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07-14-2012, 09:03 PM
Character Guidelines & Template

Everyone that wishes to participate in this project will have to sign their character up by submitting a general information template of them in this thread.

Please keep chatter to a minimum in this thread.

Once your character has been approved, it will be added to the list in the post below here.
You can own up to 2 character at this point. (This may be changed as the need arises.)

Keep in mind: All character are base human! However, certain factions can grant benefits for your characters, that effect their abilities and/or appearance. These are yours to choose, but keep it reasonable within your story and make sure that every special addition for your character is explained.

The required information for your character will be visible in the below template, as well as optional information.




Faction: (If you do not know for sure about these, be sure to check the factions in the Status Reports and Announcements sub-forum. You can be a former member of one faction, and have deserted to another, but it would be preferred if you kept to your original faction.)

Appearance: (This can be text, image or both. Keep in mind: If you can provide an image for your character, official threads in which your character participates will be adorned with a personalized badge of your character. This is not required, but maybe a good reason for you to have an image for your character)

Weapons/Equipment: (These are the items your character, such as swords, axes, bows, has. If your character’s armor possesses an additional benefit in combat, this can also be described here. Do not describe your character’s abilities and skills here.)

Runes: (Here you can tell which 3 runes you would like to begin with.)

Abilities/Skills: (All non-magical abilities your character possesses, such as being a skilled marksman and being able to bend like an acrobat, are to be mentioned here. Keep this logical and fair. You can also write your magical abilities here, though they have to match with your rune selection.)

Personality: (Optional.)

Background/History: (Optional, EXCEPT for character that have deserted to another faction)

Goal: (Optional. Some character have a goal in life. Something that to strive for. Be it revenge or power or something else.)

Trivia: (Optional. Any other information you wish to bring about your character that doesn’t belong in any of the other categories, like what their favorite past-time is.)

With the power of the soul orbs flowing through the veins of your character, they may choose to allow its power to grip their humanity, and have it changed forever. Depending on what faction you pick, you are given the choice between various benefits. Keep in mind, however: When you let a soul orb take control of your body, you will not be able to let other soul orbs do so, unless those soul orbs reach a certain power treshold. Meaning that you can only gain the benefits of one faction. If you wish to not be bound to your current faction's benefits, all you need to do is not allowing their power to change you.
Some benefits may have practical uses, while other may be merely cosmetic.
The changes you can go through are varying, and completely your choice:

Firanos (Gifts of Flame):
-Flaming Eyes
-Fire Wings
-Fire Breathing

Leongarde (Gifts of Valor):
-Half-Lion Body
-Booming/Roaring Voice

Archeos (Gifts of Light):
-Angel Wings
-Glowing eyes

Disgeran (Gifts of Shadow):
-Demon Wings
-Third Eye
-Fire Breathing

Aeregos (Gifts of Wind):
-Dragon Wings
-Scaley Skin
-Dragon Talons

Scaravus (Gifts of Sand):
-Scorpion Tail
-Scorpion Pincers
-Ability to merge with sand

You can find your own benefits for your faction, but keep in mind they will have to be approved by me, so if you're not sure, run them by me and we'll see if they're good enough.

Character Ranks

As characters accomplish various feats, they can achieve a higher military rank within their faction. The higher you climb, the harder it will be to earn the next rank, but the greater the benefits will be.
From Lieutenant onwards, your character will gain access to an actual retinue to command. This retinue will be your complete responsibility, and you will be tasked to keep checks on it and to update me with how many casualties your force has suffered after each battle, for they will not be instantly refilled after each chapter.


Respected, Soldiers will pay heed to your words

Soldiers will obey your orders

Requisition a personal force of 30 or less soldiers, no elites

Senior Lieutenant
Up to 5 elite soldiers allowed in personal force

First Lieutenant
Up to 10 elite soldiers allowed in personal force

Personal force up to 80 soldiers, of which up to 20 elites

Personal force up to 150 soldiers, of which up to 40 elites

Field Marshal
Personal force up to 180 soldiers, of which up to 40 elites

Personal force of up to 200 soldiers, of which up to 50 elites, Can command NPC army movement into non-critical locations and non-capitals

Lord General
Can command NPC army movement anywhere


Important NPCs

A veteran of many battles and loyal servant to the Phoenix King Deimoclos, Avertus has made himself famous for wearing an iron mask in battle. He is known as a fierce warrior, where fear is never visible, not even in the face of death. Wether this is because of his mask, or because of his iron will to fight for Firanos, nobody knows for sure. His weapon of choice is a hand-made spear, enchanted by the power of Far’Khira, the Blazing Phoenix. His true power is yet to be discovered, but it is known for him to cleave down entire lines of armies with a single swipe of his spear. His rank in Firanos is that of a general, and right hand to the Phoenix King.

A deserter from Aeregos, Xuan abandoned the calm and mystical path of Aeregos. According to him, his intentions to fight for Firanos have something to do with the forces of Aeregos refusing to aid him and his family when a storm wyrm destroyed their home in Nin Yhao. Having lost all he held dear in that event, Xuan has known nothing but hatred and distrust towards Aeregos. In order to settle the scores with them, he studied the wyrms that were sacred to Aeregos, and slew them, one by one. As Aeregos placed a bounty on Xuan’s head, Firanos took heed of him. With all of Aeregos now hot in his heels, Xuan was forced to flee. The Phoenix King summoned Xuan to him during his flight, and offered him sanctuary and revenge on Aeregos, in exchange for his talents. Xuan gladly agreed, and was blessed by Far’Khira with regeneration, which allowed Xuan to live through some of the most fatal wounds.

An arms master and dedicated soldier, Seron is described as a one man army. Although he barely wears armor to safeguard him, his unbreakable spear is all he needs, along with his talents as a fire mage. He is also a tactical mastermind, as he has led his elite troops, the Phoenix Guard, to countless victories. Raining fire from the sky while spinning and rushing through the battlefield with his blazing spear, the battles where he and his forces were outnumbered 10 to 1, often led to them being victorious with hardly having lost a percentage of their troops. He is agile, strong and cunning, and whether with an army or alone, he is a dangerous enemy.

Ra’Shor is the descendant of Far’Khira himself and a being of pure flame. He was the guardian of Far’Khira’s soul orb for ages and knows undying loyalty to his god. When Deimoclos claimed the orb for Firanos, he promised Ra’Shor that the world would know the once great power of the Phoenix Meragaia. It is because of Far’Khira himself bestowing his power upon Deimoclos that made Ra’Shor agree to fight for Firanos. A mighty elemental with the ability to lay waste to entire continents, Ra’Shor is one of Firanos’ most feared weapons.

The great and prestigious king of Firanos, Deimoclos has offered his soul and body to Far’Khira. His appearance became that of a demigod and his power surpassed far beyond the boundaries of humanity. His essence became fire itself and his staff, which had been passed down by the generations of his bloodline, became a catalyst that could unleash a scorching inferno upon his enemies. Deimoclos remained the wise and elegant leader of Firanos, however, but with the fires of Far’Khira now backing his armies, he also became zealous in his reaching his goal, to turn all of Deiranar to serve under the flame.

The Meragaia of Firanos and the master of flame and rebirth. Far’Khira is an immortal amongst immortals, for it is said that he shall always rise again from his ashes. Far’Khira dreams of a burning world, a world there is only one element that counts: Fire. His power resides with Deimoclos and Ra’Shor, who are directly connected to his soul orb. It is said that Far’Khira has alternate plans for the Phoenix King however, should he fail.

Vanguard, The Iron Guardian
Unlike most of Leongarde’s armies, Vanguard does not live. He is a suit of armor that has slumbered alongside the soul orb of Ko’Rhas. He does not age, he does not speak and he does not know remorse nor mercy. Vanguard obeys only the call of Ko’Rhas and King Lionheart. He stands high above regular men and break through enemy lines like nothing. He is deemed as an unstoppable force. Once in motion, nothing can stop Vanguard. But being a threat to Leongarde’s armies as well, Vanguard is mostly kept within the walls of Leongarde, protecting the soul orb as he always has. But when duty calls, the metal goliath shall march, and shall only return victorious.

Devan is King Lionheart’s only son and heir to the throne. As most youngsters, he is brave and adventurous, but with his father’s blood in his veins, he is also valiant, noble and merciful. Devan has been named the Titanium Knight, for his armor shines in the glistering sun, making him appear as a radiant beacon of hope when he comes charging from the horizon, on his mighty stallion, Dawnbreaker. Devan has led many of his father’s forces to victory, and now, backed by the power of Ko’Rhas, he seeks to fulfill his father’s dreams of uniting all of Deiranar.

Mordus has been serving the throne of Leongarde since his father fell to the demonic incursions of Disgeran. With his mind only set on avenging his father, Mordus trained and fought. Having exiled himself to the cold heights of the Ilean Mountains, he became a hardened and morally unbreakable warrior. Now, returning as right hand man to King Lionheart, as well as one of the strongest generals of Leongarde, Mordus leads armies to certain death, which he somehow always turns to incredible victories. The mere sight of this warrior inspires man and boy alike with awe. Mordus’ twin blades will find their target, and he will end them.

When a man’s skills no longer allow the restrictions of humanity, they will go through any lengths to have those restrictions removed. Arduin is Leongarde’s greatest champions. Noble and chivalrous as Prince Devan, yet powerful and strong as Mordus, Arduin proved himself again and again. His acts did not go unnoticed by King Lionheart, nor by Ko’Rhas. When Arduin was called before the King, the mighty and fierce warrior lowered himself to a loyal servant of the king. This act finalized the impending decision of the king, as he brought Arduin before the soul orb. With Ko’Rhas deeming the man fit as a champion for his cause, he released him from the boundries of humanity and unchained Arduin’s inner beast. Arduin permanently changed and he became a mighty half-lion warrior. His already great strength and battle prowess were now improved further by a lion’s agility and stamina, and what great reputation he once had, was nothing compared to the stories that are now spread about him.

Reinard Lionheart has been ruling over Leongarde for decades now. His will is undisputed. His mercy limited. And his vigor limitless. Although the king is already of fair age, Ko’Rhas has blessed the mighty king to be a titanic warrior in his own right. Some say that the king has been partly turned to a beast, but he hides his true power, by accord to his own code: A code of chivalry. Reinard shall never rely on cowardly tactics and plans to defeat an enemy, he demands that a dying enemy, dies looking up at his foe. But if the rumors are true, Reinard has a final ace in the hole, that might just truly show the inner beast of the king.

The noble and powerful Meragaia of honor. Ko’Rhas is described as a silver lion, whose roar can shatter rock and metal alike. What is not known however, is that he is also deemed as a mighty warrior, who resembles the half-lions that serve under the banner of Leongarde. What his true form is, like with all Meragaia, nobody knows for sure, but Ko’Rhas’ faith in King Reinard is so great that some think that the king of Leongarde is no longer a mere mortal. If those rumors are true is yet to be discovered.

Ilea stands out from most troops of Archeos. She has been blessed by the light, but instead of charging head on in battle, Ilea prefers the shadows as her environment. She strikes from everywhere and nowhere, and becomes more dangerous the longer she remains hidden. Her light-forged blade will always find their mark and her crossbow can penetrate any armor. Not to mention is that Alu’Terasa has gifted her with the ability of teleportation, allowing her to truly strike from nowhere. Ilea is a deadly opponent, but carries an burden from an unknown past. Whatever that may be, she wishes for nothing except the decimation of Disgeran.

Nayamee is an exemplar of Archeos and is believed by some to be one of the most beautiful appearances in the world. With beautiful blond hair, a fair tanned skin and deep blue eyes, Nayamee has been the heart’s desire of many men. But all have been disappointed, as Nayamee is nobody else than the Sacred One’s queen. She is sworn to him and loves him more dearly than anything. As such, she would gladly give her life for her kind. Nayamee however carries a blade that renders her invulnerable, and this blessing has allowed her to strike down countless foes that could not even lay hands on her.

No man lives forever, no matter how dearly they wish to fight for their masters. No man, except Orion. A veteran of countless battles, Orion was the greatest warrior Archeos had known. Alu’Terasa had even gifted him with a blade that would cleave all who dare stand up against the light. However, after many battles, Orion was finally struck down with a fatal attack. The morale of the army crippled, and the battle seemed lost, until the Sacred One himself intervened, channeling the power of Alu’Terasa into Archeos’ fallen champion. Orion was engulfed in holy flame, cleansing him of the burden of flesh and blood, freeing him from the ability to feel pain, as the champion was reduced to nothing but a skeletal form. However, within his ribcage now lived a heart of pure light. Orion rose up and commanded his troops to engage in battle once more, with himself spearheading the strike. Blades and arrows pierced him, but Orion was eternal now, no matter who or what struck him down, he rose up once more and returned the punishment tenfold.

Pallion was once nothing more but a foot soldier, carrying nothing except a sword and some armor. His single role being to serve as a meat shield for the men behind him. However, this did not stop him from fulfilling his duty. Whenever Palion was struck, he struck back with a vengeance that was unmatched by any other man. It is this that is praised amongst the armies of Archeos, and so did the Sacred One know. Pallion was gifted with a powerful enchanted armor, that was fueled with divine power, giving Pallion the ability to form blades and other weapons from nothing but pure lightning. Pallion gladly accepted the gift and rushed head on into combat ever since, with his every strike seeming to be a devastating attack straight from the heavens.

Who he is, or even what he is, is nothing but a mystery to all except for Alu’Terasa and Queen Nayamee. The Sacred One is a zealous crusader of the light. He refuses the use of any weapon and as such, his gauntlets reinforced to strike as maces. The Sacred One is also known to hold incredible healing and cleansing abilities, as well as being able to smite nearly any being into submission. He can even form the light into extensions of his own body, such as wings. Any of who dared to fight the Sacred One, met an end by cleansing fire, with agony and pain being the only companions.

Light, grace and divinity. The Meragaia of Light is a fearsome guardian of justice, whose mighty blade can cleave through anything. His blessing can bestow some of the greatest gifts possible on those who prove their loyalty to the light. By some, he is revered as a king. By others he is revered as a god. But by all, he is feared as a judge. His true power is often compared to that of the Sacred One, but everyone knows that if Alu’Terasa will descend on the world in person, all shall be cleansed.

Men and women alike have sacrificed their body and soul for the power of Disgeran, but most of these used their own as sacrifice. Shavarrah did not however. She seduced and ticked countless innocents into following her dark vendetta. Gathering an entire cult within just a few weeks, Shavarrah brought the misguided souls to Disgeran. Once there, she executed them, one by one and drenched her body in their blood. The gruesome image and merciless slaughter more than appeased Xakh’Raah and in turn, he gifted Shavarrah with demonic enhancements, as well as the ability to call forth horrifying creatures from the abyss. Shavarrah has been a great threat to all who oppose Disgeran ever since that day. She has turned some of the other factions’ greatest warriors, in nothing more than her obedient pets, waiting as lambs for the slaughter.

The champion of Disgeran, Lord Cretoris the Nightbringer always signals his charge into battle with a shroud of darkness covering the battlefield, blotting out the sun. In the dark of night, his power increases more than it already did. While in day, he is a swordsman nearing perfection, during the night, he becomes an unstoppable killing machine. His haunted blade, followed by the cries of the lost souls he claimed, cleaving through metal, flesh and bone alike. Who or what he is below the armor, is known to none, but all that is known is if this dark knight sets his sights on you, he will hunt you down through your nightmares, and make you experience your greatest fears as he separates your soul and body from eachother.

For ages, Disgeran had been growing in strength, but their threat was not yet obvious to Deiranar. This would not do for Hierophind, advisor of Vasgerax. An old and wise seer from the Scaravian Desert, Hierophind had seen the growing darkness of Disgeran and in them, saw salvation for the world. Salvation through destruction. On his knees, Hierophind offered himself as the loyal servant of Vasgerax and the bringer of Xakh’Raah’s word. With this task, he roamed the world, spreading the will of Disgeran. Most saw Hierophind as nothing but a feeble old man and a doom caller. But they were soon to discover that enlightenment was not Hierophind’s only gift. When Disgeran set out for war, Hierophind took it upon himself to bring forth demonic legions to fight for the corrupted state. He is also the one responsible for the corruption of Blood Vale, and as such, is a wanted target for Leongarde. One thing is for sure, age brings wisdom, but for Hierophind, it also brings apocalypse.

A man’s identity is his most precious possession. But to one man, it is his greatest weapon. Mythros was once a brave soldier of a lost faction. With his home city and his family decimated, he had nowhere to go. He roamed for years, during which his identity became more vague to him. In the end, Mythros reached Disgeran and in the shadows of the dark city, he found refuge. What Mythros did not know however, was that his body was no longer living, and the reason for this was unknown to him, until Vasgerax came up to Mythros and explained why his heart had stopped beating. Xakh’Raah had watched Mythros for a long time, and thanks to the man’s sorrow, he was able to imbue him with a dark essence, an essence of shadow. All that mattered now, was that Mythros’ new purpose was that of fighting for Disgeran. Being nothing more than a shade, he has gained immortality and he cannot be wounded by mere weapons.

The image of true terror, Vasgerax has lost all he had left of his humanity and became a dark entity. Although he mostly remains in Disgeran, when he heads into battle, he does so on Griefwing, a dark wyrm. Armed with powerful shadow magic and a corrupted mace, as well as his draconic mount, he is a fierce battle that will again and again prove why he is the superior leader of Disgeran, and chosen of Xakh’Raah.

Horror, fear and agony are Xakh’Raah’s elements. He is a harbringer of death and decay, as well as a crusader of shadow and corruption. Of the Meragaia of Deiranar, he is often the one that is feared most of all, for it is within his domain that the fears and nightmares of man and god alike rest. What his current influence is on Deiranar, is currently limited to Vasgerax, but how dependant is Xakh’Raah on him, and what will happen when his puppet has served its purpose.

A mighty and brave member of the Aeregosian Generals Council, Narezayn is known as a stern and mighty, yet merciful leader. His decissions are often based on his moral standpoint. He became a very famous leader through his succesful assault on Archeos' most precious land: Paladin Grove.

The one man Aeregos would never want to betray them. Rai-Gonsura has made an infamous name for himself through his brutal fighting style, being able to take on expert swordsmen bare-handed. Not only has he an incredible strength, speed and stamina, but his most powerful asset is the fact that he is an earth elementalist. He has trained his body to sustain his faction's one greatest weapon ever since the first betrayals within Aeregos appeared. Ever since then, he has been the one to bring all who deserted Aeregos to justice, and he will do so again.

A favored champion of Aeregos, Nabo was once nothing more than a farmer’s son. But with the wars erupting, he heard his call elsewhere, a call by Shen’Giyuh. Nabo had something that other men did not. He could approach wyrms without problem and sometimes had no trouble even riding them, without any form of training. He was what many called a draconic soul: A person with the gift to be one with the dragons of the world. As such, Nabo trained in the art of combat, so that he could lead the wyrm riders of Aeregos into battle, and so he did. And most of the time, he returned victorious.

Nin Yhao was a sacred land to many old civilizations, and still is to Aeregos. One being has lived within Nin Yhao for millennia, created by the first civilization that ever lived there. The Ancient was a mighty samurai golem. His speed and strength were unmatched by any mortal and his soulless shell did not know mercy to any who intruded Nin Yhao. However, with the wars the threatening the ancient land as it is, The Ancient as been given a new purpose. He now fights for Aeregos, marching into battle where needed, and he shall not rest, until the threat for his home has been nullified.

As only heir to the throne of Aeregos, Zun’Yun has been trying desperately to do his mother pride, by serving her on the battlefield. Although not tutored as a soldier, nor as a magical warrior, Zun’Yun’s spirit and valor was reward by Shen’Giyuh with the gift of wings and unmatched speed, as well as an unbreakable diamond blade. Zun’Yun will soar high above the battlefield, and strike down from the sky to aid the troops of his home. However, before the enemy can strike at him, he is already soaring high above them again, and as such, avoids most damage dealt to him. Although young, he is not to be underestimated.

A veteran of many battles and a true warrior of honor and discipline, Kaburi has been the image of perfection for most soldiers of Aeregos. His blade, Dragonstrike, is said to be a gift from Shen’Giyuh himself, and it might be. Kaburi does his faction honor with blinding speed and quick reflexes, as well as precise and perfect strikes, being able to cleanly dismember an enemy without any trouble as he knows just how and where to strike joints to sever them. What is most feared, though, is Kaburi’s ability to control the wind like no other. He has been seen rushing through enemy lines with a tornado surrounding him, sweeping soldier up high and flinging them across the battlefield. The Chosen of the Storm is not a title Kaburi has stolen, and he is more than willing to prove so.

Peluya, princess and traitor of Firanos. She knows the masteries of fire like no other and makes herself known with flaming arrows with deadly precision. However, even as the daughter of the one and only Phoenix King, she deserted her home, out of love for the greatest dragon rider alive, Nabu, a champion of Aeregos. Being his fiancée, she quickly picked up on the art of dragon riding, which combined with her skill with the bow, made her a valuable asset. But even though she has betrayed her home for the love of her life, she holds no hatred for Firanos, nor for her father and hopes that one day, Firanos and Aeregos may be united as one kingdom, but until that day, she fights for Aeregos against whoever may challenge them.

Beauty and grace are what defines Kalijah. She is not an aggressive soul, but wishes to unite Deiranar and secure peace once and for all. Although she is not aggressive, she is not to be trifled with, for she bends wind and storm to her will. Not requiring any weapons, tornados and thunderstorms are her rage unleashed. On the ground, she is vulnerable, but in the air, she is unstoppable, and so, when her temper strikes, the skies shall darken, and thunder will light up the sky as it destroys the enemies of Aeregos, all at a single one of her commands.

Said to be able to stretch around the world twice with the mere length of his body, as well as the incredible speed with which he is able to travel, Shen’Giyuh is the herald of storm and wind. He has the ability to preserve and flourish, with a soft wind that edges clouds away for the radiant beams of the sun to feed the land. But he also possesses the ability to utterly destroy and erase entire civilizations from existence. The rage of this draconic wyrm unleashes in the form of deadly and viscious storms, that not even gods can weather. It is not hard to see where Kalijah got her power from, but if she is already this strong, what is Shen’Giyuh’s true power?

It is well-known that the people of Scaravus are well-seasoned warriors and roamers of the desert, but Ataran gives this a new definition. He never drinks, he never eats, he never sleeps. His only purpose in the world would seem to be to run and survive, forcing himself to farce more and more challenges, in order to protect the secrets of the desert. Ik’Yamar took note of this, and ordered Al’Tajin, the prophet of Scaravus to seek out Ataran. Once he found him, Ataran was cautious, until Al’Tajin showed him the message of Ik’Yamar. With a purpose to end the endless conflict and safeguard the ancient secrets of the world, Ataran agreed to fight for Scaravus, and was blessed with becoming one with the desert. This made Ataran an immortal and indestructible warrior. He may be crushed and tortured, but from the sands, he shall always rise again.

