View Full Version : <M> Love Letters, Ruthless War. [Private for Stormwolf and myself]
03-12-2010, 02:33 AM
<Rated Mature for blood, gore, violence, language, and sexual references/situations that may or may not happen.>
"Where is Arueli?" The King asked as he sipped on his tea as the Queen sat down at the dining table, placing a cube of sugar in her tea and stirring it.
"In her room like she has been constantly for the past five months dear." The Queen said quietly as she sipped at her tea.
It started 5 months ago, almost 6. Arueli had picked up a letter from the ground of the garden that had been dropped. It was addressed to some place she was not familiar with at all. Arueli opened the letter and read it, it was a young man trying to contact someone in the war. Arueli wrote her own letter to the man, telling him that she found the letter in her garden and that he would probably like to send it again to be sure his friend received it alright. She signed it simply -Aru with a small heart after the u. She sent it out and expected to be done with it all, but she received another letter, this time addressed directly to her...Aru.
The letter was from the young man thanking her for her courtesy of sending the letter back to him. It went on to explain of his good friend who was fighting in the war and how he wanted to make sure that he was alright.
Aru responded to his letter with her putting down the war because of how badly it hurt everyone. She asked him how his friend was doing and that she sends her regards to his bravery. She signed it -Aru with a small heart after the u.
After a month of constant letters back and forth she received one later than usual, once opening it she knew it was bad news when he had only written half a page. His friend had died in the war, and he was very upset. Arueli wrote him a 3 page long letter, front and back pages of how he would be honored for his bravery and how the young man would see his friend again.
The letters following that one became more and more heartfelt and Arueli could feel a bond between them, even though they really didnt know who each other were. 4 months of constant letters that grew longer and longer and sometimes came in bundles because of how long they were soon began to occupy all of Arueli's time. She looked forward to getting letters from him every other day. She took time out of her day just to sit down, read her new letter and then respond. However long it took her to respond and no matter how long into the night she wrote she always sent him a letter. And she always signed it, -Aru with a small heart after the u.
For the past month the two of them were constantly talking about meeting each other. They thought it was about time to put a face to the handwriting. Their efforts were going to be tough, since each seemed to have problems thinking of a nice place to meet. Arueli had sent him her last letter telling him that there was a mountain spring halfway up a trail in the mountains due west of her Kingdom. It was a safe and secret place that she had to clearly describe just to make it clear enough for him to understand. She didnt want him to be confused about it at all.
Arueli was now sitting in her room waiting on her confirmation letter from him about tomorrow night's meeting. Hoping that he got the letter okay. Laying out her clothes for the following day she sat excitedly at her window that overlooked the garden, just waiting for the mail to come in. She wanted to be the first to get to it.
03-14-2010, 07:18 AM
Haerton sat at his desk in his study, pouring over the pile of parchment and his ink jar. His silk shirt unlaced, making himself at home. How could he explain his gratitude and happiness for finally being able to meet in person. Running a hand through his snow white hair. An idea finally sparked in his head, he dipped his quill in ink and started writing.
"My dearest Madame Aru, it would be the greatest pleasure of a lifetime to finally meet you face to face. If you, as a person, are a fraction as eloquent as your words, you are, without a doubt, the most beautiful creature to ever grace this earth." Haerton spoke his thoughts aloud as he wrote his letter. The prince wrote and wrote from his heart until his candles burnt out.
The letter was sent in the middle of the night so that Aru would recieve it in the morning. Once he wrapped the bundle with a fine silk ribbon, Haerton threw open his wardrobe and went through his finest clothes, chosing the finest and most modest he had, not wanting to come off as posh or arrogant.
With his clothes laid out for the next day, Hearton stripped down to his smallclothes, the candle light dancing over his toned muscles as he climbed into his bed. Taking a deep breath, Haerton smiled happily before snuffing the candle and embracing the tantilizing embrace of sleep, dreaming about the day that was to come once the sun rose.
03-14-2010, 05:32 PM
When Arueli didnt receive a letter from him during the day she left her window in a slight slump. She hoped that she would get a confirmation letter so she knew that he was going to be there. It was a day long trip on horseback and so if she went there to only find he wasnt there she would be highly upset. Arueli rang for her dinner and ate it quietly as she re-read over some of his previous letters he had sent her. Her candle light jumped about as the breeze from her open window greeted the flames. Smiling as she read over some of the romantic lines he has written Arueli sighed, her heart skipping a beat as she thought about meeting him face to face. Getting up and closing the window she pulled the curtains shut and changed into her night gown, putting the letters away in her desk and locking it before blowing out the candles and laying down in her bed. Tossing and turning she finally fell asleep, but her mind was still quite restless through most of the night.
