View Full Version : Tales of Air'rim(OOC)
03-31-2010, 10:31 AM
Millennia ago, the Demon Goddess Hellionus waged a war with both the gods and the mortal world of Air'rim. summoning a vast army from the depths of the underworld and gathering legions of loyal worshipers. they became a blight on the land need to be stopped. soon the nations united under one banner in repelling against her armies.
And for the past decade, the war was intensely fought by both sides. and in the finally Battle of the City of Ozen'mri, the gods themselves fought above the city against Hellionus. In the final act of ending this war. the gods sealed her away with all there power combined in a dark crystal and cast her out to the ends of the world, forever trapped in a dark dimension.
In the Aftermath. her armies were scattered and broken, the many demon lords warring against one another for control. thus becoming no more of a threat to the nations. However. after her defeat a prophecy was told of her return, that a mortal child born of her dark blood would guarantee her release and bring about a new age of darkness.
Character List
Zathlan Marithas (
Chast Teller (
Samantha Force (
Krath Er'Fashaal (
Raetek (
Zellin (
Harki (
Karrigan D'viere (
Dethsed (
03-31-2010, 10:32 AM
Races of Air'rim
Humans are the most numerous, yet also the most contentious of all the races of Air'rim. Only once has humanity ever been united beneath a single banner, that being many millennia ago during the Great War of the Gods. humanity has founded many nations throughout the history of Air'rim. currently there are five known countries founded by humans that have remained. Orlaisden, Numvera, Azillia, Bethkra and Velldon.
The Elves of Air'rim were once the greatest and most powerful empire in the whole world. Now the Elves are a race in its twilight; the long and bitter war against the Demon Goddess has ravaged their once-great empire, and the Elf race has begun to dwindle. Facing this steady decline, the Elves remain resolute and unbowed.
The Mal'kri are an race of ant-like cretures. The they live in the heavily fortified Mount Kritol. Mal'kri have a very structured society with a definite caste system. Mandiblors are the lowest and do duty as guards, workers and soldiers. These are overseen by their broodleader. Above them, acting as leaders are the Battlemasters, who also can act more independently than the broods of Mandiblors. Much like an ant colony the majority of mal'kri are male and their society is matriarchal with the head female being their queen. And strangely, females have a more human appearance then the more insectoid males.
Dwarves are short and stout creatures mostly inhabiting . taking advantage of their size when possible and relying on their robust and though strength when not. like the mal'kri, they too dwell in the mountains, however the two races have been at odds and fight a sort of Cold War. neither willing to declare war on the other.
In past ages, the dwarves rarely left the safety of their mountain fortresses, spending their time on refining metal and stone into powerful weapons and beautiful jewelry. However, when the call to battle sounds, they rise up to defend their friends and allies with unmatched courage and valor.
Built by the dwarves, the golems were the only defense for the dwarven kingdoms against the forces of Hellionus. these creatures of hewn stone or sheets of metal were animated with a spark of mana. however, there was a price in the process of creating golems as each would require a soul to function. as such, the most brave of dwarves would volunteer themselves in creation of the golems.
In the present day, the Dwarves have all but lost the knowledge in their creation and would be best left that way. however many hundreds, maybe even thousands of golems remain inactive or wonder the land. some gaining independence, others waiting for their new masters.
The origins of the demons of Air'rim is mystery. what is known that they've existed long before the Great War. possibly offspring of hellionus as some would proclaim themselves. demons come in many variety, from common beasts, to malevolent spirits, to semi-intelligent creatures and to fully intelligent humanoids. powerful demon lords are able to command vast armies of their fellow demons and the helspawn, their hive-minded brethren.
Helspawn are tainted creatures spawned by the Demon Goddess. they filled the bulk of her armies during the Great War. as well as the armies of the warring demon lords.
The helspawn horde is connected through the dark taint, functioning as a hive-mind similar to ants. While high ranking helspawn have a limited influence upon small groups, only Demons above them can command entire hordes.
03-31-2010, 10:37 AM
RA rules apply
No Godmoding
Your allowed to createup to five characters unless you can handle it.
If you wish to create your own race. PM me about it first.
Have fun!
More rules may be added.
