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07-24-2012, 07:02 AM
In Character Topic (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33033)
The original Mythos Complex was RP of the Week for July 17, 2011 C: (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?p=672139#post672139)

Mythos Complex is rated M because Ru was too lazy to figure out what it actually fit.

However, the following themes may or may not occur in this RP: extreme violence (namely via monsters); various deaths, including suicides; adult themes, including language and possible sexual encounters (sexual encounters depends on the characters and this still does not permit cybering, for Ru does not like that and it's a no no on RPA); and drug use (this will only occur if there is a character who enters as a druggy, otherwise it will not be there).

For sure occurring themes: extreme and excessive violence; deaths and suicides; excessive language; and sexual tension (I am not sure it will go passed that, but I listed sexual encounters just in case).

Flittering about in the jagged, rough air of the downtown region are many rumors concerning the apartment complex known as Mythos Complex and the suspicious, gruesome deaths of its inhabitants. Quite frequently dead bodies are found outside of the building where it appears the renter thrusted themselves out of their window to their demise against the cold, hard, unforgiving concrete that bashed their face into their skulls. Occasionally the resident is found in worse conditions even the most daring of journalists can't stomach to speak of. Numerous reports have been made of these curious incidents only for the investigators to conclude the victim committed suicide, but with over fifty reports within the last year leading to the same conclusion it leads one to wonder… why? And this only addresses one of the smaller, yes, smaller as in less important, rumors that comes along with living anywhere near Mythos Complex. The other rumors, however, are special.

Ghost stories, most may insist. Throughout the complex’s history residents had complained about hearing mysterious voices urging them to leave the vicinity immediately, though whether they were threatening or warning them varied on the apartment number. The most bizarre reports expressed that they were hearing noises they had never heard before residing her; these noises they claimed to be that of some sort of monster they felt may kill them if not dealt with immediately. With this said, the majority of the locals have concluded these ghost stories and monster tales to be accurate and decided that they must be the cause for the deaths over the years, but none were ever courageous enough to face it.

The only people who dare to live in Mythos Complex are the daring, the poor, and the skeptical.

Which one are you?


It is a survival horror concerning monsters and the supernatural, so compare it to horror movies like that, if you have seen such kind. The most common reoccurring scenes in those are the ones I listed as for sure occurring, though I acknowledge plenty of those movies DO have sex scenes. I am just not sure if any sex would actually happen, since that depends on the players.

In this RP, your character is a resident of Mythos Complex and is presented the chance to finally get rid of these heathens living deep below your home. Obviously, if you choose not to follow then the RP is quite boring, now, isn't it? So, it is highly preferred that you choose to follow the group.

Your goals: destroy the monsters, stop the curse, and survive.

If you want your character to see something, i.e. a spirit, then PM me because I control all spirits, monsters, etc. encounters.

NO CHARACTERS HAVE ANY PRIOR EXPERIENCE WITH MONSTERS. The players will meet the monsters IN Mythos Complex during this RP when the group meets up with the monsters and not before. Your character is welcome to have had a past experience with spirits, however, just not monsters.


-->All RPA rules apply.
-->If you are going to be a slow RPer, then inform me. If you are going to leave, tell me. If you are going to be gone a week, THEN TELL ME. Ru HATES it when someone just DISAPPEARS from a RP and if you do not inform me ahead of time or within two weeks of disappearing then I will KILL YOUR CHARACTER. ;twitch;
-->Ru = GM. GM = God. Thus, listen to Ru.
-->I absolutely adore literacy, seriously. With this said, I am probably more likely to be an ass and kill you off if you make lazy, half-assed posts just outta pure anger. I'm not going to state how much I want per post (though, I will give you a hint, Ru usually requires two paragraphs per post... not 2-3 sentence wimpy paragraphs either).

If the RPA dice rolling system doesn't work, then use this (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm). The last dice is the D20 we are using. RPA Dice Rolling is explained in Dice Rolling and Sanity Points.
1D20 must be rolled per character, which means ONE twenty-sided die must be rolled per character. If you have two characters, then it would be 2D20 instead, got it? This will be explained better in How to Play.
-->One character per player, excluding the GM. You may make a new character upon your own character's death.
-->Tune aka La di da (or whatever she changes her name to) is my co-GM. She won't be accepting profiles, but anything she says is valid.
-->Only I can implement dice roll results. So, when one of my posts states so-and-so received a result only my post is allowed to act on it and put forth the result.
-->Only one roll per round. A round would be from my post to the next one of my posts. So, if you end up posting more than once after one of my posts, but before the next one I make, you would only put your dice roll in the first post, as I will ignore any rolls after that one in my next post.
-->If your character dies in the game you are allowed to create a new one, however it does not mean you get to keep the same room; this game is first come first serve.


First off, creating your character. Simply fill out the character sheet that is at the bottom of this post, post it here, and wait for Ru to respond. The more details, the better.

Now, actually playing in the campaign.

Dice Rolling

For every RP post made, you must roll one twenty-sided die per character you are playing. So, if you only have one character then you only roll once. Here is a quote of how dice rolling on RPA works; simply take out the spacing:

This mod uses the standard AdX+B notation where

A = the number of dice to roll (1 if not present)
X = the number of faces on the dice
B = represents a modifier, usually a + or - but also a divides or multiply.

I also need it to do certain things like, only show the sum/result of the roll or show all the die results and the sum of the roll. I also wanted the ability to do open rolls, e.g. if you roll 6, six sided die, you keep rerolling any dice that come up a 6.

So, basically, I have concocted three different bbcodes in one product:
[roll]1d4[/roll ] - for rolling and showing only the results or sum
[rollv]1d4[/rollv ] - for rolling and seeing the result of each dice as well as the sum
[rollo]1d4[/rollo ] - for open rolls

Each of these takes and optional label for the roll, to be included in the tag after the '=' sign, e.g. [roll0] and so forth. It is, however, optional as the actual notation for the roll is displayed before the results in the final posting.

So, for example, you can enter rolls like the following:

[roll]4d6[/roll ] to get the sum of 4 six sided die.
[roll]d%[/roll ] for a percentage roll (same as 1d100)
[roll]4d6b3[/roll ] to roll 4 six sided dice and only sum the "best" three results

This will show dice in your post with a number that is only actually important to me. You see, I will make a roll outside of the game with a number only I will ever see to configure what your roll meant. Your roll can mean a variety of things and below are examples:

-->A rumor is heard.
-->Ghost encounter.
-->Monster noise.
-->Monster encounter.

I actually have a table laid out for me tell me what each number combination comes out to to decide who gets what thus giving a variety of outcomes and surprise to myself and the players.

However, the rolls for my own character will not be a secret and those dice will be visible in my posts. Please, do not confuse them for GM rolls.

Also, dice roll result are controlled by me and only me. So, if I state your character received the result of "monster," then it will be me controlling the monster, not you, etc. The results are just to show why certain events are happening and which character got what.

If the RPA dice rolling system doesn't work for you, then use this (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm).

Sanity Points

Each character gets a set of their own sanity points, which you may also compare to health points. Someone's sanity, generally, will start off as "sane", which I shall determine upon reading your character sheet.

How sanity points are taken away will vary from character to character simply because not everyone handles certain situations in the same manner.

Example 1:
Someone who was raised on the streets would be able to handle more insane shit than someone who was a pampered princess.

Example 2:
Someone who has a fear of spiders would lose more sanity points in a room filled with spiders than someone who actually has spiders as pets and finds them amazing.

So, I will determine the base of your sanity points off of your character sheet; the highest amount that will be given is twenty points. You cannot gain these back. Once you are out of sanity points your character is dubbed insane and is highly likely to die due to misjudgment of some sort, or kill someone by mistake. You do not want to become insane.

Ways to lose your sanity points vary. If you character faces something they have an immense fear of then they are likely to lose sanity points is one example.

Only I can take give and take away sanity points. I will NOT be unfair and keep my characters sane. I know their fears and what they can handle and if they go insane in this RP, then so be it. If all of my characters die, then I will simply only post GM posts for those whom are leftover.

And I know that it may be a bit much, but the better I know your character the better chance I have at making this a scary campaign.

Your Character's Full Name
Put the direct link to an image representing your character here. PREFERABLY ANIME. Why? Because it fits the cool banner I made and I like everything fitting and being organized. However, please don't choose mainstream. I do not want Naruto or Inuyasha in my RP.

Birthday What day and month was your character born? Do not include year.
Age All characters are ADULTS, so not teenagers. I don't care what age you put, so long as it is an adult age.
Gender Your gender.
Race All characters are human in this RP, so race pertains to skin tone and origin. Are you African? German? Just plain white all over? Latino? List whatever it is your character is here.
Blood type Your character's blood type.
This is a DESCRIPTION of your appearance, not a picture. So, describe whatever is not in your picture, whatever needs to be described, etc.
Sexuality Is your character heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, etc.?
Occupation What does your character do for a living?
Describe your character's personality so I can get to know this individual better.

Likes: Self explanatory.
Dislikes: Self explanatory. This includes fears.
Habits: What habits does your character have?
Diseases Any and all diseases your character might have goes here whether they are physical or mental. If you character has no disease then simply put "None".
Abilities/talents Anything your character is good at, list it here.
Make it good.


All accepted characters are listed here with the apartment number they live in. If you would like to change your room number, simply ask for they are randomly assigned. If you would like to room with someone, then ask.

3000 means the top floor. 2000 is the middle floor. 1000 is unlivable.
Floor One (basement)

No Residents. No one is permitted to enter.
Floor Two

2011 - Vacant.
2012 - Vacant.
2013 - Vacant.
2014 - Noah J. Harrison (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&page=8&p=1026346&viewfull=1#post1026346).
2015 - Vacant.
Floor Three

3011 - Bridget Loughridge (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&p=1022803&viewfull=1#post1022803).
3012 - Holly "Boots" Hendrickson (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&p=1022601&viewfull=1#post1022601) and Howl Osborne (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&p=1022782&viewfull=1#post1022782).
3013 - Caitrìona "Cait" Shaw (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&p=1024340&viewfull=1#post1024340).
3014 - Vacant.
3015 - Vacant.

Back Area

Landlord's Office
1 - Vacant.
2 - Vacant.


Nat K. Liel (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&page=31&p=1053455&viewfull=1#post1053455)
Lilly Shephard (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&page=44&p=1230522&viewfull=1#post1230522)
Nyx Prodan (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&page=51&p=1404320&viewfull=1#post1404320)

All who die will be listed here.

Elizabeth "Ellie" Clatter Longwhell (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&p=1022661&viewfull=1#post1022661)
Anselm "Ans" Vandershelt (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&p=1022763&viewfull=1#post1022763)
Consuelo "Consul" Alicia Rivera (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&p=1023069&viewfull=1#post1023069)
Katia Arielle Lazaro (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&p=1024061&viewfull=1#post1024061)
Apollo James "AJ" Simmons (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&p=1022663&viewfull=1#post1022663)
Hanna Kelly (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&p=1023469&viewfull=1#post1023469)
Daniel Alfred Fitzgerald (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&p=1022722&viewfull=1#post1022722)
Tiffany Charlotte Young (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&page=29&p=1050926&viewfull=1#post1050926)

The smart/cowardly who ran away are listed here.

Vince R. Norse (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&page=16&p=1033676&viewfull=1#post1033676)
Owen Walsh (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&page=18&p=1036574&viewfull=1#post1036574)
Joseph Caleb Walker (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&page=4&p=1024360&viewfull=1#post1024360)
Keito Jr. Defam (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32781&p=1022808&viewfull=1#post1022808)

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Hey, the name's Howl. Howl Osborne to be exact but that doesn't really matter right
now, does it?

So, I'm a... I guess you could say resident at this place called Mythos Dormitory. For
some weird reason they chose me to advertise this place properly.. HA! Are they in
for a shock. Only come here if you seek out adventure and don't mind being scared
shitless just don't tell them I told ya that, a'right? That might get me kicked out and
my folks would be ticked. So keep this between you and me.

I mean... it looks nice and all but it's a bummer. It's pretty much a place parents send
their kids so someone else takes care of them and they'll still go to school. It'd be kinda
sad if you didn't go to school being as all the schools are right across the street! Ironic
huh? You'd think it'd be on some street with a lame name like "School St." too, right?
Wrong. It's on Walnut Road... I'd honestly prefer School St. Anyway...

There's three buildings on campus. Two actual dorms then the main building. Where
you go is based off of your sex and the availability. Like... if you're a girl you go to the
left in the girl's dorm, the right the boy's, get it? The middle is the main office with the
office, der, and a library for some dumb reason. The dorm buildings have uh... I believe
it's what? Three flights? Originally the older kids had the top flight cause they're "cooler"
but the office got fed up with it so if there's an available room you got it! That simple.
Even if they put a little ten year old kid with some nineteen year old, they didn't care.

Oh, I forgot. It's for "all ages". Pretty stupid, huh? Anyway... I'm making this shitty
place sound freakin' sweet! They must be proud of me.

Now... wanna know what's wrong with it? Well... besides the stuck up bitches 'round
the place and the crappy office workers... they say it's haunted. Now, I'm not one to
believe in that crap but I can't help but get suspicious, ya know? I mean, maybe
they are hiding something in the place or maybe people just wanna get us all riled
up. Either way... there's something wrong with it especially on the top floor. Thus far,
in my... four years? of living here, four kids have committed suicide and three were
found dead somewhere round campus. Creepy huh? They can't figure out why.

Well, it's YOUR choice'ta believe me or not and your parents choice'ta have your
ass here. If ya see me around, wave.

07-24-2012, 11:51 PM
Holly “Boots“ Hendrickson

Birthday July 5th.
Age 24.
Gender Female.
Race Caucasian, mostly Scottish and English.
Blood type A+.
No matter what Boots is wearing, she is always seen in her pair of signature combat boots (http://www.wkjclothing.com/images/shoes_images/0320F-GRA10S.jpg
). It is a rarity to see her without them and even then it‘s usually because she took them off to clean around the house. Ever since she was twelve years old she has worn these same boots given to her by her brother, as well as a rainbow stud on her right ear in the upper cartilage. She has six piercings in left ear and two in her right. Usually she wears oversized hoodies to hide her body, namely her rather wide hips, though her legs tend to be visible, especially during the summer when she wears short sun dresses or shorts that the hoodie covers. Currently her black hair is long, though she plans on cutting it soon to the short spikes she used to have. Her bottom lip is significantly thicker than her upper lip.
Sexuality Lesbian.
Occupation Babysitter and a preschool teacher.
If anyone was asked to describe Boots in one word it would be “mother”. All she ever cares about is taking care of those around her no matter how horrible they treat her, even if it means she must push her own needs to the side for awhile. This precise aspect of her is why Howl is always found around her and has stayed by her side since childhood, because he is the voice of reason that reminds her to take care of herself and how not all people are good inside.

She is quite the airhead and is extremely gullible, almost falling for anything said to her. It is very rare that Boots will not fall for a trick, even if it was already done to her before.

Boots absolutely adores children and will defend them with her life even if she has never met them before. In general, she can be highly defensive with certain scenarios, though she rarely voices it because she chooses to avoid conflict. She purposely avoids serious conversations because she feels an argument is bound to ensue.

Likes: Children (in the motherly sense), sweets, flowers, nature, and rainbows.
Dislikes: The dark, mean people, homophobes, her mother, being alone, tart food, bitter food, and she fears almost anything.
Habits: She sucks on her lower lip when she‘s scared or nervous and sometimes tugs on her hair for the same reason.Diseases None that she is aware of.
Abilities/talents Cooking, baking, cleaning, sewing, knitting… anything else the typical housewife/stay at home mother does.
Long before Boots began wearing her signature boots and gained the nickname she uses today, she was known simply as Holly Hendrickson the flower child. She ran around the park in her cute, frilly sundresses examining the flowers or protecting ladybugs from being squished alongside her brother Fredrick, also known as Fred.

Fred and Holly were rarely seen apart, even though there was a seven year age difference that separated their mentalities. No matter what, Fred stayed by his younger sister even if that meant his friends did fun things without him, including amusement parks. He insisted that a little sister always needs their big brother by their side to protect them from the evils of the world, so it was his duty to be near her at all times. This annoyed some of his companions, but as the years passed they accepted this.

One of the few times they were apart was when Holly met Howl. They were at a park and Fred had left momentarily to get the two of them some treats from the ice cream man when a bully decided to trick Holly into thinking the flower she was cooing at was going to bite her head off. Immediately she fell for the ruse and began crying, terrified of the flower that had never harmed her before. In strutted the small Howl, who whammed the bully in the back of the head with a swift kick of his foot. This stunned the boy and he ran off. From then on, Howl vowed the same oath her brother Fred had; he would always be by her side to protect her.

Fred loved having Howl around with them and thought their relationship was adorable, though Howl was sometimes jealous of the older boy. They went on their adventures and all was fine until Holly, now known as Boots, turned fifteen.

Her mother found out what the majority of the world already knew: Boots was a lesbian. Being a strict Christian mother, she detested the idea, especially since it meant her only daughter would not breed children the way she wanted her to. She screamed at the girl and beat her severely, sending her to her room until she would admit how wrong she was, but it was the one thing Boots refused to back down from; she didn‘t understand what she was doing wrong.

Howl tried to get inside of the house to save her, but he couldn‘t get passed her mother, so he called up Fred, who was twenty-two and attending college now. He immediately returned home to save his sister only to get into an intense argument with his mother. Nothing he said phased her. No matter what he did she still believed her daughter was a horrible sinner and didn‘t deserve to be treated like a human being.

He disappeared shortly after that. A week later they found he had committed suicide and left a note, "I'm not willing to live in a world where people cannot love whomever they want to love." However, this only further enraged their mother and sent Boots into despair. Her mother stormed into her room tearing up every rainbow object in sight, all of which were given to Boots by Fred; he thought it was a nice and cute way to tell his sister “I accept you and I still love you“. Boots tried to stop her, but she only managed to hide the rainbow stud that was pierced into her ear by covering it with her hair to at least keep one momento from her deceased brother.

For weeks after that, she locked herself in her room and refused to see anyone. The lights were always off, despite her fear of the dark, and she held tightly onto the remains of a rainbow octopus Fred had given to her when they went to the fair only a week before their mother found out about her. She barely ate. The only reason she got out at all was because Howl finally managed to get into the house and unlocked her door.

She was sent to a boarding school so that her mother never had to see her again. Afterwards, Boots moved with Howl to Mythos Complex, believing nothing could possibly be worth than her mother‘s scorn.

07-25-2012, 12:44 AM
I still have to read from the Character Sheet down.

I'll work on a Character sheet in the mean time. The old Dice roller is no longer working, and since I am having a hard time recalling the new Dice system, I asked Naz if he could tell it to me again, or link me. If not, I'll try searching again for it.

Edit: Here we go! Got it!

This mod uses the standard AdX+B notation where

A = the number of dice to roll (1 if not present)
X = the number of faces on the dice
B = represents a modifier, usually a + or - but also a divides or multiply.

I also need it to do certain things like, only show the sum/result of the roll or show all the die results and the sum of the roll. I also wanted the ability to do open rolls, e.g. if you roll 6, six sided die, you keep rerolling any dice that come up a 6.

So, basically, I have concocted three different bbcodes in one product:
[roll]1d4[/roll ] - for rolling and showing only the results or sum
[rollv]1d4[/rollv ] - for rolling and seeing the result of each dice as well as the sum
[rollo]1d4[/rollo ] - for open rolls

Each of these takes and optional label for the roll, to be included in the tag after the '=' sign, e.g. [roll0] and so forth. It is, however, optional as the actual notation for the roll is displayed before the results in the final posting.

So, for example, you can enter rolls like the following:

[roll]4d6[/roll ] to get the sum of 4 six sided die.
[roll]d%[/roll ] for a percentage roll (same as 1d100)
[roll]4d6b3[/roll ] to roll 4 six sided dice and only sum the "best" three results

Also, sorry if I took up space for one of your characters/NPC's, Ru =D

07-25-2012, 01:10 AM
Elizabeth Clatter Longwhell

Birthday May 15th
Age 22
Gender Female
Race Caucasian
Blood type O negative

Ellie (that which she is mostly known as) is creatively unique. She has a child's imagination, yet a grown up's brains. Characteristics an artist would have, but she is gentler than that.
Sexuality Hetrosexual, so straight.
Occupation she currently attends a college to become a vetrinarian but works part time as a waitress at a local restaurant as well as at the humane society.
Personality animal lover of course, but she's also a bit daring and is always up for the challenge. She doesn't give up. And though she can be hard and rough sometimes, there's a soft and gentle side to her that will rarely be shown.

