View Full Version : [R] Depths of Fate

04-13-2010, 08:09 PM
Darkness reigned within the chamber and were it not for the constant muttering of a collective group of men and women speaking in perfect unison so too would silence. There were either in the room, eight whose affinity with mother earth were strongest. They knelt in their ordained positions as they always did during these gatherings of prayer and power, circling a round pool of crystal blue water that swirled with rich, pure minerals. Each of their faces were hidden beneath the veils of impenetrable shadows that were cast by the cowls of their rich, flowing robes. Even had the room been lit by brilliant light those faces would remain mostly hidden, sets of eyes glittering out behind the veils as their lips moved through the familiar chant of power they were currently reciting. Their voices rose in pitch, their hands soon rising into the air to join at as their chant rose into a fever pitch, voices shaking with power unleashed. It held the cadence of a song, the rich harmony of a beautiful, entrancing chorus and not once did either of them miss a beat or stray from the tone and rhythm of the others. This was their art and they had practiced it all their lives. They were masters in this and they would not fail.

Abruptly the water rippled a single wave of motion that passed over the glassy surface as if something had disturbed it, like a rock falling and then being swallowed up. The Ancient’s lowered their voices, the song drawing to a close with a low hush of wonder and unrestrained awe. A gasp tore through each of their throats as it did every time they performed this work of power. It was always the same, always the same overwhelming emotion of amazement as the power of their mother washed over them, embraced them. A low hum took the place of their chanting voices, rising in severity until the very air seemed to crackle with its power, setting their hackles to rising and thrills of pleasure to ripple along their spines. The depths of that pool glowed suddenly, bathing them all in heavenly blue light as it lit the room, bathed them all in its warmth. Within those brilliant sapphire depths the water churned, turning into a slow spiral that gradually picked up in speed as if being stirred by some unseen ladle. The tension I the room was palpable, almost physical as if it cut be literally cut with a pair of sheers or a good knife and as every single one of the Watcher’s leaned forward they held their breath, falling into utter stillness.

Within that water something stirred. It was faint at first but even still it drew each set of eyes. Something beneath that crystalline surface changed, came to life as colors deepened and shifted to form an image, a living, moving picture of that which they sought. It was blurry at first, indistinct and yet it seemed darker colors dominated the whole. It was black which garbed this man they viewed at last, an unholy color. They caught sight of brown hair, cut at the shoulders and left to hang free to frame a face they could not yet make out. The man was at sea, standing aboard a vessel whose boards had been painted an unseemly black to match his outfit.

“So the whispers are true…” breathed someone, a feminine voice whispered in awe. Her thought was matched by each and every one of them but in this moment, this single, miraculous moment, it was difficult to find voice and speak their thoughts.

“…The Journey begins.” That voice was masculine, deep and resonant, thoughtful as the owner looked upon the scene their revered Mother had granted them. Here was so much significance in that simple statement, so much meaning and emotion for them all.

A loud gasp broke their thoughtful silence, drawing all eyes back to the image. Similar sounds soon joined the first, all of them released a shocked breath. The picture had finally cleared and at last they could see the man’s face. Nothing, however, could have prepared any of them for the sight. That was…

“Mother have mercy…”

Abruptly the silence shattered, destroyed as a harsh, rippling laughter tore through the air. It was disembodied, sinister and mocking and it set the Watcher’s skin to crawling. There was something unclean in that laugh, something maniacal and sinister. It was hysterical, tearing through their hearts and sending them spiraling down into despair where what fleeting hope they had could have no hope of surviving.

Mother have mercy indeed…


The sea was calm, blessedly so in fact as it cradled the dreaded ship known as The Devourer as if it were a babe and she the mother blind to its wicked ways. Truly there was no vessel more feared in these waters, no crew more despised. It was a wonder how men such as they were were even permitted to sail these seas, or even to live for that matter considering the number of lives had been ruined or ended by their hands. That such a vile man as Abelheim Christoff could be allowed to draw breath while he took and took from so many others was against all logic, against belief and faith itself. Many believed it was evil that shielded him, a demon perhaps, and that was why good men fell before him. But not for long… not for long.

For years good had sought to triumph evil, that age old battle raging amidst a world of both chaos and order. There was balance in that war, a natural order and yet Abel had upset that order. He lived when he should otherwise die, spitting in the face of fate herself. How many good men had come to kill him and his men and failed in the attempt? They died. Families were torn apart. Hearts were broken. Still Abel and his crew of wicked men (and women) survived. Abel… the man who should not live was striding as casually and as alive as possible amidst the deck, watching his crew hard at work. He passed by the new recruit, affecting to ignore the young man for he did not like the uneasy feeling he brought. Little did he know that, though good was always preferred, fate had chosen a new champion. When good could not succeed it was time to turn to something else entirely, something that was neither good nor evil. This was her champion, a man who feared little and had every reason to want to kill that wicked captain.

Valerian stood alone at the prow of the ship. As he always stood alone since signing on with this crew a little more than a week ago. When he had first set out on this journey he had intended to come aboard whatever pirate vessel that would have him. He would kill the captain and take his place, removing anyone who challenged his authority that he might at last start unraveling the mystery behind the artifact he carried and that cryptic note. It was good fortune that landed him in the exact port The Devourer had come into for supplies. Fortune or destiny. Either way vengeance would finally be his.

Abelheim was a seasoned fighter, a duelist of great report and had taken up sword and pistol with his men more times than could possibly be counted. He would not be easily bested, as was proven by the hundreds of men’s lives that had been laid to rest at his feet. Anyone who had ever come against him had failed. What would hurt if he too tried? The worst thing that could happen would be his failure and imminent death but the ex-slave had never imagined he would leave even as long as he had so the end was not so frightening a thing. They could torture him, sure, but nothing could be done that had not already been done and he had learned to embrace such things, to live with it. Killing Abelheim would see justice done for the many lives lost in his home, that little sea side town that had not deserved the massacre he had brought there. He knew he was not a good man but in this he was fighting on their side. Perhaps that single service to the world would be enough to excuse his banding with these folk he despised above all else, these men who took everything he had once held dear.

Of course he was aware that some of the men who now manned the vessel had not been present. He knew because he had memorized every face, every feature and remembered them all even to this day. The first mate had obviously not been there for there had been no woman aboard and he would have remembered the fiery red hair so reminiscent of his childhood friend. The woman who had given him his first kiss… The one good experience he had ever had in his life. Perhaps it was a sign of just how withdrawn this man was that that single fact did not sadden him. Anne Bonny seemed amiable enough, though she had a fiery temper and had even displayed it by flogging another new recruit that had gotten a little too friendly. She was still a pirate and who knew what unspeakable crimes could be laid at her feet, at the feet of them all. He wondered idly what that said about the sort of man he was, then since he would seek to captain them.

The peace of the day was abruptly ended, broken by the sudden bang of a cabin door being kicked open and striking the wall. It was the captain’s quarters where Abel had disappeared into a few moments before but now he came storming back out, dragging none other than the first mate herself by the hair. His face, a smooth, narrow face with high cheekbones and a straight, well groomed beard, was twisted in rage and red. He yanked at his first mate’s hair violently, cruelly and all on deck turned to see the display, already knowing what it would lead to.

“Impudent bitch!” He snarled, hurling her to the deck with all his strength. He was not a large man in any case but he had the strength of a sailor and his muscles were as hard and sturdy as whipcord. He towered over the woman, glaring down at her with a hand upon his cutlass. “Sneaking around my cabin! You fucking rat!” His boot lashed out, striking her directly in the stomach just as she tried to lift herself to her feet, sending her sprawling back to the deck once more.

The crew held their breath, many of them excited for the kill to come. Anne was a source of frustration for them all, an untouchable who never allowed them between her thighs. Many thought she deserved to die for that grave injustice alone. Let the bitch burn, or so they often said when she was not around to hear. One of them though, the witch woman, seemed oblivious to the exchange. Her attention was focused to the prow and the man who stood there, the warrior who would free her, free them all from Abel’s evil…

04-13-2010, 08:16 PM
Arianna Ledoux walked down the docks of the port town of Tunis eating a piece of bread that she'd broken off of the loaf she had just purchased. It was the first food she'd had in days. When Arianna had fled from home she'd never realized just how hard it would become to even afford something as simple as bread to live on. The truth was that it was a hard reality she'd had to learn, and quickly at that.

Of course she could have returned home and begged her parents for forgiveness. She could have returned to living life under her father’s strict rule and worse, she could have been forced to marry the way that he had planned for her to do.

Arianna hadn't been able to even comprehend the idea of marrying because she was told she had to without having any choice. The truth was that Arianna was not the kind of individual who liked having anyone tell her what to do let alone when and how to do it.

No, as hard as it was for her since she'd struck out on her own, she would rather be here living this life under the guise of the young lad Abe who worked for money doing whatever odd jobs he could on the docks than return to her home. Even though she had to remain in disguise at all times, it still was better than having her father’s guards be able to recognize her. Knowing her father as she did she was certain that he would never allow them to quit searching for her.

Arianna sighed as her eyes searched the horizon. Ships were docking, and leaving on a constant basis. Arianna hoped to be able to get aboard one of those ships and get as far away from her homeland as quickly as possible. Arianna loved her family dearly but staying had not been an option for her. Arianna felt a tug at her heart when she thought of them. She thought of how her mother must have been frantic even though she had left a note saying not to worry about her. She thought of how furious but upset her father must have been. And she thought about poor Phillip. She was so close to her brother and leaving him behind knowing full well that she may literally never see him again had broken her heart but she had went anyhow. Her heart may have been broken, but her spirit was not one that could have ever been tamed. Arianna would not be forced to live life in any way that was not of her own choosing. And what her father would have chosen for her would have left her sad and broken had she given into him. No, it was better this way.

Arianna had been so deeply engrossed in her thoughts as she walked that she almost didn't feel the slight tug on her bag but the sudden movement did not go unnoticed. What was this? Someone trying to steal the bread she had worked so hard for, her only source of food until she could find work. She couldn't let it be taken so easily. She had to survive after all didn't she?

And survive she would.

Chasing after the thief Arianna ran, at first almost pulling her daggers. She knew she could have stopped them had she chosen to pull the dagger from its spot concealed under the waist of her pants but she didn't want to hurt anyone. She just wanted her food back.

Thaddeus was slowly walking by, hands in his pockets, head down looking at the ground in-front of him; not the way a ship captain would usually walk around a port, or anywhere for that matter. But he was thinking, he was leaving port soon, he and his crew were already making preparations to set sail and all that was left was for him to go to the ship.

They had already spent a week ashore, mostly restocking on supplies and trying to find news on The Devourer, and by the time they did get the info the men had already wanted to cast off. They had signed up either to live a life of adventure or travel the seas; for them staying on land was too static, too boring. Thaddeus was also anxious to leave and catch up to their target.

As she saw the young lad running ahead of her Arianna saw a man who looked to possibly be the captain of ship stop and stand still as he saw the young boy passed by him as Arianna began to catch up. Spying the man’s cutlass on his hip Arianna grabbed it as she ran past never missing a beat. She would return it later.

First, she wanted her only meal back. Although it may have seemed like a lot of trouble to some to go through just for a loaf of bread, it had taken Arianna days to gather enough of money even for it and hunger would drive a person to do many things they normally wouldn't think of doing.

Catching up to the young boy she managed to trip him, bringing the tip of the cutlass to his throat as she did so. Standing over him breathing heavily she transformed into the young lad known as Abe.

"I dinnae wish to 'urt you laddie but I's be taken me bread back from ye now." The young boy looked as hungry as she did and Arianna being the compassionate person that she was couldn't help herself from adding. "If'n ye is 'ungry I kin give ye a piece of m'bread but I's not be havin' ye takin' it all from me." Arianna reached for the bread, lowering the cutlass only slightly making sure the kid didn't run again with her dinner.

What the hell had just happened? Thaddeus was caught off guard as both boys went barreling past him. He'd heard the unsheathing of a sword as his body felt like it was pulled a little so he reached for his sheath and noticed that his sword wasn't there.

The other boy with his sword was already backing off the smaller boy, and was saying something that was inaudible for Thaddeus.

More amused than angry Thaddeus trotted over to where the two boys were and reached his hand out. "Sword please," he said with a grin on his face. Nothing like that had ever happened to him, and it made him forget that he was even going to his ship.

Arianna heard the words and looked up to find herself looking into the handsome face of the man whose cutlass she had just stolen. In that split second the other boy took off running and Arianna’s dinner was gone. Sometimes her situation looked hopeless to her but now wasn’t the time or place for her to show her desperation. Shuffling her feet and casting her eyes downward she stretched her hand out to give the stranger his weapon back as she went into Abe mode. “I’s sorry sir, I was gonna give it back. I…” Arianna chewed on her lip for a moment before continuing, making sure she wasn’t giving herself away with her speech. “I’s was jest trying to keep the thief from stealin' me ‘ard earned dinnah sir.”

"Well, it's okay." Thaddeus looked over at the docks where his ship was and looked back at the boy chuckling. He said, "Look kid, if you need a job well, I can sign you up as I cabin boy. I've been looking for one and you look alright." He wasn't really looking for one, he never had. But this kid had guts, and the situation he was living in was nothing he should keep living in.

There was no turning back now, Thaddeus extended his arm and brought it out in-front of the kid for a handshake. "Do we have a deal," he asked.

Arianna’s meadow green eyes lit up when she heard the words but she was careful not to show her excitement to the Captain too much. Taking his hand she shook it firmly. “Aye Capt’n we has us a deal. Me names Abe. Abe Le..” Arianna caught herself stopping in mid sentence and faking a sneeze. “Abe Landon.”

"Well Abe," Thaddeus said as he shook the boy's hand, "My name is Thaddeus Grimm, and, of course, from now on you'll be calling me captain" Thaddeus began to walk back to his ship saying, "Hurry up, we're already behind."

The captain walked over on the wooden dock, right next to his ship, and looked at it. "This here is The Defiance," he said "The finest Privateer ship you'll ever lay eyes on, she's been through a lot with me and she has always got me out of even the deepest trouble. Treat her well." He chuckled again and walked onto the Gang plank and onto the ship.

Pacing back and forth across the deck he yelled out, "Listen up everybody! I have two pieces of news for you! One, we have a new crew member, his name is Abe. And two, we've found the Devourer!" Some of the crew yelled in excitement. Thaddeus took in a deep breath and yelled, “Get the sails ready, we're heading north!"

(co post with DB Wolf)

04-13-2010, 10:43 PM
Alexander Pearson sat on the railing that lined the deck, polishing another of the bloody misfunctioning rifles. He had been doing so all morning and yet this one damn rifle persisted to stay unclean. No matter how much black powder build up he took of it just kept coming out. He wondered whose bloody rifle it was. If he found out he would give him a good hiding as per ship rules.

You must keep your gun clear. It made it inaccurate in battle and a danger to all around it. If enough powder built up in the muzzle the bullet might not even exit the barrel and damage it. Or it could blow up in the users face, scaring them.

Over all, besides the barrel, someone had taken great care to keep it clean and new. But Alexander would still give him his required hiding non-the-less. He finally managed to get the last of the black build up out and finished greasing and polishing the barrel.

It wasn't his actual job to maintain the guns quality. He was just supposed to organize the firing in battle and organize the cleaning crews. But it made him feel good to know that at least the ones he polished would work properly. He dragged a bucket hanging off the side and washed the grease off of his hands. He would have to thank 'Cookie' again for allowing him to use the burn off grease to polish the guns. It was very useful stuff. May not look the prettiest but it was useful.

It was then that the shouting started. He saw Captain pulling Anne out of his cabin. He was shouting about her bloody sneaking around again. Alexander picked up the cat-'o-nine tails and walked over to the Captain and Anne. He had nothing against the lass personally. She had good reason to want to keep her virginity. But rules were rules. You got the cat-'o-nine for sneaking into the Capt's cabin.

04-13-2010, 11:57 PM
The sounds of great revelry could be heard form a nearby tavern the sailors from 20 different ships were gathered around a large table all of them cheering and downing pint after pint of alcohol as two men were locked in a fierce game of arm wrestling. One had a long blonde beard with a long scar over his forehead his blue eyes glowed into the dark brown ones of his opponent. Sweat beaded down the head of the blond man but the brow of the dark man across from him was clear and dry only thing on his face was an amused smirk. The muscles of his arm casually bulge at the pressure of his opponent's hand.
"Yer lookin' quite flustered there matey care ta give up?" The dark man smiles yawning. The Blond growls a little.
"No way Amra I'm not gonna lose half my payday." With a light shrug Amra smiles.
"If ye say so lad." Just then the door bursts open and another man dressed the same as Amra but older with more gray in his hair walks in.
"Och will ye stop foolin' around ye young screw. The Cap'n's called us under weigh and he picked up a new kid to join us." With a hearty laugh Amra pins the blonde’s hand with a loud thud then stands downing his pint then wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Thanks fer the drinks mate but gotta go time fer daddy ta go ta work." Grabbing up his cutlasses her walks to the door and pounds the other man on the shoulder soundly.
"So got fresh meat on board eh Numas?" He asks as they exit the tavern and it's loudly cheering inhabitants.
"Aye lad we do kinda skinny little bloke but if Cap'n Thad chose him he must got sand to spare." With a nod the pair walk down the docks toward the Defiance.

Amra and Numas both hailing from the family of sea going pioneers known as Mac's. They're only cousins but brother's couldn't be closer, they joined Cap'n Thad's crew together and chances are they'll die together. With blades in the hands and blood on their clothes. They manned the long guns like they were born with gun powder in their veins and shot in their teeth. A tough duo to beat to say the least, in truth the other wouldn't function well without his cousin. Amra was reckless and doesn't plan ahead more than a day Numas is sometimes too careful and misses out on life cause he stays in his head most of the time. They balance each other out so no one dies too quickly.

They come in sight of the ship a pride swells in their deep chests. They've served on many ships in their time some better then others but there was just something about the Defiance that made them feel good about being part of it. They take some deep breaths then take off in a dead run for the ship. They unhitch the ropes holding the ship to the dock and scramble up them to the deck of the ship. With great leaps they land fully on the deck and haul the ropes up after them.
"Aye, aye Cap'n!" The two men shout in unison.

World Traveler
04-14-2010, 01:09 AM
From where he stood Johnny had a brilliant view of the seemingly endless blue ocean. He wouldn’t trade the view for anything so long as the sun kept its pattern and the wind stayed as fickle as a harpy. He loved the feeling of the salty ocean mist as the wind caught some of the spray sent up by the boat carving through the waves like a pen runs along paper. He knew that he was home when his clothes were bellowing in the wind and his hand was firmly holding a taught rope. With a childish grin he heaved himself back and while keeping his grip tight on the rope swung himself to the other side of the main mast. Landing with a firm thump as the study cross section caught his weight and bearded it.

Shouts from below caused his eyes to fall down the main deck below him. The gathering of sailors spiked his interest but not his concern. Though he was not captain of the ship, Johnny felt very much entitled in calling himself the master of the sails and captain of the wind. It gave him no power or higher standing with the crew; however, at times he would look down at the ship and feel apart from it. Not emotionally but completely physically detached. It was a completely different world down there then it was where he stood. Up in the sails there was no politics, no greed, or egos to dodge. There was just yourself and the dangers of the job that kept you sharp. Kept you sharp or got you dead.

Finally seeing the crew start to crowd around a single red fox Johnny consciously made the choice to descend into the gritty deck, and see what all the noise was about. Keeping at least three points of contact with the ships main mast he slowly climbed down the rope latter. It was a long way down, but through natural talent and muscle memory it was nothing more than a skip and hop for the young Irishman who soon enough found himself low enough to hear the mutters of the crew. Having the best seat in the house the lad decided to watch from where he was. *What did the gal do this time?* He thought as he saw Anne Bonny at the center of everyone else’s attention.

04-14-2010, 05:53 AM
Teja Espeut smiled widely, her white teeth contrasting startlingly against her dark brown skin. She had overheard one of the younger crewmen grumbling about the stink of the bilge water. Such complaints were only made by the most foolish or inexperienced sailors. For if the bilge water were to ever smell sweet and clean, it would mean that water from the outside sea had infiltrated the hull through one or more leaks, and had mingled with the bilge water. But the hull of the Devourer was staunch and secure, and the bilge pumps were working smoothly. Although not many were aware of this, the bilge pumps were probably the most important pieces of equipment on the ship because they kept the ship from sinking. As ship’s carpenter, Teja couldn’t be more pleased with the condition of her vessel. Consequently, the Devourer’s bilge water was legendary for a stench that could take one’s breath away for hours.

Her routine inspection of the vessel had gone rather smoothly. No leaks had been found in the hull, and the masts were as sturdy as iron. When she had discovered a slightly warped piece of wood on one of the decks, Teja had spent the better part of an hour replacing and filing the plank so that it transitioned smoothly against the rest of the deck. Although she could have assigned another crew member to the task, she preferred to make the majority of repairs herself. Her attention to detail had earned her the nickname “Typhoon Teja” because it was rumored that she kept her ship in such perfect working order not even a massive typhoon or waterspout could cause the watertight ship to sink.

Teja was from the Caymanes, or the Cayman Islands in the Western portion of the Caribbean Sea. She had spent her childhood near the ocean and much of her adult life aboard various sea vessels. Consequently, she was more at home on the water than on land.

The wind whipped through her colorful island robes as she traversed the upper deck, and her gold jewelry reflected the light of the sun. She was very tall for a woman, having inherited both her height and her love for carpentry from her father who was also a seaman. Her fingers were long, slender, and powerful, enabling her to grasp wooden beams, maneuver equipment, and toss spare dunnage with ease.

As ship’s carpenter, Teja had an important position among the crew: to keep the ship afloat. This alone earned her the respect from the majority of crew members. On any given day, the Devourer could encounter a raging storm, enter combat with an enemy vessel, or spring a leak between the planking seams from the normal stresses of traveling across the waves. Not all ships had the luxury of having a carpenter aboard.

Also, in a pinch, she also served as ship’s surgeon.

The sound of a cabin door being slammed immediately captured Teja’s attention. Apparently there was some dispute between the ship’s captain and his first mate, Anne Bonny, resulting in the first mate being unceremoniously hurled onto the deck. The captain proceeded to swear as he kicked the woman. Anne’s lustrous red hair spilled onto the floor.

According to the captain, the first mate had been caught sneaking around in his cabin. But if this were indeed true, Teja wondered why she should not simply receive a cursory blow and be done with it. Why make a spectacle out of his first mate over such a petty matter?

In her soft Cayman patois, Teja whispered under her breath, “Ah, girl… girl. Anne, what’ve ye got yer’self into now?”

04-14-2010, 06:13 AM
Davina loved the feel of the sea air and the ocean spray on her skin. It was at times like these that she felt most alive. She stood at the bow of the ship, watching the waves, thinking about the events that led her to this particular day. Of how she had become advisor to one of the most feared and brutal pirates to ever sail the seas. On many occasions she had witnessed his brutality firsthand. Not just against those on the ships and settlements he chose to attack, but on his own crew as well. There were many times that Davina thought she might go mad, but it was because of one crewmember in particular she found a thread of sanity to cling to.

It was when Anne came aboard that she made a friend. It started, mostly out of Davina’s fear of what the Captain might eventually do to her, that she spoke to Anne, Visions of a horrible death plagued her nightly in her dreams and she needed someone to talk to. She would often speak to Anne about different things. About her past and her hopes for the future. The talked often at great length and it wasn’t long before Davina saw Anne as something more than just a method of survival. Davina saw Anne as a true friend. The one person on The Devourer she would give her life for.

Davina’s life changed slightly when Valerian came aboard ship. Davina didn’t choose her normal course of action when he came aboard. Normally, when she encountered new people, she would use her deck to learn about them. But the Captian also wanted to know about him as well. She had decided to use her bones to divine the information for the Captain,as well as herself. Her problem with doing this was that the bones would often lie. She could never be sure that she was getting the truth form them or not. But she rolled them repeatedly, each time getting the same answer. And when asked by the Captain what the bones told her, she lied.

Davina had told the Captain that Valerian would always be a loyal member of the crew and serve faithfully until the end of his days. What the bones told her was something different. They were cryptic and told her of a day that would come. A day when her own loyalty would be tested, as well as Valerian’s. It was a day that could possibly be Davina’s last. A day when everything could change. It was the problem with the bones. They didn’t deal in absolutes, just possiblilities. But she knew one thing for sure, that day was today.

Davina kept her gaze firmly on Valerian as she stood at the bow of the ship. Even as the Captin started to mercilessly beat Anne, she didn’t look away. Part of the reason was to see what Valerian would do. But it was mostly because she couldn’t bear to watch her friend suffer. Davina thought of stepping in to help Anne. The problem with that was that Davina wasn’t much of a fighter. She was armed, but she would be no match for Abelheim. There was only one person on the ship that could save Anne, or so she thought. But she had to be sure.

Davina knelt down on the deck and took out her tarot deck from the pouch on her belt. Keeping her gaze fixed on Valerian, she started to shuffle. Once she had finished, she kissed the deck and drew the top card. Davina closed her eyes and brought the card up in front of her face. Opening her eyes, she looked at the card and smiled a little. The card she had drawn was The Emporer. A card which represented dominance power and intelligence. And in this case, represented Valerian.

Daivna needed a little more information. While the card she had drawn for Valerian was encouraging, it only described him and not the events which would unfold. Drawing a second card, Davina looked at it and her smile went a little wider at what she saw. Of all the cards she could have drawn, this was the one she had been hoping for. The one card that told of her fate, as well as the fate of all on the ship. That card was Death. A card which represented change brought about by the end of something. And in this case, it could only mean the end of Abelheim.

Davina replaced the cards back in the deck and got up, walking over to where Valerian stood. She stared directly into his eyes and leaned in, lowering her voice to a whisper so that only he could hear.

“Please do something,” Davina’s tone was full of sorrow. “The cards have told me you are the only one who can help Anne. Please save her life. I serve the Captian of this ship. Help her and I will serve you as well as give myself freely to you. My body and soul will belong to you, if only you will help my friend.”

Anne Bonny
04-14-2010, 06:41 AM
It must be here, Anne Bonny repeated to herself. Please, please be here!

She fought to keep from going into a panic as she dug with slim fingers through a small box. It was bad enough she was in the captain's cabin, even worse that she had picked a lock on one of his trunks to search it's contents. But Anne just couldn't let the matter rest. She had to find it.

The missing item had been a thin silver chain and pendant that the girl had worn around her wrist. The blasted clasp had broken again, and the makeshift bracelet had fallen to the deck of the Devourer. And just as Anne had caught it's glint in the sunlight against the black wood, her captain had scooped it up.

I should have said something then, Anne scolded herself. But fear had gripped her and left her paralyzed as Abel Christoff pocketed the trinket. Fear of her captain's reaction to her protest, and fear of someone else seeing her commotion. Someone who had given her the gift in the first place...

With a flash of silver and a great sigh of relief, the missing object suddenly showed itself, burried in various other gems and pieces of jewelry that the box housed. But Anne ignored the items of greater value and gently removed her prize. For small moment, she felt that Lady Luck might actually be on her side.

The blissful feeling sharply vanished when the cabin's door opened behind her. For a hesitant split second Anne felt her entire body turn cold as her mind reeled in desperation. No time to formulate an excuse or think of a lie; besides, the evidence of her actions were spread out all over Christoff's writing desk in the form of his own personal treasure.

But any pirate worth his (or her for that matter) salt has had a fair share of sticky situations, and despite her sudden rush of terror, Anne managed to don a smile and casually turn to face her captain. As she moved, she swiftly gathered the silver chair up into her hand and put her closed fist against her hip in an attempt to disguise it.

"Oh, Captian!" she said as cheerfully as she could possibly muster. "I was wondering when you would be back."

Christoff's hard eyes moved from Anne's to the mess on the desk and back to his first mate. "What are you doing in here?" he nearly spat.

"It's really very silly. I'm rather embarrassed about it. " Anne said with a chuckle. No time to think of a lie, best to play the truth, she decided. She opened her hand to reveal the small piece of jewelry she had been so frantically searching for. "I dropped this on the deck the other day, and you recovered it before I could. It's such a little thing, I hated to trouble you with it. So I thought..."

"You thought you would steal it from me, is that it?" Christoff's voice was rising, along with the color in his face. He took a step forward, and Anne fought to keep from cringing under his gaze. The captain extended his hand. "Give is here," he demanded with a snarl.

