View Full Version : Wolves of Gallenia {IC}

04-10-2010, 02:18 AM
"Prepare for Battle," the Elder called to the members and Elite of the Guiding Haven. A monstrous creature (http://favoniangamers.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/monster-hunter-3.jpg) was wrecking havoc on the world outside of Gallenia but was making it's way towards the city and if the wolves did not stop it, it would surely break the barrier that surrounded Gallenia.

Toisho looked around the field as the wolves of the Guiding Haven stood in front of him. He unleashed a howl that shook the very ground they stood on.

"I want five of you to come with me, the rest stay here and guard Gallenia," Toisho commanded as he adjusted his footing and sighed.

"Tahleel, Lani, Koga, Alrivara and Teko, come with me," He said as he dashed towards the city outside the walls of Gallenia. This creature was deadly but he was going to make sure it did not make it to Gallenia.

The great beast shot beams of energy from it's eyes and maw causing mass explosions as humans fled from the approaching monster. Many were trampled by others who were attempting to escape this dangerous adversary. As if the beast weren't enough, creatures (http://www.trinity3d.com/images/gnomon/zbrush_building_creatures/example1.jpg) sprouted from it and began to attack the civilians.

Toisho looked on as he stood atop a building.

"Spread out, save those you can and try not to get killed," Toisho commanded as he burst forth towards the gigantic monstrosity that threatened the city as well as Gallenia.

Tahleel landed in front of a human and tilted his head as one of the creatures grabbed the human.

"Not so fast," Tahleel said as he crunched down on the creatures arm causing it to release the human but the creature was strong and slung Tahleel a few feet, however Tahleel landed on his feet.

"Get outta here," Tahleel commanded the human who nodded and rushed away from the scene. The creature let out a hideous screech and charged at Tahleel. Tahleel's eyes shimmered a bright green and vines burst out of the concrete ground and pierced the creature through it's heart instantly killing it.

Energy began to form in Tahleel's maw as creatures began to swarm around him. When enough had gathered, he burst into a run and knocked over one of the creatures while the others clawed at him and spit acid from their mouth holes. Tahleel dodged the acid spit and unleashed the energy in the form of a concussive ball that hurled towards the creatures and sent their bodies flying.

Tahleel landed softly on a car and looked around. The buildings were too tall for him to see were the great beast was still he had more creatures to deal with.

"Thanks Toisho for ruining my day," He said under his breath as he dashed into battle.

04-10-2010, 03:44 PM
Blaze sighed as he watched the giant creature go down. It wasn't like he really cared, but it was a sight to behold. The Guiding Haven pack was dispatching the monsters with extreme efficiency. He lay down and continued to watch the fight from a moderate distance, wondering what would happen next. He was too far away to be an active part of the fight, but close enough to both see and be seen. His vision moved from the creatures to the Haven wolves fighting them and back again.

04-10-2010, 03:49 PM
If Tahleel had only bothered to actually glance at the building roofs, he would've seen where the true enemies lied, literally. Well, Jaht was actually the only one, watching the battle, from a building rooftop, so far. The Dark Elite member seemed to be taking an amused interest in the battle, particularly where that one Guiding Haven wolf called Tahleel thought he could take on the mini-creatures. It was all a play, really. At least, from what Jaht had learned, from his fellow Elites. This was just a distraction for the Guiding Haven, while the Dark Solstice would form a battle attack from the sky. Jaht, though, was saving his energy. There was no water around, so he would be useless in this battle, but in Gallenia, where rivers and streams would be plentiful, he would probably end up leading one of many attacks that had already been planned.

His long, gray fur swayed in the wind, casting a rather wild-looking shadow onto the battlefield below. Realising this, his eyes narrowed, as they stared down through the eye holes of his bear skull, and he turned around, to walk away. It was no use having some one looking up to see him and warning the Guiding Haven. He took small but sure and heavy steps, and looked back once. He always wished he could participate in every battle. But there were times when he and the Dark Solstice, were better off without his involvement. Of course, there were also times where he was also needed badly. Jaht had always wondered whether he was part of the Dark Solstice because they needed him... or because he needed them. With these thoughts swarming about in his mind, he finally withdrew from the edge of the rooftop.