World Map
Velldon, or the Velldonian Empire, is currently the most powerful nation in Air'rim. Valeaux is the capital of Velldon, and home to the Church of the Celestial Goddess. Velldon is currently ruled by Empress Selvaria II followed by her mother. other major cities include Arlesans, Ghislain, and Jadera. the armies of Velldon are by far the largest then the other four nations.
The Bethkra Imperium is a nation ruled by a Magocracy. The leaders of the Imperium are called Magi Lords and are led by the Imperator Magi. bethkra is the smallest out of the nations but makes up for it with great magical strength in it's armies. Its capital is Azientel and has several other major cities such as Ishsel and Byzanti. the imperium has also been known for controling half of the Air'rim desert line with velldon controling a small bit.
Over one thousand years ago, at the end of the Great War, the city-state of Numvera was founded along the coasts of Eastern Air'rim. Numvera developed a thriving economy based on fishing and exports. Over the years mighty fleets of merchant vessels were built and they sailed throughout the seas in search of exotic goods to trade and sell.
Today Numvera has become a country itself after centuries of war with neighboring city-states in the region. the first three city-states to fall became symbols of Numvera. Kiith, Urhal and Stormpeak.
Home of the Dwarven/human City of Ozen'mri, the sight of the final battle of the Great War. while the region that is known today as Azillia has gone through time of strife and civil war. even if the forces of King Curian took victory, azillia is weakened by the internal conflicts and is therefor, the weakest out of the nations. as times changed, the king has been moved to the new capital city of Palavhirrim.
By far the oldest country out of the five, having been established a century before the Great War begun and has stood a thousand years today. even if being the oldest, it's military is not beyond that of Velldon. Orlaisden is known for it's beautiful cities such as Corseti or what many may call it, the "White City". it is guarded by the City of Anori outside.
Sign-up Sheet
Anyone is welcomed to play as the Chosen one just so you know. and any suggections are welcome.
Hey, interesting story, I just have one question before I post my potential character: Do you have a map or a more detailed description of the five human countries? I just don't want to make up details if you have anything specific in mind. :psyduck:
03-31-2010, 06:38 PM
I was thinking about that. I'll get to the map for the world.
03-31-2010, 07:10 PM
im in !!!!
03-31-2010, 07:39 PM
Alright. It may not be that good. but I was able to make a map.
03-31-2010, 07:39 PM
if you need help with map,banners or anything that needs photoshop tell me !!
03-31-2010, 07:42 PM
Sure thing. I'd like the help.
03-31-2010, 07:47 PM
just pm me what you need ^w^ or if you have msn add me its kinda easyer
Lord Tully
03-31-2010, 07:57 PM
I'll join if you'll have me, I'll put up a CS later.
03-31-2010, 08:01 PM
Cool, can't wait to see.
Lord Tully
03-31-2010, 08:41 PM
Name: Zathlan Marithas
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Personality: Zathlan is a bit of a rebel, he refuses to allow his people to simply fade out of existence. But due to his youth most other Elves pay him no mind content in the fact that their species is dying.
Allegiance: Numvera
Occupation: Soldier
Bio: Zathlan was born in an almost all Elf city on the coast of Numvera, surrounded by Elves who had accepted their fate, he did not. Since the time he was 15, he's looked for ways of saving his people, and taking back some of the lands lost to the Helspawn. Tired of not being heard Zathlan joined a human military force at the age of 18, hoping to strike a blow at the Helspawn, he's recently been given a high enough rank to join his fellow warriors on the battle field and hopes to push the beasts out of at least some of the lost Elven lands.
Abilities/skills: Very skilled with Sword and Shield, as well as with a spear but has been trained to use everything he can when fighting, even branches and rocks if necessary. Zathlan also has survival training, which includes staying hidden in the wilds, and first aid.
Tell me if anything needs changing.
03-31-2010, 08:45 PM
Awesome character! approved.
The map looks great, better than anything I could put together. Also, please tell me if I went too far or not far enough on the details. I don't have a picture for the appearance either, sorry, I could probably rummage something up if you preferred.