Anne's smile disappeared and she gathered the chain back up into her hand. A part of her always knew that one day Abel Christoff would ask too much of her. This just wasn't how she had envisioned it. Her throat tightened, but she tilted her chin upward in defiance.


The very word, one her captain wasn't used to hearing, was enough to send Christoff into a frenzy. He sprang forward and seized Anne by the hair before she could react in defense. The man pulled her towards him, until Anne Bonny was only inches away from the most feared pirate in all the seas. She could see every vessel in his blood-shot eyes and smell the faint trace of whiskey on his breath. "Stupid girl," Christoff hissed as an evil grin spread over his face. "You've had this coming for a long time."

The following moments were a blur, lost in a flurry of movements and sounds, eclipsed by the pain of being dragged onto the deck and thrown onto her knees. Anne instinctively tried to rise, to have some hope at defending herself, but another sharp pain in her abdomen and the girl found herself face down on the wood beneath her.

Somehow, through it all, Anne kept a vice grip on the small treasure that lay in her hand. This was the end, she realized as she slowly moved into a kneeling position. Red hair hung around her lowered face, hiding the few tears she allowed to fall as hopelessness overcame her. Who would, who could come to her aide? Most of the crew despised her, that much Anne knew. And the friends she did have were no match for Christoff's skill in combat. Besides, pirates weren't the type to stand up for each other. Davina might, her dearest friend, but that would only get her killed as well. And the one who held her heart hadn't even recognized her since they were reunited.

No, Anne was alone as she knelt before a merciless captain, and cold acceptance set in. If this was what fate had planned for her, Anne wouldn't fight against it. She simply waited in silence, her one treasure clasped tightly against her chest, and prayed that her death would be a swift one.

04-14-2010, 06:22 PM
Catherine sighed as she pulled the last bit of rope strand under another, then trimmed off the excess.

"There we are, a nice fender for the boat," she sighed - just as the captain finally made his appearance, hauling a young lad in tow.

Pacing back and forth across the deck the Captain yelled out, "Listen up everybody! I have two pieces of news for you! One, we have a new crew member, his name is Abe. And two, we've found the Devourer! Get the sails ready, we're heading north!"

"Aye!" she yelled, slipping her work knife back in its sheath. Catherine tossed the new rope fender into the nearest longboat and headed for the ratlines near the gangplank.

The new cabin boy was looking a little lost as the crew moved about, readying the ship for sea.

"Oy! You there, Abe is it?" Catherine scowled, hands on her hips. She nodded towards the sterncastle and the ship's wheel. "Get yerself up there by the wheel, you're in the way down here! And if you gotta puke, do it over the side, ya hear me? I don't need no mess ta clean up!"

Rolling her eyes, she stepped past him to grab hold of the rigging and start climbing up the ropes. Her station was the upper yards where her lighter weight was an advantage.

04-15-2010, 02:50 AM
Hugo McCloud was strolling the docks casually, seemingly without a care in the world with a smug smirk. His callaused and scarred hands rested at his belt, his heavy boots making dull clomps on the wooden planks of the dock. His wide brimmed black hat gave refreshing shade to his face as he strolled, sword rocking at his hip with every step.

The First Mate of the Defiance hummend a tune to himself as he watched people move about the docks; children fishing, men moving crates and barrels into various vessels, whores strutting about, drawing sailors in with a smile on their rosebud lips and a battering of their fans. A few of them approached Hugo while on his stroll, but he simply smiled at them and ushered them away with a shake of his head and the wagging of a finger; he had already spent too much of his hard earned money on wine, women, and song.

The tails of his coat billowed slightly in the faint sea breeze as Hugo made his way back to the Defiance, humming all the while. He saw the Captain bring a young looking individual onto the ship, probably a new deck hand. McCloud simply sighed and shook his head, removing his hat to scratch at his long, smooth mane of raven locks, tied back at the nape of his neck by a black ribbon.

Hugo swaggered his way up the boarding plank, still humming, his hat pulled low over his face. He made his way up to the Thaddeus and stood beside his Captain.

"Everythin' looks loaded an' accounter fer, Cap'n. She," Hugo patted the wooden railing of the ship, "awaits yer magical touch."

04-16-2010, 12:14 AM
Unlike most of the crew, Ersas Asteria Addison wasn't cheerfully hard at work or drinking the day away. Rather, she was seated on the railing of the Defiance, daydreaming about buying herself a new jacket to replace the white shirt she wore over her dress. For a while, it was a bit fun for her to color coordinate and try on different coats in different styles in her imagination. Then Ersas remembered that she didn't have the money to throw around buying new jackets. She barely had enough to purchase a pair of new earrings, much less brand new clothing.

The memory of her situation was enough to sour her mood, and Thaddeus didn't make things any better when he swaggered on board with Abe in tow. His sudden order to begin pursuing the Devourer was bad enough, but the sudden news of a new cabin boy made things worse.
Unlike the rest of the crew, Ersas' first reaction to the new addition wasn't "Oh, how nice, a new friend!" Instead, she saw Abe as another mouth to feed and another waste of valuable space. With that, Ersas decided that enough was enough with her captain's antics, so she made up her mind to confront him.

"Honestly, Captain Thaddeus Grimm!" cried Ersas as she slid off the railing and walked over to him and Hugo. The fact that she said Thaddeus' title and full name was a clear sign that she wasn't too happy with her captain, despite his position over her. Not to be swayed from her path, she pushed Hugo aside so that she could stand face to face with Thaddeus. Standing in front of her captain and glaring up at him, Ersas launched her angry tirade.

"What are you thinking?" Ersas demanded to know. She sounded completely oblivious to the fact that she had completely barged in and interrupted Hugo before he was answered. Whether or not she knew she was being rude didn't stop her from ranting at Thaddeus some more. "You can't just pick up any waif on the street and dump him onto the ship. I didn't even know that we were in need of any more crew members!"

04-18-2010, 12:17 PM
Right after the captain of the Defiance took his first step onto the ship, with the new crew member in tow, it sprang alive with movement, all the crew members doing the final preparations to set sail. The sails rolled down the across the long masts and the helmsman was ready to steer. And then Hugo McCloud, Thaddeus' first mate, appeared by his side, saying that everything was prepped and ready to go.

Thaddeus just nodded and soon after the ship was beginning to leave port. Then the eccentric quartermaster shouted out his full name while she slid down the railing. As Thaddeus turned to look she had already pushed Hugo out of the way and was already in front of him.

"What are you thinking? You can't just pick up any waif on the street and dump him onto the ship. I didn't even know that we were in need of any more crew members," She yelled.

Thaddeus scowled and took the petite woman by the collar of her shirt, resisting the urge to slap her. “Now look fuckin’ here! We’re after the damned Devourer, the most feared pirate ship in the seven seas! Not once, has it ever been close to defeating! No one has ever even touched the ship in combat, and against the captain most would be screwed. Don’t you think we’ll need every man we can get, huh?! Luckily we have some of the best fighters around on this ship, or we wouldn’t stand a chance, and trust me when I say this boy can hold his own in a fight” Thaddeus looked towards the docks and then back at Ersas

“You are so fuckin’ lucky that this ship has already left port and I donb’t have the time to stop and turn back, ‘cause I would’ve left you standing on that dock penniless and weaponless. Any other captain would’ve killed you outright, right here, right now, without a thought. Now if you have a problem, save it for later cause I am not in the mood for you or your petty arguments, and next time I may actually think of killing you.”

Thaddeus pushed the woman off to the side and looked off into the direction they were heading; they would have to hurry if they had any chance to catch Abelheim.

04-18-2010, 07:29 PM
Arianna hadn’t even yet had a chance to get her orders from the captain when some female crew member started ordering her around. Of course Arianna knew that she was the lowest ranking member of the ship but she figured the captain would have at least told her what he wanted her to do or have allowed her to go walk about the ship to get familiar with it. Arianna wanted to check out the ships galley and had hoped that the captain might even let her help the ships cook during those times when he didn’t charge her with other tasks.

"Oy! You there, Abe is it?" Catherine scowled, hands on her hips. She nodded towards the sterncastle and the ship's wheel. "Get yerself up there by the wheel, you're in the way down here! And if you gotta puke, do it over the side, ya hear me? I don't need no mess ta clean up!"

Puke? Arianna kept forgetting that these people did not know her true identity and therefore had no way of knowing that Arianna had been on the seas more than her fair share of times. Before she would go to the wheel though Arianna would see if her captain would need anything of her or allow her to go exploring the ship. And if she caught hell for not obeying another ship mate then she would deal with whatever punishment the captain saw fit to give her but she was willing to take that chance.

A big burly man that spoke with some bit of authority was speaking to the captain now and Arianna assumed it was probably the First Mate by the words he had said. As Arianna was just about to finally have her chance to speak to the captain some brazen woman was foolishly giving the captain a piece of her mind. While Arianna may not know everything there was to know about running a ship one thing she did know was to speak with disrespect towards a captain could and very often did see you jobless, or worse. Arianna watched as the show unfolded in front of her and couldn’t even object to having been called a waif when in all reality, that is exactly what she would have appeared to the rest of this crew. A slight smirk crossed her face however when the good captain promptly put the young lass in her place.

The drama now over and the captain being alone Arianna approached him as she slipped quietly back into her Abe persona “Capt’n Grimm sir, if’n ye needs me at the wheel I will do as told but I was hopin’ me’be I could see where I’m ta stay and me’be even familiarize m’self with this grand ship of yers. Oh, and I makes a mighty fine cooks I do sir, so if’n your ships cook be needin’ any help at any time I’s would be more’n glad ta help out.” Arianna looked away from the captains deep piercing brown eyes. Looking at his handsome face made her slightly uncomfortable. “That is, if’n ye don’t needs me at ta wheel Capt’n sir.” She added.

Thaddeus took in a deep breath before turning to face Abe, the new cabin boy. There was no need to lash out at him for what Ersas did. He smiled as he answered, “You’ll be sleeping in my quarters, down by the Stern of the ship. And for your other questions, the Helmsman can steer the ship just fine on his own, but Collie the cook can always use some help, so you can go there, it’s down in the second deck. As for getting to know the ship, you can look around if you want, and if you were asking for an escort, I can take you around, though I’m sure Hugo could do it too. “

Arianna was having a hard time hiding her delight at being able to go explore the ship at her free will, along with having an even harder time hiding the fact that she found her new captain to be incredibly handsome. She had several of her own reasons for wanting to go take a look around and she didn’t want an escort while she was doing it either. Arianna looked up at the captain trying hard not to smile as she did so “Thank ye capt’n Grimm sir!” Even without smiling she couldn’t contain her enthusiasm “But I won’ts bee needin’ any escort, I likes ta explore on me own. And I’s be sure ta tell Collie that ye sent me.”

Arianna would have to ask the captain later why they called him Collie but for now, she was ready to go look around. For a split second she almost stopped in her tracks as she remembered what he had said about sharing his quarters. Damn it! Arianna thought to herself. She had forgotten that cabin boys usually stayed in the captains quarters. And she just had to find herself work on a ship with a handsome captain.

It looked like this was going to be a long, long trip.

{with input from DB}

04-19-2010, 12:35 AM
Amra and Numas set about tying off the various riggings around the ship tossing short greetings to their comrades as they complete the circuit around the deck. They did odd little jobs like this on the ship they called themselves utility sailors as a joke. Anything you needed done or help doing you could rely on them to do it and do it while laughing. They reach the deck where the Cap'n was and tied the last knot they were just about to move onto the guns when they saw Ersas or Queenie as some of the crew called her. March up to the Cap'n shove Hugo aside then let her mouth dig another big hole for the rest her body to fall into.
"Oy Amra I bet ye 5 shillings the Cap'n rips her a new one again." The other man turns his head to the ruckus. With a smile he grabs his cousin’s hand and shakes it firmly.
"Yer on lad I bet he kills her on the spot." As the scene progresses other Sailors stand by and watch.

“You are so fuckin’ lucky that this ship has already left port and I do no have the time to stop and turn back, ‘cause I would’ve left you standing on that dock penniless and weaponless. Any other captain would’ve killed you outright, right here, right now, without a thought. Now if you have a problem, save it for later cause I am not in the mood for you or your petty arguments, and next time I may actually think of killing you.”

Numas laughs holding his hand out to Amra.
"Come on laddie pay the piper." With a grumble and a curse the gunner drops the shillings into other's hand.
"Yeah, yeah just remember you still owe me for that Loan Shark." Numas pockets the cash then watches as Queenie is shoved away.
"Wonder what her problem is anyway?" Amra shrugs counting his remaining coin.
"Probably 'asn't knocked boots in months. Lack o' that would make anyone a bitch." Numas laughs nudging his friend's arm.
"Why no' go do it yerself lad, maybe ye'll melt the Ice Queen?" Amra looks at the rather uninteresting body of the Quartermaster, even in a modest outfit he could tell there wasn't much to play with.

"Ha I'd rather not mate, ah like mi lasses with curves and at least somethin' that fills their shirt out. Kinda like the first mate of the Devourer." With a sharp inhale of breath Numas smacks the back of Amra's head.
"Ye bleedin' fool ye know better then ta run yer mouth on about that ship when the Capn's around." Amra rubs the back of his head scowling at his cousin.
"Ye did no have ta hit me!" Numas growls lightly shaking his head.
"Go below deck and check the guns before yer big mouth gets us both killed." With another grumble and curse Amra stalks off to the stairs to the guns. On the way he gets a good look at the new kid. Kinda small for his age even being a pauper and working on the docks should've given him more gnarly looking hands but they looked pretty fair. He slowed his pace a little to pick up a bit of broken bottle as he bends down he notices the way Abe walks something about it wasn't right.
Why am I looking at how the Cabin boy walks? Must be the sun ah need to get drunk. Shaking his head he tosses the glass overboard then head to his guns.

04-20-2010, 03:47 AM
Catherine could feel the few stray hairs from under her kerchief flapping in the wind as she crawled out on the foot ropes and helped unfurl the upper sails high above the deck. It was hard work, no mistaking it, but good honest work. She'd probably be third mate on board a merchant ship by now, where you didn't have to be a big, burly man to keep the crew in line. But her place was fine on this ship - merchant ships ran from pirates - this captain chased them.

When the sail unfurled, she moved up the mast, crawling inside the crow's nest and peering ahead of the ship as it slipped out of the harbor and the ocean began to play with its newest toy - and her stomach as the mast began to sway, but she stayed put. It might be days before they caught sight of the Devourer, but she meant to be the first to spy them out.

"Roll yer leg over, roll yer leg over, roll yer leg over the man in the moon," she sang softly under her breath.

04-20-2010, 05:49 AM
"Honestly!" cried Ersas indignantly as Thaddeus pushed her aside. She refused to lower her head in shame and submission. In fact, she glared mercilessly with open defiance at her captain as he walked away, as well as every other spectator who found it entertaining to gawk at her. Here stood a woman too proud and stubborn to give in, even to fear and humiliation.

"Honestly." Ersas sighed once the last of the audience dispersed. She returned to her previous location by the railing to resume staring into the depths of the ocean. Ersas had to admit that she considered taking Thaddeus' suggestion to jump off the ship and never look back. She was even confident that she could swim all the way back to the docks.

She still had a wooden casket full of her own possessions in her cabin though. There was no way a lady of her size could swim and haul that casket back to the shore. Ersas wouldn't even think of leaving her things behind on the Defiance either. The thought of them being sullied by the crew or pawned off for a few more coins made her sick to her stomach.

Ersas sighed for a second time. No, she would have to wait for the next time they came to a port. Pirate-hunting was a noble pursuit but to her, it wasn't worth being in the torturous presence of such an explosive captain and the rest of his crew.

04-20-2010, 08:58 PM
The commotion of the captain and his lovely, if battered, first mate had drawn the dark haired swordsman’s attention only briefly, just long enough for him to scan the situation and dismiss it as unimportant to his plans. Anne Bonney had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar and when you stole from thieves there was usually only one fate waiting for you. Abelheim would kill her, of that the whole crew was certain, but not before he made an example of the woman. He simply was not the sort o waste an opportunity to remind his crew just who their master was. If he was going to kill her anyway why not do it with a crowd watching and thereby further solidify his own base of power. Captain Christoff was many things but stupid wasn’t one of them. It took more than brawn to captain a ship and survive all the battles he had. By making Anne’s murder a public matter he was ridding himself of a nuisance and also reminding the whole crew of what happened when he was crossed.

Valerian De’Laine returned his sharp, penetration stare to the ocean. He cared little for the needless display or the lives involved. It did nothing to hamper his own plans and if Abel removed his first mate that was one less potential loyal pirate he may have to kill, and he would kill them. If they stood in his way he would kill them all. It was a harsh, biter reality, a terrible conscious choice that would have bothered him were he the person he was before capture. Unfortunately he was not. That man had died long ago and there was no sign of return. This was just a choice he would have to make, a path he would have to take. It was a dark, difficult road and there was no telling what he’d find on the other end but he doubted it would be the hardest decision he would make on this journey, not by a long shot. He was what he was and to pretend otherwise would be pointless.

He abruptly heard the sounds of stiff cards being riffled through one another and soon after another presence was joining him at the prow. The sound was sharp and distinct, reaching his ears through the lull of rolling ocean waters as a deck was shuffled. He didn’t turn to look, didn’t really need to for there was really only one person aboard who frequently carried a deck of cards upon their person. When a cool breeze also brought to him the hint of something mysterious and untamed it only confirmed his assumptions. That scent mixed with the salt water smell, creating an interesting little concoction of scents that were really quite appealing. Mabe he hadn’t been with a woman for too long to enjoy that natural scent mixed with that of a woman but then that notion could not really apply since his only sexual experiences had been as a slave when his body had been… rented out for an hour or two, sometimes even an entire night. It was difficult to enjoy the experience when you had little choice in being there or not.

Davina, the resident witch, shuffled her tarot deck and drew out several cards, apparently focused on him. Valerian did not look her way or even acknowledge her presence but he could feel her intent gaze on him. Men often shied from that gaze, oft times falling into quiet mutters about how they wished the ‘devil bitch’ would fall into the ocean already and rid them of her freaky existence. She was far too valuable to the captain to be disposed of personally though so none of them ever actually touched her while she remained being useful to the man and assisting him in avoiding situations that were nigh unavoidable. It didn’t help that she was strikingly beautiful in an exotic fashion that was not often found aboard vessels in this region. Her soft, feminine curves could entice better men than they and it was than attraction which often made superstitious sea faring men nervous. They wouldn’t want their swords to get lost or sacrificed to whatever demon she worshipped to gain her supernatural powers after all. Men always got funny suspicions where their genitals were concerned. Supernatural powers aside, however, she was still a figure of lithe beauty with smooth, rounded curves and delicious looking pale skin that, though not always perfectly clean, made a lonely man at sea forget his own name. That hood hid her hair from view but it also did well to frame a round, lovely face with soft curves and smooth lines with a set of hazel green eyes to go with it. A pair of full, inviting lips tempted anyone she set her eyes on and in the occasional event they turned upward into a smile the poor pirates were practically rendered helpless. To them she was sin on two legs. And yet she was no more beautiful than the first mate who currently knelt upon the deck, her head bowed in apparent surrender to her grisly fate, a fact that inspired a good deal of bitterness and rage from the men since she remained completely out of reach while Davina at least flirted from time to time.

The witch was speaking, Valerian realized suddenly. There was sorrow in her voice, a subtle undercurrent of desperation and sadness as she entreated him to step in, to save her friend. She spoke of things she should know little of and yet she spoke with complete confidence as if she had already seen it all happen. His hands rose slowly, gripping the railing of the ship as his hazel eyes dropped, regarding them for a moment. There was blood on those hands. They had ended people’s lives both innocent and guilty, taken them as surely and decisively as a pirate took valuables. He had rarely had a choice in the matter, of course, but that did little to help his conscience. The bad he cared little for but the good… he had made the choice to kill them so he himself could survive. Did that not make him bad as well? If it did perhaps killing Abel would redeem him some but Davina was asking him to not only kill the man but to save another pirate, a woman who had no doubt also killed innocents. He glanced behind him, saw Abelheim drawing his saber and his battered, beaten first mate kneeling on the deck, her head bowed in hopeless resignation. His gaze flicked to the witch then, measuring her for a moment. Anne was just a pirate… but she was also a woman. A scared, defenseless woman at the mercy of a cruel and heartless man.

Looking back no one could ever actually say when valerian had moved from his position and approached the pair. Their eyes were al on Abel as he snarled some wild obscenity and lifted his sword to take her pretty head from her shoulders. They were all equally surprise when they were not treated to the sight of blood gushing from the grievous wound but instead the sound of steel meeting steel just a few inches above her head. Val had drawn his swords, a smooth and lightning quick action that blurred to the eye and made a neat little ‘x’ to block the heavy strike that would kill the first mate. It stopped the blow dead in its tracks, the muscles of his forearms rippling with the exertion. Abel just blinked at the swords in confusion, then blinked again as he looked up at their owner. The crew was surprised but nowhere near as surprised as he. Valerian took advantage of it, stepping forward to lift a boot in a powerful kick that sent the man back and away from his intended victim. He recovered easily of course, skipping back a few steps and dropping into a defensive stance with that saber held up before him.

“You’ve got balls, boy.” Abel announced, smiling suddenly as at last his mind caught up to the situation. “A newbie on the ship and already taking on the captain… very bold.”

Valerian offered no reply, his eyes steady and calm as he lifted his curved blades. They felt natural in his hand, light and comfortable and today he would be testing them against a foe of unparalleled reputation. They had tasted blood, sure, but only against other pirates during the brief time he spent aboard a ship known as the Defiance and assisted during a pirate attack. Those men had been amateurs compared to a trained fighter though and had never honestly stood a chance. This though… this would be a fight of another kind entirely. If Abel was anywhere near as good as people said he would test even the warriors skills as they had never been tested. By stopping the death blow to Anne and striking him Valerian had effectively trapped him into this fight. He had levied a challenge his way and to call upon his crew to deal with him instead of doing so personally would be to show fear and weakness. It would make him seem less than he was and someone like Abelheim could not live with such a thing. So the warrior stepped around the woman who knelt upon the deck, placing himself between her and his opponent.

Abel drew a curved dagger into his free hand, giving him two blades to match both of Valerians even if one was much shorter. “So it’s a fight you want, eh?” He said, grinning excitedly. Even the crew seemed excited at this new prospect. Abel rarely drew his blade against a foe even during the sea battles they had engaged in. They could not even remember the last time someone had dared challenge him in an open duel one on one. It just didn’t happen anymore. No one had ever been that confident in their own abilities, no one had ever been that stupid. Except, apparently, the new arrival of the vessel.

“Get up, now.” Valerian told Anne in a gentle voice that belied the swords and the situation he was going into, effectively ignoring the man and his words as he looked back at her out of the corner of his eye. He nodded toward Davina. “You’ll be safer back there with your friend.”

Abels gaze flicked to the witch who was watching carefully, an expression of barely contained hope on her face. “Ah… so the whore got you to step in did she? Promise you some time with her afterward, boy? You were a fool to accept, you know. You won’t be alive long enough to enjoy her and I’ll be sending the both of the bitches to their deaths anyway.” He lifted his saber, pointing it at the young man. “You will have die for a pair of whores, whelp! That’s how everyone will remember the fool who challenged Abelheim Christoff!”

Valerian did not get the chance to look back and ensure Anne had done as he asked. Abel was leaping forward even as he shouted those last words in a defiant snarl and he moved to meet him. Steel met steel in a blur of motion, the pair of men dancing around one another in flowing from defense to attack so rapidly even following the motions of their hands was difficult. They tested the strength of one another, their blades weaving and darting, striking and cutting and always it found metal in its path, always failed to penetrate the defenses each man had brought up. It was almost surreal, the deadly grace and fluid motions these two swordsmen brought to bear, like a play being acted out to crystal clear precision right before the crews very eyes and then all at once it was over as the pair of men leapt back, circling one another warily.

The confident fighter’s smirk that had first been on Abel’s face was gone now, replaced with an expression of sheer determination. Valerian had seen the surprise register on the man’s features when strikes that would hit most people had been easily turned aside. Now the captain was tense, less certain in the face of a man that was not only younger than himself but near his own skill level. He had had a bad feeling when inviting the boy onto his ship and now he could see why. It was evident in the way he stood, in that relaxed manner with which he carried himself even in a fight. No one faced Captain Christoff so calmly and yet here a boy stood facing him and for what? The life of that insufferable bitch Anne Bonney?

“A person of your skill doesn’t fight for nothing, boy.” He said suddenly, using this moment of relative peace to try and break his opponent’s reverie, his focus. In a fight like this they both knew the slightest mistake would be the end. “A man doesn’t survive to be as skilled as you or by sticking up for helpless women. What reasons have you?”

The swordsman’s shrug was casual, almost nonchalant and his swords dipped sideways just slightly as he did it, moving with his hands. “Reason enough.” Came his smooth, calm reply. His voice contained a soft quality, something that didn’t quite fit with the deadly grace of the man. There was almost something… gentle in it and yet the current fight he was engaged in was anything but. He might have been talking of the weather for all the emotion with which he spoke his words. “One way or another you were always going to die, Abel, if I can help someone escape their end by killing you now rather than later than so be it.”

“How noble” The captain sneered, his lips twisting upward in a little snarl. Already the tension was mounting, solidifying in the air until even the crew could feel it. They stood poised around the two combatants, giving them a wide birth so as not to get in the way and suddenly find themselves extinct thanks to a cut or thrust from one of those blades. That initial fight was just a warm up, a way to test one another’s skill and now that they had the real fight would begin. It was a fight that could only end one way: In blood.

With another snarl of rage Abel leapt at his foe, brandishing saber and dagger as if they were a part of his own flesh. He was fast, closing the distance with a few quick steps but he was no wore swift that Valerian. The younger man fell into a quick and vicious spin that first allowed him to slide around a perfectly executed lunge and secondly whip the razor edge of his own sword out to score a stinging cut along his opponent cheek. If the man felt that shallow wound he gave no sign and he recovered quickly, turning to meet the next vicious strike in a chime of steel. Valerian’s spin did not stop with one though, he moved again, again, and again after that, turning into a wide circle all the war around his opponent while his swords wove a deadly web of shining steel all around his body. What attacks Abel could lash out with were rendered useless by one sword even while the other lashed out in a merciless counter stroke, forcing the captain to draw back to parry. He leapt back, out of reach of those swords to recollect himself as blood trickled from that shallow cut.

Now it was Valerian’s turn to take up the offensive and he did not hesitate, flowing in to close the gap and take up arms once more. Steel struck steel repeatedly, so fast it sounded as if it were a single, drawn out ring. The two fighters moved around the deck locked in their mortal struggle, the dance of death that could have only one victor. Though the challenger had drawn there first blood neither could seem to get a significant edge over the other and so they fought, the feinted and countered, attacked and defended all the while searching for the slightest opening while their hands and swords moved in a constant blur of sweeping arches and deadly cuts. Then the tides abruptly changed, one of the warrior’s attacks brought his hand in line with the other as it defended from that dagger and Abel seized upon the opportunity by batting it down and into that defending hand. He recovered quickly, snapping the blades together in a double thrust that would lunge straight out and impale him on both swords but the captain knew it was coming. He slipped around it and leapt slightly into the air to bring his knee up to smash into Valerian’s face.

Pain lanced through him and his vision turned white for but a moment as his head snapped back and he lost balance, stumbling backward to fall upon the deck. It was instant that made him snap his swords up in a sideways sweep, batting the death blow from Abel’s saber. He could not stay on the ground for long for death would shortly follow him were he to remain off his feet and so he pitched his body backward, using the momentum of his fall to carry him up onto his shoulders and the backs of his hands to spring up and backwards to land on his feet. He could see by then, which was a stroke of luck all on its own because if he had not been able to the lunge from his opponent would have surely skewered him. Instead he managed to slip aside just barely, bending his body at an angle to draw his side in and avoid the stab of the sword. Even still it cut through the cloth of his shirt and he gritted his teeth over a stinging pain in his skin where a shallow cut was still drawn into his skin. His backward tumble had taken him close to the railing along the starboard side of the black vessel and now that he avoided that lung he quickly spun, turning in that wide circle again as he tried a quick cut at his opponents left arm. Abel recognized the maneuver from before and countered easily, turning to face the man with his back to the railing. He howled out his battle rage, lifting his saber for what he sensed would be the killing stroke. Valerian did not block it outright, instead slipping aside and lifted his left sword to catch it even while he turned toward it and lifted its twin. That second weapon came down near the hilt, crashing downward where it was most brittle and with a lightning crack of sound that blade shattered, broken and useless. However that strike also created an opening in his side and he felt it as the blade of that dagger bit into his side. It didn’t get a chance to sink completely in for he snapped the handle of his own sword up into Abel’s jaw, spinning him backward and away but even still it had pierced flesh and stab wounds hurt.

