View Full Version : Star Wars: Echo Squad

03-30-2010, 02:10 AM
Only accepting 3 More People!

(PS - This is a Hypothetical Star Wars Role Play; The Rebels never came to be, and Yoda/Every Jedi is dead)

The 'special' clone troopers who have a unique distinction from the rest.

Echo Squad is made up of the Commando's that are even more hardcore than Delta Squad. But they have one thing that makes them completely different.

Different Personalities

They have been mutated slightly to look different from the rest of the clones and each other (i.e. hair color, physique, gender) and each of them have very unique personalities (Some bordering on Psychotic)

Echo squad is some of (if not the) youngest clones there are. The oldest is around 25 years of age, and the youngest is 21. None of them were part of the original Echo Squad, which was announced (publicly) KIA. The truth is that they went rogue for an unknown reason. The current Echo Squad have all been together for four years.

Echo Squad is actually more of a mercenary force. The government on Kamino rents them out to any willing to pay the enourmous fine. They have even fought other clones.

The weapons and armor used by these Units are completely prototypes or hand-made by some of the member's of the squad. Some like to use classic weapons with Experimental bullets or scopes.

Echo Squad is trained in all aspects of combat, but each has their own specialities that suit them.

All of Echo Squad know each other down to the DNA in their cells. It is part of their teamwork. They are all attached to one another as good friends and comrades.

But now Echo Squad is taking on four new member's...That aren't clones. They are a politician's daughter's bodyguards, and all of them together must protect this young woman. She is also a Republic officer with a fiery temper.

Echo Squad goes around the entire galaxy with her after Order 66, trying to gather up a resistance. All contact with Kamino is down, because they are now considerred rogue units. Along their adventure they must find other ways to make money, which will include many mercenary, Smuggler, and even Assassin work.

But they all agree with the politician's daughter about the 'New Republic'. They hate it. That is why they are withstanding having to see their brethren clones turn against them, and hate their very existence.

Spots in the RP-

-Politician's Daughter (Female)
-Echo Squad Medic/Recon - Taken By: Dual
-Echo Squad Pilot/Engineer
-Echo Squad Medic/Pilot
-Echo Squad Recon/Assault - Taken By: Levias
-Echo Squad Engineer/Assault - Taken By: AliceMalice15
-Politician's Daughter Bodyguard 1 - New Guy (Male) - Taken By: Kamakazikid8
-Politician's Daughter Bodyguard 2 - Veteran (Male) - Taken By: Hell Knight
-Politician's Daughter Bodyguard 3 - Sniper (Female) - Taken By: Oishii
-Politician's Daughter Bodyguard 4 - Inventor (Female) - Taken By: Fireleap

Politician Daughter:

(Note: Feel free to make any changes to the Personality as long as I approve)

Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation:

Personality: When the going gets tough, she is one of the first ones there to get right on the issue or conflict. She is in no way a sissy, but has her own fears. Like her fear of heights (Or jumping/looking down from them). She is a natural-born leader, and is kind to those who deserve it.

History: (You can make this up, I will have to approve though)

Favorite Weapon:
Natural Abilities: (i.e. Electronics, Spacecraft, Weapons, Persuasion)

Echo Squad:

Sexual Orientation:


Loadout: (List and description of Weapons/Armor)
Position in squad: (Listed in the Spots section; i.e. Engineer/Assault)

Body Guards/New Members:

Sexual Orientation:



Loadout: (List and description of Weapons/Armor)
Natural Abilities:
Spot in Squad: (Listed above)


Name: ShadowGale Is his code-name, but his real name is only known by Echo. It is Levias.
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight

Without Armor: (Without being this pale)

ShadowGale (Levias) likes to think he is antisocial, when in reality he is not. Granted, he is not very social at all, he still talks to his comrades. They are the only one's he trusts. They are his family.

He tends to be a realist, sometimes considerred cynical for his bluntness in what he thinks will happen to others/himself. He likes to analyze situations, which is why he is the Tactical Advisor for Echo Squad.