Name: Chast Teller
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Personality: Passive and tending to avoid conflict, Chast's personality can be likened to that of calming waves. In most situations he is able to keep a cool head, preferring to think things through rather than resort to action. Easily swayed, Chast doesn't mind minor decisions being made for him, giving the facade of being born without a back bone. While Chast may appear to be reserved at first, in reality it is just a defense mechanism, for Chast has the tendency to trust everyone, causing him much distress in the past. Thus, learning from his mistakes, Chast has become much more confined to his own person and those whom he finds trustworthy.
Even though he never admits it, Chast has a strong sense of adventure. Yet the constant tugging of his comfort zone and the great unknown are always pulling, and he typically ends up not answering opportunity's call. As for love, Chast has typically denied these offers. Declaring he is either too busy or has other priorities, Chast could be viewed as a loner. He doesn't consider himself as such, viewing himself as an independent who's desires and dreams differ from the social norm.
Allegiance: Kingdom of Numvera
Occupation: Fisherman, Sailor
Appearance: Tan from working out in the sun, Chast has an athletic build from working the hard life of a fisherman. Six feet tall, and weighing in at 185 pounds, Chast's proportions are the average. He has hazel eyes and dark brown hair, which is typically wrapped up in a black bandanna-like cloth. At one time, he did have freckles, yet the constant presence of sunshine ended that. He also has a mark on his back of a sailboat, applied to the young men of his family at the age of 18 when they are considered to become "men" and are no longer "boys".
As for clothing, Chast has two traditional sets of clothing: Work and what he considers Formal. For his work setting, his outfit consists of durable black boots that come up to his shin. He wears a pair of black pants as well, which tuck neatly into his boots. While outside, Chast typically wears a white undershirt for its functionality, but it is almost always accompanied buy a black, button up jacket, with the sleeves rolled up. Chast also has a pair of leather gloves, with the fingers holed, which he uses for both fishing and boating. For his formal attire, Chast merely buttons up his jacket and puts on his silver swordfish necklace, also the crest of the Teller family.
Bio: Born in the port town of Chantle in the Kingdom of Numvera, Chast is the first born of his parents. His father, the late Isaac Teller, was also a fisherman and sailor, and taught each one of his sons how to perform sailing maneuvers and fishing techniques. In terms of appearance and personality, Chast resembles his mother, who died in childbirth with Chast's younger brother, Elie, when Chast was ten. During the younger years of his life, Chast essentially raised both his brother and his father, who entered a deep state of depression because of his wife's passing. Thus, Chast had to learn the more advanced techniques of his trade by trial and error, explaining why his fishing skills are average at best.
Before his mother's passing, Chast's father used to be filled with energy, and would often tell them great stories of Numvera's heroes, each one showing signs of courage, valor, and strength. Chast did not care for these ancient representatives of his home country, as his favorite story was about when all of the countries joined together to fight the Demon Goddess Hellionus, with the help of the gods. Ever since hearing this original story, Chast has dreamed of exploring the world, to visit the cultures and races that hosted these great heroes of yesteryear.
When Chast was twenty, the Kingdom of Numvera ordered a proclamation that one battle aged male from each household was needed to protect the kingdom. Chast originally intended to go, to perform his patriotic chore, but in a shocking move, his father decided that he would go. Months later, Chast and his brother, Elie, learned that their father had fallen in battle against the demon armies that still ravaged the land. This killed Chast's dreams of adventure, as he know understood that it was up to him to protect his family's name and to continue to raise his brother Elie. Yet the sense of adventure always calls upon him, as if his ancestors, and even his very father, want him to make the Teller family more than generations of coastal villagers, but heroes. Men and women who would be remembered forever.
Abilities/skills: Other than Chast's average fishing and boating knowledge, Chast has also learned how to use a cutlass, something his father sent back to his sons before passing. Chast's decided it might be beneficial, in the possible chance that pirates might raid their otherwise unprotected village. Chast trained with his brother before and after work, and once, when a traveling band of entertainers and warriors visited Chantle, he even received a lesson from a professional swordsman. While far from a trained warrior or mercenary, Chast considers himself a capable swordsman, considering his determination much stronger than technique.
03-31-2010, 08:57 PM
All looks good! you can add a pic if you wish, but it's fine. approved.