Arueli woke to the sound of birds, her maids had come in earlier to open her curtains and window so she would wake on her own. It was how Arueli preferred to be woken. Rolling over she stretched and yawned, sitting up then and swinging her legs over the bed. Blinking at the brightness of the room she glanced over at her desk and nearly gasped as she saw an unopened letter sitting there. Jumping up from her bed she ran to her desk and grabbed the letter "It must have come early this morning!" She exclaimed out loud to herself as she removed the ribbon and unfolded the pages, reading through them with a bright smile on her face. The same smile that she always had when reading his letters. A light blush came to her cheeks as she read his words, she could almost imagine him saying those words to her. Finishing the letter she looked out the window and smiled at the rising sun.
Taking his letter in hand she stood up suddenly and twirled around, holding them close to her as if it were his own heart against hers. Spinning she closed her eyes and sighed "Oh Haerton, how your letters woo me. How they make my heart dance and my cheeks burn." Arueli spoke aloud as she stopped and reread a part of the letter about their meeting. "How fate has done its work in awakening these feelings, these feelings I have never felt before. How strong these feelings are for you Haerton. If only you knew!" She chuckled lightly and then placed the letter with the others, locking it up.
Smiling Arueli grabbed her favorite outfit that was bought for her from a band a gypsies her father had caught around the castle walls. The blue and pink garb hugged to her body tight and secure, the size perfect. It never slipped nor rode up, even when riding horseback. Changing into it she bushed out her long yellow hair, letting it fall to her knees. Running a hand through it she decided that today would be a great day to let it remain down and flowing, instead of the usual braided, bunned, and looped about. That hairstyle was more formal than casual. Ringing for her breakfast she ate it while sitting at her window looking out into the garden. She ate it quickly, but not so quick that she would become ill. Ringing for her maid she smiled at her when she came in "Ceyle, if you wouldnt mind packing me a lunch. I am going out today, I presume that I will not be back for lunch." She didnt want to mention she wouldnt be back for dinner either, this might cause some alarm. "And please bring it outside and place it with my horse as I intend to spend some time with him today." Nodding Ceyle exited the room to do as she was told to do.
After she was finished eating Arueli brushed out her hair one last time and then grabbed herself a cloak from her closet, if she were going to be out as late as she assumed then it would surely get cold. Packing it into a small bag of hers she then left her room, looking down the halls as she hoped that she would avoid her parents. They would ask far too many questions and surely send a guard or five with her. If she was going to meet Haerton then she was going to do it alone. Slipping past her parent's quarters she ran out to the stables, grabbing her prepared lunch from Ceyle and putting it into her bag with her cloak. "Thank you Ceyle. I will see you when I come home." Arueli said as she climbed onto her pure white steed, putting the bag around her shoulder so it wouldnt fall. Pulling on the reigns she turned her mount around and then trotted through the garden towards the gates of the castle. Once there she past the guards and continued to trot harmlessly until she could look back and no longer see them. Nudging her stallion in the sides he grunted and happily burst into a run, Arueli guided him down a path that was hardly visible since it was never used.
Looking out into the distance she could see the small shape of the mountain she was aiming for. It was going to take her until almost dusk to get there, she couldnt imagine what time she would return home the following day. If she met Haerton and spent a while with him, it would still take her more than half a day to get back to the castle. Blinking as she glanced back at the castle she grimaced slightly. She hoped that Haerton didnt ask too many questions or recognize her. Arueli had escaped telling him that she was the princess, and that her father was the one pulling the strings for the war that they both hated. She couldnt imagine the displeased emotion that he would surely feel. Shaking the nervous thoughts from her head she held onto her mount's reigns tightly as he sped up. The mountain slowly becoming larger as she continued down the path.
03-14-2010, 07:35 PM
Haerton rose while the horizon still glowed with the dawning day, his wine-red eyes soaking in the dark landscape, taking a deep draw of the chilly morning air. The prince fingered the silver medallion that sat on his chest, held around his neck by a leather thong. Silvery white eyebrows drew together in thought before he proceeded to get dressed.
After donning fresh smallclothes, Haerton pulled some fine dark wool briches over those well toned legs, stuffing the pant legs into polished knee-high boots. Then went on a silk shirt with modest lace at the wrists, a lace neck scars went around Haerton's collar, formal yet modest. Haerton on a dark linen vest that hugged his form well, the hems and collar embroidered with thorns woven in thread-of-gold. Finally came Haertons double breasted black coat with a high collar, made of the finest and smoothest wool, the hems, cuffs, and collar embroidered in a similar fashion to his vest. Hearton finally tied his white hair back in a ponytail at the nape of his neck with a black silk bow.
