View Full Version : [M] West Hills Haunted High

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Leon G
08-08-2012, 08:09 PM
OOC (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1036215&viewfull=1#post1036215)
Rated M for language. Violence and Sexual Scenes will probably hit PG-16 at the most.

School Map
The School has 5 floors, a basement and an attic.

The hallway leads to the garden.
Garden (http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users8/bdfitzg/default/spooky-garden--large-msg-1119900734-2.jpg), Library (http://haunted.wikispaces.com/file/view/v-library1.jpg/30323310/389x240/v-library1.jpg),Ballroom (http://randomchickblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/ballroom1.jpg), Dining Hall (http://www.victorian-era.co.uk/images/victorian-shop/brit477.jpg),Staircase (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_FfetiF7C9vo/SNnWiTq9vvI/AAAAAAAALnM/GV-8e9Zkm-Q/S600/forward+1st+Class+Lower+Grand+Staircase.JPG)

Note: Laundry room includes dryers and Elevator is fully functional. The balconies have furniture on them. Room 201 is pitch black at night, no matter what you do. 208 hears constant footsteps.

Note: The dryers do not work, and the elevators are broken. The balcony to room 213 is boarded up and there seems to be a strange smell coming from outside. The other balconies in this wing are full of spider webs and bugs... 215 is always cold.
Room 210 has a leaky ceiling, no matter what weather

Note: Laundry room includes dryers and Elevator is fully functional. The balconies have furniture on them.
Room 303 tends to hear screaming at night. Room 306 hears a lot of banging.

*second 310 should be 312
Note: The dryers do not work, and the elevators only go up. The balconies are not very nice, and have a rat problem.

Both Elevators work.
Both Elevators work. The door at the top of the attic stairs is locked
Students do not know what the basement and attic look like.

Second Floor:
Room 201 - Jack "Jackie" Turner (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1036700&viewfull=1#post1036700)
Room 202 -Aislinn "Ash" Morrigan Winters (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1036521&viewfull=1#post1036521)
Room 203 - Rebecca "Becca" Marie Wilton (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&page=9&p=1038654&viewfull=1#post1038654)
Room 205 - Lucinda Kay (Third Floor:[/CENTER]
Room 302 - Dave "Bro" Greis Thompson (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1036787&viewfull=1#post1036787)
Room 303 - James Connors (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1036437&viewfull=1#post1036437)
Room 305 - C. William "Will" Joesph Johnson (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&page=76&p=1046101&viewfull=1#post1046101)
Room 306 - Daniel Alexander Henney (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&page=8&p=1038173&viewfull=1#post1038173)
Room 309 - Shayne "Shay" Matthew Roberts (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1036284&viewfull=1#post1036284)
Room 311 - Remington "Remy" Walters (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1036604&viewfull=1#post1036604)
Room 312 - Travis Gregory (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&page=109&p=1056776&viewfull=1#post1056776)
Room 314 - Hartley Dawson (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&page=69&p=1045530&viewfull=1#post1045530)
Room 315 - Viktor "Drago" Procezenkov (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&page=93&p=1053293&viewfull=1#post1053293)

[U]School Rules
1. Students must be in uniform Mon-Fri, and on special occasions.
2. Students curfew is 11 PM, Lights out is midnight.
3. Girls may not be on the 3rd floor, and boys may not be on the 2nd floor
4. No student is to be in the garden from 10 PM-6 AM
5. The basement and attic is forbidden.
6. No students may leave campus under any circumstance.

Failure to follow these rules will result in punishment and possible expulsion.

Rozaria Winter Cross (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1037299&viewfull=1#post1037299)
Shayne "Shay" Matthew Roberts (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1036284&viewfull=1#post1036284)
Cecelia "Cece" Ilona (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1036392&viewfull=1#post1036392)
Remington "Remy" Walters (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1036604&viewfull=1#post1036604)
Samantha "Sammy" Adrian Masters (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1036819&viewfull=1#post1036819)
Narissa "Rissa" Pardo (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1037280&viewfull=1#post1037280)
Viktor "Drago" Procezenkov (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&page=93&p=1053293&viewfull=1#post1053293)
Ryou-Kyou "Rukyo" Kazehina Eirin Houjuu (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&page=111&p=1058294&viewfull=1#post1058294)
Travis Gregory (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&page=109&p=1056776&viewfull=1#post1056776)

Jack "Jackie" Turner (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1036700&viewfull=1#post1036700)
Dave "Bro" Greis Thompson (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1036787&viewfull=1#post1036787)
Georgina "Gina" Wright (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&page=8&p=1038206&viewfull=1#post1038206)
Rebecca "Becca" Marie Wilton (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&page=9&p=1038654&viewfull=1#post1038654)
Daniel Alexander Henney (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&page=8&p=1038173&viewfull=1#post1038173)
C. William "Will" Joesph Johnson (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&page=76&p=1046101&viewfull=1#post1046101)
Lucinda Kay (NPCS

Name: Mattie Farghbad
Personality: Full of energy, this teacher has a crazy love for science. Unfortunately, he’s always trying to get students to be his test subject. He prefers Falcon kids to Phoenix kids.

Name: Sara Weaver
Personality: Madame Weave is very soft spoken, and she sounds like she is whispering all the time. In her white dresses, she seems to glide from place to place, and her singing sounds a lot like wailing. It’s always cold wherever she is. She is constantly roaming the school.

Name: Priscilla Parker
Appearance: http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/12803430/2/stock-photo-12803430-zombie-teacher.jpg
Personality: Laid back, this teacher’s class is very easy. Mainly because she does everything slow. And I mean, everything. She moves sloth-like, and is generally unresponsive to a rowdy class. She has a liking to smart students, aka students with ‘’big brains’’.

Name: Vlad , goes by Mr. V
Personality: A charmer, this teacher is known for his affairs with girls, all from Phoenix. Be careful though, a relationship with him, might just be deadly.

Name: Trina. No last name is known.
Appearance: http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/wisky/wisky1201/wisky120100145/12151569-cute-young-dancer-stand-in-gypsy-costume-on-grey.jpg
Personality: This teacher is all about free spirit. She’s a pickpocket, and tends to take students items while they are working.

Name: Lucas Samnite
Personality: A highly intelligent man, Dr Lucas believes in extreme natural selection - he wants all the stupid people killed.

Name:Thomas "Tom" Russel
Age of Death: 19
Story: Tom was a happy-lucky guy at West Hills back when it was a new school. He loved playing tricks on people and taking their things, only to give it back if they solved one of his riddles. One day, Tom decided to trick a student into going into the forbidden basement. Well, somehow his trick backfired and he was trapped in the basement. A riddle was written on the door of the basement, and Tom wouldn't be able to leave unless he solved it. The riddle was impossibly hard, and Tom spent all day trying to figure it out. He gave up after a while and decided to sleep there for the night. After staying the night in the spooky basement, Tom woke up looking at his dead mutilated body on the floor. In Tom's blood, the words 'YOU FAIL' were written on the floor. Tom now roams the school as a spirit, playing tricks on students and making them solve riddles.

Name: Treanna "Tree" Summerfieilds
Age of Death: 18


Story: Treanna was liked by most everyone. She was hard not to like, pretty, kind, smart, and courageous. She was seen as an angel by the teachers, *and an excellent friend by her fellow students. She was very happy, and had no thought when it came to kindness. She loved to be photographed, in pretty dresses and in adorable outfits. Her parents were always very pleased with everything she did.*

After being at West Hills High for two years, a boy a few years older began to follow her around. It made her very uncomfortable and eventually she became more shy, closed up and skiddish. Two weeks after he asked her out, she was found in his dorm, beaten in the head again and again, until she was dead. That entire year people grieved, and she stuck around as a ghost. But if people call her a ghost, she mutters "Spirit. I'm a spirit." which most people don't hear. She is mostly harmless, wandering the school, being mistaken for a student, muttering. But if she catches a couple together in a room, she possesses the girl and takes the boys head in the girl's hands, bashing the two's heads together until they both die.

Dennis "Pyro" Wallace

Age of death:


Dennis was a trouble maker in his day. If there was a ruckus, you could be sure to find him at the center of it. He constantly broke the rules, leaving the grounds after lights out, bringing in fireworks and setting them off in the building, and of course panty raiding.

Finally the night came where he'd go too far. He had nicked a bottle of alcohol a student had smuggled in and decided he's do something he had always wanted to do. He was gonna light up a Molotov cocktail. He was gonna throw it over the fence of the school, but the light rain that had been falling made the bottle slippery in his hands. It slipped as he was throwing it, bursting at his feet and setting him on fire.

His spirit doesn't always remain on the grounds of the school, reflecting his defiance of the rules of the school back when he lived. But he always returns to the school to cause trouble. Be it the sound of fire crackers going off, girl's drawers flung open with their undergarments thrown everywhere, or even causing a fire.

Age of Death:

In life, Evangeline's name Catherine. She was was a schizophrenic; voices would whisper secrets to her. Things about the other students, things about the teachers and the spirits that haunted the school. She was convinced that these voices were Angels. Perhaps they were, because, whenever Evangeline would ask her fellow students about the things she was told by these voices, they would ask how she knew that, go silent and run away, or get very angry. The things she learned were almost always true. Slowly, she began to slip farther into her world of Angels and spirits. One night, she was lead out onto her balcony, and, convinced by her Angels that she was meant to be one of them, she leaped to the ground below. She took the name Evangeline, meaning "Good messenger". Now, she roams the school, though she mostly sticks to the West wing. When she whispers secrets into the ears of students, those students are usually in Phoenix House. (She herself was a Phoenix, she had a fondness for it’s students.)

Name: Nathaniel Parker
Age of Death:17
Story: The actual person who the entity embodies is not certain, though it is suspected to be Nathaniel Parker, who committed suicide in the section of the garden that the entity frequently lurks.

All witness accounts provide the idea that the entity was staring intently at them, even before they noticed his form. They could feel the cold presence of eyes boring deep into their spine. The closest anyone has been to the figure was down a small corridor joining two gardens, a mere seven feet.

It began to drift closer, the only thing not shrouded in complete darkness were a pair of wide bloodshot eyes that bulged out as if the owner had suffocated, before evaporating completely only a foot from the witness, the image of its eyes still piercing into his own. They promised eternal loneliness and depression if one would die within the garden.

The witness committed suicide three months afterward, after multiple meetings with the counselor and health office, complaining of nightmares that didn't stop when he woke. Specifically he kept repeating the description of the bloodshot eyes.

There have been multiple reports on the sighting of the figure beneath the lone willow tree in which the young boy hung himself, but whenever anyone approached the subject in question it would simply fade into the shadows. Beside the single near-proximity encounter, there have been no other reports of the eyes, so it was deemed a personal problem.


Picture them surrounded by only pitch-black darkness.

Name: Gelda Westminster. Goes by Headmistress Gelda or G
Appearance: http://i1.squidoocdn.com/resize/squidoo_images/-1/draft_lens13251751module154621019photo_1319841195p retty_witch_makeup.jpg
Personality: Strict, Gelda makes sure all the students are on their best behavior. She thinks everyone in Falcon are nothing but troublemakers and often refers to the students as 'brats'.
Bio: When Gelda was born, her parents had decided to turn the old house into a school. Although Gelda hated growing up in a school she took over as Headmistress. When she was younger she would torment students, and they would bully her, calling her a witch. When she was in school, she attended Falcon and hated it. Although Falcon was her alma mater, she still prefers Phoenix, calling them 'well behaved.' She spends quite a bit of time in the basement.

Name: Daphne Greenfeild
Personality: Kind hearted, this Nurse makes sure all her students are feeling well. Not the best cook, she mostly makes stews.

Name: Cyrus Greenfeild
Appearance: ******************************/cgi-bin/discus/board-profile.cgi?action=pict&file=16934.jpg
Personality: Not much is known about him. He is mostly seen at night. He is married to Daphne.

Student Deaths
James Connors (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1036437&viewfull=1#post1036437)
Aislinn "Ash" Morrigan Winters (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&p=1036521&viewfull=1#post1036521)
Hartley Dawson (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=33323&page=69&p=1045530&viewfull=1#post1045530)

- - - Updated - - -

It was a new school year at West Hills High. As usual, the student body had shrunk, but more unsuspecting students had joined this year. Headmistress Gelda had gone through the orientation, explaining rules, assigning rooms and schedules, making sure no nosy parents stuck around. She sat in her office, studying areas of the school from a glowing glass orb on her desk. The students were all moving in and wandering from room to room, meeting each other. Grelda thought back to when she was a student at the dreaded school. No one had greeted her. No one had tried to be her friend. Scowling, she pushed away the crystal ball and picked up the ancient phone on her desk. Punching a few numbers, Grelda waited impatiently for the cook, Daphne to pick up.

“Hello?” Daphne said, her voice low as always.

“You’re making the special stew?” Gelda asked, straight to the point.

“Yes, yes. I added everything you requested,” Daphne said in a low whisper.

“Speak up,” Gelda snapped, “You sound like Weaver with all that whispering.”


“Anyway, excellent. I don’t need these brats contacting their mummies and daddies all the time. Make sure everyone is served, Daphne. I’ll ring the dinner bell soon.”

With that, Gelda slammed the phone down. Walking over to the bookshelf in her office, Gelda got down a golden horn of sorts. She brought the instrument to her lips and began to make an announcement.

“Hello?” As she spoke, her filled the school, as if coming out of imaginary speakers placed everywhere. The school had no PA system of any sort, but most
students were too nervous and excited to notice.

“Attention students!” Filled with false cheeriness, Gelda’s voice sounded very different from before. “This is your Headmistress Gelda speaking. In 20 minutes you will hear the dinner bell. Everyone will report to the cafeteria. Everyone must come to dinner, or there will be punishment. As a reminder, Girls and Boys are the stay on the floor their rooms are. I hope you all will have a wonderful school year! This is your Headmistress Gelda.” Gelda put the instrument back on the self, and decided she should check up on the stew. She didn’t need Daphne screwing it up. She locked the door, mumbling some nonsense to herself, then headed down the elevator.

08-08-2012, 09:23 PM
"Yes." Shayne said to his mother coldly.
"Don't take that tone with me. Honour thy Mother" She told him.
"And parents, do not anger your children" Shayne rebutted back, after hearing the bible quotes over and over, he learnt perfect comebacks for most of her mothers Attempts of an argument.
"A man who lays with another man should be stoned." She said with cold, venomous spite. Shayne felt a bubble of anger, but managed to suppress it by responding with
"nah, Being stoned takes all the fun out of it" before he turned and left before his mother could scream more abuse at him. He looked up at the school He smiled, it looked amazing. stable and steady, something he hadn't had since...well, ever. he approached the door to the entrance and walked down a corridor. opposite him was a large staircase and beside that, an elevator. He looked down to his black suitcase, and decided the Elevator was the way to go.

He hopped in, and then pushed the button to Floor 3. He waited as the doors remained open for a short time, before he took the lift up to his floor. He was exhausted, all this travelling had worn him, out, and he just wanted to go to his room and collapse. yes, that's what he'd do.
*bing* the door opened, and he walked out into his wing. The East Wing. This is where he would find his other Housemates, The other Males of the Falcon house. He pulled out a scruffy bit of paper from his pocket, with the numbers "309" Scrawled quickly on them. he was going to write it on his hands, but his mother said he should make a good impression, and that ink wouldn't help.
"309...309..Ah!" he smiled, and looked at the room. He pulled out the key he had been sent. a small, silver thing with a simple pattern along the top. He inserted, twisted, and *click* the door unlocked, allowing him into his new room.
it was brilliant, large with an equally large bed for him to sleep in, and decorated with almost Victorian like appendages. he smiled as he lay his suitcase by he foot of the bed, and saw that he had two other doors to use. He opened the one closest to the bed, and Looked into his new bathroom. Not as nice as the bedroom, but certainly better than a caravan toilet. He closed the door, and made a mental note to fully explore later. He wandered over tot he second door, and opened it. The view was less than appealing. he stepped out into a shappy-looking balcony. the walls were peeling, the thing stank vaguely, and "SHIT!" Shayne let out as a small, black...thing crawled over his foot. "A rat?? Jesus..." he sighed, and closed the door on the balcony. He turned to the bed, and let out a deep sigh of contentment as he fell onto the bed.
Then the headmistress spoke. "Twenty minutes and I'm forced to eat? What a pile of Bollocks" he whined, and heaved himself up to leave, taking his key with him, he closed the door behind him. Not wanting to look like a loner, he decided to wait for anyone else who was going to come up to this level, what better time to meet his future friends?

08-08-2012, 09:28 PM
Cecelia’s first impression of the school was that of unwanted neglect. It wasn’t the building itself that suggested this, but the feel of the campus. There was an odd feel to this place, she hadn’t made up her mind yet as to if she liked it or not. After a lengthy orientation Cec left the main hall drifting through the busy hallways.

Eventually she had found her way to her room, 215 of the east side of the school. A shiver ran through her when she entered, it felt as if the room was at least ten degrees cooler than that of the rest of the building. She quickly dug through her luggage for a sweater with a bit of a scowl. “So this is how it’s going to be,” she murmured to the room in an annoyed tone. Once she was wrapped up in her sweater she took a moment to take in the room. It was actually pretty nice, the furnishings were in rich tones and the furniture itself was rather comfortable looking. She sat on the ottoman that stood across from her bed. Other than the cold it wasn’t that bad.

She decided to leave the unpacking for later tonight, maybe after supper. Her stomach growled at that though and as if on cue she heard an announcement ring through the school.

“Attention students! This is your Headmistress Gelda speaking. In 20 minutes you will hear the dinner bell. Everyone will report to the cafeteria. Everyone must come to dinner, or there will be punishment. As a reminder, Girls and Boys are the stay on the floor their rooms are. I hope you all will have a wonderful school year! This is your Headmistress Gelda.” The voice that spoke through the announcement sounded very little like the woman who had spoken at orientation.

She shrugged and grabbed her messenger bag, inside she stuffed an extra sweater, her tarot cards, a few crystals, a note book and a few pens. Everything she would need was now at hand. She started for the door then paused, maybe she should do a quick reading before heading down. Nothing like a little insight to keep her sharp.

Cec pulled out her deck and shuffled unceremoniously. She pulled three cards and lay them face down on the ottoman. One by one she flipped them over and studied them.

V - 5 - The Hierophant

IX - 9 - The Hermit

XIII - 13 - Death

All three were of the Major Arcana, “That’s odd…” her voice trailed off as she studied them. First was The Hierophant, it was a reminder to look beyond the everyday mundane routines. Next was The Hermit, it told of a spiritual journey. Last was The Death card, contrary to popular belief the card doesn’t actually mean death, rather it tells of an end to one and new beginnings that follow. Such a powerful reading shook up Cec a little, she wrapped up her deck and put it back in her bag. She would definitely need to keep it close by at all times.

She quickly checked her appearance in the mirror, the whole grey, white and blue colour scheme was rather drab, she let out a sigh, not much she could do to fix that. After one last rummage through her things she found a necklace with a piece of white quartz on it, without a second thought she slipped it on and under her shirt. Hopefully it would help absorb any negative energy around her. With that, Cecelia left her room and took the stairs down to the main floor, she would ‘mingle’ as she waited for supper.

08-08-2012, 10:00 PM
Arrived! x

Gina Wright hit send to let her friend Aidan know she had finally made it to the school, and dropped her phone into the pocket of her cream trench-coat before walking round the back of the car and popping the boot to drag her suitcase out. It was a big case, but that was including all the school uniforms she had had to buy. There was something slightly depressing about being able to fit all your earthly belongings into one suitcase. She shrugged off the thought and wheeled her case round to the front of the car where her mother was standing to get a better look at the building.

Her mum, Jenny, retied the bobble that was holding her mane of ginger hair in check and looked up at the school. West Hills High was a grand building - old, but it had aged well, with stately stone walls covered by climbing ivy. Well-maintained balconies jutted from the front side of the school, and the first rays of sunset were beginning to tint the windows orange.

“Well, there it is.” Gina’s mum said, “The best school in the whole state, or so they claim.”

“Thanks mum.” Gina said, smiling. “Really. Thanks.”

“Do you want me to come in with you?”

“No, you’re alright.”

“You know what room you’re going to?”

“Yep. 206.”

Gina stepped forward and hugged her mother. It was a genuine hug, not forced or awkward like things had been between them for far too long.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you in 8 weeks. I told your father that you’d call him tonight.”

Gina noted that her mum looked slightly uncomfortable as she mentioned her dad, but that was still an improvement. At least she had mentioned him. And then she remembered something else.

“But it’ll be stupid-o-clock back home!” she laughed.

“If you call around 10 or 11 he’ll just be getting up.” her mum winked, “I trust a young party animal like yourself can stay up at least that late.”

Like you wouldn’t believe. Gina thought wanly. She hadn't slept well since Austere. Since Yv. Since Them.

They said their final goodbyes and then her mum drove away, leaving Gina to wheel her suitcase from the carpark to the front door. She exhaled as she got her first sight of the building interior, which was as grand as the outside. An elaborately-carved wooden staircase led up to the next floor, and a number of students were already milling about - some with cases, some already unpacked and just exploring the mansion. Gina looked at the queue building up at the elevator, sighed, and decided to take the stairs instead. She bumped her case up the carpeted stairway to the second floor and found her room in the west wing, which once again lived up to the school’s ongoing theme of grandness. She had been expecting a pokey little student room with a desk, a single bed and a shrink-wrapped duvet, but instead she got a suite that wouldn’t have looked out of place in a 5-star hotel.

“Jesus, mum.” she murmured as she shrugged off her coat, wondering just how much her mother had shelled out to get her into this place. Her mother had always been almost desperate to keep her happy, but getting her into West Hills set a new benchmark.

Gina unzipped her suitcase, sat down on the bed, and rubbed her eyes. She hadn’t slept well last night…or the night before that. She had been able to keep up a cheerful demeanour on the journey here - her mum deserved that much - but she didn’t feel up to meeting all these new people. Still, since she was going to be spending the next 2 months with them, she might as well try. She propped her room door open with the velvet-cushioned desk chair as a sign to the others that she was happy for them to come in and talk to her, and started using the 20 minutes left before dinner to unpack her things.

08-08-2012, 10:11 PM
Looking at the building that was to be her new home, Aislinn felt like she was gazing into the past. Walking through the doors, she got a sudden chill down her spine, as if she'd broken some kind of barrier. She brushed it off, it was most likely her excitement and the new energies of this place. Inside, it looked like she'd stepped into history. Nothing seemed to have changed from the time when this place was built, which she thought was pretty neat, history nerd that she was. She found her room in the West wing, and, upon entering she grinned widely. It was, in short, her dream room. There was a gorgeous old bedroom set of carved white painted wood. Was her floor granite? "What a lovely room." she said to herself, setting her suitcase down beside the dresser to unpack later.

The bathroom was just as impressive, and she adored the balcony. The only thing she didn't like so far were the uniforms. Red? The color didn't exactly play up the fiery orange of her hair. Oh, well, what could she do? Before she had left home this morning, she hadn't done her makeup, because she figured she'd just cry it off when leaving her family. Now that she was here, though, and had some time before dinner, she intended to fix that. She rummaged in her bag and found her makeup bag, then, carefully but swiftly she applied the eye makeup. Wishing she had more time to play around with it, she settled on a relatively simple design of a very light silvery pink and black.
(Sorry, just couldn't resist finding a pic)

It didn't take her long, and it was a good thing. The headmistress had just told them dinner would be in twenty minutes. Her hair she left in it's braid down her back. Before leaving her room, she touched her Brigid's Flame pendant and flung a prayer for luck, as well as some help overcoming her shy nature. Aislinn hopped down the stairs, spotting another student on her way down. The other girl wore the blue of Falcon, however, that didn't really mean much to Aislinn. She didn't exactly like the fact that they split the students down the middle like that, people were people, right?

Once at the bottom of the stairs, she caught the other girl's eye and gave a little smile, hoping she wouldn't have to say something first. (Curse her shyness!)

08-08-2012, 10:14 PM
From what she heard and saw, West Hills was a desolate, haunted circus.

Rozaria Winter Cross threw her many bags on the floor of room 213, and laid on her back on the bed. Her eyes drifted slowly around the environment, closely studying the place she would have to live in for a year or so. She hated boarding schools, especially this particular one. Students were to wear a uniform; the same, boring and lame thing everyday. The school campus, mainly the east side, was cared for poorly and honestly belonged in a dump. From what she saw at the orientation, most of the teachers looked like they were raised in Halloween town and were only there to creep the crap out of kids who were mindless enough to attend. In Rozaria's case, the only reason she came here was because her parents liked the rule of 'unable to leave school campus no matter what the reason is.' They threw her in without further researching the place, despite Rozaria's pleads.

The main bedroom looked pretty nice to Rozaria; it had a rustic-green tone with furniture and styles that gave off an antique sort of feeling. It wasn't as big as the rooms she was used to back home, but the elegance satisfied her. The room had extensions to it as well; two doors that were closed, one at the back, one on the left wall. Rozaria's hands reached for the knob of the left door, slowly opening it as it creaked and she poked her head inside. As soon as her eyes adjusted to the flash of light that came from the window, the girl's eyes widened in disbelief.

The washroom was cramped and ancient. Sure, the school existed back in 1961, but Rozaria didn't expect the place to actually stay in that time period. It was clear that the headmasters/mistresses before didn't bother to update any of the furniture, and kept only half of it in good shape. With a annoyed look on her face, Rozaria escaped the room of horror and exited to the balcony, which wasn't much better.

"Well, I won't be coming out here anymore. Ever." Rozaria simply shut the door to the balcony and locked it. The whole deck creaked and emitted a foul odour. The walls were covered in brown stains from who knows what, and the paint was way more than just chipped - there were only small segments of it left. Cobwebs laced the corners and roof, dust blanketed the floor like snow, and the railing was dented and rotting. Overall, it was an unnecessary piece of garbage that was a definite safety hazard.

"Attention students! This is your Headmistress Gelda speaking. In 20 minutes you will hear the dinner bell. Everyone will report to the cafeteria. Everyone must come to dinner, or there will be punishment. As a reminder, Girls and Boys are the stay on the floor their rooms are. I hope you all will have a wonderful school year! This is your Headmistress Gelda."

The announcement rang with static through the halls and rooms of the school with an obvious sugar-coated voice. Punishment for not eating dinner? Rozaria scoffed, what's so bad about skipping a meal? From the one announcement, she knew that she would despise that sugar-coating, law-enforcing, kid-hating witch of a headmistress. Rozaria knew teachers like her before, though none were as weird and revolting.

Putting on a black chiffon top (http://www4.images.coolspotters.com/photos/423156/d-and-g-velvet-and-chiffon-blouse-profile.jpg) with a blueish-purplish leather jacket (http://celebritysuits.com/product_images/z/695/women-leather-jacket__98478_std.jpg) paired with black skinny jeans and stilettos (http://cdn.fashioninstep.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/High-heels-latest-fashion-trend-2012-07.jpg), Rozaria strode outside her door with a smooth walk. She had a habit of noticing things she did a lot, and realized that she was still walking like royalty. If you placed books on her head, they wouldn't fall. It reminded her of home, and the lessons her parents paid for to teach her how to freaking walk. It was something she hated, but now, it was slightly nostalgic.

"Favouritism," Rozaria stated with a scoff as her eyes scanned the west wing of the second floor. But just looking at it, she felt a spark of difference from the area. It radiated more warmth than the cold, east wing, and the doors even looked nicer. Rozaria expected the rooms inside to be nicer too, but she wouldn't know. Besides, it was hardly a surprise anymore. The moment Gelda realized a kid was placed in Falcon, her eyes gleamed with scorn. When it was a Phoenix kid however, the feeling disappeared. The placing of the students were most likely done by Gelda and definitely not random. Rozaria pushed the thought back to deal with it later, and turned the other way toward the elevator and to the dinning room.

08-08-2012, 10:14 PM
“Hmph” Remy said as he looked at the school with a little bit of a disappointed tone. As he drug the stuff from the trunk of the cab, he then slammed it shut, and began dragging his stuff up through the school. His luggage had wheels and was well placed so it wasn’t going to be too big of a problem, it’s just Remy had a lot of it. He had dvds, a laptop, and many other things in his bags. As he went into the school, Remy then went to the elevator, pressed a couple of buttons, and was on his way up to the 3rd floor.

The elevator made a ding sound as the doors parted. Dragging his “crap,” Remy finally got up to his room, 311. He then put the key into the hole and twisted it. He heard a clicking noise as the door came open, and Remy was impressed by what was in there. “Well now… what do we have here?” He said, looking at what seemed to be a luxury to him. This room was absolutely astounding. He then put his stuff on the floor and started opening and unpacking everything. He then pulled out his laptop and instructional workout dvds, plugged in the laptop to the wall plug so it could charge, and then he put in a dvd based around Yoga. Before the video loaded and pressed play, he decided to check out the room and what all it offered. He then walked into the bathroom with one of the towels he unpacked because he had to use it anyways. It wasn’t too impressive, but it was nicer than most he’s ever seen. After getting done, he washed his hands and used a towel that he brought to dry his hands with. He left the towel on the sink as he began to walk towards the balcony. “This is a load of crap!” He yelled as he saw how crappy it looked, along with seeing atleast 8 rats. One of the rats came up to one of his feet, and Remy kicked it off the balcony. “Get the hell off my balcony!!!” He started yelling as he started kicking a few of them off. He then stopped and went back into his room and made sure the door was shut very well. He didn’t want any of them wondering into his room at night and messing with his electronics. “Well… since I’m in my workout clothes, I might as well start doing something.” He said as he pressed play on the video.

“Harder, faster, stronger!” Remy kept saying to himself as he began his usual workout. His workout was mainly stretching due to him wanting to limber up before he goes about his normal schedule. He was doing leg stretches that are normally found in advanced yoga. Remy prided himself on his bodily physique, it gave him something to brag about, plus it kept him entertained and out of depression. After a while of stretching, Remy finally raised up for some easier cool down stretches. “Ahhhhh” he said as he started to role his neck around and his fists in a fighting stance. “That’s what I’m talking about.” He said watching himself in a mirror in his dorm room. He then stood up and began posing a little in the mirror to feed his ego a bit. He began to laugh a bit as he took up his bottle of antidepressants and took one. “Shouldn’t be too much longer that I’ll need these hopefully” He said turning the bottle in his hand and looking at them with interest.

Attention students!” Filled with false cheeriness, Gelda’s voice sounded very different from before. “This is your Headmistress Gelda speaking. In 20 minutes you will hear the dinner bell. Everyone will report to the cafeteria. Everyone must come to dinner, or there will be punishment. As a reminder, Girls and Boys are the stay on the floor their rooms are. I hope you all will have a wonderful school year! This is your Headmistress Gelda.”

“Oh my God… are you freaking kidding me?” He said discouraged and with a discomforting look upon his face. He then quickly began to put on his uniform that he hated so much. He knew this was not going to work at all. “Ugh… why do I have to wear this crap?” Remy said as he was walking around his dorm room. He looked in the mirror, disappointed in what he saw. “I look like I’m attending some kind of funeral…” he said as he stretched his body. He was wearing pants instead of the shorts because of the shoe issue. “This freaking tie…” He said trying to adjust it slightly so it wouldn’t feel like his was in a choke hold. “Well… it isn’t all bad. Atleast I don’t have to sleep in this stuff.” Dressing up wasn’t Remy’s thing. He always loved wearing his casual clothes when going anywhere. He started to stretch, trying to get the clothes to feel less constricting, but it wasn’t happening anytime soon.

Remy finally stopped complaining and left his dorm room 8 minutes after the announcement was made. “Well, let’s see what we have on floor 3.” He said, trying to straighten his tie again as he saw another guy hanging in the hallway in front of room 309. He walked up to the guy, looked him in the eyes in a nice, polite manner, then extended his hand, “Sup bud? Who might you be?” He said awaiting an answer from the guy.

08-08-2012, 10:21 PM
James did not listen during the orientation. He knew the rules, and more importantly the ghost stories. Nobody was there to wish him luck, something he was used to. It was times like this that made him think of his sister. Both sisters really. He blamed himself for not protecting them, and it was still hard to think of those days.

After the orientation, he walked the hallways. He was amazed so many kids were there, seeming to have fun. Have they not seen the death rate here? This was a place to take seriously, not to play with. Then a message from the head mistress came on the intercom, saying it was about time to eat. Strange, I dont see any speakers. Must have small ones to add to the mood. Sucks, Im a bit picky, perhaps I will just show up. He did not like having to rush, but it could not be helped. He walked up the stairs to the third floor. Thee was a few others using the stairs, but most appeared to be using the elevator.

He finally made it to room 303. 303, huh? three plus three equals six. There are two three's but one zero. six, three. three six's is six-hundred sixty-six. Six six six, the number of the devil. I am over thinking this. He entered the room and was impressed. It seemed victorian, but he could be wrong. He have never been in a place this nice. He unpacked his bag. He pulled out his small rock and gem collection. Some quartz, a ruby, a diamond, some gold. He was proud of it, and put in on the table next to his bed. He pulled out a box of cookies, something he did not like to go without. He put one in his mouth then looked around a bit more. He had put his deck of cards in his pocket and pulled it out. He could do just about anything with it. Win a game of poker, do a magic trick, or tell the future. He cleaned off all the things in the room, cleaning any dust and stuff. He was about out of time so finished up. He was about to walk out when he looked at his neckless. It was a crescent moon, something he was very fond of. He smiled a little bit then wlked out of the room. He looked back at the room number again, a bit uneasy. Then he noticed something in his pocket. He pulled out a card. It was the joker. I had that mixed with the rest, how is that the one that got stuck in there. The joker, unpredictability, anything can happen. I dont like that. He put it back in his pocket then started down the hall.

Heir of Void
08-08-2012, 11:14 PM
It had only been a short while since the headmistress of West Hills had given the introductory briefing to the meager crowd, consisting of what seemed to be mostly grim-faced individuals. Dave hadn't shown up with his guardian, both Chris and Tom being busy, instead only arriving himself with a couple packs of luggage and a determined spirit to conquer whatever was set in front of him in his senior year. Some of the new arrivals like himself looked fairly friendly, and glad they could attend this school, while others seemed either anxious or bitter. Even with the mixed company, the senior was glad when the meeting finally let out, giving way to the curious and adventurous spirit to explore what the school had to offer along the route to his room. There hadn't seemed to be much in the halls so far, but everything inside seemed.....dark.

The meeting hall itself was completely dreary, as had been all the other furniture Bro had seen as he wandered through the dimly lit hallways on his way to Room 302, of the third floor. The carpeting on the floor below was a very gaudy crimson with an inter-connecting tan diamond pattern, complete with two parallel lines of the same tan running along either side of the pattern. Even with the horrid pattern assaulting the eyes, causing you to desperately wish to look away, if you focused long enough you could see the wear and age of the dust-coated threads showing.

Most of the furniture was pre-modern and built of firm wood that had started to show signs of water damage caused from the damp, permeating mist hanging around the grim hallways. The most common piece so far was a seemingly replicated side-table, topped by a vanity mirror and two drawers with handles of shaped brass. Curious, Dave had checked the drawers of each one he had passed, but found little to nothing of interest. For so many rooms, this school housed very few people. You would think they would use the drawers for something at least, rather than just decoration, but to each their own. The one relief that Dave had by going through the the maze of corridors- besides sating his own rapidly depleting interest- was that he had gotten used to the weight of both of his bags before-hand, each weighing enough to be deemed ridiculously heavy by the average person.

After a short time actually bothering to find his position in the school and set a course to reach his room, the drummer finally arrived at his destination, the room he would be staying at for the rest of the school year. The door was made of a grainy dark oak carved with simple multi-rectangular indents, and fit with a gunmetal handle that curved intricately into itself at the tip. For some strange reason, the handle differed from the others in the hall, but Dave wasn't about to complain. Gunmetal was a nice color, and it matched the smokey iron skeleton key he had received at the ceremony, sliding it into the dark slot and twisting the ornate handle counter-clockwise to which the mechanism responding with the gracious steel-on-steel clack of a successfully unlocked passage.

Stepping in to the well-furnished room, Bro was greeted with an unpleasant sight. The furniture could easily be described as detailed, but also rustic and even ancient. "Well doesn't this look like something shipped first-class from Amityville?" he said sarcastically, regarding the bed, a texan accent slightly edging into his voice even though he was from Arizona. "There is no way I'm sleeping on that thing, as intricate a design as it may have." The rest of the furnishings offered a similar style one would find in a jump-scare haunted house- Large hutches, covered tables, they even stashed a grandfather-fricking-clock on the wall adjacent to the bed. Stepping into the bathroom only allowed a further glimpse into what ridiculously creepy furniture they had stocked the rooms up with.

"Well, this tub doesn't look at all like it's going to start leaking blood with every other water-based appliance, including the coffee maker..... Oh wait, I haven't hooked it up yet!" Dave laughed at his situation, walking back into the bedroom and shutting the joining door.

His drum kit had already arrived in travel-worn Fed-Ex boxes, and lay scattered carelessly across the floor along with a handful of other junk that couldn't be placed in the bags. If this Bro was gonna live in Count Dracula's guest room, he would at least personalize it a little bit. Ripping open the tops off each white box carefully, Dave fumbled his hand around the filled box, grabbing anything that came into his hand and setting it on the creme desk with the large mirror, resolving to organize and place things around properly after he set up his sleeping site away from the antique mattress.

Lowering one of the bags to the floor and opening it, Dave produced a small three-man tent and placed it in the corner furthest from both the bathroom door and the bed. The tent had been used on the few rare occasions he and Tom went on any sort of vacation. Money was scarce, so the free wilderness and tax-free camping was really the only choice for the duo to enjoy time off with. The blonde drummer had it about halfway set up before he was interrupted by a loud announcement being broadcast through some sort of hidden PA system:

“Attention students! This is your Headmistress Gelda speaking. In 20 minutes you will hear the dinner bell. Everyone will report to the cafeteria. Everyone must come to dinner, or there will be punishment. As a reminder, Girls and Boys are the stay on the floor their rooms are. I hope you all will have a wonderful school year! This is your Headmistress Gelda.”

Well at least that is actually nice, a communal meal system doesn't sound too bad as long as the meals are semi-appetizing and I can maybe get closer to the chef... Dave thought, exiting the room to reach the new destination. It was the first day, so the staff shouldn't mind too much about the lack of uniform....

08-08-2012, 11:49 PM
Icy blue eyes with a hint of gray stared at Jack Turner. Her light blonde hair fell over her shoulders, slightly damp from walking in the sprinkling rain in between train rides with her father. The crystal clear mirror sparkled in the sunlight shinning through the partly opened curtains. Her eyes floated across its glass surface and found the shimmering pale gold frame, a beautiful floral design with leaves, vines and flowers. She ran a skeptical finger across the smooth dresser surface, also a pale gold accented with a stronger gold tone. She pulled her finger from its top, and squinted at its trail, expecting to see a trail of dust. She huffed as she inspected her finger to have dust residue. It can’t all be clean, she thought to herself.

Lightly pushing herself from the perfectly clean desk, she did a slow rotation, clean sweeping the room. She stopped when she was facing the bathroom’s nearly closed door. Sauntering forwards in a skip-like manor, she gently, almost cautiously, nudged the door open. Her jaw dropped. Not only was all of this hers, but she had this too. She squealed when she saw the toilet-it was definitely her first time seeing one this old. She was about to flush it out of curiosity, when someone’s voice rang out in the room.

“Attention students!” Jack cocked her head. She didn’t remember seeing speakers anywhere. “This is your Headmistress Gelda speaking.” Headmistress? This was a school? No, that wasn’t right. Jack attended a public school back in London. Where was she? “In 20 minutes you will hear the dinner bell. Everyone will report to the cafeteria. Everyone must come to dinner, or there will be punishment. As a reminder, Girls and Boys are the stay on the floor their rooms are. I hope you all will have a wonderful school year! This is your Headmistress Gelda.” Dinner actually sounded quite nice. Jack’s confusion was quickly replaced with hunger, and she quickly pulled the toilet’s string, giggling quietly to herself.

She wondered where her father had wondered to, she had been talking to him moments earlier…right? She walked out of her room, eyeing the shadow on her balcony. She scanned the room quickly and made a quiet yet speedy move towards her bag, grabbing the tire iron out of her blue duffle bag. If anyone wonders what the tire iron is for- Even people who forget things become paranoid. The last year, she had walked in a local bank to withdraw money from her father’s bank, when she had been hit with the butt of a gun in her side, later forced to cough up over two million dollars.

Slowly stalking towards the door, she kicked it open and cracked the window with her heel. Apparently the door went in and not out… A scared, sudden gasp sounded outside. The door flung open, sending Jack stumbling backwards. The tire iron went flying into the bathroom, landing in the bathtub with a loud clank. Jack stared at her father, a rather handsome man, with slowly graying hair, and a five o’clock shadow. She hadn’t inherited her father’s olive green eyes-they had come from her mother. She had gotten his smile, however. Beautiful, naturally straight teeth. Her mother looked like the Joker with her horrid smile. He smiled and trapped her in a bear hug.

It seemed like one look into his eyes and she was suddenly very aware of her situation.

“I’m going to miss seeing your beautiful face in the mornings.” She sniffed, before pulling back.

“I’ll miss your wrinkles.” They both laughed, before she was fully released. “You should get back to the train…” Her voice trailed off.

He nodded, a sorrow look on his face. “If you feel lonely, write to me. Send me pictures, and please make friends. And stay my little girl, okay? Don’t go gothic while you’re here. No piercings, and don’t do anything to that stunning hair.”

She smiled, before lightly laughing. “Dad if I make friends, I will forget them within the next sunrise. Love you.”

He kissed her on the forehead and hugged her once more, before leaving her room and shutting the door behind him. She sighed, before leaving her room herself; after turning off the lights and closing her curtains again. She closed the door quietly behind her, and turns to see a hallway of other students.

“Hey, I think this might be a school.” She muttered to herself with a smile.

She began to quietly hum to herself, sounding somewhat like a lullaby a mother would hum to her newborn baby. She leaned against her room’s door, not bothering to try to keep to herself but instead drumming her fingers against the door and humming to herself.



http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR1UqhQFp37phZKq04t3V3cKJQJDJwIP L_DD35YjFmDr6WlMv4rsYpWPAr7

Yes, she most definately has a very outgoing fashion sense.

08-09-2012, 12:37 AM
Shayne stood for maybe a quarter hour before anything happened. He leant against the wall adjacent to his door. The walls were coated in a soft wallpaper, which Shayne found himself rubbing his fingers along softly as his mind wandered. he thought about home, his family, He wondered whether he could ever make it up with his mother? there was no way the school could "Cure" him of his homosexuality, it just didnt work like that. He wasnt ill, or sick or...Calm down, Shayne. okay, think of somethign else. Animals, Yeah..Rats, ew, Gross...
“Sup bud? Who might you be?” A voice. Yep, Definitely a voice. Pay attention. Shayne turned his head to see very attractive boy, maybe around his age, if a little younger. he had Soft blonde hair that fell around his ears in a cute and messy fashion. He wasn't overly flattered by the uniform he was wearing, ugh, which no doubt he should wear too.. but my God, this guy was hot! Nope. He wasn't being cured.
"Oh, uh, hi" Shayne said, and extended his own hand to meet this new boy's. He looked into the boy's face, steel-blue eyes looked into his own. "I'm Shayne, or Shay, Whatever" he said with a warm smile. "have you seen our Rooms? they're amazing! like something belonging to a royal! well, maybe not the Balcony, I saw a rat scuttling over my foot" he said, shivering at the thought. He felt himself turning faintly red in the face, and feeling warmer. Fuck! he was embarrassing himself in front of this guy,. he'd not been here a half hour, and he was already messing up! "Uh, What's You're name?" he asked, smiling to hide the inner argument he was having.

08-09-2012, 01:33 AM
"Oh, uh, hi".” The guy said to him. "I'm Shayne, or Shay, Whatever" He saw the guy put up a smile that seemed to make Remy feel good about himself. He finally probably might have found someone he could talk to for once without starting something bad. “Aha ok, it’s good to meet you Shay. My name is Remy.”

"have you seen our Rooms? they're amazing! like something belonging to a royal! well, maybe not the Balcony, I saw a rat scuttling over my foot" He finally let go of the boys hand and started to see him turn red. Remy has never seen a guy get so embarrassed talking to him before, but it was cool with him. “A little warm in here eh?” He said jokingly at him, trying to show Shay his sense of humor.

“But as for the rooms, I love them. Better than what I have ever had. I wish my home had this. And I understand what you mean by the freaking rat problem. Stupid things all up in your stuff!” He said excitedly yet kindly while he took his hand and moved his hair a little bit with it. “Well, it’s good to see that I’m not the only one with that problem. I temporarily dealt with that problem… which meant an unfortunate circumstance where rats wish they could fly but… By the way, where’s your outfit? You know we gotta be down there in a few minutes right?” He said, wondering if Shay was paying attention to him. Remy then started to straight that damned tie again. It was driving him up the wall. “Oh yeah, the ties suck, Shay. It feels like something is just squeezing the life out of you.” He said as he finally found a comfy position to put it at. “Ahhh, finally. So, you wanna get dressed while I wait? I don’t mind the wait if you wanna go down together.” Remy said kindly.

08-09-2012, 01:53 AM
“Aha ok, it’s good to meet you Shay. My name is Remy.” The boy said. Remy. Remy. Shayne and Remy. Shamy? Rayne? Oh God, What was he thinking. he smiled at the comment of the room being warm. "uh, yeah it is, I would leave the balcony door open if those critters weren't gonna get in there and eat my guitar to bits." he laughed. He started to relax into things a little more. the red tinge in his face had reduced to a gentle blush, a colour natural to most people. He was surprised how nice Remy was being. Anyone else would have thought he was a freak. He better play this carefully, a friend in this place is like a form of protection.
"I temporarily dealt with that problem… which meant an unfortunate circumstance where rats wish they could fly but..." The thought made Shayne giggle. Oh jesus, the Giggle! No, Shayne, laugh, Laugh, laugh like a man! no good, just the giggle.
"wow, that sounds like a better plan than just swearing at it like I did" he said as his laughter stopped. then he thought about the Uniform, and smiled. "look, They haven't mentioned the Uniforms to us, right? So who says we have to wear them?" HE said, but then remembered he should probably change. his mothers shrill voice reminding him to make a good impression. "But I probably should.." he sighed, and reached into the pocket of his jeans to pull out his key.
he realised that his clothing at present was very different to the uniform. He wore a checkered shirt with short sleeves, and black jeans small enough to fit his younger twin-sisters. He also had more holes in his face from piercings than Remy too. he pulled out his key. He liked having his own key, it felt... independent.
“So, you wanna get dressed while I wait? I don’t mind the wait if you wanna go down together.” Shayne had to resist the urge to say 'Wait, Watch, whatever you want, I'm yours' but realised that would be horrifically inappropriate, so instead he just beamed widely, and nodded.
"That's really sweet, thanks" he said with a little laugh, and unlocked, and closed the door behind him.
He fell back against the door. "Sweet!?" he said out loud. Damn. Fallen at the last hurdle. Oh well, best not to dwell, So instead he decided to get changed, and do it quickly.

"No." He said, looking at himself in the mirror. "No way they expect us to wear this" he whined to himself. he turned at a scratchy sound at the balcony door. He just HOPED it was a rat. "Jesus!" he said, and then dropped his key into his pocket, and left the room to go down to dinner. he stood outside the door with Remy and made an 'ugh' sound. "I look like a total plank" he said, tugging at the tie. huh, it did feel like the hands of death trying to pry you into hell. "This must be torture" he smiled. "come on, We'll take the elevator."

They got into the Lift, and Shayne pushed a button to go down. The button didn't stay lit, and so Shayne pushed it a couple more times. "What the F-" he said, pushing it several more times, and calling the button a collection of colourful names. "A lift that only goes up. Huh.." He said with a sigh. "I guess we'd better take the Stairs.." he said, and stepped out into the Corridor.

08-09-2012, 02:18 AM
James walked down the hallway. He was wearing his usual trenchcoat, he just liked it. He got to the stairs and sighed. He was thinking of using the elevator, but he saw two other boys trying to use it and fail. Dang, that figures. He walked over to the stairs and sighed, he was tired, really tired.

He walked down the stairs but felt uncomfortable. He would turn to look behind him constantly, only to find many people looking at him with "what the heck is wrong with you" expressions. He thought someone was watching him, and he did not like that. He turned again and just stood there, for an instant he thought he saw something, but then it was gone. These ghost stories cant be real, right? He did not remember if any of the ghost stories he had heard involved being watched, but he did not care. He just kept going and made it to the bottom of the stairs. He pulled his card from his pocket and looked at it again. Something was off, but he did not know what. Something tells me that this place is more than we expect. Bring it on, I got nothing to live for. So that makes me your worst nightmare.

He kept his eyes in front pointing straight ahead and kept walking. When he made it to the dining hall, he felt relieved. He saw a few places to sit but decided to stand next to the entrance. He was curious to see what they were to be eating. He had a bad feelign that it was not something he would want to eat. In more ways than one. He had eaten a few cookies in his room, and had a very large meal before arriving, so he was cool with not eating. He watched people enter the room. Some were happy and excited, others not so much. Looks like some people have already seen a ghost.

08-09-2012, 03:50 AM
Cec leaned against one of the walls in the hall just off of the main stairway. She let her mind roam, her eyes stared off into space, her trademarked look. She wasn’t really paying much attention to the world around her, just waiting for time to pass really. She quickly thought back to the home she had left behind. She was currently living with her Aunt, the woman was a complete hag. She never did try to understand Cec and her heritage. But that was ok, she was pretty secure in who she was. This place would hopefully be an improvement on the life she had left behind.

She had been unconsciously fiddling with her quartz necklace when a girl with fiery red hair popped up in front of her and brought her back to reality. She blinked a few times, focusing on the girl, she had fabulous makeup going on. “Hello there,” she said with a wave to the girl. “I’m Cecelia, but most people just call me Cec or Cece.” She added with a quick smile. The girl seemed nice enough, a little shy though. “So what do you think of this place so far?” Cecile asked and extended her hand to the girl with a bright smile.

08-09-2012, 04:11 AM
She seemed to have knocked the other girl out of s reverie of some kind, Aislinn saw that she had sort of been staring off into the distance for noticing her. Relieved she hadn't had to start a conversation herself, Ash lightly shook the offered hand, her own smile widening. "I'm Aislinn. People just call me Ash, though." she introduced herself. At Cece's question, she glanced around the room, "I don't quite know what to think yet. I like the whole historical thing it's got going on. The Headmistress seems a little spooky. She certainly goes with the building, I suppose."

Aislinn wondered if she should mention the fact that, though the place was interesting as far as historical content, she felt something, well hinky was going on. The weird energies she'd felt upon entering had only grown stronger, stranger. She didn't know if she could still put it down to nerves and being in a new place. Perhaps she'd just mention it casually. "Maybe it's just me. It's just feels a bit, odd, here." Ash shrugged, "Probably 'cause it's new to me. How about you? You think you'll like it here?" she inquired.

08-09-2012, 04:13 AM
Jack, rather quickly, forgot exactly what she was waiting for. It had something to do with dinner; that she was positive about. Leisurely pulling herself off of the wall, her humming quickly fading out and being replaced by her quiet, long breaths. Her light, dazed sauntering defiantly could easily have her mistaken for a amnesiac, lost girl. Some girls looked at her like she was crazy, but she just thought what the hell. No one here knew her, so who cared? She shoved her thumbs in her back pocket, shrugging her shoulders t the thought of them questioning her apparel. Her father, Jeffery, said her shirt looked like a corset. *She beamed to herself, remembering the conversation about a week ago when she got the shirt. His face was priceless.

Pushing the elevator that claimed the elevator to the second floor, she rocked herself on the palms of her feet for something to do while she waited. When the elevator bell rang, she launched herself in with a decent sized step. Pushing the main floor button, she stumbled backwards slightly before regaining her balance. She let out a low huff as she became light-headed. She threw herself out of the horrible elevator and stood against the wall or a minute while she cleared her head. After she felt one hundred prevent better, she plucked herself off of the wall and strolled towards the dinning room. The doors were open, and faint chattering could be heard from the *inside. Sounded friendly enough, except for the boy standing outside. He seemed...weary? No that wasn't right. More like...pondering on how he is going to be specifically difficult with the dinner. He obviously didn't believe it was good.

Putting on an easily yet natural smile, she walked closer to him and moved to the open space between him and the door. "Hello," she started kindly. "You going in?" She cocked her head slightly to the left, curiousness shoving everything else out of her mind. His silvery hair fell slightly over his eyes-but they couldn't hide everything in the world. The scar went over his left eye, but she knew about how rude it felt when people stared, so she quickly blinked and met his eyes. "Cause out here can't be much fun." She added in after a long-what seemed like forever-minute of slightly awkward silence. He was wearing a trench coat, she now noticed. Was it cold inside? She focused on how the room templates felt against her bare legs and arms, and furrowed her eyebrows. It felt quite warm, to her. Strange.*

08-09-2012, 04:24 AM
“It’s nice to meet you Ash,” she said with a soft smile. “I totally agree, the history of this place is quite beautiful.” Cec looked about the hall, she really did love the architecture and materials used in these old homes. But old homes tended to have an oddness to them, and it seemed that Aislinn had picked up on the odd that blanketed this place. Cec was impressed and thankful that it wasn’t only here that picked up on the strange vibes going on in this place. And yeah the headmistress creeps me out to the nth degree.”

Cec nodded, “Yeah I noticed some oddness to this place. It’s not just you.” She said reassuringly. “I was doing a reading before coming down and got some weirdness from my cards.” Her voice quieted a bit, not knowing how Ash would react to her statement. Her fingers went back to her quartz necklace, it was becoming a nervous habit. “I have an odd feeling that things are only going to get stranger.” She smiled at that, strange she could handle for the most part. At least things wouldn’t get stagnant.

"Want to grab a seat in the cafeteria with me?" She asked, hoping she hadn't weirded Ash out too much.

08-09-2012, 04:27 AM
James was leaning against the wall, waiting for the dinner to start with nothing to do. then a girl walked up to him. "Hello, you going in?" She asked. She stared at him, looking at his features. He could see her eyes looking over him. "Cause out here can't be much fun." She added before long. He just looked into her eyes for a bit, then after deciding she was not a phantom, stood straight up.

He walked in front of her and placed his right hand on his chest and left hand on his back. He slightly bent, giving a slight bow. It is a pleasure to meet you, My name is James. Yes, Im going in soon enough. I was just wasteing time. If you are wondering about the coat, it is just something I like to wear. He looked over her again, she was fairly attractive, and seemed nice enough. He was not much of a talker, so he did not like haveing this conversation, but he despised being rude even more than talking so he sucked it up. May I ask you your name? He did not really care that much, since he did not expect to ever talk with her again. Most people only talked to him once before deciding to never even make eye contact again. He wondered what her reaction to his behavior would be.

Heson Shadowbane
08-09-2012, 04:58 AM
"Sam, I know it's not the best place, but it's the only place the social agency could find while the whole paperwork mess is figured out and sorted." Sam nodded, turning away from looking out of the car window to look at her neighbor. Clera had been working to become Samantha's guardian ever since Samantha had started getting her life back together. It was something that they had both wanted, probably both for similar unspoken reasons. She gently squeezed Clera's hand, trying to convey the message for her to not worry too much. At most, Sam would only be at this school for a year and then she'd move in with her. There was a flutter in her stomach at the thoughts of living with her pretty neighbor, but like the other times she just didn't know if to attribute it to something coming to love for her neighbor or becoming part of a family again...


The teachers at the boarding school were scary to her in their own little ways. One teacher looked as if she came with the Victorian like rooms, another had lusty eyes upon the other girls missing Sam in his gaze, and then there was a teacher that she thought was dead until her eyes slowly came open and just as slowly got out of the chair she was in. She shook her head, trying to shake off the jitters she was feeling all over her body and attempted to help Clera with her stuff, earning a playful, yet concerned retort. "Samantha Ardian Masters, you know you're still on the mend and that means no heavy lifting young lady."

Sam signed to Clera, apologizing to her, earning a hair ruffle. She smiled and grabbed a cane from the backseat that the doctors forced on her, something about keeping some of the weight off her legs. She didn't like it, but found it a godsend when the broken elevators to her floor were discovered. With a playful smirk, she signed to Clera, keeping it simple enough to get her message across. That message was gratitude for having a pack mule like Clera to carry her suitcases up to her room for her.

Once they reached the second floor, Sam briefly thought on what a sight she might be to other girls. Since leaving the hospital, she had been mistaken for a boy a few times which she attributed to her hair that she kept so short now and that she no longer wore skirts due to the look of her legs. So here she was, looking like a boy both in dress and figure, with a walking cane in her hand helping her as she unlocked the door to 211. She let Clera in long enough to set down her suitcases before attacking her with a tight hug. Sam barely held back her tears as they hugged. Clera couldn't stay much longer than helping Sam to her room under the Headmistress's order. "I'll miss you hun. Make sure to write me each week, I'll be writing back to you of course."

Sam pulled away a bit to look up at Clera before forcing words to form in her throat. "...ouve... eww..." Clera smiled and nodded at Sam, placing a kiss on her forehead. "I know hun. I know." Soon after that, Clera had left and Sam was now alone in this place.


Without much else to do to occupy her mind now that Clera was gone, Sam had begun to unpack her suitcases. Putting away clothes in drawers and books on American Sign Language on the dresser. In her night stand she put away her bag containing her prescribed pills after taking her dose for the evening. That was when she heard the Headmistress's voice over the PA system.

“Attention students! This is your Headmistress Gelda speaking. In 20 minutes you will hear the dinner bell. Everyone will report to the cafeteria. Everyone must come to dinner, or there will be punishment. As a reminder, Girls and Boys are the stay on the floor their rooms are. I hope you all will have a wonderful school year! This is your Headmistress Gelda.”

Sam sighed and nodded to herself. -Well, it can't be any worse than hospital food can it?- The thought brought a smile to her face as she pulled up her pant legs, showing her legs to the empty room, squirting some ointment on her hands to rub into them. It seemed there was not an inch of skin on her legs that wasn't angry red scar tissue and even gently rubbing the ointment over it seemed to make her wince. The doctors told her that this would help with the healing of her legs and so she did this every night like the doctors ordered. With that task done she grabbed her walking cane, pausing to grab a mini legal pad and a pen that she stuffed into her pocket, and left her room with the intent to go ahead and make her way to the cafeteria unless she was spoken to.

08-09-2012, 05:03 AM
Narissa hadn't even stepped onto campus, before speakers began to blare their first demand.

“Attention students! This is your Headmistress Gelda speaking. In 20 minutes you will hear the dinner bell. Everyone will report to the cafeteria. Everyone must come to dinner, or there will be punishment. As a reminder, Girls and Boys are the stay on the floor their rooms are. I hope you all will have a wonderful school year! This is your Headmistress Gelda.”

"Hey," her mother called before she had time to sneak a glare.
"You know that I'm doing this in your best interest," she confirmed in an authoritative, yet subtly compassionate tone.
"I know," Narissa said in unison to the back trunk slamming, hoping the noise would etch out the hint of sarcasm.
"No, 'Nairy, you don't," her mother shook her head, but was interrupted before she could continue her breath.
"Okay? So then what was the point of trying to get me to understand?" she asked, eye-brows raised in expectation.
"I want you... I... I'm afraid that you've turned to these because of your past. I want you to go to a school older than dirt, where everyone else is in the same position as you. Where you'll have a fair advantage and... And won't be so singled out from someone! I just don't think that drawing more attention to you was the right answer and I'm sorry that I'm just realizing that now."
"Mom, it's okay. I get it."
"I'll call you tonight."

Room 209.

Navigating the campus proved no difficulty; she already had an amazing sense of direction, but hauling a suitcase that barely passed airport standards, while reading a map with the same hand, proved to be a handicapped pain in the ass. By the time she crawled up to the second floor, she was already minutes late for dinner, and estimating the punishment in her head. Climbing the final steps, her suitcase boomed an echo at each half-assed yank up another few inches, as her eyes began to trail the room numbers.

Just as she turned a sharp corner, she bumped into someone; not a cute little run-in, but a good face-into-shoulder, stumble back and process what just hit you, before looking up at a short-haired figure dressed in her uniform top, with a pair of slacks.

"Oh, sorry," she blurted out of reaction, releasing and tightening her grip on the handle of her luggage.

"Uh, do you know where room 209 is?" she asked without a pause, if only for the purpose of covering for her mistake.

Something itched in the back of her mind, of the gender-floor policy that had been well established to her. But after short observation, she noted that her shirt was strictly female. Although a bit shapeless and despite the shorts, she was almost certain that she wasn't actually mistaken.

08-09-2012, 05:14 AM
She watched him bow slightly, and talk...polite. To polite, and it sounded funny. She bit her lip and raised her eyebrows, trying to compose his modesty. So the trench coat was a...chosen wear? Interesting, to say the least. And the hair, was that natural? It was beautiful, but young men like him usually have a more...common color. The question quickly slipped her mind and was replaced with the way he had looked into her eyes, and by the looks of his look at first said that she wasn't worth his time, and the following question didn't help with his first-impression. It wasn't as much of the question, but the way it was said, and the tone that coated his voice. She stopped abruptly, before forcing herself forwards and stepping inside. She turned to face him. Blocking his view. "Firstly, I'm a human, not a goddess. Secondly, I don't exactly seem to be...entertaining you or whatever, so if you'd like me to leave you alone please say so." She spat out, still an even tone but obviously slightly annoyed.

She blinked once before cursing at herself in her mind. What the hell? That was so rude! Why did you say that!? She sighed to herself, wondering why she said that herself. She was slightly upset with herself way more then she was at him, she didn't even think he was angry at him in the first place. She had just spat out, her voice like daggers and venom, probably hurting him and her in the long run.

Glancing behind her, she quickly collected the dinning room's beautiful appearance. Sparkling chandeliers hung from the ceiling, in a straight line down the long dinning hall. Long, picnic-like tables sat in rows, two connected then a small space. The floor was shiny, polished linoleum, two shades of beige. Four or Six large, beautiful windows lined the sides, even numbers on both sides. Pictures of what seemed to be previous headmasters and headmistresses, covered the wall spontaneously. At the end of the Hall, there seemed to be a staff table. Facing all of the students. They probably don't have much problems with students becoming touchy-feely. She nearly laughed in her head.

08-09-2012, 05:38 AM
She glanced at the necklace Cecelia was fiddling with, finding that it was quartz. A good healing stone, it would also help absorb and transform negative energies, if one wanted to use it in such a way. Aislinn's interest was really peaked when she mentioned something about a reading she had gotten from her cards. "Like, Tarot cards?" she asked, "That's really great, that you can do that. Divination was never really my strong point, no matter how Mum tried to teach me. Water gazing worked best but I'm still quite useless at it." the words popped out of her mouth a in a fast flowing stream, and she was a bit shocked at herself. Generally, it took a knowing a person a bit longer for Ash to go on rambling sprees. She closed her mouth, a light blush on her cheeks.

She registered that Cece had asked her if she wanted to get a seat in the cafeteria, and nodded, "Oh, yeah. Sure. Looks like other kids are starting to come down, too." she observed aloud. As they made their way into the cafeteria, Aislinn she looked around at the other students. Some looked excited, others looked like they were in some kind of strange daze, others had a vaguely frightened look on their faces. "I think you're right about things only getting stranger." she murmured to Cecelia, "What kind of 'weirdness' did you find in your cards?"

08-09-2012, 05:47 AM
James finally heard the statement he was waiting for. "Firstly, I'm a human, not a goddess. Secondly, I don't exactly seem to be...entertaining you or whatever, so if you'd like me to leave you alone please say so." A statement that seemed to be filled with spite and a bit of annoyed aggression. Something like that was normally said to him, people were often annoyed with the way he spoke, he had terrible social skills and lacked the ability to improve them.

Then she seemed to get a feeling of guilt and regret for what she said. James had become very good at reading people and their emotions. It came easily to him now. He smiled slightly, not sure what to say. May i assume asking your name was crossing the line? You may leave if you wish, I am not a very interesting person. I also have poor social skills, so i would not blame you. In fact, you seem like the type who feels bad for such behavior, so to lower the pain, allow me to bid farewell.

After his statement, he began to walk away. He could tell that she was growing annoyed and irritated with him, but was a generally kind person. He did not want her to feel bad for treating him badly, so he decided to end the conversation himself. He could not help to feel a bit depressed about the whole thing still. he was not sure why, and he still got a bad feeling. He looked back into his pocket and looked at the joker card. He could not tell what was making him so uneasy.

Heir of Void
08-09-2012, 07:45 AM
Probably under-dressed with his scuffed storm grey jeans, cyan high-tops, and iconic hat gunmetal tank-top that was only a shade lighter (Getting the 'grey' theme here?), Dave continued to back-track through the dimly-lit hallways until he discovered the point of convergence. In other words, the dining hall. Along the way, he passed a couple of other students, already tucked into their new creativity-smotherers, complete with ties and all. The others were most likely changing into the uniforms as the two uncomfortable guys behind him had, struggling desperately to let their inner originality shine through the drab wall of a mass uniform. Luckily, it seemed that Dave had one more day of individual style before joining the collective of the white-dress-shirt-brigade. At least the color of phoenix red would seem to go with his fiery spirit a bit more than the faded blue of an old ocean.