Likes: Haunted houses, smoothies, chocolate, sour candy, and her pet cat named Snickers, which she named after her favorite candy.
Dislikes: being alone, therefore she has Snickers.
Habits: she looses focus sometimes, getting distracted by some things.
Diseases None
Abilities/talentsShe is actually quite the sketch artist, and at first, wanted to persue being an artist, but her love for animals was to strong.
Born in the same town she now attends college, she grew up as a sensitive child. On her third birthday, her mother passed away, and Ellie became more sensitive around the house... She attended junior and high school, and found the black, soaking wet kitten she now calls Snickers when she was a sophomore in high school. She later graduated with a 4.0 GPA, and was given the abundent list of colleges that she could get in. But she couldn't leave her father all alone... so she stayed in her hometown college, which she currently attends. Sadly her father passes away from a sickness which he has had since his childhood, and Ellie was then alone, for her mother's side of the family was a Never-talk-about-it subject, as well as her father's side. She later sold the house and moved into Mythos Complex. She now has Snickers and herself. Although she recently has taken in a shy 13 yr. old boy (played by Zatory Master) named Keito Jr. Defam, for a friend of hers.

07-25-2012, 01:13 AM
Apollo James "AJ" Simmons

Birthday December 28th
Age 26
Gender Male
Race Eurasian. Apollo received gifts from very mixed origins, but what shows through most is his Thai/Italian heritage.
Blood type AB+
Apollo is a man of rather simple tastes, if he may say so himself. His clothes were typically subtle, but stylish and often nicely tailored. He prefers to keep his hair cut short so that it's neat and out of the way, and his face is typically very clean shaven, as he isn't very fond of having facial hair due to the discomfort. One defining feature had always been his rectangular glasses. He would be blind without them, but he'd decided it would be better to be made fun of than be blind. Since puberty, he's stood at a 6'2" and weighing in a grand total of 145lbs - just above the "under weight" limit. Not that he didn't want to gain weigh, he simply couldn't. As a teenager, he'd often get called a vampire due to his pale skin and dark hair and eyes, but his thin limbs somewhat ruined any chance of him being seen as dangerous. Little did anyone know that he liked to keep a gun on his body when he could.
Sexuality Straight, although he does get mistaken for being gay due to the close attention paid to his attire.
Occupation Accountant
To those he doesn't know, Apollo is often mistaken as a cold, indifferent man. In reality, he's simply just quiet. Though he has a cordial personality, he also has a quiet demeanor and prefers not to start conversations with people he doesn't already know. He can often be found staring at nothing, as he spends the majority of time inside his own mind, which he prefers over the real world. Underneath a cautious exterior, however, lies an old brother with a rather protective side and a wallflower just dying to break away from the mold and live.

Likes: Classical music, stringed instruments, philosophy and logic, math and sciences, clever individuals, five course dinners, expensive suits.
Dislikes: Has qualms against any animals capable of causing severe harm (see: spiders, snakes, etc.), stupidity/ignorance, small talk, fast food.
Habits: Often gets lost in space, has a tendency to lose focus and wander off (or stay in a place for too long), nervous habit of moving hands and fingers, often paces when frustrated, has a hard time concentrating with too much noise.
Diseases None currently known.
Abilities/talents Numbers, recalling details (photographic memory), keeps a level head during stress, picking locks, marksmanship.
Apollo James Simmons was born on a cold December night, the first child of Adam Smith and Elaine Simmons, as well as their last. Not that his parents didn't love him, mind you, but he wasn't a "planned pregnancy." As fate would have it, his parents were young at the time. Elaine had turned become an adult just before she became a mother and his father, unprepared for the responsibility of having a child simply walked out. Elaine Simmons wasn't prepared, either. She was still driving the car she'd received when she was 16 - an ancient Grand AM with one working door and a hole in the floor of the back seat. She worked as a measly waitress at a local breakfast joint, and her $2.50/hour+tips job was barely making enough to support herself, let alone a baby. So she did what she could to survive. She told herself that there was no shame in prostitution if you were desperate - and she was desperate. As Apollo morphed into a toddler, then later a child, and eventually a preteen, he became smart. He knew his mother couldn't support him, so he did her the favor of running away. When she was busy "working," he would often take something from whatever man she'd brought home for the night. Watches, vintage rings, designer drugs - they sold for hefty prices if you found people desperate enough. By the time Apollo was a teenager, he had enough money to travel to the city, where he allowed himself to become a ward of the state. He was never adopted. People wanted babies, they wanted children they could mold into good people. No one wanted a gangly 13 year old boy who was going through God knew what. "He'd just be trouble. He wouldn't be worth it," people said. That was okay with Apollo. He'd seen what it was like to be poor, to be desperate, to have to struggle to make ends meet; he vowed that he was never going to be that way. He'd always been a wallflower - always observing, never participating - a "freak." People didn't care for him, and that gave him all the time and space he needed to graduate valedictorian, and eventually, summa cum laude with top honors. Though he could have easily lived in a posh, upscale apartment in the heart of the city, he preferred to find a cheap, homely place that would serve as a reminder as to why he couldn't settle for less. Since he ran away, he'd excommunicated his mother. Either she didn't know that he'd found an apartment a block away from hers, or she didn't care. That was alright. From here, he could keep something of an eye on his mother if he wanted to, just to make sure she was still alright.

The Imposter
07-25-2012, 03:40 AM
Daniel Alfred Fitzgerald

Birthday September 23
Age 26
Gender Male
Race Caucasian, possibly Grecian ancestry.
Blood type O+
Stands at 5"10 and about 150-ish lbs. It is an incredible rarity to see Dan without his ball cap whether inside a building or not he hardly ever takes it off. He has never been overly concerned with having a great bod but he has an extremely high metabolism. His wardrobe is comprised of light clothes he tries to stay away from heavy blacks and greys.

Sexuality Heterosexual
Occupation Writer for a comedic television show
Dan is the fun loving type, who tries to see the humor in everything. His motto in his adult years has been pretty simplistic: to always remain positive and upbeat, this attitude sometimes comes off as idealistic and even naive. He is pretty compulsive and often makes decisions from emotional impulse instead of logically thinking through, most often his most driving impulse is having fun.

Likes: Making people laugh, excitement, Magnum P.I, folk music, and spicy food
Dislikes: Airplanes those things are terrifying!! Heights, proud people, not being dealt with honestly, and drinking.
Habits: He sometimes repeats what other people say mimic like, or tries to finish their sentences. Also taps his foot way to frequently.

Diseases None
Abilities/talents He is quick with his tongue, played baseball for his high school years
Even as a toddler Daniel knew that life wasn't meant to be traveled along in a mundane fashion but rather was to be enjoyed. This philosophy resulted in the young Daniel jumping from the roof of his family's two level home. The rush of falling was enjoyable but the landing, oh that landing. The feeling of hitting the ground so hard. That experience didn't shake the ideal of living a life of fun but it certainly put a fear of heights in the young lad.

His school years were spent being the class clown and average grades. He made friends easily enough and certainly enjoyed putting smiles on faces. His ability to make others laugh even got him out of a few perhaps rough patches during high school. Accidentally kissing another guy's girl incidentally makes people angry. He was only sixteen when the car accident happened. His father, holding to the same enjoying life to the fullest mentality thought it was wise to get piss drunk before driving home from work after a promotion. Truthfully Daniel does what he can to keep that dark time out of the limelight in his memories. He can remember the dark clothes, the coffin, the funeral, and the tears. He promised his mother he wouldn't follow in those footsteps. When graduation came around Daniel had already applied and been accepted into a college.

He took arts courses with a theatrical focus, the humor of it all is that he didn't even finish. He started doing stand up at some local clubs and was approached by a network after one of his sets. Although he couldn't imagine doing anything else, writing comedy isn't a lucrative business. Despite the stories the Mythos Complex was affordable, and was close to the network office.

07-25-2012, 04:05 AM
Ooh, I can see there might be tension between the two guys already. This is looking great so far. Just need to finish up my character. I think all the coding threw me off...

07-25-2012, 04:08 AM
@ Tune
No problemo! Thank you for finding the new one for me <3 It's greatly appreciated! C: I didn't know it had changed! ha ha.

I also love that you're using my sig again C: Are you going to be joining after you're done reading? XD

And you didn't interrupt putting NPCs :P I'm in the process of copying and pasting them in between things, ha ha.

Please use the coding I have provided. I know it's a rather snobbish policy, but I refuse to read character sheets unless the coding I offered is used. C: Thank you.

Great so far! I definitely look forward to reading the rest of your sheet once you're done with it :>

@The Imposter
Accepted! Thank chu <3 c: I will add your character up as well as give him his Sanity Points.

07-25-2012, 04:53 AM
Anselm "Ans" Vandershelt

Birthday September, 18th
Age 57
Gender Male
Race Caucasian of Germanic Descent
Blood type AB-
Anselm and a Tall well built man. Although mostly covered in his thick clothing there are occasions when the heat of the Complex is too much in the summers and he will shed the coats and sweaters for a simple white collared shirt. Its in this moment that Anselm's attractiveness shines through. His torso is well-defined and can be seen clearly for those who stand close to him. Anselm has an intimidating presence and shows it off whenever passing someone in the hallways of the Complex.
Sexuality Homosexual
Occupation Anselm is a Professor of Ancient Germanic Studies at the nearby University. He taken a Sabbatical to deal with personal problems as of late and has not been back to work in two weeks.
Anselm practices stoicism regularly and often answers the question of those who bother him with simple nods of the head. He often wears a pained expression upon his face.

Likes: Children, Teaching, A good sandwich, being generous and helpful.
Dislikes: Mirrors
Habits: Tends to twitch and sweat in the presence of a mirror
Diseases Alport Syndrome
Abilities/talents Anselm is versatile in a variety of Germanic languages and their History. For an older man Anselm is fairly strong and healthy. Anselm has a perfect Poker Face.
Anselm Moved into the Mythos Complex with one of his students who was by all means also his lover. The boy was 21 years old and Had a particular interest in older men much to Anselm's surprise. Despite being over twice the young man's age Anselm became attached to him and vice versa. The time they spent together was filled with talk of philosophy and debates over historical events. The boy shared so many interests with Anselm that despite their original intention to sustain a relationship simply for their own sexual needs, they soon began to fall in love with each other. The Boy being of a young more liberal mind, wanted their relationship to be a more public one while Anselm wished to wait for some time before deciding. Unfortunately it was out of their hands.

Another student of Anselm's class whom was graded poorly the previous semester had discovered that the two were lovers and ousted them to the University. Despite Not actually participating with Anselm's class in particular the Boy was immediately expelled and Anselm put under scrutiny. The Scandal was huge and lasted for several weeks before it was determined that despite their relationship being of taboo no rules were actually broken and Anselm was allowed to return to his job. It was far too late though. The boy's family were very conservative and deeply religious and the Boy was disowned by them. Emotionally distraught the Boy went to the only person who had ever loved him. Anselm. In the middle of all that trouble Anselm had told the boy to leave and stay away for awhile til things cooled down.

He never left the Mythos Complex that day.

07-25-2012, 05:26 AM
Accepted, St. Maria!

I'll add your guy up, but I'm about to leave the house, so I'll decide his Sanity Points and add them up later C:

07-25-2012, 05:30 AM
Howl Osborne
Also, this picture. (http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/9923/allblackf.jpg)

Birthday November 11th.
Age 23.
Gender Male.
Race Caucasian, he’s never bothered looking into his ancestry, so he just says “American”.
Blood type AB-.
Howl‘s hair is naturally blonde, but he dyed it as a preteen to match the natural black of Boots‘ hair so people would think they were related. It wasn‘t until recently he decided to tint it so that when shined in the light it revealed a blue color. Naturally his eyes are dark brown, though he has been known to wear colored contacts from time to time and people swear they turn goldenrod when he is angry, especially when in a physical fight. A variety of piercings adorn his ears, then there is a piercing on his right eyebrow and he has a septum piercing on his nose that from time to time has a chain attached to it that links to the collar of his shirt. Howl almost always wears black.

He stands at 6‘4“, though his weight is unknown he appears to be quite scrawny in his slimming, dark attire, though he is actually very toned.Sexuality Heterosexual.
Occupation A local brawler, though he has been asked to go pro.
Howl is a stubborn ass who butts his nose into everyone’s business without much of a care, but only if it benefits him somehow; if it has nothing to do with him or Boots, then he could care less about whatever it was. One of the shortest fuses in the entire world, Howl is quick to anger and just as quick to kick someone’s ass without second guessing himself, which has led him to beat up a lot of messengers.

He is extremely protective of Boots and loves her with all of his heart as a sister, though many assume otherwise. Howl gets this way with anyone he becomes close with, though those numbers are very few.

Likes: Fighting, meat, and black coffee.
Dislikes: Vegetables, vegan food, anything that scares or tries to hurt Boots, most colors, sweets, and lemons, for some reason.
Habits: What habits does your character have?Diseases None to his knowledge.
Abilities/talents Howl is an excellent fighter.
Most of his history is explained in Boots‘ history, but this will enlighten all to anything not Boots related.

Howl doesn‘t know anything about his father and, honestly, couldn‘t give a rat‘s ass; his mother insists that he died sometime before he was born. Unlike Holly, Howl had an extremely loving, nurturing mother who was willing to do anything to make her son happy, yet somehow he still came out the skeptic ass he is today. He absolutely adores his mother and they have a fantastic relationship. Throughout his childhood he tried his best to help his mother provide for the household through mowing lawns and other minor tasks someone his age could perform.

Until he met Holly.

Howl was the one who gave Holly the nickname Boots, when he was teasing her on how often she wore them. She thoroughly enjoyed the nickname, so it stuck. Once he met her he felt she needed him more than his mother could ever possibly need him and somewhere in his gut he knew Fred was going to be gone someday, but he had no idea it would be in the literal sense; he merely believed Fred was going to go to college and visit a whole lot less. Upon Fred‘s suicide, he put it upon himself to take Boots out of that hectic household, but she was sent off to boarding school before he could. So, he begged and pleaded with his mother to allow him to go to boarding school with Boots. She was reluctant and insisted he would make new friends until he pointed out, “Mom, have I ever had any other friends?” With that, she permitted his leave.

Now he lives with Boots in Mythos Complex, which he stays in for the cheap prices and because he doesn‘t believe in the rumors, feeling they are full of shit.

07-25-2012, 06:14 AM
Though I honestly feel like this RP is too spooky for me, I'm going for it anyway.

Bridget Loughridge
image credit/link (http://geirahod.deviantart.com/art/Girl-with-red-hair-137135185?q=boost%3Apopular%20red%20hair%20girl&qo=0)

Birthday April 14
Age 27
Gender Female
Race Caucasian. Of mostly Irish descent, with some Scottish thrown in.
Blood type B+
Bridget dresses conservatively and rather traditionally, typically choosing to wear skirts -never above the knee, mind you- instead of trousers, and blouses instead of T-Shirts. She favours natural tones, but in the summer she's likely to throw some pastel in there, too. She's not fond of heels, preferring to wear flats exclusively. Bridget also wears a rather distinctive perfume - always the same scent, regardless of the season. It's mostly lily of the valley and narcissus, with hints of citrus -the same scent her grandmother wore. She's quite short, about 5'3, has excellent posture, and not particularly curvy or muscular -though her arms are pretty toned due to constantly practicing the violin. Bridget barely ever wears make-up, either - well, at least none that's obvious, anyway. She does take care to hide her freckles with concealer, though - she's quite self-conscious about them. The only part of her appearance she puts real effort into is her hair, which is always well-groomed and glossy. And she's a natural red-head, of course.
Sexuality Rigidly straight. At least, that's what she thinks - she's not really sure and doesn't think about it.
Occupation Classical musician, plays in a symphony orchestra. Often teaches children at a local music school for extra dosh.
Very reserved and rather stoic. Really keeps to herself. She's observant, though, and though she rarely speaks first, she'll always respond. Tends to be blunt, and is often sarcastic- however, due to her serious nature and tendency not to speak much, her sarcasm often comes off as sincere, which can lead to... Misunderstandings. Bridget is also pretty bad at dealing with said misunderstandings. This leads her to prefer quiet to social situations, though that’s also because she's bad at dealing with people in general.

Likes: Music (obviously), reading -specifically history and folklore-, black tea, sushi, forests.
Dislikes: Alcohol, babies and toddlers, her father, tight spaces, being overly social.
Habits: Always brings a hand to her mouth when she's nervous.Typically fiddles with her hands when dealing with people.
Diseases Anxiety disorder.
Abilities/talents Playing the violin, very knowledgeable about folklore- specifically the Irish variety, mentally resilient.

Most of Bridget’s fears stem from her childhood experiences, and it’s quite difficult to tell where one issue begins and the other ends, they’re very much intertwined. Firstly, her fear of her father comes from the fact that he was an alcoholic and hopeless drunk, who’d come home and beat whoever would get in his way, whether that was Bridget, her four brothers, or her mother – it didn’t matter. Her claustrophobia comes from how her father would typically lock her in very cramped spaces –cupboards, closets, that sort of thing- whenever he got mad –he got mad a lot- and she was in the way. Her father’s behaviour is where her aversion to alcohol comes from – she stays as far away from it as she possibly can. Finally, though she was predisposed to anxiety as her mother and maternal grandmother have it as well, it’d be fair to say it was triggered due to her stressful home situation. Abusive alcoholic father, submissive pill-popping mother, three younger brothers to take care of, not to mention the fact that they were dirt poor – add that together, you’ve got a perfect recipe for an anxiety disorder.

In fact, once the disorder manifested, her anxiety got so bad Bridget could barely function. This was when she was 11, going on 12. No one could help her deal with it, or could be bothered to, really, so she was taken out of school for a while to live with her maternal grandparents. They were very kind to her – she still believes that without their help she wouldn’t have recovered. It was in their home that she was first introduced to folklore, which she immediately was obsessed with. It helped her cope. Even now, the majority of the books in her home are on folklore.

Then, she was 13, and she still hadn’t gone back to live with her parents. Her grandparents scraped together enough to send her to a music school – a drastic change from having to teach herself, or having to take lessons from second-rate teachers as she had had to when she was younger. From there, her life was much improved –until the nightmares started. They were quite horrible –most were about her father- but, just like with the anxiety before it, Bridget coped, and stopped having them all together when she was 18.

She continued her musical studies – funding them herself this time, she made money as a teacher- until she graduated at 23 and joined a small chamber symphony. She’s changed jobs since then, not really caring where she works as long as she’s playing. She moved into the Mythos Complex since it was close to where she needed to be, and, above all, cheap. She sends half of her monthly income to her grandparents, always. She would send some to her parents, as well, but she’s lost all contact with them – and her grandparents are evasive whenever she asks. She’s established contact with her younger brother, though it’s still in the early stages, and she hasn’t learnt any information from him yet.

07-25-2012, 06:48 AM
Keito Jr. Defam

Birthday September, 22
Age 13 (I have aquired permission from Ru)
Gender Male
Race English, with a bit of Irish
Blood type B-
Keito always has a small Blush. He likes to cover his face up with scarfs or turtle necks. He is blond and has brown eyes.
For a thirteen year old, he is quite short. His height is that of a ten year old, which gives him an appearence of a much smaller child than he suppose to be. He wears black shoes with yellow laces,and a jacket that is dark blue.
Sexuality Heterosexual, he doesn't know what that means so Straight.

Occupation ~No accupation~
Keito is the shyest boy in his school. He can never face anybody or even say "hello" to anybody because of this. He doesn't know why, but he has always been like that. If he tries to speak, little stutters will come out and he would eventually get embarrased and run off. He fears everything that can walk. He finds somethings interesting so he would stare at them for a while, but wouldn't even dare touch it. He likes to hide from others and flinches easily if others try to shake his hand. Keito is very weak so he gets harrased alot at his middle school. He is not a cry baby though, so tears are not a thing he is aquainted with.

Likes: Keito likes anything that may look fascinating such as: Candy, lights, Diamonds and gems, drawings and paintings, music, magic, and the rest of the arts.
Dislikes: Keito is afraid of everything that can walk or touch him. Animals and insects, as well as some human if they are unknown to him.
Habits: He can never look somebody straight in the eyes. He even has trouble looking at his parents eyes. He also, as mentioned before, flinches if anybody tries to shake his hand. All people are included: Teachers, doctors, parents, friends, and so on. He also has the stuttering issue as well as the running away habit for being to shy.

Diseases ~None~

Abilities/talents Keito is amazing at drawing. He is still young, but his drawings are almost to a proffessional level. His dad has always said that was his gift. He is also quite skilled in mind games. Puzzels, mazes, riddles, have all been conquered in little time by Keito's mind.