Raised and trained as a storm safe in Aeregos, Seraimoiron was supposed to be a great channeler of storm and lightning. However, fate decreed different, as Seraimoiron refused to fight for Aeregos. His reasons were unknown, and he has sworn to take those with him in his grave. With treason and treachery now following him, Seraimoiron fled, as far as he could, until he reached the Scaravian Desert. Once there, he dropped to his knees and pleaded. “I have fulfilled that what you asked of me, now I beg you for sanctuary.” A violent sandstorm responded, in which the image of a scorpion was recognized. The storm showed Seraimoiron the way to Scaravus and there, he met Al’tajin. The wisdom of the prophet impressed Seraimoiron, and he agreed that such wisdom had to be protected. Since then, Seraimoiron has been training as one of the Scaravian Desert Warriors, while utilizing the power over lightning he gained during his service in Aeregos. Relentless and powerful, Seraimoiron is not to be underestimated.

A native to the cold and harsh Ilean Mountains, Koron has been a loner for all his life, surviving in the harsh environments of the Ilean Mountains. Nothing is known about his past, before he arrived at the border of Scaravus, following a dream of his. In this dream, he saw a world, burning and crippling through endless war. Around him were the frozen forests of the mountains he grew up in, being reduced to nothing but cinders. With the inability to stop it, he was forced to watch his world burn, until a desert wind came rushing over the scene, blowing away the flames and the fighting soldiers, saving his home from certain doom. It was in this wind that Koron saw the image of Ik’Yamar, the Sand Scorpion, protector of the secrets of the desert. Koron saw this dream as a vision, and a new inspiration. It was this dream that brought him to Scaravus, where he pledged his axes in service of Al’tajin, in exchange for the preservation of his home. Now, his boomerang axes are feared sight on the battlefield, as these axes never seem to miss their target.

After living a life of thievery and crime, Namar had become a renowned assassin and infiltrator, able to sneak past almost any defenses. He was mostly interested in sneaking into the mighty palace of Firanos. Slipping inside the quarters of the Phoenix King was the easy part for him, but what he found there, was something he could not handle. While trying to avoid to avoid a guard patrol, he came face to face with Peluya, the princess of Firanos. Normally, he would have slaughtered her on the spot, but as his eyes met hers, he was enchanted by them. Peluya noticed Namar’s hesitation and questioned him about his trespassing. Namar was at a loss of words, he had even forgotten why he snuck in here in the first place. After a few awkward moments, Namar gathered himself and made his escape, but not before leaving Peluya with his name, telling her he would be back to drown in her eyes. Dazzled and amazed, Peluya just watched the assassin take his leave. However, when Namar returned like he promised, he found Peluya’s chambers abandoned. She was gone. Besides the fact that he got busted by a guard patrol and barely escaped with his life, he overheard that Peluya had fled to Aeregos to her fiancée. The news struck Namar in his heart, which swelled with nothing but revenge and hatred for both Firanos and Aeregos. A voice in his head told him to keep his calm though, and to channel his rage for uniting Deiranar and returning peace. The voice led Namar to Scaravus, where Al’tajin was waiting for him. Al’tajin showed Namar that his chances for the princess were not lost, but that the only way to do this, would be to make the fight between Firanos and Aeregos escalate. This would result in the demise of both factions, but if Namar could keep the princess save during this, he could show her his true feelings. The prophet’s words fueled Namar once more, and he pledged his assassin’s blade in service to Scaravus from that day forward.

A wise and mighty seer, Al’tajin has seen his destiny, as well as that of his people. It is their duty to end the conflict in Deiranar, at whichever cost. He shall hardly engage in battle himself, leading his armies safely from his city through his visions, as well as communicating with them this way. He is still not an opponent to be underestimated, as he will go through any lengths to fulfill the task Ik’Yamar gave him. As such, the entire desert is his domain and he can transport himself through the very sand that makes up the soil, as well as having a large array of mystical abilities at his command. Even though he is not a warrior, Al’tajin has already seen your fate, and he will be the one to seal it.

A horrific and creeping, yet wise and patient being. Ik’Yamar is the one of the wisest of all Meragaia. It is said that the desert is his body, and the burning sun his eye. Through Al’tajin, the prophet, Ik’Yamar seeks to secure the ancient secrets he protects once and for all, by ending the conflicts that threaten them so badly. His power is mostly unknown, as he is a being to avoid needless conflict if necessary, but it is said that he takes his duty with valiance and loyalty, and that he will sacrifice anything or anyone to fulfill his goal. Most identify him as a scorpion, but in many legends, it is said he comes in the form of a fatal sandstorm, or a horrifying monster. Whichever one of these, if not both, is true, is yet to be discovered.

07-14-2012, 09:07 PM
Character List


Corporal Brevsin Lolaim (Eddren) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1040310&viewfull=1#post1040310)
Atma/Kelsi (The Imposter) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&page=8&p=1048860&viewfull=1#post1048860)


Sogarr Bonescream (Cfavano) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1309239&viewfull=1#post1309239)
Sieglinde von Hohengrad (CrestOfArtorias) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1309786&viewfull=1#post1309786)
Angélique Adele Archambault (Mar) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1363812&viewfull=1#post1363812)
Llinos Llewellyn (Nicky) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1365026&viewfull=1#post1365026)
Conán Ó Dubhghaill (roke) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1365675&viewfull=1#post1365675)


Verminathras (Jacogos) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1021252&viewfull=1#post1021252)
Zasareyt Venomclaw (Cfavano) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1138717&viewfull=1#post1138717")
Gyle Whittlesworth (The Imposter) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1137360&viewfull=1#post1137360)


Shani Alhema (P.K.) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1016016&viewfull=1#post1016016)
Miranda (Love Amore) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1144147&viewfull=1#post1144147)
Hastur Tereth (DoughGuy) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1161283&viewfull=1#post1161283)
Cruroar Falconsflight (Mar) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1367201&viewfull=1#post1367201)


Lieutenant Kaizan Kurotsubasa (Jacogos) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1021252&viewfull=1#post1021252)
Shiko Kakagre (DoughGuy) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1311875&viewfull=1#post1311875)
Seritah Maelstrom (Sparkinth3Dark3) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1382067&viewfull=1#post1382067)


Corporal Karrha Nameko (P.K.) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1016016&viewfull=1#post1016016)
Sergeant Dezeroth A'kyer (Eddren) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1040221&viewfull=1#post1040221)


Aranka Lapham (preacharound) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1024253&viewfull=1#post1024253)
Corporal G'wain Pinderknock (The Imposter) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&page=3&p=1025195&viewfull=1#post1025195)
Lestoph (Tolvo) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1080567&viewfull=1#post1080567)
Okotshuchin (Tolvo) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1074248&viewfull=1#post1074248)

07-17-2012, 01:37 AM
Name: Karrha Nameko

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Faction: Originally with Aeregos Defected to Scaravus.

Appearance: http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk143/Voltriobix/bb296/Kharra_Seichepine-1.jpg

Weapons/Equipment: Weapons/Equipment: Karrha Always carries...
- Small medical kit consisting of strong threat, needle, bandage, knife, herbs and salvs.
- Flint and steel
- hunting knife, fighting knife, one or two throwing knifes.
- Dark wood long bow (She had it enchanted to be stronger and with stand direct attacks)
- quiver full of mixed tipped arrows. and a sling
- She goes absolutely no where with out her mothers locket around her neck and well hidden behind her clothing.
- Archers chaps and light studded leather.

- User has affinity for Magic.
- Magically increased Agility and Accuracy.
- User can move Faster and more Agile.
- User has highly increased Accuracy.
- User can easily dodge melee attacks.

~ The Ability to heal with a touch, It dose take time for serious wounds and it will drain her if she uses it to patch something serious.
~ Knowledge of herbs.
~ Knowledge of Pressure points and where they are.
~ Natural with a bow.
~ Crafting wooden objects.
~ Fleet footed, Sturdy footing.
~ some flexibility and reaction time is quick.

Personality: Karrha sometimes can seem like a grumpy old lady, but for the most part she's quite calm and some times even cold if the time calls for it. But when she's healing she's either stern or gentle or both She has a healers commanding air around her so be sure to listen well if she tells you to sit because she's not afraid to make you sit. She will speak her mind prompted to or not she well be heard if she feels the need for it. In combat when and if she joins she's fierce and cold going for quick killing shots or maiming points but if she has a say in it you wont be getting away. When there is no danger Laid back and happy to be relaxing even if she is not the most cheery of people.

Background/History: Karrah dose not talk about her past in Aeregos much but what little is known is she left to get away from the war and the consistent injury and death she was expected to take care of as a healer. What little is unknown is that she left because there was nothing left holding her there, Parents and her siblings all killed in the war and her loyalty shattered to the Empress, She went to the only place she didn't say taking in joy at the losses of others, Scaravus. It took her a little time to get used to their ways but over the years she adapted quite well and was content when their leader had announced they needed to head to war to, The way she saw it they would have staid happily out of the war had their borders not be threatened by those who where. It took her some time but she promised that she would fight and fight for one reason, To aid in ending the war, Her purpose as a healer was to watch after those who came to her and giving herself a new one She openly expressed her dark opinion on the war but has ever to this day after picking up the boy fought beside Scaravus men and women.

To make her mother proud as she used her healing skills to tend to her people.
To get away from the blood shed and the constant death of men women and child.
To stop the war permanently.

Trivia: At one point Karrha held the highest loyalty to the Empress but that slowly diminished over time till she no longer holds any for the women.
Karrha thinks that all the fractions are selfish in one way or another, squabbling over land to see who can claim the most of it while they can't even take care of the lands they already have.
~ Karrha is now a Corporal

Long bow was broke in first battle ~ has purchased a new one and enchanted it.
With the new tablets in place ~ Added Runes.
While revamping ~ Added more background and other information.

Name:Shani alhema

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Faction: She's from Leongarde but she dose not know that and serves Archeos.

Appearance: http://idesigniphone.net/wallpapers/54300.jpg

Weapons/Equipment: Shani Always carries...
- Golden staff (preferring blunt weapons over sharp, Seeming to have a painful feeling about them and refuses to touche one.) <-[had to have her staff repaired, fortunately a friend had found it but it had been pretty beaten]
- Small silver chain (Was found when she washed up on the river bank its important but she dose not know why.) <-- Currently not with her.
- Bandages (knowing only how to use them to stop the bleeding till real help comes.)
- Armor (in picture) Is surprisingly strong but light leaving her movements mostly free and her speed unhampered. <-[ She had to have her armor reforged While its not as good as her last set its still strong even while it hampers her a little bit in her movements and power.]

- Magically increased Strength.
- Magically increased Agility and Accuracy.
- Magically increased Endurance.
- User gains mental immunity.

~ Shani is a powerful runner, Can out run most people not on a horse.
~ Agile with quick steps and Free running stunts.
~ Quick thinking, Or quick to act on most orders.
~ powerful fighter.
~ she's extremely Proficient with Staffs of any kind, wielding them with as much precision as any one can with a sword.

Personality: Shani is quite and quite shy specially when talking to her superiors She may suggest something or even just state something and then continually apologize for speaking out of turn. seemingly uncertain of herself when alone or with others of higher rank she prefers to be alone if she can be, when she is she likes to stare off in the distance from any high points and more often then not her gaze is drawn to Leongarde for what reason she cannot say. as she may be shy by herself or with other in battle she's fierce and her movements are strong and sure she has the pride and loyalty of a lion but the gentleness and mercy of the light.

Background/History: Shani remembers very little before she came here, the most she can tell you ,should you ask, Is fear, screams and a cold dark thing enveloping her. The next thing the recalls if looking up at a bright blue sky with men standing over her, and then she was here, Trying to repay their kindness in the battle field, though she wonders about her past all the time.

What is unknown to her is that heritage starts in Leongarde with the nomads that once lived in the lionwoods, a Place now know as blood Vale, She had been very young when the forces of the dark descended on her home Wiping everything out Her home and family, She had been close to the river when the attack happened and was caught in the middle of gathering berries when she was chased away and to the edge of the great river that split the land, She feel in from a sudden slip and was lost to her pursuers and was carried across.

Goal: Try and find her memory as well as defend the people of the light with all she has.

Trivia: Nothing for now.

Staff was bet up had it repaired, its a bit heavier now and thicker.
Her necklace is currently not on her, who knows where.
Armor is begin repaired so she has to cop with something less then satisfactory for now.
With the new tablets in place ~ Added Runes.
While revamping ~ Added more background and other information.

07-17-2012, 11:19 AM
As I've said before when you presented me these characters, aside from some grammar errors, these characters look great.
Although you will get in trouble with Aeregos, and potentially with Leongarde, I say these characters are in. Your grammar might not be perfect, but it would be appreciated if you could mind punctuation a bit more. It's not always easy to read two sentences that lack a "." or "," in between them. Other than that, your characters are officially added to the lists.

07-23-2012, 07:24 PM
Name: Kaizan Kurotsubasa

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Faction: Aeregos

Appearance: (http://i684.photobucket.com/albums/vv201/schumacher96/AnimeAngel.jpg)

Carrion (http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/TS-BLKKSSWR1.jpg): An enchanted rapier with black diamonds embedded in the hilt. The enchantment causes any living tissue that is cut or pierced by the blade to instantly begin a rapid decomposition. If a human’s finger was clipped by the tip, his entire hand would be destroyed within three turns.

Purifier (http://thedarkblade.com/wp-content/uploads/mithrodin-sword-of-the-ancients-damascus.jpg): An oddly-curved, enchanted blade with a large sapphire embedded in the pommel. This blade was forged and magically imbued with powers specifically for Kaizan, so it works for no other living being. The sword is magically imbued to shield its wielder from outside effects. So long as his hand is on it, Kaizan is not affected by support magic or the effects of abilities. Direct magic, such as fire, still harms him. However, if that fire is meant to cause supernatural fear in the afflicted target, the fear will not take hold. Manipulation of the mind is the main focus, as well as corrupting or lingering effects.

In addition to these weapons, Kaizan is also outfitted in light leather armor (http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/283/3/c/orckish_leather_armor_by_zapan99-d30gkjn.jpg) and greaves, meant to allow him to be as mobile as possible while still offering him some semblance of protection.

Rune Tablet Skills:
Enhanced Agility – Kaizan has acquired heightened speed and maneuverability from Shen’Giyuh. Nothing major about this rune sticks out from the norm.

Enhanced Speed – The second agility rune, Kaizan is now much more noticeably faster than a normal man, both in the air and on the ground. Able to perform hairpin turns and acrobatics that would baffle mundane opponents, Kaizan is nigh impossible to outmaneuver.

Bird Wings – Wings of ebon feathers grace Kaizan’s shoulder blades, allowing him the truly wonderful gift of flight at heights that rival those of the Wyrm Riders. Reaching about 6 feet in wingspan, Kaizan’s wings allow him to move in the air almost effortlessly, coupled with his natural knack for altering wind currents to better help him fly. It’s obvious that he is much more at home in the air than on the ground.

Magic Affinity – An aspiring battle-mage, Kaizan learned the ways of magical objects and their use when he was young. This rune has allowed him to reach his potential. It allows him to use his enchanted weapons.

Wind/Lightning Evocation – Kaizan has a natural talent for wind magic, far outstripping his use of electricity. Though he will use both, Kaizan is almost always using wind magic to some degree; he allows himself to fly almost effortlessly by channeling tiny wind currents under his wings that allow him to fly anywhere, regardless of true wind conditions. Otherwise, he is quite capable at using both offensively and defensively, using the magic through channeling and mental effort rather than words of power.

Physical Dodging – So observant and capable at maneuvering, Kaizan has gained a nigh-superhuman ability to avoid mundane forces thrown at him. He somberly has commented that he inherited Nayamee’s “Untouchableness” posthumously.

Enhance Endurance – Long hours of training and a gift of Shen’Giyuh has allowed Kaiza to endure things above and beyond normal men. Both his physical stamina and mental willpower are increased.

Personality: Very much a smart aleck, Kaizan only has a serious face when absolutely necessary. He enjoys fighting, since it’s an art unto itself. He considers Aeregos to be without fault and is dutiful without err to his faction. He holds a hatred for traitors, even those who defect to Aeregos, as he holds honor in high regard. This does not prevent him from doing whatever it takes to win, though he holds a soft spot for friends.

Trivia: Theme Song #1 (calm) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-Bc5Dba6vE)
Theme Song #2 (battle/heavy) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug8w3jNyaWs)

Name: Verminathras

Gender: Male

Age: Twenty years since he was brought to the plane of existence

Faction: Disgeran

Appearance: (http://browse.deviantart.com/art/Dark-Wizard-188857277)
As an Avatar of Pestilence and Decay, Verminathras bears the signs of everlasting rot upon his entire body. Some refer to him as a zombie, and as far as appearances go, that might be true. After the loss of his original cloak at Leongarde, he now wears a cloak of a dark purple material with the emblem of Disgeran emblazing its back. It is much better looking, not tattered and completely covering his body. Beneath the hood of his cloak, he has white hair, stringy, greasy, and matted in places, gone in others. As far as physical size goes, he stoops a little, keeping him around 5’7”, though he can draw himself up to an intimidating 6’5”. After the events of Leongarde, Verminathras is now missing his left hand. He has refused to get it healed until Leongarde falls as a reminder of his failure at the crucial moments.

Weapons/Equipment: Verminathras wields only a long, gnarled wooden staff. Information about it is in the Abilities Section under Shadow Enchanting.

Rune Tablet Skills:

Magic Affinity – A mage by his own right, Verminathras would be unable to do squat without this rune. So he has is.

Demonic Summoning – A basic necessity of any warlock, Verminathras has the ability to call demons from the other realms and into this one. Unlike his other magics, summoning requires chanting and knowledge of the right words. At any given time, Verminathras will always have three demons with him: his three plague hounds: Tisiphone (http://tamagachi-chan.deviantart.com/art/Fear-of-the-Dark-107409920), Megaera (http://iron-fox.deviantart.com/art/Hellhound-273176863), and Alecto (http://tanathe.deviantart.com/art/hellhound-244710922). They transfer the Avatar's plague through biting and scratching (See Plague Magic). If any is slain, Verminathras must wait until the battle ends to summon them back to this plane. Other demons must be summoned on the battlefield unless time is given beforehand to prepare.

Plague Magic – Verminathras’s specialty and greatest power is his Plague Magic, the very essence of his magical being. Capable of conjuring attacks that cripple defenses and corrode from the outside in, it is a truly terrifying school of mysticism. Verminathras conjures this magic through a specific style of ‘weaving’ magic like the threads of a loom. The more complex the weave, the longer it takes him to complete the spell. It usually pays off in massive spells or very specific styles that can damage others without harming his own men. In addition to this, Verminathras has designed an actually living disease that he can spread to other beings. It drains an individual’s stamina and endurance at a heightened rate. Though his plaguehounds spread it themselves, he also has a cloud of insects that consistently float around him that also spread it with their stings and bites. They cannot travel more than a few yards before losing their connection to Verminathras and dying. Any that do die must be manually reconjured by the warlock.

Enhanced Endurance – Magic is a tiring occupation, and Verminathras has served Xakh’Raah well. This has earned him more magical reserves that he can burn through. In addition, it allows him to take just a little bit more punishment if need comes to it.

Shadow Enchanting – Long practice on mundane objects has allowed Verminathras to enchant weapons and armor with his magic, including shadow (which he cannot actually cast yet). He has enchanted his staff with magic to allow it to better channel his magic. Due to this, it is no longer invulnerable but will transfer corrosion into anything it touches. Effectively, this allows it to melt/burn through things with enough contact. In addition, Verminathras’s new cloak is now enchanted to allow the warlock to blend in even better to darker environments. The more devoid of light, the more he blends in, on top of the normal vision impairment that darkness has. In light, he stands out just as normal though with a faint dark aura.

Personality: Verminathras is a cold, calculating individual. Instead of blatantly rushing to be the scourge of humanity, Verminathras prefers to wait and think out how his victims will die. He has a wit to him that lends him to sarcastic remarks, which puts off some enemies and enrages others. On the darker side of things, he relishes in death and destruction, and gets a sick thrill off of watching things die slowly, preferably due to his powers of decay.

Background/History: Verminathras is an Avatar of Decay and Pestilence. Once a simple human of no real standard, Verminathras (as he is now called) was converted to the side of Disgeran through seduction by Shyvarrah. Through her, he was filled with dark energy and made a conduit to bring forth a more powerful being, a Spirit of Decay and Pestilence. He and the spirit merged, and Verminathras was born. He was brought forth to spread the corruption that is the comforting embrace to all of Disgeran, and he has done so with pleasure.

Goal: Simple. (http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/3161/allthefactions.png)

Trivia: Theme Song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrT-dsDaIWA&feature=relmfu)

07-23-2012, 07:58 PM
As mentioned before, these characters seem more than valid and fit perfectly in the image of their factions.
Well done characters and I'm very keen to see them in action.
We need only some characters for Leongarde and Firanos now and we are set for the minimum number of players to start off the official events to make the factions kick into gear.

Jacogos, your characters have been added to the list. Make your factions proud.

07-27-2012, 12:42 AM
Name: Zhao Zilong

Gender: Male

Age: 40

Faction: Archeos

Appearance: http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z368/Chaoticworldoforochi/1%20Shu/zhugeliangart.jpg


Fan of the four winds: This magically crafted fan heightens Zhao's Magical weather-based powers, as well as when swung, it creates a short-range gust of damaging wind, and while the feathers are razor sharp, it is a light and flimsy weapon, which, on a melee hit, can wound flesh, but not through armor.

Zephyr boots: These magical boots allow him to move his body at the speed of the wind. (i.e. fast) for short bursts.

Robes of the atmosphere: These magical robes allow him to become highly resistant to natural inclement weather, and Ice, Water, Lightning, and Wind magic, as well as making him immune to his own weather changes. (the damage and any other effects)


All of his spells are based off of weather effects. A few of them can be used no matter where he is, but others requires that he first alters the actual weather of the area first, meaning he has to be outside. Because his storm powers affect an area, all in that area are affected. Both his allies and enemies receive the negatives, however his allies receive lesser negatives, but only him and his allies receive the positives.