So, enjoying the freedom that the dark grey tank-top offered him, Bro stretched his long arms, tanned by time spent in the deserts of Arizona, and clasped both hands behind his head while striding through the final hall before the entrance to the dining room. At least, he assumed it was the dining room based off of the two students congregating on the side of the entrance. The sudden promise of a potentially good meal piqued his curiosity, so Dave simply pushed the entry door further open and strolled into the expansive dining hall, impressed by the decor but with a left sudden urge to shout out 'Huffle-Puff!!!' to the general lack of applauding young wiza....... I mean, drab contingent of students.

Resisting the strong pull of temptation, Dave instead pivotted on the heel of his left cyan converse and strode back out, turning to face the pair by the door. The light-haired one looked like he was about to leave, so this may not have been the right room anyway, and the only way to be sure was to ask for confirmation.

"'Scuse me for my intrusion, but is this the dining hall, or just another decorative room I've stumbled upon in this labyrinth of dark furniture and archaic decor?" Dave asked quizzically, ironic Texan accent pervading once again.

08-09-2012, 08:48 AM
“So, this is the place I’ll be spending my final year of high school?”

There wasn’t much to this place aside from the sheer size. It seemed rather mundane on the outside, but as his father often told him, never judge a book by the cover. He watched as students entered and parents left. His own father couldn’t be there to escort him into this place, but the photographs and brochure he’d received in the mail seemed legit. One thing was for certain, he wouldn’t be eating anything that came out of this place’s cafeteria. He was strict when it came to his food. It had to be prepared a certain way, and he was thankful that he had managed to pack enough stuff in his luggage to last him his entire school year here at West Hill High. Daniel entered into the building or rather the mansion. His technology tucked safely away in his numerous bags. These were no normal bags, they were top of the line name brand expensive bags, but Daniel was never really a materialistic person. He had lent these bags to his old friends many times over, and thankfully they had returned all of them in time.

Upon entering the mansion, the place he’d be stuck at for an entire year, he noticed the rather large main staircase that led up. It was beautiful, and thus the mundane appearance outside truly did hide the beauty of the inside. Daniel walked to his left and soon ran into the main ballroom. Large was an understatement in describing the area. He was sure the entire school plus most of the community could fit in the place. Leaving the ballroom, he went straight across the hall to the library. This is probably where he’d spend a great deal of his time studying and reading up on myth, lore and other various things. Smiling, he turned around and walked out of the library, making a right at the door and heading towards the other end of the hallway. To the right of the entrance was the dining hall. It was massive, yet there wasn’t anything different than any other dining hall in a school aside from the rather medieval themed furniture and accessories. There was no serving line and there were employees working tirelessly behind the scenes. Daniel nodded, as if giving it a slight approval, and exited the dining hall quickly, making his way back to the main staircase.

He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket which he had folded neatly. It was his schedule, and room number. A key to his room was also provided, though he doubted he would need it. He was in room 306, on the east wing. It just occurred to him as he looked at the map provided that there were two sides to this gigantic building, a west wing and an east wing. He wondered why there was such separation amongst the students of this school, but he would not complain, as long as his bed was big, and his room could accommodate all of his belongings. Folding the paper neatly once more and returning it to his front pocket, he made his way up the beautiful stone lined stairs. Not one to get exhausted easily, he continued trucking up the many stairs to the third floor. This was the floor that accommodated the male students of West Hill High, or at least that is what Daniel was told during orientation. There were so many rules at this school, but he supposed it was for the best. No girls allowed on the third floor and no boys allowed on the second floor yet how would that be enforced when the main staircase led to ever floor of the school? It was a question that bothered Daniel, but he would ask the headmistress later, whenever he got the time.

Upon his arrival on the third floor, Daniel watched students hurry by and check into their rooms. Once again things were separated. The west wing was to his left and the east wing was to his right. As he made his way towards his room, he couldn’t help but feel a bit off. Something about this place wasn’t right to him, but his father had invested money in his education and he couldn’t simply leave just because he felt strange about it. He stopped in front of the door with a gold plate on it. There were numbers etched into the gold plate. 306. Daniel inserted the key, turned it and entered in. What he saw made his jaw nearly drop to the floor. The linen on his bed was of one of his favorite colors. It was a massive bed, the linen soft to the touch. The wall was beautiful, adorned with a deep amber colored paint. The dresser was beautiful as well, and looked to be an antique. Daniel continued in and headed towards the bathroom which was adorned in silver. Everything in the bathroom had a silver tone to it. If it wasn’t made of silver, it had the color of silver. Again the antique theme played a big part in this bathroom, and he’d definitely have to get used to it.

His room did not have a balcony, and so he decided to unpack his things. He had packed a mini safe that he safely pushed under his bed, placing his important things in it beforehand. He needed to take a shower after such a long walk up the main staircase. He sighed as he continued to unpack, refolding clothes that had unfolded during the journey up the stairs. Finally, after about twenty minutes of unpacking, he grabbed some soap, a wash cloth and a towel and entered into the bathroom. Thirty minutes later, he exited the bathroom, allowing the built up steam to billow into the beautiful amber bedroom. He quickly found a pair of Calvin Klein underwear as well as a tank top and a pair of black pants. He found a button up silken textured shirt and buttoned it up loosely over the tank top. He pulled on his converse shoes which were also black and looked in the mirror. He was adorned in all black; even his earrings had black stones lining the outside edge. He matched head to toe, and he figured he might as well enjoy it this day since the rest of the school year would be filled with attempts at accessorizing the uniform he’d wear.

After making sure everything was in place, he sniffed himself and found his smell to be quite pleasant, alluring to a degree. Smirking, he grabbed his wallet and slipped it into the back pocket of his pants. He decided to wear his hair down today and took out the braids that formed the Mohawk. His hair fell beautifully to his shoulders and the tips of purple accented the black natural color of his hair. As he ran a hand through his hair, he couldn’t help but feel as if he were being watched. He turned around and no one was there. Then he began to hear a soft banging. Frowning, he looked around the room and found nothing. Shrugging it off, he figured it was the noise of students moving into their rooms.

"Attention students! This is your Headmistress Gelda speaking. In 20 minutes you will hear the dinner bell. Everyone will report to the cafeteria. Everyone must come to dinner, or there will be punishment. As a reminder, Girls and Boys are the stay on the floor their rooms are. I hope you all will have a wonderful school year! This is your Headmistress Gelda."

Daniel rolled his eyes. If this lady thought for one second that he’d be eating anything produced from the kitchen downstairs, she was sadly mistaken and he’d make sure none of it went down his throat. Shaking his head, he pulled his hair into a soft ponytail and left his room. One thing was sure, his stay here would be one he’d never forget.

Leon G
08-09-2012, 12:25 PM
And then...
Current Time: 6:00 PM
Day: Monday
Weather: Slightly cloudy. Though it gets dark very quickly in West Hills

Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong! The old bells throughout the school rang at the same time, signaling dinner. The first dinner of the year was always very important to Gelda. She allowed no students to allow it. As the bells rang, the students found their feet moving to the Dining Hall, even if they weren't too eager to. Once Gelda had all the students safely in the Dining Hall, she had the two great wooden shut. No one would be leaving without her knowing. Gelda and the other teachers sat at a special table at the far end of the hall. The table was raised up and made of finely polished cherry oak. Each teacher sat in a chair with a high back, the handles golden and the cushions alternating between the Falcon blue and Phoenix red. Most of the teachers seemed uninterested in the students, except for Mr. V. His dark eyes scanned the room until they met the ones of a girl from Phoenix, a girl with lovely blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair. Georgina Wright. He offered her a charming smile and a nod before Gelda stood up to speak.

"Hello students," Gelda said,her voice dripping with false students, her eyes darting from student to student. She got mostly blank stares and a few curious ones. "I see you all found your way to the Dining Hall." She paused to let out a little chuckle at her half-joke. Of course the students didn't know they had no choice in coming to the hall, so she was the only one laughing. She let out a cough. "Yes, very good. You'll eat all your meals here - as opposed to eating in the basement." Another joke, another fail. Grelda scowled. This is what you get for trying to be a nice headmaster. "But remember, no one is allowed in the basement," she snapped, her voice returning back to its witchy demeanor, "And let me tell you know that the stairs leading to the basement are behind the main staircase. So don't tell me you 'accidentally' wandered in there. The door's locked anyways..." Gelda took a moment to regain her false sugary sweetness. "As you can see, our cook and Nurse, Ms. Greenfield is passing out your dinner.” Daphne quickly dispensed bowls of stew left and right, keeping her head down to avoid the stares she got. Gelda continued. “This is our famous 'Welcome Back' stew! We’ve prepared this specially for our…” Gelda had to choke out the next part “…lovely new students. That’s enough of me talking! Please enjoy your dinner and stay here at West Hills!” There was scattered, pathetic applause and Gelda sat back down scowling.

Mattie Farghbad, the Health and Science teacher leaned towards Gelda. “I thought your speech was wonderful,” he said kindly, his eyes filled with adoration.

Gelda held no interest in his little puppy love. “Go drink one of your potions,” she said cruelly, dismissing him. Unfazed, he turned to talk - well it was mostly telling since Priscilla wasn’t a talker - the Math teacher about his latest experiments.

As Daphne finished pashing out the last of the stew in fine china, painted in colors of blue and red, that somehow went with the silver bowls, she whispered something to a random student. A warning. “Don’t eat the stew,” she said in a hushed whisper to Daniel Henney. When he looked up at her in surprise, she repeated her warning, “Don’t eat it. It will make you forget.” After serving him, she left without another word, her head down.

08-09-2012, 03:13 PM
After standing for a short moment in silence with herself, she finally called out to him. She felt she should at least give him her name for being such a jerk. "Jack," Her light voice called. "Jack Turner." Not really hoping to see his reaction to her uncommon name, she closed her eyes and huffed. Don't worry, she told herself calmly. You'll forget by morning. She gave herself a curt nod as she turned her body, rather rushed, towards the dinning hall. Maybe she'd skip dinner. She just lost her appetite, or what was left of it. The small, minimal fraction of tiny appetite would probably be forgotten by the time she got to the hall, anyway. Where was the hall, anyway? Crap! She had been so hung up about snapping at that boy-James-and her mental argument had her forgetting all about where she was in the school, and where the dinning hall was. She was simply going to ask someone, but as her vision began to get refocused she noticed a big, grey blur.

Whats with men talking like, all fancy? Manners are nice, but these are just...creepy. Trying to focus on it's real shape and form-which turned out to be the body of another boy. Great, just great. When was she going to talk to a female? Probably not until morning. Sighing, she looked at his appearance, wheat-blonde hair that seemed to be wind-swept at all times. His eyes didn't make any more sense, or make him seem natural. Not really natural, but not normal. At least he was dressed like it was warm outside. Made Jack feel sane. Well, as sane as Jack gets. His eyes were a burningly beautiful amber, seemingly looking like flames of of a fire, and the burning feathers of a Phoenix. Hey, I think you might be on to something.
Someone in the back of her head told her. Not fully catching his question, she simply stated what was running through her mind, while it still was do she wouldn't lose the thought. "Your in Phoenix," she said casually, hoping he would be a better person to start a conversation with.

She was quickly lost in her thoughts, asking herself a few questions-like who else is she going to talk to tonight? And if she was going to meet someone and be able to carry a conversation, basically all of her questions were based on the same topic. Finally remembering he had aske a question, she gasped and bit her lip adage ran her imaginary fingers through the files in her head, cussing to herself mentally as she realized it was as good as gone. She sighed to herself, now annoyed at her own disorder, so she smiled sheepishly and requested the question again. "Um, hi...I'm sorry, but I don't exactly remember the question..." She excepted him to laugh, not many people forget things so easily.

08-09-2012, 04:33 PM
“Yep, tarot cards indeed. ” Cec’s smile lit up her eyes and grew when she heard that Ash had also tried her hand at divination. “Different people have different talents for different things,” she said when Ash claimed to be useless at water gazing. She had tried it a few times but could never get the hang of it, most times her attention would turn inward and she would daydream. Ash seemed to be slightly embarrassed about stating all these things, a blush crept onto the girl’s cheeks.

“No need to be embarrassed,” she said in hopes of helping. “You said your mother taught you, my mom taught me most of the things I know now.” It was nice to have someone to relate to finally. She walked with Ash into the Cafeteria, there were a few people already here. There was a diversity in the people, some looked rather normal while other’s uniquely expressed themselves in an assortment of ways.

“As for the oddness I came up with in my reading I pulled I came up with The Hierophant, The Hermit and Death. Such strong cards all at once tends to get my attention.” She paused thoughtfully, “you said divination wasn’t your strong point, do you mind me asking what your strong point is?” Cec smiled, she had never really opened up this way to another person but she found Ash very easy to talk to. “Oh and if you want me to do a reading for you, just come by my room at any time, I’m in 215. And if you do come you may want to bring a sweater.” She added the last part with a sigh. Cecelia took a seat at one of the empty spots on the long tables. “This place looks like something straight out of a horror movie,” she mumbled softly.

As Cec arrived the bells went off signaling dinnertime. At the beginning of the headmistress’s speech she looked up and studied the teachers who would be teaching them soon. They all looked rather odd for the most part. One, a woman seemed as if dead, she had no colour and moved in a very slow manner. Next was another woman, all in white and very pale, a chill ran down Cecelia’s back. There was only one man on faculty, he appeared rather normal, which seemed almost out of place here. The other woman dressed in an exuberant fashion giving of a lively feel. Then there was the headmistress. The woman was a dark cloud made up of creepy feelings. After quickly studying the teachers Cec’s eyes glazed over and she let herself slip into her imagination, ignoring the speech.

When the food appeared in front of her Cec quickly snapped back to reality. She hadn’t eaten much today and had been rather hungry. The stew itself didn't look all that appetizing, maybe that was because she never really did like stew in the first place. Instead of eating it right away she just stared at it, deciding if she would eat or not.

08-09-2012, 06:16 PM
Gina hung up the last of her dresses in the antique wardrobe and stretched her arms, trying to get rid of the dull ache that had settled between her shoulder blades. She poked her head out into the corridor and saw that most of the doors were closed and the lights off, their occupants having already headed downstairs. She chewed her lip; she had missed the orientation because of arriving late - had she also missed all the initial meeting and greeting between the students? She paused to check the mirror and make sure she looked presentable before hurrying downstairs to the dining room.

The dining room was large, but accommodated a surprisingly small body of students. Gina recognised a girl who had been humming to herself outside her door while she was unpacking, and decided that the table currently occupied by just her and a blonde punk-rocker was as good a place as any to sit down.

“Hi guys,” she said, timing her arrival with a break in their conversation so she hopefully didn't seem like she was butting in, “Mind if I join you?”

She smoothed her long top under her legs and sat down opposite Jack, resting her arms on the table.

“I'm Gina by the way. Got in late so I missed the orientation.”

If the students were an eclectic bunch, then the lecturers were even stranger. The school's ongoing theme for the grand and the archaic even seemed to extend to its permanent residents. Gina exhaled softly as she watched them file in and sit down at the top table, chatting amongst themselves.

“Well,” she said to her immediate companions, “We've got either the coolest teachers in the world or the creepiest.”

She spent a few more seconds looking up and down the top table - at the severe, monochromatic headmistress to the animated science teacher and the rather sickly-looking maths teacher. The English teacher, a young man with long hair, happened to glance up just as she was looking at him. He shot her a charming smile. Gina smiled back automatically before turning back to the other Phoenix students.

"Hello students," Gelda said, her voice dripping with false sweetness, her eyes darting from student to student. She got mostly blank stares and a few curious ones. "I see you all found your way to the Dining Hall." She paused to let out a little chuckle at her half-joke. Of course the students didn't know they had no choice in coming to the hall, so she was the only one laughing. She let out a cough. "Yes, very good. You'll eat all your meals here - as opposed to eating in the basement." Another joke, another fail. Grelda scowled. This is what you get for trying to be a nice headmaster. "But remember, no one is allowed in the basement," she snapped, her voice returning back to its witchy demeanor, "And let me tell you know that the stairs leading to the basement are behind the main staircase. So don't tell me you 'accidentally' wandered in there. The door's locked anyways..." Gelda took a moment to regain her false sugary sweetness. "As you can see, our cook and Nurse, Ms. Greenfield is passing out your dinner.” Daphne quickly dispensed bowls of stew left and right, keeping her head down to avoid the stares she got. Gelda continued. “This is our famous 'Welcome Back' stew! We’ve prepared this specially for our…” Gelda had to choke out the next part “…lovely new students. That’s enough of me talking! Please enjoy your dinner and stay here at West Hills!”

There was scattered, pathetic applause and Gelda sat back down scowling.

“That'll be one for the 'creepy' camp, then.” Gina said to Jack and Dave. “So where are you guys from? Thank you.” she added as the pale, wispy-haired cook leaned around her to serve up their stew. She made to smile at Miss Greenfield, but the expression faltered at she took in the woman's pensive face. She seemed deeply troubled about something. Then again, having to cater for several dozen students was hardly a stress-free job.

08-09-2012, 06:50 PM
"Off to a grand old start, aren't you Bec?" Rebecca murmured to herself sarcastically as she slipped into the Dining Hall just in time for the announcement. Her mind drifted off to the earlier events leading to her tardiness. As much as she loved her turquoise blue Rolls Royce Phantom, it drove her crazy sometimes. For instance, this morning when she drove herself and bags from a nearby motel to the high school campus. Her rusty old engine had decided that it would be the perfect time to break down, leading to a few hours of irritation and delay that she couldn't afford.

"Oh well, I'm here now and that's all that matters," she said, again to herself. She had recently acquired the annoying habit of talking to herself which normally wasn't a big deal, unless of course someone started listening. Instead of listening to the dull announcement that she predicted consisted of the usual "welcome! do this, don't do that, have a great time, blah blah..." spiel she had heard at so many orientations prior to this one, she decided to take a look around this creepy building that would be her new home.

"Charming," she muttered as she traced the intricate patterns of the wooden rafters with her eyes. Her first thoughts concerned the sanitary conditions of such an apparently old place, as well as whether maggots and other disgusting creatures lied beneath the old lumber. But then she decided since it would be a place she would be at for quite a while, she might as well look at the positives. Her room was plush as she was used to, and the design looked as if someone had put a lot of effort into it, something she could appreciate even if she usually liked modern design compared to historic. Her room was conveniently placed by a lovely balcony where she could write, perhaps. And the bathroom....

Her reverie was interrupted by weak applause signaling the conclusion of the meeting. Being the peppy girl she was, she tried to amp up the enthusiasm with a few strong claps but gave up once she realized everyone was either too tired or just didn't care about a silly orientation. She awkwardly slowed her clap then shuffled over to a table.

She wandered over to where people she remembered seeing around the Phoenix side of the building were sitting and examined their appearances. There was a pretty ginger with iconic pale skin and coppery hair, a striking blond with a distant look in her blue eyes, and a boy who looked like a tough guy. She smiled at the group before politely asking, "May I sit here?" When no one objected, she took a seat and graciously thanked the lady who served them stew.

One of the girls asked where everyone was from as she was sitting, to which she happily replied, "London, England. Islington, to be exact, just north of the center of the city." Her smile grew wider as she thought about her cheerful home.

08-09-2012, 08:41 PM
"London, England. Islington, to be exact, just north of the center of the city." Becca's smile grew wider as she thought about her cheerful home.

“Really?” said Gina, “I'm just from Leicester up north.”

She couldn't help smiling a little – it was nice to see another Brit over here, even if the first word that jumped irresistibly into her head at Becca's manner and accent was 'Rah (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=rah)'.

“How did you end up over here then?” she asked, turning slightly in her seat to more easily speak to the younger girl.

08-09-2012, 08:45 PM
It wasn’t like him to feel awkward in a place such as this, but the vibes this particular school gave off were none too inviting. Something about this place made every hair on the back of Daniel’s neck stand up straight, but he had no clue what it was nor how to deal with it. Instead of taking the elevator at the far end of the hall, he decided that exercise was good for the body and thus made his way down the main staircase. As he traveled down the man stairs, a bell rang out throughout the entire school. This must’ve been the dinner bell that the headmistress was talking about. It was strange, but he suddenly had a feeling as if his body was being controlled by the sound of the bell. He found himself walking without any knowledge of where he was going until he saw the dining hall. Once in perimeter of the dining hall, the feeling vanished and he looked around to see if anyone else had this sudden feeling.

The dining hall was filled with students, a great change from when he first arrived. Walking in slowly, he couldn’t help but feel the eyes of his peers as well as the teachers and headmistress. As he noticed the instructors and headmistress, he couldn’t help but take in their appearances. They were all extremely odd aside from one who looked rather normal, but the vibes that he got from them screamed inhuman. Shaking off the feeling of danger, he looked around to find a table and was lucky enough to see a spot. The space was next to a girl with dark chocolate hair who seemed a bit preppy. Across from her was a a girl with brown hair and blue eyes. Something about her intrigued Daniel, but he couldn’t quite place his finger on it. There was another girl with strawberry blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. Daniel walked slowly over to the table and smiled before sitting.

“I hope you don’t mind if I join you all,” he said, his voice alluring, laced with a bit of shyness even though he truly wasn’t.

He heard the others talking, but he decided not to say anything unless a question was directed towards him. As he sat there, he watched as the cook passed out stew to all the students, but it was when she served him his stew that the chill of knowing crept up his spine. The warning she gave him made him look up in confusion and surprise and when she passed on to the next student, Daniel simply looked at his stew and at the others. Should he play the hero and tell them? He wondered what was so secretive at this school that the staff took precaution in making sure the students forgot. Deciding it was best to tell them, he whispered to those surrounding him.

“Hey, if I were you I wouldn’t eat the stew. Fair warning,” Daniel whispered hoping they would heed his warning. Looking back at the stew, Daniel began to plan a way of discarding it without being noticed by the headmistress and her staff.

08-09-2012, 10:07 PM
“Hey, if I were you I wouldn’t eat the stew. Fair warning,” Daniel whispered.

"Huh?" Gina said, looking at him. For a moment she thought he was talking about animal welfare or something. "Why not?"

08-09-2012, 10:30 PM
It has been five, six, maybe seven minutes of waiting for the elevator to get up, and the time just continued ticking as the elevator continued to fail to arrive. Rozaria was a patient person most of the time, but she wasn't an idiot. The elevator, along with seventy-five percent of the things here probably didn't work. She confirmed the theory as fact as her cellphone showed her that time hit the eight minute mark, so she simply went the other way and walked down the stairs - which were of course, un-surprisingly creaky.

After the last step of the staircase, Rozaria turned around to get a good look of it, since she rushed down them so fast. Imagine a picture of a Gothic mansion, somewhere in the late Victorian era. Right through the doors of that house would be that grand staircase, and the wall behind it could've held a large portrait of the land-lord residing there. It was definitely spooky and lived up to the ghostly rumours of the school. Rozaria could imagine the ghost of the land-lord, a man with a noble aura, with the butler, monocle, staff, top-hat and all.

As the image in her mind faded, Rozaria turned and glided to her right, the dining hall. Wooden benches were lined up in rows, with the teacher's table up at the front of the room. Yep, they still looked like they just died and came back to life. Rolling her eyes, Rozaria looked around the room, looking for a seat. Everyone seemed to already have friends, bunched in groups or pairs even with the rather scarce student population compared with other schools. Rozaria's eyes swiftly scanned the room again, and decided on a group of three girls. A blonde, two brunettes. As she made her way to their spot on the table, she noticed that another guy did the same. He was tall, with green eyes that had a vivid, vibrant colour.

"I hope you don’t mind if I join you all," The guy said a few moments before Rozaria arrived. She took a seat across from him right after and gave the group a small smile. "I second that. I'm Rozaria by the way. Call me Winter though, I like it more."

After her introduction, the head-hag from hell started another syrupy speech, though this time, she didn't bother to maintain it thoroughly and barked a few things with a sour voice. As she spoke, the cook put stew in each of the student's bowls. Rozaria simply closed her eyes for a second, calming the thing in her head that just wanted to flare up and run away from the cursed place, and pulverize the headmistress while she was at it. Regaining her sight again, she stared at the contents in her bowl. It looked slightly unappetizing to her, seeing that she ate high-class food for almost everyday of her life, or at least something presentable.

"Hey, if I were you I wouldn’t eat the stew. Fair warning," the guy across from Rozaria admonished the group in a quiet voice about the stew. There wasn't much need for him to point it out, Rozaria would've done so anyway.
"Don't worry, I wasn't planning to," A small chuckle escaped Rozaria's lips as she lightly pushed the dish away.

08-09-2012, 11:08 PM
"That's really sweet, thanks" Shay said to Remy. He watched Shay go into his room in order to be changed and he just realized what Shay said. “Sweet!?” Remy said while scratching his head. Remy laughed a little as he thought about the comment. It didn’t matter to him because Shay seemed to be a pretty cool person through and through. A little while later of waiting, he saw Shay come out with his uniform and chuckled a bit, holding his hand over his mouth a bit when he heard him say ‘ugh.’ "I look like a total plank" and that was where Remy lost all of his cool and began laughing. Not that Shay looked bad, but he knew of his torture of having to wear this crap. I mean, it seemed like they were going to have some fun together. He saw Shay tugging at the tie around his neck. "This must be torture" Shay said as he laughed with him. “I know the feeling, man.” "come on, We'll take the elevator." Shay said to Remy as he followed Shay into the elevator, now trying to adjust his odd feeling shirt. When will it end he though. “I wonder if the elevator works.” Remy said as they stepped in. He saw Shay press the down button, which never stayed on for some reason. Remy only laughed at the thought of an elevator that only goes up. He was cramping a bit as he bent over holding his sides. He heard Shay throw some words about it, but Remy thought the same same. “This place confuses me, bud.” Then he heard Shay say “I guess we'd better take the Stairs.." Remy then followed him out and said “I guess so.”

Remy and Shay went down the stairs together, holding a decent conversation while watching the other kids go down the stairs and seeing them do other things. As they finally made it down the stairs and into the lunch room, Remy sat down a couple seats away from a guy that was dressed well, Daniel. Remy then signaled Shay to come and sit next to him so he would have someone he could talk to for a while. After a while, the head mistress gave an awkward speech that Remy wasn’t too interested in, so he began to wonder off into space a bit. Then he saw some kind of weird bowl being passed around to other students. It was some kind of stew Remy saw, as it came over his head and down into the table. Remy only looked at it, not knowing what to think of it. Remy then looked around a bit, and saw the woman, Daphne, quietly whispering something to Daniel, hoping she didn’t think anyone was watching her. Most people wouldn’t pay attention to odd details such as that, but Remy had a mind of his own. He was sometimes a little nosy, wanting to know what goes on and why when it comes to dealing with people.

A little while later, Remy was beginning to question the food sat before him. What all was in it? Where did it come from? Did it have a name? The stew looked terrible either way, but then again, he didn’t know when his next meal was. So as Remy stirred it a little, he almost put it up to his mouth as Daniel said "Hey, if I were you I wouldn’t eat the stew. Fair warning.” That drew the line for Remy. Remy sat the spoon down slowly, looking around to make sure no one was watching him reject the food. He then patted Shay on the shoulder and quietly whispered to him “Yeah, that girl whispered something to that guy. Also he said not to eat the soup, so I’m not touching it, bro. But to protect our hides, don’t tell anyone else about it.” He said pushing the bowl gently away so he wouldn’t have to smell it.

As a few more people heard it, one girl, Gina, opened up seemingly loudly "Why not?" Remy then looked at her and said quietly while still trying to make sure no one saw him talking in a low tone, “because it looks like crap, smells like crap, and never in my life have I ever heard someone say to not eat something so quietly. Also, don’t be so loud, no offense.” He tried getting her to become more silent in hopes that she wouldn’t blow anything. Remy then looked to Daniel and said “Am I right?”

Heson Shadowbane
08-09-2012, 11:26 PM
(Just a note: Sam's room has changed to 209 to be roommates with Narissa as reflected in this post)

Sam stumbled backwards a bit as someone bumped into her. She managed to steady herself with her walking cane before the gentle run in almost made her fall down. As she looked up at the person she ran into and the first thing she had noticed was her right arm, or at least what was still there. -Someone else who has a handicap...-

"Oh, sorry. Uh, do you know where room 209 is?" Sam perked up a bit at hearing that, smiling and nodding as the bell for dinner began to ring. Hearing the bell she pulled a face, but she motioned for the girl to follow her. She took as brisk of a step she could take, pulling out the key to her room. She didn't think she would've had a roommate, but she guessed that the second bed in the room should have been a give away. Funny how such obvious details can sometimes be over looked and ignored. Reaching the door she pointed to the girl and then to herself before pointing to the door and unlocking it with her key. A crude way of saying they were roommates but it would do.

Not wanting to get a punishment before the first day of school even began she tapped the watch on her wrist and made a motion of eating, finishing off with moving two fingers on her hand fast like the legs on a running person. She didn't stop to think what sort of fool she was making of herself, making all of these hand motions, assuming the girl would catch on that she was mute. Once Narissa put her suitcase in the room she'd gently tug on her sleeve, trying to get her to hurry and follow her to the dinning area. As she reached the stairs she realized that they didn't even know eachother's names yet. Even if her hands were not full with the stair railing and her cane to ease her trip down the steps, she didn't know if the girl knew any sign language and Sam didn't want to take the time to pull out her pen and paper to write her name when they'd be pushing the envelope of making it to dinner without getting in trouble.

Sam and her roommate would manage to be the last ones in, arriving just as the headmistress was starting her speech. Sam would make her way over to where there were two empty chairs next to eachother, sitting down without really taking a look at who she was sitting with as she pulled out her pen and paper which she set down on the table with a smile. She was ready to get to know people, especially her roommate, and what better way to do so besides writing down on the first page of the mini legal pad "Hello. My name is Samantha, but please just call me Sam. Less of a mouth full." Her penmanship was elegant, but also practical and easy to read as well.

08-09-2012, 11:38 PM
James was not thrilled to have to sit around people he did not know, but he would have to deal with it. He sat in a random seat, not saying a word. Nobody tried to talk to him, guess he was just getting luck. He sat there for a while thinking to himself. The the headmisstress stood to speak.

"Hello students," Gelda said, her voice dripping with false sweetness, her eyes darting from student to student. She got mostly blank stares and a few curious ones. "I see you all found your way to the Dining Hall." She paused to let out a little chuckle at her half-joke. Of course the students didn't know they had no choice in coming to the hall, so she was the only one laughing. She let out a cough. "Yes, very good. You'll eat all your meals here - as opposed to eating in the basement." Another joke, another fail. Grelda scowled. This is what you get for trying to be a nice headmaster. "But remember, no one is allowed in the basement," she snapped, her voice returning back to its witchy demeanor, "And let me tell you know that the stairs leading to the basement are behind the main staircase. So don't tell me you 'accidentally' wandered in there. The door's locked anyways..." Gelda took a moment to regain her false sugary sweetness. "As you can see, our cook and Nurse, Ms. Greenfield is passing out your dinner.” Daphne quickly dispensed bowls of stew left and right, keeping her head down to avoid the stares she got. Gelda continued. “This is our famous 'Welcome Back' stew! We’ve prepared this specially for our…” Gelda had to choke out the next part “…lovely new students. That’s enough of me talking! Please enjoy your dinner and stay here at West Hills!”

James did not care for her pathetic attempts at jokes. Nor did he care for her dirty looks at the entire student body. When the stew was passed out, he took one look at it and startede laughing silently. No way in hell. He sat there looking at it until a boy a few seats down told everyone not to eat it. Statement of the century, I would rather not have my stomach pumped. He kept looking at it and noticed some strange ingredients. He remembered the look on the woman passing it out, and something she whispered to the boy who warned everyone not to eat it. What in the world is this? Hotel California? They trying to kill us?

08-09-2012, 11:56 PM
… Cecile Ilona …

A boy who appeared to be about the same age as Cec appeared nearby sporting a purple tipped Mohawk. ’Very interesting,’ she thought with a smile. When he asked to join them she nodded, the more the merrier. Cec wondered silently if he had overheard their conversation at all but discarded that thought, what did it matter really?

Then came his whispered warning, she would have missed it if she weren't paying attention, “Hey, if I were you I wouldn’t eat the stew. Fair warning.” Cec studied him as he spoke his warning. He seemed a little shaken up, maybe a little nervous. Then she looked down to her stew silently regarding the not so appetizing liquidy excuse for food. Her stomach would probably be angry at her for not eating but maybe it was for the better.

Cec put her spoon down and 'accidentally' tipped her stew onto the floor beside her. She smirked a little, "oops."

Heir of Void
08-10-2012, 01:02 AM
Somehow caught up in the rush of the small crowd, the drummer had found himself at a table a short ways down from the lovely crystal-blue eyed girl from the door. He was too far away to answer now, and people kept joining the table either beside or across from her, blocking any means of answering her about her earlier guess of his house being Phoenix.

The first to join the pair was a very attractive girl by the name of Gina, who possessed rich creme white skin and elegant strawberry blond hair that curled in on itself towards the end of each strand, followed by a bronzed girl with an English accent, and hair of a similar shade to a fine chocolate one would find in a wealthy importer's home. Third to arrive was a young man of Phillipine or Japanese descent, the ends of his hair dyed to a deep violet that served to complement his natural color. There were others around them as well, but he hadn't heard anything from them yet.

At this point, Dave wasn't even paying attention to the conversation - which had divulged into some random jerk silently yelling at Gina about something in hushed tones- and instead was focused on the council of teachers, his bright eyes of burning amber observing their movements. They didn't appear to be eating the hearty stew with the students, even though serving bowls were near them...... which was suspicious. The man to the right of the Headmistress didn't seem so bad in comparison to the rest of the dead-looking bunch, and the S&M guy dressed in tight black clothing in the far left-most spot of the teachers was simply creepy.

If they weren't eating, it was probably best not to do so either. After all, who wants a bad stew on their first day here? Besides, it was impolite to eat before your hosts. The drummer would save the memorable occasion of 'first meal' for tomorrow, and instead of eating the thick soup, took at a black hand-towel from the back pocket of his storm grey jeans.

Living in the unkind deserts of Arizona, you develop certain habits that just became normal to you after awhile. Any highly physical activity done anywhere else is an estimated third more difficult in 112* weather, high humidity. Those not used to the heat would perspire heavily, ruining their clothes---especially being a drummer with rapid arm movements. Sweat wasn't good for the surface of anything metal, like the rims of a kit or its stands, and it made the shine of the surface deteriorate.
So, caring deeply about his set of drums, Dave had begun bringing a hand-towel or other highly-absorbent cloth with him wherever he went. He could have been called over for practice whenever, so it was best to have it on hand all the time.

Lucky now that old habits die hard, Bro placed the dark fabric on the leg of his jeans, waiting for the moment where the Headmistresses' gaze was no longer as intent upon his section of the table. Taking a couple of minutes, her eyes finally went to scan a different section further away, giving him the opportunity to quickly plunge the highly-absorbent cloth into the medley. Thankfully, the broth was a lot thinner than it looked and was soaked up into the fabric in a matter of a few seconds.

Meal finished, Dave just frowned slightly and looked deeply into the grains of the table, passing the time, waiting for when he could once again talk to the lovely blonde with entrancing eyes of the finest blue.....

08-10-2012, 01:21 AM
Shay walked out of the elevator, and spent the first few stairs with a face that resembled a grumpy Persian cat. The conversation with Remy was good, it flowed surprisingly well for two strangers, and he felt happy to have someone he could call a friend after such short time. As he was walking near the bottom of the staircase, he felt the gut wrenching fear. one we all know. 'shit!' he thought to himself. 'these trousers have given me a wedgie!' he walked awkwardly for a few steps to try and sort it out, and luckily succeeded, both in sorting out his problem, and looking like a constipated rooster.

The grand dining area was stunning. As he took in the details, he felt a certain familiarity, one he couldn't place, perhaps from a film? It made him imagine a talking hat placing him into a house. 'don't be rediculous, Shayne! he thought to himself. 'you already have a house!' he sighed, and walked into the beautiful room, where he was served a bowlful of stew.

The stew looked...Rank. No two ways about it. a strange, sickly green colour with unidentifiable lumps floating in the top, and others resting at the bottom. He knew school food was bad, but yeuck! this was something else. But oh well, as is life. He picked up a spoon, and shovelled a load into his mouth, a fairly large one at that.
"hey, If I were you, I wouldn't eat the stew, Fair warning" a boy near him said. he turned his head to look at the boy. the foul-tasting soup still in his mouth, causing his cheeks to bulge slightly. He listened to the boys words, and looked down at his mouth. 'too late... he thought to himself. Social etiquette suggested swallowing was most acceptable than spraying the table with stew, or worse, making a tiny waterfall of it back into his bowl, so instead, he swallowed the mouth-full. Grim. Grim. Grim. he tried identifying the flavours, but he couldnt, nothing could register, apart from grossness.
"He's right y'know" He said after swallowing. "The stuff tastes like Poo and sadness" he said to the group in general, pushing the bowl away from him. Poo and sadness?? For christ's sake! he had done it again! Why the hell did he keep saying things that made him out to seem camper than a row of tents. Pink Tents. With gay men inside them listening to ABBA?? he turned to Remy, and saw that he hadn't eaten any. he was the only one who had actually eaten. Shayne 0, Embarrassment 3. "It really aint all that good" he said with a sickened expression. "hey, What's your name?" he asked, turning to the boy who had warned about the stew.
Then a girl sent hers crashing to the floor, and Shayne felt it splatter onto his shoe. "Waah!" He cried, shuffling sideways a little bit to close to Remy for anyone's comfort, and then shifted back quickly. "You spilt your Stew!" He said, and pulled an over-dramatic face "Onto my shoes!" he then lightened his face to how he was joking, and to ignore any awkwardness he caused between Remy and himself by practically falling onto him

08-10-2012, 01:51 AM
Remy chuckled again after hearing Shay describe the taste of the soup and his reaction by falling on Remy. The sad part about it was that he was now in a hurry to quickly get rid of his soup just in case anyone started to look over because of the ruckus made. He saw everyone around him doing something to the soup. “Awww damn… they’re gonna suspect something if they see my bowl full…” He said silently as he began to look around. He finally caught eyes on a guy(not Shay) who was putting the soup away like a starving elephant. This kid just finished his bowl of soup and Remy said softly, letting no one but the kid hear him, “Hey, I’ll give you mine and I’ll put your bowl away for you if you want?” The kid looked at Remy in an odd fashion. He didn’t know what Remy might have done to the soup, but he was starved. The kid then took Remy’s bowl and swapped his empty bowl for it. To Remy’s surprise, it worked out perfectly. Though he hope he wasn’t caught because Remy didn’t check before he swapped, but immediately looked towards the direction where the teachers were. Silently Remy whispered with a sarcastic tone “That tasted so good!” He then chuckled a little bit more as he turned towards Shay, “Ah… come on. I warned you it would taste like crap.”

Remy then was starting to look around the table, making sure everyone wasn’t eating the soup. He didn’t know why he wasn’t supposed to eat it, but he wasn’t going to draw attention by asking why right now. All he wanted to do was get out of this cafeteria. He was late for his jog and didn’t want to be any later for it. The good thing about Remy, is that he was sort of a health nut in some cases. He would splurge every now and then, but it wasn’t an everyday thing. So Remy came prepared. Remy brought in a mini fridge that he could store some food in. He also put some food in there to do him for a little while. Though it wouldn't do him for a full school semester, he still had ways of getting food into the school that he and possibly other people could eat. From what he saw on the rules, there was nothing about bringing in foreign foods into the school, which made Remy decently happy. It was a good thing that Remy had a cell phone, laptop, and other various electronics with him along with their chargers.

Leon G
08-10-2012, 02:16 AM
And then...
Current Time: 6:45ish PM
Day: Monday
Weather: Slightly cloudy. Though it gets dark very quickly in West Hills

Gelda wasn’t paying much attention to the students in front of her - they were all the same to her. Brats. Ungrateful little snots that were only good for one thing. Gelda wondered how long it would be until the first foolish victim was killed. Gelda hated when the students killed themselves, or died in gruesome ways. Why couldn’t they be simple idiots and…CRASH!. Gelda snapped her head up to see a student’s bowl of soup fall. She scowled as Cyrus rushed to clean up the mess and Daphne reappeared with another bowl of soup. As soon as Cryrus had appeared, he was gone. Daphne set the bowl in front of Cece, giving her the slightest of nods, letting her know that she did well. Daphne looked at Gelda giving her an apologetic smile and a shrug, as if to say “What can you do?”

Ugh. Gelda had enough of these snot nosed brats. She stood up and clapped her hands together. “I have some things to attend to, so I shall let dinner end half an hour earlier.” A small cheer went through the cafeteria, deepening Grelda’s scrowl. “You can stay or leave. I don’t care. Just be in your damned rooms by 11, lights out at midnight. I don’t want to see a single girl’s ass in the boy’s floor and vice versa. Don’t give me bollocks about nowhere else to ‘’hang’’ because this place is pretty damn big. Maybe you br- students could go to the library and open a book for once.” Sending a withering glare around the cafeteria, Gelda took a deep breath. Then she gave them all a smile and said in a sickly sweet voice, “Remember my lovely students, the basement and attics are a no-no. Wouldn’t want any…accidents, now would we? Have a fantastic night.” With that she stalked out of the Dining Hall, disappearing into the Mansion.

Soon the other teachers followed suit, except for Trina. She waked over to a male student with a purple hair. Daniel. “I just looooove your hair,” she purred, running her fingers over his tips. Surely such a hairdo meant this kid had money. “I’m Trina - your Art teacher. Tell me,” she sat beside the unsuspecting student, “Do you like…” she pulled something out of her chest, “Cards?” Her eyes floated to another male student, Dave "What about you, sweetheart?" she purred, once more.

08-10-2012, 02:26 AM
She huffed angrily and pivoted on her right heel. "I see how things work around here…I’m obviously not worth anyone’s time. Off to hide in my room, I guess. Not sticking around for dinner.” She said slightly annoyed, upset, and sort of beginning to build a low tolerance for the boys of West Hills High. She decided to sit in the dining hall anyway-getting lost seemed to be high up on her ‘Most Frequent Situation’ list. She set her face as to show boredom and slight annoyance, looking somewhat like a toddler who didn’t get their way. Much worse, you cover-judgers. Her own mind, however, was having a mental breakdown on the inside as she took a step towards a rather full table.

“Don’t sit there!!” The little voice, Nicki, she had named after a few long conversations said in her head.
“Well why not?” She questioned her. The few people who had been sitting there, mostly female, were laughing loudly, and chatting about boys of their house. Apparently, there were a few “cute” boys in each house. Parts of names she caught were Shayne, Dave, Daniel, Remington and James. One of the ones who looked like a total, well, girl, made a discussed face.

“Gross!!” She shrieked. “Shayne is so...dark. He fits in with the school-not a good thing.” Her voice was high-pitched and very annoying. Must have been dropped as a baby. A lot. That is the most annoying voice ever. She smirked to herself before the continued on with her reasoning. “And he is almost all black, I bet he would go with everything. And something is just so wrong about him.” Her squeaky voice froze when she had realized that a confused glance had been thrown in her way by non other then Shayne.

“That’s why.” Nicki pitched in, smirking and eventually bursting into uncontrollable giggles. When she calmed down, she raised a confident finger towards where Shayne was sitting. “Sit there, it’s almost empty. They probably won’t even talk to you. You can sit until people file out and go unnoticed.”
Jack shook her head quickly and laughed lightly. “No way, I was just standing by those girls and I’m not going anywhere near him.” She retorted mentally, happy that Nicki’s face began to consider the fact.

“Still,” She started while urging her muscles over. “They both seem really nice.” Jack struggled to keep her feet planted on the floor, before finally noticing that there was a second boy. He didn’t seem so eye-popping, sitting next to the black blur of hair. Her usually open, blue eyes turned to daggers towards Nicki as she stiffly walked away from the girls’ table. Her stride eventually became smooth and more natural, her face turning cheery despite her mood.
She slid on the far side on the table, as far away from the two boys as possible. She kept her eyes down on a purple bracelet sitting on her wrist, her eyelids completely concealing her icy blue eyes. She didn’t glance up when she spoke, in the general direction, not caring who the questions was aimed at.
“Hope you don’t mind…” She mumbled nearly silently. “But I’d rather not sit somewhere…crowded.” It took every being in her fiber not to say ‘with annoying girls who already picked out names’. She felt that ‘crowded’ seemed much kinder.

Beginning to fumble with a hole in her shorts, Nicki told her to look up and become part of a conversation.

“Well don’t sit there like a retard. Talk to them!!” Nicki was more of a girl then Jack, always urging her to buy fancy make-up and nail polish. Walking through a store was also very hard without Nicki’s voice chiming up. ”Cute boy five o’clock!!”
Jack mentally shook her head, not moving at all on the outside except for her constant fiddling with her bracelet. “Every time I listen to you your wrong…what difference will this make?”

Nicki growled angrily, glaring at Jack and suddenly disappearing. Jack searched her mind, very confused on where she went. “Okay,” Jack huffed annoyed. “Be that way. Two can play at that game.” She ignored any remarks that filled her mind, throwing everything Nicki said in the past out the window.

It was an often occurrence, one would upset the other and the other would attempt to play the ‘silent’ game. Though in the end one came forwards and apologized. Jack’s empty head got very lonely very fast. Plus, when Jack forgot something Nicki had all of the answers.

The headmistress’s voice suddenly filled the hall.

“I have some things to attend to, so I shall let dinner end half an hour earlier.” A small cheer went through the cafeteria, deepening her scowl. “You can stay or leave. I don’t care. Just be in your damned rooms by 11, lights out at midnight. I don’t want to see a single girl’s ass in the boy’s floor and vice versa. Don’t give me bollocks about nowhere else to ‘’hang’’ because this place is pretty damn big. Maybe you br- students could go to the library and open a book for once.” She sent a horrifing glance around the hall. Then she gave them all a smile and said in a sickly sweet voice, “Remember my lovely students, the basement and attics are a no-no. Wouldn’t want any…accidents, now would we? Have a fantastic night.” With that she stalked out of the Dining Hall, disappearing into the Mansion.

Jack finally looked up curious, her icy blue eyes reflecting Shayne’s face. Her lips parted slightly as she blinked, curiosity sparking her interest. What would she do now? Go up to her room and be a bum? Didn’t sound very fun, sounded dead awfully boring. So the other boy must be to her left, and her side vision quickly confirmed. Too bad, it would be much harder to avoid Shayne’s prodding eyes. He must have seen her near the group of girls, watching them with interest and glancing in his way at the wrong moment. Like when an innocent man walks in on a murder moments before the cops show up with blood everywhere over him and the murder weapon in his hands.

08-10-2012, 03:02 AM
Cec’s eyes widened when she heard that she had spilled the ‘stew’ on someone’s shoes. She turned her attention towards the voice, “Oh god, I’m so sorry!” She exclaimed, until his face lightened up a bit. She was relieved. “I meant to tip the ‘stew’ but I’m sorry I got your shoes.” She said quietly and air quoted the word stew. “I mean it can loosely be called stew, and I prefer my food to actually have some semblance to edible.” A smile lifted her face a little. “I’m Cecelia by the way,” she introduced herself and grabbed some napkins. She kept her hands busy cleaning up her mess. At least she didn’t have to eat the odd looking ‘stew’.

When a second bowl of stew appeared in front of her she cringed, there was no way she was eating it now. That was when the headmistress made her announcement that supper was done. She let out a happy sigh. “I’m gonna go,” she said to the group. “I still have some unpacking I want to get done.” Cec waved at them and got up. She wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. She made her way up the flight of stairs that lead to her new home. Before entering she put on the sweater she packed away in her messenger bag. She opened the door and cold air hit her causing goose pimples to cover her skin. This room was just plain creepy. She left the door propped open with a chair and went about unpacking her clothes. The uniform she decided to wear was grating on her nerves.

She grabbed a pair of blue flannel pants and an oversized purple t shirt and went to her washroom to change. The room wasn’t that bad, a little old fashioned but as long as it worked ok-ish she didn’t mind. She decided to keep her quartz necklace on for the time being. After she had changed she started on another bag, this one contained her ‘special’ items. There were a few tarot decks she used for different purposes, a collection of different sized crystals and of course her iPod and docking port. That was the first thing she really set up, she turned the music on low, the upbeat sound brightening the atmosphere a bit. She smiled and danced a little as she set up her crystals on a dark purple crushed velvet scarf on her dresser. For good measure she put a few pieces of tumbled white quartz in a bowl by the door and went about unpacking her things.

08-10-2012, 03:25 AM
“Yeah, I suppose you did warn me” Shayne said as he tried to swallow down the last of the Stew. It really didn’t taste like anything a human should be allowed to eat. He smiled at Cecelia when she spoke, her apology was new to him, he made it clear he wasn’t mad, right?
“I know, this food tastes like vomit, and looks...well...like vomit..” he said. Nice. Well played there, Shayne, Real creative. “I’m Shayne, good to meet you”
”Gross!” some girl whined over another table. The pure shrillness of the sound caught his attention. The group was a clan of girls, perfectly painted with makeup thick enough to get a chisel through. “Shayne is so...dark. He fits in with the school-not a good thing.” The girl said. Shayne pulled a face. A face torn between “Crazy-slut-gossip-whore-say-whaaat?” and “Those Bitches!” which made for a very unpleasant look. He scoffed and went back to eating his stew. He then realised that it tasted vaguely of arses, so he couldn’t even eat in anger. God, life is a bitch. He instead decided to take a napkin and scoop out various chunks from the bowl, and try to establish what they were.
“Shit, I think That’s a tooth!” He said, poking a small, white object, and indicating to Cecelia. The thing did look tooth-like, but then he sliced it in half with a spoon with ease, and it oozed a clear fluid. “That is repulsive.” He said, pushing the bowl away from him, and plopping the spoon in with the gooey tooth.
” “And he is almost all black, I bet he would go with everything. And something is just so wrong about him.” the girl added. This got him thinking, what with his now lack of distractions. What if everyone thought that? What if Remy thought he was just another Emo kid who needed attention so they didn’t kill themselves? Oh hell!
Just at that moment, an eccentrically dressed girl sat down beside him. One of the bitch-queens from across the room. “Hope you don’t mind…” The girl said. Shayne looked up from the table to look at the girl. She was looking down at her wrist, and not at him. “But I’d rather not sit somewhere…crowded.” huh, maybe she wasn’t made of scum then? He shuffled in his place, and subtly shifted closer to Remy. Huh. Remy smelled good. Better than the Stew, anyway. A mixture between Boy and Man. It was like he had been exercising, but not full on working out. Well, when your’re gay, and spend P.E with other guys, you pick up on these things. Woah, better not focus on That smell, could get weird. Gah, What is his problem today? Ugh, okay, distraction, ah, yes, The girl.
“No problem” Shayne said simply. Rude, why was he being rude? He should be chatty and helpful, welcoming and polite, but no. Maybe he was too dark?
Shane let a lot of things pass through his head. Why were the students separated so distinctly? What would his lessons be like? Why was his stomach turning slightly? Does that fly think he can get away with eating his stew? “Fine, eat it.” He said to the bug. “It’s cool, Tastes like vomit anyway” he didn’t know what to expect, maybe some form of Fly response? “But just this once, okay? Next time,” he held up his hand “you get the swat!” he smiled to himself. Oh, he was doing it again, but this time, he’d play on it. Acknowledge it, maybe it’d help. “I’m so weird” he laughed to himself.
Shayne didn’t speak to her again until the holy mother of all that is sickly and awfully dressed spoke up. She spoke of a curfew, and of her errands, but frankly, all he was thinking was “Why doesn’t she just...go and do her errands rather than bother us?” He groaned at her words, she sounded like she needed to get some, or else she would be consumed with self-loathing. Ugh, what a buzzkill she was. Right, back to reality, and the potential to have some fun before he actually ate himself for amusement.
“Hey, Remy, Do you fancy going out somewhere? Maybe to explore, You all can come too if you’d like” He added, indicating to all of the guys around him, then turning to Jack. “Even you, If you don’t find me too ‘Dark’ to be around?” he said, an element of mockery in his tone, to show that he was partially hurt by what they had said. It’s funny, Back at home, he’d never be speaking to strangers like this, it just didn’t happen. He was the quiet one, the one who moved around, always the new kid.

08-10-2012, 03:42 AM
Remy heard some of the things the girls were saying about Shay. Remy thought to himself “What a bunch of bitches!” Remy didn’t care if girls gossiped, but to where other people could hear it and putting other people down? It was just down right unattractive to Remy. He then looked at Shay as he knew he heard the remarks. Remy thought Shay was a cool guy, so it didn’t matter what a few girls said about him. When it comes to getting to know people, Remy never did listen to other people and found out himself how they were.

Remy then looked over and he saw one of the girls come over and asked Shay’s permission to sit. In all honesty, Remy thought it was a pretty low blow to talk about someone, and then sit by them. What the heck do these people think they’re doing? Isn’t it obvious that he heard you? Remy kept thinking about the whole situation. Remy looked at his empty bowl and only thought of what possessed Shay to actually eat this… crap.

“Hey, Remy, Do you fancy going out somewhere? Maybe to explore, You all can come too if you’d like” He added, indicating to all of the guys around him, then turning to Jack. “Even you, If you don’t find me too ‘Dark’ to be around?” he said, an element of mockery in his tone, to show that he was partially hurt by what they had said. Remy laughed as he heard the mockery out of Shay. “I gotta hand to you bud, you’re getting cooler every second I know you. But yeah, I love adventure man. I really need to stretch my legs and exercise.” Remy said as he got up and looked around at the others. “So what’s it gonna be guys? Gonna sit here and do crap, or have some fun before we have to be ordered to our lairs… I mean rooms?” He said with a smile on his face, putting his arms out a little bit.

08-10-2012, 04:17 AM
James sat and watched as everything unfolded. The girl spilling the muck on, Shayne's if he was correct, shoes. The stew being replaced about as fast as it was spilled, and the strange nod given to the girl. How interesting. He just sat and listened to everything happen. Then the great harpy declared she was leaving and everyone could stick around until eleven. Oh ya. Something about this is not good. He took one last look at the horrid abomination in a bowl and disposed of it. He found it hilarious that so many others went to great measures to dispose of theirs, yet he did nothing and ended up scot free.

He overheard Shayne talk about an adventure with another boy, Remy if James was correct. He considered it then laughed. You know! Tis wise not to seek out trouble, less trouble find you first! Oh, and my first stop would be the restroom to vomit that muck from your system. Better as bile than as stomach acid. Just a word from the wise. It was more than he originally meant to say, but he could find that he had more to say the more he spoke. It was a strange feeling he was not familiar with and did not enjoy.

He walked out of the dining hall. Perhaps the moon is shining bright tonight. He walked over to a window and looked at the moon. he then got the erge to put his card in front of it. He took out his joker and placed it in front of his vision of the moon. For an instant, he thought he saw something. It shook him up a bit but not to badly. He looked back at the moon one last time. The moon. The light in the darkness, the gaurdian of the world. I dont even understand myself anymore.... He just stood there, looking at the moon.

Heir of Void
08-10-2012, 07:17 AM
Looking up to see a scantily clad woman who owned the sultry voice, Dave responded with a polite "No thank you, Miss. I'm more of a gambler in the mornin' though, the head bein' clearer and all. If you're kind enough to offer it then, I'll gladly partake." he finished with a competitive grin, before once again lowering his view back down to his lap.

The lady seemed nice enough, but he had seen enough back-alley games to know how a con worked. Casinos numbered pretty highly in nearby Phoenix, and Tom took him along whenever he tested his luck. However, being only a teen at that time, Dave had been denied admittance. Didn't really matter though, because down the street a short way there was always some sort of alley, patio or garage match going on for the four types of people who didn't make it in casinos. The young, the homeless, the cons, and the young homeless cons-which were basically just street-smart frat boys- and although this particular lady didn't look like she was crashing on the third couch any time soon, Bro got the distinct feeling it would be nothin' but trouble if he tested his luck at a hand this late.

Glancing around a little, he noticed an incredibly cute young lady quietly sitting beside him, holding a small slip of paper marked with cyan ink. +1 to her awesome score already.

"Hello. My name is Samantha, but please just call me Sam. Less of a mouth full."

Dave's amber eyes brightened a little and his mouth curved up into a grin, happy in a sad way that he wasn't the only one being left out of the prime conversation. Turning to her, the grin had blossomed into a warm smile of genuine elation.
Absorbing her features through the bright amber of his eyes, his statement had shown through that she was indeed very cute, with short brown hair similar to that of a pixie-cut, and soft grey eyes reminiscent of a calm storm, kept at bay by fair spring breezes. Her skin was as soft as her eyes, unmarred by any imperfection, and with a color that could only be described as the richest creme. She seemed left out though, and wanted to introduce herself just to someone just as much as Dave had.

"Hey there, Miss," Dave stated in an interested but quiet tone, "I couldn't help but notice they were leavin' you out of the conversation as well. Would you like me to get them to calm down a little bit so you can join in? My name's Dave by the way." As he spoke in a pleasant tone, his voice projected the two things on his mind: 1. The obvious idea of calming down the loud group to let Miss Sam introduce herself, and 2. An open invitation of friendship, or at least to be acquaintances.

As for the invitation of adventure through the halls of a supposedly haunted mansion, Bro half expected Scooby-fricking-Doo to pop out and lead them through.

08-10-2012, 08:02 AM
Before long there was a group of at least ten familiar faces around him and he felt a tad bit more comfortable, but he hoped that everyone who had listened to his warning would actually take heed and dismiss the stew. Sadly, as he sat there and listened to everyone talk, it became apparent to him that he had forgotten to introduce himself. When asked what his name was, Daniel smiled and responded rather sheepishly.

“I’m Daniel, but my dad calls me D.A. You all are welcome to call me either.”

He attempted to bury his face as if he were shy, but to no avail. The boy beside him, whose name he found to be Shayne was extremely cute, in fact all those around him had quite the sex appeal. They all looked as if they had stepped out of a magazine or something. Still smiling, Daniel would join in on conversation discussing bits and pieces of his history, but he never discussed his mother’s death or his parents’ divorce. That was still a touchy subject and he’d rather not show weakness. When the headmistress dismissed everyone from the dining hall and walked out, Daniel’s face turned serious and he looked at everyone.

By this time, one of their teachers, Trina, came strolling up. Thankfully he was done talking by the time she sat down. She was very appealing to the eye, but Daniel was not into her type and simply shook his head when she ran her hand through his hair. He accepted her compliment and he complimented her on her rather revealing outfit. Daniel simply smirked and turned his attention to memorizing faces and names and finally when he thought he’d memorized and matched names with faces, he tried addressing someone by their name.

“Shayne is it?” He began but was interrupted when another girl came up and began talking about not wanting to sit at such a crowded table. Daniel said nothing for the rest of the time they were in the dining hall.

Shayne asked if anyone wanted to go on a sort of adventure around campus. Daniel thought that this would be a great way to get to know everyone. He was about to speak when Remy spoke up and included himself in the adventure as well as inviting everyone. Daniel smiled and nodded.

“I’m up for an adventure,” he said, his hair blowing in the breeze, even though there was absolutely no breeze. His hair had that type of effect. His hair seemed to sway and flap elegantly as if wind was blowing. He waited until Trina left, and began speak, “but I think we should get the cook alone and talk to her,” he began quietly, “she told me not to eat the stew because it would make me forget. I don’t know about you all, but I wonder what they want us to forget. Look, I[m in room 306, if anyone wants to talk come find me, but be careful, the last thing I want is for someone to get into trouble. I’m going to go check some things in my room and I’ll be back to partake in this adventure you two have planned.”

08-10-2012, 02:25 PM
"I think we should get the cook alone and talk to her." Daniel began quietly. "She told me not to eat the stew because it would make me forget."

Gina looked at him, gathering and regathering her ginger hair over one shoulder nervously. Thinking back to the cook's troubled expression as she served up their meal, she suddenly felt very uneasy. A school where the staff tried to poison their students on the first day set a new benchmark for ridiculous, but then again three months ago she would have said the same about ghosts and possession. She was struck by a vision of Yv where she knew it was not her, but Them smiling out at her from behind the young woman's eyes. Don't think about that. she told herself, shivering with a sudden sense of cold. A part of her still wondered if they weren't all on the receiving end of some well-rehearsed Fresher's prank, the teachers playing on the spooky reputation old schools like this one generated. And yet...

She was being paranoid and she knew it, but if it was just a prank, then she needed to find out now. Otherwise she might never sleep again.

"I'll do it." she whispered to Daniel and the others. "I'll meet up with you guys later, yeah?"

She pushed her untouched bowl towards the centre of the table and swung her legs over the bench to stand up. The fact that several of the guys had already forgotten about the stew and were talking about exploring the grounds made her feel like even more of a paranoid idiot, but she stood up and began threading her way through the tables, her boots striking soft taps against the stone floor. She spied Daphne as she was heading back across the hall and moved to intercept her.

"Um, excuse me." she said as she caught up with the woman. Daphne looked up with a slight start, her eyes having previously been fixed stoically on the floor as she walked. "Sorry. I heard the headmistress say you were the nurse. Well, I've just been recovering from the flu the last few days before I came here and I've run out of painkillers. Do you have any ibuprofen or anything kicking about?"

To Gina's surprise - and relief - Daphne's nervous expression melted into one of concern. "Oh dear." she said, "Is it bad?"

"Just aches and pains." Gina said, "But it makes it hard to sleep."

Daphne nodded, frowning sympathetically. "Come with me, I'm sure I've got some upstairs."

She led Gina to her small office upstairs, which had medicines laid out on wooden shelves exactly like an old-fashioned apothecary. Once she was sure they were alone, and while Daphne busied herself rummaging through jars, packets and green first-aid boxes, Gina gently closed the door behind her.

"I was wondering." she said, trying to think of a way to phrase it that wouldn't sound stupid, and coming up with nothing. "Downstairs just now, you told us not to eat your stew. Why did you do that?"

Heson Shadowbane
08-10-2012, 02:31 PM
Sam glanced up as someone began to adress her. At his offer to call down the group enough for her to get introduced, she clapsed her hands together, mouth open and shoulders slacking as if in a sigh of relief as she nodded. She then picked up her pen and jotted down a few more words on the paper with a small smile."Its something I'm getting used to. Hard to introduce yourself when you can't say who you are."

She gently tapped her throat after setting the pen down, trying to strike home a bit her saying being unable to say things. She pushed away the untouched stew, the hospital food looking many times tastier than that. It was then she didn't even directly answer Dave's question in writting and decided to remedy that. "That would be wonderful if you could do that Dave." She paused a second, listening to the others talk about meeting the cook who was also the school nurse. She thought about mentioning that she could probably easily meet with her, buy then she'd have to talk about the burns. The fire. The burning smel of her flesh as she twisted and wri--- She quickly shook her head, banishing the thoughts from her head.

08-10-2012, 02:33 PM
“I gotta hand to you bud, you’re getting cooler every second I know you. But yeah, I love adventure man. I really need to stretch my legs and exercise. And cue the heart blobbing out of your chest, Shay. Okay, gather your breath back. Breath. Breath. And we’re good to go, other than the blush creeping up your neck, but move along, and you’re sure not to draw attention to yourself. Because you’re good at that, Shay!
“Thanks, Man..You’re quite the...” Stop. Not “Hottie” Think...Manly..Badass... yeah. “...Badass!” but don’t say it in an American accent you spazz! Ugh, move on.
“I’m Daniel, but my dad calls me D.A. You all are welcome to call me either.” The boy with the warning said.
“D.A it is!” Shayne said with a geeky little smile. He coughed and stretched backwards, clicking his spine as he did, oh the sweet relief. He nodded as he listened to D. A speaking “I’m up for an adventure,” The boy said to them. His hair was...stunning, it fell about his head and face as if it were a waterfall with the consistency of spider silk. At closer inspection, the hair lead to his eyes, which were an incredible green shade. And his clothes were a bit too tight for him, but he knew this tactic well, not that he had the body to pull it off, but he had friends, and they had all tried to be woo’d by some hottie in muscle-revealing clothes. Come to think of it, a lot of people (Yes, even the girls) had a brilliant sense of beauty among them, it made him feel a smidge inferior, what with his depressingly dark hair, currently in splayed out spiked at the back, and falling just above his eyes in a sweeping curve-like fringe.
“but I think we should get the cook alone and talk to her, she told me not to eat the stew because it would make me forget. I don’t know about you all, but I wonder what they want us to forget. Look, I’m in room 306, if anyone wants to talk come find me, but be careful, the last thing I want is for someone to get into trouble. I’m going to go check some things in my room and I’ll be back to partake in this adventure you two have planned.” Shayne nodded.
“I think that’s a good idea. Let’s all head back to our rooms, anyone who is coming, meet in the hallway of your floor at quarter past seven, and we’ll set off on our exploration.” Shayne said. He pushed the bowl even further away from him and stood up.
”Oh, and my first stop would be the restroom to vomit that muck from your system. Better as bile than as stomach acid. Just a word from the wise” A boy said. Shayne hadn’t caught his name, but the sound of his voice made him cringe a little. He wasn’t one to judge, he hardly had any right too, but this seems far too formal. He decided he had two choices. One, Ignore the boy and form a rival like in all the cool tv shows, or, he could make the boy his new project, like Galinda in the musical WICKED. He decided on the latter, he knew he was sure to make more enemies as his sexuality arose, People often hated gays, why? Religion an ignorance, or a combination of the two.
“Thanks, man, but I hate being sick, almost got a phobia of it, nah, I’ll just wait until it makes my body reject it itself” he said, but then he thought that this boy, with all his knowledge, might actually be right. “But I probably should... Remy, I’ll meet you outside my room?” he asked, before pushing away from the table and setting off. He almost tripped up his own feet as he walked away, feeling like he was being watched. Watched by his new friends. Score.
Approaching the restroom, Shayne began thinking about his current situation. He had made two definite new friends, Remy and D.A. They were both brilliant guys, Remy seemed more friendly and accepting, but that was probably only because he had known Remy first. Then he pondered the name Remy, was it short for something? Rem..No, he couldn’t think of anything. Then he started thinking about unicorns and marshmallows.
Then he started to throw up into the toilet after sending two fingers to the back of his throat. He felt it coming up, an he felt fear in his stomach. The one thing he hated the very most about being sick, is that you can’t breathe. It was a horrible, fearful feeling that set Shayne into a state of fear for the next few minutes, which he hoped would die out after he had met the others. Tears rolled down his face and dripped into the toilet basin, as he finished bringing up the stew. He flushed the chain, and left to go to his room.

