View Full Version : Cyber*Kinetic [PG-13; OOC; RECR]

06-10-2012, 03:22 AM
The Internet:

A Teenager's Best Friend

An Adult's Worst Nightmare

It's anything but ordinary,

However, it's beyond compare...

The Computer:

A Child's Learning Tool

A Stalker's Weapon

It might have been better,

If we made them to step on

Technology is nothing but Lies and stories made up to catch the eye of the informative and obese.

Earth is one of the laziest planets with some of the laziest inhabitants.

Since the Industrialization Era, there have been enormous advances in various sets of technology. It was quite a battle for the cyber-bullies nowadays.

You woke up to be in a world where hovercrafts had the ability to fly over many people. "Where am I?" you question yourself as you get up to walk and explore. You don't remember why you were here, nor do you remember how you got here. All you remember is being on the computer all night and doing whatever was best suited to your needs.

Now knowing what else to do, you decide to do a little exploring to yourself. You see friendly aliens pop out of nowhere, and many creepy faces. You try to stay calm without trying to scream or try to hunt for them. You wish to explore a bit of the world.

OPT 1: If you wish to stay, read SPOILER 1

OPT 2: If not, read SPOILER 2 and go back.

OPT 3: If you are unsure, read on!

You are quite unsure on whether to stay in this realm, since you have people in your real life world that need you as a friend and as an enemy. Unsure of this, you uneasily walk on. It's so cool, but at the same time, HOME was better. You hear lots of gunfire and media coming out of random speakers.

You suddenly see a green flash of lighting illuminate the virtual skies. For you, this was awkward since the skies were obviously clear. You realize there wasn't any thundering in the skies. WEIRD, you thought as you continued walking through the glass streets. You're dressed in the last thing you changed into last night before sleeping next to the computer. You're still unsure of what to do next.


After exploring for a bit, you wish to stay. You still feel a bit bummed about leaving your family, but who cares? You've got another life to take care of! You start on your own and with to buy some new clothes. The ones you had on stink of sweat. So you wish to go to a store... that is, if you knew which way to go. Since you decided to stay, you can start early with your profile! Welcome to CyberSpace!


You decide not to stay and wish to go home. Sorry, my friend... shouldn't have slept in the first place.


Real Name:
Real appearance: (URL to your real picture or detailed info of your appearance should be here)
What were you wearing last night? (Should be prior to entering the game--what you wore in real life the time you signed up; may determine whether you may be suitable for walking on land):

IN-CHARACTER PEOPLE MADE FOR YOU (can have up to two people; you can exclude if you're going solo as yourself)

Default Character Name:
Default Character's Sex:
Brief History:

06-10-2012, 06:32 AM
Real Name: Terilyn Briana Long
Sex: Female
Username: IceChateau777
Real appearance: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/526996_463913133637532_2076386124_n.jpg
What were you wearing last night? : A green Victoria's secret gown with no footies to protect my feet!

Default Character Name: Yamame Orihara
Default Character's Sex: Female
Brief History:

06-10-2012, 07:02 AM
If you’re looking for more players, don’t forget to make use of all the features that RPA has to offer. You can submit your game to the Roleplaying Games Directory here (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=2304) and if you post here (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=3975), you can ask the Staff to advertise your roleplay in their signatures.

Most importantly, make sure to apply for Roleplay of the Week (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=905)!