Tornado (wind): Creates a small tornado that moves towards the enemy, and picks up debris while it moves. This debris (rocks, sand, water, lava, etc etc. Adds additional effects and damage types. (i.e. Rocks/Sand=earth, Lava/Magma=fire, Snow=Ice) It lasts for two turns, and requires a turn to recharge

Elemental blast (Ice, Earth, Fire, Poison, Lightning, or Water) : He waves his fan, and a blast of a chosen element is issued forth instead of his normal attack. Recharges in 1 turn

Shock wave (Lightning) : He points his fan at the ground, and a burst of electricity spreads out from around him, damaging and temporarily stunning his foes. Recharges in 2 turns

Spark Ball (Lightning) : In his hand he creates a ball of pure lightning, and he throws it at his enemy, and with his fan, he can guide and control it. It can hit multiple times, and lasts 3 turns. Recharges in 3 turns

Frigid burst (Ice) : Same as Shock wave, but instead uses Ice. Instead of stunning, it temporarily immobilizes them, by encasing them in ice. It also causes the ground affected by the burst to have a layer of ice formed on it, and freezes solid any body of water caught in the burst. Recharges in 2 turns

Storm call: This power deals no damage, or causes any ill effects. What it is though, is a prerequisite to his most powerful Spells. Spells that change the actual weather. It requires him to use his attack to use it, and when he changes the weather on his next turn, that is his attack as well. Recharges in 2 turns.

Thunderstorm (Water/Lightning) : The sky darkens and it begins to rain. Thick clouds form in the sky, full to bursting with electrical energy. When this effect is active, he Lightning and water-based powers become much more powerful, and their recharge is lowered by 1 post. It constantly rains, an the water weakens the effects of fire spells, and can put out ambient fires. He can also focus all the energy of the storm into 1 powerful and huge lightning bolt to attack his enemy, but after that use, the storm dissipates. Requires storm call to be active.

Blizzard (Ice) : Dark clouds fill the sky, and it gets very cold. It snows very hard, and it obscures the enemy's vision, as well as hindering them with cold. He can switch the snow to hail, but it no longer conceals him. Instead, it damages the foe every turn (damage is mitigated by ice resistance and armor). The cold increases the power of his Ice-based attacks, and reduces their recharge by 1 post. Requires Storm Call to be active.

Wind storm (Wind) : Powerful wind begins to blow. This wind deals no damage by itself, but can blow trees and debris around. It also hinders the enemy's movement, and greatly reduces the accuracy of projectiles. It also increases his Wind-based attacks, and reduces their recharge by 1 turn. Requires Storm Call to be active.

Sandstorm (Earth) : Sand begins to blow everywhere, and it obscures the enemy's vision, and damages them every turn (damage is mitigated by earth resistance and armor). It also increases the power of earth-based attacks, and reduces their recharge by 1 turn. Can only be used in a place with sand (desert, beach, etc etc)

Personality: He is a very kind man. He always thinks how his actions will affect others, and believes that, through him, he can make the world a better place. In battle, he is Calm, cool, and reserved, never showing panic or stress even if he is losing.

Background/History: Zhao is the leader of the Zilong clan, a very powerful family in Aeregos. They are nobles, and have typically served the empire as strategists and advisers to lords, or the emperor himself. Zhao is no different, except that he is much smarter than his other family members. It is said his cunning cannot be matched, and that he can see the bigger picture in a battle.

Goal: Zhao Zilong's greatest dream, is to see a world ruled by benevolence.

Trivia: He is known all over the world as a genius, and is called 'The Sleeping Dragon'.

Theme song: Battle Hymn/One shot at glory (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhvUpykF7OM&feature=relmfu)

Battle theme: Advancing - Crush 'em All (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwbTyrpVKjw&feature=related)

Name: Mildred

Gender: Hermaphrodite.

Age: 692

Faction: Disgeran

Appearance: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae243/lBeyondBirthdayl/Crona.jpg


Tyrfing: Tyrfing is a cursed sword forged originally for the god of war. It fell to earth, and was used by violent men to further their ambitions. originally, it was a just and holy sword, but the years of use by evil men tainted it, making it evil. It is indestructible, and anyone else who tries to wield it other than Mildred, will be infected by a poison that paralyzes in seconds and kills in minutes, dissolving their body into a pool of black sludge. If it is ever seperated from Mildred, Mildred can will it to reappear into his/her hand with but a thought

Black Blood: This is the essence of Tyrfing's corruption that binds it to him. It is like normal blood, but different. Upon receiving a slashing or piercing injury, the blood hardens on contact, making those kinds of attacks ineffective. Crushing and magical attacks are not blocked by it. The essence also greatly increases his physical strength and stamina.


Most of Mildred's powers involve manipulating the black blood that courses through her/his veins.

Blood lance: Mildred slices her hand and shoots blood out at an enemy. Recharges in 1 turn

Scream symphony: The mouth of the sword opens and unleashes a powerful scream. The scream stuns the enemy for one turn, and makes the sword vibrate at a very high frequency for 3 turns. Recharges in 4 posts

Black Moon fang: Mildred opens a cut in her/his hand, and allows it to flow down the blade. Then, Mildred swings the sword, launching whirling blades from the sword. Charges in 2 posts, and the blades go 100 feet. Limit of 4 per attack

Bloody needles: When Mildred is wounded, she/he can have blood shoot out from the wound in droplets, and surround an enemy. From the airborne droplets, long spokes shoot out to skewer the enemy from all angles at once, or on a time delay. Can activate immediately, or over the course of a second post. Recharges the third turn after the last activation.

Personality: Mildred is always unsettlingly calm. He/she will not rant and rave about eating your soul, just calmly reassure you that it is futile to resist, and that, in the end, you will be consumed.

Background/History: Mildred was once a princess of a Kingdom in the north. She was a typical teenage girl, who liked frolicking, and picking flowers, and other girly stuff. But one day, she wandered a bit too far, and she found a sword sticking up out of the ground. Because of her curiosity, which is common in all teenage females, she just HAD to touch it. So, she crept up to it, and grabbed the handle. Instantly, her mind was flooded with the presence of another, and she lost all control of her body. She had become possessed. Tryfing took hold of her little body, and made it slightly tougher, as well as adding masculine features with the onrush of the black blood. In that state Tyrfing forced the now hermaphrodite Mildred to Murder everyone in the village and castle, and then go on a world wide killing spree, which Mildred still is doing today.

Goal: To consume the souls of all living things

Trivia: Even though Mildred's body is technically living, Mildred cannot die.

Battle theme: Ultimate pressure (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWSwbr1UbOA&feature=relmfu)

07-27-2012, 02:14 AM
Name: Aranka Lapham

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Faction: Leongarde


(helmet not pictured, colours on cloth match those of the Leongrade crest)


Beldam’s Tongue: An enchanted longsword. It’s most notable trait is being able to slice through nearly everything. This sword has another power which can only be used sparingly - to create a powerful shockwave when it's plunged into the ground. It makes Aranka terribly fatigued, though, so she avoids using it unless she's overwhelmed. (Once every 6 posts per battle)

Maiden’s Heart: A metal kite shield. Able to reflect direct magical blasts (so, for example, fireballs, not fire-storms), and it’s also shiny enough to be a mirror. The Leongarde crest is inlayed in golden metal on its front.

Knight-Cap: (She didn’t name that one) - Provides immunity to mind-tricks or illusions; essentially allows for clear-mindedness and increased precision. The helmet has an eye slit with some small holes around the nose and mouth for easier speech and breathing. Think of this (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs23/f/2008/020/e/c/knight_by_johsny.jpg) but without the cross.

Sweet-feet: (Also didn’t name that one) – Allow for slightly faster movement than what would typically be expected in full-body armour. Specifically, her movements seem as if she’s only wearing leather armour instead of plate.

Abilities/Skills: She’s a knight. Physically powerful, able to chop through a man’s torso in one strike, even without using Beldam’s Tongue. With her longsword, her strikes are nearly unstoppable, if they connect. Thanks to her armour, she’s also very resilient. Almost like a human tank.

Personality: Sharp like her sword, tough like her armour, and cold like the metal they’re both made of.

Background/History: Born and raised in Leongarde, in a small town within the Lion Woods, to a perfectly average farming family. This settlement was near the border of Disgeran Blood Vale. One day, after collecting berries in the woods, Aranka returned home to find that her village had been destroyed, and most of the villagers killed. It had been a Disgeran skirmish, that much was plain to see - the corruption was everywhere. She was 13 at the time, and from there she made her way to the capital city to enlist in the army. Eventually, she realized she found the idea of being a knight much more appealing than being a normal soldier, and her skills allowed her to achieve this particular goal. She forsook her origins and past after taking her knightly vows, but she still hasn't forgotten.

Goal: Justice above all, followed by the desire to see Leongrade in control, where it should be.

Trivia: Really doesn’t like Disgerans , and people who attack the innocent. Has built a reputation for herself through her years of service to Leongarde, but is just a knight and has never striven for higher rank.

07-27-2012, 03:38 AM
Name: Zhao Zilong

Gender: Male

Age: 40

Faction: Aeregos

Appearance: http://i1186.photobucket.com/albums/z368/Chaoticworldoforochi/1%20Shu/zhugeliangart.jpg


Fan of the four winds: This magically crafted fan heightens Zhao's Magical weather-based powers, as well as when swung, it creates a short-range gust of damaging wind, and while the feathers are razor sharp, it is a light and flimsy weapon, which, on a melee hit, can wound flesh, but not through armor.

Zephyr boots: These magical boots allow him to move his body at the speed of the wind. (i.e. fast) for short bursts.

Robes of the atmosphere: These magical robes allow him to become highly resistant to natural inclement weather, and Ice, Water, Lightning, and Wind magic, as well as making him immune to his own weather changes. (the damage and any other effects)


All of his spells are based off of weather effects. A few of them can be used no matter where he is, but others requires that he first alters the actual weather of the area first, meaning he has to be outside.

Tornado (wind): Creates a small tornado that moves towards the enemy, and picks up debris while it moves. This debris (rocks, sand, water, lava, etc etc. Adds additional effects and damage types. (i.e. Rocks/Sand=earth, Lava/Magma=fire, Snow=Ice) It lasts for two turns, and requires a turn to recharge

Elemental blast (Ice, Earth, Fire, Poison, Lightning, or Water) : He waves his fan, and a blast of a chosen element is issued forth instead of his normal attack. Recharges in 1 turn

Shock wave (Lightning) : He points his fan at the ground, and a burst of electricity spreads out from around him, damaging and temporarily stunning his foes. Recharges in 2 turns

Spark Ball (Lightning) : In his hand he creates a ball of pure lightning, and he throws it at his enemy, and with his fan, he can guide and control it. It can hit multiple times, and lasts 3 turns. Recharges in 3 turns

Frigid burst (Ice) : Same as Shock wave, but instead uses Ice. Instead of stunning, it temporarily immobilizes them, by encasing them in ice. It also causes the ground affected by the burst to have a layer of ice formed on it, and freezes solid any body of water caught in the burst. Recharges in 2 turns

Storm call: This power deals no damage, or causes any ill effects. What it is though, is a prerequisite to his most powerful Spells. Spells that change the actual weather. It requires him to use hi attack to use it, and when he changes the weather on his next turn, that is his attack as well. Recharges in 2 turns.

Thunderstorm (Water/Lightning) : The sky darkens and it begins to rain. Thick clouds form in the sky, full to bursting with electrical energy. When this effect is active, he Lightning and water-based powers become much more powerful, and their recharge is lowered by 1 post. He can also focus all the energy of the storm into 1 powerful and huge lightning bolt to attack his enemy, but after that use, the storm dissipates. Requires storm call to be active.

Blizzard (Ice) : Dark clouds fill the sky, and it gets very cold. It snows very hard, and it obscures the enemy's vision, as well as hindering them with cold. He can switch the snow to hail, but it no longer conceals him. Instead, it damages the foe every turn (damage is mitigated by ice resistance and armor). The cold increases the power of his Ice-based attacks, and reduces their recharge by 1 post. Requires Storm Call to be active.

Wind storm (Wind) : Powerful wind begins to blow. This wind deals no damage by itself, but can blow trees and debris around. It also hinders the enemy's movement, and greatly reduces the accuracy of projectiles. It also increases his Wind-based attacks, and reduces their recharge by 1 turn. Requires Storm Call to be active.

Sandstorm (Earth) : Sand begins to blow everywhere, and it obscures the enemy's vision, and damages them every turn (damage is mitigated by earth resistance and armor). It also increases the power of earth-based attacks, and reduces their recharge by 1 turn. Can only be used in a place with sand (desert, beach, etc etc)

Personality: He is a very kind man. He always thinks how his actions will affect others, and believes that, through him, he can make the world a better place. In battle, he is Calm, cool, and reserved, never showing panic or stress even if he is losing.

Background/History: Zhao is the leader of the Zilong clan, a very powerful family in Aeregos. They are nobles, and have typically served the empire as strategists and advisers to lords, or the emperor himself. Zhao is no different, except that he is much smarter than his other family members. It is said his cunning cannot be matched, and that he can see the bigger picture in a battle.

Goal: Zhao Zilong's greatest dream, is to see a world ruled by benevolence.

Trivia: He is known all over the world as a genius, and is called 'The Sleeping Dragon'.

I sense much... Liang in this one... *nudge nudge*

07-27-2012, 04:05 AM
yup. 'twas my inspiration. seemed fitting for that faction. someone wise and who uses his head. can you think of anyone more suited to that group than him? Well, Xun, Wei, and, Yi might have also worked, but i prefer Liang

07-27-2012, 04:45 AM
Liang had that wind thing goin' on in DW6, so I'd assume he was better fitted as well xD

Xun likes fire too much :P

07-27-2012, 05:58 AM
yeah, Xun would be better with that fire faction. With this fire princess archer lady, my guy could, in theory, pull off another Chi Bi

Atrum Daemon
07-27-2012, 06:36 AM
Name: Delek Scharl, The Beast of Fieran

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Faction: Firanos


The Beast’s Hide - It is thought that this suit of armor was forged in the heart of the volcano that towers over Firanos’ capitol. In addition to being exceptionally durable, the armor increases Delek’s physical strength to terrifying levels, enabling him to easily lift a full grown man in armor.

Ignis - The great axe Delek bears burns with an inner flame that is unleashed upon contact to wash over his opponents. The fire “sticks” to the affected target, be it on armor or flesh and continues to burn for two turns.

Abilities/Skills: Delek is possessed of great strength even outside his armor and is able to weather great impact without budging an inch of ground. While he possesses minor and simple fire spells (manipulating flame and creating projectiles), his skill with the axe is his forte and he wields the large weapon with great skill and finesse.

Personality: (To be revealed in character)

Background: Delek’s past is one of fire and bloodshed. For as long as he can recall, he has served the glory of Firanos in it’s army. His physical strength and endurance made him a prime candidate for heavy infantry and he excelled at close combat with an axe. His childhood was spent in the Fieran Lowlands, and he still calls the sprawling savannah land his home within Firanos’ borders. It was also where he made his name known.

A battle occurred in the Lowlands between Firanos and one of her neighbors. Delek’s heavy infantry group was sent to reinforce the defense. Battle was joined quickly and Delek seemed to truly come to life after his first few kills. His eyes began to blaze with fire as his attacks overpowered all foes who stood before him. Even though magical attacks ripped off chunks of his armor and caused multiple injuries, Delek fought on.

The aftermath of the battle earned Delek recognition within Firanos and the other survivors titled him “The Beast of Fieran.” His armor and axe were gifted to him when he attained command of his own heavy infantry unit. To the present day, the flames still burn in his eyes and those who survive against him never forget the ferocity of the Beast of Fieran.

Goal: To safeguard his people and see the borders of Firanos expand outward

Trivia: none for now

07-27-2012, 07:06 AM
preacharound and Cfavano. Your characters fit perfectly into the image of both Leongarde and Aeregos, so you're in.

Atrum Daemon, while Delek goes to a more brutal side than what is normally seen from the armies of Firanos, he fills in a good position of the armies of Firanos. Especially with his heritage hailing from outside the capital.

All your characters have been checked over by me and deemed worthy, and you have been added to the character list at the beginning of this topic and the topics of your corresponding faction.

07-27-2012, 02:51 PM
I was thinking of editing my chara a bit. I was thinking his storm powers would also help his allies. they would still recieve the negative effects, but also the positive ones. and I think I need to rewrite thunderstorm, it doesn't have any bad effects

07-27-2012, 03:46 PM
lol I'm starting to feel small my people are the two with out any real 'ability's as of yet. For the most part they are pretty normal.

07-27-2012, 03:52 PM
@Cfavano: If you're going to make power edits and such to your character that can make a difference in a battle, give me a heads-up when they're done. I like to stay up to date with everything the participating character go through.

@P.K.: Trust me. Some of the NPCs also have no special abilities. Remember that in this project a demigod can drop dead to a farmer if the farmers play his or her cards right. Roleplaying skill and putting thought into your emotes is what wins the day here, not the biggest, shiniest titan that can hurl meteors at everyone. (Just an example.) So don't worry ^^ Play your cards right and you can kick any sparkly titan back to Tarturas. Lovely Greek reference there.

07-27-2012, 04:01 PM
I edited

07-27-2012, 04:02 PM
lol sparkling titan? if you say so.
will see if I can play my cards right then.

07-27-2012, 04:05 PM
Now I'm gonna have to ask you two to try and keep most of the chatter in the OOC threads (feel free to make a new one if you need one), as I did mention I'd like to keep the chatter in this thread limited.

The Imposter
07-28-2012, 11:53 AM
Here is one char, I'll get the other up in a few days. I'll also be adding in G'wain's history sometime soon!

Name: G'Wain Pinderknock

Gender: Male

Age: 43

Faction: Leongarde

Appearance: (http://www.gamefob.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/viking4.jpg)

Helmsplitter- A twohanded axe, the single edge is inscribed with runic markings that enchant the blade that causes those that are wounded by its blade to experience a gripping fear.
The Felltree- A doubled edged sword of 28 inches, balanced with a pommel jewel that glows a vibrant green hue.
Leongarde's Pride- A plied wooden shield reinforced with iron and leather with Leongarde's crest adorned on the face of the shield.
Castor Wolf's fur- The fur of a Castor Wolf increases G'wain basic senses past normal human barriers. That is that his sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch are all heightened.

Incredible strength - One could venture that even a blow with Felltree against a limb would cause it to fall limp momentarily, and if it was Helmsplitter? The bone would probably fracture. This also makes the weight of his weapons and armour impede him less but he is still slower.
Expert tracker- From the Castor Wolf's fur G'wain is seemingly able to even track an invisible target with his other senses.



Goal: To satisfy his unquenchable avarice.


07-28-2012, 03:14 PM
And added to the list.

We're starting to get a very decent playerbase here. Me gusta.

07-28-2012, 03:59 PM
what about mildred? I put him in my original post

07-28-2012, 04:40 PM
Woops! Sorry! Only checked new posts!
Hermaphrodite o.o I'll admit I didn't expect those around here, but the image actually fits Disgeran nicely.
Added to the list.

07-28-2012, 04:51 PM
Hermaphrodite o.o I'll admit I didn't expect those around here, but the image actually fits Disgeran nicely.

Verminathras is not amused.


07-28-2012, 06:46 PM

07-28-2012, 10:36 PM
Holy crap that guys from soul eater XD

07-29-2012, 12:23 AM
Edited my character slightly - just added to the background/history. I had it all in my mind already and was leaving it out since I figured it could be revealed during the course of the RP, but then I figured that that idea was dumb and I might as well put it in the post.

08-01-2012, 11:08 PM
Note: If i need to redo anything at all, i am completely willing to do so. Just let me know.. I also hope its not too late to join.

Name: Aura

Gender: Female

Age: Appears 24

Faction: Archeos

Her hair is a bright blonde, almost white, and her eyes are a solid gold color. She stands at roughly 5' 6" and weighs a rather light 100 pounds even.http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm146/colt1789/633320-bigthumbnail.jpg

Weapons/Equipment: She carries on her person at all times three vials of golden liquid that have an unknown effect at the moment (She knows but others will not until battle) She carries on her person for a weapon only a wooden stave with a single golden crystal embeded upon the top (allows her to focus beams of light at her enemies) and a few small throwing daggers hidden within the folds of her clothing.

Stealth: Due to her light weight and skills in stealth, she has become a silent walker. Meaning her movement is hard to be heard. (passive)

Absolute Faith: Aura's faith in the light is great and powerful. Which grants her the gifts she carries with her. (passive)

Holy Light: A pure beam of light shoots from her hand and inflicts pain on those that have darkness in their hearts. Purely physical.

Cleansing: Aura emits a burst of holy light that cleanses the battlefield of any negative or dark energies. She has to hold her palm out and it seems to suck the dark energy into her own body.

Holy fire: Emerses the target in a golden fire that is supposed to cleanse the darkness within. It is very painful to being who are nothing but darkness or evil.

Sword of Judgement: If in dire need Aura can call upon the light itself and form an instrument of pure light to destroy the dark. But, this ability causes her lifeforce to slowly sap away while still holding the sword of judgment.

Form of the Divine: At the very brink of death, Aura will shift in to her true Avatar of Light state and her wounds will heal. Though this ability gives her a massive surge of energy, it also petrifies her into a stone like being until her mortal body can recuperate from the surge of energy unleashed within her form.

Personality: Aura has a calm personality not often being angered. Though she has been angered in the past. She cares for all things light, and hates all things dark. She knows nothing but pity for those who defy the light, and is a devout follower of the light.

Background/History: Aura is considered by most of Archeos to be the Avatar of Light in the mortal world and has been loyal to the light for all her life, Some believe that she is favored by Alu'Terasa himself. Her gifts in Holy, Light, and Healing magics are unmatched by all save for The Untouchable Grace and The Sacred One.

Aura's mother was a High Priestess of Alu'Terasa's holy light. One day her mother had awoken nauseated and dizzy, but still she managed to do her daily duties in her Order. Upon waking the next day she realized that she was pregnant and was shunned by her order, as no High Priestess had ever had a child. The day that her mother brought her into the world it was said that a brilliant golden light shone upon the young child and gave her a shining Aura. Which was how she got her name.
Not much else is known about her.

Goal: Aura has nothing but the purest of goals. To defend the light and destroy all those that defy Alu'Terasa and his holy light.

Trivia: N/A

08-01-2012, 11:28 PM
Normally, the deadline for character sign-up for the first chapter has already been reached, but because it's the first chapter, I'm gonna be a nice guy and say that if you can present me a post in the announcement post within the next 12 hours, saying which battle your character is going to join for which faction, I will let you in on it.

The character is already stamped and added to the list, though.

