View Full Version : ~~ Ship ahoy!~~ [Private for Whitefire and M]

03-11-2010, 07:46 PM
Riz sailed with her little ship over the big sea. She didnt was a pirate.. she just liked to sail over the sea.. But she didnt knew the dangerous things of it. Pirates dont exsist she akways said. But this was the first time she was really alone sailing on the sea. She was a bit scared.. it was so difficult.. The silence.. The sea.. and a heat sun. Riz looked to the sky.. she smiled a little.. She was in her bikini because it was so warm. It was about the 25 degrees.

Riz drives the handwheel of the ship already a few hours.. It was already began to dusk.. She looked to the colors in the sky. She yawned a little.. she began to get sleepy.

03-12-2010, 12:02 AM
Bane sat at the stem of the ship, looking out across the night sea. Dark had fallen less then a half an hour ago, and he was watching. A small ship sailed out in front of him, barely big enough to be out this far, certainly not big enough to be worth the taking.

Still, he could sense his men getting restless. And the little boat amused him in a way. He assumed that there was only one man on board. Who would be stupid enough to sail the seas alone? Obviously, the owner of the boat needed a little education.

"Captain?" His first mate asked, awaiting his decision. Bane nodded, and the first mate departed to ready the crew. Slowly, the pirate ship lurched forward, pulling up along the tiny ship. Bane continued to sit, flicking a coin up and catching it. He liked the way the spinning gold glimmered.

03-12-2010, 03:35 PM
Riz shivered. She was scared in the dark.. and sure if she was alone. She was allso sleepy. She yawned.. She wanted to sleep.. and she would do that soon. She stretches her back.. Then she blinked.. She saw a giant... pirate ship that sails into her direction!. So pirates are not fake.. she tought. Escaping didnt have any effect. Because the pirate ship was bigger.. greater and faster.

03-12-2010, 08:47 PM
The pirates descended.

First the ropes fell over the side of the ship. There weren't that many, only five or six, but the pirates that came down seemed to be almost too many for the little boat to carry. The first mate, Les, was the first to land. He was also the first to spot Riz. Les snorted.

"It's a woman." He drew his sword, then hesitated and put it away. One girl wouldn't be any trouble. He took her wrist in his hand and pushed her back to two of the other crewmen. Les ordered them to take her onto the ship, then turned to take stock, accounting for all the valuables on the little boat before any of the crew could steal them.

03-12-2010, 09:46 PM
She blinked alot. She didnt know what to say.. They had weapons. She could better shut up. She shivered when one crewman taked her by her wrist. She looked down when she was pulled by the other two crewman. Maybe it is a nightmare... she tought and she hoped. She shivered of the cold but more because she was scared.. really scared.

03-13-2010, 06:24 AM
Bane looked up as his crew threw someone to the ground before him. A woman. She looked terrified, and rightfully so. Chances were she didn't have long to live. Bane stood, then walked in a small silent circle, surveying the girl. He stopped in front of her, kneeling to the ground so he could talk straight to her face.

"What's your name?" He spoke quietly, almost in a gentle fashion.

03-13-2010, 09:25 AM
She looked down.. and she shivered. ''M-my name is R-riz'' she stuttered. She wanted to go home now. She wanted her ship back.. And she wanted some warmer clothes because she was in a bikini.. She looked a little to the captain now.. ''W-why you want to know?'' she stuttered.

03-13-2010, 04:39 PM
Bane snorted. "I'm just deciding whether or not I should kill you." He spoke in the same quiet fashion, which somehow made the words more threatening. "Tell me, is there anything you possess that I would find valuable enough to trade for your life?"

03-13-2010, 07:02 PM
She blinked and she started to cry softly. She didnt want to be killed.. That for sure. She shivered a little ''I-i dont have anything worthfulls here.. im sorry captain'' she said softly.

03-14-2010, 12:42 AM
Bane sighed and stood up. This was exactly why women shouldn't be allowed on the seas. Especially alone. It was a man's world. Now she was crying. And apologizing, of all things. She irritated him with her weakness.

And yet there was a bit of noble blood in Bane's veins. The blood held a tiny drop of chivalry. For women, anyway. Just enough to create a touch of pity in his mind.

He turned away from the girl to look out over the water. For a long, quiet moment his thoughts warred with each other, until finally he reached a decision.

"Les?" His first mate came to his side. "Take her to the brig." Les nodded and obeyed. He could sense the confusion of the crew, but he just tuned and left to his quarters. Bane was never one for explaining himself.

03-14-2010, 09:01 AM
Riz still looked down.. and she was silent still. She was thinking of a plan how she could escape. She didnt want die and sure she didnt want to live by pirates.. She always tought they never exsist but now she knew they do.. She was sad of everything. The change was big she new saw her family again.. and her ship was now away where she saved-up for a couple of years..

03-14-2010, 03:18 PM
Les closed the iron door behind Riz, but hesitated before returning to the deck. It was his night to be on watch. Still, he felt kind of bad for the girl Bane had decided to keep alive. It was a mystery to him; Bane had never taken a prisoner before. Les didn't understand what made this particular girl any different, except that she kindled his sympathy. But Bane didn't have sympathy. Les had discovered that personally a long time ago. He leaned in against the cell door.