He took the stairs, up the three flights of stairs it took to get to his room. The corridor he was in was a creamy caramel colour, and paintings of some important people were hung on the walls. The doors had intricate golden numbers on them “3-0-9” He found, and twisted his key in the lock.

He got out of those awful clothes instantly. He threw them off quickly so he was in nothing but his underwear before trudging over to his suitcase. He pulled out a long-sleeved shirt and tight purple jeans to match. He smiled as he felt them on, feeling more comfortable now. He looked at the clock. Seven. He decided to play his guitar while he waited.
Shayne had no confidence in himself, as you might have noticed, so he never, EVER plays infront of other people. He began strumming some simple chords. Cadd9 and G, and began singing along to a song called “Birds” by Kate Nash as he played. Shayne did have a good voice. It was by no means star-standard, but he could definitely had gotten gigs to perform with, but he just hadn’t the confidence. He continued playing the slow, yet sweet music of his favourite, green and black sunburst guitar (which he had named Carlo) and felt more at ease, more relaxed.

((I'm only gonna make Shayne play songs on the guitar that i can play, 'cuz then I know i'm not making it up, haha))

Leon G
08-10-2012, 06:29 PM
And then...
Current Time: Nearly 7
Day: Monday
Weather: Very Dark outside, starting to drizzle.

Dining Hall - near Daniel and Dave.
Trina's eyes lit up as Dave spoke of promises of future gambling. "I look forward to it," she said, her voice naturally low and sultry. "Have a nice night," she said, tucking a piece of hair behind Dave's hair. Satisfied, she walked away, her hips swinging, not even acknowledging Daniel's turn down of her offer. She left the room, dropping a gold ring. Before anyone could stop her and tell about what she dropped, she disappeared into the Mansion. The golden ring lay on the ground, reflecting light off of it's shiny exterior, grabbing the attention of anyone nearby. The ring had found it's way near Rozaria's foot. The ring was composed of two snakes intertwined with ruby eyes. The eyes seemed to glow, giving the illusion that the snakes were looking at Winter.

Outside the Dining Hall, near a window.
West Hills was known for it's ghosts and spirits. Students frequently reported ghost sightings, and it was because of these ghosts, many students went insane. The problem with the ghosts was when it's dark, the ghosts aren't as transparent. Because of this, the ghosts would tend to come out at night, pretending to be students. And some ghosts even had the ability to touch, feel...and take. Some used that ability for evil. Luckily for James Connors, the ghost he was about to meet just used it for pranks.

As James was gazing out the window, lost in his thoughts, suddenly something - James wasn't sure what - swooped down from the ceiling and snatched up the Joker card that had been on the windowsill.

"A Joker card? Just for me? Couldn't be more fitting, hehe!" the boy said, tucking the card into his pocket. The boy had a gray cap o top of a red bandanna on his silver hair. Despite his 'street thug' look and scar of three lines on his face, he looked mostly friendly. He could easily be a student - if he wasn't floating 3 feet off the ground.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Tom," the ghost said with a grin, "I'll tell you a riddle - but don't get it wrong! You want your card back? Well that's too bad! Tell; what do people do when happy - but mostly when sad? Here's a hint, since it's your first time. Children do it after they whine. People do it at funerals, wedding too. Now I believe you have some answering to do." With that, Tom floated up the ceiling, grinning at James as he disappeared, leaving the card floating in the air. "In addition the losing the card, if you don't get this right, then sorry my friend, but it'll be your last night." Tom sang from his invisible position in the air, making the card move about.

Nurse's Office
Daphne froze when the girl brought up the stew. Then she relaxed and let a smile slip onto her face. "Oh, so the boy warned you?" Daphne mused, mixing some ingredients together in a bowl. "Well how thoughtful of him. You see dear, most of the students don't have the stomach for that stew. I wouldn't want you children getting sick." The lies came out easy and relaxed. Daphne scraped the contents into a cup, filling it with hot water. "Drink this. Your pains will melt away," Daphne said, handing Gina the drink. "You'll just forget your pains ever existed."

08-10-2012, 06:47 PM
Narissa mumbled shyly to herself as the girl looked away, thinking she was being blown off until she realized that the girl was making gestures. With a blank, expecting face she felt more doe-eyed than ever, as she tried to make sense of what the girl was saying.

"You and I, room? Oh! we're roommates!" she exclaimed, as if the turn of the key had suddenly made sense of it all. Then, feeling suddenly aware of how offensive she must be, trying to play verbal charades with a girl who she only assumed to be deaf, promptly shut up.

Stashing her suitcase into the bedroom, she was too flustered to focus on the details, or the fact that there was only one, although rather large, mattress. Thumbs in her pockets, she gave a small shrug before taking in her roommates directions. Smiling and nodding her head, she kept her lips pressed firmly together and trailed behind the girl.

She felt herself already shying away from the girl, if not only out of fearing for acting foolish around her. The longer the silence lasted, the more she over-thought and the greater the tension, if not all imaginary. Her questions increased, although greatly trampled beneath humility, and then a sense of inner-selfishness for making things harder on her roommates, kicked in.

It was as if all of her uncertainties and concerns of the new school had come to focus, certain that her delayed-reaction of betrayal would surely be brought upon this girl. She lowered her eyes as they entered lately the new cafeteria and more attention was brought onto them, but was overwhelmingly relieved when the Headmistress began her speech.

With all other eyes averted she was given a few minutes to collect herself and put on a brave face. She smiled at her roommate when she was turned, before trying to get her eyes to focus on the note that was nudged before her.

"Hello. My name is Samantha, but please just call me Sam. Less of a mouth full."

Call me.

Giving her a curious look, she pushed the legal pad away an inch and racked her mind for her small vocabulary of signs, from freshman year. She'd taken the class purely to poke fun at the school and as a slight rebellion against her handicapped, but hadn't continued past the first semester. With that and freshman year being deemed the "Green Year" due to her friends discovery, and peak, of their favorite pastime, she'd hardly learned the basics, and was kicking herself for not paying more attention.

Shaking her head to clear her mind, she pointed to the girl and then pointed to her ear, to sloppily ask if she was deaf.
Smiling down at the serving bowl before her, she grimaced almost immediately, having cut beef from her diet years before. She took only a few sips before losing interest and sliding the bowl away and taking the pen in hand. She scribbled for a moment, in a modest but edgy script, before pushing back the note that now read, "Narissa. Nice to meet you."

08-10-2012, 07:18 PM
After she mostly finished unpacking, Cec decided to check out the balcony off her room. When she opened the door she cringed. It wasn’t the nicest place in the world, the paint was peeling and spiders were spinning their webs in every nook and cranny. “Won’t be using this all that much,” she muttered and closed the door to the balcony. The cold air in the room was getting to Cec making her shiver. She quickly grabbed a orange sweater from her closet and wrapped herself in it. She padded across the chilly room in a pair of neon green fuzzy socks. When she looked in the mirror she couldn’t help but laugh, she was wearing an enormous amount of horribly clashing colours. “I look like a clown,” she said with a grin and undid her braids. She quickly piled her hair on top of her head in a messy bun and looked through her jewelry box. She wanted to make sure she had packed a good assortment of useful trinkets. She pulled out a small skeleton key and opened the ornate jewelry box.





Cec has quite a few of these because she keeps losing them.


Cecile ran her hands over the different pieces she had brought with her and their meanings popped into her mind. Most of the jewelry she brought with her was iron based and hand crafted. The quartz stones were the most powerful, versatile multi-purpose healing stone, particular regarding self esteem, focusing energy and cleansing negative energy. Jasper was used by gemstone therapists to heal mental stress. It is said to aid in grounding, to give protection, and to help align all the chakras and balance yin-yang energies. Opal was believed that opals clarify by amplifying and mirroring feelings, buried emotions and desires, including love and passion. Opal is said to aid in visualization, imagination, dreams, and healing. And finally, her favourite, aquamarine. In folklore, aquamarine was believed to protect sailors at sea, and prevent seasickness, as well as other types of stomach ailments. Aqaumarine is believed to aid in releasing anxiety and fear, to help relaxation on long journeys, give insight and perception when dealing with people, and give protection. Aquamarine gemstones are also credited with aiding in mental clarity and meditation. This is also Cec's birthstone. With a smile she chose a couple of the thin iron rings for each hand and closed the box.

She decided it was time to explore a bit, she grabbed her messenger bag and decided on the library. Cec left her room and locked the door, she put the key in her pocket. Quickly and quietly she made her way down the old staircase and into the library. Inside it was amazing, beautifully unique bookshelves and old books. It was a beautiful haven for Cecelia.

08-10-2012, 07:19 PM
Jack's jaw dropped. She flashed her icy blue eyes at the other boy, her eyebrows raising and her face saying it all. "You think," she started. "You think I was part of them?" She laughed as she looked back at Shane. She stopped laughing immediately. Shaking her head vigorously, she took a deep breath and closed he eyes.*
"Nicki, if your planning on coming back and helping now would be wonderful..." Her voice was pleading, inside her head of course. Huffing, she opened her crystal clear icy blue eyes. "Those trashy sluts mean nothing to me, therefor I wouldn't even spare a greeting with them. *The only two people I have talked to have all been boys, and none of them have been...very...conversation carriers, and your not very helpful right now..." Her voice trailed off as she huffed and looked down back at her bracelet.*

She found herself rather upset, that's about four, including the other boy who sat at the same table. They all had a quick, sucky conversation.*

But it was when Shayne began to bring up an adventure, she was interested. An adventure sounded nice-maybe some of the other people at the table next to them would be able to carry something; wether it be an awkward stare or an actual conversation. *That'd be nice. Glancing back up when he mentioned her, she rolled her eyes. "Count me in. I'd rather not have to do it alone." She glanced to Remy. "As long as you don't think I'll gossip about anyone." She smiled as she pushed herself off of the table, having regarded his claim to meet up at around seven. After closing the door to her room, she gasped sharply. It was pitch black, no joke. She swallowed hard as se cautiously padded across the invisible floor, before ramming her own body into the balcony door. "Crap!" She exclaimed, leaping backwards and clutching her left hip. She wondered if the moon was big enough to shed some light on this room. Flinging open the door, she quickly used her hand to shield her eyes from the white light. Smiling to herself, she turned on her heel and froze. The light simply, well, ended. Right before it leaked into the dark room it simply ended. The room remained pitch black.*

Grabbing the door handle, she pushed it back closed and felt her way around the large room carefully. Shutting the door leading to the hallway, she rubbed the back of her neck. "Guess I won't be needing anything.." She sighed before beginning to pace back and fourth, in search of Nicki. Jack was bound to say or claim something stupid with her own mind in control. *Nicki still had no intention of making an appearance, so screw that.

08-10-2012, 07:53 PM
"Oh, so the boy warned you?" Daphne mused, mixing some ingredients together in a bowl. "Well how thoughtful of him. You see dear, most of the students don't have the stomach for that stew. I wouldn't want you children getting sick."

Gina's hope evaporated about the same time as the nurse's too-long pause, to be replaced with foreboding.

"Oh, okay." she said, hoping that her own discomfort wasn't as painfully obvious, "Just a couple of them were worried about having to go without their tea."

Daphne scraped the contents into a cup, filling it with hot water. "Drink this. Your pains will melt away," she said, handing Gina the drink. "You'll just forget your pains ever existed."

"Thanks." Gina said. She raised the ceramic cup to her mouth, clamped her lips shut, and swallowed spit.

Hoping that would be enough to satisfy Daphne, she forced herself to walk calmly out of the office and back to her room, the pleasantly warm cup feeling like it was burning her hand. Only when the door was safely shut and locked behind her did she tip the cup's contents down her bathroom sink and double up over the basin, breathing fast and trying to slow the violent hammer of her heartbeat. She scrubbed her mouth with the back of her hand, imagining that she could still feel the drink tingling on her lips.

What the hell was the nurse's game? She had to tell the others. It took her a good five minutes to calm down to the point that she thought she wasn't going to immediately rouse suspicion, but after that she picked up her coat and headed back outside, hoping that the others were still downstairs.

Outside in the corridor, Jack was pacing up and down outside her room, a faraway look in her pale blue eyes.

"Jack!" Gina hailed the other girl softly, "Are you okay?"

08-10-2012, 10:09 PM
While Jack was pacing, she heard her name called from down the hall, looking up briefly and pausing from her pacing, she registered who it was. Gina, if she was correct. Jack furrowed her eyebrow and huffed quietly. "Well, I'm not exactly sure." She inquired softly, her gentle and sweet voice accented with slight confusion. She stopped as Gina came closer, her pale icy blue eyes sparkling with grey in the light. She reached her arm out and opened the door to her room, gesturing to the pitch black darkness. "Look at the balcony..." she whispered, glancing towards where the moon's white light simply ended before it touched the room's dark curtain.

Stepping into her room, she flipped the switch and looked up at the black area where the light should generate from. "It worked earlier." she tried to find Gina's face in the darkness and quickly failed. "I can't see a thing." She whined quietly to herself. Forgetting about Gina's presence, she bit her lip and began to wonder in small circles. She sang quietly to herself, the words not eligible, but beautiful sounding either way. Her voice sounded somewhat like a mixture between Alison Krauss and Martina McBride. An interesting mixture, but pretty all the same. She continued to stroll in a small circle as she mumbled an ineligible song.

08-10-2012, 10:14 PM
After Daniel finished introducing himself, telling complete strangers he’d go with them on an ‘adventure’ and charming those around him, he politely stood to his feet after pushing the vile stew away and smiled. He dismissed himself and made his way back to his room. Strange things were going on at this school, but he had a feeling that by the end of this school year, he’d know more than he should. Sighing as he made his way up to his room, the stairs feeling familiar under his feet. When he reached his room, he stripped of his clothes and looked at himself in a full body mirror. He wasn’t conceited, but sometimes he liked viewing himself in the mirror. Was that really a bad thing to want to see what others saw? Smirking, he ran a hand through his hair and played with the tips before deciding what he would wear.

Looking through his choices, he finally settled on a simple turquoise tank and a pair of black sweats and a pair of tennis shoes minus underwear. Of course he accentuated the simple outfit with a necklace and a bracelet. The earrings he had on earlier still adorned his ears and glistened in the light of his room. This simple outfit would have to do for this little adventure he’d be taking with Remy, Shayne and whoever else. Smirking, he released his hair from the ponytail and made sure everything fit well before walking out of his room and locking the door behind him. He had read the rules, and he knew that the phoenix house wasn’t supposed to venture into the falcon house and vice versa, but he was eager to get this adventure started.

Making his way silently and stealthily over to room 309, Daniel walked softly towards the door of Shayne’s room. He knocked on the door and waited, though he could hear music emerging from the cracks in the door. A smile crept onto his face. Daniel liked music as well, and he wondered if Shayne liked performing as much as he did in front of crowds. Knocking a little louder in case Shayne didn’t hear him the first time, Daniel leaned against the wall across from the room and put earphones in. He enjoyed listening to all types of music, and his inspirations ranged from many different artists, and different genres.

08-10-2012, 11:09 PM
The song slowed increased slightly in Volume as Shayne felt himself lose himself in what he was playing. He then realised that there was a foreign sound... the sound of his door knocking.
’oh Fuuu!’ He thought to himself, what if someone heard him playing? Gah, he wouldn’t think about it. He raised the Guitar strap away from his body, and lay it on his bed. He quickly looked at himself in his full body mirror. He looked... well, he looked like Shayne, and that’s how he liked it. “right, time to answer the door now. “ The second knock rattled through the room. He turned to the door, and twisted the handle, and opened the door to show the culprit.
Oh my...To his pleasure, he saw that Before him stood D.A. He was wearing black sweats (which Shayne could overlook) and a turquoise tank. Now, this he liked. The shirt was lovely and small, showing D.A.’s arms. He had to really force himself not to stare. The necklace around D.A’s neck was pretty, and it suited him well.

“um..” Shayne said, And coughed. “Hi, Come in” he said, as he stepped back, gesturing to the room in general. He left the door open, and kept it there by grabbing his school shirt and chucking it by the door. He sat on his huge bed, and patted it to invite D.A to sit with him. “So, I’m starving..” he said with a laugh. He felt a lot more comfortable around D.A than he did with Remy. He was less likely to make a prat of himself. “I’ve been sitting here playing my guitar for a while, I only just heard your first knock, sorry” he said with a grin. He then forced his stupid face to return to it’s normal position. His eyes couldn’t help but wander to where the shirt lung to Daniels body, highlighting him in the dim light of his room. He blinked a couple times and looked away. He needed some sleep, or a distraction, or Ice cream, or anything.
“Do you play anything?” he asked, trying to move

08-10-2012, 11:29 PM
James stared at the moon for a bit when he was "interupted". A boy came from seemingly nowhere and took his joker card. "A Joker card? Just for me? Couldn't be more fitting, hehe!" He was floating! He was really floating! "Let me introduce myself, my name is Tom," the ghost said with a grin, "I'll tell you a riddle - but don't get it wrong! You want your card back? Well that's too bad! Tell; what do people do when happy - but mostly when sad? Here's a hint, since it's your first time. Children do it after they whine. People do it at funerals, wedding too. Now I believe you have some answering to do." James stood there fairly stupified. "In addition the losing the card, if you don't get this right, then sorry my friend, but it'll be your last night."

Then James realized everything. He was the ghost of the prankster who died. Not only that, but the ghost stories were real, and this was probably the way so many students died. "It'll be your last night." It was his first night! So, your Tom. I have heard about you, if any ghost you were the one I wanted to meet. My name is James, but perhaps we should not be too formal. The answer is cry, if I am correct. I expected better from you! If I am wrong then take the card, the joker serves no perpose other than to fool! So am I right or not?

Heir of Void
08-10-2012, 11:39 PM
"Its something I'm getting used to. Hard to introduce yourself when you can't say who you are." Sam responded, followed by a short pause before answering "That would be wonderful if you could do that Dave." By this time though, most of the table had drifted off somewhere else, and she had begun scripting to a dark-haired girl with enticingly pale skin.

The best course of action Dave could think of at that time was just to apologize and fire up some of his characteristic optimism. Waiting for a break in which the two were passing the small pad, Bro finally got his chance, saying, "What the hell, they all just drifted off somewhere. I'm sorry I couldn't stop them in time, but at least we have a whole year to get to know each other and all. I would offer to walk you back, but you know the rules. 'Sides, looks like you've got a pretty good friend already. Ciao!" Grinning, Dave pushed in his chair and waved goodbye over his shoulder as he exited the large hall, leaving the handful of students behind.

Retracing his way back through the grim hallways of dampness eternal, the worn pair of cyan converse making a steady rhythm on the hardwood that was lain on each side of the middle carpeting, the drummer finally made it back up to the third floor. To the right were the dimmed corridors of Falcon house which held the violet-haired guy from before: Daniel. To the left were the brighter (but still obnoxiously dark) rooms of Phoenix.

Remembering that he had absolutely no idea where the 'adventure' would be taking place, Bro would need to find out from someone that had actually paid attention to the conversation. So, instead of heading back to his room to finish construction of his sleeping quarters, Dave trod up the staircase to the right, ancient wood creaking slightly underneath his feet. Before he could reach Daniel though, the boy was let in to someone's room, leaving the door wide open and letting a brighter shade of light spill into the dark corridor.

Stepping alongside the worn carpet, the blonde reached the front of the doorway, his grey pants accented by the bright cyan of the high-tops which were now almost shining in the new-found light. Inside the lit room were two boys: The first was Dan, clad in black sweats and a turquoise top, and number dos was who he barely remembered was Shayne.....or something.

Standing awkwardly in the doorway for a few seconds, Dave spoke up, Texan accent holding strong. "Pardon my askin', but do you two know where this whole 'adventure' thing is supposed to meet? I don't really take kindly to the idea of wanderin' 'round these halls at night when I could barely see in them during the day." Leaning up against the sill waiting for a reply, Dave's fiery amber eyes remained locked on Shayne's own storm grey iris, firmly implying that he would leave both of them alone once his question had been answered.

Leon G
08-10-2012, 11:40 PM
And then...
Current Time: Sometime between 7 and 7:30
Day: Monday
Weather: Drizzly

Outside the Dining Hall - Near a Window
Tom reappeared and let the card float down to James. Along with the card, Tom floated to ground level. "You heard of me? That's no surprise. I suppose I'm great in human's eyes. But to want to meet me? I'm turning red! Never have I heard that...said. I gave you one easy, but the riddles will get harder. And more valuable things, I will have to barter," Tom said laughing. "I like you James, here's some advice. Ol' Mattie can be as mean, as he can be nice. When the clock strikes 8, he is nice no more. So when the 8 bell rings, avoid the 5th floor."

With that Tom flew back up, disappearing through the ceiling. He had heard from the other ghosts that there was a girl with tarot cars, and Tom wanted them.

08-10-2012, 11:49 PM
The door opened and there stood Shayne dressed in a long sleeve shirt and a pair of purple tight fitting pants. Daniel’s eyes met Shayne’s and he examined Shayne’s face for a few moments taking in the piercings before moving down his body and then stopping before moving again all the way to Shayne’s feet. He hoped Shayne didn’t catch him eyeing him as if he were a piece of meat or something. Smiling, Daniel watched Shayne as he invited him into his room. Speedily, but cautiously, he entered into Shayne’s room and stood near the door. He didn’t want to overstep any boundaries, but when Shayne patted the bed, Daniel strode over and sat silently beside Shayne.

The room was nice, but it was very different from his room. He wondered if the bathroom was also different, but a door stopped him from viewing. He noticed out of the corner of his eye Shayne staring at him a bit. He was probably staring because of the tank clinging to certain areas, or it could be the fact that he decided to go commando, but Daniel didn’t mind.

“I’ve been sitting here playing my guitar for a while, I only just heard your first knock, sorry”

“Oh, it’s fine, I actually loved the sound. You have skills,” Daniel replied as he caught Shayne once against looking at his body, especially the places where his tank clung. Smirking, Daniel leaned back a bit, resting his body’s weight against his elbows, giving Shayne a better view.

“Do you play anything?” Shayne asked.

Daniel smiled and sat up before clearing his throat.

“I play the piano pretty good, and I do sing,” he replied.

He looked at Shayne and couldn’t help but want to touch his skin, or see how soft his lips were, or play with his piercings.

“But when you look at them….” Daniel began, his voice sultry and soulful adding a bit of soul into the lyrics of the song, “……And you see that they're beautiful” He paused for a bit and looked into Shayne’s eyes. He stared into Shayne’s eyes for a bit before continuing, “That's how I feel about you!” He did a slight run and closed the gap between he and Shayne. Before he could stop himself, he had planted a soft kiss on Shayne’s lips. He quickly realized what he had done and moved back.

“I’m so sorry,” Daniel said, “I’ll just…………..I’ll just wait in the hall.”

It was then that he heard another in the doorway of Shayne's room.

"Pardon my askin', but do you two know where this whole 'adventure' thing is supposed to meet? I don't really take kindly to the idea of wanderin' 'round these halls at night when I could barely see in them during the day."

Daniel turned to see that it was Dave, or at least he thought the stranger's name was Dave. He did recall him or someone calling the stranger Dave, so theoretically that would serve as a basis for his reason in calling the stranger Dave. Daniel nodded.

"It's supposed to be going on in about ten or twenty minutes," Daniel stated as he turned to Shayne, "I'll be in the hall."

With that Daniel slowly moved pass Dave and positioned himself in the hall, a slight ways from Shayne's door.

08-10-2012, 11:57 PM
Rozaria's expression brightened as the head-hag dismissed the students with obvious annoyance in her voice. She didn't really talk much, but listened to the murmurs of the others who were getting along smoothly. Almost none of the students drank the bowl of poison, except for one guy that already had its murky contents in his mouth. Rozaria was curious about what would happen next; if it made you forget like D.A. had said, why? This school was certainly unique to try to make their students forget about even coming here in the first place.

When the students around Rozaria started the idea of adventuring the halls of the haunted high, the first words that came to mind were 'Hell' paired up with 'no'. She would see everything soon enough, and so far, her room was about all she wanted to take. Well, maybe the other parts of the school aren't as bad... Rozaria pondered the thought for a moment, and decided to explore it as well. Of course, it would be by herself or just one other person; she disliked traveling in big packs. If you don’t fit in at the slightest, your voice can get swallowed up.

“As much as I’d love to explore, I have things to take care of,” Rozaria said as she pulled the strands of her snow-blue hair in a high ponytail, and accented it with an aqua-coloured, floral clip that matched the colour of her eyes. Even in an up-do, the length of it was still noticeably long, ending just above her waist. “Later.”

Just as she was about to leave like everyone else, Rozaria caught the glow of golden ring near her foot. Two snakes made the base of it, intertwined with each other, with blood-ruby eyes that felt almost alive. It gave Rozaria the heebie-jeebies, but she picked it up anyway despite knowing very well now that things here were never what they seemed to be. As for the ring, Rozaria predicted that it could be one of those tokens that you could never get rid of, no matter how many times you toss it or destroy it. But who knows, maybe it was a good thing and could bring fortune, though that was hard to believe. Rozaria wrapped the item in her palms, and made her way up the stairs as her heels clicked with every step.

"This goes here... And that should go there," Rozaria muttered her actions to herself as she unpacked her things, holding her horde shirts to stuff in the drawer. She never liked drawers, everything was stacked and sometimes, the thing you wanted could be deep in the compartment and under a dozen of other things. So, she kept each drawer only half filled, with all the items easily in reach. For the rest of her clothes, which were a lot more than the amount she had brought out, she left them in her suitcases; they were better than the drawers. After unpacking every other thing from the cardboard boxes; her art supplies, computer, lamps, accessories, make-up and such, she darted back to her many suitcases and one drawer.

No, Rozaria wasn't one of those superficial girls that changed her outfit every hour, but she felt the need to after being in the presence of the head-hag and all the other teach-freaks, plus the shitty stew. She would've taken a quick shower too, but she wanted to avoid the ancient washroom as much as she could. Slipping out of her current clothes, Rozaria took a long look at the stock she brought here, realizing that most of it looked like what a spy in the movies would wear. After a minute or so she decided on a black, v-neck tank top and a black lace top with a white necklace over it. Changing quickly into a pair of dark, slim jeans and back into the same heels, she exited the door.

"Old and drab like everything else," Rozaria started touring the library on the first floor. Everything looked like they were dyed in sepia hues, greys and dusty browns, with some occasional dots of colour. But in a room that looked grim, bright colours stood out, meaning Cecile. She wore bright, vibrant, neon colours that almost glowed in all the shades of neutral. Unlike Rozaria, she seemed deeply interested in the books.

"Hey, Cecile right?" Rozaria remembered hearing her name in the hall or dining room, but that didn't matter. "I'm Rozaria, or Winter. Call me Winter though," Rozaria introduced as a familiar, deja-vu sort of feeling hit her. She probably introduced herself to people already, but she didn't care to remember. "You're in Falcon... About two doors down from my own? Yep, pretty sure. Have you checked out the balcony yet?" Rozaria managed a chuckle as her hands squeezed the gold and ruby token that she snatched before she left her room. Gosh, she hated introductions. They were awkward, since it really wasn't favourable to make a bad impression.

08-11-2012, 12:32 AM
"Hey, Cecile right?" Those words brought her back to the real world and away from studying the beautiful books. “Yep, I’m Cecelia, but Cec is much easier.” She smiled at the Winter as she introduced herself.

"You're in Falcon... About two doors down from my own? Yep, pretty sure. Have you checked out the balcony yet?" “Yep I’m in falcon, the most drab colour combination for school uniforms ever.” She thought of her current attire, she probably stood out pretty bad, “Mind you the everything else isn’t all that great either. Hey by chance is your room supremely colder that everywhere else,” she asked. “Or maybe it’s just mine, I need about three sweaters just to keep from freezing in there.”

She unconsciously ran her fingers over her quartz pendant, there was an odd vibe coming from this girl. Or it could just be a random free floating odd vibe passing by. “I got pretty bored so I decided to check out some more of this place, been anywhere interesting yet?” She asked curiously. Cec noticed Winter was fiddling with something in her hand but decided not to bring it up. “I was just about to do some exploring if you wanted to join me.” She smiled hoping Winter would agree. Exploring alone was kind of boring.

08-11-2012, 12:40 AM
James stood in a bit of a daze for a while. He remembered what the ghost told him. "You heard of me? That's no surprise. I suppose I'm great in human's eyes. But to want to meet me? I'm turning red! Never have I heard that...said. I gave you one easy, but the riddles will get harder. And more valuable things, I will have to barter," Tom said laughing. "I like you James, here's some advice. Ol' Mattie can be as mean, as he can be nice. When the clock strikes 8, he is nice no more. So when the 8 bell rings, avoid the 5th floor."

James considered what he said. A ghost likes me, that is a new one. Doesnt that mean that he will be back, with harder riddles. If I mess up, I will most likely die. Oh well, no use worrying about it now. Wait, didn't I hear Shayne and his little group say they were going on an adventure. I warned him not to, but when was the last time anyone ever listened to me? Perhaps I should warn him of the dangers. I would rather students not die on day one. And with that he was off. He went up to the boy's rooms and looked around.

He saw Daniel walk out of a room. From the looks of it, he was embarrassed. If he was correct, Shayne and he were homosexual, from the way they acted. That would make sense. He walked down and went to the door he walked out of. He looked at Daniel and asked if it was Shaynes room. After a nod he knocked. Shayne, I need to talk to you about the iminant dangers you may face on your expedition! After itall came out, it sounded strange, yet most things he said did.

08-11-2012, 12:55 AM
Jack stopped dead in her tracks. She blinked twice before looking around the darkness. "Wow, it sure is dark in here." Her voice was somewhat approving, as she walked forwards. "Wonder where the door is..." She put her arms out in front of her, flailing them around to look for a wall. She stumbled backwards and clutched her right forearm. "Found the door." She claimed through her teeth, swinging the door open, and stepping out into the empty corridor. She smiled, closing the door behind her. "Oh yeah, now I remember!! To the boys floor..." She skipped to the elevator, pressing the '3' button and humming to herself as the elevator jolted upwards.*

She briefly lost her balance while the elevator gently eased to a stop, before smiling as the doors smoothly slid back and revealed the boy's chamber. The corridor was very similar-with a less feminine set up. She strolled down the hallway, getting occasional confused glances thrown her way. As she crossed to the Falcon house rooms. She noticed a door sitting open. She peeked her head in, her light blonde hair falling to one side as her head sat sideways. Two boys sat on a bed, one of them obviously Shayne. She smiled lightly as her eyes blinked twice.*

She was about to open her mouth and say something, when the other boy slid closer to Shayne and kissed him quickly on the lips. Jack's pale icy eyes widened as she pulled herself back into the hallway. "That's not what I was expecting." She watched Dave enter as the other boy came out; obviously trying to escape that awkward conversation that was sure to follow. She smiled at him, not a difficulty, and gave a small wave.*

"Hi," she started kindly, "This the right place...?" Her voice lingered in the air.

08-11-2012, 01:11 AM
Shayne flushed a vivid shade of red when Daniel said that his guitar skills were good. He didn’t like compliments, he was convinced they weren’t true, so he then believed they were lying, but he couldn’t help the warm glow of his face.
Shayne felt his eyes move, following the stretching of D.A’s torso as he leant back onto his elbows. Jesus! Shayne was a total Pervert, wasn’t he.
“I play the piano pretty good, and I do sing,” D.A had said. Shayne smiled.
“Wow, I never got the piano, I tried, but all i can get was When the saints go marching in” He said with a geeky giggle. Ah, there it was, the giggle again. Shayne felt the need to keep his eyes directly on Daniels. His deep, Green eyes.
And then, Daniel began singing The song. The song Shayne had just been playing. He felt a surge of warmth in his heart, his voice was like sweet chocolate to his ears, it as beautiful, hypnotic. It was like Shayne was being drawn towards Daniel, Like they were getting closer...
No..they were, D.A was leaning in towards him. No sooner than he had realised this did Daniels soft, sweet lips press against his. At first, Shayne was shocked, but then the tingling in his chest made his eyes close, and as he was about to return the kiss, he felt the lips part from his own, and D.A looked back at him with a horrified look.
“I’m so sorry,” Daniel said, stuttering a little, and looking horribly ashamed of himself. “I’ll just…………..I’ll just wait in the hall.” He said, before rushing out.
“D.A Wait..” he said, but it was too late, he had gone to talk to the newcomer in the doorway. Shayne sat on his bed, His thumb and index finger gently pinching and pulling his bottom lip in confusion. Did that really happen? Had D.A really found Shayne attractive? It was hard to nderstand. And now he was sitting on his bed, looking like a total plum while D.A was socialising. Shayne blinked a couple of times, before he got himself a bowl of man the fuck up, and left the room, locking the door behind him.

He greeted the new boy. He picked up that the boy’s name was Dave. He smiled at him. “Hey, Dave, yeah, I think We’ll be off just as soon as Remy arrives” Shayne smiled, feeling his now red face ease into a soft pink glow. “I’m Shayne, Pleased to meet you and all that” he said with a warm grin. He leant back against his door like some skeezy cool-guy stereotype. All he needed was for his hair to be slicked back, and a cigarette. Classy.
He then realised that quite a large group of people had appeared outside of his room. They must have seen that he and D.A had just kissed. Oh shit, now he hasn’t one anything for his stereotype, has he? Fan-fucking-tastic.
Hen James spoke to him, warning him of the dangers. Ah, James. The Project. “aw, Come on, dude, lighten up, I know this place is kinda creepy, but you can’t believe all the stories, the biggest problem here is the rats. Or the cooking” he laughed. “Or perhaps being used as the replacement for the stick that is somehow wedged in our headmistresses arse” he giggled.
“Yeah, This is the right place for the super adventure squad!” Shayne said, making a peace sign with his fingers, and holding them towards the sky with a cheesy smile. “We’re waiting for Remy” he said with a grin. “What’s your name?” he asked, turning to her, and avoiding D.A’s Attention. It’s not that the kiss was bad, or that D.A wasn’t hot, but he had only just met him, y’know and he had been seen by the others and...Okay, Stop it Shayne, think happy thoughts!

08-11-2012, 01:27 AM
James always carried an emotionless expression. No happieness, anger, humor. But this time was different. He dawned an obvious look of irritation and caution. You listen to me Shayne! This is no fair warning. this is a promise, if you go there, YOU WILL DIE! I dont know how, and I dont know when, but may god help your soul! This is me trying to help another human being for the first time in my life, but obviously Im wasting my breathe on an imbecile! Go to your death if you are so willing, but do not call my name as you lie dieing on the ground of some god forsaken territory! You can burn in hell for all I care!

For the first time since childhood, James had honestly tried to help someone. For the first time he cared enough to try. And for the millionth time, he was treated like a mental patient. Im tired of being called insane! Of being told Im wrong and a fool! Go then, I hope you die! And for the first time, he felt pure rage. He did not like the feeling overwhelming him. He stormed off, not caring anymore. He thought he could make a difference for once, help someone. But he was wrong, again he was ignored and others would suffer for it.

08-11-2012, 01:40 AM
"Cold, yes. But I don't mind it. In fact, I like the cold a lot more than warmth," Rozaria paused, "Thus the name, Winter. It's quite a coincidence really; it's my middle name, and I grew living up to that name pretty well." A small smirk surfaced as Rozaria listened to Cec. Partner found, but hopefully the girl didn't go around inviting others. Rozaria herself didn't give a crap to the rules Gelda gave out, if she wanted to go to the guy's floor or the attic or basement, she'll go.

"Honestly, I'm hat- disliking all the rooms I've been in so far, especially the balcony." Rozaria gave a small shudder to exaggerate the disgusting horror of it, but horror was an understatement. "But I haven't been in a lot of places." Rozaria's expression suddenly beamed with a mischievous, almost evil sense that was completely hidden and concealed before. She made graceful steps around the curved walls of the library, her fingertips gently gliding across the wooden edge of the bookshelves. She turned her head, her cold, sea-coloured eyes meeting with Cecile's. "If I want to find interesting, it'll always be in places I can't reach." Rozaria paused for a small dramatic effect. "The basement? Or attic? Or shall we take a peek in the guy's floor?" A giggle sounded from Rozaria's lips that were now in a sly smirk.

Without waiting for Cec to respond, Rozaria shook off the mischievous aura. Cecile probably wasn't like her; daring enough to break some rules. She regained a cool, sweet smile and walked to the exit. "Just kidding," Rozaria said, hoping that Cec would think that what just happened was no more than a dramatic performance. She stuffed the ring in her jean pocket, ignoring the feeling in her that wanted to get rid of it. "I wanted to go see the fourth and fifth floors. Wanna come?"

08-11-2012, 01:52 AM
Cecilia smiled as she spoke about the whole winter/cold pun, maybe her room just had a draft or something. She nodded at the comment about the balcony, “Mine is kind of extremely gross too.” Her gaze went far away for a moment as Winter spoke until her tone changed completely. She snapped back to reality, a shiver going down her spine raising goose pimples all over her skin. Winter’s eyes had a mischievous sparkle in them as she moved about the library. A creepy grace took over the other girl, Cec watched her with a nervous eye.

"If I want to find interesting, it'll always be in places I can't reach." Rozaria paused for a small dramatic effect. "The basement? Or attic? Or shall we take a peek in the guy's floor?" A giggle sounded from Rozaria's lips that were now in a sly smirk. Then as quickly as it appeared, Winter returned to normal trying to play it off as dramatic effect. Maybe her initial assumption of an ‘odd vibe’ was right, Cec decided it would be a good idea to keep an eye on her for now. "Just kidding," Rozaria said, hoping that Cec would think that what just happened was no more than a dramatic performance. She stuffed the ring in her jean pocket, ignoring the feeling in her that wanted to get rid of it. "I wanted to go see the fourth and fifth floors. Wanna come?"

“I wouldn’t mind checking out the fourth and fifth floor,” she smiled her response keeping her suspicions silent for now. Cecelia got up from the chair, her fluffy socks soundless on the old wooden floors. “Sounds like fun.” Cecelia ran a finger over her smooth iron ring saying a silent prayer of protection, she would need all the help she could get.

Heson Shadowbane
08-11-2012, 01:57 AM
Sam gave a what can you do shrug to Dave as he left and smiled at Narissa. She shook her head at her signed question. She couldn't blame the question though. Most people who signed were deaf, "hearing" people by lip reading. She shook her head at the question, tapping her lips and drawing an X over them with her finger. She then covered her mouth slightly, smiling as she mimed a giggle at her.

A quick glance around let her know that they were the last students left in the dinning room and she used this opportunity to avoid the pending "How" she felt forming in Nari's mind. She grabbed her little pad and pen with a smile and stood up. She guestured at the empty room before them before making a walking motion with her fingers. She didn't have a destination in mind right away so she picked the first thing that popped into her head and mimed like she was reading a book. She smiled and shruged questioningly at her as she grabbed her walking cane, making her way out of the dinning room to head towards the library. If Nari followed Sam would sign for her to talk about herself so she could learn a bit about her roommate.

08-11-2012, 03:01 AM
After a moment's hesitation and another doe-eyed stare, she nodded her head, pressing her lips together again to avoid announcing the obvious, "You're mute."

A boy that had gone previously unnoticed excused himself and now aware of her surroundings, she realized that the students had flooded from the cafeteria. She remembered some mention of being excused early, but couldn't grasp onto any particular words that the Headmistress had said and unsure of what to do next, decided to follow Sam's lead.

When her new friend stood up, she felt a sudden uneasiness in the isolated cafeteria. The air seemed to have thickened and the fluorescent lights cast thin, elongated shadows, across the reflective tile. Nodding her head in desperate agreement, she stood up promptly, swung her legs over the benches, and followed alongside her roommate.

"The Library? Sure," she smiled, swiping her hair over one shoulder.

"So, what made you transfer?" she asked boldly as they left the cafeteria. She was prone to do things when she was getting to know someone, if not just to avert the attention away from herself. That was one of the reasons why the socialites of her last school and her had bonded so well, as they adored sharing equally as bold details.

Heir of Void
08-11-2012, 03:30 AM
"Hell, how does everyone know my name already?" Dave false-sighed, continuing with a grin, "Alright, I'll head to my room to get somethin' real quick then. If Rem gets here before I do, feel free to head up. I am kinda sidin' with the guy in the trench coat on this one though, Shayne. Couldn't we just check one floor up instead? It would be quicker to run back to our rooms if we get caught or somethin'. That way we could explore the unknown, and we won't risk burnin' in the depths of hell for eternity." Dave said, trying to compromise with both groups.

With that said, Dave turned about and jogged silently off to his room, laughing to himself a little at how much Shayne had just referenced almost every shounen anime in existence without knowing it. Stepping lightly, leaving not a sound to trace, the Bro-Ninja twisted the gunmetal handle to Room 302 and brushed his way inside. Taking a quick survey of items and surroundings before performing his intended purpose, he was satisfied that not a box or item was out the place it had taken when he had left for dinner.

Moving aside the ripped pieces of box, filled bags, and random junk, Dave finally uncovered what he had searched through the mound of miscellaneous objects for: a small honey-colored pack two feet long and one foot deep. It contained a bunch of the more valuable equipment he and Tom had taken along for the woods, especially the night hikes towards star-spotting peaks and plains. Pushing his hand through the well-sorted goods, it eventually came to rest on a pair of small metal tubes three inches long with a small indentation in front and a small switch to the side. Pulling these out, Dave also produced a flashlight one would find on a posted guard, solid steel construction with a matte black finish to prevent reflection, and small cylindrical plastic-wrapped object with a fuse and a lighter.

If he ever had to escape this school, he already had the supplies to last for awhile....unless you counted food, anyway.

Hiding the honey-colored pack underneath the other boxes of junk, Dave quietly scooped up the supplies and sprinted back to the group, silently closing the door on the way. Another half a minute later, Bro was back before the group of four, equipment in hand. Passing things out was probably the best and most efficient method, instead of hoarding it all to himself. That way, if someone spots the light, it won't be him that's holding it as a beacon to everything around...

Handing the two small metal cylinders to Daniel and Jack, Dave quickly explained what they were as to avoid confusion or misuse. " Alright you two, these little kittens are hunting attachments-Lasers to be precise. These ain't the super cheap red ones neither, they're full green and pretty powerful. Don't shine it in peoples eyes, yada, yada, yada. Honestly I don't really care. Control switch is on the side. Nice colour shirt by the way, Dan." Bro finished, pointing to his own cyan high-tops. He then handed the sturdy black flashlight to Shayne, simply stating, "This is a flashlight. I assume you can use one. If need be, just drop the damn thing and run. It's heavy as hell after all, and can take a wallop." Dave grinned.

Finally, he turned to James, expression slightly optimistic, and asked "Now, will you be comin' to the fourth, or would you like to hang back? I ain't goin' any higher than one floor up, so you ain't gotta worry 'bout the whatever's up on the fifth, alright?"

Secretly, Dave had kept the most efficient of devices in his miniature arsenal: a taped trio of coin wraps packed to capacity with 'poppers', then tied off with an oil-soaked fuse. The lighter was reliable too, so there wouldn't be any "IT WON'T LIGHT!!!1!" moments.
The light and sound of the device would definitely serve as a good escape if need be.

That'd just turn out so wrongly.

Announcing to the whole group to quell any forthcoming questions as to why he possessed this stuff, he simply stated (no texan accent this time, sorry), "To answer any questions as to how I have this junk: I'm a punk......and I collect things. Enjoy it."

Heson Shadowbane
08-11-2012, 03:33 AM
It was a simple question. Nothing special about it. But it made her stumble in her step a bit. The reason stemmed from the fire. The flames, cackling like a evil villain. Engulfing her room. Legs tangled up in her burning covers...

She took a deep breath, using her walking cane a bit more heavily as they continued their walk. She wasn't sure of how to really answer the question without having to talk about... But that detail would be revealed later for sure. They'd be in the same room. Her burned legs would be seen. It could wait till then. The less she had to remember about it the best. A few seconds had passed while the thoughts ran through her head before finally managing to answer. She spelled out hospital in sign language to Nari, resorting to stoping to write the word if she couldn't understand it.

08-11-2012, 04:37 AM
Narissa knew that she'd passed some imaginary line of comfort and withdrew again for a moment, silently punishing herself on one hand, while on the other gulping back a handful of questions. She'd never really paid much attention to the cane, or the fact that she wore pants versus the skirt, but would never think to connect the dots. For all she knew, the girl had a prosthetic leg and they were sticking the misfits together for moral support.

Eyes widening in disbelief, she snuck a side-ways glance at Sam, and within a blink of an eye, her forehead was wrinkled with frustration. She only had a moment of ill-tempered thoughts before regaining a pleasant disposition. Sure, it was a bit of an asshole move, but she wasn't one to point the finger of blame, at what could just as easily be a coincidence. And if not, who was she to complain? She'd spent so little time with people she could relate to, firmly believing that to feel like everyone else she needed to surround herself with normal people, that she'd never given much thought to having someone around that she could relate to.

She refocused on the girl as she began to finger-spell, catching onto a few words as she tried to make sense of it.

H... H-O... P.... and L.


"Hopeful?" she asked aloud, brows drawn down with unease. As they reach the library, she quickened her pace a few steps, before reaching out with her good arm and opening the door for the two.

08-11-2012, 05:16 AM
Jack turned to Shayne, her face lightly blushing. Her eye expression shouted; deer in headlights. She blinked rapidly, before stiffly swallowing the lump in her throat. She pushed a lock of blonde hair out of her pale eyes. She searched her mind again for Nicki.

"Jack," she mumbled quietly, her eyes searching for something-anything-to look at except Shayne's face, especially his eyes.

If there was one thing that she remembered, it was how easy her eyes were to read of looked at directly.

"Just Jack, really...nothing to fancy." She shrugged, as she found his eyes again.

Her own self conscience commanded her to ask if he was homosexual, but she thought against it. Glancing quickly in Daniel's direction. She stiffened and looked quickly back at Shayne. Her eyebrows raised slightly and confusion flashed over her face. She felt like an idiot standing there with that expression, so she decided to crack a smile. She smiled her normal, natural dorky smile, quickly dropping it and rubbing the back of her neck.*

"I hear your into music..." She brought up rather rushed. "You sing?" Trying and failing to make small talk, she listened to bits and pieces of the other boy's instructions, and watched another jog off to his room.*

08-11-2012, 03:39 PM
After the Headmistress had called for dinner to begin and the food was passed out, Aislinn didn't get a chance to further talk to Cece. The cards she said she'd turned up greatly disturbed her, though. She would have to find time to talk with her later. When her bowl was placed in front of her, she eyed it suspiciously, sniffing at the contents. Not only did it look all kinds of weird, it smelled off, too. She poked around with a spoon, attempting to identify individual ingredients. She was definitely smelling some strange herbs that should be used in food, unless, of course, you wanted a certain result. Ash felt a sinking in her stomach as a vague idea of what it was dawned on her. Someone down the table warned not to eat it, and no one had to tell her twice. She wouldn't have touched the stuff on her own intuition, but confirmation was nice to have.

Dinner ended blessedly fast, and she went back up to her room, completely ignoring other students. She didn't bother getting her clothes out, there were more important things to do just at that moment. Before she did anything else, she took out a small ceramic bowl and a bundle of white sage. With a match, she set fire to the sage, then blew gently on the flame so it would only smoulder. Aislinn breathed in the scent, and centered herself. As she carried the bowl around the room, she focused on purification and protection, she waved the smoke into the corners and along the walls, then around the doorway. While doing this, she felt as if something was prodding at her mind. Looking for cracks in a shield, almost. it was sinister, it was terrifying. She managed to keep her focus and finish the ritual cleansing. She kept the sage smoking though, as a comfort to her.

Ash sat on her bed, nibbling a thumbnail and mulling over everything. The odd vibes she'd been getting, the strange reading Cecile had gotten, the stew that was definitely more than just stew, and now this. There was something here, in this school. Something dark. Aisnlinn was a cautious girl, maybe she was overreacting. She hoped she was, but suddenly, Ash began thinking of her namesake goddess, Morrigan. Perhaps her mother had ultimately been right in naming her after the Celtic goddess of war, death, life, and (Oddly) passionate love. Maybe something had guided her mother in giving her such a name, and knowing all along she'd be grateful for it.

Going through her bag, she found that, indeed, she hadn't forgotten the protective amulet her mother had made before she left. A tiny black velvet bag stitched closed with red thread that she knew contained blackthorn tree bark, vervain, thyme, the feather of a crow, and a small piece of obsidian and carnelian each. These were all things sacred to Morrigan. She slipped the long cord over her neck and tucked the bag beneath her shirt. As a protectress, Morrigan helps bring out strength that individuals didn't even know they had. She prayed there was something in her that the goddess might see that Ash could not.

Ash set up the rest of her things, a variety of gemstones she arranged on her dresser, as well as the bowl still containing the sage, which she'd put out. One silver candle and one gold(God and Goddess) went in one corner of the dresser, orange and yellow ones(Brigid) opposite those, and a red and black candles(Morrigan) in a third corner opposite the orange and yellow. Many of her other supplies (Bowls, cups, cloths, herbs, ect) she stored under her bed in a wooden box she'd had since she was old enough to begin learning these things. There was more to do here, but something was telling her there was more to do out there.

Ash went out of her room, shutting the door quietly behind her. She wandered through the halls, taking stairways instead of elevators (She had never trusted those things), trying to learn the layout of the place. She wished she knew where other students had gone off to, she didn't think it was a brilliant idea to be alone in this place. Making her way up another flight of stairs, she determined herself to be on the fifth floor.

08-11-2012, 03:45 PM
Remy then heard some confirmations about everyone going on the adventures. If it were yes or not, Remy was going to do something either way. Remy was lagging behind everyone else though but with a decently good cause. As Remy saw the others getting ready to head up to their rooms, Remy had just then walked out of the dinning hall, and made a left towards the great entrance. Remy then looked at the door silently as he then pulled out his locket from his pants pocket. It was golden and in the shape of a heart that said “Love You Always” in cursive. He then pried it open with both of his hands and looked at the pictures of his mom and dad. He then quietly whispered “Hey, I finally did it. I made some good friends for once. I hope you know I still miss you guys, but it’s ok. No one has to stay here forever. I just hope you guys are having fun, where ever you are or are going. I love you both.” Remy’s smiley expression then went away and was replaced by a somewhat serious expression as a tear ran down his right eye. He then closed the locket, dried the tear from his eye, and walked around for a moment on the 1st floor.

After a while of walking on the floor and collecting his thoughts, Remy then threw on another smile and began to rapidly charge of the stairs. It was as if he was racing something at the speed he was going. Being and athlete, he cleared the stairs with ease and saw quite a few people standing outside of Shayne’s room where they were supposed to meet. “Sorry guys that I’m late, give me a second and I’ll change super fast!” He said as he passed everyone that was standing outside to get into his room, 311. Remy then used his key, quickly turned it, opened the door quickly and shut it. “Damn, everyone got here pretty quickly. I can’t be the slow one of this group!” He said and he threw off his shirt, shoes, and pants. He then took out he clothing case which contained a lot of sports appearal, and began rummaging through it. “Aha!” He said as he found one of his tight, short sleeved workout shirts. It was an Underarmour brand shirt with the usual U and A logo on the front along the neck. The shirt was then threw on quickly, and it was revealing of Remy’s hard, defined, athletic trained body. Yes, it was a tight fit. “Hehehe, who’s that sexy beast in the mirror… without pants…” he said as he almost forgot to get some pants. He then pulled out some black, polyester jogging pants. It seemed to match his outfit since they weren’t so long that they gave the wrinkle effect around his ankles, but they weren’t so short that you could easily see the ankles. He then pulled out his trusted white, nike shoes that he loved so much, and slipped them on.

After putting on his clothes, taking less than about a couple of minutes, he made sure everything was in check. He took his locket and cell phone, put them in his pockets, and quickly ran back out the door with his key. He then locked the door before he shut it and let out a “Phew” as he hurried like hell through all of that. “Dang guys, if I must say, that was a quick as hell changing if I saw so myselt.” He said and he began to stretched his arms and waist to make sure he was limbered up, showing every little fiber of muscle that was upon his body. Remy then looked around at everyone towards 309 and said “So, when’s this party going to start?” not knowing of the warning that Dave gave them. He just knew one of them looked like they were about to freak out while some where star struck. Remy definitely thought he missed something, so he jogged over towards them quickly and came to a stop, putting his hands on his hips, looking around at everyone.

08-11-2012, 05:50 PM
"No problem, Dave" Shayne smiled as the boy jogged off to his room. Shayne had every intention of waiting for his return, he would hate it if people had wandered off and left him in this creepy place.
But when Dave did return, he bought with him all sorts of goodies. He gave jack and Daniel a small, metal-looking object each, stating htey were lasers. It then got cooler - green lasers! he wanted a laser! Then, He was offered the large, chunky Torch.
"This is a flashlight. I assume you can use one. If need be, just drop the damn thing and run. It's heavy as hell after all, and can take a wallop." Well, it wasn't a laser.
"Sure," Shayne said, holding the handle-end to his eye, and laid a finger ont he switch "This is the button to fire, right?" He said, pressing the button, and a jet of white light flashed from the bulb. well, it was kind of like a laser.. "hah, thanks dude" he said with a smile "But I was kinda focussed on going to the fifth.." he said, offering the Torch back to his companion.
Shayne was enjoying the company of his fellow classmates. Then, a girl asked if he sang. Jack, was it?
“Oh, I Don’t really sing... I mean, I sing when I Play, but I can’t sing all that well” he explained with a blush threatening to appear, but he managed to keep it down. Then, the argument with James occurred, and it left Shayne feeling genuinely hurt. Hurt and a bit annoyed, what, he didn’t believe in ghosts, he wasn’t being horrible to the kid, he didn’t really deserve that, did he?
Then Remy came bounding up the stairs, and before Shayne could even make some lousy form of greeting, he had darted into his room to get changed. “He sure does like to keep moving..” Shayne thought aloud. He fell back against his door and returned to his skeezy pose. He smiled at his new friends but still avoided eye contact with D.A. Crap. Awkwardness was never good in a friendship.
“Hey, D-“ he began but then he found himself distracted by the sight of Remy stepping out from his door. He approached them, wearing virtually all black, and yet, so little black...
” Dang guys, if I must say, that was a quick as hell changing if I say so myself.” Remy had said. Shayne smiled at him, and laughed feebly. He swallowed hard to try and force the lump that had formed in his throat away. Why did he keep feeling so embarrassed around Remy? He had no real reason to, right?
And then Remy proceeded to stretch his arms out, presumably just for comfort reasons, but Shayne was getting just as much from it. He was glad he managed to refrain from making a sound which would remind one of a deflating balloon. He couldn’t, however, prevent his eyes from tracing the lines of Remy’s body, but he did manage to cough, allowing him an excuse for closing his eyes and looking away, without it seeming suspicious. ”“So, when’s this party going to start?” He said to the group, and Shayne really, really had to work hard to force himself not to say “It just did, In my pants” but luckily, he had learnt self control, and refrained.
“Well, I think we’re all ready to go” Shayne said, coughing a couple times once again to clear his throat. “We could take a mighty old trek to the fifth floor, but the others are a bit...against that idea” Shayne explained, placing a hand on his head and scratching it gently. He realised that this made him look like some kind of gorilla. With lice. He was such a freak. “I say we go up to Fifth, adventure is my middle name!” he cheered, but then pulled a face and added “Actually, it’s Matthew, But I prefer Adventure, gives me a more movie-star appeal” he giggled, yes, he giggled. Joy. “okay, so, those in favour of braing fifth, raise your hand” Shayne said with a smile, raising his hand in the air.

((sorry this post is kinda...Lame, I promise I’ll get better D= ))

08-11-2012, 06:17 PM
Rozaria could see the obvious suspicion in Cecile's eyes, as if she were weird enough to be on the teachers' side. Cecile also fiddled with her accessories a lot, like they were good-luck charms to protect herself from an evil spirit in the room. Honestly, Rozaria just tried to be different from her usual self - which was a lot more evil and trouble-making than one would expect. She tried to be...a plain Jane; a normal, soft-spoken teenager that listens to rules, cares about grades, her looks and whatnot. Clearly that didn't work, since Rozaria hated being a person that seeks no risks or thrills. Plain was boring, end of sentence.

"Guess we should get going now,” Rozaria announced as she took a step out of the opening that led you to the room. "Let's get to the fifth floor first, and we'll go take a look at the fourth floor as we go back down to our rooms." Without checking if Cecile had followed behind her or not, Rozaria galloped up the stairs. She passed the second floor without batting an eye at it, but as she approached the third floor, she poked her head in the halls to get a small peek. It turns out that Jack had got there before her, just standing in the halls and watching the guys do their thing, but with flushed cheeks. And speaking of the guys, almost all of them wore tight, body-hugging things that showed off every muscle they had. Truthfully, they all looked fit to be at some photo-shoot for a large billboard.

Knowing that she'll see them on the higher levels, Rozaria continued up the stairs after the glimpse of the third floor. Not long after, the stairs ended, though another set of stairs to the attic continued after it. Rozaria felt an overwhelming curiosity of those several steps, having to stand there frozen for a minute to push the feeling away. She looked away to the right, and saw doors with golden plates that read, "Math Classroom, Health Classroom," and "Headmistress's Office." To the left were the nurse's office and science rooms. They all seemed pretty boring to venture; they were just classrooms after all.

"Where shall we start?"

08-11-2012, 06:52 PM
"Guess we should get going now,” Rozaria announced as she took a step out of the opening that led you to the room. "Let's get to the fifth floor first, and we'll go take a look at the fourth floor as we go back down to our rooms."

“Yeah, sure sounds fun.” Cec nodded and followed Winter with a smile. It would be nice to get a look at the rest of this place, get to know the ins and outs and maybe get a better feel for the place. She followed Winter up the old staircase, the wood creaked under their weight. After a quick pause to peek into the third floor they made their way up to the fifth floor. This floor housed a few classrooms, the headmistress’s office and the nurse’s office.

"Where shall we start?"

“Want to start in the classrooms, check them out, maybe see if there is anything interesting in there.” She made her way towards the science room with a curious smile. The old door creaked as it opened. Her clear blue eyes took in the room filled with gleaming beakers and strange colourful unidentifiable chemicals. It seemed fairly normal, well as normal as this place could get. The newer science equiptment contrasted with the antique fixtures in the room creating a mad scientist vibe. She didn't turn around to see if Winter had followed.

“So where are you from,” Cecelia called out to Winter trying to get a better feel for her. “How did you end up here?” Her hand went up to her quartz pendant as she pondered what happened in the library. Something about that moment set off warning bells in her head. As she thought Cec got that far away look in her eyes.

"I'm used to live on an acreage a few hours drive from here," she thought about the only place she had felt comfortable, before she had gone to live with her aunt in the city.

Leon G
08-11-2012, 07:58 PM
And then...
Current Time: 8
Day: Monday
Weather: Very Dark outside, starting to drizzle.

Fifth Floor
As the clock struck 8, the bells rang through the school. On the fifth floor the sounds of male screams could be heard coming from the Science Lab, mixed with the screams. It sounded like someone was being slowly tortured. The science door was shut and screams floated from the cracks as the bells tolled. After the bells stopped ringing, the screams stopped, too. But Rozaria, Cece, and Ash had clearly heard the screaming.

A girl in white dress with silver long hair and pale skin, floated through the science lab door. She slowly turned her head and made eye contact with Rozaria.

"You and your friend must leave this place," she said somberly, "Ignore the screams. Leave. And tell the other students not to come here. Including the girl on the stairs." The girl's voice had an ominous tone to it, and she spoke in a warning tone, not an unkind one.

"Let me out! LET ME OUT!" the voice screamed, angry.

"Ignore the screams. Leave," She repeated, her serious silver eyes boring into Rozaria's. She turned and floated back through the door, hoping the student would take her advice.

Main Floor, in front of stairs
Trina was on her hands and knees as she frantically searched for something on the ground. "Tom? TOM!" She shouted, worry seeping into her voice. The ghost liked to hang about the first two floors, and Trina hoped he was the one who had what she was looking for. A few moments later, the ghost floated down the staircase, looking slightly annoyed.

"What is it you need me for? I was hanging about, on the second floor. I found a room full of treasures-" Tom began.

"Enough with the rhymes!" Trina said, throwing her hands in the air, "Did you take my ring?"

Tom looked sullen "No, I didn't take your ring. I wouldn't dare do such a thing." Then realization dawned on him and his face lit up. "Oh someone found it? This should be fun! When they put it on and see what they've won..."

Trina glared at the ghost. "If they found it, they're not wearing it. I want it back. Bring it to me, Thomas."

"I'm not your servant, get it yourself. You can find it without my help," Tom taunted. When he took things, he took them to tease students, not as somebody's fetching-boy.

Trina's eyes blazed red, and she clenched her fist, seeming to grow until she towered over the floating ghost. "Bring me the ring," she growled, her voice turning from sultry, to deep and monstrous.

"I'm going, I'm going," Tom said shrinking back, the fun suddenly gone, "I'll do my best." Tom shot up through the ceiling.

Trina shrunk back to normal size, her eyes melting back to dark brown. "That's what I thought." Turning away she sauntered away, ignoring the looks of a gasping student. She didn't have to worry. The welcome back stew usually did it's job.

08-11-2012, 08:46 PM
"I was born in France, but my family travels a lot because of business so I never had a stable home," Rozaria said in reply to Cecile's question. She never liked describing her family, since every time she was asked, it was because she was the new kid that transferred in the middle of the semester. Rozaria used to just shoot them a glare and walk away, but everyone here was basically new, so why not this time? "I've lived in North America a lot, South America, some parts of Asia and Europe; usually living in hotels. Now, I'm here, though I don't really want to be. My parents threw me in and locked me up in this boarding school because I won't be able to get out. Let's just say that I anger my folks a lot."

Suddenly, a loud, booming scream sounded throughout the halls as the clock stroke eight, and bells chimed through the school. The screams and yells sent shivers down your spine, since it felt like the owner of the voice was withering in excruciating pain, but that was an understatement. The hurt was carried through the vibrations in the air, yearning for someone to release it from the torture.

"Well fuck the plain-Jane act. This is just too good," Rozaria's eyes were not widened in horror like a normal person's would be after the screams and witnessing a ghost float through the wall. She had a sly, Cheshire-like grin from ear to ear, her cold, teal eyes sparked with excitement. Her whole body shook, unable to subdue the desire to pounce at the door and kick it open. Curiosity got the best of her, like usual.

"If you were alive, I'd be friends with you," Rozaria said just about the ghost was about to leave, noticing the ominous feeling the ghost had. She completely threw away the warnings the ghost had given her, completely set on opening the door to the science lab. "I don't know about you, but I'm going in. You might want to leave!" She looked back at Cecile with an artful smile, before taking careful steps to the door in a straight line.

Slowly, Rozaria's hands gently glided across the round knob before getting a tight grasp. Wrapping her fingers around it, she slowly flicked her wrist, turning the object until it reached a stop. With a slight push, the door opened soundlessly, but no more than one centimeter...

08-11-2012, 09:00 PM
Cecelia was violently snapped back to reality when the sound of agonizing screams burst through the room keeping time with the clock’s bells. Cec let out a yelp of surprise and fear at the ominous sound. Her clear eyes scanned the science room trying to find a source, fear cause a chill to creep up her spine. "Let me out! LET ME OUT!" the voice screamed, angry. Then as quickly as it started the noise disappeared, it was as if it was never there to begin with.