Crimson Lies
08-04-2012, 01:07 AM
Name: Julia Neran

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Faction: Aeregos

Appearance: http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h338/rildar1/beff55287159cb944113b5f51987a10b5ced96f1-1.jpg?t=1344038583


Rainbow saw: This magically forged chainsaw, who's 'chain' is actually a mini-rainbow, is two-handed, has a very sharp cutting edge, and leaves a rainbow in the wake of it's slashes


Rainbow lariat: She spins in a circle, with her saw outstretched, cutting through anything in her wake. Recharges in 2 posts

Rainbow unicorn assault: She unleashes a barrage of thrusts at her enemies, like a unicorn spearing a monster, leaving wounds and disorientation in her wake. Recharges in 4 posts

Personality: Hyperactive, bubbly, protective of Zhao, extremely loyal

Background/History: Julia was once a common girl, but, at a young age, her family was attacked by bandits. She would have died had a younger Zhao Zilong not stepped in to save her. with her family dead, he was the only one she could latch on to, and latch she did. She started following him around, and eventually joined the army to learn how to fight, so she could impress the man she loves.

Goal: To Marry Zhao Zilong

Trivia: She loves Zhao more than anything else in the world, and will do all she can to protect him, and earn his praise.

08-04-2012, 02:26 AM
@Crimson Lies

Erm... A rainbow chainsaw...? o.o Isn't that a little... over the top? I don't know. Your character also doesn't quite fit in with the general image of Aeregos... Nor any of the other factions. The rainbows are just a bit too... MLP-ish.
Also, can't accept this unless I have proof Cfavano agrees with having his character involved with yours.

08-04-2012, 02:27 AM
I agree. it was my Idea XD.

- - - Updated - - -

I like the idea of a rainbow chainsaw. will go well with my weather powers (i.e. rain, then rainbow)

08-04-2012, 02:31 AM
and if you think about it, The Qiao twins were really light-hearted when compared to the rest of the Wu officers. would be a good change of pace, to counteract all the seriousness. keep it light, and fresh. I have RPd with her before and can say she is a good RPer

08-04-2012, 04:42 AM
Name: Julia Neran

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Faction: Aeregos

Appearance: http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h338/rildar1/beff55287159cb944113b5f51987a10b5ced96f1-1.jpg?t=1344038583


Rainbow saw: This magically forged chainsaw, who's 'chain' is actually a mini-rainbow, is two-handed, has a very sharp cutting edge, and leaves a rainbow in the wake of it's slashes


Rainbow lariat: She spins in a circle, with her saw outstretched, cutting through anything in her wake. Recharges in 2 posts

Rainbow unicorn assault: She unleashes a barrage of thrusts at her enemies, like a unicorn spearing a monster, leaving wounds and disorientation in her wake. Recharges in 4 posts

Personality: Hyperactive, bubbly, protective of Zhao, extremely loyal

Background/History: Julia was once a common girl, but, at a young age, her family was attacked by bandits. She would have died had a younger Zhao Zilong not stepped in to save her. with her family dead, he was the only one she could latch on to, and latch she did. She started following him around, and eventually joined the army to learn how to fight, so she could impress the man she loves.

Goal: To Marry Zhao Zilong

Trivia: She loves Zhao more than anything else in the world, and will do all she can to protect him, and earn his praise.

... The Overmind has no words.

08-04-2012, 12:47 PM
While I do like the fact that she will take a cheerful character which can indeed uptune the cheerfulness of the project, I just can't say yes to a rainbow chainsaw... It's just too over the top. Not to mention, I would really prefer if the characters made would actually fit in with the faction. While you can still be cheerful, there is just something about this character I just can't let pass. I think it's the MLP-feeling I get from this... and I HATE MLP.

I'm sure you can think of something more legit than rainbows for this. But for now, I say No to this character.

08-04-2012, 02:44 PM
okay, I'll work with her. and when I look at her, I don't see MLP, I see Lollipop chainsaw XD

08-04-2012, 03:00 PM
... The Overmind has no words.


The Imposter
08-04-2012, 03:27 PM
... The Overmind has no words.



08-04-2012, 05:05 PM
I have been given permission to rewrite Crimson Lies's character, so, I will

- - - Updated - - -

though I post it, she will control it

08-04-2012, 05:42 PM
Name: Julia Neran

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Faction: Aeregos

Appearance: http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h338/rildar1/beff55287159cb944113b5f51987a10b5ced96f1-1.jpg?t=1344038583


Crystal sword: This is a alchemically-forged sword made up of crystallized magic. It is razor sharp, and, normally, non elemental. However, depending on the weather, it's properties change.

Very sunny: The sword glows red, and is of the fire element.
Raining: The sword glows blue, and is of the water element
Sandstorm: The sword glows yellow, and is of the lightning element. (from the static electricity)
Snow/Hail: The sword glows white, and is of the Ice element.

She only has 1 power, but it has multiple forms, each one dependent on the form the sword is in.

Elemental release: This attack draws power from the sword, to send out a wave of elemental energy. This power recharges in 2 turns.

Fire: A burst of flame shoots out.
Water: A razor sharp blade of water shoots out.
Lightning: A lightning bolt hoots from the tip.
Ice: A freezing spray of ice crystal shoots out.

Personality: Hyperactive, bubbly, protective of Zhao, extremely loyal, eager to learn

Background/History: From the time Julia was a little kid, she has always had her nose in a book. And, because of that, she was made fun of. But that didn't deter her, she continued to learn, and became the smartest girl in her backwater village. Zhao Zilong visited her village one day, and when he noticed how intelligent and eager she was, he took her in as his apprentice, and, over the years, she became very fond of him.

Goal: To marry Zhao Zilong, and learn as much as she can.

08-04-2012, 09:02 PM
A massive improvement. Although it is too late for her character to join any of the current battles, you are free to start a roleplay independent from the story in the project.

In order to have her participate in the official battles, you will have to wait until chapter 2, or until I announce a late joining oppertunity in one of the battles.

I will add her to the list, though.

08-04-2012, 09:40 PM
I know. and okay

08-04-2012, 10:31 PM
I think I well treat this like PF :P and after a battle I'll be seen restocking and improving my inventory and weapons when I am able. >.> just a bit lol but as I am in a battle playing with my toys now wont hurt unless I die in witch case...

08-10-2012, 12:08 AM
Name: Dezeroth A'Kyer
Runes (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=33farzc&s=6)

Gender: Male

Age: 43

Faction: Scaravus

Personality: Dezeroth seems benign enough, willing to smile and talk to anyone. Never has he been known to openly oppose any, including his own foes, but always his route is that of the indirect...that which may seem significant. However, few have been known to earn a grudge from him as he seems to befriend friend and foe alike if only they are willing.

Goal: Dezeroth does not care who wins the war. He does not care who dies. His one and only goal is to first gather enough knowledge to perform a ritual which would combine the power of all the soul orbs into one 'ultimate' soul-orb--Which he would then recieve--And then to gather the necessary reagents...Possibly, living reagents.

Trivia: Dezeroth really, really enjoys cake.

Appearance: Dezeroth is a tall fellow, with leaner features. His face is boyish in nature, his eyes a jade green. A quiet, calm look, quite unlike his previous look adorns his face, though it can be told by any who know him well that he is 'stepping back to better look forward' while in this calm state. His body is clear of any form of marking, except for numerous scars earned in his recent battle with the Ekro.

Weapons/Equipment: Dezeroth wears silken Scaravian garb, made of silks brought by the Stormcallers. It was, of course, fairly bought, and the Mage is quick to warn those who fight him that if they are to ruin such a great symbol of symbiosis between Scaravus and its' new soldiers, he would kill them on the spot.


Glouest Maesfiel
-Appearance: Glouest Maesfiel looks like a brand-new map, with little wear-and-tear. Along with it are several extra parchments, and a few marking instruments, in the event that a General is to request a permanent copy of the map be made. It is kept in a scroll case made of leather with iron endings to protect it from the elements.
-Origin: Produced by the Fire Magi and Scholars of Scaravus, with the help of Dezeroth.
-Purpose: To provide accurate information on the layout of the surrounding area.
-Mechanics: Stating the name of the Map will activate its' ink-shift, sending out a sort of magical sonar which picks up everything in a large radius, so long as it isn't sentient.

Firatan Accehaeste
-Appearance: A simple black band with a red flowing material etched along the center. Said red material seems to constantly be in a flowing state.
-Origin: Fieran Monastery
-Purpose: To amplify the power of a Fire Mage.
-Mechanics: Unknown

-Appearance: a light straight-bladed sabre. The blade itself was originally of ordinary iron, but since its' enchantment it tends to shimmer and distort the air, with no actual substance to it. This is because the blade itself no longer truly exists in the material realm. The hand-guard has runes going down the entire length of it, which are dead-black. When in contact with an enchanted item, however, they glow a faint purple. It sheathed with a polished wood scabbard, which has a single bolt going through it so as to remain in contact with the blade. On the bolt is another black rune, which glows purple whenever the blade is brought into contact with it.
-Origin: The blade has always been at Dezeroths' side. The enchantment itself was created after hours of research and thought into previous battles and encounters, and after ceaseless study of magical weapons and powering techniques.
Purpose: To provide a perfect cutting edge. Only works on enchanted items. It is impossible for it to come into contact with a mundane item unless it is also in contact with an enchanted item.
Mechanics: The blade creates a perfect cutting edge by materializing magic in its' finest point. So fine, in fact, that it produces a void at the cutting location, so powerful that it will separate any material to keep that void in existence. The problem lies in that the magic required is so enormous that in order to power it, it must have a constant source of magic to a high degree.
Dezeroth himself is incapable of keeping up this level of power, so he sealed the magic so that it would only drain from him if it were simultaneously draining from another source of magic, I.E. an enchanted item.
When the blade is not in use, it is no longer capable of keeping up a corporeal form, as it is now only capable of absorbing magic. All other properties have been removed from the blade to prevent him from accidentally removing his own magic from his body.
The sheath itself has a rune placed on it which, when the sword is placed within, will expel all magic. In this manner, it forces the blade, which is now incorporeal via magic, to stay within the sheath. As it is technically an anti-enchantment, it does not trigger the blades' own volatile enchantment.

Abilities/Skills: His only ability with a blade is that of a journeyman, not one who is a master, but not one who has never wielded a sword in his life. Indeed, after his previous encounters, he's even learned a few new tricks.

Current number of available spells per battle: 20

Dezeroth has lost any powers of his own volition. Now his magic is drawn directly from Ik'Yamar, who granted him a blessing after a fateful battle with the Ekro.

- Magical Manipulation: He is a master of Evocation, and as such, is capable of moving the objects, changing their current state, and producing elemental objects at will. Attacks he is known to use with regularity will be mentioned here.

Role: Offense
Description: The Arcane embodiment of Fire, Arcane Essence is a highly volatile substance. The very removal of any element within the substance would cause a sudden burst of all four magical elements in each direction. That is, if it fails to hit beforehand. A direct hit is a far more potent explosion, capable of incapacitating enemies with sheer force.
Cost: 5 ordinary spells

Role: Subterfuge
Description: The Arcane embodiment of Water, Arcane Blood is an extremely versatile substance, capable of changing shape and durability with a simple command from its' master. However, due to its' nature, it will always reform into its' original blood state. To this end, no more than a turn of ice or mist may be used with this.
Cost: Five ordinary spells

- Weapon Enchantment: Evocation is not his only capability. Indeed, the Mage is capable of enchanting ordinary blades with magic, allowing him to strengthen the fighting prowess of a unit if given the proper time.

- Weapon Conjuring(Elemental): Dezeroth has mastered Elemental manipulation to such a degree that he can form the base elements into a solid weapon, using it in combat to great advantage. Those current blades that are known to be capable are as such:

Role: Offense
Description: Made of a barely-contained Tempest, this blade is capable of cutting through many things like paper.
Cost: 1 spell

Role: Offense
Description: Pure, contained lightning Magic, this weapon is capable of filling its intended target with a painful jolt of energy.
Cost: 2 spells

Role: Offense
Description: Burning flame contained within the vague shape of a weapon, it will explode outward on contact, lashing out on its' foe with burning flames.
Cost: 1 spell

Role: Defense
Description: A contained weapon of Molten Magma, constantly churning around even within its' confines. Each hit causes extreme burning, but also obsidianizes the weapon.
Cost: 2 spells

Role: Defense
Description: Water, flowing into an offensive form, it is capable of quenching flames at the expense of misting over.
Cost: One spell

Role: Balanced
Description: Ice, formed into its' deadliest form. Individual crystals threaten to rip its' foe asunder, but its' most powerful use is defensive, as it has the capability to counter many lesser fire-spells.
Cost: Two spells

Dezeroth grew up poor, but very close to the seat of politics in a local town of his. The mayor in charge happened to be very, very skilled in subterfuge and manipulation. Few opponents stood in his way, and fewer wanted to. Little Dezeroth, being a bright young lad, managed to work his way into the mayors' favor and, after assisting him with a particularly important event that would ensure the peoples' graces for another year, was promptly sent off to a small academy, where he would (Much to the hope of the mayor,) never be seen again.
The orphan grinned across the roof and through the opening one might call a window of the Mayors' house. Of course, the Politician did not at all want any sort of connection to a common waif, so any orders given to him were given through this very arrangement--That the boy 'overheard' everything he needed to do, from his 'favorite spot in town.' Naturally it was his favorite spot in town; there was always food for him when the Mayor needed something done.
"I just wish that Mattias down at the Bakery would stop talking about that competitor of mine. If the man would simply turn his attention back to the more pressing details of his life, maybe I could actually get a good name out there for myself..." He sighed, dramatically, as if he were truly addressing the man before him--Some supporter of no particular import. It did, however, serve a dual purpose; on one end, the people thought he truly cared for their presence. On the other, nobody suspected that he was giving orders to a lonely orphan sitting on the roof next to him. For all the investigation they did into the cause of these 'distractions,' their suspicions were never that the Mayor and the child were working together. And this was just how the two of them liked it...

Of course, for being such a valuable asset, he got treated to the finest of academies in Archeon. In fact, it was so great, it even taught the magical arts. Taught might be an overstatement--Its' libraries held the knowledge. Off-limits. Especially to small boys such as Dezeroth at that time. However, when it came time, and when Dezeroth saw his opening, he snuck into the forbidden section, and read through the books--Which, much to his surprise, held the kind of power he'd always drempt of. For years, then, he spent his time, pouring over the tomes in secret, using the magic he learned to distract those who might catch him. When finally he came of age, he used his budding magical abilities to sneak into the library one last time--And sneak back out, with all the tomes he could carry in one backpack. Quickly, he moved out of Archeon and away from the fool Zealots who cared far too little about knowledge, and instead went to Scaravus, where secrets littered the waves of sand, if only someone had the skill to find them.

Myrlen awoke to a very distressed knock on his door. Opening it, he found an equally distressed warden. "One of da' boys, 'e ain't in 'is room! An' lights were out ages ago!" Not to say that the children were prisoners, but it wasn't uncommon to hear of the Disgeren attempting to corrupt their students. Naturally, they had to be very careful about their pupils; one could not simply allow them to slip out and become harbingers of darkness. This was not, of course, the reason the Warden, in particular, was fearful. For him, if the child were to be corrupted into a Disgeren agent, he would receive a severe pay cut...And worst of all, a withering glance from their local Priest. Sacred be Blessed, dat man can scare da' Darkness right outta me, he can!

Before Myrlen could give a curt reply, rustling robes and a light pattering of feet heralded the arrival of their Wisp of a Librarian. "Em, sire, I do see that you are quite busy. However...Some very old and dangerous books have disappeared from the Library." The old man ran a hand through his receding hair, "The sorts of books that the Priests themselves would fear falling into the wrong hands."

And the dots connected. Books missing...Students missing...One of their own students was making off with forbidden information! "I want guards out there--Now!" Myrlen snapped, turning, "The Sacred One alone knows what'll happen if that child is exposed to such information for too soon! Or--Sacred One help us--If he were to SPREAD such knowledge!"

Of course, there was one obstacle; Getting into Scaravus without being killed. It particularly came up when he tried to get in, and was ambushed by five of their men. It took a lot of convincing before finally they even remotely accepted the possibility that he might just be a traveler. Insisting that he be under guard, the Scaravus rarely let him out of their sight--Always, at least one or two of their people watched him. And so it was through these captors that he made his first...Assets. Soon, he was allowed far more freedom, capable to move along the dunes freely in search of the knowledge he so desired.
Dezeroth looked over at his two companions, yawning. They'd been gone for a while. Something about getting orders from the Prophet. Why they had to wake him up for it was beyond him, but the Mage was willing enough to deal with the inconvenience.

"Pack whatever you need, brother. You've been assigned a mission..." Perfect. Just what Dezeroth needed to prove himself.

08-10-2012, 12:19 AM
Woooow I'm not sure If I should be scared or impressed.

08-10-2012, 12:27 AM
Go with both. Last time I used Dezeroth, he used magic to take control of some demon-like things. Then used magic to kill a skeleton that raised an army of said demon-like things. Then used magic to kill some magic-immune spiders.
The time BEFORE that, Dezeroth went from being a human who had nothing other than some clothes that could transform into ANYTHING, to being able to teleport around at will, and eventually became a God, shortly after slaying a God and a Titan...With the help of another God. That one was aiming for infinite power.

My next character will be somewhat less power-hungry, but also a lot more likeable.

08-10-2012, 12:30 AM
lol XD Idk maybe this will be good for shani or very very bad.

08-10-2012, 12:31 AM
I have RPd with him. be afraid, be very, very afraid. dezeroth is a walking issuer of mind*&%#s. Pray you die swiftly, or he may have you smash your own computer in rage

08-10-2012, 12:32 AM
XD I'll keep that in mine CF.

08-10-2012, 12:33 AM
dez will make V look like a cute little bunny

08-10-2012, 12:35 AM
It's only very, very bad if you happen to be someone who poses a risk to his power. What I find MOST amusing, though, is that I did all of this stuff completely within the bounds of the GMs--Sometimes with their help.

08-10-2012, 12:39 AM
ahhhh XD oh I love you already. Actually I find that all quite cool if E1 says yes to this we may have a new bad guy or threat to all 7 fractions later on O-o

as for this if shani where to find out she would be a threat to you >:P

08-10-2012, 12:48 AM
no, she wouldn't. she would be a fly. and he is a bear. she wouldn't pose a threat at all.

08-10-2012, 12:49 AM
She herself might not but if she found out and got away with that information who do you think she would go to? and who in turn would then know?

08-10-2012, 12:51 AM
you have already lost by thinking like that XD. dez would be 10 steps ahead of you.

08-10-2012, 12:52 AM
What, do you think Dez writes this stuff down? His true motives were NEVER revealed. Everyone either thought he were a saint, or simply thought him to be complete and pure evil. Even Avano over there, who KNEW Dezzy-boy was evil and wanted to be a God, even his character had no clue to the extent that Dez was evil.

08-10-2012, 12:53 AM
That dose not mean she would not try :P and have the basic of possibility of getting it to her highers. never underestimated a Chaotic good T~T or a lawful evil for that matter.

08-10-2012, 12:54 AM
Name: Brevsin Lolaim
Runes (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=ou9iyf&s=6)

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Faction: Firanos

Personality: After two battles, Brevsin has matured at a remarkable level, now finding himself questioning the ideals of his Father. Not that he believes the man is wrong about many things, but he is now questioning the ban on killing, which the boy has had to lift several times. In addition, he is almost constantly finding himself worrying more about the men around him then simply having everyone come to a peaceful conclusion, and does so more than ever now since the failure at the Fieran Lowlands.

Goal: Brevsin yearns to bring everyone to the same beliefs as his own, as he thinks that by doing so, he might be able to stop all the fighting.

Trivia: He loves cats.

Brevsin stands fairly tall. Being well-built, with broad shoulders and the whole nine bits, he looks like your average 'I'm going to save the world!' type. His hair, short and black, frames a face that hardly ever frowns. His eyes, a bright green, seem to shine with a sort of self-confidence that doesn't seem particularly healthy. The Soul Orbs manifest itself in a couple of ways: To begin with, he has a luxurious tail of blue fire, accompanied by ears of the same. When asked about the blue, he just shrugs and guesses it has something to do with the way he was raised.

While the Phoenix is resurrecting his body, it takes on the form which the fire of his body passively represents. That is to say, the fire exuded from his body ripples across his body somewhat like a pelt, so that he further represents a wolf. However, any other physical distinction is otherwise not made. From within this pelt, his form seems indistinct, mostly due to the eyes trying to cope with the intense brightness coming from the blue fires. Two fiery-white orbs stare out, as his eyes become representations of the sheer power acting from within him.

Weapons/Equipment: Brevsin has changed his equipment somewhat since the war began. To begin with, he now wears leather armor suffused with bits of steel on vital areas, specifically above his heart and at his kidneys.
In addition, he now wields a broadsword, using his fire to keep it easily aloft in combat, constantly striking out as his foes. Longswords are strapped to each of his shoulders, and countless daggers adorn his legs.

Enchanted Equipment

Fireheart Bracers: A tool given to Brevsin by Seron, these Bracers repress his Fire Magic to the point where there are no external signs that he is gifted. There are only two ways to remove the bracers: By will of Seron, or by the use of Brevsins' fire-magic to unlock them. As it represses his Fire-magic, Brevsin must be in an extremely stressful situation in order to even think of removing them.


Brevsin utilizes his fire to increase his own natural prowess. With each strike, he is capable of imbuing fire with it, using it to accelerate the weapon at otherwise impossible speeds. In addition, using it he can wield weapons in styles and manners that are otherwise impossible with their weight. In addition, he uses fire to increase his mobility, using it in small doses to increase the speed at which he walks.
The Young Warrior truly did die on the battlefield. For a few split moments, he had passed into the afterlife. But Far'Khira, utilizing his oneness with the flame, was capable of implanting the smallest fragment of its' power within him, which was necessary, as when Brevsin reawakened, the electricity that had killed him had been further fueled by his own flame as well. To this end, the electricity can and will kill him. However, it only surges throughout his body whenever his powers are activated, and there is a chance for him to resist death.
If, however, Brevsin dies once more to the electricity, then the flame gifted to him by Far'Khira will once more begin the act of bringing him back to life. During this time, his soul departs from his body while his body is repaired, and his body is overcome entirely with blue flames. It acts purely on instinct, now, becoming a weapon for the Fieran cause, and as such, any weapons on its' person are immediately dropped, now favoring the extensive use of fire, which it can now freely control from itself.

Brevsin is Firanos, born and raised. His father, however, was not. He was an Archeon. Except he was good, but not quite righteous. As a result, the man deserted the Archeon, after watching too many times the Archeon commit atrocities for no reason other than fanaticism. To that end, the man has the gift of Archeon, and taught his son true moral principles throughout his entire life. The ones he believed Archeon should have been all about. And he charged his son with spreading those to friend and foe alike, right before the Archeon executed him for his treasonous actions.