Keito's parents have always been traveling. They came once a month, for a week, to rest at their house before setting off again. They were very succesful, and he was considered rich compared to the other children and families. He still loved them but couldn't really show it to them. Not having his parent's love around, affected Keito's emotional self. That was a major factor in causing Keito to become like that.

He had one person who he really trusted. His dear sister. She was always there for him when it came to awards and such. Sometimes she had to leave too, so keito was left with a babysitter who he hide from when she came. Keito had a pretty normal life. The only thing wrong was his shyness and fears. He didn't want to be like that but he didn't have much choice. The councelors couldn't even help the child. He was permanently shy, and the fears only got worse with help so they left it alone as well.

One day the babysitter had gone out of town. His sister's needed to go out of town to do some volunteer work. She did not know when she might return, so she passed keito down to her friend, Elizabeth(SilverAce's character). She moved in to the Mythos Complex apartments and Keito was to stay with her. Keito wasn't very happy with that but what could he do? He went to her apartment and knocked, The girl opened the door and Keito just ran right passed her with a blushed face and hid in a room. he only came out if she had to go somewhere, eat, or special occacion. Keito still hadn't looked at her in the eyes.


"Waiting for Silverace to get accepted so Keito will have a room"


07-25-2012, 07:03 AM
I was so worried we were going to have a poor little baby running around an abandoned complex on his own D: I'm so excited. Let's get this party started.

Edit: profile finished. I also have a question. I reread the dice rolling procedures, and I just want to make sure I'm not being an idiot. Basically, every turn we roll a single 20 sided die, correct? So the proper formatting (I think) would be [roll]1d20[/roll ]? I just don't understand the point of a modifier, the B in AdX+B. Are we using that at all?

Leon G
07-25-2012, 02:08 PM
Consuelo 'Consul' Alicia Rivera

BirthdayApril 29th
Age 19
Gender Female
Race Spanish. (From Spain, not Mexico- this should be obvious but you never know with ignorant people)
Blood type AB
Consul is pretty tall at 5' 10''.She never wears makeup and her outfits consist of baggy clothing and fingerless gloves
Sexuality Straight
Occupation Waitress and College Student
Consul is a total tomboy, not caring for anything remotely girly. She is pretty quiet, not liking to talk too much around strangers, but she has a fiery temper. Even small little comments can make her snap at you. She also tends to yell at inanimate objects. She hates cooking and is terrible at it. She has a odd sense of humor, and doesn't get most jokes, so trying to be funny with her will probably result in a blank stare. She's a bit of a loner, and when she does hang out with friends, she would prefer comfortable silence as opposed to talking all the time. Also, she looks like she's sulking all the time, even when she's fine.

Likes: Video games, Music (her iPod is her best friend) History
Dislikes: Girly things. She also hates cooking and cooking hates her. She pales whenever she sees blood that is not her own.
Habits: Consul loves music so she's always humming. She also skateboards sometimes, though she's so-so at it.
Diseases Dyslexia and Insomnia
Abilities/talents She's a genius and had a photographic memory.
Born in the South of Spain, and raised in the US, Consul is the youngest of 4, having 3 older brothers. Since she was little, she never liked girly things like playing with dolls, or getting dressed up. In church she would always be sullen because she would be forced to wear frilly dressed by her mother. She hated cleaning, so her room was constantly a mess, and cooking was a nightmare for her. No matter how hard she tries, she can never make a edible - let alone decent- meal. Her mother just didn't get how her daughter could be so boyish, and would always try to make Consul more girl. On the outside Consul acted like it was no big deal, but on the inside she hated it and was always insecure about her femininity.

Consul has always excelled in school, facts coming easy to her. She has a photographic memory, and likes to read random facts and history books. While she was very intelligent, she lacked a lot in social skills. She was perfectly content with having just one friend in school to chat with at lunch or stay with at recess. She never tried to make friends, since after school she would just go home, not being one to go out often. She tried to fit in the skater group, but grew frustrated at their lack of intellectual conversations and left. She doesn't see anything wrong with being a loner.

Now, in college, Consul works as a waitress at a Greasy Spoon. She depends on her job desperately so she can afford to go to college, and make rent. She always worries about not having enough money, since she can't fall back on her not-so-wealthy parents. Her scholarships cover most her costs thought. She settled for Mythos since it was cheap, and small- which she found cozy. She didn't care about the rumors since she doesn't believe in that mythology, supernatural nonsense at all.

07-25-2012, 03:32 PM
sorry but this is bothering me
you do know that Metrosexuality isn't actually a type of sexuality, right?

07-25-2012, 11:12 PM
Oh, yes, I'm aware! In my mind it made sense that he'd be perfectly straight, he'd just give off the vibe that he was flaming. He's not. He just really likes looking good. I should probably clear that up.

07-26-2012, 02:42 AM
Oh, yes, I'm aware! In my mind it made sense that he'd be perfectly straight, he'd just give off the vibe that he was flaming. He's not. He just really likes looking good. I should probably clear that up.

Alas I must nitpick, it also doesn't indicate any level of "gayness". Someone who exhibits Metrosexuality is someone who spends a great deal of time and money on their appearance.

For example: The Jersey Shore douchebags are quite obviously not flaming, privately and publicly, they are however enormous Metrosexuals.

Your character is likely Camp Straight (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CampStraight)
careful don't get lost in there

07-26-2012, 02:43 AM
Linking to TvTropes?! That's cruel.

07-26-2012, 03:08 AM
XD The fact that Ken and Barbie was in the picture on that site was pretty hilarious to me.

^_^ And of course I'd be wearing one of your sets, Ru. You know I love them. Also, no problem with the Dice roller. I noticed you mentioned the older version, and I only remembered the new one because I used it in the D&D Campaign Naz had going here.

=/ I had to scrap my original character sheet, but I'll work on a better one later ^_^

07-26-2012, 04:25 AM
To those who submitted forms I haven't read yet: I just got home from work and family shiz C: I'll get to reading it as soon as I can and ensure everyone has Sanity Points, etc. <3

With the dice rolling, no modifiers will be used xD I just copied what Tune (La di da) posted and placed it there. So, yes, I believe 1d20 for the coding would work just fine. I actually haven't used the new system.

I'll test it in this post C: We'll see how it goes!


I'd have to agree with the metrosexual aspect, though I did not comment on it. Typically metrosexuals, from my experience, are males who highly care about their appearance more than the testosterone, beefy, pumped, stereotype of a guy would. So, I'd have to agree with what St. Maria says, though it won't influence me taking away your character or anything xD ha ha. Definitely just a nitpick <3

My sets are awesome >=3 I've just been lazy making more xD ugh. Maybe I'll work on making some tonight instead of keeping everyone there waiting. I do miss seeing my sigs everywhere lol.

Good luck on the character sheet, Tune!

OH, because someone VMed me this I figured I should address it to the OOC in general.


If you would like a specific room or floor, then please let me know. I usually save the landlord's area for last and switch around where I place people on the first and second floor. I'm quite obsessed with balance so I try my best to keep it as such xD But if you want to be on a certain floor, etc. just let me know c: it's not biggie.

EDIT: Dice rolling works!

Lord Tully
07-26-2012, 07:08 AM
Hanna Kelly
http://api.ning.com/files/fcrPfEsGCJvgBgk5wjtWGYiM9CUK82WRk9OJIZhNAQIRHFGL5y rdc2nMXVl8aqweOegLPAeDahLB80-gfIf86g__/Red20Haired20Anime20Girl.jpg

Birthday September 4
Age 20
Gender female
Race Caucasian, predominantly Irish ancestry (she possesses a distinct Irish accent).
Blood type A-
Hanna is a taller then average young woman, standing at about 5'10" and she suspects she still might grow another inch or two. Her clothing is usually either black or dark green, almost all of her jewelry (Which isn't really much) is snowflake themed. Has a grand total of one piercing on her left earlobe. Her voice is a fair bit deeper then most women, though not quite deep enough to be mistaken for a man in normal conversation.
Sexuality Bisexual (Though she does prefer women over men)
Occupation Theatrical Singer
Blunt is a good word for describing Hanna, she is honest (Almost insanely so) and very upfront about her feelings. Aside from this bluntness Hanna does possess a friendly personality, she might be a tad clumsy in certain situations and her bluntness might come off as a bit forceful to some people, but she honestly tries to be nice to others.

She also takes friendships very seriously, perhaps due to being a good deal taller then all her friends for most of her life she's always had a protective attitude towards them. Not quite in a 'motherly' sense, more a "Mess with my friend and I'll kick you teeth in" sense. Genuinely hurting her friends (Either physically or emotionally) is literally the only thing in her life she has actually gotten violent over, this protectiveness sky-rockets if she's romantically attracted to the one she's fighting for.

Likes: Snow, western movies, Sea food (Fresh fish is one of her favorite things ever).
Dislikes: Lies, prolonged silences, scam artists.
Habits: Has a habit of humming if things get too quite or she gets nervous, not very loudly, but noticeable if you're right next to her.
Diseases Actually has a case of Sedatephobia (Fear of silence), she's managed to deal pretty well since discovering it, but deep, long silences are still one of the few things that can truly make Hanna panic.
Abilities/talents Singing (obviously since she's a singer), also an excellent baker, above average in a physical confrontation, and quite fluent in Latin.
Hanna had a slightly unusual childhood, her parents were part of a small town cult that claimed to be derived straight from the Druids of ancient Britannia. It wasn't a psychotic cult or anything, in fact it preached a policy of absolute non-violence and actually backed it up. It's just that the people behind it were full of crap, simply throwing together a bunch of mystical looking rituals mostly in an effort to extort money from the gullible.

Hanna's father was actually the one to expose them when Hanna was about age 4. It broke her parents who'd been with the group for roughly 10 years to suddenly find out they'd been scammed, but they decided that at least a few of the 'teachings' were actually worth something and passed them onto Hanna. Hanna's parents are easily two of the kindest people on the planet, they never once yelled at her (Though she did earn a fair number of stern talking-to's) are vehement opponents of violent treatment of criminals, and when Hanna came out as bisexual the only thing they changed was asking whether it was a girl or a boy when she went out on dates.

When at about 12 years old Hanna began to develop a talent for singing her parents encouraged it allowing her to enter talent shows and the like, and as she grew taller and her voice started to deepen they payed for a vocal coach so she'd learn how to best use it. She went on to become relatively successful get roles in numerous local plays and became almost a local celebrity. But now with her High School done she hopes to move on to bigger and better things, she isn't aiming from Broadway or anything, but a few steps above being confined to the single theater in her hometown. After a few residences that didn't really work out Hanna is currently living at the Mythos Complex while taking theater classes at a nearby University. She doesn't believe any of the rumors about the complex, but she DOES find something unnerving about the immediate area at night, so as much as humanly possible she avoids leaving the building after sundown and has even taken a few self defence classes.

I hope that's good enough.

If possible I'd like my character to be on the third floor.

07-26-2012, 07:11 AM
Alas I must nitpick, it also doesn't indicate any level of "gayness". Someone who exhibits Metrosexuality is someone who spends a great deal of time and money on their appearance.

For example: The Jersey Shore douchebags are quite obviously not flaming, privately and publicly, they are however enormous Metrosexuals.

Your character is likely Camp Straight (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CampStraight)
careful don't get lost in there

Oh my god. I never knew that was even a thing. I learn something every day.

At first I thought you meant not to get lost in stereotypes, and then I clicked the link. And I agree with preacharound, that was a cruel thing to do. But I appreciate the clarification.

Leon G
07-26-2012, 02:15 PM
Finished my character sheet! :)

07-26-2012, 08:43 PM
@Leon G
I'm not quite sure you understand what being a transsexual means. For your character to be transsexual they'd have to have been born one gender that conflicted with the type of gender they felt mentally, thus proceeded to get surgery to become the preferred sex. So, yes, a transsexual can have breasts and a penis it wouldn't exactly fit with what you're describing in your history, nor would it make much sense, as not many parents allow their child to undergo a form of surgery nor take the hormone pills necessary for a male character to acquire breasts.

While, yes, it is possible for someone to be born with a penis and breasts they would not be considered transsexual, by any means. They'd be more considered a hermaphrodite of some sort, as there are plenty of things that can happen to make someone considered one.

Usually parents choose a gender when this happens as well. Like, when the child is born the doctor can offer certain hormone pills to make the child become the chosen gender. It doesn't always happen, but it's not too uncommon when this is the case.

I'm also not sure on the whole cult thing. She sounds like she'd fit in more with a fantasy RP and, while yes this RP does have some fantasy aspects, this isn't quite a fantasy RP. Though she is very interesting and different, just not sure she quite fits in with Mythos very well.

@Everyone else
Accepted, etc. Everyone that I have accepted has been added up, including the SP and whatnot. Pretty sure I got everyone anyway.

I should PROBABLY address this somewhere in the first OOC post, but I usually do it in the beginning of the RP when I describe the room in the IC post. Anyway, they are EXTREMELY small, if I have neglected to mention this. It is essentially like a very small, studio apartment. So, just an open room, really. They each have their own small bathroom, but otherwise that's really it.

My characters Howl and Boots actually cramp together and share a bed. They're not a couple, by any means, but extremely close, thus willing to share. So they kinda have a bed shoved in the back corner of the room, a small kitchen area, and maybe a couple pieces of furniture, but really not much. You can sort of see this if you look at the pictures I provided of Mythos Complex (it's really just an abandoned building downtown I took pictures of). The building itself is small, so it's unlikely to really have much.

There are two decent sized rooms that can fit a bit more, but it's in the landlord area. So, if you'd like to request that, feel free, otherwise you're stuck with the smaller ones.

Leon G
07-26-2012, 08:59 PM
Ohhhhh, thank you for telling me that! I thought transgendered/transsexual seemed like it wasn't quite what I was looking for, but I couldn't remember what the term I was looking for was. But it's okay, it's your RP. Good luck :)

07-26-2012, 09:01 PM
No problemo C: Glad to be of help.

The Imposter
07-26-2012, 09:11 PM
Everyone has made some pretty cool chars, its quite the ensemble. I'm excited to say the least! Hopefully my rolls don't stink out and Dan dies quick.

Leon G
07-26-2012, 09:40 PM

07-26-2012, 09:44 PM
Thanks, Ru. I'm excited for this to start as well, but nervous about the whole dice-rolling, horrible deaths thing. Should be fun, though!

07-26-2012, 09:48 PM
Horrible deaths are always fun ;)

I'll re-look over things a bit later c: I wanna play me some of muh games <3

Lord Tully
07-26-2012, 10:05 PM
Horrible deaths are always fun ;)

I'll re-look over things a bit later c: I wanna play me some of muh games <3

You said it, I already have a few ideas on what to do with Hanna if she goes insane.

07-26-2012, 10:06 PM
Epic xD I definitely look forward to that, hahaha. I'd like to see some people go insane

07-26-2012, 10:52 PM
Ru, this is an awesome Rp you have~!
I'm known for making NOVEL-SIZED EVERYTHING~!
But I don't truly feel comfortable in making an adult. I plan on making a "Marceline"-type character (the "Edgy", "Dark-Clad").
I promise to give you big, HARD books... and I'll make sure the pain still resonates... >:D

07-26-2012, 11:14 PM
^_^ I hope this is satisfactory. The BBCode caused me lots of problems after copying and pasting it so many times before I got a character sheet finished.

Katia Arielle Lazaro

Birthday May 4th
Age 21
Gender Female
Race Italian-Russian
Blood type O+
Katia is pale skinned with medium long black hair, generally clipped out of her face or stuffed in a messy bun. Despite her past job, she hardly wears make-up and prefers to be make-up free on her off days. Five foot nine inches and slender with soft facial features, she was a first pick to be a model. Some of her habits have stuck with her over the years, like methodical grooming tips - shaving cream can get expensive and let's not even talk about waxing. Her skin, much to the dismay of make-up artists, was anything but flawless. Freckles on her shoulders had to be air brushed away, as well as childhood scars. Hidden beneath her shirt are two small moles, one on each side of her chest that align perfectly, usually covered by whatever clothing she wears.

While she is more comfortable in loose fitting clothing, her love for frilly and lacy nightclothes has never changed. In public, she'd much rather wear tank tops and low cut shorts or capri pants, maybe a pair of baggy jeans if she's really lazy. Hair bands, hair clips, pencils, pens and even scrunchies are often stuck in her hair for whatever 'fashion purpose' they may have outside of fulfilling her need of keeping her hair out of her face. She traded most of her high heels for sandals and sneakers when she needed the money. Most of her more expensive clothing was sold off, and the clothes she does have from her modeling days, she tends to keep locked in a Hope Chest.
Sexuality Heterosexual
Occupation Former Fetish Model; current retail associate.

Katia is a laid back individual, almost ritualistic when it comes to grooming - all except her hair which is messy more times than not. She would rather sleep in late and stay up late, so long as she has a comfortable bed and its not too humid or cold, sleeping in the nude is the most fun. As a fetish model, she has had to wear a variety of clothing - latex, lace, plastic, pasties, fishnets. You name it, she has probably worn it or has it stashed away for her own uses. Her self-esteem outside of her career is very low and at points, she doesn't even bother caring what she looks like as opposed to the airbrushed pictures of herself that cripple her self-confidence from time to time.

Obscene is better than prime and proper. Her mother was anything but a conservative. Her fetish and fascination with lingerie stemmed from her mother's collection that was hidden in the back of her closet. She adores lace to the point where her bedroom furniture were covered in lace and silk. She is only outgoing in her career because it is called for. Other than that, she'd rather curl up with a nice silk sheet and a good book. She is friendly to a point and rather submissive in her personal life - especially with ex's that had to be forcefully removed from her life so she could think for herself. Sexual things isn't too far out of her league - some models were even paid extra for preforming willing favors, though others often bad mouthed them but they generally got the job before the innocent ones.

Likes: Lacy lingerie; sweets like cupcakes, donuts, muffins or brownies; baggy shirts; stockings; gloves; piercings; tattoos; muscles; romance or supernatural themed novels; silky night clothes; bubble baths and hot showers; star gazing; singing in the shower; Italian food; sketching; swimming; book stores.
Dislikes: Monroe; hot sauce; needles; spiders; heights; sand; body hair (self); chest hair on men; hospitals; cheaters; liars; womanizers;screeching of tires or nails down a chalk board; nuns; nuns with rulers.
Habits: Lip biting; doodling in notebooks; lounging over the side of a chair with her legs kicked into the air. Sleeping in the nude or pretending to model for herself in the mirror, which often leads to tears and self-loathing. She sleeps with a teddy bear and refuses to get undressed in the light.
Diseases None
Abilities/talents Modeling, trilingual (English, Russian and Italian) and she dabbles in fashion design as well as sketching.

Although her family is immigrants from Italy and Russia who met in Moscow one summer a few years before she was born, she grew up in America after her parents immigrated. 'The American Dream' was a phrase her parents instilled into her head from a young age. They wanted her to have a good life, one that would make her happy and her parents proud. She wasn't much of a rebel but she dabbled in drinking games, 'Rainbow Parties' and Raves when she was a teenager. She had a wild side, but it was a lot more mild than others she was acquainted with. While her lifestyle was a bit edgy, she refused anything that could send her to jail and tarnish her record - one of the many things her father would have disowned her for.

She was enrolled into a Catholic school when she was a child and attended all the way through to middle school. Money was tight when she was entering her high school years, so she was withdrawn and placed into a public school till she graduated. Her father blamed the public school system for her wild behavior and often tried to enroll her back into Catholic school, but she was rejected every time for body piercings or fake tattoos.

When he found out his little girl, his pride and joy took after his deviant wife in her perverted fantasies and skimpy clothing, he flew into a rage that landed him in the hospital after a heart attack. They both pleaded with him to understand and accept that her lifestyle could land her a good job as a model. He wouldn't budge on the issue. By age 19, her parents moved back to Moscow to live with her mother's family, leaving Katia alone to pursue her career without the scrutiny of her parents.

Katia only had one relationship with a fashion designer, one that she was obsessed and in love with. She adored him to the point where she ignored his distant demeanor and would work herself to exhaustion to please him during photo shoots. You could say he was her first love, one that was kept a secret from the rest of the fashion community in fear of damaging his reputation. Their break up was a messy one that left her emotionally vulnerable and shaken. It was what killed her fashion career. He had found a new woman, one bustier than she was to say the least. A friend of hers took the blame after she keyed his car and busted the windshield of his car. They couldn't prove it was either of them -no matter how much the ex swore it was- so they both walked, leaving him with the damages. The emotional pain he inflicted on her was more severe than the physical damage she did to his car one drunken night.

