View Full Version : Mythical Humans ~A RPG the Creatures of Myth~ PG-13

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08-04-2012, 05:20 AM
~Rated PG13: Violence, Language, Sensuality, though not to far as too go as a Rated R~
Notes: Role play has no limit to the amount of people that can join as there is no limit to the characters that can be made here. They can range from various traits, personalities, looks, and things of that nature. For the rating, it will have moderate of everything up there, and as for sensual. Does not mean sex, but kissing, very close contact, removal of clothing to a very slim extent and such. Please have fun with this, or as much fun as you can.

~Now for the story~

From time in memorial, there have been things which can not be explained. One of these things is what we will be discussing today. Today we will go over the time of creatures. Not just any, mythical. Those who are only known in story, told across the ages by anyone who has experienced the phenomenon. Whether it be real, or an adult trying to scare their children into doing something, none know if the creatures exist or not. Though something has been changing in this story that has disturbed a certain balance.

The balance of secrecy. Now it may not mean much to you, but the Myths are just that. Myths, not to be known if true or not. If they were, their would be two things Panic, and Excitement. Excitement to see if anyone could find these creatures and show them into the human world. For study, or just a quick buck there is a time that this has happened, in which I should explain so that you may understand where the story may be headed.

~18th Century: The enlightenment~
Yes, this is the closest time to which it began. New things were being discovered, and adventurer's all over looking for new worlds as they would call them, or new beings that they could study. As for many of the men, they have wives and eagerly wait to return after finding something new. Now many occurrences have happen, so I will just choose a very early encounter. Something that will change this off set timeline as we know it.

A Man has traveled over seas too a find land. A land that was known or would be known as Japan, the man always was on the water. Searching around for a good amount of land. The crew well fed, and morale high with the story's of their wives, and adventures while drinking rum and whiskey. Tonight specifically , it was a dark and grey night. Some of the crew were down under the sip laughing and drinking, and the captain, navigator, and 2 other crew members were trying to figure out how to escape from the fog that surrounded them. All of a sudden, as one crew member is drunk, and wobbling out from down below and over to the port side of ship he falls over. A few crew members go over to see if he's ok.

"I'm fine la-" The voice reaches up to the crew members and disappears in an instant. After those few seconds, the ship rustles from beneath and the captain calls out to all crew members to the deck. Thinking there may be something, he tells them to arm themselves with harpoons and check over the water. The crew members scared, they shake while quickly arming themselves though it is too late by now. One after one, sometimes two at a time, a long scaled tail comes out of the water and drags down the crew members. Only until the captain is left, and get down on his hands and knees to pray to god. Afterwards, longs claws dig into the ship and big snake eyes stare at him.

The king of Gojira, a creature of myth, staring him right in the eyes. The captain paralyzed, sits in astonishment. Tears and snot comes out of his eyes and nose, the captain starts to cry like a child begging for his life. Normally, the Gojira would swallow him whole and turn the other way, though this time he decides a differently. A magical thing happens, the King replaces the mans seed with his own, hypnotizes the man with his eyes and has the man transported right back to his homeland. People don't think much of it, thinking the currents just brought him back. Not even the captain knew what happened anymore. He just lived a more or less happy life with his wife again. They had a family of four in a few years. That is the end of this story and the beginning of a new one.

This kind of thing has happened all over, with not just the Gorjira, but with other creatures as well. All the children that have been born from a creature right after have not been given any special traits. Though they do pass on the gene, all the way down the line. All the way to our time now.

~2012: Modern Times~
The Myths have all but now been lost, though the gene of the children are still being passed. Though, if you have it, it still doesn't mean anything special except when checkup's go a little haywire. The test usually come back different every time, though never a disease found. Though now, the myths are in trouble, pollution, life and death at risk, another balance of the world about to go haywire, all the myths come to a conclusion even if they are on different parts of the world or even in different dimensions. They must bring back the myths so that people will study them, though the problem with that is they may be endangered like many species that were born on earth. So instead, they decide to start of their plan, too keep the humans occupied. All of the myths, use their power to call out to the human children and awaken them. Suddenly 13.32% of the earth population has now become half a mythical creature.

~2022: New Enlightenment~
Over the next years, there has been panic, excitement, fear, and finally the new breed of myth humans have been confiscated. In the last decade the world has found an island, established a base of operations and research center, and hunted down every single half breed they could find and imported them to the island almost like a property. They equipped them with Zylon and Black Titanium collars equipped with trackers, defense tasers, and identification codes so they know who they are. The now experiments have gotten to know each other more or less. Though it seems that there is no limit to the experiments, though to them it's like there is no end to the security guards. Though one way or another, they want out.

Now to speak on the Mythical Humans, they take on the some traits of their biological parents. Unicorn children make get horns, or like one of the Gojira children, they get claw and eyes like the Gojira. Though it's not only in this world, there has also been experiments classified as hellhound. Those dark dogs who can drag souls to hell, few experiments have also been believed to have special eyes to see the dead. Some experiments train either because its for escape, or for fun. Those who don't usually train, or trying just want to be normal try to live a normal life in the facility. Though everyone wants nearly, more or less the same thing. Freedom.

Description: A crescent island, far off the coast of Southern Africa. The facility is guarded heavily. First line of defense are a route of boats that surround the island, provided by the British navy, each boat comes around to its point for every and cycles around the entire island. Each boat has a 5 minute interval in between switch points. Second line, the is a gate with tower points no less than 60 meters away than each other. The gate 10 feet high, with barbed wire spiral down into the ground. The unbarbed parts of the fence are electrically charged with 1000's of volts which come from water powered wheels outside of the fence. Finally, the security guards on the inside have been trained too the fullest. Armed with special armors for smooth movement, and they all have a ear piece to call for back up with needed. Their guns, non lethal, but can hurt drastically, Nitrile Rubber bullets to stun the target. Also a second trigger to activate the the tasers in the collar. Though you also have to aim it at the collar specifically. Now back to the setting, in order for experiment to not feel so terrible being here for a rebellion there is are three meals a day, luxurious if I may add. Training ground also used for battle zones. And who may work, or be an experiment has a specialized room, to their design as long as there are no sharpened objects, or weaponry in the Experiments room. Every person has their own key card, which can open only their room except for doctors and security who can only open experiments doors not other workers. If you want to go visit, but don't have access you have to knock and wait for someone to open on the inside. There is no main office, for there is no leader here. It's just an experiment facility for the whole world to put their Mythical Humans.

08-04-2012, 05:51 AM
Rules/Questions/Character Sheets/Privileges
Rules:Always read the rules.
Nu god moding
4 people at the least should have posted before you have
No sex. Sensual situations, but No sex.
Be very, very, very creative with your characters. Not just the creatures The scientist, and the Security. I'll make a sheet if you can't think of one.
Have at the very least, a moderate knowledge of English. Don't type your texting.
Optionals: Rate. Helps me know what you like, so I can be better.
Follow the character Skelly. Now I will make one, but if you feel the need to make your own because you feel like it or because you think mine is dumb go on ahead. Though it should still follow a specific rules of the skelly which I'll point out in a bit.
Have fun. It helps other people have fun too.
Be active. Now, this is an optional, because it hurts you actually. You miss out on a lot of story while other people post. If you did post, and were talking to someone, and your afk for quite sometime, the partner can leave you there and go off to do something else.
Give me a demonstration of your typing ability. Don't have too, just if you wanna show off.
Question & Answer
How may I join?
Say it on the thread, pm me, or contact me however you think you can.

Please explain the plot a bit simpler please?
If you choose experiment, you have awakened into whoever your biological mythical creature is. Somewhere near the next decade you were captured and now you wanna escape the island pretty much. Feelings may change though.

Why should I rate?
Helps me help you

Can I have more than one character?
Yes. Reason, may not be many people joining at first. though if there is, I'll make more spots

Is death a mythical creature?
I called him, he's mine!

Privileges: What can I do if you choose ?

Mythical human= You may train your powers, have a love life, open only your room.

Scientist= You may experiment, call in a Mythical human by intercom or send a security guard, open any room that belongs to a Mythical human, stay out past curfew, have a love life.

Security= Go out past the gates, Stay out past curfew, punish a Mythical creature, have a love life.

Character Sheets:

~Name[Can be crazy, come from all over the world]~
Age [Can be any age]
Personality:[BE SPECIFIC]
Likes & Dislikes:[May edit as time goes by in rp]

~Mythical Creature~
Background Information: [What you were doing when you were awakened? How did you react?]
Personals: [Any personal information]
Love Life:[May edit as rp goes by]
Background 2: [Tell us about your mythical creature]

~Name[Can be crazy, come from all over the world]~
Age- [Can be any age]
Personality:[BE SPECIFIC]
Likes & Dislikes:[May edit as rp goes by]
Bio- [How you came to be a scientist at the facility, why you became one. Why do the creatures interest you?]
Personal Information:[Anything personal?]
Main Study- [Genetics, Plant growth, weaponry, stuff like that]
Special weapon: [You may have a special sci-fi weapon, according to what your study is. Be Creative]
Patient: [You may have one of the Mythical Creatures Assigned to you if the have not been assigned. Meaning you may call them out on the intercom, They must come! Though the Mythical creature must also have something to do with your study. Also explain why you chose this creature here]
Love Life-[May edit as time goes by in rp]
Favorite Patient- [May edit as Rp goes by]

~Name[Can be crazy, come form all over the world]~
Age [Can be any age]
Personality:[BE SPECIFIC]
Likes & Dislikes:[May edit as time goes by in rp]
Bio:[how you came to work in the facility, past experiences, war stories, anything like that. Does this interest you at all]
Personal Info:[Anything secret, like did you get banned? On the run from the law in the past? Somethin juicy]
Special skills:[Karate, Skilled assassin? What you got up your sleeve? May be edited as time goes on in rp]
Love Life:[May edit while time goes on in rp]
Favorite Experiment:[Don't have to have one]

08-04-2012, 06:06 AM
~Who's Playing?~

~Mythical Humans~
Alice Malice15 Name: Valka Rzhevsky
Age: 18
Personality: She is very quiet most the time, but very opinionated. She can be vicious when provoked and is very sarcastic and funny when you get to know her.
Appearance: full, rosy lips soft pale skin which is covered in a light sprinkling of freckles a high forehead, small chin, small nose, a shorter, narrow jaw, high cheekbones, full breast a firm butt and clear ocean blue eyes. Her soft brown, curly hair comes just below her shoulder blades. She keeps half of her hair tied up and her bangs cross her forehead from the right to the left. Standing at 6’0” she is taller than most girls her age, and can be very intimidating when she stands over you.
Likes: Water in most forms (as long as it’s not in a bottle or in any other human container, this usually provokes her to pour it on the floor or on your head), sweets, animals (dogs not included), soft things, and freedom.
Dislikes: Being under someone else’s authority unwillingly, being used, confinement, and being teased.

~Mythical Creature~
Background Information: Valka had lived by herself ever since she was 14. It wasn’t that her parents didn’t care for her. She just wanted to be free to do as she pleased. For the first two years they gave her a place to stay (a beach house left to them by her grandparents), and sent her food and supplies. When she turned sixteen she got a job at a local general store and began to pay her own way through life. This included the school she went to, her bills, her food, and rent. Last year is when things started happening. She was on the beach walking when she started to grow scales on her legs, arm and face. They were only small patches that phased into her skin where they ended. Their iridescent mother of pearl color only made her beautiful visage all the more so. Then at her wrists and ankles she grew small fins in the same iridescent color. Running back to the house she went to the bathroom to examine these new oddities. That’s when she saw them. Her eyes, her beautiful ocean blue eyes have turned to those of a dead man. Those cold dead eyes stared back at her and it made her angry. Snarling at her reflection she took in a big breath and screamed. It was the loudest most ear piercing scream she had ever made. So loud was the scream she broke the mirror and all the other glass in her house. As soon as she calmed back down she took a piece of the mirror and looked again. Everything was the same, but her eyes had returned to normal. She was a siren. Or at least she was a half-siren.
Personals: none else.
Love Life: none to speak of.
Background 2: Valka is not the vicious, shipwrecking siren of old, but rather the powerful, calculating, passionate siren of new. She tries not to sing or speak much so she won’t take others freedom, but if provoked she will scream loud enough to split your eardrums and incapacitate you for several moments, time enough to either run or to kill you. That or she can sing you a little lullaby and have you begging at her feet. When he eyes turn dead is when you must truly be careful. This is the most vicious a siren can be. This part of her if you listen to its song will lure your very soul out of your body. Hopefully you can close your ears fast enough and good enough that this won’t happen.

La Volpe Name: Victor Nightingale

Age: 19

Personality: In one word, calculating. He gathers information anyway he can. He is not beyond violence, but prefers to use manipulation, and subterfuge to get what he wants. He is a pleasant person to be around as long as you don't stand in his way.

Appearance: Standing at 6'1, his skin is a rich caramel color, while his hair is a sandy blonde. His eyes though, are unnatural due to the incubus blood in his veins, his eyes are a rich purple, like that of dark amethyst. He has perfect white straight teeth, and his skin is unmarred except for the faint white scars spider webbing the top of his hands.

Likes: women, food, soccer, music

Dislikes: tight spaces, snakes, silence, rejection.

~Mythical Creature~

Background Information: I was just a normal boy... playing the sport I love, and chasing after any girl that caught my eye.... but may be that was due to my fathers blood... See I never knew my father, all my mother would tell me was that he was a bad man, and that we were much better without him. Well anyways, as i wandered around I saw this girl, she was the most beautiful girl i'd ever seen... the curves of her body stirred a part of me that had laid dormant for a long time. As I walked up to her, a rather large thuggish man walked up and guided her away. When I saw this, it triggered my awakening... my eyes turned from brown to purple, and no women could resist my advances, and no man could compete against me.

Personals: Deep down, he wants to find a girl that can resist his charm, he wants to find a girl that likes him for him.

Love Life: heterosexual, none but open to any girl.

Background 2: incubus are demons that seek out women, so Victor has a natural tendency to flirt and try to seduce women. He is persistent in his hunt, but can be denied, it's uncommon for it too happen though

Pineapples Name: Ailani Vallenka
Personality: Ailani is a spitfire. She is easily irritated, sarcastic at times, and a but cynical. She also loves to fight. Unfortuatley, she is very sensitive. She's hurt by the littlest things, even without meaning to be. Ailani is a complete party animal and loves to have fun. She is intelligent but makes stupid decisions, sometimes. Ailani is also possessive and jealous.
Appearance: Ailani stands at 5'0, being the shortest of her family and making her seem vulnerable to most people. Her skin is a creamy milk chocolate. She has a curvaecous body from sports and dancing. Round breasts and Toned butt with wide hips and toned thighs and calves. Short jet-black layered hair. Usually up in a bun with two chopsticks. Small up-turned nose sprinkled with dark freckles. Hazel eyes that are medium and cat-like. Long eyelashes. A beauty mark is right under her left eye. High cheekbones. Plump lips with a diamond monroe piercing.
Likes:Food, Pineapples, Cartoons, Writing, Performing, Sports, Music, Playing Instruments, Fights, Blood, Punching bags, Weapons
Dislikes: People with ugly personalities, Being accused, Being told what to do, Losing a fight, Losing anything, Being teased on height, lectures.
Mythical Creature
Backround Info:Ailani has two big sisters and a big brother. Her brother constantly irritates her. One day, he made a terrible joke about her height and she snapped. She levitated of the air and a bright beam of light shot from her hands into his chest. He slammed into the wall and slid down to the ground, staring at her in shock. She looked back at him in shock. She rushed to a mirror to see two wings coming from her back and her hands glowing. She had shrunken down to the size of a soccerball and a glowing green tatoo was spiraling down her arms and legs. Her eyes began flashing different colors and finally resting on a bright grey. JUst like how she was feeling, confused. Now only her and her brother know about it.
Personals: N/A
Love Life: None
Backround 2: Ailani is a sprite. She hates being called a fairy. Being a sprite allows her to be quick and nimble. Ailani Her eyes change color when she is experiencing a strong emotion. She also feels powerful when around elements, but she doesnt know what that means, yet.