The captain was spun around by that blow to the face but he continued that turn quickly. The hilt of his sword was a useless object and so he was already lifting it to throw at his opponent in an attempt to create a distracted or at least daze him long enough to plunge in with his dagger. He never got the chance. The moment he completed that turn one of Valerian’s bladed met him, cutting a deadly wound from shoulder to hip as he leaned slightly to the side, following the momentum of that deadly strike. His second sword followed closely behind in an exact replica of the cut, slicing through flesh and moved down to his hip to form a bloody ex across his torso that was already bleeding profusely. It was at the center of that ‘X’ that he plunged his blade, sinking it deep into the man’s chest and leaving it there as he bowed forward slightly, gasping in a shaky, surprised breath.

The silence was palpable aboard the Devourer as Velarian’s grip on that sword relaxed. Abel’s arms had gone limp, hanging at his side though he still managed to loosely grip that digger. He was staring at nothing, his mouth open wide in an expression of pure shock. The dark haired warrior turned, releasing that sword for a moment as he turned his head skyward, his eyes closed. The sun was warm on his face, bathing his skin in an ambient sense of comfort. Did the heaven’s look upon him in this moment? Did Fate herself smile down at the sight of Abel at last being put to death? Regardless of who might be watching, if anyone, he could only hope that this final killing stroke would improve the world for the better. He could only hope that it would help to redeem him for the choices yet to come. He was not a good man… but he wasn’t evil and now he would kill a man who was just that. There was but one more stroke to make.

Slowly he finished that turned, an iron clad resolve tightening his features as that second sword came up and lashed out. Abel’s head was taken from his shoulders in a fountain of crimson, lopped off to fall harmlessly into the ocean. Valerian did not give the corpse chance to fall, seizing his blade still trapped in its flesh and lifting a boot to shove him violently off. It pulled free with a sucking sound and that body tumbled over the railing and into the waters, joining the decapitated head as it sank to the murky depths of the ocean he had so long plagued. All at once the tyrannical reign of Abelheim Christoff had ended, his body broken and cast in the sea just like so many others he himself had killed. It was a fitting end for so dark a man.

04-21-2010, 08:10 AM
The moment Anne moved away from the fight, Davina rushed over, wrapping an arm around her and moving to the rail of the ship. Davina looked concerned, though the concern was not for either of the men now fighting each other. The cards had told her how that was going to end. And unless Davina’s reading was wrong, and it never was, soon there would be a new Captain on board. Davina’s concern was for her friend.

“Are you okay?” Davina spoke softly. Anne nodded her head and Davina smiled, turning her attention to the fight. She could see the looks on the faces of the other crew. Some showing concern, while others were showing bloodlust. Davina made no sound and watched the fight, her arm around Anne, with a blank stare, watching the fight come to it’s inevitable conclusion.

The fight ended with the death of Ableheim. It was Valerian who was the victor and finally Davina smiled. All had gone as the cards said it would, not that there was ever any doubt. It was still hard for her. There was always that chance of something unforeseen happening, and that would have meant the loss of Anne’s life, as well as her own. Fortunately, things went as they were supposed to and now Davina could see to her friend.

“I’m sorry Anne. I should have tried to help you.” Davina’s face showed a look of remorse and she reached up and lowered her hood. Davina’s long red hair fell about her shoulders and down her back. It had a curl to it, and reached to her waist. “I should have tried to help you.”

It took several long seconds for Anne to register what Davina was saying. She stood silently staring at the back of her rescuer as he watched Christoff's body fall into the sea. Why would Valerian have saved her? He didn't even remember her, he hadn't spoken two words to her since he had joined the crew. And now he had engaged what was the most vile and dangerous pirate on the ocean in her defense?

She replayed the battle over again in her head and the words of her former captain echoed in her ears. "So the whore got you to step in did she?" Anne turned to face the witch, one eyebrow raised in surprise.

"You did help me, Davina," she said as a relieved smile crept onto her features. "I heard what Christoff said. You convinced him to step in, didn't you?"

“I had to,” Davina put her hands on Anne’s shoulders. “Abel would have killed you. And the cards told me Valerian would succeed.” Davina looked down slightly and sighed.

“I had…” Davina paused and looked at Anne with pain in her eyes. “I offered myself to him. And given your past, I did nae do it in earnest. I just…” Davina turned and placed her hands on the rail. “I did nae want to see you killed.”

"Oh, well..." Anne felt her cheeks grow hot. She fiddled with the silver chain that still rested between her fingers. Her dearest friend and her childhood sweetheart was not a pair that she wanted to think much about. But the fact that Valerian might never be hers was something Anne had resigned herself too not long after their reunion.

"Well he's a man, isn't he? I imagine he's had plenty of other women over the years." With a snort, Anne shoved the broken piece of jewelry into her pocked. "And it's not as if I hold any sway over him anymore. In fact I would be impressed if you could get that heart to feel something again. I think it's frozen over."

But she regretted the words as soon as the fell from her lips. It was clear that her friend felt terrible enough as it was. She let her breath out with a long sigh and covered one of Davina's hands with her own. "Vina, I'm sorry," she said. "I don't mean to take my frustration out on you. You just risked the wrath of Christoff to help me, and this is how I react? Thank you for saving me, my friend."

“You have every right to upset with me,” Davina‘s voice was sad as she stared out at the ocean. “And truly, what did I risk? If Valerian had nae stepped in, I would’ve been dead soon enough.” Davina glanced over her shoulder at Valerian. It was only for a moment, but she couldn’t deny that she did feel attracted to him. He was more of a man than any aboard this ship, and she had no doubt he would show it in all aspects of his life. But still, Davina couldn’t do that to her friend.

“I will nae do it,” Davina spoke softly. “I will nae let him touch me. I cannae do that to you. What kind of a friend would I be? You are like family to me Anne. I would never hurt you that deeply. No matter what the cost.”

A sudden wave of appreciative emotion threatened to overtake her. Anne's throat tightened and her eyes felt wet. But she couldn't cry, not here on deck. Not after just showing so much weakness in front of Christoff and the entire crew. She bit her lip and gave Davina a nod. Then with a deep breath she collected herself and turned toward Valerian.

"An impressive display, Mr. De'Laine," Anne called to get the dark man's attention. She shook her hair away from her face and put her hands on her hips, slightly regaining her usual air of authority. "The Devourer is yours now, I don't think anyone is stupid enough to challenge you on that point. And her crew is yours too, if you choose to have us."

Most of the crew were still standing around, starting dumbly at the man who had just killed their captain. And an idle crew was something that Anne simply could not tolerate. "Back to work, the lot of you! If you saw the same fight I just did, you won't be wantin' to cross our new captain!" she snarled. The pirates moved, some scrambled, some ambled, but all eventually went back to their posts.

Anne turned back to Davina and gave her a friendly wink. "That always makes me feel better," she said with a grin.

Davina stared at Anne for a moment, regarding her curiously. She knew that Anne had feelings for Valerian, it was something they talked about at great length. There was nothing Davina didn’t know about Anne, and Anne could say the same of her.

“You could tell him now you know,” Davina grinned. “What’s to stop you?” Davina turned form the rail and looked into Anne’s eyes.

“He is, after all, your Captain now. Surely he wouldn’t blame you for what happened.” Davina took one of Anne's hands in her own and looked at her with happiness in her eyes..

“And with Abel dead,” Davina gave Anne a sly look. “You can be happy now. You don’t have to be afraid anymore. None of us do.”

Even though there was no one near enough to hear the witch's words, Anne took a nervous glance around before stepping forward to close the gap between herself and Davina. "Are you mad?" she whispered. "I can't do that! Listen, Vina, Valerian doesn't only not realize that I'm... me, he doesn't even seem to like me. He doesn't speak to me, he doesn't look at me, not even in the way the other men do!"

“But all he knows is what you show to the crew,” Davina reached into her pouch and pulled out her deck and began to shuffle. “Think about it Anne. What man on this ship would even try to touch you? I don’t think it is so much that he is uninterested. He’s just smart enough not to show it.” Davina stopped shuffling and cut the deck.

“There is no one on this ship who knows you, other than me of course. And I know how you feel about him.” Davina smiled. “I can draw a card if you like. We can see what the fates have to say.”

Anne stared at the deck with wide eyes. There was no denying her fear of what might be drawn. What if the card, when turned over, dashed all her hopes of Valerian caring for her again? Anne had lived the last several years holding onto that hope, however frail it might be. Did she want to risk it? But on the other hand, what if it said something good? Didn't she want to know?

Swallowing hard, Anne turned her eyes back up to Davina's. Her friend looked so certain of herself, she thought with a flash of admiration. "Alright," she said slowly. "But you look first. If it's something bad, I don't want to see it."

Davina held the deck flat in the palm of her hand. Placing her other hand over top of it, she smiled at Anne and drew the top card. She held it up in front of her, so that Anne couldn’t see, and Davina’s smile turned to a frown she stared at the card.

Anne felt her heart drop into her stomach and her jaw along with it. "Oh no," she breathed as she reached for the card. "No, Davina, show it to me, please!"

"The card I drew," Davina's expression was unchanged. "Represents you and Valerian. And I think that I will nae have a need to explain to you it's meaning.” Slowly Davina turned the card so Anne could see it and she started to giggle as she did. The card, was The Lovers.

Anne gasped in surprise. But Davina's giggle was contagious, and soon Anne found herself smiling along with her. All the fears and frustrations of the day came pouring out in an burst of laughter. She leaned in closer to the card in her friend's hand and stared at it. True enough, there was a drawing of Adam and Eve with a clear title that said, "The Lovers." It made Anne laugh even harder.

"Turn that over! Don't let anyone see it!" she managed to say through chuckles. As her laughter subsided, Anne wiped her eyes and took a glance behind her at their new captain before turning back to Davina. Was it possible that the cards were right? Anne almost didn't dare to hope that they were, but she had never seen the witch predict something inaccurately. Her cheeks began to grow hot again with a blush.

"That's twice today I owe you thanks," Anne said, reaching for her friend's hand again. "I'm lucky to have you around, Vina."

“You owe me nothing Anne,” Davina placed the card back in the deck. “You are my friend, my family, and I will always do everything I can to help you.” Davina lowered her hand to place the deck back in it’s puch. As she did, she accidentally hit the side of the deck against the pouch. When this happened, a card fell out and landed on the deck of the ship. Davina knelt down to pick it up and her eyes widened, a small amount of fear in them. The card which had fallen out of the deck was the Five of Swords. She quickly picked up the card and put it in her pouch.

“A foe approaches,” Davina looked up at Anne, the concern showing clearly on her face.

Anne was puzzled, but knew better than to question Davina's interpretation of the cards. And her friend's expression was not one to be taken lightly. "We'll have to tell the captain then, and the crew," she said, trying to sound reassuring. "Whatever it is, we'll be ready."

Davina opened her other pouch and removed the cup and bones from it. She removed the lid and started to shake them lightly.

“I have to be sure,” Davina looked back down at the deck and cast the bones, hoping to see something other than what the card had told her. She examined the way they fell. The patterns within the patterns which spelled out what the future would hold. Gathering up the bones, she replaced them back in her pouch and stood.

“A ship is coming,” Davina kept her voice low. “Hunting us.”

"Hunting us?" Anne repeated in a whisper, her own concerns starting to grow. "Is it the navy?"

“No,” Davina kept her tone hushed. “Not the navy. But I dinnae know what it is for sure."

(co op With Anne)

World Traveler
04-21-2010, 06:45 PM
The players below looked like chess pieces to Johnny. The king was in check for only a moment before he struck down the power drunk pawn. The world seemed very serene as the battle unfolded between the two endless blues. Blades clashed making the sound of angry lightning and footwork made the two look as though they were dancing. The whole thing was rather uneasy to watch in Johnny’s eyes. While the job of a pirate walked hand in hand with violence and blood his job put him above it. He was not the one who pillaged the ships or commanded the guns.

Soon enough the bloody ending to the battle was done. Looking down the young rigger watched the ship soak the crimson blood into its own wooden skin. Like a hungry ocean beast it seemed to welcome the life into itself. As if to applauded the show a violent squall of wind started to pick up, causing the sails clap and the ropes crack. Pulling him close to the rope ladder and then linking his arm though a loop and then doing the same with his leg Johnny sway with the ropes and rode the short period of chaos out.

When the ropes and sails calmed with the dying gust of wind Johnny jumped into action. Moving up the rope ladder with a speed the whole ship could envy Johnny was up on the sails faster than a sea bird. Moving with balance he started down the main sails Topgallant. Reaching the first rigger and seeing the taught knot holding the sails Johnny’s hands started to work their magic. Quick enough the rope was loose and he was on to the next one. After finishing the port side he rushed back towards the center only to feel a wall of wind start to pick up. *O shit* He thought as he looked over his shoulder as if to see the wind.

The panic that started to grow inside Johnny was pushed down with quick thinking. Instead of trying to reach the main mast and hold on for dear life the rigger hopped off the sail completely and then grabbed on the strut he was standing on. At the same time the wind was caught by the sail and as he held on the sail pushed into him blocking the main push of the wind. Breathing easy as his hands held the sail Johnny started to traverse towards the starboard side of the main sail.

04-21-2010, 07:57 PM
Amra slowly made his way to the long guns his mind still on why he was watching the cabin boy walk and the strange burning he felt watching the lad. Shaking his head he beings to plan a series of one night stands at the next port so he'll reassert to himself that he's not becoming a buggerer of boys, the very thought made him shudder. He soon felt the cool dampness of the lower decks flow over his sweat slick skin. He's always loved being below decks with his guns. Nothing in this world could compare to the rush a man gets when he feels the boom of the guns resonate through his body like a church bell on Sunday. The smell of gunpowder filling his lungs and the weight of the perfect cannonball in his hands as he shoves it into the barrel. He could smell the smoke from 1,000 battles in the air mixing with an endless array of sweating bodies. He touched the wall picturing the ship as it reels and rolls through 1,000 storms bending and bobbing but never falling. It was the firm belief of himself and the crew that nothing short of a true act of God could stop this ship or of the Devil if they actually met the Devourer. But Amra's thought were interrupted by a deep and eerie voice singing one of the old Sailor ballads that haunts the deck at night.

Next time out to sea
Bring enough soul to bury me
For I don't want my final jig
In the belly of a squid
Take my trousers take my shirt
Just give me that sweet dirt
For the water's cold and grim
And I never did learn to swim
No her love never set me free
So I set off for the ocean
Now in my dreams she comes to me
Whispering of peace
But I've known since the day
That we sailed for Santiago
Her dry embrace would kiss my face
No never, No more

The sea is a cruel mistress
The sea is a cruel mistress

The song brought tears to the eyes of every sailor on the lonely nights when the voice could be heard from their bunks as it padded around in the darkness with only the spectral light of a yellow lantern to guide it.

Many moons to the day
That I threw her love away
Now every whale spouts "go to hell"
As the wind laughs in my face
I've grown harder on the eyes
And salty to the taste
My pride has gone with the wake
As I wait a cold wet grave
I rose to the smell
Of a wet desert hell
And I thought to myself
How'd I wind up in this jail
Till a voice called to me
From deep within the sea
Dry your eyes my dear fisherman
Your ass belongs to me

The sea is a cruel mistress
The sea is a cruel mistress

The earth will rest my bones
Lord I know, Lord I know
But I'll see you when I get home
From the cold, yeah from the cold

No her love never set me free
So I set out for the ocean
Now in my dreams she comes to me
Whispering of peace
But I've known since the day
That we sailed for Santiago
Her dry embrace would kiss my face
No never, no more

The sea is a cruel mistress
The sea is a cruel mistress

As Amra approached the guns he looked over into a small room. The door was open and the same yellow light slid out illuminating the dark guns. The Officer could see a small shadow bent with age scouring the pages of an old book his various tools spread out over an old beaten desk.

Next time out to sea
Bring enough soil to bury me
For I don't want my final jig
In the belly of a squid

Next time out to sea
Bring enough soil to bury me
For in my dreams she comes to me
Whispering of peace....

The song ended in an impossibly deep note for any other man, it rang through the rafter sending a prickle down the spine of the warrior listening in. As he stepped into the little room he had to duck down some to avoid giving himself a concussion. He peered through the darkness and at the hunched little figure humming to himself as he runs gnarled fingers over the surface of a map that looked to be 100 years old and still it would be younger then the man scanning it. He was white as a ghost with hair to match his clothing looked to be from the middle ages. An old canvas jerkin with long frilled sleeves and matching pants that are tucked into his leather shoes, at his hip was a curved dagger from the old Ottoman Empire.
"Ye always kill me wit that song Shorty." The little man turned his old head toward the voice pushing the glasses back onto his thin nose. He gives Amra a toothless grin and says in a dialect older then even the speaker.
"Oh ye weepith like a newsuckling babe young lout. But it doth my heart grandly to see ye. I pray thee take a seat I'll fetch some drinks." Getting off his little stool the old navigator shambles to a shelf and pulls down an opened bottle of finely aged rum and two glasses and pours the strong amber liquid into them handing one to Amra before taking up his own and moving back to his little stool.
"But what if I may query is happening above me wee hovel?" Amra seats himself and takes the glass sipping it slowly.
"The cap'n has brought a new cabin boy aboard skinny wee lad in my opinion. Cap'n nearly killed the Quartermaster again this time." Shorty shake his head.
"Yon belligernt maiden must learn to keep her viperous tongue in check afore she gets herself under the Reapers scyth." Amra laughs finishing his rum.
"Aye sir can't say ah'd miss her if he did kill her." Shorty nods sipping his drink at snail's pace.
"Yay varily my young friend. So what of our bearing? I feel like we're going north." Amra blinks at the small man seated at the desk, it never ceased to amaze Amra how the old Navigator knew which direction he was going at all times without looking at a compass.
"Aye he's sending us after the Devourer." Shorty coughed almost dropping his glass, Amra pats the fragile back putting the glass on the table.
"You alright Shorty?" The old man nods panting raggedly.
"Yes friend, I just thought you said we will be heading to cross swords with the Devil's own crew." Amra chuckles lightly.
"That's what I did say Shorty." The old man drops his head laughing to himself.
"Oh lackaday I never thought my soul would meet such a thing." Shorty pours out another two glasses then sits back on his stool thinking.

04-21-2010, 08:04 PM
Alexander stood there and watched the battle slackjawed. He had never seen such poweress used in battle. As they watched the battle, at first it appeared that Valerian would be dead for his actions. Then in a flash the tide turned against the Captain. If it were even possible for Alexander's jaw to go lower it would have. He watched as the pair of combatants dueled at the speed of light and then observed the final blow as Valerian seperated the Captain's head from his body.

For a moment everything was still except for Valerian, whom was breathing heavily, Anne, Davina, and the young rigger. Then, Alexander drew his sword and pointed it at Valerian. The crew all looked at their head gunner in shock. Alexander then plunged his sword into the deck, raised up his arms, and let out a mighty cheer. "THE REIGN OF THE BASTARD IS OVER!!!" He looked at the faces of his shipmates and said, "Well come on then!" They all did the same as he and let out even louder cheers than his own. With mixed profanities and yells of triumph of course.

They all surged forward at Valerian, slapping him on the back and yelling congragulations, except for a few. These were Calerian himself, Anne, Davina, the younger rigger, and four or five of the more hardened pirates. Alexander walked over to the last of theseand said, "Well you ARE happy that the devil Son-of-a-bitch is dead right?" The leader of the group, whom was named Dawson replied, "Captain Able lead us many a year Gunny. I'm not unhappy to see him go, but I'm not exactly sure that Valerian, or Anne are the best captain either." A hush instantly fell over the crowd of jublient bucaneers.

"AH, yes, there is that problem then now is there." Alexander said with a grimace as he turned to the crowd of pirates. "Who do yah vote as your new captain? Give me a show of hands when I say there name." A couple of the pirates mumbled something along the line of "What the hell?" But most simply waited for ALexander to call out the first name. "Well then, THINK HARD NOW, AND DON'T BE SWAYED BY NOT GETTING IN THE LADY'S SKIRT." He said the last part in a sarcastic manner and let them think for a minute or two. "Who wants Anne as the new captain?" The people who wanted Anne raised there hands. "Well then, who wants Valerian?" The people who wanted Valerian raised their hands. "Well... thats a problem..." The vote had been an exact tie.... Now, as pirate rules went.... and EVERYONE knew them, one combatant would have to give, or they would have to fight to the death.

04-24-2010, 01:44 AM
Time seemed to slow to practically a standstill while every second leisurely spilled out its precious contents as if it loathed for the next crucial moment to take its place. For a brief instant, the dark skinned pirate from the Cayman Islands known to many as Teja Espeut did not notice the wind in the sails, nor did she notice the unending sky and breaking waves. In fact, she was barely aware of the rest of the crew, so intent was her focus on Captain Abelheim Christoff’s rage as he withdrew his sword, a weapon that had taken the lives of scores, if not hundreds of others. This time its intended target was no pleading aristocrat, arrogant soldier or brazen privateer. Teja’s throat constricted in both denial and dread as she realized that Captain Christoff was determined to take the life of his own first mate.

The Captain’s sword swung in a mighty arc. His eyes were merciless, his face the incarnation of hatred. For the umpteenth time on this voyage, Teja wished that she had the strength and skill to oppose the Captain. Yet at heart, she knew she was no mutineer. She had respected every captain she had served under. Teja felt her heart beating wildly in her chest as she beheld what she believed to be the last seconds of Anne Bonny’s existence on this mortal plane.

Unexpectedly, in a blur of time and motion, not one but two weapons appeared to block Captain Christoff’s strike. She heard the raucous clang of metal against metal as a dark clad young man deftly countered the attack on the first mate, using a sword in each hand. The man’s name was Valerian De'Laine, a crewmember that Teja had not given much attention to in the past. Although he was tall, strong limbed and efficient in his assigned duties, Valerian spoke little and seemed to distance himself from much of the crew. At least that had been her perception of him. In any case, he was either incredibly brave or unbelievably foolish to challenge the Captain. So intent was Captain Christoff on brutally ending the life of his first mate that it seemed to take time for the audacious act to fully register. He appeared momentarily taken aback by what had been both a block to his attack and personal affront against his leadership. Using the element of surprise to his advantage, Valerian followed the block with an immediate kick that sent Christoff sprawling backward across the deck. Ever ready for battle, the Captain quickly readjusted his footing and willed his body into a defensive crouch.

The Captain’s eyes transformed from confusion, to shock, to realization, and then ultimately changing into hatred so fierce that only the pits of deepest hell had ever before seen the like. What followed was a battle so intense and so vicious, that Teja would remember it for the remainder of her days.

In the end, Valerian had been victorious, decapitating a being that was more demon than man, more beast than any member of civilized society. As the headless corpse followed its severed head into the depths of the sea, Teja had little doubt that the denizens of hell rejoiced in anticipation of tormenting a being that had inflicted nearly as much pain and cruelty on humanity as they themselves had caused in the course of the past century.

The devil of the seas, the scourge of humanity formerly known as Abelheim Christoff no longer walked the realm of the living. The entire crew had witnessed the bloody ending to his terrible existence. All that remained of his cruel legacy was a splatter of crimson blood that some poor swabbie would soon cleanse from the deck. To Teja, it somehow seemed to be a fitting demise. An unsightly blemish had been removed from humanity, and the crew of the Devourer had been freed from a yoke of perpetual fear.

It seemed unbelievable. In fact, Teja could hardly imagine her good fortune! The first mate, Anne Bonny was still alive and well. In addition, the Devourer had herself a new leader worthy of respect and admiration: Captain Valerian De'Laine.

04-25-2010, 01:59 PM
All too soon her relief climbed into the crow's nest, already looking a little green from the swaying of the mast. Of the Devourer, there was no sign. Catherine reluctantly pointed out the few sails of merchantmen that were around them before climbing out of the crow's nest. "Sing out if ya see her," she ordered.

It took several minutes to climb down to the deck, with each rung in the ratlines she worried the lookout would announce a new sail, but she reached the deck without a word from above.

With a sigh, she took one last look before heading to the scuttlebutt for a drink and to hear the word being whispered among the crew.

"So what's the word?" she asked the nearest crewman.

Anne Bonny
04-28-2010, 06:30 AM
With arms folded across her chest and eyebrows raised in surprise, Anne watched as the vote was taken of the Devourer's crew. An exact tie? That was a real shock. She had a few friends among the crewmen and women, and they all followed her commands when Christoff was behind her, but she had never expected any sort of devotion from them.

"Well, well," she said quietly to Davina. "This day just keeps getting better and better."

After throwing a quick wink to her friend, Anne's smile widened into a grin as she stepped forward and took a place next to the pirate who had taken the vote. "To even suggest a vote, Alexander, you either have great faith in me, or you want to see me dead. And either way, I think I'm flattered," she said with a sweeping mock-bow and a short laugh.

The girl turned to face the crew, resting her hands on her hips. "But you know, you've got a point there. I have been on this ship for quite some time now, and I have worked my way up to be Christoff's second in command. So why shouldn't I be the first?"

A few of the men who had cast their votes Anne's way cheered in response as she turned her attention to her dark opponent. Valerian was standing silent and still, his eyes trained on her. No response? Anne wondered, cocking her head to the side as she watched him. An observer might think that she was sizing up her enemy. But in truth, Anne was desperately looking for some sort of reaction.

Her own green eyes narrowed and the first mate strode across the deck toward Valerian. "In fact," she continued, "I think I deserve a shot at commanding this black ship. I think I've had enough hard knocks and victories at old Abel's side to have earned it! And I'm not so poor at using a blade myself. Maybe I should test my talents against a real master, hm? Maybe I'm a better fighter than you think."

It was only a few feet away from Valerian that Anne drew to a stop. She stood in front of the man, one hip cocked to the side, a hand resting on the hilt of her sword. The tension on the Devourer was palpable and the air silent, as if the entire crew was holding their collective breath. Yet Anne took the next few, long seconds to examine the man in front of her.

Valerian De'Laine was standing perfectly still. He hadn't grown tense at her advancement or her comments. He hadn't moved a hand towards his weapon in anticipation of another battle. He hadn't made any expression at all, no laughter at the absurdity of her confidence, no sneer of pride in his abilities. And those cautious, hazel eyes studied her with intimidating scrutiny. And there, in that unmoving pillar of a man Anne found a trace of the friend that she had lost all those years ago.

It was the same posture she had seen in him once as a child, a particular even that she had almost forgotten until that moment. Anne and her dear friend had been playing, as usual, when a group of older boys had approached. It was hard to recall what exactly they wanted, but the boys had started to earn a reputation of bullying other children in town. They taunted and teased the younger pair. Instead of speaking out against them or cringing away, Valerian had nearly turned into a statue. He had gone stalk still, no words, barely even a sign of breathing. At the time, the younger Anne had wondered if he had been afraid. But being on the receiving end of that intense hazel gaze, she now wondered if the boy had simply been watching them for weakness, calculating exactly what move would take his enemy to his knees. Or hers, for that matter.

"Ah," Anne breathed as a smile began to creep back over her features. She tilted her chin upwards in satisfaction, as if the expected dual was already finished and she was the victor. In truth, she had no desire to command the pirates, and certainly didn't want to fight her old friend. She simply needed some way to prove to herself that the man hadn't completely changed. There was still a part of the Valerian that she knew deep inside. With great relief, Anne wondered if perhaps she would be able to draw more of him out as time went on.

She swiftly turned back toward the crew, and let out a loud laugh. "Oh really!" Anne managed to scoff between chuckles, "You all must think I'm a lunatic to think I'd go up against that sword!"

When her laughter subsided into giggles, Anne cleared her throat and waved a hand towards Valerian. "Besides, this man just saved my life, you know. I yield, of course I yield. But admit it, I had you all going there for a minute, didn't I?