She was fired and black balled in the city she modeled in. He killed her career and she made sure his died along with her heart. Through all of the torment and emotional abuse, she still felt attachment to him whenever she thought of all the nights they spent together, the secret kisses, the romantic dates. The fact that he was doing all that with his new tramp tore her heart out and she'd do just about anything to forget him, even for a night.

07-27-2012, 01:05 AM
Really LOVE La di Da's character. I'll make a character soon, but I will not make another follower until I have the GM's permit to do so.

07-27-2012, 01:54 AM
I can't see La di da's picture...Oh, I will be out for the next two days. So if I'm not found in the next two days, is because I am on vacation. Then I will return with no problem and ready to RP.

07-27-2012, 04:13 AM
Accepted, Tune! Lemme add chu up~

07-27-2012, 04:31 AM
Caitrìona "Cait" Shaw

Birthday November 15th.
Age 21.
Gender Female.
Race Scottish.
Blood type A+.
Barely any clothes are seen on Cait and for her to be fully covered would be quite the sight to see, also extremely rare. Long sleeved shirts are typically button ups or low V necks so her cleavage can be fully exposed for she is extremely proud of her full C breasts. Actually, she is proud of her natural curves immensely, including her tight calves and thighs which she parades around in short shorts and mini skirts. She finds it terribly hard to be a seductress in too much clothing and you never know what cutie will be lingering around. Typically her shoes are either heels or not there.
Sexuality Usually whatever pays the most cash, though she is more fond of men.
Occupation Seductress.
Cait is a thrill seeker, always searching for the next buzz whenever it crosses her path or she grows bored of whatever had her attention before. Relationships are a rarity, both friendships and partnerships, simply because people have a terrible time trusting her or because she will lose interest and move on, which is the more common of the two. Lust is most definitely the sin that fits Cait through and through, though she dabbles in every deadly sin throughout the day. Gluttonous habits compulse her to impulse buy despite having enough accessories, clothes, and anything else a girl could need. Avarice is what made her the top seductress at her place of work due to wanting all the money she could possibly have to pay for her shopping sprees. Cait is most definitely the most vain and prideful woman possibly out there, feeling that everyone is beneath her. Envy is rare, but does occur and she immediately fixes that whether that means tearing apart someone's face or staining a dress or two. Rage is not pretty on her, to say the least. Then, when it is all done, or when she just does not wish to do anything, lounging in her recliner is definitely the best way to waste time for several hours or relaxing in her bath.

Caitrìona has no sense of loyalty and can easily be bought off to the highest bidder; she learned at a young age to not trust people on their word thus where she is now. Even so, it is rare to see Cait in a group for too long due to her fickleness and lack of commitment. She has a quick and witty tongue and teeth ready to bite. This woman is definitely not someone to cross, since she feels no remorse shooting someone square in the face.

Moody is definitely an accurate word to describe Caitrìona. She can be perky to deadly within seconds if she wills it so. Generally, Cait is cocky beyond belief and feels that she is one of the best people in the world. She constantly flaunts herself because she feels she is that wonderful. Shaw compares herself to a goddess on numerous occasions. She is also known to swoon people to their death, if she's in the mood. Surprisingly, when she's drunk Cait is extremely giddy.

Likes: Men, money, expensive things, clothes, jewelry, rich chocolate, free things, and freedom.
Dislikes: Commitment, abandonment, cheaters, liars, thieves (even though she steals herself...), feet, cooking, cheap things (though, ironically enough, she moved to Mythos because it meant she'd have more money for clothes...), being alone for too long, getting close to anyone, people she loves dying, and dying.
Habits: Licking her lips, smirking, drinking, gambling, tinkering with mechanics, and sex.
Diseases Hypersexuality and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Abilities/talents Anything sexual and anything a mechanic can do, oddly enough.
Cait's parents died when she was still quite young and their neighbor decided to take her in, fearing where she may end up otherwise being such a beautiful, little girl; he was firmly convinced some horrible people may rape her, but he certainly had no idea what her future entailed. By the time he had officially adopted her the man was already old and most assumed he was her grandfather, though it was not the case. He decided to teach her the ways of becoming an excellent mechanic, hoping that he could pass on his business to her when he left this world, so she still had something to live off of that held an actual worth. The lessons were fascinating to the child even though the rest of her friends were all playing with dolls and dress up; she found those interesting as well, but never as intriguing as mechanics. Cait attended school regularly, finished her homework, then helped her elderly father out in the garage with whatever project he had going on; it was his treat to her that she enjoyed thoroughly.

However, all good things come to an end and there has to be a reason for Cait having PTSD and a fear of abandonment, hm? One day while on the job during the summer time a couple customers wanted to try to skip out on paying the old man, figuring he was going to willingly accept this to avoid any trouble. They were wrong. Immediately he took out his shotgun and began shooting the bastards, but one of them managed to shoot him directly in the lung below the heart. One was still alive out of the two dirtbags, so Cait ran for the gun against her father's wishes, picked it up, and shot the lost bullet inside the barrel with high hopes of it killing the man and avenging her father. It was a direct hit that surprised both her and her father since he had only ever had her practice with the small pistol due to her size. Luckily the man was still close enough that even a blind man could get some sort of a wound on him, however Cait could care less about that; her father was dying in his own puddle of blood. Tossing the gun to the ground, she fell to her knees with her eyes welled up in tears, begging him to stay alive. What would she do without him? Then she jumped to her feet and sprawled over to the house, grabbing the wireless house phone and immediately returning to her father's side. With her left hand she dialed 911 and held the phone up to her ear while her right hand held a firm grip with her father's hand that was slowly becoming cold. The ambulance didn't make it in time.

Enough money was leftover in his will for Cait to not have to find new parents. She was roughly sixteen, but she presented a good case to the court and proved that she could live perfectly fine on her own through her father's business, insisting she would get her GED and quit school. Upon the judge's approval, Cait immediately took the GED test, passed, then quit school exactly as planned, continuing her father's business. It wasn't until she was eighteen that she decided to get into the art of seducing others, which paid significantly better than the mechanic business. For a couple years she kept the business going while being a seductress on the side, but it felt too empty without her father and soon enough she sold the place to one of her father's close friends, whom she knew would take good care of it.

She fled the city to avoid having to be reminded of the loss, leading her to Mythos Complex. Cait chose this apartment complex because it was extremely cheap, though she was a bit skeptical about the rumors floating about it. Despite hating the poor atmosphere, she decided to make sure that the inside of her home looked nothing like the slums it was located in. Besides, she doubt she was going to be hanging around too often. Shortly after moving in she found a new seductress job and climbed her way to the top of the food chain whether that meant she had to scratch up some of the competition's faces or actually playing the game without cheating. From time to time she misses the mechanic business and ends up working on her car to make it the fastest and best looking it could possibly be.

Evil Troy
07-27-2012, 04:52 AM
Joseph Caleb Walker

Birthday March 4th
Age 22
Gender Male
Race Caucasian
Blood type A+
With a height of 6’1” and a weight of 180lbs Joseph has always been known as the tall skinny one of the group. To most people Joseph does not even look like much; medium length light brown hair, brown eyes, and the fact that he all around just looks like a twig. Though despite this unintimidating looking appearance Joseph is actually quite strong, mainly due to the marital arts he practices. When it comes to clothing Joseph can often be seen wearing t-shirt, often dark in color, but can occasionally be seen wearing button up shirts. As for pants Joseph can always be seen wearing shorts, even in the winter months. The only time he can be seen wearing long pants is whenever he is working a job that requires such pants. Other than his usual appearance Joseph will sometimes wear a hat or have his hair cut short where he cans spike it up in the front. Joseph will also sometimes let his beard grow out as well, however due to his current job Joseph is clean shaven.
Occupation Current attending college But works part-time at a local restaurant.
On the outside Joseph is the type of person who always seems to be in a good mood and is pretty easy going; the type of person who is sarcastic and always joking around. But yet truth be told very few people actually know how he really feels on the inside. Because of this most people consider him to the laid back, chill friend who is easy to get along with; when in reality Joseph typically has his own problems and anxieties he deals with. Joseph is also the kind of person who never gives up no matter how much he is knocked down, because of this his friends sometimes consider him to be a stubborn person. It is also important to note that when it comes to women Joseph is pretty shy and in truth a bit of a hopeless romantic. Lastly Joseph is kind of an odd person in the fact that he loves the cold and being scared even. Though when it comes right down to it there are times were despite his confident attitude he will hesitate and freeze from his fear.

Likes: Martial arts, the thrill of being scared, the cold, strawberries, some video games, and romantic comedy animes.
Dislikes: Getting beaten, anyone who thinks they are better than others, hot places, and school.
Habits: Is constantly moving, whether it’s twiddling his thumbs or bouncing his leg up and down when he is sitting. It is also very easy for Joseph to lose focus when it comes to some things.
Diseases ADHD and Dyslexia.
Abilities/talents Martial arts, he is good a remembering and recalling “useless” information, and he is a decent shot with a gun.
Despite his outward happy go lucky-self Joseph has never really had what you would consider a hard life but at the same time not easy life wither. When Joseph was only 4 years old him and his parents were involved in a car wreck were Joseph was the only one to survive. Because of this Joseph was forced to live with his three cousins, aunt, and ex-marine uncle. Although, his aunt and uncle cared about Joseph they still considered him somewhat of a nuisance and because of this no matter what Joseph did it was never good enough in their eyes. At the age of 6 Joseph began learning martial arts from his uncle who had spent much time himself learning them while overseas with the military. It was from this that his uncle forced the never give up mentality into him; so much so that often times Joseph would be pushed so far by his uncle that he would pass out from working so hard.

By the time Joseph had made it to high school he had gotten to the point where he did not care what his aunt and uncle thought of him anymore. He didn’t care how much they scolded him for making a mediocre score on a test, or how hard they pushed him in his martial arts. Joseph had come to the conclusion that no matter what he would not give them the benefit of knowing that they were being as much of a nuisance to him as he was to them. Because of this Joseph started keeping all of his true feeling, thoughts, and problems locked inside of himself. It was also because of this that whenever he would look around at those around him he would see others in situations worse than his. Situations where others kids parents were beating them, or either that their parents could care less for them. Situations that made him realize that as bad as he thought his own problems were they were not worth sharing to others.

When Joseph turned 18 and graduated high school his aunt and uncle finally kick him out of their home. Now left on his own Joseph had to find his own place to live and his own means to support himself. Thankfully, however, with the help of a few scholarships and loans Joseph was still able to go to college. Even still the task of finding a place to live and work has proven to be a challenge for Joseph. As of right now Joseph has found a part-time job working at a restaurant near his collage and after hearing the rumors about the Mythos Complex he figured that that would be the perfect place for him to live. Plus with the price it seemed that much greater.

Leon G
07-27-2012, 07:25 AM
So Ru did you forget my character, not see it, or just ignoring it?

07-27-2012, 08:49 AM
D: Katia has a lot of sanity points! Darn it xD I had a gruesome death planned for her when she lost her mind.

^_^ I can try to figure out a way for the image to work for you, Zatory?

^_^ Thanks for liking my character, guys <3 I'm sure she'd enjoy having fans.

Leon G
07-27-2012, 07:50 PM
Also, if there isn't enough room in the complex, my char would be more than happy to share a room (if she gets accepted)

07-27-2012, 09:48 PM
@Evil Troy
Did you change anything from the PM? XD *too lazy to read much atm* If you didn't change anything, then he's just accepted lol since I was fine with what you PMed me.

@Leon G
Please don't imply/assume. After reading Tune's massive sheet (well, I guess massive is a bad word xD I enjoyed it and it's not the biggest I've seen) I was a tad tired of reading and my boyfriend wanted me off. So, I left to hang with him and play Rune Factory 3. I glanced at your character, but not enough to decided if she was accepted or not.

On the sharing a room portion, you'd have to discuss it with one of the other members, but please keep in mind these rooms are extremely small.

Here's a direct quote from the IC post from the old RP (which I plan on reusing for the first post)

The studio was meant for one person to reside in, yet they made do by sleeping on the same futon shoved in the farthest corner from the door.

"They" would be Howl and Boots. This portion is to emphasize how small the rooms are. With more than one bed in the room it is very unlikely you could fit much else into it.

You made a good character xD go figure.

Good luck driving her insane XD but I didn't see much in her profile to make her have less SP haha

Evil Troy
07-27-2012, 09:55 PM
@Ru: Nope it's the same as the one I sent you in the PM.

07-27-2012, 11:32 PM
How many sanity points does my character have?

07-28-2012, 06:17 AM
Evil Troy, I like your character! I'm really excited to get this ball rolling :D I can't wait to see how everyone interacts.

07-28-2012, 07:07 AM
@Evil Troy
Then I just gotta add you up and calculate SP XD because I already accepted him, haha.

@St. Maria
SHIIT! I convinced myself I gave him SP, then just realized I never did... Fuck. I'll get on that ASAP.

I'm probably just gonna go over Troy's sheet and figure out his SP; read Leon's new sheet; and give Ans some SP then we'll get this ball rolling.

07-28-2012, 07:23 AM
Omg. We have so many smilies, I don't know which to use but - I'M SO EXCITED.

07-28-2012, 07:34 AM
Should be up tomorrow. No work and no plans. .-.

Or I could put it up tonight and deal with everyone else tomorrow. I don't really except too much movement.

07-28-2012, 07:37 AM
Merp. I'd do whichever one you want to do ^_^ Anyway, I'm heading to bed soon, but I won't be back on until I get home from work, which means sometime around midnight! (Central Time, since I'm not sure where everyone else lives.)

07-28-2012, 07:54 AM
Ru is in Pacific Standard time~

I'm too tired and lazy to do anything. Hrmph.

07-28-2012, 02:30 PM
I am in Central Time. Note that since I'll be taking Honors classes for the first time, I may be off RPA (or off the computer entirely) starting on August 17. I know it sounds like a crappy reason to get off, but as to retain plausible marks on my report card I have to take my time seriously. As I have set a deadline for myself (new RPs I'm interested in) for August 10, I will try to get my CS in at or before that time. As it is July 28 where I am, I roughly have... 12 days to get it finished. I will immediately construct my Characters ASAP.

07-28-2012, 03:49 PM
Ru is in Pacific Standard time~

I'm too tired and lazy to do anything. Hrmph.

Eastern Standard Time
i live in new york

07-28-2012, 06:02 PM
No problem! Thanks for letting me know C: I go back to school starting August 17th as well. Believe me, I don't expect to be moving along too fast as I work as a part-time sales associate and will be returning to school as a part-time student. I'll definitely make sure to reply as often as I can, but this will not be a very fast-paced RP by any means. (I'd be shocked if it become one)

Ru just like... woke up XD but I plan on going through the rest of the sheets and getting everything updated after I wake up a bit more. Right now I'm like, "Herro, screen. Do my bidding for me." XD

07-28-2012, 07:24 PM

Everyone has been approved and added up.

If you have any questions concerning your SP or if you'd like a room change, then feel free to ask!

This is namely to address anyone who would like to bunk with someone, though I don't see why you would. XD

I'll possibly get the IC up today, which doesn't mean it's closed to join. It simply means you can post in the IC C:

07-28-2012, 07:42 PM
You are welcome--and the rooms are becoming filled~! (O_O)/ I am making a novel-sized Character Sheet, so I apologize if it takes a while. Additionally, it was hard to find anime girls with black skin (other than the Mainstream Yorihime from Bleach). As a result, I had to do with a real life black woman. I will be making two more people (one is the 15-year-old I told you about; another is a hermaphrodite who is mostly male but is female too... Sorry if I'm sexist; I just don't feel comfortable in RPing as men (I actually did once, and it took me to heights I've never been before). When I do men, they got to be "DARK" or stuff. Otherwise, I'd have to make them look like women... ((WHY AM I GOING OFF-TOPIC?!))

07-28-2012, 08:08 PM
Just keep in mind once the rooms are filled the characters have to be people with some reason to go to Mythos.

Though, whenever characters die their room does open up to anyone.

07-28-2012, 09:19 PM

IC made!

Leon G
07-28-2012, 10:23 PM
Woo accepted! :'D

And yes, 2 people living in a studio apartment can drive a person crazy. Currently I'm living with my older sister in a studio apartment the size of my room at home >.> I WISH she had a least a futon...

Also, my time zone is the one for Stockholm Sweden (I always forget) until Tuesday.

Do we put our dice roll on the top of our posts or do you PM you the dice roll?

07-28-2012, 10:31 PM
^_^ From what I seen from the first IC Ru had going, the Dice Rolls went at the beginning of the IC post.

07-28-2012, 11:42 PM
Dice rolls go on the top. If you have more than one character then specify who the roll is for, or use the format I showed.

07-28-2012, 11:56 PM
((Okay, I think I'll post one character at a time~! I know my characters suck, but it was the best I could do--and a black female anime pic is hard to find these days~!))

Nikeisha Deanne Hudson
Nikeisha (https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSUA3_3Lb94kAmn9-Qc1vlRBST4mflGCBs2vA9ucKJ0tcoulXsZcg)

Birthday February 23
Age 23
Gender Female
Race African-American; She was born in Chicago, Illinois but she does not have any foreign descent that she knows of other than American.
Blood type O+
Nicki's skin is of a milk chocolate color with deep brown eyes. Due to her premature puberty, she is often shown quite small at 5' 4" and she has gartered more curves during her high school year. Nicki's arms are unusually toned due to her morning workouts and her braiding. Nicki's real hair is alway worn to the neck, and she finds it difficult to be styled anyway. As a result, she took desperate action to wear wigs to hide her real hair. Additionally, Nicki finds it a bother to do her own hair as she requires a very strong relaxer to straighten her hair (her hair is naturally curly). Nicki is also a renowned anime cosplayer, though she dislikes watching unrealistic anime in general. She also has scars on her body due to her father's abuse. She also had premature acne and it caused her to pick at her face since she was eight. Her scar are almost always covered in makeup as to conceal the pores. Nicki also has a scar on her left buttocks in the form of a "G" due to an accident that she refused to explain. When touching her left buttock, she feels pain and trouble from her father. She also tends to wear general street wear. When going to church or somewhere formal, she always wears dresses with a shawl to cover her cleavage. Nicki prefers to wear clothes with class (not too casual, but not too formal) when out on the streets. When styling hair, she would be sen wearing pajamas until the end of her shift.
Sexuality Nicki is rather heterosexual on sex choice. She prefers living with a man who cares for her looks and for her intellect.
Occupation Nicki works as a hair stylist at an African Braiding Store called The Throwback Saloon in downtown Chicago.
Nicki's personality is rather complexing for a sterotypical African-American. Nicki can also be seen as a tomboy. Nicki is usually carefree and stylish in her own unique way when doing hair, but she dislikes being disturbed while doing hair. Nicki is quite intelligent, able to make plausible marks on her report cards when selected for Honors education sessions. Nicki has had a reputation for being beautiful, and was asked by many of her peers to go out with her. As she rejected and went on with her studies, she was always seen as a studious girl. Nicki is also self-conscious of her scars on her face from her skin-picking at the age of six. When provoked, she is known to use excessive profanity, and blindly use a taser to electricute her tormentors. In elementary school, Nicki was always being pushed around and told numerous times to wear the dress code. As she went to an all-girls academy, she was always wearng pants and was sent home to change. Nicki dislikes having to be forced to wear something that didn't suit to her tastes, but she did it anyway as to not get in any trouble with the school board. As Nicki derives from the Southern part of Chicago, she seems to develop a distinct "ghetto" tone to her voice. She was always quite social, gaining a lot of studious friends. When around her worse fears, she can become easier to anger and at times became violent. Nicki always washes herself before going out somewhere due to her hatred of getting dirt on her clothes (and when she does, she always wipes it off). When doing work, she trie to give it her all and not the half-assed work that others her age would concentrate on. Nicki would usually be seen talking with friends or reading one of Shakespeare's works.