Metro Name: Kylar Adeyemi
Age: 19
Personality: Fun and outgoing, but knows when to be serious, and can be unrelenting when necessary. Has a wherever the wind takes me kind of attitude, but that doesn’t mean people are the wind.

Appearance: Stands 5 feet 10 inches tall, muscular build, thin chin length blacks dreads with streaks of silver grey in them, chocolate brown skin, silver eyes, 8 black dot marks vertically down the middle of his back each a little over an inch in diameter set up in 2 columns of 4, from each dot is a tendril like line that goes over his skin, 1 over each arm that stops at his knuckles from the first row, the second row draws a tendril around each side of his chest just under the breast stopping an inch from the sternum , the third row draws a tendril around each side of his abdomen stopping an inch from his navel, and the fourth row draws a tendril straight down each leg stopping just short of the heel.
Likes & Dislikes: Enjoys a good fight, and playing tricks on others (this he believes may be genetic) telling stories (he knows this to be genetic), and just having a good time. Dislikes certain carnivorous bugs such as wasps and scorpions, being told what to do, and bullying.

Mythical Creature

Background: Kylar was born and raised in a small town in Boston, but is a descendant of the Ashanti people of West Africa. Growing up was always fun for him, he was either playing harmless tricks on people, or getting into fights with people who either didn’t know how to take a joke, or bullied people weaker than them. He always won, he always seemed better. His parents always told him to stop but he couldn’t seem to help it, just fun he thought. When he started into puberty things got a little strange, beyond his amazingly big jump in athleticism and his new found ability to cling to surfaces, and of all things create silk was also the fact that his hair had silver grey in it and his eyes turned that color completely, he also had these marks on his body now. The marks had originally been dots on his back he was born with, now from the dots were tendril like marks that marked most of his body. His parents panicked and sent him to his grandparents in Ghana thinking they’d know what was happening. His grandparents handled his transformation a little bit better, they told him the story of Anansi the spider, and with all the strange mishap that’s been happening since 2012 they figured he and the spider deity must be related. So every summer for the next few years Kylar would go to Ghana learning spider mythologies of the world and therefore more about himself. Until of course they found him, now he trains on the island biding his time until he can be free again.

Background 2: Kylar doesn’t have an exact name for what he is, only that he’s tied to spiders and that whatever his race is are responsible for most spider myths in the world. He is faster, stronger, and more durable than humans and some mythical humans and can cling to surfaces, he also has superior senses and can inject toxins through his canines. His other skills as of right now include silk creation and control; he can use it as projectiles, turn it into melee weapons, basic items, or even life like organisms, and also vocal capabilities; he can literally bring a story to life just by focusing and speaking, and is also able to control weaker minds through vocal commands at close proximity.
Neshimo ~Mauta Hārṭa Sthita~
Age: 14
Where I'm from: Pune, Maharashtra.
Personality:A boy, with absolutely nothing to do. Distant, Unamused, Hateful. Just a few adjectives that describe him. Though a boy with no soul could be said too. Not emotionless, though some actions prove otherwise. After all, they labeled him as death, had to be some reason. His compassion for things can come out when needs are met. If not the reaction is usually the same, none.
Appearance-A medium black or African-Indian tanned boy, height of 5'0. Hair is curled down like a females too the bottom of his earlobe, with one random stripe of white hair on the upper right side. The rest of his hair is the color of oil in the night. A reverse on normal eyes, with a white iris, and black sclera. Somewhat muscular build, though skinny looking because of a light hoodie he wears which is ashed black, and has a skull on the back.
Likes & Dislikes: Likes Apples, Bladed weapons, numbers, and Cats. Dislikes Vegetables, The Sun, and Sports.
~Mythical Creature~
Background Information:Growing up as a boy, a bright prodigy with no worries in the world at the point in time. A father in a important political career, and lawyer mother, I had alot to live up too. Still, it was somewhat simple too me. Though, that would change, not from awakening, but from a somewhat funny story too me now. So, a case was coming up, well lets go back. My mother being the excellent lawyer she was, was hired in a very weird way by some guys who committed a grand theft. My mother was to work for them, she declined of course, but was quickly changed as they threatened my dad would be killed by outside sources. So, of course, my mom finally agreed after a demonstration was made of what the outside sources could to dad.
After a few months, eventually with security cams, dna samples, and such of that nature, the case was finally put to a close, with my mom and the bad guys losing the case terribly. Just too much evidence against them, either way, bad guys were not very happy about that at all. Eventually I was pulled out of school and stayed home, and my father came home early. Reasoning, my mother was killed by the outside forces. The bad people's outside forces probably killed her, and they were coming after my dad next. My my dads thinking skills, he convinced me to go upstairs. Luckly that thinking was correct, those guys didn't know my mom had a son so I hid in the closet. The things they did to my dad, pretty bad.
In the end, they burned him alive along with the rest of the house. After they left, I quickly ran out, worried about my own safety. There, I was left alone. Not the fact that no one wanted me, I kept running away, so no one could find me. I stayed in a alley, not even begging, just wanting to die. Eventually a few months after stealing food from random people, I awakened, to what I am now.
Personals: I get sensitive when talking about mother and father. Not so much to cry, but I get very emotional.
Love Life:Heterosexual, and no one
Background 2: My creature, could only be labeled as death. A reaper, one who decides if you die, or get another chance. The reason? I walk by people, they are afraid. I touch plant life, its wilts away. I become incredibly weaker with extreme amounts of light, and my bones are somewhat stronger than a normal humans. Death is a creature we all fear. Though we all know death exist, we do not know if he exist as a creature, or as a natural occurrence. I am ironically living proof that death may be a creature.
Galatia_LuckName: BB aka Vixen

Age: 18 but looks younger

Personality: Quiet and reserved at times, but occasionally snaps and becomes extremely violent. Very protective of friends and of her brother. She hate her parents. Her father for never being around, and her mother for beating her and her little brother. She is quick to leap to another's aid, but often ends up getting hurt, or just in the way.
Appearance: Mid-length dark red hair, and gold eyes with black flecks, they flicker like flames when she is angry and when she uses her powers. Very pale and thin, to the point that most people think she is ill. 5ft3.

Likes: fire, her human brother, food, sleep, snuggling with those who are bigger than her and who might protect her from herself.

Dislikes: her daemon father with a passion, onions, bullys, needles.

Mythical Creature

Background Info: BB never went to school, and so she can't read or write, however she is very smart. She and her brother lived on the streets for a few years, and there she learned to become a pickpocket as part of a gang. When her powers started showing she took her brother to an orphanage to be safe, but her mother found him and keeps him locked at home. BB now just wants to save him. She accidentally killed three people trying to escape capture. They burned to death in an instant, from the inside out.

Personal: BB is always drawing, houses, happy families, graves, as part of her hopes and dreams for the future... including killing her mother and father.

Background - Mythical:
BB is part Hellfire Daemon. She has the ability to start fires with the slightest bit of friction, and can control where it spreads, grows and whether it goes out or not. This lets her throw fireballs, spit and breath fire, and snap her fingers to create a flame. She is limited to her mental and physical strength however, and cannot maintain a flame when she is asleep for example. As part daemon, she is akin to manipulation, and is easily swayed from time to time. Generally she remains loyal just like a daemon in a contract would. She is also partial to drinking a little blood every now and again to heal herself and give a boost to her powers for a limited time.

Minsam ~Aren Carter

Age: 16 years old.

Personality: Carter was your average teenage boy prior to his capture. He had lots of friends, and did well at school. Carter cared fr his friends, but often harbored immature grudges against those he didn't get along with. He was pretty agreeable, but didn't often go out of his way to meet people: instead he would wait for others to approach him.

Appearance- Carter isn't particularly tall: only 5"10', yet he's not afraid or even shy around those larger than him. Carter's hair is brown, but over the past year, a long golden streak bagan to take it's place on the right side of his head. Carter enjoys wearing graphic t-shirts, and athletic shorts as these are most comfortable to him. He does not have facial hair at all, and does not want it. His eyes are a hazel color. Because of his Myth, Carters skin takes on a scaly texture from time to time, most noticeably after he uses his powers.

Likes & Dislikes:Likes: Sleep, Games, Excitement, Fun, Magic, Girls, Swimming.
Dislikes: Pain, Fear, Obligation, Responsibility, The Facility, Loneliness.

Mythical Creature: Hydra

Background Information: During history class, Carter began to feel a strange stinging sensation around his face and neck. All of a sudden, a searing pain took hold of him, and forced him into a subconscious state. By the time he woke up, he was already on his way to the facility. The doctors later informed him that when he blacked out, he was approached by his teacher. The teacher, having thought him asleep, slammed a ruler down on his desk, barely missing Carter's face. The boy, without realizing what he was doing, leapt from his seat, digging his nails into the woman's face. They told him later that in that moment the woman had also reported him to have taken on a ghoulish appearance, although she may have been hallucinating. Carter never saw his family again, but was forced to wear heavy metal gloves to prevent a similar attack. His nails were supposedly coated with a strong toxic that amplified the senses, and distorted the images that it's victims saw. Further tests in the facility revealed that Carter had grown much stronger, and nimbler, since his capture. Paired with Doctor Reickvik, Carter underwent various experiments and physical labors in the Doctor's effort to utilize Carter's abilities, and to send him back into his aggravated state.

Personals: Although terrified, Carter can't help but feel somewhat powerful. He claims to have completely blacked out during the awakening, yet every now and again he remembers glimpses of it, and is able to relive the moment. The more the memories return to him, the more fearful he becomes of his future. Whatever powers he has, he knows he has only been able to scratch the iceberg, so to speak.

Love Life: N/A

Background 2: The Hydra is a large, multi-headed reptilian beast of Greek mythology. It bore extremely poisonous fangs, and guarded one of the gates to the underworld. When one head was cut from it's body, two more would appear in it's place. Because of it's shocking regenerative abilities, the Hydra was very difficult to kill. Naturally, the Hydra possessed up to nine heads. Hercules, to defeat the Hydra, had his nephew scorch it's wounds with a torch to prevent regeneration. Eventually it was killed, and Hercules used it's poison to enhance his own weapons later.

Magic Name: Isabell Clairé Mrõz
Age: 13
Personality: She is a very caring and friendly, always helping others. You always see her with a gentle smile. She is very smart but doesn't really like to show it.
Apperance:Height, 5'1 and weighs 96 lb. She has blue eyes and very long curly light brown hair. She is pale, and everytime she blush, you can really tell that she is. She usally wears preppy clothes but is usally covered up with a white lab coat. She has a slight french accent.
Teaching the expirments, making them happy, making medicine and working with other scientists.
Bio: Her mother currently works in the Facility and she wanted to be like her mom as a scientist. But isabell usally make medicines, teaches/play with the experiments. She doesn't do anything bad to them but if they need a 'time out', she'll give you one. She isn't a bad scientist but her mom is a different story. Her mom is very strict and mean to everyone besides Isabell. Maybe that's wh
Personal Information: Her father died when she was 9 years old... Hates to talk about it.
Main Study- Medicine
Special weapon: {{{will edit~}}}
Patient: None
Love Life-[May edit as time goes by in rp]
Favorite Patient- [May edit as Rp goes by]
Minsam ~ John Reickvik

Age- 35 years.

Personality: John often appears as a recluse: he's hardly ever seen anywhere other than his office. However, this is not truly the case. John carries with him an ambition unlike any other, and will do anything to achieve that end. Obsessed with the living, John knew from an early age that the only pleasure that he could receive came from his admiration and obsession with others. He always works to better himself, and expand on his own knowledge base. Ignorance, to him, is the greatest punishment. John always aspires to find his counterpart, a fantasy he has held since his youth. When the day comes that the finds someone of equal measure, then he shall truly be in bliss. He is obsessed with the perfection of the human race, and plans to achieve all he can in his field before he dies.

Appearance- John is tall for his age; he stands at a solid 6'5". He is often found on the complex wearing a long, bleached overcoat, and dark sunglasses. His hair is combed back, and curls around near his neck. Although he is young, long nights and a heavy task-load have left a very noticeable grey streak on the right side of his head. He shaves ever couple of days, meaning that oftentimes the lower half of his face is covered in dark stubble. John also wears thick, fire-retardant gloves on both hands, for reasons no one has yet explored. Although he does not often leave his room, he works out on a daily basis to maintain a strong and healthy build.

Likes & Dislikes: Likes: Science, Visible Emotion, Needles, Genetic Enhancement, Evolution, Oakley Sunglasses, Heroic Sacrifice.
Dislikes: Annoyances, Fools, The Weak, Arrogance, Unsweetened Coffee.

Bio- John was one of the first scientists interested in the position at the new facility. Because he is obsessed with perfection, the idea of studying humans possessing rare and extraordinary powers seemed very attractive to him. Before working at the facility, John worked with various other governments, never feeling particularly satisfied with what any of them had to offer. His goals were fairly simple, yet no one seemed to grasp his intentions, and instead thought that a hefty pay-check was enough to tie him down. Although he has traveled the world, he has never found someone as driven as he. However, not to be dissuaded from this search, John continued to move from country to country in search of his ultimate counterpart.

Personal Information: John has a dark side to him that not many experience. He enjoys watching human emotion, and the affects various feelings have on the body. His favorite are fear, suffering, and excitement. In the past several of his subjects suffered from cruel and unusual punishment, but very rarely did any remember- or live long enough- to tell the tale. On the island, John hopes that the powers of these children might reflect their emotions, and cannot wait to find out how.

Main Study- Cross-species Genetics.

