View Full Version : Warriors : The Forgotten Clans

03-06-2010, 02:40 PM

The moon was high and full as the cats of MoonClan began to slowly gather around the small glistening body of water known as the Moon Lake. The cats' spectral bodies seemed to waver in the breeze, yet strangely their reflections in the lake itself remained solid and still despite the rippling of the water. One cat, a she-cat with thick white fur, sat atop a boulder overlooking the water and peered down into it silently as if unaware of the others' approach. When it was clear that the last of them had come, all eyes turned toward the she-cat in anticipation, the cats' uneasiness evident by the slight pricking of the hairs on their numerous pelts. Finally the tense silence became too much fo one of them and the young tabby tom stepped forward to speak. "Tell us, Aurora, tell us what you see! With every moment that passes, you might be sealing their fate with your silence!"

Aurora turned and shot the tom a withering glance. "And you by your impatience, Snakefang, may very well have sealed it yourself. The vision was not ended when you spoke, and now the rest of it is lost. I have but half a prophesy. Hopefully it will be enough." Even as she scolded him however, her voice remained calm, almost soothing. "You are with us but a pawful of moons. You must learn to put aside the restless weariness of the other world. Do you believe that I, of all cats, would wish harm on my children? Now be still, and I will tell you what I have seen and heard."

Snakefang returned to his place, head hung in shame as he forced his fur to lie flat.

Aurora closed her eyes for a moment, as if grasping for the last shreds of a half-forgotten dream, which in a way she was. After a moment she opened them and gazed out at the assembled MoonClan, her eyes glowing eerily in the reflected moonlight as she pronounced her prophesy on the clans with a heavy heart.

"Before two can become as one,
Before what is sundered can be made whole,
Both Fire and Earth shall meet twelve trials.
Darkness shall rule in the height of day
As warning of the first great trial,
And before the last of these has come,
The valley shall be bathed in blood."

A ripple of alarm went through the pelts of the assembled cats as the words of the leader of MoonClan echoed across the lake. They spoke amongst themselves in hushed tones, but then fell silent as one of their own stepped forward to question. "Whose blood, Aurora? Whose blood is it that will stain the valley?"

"I know not," she said. "Nor do I know what the twelve trials shall be. But I do know one thing. If the clans fail these trials, they shall be destroyed. That is why, for the clans' survival, we must choose cats who will leave the clans before all of the trials come to pass. We can warn only so many, so the ones we choose must be young and strong. Now is the time to choose. What say you all?"

03-06-2010, 06:10 PM
Petalkit jerked awake, breathing heavily. She glanced around and breathed a sigh of relief, Heatherkit was still by her side, they were still in their burrow. Everything was normal...but her dream seemed so vivid. She yawned wide, showing her sharp little canine's and lay her head back down. That dream was so weird...

She had appeared above a group of cats she didn't recognize, it was how she imagined a bird would feel as it flew overhead. She seemed to zoom in on a large fluffy, snow white cat with piercing blue eyes who said to her:

Your clan and the Earthclan will have 12 trials Petalkit,
it is your job to warn everybody and to prepare them for what is to come,
They won't believe you at first but you must hold fast,
Go Petalkit, go

After that they had zoomed back out and a few cats surrounding the big white cat gave her a smile or a wink, and next thing Petalkit knew, she was awake and panting.

Petalkit stood up and shook her off-white and brown fur and poked Heatherkit with her nose "Wake up!" she yowled.


Lilly yawned and rolled over on her back lazily, the large dapple-gray horse she was laying on snorted and shifted from foot to foot. Lilly stood and stretched her legs, being careful not to dig her claws into the horse.

After stretching and waking up, Lilly hopped off the horse onto the side wall, and from there hopped onto a bale of hay and onto the floor. She headed over to the large barn doors and pawed at the wood until she found the loose board. She pushed at it with her head and it moved over. Lilly squeezed her fluffy body through it out into the bright morning air. She shook her calico fur and headed over to the nearby woods to do her business.