Likes: Clean-feeling clothing; Rap music (namely Snoop Dogg and Eminem); singing (especially Gospel music); Shakespeare (Especially The Tempest, which is among her favorites.); Subway (Their BLTs); Peaches; Sushi; Chicken (especially the kind from Chick-Fil-A; Gay rights; Freedom in what she chooses; Pop Rock; modeling; doing hair; writing stories; reading books; talking to poeple; babysitting; cooking (and she's quite an accomplished cook; Japanese mythology; praying; BBQ Ribs; hamburgers; Candy (she only prefer the kind where you can eat and it lasts, not the ones where it requires one to suck on it)
Dislikes: (General Dislikes and Hates) people who get sick around her; those who vomit when she uses the bathroom in public places; vomiting; death; children who distrust her; those who snap at her for no apparent reason; getting nervous; liars; smokers; alcoholics (She dislikes the taste of alcohol herself); musty-smelling people; hot, spicy things (Fears) Otherworldy shadows; fighting; long needles; walking in the rain without a coat; thunderstorms; being called a liar; her father; big, strong men that may be capable of tackling her down to the ground; baseball bats (her father used to spank her violently with one) Death Metal (she doesn't like to hear screamers); sad stories (they can give her nightmares); low-level grounds (which is why she prefers to wear heels over flats); people screaming (it makes her ears hurt).
Habits: Nikeisha has a habit of using profanity, picking her face (only when extremely nervous), singing when lonely, undressing herself to get fresh air, biting her own braids when she does her own.
Diseases She has had a history of having Anorexia but is now doing fine with her health. Nicki is now doing fine, but she has gartered an addiction to sugary things.
Abilities/talents Braiding a person's hair, reciting popular quotes (though she doesn't do so often); reading fast; studying literature; drawing pictures, including ones that look like manga; able to sense presences before they come to her
Born into a middle class family, Nikeisha is an African-American woman inspired to roll her own way and to fashion her style. A a baby, Nikeisha began to be cherished by her parents and was given total rsponsibility within the household. Nikeisha was always first priority in her parent's time with her. She reached her milestones when maturing correctly, and her parents had no other problems dealing with her. Her mother (Brandi) always called Nikeisha "Her Little Sunshine". Her daughter rose her spirits upon just seeing the baby in its cradle. When Nikeisha turned three years old, Nikeisha met her father (Washington) for the first time in years. When Washington saw the child, he grew angry at Brandi for having yet another child without his help. As a reult, to erase Nikeisha entirely from the family, he took desperate efforts to kill her.

He also had a reputation for using a bat to spank her when she did anything directed by her mother. Her father began to consume a ridiculous amount of alcohol (about half a gallon per day) and smoke about two packs a day. Her mother, Brandi didn't even bother to hurt or toss her husband. As he hung a death threat over the poor woman's head, it would have took quite a while to get her to killing the man anyway. By the time Nikeisha began going to school, she began to feel more uncomfortable coming in and out of her parents' beaten-down apartment. She almost always ran from school with tears every day. Sometimes, she felt like there was no escape from the scrapes and the laughter. Occasionally, she was chased down by a student who wanted to be with her forever. Others decided to stalk her for the thrill of seeing her die.

As her father grew more aggressive, Nikeisha began to hide away from her people after school since she knew her father would try and tie her up. By the time Nikeisha was nine, she was sexually assaulted by her father and her mother was forced to leave for the day. Nobody dared to talk about her life, nor did the peers attempt to talk to her. Most of her peers, if they DID talk to her, assaulted the girl physically and verbally. If they did act nicely, it would just be pretend. When her mother found out about the abuse, she immdiately took Nikeisha out of the school and taught her daughter herself. It was hard since her father always grew violently ill from all the drinks and smokes he consumed. When Washington grew too angered to see Nikeisha have fun, he began hitting her with a bat on a daily basis. Her mother wasn't even supposed to look at the girl get beaten up.

It was about six years since the abuse, and Brandi was too fearful to help her child. Four years later, when Nikeisha walked home from school, she found her mother dead right on the floor. Several bruises and bloody gashes were detailed into her body. Even a knife was inserted into her head, letting the mother bleed profusely. Nikeisha suddenly grew upset over her father, and tried to run away from home. Nikiesha suddenly grew upset at someone trying to hunt her. Angered, her father suddenly charged at her and drew a "G" with a knife on her left buttock. This is why when she touches the spot she was slashed, she will be feeling pain and very nervous. In an attempt to run out of the home, she stole her father's taser (he worked as a police officer.) To get revenge on what her father had done, she called the police on the father. Afterwards, Washington overdrugged himself with sedatives and alcohol as an attempt to kill himself. As a result, the cops just fired at him as he charged to the door with a bat. Federal police couldn't believe that the man was their Sargent.

By the time she was 16, she was given an education at a private school for troubled girls. As Nikeisha had such a terrible life, she didn't make any friends for the first two years. Strange enough, she DID pass with flying colors. She gained about two report cards with Straight As embedded all in them. As the board saw that she was too intelligent to be placed with the delinquents, they moved her with the upperclassmen.

Most of the girls always seemed to ask "What's wrong?" due to Nicki's lack of communication. The board found it ridiculous that both of her parents were killed--one suicide, and one homicide. As a result, they had her agree on things the adults would usually sign. Nikeisha seldom got in trouble at the school. The more the board had her sign, the more troubled they felt about letting her out on her own.

One day, a strange woman with the name Ursula Rosaria Telgado exchanged a conversation with the black girl on her way from school. Ursula asked if the individual had any parents. Nicki tells the truth saying that she used to have parents but she claims that "they're lazy dicks." She said that her parents were facing a crisis and happened to be poor. Ursula, thinking that the girl was interesting, took her in her home and began teaching her the basics of wildlife survival.

Ursula herself was an orphan, but she used all the knowledge and book she had to teach Nicki the fundamentals of Life. Ursula's help made Nikeisha get her Diploma from high school. She didn't go to college yet, and possibly never will. To get the money she desperately needed, she decided to get a job in hairstyling in downtown Chicago. Her minimum wage at $5.34 an hour was enough to buy some time to buy a house from the old grounds. She felt that if she needed a home to live in, she'd have to work double the hours.

For the remaining two years prior to application (December 23--when Nikeisha was still 16), she requested to work twice the amount she usually worked. When she had enough money to buy a room, Nikeisha left for Mythos at 19 due to it's cheap value at $30.95 per room. Ursula gave her an extra $4,500 for her supplies for her room and mate (if she had one).

The next day, Nikeisha tried to call Ursula to tell her about the large sum of money she was given. Now, the truth of Ursula was deepening the many wounds in her heart. Nicki's known quote was "That fuckin' bitch used me!!" when she found out that Ursula was a thief. Ursula used her all along to steal. She also went to Mythos due to the fact that Ursula could no longer be trusted.


07-29-2012, 12:22 AM
I'm a tad confused by some of the history, but accepted. I'll add you up after I do a couple things, but you may feel free to post. Your character is probably gonna be put in the last room open, as it is the only free one XD

07-29-2012, 12:28 AM
Okay, Ru; I was in a rush and I am having my grandmother stay at my house for a couple of days. What in the history is confusing? Thank you for taking your time to read it. I think I Will make another one, but I think you'll have to wait for a while. I'll post once you need to do what you have to do.

07-29-2012, 01:05 AM
It's just really jumbled and jumps. Like there's a story there, but it jumps to the points rather than progresses into it? So I'm a tad confused what exactly was going on with her dad, though I can tell there was abuse or what exactly was going on with her mom. Then how Ursula was a thief and how she got used by her? And in her personality section it was saying how a lot of people did pursue her romantically but she turned them down and they dubbed her studious, but her history doesn't exactly portray that at all. Her history makes her sound like a loner kid people didn't understand, not a studious girl not interested in boys.

There is no rush. Take your time. Mythos isn't a hard RP to jump into, even after the IC has started. Last time I ran it I had people jump in easily with five pages of posts already done with, so there's really no need to hurry. So, please, take whatever time you need xD haha. I just posted the IC to get the ball going, but as a sales associate with seasonal coming up I know the posts will get slower just because I'll be busy lol I'd be a hypocrite to rush others :P

The Imposter
07-29-2012, 02:52 AM
Intro is up...that dice roll code wasn't working for me at all. Clearly I suck at bbcode. However after using the link I rolled me a nice single digit!

07-29-2012, 03:36 AM
Well, I only jump to the main points instead of explaining them all. I can't make it sound like a long, detailed novel that takes up the entirety of the forum.

Do you want me to explain a little more? I only got to the main points of their life (and what you're seeing is basically an abridged, but detailed history on how the events happened. As to not make the history stretch even longer, I had to set a limit.)

Washington was a drunkard with little or no life. Washington has tried to quit his drinking problem in the past. His wife was rather disgusted at how much he drank and smoked around his daughter. During his time as a police officer, he began to work doubles and seldom came home. When he does come home, Brandi and Washington fight about the bills and about their daughter Nikeisha. When Nikeisha wanted them to just "separate and go on", her father refused to let that happen. His reason was, "This girl owes me something valuable. I am not leaving the house without her stuff."

In case you're wondering, "her" meant Nikeisha's mom Brandi. "It" refers to the $300,000 house bill they owed thanks to Washington's drinking. Since his excessive waste of alcohol, Brandi wasn't able to pay the bills. In fact, the Hudsons had a fresh stack of 74 bills that equated to $5,234.89 ON top of the $300,000 bill they owned. Brandi was tired of Washington abusing her only child, and wanted Washington out of the house. She feared for her safety of her child so that is why she didn't even dare to divorce him. Washington verbally directed her not to call anyone, including the police or Nikeisha.

Once, Brandi DID try to pry Washington's hands off of her daughter (Washington actually tried to strangle Nikeisha). Brandi instead, got thrown to a corner, and was beaten with a bat. That was the time when Nikeisha went ahead and made a run from her house. Brandi used to work at a job (A low income rate such a McDonalds), but because the money was used for smokes and cigarettes (about $500 worth) she had to stay at home to clean the house full of cigarette butts and alcohol bottles (namely Budweiser, Coors Light, Red Wine, etc.)

About her personality, yeah I think I'll need to edit that. They dubbed her a "Freak" because of her dysfunctional parents, and her intelligence even after she dropped out of elementary school at 10. Nikeisha didn't go to school again until she was 13, where she got in trouble all the time for dress code violations. As she didn't have any parents, the children began to ask "Can I take you home?" on a daily basis. Angered, Nikeisha immediately rejected their offers saying that she doesn't have "Time to deal with fools." Though it is not listed anywhere, Nikeisha also got in trouble for verbal outbursts in where she would physically abuse the teachers, which made her end up in a special Private Alternative School. Nikeisha's High School Administration board was surprised that Child Services didn't take the child in. And I think you're right, Ru.

Ursula was not hired by anyone or anything. She was just an eccentric woman who offered Nikeisha a promise to give her the education she needed. Nikeisha was then home-schooled by the woman, in where she taught her how money worked. Ursula then taught Nikeisha how to obtain items "Without cash" by making her disguise as famous characters from television and other media to complete a grocery shopping list. Ursula actually worked in a criminal group called "The Seven Spheres", in which was notorious for shooting people to the ground mercilessly. Nikeisha knew this was a punishable wrongdoing, so she immediately rejected. Ursula, known for taking advantage of her "Motherly" figure, declined the "no's" that Nikeisha repeated. Ursula MADE Nicki do the wrong crimes, and Nikeisha was forced to write an apology letter to the store, pay for the item, and publicly apologize in front of the store.

One time, when Ursula gave Nicki $4,500, Ursula had to set everyone at gunpoint to obtain the money. As she caught two people catching up to the phones, she didn't give second thoughts and shot them dead. She forced the manager of the bank to open the safe to get $4,500 to cover Nicki's moving profit. Ursula was supposed to spend a life sentence when she called Nicki. Nicki was enraged when Ursula's promises resulted in Nullity (meaning that they were fake) and not real gifts. Ursula might have betrayed her all along.

07-29-2012, 05:12 AM
Well, since we're all giving each other a heads up, once September hits (when school starts for me) I'll probably be decreasing activity dramatically. It's my senior year and I'm 3rd in my class rank. THIRD. If I focused on my grades I could make valedictorian, or at the very least salutatorian, so I'd like to go for that. [Dramatic back story.]

Hopefully I'll be posting in the IC very soon (:

Lord Tully
07-29-2012, 05:28 AM
Asian if you have a shot at Valedictorian, forget us and take it.

Also I've posted, I hope it's alright and I REALLY hope a 3 is a good roll in this context.

07-29-2012, 06:42 AM
XD I'm really hoping 3 is a good number, too, because I rolled it as well.

Let's hope it isn't another exploding fire frog experience, aye, Sprinkles?

07-29-2012, 07:17 AM
Oh jeez Bridget got the suicide room, huh? Well, this is pretty spooky, but also gives me more to work with. I've already thought through what I'm going to do when/if she goes insane.

I couldn't figure out how to do the roll thing either, so I used the website and got a 3 as well. For all our sakes, I hope 3 is a good number.

07-29-2012, 11:54 PM
Noah J. Harrison


Birthday November 4th

Age 26

Gender Male

Race Caucasian, British and Spaniard

Blood type O+


Noah stands at a height of 5' 11'', his physical build is not amazing but he keeps himself toned. He is very white complected naturally and due to a genetic issue known as Waartenburg Syndrome Noah's hair has slowly tinged into a white and gray hue over time in the past years. Due to his liking of the color he has let it grow near his shoulder blades and past his eyes with zero intention of cutting it any time soon. The other symptoms of the syndrome have had minimal effects on his appearence with there only being a slight deafness in his left ear. As well as making his left eye's tinge gray and his right a dark brown. When going out he is almost always seen with his black jacket and rarely takes it off in public. The reasoning behind his attachment is kept to himself and is never shared. Underneath his clothing he hides two distinctive scars on his back, both slashes travel from his shoulder blade to his hip forming an X. He also holds a bar code tattoo on the bottom side of his left hand.


Occupation Gun and Drug Launder

Noah, defines his own characteristics by what he sees fit to the situation. With the lifestyle he has been forced to participate in he dwells on his moral of suviving by adapting to what is needed for his clients. With his consistant busy schedule his days are filled with long nights out, and hectic moments in his room. Ironically, despite his lethal career he keeps others away from his personal life so that they may not be dragged into any situation that may come up; instead of worrying about them exposing him.

When left alone with free time, Noah submerges himself into literature from subjects of warfare, psychology, and shakespeare. With his self established knowledge Noah utilizes what he has come to learn of other to his advantage by using wit, sarcasm and lies. He will do anything within his power to keep others out of his business even to the point of starting arguments so that they may come to hate him.

When business comes into play Noah keeps a stoic demeanor required in order to keep his reputation and life. That simple mask shatters when confronted by others that he feels have no intentional threat, exposing his polite nature. It is only when they get to close that he pushes them away which in turn stresses him out. Once something has stressed him out he leads himself into his room locks himself in and proceeds to drink with only a bottle of whiskey as his companion.

Likes: Sushi, Tacos, His jacket, Being left alone, A good book
Dislikes: Spicy food, Cramped spaces, Needles, people who hit women, Drugs, and Weapons
Habits: Has tendency to bite his lip when thinking, keeps his hands in his pocket a lot, and the drinking issue when stressed
DiseasesWaartenburg Syndrome
Abilities/talents Mixed Martial Art, Knife fighting, Cooking, Extortion/Persuasion
Born from the womb of a single British mother after the betrayal of his long lost Spaniard father, Noah shared the burdened life of his loving two unit family. Despite hardships that would be expected of that type of system their life was not filled with dread or pain. They had each other and that was all they needed. Once Noah had turned six-teen he had shown exceptional marks in his studies and academics. At a similar time his mother had begun to date a rather secretive man. Noah, not being ignorant of the situation kept his watchful eyes on their relationship and even attempted to make his mother break their relationship. The attempts were a failure as his mother was love struck, barely even the image of his once loving mother.

After observing two more years of the man's actions he confronted his step-father. Within those couple of years he had learned that his rat of a father was in dealings with the Mafia, in the illegal trade margin. Noah was prepared to turn his father in with all the information he had gathered when suddenly he was called into his father's work space. Once he had entered and empty hellos were established, his father revealed that he was aware of Noah's actions and how impressed he had been with his knowledge and contact skills. The man's deadly voice continued as he detailed every action he took and even complimenting him on how hard it was to track it back down to his own "son". Upon finishing the man had left the room leaving the teary eyed and speechless Noah with one offer "Work for me, or I will kill your mother."

Eight years had passed since Noah had accepted his father's offer in order to protect the only woman he had ever loved. Upon accepting the offer he had been forced to use drugs, tortured, and branded with his father's trade mark tattoo until they deemed him broken and wouldn't rat them out. He was immediately set to work and within that time his reputation for keep the exporting, importing, and distribution of his father's weaponry and drugs completely off the radar in the american land had massively grown. Once it became positive that he would remain in America for a very long time he began his search for one of the worst living locations he could find. Despite his wealth he refused allow himself to use the money he had gained through corrupt means.

The only thing he allowed himself to buy were books in which his mother had always encouraged him to read, alcohal to cope with the stress, and the food required to keep himself alive. Anything else he had gained had been a gift from his mother to give him some comfort, after he had told her that he would have to go to America for a "business trip". The gift he had treasured the most was a black coat.

07-30-2012, 12:06 AM
=D Looks like someone is in need of a room mate! ;) I think Katia is all booked up for the most part.

07-30-2012, 12:32 AM
Isn't there still a room free in the back area?

07-30-2012, 12:34 AM
I thought that IceChateau's character got the last room?

^_^ I suggest asking Ru.

07-30-2012, 12:35 AM
I apologize if the image size is too large.

07-30-2012, 02:06 AM
Finally returned..I rolled a 5 and will be posting soon.

07-30-2012, 02:50 AM
Yeah... I think Nikeisha did get the last room...
I will be posting the 15-year-old...
And if you know that crazy OCD girl from Zetsu or whatever it's called, you'll get the idea of her personality.
And I can't believe nobody complimented of my character yet... RUDE~! (JK, but seriously, how is my character?)

And here's how my character would be like. YOU NEED TO WATCH ZEH VIDS TO GET A CLUE!!!


As you can tell, she'll be quite crazy, but not enough to go loco. And Ru hasn't added the Sanity Points yet... wondering if I REALLY got accepted. And She'll be bunking in with Nikeisha unless someone wants her to be the mate. Since I am looking after my grandmother, I won't be able to post my character until at the very latest, Tuesday. For now, I think I'll add Nikeisha's stuff in so she can get a little familiar with the room.

07-30-2012, 05:27 AM
I love Noah! I think that Apollo and Noah would make excellent roomies, since one is needed. Plus they're not really men of extravagance (except for Apollo's clothes, so maybe there's no closet space) so they might have the room to squeeze in two twin beds.

07-30-2012, 06:21 AM
I wouldn't mind at all. Though I think that would be left up to what Ru wants.

07-30-2012, 07:13 PM
gotta start writing stuff down in the IC

07-30-2012, 07:13 PM
I love Noah as well~! I hope to get my character in soon. If Nanario can't bunk with someone else, it'd be with Nikeisha unless something comes up.
But I'm worried that all of you are ignoring me~! You missed my character? Oh well, I guess I won't be able to post until Ru adds the SP. I assume she is busy, so I will wait on her. In the meantime, I will give you a little info to know a bit of my other character before I actually add her to the OOC.
My first Character (Nikeisha) is on the 7th page in case you're wondering, and clarification follows right afterward.

07-30-2012, 09:48 PM
Congrats on getting into the Navy, Saintly!

I think with Ru's busy schedule with work and other things. that she might be slow to read over everyone's character sheets ^_^ For her sake, I'd suggest to have patience with her because of her normally hectic life <3

07-30-2012, 10:19 PM
Tune (La di da) is now my co-GM. While I am still the one accepting the profiles, anything she says on them should be taken seriously, as well as with anything else she says. She will be here to answer any questions she can answer in my absence. She has been in several RPs with me and knows what I look for when it comes to such things, so if she tells you to fix something then fix it. I'll be editing the first post stating she is co-admin in the rules when I get the chance.

Well, since we're all giving each other a heads up, once September hits (when school starts for me) I'll probably be decreasing activity dramatically. It's my senior year and I'm 3rd in my class rank. THIRD. If I focused on my grades I could make valedictorian, or at the very least salutatorian, so I'd like to go for that. [Dramatic back story.]

Hopefully I'll be posting in the IC very soon (:

CONGRATS! Pursue it the best ya can C: If you disappear I understand, as well as if you ever need to quit.

I just got home and will read your sheet ASAP! Lemme know whom you're gonna room with/if'n ya do c:

The number really matters little without the second roll. I do a second roll outside of the game and follow a chart, so while two of you got 3 it is unlikely you both will receive the same outcome.

The more I think about it the more I'm really unsure about your character and I rather you keep to one character. When your first character dies you may feel free to make another, but until then I rather everyone just stick with one, because this is getting quite massive and I haven't even introduced my fourth NPC. (While a temporary character, he's still important)

And I'd rather you edit your sheet before I fully accept it. It is extremely jumbled and you don't need to make a massive history to portray what you are trying to convey, and you admitted the personality doesn't fit with what you described in her back story.