Having been raised with such an important task, he was overwhelmed at first, and it was all Brevsin could do to fight off his pursuers. Keeping to his fathers' commands, however, he never quite killed him, and in a bit of luck, happened to stumble upon a Firanos patrol while fighting off Archeon for the fifth time that month. It truly was luck, because otherwise they would have killed him...Finally. The Finaos quickly stepped in, taking the boy out of the situation. He never quite knew what happened next. In the following years, he was given a military education in the handling of arms. However, soon, his instructors realized that what he really specialized in was anything with a handle and a blade, and so they taught him in the art of the sword and dagger. Quickly, he surpassed his teachers, devoutly learning how to defend with the blades so that some day he might come to grant his fathers' last wish.
On the day when finally he had completed his training, he made one final decision: He received from the Pheonix King the power of the Soul Orb.

The Imposter
08-10-2012, 12:59 AM
wait...you're an artist too...fanboygasm!

08-10-2012, 01:01 AM
Meh. I won't claim it's the greatest stuff ever. I mean, it's alright IRL...But once it hits the digital stage, it's fairly difficult for me to work with.

08-10-2012, 01:54 AM
noo, you're falling into his spell XD

08-10-2012, 01:58 AM
New characters? New nice-guy??? New mastermind?!? Oh man this is so exciting!

Welcome Eddren!

And CF, I agree, I can't wait until Dezeroth and V meet, should definitely be a sight to see, they'll give each other a run for their money... (I'm imagining a scenario where they band together temporarily only to backstab each other later, though that's provided they're open to cooperation at all!)

08-10-2012, 02:00 AM
Thank you kindly. As for cooperation, Dez...Em...TECHNICALLY cooperates. He manipulates. Which is LIKE cooperating, except...It's mostly beneficial for one person. I suppose, at best, they might manipulate each-other.

08-10-2012, 02:08 AM
Dezeroth is Archeos and Verminathras is Disgeran...

They're ALREADY arch-enemies.

08-10-2012, 02:13 AM
Dezeroth is Archeos and Verminathras is Disgeran...

They're ALREADY arch-enemies.

agreed X3

08-10-2012, 02:13 AM
Actually, what I REALLY want to see is which characters he ends up 'befriending.'

08-10-2012, 02:14 AM
I suppose that's true... However, that's not necessarily a bad thing for an innocent bystander such as myself...

Edit: You think that's a possibility? Or do you mean manipulo-friendship?

08-10-2012, 02:16 AM
Dezeroth is capable of, and has in past roleplays, made pseudo-friends. I mean, he wasn't really their FRIEND, but he sort of didn't want them to die, and he kind of trusted them, and he might even have LIKED them a little.
However, for the most part, it's a manipulo-friendship.

08-10-2012, 02:19 AM
we shal see how this goes as for now I am off people good night!

08-10-2012, 02:22 AM
never trust dez. he is like the scorpion that rides on the toad.

08-10-2012, 05:49 PM
Sorry for being so late with checking over these characters.
They look very promising, but I have some minor issues with both of them.
Seeing as certain did not keep to my request to limit chatter in this topic, I will send you the issues in a PM.

08-11-2012, 04:05 AM
^ ^


.... this is chatter. And I apologize. But for teh lols, anything goes.

08-11-2012, 04:12 AM

08-12-2012, 08:10 PM
Eddren's characters have been checked over again, and approved, aswell as added to the list

08-15-2012, 09:56 PM
Since CF's guy has defected, the accepted character list needs to be updated.

08-15-2012, 10:17 PM
I'll make up for the loss in numbers! :D....
...But he won't allow me to make another character.
This is my last post here. If we wish to joke/discuss this further, we should take it to OOC.

08-15-2012, 10:17 PM
Updates of defection will happen after the conlusion of each chapter.

The Imposter
08-17-2012, 10:38 AM
Alright here is my second char!

Name: Either Atma, or Kelsi depending on who you are talking to. Known in Firanos as the Flame Eater.

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Faction: Firanos

Appearance: (http://images.epilogue.net/users/hokunin/Magic-girl.jpg)Across her right shoulder the Firanos emblem is burned into her, showing her loyalty. Her posture changes with her personalities, one often slouching while the other standing straight. She is of average height and weight.

Weapons/Equipment: She wields no weapons as she is able to use herself to channel her magic. Her garb is immune to her own flames and strongly resistant to others. She does carry a small pendant over her heart that was her father's. The gem helps facilitate the process of channeling magic and absorbs bits of magic around her allowing her to refill her own mana reserves. Kelsi also uses a kris (http://surbrook.devermore.net/worldbooks/shadows/images/kris.jpg) called The Burner that saps the magical essence of whatever it slashes or pierces. (Was destroyed in the capture of Namar). She now wears to bangles: Vigilence (provides her with resistance against her own flames), and Subtly (enchanted much the same way The Burner was but now gives her touch the magical essence sapping power, much more minor than the Burner.)

Abilities/Skills: Following the new rune tablets Kelsi/Atma's abilities fit so far in the mage tree with :affinity towards magic. fire evocation, summon fire elemental, and create illusions with heat.

Personality: Well it really depends who you come across. Kelsi is very soft spoken and cautious. Often overly apologetic as she tries to compensate for her other half. She is quick on her feet, and quite bright. Atma on the other hand if very aggressive, always being proactive rather than reactive, she speaks bluntly and feels that her other side uses her to handle all the tough problems. She doesn't overly mind but would rather be embraced than always held at arms length. The two of them are unique because they are quite aware of each other, and often converse through thoughts.

Background/History: To fully understand the Flame Eater you must look back to her childhood. To the farmlands of Horstead, where her father worked an honest job for Archeos. Kelsi lived a simple life as a child, enjoying the amenities a farmer's child brings. The small family of Vyrus, Dianna, and Kelsi seemed to watch life pass by, unaffected by the war going on around them. All good things seem to end abruptly and it was no different for the child.

Shavarrah seduced the child's father into the lap of Disgeran, the whole ideal breaking the heart of her mother. Unable to cope with the loss of her husband Dianna abandoned her daughter in the boarders of Firanos. The child in shock retreated into herself which was the moment Atma first emerged.

She was soon found wandering Firanos by none other than Ra'Shor and one could only guess what it was that he saw in the child. Perhaps a spark of a flame that could one day scorch the earth itself, or maybe it was the fact that the small child had been reborn into a completely different persona, or maybe it was simply the way the little girl smiled at his ever burning flames. Ra'Shor soon saw both sides and took the young girl under his care training her in the magic arts.

Twenty years...that's how long it has been. Memories still lie sleeping in the psyche of both Atma and Kelsi perhaps she will be able to find the key to waking them up. She has devoted her life to Ra'Shor and considers him a savior, eagerly following whatever is asked of her.

Goal: To see the world burn

Trivia: Although she is unsure why she has an uncontrollable hatred towards Shavarrah and Disgeran as a whole. As she has suppressed the memories of her father. Also rumor has it that she takes great delight in roasting an enemy warrior inside his plate armor.

09-03-2012, 08:33 PM
Zhao is still with Aeregos, though the rest have been updated. Just giving the heads up :)

09-07-2012, 05:59 AM
Name: Okotshuchin

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Faction: Aeregos

Appearance: Oko is a scaled man that is bald and thin. Tall with very long limbs yet the width of a woman, this strange being has a very feminine appearance. Hanging from his right ear is a set of silver earings, each one short and spiked. His shimmering skin is brown in color with dark yellow accents along the sides of his throat and wrists. Commonly seen wearing green garb with spiked shoulders and a sash that hangs between his legs in front rather than a full dress. The front of his clothing has a very thin padding which is obviously more so for the sake of cosmetic interest rather than anything else. Underneath this outer layer is a very simplistic robe which is tight to the body and features knee high boots. The sleeves of his outfit end in a green trim that reach just about past his elbows making his wrists visible if not for the painted guards he wears over them. A matching pair hiding his shins. Oko has a piercing at the bottom of his jaw, designed to resemble a jewel. Typically he wears a leather helm that covers the top of his head, and his cheeks. It is more like a cap than any sort of real armor and is colored in a similar manner to his skin. His eyes are a light green color and frequently he smiles. His cheek bones are very high as well his nose being flat cause some to feel distrusting of him if they judge him merely by appearance. The long talons on the end of his feet and hands make it impossible for him to wear standard gloves or shoes, so instead he merely goes with them exposed. Their light tan color highlighted by black.

Fang-A Quiang made of wax wood with a green tassel below the tip. The tassel is dipped in a powerful mix of perfumes that causes one to grow drowsy if it is close to their face, not instantly but over a long period of time.

Bolo Knife,

Chicken Sickle,

Abilities/Skills: Oko's skills are not entirely in combat, rather he fancies himself a bit of a linguist and student of the mind. In regards to physical prowess his tactics rely more in avoidance than anything, leading a target to a point of weakness or altogether killing through deceit.

Whispering Wind-Through his teeth without opening his mouth this serpent like man can send words upon the winds across distances silently. Nothing as serious as across an entire town but far enough to cause confusion or secretly converse with another.

Slither-Through the extent of his will Oko can send his shadow off by itself. He can control it and bend it however he wishes, however he cannot perceive anything through it as it is but an illusion.

Cleanse-Thanks to his new physical form gained from the Soul Orb's power, Oko can instantly shed all of the skin on his body removing any sort of negative effect that is upon the flesh, though not anything internal.

Power of Shen’Giyuh-Via the power of the Soul Orb itself what was once a man is more serpentine in nature, with coarse skin. As well his hands now have sharp claws.

Personality: Oko is a very openly pleasant person, speaking highly of others and often doing his best to never outright insult any. Often he is a fan of using vague words to hide his intentions and true feelings towards others. He deeply supports the Empress and the royal line, believing only with their control that the world may finally be at complete peace. However he does not simply view those whom which are against them as fools, instead merely others sides of a coin. He is a people pleaser and will often do his best to make sure no side can few him in a dark light. Regardless of this stark stance on being polite often he likes to discuss matters with others while hidden away and prefers to keep his words to only a select few. Almost always he speaks as if expecting that someone might be trying to listen in on his conversations. His personal life is mostly kept to himself including any sort of romantic interest he may or may not have. Onlt his political interests are known which really only stand as complete and utter support of the Empire he bleongs to.


Goal: A peaceful end to the war, with Aeregos ruling over the other lands. To have a conversation with Al'tajin. To keep Zun'Yun, Kalijah, and Shen'Giyuh alive. The study of Mythros up close, and to hear the word of Hierophind. To kill Zhao Zilong, and see the death of Ra'Shor.

Trivia: Oko is a fan of card games despite how incompetent at them he is.

09-07-2012, 02:22 PM
Tolvo's character has been approved and added to the list

09-07-2012, 03:42 PM
Yay, I have a friend again :D

09-07-2012, 06:05 PM
Oo yay :P

Hey E I have a question.

Its possible for people from other factions to join Disgeran but it possible for people from Disgeran to defect to another faction?

09-07-2012, 06:07 PM
Ofcourse it is

Defecting from a faction holds many risks, but it is perfectly possible.

09-07-2012, 06:17 PM
sweet if one of my people die (or there is the chance of making a third person) and I don't bring them back I know who I'm making next.

09-08-2012, 05:13 AM
Name: Papa Koi [yes,his real first name is Papa]

Gender: Male

Age: 40

Faction: Aeregos

Appearance: http://i843.photobucket.com/albums/zz357/mattstffn/ponyslayer.jpg
His hair stands tall towards the sky dyed a brilliant pink as to be noticed by others. His big bushy eyesbrows remain jet black, his natural hair color, to make his appearance even more uncanny. A scar runs over his left eye, a remnant of a battle long ago, along with the eye patch that adorns his right eyesocket.He has a beer belly, caused from his long nights in the tavern trying to drown out the nightmares of the devil horses that plague his every moment. His handlebar mustache is his pride and joy, always well kempt. The only other uncanny trait to this fellow is a tattoo under his right eye in the shape of a tear. To him it symbolizes all the innocents that have died in his crusade against the savage horses, he seeks to destroy. His skin is scaley as with many other of the Aeregos people.

Weapons/Equipment: Pike, Nunchaku (in which the handles are made of the shinbones of the first horse that had been felled by his hand. At each end of the handles still rests the horse's hooves, horse shoes and all, in which Koi uses to bash in enemies' heads.) He wears scale armor emblazoned with two Koi fish, one red and one pink swimming in opposite directions (in the sign of the Yin & Yang)


Slime of the Koi [passive]: Papa Koi always carries with him a pouch containing his family's ancient Koi fish pets, Xin and Zhao. These creatures have always bestowed upon his family the ability to naturally secret oils from his skin that give him the slipperiness of a fish and almost make him incapable of being grappled.

Fish Oil Boils [activated skill]: Boils grow on Papa Koi's skin in which he can burst open, leaving a thick trail of fish oil behind him, causing his enemies to slip and slide. [He can only use this ability once per battle]

Barracuda Barf [activated skill]: Papa Koi conjures up his spirit animal, the fish to summon live Barracudas in his belly, that he can regurgiatate at will toward his enemies. The barracudas become aggitated in their flight across the open air and latch on to the nearest enemy.

Personality: Koi is a jolly man, often found cracking jokes even in the darkest of times. His appearance is one obvious testament to that. Despite being on the opposing side to many others during this conflict between kingdoms, he never holds any hate toward others nor does he think of them as enemies. For in the end he has only one true mortal enemy, all the world's horses. He banks on his odd appearance to confuse his enemies in battle.

Background/History: Papa Koi was the son of two of his home town's biggest drunkards, and he was often left in the care of his uncle whom was very fond of the two fish that his family has passed down for generations as pets, Xin and Zhao. His uncle would tell him marvelous stories of their family's guardian, the fish and that every member of the family had a different one as their spirit animal. Shortly after learning that his spirit animal was the Koi Fish one late summer night, there came a commotion from the town square. Koi and his uncle ran toward the ruckus to see what was afoot when suddenly a herd of stampeeding horses seperated him from his uncle, and when the dust cleared Koi saw a very disturbing sight. His uncle, as well as his mother and father all laid in the middle of the road, crushed by the many hooves of the beasts. Taken in by a local monestary shortly afterwords, he learned to let go of his hatred towards the evils of others and from greed, and allowed him to focus on his spirituality. As time went on though and the use of horses grew more and more in the town and the monestary he found himself being thrown into the past, and his hatred for horses resurfaced. Leaving the monestary round the age of 28, he has been on the road ever since destroying the evil hooved vermin and sparing many other families the fate that he has suffered. He tells none of his crusade, but knows in his mind that he is just. He joined the nation's military in order to climb the ranks so that one day he may recruit others to his crusade's cause. The cause...


Trivia: He can often be found striding into battle making the call of the bottlenosed dolphin.

He also enjoys playing pranks on locals, (by sometimes bathing in the drinking water and knocking on doors while running away before they answer whilst cackling like a bottlenosed dolphin)

09-08-2012, 09:53 AM
... I'm not even sure if this is a serious character or not o.o
It seems a bit on the trollish side, so just want a little confirmation if this is a serious character that is actually intended for use in RoW.

I've just caught up after reading the entire OOC thread and seems you are indeed serious with this character. Let's give it a try then. Added onto the list.

09-08-2012, 02:24 PM

09-08-2012, 02:45 PM


That's a new idea, to say the least.

09-08-2012, 02:52 PM
I reiterate. eeyup. I think verm has been kicked off the weirdest chara pedestal

09-08-2012, 04:46 PM
I think I know who Dezeroth is going to recruit into his quest for ultimate power.

09-08-2012, 04:49 PM
I think I know who Dezeroth is going to recruit into his quest for ultimate power.

Mr. T?

09-08-2012, 04:57 PM
No, Aquaman's deranged cousin

09-08-2012, 05:44 PM
What did I say about chattering in the Warriors thread?! Gdammit, don't make me get my chainsaw out!
*kicks all yo asses to OOC*

09-11-2012, 08:03 AM
Name: Lestoph

Gender: Male

Age: 42

Faction: Leongarde

Appearance: Les is of average height with wide shoulders. He is fairly muscular as to be able to properly wear his armor without too much trouble, however it is nowhere near the bulk of a true warrior. He has a series of fairly severe looking scars upon his body that cause a lack of hair in the area. Left brow, right bicep, upper back, jaw line, back of skull, left eye, right of throat, left hand, lower stomach, back of right leg, left forearm, left ear. The disfigurements cause much of his skin to appear warped, darkened, and unappealing to the eyes. Most of his body is covered in a series of scars that have never properly healed, some bearing a strange indigo coloring to them. Both of his eyes are brown while what hair is on his head is black. This just being his right eyebrow. The asymetry of his body is very apparent due to the burned pieces of his flesh warping and being riddled with lumps and wrinkles.

When not in combat Les wears a fairly simple set of clothes that are dark blue with grey hems. A tunic with tights and boots. A black glove upon his left hand and both arms covered with long sleeves. A vest with an emblem upon it similar to that of Leongarde but showing that is not of any important military rank or noble root. His tunic is long causing it to reach almost his knees, tied tightly around his waist so as to make sure it isn't loosely hanging. Upon his head usually rests a silver mask that covers his face and forehead, a brown wig connected to it covering the back of his head and neck.


Painkiller-A flanged mace.

Silver Twilight-The silver mask of Les which covers his head to hide his appearance. It is not even remotely effective as a defense unless in regards to the claws of a rodent.



Masochistic Magic-Les is a practitioner of a vile magic which draws upon the will of the user to cast. When using any magic within this terrible school of thought one is put through intense pain. The amount differs from caster to caster however Les has a standard limit. He has a two spell threshold. Meaning that after casting one he will be in great pain and after casting a second he will be rendered unconscious. He will be able to get a grip of himself after five turns. This damage done to him is different from that which is causes by normal means, though those that cause pain through similar magic can drain him of his ability to cast magic. One such example would be a magic specifically designed for attacking through pain. Normal healing also does not reset his threshold, unless it is specifically designed to end pain. If he manages to go over the threshold of three, he will die.

Denial-Cost One-Les may take the negative effect of another onto himself, taking its full effect. If this effect is deadly it indeed kills him.

Submit-Cost One-Les may take a negative mental effect that is currently upon him and share it with another. Note it does not cure himself of it, but rather multiplies it. This action requires physical contact.

Purge-Cost Two-Les may release a powerful burst of black flames from his body that repel a magical effect. However doing so will render him unconscious for the remainder of a battle.

Bondage-Cost One-Les may render a person stunned for a single turn, this requires him to make contact with a dark ball of energy that moves at a slow speed. If it connects the target will become immobile for a turn excluding life functions such as breathing and beating of the heart. The caster will be stunned as well, except for two turns.

Abuse-Cost One-Les can enhance the strength of a single blow with his magic, it does not add any other effect aside from brute force. If it misses the cast is wasted and the pain is still dealt to himself.

Repent-Cost One-One to Activate-Les has the power to create a tainted area on a surface which is fifteen feet in diameter or smaller. This area will be darkened and charred. The initial casting will cause pain to Les, however the activation will render him unconscious. When activated it releases a burning smoke which blurs vision and causes complications to breathing. The area will remain with the smoke effect for two turns. As the smoke dissipates more continues to pour out from the effect area until the two turns are up. If he loses eye contact with the site the effect ends.

Les is skilled in the use of one handed weapons and armor, as well he is extremely versed in enduring pain. Because of this outside of what originates from magic little will cause him to even grimace. From his time with those who trained him Les has rudimentary knowledge of torture.

Personality: Les is a very self indulgent person, seeking to hide himself from the wounds of failure and rejection through preemptively striking out against his own feelings. He is very self-sacrificial and judgmental of his own actions, quick to blame himself and very dismissive of the plights of others. Openly pleasant towards others and friendly when not in a bad mood Les strives to try and appease others even if it harms him in some manner. Often he feels that only through giving up a part of himself can he do any sort of action. Always he is searching for something to comfort him yet will reject anything presented to him outside of religious views. Those he considers beyond him, instead believing that he will face the worst end no matter what. Still he works towards teaching others feeling he is a shining example of what not to do. More often than not he will try to hide his true feelings seemingly trying to act impartial, however truly he fears others lashing out at his true self.

Background/History: Born as Lestoph to a mother used only for the furthering of Disgaren ideas, Les was raised in a very cruel and harsh environment. The group he belonged to were interested in the concept of emotions fueling the powers of the world. Through their research done on children and fellow members they managed to develop a school of magic that relied on the abuse of the self or another via a conduit. Lestoph was taught the ways of Masochism rather than the school of Sadism by his own choice. Through extreme torture which assaulted every sense eventually he learned to redirect what he had felt. Whether fortunate or unfortunate, he did not adapt well into society. Instead he seemed to care for others which was beaten out of him swiftly. Though now in the closet about what his true intentions were he managed to find a like minded person. The two would often meet in seclusion, confiding in one another about their plans for the future. Les always thought it would be excellent to flee while his friend Jes instead wished to try and spur a revolution. Jes believed that if he were to speak out he could find like minded others within that land that would turn Disgaren into a beautiful haven. Before leaving and knowing of his friend's intentions Lestoph did one final act of kindness. He murdered Jes in his sleep, knowing what horrors his friend would face for such heresy. His fleeing landed him within the borders of Leongarde and at first heading towards a swift execution. However his genuine repentance and hatred for himself and his homeland caused great confusion in his captors. After a few rousing speeches to the guards and low officials he managed to land himself a place in their military rankings, a low one of course. While still mostly distrusted he works towards proving himself capable of changing from his upbringing. Wearing their colors and fighting for their Lord, Lestoph wishes to bring about a better time.

Goal: To develop a standard of ethics for warfare that is widely accepted. He also wishes to see the day in which a school of magic is developed that is the exact opposite of the one he uses.

Trivia: Eh what the hell, let's throw in a theme song. http://youtu.be/Tz0qiXqc1Q8

09-11-2012, 03:42 PM
Tolvo... Congratulations...
I loved this character so much I just wanted to read the profile twice because I liked it that much.
Added to the list. Show them that not all fear Disgeran.

09-11-2012, 04:23 PM
Thank you very much. I quite like this character too, I hope he lives.

09-11-2012, 05:48 PM
I'm actually surprised you limited the guy to only two casts... With little in the way of powerful stand-alone spells, he would still be alright even with four or five casts before collapsing.

09-11-2012, 05:51 PM
He's practically limited to One cast actually, if he casts two spells in a row he will be unconscious for the rest of the battle.

I felt it was a needed balance, because his utility and abilities have some really effective uses. I'm sure your Disgaren doesn't mind though, he's the direct counter to Les.