Haerton's boots clicked against the mosaic floor tiles of his families palace as he made his way to the kitchen for a quick serving of beef stew and fresh bread. Eating quickly, Haerton wrapped a couple loaves of bread and a hunk of cheese in a napkin and took it with him to the stables. Haerton traversed the grounds boldly, not worried about apprehension. His mother was long dead and his father was far too busy with the war and the bottle and mourning his wife still.
Saddling his black draft stallion, Mandarb, Haerton stuffed his rations into the saddlebags and jumped into the saddle. With three clicks of Haerton's tongue, Mandarb took off at a fast trot, or a slow run. A smile was constant on Haerton's face as Mandarb charged like the warhorse he was. Thoughts of the princess Aru filled his head with pleasant thoughts and fantasies. The sun rose and brought the landscape to life as Haerton lead Mandarb the scarcely used road. The chill from the mountain was present and bitter, making fog of Haerton's breath. He did not mind the cold, the fire burning deep inside him kept him plenty warm.
Continuing down the path, Haerton kept a straight back as Mandarb trotted. Traversing through the pass had slowed Haerton's progress more than he liked, only a handfull of minutes behind.
Haerton arrived at the agreed meeting place, seeing a white stallion and its rider, a beautiful fair skinned maiden with hair like liquid rays of sunlight, only adding to her radiance. Her face alone was enough to make Haerton believe in true perfection, her smile like polished opal and her eyes like priceless gems. The prince finally realized that his throat was dry. Wetting his throat with a gulp, Haerton ushered Mandarb closer. Coming into the glen, he dismounted gracefully.
"Madame Aru?" Haerton inquired, pulling his black stallion by the reins. He stood before her, back straight and shoulders square. The prince put his best foot forward and bowed deeply,
"'Tis a pleasure to finally meet you, my Lady. I am Haerton." he rose from his bow and smiled warmly, teeth as white as his hair and his red eyes bright, deep contrasts to his dark skin.
03-14-2010, 09:04 PM
Arueli traveled throughout the day, she didnt even stop for lunch. She was too intent on getting to the mountainside and seeing the man of her letters. Arueli chuckled at herself as she got to the mountainside, it was like a silly love story you read about in books that you wish would happen to you. And here she was, about to meet the man who was able to make her swoon just by his pen. Fate had a funny way of controlling things. With a slight sigh Arueli looked around to see nobody. "He must be a little late." She convinced herself as she removed the cloak from her bag and placed it over her shoulders as the wind became chilled and bore into her fair skin. Swinging her leg over her horse she sat there comfortably as she looked up at the sun which was crossing the sky to set in the distance.
It was only a few minutes of her sitting alone until she heard a gentle voice coo her name from behind. Smiling Arueli slid from her saddle and landed on the ground on the other side of her horse. Straightening herself she walked around her horse to see him bowed, as he introduced himself she couldnt help but continue smiling. Bringing her hands to her chest as she awaited to see his face. Her heart was beating swiftly as he said his name. It was just as she thought of it from the letters, beautiful and strong. Aureli's hands clenched to each other, her heart wanting her to rush to him and just embrace him, the way she embraced his letters. When he stood up Arueli's heart stopped as she saw him full faced. Blinking a few times her smile faded slightly, he of them? How could that be at all possible?
Arueli's eyes examined him closely, her breath staggered as she took a step back from him. And she thought that her identity was the biggest secret she would have to worry about, but now this... Arueli then noticed that she was staring and an awkward silence came upon them. The intensity of the situation was so thick that it could be cut with a blade. "I uh...Its...but I." Stumbling for words Arueli smiled sheepishly as she cleared her throat, her entire body beginning to tremble. " to fi-finally meet you too. I am Aru-Arueli." She stumbled over her words.
Arueli looked up at him, his white contrasting hair to his midnight skin and his bright red eyes just staring at her. She had never been close to the other race before, but from the rumors and the way their race spoke of them; they were evil creatures who didnt know right from wrong. Arueli was now visibly shaking, her hands tightening around themselves as she tried to keep her smile up. Surely there was something wrong with this situation. Maybe that really wasnt Haerton, but someone intercepted their letters and came here knowing she was the princess to take her hostage. As that thought crossed her mind Arueli's eyes rolled backwards and her body went limp and fell to the ground. Arueli had fainted.