04-01-2010, 02:52 PM
im in
04-01-2010, 03:28 PM
Samantha Force
Name: Samantha Force
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Race: elf
Personality: Sam is known as the sarcastic bubble, she's always bouncy, bubbly and bright, and on her good days she could cheer up satan. She has one of those clear, bright voices which instantly make people feel better. she tends to use sarcasium when people say stupid stuff, and love laughing or messing around. Sometimes on her really bad days she just doesn't talk, apprently because it helps her think stuff through. Her longest streak of 'non talking' was for a whole week when her parents died. Now though these days are fewer because she trys to handle them in other ways than being anti social.
Allegiance: Undecided.
Occupation: trainee assasin.
Sam is scarily pale as in the mountains the clouds almost entirly blocked out the sun. Her eyes are like diamonds that are green, bright and shining but the colour of summer meadow grass. Small flecks of gold and pinky grey are spattered roudn the edge of her iris. she has a small heart shaped face and has abnormally large eyes. Prone to smiling -peace- her hair is a deep browny-purpley colour which goes dark purple in sunlight. she has a short, miniscule and slender frame which looks pixie like and fragile (don't think she's weak though or you'll ahve a broken arm... ;twitch; )
she tends to wear a black T-shirt with any type of black trouser. She wears a trouser and top belt, each acsessorised with knives/shurikens/claw attachments/contacts container. Likes wearing jackets with lots of pockets because it means she can carry more. Carrys around a black rucksack with her junk in it and wears black army boots. Has a spikey black belt like choker roudn her neck with the academy smybol printed on the pendant stamp.
Bio: Being one of the 'new generation' elves, Sam wasn't concerened with all the old war past, she regarded demons with the same mild liking as everyone else she didn't actually know in person. She hates sterotyping and judging people. she started growing up learning elven magic and excelled in it greatly, but at the age of eight, her parents died. she was sent to an 'orphanage' in the moutainous areas, which truned out to actually be an X-dojo and is now an assasin training area, teaching martial arts, ninjitsue skills and how to handle modern weapons. Sam carried on being bright and perky even though she's killed several time, and is seemingly unaffected. Most people in the academy felt she was an oddity as they all were sullen and disliked talking, mostly.
Sam whizzed through the training, taking to martial arts like a seed to the wind, and she moved through the air with weapons quicker than a knife. she laughed and joked her way through the first six years and learnt to incoperate her magical skills into her training. *stormwolf* Once she reached fourteen, the academy sent her out of the mountains after making an unbreakable vow to send half her assasination profits to them.
Is believed to be able to effect emotions dramatically
Can walk through walls
Is good with weapons, martial arts and ninjitsue (though thats a type of martial art, she specialises in it)
amazing at cooking ^.^
Has a fear of thunder
Is homeless :whee:
wants to be able to fly ^.^
04-01-2010, 03:40 PM
i shallz work on mah info now
I'll be in if there's enough room - I have an idea for a Golem Monk that would work well I think.
04-01-2010, 06:02 PM
Name: Krath Er'Fashaal
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Race: Demon Lord
Personality: Not the type to be messed with, but not the most unpleasant person if he's not trying to kill you.
Allegiance: Krath serves no region nor any other person until Hellionus is returned to this world.
Occupation: Killer, murderer, general villain.
Bio: Krath was a commander in the Great War and was also one of the most loyal to the Goddess, however, he was trapped within a cave during a cave-in and believed to be dead. An artifact inside the cave prevented his death and placed him into stasis until and exploration party dug him up. They were all found dead a month later. Although his time underground may have diminished his power it has not diminished his devotion.
Abilities/skills: Medium magic, Fighting, Ability to control five Helspawn
Up for review xD
04-01-2010, 09:04 PM
Both characters approved.
And we have plenty of room brett.
Name: Raetek
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Golem
Personality: Raetek hates violence after the War against Hellonius, though when backed in to a corner he can fight (with a dwarfish spirit and monk training). He is quite in company and shy to large crowds and prefers to stay in the background, offering advise as needed. Amongst small groups of friends he can be quite open though. He has flashes of his previous life as a dwarf, as well many bad memories from the War against Hellonius.