09-11-2012, 05:57 PM
They are effective, but even then I feel like you overcompensated the balance xD I did notice that counter, mostly because of your not so subtle "one such example is magic specifically designed to cause pain". It's up to you how you balance the character, I suppose, just saying that I for one would not find him unbalance with two or more extra casts before collapsing xD

09-11-2012, 06:01 PM
Well let's just say this much Jac. He could stun someone on top of his smoke trap if he had four casts. That would be unavoidable death if the stun hit. If his spells are combined, he can take a negative effect from an ally such as complete insanity, then transfer it onto an enemy and still be combat capable. The limit of his casting makes it so he isn't merely an end all to everything, capable of so much battlefield control at once.

09-11-2012, 06:06 PM
In both of those cases, however, it would still be up to the opponent to dodge the attacks, which if the stun orb hit, would still leave your character stunned as well. Just putting it all out there xD And as far as I read of the smoke trap, even being stunned on it wouldn't kill you, unless 'breathing complications' was a euphemism for 'they're gonna choke to death xD'

09-11-2012, 06:09 PM
Imagine being stunned inside of cloud of thick smoke which will cause you to suffocate from sitting on it. If it is already on the ground, it wouldn't matter if he is stunned, it is already in effect.

09-11-2012, 06:11 PM
Okay, so it was a euphemism xD

Might wanna clarify that in your sheet bud lol.

09-11-2012, 06:13 PM
Well breathing complications should be noted as something that is fatal, something which if kept going could cause a person to choke to death. It is a way to word it in that it explains they can die, but also that if they don't stay in it, there won't be too much of an effect on them. Sort of a way to describe the different levels without giving a min and max.

09-11-2012, 06:15 PM
*brings this to the other thread*

The Imposter
10-22-2012, 09:57 PM
Name: Gyle Whittlesworth

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Faction: Disgeran

Appearance: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/4/43/Thief_03_concept_art.png

Runes: Magically increased agility and accuracy, User has highly increased awareness, User gains deadshot accuracy

Weapons/Equipment: Aside from the two simple daggers he carries he also is adorned with two crossbows (one hand crossbow and one heavy crossbow) the latter usually strung on his back. Along with a small quiver of heavy bolts at his waist he has a second with small bolts all tipped with a paralytic poison. The last thing on his person is a small satchel filled with different vials of various toxins/antivenins/medicines.

Abilities/Skills: Gyle is a thief, so his fingers are quick. He is extremely flexible and ambidextrous making him all the more proficient in his trade. He also has a wide knowledge of herbs and plants which he uses to concoct his personal selection of poisons or antidotes. His most outstanding talent however is his marksmanship. This exceptional talent could be a direct result of him allowing the soul orb to flow through him outright, giving him a third eye.

Gnugglepiss: Paralytic that he uses on all his smaller bolts. Is a weak poison that only usually affects the area the bolt hits ie: the limb it punctures.
Gruttleweed and Brille: Hallucinogenic that causes confusion, disorients.
Turdthroaters poison: Toxin that will kill slowly (three days if untreated) but is extremely painful as it passes through ones system.
Potpournicle: Fast acting poison that causes blindness followed by a numbness...if mixed with Brille is known to cause fits of rage.
Volipscus: Strong toxin that induces sleep, if mixed with Brille the sleeper has terrifying dreams.

He carries antidotes for all his poisons.

Personality: Rebellious by nature, Gyle tends to struggle to follow one order. His attitude is reflective of the two things that spur him ever onward: Greed and lust.

Background/History: Gyle never actually allied himself to any faction, he spent his time thieving and trying to make a fortune to escape the hellish warfare that seemed to surround him on every side. At least that was the case until he was told of an object that was impossible to steal. The gossip had baited him with a hook that he couldn't shake. If truly there was such a thing it would prove to be the best sport to steal it away from it owner. Finding out what it was he quickly made haste to sign his life away under the Disgeran banner. Not only had they been the best business partners in the past, he found their company the most like his own.

Goal: Gyle's goal is to steal what has been said to be impossible to thieve. What is it you ask? You'll have to wait and see.

Trivia: Despite being with the most dead crowd he knows, he is always one to try to squeeze the humor from the less than lively bunch.

10-22-2012, 10:00 PM
oh my. a thief/ranger/assassin? interesting

10-23-2012, 02:06 PM
Name: Richard Soldegarde

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Faction: Leongarde

Appearance: Richard stands at 5'9 with a bald head and typically clean shaven face. He sports two thick dark eyebrows and a wide jaw. Both of his ears are fairly flat and his nose is slightly crooked from being broken in the past. With dark brown eyes and his battered teeth he is not exactly an attractive man. Richard is thick and muscly commonly covered in bruises from sparring with others and training. When not in combat he tends to wear the typical attire of a noble. As is standard his weapons are sheathed upon his left hip while his stiletto rests upon his shoulder with the grip facing skyward. On his right index finger is his ring and on his back is typically attached a War Flag of Soldegarde. Before entering a battle Richard wears a long blue cloak that he removes before going into combat.



Lion Plate Armor - A set of armor designed to resemble a Lion. It is a set of full plate armor, designed with extra plates to guard the torso mainly. The fine craftsmanship allows for a decent amount of mobility considering the defense it produces. The visor is made to look like a Lion's face, it can be removed but not with ease. It does not provide a good amount of vision, while slots on the helm give an idea of things close by to properly see one would have to remove the mask piece. Richard tends to carry a blue cloak to help in dealing with keeping his armor in pristine condition, when going into battle he removes it.

War Flag of Soldegarde - The finely made flag depicts a shield with claws baring into it. A crown and throne are also visible in each corner showing that it represents the will of the King. When carried into battle those around Richard find themselves less likely to retreat or break formation. Should the flag be planted those defending the area around the flag will find their will even stronger against any mental effects. It is tied to his back when going into battle.

Winzigmilied - A hand gun made of strong steel with a flint lock firing mechanism. It has a wooden stock with a silver butt featuring carvings similar to those found upon Richard's ring. The gun is finely polished and sits in a holster that is attached to Richard's lower back. A strapped down cover ensures that it will not easily fall out of his possession. A small bit of leather covers the flint causing it to be less likely to be effected by weather though it's still possible. On him he carries prepared paper black powder rods in a brass container which hangs from just below the gun.

Stille - A shield made of steel and infused with magical properties. While sturdy and more than capable of acting as effectively as a normal kite shield, this guard has the effect of blocking magical effects outright. The force of a power is still taken into consideration. This does not negate the spell but instead blocks it causing safety for anything behind the shield. Stille features the crest of Leongarde rather than Soldegarde. An heirloom passed down from his Grandfather upon his death.

The Ring of Soldegarde - An ornate ring with an ornate engraving covering the entirety of the metal band. It carries the symbol of Richard's nobility allowing him to be easily identified.

Afspiesser - A spetum that is almost eight feet in length with a thirteen inch spear head. The weapon has two prongs that are bladed and are on both sides of the head, each being seven inches long. Just below the head a steel band of decent length adorns it, etchings upon it depicting a series of faces.

Morgstern - A morning star made of steel. It has a long handle allowing for extra leverage when being swung. A small chain hangs from the very bottom of it allowing for one to easily grab the weapon should it slip out of their hand.

Sticht - A small stiletto of standard make.


Richard is considerably skilled in the use of a sword and shield combination. As well he is a practitioner of wrestling and is an avid unarmed fighter. Grappling is his specialty. Raised to become a man of warfare he is also versed in battlefield tactics. Being a knight Richard has great experience in horseback riding.

Rally - A man of battle and leading charges, if Richard is at the head of any group his presence can inspire others to be more effective in combat. This effect only occurs if he is leading the group.

Chastise - Richard swings his shield to deflect a magical effect. This requires his specific shield. He may deflect the spell at a target though it has very low accuracy due to the nature of it being a deflect.

Will of Reinard - Having grown up under the rule of his beloved King, Richard follows the order of his ruler and due to this he will move faster towards those that are facing him. However the negative side is that he is trained to not stab others in the back, and will move slower towards those with their backs facing him. If a person's face is towards him while their back is away it is considered a neutral state thus causing him to move at normal speed. The same goes for those looking away with their chest towards him.

Express - When injured in some form during combat Richard will feel an adrenalin rush and slightly increase his physical capabilities. This rush is exhausted if he is taken out of combat causing him to need to rest for a turn.

Conditioning - If under a mental effect for three turns Richard will completely negate the effect for the three turns. On the fourth turn he will no longer be immune and this may only be used once per battle.

Challenge - Richard has some powerful lungs. While they aren't powerful in the sense that they can be used as a weapon they are still a formidable asset. He may once every four turns let out a furious shout that alerts a target to his presence. His roar is intimidating and presents his self as a threat towards whoever he is shouting at. Anything within a thirty yard cone in front of him is considered a target should it be an enemy. Because of this shouting at groups is incredibly fatal for Richard.

Personality: Richard is not a caring and kind man, indeed to him codes of honor have little meaning. Showing power and dominating the weak instead replace any semblance of mind he has for those who are weak. Peasants to him and by his views useless filth that should be trod upon by any with half a mind. While he may not follow the code of Reinard for noble reasons he does abide by it. Simply for the fact that is has been drilled into his mind since an early age, as well that to him chasing down those with turned backs is a waste of time. Richard is quite loyal to his kingdom though truth be told his greatest loyalty is to whomever he believes is the most powerful. To him might is right and if one cannot be beaten they should be joined. That's not to say he is merely a brute. This warrior considers all aspects that have use to be worthy. Magic, a silver tongue, stealth. His power may rely in the strictly physical but he does not diminish other practical abilities. Spoiled, egotistical, merciless, and aggressive. Richard is strictly a noble in the terms of his bloodline. He believes readily in capital punishment and wishes that perhaps he was closer to the throne than he already is. Richard is very respectful of those who are strong causing him to show great opinions of the soldiers around him and above him.

Background/History: Born of the Soldegarde estate Richard was raised into Knighthood. He was pampered and trained while being fed propaganda about the glory of serving Leongarde. His childhood was uneventful while only in adulthood did he find any action deserving to be mentioned. At age 21 he slew his first enemy while settling a dispute over his claim to their horse. Soon afterwards he joined with the military since his training seemed to be complete. While he has seen skirmished and battles none have been spectacular or worthy of praise.

Goal: To kill any he faces, and to ensure the strongest survive. To be remembered as a powerful warrior that has killed many. To rule over the weak and form a world in which only the strong rule.

Trivia: Theme Song http://youtu.be/eqikLf5uv4o

10-23-2012, 10:48 PM
I've edited Kaizan's Purifier sword and his personality. Just a heads up.

If more detail needs to go into Purifier's effects, let me know.

10-23-2012, 11:30 PM
Name: Zasareyt Venomclaw

Gender: Female

Age: 835

Faction: Disgeran

Appearance: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/010/a/e/dark_eldar_wych_by_sweatychickenboy-d4lwqcq.jpg


Agoniser - this barbed sentient whip drives a victim's senses haywire, causing excruciatingly severe pain as a victim's nerves burn out through constant overstimulation, producing exquisite agony. It can lash out at an enemy with a single thought, and can also wrap around and bind them, while also working like a normal whip. It drips with Zasareyt's special blend of toxins.

Talon of pain - this is a shortsword with a curved, serrated, and razor-sharp blade. It's serrated edge tears through flesh and bone easily, and in the most painful way. This weapon also is coated in her special toxins.

She also wields a needle launcher that fires armor-piercing envenomed hollow needles. These needles rarely kill, but carry the highest doses of toxins into the victim.

Hypodermic claws- she wields a gauntlets that ends in hollow talons that deliver venom to a target at close range.

Toxins- Zasareyt has created a special blend of poisonous substances from some of the most toxic things in the world. Will this poison kill? Oh no, no no no. If only it killed. What it DOES do is overload a victim's senses, causing excruciating pain, dizziness, disorientation, convulsions, and loos of bodily functions. As of yet, there is no antivenom, so, you must wait for it to run it's course, if you live that long. Zasareyt, however, is immune to her chemicals. Others can use it, and she carries extra on her.

Psy-shield belt - this belt casts a constant shield around her, granting her the protection of medium armor, but none of the weight

Runes: Magical affinity, Demon summoning, Shadow magic.

Abilities/Skills: All of her powers are fueled by the residual psychic energy given off by pain and suffering.

Pain bolt- fires a bolt of energy that it's only purpose is to cause pain to her foes, this pain is enough to make a grown man writhe on the ground.

Dominate- this spell is a psychic barrage on the target's mind, and, if they are weak enough (or weak-willed enough) they become her thrall. If they resist, they instead are granted a powerful wave of pain that rips through their bodies

Soul trap- this spell allows her to steal the soul from a weakened or dominated being, to add to her energy pool, or directly heal her

Life Drain- this power heals her by slowly draining the soul out of a target, but, unlike soul trap, it can be used on anyone regardless of condition, and still work. This draining also is excruciatingly painful

Telekinesis: can manipulate solid objects with her mind

Shadow binding: Binds someone in place by controlling their shadow

Shadow stitching: summons tendrils of shadow from her own, or a shadow that she has bound. These tendrils pierce her targets.

Summon Venomculai: using a vial of her own toxin as a contract, she summons forth a toxic and alluring daemonette (female demon). This demon is exceedingly powerful, and her very touch is toxic. Above that, her blood is a potent toxin, that is also acidic enough to melt metal.

Personality: Extremely Sadistic, Zasareyt loves nothing more than inflicting pain on others, and with pain, comes fear, and power. She has a dominating and cruel personality, laughing at the idea of 'mercy', and has a hunger for power.

Background/History: Zasareyt was originally a torturer's apprentice in Disgeran, but disliked that she had to stop at a certain point, so that the target could speak. She left her master, and wandered Disgeran, working as a dominatrix-for-hire. Her last customer was a powerful wizard. She went farther than normal, and killed him by accident. The wizard's spirit, angry at this, cursed her, so that, since she likes inflicting pain so much, she now has to, or she will die. So, as long as she continues to hurt others, she never ages.

Goal: To eventually become the queen of Disgeran.

Trivia: Even though she operated in the sex industry, she is still a virgin.

10-24-2012, 11:36 AM
All new characters so far have been checked and approved.

10-24-2012, 12:18 PM
I'm wondering, would it be alright if I edited Richard and gave him an accurate Flintlock pistol?

10-24-2012, 12:39 PM
XD accurate flintlock? preposterous! though, believe it or not, the innacuracy they are famous for is kinda exaggerated.

10-24-2012, 12:40 PM
How about we don't get into what is impossible eh and just let E1 decide?

10-24-2012, 12:49 PM
I was joking -_-. who uses the term preposterous seriously anymore?

10-24-2012, 01:46 PM

10-24-2012, 03:56 PM
I added the flintlock pistol.

Love Amore
10-28-2012, 03:44 AM
Name: Miranda

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Faction: Archeos

Appearance: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/151/7/f/meahran_of_oshour___commission_by_rafcut-d3howy0.jpg

Weapons/Equipment: Miranda carries a simple broadsword and shield with no adornment or personal markings beyond a braid of yellow and red cordage tied around each so that she may know them as hers.

Abilities/Skills: Miranda's faith causes her to be able to set aside immense amounts personal pain for the sake of others, she can also cast a spell that heals shallow to medium flesh wounds and/or dull the pain of deeper wounds and broken bones.

Personality: Miranda has always been a servant of the light and all that is good, she is humble

Background/History: Miranda was born a noble but her parents were killed in a raid when she was very young, she was saved by a group of paladins and was raised as a paladin.

10-28-2012, 03:48 AM
Yay, moar women :D

*nods* Jaco approves (cause my opinion totally matters here xD No, no it doesn't, actually)

10-28-2012, 03:59 AM
I told you so >_>

Love Amore
10-28-2012, 04:16 AM
Everyone's opinions matter everywhere, especially the positive ones.

Was there some kind of doubt or discussion about something that was decided when I posted the CS?

10-28-2012, 04:29 AM
they were afraid that, since i a known for making CSs for friends, and that you were my friend and probably got guidance from me, that she would be OP.

10-28-2012, 04:41 AM
Actually, I was just wondering if he was making you up xD

Love Amore
10-28-2012, 04:44 AM
Last I checked I was real... *checks again* Yep, real as it gets.

10-28-2012, 05:03 AM
*pulls over to our wonderful IC/OOC thread (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=35013&page=165&p=1144241#post1144241)*

10-28-2012, 09:51 AM
Ah Anna, I'm so glad to see that Cf's girl doesn't suffer from the OP Birthright syndrome.
Accepted and added to the character list, with pleasure!

10-28-2012, 05:00 PM
Ya know E1, I think you can place Aura and Delek on the Inactive list now :P Just sayin.

10-28-2012, 07:12 PM
Shani and Miranda should get along very well O-o

Anyhow. CF and Anna we should do a Archeos day to day since there is three of us O-o

10-29-2012, 08:50 PM
but there is no reason for zilong to interact with her. and shani is right now in the aeregos clink

10-29-2012, 09:49 PM
hey may or may not. but the day to day has no effect on the actual battle statues of the RP
>.> so yes she is 'in the aeregos clink' but that dose not matter in the day to day seeing as it is 'outside' of the battles.

11-05-2012, 11:19 PM
Updated Oko's goals.

11-06-2012, 12:18 AM
I love those goals. Hopefully he will be able to fulfill them lol.

11-06-2012, 12:21 AM
Why is everyone hating on Zilong? I didn't expect Oko to blindly hate him too. I expected him to not like or trust him, yes, but at least wait until he heard his reasons.

11-06-2012, 12:25 AM
This just in, the definition for Everyone has been moderately tweaked to mean "everyone in Aeregos".

11-11-2012, 05:05 AM
Hey just wondering if recruitment for this is still open? Tolvo recommended it as a good place to start RPing.

The Imposter
11-11-2012, 05:08 AM
Yeah pretty sure our arms are open wide. Don't know if E1 will fit you in on this chapter starting soon. Depends how quick you get a CS up and such I imagine!

11-11-2012, 10:07 AM
Ok so here is my guy
Name: Hastur Tereth

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Faction: Archeos

That without the mask and white skinned.

Weapons/Equipment: A pair of ornate daggers (https://www.medievalcollectables.com/images/Category/medium/55.png) designed for peircing. Each dagger is adorned with the letters “A.T” in gold inlay on the hilt. He also carries a second pair of daggers which are of standard military design. He wears grey form fitting leather armour.

Ethereal Chains - Hastur has the ability to create ethereal chains from his hands. He can create a total of 4 chains, 2 from each hand which he has total control over. Each chain ends in a claw (like this (http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/alptraum/alptraum0603/alptraum060300012/342167-industrial-claw-used-for-transferring-and-recycling-scrap-metal-isolated-over-white.jpg) only a lot smaller) and has a hollow point in the centre where a dagger can be fit into. These claws can grab and crush objects they hit.

The Avian's head: Taken from the Avian he killed at Cayanas Hastur wields this blessed head in battle. It shines with a soft golden light which empowers those around him to fight on. Any Archeos forces within 10 metres of him gain a huge morale boost.

Personality: Once a proud and well-mannered man Hastur is now much quieter the he was. Unless he is talking to friends or about the Ekro he is of few words. He is quick to anger, and while angry he loses control of himself, often becoming violent.

Background/History: Hastur was once a happily married man in Cayanas. His wife Aleia worked on a fishing boat while he served in the military. A year before the appearance of the Ekro she was killed when her boat was capsized far out into sea. It was 2 weeks before her body washed ashore.

The loss broke Hastur’s heart but he held it in. Unable to blame anyone for her death he devoted himself to the military. He became known for being reckless, even suicidal in battle for little gain. Then the Ekro appeared.

Their haunted frigates appeared all over the seas, even around where Aleia lost her life. Suddenly Hastur’s grief found an outlet. He became certain the Ekro were responsible for his wife’s death. He petitioned 3 times but was repeatedly rejected. Disheartened he returned to his normal military life. He became less reckless and more cautious, overnight he went from a suicidal man to someone who needed themselves alive. Now he had an enemy he needed to live.

Goal: To see the Ekro drowned in their own seas for what he imagines they have done. Despite his hatred for them his allegiance to his own faction will cause him to return home to defend it over his goal of revenge.

Trivia: None
Imposter rushed me a bit with what he said so I haven't read through all the content of realms yet but Tolvo looked it over and said it should be fine. However if anything needs changing just tell me and I'll fix it.

EDIT: Also I just noticed character sign up for Ch 3 is closed. Is that completely final or are there exceptions? :pray:

11-11-2012, 11:29 AM
Your character looks good, so I'll give it my stamp of approval.
If you can post which battle you wish to join in the recruitment chapter today, then I will make an exception for you this one time as you're a new player of RoW.

I AM adding your character to the player lists, though.
Welcome on board.

11-11-2012, 11:46 AM
Thanks! Jumping on the recruitment thread now.

01-29-2013, 02:26 AM
I updated Richard's Armor and Weaponry.

01-29-2013, 02:37 AM
okay, mister dragonslayer XD

01-29-2013, 03:27 AM
For the record, I'm not just ripping something from Dark Souls.

It's an armor set designed to look like a Lion, Leongarde has symbolism associated with Lions, so I thought it would be a good fit.

01-29-2013, 03:29 AM
For the record, I'm not just ripping something from Dark Souls.

It's an armor set designed to look like a Lion, Leongarde has symbolism associated with Lions, so I thought it would be a good fit.

Dude, you don't have to explain yourself xD

01-29-2013, 03:31 AM
yeah, I meant it as a joke.

02-13-2013, 02:44 AM
Considering the new tablets I've given Hastur an update, hope its ok.

02-13-2013, 02:50 AM
I've updated both Brevsin and Dezeroth to sport new equipment/include equipment in their loadouts and to show their new powers, personalities, or appearances.

02-13-2013, 03:09 AM
Verm's been updated. With only that and his plague-bolts, my little Avatar will have to try even HARDER now xD No more demon swarms of insects; that little cloud around him is all he has.

02-13-2013, 04:13 AM
Name: Sogarr Bonescream

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Faction: Leongarde

Appearance: He stands solidly built at 6'5", and nearly 300 pounds. His hair and beard he has allowed to grow wild, making it look like a mane. His teeth have become long fangs which he keeps sharp. His hands, while being still human, contain razor-sharp retractable claws. His eyes are a mottled yellow, he hair is brown, and his skin is a light tan. he wears jewelry made from the bones of his enemies, and his voice is booming


Sogarr wears chainmail and padding underneath his tribe's traditional lion hide armor. He wears a helmet made from the skull of a lion.

For weapons, he welds:

Short spear. (http://zombietools.net/images/weapons/spit,-600.jpg) Good for stabbing and slashing.

