View Full Version : The Descendants of a Future IC

03-08-2010, 10:07 AM
Credit goes to The Descendants by Landon Porter.

Danville, North Carolina a busy boomtown because of VirtTech's major successes and newly discovered scenery, food, and beaches. The ritzy people started moving in bring their sky-high apartment complexes, flying cars, and expensive tastes. It made things difficult for the original inhabitants, but with all the money coming in it seemed they complained only to get more money.

Danville prided itself on its safeness, low crime rate, and low amount of psionics. However, the original inhabitants either did not know where to look or a “ignorance is bliss" wall cascaded over their eyes. Even before the money appearing in the town crime and psionics were present. They just needed to open their eyes.

That entire happy-go-lucky ignorant blissful attitude changed soon after a darkened van drove up to a recently acquired derelict building that used to be an inn, among other things, called Halfway Inn. The inn was abandoned for close to twenty years. Basically long enough for mostly every appliance to break, the plumbing stop up, the beds and furniture begin to rot, but the structure of the building was still sound.

Shawn jumped awake and nearly rolled of the makeshift bed he made in the downstairs den using a really beat up couch, one of the less moth eaten sheets, and one of the side cushions that looked like it had the least amount of rot and mysterious fecal matter. Shawn jumped awake because he relived the dream again. It was years past, but the death of his friend was still fresh in his mind. People believe that because soldiers see death all the time, the are unphased by it.

The theory is somewhat true, because when in combat the soldier does not have time to think of his fellow soldier that got his head fired by a Tesla Arc Generator when he poked his head from cover for meager seconds, or the guy eviserated two feet away from the solider because of a rifle with a chainsaw blade attachment ripped through his buddy like hot butter when taking an objective. The thoughts of death are so far away in those situations, they manage to echo back when the fighting lulls or when the soldier leaves for home. This is what has really his Shawn all week, and it might for a few hunderd more along with the others.

Shawn's body didn't waste a second before it started pounding him to reality. Two broken ribs and a minor concussion would do that to anyone. Shawn rubbed his head a bit before getting up. His military regulation hair cut had grown out a little bit during all the commotion and still had some caked blood in it even though one of the first things Kree and Shawn did on their "Top 10 List To Fix a Wrecked House" was to get water running and the plumbing fixed for the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms, which was a pain because neither of them had any real experience and the search engine GaBillion, like Google of the 20th century until 2025, was the magic 8ball for all questions, but like its predecessor could only do so much.

He could vaguely hear the T.V. upstairs, which was also a part of the Top 10 list, Guess the kids are up. His nose quickily hit on a smell no true soldier could ever miss. Their life blood. COFFEE! Shawn shot through the house, broken ribs did not matter, until he found the culprit in the kitchen. He took a long theroputic deep breath.

"Kree, you would be my idol right now, if you would hand me a cup. I am so glad we put electricity and the working applicants *smell* on the Top T list, and the Machine of God and the Devil was working."

03-08-2010, 12:16 PM
Riana sat alone in the floor of her room, body in a lotus postion as she attempted to block out the noise of the world around her, specifically that TV two rooms down. The walls were just thick enough that it made it even more annoying. She could hear the TV on, but she couldn't hear what those on it were saying. Just loud mumbling. She sighed, allowing the noise to fall away from her consciousness as she focussed inward. It doesn't matter, she told herself, just breathe...

Some minutes later, she opened her eyes and stood slowly, then went over to a small closet and took out some clothes to change into. She had bathed last night, but was still in the sweatsuit she wore in lieu of pajamas. The outfit she chose - not that there was much else to choose from - was a pair of faded black jeans that must be twice as old as she was and a light blue tunic with fringe abd long sleeves that seemed to invoke her nickname of Rain. She couldn't stand the sleeves, because they always seemed to get in the way, but she couldn't bring herself to cut them either, so she just pushed them up to her elbows even though she knew it was a futile effort.

Well, time to go and greet the rest of the world, she thought. Maybe if I'm lucky there will be some coffee left.