Aspenrose sat by the stream, gazing lazily at the world around her. She licked her gray and white paw contentedly and watched as all the cats around her started to wake.

As they moved past her they mewed greetings and Aspen responded warmly, today was going to be a good day. Today was the day she got her 3rd apprentice, and Aspenrose was really excited. She rubbed her face on her paws and finished her morning bath.

03-06-2010, 06:58 PM

Heatherkit opened one eye lazily and gave her littermate an oh-what-is-it-this-time sort of look. She could tell that something was really upsetting Petalkit, though, so she reluctantly got up and stretched her muscles before responding to her cries. "Be quiet, mama is sleeping." Pointing with her tail to the far end of the nursery den, which had once been part of a twoleg nest, Heatherkit walked over there so that they wouldn't disturb their mother Greeneyes. "What's a matter, Petalkit? Didja have a bad dream? Was it the one about the monster again?" She asked in a hushed voice.

Greeneyes, the kits' mother, who usually slept very lightly, this time continued her sleep even as Petalkit and Heatherkit stirred, her own dreams undisturbed by such weighty matters as prophesies. She twitched slightly as her dream of chasing rabbits continued.

Stonepelt, Greeneye's mate and the kits' father, was among the first in the warriors den to awaken. Like many of the dens in FireClan, this one had once been a twoleg nest before the twolegs abandoned it long ago. This particular one was large and made of a hard but thin grey rock that reflected the light of the sun and made a sound like a kit mewling when you scraped your claws across it. Of course, Stonepelt wasn't the sort to go scraping his claws across anything unless it was freshkill or the pelt of an enemy.

Freshkill, there was a thought. Well, no use putting it off. The clan needed food. Then again, he might do better to wait and join the dawn patrol, then go hunting later. By the look of the sky, dawn was already upon them, but it was hard to tell sometimes with all the abandoned twoleg nests blocking the view of the sunrise. He judged that he had some time to kill though, so he decided he would go and pay Greeneyes and the kits a visit before he headed off towards Nightstar's den to join the patrol.



Willowbrook awoke with a start, fur on end and claws extended, yet she relaxed when she realized that there was no immediate threat. It was just a dream. But what dream? Even now, she could only recall small parts of it. A white cat and others, a lake, something about trails, no trials... Mouse dung, this old mind of mine is going, the elderly medicine cat thought bitterly to herself. She had been certain that it had been a dream from MoonClan, and now she could not even remember it. Looking over towards the place where her apprentice Featherpaw slept, she considered going back to sleep herself. Maybe it would help her to remember. But she knew it wouldn't. A dream, once lost, is seldom recovered. She might as well get to work. So, careful not to disturb Featherpaw - she'd had a hard day and deserved her rest - Willowbrook went to work counting herbs.

Leopardclaw, as always, was a heavy sleeper. No dawn patrol for him this morning. No cat much cared though, because awake he was even more annoyingly full of energy. He did his share of hunting though, and no cat could call him lazy. Still, every cat around him gave a small sigh of rellief that they would have a respite from his kit-like behavior, at least for a little while longer.

03-07-2010, 12:10 AM
Karlos was in a back of the twolegs messy alley way, next to a twolegs food cave. He managed to find what he was looking. A small yellow sponge food behind a large metal can. He found it quite some time ago, he enjoyed the flavor and taste. But what he mostly enjoyed was the cream inside the sponge.

It taste a little similar to milk. Licking the cream that filled between his paws, he moaned with sensation. But while licking his paws, he heard something coming from the twolegs food cave. He saw a large flat wood opening, and there a fat twoleg came out, the twoleg saw Karlos.

Karlos thought he was going to get hit by the fat twoleg, but then they both stared at each other, the fat twoleg said something soothing to Karlos, Karlos barely understands twoleg tongue, but then it made him calm.