Allegiance: None
Occupation: Monk
Raetek is a Stone Golem, standing close to 8 foot with bright blue eyes (an anomaly from his dwarfish soul). His body is covered with chips and burn marks. A massive fracture runs from his right shoulder to his hip. He wears black pants and always carries a 8 foot steel staff.
Raetek was a young dwarf in the time of the War against Hellonius. His spit-fire personality and love of combat led him to be a prime choice for selection in one of the Dwarven Elite Units. Unfortunately before he could be chosen, Raetek's cousin, always jealous of Raetek's abilities and favoritism, tricked Raetek in to believing his wife had cheated on him. When Raetek discovered the trick, his rage led him to confronting his cousin and during the scuffle accidentally killed him. During his trial he was condemned and given a choice – prison for the remainder of his life, or sacrifice his soul to become one of the first Stone Golem in the Dwarven Army.
The War was particularly hell on Raetek. Always on the front line in the thickest of fighting. At first his blood-lust enjoyed the combat, the challenge and the killing. Then, as he saw the massacres, lost friends and allies, it began to drag on him. Flashes of memories from his previous life haunted him – always at the corner of his vision but could never be grasped. He became more distant and went through the motions, waiting for the day when Hellonius would be defeated.
Finally, when Hellonius was banished by the Gods, Raetek took a brief opportunity during the celebrations to slip away unnoticed. After weeks of travel he found a Monastery, untouched by the War, where he chose to stay, learning there ways in a hope to come to peace with his life and maybe, one day, regain all his memories.
Unfortunately the scars, cracks and burn marks that will never heal are a constant reminder to Raetek of the horrible war and the acts he committed in the name of survival.
Abilities/Skills: Hand to Hand Combat, Combat with Staffs, Massive strength.
04-02-2010, 03:59 AM
Character approved!
Awesome, can't wait to get started.
04-04-2010, 09:02 PM
Just letting you all know that I will make the IC by Tuesday. And even if the rp has begun it is still open for people to join.
04-05-2010, 09:40 PM
Name: Zellin
Age: 18
Gender: female
Race: elf
Personality: quiet,calm,serious or silly when needed to, can get mad easy and is quite hyper
Allegiance: None
Occupation: assasin [works undercover as maid if needed to]
Bio: Being trained by her grandmother in the skills of the assasin,Zellin has always been perfect in her missions.Her mother being always busy left Zellin in the hands of her grandma who used to be a famous assasin before she retired , she teacher her into the mastery of alchemy and magic too.Being an elf Zellin has never been a big fan of magic and instead has a weakness for all kind of weapons wich she can use perfectly in battle.Her weakness for sweets has always been a problem for her grandmother thinking Zell will gain too much weigh and wont be able to do good in her missions,but for her suprise that never affected Zell as she had problems only in the begining when she was 11.Zellin`s dream was to go outside Velldon and explore and meet new people.She doesnt know much about her father since her mother or grandma has never talked about him,she doesnt have any sisters or brothers and can sometimes fall into a lonely mood followed by hours of pouting.Zell doesnt like the cloths her mom used to make her wear so she started to make her own perfect for her [strange] taste even if her grandmother tells her a young girl her age shouldnt dress like that.
Abilities/skills: perfect martial art skills , alchemy & poison master , magic & spells user [likes weapons more but magic is pretty useful too], master at cooking [more like her hobby]
Home: Velldon [in a village near Jadera]
- shes scared of the dark and hates dark rooms
- hates all kind of bugs
- loves sweets [sometimes has too much]
hope its good C:
04-05-2010, 10:29 PM
It's approved.
04-05-2010, 10:32 PM
yay <333
04-06-2010, 03:20 AM
Excellent! I now have the numbers needed to begin. it'll either start tomorrow or sometime during the night.
04-06-2010, 11:10 AM
cool ^_^
04-06-2010, 11:13 AM
I would like to make a pretty strong demon that is peacefull I had a good one in mind I got the idea from a book that I have read.
04-06-2010, 01:22 PM
Sure thing. go ahead with that.