03-08-2010, 01:02 PM
Kane has been awake four an hour he couldent stand the tv anymore his headache was worse then ever it gets like this once a month so put a thick layer of ice around the room it even covers the door so nobody could get in. He knew it would make the place have water damage but he dident care at all.

When his headache stoped he just layed there in the cold. He finally fell asleep but he forgot to melt the ice. But he could still breath the ice traps oxygen in the square plus there are plants in his room like a jungle he loves plants.

03-08-2010, 04:43 PM
In his room overlooking the western view, Akron stood by his window and examined the area. The world outside was interesting, but different at the same time. So many years he and the others had been in those stasis pods... What did they miss?

Sighing to himself, he turned to look at his room, the cloth that hung over his eyes fluttering from his movement. True, the room was hardly standing as well as barely furnished, but he made due with it. All in all, the place wasn't bad compared to that lab...

Eventually, Akron noticed the mumbling sound of a nearby T.V. playing. Looks like someone is up and going... he thought to himself. Giving a soft sigh, his gaze returned to the outer world. The people he resided with were still strangers, so he had no motive to interact with them for now...

03-08-2010, 05:28 PM
On her way down the hall, Riana stopped in front of Kane's door. She could sense the sudden change in the air and on closer inspection she could see a tricle of water coming out from under his door. She sighed and rolled her eyes a bit. He'd done it again. She felt annoyance rise up in her, and turned the emotion outward, into a current of warm air surrounding her body that started to evaporate what of the slowly-melting icicle crept under the door. "Come on out, Frost." She said in a level tone. "Don't make me use this. If you let your room rot and get moldy, you're not the only one it will hurt, you know. I can fix it if you open the door. Now come on."

She wasn't usually one to meddle, especially if someone wanted to be left alone. But there were other ways to tell someone that than by freezing your door, like say locking it. If his room started growing mold, hers would get it too. Not to mention the fact that rotten as this place was already, it was just looking for an excuse to collapse on top of them. If she was stuck here with these people, she figured it best to make the most of it by respecting what they had given her. Which included little things like saying please and thank you and not making a tornado in her room.

'Besides, what will happen to you plants if you keep confusing them into thinking it's winter every other day?" Not that she cared. Heck, she didn't care for any of this except for the fact that she had been thawed and had a roof over her head and food in her belly. She was grateful for those things. But some of these kids just seemed to get under her skin. She felt the temperature increase a few degrees and checked herself. No, none of that now, she thought. She took a few breaths to settle herself back down, then allowed the current of warm air to dissipate. It really was none of her business what he did. She could always move to another room. "Fine, have it your way then. I'm going down for some coffee."

Stopping next in front of the door where the TV was blaring, she knocked. "Hey, whoever's in there, turn it down, alright? Some of us are still trying to sleep." How ironic. She was starting to sound like a mom. Turning she headed down the hall and down a flight of stairs to where she could smell coffee. "There any of that black stuff left for me?" She asked.

03-08-2010, 08:27 PM
Kane woke and saw that the room was starting to melt. Suddenly he made all of the water come to the middle of the room once it was gathered he opened a window used his ability to throw it out. It made a huge splash and it made the ground muddy. Afterwards he went to the kitchen and he smelled coffee. He dident like anything warm and coffee was the worst because they drink it hot. He has a normal body temperature that was about 50 so anything hotter than that would be like someone putting there hand on a hot stove.

03-08-2010, 10:30 PM
Melinda waltzed out of her room, throwing her long dark hair over her shoulder. She smiled politely to everyone as she passed them, but kept her distance from Kane, she and cold, did not mix. She was wearing a tight, light brown tank top, with a gold buckle. A jean skirt, and gold strappy sandals.

Melinda hurried downstairs and turned off the offending tv, "Come on guys," she said exasperated "Can't we keep the tv off until at least 9 am?" she said smiling coyly at Shawn. She avoided eye-contact however, so Shawn had the ability to refuse if he wanted too. She grabbed a cup and dug around in the fridge until she found a container of orange juice, Melinda hated coffee. She poured some into her cup and waited for everyone else to head down.

