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Ankerra's Rage
08-17-2012, 06:32 PM
General Information:
Name: Aruivan Sephia
Age: 98
Gender: Male
Race: Angel

Build: 6' 4" tall 18' wingspan light strong muscular build pale white skin
Hair: golden blond 4' long strait and flowing
Eyes: stoic looking silver colored
Distinctive Features: 3 pairs of wings on back
Clothes / Armour: Higharch Angel armour. shiny glass looking plate armor with a spearhead shaped helm. wing armor is lightly bladed for beserker charges. white shash for belt

Fighting Style:
silver longsword with a cross shaped hand guard.
summoned bow: make of concentrated magics that can be dispersed in an instant. requires 1 post to summon. spells are shot like arrows with this bow.
summon Lance: similar to the bow. requires 1 post to summon.
summon weapon: lance 1post, bow 1post.
Mana Cannon: high concentration of magic fired as a single ray. many charge levels.instant (weakest) 4post (strongest) Ray becomes larger and goes further with more charge. (instant charge is equal to a lightly fired arrow. strongest typically destroies terrain.) loses breath after firing and cannot charge again for 1 post.
high tollerance to magics but weaker to physical attacks.

Personality: sees good in all things but tries to purge the evil in it, seen as cold when dealing with others.
Background: exiled from his order of Angels, he went through the worlds and sought out the evil in their leaders. so to right the wrongs of his past life. he encountered the Abomination at one point, causing him to go insane with power, but the cost for such power was servatude. he now goes around the planes of existance marking high priority/ high powered targets for the Abomination to feed from.