03-15-2010, 04:37 AM
Arueli dropped like a sack of flour once her knees buckled and her eyes rolled up in her head. Haerton darted from where he stood and slid on his knees, his hand scooping her head before it it the ground. White eyebrows furrowed as he studied her, taking more of her in, the dawn coming on him. She was one of them. That frown deepened as Haerton's thoughts whirled about wildly within his head. How could she be one of them? Indeed, she was the most beautiful thing Haerton had ever laid eyes upon, and her voice was like silver bells to his ears, but still.... his Aru? One of them.
Haerton shook his head slowly; did it really matter? Their races held similar ancestry, it was just his predecessors that made a fall from grace and damned the following generations with a stigma of evil and hatred for all things. This Arueli probably grew up on horror stories of despoilers that came south to conquer, rape, and murder all they laid their red eyes upon. Hordes of midnight-skinned and snow-haired fiends that wanted no more than blood. Yes, when his people were on the warpath, they were neigh unbeatable in their brutality, but Haerton's people, as a whole, where not savages. They grew up on similar stories of those from the south. It took much digging in the archives to find out what Haerton did about their common ancestry millions of years ago.
So in the end, did it really matter who wrote the letters if they came from the heart? Fairy tales always said that love breaks all bonds, stories of the great soldier who betrays his own people for the love he has on the other side? A fairy tale it may be, but all stories have a root in some form of fact.
With a sigh, Haerton pulled a scented handkerchief from his coat sleeve and lightly pressed the silk square of cloth under Arueli's nose. The scent was designed to rouse someone when they had fainted like Aru had. Scented salts were usually preferable, but this was all that Haerton had.
"Madame Arueli, please wake up. I did not mean to give you a scare... I must say, I am just as confused as you are..."
03-15-2010, 05:00 AM
Arueli woke to a strange smell that the cloth produced, blinking herself awake she furrowed her brow as she tried to gain her vision back. Hearing his voice made her heart jump, her eyes widening slightly as she looked up at him. For a moment she felt as if she could scream...but she stopped herself. Sitting up she brushed off her arm and her side off of grass and dirt as she then held her arm, looking at him. Her mind told her that she shouldnt be there, that she should run and have nothing else to do with him. But her heart was weighing her down. Continuing to look at him she smiled slightly "I...Im sorry." She said lightly as she looked him over again. "Its are..." She shook her head "I mean...history has shown...and...what...I am.... and what we shouldnt be allowed to be..." She rambled as she tried to explain her conflicting feelings. " met me here...and you poured your heart out into those letters...." Placing her hand on her head again she sighed slightly "I...I feel faint..." She complained as she groaned and leaned forward slightly, her head coming into contact with his shoulder. Gasping she sat straight up and looked at him, worried.
Arueli studied him again, and as she continued to look at him...he started to look less frightening to her. If he were evil and a beast as the history books described them as, and if he were there to kidnap her...then wouldnt he have done it when she had fainted? Clearing her throat she spoke quietly again "You to harm me..." She said gently as if she were convincing herself outloud not to be afraid of him. "You are here...for the girl in the I am here...for the man in the letters..." Nodding slightly she swallowed hard and looked down to the ground "Im sorry...this is just...all so confusing..."
03-15-2010, 05:19 AM
Haerton breathed a sigh of relief as Arueli awoke. Her yammering caused him to believe that maybe he did not catch her head as soon as he thought. Still, she was giving him a chance; much more than others of her race had. His face had a warm and modest smile on it and he crouched there before her. He had no weapon, simply because he knew that he did not need one if someone attacked. Gold and empty promises were more powerful than any blade, and when that didn't work, there was always his martial training.
The prince tilted his head to the side slightly and let a summer-warm and creme-smooth chuckle escape his lips as he head pressed softly against his firm shoulder. "Don't be sorry, Arueli. You are right to worry, I would be in your position; but please, I pray you, don't be afraid of me. I am not a monster." not to her, anyways. Haerton stuffed his handkerchief back into his sleeve. He cleared his throat and sat on his knees, hands resting on his thighs.
"I... I am sorry if I am not what you expected. You surely dreamt of some dashing young man with pale skin and golden hair, as you rightly should... But... I am Haerton, the Haerton who has been writing to Aru for the past five-and-a-half months. The Aru who signs with a heart after the "u" in her name." Haerton stammered slightly, running a hand through his snow-white hair and swallowing hard to wet his throat.