"Look miss, try to sleep. I'll bring you some food in the morning."

Up in the captain's quarters Bane was lying in his bed. He always slept without a shirt, and he did so tonight, resting his head atop his bare arms. Sleep eluded him. He kept thinking about that girl in the brig. Why had he let her live? If the decision kept haunting him like this he was going to have to kill her anyway.

03-15-2010, 03:22 PM
Riz ignored the pirate and she teared. For the first time in a long time she was scared and sad.. She wishes she never bought a little ship. She dries here tears. She shivered because it was cold.. After a few hours she finally felt in a deep sleep.

03-15-2010, 07:58 PM
Bane rose early, before most of the crew. The early morning quiet was a time of thought for him, and he appreciated it everyday. Les walked past him, headed to sleep after a long night shift on deck.

"Sleep well Les." Bane barely spoke to any of the crewmen, let alone called them by name, but he'd known Les most of his life. They'd been childhood friends, and Bane choose to honor that relationship.

"I will Captain. But first I'm going to go feed that girl. Do you mind, sir?"

Bane tilted his head to the side. The girl had almost completely escaped his memory. But after a brief moment he nodded. "If you choose to feed her, however, bring her something edible. We wouldn't want the lady on the ship to be mistreated."

Les thought it might be a little late for that, but held his tongue and gathered some food to take down to the brig. Once there he tapped lightly on the door to wake the girl up.

"Morning miss. I told you I'd bring you some breakfast."

03-16-2010, 04:21 PM
Riz didnt sleeped really good. She cried alot.. and it was cold... Really cold. She finally slept asleep again. But then she was waked up by Les.. She opened her eyes and she yawned.. ''Goodmorning'' She said a bit angry.. That because she wanted to sleep. ''Thanks'' she smiled a little.. and she looked to her breakfast.'"That looks delicious''..

03-16-2010, 08:44 PM
Les smiled sort of gruffly. "Don't get used to it, this kind of stuff is usually reserved for the captain." He set the food before her on the ground, then turned to leave.

On the way out he glanced back, hesitating. "You know, if you ask, I bet the captain would let you roam the ship. After all, where are you going to go?"

03-18-2010, 04:56 PM
She smiled ''Hmm okay then..'' she started to eat a little ''Hmm it tastes good''.. She looked to Les ''Ehmm.. i was just sailing around'' she mumbled while she eated.. ''Why did the captain captured me?''

03-18-2010, 10:59 PM
Les sighed. "Well miss, a captain has got to appease his crew, and it's been an awful long while since we attacked. Don't tell anyone I explained it to you, but a crew that has nothing better to do is a crew that's likely to come up with other ways to keep busy, like mutiny or rebellion. It's best the captain keeps them occupied." Les yawned, tired from the night shift. "You know though, usually the captain kills all his prey. It's earned him his name, Bane. I don't know why he let you live. Not that it bothers me or anything."

03-23-2010, 02:56 PM
Riz looked a bit confused ''Its indeed strange that he didnt kill me..''.;''And sure i wont tell this further''. She started to eat a bit again..''Hmm it really tastes good''.

03-24-2010, 12:15 AM
"I'm glad you're enjoying it." Les yawned. "I'm going to go talk to the captain about letting you loose. Wait here a moment." He turned and headed upstairs, to the deck.

Bane was standing at the helm, silently monitoring the crew as they performed their morning duties. He saw Les emerge, huffing up the stairs and towards Bane. Curious, Bane waited for Les to approach.

"Captain?" Bane nodded, and Les relaxed. "Sir, do you think you might allow the lady in the brig out of the brig? You see, she can't exactly escape to anywhere, and it's awfully dirty down there for a lady."

Bane tilted his head to the side. "You're showing an unexpected amount of chivalry Les." He thought for a moment. "Yes, she may go where she likes. But any misbehavior will land her back in the brig. Make sure she's aware of that."

Les nodded and returned to below-deck to Riz's cell, unlocking it on arrival. "The captain says you're free to go where you want on the ship, but be careful to stay out of everyone's way. Lots of the crew are easy to annoy."

03-26-2010, 02:40 PM
Riz smiled a little nervousley.. ''Did you cook it by your self?'' she asks. She looked a bit confused when Les leaved the room.. Free... she tought. Maybe she could abuse the situation to escape.. she tought.. Yes.. that was a great idea.

She smiled to Les when he came back..and she smiled ''Okay i will be carefull!''. She putted the dice down on the bed and she jumped out of it ''I'm not hungry anymore thanks for the food! cya later!'' she said happy when she jumped out of her bed running to the deck.

03-28-2010, 12:50 AM
Les shook his head, but allowed Riz to pass unhindered. It didn't seem like she was taking this seriously. Whatever. It was finally time for him to get some sleep. He trudged up the stairs and to his room.

Bane sat perched up at the helm, watching as Riz ventured out onto the deck. He snorted. She wouldn't last long, drawing that much attention to herself. Several of the crewmen were giving her a strange look. Bane stayed back, waiting. Certainly, he would keep the peace. But if the girl planned to get herself into trouble he had no intention of stopping her.