View Full Version : Test 2: Subject Sigma (Jacogos) vs. Selena the Coin (crazydawg444)

05-17-2012, 11:51 PM
China. 234 AD. The place is the tragic plateaus of the Wuzhang Plains.

Zhuge Liang peered out over the soon-to-be battlefield with an ounce of sorrow. He had seen his death already, foretold in the stars. This was to be his last battle, yet one that he would not see through to the end. It left him with a considerable amount of regret.

"I am sorry, Jiang Wei... My teachings end today," the elderly strategist whispered to the air. At that moment, though, everything froze. The air stilled, the grass halted, and the two great armies facing each other from atop the two plateaus ceased to move any longer. The world seemed to blur at the edges as the battlefield of Wuzhang was removed from the space of the timeline and, instead, two completely different warriors were inserted.

Upon one plateau, next to where Zhuge Liang silently looked over his statuesque army, a ball of blue light appeared, with a stylized marking for the greek letter Sigma etched into its light somehow. The orb seemed to take on consciousness as the world began to 'breathe' allowing life to survive within the moment while keeping the single millisecond that the moment was captured from continuing on.

Upon the other plateau, where the hordes of the Wei army stood stony-faced, Subject Sigma's opponent appeared. The young female, Selena the Coin, materialized not even a split second after her opponent, so there was no advantage that the experiment got by being there longer.

At first glance, it would seem as if the two were upon separate mountaintops, but the field was no more than a half-mile across at its widest point between the two plateaus. Selena's plateau (referred to as the Wei side) branched off to either side of her and led to the plains below in a roundabout fashion, like a large M, though directly in front of her was a steep 100 foot drop to field below.

On Sigma's plateau (the Shu side), Sigma was situated on a large plateau that led out about quarter mile behind him, with the ramps leading down to the fields located to either side of him within a few hundred feet. There was a rather shallow river at the base of this plateau, separating this side from the rest of the field. A grown man could walk across the river without wetting his family jewels.

At the center of the field, two wooden forts held the Shu army at bay, though the 200 square foot bastions would not bother the two warriors much in their state of stasis. Trees are sparsely located across the fields, though the largest 'thicket' contained three trees close together, with barely enough leaves on them to call it that.

As the two began to gain their bearings, a voice seemed to permeate the air around them

"Alrighty, combatants! This arena shall be the location of your battle, in which one being shall fall and the other shall live! Don't disappoint us now!" With that, the voice seemed to fade away and there was just the two gladiators again.

I shall let you have the first move, as well as provide you a VERY rough sketch of the battlefield, in case my description was not clear 1700.

05-18-2012, 12:56 AM
selena observed the battlefield. she searched for her opponent, and found Subject Sigma on the opposite plateau. She studied the surrounding area and good places to go in case of an attack or if she had to move to the bottom. A million thoughts processed in her head. She was waiting to find out what form her opponent took. She thought of the best thing to do and quickly decided the best action to take at the present time. she took out some kunai, and took them between her fingers. She took Sigma into her line of sight. She threw the kunai at Sigma, confident she would hit her target before he finished scanning the arena.