He walks up to the twoleg, and the twoleg pets his head, saying something nicer each time Karlos purrs. Then the fat twoleg went inside of the food cave, and soon came back out with a small piece of meat, Karlos takes the meat and runs back deeper into the tall twolegs caves, eating the meat in peace.

03-07-2010, 07:38 AM
Earth Clan

This was a place that Featherpaw did not recognize, a far stretching field of grass she had never been to before that seemed to be without an end entirely. She was about to roll in the grass, swat as a dandelion, when she realized she was not alone. Just as suddenly as she had realized she was in this place, a great cat she did not recognize appeared before her.

"Young apprentice, there will be twelve trials coming soon. The first you will see shortly, a sunhigh without a sun. But do be prepared... there may be trials your eyes will never see..."

"W-wait? Trials? I might not see? Does that mean I will... that I will...?" But she could not hear more, as the dream started to fade...

Featherpaw's sound sleep however, did not last for very long after her mentor had found work. She awoke with a start, blue eyes wide as thought she was not quite in belief of her surroundings. As though she had to take everything in just to make sure it was real, that everything existed in front of her. Panting hard, the female realized that yes, yes it had been a dream. Unlike most dreams however this one was far to vivid, remaining burned into her mind.

"Willowbrook!" she said, and picking herself up shook off a bit before running towards her mentor. "I just had... I just had the strangest dream! There was this cat I had never seen before! And she told me that there was going to be twelve trials. A sunhigh without a sun would be the first and that... and that I would..." She paused, shaking her head swiftly. She could not tell her mentor that and make her worry, she could not! "Well anyways it was really wierd. I mean, I have never had anything like it happen before... it felt so real."

She swallowed hard, ears back as she spoke. Fear could be practically smelled from her, but it was because of the final words spoken to her. She did not want to die. She wanted to be a great medicine cat! She wanted... she did not even have a mate! She did not have friends yet! She was not ready, but why would the car lie to her?

She would just have to live and learn as much as she could until then...

Fire Clan

Swiftfoot gave a mighty yawn as he stretched in place, eyes opening to survey the area. As usual most were asleep, however some were starting to awaken. He looked over the members of his Clan, tail lightly swishing behind him. Most were still asleep, some were awakening like himself, and others had already departed.

He would await for everyone to be awake, before starting on his own daily routine. Why did he get the feeling that, somehow, today might hold something different? Hmph, silly. Glancing upwards, he shook his head. Today would be the same as any otehrs, and the days to come would be the same as well. Glancing towards his Clan, he gave a light nod.

Not that he minded the same. After all, sometimes the unexpected was cruel.

03-09-2010, 01:25 AM
Earth Clan

Pinestar stared up into the mossy roof of his den, his tail twitched rapidly as his thoughts wondered. He could not rest, his mind and body were restless again. With a sigh, and a grunt, the Tom rose and paced around the den, his tail dragging along the moss overhead. The feel of the fuzzy moss and his fur sent tingles of throughout his body.

"Something... something... something is coming, but what?" Pinestars voice whispered, lightly echoing inside the den, a riddling path of paw prints littering the sandy floor. "Why havn't I been given a sign or anything?!" With a snap of his tail, Pinestar claws dug deep into the loam, his fur standing on end as he silently yowled his frustration, his face wrinkled in rage. Once the episode was over, Pinestar pressed his aching head into the cool stone walls, and cursed at nothing as he fought to figure out what it was that kept his fur standing on end so much; "Mouse dung mouse dung mouse dung!"



With a moan, the old tom rolled over and peered out across the barren picture of his home, his tail flopped to and fro against the wooden floor of the gutted monster he now resided in. The sounds of scurrying mice and small creatures teased his belly, yet his resent to move kept him from hunting, so he lounged a little while longer. The sounds of creaking monsters and squeaking animals lulling him back into his slumber.

03-09-2010, 06:57 PM

As the sun began to peak over the edge, Nightstar's golden eyes opened abruptly. Her muscles tensed, and she slid out of her den into the clearing with wary eyes. It was before many of the cats were waking up, but she found it the most oppurtune time to be awake. There was nothing to miss if you werent around.