03-08-2010, 11:27 PM
Kree laughed as his compatriot flew into the kitchen, his eyes noting the sweat and labored breathing. "You should be resting Dip-stick. I told you after the whole shpeal last time, that your not allowed outta that damned bed, now bugger off, I'll bring you a mug or three once its done." The young man noted as Kree, stood a few hands talls, but just below Shawn. His strange eyes roamed back towards the coffee machine, which had been brewing since 2 a.m., as Kree didn't like to sleep for too long.

Stretching quickly, Kree flips part of his hair as he pulls out several large mugs and sets them aside. "I am also ungodly glad you bought this Sinful creature, I'd have killed you by now without it." Kree stops his setting up as his hand waves around near the sink. "Where the hell is my sugar?" Swiveling on a foot, the young man glares at the kitchen entrance, face stretched in pure rage. "SHAWN!"

03-09-2010, 12:19 AM
Shawn waved in the direction of the kids entering the kitchen. He sat down at the kitchen "table" in a chair that was somewhat stable with a wince.

"Oh, bugger of Kree. I've had worse, and nothing will keep me from a cup of the good stuff. I moved the sugar to the far left cuboard, bottom shelf. I did not want our fellow rodent residents getting into it."

Shawn pulled his attention to the kids now inside the kitchen.

"Oh sorry, any of you say anything. I don't operate well without my daily dose."

03-09-2010, 01:51 AM
Kane got a pitcher out of the cabinet and started to make some lemonade. Lemonade is one of the only drinks that Kane could tolerate so he made it often, the kids also liked lemonade because pretty much all of the grownups have is milk and coffee so the kids get sick of milk and don't even like the taste of coffee. Besides when he makes the lemonade he instantly cools the water so it doesent need to sit in a fridge so its fresh lemonade from the getgo. When Kane got done with making the drink and pouring some for the kids he started to walk to the bathroom for his morning shower besides if he gets there first he doesent haft to fight for it.

03-09-2010, 02:02 AM
After a while of subconscious vigilance, Akron finally snapped back to reality. He must have been standing for about a good five minutes without a real purpose. Sighing to himself, he ran his hands through his hair gently, changing his bed-ridden hairdo to a slightly more appealing one. With that done, he calmly exited his room and made his way down the hallway. Arriving at the first floor, he quietly entered into the kitchen and kept himself near the back wall. Of course, the reason behind this was about half and half. Half not wanting to converse with the others, and the other half noting that there weren't enough chairs.

03-09-2010, 01:35 PM
Riana turned to Shawn and nodded, "Yeah. I was asking if you could spare some coffee for me. I'm not much for milk or OJ this morning." Besides, she felt like she could use the extra boost today. Glancing around the room, she observed the others coming down the stairs.

Melinda went straight for the orange juice in the fridge and said something to Shawn about the TV. That was a little odd, Riana thought she was the one who'd turned it on. Well, nevermind that, it wasn't important. The way the electricity was around here, it would't surprise Riana if it had turned itself on.

Kree and Shawn were arguing about Shawn's injuries. She happened to agree with Kree. He should be taking it easy. But she wouldn't get involved. She'd only be butting in, and it was none of her business anyhow.

She paid particular interest to Kane. Obviously the frost machine didn't much care for coffee. He didn't even give her a second glance. Maybe he hadn't heard her earlier. Well, at lest he'd come out of his room. His powers were the closest to her own, so it made sense that she felt somewhat responsible to him. Not that she liked him or anything. The guy annoyed her somewhat to tell the truth. But she felt like she neded to look after him. He seemed almost fragile, even more so than Akron. She wanted to say something to him, but couldn't quite figure out anything, so she moved on.

Speaking of the Seer, there he was. It was somewhat unnerving to see a guy who should be blind and yet was aware of everything around him. She wondered what it must be like, but he kept pretty much to himself, and she wasn't about to ask. Come to think of it, Melinda seemed the only one of the group, besides the three good friends who'd thawed them and helped them escape from the Academy, who talked much at all.