04-11-2010, 04:33 AM
As Jaht withdrew from the edge of the rooftop, he might well have recognized the weight of eyes watching him, for he had not gone completely unseen. The cold, ever vigilant gaze of a she-wolf bore down on him like a heavy rain on long grass. Shymka-harr watched his every motion with unmoving indifferance. She had tracked him here, as silent as a ghost, her ability to hoover keeping her paws from even disturbing the ground beneath her. She was not truely part of Guiding Haven and therefore felt no since of urgency to help, but she would not stand idle if this masked wolf decided to attack Tahleel from behind. A faint look of recognition passed through her eyes, for indeed, she knew this wolf, not well mind you, but recognized his scent just the same. He was one, one of many that served to push her further into madness all those years ago... And yet, she stood off, for she remembered too his role in her regained freedome.

04-11-2010, 09:32 PM
Toisho struck the final blow against the massive creature and watched as it ceased moving and soon burst into a shower of blast sand. Toisho sighed and turned to leave but caught the scent of Solstice wolves. A intimidating growl escaped his throat as he sniffed the air and growled even louder. Then he let out a howl that shook the very building he was standing on.

"Where are you Dark Solstice?" He growled as his senses were on high alert. The scent filled his nostrils and he turned to see Shenron standing behind him.

"Why so serious?" Shenron said with a smirk on his face. He started moving in a circle around Toisho but Toisho wasn't intimidated, he stood there and sighed.

"This was all just a decoy wasn't it Shenron?" Toisho asked in an annoyed tone.

"You are quite the wolf, as we speak Dark Solstice is penetrating the forces of Gallenia, it won't be long before they take over and find the Firthial Crystal and release HIM," Shenron smiled and let out a howl of action. He soon vanished in a cloud of black smoke.

"Kahleel, gather the others, this was all a decoy, we must get back to Gallenia as soon as possible," Toisho howled loud enough for all within the city to hear. His eyes shimmered and in a flash he was gone.

This technique known as phasing was learned by advanced wolves, wolves at least 28 or older and it needed to be taught willingly and cautiously due to the fact that a wolf could end up phasing half of his body causing instant death.

Tahleel nodded and rushed towards Lani, Koga, Alrivara and Teko in hopes of rallying them so that they could get back to Gallenia before the Dark Solstice caused too much damage to his home.

04-11-2010, 09:56 PM
Blaze whistled and set off at a mild jog towards Gallenia. Once he could feel the gentle pull of the shadows inside the city, he closed his eyes and relaxed. Anyone watching would be seeing Blaze sinking into the ground. The next thing he knew, he was standing in Gallenia. Smiling happily as he moved away from the shadow that he appeared from, he set to looking around at a leisurely walk. It had been so long since he had seen Gallenia from the inside, so he was going to enjoy every second of his entry. He took a deep breath in through his nose and sighed. "I could get used to being here. Ok, timing how long it'll take for a Haven wolf to find me." He muttered, sitting down and looking around. He was sitting in the small alley between two houses, looking out onto a street. Smiling contentedly to himself, he continued counting in his head.

04-12-2010, 09:06 AM
Jaht watched the great creature some more, from his rooftop. It was almost amusing, really, to watch the Guiding Haven Pack realise the whole plan... though if Shenron had not appeared before Toisho, they could still be fighting the creature while the Dark Solstice overtook the whole of Gallenia, without having to face any resistance. But now, Jaht supposed that there would probably be a big wolf versus wolf battle in the end, after all. "That darn Shenron..." He muttered, darkly. He glanced sideways, at the edge of the rooftop. "Well, I suppose I should be there, to make sure that it goes right." With that, he began to ran towards the rooftop edge, gathering speed as he ran. Just as he leaped into the air and phased himself out, he caught a glimpse of Shymka, down on the ground. What on Earth was she doing here?!

But it was too late to investigate now, he had arrived in Gallenia... or rather, he had arrived on top of Blaze, to be precise. He landed on his fellow Elite with a loud "oof! Sorry!" and rolled off. As much as he would like to conceal, he just couldn't hide the fact that he was beginner at this whole phasing business. He looked around. "It's definitely here... I can sense it already."

04-12-2010, 02:04 PM
Just as Blaze and Jaht arrived within Gallenia, Guard Wolves surrounded them, their maws lit with energy that seeped out between their teeth. They were not Elites, nor Elders but rather those wolves that trained to be Guards, they were experience in battling and would prove to be a nuisance to these two wolves.

Shenron arrived within Gallenia though he was far from Blaze and Jaht, however he could sense the crystal was close by and was bent on finding the damned thing so that his master could return and raise up his army once more.

Sighing, Shenron was soon surrounded by Guard Wolves who growled and sneered, snapping their jaws threateningly. Shenron simply laughed.