"If... If you do not feel comfortable knowing of my existence, then I will leave, and you will never hear of me again, as great a heartbreak that would be for me.... But... If you wish to believe the truth that I meant every word I wrote, then try and look past.... this." he made a circular motion with his hand around his face.
"History is called 'history' for a reason, Madame Arueli. We learn it to prevent making the same mistake twice, but the rulers of our nations are blind and foolish, using history as a means to murder one another. Where is the sense in that? Where is the logic? Tell me."
03-16-2010, 01:09 AM
as Haerton spoke she became teary eyed, the way he spoke was just like his letters. She could see his writing as he spoke, smell the warm calming scent of the parchment that he wrote so delicately on. It was as if her vision of him slowly faded into his real self, the golden locks icy white, the skin become black as midnight as his eyes burned bright red. But his image didnt frighten her as he continued to talk. She wasnt being fair to him, and her sinking heart that throbbed in her chest reminded her with every beat.
Arueli rolled her eyes when he mentioned the rulers of their nations. "They are indeed blind. the blindest I have ever had the displeasure to ever be a part of. The King just sits there with his wife sipping at his tea while he sends soldiers blindly into the battlefield. Did you know he doesnt expect any of them to ever survive. He wants this war to go on until the other King gives up." Arueli spat out as she threw up her hands in detest. "He knows about the loss of his wife and he damn well knows that eventually the man will crack and give up his kingdom. He is such and arrogant bastard! I cant believe my fath-" She stopped and bit her tongue as she sealed her lips tight.
Looking up at him she looked into his eyes, her Lavender hues scoping into his own rubies. She had to divert the situation as quickly as possible. He still wasnt aware that she was heir to the throne. "Haerton..." She cooed gently as she sat up onto her own knees and looked up to him "I haven't been fair to you. I apologize. It is history for a reason. And if I were to tell you right now that I have no feelings for you just because of wha-....your appearance...then my heart would surely shatter into a million tiny pieces." She said as she smiled gently, Arueli pushed some hair behind her ear and nodded slightly, "It may take a little getting used I am sure it is with you as well. I dont assume you thought of your sweet Aru...who signs her name with a little heart after the u...was so pale..." Swallowing she continued to look up at him, her heart was beating so quickly she was afraid that it would surely jump from her chest. "I did not lie to you when I told you of my hopes and dreams...I just...need you to be patient as my head catches up with my heart." Arueli said gently as she rose her hand slowly towards his face, hesitating for a moment but then gently placing her hand onto his cheek. The slander of their cold blooded nature faded as she felt the warmth of his skin, it was soft and quite fair. Arueli smiled to him again, her pale purple eyes running over his facial features slowly.
03-16-2010, 02:34 AM
Haerton closed his eyes as he felt Arueli's soft hand against his cheek. His own hand came up to hers, his fingers brushing over her knuckles gently as he took a deep breath, drinking in the scent of her perfume. Exhaling, Haerton opened his eys, those bright suns in his head looking into those beautiful pools of purple across from him.
"As you wish, my Lady, I will of course do whatever will make you most comfortable. The last thing I would ever want is for you to be uncomfortable and scared." Haerton smiled at her warmly, a twinkle in his eyes, a spark of fiery passion. "In all honesty, my Lady, you are so much more than I had expected. Much more than I hoped for."
03-16-2010, 02:51 AM
As his hand came over her own she jumped slightly, wondering if he were just placing it over her hand or about to take hers off of his face. But as he pressed her hand closer to his face and closed his eyes as he took in a breath she smiled, she had done the same thing to his letters countless times. As Haerton looked back at her with his smooth smile and sparkling eyes she felt her heart skip a beat.
Hearing those words from him made her tear up. He was not discriminatory of her at all, he thinks what his heart feels while she decided to think so foul of him that she overwhelmed herself and fainted. Arueli scooted closer to him, placing her other hand along his hair line and running her fingers through his white hair. It was so fluffy and soft to the touch. Letting her hand run down to his neck she followed her hand with her eyes as she ran her fingers gently down to his shoulder, stopping and suddenly pulling her hand away to her chest. "Pardon me. I just..." Smiling gently she pulled her other hand from his face, hooking her fingers around his own. A light blush came to her cheeks as she looked down at the ground "I just...find you quite attractive to be honest. Sure its different...But I have never seen a more beautiful man in my life." Arueli nodded slightly and ran her free hand through her own hair, pushing it away from her face. "Forgive me for being so...rude."