There was a bad feeling resting inside of her, and it was hard to contain. A harsh awakening by a force she couldnt see had no help to offer on calming her down.

Swiftfoot stood yawning, and she tilted her head, watching him. His silver fur glittered slightly as he moved. With the realization that the Clan was waking up, she pulled her tail up, and raised her head, ears alert. Quickly, she jumped up the low branches in the Star Tree, and sat, looking at the horizen. An patrol would have to be organized, as well as a hunting party. There was no time for this.


Mapletail was inside the base of Star Tree when thier leader jumped adruptly past her. There was a worried look in Nightstar's eyes, but the medicine cat shook it off with a purr. The deputy would know exactly how to handle it. Her sleek grey tail brushed the healthy wood as she turned to go and check her supplies. The medicine den had been placed inside the hollow of Star Tree, where Nightstar would make all Clan meetings, and where Mapletail had the honor to work.

Her eyes skimmed over the leaves and flower buds as the morning calculations added up, and seperated with what the Kits could gather. There was always things they could do,


A loud yowl woke up Oakstream with a start. He jumped up from a restless sleep with his claws extended, to look over the clearing. Several cats gave him funny looks, but he turned his tail on them. He;d fallen asleep next to Pinestar's den, for some reason. Was Pinestar yowling like that?

He padded off quietly, to the freshkill. Pinestar was agitated over something, but he would back off. what was a warrior compared to him? He was the leader, choosen by MoonClan to lead them through the thick and thin. Yet, a smell in the air, one he couldnt distinguish settled upon him like a feeling.

03-09-2010, 09:06 PM

Stonepelt looked up towards the Star Tree as he passed by on his way to the nursery den, and realized that Nightstar was already there. Well, there will be time to visit them later, he thought. Turning aside, he went to the base of the tree and sat, looking up at his leader. He bowed his head with respect. "I am ready to join the patrol if you wish it, Nightstar."


Willowbrook's eyes widened, and her head snapped around to regard her apprentice with her piercing green and blue eyes. "Twelve trials! That is it, Featherpaw! Was it a white she-cat with blue eyes? I had the same dream. It is a warning from MoonClan. We must speak to Pinestar at once."

She started to run out of the cave then stopped herself and turned back toward Featherpaw. She seemed to be unusually frightened by the experience. True, this was her first dream from MoonClan, but was that all? Or was there something else? "Featherpaw, you would tell me if there was something else to your dream, wouldn't you." It was actually more of a statement than a question, and Willowbrook didn't wait on an answer. "We will go directly to Pinestar, but we will not hurry. It is up to the leader of the clan to decide what should be done, but until then there is no use worrying the clan. If anyone asks, we will simply say we must speak with Pinestar."

Leapardclaw finally roused himself and shook off the weariness of sleep. With a burst of energy, he shot out of the warriors' cave like his tail was aflame. Once outside, he stretched and clawed at a rock, making an awful noise that was sure to awaken all the warriors still asleep. "Come on sleepyheads! Morning! Up, up up!" There was a slight pur of ammusement in his voice.

03-09-2010, 11:24 PM
Petalkit waited impatiently for Heatherkit to be ready. She ignored the mention of her nightmares, not wanting anything to ruin this moment. When she finally stopped her complaining Petalkit puffed up with pride and announced "I have a message for the leader!" she strutted out of the den proudly, knowing Heatherkit would follow, begging to know what she meant. Sure enough when she turned around Heatherkit was following, curiousity burning in her eyes. With a new feeling of superiority she announced "I got a a dream from a big white cat, that told me that there would be '12 trials that both our clans will face'" she said quoting, forgetting to mention that she wasn't particularly sure what that meant.