Club (http://www.swordsandarmor.com/images/MACE_Spiked_926795_small.Jpg)

A large round shield made of wood and steel

His fangs and claws


Runes: Magically increased strength, Attacks empowered with wild spirits, Magically increased Agility and accuracy


Mighty roar: By roaring, he can stop men in their tracks, and, if they are weak enough (power wise), cause them to flee. To allies (especially lionhearted), the reverse happens, they are enheartened, and fight with ever increasing bravery.

Rush: throws his entire weight at an enemy to topple them over

Great cleave: he swings his weapon in a mighty arc, cutting down the enemies around him

Hammer fall: He swings his weapon in a great underhand arc, and the impact lifts his target off its feet and sends it crashing to the ground.

he has cat like grace, and, if there is enough time, will always land on his feet. His sense of smell is as acute as a lion's, and so is his hearing. He can utilize tracking skills from his training, and stealth and the stalking training to remain concealed when sneaking up on something

Personality: He is brave beyond measure, and completely devoted to Kho'Ras, like the rest of his tribe. He is not very bright in intellectual terms, but he is very good at combat.

Background/History: Sogar was born in one of the nomadic barbarian tribes of Leongarde. From early on, all he knew was hunting and fighting. He got very good at both. When Reinard wanted to unite all of the tribes, they resisted, and what followed was a long war. Reinard's forces were victorious, and the tribes grew to respect Reinard, and allowed to be brought into the fold. As a sign of good faith, Reinard allowed them to keep their cultural identity.

Visual representation (http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/1304/barbarcs.jpg)

02-13-2013, 07:46 AM
I'm giving have to be a bitch again, Cf.
With my rune tablets including ascension to Lionhearted, you cannot make your character into one before they have that rune.
That, combined with the fact you hardly even mention his ascension in his history, I will say he will have to remain human until he earned enough power from Ko'Rhas to ascend.
Other than that, this character looks in order.

02-13-2013, 03:17 PM
he's not a lionhearted, faction appearance changes. But, since he has to look human, nevermind, I'm going to make a different one.

02-13-2013, 04:05 PM

02-13-2013, 04:25 PM
Yeah, sorry Cf. Faction appearance changes are allowed, but you basically just described a lionhearted there xD
I need to edit my rules on appearance changes.

02-13-2013, 04:36 PM
wow, you really worked hard on that O_O

- - - Updated - - -

maybe I'll just stay with my barbarian. what would I have to remove?

02-13-2013, 04:39 PM
Just simply make his appearance more human

The Imposter
02-13-2013, 04:40 PM
Yeah aren't all the faction appearance changes incorporated in the rune tablet now? At least more or less they are right?

02-13-2013, 04:43 PM
THere's still minor changes that are more than possible, but yes, the most drastic changes have now become part of the rune tablet.

02-13-2013, 04:46 PM
can he still have his claws and fangs, and a somewhat feline appearance?

02-13-2013, 04:51 PM
Claws and fangs, I'll let pass, but feline appearance, I'm gonna say no to that.

02-13-2013, 05:15 PM
wow, you really worked hard on that O_O


Was this directed at me?

02-13-2013, 05:17 PM
how's that?

- - - Updated - - -

yeah. it was amazing! can you do one for Sogarr?

02-13-2013, 05:19 PM
Probably, do you have something specific in mind?

02-13-2013, 05:20 PM
Just what you did for yours.

02-13-2013, 05:23 PM
I assume that you don't have a character image atm? If so shall I see what I can come up with?

02-13-2013, 05:29 PM
well, I didn't use an image because I couldn't find one. I normally do images. Sure. I'm going for a 'Conan the barbarian' kinda thing, with a lion twist.

The Imposter
02-13-2013, 05:31 PM
But minus the lion part because you've been told you can't have a lionhearted off the get go.

02-13-2013, 05:31 PM
I will see what I can do ^^

02-13-2013, 05:34 PM
no, I mean a lion theme. Like, with his helmet being the skull of a lion, and him growing his beard and hair wild to resemble a mane. Pay attention, space cowboy XD

02-13-2013, 06:22 PM
Whoa.. dang... how did you?

02-13-2013, 06:29 PM
Who, me?

02-13-2013, 06:39 PM
yes you O3O

- - - Updated - - -

There you go:

Name: Sieglinde von Hohengrad
Gender: Female

Age: 48

Faction: Leongarde


Though in her late 40s Sieglinde has retained the looks and body of a younger women, a trait common to all women in her family. Her hair is as raven as the dark of the night, so is the hair of her two daughters. She bears many scars from battles of the past and even lost an eye during previous conflicts. Emerald green eyes and a voice as smooth as silk make her the center of attention quite often, as a result she is used to it. Though not overly muscular she is quite athletic, excelling at speed and accuracy. Always wearing her blue and white coat of arms, bearing her family’s seal, she is easily recognizable.


Aegis of Asgard - A special set of armor, created centuries ago and still as durable as on the first day. The set consists out of a breastplate, arm-guards including plate gauntlets, as well as a set of plated leg guards. The fine craftsmanship allows for high mobility and does not hinder the wearer too much and the magical properties deflect blows, though the wearer has no control over it. Several leather pieces complete the set and are a sign of exceptional craftsmanship.

Seelenschnitter – An unusually long saber with a very strong blade, forged from a metal that fell from the sky a long time ago, this feat of craftsmanship is imbued with ancient magic. Its exceptionally sharp blade can destroy most mundane weapons when wielded by a skilled warrior.
Its baskethilt makes it very hard to disarm her, its handle is quite long, so the wielder can apply extra leverage if needed. Its enchantment drains the lifeforce of those that it cuts, draining them until nothing more than a mummified carcass is left. Though one cut won't kill, the victim will feel weak and will lose concentration. Additional cuts will add to this state until the victim has no strength left. Being pierced by this blade is a death sentence. The blood drawn by the blade will evaporate.

Spruchbrecher – A buckler crafted from a peculiar silverish metal, it is attached to her right arm. Infused with powerful protective magic, allowing her to project a magical force shield in the shape of a semicircle infront of the shield, deflecting magic, incoming projectiles and blows. However it does not negate the force of the attack, so a powerful fireball would still send her flying. It is engraved with the royal emblem of Leongarde.

Silverkeys to heaven – A set of silver earrings of unknown origin.

Eisenlanze des Frostes – Crafted from magic silver, this lance emits an aura of cold and its tip is always encompassed in ice. Every wound that is inflicted by this weapon will be covered in ice, causing the wound to behave as if the body part was exposed to dreadful cold for an extended period of time. Causing severe hypothermia.

Langdolch – An exceptionally long Stiletto, meant to pierce armor.


Sieglinde, is a seasoned warrior, that served in countless battles before, but retired to tend to her daughters. She is versed in battlefield tactics and leadership, even more so through her duty as an instructor at the royal academy. Known to be an excellent swordsmen, her blade bested many upstarting nobles, that were foolish enough to challenge her 29 years of combat experience.

Inspiring Voice – known for her silver tongue and unshakable confidence, she is able to lift the spirits of her comrades and lead soldiers in a zealous charge that had forsaken hope before.

A Mothers Will – being a loving mother of two daughters, she fights for the future of her children. If Leongarde is at danger she will not falter, even if she would be the last soldier standing in the wake of the enemy, she would defend her kingdom with no regard to her own life.

An Eye for perfection – being one of the most notable instructors of the royal academy Sieglinde has an eye for even the smallest delict, therefore the equipment of the soldiers serving with her is always in top shape, if the circumstances allow it.

Seasoned Warrior – having served for nearly three decades, Sieglinde has an eye for enemy movement as well as for that of her allies. Her experience allows her to read the moves of less experienced warriors and commanders alike, because of that, her keen eye will spot weak-points in an army’s defense, as well as in that of soldiers fighting her.

Having served for 29 years in his Highness’s army, she retired to her family’s mansion to raise her darling daughters, both counting 14 summers. Though she retained a position at the royal academy, she left her rank and all honors behind, to make way for a new generation of warriors. She is known as a strict but kind mistress, the hamlets surrounding her mansion serve her well and willingly, knowing that her mistress is there to protect them. She does honor the knightly code, but knows that the battlefield only known two kind of knights. The dead one and the one that survived.

Though once believing in knights in shining armor, the years, have taught her to know better and so she is known to use quite unorthodox methods to gain the upper-hand in battle.
She is quite athletic and well versed in the art of combat, but her mind is a blade on its own. Be it tactics or political intrigues, magic formulas or scientific theories, she always has an open mind and she accumulated quite an amazing treasure of wisdom in her years.

Born into a family of honored knights, her destiny was determined long before she was born. She spent most of her youth, learning battle formations, political conduct and the art of combat. When she reached the age of 14 summers, she developed quite an interest in literature and art. She became a squire at the age of 15 and her master as well as his guests were always surprised by her sharp mind and quick reflexes. She was knighted at the age of 18 and served in the royal army ever since. She retired at the age of 44 to bring up her daughters herself.

Goal: To save Leongarde and to secure peace for her daughters.
Theme Song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MP9rJdxmuQU)
Battle Theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTNfuztCMgM)
A visualization including skills (http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/5273/sieglindecs.jpg)

E have you seen this yet? X3

02-13-2013, 06:49 PM
Wasn't that hard actually ^^"

02-13-2013, 06:51 PM
D: but your saying this to some one who is computer incompetent of coarse its hard! D:

02-13-2013, 06:52 PM
Well it might have to do with my occupation ;)

02-13-2013, 06:54 PM
Either way its cool and I bet it comes in handy owo

02-13-2013, 07:15 PM
Don't worry, P.K., I've already seen and accepted it, aswell as Cf's character. I've also uploaded their rune tablets to the faction page.

02-13-2013, 07:16 PM
Wo! thats cool :P good luck Leo! you finely have a player!!

02-13-2013, 08:13 PM

Oh dear.

Now I'm actually worried about the Capital fight...

Impo, it's game face time.

(But in other news, Welcome, Crest ^.^)

02-13-2013, 08:18 PM
lols XD

Okay E I've updated Karrha and shani's profiles.

02-13-2013, 10:59 PM
Well, if that was an actual custom 3-D sprite you were using there, I must applaud you.
And ask for my own.

02-14-2013, 02:27 AM
take a number XD

02-14-2013, 10:57 PM
Updated Dez with his map.

02-15-2013, 01:49 AM
Name: Shiko Kakagre

Gender: M

Age: 27

Faction: Aeregos

Appearance: Shiko is a tall, thin man. He stands at around 6’2” yet only weighs ~130 pounds. He has a thin face which has snake scales covering the forehead and lower jaw. His eyes are a deep green and he is bald, the top of his head also covered in scales. The scales continue down his back and down his legs, though his front appears mostly human.

The Serpens Laminus (Serpent Blades): A pair of intricate blades (http://www.thinktanktoys.com/cache.php?img=http://img.thinktanktoys.com/images/vendors/disguise/16005_02-main.jpg) bestowed with the ability to bend and curve as Shiko wishes. They are controlled by his mind and he must be in contact with them to use them.

Snakeskin Armour: Shiko’s armour resembles the skin of a snake. It is smooth to touch and provides the defensive properties of chain armour with the flexibility of leather.

Runes: User has affinity for magic, User can enchant weapons with Thunder, User can teleport short distances.

Thundersnap: By enchanting his blades with thunder, then using their ability to whip the blade, he can release short ranged sonic bursts. These bursts can damage anything they hit and are painful to hear, causing those within a few metres of where the burst hits to wince.

Venom Trail: Onbce every 3 turns Shiko can do a magically enhanced teleport. The teleport leaves a trail of venom behind him which makes anyone caught within it extremely sick and unable to fight. There is enough venom to affect up to 10 people.

Snake Sense: Blessed from receiving an orb Shiko has the infrared detection grooves many snakes do which allows him to “see” body heat. He can turn this ability on and off at will.

The Limbed Snake: After his arm was destroyed by an Ekro Avian during a bounty hunt it was blessed by Shun and give new life. In transformed from a normal human arm in the top half of a snake, the body acting as the arm and it's head replacing his hand. The snake head can bite and crush, injecting a virulent poison that can paralyse a normal man in half a minute. It can also spit a ball of crackling lightning every second turn. The snake does have eyes and ultraviolet grooves of its own which Shiko can use but they require him to close off his own senses i.e. he could use his snake arm to look around a corner but wouldn't be able to see straight ahead as he did so.

Shiko is also very agile and dextrous.

Personality: Despite looking like a snake Shiko is a warm and friendly man. He enjoys the company of others and is quick to lend a helping hand. The only time he changes is when he finds artefacts. When it comes to items imbued with the power of the Meragia Shiko will do everything he can to acquire them, at the expense of others.

Background/History: N/A

Goal: To become a powerful warrior using the artefacts of the Meragia

Trivia: None

Will fill out the rest when I feel better.

02-18-2013, 01:15 AM
Made multiple format changes, as well as updated his list of Conjured Weapons to more faithfully follow his capability to use multiple elements at once.(Before there was a lightning blade, but otherwise was kept with only the basics.)

03-11-2013, 03:07 AM
Name: Angélique Adele Archambault

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Faction: Leongarde

Appearance: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs7/i/2005/241/6/b/Sylvia_Etalon_du_Etoille_by_aprillee.jpg


Nine-palm breech-loader, Rapier, Main Gauche, grenades, bayonet, ghillie suit (not always on)

Runes: Increased agility and accuracy, highly increased accuracy, superhuman accuracy


Eagle-eye: She closes one of her eyes and focuses on a distant area on the battlefield, and she can see every detail of that area, and can even see enemies in hiding.

Parry-riposte: using her highly trained reflexes, can parry an attack, and instantly counter it for a devastating blow

Barrage: Favoring speed over accuracy, she fires 4 shots in quick succession.

Take aim: Favoring accuracy over speed, she takes careful aim and fires a single shot that can hit a target much farther away than if she simply aimed and fired.

Personality: Brave and optimistic, she believes that any enemy can be overcome with enough hard work

Background/History: Born into a noble family, she grew up on a big plantation for the first 10 years of her life. However, after her mother died, her father quickly drank away their fortune in his depression, and then finally shot himself, leaving her an orphan. Instead of going into an orphanage, she enlisted as a servant in the leongarde army, and worked hard. During training, she found that a rifle felt very comfortable, and she stuck with it. She eventually became a sniper, finding that even at long distance, she could accurately put men down.

Goal: To restore her family's fortune

03-11-2013, 06:10 AM
A very good looking character.
Accepted and added into the list. I will be updating Leongarde's faction overview with your character soon.
Feel free to sign up for any of the events available for Leongarde.

Welcome to RoW!

03-11-2013, 07:56 AM
Hey E I updated Hastur (again) and finished Shiko as far as I will for the foreseeable future.

03-11-2013, 09:57 AM
Your new character looks good, Dough. Though I'm a bit iffy on the infra-red thing, as this is something I have included in another faction's rune tablet (namely Disgeran).
I'll let you have it for now, but if I don't like how it plays out, keep in mind I might strip you of that ability.

I will update the appropriate threads when I'm home. (Logged in from school atm)

03-11-2013, 10:02 AM
Ok that's fine. I've really only read the Archeos and Aeregos rune tablets so its my bad I missed that.

03-11-2013, 10:04 AM
Ok that's fine. I've really only read the Archeos and Aeregos rune tablets so its my bad I missed that.

Aye, which is exactly why I'm letting you give it a try. I know you're a decent enough RPer, so you should be able to use it well.

03-11-2013, 08:24 PM
Name: Llinos Llewellyn

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Faction: Leongarde

Appearance: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs9/i/2006/150/2/8/Laifierr_the_Bard_in_CG_by_jenime.jpg


Silver flute - a magic flute that focuses her magic

Cold iron dagger - a dagger made of cold iron, which is very effective against magical beings (demons, spirits, golems, elementals, undead, etc)

Runes: affinity for magic. increased agility and accuracy, move faster and more agile


Song of courage: plays a rousing melody on her flute which heartens allies around her, making them fight more fiercely and forget their fear.

Song of respite: plays a relaxing melody on her flute which eases tension and revitalizes the tired bodies of her comrades.

Lilting Lullaby: Plays a soft lullaby on her flute which makes her foes fatigued.

Expeditious retreat: If she ever gets in trouble, she can then run extremely fast to get out of said trouble, but only if it is away from danger.

Personality: Kind and Bubbly, Llinos is always there to give a hug or lend a helping hand.

Background/History: Born into a pauper's family, her parent's couldn't afford to keep her, and threw her out at a young age. Moving into a big city, she tried her best to survive, finally turning to street performing. She found that she was wonderfully talented with a flute, to the point that she eventually became somewhat wealthy. But, thinking not of herself, one day, she gave up everything she earned, and gave it all to the family that abandoned her, so that her brothers and sisters could live a good life. She then enlisted in the Leongarde army.

Goal: To see the war end, and have everyone live happily ever after.

03-11-2013, 08:56 PM
XD oh crap I better be careful when and if I bring wisp in with this one around.

03-11-2013, 11:55 PM
Name: Conán Ó Dubhghaill

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Faction: Leongarde

Appearance: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/316/2/3/irish_knight_by_tykey35-d5krpy0.jpg


2 .45 caliber flintlock pistols

Spiked gauntlets

padded leather do rag

Runes: Magically increased strength, Strength of 2 men, magically increased endurance.


Bull rush: Slams his body into an opponent, pushing them back

Rope-a-dope: using his skills in street fighting, he angles his body to absorb blows in a way that they deal less (if any) damage.

Hammer throw: grabs an enemy, and spins around, before hurling him (or her) at other enemies.

Disembowel: rips out a person's intestines, and shoves them in the owner's mouth for not only a kill, but to deal a psychological attack.

Ball Buster: kicks someone in the crotch with enough force to stun them for a while, or outright kill them.

Rib extension: grabs the underside of one of the bottom ribs and pulls it outward, breaking it

Yin technique: Rips out an opponent's heart.

Personality: Tough, ambitious, and at times mean, he knows what he wants, and how to get it.

Background/History: Born on the 'wrong side of the tracks' in Leongarde's capitol, Conan grew up on the streets, and had to fight his whole life. He was in and out of trouble all his childhood for fighting and drinking. He joined in an illegal fighting circuit, but during one match the place was raided, and he killed 10 guards with his bare hands before being subdued. And this was after several matches, and 2 fifths of whiskey. Instead of simply executing him, the local magistrate sentenced him to military service for the rest of his life. And here he is now.

Goal: To become the best fighter in the world

03-12-2013, 08:54 AM
Nicky, I really love your character. Bards are truly underestimated.

roke, I just can't accept your character. We're in medieval times. While the entire Conan thing is a really nice touch, there is no way I can accept that Background/History and Goal.
Rappers in a medieval fantasy setting is a no go for me.

If you want your character in, you'll have to drop that.

03-12-2013, 07:09 PM
A large improvement of your character, roke. Very well done.

All new characters that havn't signed up yet for Chapter 4, make sure you do so in the Announcement topic.

03-12-2013, 07:15 PM
im making another one.

03-12-2013, 07:21 PM
Name: Cruroar Falconsflight, Hopebringer

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Faction: Archeos

Appearance: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs48/f/2009/208/8/5/Cleric_by_benji248.jpg


Sunbrand: A mace who's head is wreathed in holy flame, it is an anathema to all things dark and evil. While the fire will scorch a non-darkness creature, if it hits a creature of shadow/darkness/undead, it will set it ablaze in holy fire, a flame that is harmless to the followers of Alu'terasa, blind it, and, if it dies, will explode in a fiery corona, damaging other evil creatures.

Aegis of Alu'terasa: A magic shield that renders it's bearer immune to shadow/plague magic, and the light it reflects from the sun demoralizes creatures of darkness.

Gospel of Alu'Terasa: an indestructible prayer book containing all the prayers, ceremonies, and litanies a priest of Alu'Terasa should know.

Censer of Purity: an incense burner which hangs from his belt. it can burn for 3 months without going out, and the smell of the smoke it releases calms and focuses all those of Archeos, and disorients all those not of Archeos. The smell dissipates after 30 feet.

Runes: Affinity for magic, Holy evocation, Healing abilities


Smite evil: charges his weapon with even more holy energy, and for a single swing does massive damage to evil beings

Protection from evil: temporarily grants resistance to evil to himself, or another.

Turn undead: shines a light that deals massive damage to undead creatures

Consecrate: make a 20x20 foot area holy, weakening those not of Archeos weaker, and those of Archeos stronger.

Daylight: Creates a bright light that shines in a 60 foot area, dispelling all darkness.

Righteous Might: doubles in size and strength and endurance double, temporarily.

Heal: cures a target of all diseases, poisons, and mental effects, as well as healing minor wounds.

True Seeing: see all things as they really are.

Regenerate: target regrows all lost limbs and some wounds are cured.

Stabilize: causes a dying person to cease dying. it doesn't heal them, but it prevents them from getting any worse.

Bless water: makes holy waters, which is an effective weapon against undead, mutants, outsiders, and automatons.

Compel Hostility: causes a foe to attack him instead of an ally.

Enhance water: turns water into alcohol

Entropic shield: ranged attacks against him have a greater chance to miss.

Remove fear: suppresses the fear in a group of targets

Sanctify corpse: prevents a corpse from becoming an undead

Litany of hate: chants a prayer which causes allies to viciously attack their enemies.

Litany of sacrifice: chants a prayer telling of the sacrifice that others have made in the past, heartening demoralized soldiers.

Personality: Pious and caring. He is, however, extremely devoted to his cause, and will speak out against his enemies, and he considers all who do not share his faith 'heretics'.

Background/History: Cruroar was born a poor miller's son in a village no one remembers the name of. However, one day, his village was raided by a disgeran scouting party. When the attack came, His mother hid him in the necropolis of the village's chapel to Alu'terasa. He hid there for 3 months, subsisting on water that dripped from the dank walls, and what little food had been left as offerings, and the bugs and rats that lived there. Every day, he prayed for salvation. Then, it finally came. A group of priests and paladins saw the ruins and began investigating, and an old priest found him, his withered and starved self, and took him back to the temple in which he served. From that day on, he served as a priest, and finally, after Paladin grove had fallen, he decided to take up arms in the name of his faith. As a parting gift, the old priest had given him his old mace and shield, and these are the weapons he uses now.

Goal: To see Paladin grove back in the hands of Archeos.

03-18-2013, 07:44 PM
Name: Seritah Maelstrom



Faction: Aerogos

Appearance: http://www.creativeuncut.com/gallery-16/art/d012-promo-warrior-of-light.jpg

Weapons/Equipment: Long Sword, named Mercy, Shield, named Brute. Rune of protection. (See below.)

Runes: Magically increased strength (x1), Attacks send out Razorwinds (x1), magically increased endurance (x1).