Armor: RCN-6 W/TX
(Replace the helmet with a black Clone Trooper Helmet)

This state-of-the-art Armor comes with themal covering, X-Ray Goggles, and a newly invented stealth system. The Stealth system lasts only five minutes. It also has a stabilizing system that lasts for ten seconds in order to give snipers clear shots.

Weapon: Gun - Semi-Automatic Rifle - ShadowZephyr (Levias' personalized weapon of choice)

The ShadowZephyr is not a commonly used weapon in any way or form. Levias owns the only version, because he had one of his squadmates create it. It has maximized accuracy, minimal recoil, and a concentrated Radiator that will make a bullet into a fully capable Anti-Armor Round. This Radiator is still a prototype though, and takes an hour to recharge, sometimes it doesn't even work properly. Most of the time Levias adds his silencer onto the core gun though.

Weapon: Gun - Sniper Rifle - RCN Shadow


Also a personalized weapon to Levias. It started out as a Standard-Issue Trandoshan sniper-rifle that he looted from one of his kills, and now it is a fully operational killing machine. The clips only hold one bullet each and Levias only has five clips for the gun. He only uses this in an emergency or an assassination. The gun has a 100% rate of accuracy, but has major recoil, and there is no way to suppress the sound when closer than one kilometer. The scope can zoom in to almost two miles away, and it has a stabalizer so that the user can actually make the shot from that far. The stabilizer overloads if it is used for more than three seconds though.

Weapon: Melee - Sword - Death


Levias found an old vibrosword and customized it to his liking. End of story. There isn't anything actually special about this weapon.
Position in squad: Recon/Assault

04-03-2010, 08:47 PM
I've never roleplayed a clone before.. But count me in! *just please don't let this rp die, I haven't gotten a lot of decent rping done yet*

I'll post my character tomorrow. Reserve the inventor spot for me, please?

04-04-2010, 01:50 AM
As clones do we have clone armor? Or because we went rogue do just have normal clothing items?

Also I would like to reserve the Medic

04-08-2010, 07:35 AM
If you don't mind, I'd like to post my character now.

Name: Edmund Walker

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearance: Stands at 5'10" with a lean body structure. Hair is black and untidy. Eyes are a deep green color. Has a burn mark on his chest from a previous blaster wound.

Face is something like this:

Personality: A workaholic, he is easily annoyed when on the job. He tries to keep everything together and make things go according to plan. He's a normally quiet person and usually speaks in a low monotone. During combat though, he is usually barking orders at civilians.

History: Growing up sheltered, the first act of violence Edmund witnessed was the brutal murder of his neighbor. This act made Edmund swear to protect others from harm, no matter the cost to himself. His first major job was protecting a senator, something that nearly cost him his life and had damaged his charge. The senator, instead of thanking Edmund for saving his life, sued the bodyguard for bodily harm. This made Edmund more aloof to the people, only giving 100% to those who he thought deserved it.

Loadout: Standard issue semi-automatic blaster rifle, blaster pistol, and scattergun, a 6" knife worn at the belt, several small close-range weapons hidden on his person, and heat-resistant and highly reflective body armor worn under his clothes.

Natural Abilities: Proficient at close quarters combat, decent at marksmanship, terrible at piloting aircraft, and slightly below average in medical care.

Spot in Squad: New Guy

04-08-2010, 02:54 PM
Name: Penelope Flemming (called Phoenix)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearance: Phoenix stands at 5'8 tall, slightly shorter than the others. Her short and straight brown hair dangles down to her chin, with brown, streaked with one blond-white highlight bangs dangling down, just above her jade-coloured eyes. Her typical apparel consists of a simply green shirt, with rather baggy army pants. When in battle, she wears dark green armour, complete with a white-and-green clone-like helmet.

Personality: Focused yet easily distracted, Phoenix tends to be easy-going, friendly though impatient and occasionally hot-headed. When around close friends, she tends to be chatty and very open-minded. However, when around strangers, she can sometimes be cold and haughty. She, however, gets along well with her colleagues and the politician's daughter.