03-10-2010, 03:52 AM
Heatherkit shook her head, though she was behind Petalkit so her sister wouldn't have been able to see it. "There must have been something odd about that freshkill you ate yesterday. Do you hear yourself, Petalkit? You say a white cat told you something in a dream? Do you know how mousebrained you sound? Dreams don't come from anyplace, they're just there. Besides, you know there's only one clan." Still, it bothered her that she didn't know what a trial was. Probably just some wierd word Petalkit made up.

She ran in front of her sister and looked her in the eyes. Except for their eyes and a slight difference in their muzzles, it would have seemed like a cat looking into it's reflection. "You're gonna get us in trouble you know. Again." Her ears were back as she said it.

03-10-2010, 01:37 PM
Petalkit whined childishly "No, this time it was different! The cat told me that no one would believe me! I can't believe you don't trust me! The cat said!" The previous feeling of superiority had vanished and Petalkit was starting to doubt herself. "I need to speak to the leader!" she said, but much more doubtfully so it sounded more like a question.

When Heatherkit blocked her way, Petalkit returned the angry gaze and tried to push past her, flicking her with her tail as she did so, "I will not! I'm going to be a hero, you'll see!" her stubborn side was showing now, and her tail stuck proudly in the air, no one was going to tell her what to do!


Lilly had finished her morning ritual and was chasing a butterfly. It was a pretty butterfly, a big orange and black one, kind of like her. Her big green eyes were wide with excitement as she chased it through the woods. Finally, the butterfly seemed to grow tired of her and flew up into the air, out of Lilly's reach. "Well!" she said accusingly and sat down to lick her paws. After a moment she realized she was deeper into the woods than she had been in a long time, she knew how to get out of course, but, there was something about the unorderly wildness of the woods that made her curiosity really come out. She crouched low, as if she was hunting, and creeped silently through the woods, entertaining herself. Pretending she was a big important cat, like that one wild cat she had met in the woods a few moons ago, how Lilly wished she could know more about that cat....

03-10-2010, 03:01 PM
Heatherkit sighed and stepped aside. "Fine. I still think you're being mousebrained, but I'm coming with you." If only mom had been awake, she probably would have told Petalkit the same thing. How many times had Greeneyes comforted the two when they had bad dreams, telling them they weren't real? But obviously Petalkit believed what she was saying, and that was enough for Heatherkit, for now at least. Who knew, maybe there was something to her dream. If there was though, Nightstar would know.

She kept silent as she followed her sister down the old twoleg thunderpath, which hadn't been used since the twolegs had abandoned their dens many many seasons ago. As she thought about it, a question crossed her mind, one she'd never thought of before. Why had the twolegs left their twolegplace? Their dens were strange, but they were sturdy, and there was plenty of freshkill to be had. Or maybe twolegs didn't like mice. Not that she'd know about twolegs; she had never even seen one. Maybe she would ask mom later.

Veering off the old dirt path, they headed for the Star Tree, where some of the warriors were already getting ready for a patrol. Nightstar seemed to have already spotted them, and some of the warriors were giving the kits an odd look. Heatherkit was suddenly nervous. "You should wait and tell her the dream later. She looks busy now." She winced as soon as the words were out of her mouth. Petalkit was already mad at her, she might embarass them just to get even.

03-10-2010, 05:08 PM
Nightstar purred, and flicked her tail in greeting at the warriors gathered around the tree. "Maybe so, my friend." she looked around the clearing, eyes settling for a moment on the two kittens at the edge, watching her. That was odd. "I need two a hunting patrol along the Firepath. And a border patrol across the stream."

Leaning down over the edge, she peered into the Medicine Hollow, and watched the old medicine cat. "There may be two kits here for you."

03-11-2010, 12:00 AM
Petalkit saw the leader notice her and Heatherkit, and took that as a sign that she should approach. She hesitantly walked up to Nightstar, her previous gusto vanishing under the authoritative gaze. She walked up to her and mewed quietly "Umm Nightstar ma'am. I have a special message for you" She looked up at Nightstar, hoping she wouldn't just blow her off, she so wanted the approval of the elders.