Abilities/Skills: Flourish: (multiple.) Swings his sword in a flurry if motion that wounds multiple enemies at once. Weakness is that he is easily counter-attacked from behind.

Sunder/Cleave: (Single.) He attacks with his sword in an over handed attack that can pierce through armor. (Leaves his vulnerable for a second.)

Riposte: Automatically parries and attacks quickly. (No weakness.)

Personality: Friendly on occasion, but generally quiet-like and thought to be brooding.

Background/History: Private. Except that he ran away from home at 17.

Goal: To become respected, yet feared due to the prowess he earns.

Trivia: He is very earnest when it comes to his concept of chivalry.

Does this work? It's quick, I'll flesh him as the story goes... then I might add another character later.

04-01-2013, 08:55 PM
Changed the wording of an enchanted item so as to not confuse others when it's been used, added picture, added small bits and pieces of story. (Dezeroth)

04-27-2013, 02:49 PM
Name: Sebastian Marcel

Gender: male

Faction: Leongarde

Appearance: 2' 9" gingerbread man wearing a crimson full body coat with golden lining and a hat to match. Light blue hair curling at the ends. somewhat mean and arrogant face.

Weapons/equipment: Harendryd: heirloom of the noble Marcel family. blessed with the strength and skill of all those who have previously wielded this cutlass. It opens itself to those who master it.

Sparklets: fireworks sticks with magical properties.

Family emblem: allows him to call upon the strength of his father in times of need.

Plated gloves and boots: they just explained themselves.

abilities/skills: he is exceptional with a sword when he has to be. he is shockingly fast and evasive due to his current form. His enemies find it hard to focus on the battle and tend to focus more on him, also due to his current form.

personality: arrogant. when he still had his crew, he made a great captain.

Background/history: When he was only eight years old his father embarked on a journey to see what he could find, but never came back, which meant young lord Sebastian inherited all his father owned, including the title of admiral.
He ruled the seas until the age of 27, when he decided to attack a village on the outskirts of Aeregos. There he met a man named Iannys, who promised to teach him a spell that would transform him into a very powerful creature. Sebastian recited the spell and immediately transformed into a gingerbread man. In shame he retreated. When they reached land once more, his crew decided he wasn't fit to lead them anymore, so they abandoned him. From that day on he vowed to get revenge on Iannys and take back his crew.

Goal: Return to his original form. regain his reputation and respect from his crew.

04-27-2013, 03:01 PM
lol Hatter I hope you have a back up plan XD <3 just in case E say's no!

04-27-2013, 05:09 PM
I allow a lot in RoW, but a gingerbread man I believe crosses the line a tad too far.

Sorry mate, you'll need something a bit more serious to join in here.

Not to mention that only a bucket of warm water or a good swing from a mace is good enough to turn you to breadcrums.

04-27-2013, 05:15 PM
Verm has plaguehounds.

Dog + Cookies = lol.

05-03-2013, 06:06 AM
Updated Shiko, tell me if he's ok :)

05-04-2013, 12:01 AM
Name: he goes by Sileo

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Faction: Aeregos

Appearance: Straight black hair. Black, somewhat cold eyes. Thin, yet strong stature. A little taller than an average human.

Weapons/Equipment: Dolotelas: A naginata made as a counterpart to the wind. When dancing with the wind, The blade becomes sharper, faster, and more lethal.
Cloud Ring: Cursed ring. He was tricked into putting on. Whenever he is annoyed or frustrated, a thundercloud appears to, quite literally, rain on his parade, although If you are within a ten foot radius, you may get struck by lightning.
Noble's cape: bought for no other purpose than to look classy.
Aeregos robe: Built and customized for free movement and deadly speed.

*Magically increased strength
>Magically increased Agility and accuracy
}User has an affinity for magic

Abilities/Skills: He thickens the air behind his weapon to give attacks more strength, and removes air resistance in front of his weapon to give attacks more speed. Can learn to use a weapon with decent skill, but prefers the naginata. Can adjust air pressure with concentration. Can sculpt with clay. Just barely knows enough about cooking to survive.

Personality: Most of the time he is quiet and calm, but occasionally does something strange, funny, out of the ordinary, or all of the above. When too much pressure is on him, he lashes out at everybody. He occasionally puts together fun schemes in his spare time. He has been considered odd, off, or unpredictable at times. He is working hard to loosen up.

Background/History: He woke up in Aeregos With amnesia and has been accepted into the nation.

Goal: Remove the cloud ring. Replace his noble cape with a royal cape. Become more friendly. Open an armory.

Trivia: For some odd reason, Seagulls hate him and usually attack him. Don't let him cook.

05-04-2013, 12:05 AM
oh my god, we found our new papa koi XD

05-04-2013, 03:35 AM
Since E1 isn't gonna be around for a bit, I imagine, I'll go ahead and tell you this, Hatter:

You character needs Runes. Starting out, you get 3 Runes. The one for Aeregos is found here (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32584) (about halfway down the first post), and every other faction's runes are in their own Status threads.

You work from the center out, needing to get the first rune in a set to progress to other runes. (i.e. You need "Magical enhanced strength" in order to get "Attacks shoot razor winds") Any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

05-04-2013, 05:43 AM
You can also take a look at the wiki (http://rparealmsofwar.wikia.com/wiki/Realms_Of_War_-_RPA_RP_Project_Wiki).

05-04-2013, 06:00 AM
Speaking of characters, Crest, think you could refine my chara pic?
Obviously, I'm not talking about doing it any time soon as I'm fairly sure the Wiki and a boatload of other projects have priority, but now that I have something that can give a definitive show of how he'd look, I'd actually like it to look...Well, proper and refined and such.

05-04-2013, 06:30 AM
Sure I can do that. Do you want me to go from the current picture, or do you have something else in mind?

05-04-2013, 01:31 PM

05-04-2013, 01:48 PM
Hatter you should go put it in your other post with your person ^-^ Use the edit button!

05-04-2013, 02:13 PM
Nah, nothing else in mind. Just the current picture. There is a new suit I've been playing around with, but no point in using that since he won't be using during the duration of Scaravus' existence.

05-04-2013, 02:38 PM
Alright, so just to be clear:

You want me to find/create/manipulate a refined image that suits the current image, correct?

05-04-2013, 02:42 PM
Eeyup. With an actual idea of what it is I've got, it should be far simpler than having to sift through my description of it, so I hope it proves useful.

05-04-2013, 02:45 PM
Sure will send you a draft ASAP.

05-04-2013, 02:46 PM
Cool, thanks.

05-04-2013, 02:52 PM
Hair color? Doesn't seem to be noted in his sheet.

05-04-2013, 02:53 PM
That's actually a good question...For now, I think it's black, though the stress of battlefield's silvering it up early, and since he's in his forties, that means it's got a lot of silver.

05-04-2013, 02:58 PM
Roger will give him some silver lines than. Expect one in about 10 minutes.

05-04-2013, 02:59 PM

05-04-2013, 03:06 PM
How is this (http://imageshack.us/a/img42/8922/dezxq.jpg)? Silver lines aren't done yet though.

05-04-2013, 03:10 PM
That's good, yup.

05-04-2013, 03:11 PM
K will do the silver lines and some additional cleanup and will upload it to the wiki.

05-04-2013, 03:17 PM
Alright, thanks.

05-04-2013, 03:19 PM
Hm just noticed, that due to the lighting of the image, the silverlines would basically be nothing but very bright hairs, since dusk is shining directly on him. Is that a problem?

05-04-2013, 03:22 PM
Hmm...Well, if it isn't in the light, it'll just look like stay sketch-lines, so sure.

05-04-2013, 06:09 PM
As much as I like this, take it to the OOC, buds.

05-04-2013, 10:44 PM
Its already done.

05-05-2013, 06:41 PM
Enchanted object for the chapter. This is actually the most powerful, and I'd been wanting to save it for last, but I figured since I'd probably have to go up against, like, 3 Leongarde and they'd all be sporting enchanted equipment, it might be useful to get that NOW, before they start spamming me with ungodly powerful equipment.

05-06-2013, 06:54 PM
Sorry for the late response, Hatter

This character seems fine to me. I like the Cloud Ring aswell
Consider it accepted and ready to run along in the next chapter.

05-07-2013, 02:39 AM
Name: Davrin Ozander

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Faction: Scaravus

Appearance: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/215/3/1/Beric_the_Wizard_by_MatesLaurentiu.jpg


Sting of Ik'yamar: A magical Jambiya that resembles the stinger of a scorpion. At a command, The blade can extend to form a narrow scimitar, and in either form, the blade produces a devious neurotoxin unique to the rarest and most holy breeds of scaravian scorpions.This poison is quite strong, and can kill a man in under a day if left untreated, and sooner if the man is weaker, or has multiple doses. Other than that, it causes dizziness, convulsions, profuse sweating, difficulty breathing, and blindness. The severity and when these symptoms take effect is dependent on the person who is affected.

Mantle of the desert wind: At a command, this cape allows Davrin to glide through the air.

Gloves of piercing: While wearing these gloves, a melee attack from him can pierce mundane armor as if it was cloth, however magicked armor, in any way, prevents this effect, and the attacks are treated as normal.

Boots of spider climbing: These boots make it very easy for him to climb up walls, cliff faces, etc.

Enchanted Scaravian leather battle armor: This modified form of the standard light infantryman's leather suit of armor not only protects him well, and allows him to keep cool even in the heat of the desert, it allows his entire body to blend into his environment. It doesn't render him invisible, but someone would have to be seriously looking for him to see him. He has to be either moving very slowly, or standing still for it to work.

Runes: Affinity for magic, elemental evocation, Magically increased Endurance


Davrin is a very agile fighter, as are most in Scaravus, He can run a five-minute mile, is a competent fencer/swordsman, and bend the very elements to his will. There is no subtlety to his magic, balls of acid and fire, spikes of rock, and so on. This is not to say he is not very much skilled in magic, but he just prefers to use simple, easy to use spells, so that he can continuously cast, and not use up precious time on a long ritual, when a wave of liquid fire would do as well.

Personality: Davrin is, at heart, a good person. Or he tries to be. Sure, he's a flirt, but deep down, he takes his friendships seriously, and would stand up for a friend regardless of the situation.

Background/History: Davrin was born to a clan that specialized in magic, but it was plain to see that he was the black sheep of the family. While his cousins wee happy reading esoteric tomes in a stuffy library, Davrin was out playing and wrestling with the servants' children. This helped condition his body, allowing him to stay in shape.

His parents and the leaders of the clan frowned upon this, and he was scolded almost every week because of it. What made it worse, was that apparently he had a natural talent for magic, however, unlike his cousins, it wasn't refined. While the other kids in his age group could weave intricate spells, his spells were bursts of raw magic. Much more powerful than the others', but with much less grace and focus. This, on numerous occasions, caused injuries to his classmates.

Finally, the clan leaders could take no more, and banished him to the desert to die. But die, he did not. He was taken in by a tribe of bedouin raiders, who found his grasp of magic useful and interesting. They taught him to channel his wild spirit, and trained him daily in the arts of raiding. He previous conditioning from the constant physical activity helped him, and even though he was a magic user, he was in perfect shape. He favored the traditional bedouin scimitar and jambiya, and on his 18th birthday, was given the sting of Ik'yamar by the tribe leader. After his ceremony where it was declared he had become a man, he left the tribe, and went out to seek his fortune, never forgetting his roots, but always looking to the future.

Goal: To become the greatest magic user in the world.

Trivia: Davrin can speak both in the common tongue, and the tradition language of the bedouin peoples of the Scaravian desert.

05-07-2013, 02:46 AM
So basically, Realms of War has turned into the Enchanted Items version of a nuclear arms race.

The Imposter
05-07-2013, 10:22 AM
Right off the bat I don't think the living weapon bit will work Cf, seeing as having sentient weapons is something in the rune chat for Leongarde

05-07-2013, 11:23 AM
Name: Specktod "Meat Man"

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Faction: Disgeran

Appearance: Specktod stands at 6'0 feet tall and weighs in at 340 lbs of muscle with bulk in some places. He has a very empty looking face with his features spread apart causing his head to be quite large and dopey looking. No hair grows on his body, though he still isn't smooth and has very rough skin. There are various markings from torture, beatings, and other methods that were intended to cause him to fear the Emperor. Often he wears straps to help him keep his weapons attached to him in some way. Slam is usually upon his back while Clubby is on his left hip, and The Door on his left arm. Both of his eyes are brown and his hair is dark black while his skin is fairly pale. Dark circles are often around Specktod's eyes, he has very noticeable dimples.


Slam - A large two handed warhammer with a spike on the back end of it.

Clubby - a one handed wooden club that is very thick.

The Door - A large refined wooden shield that is shaped like a door, though it doesn't have a knob or anything of that sort. Straps on it allow it to be fixed onto ones arm.

This Old Thing - A rugged and coarse mix of leather, fur, and cloth. It provides little protection to Specktod aside from against the elements like cold winds.

Runes: Magically Increase Endurance, Resilience Against Physical Attacks, Magically Increased Strength,


Specktod is an experienced wrestler of sorts having fought bears and other creatures in the wild. However he is not much of a veteran in anything else due to his reclusive life, he does understand the concept of smashing things really really well though. He is a great listener and has a good memory.

Dumbo - Specktod is so stupid he has an innate resistance to fear effects because his own welfare is often beyond comprehension to him. Except Dragons, Dragons still terrify him through this.

Friendship Saves Lives - Specktod can increase his speed if he is doing so to protect someone else, while doing this he is capable of taking more punishment but for the next turn will not be able to do anything until he defends his friend. If he saves his friend Specktod gets a morale boost, if he fails he will lose morale and become weakened for three turns. The morale boost if he succeeds increases his strength and lasts for two turns.

That's All I Can Stand and I Can't Stand No More - When crippled to the point where he can't stand Specktod can throw whatever he has in hand that he can carry very far and fast. The maximum range he can throw and object would be 200 meters, he must be capable of holding it in one hand.

But He Said - Specktod can resist any mental ability attempted on him once per battle by recalling orders given to him.

Slayer of Brothers - When facing a horse-like being that is not actually a horse, Specktod is capable of using hulking power to attack the pony being. His agility is also increased, and he is capable of leaping directly at the target without fatiguing himself. This ability is only capable of being used on horse-like being with a mind on a similar level to a human, perhaps ponies that are pink and bubbly. Specktod does not know where this power comes from, but perhaps a spirit of a dead or merely comatose man with a true hatred for horses has bestowed this upon Specktod to take up the cause.

Big Flop - Twice per battle Specktod may jump into the air and land somewhere. While doing this he must do it belly first and does get hurt from hitting the ground. On very soft surfaces, like sand, it has no effect. However on harder surfaces like normal ground this sends out a shockwave knocking those around him down. However he cannot get up quickly after doing this causing him to stand up at the same speed as most would getting up from his shockwave. The Big Flop has a maximum range of 25 feet away from Specktod, and the shockwave is 15 feet in diameter. It effects both friend and foe.

Personality: Specktod believes that friendship is magic and that he should become friends with anyone who is nice to him. While many grow to fear the forces of Disgeran he thinks that how they treat each other is all in just good fun, that they're just messing around like a friend that teases another. Since he considers Disgeran itself to be his friend his fellow soldiers are too by extension, and Specktod is obsessed with keeping friends alive. Due to his lack of intelligence the man is often very simple without much thought put into anything, though he does have a lot of focus. Oddly though while he loves kindness the concept of death doesn't really reach Speck, as well those who he doesn't consider to be friends will receive no mercy from the man. He isn't above killing men, women, children, or even pets should get believe them to be enemies. Specktod likes to mess around with friends and view injury among such people to be all in good fun, to him or others. Often he feels very lonely and is just looking for somewhere that he will be fully accepted in where everyone will be friends. He became one of the Heretic Footmen.

Background/History: Specktod was born to a very hard worked mother due to his size at birth. At an early age his father left causing him great sorrow until his father came back later that day since he had only been hunting. This cycle of sorrow would continue until the age of sixteen when he was finally allowed to go out hunting with his father. Having grown up wrestling with both his brothers eventually Specktod turned to wrestling with animals in the wild such as bears. Though he would frequently get hurt it was a great pastime for him though sometimes he would spoil his dinner by eating chunks from the creatures he attacked. At the ripe age of twenty five he set off to join the Disgeran forces since they realized his body was wide and could absorb quite a few arrows when doing a suicide charge. Leaving behind his family Speck went out into the world looking to make more friends outside of his humble experience of knowing only his family. Soon after his departure they were captured and executed for living so close to the Disgeran border and not supporting the war effort. Well frankly just because they found them. However Speck has no idea and assumes they are back at that old cabin.

Goal: To have the most friends in the world.

Trivia: Specktod is absolutely terrified of Dragons. He loves to eat meat products and is an absolutely terrible cook, since to him even the most improperly prepared meats taste good.

05-07-2013, 11:25 AM
@Imposter: I have to agree. The rune tablets are there for a reason.

05-07-2013, 02:56 PM
What's this? A wild Tolvo appears? I thought you had left RoW behind ;P

Well, glad to see you put up a character again x3 I can't help but recognise both Sloth and Gluttony from Fullmetal Alchemist xD

In any case, I like the character, I like it enough to say that it can go right through.
However, there are some things that I have to say:
I notice friendship being a big part of his character, which at first would get me frowning for a Disgeran, however, knowing the character of Gluttony, I can really see this character work out in this context.
The only thing I'm a bit iffy about is the Furry Seeker part. While it's a good concept, the healing bit doesn't quite make sense to me, but I'm willing to look past it, seeing as furries aren't that frequent unless you're fighting Leongarde.

With that said, I'd say this character is good to go.

05-07-2013, 03:01 PM
@E: EXACTLY who I was thinking about!

05-07-2013, 03:06 PM
xD I know right? Great minds think the same >:3

Also, Cf, I'll give you time to finish up your character sheet, before I judge it, so give me a heads-up when it's ready.

05-07-2013, 05:52 PM
okay. I'm trying to balance him. As sorcerers aren't really pure casters, I have to balance him a bit. I put the poison and stealth factor to connect him to Scaravus (as most of the Scaravian forces are stealthy to some degree)

05-07-2013, 06:05 PM
Scavy forces are probably the stealthiest :P

05-07-2013, 06:09 PM
Its funny how desert monkies are always somehow the stealth beasts xD
I mean HOW does one learn about stealth in a DESERT? ^^

05-07-2013, 06:19 PM
:P shifting sands can be a dead give away XD learning to move on movign sand quitly and keeping your balance. well help in the logn run of moving on solid ground where its easyer to do so XD

05-07-2013, 06:35 PM
he's done

The Imposter
05-07-2013, 10:09 PM
Name: Tuk Pinderknock

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Faction: Leongarde



The Edge: Typically in the form of a spear/halberd/scythe however Tuk is known to use her control over steel to reshape the weapon into many different forms from axes to great swords. The weapon itself is abnormally heavy and requires her to use her magic to offset its weight partially. This is only due to The Edge being such a large amount of steel as required to reshape to such large weapons

The Pricks: Much like The Edge only instead Tuk shapes them into extremely close range weapons: shortswords, daggers, etc.

The Guard: Armour currently fashioned in the likeness of Leongardian armor, however it is clearly seen as atypical in its make. It's extremely lightweight and Tuk usually shifts it into a shield to block oncoming blows, or to congregate en masse at a suspected area of attack.

Runes: User has an affinity for magic, User can break materials with her roar, User gains Steel evocation


Father's daughter: If G'wain passed anything on it was his rage. Once per battle Tuk can become enraged becoming a ferocious attacker, and giving no thought to her own well being. The effects lasts randomly (determined by dice roll). Her tenacity pushes her body to act at a speed and strength that would almost rival her father's.

Weapon styles: She has studied most of the various factions weapon styles and has practiced them for quite a few years. She is talented but has still never had a taste of actual battle.

Weaponsmith: She can fashion a blade better than most, and repairing such killing tools on the fly is simple for her. Her style is a mix of the teachings of Gunthier one of the most famous weaponsmiths of Leongarde and using her own roar to temper steel in between her hammer strikes.

Hold your tongue: Not only can Tuk's roars be focused and draw from her own energy but they also steadily increase in strength the longer she doesn't use her voice. Using the roar at all puts strain on her vocal chords.

Personality: Tuk is a naive lady, still pretty inexperienced in all things war related. She can be stubborn and couple that with her determination makes her someone who always tries to see something through to the end. Her mother taught her to be polite, however much of that has been lost since her tutelage with Gunthier. She often is speaks her mind, and is quite inquisitive.

Background/History: The daughter of G'wain, not a son. The stigma took its toll early on in life of the young child. It wasn't even that G'wain didn't love her but she couldn't carry on his legacy...However the young child tried, and it soon became apparent that Ko'Rhas had blessed her via runes from the soul orb itself. Not wanting his child to endure the hardships of battle he gave her to one of the most renowned weapon smiths in Leongarde: Gunthier.

'I'll make you a weapon some day father...'

Those were the last words she ever said to him as he ventured off to the battlefield. She was only twelve at the time and soon underwent the rigorous training of her teacher for eight long years. Her skills excelled and she became enamored by the various fighting styles and weapons of the different factions. She studied them trying to master each and every one and learn the most refined art of crafting such weapons. It soon became apparent however, that the Steel Evoker struggled with her magical capabilities if she couldn't touch the steel she was manipulating. The drawback of her stupendous skill was what she was told. Tuk refused such an excuse and is determined to eventually get over that drawback and be able to will steel with just a thought easily.

Then the news came, shattering the young woman's dreams. Her father slain by the Nightbringer of Disgeran. Through tears and a broken spirit she vowed to slay the monster that killed her father. Gunthier knew trying to reason with the stubborn lass was nigh impossible and thought that seeing exactly what came from the weapons they made might be a sobering thing for Tuk. So with his blessing she made her way for the Leongarde army.

Goal: Primarily it was to find ways to please the various Meragaia to gain access to creating weapons from the various elements, in hopes to create a line of weaponry that would rival any before it.

As of her father's untimely demise however, she has vowed to slay the Nightbringer.

Trivia: Tuk enjoys children, finding them quite funny. She also keeps a collection of fashioned miniatures she created thinking she could one day sell them. The figures all fashioned after people she has met.

05-07-2013, 10:13 PM
I like her. I REALLY, REALLY like her. She and Sogarr could become friends!

05-08-2013, 03:52 AM
If it wasn't G'wain's girl, you know I'd hate her, Impo xD

05-08-2013, 09:44 PM
Cf, don't go flirting with every female character *slaps*

Imposter, your character looks really neat, and I couldn't find any flaws on her, so I'm giving this green light too.

05-08-2013, 09:47 PM
I just said I liked her. and I told you my character is done, is he accepted?