“What the bloody hell was that,” her voice was panicked as she went for the door to check on Winter. She pushed the door open and entered the hall, Winter was just outside the classroom. “Did you hear those screams,” her voice was low and fearful. “Are you okay?” Cec’s mind was still reeling with fear. The screams had terrified her, manifesting without warning. But the voices sounded tortured, in pain. It had made her sad, the screams had confused her. She really didn’t know what to do.

It was the excitement in Winter’s eyes that made her wonder what was up with this girl. After hearing those screams this girl wanted to explore the creepy area. She could go right ahead, Cecelia would have nothing to do with it. The situation just reeked of danger. ”I don't know about you, but I'm going in. You might want to leave!" “I’m out of here, I know when not to mess with things, and this just seems wrong.” She paused, hoping that Winter would change her mind. “I’m going to head back down to my room. Be careful” She added in a quiet voice. Her nerves were screaming at her to get out of there fast.

Cec turned away and made her way to the stairs. Before leaving the fifth floor she took one last look at Winter and said a silent prayer for the girl’s safety. Making her way to the stairwell she noticed Ash and smiled wearily. “I wouldn’t go up there if I were you, major bad mojo going on.” She warned Ash hoping she would listen.

08-11-2012, 09:21 PM
The sound of agonized screaming stopped Aislinn cold on her way up the stairs. Icy fingers ran up her spine, cold fear settled in her stomach when she made out the words being screamed. "Let me out! LET ME OUT!" She stood on the stairs, halfway between fleeing down them and charging up them to find the source of the screams. Was it a student? If it was, shouldn't she try and help? But what, pray tell said the voice of reason, Could you do about it? If she was going to help anyone, it wouldn't be all by her lonesome.

Just as Ash had made up her mind to go find someone to help, Cecelia appeared on the stairs, nearly scaring her out of her skin. As it were, she let a small squeak of surprise escape. "So, it's not a student screaming?" she asked, attempting to keep her voice from shaking.

((Meh, short post. :( ))

Heson Shadowbane
08-11-2012, 09:24 PM
Sam shook her head at Nari. She wasn't here because she was hopeful about... Well in a way she guessed she was, but it wasn't why she was hear. Once they got to the library she'd pull out her pad and pen, writing down the word hospital. Even though Nari misread her signing, it made Sam happy that she at least knew enough to misread them.

With the library doors open, Sam handed the pad to Nari, smiling silently. She'd wait until she read the word before pointing at her, puting a questioning look on her face. She was interested in what brought her new roommate to this school, plus it would make her the focus of the question instead of Sam.

08-11-2012, 10:04 PM
"So, it's not a student screaming?" Ash asked Cec. “No nobody was there, I was exploring the fifth floor in the science room and as the clock hit eight these horrible screams rung out.” Cec shook her head as she remembered the eerie scene. “It just sounded horrible, all those tortured screams begging for help. But there was no one there.” She let out a shaky sigh as she recounted the events to Ash. “I’m headed back to my room, maybe stop by the third room to warn the guys not to head up there.” Her voice shook as the fear trickled in, she really didn’t want anyone to get hurt up there. She wished that Winter hadn’t decided to explore up there. “Winter decided she wanted to explore some more, but after what I heard I didn’t really want to stick around.”

She ran her fingers over her pendant, this was quickly becoming habit. The familiar shape and weight in her hand was comforting. “This place gives me the creeps. I’ll be much happier when the school year is over.”

Leon G
08-11-2012, 10:17 PM
And then...
Current Time: 8:01ish PM
Day: Monday
Weather: Drizzling.

Fifth Floor - Science Lab
Even though Rozaria had just barely opened the wooden door, it's squeaky hinges swung open. The ghost who had warned her look at the door with wide shocked eyes.

"No....Leave!" she shouted out raising a hand.

"Rozaria," the male voice that had been screaming said. "Thank god you're here." Mattie Farghbad, the science teacher from dinner, was strapped to a table, his hands and feet bound. His eyes were wide and bright lime green, instead of their usual color. "This ghost tied me down and..."

"Stop! Do not listen to him! He is not in the right mind!" the ghost warned, rushing in front of Rozaria. Of course Rose could simply walk through her, and the ghost had no physical way to stop Rose.

"Rozaria," the teacher repeated, his eyes bright, "Don't listen to her. Or else she might get you next!" He struggled against his constrains. "There's a key on the floor over there," he said, gesturing his head towards an old key laying on the floor nearby. "It'll unlock the chains."

"No...." the ghost repeated, "Don't. I warned you of coming here."

"Don't listen to her!" the teacher protested, "She'll get you next! Help me!"

08-11-2012, 10:43 PM
It sort of like one of those choose-your-own-adventure books. They gave you two choices, with two different outcomes. One lead to possibly the next chapter of the story or the goal, the other could possibly be your unfortunate doom. Well, Rozaria was in one of those situations right now, though the choice couldn't be as easily decided as the book, just flipping through pages and flipping back if you made the wrong decision. Once made, there's no turning back.

"Huh, I'm not sure what to choose." Rozaria paused, letting time drag on as she pondered her thoughts aloud. "Well, the ghost seems like a good ghost, but I hate people who listen to rules 24/7; besides, appearances are deceiving! And the guy strapped to the table looks creepy enough to be some pedophile-murderer, but he is a teacher... Oh what the hay." Rozaria eyed the key on the floor, picking it up. "I just might regret this later..."

She walked towards the table, undoing the chains that bound the crazed-eyed professor.

08-11-2012, 11:00 PM
Aislinn listened to the other students words with a growing sense of dread. Her intuition had been right, something, perhaps everything, was wrong in this school. “Winter decided she wanted to explore some more, but after what I heard I didn’t really want to stick around.”
Ash shuddered. Someone was up there, alone? (Well, not really alone, she guessed) As much as she hated to leave someone up there, Winter had made her choice. From the brief impression she'd gotten of the girl, it didn't surprise her much, either. "Yeah, I'll have to agree with you. I'm getting out of here." she said, turning to go back down the stairs.

But she didn't just want to return to her room with absolutely no idea what was going on. "Do you think there would be any information on the school's history in the library?" Ash called over her shoulder, assuming Cece followed.

Leon G
08-11-2012, 11:06 PM
And then...
Current Time: Early in the 8th hour, post meridian.
Day: Monday
Weather: Raining.

Fifth Floor - Science Lab
"Oh Rozaria," the ghost said. "What have you done?"

As the shackles fell from his hand, Mattie gave a giddy laugh. "Thank you dearest Rozaria! You know, I've always liked Falcon children more than those Phoenixes." He pushed himself off the table, and walked over to Rozaria. "They're goody-goodies. They play by the rules. But you're not like that at all, are you Rozaria?" He gave her a push backwards onto a table. "You're like me. Not quite like me, as my intelligence cannot be matched by another, but similar." His eyes seemed to grow a brighter and brighter intense lime green as he continued speaking. He snapped a chain on Rozaria's foot, then a hand. "You could be more like me. I can help you." He clinked the other foot and hand, working fast. "There. No, no. No need to struggle. I'm only here to help you."

"Mattie..." the ghost said, floating towards the teacher.

"Evangeline," he said angrily, "How many times have I told you? It's Dr. Farghbad." He walked over a cabinet sifting through items, gathering them in his hands. "Evangeline is not like us. She doesn't have what it takes. She is like the other half of me. Weak. Bound by morals. Isn't it terrible that a human would let such a silly thing such as morals stop them in the beauty of science? I used to only test on students - if they allowed me. Oh how hard it was to get a decent experiment in!" Dr. Farghbad walked back to the table, setting several things down. "So one day I was thinking. What if I could rearrange my DNA structure to avoid the feelings of morality? Well, I did. It was quite complex and I had no one to test it on but myself. I felt extreme pain and violent mood swings, but couldn't shake off my good nature. Until the next day, Eva here told me of how I had changed. It turns out the potion did work, but I didn't make it strong enough to last all day. So what I got what a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde effect. A shame." Dr. Farghbad reached into Rozaria's pocket and pulled out the ring, tossing it aside. He made sure no cell phone or electronic device was on her. Satisfied, he poured a lime green serum, much like his eyes, into a needle. "Silly me, I decided I didn't like this side of me. So every night, I had myself bound. Eva agreed with me to make sure no students stumbled upon me in my highly superior state. But luck seems to be on my side!"

His eyes like flashlights, he loomed over Rozaria. "Oh you have promise. So much promise. I have enough faith in you to try two of my latest projects. This one first, you might feel some mood swinging." Using a scalpel to cut open her shirt, he injected a rather large needle into her chest. "Using the same science of certain dead bee's pheromones, I have managed to create a serum that will cause you to come here every night. When the clock strikes 8, the genes shall be active, and you will be drawn to the presprayed unique chemical combination I have here in this classroom." He picked up yet another large needle.

"Mattie!" Evangeline said frantically, "Don't!"

"Hush ghost!" he snapped, "I've waited too long to try this out."

"This is for your own good Mattie! I'll help you Rose!" Evangeline called out before rushing out of the room.

"It's Dr. Farghbad, you silly girl! And it'll be too late!" Plunged the needle deep into Rozaria's chest, Dr. Farghbad cackled with glee. As the potion drained into her, her color seemed to drain. She let out involuntary screams of pain. "And you shall be the greatest experiment of my career! I know my colleagues are no ordinary humans. I'll been collecting their DNA, studying it, trying figure out what they are. What you have flowing through you is the DNA of Vlad, or as you students call him, Mr V! Your precious teacher has something special about him, and soon, you will too!" His voice was dripping with excitement and mania. He took out the empty needle and discarded it. "He said it couldn't be done! He could only kill! But I, Dr. Farghbad have done it! I have successfully merged the DNA of a vampire and a human! You Rozaria, are the first crossbreed!" By this time Rozaaria had fallen into a state of deep unconsciousness, so she did not hear his crazed, nor see that his corneas had grown larger, giving the illusion that his entire eyes were neon green.

The Stairwell and then the Library
The ring, so carelessly tossed aside, had managed to roll out the door, into the hall. Teetering at the top of the stairs, down it fell, all five flights of stairs. Ironically, it fell by Trina's foot, but while walking away, she accidentally kicked it, setting it off again. The ring managed to roll itself to the library, resting at the feet of Sammy. The ring caught her attention, and snagged her interest. It seemed as of the ring was made for her. She couldn't resist her overwhelming urge to try on the ring. "When you get alone, you'll try it on," a voice in her head said. Sammy nodded, and slipped the ring into her pocket, as if being controlled by some invisible puppeteer.

08-11-2012, 11:35 PM
Cecelia was glad that Ash didn’t really want to go up to the fifth floor and smiled in relief. "Do you think there would be any information on the school's history in the library?" Ash had a good point, “Yeah that is a great idea.” Not only was the library pretty much as far from here as possible but maybe they would be able to find something useful. It was then that a scream shattered the silence. This one Cecelia recognized. It sounded like Winter. Cece whipped her head around and peered into the hall from the stairway, her eyes wide in fear.

“Ah hell,” she muttered. She couldn’t leave Winter alone now, not after that scream. She really didn’t want to investigate but not checking on her would be equally bad. “Hey Ash can you do me a favour.” She sighed, clutching her pendant tight. “Could you go down stairs to the third floor and get some help from one of the guys.” She paused a moment, scenarios ran through her head. With such a pained scream to pain the imagination none of the scenarios were positive. “I’m going to check on Winter, that scream had to be her. She could be hurt.”

Silently she mustered up her courage and crept into the fifth floor hallway, heading towards where the scream came from. "Yeah head towards the terrified scream, that sounds brilliant. And in the meantime why not run around blindfolded with scissors. At least then I would know what the dangers were.” Cecelia quietly mumbled to herself as she slowly made her way to where Winter was. Fear was gnawing at her nerves every step of the way.

08-11-2012, 11:56 PM
Another scream stopped her once more, different than the first set she'd heard. She wanted to tell Cecelia to wait until they had more help to go up and investigate, but she was gone before she could do so. She watched her disappear up the stairs, her thoughts racing through her options. Follow Cece, with no back up, and no one that knew they were up there? Or run and get help? The longer she stood here in debate with herself, the more danger Cece and Winter were in.

Ash flung herself down the stairs, her feet hardly touched the wooden boards. She thought she was going to tumble down them she went so fast. She found herself on the third floor in a matter of a few seconds, and sprinted off down the hall in search of the boys Cecelia had mentioned, yelling "Hey, anyone here? We need help!"

After what seemed hours to her, but was probably only a couple minutes, she turned a corner and found a group of people standing in the hallway. Gulping air, she skidded to a stop, her aqua eyes wide with fear, but with a spark of determination. Even if they wouldn't help her, she was going to go back. "In case you didn't hear the screaming," she said, catching her breath, "There's something going on on the fifth floor, in the science classroom, I think. There's two girls up there, Cece and Winter, they need help."

Ash then waited for them to call her crazy, and hoped they'd do it quick so she could get back up there.

08-12-2012, 12:07 AM
Cecelia found Winter on the ground unconscious, no one else was around. She scanned the girl for injuries and there were none. She crouched beside her and put her hand on her shoulder and shook her lightly. “Hey Winter, wake up.” Cecelia wouldn’t forgive herself if something had happened to Winter since she had left her up here alone. As terrible worrying thoughts went through her head her eyes took on their faraway look. Tears had begun to well up in her eyes but she blinked them away. “Damn it wake up Winter.” Cecelia hoped help was on the way because her nerves were getting worse and worse. Her hands trembled as she shook Winter again lightly. ’This is all my fault,’ she though darkly to herself. 'Please be ok.'

08-12-2012, 02:37 AM
"Hospital?" she repeated the written words, looking up at her with her head cocked slightly. "Did you need to be near the local hospital here?" she asked, still wondering why she chose such a sketchy choice of scenery.

The dread was visible on the girl's face, when the question backfired. She hesitated for a moment, not sure if she should kill her first impression right then and there, or how much she should lead on. But with no better excuse in mind and a strong believer that she should always act herself, she sighed and fit a humored frown on her face.

"My mom caught me doing something," she laughed for a moment, brushing her hair back, "smoking, actually. And I guess she wanted to scare some morality back into me, so she shipped me here. She always going to extremes with punishments, because of the whole, 'not letting me off easy just because of my disability'."

"And while we're at it, I lost part of my arm five years ago, in a car crash," she explained rather bluntly, almost admiring the halved limb, of which the end of her orange knit-tee was sewed together, creased back at the cuff to hit the blunted elbow.
Narissa busied herself by proding through a shelf of books, paying no notice to the ring that now remained in her friend's pocket.

08-12-2012, 02:46 AM
Jack nodded slowly before she was handed...a laser? What in the hell would she need a laser? Of everything he could have handed her, a pocket knife, or perhaps a machete, he gave her a laser. Awesome. Shrugging, she pushed the small button which activated the batteries, and sent a laser up on the ceiling. Smiling, she clicked the button again and watched it disappear. She turned towards the group again, listening to the claims of the fifth floor.

She wasn't planning on going up, at first. But when Shayne declared that he was going up alone or not, she felt the urge to go with him. It wasn't like a 'he is cute-go with him' urge it was more of a 'good chance to get him alone' sort of urge. Reluctantly raising her hand, her icy blue eyes looked around. Her small, gentle toned voice rang out.

"What do we have to loose, better know what's up there sooner then later, end the curiosity now." She looked at Shayne, then at Daniel. Swallowing, she looked in a different direction, meeting the eyes of the blonde boy from earlier. So now she was worth some of his time. She looked down and began to fidget with the laser she was given.

08-12-2012, 04:26 AM
Leaning against the wall adjacent from Shayne’s room, Daniel slowly regained his composure as more people began to show up. First Dave had showed up, then James who knocked on Shayne’s door eager to deliver some type of news. Then Jack arrived on the scene. He saw her when he had exited Shayne’s room. Could she have seen them kiss? More than likely she had, and Daniel would have to tread lightly. Though he wasn’t the type to break every rule in the book, he did enjoy breaking a few of them, and for some reason tonight he felt a little adventurous. He smiled when Jack spoke to him, but was worried by the warning James gave. He was about to reply to Jack, but Shayne invaded his peripheral vision and he stood there eying the male out of the corner of his eye.

When he and Shayne’s eyes met, they instantly looked away, attempting to avoid each other’s gaze, and Daniel softly slumped against the wall, listening to Shayne talk to Jack and James. He was mentally kicking himself now, because he just knew that things would only get more awkward between the two of them as time went on. Sighing, he turned his attention back to Jack to reply to her question, but before he could, there was another interruption. This time it was James who exploded on Shayne. Daniel could do nothing but watch and listen in shock as James spoke at a heightened tone. In all honesty Daniel had a bad feeling about venturing to the fifth floor, and now with the warning from James, he was even more nervous, but he wasn’t scared. He was eager to see what secrets this place held.

When James finished exploding, Dave rushed off saying he’d return. This was all very awkward and Daniel could only hope that Jack didn’t think he was weird or rude due to the fact that he hadn’t responded to her question or spoke to her at all. He smiled at her and watched as Dave returned not five minutes later. Dave was quick on his feet, that much was discovered as Daniel observed the entire group. Then Dave began handing out items and explaining what they were and how they worked. Grasping the metal tube like device, Daniel nodded and looked over towards Shayne for only a few seconds before turning his attention back to the ground. He heard Jack’s voice and she was asking if he sang and if he was into music.

“Yea, I sing and I play the piano,” Daniel stated, “I’m Daniel by the way, but you all can call me D.A. if you want. Look I know there is potential for this adventure to turn deadly, but adventures wouldn’t be adventures without some type of thrill and danger. James, I promise I will try my best to make sure everyone makes it back safe.”

Daniel fell silent. He was speaking the truth though. He’d throw himself in front of danger to help someone he’d just met. That’s just the way he was, free hearted and kind. As he finished speaking, he saw Remy walk up. Remy spoke for a bit before falling silent. In all honesty, in his eyes, Remy was quite a tease, and Daniel couldn’t help but watch the rather handsome male as he stretched and moved. His body was beautiful, at least the parts that showed in the skin tight top Remy was wearing. Smirking, Daniel couldn’t help but softly chuckle at the thoughts that were running through his mind. Shayne was very attractive to him, and he was his type. There was goofiness, yet seriousness about Shayne that made Daniel smile. There was a “bad” boy side of Shayne that Daniel wanted to experience in more ways than one. He looked over at Shayne once more and winked before smiling softly, letting Shayne know that he was alright.

Jack began to speak and she made a valid point. Curiosity would win in the end anyway, so they might as well venture onto the 5th floor to see what was going on.

“Let’s go for it!”

The eighth bell rang, and suddenly screaming could be heard, but because they were on the third floor, it wasn't as loud compared to being on the fourth and fifth floor. Daniel looked around to make sure that no one in the group was screaming before looking directly at Shayne with a 'are you sure about this?' look. To make things worse, one of the girls from dinner came rushing up to them flailing, asking for help. Daniel stepped up and began speaking.

"Well what are we waiting for, our classmates need our help. I say we go help them. Ash is it? Can you lead the way?"

Heson Shadowbane
08-12-2012, 04:28 AM
Sam shook her head at the question. She thought that answer would have been a simple one to give without really having the give a reason. Now it seemed she'd have to explain the fire. The choking smoke. The burning hot air. The heaviness on her chest keeping her from getting out on her own... These thoughts flashed into her head rapidly, threatening to send the poor girl into a fit of hyperventilation and panic, when something bumped into her shoe.

A strange looking ring was at her feet, glinting in the light of the library. She didn't want to take her eyes off it. She wanted to reach down and grab it, hold it in her hand, stroke the intricate designs, feel it slide onto her finger so she could admire it upon her hand... It took all her will power to look at Nari to pay attention to her as best she could. The calling of the ring was so powerful that the mention of smoking by Nari didn't cause her to remember the fire again. As Nari talked about and showed off her amputated arm, Sam showed the proper look of concern on her face long enough before her back was turned.

Sam quickly snatched the ring off the ground, grinning and stroking it a bit. She began to move to put it on when something echoed in her head. "When you get alone, you'll try it on." Without even really questioning the sanity of listening to a voice in her head she just nodded and let the ring fall into her pocket before stepping over to Nari. She patted her gently on the shoulder and motioned over to a nearby table. The ring made her feel somewhat brave for some reason, even with it just being in her pocket. She sat down in a chair and motioned for Nari to watch her legs as she pulled up a pant leg slightly, enough to show some of the angry red burn scars. She hoped that would be enough to quell Nari's questioning as her temporary braveness started to dwindle.

08-12-2012, 04:45 PM
"Look at the balcony..." Jack whispered, glancing towards where the moon's white light simply ended before it touched the room's dark curtain.

Gina stared at the light anomaly for a long moment, and stepped slowly across the room to the open balcony door. She held up her hand, and watched it slide from light to shadow as she moved it across the threshold. The uneasy feeling from the nurse's office was back, twisting like a knife in her stomach. She had seen something like this before.

"Can you turn the light on?" she said, turning to look over her shoulder at Jack.

Stepping into her room, Jack flipped the switch and looked up at the black area where the light should have generated from. "It worked earlier."

Gina's heart was pounding now, a memory flashing through her mind. An abandoned asylum outside Austere, with a cracked sign and peeling walls, and rooms that stayed dark even to their torches. Their torches mysteriously going out right before...

"No..." she whispered. "Not here too!"

They had got rid of Them for good, she was sure of it. But several people had died. It couldn't be happening here too, it just couldn't!

"Jack." she said urgently, "I really don't think you should sleep in here. You can crash in my room if you..."

There was a violent bang as both doors suddenly slammed shut, plunging the room into total darkness. Gina's heart leapt upwards into her throat, and she immediately tried to back up against the wall, but instead tripped over something and fell painfully to the floor. She tried to shout out Jack's name, but her vocal chords seemed to have seized up.

"I can't see a thing." Jack whined quietly to herself. Forgetting about Gina's presence, she bit her lip and began to wonder in small circles. She sang quietly to herself, the words not eligible, but beautiful sounding either way.

Gina shuffled backwards along the floor until her back hit what she thought was a chest of drawers. She put a hand to her mouth to try and stifle the sound of her own breathing. Jack's singing, though beautiful, was so incongruous that it frightened her. For a moment, she genuinely thought that one of Them had possessed the other girl.

"Wow, it sure is dark in here." came Jack's voice suddenly, "Wonder where the door is..." There was a thump. "Found the door." She claimed through her teeth, swinging the door open, and stepping out into the empty corridor. She smiled, closing the door behind her.

Gina remained flat against the chest of drawers for several minutes, the knob of the lowest drawer digging into the small of her back, too scared to move. Very slowly, she turned her head, listening. Nothing moved, and there was no feeling of sudden cold. The room seemed perfectly normal, apart from the fact it was pitch dark. Just as slowly, Gina pulled herself up. She struck her knee against something, causing an involuntary curse to escape her lips. Again, nothing moved.

Swearing under her breath, Gina groped her way to the door where she had last seen Jack. Having seen the girl's face as she walked out, she had seen that her eyes lacked Their trademark glitter. Another possibility occurred to her - had Jack eaten the stew? She tried to remember if she had seen Jack eating before Daniel warned them all not to.

Her hand found the door handle, and she stumbled out into the corridor. In spite of what she now suspected she was dealing with, the warm yellow light in the hall was immensely comforting.They had hated the light.

Gina could hear voices upstairs. She didn't want to be alone right now. Her heart still pounding, she left the dark room behind and hurried up to meet the others. She heard sudden screaming, quickened her pace, and ran straight into Ash near the top of the fifth floor corridor.

"What's up?" she asked nervously, "Have you seen Jack? Do you know if she ate any of that stew at dinner?"

Ash told her in no uncertain terms to forget the stew, because Rozaria had apparently been attacked by something and was unconscious, before running past her to find the boys on the 3rd floor. Her sense of obligation overriding her fear, Gina sprinted the rest of the way and found Cece kneeling by Rozaria's limp form.

Gina swallowed hard, and then said, with more confidence than she felt, "I'm...I'm a first aider, let me have a look at her."

It was true - to back up her Medical application she had been taking voluntary courses with the St John's Ambulance Service since she was fourteen. But she hadn't needed her skills - like, actually, properly needed them - until 2 months ago.

She knelt down beside Rozaria, first checking her reflexes, then her breathing. There was a slit in her shirt, and beneath that a tiny puncture wound, but it wasn't bleeding. The girl seemed alright, but was out cold, so Gina gently moved her into the recovery position, took off her cream coat, and wrapped it round her.

"What happened?" she asked Cece.

08-12-2012, 05:04 PM
((Guys, I'm replying on my phon, after reading your replies at home, but I'm out now, so apologies if I forget anything, I will edit anything needed when I get back=) ))

Shayne smiled as he saw Jack raise her hand to say she was willing to join his adventure. He smiled and felt a slight glow inside, he was starting to warm to her, but she was acting strange, the sort of atmosphere as if she half wanted to say or do something, but was debating in her head whether she wanted to or not. Shayne smiled warmly at her, flashing a side of him he only ever showed to his friends. It was a warm smile, one that suggested a vast history of laughter and good memories with Jack, although they had known eachother no longer than a few hours.
Shayne then noticed that Daniel had sent him a a look, which was followed by a wink. Shayne wasn't sure how to respond, D.A was a good guy, but Shayne could only look at him through his peripheral vision without flushing furiously. D.A's taste still lingered on his lips, he could still feel D.A's soft lips on his, which seemed to almost burn as He saw Remy. What does this mean? D.A then raised his hand to join the adventure, and a tiny nagging voice in his head told him to eat yet another bowl of man up, and stop all of this awkwardness.
"Great, anyone else?" Shayne asked, swishing his dark hair out of his eyes with the end of the torch. Just then, the screams echoed through the halls of West Hills, and Shayne's face dropped in utter fear for a moment, before raising at the corners, and a strange look washed over his face as he pulled his mouth into a sick grin. "Sounds like my kind of party" he smiled, and darted off. "Last one there's a Scaredy-Ghost!"

But then a girl arrived, begging for help. Daniel spoke to her, totally stealing Shayne's thunder. He made a mental huff, and a strop in his head.
"Can you lead the way?" Daniel asked the girl, Ash he thought her name was.

08-12-2012, 07:35 PM
Well, they hadn't thought she was crazy, she put that down to them likely hearing the screams (and, of course, all those other undeniably creepy things about this place). She didn't know the name of the guy who had spoken to her, and without confirming that her name was indeed Ash, or asking his, she nodded, "Yeah, they're on the fifth floor. I think someone else already went up." She said, thinking of the girl she'd talked to very briefly in that hallway before finding this group. With that, she turned and ran back the way she had come, hoping at least a couple of the others followed her.

Aislinn took the stairs two at a time, nearly fell up them, but managed to keep herself going. Once on the fifth floor, she turned down the hallway to find Cece and the girl she'd seen earlier beside an unconscious Winter. Several different curses came to mind, but she didn't have the voice to utter them. In order as not to crowed the girl on the floor, she stood back a bit. "Do you know what happened?" she asked, when really she wanted to yell, What on earth is going on here, and who the hell did this to Winter?! Ash held it back, she didn't want to seem any more panicked than she already looked. She caught a look at herself in a mirror over a chest of drawers in the hallway. Her hair was falling down, her eyes were wide, her face the white of death.

08-12-2012, 07:44 PM
"I have no clue," worry was etched in Cec's voice. "I got here and she was unconscious." Cec undid her sweater and put it under Winter's head as a pillow. She felt so guilty, having left Winter to explore all alone and now look at the girl. "I don't think she's hurt but she hasn't moved an inch since I got here." Her hands were trembling so she folded them on her lap. This place creeped Cec out, and that was saying something. Usually she wasn't all that scared by the paranormal. "Thanks for bringing the help. I don't know if we should move her or not, or maybe try to find the nurse." She rambled on nervously.

Cec took a calming breath and sat there hoping Winter would wake up soon.

08-12-2012, 08:12 PM
"I don't trust the nurse." Gina said quietly, "When I asked her about the stew she tried to trick me into drinking more of the same stuff."

08-12-2012, 08:17 PM
"I don't trust the nurse." Gina whispered. "When I asked her about the stew she tried to trick me into drinking more of the same stuff."

Cecelia considered Gina's words carefully trying to come up with a decision. Maybe she was right, who could they really trust in this dank place. "Maybe it would be best if we brought her to my room, she can get some rest and I can keep an eye on her. If she doesn't wake by morning though I'll have to talk to the nurse." She fiddled with her crystal pendant as she thought this through. She would take responsibility for what had happened to Winter.

Heir of Void
08-12-2012, 08:37 PM
What a way to start off the first damn night in a school he'd be staying at for a year.

A yeaaarrrrrrrr.

It had gone from enjoyable adventure idea, to creepy adventure idea/equipment testing, and finally to life-or-death emergency adventure necessity. Dave sure as hell wasn't going to leave a girl in trouble like that, 'specially not in this creep-show of a place where anything could've happened. The punk wasn't going to sprint in unprepared though, running back to his room to retrieve another two items from the Honey-Pack of Survival (Rare Item, shares properties similar to: Batman's Utility Belt).

It took less than a moment to charge through the dark oak of 302's doorway, hinges squeeking violently from the sudden shove of force pressing it to the side as quickly as possible. Kneeling down and throwing boxes away from the top of the pile, the drummer didn't even bother unzipping it as it was ripped out from the junk. Instead, he grasped it firmly in his hands and took off back out of the room, slamming the door behind him with little regard to silence. He didn't even stop as he neared the group who were then maneuvering up the stairs in pairs, passing them at a full-on sonic-the-hedgehog sprint just as they huddled around the unconscious girl.

Grabbing at the sill of the door to keep from skidding off further down the hall, Dave twisted around and plunged into the science room along with his comrades, throwing the honey-pack at the girl administering a mild medical diagnosis.
"There should be a medical trauma kit in there if you need it. What's up with her though?" he asked, a deep tone of concern edging his voice. "Does she need anything specific?"

08-12-2012, 08:46 PM
Remy while standing there was listening to the conversation that was going on when all of the sudden he heard screams. Shayne then said "Last one there's a Scaredy-Ghost!" as he darted off. Remy then looked at the girl that was with the other group of gossips. He caught her eye, but for some reason, she somehow attracted Remy. I mean, Remy did like girls, a lot, but this one seemed different. He thinks he didn’t give her much of a chance at first, but then again, Remy wasn’t about to think that she was going to be a completely nice person. He did notice that she looked down and saw her fidgeting with the laser. She seemed to be kind of a nervous girl, not talking to many people much. She would say a line or two, but that was about it. This peaked Remy’s curiosity as he saw her personality more. Remy couldn’t say much though, sometimes he was the same way.

After a little while of having her confirmation of What do we have to loose, better know what's up there sooner then later, end the curiosity now,” Remy then looked at her with a light smile. Not the kind of smile to be friendly with someone, but the kind of smile that lets you know that yeah, I do notice you, and you could be ok. He then said to her as he saw the others beginning to dart off, “So, you gonna slow us down? Let’s do it!” He said teasing her a bit as he went into a light jog and looking back, waiting for her to catch up to him. “Don’t be scared because you got me.” Remy said flexing his right arm muscle in a joking matter.

08-13-2012, 12:13 AM
"Get off me."

Rozaria awoke as a large wave of dizziness flowed throughout her body, her hands barely mustering the stability to support her in a sitting position. After shaking the extra layer that had been placed on her off her shoulder, she closed her eyes close off the spinning environment and tried to remember the recent events. The time that Rozaria was unconscious didn't seem too long, much to her surprise. Maybe it was because Cece or Gina or whoever else woke her up, or maybe the knocked-out part was just short-lived.

Without bothering to fill in what happened to the horde around her, she dashed around the room in search for a mirror. Though it wasn't really a 'dash', the experimenting had made her woozy, and it became more of a wobble.
Okay. You're supposedly a vamp now, though you seriously doubt it. Look for a mirror! Rozaria's eyes scanned the room for any shiny, mirror-like metal or glass, but to no avail. Wobbling to the cabinets, she rummaged through them, and found a small locker mirror attached to one of the cabinet doors. Taking it off the metal surface, she gazed with shocked eyes at the reflective rectangle.

Yes, she had a reflection. However, that wasn't the surprising part; the girl she saw in the mirror was Rozaria, but not Rozaria. You could clearly recognize the person, but... she was different. Her skin had been stolen and deprived of all colour, but her lips were more pigmented than before. Every feature on her entire body seemed to have changed, and developed a more delicate but ominous feel. Her eyes were bigger and had a more mesmerising, deep teal colour. The cheekbones that were barely noticeable before became defined, and every curve on her body became accentuated while her nose and waist slimmed. Blemishes and flaws ceased to exist on the smooth, ivory skin, and her ice-coloured hair was comparable to the lusciousness of silk, and shone in the light like actual ice.

"I.. holy...I.. v-vampi..." Rozaria was at lost for words at the beautiful transformation; even her voice changed slightly! But her inability to speak wasn't exclusively because of the changed appearance, but the realization that she'll have to live on blood, burn in the sun, and who knows what else. She realized that there were perks to it too, like vamp-speed and strength, beauty(already confirmed) but some may be myth, some may be fact. I'll ask... Vlad? Nah, I'll figure it out myself. Let's hope the thirst doesn't kick in too soon. Something told her that she'd just know what she could and could not do, so Rozaria shook her thoughts aside, and turned back to the group behind her.

"I'm fine, I just... took care of the screaming," Rozaria said; her voice had a naturally sweet but sly and sultry, almost seductive ring to it. "If you need me, I clearly need to put on a new shirt for the third time tonight. But I'll be back exploring the rest of the floor later. See you." The newly-made vampire made quick steps to the door, her wooziness apparently gone. She sped down the stairs at a human-pace to her room, ignoring the next horde of people about to make their way up to the fifth floor. Once on the second level, Rozaria rushed to inside her room and shut the door.

08-13-2012, 12:47 AM
The corner of Jack's lips pulled up slightly as people seemed to agree with her. She glanced up slightly curious as to what was going on next, when her eyes met with bright blue eyes. Blonde hair fell down his head, which looked naturally wind-blown. Looking around her shoulder when everyone had quickly darted off after the screams, she looked at at him with raised eyebrows. He gave her a smile, that told her that he knew she was there. She looked down as her cheeks turned lightly rosy, before he spoke to her. At least she had guessed he was addressing to her, as she was the only one near him. "So, you gonna slow us down? Let's do it!" She narrowed her eyes as he jogged away. Slipping off her high-heel boots, she ran up to him quickly, matching his jogging pace as he added in, "Don't be scared you got me." She laughed as he flexed one of his arms.

"You won't have to worry about that," she stared, her voice calm yet excited. "I think I can handle it." She finished, her light, slightly distanced voice hinted with a slight seductive tone.*

She gave a 'come and get me' grin, and like a bullet was gone again. As she approached the staircase, she glanced behind her shoulders. He was slightly baffled, probably not expecting that. Taking the stairs two to three at a time, she slowed down slightly as she passed a light haired girl, with large aqua eyes and continued up. As she approached the top, she turned quickly to see him right behind her. She had to stumble up the neck step to prevent from thumping her forehead against his. She simply stated at him for a second, checking out his features.*

"I'm Jack, by the way." She smiled warmly, turning back up the stairs and going through the door. "Hey, what happened?" She asked curiously, looking at Shayne and Daniel, before deciding to look at the door as the boy, who she still didn't have a name for, came in.

08-13-2012, 12:48 AM
Cecelia was relieved when Winter finally woke up. She gathered her abandoned jacked and took a step towards Winter who was frantically rummaging through the drawers of the classroom. She was searching for something. Cec didn’t get a chance to see what that something was, or ask what had happened. Winter had regained her composure she left heading down the old staircase.

She was left there sort of dazed and confused as to what had happened. She saw Rose mumbling to herself when she found whatever it was she was looking for before running off. Slowly, Cec stood and brushed the dust from her pajama pants. “Well that was weird,” she mumbled to no one in particular. She turned to Ash, “Thanks for getting help, guess I didn’t need it after all.” She let out a sigh and exited the classroom. She was getting tired of that room, first the eerie screams then what happened to Rose. Cec closed her eyes and leaned against the wall just outside the class. She ignored the chatter of the others for a moment pulling the silence around her like a shield.

08-13-2012, 01:11 AM
She watched as Winter went stumbling around the room, searching for something. It was only a few moments later that she dashed down the stairs, brushing them all off and seeming to be fine. Aislinn was not convinced that everything was alright. “Thanks for getting help, guess I didn’t need it after all.”
Ash shook her head, "I don't think Winter is alright. How could she be?" she shrugged, turning to the guys behind her, "Sorry I brought you all up here for nothing."

08-13-2012, 01:26 AM
As Shayne bolted off, he took to the stairs. He followed the Girl infront of him, directing them to the Fifth Floor, and the source of some excitement! He felt the happiness and enthusiasm coursing through his veins as he took the steps.

"Don't be scared because you've got me!" He heard Remy say, and instinctively Looked back, still walking, and as the boy flexed the biceps he had been hiding beneath his Clothes, Shayne found that his movements were slightly off-balance as he felt a strong surge of... Lust, for want of a better term, Flow through him, and He found himself colliding with the wall infront of him. Quick-Thinking, Shayne made the msot of this retard action, and sprawled his hands against the wall, and looked up the staircase, making Spider-like noises. 'yeah, that aught to do it!' he thought to himself, As if it would actually work. he then shrugged, and continued his Arachnid-like pose as he ran up the stairs, his arms 'crawling' along the walls as he moved.
As he got to eh top of the stairs, Jack was close behind him, and he had to physically bite his tongue to prevent himself from spitting "Get off my Man, Bitch-Tits!" and thanked the Lord he didnt say it.

Following the girl, Shayne begin to feel a strange presence, and as The Girl lead the others to a room, Shayne was compelled to visit a nearby window, and looked out of it. He didnt know why he did, but he felt..he felt like there was something out there, and he couldn't place what, maybe it was just his idle curiosity of the school, but, of course, that's too simple.

As Shayne looked out of the Window, he found he was looking over the Garden. The beautiful, Green and Mystic in the Moonlight Shrove of Life. He smiled as he looked, and thought how amazing it would be to draw such a sight, if his Guitar was any good, his drawing had to be his utmost best skill, he even drew portraits for his friends for christmas, one year.

But what caught Shaynes eye was a figure standing in an archway in the Garden. it was almost pitch black, as if it were wearing the night. Which was odd, even the grass had some colour from the strangely illuminating Moon. The Figure moved, Shayne wondered who could be out so late, not in uniform and get away with it. The Figure seemed to swish and swoop, and Shayne realised it was wearing some form of cloak. He watched closer, and Saw that the figure was turning around. And then Shayne saw them. They Eyes. Oh my God, The Eyes, Red, Bloodshot, and looking into his very soul, he felt his throat close up, as the being started levitating from the ground, and began moving towards Shayne, accelerating as it did.

Shayne fell backwards, and let out a scream. he heard himself screaming, and it wasn't like the movies, this wasn't controlled for audio, this was sheer horror, it was mad eof fear. Shayne didn't know he was capable of making such a horrid noise, but he could, and he felt it threatening to appear again, as he smashed against the side of the wall, head first. His world suddenly flashed a colour from the impact, and he blinked a couple fo times, before screaming once again, louder than before, and even more horrible.
The Figure never came to the window.

08-13-2012, 01:49 AM
Narissa glanced over her shoulder at her unresponsive roommate just as her hand nestled into her pocket, and figuring that she was trying to form an explanation herself, plucked another book off the shelf. Swinging around when her shoulder was tapped, she was about to protest to her writing it all down, when her eyes lead down to the tip of her leg.

She glanced at it for a moment, before looking up at Sam with expecting eyes. She found it hard to stare at anything else and was first lead to believe that she had a skin condition. After studying the design closer, the rather paint-splattered patches of red, it was distinguishably a burn scar, which proved to be no help to her imagination.

"How," she cut herself short, sound lost before the word was fully formed, and squinted her eyes in concentration.

Hospital? Burns? Transferring here? It doesn't add up.

"Is that ho-" she began again, voice weak and cutting off as soon as she realized the thought was said aloud.

She was struggling to find a balance, between taming her curiosity, and staying within the borders of privacy respect. The last thing she wanted was for her roommate to feel uncomfortable or recycle past memories, but the latter was not working in her favor.

"I think I understand," she smiled in support, more things clearing than she expected, such as the tweak to her uniform, and another reason they were roomed together.
We've both had trauma in our lives. We've had something happen that we had to cope with, that we lost part of ourselves from.

"Did you need to grab something from here?" she asked, poking through the pages of the old book, as if expecting to find some hidden slip.

Heir of Void
08-13-2012, 02:44 AM
It had been not even a minute after dropping his precious Honey-Pack on the floor when the 'injured' girl jumped up and started stumbling around the room in a delirious sort of way, leaning from side to side as though either dazed extremely drunk (for those who can't handle it). Then she ran off, leaving the group in confusion, followed by a girl in dark clothing and Shayne screaming in terror like a small child who's just fallen face first into a dark hallway with no apparent cause.

"First thing's first...." Dave muttered under his breath as he went over to the fallen boy and dragged him back up off the cold linoleum tile. They were nearer to the whole of the group and further from where Shayne had fallen over himself screaming, so that was hopefully better save for embarrassment.

He stared Shayne straight in the eyes, fiery burning amber showing genuine concern, and in an even, no-nonsense, fatherly tone, Dave asked "Y'alright now, son? What the hell made you lose your head like that? We just witnessed an unconscious girl in a creepy dark school, so it would make sense if you were a bit scared or something or your mind is playin' against you. Just...don't holler like that, kay? Ya scared us half to death I'll bet. Ain't that right Rem?" Bro moved his gaze over to the blonde boy.

Heson Shadowbane
08-13-2012, 04:14 AM
Sam smiled at Nari as she said she understood. She realized that it might have provided more questions than answers, but the understanding of Sam not ready to talk much of it yet helped to ease her. Nari might have been blunt about her trauma, but she had come to live with from what Sam could tell. Sam was still trying to cope with her own trauma and it was sheer luck she was paired with someone that could understand the mental pain she was going through.

She covered her leg back up, shaking her head at Nari's question about the library. She didn't really have a particular reason for coming here other than it was a chance of scenery from the dinning room. However... She pulled out her pen and started to scribble on her pad, an idea popping into her head. She really did want to get to know her roommate better, try to learn what more they had in common with eachother.... But the ring kept nagging at her mind. Both she and the ring wanted it on her finger. She kept a normal face, keeping her thoughts to herself as she slid the pad to Nari.

"Libraries are quiet. Something I have come to enjoy in a way since I'm now very quiet LOL. Before I'd rather be running around going wild, but now I have other things to focus on. Speaking of which I think I may try to find the librarian, ask her about textbooks we may need for classes. If you want to you can head on back up to the room and I can bring your set up if she has them." After the last sentence she had paused and added on in an afterthought, "Just because you're sweet and cute."

08-13-2012, 04:29 AM
Cecelia turned to Ash, “Hey I’m going to head to my room, it’s getting a little crowded here and frankly this place gives me the creeps. You’re welcome to join me if you want.” She smiled wearily. Between the screaming and the creepy situations she just wanted a little normal. Cec made her way down in the old elevator, down to the second floor. She quickly found her room, the temperature still chilly as ever. She hugged her jacket close to herself and threw her bag on the floor. She quickly propped her door open with the desk’s chair, hoping to get some warmer air into her room. She decided on another sweater and sat on the floor near her bed, from her bag she retrieved her tarot deck and started shuffling, emptying her mind and relaxing a bit.

08-13-2012, 05:02 AM
Remy was jogging waiting for the girl to catch up. After the bicep flex, he heard her laugh a little bit. His favorite thing in the world was to make people laugh or atleast feel good. Even if it was just the slightest thing, making people happy was one of the things that made him happy. After hearing her laugh a bit, he looked behind him and she caught up to him and got beside him. While on the side of him, she gave him a grin. This grin however was just… wow. Remy couldn’t describe it, but it was like almost seductive. And for a split second, time seemed to have stopped for a moment as she was beside him giving that grin. Then out of nowhere, she passed him and made her way to the stair case. She was faster than what she looked like to be. Then again, he always loved surprises. As they ran up the stairs, she sped up incredibly fast, which made Remy actually speed up himself. She eventually turned to look behind Remy, she looked kind of surprised to see him behind her like that. And after a little while, in order to avoid the head bump, she stumbled up the next step. It was that moment, that Remy began to giggle a bit. Oh my gosh… a giggle. The same thing Shay had been doing the whole entire time Remy spoke to him. Now it was the the same way, only he was Shay while Jack was… well him.

"I'm Jack, by the way." She said to him, giving him a warm smile as she followed her up the stairs, and finally making it through the doorway. He noticed she was looking at Shay and Daniel, noticing she asked them a question as well. Remy wasn’t focused on that however, he was focused more on her looking back at him as he entered through the door. “Yeah, just call me Remy. Maybe you’ll be lucky to know my full name someday, haha!” he said trying to make a joke out of it. Holy crap was that joke corny he though. His face went kind of red as he smiled a bit, trying not to make much eye contact with her as that was embarrassing as crap. Why in the heck was he getting so nervous for? It wasn’t like he was actually being seduced by her already… maybe? Either way, he looked away from her, began moving his hair slightly, and looked down as he face began to turn red from the complete embarrassment… crap!

He then noticed Shay looking out the window for some reason. He went up to Shay when all the sudden, he started screaming. The screaming was so loud and horrific, it was if he was being tortured, mutilated, and anything bad you can think about combined into one. He say Shay hit the ground, blinking a bit, continuously screaming, and was looking at what he thought was nothing. “Yo Shay!!! What the hell bro? Come on what’s wrong?” he said to him as he kneeled down and started shaking Shay to get him to snap out of it. “Dude, look at me!!! What’s wrong damnit?” he said as he put his face in front of Shay’s. He then looked at Jack “What did he see? Help me right quick. Get him calmed down.” He said said asking for her help in a worried tone.Normally he would ask anyone for help, but for some reason, he decided to ask her over anyone. Why? He didn’t know. All he knew is that she might be helpful… or so his “rational” mind thought. Yeah right.

08-13-2012, 05:10 AM
Just because you're sweet and cute.

This moment amounted to one of the several, in which Narissa found herself endlessly grateful that she rarely blushed. Still insecure of her love preference, she'd reminded herself more than once not to take a friendly compliment out of context, so it was easy for her to take it as just that.
Besides, in comparison to having changed in front and being told more than once, "how sexy her outfit was" by some of the most attractive girls at her last school, it seemed normal to degrade the feeling.

"That'd be great, actually," she smiled, readjusting the chair of the table, "but are you sure you're okay waiting around here by yourself?"

In contrast to Sam's comfort, libraries had always scared the hell out of Narissa. Whether it be the snagged-toothed librarian from her childhood, or one too many horror films with them involved, she always felt uneasy around them. The endless lanes, the book-shelves lined eye-level, the anticipation in finding someone watching you, from the pull of a book.

After waiting for Sam's reply she smiled and thanked her, before heading towards the door. She glanced over her shoulder, suddenly very aware of her adoration for her roommate. Sam. With the pressure of having to deal with a bitchy or selfish roommate lifted, exhaustion started to kick in. Having been in such a bad mood earlier had distracted her from paying closer attention to where her room was, or the number for that matter. And although she had difficulty navigating through the dark-campus, she's confident that she'd find it eventually.

Heson Shadowbane
08-13-2012, 05:51 AM
Sam gave Nari a reassuring nod. She didn't catch her unease of the library, her mind simply focusing on the ring burning a hole in her pocket with the desire to be worn. She patted Nari's shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze before making a little show of looking around for the librarian of the library. Giving enough time she felt for Nari to leave the library and seeing no others around, Sam pulled the ring out of her pocket and gazed at it for a bit. Her finger gently stroked the ring, smiling softly. She moved her lips as if speaking, but no words came from her as she lipped, 'Finally alone...' and almost in dramatic slowness began to slide it upon her right ring finger.

08-13-2012, 06:29 AM
Remy. What was that short for? Nothing she had ever heard of. Good thing? She thought so. Without Nicki it was hard to tell. Watching a few people leave, confused her slightly. She looked down, the cold floor meeting her feet and sending shivers up her spine. She looked over her shoulder at Remy, before smiling as she turned forwards just in time to hear Shayne's piercing, horrified scream ring through the room. She immediately clamped her hands over her ears, pushing her eyes shut. Her body remained still, until she fluttered them open after the screams stopped. Gently and slowly removing her hands. She looked around, seeing that Shayne was now on the ground. She held her breath, while Dave told him that it scared him. "Ain't that right, Rem?" he had finished with, which brought Jack'a attention.

"I sure as hell didn't like it." she mumbled quietly more to herself then anyone else.

Remy had rushed to his side, yelling at him. Same as the other boy. Idiots, it was obviously not the right time to be yelling at him. She was slightly surprised that Remy asked him to help him. 'calm him down' as he put it. Well that meant that she was soothing and that made her insides melt. Strolling lightly to Shayne's side, she crouched next to Remy and locked on his eyes.

"Don't yell at him, please." she smiled as if to say 'your not in trouble'.

Looking at Shayne, she gently yet sternly grasped his firm jawline and turned his face in her direction. She gazed into his eyes, her pale blue icy eyes reassuring and still slightly dazed.

"Shayne," she started gently. "Are you okay? What did you see?" her long eyelashes fluttered while she thought for a moment. "It's me, Jack." she smiled at him, as he became slightly responsive.

She tried to ingnore the chills, but couldn't help but shiver suddenly as her bottom lip quivered slightly. Locking her jaw, she waited for Shayne to respond.

"Check the window? He saw something..." she wondered what on earth he had seen. Gently releasing his face, she rubbed the back of her neck. Her eyes widened and she gasped sharply. Her mind retraced steps slightly, as she remembered standing in her room confused.


She had locked her in her room. Shit!!! Well, another two hours wouldn't kill her, right?

08-13-2012, 10:53 AM
Dave twisted around and plunged into the science room along with his comrades, throwing the honey-pack at the girls administering a mild medical diagnosis.

"There should be a medical trauma kit in there if you need it. What's up with her though?" he asked, a deep tone of concern edging his voice. "Does she need anything specific?"

"I'm not sure." Gina said uncertainly as she carefully felt the back of Rozaria's head and neck for signs of impact. The girl looked horribly pale. "I think she's just unconscious. But there's a mark on her stomach."

Pulling a small bottle of antiseptic and some cotton wool from Dave's survival pack, she was just pouring some of the antiseptic onto the wool to clean Rozaria's wound when the girl suddenly shot bolt upright.

"Hey...hey!" Gina said, grabbing Rozaria's shoulders to try and get her to lie back down, "Just stay down for a second, you're alr-"

"Get off me." Rozaria said, pushing Gina aside. The gesture seemed gentle, but whether Rozaria meant it or not the push was incredibly strong.

Gina fell to the floor, shouting after Rozaria that she needed to take it easy, but was completely ignored as Rozaria reeled around the room, stood for a long moment checking her reflection, then professed to be fine before dashing away downstairs.

"Well that was weird." Cece said to Ash, "Thanks for getting help, guess I didn't need it after all."

Ash shook her head. "I don't think Winter is alright. How could she be?"

"She can't." Gina agreed, clutching a sore hip as she stood up. "I'm going to go find her. What's her room again?"

"Uh...213 I think..."

After the nurse and Jack's room, a horrible suspicion was gaining purchase in Gina's mind; one that could no longer be put down to the creeping panophobia that had been plaguing her since Austere. And even if she was completely wrong, any first aider knew that you never left someone alone after they'd been knocked unconscious, no matter how fine they felt. She bit her lip, and, grabbing her coat off the floor, headed out of the science lab. She ran into the others in the corridor on her way out, and upon seeing Jack and Daniel among them remembered something that had completely slipped her mind in the panic around Rozaria.

"Hey Daniel," she said, stopping momentarily, "I talked to the nurse about why we shouldn't eat the stew. She said some B.S about it not agreeing with some of the students, but I'm sure she was lying. For a start she didn't offer us an alternative. Then instead of giving me normal paracetomol or something she tried to feed me some infusion which I'm pretty sure was the same stuff."

She saw Jack helping up Shayne, who seemed to have suffered some sort of panic attack, and lowered her voice.

"Um...Jack didn't eat any of the stew, did she?"

Daniel frowned. "No, none of us did."

"Oh." said Gina, suddenly feeling rather embarrassed, "Okay. Tell her to stay out of her room. There's something really wrong with it. Light just...stops when it passes the doorframe. She can sleep in my room if she wants but I don't think it's safe in hers." She pushed her hair back behind her ear, feeling less paranoid after everything that had happened, but still worried whether Daniel would believe her. "I'm going downstairs to check on Rozaria. Something's up with her."

Gina's confidence rapidly eroded as she made her way back down to the second floor and instead of turning right went left into the east wing. She didn't like being separated from the others; especially when, for all she knew, she was about to come face to face with another one of Them. Falcon House's section in the east wing seemed somehow more run down and delapidated than the one allocated to Phoenix House. The carpets were faded and here and there the ceiling was cracked. The light in 215 was on, and glancing in through the open door Gina saw that Cece was in her room, hunched over what looked like a Tarot deck. Gina didn't disturb her, but the presence of the other girl made her feel slightly better as she stopped in front of Rozaria's room. This room's light was also on, but the door was closed. Gina knocked softly.

"Winter? It's Gina. Can I come in?"

08-13-2012, 11:38 AM
Something wasn’t right. Shayne knew that people were saying things to him, but he couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. The first guy, a Boy...Dave? Yeah..Maybe, He was speaking. That means his mouth was moving and words were coming out...That often lead to him replying. Then his face was replaced by another, the attractive, Blonde Remy. Shayne shifted back as Remy yelled at him, tears developing in his eyes as the back of his head began to pound, the shouting and the pain disorientating him, He felt like he was drunk, but all he had done was smash his head, right? Then He felt someone’s delicate, cool fingers take his face, and pull it to face them. Jack. She was speaking softer, and it soothed his senses to know they were being bombarded with only Touch now and not Sound. He listened as well as he could, and managed to work out, that the Girl was saying
"Shayne," His Name...Yeah, that’s right, He was called Shayne...Shayne, Matthew Roberts, okay, Doing good so far. "Are you okay? What did you see?" She had a look in her eyes that suggested she was more of an expert in this area, Remy and Dave had been speaking loudly, and his head still hurt like crazy. Shayne tried to form enough words to speak, but nothing was working, he tried, thought and tried."It's me, Jack." Shayne smiled, and Looked at the other two boys. He then went to explain what had happened, and then...
Nothing. He couldn’t remember Why the bloody fuck he had screamed. How Hard had he hit his head? He had just...Forgotten
“Uh..”Shayne groaned, blinking and feeling vomit threatening to appear. “I Don’t..” He blinked, trying to clear his head. “I, Uh, I must’ve seen a Spider on the Window or something,” He said with a smile, ouch, movement. “I’m sorry, Did I scare you, Dearie?” woah, He HAD hit his head hard. He turned to Remy. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean too...” He trailed off, his eyes looking to the Window. He then asked for help standing up, and So he rested his hands on Remy’s arms as they helped him to his feet. He didn’t even try to cop a feel of them, he hurt, his head hurt, and...”Ouch..” he moaned, as he looked back. He realised he had fallen onto his torch, and it had left what would become a nasty bruise on the bottom of his back. “Shit, Let me get that..” He said, moving to bend down, but he lost balance, and Stumbled a little, knocking into Remy. He looked up into Remy’s face, and immediately, pushed away against the opposite wall for support, facing it to hide the blush on his face. Fuck shit kebabs, he knew he was recovering, he was returning tot he lump of embarrassment he was before.
But the knock to the head, and the amnesia were stressing him out, and then he remembered the two of them, Remy and Jack play-flirting on the stairs, and his face grew cold, looking at Jack and then speaking to Remy. “I Feel Sick so I’m going back to my Room.” He said, turning to leave, when he got to the first step, he had to cling to the banister. Dramatic Exit fail. “Could..Could someone help me Please?” he asked, his voice no longer angry, just sad, lonely and desperate, like he’d given up.

08-13-2012, 05:34 PM
Ash nodded, to Cece, "I'll be down in a bit." she replied as the girl went back down the hall. She stuck around for a few minutes later, wondering if she could do anything to help Shayne. She didn't exactly know what had happened, though. Deciding that the others had it under control, she began to make her way back down the stairs.

She stopped by her room first, sitting down on the bed to try and order her thoughts. The air still smelled of sage and she breathed deeply of the cleansing scent. Aislinn, remembering that Cece had said something about her room being ridiculously cold, dug out a coat from her suitcase. She went slowly through the halls, making sure not to get lost and also looking out for anything, well anything, really. Every so often, she would hear footsteps behind her, but no one was there. Once she heard a whisper, as if someone were right next to her, their lips to her ear. It was gabled, she only made out a few words. If... could...be like me." It was the voice of a young woman, sounding to be her age. After that, she took off running until she found Cecelia's room.

The door was open, and Ash could feel the cold air coming from the room. She stood in the doorway and knocked on the door frame. "I'm not interrupting, am I?" she asked quietly, as if talking too loudly would draw attention from whatever was in this place.

08-13-2012, 05:42 PM
"I'm not interrupting, am I?" Ash asked from the door way.
Cec opened her eyes shook her head, “Nope, just trying to get a little insight. Come on in.” She studied Ash for a moment, she looked a little shook up. “You look a little rattled.” She stated as her hands continued shuffling the cards. “Make yourself at home.” She smiled a little, her voice was tired from the strange events that had plagued them all. “Well today is by far the strangest day I’ve ever had.” Cec stated, her mind went over the events. First the strange reading, then the ghostly screaming, then there was the real screams and Winter was unconscious on the floor. Come to think of it, Winter had acted a little odd after she came to. “Would you like a reading?”

08-13-2012, 06:19 PM
Aislinn stepped into the room, wrapped her coat tighter around herself. "You weren't kidding about the cold. I can practically see my breath!" she said, sitting cross legged on the floor and using the bed as a back rest.
“You look a little rattled.” Cece told her.
"Yeah, I... in the hall I heard someone whisper in my ear. I couldn't make out much of what she said. It happened so quickly, and I never actually saw anyone." Ash explained, remembering the sound of that ghostly voice, raspy, soft, gentle, actually. She looked down at Cecelia's hands as she expertly shuffled her Tarot cards. “Would you like a reading?”
"Oh, sure. Let's see if we can't some foresight, here." Aislinn replied, turning herself to face Cece.

08-13-2012, 06:34 PM
"Yeah, I... in the hall I heard someone whisper in my ear. I couldn't make out much of what she said. It happened so quickly, and I never actually saw anyone." Oh great, this place was getting weirder and weirder. She let out a sigh, “Well at least it wasn’t anymore screaming.” Cecelia motioned for Ash to have a seat and went back to shuffling. As her hands worked she concentrated on Ash, and the events that had rattled them all. She could almost feel a hum of energy coming from her cards, it was a pleasant and familiar feeling. Cec smiled a bit and set the deck down. “Okay, using your left hand please split the deck in half, put the bottom on the top. Then split the deck into three piles and we will start your reading.” Her eyes were still closed as she concentrated on the cards hoping for a little insight. She opened her eyes and watched as she waited for Ash to split the cards.

08-13-2012, 06:49 PM
Aislinn watched as Cece shuffled the cards and then set them before her, and listened to her instructions. She did as she was told, splitting the deck, then arranging the cards into three piles. Her fingertips tingled a bit, it seemed that Cecelia was the real deal. Throughout her life, she'd known people who thought it was cool or exciting to go diving into the occult without understanding what it was they were messing with. She'd met a girl who once told her all about these rituals she had performed for different gods and goddesses. All of course, out of view of her very Christian parents. She thought she was being a rebel, she didn't really understand what it was she was doing, or attempting to do. From the little she knew of Cece, she was definitely not one of those people.

When she finished, she folded her hands in her lap, keeping quiet so as not to disturb Cece's concentration.

08-13-2012, 07:36 PM
After Ash created the three piles a shiver went down Cec’s spine. Cec overturned the top card in each pile, one by one the cards were revealed.


http://i47.tinypic.com/10z8pzr.jpg*Card came up reversed*

http://i49.tinypic.com/14ddhjl.jpg*Card came up reversed*

As Cecelia turned over each card a knot worked its way into her stomach, one bad omen after another. “The Moon represents, deception, trickery, disillusionment, danger and double-dealings,” her voice was a bit shaky but she went on. “Judgement reversed, it warns of failure, possible loss, ill health and fear of death. And The Nine of Wants reversed shows a weakness in character, ill health, bending to adversary, refusal to fight and an unpreparedness.” By the end of the reading Cec was trembling. This wasn’t good at all. “Ash, this isn’t good.” Cec warned the girl, “you need to be very careful." Her eyes were huge and they showed the fear she felt.

08-13-2012, 08:29 PM
As she watched the cards being revealed, she felt a chill settle over her that had nothing to do with the temperature in the room. Listening to Cece explain the meaning of the cards she'd turned up, she felt a growing sense of dread. She fiddled with the leather cord on which the velvet bag hung beneath her shirt, her eyes glued to the cards long after Cecelia had stopped speaking. Finally, a quiver in her voice, Aislinn said, "Readings, though, they can change, right? I mean, nothing is ever set in stone..." she trailed off and raised her eyes to meet Cece's. She swallowed, knowing the fear she saw in the other girl's eyes was surely reflected in her own. "Unpreparedness. that sounds like every student here. And..that can be changed."

Leon G
08-13-2012, 09:09 PM
And then...
Current Time: Half past 8
Day: Monday
Weather: Raining

Room 210
A common complaint about Room 210 was that it's always too dark. Students would always beg the custodian, Cyrus, to fix the lights. He would stubbornly refuse. Missy liked the room dark, and you did what Missy said. People would ask, "Who's Missy?", annoyed. They would often find out soon.

Missy was one of those ghosts who was powerful enough to posses someone. She was also one of those ghosts who were spoiled, impatient and an all-around bee-yotch, even in death. Missy always stayed in Room 210 until her victim went to sleep. Every year Misssy was able to take control of the weak-minded people that usually ended up in her room. A 'coincidence' that occurred after Missy had made a deal with the devil - or in this case, Gelda.

Missy would lay in the dark shadows, eagerly waiting for her victims to come to their suite. Jack, the girl who had gotten Missy's room, seemed like a complete airhead. But that would only make the job easier. Missy was giddy. She loved being in a human's body, stirring up trouble, ruining lives, driving students to insanity and the occasional murder. And when she was done, she'd have them go to the basement to meet their death. Missy lazily floated around the room, wondering what her soon-to-be-new-body was doing.

The Library
As Sammy twisted the ring on her finger, a perfect fit, the eyes of the snakes began to glow red. There was a hissing sound as red smoke filled the air, making it hard for Sammy to see her surroundings. Trina, the art teacher, walked through the thick smoke towards Sammy. When she reached her, she got down on one new and bowed.

"Hello Master," Trina said, her voice having the slightest trace of frustration. "Under oath, I swear that as long as you shall bear the ring of Ashkhabad, I shall fulfill your deepest desires. Only when you shall take off the ring..." Or I rip it off your dead finger... "...shall I stop granting your wishes." Trina took out a dagger and pricked her finger. "I swear upon the laws of the Djinn to not deny my master of any desire, and to protect my master, as the djinn should."

Trina took Sammy's hand in her own and pressed her bleeding fingers on the ring. The rubies seemed to soak up the blood, and the snakes eyes dimmed, the smoke disappearing. Trina stood up, crossing her arms, angrily.

"Congrats kid, you got yourself a genie. But remember, just because your my master, doesn't mean I can't twist your wishes. So I advice you wish well," Trina said glaring at Sammy.

Maybe it was luck that such a ring fell upon Sammy. Maybe it was fate. Or maybe it wasn't luck at all. After all, wishes could turn horribly wrong. At this point Sammy had two choices; take off the ring and forget this ever happened, or make her first wish.

08-13-2012, 09:55 PM
Cecelia hated being the bearer of such bad news and these cards were full of negative mojo. "Readings, though, they can change, right? I mean, nothing is ever set in stone..." Cec met Ash’s gaze, both of them shared a chilly fear of what was to come. Cec let out a breath she hadn’t been aware she had been holding. “They can change, sometimes. Some things are more flexible than others. Maybe the cards are just giving you a heads up so you can prepare yourself.” She paused a moment, willing her fear to dissipate. "Unpreparedness. that sounds like every student here. And..that can be changed." Cecelia hoped that it was just a warning or maybe the reading was meant for someone else entirely. Though she doubted it, she knew her cards well and trusted their reliability, she still hoped that this reading was some sort of fluke. “Maybe you should take a few precautions, just in case.” She added knowing that being prepared wouldn’t hurt.

08-13-2012, 11:28 PM
“Maybe you should take a few precautions, just in case.”
Cecelia was right, she needed to figure out what more she could do to protect herself. That meant having more information. Ash was going to change those cards. And, dammit, she would fight, she just had to figure out how. Determined not to descend into a whimpering puddle of despair, she tamped down her fear, tucking it into the far corner of her mind so she could focus on what she had to do. (But fear, in this school, it could never really be put away, only barely suppressed for short time periods.)