"The Devourer is yours, Captain De'Laine. And if you don't mind me getting right down to business, we have quite a bit to discuss."

05-02-2010, 10:20 PM
Arianna made her way below decks of the massive ship. Not only was she impressed with it's size but she was more than impressed with how clean the ship was. It was obvious to her that Captain Grimm not only liked his ship spotless but also that he ran a very tight ship. If Arianna had not been careful to pay attention to where she was going it would have been easy for her to have lost her way below the deck. Passing the ships cuddy she noticed that it was well stocked and everything seemed to be in order.

It made her wonder about the ships cook. By the appearance of the cuddy it occurred to her that he must like to keep things well organized. As she strolled through the hallway she came across the room she would guess to be the ships sick bay. She cringed as she looked at the various items laying on the table. There was something that looked like nothing more than a meat cleaver and some type of crude saw lying on the table. Arianna took these items to be what would have been used to perform amputations. Looking around the room she saw little along the lines of any types of medicine that could be used for pain and she shuddered at the thought of anyone having to go through an amputation without the aide of something other than whiskey to dull the pain.

Spying some semi clean strips of cloth on the counter and a basin of water Arianna couldn't pass up the opportunity to utilize it. Dipping the cloth into the water and wringing it out she quickly stepped behind some shelving and unbuttoned the top few buttons of the baggy shirt that she wore. Wearing her clothing baggy had helped to hide the fact that she was a woman. Carefully Arianna cleaned her skin with the wet cloth making sure not to bump the bindings that she had used to conceal her true form under that baggy shirt. At this point the cool water felt heavenly upon her skin. Arianna couldn't remember when the last time was that she'd had an actual proper bath.

Quickly she finished cleaning up the best that she could without removing too much of the dirt from her face. She always made sure her face was semi dirty to prevent anyone from seeing the normally pink rosy colored cheeks that lie beneath the grime. Laying the rag out on a shelf in the furthest corner of the room to dry Arianna quickly redressed herself and proceeded to leave the room deciding that this would be here secret spot to slip away and clean herself when and if the opportunity presented itself. She would need proceed with caution though lest she risked being found out.

As Arianna made her way down the hallway she could hear the sounds of pots and pans banging along with what sounded to her like humming. When she reached the ships galley however she froze in the doorway as she watched an incredibly handsome young man moving around the room. Could this possibly be the ships cook Collie? (http://i39.tinypic.com/hurhie.jpg) She had to admit that she had expected someone a bit older. It wasn't until he started to move around the room that Arianna noticed he was walking with a limp. She had to cover her mouth to prevent a gasp from escaping her lips.

Arianna was horrified when she saw the man she thought to be Collie step out from behind the end of one of the tables and realized that he limped because he was missing his left foot. A moment of sadness ripped through Arianna's heart as she thought about what must have happened and how painful it must have been for him. The loss of his foot explained why he wasn't on deck with the others. Swallowing hard Arianna tried regaining her composure before moving into the room and speaking in her best Abe voice possible.

"Scuse me sir, I's dinnae means to interrupts ye but Cap'n Grimm told me to find me way down here to introduce meself." Arianna was careful to not look the blue eyed gentleman in the eyes as she looked down towards the floor. "Me names Abe, and I's the capt'ns new cabin boy. If you be the one they calls Collie capt'n sez mebe you might be needin' some 'elp from time ta time and I jest wanted to let ye know, if ye needs me ta let me know."

Arianna could not help but look up when the man spoke to her then "You have indeed found the one named Collie young lad and I'm sure I will be needing your help along the way. Welcome aboard the Defiant." His speech was more than proper and Arianna wished that she didn't have to use the rouse of a pauper, nor did she wish that she would need to continue using that horrid pirate talk that she had grown accustomed to using while on the docks. She had no choice though. Until they settled on land far away from her home she would need continue keeping the guise of Abe up.

05-03-2010, 04:50 AM
Time passes slowly when you're in the presence of the Mordecai Byzallin a.k.a Shorty. The primary Navigator aboard the Defiance but his old age and tendency to roast like a steak above deck in the sun has forced the man into a more advisory role. A role which the normal Navigator would be a fool to overlook Shorty had been aboard more ships then most of the crew could even number. He's lived through great Empires and conquests even a plague or two. You could sit for hours listening to him retell his life story if he wasn't singing Shorty was telling stories he was well-liked by the crew and well-respected.
"So young sir I beseech thee how fareith your cousin I rarely see my old friend these days." Shorty says finishing the last of the rum setting the glass down belching lightly. Amra downs his last glass and wipes his mouth.
"He's doin good mate, he hasn't blown himself up so all's good." He smiles sitting back on his seat listening to the deepness in Shorty's laughter the wrinkles on his face creasing and shifting with his mirth.
"That's good to know young sir. Shorty stands and grabs his large brimmed hat and walking stick from the corner. But come I must speak with the Captain about this lion's den we're walking into." Placing the large hat on his shriveled head and moveing the cane to his left hand then shuffles slowly for the door. Amra stands up and follows the old man out into the arms deck.
"Tis you and me, spawns of Satan." Shorty grumbles gripping his staff firmly in his knotty little hands and lifts his short leg painfully before pulling himself up to the bottom step. Amra watches the little man fight with the stairs trying to cover his smile while the old man battles the five demon steps.
"Ha-ha foolish knave ye fail to knoweth who ye contend with!" He laughs at the second step.
"Oh tricky blackguard thought a loose board could stop me? HA!" He growls at the third step rapping it with his cane soundly.
Amra laughs to himself as he steps onto the bottom step getting ready to catch the old man if he stumbles.
"Vile cretin, trying to undo me with a duplicitous nail!" The old man grumbles beating the nail back in with his cane. Shorty pants as he glares at the last step.
"We meet again harbinger of destruction, ye may have gotten the best of me last time but ye'll not do it again!" With a deep breath he pants lifts his right leg tiredly and sets it down panting. He moves his cane up and sets it down, with another breath he lifts his left and moves it slowly onto the landing. Panting and rubbing his arthritic knees he leans against the door frame, Amra laughs shaking his head meeting Shorty at the top.
"Yer a real dramatic mate, should've gone into Theatre rather than Navigating." The little man laughs pushing himself off the frame pulling his hat over his eyes against the sunny glare coming from the planks.
"Yay verily young sir but Navigating is the core of my being, it runs through my veins and dances with my blood. I'd miss the spray of the sea and the gentle rocking the sea lulling me into a deep sleep rivaled only by death himself."

The step further onto the deck and are greeted by a chilling silence. The sun beat down upon the light brown wood sending heat waves up to dance with the blue ones surrounding them. But aside from the waves the ship seemed deserted and barren as an old nun no orders being barked no sailors chatting and bullshitting not even a swabby with his bucket just the quiet whistle of win and the soft lapping of water against the hull.
"This is very queer where hath the crew gone?" Amra scratches his head looking around.
"Ah dun't know mate they were here when I came down to see you." The ship was still headed north so someone had to be around to steer but everyone else seemed gone.
"It rarely bodes well when silence reigns over the deck of a ship at sea." The younger man nods rubbing his chin and stepping into the sun looking around.
"This makes me uneasy mate, wait here ah'll go check it out." With a nod Shorty leans against the side of the stairs leading up to the wheel doing his best to stay in the shadow it cast. Amra has to squint his eyes against the glare as he makes his way to the Crew Quarters if they were anywhere that is where they'd be.

Striding over the deck he sees the Crew's Quarters. It's a 6 foot by 14 hut that sinks into the top deck and after a few steps you step into a long room with hammocks lining the walls each one comes with a small shelf and a hook for the Sailor's personal effects. Amra and Numas used to live with the rest of the crew but after some pirates snuck on board and sabotaged some of their guns so the Cap'n moved them to the arms room to guard against it again. He pushes open the door and sighs relieved most of the men were passed out in their hammocks or playing dice. With a smile Amra takes a breath and belts out in his most commanding voice.
"Look alive, Officer on deck!" Men leapt up knocking over cups their shipmates and tripping over themselves to look like they were actually doing something important. His laughter broke up the chaos and soon they were all watching him trying to decide whether to laugh with him or run him through.
"You lot are more skittish then guppies when a shark's around. Shorty and ah were just wonderin' where everyone was." Numas stands from a stool and says.
"We were waitin' on orders from Cap'n Thad, instead of roastin' on deck we came in here." Amra smiles and nods stretching a little
"Well ye might want to come back out or at least open the door so he can shoot ye all at once." He smiles kicking the door open letting the sea breeze fly in sending personal effects clattering gently against the wood. The men sigh feeling the cool air and some of them follow Amra out onto the deck but they decide to lounge around the shadow of the Crew hut. Numas walks out after his cousin.
"So ye actually got Shorty out of his wee cave eh?" Amra laughs looking over at the little man snoozing against the wall.
"Aye he wanted to talk with Cap'n anyway. Feel free to join us lad." Numas nods hitching up his sword belt then follows Amra back to Shorty. Amra raps the wood above Shorty's head, he wakes with a start wiping drool from his mouth.
"About time young buck twas about ready to return to my hovel. Greetings Numas."
"'Ello Shorty how's the maps?" Shorty nods stretching a little his old joints popping as he goes.
"They fair well friend I thank ye. Now can we go find the Cap'n?" The cousins nod and begin looking around for Cap'n Thad.

05-05-2010, 05:28 PM
Life was full of surprises. In killing their captain Valerian had expected to have to fight others who were yet loyal to the dead man. Perhaps it was a testament to the despicable nature of Abel that not one of his crew stepped forward to avenge him. He was not the sort to have had friends and pirates were not known for their loyalty anyway. Instead of lamenting the loss of a wily captain the crew cheered his dispatchment with no small measure of glee. He wondered for a moment if perhaps some were cheering because they suddenly saw their ambition to rise in the ranks upon the ship a little more in reach. With the main obstacle out of the way some might think to maneuver for a place of command and therefore higher shares of the spoils. How many were bright enough to realize that they had traded in one obstacle for something even more difficult to surpass? Even still, despite all that the swordsman had anticipated, a vote was not something he had considered. Maybe things had changed dramatically in the few years he had kept himself strictly to land but to his knowledge piracy and democracy quite simply did not go together.

So Anne Bonny was a well liked choice for captain, an ironic fact considering not one of the men who voted for her had been opposed to the idea of watching her die a few moments ago. Yet here they were, backing her like good friends. No doubt they sought a chance to get into her good graces and, if they were lucky, between her thighs in doing so. Politics were pointless at sea, and damnably annoying to boot. Even this vote, clever as it might have been, changed nothing. The world of pirates was predatory, where only the strong or most skilled reigned over the others. A captain of incompetence or weakness would be weeded out and systematically removed for here there was only strength, here if one had skill and power they could be on top. Unless someone had been keeping their skills a secret the best among the Devourer had already been bested. These people had to know that he would contest the vote if he lost and then they would simply lose another crew member. Was that the point? Could it be that Alexander was trying to manipulate the first mate to her own death? Anne certainly seemed to think it possible.

Despite that possibility though she also seemed to like the idea of being captain and valerian stood ready for when she attempted to draw steel. If those votes in her favor had emboldened her it would come to a fight and though he had gone out of his way to save her there could be no mistaking the fact that he would kill her just the same if she opposed him. She sauntered across the deck toward him, smiling brightly as if the near death experience had already past her by and been forgotten. She was a woman accustomed to the mantle of command and she carried herself with confidence and poise, the mark of a swordswoman. Valerian couldn’t place it but there was something in that smile… a quality that tugged at his memory, searching for where he had seen something of its like before. The woman drew near and he stood ready, apparently relaxed as he stood poised in a statuesque sense of complete stillness. It wasn’t that he was tense and waiting for the sign an attack for there was no hint of strain or preparation. Not even a twitch of a muscle preparing to draw tight and clench. Those hazel colored orbs watcher her, measured her intent. In approaching him she had drawn to close for an effective lunge so she would have to try and slash at him if she attacked. If she was half as skilled as he expected it would come in the same motion that drew her blade from its sheath at her hip, meaning there could only be one course, easily defended.

He was still planning out his counter when the woman suddenly burst out laughing, exclaiming that she was not nearly fool enough to face one such as he and yielding her right to the position in support of his becoming captain. So it was settled then… and he would not have to kill the woman he saved. Life was full of surprises. He nodded his silent assent, the closest thing to a thank you she would likely get.

“Very well, First Mate Anne Bonny. We can discuss this business presently.” Again his voice was calm, belying the deadly intent he had just held toward the woman. He reached toward his belt, opening a small pouch he kept upon his waist for the first time since arriving and withdrawing a pentagonal box of turquoise. The gold that decorated it caught the crews eye but none questioned it as he flipped it open and examined what could only be a compass. “Helmsmen, chart our course due south. I will let you know if that changes at any given time.”

The little box was flipped closed then and returned to its place. And the new captain (god it felt weird ot think of himself as such) turned back toward his first mate. Davina was approaching as well, whether to congratulate or thank him he was uncertain but whatever he had been about to say to Anne was put on hold as he turned to face the witch instead. He paused a moment, lips compressing slightly as he considered the proper words for her, but when he spoke it was with confidence, a gentle cadence that held intelligence and respect.

“About your offer… I mean no insult but I’m afraid I must decline.”

He turned back toward Anne then, looking her over once more as he considered once more why there seemed something familiar about her. “Now then,” he began after a moment. “what’s this business you wanted to discuss?”

05-10-2010, 06:40 AM
After a while of brooding and staring into the sea, Ersas was not feeling any better. The sun was also becoming too much to bear and did nothing to quell her growing irritation. Perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to wear a shirt on top of a dress with leggings underneath, but she still wouldn't sacrifice her modesty in the slightest to cool herself down. With her mind made up, Ersas quickly fled from the sun's rays and made way to her quarters.

However, she was so wrapped up in her own anger that she quickly lost her way and found herself by the scuttlebutt. As she unceremoniously pushed and squeezed her way through the crowd gathered around, she overheard Catherine call out for the latest gossip.
"So what's the word?"
"Oh, just the captain being a complete numbskull again. I've had enough of it." Ersas half-replied, half-grumbled to herself as she pressed on. She soon found herself alone and far from her quarters. Frustrated and irritated, Ersas couldn't believe that things couldn't get worse until she faintly heard a voice.

"Look alive, Officer on deck!"
"Oh, what in the world?" Ersas stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked up. At first, she thought that she was just hearing things and that Amra's taunting finally drove her mad. Then that obnoxious laughter that rattled her skull drifted down through the floorboards above her. She knew at once that it was simply the terrible two stirring up trouble again.

"Honestly! As if he really has the authority to say such a thing." She grumbled to herself again. Ersas decided that she couldn't allow Amra and Numas to run around unpunished, especially after she overheard their vulgar gossip about her. She resumed stomping down the hallway with her mind set on pushing around whoever crossed her path first.

"You two; Collie, New Boy." Ersas snapped as she stopped right behind 'Abe' in front of the galley. Neither the cook's missing foot or Abe's lowered head unnerved her from bossing the pair around. She paused for barely a second before giving her order as Quartermaster.
"Go and see what is the ruckus near the Captain's quarters. I've neither the time or the patience to deal with the knuckleheads on this ship anymore."

05-13-2010, 04:01 AM
Catherine the Cursed smirked at Ersas' reply. Like that was anything new.

She drank deeply from the dipper when it was her turn, wiping her mouth on her sleeve as she handed it off to the next hand, then strolled over to the railing. Down here the rolling of the ship wasn't too bad. She scanned the horizon, but the enemy didn't show himself.

With a sigh, Catherine returned to the long boat and retrieved the rope fender she just made. Taking a length of rope, she sat down on the deck with the long boat at her back and began splicing an eye into one end of the rope.

Eventually she noticed the slap of feet climbing up from below and glanced around the edge of the boat curiously at Amra and Numas standing with Shorty, wondering what was brewing now.

"I swear, every time I get ta do somethin', somebody's always got ta interrupt," she muttered, turning back to finishing the tail end of the rope she'd just spliced with a nice seizing of heavy waxed thread.

05-13-2010, 05:25 AM
Everything was properly underway. The Captain was more than able to keep a tight ship on his lonesome, especially this early on a job. The anchor was lifted and the ropes undone, the sails filling with air as Defiance set out on another adventure. The long tails of Hugo's coat billowed in the breeze, the welcomed scent of salt filled the First Mate's nostrils. He closed his eyes and just breathed deep, enjoying the sensation.

Humming to himself, Hugo strolled casually to the bow of the ship, sitting against the railing, fishing his pipe (http://www.vauen.de/gfx/photo/2.38.jpg) out from his coat pocket, stuffing the tobacco in to the bowl and striking a match, lighting the contents of the bowl and making sure it smoked good and proper before discarding the match overboard. Hugo took calm, smooth draws of the good quality tobacco, letting the woodsy flavor coat his throat and lungs before expelling the thick puff of fog-grey smoke, watching the plume vanish in the sea breeze. There was something wonderfully paradoxical about the sea, how dangerous and unforgiving it could be, but also how soothing and serene, and how quickly the two moods of mother nature could switch.

The sun had moved considerably while Hugo smoked his pipe at the front of the ship. What took him from his reverie was the sound of the traditional supper-time rabble. Something about the day was rubbing Hugo the wrong way, and the noise was irritating him. Perhaps it was the high pitched voices of Catherine and Ersas, or perhaps it was the very fact that the sound of the sea was being drowned out. With a grumble, Hugo tapped his pipe against his heel before grinding out the embers on the deck. Stuffing his pipe back in to his coat, Hugo descended in to the cabin.

"Zounds! Ye all sound like a lot of deranged and skill-less Sirens! Quit th' bloody racket! I 'ave a baby nephew that makes less of a wail than ye lot." Hugo smacked one of the crew hand up over the head. The First Mate put his foot up on the table, his sword dangling at his hip. Hugo was known for his swordplay, having been in the Royal Scots Dragoons for quite a time. That skill plus the attitude of a drunkard without his liqueur.

"Ye lot do yer best t'remember that th' Cap'n 'aint th' only officer on this 'ere bloody ship! An' it'll contribute yer long term health an' wellbien' t' remembar that he be th' sober one of th' two of us. Speakin' o'which, where in th' ning rings o' hell is that useless lout?"

Anne Bonny
05-13-2010, 05:52 AM
He turned back toward Anne then, looking her over once more as he considered once more why there seemed something familiar about her. “Now then,” he began after a moment. “what’s this business you wanted to discuss?”

When Valerian had said he was going to decline the witch’s pervious offer, Anne couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. However, she hadn’t expected Valerian to turn back to her so quickly after addressing Davina. The first mate took a moment to swallow the deep breath, covered it with a short cough before flashing a wide smile.

“Many things, Captain,” she began. “It’s my job to keep you abreast on everything that goes on with the Devourer, and I fully intend to do so. But the most pressing matter is Davina’s, I believe.”

She turned to face her friend. "Can you tell him what you read?"

“Anne,” Davina shot Anne a sly smile. “I think that there may be other things you and the Captain need to discuss first.” Davina’s first thought of the two of them getting reacquainted, in every possible way. And this was something that Davina had to resist the urge to blurt out. Still, they did also have the matter of what they were going to do next. Regardless of what was chasing them, the crew would still want to get paid for their troubles. And they would want to hear something soon.

“There is a ship coming Captain,” Davina spoke softly. “I dinnae ken who or what, but it is after us.”

“She’s never wrong. Even the late Abelheim Christoff could see that,” Anne interjected, perhaps a bit over-enthusiastically. Davina was right, of course, she would need to talk with her old friend about things past. But the pirate girl who had made a name for herself of being cold and fearless hadn't quite worked up the courage yet. She continued speaking to try to blot out Davina’s previous comment.

“Anyway, I have a few ideas. There are a few people on here that I trust, at least not enough to stab me in the back,” Anne said with a wink. She pointed upward at one of the masts that held the Devourer’s sails. “Johnny McBride is our rigger, if you haven’t made his acquaintance yet. He’s just brilliant, you know. You’ll never seen anyone move faster across the ropes than our monkey. And if we ask him to keep an eye out for oncoming ships, I would wager that he’d spot them before the man in the nest.”

The first mate turned, red hair curling itself around her waist as she moved, and waved her hand to another woman across the deck. “Teja is another one that I would advise getting to know. She knows this ship like a mother knows her child. She could keep another eye out while working, but what’s more, Teja would be the first to tell us how our Devourer could stand up to any foe she faces just by looking at them.

“And then there’s Alexander,” Anne said, turning her gaze to the man that had propose the vote among the crew. “He and I don’t always get along,” she said slowly. “I think it might be because I switched his ale with a mug of saltwater the first day I met him. It was a harmless joke really, and was honestly quite funny. I think he’s just angry he didn’t think of the prank first…” Anne trailed off, bringing a finger to her lips in thought. “Anyway, he’s the head gunner. He could have the crew prepared in less than a minute if he knows danger’s coming.”

Turning back to face Valerian, Anne caught that hazel gaze and paused. She had dealt with danger and people chasing them for her entire adult life. It was just one of those things that a pirate gets used to. But the idea of someone coming after him was certainly different. “And I’m here for anything you need too, Cap’,” Anne finished quietly.

05-14-2010, 08:50 AM
Davina watched with amusement as Anne introduced the crew. She almost wanted to laugh out loud as Anne tried to steer the conversation away from anything to do with who she was. It still seemed that Valerian had no idea that he knew Anne or how she felt about him. Though Davina did note a look of amusement on the face of the new Captain as well. But it couldn’t be for the same reason. If he had figured it out he surely would have said something by now. In the end it didn’t matter. They were destined to be together and the cards never lied. Unfortunately that also meant that the ship was coming, and Valerian no doubt would have questions.

"Do you know the color of the vessel? Their flag, assuming they have one?" Valerian was completely calm as he spoke. His demeanour reminded Davina of a vast ocean, quiet and still on a windless day. But deep down, when the wind would blow, a wild spirit would emerge. And Davina had no doubt that Anne could use a wild spirit.

“I’m sorry Captain,” Davina spoke softly. “But I dinnae ken. The cards are never that specific. I only ken that a ship is coming, and it is hunting us.” Her face showed no worry, but deep down Davina was scared. She had no way of knowing ho bad things were going to get. And if fate wanted her to know that something was coming, then it would not be something easily dealt with.

Valerian’s expression became thoughtful as he glanced away looking out over the ocean.

“Do you know when?”

Davina removed her cup and bones from her pouch. She knelt down and rolled them onto wooden planks, still slightly damp with Abelheim’s blood.

“Soon,” Davina looked over the bones, hoping for some kind of a definitive answer. Unfortunately, none came. “It’s hard to be certain,” Davina gathered the bones and stood, replacing them in her pouch. “The bones can be… deceptive, from time to time. Less than a week if I were to venture a guess.”

Valerian stayed silent as he continued to look out over the ocean. When he finally spoke, the words can quietly. It was almost as though he were speaking to himself, but it was loud enough for Davina to hear.

“So it begins…” Valerian turned his back to both Davina and Anne. “Thank you Davina. You’ve been very helpful.”

“You’re welcome Captain,” Davina grinned widely, turning to Anne. “I will leave you in the capable hands of your first mate. I’m sure you have things to discuss.” When Davina finished speaking, she leaned in close to whisper in Anne’s ear.

“Tell him. Give him a real reason to fight,” Davina kissed Anne on the cheek and walked away. She went back to the riling and stared out over the ocean. It would have been nice if she knew when the ship was coming. Somehow she could have found a way to better prepare herself for it. Davina was never one for a fight, but somehow she knew that she would be given no choice this time. Her life, right now, was in fate’s hands.

(co op whit Septimus)

05-17-2010, 05:42 PM
He should have known better than to try but Thaddeus Grim had just managed to get himself comfortable when the familiar voice of his gunnery officer. With a sigh he rose from his chair, a simple thing with curving wooden arms and a soft, worn cushion that had seen better days. It, like the table, was bolted to the floor to prevent the sea from making it slide about during storms and the like. A map was spread out across the table, the corners held down by whatever object he had had within reach at any given time. He had been studying it, trying to discern just where Abelheim Christoff might be headed but if his crew insisted on needing his eyes upon them to behave then he would be hard pressed to get anything done in the way of progress. Though he did suppose Amra technically had a right to call himself an officer seeing as his title included the word within it.

A hand swept back through his hair, brushing the annoying strands that so often seemed to fall before his eyes away even as he opened the door to step outside. The young cabin boy was just reached for the door as he did and with its sudden disappearance he stumbled slightly forward, bumping into the captain who was striding out even before realizing someone was in the way. The two collided and Thaddeus caught the lad with a strong arm, holding him steady.

“Easy there kiddo.” He greeted cheerfully, offering a friendly smile. His hands were upon the boys sides and they remained there a moment or two until he was satisfied that he had found his balance once more. Then they slid easily away and the two were separate again. Seemed they were switching destinations for the kid wanted into the room he’d be staying and the captain wanted to get out. “Sorry about that.”

The boy’s breath had seemed to catch in his throat the moment they ran into one another, a result of the surprise at suddenly finding himself against an obstacle most likely. That happened when you were hurrying toward a destination. He kept his eyes averted though, as if embarrassed by the slight mishap. "Aye tis okay Capt'n Thaddeaus. What's all ta ruckus sir?"

“I’m about to find out.” Came the captain’s simple answer as he strode through the ship toward where the commotion was originated. The crew’s quarters wall all a hubbub and it didn’t take a genius to know why.

When Thaddeus entered it was through a wide open door and where once the men were no doubt grumbling and glaring at Amra for so cruelly toying with them all they were now cheered by the cool sea breeze. “Amra!” He snapped, his eyes falling upon the man soon after voicing his name. “Wanna tell me what all the noise is about? We’re on our way to the greatest foe we’ve ever faced! There’s no room for play right now!”

By the gods it was a wonder how they were even going to stand up against the scourge of the ocean and his crew of demonic miscreants if even one of his officers could not refrain from playing around when what they really needed was seriousness and professionalism. At least his first mate was on top of things. Hugo was one of their best swordsman and it was his skills that would be required in bringing down Abelheim. Thaddeus knew the man was eager for the challenge. He had never met a swordsmen of skill who did not enjoy testing their skills against another opponent. Except one… His thoughts returned to a dark haired young man who had wielded two swords at once, a rather unconventional style to employ at sea but he did it so well that little fact was often forgotten. They hadn’t had much chance to get to know one another but the warrior had proven a great help against several small skirmishes and the men had all liked him if for that reason alone. Even Hugo had liked him, though there was that slight rivalry there of course. Somehow though the man did not seem to care whether someone was better or not. He did not act like the killer he had seen him be.

Valerian De’Laine… where had life taken him now?


Two Days Later…

With word of an approaching threat having spread among the crew the tension was growing by the day. Within a week, Davina had said and everyone aboard the Devourer agreed that she was never wrong in her predictions. That certainly explained why Abelheim had always managed to best everyone who came against them. He knew they were coming days in advance. Death comes for us all though and it had come for even that man in the form of Valerian De’Laine, the new captain who was even then striding about the deck watching the men and women at work. He had not been fully accepted as their leader yet, with several of the crew turning first to Anne with their questions and for their orders but then that could also be due to their not wanting to pester him with needless things. They were used to being lead by a tyrant. It would take time to adjust to the quieter, calmer man who now commanded them and had not once raised his voice in command just yet.

Davina was up near the helm, a quiet presence aboard the vessel who would come at a moment’s call but had very little to do in the way of running the ship. That did not mean she was not useful though for in fact it was her skills that had clued them in on the danger in the first place. The crew mostly left her alone apart from the couple who were more bold for one reason or another but what mattered to Valerian was that she was constantly ready to assist him should he need it and presently he did. With a wave he caught her eye, motioning her down onto the main deck where everyone was working. They stood off to the side, near the railing and out of the way.

“What do the bones say today, Davina? Can you tell me anything new?”

The woman gave a nod and withdrew the objects of her divining, crouching to toss them onto the surface of the deck with a light clatter. She was silent a moment and to his credit the young captain did not press. Patience was something he had learned a lot about in his time as a slave and it served him well here. "Today. They will find us today." Davina provided in a soft voice. "I dinnae ken why it is important, or even wheat it means, but one of them is not what they seem."