"Did you think twice before coming to stop me?" He asked the wolves who lunged at him snapping at his neck but he was far too fast for them, it was like attempting to catch smoke. He appeared behind them and simply tilted his head as he stood there not attacking but toying with his enemy.

The Guard Wolves did not waiver in their duty, they instantly went back on the offensive.

04-12-2010, 02:29 PM
Blaze blinked at the guard wolves. "Hey, the welcoming commitee. You guys are getting sloppy, I've been here for about two minutes now." He said, maintaining his cheerful nature even in the face of hostiles. "So, where were we?" He asked, slowly shifting his posture to one that would let him move easily if attacked. "You got a little something in your teeth there."

04-12-2010, 07:24 PM
The Guard Wolves that surrounded Blaze and Jaht sneered and growled every so intimidatingly as the stepped closer and closer to the two Solstice Wolves. As if on cue, the guard wolves unleashed the seeping energy from their maw as beams of energy that shot towards Jaht and Blaze however, the assault was not done, other wolves began to dash towards the two wolves, their jaws reading to clamp down on the necks of the two intruders.

04-12-2010, 07:37 PM
Blaze lept upwards and used his Dark Energy Lash to full effect. The solid black whip hurtled towards the guard wolves, either piercing straight through or causing severe wounds. "Not the talkative type, are we?" He said, flipping over and using the lash as a balance. The lash curved and twisted until it looked like it was about to snap, before it uncurled, launching him high into the air. He flipped his body once, twice, three times, each flip causing the DE Lash to gather speed. Eventually he came back down, bringing the lash down so quickly that it pierced so far through one of the guard wolves, it came out of the other side, bringing most of it's blood and several vital organs with it. The lash retracted suddenly, leaving Blaze where he was. Which was moving downwards on top of the guard wolves. With a cringeworthy cracking sound, he fell on top of yet another wolf. "Surprise!" He yelled before he hurled himself away from the rather mangled corpse of his cushion and moved away from his foes.

04-12-2010, 07:45 PM
Jaht gave a low growl, as he leaped away. "And that is why Shenron and I do not necessarily get along all the time.." He murmured, to no one in particular, though it seemed to be partially directed towards Blaze. He turned, back facing Blaze's. He'd caught a glimpse of a river nearby. "Just.. stay close to me, and... try to keep up, kid." He muttered, under his breath, so that only Blaze could hear him. With a sudden powerful leap, he began to dash in the direction of the river.

Knowing the Guardians were probably fast on his heels, he took another leap forward and arrived at the river banks. The river was wide, but he could do it. His eyes grew narrow inside his bear skull and he gave one last, long leap and landed on the other side of the river, landing on his hind paws. He glanced at the Guardians on the other side, and smirked to himself, his bear skull making his smirk seem more evil and cruel than ever. In between his upraised paws, he had formed a small water sphere, bursting with water energy. It was black, with streaks of white, like most of the water he directed. And he threw it at his assailants, quickly creating more smaller spheres to counter their various attacks. He fell down onto his front paws, his hind legs ready to initiate his next move.

04-13-2010, 02:34 AM
With the horrid creature dispatched, the Solstice's true intentions revealed, and everyone phased back to Gallenia, Shymka's interest in remaining here was ended. With not but a flick of her ears, a sudden, smokey gust swept up around her. When the air cleared, she was gone. There was no telling where she might show up next.

04-17-2010, 11:43 PM
Blaze extended the lash again and threw his head in a massive arc. The lash was interrupted mid-flight by a guard wolf's neck. Instead of severing it, the lash wrapped itself around the wolf's neck. "I want it put on record that I killed everyone in self defence. Not that you guys care, no. Just so long as big bad Blaze Xelon is brought down, you don't give a damn what I say or do." He grunted, pulling his head backwards. This time, the lash cleaved clean through the guard's head. "The only language you guys speak is laser beams, for crying out loud. Laser beams!" He yelled, sending the lash straight through the skull of another wolf. "You speak laser beams and the only thing you know to do is try to talk to us. Unfortunately-" Blaze said, his claws beginning to crackle and spark with dark energy, "I don't speak LASER BEAMS." He finished, dodging a leap from another guard wolf. The guard was quickly brought down under a hail of lash strikes. "But what do I know, I'm just a Dark Solstace wolf. Maybe I should change my name to Murder McKillstab and eat babies for a living. I'll grow a moustache just for the sake of twirling it evilly and wear a monocle." He said, continuing to hand out a physical beating. Deftly avoiding attacks and retaliating with brutal counters. "You guys decided to go up against me and Jaht, so expect to leave this fight in a bodybag, you idiotic redshirts." He said, swinging the lash at feet level in an attempt to knock them down. "I can just see the messages they'll send to the grieving families." He smiled, avoiding more lasers. "I still think Murder McKillstab has a ring to it."