While, yes, your post afterwards did explain things, I gathered plenty of information from the shorter histories compared to the one you presented me with. And I've had others message me also agreeing with how I feel on it, though I am not going to present names; if they want you to know they'll let you know.

So, if you have a preference of the three characters you had in mind, then please choose one. If it happens to be Nicki, then edit her to where it's not giving me a headache and to where you don't have to give me another post explaining it. There is no rush, so don't feel a need to do so, and there's no need for a massive history to explain what you've described. If it was a novel or short story, then yes, but for a history not so much. If you rather go with one of the other two, then focus on whichever it is you want's sheet and depending on the rooms at the time you may need to plan bunking with someone.

I'm sorry if this causes any inconvenience, but it wouldn't be quite fair to some of the others members if I accepted it as is. Especially to Leon, who had to completely scrape her previous sheet.

@St. Maria

Uhhh... I think I addressed everyone? XD Imma work on reading the IC and will either reply to it tonight or Wednesday or something. I might wait for others, depending on what I get XD *haven't read it all yet*

07-30-2012, 10:42 PM

Fighter said she wouldn't mind having Noah be a roommate of Apollo, and I don't mind either. So I'll share a room with her.

07-30-2012, 10:45 PM
=D Apollo with a room mate while he's Katia's bed buddy? And beat it all, it's a male room mate with Apollo's sexuality being questioned? Oh, I love this already and I haven't even gotten to meet all the other characters!

07-30-2012, 11:12 PM
I have no problem with you two rooming C: I'll read your sheet when I can and if'n ya get accepted I'll add you into Apollo's room.

07-31-2012, 01:48 AM
-agreement- Well, I'll have to agree with you. I normally DID post a detailed history. If you just want stuff such as "How they got to the way they are now" and stuff, I will totally edit it (and probably change her entirely). I'm still making the 15-year-old, BUT I'll need someone else to join her. I'm sorry if the history confuses you at all. I'm like the one that gives my characters "A real timeline-type" history, which in turn would be difficult to transition from the short histories. If you basically want me to explain their life in three paragraphs or less, sure. Some other people made detailed histories too, but I think I'll have to edit her history, appearance, persona and name entirely. I understand if you can't read that kind of history in where it doesn't transition smoothly (and most cannot, to be honest). I will reference to other histories when editing. Of course anything that would be deemed too confusing to explain in their Bio will be revealed In-Character (if you are all right with that). I will let you note that I'm VERY organized based on separating from age to age. I'll honestly need a little assistance with constructing my history to make it short (As I cannot make it short without going completely overboard). ;_;

07-31-2012, 02:00 AM
I didn't say to make it short; I merely stated you don't need to present me with a novel to portray a history. I am well aware of the sheets submitted, as I have read all of them except for the newest one. In fact, some of my favorites are the longer ones, but I didn't particularly like yours. Even so, if I felt it was well-written and not confusing I would have accepted it fine, because I don't like using a bias when accepting sheets.

Your history was a list; a very clusterfuck of a list, if you don't mind my French. It didn't explain things and just jotted out what appeared to be nonsense.

And I don't think you quite understand what I meant when I was saying choose one. I mean, quite literally, choose one character. If you want to play the fifteen year old, then you are only playing her and must find someone to room with. There are too many characters in this RP as it is and I'm not going to take up extra rooms because someone wants to have more people. I honestly didn't expect the rooms to fill this fast, at all, which is why I initially accepted it, but I changed the rules. So, please choose one character as I will only be accepting one until that character dies, in which you may present another.

And I can read it. I gathered what you were trying to portray, especially because I've seen such a character in almost every Madea movie I have watched with my family. But it jumped around and didn't explain. I don't expect EVERY little detail in a history, because it is fun to find out through the IC, but I can't have a jumbled list, because I need the history, as well as other aspects of the character sheet, to decide what the SP is.

Mind you, some of this is meant for "haha"s and "lawl"s. However, point still stands.

I really hope you don't take offense to it, as I was not attempting to cause any ill feelings.

07-31-2012, 03:05 AM
Okay, so I understand. I Don't mean to cause any harm at all. You know what, can we arrange something so I can get some kind of mentoring of my character or something? I'm already aware of too many hardcore people already, and I could have made an adult sibling (to take her in) had entries not came so quick. I didn't expect it to go THAT fast either, thus it ruined my original plans.

I'll PM my current Character sheet before I post it here; it's not finished, so I'm only looking for advice, pointers and such. Is that okay, Ru? I don't feel comfortable posting an unfinished sheet. I will show it to you now, and will add, modify, switch around or delete anything deemed necessary. I will only add how she was born, and other stuff deemed necessary. If anything should be explained in detail, I will add it to the IC instead of being redundant in the history. If you still don't find approval (with the ENTIRETY of the sheet), I will have to forfeit.

07-31-2012, 03:14 AM
A'right, sounds good to me. I'm used to mentoring anyway. I have a set of tutorials/guides on RPing located here (http://role-player.net/forum/group.php?groupid=91), actually, that a lot of people have told me is very useful. I just don't really advertise it anymore.

07-31-2012, 03:52 AM
Thank you so much.
I will send my sheet in progress, and I'll be open to what you think.

07-31-2012, 05:09 AM
Glad you guys resolved that little hiccup hehe. I shall await the approval/ disapproval of my character then. :)

07-31-2012, 05:14 AM
I'll get to my PMs when I can, though I plan on reading Public's sheet firstest C:

Evil Troy
07-31-2012, 02:40 PM
Hey guys, Sorry I haven't posted just yet but a good friend that I haven't seen in over a year came back into town Sunday so I've been spending the past couple of days hanging out with him. Seeing how I really have nothing else to do today I'll have my post up sometime today.

07-31-2012, 02:52 PM
That's perfectly fine!
I'm in need of a buddy to bunk with.

07-31-2012, 05:55 PM
@ Evil Troy
That's awesome and perfectly fine C: I understand that completely! Ha ha. There's no rush.

I'm almost done reading Public's profile! I was last night and got to history, then got too into playing Rune Factory 3 and went to sleepies c: So, once I'm more awake (just barely woke up) I'll finish the history. However, he does seem awesome thus far and unless you gave me a TERRIBLE history I should burn in flames you should be accepted upon me finishing ;3

07-31-2012, 07:07 PM
Hope I didn't dissapoint. :)

07-31-2012, 07:44 PM
Noah has been accepted C: Feel free to post.

07-31-2012, 09:40 PM
I'm working more on Nanario's biography. She should be completely done later tonight. Chances are that I will send you the completed form and you can tell me what to edit. I really didn't like how Nikeisha's turned out--being sloppy and all (and you were right~! I could HARDLY comprehend what happened in the History!) I guess it was worth the try of using your awesome Character sheets.

07-31-2012, 09:52 PM
C: Thank chu, thank chu. I'm glad you see what I was trying to get at and I'll try and read your sheet ASAP. I finished Noah's (dur xD), but I've been getting ready for work and I MIGHT see the new Batman tonight, so I'm not quite sure when I'll be home. But I am free tomorrow so I should be able to look it over then at the latest.

08-01-2012, 02:33 AM
After going through, reading some character sheets, I realized almost everyone was born in September. Does that mean Mythos would be one big party place during that entire month?

08-01-2012, 02:46 AM
Yay. Noah will stash some whiskey for that month in particular. Although by the gloomy mood of the place what would you consider "big party"? (if we even survive until then)

08-01-2012, 06:26 AM
My little boy is not much of a party kid, but I also noticed that as well,

Mine is september 21

08-01-2012, 07:03 AM
I usually put September 14th (my birthday) as my role play character's, because I'm unoriginal, but the one time I tried something different, poor Apollo misses out on a party.

Excellent IC posts, everyone.

Leon G
08-01-2012, 12:41 PM
My birthday is September 11! We're so close!

Anyways, I should have a post up relatively soon, now that I'm settled and I'll use the D&D dice since I really don't get the forum die @.@

08-02-2012, 04:39 AM
Basically, all you type in is 1d20

While you're editing or previewing, it'll come up as [roll0] but once you publish, it'll be a random number.

08-02-2012, 06:27 AM
I have no idea what birthdays I put down... XD I forgot. I just tried to make their personalities match their western horoscopes, so I believe I did make Howl a Scorpio xD because Ru is obsessed with the zodiac.

08-02-2012, 06:32 AM
XD Yes, Ru is and it is always fun to talk to her about it ^_^

08-02-2012, 06:48 AM
C: D'aaaaw! <3 Glad you think so.

08-02-2012, 07:03 AM
Well, I'm an Aquarius; January 31, but I dislike using my birthday as my details since I feel that I'm related to the character BIRTH-WISE~!

08-02-2012, 07:06 AM
^_^ I set my character's birthday to a day after my mother's, making Katia a Taurus.

08-02-2012, 07:18 AM
My real B-day is Sept the 21, My character is the 22 because two is my fav. number. I'm a Virgo, but Keito might be a Libra, don't have my book right now but I think I was at the border.

08-02-2012, 07:54 AM
He's close but still a Virgo. Libra starts on September 23.

*is a Libra*

Ice's profile has been looked over via PM and addressed.

I have yet to look at the latest IC posts. I last read SilverAce's. Hopefully I can get in a reply tomorrow. XD Or maybe later tonight. Dunno how I feel atm.

08-02-2012, 08:14 AM
This seems like it's a giant Virgo party. Although, I've always wanted my birthday to be on December 28th, though.

08-02-2012, 09:51 AM
Fun Facts
Most popular horoscope for current Mythos players is actually a three-way tie amongst Taurus, Scorpio, and Virgo.

Currently the gender ratio is perfectly even.

Most used age is 26; most characters are in their twenties.

Everyone has some form of Caucasian.

A+ and O+ are the popular blood types.

Only three characters are not heterosexual; four if you include the girl who hasn't thought about it.

Most popular "occupation" is "Student."

Dyslexia is the only disease characters share and it is only shared by two of them.

Most characters have 16 SP.

More character live on Floor 3 than Floor 2, due to two upstairs rooms containing roommates.

Common dislikes/fears will be compiled when I'm not dead tired.

Leon G
08-02-2012, 02:57 PM
Wow XD I only did dyslexia because I have it, too.

And woo, go Virgos! =D

08-02-2012, 03:13 PM
Psh... Scorpio ftw.

08-02-2012, 06:29 PM
lmao. XD

I think there was more common things last time I hosted Mythos, but I think I threw away the sheet I wrote them on. I'll be going through fears/dislikes today. I really should make a separate section... (for fears) but oh well, too late now.

Once I'm more awake I may make a post to push this thing along.

If anyone wants any sort of relationship with my characters, let me know.

Lord Tully
08-02-2012, 07:59 PM
I was thinking of we might have something happen between Hanna and Boots if that sounds alright.

08-02-2012, 08:47 PM
Ooo! That could be fun C:

Lord Tully
08-02-2012, 09:07 PM
Potentially but one of them kinda has to answer the door first.

08-02-2012, 09:48 PM
Yeaaaah xD I'll try and reply when I can. ha ha.

08-03-2012, 04:10 PM
Yay I get the first ghost. I wasn't expecting that ._.

Also I'm unsure. Should we wait for ru to post or do we go ahead?

Lord Tully
08-03-2012, 04:41 PM
I'd say wait for Ru to get her post up.

08-04-2012, 04:18 AM
Just wait. I was too exhausted last night, thus just putting up dice rolls xD

I also needta re-read what I put for dice rolls, before they get too hectic.

1) Any dice roll results I implement. So, just because you rolled you got a ghost, doesn't mean you control the ghost or what it does and whomever I say sees it would be the only people who do.

2) You only roll once per round. What is considered a "round" would be between my posts. So if you make two posts since my last post, then your second post has no dice roll. If you put a dice roll in your second post I will ignore it and only use the first post's roll, thus causing any rolls after pointless.

I don't remember if either were explained in the dice rolling area XD I'll have to check and add it.

Lord Tully
08-04-2012, 04:21 AM
Odd timing I was literally just this moment coming on to ask if you were coming back today.

08-04-2012, 04:55 AM
Haha, nice. Well, I'm watching The Fifth Element with my boyfriend, but I plan on working on a post while I do so, even if it's just a GM post. I'm trying to think of exactly what I want to do with everything, though namely my characters; I already know how Consul is getting kidnapped.

08-04-2012, 05:35 AM
Owen Walsh

Birthday September 12
Age 25
Gender male
Race Caucasian, of Greek and Irish decent
Blood type A+
A well filled-in body of six feet or so, with a larger, undefined build. Bits of wispy dirty blonde hair fall to one side of his head, with the back nearly shaved. Small green eyes and a cheeky, cat-like smile adjoin a playful face, with light fuzz along the more angular parts.
Sexuality Heterosexual
Occupation Bartender, student
Owen isn't someone you can figure out from light conversation, nonetheless someone you'll find having light conversation. He's cocky, clever, and acts on his toes, most of the time. He's very genuine in his decisions, but he also withdraws from any personal relations.
He's the kind of guy who gains friends through his quick mouth and sense of humor, while having that factor of privacy separating him from the others. He's never had a serious relationship, has only made a drunken fool of himself a handful of times, and is nice to most everyone that he meets. However, he's obsessive when it comes to privacy and is extremely protective of what may seem like useless details, to the extent of physical harm. He's not an easy gun to trigger, but will go to the extremes when he's set off.

Likes: White colored cars, rolled up sleeves, beach-front homes, torn-up jeans, and living alone.
Dislikes: Impersonal/fake people, obnoxious/unbearably outgoing people, birds, accusations/assumptions, "borrowing" things, untidy people, and phone calls.
Habits: Circling the top of a wine glass with his finger, checking over his shoulder, sneering, and constantly rolling back his sleeves
Diseases Slight asthmatic problems
Abilities/talents Surprisingly good swimmer and is very good at going unnoticed.
Owen has a past of family conflicts, mostly inner-personal and unnoticed, but it wasn't unusual to see an attorney's car parked beside their lawn. There were many suggested rumors, but with not a slip of evidence, their neighbors gradually lost interest and moved on.

The moment he was of age, he skipped a few towns and attended an out-of-state college, hoping to get a degree in physical therapy. Now well into his master's degree, he's attending a university streets down from his now-abandoned home, which brought him to Mythos Complex. Here he wouldn't be concerned about old neighbors and distant friends from his childhood confronting him, while being close enough to check up on his old house every once in a while.

Evil Troy
08-04-2012, 06:03 AM
Haha! Finally got an IC post up! Let me tell you, this week has not been a good week to work at Chick-fil-a. XD

08-04-2012, 06:35 AM
Herro, Extraordinare! I'll get to reading your post when I can <3

Uuuh, Evil Troy XD I haven't read your post, but you may end up having to edit it when I'm done with mine, since I'm working on a GM post and it's going where my dice rolls were put in the IC. Your dice rolls also won't be taken into consideration into next round, which I explained on the previous page and is explained in the rules in the first post of the OOC ((just added them tonight C: )) xD


And I made this to sort of help people visual a bit, though it's REALLY shitty.


Well, sort of, since I didn't show outlining for each room on the very top XD So... yeaaah, but I figured the side splits sort of help.

Red is floor "three;" Yellow is floor "two;" and the green area is below the ground, which includes floor "one." Eventually, depending on how the plot, etc. goes, it will be revealed in the RP that Mythos was once three stories high, but the bottom portion was buried, then people were forbade to go into what would be consider a basement, but is still referred to as floor one. Blue indicates where hallway walls/floors would be that aren't the rooms and the brown portion is the front door.

Still keep in mind of the image I have provided of an actual building I based Mythos around for size, the fence around it, trees, etc. and that the landlord area is not in this image XD I was just hoping it would help.

And, yes, if you could not gather it from the original map, 2014 is the smallest room in the complex.

08-04-2012, 10:04 AM
My post is finished! Feel free to commence with postage. I made sure to make it so you shouldn't have to edit much at all with your post, Troy xD Probably just acknowledge Cait is knocking or something. It honestly seems more like an easy add on to the end of it.

To those who received result "noise," the noise is Katie screaming, just in case no one catches that. I don't like bluntly putting, "And the noise was EGENRIGNERIOGNEOIRGJ." XD I rather just imply it.

Rumor, etc. will be implemented in the morning (morning in RPland, not here).

I feel sorta sorry for Consul for the kidnap thing, because when I used this riddle in the last RP technically both parties could figure it out. There was a captured guy who received the full riddle and one of the other characters who was with the main party found the other note and so long as the riddle is solved in the right way it doesn't matter who solves it XD GOOD LUCK, CONSUL!

Leon G
08-04-2012, 02:28 PM

I really wish I had more rep to give...

08-04-2012, 03:51 PM
Omg Ru. Your post is over powered. Haha.

08-04-2012, 07:05 PM
XD ha ha ha. Thanks, guys! I was worried I was slacking towards the end, honestly. I was fuckin' tired at that point XD (staying up too late. Rus need sleep!)

My boyfriend might actually join this o.o He was working on a character sheet last night, though it doesn't seem he's posted anywhere yet.

I'll read Extraoridinare's sheet after work today! I was 1-4 Pacific Standard Time, so it'll be sometime after that. I'd do it now but I know it's huge :P and don't wanna be late for work ha ha ha.

Lord Tully
08-04-2012, 07:06 PM
Haha! Finally got an IC post up! Let me tell you, this week has not been a good week to work at Chick-fil-a. XD

I imagine it isn't.

Anywhy I've posted, I hope it's not too short.

08-04-2012, 07:47 PM
Guess we'll see how everything goes. And that riddle... Interesting....

08-04-2012, 10:06 PM
Rumor, etc. will be implemented in the morning (morning in RPland, not here).

So, may I post now and leave the rumor for when it's ready? Another thing, how will the rumor reach my character and the others who got Rumor? Through your story, i'm asuming?

08-04-2012, 10:15 PM
I think the rumors will go into place once the night has passed. However I'd wait on Ru's confirmation.

Leon G
08-04-2012, 10:18 PM
So excited to make a post :'D

08-05-2012, 01:32 AM
Oh man I love riddles! This is so fantastic.

I found it funny that Consul got kidnapped by creepy slugs though.

@Ru: Will Howl visit Bridget, then? I'm asking because if the answer is yes, I'd rather hold off making a post until that happens.

Nevermind, just read Public_Hazard's post! I'll write something up later.

08-05-2012, 02:28 AM
Gosh, I didn't expect to explain results so much... @___@

I control ALL results. Every single dice roll result I will implement in one of my posts. When I say "implement in post," it means it will happen in the post the results are shown in; when I say "will be implemented in a later post," it means I'm holding off for the right moment to use it and it will pop up later.

How it will happen only I get to know and you'll find out whenever it is I describe it, which is why it's very important to read all of my posts, since you never know when it is I'm going to push it through.

I only post the results and state when I'm going to use it so people can see what their characters got and why it is or is not being shown. I didn't want questions for if someone got rumor, but then no rumor was shown when I planned on using it later.

Oh, and similar results does NOT always mean everyone gets the same thing. This time I chose to do the same noise, but I might give different rumors to different people or maybe the same rumor to all. I try to vary it up and stay inconsistent with those things.

Howl might visit Bridget, but probably not, since Katie did become quiet and left to Noah's room.

Riddles are definitely fun C: Good luck with it XD

I'll give Extraordinare's character a look soon, though I'm pretty damn sure I'm accepting it XD because I've RPed with you before, ha ha.

08-05-2012, 03:17 AM
okay okay, hopefully my posts will be longer when my rolls actually get me something XD only destiny and Ru will have control of that

08-05-2012, 04:42 AM
You don't need dice results to make your posts longer o____o; Just react to everything that's been happening o.0 xD

08-05-2012, 05:57 AM
Owen Walsh

Birthday September 12
Age 25
Gender male
Race Caucasian, of Greek and Irish decent
Blood type A+
A well filled-in body of six feet or so, with a larger, undefined build. Bits of wispy dirty blonde hair fall to one side of his head, with the back nearly shaved. Small green eyes and a cheeky, cat-like smile adjoin a playful face, with light fuzz along the more angular parts.
Sexuality Heterosexual
Occupation Bartender, student
Owen isn't someone you can figure out from light conversation, nonetheless someone you'll find having light conversation. He's cocky, clever, and acts on his toes, most of the time. He's very genuine in his decisions, but he also withdraws from any personal relations.
He's the kind of guy who gains friends through his quick mouth and sense of humor, while having that factor of privacy separating him from the others. He's never had a serious relationship, has only made a drunken fool of himself a handful of times, and is nice to most everyone that he meets. However, he's obsessive when it comes to privacy and is extremely protective of what may seem like useless details, to the extent of physical harm. He's not an easy gun to trigger, but will go to the extremes when he's set off.