“Excellent, thank you Davina.” When she rose and looked at him again she found a faint smile upon the captain’s face, an expression rarely seen these days. Though the bit about someone being something other than they claimed was troublesome it was the first part that he actually cared about. His hand moved toward his side, toward the wound Abel had given him with that damned knife. He had dressed it himself and, though it lacked any kind of elegance often found in a medic who practiced such things as a trade it was passable.

“Tell me…” He interrupted just as she had been about to excuse herself to head towards her good friend who was even now moving steadily toward them. At his voice though she stopped, turning back to face him. “You’re skills seem to cross a variety of areas. Do you know medicine and healing or is there another on deck who performs such things?”

"I ken a few herbal remedies, but nothing major. Abelheim used to rely on the carpenter or the cook for such things"

“Teja?” he asked as he reached down into the heel of his boot where his knife was secreted. Already an idea was forming in his mind. The privateers were coming for Abelheim and expecting a fighter. They would get more and what he was about to do was just the first step in his plan. He placed the razor edged blade lightly against his arm and without the slightest hesitation opened a long cut several inches long along its length. Blood flowed freely, covering his arm and hand and running down onto the deck. He stepped away, spreading it out in wide arcs. “I’ll need you to fetch her, please.”

"As you wish Captain." Davina replied and to her credit she managed to do so without hesitation despite cringing at the sight of that blade slicing through his flesh. Cuts were painful things and everyone at sea knew it.

“Anne.” He called, his voice calm even with his blood flowing out across the deck. “If you would kindly gather the crew I can tell everyone how we’re going to handle this threat.”

The first mate’s expression was a mixture of confusion and a surprising amount of concern, though Valerian was too busy setting the scene he wished their enemies to see to pay too much attention. He did as ordered though, and quickly too. Whether that was because she understood the urgency of the situation or out of concern for that still bleeding wound it was difficult to tell but the warrior stood calmly, apparently unconcerned about the red liquid that dripped from his fingers. Davina returned with Teja and the woman stepped forward to inspect the wound immediately. Valerian allowed her to do so, his gaze centered upon the gathered crew.

“Today we face a challenge.” He began, his voice carrying across the deck easily. “The threat Davina has warned us about will find us today. They’ll be expecting a fight… We’re going to give them more.”

He paused as many in the crew raised fists to the air in a joined cheer of acknowledgement and confidence. They had faced privateers before and this one was no different. They had a new captain who was even more skilled then the old and each of them knew their way around a fight themselves. The enemy would stand no chance and with the captains outward confidence to bolster them many were convinced of victory.

“…They will try to board our ship. We’re going to let them.”

A stunned, confused silence was all that followed. Valerian expected that, however, and soon he began to explain, alerting them all of the plan that had solidified in his mind…


“Ship!” Cried the lookout up in the crow’s nest and the reaction of everyone aboard the Defiance was immediate. “Ship on the horizon!”

There was an excited murmur of conversation among the men as Thaddeus emerged out onto the deck. Everyone had gathered toward the front of the ship despite the fact that I would take a bit before they could see what the man in the much higher vantage point could. It was impossible not to be excited though. Could this be it? Had they finally found the Devourer? Men cleared a path for the captain as he approached, letting him come to the railing and as he did he withdrew a spyglass from the pocket of his jacket.

“Aye, It’s the Devourer!” He declared the moment the vessel came into view. The main cheered their excitement, racing to positions to prepare the vessel for the coming fight. The captain’s words were enough for them to know that they faced a great challenge but Thaddeus had not yet moved. Instead he still studied the vessel through his spyglass, a frown creasing his brow.

The sails were not unfurled… Why was the vessel simply floating there?

05-17-2010, 09:37 PM
"You two; Collie, New Boy. Go and see what is the ruckus near the Captain's quarters. I've neither the time or the patience to deal with the knuckleheads on this ship anymore."

It seemed to Arianna that Ersas rarely ever smiled and she wondered what the story behind her was but didn't ask. She figured as all things did, her story would come out in time the same as the rest of the crews. Besides that, the fact was that Arianna didn't feel a need to pry as she wasn't exactly looking forward to anyone asking her too many questions either.

Just then Arianna heard Hugo's voice bellowing through the hallway and looking over at Collie she said "Looks like Hugo's already gots it taken care of." Collie returned to what he was doing in the kitchen and Arianna decided that now was as good of a time as any to check out the Captains quarters since she would be staying there.

After a close encounter with the Captain at the door of his cabin which had Arianna literally holding her breath when his hands found their way to her sides to help steady her, she was thankful that he quickly moved on. Arianna found the Captain to be generally a very cheerful person but at the same time his focus was to be commendable. It eased her mind somewhat to know that she was on board a ship whose Captain was more than capable.

Going into the Captains room she took a look around. There was nothing overly lavish about the room but it had all that one would need to be comfortable. Ariannna noticed a hammock in one corner of the room which she immediately recognized to be for the use of a cabin boy. It was a simple matter of deduction since the Captains personal effects were beside the other bed in the room.

Arianna laid her small satchel filled with the few items that she had brought with her upon leaving her home land. The satchel contained only a comb, a locket that had been her mothers, two daggers and some odds and ends, but nothing that would give away her true identity. Although she had hated leaving almost everything behind she had known it was a necessity.

A Few Days Later

The past few days had passed uneventful enough as Arianna adjusted to life on the sea and in Captain Thaddeus's quarters. Every time that the Captain had decided to clean up Arianna had done what was required of her and quickly slipped out of the cabin usually with the pretense of going to see if Collie needed any help in the kitchen. Luckily for Arianna Collie had seemed to be pleasant enough and had begun filling her in on the history of the Defiance and of its crew and captain. He'd also told her of one Valerian De'Laine who had spent a short amount of time aboard the Defiance.

Arianna was in the Captains quarters listening to one of Captain Thaddeus's tales when they heard the call. “Ship! Ship on the horizon!” Captain Thaddeus moved quickly onto the deck with Arianna close behind as she did a double check to make sure she had her weapons on her. Since coming onto the Defiance she'd begun keeping them on her at all times other than when she was sleeping. She knew that they had been tracking the Devourer and wanted to be certain she was ready when the time came.

Arianna waited close by the Captains side waiting for him to give further instructions. When he finally spoke he seemed clear on what he wanted the crew to do. Several of them would be boarding the ship but proceeding with caution. The ship appeared to be dead in the water which seemed a bit strange to them all. Each one boarding the Devourer remained at the ready and cautious.

Once on board they were greeted with the sight of blood all over the deck and a deathly quiet that hung in the air. Even the sea appeared to be almost motionless. There was no wind, no lapping of waves against the sides of the apparently abandoned ship. The sight of the blood did little to ease Arianna's mind but she pressed forward regardless. The Captain leaned down and in a low voice said "Abe, try to get to the Captains quarters and see what you can find while we search the ship."

The Captain had given her a mission and she would see to it that it was carried out one way or the other. She felt it her duty and obligation to repay Captain Grimm for all that he had done for her thus far.

Each crew member of the Defiance moved forward using extreme caution. Arianna wasted no time making her way towards the Captains quarters as she had been instructed to do. Her small size would allow her to slip away quietly and hopefully unnoticed while the other crew members carried on with the Captain.

While the others busied themselves Arianna made her way seemingly unnoticed into the Captain's cabin. Moving quickly through the room she allowed her eyes to scan the surfaces for anything that might indicate what had happened to the crew of the Devourer and was surprised to find that this cabin did not look very much different than the one that she had been staying in aboard the Defiance. She was also looking for anything that could help Captain Thaddeus in other ways regarding Abelheim Christoff.

Arianna's eyes fell upon a book that looked similar to the one in her own Captains quarters. Moving quickly to the desk she flipped through the pages expecting to find something indicating that it was Christoff's. Her eyes flew over the pages picking up on key words. Arianna whispered to herself as certain words caught her attention "Valerian, secrets, treasure, Atlantis!" Arianna's eyes grew bigger as she flipped the pages of the book. Valerian? There was nothing to indicate that this journal was the Captain of the Devourers but yet she felt it held invaluable information that could help Thaddeus.

Arianna quickly hid the book, slipping it under the bindings that she wore to conceal the fact that she was indeed not a young lad. The bindings were worn extremely tight and Arianna had to wiggle the book between the bindings and her skin to get it concealed but finally the deed was done.

Another quick glance around the room and she decided it was time to head back and find Captain Thaddeus and show him her find.

05-18-2010, 01:16 AM
*Before the boarding*

Amra watched with steady eyes at the deserted ship. Numas and Shorty walked up next to him and gazed with the same eyes.
"I doth know that yonder empty ship is not a favorable omen." Shorty says rubbing his chin. Amra nodded not breaking his gaze at the ship.
"Aye ah say we proceed with caution. I dun't need any spirits stealin' mi soul away." The close-by Privateers nodded in agreement fingering their weapons waiting for the Defiance close enough to board.

"Shorty ye might want ta make yerself scarce take a few of the men and have them stay behind to watch that the ship doesn't sail away on us." Numas says watching the Devourer loom ever closer. The little navigator nods waving for a few of the men hanging on the rail to follow him motioning them to various spots while he went back to his hovel. Amra followed him yelling for the men to come and get a musket might as well use them.
"Come on lads dun't forget yer boomsticks. Empty ship or not might as well use them!" With nods and grunts the men grab their muskets, shot horns and ammo pouches strapping them on they ready themselves to board. Grabbing the last five smooth weapons he hands one to Numas, one to Abe, one to Hugo and lastly one to the Cap'n throwing his own over his shoulder.
"There ye go Cap'n lets go take down the devil." He goes back beside Numas as he lifts a leg and sets it on the railing.
"What do ye think mate?" The older man hmms to himself a frown crossing his grizzled face.
"I dun't know lad. Shorty was tellin' me about a ship he was on when they came across an empty ship with blood on the deck." Amra growls looking at the red splattered wood.
"The Black Skull?" Numas nods remembering all the details Shorty told them about the Black Skull, it was one of Shorty's first ships where he was actually hired as the Navigator. It was one of the times they were at port they decided to take Shorty out into the city to celebrate his birthday. They soon all found a pub and drank heartily. The pub near the end of the night so the little old man decided to tell them one of his life stories.

"We were sailing just north of Barbados, ‘twas late afternoon in early August, ah was standing aft on the merchant vessel Seedsown just trying to track the early stars. The heat of the day was just settling down onto the waves, and my short red hair danced lightly in the breeze. Even as young a man I needed spectacles so I had to squint up at the darkening skies. It was a cry from the next that made me look toward the sinking orb of the sun. A black mass was cruising speedily toward us. Old Captain Magra thundered onto the deck his axe clutched in his hand and his pistol already drawn.
"What in the 9 are you screaming about Gordan?!" He roars up at the big man in the nest.
"It's a ship with a white flag and a black skull painted on the front Cap'n!" The lookout shouted back glancing at the ominous shape flying toward them. It was smaller than the Seedsown but at that speed it'd still sink them.
"A what?" He growls back.
"A ship with a white flag with a black skull painted on it." By now the rest of the crew was on deck gazing out at the ship.
"Any sign of life Gordan?"
"Looks like no one's aboard Cap'n." The crew gasps a little a Ghost Ship was never good.
"Ok men gather up we're doing a little salvage work." Soon we were aboard the Black Skull and pulling out everything and anything they might be able to use. We had weapons, ammo, food, water, even a barrel of rum, lots of useful things. But it's what they found in the Crew's Quarters that made them leave all the found and head for the nearest port. We found the entire crew beheaded and left on their bunks. Maybe natives did it all we knew was he needed to drop the items and leave. Before we got to port in Cuba half the crew was dead or close to it. They lost their souls on that ship only thing that saved me was actually not touching any of the items. Shorty sighs finishing his mug setting it down gently."

*On board the Devourer*

Amra and Numa s trode slowly along the deck watching every possible place if an evil spirit was going to pounce out at them they would be ready. Creeping toward the door to the galley. Numas reaches for the door but stops pulling his hand back.
"Ah dun't like this Amra, tis too eerie. Blood on the deck no on one board. If I din't know any better ah'd say this was planned." Amra nods loading his musket looking around at the hesitation of the rest of the crew.
"Looks like ye aren't the only one lad."

05-18-2010, 01:44 AM
When Alexander had heard the plan, he immeadiantly went about doing his part as the plan detailed. This mostly consisted of making it look like a scuffle had gone on. Alot of gunpowder would have been used in a mutiny, so he emptied some cask of powder into sacks. he then his the sacks after spreading a little expended powder over the deck. He handed out the apropriate weapons and powder to the crew for when the ambush came. He then his the poweder and himself among the casks of rum in the hold.

As he waited for the privateers to come for them, his mind wandered back to when he was a boy... He had always loved weapons, as such he had often carved out fake wooden guns to play around with when he was younger. his friends had unwillingly joined in. They would build these fake wood ships and act out pirate battles all day long. Eventually, his friends had tired of it and stopped playing with him. Alex didn't care, he simply played by himself. Then, one day the time came that he could join the navy.... It had been boring at first, until the day that the pirates had appeared of the bow....

05-18-2010, 06:13 AM
At first, Ersas thought that she was going through hell itself. She'd never boarded a pirate ship before. It was her first time crossing the distance between ships on only a plank of wood. She was an excellent swimmer, but to look down and see the sea looming below her precariously perched feet... That pushed her to her limits. As soon as she stepped foot on the Devourer, Ersas honestly thought that the worst was over. Then she noticed the blood.

She seemed apathetic to the whole sight as she looked over the deck without flinching. However, if one looked closely, they could see that Ersas' skin was a shade whiter and her eyes a shade darker. Her bottom lip trembled and revealed her urge to run to the edge of the ship and toss up everything she ate in the past two days.

"At least there aren't any bodies," Ersas reminded herself under her breath as she walked on. Honestly, there shouldn't be any need to get so wound up over a few red stains on a piece of wood. Ersas was so focused on repeating this mantra that she failed to notice the absurdity of her own words. Who would really spill so much blood then go through the trouble of cleaning up the bodies?

Ersas found herself escaping belowdecks with the excuse of searching the ship some more. Not seeing the blood below her feet was a comfort. However, the air was more musty and stale than outside. She felt like it was trying to smother her from inside her very lungs. The shadows in every corner did nothing to soothe her nerves.

The sound of distant rustling and whispering instantly put her on edge. Was it rats? Pirates? Ghosts or demons? Cautiously, she crept toward the room where the sounds were coming from, too stubborn to be scared off by her own fear. Ersas peeked through the doorway... and only found Abe hunched over and kneeling on the floor.

For once, she was actually glad to see the new cabin boy, despite thinking of him as a waste of space. She almost moved on but then noted that Abe was strangely quiet and secretive. When Ersas noticed that he also seemed to be stuffing something into his shirt, her opinion of him instantly changed. He was a thief, a plunderer, a scumbag no better than a pirate who was certainly worse than a waste of space.

"What is that you have there?" Ersas called out as she marched into the room and advanced on Abe. One of her two pistols was already drawn and in her right hand. She wasn't afraid to point her guns at anyone she saw as a thief or some other sinner, even if it was a fellow crew member.

"Take it out. Go on, let me have a look," said Ersas in her usual bossy tone. She brought her pistol up and leveled it at her waist. With the way her muzzle was pointed straight at Abe, she sounded more threatening than inviting. The ice in her blue eyes felt sharpened, as if she was already taking aim, ready to fire.
"Or would you rather that I use force instead?"

05-19-2010, 08:07 AM
There'd been no answer to their hails, not a sign of life aboard. A derelict left adrift - but it was the Devourer? She could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stiffening.

"Meybe it broke anchor?" Catherine the Cursed asked. Now there was a delightful thought, the crew gone ashore for supplies only to find their empty ship pulled out by the tide when they'd returned to the beach. But only an idiot wouldn't leave a watch behind.

There was no question of blowing her to splinters, the Devourer was too rich a prize.

The gun ports were opened and the cannons ran out, ready to fire at the least sign of life as they came close enough to throw grapples and the ship, a tricky business as wind and wave constantly threatened to smash the derelict Devourer into them, but they were able somehow to pull the ship in close and tie her off.

After they got the gangplank across, she was one of the last ones to scrambled across with her pistols in hand - but there was naught but their own people on deck, looking around like her in confusion.

The blood drew her close. Squatting down, she holstered one gun and rubbed the stain, then smelled her fingers. "it's been here a few days," Catherine scowled. "There's powder spilled too. Looks like we missed a fight."

The main deck was a nautical mess of snarled ropes and trash. But where were the bodies? Who'd leave powder and blood to rot on the deck yet clear away the bodies? Unless they couldn't...

"Shorty's islanders, do ya think?" she asked, standing up and brushing her hand on her slops - then eyeballing the scuttlebutt. "Bad water? Or... plague?" The very thought made her stomach churn. The sick killed on deck then pitched overboard, but now the ones lying in, dead or dying below?

Catherine the Cursed sniffed the air cautiously for the taint of corrupting flesh, then turned to look back at the main deck. "Are their boats still here?"

05-20-2010, 06:34 AM
It had been hours since Davina had told the Captain about what the cards had said. She was still feeling uneasy about the whole situation. She could see nothing of who was hunting them, and being in an unknown situation was not something which Davina found comforting. She rose form the bed in her cabin, and to say it was a cabin was an overstatement. It was in fact an old storage cupboard which had been converted for her on Abelheim’s command. It was sizable enough for a small table, a chest and a small bed. Other than that, there was hardly any room to move.

Davina silently left the cabin and made her way on deck. The sun had set and a gentle breeze was blowing. The smell of salt on the night air greeted Davina’s nostrils and she felt a little more at ease. Moving to the railing, Davina stared off into the night wondering what the next day would bring.

"You couldn't sleep either?" a voice came from above. Anne was perched on the lowest spar of a nearby mast. She dangled her feet in the air as she looked down at her friend and attempted a smile. "At least it's a nice night to be out."

“Aye Anne,” Davina looked up. She could make out Anne well in the glow of the full moon. “I just hope there are more.” Davina’s voice had a touch of sadness to it, despite the fact she was smiling.

For several long seconds the first mate stared out at the ocean without reply, lost in her own thoughts. Finally she stirred, making her way down the ladder onto the deck. The wood felt cool beneath her feet as she moved to stand beside her friend. "You're too worried for this to be a simple encounter. We're really up against something powerful, huh?"

“It’s not that,” Davina shook her head. “I dinnae want to fight, and I think it may be unavoidable this time” Davina let out a heavy sigh and looked into Anne’s eyes. “I kinnae take a life.” It always weighed heavily on Davina, the things she had told Ablehiem. Many good men lost their lives due to the things she read. But none had ever died by her own hand, and she doubted that she could do it if it came down to it.

Anne felt a stab of pity for Davina and her life of mixed blessings and curses. She carried a great burden in every shuffle of the cards, every roll of the bones. "Your prediction saved me and the entire crew a surprise visit from whatever enemy is out there. You probably saved our lives," Anne insisted. "And when there is a battle, I'll look after you, alright?"

“Thank you,” Davina smiled almost playfully. “Now if we could just get you looked after.” Anne’s reassurance did a lot to make Davina feel better. And now she wanted to have a little fun to take her mind away from the dark place it was headed.

“If there’s anyone on this ship who needs to be looked after,” Davina giggled. “It’s you.”

Anne couldn't help but laugh along. "Maybe I do," she said with a smile and a sideways glance at her friend. "I know what you're getting at, Vina. A certain dark-haired captain would be just the one to look after me, hm?"

She let out a sigh. "I'll tell him when the time is right. I couldn't have done it today, with all the commotion going on. He's got enough on his mind, I'm sure."

“And when will that be?” Davina tilted her head to the side. “It’s not like you haven’t had ample time before now, but you have always made excuses. I think you’re still scared. If I was you, I would be far too busy riding him to be out on deck right now.” Davina grinned as she stared at Anne. Part of it was out of the thought s that she herself needed looking after. But it was also because of her wanting something good to happen to her friend. And If Valerian was half the man in bed as he was in battle, no doubt Anne would be smiling for days to come.

Anne felt her cheeks grow hot as her face turned as red as her hair. But she couldn't suppress a smile, either. "That would be a nice way to get my mind off things," she grinned.

“Then tell him,” Davina placed her hands on Anne’s shoulders. “Isn’t it about time you were happy. Or are you just too afraid of being rejected.” Davina looked away, almost absentmindedly. “I could help with that you ken? Perhaps a little… herbal remedy for our Captain?”

"Herbal remedy," Anne repeated as a smile began to curl the edges of her lips. "A potion? Davina, that would be cheating, wouldn't it?"

“This coming from a pirate?” Davina laughed. “I would nae do anything unscrupulous. Perhaps a little something to jog his memory. And I do have all the ingredients, except for two. Although if you prefer, I could just tell him myself.”

"Oh no!" Anne cried, giggling. She fought to regain her composure and wagged a finger at her friend in mock lecture. "Now Vina, you would be stealing the thrill of the chase from me if you did that. Isn't that supposed to be the fun part of all this?"

With a sigh she turned back to the ocean. "I appreciate your support, I really do. But I am scared, you know that. I will tell him though, when the time is right. Whenever that may be."

“What chase?” Davina smiled. “Men are so easy to catch. Mind you, most think with the wrong head. But I will nae tell him. All I want is to make it easier for you. A small tonic that will allow him to see you as the woman her knew so long ago. It will only last for a minute, but it will be long enough for him to realize who you actually are.”

"Really? You can make something like that?" Anne stared at her friend in wonder. The idea was deliciously tempting. Slip some of Davina's potion into his drink one night and spare herself the nervous, fumbling confession. It was a coward's way out perhaps, but if Valerian didn't know....

"Maybe after we get out of whatever trouble we're about to get into," she finally said. "Thanks, Davina."

“It’s the least I can do,” Davina hugged Anne as she spoke. “You ken that there is nothing I would nae do for you. I just need to figure out a way to get one of the ingredients I need. I have no doubt that you gladly give me the other.”

Anne pulled back from her friend's embrace. "What do you need?" she asked.

“I need a little of your blood,” Davina spoke softly. “Valerian’s as well, though I am unsure how to go about that exactly. I dinnae think he would give it up without asking a few questions.”

Anne bit her lower lip in thought. The task seemed impossible. Valerian's reflexes were too quick to think up some sort of a minor accident, and the thought of harming him wasn't a pleasant one anyway. And Davina was right; he wouldn't simply prick his finger at her request. "That is a difficult one. I don't know. I'll think of something."

"Of that," Davina smiled almost malevolently. "I have no doubt.” Reaching down to her belt, Davina drew her dagger and handed the hilt towards Anne. “But if I could get your contribution, I can start working on it as soon as possible.”

Anne took the offered dagger after a few seconds of hesitation. But there was no turning back after she made up her mind. A slow draw of the blade against her left index finger and her blood began to flow. With a sharp intake of breath, she looked up at Davina and couldn't help but crack a smile. "Well, where shall I put this?"

Davina removed a handkerchief form inside her robes and handed it to Anne.

“That should do,” Davina smiled. “You can use it to stop the bleeding and then I’ll take it. I just need you to be sure this is what you really want. I ken how happy it would make you to have a life with him, but can you handle it if he should reject you? I mean if you want me to mix a love potion for you, I will. But I would prefer not to.”

"I've lived without him for years no, Vina," Anne said as she took the handkerchief and held it to her cut finger. "It would break my heart if he didn't want me, but I think it's worth the risk."

The white cloth slowly turned red, until the bleeding slowly subsided. Handing the handkerchief back to her friend, Anne look Davina in the eye. "If he cares for me, I'd rather it be of his own accord. No love potions, alright?"

“Anne,” Davina smiled, speaking softly. “You deserve a true love, not a puppet at your beck and call. But dinnae forget what card was drawn for you. Fate is on your side. I think everything will work out as it’s supposed to and you will be happy.”

The other girl smiled and pulled Davina into another hug. "I know better than to doubt you," Anne said quietly. When she pulled back, she was smiling again. "Did I ever tell you how nice it is to have a witch on my side?"

As much as she hated the term witch, Davina never minded when Anne used it. She was the only person that Davina had ever met that didn’t mean it as an insult, even if the term wasn’t completely accurate. Still, Anne could have called her a whore who sleeps with goats, and Davina wouldn’t have minded.

“You’re my friend Anne,” Davina grinned, her tone almost melodic. “My family. Without you I would have been dead long ago. Short of taking a life, there is nothing I would nae do for you.” Davina questioned herself about this often. She couldn’t be sure if what she said was true. Would the pain of taking a life outweigh the loss of Anne? She hoped that she would never have to find out.

Anne smiled again in response and ran her hands down from Davina's shoulders to her arms until she held both of her hands. "And there's nothing I wouldn't do for you either. But for now, we should both get some rest I think."

“Good night Anne,” Davina smiled, kissing her on the cheek and tucking away the handkerchief. Right now, sleep was the last thing on Davina’s mind. Especially since as Anne walked away, she became distracted by one of the more attractive deckhands on the ship. She walked over to him slowly, a smile on her face.

“Excuse me,” the words purred form Davina’s lips. “I was wondering if you had any experience as a farmer?”

“I’m sorry?” The deckhand looked confused.

“Well you see,” Davina took his hand and gently kissed his fingertips. “I am in need of a good ploughing and was hoping you could help me with that.” The deckhand smiled and the two of them headed off to Davina’s cabin.


Valerian had set the trap for the approaching ship and suggested that the non-combatants hide. Of course that meant Davina, and hiding was something she had no trouble doing. But where to hide was the question. She had no doubt that the privateers wuld search most of the ship, but she had a thought. In Valerina’s cabin was a large wardrobe. More than big enough to hide a person in. This, she thought, would be a good hiding spot.

Davina made her way to the cabin, accepting a pistol from Anne along the way. She knew better than to protest. Even though she wouldn’t use it, she knew that having it would put Anne’s mind at ease. Davina entered the cabin and then the wardrobe, and waited.

She waited for what seemed like an eternity before she could hear what sounded like someone moving in the cabin. She had no thoughts of leaving her hiding spot, but still raised the pistol in front of her. It did little to make her feel safe and her fear increased when she could hear the sound of voices coming form the cabin. Davina knew it would only be a matter of time before someone opened the wardrobe. Perhaps it would be better for her to act first.

Davina pushed the door open and pointed the pistol at the woman in the room who was holding a pistol on a young boy. Davina’s heart was racing and her hand was shaking. She just hoped whoever the woman was, she wouldn’t be able to tell how scared Davina was.

“I dinnae ken who you are,” Davina tried to sound commanding, but the fear was evident in her voice. “But I think you should drop your pistol.”

(co op with the amazing Anne Bonny)

05-21-2010, 09:26 AM
"...No, I would rather that I don't." Ersas drawled hesitantly after stopping just shy of blurting out 'You have to be joking with me.' After a split second, her expression flipped from incredulous to analytical. Was this woman a crew member she didn't bother to remember? No, she certainly would've remembered her, what with this woman's 'loose' sense of fashion.

Ersas found herself despising Davina at first sight much like Abe. In her opinion, no decent lady would dress in a manner like that. For God's sake, she skewered her midriff with a metal ring chained to... Ersas wasn't sure if she wanted to know. What the bloody hell was stopping her breasts from popping out and bouncing all over the place? Glue? Tape? Witchcraft? Comparing the size of her chest to this woman's, she couldn't help but envy the body of this 'shameless she-devil' for one moment.

"I think it would be better if you listen to your own advice." said Ersas coolly as she narrowed her eyes at Davina after looking the witch over from top to bottom. She decided that there was no way that this woman was a threat; just look at her. She had 'whore' and 'tool' written all over her, not 'harmful' or even 'decent shot.' There wasn't any need to worry about her being a real threat.

"I should warn you, I have impeccable aim." Ersas drew her other gun from her holster in one smooth motion. Now she had her hands full with both of her pistols. The one in her right hand leveled at Abe's forehead while the other aimed right at Davina's exposed sternum. Silently, she prayed a third person wouldn't show up. She still had the dagger in her left boot, but how was she supposed to hold it now?

"Now sit down and do as I say. Both of you now." Ersas ordered as she slowly crept to the doorway. At this point, she wasn't feeling threatened by either of them. Abe was a skinny young lad and this other woman looked more trashy than threatening. However, she kept both of her pistols aimed and steady as she stood in front the only open entrance and exit. There wasn't any chance that she was going to let these two go now. But first things had to come first.

Like the rest of the Defiance's crew, she wanted to know the mystery behind this ship. There will always be time to judge Abe later, especially if she could do it before the Captain and the rest of his crew of knuckleheads. The muzzle of her pistol twitched as she nodded to Davina first over Abe. "You. Tell me what is the matter with this ship."