04-22-2010, 07:47 PM
“Will you shut up!?” Lani snarled, paws moving fast and faster still as she gained momentum. The blood of her comrades wafted through her nose and anger surged through her and she ran faster yet. Her strides were large and her belly touched the ground as she nearly flew across it. She was barely aware of Koga’s presence behind her but the knowledge of the elite backing her up gave her confidence. Gathering air behind her, she kept her eyes on the Solstace wolf that was annihilating her pack. Drawing closer to ‘Murder McKillstab,’ she counted the seconds before twisting and running in a different direction. The soil beneath her paws made her skid and she only stated standing because of her momentum.

The air that rushed past her felt wonderful as it barreled towards her enemy. Not looking to see if the attack hit, she leaped and spun one hundred eighty degrees and skidded to a stop. Her teeth were bared and her ears back in a warning. “Just to let you know, Murder McKillstab is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Not that I’m surprised, with it coming from you.”

“Lani!” Koga barked, trotting to Lani’s side, “Insulting him isn’t going to help.” Looking at Jaht, she growled. “Don’t do anything stupid, pup.”

“Pup…why I oughta…” She growled, not taking her eyes off of Blaze as Koga started towards the wolf in the bear skull. Thank goodness I don’t have to fight him…that skull creeps me out to no end.

Koga leapt past Lani , trusting that the young wolf could take care of herself. Sprinting for the river, she stopped at its edge. Without hesitation, she gathered water onto her fur and froze it. She didn’t attempt to cross the river, knowing that he would only attack and she would have no chance of dodging while in midair. Growling, she crouched and prepared to defend herself.

04-22-2010, 10:41 PM
Blaze was hit by the air. Screeching backwards about 30 centimeters, he checked to make sure he was still intact. "I want it on record that all this senseless death could have been avoided if you hadn't shot laser beams at me. This makes it self-defence, so I'm perfectly within my rights to beat you to a bloody pulp. That being said, what were you trying to do, blow-dry my fur? Air can be powerful if it's a tornado. That was about as useful as asking me to take a few steps back. You just tried to injure me by hitting me with a gust of wind. You would have gotten better results by attacking me directly." He said. "Whatever. Less pain and confusion for me." He said, dodging more laser beams. "Stop trying to talk to me, I don't speak laser beams, goddamnit!"

04-22-2010, 11:32 PM
A howl filled the air and the sky filled with stone feathers. Another howl could be heard and the feathers shifted and pointed at Jaht and Blaze and just as suddenly as they had been summoned had they begun to train down on Jaht and Blaze. Each as sharp as a razor and filled with an explosive aura that would deal burn damage should they collide with the Solstice wolves.

Tahleel stepped onto the bloodied field within Gallenia and sneered. His comrades had been cut down so ruthlessly that it sickened him to know that Toisho showed the Solstice wolves mercy. Tahleel bore his teeth as he walked into view of the two wolves and snapped his jaws.

"You damn Solstice Wolves think you run everything. You want to tussle, fine let's tussle." A second round of stone feathers filled the sky and shot towards the two Solstice Wolves. Tahleel was tired of holding back, tired of showing these wolves mercy, no not this time, he would unleash hell upon them.

Toisho arrived soon after Shenron had and instantly went to the Great Hall that held the Firithian Crystal that contained the Ancient Evil. When he arrived, Shenron had the crystal in his mouth. Toisho growled and Shenron turned around. Toisho snapped his jaws and Shenron let out a low growl and sighed. He could not speak due to the crystal within his mouth, but he knew Toisho would attack if given the chance.

To release the Ancient Evil, all Shenron had to do was break the crystal and so he did, biting hard into the crystal and shattering it into millions of tiny pieces. A wisp of smoke emerged from the crystal and vanished.

"What have you DONE," Toisho yelled, "You've doomed us all." Shenron laughed, "consider it a parting gift."

His maw filled with dark energy and he unleashed it but just as he unleashed the dark energy, Toisho released his light energy and the two energies clashed and fought for dominance.