Likes: White colored cars, rolled up sleeves, beach-front homes, torn-up jeans, and living alone.
Dislikes: Impersonal/fake people, obnoxious/unbearably outgoing people, birds, accusations/assumptions, "borrowing" things, untidy people, and phone calls.
Habits: Circling the top of a wine glass with his finger, checking over his shoulder, sneering, and constantly rolling back his sleeves
Diseases Slight asthmatic problems
Abilities/talents Surprisingly good swimmer and is very good at going unnoticed.
Owen has a past of family conflicts, mostly inner-personal and unnoticed, but it wasn't unusual to see an attorney's car parked beside their lawn. There were many suggested rumors, but with not a slip of evidence, their neighbors gradually lost interest and moved on.

The moment he was of age, he skipped a few towns and attended an out-of-state college, hoping to get a degree in physical therapy. Now well into his master's degree, he's attending a university streets down from his now-abandoned home, which brought him to Mythos Complex. Here he wouldn't be concerned about old neighbors and distant friends from his childhood confronting him, while being close enough to check up on his old house every once in a while.

My only issues are I'd like your history to have a bit more in it to help me better decide your character's SP and that I'd prefer an anime picture. So, if you could please obtain an anime picture it'd be awesome C: and add a bit more to the history o.o so I can choose the SP properly.

08-05-2012, 05:59 AM
... So, I think Ru already knows that my computer has been causing me problems. Well, I found out just how bad it is today. If it can't be fixed manually, I'll be without a laptop while it is in the shop.

08-05-2012, 06:03 AM
D'aaaaw D: That hella sucks! I hope it gets fixed ASAP! >:C For sure. Or Imma haveta kick it.

If you want me to do anything with Katia or drag her anywhere just lemme know.

08-05-2012, 06:04 AM
XD I haven't even had time to check the IC thread, or many other RP's lately.

08-05-2012, 06:12 AM

Well, I'll explain some junk I have planned via Skipe so you can see what I mean by dragging.



Otherwise I rarely have any other messenger on.

08-05-2012, 06:25 AM
Vince R. Norse

Birthday March, 3rd
Age 19.
Gender Male.
Blood type B+
Vince is extremely skinny, and considerably lanky. He has brown hair that; no matter the length, is kept spiked. This can lead to some very goofy hairstyles. He has a scar just below his left eye from a car accident in his youth. His eye color is green, and he has what some would consider a button nose. He always wears t-shirts and jeans, his jeans typically have holes in the knee. He wears a raggedy pair of converse he’s had since early high school. He has a goofy demeanor and looks quite awkward.
Sexuality Asexual.
Occupation Newspaper delivery.
Vince is the definition of awkward, while he can hold a conversation with someone, the conversations tend to leave the other individual feeling uncomfortable. Vince has a tendency to do things without thinking about them, and his ADHD tends to get him into trouble. “Some call it curiosity, others call it a disorder” is a personal motto of his. He’s been known to walk away from a conversation simply because something caught his eye across the street.

Likes: Snow cones, traveling, mopeds, maps, people, his scar, Nintendo, converse, pizza, Pepsi, banana nut bread, waffles, Legos, finding things, his lucky hat that he doesn’t wear, PB&J sandwiches, little red wagons, kids, brown jackets, cats.
Dislikes: Afraid of butterflies, afraid of being disliked, cars, Firby, the other side of the pillow, pancakes, Puppets, guns, Money.
Habits: Sucks his thumb when he’s sleeping, and walks away from people while they’re talking.
Diseases ADHD
Abilities/talents Riding mopeds, finding his way out of sticky situations, being lucky, fitting into tight spaces, solving puzzles, eating, becoming wide awake the instant he awakes.
Vince had a pretty normal childhood, he lived simply with a mom and a dad. He was in a car accident when he was 10 giving him the scar below his left eye. After the accident his mother bought him a snowcone and that became his favorite memory. The accident had supposedly been caused by a discarded butterfly knife which Vince's mother had run over. This invoked many nightmares of knife wielding butterflies in the young Vince, and installed a permanent fear of the insect.

His mother and father supported him in his decisions to not participate in school activities and catered to his desires for his idea of fun. Maps. His love for maps arose at an early age, the strange desire to explore and follow each rode, and each curve along it’s graphed edges. It was beautiful and glorious. He felt a need for adventure, this could also be the reason for his breakdown on the day of his graduation.

The day Vince was due to graduate, he snapped. He threw clothes and a few supplies into a red wagon and walked down the field to receive his diploma. Once his diploma was received he turned and walked away. He walked for days, days turned into months and months into a year. He stopped and slept in alley ways and did odd jobs for food. He was fulfilling his dream of adventuring, but with no destination and no real plans. His mother desperately tried to find him, issuing a missing persons report to the police. By now Vince has been pronounced dead, in his hometown. His parents claiming that he was tragically kidnapped and murdered.

Vince’s travels have led him to the front door of an apartment, he’s finally decided to get his bearings down and figure out what he can do to create his own adventure. He got a job delivering newspapers, and has applied for a room at the cheapest place he could find.

08-05-2012, 06:30 AM

So, Imma wait on Extraordinare's response a bit before I just offer out the last room, since they did throw up a valid sheet first, but my boyfriend plans on joining and I've already approved of his character sheet.

Is anyone willing to have him bunk with them? I noticed the only two bachelors with no roomies are Joseph and Daniel, but no one's required to have a roommate. I just figured I'd ask if anyone was willing, etc. He's playing a male.

Once the sheet gets mod-approved you'll be able to see it and judge for yourselves.

08-05-2012, 06:33 AM
^__^ You talked him into joining, Ru? Sweet ^_^

08-05-2012, 06:44 AM
Ah I see new residents to live within the complex of death. Sounds fun, more people with gruesome deaths in the future.

08-05-2012, 07:15 AM
XD More or less.

If Consul ends up dying (which will probably happen if she fails the riddle), then I'll just give him her room, otherwise I need to find him a roomie XD

08-05-2012, 04:03 PM
i need to post

Leon G
08-05-2012, 05:46 PM
I feel pressured to die now... O.O

If any characters want to let Consul move in with them (maybe she'll be too scared to stay alone?) then your boyfriend can take Consul's room

08-06-2012, 12:02 AM
I find it amusing how everyone so far has gone rigid with Noah and Howl in the hallway.

Evil Troy
08-06-2012, 12:38 AM
Alright my post has been edited! Also since my post was after the first round wouldn't my Dice roll just go to the second round?

08-06-2012, 06:12 AM
@ Evil Troy
Yes C: Your dice roll will go to round two!

@ Leon G
If you wanna have him room with you, then we can do that and have him be the only one who knows you were kidnapped XD ha ha. I'd imagine he'd be cool with it. The monsters wouldn't have kidnapped him ((there is a good reason why, but it may be revealed later if anyone clues in the answer to the riddle/if I reenter them after the Consul ordeal)).

Otherwise I did tell him he could wait until morning to see the result of whether Consul lives or not and I might just have to PM Extraordinare. At this point I'm kinda thinking of just giving Rin the last room, namely because it doesn't seem like she's really posting at all in the OOC o___o so I unno.


I'll probably make a post soon-ish, though it's more progressing Howl and Noah talking, and sort of beginning the next day (as a Howl speech is needed to start the next event).

08-06-2012, 07:32 AM
Maybe I'll post again, for Ellie since she asked Keito a question.

Quick question which is kinda a dumb question, but I just want to make sure.

Ellie heard a noise in the room, and Keito shares the room, so Keito is also allowed to hear it, but will not go into it much since he didn't roll a number to get "noise", right?

08-06-2012, 07:41 AM
This is Ru on Rin's profile ((I already turned off my laptop))


Only those listed to here the noise will here the noise, so only Ellie heard the scream. You would hear Cait screaming, as everyone can, but Katie's screams are only heard by those listed in the RP post to have heard it.

When a noise is not specified for specific people then it can be heard by whomever it would be realistic to, but when I list who hears it only those people will here it.

So, Keito heard Cait screaming, neighbors shuffling, etc. but nothing Katie/ghost related.

08-06-2012, 08:06 AM
okay, you just saved me from an unecessary post XD I'll post tomorrow then.

Leon G
08-06-2012, 02:21 PM
I don't mind having him room with me, if Extra is not dropping out. Sorry for the delay on the post, with my sister back we've been spending a lot of time together and doing fun stuff to make up for the 6 weeks she was gone~

08-06-2012, 03:53 PM
@Leon: Hope you had fun with your sis! If you do want Consul to move rooms she can go with Bridget, but we'd have to set up some sort of backstory for their relationship. Just send me a message or something if you still want her to move rooms.

Leon G
08-06-2012, 10:21 PM
Okay =] Waiting on Extra to see if she's still in it or no, though. Working on my post, can't wait for you guys to see it. While shopping today Mythos was on my mind, and how I'd make Consul answer the riddle.

08-06-2012, 10:49 PM
Well, hopefully the answer is right! XD Otherwise we have our first death, ha ha.

I might just have to PM Extra =\ I'm not sure. Otherwise Imma just give the last room to Rin. I'm honestly not sure who sent their sheet to me first, as he PMed me (and showed me on his computer, I think) before I read Extra's, but I wasn't paying attention to dates. *shrug* Who knows.

Anyway, I'll blast a PM so we can get this shit figured out soon-ish. Either way he doesn't really mind waiting XD ha ha.

Leon G
08-06-2012, 10:52 PM
Whoa we posted at the same time! =D

Anyway post is up. My poetry sux, so forgive that XD

08-06-2012, 11:25 PM
I'll read it when I can XD ha ha.

08-07-2012, 12:20 AM
XD I am so horrible at riddles. It is a good thing that Katia wasn't the one captured or she would have been dead by round 2.

08-07-2012, 02:00 AM
So we'll all be in suspense until Ru gets back to see if Consul survived or not??? ;ahh;

I got the same answer for it though, which means that, had it been my character, she'd be in the same position as Consul. Hoping for the best!

08-07-2012, 02:03 AM
I've been busy with navy stuff so i will get that post in tomorrow

08-07-2012, 02:33 AM
S'all good C: Take chur time with Navy junk; I understand it taking a bit.

XD Well, that sucks for you, Tune.. because it's likely more riddles will pop up xD What sucks for me is I have to come up with them XD gaaah. lol.

Yes! Everyone must wait in suspense until Ru makes an IC post :P Because I'm not gonna say what happens to her via OOC XD ha ha.

08-07-2012, 03:25 AM

Okay, so, since I'm tired of explaining this, figured it was self-explanatory, and am starting to get annoyed... I HAVE ADDED A NEW RULE ALL NICE AND SHIFT-KEYED.

NO ONE controls paranormal events EXCEPT FOR the GM and the dice rolls, which are described by the GM, AKA ME. No, you CANNOT have a spirit pop up; no you CANNOT have random, unexplained sounds; and no you CANNOT decide what your dice roll means.

If you receive the result "noise," then I will describe the noise your character hears when I say I will describe it. So, if it says "implemented in post," then you will see it in that post if you freakin' read the damned post and find your name. I do specify, as some of you have noticed. I don't go, "That one guy heard something." I state which character and what specific sound.

If you receive the result, "ghost appearance," then I will describe the ghost and in what shape, form, or what have you they are in. YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THEM.

Only ONE person has directly messaged me and has been granted permission of any sort of "paranormal" incidents and that is Maria aka Apotheosis and even those can easily go towards Ans being insane. I don't know, but Apotheosis is the ONLY player who has requested permission for ANYTHING along those lines to happen, so if you have NOT been granted permission then don't freakin' describe it, because it doesn't happen.

In fact, because I'm really tired of this and don't ever want to explain this again, as the rule now states, ALL players who choose to ignore this rule and decide to describe paranormal activities without my permission with have their character instantly killed. I am not tolerating this.

To those who have not done any of the things listed above, I apologize if it sounds like I am scolding you and carry on with being awesome.

Everyone else, please strive to be awesome.

Also, to Zatory and SilverAce, unless Ellie works HELLA early in the morning or some crap, ya'll shouldn't be leaving the complex. Unless I describe time passing it is whatever time I last described as it is in MOST RPs; whatever the GM says it is, it is. Last I checked I said it was dark outside and snowing like crazy.

It is really early in the morning, too early for even a preschool teacher to be awake, so, as said, unless Ellie works with animals at the crack of dawn, I don't see why your characters would be getting ready to leave, thank you.

08-07-2012, 03:34 AM
Owen Walsh

Birthday September 12
Age 25
Gender male
Race Caucasian, of Greek and Irish decent
Blood type A+
A well filled-in body of six feet or so, with a larger, undefined build. Bits of wispy dirty blonde hair fall to one side of his head, with the back nearly shaved. Small green eyes and a cheeky, cat-like smile adjoin a playful face, with light fuzz along the more angular parts.
Sexuality Heterosexual
Occupation Bartender, student
Owen isn't someone you can figure out from light conversation, nonetheless someone you'll find having light conversation. He's cocky, clever, and acts on his toes, most of the time. He's very genuine in his decisions, but he also withdraws from any personal relations.
He's the kind of guy who gains friends through his quick mouth and sense of humor, while having that factor of privacy separating him from the others. He's never had a serious relationship, has only made a drunken fool of himself a handful of times, and is nice to most everyone that he meets. However, he's obsessive when it comes to privacy and is extremely protective of what may seem like useless details, to the extent of physical harm. He's not an easy gun to trigger, but will go to the extremes when he's set off.

Likes: White colored cars, rolled up sleeves, beach-front homes, torn-up jeans, and living alone.
Dislikes: Impersonal/fake people, obnoxious/unbearably outgoing people, birds, accusations/assumptions, "borrowing" things, untidy people, and phone calls.
Habits: Circling the top of a wine glass with his finger, checking over his shoulder, sneering, and constantly rolling back his sleeves
Diseases Slight asthmatic problems
Abilities/talents Surprisingly good swimmer and is very good at going unnoticed.
Owen's past was a combination of countless search-warrants and social worker bills. He was born into a well-bred family, of two handsome individuals both with a PhD, whom were constantly outshining one another. Each too prideful to admit that they couldn't manage their hours and tend to their kid, lead to him transferring from their separate wings of the hospital, each unknowingly of the other.

Around when he was five he started to pay mind to the amount of tension between the couple, but couldn't pinpoint when it began, or when it hit its peak. Several complaint's from his teacher's of his isolation only added to the angst, which they counter-argued of him just being a more tolerant child. He could clearly remember his mom tidying his hair the day before the incident, saying, "They think that you're struggling because you don't play with the others, but you're a step ahead of them all. You know that you don't need anyone in your life to succeed, and they're all going to be drowned by their companions."

A few weeks later, as he was up in the basement ogling some lost treasures he'd found in an old play bin, an entire squad of cop-cars found comfort in their front yard. His mother came up to him with a kitchen rag balled against her side, which he hardly took note to until one of the officers got in between them and she reached out, uncovering the wound. Having assumed that the song of the crime was just another one of their dispute's, he didn't understand the length of the danger until he looked over the officer's shoulder, to red-soaked living room walls.

Their gossip-normal neighbors all kept to themselves, not wanting to muddy their hands, or get involved, during the winter holidays. Some, however, admit to seeing Owen leave in a squad car, only to return months later in the hands of a social worker, where the pattern began.

Owen's mother wasn't granted complete custody again, until he neared his tenth birthday. They only lived in the house together for days before putting it back on the market and looking for somewhere on the east coast. The house, however, was never able to resell, and instead was rented out to college students, under their name. The next summer they moved into the same neighborhood as their Aunt, where a normal life was almost reachieved. To this day Owen isn't quite certain what happened that night, other than the confirmation that his father was gone, and that something had happened, to make his mother seem guilty. Not once did he bring up the tragedy once he moved back in permanently and not once was a clarification made. However, from a young age he started to collect newspaper clippings and copies of court orders, of which he hopes to make some sense of, as he grows older.

The second he was of age, Owen moved out to attend a local college, where he began studying law. His first year he went from visiting on weekly dinners, to every long weekend that came, and by the time he graduated, he rarely showed up on holidays. His mother's professionalism during court cases allowed from the murder-mystery to spread, so his name was rarely, if at all, recognized by others.
Now in the middle of achieving his master's degree, he transferred to a university only a few blocks down from his childhood home. However, not wanting to unearth old gossip and keep away from familiar faces, he looked for a more private shelter, which brought him to Mythos Complex.

All right, here you go Ru, sorry for the inconvenience ^^

08-07-2012, 03:43 AM
Whoopsie doopsie! My other, SMARTER pair of hands are fixing that at this very moment! But I'll just make it to she is gonna stay at the complex, but sorry bout dat -_-;

08-07-2012, 03:47 AM
YAAAY! Thank chu <3

Accepted c: I'll add ya up to the front page and you shall receive the last room.

08-07-2012, 05:18 AM
Wow, we have a lot of tall white guys here, don't we? (Or, well, I guess I can think of three, being Apollo, Noah, and Owen.) Apparently 6' + guys aren't a common occurance in this complex.

I am confused as to who's in the hall so I'm in the middle of posting, I just don't want to get any details wrong.

08-07-2012, 05:20 AM
Makes perfect sense. Take your time and have fun reading C:

08-07-2012, 05:29 AM
Blah. This is what happens when I neglect reading. I tend to skim and then I have to reread for the details <_< Mer.

EDIT: Anselm is described as tall, though no height is given. Daniel's 5'10'', Noah's 5'11'', Joseph is 6'1", Apollo's 6'2", and Howl's 6'4". Jesus. Is this a pissing contest or does RPA have a height fetish? The shortest guy here is Keito, and that's because he's 13.

EDIT (again): Heh. I was listening to "Leave This Bed" as I was typing my post, and it's funny because Adam Levine sings about how he's never going to leave his bed... get it?

08-07-2012, 05:49 AM
lmao Wow xD

Well... Howl's been one of my characters for years now XD and I've always used him for Mythos, so I have no idea about everyone else lol

The next NPC I plan on entering is relatively short for a male though. I don't remember the exact height, however. The little group I have is supposed to be Howl, Boots, and new person, where Howl is really tall and clearly the fighter...

Like, in RPG land Howl would be the fighter, Boots the healer, and new person the mage. XD Ya'll shall see. The pic I use for him is actually a drawing I did with him standing next to Howl, so the height difference will be emphasized. xD

Ru now has a major headache from too much Kingdom Hearts.

Expect replies tomorrow.

08-07-2012, 06:03 AM
Whoo! :D New post.

...so, uh, a little personal backstory. I work in a casino run by a small Native American tribe, so every time workers clump together in idleness, someone always calls it a pow wow. The sad attempt at humor is me taking in too much of Chandler Bing, because my little sister's been obsessively watching Friends for the past week.

08-07-2012, 06:15 AM
^_^ Just a tad nitpick... Everyone that's in the hall is on the 3rd floor, but I might have read your post wrong, AF.

08-07-2012, 06:27 AM
I haven't read the IC yet ((brain hurts too much for big posts right now)), but she is right that all the hallway people are on the third floor, currently.

08-07-2012, 07:04 AM

Leon G
08-07-2012, 01:31 PM
Height fetissssssh. And better reread my post to make sure I didn't control anything.

08-07-2012, 04:14 PM
lol. I don't think you really controlled anything in your post, Leon.

I'll try and put up a reply today, currently I am barely awake C: I would be sleeping, but my boss sent me a text saying I'm District Associate of the Month <3 so now I'm awake and groggy but happy o___o

Maybe I should just sleep more.

08-07-2012, 05:10 PM
Congrats on that Ru!

@AsianFighter: I found it funny, at least - in an awkward, Chandler-esque sort of way. But I guess that's what you were going for...?

08-07-2012, 05:38 PM
Blah. This is what happens when I neglect reading. I tend to skim and then I have to reread for the details <_< Mer.

EDIT: Anselm is described as tall, though no height is given. Daniel's 5'10'', Noah's 5'11'', Joseph is 6'1", Apollo's 6'2", and Howl's 6'4". Jesus. Is this a pissing contest or does RPA have a height fetish? The shortest guy here is Keito, and that's because he's 13.

EDIT (again): Heh. I was listening to "Leave This Bed" as I was typing my post, and it's funny because Adam Levine sings about how he's never going to leave his bed... get it?