Special weapon: The Assimilator. (Will reveal details later)

Patient: Carter (Second Character)

Love Life- None

Favorite Patient- Initially, the Doctor's favorite patient was Lilliana. Her powers intrigued him well enough, and he was there at the time of her capture. This may change later.
DemonStalker ~Name[Klacno'Ormor
Age- 25
Personality:Light hearted, but strict, Joyfull but stern, and Caring but cold. Only the ones that he is very close to gets to see the light hearted, joyful, and caring parts of him. He is very untrusting, at first.
Apperance- Has an affro of Birght bleached Blonde hare, has glasses that make his green and red eyes look bigger, he has a small mustash that he keeps weel groomed. He is of the height 3'5" and resents it, 'specially when he speaks to Johns. He is very well muscled thanks to the time he spent in the military, as a sniper. He usualy wears a small coveral, surrounded by his labcoat. which is built for the size of a normal person.
Likes & Dislikes:fiddling with everything no matter what, or who, it is, just as long
as he can begin to learn how they tick.
dislickes being short, being alone, and trusting people.
Bio- He was one of the newest people that the Facility hired for the experiments, He was just passing by, on his way to work, when he saw some people capture and restrain an unknown experiment, as it beat the living crap out of one of them, and he was intreaged so he came over, once the person had been restrained, and offered his assistance to the men. They gave him a card, and told him that they would get in touch. He was contactid soon after, and was offered the job. He was facinated by the powers that the experiments could do, and how they could create power for the entire world, by copying their genetics into something like rats or mice.
Personal Information: Is scared of the dark and wants to fins a cure for the dehibilitating fear.
Main Study- [Genetics- such as identifying the genes that cause their powers, and how to harness them, and induce them into other things.]
Special weapon: [Molecular deconstructor and re-enabler. named GeneSplicer]
Patient: [Vixen becuase he wants to be able to create something that generates heat, and something that can use it to gain energy.]
Love Life-[May edit as time goes by in rp]
Favorite Patient- [May edit as Rp goes by]

DemonStalker Name
Johns Yakimosha originally, but he changed it to X3715 after losing all relation to himself
Age [unknown] appears to be in mid 20's
cold and calculating, but only due to the cybernetics in his body. he tries to fight this image of himself as he is in reality a very light-hearted guy (plz excuse the pun here as he has near to no heart, just wires and pumps...) he falls in love relatively easy, and bounces back fairly quick after a bad break up, really, hes up-beat and fun to be around, when given a chance. after all first impressions are not all that a person has to offer, especially when seen from afar he is like a dog in that he is extremely loyal to those that he likes, as well as those he has strong bonds to. if they are unhappy, he will try to cheer them up. no matter the cost.
is of standing at about 6' 11" hes on of the tallest guys he knows. his eyes where replaced, giving him an eery appearance-even to himself every now and again. his right and left arms have been replaced with those of almost any robot in the movies, almost exactly like his old ones >.< his chest used to be relatively well full, but now it is roughly half encased in and replaced by the robotic parts. he also has only one robotized leg, as the other was strangely saved. he used to be very well muscled, but with the robotic parts, he does not need to train nearly as hard to keep fit.
Likes & Dislikes:
Likes= pretty women, people, the outdoors, training in all mater of things, including chi strengthening drills, such as Tai Chi.
Dislikes= the aches and pains of having metal body parts rubbing against the skin still there, doesn't care for loud noises, at least before his ears where replaced, dislikes people who try to undermine him when doing something.
when he was a kid, he was not all that social, he restricted himself to friends and books. although he was trying to break that, he was also a health fanatic, even at that age. in college, which he could afford to buy, he sailed through all of the classes, all at the same time, as he was a master of time management, he got his doctorate in everything that he saw, all on scholarships that he had earned doing the different clubs and sports and such. over all, he did about 30 years worth of work in the time span of 10 years. as he was able to do in such speed because of hes age at the time 13. he graduated high school in his teens as well as college in his mid 20's this all came to a tragic end, though as soon after college on the way home to tell his folks, he was in too much of a hurry and skated right through a train crossing while the bar was down, and the train out of sight, as he reached the center of the tracks, the train hit, throwing him high into the air. by the time the ambulance had arrived, he was dead. the officials at the college did not want him to leave just yet, on the basis that "this is too great of a mind to wast, we must bring him back from death and return him to his past self. WITH SCIENCE!" and so they stole his body from the morgue and secreted it to the college, where the next few weeks when by and the built him back to life, they had to figure out a way to get his soul back from where ever it went, and as science had no answers, they used the skilled of the psychics and magicians, much as they hated to do so, ti was their only hope of bringing him back. unlikely as it was, the arcane arts people DID bring im back. and so when he when out into the world, he was taken away, to be studied, somewhere in the Russian provinces
Personal Info:
after trying to escape, they let him become one of their security agents for some unknown reason at this time, (may be looked into as the RP goes along)
Special skills:
he can hack into any terminal or computer and gain security clearance for someone he can also disable the key card readers from a short distance, he also has a few hidden weapons that the college officials stuck into him for no other reason that to be random, these weapons include a sawn-off shotgun, an automated lock-picking device, 9mm and a 45mm pistols, and finally they stuck one of the first AIs to assist in what ever he does into the backbone near the brain stem connecting to all parts of the brain, giving him the ability to "see, hear and feel" the program as it it sentient.
Love Life:
[none as of yet] just recently broken up with one of the female security officers at the isle
Favorite Experiment:[none yet]
MoriName: Eric Jackson
Personality: Lonely and depressed deep down with a burden eating away at him when he is alone. He tries to move on and keep a content aura about him. He is confident while around others and is a likable guy by many standards. He rarely complains and often shares stories about previous work places yet hardly mentions his military time.
Appearance: 6'2" tall with a solid build. A black tribal tattoo wraps around his left biscept and is visible from under the edge of his fitting plain black t-shirt. His deep green eyes are not the most memorable part of his clean shaven face . His well kept short black hair brings together the appearance of a former soldier along with his brown cargo pants and tan military boots. He carries a retractable baton alone with several other tools used to keep people out and creatures in on her sturdy belt.
Likes: Music, specifically jazz
Dislikes: long nights alone
Bio: His wife left him during his second tour to war. Eight years of his life were dedicated to the military and when he got out he did not know what to do with himself. He spent the year after traveling and doing various odd jobs including working security on a ship.
Personal information: His four year old daughter disappeared without a trace during his first tour to war.
Special Skills: Urban combat and CQC (close quarters combat)
Love Life: Currently single
Favorite Experiment: none yet
AliceMalice15 Name: Darien Engelgardt
Age: 34
Personality: Darien is very friendly and caring to a fault. He often finds himself avoided by others and ultimately friendless. He doesn’t really like or agree with the companies motives and experiments, but he feels he has no choice but to work for them. Being forced to do something against his will makes Darien very upset and even depressed at times, so he will often talk to himself as well to try and keep cheerful.
Appearance: 6’5” with a militaristic build (his father’s doing), short, brown hair, and bright blue eyes. He wears a normal guard’s uniform with a gun on one hip a Taser gun on the other and a necklace with a shark’s tooth he got from Lilliana on a trip to the beach. He also still wears his wedding ring.
Likes: sweets, being on the edge of death, being free, friends, and his wife
Dislikes: cages, sadness, fear, pain, and human nature
Bio: Darien was always a very cheerful, simple, justice loving person. After high school he joined the local police force and worked his way to the top taking down criminals. Then he met his wife Lilliana. She was gorgeous. Everything about her seemed so alive! She played hard to get at first, but eventually she gave in and they eventually got married at 22. That’s when things started to change. Things started to happen that couldn’t be explained. Darien would try to take care of Lilliana’s plants while she was away and he’d be sure that he had killed the damned things, but she would come back and the next day they’d be right as rain. They’d find animals on the street half dead take them home and hours later they were full of life. That’s when the men came. He was just coming home when he saw the strange van in their drive way. He ran inside to find two strange men dragging his wife back to the van. Pulling out his gun he aimed at them prepared to shoot. Then a man dressed in a lab coat came running over waving for him not to shoot.

“Your wife is under our custody now,” he explained, “she is part of an experiment and we need her back at our lab. I’m afraid she’ll have to stay there though. Her…eh, virus if you will, seems to be rather contagious and possibly deadly. Now if you don’t mind.”

“What do you mean she’s an experiment,” Darien said angrily, “this is bullshit! What virus? She’s fine! She’s better than fine! This isn’t making any sense!”

That’s when someone came up behind him and took him out with chloroform. When he woke up he was tied to a chair in an interrogation room. Groggy and confused he had no choice but to stay there and listen to the doctor who was asking him to do things.

Blink twice if you can hear me. Thank you now take a deep breath for me, Mr. Engelhardt. Very good. Now open your mouth and say- yes, thank you. Very good. Now, Mr. Engelhardt I want you to listen very closely. From now on you will be working here. You are not to try and go home, you are not to try and contact family and you aren’t allowed to ask questions about the experiments here. They may look like people, but I assure you they are much more than that, and they are more dangerous as well. Even your wife.
“Where….what…I,” Darien replied his consciousness slipping once more, “wait….Where’s Lilliana? I just want to…..”
Ever since that day he has worked for the company so he could watch over her. It’s nice for him to be able to take care of the younger experiments as well. He likes knowing that he can do something to keep them safe, or at least relatively so. He does wish there was a way for them all to leave though. He just wants to go back to the way things were.

Special skills: He trained in mixed martial arts and he is quite the marksman.
Love Life: Wife Lilliana
Favorite Experiment: Lilliana with Valka being a close second (he thinks her cynicism is cute and endearing)

08-04-2012, 07:22 AM
As you know;

If you’re looking for more players, don’t forget to make use of all the features that RPA has to offer. You can submit your game to the Roleplaying Games Directory here (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=2304) and if you post here (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=3975), you can ask the Staff to advertise your roleplay in their signatures.

Most importantly, make sure to apply for Roleplay of the Week (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=905)! :)

08-06-2012, 12:41 AM
Name: Valka Rzhevsky
Age: 18
Personality: She is very quiet most the time, but very opinionated. She can be vicious when provoked and is very sarcastic and funny when you get to know her.
Appearance: full, rosy lips soft pale skin which is covered in a light sprinkling of freckles a high forehead, small chin, small nose, a shorter, narrow jaw, high cheekbones, full breast a firm butt and clear ocean blue eyes. Her soft brown, curly hair comes just below her shoulder blades. She keeps half of her hair tied up and her bangs cross her forehead from the right to the left. Standing at 6’0” she is taller than most girls her age, and can be very intimidating when she stands over you.
Likes: Water in most forms (as long as it’s not in a bottle or in any other human container, this usually provokes her to pour it on the floor or on your head), sweets, animals (dogs not included), soft things, and freedom.
Dislikes: Being under someone else’s authority unwillingly, being used, confinement, and being teased.

~Mythical Creature~
Background Information: Valka had lived by herself ever since she was 14. It wasn’t that her parents didn’t care for her. She just wanted to be free to do as she pleased. For the first two years they gave her a place to stay (a beach house left to them by her grandparents), and sent her food and supplies. When she turned sixteen she got a job at a local general store and began to pay her own way through life. This included the school she went to, her bills, her food, and rent. Last year is when things started happening. She was on the beach walking when she started to grow scales on her legs, arm and face. They were only small patches that phased into her skin where they ended. Their iridescent mother of pearl color only made her beautiful visage all the more so. Then at her wrists and ankles she grew small fins in the same iridescent color. Running back to the house she went to the bathroom to examine these new oddities. That’s when she saw them. Her eyes, her beautiful ocean blue eyes have turned to those of a dead man. Those cold dead eyes stared back at her and it made her angry. Snarling at her reflection she took in a big breath and screamed. It was the loudest most ear piercing scream she had ever made. So loud was the scream she broke the mirror and all the other glass in her house. As soon as she calmed back down she took a piece of the mirror and looked again. Everything was the same, but her eyes had returned to normal. She was a siren. Or at least she was a half-siren.
Personals: none else.
Love Life: none to speak of.
Background 2: Valka is not the vicious, shipwrecking siren of old, but rather the powerful, calculating, passionate siren of new. She tries not to sing or speak much so she won’t take others freedom, but if provoked she will scream loud enough to split your eardrums and incapacitate you for several moments, time enough to either run or to kill you. That or she can sing you a little lullaby and have you begging at her feet. When he eyes turn dead is when you must truly be careful. This is the most vicious a siren can be. This part of her if you listen to its song will lure your very soul out of your body. Hopefully you can close your ears fast enough and good enough that this won’t happen.

(let me know if there's anything I need to change. I think this could be an exellent role play.)

08-06-2012, 02:12 AM
Oh, I love this idea! I'll work on a character. =D

08-06-2012, 02:35 AM
Alice has been.....~drum roll~ Accepted you have been, Valka of the Sirens.

08-06-2012, 02:48 AM
Wewp X3 I'm super excited!!!!1

08-06-2012, 02:52 AM
Kaelyn Sort



She has very long red hair that falls in curls down her back. Her pale skin shows of a splash of freckles on her nose and cheeks, her eyes are a bright, unearthly green with shiney golden freckles. She is an average height standing at 5'5" that matches her average weight of 127 lbs.
She tends to wear comfortable clothes, short and a tank top. She never wears shoes if she has the choice, she would rather be able to touch the earth.

Reading, solitude and outdoors.

Violence, loud noises and confined spaces.

Background Information:
She grew up in Ireland in a wild unmarred part of the country where she helped her mother protect a fae hill. It was a sacred place for the fae, a place of power. She enjoyed her life with her mother for the most part until they came and learned of her secret. They took her away from her mother because she was half Sidhe. Until then she hadn't known what she was. Because of where she grew up she has an Irish accent.

Background Information 2:
She is half Aos sí (a type of Sidhe) that is a guardian of a sacred place often though as a fae place. They are often seen as beautiful creatures that are dangerous when upset. They are said to live in underground mounds near or on sacred places. They can apear in a spirit form or a physical form. They are common in Irish mythology. Since they are partially made up of spirit they can merge with anything natural, anything that contains spirit.
She herself has the ability see, interact and to merge her spirit with the spirit of other living things, it takes great meditation but it is possible. Also she can turn herself into a spirit form of herself. She is more powerful when around nature. She loves to be outdoors, when indoors she feels weak. The longer she spends indoors the weaker she becomes.

She is a very friendly person, always willing to help others out if they need it. She can sometimes talk too much, especially when she is nervous. She can be a very loyal friend and will protect her friends with everything she has.
She is a kind person for the most part, very protective of those she cares about. If she is upset or angered she will snap and on the odd occasion will attack the person. Luckily that doesn't happen very often.

Love Life:
No one yet

No one yet

No one yet

Please let me know if anything needs to be changed.

08-06-2012, 03:23 AM
Arail hmm? Made a custom character sheet...explains clearly what you are, good detail with appearance. An Aos Si', sounds interesting...You are accepted :3

08-06-2012, 03:24 AM
Yay *happy dance* :D

08-06-2012, 03:34 AM
I do believe Valka and Kaelyn will get along swimmingly (if you will pardon the water pun there)! Oh, and I almost forgot, though her name may have hinted at such, Valka is Russian. The only time you don't hear her cute Russian accent is when she is using her siren "mesmer" if you would.

08-06-2012, 03:36 AM
I love your character, it is awesome. I was actually planning on doing a similar character then I saw yours there :P I was going to make a half Nixie creature.

08-06-2012, 03:44 AM
Yes, yes, happy dance indeed.

08-06-2012, 05:06 PM
Name: Atsila Wa-ya We-sa [translation - Fire Wolf Cat]
Age: 15
Personality: Atsila was named by her personality. Fire. She is a fierce fighter if you approach her angrily, or threateningly, and will not let anyone with a needle come near, if she can help it. She will lash out and hurt you, if you are not careful, when she is protecting herself or someone/something she loves. Wolf. She is a loner, sticking to herself, not really interacting with others if she can help it. Even with those she likes, she does not talk with much. Cat. She is very wary, and can be lazy at times, but not often. She does not like closed space, and is on the 'prowl' a whole lot.
Appearance: Later
Likes & Dislikes: She HATES needles, closed spaces like rooms and closets, pretty anything besides the outdoors. She LOVES nature, being outside, and cherry pie.

~Mythical Creature~

Background Information: Later
Personals: Later
Love Life: Single, heterosexual, not looking for now
Background 2: Later

08-06-2012, 05:09 PM
I'm thinking about making another character.... A scientist perhaps....


Here you go:

Dr. Albert Norf



He is a rather laid back person who enjoys spending his spare time surfing. He is a rather nice person, doesn't take life too seriously. He will work extremely hard to achieve goals that are important to him.