04-23-2010, 06:12 AM
Blaze attempted to avoid the stone feathers, and succeeded for the most part. Some of the explosions caught him. "Does the air around here suddenly seem... darker?" He said, still dodging from side to side to avoid the explosions. "Hey, I don't claim to run anything." He protested, wondering when the feathers would stop. Energy slowly began to collect on his fur, filling it with dark energy. His claws began to vibrate and arcs of dark energy flowed between each claw. "Hey, I don't want to fight you, but I do retaliate if you try to turn me into a feather pincushion." He said. He took a step back.

04-23-2010, 06:27 AM
Tahleel sneered and landed just in front of Blaze. His stance was one of deadly intent and he growled viciously as Blaze continued to talk.

"No wonder you killed so many guards, you talked them to death," Tahleel said a smirk plastered on his face as he howled loudly causing the ground beneath him to quake slightly. Boulders broke free of their prison within the earth and began to revolve around Tahleel until they suddenly stopped, levitated menacingly.

Tahleel took a step forward towards Blaze.

"Tell Me Why..." A boulder was lunged towards Blaze,

"You Solstice Wolves....." Another boulder was lunged,

"Think You Can Come Here and Run Thing.........." All the boulders shot towards Blaze, each the size of a golf cart.

04-23-2010, 06:42 AM
"Yeah yeah, you're my best buddy as well." He sighed. He leapt onto the first boulder and jumped up at the second. "No, seriously, I can feel dark energy in the air." He muttered. His front paws hit the third boulder and spun him like a top. He fell to the ground on his side and stood up. He saw the fourth boulder rocketing towards him and saw that he couldn't dodge it in time. Tahleel couldn't see him through the boulder. He sunk into the ground and reappeared in the alley he'd been standing in before this whole fiasco started.

04-23-2010, 07:39 AM
Tahleel glared at Blaze and after the boulder crashed onto the place where Blaze had been, Tahleel sneered and moved closer, lifting the boulder to reveal that Blaze had escaped.

"Damn," Tahleel said as he glared. He felt the ground shake and looked up at the sky. Blaze was right, a darkness was overshadowing the once peaceful atmosphere that rested upon Gallenia.

"Damn, this is bad," He said softly as he looked towards the Temple where bright lights could be seen. Tahleel burst into a run towards the Temple, feeling that he knew Toisho was in a battle.

Shenron jumped back and landed hard on the ground, the earth beneath him denting in from the pressure of his power alone. Suddenly, pillars of magma burst from the earth and surrounded Toisho.

Toisho looked around him, the feeling of being trapped simply causing him to sneer and glare at Shenron who had a smirk on his face. Toisho closed his eyes and the aura around Shenron began to glow.

"What's this........" Shenron began but was thrust backwards hitting the wall hard. He shook his head and glared at Toisho as the magma began to shoot from all sides towards Toisho who had no time to defend but threw up a protective barrier that broke under the pressure of the magma and exploded.

Toisho was thrown back and slid to a halt at the entrance of the Temple. He tried standing but he knew his leg was injured. Grunting, he glared at Shenron who was no longer there.

A voice boomed over Gallenia.

"Ahhh, after so many years I am free, Solstice Wolves, retreat for now, soon we will take Gallenia and then the WORLD."

Just as the evil dark damp atmosphere had come so to did it leave and Toisho was left there on the ground with an injured leg, but Tahleel soon skidded to a halt and rushed over to Toisho, nuzzling him to get up. Amazingly, Toisho was able to stand and limped off towards the Imperial Hall where a meeting would be taking place. The Elders would be deliberating and coming up with some sort of plan now that the Ancient Evil was free.

Shenron appeared in the Solstice HQ. It was dark, no light seemed to dare to infiltrate the building, but Shenron knew he wasn't alone and before he could say a word, a voice began to speak.

"I suppose I should thank you personally Shenron for freeing me," Shenron said nothing and simply began to walk towards the source of the voice.

"Stay where you are Shenron, I know of your past betrayal and though you have freed me, I will keep a watchful eye on you. Things are going to change around here, the Solstice Wolves have grown weak, desolate, incompetent, I should NOT have left such an inferior race in charge, prepare Shenron for the next phase."

Suddenly, light filtered into the room and the figure's (http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc277/Kid_Icarus2007/Heise-2.jpg) true persona was revealed. He stood up and walked passed Shenron and soon vanished. Shenron glared and scoffed as he walked off towards his den.

04-23-2010, 09:14 AM
Jaht gave a start. This 'Tahleel' wolf was very persistent. But Jaht knew better than to lose his cool. That was exactly what his assailants wanted to see. He quickly countered the stone darts with a large wall of water, in front of him. The water considerably slowed down the feathers, and when he released the wave of water, the darts fell back into the river with it. Smirking slightly, he looked around. The battle here, was won. The purpose of this mission had been fulfilled, much earlier than even Jaht, himself had estimated.