03-11-2010, 12:45 AM
Earth Clan

Pinestar sighed as he lifted his face off the cool walls, his fur was ruffled in more ways than one. Flicking his tail, he fixed his face back into its calm demeanor then made his way out side. Morning light stung his eyes, causing him to wince a little and his ears to flatten as he mumbled, "Why's it always gotta be so bright?". Marching over to the medicine den, Pinestar yawned, and flicked each paw to get rid of the soreness he'd given them last night. A brief thought of grooming himself was easily squashed as he walked inside, the fresh scents of herbs making him shiver slightly.

"Willowbrook, can I beg a remedy from you and your lovely apprentice?" Pinestar sat in front of the opening, wrapping his tail around him and shivering slightly. "I seem to be having some crow brained dreams, and given myself a bit of a fright." He nods his head a little as a small pain fills his eyes, "And one wretched head pain, like a badger is burrowing in my skull." One of Pinestars eyes closes, dampening the pain a little.


03-11-2010, 05:03 AM
It took Karlos a while for him to devour the piece of meat, it felt it has been a while since he had any meat. But he was famished after eating something that was juicy, Finishing eating the meat, Karlos walked away from the two legs food cave. Following with his nose, he pasted a few large metal cans and big metal boxes.

Looking at between the two legs home, it made him realized how much he missed his home, his clan. Trotting around for a bit longer, he runs into another male cat, they both stared at each other for a moment, Karlos was going to move around him and leave, but the male cat hissed and snared at him, Karlos hiss and snares back as well.

03-11-2010, 02:17 PM

Stonepelt heard Petalkit's voice and turned to regard her and her sister with a curious expression. "Petalkit, Heatherkit, what are you doing here? You should be in the nursery den." Petalkit's words finally registered in his mind, and he added, "A message? Is it Greeneyes? Is there anything wrong?"

Heatherkit, not wanting any further embarassment, went over to her father and spoke low so that only he could hear her. "Petalkit had a strange dream. She's convinced that something is going to happen, so she wanted to come and warn Nightstar."

"This is about a dream?" Stonepelt turned his stone eyes on Petalkit for a moment, then gazed back up at Nightstar. "I'm sure it can wait until a better time, Nightstar." He bowed his head with respect as he said it. The last thing he wanted was for his kits to be looked down upon by the clan, and they had already gotten into trouble multiple times before. True, they were still just kits, but what sort of warriors would they make if they could not keep from embarassing themselves and getting into trouble? He suddenly thought of Leopardclaw, and noticed the tom was staring at him.

Leopardclaw had been watching the whole exchange with some ammusement, the tip of his tail flicking back and forth playfully. He was just about to volunteer for border patrol when they were interrupted. Normally he would have joined the hunting party, but today felt different, so he wanted to try something different. He smirked at the sight of stone wall Stonepelt squirming under Nightstar's gaze. Not so tough now, are we? he thought to himself. He almost wanted to suggest aloud that the kittens' "message" be heard, but thought he'd better stay out of it.


Willowbrook regarded Pinestar with wonder in her blue and green gaze. "We were only just about to go and see you, Pinestar, about that very matter. Both of us recieved dreams from MoonClan." Now that Featherpaw had refreshed her memory, Willowbrook remembered her own dream quite clearly. "There was a beautiful white she-cat, the same one that I have seen in my dreams before. She said that twelve trials will come to the clans, and that as a warning of the coming of the first, there would be a sunhigh without a sun."

"Both clans, she said," Willowbrook continued thoughtfully. "I only know of one, our own Earthclan. But the white cat mentioned another. We must be wary of the sign of the trials. I have often seen a cloudy day in my many seasons, Pinestar, but never have I seen a sunhigh without a sun." She dared not show it in front of her leader and her apprentice, but the very thought of the sun not being frightened her. But that it was a warning, and not one of the trials, frightened her all the more. What sort of trials did they face? How much time did they have? Why Hadn't MoonClan told them that?