History: Phoenix's loved tinkering ever since she was a kid. She is human by birth, but she was raised on Kamino, alongside the clones. By the time she was in university though, the clone wars were nearing their end. Most of her army experience comes from being a mercenary, before her current job as the politician's daughter's bodyguard and close friend.

Loadout: A natural inventor, she carries all sorts of weird like gadgets that almost always end up being useful, though not necessarily appearing likewise. She also carries a normal blaster, and her own personal blaster that seems to have been tinkered on many, many times, and it has a lot of add-ons...
Natural Abilities: She is generally very good at tinkering and fixing things, being an inventor. She is also very agile and she always seems to know exactly where to shoot, in order to disable a battle droid, making her relatively useful in battle.

Spot in Squad: PD's Bodyguard 4 (Inventor)

04-12-2010, 11:57 PM
This game looks interesting, are you still looking for active players?
If so check this (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=905) out!

04-16-2010, 02:04 AM
Both accepted, sorry about the wait
Ive been busy

(And I thought this would die)

Im gonna post my profile now

04-16-2010, 02:05 AM
As clones do we have clone armor? Or because we went rogue do just have normal clothing items?

Also I would like to reserve the Medic

We can still have Clone Armor

And which medic?

04-16-2010, 03:26 PM
Alright, I can't wait to start..

Hmm, I just realised that it's a little weird that my non-clone charrie has a piece of clone armour.. I think I'll change it to a clone-like armour. A stormtrooper spin-off.

04-16-2010, 05:26 PM
Name: Rendara "Ren" Crowe
Sexual Orientation:Straight
Appearance:(I usually don't use pictures. But I found an awesome one so I hope this is ok.) Ren (http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s272/MutantMix/swgirl.jpg)

Personality: Energetic, outgoing, stubborn, and cocky. She likes the company of others and believes doing anything is always worth doing well, very well in fact. She tends to be a smart ass and masks her emotions with inappropriate jokes or innuendos.

History:Born on Corellia to a middle class family. Ren was the youngest female excepted into CorSpec academy and graduated with top scores. She was headed for a high end desk job when her personal lust to see real action led her to decline all offers from CorSpec and signed on as a personal guard. Now as a 22 year old girl she guards the daughter of politician along with other guards.

Loadout: F11-DL9 Amos long range rifle (http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s272/MutantMix/MMRIFLE.jpg)

Model 1010 Photo-reactive Personal Armor manufactured by Krail Armory originally.The armor is covered in a coating of photo-sensitive microscopic crystals that reflect the colors of any given area, making the armor blend in with the environment. This basic suit is considered to be illegal for sale on most planets. Ren's own suit was given to her by a superior while she was still in CorSpec and has since been modified to include a holonet transceiver and data screen in the visor along with a personal comlink.

Natural Abilities: Great aim and decisiveness.
Spot in Squad: Sniper

04-17-2010, 05:02 PM
Name: Jen
Sexual Orientation:Straight
Appearance:http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs11/i/2006/192/2/2/Painty_Jedi_by_Saehral.jpg just minus the lightsaber and in clone armor

Personality:Moody and smartalecky*

Loadout: She has a wide range of weapons and armor all of which she creates herself. Most if the time she carries a modified MG 36 and a modified Sterling submachine gun. Her armor is a prototype made of Phrik.
Position in squad: Engineer

Got room for one more?

04-17-2010, 05:06 PM
which engineer? The Assault or Pilot one?

Other than that, you're both accepted

04-17-2010, 05:49 PM
Assault. Thanks I can't wait for this it's gonna be fun!

