View Full Version : Looking for someone to play assassins with.

03-16-2010, 07:55 PM
Hi everyone, i'm just looking for someone to RP a futuristic Assassin's Creed-esque with me. Just PM me if you're the slightest bit interested, its half an idea, so its very flexible.

03-16-2010, 08:27 PM
You got me interested upon the words "Assassin's Creed".

03-16-2010, 08:33 PM
good. so, wanna talk about it?

03-16-2010, 09:06 PM
Maybe in a bit. Need to finish some college work first.

03-16-2010, 09:08 PM
sure, i wouldn't want to interrupt that o_o

03-17-2010, 11:12 PM
Ok, sorry about that. Did my work while completely forgetting about the reply. >.>''

Well, then! You say a futuristic AC... How futuristic are we talking about?

03-17-2010, 11:39 PM
well, personally i'd like anything from a few decades from now to a few millennia from now, it all depends. for example: if we go for a few decades we'll be on Earth, but if we go for a few millennia we can use space-ships, space stations, and other species (always a favorite with me). I'd prefer the millennia one, but the decades would be easier to map out.

03-17-2010, 11:51 PM
Based upon those choices, and also based upon your preference, we can go with the millennia one. You'll have to tell me what kind of things are available at that point, though.

03-17-2010, 11:56 PM
i imagined a Star-Wars like universe, or at least a star system, so, things available there would be good, a couple of different species would also be good. and, since i've figured out how to do one in real life, the customary hidden blades would of course be present.

03-18-2010, 12:07 AM
Ah, alright. Aside from that, what all needs to be discussed?

03-18-2010, 12:13 AM
for one: the characters (duh), but more importantly if they're working for themselves or someone else, for two: the ship. Size, type, interior, weapons, color (yes, i like details). and thirdly: the planets and locations. but i've got to get going for dinner. i'll be back in like an hour or something, with fresh ideas ^_^

03-18-2010, 12:17 AM
One: Of course.
Two: If it's a single ship the assassins will be attacking, then it should be one fit for an enormous army. Otherwise, something small and easy to sneak around in. The color can be something dark to make it less likely to be spot from sight and can have stealth systems integrated into it.
Three: Umm... You can do that one, lol.

03-18-2010, 12:51 AM
actually, ive got to pack in for the night. i'll have full plans tomorrow ^_^

03-18-2010, 01:54 AM

03-19-2010, 11:06 PM
so, turns out it wasn't last night after all o_O

anyway here's what i come up with for planets:

in order by distance from the sun starting with the closest:

Name: Droth
Climate: All areas are a year-round desert, typically the temperature reaches 105 degrees Fahrenheit around noon and falls to about 40 degrees Fahrenheit at night.
Habitation: Relatively uninhabitable, but small towns and cities manage to scratch out a living on Droth. Each town/city has its own leader and they are always fighting amongst one another.

Name: Ichar
Climate: Mostly tropical, though it drops off near the poles and has ice caps. Typically the temperature reaches 90 degrees Fahrenheit at noon and around 50 at night, though it is very humid.
Habitation: More inhabitable than Droth, but less favorable as a home. Some large colonies exist across Ichar and they are ruled by a central Republic, though it can be slow on decisions.

Name: Corbin
Climate: There is no natural climate left on Corbin, it was poisoned and destroyed by factory emissions long ago. If one ventures outside the protective domes and spires of the factory-world they would likely choke to death.
Habitation: Though not a very nice place to work the majority of life on Corbin enjoys a life supplied by exports and the sale of goods that are made there. Don't fret about confined spaces on Corbin, most streets are wide and tall enough to move an aircraft carrier through them because many small merchant ships move through the upper parts of them on a daily basis.

Name: Darachi
Climate: Frozen planet, completely ice.
Habitation: aside from extremely widespread and disconnected research facilities, Darachi is not inhabitable.

as far as a ship goes, i see something sleek, large enough to house two people full time for about a week without resupplying, mounted with several hidden 'surprises' including a cloaking device.

and for profiles.. i'm going to start writing one up using some the standard info, age, name, etc. and then add on what's needed.

oh, and feel free to create a species of your own invention.

03-20-2010, 12:58 AM
All of it sounds good to me. Can't wait to get this started.

03-24-2010, 12:08 AM
sorry it took so long, i wanted a really good profile for this and i hope you're still in.

Name: Krath

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Species: Tenshi – A catlike species ranging from human like cats that stand on their hind legs to cat-like humans that simply have tails and cat ears.

Appearance: Krath stands roughly 5’ 11” tall, is athletically built with dark grey fur all over. He also has natural crimson red tribal patterned markings on his back, arms, and legs. Krath does have a very short muzzle. His eyes are blood red with vertically slit pupils. His tail hangs down to just about his ankles, is very fluffy, and has a 6” long red tip. His fingers are tipped with claw-like black nails that are very strong. Krath usually wears black cargo pants, a red belt, and a couple of chains on both hips and a loose-sleeved black jacket with a large, low hanging hood.

Equipment: Krath carries a variety of objects that come in useful, listed below are a few that he keeps on him at all times. Dual black hidden blades with red inlays, condensed smoke canisters (made with byproducts from the ship’s exhaust and collected after detonation), several throwing knives, a small blaster, two sturdy combat knives, and a communication earpiece.

Personality: Krath is a bit of a contradiction, he is calm and collected when as long as there’s no real action going on; however, in intense situations he tends to lose it and start free styling or fly into a rage.

History: Krath was born in transit from one star-system to his parent’s home planet, then spent the next two years on that planet before it was evacuated because of heavy nuclear fallout. The colony ships spent the next ten years looking for a host planet suitable for them. Out of three colony ships only two survived the warp jump to the Corbin sector. One was allowed to dock on Corbin itself and absorb into the population while the other was diverted to Ichar and established a colony that became a powerful force in the planet wide republic.