He is rather tall, he stands at 6'7", but he is pretty lean. He has messy brow wavy hair and dark blue eyes. His skin is tan from his time spent in the sun. He is often seen wearing a pair of shorts and a graphic t shirt under a crisp white lab coat.

Beaches, surfing and the sun.

Being stuck indoors, people who are too uptight and florescent lights.

All his life he wanted to do two things, surf and become a geneticist. He graduated top of his class in university and went on to work at different labs across the world. He stayed only as long as he wanted and left soon after if the place didn't suit him. He was offered this job a couple years ago and loves it, mostly because of the location. He is mostly interested in water based mythological humans.

Personal Information:
He grew up in a small town on the coast. There is where he learned to surf and it grew to be one of his passions. As his life went on he decided that a life of genetic research would be right for him and put everything he had into achieving his goals. He received his degree in his field at a young age and then decided to travel for work in exotic places. Because of this decision he has seen a lot of the world.

Love Life:
None yet.

Favorite Patient:
None yet.

08-06-2012, 09:07 PM
...Cool, I'll put him up then.

08-06-2012, 09:11 PM
Little lions fire ish.....Accepted again's as reserve character, please try to finish's as soon as possible :3

08-07-2012, 12:08 PM
I love this but i am confused the way you made out the character sheet it seems that the mythical creature is anouther person entirely.

Correct me if I'm wrong and accidently skipped stuff since I just woke up >_> but arent they like mythical humans? Like basicaly mythical hybrids?

08-07-2012, 12:41 PM
O.O, I named them that because of the myths. Though they are humans, they are technically children of of myth. So Mythical humans? For the character sheet, if you don't understand it, or think it's dumb you cans make your own Ali, I just made it on what made sense to me.

"but arent they like mythical humans? Like basicaly mythical hybrids?" THATS WHAT THERE CALLED!

08-07-2012, 02:00 PM
o.o I dont think its dumb dear I am just confused.

If they are children of the myth do they like have mythical spriits that help and guide them? Or is it just like hybrids e.e Sorry I am kinda derp today I really love you idea though dear XXD I need to rep you for it. This whole thing is really thought out

08-07-2012, 08:54 PM
You mean guide like, Percy Jackson and his parents? Hmm, would be a good idea, and if I haven't thought of it then its a free Idea. If you wanna use it in you character sheet as a bio, use it :3 Though I did start this at about 2 am at my time, so I was tired too. So I guess you can say I'm derpin around too. Yes they are hybrids....

08-09-2012, 08:37 PM
~Mauta Hārṭa Sthita~
Age: 14
Where I'm from: Pune, Maharashtra.
Personality:A boy, with absolutely nothing to do. Distant, Unamused, Hateful. Just a few adjectives that describe him. Though a boy with no soul could be said too. Not emotionless, though some actions prove otherwise. After all, they labeled him as death, had to be some reason. His compassion for things can come out when needs are met. If not the reaction is usually the same, none.
Appearance-A medium black tanned boy, height of 5'6. Hair is curled down like a females too the bottom of his earlobe, with one random stripe of white hair on the upper right side. The rest of his hair is the color of oil in the night. A reverse on normal eyes, with a white iris, and black sclera. Somewhat muscular build, though skinny looking because of a light hoodie he wears which is ashed black, and has a skull on the back.
Likes & Dislikes: Likes Apples, Bladed weapons, numbers, and Cats. Dislikes Vegetables, The Sun, and Sports.
~Mythical Creature~
Background Information:Growing up as a boy, a bright prodigy with no worries in the world at the point in time. A father in a important political career, and lawyer mother, I had alot to live up too. Still, it was somewhat simple too me. Though, that would change, not from awakening, but from a somewhat funny story too me now. So, a case was coming up, well lets go back. My mother being the excellent lawyer she was, was hired in a very weird way by some guys who committed a grand theft. My mother was to work for them, she declined of course, but was quickly changed as they threatened my dad would be killed by outside sources. So, of course, my mom finally agreed after a demonstration was made of what the outside sources could to dad.
After a few months, eventually with security cams, dna samples, and such of that nature, the case was finally put to a close, with my mom and the bad guys losing the case terribly. Just too much evidence against them, either way, bad guys were not very happy about that at all. Eventually I was pulled out of school and stayed home, and my father came home early. Reasoning, my mother was killed by the outside forces. The bad people's outside forces probably killed her, and they were coming after my dad next. My my dads thinking skills, he convinced me to go upstairs. Luckly that thinking was correct, those guys didn't know my mom had a son so I hid in the closet. The things they did to my dad, pretty bad.
In the end, they burned him alive along with the rest of the house. After they left, I quickly ran out, worried about my own safety. There, I was left alone. Not the fact that no one wanted me, I kept running away, so no one could find me. I stayed in a alley, not even begging, just wanting to die. Eventually a few months after stealing food from random people, I awakened, to what I am now.
Personals: I get sensitive when talking about mother and father. Not so much to cry, but I get very emotional.
Love Life:Heterosexual, and no one
Background 2: My creature, could only be labeled as death. A reaper, one who decides if you die, or get another chance. The reason? I walk by people, they are afraid. I touch plant life, its wilts away. I become incredibly weaker with extreme amounts of light, and my bones are somewhat stronger than a normal humans. Death is a creature we all fear. Though we all know death exist, we do not know if he exist as a creature, or as a natural occurrence. I am ironically living proof that death may be a creature.

08-09-2012, 11:54 PM
IC has been made. Heres a link? Maybe?

08-10-2012, 12:00 AM
Yay IC! *begins writing up post*

La Volpe
08-10-2012, 06:40 PM
Hello, I thought i'd throw my hat into this interesting mix if no one would mind.(rawr) this looks really impressive so it should be a blast!

La Volpe
08-10-2012, 07:11 PM
Name: Victor Nightingale

Age: 19

Personality: In one word, calculating. He gathers information anyway he can. He is not beyond violence, but prefers to use manipulation, and subterfuge to get what he wants. He is a pleasant person to be around as long as you don't stand in his way.

Appearance: Standing at 6'1, his skin is a rich caramel color, while his hair is a sandy blonde. His eyes though, are unnatural due to the incubus blood in his veins, his eyes are a rich purple, like that of dark amethyst. He has perfect white straight teeth, and his skin is unmarred except for the faint white scars spider webbing the top of his hands.

Likes: women, food, soccer, music

Dislikes: tight spaces, snakes, silence, rejection.

~Mythical Creature~

Background Information: I was just a normal boy... playing the sport I love, and chasing after any girl that caught my eye.... but may be that was due to my fathers blood... See I never knew my father, all my mother would tell me was that he was a bad man, and that we were much better without him. Well anyways, as i wandered around I saw this girl, she was the most beautiful girl i'd ever seen... the curves of her body stirred a part of me that had laid dormant for a long time. As I walked up to her, a rather large thuggish man walked up and guided her away. When I saw this, it triggered my awakening... my eyes turned from brown to purple, and no women could resist my advances, and no man could compete against me.

Personals: Deep down, he wants to find a girl that can resist his charm, he wants to find a girl that likes him for him.

Love Life: heterosexual, none but open to any girl.

Background 2: incubus are demons that seek out women, so Victor has a natural tendency to flirt and try to seduce women. He is persistent in his hunt, but can be denied, it's uncommon for it too happen though

08-10-2012, 08:21 PM
I don't mind at all!

La Volpe
08-11-2012, 08:28 PM
Finished! haha!

08-11-2012, 09:14 PM
Hmm, incubus..I'd count it I guess. Your in :3

La Volpe
08-11-2012, 09:18 PM
hooray! i'll jump in right away lol

08-13-2012, 04:16 AM
Ha ha an incubus and a siren XD this could get interesting!

La Volpe
08-13-2012, 04:19 AM
That was my thoughts exactly! bwhahaha who knows what might come of the meeting of these too!

08-13-2012, 12:35 PM
Ha ha precisely my good friend. I think it will be simply marvelous to see!

Jeezy Petes
08-16-2012, 01:49 AM
So, uh, is this thing still going? 'Cause if that's the case, then I got a character in mind. If you're fine with me signing up in the first place, that is.

08-17-2012, 08:43 PM
Yes, ro is still going

08-23-2012, 01:43 AM
hey, may i join as well?

08-23-2012, 11:05 AM
Yes you may join demon stalker, always room for more. All are welcome, All are welcome.

08-23-2012, 12:31 PM
ok, well then, ive got this idea to be an... experiment transferred over to this isle, as a security personnel hes a cyborg, that was on a security task-force but got "promoted"

If i cannot be the cyborg, then ill just have to do "research" on the TV or actual research blea on some myths. ive got some strange ones on the TV though so id like to do that research first. some times the drama is just to much for me so i have to leave the room >.< i have no idea why i watch this stuff anyways let me know

if i CAN be that security team cyborg, ill just give my skeli now
jeez, Ive been watching WAY to much anime, i cannot even come up with an American name- heck i cant even make one up in English, and that's the only language i even know! anyways here

Johns Yakimosha originally, but he changed it to X3715 after losing all relation to himself
Age [unknown] appears to be in mid 20's
cold and calculating, but only due to the cybernetics in his body. he tries to fight this image of himself as he is in reality a very light-hearted guy (plz excuse the pun here as he has near to no heart, just wires and pumps...) he falls in love relatively easy, and bounces back fairly quick after a bad break up, really, hes up-beat and fun to be around, when given a chance. after all first impressions are not all that a person has to offer, especially when seen from afar he is like a dog in that he is extremely loyal to those that he likes, as well as those he has strong bonds to. if they are unhappy, he will try to cheer them up. no matter the cost.
is of standing at about 6' 11" hes on of the tallest guys he knows. his eyes where replaced, giving him an eery appearance-even to himself every now and again. his right and left arms have been replaced with those of almost any robot in the movies, almost exactly like his old ones >.< his chest used to be relatively well full, but now it is roughly half encased in and replaced by the robotic parts. he also has only one robotized leg, as the other was strangely saved. he used to be very well muscled, but with the robotic parts, he does not need to train nearly as hard to keep fit.
Likes & Dislikes:
Likes= pretty women, people, the outdoors, training in all mater of things, including chi strengthening drills, such as Tai Chi.
Dislikes= the aches and pains of having metal body parts rubbing against the skin still there, doesn't care for loud noises, at least before his ears where replaced, dislikes people who try to undermine him when doing something.
when he was a kid, he was not all that social, he restricted himself to friends and books. although he was trying to break that, he was also a health fanatic, even at that age. in college, which he could afford to buy, he sailed through all of the classes, all at the same time, as he was a master of time management, he got his doctorate in everything that he saw, all on scholarships that he had earned doing the different clubs and sports and such. over all, he did about 30 years worth of work in the time span of 10 years. as he was able to do in such speed because of hes age at the time 13. he graduated high school in his teens as well as college in his mid 20's this all came to a tragic end, though as soon after college on the way home to tell his folks, he was in too much of a hurry and skated right through a train crossing while the bar was down, and the train out of sight, as he reached the center of the tracks, the train hit, throwing him high into the air. by the time the ambulance had arrived, he was dead. the officials at the college did not want him to leave just yet, on the basis that "this is too great of a mind to wast, we must bring him back from death and return him to his past self. WITH SCIENCE!" and so they stole his body from the morgue and secreted it to the college, where the next few weeks when by and the built him back to life, they had to figure out a way to get his soul back from where ever it went, and as science had no answers, they used the skilled of the psychics and magicians, much as they hated to do so, ti was their only hope of bringing him back. unlikely as it was, the arcane arts people DID bring im back. and so when he when out into the world, he was taken away, to be studied, somewhere in the Russian provinces
Personal Info:
after trying to escape, they let him become one of their security agents for some unknown reason at this time, (may be looked into as the RP goes along)
Special skills:
he can hack into any terminal or computer and gain security clearance for someone he can also disable the key card readers from a short distance, he also has a few hidden weapons that the college officials stuck into him for no other reason that to be random, these weapons include a sawn-off shotgun, an automated lock-picking device, 9mm and a 45mm pistols, and finally they stuck one of the first AIs to assist in what ever he does into the backbone near the brain stem connecting to all parts of the brain, giving him the ability to "see, hear and feel" the program as it it sentient.
Love Life:
[none as of yet] just recently broken up with one of the female security officers at the isle
Favorite Experiment:[none yet]

08-23-2012, 07:37 PM
Lol, dude sounds like the terminator. I like teh terminator. Your in :3

08-23-2012, 08:28 PM
sweet lol i rly didn't want to re-watch the anime with the mythical creatures from all over

08-23-2012, 09:05 PM
o.o there's an anime for it? I thought I just made it up :/

08-23-2012, 09:36 PM
yup there is an actual anime with vampires, succubi, and were-wolfs as well as several others, including some witches, oh! and a cat person as well as a snow person and a human thrown into the mix over all, it makes for a REALLY drama full show. >.<

EDIT: its called Rosario + Vampire the rating is TV-MA

you can find it on Netflix, they got all the episodes that i watched so good luck... its VERY FRIGGING STRANGE!!!!

08-24-2012, 07:42 PM
hey, um im actually new to the whole writing in a forum RP, so i might just be switching between 1st and 3rd person perspectives, is that ok?

08-25-2012, 12:42 AM
I do the same thing. Its fine, I don't get confused. Hopefully no one else does.

08-25-2012, 12:54 AM
not a problem for me!

08-25-2012, 01:09 AM

08-29-2012, 03:49 AM
I want in! :D if that's alright O.O I'm not a deamon or succubus or siren.. but ya know >.> i can be creepy.

08-29-2012, 07:36 PM
Lol's or death~..., make any kind of mythical human you like. Just make a skelly, or follow the one I made

08-30-2012, 04:25 AM
Alright! Starting my skelly now! ^.^

08-31-2012, 06:24 AM
Name: Ingrid Soren Sinclair

Age: 200, but not immortal.

Personality: Brash and quick to judge. Through intensive experiments has been ‘introduced’ to the ability to think and feel similarly to a human, although this has led her to only feel anger and resentment. She is driven by fear of the researchers and guards to try and maintain the accepted social standards. Out of that fear, she comes off as disconnected and struggles to feel empathy for others.

Likes & Dislikes: As a result of fear and loneliness she reacts by looking down on others, particularly those who display an abundance of emotion. Perhaps the oddest of her personality quirks, is a habit of hoarding everything from small bits of string to large shiny objects.

Background: Her memories of the time between awakening and being captured were blurred. She had lived only to survive. Anything before that was forgotten as she slipped back into a wild state.

Background 2: She was able to remain among people in swampy, rarely traveled areas for awhile, until stories emerged in populated areas and she was hunted down. In the years after her capture she was subject to invasive experiments until the scientists were able to give her ‘human reasoning’ and rehabilitated her into the island with the other experiments.

In an attempt to escape and while attacking several researchers, her tail had been cut off and healed into a blackened stump. She would later realize it be a great source of shame. She continues to try and hide this from others. She keeps it wrapped in bandages, in a half-attempt to ease the pain she still feels there.
She was named by the first researcher to experiment on her, who she had tried to kill in the same incident she had lost her tail. She never knew what she had been named after. After gaining human consciousness she often pondered this question.

And although they raised her up to a more intelligent state of mind, they had also inadvertently created a smarter predator that is able to learn and adapt. The shift of humans from being her prey to being afraid of them has created an unbalanced personality, resulting in outbursts and withdrawals from sleeping and eating.

She had never known anyone of her own kind before, and deep beneath her external detachment from emotions, there is a longing to be with others like herself.

