View Full Version : Alden vs. Selena

06-17-2012, 10:29 PM
While Alden was young, he had made quite a few enemies during his time. A lot of the baddies didn't like his hero status and wants him dead, but despite all of their efforts they have failed in their quest numerous times. There was now such a large price on his head that anyone who was able to take him out would gain enough riches to retire and live a comfortable life. Due to this Alden had to be careful about traveling alone, but he still enjoyed spending time by himself from time to time.

Today was one of those days, and he was currently strolling through a beautiful meadow field home to a vast amount of colorful flowers. Off to the side was a pristine lake and there was a grouping of trees to the north. A lot of small birds fluttered around the cloudless sky and some smaller mammals such as rabbits hopped along the field. Today was indeed a perfect day for relaxation here.

Alden wore a white tunic, brown shorts, and brown sandals. At his side was a sword sheathed into his belt, available to him in the off chance that someone would attempt to attack him. However, he hoped that would not be the case because he was still in the process of taking in the beautiful scenery spread out before him.

06-18-2012, 07:12 AM
selena was hiding high in the trees to the north of her target. She studied him, he looked nice. She was ashamed of what she was about to do, she had given up assassination long ago but now she had to do it. She considered many stradegies, he did not look like much, but there was a very high bounty on him for a reason. She decided on a method that had worked before, a distraction kill. She looked through her pouch of supplies, and found a small explosive. perfect, now how to use it? She saw the lake, and as soon as Alden looked in the opposite direction, she threw it at the lake. With the explosion, she moved under the sound of the blast and water. She ran straight behind him with inpecable speed.

She ran directly behind him and pulled a kunai to the back of his neck. this was the time. My name is Selena, I feel you should know the name of your killer.. Then she began to thrust the weapon forward.

06-20-2012, 02:44 AM
A flash speeding through the air caught the corner of his eye, and as he turned for a better view there was a sudden explosion in the water. He was taken off guard, but not so much that he'd let it be a distraction for any longer then that fraction of a second. He used his senses and felt someone rushing out from behind him. He prepared himself to move quickly while making it appear like he wasn't ready in order to cause his opponent to get a false sense of security, rushing in and making a mistake. The women, which was clear by the voice, stopped momentarily to deliver a short speech, probably believing that the distance between them would be too much for Alden to be able to dodge in time. However, Alden had already built up arra in his muscles for such a maneuver. Upon activating the arra he gained a burst of speed, allowing him to easily duck below the attack and spin around on his left heel so that he now faced her. She was hopefully thrown off balance by that miss, and taking advantage of this fact he now went on the offensive, swinging his right arm inward and toward her abdomen. Naturally, Alden had built up arra in this arm as well while he was waiting, so it would be a powerful attack should it connect.