Krath was aboard the Ichar ship and, being of working age at the time, helped in its conversion into the first Tenshi city. During the conversion he learned much about mechanics and technology. Five years later when the conversion was finished Krath was assigned to the jungle scouting authority where he learned the acrobatic style of free running he uses now. Three years passed in this manner, then a series of mysterious deaths rocked Krath’s world to the core, his parents were among the murdered. At the age of 20 Krath moved to Droth, and just as quickly out of the sector to study amongst an organization known as the Assassinorum. For the next seven years he trained with them and eventually met his current partner.

Now, seven years after the deaths of his parents, Krath returns to the Corbin sector on a purgation mission from the Assassinorum. Now he intends that his parents should have revenge.

03-24-2010, 07:20 PM
Alright, I'll work on a profile later. Got some work that needs to be finished.

03-24-2010, 09:43 PM
take your time

03-25-2010, 02:57 AM
Name: Menos Salerh

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: Dreth 'ad Nul - Simply put, a species that closely resemble dark elves, or Drow.

Although his body seems petite and barely muscular, Menos' strength and endurance is surprisingly canny. As customary to his species, Menos' 5'8'', 147 pound body color is between black and charcoal gray, and his short, spiky hair is pure white. With a soft face complexion and light green eyes, one might mistake him for a female from a difference. Menos' clothing choice comes in the form of baggy pants, sleeve-less shirt, combat boots, a clear crystal tied around his neck, a medium-sized pouch on his right side, and a cloak that wraps around his entire body. All of his choices have a grey color, signifying his choice to be 'in the middle'.

Like Krath, Menos owns a variety of objects that he uses in missions. Listed below are several items he owns and brings on contracts:
1) Dual Grey Hidden Blades - Essential to the Assassin's Code, in Minos' view.
2) Transportable Sniper - Carried as a rectangular case, useful for far kills and quick escapes.
3) S. Throwing Stars (2) - Four-edged metallic star with blue laser-blades. Upon throwing, Menos can control the star's flight pattern, making this weapon extremely accurate and deadly.
4) Earpiece - Necessary for communication between partners. Occasionally had to use it for past contracts and now needs it again.
5) Datapad - Provides data and information during missions, and also provides a visual overlook of designated place. With modifications, Menos can use it to hack into most electronic devices without being detected.

Menos has a tendency to fall completely quiet in most situations, but his real intentions are to observe and listen. Learning whatever he can about each situation, he devises strategies to overcome any obstacle. Because of his physique, sometimes he has been forced to disguise himself as a female. Although it gets the job done, he completely loathes every moment of it.

Although Menos prefers that his past be just that, records have not ignored his history. Born and raised on Ichar, he and his twin sister [CLASSIFIED INFORMATION] were raised like any normal Dreth ad' Nul. Around his thirteenth year, his sister, twelve at the time, had fallen for a brute of a Dreth. This Dreth, [CLASSIFIED INFORMATION], was known amongst the other teenagers and children as a bully and troublemaker. Thus, it didn't take long before his sister was heart-broken and beaten down.
Though she was alive and being cared for, Menos swore to get revenge on the brute. Disguising himself as his own sister, he confronted the brute, acting as if his 'sister' still loved him. With careful calculation and patience, Menos found the perfect moment to strike and crippled the brute swiftly. In all honesty, Menos probably would have killed the brute as well but, since his sister remained alive, he saw no point to proceed further. By the time he was back home, news had spread about the brute and his sister thanked him for his help. His reply was to simply not fall for the bad guys again, and that he would never disguise as a woman ever again.
A year later, Menos' friend [CLASSIFIED INFORMATION] told him that he was being followed by a local gang group. The gang was known for committed various crimes, but no proof could ever be placed on them. Hearing his plea, Menos began to observe each 'known' member of the gang. In short time, he discovered the exact number of the gang, their hideouts, and what they did to remove the evidence to their crimes. With just this observation, Menos was able to alert the local authorities to the gang's next target, catching a majority of them in one strike.
News of his deed apparently traveled fast, as within the next day a mysterious man contacted Menos. Indifferent on whether he could trust this man or not, Menos performed various odd-jobs ranging from deliveries, capture tactics, and the occasional dreaded disguise stages. By the time he was 18, the mysterious man contacted him to take leave for a specific location. Upon arriving, Menos was taken to a private shuttle and transported to a place known as the Assassinorum.
Seven years later, Menos' success as an assassin was well-known to the others, but more importantly unknown to the masses. Now that his current job involves him working with a partner, he knows he'll have to work a bit harder in order to make sure everything runs smoothly...

03-25-2010, 11:02 AM
looks good, i await your history, then we can quickly figure out starting conditions and begin.

03-26-2010, 06:32 PM
History is up.

03-26-2010, 07:11 PM
i see i'm being counted as a liability xD

looks good, now basically there are two decisions that have to be made:

1) currently in the ship or planet side.

2) what's the current mission.

personally i don't care about the first, but the second should be something simple because this would be something like the second or third time they've worked together in the real world.

03-26-2010, 07:28 PM
He knows that you have a bloodlust when it comes to fights and action, and he's used to handling things on his own. XP

1) How about planet side?
2) Possibly 'Infiltrate warehouse and eliminate guards'?

03-26-2010, 07:30 PM
he should, he could be next lolz

planet side is fine, and then how about we get away with something from the warehouse.

anyway, post up in a couple of hours... i have to walk home -_-*

03-26-2010, 07:33 PM
Sounds fine to me. Alright then, I await your return.