04-06-2010, 09:39 PM
Name: Harki
Age: Lost track at 1000
Gender: Male
Race: High Demon(Just different name than Demon Lord)
Personality: Complex minded always hated the war and tryed to form peace but the other demons wouldent have it. Likes the human way and is always trying to learn.
Allegiance: With Humans
Appearance: Looks human but his eyes are pure red and look like there on fire he wears his armor*GwSM4cNsdwcM9F7Mmcpl 7sQ4gMZzcam-aK/8d89fdf4186a553b0b7aa824f8612c18.jpg
Bio: Lived for the longest time among demons and was known as one of the most powerful demons in his class or skill level. He later found a human that facinated him and so he studied them like ants he killed a few before he realized what was happening that there numbers are few and demons could wipe them out in one go so he started to protect them. He is hated by all demons but none can kill him for he hides as a human.
Abilities/skills: Has amasing strength and can summon recently killed enemies to fight for his side this only last 30 seconds before that summon dies. He is a highly developed mage and thinks that knowledge can win anything.
Other: He has a pet demon underling that is as faithfull as an obedient K-9. She is called Sheka she can harness the ability of fire and use it as a shield and to attack.
04-06-2010, 09:55 PM
Your character's approved.
04-06-2010, 09:59 PM
Yay I look forward to this.
04-06-2010, 11:40 PM
Alright! the IC is finally up!
04-06-2010, 11:42 PM
04-06-2010, 11:44 PM
*sprints to the IC*
Lord Tully
04-07-2010, 12:51 AM
Hooahh I was just about to ask about that.
Lord Tully
04-07-2010, 01:10 AM
I have posted, tell me if I need to change anything.
04-07-2010, 01:53 AM
No need for change. the post came out good.
04-07-2010, 02:02 AM
long posts D: -thinks- am i suposed to fit in ._.;
04-07-2010, 02:10 AM
Dosen't need to be long, just a paragraph or two is just fine.
04-07-2010, 02:22 AM
okay so i just post like that ;>.> my city owo...okay ^w^
Lord Tully
04-07-2010, 08:01 PM
So, should I post about how Zathlan and his men fight the Helspawn? Also is the villiage they are at the same one everyone else is talking about?
04-07-2010, 08:04 PM
The village sam is in is a different village near by.
And you can if you want hatless, I'll add on in my next post.
Not a good way to return to my role-playing life, but I have some bad news!
My attendance over the next two weeks or so is going to be a little shoddy as our musical is in its production week. I'm fine, Sigma, if you want to control my character after I make an introduction post (by tomorrow, I swear) or, if it makes the RP flow better, my character needs to be killed off.
Like I said, I will be back though! Two weeks, at the most! D:
Lake, if Sigma can't take your character on, I'd be happy to help out until you come back - just let me know :)
04-09-2010, 12:20 AM
check absence/departure for my thread
Lake, if Sigma can't take your character on, I'd be happy to help out until you come back - just let me know :)
Hey thanks Brett, its up to Sigma's okay though, but it's fine with me. I'll make an introductory post later tonight though.
Also, don't worry about doing anything that you think will piss me off. I'm pretty flexible, and love a challenge, so enjoy RPing with two characters if you do get the chance! ;goo;
04-09-2010, 05:59 AM
Alright then, brett has control until you come back.
04-09-2010, 06:42 AM imma need help with fittin in
04-09-2010, 06:45 AM
I can help if you need ideas.
04-09-2010, 06:46 AM really ? thankies !
04-09-2010, 09:24 PM
Sorry about how my posts are like a wall of text. I may need help simplifying it.
04-09-2010, 09:26 PM
when you start writing too much break it in two half for 2 diff posts :3
04-09-2010, 09:53 PM
or use the ancient art of the paragraph xD
04-13-2010, 01:17 AM
Sorry for not posting guys.
Easiest things to do - each time your character speaks, use a new paragraph - it will help break up the posts immensely. Try that first, then you can see what else needs to be split in to paragraphs.
I find it easier to write the posts up in Word (or OpenOffice) and copy/paste as well - rather than trying to write everything in to a small box, you have the whole screen to work with.
In all though, it's just trial and error until you find the style your comfortable with. If you need/want any help, feel free to flick me a PM, I'm always happy to lend a hand.
04-13-2010, 06:16 PM
Can I still join?