Type of Creature: What appears to be a human-reptile hybrid.

Appearance: From the front, she has the face and shape of a human woman, green eyes and pale smooth skin all the way up to her forehead, but where a hairline should be, is where scales begin and unfold into green-blue crown of skin and cartilage that lies flat normally, but expands into a scaled halo while attacking. Her spine is lined with spikes in the same flat-to-expanded fashion, running down into her disfigured tail, wrapped in bandages. She hides her reptile half under a cloak and hood from the other experiments.

Skills: Her abilities include a skin-released chemical reaction in mammals that causes them to feel slightly dazed and at-ease, combined with her human facade. She uses this ability to lure in prey. When they are close enough, she intimidates them by expanding lizard-like skin to appear larger and biting into their necks with a surprising amount of strength. She is able to be submerged underwater for long periods of time.

Weaknesses: Despite being able to logically reason, and function within a society, she is still tied to baser instincts. She must often fight primal urges such as hunting for food, or protecting her ‘territory’. Her intelligence is exceeded by her instincts, leaving her vulnerable to situations where she faces advanced technology or against groups. She is left weak and disoriented when feeling human emotions and fears human technology.

Love Life: None to start with.

08-31-2012, 10:56 AM
hmm ok....two things..actually nvm there's one thing. During the time of the awakening, there's only been a ten year pass after the awakening, so for your character to be 200 years old or older, doesn't make much sense considering the time, but! There is a but. I have no idea what time of life span lizards and reptiles go through so...

09-01-2012, 01:55 AM
Yay!! I was a little fuzzy on remembering the time line when i wrote, but i figured you'd sort me out :P I can make her younger if you want though :D

09-01-2012, 02:44 AM
No-no...it is fine. Though, sigh ok. I'll make like a double option. You can have it like 200 lizard years..or lower the age so that it matches the ten year period, so that you were still alive and well in those last ten years. Your pick. Or actually you can just keep the age 200 years..but I'll probably sometimes confuse with lizard years...sigh so complicated. If you got anything out of this, you are a pro reader. But yeah, those are options.

09-01-2012, 03:58 AM
Lizard years like dog years? Or lizard years like years as a lizard?

09-01-2012, 05:40 AM
...lizard years like dog years... different time frames of how you grow up, and reptiles grow up alot slower than humans so..it might work with that.

09-01-2012, 05:55 AM
Dis is true :)

09-01-2012, 05:59 AM
I'm going to change it, lizard years are the same as human years for the most part :P Aside from turtles we have similarly long lifespans. (Depending on the size of the reptile.)

09-01-2012, 07:22 AM
ok :3, sorry you couldn't be the age you wanted to be :/

09-01-2012, 10:30 AM
im going to post now maybe i can get some info from Darien *chuckles evilly* BTW, do you mind if i use him to get my info on what is going on here? you know thinking about it, i could just have the AI hack n, but i wont, as my dude is more social and not very technologically savvy.

09-01-2012, 03:46 PM
Yeah sure Darien is free to use :) why exactly are you going to jump
In the water though? Valka will NOT be happy. :)

09-01-2012, 04:06 PM
...makin a second character...

09-01-2012, 06:07 PM
i know, especially if the parts aren't exactly water proof that'd piss her off, if it didn't kill us both >.<, BUT THE LABELS SAY THEY ARE UP TO but not exceeding... lol 20,000 leagues under the sea. well, first he'd observe that she'd not come up any time recently, panic, forget that he's got robot parts, and TRY to rescue her. that is if Darien is not there when i come in the room....

09-02-2012, 12:09 AM
Ha ha that would probably piss her off the most. Especially if you did manage to get down there and get her out of the pool. I which case she might take your head and kick it like a football into the ocean.

09-02-2012, 01:23 AM
Name: Eric Jackson
Personality: Lonely and depressed deep down with a burden eating away at him when he is alone. He tries to move on and keep a content aura about him. He is confident while around others and is a likable guy by many standards. He rarely complains and often shares stories about previous work places yet hardly mentions his military time.
Appearance: 6'2" tall with a solid build. A black tribal tattoo wraps around his left biscept and is visible from under the edge of his fitting plain black t-shirt. His deep green eyes are not the most memorable part of his clean shaven face . His well kept short black hair brings together the appearance of a former soldier along with his brown cargo pants and tan military boots. He carries a retractable baton alone with several other tools used to keep people out and creatures in on her sturdy belt.
Likes: Music, specifically jazz
Dislikes: long nights alone
Bio: His wife left him during his second tour to war. Eight years of his life were dedicated to the military and when he got out he did not know what to do with himself. He spent the year after traveling and doing various odd jobs including working security on a ship.
Personal information: His four year old daughter disappeared without a trace during his first tour to war.
Special Skills: Urban combat and CQC (close quarters combat)
Love Life: Currently single
Favorite Experiment: none yet

09-02-2012, 01:26 AM
exactly. that is, if i dont drown first. and if i dont find Darien, thats probably what i would do, either way,

Hey, off topic, but did you catch the not-so-vague allution to the book 20,000 leagues under the sea. the book is about the Nautice, under the command of a Captain Nemo. i think that the stickers that go to the book, might have been stuck on there, or they have actually tried to get the parts as far down as they would go.

that must have been a fine experiment, the planning probably when like "hey, im bored, lets see just how far our fake arms and legs can go down into the see, without either shorting out or being destroyed!", and someone else was all like "YEA THATS A GREAT IDEA!!!"

- - - Updated - - -

exactly. that is, if i dont drown first. and if i dont find Darien, thats probably what i would do, either way,

Hey, off topic, but did you catch the not-so-vague allution to the book 20,000 leagues under the sea. the book is about the Nautice, under the command of a Captain Nemo. i think that the stickers that go to the book, might have been stuck on there, or they have actually tried to get the parts as far down as they would go. that must have been a fine experiment, the planning probably when like "hey, im bored, lets see just how far our fake arms and legs can go down into the see, without either shorting out or being destroyed!", and someone else was all like "YEA THATS A GREAT IDEA!!!"

09-02-2012, 01:54 AM
@deamonstalker: Ha ha very nice and yes I did catch that.

@Mori: Woah woah wait. Are you using my Darien? When I said he was free to use I meant as a "you can control him in your post, but he's still my character", not a "please feel free to completely take him over". Actually I've been slowly working on a skele my self. I'm sorry if I confused you.

09-02-2012, 02:20 AM
Oops, I can change the name I just named him that at random.

- - - Updated - - -

Oops, I can change the name I just named him that at random. No, no problem. I already changed the name :)

09-02-2012, 04:08 AM
Oh hello, and welcome to the island. Accepted character Mori.

09-02-2012, 05:51 AM
Ok cool thanks Mori :) Funny we should come up with the same name, eh? I'm sure Eric will find that he and Darien will get along quite well.

09-02-2012, 12:54 PM
Hmm..it seem have not made the scientist cool enough..lets change that :3.
Done, now maybe we'll have more scientist.

Alice Moon
09-02-2012, 02:19 PM
~Name~Violet Via Drew
Age: 15
Personality:Violet is a naturally quiet girl. She also speaks only when spoken too. Yet, when you get to know her you'll see she's very different. She's kind, very intelllegent, funny, short-temper, crazy, weird, caring, brave and out-going at times. Yet, you'll only see the out-going part if your a close friend to her, not anything less.
Apperance-Violet used to have long white hair to shoulders, pale skin, pink lips, green eyes, 5'5. Now, she has changed. She has long black hair to knees mostly down over both her eyes, has red eyes, has a bandage over her right eye, red cupid bow lips, pale white skin, 5'7. She also has her eye covered all day and night because of her powers.
Likes & Dislikes:
Likes:Violet likes dark colors, singing, dancing, moving, music, her teddy bear, blood, fire, the dark and books and her ipod, AB positive blood.
Dislikes:Violet dislikes bright colors, the sun, quiet, sitting still, being told what to do, her teddy bear being destroyed, water, books being destroyed, nature being destroyed and her parents.

~Mythical Creature~
Background Information: Violet was always teased at school for being weird. She could have been popular easily but, the way she dressed, acted and talked. She talked in 3rd point of view basically. She couldn't help it since when she was a baby she was dropped on her head. It caused her speech and mental mind to be stronger but jumbled up. She also had a bad life at home. Her parents were abusive and mean. They always wanted her home and beat her half to death every 2 days, other then that they ignored her. Yet, Violet never turned evil. She mostly just stayed in her room and read or listened to music. She was also amazingly smart. She had an IQ of 201. So, even though she's 15 she has graduated from high school. One night she was walking home from the library when she was ambushed and knocked out. She woke up a few hours later in a strange room. She saw a mirror and saw how she changed. She was frightened yet she never screamed. She was actually relieved and happy since at least here she's being left alone and no one can bother her. Now, she is currently happy to be here since no matter how terrible this place is, at least she's away from her parents.
Personals:She has this black teddy bear she carries around with her, a rosemary necklace with a red ruby in the middle she never takes off and her ipod she always has with her.
Love Life:No one currently.
Background 2: Now, Violet is a sithverm. Sithverm's are sorta like a more awsome version of vampires. Sithverms are amazingly smart, strong and fast. They feed off blood. They only need one pint a day. So, usually they feed off someone, heal them, then make them forget, they also have powers. They have speed, strenth, intellegence, telakeneses, future seeing, tarot card reading, enough magical escense to do spells and can give curses and hexas on people. The females also have the extra power to see spirits, males have the power to change their apearence. All Sithverm's can heal. The reason they can cause spells is mostly because Sithverm's are like cousins to witches. They're weakness is some blood types, they can't drink without getting sick. Also some blood can make them stronger. For Violet her weak blood is O negative, her strong blood is AB positive. The rest of the blood types will work normally.

09-02-2012, 02:43 PM
O.O hmm so wait. I mean accepted but is she like living dead, or like...explain a little please :/?

Alice Moon
09-02-2012, 03:01 PM
she is like a vampire with a few witch perks from her species being in the same species web as witches. Like cousins sort of.

09-02-2012, 03:14 PM
...ok, So a living dead witch...sounds awesome :3

Alice Moon
09-02-2012, 03:18 PM
I know right!!!

09-02-2012, 03:33 PM
you may start posting whenever...I kinda wanna see how you react to my character death...

Alice Moon
09-02-2012, 03:47 PM
ok I'm kinda new to the site so, I'll post first to try and figure this stuff out.

09-02-2012, 04:21 PM
Sure, take your time

Alice Moon
09-02-2012, 04:32 PM
thnx and I know hot to do it now!

09-02-2012, 06:26 PM
hey, in one of my first posts, about an anime, you just described a lot of the vampire chick, that and a book, um whats its name! eh, i don't have it, the library does! ill just look at it on Tues day, when school is back. but you did describe a combo of a breed of witch, and the main character's best friend? he met her on the way to school, she hit him with her bike. smelled his blood, and nipped him. only, she didn't erase the memory. all in the first episode, trust me you just gotta watch it, but be warned, on Netflix, it is rated TV-MA

09-02-2012, 07:12 PM
"Alice...can you find the I.C character place or do you need a link to it? Not to say anything. it just that you said you'll post first and then see..it didn't make much sense to me...sorry, I' having you do so much explaining to me.

09-02-2012, 09:44 PM
im going to make a scientist, maybe the one that created X3715, if that's ok, but what happened to the first one? ive only seen like, one post with him in it? where d he go?

09-02-2012, 10:04 PM
Oh, that post. Umm, when school started, everyone got like, crazy, and she backed out of this rp. :/ yeah

09-02-2012, 10:41 PM
Name: Darien Engelgardt
Age: 34
Personality: Darien is very friendly and caring to a fault. He often finds himself avoided by others and ultimately friendless. He doesn’t really like or agree with the companies motives and experiments, but he feels he has no choice but to work for them. Being forced to do something against his will makes Darien very upset and even depressed at times, so he will often talk to himself as well to try and keep cheerful.
Appearance: 6’5” with a militaristic build (his father’s doing), short, brown hair, and bright blue eyes. He wears a normal guard’s uniform with a gun on one hip a Taser gun on the other and a necklace with a shark’s tooth he got from Lilliana on a trip to the beach. He also still wears his wedding ring.
Likes: sweets, being on the edge of death, being free, friends, and his wife
Dislikes: cages, sadness, fear, pain, and human nature
Bio: Darien was always a very cheerful, simple, justice loving person. After high school he joined the local police force and worked his way to the top taking down criminals. Then he met his wife Lilliana. She was gorgeous. Everything about her seemed so alive! She played hard to get at first, but eventually she gave in and they eventually got married at 22. That’s when things started to change. Things started to happen that couldn’t be explained. Darien would try to take care of Lilliana’s plants while she was away and he’d be sure that he had killed the damned things, but she would come back and the next day they’d be right as rain. They’d find animals on the street half dead take them home and hours later they were full of life. That’s when the men came. He was just coming home when he saw the strange van in their drive way. He ran inside to find two strange men dragging his wife back to the van. Pulling out his gun he aimed at them prepared to shoot. Then a man dressed in a lab coat came running over waving for him not to shoot.

“Your wife is under our custody now,” he explained, “she is part of an experiment and we need her back at our lab. I’m afraid she’ll have to stay there though. Her…eh, virus if you will, seems to be rather contagious and possibly deadly. Now if you don’t mind.”

“What do you mean she’s an experiment,” Darien said angrily, “this is bullshit! What virus? She’s fine! She’s better than fine! This isn’t making any sense!”

That’s when someone came up behind him and took him out with chloroform. When he woke up he was tied to a chair in an interrogation room. Groggy and confused he had no choice but to stay there and listen to the doctor who was asking him to do things.

Blink twice if you can hear me. Thank you now take a deep breath for me, Mr. Engelhardt. Very good. Now open your mouth and say- yes, thank you. Very good. Now, Mr. Engelhardt I want you to listen very closely. From now on you will be working here. You are not to try and go home, you are not to try and contact family and you aren’t allowed to ask questions about the experiments here. They may look like people, but I assure you they are much more than that, and they are more dangerous as well. Even your wife.
“Where….what…I,” Darien replied his consciousness slipping once more, “wait….Where’s Lilliana? I just want to…..”
Ever since that day he has worked for the company so he could watch over her. It’s nice for him to be able to take care of the younger experiments as well. He likes knowing that he can do something to keep them safe, or at least relatively so. He does wish there was a way for them all to leave though. He just wants to go back to the way things were.

Special skills: He trained in mixed martial arts and he is quite the marksman.
Love Life: Wife Lilliana
Favorite Experiment: Lilliana with Valka being a close second (he thinks her cynicism is cute and endearing)

(Ok here's Darien.)

La Volpe
09-03-2012, 01:00 AM
Holy crap i've missed alot in my short repreave :/ any one wann give me a quick re cap?

09-03-2012, 11:44 AM
Lol, Darien must Love me then :P

Alice Moon
09-05-2012, 02:31 AM
Sorry, school just started back so I've been gone and stuff. Neshimo, I meant basically if we can rp sometime tomarrow since I was still kinda getting used to how the forums work. Also, I don't wanna be too much work but, can I have a link? Thanks and I'll try to be on more!

09-05-2012, 02:42 AM
Lols, sure :3..school has me pinned too. I have a bed time now, DANGIT school!
http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33423. Link to Mythical Humans.

Alice Moon
09-05-2012, 02:59 AM
thanks for the link and night!!