03-16-2010, 05:20 AM
His smile only widened as Arueli's fingers ran through his hair and over his shoulders, the mere touch making him feel at peace. Any worry Haerton had, related to this moment or no, vanished before her silk-soft hands. He wanted to badly to reach out and touch her skin with his hands, but he knew that was not proper in the slightest. Haerton nibbled his lower lip and closed his eyes as he fingers went through his hair. When she pulled away, though, his eyes opened again.
His heart raced in his chest and his face flushed with warmth at her words, making Haerton clear his throat quietly. "There is nothing to forgive, my Lady Arueli." Haerton reached out and put a hand gently on her shoulder, looking in her eyes steadily with an air of warmth, calming, and peace about him.
"You too are the most beautiful thing I have ever had the blessing to gaze upon. You humble priceless jewels with your radiance and bitter the sweetest of cakes with your own sweetness. Had I not have felt your hands upon my face, I would think myself in the Afterlife, gazing upon an Angel."
03-16-2010, 05:05 PM
Arueli blushed a bright pink when he spoke such kind words to her. His hand on her shoulder felt as if it were the only thing keeping her from floating away. He was surely a man after her own heart. And her heart was ready to give itself to him, so he could hold it, cherish it and take care of it like she knew he would. Looking down at their hands that were still slightly holding onto one another she smiled and tightened her grip on his hand. Blinking slowly as she examined the contrast between them. She was so pale compared to him, as well as quite petite. He was taller, larger and all around bigger than her. It was slightly overwhelming as she positioned their hands so they were palm to palm in the air, her eyes just staring at them. Her hands, if aligned by the top of their wrists, barely came to the first joints of his fingers. Smiling she chuckled slightly, she felt so fragile comparing herself to him.
"They are so large...and strong..." She said absent mindedly as she continued to just look at their hands, they were so different...and yet seemed to perfectly match. Swiveling her wrist she placed her fingers between his and laced their fingers. Her eyes drifted to his strong arms, her free hand moving to his arm and gliding gently over the toned muscles and to his shoulder, letting her hand slide across his chest she jumped slightly as her hand came into contact with something solid beneath his shirt. Blinking she let go of his hand as she scooted closer to him, slowly taking hold of the leather thong around his neck she pulled the silver medallion from under his shirt and looked at it closely. Moving herself even closer, to where she was practically in his lap she looked closely at the medallion and ran her fingers delicately over it. Flipping it over there were inscriptions but she couldnt make them out. "What do they say?" She asked as she then looked up at him, noticing how close she had really gotten to him as she could feel his warm breath upon her face. Blushing a light pink she looked into his eyes for a moment, her heart trying to jump from her chest. Leaning forward slowly she looked down at his lips....this would be the Arueli took a swift gasp and looked back down at the medallion, her face completely flushed as her brain scolded her for even thinking about kissing him. Clearing her throat she ran her fingers over the inscriptions and tilted her head. "It looks quite old..."
03-17-2010, 10:25 PM
Haerton quietly observed as Arueli drew closer and closer to him, his own cheeks and ears burning hot with a blush, though his was a much darker shade of red. When she was almost sitting upon his lap, he swallowed hard to wet his throat, which was now dryer that any desert he had ever heard of.
Their eyes met, then hers lowered to his lips as she drew closer. Haerton leaned in as well, but jolted slightly when she gasped and regained herself. The prince cleared his throat, her questions finally sinking is.
"This medallion... it is a family heirloom. It says: So long as this medallion remains with the Noble Blood, the next Dynasty will come as surely as the seasons and the rising sun." Haerton recited the ancient scrawl around the edge of the medallion. All of his chips were down, now. He had nothing left to hide. She knew what he was and who he was. Haerton silently prayed that he had made the right decision.
03-18-2010, 02:38 AM
Noble Blood.....Noble Blood. As Arueli looked at him again she blinked as everything just connected in her mind. He was of Noble Blood. He was far to young to be a Duke or the King himself. Arueli looked back down at the medallion and bit her tongue, her eyes widening. It made sense only one way, and it suddenly clicked in her mind. "You....You are the...prince..." Arueli looked up at him again as she whispered then, "Arent you?"
As his face reflected his answer apparently Arueli gripped his pendant and sighed slightly. He just opened up for her, let his identity fall out onto the table without much hesitation at all. Letting go of his medallion she placed her hands onto her legs and tightened them into fists as she thought, her eyes staying on his medallion. Taking in a deep breath she let it out slowly "I want to tell you something. Something that is very important that I feel....would be right to tell you." Nodding hesitantly she closed her eyes and let her chin drop. "Can I trust you? can I trust this information to I trust my heart in your hands?"