With a loud CRACK!, he teleported back to his home and headquarters, where he nearly ran into Shenron. Refraining from glaring at his fellow Elite, he looked away. "Good job, Shenron. You did it. The world will soon be ours." He murmured, glancing at the departing figure, that was simply overflowing and cloaked with darkness.

04-23-2010, 12:10 PM
Shenron glared at Jaht, "whatever elite, being an Elder I shouldn't have had to do any of this, it should have been you so called Elites who went through with it, not I, but what's done is done, and now I must rest." He turned away from Jaht and walked into his den, thinking on what the Ancient One had said. He lay down, his bones aching as a result of Toisho's attack, but he had injured the Elder and knew that would be a draw back for the Haven Pack.

Sighing, he lay there on his den floor and contemplated on what was to happen next.

04-23-2010, 11:57 PM
"Ahhh, after so many years I am free, Solstice Wolves, retreat for now, soon we will take Gallenia and then the WORLD."

Shymka lifted her head, ears perked, skyward as she watched a shadowing pass over the vast, unmarred blue. HE was freed, the Haven pack had failed, and now.... what? Bringing her sights back to earth, she continued on her way. She was far beyond the Haven pack territory, in a place the Solstice pack held onto for years before they finally moved on. This place... this terrible, dreadful place... why had she come back? The answer to that vexation still evaded her, this would make the fourth time in her free life that she had returned. Perhaps it was because, for the longest time, this tainted ground was all she knew. Perhaps...

A light breeze blew, rustling her fur lightly as she went. The movement of air would normaly be a welcomed breath of freshness from Mother Earth herself, but here, in this place, it was thick and heavy, like a slight wind on a humid day. And there... there it was, just ahead. With a tightening gut, she reluctantly drew closer to the lip of a wide but shallow crater. There, still in the center, were the stakes that held her, and the signs of her greatest struggles.

Even now, so many years later, she could still feel the fridged, painful chafing of the chains that held her for so long. Even now, the fur had still not grown back to shield the afflicted areas. This place, this dreadful, desolate place, was where she met her greatest inner demons. And now, now those inner demons shadowed her every move and thought, threatening to tear her away from what little sanity she had left, to leave her as something even a Solstice wolf would dare not be caught alone with.

Here she remained, unable to turn away, and unwilling to step back down into that hollow of earth; and the day wore on......

04-27-2010, 08:59 PM
Blaze looked at the sky. "What." He muttered, vanishing yet again as he sunk into the shadows. Several shadow-hops later, he was standing somewhere that seemed familliar. "Hm?" He grunted, looking around. "This was... yeah, I remember now. Good times. ...and some bad." He muttered, looking towards where the Solstice pack used to live. Taking one last look at the area, he noticed a figure standing alone in the area. Walking up to the figure, he recognised it as Skymka. Looking down into the place she had been a prisoner in for so long. Walking slowly up behind her, he stared into the crater as well. "It's not best to dwell on the past, Shymka." He said, trying to break her out of it.

04-27-2010, 10:30 PM


He stood there waiting on the pack that served him, his hand holding his head up while his finger pressing hard into his temple. He was upset, that much was clear, someone might get injured today.

04-28-2010, 01:19 AM
So focused were her thoughts that she didn't notice another's approach until the wolf, Blaze, stood at her flank.

"It's not best to dwell on the past, Shymka."

Her attention tore with the sudden realization that she was no longer alone, bringing her quickly round to face the newcomer. Her hackles were already raized and arcing slightly with electricity as she bore him her teeth; not liking at all the fact that she was between a potential enemy and a prison. "Stand off, dark-wielder!" With deliberate steps, she moved herself away from the edge of the crater and widened the distance, not willing to give him her back a second time.

She could smell the blood beneath his skin from here, knowing from experiance that one good bite and tear to that thick neck of his would bring it gushing to the surface with every thump of his heart. That thought sent a thrill down her spine and brought her mouth to water. As she stared at him, strange look passed through her cold eyes before she took her gaze from him and took a deep breath, as if gaining controle of some thought darker than conflict.

When her gaze met him again, those cold eyes had gone blank and completely devoid of emotion. She didn't recognize his features, or his scent, but he knew her by name. He must've been one of many that brought her such anguish and tourment. And now, now he was here, so far away from everything and... so alone.