04-13-2010, 09:07 PM
Yes you can.
04-13-2010, 11:09 PM
Name: Karrigan D'viere
Personality: Fiercely loyal and honorable. Once she's come to a decision she acts quickly and ardently. Polite and proud, she can come off as a snob but doesn't believe she is better than anyone else.
Allegiance: Numvera
Occupation: Textile merchant
Appearance:Karrigan stands an average 5' 6" tall, with a small waist and nicely rounded curves. Her hair is kept long, a jet black in color that falls in loose curls down to the small of her back. Her eyes are a dark emerald green with thick eyelashes. Her lips are a soft shade of pink and her skin is a light olive tone.
Bio: Karrigan was born to the noble house D'veire, a well known merchant clan with origins in the fishing islands on the coast of Numvera. She was an only child, 'well bred' and highly sought after as a bride. A fiancé was chosen and a date set for years later. The time finally came but it was when the demon lords were becoming a prominent threat once again and unrest began. Her father died on a hunting trip along with her fiancé soon after, leaving her alone to take care of his household and continue on with the family business in textiles and trade.
Abilities/skills:Fencing, sewing, bartering, strategy games, riding horses.
Weapon:A finely crafted rapier with the Clan D'veire horse engraved into the hilt. (Customary for head of her clan to carry at all times.)
Equipment: An assortment of clothes, (what ever suits her needs daily), a horse named Jack (Buckskin), and a silver rose pendent.
04-13-2010, 11:13 PM
Character is approved.
Welcome to the fun Oishii! :)
Atrum Daemon
04-14-2010, 04:39 PM
Since you appear to be still accepting characters and this has caught my interest, I present this:
Name: Dethsed
Age: Cannot recall
Gender: Male
Race: Demon Archon
Personality: Cool headed in any situation and fiercely intelligent. He is also strangely cheery and possesses a sharp wit.
Allegiance: None to speak of
Occupation: Traveling Mage
Bio: He played a big part in the Great War, serving as the Archon of the goddess’s mages. His true body was destroyed by a coalition of human and elf mages in the last battle, releasing his powerful spirit to travel across the land for years. He finally regained a physical body after tricking a powerful mage into making a false deal.
Living for so long as a spirit gave him a detachment from his demonic brethren. Whether or not he remains loyal to the goddess remains to be seen.
Abilities/skills: Obscenely powerful understanding of magic along with various other fighting and strategic skills.
04-14-2010, 07:37 PM
I was wondering when you show up!
And sweet character. approved.
04-17-2010, 08:46 PM
Hey Sigma, would you mind if I jumped on this fun?
04-18-2010, 06:57 PM
Sure thing.
04-18-2010, 08:35 PM
^^ I would love to join as well. Um, just wondering if the Chosen Child has been taken yet and if you would prefer a race/gender. I'm not quite sure what kind of character I want to play yet so...XD
04-18-2010, 09:01 PM
As far as I can tell. it's not taken yet so you can go be the chosen. and it does not matter the gender really, the chosen child could be male or female, and as for race. more preferable if it was an human or elf, or you could invet your own race.
Hey, really sorry I am just now coming back. I've been keeping up with the story though, and am ready to take back my character-tomorrow. I have some more school stuff during the day, but tomorrow night I should be golden.
Thanks again! I can't wait for this RP to take off!
Welcome back Lake :)
Chast of course is all yours - we didn't get very far... well, we're in the middle of a ton of demons, but that's nothing we can't handle
04-27-2010, 01:22 AM
:O Holy crap. I'm sorry. I'd totally forgotten I'd shown interest in this. Erm...lemme getmy bearings, and I'll get a character up for ya. I think...that I will play the Chosen
04-27-2010, 02:02 AM
Cool, cant wait to get our plot character!
