View Full Version : [M] Ignition Factor: A New Era Dawns

03-17-2010, 02:49 PM
On every screen across the world, programming is interrupted, static the only thing visible until, slowly, a fuzzy image of a boy in his late teens in battle leathers, with wreckage behind him takes shape on screen. "This is a call to every Tamer everywhere, in every city, town, hamlet, country, state and county. The Digital World needs you! It needs you now like never before-," the boy ducks as an explosion rocks the scene.
"There isn't much time! My name is Xilthanas, Leader of the White Dragon Guard Team. Come to Server Continent and head for Ophanimon's castle! Hopefully, I'll meet you there," another explosion, debris falling from over head, followed by loud cursing, clanging of blades for a moment and then a wet flesh-slicing sound, before Xilthanas appears again, looking worn. "I need to get moving. Black Serpent squads are everywhere...This is Xilthanas, signing out! I hope someone saw this." The boy turns away from the screen just as it goes back to static, the image slowly fading before its nothing but snow. This broadcast was seen worldwide.

Every government makes orders to find out where it came from and how, but no one in power ever finds out where the broadcast came from. The only people who found out, were those chosen people who already knew what the boy spoke of, who then told others. The internet crackled with activity after the broadcast, people searching for something, anything to explain what they saw on television. Some people find what they are looking for, though not in the way they expected. They find themselves either with a new friend or transported to the digital world where they meet those waiting for them. Or they find forums were Tamers keep in touch. Regardless of how it happens, Tamers answer the call. Some good, some not so good, but all Tamers regardless.

The digital world is at war. What once was a vibrant land, full of creatures and life and all that, is now mostly a cratered, desolate, lifeless place. Pockets of life and vibrancy still exist, but they are slowly fading, as more and more of the digital world is wiped of all life. No one knows how or why it started, but everyone knows who started it. The Black Serpents. Formerly a guard team for the digital city of Ganymede, The Black Serpents are now a perversion of everything a tamer stands for, raiding, destroying, consuming…

No one knows why they changed. No one understands what caused a once bright and shining light of the digital world to be so completely corrupted. All anyone knows now, is that unless the digital world gets help…well, that’ll be the end of it. And then they will start on the real world. Other tamers have already answered the call. The Knights of Ophanimon have been chosen. They wage a constant war at the front lines, making sure that if they do give ground, its dearly paid for, sometimes even gaining the upper hand, if only for a little while.

But hope blooms in the strangest of places…rumors speak of a new power, a new digivolution that some of the older digimon have attained in secret. Some have called it the prophesized power known as ‘Transcendic Digivolution’, a power that some say can surpass even Seraphimon himself.

No one knows how exactly this new level of power is reached, but the rumor says that it must involve a tamer, similar to the bio-merge power some other tamers are able to use. But other say that this hope is useless, that the Black Serpents are too numerous, too powerful…Some even say that maybe its time for the digital world to fade.

Which will you choose? Will you take up arms and defend the digital world you know and love so much? Will you try and ignore the plight? Or will you become that which most tamers despise and join the forces of darkness? The choice is, of course, yours to make. Let us hope that the choice you make helps to save the digital world, instead of destroying it.

A note on how I think Tamers should be: Not helpless. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to sit by while my partner, my FRIEND, goes and puts themselves in mortal danger. Tamers can fight each other and rookie level digimon at the beginning. No special tricks unless a way is provided in game for them to happen. There are now digicards for tamers as well as digimon. Tamers can have equipment just like their digimon can. This is a new era. This is not your little brothers digimon. This is Ignition Factor.

(Disclaimer- This is how I envision digimon. It may not be how you do. Deal. This rp will contain mature content, coarse language and lots of other things your mother/father probably don't approve of. Like me. If this bothers you, don't join. I'm not changing it unless an mod/admin says to...)


1.) THIS IS SPARTA! *kick* (Otherwise known as, I AM GOD HERE.)
2.) I make the rules. As such, they can change whenever I want.
3.) Don't be an @$$hole in OOC. Be civil. Or else. *squinty eyes*
4.) Obey the RPA rules/staff etc...duh.
5.) Please be semi-literate/literate! No chat/text speak or l33t.
6.) If your going to be gone awhile, let me know, and what you want done with your character. In addition to this, if you have to leave for some reason, or I kick your ass out, your character will be transported to Ophanimon's castle until you come back or until I decide your not being a douche anymore.
7.) No godmoding/autohitting etc...Its kind of against the rules on every other site I've been to.
8.) Please be clear in your character sheet whose side your on. This is VERY important.
9.) Completely fill out the sheet. Hell, add things if you want. Just fill it out.
10.) This rp is BY APPROVAL ONLY! If I don't like your character, I will tell you to change what I think needs to be different to better suit the rp.
11.) I will not allow people to have multiple digimon right at the beginning. That will be earned.
12.) Don't start drama here. I will kick you out.

Other than that, enjoy yourselves. The story portion of this post will also be the first post of the actual rp, so please keep this in mind. I hope every one likes it and plays!


Character Sheet

Guard Team: (Freelance is an option)

Name of Digimon:
Planned evolution:
Attacks(Each level):
Defining Attributes:

03-22-2010, 07:35 PM
Hey there; If you're in need of players, remember to apply to Roleplay of the Week (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=905) to gain some more exposure.