09-05-2012, 10:56 AM
interestings, school has started for me too, but, as of right now, i can still post regularly, although, i normally get up at around 4-5 just to get on here, but still. that and i so far have had minimal homework.

09-05-2012, 03:20 PM
Ha ha me too. First year of college. Homework has been simple and I get on here when ever I have free time.

09-12-2012, 10:45 AM
HA HA HA! Jeez every one's been obsessing with me Jumping in! HA HA HA HA! ooh, all of the posts that made me heading towards the diving board, ooh, that was good! A good half hour laugh at least! thank you, now I don't have to do any exercise for today. I posted something different than what every one seems to be expecting...

09-16-2012, 07:42 PM
Are there further spaces open for experiments, and do daemon spirit powers count? I have a character who has daemon hellfire powers due to a ritual... but would the daemon have to be the mother/father of my character?

09-16-2012, 08:00 PM
Yes, I can open up some new spots for experiments open. Now, you may have demon powers, though you were awakened to them by your bio-logical mother/father. So you already had the demon powers, but you bio-mother/father awakened them to you. So the ritual thing would have to be out.

09-16-2012, 08:41 PM
coolie-pops, daemon father it is then! I'll just write up a profile!

09-16-2012, 09:03 PM
Name: BB aka Vixen

Age: 18 but looks younger

Personality: Quiet and reserved at times, but occasionally snaps and becomes extremely violent. Very protective of friends and of her brother. She hate her parents. Her father for never being around, and her mother for beating her and her little brother. She is quick to leap to another's aid, but often ends up getting hurt, or just in the way.
Appearance: Mid-length dark red hair, and gold eyes with black flecks, they flicker like flames when she is angry and when she uses her powers. Very pale and thin, to the point that most people think she is ill. 5ft3.

Likes: fire, her human brother, food, sleep, snuggling with those who are bigger than her and who might protect her from herself.

Dislikes: her daemon father with a passion, onions, bullys, needles.

Mythical Creature

Background Info: BB never went to school, and so she can't read or write, however she is very smart. She and her brother lived on the streets for a few years, and there she learned to become a pickpocket as part of a gang. When her powers started showing she took her brother to an orphanage to be safe, but her mother found him and keeps him locked at home. BB now just wants to save him. She accidentally killed three people trying to escape capture. They burned to death in an instant, from the inside out.

Personal: BB is always drawing, houses, happy families, graves, as part of her hopes and dreams for the future... including killing her mother and father.

Background - Mythical:
BB is part Hellfire Daemon. She has the ability to start fires with the slightest bit of friction, and can control where it spreads, grows and whether it goes out or not. This lets her throw fireballs, spit and breath fire, and snap her fingers to create a flame. She is limited to her mental and physical strength however, and cannot maintain a flame when she is asleep for example. As part daemon, she is akin to manipulation, and is easily swayed from time to time. Generally she remains loyal just like a daemon in a contract would. She is also partial to drinking a little blood every now and again to heal herself and give a boost to her powers for a limited time.

09-16-2012, 10:59 PM
Accepted Character

09-17-2012, 08:25 AM

La Volpe
09-18-2012, 11:51 PM
So there are 2 demon born children on the island now, oh joy! a hell fire, and an incubus! oh the fun Victor will have!

09-19-2012, 12:48 AM
Mostly just a Fire based deamon... just fire from hell in particular... besides... she hates herself, it's not like she'll be much of a problem, lol

09-21-2012, 11:46 AM
I might join in the fun soon.
IS it all right for my Mythical creature to be a youkai? (A Japanese Monster)?
Can you show us where we will be staying (the picture of the headquarters perhaps?)

09-21-2012, 07:44 PM
It can be any creature from mythology, anywhere around the world so yes, you cans be Youkai.
And as for the headquarters..I think I but a pic of the island, but never the facility did I. That was because I couldn't really find one, and I didn't feel like making one myself. Though if you ever make one, or ever find one to use, I'll use that one as the facility.

09-22-2012, 07:42 PM
Where is everybody...?

09-22-2012, 09:26 PM
I'm waiting on demonstalker.

09-22-2012, 09:40 PM
oh, sry didnt relize that it was me, I will post now.

09-22-2012, 09:47 PM
there I posted.

09-22-2012, 11:20 PM
Thanks dude :)

09-23-2012, 03:53 AM
Gimme some of Dat Friendship.

10-02-2012, 08:59 AM
Has no one noticed the fire alarms...? I don't mean to be a bit pushy, but I'm running out of ideas without other character interaction...

10-02-2012, 10:51 AM
I think that the next round of posts will find the alarms...

10-03-2012, 12:51 AM
I love you guys! <3

10-06-2012, 04:53 AM

10-07-2012, 04:44 AM
For DemonStalker:
The Sun chamber is a place designed as follows.
On the outside there is a panel, controlling the opening of the door, and closing along with how much heat you pack into the room. The inside is a very heat conductive metal, along with small holes and lights along the roof of the room. The room is meant to be able to withstand 20,000 degree's Fahrenheit, meant too heat up anything inside of the room. The room also emits a blinding light, to stun the person inside. There is no escape from this room except for the one door leading in or out, though the door locks as soon as the heating begins, and will not unlock until it is finished. You may set the time as you wish.
So yeah, major punishment for my character. Have fun :3

10-07-2012, 06:02 AM
For Neshimo... I hate that my dude even has to punish anyone, for any reason... And I'm tottally feeling what he is right now... I think that I put too much of myself into this char... right about now, I feel a horrid pain in my chest, for the reactions that they all gave, and for the pain that he felt giving pain to her. But that would so have been my reation to any damage to a peice of property that sould be respected, no matter who you are. THis entire part has left me feeling very bad about myself right now... Sirrously, as I am writhing this, I'm tearing up... Just remembering what he had to do. GOD I HATE THE RULZ!!!!

10-07-2012, 06:09 AM
O.O. ~Pats your back~ It's ok buddy, I put myself in my characters shoe's as well. Not saying that..well ok, sometimes I act emotionless, though I show compassion at my times. It's cool bro, it's cool.

10-07-2012, 06:22 AM
I think that I have all aspects of my personality stretched in all of my Chars... I have like alot of them... God and all of the ones that are the most powerful with me are on right now!!! UGH!!! I feel as though my soul is being torn into three or four pieces and that they are all trying to become one... even though they are all throughout the galaxy, One or two in a Dead Space universe, one in a Silent Hill twist, one with the demi-gods of Camp Half Blood, and another in a zombie apocalypse. Its just too much!!! --sighs-- OK I'm ok now... Thank you buddy! sorry I had to spill, but it just made me feel better.

10-07-2012, 06:35 AM
Thats why it's called venting :3. That'll get you through the morning. Lol, try getting a little situated with your personalities. I do that in school, too where I have differen't people for different situations. Helps the original me stay sane.

10-07-2012, 07:17 AM
thanks for the advice. I'll take it to heart.

10-07-2012, 11:36 AM
Hugs for deamonstalker! *glomps*

10-07-2012, 04:05 PM
It's ok dude :) we all get a little carried away sometimes. Venting is always a good way to get out all the stress and anger and what not :) just don't stress dude *hugs* :P

10-08-2012, 02:42 AM
yeah, but it felt like the characters were all trying to break the fifth wall, or the one that separates the different universes...

10-08-2012, 03:06 AM
That means we all can roleplay outside the box. DOWN WITH OPPRESSION! LETS US POST FREEY, AS THE OUTSIDERS!

10-08-2012, 04:00 AM
heh, tat'd be fun, have an RP that conected to like five others, all across the multiverse. have a mad scientist create a protal in one RP and have him come out in another... You'd have to get the site masters to approve of it though.

10-08-2012, 04:45 AM
That'd actually be pretty cool. Though maybe it'd be like one Out of Character, then make two In Characters for the different universe's...GENIUS!

10-08-2012, 05:02 AM
yay!, we've come up with a cool idea for an RP by me having soul pains from my RPs lol or just a pair of OOCs and ICs for each universe, and force the people to read them all simataniouly... that would hurt somepeoples heads after a while.

- - - Updated - - -

or even one OOC that has several in it, and on IC that has mutiple in it... that way, they only have to use one link to have access to all of the others...

10-08-2012, 05:05 AM
It would sure hurt mine...though maybe it would work. Idk...

10-09-2012, 09:18 PM
Name: Ailani Vallenka
Personality:Ailani is a spitfire. She is easily irritated, sarcastic at times, and a but cynical. She also loves to fight. Unfortuatley, she is very sensitive. She's hurt by the littlest things, even without meaning to be. Ailani is a complete party animal and loves to have fun. She is intelligent but makes stupid decisions, sometimes. Ailani is also possessive and jealous.
Appearance: Ailani stands at 5'0, being the shortest of her family and making her seem vulnerable to most people. Her skin is a creamy milk chocolate. She has a curvaecous body from sports and dancing. Round breasts and Toned butt with wide hips and toned thighs and calves. Short jet-black layered hair. Usually up in a bun with two chopsticks. Small up-turned nose sprinkled with dark freckles. Hazel eyes that are medium and cat-like. Long eyelashes. A beauty mark is right under her left eye. High cheekbones. Plump lips with a diamond monroe piercing.
Likes:Food, Pineapples, Cartoons, Writing, Performing, Sports, Music, Playing Instruments, Fights, Blood, Punching bags, Weapons
Dislikes: People with ugly personalities, Being accused, Being told what to do, Losing a fight, Losing anything, Being teased on height, lectures.
Mythical Creature
Backround Info:Ailani has two big sisters and a big brother. Her brother constantly irritates her. One day, he made a terrible joke about her height and she snapped. She levitated of the air and a bright beam of light shot from her hands into his chest. He slammed into the wall and slid down to the ground, staring at her in shock. She looked back at him in shock. She rushed to a mirror to see two wings coming from her back and her hands glowing. She had shrunken down to the size of a soccerball and a glowing green tatoo was spiraling down her arms and legs. Her eyes began flashing different colors and finally resting on a bright grey. JUst like how she was feeling, confused. Now only her and her brother know about it.
Personals: N/A
Love Life: None
Backround 2: Ailani is a sprite. She hates being called a fairy. Being a sprite allows her to be quick and nimble. Ailani Her eyes change color when she is experiencing a strong emotion. She also feels powerful when around elements, but she doesnt know what that means, yet.

10-10-2012, 07:56 PM
Would anyone be apposed to me making a scientist character?

10-10-2012, 08:30 PM
I say go for it, we only have like one, and even then, he has not posted in a long time......... I think..... but yeah, just make the CS and even though i am not a GM, I say that there should be more scientists..

10-10-2012, 08:36 PM
Pineapples accepted. Mori, go on and make a scientist charter. We have none, and it might show how awesome they are :3

10-11-2012, 03:39 AM
rofl. he's a security guard, but I suppose that he could dpuble as an experiment in her case... lol

10-11-2012, 06:37 PM
i realize this, but who do you think they would get to put him back together after he got ripped to pieces by Valka on a secluded island? I don't think the people in charge would bring in regular paramedics when they have the some of the best scientists collected on one island.

10-11-2012, 07:47 PM
Seems legit, ok Mori accepted scientist

10-11-2012, 10:35 PM
lol, I have to check his CS, but if I remember right, he was a lead in robotics in collage... either that, or I am gjust thinking of the other two of him... Both named Johns... I THINK...

EDIT---ok... so he is a ginuse, so I think that covers Robotics...

10-12-2012, 11:03 PM
Um... like Neshimo has his punishment room, shall I have the same but with cold temps? It would be the perfect thing for Vixen!

10-13-2012, 12:27 AM
I think that they might even have a sprinkler system set up for you... only it has one drop of water come out of every nozzle a few minutes... or something...

La Volpe
10-13-2012, 01:17 AM
So i'm kinda stuck... the person i was doing stuff with has been very inactive... HELP!! :O

10-13-2012, 02:28 AM
You can run after Valka who ran past you when BB was being tortured.

10-14-2012, 02:35 AM
Im stuck also. I have no idea what to do with my character...

10-15-2012, 08:04 PM
Um... Neshimo? To fix the above peeps little problem, could you maybe create a major storyline event? Then everyone can react and move on to interacting with other people!

10-15-2012, 10:03 PM
Hmm, I could, though I sorta need an idea on how i really want this roleplay to go. I could do like a pair up of people who I think would interact, and make a roommate rule though afterwards, it'd just be so that the experiments could get along, so you'd have to move back into serperate rooms. Not just experiments either, I'll be mixing it up with security and doctors too. Or rather...doctor.

10-15-2012, 10:22 PM
please don't put the doctor in with X... she would have a field day on his parts, while he is sleeping...

10-20-2012, 01:25 AM
lawl sorry n mass escapes yet
edit, ok, since we all tried to escape, this will be the first event. From now on, you have a buddy with you, so you'll be easier to monitor though there are only 5 people who are not inactive in this with experiments, so it'll be mixed which shall make it eight. So Alice your buddy is already Darien.
Pineapple you will be with Me.
Demon, your security is with Mori's Scientist character. (Couldn't help it)
Galatia you are now with Magic.
Mori Security character you are with La-Volpe.
Mori's Scientist and Magic's Scientist shall now be the monitors.
New rules- Your buddy and you now share a room which has been modified to both of your pleasings.
You cannot stray too far from your buddy, 4 room feet length which makes sure you interact with your buddy.
If your security, you still have more authority than your experiment other.
If experiment you cannot now open other rooms, still only your own if your with a security guard.
Do not kill the non believ- oh sorry wrong rp. I think thats about it. Question me if you have any questions, especially you Mori and Magic since your a Part time co gm's right now for this event

10-20-2012, 01:51 AM
..what the..Mori, where's your scientist CS? D-what happened? And we are also getting a new recruit! So the pairs shall be changed a bit around once she's done.

10-20-2012, 02:09 AM
... ... ... do not kill the non believers? I want in on that RP right now, just so that I CAN kill the non believers... It will be a good stress reliever.

10-20-2012, 02:37 AM
Name: Isabell Clairé Mrõz
Age: 13
Personality: She is a very caring and friendly, always helping others. You always see her with a gentle smile. She is very smart but doesn't really like to show it.
Apperance:Height, 5'1 and weighs 96 lb. She has blue eyes and very long curly light brown hair. She is pale, and everytime she blush, you can really tell that she is. She usally wears preppy clothes but is usally covered up with a white lab coat. She has a slight french accent.
Teaching the expirments, making them happy, making medicine and working with other scientists.
Bio: Her mother currently works in the Facility and she wanted to be like her mom as a scientist. But isabell usally make medicines, teaches/play with the experiments. She doesn't do anything bad to them but if they need a 'time out', she'll give you one. She isn't a bad scientist but her mom is a different story. Her mom is very strict and mean to everyone besides Isabell. Maybe that's wh
Personal Information: Her father died when she was 9 years old... Hates to talk about it.
Main Study- Medicine
Special weapon: {{{will edit~}}}
Patient: None
Love Life-[May edit as time goes by in rp]
Favorite Patient- [May edit as Rp goes by]

10-20-2012, 02:42 AM
Dere she goes. Accepted! And demon..it's a secret rp..hasn't been made yet...

10-20-2012, 04:24 AM
dang, I was hoping on taking out a few as stress relief... ah well Time to move on to carts... And yes, that is not a typo....

10-20-2012, 08:16 PM
wait i'm a gm? uh she is there I've just been busy the last few days. and this helps
with Eric i was a little stuck with him.

oh and demon, i hope it is okay that Julia will likely call him John since that have spent so much time together lol.