The flash of teeth pulled even wider until it resembled a crazed lupine grin. She could take him here, it would be so easy... no one would be the wizer... then a sudden disembodied voice boomed around them, wilting her momentary hope of justice.


Her entire demeaner all but melted away as she turned a shoulder to him. "On your way, dark wielder, your master's calling."

04-28-2010, 06:36 AM
Blaze whistled and shook his head. "That's quite the cold shoulder. If I wanted to injure or kill you, I could have done it with the element of surprise a few moments ago. Also, 'Dark-wielder'? I thought we'd evolved past petty name-calling." He said. "Oh, that's right. You don't know my name." He took a slow step forwards.

04-28-2010, 08:13 AM
When no one reported to his call, the Ancient Evil became rather frustrated and folded his arms across his chest. This would not do at all, he didn't care what they were up to, their normal lives would cease now that he was awakened, they had much to do. He looked around the throne room and spoke once again, his voice reverberating threateningly throughout every Solstice Wolves' mind.


Shenron immediately came afterwards but was hit with dark pressure that slammed him into the ground.

"And why didn't you come the first time I called?"

"Master, I'm sorry, I have no excuse," Shenron replied causing the Ancient One to laugh.

"Indeed you don't, I'll let you off the hook, but the first wolf to come up with some high brow story will be stripped of his rank and possibly destroyed, I haven't made my mind up yet on the matter," the Ancient One stated with much malice in his voice that made Shenron shake to his core. He was to be feared and if you did not fear him you were stupid and would soon realize it after your death.

The Ancient One stood up and paced the floor, giving the other Solstice Wolves a chance to redeem themselves.

04-28-2010, 09:32 AM
Jaht rolled his eyes as Shenron was struck down by the Ancient One. The Ancient One didn't really give any one enough time to come before growing angry, and he really didn't see why it had to be taken out on the Solstice Elder.
But of course, he said nothing as he walked into the clearing. "Apologies, Ancient One, I could not get here fast enough." Jaht said, keeping the mocking tone out of his voice and in his head. He obediently sat down before the Ancient One and dipped his head, in respect and then, went over to help Shenron up.

04-28-2010, 01:30 PM
"That's quite the cold shoulder. If I wanted to injure or kill you, I could have done it with the element of surprise a few moments ago. Also, 'Dark-wielder'? I thought we'd evolved past petty name-calling. Oh, that's right. You don't know my name."

She remained where she was as he slowly stepped forward, giving little more than a flash of teeth as a warning to stand off, her fur still crackling slightly with the build up electrical charge. To turn and run would be foolish, but judging from how much this wolf liked to talk, she had little to fear from a surprise attack. "No, dark wielder, I know not your name, nor do I care to know it. What I do know, though, is that your flesh tears just as easy as any other wolve's."

04-28-2010, 03:06 PM
"Ooh, arn't we the confrontative one?" Blaze sighed. "I try to talk to someone, and all I get for my troubles is 'your flesh tears just as easy as any other wolf's'. Why do I even bother trying to hold a conversation. It's not like I'll get anything other than death threats." He sighed. "All I get is 'Oh look, he's a Solstice wolf so obviously all he wants to do is kill us'. Well fine. For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I ever started this conversation with you." He said angrily, turning to leave.

04-28-2010, 03:49 PM
"Don't help him up," the Ancient One spat as Jaht was struck with the same force as the Elder. Shenron didn't move, he couldn't, he would be killed if he helped Jaht, the Ancient One was more pissed than he had ever seen him.

The Ancient One tapped a finger against his forearm and simply paced up and down the throne room waiting for the remaining Solstice Wolf that had yet to come, oh his punishment would be great. Finally, he released Jaht from the painful hold and looked over at him.

"You would do wise to NEVER be late to a calling again, now since your brother has not arrived, he will be punished but I have a mission for you Jaht, Shenron you are dismissed, you have done well in freeing me so I will let you rest this mission out. Now Jaht I need you to go and find the Water Demon, to release him will take much strength and a warrior who has some ability with water. Go free my brethren and it will bring us that much closer to taking Gallenia, FAIL ME and I'll rip your heart out, now where is that miserable excuse for a wolf you call Blaze?"

At this point the Ancient One was quite irritated with Blaze's absence.

04-29-2010, 12:02 AM
"Ooh, arn't we the confrontative one? I try to talk to someone, and all I get for my troubles is 'your flesh tears just as easy as any other wolf's'. Why do I even bother trying to hold a conversation. It's not like I'll get anything other than death threats. All I get is 'Oh look, he's a Solstice wolf so obviously all he wants to do is kill us'. Well fine. For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I ever started this conversation with you."