Anne Bonny
05-22-2010, 07:51 AM
One emerald eye peered between a crack in a board, watching the privateers climb onto the Devourer's deck. Anne's breathing was barely controlled as she watched. Waiting was probably her least favorite thing to do, and while a pirate doesn't have many virtues to begin with, patience was definitely a thing she lacked.

But Valerian's orders had been to stay hidden, and despite her burning desire to level her pistol at one of their heads, she remained silent and still. Waiting as second after long second ticked by.

The privateers were cautious, and a few even looked confused as they inspected the spilled powder and the patch of Valerian's blood on the deck. Anne smiled to herself in satisfaction. Not only was the captain's plan working, but Val's choice to spill his own blood was a sacrifice that worked for her benefit too. The task that Davina had assigned her of collecting some of the captain's blood had gone from near impossible to a cinch with a clean swipe of his own knife. All Anne had to do was pinch one of the cloths Teja had used to quell the bleeding and hand it over to her friend for her memory potion.

But the potion, as well as Anne's thoughts of her childhood sweetheart, had to be put on hold for the moment, as all of her concentration had to be focused on obeying her orders and not giving into the temptation of attacking... yet.

After a few minutes one of the privateers, a blond wraith of a girl, walked past, agonizingly close to Anne's hiding place, and made her way into the depths of the ship. Anne's eyes widened. Davina was hiding downstairs! And while she had given her friend a pistol, the first mate had promised that Davina wouldn't have to use it. Orders or no, Anne couldn't sit by and not know if the privateer would find the witch.

Another glance through the crack to make sure the other strangers' attentions were focused elsewhere and Anne made her move. She slipped from behind the stack of barrels and broken crates where she was hiding and through the nearby door without a sound.

The interior of the Devourer was dark and eerily silent, save a few creaks here and there from the movement of the water beneath her. Doing her best to remain silent, Anne tip toed down the wooden steps, listening intently for any sign of the privateer. Again she waited, frustrated and anxious, until she heard Davina from down a hallway. It was too quiet to make out any words, but there was no mistaking her friend's voice. Anne made her way as quickly and silently as possible in the direction of Valerian's cabin.

"...No, I would rather that I don't."

Anne frowned and quickened her step. Now that wasn't Davina's voice. But it was coming from inside the captain's quarters, that much was certain. As luck would have it, the wooden door leading into the room was left cracked open, and Anne was able to slip through it fairly easily.

"I think it would be better if you listen to your own advice."

The privateer's attention was divided between Davina and, surprisingly enough, a young boy who was also inside the cabin. The other figure was a surprise, but Anne continued forward none the less. It seemed a bit odd that the blond girl would be aiming a pistol at the boy (hadn't they been on the same privateer vessel?), but Anne's main concern was the wide-eyed, trembling Davina at the end of the other gun.

"I should warn you, I have impeccable aim. Now sit down and do as I say. Both of you now. You. Tell me what is the matter with this ship.

The unmistakable feeling of the barrel of her gun should be enough to give the stranger pause, Anne mused as she pressed her weapon to the back of her blond head.

"That's interesting. I'm a fair hand with a pistol too. Especially at this range," Anne growled. "But I think I can tell you what's wrong with this ship."

She gave Davina a wink, glad to see her friend's face relax a bit at her presence before going on. "It's crawling with pirates."

Anne glanced over at the boy again in confusion, still unable to figure out what he was doing in the cabin and why he didn't seem to get along with the other privateer.

"Put down your guns now, girl. Then we can all go upstairs and get acquainted," she continued, her voice softening into a purr. "Otherwise I'm going to be left trying to decide whether to blow your skull open or break that skinny body of yours over my knee, savvy?"

05-22-2010, 08:56 PM
Catherine frowned as she eyed the long boats still in their cradles, a bad feeling in her gut. If it was a mutiny or a desertion because of plague, some of the boats would be gone - and yet here they all were. It didn't make sense.

"Plague ship?" she whispered with dread, eyeing the aft companion hood worriedly. So far nobody'd ventured below deck, just a few she'd seen heading aft into the captain's cabin. If it worked fast....?

"God's wounds," Catherine swore, darting back over to the Defiance. Finding the carpender's chest, she threw it open and dug out two mallets and a handful of iron spikes. "Gangway!" she yelled, pushing her way through the crowd and back across the gangplank.

"You!" she said, grabbing the nearest crewman and pressing a mallet and half the spikes into his hands. "Get the forward hatch spiked shut, quick now! I don't want whatever's down there comin' up!"

Catherine gave him a shove to get him on his way and headed to the aft companion hood herself. Making sure the sliding hatch was shut, she pressed the point of an iron spike behind it and gave head of the spike a hard tap....

05-22-2010, 11:01 PM
Serving under their new captain provided a most unexpected turn of events for Teja. It hadn’t taken her long to realize just how much Valerian’s style of leadership differed from that of the late Captain Abelheim. Where Ableheim had used brute force, ruthlessness, hatred, and fear to terrorize the seas, Captain Valerian demonstrated wit, patience, and cunning. Their new captain didn’t need to perpetually yell at the crew, threatening them at every possible opportunity. He managed his ship and crew with wisdom and consistency. When necessary, he used discipline, but he didn’t take perverse pleasure in torturing crewmembers as did Ableheim. Few questioned his leadership. Teja initially hadn’t expected a man who appeared so youthful looking to be able to lead such a surly crew. Yet Valerian seemed to be doing well. He was amazingly observant, absorbing the details of the weather, his ship, and his crew, much in the same way that a sea sponge absorbs and thrives on salt water. Nothing aboard the Devourer seemed to escape his notice. With each passing day, Teja felt that the crew was becoming more efficient, and self confident. She herself felt more at ease while she performed her daily ship duties.

Still, she was somewhat surprised when Captain Valerian had ordered the crew to conceal themselves. Although the idea was no doubt a risky but brilliant strategic move, hiding was such a foreign concept to her that it felt unnatural. She was more accustomed to screaming bloody murder as she leapt into the fray, terrorizing her adversaries. Although she thought it unusual, she obeyed the captain’s orders without complaint.

As ship’s carpenter, Teja knew more about the inner workings of the Devourer’s hull, keel, masts, and decks than she cared to freely admit. Over the time she had spent aboard, she had made repairs, modifications, and upgrades to a number of closets, cabinets, benches, and storage areas. In the process of making these alterations, she had added a couple secret partitions in order to create clandestine storage compartments for hiding supplies, treasure and other booty. A couple of these compartments were spacious enough to conceal a person. Never in her wildest dreams had she considered that one day she might be hiding in one of these herself! The area was a bit cramped for her tastes. While she crouched silently, the muscles in her long legs were beginning to stiffen. She hoped that she wouldn’t have to remain long in such confined quarters. A bead of sweat trickled down the left side of her face. Although the air inside her hiding spot was breathable, it was far from being well ventilated.

Teja quietly placed her ear against the wood, in an attempt to listen to what was happening on deck. Whatever Captain Valerian’s plan was, she hoped it was soon accomplished. She disliked being cooped up in such a confining area. The dark skinned pirate was itching for a face-to-face confrontation with her adversaries, and she longed to once again be out in the fresh air.

05-23-2010, 01:13 AM
Another one? For a moment, Ersas went wide-eyed and revealed her surprise and fear. The feel of metal against her scalp was distinct and cold. Yet Ersas imagined she could almost feel the heat of gunpowder igniting and a bullet driving through the bone of her skull. She composed herself very soon after and narrowed her eyes.
Who was her threatener? Ersas' eyebrows furrowed as she tried to work with the few clues she had. Obviously female, she can tell from the voice. Other than that, she knew nothing.

Ersas hesitated for one moment where both of her pistols twitched. For that second, she looked as if she was going to damn it all and fire her guns anyways. Then she reluctantly jerked her hands back and shoved both pistols back into their holsters. It was a wonder that she didn't accidentally fire either one with the force she used. With that, she threw her hands up in the air and held them by her head.

"There. I'm weaponless." Ersas declared, as if the pirates needed any more confirmation. Well, her words did contain a half-lie; there was always the dagger in her boot. Ersas didn't doubt Anne's words though and knew that she would be leaking brain fluid before she could ever draw blood with it. She was helpless and she knew it. But there was something else that needed to be done and she thought she found the perfect way to do it.

Run, run, RUN dammit! You need to tell everyone else about this! Ersas silently screamed in the cabin boy's face. She even shifted her weight to one hip to take up less room in the doorway. To anyone outside of her mind, focusing a glare full of daggers at Abe must have looked like a strange thing to do. Ersas hoped that he would have a brain to get her message, unlike the rest of the crew.

05-24-2010, 07:01 PM
Amra and Numas patrolled wherever they could grabbing up various swag. So far they had a few bottles of rum, a small chest of valuables, powder, ammo, a few weapons and an old polished brass telescope. Nothing particularly valuable but they hadn't found the Captain's room yet. The unease of plundering a ghost ship never ceases but shouldn't stop you from making at least a small profit. They handed the stuff across the plank to some of the crew waiting back on the Defiance.

"So far so good eh lad?" Amra says tossing the last bottle of rum over into Yu's open arms the Philippine grunted at the weight then nodded to Amra walking off to store it. Numas grunts lightly watching more of the crew shuffle out with more plunder.
"Aye let's hope the specters stay here, I'd hate to see one of Shorty's stories come to pass." The old sailor looks up at the sky watching gulls wheel and peel over their heads the dread lifted a little as he watched the little clouds drift by and the bright blue surround them like a fish in the water. But it returned as he looked down to see a crewman named Jeremiah walk up with a black wood chest under his arms. Jeremiah is a rather rough looking individual, his thick beard, scarred and tanned face rough hands and dusty old clothes.

"I think I found something ole Shorty might like." He says handing the chest to Numas who nods taking it.
"What is it lad?" The scared sailor gives a half smile and opens the chest, inside it was an old ivory sundial etched beautifully with scene of water battles and the great beasts of old sailor tales.
"It was a Nuremberg dial one of the handiest items a Navigator could have." He says crossing his arms Amra nods closing the chest handing it across.
"Make sure that goes right to Shorty got it?" The Sailor nods and heads down to the little man's room.
"Thank ye mate he'll love it." Jeremiah nods turning and going back to
the plundering.
"Well maybe they did abandon the ship." Numas voices cracking his knuckles Amra shakes his head slowly.
"Abel isn't that smart besides they wouldn't have left so many supplies behind. I still say something doesn't smell right." He growls crossing his arms looking over the deck.

05-26-2010, 06:08 PM
The trap was set for the brave privateers who came so easily aboard what they thought was an abandoned ship. The normal procedure of boarding a vessel was to keep at least some of the officers aboard their vessel while the crew went to explore. The captain was usually among the ones who stayed behind. Valerian was surprised then to listen and hear not only the captain addressed but several of his officers as well. It was as if they were all so excited to have tracked down the Devourer they did not think of proper protocol. Then again out here on the ocean protocol was more of a guideline than anything that was strictly necessary. From his hiding place amidst one of the cleverly concealed secret hatches that had been designed by Teja the young captain could easily pinpoint the location of the enemy captain thanks to the many people addressing him and his responses from somewhere off to the left of his position. Unlike some of the others he did not have a peep hole but when you listened closely you didn’t really need one.

The familiar sound of none other than Thaddeus Grim’s voice had come as an even greater shock still and from his hiding place Valerian smiled. So the man had finally caught up to his prey. Too bad he had already beaten them all to the punch in killing Abel. This was going to prove even more interesting than anticipated, it seemed. Whoever would have expected that allies would suddenly find themselves playing for the opposite team?

Several Privateers had gone below deck but he trusted in the crew members who had concealed themselves down there to handle them. The real shocker was when he heard a call for stakes so that they could spike the hatch shut. Valerian hadn’t heard anyone come back up. Were they really going to seal their own inside? How disappointing… Thaddeus had always run a tight, loyal ship before. That they would abandon their comrades down there was something more like piracy in itself. Either way they could not be allowed to do it for several of his own key crewmembers were down there as well.

Something doesn’t smell right, one of them had said. Such a perfect prelude to make his appearance. With a little push the top of the concealed compartment came way and he stood within the small space, his legs still hidden beneath the deck until he leapt up onto it with steel swords already in his hand. “Right you are, gentleman.”

At the sound of his voice the deck suddenly erupted into motion. Every privateer aboard his ship suddenly spun to face him, their attention inevitable drawn by the loud words that had been spoken. Some even had the presence of mind to draw their weapons but the point was they were all facing him. Exactly what they had been supposed to do. The sound of his voice had been the signal and with loud cries of excitement every pirate who had been hiding suddenly emerged into the open brandishing steel and pistols. The woman who had been trying to stake shut the hatch was knocked aside as it suddenly flew open and a gang of growling, gun toting pirates streamed from it. A pistol went off, the first shot to spark several more and before his eyes Privateers went down. So did pirates as a few of the crew, Hugo included, managed to react fast enough to fight back. They were outnumbered though and whatever crew they had left aboard their ship was useless since they could not fire upon the pirates without risking the lives of their very own.

Thaddeus Grim stood frozen, his eyes wide and staring as they landed upon the captain he was to face. That familiar face, the swords that he had witnessed firsthand in combat, Valerian De’Laine… He had not joined the fight, though he stood ready with both weapons in hand. Thank god for that for their best swordsmen, Hugo, was already accosted by a pair of pirates trying to subdue him. One approached him, pressing a pistol toward his face with a growled order to drop his weapons. Thaddeus leapt into motion, snatching the pistol that had been so foolishly placed too close to him and using the butt end of the handle to smack the damned idiot across the head. If they were to die… they would do so fighting.

05-27-2010, 04:28 AM
As all hell broke loose only one thought came to Amra's mind and mouth.
"I fucking knew it!" As the first few pirates erupted from their hiding spots he first shoots his musket, the Privateers that had the presence of mind did likewise. After the first shots it was all melee and pistols flipping the musket around, he grips the barrel and smashes it into the side of one Pirate’s skull sending him into a bloody heap with a loud roar he chucks the musket and barks out with his pistols after the shots were spent he used them as clubs.

Numas mimicked his cousin but being closest to the railing he shouts over.
"Every man on deck, keep every pirate over here but dun't fire into the crowd ‘cause ye might hit our lads!" He jabs an enemy in the gut with the butt of his weapon then lashes up breaking his jaw. The ruckus brought Shorty up from his cabin and found him the closest thing to an officer left on the Defiance advisory/main Navigator or not he grabs a nearby man and pulls him down then clambers onto his back like an old leather monkey. He shouts into the man's ear who relays the little man's orders to the other men in a loud voice.
"Listen to Numas! Man the rails and keep them over there now you worthless dogs!" The remaining few men scramble to their posts lining the rail between the ships with their muskets and pistols, blades and axes. Keeping the pirates on the pirate ship but unable to do much else without running the risk of killing their own men.

Amra had abandoned his pistols for his swords a few moments before Shorty gave the order, he wasn't the best swordsmen but held his own regardless especially against the more rash pirates arms spinning like a windmill not actually hitting anything these particular fools he just gutted and left. But for all Amra's fighting prowess he was distancing himself from the Privateers and running right into the heart of the pirates. Before long the Gunnery Officer was surrounded on all sides. His arms didn't drop but his eyes roved around he didn't recognize anyone.
"Ah shite I'll never live this down." He was right but then again he probably won't live through the next five minutes, the Pirates noticed the stranger in their midst and after they dispatched their present opponent they turned toward Amra.
"A wee bit away from your home ain't ya idjit?" Says a Pirate with an eye patch. 7 voices growled in agreement
"Ah no Mitzy he wants to join us so he ran in so his crew wouldn't find him." Another says his toothless gums smacking, Mitzy laughs harshly rubbing a blood caked hand over his blade.
"No the boy’s suicidal and he doesn't have the balls to kill hisself so he wants us to do it. Look at him I bet he just started shaving." Amra scowled rubbing a hand over his neatly trimmed beard and mustache. Insult a man all you want but you never insult his facial hair. With a snarl and a short charge he plunges both blades into Mitzy's chest and rips out cutting to his ribs dropping the patched man. At this the remaining 7 men plus two more fall upon Amra like a wave of death he disappeared beneath it with a yell. For untold minutes he was being stabbed beat and kicked. He was about to black out when a deep bellow blasted the air around him like one of the trumpets for the final judgment of man and all his wickedness. Soon he found the air around him clear and the clear sky above him the sea breeze around him. Jumping up quickly he grabs his dropped blades and looks for the reason of his salvation. Kneeling on the ground before him was a bloody figure whose shoulders her rising and falling heavily in his hands were a broken gaff with the hook held like a knife and a dripping cutlass. It took the Gun Officer’s battle weary mind a few seconds to realize this wasn't the Reaper but his cousin Numas. It looked like he actually ran through the crowd to him only two of the pirates that were attacking him were dead the rest had jumped back at the man's sudden appearance. Amra wondered how much blood on Numas was his own.
"Ah....told....you....a million...times.....being so...rash would.....get you..killed...one day." The older man pants keeping his body crouched like a tiger waiting to strike at prey that moved too close. He was more concerned about his brash little cousin then the actual battle around them. Amra crouches at Numas's back swinging at a pirate if he got too closed.
"Thank you Granda ah'll remember that." Numas laughs turning his head slightly to respond.
"I wun't always be around to save yer arse lad just remember that." Amra laughs going back to battle Numas close behind him.

05-27-2010, 06:37 PM
The hatch slammed open and Catherine found herself thrown back - but she still had the mallet in her hand. She threw it at the feet of the pirates coming up before grabbing her own pistols.

"Captain!" she yelled, firing her pistols from where she laid prone, "Give the order!" The Defiance's gun ports were open, the cannons primed and ready while their grappling hooks stuck into the Devourer's sides. It was a knife to the pirate's throat - as long as they didn't blink. And the gun crews had their orders - if the pirate's gun ports twitched, they'd shoot.

Of course, if the Defiance didn't cut the lines after shooting the cannons, the sinking Devourer would pull both ships down into the depths. A feast for the creatures of the deep, to be sure.

There was no time to reload her pistols. Pulling her knife, she stabbed at the nearest pirate and struggled to her feet. A collapsing body landed on her, knocking her to the deck and leaving her gasping for air.

05-29-2010, 12:20 AM
Arianna had made sure that her back was to the door when she concealed the journal, after all she still had her identity to protect and was on her way out of the room when she noticed a map laying on the captains desk with some strange markings on it that she also wanted to tuck into her shirt for the captain of the Defiance to see. Kneeling quickly to try to adjust the bindings more to add the map she had about had it hidden when she heard a voice she coming from behind her.

"What is that you have there?"

Arianna recognized it to be that of Ersas from her own ship. How in the hell Ersas had seen her trying to conceal anything was beyond Arianna's grasp since her back was to her but she turned to face the woman, map not yet properly hidden.

"Take it out. Go on, let me have a look," The woman was both sassy and bossy and while at any other time Arianna might have taken that to be a good trait at this moment she found herself disliking both traits very much. After all, they were on the same team weren't they? Abe stared blankly at Ersas for a moment until she saw the gun leveled at her. Abe began by trying to say "Da capt'n told me.." his voice trailed off as Ersas interrupted him "Or would you rather that I use force instead?"

The woman was obviously not stable. Arianna lowered her head to pull the partially concealed map out and in that instant that she had looked away she heard another voice in the room and froze. Raising her head back up she saw a rather oddly dressed woman now standing behind Ersas with a gun trained on her.

“I dinnae ken who you are,” Davina tried to sound commanding, but Arianna could sense that the woman wasn't comfortable with using a weapon by the way she held it, almost as if she feared it. By the way the woman was dressed Arianna took her to be a seer or some similar sort that she had seen once upon a time back in her home lands. The ones she had come in contact with before were a different breed yet totally harmless and often friendly. She did not however sound friendly as she continued. “But I think you should drop your pistol.”

And then it happened. Not only had Ersas been overly confidant when dealing with Abe, she was now trying to stand up to this other woman too. There was no use in Arianna even attempting to reach for her weapon which was tucked in at her waist. Arianna dropped the map on the floor and slowly raised her hands, watching as the two exchanged words while Ersas made her way to the door, apparently to block anyone from leaving the room, thinking still that she had the upper hand.

Quickly though, she would be proven wrong as a pirate stepped in the door and a female pirate yet at that! Whoever she was though showed no sign of fear as she pressed her weapon to the back of Ersas skull.

"Put down your guns now, girl. Then we can all go upstairs and get acquainted." Her voice had gone from harsh to a purr within seconds. "Otherwise I'm going to be left trying to decide whether to blow your skull open or break that skinny body of yours over my knee, savvy?"

Pirate or not, prisoner or not, Arianna decided that the woman had already earned her respect quickly by her show of sheer bravery. Ersas must have also realized that this one wasn't playing as she finally used common sense and holstered her weapons, which Arianna found to still be a very gutsy move. The girl had spunk, she'd give her that much.

"There. I'm weaponless." Ersas gaze fell upon Abe as though she expected the boy to do something but it wasn't like Arianna could do anything now that the only means of escape was being blocked.

Abe raised one hand slowly and with the other moved it very cautiously to her weapon at her waist and pulled it out, tossing it on the floor and then raising her other hand. She heard voices and commotion coming from above then. Not knowing what was happening on deck and not wanting to get herself killed in the captains’ quarters she looked around the room as she quickly thought what the best way to proceed was. Hopefully no one would realize she wasn't a small lad and she tried to use that to her advantage. While she was afraid, she wasn't scared to death, she'd been in just as bad of situations while running from her past, but she hoped that she was being intelligent as she spoke and that no one would see through her ruse.

"Please don't kill us ma'am" Abe said in that small voice and eyes wide showing some fear "I's jest followin' me order, please..." Abe shuffled his feet "Please don't kill us."

"No worries, boy," Anne said with a wide grin. "Just do as you're told and we'll all be just fine. Now let's get upstairs, shall we? I hate to be late to a party."

Davina silently nodded that she would follow, the gun in her hand looking much steadier now that she had company. Anne, her pistol still trained on the privateer's head, gestured toward the door with her free hand.

"After our guests, of course."

Arianna did the only thing that she could do. She moved towards the door, looking at Ersas and hoping that the woman would give no further resistance and if she did she deserved everything that she got considering there was still a gun leveled at her head. Abe looked at the female pirate, swallowing hard "No worries ma'am, whatever ye tells me ta do, I's do it."
"Good boy," Anne quipped. She threw an apologetic look at Davina, wishing she could have better protected her friend from the entire situation. But there was no time to waste on regrets. With a less than gentle nudge in the privateer's back, all four began to move through the narrow passageways toward the deck.

The sounds of battle grew louder as they approached, as did Anne's heartbeat. She drew her sword with her free hand just as the mounted the stairs and quickly stepped around to the front of the group.

"Now then," she growled, pistol still pointed at their pair of prisoners. "When we get on deck you two get down on your knees and keep still."

Abe began to march through the passageway and upon coming to steps of the hatch heard a ruckus above. Abe looked to redheaded one questioningly only to have her wave the gun and motion her on. Abe crawled up the steps, peeking her head out to see what the commotion was all about and the sight that met her eyes horrified her. Already there had been bloodshed and lives lost.

Arianna crawled onto the deck, remaining on her knees and half afraid to look up but look up she did just in time to see Captain Thaddeus engaged with what she assumed to be the other captain. “Oh no” She whispered to herself “Not Captain Thaddeus.” Arianna lowered her head blinking back tears as images of the man who had been so kind to her passed through her mind.

Anne positioned herself in front of the captives, instructing Davina to take the rear where she would be safer. After quick sweep of the deck with her green eyes, she let out a laugh. The battle was intense, with blood spilled on both sides already. But the pirates had something their enemies did not - Captain Valerian DeLaine.

The dark haired man was engaged in battle with an opponent, one who didn't seem to be a poor fighter himself. Anne glanced over her shoulder at the boy. "Chin up, kiddo," she said with an excited grin. "You won't want to miss this fight!"

Arianna was afraid to look but even more afraid of what this woman would do to her if she didn't look up. Making sure that she had held the tears at bay she looked up intent on finding out if what she had believed and known to be truth so far was correct. Captain Thaddeus Grim was no coward, and Arianna was certain he would once again prove it. The pirate lady was correct.

She didn't want to miss this.

(co with the amazing Ms. Bonny with input from Naz)

05-30-2010, 02:16 AM
Although it was much different from any tactic previously used by the crew of the Devourer, thus far all was proceeding according to plan. To their credit the pirates had managed to remain concealed until the appointed time. (Teja had initially experienced some misgivings regarding several fellow crewmembers, but she was pleased to note that no one had accidentally coughed, sneezed or in some other way given away their position.) The sound of Captain Valerian De’Laine’s voice had been the prearranged signal for the pirates to emerge from their secret hiding locations. Perfectly on cue, a swarm of incensed pirates materialized on deck. They crawled out from within barrels, dislodged themselves from the inside of crates, slithered out of hidden recesses in the deck, and seemed to scamper out of the ship’s very woodwork. The pirates brandished all manner of swords, scimitars, and cutlasses. Some were waving muskets. Others made do with roughly hewn clubs or even a sturdy length of chain.

With a menacing snarl of her own, Typhoon Teja emerged from her hiding spot and boldly entered the fray. Clearly, Captain De’Laine’s trap had worked. They had taken the majority of the privateers completely by surprise. Her brightly colored garments swirled in the air about her as she deftly parried a blow with her cutlass then swiveled to execute a counterstrike against her portly assailant. The unknown privateer hurried across to the other side of the deck, evidently opting to instead attack an adversary who might have a bit less skill in wielding a blade.

Teja chose not to pursue the man. Although she never backed down from a potential threat, being overly aggressive just wasn’t a part of her nature. If the privateer wanted to die slowly and horribly at the hands of another pirate on a distant part of the ship, so be it. In any event, there were more fish to fry. The dark skinned pirate could feel adrenaline surging into her system with every beat of her heart. There was nothing quite like a good a good skirmish at sea to get one’s juices flowing! The strident calls of musket fire and the clanging of steel against steel somehow made her feel more alive than ever. Every noise seemed to be more distinct; every shape more defined, every scent more intense. It was at times like these that Teja knew that she had chosen a career path which truly matched her blithe spirit.

Yet, just as every gold doubloon had two sides, so did a life of piracy have a dark and often detrimental side. The average pirate’s lifespan was not known to be long upon this earth. The present conflict offered evidence of this, for the Devourer’s crew was not without casualties. More than a few of the privateers were well skilled in the art of combat. As a result, the blood from several wounded and deceased pirates stained portions of the deck.

Teja looked about for Captain Valerian De’Laine, searching for any indication of what he planned to do next.

05-30-2010, 07:03 AM
Oh my dear God. thought Ersas as Abe threw down the weapon he had perfectly concealed at his waist. She thought things couldn't get any worse when the cabin-boy declared his surrender with that one action. Then he started begging. Ersas couldn't decide if she wanted to throw up, slap her palm to her face, or grab Abe by his collar and start screaming in his face. Of all the brainless cabin boys out there, I got the one that has absolutely no balls.

Her ice blue eyes met with Abe's emeralds as the cabin boy passed and looked at her. Ersas glared back with a hate that promised to punish him for being such a coward. Of course, that didn't compare to all the harm she wished on the pirates, especially when one of them nearly made her scream out of fright by pistol-whipping her from behind.
She marched on with her hands still up in their stiff position while looking off at nothing in particular. There wasn't much to look at anyways, unless you liked studying the grain of the wood the ship was made off. But then Ersas realized something: her guns were still in their holsters. The pirates hadn't even bothered to take them from her! So she wasn't completely weaponless after all...

Ersas reluctantly knelt down on the deck beside Abe with her hands clasped in her lap. With her head bowed, it almost looked as if she was in silent prayer. She did dare look up once when Anne strode right past and etched what she could of the pirate's appearance into her mind. Blazing bright red hair, female, and more than enough curves to fill out even the men's clothes she wore. More noticeable than all the other qualities was the way this pirate stood; her spine was straight with enough confidence and pride to rival Ersas' own (or would that be arrogance?). She found herself hating the pirate before her with even more venom than before.

But then Ersas looked down again and returned to her focus. Her hands wriggled under her skirt and her legs shifted around until her dagger was out of her boot and in her hand. As soon as Anne took her gaze off of them for one second, Ersas pounced up while tossing one of her pistols back in Abe's direction.