Aislinn nibbled her thumbnail, a habit she couldn't break, especially when thinking or nervous. "We need to figure out what exactly is going on here. That way we could know what specific protection we'd need. I don't know if the library would have all the records and stuff that I'd want to look out. Stuff like student records, detailed school records, I doubt those are in there. Those just wouldn't be out in the open. But any history at all is what I'd like to see first. Then maybe we could find out where the rest of the stuff is." she was mostly thinking aloud, staring off into the distance. Ash took her thumb away from her mouth, glancing back to Cece. "That is, if you feel like helping. I wouldn't want to drag you in to anything. I'm sure I could do it on my own." she shrugged. If she was going to be in danger, she didn't know if anyone would really want to be diving into it with her. But, then again, with the way things seemed to be there, they were all in danger, anyway.

08-13-2012, 11:55 PM
So far, in her room Rozaria found out most of things she could and couldn't do. One was super-speed, though not as fast as the movies make it, but it was enough to get her changed from top to bottom in less than ten seconds. As for strength, it's still normal or what she had as a complete human. Overall, despite becoming a lab-rat to some deranged scientist, she liked what she had become. Maybe she'll thank him for it later, but then again, he ruined her shirt.

"Winter?" A voice that appeared at the door broke Rozaria's thoughts. "It's Gina. Can I come in?"

Gina? Who was that again? Rozaria didn't pay too much attention to the people that enrolled here, but heard their names in the chatter in the cafeteria. After a moment's thought, Rozaria recognized the voice and name as the girl who had been there when she awoke, aside from Cecilia. Probably unnecessarily worried about her. She strode to the location of the voice, and opened the door.

"Come in if you want," Rozaria greeted with a smile as her cold, teal eyes met her's. "Hey, isn't there a rule about stepping on the other house's floors?" If she remembered correctly, Gina was a phoenix, and sure looked like one. Pretty and prim, blonde with blue eyes - normal. Stepping on the other side of the hall wasn't really a crime, but didn't Phoenixes always listen to rules?

Rozaria seated herself on the small, wooden bench just in front of her bed. She couldn't help but glimpse in the mirror on the way there; she wasn't used to what the effects of syringe number two did. It was like getting a new haircut - it's different, a change, and took time for the person and others to familiarize themselves with it, whether they liked the new do or not.

"Sorry if it's a bit messy," she said, remembering her messily open suitcases on the floor. Random articles of clothing were spread across the floor too; Rozaria had a hard time finding things that fit right after the experiment. Luckily, half the things still fit (and half was still quite a lot), and she looked better in them than before too. "So why are you here?"

08-14-2012, 12:11 AM
"We need to figure out what exactly is going on here. That way we could know what specific protection we'd need. I don't know if the library would have all the records and stuff that I'd want to look out. Stuff like student records, detailed school records, I doubt those are in there. Those just wouldn't be out in the open. But any history at all is what I'd like to see first. Then maybe we could find out where the rest of the stuff is.” Cec nodded as Ash spoke, she was right. They had no information and she believed information was key. If they knew more about what they were dealing with they may be better able to protect themselves.

“That is, if you feel like helping. I wouldn't want to drag you in to anything. I'm sure I could do it on my own." Cecelia shook her head, “No I’ll help, I’m thinking we need to do this.” She paused thinking of a solution. “I think we need to start in the library, find out what we can from there first. Hopefully we can find something there.” She played with her pendant a moment. “We’ll just have to make sure to be careful. And maybe we shouldn’t let any of the teachers know what is going on. They kind of give me the creeps.” Her eyes went to Ash, she looked pretty freaked out but pumped. Like she wasn’t about to give up without a fight. That was good, “When do you want to start?”

08-14-2012, 12:57 AM
Aislinn was relieved that she agreed to help. She just hoped Cece wouldn't end up in the same pickle she was. (Well, whatever that pickle was) "I wouldn't be surprised if the teachers knew exactly what was going on." she muttered. Every one of the staff gave off some super creepy mojo. "But, all the same, telling them probably isn't a good idea. As for when we should start... I don;t know about you, but there's no way I'll get any sleep tonight. Might as well get something done. Feel like heading down to the library?"
Ash, a new determination in her eyes, got to her feet, stretching as if she prepared for a fight.

Heir of Void
08-14-2012, 01:04 AM
“Could..Could someone help me Please?” Dave heard Shayne ask after struggling to exit the room, voice coming out in grunts as if burdened by a heavy weight. It was a tad annoying how he didn't even say thanks for rushing over to him, but it could be forgiven. He had probably been disoriented or something anyway, so forgetting one's manners was fine.

Walking calmly away from the darkened panes of the window, Bro scooped up the remains of his beloved Honey-Pack and stood by the stumbling boy, steadily putting a shoulder under him to prevent him from sinking any lower towards the cold scuffed linoleum and wooden floors. Then, pushing with his legs, brought the injured boy to a sort of slouched standing position and held him firmly, preventing him from slipping once more.

"Alright, alright. I gotcha there, man. Y'know, this hasn't been the best first day, has it? I've heard of rough first days 'n'all, but nothin' like this....." a sigh paused his monologue, continuing steadily as quickly as he started, "All I can really say right now is: It's always darkest just before the sun rises, brightenin' the lives of those who bask in it." Dave said in all seriousness, speaking to himself just as much as he was to Shayne. "Well, that's enough of my uninspirin' quotes, we'd better get a move on right?"

The drummer slowly started to move down the dimly lit hallways and descended a flight of stairs, the cumbersome extra weight making every step a hassle.

Y'know, for lookin' so damn lean, this guy is obnoxiously heavy... Bro thought, finally reaching the grainy, dark oaken door of 309 and set the unhelpful mass against the damp wooden panels of the wall to open the door forcefully. The abused hinges creaked as the door flew inwards, almost denting the wall behind it.

From what Dave could tell, the room seemed even creepier than his own: There was a four post bed complete with canopy, a large hutch with enough space to fit a pair of fridges snugly inside, and even a large floor tapestry that seemed hand embroidered. Ignoring the antique scenery and musty smell, the amber-eyed boy once again picked up Shayne and placed him against the side of the bed in a sitting position, standing in front of him and staring directly into his eyes once more. Brilliant amber tones burned with hidden frustration, unknown to all but the best interrogator.

"Honestly, I envy you, Shayne. Just a couple o' hours and you manage to garner almost everyone's friendship an' sympathy. I'll tell you what though, son: things between us are gonna stay frosty. I don't know why you would go an' slam your head into a wall, but it certainly drew attention, an' I don't appreciate those that cause themselves harm for attention, y'understand? So far, you haven't been that bad a person, but I ain't exactly eager to befriend a man who slams his face into innocent plasterin' for people's sympathy. It just ain't right. Be seeyin' ya." Dave finished in an even Texan accent, no hint of agitation to give off the homesickness he was feeling at the moment.

With that said and done, ignoring any comments shot back, he walked out of the Falcon's dormitories and back into his own comfortable room. The bright tangerine fibers of the tent provided a sort of artificial feeling of being home again, or at least with people that noticed or thanked him.....

08-14-2012, 01:16 AM
"But, all the same, telling them probably isn't a good idea. As for when we should start... I don;t know about you, but there's no way I'll get any sleep tonight. Might as well get something done. Feel like heading down to the library?"

A smile spread on Cecelia’s face, “Yeah, let’s do some digging. I hope we find something good.” She was feeling better with a bit of determination driving her. She went over to her jewelry box and unlocked it quickly. After a few moments she dug out a bracelet. It had a bunch of quartz dangling off an iron chain. She offered it to Ash, “Here, take it. It may help a little. Its quartz and iron, so it has a bit of good mojo in there for protection. I don’t know how much it will help against this place’s oddities but it’s worth a try right?” Cec smiled and closed the box, remembering to lock it. She decided it would be best if she slipped on a pair of sneakers before heading down. “Shall we?”

08-14-2012, 01:26 AM
Ash took the bracelet, slipping it over her wrist. "It certainly couldn't hurt anything, I need all the good mojo I can get, I think." she said, then pulled the velvet bag from under her shirt. "We had the same idea. And apparently so did my mother. She made this up before I left. Must have had one of her "feelings"." she said. "Shall we?"
"We shall." Aislinn replied. As they made their way out the door and down the hallway, she gave a brief explanation of the bag. "It's sort of a protection amulet, the things inside are meant to call Morrigan's protection. Mom named me for Her, for some reason. Maybe this is the reason." she touched the bag, feeling the items inside through the velvet.

Heson Shadowbane
08-14-2012, 02:49 AM
Samantha stood there for a moment, shocked by the event that had just taken place. The ring of who again? Ashkhabad, that was it. At least she was pretty sure what the teacher had said. Trina calling Sam her master and herself a genie. It seemed too good to be true. A granter of desires and a protector... She wouldve held that illusion until Trina flat out admited her distaste for being commanded by revealing that she could twist her wishes and probably would.

That sobbered her mind a bit and cleared her head to carefully think about her next actions before taking them. She shouldn't just wish away with out a care. One the genie hates her obviously and two she didn't know what the possible cost or how many she had. Holding up a finger, asking her to wait a moment, she grabbed her pad and pen and began to quickly scribble. She needed to have knowledge before deciding anything. Once she was finished she'd tear off the paper and hand it to Trina, keeping an impassive face to hide her terrified insides.

"Before I decide on a wish, there are a few things I think I should know first so please do answer my questions honestly because as your master I should be aware of any dangers that I may face from asking wishes of you. Otherwise you would be negligent of your sworn duty to protect me unless I am mistaken. First: Is there any cost for making a wish? If there is what is that cost? Second: Is there a limited ammount of wishes I have? Third: If I wished for the pain in my legs to be gone, I won't have to worry about you removing them as such would go against protecting me am I correct? Finally, for now at least: How would I call upon you in the future if I desire to make a wish for you to grant?"

Sam waited patiently for her questions to be answered, taking a slow and deep breath to calm her nerves. She hopped she wasn't making a mistake here. She never thought such events could ever happen to her, but with what sort of reputation she had heard about this school she was betting that this was really happening and as such she needed to be careful with how she went about this.

08-14-2012, 05:50 PM
Shayne felt a pair of arms steadying him. The boy, Dave, had held him up to prevent him from falling. He began speaking, but felt no real urge, things weren’t clear, Things...He couldn’t remember...Everything seemed kinda Hazy.
”This hasn’t been the best first day, has it?” Dave said to him. Shayne could only grumble in response, his head swaying slightly more than it already was in an attempt to say “no.” Dave continued to say things, they sounded profound, or important, but things just weren’t Logging in his head, the words he were saying, Shayne knew he was saying words, but he couldn’t make out what they were, not properly.
He felt the world shift as he plodded slowly down the flights of stairs, and to his room. He moved his hand, an attempt to grab his key from his pocket, but his fingers just flustered at the material of the trousers, and before he knew it, The door had swung open. There was a loud crash as it smacked the wall, and bounced back half way to the doorframe. He wondered if it was broken, but the thought didn’t stay for very long in his head. He then felt the world soften around him as he was gently plopped onto his bed, and he started to feel better for being off of his feet. He started thinking clearer, and could make out the Eyes of the person in front of him. Beautiful, Golden eyes stared into his as he began to hear what Dave was saying, and could ACTUALLY understand.

” "Honestly, I envy you, Shayne. Shayne pulled a face. He was the object of Envy? He couldn’t really think why, and this proposition confused him somewhat.
”Just a couple o' hours and you manage to garner almost everyone's friendship an' sympathy. I'll tell you what though, son: things between us are gonna stay frosty. What? So, Dave was envious that Shayne had friends? He then heard that the two of them wouldn’t form a friendship, and this sparked even more of Shayne’s interest.
”I don't know why you would go an' slam your head into a wall, but it certainly drew attention, an' I don't appreciate those that cause themselves harm for attention,
And then Shayne’s blood began to boil. Attention seeking!? This Stranger had accused Shayne of Attention seeking? What the Hell? Shayne had... Well...Why the fuck DID he hit his head? Shayne felt tears prickling his eyes as Dave spoke, but managed to keep them no more than a watery haze over his vision.
”y'understand? So far, you haven't been that bad a person, but I ain't exactly eager to befriend a man who slams his face into innocent plasterin' for people's sympathy. It just ain't right. Be seeyin' ya." And then, with that, The boy had left, leaving Shayne alone in his room. The door closed slowly behind Dave as the lock caught and The room was made silent. Shayne raised his feet from the floor, and lay on his bed, but not in it, he couldn’t, he felt... Was he really coming across as an attention seeker? Who’d’ve known, well, apart from that Texan Arse-Hole, but hey.
He began to let his thoughts drift. He Felt his mind wandering off into Shayne’s own, Self-loathing world. He thought of his day, remembering first meeting Remy, a beautiful specimen of a man with hair soft and golden like the sun. Next, D.A, A Boy who’s hair sat like angel harp-strings over his face, gentle purple near the ends. Jack, The girl who Shayne accused of being a bitch, as people gossiped about him. Shayne made a sound, People were already talking negatively about him. What hope did he have here at West Hills?
Another Boy, the one in the trenchcoat, the Guy who warned Shayne and the others of the dangers on Floor Five. God Shit it, The fuck-wagon was right, Floor Five had bought nothing but trouble, just a smashed head, and the lack of a friendship between he and Dave

And then there was the Texan, The one who Saw Shayne for how he saw himself, A pathetic attention whore, who was putting himself before others. He buried his head in his hands and then began to feel tears pricking again, but Shayne let them fall. He let anger replace sorrow in his head.
’That Texan punk want’s to play like that? Well Fine, He can, I don’t need him. In fact, I don’t need any of those guys, Jack can Take Remy and Daniel and enjoy them herself. To Fuck with them all. They won’t believe me? FINE. But I know there was a reason for me hitting that wall, And I will find out what it was He thought powerfully, much more than he would ever say aloud.

He felt himself drifting off to a sleep, a tired, Weary, Tormented Sleep.
He dreamt of a figure, pacing the corridors, donning a Black cloak, obscuring all of his features. Shayne was following him, why? He couldn’t say, but then, who can in a Dream? But then, Shayne felt himself closing the distance between the figure and himself, and it turned around.
“Be Seein’ Ya!” The beast said, The cloak billowing upwards, shrouding Shayne, and turning the world into blackness. The Voice, it was rough, and...Texan, and then, the only thing visible were it’s eyes.
The Amber-Like Golden eyes.

Shayne awoke with a start, and realised that he was both Alone in his Dreams, Alone in his room, and alone in this school.

08-14-2012, 06:56 PM
"Come in if you want," Rozaria greeted with a smile as her cold, teal eyes met her's. "Hey, isn't there a rule about stepping on the other house's floors?" If she remembered correctly, Gina was a phoenix, and sure looked like one. Pretty and prim, blonde with blue eyes - normal. Stepping on the other side of the hall wasn't really a crime, but didn't Phoenixes always listen to rules?

Gina hesitated, intimidated by something in Rozaria's eyes. They seemed brighter than before, but at the same time colder. She twirled a strand of her ginger hair round one finger nervously, until she caught herself at it, and stopped. She hoped to God that she was just imagining it.

“Yeah,” she said, stepping inside the door and leaning on the handle, “Right next to the rule about teachers not trying to drug students.”

Rozaria seated herself on the small, wooden bench just in front of her bed.

"Sorry if it's a bit messy," she said, remembering her messily open suitcases on the floor. Random articles of clothing were spread across the floor too; Rozaria had a hard time finding things that fit right after the experiment. Luckily, half the things still fit (and half was still quite a lot), and she looked better in them than before too. "So why are you here?"

“I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” Gina said honestly. “You looked really pale and if someone's been knocked out you don't leave them alone – that's first aid 101.” She paused. “But what I really wanted to ask you was what happened. I'm guessing it was something weird or crazy-sounding if you didn't want to talk about it upstairs.”

She sensed Rozaria about to make an airy rebuttal and headed her off.

“Humour me.” she said, folding her arms. “You wouldn't believe how high my tolerance for crazy is.”

Panda Bear
08-14-2012, 07:15 PM
(My First post.!8D Help me out if I've messed up ..?dx)

Hartley Dawson;;
I walked around the third floor in my pajamas. Baggy pants, and a muscle shirt. My normal bedwear. It was too early to sleep, but after class hours. I wasn't sure where all the campus kids wondered off to or any thing since I was newer here. Took my dad forever to actually let me come...Only did to get rid of me for a while I'm almost sure of it. I browsed the things in the halls. Not much. But I guess that's what I got getting put on the Falcons side. "I'm a troublemaker because of me not being able to handle mother's death in an appropriate way.. Why do I get the consiquences.?" I muttered under my breath to myself. I looked around, and grinned to myself. Elevator. Maybe I could go down a floor and check out the girls' hall.? It was agenst the rules for a boy to be in that hall I believe remember reading. But I guess I'm a trouble maker, remember.? I trotted over to the elevator skimming the buttons for floor two. I pressed it, and slowly went up. When I arived on floor two, I looked around. I wanted to walk into some ones room, but I knew I'd get in more trouble then, then if I just got caught exploring the halls...Right.? I was still a bit confused on all the rules and such here..I should probably ask some one here about it then.. I thought to myself. I looked around, realizing this wasn't floor two, though. I saw a group of people and walked over, "Um...Hi, I'm Hartley.." I smiled. I looked around a little more trying to figure out what hall it was. Five.? Or....?

(Real weak post...But I'm still a bit unsure on how this one is running.!^^' Sorry.)

(Fixed it.xD Thanks ya, sunlight.:3)

08-14-2012, 08:44 PM
Remy was trying to help Shay, but found out he may have been making it worse. He saw how Jack was calmly talking to him. Wow, should have thought about that first Remy began to think to himself. He was almost kicking himself pretty badly for what had happened. A little while later, Shay didn’t even remember what scared him. He did hit his head pretty hard though, so it could have had something to do with that. All Remy knew is that Shay saw something out the window. If Shay got that scared over something, it had to have been horrific. Remy then leaned into Jack’s ear “Hey Jack, come with me right quick.” He said, seeing Shay struggling to walk away. Then another guy, Dave, came to Shay’s rescue in trying to help him up before Remy could. Remy would have helped, but this was good for Shay. Making a new friend and at the same time, Shay really needed to go and rest up. He noticed Shay wasn’t only physically hurt, but something felt off. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but he wasn’t going to pry just yet. Maybe that other guy could calm him down.

Remy then leaned in her ear again, “Something isn’t right here. Do you know anyone that can do tarot readings? If so, tell them to meet me down in the library. You can come to if you want.” He said as he smiled and started jogging down the stairs. Remy wanted answers, but on top of that, he needed someone to do a tarot reading. He couldn’t read the cards well himself, but he was curious of the supernatural for reasons that will soon be explained.

08-14-2012, 11:11 PM
”We shall,” Ash replied and Cec smiled. She grabbed her tarot deck, quickly rewrapped it and shoved it in her bag. After grabbing her bag she followed Ash down the hall, the girl explained about her charm. It was quite an incredible thing. ” It's sort of a protection amulet, the things inside are meant to call Morrigan's protection. Mom named me for Her, for some reason. Maybe this is the reason.” “That is really cool,” Cecelia smiled. “There is power in a name.” She agreed with this statement. “I find my name quite ironic, it means blind. Considering my skill with tarot cards.” She let out a laugh as they made their way down the stairs. It was nice to just be able to talk and not worry about creepy mojo. “My last name means bright light.”

“So what other cool information do you have up your sleeve?” Cecelia asked with a real curiosity. “I find other cultures with similar practices to mine really interesting.” She smiled a real smile. This day had been a long one, it felt like a lifetime had passed by. Cecelia couldn’t remember the last time she had smiled and meant it.

08-15-2012, 11:57 PM
Rozaria stood awhile in thought. Gina demanded answers, answers that Rozaria didn't want to give out so easily. Without too much of a pause, she decided to just avoid the whole truth, and maybe insert a few false facts along the way, and say as less as possible. Yes...as less as possible, or maybe none at all.

"I have naturally pale skin, and I'd say it's a nice feature... snow-like." Rozaria wasn't lying about that, she did have a light complexion, but it never was as white as it was right now. That was the downside to the transformation though, you look sick 24/7 - but it wasn't something make-up couldn't fix. "You needlessly worry," Rozaria said, sighing, the words coming out slightly in an insulting manner. She hated pity or sympathy directed to her, whether there is good intention behind it or not. It always made her feel awkward, truth be told.

"As for what happened... let's say a certain science professor presented me with a gift. If you want to know the details, I'll show you soon enough, or you can ask the teach-freak yourself." Rozaria smiled, the edge of her tongue gliding across her upper lip. Before she even was conscious about it, the 'hunger' had surfaced but it wasn't overwhelming. Living as a human for most of her life, Rozaria would think that drinking large portions the coppery, metallic, crimson liquid would be gross. Now with half her humanity stripped away - in a vampire's perspective, it was quite the opposite.

Her eyes glanced up, meeting Gina's again for one last time before shooing her out the room. "I believe it's getting late. You should go, and I should get some sleep, shouldn't I?" Gina was worried about her anyway, so she'll definitely agree that the extra hours of sleep would be favourable. Rozaria's right hand gently spun her around at the shoulders, and pushed her out the door with little effort. "Bye now, I'll see you class, maybe."

08-16-2012, 12:19 PM
"You looked really pale and if someone's been knocked out you don't leave them alone - that's first aid 101."

"I have naturally pale skin, and I'd say it's a nice feature...snow like."

"Yes, but it's got paler." Gina insisted, trying to sound patient in the face of Rozaria's casual self-flattery. "I was worried you might be in shock."

"You needlessly worry." Rozaria said, sighing, the words coming out in a s slightly insulting manner.

Gina liked to think that she thought before she spoke - probably because her mum was the exact opposite, and that was one of the things that had caused so much friction between them. As such she bit down on the first response that came into her head ("I'm just trying to help, you stuck-up bitch!") and decided to cut directly to the point. She paused.

"What I really wanted to ask you was what happened. I'm guessing it was something weird or crazy-sounding if you didn't want to talk about it upstairs."

She sensed Rozaria about to make an airy rebuttal and headed her off.

"Humour me." she said, folding her arms. "You wouldn't believe how high my tolerance for crazy is."

"...Let's say a certain science professor presented me with a gift. If you want to know the details, I'll show you soon enough, or you can ask the teach-freak yourself." Rozaria smiled, the edge of her tongue gliding across her upper lip.

Gina froze like a rabbit in the headlights of an oncoming car. Rozaria was looking at her not with the eyes of a 19 year old girl, but with the hungry gaze of a stone-cold predator. The realisation that she had seen that look before hit her like a sledgehammer. Oh God - that wasn't Rozaria looking back at her, it was one of Them! Her shock completely stifled any urge to resist, or even to call Rozaria a patronising bitch as she shooed her out of her room in the most condescending manner possible. She stumbled away down the corridor as Rozaria shut the door behind her, her heart-rate spiking as she saw that Ash and Cece were gone and realised how alone and vulnerable she was. She broke into a run and didn't stop until she reached the stairway, where she halted and leaned on the carved bannister while she slowed her breathing and wiped away the tears that were beginning to blur her vision.

It was happening again. It was really happening. Gina gripped the cold wood of the bannister until her knuckles went white. Okay, you can survive this. You've done it once before. You just need to stay calm and think.

Gina heard voices, and her head snapped back towards the Falcon House corridor, but no-one was following her. She looked down and realised that the voices were coming from people downstairs. It sounded like two girls - one of which might have been Cece. Taking her hand off the supporting bannister to fix her hair and straighten her clothes, she glanced back one more time before heading down towards the voices.

Cece and Ash were in the library, talking without any apparent anxiousness. Gina cleared her throat as she slipped in through the door - partly to let the other girls knew she was there, partly because she wanted to make sure that her voice didn't crack the first time she opened her mouth.

"Hi." she said to the two, "Do you know where the others are?" Ash and Cece shrugged. "Can I join you? It's important."

Gina crossed the room towards the corner where the other girls were sitting, the sound of her boots silenced by the thick carpet.

"I guess you don't need me to tell you that there's something really wrong with this place." she began as she sat down in a cushioned armchair. She glanced from Cece to Ash and back again, and pushed her ginger hair back behind her ear. "But we've got a problem. Whatever happened to Winter up there...well, she's not Winter any more. She's something else."

08-16-2012, 08:09 PM
Upon entering the library she noticed two others in the room. There was one of the teachers, the one who was way to under dressed to be around a bunch of teenagers. Then there was another girl, Samantha? They seemed to be conversing about something before Cec arrived. She waved at them, and went to the index cards. She pulled out a notebook and a pencil and scribbled down a few reference numbers and shared the list with Ash. “Let’s get to work,” she said with a smile and went about looking for some of the books on the list.


Cecelia was leafing through a book when she heard the voice of another person. She looked up, it was Gina. "Hi." she said to the two, "Do you know where the others are?" Ash and Cece shrugged. "Can I join you? It's important." Cec detected a nervousness in the girl’s voice. “I have no clue where everyone is. Probably in their rooms.” She paused before continuing, “Sure, you okay?” Cec asked with concern in her voice.

"I guess you don't need me to tell you that there's something really wrong with this place." she began as she sat down in a cushioned armchair. She glanced from Cece to Ash and back again, and pushed her ginger hair back behind her ear. "But we've got a problem. Whatever happened to Winter up there...well, she's not Winter any more. She's something else." Cec listened to Gina carefully and thought back to the incident. She hadn’t thought much of it, but Winter was much paler after she woke then before. And there were subtle differences, a general feeling of something being off. She silently cursed herself for not seeing it sooner. “I think you are right.” She let out a sigh and nodded in agreement. “Did she say anything odd when you talked to her?”

Leon G
08-16-2012, 09:46 PM
And then...

The Library
"Everything has a cost child," Trina said lazily, "It depends on the wish. You're blind and want to see? Someone loses their eyes. You want to be pretty? Someone becomes uglier. You want money...someone will be broke." She paused and gave Sammy a cunning smile. "You want your voice back...someone will lose theirs. Maybe it'll be someone you know. Maybe it'll be someone in Australia. You never know." Trina glanced at Sammy's legs. Her eyes glowed red and the scars slowly disappeared."Your legs are healed. But as you know, someone just became unfortunate. I believe there is a term in French. Cest la vie, yes? Your wishes are unlimited. Only when you remove the ring shall I be freed. Rub the ruby ring if you need me." With that Trina bowed and disappeared in a flash of red smoke. When the smoke cleared, Sammy found herself in her room - alone with her self and her thoughts.

That Night
The night had wound down rather quickly. The students had unexplainable urges to wrap it up. The band of boys who had originally planned on making a journey to the 5th floor and overcome with tiredness and each went their separate ways. The girls all wandered back to their rooms with the exception of Rozaria. She had a special...snack before going to bed. That night all the students slept surprisingly well. Well, it wasn't a surprise to Gelda. Everyone always slept like a rock the first night. After all, Gelda didn't want any of them getting too spooked on the fist night and run for the hills. Although a few students had a bit of unrest. Tomorrow, though. No lives would be spared. After all, the night spent in the basement was spent getting everything ready. Gelda's face twisted into a wicked smile. She just loved when students died, or even better - wandered to the basement alone. She just fed off of their deaths.

Bumps in the night
James Connors had seemed to hear screaming in the night. The screaming wasn't too loud. It was a bit faint and sounded like it was coming from above him. Despite this, he slept fairly well, minus hearing screaming in his dream.

Cece's room was absolutely frigid, no matter how many blankets she put on. It was like all the warmth was being sucked out. She didn't spot any apparitions floating about, so she blamed it on the school's poot heating system. Since she was buried under so many blankets, it was easy for someone to slip in and out of her room without her notice.

Daniel would be lying in bed when he would suddenly hear banging on his door. But when he went to check who was out there, he saw no one. This happened several times before Daniel decided to just use his iPod.

Rozaria slept like a rock her first night transformed. She did not notice the green ooze coming from underneath her balcony door, nor did she notice it move across the room, slipping underneath her door.

For some reason he could not explain, Dave and Shayne bolted up in bed, as if they had been shocked, then fell back asleep as if it never happened. This occurred at the same time.

Sammy and Naire slept well, Sammy's new legs serving her well. Trina was on her mind though and she dreamed of future wishes.

Gina had the worst time sleeping. She had the feeling she was being watched. She also had an odd dream. She dreamt that she was in a dark dungeon-y looking place. She didn't know exactly were she was, but she had a feeling she was in the school. She heard people, young, around her age, wailing her name. Save us Gina. Saaaaaave us. Gina turned around and she saw spirits hanging by their arms in shackled on the wall. They all tried to reach for her, crying and moaning. Gina noticed they all had their school uniforms on. She was going to ask what happened when a cold hand clamped on her shoulder. Gina turned around to see the skeletal face of Gelda. "You're next," she cackled. Gina woke up, sweating. Jack, who stayed with Gina didn't notice.

That Next Morning
The students woke to the sound of loud bells ringing a strange medley, then the school bells ringing six times, signifying the time. A few minutes later, Gelda's voice rang through the school.

"Good morning students," Gelda said, the syrupy sweet false voice back, "I hope you had a wonderful night. Announcements will be short today. Be out of your rooms and in the Dining Hall by 8. Ms. Greenfeild has prepared a lovely porridge for you all. First class is at 9, and the elective is Gym. No dressy clothes necessary and this will be taught in the garden. Your new teacher Marcus Samnitie will be teaching this class. No special attire required. Remember you must be in school uniform by first class! Have a wonderful morning!"


-Cece's cards are now missing
-One of the students has changed and one of the students is not who you think they are
-There are two new students, Hartley and C. Will

08-17-2012, 02:04 AM
((Ignore this, pretty please. I screwed up.))

08-18-2012, 06:07 PM
It hadn’t been a particularly good night for Shayne. He didn’t remember much about it, When you first wake up, Your memory is almost as bad as a fish, but he Remembered he had woken up with a start last night, Twice, once was from a dream he had, but he couldn’t remember it no matter how hard he tried. He also woke up a second time, but he also had no recollection of this time, other than he knew he had woken up. He then remembered..well, waking up now.

He sat up and stretched, his guitar had slumped over and fallen onto the floor, maybe that was what woke him up, he had thought, he groaned as the sound of the bell struck his head a further three times, the previous three must’ve been going on just seconds before, and woke him up this time. He stretched his arms out, and flung his legs over to the side of the bed.
”Good Morning, Students” The head mistress’ voice came silking into his room. "I hope you had a wonderful night. Announcements will be short today. Be out of your rooms and in the Dining Hall by 8. Ms. Greenfeild has prepared a lovely porridge for you all. First class is at 9, and the elective is Gym. No dressy clothes necessary and this will be taught in the garden. Your new teacher Marcus Samnitie will be teaching this class. No special attire required. Remember you must be in school uniform by first class! Have a wonderful morning!"
There was so much wrong with that.
First of all, Euch, porridge? The stuff was like slimy vomit with added healthiness, which is never good-tasting, even if you lace it with enough sugar to Match Gelda’s sickly-sweet voice, it still tasted awful.
And this was “lovely” porridge. Shayne could see the Box-Cover now.
“Lovely Porridge!
Warning: Contains Beaks, Shoes and Hummingbird Tears”
Shayne then thought about the Elective. Gym. Now, Gym for someone of Shayne’s...Preference was both good and bad for several obvious reasons, but other than that, he just didn’t like it. He wasn’t horrible at it, But he didn’t like it, competing did nothing for his self esteem, especially if he was going to be against Remy or...
Or anyone else. He remembered that he would have to ignore them. He had decided to remain alone today, and forever, he remembered the inner monologue he had, to remain friend-less. Dave had told him he was beign selfish...
“ow..” he said, rubbing the spot he hit on the wall yesterday, it was sore, but no permenant Damage was done, he could count, remember his name and yesterdays events, for the most part.

So, he hopped out of bed and went to the Bathroom to get cleaned up. While there was plenty of cleaning implements,a nd the entire area was beautifully made out, something about it still seemed dirty, even though there really was no reason. Maybe he was jsut being paranoid, and maybe it’s because he knew that there were rats outside by the Balcony.

Pulling on his clothes, He let out an audible moan and flailed hsi arms around in his room in a mock-strop. He smacked his body, cursing the awful cargo-trousers and scratchy collar, suffocating Tie and ugh, the whole thing was awful. He then turned, and took his key, twisting the handle, and left the room into the hall, The door Auto-Locking behind him.

08-18-2012, 07:43 PM
"I think you are right." Cece let out a sigh and nodded in agreement. "Did she say anything odd when you talked to her?"

Gina breathed a sigh of relief when the other girl believed her. "She said the science teacher gave her a 'gift'. Maybe it's something to do with that mark on her stomach?"

She paused, twisting her hands in her lap, and decided that keeping the other girls safe was more important than sounding crazy. Given everything that had happened, they might just believe her.

Glancing around and lowering her voice, she said, "You need to take care around her. I've seen something like this before and people...people died. There was a girl in my old hometown called Yv, and she was..." She laughed mirthlessly. "It's not quite the right word, but she was possessed. By ghosts."

She looked up at the other girls for signs of whether they still believed her or not. Even with all the other weird stuff going on, malevolent spirits possessing people was a stretch for anybody. She had felt the exact same way back in Austere until she had seen it with her own eyes.

"I don't know if the same thing's happened to Winter, but she's got the same look about her. In her room just now, the way she looked at me...I thought she was going to..." She dropped her gaze and bit her lip. "I thought she was going to kill me. We might be able to help her. We helped Yv, we killed Them. But I need to know exactly what happened to Rozaria. Until then, keep your doors locked and don't let yourself be alone with her. When one of Them takes over someone, they don't know what they're doing."

She broke off as she noticed the severe-looking librarian walking towards them, who glanced at the gilded clock on the wall and frowned at the three girls.

"Curfew's coming up." the librarian told them, "You should be heading to bed."

Gina quickly composed her face, nodded, and began to help Ash and Cece gather their things.

"Warn as many people as you can." she whispered as they headed for the door. "Don't tell the teachers. I don't know about the rest of them but the nurse is up to her neck in this, probably the headmistress and all."

She paused for a second, suddenly thinking of something, and looked back at the librarian.

"Excuse me," she said, "Do you have the wi-fi password?"

* * * * * *

Gina chewed the inside of her cheek as she checked her contacts list on Skype. Her friend Aidan from Austere wasn't on, and neither was her mother - both people she really needed to talk to right now. Her phone had no signal inside the mansion either, and both Aidan and her mum were lousy at checking their Facebook for private messages. In the end she settled for sending an email to her mum's work address, reasoning that she would get it first thing in the morning.

Hi mum,
Things are weird here. Like, Austere weird. I really need to talk to you.

She knew her mum would take her seriously. She'd been through the same ordeal that Gina had. But how long would it be before her mum would be able to come and get her? She pressed her fist against her mouth nervously and looked around the room. Both the corridor and balcony doors were locked and bolted, though the old-fashioned lampstand by her desk kept the room lit. Gina was still waiting for Jack to turn up - in fact, she hadn't heard anyone else come down the corridor at all, and she couldn't go out looking for the other girl. She had to stay awake to make sure the forgetful girl didn't go back to her own room, the one with the unnatural dark. Gina snorted to herself. Well that wouldn't be a problem. She was exhausted, but she was also achingly hungry because of not eating dinner, and her nerves were on edge because of Rozaria - neither of which were conductive to sleep.

Her anxious thoughts were interrupted by a pop-up bubble appearing in the corner of her laptop screen, telling her that her dad was online as he had promised. She bit her lip, and fired up the Skype call.

"Hi dad!" she said when he picked up, forcing a smile into her voice. "Yeah I'm great, how about you?"

What else could she say? Her dad was back in the UK. He didn't know anything about Austere, and Gina and her mum had vowed not to tell him.

After her dad had signed off to go to work, Gina undressed, showered, and climbed into bed. Even though she was restless, her arms and legs felt as heavy as lead. She lay awake for a long time, trying to ignore the gnawing pain in her stomach and listening out for Jack, her eyes roaming over the faded gold-leaf patterns painted on the footboard of her bed. She fell asleep without realising.

Gina had the worst time sleeping. She had the feeling she was being watched. She also had an odd dream. She dreamt that she was in a dark dungeon-y looking place. She didn't know exactly were she was, but she had a feeling she was in the school. She heard people, young, around her age, wailing her name. Save us Gina. Saaaaaave us. Gina turned around and she saw spirits hanging by their arms in shackled on the wall. They all tried to reach for her, crying and moaning. Gina noticed they all had their school uniforms on. She was going to ask what happened when a cold hand clamped on her shoulder. Gina turned around to see the skeletal face of Gelda. "You're next," she cackled.

Gina jerked over from her side onto her back as she woke up in the dark. Something heavy flopped across her chest, and she pushed it away with a gasp of fright before realising that it was her own arm, numb from where she had been sleeping on it. Swearing at herself and rolling out of bed onto her hands and knees, it was only as she started rubbing her arm to get rid of the pins and needles that she realised that something was wrong.

Who had turned the light off?

Suddenly afraid again, goosebumps prickling on her bare arms and legs, Gina groped her way to the door, and slammed her hand against the main light switch. She almost immediately regretted it when she woke up and flash-blinded Jack, who had presumably got a spare key off the groundskeeper and was sleeping soundly at the far end of her bed.

"Shit!" Gina said, suddenly feeling very stupid, "Sorry!"

08-18-2012, 08:06 PM
"She said the science teacher gave her a 'gift'. Maybe it's something to do with that mark on her stomach? You need to take care around her. I've seen something like this before and people...people died. There was a girl in my old hometown called Yv, and she was..." She laughed mirthlessly. "It's not quite the right word, but she was possessed. By ghosts." Gina seemed nervous as she spoke in a low voice. “I’ll keep an eye on her, I agree that she is definitely not right.”

"I don't know if the same thing's happened to Winter, but she's got the same look about her. In her room just now, the way she looked at me...I thought she was going to..." She dropped her gaze and bit her lip. "I thought she was going to kill me. We might be able to help her. We helped Yv, we killed Them. But I need to know exactly what happened to Rozaria. Until then, keep your doors locked and don't let yourself be alone with her. When one of Them takes over someone, they don't know what they're doing."

As shudder went through Cec at Gina’s words. “I will see what I can dig up. Just be careful.” She tried to smile reassuringly at Gina, but she wasn’t all that reassuring to herself.

"Curfew's coming up." the librarian told them, "You should be heading to bed."

Gina quickly composed her face, nodded, and began to help Ash and Cece gather their things.

"Warn as many people as you can." she whispered as they headed for the door. "Don't tell the teachers. I don't know about the rest of them but the nurse is up to her neck in this, probably the headmistress and all."

Cec nodded, “I’ll do just that, I don’t trust the teachers all that much either. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said and exited the room heading up the stairs to her own room. What had she gotten herself into.


Cecelia pulled off the enormous amount of blankets, she was still shivering from the frigid night. “Stupid heating system,” she muttered and went to her drawers pulling out a uniform. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She hadn’t slept all that great in this cold room.

"Good morning students," Gelda said, the syrupy sweet false voice back, "I hope you had a wonderful night. Announcements will be short today. Be out of your rooms and in the Dining Hall by 8. Ms. Greenfeild has prepared a lovely porridge for you all. First class is at 9, and the elective is Gym. No dressy clothes necessary and this will be taught in the garden. Your new teacher Marcus Samnitie will be teaching this class. No special attire required. Remember you must be in school uniform by first class! Have a wonderful morning!"

“Ah hell,” Cec knew already that this day wouldn’t be all that great. “Who actually eats porridge.” She grumbled and grabbed a towel, maybe a hot bath would help her feel a little more like herself. Her bare feet padded across the room to the bathroom. She quickly stripped out of her brightly coloured pajamas as she waited for the tub to fill. Hot steam filled the room thawing out Cec as she brushed her hair.

As she got into the bath she let out a sigh, the hot water was working miracles. After about twenty delightful minutes she got out and pulled her towel around herself. At least the bathroom was warmer than her bedroom last night. Cec quickly dried off and wrapped the towel around her hair after getting dressed in the dreary uniform. Grey and blue, kind of depressing really. She exited the bathroom and the remnants of cold air in her room hit her. She shivered a little as she went to her bag. Maybe a reading to get some clarity for the days events.

“What the hell,” she muttered when she couldn’t find her tarot cards in her bag. “I know they were in here last night.” Cece went about looking for her cards, “Damn it where did they go.” She looked at the clock. It was almost time for breakfast. With it a sigh she grabbed her messenger bag and left her room, locking the door behind her.

08-18-2012, 08:53 PM
By the time she'd scored the trailed of the campus, just fitting the key into the lock seemed like an effort to Narissa. Once she was inside, she kicked her suitcase over into the corner of the room, unzipped her belongings, brushed her teeth, and undressed. Keeping the tank top she had under her shirt, she forced on a pair of black flannel pants, and all but collapsed into the bed. The second her head hit the mattress, some memory was released and she realized that this may not be her bed, after all.

Her and Sam hadn't had the chance to talk about room specifics and with Sam being the first to move in, she jumped off the bed, feeling suddenly uncomfortable. Thinking that the shared rooms must be connected she traced the walls for a second door, only to find a rather pathetic bathroom. Leaving the room, she studied the room numbers, hoping to see a double "112". 110, 111, 112... 113.


Shutting the door behind her, she tried to tidy up her little corner, promising that she'd unpack later, before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I'll just explain it to her when she gets back," she thought to herself with a noisy yawn, "she'll understand..."
Without much of an effort, or struggle, it was only minutes before she drifted off.

(time to talk to Heson)

08-18-2012, 09:32 PM
IGNORE PLEASE. Redoing my entrance post.

Heson Shadowbane
08-19-2012, 02:56 AM
Sam gave a few coughs, sounding like a gasp in reverse, as the smoke cleared. She rubbed her eyes as she noticed she wasn't in the library anymore. Seeing a sleeping Nare on the bed in the faint light of a bedside lamp she let out a silent sigh of relief. She wouldn't have known how to explain herself showing up in the room in the cloud of red smoke, which would have led into the genie thing and her mind was still reeling from that.

She quickly tugged up her pant legs and stared at the unblemished skin. She then jumped up and down and then spun around. She felt no pain from the actions at all. Sam began to smile before a thought struck her. Another person would have the pain now. The thought sobering her, she slipped out of her clothes, grabbing her sleepwear.

She was naturally almost as flat as a board, barely any female shape to her. She tugged the t shirt down over her head and pulled on her pj bottoms, glancing at Nare in their bed. <She looks so cute sleeping like that. And her arm... I could wish... No, that would hurt someone else in the world... I need to be careful with this ring. Would any wish be safe? What if I wished for knowledge?>. Sam almost began to rub the ring, shaking her head and stopping herself. It wasn't the time right now. Some rest would help clear her head. A smile came on her face as she turned the lamp off and crawled into bed with Nare. After a few restless minutes, Sam gave into temptation and scooted up next to Nare, pressing against her and draping an arm over her. Like a child with the comfort of a teddy bear in her arms, sleep came easy for Sam.

08-19-2012, 04:08 AM
Narissa's dreams were more vivid that night. She couldn't cling onto more of a memory than subtle places she'd visited; a straw-grass field, her old babysitter's house, the morning before the accident. What made it feel so lucid, however, was the heaviness of it all, a touch so alien but comforting, that hovered through most of the scenes. Comforting...

Then suddenly, with a dream-dazed mind, her eyes squinted open and the presence remained. She looked up at her roommate, who was a few inches above her, her head still resting against her chest. She smiled and closed her eyes, released a sigh of contentment, before reality sent tense needle-pricks across her skin. Looking up at her new friend once more, she quickly pulled away and after a moment's scare of waking her, quietly wiggled her way free. Her feet hadn't reached the bed floor when the announcement was blared, making her wince instantaneously:

"Good morning students, I hope you had a wonderful night. Announcements will be short today. Be out of your rooms and in the Dining Hall by 8. Ms. Greenfeild has prepared a lovely porridge for you all. First class is at 9, and the elective is Gym. No dressy clothes necessary and this will be taught in the garden. Your new teacher Marcus Samnitie will be teaching this class. No special attire required. Remember you must be in school uniform by first class! Have a wonderful morning!"

"Shit, my uniform," she paused, already halfway to her suitcase, when she turned on a swivel and threw open the closet doors. Snatching one of the promptly hung costumes, she grabbed her bag of toiletries and locked herself away in the bathroom.

Frustrated with the baggy white polo and rather frumpy knee-length skirt, she fought with the articles, struggled to make them look cute, before practically ripping each off. Redressing again, she brushed her teeth, and began her struggle with the tie. She'd practiced beforehand, of course, but her fingers were tangling between the fabric and the steps had blurred in her head. Messily tucking in her shirt, she hiked up her skirt a few inches, slung on the knee-high socks, and slipped into the Sunday-school teacher shoes. Grabbing the blue tie, she balanced the cloth between her fingers and her mouth, trying out an old trick she once learned, in which the tie ended up looking like a bow tie.

Having a relaxed wavy hairstyle and little patience or concern left for how she looked, she made-do with the messy hair and after quickly brushing her teeth, grabbed her backpack and went back into the main room. Smiling at Sam, she waited to weed out any weird-vibes, before speaking.

Heson Shadowbane
08-20-2012, 10:14 AM
Sam's sleep remained undisturbed all night as she slept, forgoing the pillows on the bed for the natural ones upon Nare's chest. She felt comforted by Nare's presence in her arms under her and for once her dreams did not hold the heat of the fire. As Nare slipped out from under her, Sam murmured very softly with a groan at having lost her warm and soft pillow. Her discomfort at loosing her human pillow didn't last long as it was quickly replaced by another discomfort of a loud blaring.

"Good morning students, I hope you had a wonderful night. Announcements will be short today. Be out of your rooms and in the Dining Hall by 8. Ms. Greenfeild has prepared a lovely porridge for you all. First class is at 9, and the elective is Gym. No dressy clothes necessary and this will be taught in the garden. Your new teacher Marcus Samnitie will be teaching this class. No special attire required. Remember you must be in school uniform by first class! Have a wonderful morning!"

Groaning in a sleepy feminine way, Sam shook her head and tugged a pillow over her head, acting like the child that didn't want to get up. Hearing the slam of the bathroom door was what finally got her woken up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she pulled open the nightstand drawer. Trina may have healed her legs, but she felt like she should continue to take her medications. She had minor burns across her body that were almost fully healed by now, plus the searing of her voice box to think of as well as she popped the pills. With her medication done she hopped out of bed. Literally hopped out of it onto the floor, and once again marveled at her healed legs before glancing at the clock. <Time to do that later. I should dress up now.>

Stripping off her sleeping clothes, with her roommate claiming the bathroom, Sam changed right in the middle of their room. She had tugged on her panties and the boy pants and had her shoes and socks on by the time Nare came out of the bathroom. Caught topless, Sam just smiled shyly and waved her fingers before turning to tug the polo over her head and slipping a pretied tie over her head and under the collar with a few tightening tugs to secure the blue plaid tie in place. She turned back to Nare with a smile, ruffling her short hair a bit as she tried to think of something to say. In the end she simply signed, "Thank you" probably referring to using her as a pillow before she walked over and gave her a hug. Sure they should probably go eat breakfast, but after sleeping with Nare in her arms Sam felt like holding Nare might end up as a bit of an addiction for her.

08-20-2012, 12:51 PM
Stop staring.

Narissa ducked her head, eyebrows still up in surprise, forcing herself to keep concentration on the panels of the floor. Looking up again as Sam signed her thanks, she smiled without thinking deeply into it, and met her hug halfway. The closeness had her hold her breath for a moment, hoping the lack of oxygen would put her racing heart at ease.

Slightly pulling away from the hug, she looked at Sam for a moment, bit her lip, and took a step back. Glancing across the room at her suitcase, a sudden nervousness had her craving whatever was left of the quarter-bag, however unrealistic the idea might be. Looking back up at Sam, she was torn (once again) between feeding her curiosity and humiliating herself. As the insecure questions began flooding her mind, she had a sudden boast of courage and started to blurt bold questions.

"Are y-" she asked for a moment, but waving her hands before her, to show the mistake.
"Never mind, are you ready?" she asked, slinging her messenger bag over her shoulder.

08-21-2012, 03:57 AM
After being fucking flashed with the piercing white light, she jolted upright. Her eyes widened as purple and green dots clouded her vision. After a minute or two of letting her vision clear up, Jack screamed as loud as she could. It wasn't a "Me and so and so got together!!" scream. It was a full out, piercing bloody murder scream. Literally leaping from the end of the bed, she screamed again and flew out of the room, not bothering to stop and casually open the door. After flinging it open, it slammed against the wall and returned to being shut. Booking it down the hall, she remained screaming.

She had never realized that she was barefoot, nor that she was quickly climbing the stairs. Up she went, in her tank top and shorts. If Gina hadn't flash blinded her, the memory loss probably wouldn't have been triggered. But waking up in the middle of the night in some persons bed wasn't exactly comforting. As she flung through the door out of the boy's floor, she staggered slightly forwards and forgot what she was running from. She tiredly dragged her feet towards the east wing, pushing open a door and falling to her hands and knees. The laundry room was dark, not as dark as her room of course. She was in the middle of the room when she fell sideways and passed out cold, sleeping soundly.

08-21-2012, 04:07 AM
Finding himself with extra time before he had to go down for a meal, Shayne decided he should get out of the corridors before Remy walked out on him, he couldnt fave anyone form last night, not now. he decided to explore, starting with the elevator again. he pressed a couple buttons, anf yet it still didn't work. he let out a miniature grumble, and then kicked it. it made a low grumbling sound, and Shayne found himself making a girly yelp as he jumped out from within the lift. He exhaled deeply and allowed his breath to return, before heading in another direction.

He found a door that he had not yet been through. He wondered what was through it, and so, he elongated his uniformed-arm and opened the door.
And Jack lay on the floor. Sleeping.
Shayne stood still for a couple seconds. He held the door in place as he stood and stared at Jack's slumbering body. "huh..." he said, and then turned and gently closed the door behind him. he then took a towel from one of the baskets, and placed it on the floor, so his footsteps wouldn't wake the girl up. Well, not before he was ready to get payback for stealing his man. Maybe it was the head injury, but Shayne seemed to be letting his care-free side to run without the normal conscience to attack it. he took one fo the baskets, and then, just to be annoying, Threw it so that the Basket bottom smacked into the cold, solid floor, and made a loud CRASH.

08-21-2012, 01:32 PM
Gina was so shocked that she could do little except leap out of Jack's way as she screamed again and flew out of the room, the door narrowly missing her as it slammed back against the wall. The doorknob left a noticeable dent in the plaster as the door swung back and snapped shut with its own momentum.

"Jesus!" said Gina. She shouted after Jack as the other girl pounded away up the stairs, and was about to run after her in her bra and pants before catching herself, cursing, and running back to pull a hoodie from her chest of drawers. By the time she had bundled it on and pulled it down enough to cover her modesty, Jack was long gone. Gina swore under her breath for a second time and began to creep up the dark corridor towards the stairs. She saw a light come on under one of the other doors, which meant that either Becca or Ash had been woken by the screaming. She went to go and talk to them, but she hadn't taken more than a couple of steps before she heard heavy, shoe-shod footfalls coming up the stairs from the ground floor.

Her adrenaline spiking, Gina backpedalled and ducked back into her room, killing the light and shutting the door as quietly as she could. She practically threw herself into bed and ducked under the covers as the footsteps outside reached the second floor. They paused. Gina held her breath. A flash of white swept by under Gina's door, as if the person outside was shining a torch around, but they didn't advance down the corridor or open any of the rooms. It looked like Becca or Ash had been clever enough (or scared enough) to turn off their own light when they heard the stranger coming.

After a moment the footsteps began again, retreating back downstairs. Gina lay in bed with her nails digging into her palms long after everything had gone silent. She waited in the hope that Jack would come back down, but the hope turned out to be a vain one. Gina didn't know what was wrong with Jack, but she was pretty sure that the enigmatic girl wasn't possessed, and she hoped that she was okay. Gina waited ten minutes, then twenty, and she had just decided that if things remained quiet for another five then she would screw up her courage and go find Jack, when the school bell rang its obnoxiously loud wake-up call.

"Good morning students," Gelda said over the hidden tannoy. She seemed to have jumped schizophrenically back into her syrupy-sweet voice. "I hope you had a wonderful night. Announcements will be short today. Be out of your rooms and in the Dining Hall by 8. Miss Greenfield has prepared a lovely porridge for you all. First class is at 9, and the elective is Gym. No dressy clothes necessary and this will be taught in the garden. Your new teacher Marcus Samnitie will be teaching this class. No special attire required. Remember you must be in school uniform by first class. Have a wonderful morning!"

Gina twisted her mouth, wondering what sort of sport they could play properly while still in their uniforms, tie and all. Then again, she didn't hold out much hope for Mr Samnitie being any less weird and disturbing than the rest of the staff; or at least the headmistress, the nurse and - if Rozaria was to be believed - the Science teacher. Okay, maybe the English teacher looked normal, the one who had smiled at her last night at dinner, but after being nearly drugged twice Gina wasn't inclined to trust any of them.

Thinking of the drugged stew and medicine brought Gina's mind round to breakfast. The nurse presumably thought that she had drank her infusion, so whatever that was supposed to do and whatever it was supposed to make her "forget" she thought she might have got herself off the hook from any further druggings. She certainly hoped so - her stomach was cramping painfully after not eating for nearly 17 hours, and she couldn't go without eating the school's food indefinitely. Sighing to herself, and knowing that she had no chance of getting back to sleep for the next hour, she tossed her worn underwear into the room's provided laundry basket and went for a long shower. Coming out, she pushed her wet hair back from her face, rubbed the mirror clean of steam, and confirmed the suspicion that she looked like microwaved shit. After putting on a little more make-up than usual to hide the grey shadows under her eyes, she dug out her school uniform and looked at it critically. It was very...old fashioned. The only time she wore a pleated skirt and knee socks at her age was on school-disco nights at Liquid back in Leicester, and West Hills didn't have the same fun factor. God, that had been a simpler time. Nothing to worry about except A levels, hockey practice, and her dad shaking his head because he had Gina at weekends and was therefore the one who had to deal with her staggering in at 4am after house parties. Back then, if someone said "supernatural" to her, the first thing to jump into her mind was Sam and Dean Winchester.

Gina shook her head, got dressed, and stared down her own reflection while she semi-consciously dried her hair and brushed it into its natural wave. She had much, much worse things to worry about now. What was she going to do about the drug-happy teachers? What was she going to do about Rozaria? Hell, what was she going to say to Jack when she saw her? At least the two occult girls, Ash and Cece, were on her side - and maybe Daniel too. First thing was first: get through breakfast without arousing suspicion. And try and find out if Daphne's porridge was clean or not...somehow. Gina bit her lip, and cast a longing look at her laptop. She really wanted her mum's advice and help, but her phone remained stubbornly without signal and it was still too early for her mum to have got to work and seen her email.

Finishing off by spraying a bit of Black XS onto her neck and wrists, Gina abandoned the comfort of the familiar routine and got up to go and find Ash and Cece. Her watch read quarter to eight. Locking her door behind her and stuffing her room key into her bag, Gina crossed the hall and knocked on the door of room 202.

"Hey Ash, you ready to head down?"

She waited for the other girl to open the door.

"Yeah, I know." Gina said with a tired grin as Ash's eyes dropped to her uniform, before turning serious. "Were you okay last night? Did anything happen?"

08-21-2012, 06:12 PM
It wasn’t long after finding Rozaria that the group disbanded and went their separate ways. Daniel’s trip back to his room was one filled with worry. He didn’t know what the future held, and it often troubled him. In this place, things could happen, and there was no way for him to get out. His father was on some trip that would last the entire time he was in this place. He had no one else to call on to get him out, and yet something in him wanted to stay and see what else West Hills High had to offer. The adventurer in him wanted to know what was in the basement as well as what their teachers really were. He walked to his room, not even realizing he had arrived until he bumped into his room door. His mind flashed back and forth to images of Shayne and the others he had met. He worried for them, because he had gotten to know them, if only slightly. Perhaps it was best if he allowed the sand man to come and sprinkle his sand upon his eyes to allow rest.

Stripping, Daniel took a shower to ease his mind, and after drying off, he crawled into bed and allowed sleep to take him. Unfortunately, Daniel’s sleep was continuously disturbed by knocking at the door. Each time Daniel would get up, go to the door, open it and find nothing. Sighing, he eventually put his earphones in and plugged them into his iPod, allowing the music to drown out any more knocking. When the sun peaked into his window, Daniel slowly opened his eyes. He felt a bit groggy from being disturbed repeatedly throughout the night. Yawning, Daniel removed the blankets that covered him, and sat on the edge of the bed. He had to sit for a bit and think on what today would bring. Surely, he’d see Shayne and the others again, but who knows if they’d even remember what happened, for he didn’t truly want to remember all that had happened. The bells that had awakened him still rung in his head, and to make matters worse, the headmistresses voice soon rang out throughout the entire school.

"Good morning students," Gelda said, her voice as false and alluring as it was the first day they had arrived. "I hope you had a wonderful night. Announcements will be short today. Be out of your rooms and in the Dining Hall by 8. Ms. Greenfeild has prepared a lovely porridge for you all. First class is at 9, and the elective is Gym. No dressy clothes necessary and this will be taught in the garden. Your new teacher Marcus Samnitie will be teaching this class. No special attire required. Remember you must be in school uniform by first class! Have a wonderful morning!"

Daniel grunted and stood to his feet, stretching as he made his way into the bathroom. After the shower, he began his routine of care, starting with his teeth, then moving to his ears and hair. After his routine was finished, he got dressed. The entire uniform fit him very well, and he made sure his hair was untied and fell against his shoulders. The purple tips of his hair still showed marvelously against the uniform. After adjusting everything, Daniel grabbed some cologne and sprayed only a small bit, for a little bit went a long way. He grabbed his bracelets and put his diamond earrings into his earring holes before checking to make sure everything was right. He smiled and nodded to the mirror as if giving it approval at what he saw. Grabbing his backpack, he strapped it to his back and headed out the door, locking it behind him. He headed towards the main staircase. For some reason, he avoided elevators in this particular school, and he had no idea as to why he didn’t use them. Perhaps it was the athlete within him.

08-21-2012, 08:58 PM
Cecelia made her way down the old creaky staircase, her eyes held a blank stare as she tried to think of where her cards could have gone to. With each step, her messenger bag hit her hip. She had decided to go with a single braid down her back today, she didn’t feel like putting too much effort into her appearance. She already felt like she was running behind on everything, why bother with the extra effort. Especially if they were just going to have Gym in the garden.

“How are we supposed to do anything physical in these stupid uniforms,” Cec grumbled to herself, her mood was sour. Gym was her least favourite class. “And Gym in the garden, that seems just a stupid as the uniforms.” She grumbled as she made her way to the cafeteria. It was fairly empty, but that suited her just fine. She set her bag beside her and took a seat, waiting for the, not so appetizing sounding, porridge.

Heson Shadowbane
08-22-2012, 03:29 AM
"Are y-" she asked for a moment, but waving her hands before her, to show the mistake.
"Never mind, are you ready?"

Sam tilted her head ever so innocently, giving off an almost childlike innocence with her look and the simple action. She didn't need for Nare to finish the question she cut off, but she didn't give any real answer back to her. It was something that she was still asking herself about, the feelings still confusing her sometimes. It showed as Sam's little head tilt turned to a look at the ground as she chewed her bottom lip. In thought? Nervousness? Confusion? She took a breath and then slid a hand through her hair giving herself a small mental breather to shut out the whirling thoughts and place a happy smile on her face.

She grabbed her own little messenger bag and briefly signed at Nare with a look on her face like a giggly school girl. She rubbed her belly then pointed at Nare with a shrug before pointing at herself with a nod. She was hungry and was hopping breakfast would be something better than dinner. Without much of a thought given Sam reached out and grabbed her roommate's hand to pull her along to breakfast. She realized she left her walking cane in the room after they were in the hall and the urge to skip had popped into her mind. <I can't do that. What if she asks about the pain that's gone?> With those thoughts in mind she kept her pace slow, keeping her hand holding Nare's like it has helping supporting her as they walked. She also didn't mind the fact it was an excuse to hold Nare's hand.

08-22-2012, 04:26 AM
Jack's very clear flashback of Daniel scooting closer to Shayne, their lips meeting and each of them being...awkward about it was interrupted by a loud, ear rigging crash. Jolting awake, her eyes squinted at the light leaking in the room, she shouted what would have followed in her dream. "I didn't see the kiss!!" her hand immediately shot to her mouth to shut herself up, and her eyes widened as if they we're being squeezed out of her head. A small squeal escaped her lips before she slammed her teeth together and locked her jaw. Her vibrant blue eyes quickly flashed towards who woke her, dropping her hand from her mouth and her mouth made a small 'o'*when she saw the familiar face of...Shay? No...Shayne! That's it. But, he was part of that kiss, so she was officially screwed.

"Morning..." she said, the corner of her lips pulling up slightly in a false happy manner. Almost suddenly, she gasped and stood quickly. "Why are you here?" her voice rose at the end, slightly curious.

Looking around at her surroundings, she realized the towels and clothes on the floor...washers and dryers. That is NOT the right interior design. Where's the beautiful gold mirror? The huge bed? No, she was asleep on the floor. And the thought that Shayne had been standing over her, a revengeful smirk plastered on his face.

"That's a great question!!" she exclaimed to herself. She turned to him, before her icy eyes turned to daggers. "Why am I here?" her eyebrows raised slightly.

08-22-2012, 09:43 AM
"There's Ce." Gina said to Ash, pointing as they entered the dining hall. She had also knocked on Becca's door and invited the last Phoenix girl to join them before heading down. Gina felt strangely protective of the other British girl - perhaps it was because she was younger and clearly had even less idea of what was going on than Gina and the others. Gina scanned the hall for the other two students she had cause to worry about - Jack and Rozaria - but neither of the girls seemed to have come down for breakfast yet.

"Hey." she said to Cecelia as she sat down next to her, before lowering her voice slightly. "So how was your night?"

Death of Korzan
08-22-2012, 10:27 AM
"Good morning students," Gelda said, the syrupy sweet false voice back, "I hope you had a*wonderful*night. Announcements will be short today. Be out of your rooms and in the Dining Hall by 8. Ms. Greenfield has prepared a lovely porridge for you all. First class is at 9, and the elective is Gym. No dressy clothes necessary and this will be taught in the garden. Your new teacher Marcus Samnitie will be teaching this class. No special attire required. Remember you must be in school uniform by first class! Have a wonderful morning!"

The sunlight drifted sadly into Viktor's room, lighting the bare minimum of it's walls. The room was nice, nicer than the room Viktor had at home, but the balcony and bathroom could do with a cleaning up, but Viktor didn't mind. As he slipped out of his bed and his size 13 feet touched the cold ground, Viktor shook with anticipation. 'Another school, new teachers, new people.' Viktor started the day by doing all the things that he hadn't done yesterday. He first unpacked his luggage, dragging Clothes, boxing gloves, swimming shorts, toiletries and a few small bottles of vodka in case he wanted to have friends in his room.

Once done unpacking, Viktor stretched and cracked his back, showing off his chiselled body. He ran his hand through his crisp, snow white, but greasy hair. Moving off to the bath room whilst cracking his knuckles as he kept going, Viktor thought about his nights sleep. It hadn't been a good one, screams coming from upstairs, boys shouting. 'Can't a poor, tired Russian kid get some sleep nowadays?' Viktor laughed to himself, he had slept like a brick when the commotion had all died down, tucking into the soft but freezing bed. The temperature didn't bother him though, as it couldn't compare to the freezing weather that a Winter in Moscow brought.

Viktor's shower was barely working and half broken from all the use. It dribbled water out slowly, but luckily for Viktor it picked up and was soon dousing his muscles with warm fluid. After showering, Viktor quickly hopped from the shower and brushed his teeth and washed his face, which involved putting on a lot of sun cream. 'Gym first huh? Sounds mighty fine!' The one thing that Viktor wasn't so ecstatic about, was the Uniform, and the dreadful tie. Slipping on the dress shirt that was not only too tight, but exposed every one of his muscle bulges. Next to put on were the grey dress trousers, but as Viktor was putting them on, they didn't fit to his ankles, instead they slid up further, and by the time Viktor had the waist band up to his groin, they were dangling just below his knees. 'Jesus, they don't even have clothes that fit me.' The only other problem Viktor had was with the tie; it was horrible and as you put it on it felt as if a malevolent being was trying to suck the life out of you. Viktor's face wrinkled in disgust as he looked at himself in the mirror. 'How am I going to pull any fine women dressed in this?' which made him laugh again. Viktor took the dress shirt's arms and slowly rolled them up to his elbows; feeling more comfortable. He winked in the mirror, his plush pink eye disappearing under his gorgeously white eyelid, before dragging his tired figure downstairs to the dining hall, almost forgetting his backpack.

