decide the best way would be from the front.

Circling around, I made it about half-way before she saw me. The fear in her eyes was instant and she started to back up. Figuring she thought was going to hurt hurt her, I stopped and said warmly, "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Hunter. Are you okay?"

05-25-2012, 12:14 AM
Taya backed up a few steps. This girl was a stranger to her... then again so was everything else. Images began to push themselves to the forefront of her mind and she shook her head, her eyes immediately going to the ground. "My name's.....Taya."

She frowned at the ground. She wasn't sure, but it rolled off her tongue nicely and seemed to fit. If it wasn't her name, she didn't care. It was now. Her eyes found the red band on her wrist and she fingered that, trying to figure out what it meant. Taya nodded her head in answer to Hunter's question and briefly lifted her head to meet the other woman's gaze. After a moment images began to creep into her vision and she shook her head, adverting her eyes to the wrist of this woman's. She noticed a number. "You have one too?" As if to seem not strange, Taya held her own wrist up, showing a dirty 42 emblazoned on her skin.

The Bartender
05-25-2012, 11:35 AM
Artemisia coughed more blood, suddenly a flash of sharp pain went trought her head and she almost lost conciousness. She couldn't see anything, only white, foggy images. As she tried to concentrate on them, another wave of pain went throught her whole body. More blood was now dripplng from her mouth, she held her head and fell on ground.
Artemisia saw herself in a big room full of medical instruments. She herself was been bound on a table and some scientists were doing somekind of a procedure.
"Stop it... I don't want to see this..." Artemisia shouted, holding her head. But even thought she closed her eyes, she could see everything what happened. Then a flashback in which she saw the face of a young woman and heard something she was saying;
It was the same voice that had talked to her just a moment ago and touched her.
Artemisia's head hurt more than ever. The rubbles around her started to shake as she stood up and started to float, rising into the air. The rubbles in the ground started also to raise into the air and made cracking noices as they broke into small pieces. Artemisia was angry, she was angry toward everyone in the world because she had to feel such pain. Even more rubbles rose into the ground and started to move together, bigger and bigger, a huge arm formed into the air about 50 meters above the ground, directly over the young woman who had touched Artemisia.
"I...I...I won't let you hurt anyone anymore! You shall be erased here! You demon!" She screamed and let the huge arm fall toward the ground...

05-25-2012, 12:36 PM
Lilith watched as the girl withered obviously in pain, though as the girl coughed it almost looked like there was something wrong with her. Something that was more then just simply physical, more mental; this girls mind was warped the way she moved the way she feared others. Her perception was off, and it was obvious. “Why would I hurt you?” She questioned from the girl previous statement. It almost bewildered her.

From the looks of this place they were experiments, yes as what little memory she had it was of her being tested. Being nothing more then a subject or lab rat, they seemed to favor Lilly though it didn’t make sense as to why. They were gently on her then other experiments; maybe it was because her performance was what they wanted. Often in science the lab rats who accomplished what was needed got better treatment, treats or even a day off in rest.

It was then that as the rubble moved around she looked at her writs unconcerned for some reason, ‘54’ was adorned in a robotic fashion on her wrist as if to label her. As the ruble continued to move and now began to make noise as they broke apart in a fashion most strange; it once more caught lily’s attention. Standing up now and moving away from the girl by merely three feet she looked to the sky there above her was something forming. “Do you really think I am one you must punish….you obviously have some sort of mental instability, or the pain you are feeling is effecting you in such a manner it causes this reaction” She said watching the item form.

Lily’s hand rose up above her head and a magnetic force field that had protected her from so much wreckage before went up. Those it was not visible it was obvious the girl was doing something. As the hand came down to the earth to try and demolish Lilly she waited. The girl near her screaming "I...I...I won't let you hurt anyone anymore! You shall be erased here! You demon!” The hand fell and as it became closer to Lilith and her force feil it began to break apart the small partials it was made from repulsing even at this distance. Once the hand looked as if it was mere feet from Lilly it repelled with as much force as it came to the earth bouncing away from the girl. This such repulsion caused the form to break apart once more showing the ground with small chunks of debris all around the two women.

It was then that Lilly looked towards the girl her eyes no longer happy and fun but more methodical. It was like she examined her for a minute trying to determine what she could do to help this woman to alter her perception on things; it would be simply just manipulate the blood flow to her brain slightly differently. It would alter her perception; maybe even help the women however how was Lilly to know which way she should be wire a human was far more complex then a machine. “If I am so much of a demon, what does that make you? I have never hurt anyone. With the traits you have shown me here even your so called memories could be something of your imagination. If I have no such recollection of harming individuals but rather running through tests in this facility then you must be mistaken. If I was a lab rat how could I harm anyone? However if that is true doesn’t that make you the demon for trying to harm the innocent?” Lilith said her tone serious and rather un-happy with the girls response to her reach out of kindness before.

While this lack of judgment from the harmed girl could be forgiven by Lilith, it was in her nature to state what needed to be said. Her years of schooling had managed to stay with her through the experiments, she retained the knowledge she had learned over her life. It was in truth normal for test subjects to retain this however many of them had not gone to school for a masters degree. “Now if you want I can help the pain subside. I know you hurt, I'm sure if you weren't suffering in some way you wouldn't be so aggressive.” She said now crouched down looking at the girl her head tilted to the side. “I don’t know what you think I was but isn’t it obvious I am not that? If I was a demon I could have killed you by now, but I haven’t. Nor will I, so for now since we have no others around how about we make the best of this. Here take my hand, let try and find if there are any others. Okay?” With the ending of her statement a smile spread across Lilly’s face as if the logic in her argument would persuade the girl to come with her. The smile was no lie it was in fact just a normal expression Lilith had, she tended to always try and find the good in others it was her strong point. Offering her hand to the women on the ground, more then willing to help her up and support her in her weakened state.

05-26-2012, 12:38 PM

"You have one too?" she asked me as she held her wrist band up to me.

I simply answered her by hold up my arm and letting her see the wrist-band that look almost exactly like hers, only a different color. "Yeah, I don't quite remember what they were for." I said while staring at it, willing everyone of her memories to come back. Nothing.

Sighing, she turned a smile toward Taya. "I have some friend's over there." She said as she pointed in Julius's and Sam's direction. "We are looking for other's, like us. Want to come along?"

05-26-2012, 08:22 PM
Taya nodded and followed along behind this other woman. At the moment, the last thing she wanted to be was alone, especially with the lack of memories she had and the crazy things she'd seen and heard. It creeped her out.

"Do any of them know what happened?"

05-28-2012, 05:14 AM
"Do any of them know what happened?" Taya asked Hunter as she led them toward Julius and Sam.

Hunter paused for a second, unsure if she should truthfully answer the girl. Truthfully, she remembered only some of what was happening here. The rest was just a big fuzzy memory that had yet to revel itself to her. In her option, it was best that she not tell anyone anything quite yet, not until she figured it out.

"I am not really sure myself. As for the rest of them, I don't think so." The said as she started toward the other two again. Once close enough, she noticed that both of them were staring at her. "Julius, Sam, this is Taya. Taya; Julius and Sam." she stated matter of factly. Quietly, they said their greetings.

"The only thing I am sure of is that there are more of us." she whispered more to herself than anyone. "And we have to find them."