03-18-2010, 03:12 AM
Haerton smiles reassuringly at Arueli and put his hand over hers as it balled up on her leg. There was no malice in those eyes or on that face of his. He held her hand firmly, but not crushingly, just enough to say that he was strong, and that he would be strong for her.
"Arueli, I swear on my hope for salvation that whatever secrets you see fit to share with me, I will keep on pain of death and eternal suffering in the underworld. I will never betray you, for if I ever did, I would be betraying my own heart." Haerton said in that deep and silk-smooth voice of his, the Prince's thumb brushing over her knuckles. He wanted nothing more than to hold her, let her feel safe in his arms. Possibly elope with her...... No! It was far too early for that kind of thought.... Or was it? He had been courting her through letters for the past five - almost six - months. No, he would wait for her to be ready. He knew that he would never want any other, though.
03-18-2010, 03:42 AM
Arueli looked down at their hands for a moment before taking another breath and shuttering as she released it. Looking up at him she nearly crumbled, her confidence shot as she looked up into his face. But her fears were eased with his eyes and her heart was calmed by his smile. She knew his words were true, that she could trust him, so she swallowed hard to wet her throat and quietly spoke. "I am Arueli Christine Barristonias....Princess....of my race and heir to the throne..." Her words sprang from her tongue and left her body feeling loose and light.
She wasnt too sure what he was thinking, she wasnt able to instantly read his reaction. She was trusted with his identity and now he was trusted with her own. But who knew...The Prince and Princess of two races at brutal war fatefully meeting through pen and parchment. Their parents declared them as heirs to the throne, to continue the war that would probably outlast their lifetime. Two innocent and open hearted souls that were in danger of being pulled into the war by force. She couldnt ever imagine his face as the enemy, it was too beautiful...and his heart was so free willed and filled with poetry.
03-18-2010, 05:12 AM
Arueli's words hit Haerton like a ton of bricks. She was the princess? Not that he was very surprised, she had the beauty and the grace of a goddess. She could say that she was indeed a goddess from the heavens above, and he would not doubt her claim. Still, this was something of a shock. Fate had a strange way of weaving people together for a purpose.
Haerton's hand left hers as he stared at her, his mouth slightly agape. He refused to believe that they would have to end up fighting one another. No, he would not let that happen. Not while he still drew breath. The Prince's hand gently brushed Arueli's golden hair behind her ear, his hand settling on her soft cheek, their eyes locking together. Haerton leaned in close, wetting his lips with his tongue, for they felt like sandstone.
"Do you trust me, your highness?"
03-18-2010, 07:44 PM
Arueli looked at him as his mouth fell open and his hand was taken from her own. For a split moment she felt her heart breaking. She was sure he now didnt want anything to do with her. Arueli's eyes teared up as bit her tongue, scolding herself for telling him as she had. Closing her eyes she wanted to just disappear. But as his hand pushed some of her hair behind her ear she jumped slightly, looking back up at him as his hand came to her cheek. As he asked her if she trusted him she opened her mouth to speak, but her voice seemed to be stuck in her throat. Blinking a few times she nodded "I do. I trust you Haerton."
Arueli had watched him lick his lips with her peripheral vision before he leaned close. A light pink touched her cheeks as she wondered why he was asking her if she trusted him. She had just told him her identity, which he could obviously take into his own hands and use it as he wanted. He could end her if he wanted. Make the other race crumble from the inside out by taking out the only heir to the throne. This would surely make their side much weaker. He could do anything with the information that she trusted to him.
03-21-2010, 04:36 AM
Haerton smiled in a fashion at Arueli that could only be described as love. With her stating that she did indeed trust him, he leaned in and gently pressed his lips against hers. Her skin so soft, her perfume filling his nostrils with the sweet sent of wildflowers. The prince closed his eyes and just wished all of the world and its troubles could just crumble away.
03-21-2010, 10:26 PM
Arueli's cheeks burned bright red as his lips came into contact with her own, a quick intake of air through her nose surely revealed how surprised she was by the action. Her eyes widened and her entire body became very tense, her heart beating swiftly. When Haerton closed his eyes she trembled slightly, taking a moment as she then relaxed and closed her own eyes. Leaning into the kiss slightly she relaxed her muscles and smiled slightly into the kiss.
She wasnt sure really what else to think of the situation other than the simple fact that he had just kissed her...her first the prince of another nation. And her heart and mind were completely in sync. She liked it.