10-20-2012, 08:40 PM
all right. but the patient he has in his arms is Valka.... so yeah...

10-20-2012, 09:04 PM
So me and Magic huh? This should prove interesting!

10-20-2012, 09:58 PM
would you guys like me to start the next day, or shall we continue with this day while I make the announcement?

10-20-2012, 10:01 PM
I don't care, so yeah....

10-20-2012, 10:12 PM
fixed my post. thanks deamon.
(Jesus I'm. Not paying attention today. Sorry guys I'l try to do better)

10-21-2012, 12:03 AM
huh, i don't know where her cs went... hmm...i shall retype it and post it tomorrow.

10-21-2012, 02:01 AM
I'll look for it, I know I saw it here. and no problem, no to edit my post, so that the error is errased.

10-21-2012, 02:20 AM
... I found where it was... But it is gone now... WE HAVE GHOSTS IN THE SYSTEM!!!! >.>

10-22-2012, 12:16 AM
... I found where it was... But it is gone now... WE HAVE GHOSTS IN THE SYSTEM!!!! >.>

yes...yes it is...I guess that is where I was trying to edit it via smartphone and it would not let me post anything, so I exited the page. I suppose that is why it disappeared...hmm...stupid smartphone. Anyway, I am currently retyping it.(although it is difficult to remember all I originally wrote.)

10-27-2012, 12:14 AM
i feel like ive killed this story. :(

10-27-2012, 12:59 AM
why would you say that? As far as I know, you where going to work on my arm...

10-27-2012, 01:21 AM
Sorry, I was out, a bit of work was gettin in the way, back, and im startin the event with the start of the next day.

10-27-2012, 06:58 AM
*sighs in agitation at technology* I swear I had posted, but just like Mori's character sheet it seems to have disappeared. >m<

10-27-2012, 02:14 PM
I swear I have your character sheet

10-27-2012, 06:27 PM
Oh no, you have mine. It's just that I could have sworn I posted something in between you and Mori's last posts in the IC, but it's gone. Maybe I'm just being delusional because I haven't been getting sleep.-fat-

10-27-2012, 07:40 PM
...Someones been being naughty in rpa...and I don't like it

11-21-2012, 07:30 PM
Is the rp still going...?

11-21-2012, 10:13 PM
i don't..beleive so...It has died out:/

La Volpe
11-21-2012, 10:18 PM
I'll help keep it alive if others are still interested? We've lost a lot of people though if we continue.

11-22-2012, 01:28 AM
I'm still here :)

11-22-2012, 04:39 AM
as am I, as my last post states, however, it took me forever, because we where just watching Brave... ITS GOOD!!!

11-22-2012, 06:24 PM
Ahh..ok. People are here:3...though magic....i need to yell at her

11-28-2012, 10:50 PM
Finally got a post in...

11-29-2012, 02:40 AM
Yo I saw the recruiting sign on this rp, but then I saw all the posts! You still allowing more characters Neshimo?

11-29-2012, 08:44 PM
Always allowing more characters bra, until a certain time...maybe...lets see, I'll leave this up two more months for recruiting, then take it down. But for now, STill recruiting bra

11-29-2012, 09:34 PM
Cool, im a gonna be a lil busy but hopefully I'll have something up later on tonight.

12-03-2012, 02:42 AM
Micah Stubbe



Tall, Approximately 6'6.
Very, very pale skin. Paler then most vampires.
A thin, but muscled build. Looks almost anorexic, but with a bit more muscle definition.
Long, Chest length, thick, layered black hair, with six grey streaks through it.
A strange, pair of eyes, constantly changing colors, but normally blood-red,or pitch-black.
(Normally) Wears black leather boots that stop about three inches from my knees. Black denim jeans, tucked into the boots. A skin-tight black long sleeved shirt, tucked into my jeans. A Black leather belt, with dark red scrawls upon it (Russian for Azrael). A long black trench-coat with A single, blood-red star on the left sleeve. And leather finger-less biker gloves.
Seven-teen small, black, lighting-streak Xs on the back my neck.
Solitude, reading, my poetry.
Obnoxious people. Morons.

Background Information:
Not much is none, other than he is a Dhampir, with dead parents.

A loving person, can be a bit rude, but only because I haven't had much experience with people.
In-tune with my emotions.
Has a problem with severe depression, but commits self-therapy by transferring the emotions and suicidal thoughts into my poems.

Love Life:
No one yet

No one yet

No one yet

A Dhampir.
ALWAYS carries a black and red book labeled Poems.

Please let me know if anything needs to be changed.

12-03-2012, 12:44 PM
K umm, i usually don't do this...but there are a few things wrong with that. Supplied no real back ground info, on how you got to the facility, how you were captured and so forth. How those parent's died, etc.
Two, explain exactly what your creature is, a description of what A Dhampir is. Even a small one would do saying "A Dhampir is a child of a human and a vampire" That would have been sufficient.
Three, NEVER EVER POST ON THE IC UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED. Though you already have, I wont hold it agains't you this time, but please in any other rp you may do here, don't do that again. People may not be as lenient with you as I have.

Please fix the first two things and you will be accepted. The third thing I wont hold against you yet k? You have the potential, the way you detailed your character was amazing. Your getting good, just have to learn some stuff like I did.

12-04-2012, 02:45 AM
Micah Stubbe



Tall, Approximately 6'6.
Very, very pale skin. Paler then most vampires.
A thin, but muscled build. Looks almost anorexic, but with a bit more muscle definition.
Long, Chest length, thick, layered black hair, with six grey streaks through it.
A strange, pair of eyes, constantly changing colors, but normally blood-red,or pitch-black.
(Normally) Wears black leather boots that stop about three inches from my knees. Black denim jeans, tucked into the boots. A skin-tight black long sleeved shirt, tucked into my jeans. A Black leather belt, with dark red scrawls upon it (Russian for Azrael). A long black trench-coat with A single, blood-red star on the left sleeve. And leather finger-less biker gloves.
Seven-teen small, black, lighting-streak Xs on the back my neck.
Solitude, reading, my poetry.
Obnoxious people. Morons.

Background Information:
Not much is none, other than he is a Dhampir, with dead parents.
Parents died fighting the Strigoi. (Evil, undead vampires.)
He was raised on the streets, and was found by a freakshow, and was made the main event.
I have a bit of a glitch in my D.N.A making me 3/4 vampire instead of the average 1/2.
Shadow-kissed. (Died along with my parents, but was then brought back by a spirit using Moroi. Leaving me permanently connected with the world of the dead.)
I was kidnapped at the freakshow, and taken to the facility.

A loving person, can be a bit rude, but only because I haven't had much experience with people.
In-tune with my emotions.
Has a problem with severe depression, but commits self-therapy by transferring the emotions and suicidal thoughts into my poems.

Love Life:
No one yet

No one yet

No one yet

A Dhampir. ( The offspring of a human and vampire. Or, another Dhampir and vampire.)
ALWAYS carries a black and red book labeled Poems.


12-04-2012, 06:12 AM
Hmmm... a character sheet I could make? Maybe Epostle feels sadistic in this :>

12-04-2012, 06:49 AM
We could always use the extra assistance in moving the story along I suppose. Go ahead I say, the worst that'll happen is Nesh'll say no, right?

12-04-2012, 08:46 PM
And the best is I could say yes, and I will :3. Das better, now you can post, legitly as a member of this rp.

12-06-2012, 08:26 AM
Should of had this up sooner, been busy, and thinking.lol Tell me what u think.

Name: Kylar Adeyemi
Age: 19
Personality: Fun and outgoing, but knows when to be serious, and can be unrelenting when necessary. Has a wherever the wind takes me kind of attitude, but that doesn’t mean people are the wind.

Appearance: Stands 5 feet 10 inches tall, muscular build, thin chin length blacks dreads with streaks of silver grey in them, chocolate brown skin, silver eyes, 8 black dot marks vertically down the middle of his back each a little over an inch in diameter set up in 2 columns of 4, from each dot is a tendril like line that goes over his skin, 1 over each arm that stops at his knuckles from the first row, the second row draws a tendril around each side of his chest just under the breast stopping an inch from the sternum , the third row draws a tendril around each side of his abdomen stopping an inch from his navel, and the fourth row draws a tendril straight down each leg stopping just short of the heel.
Likes & Dislikes: Enjoys a good fight, and playing tricks on others (this he believes may be genetic) telling stories (he knows this to be genetic), and just having a good time. Dislikes certain carnivorous bugs such as wasps and scorpions, being told what to do, and bullying.

Mythical Creature

Background: Kylar was born and raised in a small town in Boston, but is a descendant of the Ashanti people of West Africa. Growing up was always fun for him, he was either playing harmless tricks on people, or getting into fights with people who either didn’t know how to take a joke, or bullied people weaker than them. He always won, he always seemed better. His parents always told him to stop but he couldn’t seem to help it, just fun he thought. When he started into puberty things got a little strange, beyond his amazingly big jump in athleticism and his new found ability to cling to surfaces, and of all things create silk was also the fact that his hair had silver grey in it and his eyes turned that color completely, he also had these marks on his body now. The marks had originally been dots on his back he was born with, now from the dots were tendril like marks that marked most of his body. His parents panicked and sent him to his grandparents in Ghana thinking they’d know what was happening. His grandparents handled his transformation a little bit better, they told him the story of Anansi the spider, and with all the strange mishap that’s been happening since 2012 they figured he and the spider deity must be related. So every summer for the next few years Kylar would go to Ghana learning spider mythologies of the world and therefore more about himself. Until of course they found him, now he trains on the island biding his time until he can be free again.

Background 2: Kylar doesn’t have an exact name for what he is, only that he’s tied to spiders and that whatever his race is are responsible for most spider myths in the world. He is faster, stronger, and more durable than humans and some mythical humans and can cling to surfaces, he also has superior senses and can inject toxins through his canines. His other skills as of right now include silk creation and control; he can use it as projectiles, turn it into melee weapons, basic items, or even life like organisms, and also vocal capabilities; he can literally bring a story to life just by focusing and speaking, and is also able to control weaker minds through vocal commands at close proximity.

12-06-2012, 12:23 PM
Black spider man? I love you.........
oh and uhh, accepted

12-06-2012, 11:40 PM
Thanks, I tried to lean more towards spider based myths, but both just kinda ended up happening.lol

La Volpe
12-06-2012, 11:45 PM
Metro, I love your guy. He will be very interesting in this!

12-07-2012, 12:20 AM
Thanks La Volpe, I hope so.

Nina Tucker
12-19-2012, 06:05 AM
~Name~ Nina Alexis Tucker
~Age~ 7
~Personality:~ She is a quiet child and not much is known about her personality
~Apperance~ Nina is a Neko child. She has the appearance of a normal child but has a cat tail hidden under her shirt. She has cat ears she has managed to keep tucked down and covered with her hair. She tends to be covered in dirt and is short. She didnt get much nourishment on the streets so she looks to be about four or five...she is maybe 4 feet even? She has red hair, usually in a mess so as to hide her ears. Her eye color constantly changes, it having been what captured the doctors attention
~Likes & Dislikes:~ Likes Teddy bears, quiet area's; Dislikes not having food, being held down.
~Mythical Creature~ Shapeshifter with a few extra powers
~Background Information:~ Nina's parents went out one day when she was 5 and never returned...she lived in her house until strange people came there. She grabbed her book-bag, teddy and a few sets of clothes and some pictures before slipping out the window and running off. She lived on the streets for two years. Running from cops and people before she was taken in by a nice lady after a year...the lady kept her fed and clothed and taught her some things, another language, fighting and other such things until a few days after her seventh birthday the cps came and the wonderful old lady was killed. Nina managed to get away, but she stopped speaking. She had lost everything except her teddy and her smarts. She was back on the streets for a while before she was finally captured by the doctors from the island, she refused to speak to them and when they talked to her she would look at the ground. She saw a security guard approaching with a needle and instantly walked over to the doctors. Nina could tell they were suprised but her eyes were on the guard. She went willingly into the car, she kept a tight hold on her teddy and listened as the doctors talked to her, they hadnt moved the car at all but she felt the doctors were trying to see if she was special. She nodded once at their question and lifted her shirt, letting her tail slip out and wag slowly through the air. Her ears lifted and she heard their gasps. She dropped her bear and clapped her hands over her ears as they all talked at once, the doctors instantly quieting and she took her hands down, looking at the "head" as she though he was. He asked her a few simple questions..if she could talk, to which she nodded. He asked if she WOULD talk and she shook her head. the guy nodded again and asked if they could give her a small shot to make her sleep. She picked up her teddy and walked over to the man, climbing up in his lap and pulling one thumb in my mouth before nodding, she was given the shot and was then brought to the island.
~Love Life:~Shes seven...o.O
~Background 2:~ Nina is a shapeshifter though she doesn't know into what yet. Her parents knew...but they had dissapeared. Nina is a unique shifter...body and grace of a cat yet she has never experienced a full shift. Her parents first gift to her was her teddy and it has always prevented her final form.
~Misc~ As long as she is asked nicely Nina is willing to do whatever needs to be done. When she woke up at the island the doctors experimented a bit and found if her teddy was taken away she shut down, lashing out and growing claws and small fangs if she had her teddy she was kept docile. She was given a tracker necklace as well, she refused the chokers and the doctors finally managed to wrestle a locket onto her. Her teddy has a tracker chip inserted inside as they know she wouldn't willingly go anywhere without him.

12-19-2012, 12:32 PM
...sweet, people are actually listeing to the all ages thing..Acceoted

12-21-2012, 04:32 AM
Ugh this sucks!!! I'm stuck until Galatia posts something!!!! T-T I don't want this to die!!!!

12-21-2012, 05:37 AM
I forgot where I was... I know I was at least wandering around, with one arm... but thats the extent of it... I may also make another char... this one a scientist... We shall see what the morning brings us, however.

12-21-2012, 12:11 PM
"Well, actually...it's been long enough, that I can just leave her as an uninteractive character...I could move too your room Alice?

12-21-2012, 01:05 PM
I was waiting for you to post Neshimo...

Besides, Alice, our characters are in differnet rooms... I can't hear what your character is saying so how could I reply?

12-21-2012, 03:47 PM
I have water in your room forming the last few words in my post on your door. Valka brought it out from your bathroom and moved it to the door or you to see.

12-21-2012, 05:37 PM
Hey guys!

I know it's rather late into the story, but this seems really interesting.
Presuming it's not dead, I'd like to join if that's alright.
Of course, if it's too full that's fine as well. I just thought it worth a shot.
Anyway I'd be interested in a scientist position as well as a myth one, presuming there is space on either side.

~ John Reickvik

Age- 35 years.

Personality: John often appears as a recluse: he's hardly ever seen anywhere other than his office. However, this is not truly the case. John carries with him an ambition unlike any other, and will do anything to achieve that end. Obsessed with the living, John knew from an early age that the only pleasure that he could receive came from his admiration and obsession with others. He always works to better himself, and expand on his own knowledge base. Ignorance, to him, is the greatest punishment. John always aspires to find his counterpart, a fantasy he has held since his youth. When the day comes that the finds someone of equal measure, then he shall truly be in bliss. He is obsessed with the perfection of the human race, and plans to achieve all he can in his field before he dies.

Appearance- John is tall for his age; he stands at a solid 6'5". He is often found on the complex wearing a long, bleached overcoat, and dark sunglasses. His hair is combed back, and curls around near his neck. Although he is young, long nights and a heavy task-load have left a very noticeable grey streak on the right side of his head. He shaves ever couple of days, meaning that oftentimes the lower half of his face is covered in dark stubble. John also wears thick, fire-retardant gloves on both hands, for reasons no one has yet explored. Although he does not often leave his room, he works out on a daily basis to maintain a strong and healthy build.