04-28-2010, 12:39 AM
Name: Gabriel Dundian (Most people call him “J” on his insistence)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Personality: Gabriel is an interesting person. He tends to get along well with just about anyone and everyone. He has a friendly quality about him that makes him act like a people magnet. It helps that he’s naturally social. He’s tolerant, thoughtful, and generally moral. Relaxed and easy-going, Gabriel likes to have a good time. His passion is learning. He’s open minded and willing to listen to anyone’s opinion. People used to joke that he really was a vampire, but that he fed off words instead of blood. However, any affinity with that mythical race completely ends, unless you consider vampires chivalrous. However, Gabriel does believe that the ends justify the means. He can be stone cold and absolutely heartless when someone gets in the way of his goals. It’s like his heart is made of ice at times. It seems impossible that such a friendly guy could be so murderous, but he was what he is. He often uses his charisma to manipulate people. It doesn’t matter what race, what gender, what age. Gabriel is extremely influential and even more so when he tries. However, this has rarely ever happened.
Allegiance: Velldon (Although his life’s ambition is to settle down and live in Orlaisden)
Occupation: Scribe/Scholar
Appearance: Gabriel was born to middle-class merchant parents, so his life was spent wandering around the world. Gabriel was a single child, his little sister having died a few days after birth. It wasn’t that Gabriel didn’t like his life. He enjoyed it, to be sure. The exquisite places that he went froze him in awe. However, there were those cities in which there were towering libraries made for the royals and nobles. Gabriel always had found them extremely fascinating. He would spend a lot of time looking wistfully at the beautiful structures, wondering what wonders lay inside them.
Gabriel had a stroke of good luck. On one trip to Bethkra, a mage found Gabriel staring at the library. It was such a strange thing for a young teenager to do, that that mage stopped and inquired about what Gabriel was doing. Gabriel’s answer was simple: “I want to know what the books say.” The mage was touched, having a child-hood that was salvaged by a young soul. He offered to take Gabriel in and teach him how to read and write. With much haggling and bargaining with Gabriel’s parents, the deal was made. Gabriel remained with this mage for many years. Gabriel might have stayed there for the rest of his life if fate had not twisted his life once more.
There was a mild hostage situation concerning a particular noble. Gabriel’s tutor quietly disposed to the problem. It was nothing big, any novice could have done it, however, the noble was eternally grateful that his heir had been saved. So he offered the mage anything he wanted within reason. The mage asked for the noble to have a document created that would allow him to access the grand libraries of any nation. For the libraries were only closed to poor and the middle class, those who had no reason to read. The mage hadn’t asked for the document for himself, but rather for Gabriel. The noble agreed, and Gabriel was ecstatic. Despite the fact that this mage had become and older brother to Gabriel, both of them knew that Gabriel would never truly be happy confined to one place. So with the mage’s blessings, Gabriel gathered up his things and went out into the broad world.
Gabriel now earns a living by writing for people who aren’t literate. He also reads things for them, often in exchange for food and board, nothing more. His prices fluctuate depending on the customer. He usually goes by the name J, for simplicity. Gabriel still travels the world, unaware that amazing events are about to shake his world to its core.
Abilities/skills: Gabriel has no magical skills, per say, but there is a quality about him that makes him extremely...alluring. He’s charismatic and very friendly. For some reason, people trust him on instinct. He knows a few things about book binding and illuminating pages. And after spending time with a mage, he's also able to sense some magic. Minor actions will slip by him.
Other At the moment, Gabriel has no idea that he is the person who is going to bring back the Demon Goddess. He’s heard the legend, yes, but has never suspected it to be himself.
Lemme know if anything needs to be changed. ^^ The only thing I ask is that people aren't like "Oh! Look, he's an evil scribe whose gonna murder the world! Let's kill him first!" or "Hmm...he seems too friendly. Suspicious." Right off the bat. XD
04-28-2010, 02:30 AM
Looks alright to me! approved.
04-28-2010, 08:26 PM
:D Awesome. I'm gonna go read through the thread when I have the time, but can someone give me a brief run through of what's happened?
04-28-2010, 08:34 PM
Well a local demon lord in Numvera is attacking villages and towns at random, trying to search for your character and kill him. however in one village, he's met with alot of resistance by the player characters.
04-28-2010, 10:18 PM
:O Do they know why he's looking for the Chosen, and why?
I've read through the thread now. I will get up a post soon.
05-05-2010, 10:36 PM
Sorry for fading of the surface of the earth again. I've got a big exam coming up this friday, so you can probably expect a post around saturday or so.
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