Viktor's walk down was largely uneventful, but realization had now sunk in, this place was huge! The drive from New York had exhausted Viktor, and he had decided as soon as he got to the school he would sit down for dinner and then go to bed. Dinner hadn't been very appetizing however, so Viktor left it, afraid what it might do to him. His stomach was really growling now, so his pace quickened to get the dining hall, maybe he'd get seconds? Or even thirds? Viktor licked his lips at the prospect. As he went down he noticed another boy walking towards the staircase. His skin was caramel, and black hair with dyed purple tips sat on his shoulders. He was an odd sight, but something about him, the way he walked maybe; was different to the other boys he'd seen. 'Eh well, you can find out later, for now, I eat!'

The dining hall was a large room, but as there weren't many students, finding a spot to sit was easy. A few students had already entered the room, but Viktor was too tired for talking or making friends at the moment. 'Let us eat our porridge, then make buddies with everyone.' he thought, grinning at the thought of making friends, a new social group he could hang out with and be part of. Sitting down a few tables away from the door, exactly on a table 2 down from a pale, brown haired girl who was busy talking to another taller, pale ginger girl. Viktor sighed, and rested his head against the wooden table, bored out of his mind.

08-22-2012, 01:12 PM
Surprised by the sudden burst of energy, she found herself speed-walking, even throwing in a few running steps, to keep up with her friend. As they slowed to a walk, she wondered about how much easier it was for Sam, remember the crutch that she'd had the night before. Speaking of which, where were the books she'd stayed to pick up? She felt out-of-place by the springy girl, her morning suddenly suddenly darkened by her lack of enthusiasm to start classes again.

As they neared the cafeteria, she quickly dropped her hand to catch the closing door on her gimp side, before forcing it behind her shoulder and walking in. Looking behind her, she smiled reassuringly at her friend, and entered the dining hall. She didn't take a look around until she was already headed to her destination, a table nearby, not too close to the front, with a gap of breathing space. Sliding into a seat across from a boy whose head was rested on the table, she smiled, before swinging her bag into her lap.

Glancing at a few familiar to their right, she was sure that she'd seen them at dinner the night before, but didn't pay much attention to them. Narissa was, after all, one of the few who was still naive to the secrets of the school and yet was still unappreciative of being there.

"Where's the Headmistress?" she asked the boy in amusement, head tilting to her friend.
"This is Sam, by the way. I'm Narissa," she informally introduced the pair, not sure whether Sam would have rather tried to reach out herself.

08-22-2012, 08:37 PM
Shayne looked down at the girl as the basket came crashing down around her hears. He smiled as she scrambled, mumbling something about a kiss.
"Nightmare?" He asked her, smiling like the annoying wind-up he was. as the girl scrambled, she asked him why he was here.
"I was early getting ready and came exploring, then I found your lousy carcass lazing it up in here" he said with a grin. "You seem to have lost your way" He smiled, the girl has been found in a laundry room, of all places. Shayne smiled as he thought of the girl stumbling around, as if drunk, looking for a place to sleep.
why am I here?" SHe asked. Shayne shrugged. "Maybe you needed a wash" He said, and jerked his head towards the door. "You better get ready, we have a breakfast to get to."


08-22-2012, 09:06 PM
Cecelia was brought back to reality when Ash and Gina appeared beside her. “Oh hey guys,” she said with a yawn.

"Hey." she said to Cecelia as she sat down next to her, before lowering her voice slightly. "So how was your night?"

“My night was cold, I swear they haven’t updated the heating system in this stupid place since it was built. They probably still have wood burning stoves in the basement,” she grumbled before running a hand through her hair. “The worst part, my cards are missing. I searched everywhere for them. I could have sworn that I left them in my bag last night, but they were gone this morning.” Cec took a look around the cafeteria, there were only a few people here. “How was your night?” She directed her question at the girls. She went back to watching the others in the room, people watching was always fun. Maybe it would take her mind off the bad start she had this morning.

08-22-2012, 09:06 PM
Deep in thought, the silken haired male bounced carefully down the staircase, not paying much attention to the passing students as each made their way to the dining hall. Daniel had his earphones in, and was bouncing to the beat of the song he listened to. Every now and then he’d utter a verse of the song, but he kept his eyes on the stairs, descending with relative ease. As he neared the bottom, he noticed out of the corner of his eye, a very pale snow white male with pink eyes and extremely white hair. The first thought that came to his mind was that the male must’ve been really pure. Chuckling softly to himself, he then took in the rest of the male as he walked by Daniel hurriedly heading to the dining hall. Apparently the male had built up a bit too much muscle even though all that muscle had caught Daniel’s eye like a moth to a flame. The clothing did a rather poor job at hiding anything and Daniel could only shake his head and continue on.

Before starting high school, his grandmother would sit down with him and teach him how to sew. She always told him while she taught that he’d never know when the skill would come in handy. She wasn’t lying. It seemed like whenever something ripped, he’d sew it together with the skills his grandmother passed to him. In fact, he often sewed together his own outfits when he had spare time. How professional are they you may ask? Let’s just say Daniel has been approached by designers on his creations, and he is going to college for clothing design. Smirking, he put in his memory to get to know the pink eye cutie and hopefully extend his pants so that they weren’t so tight and revealing. Laughing softly to himself, he entered into the dining hall and noticed Sam, Narissa, Cecelia and a few others from the previous night. Then he noticed the pink eyed Russian and quickly made his way over to Sam, Narissa, and the others.

He overheard Narissa introduce herself as well as Sam, and so he felt only compelled to do the same.

“Wassup, Daniel here, nice to meet ya!”

He then turned towards Viktor who had his head against the wooden table.

“Poor guy, must’ve had an eventful night,” Daniel thought as he removed the backpack from his back and rested it beside him. He retrieved a pen and a piece of paper and began to jot down the strange things that had happened the night before. This would be typed into his computerized journal when he returned to his room, but after last night, he had decided it was best to keep a journal of the events as they happened just in case. After he finished writing, he placed everything back into his back pack and closed it.

“Is he alive?” Daniel asked Narissa as he looked up at Viktor who still had his head planted against the wooden table.

Heson Shadowbane
08-23-2012, 12:01 AM
Sam didn't want to let go of Nare's hand as they got to the dinning room, but she let it go to let her get the door. Since Sam had chosen their seats the night before, she let Nare chose this time where they would sit. On the way to their seats Sam grabbed her pen and pad from her bag so she could be prepaired to "talk" if the need arose.

She sat down with Nare, a smile on her face, as she introduced both of them to a guy with striking white hair. She didn't mind being introduced, probably easier that way, and waved her fingers in a hello after her introduction. When Daniel came up and introduced himself as well, Sam waved at him with a friendly smile before resting her hands on the table. Without even realizing it, as she laid her hands on the table, she laid them in such a way as to hide the ring she was still wearing that was still bearing on her mind.

08-23-2012, 03:14 AM
It took a while, but Remy finally made it back to his room that night. He decided not to go back down to the library because it was uneccessary and things just didn’t seem right. So Remy went back to his room, slammed the door, and looked at his bottle of anti depressants. He then put them in his backpack before he began stripping down before taking a shower. After Remy got his shower done with, he could feel something wasn’t right. Remy walked into his room where the bed was and looked around. Nothing was there for the moment... but Remy was probably in trouble tonight. He just hoped his senses were wrong for once and it was going to be an ordinary night. Remy then put on some sleep clothes, which consisted of only basketball shorts, and sat on the side of his bed. “This isn’t... right...” He said as he fell into his bed, covered up and fell asleep.

Remy’s worst nightmare came to life in his dreams that night. A dream that always happens every night, but was more detailed this night. In his dream, he dreamt that he was in the his home where his parents died. He was wondering the halls of his beautiful home, decorated with pictures, candles, an elegant carpet, and many lights amongst the walls. It was a cloudy day, everything seemed dreary, dark, and even demented. When he got the end of the hall, there was a girl behind him at the other end of the hall. She had long black hair and wore a white dress. Her skin was pale, as if she was dead. When he stepped back, she stepped forward, and the lights would burst and explode behind her, making it dark. Remy then started running through the halls as the girl stumbled with the hair over her eyes as the light began to fade, her steps growing ever louder, and seeing the sinister smile. Remy then finally made it to the front door which was made of glass. As Remy grabbed the door, he would pull with all his might, but the door would never open. As Remy turned around, the girl stood behind him, looking at him through her hair with a smile. She then walked up to Remy as he pressed himself against the door, in fear. She then used her hand to carress his cheek as she gently rubbed it, in a caring motion. She then lept forward into him vigorously... and the dream would cease to persist as he would wake up... which it was time for him to anyways.


As Remy woke up from yet another nights restless sleep, he heard the old hag with her anouncements. Remy was sweating vigorously as he was shaking trying to get out of the bed. “Why are you always in my dreams?” He said to himself as he looked into the mirror that he looked at himself in quite a bit. Remy then got out of bed, took his shower, and grabbed a protein bar out of his bag and began to eat it. As Remy got redressed in his uniform along with taking the locket and putting it in his pocket, he then head out the door with a smile on his face, trying to forget about the dream as he normally would. He then headed up the stairs in a quick fashion so he could see his classroom. He saw that he had a science class first. Remy loved math and science since they actually challenged him. As he stepped in the class, Remy sat his books down on a table in the front row and stretched. He was waiting for the other students to get their so he could talk to them before the class started and the teacher got into the room.

Well, after he sat his books in the room, instead of waiting, he decided to go down and see what everyone was up to, hopefully being good for once. After a while of heading down the stairs and making his path, he then ran across Jack from the other night. Though Remy tried keeping a smile on his face, his eyes were dark. Hopefully she wouldn’t take notice into Remy’s expression of a false smile and a real smile, he ran up to her and Shay and then let out a loud “Hi!” Remy then yawned as he stretched out, trying to shake off the tiredness he had.

08-23-2012, 03:21 AM
"Good morning students, I hope you had a wonderful night. Announcements will be short today. Be out of your rooms and in the Dining Hall by 8. Ms. Greenfeild has prepared a lovely porridge for you all. First class is at 9, and the elective is Gym. No dressy clothes necessary and this will be taught in the garden. Your new teacher Marcus Samnitie will be teaching this class. No special attire required. Remember you must be in school uniform by first class! Have a wonderful morning!"

The sudden static blast of Gelda's disgusting voice coated with sugar and sweets woke Rozaria up with a sudden jolt. She slept well despite the horrible environment of a room she was in, so she didn't really favour the abrupt wake-up call. Besides, it was morning, and the sun barely managed to peak through the small space the clouds had allowed it to have. The curtains were closed, but Rozaria could already feel a slight sting from the UV rays.

"God damn it, if looks could kill, this uniform would." Rozaria held the drab, old-fashioned pieces of cloth in front of her in disgust. Even with her supermodel-worthy looks(which she admired greatly), the uniform wouldn't really look much better than it was now. Instead of useless complaining, Rozaria slipped on the ensemble quickly, letting the cold air touch her bare skin for only mere seconds and headed straight for the mirror.

After a few minutes in front of the reflective glass, the appearance of the set looked better already. The collar and tie was loose with the top buttons of the button-down undone, and the skirt was hiked up slightly so it didn't graze her knees. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail, the incredibly straight ends just brushing above her waist, her bangs neatly combed above her eyes. A thin, blue ribbon formed a bow at the start of the ponytail, and trailed a bit further than the hair's length.

Content and satisfied with how her clothes looked, Rozaria made her way to the dining room. Of course, she would eat it(and really didn't need to now); she hated porridge whether it was made by the staff here or not. The taste wasn't too great, and the texture of it was simply revolting. Rozaria didn't linger on the thoughts too long, she wouldn't eat the thing anyways and didn't want to visualize her eating it in her head. She quickly entered, and took interest in an albino who had his head rested on the table.

"Hello," Rozaria greeted, mostly directed to the three who surrounded and looked more alive than the albino. "Um, Daniel... Sam, and Narissa right? Mind if I take a seat here?" Without waiting for their approval, she took a seat across from the two girls, beside the white-haired boy. They all had pretty faces in their own ways. Sam was cute, in a boyish sort of way. Her hair was cut short, but still framing the rather delicate features on her face. Narissa had a more feminine look, with her dark hair and eyes that seemed quite bold. In contrast, Daniel seemed softer with his silk-like hair that dissolved into purple at the tips, with a build that wasn't extremely bulky and worked on.

"Going to eat the porridge?"

08-23-2012, 10:55 AM
"The worst part, my cards are missing. I searched everywhere for them. I could have sworn that I left them in my bag last night, but they were gone this morning."

"That is weird." said Gina with a thoughtful frown. From what she had gathered, Cec's cards were of some sentimental value to her. Moreover, how could anyone have gotten in to steal them? Cece must have locked her door last night, what with Rozaria in just the next room.

Cec took a look around the cafeteria; there were only a few people here. "How was your night?"

"No worse than usual." Gina shrugged, following Cec's gaze. She couldn't remember having more than one or two nights straight without a nightmare in the past month. Usually they involved Yv crawling towards her on bent, broken-doll limbs with a knife in her hand. Now that she found herself face-to-face once again with Them, she wasn't surprised that her latest nightmare had featured the creepy headmistress and the other students whose safety she feared for. Probably a manifestation of her suspicion that Gelda was also carrying one of Them - the nurse as well, if not all the teachers; it would certainly explain their erratic behaviour. And now they had got Rozaria too.

"Until Jack flipped out and ran upstairs." Gina added. "I still haven't seen her."

Gina bit her lip. Jack hadn't come down for breakfast yet either. Where was she? As her eyes roamed around the hall, Gina noticed that the door through to the kitchen was open. Her apprehension lessened slightly as a sudden idea came to her.

"Two seconds." she said to Ash, Cece and Becca.

On the pretext of getting spoons from the cutlery trolley at the end of the hall, Gina stood up and sidestepped her way along the gap between the benches. She passed Daniel and two girls whose names she hadn't caught the previous night. Daniel, Gina noted, was doing a commendable job of acting like there was nothing wrong. With the three was Rozaria. Gina had to make a conscious effort not to stare or skirt a little further away from the table as she passed her. Instead, she glanced in through the kitchen door as she approached the trolley. Daphne was inside, tending to a large pot balanced on top of an old-fashioned cooker. The smell of oatmeal drifted out to Gina as she surreptitiously watched the nurse, busying her hands with picking up four silver spoons from the cutlery tray. She didn't know what she was looking for. The tipping of a vial? The scattering of some unusual ingredient? Daphne herself taste-testing the porridge so she knew it wasn't drugged this time?

Death of Korzan
08-23-2012, 03:43 PM
“Is he alive?” Daniel asked Narissa as he looked up at Viktor who still had his head planted against the wooden table.

“Yes. I am alive.” Viktor lifted his head and grinned, his tired pink eyes glittering at the boy beautifully, his thick Russian accent giving away his roots. “I am just hungry yes? Fuck eating that Stew.” Looking around, Viktor suddenly became more interested in the various girls who were suddenly flocking in on the table. “Narissa, Sam and Daniel. What lovely names you all have; I am Viktor, Viktor Procezenkov.” Viktor grinned again, facing Narissa and Sam and subconsciously showing off his good looks. “Do not worry ladies, I will not be asking you to spell it for me.”

Viktor observed Sam pulling out a pad of paper and a pen and laughed. “So you don't speak good English either? I would not worry, you are not the only one here.”

Another girl sat down next to them, and as Viktor turned to face her, he found that he had trouble turning his head away. There was something mesmerizing, yet cold about her. Her skin was alabaster like his, and her eyes dark red and hypnotizing.

“You going to eat the porridge?”

“I do not think we have a choice m'am...” Viktor turned away and ran a hand through his soft shaggy white hair. “If you did not catch it, my name is Viktor. If you do not remember it, do not worry, if I am lucky I'll have plenty of chances to remind you.”

Quickly turning away so the conversation could not be continued and no awkwardness could ensue, Viktor looked back at the three who first introduced themselves, Narrisa, Sam and Daniel. “Did any of you here all of the screaming from the floors above last night? It kept me awake for hours.” Viktor rubbed a bit of sleep out of his eyes, his constant smile still shining, his white teeth matching the colour of his hair and skin; his pretty pink eyes still shining in the light. “And I think there were some little bastards running around bashing on everybody's doors, I heard so much knocking on my door that in the end I gave up trying to catch them; every time I opened it, there was nobody there!” Viktor said this whilst watching a girl from the table across get up and walk over to the kitchen door. “What is she looking at?”

Curiosity getting the best of him, he left the others at the table and got up, moving silently next to the girl as she watched the cook. Then suddenly and probably quite shockingly, he loudly spoke. “Hi, my name is Viktor! What are you looking at?” Stretching out his hand and smiling innocently, oblivious to whether or not he'd done anything wrong.

08-23-2012, 04:05 PM
Shayne was tugging away at his tie, the goddamn thing was so..Bleh! it was tight, scratchy, and just the most awful shade of blue to go with this uniform. he sighed as he approached the stairs with Jack, they barely spoke, not really, as they didnt get on much, what with Shayne being the self-conscious knob that he is.
'Hi!' Oh fuck. that voice...that smell... Shayne turned his head and saw Remy before him, uniformed up and looking perfect with hsi perfect hair and perfect eyes, and perfect body and soaking up all the perfect int he world with his perfectness..
what was he doing? oh yeah, Breakfast, right..
Shayne ignored Remy for the most part, he nodded and repeated the "Hi" he was given, but whenever he tried to think of anything else to say his mind was wracked with both guilt and embarassment, and so he had to keep his glance at the floor to avoid the red flush over his face being seen. He sighed, and pushed open the door of the Dinign hall with a hand, and saw a group of people sitting, some of which he knew, Daniel being the main example.

Approaching, Shayne took in the others, mostly girls, but one guy he had never seen before, and as he approached, he heard the accent that lined his words, the sweet, husky, yet delicate Russian accent.
Shayne aproached, and sat himself opposite Daniel
More Guilt. Yay. He hadnt thought about kissing Daniel, but he knew he couldnt hold it against him... He would just forget about it, yeah...that'd work. He would jsut act as part of the crowd, not as a friend.
"hey" Shayne said, his voice still lined with Anxiety around Remy. He was about to offer a hand to Viktor as he left the area. he sighed, and felt the red creeping up, but he managed to use he hand he extended to scratch his head to avoid looking like an idiot. because that always worked. He sighed and leant back, sending a cute smile and Daniel.
And then he realised he had only ever shown such a genuine smile to one other person - Jack, yesterday, he smiled broadly at her and it showed friendship, even though he didnt truly feel it towards Jack, he liked Daniel, perhaps..maybe.. he could keep Daniels friendship, even if Nobody else liked him.

Death of Korzan
08-23-2012, 04:10 PM
((Messed up ignore this LOL))

08-23-2012, 06:09 PM
Will woke up with a start. After, having dreams of being home with his family invading his thoughts as he slept, he was a bit shaken. But, nonetheless he had to get up and get dressed for what was sure to be an interesting day at a school he had only arrived at during the night. His mother had provided him with extra money should he need it, but their pride would not allow him back into their home. So, instead of simply allowing him back into the family home they sent him to West Hills to go to school and he would have a home here, for how long? No one knew, but it was a home nonetheless. He slid easily out from under the blankets that he was provided and had nothing but a pair of undergarments on. That was what he slept in every night, he just preferred not to waste perfectly fine clothes in bed.

He walked quite unsteadily towards the bathroom struggling to get awake as she hadn’t slept well, and turned on the warm shower water that seemed to revitalize him with just its sound. He slid off his undergarments and threw them into a basket he had placed beside the sink, and stepped into the warm and inviting waters of the shower. He closed his eyes as the warmth of the water spread across his skin like a summer breeze after a cold spring rain. It seemed as if the water heat up his very blood instantly waking him up and making him aware of his surroundings. He lathered the coconut scented shampoo into his now wet blonde hair and then rinsed it out. The bubbles appearing on the bathtub floor like cotton in a field. After, having washed his hair he proceeded with the cleansing of the rest of his body of the dirt from the previous day when the announcements rang.

"Good morning students, I hope you had a wonderful night. Announcements will be short today. Be out of your rooms and in the Dining Hall by 8. Ms. Greenfeild has prepared a lovely porridge for you all. First class is at 9, and the elective is Gym. No dressy clothes necessary and this will be taught in the garden. Your new teacher Marcus Samnitie will be teaching this class. No special attire required. Remember you must be in school uniform by first class.” Have a wonderful morning!”

After the announcements ended Will hurriedly scrubbed himself clean and jumped out of the shower drying off quickly and proceeded with getting dressed. After, having put on his khaki pants that passed his ankles and fit snugly to his form, he put on his shirt that showed the well defined muscles of someone who stayed in shape and always kept busy doing some type of strenuous work. He then put on the red plaid tie and fixed it loosely, but still perfectly to his neck. He then put on some coconut scented lotion that would keep him smelling decently all day and sprayed on a light layer of fresh rain scented cologne. His hair would dry quickly now that most of the water had dried from it while he was doing all of this, and upon heading out the door he grabbed his schedule, and a bag that carried all of his books that he would need for the day. Opening the door to room 305 he stepped out into the hallway and let the door shut with an audible click that meant the door had locked itself.

He then took to the stairs half walking and running down them, but stopping as he reached the dining hall doors. He opened them and then froze as they gave an audible screech for some odd reason, and then he stepped through the door and into the hall where most of the students he had yet to meet appeared to be gathering for breakfast. He just stood there looking at them before proceeding to go towards them cautiously avoiding staring at any of them and stopped to politely say in his thick southern accent “Mornin’ everybody. The name is Will, and I just arrived here last night. I’m looking forward to getting to know each of you at a later time.”, and with that he continued past them and sat at the far end of the assembled groups table; gently placing his stuff on the table. He let out an inaudible sigh of relief.

08-23-2012, 06:34 PM
Curiosity getting the best of him, he left the others at the table and got up, moving silently next to the girl as she watched the cook. Then suddenly and probably quite shockingly, he loudly spoke. “Hi, my name is Viktor! What are you looking at?” Stretching out his hand and smiling innocently, oblivious to whether or not he'd done anything wrong.

Gina couldn't help jumping slightly, and she nearly dropped the spoons she was holding until she spun round and saw that it wasn't a teacher who had accosted her.

“I...” she said.

The boy in front of her was immensely tall and strikingly pale – shocking at first glance, but his wide smile held no malice.

“I was just looking to see if breakfast was ready yet.” she managed to come up with on the second attempt. She wished that Viktor hadn't spoken so loudly, but at least Daphne didn't seem to have noticed. In fact, speaking to him gave her an excuse to stay standing there and keep her eye on the cook for longer. She belatedly realised that Viktor was holding out his hand, and shook it. Gina wasn't a petite girl, but she felt rather small as Viktor's big hand enveloped hers.

“I'm Gina.” she said, meeting Viktor's eyes while keeping Daphne in her peripheral vision. “Sorry, I didn't get a chance to say hi at dinner last night.”

Death of Korzan
08-23-2012, 10:11 PM
“I'm Gina.” she said, meeting Viktor's eyes while keeping Daphne in her peripheral vision. “Sorry, I didn't get a chance to say hi at dinner last night.”

“It is fine.” Viktor's hand was still clasped around Gina's, but with a softer grip. “You are very pretty, so I can forgive you.” Viktor looked down at Gina and winked, his pink eyes meeting her blue ones exactly. “Besides, I doubt you are checking for when the porridge is done...why would you need to be armed with...'weapons' for that?” Viktor softly pulled the spoons out of Gina's little hands, prying apart her fingers to get to the cold utensils. “It is weird, everything here is so very cold. It reminds me of Russia. Her winters are a bitch.”

Smiling and placing the the spoons back in the tray they came from, Viktor turned back to Gina and coughed before smiling again and resuming eye contact. “You can keep watching the old lady in the kitchen if you want, but I'm pretty sure the only thing that you will find is that she makes very bad Stew.” Viktor chuckled and shook his head, his pink eyes breaking eye contact again. “Or, you could come and sit down over here, we do not bite, I don't think, I have only known them for a few minutes, so if I am mistaken and one of them is a bloodsucking vampire, page me.”

Viktor turned suddenly and began walking back to the wooden table. Most of the comfortable chairs were occupied, so Viktor pulled up another one from a different table and sat it next to Shayne. Sitting down next to the boy, Viktor pulled up his hand, gesturing for a shake. “Hello, I like your hair very much, it is very...Black, unlike mine; my name is Viktor.”

08-23-2012, 10:17 PM
There was something about the boy. Conceit? Arrogance? She couldn't quite aim it, but the way he held himself was all too similar to the absorbed Jocks that her clique was all too interested in. But at the same time, he was nothing like the overly-confident boys that flocked most high schools, or was at least more ballsy to be wearing the pink contacts. Maybe it's just that accent...

"She's mute," she quickly clarified, if not a bit defensively, and cut herself before adding "dumbass" at the end.

"She doesn't speak," she repeated, trying to cover for the sudden snap. She listened as the guy went on, with a rather blamful attitude towards the school, all leading onto his self-imposed pity.

“Did any of you here all of the screaming from the floors above last night? It kept me awake for hours. And I think there were some little bastards running around bashing on everybody's doors, I heard so much knocking on my door that in the end I gave up trying to catch them; every time I opened it, there was nobody there!”

Disbelief. "You heard screaming for hours and didn't check it out? or go for help?" she asked, her quiet voice fanged with criticism. But a moment later he was up again, introducing himself to another unfamiliar face, and she found it rather ironic that he seemed so uninterested in the disturbance of the night before, but so easily jumped at figuring out what a stranger was looking at.

"I don't buy it," she whispered under her breath, looking at the mush of food beneath her. If the food was already so repelling on the second day, then she was sure to have gone anorexic by the end of the quarter.

As another boy came to the scene, dropping his belongings not far down the table and letting out a sigh, she had a sudden liking towards the change of character.

"Hey," she called towards him, motioning him over with her good hand.

08-23-2012, 10:25 PM
The Russian guy was Nice. Shayne felt himself develop a need to tear his eyes away from him to resume some form of decent conversation with the others. He actually had to think for a while of what to say, when another boy approached. The boy spoke, announced himself as Will, and had the most dreamy Southern Accent. Okay, Shayne thought, There are far too many Cuties in this school

Even the girls, Shayne had noticed, were all stunningly beautiful, He had seen various different people here, and not one fo them was unnatractive. He smiled at the thought of being among such people, and felt humbled in their presence.

"Hey, Will" he said, and managed to keep all elements of flirtation in his voice away. He sounded genuine, hell he almost sounded straight
"My name's Shayne, Pleased to meecha!" he said, smiling, and...
Giggled. Shit! he Giggled, he wasn't even talking to Remy at this point, but he felt the Blonde guy's presence beside him. he smiled at them all, and looked around, wondering when food was going to be served.

"So, I have got...Social Studies first, well that sounds wonderful" he sighed. "Anyone else got Schedule A? Who wants to be my Social-Buddy?"
Social Buddy? he sounded like he was desperate for friends, crying out for attention, and damnit, he just decided he didnt want friends! He was such a tool! he had to stop being so nice to people.

08-23-2012, 11:10 PM
“It is fine.” Viktor's hand was still clasped around Gina's, but with a softer grip. “You are very pretty, so I can forgive you.” Viktor looked down at Gina and winked, his pink eyes meeting her blue ones exactly.

Gina laughed, slightly awkwardly. It was a ham-fisted compliment, but English clearly wasn't Viktor's first language. He was probably just trying to be nice and the words didn't quite translate. She couldn't complain. Her GCSE-level German was pretty rusty.

“Or, you could come and sit down over here, we do not bite, I don't think.”

“Thanks.” Gina said with a smile, “But I've already got a seat with the girls over there. That's who I was collecting 'weapons' for.”

Viktor shrugged. “I have only known them for a few minutes, so if I am mistaken and one of them is a bloodsucking vampire, page me.”

Viktor turned suddenly and began walking back to the wooden table. The smile fell off Gina's face as soon as he was gone, as she realised how hard it was going to be to convince the rest of the students. Cece and Ash had believed her, but of course they had been there. How on earth was she going to warn the others without sounding like a complete basket case? She hadn't even figured out how she was going to tell Becca yet, and that would be with both Ash and Cece's help. Hell, for that matter, how many of the other students could she trust?

But what was the alternative? Do nothing and let them all die, or worse?

In the kitchen, Daphne was picking up the cooking pot to take outside and serve up. It was obvious that Gina had seen all she was going to see. Chewing the inside of her cheek, she picked up the four spoons that Viktor had placed back on the cutlery tray and carried them back to her seat, where she shared them out to Ash, Cece and Becca.

08-24-2012, 12:30 AM
Narrowing her eyes, she smiles in a bitch-like manor and places her hands on her hips. "I'm not the one who wasn't ironed straight." her lips form a smirk as his face completely confirmed her theory, before giving a mock salute which turned into a curt nod of the head. “Shut your door next time, Sergeant.” Sauntering out of the room, she almost ran into Remy again. He greeted her and Shayne with a “Hi”. She smiled and waved, her bright blue eyes registering the uniform he wore. Tight fit. Hell he made it look hot. Giving a curt wave, she added, “I’ll meet you in the dining hall.”

She made for the stairway and ignored the strange stares she was given by everyone she passed. After skipping down the stairs quickly, she slowly stalked through the girls’ hallway and flung her door open. Leaping into the now light room, she flicked the light on quickly and lazily walked to her gold dresser. Smiling in the original, non bitchy Jackish way, she dragged a purple brush through her light blonde hair. After doing that, she debated on whether or not she wanted a shower. Deciding it could wait until after breakfast, she stripped off her night shirt and shorts, pulling out the ugly uniform. Her face showed a look of disgust, confusion and near sickness.

The thing looked like a blind man had made it, one who couldn’t even tell the difference of each fabric. Holding her breath, she turned and dressed herself and refused to look at the mirror to her left. Stalking slowly out her room, she nearly slammed it behind her. Eventually ending up in the dining hall, she decided best to avoid Shayne all together and sit at a table with a few total strangers, keeping to herself. Her fingers began to fumble with her tie, trying to loosen the goddamn thing. Her eyes flashed up to the staff table, and did a double take as she realized a teacher was oddly watching her. Huffing, she quickly turned away. Whichever one it was, defiantly male. Not exactly a good thing in a creepy place like this.

(Sorry It took so long, fell asleep and was late for school.)

08-24-2012, 12:34 AM
Will looked down the table as a pale-ish girl with black hair said "hey" to him, and motioned for him to come down there next to her, he got up cautiously analyzing the situation and the people down from her, and he slowly made his way towards her. Once he had gotten close enough to her he sat down and overheard someone say something about schedule A, and he instantly spoke up " One o' ya'll say somethin about Social Studies? I got that class first and need some help to get there, anyone wanna help me?" he asked carefully, as if trying to word his sentence just right. Then he turned his attention back to the girl who had called him down to her, and he smiled lightly and spoke "Pleasure Ma'am, The name is C. William Joseph Johnson, but most people just call me Will." He took her hand gently and kissed her knuckles. Some might call him old fashioned, but he just preferred to give everyone the respect they deserve until they lose it.

He stared at the porridge that was offered to the kids down the table and he made a face of slight disgust, and he didn't bother to eat. He was going to skip breakfast and just eat whenever it was offered again. Then, all of a sudden he closed his eyes and clenched his fists as a massive headache racked his head and he shifted uncomfortably. This wasn't uncommon as he had suffered head trauma during the fire that burned down his apartment, and caused a chain of events that led him to this place.

08-24-2012, 12:56 AM
Porridge, under normal circumstances it was slimy vom-slop. But today, Shayne took to shovelling it down, eating the stuff like he hadn't eaten in days. Well, it had been ONE Day...that was a long time, right? But the porridge did still taste like mouldy oats, and Shayne didnt enjoy it. he didn't enjoy it at all.
" One o' ya'll say somethin about Social Studies? I got that class first and need some help to get there, anyone wanna help me?" The New comer, William said. Shayne swallowed a mouthful of porridge, and nodded to him.
"No problem, Dude, I can take you" he said with a smile, and gesturing tot he empty spot beside him. "Please, sit" he said, smiling, and ignoring the fact he kissed the girls hand.
"What about you, girls, What have you got first period?" He asked, realising he hadn't actually spoken to either of these properly at all, and decided to take this as a perfect opportunity.

((gah, Short post, sorry D= ))

08-24-2012, 01:45 AM
"Well the pleasure's all mine," she laughed, one of those true, purely amused laughs that make your nose wrinkle up and your lips widen.
"I"m Narissa," she said with a closed-lip smile, before glancing over at Sam, giving a slight wide-eyed shrug, as she listened to them talk about social studies.

Fishing through her bag, she pulled out the already torn-up and re-taped schedule, trying to read through the broken lines, to make out the class names.

"Social Studies, no, sor- oh! Yeah, I do, actually. I think," she said, cocking her head, hoping if she squinted her eyes, that the large tares would suddenly melt away.

"How about you?" she asked, turning and looking at Sam. Although it was awkward to reach over herself with her good arm, she squeezed her hand, before turning back to the two new additions to their table.

"Oh and do any of you know how we're supposed to do gym in our uniforms?" she added as an after-note, as it was something that had been scratching at her mind.

08-24-2012, 01:57 AM
Shayne smiled. he liked this Narissa girl, and hoped that this would be a good chance for them to bond. "Oh, Cool, Social-Buddy!"
Social Buddy? You actually said those words from your mouth, Shayne! Buck up! he sighed inwardly, and turned to the other girl.
And sensed the atmosphere between them, hell, he was gay, it went off like a light-bulb to him. His Gay*Dar was bleeping that these two HAD to get it on, straight or not.

"I guess we have to do it In a very uncomfortable way" he said with a groan. "Yay. just what I need, another wedgie in these trousers."
Crap. 'Another' Wedgie, What if he was asked about the last one? that was just after he met Remy and Daniel, he had walked like a...constipated rooster he recalled himself describing it as.

08-24-2012, 02:37 AM
Viktor Procezenkov; interesting guy. Pink eyes...an unforgettable face. Rozaria let out a giggle in a smooth tone as the topic of last night came up. It was quite eventful, for her at least. Everyone else seemed to have jumped right to bed after eight and the small screams, but she guessed that was a good thing. Less ruckus and explanations to give.

"You can say part of the screaming was me... but I don't remember too much," Rozaria said in a small whisper barely audible to the people around him. Gradually, the mess hall filled with students all in the crappy uniform. They were like flies, swarming to the tables with their attentions darting all over the place. Viktor himself had at least talked to five individuals within the few minutes everyone took to find a seat and settle down. Rozaria simply listened like last time she sat in the room, only adding comments when she felt like it.

"So, I have got...Social Studies first, well that sounds wonderful" he sighed. "Anyone else got Schedule A? Who wants to be my Social-Buddy?" A boy with dark, raven hair spoke to the general audience; Shayne was his name. Rozaria's first impression of him was rather girlish, since he'd let out high-pitched giggles at times and spoke with an overly peppy and positive attitude.
"I have schedule A as well," Rozaria responded right after the new guy who accepted Shayne's request. "Do you mind if I join you? First days are always nerve-racking when you're alone." She shot him a sweet smile, instead of usual roll of the eyes she'd give to optimistic people like him. She liked acting, faking as someone who is not her, because she was rather cold and vicious. After awhile, she'd stop the act and enjoy the looks on her friends' pained expressions as she turned into a stranger in front of them.

"Wait, no need to answer that. I'll go with you anyway." Her smile was still there as she finished her sentence, but as she turned around to approach Gina, it faded for a few moments, but returned as fast as it went. Gina was just down the table, and a seat was free and available for anyone to take. Their conversation last night ended with the blonde's terrified expression, and Rozaria assumed she was to blame. She didn't care to focus on the act that night with the overwhelming events, and being herself was much easier despite the large amounts of time she spent acting as someone else.

Taking a seat next to the blue-eyed girl, Rozaria tapped her shoulder so her attention would be taken away from Daphne. She obviously knew something was up with the teachers, but she didn't know as much as Rozaria, yet.
"Hey Gina. Sorry about the conversation last night, I ended it abruptly. I was tired from the flight I took to get here, and sleepiness doesn't work well with me, as you could see. Well, enjoy the slop, and I'll see you at class, 'kay?" Rozaria smiled as she met her eyes; not in her sly, cunning, about-to-plot-an-evil-plan sort of smile, but a pleasant, friendly one. Gina seemed to be way too suspicious and wary about her, and Rozaria planned to throw away that suspicion in due time. She trotted back to her previous spot, luckily still open.

"So, tell me about yourselves... Background, family, age, etcetera," Rozaria asked, mainly directing her words to Shayne and Viktor who she didn't talk to much yet and became interested in. It never hurt to find some allies or friends, things Rozaria didn't have here, yet.

Death of Korzan
08-24-2012, 09:36 AM
"So, tell me about yourselves... Background, family, age, etcetera," Rozaria asked, mainly directing her words to Shayne and Viktor who she didn't talk to much yet and became interested in. It never hurt to find some allies or friends, things Rozaria didn't have here.

'Wow, this girl is hot!' Viktor thought in his head, a dreamy smile covering his face as Rozaria addressed him.
“Well...uh...I was born in Moscow, in my homeland of Russia. When I was 8 my parents decided to move to America, we did well for ourselves and managed to get a lovely house.” Viktor stuttered a little, this was one of the few times he'd been shaken when looking at a girl. She was truly stunning. “I became quite popular at school and I tried to take up football, but it wasn't my thing really. Now...boxing. I like boxing. Which reminds me, just call me Ivan, or Drago. Old nickname from back in New York.” Viktor smiled at the name, reminding him of his past friends who he would probably never see again. His smile didn't fall straight at that thought however.

“I am 17 years of age, maybe a little, but I would not say too tall, or do you think I am?” Viktor's accent seemed to portrait a self conscious side to Viktor, but he'd be self conscious about his height before but now it was just an advantage. “I don't mind the height though, it helps with my boxing, more power.” Viktor turned to Shayne. “So friend, tell us about you. Where are you from?”

08-24-2012, 10:48 AM
Chewing the inside of her cheek, Gina picked up the four spoons that Viktor had placed back on the cutlery tray and carried them back to her seat, where she shared them out to Ash, Cece and Becca. Daphne had already ladled porridge into their bowls.

"I'm not sure." she whispered in response to their expectant looks. "I didn't see her put anything in it this time..."

She gingerly pushed her porridge around the bowl with her spoon. She didn't have proof that it had been drugged like last night's stew, but she didn't have proof that it was safe either. Hunger was still gnawing at her, and eventually it got the better of her. She decided to bite the bullet and picked up her spoon. Surely she'd be able to taste anything weird in it and spit it back out if necessary? That was how she tried to reassure herself, but her spoon was only halfway to her mouth when something going on at the top table caught her attention.

"Wait." she said to her three friends.


"Look at the top table. She hasn't served any of the teachers." Gina cursed and put down her spoon as Daphne carried the porridge pot back to the kitchen without even bothering to ask Gelda and the others if they wanted some. "It's drugged."

Gina stared angrily at her bowl, as if blaming it for this latest blow to her sense of hope. She looked up to see the obvious question on her friends' faces: so what now?

"I don't know." she said, putting her elbows on the table and dropping her head into her hands. "I'll think of something."

She was trying to come up with a plan to back up that overly-bold statement when her agonising was interrupted by Rozaria, who slid in beside her and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey Gina. Sorry about the conversation last night, I ended it abruptly. I was tired from the flight I took to get here, and sleepiness doesn't work well with me, as you could see. Well, enjoy the slop, and I'll see you at class, 'kay?"

She smiled then, and Gina wondered whether it was Rozaria or one of Them who was smiling at her. Perhaps Rozaria - the real Rozaria - had blacked out when They took over and genuinely thought she had just upset Gina by being irritable?

"Okay," she said, trying to smile back. "I was just worried about you, that's all."

I'll help you, Rozaria. she thought as the other girl stood up and went back to her seat, I swear I'll try. But until I figure out how, I'm not going to let you hurt anyone.

She turned pensively back to her porridge, which was starting to go cold, and found herself brought back to the problem of what they were going to eat when the staff seemed intent on force-feeding them amnesics. Slowly, an idea began to take shape in her head. Once it came to her it was almost obvious in its simplicity, but it wasn't without risk.

"Okay," she whispered to the others. "I've got an idea. Once the teachers are gone, distract the cook."

Gina stayed sitting at her table and waited as the room began to clear, pretending to read the book that was still in her rucksack from the long car journey to West Hills. Sure enough, the teachers soon got up and left, presumably heading upstairs to prepare their morning classes. The students began to thin out too, and as soon as Daphne began going round the tables to collect the bowls, Gina slipped her book back into her bag, slung it over her shoulder, and stood up.

"Okay, go!"

She took the long way round towards the exit, which took her past the still-open kitchen door. Glancing back to make sure that nobody was looking her way, she darted through it. The kitchen still smelled of oatmeal and was surprisingly small, consisting mostly of storage cupboards and a huge fridge-freezer unit. She hauled it open as quickly as she dared and glanced over the contents. She didn't have time to pick and choose, so she yanked out one of about a dozen loaves of frozen bread and stuffed it into her bag. Spotting a large, already opened bag of carrots in the fridge, she pulled out a few of them too. Pushing the refrigerator door closed and glancing fearfully back towards the dining hall, Gina began to look through the cupboards, swearing to herself every time she opened one that held only pots and pans or cleaning agents. There was plenty of tinned food, but most of it came in industrial size cans that she'd never be able to smuggle out. She stole three of the smaller tins, and a jar of jam from the back of another cupboard. On a whim, she also took a bar of cooking chocolate from a multipack in the baking cupboard.

Pushing her hair back behind her ears, she zipped up her bag and stood up. It was a pretty pathetic haul, but she didn't dare take any of the nicer, smaller quantity stuff that would be more likely to be missed. She also didn't dare stay any longer. She half tip-toed, half ran to the door, and peeked out to check that the coast was clear before diving back out into the dining hall, her heart pounding against her ribs. She saw her friends still talking to Daphne as she passed the cutlery tray and palmed a knife, hiding it against the inside of her forearm. She caught Cece's eye before she ducked out of the hall, pointing at the ceiling to indicate her room upstairs, and then holding up an open hand with fingers spread for 'five minutes'. She tried to keep her pace slow and measured, but didn't quite succeed as she snuck out into the hall and up the carpeted staircase.

It was quarter to 9, and she was just hiding the tins at the back of the drawer that held her tops when the other girls knocked on her door. She opened it cautiously, smiled with relief when she saw who it was, and locked the door behind them as she let them in.

"Sorry." she said as she dumped the carrots and the still-frozen bread onto her bed, with the bitter chocolate on top and the knife sitting next to the jam jar. "It's the best I could do."

08-24-2012, 11:59 AM
” I have schedule A as well, Do you mind if I join you? First days are always nerve-racking when you're alone."” A Girl began, Rozaria Shayne knew her as. He smiled, and was about to be his normal chirpy, cheerful self again, when the girl added ” Wait, no need to answer that. I'll go with you anyway.”
The girl had an unusual air about her. She had a beautiful smile, that was for certain, but it was big, and that was often a sign of falseness, but then, it didn’t seem false. He wondered, perhaps he was just paranoid, or maybe the Porridge was going to repeat on him. He sighed, and smiled at the Russian, as he began to explain his life. He was cute, definitely, he was tall, a boxer, ahh, what brilliance.
”Just Call me Ivan, or Drago” He had added. Shayne felt the need to smile broadly, one of his warm, playful smiles.
“A Russian called Ivan? I’m gonna have to take you up on that!” He laughed, nudging the boy’s hand playfully, which is when he noticed his petrifyingly pale skin. Shayne also noticed the wispy White hair atop the boy’s head. Only Now had Shayne actually noticed the Pink eyes that were beautifully placed into his face, and Shayne realised this boy’s albino appearance. He had never seen an albino before. What, were they different people, Shayne? What the hell?

“Okay, Well, I guess it’s my turn” Shayne said, leaning back and cracking his fingers, he knew this could get pretty ugly.

“Well, Let’s start at the beginning, My name is Shayne Matthew Roberts, and I’m Seventeen years old” he said, okay, good and human so far. “I was born on October Twelfth, “ He said, and then had to think about how else to introduce himself.
“I Play the Guitar a bit, and I Love drawing, It’s maybe the only thing I would say I’m any good at, I’ll draw you all if you want, at some point” he said, his face beginning to creep up in a flush. He managed to shake it away. "When i was younger, I got my tongue pierced" he said, poking out his tongue, and giggling
“I have one brother, two sisters, all younger than me. I also have a mum and...” he said, but decided to return to her in a second. “I moved around a lot as a child, Beginning in the UK and then moving to the US about three years ago, so chances are my Siblings will pick up on this accent, rather than keeping my English one” he said, his smile returning. But then, he had to come to the topic of why he was here.

“My Dad was Diagnosed last year with an inoperable tumour..” His voice had reached a new level, one he had never really shown before. He was cold, distant, sad... “He has become bedridden, and so we couldn’t move around much” he sighed, and then his eyes flared with something new, anger. His mother.
“My mum is a devout Catholic. She would pray every night for my fathers health, as many people do, but she would choose this over certain medical procedures, which was ridiculous! How could she just sit there, watching him die over some stupid rules about Morality?” He said, feeling his voice quicken and getting louder, rage fuelled. “What Kind of Heartless Bitch would kick her son out of the house and to a creepy-Fucking-Ass Boarding school because He’s a Fucking Gay, Eh?” He said, and forced his tears back into the recesses of his body.
“Yeah, my Mum sent me here to be ‘Cured’” He said, and looked down to his empty bowl, playing with the spoon. “So there’s my story.”

08-24-2012, 05:39 PM
The porridge was, simply put, disgusting looking. It was one big grey lump. Cecelia cringed at the thought of eating it, but she hadn’t eaten in a long while. She would need food, even if the food that was served was barely edible.

"I'm not sure." she whispered in response to their expectant looks. "I didn't see her put anything in it this time..."

Cec raised an eyebrow, “I’m sure that even if they didn’t drug us this time, the cooking is bad enough to make us sickly.” She let out a sigh and moved the porridge around in the bowl.

” Wait…. Look at the top table. She hasn't served any of the teachers." Gina cursed and put down her spoon as Daphne carried the porridge pot back to the kitchen without even bothering to ask Gelda and the others if they wanted some. "It's drugged.""

She looked up at Gina and nodded for her to continue. Cec met her eyes, “Damn it.” Her voice was a low whisper. Why in the hell was the cook drugging the students. What could a bunch of teenagers do that they needed to be drugged for. Cec watched as Rozaria made her way over to Gina, her skin did seem pale, even for her. There was something else though, an odd vibe coming from the girl. She put it to the back of her mind for now, she would deal with that later.

"Hey Gina. Sorry about the conversation last night, I ended it abruptly. I was tired from the flight I took to get here, and sleepiness doesn't work well with me, as you could see. Well, enjoy the slop, and I'll see you at class, 'kay?"

Even her voice had an odd alluring quality to it now. Cec smiled at Rozaria, “I hope you are feeling better Winter.” She turned her attention back to Gina and Ash as Rozaria walked away. Yep something was definitely off about that girl.

"Okay," Gina whispered to the others. "I've got an idea. Once the teachers are gone, distract the cook…. Okay, go!"

Cecelia nodded, a smile forming on her face. She could do distractions. Cec slung her messenger bag around her shoulder and walked calmly towards Daphne. She feigned a trip and ‘accidentally’ drumped the contents of her messenger bag in front of the woman. “Oh God, I’m so sorry.” An embarrassed look spread across Cece’s face as she clumsily tried to pack the mess back into her bag. “I’m so clumsy, I’m sorry.” She glanced back at Gina who had disappeared into the kitchen. ‘Hurry up,’ she thought to herself, silently pleading with Gina.

She pushed the last of her mess back into her bag and apologized to Daphne again. She turned and caught Gina’s eye as the girl left the cafeteria. With an apologetic smile Cec left the cafeteria and quickly made her way to Gina’s room. Hopefully she scored some decent food.

Cecelia knocked quickly on the door, Gina answered and ushered them in.

"Sorry." she said as she dumped the carrots and the still-frozen bread onto her bed, with the bitter chocolate on top and the knife sitting next to the jam jar. "It's the best I could do."

“That is awesome,” Cec smiled, it truly was. “Much better than the muck they try to pass off as food.” She took a piece of the chocolate and spread the jam onto it. The chocolate was bitter, but the jam helped with that. “Hey what schedule do you guys have this morning? I have social.” She glanced to her watch. It was getting late, but oh well if she was late for class. She was really getting tired of this place fast. There was something seriously wrong with it. Cec smiled at the other girl, at least she wasn't alone in this hell hole.

Heson Shadowbane
08-24-2012, 05:59 PM
Sam inwardly cursed her muteness. Before the fire she could have joined in easilly with the conversations at hand. However, with the various different people talking and the various topics Sam just kept mute. She smiled as Nare stood up for her and held her hand when she reached it over to her. <I'm lucky to have her as my roommate, even if they put us together just because we're both handicapped.> She looked down at the ring on her hand, thoughts of her wishes echoing in her mind before she shook the thoughts out with someone asking about scheduals helping her on that. She hadn't even thought about them, lettin go of Nare's hand just long enough to pull it out and compare with the others.

((short post this time, sorry))

08-24-2012, 07:39 PM
Before she'd even forced her invitation, Narissa caught a whiff of the fearless bitchiness of the white-haired girl. It was strange seeing someone who had the most potential of being the "A girl", have such an unusual appearance. That wasn't to say that she was unattractive, even Narissa had caught herself looking her way a few times , but she wasn't what you'd expect of the usual Queen B. As for the strong personality, she'd spent the better half of the last 5 years around the socialite's and admired their confidence, so she had little to complain to, other than how fond she was of the new Russian student. But then on the same girl's open-invitation, all hormones broke loose.

Holy hell does this guy have a lot crammed in.

"It's okay," Narissa said with a small smile after no one else spoke up, giving him a small tap on the foot from beneath the table. "And if you ask me, this sure as hell beats a "gay camp"," she joked, giving him an all-understanding look.
"But if it would help, I have a little green baggy back in my room that could help you get your mind off of it later," she practically whispered to him, figuring she might as well get to know her smoking-buddies, as long as she was here for a whole year. She had a gift of directing her voice to one, and only one, person, but she was easily prepared to brush it off or make a joke out of it, had anyone else heard.

08-24-2012, 07:48 PM
"It's okay, And if you ask me, this sure as hell beats a "gay camp"," Narissa said, nudging his foot with her own. Shayne smiled warmly at her, he liked this girl she had an air of purity about her which Shayne liked to see in a person.
"But if it would help, I have a little green baggy back in my room that could help you get your mind off of it later," She added, and Shayne seemed to be the only one who heard. he was confused, a little green baggy? He pulled a face, as if to say "what?" But didnt say anything out loud, picking up on the intended privacy.

((Sorry for short post /= ))

08-25-2012, 03:49 AM
"Well...uh...I was born in Moscow, in my homeland of Russia. When I was 8 my parents decided to move to America, we did well for ourselves and managed to get a lovely house. I became quite popular at school and I tried to take up football, but it wasn't my thing really. Now...boxing. I like boxing. Which reminds me, just call me Ivan, or Drago. Old nickname from back in New York. I am 17 years of age, maybe a little, but I would not say too tall, or do you think I am? I don't mind the height though, it helps with my boxing, more power.” Viktor turned to Shayne. “So friend, tell us about you. Where are you from?”

Rozaria waited patiently as Shayne spoke next, waiting for her own turn to introduce herself. “Well, Let’s start at the beginning, My name is Shayne Matthew Roberts, and I’m Seventeen years old. I was born on October Twelfth,I Play the Guitar a bit, and I Love drawing, It’s maybe the only thing I would say I’m any good at, I’ll draw you all if you want, at some point. When i was younger, I got my tongue pierced" he said, poking out his tongue, and giggling
“I have one brother, two sisters, all younger than me. I also have a mum and...” he said, but decided to return to her in a second. “I moved around a lot as a child, Beginning in the UK and then moving to the US about three years ago, so chances are my Siblings will pick up on this accent, rather than keeping my English one. My Dad was Diagnosed last year with an inoperable tumour. He has become bedridden, and so we couldn’t move around much” he sighed, and then his eyes flared with something new, anger. His mother.
“My mum is a devout Catholic. She would pray every night for my fathers health, as many people do, but she would choose this over certain medical procedures, which was ridiculous! How could she just sit there, watching him die over some stupid rules about Morality? What Kind of Heartless Bitch would kick her son out of the house and to a creepy-Fucking-Ass Boarding school because He’s a Fucking Gay, Eh?"

After Shayne concluded his small rant on his life, Rozaria managed to chuckle. Maybe I just have to act nicer to the goody-two shoes girls here...The guys here are, let's say, my type of friends. Not as well as Keith or Emmett or the twins, but they'll do. Her sudden memories of her previous friends brought a small, nostalgic smile to her face. They were people that made Rozaria feel like herself when she was with them; free to do anything she wanted with out yapping or nagging, free to be anyone. No, they weren't regular people you'd see everyday, but rather those big, ominous and dark figures you'd notice and try to avoid as you pass them down the street. Rozaria on the other hand had a background of being the pampered noble, but it didn't take long for her to transition into one of them. Or you could say she was one to start with; her friends were the trigger to bring out that person who was locked away by her parents.

"I guess I should start introducing myself then. Hmm, I don't really like describing every single detail of my life, so I'll leave some details out." Rozaria took a deep breath, but found it unnecessary afterwards knowing she won't be saying too much; not as much as Shayne anyway.
"My name is Rozaria Winter Cross. Child of the famous Cross Trading Company CEO, unfortunately, and a French model. Most of my childhood has been destroyed by my parents who did nothing but cram knowledge and elegance into me, so I won't bother talking about it. As for my later years, I escaped that hell-hole and lived by myself, but I still got a hefty allowance. Those were fun times... I refined my fighting skills to perfection," Rozaria said, raising an eyebrow at the Russian who had practised boxing. "Usually on the streets; I get pissed off at way too many things for my own good. That, or I just make excuses to..defeat or defy others." Defeat, defy - much better words opposed to 'beat up'. "I break rules, a lot." A smirk surfaced on her face as she reminisced on her past.

After finishing up with her own, small biography, Rozaria went ahead to respond to the guys'. Shayne's life was screwed up in the way he explained it, and Drago's seemed extremely normal and happy in comparison.
"Well as for you Drago-slash-Ivan, I like your height actually. I'm six feet, so it's hard to find a guy taller than me sometimes. Besides, your marvellous pink eyes draw people's attentions away from small imperfections like height..." The girl gazed into his pink ones for a small moment, giving him a smile. She averted her sight right after to the raven-haired boy, who still looked a little upset from his rant before. "Harsh mother. I feel you, I have the same problem. She threw me in here too."

08-25-2012, 04:18 PM
Will listened intently processing the information that was presented from the three who had just shared their life stories with complete strangers. Will, of course wouldn't share his story all at one point, but they could look forward to hearing different parts of his story as he saw fit to tell them. He wasn't mean or trying to be socially reclusive, he just wasn't really comfortable sharing such personal information with people he had just met this morning. Then he turned as another girl said something about the porridge being drugged. All of this was too much for him to process in one morning, he had hardly gotten used to the fact that he was here, and now the teachers were already drugging them.

I've gotta get out of here Will thought, all of this information sending his mind into an overload. He stood and spoke swiftly "If ya'll will excuse me, I... I have to go." He went to the end of the table and gathered his belongings, and then hastily left the dining hall, not knowing where he was going; just that he needed to get away from where he was. He stopped momentarily as the dining hall doors closed and took in a deep breath attempting to calm his mind and his thoughts. What is this place?, What am i doing here?, I want to go home!. These three thoughts passed his minds eye often, and they made him even more uncomfortable.

He walked a little further and leaned his back against the wall and slid to the ground laying his head between his legs and just staring at the cold dark floor. His mind slowly coming to a steady pace, and he relaxed slightly. He felt nauseated and dizzy, but he didn't want to move and risk getting sick right in the main hall. The would be the ultimate embarassment in front of a bunch of people he didn't know. He would just sit here until it was time for them to go to class, and then he would learn his way around the school.

Leon G
08-26-2012, 08:51 PM
And then...
Time: 7:55 AM
Weather: Sunny

The Dining Hal
The students of West Hills went through their routines, everyone managing to get to the Dining Hall on time. While some students skipped the breakfast, some students indulged in the heavenly porridge. It was much better than last night's stew. While they were eating breakfast, Gelda strolled in, taking her spot at the head of the Staff table, where only Trina was sitting, arms crossed, a sour look on her face. Gelda didn't look too happy, but then again, she never did. She clapped her hands together, and all the students quieted down, shifting their heads towards their Headmistress.

"Welcome to your first day of classes, students! I hope you have enjoyed your breakfast! Your elective will be Gym and though it is normally held in the ballroom, it will be held in the Garden today. You will have it after your third class, you will eat lunch in the Garden. No need to change into special attire. I see you’re all in your uniforms. Lovely.” Gelda said the word ‘Lovely’ like how one would say ‘dog poo’. “You should all know your schedules by now. Though it you don’t feel free to ask me, and I’d be more than happy to set you straight.” Gelda paused for a minute, smiling at the students with narrow eyes. Her words said ‘Please, I’m here to help you’ but her tone implied that she wanted to add ‘to your death’ at the end of it “Our teachers so are excited to meet you and learn more about you!” Gelda’s trademark bright sarcastic tone was back and she was laying it extra thick today. “Remember precious darlings, No going in the basement. Have a fantastic day!” As Gelda finished, the bells signifying first class rang through the halls.

The students all got up and marched out of the Dining Hall, buzzing with nervous chatter. Everyone had found their classes rather easily, and no one was late. It was because no one was lingering in the hall, that what looked like a green blob of slime, except for its unusual glow, exactly like the one that had escaped from under Rozaria’s door, had managed to slide out a window, towards the garden, without notice.

The English Room
Mr. V stood, leaning against his desk as his students silently filed in. His eyes glanced over the boys with disinterest, but studied the girls like hawks. When Rozaria passed through, a look that was a mixture of curiosity and surprised passed on Mr V’s face. But he soon forgot about the Halfling when he saw Gina.
“Please,” Mr V said with a charming smile, “Sit in the front Gina.” Having no choice, Gina sat in the seat in front of Mr. V’s desk, as the other students freely choose any seat that pleased them.

“Welcome students. My name is Mr. Vladimir, but you all shall call me Mr V, yes?” He paced in front of his desk, his black boots making a soft thud on the worn floors. “I will be teaching your English and History classes. Although I am quite adequate at English, History is my forte. I’ve lived through quite a bit of it.” He gave the class a grin as if he was sharing some kind of personal secret with them. The class, probably suffering from First-Day-Back shock syndrome, was quiet and no one smiled back. “Why so quite students? I do let you talk. I may be old but I’m not that old-fashioned. Feel free to chat amongst yourselves. I don’t bite.” He let out another small chuckle at his own joke. Glancing at the sea of faces, he gave a dark smile. “Forgive me if I don’t learn your names too quickly. I find it pointless to spend time trying to memorize your names when half of you will die within your first week.” He gave another laugh. “I’m kidding. Only about one fourth of you will die.”

The students remained unresponsive to their teacher’s somewhat dark sense of humor. Mr V didn’t mind the silent classroom and reached over to his desk for a stack of papers. "So that we may get to know each other better, I have printed a little activity for you," Mr V said, passing out pieces of paper to students. He skipped over Gina, sending her a small, knowing, smile.

1. Where are you from?
2. Do you have any siblings?
3. Any hobbies?
4. What are your dreams and aspirations?
5. Do you like History and English?
6. How do you feel about West Hills?
7. Fears? Pet Peeves?
8. Night or Day?
9. Blood Type?
10. Favourite novel?

"Oh dear, did I skip you Gina?" Mr V said, placing the last piece of paper on [B]Becca's desk. He turned around and strode over to her desk. "Well, I have no more copies." He placed a hand on her desk and leaned down towards her, lowing his voice to a husky whisper.

"A shame, since I would love to get to know you. I'm guessing your more than just a pretty face." He placed a finger under her chin and tilted her head up so that he could gaze at her with his steely gray eyes. "Looks like ours will be...one on one."

Mr. V pulled up a chair across from Gina. Folding his hands together he gave her another creepy smile. "Tell me, dearest Gina, favorite flower?"

08-27-2012, 10:47 PM
<OOC - Text in blue belongs to Leon G.>

“That is awesome,” Cec smiled, it truly was. “Much better than the muck they try to pass off as food.” She took a piece of the chocolate and spread the jam onto it. The chocolate was bitter, but the jam helped with that. “Hey what schedule do you guys have this morning? I have social.” She glanced to her watch. It was getting late, but oh well if she was late for class. She was really getting tired of this place fast. There was something seriously wrong with it. Cec smiled at the other girl, at least she wasn't alone in this hell hole.

“I think everyone's in English first thing.” said Gina as she munched on a raw carrot. “God I feel like a sodding rabbit.”

She grinned, passing the chocolate over to Becca. It was a poor breakfast, but it was their first small victory against West Hills and the...things that were haunting it.

“Keep an eye on Rozaria.” Gina said to the other three, turning serious. “If she's like Yv then she won't know when They take over, but we can't let her hurt anyone if they do. Try to make sure nobody's alone with her.”

Gina could see that Becca, the one girl who hadn't seen as much as Cece and Ash, was looking at her in mute incomprehension.

“We've got more than drugged porridge to worry about.” Gina told her after taking a deep breath. “Rozaria...well...something's happened to her. I think she's possessed. I know it sounds stupid, but Ash and Cece saw it too.”

She sat back, biting her lip. She was trying not to sound pleading, only deadly serious.

“Just...be careful. We still don't know quite what we're dealing with yet, but until we do don't go wandering around on your own. I've seen something like this before and, I swear to God, a lot of people died.” She broke off to look at her watch, and began to wrap up the remaining food, hiding it in her clothes drawer. “Shit, we'd better go. Class starts in five.”

* * * * * *

"So that we may get to know each other better, I have printed a little activity for you," Mr V said, passing out pieces of paper to students. He skipped over Gina, sending her a small, knowing smile.

"Oh dear, did I skip you Gina?" Mr V said, placing the last piece of paper on Becca's desk. He turned around and strode over to her desk. "Well, I have no more copies." He placed a hand on her desk and leaned down towards her, lowing his voice to a husky whisper.

"A shame, since I would love to get to know you. I'm guessing your more than just a pretty face." He placed a finger under her chin and tilted her head up so that he could gaze at her with his steely gray eyes. "Looks like ours will be...one on one."

Gina, not expecting the touch, instinctively shied away from it. She looked at the teacher, trying to see if his eyes held Their trademark glitter, but she couldn't hold his gaze. Something about the intensity of his eyes sent a shiver of ice down her back, and she looked away uncomfortably.

Mr. V pulled up a chair across from Gina. Folding his hands together he gave her another creepy smile. "Tell me, dearest Gina, favourite flower?"

Even in a normal school, Gina thought, this wasn't right. She glanced helplessly at Cece and Becca as if hoping that her friends could somehow intervene, and then back at Mr V. He was still smiling, the expression simultaneously captivating and predatory - the same sort of predatory that she had seen in Rozaria last night. He smiled at her, awaiting an answer. Deeply uneasy, Gina's mind was drawing a blank.

"Pansies." she managed eventually, remembering the small window boxes in her old house that she had always liked as a child. "Mum used to keep loads of them."

"Ah Pansies. Lovely. I'll keep that in mind." Mr. V noticed Gina's uneasiness and how she looked at some other girls near the back. Mr. V redirected her attention towards him, tracing his finger on her smooth, blush kissed cheeks. This time, Gina actually pushed his hand away.

"No need to be uneasy. Like I said...I don't bite." He gave her a sharp grin. "I merely nibble." Mr. V let out a small laugh. "Next question. Tell me Gina, have you ever had a boyfriend? You're a very pretty girl. I imagine that the boys must admire you greatly."

Yes, I have, not that it's any of your fucking business. "I..." Gina said, and found that despite her defiance her voice was shaking slightly. She steeled it, angrily. "I don't feel comfortable telling you that. Sir."

"Ah, so you're shy one. Is it all these eyes that make you nervous?" Mr V lowered his voice to a whisper, "If you want we can do this alone. I know students aren't allowed to be in the Attic, but I can grant you a pass. It'll be our little secret, " he said with a wink.

Becca had been watching the whole ordeal from the back row. Well that's a little odd... she thought to herself. Although Becca didn't know Gina that well, she felt obligated to step in. Perhaps it was because they were both from the UK, but Becca took a liking to Gina. Using an old trick she had learned by watching too many American TV shows, Becca suddenly let out a shout, holding her nose.

"Mr. V! I have a nosebleed," she complained loudly, "And it's a gusher, too."

At this, Mr V suddenly sat up straight, clearly disturbed. He forced himself not to look at Becca. "Excuse me for a moment. I am not good with blood," he said, clearly strained. He quickly abandoned the room without another word. It was a shame really. V loved nosebleeds.

As the handsome but utterly distressing teacher made his hasty exit, Gina found that her hands were trembling. Some of it was anger, but mostly it was fear. Well, “Mr V” had to be one of Them too then. What sort of normal teacher made such an obvious pass at one of his students in front of the whole class? In spite of everything, Gina couldn't help but feel humiliated. Lucky that Becca was much sharper than first impressions suggested.