Not wanting to deny anyone else a chair, she went to the corner of the kitchen and leaned against the wall. She was tired of sitting around doing nothing. She wanted to do something, get out in the world and breathe some strange air, but at the same time, she was afraid.

03-13-2010, 04:33 PM
"Since most of you are here, and before Kree decides to knock me out, I am going on a food run. The cabinets are getting bare, and Kree's connections and money can only get us so much so fast. It has only been about a week, forgive me for not knowing your names, but if anyone else if having a bout of cabin fever. I'll be waiting in Kree's new car."

Shawn used his powers to create a blue luminesent ball around the keys in Kree's pocket, and, like telekinesis, moved the keys to his hands.

03-13-2010, 06:11 PM
Melinda sighed and shifted the orange juice from one hand to another, pondering going or not. On one hand, she kind of wanted to stay and get to know everybody, on the other hand, going would be a great way to use her powers. Why, she could probably get the manager to give them free food if she really concentrated. Plus she didn't want her powers getting rusty.

She set the orange juice on the counter, her mind made up and announced. "I'm coming, I think I could be of assistance" she smiled and tossed her dark brown hair over her shoulder. Melinda was the kind of person that was used to getting everything she wanted, while it was a bad trait, it also made her extremely confident and sure of herself, which made her powers all the more powerful. She walked out to the car, waiting by the side door.

03-15-2010, 01:14 PM
Riana finished her coffee in one gulp. She always drank too fast, but it didn't bother her any because she made the effort to cool it before she did so. Putting the cup back on the counter, she spoke up. "If you guys are going I guess I will too." She didn't like Melinda, to be honest. She didn't like her kind, the kind of person who - powers or no - could get anyone to do their bidding. She didn't trust her and wanted to keep an eye on her.

Glancing in Kane's direction, she paused for a moment before making her offer. "Hey, Frost, if you want to come too, I could help you out." It was no secret that the hot weather was making him miserable. She wouldn't be able to do much over a long period of time, especially without drawing attention to the group, but she could make the air around him cooler for a while. She couldn't help feeling like she should be looking after him. Like a little brother almost.

03-15-2010, 09:47 PM
Sylph woke up with a start... dreaming again... she hated it. She tried to forget about it as soon as she could. She grabbed some clothes from her wardrobe and made her way to the shower. She slept in a simple long t-shirt. She never liked the feeling of pajamas, all the fabric clinging to her body... unfortunately, in such a shared dwelling, sleeping naked wasn't much of an option... so she settled on her t-shirt.

Getting out of the shower, she dried off and got ready, changing into a pair of shorts and another long t-shirt. Brushing her hair was a bit of a meditative experience for her... trying to brush out the dreams she wished she could forget... getting ready to face the day...

Then she headed to the kitchen, smiling at the others as she made herself a breakfast... she had rather particular tastes, she began making herself an omelet, before groaning.

"... we're out of cilantro..."

After a pause, she sighs, "I'll make due without it..." pausing again before turning to the others, "Well... do tell me, at least... that no one drank the last of my orange juice, please..."

03-15-2010, 10:33 PM
Frost was just standing there in disbelief. He never had anyone lookafter him since he was a child he knew that his power had weaknd him a lot. It was starting to get noticable with the lack of exercise his body was looking kind of pale and a bit slender he is skinny because he doesent eat much. He smiled and said "Shure I would like to go. But are you shure you can help me? I am not very strong and I am abit sluggish." He figured that if he kept close to the freezers in the store. Then he thought of another thing. His powers are still growing and if he has an episode then his powers will temperarilly go unstable. Then he thought of the car he won't make it colder that is what people make a mistake about his skin will be freezing yes but only if someone touches it.