04-17-2010, 07:09 PM
Alright, ill go put your name in that spot

04-17-2010, 11:00 PM
Name: Kavran Dylos- a.k.a. "Splicer"
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Appearance: Kavran is 6'6'' and lithely built for agility and precision. His eyes are dark brown, as is his short hair that is perhaps two inches long at the most. The right side of his face is marked by a long scar he got from a vibroblade fight.
Personality: Kavran is extremely calm, keeping his cool when most lose theirs. He is quiet, and mercilessly precise in battle, which serves to frighten those that he encounters. He is skilled with a blade in more than one way, and can carve a man like a strip of meat and then piece him back together, even while under fire. He is fiercely protective of his squadmates, and will die- or kill- for them.
Loadout: Modified armor pieced together from separate sets, reinforced with heat-resistant underlays and prototype vibroblades issuing from matching gauntlets that are approximately 7 inches in length. His guns include a heavy blaster pistol, a wookiee bowcaster, and a slightly modified version of the E-11 blaster rifle maximixed for less recoil and closer concentration of shots.
Position in squad: Medic/Recon

04-17-2010, 11:04 PM
Sweet, accepted

(PS, Big fan of the vibroblade)

04-17-2010, 11:09 PM
Can't wait to play this one. It'll be my first active RP here.
(I'm a huge fan of the VBs too.)

04-17-2010, 11:23 PM
By the way, you know you can put more equipment on your characters than one or two weapons, correct?

These are completely enhanced clones, their carrying capacity is much more than a normal human/clone

04-17-2010, 11:37 PM
How many spots are left?

04-18-2010, 01:02 AM
Hey I know thisis kind of a strange way to do this but is anyone interested in a doctor who rp? I have one started and I need members.

04-18-2010, 02:04 AM
There's four spots left :3

Honestly, Ive never watched Doctor Who...

04-18-2010, 12:57 PM
Omg!!! It's like the most amazing show evar!!! Lol you should watch it sometime it's really good.

04-18-2010, 02:02 PM
Okay people, even though we are Four people short (cough- Invite people! - cough)
I'm going to put up the IC for our introductory posts.

You know, to sort of set up the scene xD

04-18-2010, 05:34 PM
Awesome, can't wait to play this.
Hmm. I'll get the word out that we need more players. It might be possible to just have some squad members be specialists and know more than two branches of work if we can't get more people. Like have Kavran or Echo know how to pilot.
And if we do have more people later on in-play, we can always introduce them as new and let them take the reins of that position.
However, we can't really get it going without a princess. *goes to look for possible players*

04-18-2010, 05:55 PM
Echo squad was trained in ALL aspects of basically everything. They can all pilot, only some do it better than other's. That comes into affect for all of the different jobs.

04-18-2010, 09:00 PM
Levias you got me interested in this RP lol, so I'm going to create CS here soon, but not any time soon lol.

04-18-2010, 09:32 PM
aiight Hell knight

04-18-2010, 09:33 PM
I'll take the Veteran spot, I'm no expert in Engineering or Medical situations lol.

Name: Styxe

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight



His armor


Personality: Aggressive, Obedient, Gets a bad feeling every now and then.

Load out: Blaster rifle, couple of Thermal Grenades.

Natural Abilities: Depends on his upper strength in combat, Expert in Melee, Aim Precision is accurate.

Spot in Squad: Veteran

04-20-2010, 02:46 AM
If we are having trouble filling spots, I wouldn't mind taking on two roles.

04-20-2010, 02:50 AM
If there are any spots left. maybe I could join?

04-20-2010, 02:54 AM
I believe there are 3 spots after Hell Knight takes the veteran position.

04-20-2010, 02:58 AM
LOL, I'm the oldest. and in Real Life as well.

04-22-2010, 12:13 AM
Quick question: Is it alright if I change my character's personality before he does anything actually social?

04-22-2010, 12:16 AM
Just letting you guys that I will not able to join.

04-22-2010, 08:31 AM
Ah.. Speed-posting =( My char hasn't anything to do...

04-22-2010, 06:32 PM
Alrightty, Hell knight is accepted, and you can do another character Oishii

04-23-2010, 11:56 PM
Hell knight, they've already known each other for at least three weeks, their not brand new team-mates

04-24-2010, 12:50 AM
Aye! I'm going to post in the IC and then I'll have my character up :D

04-24-2010, 01:05 AM
Posts have been fixed.