Gina turned to look back at Becca and mouthed “Thank you!” before dropping her head and rubbing her eyes with one hand. Looking up, she saw that half the class had barely reacted. A sudden thought came to her – was this the sort of thing that Daphne's drugs were supposed to make them forget? It would certainly explain why the school hadn't been shut down long ago after the kids got round to telling their parents that the English teacher was a ghost-possessed sexual predator...

08-27-2012, 10:58 PM
“Remember precious darlings, No going in the basement. Have a fantastic day!”

The first thought Shayne had? ’I Wanna go to the Basement, now!’ But of course, this didn’t happen. He slinked out of hsi spot, belly full of the slimy porridge, and walked to his classroom for Social Studies. He walked with his friends, Narissa, Viktor, Daniel, all of which were headed tot he same room. They chatted about simple things. Shayne had taken a new form of liking to Narissa, It wasn’t attraction, obviously, even though she was a true beauty, but it wasn’t just a friendship. He wanted to get to know her better than he did right now. He reached the door before everyone else, and twisted the handle, and entered the classroom.

Normally, Shayne would be happy and often flirtatious with his teachers, but today, Shayne ignored the person at the front to an extent where he only just registered the gender of the teacher, so anything that they were saying was completely ignored. Shayne sighed, and looked out the window. He saw the Garden, and all it’s beauty. Across from the window, Shayne saw the Archway made of Climbing vines. Something about them probed into Shayne’s memory, but he couldn’t place it. ’Deja Vu’ He thought to himself as a piece of paper flapped it’s way onto the desk. Shayne muttered a thank you as he turned it around and looked at it. It seemed to be a questionnaire.

Skimming over the questions briefly, Shayne tried to work out why they were being set such a boring task in a Social Studies lesson. Back home, he would be given a much different, probably more intellectual task, but Shayne wasn’t going to complain. He took a pen, And began to write his answers in the assigned areas.

Shayne Matthew Roberts
1. Where are you from?
Good Ol’ England!
2. Do you have any siblings?
3. Any hobbies?
I play Guitar and Sing a bit, but my Main hobby is Drawing
4. What are your dreams and aspirations?
I just wanna be happy.
5. Do you like History and English?
Will I Fail if I Say No?
6. How do you feel about West Hills?
I hate it! This place is Scary as Shit! I Love West Hills.
7. Fears? Pet Peeves?
I hate it when people judge before they know. And I am kinda scared of something scaring me. Does that make sense?
8. Night or Day?
9. Blood Type?
10. Favourite novel?
I Don’t Read.

Shayne re-read his answers. When it came to the question about whether he liked West Hills or not, he realised that the headmistress may be able to use these to get at him, and hell, Shayne didn’t want that. He scrubbed his pen over the words once, and then re-wrote his answer in a sarcastic tone in his head. He smirked as the Paper was finished. He was also happy with his sarcastic, one-word, oh-too-literal response to the question "do you have any Siblings?"
To add an extra element of Shayne to the paper, Shayne took his pen, and Began to doodle over it. He drew a rainbow in one corner, and then a large heart in the bottom, with a stripy pattern covering the main part.
“birds can fly so high, or they can shit on your head” Shayne sang to himself as he wrote the lyrics on the paper, and drew a couple little birds coming off of them.
And then he allowed his mind to wander. He thought about Remy, the beautiful, blonde-Haired Remy, his tight clothing, his silky voice...oof..
Then he thought of Daniel, the sweet, awkward Daniel with hair like the Angels. He turned a little red as he remembered their kiss.
Then he thought about Dave. The boy scared him, and told him that he was an attention whore. He didn’t like the Southerner very much.
And now, he thought of Viktor, the adorable, yet smokin’ Russian Albino boy. He thought about the boy’s rough, Russian accent and smiled

Shayne then looked at his paper He smiled as he realised just what he had written.

Remyne Reyne Shemy Shaymy Shamy
Dane Dayne Daniayne Shayniel Shaniel
Dave is a bastard Arse Twat Bollock
Shiktor Shayktor Viktorayne Viktayne

Shayne let out a little giggle, before crossing out all of the words on his page.
But he left one name until last. He smiled, and let out a content sigh, as he slowly scrubbed out the word

08-27-2012, 11:23 PM
Cec let out a soft laugh at Gina’s rabbit comment.

“Keep an eye on Rozaria.” Gina said to the other three, turning serious. “If she's like Yv then she won't know when They take over, but we can't let her hurt anyone if they do. Try to make sure nobody's alone with her.”

“Yeah I agree, I’ll keep an eye on her.” Cec smiles at the two girls before looking at her own watch. She wasn't quite sure if it was possession or not but she would find out.

“Just...be careful. We still don't know quite what we're dealing with yet, but until we do don't go wandering around on your own. I've seen something like this before and, I swear to God, a lot of people died.” She broke off to look at her watch, and began to wrap up the remaining food, hiding it in her clothes drawer. “Shit, we'd better go. Class starts in five.”

Cec ran quickly to class, hoping not to be too late on the first day. She wouldn’t want to draw any unwanted attention to herself, well more than was already there.

With a tired sigh Cec barely registered the paper being placed in front of her. The cold dorm had kept her awake most of the night searching for more blankets. She looks over the paper, reading the questions briefly. Most of them seemed harmless enough… ‘Blood type? Whey in the bloody hell do they need to know what my blood type is.’ Her thoughts grumbled as she scribbled in her answers.

Cecile Ilona

1. Where are you from?
An acreage just outside of the city.

2. Do you have any siblings?

3. Any hobbies?
Tarot readings.

4. What are your dreams and aspirations?
Move back to Romania and meet the family on my mother’s side.

5. Do you like History and English?

6. How do you feel about West Hills?
It creeps the hell heck out of me… And the heating needs to be updated.

7. Fears? Pet Peeves?
Fears: Small spaces
Pet Peeves: Dirty laundry

8. Night or Day?

9. Blood Type?
A +

10. Favourite novel?
Divergent by Veronica Roth

Her eyes scan the rest of the students in the room curiously. She hadn’t gotten a chance to really meet many of them last night with all the weird mojo going on. After giving up on trying to pay attention for anything to happen she rests her head on her desk hoping for this class to end soon. Maybe later she would get a chance to figure out what was going on in this place. Cec was always a sucker for a good mystery.

08-28-2012, 01:32 AM
Jack had quietly left the dining hall after Gelda's announcment. She fought with her attire the entire walk up to the classroom, where she quietly sat near the back and drew imaginary lines on her desk, until the teacher began to speak and pass out a paper. He wanted to know about everyone? Right. Suuure, you do, Mr. Creeper. Smiling to herself, she looked up when he set the paper on her desk. She felt bad for herself, but also for the girl who looked oddly familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Shaking her head, slightly to hard, she turned her attention to her paper and began the test-type-thing. Eventually, after about fifteen minutes of 100% nothing, she quickly came up with this;

1. Where are you from?
Paris, I think.
2. Do you have any siblings?
Not that I can remember.
3. Any hobbies?
I don't remember.
4. What are your dreams and aspirations?
Don't remember that either.
5. Do you like History and English?
I think so.
6. How do you feel about West Hills?
I'm pretty sure I don't like it, it's creepy.
7. Fears? Pet Peeves?
I think I'm scared of forgetting. And spiders too, maybe.
8. Night or Day?
I think day.
9. Blood Type?
That's out of my memory too.
10. Favorite novel?
Don't remember.

The first few bell rings didn't faze a dead sleeping Travis, who had alittle too much last night, and was getting over a small withdrawl. The bell signaling class starting, however, woke him up roughly afew hours later. Jolting awake, he grunted when he realized that he was no longer high and was forced to enduce the pain of whatever today was, doing whatever it was he would be forced to do. He slowly swung himself upright, long legs hitting the ground quickly. Looking at his cheep watch, he cursed under his breath and moved quickly to the unpacked suitcase laying near his bathroom. Pulling out a plain light aqua t-shirt, he threw it over his bare chest, before pulling out faded-straight blue jeans. While speed-brushing his teeth, he dragged his left hand through his hair afew times.

Calling it good for now, he threw on his favorite hat(one in his picture), turned off his light, and began sprinting to the stairs. His vision naturally blurred, as he sped up the stairs towards the classrooms. As he rounded the top of the stairs, he pushed his long legs even farther, not paying attention to his direction. Tripping over a big log or some shit, he fell face first and smacked his head on the ground. As he went down, he grunted and mumbled, "Shit!" before he hit impact and rolled over on his back. "Why, why would the teacher put something in the middle of the hallway. Lifting his head ever so slightly, he squinted at a blurry figure. He moaned before gently laying his head down.

"Why, god tell me, are you trying to kill me?" he joked quickly.

1. Where are you from?
The Moon, for all I care.
2. Do you have any siblings?
Why do you care?
3. Any hobbies?
I like to fight the Zombie-Apocolapse. That good enough?
4. What are your dreams and aspirations?
To go to Vegas, get high, get laid, get married by some Elvis knock-off dude at a drive threw church, and wake up remembering nothing. Put that in your fucking notes.
5. Do you like History and English?
Life sucks, I've gotten over it.
6. How do you feel about West Hills?
Oh I love it, especially the History & English teacher who seriously needs to loosen his corset.
7. Fears? Pet Peeves?
Fear of going to an all boy's school, and having gym with the girls watching.
8. Night or Day?
Night, perfect time to get high. I mean sleep.
9. Blood Type?
I'd come up possitive for alot of bad shit, so let's say I've never had it done.
10. Favorite novel?
Yeah, me picking up a book is Fictional.

08-28-2012, 02:14 AM
Will stepped into the classroom and immediately took a seat near the back corne. He sighed and sat there as the teacher began the age old lectures of all "first" day school rules, and such. Will had never really liked this part of the school year, but there was something about this teacher that he didn't like at all. He was odd and made dark humor jokes, that he supposed were to be funny to him, but in all actuality was about as dull as a leadless pencil. He looked curiously over the paper that was passed out to each student and he frowned over some of the questions. But, he began to write nonetheless on the same sheet of paper.

C. William “Will” Joseph Johnson

1. Where are you from?
A place far down in the south.
2. Do you have any siblings?
None that I have kept in contact with

3. Any hobbies?

4. What are your dreams and aspirations?
Go back home to my family

5. Do you like History and English?

6. How do you feel about West Hills?
It’s weird and crazy. But, yet holds a unique appearance.

7. Fears? Pet Peeves?
Fears: Death
Pet Peeves: People putting others down
8. Night or Day?

9. Blood Type?
O +

10. Favourite novel?
None Currently.

After he had finished that he just turned and his eyes found themselves looking out the windows and into the daylight. But, slowly the scene shifted and changed before his very eyes. The skies grew fire red, and smoke filled the outside and even the classroom, but no one around him seemed to notice. Fire began to climb the walls and Will jumped up stiffening in shock. When he turned around he was back in his apartment the night of the fire. He couldn't see a thing the smoke was too thick, and the fire was searing his skin. He had to get out of there. He held out his arm as he moved his way through the thick cloud of smoke. He made it out of his room and into the narrow hallway. He could feel the heat burning intensely from behind him, but he couldn't move very fast. It was as if he were stuck in mud, and slowly getting free. The smoke filled his lungs and it felt as if his very lungs were on fire. He tried to breathe in, but the oxygen offered no refuge for his lungs as it was tainted with the taste of fire.

He coughed violently and fell to his knees, the fire continually coming up behind him, now fatally close. He was going to die, but then a burst of energy entered his body and he stood making his way from the burning hallway, and into the living room. The fire was there too! he couldn't leave through the door and he was scared. All that stuff from West Hills couldn't be a dream, he had never seen any of those people in his life. He was surely going to die in here. The fire from the hallway had joined with the living room flame now. He was sealed in and it was slowly creeping towards him like a lioness to her prey. He couldn't escape and with what oxygen was left in his lungs he began to yell for help.

Ten minutes of yelling and no one came, the fire was nearly upon him and he fell to the floor the smoke now suffocating him. He tried to cough, but it would not work. He was doomed, and then the fire engulfed him as if he were dry leaves. He yelled as the pain racked his body and he passed out cold from the shock.

"No!!!!!" he yelled and jumped up from his seat in the classroom and looked around. He had tears in his eyes and he was struggling to gain a breath. Despite his better judgement, he gathered his things and against school rules ran from the classroom and into the hallway. He was fully crying now, and filling his lungs with a burning sensation. He sunk to the floor against the wall, and his body shook with sobs as he placed his head between his legs. He had been so terrified, and it felt so real. He had just made a complete idiot of himself in front of the whole school. Now, everyone was going to think that he was a lunatic, and in truth he probably was... To late to worry about that now.

Heson Shadowbane
08-28-2012, 05:08 AM
As everyone got into the classroom, Sam made sure to grab a seat next to her roommate. She even scooted her chair slightly to be a bit closer to her without being blatantly obvious about it. Sam wasn't sure how to describe the feelings she had developed quickly towards her. Too soon for love wasn't it and even then Sam still just wasn't sure of Nare's sexuality, much less her own. Her thoughts were broken by the paper laid on her desk that she glanced over, cursing herself a bit for not listening to the teacher. Seeing that it was just a sort of simple questionaire thing, she pulled out her pen case and pulled her usual cyan pen out of it to write down her answers.

Name:Samantha Adrian Masters, SAM for short
1. Where are you from?
The southern parts of the US
2. Do you have any siblings?
No siblings, orphan as well
3. Any hobbies?
The violin. The draw of the bow across the strings and the notes that come from them... Just magical,
4. What are your dreams and aspirations?
To live. Honor and respect my parents by living.
5. Do you like History and English?
Alright subjects for me.
6. How do you feel about West Hills?
Strange Creepy Magical
7. Fears? Pet Peeves?

8. Night or Day?
Dawn or Twilight?
9. Blood Type?
I never paid attention to the doctors talking about it
10. Favourite novel?
Grimm Fairy Tale 31 - The Girl Without Hands / The Armless Madien

Sam didn't have too much trouble answering the questions at first. She probably tortured herself a bit admitting how she technically was an orphan because of the fire. When she got to question six, a few things went through her head about what to write down about the place and some even got down on the paper before she crossed them out. After glancing at her genie ring she smiled a bit and cheekily put Magical. The smile's happy note died on the question about her fears, the fire bursting in her head round about the time Will started remembering his own fire. She quickly tried to shake the thoughts off, her smile gone upside down in a bit of confusion at the next two questions. The smile barely came back with the last question as a Grimm Fairy Tale popped into her head which she put down right away with a double meaning for her.

She glanced back up at the question of fears as she put away her cyan pen. She blinked a bit as she thought she saw a face blink on the paper for the splitest of seconds. Her hand had grabbed a red pen from her case as the image of that ghostly face seeming to tug at familiar memories in her head. Sam felt like she had seen the face before and as she tried to recall her hand was busy tracing a rough sketch of the face on the blank of the fear question. She didn't even seem aware of drawing the boy's face with bits of fire framing him until Will's loud shout broke her concentration.

She watched his little episode where he suddenly burst from the room before she glanced down at her paper. A strangled squeak passed for what might have regularly been a scream or a shout. Sam didn't have the hand of an artist, but the teachers who would see her paper might recognize the crude face of their pyromaniac ghost. She pushed the paper away and flipped it over, but that just made things worse as she red ink had bled through the paper putting the face on both sides. Sam shut her eyes tight as her face paled, trying to slow down her very rapid breathing. She couldn't suffer an episode of it now. One person already just had a breakdown anyways, she didn't need to add to that number.

08-28-2012, 07:46 PM
Lucie sat at the back of the room, alone. She was yet to make any friends, and to be quite honest with herself that hurt her a little. She felt like she was a little too shy to approach any of the other students even though they all seemed pretty nice from where she was. It had been exactly the same when she had gone to breakfast that morning. She had woken up, combed her hair into some kind of acceptable style, added her thick black eyeliner and passed many other students on the stairs but just didn't have the courage to say anything. Really, it wasn't that difficult just a Hey, I'm Lucie But no, she had nothing to say for herself. At all. Ever.

She had watched Mr V's chosen one sit at the front as she took a seat closer to the rear of the classroom. Alone, again. She desperately needed to get over this shyness thing. She couldn't spend the entire year without friends. She glanced around the room and looked at her classmates. There was a really good-looking emo kid, he seemed cool and then there was someone she think was called Viktor, he was really good looking too, he caught her attention immediately. Her eyes gazed round, she saw some really smiley girls, all of which seemed friendly enough, particularly the one being referred to as 'Cec'.

Mr V seemed a little bit odd, creepy even. Especially around that Gina girl. She wondered what the success rate of student-teacher relationships were, probably low. She avoided his eye contact when he dropped the paper in front of her and muttered a small 'thank you'
She read the paper in front of her and wrote her responses.

Name: Lucinda Kay

1. Where are you from? New York

2. Do you have any siblings? I did.

3. Any hobbies? Reading

4. What are your dreams and aspirations? To finally get over everything that's happened and be happy

5. Do you like History and English? Yes

6. How do you feel about West Hills? Lonely

7. Fears? Pet Peeves?

8. Night or Day? Night

9. Blood Type?

10. Favourite novel? Wuthering Heights

She had purposefully left some answers blank, she didn't have space to write all of the things that irritated her in that tiny space and of course she didn't want to seem like she was complaining, West Hills wasn't so bad. A fresh start. Not to mention the shit she might get in if that creepy headmistress saw it... Her stomach twisted, she gave her the creeps. And no, she had never known her blood type.
She looked over her answers, they'd do. She re-read the 'Do you have any siblings? at least ten times and then wiped a tear from her face.

She glanced at the clock, God, I need a cigarette she thought.

08-28-2012, 08:45 PM
Will looked up as he felt something hit his legs, but as he had tried to stop the object from falling, he was a little slow and the boy landed with a thud as he came in contact with the ground. He stood up shakily and wiped the tears quickly from his eyes, and then spoke softly in his southern accent tinged with sadness "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make ya fall right there." He coudn't tell what the boy looked like, and in turth that didn't matter to him. He honestly felt guilt for being responsible for the newcomers fall.

He stepped back when the boy asked god why he was trying to kill him, and he let out a chuckle and then bent down grabbing the boy by the shoulders and pulling him to a standing position. Then, he kept his hands on the boys shoulder to keep him steady just in case he had some concussion or something and he voiced genuinely concerned "Are you alright? I should have pulled my legs in. I'm sorry, My name is Will and if you need to go to the nurse or something I'd be more than happy to take you, as it was my fault you fell." He looked the boy over once and then added as an afterthought "Although, i would advise you put on the uniform provided for you before returning to class." He had a slight smile on his face at the end of that statement.

08-28-2012, 09:57 PM
He chuckled. This guy, "Will" was okay, aside from the attempted murder. Rubbing the back of his head, he blinked afew times before the "suspect" suggested the nurse. stepping back, he laughed. "Um, well, no thank you. The nurse has yet to gain my trust. Plus, I've had...alot of alot and I don't think I'm clean yet." He stated quickly before stepping back and holding his out as an inventation. "Travis," he began, before smiling and adding. "Or Steve, that's cool too." Sighing, he looked around and then returned his focus to Will as he brought up the uniforms. Giving a low, dark chuckle he smiled guiltily. "Well, that's not possible after what I did with them last night. He thought back to last night, his first time seeing the attire. He had used afew shirts to trap some rats from that stinking deck, and tied the ties around the balcony fence, trying to decorate it. The pants made great kites, in his opinion.

Death of Korzan
08-28-2012, 11:34 PM
“Yeah, my Mum sent me here to be ‘Cured’” He said, and looked down to his empty bowl, playing with the spoon. “So there’s my story.”

Viktor had to stop himself from saying 'That explains so much!', however, he felt bad for Shayne, to be abandoned by your own family, what a poor kid.

"I guess I should start introducing myself then. Hmm, I don't really like describing every single detail of my life, so I'll leave some details out." Rozaria took a deep breath.

"My name is Rozaria Winter Cross. Child of the famous Cross Trading Company CEO, unfortunately, and a French model. Most of my childhood has been destroyed by my parents who did nothing but cram knowledge and elegance into me, so I won't bother talking about it. As for my later years, I escaped that hell-hole and lived by myself, but I still got a hefty allowance. Those were fun times... I refined my fighting skills to perfection,"

She raised an eye at Viktor, who laughed in response.
'I wouldn't mind having a bit of a play fight with you...'

"Usually on the streets; I get pissed off at way too many things for my own good. That, or I just make excuses to..defeat or defy others. I break rules, a lot." A smirk surfaced on her face as she reminisced on her past.

Viktor could see that underneath her cheerful nature shined a mischievous, sneaky side, but he did not mind, maybe someone like that would be a lot of fun in a place like this. Viktor was also not surprised at the fact she was a French model, Rozaria was gorgeous, entertaining and sexy as hell, and being around her seemed to give Viktor a confidence loss, her very presence seemed to change his emotional status. She was truly mesmerizing.

"Well as for you Drago-slash-Ivan, I like your height actually. I'm six feet, so it's hard to find a guy taller than me sometimes. Besides, your marvellous pink eyes draw people's attentions away from small imperfections like height..." The girl gazed into his pink ones for a small moment, giving him a smile.

A sudden burst of butterflies erupted inside Viktor. 'Jesus, I haven't had these for a long time.' Needing something to distract him from the fluttering feeling inside him, Viktor jammed the Porridge into his mouth. 'This tastes like shit, but it's so good right now.' Viktor then turned the beautiful girl, she had just finished addressing Shayne. “Thank you, you have very pretty eyes too, and a very pretty face.” Nervously winking at the girl. 'Jesus, now you've probably just made a fool of yourself. Идиот.'

"But if it would help, I have a little green baggy back in my room that could help you get your mind off of it later,"
Viktor looked at the person who had said this as the gears in his head made sense, very slowly, of what she had said. She wasn't addressing him, she was addressing Shayne, but Viktor, seeing as he was there, was not sure if it was aimed at him as well, so he replied anyway. He had been completely oblivious to the conversation between Shayne and this girl, Narissa, he was too busy gazing secretly at Rozaria.

“If by 'little green baggy' you mean what I think, you are welcome to bring it to my room tonight, you are all invited, I have a lot of Vodka, about 6 bottles and 13 small ones, for the shots, I guess it is now lucky I brought my shot glasses yes? It will be fun, come on!” Viktor looked at the 3, Narissa, Rozaria and Shayne, his eye even wandered over the others at the table, in case they had heard him. “I mean, I will not be smoking any of that stuff, that is not my thing, but drinking you all underneath these old tables, now that I can do very good.”

A sickly sweet voice interrupted him.
"Welcome to your first day of classes, students! I hope you have enjoyed your breakfast!”

'How could anyone enjoy what we had been served?' Viktor thought. 'Slop in a bowl.'

“Your elective will be Gym and though it is normally held in the ballroom, it will be held in the Garden today. You will have it after your third class, you will eat lunch in the Garden. No need to change into special attire. I see you’re all in your uniforms. Lovely.” Gelda said the word ‘Lovely’ like how one would say ‘dog poo’.

“You should all know your schedules by now. Though it you don’t, feel free to ask me and I’d be more than happy to set you straight.” Gelda paused for a minute, smiling at the students with narrow eyes. Her words said ‘Please, I’m here to help you’ but her tone implied that she wanted to add ‘to your death’ at the end of it “Our teachers are so excited to meet you and learn more about you!” Gelda’s trademark bright sarcastic tone was back and she was laying it extra thick today. “Remember precious darlings, No going in the basement. Have a fantastic day!” As Gelda finished, the bells signifying first class rang through the halls.

As the students began to file out of the school, Viktor made sure, quite cleverly, to position himself behind Rozaria, mainly so as he could secretly admire her perfect curves, which were shown off by the posh way of walking that Rozaria had had drilled into her head by her parents. Viktor had never quite met a girl like Rozaria, she was beautiful and mysterious, yet terrifyingly hypnotizing, Viktor felt it was as if he stopped talking to her, he would begin to spiral into a great depression.

As Viktor entered the classroom, opening the door for Rozaria and Shayne and letting them walk through before him. The hulk of a boy sat on an empty desk in between his two new friends. 'They are good people.' Viktor thought to himself. 'One is gay, and the other one is a model, what a good match I have found.' Viktor found himself looking at Shayne, his pink eyes narrowing, studying him. 'He is nice, whether or not he is homosexual or not, that does not change how I think of him.' A piece of paper was suddenly planted on his desk, Viktor didn't bother to look up at his teacher, he had already seen him staring at Rozaria with curiosity, and for some reason it had infuriated Viktor, his hands had remained clenched and his eyes glazed over with anger, but that had mostly passed.

Name: Viktor Procezenkov
1. Where are you from?: Beautiful Mother Russia

2. Do you have any siblings?: No, I am only child

3. Any hobbies?: I do boxing, I lift weights, I do shots, does sex count?

4. What are your dreams and aspirations?: I guess I just want to enjoy life, meet someone, maybe win the lottery, buy a big house, lots of vodka, cars.

5. Do you like History and English?: I prefer History to English, but they are both good subjects I think.

6. How do you feel about West Hills?: It is a nice school, although you should get some cameras to stop all the children from banging on my door, and the screaming, sound proofing the rooms would not be very difficult yes?

7. Fears? Pet Peeves?:
-I am scared of being alone when I die, I am also scared of angry old chinese women, jesus.
-I would think my only pet peeve is that I must practise all the time, in order to keep myself at a fighting fit position, I must train everyday, every month, for at least an hour.

8. Night or Day? I enjoy the company of both.

9. Blood Type? A+

10. Favourite novel? The Sixteenth Round: From Number 1 Contender to Number 45472 by Rubin "Hurricane" Carter

Finishing the paper, Viktor pushed it out to the edge of his table, resting his head on his muscled forearm and closing his eyes, he began thinking about last night. One of the girls, the one who was with the mute, seemed to find it ridiculous that Viktor didn't come out of his room due to the screaming. Was there something more to the noise? Surely she must know something. 'I must talk to her at lunch time, maybe she would be able to tell me about what it is that happened upstairs last night.' A sudden yell of fear made Viktor's head pop up from the dark confines of his arms, looking around the classroom, he found it. The boy who had introduced himself as Will had yelled, and was now making his way swiftly out of the classroom. When he had exited, Viktor turned to Rozaria and Shayne and mouthed to them 'What happened to him?'

08-29-2012, 02:26 AM
Drinking with the foreign student and a class-A bitch.

Although the cons outweighed the pros, she did have a great struggle for a moment, her tongue tracing the bottom of her lip, with a sudden desire to take a risk. But planting a firm foot, she knew her inner-gut feeling would either act as a warning, or as an "I told you so" memory, when she got expelled on her second day. Hell, she was even a little shy of the pot she had on her, after she'd gotten caught last spring.
And even more-so, Shayne hadn't even made the connection until the Russian had included it in his dorm-room rave, and something about his innocence not being fully-ruptured, told her that it wouldn't be his liking. She thought the same for Sam too and although knowing perfectly well the signs for, "wanna smoke tonight?" she already seemed to know what the answer would be. She had no doubt, however, that throughout the course of the year her roommate would catch her putting eye-drops in, or leaning out the window in the middle of the night. The idea was surely exciting, but there was a foreign responsibility that came with it, telling her to consider her friend's feelings as well.

"Yeah, maybe," she said vaguely before standing up, knowing all too well how terrible it would be to be stuck with the two, who were already having eye sex with each other, when they were fearless with vodka.

Assuming that Sam was with them, she got up and walked with the herd over to their first period, although making it a point to stay at Shayne's side. She found security in very few people and she was no less eager to let it slip into the hands of someone less deserving.

Sitting in the desk behind Shayne, she spent the majority of his introduction thinking of the thing she'd say aloud, had she had the time(or guts) to smoke that morning. The teacher himself seemed burnt out; desperate for humor, and drowning in his own attempts. She didn't look into his body language around Gina and wouldn't have been watching him, had she been able to see him past Shayne's head. Staring at the slip before her, she wondered how many class surveys she'd end up filling out throughout the day, and how many would actually be accounted for. She knew that teachers already had a feel of their students after the first week and knew that writing her favorite sport had no impact, which was why she didn't mind bullshitting most of the answers.

Her pencil had barely hit the paper when a student to her left shouted and ran from the classroom. Her first thought was that he was just messing around, but as he'd turned to leave she could have sworn she'd seen a layer of tears against his wet cheeks. Forcing the oddity out of her mind, she figured the nerves had just gotten to him, or the rather-personal questions had suppressed a sour memory, and continued to write...

Name: Narissa Pardo
1. Where are you from?Atlantis
2. Do you have any siblings?seven sisters
3. Any hobbies?swimming, horseback riding, eating.
4. What are your dreams and aspirations?to make it out of here alive.
5. Do you like History and English? yes.
6. How do you feel about West Hills? super pumped.
7. Fears? Pet Peeves?The dark, being trapped
8. Night or Day? sunset.
9. Blood Type? O, I think.
10. Favourite novel?50 shades of grey & twilight.

She found herself crossing out many of her answers, depending on how ridiculous they sounded, and then scribbling over with the truth, or at least enough to make it sound believable. No, she didn't have a sibling to this day, nor had she ever read a page of 50 shades of grey, or liked twilight, but her hobbies were all accurate. And while she was afraid of being trapped, she'd never found fear in the dark. Her answer to number four was partially in dry humor of what he'd said, but was mostly referring to her being cut-off, apart from a small baggy, and being shipped there for a whole year. She'd never imagine the dark-magic going on within the limits of the school, although the longer she survived in the school, the sooner she was to finding out.

Hearing a muffled squeal to her right, she turned to see Sam flipping over her paper, where an ink-drawn picture had bled through, before taking notice to her suddenly ill-struck friend. Her eyes were shut and she was breathing heavily, forcing herself to calm down and return to normal. Was she hurt? Had she seen something?

"Sam? You okay?" she asked, shifting slightly in her seat, as if ready to jump at any moment and escort her to the clinic. Glancing back at the paper, she squinted her eyes before meeting Sam's. Was that a face?

08-29-2012, 02:36 AM
Shayne handed his paper in as the Boy, Will, Threw some form of hysterical fit, and yelled. Shayne pulled a face, one that could only be described as one of pure bewilderment as he watched him leave. ’Wow, What a weirdo...’ he thought to himself, hell, let’s be honest, that was weird.

Shayne wasn’t one to judge under normal circumstances, and he had no intentions of Judging Will, but he just, didn’t feel himself. He was drawn to the garden, and he didn’t know why, he was confused. He put a hand up to his head, and rubbed the bump where he knocked his head yesterday against the wall. He looked out the Window and thought about things...just basic things. He thought about his sisters, he wondered what they would be doing right now, probably picking on his brother, as always, and Shayne wasn’t there to comfort him, protect him. He felt lousy, but he couldn’t do anything about it now.

Shayne felt the presence of Viktor leaning towards him. Shayne took in the Russians scent. Not as nice as a certain person, but yes. Acceptable. He thought about the possibility of going to his room tonight, He, Rozaria and Viktor...Much safer group of friends than Jack, Daniel and Remy...Although, He didn’t want to lose them.
Aw Hell, Was he going to be lumped between friendship groups? That would be difficult, but he would find a way. He smiled as he planned his night, Vodka and....’Green baggy’ He giggled to himself. Crap! A Giggle! Not again, and Viktor was also talking to him, Ugh, Stop being such a retard, Shayne!

” What happened to him?” The Russian said to him. Turning to him, Shayne took a moment to take in his appearance. If they stood together, they would be the perfect image of parallel universes,
On one side, Shayne, Tall, Black hair, Slim, Tanned skin, blue eyes and pierced all over, and on the other, a Bulky, White-haired, pale, pink-eyes Albino Russian. A Sexy Russian. And the Accent...Oh, Shayne! Respond!
“uh, he ran away..” Oh yeah, well Done, Shayne, Very good, very obvious. He sighed and shook his head. “Don’t ask me” he added, turning away from the boy, and looking out of the Window and at the Garden. What was the odd attraction to the garden? He made a mental note to explore it later.

08-29-2012, 03:35 AM
“If by 'little green baggy' you mean what I think, you are welcome to bring it to my room tonight, you are all invited, I have a lot of Vodka, about 6 bottles and 13 small ones, for the shots, I guess it is now lucky I brought my shot glasses yes? It will be fun, come on!”
Rozaria wasn’t a very big fan of Vodka; she basically drank either simple beer, or completely fancy wines and mixed drinks. Normally just wine or beer, mixed drinks were just a tad too ‘girly’ for her. “I’ll go to your room, but I won’t be having any alcohol. I’m not in the mood of receiving too many punishments right now.”

"Welcome to your first day of classes, students! I hope you have enjoyed your breakfast! Your elective will be Gym and though it is normally held in the ballroom, it will be held in the Garden today. You will have it after your third class; you will eat lunch in the Garden. No need to change into special attire. I see you’re all in your uniforms. Lovely. You should all know your schedules by now. Though it you don’t feel free to ask me, and I’d be more than happy to set you straight. Our teachers so are excited to meet you and learn more about you! Remember precious darlings, No going in the basement. Have a fantastic day!"

Gelda's trademark tone ran throughout the room once again, ending the breakfast period and ushering the students to class. Rozaria felt a shudder jolt through her as the woman spoke her words; the syrupy fakeness was really getting on her nerves. Everyone already knew how obviously fake it was and how sarcastic and mean she was, so there was no point in hiding it any further. Seeing that the people around her basically left at the end of Gelda’s sentences without another word, Rozaria followed, but in a steady pace unlike the others who were practically running.

Taking a spot in the middle but near the back, beside a boy who tumbled in at the last minute out of uniform, Rozaria couldn’t help but smile at the curiosity in Vlad’s eyes. He probably did know by now, and if not, she’ll have a pretty interesting talk with him. After passing out papers, professor rape-face decided to study Gina some more, one-on-one even. Rozaria had already seen the interest he held for the unlucky girl at dinner, giving her a small smile, and only her. You know, as a vampire, I'm pretty sure you'd be a lot more interesting and alluring if you weren't born with such a creepy personality.

Name: Winter

1. Where are you from?
The city of Love; Paris, France.
2. Do you have any siblings?
Unfortunately, one. I hope to…take care of her one day.
3. Any hobbies?
Beating people up. Competitive fighting.
4. What are your dreams and aspirations?
To become richer than my father. Maybe as an artist. And get stronger.
5. Do you like History and English?
I’m pretty sure you just want me to say yes.
6. How do you feel about West Hills?
It’s… a very interesting place. You should know why, Vlad.
7. Fears? Pet Peeves?
Pet peeves include a whole bunch of people (i.e; Naïve, ignorant, foolish)
Fears; Not much, pain maybe.
8. Night or Day?
Night, for obvious reasons.
9. Blood Type?
You don’t need to know, you’re not going to snack on me, got it? Take Gina.
10. Favorite novel?
Pfft, Rozaria combined with a novel? Funny.

Rozaria’s eyes peered over to the sheet of the boy beside her. The moment he stumbled through the door, she felt a small connection. You could say it was a bit like love at first sight, but in a friendly sort of way. People who were meant to be friends, people with everything in common. Rozaria found it hard to find people like her, especially in a school. Not a lot of people dare to break every rule and do whatever they please, ignoring the wishes of others. Heck, maybe the guy even had parent problems.

He seems busy now, but I’ll definitely get a chat with him soon. Rozaria’s eyes gazed at Travis who was currently talking to another guy, Will, just outside the classroom. Finishing her mental plans in her head, she noticed from her peripheral vision that Viktor and Shayne had sat near her. Viktor, like everyone else in the classroom, heard the screams and yells of Will a few minutes ago. As he left, Viktor mouthed, ‘What happened to him?’

“Who knows, but I wouldn’t talk about it behind his back, he probably has some reason for it.” Best way to avoid drama, don’t put yourself in it. Which meant no gossiping about personal problems of others, love, and bad points of others. But in Rozaria’s perspective, eavesdropping was fine as long as what she heard stayed within her.

“Say…” Rozaria kept her eyes on the door, the place where Mr. V was last seen before his exit, and where Travis was anyway. “What do you think of the teacher, Mr. V, so far?” Yea, yea, she had her small rules about not getting involved in drama by not talking about others. But she wasn’t going to say anything herself, but merely ask others on their opinions.

08-29-2012, 05:46 AM
Daniel sat at the table in the dining hall, retrieving a book from his bag. He began searching for the marker that marked the last place he stopped reading. When he found it, he pulled it out, placed a finger where it had been and began reading. Occasionally he would look up to see the group around him talking and conversing and indulging in the porridge that had been served. He of course wouldn’t eat anything here after being warned of the stew the previous night. Instead, he’d consume the things he had snuck in. When Shayne entered the dining hall, Daniel looked up and noticed him and simply smiled, but his smile could not be seen because his face was covered by the thick novel he was reading. Then the Viktor kid starting talking and Daniel’s eyes drifted back to the very interesting story he was indulging in.

Finally, the headmistress arrived. Though he didn’t want to stop reading his book, he wanted to be respectful to at least the headmistress. He placed the marker back into the book thus saving his spot and looked up at Gelda as she spoke. He could only smile at how fake and misplaced her facial expressions and tones were. In fact, as she talked, he had placed his book back into his bag and retrieved the notepad, scribing down everything Gelda said. When she finished, he read over it and placed it back in his bag. Again Gelda had mentioned not going into the basement. If one weren’t careful, one would assume she wanted someone to go into the basement, but Daniel knew better, or at least he thought he did. The bell rang, signaling the end of breakfast and the beginning of classes. Daniel stood up from the table, making sure to brush off his clothes before heading towards English.

As he arrived at the door, he found that he was the last to walk in. He noticed all the others had already claimed their seats. Sighing, he attempted to sit by the window a row from the front of the class. He really didn’t pay attention that Shayne sat a few seats behind him. He watched the teacher with a smile as he introduced himself. His humor was dark, and for a second Daniel wondered if he should believe him. Death in a school, could that be legal? Daniel had a lot of research to do when he got back to his room. Retrieving the notepad, he scribed on it once more, writing down what Mr. Vlad had stated word for word. When Vlad placed the paper in front of Daniel, he nodded and began reviewing the questions.

After reviewing the questions, Daniel began to write.

Name: Daniel Alexander Henney
1. Where are you from? I was born in Sydney, Australia.
2. Do you have any siblings?Nope, I’m an only child.
3. Any hobbies? I enjoy reading, writing songs, singing and playing a few sports.
4. What are your dreams and aspirations? My own words are the bricks and mortar of the dreams I want to realize. My words are the greatest power I have. The words I choose and the use establish the life I experience.
5. Do you like History and English? I prefer English.
6. How do you feel about West Hills? The question is not how I feel about West Hills, but rather how should I feel about West Hills?
7. Fears? Pet Peeves? I gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which I really stop to look fear in the face... I must do that which I think I cannot.
8. Night or Day? Night. The freaks come out at night. :-)
9. Blood Type? AB+ at least I think I am.
10. Favourite novel? Nicholas Sparks The Rescue is one of my favorite novels. Mary Higgins Clark is one of my favorite authors. I often read a lot and the novels I read varies, thus I have many favorites.
After filling the questionnaire out, Daniel placed the pencil down on the desk and glanced out the window. The garden was beautiful, and it seemed as if he had been there once or twice already. In other words, the garden seemed VERY familiar to him. He didn’t waste any time getting back into the book he had been reading during breakfast. Hopefully, Mr. Vlad would cease his flirting with Gina and proceed with the next lesson, or so Daniel hoped. As the story he was reading was getting rather good to him, Will jumped up screaming and rushed out of the classroom. Shocked by this, Daniel stood to his feet and wondered where on earth the guy was going, as well as what in all that is sane was wrong with him. Shaking his head, he listened to Viktor as he asked the question everyone was more than likely thinking. Daniel sat down and looked at Rozario, Shayne and Viktor.

Quickly grabbing his notepad, he scribed the events and looked up at Rozario who had begun talking. She asked them what they thought of Mr. Vlad to which Daniel smirked.

“He seems rather attracted to Gina if you ask me. Kinda freaky, but to each their own,” Daniel replied, his Australian accent flowing in his words. He blushed a bit when he heard it. It always happened at the most spontaneous times.

08-29-2012, 11:35 AM
OOC:// Sorry if it didn't come as you like it; I will edit in and edit out as needed. I thought of her JUST coming, due to how Extraordinarily new she is ((ALONG WITH MAKO)). If you see anything that does NOT suit your taste, let me know ASAP. Otherwise, bear with me! I also have some F***ing "Mipes!" yipping in my ears (Finding Nemo Reference)

After three hours of driving and an hour for a break and gas, Trinity, Ryou-Kyou, and Sanae were already at West Hills. trinity smiled as it was just as the brochure promised: it was scary, and it was a light fog surrounding the houses, making it rather creepy."I WANNA GO HOOOOOME!!!!!" Squealed Sanae as she squirmed in the back seat. Sanae couldn't stand how scary West Hills looked, where the trees were half-dead, and it was still summer. Ryou-Kyou puffed out an exhausted cloud of her breath. As Ryou-Kyou observed Trinity with a sharp, green eye, she could tell that Trinity was trying to surpass a sneezing fit. Trinity's eyes were focused on the road most of the time as she drove diligently up the streets.

"Shut your mouth for a bit; we're almost there!" Trinity grumbled as she tried to keep her distance at the road. <<"Gotta... Concentrate... must... not... SNEEZE!!">> Trinity kept her eyes peeled for incoming cars, and was overly determined to get to the school. At that point, Trinity was sniffling violently, rubbing at her nose intermittently as she crossed an elementary school. Trinity even pretended to ignore Sanae's shriek at a bloodied skeleton that remained on the fence of the elementary school. Trinity slowed down as she finally reached to what was called West Hills High, just ten miles ahead of the Grade school. As she drove by the driveway, she found out that there wasn't a true parking lot but just grassland with the grass grated off by drought.

Ryou-Kyou smiled wildly, chanting "Yes!" as Trinity neared towards the school. later, Sanae joined her sister as the trio got out of the car. Sanae began running in her red sundress with her blue and white-striped turtleneck as she skipped to Trinity. Trinity let out a loud sneeze out of agony: "Huh...Huh-TISSOO!!" As soon as she let that one out, she felt another growing, and kept it in long enough so the three can enter the school.


As Ryou-Kyou took her book bag and her luggage out of the car, Trinity was busy blowing her nose on a brown, torn handkerchief. Trinity began to sniff as she pointed at the trunk of her car. Though it was an 85' Corvette, "Daddy's Little Bitch" costed about $75,000 more than needed. Therefore, Trinity was STRICT on getting it cleaned up. Now, she didn't care as Sanae was like a human's squeaker-box that fiddled with Miss Muzak's Capsule of Patience. "HASHOO! Guh... GREESSHEE!! *sniff* FUCK! Let';s get inside 'fore I start sneezin' my fucking brain out. It's already as ha--ISSHOO!--Hot as is!"

Sanae began to pull her ruby red roller backpack with her, "SANAE, LET'S GO!" Ryou-Kyou called out to the still-curious Sanae, who was plucking out purple rocks from the school grounds, and quicly put them in her pocket before Rukyo and Trinity paced inside the school. As soon as they entered the school, they could hear commotion, and Trinity let out another "Hushoo!" as the musty, attic-like smell overcame her nostrils.

Heson Shadowbane
09-01-2012, 12:15 AM
((Co post between me and Extra. ENJOY!))

"Sam? You okay?"

Sam's eyes opened as she heard Nare's concerned voice. She didn't realize that she was gripping her desk tightly until she forced her hands to let go. The look in her eyes as she turned to Nare was unmistakeable. Fear. Scared. Frightened. She bit her lower lip gently as she raised a trembling hand to sign at her, but with her hand shaking so badly it took almost half a minute to spell out a simple four letter word. Fire.

"Fire?" she asked, somewhat relieved she could make out her friend's trembling fingers.
"Sam what's going on? What does that mean?" she asked in a hushed tone, as others gossiped about the not present teacher.
"And who the hell is that?" she asked, trying not to sneak a second look at the blotted ink.

Sam just sat there, her body trembling still. While Nare didn't take another glance at the face, Sam did and shut her eyes again for a moment. The memory of the fire flashed in her mind again, feeling that whoever she drew was connected but how? Opening her eyes back up again she looked back at Nare, her face still pale while she tried to answer. She tapped herself on the head, shaking her head as well, trying to say she doesn't remember before signing The Fire. She closed her eyes again, trying to breathe normally as she leaned forward with a hand on her belly.

"You don't remember?" she repeated, as her friend's condition just seemed to worsen by the moment.
"Look, the teacher's not back yet, we can still bail. I could take you to the nurse, even..." she suggested with uncertainty, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

Sam didn't provide any argument against Nare's suggestion of taking her to the nurse, simply sweeping her pen case into her bag. She didn't bother with zipping it back up as she stood up. Sam wobbled for a moment as she found her balance and laid an arm over Nare's shoulders for support. Once she was stable she'd let her roommate lead her out, leaning her question sheet there on the desk.

"What's going on?" she asked when they were out in the hallway. "I mean what happened? You just can't remember- what was that thing you were drawing?" she asked all at once, her good arm wrapped around her friend's waist.

Sam lamented her muteness as she was bombarded with questions. At least she was lucky enough that Nare had some knowledge of ASL because she was in no state to write her words even if she was able to at the moment. As she mulled over how to answer her, Sam took comfort and enjoyment of being hip to hip with Nare as they went down the hall. As she took in a deep breath, taking in a bit of Nare's scent as well, she couldn't develop further on who or what she had drawn. She held up five fingers for a second and then swapped to two fingers, the question of fear on the paper. She then signed out letters to Nare as she tried to answer, signing out: Ask fear. Fear fire. Hand draw face.

"Ask fear... Five? Two?" she asked, her brows wrinkled in confusion as her eyes shifted slightly as she focused on both of Sam's, trying to make sense of it.
"Question seven! Greatest fear- your greatest fear is fire," she nodded her head, although the answers amounted to nothing.

"Was the face someone from the fire?" she asked, suddenly realizing how little of her roommate's past she knew. Had other people been trapped there too? Or for that matter, how old had she been?
"Was it- was it the person who caused it?" she asked, wondering if a repressed memory had just resurfaced and spooked her friend.

Sam simply signed three letters in response. IDK. She truely didn't know. She hadn't even been aware she had been drawing the face on the space for the answer. After a moment she continued to sign letters to Nare, hands still trembling as she signed: Answer others. Come back after, remember fire. See face on paper. No remember drawing.

She stopped walking suddenly, turning to Nare and removing her arm from her shoulders to embrace her. Sam shook a bit as she hid her face on Nare's body, showing the image of a frightened child seeking the comfort of another person. Sam was scared, very scared. She had a ring that could call a genie, what's there to say there isn't something in this school that can put disturbing images on paper? Images that link unknowingly to personal lives.

Narissa tensed for a moment in shock, finding herself still startled from what had happened, before easing into the hug. She felt herself growing more protective, the more her roommate shook, before her head was rest atop Sam's, her left hand fitting the back of her head. Had she been right?
"It's okay, you're safe here. Promise," Narissa whispered into her roommate's hair, still naively unaware of the school's dark magic.

Sam slowly started to calm down as she was comforted in Nare's arm and by her voice. She gave her a small squeeze, a sort of airy content sigh coming from her. She turned her head up to Nare, her face having regained it's color and a bit of puffiness at the eyes from her quiet cry. Sam smiled at her, reaching up her left hand to gently stroke a cheek as she did something to surprise her. "...H-Huank... Eou...". It was the best attempt at saying thank you she could do with her ruined voice box and a tongue that was no longer used for talking. While it did hurt her to rasp that out, she kept a smile on her face as she looked at Nare, not knowing what to do from this point.

Narissa put her hand over Sam's own, holding both over her cheek for a moment and smiling. She had a brief moment of silence, a somewhat serious look, before letting go only to trace the length of Sam's chin, tilting her head up to meet her own. And then without hesitation, or even much uncertainty, she leaned in and kissed her roommate for a moment, before her nerves returned and she cut it short.
"...The nurses room is right over there. I'll meet you back after class, okay?" she grinned after a moment, looking over Sam's shoulder to a nearby door.

Sam blushed some as she felt Nare's fingers on her chin, lifting it up so they could press her lips to Sam's. The kiss ended too soon, but she kept a smile on her face and when Nare was done talking she traced her lips lightly with her fingers. She nodded and gave her a quick squeeze before releasing her. Adjusting her bag she walked over to the door to the Nurse's office, glancing over her shoulder until Nare had left her view. Once she was out of sight Sam turned from the office and went into the first bathroom she could find. She was feeling better than she did when she left the class and now she just wanted answers. Pulling out her pad and pen, she scribbled on it before giving the ring on her finger a rubbing. She waited for Trinia with the pad in hand where she had wrote: "Hello Trinia. I wish to know who I drew on Vlad's question sheet and what connection it has to me."

Leon G
09-02-2012, 09:30 PM
And then...
Time Skip!
Weather: Sunny

The Bathroom
Seconds after Sammy had rubbed her ring, Trina strolled into bathroom. “Hello child,” Trina said with a smile, “You called. So I am here.” She looked down at the face Sammy had drawn on her paper and frowned. “You want to know future. Why? Prophecies never good. Always have bad. They make genies tired and take a lot of energy. But I will do it for you. Just no more wishes for rest of day. Too much magic will kill me.”

Trina led Sammy to a toilet stall, sitting her down. She clasped Sammy’s ringed hand with her own hands and closed her eyes, murmuring some words in a language Sammy couldn’t recognize. Trina’s eyes glowed red as smoke, similar to the one that Sammy had experienced when she first discovered Trina was a genie, filled the bathroom.

Trina’s mouth moved as if she was a puppet, but the language Trina was speaking was not understandable, much like the chants Trina did earlier. Trina’s eyes snapped open after 15 minutes of chanting and stared at Sammy.

“Max is who you drew. Max of all people. How odd. Do you have any-?” before Trina could finish, the bathroom door swung wide open. Sammy turned around and was face to face with Gelda.

“What are you doing lingering here?” Gelda snapped. “Get to class!”

Sammy was going to use Trina for an excuse, but when she turned around, there was no sign that Trina had ever been there.

Meanwhile in English/Social Studies, a few minutes after the drama had occurred, Mr V returned to his class, his face an icy mask. He surprisingly said nothing to Gina oor Becca, but glared at Rozaria. The girl seemed unfazed which infuriated him, and he dropped the pencil he was squeezing onto his desk, the wood misshapen from the tight grip.

“Read chapter one of your History textbook which can be found inside of your desks. Not a word out of any of you.” Mr V sat his desk, fingers interlaced with each other, staring at Rozaria with a furrowed brow, as if trying to understand her. The rest of the class period they sat in silence, and when the bell rang, they resisted cheering. When the students made their way to their next class, science, Mr. V would have stopped Gina from leaving if Rozaria hadn’t smirked at him before leaving.

He balled his hand into a tight fist. “I do not know what she is. But I can tell she does not belong in Our world. I will find out more about this girl, yes. And if need be, eliminate her. Snatcher and Thumper will be needed.”

In between classes Cece had managed to get distracted by something lying on the ground. Her tarot cards! She reached down to grab them went all of a sudden a gloved hand snatched them up. Cece looked up in surprise at a grinning boy with silvery eyes.

“So you’ve found your cards, but that’s not all to it. Give me a reading, come on, do it! Oh wait I’m dead, it would be a waste. So these cards, are worthless, and they go off into space!” Tom chucked the cards across the hall then dashed to get them “I could give them to Max, and then they would burn. Cause instead of giving you a riddle, I want a turn. Give me a riddle. Rattle my mind. Think of an answer that is undefined. When you have one, give me a call. Or else these cards won’t be the only thing to fall. The gamble is death, so what will you choose? I’d take a bet; but I’d have nothing to lose. Anyway you have no choice in the matter, so riddle me this: Would you like your head on a platter?”

Laughing Tom disappeared through the ceiling, leaving Cece a bit frightened and confused. She hurried off to class, thinking about what had just happened, her legs shaky.

Science turned out a lot better than English/Social Studies. Unlike their previous teacher, this teacher was much more…what was the word? Energetic. He seemed to be always smiling and bouncing aroud the room. And there were two things he liked to ramble about. His love for science and his love for their headmistress.

“I don’t see how people don’t like Gelda! She can seem a little cold on the outside, but I know she’s just shy! I mean sometimes she can be straight out cruel with her rejections, but I’m sure she’s just playing hard to get. Women do that, right? But lately I’ve been working on special perfume just for her! I find that usually my efforts don’t go as planned but that’s because I rely too much on my own charm, which isn’t really charm at all, Although Sara liked me for a while, as did Priscialla but unfortunately those relationships…changed them and not for the better. Maybe that’s why Gelda never was attracted to me as much as I hoped. Anyways! A combination of science and passion can’t go wrong right?”

Science was full of lively chatter and Mattie seemed to not recognize Rozaria from the night before. He knew the students were going to the garden for some competition, so while Will and Narissa a small sack of vials. “Best of luck and may these serve you well!” he said cheerily.

The Garden
When the students had made their way from Science to the garden, they were all handed sandwiches of roast beef on their way out the door. “Save them,” Daphne whispered to 3 students; Lucinda, Shayne and Viktor.

In the Garden stood a tall, well-built man, with a stern face and crossed arms. He looked at the students with distaste, sending especially dirty looks at the students in Falcon. When he cleared his throat, the students immediately got quiet.

“Welcome to Gym class. Let me start off by saying this will not be a typical gym class where you will play pointless activities that only 3 of you will actively participate in. This gym class will exercise not you’re your body, but also your brain. And what better way to do so then a maze?” Dr. Lucas swept his eyes over all the students. “Two lines. Line one; Jack, Ash, Lucinda, Sam, Rebecca, Remy, Daniel, Will and Cecelia . Line two; Hartley, Shayne, Viktor, Narissa, Rozaria, Dave, Travis, Georgina and James. Your teams shall vote on a team captain. The captain will be in charge of your bag of supplies. ”

09-02-2012, 09:58 PM
As the Bell tolled for the next lesson, Shayne smiled. He had Science, and Biology was his all-time favourite subject. He smiled as he slinked out of the room with his friends, and approached the classroom

He liked his science teacher, she had an element of good about her, something rarely found in this place. As he worked, he was paired up with Daniel ((I hope you don’t mind, Phoenix!)) and they worked together as they went over the work together. This was their first interaction since last night, and yet, it wasn’t awkward, because Shayne was into what he was doing. Science was his thing. “So, Yeah...I think that’s right” he said, pulling a face. He began to see Daniel in a new light, aside from his looks, His accent and his smell, the boy really was a lovely guy.

And then Gym. As he walked out, he was handed a sandwich. He nodded his thanks as he walked, but then
”Save them” The woman said to him. Shayne pulled a face. But he was hungry now! He wanted to eat this sandwich! The last food he ate was a bowl of slop, and before that, More slop with odd lumps in. This was the first non-slop food he had, but he took the womans word for it, and walked off. “goddamn it, I want to eat this Sandwich” he said, complaining to Viktor. “It isn’t fair” he whined.

““Two lines...” The Gym teacher said. Shayne sighed. Gym was only good for him before and after. In the Changing rooms where he got all the best views. He was silently cursing them for not letting him see Remy, Daniel and the Bulky Viktor in the semi-nude, but he waved it off as the lists were announced.
“ Line one; Jack, Ash, Lucinda, Sam, Rebecca, Remy, Daniel, Will and Cecelia . “
Poo. Now he couldn’t even work with Remy. He groaned, and turned to form a new line as he was announced to be in “Line two; Hartley, Shayne, Viktor, Narissa, Rozaria, Dave, Travis, Georgina and James. Your teams shall vote on a team captain. The captain will be in charge of your bag of supplies. ”
On second thoughts, this wasn’t too bad a team, Viktor and Narissa were here, that was good, he had taken a shining to them. He sighed, and took his place in the line, and then realised they needed a team leader. He decided to let the others decide who to lead them.

09-02-2012, 10:11 PM
All through science class she hadn’t really paid attention to the world around her, she was pretty shaken up about the whole ghost steals cards and wants a riddle thing. And what was the whole death thing? She watched as the teacher went on and on about science and their evil headmistress. She was thankful for the bell, maybe some fresh air would help her feel better. She made her way silently towards the garden where gym class was to be held. She took a sandwich and ate it quickly. It wasn’t bad, Cec rather liked the roast beef sandwich.

Cecelia was still shaking as she stood in the garden for gym class. Her mind was somewhere else completely as she thought about the ghostly boy who disappeared with her cards. His words swam around in her head as she tried to make sense of what happened. He had said something about her cards burning, about her dying, her head on a platter, and all while rhyming. She needed those cards back, so she would have to think of a riddle. Cec didn’t mind riddles, but all that rhyming annoyed the hell out of her.

The teacher’s voice brought her back to reality, they were to form lines. Cec got into her line, a vacant expression on her face. ‘Great a maze, because I needed more wonderful confusion in my life,’ She thought bitterly. She rubbed at her eyes before bringing herself back to the real world. She studied her ‘team mates’ carefully. Her eyes drifting over each one carefully before studying the other team. ‘Well,’ she thought tiredly. ‘Let the games begin.’

09-02-2012, 11:26 PM
Rozaria enjoyed English and science class, much to her surprise. The discomfort she felt in Vlad simply amused her; it was like watching a kid describe their versions on how babies were made. Exiting the classroom, she made a mental note to tell him everything after class. It would be most interesting to watch. Mattie Farghbad’s Dr. Jekyll side was also intriguing; he seemed to have no memories of what happened last night, and acted completely different. A jolly, love-sick fool – it was hard to believe since his love interest was actually Gelda. Who thought that such a witch could be loved, ever (minus using potions or spells)? But what made the class even better was the fact that he wouldn’t stop blabbering, thus almost no work was given out.


The sudden blast of UV rays hit Rozaria like an electric shock; the garden, where their gym class would be held, was sparkling with warm rays. Maybe a bit too warm - it stung on Rozaria’s skin. Reluctantly, she stepped away from the shadows of the indoors, and accepted the roast beef sandwich handed out to everyone as she walked out to the shadeless garden. The sudden bath of sun felt like a small, dull pain. It wasn’t anything that would cripple or distract her, but Rozaria found it to be quite annoying. She pushed the thought aside; if she didn’t think about it, she wouldn’t feel it.

“Two lines. Line one; Jack, Ash, Lucinda, Sam, Rebecca, Remy, Daniel, Will and Cecelia. Line two; Hartley, Shayne, Viktor, Narissa, Rozaria, Dave, Travis, Georgina and James. Your teams shall vote on a team captain. The captain will be in charge of your bag of supplies.” The gym teacher, Dr. Lucas ordered with a demanding tone. Quickly, she got into position, and took a spot in line beside Travis. He was out of uniform, which Rozaria envied. Doing any sort of physical activity in a tight, polyester, button-down blouse and choking tie would be uncomfortable and hard to move in - like skinny-jeans, but worse.

“Hey, I’m Winter,” Rozaria introduced herself to Travis, putting her sandwich on the grass. The piece of food did seem edible (finally!) but after witnessing everything else, she didn’t want to take the chance. Besides, what she wanted as food was already available, and all around her. “Are you going for captain?” Rozaria sort of wanted the position herself, but the most likely scenario would be the group voting on the most toned guy in the team, and there were plenty of those here. She didn’t really mind who the captain was, along as the team she’s on wins. So far, that looked pretty likely.

09-03-2012, 01:02 AM
Will had sat through the science class, keeping to himself, as he was sure no one would want to speak with a lunatic like him. He often worried what thoughts went through their head when they laid eyes upon him and then thought back to his episode in Mr. V's class. In truth, Will had often had such episodes in the past, and all after that fire had happened and despite his many visits to therapists, nothing seemed to help him. Aside, from that science went very well he thought, he was hardly noticed minus the few snickers he caught when someone looked at him, but aside from that everything was top shape. And, then the bell rang to go to gym and he kindly took the vials that were offered to him and the girl who was so kind to him earlier with a soft thank you and quickly left the room.

As, soon as he had stepped into the warmth of the garden he closed his eyes and felt the sun warm his skin, and for a moment he felt as though he were back home. He could hear the sounds of the birds singing their morning songs, and even his little sister whom he missed very dearly and often thought about. He had such a great longing to see her, he could practically visualize her behind his closed eye lids. That's before his thoughts were interrupted when he and all the others were offered sandwiches, which he took, but again planned to throw out. He just wasn't very hungry after his episode, so either he would throw it out or he would give it to someone who wanted it.

As, he walked closer towards the rest of the group, it was divided into two lines with himself amongst other students, whom he had not met yet. And then he heard line two announced, and frowned slightly as all the people who he atleast knew by name was on that team. No matter, I'll just have to make the best of what i have been given, he thought to himself as he made his way to stand in line one's designated area. Though he could see other people already beginning to acclimate to their surroundings, he felt oddly out of place in this group. He felt like the "runt of the litter" so to speak. Therefore, he made no attempt to speak with any of his team members.

He could see the disgust written plainly on the face of the gym teacher at both the phoenix children, and slightly more at the Falcon ones. He sighed and turned away from the teacher wondering away from the group a little ways and just standing there eyeing the clouds and sky. I wonder what it would be like to be able to just fly away from here and just feel the freedom of the skies. he thought and then sat listened as the teacher explained that they would have to choose team captains amongst themselves. He made no attempt to even voice his opinion. Besides, why would anyone care what the freak had to say about it anyway? They wouldn't; he had basically shown himself to be a lunatic and anyone in their right mind would likely avoid him now.

Heir of Void
09-03-2012, 07:46 AM
The bright, piercing sunlight was the first thing that alerted Dave to the new day. And what better way to start a day than to sleep in far too late and miss breakfast and class? Well, admittedly, he didn't mind missing breakfast much, but missing class this early in the year didn't prove too well for a first impression, even with the gimp-suit English teacher....

Still lying on the floor under the comforting low ceiling of neon orange, the amber of his eyes being slowly burnt by the merciless sun entering through the entrance flap, he let the obnoxious facts seep into his sleep-drunk mind as he prepared to face another day:

1. Damn. I'm really stuck here for a year? This is going to suck. Why couldn't Tom pick somewhere normal to send me, like the Winchester House? Also, why do these uniforms have a worse choke than a studded collar? Jeez.....

After the dress shirt and overlay coat came the matching pants, which also held the quality of being tight to the point of discomfort if one was insecure (which luckily, Dave wasn't). Leather dress shoes followed in short order behind black-and-cyan socks, and the bland outfit was topped with a couple signature pieces to prevent his sense of individuality from rioting against his common sense. Namely, the only noticeable things of separation were a couple of brightly colored wristbands, the little shard of light blue topaz he had strung into a pendant, and the studded leather armband on his left wrist that signified a drummer. It was a form of non-verbal communication between starting musicians that the drummer must always wear a studded leather piece somewhere on his person, but there were always some exceptions.

Mostly they just did it to fit the drummer stereotype set before them.

Dave pulled the now dead-silent headphones away from his ears and set them on top of his laptop, resting on the neon-green backlit keys. The dark alienware wasn't plugged in last night, so it must've run out of power about four hours in. The battery was a pretty good upgrade from the standard, so it could handle pushing through the entire playlist of thousands of Nightcore Techno tracks that he had compiled, and could even get through another quarter of it after that on repeat. However, having a small pair of USB-cable rave lasers plugged into the side in addition to plowing through the immensity of the playlist while unplugged shortened the power to only an hour or two at most.

2. Bluh!!! I need to stop listening to Nightcore until I fall asleep from now on, or at least turn the lasers off. I do remember waking up for no reason, but come on!! Electro is the only thing that's going to get me to sleep in this place, and if it wakes me up a little, then so be it. It can't be that bad to miss a couple classes anyway. Besides, if I remember right, I have English first, and it's run by that guy in the leather pants.........Uhmmmmm, I'm kind of glad I slept in now. He's not really someone I want to deal with this early in the morning.

Running out of the room in the sort of rush you would get from someone with an intense sugar high dancing in a club full of lasers, he only took the time to just barely brush the gunmetal grey of the door handle so that the old wood would slam behind him after he was already down the hall and on his way to the Gym field. Sprinting through the dreary halls, navigating only by memory, it was miracle that an unexpected wall or corridor forged itself into existence and forced the blonde to slow down and actually think about directions or taking it easy. This little rush was nothing really, after all, in comparison to the time spent in the blistering heat running on the fields of sand and scrub.

Back then, in the fields of dry, cracked air, it seemed that time meant nothing there. You could stay for years and nothing would change, forever dependable and brutally honest. The moonlit nights yielded a distinct beauty to those that ventured out away from society, ignoring rules and laws and curfews to just enjoy one's life while they could. Under the smooth grace of the desert moon, any wish could come true if you put a little work into it. Anything could be built upwards from the sands and last for eternity, admired by those few dreamers who came after you centuries ahead, like treasure-hunters searching for their stake. It was there that Dave truly lived, pure, bright blue moonlight pouring into the shattered crystal of his amber eyes.

It was there, in that timeless place, that he learned to appreciate life for what it was and stop worrying about meaningless troubles........like being late.