03-15-2010, 11:36 PM
Riana nodded. She had thought it through some. All of them were somewhat unstable, including herself. But if the two of them stuck together and one of their powers got out of control, then the other could probably put a stop to it. "I'll look out for you if you do the same for me, ok?" She smiled, something she hadn't done in a while but it felt appropriate. "Deal?" She reached out a hand to shake his, then pulled it back before he could have reached out. She had almost forgotten how cold he was. That wouldn't do. She concentrated on herself, her own body, and lowered her own temperature by cooling the air around her. Then she stuck her hand back out. "Ok, that's better," she said, shivvering just a bit. It was a lot of effort for a handshake, but she felt like he needed to know she could do what she promised.

03-16-2010, 01:58 AM
Frost had noticed what she had done and started to frown. He thought to himself that he probably be better off if he went somewhere else and just as he was going to say something he saw that she held it out again. This made Frost a little happier that somebody was trying to bond or at least conversate with him he tried to make himself warmer and even though it hurt he decided to shake the hand anyway. He shook the hand and said "Deal and you don't need to do that I know what I am and what a neusence I can be. Please don't make yourself uncomfterable on my part."

03-16-2010, 12:38 PM
Riana kept the smile on her face although she was in pain. A lot more pain than she had thought. It was if her hand had been frost-bitten in an instant. She was almost afraid for a moment that she wouldn't be able to let go, but she did. She saw the same pain reflected in his eyes, even though he too was still smiling. I'll have to do better than that, she thought to herself. "No, it's not a problem," she lied.

Glancing in Sylph's direction, she said, "We're just about to head to the store. Why don't you come with us?"

Turning back to the others, she said, "Don't leave without me. I'll be right there, just got to visit the little girl's room." With that she turned and walked briskly towards one of the bathrooms. It was tempting to run, but she didn't. Frost felt bad enough about himself already.

As soon as she was there she closed the door and turned the faucet of the sink on full hot, plunging her hand into the water until it started to loose it's stinging numbness. She sighed, glancing up in the mirror. "...a lot better than that," she told herself. Before she left she flushed the toilet for the others' benefit. Running her fingers through her hair once, she judged it good enough and went out of the bathroom to face the others again.

"Alright, I'm as ready as I'm going to be. Let's get out of here."

03-19-2010, 03:06 PM
Melinda stood by the car waiting, when she saw Riana and Frost walk out. Ugh, frosty's coming? she couldn't help thinking, her and cold...really, she couldn't handle it. She glanced down at her outfit, brown belted tank top, jean skirt, Egyptian sandals, theses were really going to help her with the cold...

She pulled open the car door and got in grumbling to herself, she like Frost just fine, she just didn't like what he brought with him.

03-19-2010, 04:47 PM
Akron 'watched' as the others began to file out of the home toward the car. Seeing that there were more than enough, he sighed to himself in slight content. With them gone for the time being, he could give his powers a check-up without disrupting anyone else in return. As such, he made his way back upstairs to his room. Once there, he sat down in the middle of it and began a meditative stance. In this process, the objects that decorated his room lifted off of the ground and slowly levitated in a circular motion around him. His powers weren't at full strength, he had earlier found out, but this would definitely help in recreating his previous strength and endurance.

03-21-2010, 06:48 AM
Durango was standing in front of a local coffee shop, he asked his new "friend" to buy him some coffee, he didn't like going in inside and wait in line. Noticing how cold it was, Durango was not very fond of the cold, so he wore a heavy trench coat, he likes these kind of coats, they kept him warm inside.

While standing in front of the coffee shop, he was reading the local news paper, how people are suspicious of Pionics and how they become afraid of them. Durango however did not care about the situation, he heard that there are others running around in the city, hiding.

Trying to survive through the ordinary life, Durango remembered one time he was in the city when he was a child, it was cold, and he was scared. But now he has grown use to it, he looks around in the street, people walked around him, some looked at him, others kept their business.

Durango changed to the cartoon articles, sometimes he would look at the funny page. While looking at the page, he noticed one page showed electricity, he looked at the words, "Hey, be careful when your around the generators." and another person replied, "I know its shocking what this things can do." Durango wasn't smiling nor laughing when he read that. He folded the newspaper and thrown it in a recycling bin disposal.