03-22-2010, 04:46 AM
Haerton broke the kiss, if not reluctantly. His hands cupping Arueli's soft face as he caught his breath, his brow pressed against hers.
"I... I'm sorry, Arueli.... That was very forward of me...." he said with shame coating his voice. Still, he did not want to let go. Haerton's entire body was hot, like he had magma in his veins. He had heart of the "fires of passion" and the "heart burning with love", but he assumed that was just poetic dramatization.
"I'll never betray you, Arueli. Never, not in a million lifetimes and more. To betray you is to betray my own soul." he brushed his lips over hers once more, not a kiss, but just savoring the softness of that rosebud that was Arueli's lips.
03-22-2010, 05:19 PM
Arueli felt her breath leave her body as Haerton pulled from the kiss. Her eyes remained closed as his hands cupped her face and his forehead rested against her own, feeling herself gasping for a breath. As he apologized about being so forward about the kiss she smiled slightly, listening to his words as he explained that he would never betray her. The soft brush of his lips against hers made her heart skip a beat, Arueli's cheeks burning again.
Opening her eyes Arueli looked at Haerton for a moment, but that was all it took for her heart to take control of her. She suddenly wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and pressed her lips against his as she nearly jumped into his lap and almost knocked him back. Arueli closed her eyes and held the kiss longer than the first, pulling away slowly and bringing herself into his lap and holding onto him tightly with her arms still around his neck. "That...was forward..." She spoke quietly as she trembled in his arms, her heart was beating so quickly and her body was filled with pure bliss that she was hardly able to keep her arms around his neck. Arueli felt weak and unstable, but in a good way. Her stomach filled with many jumbling butterflies. "Please, do not feel ashamed to have kissed me...For I was wanting it just as you were." She said as she closed her eyes and leaned her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. " are quite the prince...after my own heart."
03-23-2010, 01:20 AM
The prince's eyes bugged wide as Arueli pressed her lips more forcefully against his and moved up against him, now in his lap, exchanging the falvor of her lips with his. Her soft hands at his neck, fingers grabbing his snowy locks, pressing their mouths together. Haerton took a shaky breath through his nostrils as they kissed again, his hands resting on her hips after she settled into his lap.
When that kiss broke, Haerton almost had to gasp for air. Her head rested on his chest, making him smile. Her words were sweet as honey, and her voice was softer than the finest silk.
"I am not ashamed of this, Arueli. Far from it.... Now, I don't want anything else but this.... Nothing else but you." he stroked her silk-soft hair gently, caressing her, just wanting her to feel safe in his arms. Haerton smiled at what she said, a dark blush flushing his cheeks.
"Every prince needs a princess...." he said in a tone softer than the purest wool
03-23-2010, 03:32 AM
Arueli smiled gently as he ran his fingers through her hair, it was just as she had dreamed many times before about their meeting. She was in his arms and listening to his heartbeat as he looked down at her lovingly and stroked her hair as he kept her safe in his arms. And that was exactly what was happening at this moment in time. Arueli felt as if the entire world had just stopped, frozen and peaceful. There was no war. No hate and no division of their worlds.
As he spoke about every prince needing a princess she blinked a few times, looking up at him as she studied his eyes and face for a response. Was that his way of an informal proposal to her? More like a promise than a proposal she hoped. "Haerton...I have been waiting for nearly 6 months for this moment and right now I wish it to never end." Arueli's eyes grew saddened as she frowned "But this meeting can not last forever. For if I am not back home by noon tomorrow...My Father will surely send the rest of his army to come find me, and if they were to find you..." Arueli tightened her hand onto his shirt and leaned her head against his shoulder, her eyes hidden away in the warm flesh of his neck. "I do not wish for you to be harmed..."
03-23-2010, 04:36 AM
Haerton smiled warmly down at Arueli as she looked up at him. He hoped that the understood what he had said. He thought he saw that questioning stare in her eyes, and he nodded in acknowledgement. Haerton would stare down a rampant lion and feel no fear, be would clash blades with a fellow blademaster, and he would feel no fear. But on this plane, in this instance, where the situation was as percarious as walking on thin ice.
The prince let out a saddened sigh, knowing that what she said was true. Still, with what he felt inside, he thought he could take on all all of the opposing armies and win.
"Even if your father sends all of his legions, they will not keep me from you, Arueli..... my love." he breathed the last part in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her. Haerton breathed in her scent, letting himself become embraced in the euphoric rapture that her mere presence gave him.
"I love you too much to let you go, Arueli.... I want to hold you and guide you.... say you'll share with me one love... one lifetime."
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