"Get the other one!" Ersas ordered as she quickly wrapped her arms around the redheaded pirate and held her dagger against her throat. She didn't forget that Davina was behind her and thought that even Abe armed with a pistol should be more than a match for her. The little cabin boy may be lacking balls in her opinion, but he was all she had at the moment. Ersas was always one to exploit whatever resources she had on hand, especially if there were enemies all around her like now.

"This is for even daring to hold a gun to my head, pirate." Ersas hissed as close as she could to Anne's ear. Her gleaming dagger pressed down hard enough on the pirate's neck to draw a thin, bright red line of blood. On the other hand, the dagger was trembling in her grip. Blueblooded ladies like her aren't supposed to kill or even injure with their delicate fingers, even if she'd wanted to do so to more than a few people. Ersas wondered if it would be easier to simply grab her other pistol and finish things that way.

06-07-2010, 04:56 PM
Valerian De’Laine was angry. When he had explained the plan he’d thought it was made clear that he did not want a large mortality rate. The purpose of this trap was to subdue through cunning and precision and yet the moment the first privateer shot all thoughts of submission seemed to fly from the window and all hell broke loose. Right before his eyes men were dying, having been shot or stabbed there was blood running along the length of the deck in spades. What on earth happened to discipline? Of course… they were pirates. Discipline wasn’t in their vocabulary. Anne at least knew what she was doing. When he finally emerged from below deck it was with two prisoners in tow. That left it to the rest of them to finish the fight and by the way the privateers were fighting they didn’t realize they were on the losing side.

Thaddeus Grimm fought like a man with nothing to lose, having accepted what he thought was certain death he was throwing everything he had against the pirates that accosted him. He did quite well too, better than Valerian could recall seeing from him. It was toward him that the new captain of the Devourer strode toward, his swords held at the ready. Only one person got in his way, a brave privateer who thought he could end it quickly with the death of the pirate captain. His clumsy thrust was slid aside by one sword and with a loud thud Valerian brought the end of his sword handle against his forehead. The man was carried backward off his back to fall heavily upon the ground incapacitated. Thaddeus saw him coming and after kicking away the opponent he faced he came to meet his foe, a grim determination in his eyes.

As the two captains clashed there came a shout from elsewhere, an order for the men still aboard the Defiance to ready the guns. It was standard procedure. The crew would prepare to fire while those aboard the enemy ship would beat a hasty, orderly retreat. Then they would fire and sink the ship to rid themselves of the threat all together. That could not be allowed to happen and so Thaddeus had to be brought to heel. So captain met captain aboard the dreaded black ship, their blades clashing while the rest of the men and women fought for their lives. Thaddeus had the advantage of fighting a man who did not wish to kill him and though he fought well the few small openings Valerian had picked out were not properly utilized. So instead Valerian gave him one, leaving himself open to entice him. Seeing that glimmer of hope the privateer fell into the trap. He stepped into a lunge, thrusting his sword straight out toward his enemies stomach. It was exactly the maneuver Valerian had been counting on. His sword swept up in a blur of steel, forcing the weapon wide and to the side even as the second of the two came down upon his wrist, the flat of the blade smacking hard against bone. With a grimace of pain and sudden realization Thaddeus dropped his weapon, his hand suddenly numb thanks to that blow.

A solid punch spun Thaddeus around, stars appearing in his vision for a moment and before he knew it he was kneeling on the deck, having had his balance taken by a light kick to the back of his knee. Valerian stepped up behind him, his blades spinning within his hands to reverse the grip and bring them down in a deadly cross on either side of the man’s throat.

“Enough!” He suddenly shouted, his voice booming over the din of battle and stilling people even as they fought. It was the loudest he had ever spoken to anyone aboard the Devourer, and anyone who had met him on the Defiance was just as surprised. All eyes turned to him and found Thaddeus at the pirate captain’s mercy, a fact that raised a cheer from those on Valerian’s side.

The man looked about the crew, found Anne somehow at the mercy of the women she had taken prisoner. His eyes narrowed a moment, a subtle sign of his own irritation. How the hell had that happened? It was toward that woman that he first spoke, his voice hard and cold.

“You will release my first mate now, or watch your captain die.” His eyes scanned the rest of the crew, hard and merciless. The killer had come to bear finally and, though he did not wish the lives of these brave men and women lost they were obstacles in his path. Obstacles he would not tolerate. “This fight is over… If any of you wish the chance to survive to fight another day you’ll drop your weapons now. You’ve already lost. I’m sure most of you can see that.”

The blades suddenly tightened around Thaddeus’ neck, igniting a hiss of pain from the man as he felt the sting of those blades cutting into flesh. “Do it…” he ordered, knowing now that they could not win this fight.

06-09-2010, 05:36 AM
As Davina watched the events unfold around her, her first reaction surprised her somewhat. It had nothing to do with the fact that Anne in danger would have made her react anyway. It was more to do with where her reaction was directed. Her hand moved quickly and drew one of her daggers and brought it up to rest the blade less than an inch form Ersas neck. What surprised Davina was that she had decided to go after the stronger between her and the boy. For Davina, the boy would have been the better choice. But as it was, Davina’s first instinct was to help her friend.

Davina was about to say something to Ersas when Valerian called for surrender and the enemy captain agreed. Davina smiled and breathed a sigh of relief at the words. It meant she wouldn’t have to take a chance that Ersas would call her bluff. This made Davina wonder if she had really been bluffing. The sight of her seeing Anne being overtaken filled her with anger and she couldn’t be sure that she wouldn’t have taken Ersas life. Fortunately due to the surrender, she didn’t have to find out. Davina sheathed her dagger and turned towards the boy, glancing at the gun on the deck as she did.

“Your captain has called for surrender,” Davina’s words were calm, accompanied with a tone of sorrow brought on by her seeing the dead bodies on the deck of the ship.

“No one else need die this day,” Davina started at him coldly for a moment and turned back to Ersas and Anne.

“Annie,” Davina looked at her with concern, pulling a swatch of cloth form her pouch. “Why dinnae you come over here and let me look at that?” Davina motioned to where Anne had been cut and then leered at Ersas.

“I suggest YOU run along back to your captain,” Davina’s words had a snide tone.

Davina had thought of adding a threat at the end but it seemed unnecessary. The enemy captain had conceded victory and Anne was relatively unharmed. More likely she was embarrassed at allowing Ersas to capture her so easily. Still she was alright, and that’s what mattered. But Davina was troubled by the thought that she might have taken another’s life, even if it was to save Anne. She would have gladly given her life for her friend but to take another’s was something Davina had vowed to herself to never do. Especially given all the bloodshed she had seen doled out that the hands of the English. She saw what was brought by death. The pain. The suffering. The sorrow. And it worried Davina that she could have done so, even if it was to help her friend, who of course would have no trouble taking a life for her.

06-09-2010, 07:28 AM
This fight is over… If any of you wish the chance to survive to fight another day you’ll drop your weapons now. You’ve already lost. I’m sure most of you can see that. Do it…”

"Tch. Honestly, I don't even like him anyways." Ersas muttered under her breath. She was the absolutely wrong person to pick when it came to loyalty to her captain. Only her eyes peeked out behind Anne's waves of blazing red locks, but it was all she needed to return Valerian's cold, hazel glare with full icy force. She was puzzled though. Wasn't the captain of the Devourer Abelheim Christoff? If so, why was this man speaking in his place? True, his dark demeanor was intimidating enough to match any pirate captain's, but that was still no proper explanation.

"No. You want an end to this? Then it is going to be on my terms." declared Ersas. First Mate Hugo was nowhere in sight and her Captain, Thaddeus Grimm, was trapped under the blades of Valerian. As quartermaster, the responsibility of the Defiance and her crew fell on Ersas' shoulders (and because she didn't think anyone else was even capable). It wasn't something she was used to, especially since she was surrounded by pirates with their First Mate hostage and didn't even like any of the Defiance's crew. So, what Ersas demanded next shocked even her a little bit.

"Let everyone from my- our crew return to our ship peacefully." Ersas demanded. Asking for the release of an entire ship's crew was a bit much. So was the proposed trade of a First Mate for a Captain though. Ersas figured that Anne was someone very important or very powerful to the imposing man before if he wanted to exchange her for a privateer captain. The main bargaining chip was in Ersas' hand now. "Once the last sailor is over that gangplank, I'll relinquish your 'First Mate', if that's what you pirates call them nowadays."

Suddenly, the feeling of steel was on her neck. She barely recognized Davina's calm and collected voice as the same one that tried threatening her back in the captain's quarters. This time around, it was Ersas' turn to tremble and to feign confidence, even as Davina's dagger was removed and sheathed. 'What the hell was that cabin-boy Abe doing,' Ersas wondered, 'aside from being completely balls-less?'

“I suggest YOU run along back to your captain.”

All Ersas wanted to do was drop everything and leave without worrying about pirates or privateers or anyone else. She had to make it out of this situation alive but she couldn't do that all by herself. If she abandoned the crew now, she would declare suicide for all of them, even herself. Ersas couldn't give in, especially not to this infuriating trollop.

"Step back! Touch even one hair on anyone from the Defiance and I swear, I'll slit her throat right here." Ersas ordered as she pulled away from Davina. She could feel real confidence rushing back to her as she turned her icy glare on the witch. Her dagger 'slipped' and cut deeper into Anne's pretty little neck, driving Ersas' point a further home. Her glare turned back to Valerian. She silently dared him to agree quickly or else things were going to get even uglier. "Honestly. Do you accept my terms or do we still need to 'negotiate'?"

06-10-2010, 07:59 AM
Amra and Numas were readying themselves for another wave of Pirates when they heard the only words that would stop them. Surrender, a fucking surrender to these worthless, unkempt, murderous pirates. Sad to say they lost some respect for their Captain just there especially since the numbers were relatively even and the Privateers had a line of marksmen that could snipe the pirate captain down. Not to mention Amra still had his sling tucked into his belt at this range he could kill the pirate himself. But an order was an order they began to lower their weapons when a small ray of hope made them pick it back up. Amra watched as the Quartermaster laid out her plan a smile crossed his bloody face.
Well ah'll be ole stuffy is tricker then ah thought. Switching hands with his sword he pulls his sling off his belt and loads one of his stones into it aiming at the Pirate Captain's head.
"Ah'd listen to the lass Val. Ye may have our Captain but she has yer First Mate and ah have you. His sling makes a whistling sound as he spins it around his head. Why don't we all just go our separate ways? No one else must die and we can show we aren't a bunch of savages incapable of reason."

Numas was following a different mindset then his cousin, he was thinking of a way to cut all ties and save his Captain but the best laid plans o' mice and men oft time go astray. It looked rather hopeless but a plan came from one of the most unlikely places. The Queen herself had somehow worked the First Mate into her capture and was now bargaining with the Pirate Captain.
Brave but stupid Queenie, the Captain admitted defeat and while the Pirate could just as easily kill the Captain and move on or lie and kill us all. We had to accept it. He groaned a little as Amra jumped on the bandwagon of bargaining threatening the Captain.
This just went from bad to worse. Numas had been in a standoff like this before and nothing good came from it. He sheathed his sword and looked at Amra and said in a low voice so only he could hear.
"Relax lad no good can come from this, remember what Shorty said, he who lives and runs away will live to fight another day. But be ready I doubt we'll be let off scot-free." Amra growled his eyes never leaving Val be conceded and lowered his arm but kept the sling out. Next Numas turned and stared Val square in the eyes.

"Captain Valerian even you must admit this is pointless you kill our Captain we kill yer First Mate and this continues. Ah remember you being quiet but not for want of intelligence. This will only end in more death to both sides that we don't need." He stops just short of the Captains his eyes never leaving Val's he knew full well he could just kill them both but hell might as well die a man with reason then a beast with a blade.
"There's nothin' that can be lost by agreeing Captain Valerian, except a wee less death. My word might not be worth much but I give it ta ye that yer Mate wun't be hurt." He extended his sword hilt to Val knowing full well he could just kill him with it but even some Pirates have honor.

06-10-2010, 06:15 PM
"Captain Valerian even you must admit this is pointless. You kill our Captain we kill yer First Mate and this continues. Ah remember you being quiet but not for want of intelligence. This will only end in more death to both sides that we don't need."

Teja stood at the ready, both weapons drawn. It sounded as though the leaders on both sides of this bloody skirmish were prepared to put an end to the carnage and destruction. She, for one, didn’t want to see any more members of her crew injured. Their strategy had been to win the battle by subterfuge, with as little loss of life as possible. Although their new captain was a shrewd and cunning tactician, sometimes even the most meticulously designed plans failed due to unforeseen circumstances.

"There's nothin' that can be lost by agreeing Captain Valerian, except a wee less death. My word might not be worth much but I give it ta ye that yer Mate wun't be hurt."

She didn’t recognize the privateer who had brazenly addressed Captain Valerian De’Laine. Nor did she trust him. Yet, if she ever encountered the man again in her life, she would immediately recognize him, for his features were now burned into her memory due to what transpired next. The privateer extended his weapon, hilt first to the pirate captain. This took Teja completely off guard. In all her days at sea, she had rarely experience such an act of daring. The privateer officer was either one of the most courageous men she had ever met, or one of the most foolish. The next few seconds would tell. Captain De’Laine had every right to demand the man’s life.

Many had been wounded on both sides. A few of the pirates would require some serious patching up. As ship’s carpenter, Teja was the closest thing the crew had to a surgeon, should the situation become that dire. Teja fervently hoped that no one had been injured to the point of losing a limb. She much preferred repairing the ship’s deck and masts to performing an amputation at sea.

Teja couldn’t wait for the privateers to leave the Devourer. This was a pirate vessel with a brazen new captain and a fearsome crew. In her estimation, the privateers were a bunch of sprogs for trying to board their ship.

She wanted all of them off their ship.

06-11-2010, 02:08 AM
The melee had been brief, much too brief. Hugo stood there with his Dragoon spear in one hand and his basket hilt broadsword in the other, still thirsting for more. His chest rose and fell heavily as he surveyed his handiwork, breathing the fire out of his lungs. Hugo would have felt a sliver of pity for those he fought, if he had any kind of moral compass to speak of when it came to combat. One might call shoving the steel point of a pike in to a man's genitals unsportsmanlike; Hugo called it fair game if the lout fought as sloppily as they had.

Everything was at a stand-still. The Captain was on his knees like some French coward, but on the other hand, the Pirate's first mate was at their mercy. It was a sticky situation, very sticky and potentially very messy. Hugo silently cursed the captain for not just blowing the pirate vessel out of the water with the long nines. Would have saved a lot of bloodshed and Hugo would not have had to stay sober this morn.

During the fight, Hugo McCloud had done his best to measure the rival Captain's prowess with a blade. His form was unorthodox, but very clean and polished. Solid footwork and steady hand with a strong base, but the pirate captain lacked his ability to strike at a distance, and the fact that he expected honor among thieves. Silly, stupid man.

Hugo sheathed his sword at his hip, his hand sliding to one of his pistols, easing back the hammer slowly, as to not make that tell-tale click. His eyes narrowed as he focused his aim, his hand resting on the butt of the heavy wooden stock of the gun. Hugo watched as the pirate captain turned his attention to Eresas, cold intent to murder filling the Captain’s eyes as he spoke to the belligerent woman down the length of his blade. Hugo only paid minimal amount of attention to the pirate leader and his confrontation with Eresas, she was not his concern.

No, Hugo stared at Thaddeus who was on his knees, submissive as a broken bitch, tail tucked and cowering to whoever held the stick. It was disgusting! Pitiful! If Hugo was in such a situation, he would have wanted Thaddeus to shoot him dead rather than suffer such humiliation and torture. Death by bullet was better than drowning in the deep blue of the abyss. Hugo’s eyes drifted to his hand, which was still resting on his flintlock pistol. Wouldn’t any man want to be saved from such a fate? Of course he would.

The First Mate of the Defiance stepped forward, walking with casual strides away from the clump of fellow Privateers he was standing with.

“Pardon me, Mr. Captain Valerian Cunt-bag, sir. I do believe that I ‘ave an answer t’ this little predicament we be havin’ over officer’s bein’ held at gunpoint…” Hugo spoke with his thick Scottish drawl, his voice completely calm, even playful as he spoke, obviously not caring how many barrels he stared down with every turn he made.

In a flash, Hugo drew his pistol, took aim, and steadied the shot. “Been nice knowin’ ya, boyo.” Hugo chimed before he pulled the trigger. There was a boom and a thick cloud of grey smoke burst forth from his pistol. Captain Thaddeus grunted as the heavy lead ball buried itself in his back, sending the man down to the wooden planks with a hard thud.

“Ah… bet ye all woul’nay ‘ave expected that in a few decades, didn’ya?” Hugo mused, resting the smoking barrel of the pistol on his shoulder. Hugo had just shot his Captain. In the half-crazy Scot’s mind, it was an act of mercy.

06-17-2010, 05:48 PM
If Hugo had been trying to kill him speaking first to draw his attention was not the wisest of ideas. As it was though the barrel of that pistol was aimed toward Thaddeus’ chest, a death Valerian could not allow. He jerked his prisoner to the side just as the shot was fired. It struck the man in the shoulder but at the very least it missed vital organs and there was still a good chance he would live. Valerian was not finished though for even before the loud roar of that gun being fired was finished sounding he was reaching into his boot. He felt the familiar handle of the knife he kept there for but a moment before he drew and released in a single, upward motion. There was not but a glinting blur of steel before the blade was embedded hilt deep into Hugo’s shoulder as well, thrown with enough force to punch the man backward so he had to stagger to remain upright and on his feet. All at once the peaceable effort that Numas had been attempting was shattered. Privateers tried to rally around that shot, unaware that the person responsible was already rendered much less useful with that knife stuck in his shoulder to impede fighting with that arm. Their resistance was put down once more, easily as the pirates had greater numbers on board. His men did well to keep the privateers near the railing, offering those on board the Defiance no shot without first killing their own.

“A wound for a wound…” Valerian declared once things had calmed down, and his voice could actually be heard easily. Though there was no raise in pitch or tone the young warrior was angry. Though his hands remained steady on the blades that loosely held a wounded Thaddeus hostage he was not nearly so calm as he appeared. Within his eyes burned fury, an anger that called to be quenched. People needed to know when they were conquered…

“I’m disappointed…” He said after a pause, his bright hazel gaze glinting as they roamed over every familiar face and some who were as yet unknown. They flicked to Ersas, who still foolishly held his first mate hostage. “When I served on the Defiance there was discipline. There was loyalty. Thaddeus and his fearless crew stood for something greater than the pirates they hunted. My memories of fighting alongside you were good ones… Not anymore.

“You… All of you have fallen from what you once were. I used to respect many of you, Hugo and Thaddeus included. Do you know what I see now?” Those eyes returned to the crazed Hugo, deadly and cold as the very steel he held to Thaddeus’ throat. The silence stretched as those two men stared one another down, but it was never a competition of wills. Never meant to be anything more than what it was. A man staring at what used to be a friend.


Silence reigned after that voiced accusation, stunned pause in everything as all eyes remained on Valerian and the captive he currently had. The young Captain waited long enough for that single word to sink in before he continued.

“This ship is no longer run by pirates, but skilled sailors. I alone killed Abelheim Christoff and this ship is now under my control, the crew under my command. You all came aboard my ship uninvited, you attacked my crew.” One blade lifted from Thaddeus, pointing directly toward Anne and the woman who held her hostage. “One of you has already revealed she cares more for herself than anything else. When the captain gave her an order she yet resisted.”

That blade moved again, sliding smoothly through the air until it was aimed at the very man he had just wounded. “Finally, your own first mate just committed the heinous act of mutiny against your captain. As far as I’m aware only privateers don’t commit such disloyal acts toward their captain.

“Now get off my ship. I will not reason with pirates. Get back aboard your vessel and take Thaddeus with you. If any one of you resist even for a moment you will die.”

His attention returned to the woman who held his first mate at knife point. “That includes you woman. Realease my first mate and get off my ship or I’ll use the pistol Thaddeus carries to kill you myself.

“And Hugo… Leave the knife.”

His blades slid from the captain then as two of his crew came to collect him. He would have a lead ball stuck in his shoulder that would need taking out, assuming the murderous bastards didn’t just kill him outright. Valerian reversed his grip upon his weapons, letting the blades extend back against the backs of his arms as he watched the crew of the Defiance prepare to depart his vessel. He kept an eye on Hugo as well, ensuring he did not steal the blade that was yet buried deep within his flesh.

06-19-2010, 09:26 PM
Catherine swore viciously as she struggled free from underneath the fallen sailor when she heard a powerful commanding voice calling out, "Enough!" The action around the deck stilled as the crews of both ships stopped to watch the drama taking place aft.

Reaching down to her belt, she drew out her work dagger and plunged the blunted point between two planks in the deck. With a grunt, she pulled herself out from under the body and laid there for a moment, her sides heaving as her lungs drew in blessed air. Finally she rolled onto her back and gave the body a vicious kick to the side.

"Heavy bastard," she growled, checking her weapons before climbing upright and looking aft to see what was going on. A pirate had the captain at knifepoint, but she sighed in relief as she saw Hugo stepping forward.

"Been nice knowin’ ya, boyo,” she heard Hugo's thick Scot brogue say over the crowd, then she heard a pistol firing. The pirate holding the captain twisted. The captain gasped as a hole appeared in his shoulder. A knife flashed in the pirate's hands and Hugo staggered.

"NOOOO!" she screamed, her pistol coming up aiming for the back of Hugo's head, only to get knocked aside by a pirate. The trigger clicked uselessly, she hadn't reloaded yet. "Hugo ya son of a biscuit eater!"

The pirate sniggered, his hand like an iron vice on her wrist. She scowled at him and in a low voice, "My pistol's empty! Let go ya scurvy dog or ye be wishin' I'd keel-hauled you!"

For a moment, it looked like he might try to kiss her. Catherine wondered if she kneed him if his grip would falter enough for her to slip away.

“You… All of you have fallen from what you once were. I used to respect many of you, Hugo and Thaddeus included. Do you know what I see now?” she heard Valerian pause. "Pirates."

Her face burned. His scorn made her want to crawl into the bilge. If she died this moment, Davy Jones hisself wouldn't take her soul.

It took her a moment to realize Valerian was still talking. "...Finally, your own first mate just committed the heinous act of mutiny against your captain. As far as I’m aware only privateers don’t commit such disloyal acts toward their captain.

“Now get off my ship. I will not reason with pirates. Get back aboard your vessel and take Thaddeus with you. If any one of you resist even for a moment you will die.”

“And Hugo… Leave the knife.”

She glared at the pirate who held her prisoner. He smirked and released her. Pushing past him, she shoved her pistols into her bandoleer and made her way to Captain Thaddeus' side. "Sorry, ser," she whispered to him as she tore a bit of her sleeve from her shirt and shoved the cloth into the wound, making him moan.

Someone took his good side. She glared and spat at Hugo, then glanced shamefully at Valerian before leading her captain back towards the gangplank.

06-22-2010, 07:02 AM
The knife bit deep in to Hugo's flesh. Had it not been for the sinuous muscle, the dagger would have done something much worse. Still, it hurt like a son-of-a-bitch. Hugo opened his mouth to howl in pain, but it came out in a half-crazed laugh. His vision was getting red around the edges. Who did this scum think he was?

"Us? Pirates? Yer seriouslt playin' th' "Honor among thieves" ballocks? You, ser, have an overabundance of readin' on that pretty lil' head o' yers! An' mutiny? Bah! If I be in th' same situation as th' Cap'n, I'd want him t' put a hole in me head. Better t' die at th' hands of a bastard than at th' hands of scum with delusions o' grandeur." Hugo retorted, a twisted smile on his face all the while. The man was legitimately insane...

His white shirt was red and clinging to his arm with his blood. Things sure had gone to hell in a handbag, hadn't they? It was the spittle flying at his face from someone on his own crew that reminded Hugo of where he was. That woman would get some severe lashes for that, and depending on Hugo's mood, the punishment may or may not stop there.

"Leave th' knife ye say? This perty lil' thing?" Hugo said with a half-mad chuckle as he twisted the blade ad wrenched it free, surveying the red-coated steel like it was treasure in itself. "Now, why th' Hell would I do that? I intend t' give it back, aye, but it'll be buried in yer heart next time ye see it...." The new Captain of the Privateers smirked and licked the blood off of the blade, nice and slow, before slipping it in his belt.

"Ye see, Cap'n, ye mistake me with th' kind o' man who gives a damn about honor codes an' all that archaic claptrap. Th' way I see it, 'tis a dog-eat-dog world, and I intent t' have the better set o' teeth. I'll see ye in Hell... pirate." With that, Hugo made his way back to his ship.

Anne Bonny
06-30-2010, 05:38 PM
(Copost with the lovely Ainina, with input from the dashing Septimus too!)

Her heart raced in her chest and her cheeks burned with shame, but Anne knew better than to struggle against he knife her opponent held. The slight of a woman who held her prisoner didn't look to be much of a fighter, but she certainly had moved quickly, Anne had to give her that much. But she was hardly in the position to admire such a trait when she all she could feel was unadulterated hatred for the privateer.

At least, that was all Anne felt until Valerian began speaking. Her captain confirmed the suspicions Anne had about his feelings for her and her crewmates. He absolutely despised pirates. And though he claimed that the atmosphere on his ship had changed, even Anne had to truly wonder if a person could change their heart once they had gone down such a dark road. If Valerian thought the same, then her admiration for him was hopeless, despite all the potions Davina could concoct.

But any pirate worth her salt doesn't accept a helpless situation well, and Anne turned her thoughts back to fury. A few of the privateers were already heading back toward their own ship, their new captain among them.

"...Take it back." said Ersas after a few minutes of staying silent. Her dagger was shaking like a leaf against Anne's neck but Ersas still made no move to willingly retreat to the Defiance. Her eyes were still trained on Valerian but her glare was replaced with... hot tears? Her mind raced to discover the source of her deja vu as appearances completely slipped her mind. Where had she heard that tone of voice full of unquestionable authority?

"Take it back, everything you just spewed from that ugly mouth of yours, you disgusting cur. You have no right to speak to me like that!" Ersas snapped once things finally rushed back to her. A silver pendant lost to a barechested boy a year older than her, shouting, then finally backs turned toward her where she once saw faces. Now Ersas remembered feeling this much helplessness and hate before one man.

Ersas' eyes flashed back into focus, and for a moment Valerian disappeared. She was sixteen again, standing before her father with an empty hand raised against him. He was one of the most powerful men in Engand's market but he still had no right to deny her a future for making one mistake.

"Take it back, take it back, take it back!" Caught between reality and hateful memories, Ersas screamed and shoved away her hostage. Oblivious to the pirates that completely outnumbered her a dozen to one, she rushed at Valerian with her dagger in hand again. She skid to a stop as she slashed at the pirate captain.

Anne stumbled as she was roughly pushed aside. Though she was taken completely by surprise at the privateer's outburst, she only hesitated for a fraction of a second. Anne pivoted on her right foot and sprang after the girl.

No time to scramble for the gun she had dropped to the deck, no time to even draw the knife at her belt. Instead Anne reached forward, clawing at the girl. Her fingers entwined with her blond hair and Anne yanked back savagely, trying to put her opponent off balance.

"That's my hair, you--!" Ersas toppled over easily and fell hard on the deck. Her dagger spun in the air and followed after the quartermaster, nearly cutting into her knee by a matter of inches. Ersas didn't bother reaching for it and actually kicked it away by accident. She flailed in Anne's grip and tried to twist around so she could retaliate. Ersas was completely hysterical and seeing red in more ways than one.

Anne could almost smell the blood in Ersas' throat. She pounced on the girl, landing on her knees on either of Ersas' sides and made a quick move for the knife in her belt. The smaller girl was fast, but Anne would have that ended soon enough.

With a snarl she raised her blade, but a strong hand caught Anne's wrist before she could bring it down again. Furious and shocked, Anne turned her head to see Valerian glaring down at her. The captain yanked her roughly off Ersas, making her knife fall to the deck with a clatter.

"Enough! Control yourself Anne!" he said, rage glinting in his hazel eyes. Crouched on the deck, Anne bowed her head and rubbed her wrist in response. But her anger still burned, and her cheeks flushed scarlet.