03-21-2010, 08:04 AM
Kree watched the machine perform its task, completely oblivious to the others in the room, his own thoughts distracted as his second voice argued with him. He felt the keys move in his pocket, which distracted him enough to focus a skin-chilling glare on Shawn.

Kill him, come on, he's stealing from you again! Kree's eyes began to alternate accordingly with the internal arguement, his Hazel eye calm and even, the Gold wide and slit like a cats No, he's just borrowing the damn car you picked The Golden eye's pupil widened, the black almost engulfing the whole of it all WHAT?! A smirk played along Kree's face.

"You hurt my car, I'm gonna give you something worse than ribs to worry about" Kree's eyes slowly began to grow even again as he looked around the room, a small expression of shock flitted across his face, "Well, hello and good morning everyone, didn't hear you come in. Also, Shawn, if your going on a food run grab more sugar, eggs, vegetables, and I need you to run by the hard ware store and get me a new drill so I can fix up Frosty's floor boards, seeing as how he STILL keeps it under -50 degrees" Kree smiled warmly at everyone, then began to strangle his left arm with his right as the other one began to scream in his mind HE IS NOT TOUCHING MY CAR, NO NO NO, HELL NO!

"Please be safe, and again, severe emphasis on the not hurting my car," He poured his mug once the coffee had finished for the upteenth time, "I'm gonna go talk about why I'm not getting repair funds for this wretched place, so I'll be out late."

03-21-2010, 10:11 PM
Ryan yanked the hood of his ash-grey hoodie up with one hand, the other holding a cup of coffee at arm's length.

"Here's your damn coffee," he said, thrusting it into Durango's hand. "And for making me stay in that line I'm keeping the change." Once both his hands were free he resettled the hood over his head, then buried them in the pockets.

"So now you've got your fix, what are we going to do next? We can't stay around here. It's too close."

03-21-2010, 10:56 PM
licking the tips of his fingers as the cup was shoved into his hand, he looks at Ryan. "Your a spiffy little spice boy ain't you?" he implies to his actions. Sipping his coffee, he could tell the taste has not changed very much.

"There are not much places we can go to, but I do know a few places we can hide, maybe even rebuilt it as a home, who knows?" Continuing to sip the coffee, he takes a look around, "I had noticed some alley ways are clean." He wipes his bottom lips. "Lets stroll in the alley way, I'm sure there must be some bum or two that can help us out."

He takes another sip of his coffee, "But way is it so clean?" he keeps asking, "Last time I remembered the alley ways were....dirty." Durango walks into one of the alley ways, "And the weather....it is cold, but also nice, although, despite the weather, I don't think it'll rain." while walking, he could a splash, he looks down, he stepped into a puddle of water. "Odd."

He looks around, noticing most of the windows were closed. "Do you anybody that lives in this street or anybody close?" he asked Ryan, sips on his coffee while waiting for a answer.

03-21-2010, 11:25 PM
Ignoring the comment, Ryan followed Durango into the alleyway.

"Know anyone? I've never even been here before. You're the one that seems to know what you're doing here." Ryan scowled at the puddle. "And what's so odd about a puddle? Rain happens."

03-22-2010, 12:34 AM
Sipping on his coffee, he looks up at the building, "I see dark clouds, but no sound of thunder or lightning." He takes in a deep breath. "The only reason it is odd for a puddle to be in a alley way because it hasn't rained once today."

Taking another sip from his coffee cup, he looks at Ryan, "If you had read the news paper, no rain today. So I'm guessing we are not the only ones who may have escaped from the academy. There might be others."

Before taking another sip of his coffee, Durango felt his hand urged into a fist, his whole arm and shoulder shuddered, dropping his coffee, he grabbed his wrist. His power became unstable for a short time, little of his power ripped through his coat. "This is..." he was breathing uneasy for a while, "Unexpected." He starts to rub his arm, "If there are others here, we might find, if not, we're still on our own, but for now, lets head north to find this house I was talking about." Durango shakes off the feeling from his arm, and begins walking north.