04-25-2010, 08:28 AM
Name:Ava'Lavina Trast
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation:Straight
Appearance: http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s272/MutantMix/Commission__Nelia_by_charlie140588.jpg

Personality: When the going gets tough, she is one of the first ones there to get right on the issue or conflict. She is in no way a sissy, but has her own fears. Like her fear of heights (Or jumping/looking down from them). She is a natural-born leader, and is kind to those who deserve it.

History: Her father a well known senator raised her to follow in his political footsteps. When she was very young she was tutored by the best teachers. Ava attended the best university on Coruscant and graduated in the top five. Soon after her father openly began to opose the new order of things and her family received several threats which were ignored. Ava's mother was assassinated in her private garden and thereafter the threats were taken seriously and Ava was assigned personal body guards. Feeling that her father was at risk she joined the republic as a front to gather a resistance to fight this new regime and find the person or person/s personally responsible for her mother's death.

Favorite Weapon: http://xboxoz360.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/borderlands-oxcgn-62.jpg
Natural Abilities: Persuasion and Manipulation. Quick to act, move, and dodge.

04-27-2010, 11:39 AM
Sweet, a politicians daughter!
Thanks Oishii! Accepted

04-27-2010, 01:10 PM
Finally! Now, I don't have to condemn Phoenix to a couple days worth of sleep. Things can start happening!

05-03-2010, 07:40 PM
I have a feeling that everyone but Oishii, Fireleap, Hell Knight, and I quit. Please tell me I'm wrong.

05-04-2010, 12:38 AM
Actually I'm still in, I'm just waiting for the others to post.

05-04-2010, 01:17 AM
Nope, I'm still in. I'll post once things here get stable. >_>
Probably tonight, when I have the time to be creative and not rush anything.

05-05-2010, 09:07 PM
I'm still in I would tell you if I quit but I don't!

05-07-2010, 02:35 AM
Mr. Levias, I am submiting for the Echo Squad Medic/Pilot....as I am a pilot in real, with Ranger 1st Class training as Medic, I will know what i am talking about :p :p :)

Name:Known by his nickname ShadowStrike but his real name is known only to the original squad...Michael
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Appearance: 5foot 3 inches
Wears a black one piece jumpsuit with multiple pockets on it. His helmet has a direct link to his Ship. So he knows if and when anything happens to it.

Personality: When the going gets tough, the tough blow stuff up. Borderline Phycotic about his ship and Squad. His ship is his Baby, and his Squad is his family.

Loadout: Carries a Modified assault rifle that he made himself. The basic assault rifle of a clone, with some tricks. It has a silencer and Gernade Launcher attachment. Longer barrel so it can, mostly missing, be used as a sniper. Scope is a standard Thermal Scope.
Body armor made from part of his ships armor. His helmet has 4 modes. Night Vision, Daylight, Auto Targeting, and links to his ship for remote commands.

Position in squad: Echo Squad Medic/Pilot

05-17-2010, 01:29 AM
Alright, I know I sort of (I really did) disappear.
I'm really sorry guys

I've had so many exams in the past few weeks that I think My brain did actually start frying in the middle of my last one. I am pretty sure I was smelling smoke.

Alright, I shall go post in the IC

And you are accepted zelli

05-17-2010, 01:33 AM
good to see ya! ^_~

05-17-2010, 02:27 AM
Right back at ya

05-17-2010, 02:57 AM
Hey great to see ya, yeah teacher's act like that, they're trying to teach you something, in their own way anyway lol.

05-17-2010, 03:11 AM
Good to know this isn't dead. Welcome back, Levias.

05-20-2010, 12:06 AM
Levias, by any chance have you ever been on RealChat.com. I swear I remember that avatar distinctly.

My screen name was Damon, and we hung out with a guy by the name Aero Stryke.

05-20-2010, 07:03 PM
Hm....Real Chat.com? Possibly
I don't remember much, I'm absent-minded
So it is quite possible

05-23-2010, 04:23 AM

06-12-2010, 07:57 PM
LOL, I forgot about this thread, hope y'all are still active : p