Using fool's luck, Dave had managed to find his way all the way to the group of students standing on the grassy turf and caught the very end of what the instructor had said, listing names off in some sort of role call. Instead of interrupting the obviously disgruntled teacher, the drummer stealthily entered the second group in a casual and unnoticeable fashion, as if he had always been there behind the hulking form of some other student who was almost blindingly pale. Admittedly, it wasn't the most ideal way to start the day, but it sure could've been a lot worse. The morning light put a little more positive energy into him than he expected, and it was just a nice thing to be outside again, and away from the darkness of the school building.

To complete the facade, Dave walked around from behind the second line, brushing lightly past Shayne. Locking eyes for only a second, he felt a sense of brotherly concern and worry enter the shards of amber as the scanned the storm grey of the other boy's. Breaking the glance as quickly as he began it, the blonde continued walking and stood before the serious man that was their Physical Instructor. He paused only a moment before asking, "Pardon me, but wouldn't wearing these uniforms hinder us from achieving our potential? Or is it because we all wear them that it would start us off on equal footing to show who can overcome the discomfort to lead their team to victory? But no, really, when do we get out of these?" his own fiery amber eyes bearing into the instructors, as he did with anyone he addressed, equally.

Heson Shadowbane
09-04-2012, 02:24 AM
Sam blinked as Trina chanted non stop, the bathroom filling with the red smoke. When she finally spoke Sam did not miss the surprise on her as she spoke to her. “Max is who you drew. Max of all people. How odd. Do you have any-?” Gelda had entered the bathroom and cut her off before she could finish, leaving Sam on a cliffhanger type of note.

“What are you doing lingering here?” Gelda snapped. “Get to class!” Sam turned back into the stall, but Trina had already gone along with all of the red smoke that had filled the room. She quickly showed Gelda the sign for sorry as she grabbed her bag and walked onwards to her next class. She didn't actually pay attention to the teacher, Trina's surprise and words still fresh in her mind. She had scribbled on her pad, trying to write out her thinking a bit.

Max. Short for Maxwell? Knew name: connection to school? Student? Teacher? Staff? But how Max connected outside? Maybe less chance of student? What about last name? Note: check library, school rosters or such. Have face and partial name to help.

The class was over before Sam realized it and then came the class she was dreading: Gym. When she enrolled she had a doctor's note in her folders excusing her from physical activities, but that was before her legs were healed. Would she still be allowed to sit out or would the teacher ignore the note and make her participate anyways? All these questions and more filled her mind as she followed the class to the garden, signing a thanks to Daphne as she took the sandwich. She smiled a bit as she ate the food, enjoying the simple lunch even if she did prefer it crustless. She stared at the maze before them as the gym teacher made them split into two teams. So much for sitting it out it seems. She frowned saddly as Narissa was put onto the other team. She hadn't had much of a chance to talk with her since they shared that quick kiss.

Sam looked at the members of her team, Jack, Ash, Lucinda, Rebecca, Remy, Daniel, Will and Cecelia. She didn't know any of them very well, having stuck with Nare this whole time so far. Using the sheet of paper she had used to write her ramblings on, she scribbled a message on the bottom to show to her team. "I doubt I should be captain since I can't speak, but I did do a few maze books while I was in the hospital. If that helps any."

09-04-2012, 02:08 PM
Lucie quickly shoved the sandwich into her bag. To be frank, it looked disgusting anyway. But she couldn't help but think that surely they were trying to starve the students, the gloop they served for breakfast and now these soggy sandwiches, seriously. They should rename the school 'West Hills High for Fatties' and use it as some kind of weight loss boarding school. She was in a surprisingly good mood, science had been interesting which was somewhat of a novelty usually it would just go over her head. She had doodled in the corner of the page at one point though, when it had gotten too complicated.
She nodded to Daphne as she walked past, 'Thanks for the heads-up' She grabbed her lighter from her pocket and sparked up a cigarette. Being a Phoneix, she had discovered quickly after starting at West Hills that it seemed as if she had certain priviledges that the other Falcon students didn't seem to have. She inhaled deeply, her thoughts drifted to her other students and she thought she would definitely approach one of them today. Her eyes moved around the students heading towards the garden. Remy seemed nice as did most of the other boys. Also Narcissa seemed friendly. She continued to walk taking in her surroundings. Despite, the school building being relatively old the garden was beautiful.

She quickly discarded her cigarette butt in a nearby bin and felt a whole lot better after it. Her eyes examined the new teacher stood in front of her. He didn't seem to have a massive amount of patience and she wondered why in his right mind he had decided to become a teacher if he considered children to be nothing more than vermin which was what the expression on his face seemed to scream. She actually smiled when she discovered that they were being split up. Not only did that mean that there were less people she would have to approach but also it meant that maybe the maze wouldn't be too complex as it wouldn't take the entire class to figure out the exit route. Her eyes glanced up the line. She could completely talk to these people and there was no reason to be scared. It was going to be fine. When she was within listening distance. 'Hey guys' she smiled weakly.

09-05-2012, 02:28 AM



Once Sanae closed the door, the door seemed to swing right back open, and close slowly until the doors slammed shut. Given a jolt, Sanae trampled up the stairs and nearly tripped as she did so. Trinity sneezed three more times as she went up the steps. Sanae looked at the door again, and she gave a yelp as she saw something green floating atround before it dissolved. "What's the matter, Sannie?" Trinity jested, giving Sanae a pinch under her left arm.

"G-g-g-g-GHOOOST!!" Sanae screamed in fear as she scrambled up the stairs, not giving a care of the fact that Sanae fled past where Trinity and Ryou-Kyou were to stop.

"SANAE!! Hah...HACHOO! Hah... Ha-CHOO! Dammit, WAIT!" When Trinity screamed out a signal, Sanae paused, looking at Trinity and Ryou-Kyou. Her short, green hair bounced as she began crying. "... Dammit, what is it now?"

"I saw a ghost.. he-he-he was staring at me..." Sanae began whimpering an sniveling at the second-to-last step to the third floor.

Ryou-Kyou whispered to Trinity, "You need to come with me; I think we got placed in some room..."

Trinity stifled a sneeze with her thumb and forefinger as she got her hair dangling out of her face. "Where to contact someboy? I'm sure as Hell that West High was fucking you mad; let'sa find someone official to help ya out, 'kay?"

Sanae nodded sullenly as the three girls trudged downstairs to the first floor and loitered around as they waited for someone to emerge from the darkness. After five minutes passed, Trinity finally demanded, "It's taking too long; why don't we go outside?"

Ryou-Kyou and Sanae nodded their heads as the three trudged outside to see some people at the garden. Ryou-Kyou chuckled so fast, she fond herself gasping for breath after the laugh attack. "Wow, are we late already?" Sanae asked Ryou-Kyou as she led her sister by the hand.

"Nope; it's badass o'clock and we're right on time!" Trinity jested as Ryou-Kyou and Trinity walked towards the garden to join the rest of the class.

09-06-2012, 05:12 PM
As Shayne stood in the field, looking at the others, it became apparent that nobody was going to stand up and take the role of leader. it was then that Dave appeared, and their eyes met for a second, but it wasn't filled with hatred this time, more so it was filled with...something compassionate, but the Southerner seemed compelled to keep it to himself.

"Hey, Vik, Nare.." he said with a Hushed tone. "Do you think one of us should opt into the Leader?" he asked with a smile. "I mean, Someone has to, right?"
Viktor looked round and saw Shayne talking to him. "I do not think that I should put my name in, it doesn't appear that I've made a very good impression with many people anyway, let alone messing this up."
Narissa's head jerked up when she heard her name, although she quickly sank back into her daze. She'd spent all of science class thinking thoughtless thoughts, letting her mind drift far from the lesson, although never grasping anything worth remembering. She'd barely stuck her hand out in time to grab the sack before exiting the room, and although still clueless of its content, would later on figure that she'd missed whatever instruction he'd given to the class.

"Yeah, I Guess so," Shayne said with a smile. "I think you;d be amazing" he said with a grin.

Viktor couldn't help his eyes drift down the beef sandwhich that Nurse Daphne had given him. "Save it." She had said, why though?

"Ugh, I wanna eat mine too," Shayne said with a gurgle of his stomach. "But I reckon anyone who goes against what Gelda wants should be trusted" he explained "Even if they are staff"

Narissa nodded along again, without paying much attention to the conversation, unless there was a polite pause that cued her to say something.
"Yeah, totally," she muttered vaguely, without an opinion on either the topic of the team leader or the food. Her arm opted her out from doing anything coordination-wise and she couldn't even remember the type of sandwich she'd eaten, although she'd done so before the two had approached her.

"I think that you or Rozaria should be team leader. You are both very good with people yes?"

"I agree!" Shayne said with a beaming smile at the girl. "I think you'd be a brilliant leader!" He chimed with a smile. "What do you say?" He asked with a grin.

"Hmm, well I am not putting myself forward, so if you want to do it for me..." Viktor said.
"I will!" Shayne grinned. "I Nominate Viktor for our Team Captain!" He announced to the group, his line of classmates.

Viktor looked up at the sky and squinted, the sun was bright, it lashed at his skin furiously and he could feel his skin slowly giving way, the UV rays would surely burn him soon. 'God damn it, I guess I drew the short straw when I was born an albino.'
Shayne turned to look at the pale, Albino boy, with his strong body, yet weak system. he felt a sense of pity and Almsot felt like he had to protect him, ridiculous, of course, but still
"Dude, that really sucks, But.." he trailed off, "I think it's Kinda cute" he giggled, lightly slapping Viktor's back

"No, I think you'd make an excellent team leader yes? You are friendly to everyone. Everyone likes you, yes?" Viktor spoke in his Russian Accent.

"Me?" Shayne said, feeling the blush creep up his neck. "I, Uh, I guess Some people like me, and I Can be friendly.." he stuttered, turni
ng to Narissa. "What about you? what do you think?"

"Uh, I think you should go for it," Narissa suddenly replied with a reassuring topic, trying to descatter her thoughts and say something intelligent, "I mean, you're the most enthusiastic person around here. Why not?"

"I uh...I completely agree, you should put yourself in to be the captain of our group yes?" Viktor placed one of his large white hands on Shayne's back and patted it softly. "I know that you would be very good at this team captain nonsense!"

Shayne gulped as Viktor's large hand came down upon him. Shayne flashed Viktor one of his Beaming, Truly Genuine smiles and nodded "Okay."

He turned to the rest of the group "I Think I'd like to be the Captain, if you all don't mind?"

09-06-2012, 10:20 PM
Trinity edged up to the step of the garden. There, Ryou-Kyou and Trinity were pondering around the many students whose names they didn't know. Ryou-Kyou easily felt uncomfortable and began to laugh a bit. As the sun's rays blazed on Trinity's "Sexy Babe" T-Shirt, she looked around to see everyone wearing similar clothing. She drew in her breath and coughed loudly as the pollen grains began drifting with the wind.

"You Idiot Nine-Ball, you're not in dress code, are you?" Ryou-Kyou nearly yelled at Trinity, who obviously didn't care whether she was in "uniform" or not; she just was here to learn and get the job over with. Besides, Trinity didn't have time to finish any homework, nor did she have time to finish her work at home. Trinity was sure Sanae would be doing fine, but she worried more of her Science grades than anything else. Trinity then plugged in her MP3 and began blasting out Michael Polnareff with her ear-buds inserted. She lied flat on the ground, obviously trying to ignore the cloud of pollen that just blasted in the air. She then took her palms, and pressed them deeply onto the brown, dry earth. After seeing Trinity lift herself up from the allergen-sprinkled garden, Ryou-Kyou began to stifle nervous laughter. Trinity began to perform push-ups in the American military style.

Ryou Kyou then saw someone who appeared to have elegantly colored hair like she did. "Um... miss?" She came up to a random girl she didn't know, and didn't even get a lucky chance to introduce herself. The girl appeared to have short hair and blue eyes. "Where's the teacher? What can I do?" Ryou-Kyou couldn't stop laughing at Trinity doing some MANLY push-ups while trying not to sneeze.

"Well, isn't he supposed to be here in a minute?" Trinity stood back up before she was propelled into an uncontrollable sneezing fit. She couldn't stop to even say "Sup" tpo anyone, for she was just drenched with the yellow powder.

09-08-2012, 04:25 AM
Cecelia looked up as Sam held up a paper, her eyes quickly scanned the message at the bottom. She even managed a little bit of a smile, well until her eyes drifted over the other writing on the note. One word stood out, ‘Max’. Upon reading that one name her face fell. What did this girl know about this Max person, if Max was a real living person. She quickly read the rest of the note, the girl didn’t seem to know much about Max either. Maybe they could work together to figure this out.

With her mind made up, Cec makes her way over to Sam with a renewed smile. “Hi, I’m Cec. It’s nice to meet you.”

Sam returned Cec's smile when she greeted her and gave her a little wave of her own to her. She doubted that this girl knew sign language, but it would be worth the shot to see. Sam signed out the three letters of her name to Cec, watching her face for understanding or a look showing she didn't. Regardless she tore off a new sheet of paper to write back to the girl. "Sam. A pleasure as well."

"Sorry, I don't know sign language." Cec smiles apologetically, "I, uh, I think we have a common interest. I was reading that paper, from before." She mentally scolds herself as she trips over her words. "What I mean is, Max?"

'Wow could I be any smoother,' Cec thinks bitterly towards herself. 'Sam probably thinks I'm completely batty.' Taking a deep, calming breath Cec collects herself. "I'm sorry, I'm all awkward. I just have a lot of... stuff, on my mind today."

Sam just stood there, somehow seeming silenter than usual. She brought her pen up to her mouth, absent mindedly nibbling on the end, as Cec's question rang in her ears. <This can't just be mere coincidence can it? First Trina, now someone else says the name.> Thinking about the genie, Sam twists her ring around so the ruby and the design are on the inside away from view before she puts her pen to the paper.

She pauses carefully as she writes, trying to gauge how much to reveal about the event. Once she was finally satisfied with her writing she handed the paper to Cec, nibbling the end of her pen again as she looked around."Remember me and Nare leaving Vlad's class? His question of fears. It made me relive vividly remember a bad memory. That kid freaking out snapped me from a daze and I had drawn a face in the blank. Not remember drawing it I was having a panic attack. After Nare took me to the nurse I ran into a teacher who saw the face on the paper and said that name. It's been nagging me ever since."

"Yeah I remember that," Cec's mind relived the moment briefly before reading the rest of the paper. "That is really odd, memory loss, strange panic attacks." She pauses for a moment thinking over the little information she had about this Max character. How much could she tell Sam, how much would the girl believe? With a sigh Cec decides to tell her own story. "Well right after class, before Science I saw something. I, it was some sort of ghost, or spirit. I know how crazy that may sound, but it happened. Either that or I've completely lost it. Anyways this spirit, I didn't quite catch his name, spoke in riddles and rhymes. He stole something of mine and threatened to take it to this Max person who, he said, would destroy my cards." Her voice was hushed as she hoped that no one would over hear her conversation with Sam. Cec didn't really know who to trust and was taking quite the risk in telling Sam.

The mention of the ghost or spirit did not even give Sam any shock, having a genie would do that to such news. Once Cec finished talking Sam put her pen to the paper, the admission almost making her want to tell her about Trina. The more she thought about it though, the more she thought it would be a bad idea. The girl might be an okay person, but would it be worth the risk of the wish's cost on other people? No, plus her words would be in writing where anyone could read it unless she destroyed the paper. Finally she slowly wrote down four letters, hand trembling slightly as she wrote down Fire. She closed her eyes after writing it down, trying to ignore the crackling from her memory.

Cec watched the Sam as she wrote the word fire on the paper. She seemed quite anxious, but the word fire did stand out to her. "Yeah, I think he has to do with that." Cec put a hand on Sams shoulder, "You okay?" Her voice was soft and filled with concern for the girl. "We should probably do some research after classes, get some traction on the situation. I was planning on going to the library after classes, doing some research there. You can join me if you'd like."

Sam gave a little nod, not that she was actually feeling okay but because she didn't feel like worrying Cec. She rubbed her eyes a bit before opening them, casting a glance to where the other team was to look at Nare so she had a real smile on her face. Giving Cec another nod, Sam quickly jotted down "After classes then. Our knowledge together will narrow the needed research." and then gave the paper to Cec. Running a hand through her boyish hair she looked at the others, wondering if they had a captain chosen while they had been talking.

09-08-2012, 07:34 AM
<OOC - Red text is Sunlight's, blue text is Arail's, green is Leoni, purple is TheTeeJaii.>

Though her nerves were still on edge, Gina made it through the rest of the history lesson - partially because when he came back in Mr V shifted his focus from her onto Rozaria. She didn't know what to make of that. Remembering what Rozaria had said the previous night, Gina was equal parts apprehensive and curious as she made her way to science class and took a seat next to Cece. The science teacher had to be one of Them, but although she watched him carefully all lesson she couldn't see the giveaway glitter in his eyes, nor the brief flash of a face behind a face. This left her perplexed, but her suspicions were confirmed in another way when Mr Fahrbad displayed the same blasé candour as Mr V and the headmistress, reeling off details about his pet projects and previous crushes with apparent abandon. Not inhibited by any god-damned amnesia food as the teachers expected, it wasn't hard for Gina to pick the important details out of his unsubtle rambling.

"Who do you suppose Sara and Priscialla were?" she asked Becca, Ash and Cece as the four of them exited the classroom ahead of the other students. "I'll bet you that whatever he did to them he did to Winter too."

She lapsed into silence, thinking back to what she had heard.

The science teacher gave me a...gift.

Unfortunately those relationships...changed them, and not for the better.

Was the science teacher the ringleader in whatever They were doing here? Gina bit her lip and looked over at her friends walking beside her, who weren't saying much either. Cece in particular seemed pensive about something - she hadn't said a word since returning from her detour to the bathroom between English and Science.

"Are you okay?" Gina asked her quietly. "You've been quiet since you came in to Science."

"Hey Gina, yeah I'm okay. I was wondering if we could talk after classes. Something bizarre happened between classes. I had an, um, encounter with a not so friendly entity." Cec smiled weakly at Gina, her hand going to her pendant. "There were some riddles and it mentioned something about the name Max. I'll get into it more with you later."

"Okay." Gina nodded, knowing that Cec was right and here wasn't a safe to talk openly. "I'll come find you after classes, yeah?" She looked around. "One second." she added, remembering something else as she suddenly spotted Jack's blonde head bobbing along in the tide of students.

Science class was all a blur to Jack; her mind was still in the last class. Mostly the paper, not as much the stalky teacher. But how, empty, her answers were. The paper surely would be given a second look, if anything. As science class ended, she silently padded to the garden, the difference in surroundings flying over her head instead of processing. She was pulled back to reality by Gina, who upon spotting the other girl meandering ahead of her, broke away from Ash, Cece and Becca to catch up.

"Hey, Jack." she said, falling into step beside her, "Er...are you okay? I haven't had a chance to talk to you since you ran out this morning."

This girl, she was...very familiar. Jack took a few seconds to run her face through her not-so-secure-system of memory. Blinking a few times, she barely caught Gina's question. Wait, did I tell this girl my name? she thought, not remembering.

"Uh, do I know you...?" she asked, a sheepish smile claiming her face.

Gina pulled up short. If she hadn't already convinced herself that Jack wasn't one of Them, she would have been very worried. But Jack's blue eyes were still clear and normal, and as a result Gina was just as confused as Jack was.

"Gina?" she said, "You stayed in my room last night because..." She paused to lower her voice. "Because of the weird dark in your room?"

Click. Jack was suddenly very well aware of last night, the creepy darkness, the eerie feeling of someone's unwanted presence. Smiling, Jack flicked a strand of wondering hair behind her shoulder before sighing. "I truly am sorry, and you probably want an explanation, which I can give if you'd like. But it's a lot to remember, trust me, I have to constantly think about it."

"Yeah, okay." Gina nodded, after taking a necessary moment to process this. She leaned against the wall, letting the other students ebb past them. "How do you mean, constantly think about it?"

Jack had to think for a minute. "Well, I forget things. All the time. So I have to think about it a lot, or else I forget I have it and then I'm in a huge palace of blur. I have Nicki, but some people like to hold a grudge." She rolled her eyes for effect.

"Oh." said Gina, with equal parts surprise and sympathy. "Who's Nicki?" She pushed her hair back behind her ear. "Listen, Jack, you're welcome to move your stuff into my room. We know there's something wrong with this place, and there's definitely something wrong with your room. You shouldn't take any chances in there after what happened last night. We'd better hurry up." she added, nodding towards the crowd that had pulled ahead, leaving them alone in the hall.

They headed downstairs and tagged on to the end of the throng of students filing out into the garden. Gina smiled her thanks at Daphne as she handed her a wrapped sandwich, and stored it away in her rucksack until she could find a way to discreetly dispose of it. Having hung back to talk to Jack, she hadn't seen Cece eat hers. She reluctantly joined the second line as all of her three friends were sorted into the first. It looked like it would be up to her to keep an eye on Rozaria.

The two teams were split up, and it seemed to Jack as though the more athletic people were in the opposite team. Great, at least she would be able to forget by next period.

"Your teams shall vote on a team captain. The captain will be in charge of your bag of supplies."

Supplies? Gina thought to herself, Just how long are they expecting us to be in there? She turned round as Shayne spoke up.

"I think I'd like to be the Captain, if you all don't mind?"

"That's fine by me." Gina offered.

Shayne turned as the girl, Gina, spoke to him, saying that she had no problem with him being Captain. he sent her a warm smile, funny, The girl was a complete stranger to him, which was odd. He never normally smiled at, or even acknowledged strangers unless he had to. He turned to face the rest of his team. "Okay then.." he said, Shrugging his shoulders once, and swallowing the tiny lump of nerves in his throat. "I'm up for being the Captain, unless somebody else would rather take control?" he said, talking out loud, and with a new confidence he never used before. He sounded... Powerful, No, not powerful, but like he knew what he was doing, when really, he hadn't a clue.

09-08-2012, 11:53 PM
Lyanna had arrived at West Hills this morning. She had just managed to avoid her brother thus far, but she was sure she would see him in gym since all had gym together. She had on her school uniform and exited the history room, and left towards the garden. She followed the group of students as they all made their way to the garden themselves. She didn’t really like the vibe she got from walking alone in this place; therefore she picked up her walking speed and entered into a crowd of students. She broke away from them as she saw the way to the garden and she kindly rejected the offer of the sandwich and stepped out into the sunlight.

As soon as the sun touched her hair it seemed to glow, shining all over as if there were a million little crystals reflecting the sunlight back into the area. She strode relatively stealthily up to the two lines and spoke up “Um, excuse me sir. I’m sorry for my tardiness but I’m here now, and would like to know which group I will be going with?” Her southern accent laced her words heavily.

Will froze in thought when he heard the voice of someone he thought he would never see or hear from again. He stood and turned stepping in the middle of the two lines in front of the teacher and his eyes couldn’t believe what they saw. He had not imagined his sisters’ voice, he had actually heard it. His face lit up in a smile that had not been seen by anyone here and he hastily walked up to her and whispered two words before he embraced her in a tight protective and brotherly hug “Little Bit?” He smiled and tears filled his eyes as he nestled his head into her neck.

Lyanna smiled and embraced her brother as he embraced her and she spoke happily “Yes, Will. It’s me” She had tears in her eyes too, she knew that he would be here, but that didn’t change the fact that she was happy to see him. She stepped out of the hug, but kept her arm around Will’s waist. She turned to the other people surrounding them and wiped the tears from her eyes. She spoke with laughter in her voice “I’m sorry. It’s been so long since I have seen my brother. My name is Lyanna Johnson; A pleasure to meet the rest of you.”

09-09-2012, 01:23 AM
Dane had woken up late again, still not sure of how to approach the situation of being so unfocused that he had forgotten where his next class was located. Of course he wasn't the type to ask for directions but then again, wouldn't he be shown which way it is to begin with? If he gets caught, someone might spot him, right? There was only one way of finding out so he quickly took his shower and changed into his uniform before heading out down the dormitory halls.

Which way was the main building? -Ugh, I knew I should've kept my schedule. How stupid can I get?- He was just hoping his instructors weren't the overly strict ones. It was then when he stepped out to the yard and began his stroll.

09-09-2012, 01:51 AM
Remy decided to skip a little bit of school for the first day, mainly due to his lack of sleep, but nothing prepped him like a good day at the gym. So he was in his room and decided to get changed into his workout uniform, due to him thinking that surely they wouldn’t make him workout in his school uniform. He then dashed out the door, with the dream on his mind. It wasn’t the first time he had that dream, but that was to be thought about a later time. As he made it down, they were deciding the captains and heard his name being called to group up in line one. “Sorry I’m late guys. Had some things I needed to do.” He saw as they made Shay group leader. “Oh hell yeah! It’s time to whip our asses into shape finally!” Remy said as he began shadow boxing the air and moving his feet quickly, as if he was Muhamed Ali.

09-09-2012, 02:48 AM
Travis had calmly split into his team, slightly upset that Will had been on the opposite team. He was debating on how he was going to 'injure' himself to get out of some unwanted embarrassment, when someone had come up with a simple introduction. Short and sweet, one might say. Her voice, yes, a female specimen was talking to him, was kind, light yet seductive. He slowly turned his head to take her in, which may have taken to long. Snow white hair, nearly aqua-colored eyes. Standard hight - short standing next to Travis. Rather pretty - ivory skin, smooth and flawless. Travis swallowed hard before blinking rapidly, escaping his mind and coming back to reality.

"Uhh," he began, not sure if a question was implied. Stiffly sticking out his arm in a friendly - or awkward - manner, he continued. "Travis? I mean, yeah I'm Travis..." he said, huffing at how idiotic he sounded.

He is not good at this shit.

Rozaria laughed in a nice, joking way as Travis stuttered through his introduction. If there was one word to describe it, Rozaria would've chosen 'cute'. It definitely wasn't something she'd expect from him, looking back at her other friends. And by other friends, she means people that can make you jump in your seat with a mere glance.

Taking the outstretched hand, Rozaria smiled in her sly, devious sort of way. "Hey Travis," she introduced, assuming that he didn't want the position as captain. "Since we're all pretty new to the school, I thought that it would be great to make a few new friends..." Her sly smile turned into more of a smirk. "Tell me, have any hobbies, things you hate?"

Hobbies...Hated Things... he tried to keep in his mind, her sly smirk driving his head around in crazy circles. He felt stupid, he was sitting here like a drooling puppy. A drooling, awkwardly tall puppy. Who lacked social skills, charm and grace. Trying to look off in space instead of at her, thinking I would clear his head from her luring, attractive scent. Deffinatly not something you could buy in a bottle.

"Well..." he began, not knowing where to start. "I was a runaway child, so I kinda like free running. But this," he gestured to the gym teacher. "Is my worst nightmare."

"Runaway..." Rozaria said with obvious interest in her voice. "Funny, because I'm sort of one, but also sort of kicked out. Long story cut short: basically I hated my family, moved out for awhile, but then they decided to do something about me after years and threw me in here." She smiled, thinking back for the millionth time in her entire stay at West Hills. What can you say, life was just better then than now.

Rozaria stretched, looking up at the sky despite the sting the sunlight gave to her eyes. "You seem like you work out a lot despite hating physical activity. I used to... fight a lot, so I'm rather used to it. I mean, I don't like sports but just moving in general I'm fine with."

Shrugging, he laughed and dragged a hand through his hair, briefly removing his grey hat before looking towards his team mates. "You don't seem like the kind of girl who doesn't make friends quickly." he inquired, stating the obvious. "It seems like everyone is immediately drawn to you, why don't you be captain?"

In all truth, anyone was fine in his mind. The faster gym was over, the better. He also didn't want a rock-paper-scissors crap. He wanted to know what exactly the supplies were, what gym activity would require supplies?

Oh yeah, a deadly one.

"I look like the kind of person who makes friends quickly?" Rozaria stared in disbelief as she spat out the word 'friends' as if it was some peculiar, foreign object. Maybe it was part of becoming a halfling, but she wouldn't know, she has only been one for a day and most of that time, she's been sleeping! "Yea right," she continued, seating herself on the grass. "I tend to push people away. People I don't think I'll get along with. By doing that so much, people just tend to stay away from me because the people I favour are so rare... But it's a new school, so it'll take some time before they start avoiding."

Letting down the high ponytail her hair was in until now, she sat on the grass creating a period of silence as she thought about the position of captain. She knew that it was fun to be leader, especially when your 'underlings' feared and respected you at the same time. But this wasn't the streets, it was school, and you were probably expected to be 'responsible' and have the 'good qualities of a leader' and other shit Rozaria didn't care about.

"Even if you say everyone seems to 'be drawn to me', I don't feel like becoming captain too much, anymore. Unless they all vote for me, and don't care if I don't give a shit about what happens to them in the maze." Rozaria smiled, the mischievous and sly feeling coming back.

He licked his lips slowly, before letting a low whistle out. Sinking to the ground beside her, he brought his knees up and rested his elbows upon them, sitting comfortably in the grass. "When I first saw you, I wanted to get to know you. I think that's got to count for something." sighing as the team quickly formed, they all seemed to know eachother already. Great, a team ful of strangers - plus Winter, semi-friend - we're going to help him through the maze.

Standing, he watched as what he guessed to be the 'Shayne' mentioned once or twice, was highly wanted as captain. Smiling, he pushed himself off the ground and smiled at Shayne. "Fine by me," he began, sounding mostly normal. He was glad no one had realized he was older yet, yet being the keyword. He then noticed Narissa, her god and bad arm. Slowly, and caually, he took in his other team mates and looked towards Shayne again. "Yeah, fine by me." he huffed and rubbed his fingers together, the odd tingling in his fingers returning from being sober so long.

Rozaria's cheeks instantly flushed a subtle pink, bringing colour to her face as Travis spoke. Sure, she was used to getting superficial comments on her looks, but no one's really told her odd things like 'I wanted to get to know you'. If Rozaria had a weakness, it would be things like 'love' which was a topic she was utterly inexperienced and unfamiliar with. Usually, she was completely oblivious to it, but when she noticed it, it showed.

"Uh. Yes, I'm fine with Shayne being leader/captain." Rozaria would've responded to what Travis said, but didn't really know what to say to it, so changed her thoughts to the role of captain. Well, if she didn't like Shayne's orders, she'll just disobey them.

"What's wrong with your hands? Cold?" Her eyes glanced at his fingers, they didn't seem to be hurt or shivering. "Well whatever," she said, picking up her still uneaten sandwich and made her way to the supplies to check what was inside. "Let's just get this over with."

Travis's jaw tightened. That statement sounded exactly as it might if this was an execution. Huffing, he took in his teammates and nodded. All seemed nice, or at least not jerks, and someone he could live with. "Travis, by the way. Nice to meet you guys." he said, surprisingly not sounding awkward or shy.

09-09-2012, 03:07 AM
Ryou-Kyou finished looking about at the partners, but she saw that she and Trinity weren't on the list, so she decided to walk towards a man who had very little pigment. "Excuse me?" Ryou-Kyou spoke up, "You see, my friend is having trouble finding a group of two. Maybe if it's all right to join you?" Ryou-Kyou smiled shyly, and let out a rapid giggle of nervousness as she waited politely.

Trinity began blowing her nose onto a raggedy handkerchief left on the ground of the garden, which received very little relief from the stuffiness. Under her regimen, she looked around to see Rukyo talking to a stranger she didn't know. Stirred, she immediately retorted, "Come far from him!" After a few seconds, she decided to become a silent observer.

Viktor heard, underneath all of the conversation a small, cute sounding voice, tinted with an eastern accent. Turning and looking, he saw the small frame of a nervous looking Asian girl and in the back round, a girl who didn't look Asian at all, yet was staring at Viktor with almost predatory eyes; he gulped, hard. Looking back down at the small girl, Viktor answered: "If I am quite honest, I am not sure, you may have to speak to the coach yes?" She was pretty cute, in fact, she was very cute.

"Anyway, what makes you want to join our group, you think that you are awesome enough?" Viktor murmured in a soft, joking voice, smiling at the smaller girl. Her hair was crisp white, like Viktors, but because of her eyes he could tell that she was not Albino, her hair had probably been bleached. Taking a longer look, Viktor also noticed that both of her eyes were coloured different; something that Viktor had only seem a few times before.

"Well," Ryou-Kyou gulped her words, "My name is Ryou-Kyou, but you can call me Rukyo..." Suddenly, her hetero-chromatic eyes shone with mortified tears. She couldn't believe this gentleman was talking to her, and JUST her~! Rukyo felt her heart beating fast, but she decided to swallow back the embarrassment. Is this Love? she wondered. "N... Nice to meet you..." She felt her tongue rolling up like a tape dispenser.

Trinity decided to continue her sit-ups, but after giving thought into what she was going to do, she decided to go along with Ryou-Kyou. "Get the HELL away from her." She seemed to give this Viktor a sneer as she continued on. Trinity actualy seemed to prepare herself for a pulled punch. "You're SO annoying, I'd push you out of this fu--,"

Ryou-Kyou then stopped her, "Mako, it's fine; he's one of my friends." Then, Ryou-Kyou directed her attention towards the Albino man. He seemed to adopt a wonderfully thick, Russian accent. "I'm sorry! My friend, Trinity can get like that to people she doesn't know." Rukyo laughed inappropriately towards the other members.

Trinity sneezed loudly before she brushed back her stringy, platinum blonde hair and uttered, <"Bloody nuts...">

Viktor simply stood there whilst the girl, Trinity, verbally attacked him; he did not even let one of his beautiful pink eyes flick at her, he kept them locked on the face of Ryou-Kyou. "It is fine. But she should be careful, not all of us are as kind as I am." Viktor then decided to look at Trinity, he almost immediately thought. 'Jesus, it's like this school is throwing hot girls at me.'

"Well, I am sure I can find you a space in our group Ryou-Kyou, you seem very nice and I would be happy to be a friend yes?" Then he looked at Trinity. "And maybe if you want to come with her we could make space for you, unless you would rather go with them?" Viktor pointed to the other group, who were lined up a few meters away; he did not say it in spite, but he simply meant to give them an option. He wrapped his big pale hand around Ryou-Kyou's. "Come on, I will introduce you to good friends of mine. Come!" He liked holding her hand, it was so small and it was so very delicate and soft. He tugged very lightly and playfully at Ryou-Kyou's hand, an invitation to walk with him. He then turned to Trinity. "You are welcome to follow, it would be nice to have another friend, we are all here together for the rest of this year remember..."

Trinity then followed, "I understand; it would rise an opportunity of bone to be friends with some one like you." Her Australian accent then became obvious. She rubbed her eyes, exclaiming, "This freaking pollen's getting up me nose..." As she let out another powerful sneeze into her elbow. She sniffed loudly as she strutted in green flames of Jealousy, still having her eyes running.

Ryou-Kyou then laughed, "Thank you for the offer!" She finally felt glad to be accepted into a group. Now, she could taste how free it truly was to be free like a bird. <<"I LOVE HIS VOICE!! KAWAII NA!!">> She thought as she felt Viktor's hands around the girl. To her, friendship was growing THAT quick, she eventually had to say something delicate. "What time is it?! I think it's time for a bite!" Ryou-Kyou half-joked as her stomach growled furiously.

Trinity went along with Ryou-Kyou as if she was a dog. Trinity hated being all sniffy and sneezy, but HELL there was a SHIT-LOAD of pollen out here! What else did she expect, a cheery Russian tugging her friend? Trinity just chuckled slyly to herself and ran along with Ryou-Kyou.

"If you are that hungry, you may have my sandwhich. I had breakfast anyway, which I do not know whether it was a good idea or not, it did not taste like gourmet food to me." Viktor laughed and then looked back at Trinity, she seemed to be very...closed off from Viktor, not daring to show more than a tiny bit of kind heartedness. Viktor offered out his other hand and smiled, inviting her to take it, although knowing that she would not. They were near to Shayne and Rozaria anyway.

As they approached both of Viktors, friends, he smiled at Shayne and stared secretly at Rozaria. "So, these are my two friends, Shayne." Viktor pointed at the black haired boy; "And Rozaria." He then moved his hand to point at the beautiful young girl.

Ryou-Kyou began to smile at all three of them, shyly as her face turned more orange of surprise, "A pleasure to meet you all~!" Her pearl-white teeth illuminated as she took the precious offer to speak. <<"Mako! Get with the program!">> She hissed at Trinity, who didn't want any part in this Social Hour. Besides, Trinity wasn't even in dress code with her red overalls with a black shirt with a fiery Phoenix on it.

Trinity looked at the sandwich, and reluctantly took it. "I appreciate it; you know there ain't even a bloody McDonald's here?!" Trinity took a mammoth bite of the sandwich, which tasted funky, but acceptable for her needs. "Fuckin' allergies seem to act up outta nowhere, eh?"

Ryou-Kyou did her best to ignore what Trinity jested. "Well... VIKTOR... It was quite the pleasure of meeting you..." Ryou-Kyou was now in the act of leaving the Russian Albino as she was rather mortified to continue any longer, "I guess we shall decide our team Captain, right?"

Trinity nodded her head, "Yup..." Her Australian accent was more prominent than ever now that it was high enough to be considered to being a girl. "So now, we choose the team cap, riiiight?

09-09-2012, 05:16 PM
After countless minutes of searching and risking getting caught numerous times, Dane had finally found the group of students out in the gym area. He wasn't sure on whether there was an instructor in site or if the students were sorta "lone-wolfing" the assignments and activities. Of course he wasn't willing to risk his first offense already so he quickly rushed back to his dorm again, luckily he hadn't gotten caught this time. He quietly entered the door and looked for a pair of work out clothes he thought would be appropriate for class. He then changed out of his uniform and into his tank top and shorts before walking back out the door and locking it behind him. It didn't take him much longer to reach the other students again and he was in no mood to interact at the moment so he kept quiet and listened in for any important things he might've missed. He just stood there staring at the ground as his not-so-gelled hair fell over his blue-green eyes; zoning out was one of the many things that caught up as a habit with Dane. -When is class gonna end?- He must've been gone for a while now so it should be ending soon, right? Hopefully.

09-10-2012, 05:33 AM
Trinity still looked at Viktor and Ryou-Kyou. "You fine with me being the boss?" Trnity flashed up her "I'm the LAW!" smile that Ryou-Kyou KNEW and HELL, it wouldn't be a happy day. Ryou-Kyou covered herself from the sun's, blistering rays and began to take some form of shade. Trinity just sneezed and sneezed and couldn't help herself from letting her nose release the itchy outbursts. Ryou-Kyou began laughing hysterically, knowing that Trinity couldn't keep her balance well, even if the Aussie tried.

"Obviously, you can't as you fail to even stand up straight~!" Trinity began laughing even harder this time. Trinity slowly felt herself fuming as the trail of snot beneath her nose grew longer and more noticeable. The only thing that really DID worry her was her allergies. Not only did she need an adequate tissue to blow in, but she needed to stick something in it, for it was bleeding a bit as well.

09-10-2012, 07:42 AM
What was everybody doing again? Oh yeah, Parker wasn't paying attention, as always. He was off in his little imaginary world somewhere far off planet earth. All he knew at the moment was that he was in gym class with all the other students, which he hasn't spoken to since he arrived. That would soon change, supposedly. It wasn't like him to daze away so much but the thought that his own family would send him off to a random boarding school for god knows what...was still taking a toll on him.

He was fine with it of course since there was no use in whining about it, but he still didn't find fairness in that reasoning AT ALL. Parker always knew something like this would happen but he didn't expect it to come to terms like this. It's just like prison...except without all the concrete walls and cells, although since they do have curfews and specified rooms, he could consider it prison.*

Parker huffed out a deep breath as the sun hit his eyes, moving his dirty blonde hair from his left eye. All he wanted to do was get unpacked...which he STILL hasn't done and...
"Grrr." He stomach growled again, for the 6th time. He had already eaten breakfast but it seemed like it wasn't enough.*
"Ahem...w-what were we doing again?" He asked with one of his awkward yet lovable smiles. He wasn't directing the question to no one in particular but he was obviously speaking to his group.

09-10-2012, 10:52 PM
"Ahem...w-what were we doing again?" Will turned and smiled. Another newcomer and he was just as gorgeous as the others. Blush rose to his face for his thoughts and he looked down while saying "Uhm, as far as i know we are preparing to pick team captains, and then enter a maze to get through before gym is over." While he didn't know whether or not the boy was in his group or not, Will took this chance to answer the question anyway. The boy had a smile that just made will smile. It was awkward, and yet still manage to be adorable. Will's electric blue eyes looked directly into the other boys eyes and he held out his hand "I'm Will by the way..." He paused and turned pulling his sister next to him "...And, this is my sister Lyanna".

Lyanna was suprised when Will jerked her next to him and she smiled kindly as she was introduced to the newcomer. "Aye, the name is Lyanna. However, i am new myself so, i may not be able to help you very much." She smiled, and her smile radiated kindness here eyes twinkling in the light of the sun. She put one arm through her brothers arms and held it there. She felt most comfortable when Will was with her, and soon everybody would know the Johnson kids for what they were when put together. They brought the best of each other out, and each made the other more open to interaction, that was just the way their relationship worked.

Will smiled as his sister wrapped her arm in his, and he held her tightly. This was the best day he has ever had so far. His sister did truly bring out the best in him, and everyone could tell just by looking at him that his entire demeanor had changed for the better.

09-10-2012, 11:22 PM
Jack smiled when Will answered the newcomer's question. His sister was also something, pretty yet in a generous fashion. Stepping towards them, she smiled and waved. "Jack Turner. Nice to meet you three." A warm smile followed quickly, her blue eyes sparkling in the bright sunlight. In truth, Will was Jack's idea of a captain. Well, in their case.

09-11-2012, 12:20 AM
Will and Lyanna seemed really put together from what Parker could see, he wondered why their parents would want to send them off. Whatever it was, it must've been horrible. Parker just nodded, feeling a little less tense as he had already been introduced to two other students...and here was another one, Jack. Parker liked that name, was it short for something? Jacqueline perhaps? Oh well, no need in pondering on it much. All he needed to do was get with the program and pay attention from then on.

What was going on with Parker? It wasn't natural for him to be this distant. It was probably just his brain trying to adjust to the sudden change. Honestly, he was missing his home a lot more than he had though he would but he wasn't prepared to be all "down in the dumps" forever. He was planning on making the best out of this little "speed bump". Besides, from the look of it, if everybody was as nice as these three, he'd definitely have an easy time getting along with everybody else.*

Parker nodded to Jack with a smile and waved back at the other two; he noticed the small blush on Will which caused him to stare strangely with a wider grin. -Okay, did I do something wrong?-*
"Nice to meet you guys, I'm Parker. Consider me your new friend." He replied with a small, friendly chuckle.

09-11-2012, 08:32 AM
Remy was still continuing to shadow box like an idiot when he noticed Jack a few feet over from him. He was thinking that this was going to be awesome knowing how fast she was, but other than that, he was just happy being around her presence. Ever since they raced each other the other day, he’s been kind of thinking of her a bit. So without much hesitation, he jogged up to her and asked her “Are you ready to kick some ass!?” In a joking manner to Jack. “Haha, so how are you Jack? Hope you slept well last night because we gotta get alive here.” He smiled at her with a nice smile that Remy couldn’t help but to give. He couldn’t really talk to her without it for some reason. This was going to be interesting Remy thought to himself. I might blow my cool for once…

09-13-2012, 12:50 AM
I'm done posting. So, whenever you're done, send it back or post it!:) Either way I dont mind. ~ Carter

"Nice to meet you guys, I'm Parker. Consider me your new friend." Will smiled earnestly and waved at Parker. “Well, you may consider me your friend as well. Just excuse my awkwardness. “He paused as if in thought and then said “Beautiful...”, as he realized that he said that out loud, he immediately stepped away from Parker and looked to his sister for help, but before his sister could interject someone else approached their little group "Jack Turner. Nice to meet you three." Will turned and smiled brightly “Well, Hello Jack. My name is Will, and this is Lyanna…” He said pointing to his sister. “Pleasure to meet you both” He added again.

Lyanna smiled as the girl Jack introduced herself, she was quite pretty Lyanna thought, but that doesn’t mean she thought the same of her. Lyanna held out her hand “Pleasure to meet you Jack.” She smiled kindly and then stepped back beside Will. She had now made two new friends in only a short amount of time, she was really going to enjoy this year.

Parker jerked his head to the side a bit at Will's response. -Did he just...was he...Uh...- Parker felt a mischievous smile playing along his lips as he tried to not show his flattered inner-self. Of course this wasn't something he'd act awkward towards since he was so intent on making new friends so he decided not to act badly on Will's reply.

Why would he? He took it as a compliment anyway so Will wouldn't feel as awkward as he was before. He knew how it felt to let the tongue slip every once in a while.
"Well if we're picking team captains...why not you, Will? You seem calm and collected." He answered playfully.

Jack loved this-finally a group of people who warmed up to her and was planning on carrying a conversation. When Parker suggested Will as captain, she nodded quickly and looked at Will. "I second that! If I were captain," she added a shudder for emphasis, "We'd all die in minutes." she let out a small laugh before smiling at Parker.

Parker was glad somebody else had agreed with him because although he himself was a pretty good leader, he wasn't sure how he'd plan out this whole "maze" thing. All he wanted to do was get out of gym as fast as he could and besides, Will seemed sorta interested in this, no doubt he would've made a good team leader. Parker smiled back at Jack a he waited for Will's reply.

Will listened to their inquiries on him being team captain and he spoke cautiously "Uhm, I don't know if I would make such a good captain. If something happens in the maze...Well, I'd rather not be responsible for that." Fire rose in his face and his cheeks turned a crimson blush, and he looked down at the ground. When he looked back up, his features had sombered and he spoke softly "If you want me as Captain, I will do it. However, I'll try my best not to let anything happen to you guys." The way he ended that statement was as if he knew they were walking to their own deaths.

Lyanna smiled and hugged her brother, "You'll make a good captain. Besides, you have three people here willing to help you should you need that help. Well, i for one will help you if the other two don't wish to." She kissed his cheek and then stepped away looking at Parker and Jack "So, how about it? We help Will if he needs it? I mean face it, being responsible for someones safety is a huge responsibility to have alone." She kept her genuine smile on her face, and her words were nothing but kind.

Parker's smile turned to a straight expression in a matter of seconds. Was it really that bad? What exactly would happen that would turn this into a "life or death" situation? Was there something they weren't telling him? Parker's playful attitude suddenly turned serious and he cleared his throat after Lyanna had spoken up for her brother. It was probably too much to ask of someone but he supposed he and Jack were only trying to compliment him by being nice. Of course he wasn't gonna push the responsibility on to him so he nodded in response.
"Of course we'll help. It's a team effort anyways." Parker said with a forced smile.

Jack nodded, slowly looking down and biting her lip. "I will help, not that it will be much. So, shall we go collect our bag??" her toe was light as she looked up, her sparkly personality trying to bring up the atomesphere.*

Will nodded and the smile slowly crept back onto his face and he spoke with a more hopeful tone "Ok, excellent. Thanks guys. If you want me as team captain, then who am I to go against you?" He hugged Parker, and then Jack. His original personality back in place, and his normal self had returned. He had again wrapped his arm around Lyanna's and his cheerful personality had fully reaffirmed itself.*

Lyanna smiled and said "Well, we had better prepare for the challenge to come."

Jack smiled and returned Will's hug. Her heart nearly skipped a beat when Remy came from behind and asked her if she was ready. Shrugging, she smiled. "Kinda. I guess." He asked about her night. Letting out a low whistle, she laughed. "Not really. My room has this creepy darkness - pitch black, can't see anything. So I slept with this girl, Gina, and woke up not remembering it, so I ran screaming from her room and well, ended up in the laundry room...The boys laundry room." she added, for emphasis. How strange that sounded.

Parker just nodded at Jack and Will as they each dispersed. He decided to just wait for one of them to take the lead. What to do, what to do? The others seemed like they were still picking their captain so Parker just stood off to the side, not sure of what to do now. He awkwardly just stood there and stuck his hands in his pockets, awaiting for instruction or something. He has never been this confused; he looked like a lost puppy.

Will turned and noticed Parker alone in the back and he smirked running back towards him, and grabbed his hand pulling him up to the front with Jack, him, and Lyanna. Will smiled "No need, to look so confused. I promise you'll get used to it eventually." He turned back to the teacher and spoke "Well, when are we going to start? Im itching to get back inside, and go to my room. I need a shower." He frowned at the last part, but then his smile broke surface again, as if he had just had a random funny thought.

Lyanna turned and smiled as she saw Will drag Parker up and begin talking to him. Then, he addressed the teacher and she let out a soft giggle. Will had changed so much, in such a short time that she had been there. He was like an entirely new person that she didn't even know. She shook her head and thought He wasn't this hyper at home at all. He was dull, depressing, and boring. Now, he is funny, open, and exciting in someways.. She marveled at the mysteries of West High.

Leon G
09-18-2012, 11:37 PM
And then...

The Garden
Dr. Lucas cleared his throat and a hush fell over the students. His ice blue hawk-like eyes glanced over the students briefly before tossing a backpack to Shayne and Will. “Follow me, your teammates in line behind you.” He said, turning around and walking deeper into the Garden.

The students remained in their two lines, silent as they trailed for what seemed like a good half hour. The students marveled at their surroundings, large plants with plenty of foliage surrounding them. Just as someone about to speak up Dr. Lucas stopped.

"We're here," he said, sounding very pleased with himself. "Mr. Shayne's team, stay here. Mr. William's team, come this way." Dr Lucas led the second team about 30 feet away from the first. He then stepped back as tall bushes shot up from the ground.

"Students!" his voice suddenly boomed. The students looked up to see him sitting on a high up platform, that seemed as if it were floating in air. "Welcome to the greatest maze you ever will see! All designed by me. The maze is simple, like any other, what you want to do is reach the end. Your whole team does not have to reach the end, only the ones who live and choose to go on. Simple, simple, simple."

"Well this will be easy," Ash said, "We just go through the bushes." She pushed away a few leaves then shrieked in horror as a vine wrapped around her wrists, while other snaked around her ankles. "What the...help! Help me!" she cried frantically as she was dragged into the bushes. She frantically pawed at the ground, but it was to no avail. The bushes were too strong and not even a group students trying a pull her back could save her.

"Hmm, did I forget to mention not to play in the bushes? That's cheating and that's no fun," Dr Lucas said with a dark chuckle.

Being far away from Will's team, the other students were not aware of what happened to Ash, didn't take the warning seriously. Especially Hartley.

"Don't play in the bushes? What's gonna happen?" Hartley joked. He grabbed a fist full of leaves and tossed them in the air. "Absolutely noth-"

Hartley was cut off as he seemed to disappear into the ground. "Ahh! Some one help me up!" he cried. The students gathered around where Hartley has disappeared to find him standing at the bottom of a deep hole they had not noticed earlier.

"I'll check if they're some rope in the bag," Shayne said thinking fast. But as he pawed through the sack, vines slowly started to wrap around Hartley, as if he were being trapped in a cocoon. "Guys..I need...HELP!!" he yelled, struggling as the vines wrapped around his neck, squeezing tighter and tighter until they all heard a pop! and his head flew up, his blood spewing like a fountain.

The students could only watch in horror as Hartley's body continued to be squeezed by vines, causing some to turn away.

From up in the sky, Dr Lucas was laughing. "Run along silly children! You don't want to be here while it's night!"

The students seemed to be tripping over each other as they frantically ran deeper into the maze. Shayne's team walked straight until they met two staircases. One led down into the ground and circus music was playing, and another led upstairs where bright light seemed to be shining. What was odd about the light staircase was it seemed to be floating. Shayne's team mates turned expectantly to him. After all, he was the leader.

Meanwhile, Will's team had walked until they found a river. On the other side of the river there were women in white sitting in the sun, having a picnic. They women feasted on many delicious items, the smell of fresh food floating over to the group.

"That looks delicious," Becca said, stepping towards the river. The women smiled at her, motioning for her to come forward. But when Will followed her, the women's angel faces turned demon like, their teeth sharp and their serpent like tongues flickering at him.

Alarmed, Will jumped back and looked to the path. It was a simple dirt path that led into a Forrest area. From where they stood they could hear the giggling of young girls. "Come here! Come on in!" the called, teasing. "Come dance with us, dance!"

The students looks between the feasting women and the giggling Forrest. Surprisingly no other guys saw anything unusual about the women having a picnic. But Cece looked disturbed at the giggling, for she was hearing high pitched screams of tortured little girls.

Because of the tasks these groups faced, no one notice that several of their members were missing. They had somehow found themselves in a cavern like area, filled with mirrors. Each pair mirror had one of the students names engraved above it.

"What the hell?" James said, the first student to speak. He looked at one "Hey I can see the others! Is this some kind of camera or something?" He pressed his hand to the glass and was surprised as it when through, causing him to quickly yank his hand back. "What the hell?" he repeated.

In the other mirror, he saw a man that looked all too familiar too him. It was his family, minus his abusive father, sitting in a field looking...happy. And both of his little sisters were there. Including his sister who had died. "Lilith!" he screamed, choking on tears. He ran into the scene, his parents embracing him. His body suddenly flew out the mirror, but the vision showed him with his family, happy. The mirror suddenly melted into a black like slime, swallowing up James's body. But the other students were too preoccupied with their own mirrors.

Gina gazed into the mirror and gave a little jump back when she saw her friend Yv. Yv gave Gina a wave, a big smile on her face. Gina peered close at her old friend and saw that her eyes were bright - but had no sparkle. Could she...could she be free of Them? Yv nodded as if answering Gina's question and clapped her hands together, excitedly.

Yv danced away from the mirror over to where her other friend Aiden stood, grinning. He beckoned for her to come near, revealing a hockey stick in his hand. He twirled the stick to point at the band Kasabian stood playing a song. It all seemed surreal to Gina, like it was a dream. She hesitantly stood in front of the mirror. All she had to do was step in and she's be in her utopia. Forever....

The scene before Rozaria was beautiful, albeit a bloody one. A girl sat on a throne surrounded by mutilated bodies, a blood red sky behind her. The scene seemed to close in on the girl, and as Rozaria seemed to get closer, she could see arms laying a few feet away from bodies, familiar heads, detached from their bodies, fingers and toes, scattered all around the place, all laying as if some kind of murderous tornado had gone through. When the throne grew closer in sight, Rozaria eyes widened in a combination of fear and mostly interest. The one was crafted of human bone, each piece fitting like a puzzle to make the most bizarre and entrancing chair she had ever seen. On the chair sat a young man, only a few years older than her, sending her a dazzling white smile. With dark hair and shocking blue eyes, he was Rozaria's dream man. He beckoned her closer with a gloved finger. Jerking his hand in an upward motion another throne jutted up from the ground, a beautiful black lace dress, complementing the man's own suit, laying on the seat. It was obvious that this man was inviting Rozaria to become Queen of the beautiful nightmare.

Rozaria took a step back and saw that there was another mirror. In the other, she saw the rest of her team debating on whether to go up or down. They had not even noticed she was missing. Gazing back to the other mirror, she saw the boy had come closer, and he was even more breath taking in person.

Rissa was frozen as she stared at herself in a beautiful dress made of colored metallic shards. Her doppelganger stood in the middle of a crowd of Rissa's old friends, and Rissa knew that she was in California. Alter Rissa was beaming, dancing her heart out, obviously having the time of her life.

"I announce Rissa, Queen of the anit-Prom!" A guy with floppy black hair in a silver tux yelled into a microphone. Rissa's friends cheered as she gave a cute blush, and reached to accept her crown. Was Rissa really that pretty? The girl in the mirror looked like a model. And, Rissa realized, she had both hands. Queen Rissa placed the funky metal scrap on her head with her two hands, and gave the announcer a kiss.

"Thank you so much!" Rissa gushed, even though she wasn't much of a gusher, "I couldn't possible be any more happy right now," Queen Rissa purred, looking directly at the watching Rissa from the other world.

09-19-2012, 04:14 PM
Shayne Gulped as he looked at the two scenes. Adrenaline was coursing through his veins at an alarming rate. He felt his heart in his throat, and yet...although he had a rough idea of what was going on...he seemed to be...unable to remember many of the specifics, it was like that part of his memory was being repressed. He looked at the two choices he was confronted with, and felt the cold, solid gaze of his team mates, the ones expecting him to make the decision of where to go next.

He began to think logically, Although he wanted to run into the light, he had a faint memory of absolutely every cliché, which always told him not to go into the light. of course, just as bad as this cliché was the carnival-like sounds from the lower area. Carnivals meant Clowns. and Clowns no doubt meant certain death.
That's what the Clichés told him. He bit into his lip, hard, wondering, panicking. "What do..." He cursed, He had to make a choice. "I choose the Stairs with the Light." he said, and looked to them all.
"Let's face it," He gulped, and felt a burn of nerves spread over his face. "Would you rather die by Heavenly light, or by Clowns?" He laughed once, then realising this was inappropriate.
"Guys, help me out, What do you all think?" He asked, taking a step forwards, slightly towards the direction of the light Stairs.

09-19-2012, 04:25 PM
Cecelia’s eyes watched the young women as they beckoned us to join them in their dancing. But she couldn’t hear the words over the sound of screaming girls. The screams sounded pained and ripped through her. Her eyes were huge as she watched the scene before her. She looked to the others, how could they not hear those tortured screams. Cec shook with fear and anxiousness. “Don’t go near them!” She cried out putting her hands over her ears in hopes of drowning out the shrieks. “Can’t you guys hear that?” Even with her hands covering her ears the noises rang inside of her head. “There are screams, tortured cries coming from over there.” She closed her eyes tight, trying to block out whatever this was, whatever was happening. The sounds were so horrible they brought tears to her eyes. She had no idea how she could help the tortured shrieks, she just wanted it to stop.

09-20-2012, 03:36 AM
“What… the… fuck… is going on…” Remy said in a sarcastic yet frightened state. “Shay… bro… this is too much bro. If you want me to help, then I’ll do my best. I say we go down. Let me explain why.” Remy said as he stood in front of the team. “Let’s face it, I’m scared shitless, but if we don’t do anything… then we’re going to die anyways. We need to sink into the fray rather than try to rise above it.” Remy said, giving a philosophical approach to what he was thinking. “Remember… it’s sometimes to play it cool with the crowd rather than say no. If we go down, then by philosophical logic, we should have atleast a better chance. The decision lies with Shay though, what do you think bro?” Remy said putting his hand on Shay’s shoulder, giving him a reassuring look to hopefully inspire Shay’s faith in his decision making abilities.

Death of Korzan
09-20-2012, 06:55 AM
Ahead of the group were the two staircases. One that was seemingly floating, and one that lead deep into the earth. Viktor looked at both of them, his fingers trembling with stress and maybe a bit of fear. 'We could go up, it seems to be nicer there...but how do we know that that's not just a ruse.' Viktor's brow furrowed. 'Or we could take the path downstairs, although we don't know if that will be any better than the path upwards...maybe they're both going to kill us all anyway?' An idea hit him, something that made sense for some reason, he turned to the group, next to Remy and spoke: “Guys, I agree with Remy. If we go upstairs, we could end up being facing anything yes?” He cleared his throat. “Look, this path is leading to what we would think is heaven yes? But why would it be compared with the other path down into the ground...” He turned and pointed to both of the paths, his long white fingers extending out.

“I would be right to think you had all seen Indiana Jones;” His accent caused Indiana to come out as if he was saying the name of the country with a 'na' on the end, which the girls in his old school found sexy for some reason, but some simply found it stupid. “He does go and find the holy grail but he picks the terrible looking chalice over the beautiful gold that lays next to it. This could be the same yes?”

Blushing slightly, Viktor looked over his group before walking back to them, dragging his feet slightly in discomfort, this was not his expertise...

09-20-2012, 08:06 AM
After breakfast, his first class, and his science class, Daniel was rather eager to get back to his room; however, that was certainly not the course the school subjected him to. Next, he’d have to head to gym class to meet the gym teacher for the first time. Sighing, Daniel made his way behind others students to the garden where the gym class would be held. Stepping up, Daniel found himself in the midst of the group as the gym teacher, Mr. Lucas, stood waiting. He fiddled with the sandwich that Daphne had given him on the way into the garden and had decided to place it in his backpack. Dr. Lucas began speaking and Daniel listened attentively.

As he listened, he swallowed hard. They were going to be thrown into a maze their very first day? What kind of gym class was this? More importantly what kind of gym teacher was this? Retrieving his note pad, he jotted down this information and wrote down his questions before placing the note pad back into his backpack. They were being separated into groups, and Daniel really didn’t like it. He often worked alone, and wasn’t really all that adapted to group work, but he would manage. How hard could it be? He listened to see who he’d be on teams with, and to his surprise, he wasn’t on Shayne’s team, nor was he on Narissa or Rozaria’s team, instead he was to team up with Jack, Ash, Lucinda, Sam, Rebecca, Remy, Will and Cecelia. He realized that he hadn’t really gotten to know any of them, aside from Remy, Sam and Cecelia whom he had met the first day at West Hills High. Sighing, he joined his group and listened to them talk about the group leader.

He didn’t have much to say, giving slight nods here and there. He observed his team mates like a hawk observed its prey before striking. He learned each of their names and gave his in return. Sam wrote on a sheet of paper and displayed it to them all. Daniel nodded, but didn’t speak. Lucinda approached and gave her hello to the group to which Daniel did not speak, but once again gave a slight nod. He watched as Sam and Cecelia decided to have a conversation between each other at a distance. It was alright with him, as he really didn’t want to be here right now in this heat with unknown people, and dressed in such uncomfortable clothing. Still, he maintained his position and managed to smirk whenever someone looked at him.

As he stood there, he noticed a girl appear. Better late than never he would say whenever he was late for something, which was rare. He watched as Will turned around and embraced the girl. After some thought, Daniel concluded that this girl had to be Will’s sister. The hug they gave each other was more sibling than anything else. When the girl introduced herself, Daniel smiled and returned the gesture by telling her his name. After doing such, he smiled and wondered if they were ever going to choose a team leader. Remy finally appeared, late as ever, and was excited that the other group had chosen Shayne as their leader. Truth be told, Daniel was eager to see how Shayne would lead the other team. Meanwhile, he only shook his head as Remy boxed the air, a slight smirk itching at the corner of his lips.

A newcomer approached the team Daniel was in, and Will politely answered the guy’s question which saved Daniel the trouble. Still, Daniel said nothing, just simply nodded and continued observing those around him. After they still hadn’t chosen a leader, Daniel decided that he might as well offer up his services being that no one else seemed to want to. Daniel took a few steps back and rested against a wall of plants. He watched as those in his group conversed over who would be team leader, and finally after a short time, they had chosen Will to be team leader. Daniel was both surprised and happy. He was surprised that they had chosen Will and not Remy or Jack, and happy that they had finally reached a decision. Still, Will was team leader, and he’d help in any way he could. When Will spoke to the teacher about this whole things starting and about getting back to his room to shower, Daniel finally spoke after quite a moment of silence.

“I’d have to agree, a shower would be nice right about now so could we please hurry up?”

After such, the teacher tossed Shayne and Will the backpacks full of supplies. They followed behind their team leader who followed behind the teacher. The walk felt like it took two or three hours before they came to a stop, marvelous foliage surrounding them. Daniel awed at his surroundings and listened to Dr. Lucas. Apparently, the teams were being separated. Will’s team, of which he was a part of, walked a good thirty minutes away from Shayne’s team, and then came Dr. Lucas’s voice, which seemed louder. Daniel looked up to see their teacher on a pedestal. He informed them that their task in this maze was to make it to the end. That should be simple enough, but he hated mazes and the thought of being in one creeped him out.

It was then that Ash tried to push through one of the bushes. To Daniel's horror, Ash was sucked up by the bush, but where it took her was anyone's guess. Daniel gasped and back up, dangerously close to one of the bushes, but he quickly moved away from it.

"What the fuck was that?" he commented covering his mouth, frozen in place for a bit.

Eventually, they had to move due to the teachers warning about the maze at night. He sighed, but carried on, following Will as their team walked on. He was worried, worried for their safety, worried for Ash, and worried for the other team as well, especially Shayne. He tried pushing any negative thoughts into the back of his head, and focused on the optimistic view on things. As the group walked on, they eventually came to a river, and across the river were females. They were feasting, and the smell made Daniel hungry, but the females did not entice him at all, for reasons that were beyond his control.

Becca speaks, and walks towards the feasting women, Will following behind her, but suddenly jumping back. Daniel took notice of this and gave a perplexed look. He then looked in the direction of the path. Suddenly, Cecelia began screaming for them not to go near them. She screamed, and gave her warnings. Daniel looked worried. This maze had turned into a nightmare in less than a second. He needed to get out of here and fast. He looked at Cecelia and grabbed her shoulders.

“Cecelia, calm down and tell us exactly what you are experiencing,” Daniel stated wanting to get to the bottom of this entire thing. What kind of teacher allows their students to experience things like this? He would certainly get to the very bottom of this. He had much research to do. He had just witnessed one of their team mates get drug away by a bush, a fucking bush. Where the hell were they? He wasn't one to panic, as he was quite optimistic, but this situation they were in was making it hard not to freak out.