He turned to a few other nearby pirates. "Tie her up instead," he finished. "This one will be staying."

"W-what? Don't you know who I am?!" Ersas was completely grounded in reality once Valerian stepped in. She scrambled to her feet at once to ready herself to fight, despite nearly tripping over her own skirt. She kicked and slapped away but in the end, she was completely overpowered. Completely restrained and helpless, Ersas finally settled for flinging insults and shocking profanity at Valerian.
"Cowardly bastard! Cur! Dog! You can't do this to me! You have no right to do this, you filthy pirate!"

07-19-2010, 07:33 PM
Davina watched as the men bound Ersas’ hands. The woman really was kicking up quite a fuss and Davina couldn’t help thinking that she should be a little more grateful this was all that was happening to her. If Abelheim was still in charge, no doubt Ersas would have already been gutted. As it was, Valerian had decided that she would be a guest of the pirates for the time being.

“Begging your pardon Captain,” Davina spoke, moving next to Ersas. “If you dinnae mind. I would like to escort our guest to the brig.” Davina smiled. Valerian nodded his head at her and she turned to Ersas

The truth was, Davina didn’t think a whole lot of Ersas, but a lot of that had to do with her treatment of Anne. In Davina’s mind, no one had the right to harm Anne in any way. And now, especially after seeing her friend almost die at the hands of Abelheim before Valreian stepped in, she would not allow it to happen again.

“After you,” Davina smiled as if trying to be polite and motioned for Ersas to start walking in the direction of the hatch leading below deck.

"You have no right to order me around, you doxy." Ersas hissed as Davina came close. She stopped thrashing since they took her last pistol and only made the occasional struggle now. She ground her teeth. How dare they lay their dirty hands on her! How dare that lowlife harlot speak to her as if she was higher than or equal to her. In the back of her mind, Ersas swore vengeance on that pirate captain, that indecent whore, that red-haired bitch and everyone else who was witness to the scene.

That included the privateer crew Ersas was supposed to be a part of. The Defiance's quartermaster was taken prisoner and not one of them was lifting a finger. All they did was submit to the orders of a pirate.
'Ungrateful, traitorous swine,' thought Ersas. She spoke up for all of their lives and this was what she got? She knew they couldn't be counted on to do anything. They barely trusted her, so Ersas barely trusted them.

“If I were you,” Davina spoke quietly, taking Ersas by the arm and moving in the direction of the brig. “I would be grateful that I was alive right now. Be thankful Abelheim is dead. If he were still alive you would nae be. And believe me child, he would have made you suffer first.” Davina didn’t blame Ersas for being angry. But she couldn’t understand where Ersas’ hatred of her came from. If anything, she should hate Ersas. Ersas had attacked her friend and invaded her home. Still, Davina couldn’t help feeling a little sorry for her.

"Take your hands off of me!" Ersas shouted. She yanked herself out of Davina's grip with enough force to make one think that she was burned. The blonde privateer quickly stumbled two steps back, scowling at the pirate. Before she realized it, she tripped on the hem of her skirt and landed on her ass. But once she stopped wincing, Ersas went right back to glaring at Davina. It looked like she never learned to just drop a grudge.

"Whores like you disgust me." Ersas spat out from nowhere. She was holding on to more than a grudge because her glare was focused on Davina's style of dress. The privateer was beginning to suspect that the Devil himself had a hand in keeping that robe up and those curves in. "You easily give away your only honor of being a woman to anyone with a coin to spare. You're too weak to close your legs for even a moment."

"But what does it matter?" Ersas quickly looked away, as if she couldn't bear to even look at Davina anymore. Somehow, the privateer got her legs under her and stood up on her feet again. She held her head high without meeting another pair of eyes. The Quartermaster did look over at the Defiance once. When she saw that not one of the privateers was making a move, she trembled.

For a moment, Ersas looked like she was going to crumble into pieces before her body was steady again. She looked away and walked straight, right up to... Davina? After locking eyes with the witch once, Ersas marched on in the direction Davina was pulling her in earlier. She still stared off into nowhere, but her expression felt colder and stiffer. As Ersas passed close to Davina, she muttered one sentence. "Why should I care who beats and robs me with all of you would jump at the chance?"

“Dinnae presume to judge me,” Davina’s expression became cold. “I am no whore. Just because I like the feel of a man or woman does not make me a whore. I dinnae accept money for sex. I do it cause I enjoy it.” Davina pondered her life for a moment. There was a time when she did charge for sexual favours. It seemed so long ago, and while many of those transactions were enjoyable for her, it was nothing more than a means of survival. It was what she had to do. Everything she had was taken from her. If anything, she should hate Ersas for the things she had to do to survive.

“I’m sure you dinnae care in the least,” Davina spoke coldly. “Your people never did. But I had to watch my home destroyed and my family murdered because of the English. That’s right. Your people murdered my family. But then I suppose it’s the way of things for you. You decide to exterminate and conquer instead of allowing peaceful people to live their lives.” Davina gave Ersas a gentle push towards the hatch.

“I’m nae proud of the things I have done to survive.” Davina’s voice came as little more than a whisper. “There was a time when I did accept money for sex, but do tell, what else is a young Scottish lass living in England supposed to do? I have spent my life living on the run because my beliefs are different than those of your king and queen. Perhaps if the your people had nae destroyed my home, my life would have been different. But now I think maybe you should swallow your pride a little lass before the Captain changes his mind and let’s one of the more unscrupulous crew members escort you. And if that happens, a beating will be the least of your worries.” Davina hoped her words weren’t lost on Ersas. She truly wanted to help the privateer. Somehow Ersas reminded her a little of herself. A poor soul torn from her life and now a prisoner to a new one.

(co op with Ainina)

07-21-2010, 03:03 AM
"Get the doc!" Catherine yelled as soon as they'd got aboard the Defiance. "Hugo shot the Captain!" The captain was a prize hisself, who could be ransomed back to the crown for a pretty penny if there weren't no bad blood between him and the pirates. And there weren't, not with that captain.

Other were crowding around, shocked. "Get away with yerselves! Where's the sawbones? Captain's bleedin'!" Catherine looked around nervously. There were a few missing faces - how many did they leave lying on the pirate's deck?

"It were a trap! Somebody do something about Hugo 'n' get the doc!" she yelled angrily before leading the Captain down the hatch towards the Defiance's sickbay. "This way, ser," she told 'em at the bottom of the ladder. "Doc'll have you patched up good 'n' proper, just you see ser."

She looked around as they came in - mostly bust heads and cuts it looked like. "Captain got shot - by Hugo!" she added as they got him to the table. "Weren't no mistake, he did it purpose-like. Pirate saved the captain, can ya believe it? World's gone mad, I tells ya."

Other hands took the Captain, lifting him to the table. Catherine swore softly then found herself a good spot where she could see the door and began reloading her pistols. If the traitor Hugo showed his face she'd be ready for 'em.

07-21-2010, 07:40 PM
It had been many years since he had been put in this cell. This small eight foot by eight foot cell. He barely had enough room to stand up let alone sleep. He was in the last cell in a huge prison block and the sweltering tropical heat made everything all the worse. He had been betrayed by his boss. Left for dead or to take the heat, the latter of which he had done. He had been here for so long that his usual shaved-head and clean shaven face had long since grown long and matted. He was in desperate need of a bath and a shave. His pale-green eyes have grown dull and lifeless with the long fatigue of many years in jail. They had long since stopped letting him out into the yard since he had broken the legs of the two 'roughest' in-mates in a matter of seconds when they tried to make him and example of their power.

Sirius was reclined on his bed, a pillow over his eyes. There was cold mush in front of his door but he had not worked up enough hunger to eat the semi-horrible mush yet. The lady who delivered the food had a thing for Sirius and every once in a while she would bring him water and fresh fruit and stew. She was a very pretty woman and he lived for the times she visited him. Her name was Terra and she had long luscious brown hair and beautiful innocent blue-green eyes. He often wondered how she got suckered into slopping out food for prisoners but he never questioned. One day he hoped to be free of this place, and when he was he would take her far away from here.

He knew that his day of escape was coming. He was prepared for it. He had gotten fit within his cell by doing various exercise and suffering himself to eating all of the food that was served to him. He wondered how he was getting out. He couldn't explain it but he felt it deep within him. He would be free...

07-23-2010, 06:13 PM
It was wrong. It was all wrong. Arianna hadn't wanted to board other vessels, she hadn't wanted to see people getting killed, and as much as Ersas had been a thorn in her side since she'd boarded the Defiance, she hadn't wanted to see her taken prisoner either. It wasn't that she had disliked Ersas, it was just that at all cost she had to hide her true identity. She couldn't risk being found out. Did the pirates really plan on keeping Ersas. Abe couldn't help but look to the young woman who had been captured, wishing that she could convey how sorry she was, wishing that she could somehow make her understand, but then again Ersas had brought this on herself. If she just would have not been so bold...if she would have just used some restraint, but then again, maybe Arianna should have been bolder herself...

No, the risk was too high. She would have to keep up the guise of Abe at all cost.

And now, the Captain had been shot also. The man who had given her a job, who had saved her from a life on the docks trying to dodge her fathers men had been shot and she had no way of knowing if he would or wouldn't live. Would his position go to the lunatic who had shot him, and if so, what would become of Arianna.

Arianna's thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the Captain of the other ship. “Now get off my ship. I will not reason with pirates. Get back aboard your vessel and take Thaddeus with you. If any one of you resist even for a moment you will die.”

Things couldn't get any worse the way Arianna figured it. This man had mistaken her for a pirate and she couldn't even voice her discontent at being called a pirate. And considering what she still had hidden on her person she was going to waste no time getting off of his ship.

Following everyone else back to the ship and to where the Captain had been carried to she stood, looking around as Catherine spoke "Weren't no mistake, he did it purpose-like. Pirate saved the captain, can ya believe it? World's gone mad, I tells ya."

One thing was for certain, Catherine was correct. Had Hugo literally lost his mind, or was his reasons for shooting the captain valid? Arianna had no answers at this point. It would be up to the captain to decide, that is, if he survived the wounds. Arianna stared at the wounded Captain. What would become of the ship, what would become of the Captain, and what would become of her?

07-27-2010, 07:41 PM
As the beaten and disheartened Privateers went about the transition from the pirate ship to their own Valerian De’Laine stood silent watch, his hard, cold gaze scanning the length of his deck and every single enemy who still remained aboard. Thaddeus was one of the first to be taken, his condition causing a slight complication for they had had to bring up a long flat blank to serve as a stretcher so as not to risk worsening the wound within his shoulder. Getting him over the side and across the gap was no easy task but the gods were watching and they guided the hands of those attempting it so that he would get aboard safely. After that the rest of the man’s crew departed rather quickly, eager to be off of this dreaded ship that had made everyone go so crazy. No one touched Hugo or tried to arrest him for shooting their captain, perhaps they were too smart to do so for the man was indeed a good fighter and in his current state there was no telling what he might do. No one contested the taking of the mouthy blond woman as a prisoner, a testament perhaps to everyone’s opinion of the headstrong, arrogant woman. She certainly required a lesson in manners; He simply wondered what could be done to get through her pride.

Davina was no longer on deck, having escorted the prisoner down below toward the brig after a brief exchange of words Valerian had not heard in the commotion. Their expressions had told volumes, however, and he knew whatever they were saying had not been pleasant. Those two did not like one another at all. He was confident the witch could handle the girl. She had no weapons after all and few people possessed the training to fight without something in their hands. Davina was a crafty woman, she could handle whatever their captive decided to try in resistance.

“Anne!” he called, his voice rising above the sound of the milling crew as the mess of the battle was cleaned up. Corpses had to be taken care of, blood wiped from the black deck. There was plenty of work to be done upon the Pirate vessel and after collecting their own dead the Privateers were quick to put wind to sail and depart the side of the Devourer before the pirates changed their minds and blew their hull to splinters. If nothing else his crew had gained more weapons for their reserves as whatever had been dropped by cold dead hands. There were a few collecting them even now, hauling them down into storage with the rest.

The woman in question strode quietly over and for once the first mate did not so much as look his way as she awaited orders. Slowly the corner of his mouth quirked slightly, a barest hint of amusement. She was still fuming over having been taking captive, he guessed. He would have to remember to ensure Anne didn’t have too much time alone with the prisoner. No telling what the fiery woman would do to exact her revenge. He waited a moment as his gaze followed the progress of that slowly departing ship, allowing her a chance to speak.

“Casualty report. How many did we lose?” he asked finally after it became apparent she would not speak.

“Seven,” came her quiet response. He glanced her way, noticed a frown creasing her smooth brow. “To gain one prisoner.”

It didn’t sound good in terms of numbers but there was one factor she hadn’t mentioned. How many had the enemy lost? That was the second question he posed, wondering just how attentive eshe had been in her duties what with her fury distracting her and such. In a way this was a test, a scrutiny of the woman’s skills. He did not doubt or question her right to lead as First Mate, of course. Rather, he wanted simply to measure the worth of the woman he had. There had to be a reason Abel had kept her around as his officer, and Valerian wanted to see all of them.

"Seven for them too. An even fight I suppose."

“Had we been intent on slaughtering them it would have been different. My orders to refrain from killing were what cost us our men…” This time it was the Captain’s turn to frown slightly, the expression darkening his bronze features. His orders… the weight of command was indeed heavy. Could his decisions have saved those lives? It was a question he would have to consider at another time, when there was not so much to do and so many people to see his expression.

"Then why did we hold back?" Anne snapped before she could think better of it. "Why did you stop me from killing that brat of a girl? Since when did mercy get us anywhere?"

Valerian did not answer at first, his hard gaze turning toward the woman. She had snapped at him, her anger and humiliation over having been taken captive fueling her rage and courage. Others had heard the questions behind them, pausing in their work to listen to the Captain’s reaction. Abel would skewer her after such a blatant display of disrespect but Valerian had already shown himself to be largely different. In a way this was his test. How would he handle this situation? Pirates were much like predators, they sensed weakness and were quick to weed it out. It was possible his orders not to kill would be seen as just such a sign. If he did not show strength and confidence now they might turn on him before his quest even truly began.

“How many people have you killed, Anne?” He asked suddenly, turning his gaze back to the ocean. He stood relaxed, calm with his hands clasped easily behind his back. There was no sign of threat in his posture, no sign that she was in danger.

Finally the woman turned to him, obviously surprised by the sudden question. No doubt the people behind him were equally bewildered. How did that answer the First mate’s question? There was another moment’s pause before the woman answered, thinking it over. "I honestly don't know. I haven't kept count. I don't think I'd want to."

Valerian did not relent, turning to face her as well, searching her emerald stare as if he sought something within their bright depths. “Do you enjoy it? Do you thrill in taking another man’s life?”

"No captain," she said after a pause. "It's something I've grown numb to, to be honest. It's just something one does to survive in this life."

“I’ve killed one hundred twenty six…” He admitted softly, his eyes never leaving her own. “I remember their names, their faces. I’ve always wish I could have avoided every one of them.

I’m good at killing, as you well know, but just because I can kill someone doesn’t mean I should. Our actions in this life effect more than just the people we see or the lives we take. Many of the men who died today had families, children perhaps who are never going to see their fathers again. Just because I can kill doesn’t mean I want to be remembered as a killer, a murderer. Unless I miss my guess there will be a time for fighting and a time for shedding blood ahead. This wasn’t it.”

Silence reigned a moment as the two offers stared at one another, their expressions impossible to read. It seemed Valerian collected himself first, drawing back into himself as he took in a quiet breath. His expression returned to that implacable mask, whatever feelings that remained being hid behind it. “It seems we are in need of men. We’re going to port.”

Anne Bonny
08-27-2010, 08:26 PM
“It seems we are in need of men. We’re going to port.”

For several long seconds Anne's green eyes remained riveted to her captain's face. He had disappeared deep inside himself again, hidden behind that perfectly calm exterior. Whatever sadness that had clouded his voice previously had left completely, replaced by his usual matter-of-fact tone.

Yet the sudden, surprising hint of emotion was all but lost on the girl, who's boiling passion was anything but hidden. Anne's cheeks remained flushed with rage and shame; she hadn't meant to snap at her captain the way she had. It was a poor example to the crew. It showed too much childish - no, too much girlish emotion. But at the same time, she felt justified in her anger. Seven of their own crew had been slain, seemingly for naught. The confusion of her captain's motives was exceedingly frustrating.

Even more frustrating, however, was the resurfacing of the feeling that the man she cared so much for despised not only pirates in general, but probably her as well. Anne was hot tempered, impulsive, outspoken, and violent, whereas Valerian seemed to value traits that were the exact opposite: moderation, calculated action, and mercy. What must he think of her, she couldn't help but wonder.

But his words to head to port gave Anne a good enough excuse to refocus her attentions. Without another word she moved away from Valerian and turned to face the crew. "The nearest safe harbor is Black Rock," she barked to the masses. "Three days if the wind stays on our side. Alexander, check the weapons and supplies. I want a full tally by the day's end of what we have and what we need. Teja, you're on repairs. If the privateers did any damage to the ship, I want to know about it. And Johnny, let us know when you see our destination, would you?"

Orders were nearly useless, as the crew of the Devourer had been in enough scuffles to know what to do. But yelling at someone helped the first mate take out some of her aggressions at least.

The next three days flew by, as Anne did her best to stay busy so as not to fall into a pit of depression and self pity. She had thought to make her way to the brig and torment Ersas a bit, but after two attempts it was apparent that her captain didn't want her near the other girl. A pirate had been stationed nearby at all times to block her access below, and the men seemed to have great fun telling their superior "no" when she wanted to get by. The seething Anne Bonny had the last laugh, however, as she was quick to assign them to a job swabbing the deck as soon as they were releived from guard duty.

By the time Johnny called out that Black Rock was ahead, Anne was feeling a bit better. It had always been one of her favorite places to rest, and she looked forward to putting her feet on solid ground for some time. Black Rock was a known pirate harbor, where stolen money was welcome and wanted posters were looked at as a badge of honor. A few isolated coastal towns had a similar repuation, and Anne enjoyed the relaxation of not worrying about looking behind her back every few minutes, wondering if the guards had caught on to her identity yet. In fact, a girlish giddiness began to building inside of her as they neared the port. While a pirate doesn't have many true friends, Anne was fairly well aquainted with the workers at the local tavern. Catching up with them would be fun.

Docking was uneventful, but one could nearly feel the excitement in the evening air. The crew had gone through quite a bit since their last shore leave. Anne sent one crew member down from the ship to pay the dockmaster and assigned a few unlucky souls to the first watch of guarding the ship and it's prisioner while they departed. But before she made her way onto land, she approached her captain for the first time since their argument.

"The Laughing Gull is a lively place," Anne said with a friendly smile, wondering why her stomach tangled itself into a knot every time she spoke to the man. "Care to have a drink with me and relax a bit?"

But Valerian shook his head in response. "No, you all go on ahead. I'll catch up."

A shadow of disappointment crossed her features, but Anne was quick to shake the feeling off. "Suit yourself," she said with a shrug before turning to go.

Davina was waiting on the dock, and Anne linked arms with her friend as she approached. The two women made their way through town at a leigerly pace, pausing here and there to admire the trinkets set out by street merchants. "Oh, how I love this town!" Anne nearly sang as she smiled and waved to one of the street girls as they passed. "I can't wait to catch up with Rosemary at the Gull. She always has the most entertaining stories. How long has it been since we've been to the Gull, Vina? It seems like ages."

Anne paused, a mischievious smile creeping across her features. "Although we always have great fun there, don't forget to be careful. You never know when someone might slip a potion into one's drink. And in a crowded, noisy place like that, who would notice?"

The Laughing Gull was the largest building in town, which spoke volumes about the sort of people living in and visiting Black Rock. The first story was a spacious tavern, with a worn wooden floor and creaking chairs. The second floor had rooms for rent, whether for a few hours of "visitation" with one of the women who hung about, or for the extended stay of a sailor who had been abandoned by his crew. And everyone knew Samuel McFallon, the aging proprieter and bartender.

From the front entrance of the tavern the two women could already hear the raucous laughter and conversation that spilled through the doorway. But Anne paused briefly before going inside, her green eyes roving over the wall of wanted posters tacked up near the door. It didn't take long to find the parchment she was searching for, one with the highest reward written upon it, and she snatched it off the wall.

"Aren't you two a sight for old eyes?" Samuel cried from behind the bar as Anne and Davina approached. "The most beautiful women I ever did see. What can I do for you ladies?"

"You can get me some whiskey," Anne said, beaming, "and drinks for all of my crew. Make our first round on the house and I'll give you a tale like you've never heard."

The old man paused, his blue eyes narrowing with suspicion. "The first round for the entire crew? Must be some story."

Anne nodded and slid Abel Christoff's wanted poster across the bar. "It certainly is."

His wirey eyebrows shot up on his forehead as Samuel peered at the parchement in front of him. He looked back up at the smiling Anne and then to Davina before glancing down again at the poster. "Alright," he finally said. "Rosemary! First round is on the house for the Devourer's crew!"

Cheers went up from the croud and Rosemary and the other serving girls got to work with pints of ale for the men. Samuel quickly retrieved a whiskey for Anne and an absynthe for Davina before settling himself on a barstool. "Well then? This had better be good."

Anne took her time on her first sip of her drink, savoring it's flavor before she began to tell the tale of Christoff's demise. It was an easy story to tell, as Valerian's swordplay had been brilliant enough on it's own without any additional embelishments or exaggerations that she might add. And she continued on after the defeat of Christoff to the encounter with the privateers and their new captain's mercy on the other crew. Samuel's eyes grew wider and wider as she spoke, until Anne was certail they might roll out of his skull by the end of the story.

"Remarkable!" the old my cried when she had finished. "I've never heard of such a man! Where is he?"

"Stayed back with the ship for a few minutes. I think he'll be along later," Anne replied, trying to keep the hopeful tone from her voice.

Samuel gave a short laugh. "Heh, if I had a lady prisioner in the brig, I might want to have some time alone too."

Anne resisted the urge reach across the bar and strangle the bartender. "She is very pretty, but our captain isn't the lecherous type. I'm sure he has good reason to delay his visit to this rickety old building," she replied with a snarl.

Samuel held up his hands in defense. "Alright, alright. Well you girls have a good time here. Don't cause me any mischief. And let me know when this captain of yours comes around. I'd like to shake his hand for dispatching that devil Christoff."

"Don't worry," Anne replied, her smile returning. "He's like no other man. You'll know him when you see him."

09-01-2010, 08:54 PM
Davina led Ersas to the cell and ushered her inside. Once she had locked the door, she knelt down and pulled out one of her daggers. It took a few minutes for Davina to scratch what appeared to be some sort of magic circle right in front of the door.

“Pirates are such a superstitious lot,” Davina smiled. “This circle will keep the others from trying to enter the cell and have their way with you. I’m not an evil person, unfortunately the same kinnae be said for all of the crew. Just keep quiet and when I can, I will talk with the Captain about getting you released. I will also get one of the deckhands to bring you some food and water.” Davina turned and walked back up to the deck.

Davina knew it would be some time before she could talk to Valerian or even Anne firstly about the prisoner in the brig. She would, for now, have to bide her time and wait for the opportune moment. Once she found out that they were making for port, she knew when that would be. And Davina had to admit she was anxious to make pot. She did have friends there and a nice long drink while sitting at the bar of Laughing Gull was a pleasure she hadn’t experienced in some time.

For the majority of the three days, Davina finished making the potion that she meant for Valerian to take. She would give it to Anne at the tavern, and once he arrived, she could slip it into his drink. Davina had no doubt that Anne could be sneaky and Davina figured that Anne could slip it in unnoticed.

Once Daivna and Anne arrived at the tavern, Davina quickly made her way to the bar. She greeted those who greeted her and smiled as she watched the patrons mull about an d have a good time. It was lively as always and Davina felt quite relaxed. She didn’t even need to ask the bartender to get her a drink, which was waiting for her by the time she reached the barstool. The aroma of food reached her nostrils and she felt the pangs of hunger nag at her slightly. Still, the drink would help to take that away.

She sipped quietly at the Absinthe, it’s numbing effects taking a quick hold of her. It helped to chase the hunger away and Davina sighed as the euphoria caused by the drink washed over her. She listened quietly to Anne’s story, smiling the whole time. She could tell that Anne was happy, at least happier than Davina had seen her in a long time. The moment Anne fished talking, Davina pulled a small vial form her pouch and placed it in Anne’s hand.

“Here,” Davina smiled, speaking softly. “Just slip this into Valerian’s drink. The effects should be almost immediate. Now I was wondering if you could do a favour for me?” Davina smiled and leaned in a little closer.

“I was hoping you could maybe talk to the Captain and get him to release the prisoner.” Davina had a pleading look in her eyes and she took Anne’s hands in her own.

“I know she attacked you,” Davina stared at the floor. “And even I have to admit that a part of me wanted to kill her for that. But I can understand what she is going through.”

09-25-2010, 08:29 PM
Arianna stood outside of the captains room, waiting. She waited for the bullets to be removed. She waited to see if the Captain would or would not live. As she waited, Arianna paced back and forth as she tried to calm herself.

Where was Hugo and why had he done what he had done? None of this made any sense to her. Why would Hugo have Shot the captain and why would the Captain of The Devourer have left them go like that?

Arianna could hear voices and commotion coming from behind the closed door. She continued pacing, continued looking up and down the hallway for any signs of Hugo now. Arianna slowed her pace. Never before had it been so hard for her to keep up the guise of Abe. What Arianna really wanted to do was sit down on the floor, wrap her arms around her knees and cry. She felt alone and uncertain. And she was afraid. Afraid that the only man who had been kind to her on this entire trip so far had been the Captain, and Cookie. And the Captain had looked out for Abe in his own way and the Captains survival at this point, was in question.

The most that Arianna could do was wait, and see what her own future would bring, and if she would survive this. One way or the other she'd have to above all else, make certain that she was safe and her identity remained hidden, at least for now. She would do, whatever it would take. She was learning quickly exactly what it was like to have a life at the sea. Never had her instinct for survival ever been more prominent in her life than what she felt now.

10-05-2010, 12:47 AM
Ersas expected to have a few minutes to survey her new, barren quarters but Davina's talk slipped in through the cracks. After the first ten words, she would have no more of it. The pirate's words were unbelievable enough, but her comforting tone really made Ersas gag. To her, taking an axe to the head would be better than taking a pirate's word.

"Ridiculous, I don't need this," Ersas declared while she distanced herself as far from the door as possible. Davina's voice was muffled to a mumble, but Ersas could care less. Not much else could be seen in her cell. It could have an old storeroom, judging from the few crates against the far wall. They might be useful as a bench, but they weren't anything she could move or break.

"I don't need this," Ersas said once before she repeated it once more. She picked out one of the crates in the far corner as her new seat. She echoed her survival mantra as she clambered to the top of her meager throne. Then again, as she leaned back, Ersas whispered, "I don't need this. I am fine by myself."


Ersas' incarnation was the farthest thing from peaceful. Oh, she kept to herself just fine in the morning. But as the day went on her anger boiled until it spilled out in tantrums and screams. Once the moon hung high and she had nothing left in her, Ersas would just fall into her corner and sleep. The cycle would repeat without fail as soon as she picked herself off the floor in the morning.

Ersas coughed as she sat up straight and gripped her knees. They hauled away her seat by the second day, so she resigned the floor for now. Ersas was never anything but angry now. The big things - being captured by pirates, abandoned by comrades - obviously upset. But the little things really got under her skin. Her empty holsters were too light and put her off balance. There was always a bad aftertaste in her mouth, dirt under her fingernails and a greasy film on her skin that all nagged her about the last time she took a proper bath. Ersas hadn't seen a mirror in days but she wasn't sure she wanted to see her reflection anymore.

Now, Ersas was so irritated that she almost wished a pirate she could yell at would walk in. That was a sign it was the late afternoon. It was too early to start screaming, yet too late to throw anything she could get her hands on. The clusters of dents scattered around the room were testaments of Ersas' frightening frustration and accuracy.

At least the pirates left her alone. As far as she knew, her family name and background were unknown to them. That was one small miracle that relieved Ersas. She wouldn't be humiliated further by being held for ransom. It was funny how her estranged family brought her nothing but trouble and pocket change compared to the inheritance handed over to her brother. As she pondered her situation, Ersas quietly laughed to herself. "I don't need this: I am fine by myself."