Obviously all of us with male characters are forming a secret organization, to overpower the females.
Too bad for Owen I put, "six feet or so" but now that you mention it, I kinda want to change it to 6'5, just to keep the pattern going XD

On a more serious note... I have some summer work to deal with, but I'll read through the IC and type something up soon :)

08-07-2012, 06:58 PM
Thanks everyone for the congrats! C:

xD Oh gee, so many tall guys, ha ha. I'll get to reading the IC when I'm done eating muh oatmeal c:

08-07-2012, 11:51 PM
Dang, all the tall white males in the Complex. If Vince gets a place to stay in the complex he'll be added to the tall white male demographic.

Speaking of which, anyone looking for a room mate? I'm still looking for a place for Vince, if not I can always try to be creative with Vince visiting but even then, he'd be sleeping out in the street until an opening became available. Message me on Skype about it so we can avoid flooding.

Skype: LoRinLives

08-08-2012, 03:08 AM
Inviting crazy into the fold
im in a mood to feed the abyss one more soul
time to post

08-08-2012, 05:43 AM
that had me deleting large portions of the original post
things are getting too hot
i swear to god i almost wished Anselm could be my "friend"

08-08-2012, 07:24 AM
I just did all of the new dice rolls and plan on showing them in my next post, though I'll add any new rolls made by those who have not yet posted.

Rin and Extraordinaire's characters have been added to the OOC. They each have 18 SP.

I'll also be creating another map to show where the landlord area is, since I seem to be getting some confusion on that. My apologies, I planned on described it in round three or four when most of the characters headed that way XD

HO DAMN. One of ya'll got a monster summoned.


When receiving certain results they are meant for your character only, but others aren't as such.

Example, a rumor can be heard by anyone, but won't activate until the person who got rumor is in the area it can be heard. So if Howl got rumor and Boots and Hanna happen to be in the area where he hears it, then they now hear it too.

However, the rumor has to be spoken through human lips. If it's meant to be from a ghost, then only those I list hear it.

For ghost noise it is only for those I list.

However, monster is a completely different thing. EVERYONE can see the monster. EVERYONE can hear the monster. EVERYONE can be attacked. It also DOES NOT mean it WILL attack the person that got the roll for it; the person who received the roll is simply summoning it, in a sense.

I'm explaining this now so people better understand why the person who got the roll isn't getting attacked C: Well, to an extent, and for any future indications.

Monsters are my free reign and creativity. Ghosts are limited.

08-08-2012, 09:13 AM
That post made me cringe.

08-08-2012, 09:43 AM
I'm glad Katia stayed in her room.

08-08-2012, 02:21 PM
I'm a bit stuck... Should I have Owen ENTERING the Complex for the first time, or should he already have been a visitor for a while?

Not sure where to start off

08-08-2012, 03:53 PM
That post made me cringe.

im good at that

08-08-2012, 04:34 PM
im good at that

I meant Ru's post. Haha.

Leon G
08-08-2012, 04:43 PM
Is Consul still in the Mythos Complex? If yes, where would she be if she runs out?

08-08-2012, 06:40 PM

@ Extraordinaire
You can go either way, but the landlord's area is actually not the same vicinity as the rest of the building, thus why I keep separating them (if you've read any of the IC yet). I'll have to make a map ASAP showing where it is, etc. Maybe when I'm more awake. Though, if you look at the real life pictures being used for Mythos, the landlord area is the very back area where you see a small door. Again, I'll have to draw it out.

@ Leon G
I can't specify exactly where you are, because she is supposed to find her way back out to the surface, but I will indicate that you are in a room that leads out into a hallway that can seem pretty endless where lights are very dim and very far apart, but you wouldn't really be able to tell where it goes on either side. One false move and you could end up dead anyway, because you are in one of the most dangerous portions of the complex.

Hopefully you'll roll more hints, etc. that way your character can be led out better, but so far all you know is that you should stay on the shadow's edge, assuming your character listens to an ominous voice from nowhere.

Leon G
08-08-2012, 06:42 PM
Ah okay, just wanted to make sure I was still in Mythos, not like on another planet XD

08-08-2012, 07:40 PM
No xD You aren't on another planet lmao. You're still in the same grounds.

Figuring out who loses SP during this round will surely be fuuuun.

The Imposter
08-08-2012, 08:18 PM
Holy crap...just caught up. Ru I don't believe I listed anything in my posts that I wasn't suppose to but if I do you have my permission to destroy Daniel!

Secondly...actually I don't have a secondly, I gotta find some time to write a response now!

08-08-2012, 08:22 PM
Nah, I don't think Daniel did anything I'd consider a no-no lol XD So it's aaaall gooood.

08-08-2012, 08:32 PM
Because Ellie died this DOES make her room open, thus, upon morning, Rin's character Vince WILL be taking her room, because he is the only character waiting for one.

I blasted Zatory a message concerning the death of his roommate, since, due to being thirteen, Keito cannot live there by himself. If he does not receive a new roommate then his character will be temporarily taken by Boots, who will give him to the roommate, who will return him to his mother and thus the character will no longer be in the RP.

However, Rin has offered that his character Vince could take in Keito, if Zatory is fine with it.

Otherwise, if anyone else has any suggestions feel free to throw them out there. Either way Ellie's old room will be taken by Vince during the meeting tomorrow morning in RP-land.

In case anyone is wondering, whether Cait is dead or not is UNKNOWN. Because I like mystery I may not describe her at all, honestly; it depends on my mood. But, as you have seen with Consul, kidnapped does not mean dead, so it is possible for her character to return. However, depending on the length she's gone will vary on her room being opened up, which is actually the same with Consul.

The first day missing, no, their rooms will still be taken by them, but if it takes too long for them to return to the surface, then the rooms will open up and they'll have no room to go to, as, realistically, the landlord would not keep rooms open for very long and would presume them dead after awhile.

I know, fucked up complex, huh?

Lord Tully
08-08-2012, 08:57 PM
Someone's dead already? Jesus Ru you maniac.
I'll try and get a post in today and I think I'm staying out of that hallway.

08-08-2012, 09:03 PM
Holy craaaaaaaap

Ru did you kill off people this early the last time you ran this RP?

08-08-2012, 09:14 PM
Cresus Jhist that was brutal!
While I'm happy that I have a room, I can't help but feel sorry for that poor girl and the little boy, that boy is going to be scarred for life.

On a side note if it plays out right and Vince ends up looking after him then I'm interested in seeing Vince's interactions with a child. xD

Lord Tully
08-08-2012, 09:48 PM
Ok I've posted, and looking at the results I realized that my roll was the one that brought the thing out. I feel really, really bad about it, I feel like I should apologise to people now.

08-08-2012, 09:55 PM
There's no need to feel bad xD It's fine lmao. Someone was bound to summon one eventually.

Actually, the last Mythos a LOT of people died, mainly because of inactivity though. When you go inactive without a word I do kill your character(s) off. I wanna say at least five people were dead before the meeting even started.

Just checked old Mythos.

Before the RP died (which it died DURING Howl's meeting the next morning), six people were already dead, four characters were kidnapped (one facing the same blood riddle), the rest of the group was being attacked by the armored slugs (at the same time the captured character was facing them in the same room as Consul), and Howl had gone nuts. In fact, the next NPC to be entered was the first to get kidnapped, causing Boots to get depressed and try to save him, only for herself to get kidnapped, then Howl attempted to save her, but failed, was told to grab "the redhead" (only redhead in the game was Cait, if I recall correctly), snapped, kidnapped Cait, and disappeared downstairs.

So, I was without ANY playable characters of my own before the RP died.

08-08-2012, 10:43 PM
Haha, oh wow! That sounds really interesting but it's not how I expected it to go at all.

Lord Tully
08-08-2012, 10:49 PM
Yeah guys, can we at least stay together until we're done with the meeting thing?

08-08-2012, 11:04 PM
If we wanna survive then yeah we should haha. I'm gonna have Noah go with Bridget after AF responds. Idk where everyone else is going.

Also @ Ru, are you going to make a side note about what happens to Ellie's body during the meeting post, police coming etc, or do you want us to handle that?

08-08-2012, 11:44 PM
Keito will be fine with Vince, but dang, Poor Ellie...

08-08-2012, 11:55 PM
sorry to kick the golden bull
but does Anselm hear a ghostly noise? or do I just implement the two words into my next post?
or do I implement "please save her" into me next post

08-09-2012, 12:05 AM
Okay, I will post if Ru let's me...Since nothing was on his roll, I guess I should write what Keito does in the apartment. Unless Keito is allowed to see what had happened to Ellie.

and why did Ellie die? Didn't she roll "Rumor"? Maybe I missed something along the way, I read everything though. I know she was opened by creature and devoured alive.

08-09-2012, 12:10 AM
@Zatory, you should really read all of Ru's posts on the OOC. She explained it a while ago.

08-09-2012, 12:18 AM
That's what I have to do, I read the IC but was missing something, here I go....from page to page on the OOC :link:

08-09-2012, 12:22 AM
Sorry for the double post!

Ru: forget all those silly questions

Thanks Public! The world of Mythos Complex makes since to me once again. I guess My post will show Keito's reaction to it. Not good, looking forward to it.

08-09-2012, 05:09 AM
Yeaaah, I really wish people did read what I say in the OOC and IC; this is getting rather repetitive o___O.

Okay, so, Apotheosis, with the ghost noise Anselm would be hearing, "Please save her." Any ghost noise, ghost appearance, etc. from dice rolls only I control and whatever I say you hear/see in the post is what would be your result. So, Anselm would have heard Katie's voice saying, "Please save her," right before Cait was kidnapped.

Glad you found the post where I addressed why Ellie died, Zatory!

If no one could tell, the monster I entered loves the taste of females. He saw Ellie first and BAM. Why he took Cait is up to ya'll to figure out on your own. Imma read the IC now~

It just dawned on me I didn't address the portion asking about the cops...

So, uh, I know it's really f-ed up, but they won't come. You see, Mythos is supposed to be in a small town where EVERYONE is aware of how terrible this place is. The landlord only pops up during the brightest hours for MAYBE two hours at max. When someone dies she hires someone to clean up the mess ASAP then opens the room up, but cops stopped investigating ages ago.

Sometimes the landlord is there more often, to see what has happened etc., but she never shows up until the sun is high enough for her to feel like it's safe to some extent.

However, every time a cop has showed up they've end up deeming it a suicide or untraceable, so they've sort of gave up. Most of the bodies found on Mythos's grounds are usually on the ground as if they jumped from a window (like Katie) or torn to so much shreds you can't even remotely identify the body let alone what did it (like Ellie).

Unless the landlord reports it to the cops as something "out of the norm," the cops wouldn't show up. So, sometime in the morning (after the landlord clocks in for a bit) you'll probably see a cleaning guy upstairs cleaning the mess in the hallway, then leaving immediately.

I hope that makes sense? XD

Though, if cops DO show up I'd be controlling it c: so no worries there. Just worry about ya'll's peeps <3

08-09-2012, 05:36 AM
Thanks for that explanation. :)

08-09-2012, 05:47 AM
No problemo! Glad it actually helped C:

08-09-2012, 05:52 AM
Poor Cait
looks like she's gonna die...

Leon G
08-09-2012, 02:48 PM
Um, kinda just made Consul go down the hall, because I have no idea where she is, so I don't even know if there are doors at the hall, ceiling lights, staircase near....so that's why I didn't make her go anywhere in particular.

So Cait got kidnapped like Consul, but unlike Consul, we(the RPers, not chars in Mythos) don't know anything that happened. Okay.

08-10-2012, 01:49 AM
Zatory, I would rewrite your post. Joseph, Apollo, Noah, and Daniel (in the stairs) are in the hallway. Not only that, Noah went inside her room to get a cover for her corpse. (He won't interact with Keito except look at him.)

08-10-2012, 01:51 AM
I wrote my post so it happened while her body was alone, before anybody came to cover her up and such. Unless there was someone with her through the whole attack?

I know some where watching from a distance as well, and then came to cover her body. Mine was right after the attack.

08-10-2012, 01:59 AM
Yeah... Noah, Apollo, Joseph down the hall, and Daniel in the stairs. You can't assume Apollo and Joseph left, at least until they post a responce to the attack. Also Noah hasn't left the hallway, I cut it off as he made his way to the room of Ellie.

Idk what time frame you're on.

08-10-2012, 02:02 AM
Well I can just edit it so he only sees her body and ignores everyone else, he is shy in a way, plus shocked at the same time.

08-10-2012, 02:16 AM
I think the thing is that you should at least mention that there were others there, just to keep the fluidity going, you know?

Leon G
08-10-2012, 02:20 AM
Holy poo a lot of people have seen this thread O.O

08-10-2012, 02:25 AM
I haven't read the IC yet, but I'm assuming Keito left the room and there really isn't much of a "body" left, honestly. You'd see bloody remains and you can ASSUME it was Ellie, but without actually seeing EXACTLY where she went and/or WATCHING her die you'd just know someone was killed, unless someone told you. It's why I described her death stating no one could identify her >___>;

And, yes, you should at least acknowledge somewhere people are there, even if you aren't specific. It's just good RP etiquette, even if all you put is, "All he could focus on was the bloodied remains of what seemed to be a human corpse, though others were around he couldn't take his eyes away." Or some shit.

Yeah, because Cait is technically a NPC/played by me only I will know what's going on with her. So, whether she is okay or not will be unknown unless ya'll manage to find her somehow, though she would have ended up in the same area as Consul, since it is where all of the monsters go, though it may not be directly close.

Leon G, if you'd like, I could send you a description of what the area you're in looks like so you can better describe the setting in your post C: I'm sorry I'm not being very descriptive with it. :<

08-10-2012, 02:25 AM
Preach: I edited it and put it in the second paragraph

Ru: I did describe it as a bloody mess, and he identifyed her as ellie, but it's kind of in the middle so you will be the final judge and tell me if I have to make it harder to see if it was Ellie.

08-10-2012, 02:35 AM
Zatory, she was ripped to bloody shreds. No one would be able to tell if it was a woman or even wore clothes o___o; Just a bloody mess with some insides here and there, so he could assume it was Ellie, sure, but there's no real confirmation without actually seeing. (I did read the post this time)

Also, you need to at least acknowledge Noah, the very least. That character did enter Ellie's room immediately after she was killed to take blankets, so you would have saw him, even if you didn't speak to him, and there were three people by the bloodied mess, with some also in the hallway, just not in that area. So there are a lot of characters you're completely ignoring.

Leon G
08-10-2012, 02:38 AM
Yeah, because Cait is technically a NPC/played by me only I will know what's going on with her. So, whether she is okay or not will be unknown unless ya'll manage to find her somehow, though she would have ended up in the same area as Consul, since it is where all of the monsters go, though it may not be directly close.

Leon G, if you'd like, I could send you a description of what the area you're in looks like so you can better describe the setting in your post C: I'm sorry I'm not being very descriptive with it. :<

Makes sense, I was just trying to make sure I was on track with everything. And yeah, obviously I shouldn't have a map of the place because if mystery factor, and to avoid any accidental meta-gaming. I just need to know what to do with my char so she's not walking in a straight line forevs XD

08-10-2012, 02:43 AM
Man, the tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. I think the meeting tomorrow is definitely necessary, what happened in the hallway would definitely harm people's sanity. A group meeting could help with some kind of explanation even if your character is a skeptic it would help to have some idea of whats happening.

08-10-2012, 02:50 AM
Well, people are definitely losing SP by next round; I just gotta figure out who loses how much. An "average" human with "regular" hardships would be fine at about 15, but the lower after that means the less and less sane and the more likely the person is to fuck things up... honestly, if some people had bad enough reactions to get them down under ten I'd probably have to just describe them going insane and running downstairs O________o; At that point you'd just be a blubbering mess that can't even think straight, especially if you got to five.

Yeah, I'll blast you a PM later, Leon G, of a basic layout. At least, what it is your character can grasp. xD

The meeting is definitely a must. o___o My next round post will be pushing towards that and possibly be a time skip, honestly.

08-10-2012, 02:54 AM
Ok, quick question about sanity points then - I thought that you only went properly insane if you got down to 0, that it was a countdown of sorts, but I'm guessing that's not the case. About when would it start affecting people's behaviour? When it gets below 10?

08-10-2012, 03:07 AM
20 is completely sane.
0 is completely insane.

Thus, what I'm getting at is the most someone can still be considered mostly "sane" would be around 15. After 15 their sanity becomes more and more questionable. It's not a count down but a scale.

It's just like... with the "hotness" scale where you rate people's attractiveness. An eight doesn't mean 100% attractive, but mostly, while a 2 doesn't mean the person is completely ugly, but definitely below the average. Same with like if a 0 meant you hated it and a 10 meant you loved it. Get it?

So, it's a range/scale, rather than a count down. While someone could still probably be able to function at ten, it becomes very unlikely afterwards because they are far too close to insanity, thus their actions would become more and more insane and make less and less sense.

08-10-2012, 03:11 AM
Loving the "hotness scale" analogy. But thank you, that makes sense. I see now that most characters are going to start slipping real soon.

08-10-2012, 03:21 AM
I still feel uneasy with Zatory's post, unless if he's still changing it.

Especially the lock door part it's ignoring my post about Noah ._.

08-10-2012, 04:49 AM
Yeah, I figured the hotness scale made it easier to understand the best XD I'm pretty sure everyone has used it at least once in their life, but, yes. People are definitely gonna be slipping soon, at least some of them will. I judge it off what happens, their personalities, their reactions, etc. Some people might lose only one, maybe more, or maybe even none at all. The maximum I've ever had lost of a character not of my own would be two. However, Howl shot down from twenty to five in one post, so anything is possible.

I also agree, Public. I'm hoping he'll edit his post and AT LEAST acknowledge your character, because it makes no sense to do so otherwise. I really wish everyone read EVERYONE'S posts, because I'm getting quite tired of replies obviously ignoring other people. I understand if they aren't there, sometimes, but that's it... Like I'd understand if La Di Da was only reading Apollo's posts for awhile, but I also know her better than that. Still, it's an example.

But, ja.

I'm getting ramble-y.

Oh, Imma wait a bit before I reply again. I wanna give more people a chance to post. If I DO post again soon it won't be a round post, which I guess I'll have to explain XD Non-round posts I don't do dice rolls for, so I'd put in caps NO ROLLS MADE; NO NEW ROLLS DEALT. Or something like that.


We are configuring a way to control insanity. (Tune and I)

This is to ensure those who become insane will actually describe as if insane. Anyway, you'll get an update post or whatever when we finally come up with something. The last RP died too soon for it to matter and the only character who went insane was my own.

So, yes C:


Updated the maps to make more sense of doors and the landlord's office.




08-10-2012, 08:00 PM
I'm glad Katia stayed in her room.

I'm mad Apollo didn't grab his gun before he left d:

But wow, you guys respond fast. I'll try to get a post in ASAP.

08-10-2012, 09:11 PM
Coolies! C: Ode to postage, ha ha.

08-10-2012, 09:44 PM
Wow. I... just read three pages of OOC post and I feel like I messed up on something in the IC. Uh, feel free to make Apollo suffer however you deem is necessary, I guess. (Ru, shot you a PM.) I think Apollo's the second character in this RP to start slipping mentally? I tried to hint at it but sometimes the things in my head don't write out as well as I think they do.

08-10-2012, 09:59 PM
Well, I do appreciate you expressing him slipping then XD ha ha. I mainly wanna come up with a system because I feel some players won't express accurate slipping o.o

I haven't read the IC yet. I might later. I need to actually like... get up. It's like 3PM here and I'm still in PJs and haven't showered. Ru feels gross.

The Imposter
08-11-2012, 01:04 AM
Ru those are the best days...hold them close while you can because they vanish and never return!

08-11-2012, 02:05 AM
I read public's post, and it didn't look like he entered the room at all (to me). He was going towards it to get the blanket, That was how it sounded. I will edit it so that Keito passed him in the hall back and from, and i'll unlock the door.

EDIT: Is it okay now? I need to kno. I have to make another post because Apollo is interacting with Keito.

08-11-2012, 02:50 AM
Just keep it.

08-11-2012, 03:32 AM
D: I don't like being lazy! Baaaaaaah. >___< I've had them plenty and even in the busy season I does not miss them D:

Caught up in the IC!

Zatory, this is a direct quote from Public's post:

As he handed her his large combat knife, he firmly hold on to her hand for a few extra seconds, he needed the small comfort, before turning towards Ellie's room and going inside to find a blanket to cover her, he wa s unsure if the girl would actually listen to him. He just didn't want to lose anyone else, not if he could make sure of it.

Right there it bluntly states he went into Ellie's room and got a blanket to cover up her body O___o I don't know how you can read the post and miss that.

I might wait a bit before I post. I got some junk to do and whatnots. AsianFighter will be absent a tad for a couple of days, so if Apollo does things slow, please don't mind him >-> The character has been excused.