03-23-2010, 10:07 PM
Ryan took a cautious step away from him when Durango's arm begun to convulse.

"As long as you keep that under control, I'll go with you." He took a glance up and down the alley. "I'm not sure if I want to find others. Unless they can help you." He looked at his arm again, which he seemed to have regained control of. He started walking north with him. "You need to get that mess you call a power under control."

After a few moments Ryan cast a glance back at the coffee spilled on the floor. "And I am not getting you another damn cup."

03-23-2010, 10:33 PM
Durango rubbed his arm after his, experience. "I can keep this under control, it is only you I'm more concerned about." He says roughly.

After about half hour.

Durango found the house he was looking for, he was actually a little old than he expected. "It ain't much, but it'll have to do, for now." Entering the house, there was just a couch in the living room, a lot of ply wood laying around, and pieces of the ceiling revealed the top floor.

"You could say it is a piece of crap." he says while looking around the house, he found the stair case, he stomps on it, and waited for a bit. "Well the stair case is still in tact." He takes on foot and the board breaks through. "Aye."

03-24-2010, 12:55 PM
Shawn just smiled as he set off. He didn't even think of the possiblity of problems with a cold-lover and hot-lover in the same car. He opened the front door with a hard shove. The hinges still stick every now and agian. While they are gone, Shawn and Kree secretly agreed to open shadow accounts and have professionals fix the house into a teenagers dream home. They'll be there a while so why not.

03-30-2010, 09:32 PM
Melinda climbed out of the car, smiling confidentaly, the ride wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, it was a little colder than she would've liked but it was okay. She decided to get some shopping in, pulling out a $20, the only money she managed to snag on her way out of the Academy. But that was fine, it's not like she needed money anyway. She walked into a small boutique, her eyes catching a short red dress (http://www.casuallivingusa.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=62293&cm_vc=10591&&TLCode=17956&cm_mmc=ShoppingEngines-_-Singlefeed-_-GPS-_-17956&cvsfa=2405&cvsfe=2&cvsfhu=38353335353258) that she just had to have. She stole a glance at the cashier, a acne ridden, 17 year old who looked like the only action he ever got was on world of warcraft. Haha, perfect she smiled coyly and strolled up to the boy, pretending she was interested in him, she locked eyes with him and he immediately set down his gameboy and gave her his full attention,

"Umm-- can I uh-- help you?" he stuttered, stumbling over his words.

"You most certainly can" she said blinking her yellow-green eyes at his "That dress over there, I love it, but the sad thing is...I only have $20, I'm afraid I'n $30 short..." she pouted, to emphasize.

The kid swallowed nervously and said "Oh it's no problem, in fact, I think that item goes on sale in...2 seconds" he tried to smile and Melinda awarded him with a dazzling smile.

"Oh that's just fantastic! Oh thank you so much" she smiled and threw the 20 at him "And who knows...maybe I'll see you around" she grabbed the dress, putting it in a bag the boy handed her and flounced out the door. Leaving the kid gazing after her, slightly confused but thinking he did some sort of great service for a wonderful woman. Melinda caught up with Shawn and waved the bag in his face "I hit the jack-pot" she said smiling

03-30-2010, 10:35 PM
As Frost was getting out he realized that the air was warmer than expected and he almost fell from shock But he leaned up against the car for support. After a few seconds he stood up and started to walk towards a bookstore. Frost secretly loves to read but the books always gets ruined by the time he finishes one. He was only able to finish one book in his life and that was because he one of the prison guards felt sorry for him being locked up but the day after is when he got put in the tube. So he doesent remember very much. After he looked in the store he decided he was going to get a book after he controlled his powers more. When he walked out of the store he saw that someone had already bought something. Figures she dident even look in any other store I bet she did something devious to get that too. Frost realized that nobody there really wanted to be around him so he decided to walk around abit, he knew it would be far but he was getting weak and he needed to get stronger in order to controll it. He did not tell anybody what he was doing he just left, he can handle it on his own.