03-11-2010, 04:56 PM
With patience, Pinestar listened intently as the two she-cats voiced their dreams. The thought of a Sun High without the Sun pushed the pain in his skull away long enough for him to look into Willowbrooks eyes, then Featherpaws. His gaze looked deep into them, as if searching for something buried behind them. His own suddenly grew soft, and the air around began to exude calm, his voice came out playfully, "In a way, I would love a day with out the Sun, maybe I wouldn't wake up every time with this head pains." A deep, warm chuckle came from Pinestar as he walked up and tapped both she-cats across the nose with his tail. "I promise to consider these thoughts with you further Willowbrook, but I am truly in need of some form of relief, that little story about the badger burrowing in my head is growing more and more real." Before either could move, Pinestar placed himself in front of Willowbrook, and spoke to the wall across from him. "I have yet to witness the training my lovely Willowbrook has shown you Featherpaw." Looking down at the young medicine apprentice, he couldn't keep the small chuckle out of his voice, "So I want you to be my hero this time" With a tap of his tail across the she-cats ear, Pinestar let out a small sigh, "I'm trusting you, Featherpaw", and with that, the Tom crouched down, curling tail around his feet, and burrowed his face into his forelegs.

03-11-2010, 09:52 PM
Petalkit swallowed hard and shot Heatherkit a look, she wanted to be the one to tell them. She dipped her head low, embarrassed and managed to say "But it's really important, I got a message from a big white cat" she looked at their faces for any sign of anger and continued "She said that there was going to be 12 trials with us and another clan, and that no one would believe me..." Petalkit struggled to remember all the details "She said it was really important" she finished and flattened her ears sadly, there was no way they would believe her, she had failed the big white cat.


Lilly crept along the forest floor, sneaking like a wildcat, lost in her own amusement, when she smelled the new scent of another cat. Continuing in her wild fantasies, she pretended the cat was out searching for her, and that she would have to be fearless and brave, to defend herself. She rowled loudly and bristled her calico fur, she was fearless!


Amberrose stood and stretched, heading over to where the clan was preparing the morning patrol, she took her spot by the leader and smiled at all her clan mates. Not being able to help looking over their heads a little bit, in search of her new apprentice.

03-17-2010, 05:23 PM

Stonepelt's eyes narrowed, but he remained silent. It was Nightstar whou would decide what would happen next. If it were up to him, he would have gabbed Petalkit by the scruff then and there and taken her back to the nursery with a word about bothering the leader and warriors. But it wasn't. Now that her ridiculous dream was out in the open, the mossball was in Nightstars paws, so to speak.

Heatherpaw, unable to stop her sister from continuing to ramble on about her dream, just stood by her father with her head bowed in shame. She didn't know for sure, but she had a feeling that this went against the warrior code somehow, so all she could do was sit and await her punishment.

Leopardclaw's tail continued to twitch. This is getting better and better, he thought.


Willowbrook looked expectantly at her apprentice. Please, get this one right, she thought. She didn't doubt Featherpaw's skills, since she had seen them grow steadily over the last moons. She just hoped that she would remember what to give this time and not falter in front of Pinestar. She wanted to show him that her apprentice was almost ready, and this was such a simple thing, it would be a shame if she forgot it. Poppy seeds for pain, just a few, she thought, as if by doing so she expected her apprentice to remember any more clearly.

03-24-2010, 03:52 PM
Nghtstar stood patient as she listened to the emotions unfold around her. This was part of the experiences any leader would begin to choose from. The deputy watched her, and she looked at his eyes. It seemed that he wanted nothing of the two kits, and she sighed. Heatherpaw's head was down in shame, or genuine concern.

The pelt on her shined as she dropped to the ground, and stood betweeen the two quickly. "I'd like to hear about your dream in due time. We shall hear it out but right now I need to organize some patrols."

Watching for a reaction, and worried that her comment became degrading she touched her nose to the cat's chin, raising it. "Be proud you had the strength to stand up for what you believe in"