She gave a 'hrph' of a sound as Blaze prattled on about how unfair everyone's judgement of him and his party was. Fool, she thought, Of course people shun you! With a growl, she spat a parting shot, "You and yours are single-pawedly responsible for everyone else having to now fight for our very lives and rights to survive, so just go crawl back to your master while you're still able!"

04-29-2010, 07:01 AM
Blaze snarled. "Maybe you should get to know someone before you start hurling insults at them, like I tried to do with you." He spat, before reaching the shadows and vanishing into the ground. A few moments later, he was standing before the ancient one, all traces of his previous anger hidden. "My apologies for being so late, Ancient One. I ran into a delay on my way here. It has been dealt with." He said, his head bowed in appropriate respect.

04-29-2010, 11:35 PM
When Blaze walked into the Ancient One's presence or rather appeared in his presence, the Ancient One glared and snarled.

"YOU ARE LATE, WHEN I CALL YOU YOU ARE TO COME DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? I SHOULD KILL YOU FOR BEING LATE.......BUT I HAVE A BETTER PUNISHMENT FOR YOU IN MIND," His voice went from irritated to calm, "now that you are all here, it is time to awaken my breathren, you are to be scattered, each of you will revive my elemental demon brethren, Blaze you will go find Arulian, the Wind Demon, Jaht you will go find Zuriel, the Water Demon, and after you have found them, place these pendants upon them and they will awaken, now GO and Blaze, if you EVER EVER in your wolvish life want to flirt with a female wolf instead of coming when I tell you to come, you will find yourself being eaten alive by maggots."

The Ancient One turned his back to them and Shenron bowed his head in respect for the powerful being that stood before him. He waited for the Masters final word before departing.

"You're all DISMISSED."

04-30-2010, 09:22 AM
Jaht bowed his head. In silent obedience, he quickly left the clearing. Zuriel, the Water Demon, eh? Didn't it dwell by one of the south or north poles? Why did the name, Zuriel, sound so familiar? He began to walk back to his own cave, to start preparing for the journey and adventure ahead of him.

Then, it came to him in a flash. Zuriel. His (Jaht's) mentor had been the one who helped seal the demon in the first place. Jaht wondered if the Ancient One had known that.. Probably. After all, he had already known that Blaze spoke with a she-wolf, before coming along. A she-wolf.. Who did Jaht know, who was a she-wolf..? None that Blaze would probably have met... Then, the name 'Shymka' surfaced. "Shymka?" Jaht hadn't seen the former prisoner for so long... Shrugging off the idea that Blaze had met Shymka just now, he entered his cave.

"Nah, he couldn't have met Shymka. She's far, far away, safe and sound. Far from this dark place... Right?" Jaht grabbed a small and worn slingbag he'd acquired sometime back, through means that he'd rather not explain, and somehow slipped it around his neck. He was done 'packing', now. He better leave now, before the Ancient One got angry again.. Shymka... Boy, did that name bring up unwanted memories...

05-01-2010, 10:57 PM
Blaze bowed. "I understand." He said, before leaving. His fur sparked and cracked with barely-restrained energy, waiting to be released. As he walked, he weighed out the results of asking the Ancient One about where he would find the wind demon. "Ease of mission or possible vaporization. I'll take the guesswork, thank you kindly." He muttered, wondering who else he could ask. "Well, I guess a wind demon would be in a wind-based place." He mused, trying to figure out where Arulian would be held.

05-03-2010, 01:30 AM
Once Blaze melted into the shadows, Shymka gave a hefty sigh, turning her sight to the crater one last time before her feet drew her away. The further she walked, the lighter the air seemed to become, until finally she felt as though she could breath freely once more. On and on she walked, further and further until the the solid firmament beneath her paws slowly began to shift and give under foot; grass reluctantly giving way to sand.

She eventually found herself looking out over a glistening blanket of blue. She watched as it undulated with the force of the tide that rolled in and eventually broke in a wash of white froath against the shore; its salty coolness lapping at her paws. With a deep breath, she took in the wonderful smell of the salty spray and listened with vague attentiveness as the shore birds called while wheeling overhead.

This, she thought, may very well be my last chance to enjoy this beauty. Might as well soak it up. With a laugh that was more for her own benifit than anything, she threw herself forward, splashing through the incoming waves with an almost pup-like gusto.