04-01-2010, 10:54 PM
Durango rubbed his arm after his, experience. "I can keep this under control, it is only you I'm more concerned about." He says roughly.
"What you worried about me for? I'm not the one struggling to keep myself from frying everything." Ryan walked on, staying mostly silent.

Durango found the house he was looking for, he was actually a little old than he expected. "It ain't much, but it'll have to do, for now." Entering the house, there was just a couch in the living room, a lot of ply wood laying around, and pieces of the ceiling revealed the top floor.

"You could say it is a piece of crap." he says while looking around the house, he found the stair case, he stomps on it, and waited for a bit. "Well the stair case is still intact." He takes on foot and the board breaks through. "Aye."
"It's a place to sleep. Don't wanna sleep rough again." Ryan paced around the house, checking out the rooms. The rooms downstairs were sparse and dilapidated; the rotting couch in the living room, the cockroach-infested kitchen and the stinking bathroom were all falling apart. After inspecting the rooms he walked back to the entryway.

"Let's see what's upstairs..." he said. He carefully climbed up the stairs, holding on to the wall and keeping his feet on the frame, away from the steps. At the top, he tested the floorboard. Finding it safe, at least for now, he stepped up and started looking around in place. "You gonna come up? I think I can see a mattress up here. Shotgun."

04-01-2010, 11:29 PM
Durango walks down into the basement floor, he flips the switch light on, the light bulbs lights up the dark space. He was surprised that this place still has power. Taking careful steps downstairs, he looks around the old and rotten crater.

He scratched the side of his head as he took a deep breath. The brick wall looked old, and needed to be replaced, but Durango did something here before he left. He walks up to the wall, the tip of his fingers were smoothing on the surface of the old concrete between the bricks.

Finding the right brick, he slowly pulls it out, there was a hidden compartment in the basement he managed to make before he left this house. Removing the brick and inserting his hand inside, he takes out a small tin box. Inside of it, were small memento's he kept, including some money around 200 dollars. He stayed in the basement looking at pictures and some of the other things that were inside the tin box.

04-24-2010, 03:43 PM
Shawn was going to say something about the abuse of powers and keeping your head down, when an explosion at a near by bank a few blocks over made him duck for a few seconds. His reflexs from the war still going on in Brazil told him to duck everytime he heard something with a big BOOM noise, otherwise you would never get the chance again. Shawn rushed to the car and pulled open the console monitor. It blinked to the local news.

"This is Lisa Faraday reporting for Channel 4 News. As the first to the scene as you can see behind me smoke is coming from the NC State Bank of Danville. We have learned of two psionics that called themselves Multiplier and The Crag are inside robbing the bank. Looks like they are coming out now. Maybe we can get a statement."

The reporter on the small T.V. ran over to the two robbers, and held the mike to the one that was obvisiously The Crag. The 9 foot peice of rock protomorph could not have been anyone else. The Crag slings the bags of loot he was carring into a black non-windowed van that 9 more completely identical people were carrying theirs to as well. They all merge back together into one being and told The Crag he was ready to go.

"One moment multliplier, I get to make a statement."

He grabbed the puny mike from the reporter, pushed her out of the way, and stared right into the camera.

"We the Society of Meta-Humans will rule this town now and forever. None of you puny normals have the guts to take us on. By the time the proper help arrives we will be long gone...."

The sounds of sirens attract his and the camera's attention. Those sounds coalese into police cars and policemen valiantly blocking the way. Sam was disgusted.

"You people are fools, you don't have the strength."

His statement was proven when the blasts from the small arms fire were richocetting off the rock monster. The Crag started to systematicly destroy their resistance. Sam turned the T.V. off in sorrow. He didn't want to sit there and do nothing, but he must to keep a low profile and protect the kids. He didn't have a way to disguise himself either to make sure he was not traced back to the rescue and called for other things. He sulkingly sat in the driver's seat, hoping the kids might convince him to go be a hero.