Likes & Dislikes: Likes: Science, Visible Emotion, Needles, Genetic Enhancement, Evolution, Oakley Sunglasses, Heroic Sacrifice.
Dislikes: Annoyances, Fools, The Weak, Arrogance, Unsweetened Coffee.

Bio- John was one of the first scientists interested in the position at the new facility. Because he is obsessed with perfection, the idea of studying humans possessing rare and extraordinary powers seemed very attractive to him. Before working at the facility, John worked with various other governments, never feeling particularly satisfied with what any of them had to offer. His goals were fairly simple, yet no one seemed to grasp his intentions, and instead thought that a hefty pay-check was enough to tie him down. Although he has traveled the world, he has never found someone as driven as he. However, not to be dissuaded from this search, John continued to move from country to country in search of his ultimate counterpart.

Personal Information: John has a dark side to him that not many experience. He enjoys watching human emotion, and the affects various feelings have on the body. His favorite are fear, suffering, and excitement. In the past several of his subjects suffered from cruel and unusual punishment, but very rarely did any remember- or live long enough- to tell the tale. On the island, John hopes that the powers of these children might reflect their emotions, and cannot wait to find out how.

Main Study- Cross-species Genetics.

Special weapon: The Assimilator. (Will reveal details later)

Patient: Carter (Second Character)

Love Life- None

Favorite Patient- Initially, the Doctor's favorite patient was Lilliana. Her powers intrigued him well enough, and he was there at the time of her capture. This may change later.


~Aren Carter

Age: 16 years old.

Personality: Carter was your average teenage boy prior to his capture. He had lots of friends, and did well at school. Carter cared fr his friends, but often harbored immature grudges against those he didn't get along with. He was pretty agreeable, but didn't often go out of his way to meet people: instead he would wait for others to approach him.

Appearance- Carter isn't particularly tall: only 5"10', yet he's not afraid or even shy around those larger than him. Carter's hair is brown, but over the past year, a long golden streak bagan to take it's place on the right side of his head. Carter enjoys wearing graphic t-shirts, and athletic shorts as these are most comfortable to him. He does not have facial hair at all, and does not want it. His eyes are a hazel color. Because of his Myth, Carters skin takes on a scaly texture from time to time, most noticeably after he uses his powers.

Likes & Dislikes:Likes: Sleep, Games, Excitement, Fun, Magic, Girls, Swimming.
Dislikes: Pain, Fear, Obligation, Responsibility, The Facility, Loneliness.

Mythical Creature: Hydra

Background Information: During history class, Carter began to feel a strange stinging sensation around his face and neck. All of a sudden, a searing pain took hold of him, and forced him into a subconscious state. By the time he woke up, he was already on his way to the facility. The doctors later informed him that when he blacked out, he was approached by his teacher. The teacher, having thought him asleep, slammed a ruler down on his desk, barely missing Carter's face. The boy, without realizing what he was doing, leapt from his seat, digging his nails into the woman's face. They told him later that in that moment the woman had also reported him to have taken on a ghoulish appearance, although she may have been hallucinating. Carter never saw his family again, but was forced to wear heavy metal gloves to prevent a similar attack. His nails were supposedly coated with a strong toxic that amplified the senses, and distorted the images that it's victims saw. Further tests in the facility revealed that Carter had grown much stronger, and nimbler, since his capture. Paired with Doctor Reickvik, Carter underwent various experiments and physical labors in the Doctor's effort to utilize Carter's abilities, and to send him back into his aggravated state.

Personals: Although terrified, Carter can't help but feel somewhat powerful. He claims to have completely blacked out during the awakening, yet every now and again he remembers glimpses of it, and is able to relive the moment. The more the memories return to him, the more fearful he becomes of his future. Whatever powers he has, he knows he has only been able to scratch the iceberg, so to speak.

Love Life: N/A

Background 2: The Hydra is a large, multi-headed reptilian beast of Greek mythology. It bore extremely poisonous fangs, and guarded one of the gates to the underworld. When one head was cut from it's body, two more would appear in it's place. Because of it's shocking regenerative abilities, the Hydra was very difficult to kill. Naturally, the Hydra possessed up to nine heads. Hercules, to defeat the Hydra, had his nephew scorch it's wounds with a torch to prevent regeneration. Eventually it was killed, and Hercules used it's poison to enhance his own weapons later.

12-21-2012, 08:38 PM
N-no, Gatalia, the water is on your side not mine, I was waiting for you too post, unless you mean you didn't see my post back too you...

12-21-2012, 08:43 PM
O.O and Minsam...your so in, and NO MORE MYTHS!...need mroe scientist in this and security.

12-21-2012, 08:51 PM
I still have a few ideas on a scientist... so yeah, I'll get that done as soon as possible.

12-21-2012, 09:04 PM
Oh my post didn't post...thats what happened, WOOOPS! I posted:/

12-21-2012, 11:07 PM
what, that your post is blank? its only in white...

12-22-2012, 09:39 AM
Minasm, ur character is sick, I was gonna do one based of the Erinyes(furies) but opted for spider myths instead. Can't wait to see what happens.

12-22-2012, 05:15 PM
Age- 25
Personality:Light hearted, but strict, Joyfull but stern, and Caring but cold. Only the ones that he is very close to gets to see the light hearted, joyful, and caring parts of him. He is very untrusting, at first.
Apperance- Has an affro of Birght bleached Blonde hare, has glasses that make his green and red eyes look bigger, he has a small mustash that he keeps weel groomed. He is of the height 3'5" and resents it, 'specially when he speaks to Johns. He is very well muscled thanks to the time he spent in the military, as a sniper. He usualy wears a small coveral, surrounded by his labcoat. which is built for the size of a normal person.
Likes & Dislikes:fiddling with everything no matter what, or who, it is, just as long
as he can begin to learn how they tick.
dislickes being short, being alone, and trusting people.
Bio- He was one of the newest people that the Facility hired for the experiments, He was just passing by, on his way to work, when he saw some people capture and restrain an unknown experiment, as it beat the living crap out of one of them, and he was intreaged so he came over, once the person had been restrained, and offered his assistance to the men. They gave him a card, and told him that they would get in touch. He was contactid soon after, and was offered the job. He was facinated by the powers that the experiments could do, and how they could create power for the entire world, by copying their genetics into something like rats or mice.
Personal Information: Is scared of the dark and wants to fins a cure for the dehibilitating fear.
Main Study- [Genetics- such as identifying the genes that cause their powers, and how to harness them, and induce them into other things.]
Special weapon: [Molecular deconstructor and re-enabler. named GeneSplicer]
Patient: [Vixen becuase he wants to be able to create something that generates heat, and something that can use it to gain energy.]
Love Life-[May edit as time goes by in rp]
Favorite Patient- [May edit as Rp goes by]

- - - Updated - - -

here's my scientist, how is he?

12-22-2012, 05:26 PM
Hey Mister. I am mad scientist. ISSSO CUUUL, sonovabetch.
Lol accepted character

12-22-2012, 06:16 PM
I have no idea the implications of that... who is the mad one?

- - - Updated - - -


12-22-2012, 06:23 PM
Yay! Someone's interested in FIRE!!! Woop!

12-22-2012, 06:25 PM

12-22-2012, 06:33 PM
I cant beelive no one got the stiens gate reference:/

12-22-2012, 07:41 PM
what reference?

12-22-2012, 08:11 PM
I am mad scientist is a refernce to an ANime called Stiens gate :3

12-22-2012, 08:12 PM
... never heard of it I'm afraid...

12-22-2012, 09:09 PM
nor have I

12-22-2012, 09:14 PM
Wow I feel bad for Nesh. I haven't heard of it either. Seems like that was completely wasted on us.

12-22-2012, 09:16 PM
O.O, aww man...jeez sorry guys. :/

12-22-2012, 09:19 PM
now, I want to watch it though!

12-23-2012, 08:00 PM
Whoa, I'm so sorry I haven't been posting. I thought this story had been recycled. *scratches head* I could have sworn I saw it there...I looked...hmm...Well, I am happy I was wrong and the story is still going. Any way I could come back into the story with the same characters or should I create new ones?

12-23-2012, 08:52 PM
O.O YOU FIEND MORI YOU! It's cool, there was just some confusion on who should post, you can come back with the same characters.

12-24-2012, 04:20 AM
Please put your questions in this chat not the main rping chat. And too reply too you, you don't have too put you getting captured in this. You already put the info in your character sheet so no reason too put it again. Just start at the facility :3 </3

12-24-2012, 07:53 AM
Awesome :) I will read what all has happened so far and then post :)

01-10-2013, 02:59 AM
Q-Q, someone post please!!!!

01-10-2013, 05:13 AM

01-10-2013, 11:28 AM
I have as well.

- - - Updated - - -

though its not very good, I have a case of the Writers Block very badly right now...

01-14-2013, 02:50 AM
I might have an idea for an Experiment, but i'm not sure if there are open slots for one. Are there?

01-14-2013, 04:02 AM
no, I don't think there are any spots, he wants to fill up the security and the scientists parts before he opens them up more.

01-14-2013, 12:14 PM
Alright then. I have a good idea for a security guard anyways.

01-15-2013, 12:16 AM
Name: Scott Raynkin
Age: 21
Personality: Scott is a nice person, just one buried under a lot of emotional pain and trauma. To some, he appears cold, maybe even cruel, but he is caring, and not one to hurt others unless they give good reason to.
this is the what the armor looks like. Under the helmet, Scott is a pale, dirty blond with green eyes.
Likes & Dislikes: Likes robotics, computing, math, and katanas. Dislikes drinking, pop music, rap music.
Bio: Scott was a called many things in his childhood. Nerd, dork, the list goes on and on. One thing they never called him though, was weak. Scott took it all the time, not caring, and just ignored them all. Why? He was busy with something else, and that was building things. Any sort of tech a teen could get their hands on, he had, had taken it apart, and made it about 3 times better. Crafting all day long, he also learned one other skill, weapon-smiting. With this skill, he made a beautifully done katana, and uses it to this day. After the blade was done, Scott started to build a suit of armor, one unlike any one out there. This was going to be a fully operational suit of Powered Armor. He came so close to finishing too, then his life took a tragic spin. Coming home form the store, Scott's family car was hit, killing his parents, and crippling Scott for life. With this, Scott worked harder to finished the armor, now ready to sue as his arms and legs. Taking odd jobs, Scott landed himself a job at the island, and now watches all...
Personal Info: Is mostly a cyborg, due to a car wreck about 5 years ago.
Special skills: Knows a lot about computers, made his own suit of Powered Armor, and knows blade-smiting,mainly katanas
Love Life: Straight, but single for now
Favorite Experiment: None, as of now.

01-15-2013, 12:38 AM
Another cyborg. But your sorta just for hire. Sweet. Accepted.

01-15-2013, 04:57 AM
yay! a friend for me!

01-15-2013, 09:28 PM
I have an idea for how to bring Scott in, But i kinda want a few people outside the compound so they see it.

01-29-2013, 11:44 AM
Well Lone, we're all pretty much outside:D

01-29-2013, 12:33 PM
its sad, how X has gotten bored with the flashing lights and shrieking, he must have seen a lot of similar entrances, newbs trying to show off. XD but he will be surprised, I'm sure when the dude actually shows up!

01-29-2013, 09:48 PM
and the man of steel has landed

01-29-2013, 10:07 PM
while the other gets into his face, prepped to give a beating.

La Volpe
01-30-2013, 02:39 AM
So i'm kinda stuck in a limbo of sorts... I'll just wander out of the med bay I guess!

01-30-2013, 02:45 AM
Oh, hey, sorry if I power-played a little there, I kinda already stated that my char was all over the mainframe in the compound, what with him overriding some classifications for himself.

01-30-2013, 02:55 AM
no problem. I didn't know how far that worm would go before it got shut down. well, there's always the old fashion of getting intel.

01-30-2013, 02:56 AM
yes, there is, and if he does it nicely, X would just answer any and all questions that are asked.

01-30-2013, 12:14 PM
O.O uhhh...o-ok

01-30-2013, 12:26 PM
I'm glad the ball is rolling for this RP again, It's a good one!

01-31-2013, 12:26 PM
-hurr- Daww....thanks. It's done better than any of my others, which were just test, but still, valuble test that I'm making the most supercalafragilistic, complicated, actiony romantic, horror, zombie infested, magic using, and fundemental rp anyone has ever made BEFORE!

01-31-2013, 01:06 PM
I don't think that zombies and magic can possibly go together, far to many ways for it to fail and end up killing someone, not to mention it'll also kill hoards of zombies super fast. (Just putting my input) Oh, and I wand the link to that RP when you get it up.

Junko Enoshima
01-31-2013, 01:49 PM
I don't think that zombies and magic can possibly go together, far to many ways for it to fail and end up killing someone, not to mention it'll also kill hoards of zombies super fast. (Just putting my input) Oh, and I wand the link to that RP when you get it up.

On the contrary, yes they can. If you recall necromancy being a form of magic which is indeed the toying with, and resurrection of the dead, voodoo also falls along those lines as well. There are many undead spirits, and such in mythology, and ancient lore, so saying zombies-the term used to refer to the undead, and magic not going together is kind of a blind statement, hoards wouldn't be killed with ease as long as the player utilizing the magic is inexperienced.

01-31-2013, 03:03 PM
Well, I was thinking more along the lines of a 300 year old wizard, using massive lightning strikes taking them out, but I do concur that Necromancy and inexperience would be the only things to go with zombies.

01-31-2013, 08:29 PM
:O, you found out a clue of necromancy. Very smart ol'chap.

02-03-2013, 01:15 PM
may i join?))

- - - Updated - - -

Tion has a mix and mash Personality, getting his name from the fiery side of it. He is prone to lash out, if provoked. The brute is mysterious, locking his secrets inside, along with some of his emotions. He is sometimes avoids the others unless mandatory.Sometimes hedoes he turn evil.
Tion parents got killed in the battle, leaving him and his sister orphans. Tion tried to keep his sister alive, but he couldn't. She died a few months later, sickness overtook her. Tion was devastated, locking hisself away from the other wolves in his pack. He got over the her death, eventually, getting back to his -more or less- normal self.He quiet the pack a couple weeks later.Tion rarely shows his evil side to any one.He has to really trust you to show his real self


02-05-2013, 08:48 PM
There, moved your post to the OOC thread ~Despair~ =D

02-16-2013, 03:46 PM
Have we heard from Alice Moon, Atlas, Pineapples, emoteen, Metro, Nina Tucker, Magic, and/or Minsam? I have not read anything on them... at least recently.

02-16-2013, 04:41 PM
No...we haven't. I've wondered if they are doing their own thing...or if they just gave up. And I post with magic reagularly, so I have no idea whats up with her. I'll contact the others through pm. Oh and here's info on AliceMoon, her classes got in the way, so she couldn't post anymore. All the others, I have no clue where they are.

02-16-2013, 07:25 PM
alright. I was just gonna see who I could pick on, to give ideas on the 'fight'

02-23-2013, 12:50 AM
If you guys didn't see, their was a new forum post for us. Here's a link, The gm's moved everything for us. So say "THNK U GM'S!!! :D"

02-23-2013, 03:09 AM
yay! a thread that isn't broken.